#on a collision course if you will
spacedhead · 9 months
homestuck reread #16 ACT 6 p7
we are inching closer and closer to the end of this grand tale, this epic adventure spanning timelines and universes .... were in the endgame now
starting off we have this funny interaction . i think jake is at the point where hes kinda just really self conscious and the next step he needs to take is to actually become the person that he used to pretend to be
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this is funny bc tavros is allergic to himself but is also technically now one of the most powerful beings in existence
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hell fucking yes. HELL YES
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he loves to.... receive direction from others... i suppose there isnt anything wrong with that
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jake is actually a great wingman hello
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does anyone else read him saying "hey put er there" like puddy aka that guy from emperors new groove saying it. like hey beter ... hey put er there.... HAHAHAH thatshit makes me giggle
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small ass mf
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okay so i fucking love davepeta . theyre so fucking REAL dave but as a cat? like come on.... can it get better than that? AND I LOVE NEPETA TOO?? everything is turning up joff
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what the fuck is jake doing over there
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haha davekat is so canon its unbelievable
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fuckin sburb sessions are so complicated bro i still dont even know whats happening here because somehow through all of this huge story they arent even done with all the game shenanigans
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ohhh okay. i guess that is a thing then
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john is so funny. also he is an heir of something else. LOLLLL
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he is asking how to come out to them. heheheheheh i love him so much he is my son.
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soooooooooo true
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uhh... no .... i dont like it... make them normal again.
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inspirational speech.... YES..... MY SON..... YOU TRULY ARE THE LEADER....
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oh man.... im about to remem8er...
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im gonna freak out and kill myself
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lowkey kinda love this image
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these two have never met, but meenah doesnt know about the game over timeline. interesting! i love when stuff like this happens it makes me so excited for no reason
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i love his WHAT
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its time....
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for the final battle....
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tprings-hair · 3 months
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scene from Collision Course, a Star Trek novel by Garfield Reeves-Stevens, Judith Reeves-Stevens, and William Shatner
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kent-farm · 1 year
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—Superman and Lois, "Collision Course"
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likesummerrainn · 8 months
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AEW Collision | 10.14.23
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It has to be discussed……..any possibility of another coachella fic? I know you said you wanted to leave it up to interpretation but maybe Dylan and reader actually did NOT end up together because one of them ghosted the other but they crash into each other at coachella this year
Oh, SWEET anon...
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You think the people are dying for a P2, huh? Gosh. I think about that story a lot and have thoughts about what happened with the two of them, of course. I love your idea of things just kind of falling apart or waning in the real world when the reality of how different their lives are hit (it's definitely one that's rolled around in my mind as well). I'm VERY tempted. Trust me. If someone spots him at Coachella this year, I probably won't be able to help myself ;)
anon is thirsty for a sequel to Collision Course Coachella. anyone else? Lemme know if this is in high demand. I do aim to please my readers, that's for sure ;)
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agentsnickers · 7 months
to this day, i am haunted by the person who commented on collision course implying that i had plagiarized from near miss
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puccafangirl · 28 days
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The way Scrat tried to stop the door from squishing him by holding out his hands to stop the direction that the door just hit him in only to get hit by another side of it just really cracks me up. XD
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buckttommy · 1 year
Buck and Eddie's conversation at Eddie's hospital bedside where they're discussing Chris in 4x14 is very much two parents debriefing over the wellbeing of their child
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love-birds-stuff · 1 month
Oagh thinking trisona thoughts
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cameliawrites · 1 year
collision course outtake: mama & papa
When I was writing my most recent kanej fic, “collision course,” a lot of sections ended up moved around, rewritten, or just left on the cutting room floor. I thought I would share two short snippets that were deleted in the final draft, simply because I wanted Inej, Kaz, & Nina to be the only speaking characters in this fic, and I thought these scenes would distract from the overall narrative arc. The first snippet was going to be placed in the first third of the fic; the short snippet at the end would have gone right before the final section of the story, before Inej’s letter to Nina. So here is a “collision course” outtake featuring Mama & Papa Ghafa:
When Inej sends the dates of her upcoming visit to the caravan, Mama replies, Shall I make space for one or for two?
They pester her about this for a few years. When she visits, Inej doesn’t tell them, we always sleep two feet apart. On the bad days, we can hardly bear to touch hands.
She tells them, “He’s very busy. He works very hard at his businesses in Ketterdam.”
Papa scoffs. “A hard worker is a virtuous man, but the man who works too hard is as offensive as the one who refuses to work at all. So he does not throw his life away on gambling, and drinking, and parties. But you are young. The most important thing in your life is family. How can he have any time for family when he is working so much?”
Inej thinks wryly, I’ve told Kaz much the same. But she bites her tongue, and tsks at Papa, and reminds him solemnly, “He hasn’t had much family for a very long time.”
Mama says, “All the more reason to bring him here, then.”
But there is a deep, dark, persistent part of Inej that worries: “Will he fit in?”
Alone in her cabin on The Wraith, it is lovely to imagine Kaz as part of her family, but the images are all hazy and vague: Kaz and Inej, sitting together near the campfire; watching her little cousins practice on the wire; curled together beneath silk sheets, in a caravan of their own. What would it really look like, when Kaz does not know the words they speak, let alone the songs they sing around the campfire? When he does not know the rhythms of the work days when they practice, and the saints’ days when they rest? When he can bear the feeling of Inej’s skin against his own, but not the passing caresses of her mother, or the bone-crushing hugs of her aunties, or the relentless leg-tugging of her cousins?
But Papa says, “Him fitting in here isn’t as important as him being here. Have him come, and we will figure out the rest along the way. Family is not only joy, but also pain. You do not get to choose which one comes your way, only who you get to bear it with.”
. . . [intervening story sections]
When Inej sends the dates of her upcoming visit to the caravan, Mama replies, Shall I make space for one or for two?
Kaz writes,
Mrs. Ghafa,
Would you do me the honor of making space for two?
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euesworld · 2 years
"Do you love me? I only ask cause I'm on a collision course straight to your heart and I don't want to get hurt.."
Do you want to love me forever?? I could love you until my heart shrivels in my skeleton - eUë
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Speaking of the tag, what about your OC’s??? How do we get to know them ??? <3
omgg thank you for asking!!! i’ve literally never actually talked about them on here except for randomly tagging post with their names lol. the ones for the short story I mentioned are kinda still works in progress (ig they all are but y’know) but i have another book series i’ve been working on with a whole cast of characters. so basically the main character is named adyen and he’s pretty much that archetype of “chosen’s ones best friend who gets killed off early in the book”. except he’s aware of that and actively tries to do something to change it. he’s human and good with a sword but that’s about it which in a world w magic and stuff is kinda hard for him. his (ex) best friend is lila. she’s the “chosen one”. she’s this super powerful elemental fairy who is being trained by lucien who is the head of the “revolution” (long story short it’s not quite as black and white as it seems) and she’s slowly becoming a different person than before and changing into someone adyen doesn’t know both by lucien and lucien’s right hand woman, jaya’s hand. they’re separated for a while and adyen decides to join one of lucien’s little war camps w a bunch of other “rebels” where he meets poe and piper who are twins. pipers a big fighter, really believes in the cause. poe doesn’t like fighting and they’re not a coward exactly but they just aren’t really built for fighting. while at the camp poe meets kol who’s a siren (but isn’t like seducing poe or anything). at some point they all find out lila has been kidnapped by the dark mages (the ones lucien is fighting this war against) and adyen and the twins come up with a plan to save her that involves adyen going in disguise into the dark mage kings castle. the dark mage king happens to be a guy around adyens age named kieran. the more adyen gets to know him the more he starts to wonder if he’s on the right side of the war. right now i have the series lined up as three books and ive been working on it for like 5 years now which is crazy. all of the characters have their own struggles and experiences that have been so cool to write and ughhh i just love them so much!!! i tried to keep this kinda short lol so consider this an introduction post to on a collision course with fire (the working title of the series) and i might have to talk about them even more in the future as they continue to grow and change!!!
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keeps-ache · 4 months
it's actually very mean that i can't have emojis of my ocs just on my computer. i just think it would be much more convenient for when i have to say the Guys are in my brain but i also have no words..
#just me hi#i'm thinkin#and i mean like standard emoji. mostly bc artstreet dms don't let you put up actual images so i have to resort to detailing actual thoughts#Hfbshfv#//anywho so whenever i'm outside by myself i always get the Strongest urge to just start walking and not stop forever hfvhs#i will just Go#no objective no location. but i will be Moving#i Would do that but in order to get a satisfying amount of distance between me and People i have to walk down the road and mm i am nervous#abt doin that fvhsbh#like country roads... i may not come home.... south virginiaaaa hfbvsfhbsv#plus everyone drives crazy out here. when we moved out here we almost got sideswiped by a funkin fedex truck over a little hill#and of Course it was a fedex truck man. we've Never had a near-accident with Any usps trucks hfbvshvs#oh and also the local mailman drives like a maniac too <3 almost had a head-on collision once which was. neat lmao#like maybe 20 feet from slamming into each other which Is Not Much when you're in a car bfh#/Also people just let their dogs run out wild n crazy and :( i don't think they're properly trained to be letting them do that Aha#rode my bike out once with my brother + two of the neighbor's dogs tried ta jump us it sucked#now we don't go past their driveway so we don't ride out very far#//also hey our driveway is Ridiculous ??? ik we've been living here for like 2 years i'm still not over it lmaoohvf#it's like a 40-45 degree angle this is just silly#and listen i'm barely figuring out how my legs even work again. do you think i'm having a good time up that hill because i'm nOT#though you know what it's fine ! not many people come up our drive bc geez why Would you lmao#except for that one lady that asked for directions and then miiight have gotten lost again immediately after leaving HH#//okay. yea anyway the p1nk space is really in my brain rn hbfhvs#really i don't think i've ever been so interested in a project before this is so cool lol :D#marveling at the fact that anything was able to keep my interest for longer than 5 months Hbsh#//anywhoodle do i'm gonna skedaddle#prolly gonna rerun a couple things in a seccy but ye :33
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kent-farm · 1 year
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I know everybody says it gets easier as they get older, but I guess the trade-off's getting left behind. I know, but our main job as parents is to put ourselves out of a job.
—Clark and Lois, Superman and Lois, "Collision Course"
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nightwing secret files | nightwing 139
so in nightwing secret files and origins, there's a hurt/comfort storyline called "lost pages: teen titans." dick's robin and he's grieving for his parents and having a hard time, and he's gone off on his own, and wally comes and finds him. and then in nightwing 139, there's a hurt/comfort story where tim's robin, and he's grieving and he's gotten kidnapped and tempted into trying to resurrect his loved ones, and dick comes and finds him.
both of these comics are wonderful & i would now like to share my favorite parallels.
brooding over memories:
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anger turning into tears:
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outstretched hand of affection:
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teary removal of mask:
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hugs and family:
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anyway i love these stories separately but i also love all the little ways they echo each other <333
#i really love post-crisis nightwing comics you guys#something something paying it forward#history doesn't repeat itself but it does rhyme#dick grayson#tim drake#dick & tim#this is a little hard to articulate and obviously the storylines are very different but there's still something compelling to me here#both about dick and tim's similarities and about the role of friendship in their lives#one aspect of dick and tim's brotherhood that i like a lot is that in some ways in his relationship with tim#dick is often the kind of friend that his titans friends have been to him - and i find those parallels really moving#often he's got an instinct for the right thing to say or do because tim's dealing with things he's been through before#and he also ends up kinda low-key revisiting some of his own issues because tim has a bunch of the same ones#because their issues are so similar dick's attitude toward tim is sometimes kind of a proxy for his attitude toward his younger self#like in graduation day when he's being hard on tim in pretty much the exact ways he's hard on himself#and donna's pushing him to be more understanding but of course that's the precise thing that dick's bad at doing#because he doesn't know how to cut himself any slack ever about anything#which makes it doubly touching to me when he gets past that#because it's not just about extending grace to tim but also to himself#which is really hard because it's really hard for dick to forgive himself for anything#so it's the collision of his uncompromising attitude toward himself and his love for tim#and the love always wins in the end *cries*#parallels
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malewifehenrycooldown · 4 months
i realise that the poly selfship with jer.za is going to be a little complicated especially if one of the members in the polyship goes missing for 7 years (er.za), and you unfortunately have to let the other member know about it who is also stuck in prison (jell.al). so like. poor sapphira is going to have migraines trying to navigate this very sudden and random spanner that was thrown into her life. oops.
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