ikemenomegas · 2 years
lee and sasuke wasn't something i'd considered before but you described a truly great seed if i ever felt up to exploring that!!! thanks!!! personally i'm Big Fan of sai and shino but setting aside our favourite kikaichu-boy sai though......??? sai and lee just seems like a very very interesting combination based on a tenet of honesty, and because they could also bond over bodies like lee could with sasuke and lee's innate ability to connect to a certain outsider archetype- just look at gaara lol but also-- ...yeah i go hard with sai and lee being good friends and also more lmao
It's so funny that you mention Gaara, because I was so so tempted to add him to the list, but I really like Lee and Gaara as lifelong friends/allies who have this deep respect they don't share with anyone else, and I find it unlikely that Konoha would let it's new 8-gates master leave the village to mate someone else... Of the main group, I think Gaara and Lee are only ones to have had a spar (I'm not counting the shukaku vs kyuubi because that was a different thing) that ended in a particularly bad sort of way - with Lee almost permanently injured and in the hospital - only to fight beside each other a few months later. (Can you all tell sasuke retrieval arc was probably my favorite thing, the way each individual fight was crafted as a way for the boys to work out some major personal issues was so good, I miss the pacing of the og series)
But anon, anon, you have me absolutely vibrating. Shino is not on my list at the moment because I feel he would be difficult for me to write, but I can see it! Shino and Sai have that very quiet introvert + quiet extrovert thing going on. I'm not certain if they or Lee and Sai even speak in the show, so it didn't occur to me, but I agree these are some excellent pairings.
You're very right about Lee's ability to connect with those who are a little "outside" of the usual.
Lee and Sai have different approaches to honesty and different perspectives on honor but I absolutely pick up what you're putting down where they oddly seem to come to complementary conclusions about the way they want to interact with the people around them. Lee and Sai would also likely do without the sniping that Sasuke is known for. Sai imitates Sasuke's on occasion, but it's an act and Sai is not really that confrontational with the people around him, he's more likely to say something uncomfortable and true and let the chips fall. Alpha is going to be doing a lot of... not quite damage control but something between these two lol.
The only thing I would say is that yes, Sai's difficulties regarding connection with his "self" are similar to Sasuke's disconnect with his physical body, but Sasuke is deeply in touch with his emotions, while Sai as an artist is very aware of his physical self.
Sasuke's primary drive is the emotional connections he has with his immediate family, his friends, and his clan, his people. That might be part of the separation between his body and his desires - they have not always moved him towards the same goal, and his body has "failed" him more than once. Omegaverse Sasuke particularly feels this way because heats feel like a regularly scheduled reminder of weakness and until he experiences the emotional tether of a mate, he finds them deeply frustrating and gets rid of them with some grade-a genuine article Orochimaru drugs.
Sai is an artist, but he is specifically a painter. In more than one drama, painting is directly compared to a warrior's fighting style, which makes it very interesting that for Sai they are not only a comparison, but one and the same. For Sai, his paintings are one of the only ways he's able to connect his physical self to what he's feeling. I would even say that he's the most aware of his physical self when he is painting. At all other times though, I do think that you are right, that while Sai does sort of instinctually inhabit his physicality the way any very skilled physical performer does, that he doesn't connect his emotions to his body. Maybe a bit of inverse to the way Sasuke doesn't feel he can always connect his body to his emotions...
Since we're saying things today, the idea of Sasuke/Lee came to me because of the parallels between their respective mentors. Kakashi/Guy works very well as a ship, both logically and emotionally, but I like them as friends, simply because their bond is so particular. Kakashi has so few true friends though that in my writing, I preferentially preserve that profoundly cultivated relationship between them as an unshakeable friendship rather than a romantic entanglement. Thought it would be fun to play that out in their students instead ;)
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blackstar30 · 4 months
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Star Wars dads and their kids. Gotta be my fav trope
876 notes · View notes
The one where the fire department is called. And Nirvana might not just be a word on a hoodie. or The twenty-sixth installment of the Skz!Pack Prequel series.
Tags: SKZ, Stray Kids, Stay, SKZ!Pack, Pack!prequel, ot8, bang chan, lee minho, seo changbin, hwang hyunjin, lee felix, han jisung, kim seungmin, yang jeongin, skz smut, skz fluff, skz angst, skz imagines, skz reactions, skz scenarios, abo, a/b/o, skz abo, alpha beta omega, femreader, poly!skz
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Light Smut
Title: Emergency Stop
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12 Hours Earlier
Chan sighs heavily and leans back in his chair, spinning a few aimless circles as he lets his gaze wander across the tiled ceiling of the student studio. 
He listens to the sound of fingers clicking across keyboards, the quiet hum of equipment, and then announces finally, to no one in particular, just to get it off his chest, “I think she’s avoiding me.” Hongjoong pulls his headphones off his ears, letting them drop down around his neck, as he turns from his current project to stare at Chan in exasperation, one dark brow arched. 
“I think that’s a little dramatic, mate.” 
“Wellllllll-” Changbin hems from the other side of the room, a grimace going across his features, as he swivels in his chair to face them, not quite meeting Chan’s gaze. 
Chan bolts upright, his voice loud with triumph. “Ah ha! I knew it!” 
“Oh my goood.” Hongjoong groans, scrubbing at his face with his hands, before he must decide that they’re not worth the trouble, turning back to his computer and pulling his headphones back up- on both ears this time. 
Changbin’s lips twist to the side in an obvious guilt ridden expression, his dark eyes finally meeting Chan’s. 
Chan feels his stomach drop as he regards his best friend and packmate’s worry. 
“What?” He asks, suddenly breathless, leaning forward in the office chair, his alpha suddenly on high alert. “What did I do? How did I fuck it up? You gotta tell me how to fix it, Bin, it’s fucking with my head.” 
Changbin reaches up to rub at the back of his neck, Chan recognizes the nervous gesture, and clears his throat, his eyes darting around the room, as if trying to focus on anything except the man in front of him. 
“You didn’t do anything, hyung. I swear to god, but I can’t tell you anything else, because (Y/N) will fucking eat me alive.” 
“She is pretty fucking scary.” Hongjoong chimes in once more, glancing over his shoulder at Chan, his fingers paused on the mouse. “Almost in Seonghwa’s league. Almost.” 
Chan glances back to Changbin, who is nodding avidly along in agreement with what the other alpha is saying. 
Chan’s alpha is growling at his mate’s resistance, at the way he’s holding back, even if he knows how to fix this whole mess, but he takes in a deep, steadying breath, and clamps his hands in his lap, willing the angry wolf back down. 
“Bin.” He tries again, glancing back to the other man, his voice steady, calm, imploring. “You gotta tell me something. If I don’t know what’s wrong, I can’t fix it, and I’m going crazy over here.” Changbin’s chest heaves with a sigh, and then he swallows, Chan watches the way his Adam's apple bobs, as he looks up to the ceiling, as if for some form of silent approval. 
Finally, he sighs again, audibly this time, and rakes a hand agitatedly through his dark hair. 
Chan feels his entire body tense, waiting on what comes next. 
He can sense a headache starting to pound to life behind his left eye. 
He doesn’t know if it’s because of the current situation, or because he hasn’t really seen you much over the last week, and his alpha is taking direct note of the loss of contact. 
Changbin shakes his head slightly to himself, as if he can’t believe what he’s going to say, going to reveal, and then he grits out, “She’s worried about something she said.” 
Chan’s mind races, going over every tiny interaction the two of you have had in the last week and a half. 
Nothing significant comes to mind. 
“What?” He asks, puzzled, as if Changbin can reveal the clues to him. 
Instead, the other alpha gives a half hearted shrug. 
“I dunno, hyung. She wouldn’t tell me anything besides that. I’m sorry, man.” 
Chan shakes his head, still analyzing every time you’ve spoken, or interacted, since he saw you during Jeongin’s heat. 
Honestly, it wasn’t much, considering you’d been avoiding him at all costs. 
He manages a weak grin, and stands, walking over to pat Changbin on the back. 
“Nah, it’s fine, mate. Thanks for telling me that much. I’ll figure it out.” 
Changbin glances up at him, expression unreadable, and gives a curt nod, already reaching for his headphones again. 
“She feels things really fucking deeply. Deeper than the rest of us. Sometimes she just needs a little space to figure it out. But she cares about you, hyung. A lot. She wouldn’t be this fucking worried if she didn’t.” 
Chan grips his shoulder a little tighter, a silent sign of acknowledgement, and goes back to his own work station. 
He knows Changbin’s right. Knows he speaks from experience. 
So why is his stomach still in knots? 
Your eyes dart around the small kitchen, helplessly looking for an escape route, before they settle on the two men sitting at the table, staring you down. 
You clear your throat, and try to work up an easy smile. 
“You were talking about me? I’m flattered Min.” 
Minho’s smirk widens, growing sharp and dangerous, as if he knows exactly what you’re trying to do. 
You’re sure he does. 
He pats the chair beside him, in the middle of he and Chan. 
“Have a seat.” 
You can’t think of literally anything worse in this moment, your skin already hot underneath Chan’s stare, your fingers itching at your side, your alpha begging you to please get the fuck out of here already.
You take a step backward, back toward the safety of the hallway. 
“That’s okay, I actually was just leaving to go on a run.” 
Minho’s brow arches a little higher. 
“At eleven PM?” 
There is amusement in his tone, as if he knows he’s caught you in an outright lie. 
You give a little shrug, and take another step toward the door. 
“I do my best running at night. Must be the wolf in me.” 
You don’t dare look at Chan, not when he’s right here, staring at you, expression unreadable. He hasn’t said one word since you entered the room, and you can practically feel your body withering from the shame of his heavy gaze. 
It’s like he can see right through you, and you need to get out of here, right now. 
“Anyway-” You’re halfway into the hallway now, the front door, your shining savior, within sight. You give the men a little wave and another unconvincing, weak smile. “-gotta go. Have fun.” 
You dart for the front door, nearly bowling an emerging Jisung over, sending his popcorn flying. 
“Hey!” He protests with a glare in your direction, but you don’t stop, tugging on your sneakers with record speed, before you barrel out the door of the apartment. 
“Sorry, Jisungie!” You call over your shoulder, because you are, but honestly, in times of crisis-
You can breathe easier out here, in the quiet darkness of the dorm hallway, even though you’re still practically jogging, headed directly for the elevator. 
You’re making a beeline for your dorm a few floors down, and you’re staying locked up in there until Chan decides to leave. 
Well, not leave, because he lives here too, but at least until he decides to go back to his own kitchen and stop talking to Minho about whatever the hell they were discussing. 
You slide through the gap of the doors in the elevator before they’re fully open, and pound the second floor button a few more times than necessary, catching your breath as you wait for the doors to close. 
They’re almost down to a sliver, and you think you’ve gotten away with your hasty escape, when an arm shoots through, bouncing them back open, and Chan steps into view. 
Immediately, the breath you’ve just regained leaves your body, as he joins you in the elevator, the doors hissing shut quietly behind him. 
There’s silence, the space suddenly feeling smaller than normal, as you stare him down warily from your corner. 
“What-” You start to say, in an attempt at least to fill the uncomfortable quiet, but Chan beats you to it.
“Why are you avoiding me?” He demands, dark eyes flashing, as the elevator jolts into motion. 
You brace yourself against the wall, your mouth dropping open at his serious, commanding tone. 
“I’m not avoiding you-” You start to protest weakly, the lie sounding unconvincing to even your own ears. 
“Bullshit” Chan cuts you off once more with a growl, taking a menacing step toward you, and suddenly, you know, you’re not dealing with Christopher Bang any longer, you’re dealing with his alpha.
His irrational, incredibly pissed off and slighted alpha. 
The elevator feels tiny now, saturated with the scent of thunder, and you swallow hard, your own alpha flattening its ears in response. 
The sound of a ding signals the arrival of the next floor, and before you can make a move to do something, anything, Chan reaches behind him without a glance, and slams his palm down over the emergency stop button. 
The elevator grinds to a sudden halt with an eerie shriek of gears, and then there is silence, all movement ceased. 
Your mouth falls open once more, but you feel your own anger flare to life in the pit of your stomach, rising to meet his. 
“Chan, what the fuck do you think you’re doing-” 
He stalks toward you, and you shrink back into the corner, the cool metal of the hand bar digging into your back. 
“Exactly what I should’ve done when this whole nonsense started.” He growls, caging you in as he puts his hands on either side of your head, fingers digging into the slick, cool brushed metal of the elevator’s walls as he glares down at you. 
You’re choking on the storm now, your heart pounding against the wall of your ribs. 
But you hold your ground regardless, lifting your head as defiance flashes across your gaze, and frost starts to crackle outward from you, freezing the storm. 
“Oh? And what’s that? Emergency stop an elevator in a little temper tantrum?” 
His dark eyes flash, and a muscle ticks in his jaw, but his voice is steady when he responds. 
“If I have to trap you in a room with me to get you to talk over things like an adult, like my mate, then yes.” 
You scoff, looking away from his burning gaze. 
“There’s nothing to talk about.” 
“That’s not what Changbin said.” 
Your head jerks up, your angry gaze meeting his. 
“Fuck Changbin.” 
“I do, and I enjoy it.” Chan fires right back without missing a beat, crowding you into the corner further, his scowl deepening. “But that’s not what we’re here to talk about, is it?” 
“I’m not. Avoiding you.” You grind out through gritted teeth, your jaw clicking with the immense pressure of keeping your rage back. 
It’s a blatant lie, and you both know it. 
Chan’s eyes darken, dripping golden around the pupils now, and when he parts his lips, his teeth flash in what’s almost a snarl, dangerous and threatening. 
You can practically feel his alpha’s teeth poised warningly over your exposed throat. 
You don’t think you’ve ever seen him this angry before. 
“You think-” He begins, and his voice has dropped dangerously, a menacing growl in the back of his throat, a rumble in his chest. “-that even if I was stupid enough not to notice, he wouldn’t?” 
Your lips part, ready to spit something back, but something about his words ring true in the hollow pit of your stomach. 
He’s right. You could avoid him all you wanted, but your alpha, and his, would know. They were the ones who were suffering because of the distance, keening for their mates. 
Fuck, if it was hell for the two of you, it was fucking torture for them. 
Chan’s gaze hasn’t wavered from your own, not once, and when he speaks again, his words are just above a murmur, and you don’t miss the way his breath trembles on his next inhale. 
“I can’t fucking sleep, (Y/N.) I can’t eat, I can’t study, I can’t produce, I can’t do anything, because every single waking moment is spent trying to figure out what I did wrong and how to fix it.” 
You feel guilt drop like a hot pound of lead into the pit of your stomach. 
You lean your head back on the wall behind you, and meet his gaze head on, your voice quiet, but steady, when you reply back, “It wasn’t anything you did.” 
Confusion starts to pool into his expression, easing some of the anger, and you feel your own fury start to melt away like sand with the tide, leaving your body tired and heavy. 
“Then why?” He questions back, gaze boring into your own. 
You sigh, and glance behind him to the still blinking emergency stop button, wondering how much time you have before someone notices the elevator hasn’t moved and calls the fire department to rescue the two of you. 
That’s all you need right now. Better hurry this up. 
“I said something.” You announce without preamble, shifting your gaze to meet his own once more, sudden fear rising like bile in your throat. You force through the feeling, and swallow hard. “The day you asked me for help during Jeongin’s presentation.” Chan watches you closely, silently, and you give a little shrug and half a laugh-it’s awkward, and fleeting, and leaves the space in between you feeling heavier than before. 
“And I wasn’t sure if what I’d said-what I’d admitted-made you feel weird. I was scared I’d messed shit up, and I wanted to give you space to deal, if that was the case.” 
Chan cocks his head-the motion is endearing, like a puppy-and you resist the urge to reach up and push some of the curls back off his forehead with your fingers. 
Confusion is clear on every inch of his features now. 
“What did you-” He starts to ask, and then something clicks behind his expression, his eyes going wide and his jaw going slack. “Oh, you mean the love thing.” “Oh my god.” You groan, covering your face with your hands, already feeling your cheeks heat up. “Do we have to call it that?” 
When you peek back through your fingers, Chan is smiling, his lips pulled crookedly to one side, the gold fading slowly from his gaze. 
“That’s why you were avoiding me? You were worried about that?” 
“Yes!” You shriek,a little bit louder than necessary, and Chan’s grin widens even more. “I mean, that’s a fuck of a thing to announce to someone out of the blue, when they’re already dealing with a ton of shit and I didn’t know how you’d take it.” 
Chan tilts his head, regarding you. “But you’ve already told me you love me. Once before. Remember?” 
You stare at him like he’s just grown another head, and then it clicks. 
“That didn’t count!” You cough out, choking on your own spit, waving your hands wildly as you try to regain your breath. “That was like a post fuck thing, I was feeling sappy,  I just threw it out there to everyone in general, you guys had just saved me and given me the best orgasm of my life and it wasn’t-” “True?” Chan finishes for you, though there’s no hurt on his face, only slight amusement. 
“No!” You protest, growing angry again as you grow more flustered by the second. “It was true, it just wasn’t so-”
“Direct?” Chan tries once again, watching you closely. 
“Yeah.” You finish helplessly, your shoulders slumping. 
Chan gives a little laugh, and slides one of his large hands down the elevator wall to grip your chin in his fingers, raising your embarrassed gaze to his once more. 
His expression softens, the corners of his mouth settling into an affectionate smile, as you struggle a little and try to resist his gaze. 
“Baby. Look at me.” 
You finally do as he says, reluctantly meeting his eyes, and he arches a brow at you. 
The air between you is heavy with ice and storm, but it doesn’t feel so oppressive now. 
In fact, the headache you’ve been battling all week seems to be miraculously gone. 
Chan’s lips twitch, and you huff at him a little, folding your arms across your chest at his obvious amusement in your sheepishness. 
“Listen. If it hasn’t been incredibly fucking clear since the first time I met you that I’m head over heels for you, then I must not be doing enough to prove it to you.” 
Your own lips twitch into the hint of a smile then, and you begrudgingly uncross your arms from your chest. 
“No, you’re doing enough. Trust me. Following me around like a little lost puppy when I openly hated your guts for the first couple of weeks definitely sold it.”
Chan laughs, and the sound sends warmth cascading down your body. 
Your tired muscles feel a little more manageable now. 
 Chan leans in, and rests his forehead against yours. 
You take a moment to breathe him in, and then he murmurs, breath warm on your face, “Now, say it again, but don’t run away this time.” 
You smirk, keeping your eyes closed as you whisper back, “There’s not really anywhere for me to go. You saw to that.” 
He chuckles, breath fanning across your skin, but doesn’t move to pull away. 
You take in a deep breath, and let your hands skim up the warm length of his arms, letting your fingers take him in for a moment, before you breathe out, “I love you, Christopher Bang. Even though I hated your guts, and fucked up a couple of huge things, and you trapped me in an elevator with you-twice, I might add, against my will-I love you, and I don’t think that’s ever not been true.” 
Chan opens his eyes, and you stare into the golden flecks of his irises, before he pulls back, and his lips curve into the start of a smirk. 
“Now, was that so hard?” 
You swing an arm out and hit him lightly in the chest, giving him a fake glare. 
“Say it back.” 
He grins, and leans in, caging you with his forearms once more against the cool metal behind your head, his nose brushing your own. 
“I fucking love you, (Y/N), I always have. Even when you hated my guts. In fact, in retrospect, I think that made me love you even more.” 
You giggle, and Chan covers your mouth with his without warning, swallowing the sound. 
You let your hands trace up his back and into his hair, fingers tangling in his curls, as he flicks his tongue between the seam of your lips and into your waiting mouth. 
The sharp points of his canines graze and tug at your bottom lip, and you moan, breaking the kiss as you let your head fall back to the wall behind you, breathing heavily, as Chan presses kisses down your jaw, the column of your throat, tickling and teasing your skin as he nibbles your collarbone, traces your scent gland with his tongue. 
“They’re gonna send the fire department after us, you know.” You gasp out, gaze flicking beyond him once more to the flashing button on the wall, as he drops to his knees in front of you, fingers finding your hip bones. 
Chan looks up at you, lips red and kiss bitten, a grin stretching the pink skin over white teeth. 
He arches a brow. 
“Lucky for you, baby, they’re not incredibly known for their fast response time, and I’m a fairly quick worker.” 
You reach out a hand to stop him as he reaches for the closure of your pants, and when he looks up at you in confusion, your lips lift into a smirk. 
“What if I told you I wanted to take my time?” 
His lips slowly lift into a wicked grin of his own. 
“I think we can make that happen.” 
Your apartment is closer than Chan’s (by one floor, but hey, a floor is a floor), so after apologizing to some severely annoyed alphas who were waiting on the stalled elevator, you push through your front door and Chan doesn’t wait a second before he pounces. 
He backs you against the wall of the hallway, his hands dropping to your waist once more, his mouth already on yours. 
His tongue swipes around the inside of your mouth, and you groan into him. “About that taking our time thing-” 
Chan chuckles huskily, the sound going right to your core, and if you weren’t already incredibly wet before, you sure as hell are now. 
There’s a quiet sound behind the two of you and you freeze, leaning up to glance over Chan’s shoulder, suddenly on full alert. 
Chan follows your gaze, your mouth open in shock, to the omega standing beside the front door, waving sheepishly to the two of you, his cheeks almost as red as his hair. 
“Hey, noona.” 
You slip out beneath Chan’s arm and approach him, surprise clearly etched across your face. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“I was waiting for you.” Jeongin gives a little shrug, but he won’t meet your eyes, embarrassment clear on his pretty features. “You said later earlier and I thought-” 
Oh. Fuck. 
You let out a sigh, suddenly feeling more than a little remorseful. “Sorry, Innie. I was hanging out at Minho’s and then Chan was there-” 
Jeongin glances down, scuffing his shoe into the worn carpet. “No, it’s fine, noona. I was just gonna sneak out when I heard the two of you, but I should’ve known I had no chance when up against a wolf’s hearing.” 
His hand reaches for the doorknob, and without thinking, you reach out and stop him. 
“Wait-” You swallow, his large, dark eyes flicking to you in surprise. “I mean. You can join us? If you want?” 
Jeongin stares at you, his pupils huge. 
“What?” Chan approaches, his hand going on your shoulder as he addresses Jeongin. “Yeah, Innie. It’s up to you, but we don’t mind-” 
You notice the way Chan reaches up to rub his neck as he speaks, as if he’s just as nervous over this as Jeongin is. 
“Don’t feel any pressure.” You hurry to reassure the omega standing in front of you. “I know you don’t have much experience, and one alpha on a good day is a lot, so if this is too overwhelming-”
Jeongin bites his lip and glances between the two of you. Finally, he says hesitantly, voice barely above a whisper, “I think I’d like that. But-” He takes in a nervous breath. “Can I just watch for a little bit first? Would that be okay?” 
You smirk. “Oh, so you’re one of those?” 
Jeongin instantly flushes, and you rush to reassure him you were only teasing, looping an arm around his shoulders as you lead him back toward your room, Chan following on your heels. 
“I’m just kidding, baby. There’s nothing wrong with a little voyeurism. Minho loves to watch.” 
“He also loves to boss.” Chan says with a slight smirk, as he steps ahead of you and pushes open the closed door, allowing you both to pass first into the room. 
“That he does.” You laugh a little, and then turn to Jeongin. “Okay, pup. Pick your poison.”
Jeongin glances around, clearly still a little shy given the circumstances, and then he settles into the desk chair in the corner of your room, opposite the bed. He pulls his knees up to his chest and nods. “Okay. Just pretend I’m not here.”
Chan has come to stand against your back, tickling his fingers up and down your spine, brushing his nose across the juncture of your throat, and at Jeongin’s words, he groans, and you feel him press into you from behind. He’s still clearly worked up from before, the momentary pause hasn’t even phased him. 
“That’s gonna be pretty hard to do when you smell so fucking good, pup.” 
Jeongin looks wide eyed at Chan’s throaty admission, and leans over to not so subtly sniff his own shirt. “I don’t smell anything crazy.” 
Chan growls in his throat, and you smirk, reaching back to palm him through his jeans. He bucks his hips up into your hand, his fingers digging into your shoulders. 
“That’s because you’re used to how you smell, but you’re kinda blooming, Innie. It means your omega has sensed the presence of alphas-pack alphas-and is desperately trying to get our attention.” 
“Oh.” Jeongin murmurs, looking suddenly small. “I’m sorry, I can leave-” He makes a move to get up. 
“Sit down.” You command, and his pupils dilate at the sound of your timber, but he does as he’s told. You soften your tone a little. “You’re fine, Innie. You’re not going to distract from anything. If anything, your scent is going to make this all the more enjoyable.” 
Chan’s teeth graze over your scent gland, and you glance back at him, arching your brow. “Eager, are we?” 
Chan growls again, the sound a low rumble against your back, and snakes his hand around your waist, letting his fingers find the inside of your thighs. He applies pressure with the palm of his hand, and you arch your back in response, letting out a quick hitch of breath. 
“Very.” He replies, licking a stripe up the side of your neck with his tongue, tasting you. 
You turn to face him, your eyes flashing gold to match his own, but before you fully lose yourself in him, you glance once more at the omega over your shoulder, saying in a soft, serious tone, “Innie, if you want us to stop at any point, say something, and we will. Without hesitation.” 
He nods. “Yes, noona.” His eyes are wide, and his tongue darts out to wet his lips as he watches Chan pull you toward the bed. 
“Sit down.” Chan orders you, much like you had commanded Jeongin earlier, and you do so, but not without a slight smirk in his direction. 
“I’m not going to make this easy.” You warn, settling onto the edge of the bed, your expression wicked. 
Chan knocks apart your knees and stands between your legs, a look of annoyance on his features. One hand tangles into your hair and he yanks your head back, forcing you to look at him, as the other hand comes to loosely wrap around the front of your throat. 
You feel your pulse quicken under his hold.
“Don’t play that game, pet. Not right now. You already made me wait far too fucking long already.” Chan lifts his lips into the hint of a snarl, and the flash of his sharp canines has your inner thighs slick with want. 
He slides his hand slowly up the column of your throat, finally letting his fingers find purchase beneath your chin, tilting your head back even further. 
“But you know that already, don’t you?” He murmurs, staring down at you with something akin to a hungry predator in his dark gaze. 
You swallow beneath the hold he has on your throat, and arch a brow pettily in response. “Care to remind me?” 
Chan’s lips curl, and another animalistic growl slips through the barrier of his teeth. 
You hear Jeongin let out a sharp exhale from the corner, but you don’t look over.
Your entire body is electrified, waiting for Chan’s next move. 
“I could remind you who you belong to-” Chan muses, eyes flashing golden as he stares at you. “-but I don’t think that’s necessary, do you?” 
He leans down, and without warning, slips a hand down underneath the band of your pants. 
His fingers immediately touch your heat, and just by the look of satisfaction that flickers across his features, you can tell he feels just how wet you are already. 
He pulls back, and holds up his slick, glistening fingers for you to see with a cock of his head. 
“I think you already know.” He repeats in a low tone, advancing toward you now, backing you onto the bed, until he’s straddling you, leaning over your prone form. “Don’t you?” 
“Yes.” You breathe out, tired of playing already, tired of staying away from him. 
“Yes what?” He prods, lips curling up into the hint of a dangerous smirk, as he moves to strip you of your clothes. 
“Yes, daddy.” 
Chan freezes, his pupils blowing at the nickname, and a muscle in his jaw ticks, as if he’s silently fighting himself for control, his hands curling into fists beside you on the bed. 
You openly smirk up at him. “Oh, I knew you’d like that one. You know, given your certain proclivities.” 
His irises are completely drowning in gold now, his lips parted slightly as he stares down at you, his breath coming in harsh pants, his chest heaving. 
Still smirking, you roll your head to the side and find Jeongin in your line of sight, arching a brow in the omega’s direction. 
“Did you catch that, Innie? When he was fucking you through your presentation?” Your voice is smooth like butter, dripping with taunting. You’re playing with the alpha on top of you now, and you all know it. 
Jeongin stares at you, his stare moving slowly to Chan and then back again. “Catch what, noona?” His voice is hoarse, like he’s been holding his breath. 
You shift so you’re staring back up at Chan, looming over you, and your lips tick upward into a dangerous expression meant to goad. 
“Our Channie here has a little obsession-a fantasy, if you will-with breeding. He probably went easy on you the first time he knotted you, because you’re inexperienced, but he just loves to fill you up when he fucks you, loves the idea of stretching you with his seed and then his pups, hm, Channie?” 
A low growl rolls from Chan’s chest, and you hear Jeongin’s breath catch. 
The smell of cinnamon is overpowering. 
Chan pins your hands above your head in one smooth, quick motion, and leans over to bite down-hard-on your scent gland in the curvature of your shoulder. 
Not hard enough to mark or draw blood, but damn near close. 
Your body goes limp beneath him, your mind going blank, your jaw slack, and suddenly, any of the teasing from before is long gone, and the only thought is-alpha, alpha, alpha. 
He pulls back, licking his lips with a wicked smirk, and fuck it, he knows he’s won already. 
“I should punish you for teasing me, pet, but lucky for you, I’m far to eager to feel you squeezing every last drop out of me to make myself wait any longer.”
And without warning, he leans over and sinks his teeth into your muscle once again, sheathing himself fully inside of you in the same frantic motion. 
You cry out, the sensations hitting you all at once, and arch your body up into his hold. 
He hadn’t prepped you, but honestly, you were wet enough that he slid in without much resistance, and the friction was honestly close to pushing you over the edge already. 
Chan growls, the sound sending goosebumps over your skin, muffled by his hold on your shoulder, and thrusts wildly a few times, like an animal gone mad with desire. 
You let him, your fingers scrabbling at his skin, and letting your head roll to the side to give him more access to your neck, you catch sight of Jeongin, watching the two of you with something clearly hot, but tentative, on his features. 
Reaching a hand out, you splay it across Chan’s bare chest, stopping his movements, and he releases his teeth’s hold on you, as you say quietly to get his attention, “Chan.” 
He’s panting, but he stills, and the feeling of him filling you without moving is enough to drive you crazy, but you keep your focus on Jeongin as you hold out your free hand. 
“Done watching, Innie? Wanna join in?” 
The omega swallows, you see the way his throat bobs, and then he stands, looking suddenly nervous, but you can tell he’s intrigued and more than a little hot and bothered at this point if the tent in his pants is any indication. 
He approaches the bed, and swallows again. 
“You don’t have to.” You say softly, taking his hand in yours and rubbing his fingers. “I know this can be overwhelming, but if you want to-” 
He nods, glancing down at you, his eyes trailing down the length of Chan’s body atop yours, before he meets your gaze once more with a look of determination. 
“No, I want to.” 
“Good boy.” You praise, before you tug him forward and onto the bed beside you and Chan. You jerk your head at his clothes. “Take those off.” 
He does so quickly, and then sits back down beside the two of you once more, looking unsure. “Now what?” 
You give him an encouraging smile. “Now, you’re gonna kneel above me and slide yourself into my mouth.” You open your lips and lean your head back to show him, careful not to jostle Chan. 
Jeongin’s eyes go wide. “What? But what if I hurt you-?” 
A raspy chuckle leaves Chan’s lips, and he gives the omega a soft look. “You’re not gonna hurt her, pup. I promise.”
“You’re not.” You reiterate, as Jeongin finally takes a breath and moves to kneel above your head. You glance up at him, as you wrap your hands around the back of his thighs. “And besides, now is as good a time as any to talk about safe words and safety gestures. I won’t be able to talk, obviously, but if I need you to stop at any time, I’ll tap you twice, like this, okay?”
 I tap the back of his thigh with two fingers hard, twice. 
Jeongin nods, staring down at my head between his knees. “Okay.” 
“Okay.” You repeat back, parting your lips once more. “Whenever you’re ready.” Jeongin hesitates briefly, glancing to Chan, who gives him a little nod, and then he leans forward and places the tip of himself into your mouth. 
You adjust slightly to allow easier access as he slowly slides between your lips. 
You see the way his body tenses as he feels your tongue on him, but he still gives you a worried sort of glance. “Okay?” 
You nod slightly, and hum a sound of affirmation, before you let yourself suck, creating suction with your tongue. 
Jeongin instantly groans, his head falling back and his hands scrabbling to tangle in your hair. 
Chan takes that as his cue to move again as well, and he resumes his thrusting from before, his hips moving more rhythmically now. 
You feel Jeongin hit the back of your throat, and oh god, he tastes just like he smells, and fuck, with Chan moving like that-
You can feel the muscles in your body tensing, readying for release, as you keep working Jeongin with your mouth and Chan shunts your body over and over with his. 
“Fuck, noona, I-” Jeongin starts to say, and then he’s shuddering, and you feel him release, tasting the sweetness on your tongue. 
“Fuck.” Chan swears, watching Jeongin come for you, and then he leans forward, his sweaty skin sticking to yours as he rests his forehead on your chest, fingers digging into your wrists, and roars through his own release. 
Everything whites out for a moment as your own body uncoils, and you have to remind yourself to breathe, as Jeongin slowly pulls himself from your mouth and Chan lies on top of you, catching his breath. 
“Fuck.” Jeongin repeats, staring down at you, his eyes full of awe. “Fuck.” 
You give a weak little laugh and reach out to brush Chan’s sweaty hair back from his forehead. He glances up at you, his chin on your chest, and releases his hold on your wrists, one of his hands moving to your jaw and pinching your mouth open so he can look inside. 
A small smirk quirks the corner of his mouth as he says hoarsely, “A shame to waste all that perfectly good come on your mouth, baby.” You grin down at him, wincing slightly as he pulls himself out of you with a long, low groan. 
He flops down beside you on the bed, covering his face with his arm as his chest still heaves. 
On your other side, Jeongin collapses down as well, his hand finding yours, even though his eyes are closed. 
After a few moments of silence, Chan pushes himself up with effort, and scoots to the edge of the bed. He waves a finger between you and Jeongin’s prone forms. 
“Don’t move. I’ll be right back.” 
You give a sound of assent, but don’t open your eyes. 
Soon though, you hear the sound of his footsteps padding back, and he nudges you with his hand. 
“Drink this, baby.” You crack open your eyes, and take the bottle of water he offers you, passing the other one to Jeongin, who guzzles it down immediately. 
Chan slides back onto the bed between your legs, and begins to wipe down the sticky skin of the inside of your thighs with the warm rag, cleaning up all the residual juices that were left behind. 
You relax into his gentle motions, and when he’s finished, he turns to Jeongin, arching a brow at the younger boy. 
“Can I?” He asks, and Jeongin hesitates, before he nods slightly, spreading his legs for Chan to clean him up as well. 
You watch them-how gentle Chan is, how trusting Jeongin is-and you feel warm from head to toe. 
Warm and content. 
When he’s finished with Jeongin, you finally sit up and reach for the rag, motioning for Chan to lay back on the bed. 
“Okay, now you.” 
He opens his mouth, as if to protest, but Jeongin pushes him down gently with a hand to his chest and a small smile. 
“C’mon, hyung. It’s only fair.” 
Chan rolls his eyes, but lets you wash him over with the warm rag anyway, and you can tell, by the slight hint of pink on his cheeks, that he enjoys the tender touches just as much as you do. 
When everyone is cleaned up, you motion for Jeongin to snuggle down between the two of you, your arm looped comfortably across him, your fingers making nonsensical patterns on the warm, bare skin of Chan’s chest. 
Leaning over to press a kiss to the tip of Jeongin’s nose, you say softly, “I love you.” Jeongin glances up at you with large eyes, and his lips curve into a smile. 
“I love you too, noona. And you, hyung.” 
You grin and press another kiss to the top of his soft, red hair, before he glance across to Chan, who is watching you affectionately, a small smile on his lips. 
He arches a brow at you and whispers over the top of Jeongin’s head, “I’m proud of you. You’re getting better.” 
You grin back at him, and reach up with your free hand to cup his jaw, before you squish Jeongin between you as you lean forward to press a kiss to his lips. 
“I love you, Bang Chan.” 
He tugs you forward for another kiss, and Jeongin whines slightly at being squished. 
“I love you too.” ********************************
“So, I’m guessing the two of you made up?” Changbin remarks offhandedly, leaning against the desk as he eyes you with an arch of his brow and a smirk on his lips. 
You give a little shrug, sifting through Chan’s papers to find the one you’re looking for. “I guess. How can you tell?” You stop, glancing back at him with a narrowing of your eyes. 
Changbin grins, his eyes dropping pointedly to the large black hoodie you wear. “That’s his favorite hoodie.” 
You hold out the heavy fabric so you can see the Nirvana logo printed across the front of it, staring at it skeptically. “Really? This old thing? I just stole this the last time we went over to his dorm after hide and seek.” 
Changbin laughs and shakes his head, leaning around you now to pluck up a piece of paper and present it to you. 
It’s the one you’ve been looking for. 
You snatch it from him with a teasing glare. 
“Really.” He nods, tugging at the hood of the hoodie teasingly. “This fucking thing is his favorite fucking thing on the whole planet, so the fact that he let you take it and wear it-” He shakes his head in slight disbelief, and smirks down at you. “-well maybe that just means that he has a new favorite fucking thing on the whole planet.” 
You grin at that. 
“I kind of like the sound of that.” Changbin grins back and tackles you onto the futon in the corner of the studio, tickling you as you shriek and struggle to get away from him.
“I knew you would.” 
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cannellee · 8 months
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୨୧ alpha! naruto au x omega! reader (f)
— what they would give you as a courting gift (pairing : naruto, shikamaru, sasuke, itachi, rock lee, neji)
my masterlist : ☆
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naruto is a joyous and energetic person, his gift are as vibrant as him. in order to court you, he would definitely take you out on some dates. ichiraku ramen sounds like the perfect place to begin his courting! it's a place which holds countless of precious memories for him and he wants you to get to know him better. he's someone who speaks his mind, so I think he'll really talk openly about his desires and interests in you, it's one of the rare times he's being serious and it's truly a sight to see.
onto a more materialistic approach, naruto will 100% gifts you plushies. he thinks it's an adorable way to connect the both of you. extra points if the plushie is the effigy of kurama! he will sometimes scent it, sometimes not. it all depends on how you react to them, he'll pay attention to your reactions and decides if that was the right move.
I also think naruto will choose a more natural and spontaneous courting, surprising you with cute and funny outings. helping you escape at night so you can both see the stars together. he'll throw cute notes at you to cheer you up during class...
overall, naruto just wishes to spend more time with you, make you laugh and smile. he really considers your happy face as a reward, it literally makes his day. he wants the both of you to know each other and grow closer.
now sasuke is definitely more reserved in his approach and less explicit about his feelings for you. nonetheless, he won't stay on the sidelines and let other alphas steal you from him. I don't think he'll give you gifts at the very beginning, he's prudent and will first and foremost test the waters by subtly scenting you at times and assess your reaction. if he considers it a green light, he'll start acting more assertive. probably a few stargazing sessions to begin with and when you start to get closer, he'll be more possessive about his courting.
I think he would give an item related to his clan. it could be a luxurious silk robe with the uchiha crest at its back. he would love to see you wear it, in his mind, it serves as a symbol of unity and pride, having his omega wear that would reinforce the seriousness of your relationship along with solidifying his potential claim on you.
in the same spirit, later into the courting, sasuke would gift you a uchiha clan heirloom. that way, he puts you under his protection and his claim on you is now strong and clear, serving as a warning to all alphas that you're his. its strengthens your bond as it's a deep acknowledgment of the importance your hold in his life.
and in fact, sasuke's gift serves as a proof of his commitment to you and your relationship and it feels reassuring to know that he considers you as a member of his clan.
as expected of shikamaru, he has a pretty good understanding of omegas' nature and will therefore, make pretty good gifts. he has a pretty laidback behaviour, this is why I think he wouldn't want to make courting seems too ceremonial and will adopt a more casual approach. oh you're cold ? here's his jacket, scented. you don't even have to ask, shikamaru is just great at making things seem so normal. you mentioned you liked soft items ? here's a cute blanket he bought today, no it's not really a gift, just a thanks for spending the day with him. and it's just that. of course if you're careful you'll catch him blushing if he sees you snuggling his scarf, it's redolent with his pheromones and he's pleased to see you look so safe.
other than that, it's mainly lazy indoor dates. just you taking a few naps, progressively getting closer to each other until you eventually fall asleep on his chest.
overall, shikamaru likes to do things according to your tastes and doesn't want his courting to seem unnatural and bizarre. he tries his best to be his usual self while also trying not to get too shy, surprisingly.
lee is a great alpha, always cheering you on. he's very open about his love for you and he just needs you to give in. of course he knows you're more reserved and needs more time to get to know him before you can make a decision. that's why he's so patient and devoted to you during the courting process. flowers, cheesy love notes, wood sculptures with your initials... with lee it's never ending and you're always surprised with what he was able to come up with.
he will give you gifts, but he'll also often take you out on dates for fun adventures, at least that's what he calls them. genuinely thinks rock climbing & hiking are the best ideas. if he discovers you're not sporty at all, don't worry! lee is more than happy to carry you around, take your hands to help you walk through a particularly tricky path and asks you if you need a break every five minutes. he takes it as his chance to prove to you how alpha, how reliable he is. how much his unwavering determination and passion are yours only.
probably will try cooking snacks, like cookies or brownies but I don't think he's that much of a cook so it'll end up messy. you'll have to console him about this fail attempt and reassure him that you can be the one cooking for him instead!
neji is a great observer, he has your tastes and hobbies all figured out and he knows how to choose the perfect gifts. he is very gentle with the omega he is trying to court and his gifts are as thoughtful as you can imagine. small accessories! after assessing what you like, he'll settle on a small hairpin with soft colours, which compliment your eyes. jewelry as well! a subtle bracelet, a ring or anything, just to remind you that he thinks about you all the time. it's a way to show people that you too are connected and that neji is already pursuing you, the others can back off.
he knows you're sensitive to smells, so probably a few candles with sweet fragrant and cute designs. perfumes? (or insence burner) as long as he likes the smell, he's buying. he loves to know you're wearing the scent he has chosen for you, it's like a pre-mark. it's not his scent yet but it's only a matter of time.
however, neiji will not force things, you'll wear his pheromones yes, but only when you feel ready and you have completely accepted him.
a delicately sewed kimono, or an item you'll be able to wear more easily, like a scarf, gloves... but! his favourite courting gift and the gift which really sealed your relationship is the cute pendant around your neck, carrying a piece of his cloth so that you always smell like him. it's subtle, but enough for the time being, he'll have plenty more time later to scent you profusely!
to. provide.
this man's main goal is to provide for you and to show you he can do it. he's reliable and he's desperate to have a chance with you. please notice him.
while getting to know him, you'll get plenty of nest items, scented of course. a lot of blankets, a few pillows and some of his clothes, he'll give it all to you. he'll even help you build your nest if you let him, he's not so sure about what he's doing but he's attentive and learns fast so you can count on him!
he'll get you food as well. you'll never be hungry with itachi. when you meet up, if he didn't already brought snacks with him, you can be sure he'll buy some later just for you. you paying isn't even a option.
just like his brother, he'll give you clothes you can wear on a daily basis with the uchiha clan crest on them. all that to assure your protection and to claim you, nobody wants to meet a jealous uchiha anyways.
he's a bit quiet at times so he'll use notes to share his feelings. it's always really touching and delicate, you know he means it.
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illyanarasputinfan · 8 days
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The Uncanny X-Men #7 “Raid on Graymalkin Lane - Part 2 of 4” (2024) Marvel Comics
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idwsonicnews · 10 months
Sonic the Hedgehog: Winter Jam Preview Page
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Writer: Iasmin Omar Ata Line Art: Min Ho Kim Colors: Reggie Graham Letters: Shawn Lee
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ofteasandherbs · 8 months
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They are all menaces, including echo…
Also rip fox, he doesn’t like spiders or dealing with Cody’s commando menaces and their adopted child//
Close ups under and reblogged as well
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holy-shit-comics · 7 months
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staylovesmiley · 1 month
Going Dumb~ Chapter 7
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ᯓᡣ𐭩Pairing; Kim Seungmin x Fem!reader, Stray kids x Fem!reader
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩Summary; It had been over a decade since you had last seen each other, having met in choir when Seungmin was living with his grandparents in LA and you with your Aunt. Now that you are both presented adults, how will he handle a change to the reality of you he had made in his mind in your absence over the years?
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 Notes; This is an ABO!AU. in this world when someone reaches puberty they will present with one of three sub genders; alpha, beta, or omega. Due to Alphas and Omegas experiencing rut and heat, some jobs are restrictive as to what sub genders they will hire, specifically singling out omegas as heat suppressants are harder to obtain than rut suppressants. Scent glands are located near the pressure points on the neck and small hormonal patches called scent blockers can be placed over them to reduce or rid an individual of their scent for a period of time depending on the strength of the hormones in the patch.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩ᯓᡣ𐭩Warnings; abo!au, beta!kim seungmin, almost all alpha!straykids, female!reader, poly!pack dynamics, angst, mild violence, mentions of sexual harassment/assault and discrimination, smut, enemies to lovers, Kim seungmin is kind of an ass I’m so sorry dandy boy, she/her pronouns used for reader, jealous seungmin, I have only ever wrote one abo story before but it is one of my favorite genres so I hope I can do this justice~
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You were correct about your life becoming more chaotic, that was for sure.
In the short month since you had become stray kids assistant you had been going nonstop. Sometimes you would be with them all together, sometimes only one or a few members as they went to solo schedules. You had been with them to interviews, variety shows, behind the scenes when they filmed skz codes and even in some of their skz talker videos briefly.
Typically editors would blur out the staffs faces but the kids had insisted they leave you in as you were already formally introduced and as long as you didn’t mind they thought it was okay with the mostly positive feedback from fans even going as far as to ask to see more of you in the stray kids content as they had come to enjoy seeing how the members interacted with you even though it was usually for only a short moment.
It took some getting used to but over all it was very exciting and you couldn’t help but enjoy it even though you were still a bit shy around the camera.
Whenever they would tease you playfully you’d tease back, bantering with the members lightly and stay were eating it up and enjoying the dynamic between the nine of you.
It helped that you had begun sharing more of the boys, with their permission of course, on your own personal instagram stories that stays had found and were appreciative of getting more content of the group they loved so much.
Now, it was Christmas Day and you were with them at Gayo Daejeon watching them perform from back stage as you were on standby with other staff for when they finished their performance. You stood against the wall just out of view of the audience but able to watch from afar as the kids performed, absolutely mesmerized by their stage presence. Somewhere towards the end of their second song your face fell as you heard the audio begin to play for another groups song overtop of their own.
The boys looked a mix of furious and confused but it seemed to only fuel them harder as the next song had such an intense energy you didn’t notice a presence next to you that seemed to demand your attention. Your eyes were locked on your boys, as you had affectionately come to know them, until you heard the person beside you clear their throat making you jump as they startled you.
Turning to address whoever it was staring you down so intensely at your side you were met with an individual you had seen interacting countless times with the boys backstage at events earlier in the month. “Oh! Uh, Hi- can I help you?”
The alpha smirked, leaning against the wall beside you. “Maybe- you’re stray kids assistant, yeah? I’ve seen you around them a lot lately.” The tall man gives you a look up and down that causes a light pink to dust your cheeks as you feel yourself fluster easily under his gaze. “That I am. you can call me-“
“Bunny!” You flinch a bit at the loud sound, and suddenly you feel arms wrap around you from behind.
Minho rested his chin on your shoulder, looking at the taller alpha with a smirk as the other looked a bit thrown off and awkwardly rubbed at the back of his neck as he moved to stand up straight once again as opposed to the relaxed demeanor he held leaning against the wall. “Leeknow hyung, hi! You guys performance was incredible as always.”
The alpha currently draping himself over you put on a friendly smile and nodded to the other. “Thank you, Yunho. It’s nice to see you again. I see you were getting acquainted with our bunny here.” The taller alpha, Yunho, nodded bashfully as his face heated up. “Yeah I wanted to come and introduce myself on behalf of the rest of Ateez. I’m sure we’ll see more of each other around so it seemed polite to say hi-“
Something told you there was more to his motives for coming to speak with you but his soft puppy like demeanor now caused you to take his word and offer out your hand to him with a bright smile. “Thank you, it’s nice to meet you.” You could feel the arms around you tense slightly as you shook Yunho’s hand, the other blushing even deeper. “Pleasure is all mine, really. Well- I should get going but it was nice to see you again hyung, and nice to meet you Bunny.” And with that he left to rejoin his group where you could see several members teasing him for the interaction they had evidently been watching from afar.
A soft growl rumbling behind you caught your attention and caused you to swat at the alphas hands lightly. “Quit that, he’s your friend. Why are you acting like that?” As he pulled away and saw the frown of disappointment on your face Minho whined, the other members coming up now from where they finished getting their mic packs off and Chan gave the second eldest a look that showed he wasn’t too pleased either. “You shouldn’t have run off like that, Minho. Staff was trying to get your pack off and you completely ignored them. Go back over there so they can help get it off properly.”
At the light scolding from their leader, the alpha whined even more and left with a huff. You sighed, shaking your head as Han followed off after the older alpha and Seungmin came up to your side. “What was all that about…” You huffed, looking to the others with confusion. “I thought you guys were friends with them, why did Min look like he wanted to bite that guys head off?”
The beta scoffed, rolling his eyes as he took the bottle of water you held out to him. “You seriously are so oblivious right? Yunho hyung is clearly interested in you.” Your hands froze where they were now passing a bottle of water to Hyunjin and you most likely would have dropped it if it wasn’t for the alpha grabbing it first. “What?”
Hyunjin laughed, shaking his freshly dyed garnet red hair out of his eyes as he opened his bottle and took a sip. “Oh bunny, you can’t be that oblivious. He was totally eye fucking you.” You looked back over to where ateez were standing and felt your cheeks heat up as you saw the alpha was in fact still watching you from across the room. “Oh- yeah I guess I really didn’t notice…”
That statement caused the beta beside you to relax and take a swig from his water. He looked over his shoulder at where the other puppy idol still watched over you with a longing that set him a bit on edge. Instinctively he wrapped an arm around your waist causing you to look up at him with a soft smile.
The two of you had grown closer, so much so that now those feelings of friendship you had when you were younger didn’t feel so much like a scam. There were many times since becoming their assistant and moving into the dorm full time with the pack that the beta would seek you out for company. You would sit in his or Felix room with them while they gamed, laying on the bed scrolling on your phone as you listened to their loud banter or shouts of victory.
Sometimes if he came back from a particularly difficult lesson or long schedule and was in search of comfort he would lay with his head in your lap on the couch and let you card your fingers through his hair gently as the tv volume was set low as to not cause further damage to his aching head and you would pump out more of your scent to soothe him until he fell asleep like that until someone called for dinner or you gently shook him awake and lead him to his room so he could return to his slumber.
A soft blush covered his cheeks and he looked away though his arm around your waist tightened. You giggled lightly at his shyness and poked his side before handing the last water bottles to Minho and Han as they finally rejoined the group. He took in the sight of the two of you before a teasing smile crossed his features and he gave you a wink along with whispers of thanks for the water.
You nodded, fiddling with the straps of the harnesses Seungmin wore before being lead by the beta towards their area backstage so they could rest before going back out for the rest of the show.
Seungmin managed to get you sat beside him on one of the chairs there, he leaned his head on your shoulder and brought your hand up to place them on his head. You laughed a bit and shook your head, moving your hands and giving his knee a gentle pat. “Sorry Minnie, no pets right now.” You teased, watching a pout form on his lips. “Later- yeah? Can’t mess your hair up when you still have to go back out there.”
Relenting, the beta nodded in understanding yet he kept leaning against you while everyone else relaxed or left to mingle with other idols in the halls.
The rest of the evening went by without issue, though you could still feel Yunho’s gaze on you anytime you happened to cross paths with the other pack. It seemed to keep the boys on edge as not only Minho and Seungmin began clinging to you without a care who was around to see or what cameras were there to pic up their behavior.
At one point you swore you saw Chan off to the side talking with the leader of Ateez Hongjoong, just before he approached the tall dancer and hit the back of his head lightly before scolding him under his breath. The alpha leaders seemed to have a lot in common and it made you giggle lightly as Chan rejoined you at your side and followed where you we’re looking to his fellow leader now getting onto another member, Wooyoung, for teasing Yunho for being scolded by their pack alpha.
You gave the oldest a look, eyebrow raised before he shook his head dismissing any unanswered questions. “Let’s get ready to go home, yeah? It’s been a long day and we still have more schedules coming up.” You nodded in agreement, helping him gather the rest of the pack along with everyone’s belongings and into the cars to take everyone back to the dorms.
The next month was no different than that previous. You were always by their side to help with whatever they needed even if it was something simple like grabbing them a snack during long photoshoots or taking pictures of them before or after a performance for them to post to Instagram or bubble later on.
As January turned to February and they were set to travel once more for a few set schedules, you were all thrown off when the day before you were set to depart Jisung woke up with body aches and cold symptoms starting to show.
“Hannie please try and eat something, yeah? I know you don’t have much appetite right now but it’ll get your energy up.” You tried to reason with the alpha, sitting beside him on the floor in front of the tv. There was a bowl of broth sitting on the coffee table in front of him and one of his favorite dramas on the screen while you held the spoon up in an attempt to get him to eat something so you could give him the medicine prescribed by his doctor earlier that morning when you and Chan had brought him for a check up.
The alpha whined but eventually gave in, eating about half of the bowl before the leader came in to pull you away for a small meeting. You made Han promise to finish the bowl and drink some of his water bottle before you returned to give him his medicine since the instructions said to take on a full stomach.
Sat in Chan’s room you felt a sense of deja vu to the time months ago when you were first asked to be their assistant. “I want you to stay here with Han and make sure he’s taken care of while we go ahead with the schedules.” Chan spoke softly, but his tone was stern. You nodded your head, knowing he and the others wouldn’t be leaving without the two of you if it wasn’t necessary, especially not without Jisung.
“Yeah- I don’t trust him to take his medicine on his own if I’m honest.” You said lightheartedly as you looked behind you at the door as if you could see through it and into the living room where the sick alpha still sat waiting for you to return.
Bangchan nodded with a smile, pulling you in for a hug once you stood from your spot on his bed. “Thank you. I honestly don’t know what we would do without you at this point- you…you’re one of us now.” The words caused your chest to tighten but you didn’t allow yourself to think too deeply into his statement as you nodded and hid your face in his strong chest. “I should be thanking you for helping me so much…with everything.”
Dismissing your thanks he gave the top of your head a quick kiss before shooing you out of the room. “I’m gonna go wrangle up the kids and get them out of here before anyone can catch what Hanji has- we’ll stay in a hotel tonight before flying out tomorrow.”
Laughing, you made your way to leave before he stopped you once more. “Oh and you two will be alone for a while…we all have some free time after our schedules so I’m gonna be going home to see my family and I think everyone else has plans as well.” You nodded in understanding, giving him a reassuring smile. “I’ll hold down the fort and make sure Han gets better, you can count on me.”
Upon hearing the news of Jisung’s illness as well as both of your absence from the upcoming trip the rest of the members were in different levels of sulking though undoubtedly the most distressed by the lack of your presence was Seungmin and Minho as they worried about not only their members health but how that could affect you while taking care of him.
Oh how right they were to worry.
It had been a little over two weeks when the three youngest members returned to the dorm, pushing the door open and all scrambling in with suitcases in hand. “Hannie!! Bunny!!! We’re hooommmee~~” Felix called out with a giggle as he set his bags down and began searching around for the pair.
Over the course of the last week no one had been able to get a hold of either you or Jisung and it had worried Bangchan enough to ask that whoever arrived home first give him an update, hoping that you hadn’t caught whatever bug it was that Han had.
As Seungmin entered the dorm he couldn’t tell what it was at first but something felt off. The beta began taking off his coat and as he went to hang it up it hit him, looking at where their youngest alpha’s eyes were starting to dilate rapidly while he sniffed at the air. At Jeongin’s reaction the beta also began sniffing at the air, his eyes widening at the intense aroma of freshly ground coffee and candied orange peels filled his senses. “Felix, Jeongin- we have to go.”
The alphas both let out a low growl but Seungmin didn’t seem to care as he began shoving the both of them out the front door while pulling out his phone to make a frantic call to their leader. He almost lost his balance when a loud moan that sounded eerily like you cane from the direction of Jisung’s room and caused the two alphas to almost trample over him to get to the sound.
“Seung? Hello?” Chan’s voice over the phone seemed to snap the two alphas out of whatever spell they seemed to be under if only for a second and Seungmin was quick to push them out into the hall in front of their dorm and slam the door shut before locking the three of them out. “Yeah, Hyung- we have a problem…like- a big problem.” He ignored the pang in his chest as what was happening deep within the form settled into his mind causing an ugly green monster called jealousy to begin crawling its way out from deep inside him.
“A problem how?” The alpha on the other end sounded calm but the three youngest members could tell he was concerned. It was Felix who spoke up as Seungmin continued to push them away from the front door and down to the garage so they could be as far from the scent and sounds coming from the two of you as possible. “Bunny’s in heat.”
It was a few hours later and everyone was gathered at the company in their practice room, some members sat on the couch or on the floor with their backs pressed up against it while listening to Seungmin explain what had happened when they returned home.
Chan started to beat himself up mentally, if only he had been there or had called to check up more while they were all away maybe he would have caught it before and they could have separated you and Jisung before any of this had happened. Minho also seemed to be taking things hard, sitting silently as he rapidly sent text message after text message to both of you in hopes that the younger pack mates were wrong and misunderstood something.
Still, neither you nor Han answered any texts or calls from any of the pack members.
Seungmin was beside himself, choosing to sit with distance between him and the others after he was done explaining what had happened. He felt nauseous, unable to forget the combined smell of the two of you or the sounds of pleasure that rang throughout the dorm as they left. He was also unable to forget how they made his chest clench and his stomach drop, how every fiber of his being screamed for him to barge in and take you for himself and he hated that.
He wasn’t sure where those thoughts or feelings were coming from and it made him sick, hugging his knees to his chest as he curled in on him and shook his head to try and rid himself of the imaginary plaguing him.
Chan’s eyes were on him, silently asking if he was okay and when the younger caught his gaze he shook his head dismissively and gave a weak smile.
The leader sighed, running a hand through his hair as he began pacing. “Okay- so none of us can go back to the dorm for now. It’s unfortunate and I wish we could go in and get Han out as well but it’s probably too late now based on what the maknaes witnessed.” Felix and Jeongin let out whines of embarrassment, not wanting their feral states to be mentioned again.
Just as everyone was trying to come up with a game plan as to what to do with the situation at hand Minho’s phone began ringing and everyone’s attention was suddenly on the buzzing device in the second oldest’s hands. His eyes widened when he recognized Han’s contact name on the screen and frantically he answered, almost dropping the device in his haste. “Han-ah oh thank god we have been worried sick- the maknaes got home early and they said it smelled like an omega in heat and-“ the older alpha was cut off by the younger’s embarrassed chuckles. “Yeah Hyung- about that…”
Silence fell over the room as everyone stared at the phone now placed on speaker. Minho took a deep breath before answering again. “What about that, Han Jisung?” He all but growled, suddenly feeling a sense of protectiveness wash over him. “What happened?”
Suddenly your voice came over the phone, a little hoarse and laced with exhaustion but still loud enough for everyone to hear. “It should be safe for you to come back….pretty sure it’s over now.” There was small traces of embarrassment in your tone but Seungmin shot up at the sound of your voice. “Bunny are you okay?” He called out to you a little panicked before he could think to calm down before he spoke.
You giggled a little at how frantic he sounded, mind still a bit clouded and not fully understanding the weight of the situation in that moment, or not having the energy to be able to care whichever it was. “We’ll um…we’ll explain when everyone is here, yeah? Gotta clean up now if you guys are coming back-“
Everyone just stared at the phone at that before Chan cleared his throat and spoke up. “We will be back in thirty minutes with food, and you have a lot of explaining to do. Open the windows too, will you? Last thing we need is to all walk into a dorm hotboxed with omega heat pheromones.”
Both you and Han spoke words of understanding and quickly hung up to get started cleaning up each other and the dorm for everyone’s arrival back.
Just as Chan had said they arrived back at the dorm about a half hour later with take out in hand to see the two of you sat on the couch so close that your thighs were touching. Han was dressed in a pair of sweats and a loose fitting tshirt while you were wearing a pair of shorts and one of the alpha’s large hoodies, both of your hair was slightly damp showing that you had both showered and there was a slight chill in the air from where the both of you had opened all the windows in an attempt to air out your combined scent from the apartment to not set one of the other alphas off.
The food was sat on the coffee table and the leader gave everyone a look to stave off any questions until after everyone had eaten but especially the two of you. Knowing how heats could be and how none of you were expecting it there was no telling when the last time you had a full meal was in the two weeks they were gone.
It wasn’t until the food was finished and left over put away that Chan set the two of you with a look that told you it was time to spill the details of what exactly happened while the pack was away. “Okay, so you’re mad-“ Han spoke anxiously and you instinctively intertwined your fingers with his and pushed out your scent to calm him down.
“It wasn’t Han’s fault, Chan. Please just hear me out first.” The alpha leader raised an eyebrow at you curiously. “Okay, go on then.” He motioned for you to continue and you took a deep breath. “It started almost a week into you guys all being gone-“
It was late, and you were snuggled up on the couch with the alpha watching whatever drama he was currently invested in as you played with his new fluffy curls absentmindedly. His fever seemed to have broken the day prior and besides a mild stuffy nose his symptoms had disappeared over night.
Still a bit lethargic, you agreed to yet another cuddle session as the two of you had become accustomed to over the course of his cold. It was something you used as a reward to get the alpha to keep up with taking his medicine, and you’re sure it was what helped him recover so quickly.
The smell of fresh coffee grounds had long since seeped into your skin as did the scent of orange blossoms into his own, and as he drifted in and out of sleep laying against your chest on the couch he found himself nuzzling against your body with a little groan as there was still a slight ache in his bones. “Hanji? Feeling okay?” You spoke softly, still carding your fingers through soft brown curls.
Han nodded shortly, wiggling a bit to get more comfortable against you and you let out a laugh. ���Careful there you almost elbowed me in the ribcage, Ji.” He looked up with wide, apologetic eyes and you simply gave a kiss to the top of his head as an acceptance of his silent apology.
The days spent alone with him were mostly blissful, besides the few times you had to fight him to eat so he could take his medicine, or struggling to get him into the shower when his fever was too strong and you needed to cool him down under the icy spray clad in nothing but his boxers.
You had grown closer to the alpha and had a way of understanding each other that you didn’t have with the others, even Seungmin or Minho. The timer on your phone went off, signaling it time for his next round of medicine. “Come on, Hanji time to let me up.”
With a pout, he reluctantly moved to let you up. The alpha watched as you got up and made your way to the kitchen to get his medicine and a snack to take it with. Opting to make him some toast with nutella, one of the only things you had been able to get him to stomach, you placed two sliced of bread into the toaster and reached up into the cabinet for the chocolate spread.
As you reached up your back arched slightly and the sight caused something to stir in the alpha, mouth watering slightly and head beginning to cloud over. “Bun-“ he said softly, barely audible so you couldn’t hear him over the soft sounds of the tv and the toaster popping up. You continued on, making his snack before you began pouring the medicine into the little cup provided.
You hadn’t been paying attention, not realizing that the alpha had gotten up and crossed the room, arms caging you in against the counter. You felt his presence and slowly turned around to face him, toast and medicine forgotten on the counter behind you. “Hannie?” His pupils were blown, normally soft brown eyes almost black as he stared down at you with a low growl rumbling in his chest. “You smell so sweet…” he said, leaning down to nose at your scent gland causing you to gasp. “Han Jisung- are you…oh god you’re in-“
With both hands placed flat against his chest you pushed him back, taking him by surprise and causing him to stumble back and come to his senses slightly. “Fuck, I’m sorry Bunny- I need to go.” He stuttered out, moving frantically to his room and slamming the door behind him.
You were left standing in the kitchen, blinking at the space he once stood as you tried to think of what to do. You couldn’t hear anything but the sound of the tv still playing the show you were both watching, but the scent of roast coffee began to fill the dorm so heavily you almost felt dizzy.
While you could still think clearly, you made your way to his room and knocked on the door loud enough you’re sure he could hear. “Go away-“ came the rapper’s voice from deep in the room. “Han, please let me in….I-“ you took a deep breath, nodding to yourself that this was something you wanted to do. “I can help you, if you want…”
Time seemed to pass in slow motion as you waited for a response. After a while you felt the door move slightly as if someone were leaning all of their weight against it from the opposite side. “A-Are you sure? That’s….I wouldn’t ask that much of you if you weren’t sure-“ A soft smile fell on your face as the fondness you felt for the alpha rapper warmed your heart and you nodded until you realized he couldn’t see you. “Yes, I’m sure. Let me in, please?”
Without hesitation, the door opened and you were pulled inside with a little yelp of surprise that soon turned into a low moan as you felt Jisung’s lips against your own.
“It didn’t take long for him to trigger my heat once we uh- got started….” The pack all stated at you with varying levels of shock or amusement, though Chan held a blank stare at the two of you as he was deep in thought.
Hyunjin was the one who spoke up next, head tilted to the side as he observed you. “Must’ve been some rut to trigger your heat through your suppressants.”
You looked down at your lap, mumbling something that caused the leader to speak up. “Sorry, don’t think I quite caught that.”
“I haven’t been able to get suppressants since I moved here but I didn’t want to worry you guys with that-“
The leader let out a deep sigh and shook his head, eyes closed tight before looking to where you and Han still sat side by side on the couch. “You should have called me.” You let out a little scoff, turning away from him. “I hate to break it to you, Christopher, but we are grown adults.”
Chan glared, stepping closer as you stood from your spot and met him halfway. “I’m the leader and it’s my job to keep you both safe. What if something went wrong and no one else was here, hm? You weren’t thinking.” You shot him a glare of your own, not believing he was acting like this. “Packs help each other with ruts and heats all the time, it’s not that big of a deal.”
The leader growled, anger bubbling in his chest as he stood impossibly close and you swore his eyes shown red instead of their normal brown. “Yeah well you aren’t pack, are you?” His words stung, causing you to deflate visibly and take a step away from the alpha.
Immediately he regretted his words, his mind scrambling for a way to take them back. “Oh.” Was all you said, the smell of rotten citrus permeating the area and causing Minho to come to your side from where he had been sitting on the other side of the room. “Chan didn’t mean that, Bunny. He’s just upset- right, hyung?” Before the oldest could answer you were shaking your head and backing away towards your room. “No, he’s right. I’m not- I’m not part of your pack.” And with that you retreated into the room and locked yourself inside.
Now it was Han’s turn to get defensive, rising from the couch and stepping up to the leader. “What the actual fuck, Chan?! You always preach at us to keep our temper under control and then you go and pull a stunt like that?” A low growl erupted from the younger alpha’s chest as he gestured wildly. “I get it, we fucked up- there was a better way we could have gone about things but that’s over and done with now but you just have to go and make it all worse huh? Geez give her a fucking break, give us a break! It’s not like we planned this!”
With a glare thrown the leader’s way, Han began storming off after you. Minho went to follow and the younger simply shook his head. “Not now, Min.” With a gentle knock on the door it opened just enough for the alpha to enter before shutting again and the sound of the lock clicking back into place could be heard.
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author’s note: well- that happened hehe UUMM pls don’t hate me?? This fic is still Seungmin x Reader I promise but like I said about the last chapter maybe possibly this is starting to become 2Minsung x reader?? Idk if I should change the header or the info or anything up top but I will be adding those tags to future chapters because it’s only gonna get worse (or better lol) from here~ as always I live for feedback pls pls pls let me know your thoughts especially because I have two ways this story can go from here and I’m not 100% sold on either so your feedback on this chapter will help me decide which way I wanna go with this~~
taglist; (pink users I was unable to tag) @coastinglove @skzswife @maisyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy @doitforbangchan @chartrucewhore @sebastianswhore13 @finnydraws @bahablastplz @0325tiny
104 notes · View notes
theinheriteddutchess · 2 months
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Dream Of A Girl
Part 1
Summary: The sheriff had his eyes on you for a while, the town's joke of an Omega. You never thought you'd find love, but around him you just can't help acting on your inner instincts.
Pairing: Lee Bodecker x reader
Word count: 3899
Warnings: Lee, small town gossip and bullying, neurodivergent reader, slurs\insult of neurodivergent back in the day, no cats🥺, turns slightly non-con at the end, Alpha\Omega
Notes: absolutely loved writing this, got really into it, I hope you'll enjoy it, and make sure to drop me a comment, I would love to hear what you think!💕
Series masterlist
He was watching you again. Inside his car, on his lunch break, slurping from his milkshake as his eyes never left your form. Your head was turned down, watching the pavement as you moved, yet you seemed to be aware where everyone else was because you never bumped into anyone. He noticed that about you. How your body moved almost fluently away from others. You didn't like to be touched. You flinched if someone did.
You were alone a lot. Listening to the noises around you, or he would sometimes hear you murmur to yourself. Sometimes you made strange noises if you were excited. He knew what they said about you.
They thought you were weird.
He didn't mind. Everyone talked about him too. Granted, he was a bit shady sometimes, with his secret businesses here and there, but it was something he had in common with you. Both of you fell outside of what was appropriate.
Of course, he was the sheriff, so no one dared to say it to his face. But they did to you. He had watched you for years. With your pretty hair, and that body…
He shuffled in his seat uncomfortably. You always had an effect on him.
He loved your eyes, although you barely look up to him. You do that. You glanced past people, or talked with your face turned a different way. Some people looked at you funny when you did.
But he knows why. Your parents told him once. When you got dared into doing something naughty. You didn't like it, but told him you had said you would do it before they told you what you were supposed to do. And you needed to keep your promises.
He talked to you sternly about how wrong it was of you, and you sat there with tears in your eyes. Head down. Like you had committed the worst crime. You were a good girl. Your parents told him that. It wasn't your fault. It was those kids. They thought it was funny. School talked to them. They left you alone. But you didn't make many friends.
Too different, too quiet, or too loud. You didn't say the right things, you didn't like the right things. You were too honest.
He liked that about you. He didn't need to wonder what you thought. You weren't two faced like all the other bitches. Who smiled at him in hope for favors, or in hope he would turn his eyes away from what they were doing. You were, you.
When you were alone, or thought you were anyway, your shoulders relaxed and he could sometimes see you smiling. Most times you would if you spotted an animal. Talking to it, like it was your friend. And you were good with kids. Really good. They flocked to you and you easily handled them. You didn't like sudden noises, and you were very clear about that, and they listened to you.
That's something people did like about you, they had no problem ditching their kids on you. You were a natural.
It was one of the things he noticed first about you. That drew him towards you. Your natural motherly instincts. He knew you would do excellent with your own. And the idea of you, one or 2 kids by the hand, belly swollen with another, made him rock hard each time.
God, you would be so pretty. He imagined your children; babies with brown hair, maybe a cleft in their chin, like his. The family Bodecker. You, all soft and sweet smelling. A ring on your finger. It made him come so swiftly once he touched himself.
He was happy no one snatched you up. They all couldn't look past your different behavior and see the gem underneath. They were blind to your qualities. What fools. But it worked in his favor though. Such a good, sweet girl. All ripe for the picking.
You were growing and seemed to not be aware of him. That was okay, he was fine with letting you have this time for yourself. Just out of college, young women needed to find their own way. He didn't want you to feel like you missed out on everything once he married you. That led some housewives to turn a little crazy, he saw it all the time, married at 18 or even 16 at times, high school lovers, and by the time baby number 2 was on the way, they looked worn out and disappointed in life.
Not you though. You finished school, you had a nice job, good parents. He gave you that time. He never was far away though. Watching you. Making sure you stayed out of trouble. Or trouble didn't find you. There weren't many boys to approach you, but those with eyes did, those who were too eager to be bothered with your quirkiness. He made sure to scare them off. He didn't need the competition.
He had a good job, a job that gave him power over this town, a nice house. He could afford a family. When the time came, he could convince your parents he was a good match. But most important was he needed to convince you.
You walked into the library to return your books and pick up new ones. You came here at least once a week, often twice, as you loved reading. It was the time that you could disappear in a story and live a life you were never going to get. Experiencing all the emotions and adventures safely from your own home. Romance, and travels, fighting dragons or being a ruling Queen. In real life you liked things simple, but in your head you were free to do whatever you wanted. In your head people liked you. You belonged.
Lately you got very into fairytales again. Consuming every book you could find, rereading classics, daydreaming about the magic that was both wonderful and scary. The Alpha King, and Omega and the false mate, Sleeping Beta…they were all lovely stories and you couldn't get enough. You walked through the rows upon rows of books, feeling calm and like you were amongst friends. Here you were safe. Here you were liked.
Your hands occasionally picked up a book and read the cover, lost in thought. You didn't even notice the presence next to you, until a voice shook you out of your thoughts.
“Excuse me.”
You froze and looked up. Sheriff Bodecker looked down at you.
“Oh”, you said, stepping away.
He chuckled and shook his head. “I didn't mean for you to leave. I just wanted to grab this book.”
You watched him as he picked up a faded green book. He flipped through the pages. You hadn't expected him to read. You scolded yourself after the thought. You didn't know him. It's just that…he didn't seem the type. You heard stories about him. They said he liked the booze and he loved the ladies who gave it away for free. He had always been pleasant if you ever saw him, devoted to his work, but gossip still followed him.
Gossip was tricky, though. For years rumors went around that you were stupid. That you were rude. That you were mentally challenged. They didn't understand you. And you honestly often didn't understand them. Luckily your parents loved you and stood up for you. They might not always understand but they didn't punish you the way other parents would have. They didn't make you feel bad for not always looking them in the face. Or for being blunt and too honest. How your head was in the clouds at times. Or how people overwhelmed you sometimes. But other people, they didn't get it. And they didn't like what they didn't get.
You watched everyone around you making friends and falling in love. Easily getting through events you struggled with. They got married, and started a family. It was difficult at times, to realize you wouldn't have that, but eventually you accepted it. You were comfortable with your life. You had your family, and one or two acquaintances, and you were okay. It was nice being alone. Quiet. When you were alone, no one expected something of you.
You watched out of the corner of your eye how he assessed the book, before he looked at you again. “Do you know if it's any good?”
You glanced at the title like you had to think about it. “It's a little boring. But I don't know what you're looking for.”
“Just a little something to entertain me in the evenings. I was never much of a reader, but I thought why not read a book once in a while instead of always putting the telly on, ya know?”
You nodded. “What genre are you interested in? Action? Or mystery.”
You blinked. “Romance,” you quietly repeated. You're eyes gliding past the titles of books and thinking to yourself.
“I don't mind it being a little…naughty, might motivate me even more to be honest,” he chuckled.
Your cheeks heated, but you tried not to show any signs of your discomfort. A heated romance. Of course you could list a few, but it felt awkward sharing that with him. You hummed softly under your breath, more out of nerves than anything, but you grabbed a book eventually. “A little naughty, and definitely romance,” you told him.
He hummed and turned the book in his hands. “Thank you, I didn't know where to start.”
“The librarians are happy to help if you can't find anything.”
“Yes, I'm sure they are, but you seem like you know more about this stuff.”
Maybe you did. Maybe it was easier to approach a visitor than the strict ladies running this place? You continued your search, but he did not leave.
“Don't you have enough books?”
You frowned. How could anyone have enough books? And why was he criticizing you? “I like reading.”
He laughed. “ No, I can see that, but do you really read all these in a week?”
“No. Sometimes I read them in a few days.”
“Oh, really. Okay. That's impressive. I really need to catch up if I were to compete with you.”
“It's not a competition. You can read how you want.”
“Oh I know, I was just joking.”
It wasn't a very good joke in that case. “Oh.” You thought, then replied. “Do you need anything more?”
There was silence, then he answered awkwardly. “No, you helped enough.”
You nodded.
He said your name quietly and when he didn't continue, you looked to the side at him. Your eyes locked and you blinked before you looked away.
“Tell your parents hello from me, will you?”
You nodded. You would, if you remembered.
He walked away and you were left feeling a little weird about the whole conversation. Sheriff Bodecker, reading a romantic book. It seemed a little silly. But maybe he was a little lonely. He was unmarried and didn't seem to be in a hurry to get settled.
He asked for something a little naughty, though. If he wanted anything naughty he should've gone to a different section of the library. They had a few of those, although most people didn't dare to pick them up and give the ladies anything to gossip about. Sheriff Bodecker, with a naughty book. You smiled to yourself. It would be the talk of town.
You wrapped your scarf around your neck, it was a little chilly today. Maybe you were just tired. It had been a long day at work today, your hands were cramped from all the typing, and your colleagues had left you feeling a little upset. Normally you tried to not listen to their chatter and ignore if they were ever negative about you. But today…they had stood a little nearer and you had more trouble filtering their voices.
They had talked about Marcie, who had found herself a beau. If only it had stayed about Marcie, it would have been fine. But they had looked over at you and pretended to lower their voices.
“Spinster”, they had used. They giggled slightly during it. You pretended not to see them staring at you. Or how they didn't care if you heard it.
“She’s never going to find anyone, I mean did you hear her talk about the different office chairs to mr. Johnson? One would think she had to sit on spikes.
You bit your lip. You did not want to cry in front of them. They had changed the chairs two days ago, the old ones too worn out to be pleasant. But you had liked them. You were used to them. And it felt like an old friend had been ripped away from you. So you had talked to your boss if he could make an exception, if you could keep yours, and store the new one. But of course he hadn’t wanted to. And you admittedly got a little upset. Word got out, or maybe they heard you. You had cried on the toilet, but tried very hard to gather yourself and continue like nothing was wrong. It didn’t matter. They knew. And they thought you were crazy.
And now they kept bringing other things up in their conversations. Like they enjoyed your discomfort.
You did your job well, however, so you were pretty sure if you laid low for a while, mr. Johnson wouldn’t fire you. You always made sure to finish all your work, even if you had to stay longer. Got the job done.
But now, at the end of the work day, you felt exhausted. It was tiresome keeping up pretense. The constant noise of the workplace around you. A short break to try and relax and be alone wasn't enough. You knew maybe things would be easier if you sat with them and told them things you heard, so they could gossip about someone else for once. But you didn’t like them. And they were too much. You needed your break to rest before getting back to work. You often sat outside on a bench alone, or took a walk.
You took a deep breath. Tonight you were going to read your new book, and ask your daddy if he wanted to play the piano. He didn’t do it as often as he used to, but you always enjoyed his music. He would do it for you, you knew it.
As a single Omega, you still lived with your parents. It was common to do so. You couldn’t live alone with your designation and it didn’t seem like you would ever move out and get your own home to look after. Your parents were disappointed, no doubt, but they always assured you they loved you, and that it would be nice in their old day to spend it with the three of you. You wondered if they had a different child than you, if they had wanted to get another. Someone easier to handle.
You walked past the shops, occasionally looking through the windows. You liked window shopping. Seeing all the new things on display, even if you didn’t buy much. You didn’t need it. But sometimes you saw something pretty and pondered if you should get it. You should buy a new dress. Most of the ones you had were getting a little old. But they were so comfortable and new dresses felt a little tight and rough. Perhaps your mother would buy some fabric and sew one for you. She knew your tastes.
A car honked next to you and you startled. When you looked around with a beating heart you noticed the car of the sheriff. He had rolled down his window and called out to you.
“Sorry, little lady, didn’t mean to scare you. I saw you walking and thought maybe you wanted a ride home?”
You blinked. A ride with the sheriff. You had never done that. “I’m fine walking.” You replied and tried to smile.
“You just look tired, is all. And it is going to rain soon.”
Was it? You didn’t feel much like getting wet. Still, this was weird. Different. What were you even going to say to him?
He opened the door from the inside though, clearly expecting you to get in, and you didn’t want to be rude. He meant well.
You clambered in, fixed your dress and your hair.
“Long day?” he mentioned. “You look tired.”
“Yes.” you answered.
“I get that, I’ve been busy since 5 this morning myself.” he sighed. “Got a call in for a robbery. Those damn Callen boys always stealin’ them chickens from the Bookers farm. Not exactly the most exciting job.”
You blinked, thought of how to reply. “Did you get them back?”
He chuckled. “Well some of ‘em. They ate at least two, but I arranged for them to work a few weeks at the place to pay them back. And I'll make damn sure they're going to show up and do the work.”
You nodded. The Bookers were cheapskates, but a theft was a theft, and you were sure they enjoyed the free labor. Those chickens couldn't be worth that much.
“You look nice today,” he mentioned suddenly.
You looked down at your dress. A little frayed around the edges. Your hair must've been less than proper because you tended to play with it if you were in thought. Maybe he was being nice. “Eh, thank you,” you mumbled.
He hummed. “That dress is a nice color.”
“Blue is my favorite,” you blurted out. You wore red today, you didn’t know why you said it.
He chuckled. “Is that right? Well I love blue.”
Your eyes looked anywhere but him, at the passing buildings and bushes. What else were you going to say? It was polite to talk back, your mother had told you. Ask about something!
“Ehm, this is a nice car,”
He turned to look at you again, not keeping his eyes on the road and you swallowed. “Well, it comes with the job, but it does its work.”
You nodded.
“Do you know how to drive?”
“Oh no. No, no. I do not.”
“I could teach you.” he offered, and your heart rate increased.
“No!...no. I don't think I can, I get nervous.”
“Well everyone gets nervous the first time, but you’ll learn soon enough, you’re a clever girl.”
You blinked at him. No one had ever called you clever before. You weren’t stupid, you werent, but no one thought you were particularly bright. “I get nervous.” you told him firmly.
He hummed “Well alright, If you change your mind, I'm more than willing.
“I don't mind walking.” you told him.
“Yeah, I see you walking around. You like looking at things don’t you?”
You looked down, ashamed, but his finger lifted your chin. You startled at the contact.
“Wasn't mocking you. I just see you sometimes. Gotta keep an eye on the crowd to make sure nothing happens, part of the job, I can’t help it. So I see you walking and befriending the neighbors cats.”
“Oh.” You didn't know what to think of this. Being watched. You always felt like you were. “I like cats.”
“I like them too. They’re a little feisty. You got one at home?”
You shook your head. “No, my parents don’t want one.”
“I was thinking about getting one. Might be nice to come home to something, you know? House is all empty.”
You understood. You’re parents rules, however, nothing you could do about it.
He sighed “ Yeah…. gets real lonely for a man by himself. You got someone waiting on ya?”
“Eh no. No, no one.” You felt nervous. You knew it was common for a girl your age to settle, or have settled already. It was embarrassing to admit.You had never even kissed before.The thought of it made you anxious though, How to even do that with a tongue, and how to move? It seemed mighty complicated.
“Me neither,” he admitted. “It’s a hard job, and not everyone can deal with being the wife of a sheriff. I’d treat her right, though. Yessir. I’d be a good husband. For the right woman. I always wanted that. A house, a wife, some kids. A nice meal when I get home…”
You hummed, like he had done before.
"You can cook?”
Your eyes moved rapidly over the car interior. “Why, yes?” it came out as a question.
“Yeah I expected you to. You’re a good girl after all. Momma raised you right.”
You felt warmth shoot through you. You didn’t know why. He was being nice. And you weren’t used to that. You actually were a pretty good cook. And you liked doing it. Relieving your mother from the hard work running a household was. And showing you cared. You know you weren’t always good with that. Often absorbed in your own head and your own feelings. So cooking was something you could do.
“Would love to have a home made meal again. It’s been so very long.”
You nodded.
He eyed you. And as the silence lingered he tsked. “Well, who knows, maybe someone will invite me someday.”
“Oh. Yes. I'm sure,” you were quick to agree. It would be nice for him. Someone cooking. Maybe Miss Oleson would, the woman was all alone and about 70, she probably would love the company.
You would ask her, so he wouldn't feel embarrassed. Miss Oleson would watch you sometimes when you were younger, and she was kind to you. She always gave you candy even if your parents had told her not too. You were fond of her.
You arrived at your house soon and you got out. He leaned towards the window again.
“If you want, I can come pick you up again tomorrow.”
You blinked. Why? Was it going to rain again tomorrow?
“You don’t have to.”
“It’s my pleasure.” he grinned. “Unless i’m being called away, but if so, I’l call you.”
“I don’t have a phone.” You eyed the laces of your shoes.
He laughed. “No silly, at your office, I can call the company.”
“Oh. Yeah that would work. I guess.”
“That’s settled then. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Okay.” you mumbled and turned to walk towards the door.
As you heard him leave behind you, you suddenly remembered you hadn’t said goodbye, or thanked him. You felt your cheeks heat. You were supposed to thank someone for helping. You messed up again. Tomorrow, when he picked you up, you would make sure to thank him then. Maybe he wouldn’t think you rude anymore. And maybe you should find some questions to ask him about. So he didn’t ask you weird ones when there was silence.
You hung up your coat at the door, suddenly smelling a nice scent coming off it.
The fabric had absorbed some of his that lingered in the car. You sniffed carefully and then reared back in shame. It was kind of improper to just smell someone. You only did that to someone you knew better. Like family, or…or a suitor.
Still, the scent lingered in your nose as you walked away, and it was pleasant enough for you to feel a little lighter for the rest of the evening.
Part 2
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ikemenomegas · 2 years
Would Lee of all the boys be willing to share his alpha with anyone else or would be happy with having multiple partners of different secondary genders???
Ooooh okay okay
The short answer is yes.
Lee is such an interesting character. As a truly glum pre-teen I was not a fan of his chipper "can do" attitude, but he quickly won me over the moment he got serious in his fight with Kimimaro. He's very sincere in all he does in a way a lot of the clan kids (which most of the rookie 11 + Sasuke are those. It's an intentional move among the nobility but means that TenTen and Lee and Sakura have a fun time combating a bit of imposter syndrome against classmates with insane bloodline limits) are not. He's also really insightful, which you know I like in a character. I like people who aren't fooled by the walls other people put up.
Again, I think you can truly make excuses for any kind of ship, it's all fun and games, so here's some options I can see working for a poly ship
Among the omegas:
Lee once tried to become Sasuke's rival the way that Gai is for Kakashi, and that is a truly underplayed dynamic that has potential for a fun romantic relationship. Taken in the right direction, it has the potential to get Sasuke to view power as not only a means to an end, but as something to enjoy. Sasuke seems at times uncomfortable with his own body, sometimes viewing it as a weapon to wield, rather than something he inhabits, and something to control rather than exist within. Having a relationship with Lee and his Alpha could help him to feel more in tune with his own physicality and the joy of pushing himself for the sake of progress rather than the purpose one day defeating an enemy.
If you personally are a very energetic sort of individual, you could probably survive the veritable supernova of excitement that would be mating Naruto and Lee. They don't interact all that much in the actual series, but this is fandom so we do what we want. I think that Lee's forthrightness compliments Naruto's drive, and together they could get the village well whipped into shape.
Among the alphas and betas:
I have always had a sort of affinity for Lee and Sakura as a pairing. Back when I was young and naive and still had hope for her character (and men writing the stories of young women but alas), Lee stood out as the first one to acknowledge her potential as a kunoichi, both beautiful and deadly. Even though she thought he was strange for his reaction to her, and had Sasuke shaped blinders on, he was always respectful of boundaries, but also encouraging where most of the others in her class were either trying to intimidate her into falling behind or outright ignoring her in favor of their own particular issues. They also have that taijutsu thing going on between them. If you are looking for a drama laced kind of experience where a female character is actually given some room to grow a little self respect, pairing with both of them could be super fun. Whether you think of Sakura as an alpha or a beta I suppose is up to you but I'm partial to naming her an alpha simply due to my personal preferences for these things, Lee would not have a preference.
I don't think there are any others in his age group that I know well who would match him, but if anyone else has suggestions, I would love to hear them!
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blackstar30 · 4 months
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These parallels drive me crazy
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stay-somnia · 7 months
SKZ! A/B/O! Omegaverse! Scents
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His scent is the definition of primal: cedar forests so dense you have to claw your way out never knowing what direction you're going. Chan's scent is both comforting and dangerous, still woodlands lulling you in as ancient eyes watch.
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Lee Know
Lee Know's scent is as strange as he is. Driftwood floating against foggy coastlines off black sand beaches. Brackish waters were rivers meet oceans his scent is clear with traces of salts. Your vision goes hazy as the gentle waves pull you under.
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Rose Oxide. Soft, brazen, metallic; Changbin's scent perfectly in embrace him. It's deceiving, subtle and kind at heart, the metallic clang quickly fades away once you're in its enamoring presence.
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Its hypnotizing, free spirited, this aired scent of Lilac's and Larch knows no limits. Faint in the beginning it grows more powerful over time, drawing you into a dream you won't wake up from.
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Electric citrus engulfed in rich chocolate, Han's scent is a comforting as it is addicting. It instills a fiery familiarity you can only acquire with over protective loved ones at your side. Once you taste it all else turns to ash.
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Felix's scent of Jade and moss is a preservation of youth and vitality from times long ago. It's a bubble of peace. A place to clear your mind. A friend to call your own. Worry melts away once you pass the gates.
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Leather bound notes and Bourbon. It's unnerving, unexpected, it's Seungmin. Archaic wisdom alight with mischief. Pages stained with a kind of love that most people will never get to know.
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His scent is cold, alive, unique. Hawthorne fruit, candlestick ice, frozen rain. There's a beauty that you cant possibly comprehend. It invokes a sense of danger and pride but carries more warmth than a thousand suns.
Im in the process of starting a 9th Member! reader Omegaverse fic so I wanted to explain how I perceive the boys scents. I know they are oddly specific but I cant imagine anything else. I don't quiet have synesthesia (at least I think) but some of all of these things have very distinctive smells. My friends call me crazy when I say jade has a VERY unique smell. I hope I was able to get my thoughts out coherently.
The first chapter should be out some time next week.
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jagibee · 1 year
Call Me Luna
(Stray Kids x Reader)
Chapter 6
6,213 Words
A/N: Sorry that the story is being so slow! I promise it will pick up in a bit! In the meantime, enjoy some Chanlix! Also, just a reminder, when I write something like “‘“this”’”, it means the characters are speaking in English.
TW: Talk of dieting, discussion of sex
After a very eventful day, it hadn’t taken you very long to fall asleep once you had completed your nightly routine. The bed was nice, if a little stiff, and you ordered more room service for dinner, this time knowing what you liked. Unfortunately, it wasn’t as fun as the last time you ate, but you still went to bed full and satisfied.
Then your phone rang and startled you out of your sleep. You didn’t even check the time when you picked up immediately after seeing the caller ID.
“Hello? Chan? Is everything alright?”
Well. You wanted the sound of him saying your name tattooed on the inside of your brain.
“What is it, Chan?”
From the other side of the phone call, you could hear a couple different muffled voices before there was a shushing sound.
“Just wanted to hear your voice, really. And make sure you’re okay after today.”
You felt your heart melt a little at that. “I’m fine, great even. You’re all so amazing, this is literally my dream job.”
The muffled voices were even louder, but you still couldn’t make them out. You were curious about them, but didn’t want to pry.
“I’m gonna be honest with you, Y/N. Half of the reason I called is because I need a break from my other members asking questions about you, and when they’re going to meet you, and why they didn’t get to meet you today.” You heard him sigh dramatically. “One of these days I’m actually going to start selling them off to Stays.”
You felt your lips twitch. “How much are you selling them for?”
Chan hummed thoughtfully. “I think I’ll just trade them for their SKZOOs. If someone comes up to me with one, I’ll let them rent that member for an hour.”
You heard an outburst from his side and laughed before replying. “If you do that, there will be a stampede of people at the company building waving their SKZOOs. Anyway, what have you been telling your members about me?”
“That you’re hot!”
Your heart fluttered. Was that…?
“Han! Give me my phone back!”
You heard a commotion and a sharp yelp before someone said something over the phone again.
“I am so sorry, I definitely did not say that- not that I don’t think you’re hot! Or, well, I don’t not think that, but there’s- I don’t want to disrespect you or-”
You couldn’t help but burst into laughter. “Chan, it’s alright! I don’t not think you’re hot, either.”
There was a pause from every voice on the other side and you started to wonder if you went too far when you heard a quiet “thank you?”
You smirked at that. “You don’t have to thank me, it’s sort of obvious.”
The other voices started cackling at that and in order to save Chan, you changed the topic. “So, are you still at the studio?”
Seemingly glad of your mercy, he sighed slightly before speaking. “Yeah, but we’re almost finished up. I’ve got Changbin and Hannie with me, plus Seungmin because he said everyone at his dorm kept bragging about getting to meet you.”
Your cheeks suddenly felt very hot. “Really?”
“Yeah, they really liked you. But it’s kind of hard not to. Oh, by the way! Tomorrow I’ll pick you up at the front of the building again and then the two of us are having a meeting with Felix to discuss his heat. Sound good?”
“Sounds great,” you responded, trying your best to stay calm despite what he said about it being hard not to like you.
“Alright! Then we have a recording session, where you can meet the rest of our members.” There was a small eruption of cheers from the other line and you felt your cheeks hurt from how hard you were smiling. “Then, I was thinking we could all go out to dinner, if you’re interested? I figured we could celebrate you meeting all of us and the end of your first week and everything.”
You stifled a snort. “I haven’t actually been here for a full week. I arrived on Tuesday and my first day at the company was Wednesday.”
You heard Chan giggle. “Yeah, well, when you’re with these guys, it’s like dog years or something. Every day actually lasts a week, so really we’ll be celebrating your third week!”
You were glad that hotels were required to have scent blockers on all of the rooms, otherwise the entire floor might have smelled the cacophony of emotions you felt.
Rolling over on your bed, you almost choked on your own saliva when you saw the time on the clock. “Well, as much as I enjoy talking to you, I think that in order to not fall asleep in the middle of my third week, I should go back to sleep. Can I let you go?”
There was a clatter from your phone before you heard Chan’s voice again. “Shit, did we wake you up? Sorry! But yeah, go back to sleep for sure. In fact, we should go back to the dorms. Seungmin fell asleep on Changbin’s lap.”
Fuck, you couldn’t wait to meet them. “Okay then, I’ll see you tomorrow! Get back to your dorms safely!”
“We‘ll try our best. See you tomorrow, Y/N.”
The next time you woke up was much less eventful, your alarm ringing out rather than your ringtone.
You took a few minutes to just lay down and stare at the ceiling. There’s no way that really happened, you thought. There’s no way any of this is really happening.
However, a quick check of your call logs confirmed that you received a call from bangfuckingchan at 3:52 a.m.
Before you could have an existential crisis at too-damn-early in the morning, you decided to get out of bed.
After hanging out with the boys yesterday, you decided to put on an outfit that was a bit more casual, something that didn’t make you feel out of place while they were laying around eating tteokbokki in their sweatpants. You finished your morning routine and got in the car once it arrived.
The drive wasn’t too long, the hotel was just a bit too far to walk so you arrived at the company building quickly.
If there was anything that could rip your earlier doubts from your mind, it was the sight of Chan and Felix waiting on the sidewalk and waving at your van as you drove up.
You were so excited to see them again, you almost tripped when getting out. Luckily, you managed to catch yourself before face planting. Unluckily, it was still far from graceful as you extracted your foot from where it had gotten caught.
You turned to see Chan and Felix jog up to you. Before they were able to say anything about your awkward landing, you blurted out, “What, no coffee today?”
Chan blinked in bewilderment. “Uh… no? Are you alright?”
You furrowed your eyebrows at him in mock offense. “What, you’ve never seen someone get out of a car like that? That’s the style these days.”
Felix grinned at you and turned to Chan. “Yeah, hyung. Everyone is doing it. There’s a dance challenge and everything.”
Chan just sighed at the two of you. “Really?”
“Totally. You probably just haven’t heard about it because you were too busy getting hip surgery, old man.”
You let out a startled laugh at Felix’s joke while Chan’s jaw dropped.
Once he got over his shock, Chan turned his face to the sky and groaned. “Ugh, you need to stop hanging out with Seungmin.”
“We literally live together.”
Chan reached out and pulled Felix’s beanie down over his face. While he struggled to escape, Chan turned back to you and pointed his thumb over his shoulder. “So, there’s a cafe less than a block away, I was thinking we could get some breakfast and then get down to business?”
Felix finally emerged and flicked Chan’s cheek in retribution. Before they could start fighting in the street, you decided to intervene.
“Breakfast sounds perfect. Let’s go!”
You grabbed them by their hoodie sleeves and started walking in the direction Chan had pointed earlier. Felix slid his arm from your grasp to hold your hand normally and you hoped he couldn’t feel how your heart rate sped up. Chan seemed perfectly fine with you hanging on to his shoulder like a sugar glider, but your hand was cramping, so you released him. He glanced back at you before offering you a crooked elbow. You were thankful for the face mask the company required you to wear as a precaution so they couldn’t see how their actions were affecting you.
The walk was short but nice, the three of you striding along in comfortable silence.
Before you knew it, Chan was steering you into a little shop with flowers and herbs on the windowsills. The place was larger than most cafes, but it didn’t take away from the cozy vibe. There were beanbag chairs and couches along with several plants both hanging from the ceiling and settled along the walls. The only lighting was from the windows and the dainty fairy lights winding back and forth across the ceiling like a dazzling spiderweb. There were fuzzy rugs layered on top of each other, each one more cushy than the one before. In the center of the room was a counter with several baked goods on display. There was a worker watering the plants before she turned to you and welcomed you in.
“Wow. Okay, I guess I know where I’m going to work if you guys ever fire me.”
Felix giggled next to you. “I know, right? Just wait until you see the little desserts! If you leave and come work here, I expect you to bring me free leftovers.”
“Deal,” you told him, squeezing his fingers in yours.
Chan unhooked his arm from yours and instead rested his hand on your back, gently pushing you forward until you stood in line.
There was just one person in front of you, so you didn’t have to wait long. Felix shuffled you over to look at the pastries.
You almost gasped at how amazing they looked. There were little cakes shaped like flowers, cookies with hearts frosted on them, muffins with faces made out of chocolate chips.
Felix seemed particularly drawn to a little cat-shaped brownie. The ears were made of little wedges of chocolate and the whiskers were frosted on.
“Do you want that?”
Felix glanced back at you, eyes wide in surprise. “Hm? Oh, well, it looks good but I’m supposed to be dieting. You know, I’ll probably eat a lot during my heat, especially sweets, so I like to just avoid them for a bit before so I’m not eating too much.”
“Felix, Y/N! What do you guys want?” Chan called from the register.
You both told him what drinks you wanted and Felix went off to find a place to sit.
“Actually,” you turned back to Chan. “Can I have the little brownie cat, too?”
“That one?”
“Are you going to fight me to pay for it?” He asked, eyes crinkling above his mask.
“No,” you mused, “I’ve decided that if you want to pay for me that bad, that’s on you. As a matter of fact, why don’t you just buy me the whole shelf of desserts? Maybe all of the drinks too. Or just buy me the cafe. Whatever you want.”
He chuckled at you, shaking his head. “Maybe later. For now, I think a drink and a cat brownie are good.”
You shrugged. “Fine. But let me know when you’re ready to sign the real estate papers.”
Turning around to look for Felix, you found him sitting in a window seat tucked behind a circular coffee table reading something on his phone.
You dropped down next to him, back to the window, and had a mini heart attack when he instantly moved over to rest his head on your shoulder.
“Have you seen this?” He turned his phone so you could read it.
JYP Entertainment Signs On Full-time Caretakers
Earlier this morning, the company revealed that it would be signing on caretakers for a few of their bands. The caretakers’ names or identities were not released, but we did get a list of the bands. Each of these bands have substantial fanbases, so it will be interesting to see how they react to their favorite idols working with a caretaker.
What is caretaking and why would a K-pop band need a caretaker?
Caretaking, while it has become much more common within the last few years, has been around for decades. Usually, only the wealthy could afford them, but nowadays, several people can hire a part-time caretaker with just a click of a button on their phone. However, with a company as influential as JYPE, using the caretakers full-time seems to be the way to go.
The role of caretakers is to make sure that omegas are happy and content so that they don’t go into omega drop. While companies don’t always tell us why their artists go on hiatus, it is safe to assume that with their stressful jobs, there must have been some danger regarding omega drop, so it’s good that this company is taking their omegan artists’ health seriously.
You let out a noise somewhere between a laugh and a scoff. “Are they serious? They’re making a lot of guesses, and some of this is just straight up wrong.”
“What’s wrong?” Chan asked, showing up to the table and setting down a tray of drinks, along with the cat brownie.
He grabbed the drinks and set one in front of Felix and another in front of you, raising his eyebrows underneath his baseball cap as he sat down across from the two of you.
Felix slid his phone over to Chan. “This morning, the company released a statement about the new caretakers.”
Chan’s eyebrows furrowed. “Yeah? That’s not what’s wrong, is it?”
Felix tapped his phone to bring Chan’s attention to the screen. “This article is just being a bit weird about the whole caretaker thing.” Felix’s eyes shifted to the cat brownie. “Ah, you bought one for yourself?”
You smiled at him. “Well, it looks good, doesn’t it? But it seems a bit big. I’m not sure I could finish the whole thing on my own.”
He glanced between you and the brownie carefully.
“It’s a shame, too. I’d hate to waste food this good by throwing it in the trash.”
His lips pursed together.
“If only there was someone here who reminded me of brownies and cats that I could share it with.”
He huffed. “Hey, noona.”
“Yes?” You hummed.
He closed his eyes and slumped back into your shoulder. “Do you want to share it?”
You gasped theatrically. “Why, that’s a great idea! I can’t believe I didn’t think of it myself!”
You felt him shake with suppressed laughter as you moved the brownie over to cut it.
“Wait!” He yelped, sitting up. “Are you done with my phone?” He asked Chan.
Chan had finished reading the article by now and was watching you and Felix.
He straightened up and passed the phone back. “Yeah, I read it. God, that article. Well, hopefully people will know that that’s not the best source for information about our company or caretakers. I texted our managers, though, and they said it really doesn’t matter what one article says.”
You ran your fingers along your cup. “At least it’s not negative? It does say it’s good that the company is taking your health seriously. Of course, it would be better if they didn’t only mention omegas. All subgenders need caring for. Also, caretakers aren’t just there to prevent omega drop. That makes it sound like we just sit around and read magazines as long as omegas aren’t in danger of omega drop.”
“Hey.” You looked up as Chan reached across the table and took your hand from your cup, holding it in his. “We don’t think you’re just going to sit around reading magazines. We know you worked hard for this, you went to school for years and everything. No matter what people say about you or caretakers in general, we’ve got you.”
Felix looped his arms around your waist. “We’ve got you, noona.”
You squeezed Chan’s hand and ruffled Felix’s hair. “Thanks. I’m not taking it personally though, I just wish people wouldn’t make assumptions like that.”
Both of them nodded at you as you took off your mask, grabbed your drink, and took a sip. “Oh, shit. That’s good.”
They started cackling at your change in attitude when you remembered something from earlier. “Hey, Felix, what did you want to use your phone for?”
His eyes lit up. “Oh! I wanted to take a picture of the brownie and post it on bubble.”
He grabbed his phone and took a picture from above. However, he frowned at his phone one it was done.
“What is it?” You asked, taking another sip of your drink.
He shook his head. “There’s something missing…”
Felix glanced between you and the dessert and you tilted your head in confusion.
“Oh!” He clapped his hands together. “Noona, can I have your hand?”
You raised your hand for him and he took it without hesitation. He moved your hand and his to make a heart shape next to the brownie and took a picture with his other hand.
He brought the phone closer to his face, his freckles dancing as his eyes crinkled.
“Oh!” He looked up from his phone again. “Channie-hyung, did you want to be in the picture?”
Chan had moved his mask under his chin in order to drink his juice, so you could see his face as he smiled. “No, that’s alright Lix. Go ahead and post it.”
Felix nodded as he did just that and set his phone down. “Okay, now let’s see if it tastes as good as it looks!”
You smiled at his enthusiasm. “Sure thing! Will you pass me the knife, “‘“baby”’”?”
The two of you froze and blinked at each other before you realized that you should apologize. “Oh my god, I am so, so sorry. I should have asked to call you that and I didn’t-“
“No, no!” Felix said, waving his hands. “I actually really like being called that.” You couldn’t see much of his face since he still had his mask on, but as he handed you the knife, you could see the tops of his cheeks stretching like he was smiling.
You tightened your fingers around your drink, trying your best not to squeeze it too hard and have it explode on you. “Well, alright,” you replied, summoning your courage, “I guess I’ll have to call you that more often, then.”
Felix’s eyes widened a bit at your comment but before he could respond, Chan cleared his throat. “As much as I love this, we should be getting back to the company soon. You want to eat the cat now instead of taking pictures?”
Felix rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at Chan as you cut the cat into thirds.
“Three?” Chan asked, tilting his head in confusion.
You held up the knife dramatically. “If I don’t argue with you about paying, you don’t argue with me about eating.”
He ducked his head, adjusting his hat. “Ah, fine. Sure.”
You grinned and turned to Felix. “Youngest first, right?”
He shook his head at you. “No, no, you’re new here, you go first, noona.”
You shrugged at him. “Alright.” You picked up a forkful from your third of the cat and held it in front of him.
His eyebrows raised at you. “R-really?”
You narrowed your eyes. “Do you want me to make airplane noises too?”
Felix’s lips twitched up as he leaned forward and ate the brownie off your fork.
“Oh my god,” he groaned, “I love this.”
You took your own bite and instantly understood his reaction. “Holy shit. Did they put the secret to happiness in this or something?”
Chan wheeze-laughed at your antics before taking his own bite. He stopped laughing immediately and his eyes widened. “Wow.”
The three of you quickly finished the cat brownie, Chan and Felix having a mini battle with their forks at one point.
You left the cafe, making sure to remember the name, and walked back to the company the same as before, one arm looped through Chan’s and one hand holding Felix’s.
Once you got to the company building, Chan told you that there was a small meeting room that you would be going to in order to discuss Felix’s heat.
You and Felix followed Chan’s lead as you all piled into the elevator and made your way to a door labeled Meeting Room 32J.
The room itself was fairly plain and it obviously wasn’t in use much. The walls were completely bare, the table was plain black-painted wood with six seats, two on each long side and one on each short side. There were two windows on the back wall and that was about it for decorations.
You sat down on one of the long sides of the table, Chan and Felix across from you, and you all took your face masks off.
You noticed Felix shifting uneasily and thought about how to make him more comfortable. Reaching out your hand, you wrapped it around his own and he glanced up at you from where he’d been staring at the table.
“Hey, “‘“baby”’”,” you murmured, “do you want to take your scent blockers off? And have me and Channie take ours off too?”
He blinked at you before grinning and ducking his head. “Yeah, that sounds nice. Thanks, noona.”
You squeezed his hand. “Of course.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Chan smiling at you before he started peeling off Felix’s scent blocker with the ease of someone who had done it a thousand times.
Once he’d removed both Felix’s and his own, and you removed yours, Felix visibly relaxed at the blend of scents. With your earthy-floral scent, Chan’s eucalyptus, and Felix’s lemon dessert, the room was overtaken by a nice, sweet, nature-like aroma. You felt relief in your shoulders from tension you didn’t even know you were carrying and sank down in your seat a little.
Chan cleared his throat and sat forward, folding his hands in front of him. “So,” he started, “I’m going to be honest, I don’t know exactly what we need to talk about or how to talk about it, so if one of you two wants to start…”
You giggled. “Chan, I know you’re used to being the leader, but this isn’t my first time as a caretaker. I know what we have to talk about, and what boundaries we need to set, but if I have any questions about specifics regarding idol life and your company, I’ll definitely ask. Is it alright if I lead this meeting?”
His shoulders slumped as he exhaled. “Please do.”
You let go of Felix’s hand to dig through your bag and bring out your notebook and a copy of the band’s files. You flipped the page to the one with Felix’s information and slid the papers over to him.
“This is what they gave me about you and your heat. It’s not much, so we’ll definitely have to go over more specifics about what your heat is like and what you like to do before, during, and after it, but let’s make sure we prioritize. What are some things not in this file that you think I need to know? And the list can be as long or as short as you want it to be.”
Felix and Chan stared at you for a few moments with wide eyes.
You frowned at them and crossed your arms over your chest. “What?”
Felix blinked and read over the file while Chan shook his head at you. “You’re so… professional.”
You couldn’t help but snort at that. “Well, I have been trained for this and I’ve had clients before you, so I like to think that I’m pretty good at it.”
Chan smiled widely at you, showing off his dimples. “You are pretty good.”
You pursed your lips and turned to Felix. “So, anything stick out to you?”
A crease formed between his eyebrows and his fingers clenched slightly around the paper. “Well, I guess all this is true. I like to keep my nests very private. But, there’s a big difference between Hyunjin and I when we nest. That’s one of the benefits to us not having synchronized heats anymore.”
You tilted your head. “Anymore? You used to be synchronized and now you aren’t? What happened?”
Felix bit his lip and glanced at Chan. The alpha raised his hand and started to pet Felix’s back soothingly.
“When Hyunjin had his hiatus, I sort of… went into a surprise heat? A bad one. The doctors say it was basically halfway between a normal heat and an omega drop. So, that wasn’t fun. And Hyunjin’s occurred as scheduled, a couple weeks later. Then the company decided that it was easier to have just one omega in heat at a time. That way one of us can still do individual schedules and it’s easier for the others to take care of us when they’re only taking care of one omega. Plus, we discovered that it’s good to have a grounded omega taking care of an omega in heat.”
You nodded and wrote a few things in your notebook so you wouldn’t forget. “And do you like having separate heats?”
Felix frowned like he was uncertain about how to answer. “I… understand the reason why we have them separately. And I like getting to take care of Hyunjin properly during his heat.” He smiled tentatively. “Honestly, the best thing about separate heats is the nests.”
“Ah, the nests!” Chan giggled.
You couldn’t help smiling in response to their behavior. “What’s this about the nests?”
Felix shifted, rubbing his hands over his thighs repeatedly. “Well, Hyunjin and I don’t fight a lot. Not real fights, anyway, just little arguments. But when it comes to nest building and who is allowed in and where we build it…” His eyes widened like he was telling a ghost story around a campfire. “It’s not pretty.”
“That’s sort of ironic, given that’s it’s the two of you involved.” Chan smirked, brushing a strand of Felix’s hair behind his ear.
Said ear then reddened as Felix’s jaw dropped. “Hyung!”
“What?” Chan asked, a little too innocently.
Felix pursed his lips together and glared playfully at Chan until the alpha poked him in the ribs. “Pay attention, Lix. This is important.”
Felix sputtered back at him. “Wha- me? Hyung, you’re the one who- you pay attention!”
Chan snickered and Felix pouted as they both turned back to you.
You forced yourself to hold back a laugh at their contrasting expressions. “So, tell me more about the differences in your nests.”
Chan smiled at Felix fondly. “Well, for Lixie it’s basically all or nothing, but Jinnie is very particular.”
Felix nodded along. “Yeah, it’s sort of funny. I don’t even like people looking at my nest unless they have explicit permission, but once they get in it, I don’t really care where they sit or if they change the nest. Hyunjin, though,” The corners of his lips twitched. “He likes nesting in common spaces and anyone can go in and out as they please, basically. But, if you move a blanket or a pillow, he gets pretty offended. I still have nightmares about the last time that happened.” He said with a shudder.
Chan closed his eyes and smiled ruefully. “Ah, poor Jisungie. It wasn’t his fault that he tripped when Seungmin grabbed his ankle. It wasn’t even Seungmin’s fault since he was asleep when he grabbed him.” He slid his hands up to cover his face. “That was the worst fight they’ve ever had since they got over that whole ‘dance better, rap better’ thing.”
The corners of Felix’s lips twitched upwards like he was trying to hide a smile. “Even though the nest fight was almost completely one-sided.”
“Hyunjin was angry enough for the both of them.”
“He was angry enough for the eight of us! Do you remember what he did when we tried to defend Jisung?”
“I wish I could forget.”
You didn’t know exactly what they were talking about, but your imagination filled in the gaps of their story and you laughed along with them.
The three of you finally calmed down and you were able to return to the topic.
“So, Felix, you’ve told me you understand the reason you and Hyunjin have different heats, but do you actually prefer it or would you like to try and get in synch again?”
He glanced between you and Chan like he was uncertain. “I’m not really sure. I don’t think I have a preference, and if the company thinks separate heats are better, I’m fine with that.”
You nodded and jotted that down in your notebook. Then, you closed it and set it to the side. “Alright, I think it’s time we address another heat topic.”
“So.” You clapped your hands together and brought them down to rest on the table. “Sex.”
Felix’s jaw dropped as Chan choked. “What?” They gasped, almost exactly in unison.
You shrugged back at them. “Look, I know it can be a bit of an uncomfortable topic, and I know that especially with your career, you’re essentially taught to avoid any discussion of sexuality, but it is pretty important that we can talk about your sex lives comfortably, for you two and all of your members.”
Chan was the first to collect himself, though his ears still blazed. “Alright. What do you need to know?”
You met his gaze calmly and pushed out soothing hormones. “How would you characterize the relationship between everyone in your pack?”
He glanced at Felix before meeting your eyes again. “We’re all in a romantic polyamorous relationship.”
You nodded as more questions filled your brain. “Is everyone in your group dating all seven other members?”
“Are you all exclusive or does anyone have a relationship with someone outside of the group, either romantically or sexually?”
This time Felix piped up. “No, we’re all exclusive.”
“Okay.” You paused. “This is where it might get even more personal. If anything is too uncomfortable or if you don’t want me to know something, just say so and I’ll back off.”
Chan’s eyes widened. “Really?” His eucalyptus scent sharpened in surprise.
“Yeah, really.” You flashed an amused smile at him. “If you’re uncomfortable around me, that sort of defeats the purpose of having a caretaker, doesn’t it?”
“Huh, I guess it does.” Chan said, a smile forming on his face to match yours. “Ask away, then.”
You took a deep breath and got a heavy dose of eucalyptus scent. It calmed you instantly, the tension in your muscles fading away until it felt like you, Felix, and Chan had known each other for all your lives.
Get it together, you told yourself.
“Do you all have sex with each other?”
They both nodded stiffly in response.
“Alright. And you help each other through your heats and ruts in that way?”
You nodded and reached out to Felix, patting his hand gently. He grabbed your hand and began to massage your palm. “Okay, now the questions are going to be a little more focused towards you, “‘“baby”’”. Is that okay?”
He bit his lip and squeezed your hand. “Yeah, noona, I’m good.”
You smiled at him and pulled your notebook over, flipping to the page where you had written your checklist.
“Okay, so since we’re already talking about it, let’s just get it out of the way. How do you like your members to take care of you sexually during your heat? Do you like one person at a time or multiple people? Is sex your main priority when you’re in heat?”
Felix’s fingers twitched against yours and Chan reached over to rub his back. “Well, it really depends on the individual heat. I like having sex during my heat, but mostly I just want to stay close to my pack whether that’s sex or just cuddling. I don’t like being alone much and I really feel like the more the merrier, again, whether it’s sex or cuddling.”
You stroked your thumbs over his hand. “Good job explaining that to me, “‘“baby”’”.”
He blinked at you before ducking his head. “Really? Thank you.”
“Of course. Now, what does your preheat and postheat look like?”
Chan interjected. “Wait, postheat? What’s that? I thought that as soon as the heat was over, that’s it.”
You hummed thoughtfully. It wasn’t unusual that he wouldn’t know about postheat. Most omegas didn’t even know about it. “Postheat is when the heat is over, most omegas like to do a day or two of selfcare to allow their bodies and minds to get back to normal. It’s a bit overlooked, even by some omegas, especially the ones who are anxious to get back to the other parts of their lives. However, making sure your omega is happy during postheat is the best way to avoid omega drop.”
Chan’s eyes widened as he glanced between you and Felix. “Really? Oh, shit, I feel really bad about not knowing this.”
Felix shook his head and turned his face to Chan. “Hyung, you always take care of me and Jinnie even if you didn’t know. It’s not like you abandoned us once our actual heat was over. Also, I didn’t even know about postheat.”
You nodded along with Felix’s words. “Yeah, Chan, I only know because of my caretaking education. But you don’t really seem like the type of alpha to just leave your vulnerable omega to go get a coffee or something. Also, if you want, I can send you some academic articles on the best things to do during postheat and the things to avoid.”
He smiled shyly. “Ah, thank you. That would be great.”
You turned back to Felix. “So, preheat, postheat, what do you like during that time?”
His eyebrows furrowed as he considered your question. “Well, I like to make a nest during my preheat instead of waiting until my actual heat. I eat a lot of sweets. I actually like to bake a bit before and then I eat those.”
Chan giggled. “A bit? You bake enough to feed an army!”
Felix raised one hand defensively, the other still clinging to yours. “Hey, I can’t help it! It’s my deep, dark omegan instincts telling me I have to provide food or my dumbass alphas will starve.”
Chan laughed even more at that. “You know we can just order food, right? Or go grocery shopping? Also, I love your food but we can’t survive on just brownies for a week.”
Felix grinned at that. “I know that in my head. But the rest of me doesn’t really care about all that. Anyway.” He turned back to you. “My postheat is basically just cuddles and bath time. And more eating.”
“That sounds like a great routine,” you commented.
He nodded, smile going a little smug. “It is pretty great.”
“Oh, shit,” Chan blurted, looking at his phone. “It’s almost time to meet the others in the studio.” He studied yours and Felix’s interlocked hands. “Are we ready to head up, or do you want to talk more? I can tell them to wait if we need to stay.”
You shook your head and released Felix’s hand to stuff your notebook back into your bag. “Nope, I’ve got all the good stuff. If I remember anything else, I’ll just ask. Unless either of you wanted to ask me something?”
They had both stood up, ready to head out, but they paused at your question. Then, Felix raised his hand tentatively. “Are you going to be there during my heat? Or do you just wait until it’s over and take care of the other members in the meantime?”
You took a breath, considering what to say. Unfortunately, Chan had already put on a scent blocker, so you could barely smell the eucalyptus and it didn’t have the same effect as last time. “Well, it’s mostly up to you. If you feel comfortable with me by then and want me in your dorm, then I can hang around and take care of you, but if you don’t want me around at all, I totally understand and won’t be offended. We don’t have to decide right now, especially since you might not even know what your omega will want until it’s your preheat or your actual heat. So, take your time and think about if you want me there or not.”
Felix nodded, smiling at you as you both put on your scent blockers.
“Alright!” Chan clapped. “Are you ready to see where the magic happens?”
(Bold means I can’t tag you, sorry for the inconvenience!)
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lyramundana · 10 months
lyra lyra lyra because we talked about omegaverse –
wild, angry, possessive rut/heat sex between alpha!minho, alpha!reader/vivi and omega!jisung
i wanna see the two alphas fucking each other stupid and jisung getting off majorly on watching and being dragged in between them 😵‍💫
Lucky for you, I already imagined an omegaverse au with Vivi, so I have plenty to share~
My girl can only be an alpha, sorry but that's how it is. It's her nature, and that gives an extra reason of why she and Minho clash so much. They're both territorial, stubborn and pride themselves in their authority over others. Minho doesn't take it kindly when people try to touch what's his, and when Vivi wants something, she gets it at any cost. And in this case, Jisung is what she wants.
(this got way longer than anticipated, so beware)
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Warnings: Established polyamorous relationship, omegaverse, 2 alphas and 1 omega, angry sex, penetration, unprotected sex (no hat, no party), voyeurism, subtle PDA, third pov perspective, not entirely reliable narrator, spit, nipple stimulation (f! receiving) switch minho, switch oc! (they both try to dominate the other), sub! jisung, boy x boy action, some verbal degradation
It's not easy at first and it's obvious to everyone the two alphas only co-exist for Jisung's sake, since he claimed them both as his mates and they're way too possessive to let go of him. But they're not friends, Hell, they can barely spend five minutes in the same room without insulting and attacking each other. The tension is always thick with them around and people unconsciously drift away from them in fear for turning into "collateral damage".
It's all a competition with the two of them, specially when it comes to their beloved Omega. When heat/rut comes, that time of the year they spent weeks locked in a room and fucking Hannie until he faints, they push each other, trying to overdo the other in terms of hickeys and orgasms, seizing their bite marks so they're bigger than the other. At the end, Jisung's body is just a canvas covered in red, purple and yellowish bruises, with two big bite marks on his neck, proudly displayed. Luckily, this rivalry means Jisung is always twice as spoiled and cared for than anyone, and overall treated like a prince, provoking the envy from some Omegas.
At first sight, one would think the love only goes for Jisung and the other two hate each other. And to some extent, it is true. Even Jisung believed this, much to his sadness.
Until that night.
They were hanging out with their friends in their regular club. Dressed for the occasion, a couple of disagreements before leaving the house (guess from who), spicy compliments that definitely held a second meaning and sitting in their own corner with a table full of drinks and snacks. It was enjoyable.
They were mostly Jisung and Minho's friends, although Vivi got along with them just fine and was seemingly having fun chatting. Of course, her and Minho couldn't stay five minutes without bickering about something, but at least they weren't beating each other into pulps (Jisung already witnessed that, and as hot as it was, he didn't like them injured). Minho had one arm wrapped around his shoulders and Vivi at his other side, hand comfortable placed in his thigh.
Then, someone complained about a few empty bottles and Vivi offered to go and refill them herself. She stood up the table, "accidentally" kicking Minho out of her way, which earned a low growl from the older and a mocking chuckle from her part. While the rest kept talking, Jisung couldn't help but admire her backside as she retreated, the delicious skin exposed with the open cut in the damn back dress, ending right before her ass started.
He felt Minho's fingers twitching in his shoulders, and when he turned to look at him, he found something...weird to say the least. The alpha's eyes were fixed on Vivi's figure as she walked, eyes dark and focused with a feeling akin to anger, which wasn't surprising. But as Jisung looked closer, he also noticed a predatory glint in them. It reminded him of how Minho looked at him during his rut. A wolf watching his chosen prey, calculating the best moment to sink his fangs into helpless creature.
It was the first time Jisung saw that glance directed at someone else, and the last person he expected. That's what convinced him that he was just overanalyzing things. There was no way Minho looked at Vivi with anything remotely positive, at least as far as he knew. Yeah, he was most likely imagining things, but well, one could hope, right?
He doesn't recall how much timed passed, probably some minutes, but he was already light-headed when talking to Felix, both of them discussing the complexity of pigeons' lives and how fascinating they were. Minho had dissapeared to the bathroom for a moment, leaving him unsupervised, so really it was his fault. When he returned, he stared at the table with a frown.
-She hasn't returned yet? -he looked at his watch, then at Jisung's empty sides.
The boys looked around too.
-I don't think so.
-There's a shit ton of people, maybe she's struggling to get through. - Felix shrugged his shoulders. - And it's harder while carrying drinks.
Jisung worried a bit, but quickly recomposed. Knowing Vivi, she would growl at anyone that got in her way and step over them if necessary. She would be fine.
But for some reason, Minho only frowned deeper. He turned his head on all directions, looking almost frantically for something. Jisung noticed how his eyes got lighter and his sharp fangs started to grow.
He was activating his hunting senses. He usually did it when they were in big crowds and one of them accidentally strayed too far from the group, so he could find them quickly. But why would he activate them now? They were all okay, and Vivi would come back soon. Weird...
Then Changbin called their attention.
-Hold on, I see her. She's right there..oh, and she got my favourite! I love her!
Jisung turned at the direction and there she was, a tray filled with drinks in her hand and the other fixing her collar. She was talking to the bartender, who was casually leaning against the counter and explaining something. They were both smiling, acting like they knew each other.
Jisung could sense the guy was an alpha too, his pheromones were pretty damn recognizable. He exuded confidence and strenght, but unlike Minho, his aura felt softer and more aproachable at first sight.
He felt something churn in his chest at the sight of Vivi giggling at his comments and clearly in no hurry to return. He knew it was stupid. He carried her mark his neck, imprinted in his skin for the world to see. There should be no doubt who she wanted.
Before he could say anything, he heard Felix gasping quietly besides him and grab his arm. Then Jisung felt it too. A thick, low growl sounded next to him and made him want to hide under the table.
Minho had his fists clenched on his pants, eyes darker than ever and fixed on the bartender. He clicked his tongue with a humourless smile and walked towards them with long steps.
-Uh oh, that doesn't look good - Changbin muttered.
Jisung stared at his boyfriend, wary and confused. He had the exact same face when someone flirted with Jisung, or he flirted with them, or when he was in danger. A gaze that promised a very uncomfortable time to whoever poor soul was involved.
He didn't knew if it was for Vivi or the bartender this time, but one thing was clear: He needed to hear it himself, so he stood up quickly and aproached them, just enough to listen without being seen.
-Having fun, I see. - Minho stopped right in front of them. Vivi muttered some curses while the other alpha looked at him curiously.
-What do you want? -she barely concealed her annoyment.
He scoffed, crossing his arms at her with a forced grin.
-Seriously? So this is why you offered to refill the drinks, to flirt with a random guy? You're really something else.
-For fuck's sake, Minho, we're just having a normal conversation. Can't I do anything without your input?
-Normal converstation? You look ready to throw yourself at him. What is it? You stop being the centre of attention for five minutes and start acting like a whore? -he let out an humourless chuckle.
Jisung wanted to bang his head against the counter. What the hell? Couldn't he speak without putting his foot in his mouth? That was too much even for him.
Vivi clenched the tray, eyes darker too and full of murderous intent. Suddenly, the other alpha growled at him and pushed him back with a hand on his chest.
-Hey, back the fuck off, dude. We were just chatting, no need to be an asshole. - he shook his head. - No wonder she prefers my company tho, if this is what awaits her back there.
Vivi threw him an intense glare, making him confused, and Minho turned his head at him slowly. The tension turned so thick out of a sudden that Jisung felt he couldn't breathe. It seemed to be the same for the rest, since people started to move further from the three.
-The fuck did you say, dipshit? -his voice sounded scarily calm.
-Minho, that's enough. Leave. -she grabbed his arm anxiously, and he didn't pull back. Jisung didn't recall them touching each other unless it was to fight or accidental.
-I said that I understand she preferred to stay here, given your psycopathic attitude. Guys like you don't know how to treat alpha women like they deserve.
Minho laughed mockingly.
-Oh, let me guess, you do?
-Better than you, definitely. I would be more than glad to prove it. - he gave her a knowing look. Her eyes widened.
Everything happened in a flash, but Jisung remembers how Minho growled loudly and how he held the other alpha by the throat, pressing him against the very same counter. There were gasps and whispers around them.
His face was distorted to show his true side, the wolf side. Eyes twinkling in black, covering the entire pupil, and fangs fully out, showing them in a snarl. The other boy mirroring his stance, both glaring at each other and struggling. Their pheromones were so strong it got everyone who wasn't an alpha move away in fear, even Jisung felt the need to escape.
-Say that again, you son of a bitch. I dare you.
-Go fuck yourself. You barged here, acting like a dick, and expect me to bow down to you? She should give you the boot and be with someone at her level.
-She doesn't need anyone else. She knows better, so shut your mouth before I break it.
-Why? Because it hurts your ego?
-Because I'll fucking kill anyone she dares to leave me for.
Jisung can't hear anything after.
There's...so much he has to process. So much signals in just a few seconds.
"Leave me". Not him, or us. "Me".
Like she's actually his, not just a third-party or the "homewrecker". He speaks of the possibility of her leaving like it'll affect him too, beyond what Jisung would feel.
Then a sudden realization hits him: This isn't a first time thing.
Just how long has this been going on under his nose? How could he not see it?
And most importantly, what is this warm feeling growing inside his chest?
Vivi finally intervenes, stepping between them and yanking Minho backwards with harsh force. She bares her own fangs and flashing eyes the moment they try to growl at her, asserting her dominance too.
-I said enough. You're embarrassing yourselves. -she glares at Minho. - You just don't know when to stop, don't you? I can't so much breathe without you ruining it.
She walks away from them, towards the bathrooms hall, leaving the drinks behind. Minho doesn't waste a second before following her hurriedly, annoyed. Jisung does the same, if only to get them alone and ask them what the fuck was that.
There was a problem, however: Their legs were longer than his and he soon lost sight of them. He guided himself through the smells, until he found them again, both standing strangely close and speaking in angry voices. Minho's agressive pheromones were still coming off waves from his body, but Vivi didn't even blink, holding his piercing eyes with her usual defiance.
-I just can't believe you pulled that shit, Lee. God, how can you be so inmature?
-I'm sorry for interrupting your eye-fucking session with the guy.
-For fuck's sake, Minho, there wasn't any "fucking"! I just had him refill the bottles and then he started to talk to me. I wasn't going to be a rude bitch and push him off, like you do. -she scoffed. - Besides, he was being ten times nicer than you've ever been. It's rare to find such chemistry with another alpha male, you know? So forgive me for indulging him.
Minho doesn't like that comment, which it's obvious when he pushes her against a wall with a low growl. She stumbles at the shove but quickly recomposes herself, laying her weight against the wall with her arms crossed. Like having Minho caging her like that, faces inches away from hers, is completely normal. Jisung never understood her nonchalantly in these cases (he always crumbled when Minho acted like that) but her indifference was very hot too.
-Shut the fuck up. We both know that whiny bitch wouldn't have met your high standards. - he relaxes a bit.- And you're utterly incapable of looking at anyone but Jisung, which I respect.
-If you know that already, what was that about? I'll never betray him, so why-
-And me? What about me, uh? Would it be easier for you to betray me, then?
She looks bewildered at first, then wary, with some kind of understanding in her eyes.
-Minho...-she sighs.
-He was devouring you with his filthy eyes, like he had any right to do so. -he gritted his teeth, his fists clenching next to both sides of her head. - And you were letting him-shit, i can still smell him.
-I don't care if he wants me. I know where my place is, as you so kindly told him. -she replies acidly. - I'm not interested in fucking someone else. It's just, well, it felt nice to get along so well with a male alpha for once. To not be constantly "faring my teeth", expecting an attack or an insult to defend myself from. -she sighs, sounding more tired. - Simply talking to someone that understands me in ways others can't, with no violence.
Silence reigns in the hall, and Jisung feels his chest constrict at her words. He's so used to see her fighting Minho back, see her so confident and allmighty...he never considered she might felt a bit lonely. That ,maybe, she craved that sense of comradery with other alphas, that mutual understanding that only comes from those who are like you. Who share your same instincts and body functions.
Something Jisung couldn't give her, and Minho never tried to.
The older male seems thoughtful for a bit, his frown even softening a little. He breathes on her mouth.
-You don't need others for that, specially not men. -his voice is low, almost a whisper, and his eyes don't move from hers. - I'm right here.
His fingers move to brush a strand of hair from her face. Her shoulders tense.
-And you know -his nose brushes her ear as his fingers trace the veins of her neck. - how well we understand each other. -She doesn't move, just blinks at him.
Jisung can't.fucking.breathe.
What the fuck is this?!
He feels his skin getting warmer and warmer, his palms sweaty and his throat dry. It's like the world is spinning around him, deadly fast, and he can't keep up. He's receiving too many signals, too many messages in a too short time, and his half-drunk ass brain can't process them all.
"and you know how well understand each other"
It could've been sarcastic, that would've been Jisung's assumption, considering their relationship. But that was before he saw Minho's reaction to that bartender, before seeing Vivi touching him in a comforting gesture and Minho accepting it.
Before seeing this scene in front of him. This...whatever it's happening right now.
Jisung has seen those gazes in their eyes a handful of times, and it's always directed at him. The hunger and the heavy breathing, usually as they both wreck him to tears. In his most secret fantasies, he can pretend they look at each other like that too.
Maybe he's in a dream right now?
His eyes are fixed in them, barely blinking, in case he mixes a crucial second. The two dominant beasts keep staring into each other's eyes, enganging in a silent battle for who's weaker. However, the way their mouths brush, Minho's slow fingers and Vivi's mid-open lips, it feels less like an argument and more like..a prelude for something else.
Jisung feels the blood rush to his dick at a worrying speed. His pants get tighter and uncomfy as they continue to seize each other with that fucking bedroom eyes. He has no other definition.
He's faint when he sees Vivi's arm sliding up to Minho's neck, hugging him by the shoulders, as the other grabs his belt.
-Min..-she whispers, her lips brushing his as she speaks, and both men take deep, shaky breaths. She looks at him in wonder.
Then her mouth moves next to his ear, teeth nibbling the skin.
-A whore, you said?
And her knee collides against Minho's very delicate zone, inmediatly making him jump away from her. Even Jisung flinches in ghost pain, shocked.
Holy shit, what was that about?!
While Minho groans in the floor, face all scrunched up and furrowed eyebrows, Vivi crouchs next to him and snarls.
-Call me a whore again and I'll kick them all the way to your guts -she spits out.- Fucking asshole.
She stood up and left the hall hurriedly with angry steps, the clicking of her heels resonating in the now quiet, unmoving hall.
Jisung stood in the dark, his croch now completely soft again, and frozen. Minho muttering curses as he stood up caught his attention and he eventually ran to him, pretending he didn't witness anything.
-Hyung, what happened? I lost you guys in the crowd, and when I finally find you I see her leaving with smoke coming out her nose and you here. What the hell? -he grabs him by his arms, pushing him up and worriedly checking between his legs. He hopes there's not an irremedable damage...
Minho growls at her mention and hastily brushes Jisung off, now cursing loudly.
-Fucking bitch -he readjusted his shirt. - She and her twisted little games. Ohh, when I get my hands on her again, she better pray..
-The only one who's going to pray it's you. -Minho stared at him, confused. -What? You think I didn't see what you did to that poor man? I'm pissed, Lee Minho. You ruined our night with your shit again, so pray that the couch is specially comfy and warm tonight.
The alpha's eyes widen almost comically. Almost, because Jisung can't find it in himself to see anything comically now.
Before he tries to explain himself, Jisung leaves to follow Vivi's trail. Definitely not thinking about that weird, intense display from earlier. Yep, definitely not remembering. It was probably a misunderstanding from the alcohol, yeah.
That said, he couldn't help but pay a bit more attention to his partners since that night.
Initially nothing seemed different. The usual bickering, the backhanded compliments, the pranks aimed to hurt rather than laugh, the shattered furniture from their fights, the noise complaints from neighbours. There was nothing about them that could lead anyone to think they felt anything other than hatred for each other. Jisung started to assume he imagined everything back in the club, that the alcohol messed up with this senses.
But there were these tiny details, rare and hard to notice unless you were looking closely, that triggered his observational skills. Like when he caught them once in the kitchen, heatily arguing about what they should eat that day. It wasn't anything strange...except for Minho's slender fingers playing with the belt loop of her jeans as she spoke, and her own hands grasping the front of his sweater.
Or how insistent was Minho about undoing her bra strings with her shirts on, as another antic to annoy her. It wasn't weird for him to use all the tricks in his book to piss her off, but Jisung finally realized how often he relied on that particular one. And most curiously, how Vivi's reactions seemed more amused than irritated. Or the way she always picked on when Minho's shirt collar was off and took it upon herself to fix it, even if grumpily and still commenting how horrible he looked.
When they had sex, everything was a competition and Jisung the playground. They focused mostly on driving his mind to new limits with pleasure and leave him shaking in the bed, trying to outdo the other in who could pull more orgasms out of the omega, or who got the best reactions from him. This tended to include attacking each other in the duration of it, which meant biting and scratching the other until the skin was covered in bruises and even blood sometimes. In the haze of his overstimulated mind, Jisung struggled to remember the exact moments when this happened, and it's not like he didn't leave his own share of marks on them too, so he couldn't be sure which was his and theirs.
Regardless, he couldn't help but question their fixation for always bruising each other, one way or another. In and outside the bedroom.
Truly, it was only a matter of time that the truth was exposed for Jisung. And in a quite interesting way.
He was out for some emergency shopping for his partners' upcoming rut, leaving them at home fighting for the TV remote control. Just when he was paying for the stuff, he got a message for one of his neighbours and sighed tiredly. They only had each other's numbers to talk about important matters about the apartment building...or to complain to Jisung about the noise from his flat, usually caused by his partners.
"Mr Han, I understand that, as young people, you tend to have certain physical needs and enjoy satiating them with your lovers, but could you please do it a bit more quietly? My ears would very much appreciate it. Please and thank you"
Jisung could perfectly imagine her passive agressive voice as she said that. He chuckled at it, shaking his head and closing the phone.
But wait, what? What "intimate activities" she was talking about? He was out of the house and as far he was concerned, Minho and Vivi were the only ones there.
"They must be breaking stuff again. Jeez" It happened more often that he'd like. They never held back on their "disagreements" and they ended up ruining furniture more than once. Broken glass, thrown down chairs, cracks in the walls, etc.
He told them he'll take longer to go back home, since he also wanted to get some coffee first, but he decided to return inmediatly this time, leaving the drinks behind. He was sick of replacing his stuff because of their lack of self-control, and he also refused to suffer another embarrasing lecture from the landlord.
As Jisung went up the stairs to his apartment, he distinguished the noises of bodies repeteadly colliding against the wall and things falling down the ground, either dragged or kicked out of the way. He wouldn't be susprised they were actually throwing stuff at each other.
When he got to the door, however, he had a strange feeling in his chest. He looked back at all those small details he picked on between them for the past weeks, and that very particular interaction in the club that he still wasn't totally sure it happened.
His hand moved the doorknob slowly, finding what appeared the aftermath of a battle inside, and he felt his body pressure go down abruptly. Chairs thrown to the floor, furniture moved out of place, collisions on the wall, the usual...along with a pair of shorts and a crumpled shirt. Both clothes seemingly tore open, like they were ripped off crudely.
But that wasn't the only reason his heart suddenly stopped, choking him. No. It was the loud, angry growls coming from the bedroom, followed by some occasional moans.
With trembling legs, he walked in that direction, slowly and quietly to not be detected. On the way, he found a belt, Minho's pants and the crop top Vivi had been wearing before he Jisung left. Or what was left of them, now turned into shreds of cloth.
A familiar angry voice sounded from the bedroom.
-Watch it, asshole, this is one of my favourite p-ah! -she stopped halfway to moan.
-Shut it. You shouldn't be wearing anything, then I wouldn't have to tear it off. - Minho. He sounded breathless, urgent even, but Jisung knew every note of his voice to feel his smirk as he talked.
They spoke in rushed tones, clashing against something as they did. She chuckled.
-Please, still with excuses? You're a fucking animal. Even if I walked around naked, you'll lunge at me to sink your-
Minho growled and Jisung distinctively heard another thud, harder than the previous one.
-You really can't keep your mouth shut, right? -his voice sounds muffled by something. - Not even now.
She let out a pained moan, making Jisung's jeans even tighter around his dick.
-Mhm, if only there was something to occupy my mouth with~ -she giggled breathlessly. This time it was Minho who laughed, with that raspy voice of his from when he's very turned on.
-You're a fucking slut, I always knew. -he sighed, followed by a serie of wet, smooching sounds.
Jisung felt his head bobbling to the side and his feet melting on the floor. His fingers twitched as his member pulsed inside his boxers, fighting the urge of grasp it in his hand and aliviate himself.
He still wasn't 100% sure his brain wasn't making this up, after all.
-And yet your dick is throbbing inside this slut. -her voice becomes a sultry whisper.
Minho groaned, and Jisung's hand pushed the door slowly before he could think.
And what he saw made his knees almost give up on him.
Vivi's sweaty, bruised body pressed against the wall, the dresser digging into her lower back. She had fingerprints on her hips, dark and purple and painfully looking. Her bra was ripped from one side, exposing her right boob, while the other remained half-covered by the part that wasn't obviously mistreated. Her panties, or what was left of them, hanging from her thigh. Cuts and teeth marks painted her skin, some even bleeding a bit, but she didn't seem the slighest of bothered by it, smirking down at the equally sweaty and bruised male holding her up as he mouthed down at her neck hungrily.
Minho had his own skin decorated with red, angry lines on his back left by her sharp nails and bite marks all over his body. A hand keeping a vice grip under her knee as the other grabbed her by the waist, leaving his fingertips imprinted on her in dark, purple lines by how harshly he was grabbing her. His hips were trapped between her legs, grinding against her with slow but strong movements, as he trapped her against him tightly, almost strongly enough to cut her breath.
Jisung feels his throat go dry at the visual confirmation that, indeed, Minho's thick cock is throbbing inside Vivi's cunt. He watches as it pushes in and all the way out of her wet, inviting hole, her delicious essence dripping to the floor and enveloping Minho's hard member in a slippery sheen. Jisung licked his lips instinctively at the image, eager and craving to taste both of his favourite treats together.
Then it dawns him, within the fog of horniness and desire, that holy shit they're actually doing it, they're fucking each other what the hell-
Vivi lets out a gasp and pulls Minho's head back from her neck by grabbing his hair. He groans in protest, but has a satisfied grin on his face.
-You son of a bitch, you seriously tried to mark me?? -she seethes, her worlds trembling in anger and desire, her lips brushing his.
His grin grows more sinister.
-Like you wouldn't like me doing it, you slut. -he nuzzles her collarbone, letting his sharp teeth caress her skin.
She growls and pushes herself off the wall, making Minho's stumbling backwards and towards the bed. He quickly grabs her thighs to keep her up, before breathing sharply when she nibbles her earlobe, licking it after.
-God, I'm going to fucking destroy you. -he groans, and his voice sounds so deep and raspy it makes Jisung's painfully hard cock start leaking in his pants. Whenever that voice comes out of Minho, it means Jisung is going to get fucked mercilessly for the alpha's sole pleasure, and his body has the reminders of it impregnated in his cells.
In a swipe movement, Minho turned her around and fell into the bed with her still in his arms, caging her body against the matress and devouring her mouth, ripping off the rest of her already destroyed underwear. A messy fight for dominance begins, like everything that goes on between them, with tongues and spit and wet sounds along with the skin colliding against each other. She finishes getting rid of his boxers, and Jisung knew he couldn't get any harder.
His hand was squeezing the head of his cock before his brain could process it was happening, pants undone and boxers right on his knees, hastly discarded just enought to let his hand in. His eyes rolled back white at the so needed relief, biting his lip painfully to keep a high-pitched moan inside his mouth, along with his growing drool.
A loud slap echoed in the room, followed by a whine and some thrashing in the sheets.
-Aw, there she is. Are you going to make those adorable sounds I like so much? -he grinned against her lips, a string of saliva connecting them. He traced her mouth with enraptured attention as the other travelled slowly from her ass to her inner thighs. She groaned with a pout, hitting him with her knee to push him, making him tsk and sigh dramatically. -I guess not now.
-Stop talking and fuck me already. It's all you're good for. -her tone was exactly the same kind of annoyed as when she spoke to him usually, but there was also this underlayed impatience and desesperation in it that told a different story. That, and the way her legs wrapped around his waist to lock him in place.
He chuckled, almost delighted.
-So you admit my dick is good enough? -he nibbled her lips. -Looks like we're progressing.
She groaned and tried to slap him. He caught her wrist mid-air, his cheeky smile fading off and replaced by a furious scowl. He grabbed both of her hands and pressed them to both sides of her head.
-Ungrateful, insolent bitch. You don't deserve my dick inside you. I should've-
She shifted her weight to her legs and switched positions, trapping him underneath her with his waist still between her knees. Before he could verbalize his surprise, she grabbed his throat.
-Minho -she sighed as her nails drew some blood in his neck. He groaned.- Shut the fuck for once, would you?
And she proceeds to ride him at an inhuman speed.
He started to let raspy ah's as she picked up her pace, throwing his head back as a a sheen of sweat became visible on his forehead and broad chest, which was also covered in bloody scratches. She moaned in pure satisfaction, burying her head on his shoulders and biting. She continued to fuck herself on him, keeping him inmovilized from his hips and down.
-Look at you now, so c-compliant and cute. This is-fuck!-is how you should be everyday.
-I swear to God, Vivi, let me-oh shit-let me move or else.
-Or what?
That was it. Jisung knew at that moment that porn was ruined for him forever. Nothing, not even his most recurrent fantasies, would ever compare to this absolute wonder his eyes were witnessing. He tried to match the tempo of his own strokes to that of Vivi's hips as Minho's dick kept dissapearing inside her, his pre-cum already falling in drops to the floor and staining his jeans. He bite back a moan at the image, eyes growing wet at the overwhelming emotions and pleasure.
Then, Minho growled and wrapped an arm around her back, while the other sneaked in between their bodies. She whined in protest, fighting to break off his grip, until her eyes widened and she let out a sinful mewl. He chuckled darkly, and Jisung held his breath when he realized the older alpha's fingers rubbing her clit.
-Oh? Where did all that bravery go, kitty? You were so high up there..
-Oh my god, finally! Don't stop, Minho. Don't you fucking dare to stop, or I'll rip out your throa-ah!
Her head fell on the pillows beside his head, gripping his shoulders as she turned into a moaning mess, but Minho wasn't much better, letting out a series of curses and groans himself. Vivi threw a choked scream as her legs trembled, her wetness dripping unto Minho's hand and his cock. He followed shortly after, biting her neck hard and closing his eyes shut, while his release leaked from her cunt and got mixed with her own essence. Jisung came seconds later, gagging himself with his shirt to not be heard and even letting a single tear run down his cheek.
In the process, the vice grip of her legs softened and allowed Minho to move, which he didn't waste a second for as he wrapped his arms around her and switched positions again, this time with her underneath. He grabbed her wrists with one hand, the other still occupied with her reddened clit.
Jisung couldn't fucking believe it. Already? Didn't they have any refraction period or something? There was no way they recovered that fast!
But apparently they were. She hugged his hips with her legs, fixing her posture while pushing him closer to her, until their fronts were glued together. The realization that they never let Minho's dick separate from her pussy not even few inches made Jisung's head burn.
Worse? He could see the outline of the alpha's still hard cock in her fucking belly, as he rocked into her again.
She sleazed her right leg towards his shoulder and he rushed to held it in place. His other han gripped her hips viciously, leaving more fingerprints shaped bruises in her skin, but she didn't seem to notice. He slowed down his thrusts to shift his posture and the new angle brought another delicious mewl out of her.
-Fuck yeah, t-there it is. Am I-ah!-hitting it right, princess?
-Holy shit, yes! Rig-hnng-right there, Min. Keep going!
The bed started to move wildly with them, the wood creaking getting louder and louder, and the constant banging of the frame against the wall almost mutting their own noises. Jisung didn't dare to think what the neighbour might be thinking now. Maybe she was punching the door to complain and they didn't hear it.
Unfortunately, Jisung couldn't bring himself to give a single fuck about her comfortability or her poor, conservative ears at the moment.
He was already spent, still half-floating in his post-nut haze. His dick couldn't get hard again, not that quick at least, so he remained watching them, memorizing every single angle and sound they made together.
They stopped talking altogether, not even to argue. They fucked each other like they were fighting, trying to get the upper hand over the other, a race for dominance and authority that left nothing but chaos behind. Jisung loved the show, but he knew his Omega body wouldn't resist the agressive, blood-thirsty handling they had going on.
The female alpha's sharp nails got entangled on Minho's hair and pulled viciously, her other hand scratching his lower back, getting near his butt. Suddenly, she slapped them.
Minho gasped at the sting, slowing down his movements for a bit, only to let out a deep growl and squeeze her even harder against his body, not even a wheeze of air fitting between them. His fangs made contact with her shoulders and sunk them in, making her whine and fidget in his hold. His hands begin to play with her nipples, which Jisung just noticed had teeth mark around it (when did that happen??), twisting them and even mouthing them, letting his spit fall into the skin.
-I hate you so much -she panted.
-Yeah? You do? -he was just as breathless,
-You can't even imagine. -she bite his neck, sucking a big bruise in it, along with the many others she left.
-Aw, princess. -their lips brushed. -I hate you more.
Their lips collided with hunger, and Jisung's cock started to grow interested again. Tongues sucking on each other and joining the cacophony of wet sounds filling the bedroom.
Of course, she wouldn't be the alpha Jisung adored if she gave up without a fight. She sunk her nails right on Minho's buttcheeks, using them as leverage to seize his thrusts, and licked his ear. He panted, biting her nipples harder and breathing sharply through the nose. Then she pushed both of them, until they were both sitting with her on top of his lap. Her hands grasped his wrists, pressing them behind him as she took control over the situation again. He tried to argue, but his voice died quickly when her own fangs caught the skin of his neck again, right where his pulse was.
Her hips kept rutting against his, too fast for Jisung to even think, making Minho moan and sigh in delight.
-W-wait, Vivi, shit, slow d-down for fuck's sake! I'm...
His whole body freezed suddenly, his back going all rigid and his eyes closed shut. He buried his nose into her chest, breathing in deeply, as his hips began to shook violently and spurts of white started to drip down to the sheets. Again.
He panted heavily, blinking to focus again. But she didn't stop. She wrapped her arms tightly around his shoulders and let out a high-pitched moan.
-A little more, please, I-oh my god- I'm almost-
She screamed, her body trembling too as she cames, a gush of wetness soaking Minho's pelvis and the sheets underneath. He held her firmly against him, their foreheads pressed together. They had drops of sweat running down their skin, hair plastered on their faces, lips all wet and mistreated. Minho's hand traced imaginary lines on her waist, and she lazily counted the hickeys around his skin.
They looked like an erotic painting, one Jisung could have only imagined before today, and that he wanted to capture in his brain for the rest of his life.
They laid back on the bed, facing each other, and their sexes still connected because obviously.
Out of sudden, Vivi started to giggle.
-What now, brat? -Minho asked annoyed, his voice raspy with post-orgasm exhaustion. Curiously, his face didn't seem as bothered as he sounded.
-Nothing~ -he raised his eyebrows at her, and she relented. - Just remembering how you actually ended up ruining my clothes, so now you'll have to buy me everything new.
He scoffed.
-Please, I was joking. Like hell I'll spend my money on you. -he rubbed his eyes.- I don't owe you shit.
-Oh, screw you, Minho. -she attempted to move away, his cock slipping out of her, but he grabbed her quickly and groaned.
-What are you doing? Stay right the fuck here. -he said almost petulantly, hugging her by the waist and adjusting her posture so his softening (it better be softening) member didn't get out.
-Are we sure Jisung is the clingy one here? Jeez -she had a small smile that Minho couldn't see from his angle.
The room reeked of sex, sweat and intense alpha pheromones. In short, the kind of domestic smell Jisung would gladly get home to every single day for the rest of his life.
-Well, ignoring the few accidentally broken stuff, we didn't do so bad this time, right? -she said, playing with Minho's fingers mindlessly.
-Yeah, I think-
He was interrupted by a loud noise: The bed frame collapsing beneath them and the posts shattering completely.
Jisung felt his eye twitch, arousal slowly fading in favour of anger.
Silence reigned in the room for a moment.
-You better drop that fucking grin off before I slap it, Lee Minho.
-What? I am not!
-I literally feel your mouth in my neck, I know what you're doing!
-Just say you're obsessed with my mouth and be done with it.
She let out a loud, exasperated sigh, making him chuckle more. He kissed the back of her earlobe, the softest gesture Jisung saw of him directed to someone else. She leaned back into it, like it was normal.
-This is nice. -she whispered to herself, but both men heard.
-What do you mean? -he asked in the same tone, his lips tracing the back of her throat. She looked startled.
-Nothing, forget it.
She looked away, dropping his fingers to fidget with the sheets instead.
-This, what we're doing now, it feels nice. -she traced imaginary lines in the matress. -It feels like you don't hate me that much, and I like it.
Now the anger moves to let the heartbreak in. Jisung has the urge to run to her and smooch her face all over, anything to not hear that sad voice from her ever again.
He looks at Minho, and his heart clenches when he sees the same sadness in his eyes, focused on her.
-You idiot -he muttered, shaking his head. -You big, incredible idiot. -he caged her with his body and kissed the bite mark on her neck, one Jisung hadn't seen before.- Can you not see it?
-I'm yours already.
Taglist (my fellow minsung girlies): @skzms @2chopsticks2eyes @linlinaert @queenmea604 @hanjisunglover @hanjibug @hyunsvngs @minsungisvreal @k-krissten @roseykat @mal-lunar-28 @thightswideforhanin (please tell me if i forgot someone, i'm really bad at tagging)
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idwsonicnews · 1 year
Preview Page for Sonic the Hedgehog #59
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Script: Evan Stanley
Line Art: Adam Bryce Thomas
Colors: Valentina Pinto
Letters: Shawn Lee
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