#omg rofl
leafie-draws · 28 days
I think what gets me about pocket camp shutting down is how everytime animal crossing is successful and profitable they just beat it to death with hammers and sweep it under the rug because it's not zelda or mario or something. like animal crossing is as easily recognizable as any of their other IP's (especially in Japan!) but it's like they just Do Not Care about it like their other games and just kick it to the curb the first chance they get. like I'm honestly surprised pocket camp even lasted this long
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yifftwiceplz · 5 months
tumblr staff do we maybe want to do some investigating into why obvious non-blazed spam posts with 5 notes as well as blatant heterosexual porn can somehow end up in peoples FYP/algorithm purely by tagging it a billion things
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jabibi-the-beef · 3 months
does anybody else just randomly get hit with like a buzz not buzzed as in youre high or drunk but like you physically get hit with A Vibe but its slightly menacing and you feel The Voices but you cant hear them or do i just need to drink water
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rjavenuru · 4 months
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As far as I can tell, reading The Official Oh My Goth! Top 13 Reasons You Know You're a B-Rate Goth. 🤣
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killuaisaprincess · 4 months
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askaceattorney · 7 months
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Dear Juniper,
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Oh, sure. I'd love to come as a friend. Do they have any good food?
- Apollo Justice
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reireitamahy · 8 months
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Hey... Guys?... It seems someone has lost their heart... isn't it?
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solradguy · 1 year
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opheliajupiter99 · 4 months
*a ghostly sprite looks at the purple skull in Kremy’s room* Baron. Baron. Hey, baron! What’s up with the conman, he’s not s’posed to die yet, y’said so! He’s entertainin’ and he’s like, barely in act two of three in his romcom! Y’said he were entertainin’ yourself, why’s he dying? Can’t you stop it? Baron?
"Firstly: SHUT DA FUCK UP!"
"Secondly: How do the fuck are ya talkin' to me? This signal be for followers, not whoever the fuck -ya- ass is!"
"And thirdly: I be sayin' when people be dyin', not ya lil' ass! Don't be talkin' to da damn Baron like ya got any kinda authority, ya lil' shit! He's entertain', yeah, but if I gave a free pass to -every- asshole that I found entertainin', there'd be a LOT more free space in Ghetit, believe me. Even I don't be fuckin' with the natural order of things. He be fixin' this problem himself; unless he be wantin' to make a deal - and he don't be havin' a lot to offer. Maybe that bullmon hubby of his can be makin' a deal..."
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lost-generation-au · 7 months
Oh you
you were just such an asshole I probably forgot about you to avoid the inconvenience of your presence
Ima just call you bitch boy now. ^^ -krow
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twinsoulvisionary · 2 years
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Palps “Do it!”
Thrawn proceeds to dance.
Cool Sync  1) Neon Lights - Cyberwalker / full
Power Sync  2) Hackers / Cowgirl - Underworld / clip starts at 28:00 till 32:00
( The music I was listening to on You Tube, while watching this! )
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roseworth · 2 years
what do you think of the rhato webtoon so far?
tbh! more than anything i think its just kinda boring.
i dont think the jason characterization is TOO terrible. i hated the "bad robin" stuff they were doing in the first few issues but they havent really brought it up since so whatever. honestly the plot immediately leaves my brain right after i finish reading it so maybe im misremembering this but?? they took the job to get the idol from just some guy and didnt ask any questions,,, including when martian manhunter tried to get it back,,,,,, idk! like babygirl you know better than this what r u doing!!! it seemed very odd to me that the fact that a justice league member was trying to stop them from taking this "family heirloom" wasnt an immediate red flag
as far as artemis and bizarro go its kinda eh. i hate hate hate how artemis's face is drawn, it looks too yassified to me. also she had some kind of she ra moment in one of the eps which felt very weird. i dont read a lot of artemis content so i cant rly say whether or not shes being written in character. shes a lot like she was in rhato 2016 and i liked her in that so! sure! but bizarro-wise ive mentioned this before but. the opposite talking gets old FAST. the one (1) thing i will give lobdell credit for is that he knew biz was gonna be a recurring character so he didnt do all that because it def gets annoying
anyways. aside from me being picky, overall its just kinda boring. the plot isnt very interesting and it feels like even when things happen, nothing is rly happening ??? idk. i think that webtoons are one of the worst ways to tell an actual story. like wfa works because its just a little slice of life thing and it shouldnt be taken seriously, so the webtoon is a nice format for that. but when rhato is trying to like. Tell A Story it doesnt really work to tell it in a webtoon
but i do like things about it! i think there are fun moments! i rly liked the ep where jason could tell that someone had replaced artemis because he knew exactly how she drew her sword :) that one was a nice one that stuck out to me. i also still think the art is very pretty even though they do artemis dirty
tldr: its fine, there are things i like about it and i have no strong moral objections to it, but its mostly just not very interesting
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rjavenuru · 4 months
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I forget who it was who started this... 😅😅
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rechnermensch · 2 years
Someone refilled the Cheerios container . Huge news for the toddler community.
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infernalclay · 1 year
Caliban History 2/??
Anatomy and physiology.
Okay this is going to be a long one. Under the cut you will find a break down of what we know about the demon prince physiologically and the various contradictions we are handed through out the show. Also a confusing word vomit about what I think the insides of Caliban actually are. I am LITERALLY going to dissect my muse. Well okay, not literally but I'm gonna do more than just prod his brain and hurt his feelings lol
External/ Integumentary system: Specimen has medium length blond hair growing from scalp. Eye brows and eye lashes growing from face. Has a lack of facial hair or signs of facial hair growth. However, does have hair on arms and legs. Lack of hair on chest. Appears to have skin with a skin like texture. Hair seems to grow at normal human speeds.
Contradictions: Scars do not appear to remain. Anything removed from the specimen's body returns to original clay structure but returns to flesh when re-attached. Potential regeneration.
Circulatory system: Obvious signs of life. Skin appears to be warm to the touch as no comments are made about specimen being cold or cool as with most inhuman figures in media. Pulse seen in several moments throughout the series.
Contradictions: Specimen does not bleed as stated by own mouth in Golgotha, plus lack of obvious hemorrhaging and hematomas after injuries. . Possible clay anatomy makes skin thicker than that of human skin, but no evidence suggests such.
Respiratory system: Specimen is clearly capable of forms of speech and breath. Proving respiratory function
Contradictions: No significant findings beyond being crafted from clay.
Nervous/Sensory system: Specimen clearly as a form of intelligence, showing evidence of an advanced brain and thought compacity. Has nerve sensation as stated by own words in Golgotha, Specimen claims to feel pain. Capable of major senses: vision, olfactory, auditory, taste and balance.
Contradictions: No significant findings beyond being crafted from clay.
Digestion: Specimen appears capable of some form of digestion as he is seen enjoying food and drink. Which proves existence of some form of digestive capabilities.
Contradictions: Specimen survives 2,000 years in Golgotha without signs of malnutrition, muscle wasting or signs of soiling. Presents the theory that food is not needed to maintain existence.
Reproductive System: Specimen states they are capable of reproduction to Sabrina Spellman. Has shown interest in sexual intercourse throughout the series. Appears to have functioning reproduction system
Contradictions: Potential lack of blood flow needed for arousal. Specimen is seen removing testicles and presenting them to Sabrina Morningstar in clay form, which raises questions of vestibular tube connection. Also brings questions of regeneration.
Assumptions Based on Discoveries
Having an anatomy made of clay disproves most known facts about human anatomy and physiology. It is possible specimen has regeneration properties based on lack of scars and removed anatomical parts returning to clay once separated from specimen.
Veins are seen through skin of arm marking them present. Since tissues seem to return to clay once removed, it is not farfetched to assume blood would do the same. Thus preventing visual blood being removed from skin. Unclear what would happen if blood was drawn through medical means.
Specimen does not require sustenance to maintain health and body mass but is capable of eating for enjoyment and to enjoy others company. Food and drink does not cause illness or discomfort.
Specimen is abnormally warm, which confirms theory that the anatomy was crafted using Hellfire. Unsure if literal or a form of magic. But could be the force of which his powers pull from.
Final thoughts
Specimen is crafted from clay thus giving him abnormal healing qualities and extended life span, including a form of immortality. While there appears to be a pulse, it is unclear if it is blood or magic being forced through his body as retrieving a blood specimen is impossible.
Can confirm that specimen is of demonic and magical origin but is, in fact, a living being.
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reireitamahy · 8 months
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My friend and my cat :3
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