#om related rambles
l3viat8an · 1 year
Yo sup bro long time no seeeeeee
Angst thought tho like,
Lucifer approaching mc when theyre alone so he can cry without his brothers seeing.
God knows i need someone like that in my life too cos my body automatically bottles everything up and only lets it out after 1am when im about to sleep.
Ayyy it really has been awhile- hiii!! Also lemme add-
Lucifer going to MC’s room when he knows they’re alone or up late studying. He doesn’t say a word. Instead he sits on the bed and waits until they move, watching MC stand up, close their books and stretch before finally sitting on the edge of the bed next to Lucifer.
They still don’t say anything when Lucifer pulls them closer, practically into his lap and buries his face in their neck. Lucifer’s breath coming out in hot little puffs as he finally lets his tears fall…
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clambuoyance · 1 year
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I’ve never been so obsessed with a character so bad that I literally can’t do anything else I’m like the squidward meme watching SpongeBob frolic outside the window stretching a hand out to all the pretty paintings and animations and comics I see in my head but being unable to feel any motivation for it . If only i could use the energy spent to create 20 kon doodles to sit down and concentrate on a single finished full piece I used to be able to make like 5 page comics what happened to me
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cryptidowl · 2 years
I should ramble about headcanons some more tbh but unfortunately for everyone involved those are just for me <3
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spkyscry-a · 2 years
@royalreef​ replied:  👁👁👁 INCH RESTING......................
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My brain comes up with wild shit and idek how react... 
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doodlboy · 1 year
Man it sucks that the universe I originally designed milo for is an au of obey me bc its a really interesting concept & I'd have to design a bunch of other characters 2 fill the gaps of the om cast 2 make it my own
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ramibow · 2 months
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This is me casually rewriting Obey Me’s plot, don't mind me.
Manic Ramblings™ below:
This is mostly about their ages and their time during The Great Celestial War. I've got more but I don't want this post to be longer than it already is.
In canon they are all adults and Levi was even a navy general but I cannot for the life of me imagine that so I’m throwing it out.
Obey Me also doesn’t have canon ages for any of the brothers, and I’m not certain if they’ve confirmed their age order. People often reference their rankings (Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor), but that is the order of how powerful they are, which is why Satan is #4 instead of #7.
Here are the ages I’m giving them during The Great Celestial War (in angel years): Lucifer (18), Mammon (15), Asmodeus (14), Leviathan (12), Beelzebub (8), Belphegor (8), Satan (0/5)*
I think in canon Leviathan would be older than Asmodeus, but I decided to cast him deeper into the pits of middle child hell (also I wanted Mammon and Asmodeus to be closer in age as a part of my personal agenda.)
*Since Lucifer had a Zeus moment and popped Satan from his noggin, I imagined him as being the equivalent of 5 when he was “born” during the Celestial War. Let’s say it was five angel years of built up rage culminating into a person. 
That being said, Lucifer would be the only one that directly fights in the war. Mammon wanted to fight by his side but Lucifer would not let that happen (and god help you if you defied the man). Instead, Mammon is in charge of keeping his siblings safe since they’re basically traitors/fugitives.
Plus, since Lucifer is fighting a war, he doesn't have a lot of time to see his brothers. This is the first time they've been separated from him for a long period of time, so it's been hard for them. They wonder if Lucifer will get killed and the angels that used to be their friends will imprison them (or worse). Paranoia and fear constantly loom over them. The Celestial Realm is all they've ever known, and they don't feel safe there anymore.
Escaping the Celestial Realm is a task in and of itself. I imagine teleportation magic as being something extremely complex and thus requiring a spellbook to perform (so you don’t end up halfway through a wall or something). The brothers did not have that, thus, they spent most of the war hiding out in the outskirts of the Celestial Realm.
Satan appears near the end of the war. Lucifer did not tell his brothers how/where Satan came from (this will come back later for plot-related stuff). Since Satan is the embodiment of wrath, living with him took some adjusting. 
Asmo made it his mission to help domesticate his feral brother with Mammon’s help, of course.
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Levi was terrified of Satan, but Satan was curious about him. I like to imagine that Levi sparked Satan’s interest in reading because I think that would be cute. 
Belphegor and Satan would fight a lot when they first met (I imagine Beel, Belphie and Satan as the trifecta of “children most likely to bite you”). Over time they would grow to enjoy each other’s company.
So, yeah. This AU is just going to be "thing I want to change/things I think would be kinda cool + plot". I want to post more stuff but drawing a comic is difficult so I had to settle for this instead.
If you're interested in seeing more I'm going to put any future Lore™ under OM Eden AU for convenience.
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bevy-obeyme · 3 months
may u do how the om brothers would act with a himbo mc who's like ..... scarily dumb 💀 like think Karen Smith x10 ( sorry for any English mistakes i might have made !! english isnt my first language so i might have made some mistakes😅)
Of course you can!! I’m so so sorry for attending to this request late - had some issues in real life but I’m back :D
Brothers with a himbo MC
- Now, at first when Mammon warned him that you were stupid, he thought that was exaggeration.
- However, he was quickly silenced when you went over 20,000 Grimm in debt. Why? Because you didn’t understand the value of money. And you had horribly miscalculated.
- Lucifer gets, no doubt, very frustrated with your incompetence. Hell, you might as well start competing with Mammon for ‘’House Idiot’’.
-Nevertheless, he found your himbo nature endearing at times. A bit naive and ditzy never hurt anyone.
- And you were incredibly attractive. More than the average man. Especially with that physique.
- Someone stupider than him? Hah. Impossible.
- It wasn’t actually. Somehow, your dumbness exceeded his. And it got him feeling.. quite smug actually.
- Of course, he’d make the occasional remark on how humans would of course be stupider than the Great Mammon but he didn’t truly mean any malice.
- Nonetheless, he also felt quite happy at times - he could find solace in both of you not being the most academically gifted.
- But, you were incredibly handsome. That did make up for it. Sometimes, he’d even invite you to his modelling gigs. You never disagreed somehow.
- If he was feeling particularly mischievous, he’d even gamble with you to win some extra cash.
- This man would constantly mock you - call you Mammon 2.0 or stupid normie.
- But deep down, he was jealous. Insecure even. How were you so liked? So charming? So handsome but so utterly dumb?
- He could never hope to have your confidence. How you managed to yell out foolish things all the time without a care about looking idiotic.
- That’s to say, he didn’t hate you. And sometimes, it felt good just talking to you. Even if you never truly understood his game rambles, at least you were there. And that was all that mattered.
- The blond avatar did not know how to feel about you actually. At first, he held a deep disdain towards you, thinking that you were one of those idiotic people who never matured and had everything handed to them without working.
- But no. You were just genuinely clueless.
- At times, it was irritating having to constantly explain a concept to you, but he had to remind himself that you were in fact trying your best.
- Other times, it was hilarious seeing how easily you riled Lucifer up due to your uncontrolled money spending habits.
- He would not deny the fact you were an extremely charming man however. He had to pay attention to not let himself be too entranced at times.
- Upon first sight, Asmodeus definitely did try to charm you. You were a handsome little human, how could he resist?
- However, your stupidness did leave him dumbfounded (and reminded him a lot of Mammon) but he was the one who came up with the idea of calling you a himbo lovingly all the time.
- Although, your cluelessness in.. more intimate topics did leave him a bit irritated when he had to explain in multiple ways.
- Nonetheless, you never protested against him painting your nails or doing skincare with him, so you were definitely someone to like in his books.
- To be fair, Beelzebub did not hold anything against your intelligence. He could understand actually, most of the time, his thoughts were on food.
- But deep down, he knew you were a good, kind man who was just a lot too naive and clueless for the Devildom, so he definitely felt a bit protective to keep you like that.
- He exchanged many tips with you in relation to working out. You had quite a physique and Beel had always been into fitness, so most of your conversations included health and work out regimes.
- Sometimes, he’d message you for a morning run or to come with him after school to the gym.
- Now, he definitely held against you for your naivety. Foolish humans - like always.
- However, he could see how easily you got along with Beelzebub and how much his twin trusted you. So, he lessened his snide remarks towards you over time.
- Belphie became a fan of your strength over time. Whenever he fell asleep, he could always count on you as a rest or for you to carry him back much to his pleasure.
- Besides.. your human ways of being clueless were quite adorable - sometimes.
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inactiveobeymeblog · 7 months
can u do how the om brothers would react to a mc that is like. (for lack of better words) EXTREMELY dumb ..... like karen smith level slow💀
Lmao I LOVE this idea. The best part is that I can definitely relate to this lol.
Content Rating: SFW
Content Warning: None, GN!MC
Characters: ✨The Seven Brothers✨
Additional Info: MC is very slow to understand, the brothers are patient, shorter HC’s this time (sorry), we love dumbfounded MC, the brothers love MC
He finds it quite surprising, actually
That the fact that there is such a human who is so oblivious to so many things
He first noticed when you walked into his office and he was on a phone call, but you didn’t see he was and you just continued to talk
He had to tell you to hush
He also told you to be more aware of other people’s situations
But he loves that about you
He even finds it endearing
You’re in the same boat as him
You both take so long to understand a joke and you often find yourself looking at each other with confused expressions
It will take you both at least a day or two to understand what something meant or recognize what was happening at a given moment
Sometimes if one of you find something out before the other, one of you will rush to tell the other
It’s a cycle you two repeat endlessly and it’s hilarious
He’s just happy he finally found someone who can relate to him
If you’re slow to figure something out, whether it be a “why does this character to this and that” or a “what do you mean by that”, prepare to have a very long rundown conversation
Levi LOVES to explain everything to you in very large detail
He also loves the fact that you will volunteer to understand everything about a show he gets absorbed in
That means pulling an all nighter to go through every single manga volume or watch every episode of an anime
And if you ever need to know anything, he’s got your back
He fawns over you and the fact that he gets to talk to such a human like you and express his love for things to you without hearing you complain
He’s head over heals for you
Usually, if you ever find yourself struggling to understand something in a book or something you’re studying, he’ll explain it to you in the most simple way possible
Or if you need a more detailed and longer explanation, he’s happy to give you one
He’s an excellent source if you ever need help with your R.A.D school work
He’s also a walking dictionary
So if you don’t know what a word means, just ask him
He gets an ego boost every time you go to him and not one of his brothers
He loves the trust you put in him
He usually gets stumped on how to explain things you don’t understand that isn’t of the sexual, joking manner
But he’ll try extra hard just for you
Like if you don’t understand how makeup works, he’ll more so demonstrate than tell you
It’s easier for him
And if you’re more of a visual and hands-on learner, then you’re in luck!
Because he won’t give up until you’ve mastered whatever art you ask for help in, even if it’s a skill he isn’t an expert in
He just loves how he can be in your company for hours and not get tired of you
It doesn’t matter if you’re well conversed in food culture or not, he will explain everything about a certain food item to you down to the very soil the ingredients were planted in
He would talk for hours just describing the taste of food or furniture
Make sure to get him a snack to munch on while you get him to talk about food or he might just start nibbling on your arm instead
He loves the way he can talk to you about his favourite snacks and meals without making you bored or tired of his nonsense rambling
Ask him where the best napping spots are and he’ll make a five page full analysis on where he thinks the best spots are
He’ll explain why if you ever ask
He will even invite you to his favourite; the attic
Then he’ll continue to explain there
He’ll also act as if it’s the best thing that’s ever happened in his life
I mean, he gets to talk to someone who actually wants to know about his favourite napping places?
Count him IN
He loves the way you will earnestly listen to him and he also loves the fact that you will fall asleep with him when he asks
A/N: I hope I answered your ask correctly! I hope everything made sense bc I didn’t go back and proofread anything. Thanks for reading! Thanks for requesting, anon! 💜
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theemporium · 7 months
Stop I just had a thought and now I'm crying (not actually (yet))
I just love Luke and Cherry so so much. They are so precious to me. And I just had a thought.
What if Luke is having a panic attack.
He can't call jack
He's not that close with anyone om the team as yet
Cherry is his only friend in Jersey
So he calls Cherry and i-
Anyways, sobbing on the floor. I hope you feel better soon, Hon 🫶🏼
- 🧋
no because imagine it being related to the stress of his rookie year? like he knew he shouldn't have looked online but he did and then he saw all his old umich friends posting about a story and it hits him how fucking unprepared he was to deal with being in the professional league at twenty years old
and jack is out with some of the other devils and luke isn't old enough to really join them (even if they could technically try bribing the bouncer to let him in but they don't do that unless it's after a game) and his parents are asleep and quinn is probably busy
and he just wants cherry😭and imagine him calling her and he can barely get a word out and her voice is just so sweet and calming as she rambles away and he doesn't even realise what is happening until twenty minutes later, she is like, "open the door for me, luke"
and just imagining them curled up on his bed, his head on her chest as she just holds him close and keeps talking until eventually the exhaustion catches up with him and he falls asleep on her
and imagining jack finding them like that in the morning but not even having the heart to wake his brother up or tease him😭he just slowly closes the door again and leaves them be
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mechanical-shark · 7 months
Drunk long ramble related to Jaws below, but i truly wanted to share so i hope this is somewhat interesting, despite the length!;
Okay so i won't make posts like this at all really, this is a one off. But I am legless drunk. Super drunk. More drunk than I've been in maybe ... lime a few years??? I do not often partake in alcohol and often get thoughtful when drunk. Point being that. .. while very drunk I thought 'okay I need to watch jaws right NOW'
And . Let me say. The first 5m 15s of Jaws hits very different when you're drunk! I first got like very invested in jaws a few months ago, and thought to myself 'wow these drunk people at the beginning, is so bizarre to me, how can you get so drunk to pass out on a beach with the waves lapping at your legs while another drunk person gets slowly and horrifically mauled to death. Can not relate. Odd and weird ' . And couldn't.... hmmm understand the horror of it all beyond the theoretic horror of someone dying by Shark alone and scared. It wasn't scary to me on a visceral level, just quaint (heh like Quint. I am so drunk sorry I love Quint ))) as in aww 70s horror was straight to the point and like Direct 'what if a Shark... Attacka!!' but i didn't feel afraid by the prologue.
And now. Being very drunk and squirmy. Abf seeing it while so drunk i can't sit upright. .......Omg. That lady was drunk when she died at the as beginning. This is horrifying and i felt myself just stop and go " Oh fuck. She was drunk and went swimming where she thought she was safe. She thought nothing bad could happen to her in that water. I am drunk now and would love to swim in the ocean if I had the chance and cool off because I'm overheating. And suddenly om remembering i had friends who would strip when drunk - and of course that's why she's doing so, when yohre drunk sometimes u cna feel that way.. and going Swimming with a stranger because obviously you're DRUNK and like it's like yeah this is a good idea!. And she didn't even know he had passed out. All she knew was sudden pain. And her immediate expression change was like . Oh. And being dragged under and dragged around. And clinging to that floating uhhh bobbing thing" and then pulled underneath a final time. Absolutely damn horrifying . Felt like a pit dropped in my stomach like - oh i can suddenly imagine myself not expecting danger in a common situation. Because surely they got drunk there ofyeb and iy was the young people drinking by rhe sea spot before the young lady died.. Too drunk yo explain but fuck i can relate. I fell off the sofa about an hour ago. I don't drink often. So didn't relate before . So it hit me hard!! Like. ....
(I've sobered up a bit since typing this an hour ago. But I'm choosing to preserve this post as is and just post it now because MAN this was a harrowing experience and made me see the beginning of Jaws in a different light. I couldn't relate at all, it felt dumb to get drunk near the ocean because of Course that's dangerous. As a landlubber I was like HUH who would drink on a beach. And now I'm like OH, where else do you go to drink at a coastal small town as a young adult?
Also I have to say, I'm a huge fan of horror, and Jaws reminds of the Texas chainsaw Massacre 1974, which I'm a bit fan of. And it's because of the sensibilities and filmmaking style of 1970s America clearly, there's gonna be similarly! And the beginning section where it's young people who are drinking/ perhaps some of them using drugs and unknowingly stumble into a unexpectedly dangerous situation. Big parallel! I've been thinking about this for a while, but failing to make it coherent. Obviously movies from different time periods will be influenced by this. But like. 70s movies hit different for me. And this is one of the reasons I love Jaws !!! And I stopped the movie at 5:32m seeing MARTIN Brody from the back and doggy in foreground becausr I am soon to fall asleep. But man. Tomorrow is time to rewatch Jaws when sober and please forgive me for my rambling! But it felt worth sharing idk. Life's too short to not share these odd moments
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dcvilgrams · 9 months
✧ dcvilgrams pinned & masterlist ✧
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✧ about me ✧
i am: jack
he/him. 28.
ace & biromantic. transman.
intj. chaotic dumbass energy
vocal about living w/ my adhd
big Lucifer simp
comfortable writing Asmo, Levi, & Satan (but working on everyone!)
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✧ rules & dni ✧
minors & blank blogs dni. i don't get to clear out/block as often as i would like but i do check through my followers and check for these things!
this blog will contain mature content & at times nsfw content. so minors will not be tolerated. please have your age stated somewhere in your bio/pinned, thank you!
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✧ tags ✧
; dcvilgrams posts — my gen. ramblings
; dcvilgrams plays — misc. gameplay things
my mc: xhura kusumoto — my om! mc main tag
lias mc: ayla getsumei — @houselamentation's om! mc tag
; my writing — gen. writing tag
; my edits — gen. edits tag
; tddc rp — roleplay excerpts from the duo chronicles
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✧ my OM! mc ✧
Xhura Kusumoto
he/him. 25
human (s1). demon (s2+)
primary fc: akira kougami; nil admirari no tenbin
enfj. gay. shipped with & married to Lucifer
4 years sober
pacts with Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, & Barbatos
official title: Kusumoto Xhura; Child of Barbatos, Eighth Lord of Hell & Avatar of Avarice, Official Historian of the Devildom
DISCLAIMER: all images/character designs used belong to their original creators & are only being used as likenesses for mine & houselamentation’s OM! MCs
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✧ the disaster duo chronicles ✧
mine & @houselamentation's angsty OM! au wherein both of our mcs were sent to RAD together & the story that unfolds
filled with tons of new lore, original characters from demons to witches to cults oh my! & a dramatic shift about what could have happened if two descendants of Lilith just happened to meet under the demon brothers' roof
The Disaster Duo Chronicles
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✧ all the om! writing things ✧
✧ headcanons & brainrot
; headcanons tag
Xhura's Pacts & Locations
The Cost of a Pact With Xhura
✧ drabbles
Guided by the Morning Star (Lucifer x m!MC)
I Wasn't Expecting Pillows (platonic siblings Asmo & m!MC)
Family Chores (family-dynamic Barbatos, Diavolo, & m!MC)
✧ fics
( something will go here... eventually? )
✧ roleplay excerpts
"I'm Not Human" | Barbatos & Xhura — Barbatos reveals to Xhura the unforeseen effects of their pact; that Xhura is turning himself into a demon
Emptiness, Consciousness, & Grief | Xhura & Diavolo — under the false assumption Xhura's transformation into a demon is the reason for the natural disasters across the Three Worlds, Diavolo demands he sever his pact with Barbatos; so Xhura shows him what exactly that will mean for him
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✧ non-om! related things ✧
( something will go here... eventually? )
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l3viat8an · 5 months
Soooo quick question for ya, how do you think Satan would feel with an MC who's really into astronomy (the sciencey stuff, not spiritual) books? They have a whole collection of books that are about the history of the stars, constellations and other deep space stuff, and they try to get as much astronomy related info and things as they can get.
Hiii 🦢 !!!
Okay going with the more scientific side of astronomy I’d say Satan gets really, reallyyy excited about it!! and ofc he has some very, very, old books you don’t-
astronomy is one of the oldest natural sciences after all + a few other books about the history behind stars ‘n deep space books he bought a long time ago when he was more into the subject himself yk- and because Satan seems to have books about almost everything jsksjks
then like I said Satan gets soooo excited to share them with you and give you even more recommendations of his favorite books from the library!!!- AND because the human world sky/stars are different from the Devildom sky/stars- Satan has books on both!!! So there’s even more for Satan to share ‘n for you to read / collect XD
But if Satan somehow doesn’t have books about it, or more likely doesn’t have the same books you do- (because, again, different sky/stars) he’ll ask to borrow yours or what books you’d recommend while looking into it more himself so that you can still talk about astronomy, stars ‘n space together!
He’ll take you shopping for books specifically on the subject too! any reason to buy more books is a good reason!!- ‘n Satan gets to spend more time with you!
Satan would totally buy you little astrology related gifts too! like whenever he wants to give you something special or just spoil you a little! he wants to make sure it’ll be something you like!!!
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grimoire-catechumen · 2 years
Divination for Everything?
I was reflecting on a post I saw by @ome-magical-ramblings regarding an alternative method for quick and subtle divination and had some thoughts to note. If you haven't read their post yet, you should.
The question of reflection was should we divine for everything? Its common in occult spaces, particularly witchcraft circles, to think we have to divine for every little thing - even the most minute questions. In some ways, I think divination has become overly normalized in a way that detracts its importance and use in ritual and is an excuse for people to not develop intuition. This is, of course, my opinion and should not be considered fact for you or your respective practice.
When something is predicted, our brains begin to process it as fact. We start looking for confirmation of the event in our life and then when we find it, it confirms the usefulness of divination. In ritual divination acts as a means of communication. If you prefer the spirit model framework, as I do, it allows for communion with the spirit, a two-way conversation. If you prefer alternative frameworks then you can say it serves to communicate with your subconscious. But the point, then, is communication.
Magical practitioners seem to miss this or it gets lost within the practice. Divination is about communication, not prediction or fortune-telling. So when it is utilized for such menial and mundane questions, the reading results don't oftentimes actually relate to ones day-to-day. Returning to the example of asking how ones day was - what are you communicating with? What's the point? Is there something you'll learn from the divination that will drastically alter your day outside your own biased perceptions?
Which brings me to my next point - people treat divination as a tool of prediction because they do not know how to rely on spirit-driven or personal intuition. I have spirit allies that will inform me of issues when they arise or warn me of something in the day. Outside of them, I can usually tell when something is awry and if I get that feeling, then it is more appropriate to do divination to communicate with the spirits and confirm if my suspicions are right. Tuning your intuition and ability to communicate with your spirit team should take the place of using divination for predictive purposes, in my humble opinion.
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chironfables · 4 months
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Chiron || 29 || Bisexual || Non-Binary || They/Them Neurodivergent || Chronically ill || Always sleepy || Always anxious NSFW || This Blog is NOT intended for minors || MDNI I'd like to have a home to practice writing... so here we are! This blog consists mostly of Fanfics, Fanart, Memes, and nonsense. I reblog a lot of fanwork for many fandoms here, but I will also share inspiring original work from other creators as well. I hope one day to share my own writing too! Nothing I reblog belongs to me, nor was it created by me, unless stated otherwise. See more below! Thanks for being here, and have a nice day!
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Obey Me!
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What in "Hell" is Bad?
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NU: Carnival- Bliss
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OCs and MCs
Obey Me! My OM Main Character: Yuki! (N/A) What in "Hell" is Bad? My WHB Main Character: Ra-on! (N/A) NU: Carnival - Bliss My NU Carnival Original Character- Taurus! (N/A) Personal Original Characters! My OC: Chiron! (To be announced)
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Last Updated: 5/18/2024
What in "Hell" is bad? (Started in March, 2024)
NU: Carnival - Bliss (Started in April, 2024)
Obey Me! (Started in April, 2024)
Stardew Valley (Since like 2016/2017)
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Hellava Boss
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Too many just... just ask (˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )
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Thank You and Credits
Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to read! <3 Thank you for all follows, mutuals, likes, reblogs, and comments <3 Thank you for any submissions/asks/prompts <3
Credits: All fan characters belong to their rightful owners and creators! Dividers made by me! Please do not repost/share my writing or artwork without asking and/or giving credit. Thank you, see you again! (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
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rubberduckrobin · 7 months
✦𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ✦
Hello person of Tumblr,  Σ(°ロ°)
I have been an AO3 author since 2022 and started here in September 2023. My ultimate goal is to make people happy, laugh, cry, and find comfort and possibly even beauty in my writing. 
This is a multi-fandom fanfiction page, but I also reblog things too, so it may seem a bit crowded…that’s why I have a (Tumblr) Masterlist and I’m also going to sort out a tag system soon.  
Here's my AO3: Abirdthatwrites_Robin
More about my blog below (request info and more)…
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𝗔𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴
★ I usually write reader-insert fluff, comfort and angst. If you see R/N it stands for Reader's Name.
★ I’ve recently been working on writing from the perspective of the focusing character (as seen in my OM! Simeon fic - Dreams of the future) and I might also write more ship fics.
💌 Requests are open for both Tumblr and AO3! I will prioritise requests over my WIPs. (big shiny red button!)
💌 Asks are open if you want to ramble, share an opinion or anything else! (big shiny red button!)
★ Please do not DM me, use my ask function instead (big shiny red button). 
★ Just a note about my tag system, I can't be bothered to go through my old tags and update them all, so my old reblogs are under 'reblog tag' and my recent ones are under 'robin reblogs'. Check out both if you like! Everyone is so talented.
Rules/notes for fanfiction requests:
🚫 I am not comfortable with NSFW requests. 
Here are the fandoms I would write for (atm):
Obey Me! (Original and NB)
Genshin Impact
Stardew Valley
Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun
I have many more fandoms and interests but the ones listed above are the ones I'm most comfortable taking requests for. If you have a specific fandom in mind and have noticed that I've rebloged something relating to it before, feel free to ask!
I like making my posts and accounts look nice, so if there are any issues with formatting please let me know. ^^
A final note: I'm still getting used to online interaction (or any interaction at that) so if I ever ignore you or anything, I'm so sorry!!
Thank you for checking out my blog! And to the people that read and enjoy my work: thank you so much!! <3
[Last updated: 13/08/24]
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solomiracle · 6 months
tag guide!!
just wanted to make navigation easier, especially since searching things is so janky on mobile
longer tags = for my own posts shorter tags = general, used in reblogs and my own posts yes im aware at how convoluted this is
from me — reblog
rambles = OM related talks
waba talk = my general talk tag
asks for amb = my ask tag
obey me headcanons — hcs
obey me imagines — imagines
my edit — edit
screens = screenshots
fic-ish = posts that are mixes of fics/blurbs/hcs
other = misc posts/posts i can't fit into one category
otherr = non OM posts i tag with OM characters
obey me lucifer — 1
obey me mammon — 2
obey me levi — 3
obey me satan — 4
obey me asmo — 5
obey me beel — 6
obey me belphie — 7
obey me lilith — 8
obey me diavolo — dia
obey me barbatos — barb
obey me luke — luke
obey me simeon — simeon
obey me solomon — sol
obey me mc — mc — sheep mc
obey me thirteen — 13
obey me raphael — raph
obey me mephistopheles — mephi
ph = purgatory hall
ensemble = all characters/i didn't feel like tagging
x mc = general x reader tag
ensemble x mc
obey me lucifer x mc — lucifer x mc
longer tag — mammon x mc
longer tag — levi x mc
longer tag — satan x mc
longer tag — asmo x mc
longer tag — beel x mc
longer tag — belphie x mc
longer tag — diavolo x mc
longer tag — barbatos x mc
longer tag — simeon x mc
longer tag — solomon x mc
longer tag — thirteen x mc
longer tag — raphael x mc
longer tag — mephi x mc
my mcs = amby — marcie
other's mcs — other's ocs
tier lists
loserfur = cringefail lucifer moments
my lil guppy / guppy <3 = levi my beloved
my other accs
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