#omg my dear followers who know video editing PLEASE
kayluh1915 · 1 year
can we get the ianthony kisses from kiss currency YouTube video?
I think new ianthony shippers need to be remind of that video?
please and thank you.
psssst, disclaimer…
Oh, absolutely! Given the recent influx of new shippers, I think it's important to bring up a lot of other important moments, not just the kiss(es)! There are plenty more where these come from, but the following are just my favorites in no particular order!
The First and Second Kiss Password to the second kiss video is: ianthony
You heard me right, folks! There actually were three kisses, but one of them was a head kiss (later in the list). It's just as cute as the other two, but if we're talking lip kisses, there's only two of those... for now😉
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only a picture for the second one because the video file sucks which in turn makes a horrid quality gif.
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The Ass Smack
Dude, I remember this blew my mind when it happened the first time. This happened a few months before the first kiss so this was probably the biggest moment that had happened in the fandom at the time. I remember us not being able to shut up about it!
He did slap Ian's ass before in this video a couple months before this one, but it was no where near as influential.
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The Ghost Reenactment
If you all haven't seen the 1990 classic romance movie "Ghost..." then what the heck are you doing with your life? It's a tear-jerker, but it's worth the watch especially if you love 80s and 90s media like I do!
Anyways, there's a scene in the movie where they make pottery together. I think this speaks for its self.
edit: i have to go back to work tomorrow and i'm trying to finish this as quickly as possible so i can do my prework week shopping so i'm using one of my old gifs here. hope that's okay.
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The Head Kiss
Yes, the second of the three "kisses." As already mentioned, this one doesn't count since it wasn't on the lips. Despite that, it's still extremely cute and is enough to melt your heart! 🥺
edit: oh my god it's fluffier than i remember it being what the fuck i'm dead
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And last but not least (in my personal opinion):
Shot in the Dark
For those of you who have been around, you already know why this is my favorite Ianthony moment to date. For you newer guys, let me summarize as quick as I can.
I love this so much because when you take away the context and just look at this clip for what it is... wow.
From just how close they're standing to each other, how Ian asks where Anthony is, how Anthony calmly replies to him, and how Anthony puts his hand extremely close to Ian's face which looks like he's putting it on Ian's face with the silhouettes...dead. Just dead.
old gifs again, sorry... 😬
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This took me so long omg. If you guys want, I can do a second post! Since their reunion, I feel like there's a lot of past moments that need to be brought back up just so the newer guys can get a feel of the Ianthony history!
Until then, I hope this post was alright for you my dear!💙💙
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Hey S! Hope all is well :) I am so sorry to hear that YT has blocked all your vms :( I have broken the replay button to watch your edits. Jalte diye was my favourite. Being a follower of your content, this is disappointing. I think it's high time that short videos are allowed . Especially because they do a pretty shoddy job of taking down other content. I loved your latest post on the tech aspects of a shoot. Your the film guru for a lot of us, so please share more snippets. Love, Rdx.
Hello dear Rdx,
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Yeah that was heartbreaking yaar. But I've decided to refocus and not feel too bad. I'll make sure to set up a way for everyone to see the vms again - and as bachpan ka yaar rights you'll have access ;) Thank you for always giving me love.
I know I sent them a lengthy mail but of course I didn't receive any reply.
Omg you're so kind and sweet! I promise every now and then if I come across anything in IPK I will definitely make a post on it.
Last I saw was this one:
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(click the image to see it closer)
So that is a type of Boom Mike used to capture the audio recorded during filming. According to Google: A boom mic has a highly directional polar pattern and is positioned at the end of a boom pole. These mics are staples in film and video. They are highly directional (pick up sound where they point to and reject off-axis sounds). Boom mics are often held by an operator, making them movable during a performance.
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So multiple kinds of audio are captured while recording - the actors have a personal small mike fitted in their clothes, a boom mike like the one above to capture their dialogues as well as background noise (such as keep the fork on the table, pulling a chair and so on).
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So in the shot above, the boom mike accidentally came into the shot that was missed by both the editor and DOP. It was fun spotting a mike in the scene. You'd be surprised how small the camera view is and how close boom mikes are to the actors or scene.
Also those who operate boom mikes are called boom operators :) Usually they wear headphones so they can listen and understand if the audio is sound or not.
- Soapy
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hereforsobbe · 3 years
If you could have a dinner party and could invite only 10 followers who would you invite and why?
Hiii anon!! Thanks for your ask, it's very interesting and when i read it i saw it clear. I don't like ranking them because they all are kind to me and that's what i appreciate so i want to make clear that i love them all for how they treat me and no one's is more than anyone.
@pamouche : why? Because she's my closest friend here. I feel i can talk to her about my worries and she's always there for helping💛 also, she recommends me awesome apps for making edits. if it wasn't for her i couldn't do some of my edits, but this is secondary 💛 love her voor altijd.
@skam-wtfock-sobbe my dear Elsa. She's the first friend i had here when i only had my other blog. Although we don't talk as often as we used to, she always reminds me from time to time that i have a friend in her💜💜 love her too
@claire-de-lune i love talking with her. I want to be there if she needs me because i know she'd do the same. She never has bad words to me, on the contrary, she makes me laugh with her naturalness♥️ and her blog omg it's pure beauty.
@jackfrostsander i love seeing him on my notifications ✨ he always likes or reblog my posts and that makes me smile because I know he's there. Also, i love when he wants to comment something with me and he makes me feel that i helped him. Oh what a comforting feeling✨✨
@debussyatmidnight in this case I have to admit first that her posts are... AWESOME!!! I reblog them automatically!! Really, i love seeing her on my dashboard. And ofc, she's kind and friendly to me and i can comment with her anything that worries me and she knows how to help me🧡🧡 i love talking to her💋💋
@slowlyrusting we both like Troye Sivan and that's important 😉 idk if it's a boy or a girl but i love seeing him or her on my notifications too specially when it's a picrew 🤭 i love all his or her tags💚 and i really have a good time when we talk💚
@onzeziggy Aww when i read a post of her saying her message box is always open i talked to her and i could find out how sweet, kind and friendly she is💙 And her sobbe videos omg i can't wait to see a new one💙 so happy for knowing her☺️
@sandersdocs idk how to say it in English but in Spanish when someone has the same name as you it's called "tocayo" or "tocaya". Well, she's MY TOCAYA😍 i love her and not only for that but also because she's very easy to talk to and she makes me feel very comfortable 💕💕
@indimlights we don't talk as much as we used to but it's okay because i keep all the good things. I feel he's there if i want to share an opinion with him and, as always, i know he will be objective, what makes me see things from other perspectives 😘😘
@foxsake5 i remember we had a misunderstanding because of Tumblr's fault but luckily, it was only that: a misunderstanding. And I'm so happy we talked about it and let things clear because i love being her mutual🥰🥰🥰
To finish, I'd love to give a HUGE HUG to all of them🤗🤗🤗
Please let me add @unhappilysane 🙏 i promise i love you too🥺
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miniwolfsbane · 4 years
JWCC Sammy Gutierrez and body positivity
THIS IS VERY LONG! (I just have a lot of feelings!) Also, this is personal and doesn’t talk a lot about Sammy and is just one big rant. 
Comment I wrote on the S2 preview “Also, shout out to the creators for making Sammy heavy, but it not effecting or having anything to do with her character. OR have her be obsessed with food. I'm sure other 90s kids remember the fat kid trope. Not doing fat logic, but we've come so far from the old days! As a woman who had that kind of body type growing up (had skinny friends, developed early, etc. it all was uncomfortable for many reasons. Long story.), it's amazing to see this kind of...semi-body positivity that's quiet and unspoken in a show aimed at everyone, including girls.  If I had seen this character at 13, my mind would've been blown. Kudos!!”
I’m reeeally tired and getting to that point where I get emotional about stupid stuff. However, this isn’t that stupid...maybe? 
We’ve reached a milestone, a kind of apex in American society, where being fat is no longer a running gag and it’s celebrated to be thick and/or a healthy weight. (Not to say skinny isn’t cool and it’s sure as heck better than carry 90+ pounds if it can be helped, but, as I said on Youtube, lots of 90s fat tropes were had, were they not? Every body type has their problems, blessings, and issues.) But, health is also a big issue and losing weight is too. I’m all for losing weight, but I also know what it was like growing up a fat kid, then a fat teenager in the 90s and 2000s when we didn’t have representation and people like Tocorra Jones, Melissa McCarthy,  Ashley Graham and Rebel Wilson around to promote different body shapes and/or being a little heavy or curvy while still being healthy. (Melissa and Rebel have lost weight and I applaud them full circle!)
Anyway, It is downright uplifting to see Sammy in JWCC like this! Being “thicker” than her two female friends doesn’t slow her down or hinder her in anyway. She is not obsessed with food. She is not constantly eating. Likewise, she has an actual personality and an interesting secret and backstory. The fans seem to love her. She is not dressed immodestly and she doesn’t seem to have ANY negative opinions of her body type, for now. Likewise, in a fast paced show like this, no one is talking behind her back about her weight or eating habits (again, for now. This could change in upcoming seasons, we don’t know.) Come to that, she’s fairly intelligent and isn’t dumb. Like, how many times have we seen a fat, dumb person in a show. (I’m looking at you Chris Griffin and Cleveland Jr!) This could’ve gone SO SIDEWAYS in her character creation any number of ways and I’m just amazed it didn’t. However, this maybe is attributed to the show being an action show and not a comedy? In any case, I’m so glad girls of this generation can see it. I wish I’d had it at their age. (It’s probably because her VA is heavy, but heavier than how Sammy is portrayed, to my knowledge. I’ve only seen her years ago on Disney channel.  Who cares why? It happened and I’m glad.) Please be assured, I’m NOT trying promote fat acceptance, just inclusivity, relatability, and representation. 
Like I say all the time, I’m not super heavy. I never was. As I said in the comment, I developed early and had mostly skinny friends growing up. I remember being about 11 and hosting my first sleepover and someone pointing to my arms at my stretch marks, asking what they were. I wasn’t traumatized and they didn’t tease me, but I was a little (a lot?) self-conscious. Like, can we please get the idea out of our head that ONLY pregnant women get stretch marks?? (Cocoa butter companies, hello?!) They can happen to girls that grow tall fast or, like me, you can have them all freaking over because the puberty button in your brain got stuck. (LOL?) And calling them cute things like skin lightning doesn’t really help. My limbs and body still look weird.
I don’t remember seeing many characters shaped like me in shows as a kid or teenager.  Unless maybe Simpsons characters with their pudgy bellies who may be some of the most average, realistic bodies in all of fiction, really. We can’t all be supermodels and body builders. Sailor Moon girls were all thin and leggy. None of the Magic School Bus kids were pudgy, all average and healthy (which is probably a good thing in a way. IDK. Representation is great, but so is promoting healthy eating and healthy shapes. Everything has their place.)  Disney characters were mostly animals at the time, and I didn’t see Recess until Highschool or something at 3 am, and even then, there was only Mikey. Mikey was progressive, but he wasn’t female. Closest I got was Ariel’s (Little Mermaid) sister, Adella ( https://littlemermaid.fandom.com/wiki/Adella) and even then, she had no belly and never animated the same outside of the series with not much character development or anything.
Cassie from Animorphs might’ve been a close second, but, though she was my favorite female character as a kid (not anymore), it was hard to say “OMG, she’s shaped like me!” as it was a book series with few visual aides outside of covers, posters and some toys. 
I remember seeing the singing group Cherish for a few seconds on TV once. A bunch of thick, busty, heavy black girls and I was SO EXCITED because for those few seconds on TV, there were girls that looked like me! Then some years later I found out a few of them lost weight and I was like bleh. (I didn’t follow their music or anything, not even sure how I saw them again.) Not that disapprove, health is essential, and I encourage people to lose weight for themselves, but it was nice having some representation. Except health needs to come first. It’s a two-edged sword if I ever saw one.
Don’t get me started on the sheer amount of girls with small/flat chests on TV. (No offense! See above about body types. Again, it’s about representation and seeing someone that looks like you that was not common in the 90s and early 2000s) I’m picky though. I wanted to see more representation, but the minute I saw it, I was not impressed or annoyed. To my better judgement, I saw a few episodes of something I won’t name with a curvy lead. I found her times dressing up as a man unconvincing and confusing because of her body shape. Other times I was, for lack of a better word, slightly appalled at her own size, even though she somewhat looked like me. I know, it makes no sense. Other times, I was mad at Lizzy Mcguire or another show for having skinny characters with A-cups while I was, er, way past training bras and smaller bras by 14/15 when the show was new.
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Swearz, I developed (pun not intended!) this weird conspiracy theory that Disney execs have to look at the Star’s mom and other women in their family before casting a girl to make sure she stays thin/average chested for the shows entire run. Outside of one show, all shows in that era had the same thin girl body type. (And not much representation for different races for Disney back then, but that’s another debate for someone to better handle, not me.) 
All that said, my shape was attributed to four things: Diet, genetics, lack of exercise and my mom’s cooking. Not sure how much I subscribe to the “genetics effect body fat theory”, but the “genetics effect body shape” is definitely a thing! And hormones in chicken. My family said all I ever wanted when I was little was McDonald’s chicken nuggets all the time, so I think that had some play in how I turned out. It’s probably too much to get into here, and no one cares about my sob story, so let’s move on.
Sammy is awesome and I hope to see more characters like her from other studios in the future. Every body type needs representation, but every body also deserves to be healthy and nourished.
OMAHGAWWWD! I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING ROTTEN IN THE INDUSTRY, Y’ALL!! (Okay, that’s obvious, but you don’t really give it thought in your day to day life.)
The video gives a summary of Jenette McCurdy’s time on iCarly and the horrors she’d been going through in her younger years, which included an eating disorder and restricting calories to an (alleged) 900. Dear lord, that is sickening.
Granted, I would take this with a small grain of salt as it’s from the internet, and undoubtedly, many actresses, probably more than we realize, have ED’s. If they would start encouraging them to be at healthy weights, things like this wouldn’t happen. Frick Nickelodeon and frick the acting industry!! 
So, this was what I was trying to convey. Casting and producers need to find that middle ground. Don’t promote fact acceptance, but do not force your actors/actresses to be stick thin either.  I could go on a huge tangent, but I don’t have the brain power right now. If you have an ED or know someone that does, I strongly encourage you to get help. I’ve been in tight spots like that (I knew of people or knew people), but getting REAL help from a doctor, professional, or someone with a good head on their shoulders is better than hiding it or keeping it secret. Ten years down the line, you’ll be thankful you did and not have regret. No one is perfect, but sometimes you have to fight harder to find a solution and someone that will actually listen to you and take your concerns to heart. 
If I get negative comments, I’ll be deleting this and no one will be able to enjoy it. Think before you type and don’t be a jerk.
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luckyspike · 5 years
Of Love and Loss - a Good Omens Fanfic
co-author credit to Griffin McElroy
The cottage has a den and it is agreed, fairly early on, that while it is technically shared space, it falls slightly more under Crowley’s purview than Aziraphale’s. Oh, certainly, there are a few bookshelves* and a display of antique snuffboxes, and the furniture is comfortable and homey, more suited to the angel’s aesthetic than the demon’s, but aside from those touches it is all Crowley’s: dark paint on the walls, houseplants scattered over every free inch of floor, and sleek technology conspicuously placed. There is a TV on the wall, huge and slim and used for very little aside from streaming. In the corner, there is a desk, with the fastest, most powerful computer money could buy.
For the first six months they live in the cottage, it is mostly untouched.
[* Which hold only modern paperbacks, not first editions, because Aziraphale just can’t trust the good books out in a room he doesn’t supervise as closely.]
For the first six months they live in the cottage, Crowley is busy elsewhere: there are gardens to tame, and a greenhouse to stock, and a widow’s walk with a telescope to be enjoyed. Crowley rarely goes into the den at all, other than to water and menace the plants, for those first six months.
But gradually, winter comes, and he and Aziraphale settle into a routine, and Crowley starts to gravitate toward the den. It’s in spurts at first, just when Aziraphale is at the shop and it’s too cold to do anything else, but it gets more frequent. Longer periods of time.
By nine months, Aziraphale is worried. Crowley is still Crowley, still stalks around his plants and shouts at them, but other than that, he is in the den. He lays on the couch, and sleeps, and watches TV, and sleeps some more.
Aziraphale asks if he’s tired, one day. “You’re sleeping a lot,” he observes. “A lot more than ... than I remember you doing, in London. Is everything alright?”
“Yeah.” And then, because Aziraphale has this look he does that renders Crowley unable to lie, he admits, “I’m bored.”
Aziraphale’s face falls. “Oh. Oh. I see. Yes, not the ... there isn’t the same bustle here as there is in London, is there?”
“No, no, nonono.” Crowley holds up his hands, worried and insistent. “Not what I meant, angel. No, I still get in to London when I drop you off at your shop, that’s plenty. But ...” He shrugs. “I used to have a job. Wiling and tempting and that. But I ... don’t anymore. I used to plan stuff, and spend too much time scheming, and now I don’t ... have a job?” He shifts. “It’s not here. Not living here. I just feel a bit ... useless?” He frowns. “Not the right word. Can’t come up with a word. Do you follow me?”
“You’re missing having a task?” Aziraphale guesses. “A goal or some such, whether you like it or not?” He sets his book aside and sits back in his chair, the better to watch Crowley over steepled fingers. “Yes, I think I understand.”
“Like, you have your shop, same as always. But I only had being a demon. That was my job and it’s what I am. But now I’m ... still a demon, obviously, but an unemployed demon, so ...” He throws up his hands. “Bored.”
Aziraphale nods sympathetically. “Yes. I see. Well ... you could try some different things? Volunteering at the animal shelter -”
“Really? Animals hate me, angel.”
“Ah, yes, that’s right. Volunteering at the school?”
Crowley makes a show of looking at himself. “Not sure that’s really my scene.”
“Volunteering at the -”
Crowley sighs, and sits back, the tip of his considerable nose propped on his knuckles. “I’ll think about it. Find something, I’m sure. Maybe try beachcombing.”
“Maybe,” says Aziraphale, without much confidence. He wonders how he’s going to break to Crowley that most of what you find beachcombing is not, in fact, treasure, but junk. “You could give it a shot.”
“Bah.” Crowley sits back further, slouching deep into the chair, and sprawls his limbs all akimbo. “I’ll sleep on it. Wake me up for dinner?”
“You’re eating tonight?”
“No, but you are.” He tugs the tartan throw off the back of the chair, and wraps it around himself. “I’ll join if you’ll have me.”
“Of course.”
Crowley talks to his technology a lot. He doesn’t see well, Aziraphale knows, and these days the technology talks back, makes it easier for the demon to navigate. So when he hears Crowley chatting to something - someone? - in the den one cool night in late spring, he doesn’t pay much mind.
When it happens a second time that week, he wonders, but he doesn’t investigate. Probably just talking to Anathema. He pulls the doors to the library closed, and reads for the rest of the night.
When it continues the next week, curiosity gets the better of him. It’s around nine, and Crowley is talking in the den again, and Aziraphale sighs and sets his book down and goes to investigate.
The demon is sitting at the computer. The screen is massive, and Crowley is looking at it through his dark glasses. He has a controller in his hands, and a set of headphones on, and he is talking into, of all things, a microphone.
Aziraphale blinks. “What’s this, then?”
Crowley jumps, and then says into the microphone, “Ah, yeah, one second, got an old friend here,” before he hits a button and pulls the headphones off. He jumps up out of the chair and moves to the right. Aziraphale notices then, that there is a camera, fixed on where Crowley was sitting. He frowns.
“What are you doing?”
“Working.” Crowley sticks his hands into his pockets and for the first time in nearly a year since they moved, looks inordinately pleased with himself. “Found a thing to do.”
“This isn’t a sex thing, is it?” Aziraphale asks warily. 
“Nah.” He jerks a thumb toward the computer. “Nah it’s ... uh.” He thinks it over. “I have no idea how to explain this to you.” He frowns. “You know video games?”
Aziraphale nods. “... Broadly, yes.”
“Okay. Right. So there’s this website called Twitch. An’ what you do, is you play video games, but while you do that you broadcast your game to other people who want to watch you play. Adam showed it to me.” He waves his hands around, toward the computer. “S’kinda like a reality show? But video games.”
“And other people watch this?”
“Yeah. Got 100 viewers right now.”
“Because I’m hilarious.” He rocks back and forth on his heels and smirks. “Also, they give me money sometimes.”
“Yes, of course. I’m retired, remember? Well, from being a demon.” He looks pleased. “Now I’m a Twitch streamer. Part-time.”
The only reason that Aziraphale does not remark that this is a natural progression, as smooth a transition as from shore to sea, is that he does not really understand Twitch. Instead, he nods. “Good. And you’re ... having fun?”
“Oh yeah. Loads.” He glances over his shoulder. “Wanna watch for a bit? You can sit in the background. Really gets the chat going, when stuff happens in the background.”
“It’s not one of those violence games, is it?” But the angel is pulling over a wicker chair and sitting down even as he asks. “With all the killing?”
“Nah. S’pokemon. Like Joshua talks about.” He sits back down, and slides the headphones back on. “Right, what’d you want me to call you? Gotta introduce you.”
“Mr. Fell.”
Crowley gives Aziraphale a long-suffering look. “That’s not what ... never mind. Right, anything you say’ll probably get picked up on the mic, so just watch it, yeah? I’m gonna un-mute it.” He taps a button, and says, “Right, everyone, this is Az Fell. He’s ah, my favorite librarian, my best friend and uh ... my roommate.” Aziraphale blinks. Oh, so that’s what he’d meant. Well ... he wasn’t wrong.
Roommate feels a bit impersonal though. They will discuss it later.
“Right, so anyway, back to the run. Fell, this is ah, s’called a Nuzlocke run, where if your pokemon faints you have to let it go because it’s dead.”
“Oh,” says Aziraphale, who understood exactly none of that sentence.
“I just started. You’ll pick it up as we go.”
To Aziraphale’s surprise, he does. He picks up on the pokemon types, the point of the game, the exploration, and the apparently-bizarre rules Crowley has decided to play to game under. He comes to like the names, and the pokemon, and despite the fact that they are not real, he finds himself getting attached to them.
The first faint, an hour into the game, takes them both by surprise. 
“Fuck!” Crowley glares at the screen. “Fuck! That’s not even a bug-type move!”
Aziraphale raises his hands to his mouth. “So Betty is dead?”
“Betty is dead,” Crowley confirms, morosely. “R I P Betty.”
“Look at all the little tombstones in the chat.” Aziraphale sighs, and wrings his hands. “Oh, dear. We should send her off.”
They do, when the battle ends. Solemnly, Crowley releases Betty the Rattata to the wild, and he and Aziraphale bow their heads while a bagpipe rendition of ‘Amazing Grace’ plays. Aziraphale wipes away a single tear. The chat goes wild.
xxGonnaMunch69xx: omg AJ your boyfriend is crying JamesBuffetsDick: RIP Betty and my feelings KnopeForPresident: omgggg im dead RIP Betty JisforJerg: fuckkkkkkkkkkk i had money on Betty living to the end GisforGreg: omg kiss your boyfriend so he feels better
Crowley sits up straighter as the music fades away. Aziraphale sniffles, blinks a few times and tries to subtly dab his eyes, and nods to Crowley, who returns the gesture before turning back to the screen and fiddling with the controls a little.
“We will fight on in her memory,” he intones, as his avatar on the screen runs in a circle in a patch of tall grass. “We will fight on for Betty. We’re gonna kill the Elite Four, and Betty’s name will be our war cry. For Betty!” 
“For Betty!” Aziraphale nods firmly, and watches the screen intently. Crowley soldiers on, navigating around Kalos, and Aziraphale watches, although his thoughts are with Betty. He wonders what pokemon do after you release them to the wild. Maybe he will ask Joshua next time they see him.
Crowley, recovering from his grief more rapidly, is on one of his monologues, waxing philosophical on the nature of pokemon match-ups, as his character runs around on-screen. “They’re just playing Calvinball with the dragon and fairy types too, since they’re not even real, and who decided that dragons would be weak to fairies? Should be the other way around, if you ask me - oh, shit, I didn’t want to jump off that ledge, fuck.” He grumbles. “We’re gonna have to walk all the way back to town.”
“You’ll run into some wild pokemon on the way though, won’t you?”
“Can’t catch ‘em.” Crowley sighs, as the screen flashes and a Psyduck assails the character. “Already got one off this route.”
“But you can smite them? For experience?”
Crowley laughs. “Yeah, yeah, angel, I can smite them for experience.” He taps a few buttons. “Get ‘em, Blanche.”
“For Betty!” Aziraphale declares, seizing his mug of tea with probably more enthusiasm than necessary.
“Yeah,” Crowley agrees, still laughing. “Yeah! Fuck you, this one’s for Betty!” 
In his chair, Crowley shifts around, spreading his knees and stretching his legs a little. Next to him, and out of view of the camera, Aziraphale’s hand comes to rest on his knee. 
Crowley doesn’t blush; they have been doing this ... whatever it is they’re doing ... publicly long enough that he doesn’t react quite that violently now. But the next few sibilants are a little more hissed than usual, and Crowley shifts in the chair again under the pretense of getting more comfortable, yet somehow ending up a few inches closer to Aziraphale.
k2p2ribbingforherpleasure: fuck yea blanche kill that duck for betty bubbletii: cant wait for them to get to the ocean and catch a magikarp GisforGreg: am i the only one who noticed AJ moved closer to Fell or ... ROOMMATES HUH LIAR JisforJerg: jfc greg shut up and watch the game
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finishtheboat · 5 years
Tell Him (Colby x Reader)
Hey beautiful people! 
Here goes my first Colby fic. I have no idea if its cool or if its shit, but I’m happy with it. 
Pairing: Colby Brock x Reader
Warnings: A couple swear words, pink fluffy unicorns, Colby getting a little hurt (not much tho he okay).
Requested: Do I look like-
Notes: The first words are lyrics to It’s A Hard Life by Queen. It has nothing to do with the story but its dope af. Another thing, the reader has brown eyes and is referenced later on in the lyrics of Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison. 
Okay that’s it, hope you enjoy, for real!
So you are Sam and Colby’s video editor and obv, you are in love with Colby. This is the first time you go explore with the bois (Sam, Colby and Corey) and a spirit might end up being your wingman. 
Word count: 2240
“ You win, you lose, there’s a chance you have to take becau-“
An abrupt break of the car gets you out of your daydream. You hold on tight out of reflex to the car door as you quickly take off your headphones in the verge of screaming. After two seconds that went by in slow motion you hear Sam and Colby laughing their asses off while the car takes up to normal speed again. You were sitting on the left back seat and turn your head to see Corey, eyes extremely wide open, and both hands hanging on for dear life to the car door. You look back to the shotgun, Sam, still laughing his ass off, and understand that you are in no danger and that it was all a joke to scare Corey, who was asleep.
Y/N: Jesus fuck guys!
COREY: You jerks you almost gave me a freaking heart attack I swear to God.
Y/N: Did you even record it?
 COLBY: You know what Y/N? Sometimes the best pranks are meant just for us.
You start to mock Colby as he talks, you do that when you can’t come up with a comeback – which doesn’t happen often-, or when you want to make Colby laugh – which is a constant mood in your life-.
SAM: I think we are close now
Close to where? You might ask. Well this story starts about three months ago, when, after a couple months of living in LA unemployed, you went to a job interview to become a video editor for an “online video creator”, in other words, a youtuber. The pay was enough for you to get by, and you would be doing what you love. The story got really interesting for you when you got to the interview and realized that, if you got the job, you would be editing for Sam and Colby, as well as their separate channels. Even though you were freaking out inside you nailed the interview and long story short, you got the job.
Little by little you started to get along more and more with the boys, not only Sam and Colby, but also with the whole gang. After a month and a half, you started appearing in some of their videos. It became a running joke for them to address you as their editor, asking you to put crazy effects in the video, or just talking shit about you. You decided to add to the videos reactions of you while editing. The fans started to love you and wanted more of you in the videos. Today was gonna be the second time you were officially in a video, the first time being a basic-ass YouTube video absolutely irrelevant for the narrative. Of course, people had started to ship you with Colby, which wasn’t unexpected, all you had to do was:
1.  Be a girl.
2.  Address/talk to Colby somehow in a video.
3.  Look at him during said video.
Fans would ship a seaweed with Colby, you weren’t surprised that happened. What fans did not know – and you didn’t want them to – is that you actually liked him. Really liked him. Cantstopstaringatyou kinda like him. Maybe loved him. He obviously didn’t know this either, he is technically your boss, and your job was more needed than romance. Besides, you were kind of confused since you usually never liked babyfaced-hairless-fuckboylooking guys like Colby
So there you were, accompanying the dynamic duo and Corey to explore an abandoned psychiatric hospital. You had asked to come since you love exploring, especially paranormal places, and they thought that you would bring more views since people really liked you. The hospital was an hour and a half away from Sam and Colby’s place, which was kind of a long ride, Colby was driving.
 Y/N: So Sam, tell us a little bit about this hospital, what is up with it.
SAM: Oh well, the usual, psychiatric haunted hospital were people hear things and feel people observing them and all that, nothing particularly new.
Y/N: Please don’t make it sound any more exciting or my cranium will explode. (you say sarcastically)
SAM: Well, its juts the same thing over and over. It’s just that something different happens in every place we go to.
Y/N: Okay so I think it’s time for you guys to tell me… how real are your videos? Do I have to like, pretend I see shit or…
 They all chuckle
COLBY: Well we exaggerate everything, specially Corey. Like… we hear any sound and we are all like “omG WhAT wAs tHat” you know?
SAM: It also depends on the video, I have faked things in the 3AM challenges ‘cause nothing would happen otherwise and the video would be useless. But we usually don’t fake things in the exploring ones.
Y/N: You know I could expose you right now with this info right?
 Sam laughs and then looks dead serious at you
SAM: I would have to kill you then
COREY: Queen Mary was real tho… (says while staring blankly out the window)
Y/N: I know…
Everyone turns to look at you, even Colby through the rearview mirror.
COREY: How can you know?
Y/N: I don’t know I… It feels real I guess.
The car stops, you look out the windshield and see nothing but trees.
Y/N: Is this it?
COLBY: Yes, it’s about half a mile through the forest.
Before going out to explore, Sam and Colby shoot the intro, giving Corey and you facts about the hospital.  
We get to the main wing without much difficulty, there was a hole in the fence so in case of having to run away from cops we would be fine.
COREY: Omg it’s so cold tonight
Y/N: Actually I thought it was gonna be colder. This sweatshirt is super warm. (You say referring to the XPLR hoodie that Colby let you borrow for the video)
COLBY: Looks really good on you.
Your brain just short circuits and it takes you a full couple seconds to react. You decide that the best thing to do is to make funny gestures as if you were posing for a photoshoot. Surprisingly, it makes Colby laugh. Everything was being recorded but you weren’t worried about it since it was you who was gonna be editing it HEH.
You explore the ground floor, where nothing paranormal really happens, although everything looks creepy as fuck. When you get to the second floor you feel as if the air is getting thicker.
SAM: You okay Y/N? (Says pointing the camera at you)
Y/N: Yeah its just… the air feels heavier here
 COREY: Yeah I feel it too
 Y/N: Maybe we should try and contact something here
 The guys look slightly surprised about what you just said.
 COLBY: Yeah let’s do it (says kind of excited). Do you wanna do the honors Y/N?
 Colby takes the spirit box out of his bag. Corey obviously acts as if he was against it. You sigh, a little scared, and take it. You turn it on – it’s not the first one you have ever used -. You take a deep breath.
 Y/N: Hello?
 The only sound in the whole hospital is the static of the box going through the radio channels, but you feel like you can hear everyone’s hearts beating.
No answer.
Y/N: If there is any entity here with us, please make yourself known.
[?]: Tell him…
Everyone jumps and screams, your eyes wide open, there are some swears from Colby, while Corey does the classical tuning-around-and-pretending-to-walk-away. You glance at Colby for a split second without even realizing, getting the feeling that the entity is talking about him. You make a gesture for everyone to shut up.
Y/N: Tell who?
 No answer. You all look at each other in confusion
 COLBY: Tell who?
[?]: You (says a female voice) tell her (in a male voice right after) ”the brown eyed girl” (right after landing in that part of the song, the radio goes back to static)
The entity is talking about you. Colby freezes. Sam gasps deeply, he knows Colby is in love with you, and can tell that you love him back. Can this be it?
Colby looks up, your eyes meet.
 COLBY: (Looking at you dead in the eyes) What do I tell her?
Your blood freezes. A sudden loud thud makes all of your head’s turn
 SAM: We need to go NOW.
 You all start running towards the exit, you were really far from it, after a little while, you all stop to check if anyone is following you. There is not a sound around.
 SAM: What do we do?
COLBY: It doesn’t seem like anyone else is in here.
COREY: So what the hell was that thud?
Y/N: Maybe it’s just a fucking thud for once you know? (You say irritated)
Corey looks back at you surprised and a little hurt by your answer.
Y/N: Sorry… I’m just a little freaked out.
COREY: It’s okay… me too. 
SAM: Should we keep on exploring? Should we go?
Y/N: Let’s keep exploring, if we hear another inexplicable sound we take off.
SAM: Okay sounds good
 You keep exploring for another while, nothing weird happens, just the usual painted walls with satanic symbols and dirty walls that make it seem as if there are shadows behind you.
You all exit the room you were in, with less hope to find something each time, and not really wanting to try the spirit box again. After almost a minute you realize Colby is not there.
Y/N: Where’s Colb-
A loud noise interrupts you as if something really heavy has fallen. The loud thud is followed by Colby’s screams. You start sprinting towards the source of the screams, the last room you had gone into. Everyone follows right behind you. When you enter the room you see a wardrobe over one of Colby’s legs. You run towards him.
Y/N: Don’t move Colby stay still! (you yell)
Colby looks at you with terror in his eyes, begging for help.
SAM: (Frozen) What happened?
Y/N: Sam help me lift it up! Corey you pull him out on my sign. (You say almost screaming)
You and Sam lift the wardrobe on three, its really heavy and when it seems like you are about to lift it enough for Colby’s foot to get unstuck, your arms give out a bit. To your surprise, the wardrobe does not fall back on Colby’s leg. Thanks to Sam you manage to lift it enough for Corey to drag Colby out, who instantly helps him up. Colby is almost crying. Both Sam and you let go of the wardrobe, making a huge thud as it hits the floor.
SAM: Let’s get the fuck out of here.
Both Corey and you put Colby’s arms around your neck and walk as fast as possible. You manage to get to the car in no time, with your hearts pounding, your lungs burning and your eyes watering.
SAM: I’m driving.
Corey helps you put Colby in the back seats.
COREY: You sit with him, I’ll go in the front.
You nod rapidly as you get in next to him. All the doors close within milliseconds appart as Sam starts the car and hits the gas.
You tear up a bit, waiting for your heart to stop racing. You wipe out your tears as they come out, trying to hide them.
COREY: We need to go to the hospital.
COLBY: I’m okay guys (with a shaky voice) It’s not broken.
SAM: You don’t know that!
COLBY: I’ve broken bones before and it is not fucking broken we are not going to the hospital.
SAM: What the hell happened?
COLBY: I don’t know... I just stayed behind cause I felt something in the room and next thing I know I am on the floor with a wardrobe crashing my leg.
A few seconds of silence go by until the guys notice you are upset, although you are not crying anymore.
COLBY: …Are you okay Y/N?
 Colby takes your hand and caresses it softly trying to calm you down.
 COLBY: I’m sorry.
You wipe out the few tears and breathe deeply as you look away from him.
COLBY: Thank you Y/N, thank you guys… really. That was very scary.
Y/N: Thank Sam… if it hadn’t been for him the wardrobe would have fallen right back on your leg… My arms gave out on me.
SAM: What?
You look up at Sam, confused. He takes his eyes off of the road for a second to look at you. You demand an explanation with your eyes.
SAM: I… my arms gave out midway… I thought you lifted it…
Y/N: What? 
You all look at each other with your mouths half open, looking for an explanation from the others. No one says anything. 
COREY: We need to look back at the footage as soon as we get home.
You all nod in response.
After a deep sigh you look at Colby, he looks exhausted. You don’t really think it twice and you cuddle up next to him, holding onto his arm and laying your head on his shoulder. You feel his head resting on yours and you breathe deeply as the fear fades away.
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minniemonu-reverie · 5 years
SRK Part Six - Roses and Blanket Forts
~Super Rich Kids~
Master List in bio
Part Six- Roses and Blanket Forts Genre: Humour, Fluff, Smol Angst
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
You and Jimin had gotten your ice cream and were taking a stroll at the waterfront. There were benches lining the path along with lush greenery. The echoes of Jimin’s adorable shrieks of glee had people staring as he jumped excitedly, approaching an area covered in flowers. His fingers wrapped around your wrist forcing you to be dragged in his wake, almost knocking the ice cream out of your hand. “Y/N! Look at all the flowers, this is so beautiful! Surely you can find inspiration here! Is there anything specific you have to write?” “Naw, she said for our first editing project it could be whatever we wanted.” Your eyes scanned the field of flowers, feeling the urge to lay amongst them. Jimin followed suit, the two of you laying beside each other staring at the afternoon sky. Suddenly, the weight of all the recent events came crashing into you, and tears pricked the corners of your eyes. “Jiminie, why does he hate me so much? What did I do?” You rolled over to look Jimin in the eyes, plush petals dancing around his face. “Oh, Y/N-ah. You didn’t do anything. I feel that Namjoon actually likes you. The two of you just keep meeting under stressful circumstances...” “Why do I even care what he thinks anyway. He’s just a giant ughhhhhh.” You flung your arms over your face an exasperated sigh leaving you. Jimin rubbed your arm comfortingly. “It’ll be okay, you still have me and Remi and the rest of the guys. Namjoon will have to come around eventually.” You sat up, shovelling the rest of your ice cream into your mouth with a grunt. “I can’t help but fight with him every time we run into each other, and why do we keep running into each other? Like I literally ran into him. Full on, collided, landed on top of him. He was so not impressed.”
             Jimin roared with laughter, which made your face burn with embarrassment. “You fell on top of him? Dear lord, that is too funny. Maybe it’s fate Y/N. Maybe the universe is trying to insert him into your life in the most unsubtle way possible.” “Well the universe needs to do a better job, because this is absolutely awful.” You sighed and reached into your bag, grabbing your notebook. “Oh, what’s that?” “Hmm? Oh, I keep a notebook on me, so when inspiration hits me, I can write it down before I forget. It’s full of random ideas and stuff.” “Aw, that’s so cool! I hope you let me read your stuff one day.” “Of course! I don’t mind sharing things that I’ve finished, and I do need someone to run ideas by other than Remi.” You looked around at all the bright petals and pulled at the emotions that were rattling you. As ideas popped into your head, you began scribbling them down. Jimin watched as you wrote and couldn’t help but smile. It was different seeing you in your element. You had a fierceness about you that he couldn’t quite describe, but it was beautiful to watch.
             You clapped your hands together as you finally wrote something that you felt was good enough to hand in. “Hey, you want to read this over?” You asked Jimin, handing him your notebook. He quickly sat up taking the book from you. “Is it this little short poem?” “Yeah, I know it’s not much, but I was going more for impact than words, you know?” “Okay, makes sense.” He became quiet as he read your words over, different looks crossing his face as he processed. “Wow, Y/N this is so pretty. Do you mind if I read it out loud? For effect?” “That’s actually a good idea. That way I know if I have to change anything.” Jimin cleared his throat and looked at you intensely.
“Roses Fresh rainbows with Velvety silk petals Falling in gentle silence Defeat.” Your heart started hammering in your chest as he read the words out so perfectly. “How was it? Did it sound okay? Did I make it weird?” Jimin looked concerned as he handed you your book back. You shook your head furiously. “Not at all. You read it so beautifully.” You put your book off to the side of your bag. When you looked back up, Jimin had a white rose in his hand. He leaned forward, tucking it behind your ear. “You look really cute like that Y/N.” You blushed profusely, quickly scouring the area and reaching for a flower then putting it in his hair. “There, and now you match me.” He gave you his full smile, nose scrunching up and eyes closing. You stood up, gathering your things. “We should probably get going…” Jimin stood up as well, brushing his pants. As much as you wanted time to yourself, you were enjoying being around Jimin and his healing energy. He knew just what to do to calm and relax you, bring you back from the depths of your mind. “Ah, did you want to come over and hang out at my place? Namjoon shouldn’t be back yet, so you don’t have to worry about him. If Remi isn’t busy send her a text and invite her too!” And there was your ticket to not having to be alone. “Yeah, sure!” You blurted before he could change his mind. 
The two of you walked back to his house in comfortable silence. When you got there, Jin was in the kitchen making food, bright pink apron tied loosely around his frame. The width of his shoulders always took you by surprise, especially seeing how tiny his waist was. This man was a true dorito.   “Jin! Is anyone else home? I brought Y/N over to come chill.” “Ah, I think Tae is in his room. Kookie’s probably playing video games in the living room. Y/N how are you? Are you hungry?” You walked over to the stove and sniffed the contents of the pot. The fragrance overwhelmed your senses, making your mouth water instantly. “Yeah, even if I wasn’t hungry, I’d eat anyway. Jin this smells so fricken good.” A wide smile spread on Jin’s face and he picked up a spoon, dipping it into the pot and holding it out to you. You leaned forward and slurped from it. You instinctively moaned at the savoury flavour, it was phenomenal. “Oh my God Jin, this is amazing.” “I know, I’m handsome and I can cook. I’m the whole package babe.” He gave you a wink and blew a kiss at you before turning back. You playfully hit him in the arm causing him to yell. “Hey! Don’t hit the person who is feeding you!” You jumped back and ran out of the kitchen from fear of retaliation. Just as you looked back, you tripped on a cord and flew forward landing on someone. “YOU. I. MY. GAAAAAAAAAAAAME!” Jungkook screamed and flailed, the controller in his hand getting dangerously close to your face. You scrambled off him apologizing.  “Omg, Kookie. I’m so sorry. I didn’t see the cord, I didn’t see you. Why are you on the floor anyway?” “Y/N I swear, if it wasn’t you and if you didn’t look so adorable with that rose in your hair, you would be dead right now.” You started pouting and begging for his forgiveness. He sighed heavily and moved over slightly, patting the empty spot beside him. “You any good at Mario Party?” “Uh, debateable…” “Well get ready, cause for my revenge that’s what we’re playing, and I’m going to make you regret falling on me in the middle of my game.”
             Jimin sauntered in and sat on the other side of Jungkook. “Hey! If you’re playing Mario Party, I want in!” “Jimin, no offense but you come in last every time.” “That doesn’t mean I don’t want to play.” “Hey! Guys! Food’s ready!” Jin called from the kitchen. The three of you looked at each other and nodded. The challenge would begin after food. Just as the four of you sat at the table, you heard Taehyung come out of his room. “Ayyyyeee, I smell food! Jin did you leave some for me?” He hollered down the stairs. “Yeah! Come and get some!” “Alright!”  His heels tip tapped as he ran down the stairs. As he got to the main floor, the doorbell chimed through the house. “Are you expecting anyone?” Taehyung shouted. “Oh! That’s probably Remi!” You replied. The creak of the door and the shuffling of Remi’s footsteps resounded. “Jesus Remi, what the hell is all this stuff?” “Supplies! If we’re hanging out here all day, and possibly all night, I needed to come prepared! I have snacks, board games, blankets and of course some pjs for me and Y/N. I know she didn’t pack any overnight things. Also face masks!!” “Face masks? I’m in.” Taehyung chimed, “I’ll help you carry this stuff, we can put it in the living room.” “Thanks Tae, you’re so sweet.” “Sweet is my middle name, honey.”
             After everyone had settled and almost all of the gang was there, you guys enjoyed the meal Jin had graciously made. Everyone was always impressed with the things Jin would whip up, and he was baskin in all the compliments. “Hey, hey. Guys.” Jin clapped his hands together to get everyone’s attention. “What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta.” You and Remi groaned, Jimin started laughing and the rest of the guys sighed. “Here we go again.” “Hey, hey wait! I have another one. Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon?” All of you sighed, “No…” “Great food. No atmosphere.” Taehyung stood up and gathered his dishes. “Wait! Wait! What did the grape do when he got stepped on?” “Jin. Please.” “He let out a little wine.”  Jimin was now holding his stomach, unable to stop laughing. The screeches of chairs against the hardwood signalled everyone abandoning Jin and Jimin at the table.  “Let’s set up the game.” Jungkook said, walking over to the living room. “Hey! You guys need to clean up, I cooked!” “Sounds good, Kookie. I’ll grab some cushions and blankets.” Taehyung continued, ignoring Jin’s angry banter. You and Remi looked at each other, the same idea crossing your minds. “GUYS WAIT. WE SHOULD BUILD A BLANKET FORT.” 
             The house went silent before erupting into cheers. Some of the guys went running upstairs to grab more blankets and pillows, you and Remi started pulling things out of the bags she had brought. Soon enough you had decked out the front room in a giant blanket fort, the TV being included. There were mismatched pillows everywhere and you all settled in to begin the Mario Party tournament. You had brought out a whiteboard and developed a tournament bracket. Bowls of chips and popcorn surrounded you, and there was a case of pop. Rules were established and controllers were handed out. You played rock, paper scissors to decide who would go against who. Jungkook and Jin were fighting over a bet they had made with each other, trying to figure out what the punishment would be to whoever lost. Amidst the chaos, the door opened and the other three were finally home. You immediately clammed up, and Jimin crawled over to you for support. The six of you sat in silence as Hoseok, Yoongi and Namjoon entered the living room to figure out what all the commotion was.
             Hoseok hooted in excitement as he saw the display before him. “Blanket fort! Video games! Count me in guys!” He jumped up and down and dove into the middle of everyone, ready to go. “What are we playing? Is this a tournament?” “Mario Party tournament.” Remi said, a blush staining her cheeks as she watched Hoseok’s attention turn to her. He gave her a bright smile and a thumbs up. “Yeah! Alright!” Yoongi walked over nonchalantly and settled himself in with a gummy smile. “I’m ready to annihilate all of you.” Namjoon stood outside of the circle of us, looking at you with a straight face, expression as unreadable as always. At least this time you couldn’t feel malice dripping from him. It had seemed that his aura had calmed, but you didn’t want to take chances. You looked away, not wanting to start anything when you were finally in a good mood. “Are you joining us Namjoonie?” Jimin asked, putting a hand on your leg for emotional support. Remi had abandoned you for Hoseok and those two were happily chatting. You put your hand on Jimin’s, still not wanting to meet Namjoon’s gaze. Namjoon watched what you did, and his mouth twitched. “Yeah, you know what? It’s time I had some fun.” You turned around to look at him, your eyebrow raised. “You don’t care that I’m here?” His eyes glanced at the floor, hands shoved into his pockets as he rocked back on his heels. “We can settle all of our differences in the game.” A smile creeped onto your face as he made his declaration. Maybe Jimin was right. Maybe he was just stressed. This was the first time you weren’t yelling at each other and watching him watch you with an apologetic look did make you a little soft. You could give him a second chance. “Don’t hurt my Y/N-ie!” Jimin whined and leaned on you. “Nothing is fair in love and war Chim.”  You and Jimin exchanged confused looks before Namjoon gathered his rather long limbs and shoved himself into the now cluttered area. He perched himself across from you, giving you a final glance before turning his focus to the challenge at hand. Your heart hammered wildly in your chest and Jimin winced as you put his hand in a death grip. “Y/N, my hand.”  “Oh, shit. Sorry Jiminie.” You released his hand and turned away, heat radiating through your body. “Let’s get this party started my dudes!”
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ryouverua · 6 years
Trial 5 - So about that one thing... (1)
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Investigation 1 / 2 - second half is where I put my own theories that I penned before playing the trial. 
and man was I proven wrong almost instantaneously lmao - but I’m getting ahead of myself. On with the show!
Poor K1-b0, honestly. He had such a great epic speech planned, totally interrupting Monokuma’s normal opening for the trial -
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- only for Monokuma to completely undercut him, aka the opening of this post. 8′D You’ll prevail over robophobia one day, K1-b0! One... day....
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Good luck trying to pull that on Maki, though. 8′D
H-Hm. The fact that you’re asking that means that you’re either putting on a really good act right now, or I am so very, very wrong right out the gate. But with that said, where is the sixth person? Maybe that’s what I should call them, honestly. The Sixth Person. The Unknown Loudmouth who thrives off others’ attention. The Mysterious Purple Boy Wonder. ‘K’, if you will.
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omg they... have question marks... on their faces.... Now this is definitely a first. So we’re actually going to go the whole trial without either of them, huh. Sure, one of them being gone I was half-heartedly prepared for, but both? Damn.
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I’m 99% sure ‘Never let a good crisis go to waste’ is like Monokuma’s theme or something.
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They are?! Have they been hiding in here the whole time??? That... is actually a really good hiding place? Though I have no idea how they’d be able to get down here before a trial was called...
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There’s that same base assumption: Culprit = Mastermind = Kokichi. But what if one of those isn’t true? Or, well, two? Could it be Culprit = Mastermind? Or Culprit = Kokichi? Or just... well, neither?
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Man, just... the fact that you’re trying to shut down discussion really lends itself to suspicion. I don’t think I’m drawing the wrong conclusion by saying she was the one who cleaned up after the fact, but I suppose the option of her outright killing Kokichi or mercy-killing Kaito is still a possibility? I still don’t think she’s the culprit because I don’t think she was able to get in until after the crossbow shots were fired (aka let in by Kaito) but...
Or... or if she found Kaito dead already, from illness, and then crushed the body to frame Kokichi for it... but if she thought he was the mastermind, then she would think he’d have control of the full trial and would know that selecting him as the culprit would be the wrong answer, right??? Yeah okay following that idea to the end was pointless in the end but at least I got it out of my system. >3> I also don’t think she would disrespect Kaito’s body like that tbh unless she had to, so...
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Oh man are we going to get an end-of-trial reveal then? I’m just gonna be vibrating anxiously in my seat then, I suppose. look Sweetcheeks we’re in sync again!
Aaaah, the class is so small now... I mean, we don’t even have the sixth person we should have. This is sixth chapter-levels of small. what is with the number six showing up all of the sudden
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I had to grab this screenshot because tell me this doesn’t give off the impression of a sniper scope lens! Maybe that’s just me? I just really like taking a moment to appreciate the design of the text in the trials ~
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I didn’t think this was going to come up so early!
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And the one to the back looks bad.... Was it just dripping, or do those correspond with the drag marks? It seems to imply that they do...
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Shuichi and I are all about those implications and circumstantial evidence lol
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Meanwhile Maki is all about that supposed ‘direct’ evidence. Which, you know, fair! .... is what I would say if I didn’t think she was participating in a cover-up. But the motive behind the coverup... just saying ‘she wants to save Kaito’ isn’t really good enough for me, because that means she’s forfeiting everyone else’s lives in the process of the trial proceeds by its own rules - which it seems to be doing.... And, yeah, everything outside is gone, and she did agree to mercy-kill everyone before they saw the flashback light, but -
Oh, that’s an interesting thought. Kaito overthrows Kokichi, accidentally killing him in the process thanks to Maki’s poisoned arrows. Kaito succumbs to illness, or is going to in short order. Monokuma AI is still up and running, and Maki thinks it’s just because it can run independently of Kokichi, maybe? So she takes advantage of it in order to mercy-kill everyone like Gonta (and maybe Kokichi) wanted last chapter, while letting Kaito die without anyone else thinking he was a murderer? Is this her using her Ultimate Assassin ability in the most compassionate way she can, maybe?
I.... don’t know if I’m 100% satisfied with that answer... but it is an answer..........
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It’s not a question of wants, my dear Sweetcheeks - she needs to push this narrative. The real question is if she actually believes it herself.
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i thought the answer was bloodstain whoops
Thank goodness there wasn’t. 8′\ I don’t think even Danganronpa could stylize the gruesomeness out of that.
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“You think that comment about ‘the last time you touched a woman’ was bad? I’m going to show you that I can eviscerate you without even lifting a finger.”
Maki is a force to be reckoned with, damn.
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too soon? .... yeah okay
I’M LAUGHING HOW MANY SHIP WAR TRIALS ARE WE GOING TO HAVE why can��t we all just ot3 in peace guys
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They are low-key fighting about who knows Kaito the best down to how he dresses himself I cannot believe -
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“Have you ever considered he was wearing it like a cape like an absolute no-taste madman? Or reverted to the ‘tied around waist’ trend?  When you two broke up, it changed him, Shuichi - it changed him!”
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“Just like Kokichi Imeanwhat, you didn’t hear me say that, nope -”
also too soon probably
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Defeat... but how does this defeat him? The theory I have addresses why she would be so determined/have more knowledge than she’s letting on, but it definitely doesn’t neatly answer how implicating him as the culprit would ‘defeat’ him outside of letting Kaito out unscathed. :x
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Oooh, are we going to address that point now? I feel like once we’ve resolved that, we’ll be ready to start breaking things down into easier-to-solve chunks!
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Oh... um... o-okay but -
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actually oooh she said ‘Momota’ without an `ific behind it - is that a first, or did I only just notice now?
Edit: I’ve been corrected, she’s apparently not used it for a while now. I’m not surprised I just didn’t notice until now. 8′D
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I.... I don’t even know what to think right now.... I thought I’d come up with something good in terms of why it was Kaito and not Kokichi, thinking it would be maybe a twist for partway through the trial or something, but then??? he just fucking busts in 15 minutes late with whatever DR’s equivalent of Starbucks is like ‘WHAT UP GUYS WHAT DID I MISS?’
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can I just say I really appreciate Hiro Shimono right now holy crap
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but I just heard Kokichi scream something along the lines of (and I’m totally going to butcher this with my limited knowledge, I apologize):  “ORE WA SHIMASEN! MINNA WO AISHITERU KARA!” Isn’t that along the lines of ‘I won’t [die], I love all of you?” or ‘Everyone loves me?” or something? man I’m totally butchering this aren’t I lol please feel free to correct me
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As for the english reference we have a confirmed Sinatra fan among us - that’s some pretty great taste you’ve got there, kiddo! hey maybe the japanese one was a detective conan ED ref or maybe I’m just reaching as usual
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U-Uh I don’t know about that? I find the exisals pretty impressive, personally. I bet Tsumugi is secretly fangirling as an big mecha!anime nerd.
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Good question, tbh - why did Kaito’s voice come out of the exisal? I’d consider the idea of them both being in there, but... but we discovered a body, right? And bloodstains? Unless an old body was reused (and there’s precedence in the series for that), but I don’t know how they would manage it???
Also I’m mad at myself WHY did I accidentally delete the ‘cracker’ cap, japanese Kokichi literally just said ‘cracker’ out loud and it was amazing!!!
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..... I.... DAMN IT THAT IS A GOOD REASON. Fine, you win this round, K.
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I MEAN... YEAH....
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oh shit you did what now
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UM?!?! NO, CAN WE NOT?!?!
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Oh.... Oh no.
I have questions about why the video sped up for a moment and also why he isn’t moving at all (is he??? dead before being placed there???)  but I’m going to push them to the side for a moment because
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Oh dear :(
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how many love interests must this boy be forced to watch die damn it
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aharris00britney · 6 years
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random stuff, some facts about me, some sims questions, video requests, hair sneak peaks, umm and other stuff too…. also I am 10 candies from being able to evolve that dumb fish so wig
Anonymous said: Do you have a car?
Anonymous said: Hi wcif the shirts in your coming soon in June update ps I love your cc x
hey! for any WCIFs for that stuff, I am probably going to wait until the posts for the hairs are up because I know that people won’t check when the hairs are posted for my old wcifs.
@angelamariacalle​ said: you could make a WIP the eyes that you use in your post with ice cream?     
i have no idea what you were trying to say ;-; the eyes I used are my default ones which you can download here
@ayoshi-sims​ said: Once you get this SHARE 6 facts about yourself and send it to your 10 favorite blogs ✨
I still play pokemon go (fight me)
I think that pop music was the best in 2007-2011 (One of the Boys, The Fame/The Fame Monster, Circus/Blackout, Animal/Cannibal, The best damn thing)
I am a super middle child! (two older siblings, and two younger ones as well)
I keep all my kpop albums on my dresser, with my Red Velvet one hanging in a red/white flower crown I own :)
My favorite food to snack on is either a tuna kit, or pickles
I am a bottom XD
Anonymous said: When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! Then, send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously. You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity!
aaaaah okay um
my kpop girlies i stan
my angel rocky (my old af pug)
my friends (irl and online <3)
the concept of love is always something that makes me happy omg i know that is cheesy but like… imagine finding someone that is perfect for you will always be there when you need and like just GOD I NEED A MAN NOW
charli xcx music umm yeah it’s 5 in the morning
Anonymous said: Hello, I was wondering if you have your sims on the gallery? Thanks for your time. :)       
Yeah! I have a few sims for download on my origin which is SPOTHARRIS I also have them for download on this page
Anonymous said: Hello!! Just wondering wicf the freckles from the discontinued model in your older posts (e.g. momo buns) thank you!!! BTW I love your stuff soo much! :)
Hey! I no longer have that file or even know where I got them from :( Here is an OLD af wcif I answered of them though
Anonymous said: Where are you from?
I am from Virginia, which is on the east coast of the United States :)
Anonymous said: Hi!! I feel like this is such a silly question but oh well I’m a noob. If I use your Quartz eyes V2 will they be inherited in the next generation if my sims have kids? Same with your hair colors as well?
I honestly have no idea how any of that stuff works :( I’m sorry! I assume it should but also maybe not? ;-; again, sorry!
Anonymous said: omg the hair with the flowers in it! *-* i love!! will you also make a version without the flowers? I also wanted to say I’m really happy your life is going well and congrats on the 30k followers
thank you so much!! and I the hair will obvi have no flowers :P the flowers should be accessories if everything works out. There are some clipping issues rn but I think it is fixable :) here is a pic without the flowers. If you guys have any recommendations about then pls send them my way
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Anonymous said: Would you ever consider doing really long curly hair like the singer Sza’s?
I personally don’t like super long hair in TS4, it just doesn’t look well with most clothes and has clipping/weight issues :( I’m sorry!!
Anonymous said: Do you know what happened to SimpleSimmer?
I don’t, no. But I am sure she is fine :) sometimes people just take breaks
Anonymous said: Hi! So, i really love your sim with the dark brown hair (for your hair cc) and i was wondering if you could ever share that sim! Because she has a beautiful face. Also i am wondering which skin overlay (etc) you are using! You can find me in the gallery under the name: xThisGirl (if that is an easier way for you to respond :)
Hey! You can find her download here, along with all my other sims :) I am glad you like her <3
Anonymous said: Hey! I know you probably won’t read this as fast but I wanted to ask, how do you shift the hairline to the side or any of that? Like your daisy hair, briana hair, and that one wip you had in a tutorial video of yours! I really want to do that but I just don’t know how :(
I will maybe record something for this! No promises bc I have to get someone to edit the videos for me and I don’t wanna bug him but I will see if he can edit it for me if I film it :) It is pretty simple to do once you get the hang of it
@sims4storiesandstuff​ said: I just wanted to say, your hairs are the shit! Absolutely stunning. I rarely use the EA hairs anymore! I think you deserve every follower you have.            
Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate stuff like this <3 I don’t play the game myself much so it makes me happy knowing that my hairs make other peoples games so much more enjoyable uwu
Anonymous said: hello can you make please a video when you make a hair and upload it?
I would like to! I just do so many random things while doing a hair like showing pictures to friends and getting their advice. So I will have to see, would you guys mind if the video had conversation stuff in it? As I said earlier, someone edits the videos for me so I don’t wanna get him to do more work for it by editing them out :( I will look into it for sure though!
Anonymous said: That hair wip in your lil video tutorial is absolutely beautiful!! Can’t wait until it’s released !! 🧡🧡
thank you so much!! Here are some more pics of it:
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Anonymous said: are you korean? If not, how can you like kpop if you dont understand it?
I am not korean haha, but music is about more than understanding. It is about the feelings it vibes you get from it and the moods it puts you in. People love screamo music even though it is hard to understand, and music like instrumentals and dubstep heavy are just… what the music makes you feel. I listen to ‘normal’ pop, kpop, instrumentals, artists like grimes that mumble their songs a lot with production heavy stuff. I think that as long as the music is something you enjoy, you shouldn’t be judged for liking it. I know you aren’t trying to be rude with this ask so don’t think I am attacking you please! I am just trying to give you some insight into why different music interests people :)
Anonymous said: I’m so happy to see that you’ve made a patreon account! you really make amazing CC and that’s such a gift to the community, I’m happy that now I get to feel like I can give something to you haha :) have a great day/evening!
thank you so much! and thank you for supporting <3
@lesyatim​ said: Hello,  it’s not ask. I only want to say that you make very beautiful hair and  THANK YOU! I Love You💕💕💕💕💕 P.S. I’m from Russia and I don’t now English very well♡)
thank you so much!! Спасибо большое (that is suppose to say thank you in german lmao)
Anonymous said: When did u make a skin?
it is a hidden gem :P It is mainly to fix the collarbones bc I use multiple skin overlays so I that is why is was never posted :)
Anonymous said: Congratulations i hope you have a happy family 😄
@dangerouskindofmind said: I actually don’t have a question! I just wanna say you are one of my favorite sims 4 creators out here. Your hairs; snatched. Your clothes; beautiful. Your sims; amazing. And your personality looks just as good lol. I’ve probably downloaded like 99.9% of your content and I just wanna say thank you for all you do to make my sims 4 experience loads better. I also hope you’re having a great day
thank you so much!!!! I appreciate it a ton, I love that my content makes people love this game more <3
Anonymous said: Just wanted to say that literally all of your CC is beautiful and from what I’ve seen, I absolutely adore your personality. Keep it up my dear, you’ve got crazy talent. Much love <3
thank you, thank you!!! My personality irl is kind of shitty lmao I am really shy and like reserved ;-; and it is just memorizing how to do some editing to hair meshes, not much talent involved <3 thank you so so much again though!! I love getting these kind of messages
Anonymous said: Are you gonna make an outerwear cc pack when the seasons expansion pack releases?
I don’t make much clothing CC so I highly doubt it. I am working on a swimsuit that I might post later this month though! We will see what happens though :D
Anonymous said: thank you very much for a playlist that you shared with One Shot,Two Shot,I’m totally in love ur the best
yesss BoA is such a queen, listen to the full mini album if you can! It is one of her best releases in my opinion.
Anonymous said: aharris00britney awnsered me,cuz I remember my question and it’s on the asks recent post AND i’ll shake this print in all my enemies face thx,I asked about the patreon and I’m doing it right now bby <3            
hehe thank you!! <3 you show them enemies
– just so the eating ass juicy booty ask so yep that is all I have gotten in the past month that I can answer :P
167 notes · View notes
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HELLO! TODAY MARKS MY SIX-YEAR ANNIVERSARY ON THIS BLOG ( 6/1/2018 ) AND TO CELEBRATE HERE IS A FOLLOW FOREVER ( I haven't done this in a while so excuse the lame graphic ). I honestly cannot believe that I've had this blog for so long. I've had a lot of downs here but I've also had my fair share of ups. After my year hiatus, I had honestly thought I would be shutting this blog down for good because a lot of things were going wrong but I'm so glad I didn't because I got to meet more amazing people along with the partners who've managed to stick by my side for so long. Besides having a follow forever, I wanted to do something special but I'm honestly clueless so I was hoping you all could help me out. I was thinking a Q & A video for the muses and mun, a voice recording of what my muses would sound like in a drabble, a promo/shoutout, a gifset/graphic/photo edit of your muses and mine, and/or drabbles for your muses and mine. You guys can choose which one you want me to do but I will be closing requests by June 8. Anyways, below the cut are people I just want to thank and people who I wish to interact with. I may have forgotten some people so I do apologize. I'm very scatterbrained at times. Okay love you all. Stay wonderful. ~ local smol bean, MC <3
@qceensofkings - Such a kind person with great muses.We don’t talk much out of character but it doesn’t stop me from loving Nicholas and Isabelle together. They make my heart happy especially during their little cute moments ( like fighting over if pancakes or waffles are better ). You are a wonderful human being and I love seeing you on my dash always. I can’t wait to keep writing more with you
my starlight bestie { @eternallydreamingstar } - BEST FRIEND HI. OKAY SO FIRST OFF I LOVE YOU OKAY YOU’RE SUCH A GREAT FRIEND! MORE THAN I CAN EVER ASK FOR. You were literally the first person after my hiatus who reached out to me again and started to write with me. You gave me the push and motivation to keep on going despite me wanting to give up. I love our plots, I love our characters, and I love the world we’ve created. We’ve been together for so long and I honestly cannot stress how much you mean to me. I love you so much. You’ve have always been there for me and I will continue to always be there for you too. I LOVE YOU STARLIGHT
the longest love { @drew-a-tanaka } - Okay....listen....I think by this point this is going to be repetitive because you’re literally my longest partner ( it’s been like five years ) so you’ve been with me for such a long time and you’ve heard me tell you I love you all the time. I love you okay. I care so much about you more than you could ever know. Thank you for truly caring for me and for helping me. Thank you for writing with me. Thank you for pulling me out of the darkness countless of times. Thank you for cheering me on. Thank you. I love you and I’m always here for you. I will always be here for you. 
the wonderful inspiration { @ribbedxgloves } - Um listen, even after all these years I’m still intimidated by you. Like you’re so amazing and all your characters are great and don’t even get me started on your writing. I will never cease to thank you for giving me a chance because without you I don’t think I would have actually grown and improved as a roleplayer. Thank you for being such a wonderful human being. I miss talking to you a lot. But thank you for being a beautiful soul.
@hadesrebelofadaughter - You honestly are one of the kindest people ever. I don’t think you understand just how much you’ve made my days when you sent me all those encouraging messages and were genuinely interested in my characters. I apologize for my slowness because we don’t get to interact a lot but I do read your threads and you’re such a wonderful writer. You are a bright person so please keep on shining. 
@district-one-beauty - Hello, my love. First off, I want to apologize for being the slowest person ever when it comes to replying. Second off, thank you for always messaging me and trying to talk to me. You’re such a kind person. I know things get rough but I’m always here if you need anything. Thank you for blessing my dash and threads with your presence. And thank you for simply being my amazing rp partner. I will do my best to be more responsive, I promise. 
@humansxfox - Okay first off, I actually never thought you would actually want to roleplay with me because I am a mere potato who knows nothing and yet you sent me asks and now here we are. Katherine makes me super happy because I love how she just interacts with Nicholas. It gives me a chance to be more creative with him without having to change his backstory or who he is ( this means a lot to me honestly ). You’re honestly such a blessing on my dash and just your presence makes me happy. I wish we could talk more out of character but I’m really shy and weird so I do apologize.
pink candied sky { @leenxna​ } - MY LOVE MY WONDERFUL HONEY MY DARLING! DUDE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH OKAY. LIKE I TRULY LOVE YOU. YOU’RE SO FUCKING AMAZING I CAN’T EVEN EXPRESS HOW MUCH YOU MEAN TO ME. Thank you for putting up with me and thank you for talking to me and just being an overall great person. I love being a dork with you and just talking about everything. You make me so happy. I love that we’ve pretty much established a whole story and it’s pretty great. Thanks for introducing me to great people and thanks for loving my spams. I can honestly write a whole chapter about how amazing you are but I’ll stop for now haha. Okay LOVE YOU. 
@hxpxfm - YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL PERSON. Like the first time you hopped into my IM, not going to lie, I was really startled because no one has ever truly done that before but DUDE I’M REALLY GLAD YOU DID. You’re so sweet and caring and I just love having conversations with you. I know we haven’t roleplayed yet [ I’M SORRY I’M SO SLOW ] but I’m already excited for our characters to interact. THANK YOU FOR BEING SUCH A BALL OF SUNSHINE. 
@killyouhimself - Your presence on my dash makes me so happy. And even though our threads have not progressed yet ( I’M SORRY I’M SO SLOW. Please forgive me. ) I honestly already love them. I love your character so much which is why I’m always reading your threads. You’re an amazing writer and your creativity is truly astounding. I love the interaction between Charon and Sungmin. Thank you for being on my dash and for being such a blessing. 
the argentate heart { @atrociity​ } - OMG SO MANY THINGS TO SAY ABOUT YOU. You make me so soft, okay? Like you’re so cute and adorable and so nice and caring and it’s just like how was I blessed ??? I love Eris so much and the way she interacts with Mak ( also thank you for interacting with him ). Thank you for checking up on me. Honestly if anyone ever fights you, tell me. I will fight them for you. I will literally lay down my morality for you because you are a person who deserves all the love and protection. I love you so much! 
the sweetest honey { @busanbunnie​ } - ANOTHER PEACH. ANOTHER SWEETHEART WHO HAS MANAGED TO MAKE MY DAYS BETTER. YOU ARE SO ADORABLE AND CUTE AND I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU - FROM YOUR BLOG AND TO YOUR PERSONALITY. I love our interactions so so much and I just love talking to you. Thank you for being such a bright light. 
@painterlyjongin - HIIIII. Okay listen, I’m actually very intimidated by you and I’m really grateful that you’re writing with me. I love plotting and talking with you always. Your characters are beautiful and you’re a wonderful human being. Every time you appear on my dash, I get very happy. Thank you for giving me the honor of interacting with you.
@beavtiful-liar​​ - I’m always blessed to see you on my dash. I’m always happy when you’re online. I know we don’t interact as much but I’m still grateful that your presence is here. I’m always happy when I read your threads. You’re such a kind person and you deserve so much love and happiness. I don’t know how you managed to keep so many muses and how you manage to be super creative but it’s honestly awe-inspiring. Thank you for being a blessing. 
@nobxdyshome​​ - You are such a beautiful soul and I’m really sorry that I’m very slow with replying but with the interactions we’ve had so far, it’s honestly great. I loved plotting with you and talking with you. I always read your threads and you’re so creative and such a great writer. I will always be in awe of you.
@jinxednature - Hiiiii. First off, you are so so so so so so nice. A very, very sweet soul that I have the honor of talking and interacting with you. You are so beautiful and kind and I love your blog and your characters and your creativity. You give my dash a little more sweetness and I will forever be grateful for that. 
the bby love { @aroixs } - Will words be enough to convey how much you mean to me? Will it ever truly encompass all my emotions and thoughts? You, my dear, are such a true blessing in my life. You genuinely are such a caring and wonderful person and every time I see a notification from you I honestly get incredibly happy. You care so much and you’re always so kind and thoughtful. Even when you have your own problems to deal with, you manage to have time for me and that is an honor. I love you so much bby. I’m always grateful for you.
my baby doll wife { @moonsiim​ } - There are too many things to say about you. I can write a whole novel trying to detail out all of the thoughts I have about you but I won’t go overboard. One day I will but not today. I always tell you this: I love you. Every time we talk I always have a smile on my face. Every time you send me something or talk about something you’re passionate or interested about my heart swells with joy because I’m honored that you can share it with me. Your writing leaves me breathless. Your characters leave me gasping for oxygen. You, just you, leaves me in awe. I love you so much and I don’t know how to convey that truly because let’s face it I’m pretty awkward and weird and yet you’ve given me a chance to be part of your life. I will always be grateful for everything you’ve done. I will always be here for anything you need. I will always try to be your ball of sunshine. I truly love you so so much. 
@meirise || @dcpression || @xtaem || @prvttyliars || @elvctrickiss || @sierrcr || @monkeydjong || @boyccld || @divinexlovers || @kingpvns || @nxcturnes ( quick note - I’m honestly in admiration of your writing and you very much intimidate me but I enjoy reading all your threads ) || @lostavra || @strawbxrryblxssxms ( quick note - YOU’RE HONESTLY SUCH A SWEETHEART AND I’M SORRY I HAVEN’T REPLIED YET ) || @seaxofxstrangers || @malvdo || @deitius || @whyhasthemadnessoccured || @130mo2d || @witch-saebyeok ( quick note - I’m sorry for being slow and ALSO I LOVE WINTER’S AND SAEBYEOK’S FRIENDSHIP ALREADY ) || @fatedtobehunted || @survivics ( quick note - I always try to send you an ask or a request to plot and then I get really scared so I don’t but I really wish I could interact with you ) || @ilatiisms ( quick note - I love your character so much and you’re such an amazing writer and I’m very intimidated but one day I will muster up the courage to ask to interact ) || @nocturncx ( quick note - I miss you and I love our interactions and I’m so sorry that I’m really slow with replying. You’re beautiful ) || @telekineticdivinity || @tenxthreex || @orientalskies || @alnowicki || @curious-x || @fclklre || @rousepalette 
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Deus dormit
This is a follow up for To the End of Eos well more of a prequel to build to the story of Lunafreya and Princess getting to Altissa, because I had a lot of thoughts on it, and needed to clear my head of it it’s also one of the things I saved to my drive rather than my laptop (which is still MIA).
Please note that Prompto, Gladiolus, and Ignis S.O do have “ names’, due to this series being more on “Princess” and writing ‘Lady in Waiting’ “Lady of the Battlefield’ and ‘Best Friend” was getting annoying.
11569 words because no one would stop me! (ノ-_-)ノ ~┻━┻ ☆`
☆ 714 Stars ☆
The first time that Noctis saw you, it was due to him and Prompto having headed over to the arcade after school, as per normal. Yet then his eyes moved to the claw machine where you were standing with one of your friends, giggling at the fact that she had managed to snag three of the Chocobo plushies within the machine in one go.
“Dude, you still there?” Prompto called, nudging the Prince beside him.
Noctis nodded softly, still, every so often his eyes would train back towards you again, and again. He didn’t think anything of it, it’s just that there was something about you, like a magnet almost, that was drawing his attention to you. So when you had walked by and had dropped a charm from your bag, the Prince immediately bent down to grab it.
“Excuse me,” Prompto called, as you and your friend immediately stopped, turning to the two boys. “I think you dropped this.”
Noctis watched as you turned to that cute star-shaped bag on your back, then back to the Prince, “Here.”
“Omg, thanks.” You smiled, as he placed the small little star charm within your grasp.
Noctis returned to the arcade almost every day after that, in hopes that you’d show up again.  Still no luck, that was until the following month when he saw a glimpse of that cute bag again.
“..cute new ones, but I suck at the claw machine. Please, there’s only one more left.” He heard you mutter into your phone.
“I can help,” Noctis called before realizing what he was doing.
You turned towards him, before recognizing who he was, “No prob, someone else is going to help.” You smiled at your phone, before hanging up, “Hey, you sure you don’t mind?”
Noctis gave a shrug, before turning to the machine, “Which one are you after?”
“That one with the stars.” You smiled, pointing toward the Limited edition one.
It did take him two tries, yet Noctis managed to snag the Chocobo plush with stars in its feathers, turning to you as you beamed brightly taking it from his hands.
“Thank you! This is the second time you helped me out. I’m Y/N.”
“Well there’s gotta be something I can do to thank you! Oh I know! There’s this little fair this weekend, two of my friends can’t go. Wanna come?”
Again Noctis’s mouth moved without his mind’s permission. “Sure.”
“Awesome, you can bring your blonde friend.”
☆ 698 Stars ☆
Noctis sighed as slumped further into the backseat of the car, Prompto sitting beside him for once rather than shotgun, as the Prince had just finished with a public address and was being escorted back to his apartment as it was beyond late.
“Dude, that’s kind of creepy.” Prompto chuckled looking to Noctis turn his phone back on.
“You have a picture of Y/N as your screensaver.”
Noctis cocked an eyebrow as both Ignis and Gladiolus turned at this, “So?”
“Kind of pathetic, that you got a girl on your phone, you went on a non-date with forever ago,” Gladiolus replied.
“Yeah, that’s what you’re suppose to do when you’re dating,” Prompto argued.
Noctis blinked in confusion, as he looked at the picture of you on his phone smiling so brightly, “We are dating.”
Gladiolus let out a rather loud guffaw as he looked to the Prince, “Nice one, Prince Charmless.”
“We are.” Noctis huffed.
“Really then call her up, and prove it,” Gladiolus smirked.
Noctis scoffed toward his shield, “I don’t have to prove it to you.” He stated when his phone binged showing he had a text message. Only to pull up a picture of you standing before a starry sky, pointing up to a large mess of pinks, blues, and oranges with the text of ‘Sweetie look! It’s a fish!’
“So you got the proof or should we start to worry?” Gladiolus chuckled.
Noctis quickly texted you back, only for you to video call in shortly after. “Hey.”
“Hi, Sweetie! I needed to show you the entire sky!” You called, as your camera moved around, before focusing back on you. “Isn’t it pretty?”
“Yeah.” Noctis smiled, before noticing you blink in confusion. “Something wrong?”
“Did you just getting done with your meeting?” You asked. “That suit looks really nice on you!”
Noctis tried to control his blush, “Yeah, I’m heading home right now.”
“Oh well, I don’t want to keep you, tell the others I say Hi!” You smiled brightly, only to look off screen at someone shouting something, then back with a giggle. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See ya,” Noctis called, before looking to the rest of the car with a smug look.
Ignis chuckled softly, adjusting his glasses, “So when do we have the pleasure of meeting her?”
☆ 689 Stars ☆
Noctis had to admit, that he was worried when you had both started to date. Only his close friends, Ignis, Gladiolus, and Prompto, as well as your friends Clara, Lucet, and Amor, and his old friend Lunafreya were aware of your relationship. It wasn’t known to the public, and most of the time if you both were to go on a date together, it was either done within a group, or he would have to wear a disguise. Or you both would have to hang out at his apartment.
Ignis had stated to him time and time again, that with a commoner such as yourself, dating the Prince was, unfortunately, a cause for alarm. Should the wrong people, which to get ahold of you, they could use it against Noctis.
Yet as you sat beside Noctis, across from Ignis and Clara, you holding tightly to Noctis’s hand, stating, “I don’t mind, we don’t need the world to know.”
Noctis couldn’t help but to agree, yet what really shocked him was that no long after that, someone had noticed that the two of you were seen hanging around a lot and had attempted to kidnap you. Yet before either himself or Ignis could react, you had summoned a flash of fire, quickly followed by a bolt of lighting, pushing away the attacker.
“Y/N,” Noctis called in disbelief, yet when you turned to him, you seemed afraid, and then quickly bolted, Clara quickly going after you.
Through Ignis’s connections, the two had found your apartment, where you had lived with Clara and Amor. It was his first time there, and when he found you on the couch, crying to Amor after Clara had let him in, he stopped in his tracks.
“…he must think I’m a freak! No one else can do this! I can’t see him again, and I really like him, Amor!” You cried loudly, as your friend tried to console you.
“I don’t really know Noctis, but I don’t think he’ll care.” Amor offered.
You wailed loudly in her embrace, “He must hate me!”
“I don’t hate you,” Noctis stated, wanting to kick himself when you and Amor jumped in shock at him being there.
“Your…Your Highness!” Amor gasped, quickly jumping to her feet to curtsy to the young man.
“Amor! Help me and Ignis with tea!” Clara called.
Amor quickly made herself gone, as Noctis moved over to the couch sitting down beside you.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” Noctis asked.
“You, you weren’t suppose to see that! You must hate me” You cried. “I talk to rooms that no one’s in, I have these powers and I’m so weird you have to hate me.”
“No,” Noctis replied, reaching out to place a hand on your own. “I think they’re cool.”
“I just…I just want you to like me.” You sobbed, trying to dry your face with your free hand.
“I do though.”
At that moment he realized that he never wanted to be the reason you cried.
☆ 664 Stars ☆
One of the things that was constant within Noctis life was that he could rely on his old friend Umbra to drop by rather randomly, with a message from his dear friend, Lunafreya. It wasn’t really a surprise for the black dog to appear and greet him, stay for a bit then disappear.
Yet what was a surprise, was just how you had taken to Umbra so quickly! The first time Umbra appeared before you, you couldn’t stop the scratches and cuddles, which the dog didn’t seem to mind in the least. So after a few visits, Umbra would actually trot pass Noctis and then jump right into your awaiting arms for cuddles, as you’d loudly call ‘Puppy!’
 Still, the strangest had to be the time that he had come home and you were laying on the couch, having let yourself in with a spare key, with Umbra laying on your chest as if he was a small dog, while you stroked his back and watched t.v.
“Oh hey, Sweetie!” You called, underneath the dog, as Noctis moved over to press a kiss to your forehead.
“You been here for a bit buddy?” Noctis asked, stroking Umbra’s head.
“About 15 minutes, I was going to send him to the Citadel, but it started to rain.” You replied moving to sit up, yet keep the dog’s head in your lap.
Somehow you even convinced Noctis to let the dog stay until it stopped raining. Sending him home with a note to Lunafreya of why he was late and to not get angry at the dog as it was you that made him stay. The next time Umbra arrived with two books, and somehow both you and Lunafreya had become rather fast penpals.
☆ 652 Stars ☆
You had come over multiple times at this point, often cuddling against the man or allowing him to rest against you while you both watched tv or played video games. As with dating the Prince, you both weren’t able to spend ‘alone’ time without someone guarding you unless you were in his apartment.
The first time he had dozed off on you, he was embarrassed to find that he had accidentally drooled on your lap. Yet you giggled, stating you knew he was sleepy and stayed petting his head reassuring him that you didn’t mind until he returned back to sleep.
“Oh, what are you playing today?” You asked, moving to sit on the large couch beside the man, no matter how much couch was available the two of you would basically sit on top of each other. “Oh is this that Assassin game?”
Noctis perked up, “You know about it?”
“I’ve only seen a few videos online, these games make me dizzy when I play. I don’t mind watching though.”
So all evening the two of you play the game, you inquiring about the game’s lore while Noctis geeked out and was rather excited to explain the plot and characters. It was rather cute to see you typically silent boyfriend be so nerdy.  Yet by the time the game final saved and the two of you had called it a night, neither of you realized just how late it had gotten.
“Oh, I’d better call Lucet.” You yawned pulling out your phone.
“You…you can stay if you want,” Noctis stated rather quickly.
“Really? I don’t want to intrude.” You replied.
Noctis scratched the back of his head, a nervous reaction you noticed he did when he was embarrassed or put on the spot, “I mean it’s late.”
“Okay, do you mind if I borrow some pajamas?”
You giggled stepping from the bathroom, into Noctis’s bedroom, his shirt overly large on you, as you moved to the bed he was already in. The two of you had a very long drawn out argument about who would sleep on the couch, only to then realize that his bed was large enough to fit the both of you on it, and neither of you was comfortable enough to take the next step, just yet.
Noctis watched as you climbed into the far side of the bed, while he took the other. Making certain that you were settled before shutting off the bedside light. He typically slept in the center of the bed, determined to take up the entire space of the large bed,  hopefully, tonight he realized that he couldn’t do that, not when his lovely girlfriend was also there.
“Noctis.” You called.
Noctis rolled over, only to noticed that you were much closer than he thought. He nearly jumped from his skin as you moved closer cuddling into his chest.
“I figured you wouldn’t turn away from a good cuddle.” You smiled, nuzzling into his chest, as you closed your eyes.
Noctis slowly wrapped an arm around your waist, his blue eyes closing. Only awaken, at what only seemed to be minutes later, in reality, he knew that it was hours, as the sun was starting to shine the windows. He gave a yawn, ready to return back to sleep, only to notice the being asleep next to him. You looked so beautiful next to him, holding tightly to his hand within your sleep, having moved over to his pillow to share with him.
He could get use to waking up to this.
☆ 647Stars ☆
Noctis hated these types of parties, he would have to pretend to eat his vegetables, or quickly dispose of them, all of these girls would flirt with him, and he had to dance.
UGH! No thanks, still there was one thing that did make him happy, you had joined the party. Well, you and your three friends, who seemed to fit in just as much as his own.  Yet the thing that upset him the most was that you were seated about 5 people down from himself, no matter how much he demanded Ignis to sit you next to himself.
“She did this on purpose!” Noctis hissed to Ignis as the man leaned in to hear the man muttering angrily at the fact that this annoying excuse of a chiffon mess sitting in your seat, switched her place card with your own.
“Yes, I’m certain that the ‘Young lady of…”
Noctis didn’t care, this needed to be fixed, yesterday! Noctis’s eyes moved down the table to where you were sitting between a woman in an offense orange number and a man in a grey suit that couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off your chest. What he would give to grab your hand and warp out of here.
“We will see to this soon enough,” Ignis stated standing up straight to go claim his seat, next to his own girlfriend, Clara further down the table as dinner was ready to be served.
All through the salad course, which Noctis ate, apparently unbridled rage made one forget that he was eating vegetables, and the first dish, his eyes were trained on you. You didn’t appear to be nervous, yet then again you seemed rather drawn in as you had stated that you were nervous about being around the elite when you, yourself weren’t.
As dishes were cleared away, and the next soup course was being delivered, that’s when it all went to Hell. A poor runner had accidentally got caught on one of the trains of an evening dress, only for her to trip, spilling the soup all over your dress.
“I’m so sorry, Ma’am!” The young runner gasped from the floor.
“Oh my god!” You shrieked, bolting up as the entire room became quiet, as you turned to the girl, quickly kneeling beside her. “Are you okay?”
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean! I’m so sorry.” She gasped, pulling her serving scarf from her pocket, to try and assist with the damage to your beyond fixable dress. “Please forgive me.”
You grabbed her hands, as you smiled “It’s fine, it’s fine, lucky it was Gazpacho.”
“You’re not mad?” She inquired on the verge of tears.
“Why would I be? It was an accident, they happen.”
“Y/n,” Noctis called, having moved over with Ignis and Clara in tow the moment you stood up.  
“Is everything alright?” Ignis called, looking you both over.
“Yep, no harm was done.” You smiled standing up, helping the runner up.
“But Ma’am your dress.”
You looked down, only just now seeming to notice the large wet spot on the front of your cream and black dress, responding with a shrug, “Well, at least it was green gazpacho, and not red.”
“Ignis,” Noctis called, wanting to follow you out, yet he knew that he’d never hear the end of it from Ignis for abandoning his party guests. He didn’t even want this stupid party!
“Of course,” Ignis called, taking your hand and leading you out the room, Clara in tow.
Noctis did have to admit that he rather did enjoy the face the other girls gave him when he sat back down. It still was not known to mean the importance that you held.
What really brought a smile to his face was the dress that you appeared in after dinner. He had originally bought it for you to wear tonight but never bought it up. Yet now as you enter the ballroom, he physically felt his heart jump in his chest. He watched you slowly look around the room, among the large string of guests across the large ballroom, trying to find…
The young Prince froze, as he turned toward his Father sitting beside him. This was one of the few times that they had been in a room together in a long time and would also be the first time that you would be introduced to him.
“She’s the one?” Regis chuckled, “She’s a rather beautiful young one, maybe we should start the dancing.”
Noctis groaned, if it was one thing he hated slightly less than vegetables, it was dancing. His partner typically never knew when to stop and would often cling to him, plus his leg would start to act up. So as the music was slowly turning to start the actual dancing part of the party, Noctis watched as Ignis moved over to you, taking your hand and moving you towards the dance floor.
“His Royal Highness Noctis Lucis Caelum.” The announcer called, as he descended the throne to join the floor below.
Noctis couldn’t help but smile as you turned up your lip and pulled a face at the fact the other girls were gasping and grasping and adjusting themselves to appear more sexy for him. A chuckle escaped him, as he saw you softly mutter, ‘what the fuck’ at one of the women with large Chocobo feathers of every color in her hair and on her dress.
As the two of you met on the dance floor, Noctis couldn’t help the smile that appeared on his face. You looked so perfect standing before him, and that bright smile that appeared on your face as you rose from the curtsy, to take his hand into the first waltz set his entire body aflame.
“I think I made some enemies.” You giggled, as he moved you around the floor. “Oh and thank you for the dress, Ignis said you got it for me.”
Noctis seemed to blush at this, as he turned away from you, yet his blue eyes dragged back to you again. “It looks nice of you.”
You moved as close as you could within your large dress, resting your head against his shoulder, only to hear the room gasp loudly. “Oh, was that the wrong thing to do?”
“Who cares,” Noctis muttered against your head, the waltz had stopped and it had become a more calming music, and the way you stood now it had taken quite a bit of weight off his leg. He had to admit he actually didn’t mind dancing for once.
The Prince turned at the call, finding that, his father was standing there. The rest of the crowd was rather surprised as King Regis hadn’t actually been on the dance floor in years.
“Noctis…” You muttered softly, your shaking hand within your boyfriend’s as he led you over to his Father. “Noct, Sweetie.” You cried again, as you got closer, you had actually grabbed a hold of his arm. “Noct…”
Regis looked to his son, then to the young lady on his arm, as he bowed his head slightly.
You stopped your shaking only slightly, as you glanced at your Lady in Waiting, standing beside Ignis on the edge of the dance floor. Watching as Clara gave you the signal to bow, as you turned back, removing your arm from the death grip you had on Noctis, curtseying to the King, “Your Highness.”
Regis chuckled, turning to Noctis, “May I?”
You felt yourself squeak softly, as Noctis moved your hand over to his Father’s.  You turned to your boyfriend, then back to King Regis, as he linked his arm through your own escorting you back the dance floor. This time you actually could feel everyone’s eyes on you, as Regis moved you into a much slower waltz.
“I do hope that I didn’t embarrass you too much,” He chuckled.
“No, no, I just wasn’t expecting it.” You muttered softly, noticing that his blue eyes were very similar to Noctis, yet older, wiser, more sadness. You quickly added!  “Your majesty.”
Regis chuckled as spun you, “No need to be so formal. You’ve made my son very happy.”
You beamed at this, “I’m happy to hear that. He makes me happy too.”
“He had mentioned that your last name was Nox S Sidere.”
You blinked confused at this, as you nodded your head softly.
Regis chuckled slightly louder, “Night’s Constellation, I should have known that my son would fall in love with a woman who is the night’s sky herself. You know when he was a little boy he’d go star gazing all the time.”
“Really, me too.” You smiled.
Noctis watched as you went from nervous to rather giggly with his Father rather quickly on the dance floor. Two of the most important people in his life, he couldn’t help the smile.
☆ 625 Stars  ☆
You had confided to Noctis that you had often seen a little white fox running around his apartment. When you had finally gotten a moment to speak to the little fox, he had explained that he often watched over the young man for quite a while now.
“You see Carbunkle?” Was the first thing he had asked.
You had expected for him to be kind of skeptical or confused, even Clara had her doubts from time to time when you spoke of the little white fox or a woman in black that never appeared threatening, yet almost sad, and would cause shivers to go through you, not of fear yet from a chill she seemed to bring, like a winter’s wind.
“You…you’ve seen him too?” You asked.
“Never while awake,” Noctis replied, before turning to you. “Nice to know he’s still looking out for me.”
It was often now that Noctis would find you walking the halls of the Citadel, often waving to some of the members of the Guard. Yet every so often he would find you within the throne room, standing in the center of the room as you would be having a conversation. Often times it was rather happy and you’d be giggling, sometimes it sounded like you were comforting someone, other times you would ask questions and then become upset at the answer.
You had confided in him, that you were able to speak to others that weren’t seen by ‘normal’ people. Clara had explained that this was due to the fact that you were a Muse, a being blessed by the gods, and there had not been one in hundreds of years unbeknownst to you. Which would explain your powers and your ability to seem to speak to the past. Clara had him promise never to tell you. 
He couldn’t understand why.
It surprised him the most when you had explained you were talking to the Kings, and Queens of the past. Not many outside of those extremely close to the King’s power and lineage knew of the Kings, and you were speaking to them all the time. Often within the throne room, yet it wasn’t strange to find you sitting somewhere within the Citadel nowadays speaking to what appeared to be an empty room.
Somehow through some means, you had actually given him the ability to see his ancestors as well, yet there was one person, one vision of the past that you were unable to do that with.
“Who are you talking to today?” Noctis inquired one day stepping into the throne room.
You spun looking at the man, then back to the space before you, glancing down almost embarrassed, “There’s, there’s a woman here frequently.”
“Really?” Noctis asked as you begun to move over to him. “Is it The Rouge or Oracle today?”
“Neither, she talks a lot about you and your Father.” You smiled as you took his hand, allowing him to lead you out the room to get ready for dinner. “She loves you so much Noctis.”
☆ 536 Stars ☆
Why Gladiolus believed having you show up to one of his training sessions was a good idea, he would never understand. Still, Noctis made it rather a good show considering that he was actually giving Gladiolus a run for his money.
“Doing good today Noct, trying to impress your girl?” Gladiolus chuckled fending off the Prince.
Noctis tossed a glance over his shoulder toward where you standing with Ignis and Clara, your hands clasped to your chest as you stared so lovingly toward the Prince. “Nah, she knows a real man when she sees it.”
The two locked in a stance before they both broke apart only to hear you applauding.
“That was amazing, Noctis.” You cheered turning to Gladiolus, “Would it be alright if I try Gladio?”
Gladiolus chuckled, “If you’re up for it.”
You turned to Clara, as the woman removed your shawl and adjusting your knee-length skirt, you moved over, taking the training sword from Gladiolus as he moved over to where you once stood.
“Do take it easy, please,” Clara called.
Ignis chuckled fondly, “Noctis wouldn’t hurt her.”
“I didn’t mean Noctis.” The woman replied as the two men beside her stared in confusion.
“Give me all you got, Sweetie.” You cooed to Noctis.
“Uh sure,” Noctis replied, he had no issues with fighting a lady, hell 3 of the famous King of Lucis were ladies, yet still you were his adorable girlfriend, he’d hold back just a little.
Abort mission! Abort mission!
You came at him fast, despite your heels and huge skirts that Clara made you wear, Noctis hardly had a chance to block. Before you were spinning trying to slam a kick into the man’s head, quickly followed by a slash from your practice sword.
“Y/N! Do try to keep it to just sword strikes!” Clara mentioned.
“Oh…okay!” You called back, before lunging forward again. You seemed to specialize in fencing, even that was dangerous!
Noctis quickly parried, pushing your sword away. Sparing a quick glance to Gladiolus and Ignis who were also staring in confusion as you kept up with the Prince on the floor. It was nearing the 10-minute mark, when Noctis realized that you weren’t slowing down and your stamina was something amazing, so he instead settled for disarming you.
“Ow!” You squeaked, as he slapped your sword from your hand, before turning to him with large eyes.
Noctis quickly lowered his sword as he moved over to you, “Sorry, I didn’t mean…”
“That was awesome! Where did you learn that?” You called, moving over to him picking up your sword. “Can you show me?”
Noctis blinked in confusion before he smiled, “Sure.”
☆ 503 Stars ☆
The day you moved into Noctis apartment with him, was the day that he would always remember. To wake up with you beside him, to have you pattering around the house in one of his pajama shirts while pulling breakfast or a late night snack together. Someone who understood that there was no speaking upwards to 20 minutes after waking up, only cuddles and kisses!
Finally, someone who gets that morning is not a time to be awake! He loved you so much!
Yet everyone knew that the Prince was in an exclusive relationship with you, and you had become a type of celebrity yourself. It made him worry a little, you didn’t like to use your powers, and sure you were rather well with a rapier, but it wasn’t a good look for the Prince’s girlfriend to be throwing people around. Yet it seems that you weren’t the only one full of surprises.
“Ignis already has Y/N to the car, we will be meeting Amor and Prompto there,” Clara explained, standing from the couch as the Prince walked into the living room. Your Lady in waiting always seemed to be rather standoffish to him, as if she didn’t like the Prince taking away her charge, despite that she was in a relationship with Ignis. She would also get this far off look from time to time.
“Clara is a Clairvoyance, you know one of those people that can see the future,” Lucet explained one day.
Yet you did not know, or maybe you did. Still, what did Clara see that made her dislike the Prince so much? The woman never really gave out fortunes, her visions were always kept hushed and to herself, she may have shared one with Ignis, yet those typically were ones that she dubbed ‘Not altering’.
“Cool, let’s go,” Noctis replied.
“There is quite a bit of paparazzi out today, do stick close to me,” Clara stated, as they both exited the elevator.
She wasn’t overreacting, seems that the paparazzi were all out today. News must have spread fast that you had moved in with him, and the tabloids loved that kind of gossip the most. Cameras flashed, and microphones were thrust within his face, as Clara did her best to swat them away, all the while keeping close to the young man.
“Do stand aside,” Clara called, only to gasp at the man who had quickly jumped before the Prince.
Noctis hardly had time to react as the woman moved before him, a hand grabbing the paparazzi’s camera shoving him back, while the woman spun kicking his legs out from underneath him. Tossing her jacket over Noctis’s head, and while having the moment rushed to the parked car where Ignis and you were waiting.
“Was it wise to be so rough, Darling?” Ignis inquired signaling the driver to go.
“I’d much rather be rough and have a story about me than have Noctis and Y/n reputation be smudged. Filthy tabloids like that seem to enjoy messing with the crown’s name.” Clara replied, removing her jacket from Noctis’s head, before smoothing out his hair and shirt.  
“I thought you were just some historian?” Noctis stated in shock.
Clara blinked, “I am, at least that is one of my job descriptions. I am also Y/n’s Lady in waiting, and when it comes down to it a bodyguard to you both.”
Clara chuckled as she finished smoothing out Noctis’s shirt, “I’m rather fond of you Prince Noctis, and it wouldn’t look well for me to stand by and let something happen to you.”
Noctis turned to you as you nuzzle into his side, “So your Lady in Waiting is an assassin?”
“She is the one who taught me to fence. Still better than that time Lucet tried to teach me to box, or Amor teaching me to shoot, my ears were ringing for a week.” You giggled.
“You never know what situation you may come along,” Clara stated adjusting her glasses. “I’d rather you be prepared for anything.
“Amor taught you to shoot?” Noctis inquired.
“She’s a rather adapted sniper, not very well close up,” Ignis stated. “Quite the opposite to Prompto.”
“Something wrong Noct?” You asked, watching your boyfriend who looked like his mind had just been blown.
“I’m fine.” He muttered, he was use to being surrounded by super-powered soldiers, but you were apparently surrounded by them too. “Wait why didn’t anyone tell me!”
☆ 372 Stars ☆
“We seem to have found the source of the glow at the top of the Citadel,” Regis stated, walking down the hallway his son beside him, the duo on the way their once a week dinner together.
For a few weeks, a blue glow could be seen bouncing among the towers. But whenever anyone when to investigate they couldn’t find the source. Civilians thought it to be a new spectacle to please the people, which it did. Yet that didn’t mean it didn’t frustrate the guards who were investigating it!
“Really, what is it?”
Regis chuckled, “Y/N.”
“What was she doing that caused her to glow?” Noctis asked, you had strange powers, but he never recalled you glowing to be one of them.
“When I asked her, she had stated that King Mors taught her to warp, and she was training with The Just and The Rouge,” Regis stated. “I believe this is the first time that a Princess has also been able to warp alongside her Prince.”
Noctis couldn’t help but smile, it was strange that his Father had already thought so far ahead for the two of you. Then again he felt the same, his thoughts stopping when he saw you standing before the dining room door speaking to Gladiolus, before turning towards him and his Father’s approach.
“Good evening, Your Highness.” You smiled with a curtsy within your dinner dress, then turning to Noctis. “Hi, Sweetie.”
Noctis smiled, as he pressed a kiss to your cheek, before Regis offered his arm to you, escorting you to the dinner table.
It wasn’t strange now to see the blue glow on top of the Citadel, bouncing from tower to tower every so often, sometimes there would even be a second racing along with the first.
“There’s something I think you’d like to see, Y/N,” Ignis stated, having been sent back to the apartment after you had fallen ill earlier that day from a cold that had been going around.
You shuffled over with your large blanket acting as your cape, to the large picture window facing the Citadel, you had much rather have been there besides Noctis at that dinner. If anything to eat his vegetables for him, or make it a little less boring, or better yet have him come cuddle you better since he was the one who gave you this cold! Cuddles will heal me faster, my foot!
Only to gasp at the multitude of blue flashes across the tops of the Citadel’s towers. Turning as you saw Ignis holding out your phone for you, with a text from Noctis.
“Sorry you couldn’t be here tonight, I miss you. I’ll be home soon.”
“I’m going to cry.” You whimpered watching the lights bounce around the Citadel.
“I’ll go fetch you some tissues.” Ignis chuckled, pulling you up a chair and tugging your blanket cape around your shoulders.
☆ 245 Stars ☆
“Are we going to get in trouble for this?” You whispered as Noctis lead you out the huge gala that the Kingdom held tonight.
“It’s fine, not like we need to be there.”
With that reassurance, the two of you moved through the city the stars and moon guiding your way undetected hand in hand. It had begun to get a little chilly, as Noctis provide you his suit jacket, before the two of you found yourselves at the dock where Noctis would often disappear to on some of the more ‘annoying’ days.
You sat beside him, head resting against his shoulder, feeling the warmth of the Prince and surrounded by his scent due to his jacket snugged so tightly around you. No words passed between you, as you both sat there in attire that was made for socializing with the upper crust. Now made to sit here within this private world to the both of you was much better than being within that room. Granted when you returned it was more than likely going to be done to both Ignis and Clara worry.
Yet for the moment to be alone, it was heaven.
You giggled applauding Noctis’s captures and reels, yet it seemed that all evening Noctis was a little more silent. Well more silent than he normally was, almost as if he was lost in thought.
“We should get back.” He stated suddenly, his rod vanishing from his hands, helping you to stand.
“Ok.” You smiled, only to coo loudly as you looked up to the night sky. “Sweetie look.”
Noctis followed your gaze to the sky, all the stars out, it seemed almost like a painting, everything was perfect. Still, the real perfection was down here on Eos with him now, the young man took a deep breath calling out the name that had become so much like home to him. He watched you turn, staring in confusion as to where he was standing, then down to where he was kneeling before you.
“I love you more than all the stars within the night sky. Will you marry me?”
You didn’t hesitate, just a sudden and quick answer of, “Yes! I do!”
He was nervous placing the ring on your finger, both of your hands shaking, he managed to put it on. You admiring the symbol of you love as he stood and you moved into his arms hugging him tightly, pressing your lips to his. It made everything worth it!
As the two of you entered back into the Citadel, the Gala long over, neither of you could say you were surprised that there were six people waiting for you.
“Come on Specs it’s not like anyone cared.”
“I would think not!” Ignis groaned, “We had to feign that you were feeling under the weather.”
You moved over to Noctis wrapping your hand around his own, your other wrapping around his bicep. “Ignis, we didn’t mean to…”
“Young lady.” Clara hissed, using that tone that you knew meant you were in for it. “You went and disappeared, do you not understand what this could do to both yours and Noctis reputation? You weren’t gone for a few minutes, you both disappeared for hours.”
“Clara I’m sorry, we didn’t want anyone to worry. Please,” You began only to stop as Amor gasped and began to flail.
Clara growled before looking at the smaller woman, “What is it, Amor?”
“They’re engaged! Noctis proposed!” Amor squealed, leave it to a sniper’s sharp eyes to find the ring.
“You what?” Clara and Ignis called at the same time turning back to the two of you.
Both you and Noctis exchanged a glance, before you slowly rose your hand, showing off the large blue stone engagement ring, much to the congratulations of the others in the room. Yet it was off, Clara stood off to the side, her eyes widen behind her glasses waiting for the others to settle down.
“Isn’t this amazing, Clara?” Amor asked, her hand holding tightly to your hand, showing off your engagement ring.
Clara blinked, before shaking her head, as she moved forward, wrapping both her arms around you and Noctis. “I’m so happy for the both of you.” She leaned back looking to Noctis, “I know you’ll always make her happy, thank you Noctis.”
You stared in confusion, having known Clara most of your life, and she was crying, “Clara.”
“I’m so sorry, I yelled at you.” Clara cried, raising her glasses as she dried her tears, smiling as Ignis handed her his handkerchief. “I’ve always wanted to help you plan a wedding.”
You giggled,“I wouldn’t want anyone else.”
“Encase I was mistaken, Clarus I believed the party ended hours ago.”
The entire room turned as they noticed the King and his Shield moving into the room, which quickly received bows from the rest of the room and a call of “Your Majesty.”
“I believed I heard that a wedding was to be planned, whom may I inquire is engaged?” Regis called.
You turned to Noctis still holding tightly to your hand, as he nodded softly, you stepped forward presenting your hand to the Kingdom of Lucis, “We are, Your Majesty.”
Regis glanced to your hand then sighed heavily shaking his head, “Tsk tsk tsk, that won’t do.” He stated handing his cane over to Clarus, taking your hand before pulling you forward into a hug. “I much prefer, Dad.”
☆ 228 Stars ☆
You took a deep breath, as you stared into the mirror before you. This party was for you! Well you and Noctis, even King Regis was to be in attendance. Still, it didn’t stop the nervousness that flooded through your system.
Your own dressing suite had cleared out from your 3 friends, and you had yet to see Noctis this evening. Actually, all day, as it seemed that you both were being ushered around all day, you to the hair salon, nail salon, spa, and then into the Citadel, where you had only gotten a quick kiss to the Prince before being pushed into your dressing room to get ready.
Yet you turned as you felt a familiar presence within the room, turning to see a familiar face and a very happy tail wagging back and forth, “Umbra! Hi Puppy!” You smiled, bending down, so that the dog could give you his version of a hug, by placing his head on your shoulder. “You came all the way here.”
Umbra gave a soft bark, turning to present the bag on his back, where yours and Lunafreya’s exchange journal was placed.  The Journal was a soft pink and blue, with a beautiful flower in the center, you sat down on the ground, happy that you hadn’t dawned your dress yet, knowing that if Clara saw you in this position in your dress from Noctis she’d have a fit.
Opening the book you couldn’t help but smile at the detailed beautiful writing that had become your confidante over the last couple of years.
I am so happy for the both of you!
If I may offer my engagement gift to you both, I wish to sign the treaty and personally officiate your wedding as a sign of new beginnings.
Do send a picture when you get your wedding dress!
You didn’t even attempt to stop the tears spilling from your eyes as you held up the picture of Lunafreya and Pyrna congratulating you on your engagement. Despite never having officially met, you felt a very strong connection to the other. You placed the book in your lap as you rubbed at Umbra’s cheek, pulling him forward again.
“Thank you, Umbra.” You smiled, as you wrapped your arms around the dog. “Will you be staying for the party?”
“Princess,” Clara called from beyond the door, a term used by many at this point in the Citadel, before stepping in with Lucet and Amor in tow.  “Oh, you have a guest, hello Umbra.”
Umbra barked to the three ladies moving into the room, receiving chin scratches and belly rubs.
“You’re not even dressed yet, and Noctis got you such a pretty dress,” Amor called, moving over to the black dress on the mannequin.
“Lucky you got a man with some taste, if I left it to Gladio, I’d be wearing just a pair of heels.” Lucet chuckled picking up Umbra, ever the animal lover. “You nervous?”
“A little.” You attempted, yet didn’t want to go into the full details, as Clara begun to help you dress. The dress rose in the front, showing off your sparkling heels, while draping in the back to the floor, a full skirt that blossomed out as you didn’t believe you looked good in slimmer form-fitting dresses.
You allowed the three women to lead you out the door, Umbra bounding out before you. Having received a makeshift cute little tie from Clara made out of a few hair ribbons. You watched the black dog, prance around the corner to the doors that you knew would bring you to ballroom. Only to smile at the man you had fallen in love with.
Noctis was always handsome to you, yet to now see him in his light, dressed for you. It brought back the memory of how you two decided to become one.
You cried that night, while you agreed to become his, and you felt those same tears appearing in your eyes now as you stepped forward. Noctis hand immediately moving to the only piece of jewelry that mattered to you, as he cupped your hand, pressing his lips to your own. You both parted as you heard the announcer introduce Prompto and Amor, despite the fact that the party was started hours ago, the main guests had yet to arrive.
“You both look absolutely adorable.” Clara smiled, touching up your lipstick, and removing the lipstick from Noctis’s lips, despite knowing that it was just doing to end up back there again within the next thirty minutes. “Please refrain from running this time.”
“You’re being doting again, My Love,” Ignis replied, fixing Noctis’s necktie, then moving to your hair accessory of the evening.
“If they run away this time, they may just elope.” Clara stated, as she gave you both a tight squeeze before moving over to take Ignis’s arm, as the announcer called ‘Lord. Ignis Scientia and Lady Clara Videntis.’ Umbra choosing to join the two in their entrance
“Noctis,” You smiled, linking arms with your husband to be, “I’m so happy.”
“Yeah, me too.”
You smiled as you felt the love of your life move you forward through the wide-open doors, as you were both announced, ‘Prince Noctis and Future Princess Y/n Lucis Caelum’. The applause was drowned out, as you kept sneaking glances to the other leading you down the stairs, your eyes then going to the throne across the room to your future Father in Law, that had become such a welcoming part of your life. To your friends within the crowd cheering for you and your happiness. You smiled as Noctis moved you to the dance floor, your first dance as an engaged couple, you held tightly to your husband to be, repeating the same gesture of resting your head against his shoulder as you did so long ago during your first dance together. This time you were greeted by a soft coo from the crowd, and a rewarding kiss to your head from your partner.
The dance ended all too soon, as you were lead up the large staircase to Regis, the King standing to greet his son and daughter, as he affectionately begun to call you once he saw the ring on your hand. He placed a hand to Noctis’s shoulder, turning to you as he took your hands, moving you forward as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. A gesture that had become to all to familiar now. Stepping aside to offer you both your thrones to overlook the large party.
Despite knowing the room was filled with hundreds of people rich than yourself, at this moment you knew that you were the real winner. Not because you were marrying into the most powerful family in all of Eos, it was due to the fact that you had so many people besides you.
☆ 184 Stars ☆
Noctis could understand the look that you were giving the room, neither of you were morning people, and this was the first meeting that you were to be in that was at 8 in the morning. Meaning Ignis and Clara had gotten the two of you up at 6 to make sure that you both were dressed and ready. It was still funny to see you across from him, attempting to stay awake as well, and seeming to be questioning all of life’s questions at this moment. He seated at his Father’s left hand, you on King Regis right.
It more than likely did not help that you both were the youngest in the room well over 20 years, and the guy talking now, Viscount Phipps was going on and on about nothing as he typically did on the furthest end of the table. At least he wasn’t picking on you as he normally likes to do. Even King Regis was starting to get annoyed at the man’s droning, and looked ready to fall out his chair to avoid being in the meeting any longer.
“Which is to say our next issue.” The Viscount stated his eyes turning to you in the furthest seat from him on the opposite side of the table, yet you seem to not notice as you were focusing more on if you could warp out the window without being detected. “Young Lady, are you still with us?”
Noctis hissed to the elder man going to correct the man, only to stop at the simple gesture from his father, everyone else was already referring to you as Princess why couldn’t this idiot do the same?
“Do address the Princess, as such Viscount, we will not remind you again,” Clarus stated to the elder man down the table.
“She is no Princess, this commoner knows nothing about how to rule, she is not of any lineage.” The man growled. “What does she know of royalty, common laws and practice, or honor?”  
“Quite more than you, Viscount Phipps.”
The Viscount growled to you, ever since the engagement was announced the man was pulling at you. Aside from a pleasant good morning at the start, you had yet to utter a word to anyone in the room. More than likely due to the fact that you were attempting to avoid slamming your head into the table to stay awake or knock yourself out at this annoying meeting. Who has meetings in the morning!
“What was that, Young Lady?”
The four men in the room who had been in this battle with you started to correct the Viscount again, only to stop as you interjected quickly before they could come to your rescue.
You turned toward the old man, you remained sitting worried that if you had stood you were going to either start running out the room to find a place to nap or was going to fall asleep on your heeled feet, still, your voice was loud, stern and very fed up.
“I know of more honor than you shall ever. You have discussed me time and time again, and quite frankly Viscount you disgust me. Would you prefer I list your shortcomings this time around,” You sneered, not giving the man a chance to respond as you begun your eyes never turning from the man, “You’re quite irrational, that is when you show up to work. Let me ask you a question, who sit at your desk while your people are wondering how to overcome a wildfire, or when the harvest it low, or a wild behemoth is keeping shipments from appear? 
“As everyone, including us “commoners” are well aware that you are simply not there, I would not justify that as a decent leadership, when those around you are required to take over your problems time and again as you are too lazy to do it yourself.
“ You request charity from those around with no promise of return or means to pay it forward. Unlike your Father, are you in fear that you will pass with irrelevance, as that is where you are headed.” You hissed not allowing the man to get a word in edgewise, before smugly adding with narrow eyes. “You have called me amoral, a disgrace to the crown, and a lowly commoner, simple words of a man with nothing more to do with his time. I recommend that you be careful of how you proceed, Viscount, you have stated prior, one of us knows not the meanings of honor and loyalty, and I believe only one of us in this room has had quite a few mistresses and disloyalties to our significant others. Do send regards to Vanessa, she is the entire reason that you are not in tatters as is and the only reason your people do not leave or better yet over through you!
“Now would you prefer that I continue on with your other transgressions as we have yet to go deeper into your sexism, disloyalty,  and quite easily a disgrace to your family's’ name or shall we continue with this meeting, as some of us do have a job to do and would prefer not to stay in the company of one as such, Viscount Phipps.”
The entire room was stunned, Noctis, Regis, Clarus, and Gladiolus were staring at you in shock and trying to hide their laughter behind fake coughing fits and closed fists, as the others were caught between staring at you and the Viscount waiting for the man to retort. Instead, he could only sputter and had turned actually rather red face before sitting down quickly.  
After the air had cleared, the meeting was quickly over with many almost slip up and suppressed laughter from Regis and Noctis when they glanced towards the Viscount who had remained rather silent for the rest of the meeting.
Yourself and Noctis moving to one of the waiting rooms for either Ignis or Clara to take you home, you draped across your future husband’s lap, almost asleep until Clara enter.
“What did you do?” She gasped.
“Dammit, it Gladio.” You muttered towards the shield who was sitting on the other side of the room. “We had a deal.”
“Sorry Princess, that was too funny to not tell them. Wish I had recorded it.”
You playfully cut your eyes to the man, before looking to Clara refusing to get up from your pillow on Noctis lap, “He’s been messing with me for weeks, besides he was a Baron before he married Viscount Vanessa like he has any room to talk. Plus I’m sleepy I’ve been awake since 6, that’s not a time people are awake.” You whined playfully to the woman.
Clara stared at you before giggling, she always knew you weren’t a morning person, “I guess I always did tell you to stand up to bullies, just tell me you didn’t curse at him, please.”
“She didn’t need to,” Noctis responded as you beamed up to him, he was typically the one that jumped to your rescue when the Viscount started to pick at you.  “That was awesome.”
“You told me so.” You cooed, pressing a kiss to the back of his hand that you were holding. Only for everyone to turn as the door open, stepping in Regis and Clarus.
“I’m happy to have caught you both before you left,” Regis stated, as you finally rolled off your fiancee to stand and curtsy to the man. “Princess…”
You moved forward looked up to the King beyond your eyelashes expecting to get scolded since Clara hadn’t really torn into you. “Dad, I didn’t…”
Regis placed his hand on your head as he chuckled loudly, “The look on the Viscount’s face was perfect. I can not begin to tell you how hard it was not to laugh.”
You beamed up to the man, “I promise to not drag him as hard next time.”
Clarus chuckled, “I don’t think there’s going to be a next time. First time Viscount Phipps was silent an entire meeting and we actually got work done. I think you should be in more meetings.”
The face you pulled must have given your answer, as Regis and Clarus chuckled loudly.
☆ 163 Stars ☆
“Where were you today?” Noctis asked as you plopped on the couch finally free of your dress of the day.
“I spent the day with the Guard.”
“What?” He inquired moving his head to your lap, as you pulled a blanket around the both of you.
“Yeah, we went on a hunt, or maybe it was recon. I went with a few of them, Nyx, Crowe, Libertus, Oh Gladio and Lucet showed up too.”
Noctis blinked in confusion, “Any reason you did that?”
“I like them.” You smiled. “Oh, but you have to promise not to tell Clara or Ignis.”
“Tell them what?” He asked as you shoved your phone in his face, once everything focused he was face to face with you and the others sitting before a behemoth. “You guys fought a behemoth?”
“Well, the others kept getting in the way, they said they were trying to protect me, that is until I warped on top of it.” You giggled. “Then the screaming started.”
“Well, I think Lucet and Crowe were screaming at me to take it down, but both Nyx and Gladio were yelling at me to get down, and how you and Dad were going to kill them.” You explained, trying to find something to watch. “But the look on their face when I took it down with that fancy slash The Tall taught me was worth it. Poor Libertus looked like he was going to faint. I think I’ll grab the barrack a treat to apologize for the spook. Does Iggy know how many people are in the Guard right now?”
“More than likely.”
☆ 98 Stars ☆
“Noctis, what are you looking at?” Clara inquired turning towards the Prince, as she was out with him and Ignis to get the Prince’s tuxedo for his wedding in a few months. Yet the Prince was currently leaning out his fitting appointment trying to take a picture of something.
“Right, typically the Princess keeps her phone on silent.” Ignis chuckled, “I believe they as well as Prompto and Amor are in a chat where they send each other animals they see around the city.”
“Really, can I see?” Clara asked as the Prince moved over showing her his phone and the most recent of posts. “Oh this is the absolute cutest, did you know that your bride tried hiding a Chocobo in the house when she was in High School.”
Noctis chuckled, “What?”
“I believe I have the picture around here somewhere.” She stated scrolling through her phone, before showing Noctis a picture of you, in your High School uniform alongside Amor, both of you holding a pair of Chocobo chicks. “I still to this day have no idea why that thought I wouldn’t hear the peeping.”
Noctis turned to Clara, he still could not understand your relationship. Clara had stated that she was your Lady in Waiting, yet you were both almost the same age. Granted he and Ignis were as well, yet Clara moved you, the both of you to the Kingdom when you were both preteens. How did the two of you live and survive, prior to her getting the job at the Citadel?
“I have reached out to every Chocobo farm, ranch, racers, and rescue within 50 miles of the wedding venue to not sell Prompto any Chocobos for the wedding,” Clara stated.
“Did you have a vision of that, My Dear?” Ignis inquired
“Oh no, Prompto just really loves Chocobos.” She stated before giggling fondly. “I mean everyone does, yet I can only deal with him crying about one thing that day, he’s just so emotional.”
“You really enjoy Prompto.”
“I’m rather fond of all of you actually,” Clara winked to Noctis.
☆ 50 Stars ☆
He could hear it, he heard it the second you walked into the house. When you opened the door and sighed softly. He heard it when you began to remove the heavy dress and the sounds of your heels clicking on the floor. Followed by one single heel, as you begun to remove the last of your clothing, making your way to the bedroom.
It did not take him but a second to find his way into the room after you following your trail of discard clothing, you had collapsed on his side of the bed, face buried within his pillow, and without a blanket.
This didn’t stop the man as he moved to the bed after you, blanketing your body with his own. Careful to not crush you, as he nuzzled into your hair until you turned your head pressing a kiss to his cheek with a pleased hum.
He knew this was tough on you, but still, you always took it in stride and he loves that about you.
☆ 17 Stars ☆
It suddenly dawned on him, as he made his way home after being separated for more than 48 hours. Prince Noctis could not, and did not wish to be away from you very long. He asked you time and time again if you were really fine with the two of you taking two different caravans to your wedding destination of Altissa.
Each time you smiled, stating you would love to ride with him, but you didn’t think that eight people would be able to fit into the Regalia together. Besides you, both could always call and talk to each other on the road. Maybe you could both have a little pre-honeymoon on the beach.
“Will you require me to walk you up?” Ignis inquired, opening the door as the Prince stepped out.
“No, I’ll be fine,” Noctis stated, all but pushing his oldest friend out the way. Nearly slamming into Carla as she moved to greet him.
“She’s sleeping, I suggest you do the same. Have a nice evening Noctis.”
If his leg wasn’t acting up, he would have sprinted up the stairs to the apartment, but he’d have to settle for this stupidly slow elevator. Gladiolus had always stated that when the Prince became obsessed with something he wouldn’t give it up.
He opened the door to the apartment, to home, well anywhere was home so long as your scent was there to greet him. He by-passed the kitchen that held his dinner for the evening. He by-passed the game station that you had taken to playing out of bored after asking him to get you the latest Tag Tournament game, where you gave even Prompto a run for his money, and had unlocked all the characters in one evening.
He pushed open the bedroom door, watching as the hallway light spilled into the room. You were laying directly in the middle of the bed, hair everywhere, mouth open in a soft adorable snore, arm over your head blankets everywhere.
You looked so beautiful!
He moved as quietly across the room as he could, stripping himself of the expensive suit that had no business being in the heaven the two of you created. As he moved to climb into the bed to give you a good night kiss, before going to get something to eat, only to chuckle at the fact that you were wearing one of his shirts to bed. The moment his lips pressed against your cheek did his smile widen as you muttered his name.
“I love you so much.”
He watched as you slowly came back to the waking world, a lazy smile across your face, as your eyes focused on the man before you.  “Noct…” You cooed, opening your arms as he crawled into them without a second thought. “Did you just get home?”
“Yeah,” He smiled softly, as he felt you pressing kiss after kiss against his face. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
You giggled with a shrugged, turning to the clock seeing that it was 3 am, “Did you eat?”
“Nah, I was about to.”
So that’s how the two of you sat in the living room, eating the leftover warmed up food from Clara.  Sharing silly giggles, and holding each other hands, nuzzling into one another, before returning back to bed, entwined until the following day’s afternoon.
☆ 5 Stars ☆
“…and I shall do my best to honor not only my future Husband and this Kingdom and all we hold dear. I shall promise to be  worthy of this crown, and of your respect…”
Noctis watched as you gave you first public address to the masses, your head held high, you gaze stern yet kind. He loved every part of this Queen that would rule beside him.  He moved from where he waited patiently in the wings, being escorted off the stage beside Gladiolus.
“You were absolutely radiant, Princess.” Ignis smiled.
Noctis watched as you reached out your hands towards him, he immediately took them without a moment’s hesitation. Only to find them shaking rather hard as you, held him tightly, “Y/N…”
“Thank you, am I un-mic’d?” You inquired.
“Yes,” Clara stated, as she begun to remove the wireless mic from your dress top, and removing some of the heavier parts of your attire.
“Good, cause I’m gonna go throw up.”
Everyone watched as you hiked up your skirts and quickly moved out the room.
“She never was good with public speaking.” Amor giggled.
“That is something we will have to fix.” Clara sighed softly.
☆ 0 Stars ☆
You smiled pressing a kiss to Noctis lips again, as you followed him toward the stairs leading to the Regalia. Wearing another beautiful dress that he had picked out for you as an early wedding present.  When you were asked why you allowed Noctis to pick out things for you, you had often stated.
“I’m just a commoner, I’m not certain what is and isn’t good to wear. When Noctis picks my clothes than I know that I’m impressing the only person I like to impress, besides I get to pick out his suits.”
You stood aside as your future husband, bid farewell to his Father for the time being. You caught the way that Regis looked to you, a sad look within his eye, something that had been constantly there in the later days. You moved over as the King beckoned you over, smiling as Noctis quickly took your hand.
“You both have made me so proud.” Regis smiled.
“Dad.” You cooed, feeling tears spring into your eyes.
Noctis rolled his eyes.
Regis placed a hand on Noctis’s shoulder, you watched as that sad look appeared on his face for just moment only to be replaced with the look of a kind Father, “Take heed. Never bow out of what you begin. So long as you carry the blood royal, so long as you carry my name…carry your head high.”
You noticed Noctis about to respond, only to squeeze his hand, “We don’t wanna keep them, Dad.” You smiled.
“Of course, Sweetheart.” Regis chuckled, turning back to his son, “You’ve picked a wonderful bride, and Queen, My Son. I shall protect her until she is back with you.”
This time you couldn’t help the tears, quickly wiping them away. Why were you crying?
“Are you sure?” Noctis asked once again as you followed him to the bottom of the stairs, flanked by your Lady in waiting.
You smiled softly, “Go have fun with the boys. Besides I don’t think both Carla and myself can fit in the car.”
“We can always tie Gladio to the roof,” Noctis stated.
“That would be so rude.”
“To Gladio or the Regalia?” 
“Noctis.” You gasped playfully. “Go have fun with the boys, I’ll see you soon, and when we get home we’ll celebrate.”
Noctis smiled as he leaned forward pressing a kiss to your lips, wanting to stay in the moment forever. Only for the two of you to break apart at the whoops and hollering of Gladiolus and Prompto, who was snapping away.
“I’ll see you soon, Sweetie.” You cooed, as he climbed into the car. “I love you.”
“Love you too.”
You moved back up the stairs to stand beside Regis, unable to watch the car drive away, only to stop and stare in shock at the forms of the Kings of the Past stood all of their eyes trained to the black car disappearing down the street.
“Sweetheart,” Regis called.
You blinked shaking your head as you picked up your skirts, before moving up to his side, “Sorry, Dad got a teary there.”
Regis chuckled holding out his arm as you linked your arm into his own, “I’ll make certain that you are with Noctis soon.”
You did not miss the way the eyes of the Past Kings turned to you, each hidden underneath their armor as if they were ready for battle. Your grip on Regis’s arm tighten as you felt a surge of energy move through you.
You spared a glance through the large doors that so many years of powerful Kings and Queens entered and exited. Those same Kings and Queens that turned to you now, with the familiar need to protect no matter what the end result would come to.
As the doors closed, you turned back to the King beside you, the strong arm underneath your own. Still, the feeling of unease did not leave you, as you watched the last bit of the bright star disappear behind that closing door. One word spilled from your lips as you realized what it was that was to be protected.
Nox S Sidere
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davyrush · 7 years
Tag Thingy!
The one who tagged me: The paw-some @youronetruepotatocat​
Those who shall bear the tagged sigil: @giraffealamode​ @fussy-prince​ @furry-gamer17​ @littlejavi​ @psi-daydreamer​ @nekosquidboy​ @thenekopastel​ @fabiolaheartilly​
Disclaimer: No need to do this. Do as you please or if bored XD.
1. Name/Nickname: Name’s David, although no specific names are given outside a few friends from which I get a nick or two; things like kirby guy, mankey and such.
2. Gender: Male
3. Star sign: Butterfly, Star Butterfly~ (In reality, Leo).
4. Height: 1.68cm, 5′5″ for mah american friends.
5. Hogwarts House: Sssssssssslytherin <3.
6. Favorite animal: Foxes, Monkeys and cats.
7. Hours of sleep: About 7 I think; it’s becoming a new standard.
8. Dogs or cats: Cats are the greatest pet to grace our existence, as we came to the world not to be served, but to serve ;P.
9. Number of blankets: *The Count’’s voice* Three, three blankets for a twin bed, ha ha ha~. It’s the thin sheet that serves as a layer between the bed and the warm blanket, the previously mentioned warm blankets, and the thick one used to cover everything. Think of it as the top of a burger bun; fluffy and made to be instagrammed a lot (since I take my game pictures there XP).
10. Dream trip: Considering I somehow became the heir to Scrooge McDuck fortune or something, I guess I would visit France along two or three friends. A trip is nice and all, but having someone to share it with is what makes it really magical X3..
11. Dream job: School counselor, I would love to help the younger generations on their path to become better people and on their academic success. If not, a librarian; I may not read a lot, but my neatness would keep a library in perfect order. Sadly, both of those require a master’s degree and I can only go the distance so far... Teacher assistant shall be the next best thing I suppose, or working at a hospital ^w^.
12. Time: 12:00PM.
13. Birthday: August, the 17th. The day the sun shined upon my humble hometown and made narwhals fly too.
14. Favorite bands: Daft Punk and Crush 40 are the only bands I recall getting more than two CD’s from so… I’m more of a remix / orchestra / solo artist kind of guy.
15. Favorite solo artists: Owl City, Troye Sivan, Toby Fox, String Player Gamer, Pogo, Mary Elizabeth McGlynn; insert others XD.
16. Song stuck in my head: “Big Band! Kirby” (The smooth jazz rendition of Aqua Star from Kirby 64 and Save Point from Super Star are just sooooo good <3.)
17. Last movie I watched: High Speed! -Free! Starting Days- if we count what I see in home, for theater releases please see Black Panther.
18. Last show I watched: Sonic Boom -Season 2- Finally catching up to it! XD
19. When did I create this blog: May 2012, and the people who introduced me to it left it 5+ years ago XD.
20. What do I post/reblog: Personal opinions, aesthetics, gaming favorites, yaoi ships, the nintendos, Game Grumps, Kingdom Hearts, Sonic the Hedgehog, other SEGA IP’s, sh*tposting, NSFW yaoi/shota, occasional shots of IRL me and my gaming addictions, coffees, psychologies... basically, anything that I want to share or express, along with things I hold dear <3. I’ll give it points that most of the NSFW stuff is something I wouldn’t talk to you about IRL, but here’s like the only place I can loosen up a bit XP.
21. Last thing I googled: “Butter Building.” I was looking for good fanart of the famous Kirby level. Did not find much visually speaking, but musically it was a treasure of remixes galore <3.
22. Other blogs: Nope. Everything is in one place only, hence why I post NSFW here too XP.
23. Do I get asks: Mmm, usually when I do ask games only. Once every blue moon I get an ask out of the blue, but hey, if you want to ask me something, feel free. I don’t bite, not even growl XD.
24. Why I chose my url: DavyRush has been an online nickname I have since high school. I wanted consistency on that sense (and also, to not have someone claim the name and people confuse me with them X’D).
25. Following; 832 b-blogs! I’m calling out a purge soon, omg XD.
26. Followers: I’m racking 286! Out of them I probably like now on a more personal level about 20 at most XD. Thanks to all the sempai for noticing me ///w///.
27. Lucky number: 6. No less, no more.
28. Favorite instrument: Piano is probably the only instrument I know of that can cause fear and joy, sadness and happiness. Violins are cool too, but piano, mmm~.
29. What am I wearing: A Kirby Planet Robobot shirt, a blue sweater and brown pants. Either I’m a color palette gone wrong or I am making Van Gogh proud right now XDDDD.
30. Favorite food: Sushi, pastas and chicken. Basically anything with rice, chicken or fish (except mole cause... chocolate and spicy on chicken? I have mixed a few odd things in the past but... c’mon XD).
31. Nationality: 100% Mexican; the only American thing I have is a passport, really XD.
32. Favorite song: Press Garden Act 2. Listen to it with your eyes closed and you’ll see, no, FEEL it <3.
33. Last book read: ... does “The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons/ Oracle of Ages Perfect Edition” manga counts? XD
34. Top 3 fictional universes I’d like to join:
Kingdom Hearts: Traveling through various Disney worlds, living in Daybreak town, trying to unravel the secrets of the universe, fighting heartless and more importantly, a way to be in The Grid without taking a slot on this list. Yeah, I would love to do that, please XD..
Animal Crossing: Literally a tiny paradise, filled with friendly animals and plenty of things to do. Sometimes I still pop the game open just to take a virtual coffee and see the ocean. It really feels like a break from reality, and to live in such a serene world would be a bliss <3.
Any Tales world: A place where magic exists, the world seems ever expanding, and everything ain’t as black and white as in other video games. Sometimes we are forced to fight, sometimes the bad guys have good intentions, but we can always count on the good times, the jokes, looking awesome and drama, drama galore XD.
CONGRATS! on making it to the bottom. If you would like to do this ask yourself, please feel free to do so and don’t feel left out of the tags, please ;w;!
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briteboy · 7 years
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stealing @bratsims format because i need a less ugly way to mass answer your messages which will hopefully motivate me to stay on top of this! at least i can say i tried
so if you sent me an anon message in the past...idk MONTH (i’m bad i know) it might be here. (older ones are near the bottom) if not, check my faq because it’s probably answered there. (and if you’re the person/people who sent the twin flame & 7th house asks, i plan to answer those separately because i have a LOT to say. get ready)
game of thrones, nuclear war, real life santis, lou theories, i’m evil, HERE WE GO!! i literally had to cut it off at the last one because it was just too much for now. i’ll try to answer some more later ok
we’re starting off on a great note
Anonymous said: gaddamn rooney's tiddies lookin' hella ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
STOP!!!!!!!!!!! THAT’S MY CHILD soaidfnjds she’s supposed to have like b/c cups (goals for me tbh, the big boob life is not fun) and sims 4 pregnancies just fuckin make them...NYOOM i’m mad you can’t edit sims’ bodies during pregnancy even with cas.fulleditmode on -___- so i let her live with her giant preggo tiddies for now
Ngl I want a kiss between Santi and Gianni (I'm sorry I'm literally trash)
then i’m here to satisfy your desires: they do kiss periodically because gianni is one of those people who’s like “why shouldn’t you kiss your friends?” free love 4 everyone
hey this is kinda random but i thought joe seaward from glass animals looked kinda like santi? he has quite a weird face too lmao
oMG i actually love that, i know what you mean. that dude reminds me of a bull terrier lmao i actually saw glass animals like two weeks ago!! i didn’t really get a good look at the drummer but now i wish i did. missed connection
i just finished reading santi's story and ugh it almost had me in tears! beautiful, your story telling skills and editing skills are perfection!
ahhhhsdkgkds thank you so much ;____; that means the world to me <333
Unpopular opinion: im so done with game of thrones tbh. It's not even good anymore :/ I liked the first season but since then i've skipped through episodes because they are just sooo fucking boring and dragged out!
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see like the first three seasons were pretty good because they stayed true to the books. (actually that’s a lie, littlefinger’s chaos speech in the s3 finale was real fuckin bad because guess what: it was original material LMAO) the fourth season was where it started to get messy and then the fifth season was a fucking shitshow because they completely IGNORED the fourth book and cherrypicked all the “good” parts out of it (read: the most action-y parts, while ignoring all the most important pieces of character development) and they botched the dorne storyline, oh and who could forget the iconic moment of throwing in a rape (THAT DIDN’T HAPPEN IN THE BOOKS) just for fun :) love it! but anyway if you think the show is boring i probably wouldn’t recommend the books, they’re even slower getting through them lmao. but it’s worth it in my opinion. there’s so much they don’t include in the show and it makes me Angery
Okay, game of thrones fan here, I haven't read the books (yet at least, I bought book 1) but I feel like dany is going to practically turn into her father, this season she is already showing traits like his.......
OH YEAH i definitely feel like they’re moving in that direction in the process of revealing jon as the “true” king of westeros and it’s so bad lmfao. the thing is, like...cersei is already mad king 2.0? why do we need another one?????? the entire point of dany’s arc is that she’s constantly trying to deviate AWAY from the way her father ruled, demonstrated by the fact that she freed the slaves (whereas all the targaryens before were slave owners), the fact that she’s not perpetuating the whole incest thing (LMAO GUESS AGAIN BECAUSE JONERYS HAS TO HAPPEN FOR SOME FCKING REASON), the fact that she has dragons which haven’t existed in how many years...like, if she ever ends up being like her father in the books, it’s NOT gonna fucking happen like this. but i don’t think she will anyway, george rr martin has been pretty clear about her trajectory thus far. anyway this show is so ugly, next question
rooney's eye are so BIG
just like her tiddies lmao i kno sometimes i forget how big they are and then she does one of those silly endearing animations and i’m like o ;-; hello big dumb baby cow eyes
Cows? Are you secretly Matthew Daddario?
WHO i had to google him lmao i was about to say “oh the teen wolf guy” but jk @ myself u idiot it’s shadowhunters damn i literally googled “matthew daddario cows” and
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I love how fragile Lou looks like but the truth is that she is strong af and you can't play with her bruh
SHE IS ;-; and that’s a huge theme in her story, i’m excited <3
ima leave ur blog and come bk and spam you so you will finally notice me
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im part of this online forum of girls that talks about our period and weather or not one of us might be pregnant and once this girl posted saying that her husband invited his mom without telling her to thier honeymoon and she didnt find out until they arrived at the hotel and she was already there. the most recent part reminded me of it. but long story short, her dad moved all her stuff out of his house and her friend came to pick her up and they got a divorce.
OISOJDFAKNLJSD WHAT!!! i’m guessing you sent this because of that thing i said about the reddit post lmfaooo imagine your mom on your honeymoon. why. that’s soooooooooo good 4 her u know. u don’t need to be married to his mom as well
thanks 4 trusting my love santi. he's beautiful
thank u he thinks ur beautiful too 💘
do you have any tips for runing game in good quality and fast?
euhhhhh the only tips i have for you are to merge your cc, close all other programs while you play your game, maybe invest in a cooling pad uhhhhhh yeah idk any other tips you can probably find on google
You told that thing about unfollowing people and I thought you unfollowed me, but then I checked and you didn't and I'm crying omg
lmao omg ;-; i literally cut my following list in half, it was so chaotic and it was making me anxious. so if ever unfollow any of you please don’t take it personally (i know it’s a stupid thing to say, and it’s a lot easier said than done) it’s just my brain explodes when there’s too much going on at once and some content blends into others, i’m trying to only follow people who i’m genuinely interested in enough to keep up with their posts from now on
I haven't been able to sleep in over 72 hours thanks to the constant fear over the looming world war. I'm fine. Completely fine
Oh shit, have you noticed that the media has been putting out more 'what to do during a nuclear attack' kinda articles? This world is slowly going to shit, for real. I'm not even near any of the danger really, but it still absolutely terrifies me to see all of that bc it could very well go wrong and hit my place as well yknow? I have no idea why i send this to you but you seem chill and calm so thanks for reading my freakout askfjsls
YEP it’s pretty terrifying. but at the same time don’t let fear overwhelm you, fearmongering is an ugly, ugly thing and you don’t want to live your life constantly worrying. so just prepare yourself for what might come, but at the same time, just spend as much time with your loved ones as you can, do all the things you’ve ever wanted to do, and then if it doesn’t turn out as bad as we thought it would, you *tim mcgraw voice* lived like u were dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyin’
@ Jesus anon: I really don't think it's the right time to complain about "using the lord name in vain" when there are people terrified of leaving their homes bc they are afraid to get killed (aka that poor, poor Jewish anon in charlottesville)
yeah idk like i want to respect everyone but it seemed to be in poor taste to bring that up at a time like that lmao. and also i’ve literally never in my entire life met someone who actually takes “don’t say the lord’s name in vain” seriously. 
I asked about the poses and HOLY CRAP THANK YOU SO MUCH! I finally have good poses to use for story telling. Thank you soo so so so sooooo much!
YAY i’m glad you found some good stuff <3 and honestly just going through lana’s blog you’ll find a ton of good poses, it’s a gold mine
Idk how much tv you watch, but have you've ever come across a tv show that used music from The Sim? Because once in a while I'll hear Sims 3 build/buy music on some random show and I'll get a lil shook because I find it so weird that the generic music they're using comes from a major game title.
OMG LMAO NO what i wish i’d come across that tho. one time i used sims 1 music in a video i made for school and someone recognized it
I love your stories gosh I check your page "it's everyday bro with femmesim flow" Lol sorry for that awkward Jake Paul "poop" ❤️
lmao thank u i had no idea who jake paul was until my friends started talking about him
yo, I also remember once in french class real life santi asked me what videos games I like to play. When I told him the sims, he looked at me for a while and shaked his head. He was like, "why do you want to watch your sims use the toilet?"
WHY DO YOU WANT TO WATCH YOUR SIMS USE THE TOILET SAME that’s all i care about when i play
that rooney face in the 5 facts is so iconic, its my fave picture of her. You should blow it up and frame it
i should tbh. i should print it out and put it in my wallet to show everyone because she is my child
sorry the bother you, merging cc makes your game smoother? can you explain to me please?
hi i love you ♡ pass it on
Can I say that hearing a MacBooks fans screaming for dear life as they try to cool down when playing the sims has actually started to haunt my nightmares
SAME my macbook is actually doing it right now for no reason. thanks laptop
Maybe Santi should go to therapy to talk out his issues.
maybe he should 🤔  but tbh he’s already talked out everything, there’s nothing really more to talk out. he just has to cope with it. he’s treated lou like his therapist thus far and that’s not okay
i love ur story and omg i totally get where lou is coming from with being tired of being compared to molly by santi, thatd hurt so much esp with how much she cares about him
thank youuu ;-; i’m glad you understand, this was a part i’d wanted to get out for a loooong time now, and i know you guys were always like “um why does she put up with this” lmao. she just loves him, that’s why. but you’re right, it does hurt.
My theory is very similar to the other anons in that Fiona's dad/Lou's ex had a mental illness (schizophrenia, depression, what have you) but he actually did kill himself and that's why she's not completely losing it on Santi because I feel like most people in that situation would have not handled it as well as Lou did
🤔 you’re right about the last part, and there’s a reason she has so much patience, das all i’m sayin
i started your story from the beginning last night and i am in awe. Its amazing. It inspired me to put a little more effort in learning to edit and write. It was like reading screen caps from a movie! I didn't want to stop reading. Anyway thing was a super sappy ask, but i appreciate your stuff. And i'm bad at putting my thoughts into words.
omg ;__________; when people tell me i inspired them it means the most to me, my brain just can’t process it lmao. so thank you so so much ;-; <333 THE MOVIE THING ESPECIALLY GOT ME IN THE HEART because i feel like that’s my aesthetic with most things i create because i’m such a film person lol. don’t worry i love super sappy, and you did a good job of wording everything because it got me right in the feels <33
Okay I've been snickering for about 43 minutes bc SANTI GOT THAT GRU CHINNN
WOT is that i googled it and the only thing that came up was the dad from despicable me lmfaosdkjfs but ok
Please, please do punk edits of your some of your characters! I'd die.
WHAT DOES THIS MEANNN do you mean like. those 2010 tumblr edits of punk disney characters and then the joker from suicide squad looked like one of them. do u want santi to be the joker. because my boyfriend already relates him to suicide squad joker because of his face tatt lmao
You love to make me cry
i do i’m sorry. if it makes you feel any better i love to make myself cry too. but my biceps grow stronger with every tear
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I reeeally dont think those chancla comments were offensive??? Why would they be?? I'm hispanic (born and raised in the sunny Dominican Republic, received a fair amount of chancletazos myself) and I laughed out loud when i read them 😂😂
whATT my little brothers name is santiago n we call him santi for short!! guess it's not rly that uncommon but we live in a small country and he's also 4 so like,, no other santiagos!! idk why im saying this its completely irrelevant just kinda surprised me :'))
OMG wow hell yeah another real life santi...santi acts like a 4 yr old so he might as well be your brother
Just curious.. Do you play sims or just use it for storytelling? Sorry if thats weird haha
well my recent gameplay pics should answer your question lmao. i do like to play but i don’t have enough time to both play and pose scenes so i mostly just pose scenes for now. :[ i am gonna be off work for like two weeks tho so hell yeah gameplay here i come!!
I'm starting a Fiona appreciation movement because she is the real star of santis story RT and i love her and she is way underappreciated and I love her KThxBi
SHE IS THE REAL STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i’ve said this before but santi’s relationship with her is the most important to me, out of every relationship he has in this story. i’m so glad you love her so much, sorry about what’s about to come in the next few scenes tho
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Oh my heart, Santi is alive, god exist
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I have a pretty hard time understanding Santi's story mostly because I'm not English but I'm sure I'll figure it out:)
ahh oh no D: i’m sorry i wish i spoke every language in the world lmao. if you want, you can message me off anon and i’ll help you understand it!!
Lou is an angel honestly
“there are worse things than seeing an angel before you die”
what tablet do you use? or how do you draw hair? it looks so pretty.
omg haha i don’t have one! i wish i did tho. all of the brushes i got from deviantart, i’m trying to find the specific ones but they’re all elusive wtf. i’ll post them when i find them! for now, here’s a good guide to drawing hair, by airi <3
I’M GLAD U HAD FAITH <3 i know omfg i would’ve expected a mob at my house if i’d actually killed him. if i ever killed him i would just lay down somewhere and die. that’s it for me
Lou & molly almost always have teeth showing, do you draw them on each pic?x
no, only sometimes i’ve drawn them when i felt like their mouths weren’t matching the expression i wanted. but most of the time it’s just the pose.
is it too late to send 16k dollars to guarantee santi's inclusion in a loving home with loving friends
it is absolutely never too late to send me 16k i promise you that
I just bought school books for $550 who knew studying marine biology could be so fuckING EXPENSIVE
EWW WTF...i’ve been lucky and haven’t had to spend a ton on books in my college career (one time i even went to such lengths that i got access to free trial version of one of my school books in a pdf, screencapped EVERY SINGLE PAGE, which was more than 400 pages, just so i wouldn’t have to spend $70 on it. i love cheating the system)
waIT i never saw ur selfie where is it, must see
u could probably just search “selfie” on my blog and find it, or enjoy the ugly closeup drunk snap i posted last night
Hey guys I'm a happy trans man that has no mental illnesses. I'm fucking pissed about Trump's ban. And to any one that says it's logical FUCK YOU! I'm having flashbacks to don't ask, don't tell because this is the same fucking wacked up logic. I'm so angry, like I'm a human, yes I may require testosterone shots once a month but that's it, I even administer them to myself. I pay for them with my own god damn money so fuck you transphobic bigots who say this law is fair. It's not. WE ARE HUMAN TOO Also same anon that ranted. Sorry about that I'm just really pissed and I love and thank you for sticking up for the community. We love you and I love you. And you're right not all trans people transition. We all do what we want to. Some start on T or E and have the full surgery. Some just have top surgery. Some just do testosterone or estrogen. Some never do anything. We're all still trans and we're all valid.
YES ALL OF THIS, sorry i didn’t answer this when it was all happening. but askdkjfas thank you for this message, I LOVE YOU TOO, SO MUCH <333 and i’m glad you feel comfortable enough to voice this in my inbox. yes every trans person is valid no matter what they decide to do with their bodies <3
One of those old hot topic shirts that said " if Darryl dies we riot " but with santi instead of Darryl.
OMG LMAOOOOO NOW THAT’S A CONCEPT who’s making these i want one
your use of references and reaction pics and gifs fucken KILLS ME
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Crystal anon here. I googled around my area to find there are none of those y'know, crystal, candle, incense, magic type shops. I have panic attacks when I go outside and I wanted to look into alternative stuff since I'm on meds and w/e. I wanted to know if you or friends had any experience or recommendations for buying crystals online like on etsy or amazon. How can you tell if they're real?x
ooooh ok. usually there are shops like those in cities or even in towns with like kitschy little promenades with independent shops. (i know there’s one around the town over from mine, which is so random lmao) i do have friends that have crystals but i think they mostly just collect them for the ~good vibez~ and don’t really look too far into the healing aspects of them. i would say first go with the one that coincides with your birth because those are the ones that are like specifically catered to you and strengthen your being. as for buying online, hmmmmm i mean i don’t really know any specific trustworthy sellers because i don’t have much experience with this, but definitely read the reviews! those will help you a lot <3
Hello could you please tell us how you edited the pic of rooney in that one post that the anon asked for the unedited version?
i honestly didn’t do much of anything that differs from my usual editing process! i made her eyes a bit bigger by using the clone tool, cloning the top of her eye and applying it a little bit farther up...if that makes sense. it’s hard to explain how to use that tool lmao. and i think i used the liquify tool to bring part of her eyebrow down to look more worried.
there's still a part of me that says she ain't dead and molly is just in a coma lmao end mE
OMFLDKGKJS yeah she’s not dead surprise. i WILL say there is still flashback stuff that will be revealed. well not “revealed” like molly’s death was revealed, like i just still have to showcase some things that happened afterward. because it doesn’t just end with molly’s death, there’s stuff after that as well :~}
I'm Mexican, have lived around Mexicans, have been to Mexico multiple times growing up, just came back from a family trip at practically the border between Mexico and Guatemala and never in my life have I ever heard the word "joder" i had to look it up xD (not hating or anything I just thought I'd mention it cuz I found it funny...lol) k bye...
OK NOT SURE IF the ppl you’ve been around just don’t curse or whatever but...joder is DEFINITELY something i’ve heard mexican people say before lmao
Okay so this is random, but i was telling my sister the name of one your characters in ur story (santi) and she kinda just starts singing his name, and she said "santi high, santi low, santi go." And im just sitting there, like woah.
u gonna incorporate fis hat into a really like emotional sad thing in her story huh
oMG i wasn’t planning on it but hmm 🤔
Why no el chingo? NO ME GUSTA (I'm joking btw ily)
LMFAOOOO because i didn’t wanna have to defile my son by downloading the penis mod RIP
let santi grow out dem eyebrows 2kforever
omg he does let them grow out except for the little line he shaved in when he was 14 that never grew back RIP
in ur bio it says "kt" and i know why,, it means killing them as in killing off ur characters slowly i see u gurl
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i bet this story was just an excuse for you to see the world burn. well done.
OMG i mean, that was definitely one of the side effects of it all. but really it was just that i NEEDED to get this story out after it had lived in my brain for so long.
ur dead 2 me
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I... just.... can't... too much pain Y U DO DIS 2 UZ?!?!!!
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Stella Law of Attraction Script Stories 56
Stella Law of Attraction Script Stories 56
October 03, 2017
Stella Law of Attraction Script Stories 56Start time 944 amResume time 1044 amCompletion time 104pm
I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future
Stella Law of Attraction Script Stories 56December  21, 2017I Stella Carrier feel blessed because my marriage with my sweet and handsome husband Rusty Ridler becomes more closing and loving each day. Fortunately, I Stella Carrier achieved a vital dream of saving at least 1500 dollars after taxes by December 1 2017. I Stella Carrier also feel blessed because I am succeeding beyond my wildest dreams as well as contributing to the greater good for those around me in both my career at my University of Maryland College Park food services job and many of the customers and coworkers that I interact with as part of my job are more than satisfied with my customer service. I Stella Carrier am also blessed to be spiritually evolving and becoming wiser through both my volunteering activities that are also helping me evolve professionally and my therapy. I admit that I Stella Carrier originally had a goal to return to the 130s by this time but after some soul searching with my intuition and logic I reset that goal to the 150s weight tomorrow. I Stella Carrier am thrilled to say that I achieved reaching my bodyweight of the 150s territory by this time and it feels great to now weigh around a similar bodyweight that I did around late 2007/early 2008. This gives me confidence that I can be in the 120s bodyweight territory by April/May 2018 as I Stella Carrier intend to return to 125 pounds or thinner by April 1 2018 or sooner.June 14,  2020I Stella Carrier give thanks that I now make over 3000 dollars a month after taxes and I am in a stronger financial position to freely give my husband Rusty at least 200 to 300 dollars a month after taxes and still have plenty of after tax monthly money left over. My good money fortune actually started to increase in the autumn of 2017 with my University of Maryland College Park food services job after I received vital intuitive guidance from my heaven spirit ally team and my heaven higher self to save as much after tax money that I realistically can. I Stella Carrier listened to both my intuition and logic to avoid telling even my most well-meaning and talented coworkers even when they asked my after tax money pay for very good reasons, with of course telling my husband Rusty Ridler for obvious reasons and trusting that he would keep it between us my monthly after tax income. Fortunately, I Stella Carrier succeeded in saving over 1500 dollars after taxes by December 1 2017 and over 3500 dollars after taxes by May 1, 2017. I Stella Carrier feel blessed to report that I now have over 40,000 dollars after taxes saved by June 1 2020. I feel blessed to say that I am in strong money position to both get my wonderful husband Rusty Ridler both a nice gift and still have plenty of money left over. I Stella Carrier also feel blessed that the marriage between my sweet and handsome husband Rusty and I continues to get closer and more loving. I Stella Carrier also feel blessed that my husband Rusty Ridler is both sweet and very affectionate.
Memoirs of A Heaven Afterlife Communication Part 24
December 25 2100,
Dear Stella Carrier this communication comes from your future higher self who is helping to set up festivities near a party area for both amateur and professional runners who have recently passed over and writers both those who have passed over and for any spirit living in these celestial spheres who has interest in writing. Your main spirit guide wants me to relay to you that the reason why he got your attention with the happy and attractive female pictured in one of the youtube videos today was to push you to ensure that you keep getting thinner as a priority high on your goal list, yes even if that means you  have to change your writing schedule andor the way you write online to achieve this goal. Before I as your future higher self go into a gold and orange castle to help organize for this party I have to relay the message to you that you are far from alone and have a team of hundreds of celestial spirit helpers to assist you as well as the gift of your intuition both to be a stronger contributor to others both through your volunteering efforts and through your job. That is the other thing-even if you have to change how often you are online andor the way you are online-both he and I emphasize to you that time must be made for both your volunteering and creativity and within the next 2 weeks or less please list 8 out of the 10 books that you intend to use to joyfully change your life. Yes others are going to judge yet there are also going to be supporters who may approach you privately either online andor in person who are going to indirectly andor directly inspire you on how to best apply what you have planned to use for sure within the next 13 months at a minimum. I as your future higher self depart  to the party with love but for the following messages are recommended that I relay to you
at least 750 dollars after taxes in savings or more by November 1 2017 or sooneressential therapy and volunteering once a week even if I have to modify my writing and sleep schedule to do it-i.e. leave for therapy andor volunteering at a similar time as my sweet husband Rusty Ridlervolunteering and therapy deadline to set for myself-two weeks from now or lessVolunteering to build my leadership and social/relationship communication skills as well as to cross train myselfletting go of more items by November 8 2017 or soonereating at the same time each daytake educational courses post them online once a weekapply to bachelors degree programs-path to unfold by 5
classdouble majorseeing a ship in my dream two days in a row part of my life purpose-taco bell dreamhave one of the characters discuss sleeptime dreamsdaily-write a little of my planned story I intend to self publish from now on in secret email, complete by ideally December 1,2017 or soonera day in the life of my ideal look at least once a weektwice a week what I am doing nowaimee gates and career daily ideally but do aimee gates first  but strive to do both dailyAdditional intuitive insights especially to develop my creativity-Part 2Divide into travel to future heaven worlds for career guidance and future earthCurrent earth life-relocation/travel edition plus communication with celestial spirit ally teamSleeptime dream entry career diary, future higher self in already created script entries and new ones on my off days at least once a week aim to do daily, Weight loss richer life edition career life before and career life afterwards,5 Scripting4 Aimee gates3 A day in the life of-5 profiles8 times higher self-future afterlife a monthVital Intuitive InsightDivide into travel to future heaven worlds for career guidance and future earthCurrent earth life-relocation/travel edition plus communication with celestial spirit ally teamSleeptime dream entry career diary, future higher self in already created script entries and new ones on my off days at least once a week aim to do daily, Weight loss richer life edition career life before and career life afterwards,
From Pandora; Duran Duran radio station; Eye Of The Tiger by Survivor, Let’s Dance by David Bowie, Rock the Casbah by the Clash, Need You Tonight by Inxs, Head Over Heels by Tears For Fears, Cars by Gary Numan, Ordinary World by Duran Duran source I prefer to keep secret; You Make My Dreams Come True by Hall and Oates, Magic by the Cars, You Might Think by  the Cars, Saturday ( I Like to Move it ) by Basshunter, I Feel You by Depeche Mode, Burnin Desire by Lana Del Rey,In Your Room by the Bangles, Some Guys Have All The Luck by Robert Palmer,I Can’t Stay Away by the Veronicas, Delirious by Steve Aoki feat. Kid Ink Chris Lake Tujamo, Come Baby Come by K7,A Horse With No Name by America, Come Go With Me by Expose, I Feel You by Depeche Mode, I Think We’re Alone Now by Tiffany, Jump Around by House of Pain,Heaven is a Place on Earth by Belinda Carlisle, Out of the Blue by Debbie Gibson, One Way Trip by Havana Brown, Confident by Demi Lovato, Good for You by Selena Gomez feat. A$ap Rocky, Make Me Like You by Gwen Stefani, Do Ya Think I’m Sexy by Rod Stewart feat. DNCE, Cake by the Ocean by Rod Stewart, Addicted by Saving Abel, Get Low by Liam Payne and Zedd, Love So Soft by Kelly Clarkson, Team by Iggy Azalea, Glamorous by Fergie feat. Ludacris, My House by Flo Rida, That’s What I Like by Bruno Mars, Hymn for the Weekend by Coldplay feat. Beyonce, Paradise by Coldplay, Don’t You Worry Child by Swedish House Mafia feat. John Martin,What Lovers Do by Maroon 5 feat. SZA, Move Your Body by Sia,More Than You Know by Axwell, The Look of Love by ABC, Strip That Down by Liam Payne feat. Quavo, Angel by Madonna, Love So Soft by Kelly Clarkson, Sowing the Seeds of Love by Tears for Fears,Greenlight by Pitbull feat. Flo Rida and Lunchmoney Lewis, This is What You Came For by Calvin Harris feat. Rihanna, Lady by Austin Mahone feat. Pitbull, Cake by Flo Rida & 99 Percent, This Strange Effect by Hooverphonic,from Pandora Dance Pop Radio; Carry On by Kansas, Replay by Iyaz, Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode, How To Save A Life by the Fray song length 423, I Just Died In Your Arms by Cutting Crew song length 440, OMG by Usher feat. William of the Black Eyed Peas song length 429, from Pandora Dance Cardio Radio; You Make Me Feel by Cobra Starship feat. Sabi, Feel This Moment by Pitbull feat. Christina Aguilera,Turn Me On (Remix)by Kevin Lyttle song length 323,Scream and Shout by  Will.i.am and Britney Spears song length 442, S&M (Dave Aude Club mix) by Rihanna song length 728, Calvin Harris Summer extended edition song length 456, Dark Horse by Katy Perry feat. Juicy J song length 335, Calabria 2008 by Enur feat. Natasja, Low by Flo Rida song length 349 (less than 3 hours after I secretly typed My House by Flo Rida from secret sources), Save the World by Swedish House Mafia (Zedd Remix) song length 621, 3 by Britney Spears song length 325, Pandora Dance Pop Radio Broken Wings by Mr. Mister song length  445, Fly by Nicki Minaj and Rihanna, Fly Away by Fat Rat and Anjule, Hold Me Now by Thompson Twins song length 446, Pandora Dance Cardio Radio Back in Time by Pitbull song length 327, Just Dance by Lady Gaga, Amazon music storytelling playlist shuffle mode; The Boys of Summer Don Henley Whatta Man by Salt N Pepa The Power of Love by Huey Lewis and the News Self Control by Laura Branigan Low by Flo Rida feat. Tpain Crazy B by Buckcherry UhOoh Never Leave You by Lumidee feat. Busta Rhymes Take Me Down by Alabama You Can Do Magic by America Step by Step by America
Laurene Powell Jobs is buying a big stake in Wizards, Capitals sports empire
By Thomas Heath
75 Best Colleges for Food for 2017By the Daily Mealhttps://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/75-best-colleges-for-food-for-2017/ss-AAsDlE5vital intuitive insightsstart food and fitness log by Thursday walk to metro twice by Thursday and to stamp at least tomorrowat least 750 dollars after taxes in savings or more by November 1 2017 or sooneressential therapy and volunteering once a week even if I have to modify my writing and sleep schedule to do it-i.e. leave for therapy andor volunteering at a similar time as my sweet husband Rusty Ridlervolunteering and therapy deadline to set for myself-two weeks from now or lessVolunteering to build my leadership and social/relationship communication skills as well as to cross train myselfletting go of more items by November 8 2017 or soonereating at the same time each daytake educational courses post them online once a weekapply to bachelors degree programs-path to unfold by 5
classdouble majorseeing a ship in my dream two days in a row part of my life purpose-taco bell dreamhave one of the characters discuss sleeptime dreamsdaily-write a little of my planned story I intend to self publish from now on in secret email, complete by ideally December 1,2017 or soonera day in the life of my ideal look at least once a weektwice a week what I am doing nowaimee gates and career daily ideally but do aimee gates first  but strive to do both once a weekAdditional intuitive insights especially to develop my creativity-Part 2Ideally once a weekDivide into travel to future heaven worlds for career guidance and future earthCurrent earth life-relocation/travel edition plus communication with celestial spirit ally teamSleeptime dream entry career diary, future higher self in already created script entries and new ones on my off days at least once a week aim to do once a week, Weight loss richer life edition career life before and career life afterwards,5 Scripting4 Aimee gates3 A day in the life of-5 profiles8 times higher self-future afterlife a monthVital Intuitive InsightDivide into travel to future heaven worlds for career guidance and future earthCurrent earth life-relocation/travel edition plus communication with celestial spirit ally teamSleeptime dream entry career diary, future higher self in already created script entries and new ones on my off days at least once a week aim to do daily, Weight loss richer life edition career life before and career life afterwards,
For moments when writing must be rationed to an hour or shorter/brieferLaw of attraction 6 to 7 months projected or sooner and a law of attraction exercise
Resources part threeYoutube video; 2015 Midsummer Fantasy Festival Official After Video from Norfolk FesteventsYoutube video; Norfolk Harborfest2017-Silver IFEA Award Winner Best Video from Norfolk FesteventsYoutube video sponsored by VisitNorfolkVirginia; Norfolk is Distinct Diverse and Dynamic
buying a cheap car7 rules for buying a cheap used car with cash
How to Buy a Really, Really Cheap Car
Tips on how to find a cheap, reliable used car to buy
By Philip Nerdwallet
20 Cheapskate Secrets to Buying a New Car
7 Considerations For Buying A Cheap Car
What’s The Best Place To Buy A Cheap And Good Used Car by Steven Lang
Everything you need to know about Hugh Hefner's 4 children, who could inherit his Playboy empireBy Carrie Witmer
I'm 27 and I've saved $200,000 — here are the 7 best pieces of advice I can give you about moneyBy The Money Wizard
Amazon recently made a 10-part series about Hugh Hefner's life — here's how to watch itBy Carrie Wittmer
‘The White Princess’ Finally Coming To The UK In November On UKTV Drama
Arizona State University Onlinehttps://www.asu.edu/success stories such as Shelby Giles, Dyanne Smithhttps://scs.georgetown.edu/programs/70/master-of-professional-studies-in-public-relations-and-corporate-communications/success-stories
storytelling ideas/conceptsGreater Talent Network, a major speaking bureauDistinguished visiting professor of politicsDistinguished Visiting Professor of WritingCareer Adviser in the Department of Communications UCLAMember of Advisory board of an online education and certification firmHousing First ProgramNon-profit organizationAmateur triathlete and runnerNation’s TriathlonWashington D.C. TriathlonSave 10 percent adAn interesting ad that popped up less than 3 minutes after I typed the word Move by SiaAn amazon intell ad saying if your customer is on the move join them, due to the website link being connected to my amazon website link I prefer to avoid listing it from amazon for privacy reasons relating to my login, however I had to at least reference the words for anyone seeing this who wants to look up the ad on amazon.This Strange Effect by Hooverphonic resonated within my soul today less than 10 minutes ago after hearing it featured on an ad connected to youtube today of a woman in love with her partner who wants to capture an image for her on what looks to be a phone. The song is both haunting and beautiful in a unique way especially with the gorgeous vocals.The youtube song for those curious to listen to itThis Strange EffectHooverphonic Topic
listed price 1797 for paintAs with other people, my prayers and well wishes go out to everyone affected by this shocking incident that occurred in Nevada during the Harvest Music country festival. Obviously, I do not condone whatever drove Stephen Paddock to do what he did to many innocent people yet I am surprised that one motive is not being as widely discussed; what was Stephen Paddock’s social life, love life, and overall career life like from the time he was in his 30s andor even his 20s until 64 years of age. I say this because I noticed that he chose to kill so many people when they were having fun with their friends for family, was he wishing that he could be like some of the concert goers who have abundant family members andor friends surrounding him but instead of channeling that energy to get out there and meet people like other people do, you can pretty much get the picture. Additionally, I would also see if the law enforcement officials are comfortable interviewing Paddock’s family andor even at least one or both of  his exes andor in laws again to see if he was always rich in order to see if he felt the need to do what he did to both inflict revenge andor save face as it is human nature for even some family members to keep their distance emotionally if they are concerned about you possibly needing their help financially even if temporarily andor they would freely offer their help. I would also interview the in-laws andor any coworkers andor friends he knew in his 40s andor 50s to get an idea of how his social and love life was like without shaming anyone if they happen to tell a harsh truth about him (in order to get them to feel safe to open up about any hidden motives that may not be apparent to other people who may not have gotten to know him until Paddock was in his 50s/60s when he became wealthier). I believe Paddock’s brother that they got along, but obviously there had to be some details that were hidden from even his brother as it is also human nature to sometimes withhold andor be secretive about certain things from even the most well-meaning family members.Las Vegas shootingSpecial ed teacher, kindergarten teacher, nurse who shielded wife among those killedBy Emily Shapiro and Julia Jacobo
I am keeping this Washington Post link pertaining to Laurene Powell Jobs both for storytelling reasons and to help me understand some of the stories that catch other people’s attention as it pertains to real-life.
Laurene Powell Jobs is buying a big stake in Wizards, Capitals sports empire by Thomas Heath
I admit that this article pertaining to Prince George’s School Lunch menu catches my attention both because Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton seem like a happy couple in love who also care about their kids and also due to the nature of my job pertaining to food services at a university. Thanks to my current job I am aware of at least a couple of long-term/lifetime career goals/ideas to have and this article pertaining to the meal plan at Prince George’s school gives me a fun and creative idea on imagining what the school lunch ladies at Thomas Battersea School work to prepare foodwise.Prince George's School Lunch Menu Is Revealed, and It's Fancier Than a 5-Star RestaurantBy Perri Konecky of PopSugarhttps://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/prince-george-apos-school-lunch-203000729.htmlhttps://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/prince-george-apos-school-lunch-203000729.html
AffirmationsI mark a new beginning in the book of my life and wisely use the free time I have been giving to rest and tune even deeper into various aspects of my life-spiritual, athletic goals such as walking more, balancing my writing time with some online courses I have enrolled in etc.I am in the process of becoming more cool,level-headed, and wise when it comes to how I conduct myself around my current work colleagues and future coworkers as I am now logically and intuitively aware that some of them may follow me to where I may reside within 7 years from now or less regardless if I am a private sector andor a government/military worker/employee.
I am well provided for. I live in an abundant universe.
Resources and Affirmation
http://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/My psychic abilities expand each day.I am creating heaven on earth.
I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future
more resources
part 3 resourcesI understand that I already posted these yet I admit that I am following my intuition and logic to post these again in both the career stories and scripts for towards the end affirmations and resourcesAffirmationsEach Day I am in the process of improving upon creating heaven on earth for myself and my husband in all areas of my life both present and future as well as for the highest and greatest good for everyone involved.I Stella Carrier am in the process of balancing my earthly concerns with areas pertaining to my celestial/spiritual growth as they intersect with my pursuit and intent to tap into the essence of wisdom and my genius abilities in all areas of my life both present and future.I Stella Carrier enjoy the blessings of my imaginative abilities, intuition, creativity, and my gift of resourcefulness all increasing each day in all areas of my life both present and future.Affirmations
I am creating heaven on earth.
I am learning to be in the right place at the right time at all times.
I am learning to live all areas of my life in alignment with my divine life purpose for both the present and future
My psychic/intuitive abilities, creativity/imaginative abilities, and my ability to tap into my wisdom are expanding each and every day.
I am a healer through my words, thoughts, and deeds.
I am aware of the messages my guide is sending me.
I receive impressions from my soul and higher self.
I am magnetic to my higher good and it is magnetic to me.Celestial Intuitive InsightsGoal; aim for 6 miles per day and writing 5 times a week time limit one hour and 30 minutes, resource gathering 15 minutes max- one hour and 45 minutes max minimum half hour and minimum 2 minute resource blogging, eat first and then write,  writing twice a week away from blog, public blog writing at least 4 times a week and maximum of 7 times a week
Schedule them persistence is imaginative and intuitive keyOther things for me to keep in mindEat first thing in the morning ideally at homeMale playlist-akon beautifulCarry pictures of my body inspirations aroundUsing the career process book my friend gave meYear 2024 or laterClassroom party settingAllow delay or writing today but create tomorrow the following writingsWhat I did do rightIntuitive insightsSleeptime inspired/waking life storytelling ideas
0 notes
canaryatlaw · 7 years
Alright well, today was fine. I finished the paper for good, but never got around to studying crim pro, but oh well, I'll have all of tomorrow and most of Wednesday to do it so the rational portion of my mind is worried (meanwhile the anxious part has been telling me I'm gonna flunk for weeks now, so I've mostly tuned it out at this point). I slept till like 3 o clock, which is a bit later than usual, and it wasn't like I was waking up and drifting in and out of sleep for a little while then eventually got up, I like straight up woke up at 3 o clock. Oh well. Ate breakfast and jumped into the paper. I had to handle the financial budget aspects and of course I have no idea where to even start, so I consult our "textbook" (that's not really a textbook) and some other stuff our prof gave us and thought I had a pretty good idea of what I was doing. I figured it would be easier to figure out how much money I would end up needing (all imaginary money, so I'm literally just making it all up) and then dividing up how I got that money from different sources. Salaries, of course, which the main cost. I cut the paid staff down to 15, which in reality isn't nearly enough people to actually pull this off so I just said we'd throw a bunch of volunteers in there too and grow as we could. I made all of their salaries $50,000, and this is probably just because I'm from NY and everything is exorbitantly expensive there, but $50K is like, a base salary if you want to get by with a spouse and kid. So that of course added up to $750,000, then I had to add in all the other little shit, somewhat basing it off the sample budget he gave us and customizing it for the needs of my org. The needed money ended up being like $1,102,000-something, so then I had to go back and divide up how we got the money- $500,000 in board of directors annual contributions (20 members, $25,000 each) and then some other random things in there to make it work. It probably wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, but it's of course one of those things I get ridiculous anxiety about doing because I feel really inadequate in that area. So it wasn't too bad. After that I technically had all the sections done, so I just had to go back and edit and make sure everything worked together, which ended up taking much longer than I would've liked, lol. At 8 pm I moved to the tv and watched while still working on it. I watched Supergirl an hour late cuz I wasn't paying attention to the clock. Pretty good episode I'd say, and I'd dare say part of that was the relative lack of Meh-El. I didn't particularly like the fighting between Kara and Maggie, but I understood what each of them was feeling. Maggie was totally right in the beginning though, having supergirl take down every day criminals is a perfect opportunity for the charges to get dismissed, which is why vigilante justice doesn't actually work in real life. It just don't work that way. The villain plot was...interesting. Not really sure what to make of it. I liked the way they resolved it though. After that I didn't have anything else recorded to watch, so I started my next assigned show, which was APB. I started recording it on TiVo when it first came on, but never got around to actually starting it since I missed the first two episodes. So I bought the first two episodes off amazon prime video and went from there, and I have to say, I'm impressed. Maybe it's just because I've been dealing with such a lackluster criminal justice show based in Chicago *cough Chicago Justice cough* but I was very impressed by how they showed the city and it was clear they actually had people who *shock* knew what they were talking about on the show. It's a bit formulaic so far, someone they have a connection to of some sort gets hurt, and they spend the rest of the episode hunting down the person, but it's worked for them so far. So I watched the first two episodes then the third on TiVo. I couldn't help but laugh that they cast Chicago's mayor as the second in charge terrorist in season 4 of 24, because that seemed to be a pretty good pick for a Chicago mayor 😂. But yeah, I'm glad to see that going well. I did officially finish the paper, including the world's most frustrating flow chart because word doesn't have a fucking option to make a flow chart so you just have to fuck around with shapes and text boxes and lines and omg I was seriously ready to lose it over this freaking thing. Ultimately though, it clocked in at 32 pages and just under 10,000 words, so not bad I think. That's a lot of totally original nonfiction content that all got created out of my head, lol, (I know if there are any fanfic writers reading this you're probably rolling your eyes at me, but this is probably the longest thing I've ever written, and nonfiction academic writing is very intensive and takes a lot of effort [not that I'm saying fiction doesn't either though] so I'm pleased with myself with this). Tomorrow I have PT late in the day, and the only other task I have to accomplish is running to Walgreens to get a Manila envelope to turn in my paper in with on Wednesday (and I get the feeling they're not gonna have a Manila colored one but just other colors and I'm gonna freak about having to follow the rules even when this prof has made it clear he really doesn't care about the little stuff, ugh). Hopefully I can get a bunch of crim pro studying in and I'll feel better about the final. I should still have most of two days to study for it, so I'm feeling okay about that. Okay, that's all I got for now. Goodnight dears. Hope your day was lovely.
0 notes
bobpresspdx-blog · 8 years
Batman v Superman Review or A Conversation Between Two Disappointed Nerds
A few days ago, I finally got around to watching Batman v Superman. I had heard many things about the film, most of it negative, but I tried to go into it with as open a mind as I could. However, it didn’t take me long to realize that I was going to hate this movie. What follows is the conversation I had with Margaret (co-publisher of BOB Press) while I watched the film. I think it speaks for itself. 
Roberta: Oh dear. We are about the watch Batman v Superman.
Margaret: Oh no. Be brave. And remember to breathe.
R: It's not starting off well.
M: It doesn't get any better.
R: O dear.
R: So that dude's dead.
M: Yep.
R: Do they explain what just happened? The fuck? 
R: Now she's going to have to clean up all that water on the floor! What a dick!
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[Somebody is going to have to clean that mess up. I would be pissed! And then force him to clean it.]
M: Yeah. There isn't a lot of explanation in this movie.
R: This is the worst.
M: Yup.
R: However, Ben Affleck does make an attractive Bruce Wayne. At least there is that.
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[Hellllloooo, Mr. Wayne.]
M: Haha. Yes! I was waiting for that.
M: Silver fox for the win!
R: You know me well.
M: :) he is the only saving grace in that movie.
R: So I've heard. Why does it matter that he is Lex Luther's son if Lex Luther, in this universe, hasn't done anything?
M: It doesn't matter. It's a pointless plot device.
R: Omg the music for that scene was awful.
M: Which?
R: The one where Lex Jr. is discussing what's his ass
M: Oohhh. Yeah. That was awful. [Like how she knew what I was talking about?]
R: I normally don't notice the music. But Jesus Christ. Omg just all of the music is awful.
M: They make it too important in that scene which is why you noticed. And the score in general is just bad and not timed will to the action.
R: Omg the transitions are driving me insane. It's even worse for Owen. Why are some of these scenes not combined? [My boyfriend is a video editor and was screaming his anger at whoever edited this film. Seriously, we were getting whiplash with how often the movie switched from place to place.]
M: Because then they wouldn't have a movie. Just an episode of tv.
R: Why doesn't Clark Kent know who Bruce Wayne is? He works for a newspaper!
M: Another plot hole.
R: Jeremy Irons is not nearly old enough to be Alfred.
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[Nothing against Jeremy Irons. I love him. He is great. But he only looks slightly older than Bruce Wayne so it took me a minute to realize who he was. Also, it seems that Alfred has also become a master mechanic. He also looks a bit like an older Tony Stark. Which is fine by me.]
M: Bruce Wayne is too big not to be known.
M: And he really isn't.
M: Not sure who I would have in his place though?
R: Just bring Michael Cain back.
M: Michael Gambon maybe?
M: Haha. Yes!
R: Ooo I like Michael Gambon. And if we are going off the age of the actors, Alfred would have been in his twenties when Bruce's parents died. No way. Also why does Lex Jr. know Clark Kent? How did nobody notice the bong sound that Clark's chest made when Lex Jr. tapped him? Jesus Christ!!
[Unless people in this universe bong when you tap them?]
R: Since when is Wonder Woman sneaky?
M: Right!?
R: This dream sequence has more of a story than the actual story and I don't like it.
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M: Haha.
M: This is why book editors need to work with movie editors.
R: Yes. Because nobody dreams like that. It was far too vivid and it went to scenes where he wasn't involved which doesn't happen in dreams.
M: Unless MAGIC
R: At this point, I'm waiting for a wizard to just pop out and be all “haha you are my puppets and this is my adrenaline fueled fantasy!”
M: Haha
M: To true
R: What the hell is Clark's problem with Batman? What a hypocrite!
R: He leveled an entire fucking city!
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[Bruce Wayne was there! He was witness to the destruction first hand. He watched people die. If either of these two have a right to be pissed at the other it’s Bruce Wayne!]
R: And actively killed a man! And probably thousands more died as a result of his city leveling shit! What a fucker!
R: Batman's not even operating in his fucking city. Back the fuck up bro!
M: Right!
M: I hate this movie.
R: This is the freaking worst. At some point the news was like, we need to know what happened in the desert. And I'm like “Yes! We would love to know what happened in the fucking desert!”
M: lol
R: I totally missed something about peach tea.
M: Yeah, I don't remember that either.
R: Well she freaked out about the peach tea and then everything blew up. This is so dumb.
M: Okay. Weird.
R: “I've found out what you've done.” Please enlighten us!
M: He doesn't even know.
R: So all of this was to pit Batman and Superman against each other? So, if he has revealed that he has pit them against each other why would they not work together to save his mom? And why doesn't Lex just kill Superman himself if he had the Kryptonite to do it? The fuck!
M: Because no on would have liked a Batman and Superman v Lex L movie
R: “I'm going to convince him to help me.” Start beating him up right when I get there.
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[Seriously, if you land in a crater instead of landing gently, like we all know you can, someone is obviously going to be on the defensive.]
M: lol
M: typical men
R: Like, I think he tried once to tell Batman that Lex was playing them and then just started throwing him through buildings.
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[I’ll try this next time I want someone on my side. Yeah. That’ll work.]
M: haha
R: In case you forgot the beginning of the movie, here it is again. Also, why did Lois have to be there to say it was his mother's name. Why couldn't he say that! And why would he say Martha? Why didn't he say “My mother!” Jesus fucking Christ.
R: And why couldn't he have just landed (gently) on the roof and said, “Hey, Lex is pitting us against each other and wants me to kill you in order to save my mother.” Why didn't that happen?
M: No idea. There is nothing in this movie that makes sense.
R: Fuck this movie.
R: Omg he created an orc.
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M: haha
R: So was the orc the back up plan? And if so, what the hell was he going to do with it if Batman managed to kill Superman?
R: I also like the news report being all, “Luckily it's the end of the work day, so there aren't a lot of people there” since they got so much shit for the last movie probably killing thousands of people.
R: Yes. That is definitely how nukes work.
R: Hahahahahahahaha the island is uninhabited!!!
M: Conveniently so.
R: I'm going to lead this now radioactive orc into the city to get the spear Lois dumped into a deep pool of water.
R: This music is so awful!
M: This needs to be a mystery science theater.
R: Does Wonder Woman come in and save all their asses cause that would be fitting.
R: Wonder Woman was the most useful person in the entire movie and she was in it for 5 minutes.
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[I must say that Wonder Woman looks pretty badass. Hopefully that movie is a little better.]
R: That was a mess of a movie. And that's being nice.
M: If only you wrote movie reviews.
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But she was right. I don’t normally write movie reviews, but I just had to with this one. Especially since I had basically already written it via Facebook messenger. 
As you can tell, my thoughts on this movie are less than positive. The story was lacking in sense, the transitions were awful, there were far too many plot holes, and Lex Jr.’s motivations completely eluded me.
Why is he so angry with Superman when, in this universe, Superman hasn’t been around long enough for him to have done anything to Lex Luthor Sr. so why all the (seemingly very personal) hatred? It’s just not explained at all. On top of that, Lex Jr. doesn’t seem to be very fond of his (late?) father, so...Why? Just why?
Honestly, I was just expecting some big twist that would match the ridiculousness of this movie. Like, I don’t know, like OMG IT’S JOHN CENA!!
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Image from video created by Vidgeo on YouTube
0 notes