#once I dreamt that
vivalich · 1 year
A doodle of an octoling I saw in a dream once:
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Her name was Laura Sinuteng. In the dream, I was visiting her in a classroom. She kept talking about how she was accidentally sent on the "wrong boat," but whenever I asked her to elaborate, she could barely speak without breaking down into uncontrollable sobbing. In her few moments of coherence, she spoke of salmonids that weren't supposed to exist.
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azurem · 2 months
Evil animatic I did yesterday🫡
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garneneva · 5 months
I know that so many queer people identify with Spock but I don't think I will ever see myself in a character the way I see myself in Jim Kirk.
He's just way too relatable
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lavenderlyncis · 1 year
Last night I dreamt that I had the poll feature.
This is escalating.
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lnkedmyheart · 7 months
Today in my dream, Chuuya cracked an egg on Dazai's forehead and instead of the egg cracking, Dazai started cracking till he fell to pieces and then Chuuya sagely said "things fall apart".
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ennard-is-near · 15 days
Funniest form of FNaF fanfiction is objectively “Pre-Bite of ‘83 Michael being plagued by visions” btw
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lunarharp · 3 months
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warming back up..with silliness.. watching shrek 2 again & Dreams . cause i have a lot of dreams that are weird
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loweya-blog · 9 months
I once had a dream where Obey Me Lucifer and this random woman who was a painter had a slow burn romance. Like he legit busted into her house one day due to a teleportation prank caused by Satan (or mammon? Can't remember) Basically she demands that Lucifer act as her model for a while since he accidentally destroyed one of her paintings. I don't remember why he agreed. Dream logic I guess.
Anyways he ends up spending over a month with her as she got to use him as her model. Their relationship turned from slightly aggravated to good acquaintances by the end of it as they learned more about each other. Eventually, she says his debt is paid off and he is free to return home.
A few years later they meet each other again at an Art Gallery. They have a weirdly cute interaction where Lucifer is disguised for some reason and asks about the model. In a coy, I'm going to ask questions about it anyway. There the woman admits that he was the most beautiful man she'd ever painted. Her worst mistake was ever letting him go.
Idk what happened next unfortunately. Cut to years later, they reunite at a high class party. She's a middle-aged now but a successful artist who has raked in a large amount of money. Lucifer and her have a discussion on the balcony as the reminisce about the old times, so very long ago.
Here, he confesses to his growing attraction to her. She painfully points out that he had always been slow to move, even during his modeling years. The woman had feelings for him since the moment she saw him but knew better than to expect him to return those affections. And now he suddenly was? It was almost unfair.
She told him she had spent half her life pining for him, and was too afraid to spend the rest of her life pining for a demon who would never truly look her way.
Then it ended and left me on a cliff hanger so I was pissed.
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I litterly had a dream that I saw the man of my dreams he was sooooo cute and he wasn’t fictional or someone I know I confessed to him AND GOT REJECTED IM MY OWN DREAM but I still think of him
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birdbrainedboy · 6 months
Last night I had a dream that season 6 of cobra Kai came out. Everything was normal, it was a good season, then randomly in the last 30 seconds, Daniel and Johnny glance at each other AND START FURIOUSLY MAKING OUT.
Then roll credits. Like it was super random and unexpected.
Then nobody in the production team or the cast ever mention the makeout scene EVER and the franchise just ends like that. Like they all just act like it never happened
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oneeyedleaf · 1 year
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daily-dreams-blog · 2 years
I was in kindergarten watching a teacher clean some kid's ear
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shybasementkid · 1 year
Henry Emily tried to make other franchises where kids wouldn't get killed but every time he tried it went to hell and then the zombie apocalypse happened twice for some reason and after all that havoc Henry made a security system that also made clocks
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clotpolesonly · 4 months
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Blue Lily, Lily Blue ch 15 // Mister Impossible ch 25
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pb-and-jammothy · 4 months
I'm probably going to sound deranged, but cut me some slack, it's 5am and I am being held in a chokehold by this thought and I need to inflict on others and sibling isn't awake because again, 5am, so now I must inflict this on unsuspecting Good Omens fans on tumblr dot com.
So we all know how Nanny Ashtoreth is Crowley's interpretation of how to be a nanny, with a demonic twist, and is based on Mary Poppins, right?
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And we all know that Crowley is, um, efficient with plants, I suppose, and while I do think it made sense for Crowley to be the nanny because imagining how Aziraphale might react if a young Warlock put sticky toddler hands on a book it's probably for the best.
And you have to hear me out here
What if...
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What if Aziraphale, taking on the nanny position, decided to base the vibes on Nanny McPhee?
Technically timings work out for his interpretation of a nanny to be based on the movie since Warlock would have been born in 2008 and the movie came out in 2005, but I don't really think of Aziraphale as the type to watch tv shows/movies.
However, hope is not lost, as, when looking the movie up I found out it's based on a book series that came out in the 1960's-70's called Nurse Matilda.
Now I don't know like anything about the books, but from what I remember about the movie, Nanny McPhee does seem like a good model to base behaviour off of when trying to be the nanny to the (incorrectly assumed) Antichrist since her whole thing is teaching unruly children to behave with a little bit of magic thrown in there.
Anyway, I needed to inflict this on others so if you read all this, thank you, I'm going to bed now goodnight
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I had a dream Ink loved pickles and had a whole jar full of pickles that he ate from religiously. One day he lost it and started tearing up the multiverse looking for it. Error tried to interact with him and the dude, and posing like a derranged gremlin he turned around and screamed at him.
Then ran off in search of his missing pickles.
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