#omg my sister has molly. MOLLY I LOVE HER
wileyfern · 1 year
I started playing acnh again and marshal came to visit! but he wants to kick out Cheri 😭😭😭
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callsign-dexter · 13 days
Fireside Romance 18+
Request: I just love the very present Kelly spam on your blog too much that I'm gonna send in an idea as well ! My bday is on the weekend, but I feel bad for all the other request before me. So you don't need to do it right now ❤️
Maybe something where you're just new at Firehouse 51 and Shays new partner on 61, and also hers and Kelly's new roommate. He wasn't happy about that in the first place but after he gets to know you he can't think of a better person to live with and you 3 get really close friends. One time you're alone with Kelly, when your nasty ex finds out where you live and shows up. As Kelly opens the door your ex starts making a scene about another guy living with you, but Kelly gets into protective mode and takes care of the situation not letting him near you and making him leave again fast. Then he sees you being a bit overwhelmed by the situation so he hugs you immediately and you relax into his arms, feeling butterflies all inside you, that he stood up for you and that adding to your already present crush on him. Taking advantage of the situation you kiss him, which he returns and somehow you end up in his bed where Shay later finds you both cuddled up together naked and she fist bumps herself cause she knew that would happen and she'll mock you first thing in the morning about that? 🤭
Omg I'm so sorry it's so long !!!!
Pairings: Kelly Severide x Paramedic!Reader
Warnings: angst, domestic abuse done by OC, drinking, fluff, smut, swearing
A/N: @talesofreading and @imagine-all-the-fandoms I hope you're prepared for some Kelly Severide smut.....
A/N 2: Happy 6 month belated birthday! So sorry it is so late!
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Leslie Shay has been your long-time best friend, like so long that you both would consider each other sisters. She was the one to push you to go to school to become a paramedic, you had shown that you were capable and you loved helping people. She was a few years older than you so she had already been through the schooling and had been at 51 longer than you. After you finished your schooling and went through the fire academy you were placed with Firehouse 51 as a paramedic with Shay and to say you both were beyond excited was an understatement. You quickly made friends with everyone on the team including Kelly Severide when you went in to meet everyone.
When you were placed at Firehouse 51 as a paramedic you were in a seriously bad relationship but you had a place to stay but that was about to quickly change. You just started working there a week ago when your living situation was no more. Shay and you had talked about it and how abusive your boyfriend was. You wanted to break up with him and move out but had nowhere to go until she suggested you move in with Kelly and her. She promised that she would talk to Kelly about it and let you know, you thanked her profusely.
 You had just gotten off work but stayed behind while the others went off to Molly’s because there was some paperwork stuff that needed to be taken care of with HR so by the time you were out of there you were getting home late. As you were driving home you ran into some traffic which made you even more late and that made you nervous. You tried calling your boyfriend, Taylor Hadley, but it went straight to voicemail and you left them but knew he would never listen to them but you still gave some sort of notification. You finally pulled into your apartment complex and walked into the building and took the elevator to your floor. When it dinged and you got out and started to walk towards your apartment everything was silent and that scared you. You took your key out and unlocked the door and was immediately met with the smell of alcohol and there was Taylor leaning against the wall arms crossed with a bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand. “Where the fuck were you?” He asked in a demanding tone.
“I was down at the firehouse filling out some paperwork. I told you I was doing that this morning.” You said 
“No, the fuck you didn’t.” He growled out and then threw the bottle at your head which had you ducking but the glass shattered and nicked you and the rest of the contents went everywhere and on to you.
“You’ve been drinking. I did tell you this morning.” You said not daring to move. 
“No, the reason you’re so late is because you’re cheating on me!” He said, stalking closer to you. 
“No no I wasn't, I swear. I was at the firehouse. You can call down there and ask them.” You said as he was face to face with you. He didn’t say anything but instead slapped you hard across the face, he was strong so it sent you crashing into the side table. Tears sprang to your eyes as you braced yourself on the table. 
“You fucking bitch! Always fucking lying to me!” He growled out and grabbed you by your hair. You grabbed his hands and then threw you into the floor. Tears fell down your face.
“I’m not lying. I swear. I would never cheat on you like you do to me.” You said and that was a mistake and you knew it was a mistake and you wished you could take it back. His foot came in contact with your ribs and you could feel a couple of them break. You tried to protect yourself but that just made it worse. He was grabbing you by the hair again and bringing you to your feet. You were out of breath and you couldn’t catch it. He made a fist and punched you and blood instantly started to pour out of your nose, which meant that he broke it. He grabbed your throat and your airway was instantly cut off and he just continued to squeeze until you were almost blacking out. He backed you up in a glass cabinet and it shattered on contact and you could feel glass digging into you. He laid a few more punches into you and then he was throwing you down on the ground one more time and the air rushed back to you but it didn’t last long because he was kicking you in the stomach. 
“Stupid bitch!” He yelled out and then he was storming out of the apartment leaving you there bleeding and crying. You pulled yourself up and steadied yourself on the wall until you got to your purse and then you were falling down on the ground with your purse. You pulled out your phone and dialed 911 as you were starting to fade in and out of unconsciousness.
“911 what is your emergency?” The dispatcher asked.
“My boyfriend just attacked me.” You slurred 
“Is he there now?” They asked again.
“No, he he stormed out. He’s been drinking. He slammed me into glass, punched me several times, kicked me in the ribs and stomach. I’m bleeding a lot. I need help.” You said and you told your name, address, and the name of your boyfriend and then you were passing out. 
“What do you think about adding a roommate?” Shay asked Kelly as they were sitting down on the couch.
“Why would we need a roommate?” He asked
“Well, rent is going up and having another person would help with that and help. Also, groceries are going up and having a third person splitting it would help too.” She said 
“We don’t need a roommate; we have everything under control.” He said he liked his space but having a third person might help out. She didn’t get a reply because her phone was ringing and she was quick to pull out and she frowned and Kelly took notice of this. “Everything ok?” He asked.
“Med is calling me.” She said and she was quick to answer it.
“Shay, it’s Maggie. A Y/N Y/L/N was just brought in and you were listed as her ICE number in her phone.” Maggie Lockwood said
“Is she alright?” Shay asked, already getting up and rushing to grab everything she needed.
“No. She came in unconscious and that is all I can tell you until you get here.” Maggie said
“I’ll be down there as quick as I can be.” She said 
“We’ll see when you get down here.” Maggie said and then they were hanging up. 
“Everything ok?” Kelly asked
“No, Y/N is at Med.” She said, slipping her coat on and grabbing her keys.
“Y/N, the new paramedic that just started working there a week ago?” Kelly asked
“Yes, I got to go.” Shay said and was rushing off leaving Kelly there at the apartment alone. 
Shay got to the hospital in record time and was parking and rushing in. She ran up to the receptionist desk and was about to start asking where you were but the voice of Will Halstead quickly called out her name “Shay.” He said and she looked up and he was waving her over.
“Will what the fuck happened?” She asked and he was guiding her to your room. He didn’t say anything as he stopped outside of your room and she looked through the window and saw you and her heart broke she turned to Will.
“She was brought in with multiple lacerations, a broken nose, several broken ribs, internal bleeding which we had to go in and fix which we just got down with, and she also had strangulation marks around her neck. It was bad. We almost lost her once on the table. I had to get Jay involved.” Will said and Shay was speechless. It was so bad that he had to get his brother, Jay Halstead, involved.
“Do they have anything?” She asked
“No, they are waiting for her to wake up to get more information.” He said and Shay nodded. “If anything happens or if she wakes up. Let a nurse know and I will be down here.” He said and she nodded and then he was patting her on the shoulder and leaving. She walked into your room and pulled up a chair and sat down. 
“What the hell happened?” She asked, sighing not expecting an answer. She took your appearance in.
The next time you were coming to you were in a hospital with blinding lights shining down in your eyes. You squinted and tried to move but everything hurt and tears sprang to your eyes. “Hey don’t move. You had some pretty serious surgery.” A familiar voice said and you opened your eyes to find Shay there sitting next to your bed. 
“Shay?” You asked in a hoarse voice.
“Hey, it’s ok.” She said getting up and leaning over you, blocking the light and pressing the call button. The nurse came on and she told them that you were awake.
“What happened?” You asked and she smiled sadly at you.
“I was going to ask you the same things. What do you remember?” She asked
“I remember coming home late from the station working on some HR stuff. I was late. He was drinking and started yelling and I was defending myself and he didn’t like that and then he was getting violent.” You said straining to remember. Just then Will was coming in along with Jay and Hailey Upton and Dr. Daniel Charles, you didn’t know him.
“Hey, Y/N. How are you feeling?” Will asked
“Sore.” You said and he smiled.
“You had a pretty big surgery.” He said “Jay and Hailey have some questions for you. Dr. Charles is here in support as well.” He added.
“Hi, I’m Dr. Charles and I’m the physicists here.” He said 
“You don’t have to tell us anything. You also don’t have to have anybody in her while he questions you.” Jay said and you nodded.
“I’m ok with everyone in the room.” You said and everyone smiled.
“Remember you don’t have to answer these. You also have every right to stop the questioning if you get overwhelmed.” Hailey said and you nodded.
“Do you remember what happened?” Jay asked and you nodded.
“Yes, I do.” You said
“As best as you can tell us what happened.” Hailey said and you looked at Shay and she smiled and nodded at you giving you an encouraging nod.
“I was down at the fire station working on some paperwork for HR by the time I left it was late. As I was driving home, I got caught in traffic. I tried to call Taylor on my phone through Bluetooth when I was stopped at a red light. He didn’t answer so I left a message.” You said and took a deep breath and started getting tensed and the heart monitor started to rise and Dr. Charles took notice of this. 
“Do you want to take a break?” Dr. Charles asked and you shook your head.
“No. I’m ok. Do I have to tell you the exact word for word he said?” You asked
“No, you don’t have to but you can if you want. It would help.” Hailey said 
“He asked me “Where the fuck were you?” in a demanding tone. I told him that I was down at the firehouse filling out some paperwork. I told him that morning.” You said. He said no growled “No the fuck you didn’t.” He then threw the bottle at my head which had I ducked but the glass shattered and nicked me and the alcohol went everywhere and on me.” You said
“Which would explain the smell of alcohol.” Will said and you nodded and then continued.
“I told him that he had been drinking and that I did tell him this morning.” You said. “He accused me of cheating and that was the reason I was late. He stalked closer to me. I told him no that I wasn't and that I swear. I told him I was at the firehouse. I told him that he could call down there and ask them.” You said “He didn’t say anything but instead slapped me hard across the face, it sent me crashing into the side table. I remember tears sprang to my eyes as I braced myself on the table. He yelled “You fucking bitch! Always fucking lying to me!” and grabbed me by my hair. I grabbed his hands and then he threw me into the floor. Tears fell down my face. I told him “I’m not lying. I swear. I would never cheat on you like you do to me.” I knew that was a mistake and I wished you could take it back. His foot came in contact with my ribs and I could feel a couple of them break.” You said and Will nodded confirming this. I remember trying to protect myself but that just made it worse. He was grabbing me by the hair again and bringing me to my feet. I remember being out of breath and I couldn’t catch it. He made a fist and punched me. I remember the blood instantly started to pour out of my nose. He grabbed my throat and my airway was instantly cut off and he just continued to squeeze until I was almost blacking out. He backed me up in a glass cabinet and it shattered on contact and I could feel glass digging into you. He laid a few more punches into me and then he threw me down on the ground one more time and the air rushed back to me because he let go of my throat but it didn’t last long because he was kicking me in the stomach.” You said and again Will nodded.
“Which would cause internal bleeding and cause you have to have surgery. It ruptured your kidney and it had to be removed.” Will said and Jay nodded as he wrote that down. 
“Are you good to continue?” Dr. Charles asked and you nodded.
“I remember him yelling “Stupid bitch!” Then he stormed out of the apartment leaving me there bleeding and crying. I remember pulling myself up and steadying myself on the wall until I got to my purse and then I fell down on the ground with it. I remember pulling my phone and dialing 911. I told them everything while starting to fade in and out of unconsciousness.” You finished and Dr. Charles was smiling.
“That was very good. Most domestic abuse patients wouldn’t want to give up their significant other.” He said
“He’s been doing it for 4 years.” You whispered 
“Do you mind if we take pictures?” Jay asked
“I don’t mind. I only want Hailey and Shay.” You said and they nodded and everyone else walked out of the room. She took the pictures quickly and then they were welcomed back in.
“We will put this man away.” Hailey said and you nodded and then they were leaving and now it was just Will, Shay, and Dr. Charles with you. Will and Dr. Charles talked to you a little more and then they were leaving.
“Do you have a place to stay?” Shay asked and you were silent and shrugged.
“I don’t know.” You said
“I will talk to Kelly.” She said and you nodded. She stayed for a few more minutes and then she was leaving bidding you a goodbye.
When Shay arrived home, she was determined to move you in. When she got into the apartment Kelly was just plating food. “Hey.” He said looking up and seeing her.
“Hey.” She said
“Is Y/N ok?” He asked
“No.” She said as he handed her a plate of food.
“What happened?” He asked 
“Her boyfriend beat her up pretty badly. Bad enough to land her in the hospital.” She said and Kelly was actually mad. “I know you said you didn’t want a roommate but she has nowhere else to go. We have the extra room and she can make the payments.” Shay said and Kelly sighed he didn’t want a roommate but he couldn’t let you go back to that situation
“You’re right I don’t want a roommate but I can’t leave someone homeless or going back to a bad situation. She can move in.” He said and she sighed and hugged him after she put her plate down and he was fixing his.
“Thank you so much.” She said, the next time she saw you she told you that Kelly agreed and you were so grateful. You gave them the key and they went to pick your stuff up. It wasn’t much and that actually saddened them both. 
2 days before you got out of the hospital Jay and Hailey were coming in and telling you that your boyfriend, now ex, had been arrested and that he had been charged with domestic abuse and DUI. They had strong evidence against him. 
When you got out and to your new apartment your stuff had been put in the extra bedroom. Shay helped you unpack and once everything was done you joined them in the living room. “Thank you for letting me move in.” You said mostly to Kelly.
“I’m so glad to have you here.” Shay said
“You’re welcome.” Kelly said not sounding too enthusiastic but you took it. 
3 months into living with them, Kelly had been getting to know you more and you doing just the little things and some big things helped and that made him slowly getting into having you as a roommate. He was also falling in love with you and you were falling in love with him too.
1 month
 It started out with you replacing everything that was low on stock into a month of living with them. You noticed that most of Kelly’s stuff was low so you, being a good roommate, stocked up on his stuff more and just stuff in the apartment in general. You were also having weekly sessions with Dr. Charles and weren’t there to see Kelly’s face when he noticed that everything of his and Shay’s stuff and some stuff that was hard to find like his and Shay’s favorite coffee creamer. 
Kelly and Shay had just got off work and it was a rough shift. You had taken a personal day off of your three-day shift and it was approved especially after what happened. You were at the hospital having an appointment with Dr. Charles. Kelly stormed in with Shay walking in behind him. The apartment smelled nice and it felt warm like a home. This shocked them both and they looked at each other then they saw the note: “Hey, guys I’m going to be gone for a few hours. Don’t wait up for me. I have some stuff I need to get off my chest.” 
“I’m going to take a shower.” Kelly murmured and Shay nodded as he walked into his bathroom, he noticed that fresh towels were hung up and when he looked into the shower, he noticed that his favorite shampoo and body wash were restocked. “How? It is so hard to find this.” He asked himself as he picked up the bottle. Kelly was slowly starting to come around to having a roommate but he wasn’t yet fully convinced. When Kelly had gotten out of the shower and changed, he heard laughter in the living room. He went out to see what was going on, he saw that you and Shay were on the couch laughing. You were laughing and turned your head to find him standing there and you smiled at him.
“Hey, Kelly.” You said smiling at him. 
“Hey, you have a good session with Dr. Charles?” He asked and you smiled at him and nodded as he walked in and sat on the chair beside the couch.
“I did. I was having a hard time with something about Taylor and it was stopping me from doing things” You said and he nodded and then you got to talking again but one question was on his mind when the current conversation came to an end he decided to ask the question.
“I have a question for you.” Kelly said and you turned to him and smiled and nodded as a go ahead. “I noticed that our stuff was stocked and some of the stuff is hard to find. How did you find it?” He asked and you smiled at him.
“I found them at this really small shop. They only carry the hard-to-find things. I’ve actually been looking for months around places and when I find them, I buy everything and then I found this place and boom there it was.” You explained and he nodded. 
“While we are asking questions. What did you do to make it smell so good in here? We couldn’t get that musty smell out of here.” Shay asked
“I used to clean a lot and while I was off, I deep cleaned. I also got some plugins and plugged them in the high traffic places. I wasn’t going to get a candle warmer because too many fires happen with those.” You said and they both nodded. Kelly couldn’t help falling further in love with you and how good of a roommate you were being. 
2 months
The three of you were at work and for once it wasn’t busy. Everyone was doing their own thing and even though the three of you were together at home you three were alone together at work. Rent was coming up and you wanting to be a good roommate actually went ahead and paid it all. “I haven’t noticed that the rent bill hasn’t come.” Kelly said.
“You know I’ve noticed that too.” Shay said and you were being quiet and they noticed this. “Have you noticed it too?” Shay asked.
“I paid it.” You said taking a sip of your hot chocolate.
“What?” They both asked and you nodded.
“Yes, I paid it. I wanted to show you how much I appreciated you guys letting me live with you so I went ahead and paid it all.” You said looking at your roommates.
“Y/N you didn’t have to do that.” Kelly said “We are roommates, we pay for the bills and food equally.” He said and Shay nodded.
“I know but I wanted to do it.” You said now feeling guilty for it. “I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.” You said feeling guilty. You felt so guilty that you decided to just leave feeling like they were angry at you and the look on your face broke Kelly he wasn’t trying to be mean he was just surprised. He and Shay looked at each other.
“Did I just make her upset?” He asked 
“I think we both did.” She said
“I’ll go find her.” Kelly said and she nodded.
“Ok.” She said she was going to offer to go with him but she knew that he liked you and maybe this would help you both get closer to each other. So, Kelly went on the search for you, he checked everywhere and couldn’t find you until he decided to check outside and there, he found you sitting on the firetrucks bumper that had been moved out to be cleaned. 
“Y/N.” Kelly said when he saw you and you looked up at him and you looked terrified and he hated that. “We didn’t mean to make it sound like we were mad at you. We were just surprised.” He said and you nodded. “Why did you do it? I’m curious.” He asked.
“I wanted to show my appreciation for you both letting me move in with you. I can afford it.” You said
“I’m not saying you can't. We appreciate it but we’re roommates and we split everything.” He said and you nodded.
“I know. It’s just how I was raised.” You said
“How so?” He asked and then you were moving so he could sit and he did.
“Believe it or not I come from a wealthy family. We get along great and the way we show appreciation. When someone finds out I have money whether it be male or female they either want to be my friend and use me for money or date me for my money and then they show their true colors.” You said and he nodded and listened and as he was talking to you, he was falling in love with you and as a roommate. You two talked until the bell was ringing.
3 months
By the third month of you living with them Kelly was 100% ok with having you as a roommate. He was also 100% ready to take it to the next level with you and he was planning to ask you out soon but that and among other things happened so much quicker. Since you moved in you cut all ties with Taylor and you thought he would be gone for good and that he was in jail but apparently had gotten out and you were shocked when you heard the news but he didn’t know where you lived, at least you didn’t think he did. You also had a restraining order against him.
It was just you and Kelly at the apartment since Shay had a date and was going to be gone for the rest of the evening until the morning. You and Kelly had been lounging on the couch when there was a knock on the door “Stay put. I got it.” He said getting up and walking to the door as you paused the show that you two were currently watching. You heard the door open “Can I help you?” Kelly asked.
“Oh, so she’s already moved in with another guy? It’s only been three months.” The familiar voice of none other than your ex-boyfriend, Taylor Hadley, sounded and you froze. You were quick to get up and go to the door but stopped far enough away but Taylor could see you.
“You need to leave.” Kelly said 
“No, I came back for what is rightfully mine.” He growled out and that made Kelly’s blood boil.
“She is not yours anymore. You need to leave.” He said blocking the entrance way. Kelly was a lot bigger than Taylor and he could easily take him down with one push. Taylor seemed to move on from Kelly and focused his attention on you.
“You’re such a fucking bitch. Sleeping with every guy you come across, especially that cop that arrested me. I’m going to teach you a lesson for cheating on me.” He said and tried to come in but was met with a wall of Kelly and he was quickly pushing him out. Throughout the whole deal you were as silent as you could be quickly becoming overwhelmed with his presence.
“It’s time for you to fucking leave. You’re not welcome here.” He said and pushed him out into the hallway and shut the door quickly and locked it. He pulled out his phone and made a quick text to Jay. Kelly turned to look at you and you were wide eyed and staring straight ahead and shaking slightly. He was quick to walk over to you and take you into his arms hugging you. “Hey, it’s ok. I got you.” He said into your ear and you hugged him back. After being in his arms for a few minutes you pulled away slightly and that caused him to look at you. You both stared into each other’s eyes and suddenly you were leaning in and kissing him. At first, he was frozen shocked but very quickly got over that and kissed you with so much passion that the only time you broke apart was when you needed air. Both out of breath you stared at each other and his eyes were hungry and he was quickly kissing you again and picking you up which made you squeal into his mouth and then he started moving towards his bedroom. You both kissed each hungrily, teeth clashing with each other tongues battling for dominance. As he entered his room and shut the door to where it was only a crack.
Kelly walked to his bed and when he was there, he slowly laid you down on the bed and was overing your body with his broad one. The heat was quickly rising but you didn’t want to stop. Clothes were quickly shed until you were both nude in front of each other. He went back to kissing you and you could feel his erection on your thigh. Kelly ran his hands up and down your body and his kisses trailed to your neck where you leaned it to the side moaning. “I love you.” You moaned out and he stopped and looked at you and that made you look at him.
“Seriously?” He asked and you nodded.
“Seriously.” You said and smiled and kissed you hard.
“I love you too.” He said when he broke the kiss. He brought his cock to the entrance and once it was seated there, he slowly eased himself into you and you moaned welcoming the stretch. It was painful at first but it soon turned into pleasure. He was bigger in length and girth than any of your exs, especially Taylor. 
“Fuck you’re so big. Stretching me so well. I always imagined being in bed with you and how big you were but you exceeded my expectations.” You said and he smirked into your neck.
“I’m glad I could exceed those expectations.” He said and he started to move which made you moan.
“Oh fuck!” You yelled out in pleasure.
“You’re taking me so well. Squeezing me so tight.” He moaned and in turn you squeezed him and he groaned. “Keep doing that and I won’t last long.” He growled out and that sent shivers, good shivers, up your spine. “You’re my good girl.” He moaned out and that made you wet. As he thrusted into you and made you see stars, in a good way, each time he moved inside you made you fall in love with him more and that familiar knot started to grow. Nails dug into his arms which were holding his broad body up from crushing you. 
“You’re making me feel so good, Kels. Don’t stop.” You moaned and he smirked.
“I don’t plan on it. Not now. Not ever.” He said and thrusted into you.
“Please go faster.” You moaned 
“Your wish is my command.” He said and picked up his pace and that just brought more pleasure to you.
“Oh fuck! I’m close, Baby. So, close!” You yelled out and he didn’t care that you were being loud he wanted to let everyone hear he was the one making you feel this good. 
“Who is making you feel this good?” He asked 
“You.” You moaned 
“Say my name.” He growled out.
“Kelly! Kelly is making me feel good!” You screamed out and he smirked.
“Damn right. Are you going to be my good girl and come for me?” He asked
“Yes!” You moaned out loudly as he brought one hand to your clit, leaving him resting his body weight on hand which was not a problem for him, and started to rub it vigorously which sent waves of pleasure throughout you. 
“Come for me, Sweetheart.” He said and as he spoke and that added pressure on your clit did you in and that knot exploded and you were coming hard and squeezed him tightly.
“Oh fuck!” You yelled out as you came and he was close behind you painting your walls white with his cum. Both of you were sweaty and out of breath as he slowly and gently pulled out of you as he pulled back the covers. He pulled them up and you shimmed under them and he laid them over your naked bodies. You cuddled into him, face in his chest and he wrapped his arms around you. “I meant when I said I loved you. I have fallen in love with you over these 3 months.” You said he searched his face as he smiled.
“I’ve fallen in love with you romantically and as a roommate over these 3 months too. To be honest I didn’t want a roommate but having you as one has been perfect. I want you to be my girlfriend and take you out on a date.” He said and you smiled.
“I would love that. Although we skipped some steps.” You said chuckling and he chuckled too.
“We did but it was worth it.” He said and you smiled and nodded.
“Definitely was.” You said and yawned.
“Get some sleep. I’ll be here in the morning.” He said and you nodded and you closed your eyes and fell to sleep. As soon as he felt you breathe even out and that is when he allowed himself to fall asleep.
The next morning Shay was rolling into the apartment early and was confused when she didn’t hear the two of you up and her eyebrows furrowed. So, she went on a mission to find out where the two of you were. Both vehicles were here and you both clearly weren’t in the kitchen, dining room, living room, and she couldn’t imagine why you both would be in her room but she checked anyway. She then checked your room and the both of you weren’t there. A smile grew on her face as she was starting to pieces as there was one last room to check. The door was cracked and she silently opened it and there the two of you were naked cuddled together sound to sleep and she was overcome with joy. She backed out moving the door back to where it was beforehand and made her hand into a fist and fist bumped the air. All along she wanted you to move and the two of you fall in love and after 3 months it happened. She made her way to the kitchen and started to make coffee. 
You were slowly waking up and at first confused as to where you were and who was holding you but you quickly remembered and smiled at the memories that came flooding back from last night. You looked at the peaceful look on Kelly’s face and slowly leaned up and kissed his lips and he squinted in his sleep but he was slowly waking up. He cracked his eyes open to find you smiling at him. “Good morning.” You whispered.
“Good morning.” He replied in a gruff voice, smiling.
“Last night was wonderful. I never knew sex could feel so good.” You said and he kissed you.
“I will make you feel good every night for as long as you let me.” He said and you smiled.
“Please.” You said 
“Gladly. Want some pancakes?” He asked and you nodded as your stomach growled.
“Yes.” You said and he kissed you one more time before he was getting up and pulling on his boxers and sweatpants and you admired his god-like body and then you were rolling out of bed and pulling on your underwear and grabbing Kelly’s discarded t-shirt that came down to your thighs and covered everything. Kelly watched you the entire time.
“You look good in my shirt. You should wear my clothes all the time.” He said and you smiled.
“As long as you will let me.” You said and he smiled and then you two kissed each other and headed out of the living room and into the kitchen. As you were nearing the kitchen bacon was heard sizzling and as you walked in there was Shay fixing breakfast.
“Good morning love birds. Have a good night last night?” She said smirking and you blushed and Kelly smirked.
“We sure did.” He said and you smacked his chest but you couldn’t help but agree.
“Soooo how did it happen?” She asked
“Taylor found out where I lived and tried to start something and broke his restraining order and it just went from there.” You said as she handed you a plate of food and Kelly a plate of food. You both went to sit down next to each other and then she was bringing drinks over.
“I have to say I’m really glad that she became our roommate.” Kelly said and she smiled.
“She really is the best.” Shay said
“Stop you guys.” You said and Kelly chuckled.
“She’s telling the truth.” He said as he took a bite of his food and so did you. As the three of you ate and talked about everything you could feel Kelly’s hand on your bare thigh and you looked up at him and he was fully focused in a conversation with Shay and you listened loving hearing them talk but you were just enjoying his hand on your thigh and being close to him. As Shay looked down at her phone looking at and still talking Kelly looked over to you and into your eyes, his eyes were filled with love and so were yours. 
“I love you.” He mouthed and you smiled at him.
“I love you too.” You mouthed back and he smiled and you honestly meant it. You couldn’t wait to spend more time with him as your boyfriend. 
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jessnotfoundd · 2 years
Well I’m glad your liking my requests !! Sorry I’ve been so quiet today, I’ve been out but I’m hoping you’ve had a good day/night ! I do have a request though, as we know Dream has Patches. So do you think you could write Dreams reaction to the reader coming home with a cat that they got from the shelter, after they said they were going out just to grocery shop. -🎃
Omg your ideas are always super cool anon! <3
𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧
Pairing: cc!Dream x reader!
Masterlist here!
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I and the guys were back from San Diego and sapnap used the last things we had to make launch so it was time for grocery shopping.
I was writing what we needed so I wouldn't forget anything, and after asking George and Sapnap if they wanted me to bring them something special o anything in general I was ready to leave, not before telling Clay I was leaving.
-I'm leaving, wanna come?- I ask but as soon as I realize he's editing a video I already can tell he's not coming.
-I'm a little busy right now.- he makes me sit on his lap.-But, we can watch a movie or something, just the two of us.- I laugh and nod.
-Yeah, that sounds cool.- I lean my head to rest my head on his shoulder. I kiss his neck and stand up.
-Can you buy some food for Patches? she's almost running out.-
-Yeah, I got it.- I show him the list and he smiles.- Well, enough, I'm leaving- he brings me down for a kiss, and then I'm free.
The final thing on my list was patches of food, after I paid for everything I see across the street a shelter, it wasn't too bad just to say hello to a few buddies after all, right?. So after locking down the car, I made my way to the little shelter when I enter I see all of the dogs and cats and a few other animals, but mostly dogs and cats, and my heart broke. How people can be so mean to leave them.
-Hey- an old man and a lady come to me.-Looking to adopt some of these buddies?- she goes with a smile.
-I just came to say hello, it breaks my heart, I wish I could adopt all of them.- It's there when I realize she's holding a baby cat and I melt.
-Oh, this is molly, she's the last one, her little brothers were already adopted.-
-Oh, you're lonely?- I caress a finger through her head and she closes her head.
-Wanna take her? she's two months old.- she passes me the little kitten and I fell in love again.
Should I? would the guys be so mad if I take another cat? are patches gonna feel aside or left out? but look at this little baby.
-Well, I can give her all she might need.- I smile with the little kitten in my arms. She looked so little and warm.
-Perfect, ill bring some papers, adoption is very serious for us.- I nod and she disappears.
-You're coming home with me.- I smile at the little creature in my arms, who's already falling asleep.- You'll have a sister and amazing dads.- I smile at the thought of Sapnap and George obsessed with the kitten but patches and Clay for another side, I hope at least feel cool about it.
When I pull into the garage of the house, Sapnap it's already there to help me take the grocery inside the house. But when I leave the car and he sees the little baby in my arm he loses it.
-Omg, hello buddy- he takes the little car in his hands and I smile, I knew he was going to be okay with this. -You didn't tell me you were getting a baby home.- I smirk.
-It's not planned I was saying hi to the animal in the shelter and the lady told me she was left alone because his others brothers were already adopted. And I feel a little sad about it so I decided to bring her home, I hope Clay and patches don't kill me.- I cross my arms.
-Go tell Clay, I'll take the grocery inside.- he smiles and gives me back the little kitten. I nod and go inside the house, I walk straight to Clay's office room and when I enter he turns around. I hide the kitten in my arms, which looked like they were just crossed.
-Hey, you took forever to come back.- he pouts and I smile awkwardly.
-Yeah, I've done something.-
-What.- he already prepares for something terrible and I can tell, because when I take the kitten out to show him he relaxes.- Why?- he gets closer to me and I tell him the same story I told sapnap.- oh, poor baby- he takes the kitten in his hands and I smile capturing the image of both of them in my eyes.
-Yeah, that's what I said.- I smile and he looks at me again.
-Has a name?-
-Yeah, the lady told me she was named molly.-
-Hello Molly, want to know your sister?- he passes beside me and kisses me.- Come, let's give patches the idea you had.- he laughs and I do so.
-At least she's not alone anymore.-
-Yeah, guess you're right.-
Even tho I thought Clay wouldn't be so happy with the new kitten, I was wrong, after that he was a lovely dad with both of his girls, he would give the small kitten some milk at the respective times and would make sure patches don't feel left out.
-I guess I'm ready to have a baby - he blurts out while we were getting ready for bed.-
-But you already have two- I said not getting the point.
-No, I mean, a human baby.- he looks at me while I'm brushing my hair.
-Yes?- he nods.- well, maybe in a few years, you might be ready but I'm not, and guess who has to carry the baby for nine months?.- We both laugh and I lay down with him, patches and molly with us.
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bombshelllblonde · 6 months
heyyyyyy im backkk!!!!!!!
invading ur ask box again lol, sorry!!!!!!
this might start being a thing
i totally forgot to mention last time hiw muvh i love lenny, mary-beth and hosea and tilly and MOLLY O SHEA omg
the drinking mission w lenny is one of my favorites, and I LOVE PLAYING DOMINOES W TILLY MY GIRL SHE IS THE BEST
Like yea gurl!!!!! kill the o driscolls!! kill them all!! avenge ur pookie!!! rahhh!!!
Mary-beth and kieran are my blorbs. my pookies. my babbygirls. my schmookums
molly o'shea that woman that she is i love her so so so much
i feel so bad for her tho w her fights w dutch :(
speaking of dutch, idk i have like a neutral (slightly negative) view of him???
i dislike how he treats molly, and w how he treats mary-beth?? (inst dutch also like 40-50 and mary-beth like 20-smth? idk im probably rlly biased in this lol)
ALSO another reason dutch be chosing Micah the rat over what is his basically adopted son??
im definitely biased in this but wtv lmao
but he hasnt really done much so i dont hate him, but i dont like him either
moving on, do yk if theres any way to explore blackwater + south of it while playing as arthur? i wanna get all the dinosaur bones and legendary animals !!
i replayed the 'americans at rest' mission, yk w bill (i think) javier and charles at the bar (towards the beginning of the game)
its so fucking funny i cannot
arthur walks in, uses his amazing charmer skills (LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER) and then bill runs in, punches a guy therefore starting a bar fight, HERE COME CHARLES WITH THE STEEL CHAIR, arthur gets his ass kicked and then kicks ass and nearly beats the guy half to death
yk when jack grows up and tells epople abt his dear ol uncle arthur that uncle lore drop boutta be CRAZYYYY
did i mention charles throwing a chair? its my favorite part could you tell
i have a pretty neutral view of john marston ig, i kinda hope he steps up and gets the stick outta his ass, starts being a father to jack or smth but im trying not to get my hopes up lmao
thats it for now!!!! hope u have a nice day!!!!
(thanks for responding to these btw! lmk if im bothering u tho, ty for letting me ramble abt my hyperfixation lmao)
okay lsitennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn rdr2 has been mt hyper fixation since July of 2022 when my brother in law gave me his old ps4 and the game and i don’t think ive shut up about it since i started playing. My entire personality is rdr2. And my current outlet/therapy is writing my rdr2 fanfiction
it’s gotten to the point where my family has literally started buying me cowboy/outlaw stuff. when I was a teenager i loved owls so everyone got me owl things. now im obsessed with cowboys at 26 years old and every gift I receive has something to do with outlaws
My sister got me a cameo of Roger Clark talking to me as Arthur for my 25th bday and literally nothing has ever topped that. It was the most amazing gift ever and now I have a video of Arthur Morgan saying my name and talking to me about my horses!!!! It’s so amazing I watch it all the time
unfortunately there isn’t any way to explore blackwater as Arthur unless you get like mods or something. the AI immediately roll up and the bounty hunters shoot him dead if you try to get into west Elizabeth
do you know how to play dominoes??? Literally ive only ever played 5 finger fillet in that game because i cant fucking play dominoes or poker bc i don’t know how
also Tilly is amazing just wait until later in the game. there’s a mission that really solidified the love i have for Arthur being the protective older brother
Dutch is sooooo complex and i think that’s why i love him so much. i won’t get too deep into my feels for him just yet bc i want you to keep going without me saying anything but once you get farther into the game we can talk about him!!!
Hosea and Dutch are literally my gay fathers. I love them so much. Their love for each other literally makes my tummy flip I love it so so so much
Also I’d let Charles hit me with a chair too, tbh. Love of my life
I never disliked Molly but I didn’t like her either, I think she’s just too much of a loud mouth. Felt like to me she could have not been in the game and it wouldn’t have changed much. Idk
And John’s complexity we can talk about after you progress a lil further. I honestly don’t want to spoil anything or give it away unless you don’t care about spoilers. But I’m just gonna stay quiet until you let me know 😂😂😂😂
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glowyjellyfish · 2 years
…and I just finished Ducktales! Here are some semi-random notes on episodes roughly in order:
1. Okay, i’ll admit I am a little sick of kids’ shows always feeling obliged to stick a Real Santa in, but Ducktales did it perfectly. Super appreciate that they even made Santa a contemporary of Scrooge, because what could be more fitting or accurate?
2. The last Fenton episode was great, poor tiny anxious Huey. And Fenton was not faring much better but at least he had a girlfriend to show for it. Also, Mark Beaks acting like a stalker with a crush towards Gizmoduck, which is peak Beaks right there. And I loooove that Huey brought in Louie to lie for him, and didn’t even think to tell him about Fenton! Lol Dewey knew because he was right there when Gizmoduck debuted, Huey figured it out quickly when Gizmoduck was in front of him fighting crime, and Louie never even had a scene with Fenton or Gizmoduck until that moment did he? L O L.
3. I am still a little bit salty that the Talespin episode didn’t even mention Launchpad, but i get why now, it was all about following in the footsteps of the mentors and there really wasn’t room for Launchpad. I will just politely headcanon that Stunt Pilot Molly Cunningham is friendly rivals with Launchpad’s sister. And maybe that Della got home and promptly told Launchpad he is no longer the worst pilot she’s ever met.
4. I’m impressed how many flashbacks they crammed into The Life and Crimes of Scrooge McDuck! And also, Poe! I don’t think even 1987 Ducktales ever gave us Person Poe. Aw how cool. I feel pretty bad for Magica with that story. Scrooge really was a bit of a dick to her, and I’m glad that’s the one he owned up and took responsibility for. As an Animorphs fan, you really do not want to accidentally lose a loved one in bird form. Birds have short short lives.
A. Definitely felt like we suddenly hit fast forward and had to cram a ton in at crazy speeds, but Ducktales pulled it off!
B. I cannot BELIEVE they crammed a gargoyles reference in there too, Frank Angones you madman. With the addition of Keith David this truly was the correct thing to watch after I finished Community s6. It was practically the same cast!
C. Impeccable division of teams, so that everybody went up against the appropriate villain, teams were logical, and banter was beautiful
D. DARKWING AND GIZMODUCK AND LAUNCHPAD. OMG. I still would like to have approximately twelve seasons worth of bantering between Darkwing and Gizmoduck, and Fenton and Drake, and all combinations in between. Launchpad is everybody’s sidekick, EXCEPT WHEN HE PUTS ON THE GIZMO SUIT AND GETS TO SHINE. AWWWW LAUNCHPAD.
E. Okay I’m going to ramble about Launchpad some more for just a minute here. First, Launchpad’s subconscious has been struggling to tell everyone this intel the whole time??? And without his double-o mission they would have been stuck at square one?!? HOORAY LAUNCHPAD HELPED! Also, who is the first character to say “isn’t family the greatest adventure of all?” or most of it at least, that’s right, Launchpad! He is the HEART and I love him and I am very proud of him.
F. Back to Fenton and Drake, I am now going to assume that both of my suggested scenarios happened. Fenton had a long day and said something like “ugh, don’t even talk to me about Gizmoduck!”, then Drake took that as his cue to start griping about Gizmoduck, and Fenton just awkwardly agreed to be polite at first, and Drake was like “haha, yes! He clearly hates Gizmoduck too! My new buddy!” Also, I find it hilarious that Darkwing refuses to consider the possibility that Fenton is Gizmoduck, possibly because he likes Fenton too much? Which is great. I loved the classic versions getting on each other’s nerves every which way in Tiff of the Titans, but this is an extremely lovable dynamic as well. Especially that Fenton got frustrated enough to try to just tell him. These guys are terrible at secret identities, and yet still Fenton somehow managed to have one from Drake, and from Louie. Somehow.
G. Hooray, I finally know the thing about Webby properly! And yes, there was a TON of foreshadowing and themes about nature vs nurture all over the place throughout this show, omg! Especially as other clones we have seen on the show were (usually?) exact duplicates, while there is no question that Webby is fully her own person, despite having clear streaks of Scrooge in her. Which, to be fair, also could have just come from growing up around him! I wish there was more time to get to know May and June, and I love the way Beakley just kinda… bluescreened and went off on her own over Webby.
H. Seeing Scrooge and Donald and Della together in action was glorious. Surely we saw it before, can’t remember, buuuuut still glorious.
I. also aaaaaaaa Huey’s woodchucking skills saving the day, the parallel with the villain coming together nicely
J. and all the kids getting to shine too!
Okay, I’m sure I forgot a ton of important stuff as I just sat down and started rambling. Now I can look at TVTropes and the whole rest of tumblr and AO3 and everything!
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nityarawal · 8 months
Aloha- Daniel is being racist & turned off my power after I paid him rent. I dont feel safe showering here with him screaming at me. Melody said he was violent with her. I told him it's against law to cut power. Would you tell him too? Thanks!
MJ is letting electric know of your hardship. Shut up & turn on electric. Edison said this is violation of law= racism. Cry to someone else faggot.
No. I don't talk to cops. Your dad's bros remember? When you called on Robbers at dead guys next door? They Forgot to look- they were so bust macking on Melody & I. Eon said they pimped us out with cameras. True? He warned Mommies of piggy Trolls. I don't speak to rapists- just witnessed him raping militia camp bros into crime. He's a creep. Sheriff Jeremy Parsons. I'm a reporter you know. Been an editor at 2 magazine and written for dozens of publications. You really should get your head out of your ass & wake up. I disclose all. Journalist of 30 years. Got an issue with my career darling?
Turn on my electric or they could come. It's True. I don't ask them to record my house. It's pitch dark now. No electric.
His attys want to address racism in my business & homes. 40% of California's were sexually discriminated against out of their homes. Tell Martin. Vegas bros get really mad when boys mistreat their little sister. Doesn't go down well with anyone being a mommy hater. Peace.
Would love to roast Parsons if you could let our attys know how gross they were Peeping on us. He's a murderer.
Elon said he'd pay! Shut up! Send Bill to America 1st Legal. He's covering all racism. Call before you get charged on foul play. Connect electric. Gabriel is trying to help you before you fuck up.
Not enough to heat?
We froze with no heat!
How many puppies died waiting for #Cybertruck ?
I'm sleeping in car waiting tonight. My Landlord got manic screaming after spending money on hookers- he forgot to pay electrical bill.
Call us.
FYI: Sent to bff Black belt:
My landlord unplugged electric yesterday. He has $1200 electric bill & paid hooker $300 (who looks like me) to clean his home! He was crying all day! Omg Melody paid $300 last month at Christmas then left him New Years! He finally turned it on after dark but I slept in car anyways. He scared me. He's acting manic screaming everyone out of here. Mikey left with Gemini. It's not mommy friendly. Dogs are freezing! It is pretty cold. Just washing and cleaning after Floods- house still leaks! No heat! He wants $100 more for utilities monthly and also suggested I upgrade to a self sufficient trailer! Does coffee pot, electric blanket, christmas lights & burner cost this much??? I want to upgrade! I need his X gf Melody'ss testimony about IEHP still for America First Legal. Could you send one too? Elon is refunding! So sick of peeps triangulating us into their dramas and lust. I wonder if Daniel Hall Is related to Molly's husband Dr. DREW HALL who treated me after Marine beating? or Chris Hall- the political hooker- whose mom Janet babysat me? He gave Molly a morning after pill SOS. He's sold out. This gaslighting is racist & I had to have my neighbors keep him in check. Melody says he has Syphilis. Wondering if we all do? She appears to be a big pharma spy/hooker from teens in 'hunger games' grooming. Like my kids- how can we hate her? I don't. How do we break chain? Daniel's Step-dad is Obese & lives in Vegas most of time. Adam's pimp contact? Melody said one tenant left because old man wanted to shower with him. I think Daniel is pimped to hookers cuz he's scared of dad. Melody said Daniel beat her out of here so obviously I'm weary. He's a big guy. Prayers! I need to move! Xo
I let my bro & Dr. Sunil know about extortion to get $1200. I'll pay it all when I get KY refunds. Tell Melody to hurry. Did you say Raj at dmv.org tried to bribe y'all? What was Rowen pedophile getaway when Meoldy said you broke her leg about? Truth will set you free. In writing. She's trying to frame you.
He just cut power again. Could you do an intervention please? Thankyou! Xo
30 days is law. Read contract. You're a racist bully. I can go. Refund me and fix this. You owe me. Call America First Legal. They want your testimony. Work.
Well I'll lyk if anyone comes through when my electric is back on!(:
HARD TO DO BUSINESS WITH 9-5 TERRORISM ISNT IT? I let whole legal team know about your tantrum & extortion with shivering puppies etc! Could you put your texts in Google docs and also post on Tumblr for them to analyze? Starving & need to cook! Please dont give them to rescues or kill them. We love puppies! MJ said your mad Charly was raped & thats why you wont let her in warm sauna room with your dogs! Grazie! NITYA
Sent to old landlord Dan:
Aloha! Do you still have my stuff? My landlord is being a dick. I need to move. My place is flooded cold. How are you? Did Danny really die? That really upset me. I hope not. I pray for y'all regardless. Always hope.
Square up for Melody Gray con. @IEHP_healthcare @America1stLegal
Our puppies shivered all week in cold.
My Landlord is cring after spending $1200 on hookers trying to keep up with you. Sheriff Parsons is circling him for pretty gay boy dolly?
@GRIMES_V1 He texted BS all day yesterday for @America1stLegal about Melody Gray.
I had to shit in garden- you are so abusive. Melody will throw your ass into a hospital bro. Karma. Walk the line. Don't F up & blame mom. What's her number? Can she get you? Test for every syphalis there is. Melody admitted you had it. Truth will get you big $$$. You want honest cash & keep dick or not? Physics.
Not sure if I can get out with mud today but I'll walk it & check this afternoon. I think I need to move. Do you have any rentals there? I was paying $300 for leaky trailer off grid here. Thanks!
Excuse me, what's your reason for today's electrical terrorism? Does your friend have her period? Is that why my towel was bloody? Truth. You shit on us everytime you & Melody get PMS & overspend too. You know I don't eat out or spend on heat because I can't afford to. It's OK. You just learn to budget. I can help you for rest of year free- both self sufficient trailers for my family and mommy respect. Your attitude will Felon you.
I am not your C word nor will I ever be. Gross. You're out of line.
Elon wants to refund me for terrorism. $$$ Send in your notes. I don't want to read your diarhea. American First Legal wants every sordid detail of your trafficking stories. You're in luck. Confessions pay commissions. Xo
I'm also sorry if I seem racist against gays. It's just been insane having them steal every man I've been with - now kids. Discrimination against breeders- like Daniel displays- has been my reality. Maybe it's my shitty destiny. Welcome to my 20th+ slumlording. Hope Daniel's kickbacks made it all worthwhile tho. He's on suicide watch around here. We all thought it was him when gunshots went off at neighbors. TG he survived thus far. I am trying to be supportive & stay out of it. He sends senseless hate texts all day to gaslight me. Why? For an electric bill because his room is a sauna for male pets only? He asked me not to sit there when hes not home after he desserted pets most of weekend and had asked for my assistance! Puppies are shivering. I wish Mikey was here still to save them too, like Gemini. Or Melody. She wanted Gemini but he plays politics w/ pets wars too. ): We're all disturbed.
Do you know how many gays tried to recruit me for politics post divorce? Military + 1000's. It's a Fidelity marriage faith I honor. Vows: word: i write. I don't judge. But a little respect from Divorce courts would've been appreciated. It's been hard. Always hoping latest atty will work fidicuary duty to moms & kids. It's an uphill battle alone. I was hoping you could help- as moms. We're all in it together. Moms are a Tribe. Xo
Your pappa came home & understands laws. You're in violation of code with landlord laws once again. Turn on electric. I'm leaving town for a bit to get work/custody done. Not into your drama. Work for your money & tell truth if you want my honest bucks. Lol Not into faggot bullies at all. Encinitasbeachhome.com not down with your BS as a national association realtor. I'll let them know. 40% raped because of spoiled brats like you making a sauna for boy pets. Ew. 30 days Martin confirmed I'm safe. Leave me alone. Grazie. NITYA
Martin was apologetic for Daniel's snotty behavior. Unfortunately this is how divorced enablers spoil children - please teach our kids better. We all agree Daniel is a shit uncle & example for our kids right now. Please protect them. I'll try to get us all refunds- if you were also prejudice against in home & work? This is unfortunately normal for me. Landlords want to f me, their gfs try & when I'm not down they rage. Gross. So unattractive!
It'll work out. Mother Nature wins. Hands down. I'm just an innocent catalyst for highest good. Stay safe! Peace & all love! @elonmuskdaily @elonmuskfanslounge @elonmuskfans @elonmuskparody @elon-daddy @teslamotorsblog @teslamodel3 @americafirst-blog
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Xo Mom
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desertgremlin · 1 year
Omg I was out all day yesterday and forgot to reply lol.
I actually saw a post on IG that had Molly's character and Cicero together, like a splitscreen of their faces, and then I was like, "Wait..." so maybe Carmy knows her from childhood? Which would also be interesting.
But for some reason I still have a strong feeling she will be some sort of love interest. And like, I agree, I think it's okay if there is no romance in the show but I always side eye people who are like, "Why do we have to have a romance? Why are you ruining the show?" And they need to keep that energy for her too and I'm not seeing it =/
As if romance isn't a part of people's lives? Yes it's heavy-handed and overly focused on, especially on television shows. And I'm not saying that it needs to be a telenovela, but like, I trust the writers and the showrunners. Some people were so nervous because they were like, the first season was so good, what if they mess it up? Which I think is so disrespectful. As if they could write a script for a TV show. An actual good one. There's a possessiveness people seem to have over this show in particular so when they are adamant about no romance, it's weird to me because....they didn't create the show and don't know these characters and stories as well as the creators.
I know the actors were surprised that a lot of people saw any sort of romantic or sexual potential in the story but it is there. Maybe Jeremy Allen White doesn't know what he looks like in the mirror but his face is quite expressive, especially his eyes. And we can see, as the audience, what he is feeling just by looking at him. And he always had that "I love you" look when he looked at Sydney. I've seen so many guys look at people that way when they are enamored. It's a very specific look and I always know what it means whether it's with children or parents or significant others. He has it when he looks at Syd. He doesn't even look at Sugar in any way that conveys like care or anything and Natalie is his sister! Like even with the people he tolerates and likes, he isn't like that. That look is reserved for Sydney.
I personally do think Carmy and Syd are soul mates. Maybe not romantic soul mates but they get one another. It can be platonic, it can be familial. But it's there. And I'm open to it being anything, but......I really do think it's more than platonic or familial. And the people who are like, oh Carmy is just a mentor.....I'm like, what are you on about? A mentor would NOT look at me the way he looks at Syd. A mentor would not put me in charge of literally everything. It's such a paternalistic way of viewing their relationship when they are clearly equals and could be intimate in kore ways than one.
no omg that's totally fine!!
Ooh okay, I do love characters who show up and know a lot about the main character's past and possibly upheaves some memories, so if that is the case 👀 Interesting!!
Once a show is out there it definitely gets subject to possessiveness - whether it be because people have interpreted it a certain way that's meaningful to them or whether they just think they know these characters better than the writers. So like, I get the people who are all for ace!carmy or more really good platonic relationship representation through this show. As for the other people, side eye-ing them along with you!
100% agree with you about The Look. It is there. It is undeniable!!! It gets me weak in the freaking knees. Carmy and Sydney just Get each other and those are my fave types of relationships. Ones where there's a synergy, a shorthand. And that doesn't mean they get along 24/7 - because lol just look at season one - but there's always an understanding there at the bottom of it all and I live for it. So I agree, whatever way the writers go with it - there is def a soulmate type bond there. I can't waitttt to see more of it in s2.
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kyleesdollplace · 6 years
I reread Felicity’s first book last night after I toiled over my mini Lissie’s hair, and I was too tired to read the rest of them all at once but I am DEFINITELY going to be reading them sooooon
I also really want to make some of Miss Lissie’s gorgeous clothes. I don’t have a regular-size version of her, but I’ve always loved her clothes so much, I don’t think I can... not make them. You know?
#ok the tags are embarrassing please ignore thEM#i don't want to delete the tags but i also don't want to draw attention to them and i realize mentioning them does exactly that#but seriously please ignore them#doll talk#american girl#my cousin has felicity molly and josefina... or at least she did... i haven't seen them in ages i really hope she didn't get rid of them#she's never really been a doll person she only really had them because they used to belong to her sisters#we used to play with them sometimes and the state of the dolls' hair made me a little sad#but the dolls.... were still so pretty.... i loved them#i think about them a lot tbh i wonder if she still has them#if i were brave i'd ask if i could have them sghdgh but i'm not and like... they are keepsakes so idk she might want them jut for sentiment?#idk josefina and felicity are two of my favorite dolls and molly is obviously adorable too#we're visiting them in a couple weeks... i might ask if she still has them... but i am NOT going to ask if i can have them sdfhsdf omg no#as much as i want to i don't want to be THAT person y'know?#but like felicity in particular was one of the older ones like she had the rose garden dress and everything#and i was always fascinated by josefina's earrings and her little pouch with her handkerchief and coin#can't remember much about molly just that she was missing her glasses but i liked her too#g o d s i would love to get my hands on them and just... fix their hair dfshfjshfd#and clean them up and dress them in pretty clothes and omg i'm thinking way too much about someone else's dolls#that may or may not still be around#this was  post about making dresses for my minis how did i go on a tangent about my cousin's dolls why am i like this#i literally haven't seen the dolls in years though where would she be keeping them#she might have them in her closet but i don't think i saw them in there last time i went in#then again her closet is a walk-in and it's almost always a disaster zone so they could just be buried idek#or the crawlspace they have a crawlspace and the entrance is in my cousin's room#sfdhd why am i coming up with an entire conspiracy theory about these dolls i'm too obsessed i need to stop
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Hi Anthony, just wanted to make sure you weren’t trying to cut off the fingers you had inside me last night? Eh maybe she’d try a different opening line.
“Anthony, I think you need to replay last night in your head and think about whether or not I wanted you too.”
MOLLY IM DYING THESE LINES WERE THE BEST. They’re both such clowns omg.
This Kate and Anthony are truly absolutely... stupid.
Just wait until they've been... hanging out for about two months, and Anthony decided to wake up early, skip the gym and go and wish her a very through Happy birthday. And they emerge from her bedroom as Anthony's on his way to work (Kate has the day off) thoroughly fucked honestly, Anthony carrying Kate on his back arms around his neck, legs around his his waist both of them giggling stupidly, cheeks flushed, hair a mess only for a voice from the sofa to hum:
"Yes, sweetheart, Happy Birthday."
Kate let out a startled squeak falling off Anthony's back, her cheeks burning, "Mary, you're early."
Mary bit her lip, trying to hold back her chuckle from the sofa, Newton on her lap, "No Darling, I was a little late actually, I had a delivery, your sister let me in before she went to class."
Kate wants to sink through the ground, her cheeks burning, "And you... have been here for how long?" trying desperately to figure out what Mary might have overheard, her throat still a little sore.
Mary can't keep her smirk back, as she stands kissing Kate's cheek, "Don't worry, I sat in the hallway until it was quiet."
Kate does in fact worry as Mary steps around her quickly, to Anthony who had been hiding behind her, his hands fisted in one of his own shirts she happened to be wearing.
"And Your name young man?"
Kate nearly groaned out loud, mortified as she said, "Mary this is Anthony Bridgerton. Anthony, this is my Mum: Dr Mary Sharma."
"Dr Sharma, it's lovely to meet you." Anthony said quickly, taking her offered hand quickly, his ears bright red.
"You as well, will you be joining us for dinner?"
"Anthony has to work tonight, Mary, he can't just leave the restaurant, one of us has to-"
"Come to the restaurant, I'll eat dessert with you."
And it's only later, when Anthony drops into the seat beside her, the same table she always sat at with her Dad, his lips soft on her cheeks as he sets down the spiced creme brûlée that she knows he must have made himself in front of her, that she realises she'd never even thought to protest Anthony joining them because he wasn't her boyfriend, and he shouldn't just that he couldn't.
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fathermarty · 4 years
ahh omg i loved your sirius black daughter post!!! can i request some remus lupin and sirius black with a daughter reader? i was thinking maybe they find out that the reader is dating george weasley? thank u love <3
Pranksters Paradise || s.b. & r.l.
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Summary: Request above; Reader gets into a relationship without either of her father’s knowledge. 
Pairing: Remus Lupin & Sirius Black x Daughter Fem!Reader and George Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warning/s: fluff, idk two present dads instead of none. (LMAO DAD JOKE I HATE MYSELF) for those of you who don’t know, I call myself father marty because my dad was absent.
Word Count: 758
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“Y/n honey, the owl is here for you again!” Your father Remus hollers up the stairs for you as he examines the fourth letter that had arrived for you that day.
“Coming!” You say with a huge smile on your face, you know it is another letter from your boyfriend George. You guys started dating at the end of your fourth year, and now you are going to start your sixth year along with George and his twin brother Fred. You guys started off as friends but over time it became more, the rest is history — or so you thought.
When you get down the stairs you see your other father, Sirius, standing with his arms crossed glaring at you. “Who’s scratchy handwriting is this? Who is he? Why has he sent so many letters?” 
One thing you haven’t accomplished while in your year-long relationship with Georgie was telling your dads that you have a boyfriend. See usually this would be fine, well it would be with your dad Remus, but with Sirius… Poor George. Sirius was very, protective….
“Umm well, it is George?” You say as more of a question, “George Weasley.” This time you say clearly not breaking eye contact with Sirius. When he wants you to tell him something he will stare at you with what you call the “dad stare” and it makes you talk.
The intense eye contact is broken by him turning his head to your other dad,“Weasley, where have I heard that?” Sirius turns to Remus, “Well hon that is Molly, remember her? The Prewett’s sister Molly married Arthur Weasley.”
Suddenly something clicked in his head, “YOU MEAN TO TELL ME YOU ARE CONVERSING WITH THE BLOODLINE OF GREAT PRANKSTERS! THE ONES WHO GAVE US A RUN FOR OUR MONEY?!” Your father Sirius’ voices booms through the house. You stare at him with eyes wide, unsure if he is mad or excited. The expression he is wearing is beyond confusing.
“Um yeah? He and Fred are pretty known for pulling some good pranks.” You say as you shift from foot to foot as your father's gazes get to you. 
“Sweetie, is there something you’re not telling us?” Your father Remus takes your hand as he takes a seat beside Sirius who still has a questionable look on his face.
“Well, I may or may not be datinggeorgeweasleysincemyfourthyear.” You say quickly as you try to stand up and walk away, but much to your demise your father Sirius grabs your hand to keep you put.
“Okay, y/n/n try one more time,” Remus says as he rubs circles into the back of your hand. This has been something he has done since you were younger to calm you down. It was a small gesture that always made you feel grateful to have Remus as your father.
“Well I started dating George at the end of my fourth year, and we are still dating,” You start but stop when you see your dad tense up. Similar to how he was holding your hand, your father Remus grabbed your dad's thigh and rubbed small circles into his leg.
“I really like him, he is so nice to me and he-” You are interrupted by Remus;
“Is he nice to you?” You nod before it was Sirius’ turn;
“Does he respect you?” Again you nod.
Now it was your turn to stare at your fathers with questioning glances because it seems like they are having a conversation with their eyes. You begin to get worried about the quiet but then father Sirius starts speaking.
“Okay well I guess it is time for the talk, so the birds-” You interrupt him by throwing your arms up;
Sirius grabs your father's hand and pulls him back onto the couch. “Hon she is a teenager, it is expected.” Your dad just huffs.
“I remember when you were a little baby, it seems like so long ago.” Both your fathers take your hands in theirs. “We love you.”
“I love you guys too, thank you for being so cool about George.”
“Woah Woah Woah we aren’t cool with a carbon copy of the Preset twins dating you, but it appears that he means a lot to you,” Remus says with a smile.
“Is this a bad time to tell you that George and Fred are twins?”
╚═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
I always think it is so fucking funny when people request the guys to be dads. Y’all do know I didn’t have one? You guys probably know and just do it to fuck with me. It’s fine. This makes me soft and makes me wish I had at least one dad.
thank you for requesting!
xoxo, father marty
also song rec, i am currently listening to 45 by shinedown. shit slaps
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Feels like pt 4
Niall horan x Yn swift
Story Masterlist
also she goes to college in london! Zendaya and tom holland here too!
Hope you like it!
In Today’s episode:  “ I’m sad” “suffer in silence” “No I’m really sad, the type that”s worse than, my cat doesn’t like the scarf i knit her”
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Y/nofficial ✔︎
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liked by Taylorswift and 4,718,725 others
Y/nofficial I might be considering being a professional cat sitter after college
view all 29,132 comments
Taylorswift I leave you both alone for 1 day, ONE DAY and you dress up my child
Selenagomez SHE HAS EVERY RIGHT TO ! @Taylorswift 
Teddysphotos The real question is, how did you get her into a picture?
Y/nofficial Im covered in scratches, that’s how
Signofthestyles Lmfao I love her
Y/nfan02 omg i told you the cap would top it off!
Y/nofficial you were right!
Taylorswift @Y/nfan02 Molly don’t encourage her!
Ryanreynolds @Blakelively CAN WE CAN WE PLEASE?
Blakelively No
Ryanreynolds But just look at her!
Blakelively Fine😑
The Lads
Public enemy - harry
mother hen - Liam
Zippy - zayn
Lola - louis
Gorgeous brunette- niall
God - y/n
Mother hen: Who changed the names?
Public Enemy: Guess who
God: Me bitch
Zippy: Does anyone else think that Y/n is a bit biased towards certain people
God: Nah i don’t see it
Public Enemy: of course Niall is happy isn’t he ?
Gorgeous brunette : Anything to stay in god’s good graces
Lola: HEY don’t make my new friend faint AGAIN
God: IM BACK IM BACK, Austin just put a bucket of water on me
Zippy: Am i the only one that finds this friendship highly disturbing and possibly causing the apocalypse?
Lola: Watching Smurfs
Lola : Because my kid won’t let me watch anything else.
God: Zip it, zippy !
Gorgeous brunette : I’m convinced that was the whole reason behind calling him zippy now
    Sugar and spice and everything Hideous 
Bubbles- Austin
Blossom- Taylor
Buttercup- Y/n
Blossom: Im sad
Buttercup: suffer in silence
Blossom: No im really sad, the type that”s worse than, my cat doesn’t like the scarf i knit her
Bubbles: Y/n you gotta give in, they were trying to figure out a way to tell you
Blossom: Cmon Y/n there’s only a few days left till you start your semester in london I don’t want to say goodbye like this
Buttercup: You hid it from me
Buttercup: I’m your sister, and you hid it from me.
Blossom: ik you despised him when we broke up but i just cant live without him. I finally feel like I’m meant to be with someone for once. Like its a  a love that is really something, Not just the idea of something.
Buttercup: I really love you, you know
Buttercup: Plus that is a really good line! you should add it in the new album tour somewhere!
Bubbles: Im not the one crying, your all freaks.
Buttercup: your.literally.crying.everyday.
Blossom: awww guys lets meet up tonight
Buttercup: You can invite harry, i know you think i’ll kill him but i’ll try to control my murderous tendencies, unless he starts singing sweet home Alabama, then nothing can save him 
Blossom: I love you Y/n/n
Buttercup: I sometimes manage to tolerate you
Buttercup: Ew affection
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
You Know What They Say About Weddings // R.W. (celebration fic)
Request: Omg congratulations!!!! Could you do a Ron x Reader with the "theres only one bed" trope and fluff prompts 11 and 1? Thank you so much and congrats again!! - @mischi3f-manag3d
Fluff 1: “I think I’m in love with you.”
Fluff 11: “Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.”
A/N: Just me that's ridiculously attracted to the photo below? Anyway! Here is your request, I hope you like!! 
Pairing: Ron Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: I don’t think there are any - just a load of fluff really.
Word count: 1.6k
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The band hired by Molly Weasley upon the recommendation of an old friend played in the corner of the marquee. The Weasley family and their friends all crowded there; happy to watch the eldest Weasley child, Bill, marry the love of his life, Fleur.
It had been a wonderful ceremony; very few left the service with dry eyes.
You found it hard to keep your emotions in check through it all; wanting so desperately to turn to the youngest Weasley son beside you and ask if he felt the same way as you – if he loved you just as much as you have loved him since Fifth Year.
You think back to this morning; when you had arrived at the Burrow in time to watch the marquee be raised. Your eyes had landed on Ron, and they hadn’t left him. Your eyes ran over his body; drinking in the sight of him in a suit – sleeves rolled up due to the already warm day. Not wanting to be caught, you turned away and rid your mind of the thoughts running through it at warp speed.
With a laugh at the memory, you drag Ron onto the dancefloor. Awkwardness radiates from him, but he dutifully places his hand on your waist and takes your hand in his as your other hand places itself on his shoulder. You laugh together as you try to follow the beat of the song; the dance lessons given by McGonagall doing nothing for either of your left feet. You step on his toes repeatedly, but he doesn’t complain once; he just changes tact – instead of trying to attempt the waltz, he simply changes the hold of his arms and decides to have fun instead.
Spinning around the dancefloor; you can’t help but let yourself imagine. You can’t help but let yourself think of the future you so desperately desired with the very redhead holding you so gently in his arms.
You know what they say about weddings.
Fred leans down to Harry’s ear, pointing towards Ron and you on the dancefloor, “When do you think they’ll pull their finger out?”
Harry laughs, “Worried about the bet, Fred?”
Fred snorts, “Hardly.”
Harry watches his best friend twirl you around on the dancefloor before pulling you back in as you laugh. Harry swivels to face Fred, “You know what they say about weddings.”
You throw off your heels; groaning at the feel of your blood rushing back to your feet. At this height, Ron can easily throw an arm over your shoulder, “Better?”
You nod, “Much.”
Following Ron upstairs, you stifle yawn after yawn. The reception had been one of the best nights of your life; dancing, drinking, laughing – it was a truly happy night. You had danced with Ron for a lot of night; dragging him to the dancefloor for one dance but then staying with him for three more. He eventually left to get drinks whilst you danced with Hermione, Ginny, and Luna – a wide smile across your face.
You hadn’t missed the looks exchanged by the girls when Ron came back to steal your attention. You also hadn’t missed the conversation between Ron’s family and your friends as they watched you continue to the dance with the red-haired man.
You shake your head as you remember that moment; you were aware of the bet they had going. Hermione unable to keep a secret from you had blabbed it to you less than a month after it was made. She felt awful for keeping it from you, but you assured her you didn’t mind too much – curious as to who had what date.
“You don’t mind sharing my room with me?” Ron checks.
You shake your head, smiling at him sleepily, “I don’t mind.”
Ron relaxes somewhat, but he still remains tense, “There’s only one bed.”
You roll your eyes, “How many nights did I sneak into the hospital to stay with you after you hurt your leg?”
Ron blushes, “You’re right. I’ll let you get changed first… just knock when you’re done.”
In that moment, he looks so helpless that you lift yourself onto your tiptoe to press a kiss to his cheek. The last thing you see before closing his bedroom door is Ron pressing a hand to his cheek with a wide smile.
You knock lightly on the door when you’re done changing. Ron enters the room with a light blush dusting his cheeks; his eyes running over body quickly. He turns to his dresser, pulling out his pyjamas.
“I’ll wait outside for you to finish changing.”
Ron shakes his head, “Don’t worry about it; just turn around.”
“If you’re sure?”
“I’m sure,” He laughs.
You turn to face the singular window; the moon is high in the sky and the sky is so clear that you can see the stars. Looking into the garden, you see Bill and Fleur still dancing – alone, no longer surrounded by family and friends. They have no idea they have an audience; they just remain in each other’s arms, finally happy to have a private moment between them. You shift your gaze when Bill dips his heads to kiss his wife.
You think to yourself; there’s just something about weddings.
Ron coughs; bringing you out of your reverie. Turning around, you find him dressed in some old sweatpants and an old shirt. Your heart softens at the sight of him; his hands flex at his side – his nervous tick
His bed is just big enough for two; you lie side by side on your back, hands laid out by your sides. It would take less than a millimetre of space; less than a second of time to reach out and take his hand in yours, to tangle your fingers together.
But you don’t. You lie next to him; mind racing just as fast as your heart – any sense of tiredness hanging over you chased away the moment you laid down next to the boy you’ve loved since Fifth Year.
“Did you have fun today?” Ron asks in the dark; filling the silence.
“I did. It was nice to see everyone before we go back to school. Harry and Ginny looked particularly close.”
Ron frowns, “My sister and my best friend.”
You giggle, turning onto your side, “Don’t act like you don’t approve.”
Ron sighs with a smile,  “You’ve caught me out,” He furrows his brows, “Did you see them all whispering when we were dancing?”
Nodding, you bite your lip, “Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.”
Ron snorts, reaching for your hand in the dark, “I know. Harry told me about it tonight.”
You sit up in bed; not letting go of his hand, “How long has it been going on? Hermione told me about it but she never said when it started.”
“Since last year. Harry only brought it up because if we get together by Saturday, he wins the bet.”
You laugh, “I can’t believe them.”
“Absolute gits,” Ron laughs.
You play with your fingers, dropping his hand to do so, “What do you think of the bet?”
Ron sits up, “Why?”
“It doesn’t annoy you?” You question; risking a peek at his face in the limited light of the moon.
“Not particularly. It’s a harmless bet.”
You nod your head; trying not to think too much of it.
“Why? What do you think of the bet?”
You sigh heavily; wondering how best to phrase what you’ve wanted to say to him all day, deciding that the truth is the best way to go. “I think I’m in love with you,” You state; bluntly, honestly.
Ron’s mouth drops open and you start talking without giving him a chance to say anything, “You don’t need to feel the same; really, you don’t,” You grab a pillow, “I’ll go sleep on the couch, I’ll see you in the morning.”
You make to leave but Ron’s hand grips your wrist, “Sit back down. At least give me a chance to reply.”
You sit back down on the bed slowly; your hand still grips the pillow in case you need to sleep downstairs. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Ron asks.
Shrugging your shoulders, you say, “I’m not sure. I wanted to, I really did but then you were with Lavender and I didn’t feel like talking to you a lot and then, and then, and then, I guess I didn’t want to ruin the friendship.”
“I wondered why you pulled away through Lavender; I barely saw you.”
You sigh; crushing the pillow to your chest, “It hurt too much to look at you.”
Ron shuffles on the bed, “If I had known-”
“You’d have what?” You interrupt, “You’d have broken up with her?”
Ron shakes his head, “I’d have never dated her.”
“I’d have never dated her,” He repeats, “I’d have asked you out.”
“Oh,” You state.
“Yeah,” Ron mumbles, looking down.
“We’ve mucked this up haven’t we?”
“Nah, we haven’t,” Ron laughs, “We just delayed their bet.”
You giggle, “The bet. Who do we want to win?”
“Who’s the closest to tonight?”
You think for a moment; remembering the piece of paper that Hermione explained was the bet. “I think you were right earlier,” You say, “Harry is the closest by Saturday.”
“What do you think? Shall we let Harry win?”
You smile softly, leaning closer to Ron, “I think I’m okay with Harry winning.”
“Thank Merlin,” Ron whispers before pulling you in for a kiss.
His hand caresses your cheek, and he smiles into the kiss. You soon begin to laugh at the absurdity of it all; having to pull away from the redhead and assure him that it isn’t him you’re laughing at. Your jealousy over Lavender never spurred you to confess your feelings, neither did the Department of Mysteries, but a bet and a wedding has you falling into Ron’s arms.
Well, you know what they say about weddings.
General (HP) taglist: @chaotic-fae-queen @obsessedwithrandomthings @harrypotter289 @kalimagik @heloisedaphnebrightmore @nebulablakemurphy @the-hufflefluffwriter @figlia--della--luna @bforbroadway @idont-knowrn @summer-writes @big-galaxy-chaos @black-lake-confessions @annasofiaearlobe @imboredandneedalife @levylovegood @mytreec @haphazardhufflepuff @teheharrypotter @chaoticgirl04 @accio-rogers @msmimimerton @izzytheninja @slytherinprincess03​ @acciotwinz​ @kashishwrites​
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amazingmaeve · 4 years
Scared - Fred Weasley
Harry Potter Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Summary: Y/N decides to move to London where she meets Fred Weasley who changes her life for the better. She’s scared of loving him.
Request: Hi!! Can I please request a (Fred lives! Au) Fred Weasley x Salvatore (Vampire)!reader where she’s Damon and Stefan’s younger sister (I can so see her acting like Damon, but really being soft once you get to know her) oneshot where she needed time away from Mystic Falls, so she goes to London, where she meets Fred & George, and she & Fred over time fall in love. At some point I’m sure they would have the talk about her being a vampire and him being a Wizard (it’d be so shocking for the both of them haha). And during the war, instead of leaving England like Fred asked, she follows the Weasleys to Hogwarts, kinda just hiding in the shadows until she sees Fred is in danger and saves his life. Almost losing him freaks her out because it reminds her that he’s mortal and she’s not, so she runs back to Mystic Falls, where Elena, Damon, & Stefan (Stefan lives au😅) have just taken the vampire cure and she takes it too, going back to Fred (Omg I can so imagine her asking Molly to bring her to the joke shop so she can run into Fred’s arms to surprise him and apologize for running off)
Requested by: @kpopgirlbtssvt
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Female!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, some violence
AN: I hope I did it I may have left out a few things since I couldn’t fit them in. Also I haven’t seen the deathly hollows only clips so if I got anything wrong that’s why. 😊
Y/N didn’t plan on going to London but she needed to get out of Mystic Falls. Get away from all the drama. Especially the drama between Stefan Elena and Damon.
She didn’t understand how everyone fell so in love with Elena and Katherine. But she got over it.
Damon and Stefan were angry about her sister leaving but Y/N didn’t truly care about it. Stefan got used to it but Damon just was snappy.
When she was in London she got a to breath a bit without her brothers by her side. Even though London was usually gloomy she made the best out of it.
While shopping Y/N ran into someone while she wasn’t looking.
“Sorry about that,” Y/N sighed and picked up her bags.
When she got up she saw someone else staring at her. The guy who was pretty tall and had red hair.
“No worries darling what’s your name,” Fred asked with a smirk on his face.
“Y/N,” She answered while looking the guy. She thought he was pretty cute himself.
“What no last name,” Fred laughed.
“I don’t even know your know so why would I tell you my last name,” Y/N snapped at the Weasley.
“Fred Weasley,” Fred introduced himself while pushing his hand out.
“Y/N Salvatore,” Y/N rolled her eyes while shaking his hand. “Well I have to get going,” She said after shaking his hand.
“Wait,” Fred yelled out as Y/N began walking away. Y/N turned around with a confused look on his face. “Can’t I at least get your phone number,” He asked.
“Maybe next time,” Y/N teases with a smirk on her face then walked away with her bags in hands.
Y/N was sure she wouldn’t see Fred again. Y/N thought he was cute but nothing would happen about. How wrong was she.
As Y/N sat in restaurant eating some breakfast she felt someone approach her and she turned around to see Fred standing there.
“Fancy see you here,” Fred smirks sliding in the booth besides her.
“Hello Fred,” Y/N greets the red head.
“I never got to ask what you think of London,” Fred asked taking a menu. Y/N stared at him in shock as he just sat there so casually.
“How do you know I just came here,” Y/N asks suspiciously.
“Well your accent is American and you looked like you didn’t know where you were love,” Fred put down his menu to give her that same smirk.
“To answer your question it’s gloomy but nice,” Y/N ignores his last statement and decided to answer his question.
“So can I get your number now love?” Fred asked as Y/N felt butterflies in the bottom of her stomach. She didn’t know why she was having these. The last time she had these is when she was human.
“Nope,” Y/N popped the P.
“What why you said ‘maybe next nine’?” Fred asks as confusion crossed his face.
“Well I’m a liar,” Y/N admits.
“Hmm,” Fred made a humming noise.
“Why are you making that noise,” Y/N questions as the waitress came over and sat the food on the table.
“No reason so if I can’t have your number will you at least let me take you out on a date,” Fred asks taking a bit out of her bacon.
“Why are you so adamant on hanging out with me,” Y/N asks feeling heat rise in her cheeks. Y/N doesn’t know why she’s feeling like this. She does have her humanity on but she’s hasn’t felt like this way in a while.
“Because there’s something interesting about you and I want to get to know you love,” Fred admits giving you a smile.
“Fine if it will stop you from annoying me,” Y/N snaps writing her address and phone number down and giving it to Fred before leaving. Fred looked back at her in awe knowing that this girl was special.
In reality she didn’t want to admit but she was happy that Fred has asked her out. He seemed like a good guy and he was really cute.
He called when Y/N was taking a drink out of a blood bag. He asked for a date on Friday and it was Wednesday.
Y/N agreed to the restaurant and the time. When Y/N hung up the phone she stared down at it with a smile on her face.
She didn’t even realize she was smiling since she hadn’t for a while. Y/N let out a sigh before shaking her head and wipping the smile off her face ignoring the feeling she had.
On Friday Y/N put on her best dress and put on some make up before exiting the flat with a smile on her face.
She saw Fred approach in a suit and Y/N couldn’t deny he was pretty handsome.
“You look beautiful,” Fred gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“Well you don’t look so bad yourself,” Y/N teased giving a little punch on the shoulder.
When they got to the restaurant Y/N ordered a salad while Fred for stake. While they waited Y/N learned that Fred had many siblings. 7 to be exact. One of them was his twin George.
“Wow I can’t handle the two brothers I have it must of been hard for you,” Y/N laughs. “No wait I feel bad for your sister it sucks only having 2 it must suck even worse to have 6.”
“Ginny knows how to take care of herself she’s a strong girl,” Fred tells Y/N.
When food came they ate and Fred told her some of the pranks he played on some people just leaving the fact he was a wizard out of it.
Y/N was having a good time.
“I can’t believe you put hair die in her shampoo,” Y/N lets out a giggle.
“Me and George got in big trouble for it grounded for 2 weeks and Ginny ignored us for 1,” Fred scoffed.
“Well I don’t blame the girl I would have been pissed to,” Y/N takes a sip out of her wine.
“Did your brothers ever prank you,” Fred asked curiously.
“No but my older brother does like to joke around a lot,” Y/N admits while rolling her eyes.
As night went on the date ended which made Y/N feel a bit sad as Fred walked her back to the flat.
As they stood in front of the building Fred approached Y/N wrapping his hands around her cheeks putting his lips to hers. Y/N was shocked but kissed back wrapping her arms around his waist.
They parted ways as Y/N went into her building with a goofy grin on her face.
Y/N liked the way she was feeling but she hasn’t been in a relationship that wasn’t sexual in a while and didn’t know how to handle it.
So Y/N ignored Fred’s calls not knowing what to do next. Y/N felt bad and it was strange for her to feel bad. She usually didn’t care about people’s feelings.
As Y/N sat in her couch someone knocked on her door.
“Who is it,” Y/N yelled.
“It’s Fred,” Fred yelled back.
“Y/N froze in shock she didn’t know what to do but to answer the door.
“Hey Fred,” Y/N waved awkwardly.
“Why’ve been ignoring my calls,” Fred asked putting his hands into his pockets.
“I haven’t been ignoring your calls,” Y/N muttered looking at the ground.
Y/N saw the Fred approached her putting his fingers underneath her chin lifting her head.
“Why are you lying to be love,” Fred whispered.
“I’m sorry Fred I just haven’t felt like this for someone in a while,” Y/N admits while closing the door and letting him.
“I could’ve helped you,” Fred puts his hand on top of hers as she put it down on the kitchen counter.
“I know but we barely know each other,” Y/N scoffs.
“Well the let me get to know you,” Fred interjects before she can say anything else she let out a sigh and nod. “George gets annoyed every time I talk about since he hasn’t even met you.”
“You want me to meet your brother already,” Y/N asks flabbergasted.
“No I would wait til the 3rd date darling,” Fred gave her one of his smirks which made her feel like puddy in his hands. She felt so happy with Fred.
From then on Y/N Fred began to go on more and more dates. And after the third date Y/N met George. She was nervous but Fred reassured her that he would lover her and it was true. George was happy that his brother found someone to make him happy.
They knew almost everything about each other after 3 months. Except about her being a vampire and him being a wizard. They both wanted to tell each other but Y/N was scared of rejection and Fred was worried Y/N would get hurt by telling her.
Y/N invited Fred to her flat feeling nervous about telling him. She could compel him if he didn’t like it but she couldn’t do that to him.
A knock on the door broke Y/N out of her daze.
“Fred you have a key you can come in,” Y/N lets out a little laugh.
“Sorry love just didn’t want to startle you,” Fred closed the door as enters the flat. He notices the worried look on Y/N’s face and goes to stand in front of her. “What’s wrong darling,” Fred whispers putting his hands on her waist.
“Nothing,” Y/N muttered burying her face in his chest.
“Well obviously something’s bothering you,” Fred asks rubbing her back.
“Okay I’m going to come on and out with it,” Y/N moves back and lets out a sigh. “I’m a vampire,” She blurted out.
Fred stares at her for a second before laughter.
“Right good one,” Fred laughs and begins to notice that she isn’t laughing with him. “You’re serious,” He gasps.
“That’s so cool,” Fred lets out a laugh. “Well since you told me I have to tell you something,” Fred gives her a grin. “I’m a wizard.”
Y/N gaps at him with shock on her face.
“That is so cool.”
Y/N and Fred that day began to get closer to each other with know each other’s secrets. She met his family at his older brother Bills wedding. And they all excepted her with open arms.
Molly gave her tight hug which made George and Fred laugh. Arthur shook her hand giving her a smile. Ron couldn’t believe his brother got a girlfriend. Ginny gave Y/N a handshake and smile. She also met Harry and Hermione who greeted her.
Fred told Y/N she would meet Bill at the wedding.
Everything was going great until the death eaters came.
Most people were fine and only had cuts and bruises. Fred then went to the battle of Hogwarts and told Y/N to stay behind which made her mad.
“I can’t stay behind,” Y/N snaps.
“Yes you can love this is different than vampires,” Fred argues with.
“Please I just don’t want something bad to happen to you,” Y/N pleaded with him.
“I’ll be fine love just stay here,” He whispered giving her one last kiss.
“I love you,” Y/N whispered as he left.
She couldn’t just sit around and do nothing when she had this feeling in her gut that something was going to happen to Fred. She didn’t know where she was but she found the castle with some luck.
Y/N saw fighting everywhere as she entered Hogwarts. It was like a blood bath.
Y/N finally saw Fred getting attack by this one guy which made her eyes widen and ran over to the guy and bit into his neck killing him.
Y/N couldn’t stand the look Fred was giving her so she left feeling ashamed of herself why’d she do that why didn’t she just push him away. This was the first time in a while she felt guilty.
Y/N went back to mystic falls to take the cure maybe if she was human Fred would look at her in a different way.
Stefan and Damon were confused about her decision. But let her take it it would make her happy.
On the way to London she felt nervous and felt tears creep up. Y/N hoped Fred would look at her like her did before.
When she got to the burrow Y/N was met with the nice look of Molly.
“Y/N dear come in,” She let Y/N in. “Fred has been worried sick about you.”
“I know that’s why I’m here I need to talk to him,” Y/N admits running her fingers through her hair.
“Well come on dear let’s go,” Molly gets her purse getting ready to go to the shop.
When Y/N entered the shop it was full of customers. Y/N had a smile on her face as she saw all the stuff that was going on.
Y/N lost Molly and then she heard someone say, “Y/N.”
She turned around and saw Fred standing there with a smile on his face. She knew it was Fred she didn’t know how she just did.
Fred ran up to her giving her a tight hug and gave her kisses on all of her face.
“Where have you been I’ve been worried sick about you love,” Fred whispered in her ear.
“I love you,” Y/N blurts out with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. Fred put his warm hand on her cheek and caressed it.
“I love you too,” He whispered kissing her on the lips as she wraps her arms around his neck and his around her waist.
He lifts her up feeling on top of the world and in the moment Y/N knew she’d be alright.
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mssboo · 4 years
Hi! I adore all of your free content! There’s not nearly enough of tumblr, do you have any other headcanons? I love to read them :D
there is never too much free, just remeber that
like, i have nothing to do so here it is: 
- singing duets from different parts of the room. fred is singing in the shower and lee sings (so loud btw) with him from his bed - throwing into each other's bed - weirdly dancing at 3 a.m while the radio plays old songs - watching spanish shows because they don't have anything to do and don't understand anything - fred reading the mystery novels lee has because he absolutely loves them - talks that end with a bursting laugh - lee always flirting and saying embarrassing things to fred in the middle of quidditch matches - got suspended for 3 weeks because of that - "hey, wake up" - "what?" - "i just wanted to say that i love you" - fred always tries his best to make lee laugh when he's sad - he is capable of anything - the partners in crime™ - cliche sometimes - they spend 30% of their time together in the kitchens eating - passing notes during class - holding back laugh during class because one of them said something so stupid but rly funny in that notes - umbridge came and omg - hold up, so many things to say - always kissing when umbridge passes - or hugging or just some random lovers stuff - just to fuck off umbridge - " i love you" "i love you more" constantly - saying random and sometimes lovely names to each other - fred calling lee a dickhead and the next day calling him honey - lee is always late and fred has to wait for him like 20 minutes - and they are late for class but fred never blames lee - S T R E T C H   I N   E A C H   O T H E R ' S   L A P - tickle fights - fred trying to pass lee's muggle videogames and constantly asking what have he to do - lee loving james bond and fred enduring lovingly the huge admiration lee has for him - when they sleep together, lee puts his head in fred's neck and tackles him out of the bed when he's deeply sleeping. fred's arm is crushed by lee's body and his face gets closer to lee's - fred is the first to wake up usually, such a morning person - fred and george leave hogwarts and lee is so sad - and writes them every day - so when he ends goes directly to weasley wizard wheezes to meet them - and fred and lee hug and kiss again after a long time - lee does all the possible things and gets a little apartment near them - "fred and lee dancing and singing loud songs of the weird sisters in the street (despite they're in a war) because they didn't dance together in the yule ball" is one of my favourite things - potterwatch is a success and fred is like "i knew you will make it, love" - fred, george, and lee making a new part of the podcast just laughing and chilling with special guests because they want to remind people how important is feel happy - protecting each other's always - and then the battle of hogwarts cames - death? i don't know her - they both pass the war but fred is seriously injured - lee passes with him most of the day and nights and then he gots better - fred encourages them to keep with the radio, and lee helps him with the shop - molly is such a great mother-in-law - she starts to knit lee's sweater and lee is so happy (who no?) - and then, years later, they decide to adopt a girl and a boy, and hell yeah, the family jordan-weasley is a reality - it's 9:30 here in spain and i can’t think about that correctly because i only slept 5 hours - but i can say that they're very happy and they're a lovely couple who love their kids and family - fuck you, joanne - love y'all
bonus headcanon;
- it came out at 2011 but i can't resist imagine fred and lee singing super loudly "tongue tied" and it's my favourite headcanon
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lostpages · 3 years
I just finished RWRB and I can't shut up about it and I already ranted to my friend and sister so now Tumblr has to suffer cause why the hell not.
𝗔𝗹𝗲𝘅 : So in the beginning like the first three chapters, I was very annoyed by him and just wanted to slap him but after that when my awakening happened and holy molly he is awesome. Funny, witty, smart and all around cool. I would have literally died to be his friend istg. Also the way he talks with Henry, those sassy remarks I literally cried
𝗛𝗲𝗻𝗿𝘆 : Love him, love him, LOVE HIM. From the first moment he was mentioned I fucking loved him. Also he is a Brit (And looking at the amount of Brits I am crazy about makes sense). He is like that one student in class who is quiet and minds his own business but once you get to know him it's all sassy remarks, banter and all around great time. He is such a soft baby, my favourite moment of his was when he tells Alex that he has liked him since the Olympics.
𝗝𝘂𝗻𝗲 : Undoubtedly one of the best characters, her wit, her ambition, her trying to hold her family together, her relationship with Alex and Nora and her parents and how she is a complete girlboss in all situations and is definitely the better sibling (elder siblings always are, argue with the goddamn wall. (except Philip he is an arse) (omg did i just say arse). Also I really wanted her and Pez or her and Nora to have a relationship but nevermind. She is a damn cool person and if she ever said hi to me I would have died.
𝗡𝗼𝗿𝗮 : No amount of words can describe how much I love her. She is a nerd, she is a girlboss, she is bi, she is crass and she is damn cool and damn fucking good at what she does and she knows it. I really think she is the best of the trio and after all she did save the day in a way so. Also can I marry her? Can someone make that possible ?
𝗭𝗮𝗵𝗿𝗮 : I freaking love this woman with all my heart. She just threatened the prince of England and her goddamn fiance. I loved her the moment she said that Alex has to pretend that the sun shines from Henry's dick and I knew she is going to be a great character.
I also loved Luna, Bea and Pez so damn much. Also I love all the characters and this book will probably end up as my therapy (cause damn I'm a sucker for gay romances). And I did curse myself for not picking the book early but better late than never. And the amount of tears I shed (out of anger as well as love for those two dorks) and the laughs I had felt so damn good.
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readbythestarlight · 3 years
The news has me so sad ugh
Sam you’re so stupid I love you
What is even happening at this point xD
What is he even saying
Like we can all agree he’s batshit crazy right?
Essek trying to lighten the mood I’m
I love him
I also love how their immediately reaction to Essek making a joke was HES A FAKE
Beau, Cad: "We know."
Cad don’t give me these feelings I’m not in a spot to emotionally handle this
LMAO okay never mind you made it funny
*poofs in Frumpkin* mighty Nein/Nine
"But we have Sprinkle"
"Mighty Ten"
Ugh see NOW it’s really starting to feel like they’re actually winding it down
Essek babyyyyyy <3
Ohhhhh my goddddddd
What the fuuuuuuuck
Oh SHIT there really is a little Molly left in there
Oh damn
Yeah see… this def has some End Vibes
Maybe I just didn’t want to see it before…
Ohhhhh shit
Wow they’re super fucked
I hate this
Lucien is OP af
Damn I wish that roll had gone better
Beau and Yasha need to stop getting charmed to fight each other
“Babe, babebabebabebabe!!”
Essek babyyyyyy!
“Yasha! Be free of this influence!” My boy is the BEST support wizard
Man he’s hard to kill
Oh Jester :((((
YEEES girl you’re getting to him
Essek: magic missile
Caleb/Liam: *approves*
FUCK that’s like half her hit points??
Okay good that helps
No not hot boi!!
Oh nooooo don’t charm him noooo!!
Nat20 woooo!
Good job Beau!
Casting to let her man get back in the fight <3
Come in Molly do it fight him
“I’d have to roll a natural 20…….natural tw—elve.”
Sam xD
Caleb saving his man before he even had time to hurt them
“I give ‘parent disappointed’ as my reaction” xD
Fuck OFF Lucien don’t you imitate my boy’s sister!!
Noooo another eye!
Fuck we’re doomed
This is NOT acceptable Matt holy shit
Are final boss battles typically multi-episode holy shit man wtf
At least this means I’ll be able to watch a few episodes without work the next morning
God I’m stressed
Is it Thursday yet??
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