#once again fugaku parenting FAIL!!
cloudabserk · 7 months
insane that itachi’s dad took him to a battlefield to see people dying brutally when he was 4 and this traumatized him so badly that he absorbed this concept (showing a baby a scene of graphic murder) as the proper way to instill a desire for peace and justice into a child. and then he mind tortured his brother with it
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plinkcat-gif · 3 years
Kirpy i am looking very hard
YEAH SO ME TOO i know next to nothing ab the dsmp and am only invested in tubb.o and ranb.oo’s story bc a friend of mine had an interest HOWEVER. i have been doing research and have come up with this:
everything progresses normally up until team minato are young adults.
obito’s always been invested in politics, and he’s kind of had to be because he’s a) a really good shinobi and b) an uchiha. he still holds his dream of becoming hokage, but can’t reasonably do that with hiruzen still in power. (for this au, assume hiruzen is just a little less passive and a little more malevolent. nothing like danzō, but he has no desire to step down from the chair until somebody makes him or danzō dies. danzō has him on several strings as well, but irrelevant for now)
so the first sign of things going wrong is the uchiha “planning a coup.” really, all they want to do is have a respectful meeting with the hokage to discuss their rights within the village. they’ve been oppressed and feared for years, and they’re tired of it. (they’re prideful, yes, but civilians don’t know any better than propaganda posters.) obito is involved in these discussions and wants to help. but he’s also a shinobi to the leaf and in a way, takes on the role of itachi. he’s a double agent. unlike itachi, though, he isn’t ordered to kill his clan and instead is exposed.
he’s been working alongside danzō this whole time, blind to his manipulations under the guise of becoming hokage. being minato’s right hand man at the very least. actively participating in politics is the best way to gain popularity, after all. but danzō plays to obito’s weakness and when hiruzen is eventually pushed out of power for danzō to take over, the uchiha’s pleas are dismissed and at obito’s obvious outrage, he’s exposed. under “conspiring to revolt” charges, he’s unfairly set up for execution. gai is his executor, aka danzō’s biggest show of propaganda. (anyone can become a shinobi! look at this one who can’t do jutsu!) this is a private execution, but it’s made known to the public that obito will be executed. it’s played as an act of heroism to konoha, but unfortunately for danzō, gai “fails.” (really, he’s just unsure. he manages to severely damage the right side of obito’s body both by physical assault by the gates but also chakra burns. this is the origin of his scars.) obito escapes to rin, who about loses her mind.
she’s able to heal him of course, but only with the use of the diamond thing (i forgot what it’s called LOL). kakashi’s there too, and he panics because he has no idea what happened. he and rin rush obito out of the village bc obviously they can’t live there anymore, and the village turns to shambles. the uchiha revolt and the entire village is practically burnt down. fugaku and mikoto are imprisoned by danzō and root, in a prison they cannot hope to escape. the rest of the uchiha disband and konoha is no more, the tattered remains held by danzō, who nobody wants to follow.
time passes, obito heals, it’s peaceful in the sense that they’re not getting blown up. but danzō is definitely a threat, and the other hidden villages know what’s happened. they encroach on the territory and a war breaks out. this is their state of relative peace, until another nation rises. the uchiha are banding together once more to stand against danzō and reclaim their territory. obito’s happy to help, knows the ins and outs of politics, and…is once again manipulated. itachi can’t help it; he needs his parents out of prison and it’s a necessary blow. he hates that he has to because he loves obito, but they can’t win with jsut them. fugaku and mikoto need to come back.
itachi’s manipulations land kakashi, rin, and some other uchiha charging the prison where fugaku and mikoto are held. obito isn’t aware of kakashi’s coming along, sent off on a separate diplomatic mission. itachi knows that obito probably would’ve killed him if he knew kakashi was coming along (i’ll explain that later)
fugaku and mikoto are freed and too weak to fight, so they’re ushered off. kakashi and rin are left behind in the fray, and attempt to escape. before they can, a root agent (…tenzo? >:)) grabs kakashi and tells him that he knows hoki’s location and he’ll kill him and obito if kakashi doesn’t give him information. he’s ordered to strip himself of his armor, and does so. rin’s panicking bc wtf!!! kakashi tells her they know where hōki is and before she can tell him they’ll protect him, kakashi’s impaled on the root agent’s sword. he tells rin to take kakashi back as a warning. rin goes berserk and three-tails annihilates any lasting root agents in the area.
kakashi appears as a ghost at obito’s side, visible only to him and rin and itachi, mostly to torture him even if he doesn’t actively do so (his presence is guilting enough).
i’ve yet to get anything past that, but now for kakashi.
kakashi spends most of the story docile as a ninja, off the roster due to a severe concussion that caused him extremely damaging memory loss. he regularly forgets who people are unless they’re a constant in his life (rin, obito, and gai). while he hasn’t forgotten how to fight, he is susceptible to forgetting mission objectives and details, rendering him essentially useless. on bad days, kakashi will forget his close people, but those are rare.
he and obito adopt hōki. kakashi does not recognize hōki for several months and even to this day, has attempted to kill the strange child in his room while in fits of nightmares and ptsd. he forgets hōki a lot, but once he’s a constant, does so less. he loves hōki a lot and he and obito are great fathers when they can be.
kakashi is easily manipulated by authority, and i’ll have to tie that in somehow, i’m just not sure yet bc this is a big story. but due to memory loss, he can forget the terrible things people have done (danzō, gai) and be taken advantage of. (but he and obito forgive gai when he explains himself!! their relationship doesn’t stay bad bc gai won’t be a villain anywhere and he’s precious ok)
edit: tenzo (then kinoe) is obito’s executioner. he is later forgiven of course, because he is still kakashi’s friend. and i’m thinking fuu or torune or even sai is kakashi’s murderer.
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briefololtragedy · 4 years
Two halves wanting to be whole
Pairing: Shisui x Sakura
Rating T (to be safe brief mention of a suicide attempt)
Summary: Shisui got his mark when he was 7 years of and was determined to find his other half. Sakura was born with hers and was not going to let a mark define her.
Words: 7809
Also posted on AO3
It was once said that humans didn’t look like they do today. Humans of the old times were said to have 4 arms, 4 legs, and 2 heads. They  were once strong, fearless, powerful beings that even the gods at one point feared. This fear led to them being split in two.  No longer were humans whole, they would venture the world searching for their other half. After the split it was easy to find the other half, a sense of completion washing over the couples once they were united with the other half. However, as time went on it became more challenging. The greed of man led to famine, wars, and death. Instead of looking for a perfect fit many opted to marry for advantage. Those bearing soulmarks dwindled in numbers. It was said that many always felt incomplete, many being  driven to insanity never being able to find their other half.  
Shisui remembers the stories well from when he was a child. His mother would tell him bedtime stories. The stories he loved the most were about soulmates. His clan is a large and powerful clan, one that strikes fear into the hearts of many. Yet he always wished for peace. He felt sorrow for those who ended up marked and never finding their one true person. Even at a young age he knew his life would be dictated by his clan. 
That’s why when he was 7 years old he didn’t understand why a mark appeared on his skin. A searing pain at the base of his skull made him fall to his knees. His younger cousin raced to his side, worry on his face. It was Itachi who first told him about his mark.  It was an intricate mandala design almost resembling a design of a sharingan, in the middle, surrounded by delicate swirls. His soulmate was going to be born within the year. 
At first he didn’t know what to do. He was scared of telling his parents. What would they think? What would his clan do? It was after the death of his mother during the nine tails attack that he told his father. His father sat there staring out the window, the sound of rain cutting through the silence. “The clan comes first, there is no place for love or soulmates. We have a duty to uphold you more than anyone else with your eyes and potential. This world is filled with many battles, don’t set yourself up for heartbreak that turns into insanity. Forget about the mark.” His father’s words would haunt him for years to come, even after his father passed. At times he was able to forget, his focus solely  on his clan and his village. However, over the years there was a piece of him that searched for his other half.
There were many theories as to why the amount of people with soulmarks dwindled over the years. One such theory was that once soulmates meet they would no longer bear the marks. The unlucky few who never found their soulmates over the centuries were cursed to wander missing their other half going mad. 
Beeps could be heard in the background with the occasional ding in between. His throat was on fire and his body felt like he had been trampled by every villager and shinobi. Ever so slowly he tried to open his eyes. When did eyelids become like lead? As he blinked his eyes open the smell hit him. He was in the place no shinobi liked, the hospital. The last time he was in the hospital it was years ago, before his cousin Sasuke graduated from the academy. 
“Uchiha-san it's good to see that you have decided to wake up. I must say Itachi-san gave the staff quite the scare when he dragged you in over his shoulder in a bloody mess.” 
“Can you tone down the color in this room?” Shisui eyesight was being assaulted by pink. His mind was going into overload. He had spent months with his ANBU team traveling in the dead of night, scouring Rain and the villages around it. They were tracking a terrorist organization who was starting to make waves in the different hidden villages. The godaime wanted them nipped in the bud before they got bigger. Before they were able to head home, shit went sideways. 
“Hmm I have no care to change my hair color, but can close your blinds. Since you have woken up you will be transferring to one of the lower acuity rooms. Itachi-san and Sasuke-kun will be able to visit as they please with the move. It also means you will get a different medic Uchiha-san, who will likely have hair that isn’t so assaulting to your delicate eyes.” 
As his vision started to clear he realized who was standing in his room smirking at him. His little cousin’s teammate, apprentice to the Godaime, sweetheart of the village, and owner of a temper you don’t want to ignite. Rumor had it she also would do missions with certain ANBU teams, she had never been assigned to his. Part of his heart started to flutter. His interactions with Sakura Haruno have been limited to sparse. He blamed her unique colorings to his eyes always lingering on her over the years. Her soft petal pink hair and emerald green eyes were a stark contrast to anyone in the village.
“Hn “ When he didn’t know what to say he lowered himself to use his family's go to word. He then heard the medic sigh and roll her eyes. 
“I’ll perform a quick check of your system and then give you some pain medication. We were able to heal the internal damage caused by the poisons and injuries. The main goal will be working with physical therapy to get you back on your feet. This will put you on mission leave for at least a few months as you recover. “ Shisui wasn’t expecting the smell that hit him, he would have expected her to smell like flowers. Instead the smells of mint and vanilla, with hints of antiseptic, tickled his nose. Her chakra almost lulled him back to sleep as she was performing the exam. 
“Everything is looking good. Your chakra pathways are slowly recovering, it was a nasty poison that worked by destroying the pathways. Get some rest and when you are up to it we will start you on some liquids.” Just like that she left the room. He blamed the ordeal for his heart continuing to flutter. He leaned his head back and slowly drifted back to sleep. 
Giggles filled his ears as he started to wake up again. He couldn’t make out the conversation that was taking place. As he looked around his room he realized it was different, not as sterile, and Itachi had taken over a beat up side chair. “They are trying to figure out who gets the privilege to help you bathe.” Itachi didn’t look impressed. 
“What’s the difficulty I'm sure the more the merrier.” He couldn’t help but also wiggle his eyebrows. 
“ I know you better than that Shisui, you can drop the act. Father is looking into getting you moved into the compound for rehab. He doesn’t like the idea of you staying here.” Itachi was rubbing the bridge of his nose, the scroll he was reading long forgotten. 
Shisui leaned back again. He hated the confines of the hospital, but being stuck in the compound would be more of a lateral move. His thoughts were interrupted by a chorus of whining outside in the halls. 
“That’s not fair Sakura-sama!” The voices grated on his nerves “This is a professional workplace, we do not treat patients like prizes to be had. Now get back to work before all of you cleaning bedpans for the next month.” Scattering of feet then filled the air. 
“Itachi-san! Visiting your cousin, I see. I hope your injuries aren’t giving you any trouble.” Her voice was like springtime cutting through the air, light and airy. A part of him didn’t like that she was talking to his cousin over him. 
“Sakura-san they are not giving me any problems. The creams that you made and gave to Sasuke for me have helped.” Her smile was mesmerizing. Would she be assisting with his bath? A part of him hoped so, he could feel his heart race and palms start to sweat. 
“Shishui-san Ron will be in shortly to help with your bath. My apologies if the ruckus in the halfway disrupted your rest. Shizune is the one who oversees the rehab side of the hospital and is working with your clan for arrangements of you being moved out of the hospital.” The smile on her face was strained, he doubted they agreed with having him leave the hospital. For some reason he didn’t know what to say to her. As he went to open his mouth they were interrupted by a big burly man coming in with a washcloth and basin. No!
“Hello Uchiha-san I will be assisting with your bath.” Itachi had to hide his laugh behind a cough. 
“Thank you Ron. I'll leave his care in your capable hands.” Just like that Sakura and Itachi left the room, he felt betrayed by the snickers he heard as they exited the door. 
“Shisui please make yourself at home. We have arranged for you to stay in the lower level guest room so you don’t have to worry about the stairs right now.” Mikoto was like a second mother to him. After the death of his mother and then his father she took him in and made sure he was looked after. When he heard that he would be staying in the main house his mouth started to water at the thought of having Mikato-sans home cooking. This whole rehab thing may not be so bad, even if he had to share a roof with two of the prissiest members of his clan, Sasuke and Fugaku. 
Sasuke was 20 years old and consistently acted like he had a stick shoved somewhere unpleasant. He and his team had made jounin at 17. He had his eyes set on ANBU, always trying to follow in his older brother’s footsteps. Shisui remembered when Sasuke got his team assigned to him; he moped for weeks. Naruto was an idiot and Sakura was a useless cry baby with a crush on him -- Sasuke’s words. It was shortly after the first failed chunin exams that Sasuke stopped complaining about his teammates. Part of that may be due to his female teammate punching him in the face and breaking his nose after he insulted her and Naruto, citing them as the reason he wasn’t going to be a chunin. Over the years team 7 grew closer, each of the members growing in more ways than anyone imagined. Naruto and Sakura were frequently seen over the years in the main house, Mikoto taking them under her wing as well. 
Shisui ventured into his temporary room. He was going to have to get used to having so many people in a house with him. At 28 years old it had been over 13 years since he had someone live in the same house as him. 
“Mikoto-san do you need help with anything?” That voice made him stop in his tracks. His heart was pounding. 
“Sakura dear how many times do I have to tell you that guests don’t help.” Shisui had heard the rumors that Mikoto wanted the petal haired woman as a daughter inlaw, but it was likely a far off dream. 
“Are you sure? I really don’t mind helping.” It sounded like she had lost the battle when he heard her soft footsteps and felt her chakra going into the library. A force possessed him as he moved into the library. There she was sitting crossed leg with a book in her hand. 
“Shisui-san how are you feeling?” She didn’t even look up from her book, reminding him of a certain sensei. 
“Better. It's nice being out of the hospital and having real food.” Sakura hummed  in agreement with him. He went to grab a book to pretend to read. He sat down taking in the calming effects of her presence, but it didn’t last long. 
“Teme I’m telling you we need to do something, he’s not good enough.” Just like that her booked snapped shut and she was up. 
“Naruto! Sasuke! You two better not be thinking of interfering with another date that I have.” There was a feeling in his chest he didn’t like. While he didn’t know much about the 20 year old in front of him he had to agree with the blond idiot. 
“Hehe Sakura-chan I didn’t know you were here yet.”  Shisui tuned out the conversation and went to dive into the book he picked up. He had no business getting into whatever team drama was happening. 
It seemed that no matter where he went Shisui got a glimpse of pink in his periphery. This time he had decided to go to a new tea shop with Itachi. There she was sitting at a table with a male that he knew from ANBU. 
The guy had sandy blond hair, brown eyes, and a slight tan to his skin. There was that feeling again. Sakura had an adorable blush covering her cheeks. Her laugh cut through all of the conversations. He wanted to be the one to make her laugh like that. He couldn’t explain why he wanted to rip the guy’s arms off when he went to grab her hands. 
Shisui didn’t know when it happened, but he caught himself multiple times following Sakura. It was becoming his favorite pastime. He would watch her in the market taking delicate care of picking out her food. When he ventured to the hospital for a “check up” he would see her interacting with the staff, her patients, and the children. He liked watching her with the children most.  At times he caught glimpses of the sandy ANBU with her. Rage at times would overcome him when he saw them together. The guy was either holding her hand or had his arm draped around her shoulders as they walked.  
It was one night at dinner that he felt ice fill his veins. Team 7 would be going to Suna, where Sakura would be staying for at least a year to help set up a new training program. 
Sakura looked around her childhood home. Her parents passed when the village was attacked during the chunin exams that went so wrong. She felt like everything around her was suffocating her. Aito was sweet, but no matter how much she tried everything felt off with him. Sakura went to rub the back of her neck, knowing the reason why. 
The stupid mark was the reason for so much in her life. Sakura had not been born in Konoha, she had moved to the village before she could hold her head up. She was born with a smudged mark at the base of her skull. The people who she shared her DNA with had no desire to have a child cursed with a life of insanity, because that’s what was thought of those who had a mark signifying they had a soulmate out in the world. That led her to being adopted by the Haruno’s, a couple who could not have children of their own and wanting to share their love with a child. They were two of the kindest people she had known. 
It was when she was 5 years old her mother sat her down and told her about her mark. Sakura had wanted to chop her hair into a pixie cut, a hairstyle that would reveal the back of her neck. Her parents had come to accept what fate had dealt Sakura at an early age. They were a couple who fate was not kind to, they were subpar shinobi never able to become the elite. Her mother had been injured on a simple mission that left her unable to bare children of her own. 
At the tender age of 5 Sakura didn’t comprehend what the mark meant. Her mother had sat her down telling her there was another person who would be her other half. Sakura romanticized  this for years. However, when she got older her mother explained more to her. Marks signifying a soulmate were rare. Many of those who had the marks never found the other half, the ones who searched fell into insanity. Sakura found herself full of dread, realizing what that meant for her. She would likely never find her other half, the world was too big, and if she looked for them her mind would slowly slip into insanity. 
Her mother cupped her face, tears in her eyes. “This life is full of people being dealt with things outside of their control. You my dear are a beautiful, strong, and smart girl. Do not let this define you. Don’t waste your life thinking of what could be. Live your life for yourself. Only you can make yourself happy and don’t need another person to complete you.” Sakura decided she would not succumb to the insanity. She was going to make her own path. 
When Sakura entered the academy she took her mother’s advice and developed a crush on her classmate Sasuke, like all the other girls. It was a crush that cost her a precious friendship.  Her heart soared when they were placed in the same team. After their first real mission, she realized she was behind her teammates.Her chakra control was better than theirs, but her other skills were lacking. This was enforced more after their first chunin exams. It was also when she realized her crush on Sasuke was not worth it and when she realized she didn’t care romantically for Sasuke. Sitting there watching her teammates defend her and once they were injured she couldn’t do anything. Sakura found herself in the library studying medical ninjutsu. When Naruto brought lady Tsunade into the village, Sakura knew what she had to do.
Sakura found herself being the Sanin’s apprentice. It was during a training session she had felt the pain in her head. She was gasping for air, like the fish below her. The pain was unbearable. Her Shishou rushed to her side, she had to pry Sakura’s hand away from her neck. Her mark was turning red. “ You have a mark, you poor girl.” 
Sakura’s hand clenched into a fist, her tears falling down her face. “What’s happening? Why does it hurt so much?” 
Her shishou rubbed soothing circles on her back. “ Your soulmate is dying. I don’t know how long this will last.” After what felt like an eternity the pain was gone.
 Sakura asked the question she feared the answer to. “ Is it... gone?”  She felt Tsunade brush her hair to the side. 
“No, it appears your soulmate is still alive.” 
“Is it bad I wished it was gone?” Her voice was a whisper. Sakura had to pause for a moment. “ I found out about it at 5 and thought it was romantic, then my mother told me the stories. It once brought me comfort knowing there is someone out there who would accept me for who I am, faults and all. I thought of looking for them, but the words my mother told me stuck in my head. I refuse to feel like I’m incomplete. I live for myself. I have the power to choose who I decide to love and wont let some mark dictate how I feel. My parents choose to love me …” 
In a rare show of affection Tsunade hugged her. “Your mother was a wise woman.” 
It was then Sakura discovered a way to weaken the mark. It stayed imprinted on her skin, but she would never be a victim to its pull ever again, or so she thought. 
No matter how hard Sakura worked something always felt off. Over the last 8 years team 7 has grown into a family. Like her parents it was a family that chose her. She saw the hardships that civilians and shinobi faced as she went through the ranks. Her team didn’t know that over the last two years she would go on selective ANBU missions. It was then she decided to change the medical system. There needed to be a place for mental health in the village. Over the last year she had been working with Ino to build her dream. They were able to mend their friendship after the horror of the chunin exams, it was one of her most precious relationships. 
Sakura looked around her house, thinking of her mission. Gaara was interested in having part of the new program implemented in Suna, him having first hand experience with trauma. She would be in Suna for at least a year, which came as a refreshing thought. This house no longer felt like home. Ino was going to help her while she was away selling the house. Then there was  Aito, who she couldn’t bring herself even close to loving, she was going to break up with him before she left, it was only fair to him. She rubbed the back of her neck again, blaming the mark for another failed relationship. 
Sakura packed a few sealing scrolls with what she would need. Everything else would be sold with the house. She took one last look around before stepping out the door, with the door closing it marked a new door opening in her life. 
Sakura watched as her boys left. Their silhouettes gradually shrinking until they were but a memory. They had arrived in Suna 1 month ago. Sakura was placed in a small apartment near the hospital, it was smaller than her parents house, but it was hers. There were no old memories lingering in the air, instead there was hope for the new. Part of her heart ached. It was a feeling that intensified the more out of Konoha she went. She was able to push it down and place it in a box. It was time to get to work. 
It had been 6 months since Shisui was cleared for duty and 9 months since his stay in the hospital. He was ready to get out of the village. This morning he woke up Itachi for a spar, his muscles enjoyed the strain of the spar. “Lets get some breakfast, my treat Weasel-chan.” Shisui laughed as Itachi glared at him. Itachi may have the reputation as a powerful feared shinobi, but he would always be the same dango loving little boy from their childhood. It was hard to believe his cousin would be proposing to his girlfriend soon. 
“Fine, but you are paying.” Just like that they were off. While Shisui loved his aunt’s cooking, he almost (keyword almost) got tired of it. The shop was not busy yet making it easy for them to find a table. This was the same shop that he saw Sakura and Aito at almost a year ago it seemed. There was no melodic laugh from her this time. When the waitress came to take their order, he found himself basking in her attention.
 Part of him hated his playboy persona he was known by. He rubbed the back of his neck remembering his mark. It was hard going out with the different women of the village, no matter how beautiful they were something was always missing. Shisui also knew that the elders were planning on an arranged marriage for him if he didn’t find someone soon. This wasn’t the life he wanted. He would sacrifice his life for his clan and village, but he wanted to find that special person. He didn’t know what came over him with the obsession of Sakura Haruno following his stay in the hospital. Shisui boiled it down to that smirk on her face and how she didn’t seem to back down. 
Itachi and Shisui settled into an easy conversation. Itachi was worried about how to propose to Izumi. His cousin was an idiot to think the girl wanted something elaborate, Itachi could dress like a hobo with all his teeth falling out and she would say yes. 
Just as they were finishing their tea that a messenger found him, they were needed at the Hokage tower. Shisui bid farewell to the pretty waitress and left with his cousin. 
Lady Tsunade was standing looking out the window of her office when they entered. Genma was also there, the third member of their team. “Finally!” Tsunade turned around and gave them all a hard look. “ I have a very important mission for you three. As you are aware, one of our shinobi is currently in Suna on a diplomatic mission. She is helping them to establish a similar institute that caters to the mental health of the shinobi.  It came to my attention last night that they are in possession of an important and highly coveted item. I am entrusting you three to bring it back to Konoha. You leave this afternoon. Now go!” 
The three men looked at each other confused, but set off nonetheless. “ We will meet at the gates in 4 hours. It should take 2 days if we push to get there. The Hokage didn’t say what the item was, but it must be of importance for her to send us.”  
Sakura wanted to sigh. She thought the council members  of Konoha were old fuddy duddies, but these old geezers took the cake. Every time she proposed a new addition or change to the plan for the mental health wing of  the hospital, they would push back. She could not strangle the council, she could not strangle the council, she could not...maybe Gaara would cover for her...no she wouldn’t. 
It had already been eight months since she came to Suna. Gaara and his siblings allowed for an easy transition. Temari was like a more scary version of Ino, but they easily bonded. Gaara was aloof, but had gotten better since his younger days. Kankuro constantly  kept saying he wanted to repay her for saving his life a few years ago, which always brought a blush to her face. Temari would tease her when she noticed. While Sakura had come to enjoy Suna, she wasn’t sure if she could see herself living there for the rest of her life, but enjoyed it nonetheless. Her heart still yearned for her home. 
“I hear there is a team from Konoha coming within the next couple of days. Do you know anything about this lord Kazakage?” 
Gaara, who was doodling in his journal, suddenly popped his head up. “ We found an import that Lady Tsunade has been looking for over the last couple of years, she must have sent a genin team to retrieve it.” Sakura had to roll her eyes at her shishou’s behavior. Could she not wait 6 more months? 
“I think we are done here. Sakura I will approve your new reports for the expansions.” Gaara all but ran out of the meeting. 
Kankuro stayed behind and helped her pack up her stuff. “You really don’t have to stay here, go home.” 
“Lets get dinner together...as friends of course.” Kankuro had puppy dog eyes that she couldn’t say no to. 
“Fine, as friends. Can we go to that bakery after?” 
They had found a simple barbeque restaurant that was busy due to the night rush. Once both of their stomachs were full, but Sakura still had room for dessert, they ventured down the streets of the village. The nights were Sakura’s type of weather, during the day the heat was stifling, but nights were her favorite. She could lay outside and gaze at the stars forever. 
Sakura soon felt three familiar chakra signatures walking down the streets. “Itachi-san, Shisui-san...Shiranui. What are you three doing here?” Genma faked a hurt look when she said his name. 
“Oh come on blossom, why do you have to say my name like that..” Genma had moved to place his arm around her. 
“You know why. Now remove your arm before I shatter every bone in it.” Quickly Genma moved away from her. 
“Sakura-san we are here on a mission for the Godaime.” Sakura had to groan. “Please tell me she didn’t send you three for the sake! I told her I would bring it back when I return, when they mentioned a team coming in the council meeting I thought it was going to be a genin team.” Her shishou really had a problem. 
Shisui looked at Sakura, no matter where she was her coloring made her stand out from the forests of Konoha to the deserts of Suna. He didn’t realize that the Kazakage’s brother and her were so close. Then there was Genma, who was a bonafide man whore. However, his cousin’s irritation was the most hilarious thing going on. He could sense the annoyance radiating off him. 
“We came here to bring the Hokage sake.” Itachi’s face was blank. They had traveled at their fastest speed to get to Suna for sake! 
“Oh Itachi-san why don’t you guys join us as we head to the local bakery. I will even buy you the first round of dango. Of course in return I want to hear more details about a certain event you are planning. Don’t look at me like that. You told Sasuke who told Naruto who wrote it in one of his letters. God knows your brother and Naruto have no ability to communicate even in writing.” 
Shisui could tell his cousin perked up at the mention of dango. As he walked into the bakery his mouth watered, their last meal was more than 20 hours ago. It was at that time he decided he would consume his weight in baked goods. After getting his dango Itachi left with Kankuro to get their rooms for the next couple of nights. Genma not wanting to be left with Sakura went with them, leaving just Shisui and Sakura. 
“I just realized you guys probably didn’t have much to eat on your way here. Do you want me to show you a takeout place to get something other than sugar?” Sakura couldn’t help but smile as she watched him down another piece of pie. She hadn’t spent much time with the man, but knew he was a genius that rivield Itachi. She also knew he didn't stay with one girl long, again Sakura found herself pushing down an unknown feeling. 
Shisui swallowed the bite of key lime pie. “But I have already had dessert?” Did the premise of protein appeal to him? Yes it did, but he just stuffed his face with sweets. 
“Oh come on. Have you never heard of dessert before dinner? Life is too short to save the best part for last.” Sakura was taking bites of her red velvet cake. Before Shisui knew it she was pulling him up and taking him to get more food. The warmth of her hand in his felt so right. His heart started to flutter. 
“How has your time been here?” He had to get his mind off of these feelings. Just an hour ago he felt himself becoming a horrible monster seeing Sakura and Kankuro together, thinking of them as a couple. 
“It's been busy. The council keeps giving me push back on some of the changes, but Gaara and his siblings have been very supportive.”Jealousy filled him. 
“Suna has been amazing, but it's so great seeing you guys here. I must say I do miss home, you being here is like you brought a piece of Konoha with you. Sorry that you came for a genin level mission.” Sakura was staring at him and he had to control himself from touching her face. Shisui had to agree with the mission being ridiculous. He placed his hands in his pockets, so he wouldn’t grab her. It was then he felt the wrappers on the tips of his fingertips. 
“It may not be a big thing, but here. I swiped these when I was last visiting Aunt Mikoto, you should have them.” Sakura looked at the candy in his hand like it was the most precious treasure. “Are those candies from the shop just outside the Uchiha district? Are you sure?” 
“It’s a small piece from home. Take them. I can get more.” It seemed like a handful of candy was all it took to become close to Sakura. He wanted to activate his Shanigan to remember her smile for the rest of his life. 
“Thank you Shisui-san. This means so much to me. My father always seemed to know when I had a bad day at the academy and would have these waiting for me when I got home.” She looked like she was about to cry and this time he didn’t stop his hand going to her face. As the clear crystals started to pool in her eyes he wiped them away. “My mother always seemed to have a stash of these as well when I was having a bad day.” 
Their moment was interrupted by Genma and Itachi. Shisui and Sakura broke apart before the two came into view. Sakura bid them goodnight. Both of them would have the most peaceful sleep in years that night. 
Sakura didn’t know how she felt as she escorted Itachi, Shisui, and Genma to the gates. Well she knew she would be happy to see Genma go, but the other two she would miss. Itachi had finally settled on a method to propose and would likely be popping the question shortly after he gets back to Konoha. Shisui was a great ally in getting itachi to see reason. 
“I better get an invitation to the wedding, or else.” Sakura whispered to Itachi prior to him leaving with the team. She couldn’t help but give the socially inept genius a hug. She knew she was the only one outside of his mother and Izumi who could get away with it. Izumi and Sakura had become friends when Izumi decided to learn medical ninjustu, they bonded over their long shifts. The letters she had received from the beautiful Uchiha made her jealous at times, her heart aching for what the two had. 
Shisui had to push down that monster again as he saw Sakura and his cousin hug. Itachi looked as stiff as a tree. “Be safe you three and don’t break a single bottle or Shisou will have your head.” The last image he would have of Sakura before departing would be of her dazzling smile and waving goodbye. 
5 months later….
Shisui couldn’t believe his cousin was getting married today. Itachi had stayed the night with him pretending it was part of the bachelor party, but in reality it was so he could freak out without anyone seeing. Shisui never thought he would see his cousin so flustered. He was almost happy he has never felt this way for another person. However, Shisui knew he would give anything to experience all of this. 
They were sitting on Shisui’s back porch drinking sake and eating dango. “This will happen for you one day, just have faith.” Shisui snorted. “When did you become a romantic?” 
“Don’t think I haven’t realized what all the missions you have taken over the years to other villages is for or why you go through so many women. You date them yes, but once you realize they aren’t it everything ends. I know you have cared for some of them, could almost picture a life of ease married to them, but at the end of the day you feel...incomplete. She’s out there waiting for you.” Shisui was flabbergasted by his cousin. He was starting to think he was not meant to be happy. He thought that way 7 years ago and nearly ended his life, it was Izumi who patched him up, no one knew besides her and Itachi. It was then that she went to the hospital to learn to heal. 
Pink crossed his mind. He didn’t understand the pull to Sakura Haruno. Was she beautiful? Yes. Could she keep up with him in an intelligent conversation? Yes . Was he absolutely terrified of her? Yes. None of it made sense.
 Shisui downed his glass. “Let’s get you off to bed. Don’t want you looking so ugly that Izumi runs crying tomorrow.” 
Maybe he’d ask her to dance, just maybe. 
“Forehead do not ruin my masterpiece! I have spent hours on your hair and makeup.” Ino had ripped a warm sticky bun out of Sakura’s hand. “Pig I’m hungry. I didn’t get home from my shift at the hospital till 6am and then you wake me at noon to get ready for this wedding, without providing food. That ‘s just cruel. It was a 48 hour shift.” Sakura tried to extract her delicious confection out of Ino’s hand, but the blond had deposited into the garbage. Sakura wept on the inside. 
“There will be plenty of food at the reception. I’m sure the Uchiha clan is going all out on the future head getting married.” Ino was wearing a simple dark purple full length silk gown that had a narrow dip in the front revealing just a wisp of skin down to her navel.
Sakura decided to give herself one more once over. She decided on a forest green long sleeved scoop neck dress that was full length, like Ino’s dress. It was slightly form fitting and flaring out gradually. The back was a show stopper. The dress was mostly backless, her modesty was preserved with delicate black lace that showed just the right amount of her skin. Ino had done her hair in a fancy braid. She wanted to wear it up, but didn’t want to risk her mark being seen. 
“Alright the boys should be here soon.” Ino went to grab her clutch. “What boys?” Sakura hoped she meant Shikamaru and Choji. 
“Did I forget to mention that I arranged dates for the two of us. I couldn’t take waiting for Sai to make the first move, so I asked him to be my date. Then there is that cute chunin who works in the hospital. You know the one I’m talking about, he’s tall, brown hair, baby blue eyes, and those dimples when he smiles. Plus he has a crush on you.” Sakura wanted to bang her head against the wall. Shin was nice, but she wanted to enjoy the day and not worry about some guy. Before she could protest there was a knock on the door. 
“They’re here!” Sakura grabbed her purse, muttering to herself. 
The wedding ceremony was beyond words, there was not a dry eye in the house (even Sasuke and Fugaku looked teary eyed). Mikoto was glowing, but not enough to outshine the bride. Izumi was a vision, no one could take their eyes off of her. Sakura found her eyes lingering on Shisui in his black tux and red shirt. 
Sakura found herself holding Shin’s hand at one part during the ceremony, she blamed her emotions. They both deserved to be happy and what a beautiful picture they made. Shin apparently thought ahead and tissue at the ready for her. She couldn’t help but rest her head on his shoulder. 
Shisui found it hard to concentrate on the ceremony. Sakura looked breathtaking, but then he saw she was with some lower ranking chunin. He almost left his position at Itachi’s side when she rested her head on the guy's shoulder. He couldn’t understand where it was all coming from. Soon Itachi and Izumi were kissing and walking down the aisle together. Shisui was looking forward to as much liquor as he could drink. 
The party was in full swing and Sakura finally got food in her stomach. The dance floor was crowded after Itachi and Izumi had their first dance. Sakura found herself being pulled onto the dance floor by Shin. She soon found herself laughing as he twirled her around, she couldn’t remember the last time she felt this free. The tempo of the music changed to a slower song and soon found herself in Shin’s arms. They swayed back and forth. As she looked into his eyes everything felt off. That suffocating feeling returned to her. 
“I’m feeling a little light headed. I think I need some air, excuse me.” Sakura had to get out of here. “Do you want me to come with?” Shin was ever the gentleman. “No, please stay and enjoy the party.” 
Sakura made her way out into the gardens. The night sky was so clear she could see all the stars, they glistened in the sky like jewels. Mikoto also made sure the gardens were in top shape and found it to be her favorite place on the Uchiha lands. In her haste to get out of that room she realized her hair was a mess. Sakura didn’t think as she undid the rest of the braid and placed it in a bun.  She could feel her head start to clear, then realized she wasn’t alone. 
She looked around the garden and noticed Shisui laying on a bench, sake bottle in hand. “Shisui what are you doing out here?” Shisui looked at her and then got up to leave. 
“Where are you going? Are you alright?” Sakura had never seen him like this. She had gotten back to the village a month ago and found herself bumping into him more frequently. At times they would sneak away to one of the small shops and have tea together, those moments were turning into her favorite memories. When she was around him things just seemed simpler. She had come to enjoy his laugh and humor, this was not him. 
“Am I alright? No I’m not. I haven't been alright since i was 7 years old, ever since then I have tried again and again, but find myself failing. My best friend is married to the love of his life and what am I thinking about? I’m thinking about every time I see you with someone else, I break a little inside. This doesn’t make sense.” Shisui couldn’t take it anymore. All he wanted to do was go to her and push her and her date apart. He wanted to hold her in his arms, he wanted to be the one to twirl her around. Right now he wanted to kiss her senseless. None of this made sense. She was his little cousin's teammate, she should be no one to him, yet here he was. 
Sakura couldn’t breath as she stared into his eyes. “I…” Sakura turned away from Shisui and ran. It was as she turned that Shisui saw the mark. He froze, only to regain his mental facilities after she dashed off. His feet came unglued and he followed. 
“Sakura wait. Come back!” Sakura didn't know what she was doing, All she knew was Shisui was right. She couldn’t explain why her heart broke when she would see him with the different women around the village. It never made sense why she would feel so pulled to him. Sakura was so focused on her thoughts she didn’t see the tree root and started to fall. She never hit the ground. 
A pair of strong arms wrapped around her and soon she was pulled into a muscular chest. He smelled like the earth and rain, she wanted to be consumed by that smell. 
“Wait...please don't run.” His voice was weak, it sounded like he was about to crack. Shisui held her tight, she was finally in his arms. Her head came to his collar bones, the perfect height so he could rest his head on hers. Mint and vanilla filled his senses, soothing him. 
“Do you know how long I have waited for you? Searched for you?” She tried to pull out of his hold, but he wouldn’t let her. “Shisui … I don’t understand.” Sakura found his hand cupping the back of her head, tracing the mark she despised so much. 
“I saw it just now. You never wear your hair up, so others wont see it.” Sakura looked up at him, but he wouldn’t let her speak. “My mark appeared when I was 7 years old. I started to give up hope of ever finding the person who I shared the mark with. You were always right there, so close, but I never found you.”  
If it wasn’t for holding onto Sakura like a lifeline Shisui was sure he would have crumbled to the ground. He was worried that she hadn’t spoken yet. His worries melted away when he felt her bone crushing hug. 
“I was born with mine. My parents...my biological parents didn’t want me because of it. I didn’t know about it till I was 5. I was filled with so much hope that there was someone out there who would love me, flaws and all.” Sakura had to pause, she could feel the tears. “It was when I got older my mother sat me down and told me fate would likely be cruel… I would likely never find the one with a matching mark. I tried so hard to find happiness in what I had, the dates always felt so wrong.” They were looking into each other’s eyes. 
“It never understood why it hurt so badly when I would see you flirt with all those women, even before we got to know each other over the last year. Then when the waitresses at the tea shops would bat their eyelashes at you and bend over extra low for you...the thoughts that I had.” 
They didn’t speak again, well Sakura tried, but found herself distracted. Shisui couldn’t wait any longer and sealed his lips to hers. His soul felt complete for the first time in his life. It was like the heavens opened up and trumpets sounded. 
“Let’s get back to the party.” Just like that Shisui led Sakura back to the reception. He would not let go of her hand the whole way. Itachi and Izumi gave each other knowing looks as the couple swayed together on the dance floor, no one else mattered to them. 
It was then that the two souls found each other. They will never be incomplete again. There were going to be challenges in the life ahead and lifes after this, but they would always have each other. Each a strong force on its own, but together they would be unstoppable. 
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bouncyirwin · 4 years
“This wasn’t meant to be a date, but we’ve had such a good time and now it’s 2 a.m. and I should really go home…” for my ItaSaku pining heart because I’m tired of being tired and want to wrap myself in something warm and fluffy and maybe a bit smutty. Thank you in advance❤️ stay safe!
Hey love, I’m sorry you’ve been feeling so down! I’m not taking drabbles anymore but I made an exception for you, I hope you feel better soon ❤️
You can find this one-shot on AO3!
Word Count: 2,150 words Rating: T 
Night Owl 
The Uchiha compound was quiet at night.
Sakura wasn’t sure why she found that surprising or what she had expected in the first place. But at two in the morning, it was quiet. Dark, and peaceful, and not at all like the bustling sector it was in the daylight.
She had assumed, in an unconscious way not entirely rooted in rationality, that the Uchiha were alert and aware at all times. She had no doubt, of course, that if she were to run down to a police post she would find officers on night shift.
But from her perch on the rooftop of the clan head's home—sitting with his son no less—she could see nothing but the magical stretch of the starry nights.
Not a sound, not a light, not a soul.
She and Itachi, and the warm spot between them fanned by their body heat.
Itachi had never looked so peaceful.
She knew Itachi perhaps better than his own parents did. Sakura knew that torment haunted him every waking hour of his day. She also knew that he craved peace in his marrow.
Now she wondered why she hadn’t considered him to be a night owl before. He certainly appeared to be, drinking tea on his rooftop without a shred of worry for the approaching day or the receding night.
And why should he? In this silence, in this protective cloak of suspended night, it was hard to worry about the passage of time or a tomorrow that felt forever away.
It wasn’t meant to be a date, regardless.
Sakura had only swung by the Uchiha compound to heal the broken leg of a high profile elderly in the clan. On her way out, she was accosted by a young woman. The woman had heard from her aunt that Sakura would be here, and was ordered to call her. It turned out the woman's sister had gone into labour more than fifteen hours ago and they wanted Sakura's help.
One might be surprised by this staggering show of trust from a clan such as that of the Uchiha. Except everyone knew that Itachi Uchiha, future head of their clan, was courting Sakura Haruno.
As far as those women were concerned Sakura was already one of them. Better yet, the future matriarch of the Uchiha.
It was almost midnight by the time Sakura passed the little boy, healthy and wailing like no tomorrow, to his exhausted mother to cradle.
She hadn’t expected to find Itachi waiting at the doorstep by the time she was escorted out. But then again she hadn’t been surprised. He said he wanted to walk her home—not at all unusual, Itachi in all the time that she had known him never failed to be a gentleman.
Sakura glanced around the quieting street, and back at her boyfriend whom she hadn’t seen in a week, and found that she didn’t want to leave yet.
And so they ended up here. Itachi’s family had already retired to bed, and Sakura was glad for it. She didn’t wish to explain to the foreboding Fugaku Uchiha what she was doing with his son after midnight. In their own house no less.
Not that they were doing anything yet. Unless Fugaku took a strange offence to the way Itachi’s pinky danced along the side of her hand resting on the cushion between them.
Sakura didn’t want to think of Fugaku anyway. He might approve of her relationship with his son, support it even, but Sakura couldn’t deny the resentment that filled her every time she remembered the way he treated Itachi in his youth.
She sighed softly.
Itachi looked at her. “I hope I’m not keeping you.”
That made the ghost of a smile tickle the corners of her mouth. “Of course not,” she reassured, and then added, “and didn’t I blatantly invite myself here?”
“You know you’re welcome here any time of the day,” Itachi said, his hand covering hers, calloused and protective.
It was so innocuous and yet it made her heart flutter. “Not sure the elders would approve of seeing us like this,” Sakura joked lightly, leaning against Itachi’s side.
In response, he leaned against her, resting his cheek atop her hair. “When did the elders approve of anything anyway?” He muttered over a huff, half-breathy, half-laughing.
“Good point,” Sakura agreed, “knowing them they would accuse me of enticing you.”
“Maybe. Or they could accuse me of tainting your honour,” Itachi mused, “In which case they might suggest immediate betrothal.”
Sakura looked up at him curiously, “You sound awfully calm for someone who could be solicited into marrying me at a moment’s notice.”
Itachi blinked down at her, like she was being deliberately obtuse. “It would be an honour to be married to you.”
Sakura stared at him, uncomprehending. “How can you say that with a straight face?”
That earned her a smile. “Because it’s true. What did you think my intentions were anyway when we entered this relationship?”
Sakura had wondered that many times before. At first, she supposed Itachi wanted to appease his parents by picking a respectable woman. They happened to be close friends already, so that made her an obvious choice.
And then she thought Itachi was probably looking for a good match if he had to spend the rest of his life with someone. And they were a good match, no doubt there. “I don’t know, it did occur to me that the final goal could be marriage though.”
“I understood from previous discussions that you were fine with that. Are you having any second thoughts?” He wondered in that same matter-of-fact tone he used to discuss the weather. The lightness of it, however, betrayed his true emotions. It mattered to him a great deal what Sakura's answer would be.
Sakura immediately shook her head. “Not at all. Of course not. I did worry about Sasuke at first, but... I think you’re the one for me so ...”
Itachi leaned down to press their lips together sweetly, “As do I, my love.”
As always, Sakura blushed at his affection. She couldn’t ever seem to help it.
His arm wiggled out from between them and drew her closer to his chest.
Sakura relaxed into his embrace. He always smelled like sweets and spices and incense. A product of visiting shrines and eating dango and spending time cooking with his mother, she supposed.
Itachi matted her hair back, tucking wayward strands behind her ear. “Would you come over tomorrow for lunch?“
“I have surgery at noon so I might be a little late,” Sakura said, dejected at the prospect. Itachi and Mikoto made the best food.
“Dinner then?” Itachi wondered, ever unrelenting.
“I think I can do dinner,” Sakura said, mentally reviewing her schedule. “Is eight fine?”
“Perfect,” Itachi squeezed her against him. “We can have Anmitsu for dessert.”
A secret smile graced her lips at the mention of her favourite dessert. Her arms wrapped around Itachi’s middle in appreciation. “You always have wonderful ideas.”
He snagged a strand of pink hair and twisted it around his index. “Not sure about always ... I was thinking the other day we should pack up and run away for a couple of weeks.”
Sakura giggled. “I wouldn’t be opposed to that. I could definitely use a break.”
“Hmm, you work so hard.” His lips pressed against her hair. “... don’t you have an early shift tomorrow?”
“Seven a.m.,” Sakura confirmed with a soft sigh, basking some more in his closeness.
“Come on, I’ll walk you home,” he told her. “You need to sleep.”
Sakura groaned, but he was right as always. So she let him pull her up to her feet and together they jumped across rooftops, steps silent.
Once beyond the Uchiha compound, they walked leisurely, Itachi’s fingers slipping between hers. He was always more affectionate in the absence of prying eyes. It made Sakura wish they could take late night walks forever if it meant having this intimacy.
She watched the shifting shadows of alleyways and cats on a late-night prowl. Some houses had their dim lights on—perhaps night owls themselves?
They arrived at her doorstep too soon, and she instantly missed the feeling of Itachi’s palm against hers when his hand slipped away.
As she unsealed the door and fumbled with the key, she asked him hesitantly, “... want to come in?”
When she looked at him again his eyes were unreadable.
“You can stay if you want,” she tacked on hastily.
The corners of Itachi’s mouth twitched up faintly and he reached to caress her cheek. “I don’t want to impose.”
“You’re not imposing,” she said, voice thick, and cupped his hand against her cheek. “Plenty of room for you next to me.”
His smile warmed, “Promise me you’ll sleep?”
“I promise,” she enunciated for effect, dragging his hand off her cheek and using it to tug him into her apartment
Itachi followed willingly, kicking his shoes off at the door and treading together through the dark living room. He paused at her bedroom door, “I’ll make tea while you change?”
“Sure,” she said kindly, and let him go.
Her pyjamas were still on the bed where she discarded them that morning, and after rooting through her closet she found one of Naruto’s old sweatpants for Itachi to borrow.
He returned minutes later with a steaming mug, which he handed to her. Sakura passed the sweatpants to him, “Naruto left those once upon a time. They should fit you.”
“Naruto?” he sounded puzzled, “since when did Naruto stay nights?”
“Since your brother gave us a scare by leaving the village and poor Naruto started having nightmares that I would leave too.” Sakura took her tea mug and settled under the sheets of her bed, sipping it tentatively.
She tried not to make it obvious that she was watching Itachi out of the corner of her eye. He was a vision of lean sinewy muscles as he chucked off his shirt and exchanged his pants for the ones Sakura gave him.
He stretched his legs. “A bit short, but they’ll do," he remarked casually.
Sakura patted the space next to her. “Come on then, I demand kisses and cuddles.”
Itachi chuckled, sounding even more carefree here than he had been on that roof. He happily crawled onto the space next to her, lithe muscles and deadly grace, and extracted the mug from her grasp. He placed it on the nightstand before drawing her into his arms. “Sleep,” he told her softly.
“And where are my kisses?” She looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Ah, my bad,” Itachi chuckled again, lips fluttering over her forehead in answer. They pressed again over the corner of her eyelid, before finally meeting her own.
Sakura hummed, content with the gentle lips that kissed slowly and unhurriedly. The pad of his thumb stroked along her jawline, and when she parted her lips he met her tongue with his.
It took her a moment to realise the growing fogginess of her thoughts was in fact desire, not lethargy. When Itachi made to pull away, she found herself sinking her fingers in his hair and holding him in place.
He made a noise in his throat, a little like he was surprised, but he sunk back into her kiss without complaint. The same hand that was tracing along her jaw landed on her hip and pressed them closer together.
“What happened to sleep?” Itachi rasped against her mouth. The tenor of his voice was so wonderfully throaty it made her shiver.
Sakura’s hand dragged appreciatively down his bared torso, feeling along the wicked ridges of his muscles. “We’ll sleep plenty when we die.”
“Tsk,” Itachi responded, but he had already moved along to lavishing her throat with kisses. “I only promised cuddles and kisses.”
Sakura arched against the hot sensation of his lips descending her body, her eyes closing. “K-kisses sound great,” she strangled out when he sucked her nipple through her shirt.
The hand on her hip dragged up and down her thigh, tugging her closer and slipping his thigh between her legs. “My, I’d swear you brought me back here for some nefarious intentions,” Itachi worked his way up her throat again, and back to her mouth.
His tongue dipped between her lips once more to caress her own and she ground her hips against him.
With each wicked glide of his tongue, sleep lost some more of its importance. And with every roll of her hips against his thigh, it drifted further and further off her mind.
Her last coherent thought was what she could possibly say to Shizune tomorrow when she showed up looking like a zombie.
After all, she couldn’t exactly tell her she had Itachi Uchiha in her bed keeping her up all night, could she?
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cheshiresense · 5 years
More on the Hadrian and Orion in Narutoverse AU please!!!
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I don’t actually have that many more ideas for this AU, none that really focuses on the two of them anyway. Like, they found each other again and it was a done deal so there’s not really anything to add to that. But let’s see…
Edit: Ugh I give up, I ran out of inspiration for this one, I just didn’t know what else to write for it, sorry.
1. Ok so first off, Minato makes Hokage and stays that way and nothing terrible happens because I say so, and because I have no patience for the disaster that was the Naruto plotline, and also because lbr no way is Hadrian letting anybody muck shit up in his new home, he’s already lost one village, he isn’t going to let Orion lose his too, plus Danzo is dead which automatically solves like eighty percent of all problems and the world is just a hundred times better without him in it.
Kushina makes it Very Clear that their child will be placed under an Uzushio shinobi. Like, it’s part of their vows. She refuses to marry Minato unless he swears it (for a love match, it also couldn’t be more perfect politically, satisfying clans and elders alike by tying the two villages together, tying an Uzushio Jinchuuriki to Konoha, a union of talent and royalty, right before the Hokage Apparent ascends to the throne). Relations between Konoha and what’s left of Uzushio is a lot better than they were after Uzu was destroyed, but there’s still some tension, some mistrust, some resentment, and it’s not like anyone other than an Uzushio-nin can teach seals properly. It doesn’t help that some Konoha-nin still turn their noses up at Kushina and her people because they’re foreign, and others sneer at her because she’s a Jinchuuriki. She refuses to let someone like that teach her child.
Minato agrees of course, and ten years later, Naruto graduates near the top of his class, bright and cheerful and so very loved. He’s the son of the Hokage but also one of the first children born to the Uzumaki Clan after they’d finally finished picking up the pieces of their lives, and he has Minato’s colouring but Kushina’s determination and creativity and vindictive sense of humour.
In this world too, Naruto gets Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura as his teammates, but he’s known Sasuke since forever - his mom and Sasuke’s mom are best friends, one of his dad’s closest advisors is Sasuke’s dad, and his uncle (technically a cousin) is married to Sasuke’s uncle, so their families are a lot closer than most other clans in their villages. It was a shock to everyone, for the Uchihas of all people to have a close relationship with the Uzumakis, but their bond has stayed strong over the years despite many people’s doubts, and as a result, Naruto and Sasuke have been attached at the hip practically since birth.
As for Sakura, she seems like a nice girl too, a quieter counterpart to her best friend Ino, and they both know she’s upset at not being on the same team as the blonde, but she also beat both their academic scores and she doesn’t fall over herself trying to suck up to either Naruto or Sasuke, so they decide very quickly that they’ve lucked out with their third.
Naruto isn’t at all surprised when their sensei arrives. His mom’s been hinting at Uncle Hadrian for weeks because she is not subtle, and Naruto is absolutely thrilled because Uncle Hadrian is an S-rank Jounin with a flee-on-sight order and one of the strongest shinobi Naruto knows (Uncle Orion is almost as good, and he supposes his dad is okay too). He’s good at everything, better at seals than even Naruto’s mom, and his idea of babysitting is always an adventure - pranking someone mean and framing Kakashi-nii for it, setting up scavanger hunts in the village with a cool prize at the end, and taking him out for ice-cream or extra ramen that Naruto has solemnly sworn to keep secret from his parents. Hadrian is the best, and Naruto just wants to be him, him and Kaa-chan because Uzumaki really are the best, and his mom and uncle are the best of the best. And because he’s a good friend, he tells Sasuke beforehand about who’ll be teaching them and even tells Sakura the day of, so none of them are anything but excited when Hadrian sweeps into the classroom.
Uncle Hadrian just smiles at them, amused, and motions for them to follow. “Come along then, my new minions. Let’s see what chaos we can inflict on the world together.”
If Naruto had looked back, he would’ve seen the utterly horrified expression painted across the other Jounin senseis’ faces.
2. Team Seven gets a two-for-one deal. Orion outright rejects all offers of sticking him into the sensei rotation. The three times Minato tries, Orion fails every team and sends the kids back to the Academy within the hour.
It’s not as if he doesn’t like kids. They’re fine. But he doesn’t want to be solely responsible for them, especially in a world that’s literally out to kill them, and he’s no good with them for extended periods of time anyway.
He doesn’t mind helping Hadrian with his team though, and Fugaku definitely approves of having his brother help keep an eye on his youngest son. So the day after he returns from a courier mission, he tracks down Hadrian in one of the training fields and possibly enjoys it more than he should when he appears in a rush of Shunshin and makes all three kiddies jump or shriek.
Hadrian rolls his eyes at him but also reels him in for a welcome home kiss. “No complications?”
Orion snorts. “Of course not. It was barely B-rank.”
They turn back to the genin. Sasuke is rolling his eyes, more than used to their mostly subtle but easy displays of affection, and Naruto grins and gives Orion a wave because he’s as good as an uncle to the brat as well. The pink one though has her hands clapped over her mouth and is peering at them with big green eyes, like she’s never seen two men kiss. Then again, Orion’s already read the files on them, and she’s from a civilian family. They can be as weird as muggles about this sort of thing. Orion hadn’t cared in his last life, and he isn’t about to start now. At least she only looks surprised and not disgusted.
“This is Orion,” Hadrian tells his new students, for Sakura’s benefit. “My husband, and Sasuke’s uncle. He doesn’t have a team of his own, so when he isn’t busy, he’ll be joining us for training and missions. You’ll be seeing him a lot, and if for whatever reason I can’t meet up with you that day, I’ll probably send him in my place. Understand?”
He gets affirmatives from everyone and an “Awesome, dattebayo, we get two senseis!” from Naruto. Orion rolls his eyes and then smirks. “Twice the number of teachers, twice the amount of training.” He’s gratified when both boys pale a few shades, and Sakura - clever girl - takes her cue from them and has the beginnings of alarm creeping into her expression. He glances at Hadrian. “What’s on the menu for today?”
After they’ve sent Team Seven off for ten laps around the village (to start with of course, the day is still young), Hadrian remarks, “You’re a terrible person, and I never know what Minato is thinking every time he tries to shove a team on you.”
Orion’s smirk only widens.
3. Shortly after they get married, Hadrian and Orion move into a house in a quiet(er) part of Uzushio territory. They like their privacy, and they’re both quiet people by nature. Orion in particular only has so much tolerance for the Uzushio’s collective rambunctiousness and explosive personalities. They still get regular visitors, but at least they also get time to themselves without needing to escape into the surrounding woods.
A decade down the road, and they suddenly have three more children underfoot than either of them ever planned. then again, Naruto was around at least five times a week practically since he was born, and Sasuke had been allowed to drop by for almost as long, accompanied by his parents or Itachi.
Sakura is the last addition to their household, timidly shuffling in one evening when she’d let slip that her parents - merchants - were out of the village and wouldn’t be back for at least another three weeks.
Hadrian had always been a bit of a bleeding heart for strays, and this one is already his, so Orion hadn’t been at all surprised when - after treating everyone to dinner at Ichiraku’s - they ended up escorting all three kids back to Uzushio. Orion sends one of his wolf summons to the Uchiha compound to inform Fugaku that Sasuke would be staying over, and Naruto whirlwinds into the main house to hug his mom before sprinting back out and shouting back that he’d be staying with his uncles that night. Sakura smiles more as the night goes on and she finds herself ushered into a spare bedroom beside the boys’. She chatters more once she got to know her teammates better, and she’s more than a little awed by how much larger the house is on the inside compared to the outside.
“Seals can do all sorts of things, and my style is more versatile than most,” Hadrian tells her, and her eyes light up in a way Orion hadn’t seen in anyone but Hadrian himself.
“Can you teach me?” Sakura asks, flushing at her own gall. “Or- Or is it a clan secret?”
But Hadrian only smiles and promises to pull some reading material for her tomorrow.
“Orion knows some but he prefers kenjutsu,” Hadrian says, and Orion grunts. He likes offing his targets quickly and efficiently with sharp pointy things, so sue him. “Sasuke isn’t interested, and Naruto is but he has his mother to teach him. I’m glad I might have a student of my own if your interest lasts.”
Judging by the way Sakura begs Hadrian for a beginners’ book on sealing right then and there, and then spends the rest of the night - until Hadrian shoos them off to bed - curled up on the sofa in one of Naruto’s spare duck pajamas with her nose between its pages, she won’t be losing interest anytime soon.
Sakura becomes a regular fixture in their lives and in their house. Orion thinks she probably hasn’t realized it yet, but after a month of crashing at their place, the guards don’t even check her at the gates anymore whenever she swings by, even when she’s on her own.
4. Minato has the ANBU for the extra dangerous missions. But he has Hadrian and Orion for the ones that guarantee almost zero chances of survival. In the aftermath of the attempted kidnapping of one Hyuuga Hinata and the subsequent demand for reparations after Hiashi kills the kidnapper, who also happens to be the head ninja of the party sent to sign a peace treaty with Konoha, Minato refuses to hand one of his own over, A sends bolder and bolder threats of war, tensions between Konoha and Kumo haven’t been this high since the Third Great Shinobi War, and the eyes of the rest of the world are focused on them as they too count their numbers and stock up on weapons and supplies.
Three weeks in, after countless failed attempts at diplomatic talks and fairer compromises, Minato summons Hadrian and Orion to his office.
“I do not want war,” He says, features grim and somber, a far cry from his usual easygoing smiles and laidback nature. “It has barely been half a decade since the last one ended. But we are not in the wrong, and I refuse to bow to Kumo’s whims. If I cede ground now, the Hyuuga will never trust me again, and it will make Konoha look weak, not to mention it sets a precedence for Kumo and even other villages to try and pull something like this again. I won’t have it.”
Hadrian hums thoughtfully from where he’s sipping tea in one of the guest chairs. Orion is lounging against the far wall, eyes narrowed, features cold.
“So you want us to go and send a message,” Hadrian surmises. “But quietly.”
“Make sure A knows who it is,” Minato agrees, and nobody who’s seen the ice in his eyes when he’s like this would doubt his capability as Hokage. “But otherwise ensure that it can’t be traced back to us. I’ll deny everything on the public front. The rest, I’ll leave to your discretion.” He smiles thinly. “Let’s see how long it takes to make the Raikage bow.”
It takes six weeks. Six weeks of a plague that sweeps through half the towns along Lightning’s border at a terrifying speed, leaving civilians and border patrols alike puking their guts up for days. Nobody dies, but it’s a miserable, panic-stricken month for all involved when all they can do is ride it out, no cure to be found.
The Raikage does not bow.
Overnight, the guards stationed at various watchtowers all across Lightning fall prey to some invisible enemy, and all are found comatose or on death’s doorstep in the morning. Half of them die within the week, and all attempts at replacing the guards are met with the same result. A chunk of Kumo’s military is crippled in seven days.
The Raikage does not bow.
People within Kumogakure begin to die. No civilians or Genin, and the school and hospital are never hit, but Chuunin and Jounin are all free game, some in their homes, others on the streets or training grounds, and their T&I building blows up one day along with every ninja inside it who hadn’t gone out for lunch. The coup de grâce is the Raikage going in for work and finding a lock of Yugito’s blonde hair, his brother’s sunglasses, and his own vambraces - the ones he’d been looking for since he woke up this morning and found them missing from his bedroom - laid out neatly on his desk. A familiar leaf symbol glows on the wall behind it just long enough for A to get a good eyeful, and then it erases itself as if it were never there, leaving the Raikage bellowing his rage and fear.
The message is clear: no one in your village is safe, not your civilians, not your shinobi, not your Jinchuuriki, not even you. The next move is yours. Choose wisely.
The Raikage bows.
“Good job,” Minato says in way of greeting once Hadrian and Orion are home again, none the worse for wear. “A sends his apologies and has even agreed to a few import and trade concessions.”
“Ooh, make him send over some people from Cloud Confectioneries,” Hadrian pipes up. “Their cakes are divine, and you can’t get them anywhere else.”
Orion rolls his eyes, nods at Minato, and then grabs his husband and Shunshins them home. It’s been a long five weeks and he wants nothing more than to sink into a hot bath with Hadrian.
5. Literally everyone knows Hadrian and Orion are a couple. They’re not particularly over-the-top in their displays of love the way Minato and Kushina can sometimes be, but their marriage was the first one between a Konoha citizen and an Uzushio citizen since Uzushio’s destruction. And it was hard to miss when the two of them went out for meals, side by side, never flaunting what they had but quietly content in each other’s company in that way older people are after spending decades together and still being perfectly in love. Orion was a second son too, with no expectations (at least not too many) for producing children, so as far as a lot of clan elders were concerned, he’d definitely married well by tying another much-needed sealmaster to Konoha, one who actually stayed in the village (or close enough) and had a repertoire of skills that outstripped even Jiraiya’s.
(Orion scoffed when he’d first heard that going around and didn’t bother telling them that if Hadrian up and decided to become a missing-nin tomorrow, he’d be packed and gone with him by morning, no questions asked.)
Over time, some people do wonder - it isn’t normal for two people to fall together so easily, so quickly, comfortable around each other the way only those who’ve known one another their whole lives should be. There’s a level of instinct there that takes time and life to create, and yet Hadrian and Orion had that, from the moment they met. So people do wonder, even if they don’t ask, mostly because what kind of question would one ask anyway?
Still, sometimes, especially in the early days, Kushina sits and watches her cousin and his new husband move around the kitchen as they cook dinner like one soul in two bodies, gracefully in tune together in a way that goes beyond their shinobi training. it’s a dance, and a beautiful one, and she secretly hopes that one day, she’ll be able to have that with Minato.
(Almost twenty years later, Sakura will do the same, more at home in her senseis’ house than her parents’, watching Hadrian laugh at a deadpan joke Orion cracks, or watching Orion let Hadrian reel him onto the makeshift dance floor of their living room when Naruto brings home his latest record of whatever ridiculous tunes he’d found on a mission and insists on inflicting it on them. She’ll watch them and think of Ino and the way they’d been circling each other for months (years, really) and wonder if they might achieve something like this one day.)
Kushina will always remember their wedding vows - “-in this life and the next, and in every life we’ll ever share-” - and it wasn’t particularly profound or intimate, but there had been a weight in them that carried some hidden meaning known only to them, and it had struck a chord in her, especially when she sees them together and once again considers the niggling suspicion at the back of her mind that whispers reincarnation.
The next date she goes on, Minato comes to pick her up, another clumsy bouquet in hand like the ridiculous romantic he is, this time of salvia and mallow and lavender. She sighs and accepts them and doesn’t tell the moron that not all girls are automatically born knowing flower language or even pay much attention to the classes back in the Academy. But she’d bought a book on it after their first date, threatened Inoichi into silence because she knew exactly who Minato was taking flower advice from, and she doesn’t say a word about the album of pressed flowers she’d started ever since Minato started giving them to her.
Hadrian finds out, because of course he does (because Kushina had failed miserably at pressing flowers even with an instruction manual, and Hadrian was the only person she knew who could teach her and wouldn’t laugh at her first, especially when she confesses how she might’ve felt just a little bit guilty for not understanding what Minato was saying with the flowers every time). Hadrian hadn’t laughed, but he’d smiled and told her of the bouquets Orion had given him when they were still courting (that’s another tick in the reincarnation category because Kushina had never once seen either of them give flowers to each other), and how Hadrian had had no idea what they meant either when he’d first received them.
“And I think flowers can just be flowers sometimes,” Hadrian says as they work on Minato’s latest slightly ragged-looking roses. They look like he’d accidentally let an Inuzuka dog chew on the stems. “They smell nice and they look nice, and Minato took the time to get them for you, and you like them. Sometimes, I think that’s enough.”
And if Hadrian can say that and Orion still looks at him like he’s everything he needs in the world, then Kushina thinks he probably knows what he’s talking about. Hadrian usually does.
(Later, on their wedding anniversary, Kushina grins when she spots Hadrian exiting Yamanaka’s Flower Shop with a bouquet of his own, and she makes sure she has a good view of him presenting it to Orion at their favourite restaurant.
The way Orion’s expression goes soft and warm, wrapped in something like wonder - Kushina immortalizes it on camera and makes a mental note to give a copy to Hadrian later.)
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7team7 · 4 years
Choosing Fate: Chapter 6
A spark is lit — but where? // Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
A/N: wow did not expect people to read the long ass authors note in the previous chapter let alone get so many reviews about it, thank you to everyone for your kind words and reassurance!! It means a lot and im very glad people are enjoying this story so far!! I read a tweet describing writing as often lonely and it’s very comforting to have people along for the ride :)
Sakura quickly grew fond of Itachi and Izumi and made it a priority to visit them when she had a spare moment. At first, Sasuke let her go on her own if he was busy, but lately he had also been making it a point to accompany her. She just couldn’t figure that boy out, but she let him be. It was nice to have someone to walk with.
At first, she tiptoed around the subject of children and stuck with an exaggerated concern for their general health. She was the younger brother’s wife, what place did she have to speak of such things anyway?
But Izumi quickly soothed her nerves and made it clear that she valued Sakura’s opinion. She was open with her desire for children, as well as their struggle to conceive. Despite all this, Sakura still felt a little uncomfortable addressing the topic. She also thought the desire for children ran deeply through the Uchiha clan, like an indoctrination. Family seemed to be reduced to bloodline and it gave her chills.
She chose to speak in metaphors, using her background as a farmer’s daughter to carefully conceal the true weight of her words, “If you care for the soil, it will be generous in return. Fertility is…a fickle thing. You can’t force it. You must feed it properly, allow it to breathe. The earth is splendid, but the circumstances matter greatly. Patience is key, not everyone understands how long it takes to bear fruit. But all your hard work will make the reward so much sweeter.”
Izumi nodded slowly at this. “And you’ll help us with this?”
“It would be my pleasure,” Sakura beamed. Anything to feel like she knew her role in this strange clan, to feel needed, to feel useful.
She felt Sasuke’s gaze rest heavily on her while he sipped from his cup of tea.
Like any other morning, Sasuke was packing to go to the market when Sakura hesitantly approached him. “Ah, Sasuke?”
“So..how about the market?”
“What about it?”
She wrung her hands, “Have you considered what I said before? Perhaps I could go to the market with you today? You know, to sell herbs. I’ve gathered quite a few bottles of dried stuff, I think it could fetch a fair price.”
Her husband grunted. He turned away from his bags to face her and pinch his nose, as if at war with his own thoughts. Was it so hard to tell her yes or no? she wondered.
Why did she challenge him so? he wondered.
He finally let out a sigh, “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt. Put your things in here, I can carry it for you.” He opened his bag wider and gestured towards it.
“It’s fine, I can do it myself.”
“They’re not heavy, just add it to my bag.”
“But your bag is full of big, heavy, sharp things that could break my things. I’ll carry my things, you carry yours,” she said with a distinct air of finality.
He shook his head at her satisfied expression; why was she always right?
Even if his father objected to Sakura coming along, she could surely argue (or charm) her way through.
Sasuke instantly regretted bringing Sakura with them. There was something in the air that day, something he didn’t like. He couldn’t help but swing his head around in paranoia as they walked through the rows to find a spot.
Sakura didn’t seem to pick up on it, more excited about being back there than anything else. She had never bought from the Uchihas herself even if her parents probably had, so she was interested to see them in action. She greeted some of the regular vendors, it had really been a while and it was nice to see that even if her life had changed drastically, some things were always the same. She even stopped to ask a familiar fisherman how his family was doing when Sasuke came up behind her and lightly placed his hand on her back, “Sakura.”
“Oh, Sasuke. What is it?” The warmth of his hand felt like it was going to burn a hole through her clothing as he applied more pressure to guide her forward.
“Stay close to me.”
His tone was often serious, but the concern laced in his voice easily convinced her to bid goodbye to the fisherman and continue walking with Sasuke.
“Is something wrong?”
He didn’t answer and only spoke again when they reached an open space to set up. “Here is good, right?” When Fugaku gave a nod of approval they started unpacking. Sakura noticed there were only a few pottery pieces in their selection that day, everything else was a weapon of some sort. Sakura shivered when some of the blades glinted in the sunlight; they really did look well-made — meaning they must be deadly.
Their first customer bought several things at once and the surprise must’ve been evident on their faces because he said gruffly, “Reports of bandits on the roads, crime and the like. Not taking any chances.” He nodded towards Sakura’s herbal offerings, “What’s this?” After hearing her explain some of their uses, he purchased a jar too. “Seriously, not taking any chances.”
What a strange interaction, Sakura thought as the man walked off. Sasuke caught her eye as if to say I told you so. If there really were bandits or something similar, then his intuition was correct. The atmosphere just didn’t seem right.
Several others seemed to have the same idea because more knives were bought up quickly. Just as Fugaku was about to comment on their luck that day, they heard shouting from the other side of the marketplace. It seemed like everyone in the area noticed at the same time, a swell of people looking up and quieting down.
“Don’t think you can get away with stealing!” a shrill voice, presumably a merchant, cried.
“Stealing? This shit belongs to me, everyone in Konoha is a thief. Look around, you can’t think you all just earned this? ” the other man taunted.
“Don’t you dare speak of Konoha like that! You need us far more than we would ever need you!” the merchant spat with distaste.
“Come over here and fight me if you’re so mad!” the man all but roared.
The sound of glass shattering, a scream.
Then all hell broke loose as multiple men started tussling with each other, almost at the same exact time.
Almost as if it was planned that way.
Their crude shouts and pained grunts could be heard all around as they kicked up dust in the melee. They were stationed far enough from the commotion that they weren’t in danger, but Sasuke’s heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest. Looking back on it, Sasuke realized there were clearly a high number of outsiders at the market, as noted by the differences in their clothing. Konoha was no stranger to visitors, but these agitators clearly weren’t there for a vacation.
Before the fight was even broken up, people came around and purchased more of their wares. The largest knives went first. As their selection thinned out, Sasuke decided it would be best to return home. “We’re leaving,” he said tersely, causing Sakura to tear her eyes away from the violence. For once, she decided to listen to him. “Yes,” she said breathily, helping to pack up as well. Fugaku nodded silently, but he was also distracted, uneasy.
The word on the street was that someone who had left Konoha after living there for many years was the one arguing with a merchant. No matter the situation, Sasuke didn’t like the feeling in the air, the feeling gathering in the pit of his stomach, one bit.
“Maybe I can go by myself sometime in the future. I doubt something like that will happen again now that everyone has been alerted.” Sakura tried to pretend like everything was normal, if not to soothe her own nerves, then to soothe Sasuke’s.
“I told you before, it’s not safe.” He couldn’t count on “something like that” not happening again. If anything, it put him on high alert.
“If you’re so worried about me, why don’t you teach me how to fend people off?” She was growing weary of this same argument.
“I wouldn’t want to hurt you.”
“There’s no reason why I can’t accompany you for your own safety.”
“I really can take care of myself, you know.”
“I have no doubts about that. This is for my own peace of mind.” He went a little red at the admission, but it was true. Wasn’t that the role of the husband? To protect the wife? If he failed at that, he would never be able to forgive himself.
But he knew how much she valued her freedom by the way she didn’t give up on this. “Fine, you go everywhere with me. Still, shouldn’t I know something? Maybe I should carry one of those knives we sell?” Being completely reliant on her husband and father-in-law didn’t sit well with her.
“We need to be realistic,” he said as a way of evading the real issue.
“And we can’t live in fear forever. Believe me, I don’t want to think about it, but what if you aren’t there? We should prepare for anything and everything.” Rather than fighting him on this, she spoke softly in an attempt to appeal to the heart that he was revealing to her day by day. He truly seemed worried for her safety.
He contemplated for a while, a troubled look flashing across his fine features. “Sakura…” he finally started slowly, “what about using what you already know?” She wanted to roll her eyes, “I don’t know anything because you haven’t taught me anything.”  
“No, no, that’s not what I meant. If you can heal with all your herbs...wouldn’t you also be able to hurt someone just as easily?”
Fire danced in her eyes; it wasn’t pure Uchiha, it was distinctly Sakura, but it still burned bright.
A/N: Rather plotty sorry but I’m not planning to introduce a lot of the characters who make naruto such a complicated story LOL mostly just ideas and consequences of war and colonization. And even the characters already included will take a back seat as ss start falling in love :P Konoha is the true evil of naruto fr fr and it pisses me off that sss fam has to go through so much for that shit hole so here we are. There will be tension bc think of it as Konoha Sucks but a village like the hidden sound is the one attacking. Again I’m a lazy writer/researcher lmfao so I won’t be getting into the specifics of fertility and real health stuff so reader’s choice, imagine what you please, haha I am no expert
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ @sasuhinamonth || SasuHina Month 2019 || Day Twelve: Angst ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Hyūga Hanako, Uchiha Fugaku ] [ SasuHina, abuse, child abuse ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
“Get out!”
Breath clipping and feet slipping, Sasuke wastes no time in obeying. Barefoot and dressed only in a t-shirt and shorts, he flies out the rear door in a blind panic. Behind him, he can still hear the crashing and yelling as his father flies into a rage. In spurts, his mother and brother speak up, attempting to calm him. Their voices get more desperate the more he disobeys.
Sasuke, however, doesn’t stick around to see how this ends. Having crashed in the rear garden as he made his flight, he struggles to regain his feet, fear giving him only one clear instruction:
It’s early evening, but the village is even darker as rain clouds blot out the sky and unleash torrents of water. The streets are practically empty as most seek shelter from the storm, or scurry to find it. But Sasuke doesn’t think about escaping the weather. The only thing he wants to leave behind right now is home. Tensions have been building between his parents for a while now...and this time, they’ve come to a head.
Part of him feels guilty for running. Like a coward. But Sasuke is scarcely five years old. A child, now caught in the middle of a family crisis. On one hand, his father’s strict and almost harsh regime for his sons. On the other, his mother attempting to waylay it as much as she can for their sakes: to give them at least some semblance of childhood. It started as a minor squabble one night a few months ago. But as time has gone on, and Fugaku’s expectations only grown, he and his wife had butted heads more and more often. She wants to protect her boys, and Fugaku wants to push them to the brink.
...after all...how can they lead a revolution unless his sons are at their peaks?
Much of this, of course, escapes Sasuke’s notice. It’s more Itachi that bears the brunt of the expectations and realizing what’s going on...and why.
But it’s Sasuke that fails in his father’s eyes...and thus gets punished.
Before tonight, he’d never laid a hand on him. There’s been yelling, of course...plenty of that. But when that hand struck across the boy’s face...it was the last straw. Sasuke had fled, his mother flying into a defensive rant that only stoked the patriarch’s temper into an inferno.
Who knows what will be left as ashes come morning…
Arms pumping and breath wheezing, Sasuke just...flees. He doesn’t even know where he’s going, doesn’t know where he can go. It’s not until he nearly crashes into someone that he comes to a stop.
“Oh! Easy there, Uchiha-kun...are you all right?”
Struggling for a moment, he looks up to see a soft face and pale eyes. Holding an umbrella, a woman peers down at him, brow furrowed in worry.
“You’re soaked…! Poor thing...what are you doing out here in this...weather…?” Looking a bit closer, she recognizes him: Mikoto’s younger son, Sasuke. And...is that…?
All at once, Hyūga Hanako reaches several conclusions...and her jaw sets. Still...she doesn’t want to frighten him further. “...here. Why don’t we go sit down, all right? You’re so out of breath, little one! Why don’t we go back to my house, and we’ll get you dried off.” Keeping him at her side, she guides him back to the Hyūga compound and into the main house. “Do you want some tea, dear?”
Sniffling, Sasuke shakes his head. “N...no…”
Hanako watches him thoughtfully. “...well, let’s get you dried off and warmed up. I don’t want you catching a cold!” Despite her rounding belly, she does the task herself, gently toweling him off. “There...that’s better. Here, we’ll go sit at the kotatsu and you can warm up!”
Despite Sasuke’s refusal, she makes a pot of tea anyway, serving him a cup if for nothing else than something warm to hold. “I’ll be right back, Sasuke-kun. You stay here and keep warm.”
Still timid, the boy only nods. For a long minute he’s left alone in the quiet, marveling at the peace in the house. But then, Hanako returns...and with her is a girl about his age.
“This is my daughter Hinata,” the mother explains, gently urging her forward. “I believe she’ll be in the Academy with you when you start! Hinata, this is Uchiha Sasuke. Do you remember him…? You’ve seen him once or twice, hm?”
Looking just as shy as Sasuke, Hinata manages a little bow. “H...hello, Sasuke-kun.”
“I thought she could join us for tea.” Settling at one side of the kotatsu, Hanako smiles as her daughter joins them. And for a time, they sit in a peaceful quiet, Hanako giving small quips to try to urge them both into talking.
...and then there’s a pounding at the front door.
Immediately, Hanako tenses, rising despite the difficulty. And just in time, as Fugaku - ignoring the branch clan members attempting to waylay him - makes his way into the sitting room. A tense silence blooms.
“...Sasuke, we’re going home.”
“He’s not going...anywhere.” Without any further prompting, the mother lets her Byakugan flare, a warning hand held in a defensive position. Behind her, both children flinch back, huddling together instinctively.
“...are you really threatening me?”
“I’m warning you. I saw the bruise. And the tears. This boy will not be going anywhere with you, Uchiha Fugaku. I cannot in good conscience send him back where he was hurt.”
The tension builds until it threatens to smother them. Looking to Hanako, and then the several branch Hyūga behind him, Fugaku’s jaw clenches. “...I’ll be back in the morning,” he growls. “By then you’d better have grown some sense, woman.”
Rather than retort, Hanako watches him go. Then, to a branch Hyūga, she murmurs, “...go find Mikoto and Itachi. If they need shelter, bring them here. I’ll be damned before I let his foolishness get them hurt.”
Once that’s settled, she softens and releases her kekkei genkai, turning somberly to the children. “...I’m sorry if that scared you,” she murmurs, kneeling on the floor and opening her arms. Hinata, without prompting, quickly snuggles up to her mother tearily.
Sasuke, wary for a moment...then breaks down and does the same.
The matriarch holds them close, petting their hair. “It’s all right…”
Twenty minutes later, the branch Hyūga returns...and in their wake are Mikoto and Itachi.
“Kāsan! Nīsan!”
“Hanako, thank the gods you found him,” Mikoto murmurs. “And thank you for -”
The other mother raises a hand. “...not another word about it tonight. I’ll have you put up in the guest quarters. You can stay as long as you need. Forgive the intrusion, but...I’ve heard the rumors…”
Mikoto shakes her head, holding her boys close. “I can’t blame you...surely the yelling’s been noticed by more than just our clan by now. Word spreads. I’m just thankful for a place to...retreat.”
At that, Hanako gives a somber smile. “You’ll always have it, my friend. For now...try to get some sleep. We’ll see what the morning brings. After the rain, the sun will return again.”
“...I hope so…”
     Well, this isn't blatantly shippy, but more...a hint at it? The idea came to me foremost for the prompt. The ship is more in its beginning stages, but at least referenced a bit. Granted, this idea needs more time / development, but I'm rather limited on the former ^^;      That said, I don't actually headcanon Fugaku as abusive. He IS a bit of a poor father given his treatment of his sons, but...that's in an attempt to be a good leader and instigator of a revolution. Such conditions aren't the best for raising kids, sadly =/ But this is more an AU for if he DID take things too far, and Mikoto stood up to him. And Hanako too (the name I typically give Hinata and Hanabi's mother).      Anywho, that's all the steam I've got for this piece! Be back later for my daily - thanks for reading!
23 notes · View notes
:D :D :D “no questions, no lies” + Itachi/Shisui
Soooo this turned into a full-on oneshot. I think this might be the longest thing I’ve written that isn’t abandoned and/or a WIP lmfao. It is 3 am and I just finished this, so it’s probably got mistakes and typos and such. I’ll probably edit this up and re-post this to Ao3 at some point, if I don’t hate it in the morning. I was really tempted to just leave if off on the angst and have it as a maybe hopeful, maybe bleak ending, but I thought I’d be a bit nice, since I know you like HEA lmao. That said, I do think the ending paragraphs with the hopefulness are the weakest/most rushed-feeling bit. I was initially intending to end it just at the last text divider thing. I hope you still like it, though
AU: Time travel, aged up Itachi (he’s probably in his mid teens around the massacre). Probably OOC.
Warnings: Very heavy angst, dark themes. Mentions of suicide/suicidal thoughts, self-worth/self-image issues, general Itachi angst.
Word Count:  ~4,400
Ao3 link: Edited version is up! Read on Ao3 for best experience b/c I keep losing my formatting when I try to paste the updated version in here xAx
Mandatory link to my new ItaShi playlist: here
Fic is below the cut
Shisui took a sudden pause from their frantic dash through the trees, a determined glint in his eyes as he took the opportunity to Shunshin to his cousin’s side, hand reaching forward.
“Itachi… what..?” Shisui gripped Itachi’s shoulder and forcibly stopped him, hauling them both down to the ground as gently as he was able, fixing Sharingan red eyes on the younger man. So much had happened in the past hour that it took him much too long to process things enough to even question what the ever-loving hell had happened, though it did speak for his level of trust in his cousin, as well. Even so, he still didn’t know where to start “What is going on? I… are you hurt? What— what did you do? Why are we running? My eye — how..? Danzō? The-the foundation?”
A face much too old, too tired, too… bereaved, yet reservedly fond in the same way it had been for years gazed back at him, unable to meet his eyes. A familiar stranger.
Strained lines on his face, a voice too deep, too haggard and husky for someone so young, replied, a taint of blood and death on his breath , “…I— I cannot, Shisui, do not ask this of me. Not-not until it is safe for you in Konoha. Do not force me to lie to you. Do not force me to make you forget.” His voice trembled. Trembled. Shisui didn’t want to think too hard into what could have broken Itachi this way. There was no other way Shisui could begin to describe it. At some point, the fragile points in his dear friend had shattered, when he wasn’t looking, and no one was there to pick up the pieces, to soothe the jagged edges. Shisui, busy, perhaps willingly blind, Sasuke too young, his parents too caught up in their troubles… They had failed him, and Shisui had to make it right, regardless of what Itachi seemed to believe of his own actions. There was little that Itachi could do that would turn him away. It kind of hurt to think that the young man didn’t seem to believe so. That he could think so poorly of himself, of their bond. Of him. Shisui refused to even consider that Itachi had, in fact, done something unforgivable. He simply wasn’t that type of person.
“Itachi…” Shisui sighed, and bit his lip when he saw the expression on Itachi’s face, deciding against pushing the issue, for now. He’d just have to do his best to help, without knowing anything beyond what he could read off the familiar stranger’s face.  “… all right, ‘tachi. Just… please. Are you… are you injured? Surely we’re far enough away for me to look you over?” Shisui pressed all the concern and hurt he could into his tone, refusing to feel guilty as he resisted the urge to rub his still-throbbing eye, the one that Itachi had re-implanted not half an hour ago.
He had lost time, waking up in a cave with Itachi by his side some time after falling into the water, impact shocking his body like a block of ice. (In another world, another time, Shisui had given a final, parting gift to Itachi before falling to his death. Itachi had refused to allow it, not again.)
His right eye had been aching when he bolted into consciousness, but was most definitely there behind the careful wrapping around his head. Itachi was hovering above him, but oddly unable to meet his uncovered eye. Things had been… odd with Itachi for the past week, he was even more reclusive than normal. He’d just surmounted it to the tough situation they’d found themselves in, and that it could wait for a more opportune time, that they could talk about it later. Evidently, that had been a mistake. Itachi had an expression he’d wished to never see on his face., body language defeated and weary.
Itachi passed him a water skin after he was certain his cousin was able to sit up on his own before he spoke. Or attempted to. A violent cough echoed through the space as Itachi turned away, taking a moment before he spoke again in a deep, raspy tone ,”We have to go, as soon as you’re able. You need to finish healing, but… it’s not safe here”.
Itachi looked away, seeming hesitant, before rasping “I will manage. They only scraped me. I need rest, but no more than you do. There’s a place we can hide out for a while not too far from here, abandoned by Orochimaru long ago. It still has protections that will serve us well once I get us past them…”
“…I don’t like this, Itachi. You should know you can confide in me by now, surely. I won’t press, but you should know, I’ll always be here for you, on your side. You know that, surely, especially with what’s been going on recently. I hate to see you hurting like this… I hate that you think you have to hide from me, that you’ve been hiding for weeks, if not longer. Let me help you”, Shisui responded in a rushed breath, pained. As always, the words Let me love you remained almost reluctantly unsaid, a painful lump in his throat.
If anything, Itachi looked even more broken and… guilty by that admission, his bloodshot eyes looking even less focused than they had been the entire all-too-hectic night. “No questions, no lies, Shisui”, was all that he managed to that, his eyes moist to accompany his broken tone.
Damn you. Damn you Itachi, and damn your martyr complex. You’re killing yourself, I know it. Damn your parents, for forcing your pacifistic ass into Anbu. Damn this world for being so unfair., for not allowing someone so inherently pure and wonderful, someone with so much to give to live without tarnishing his hands and soul. Without being forced into hating himself for what he’d had to do.
Shisui fought back the words from surfacing, fingers digging into Itachi’s shoulder unkindly, before he forced a nod. Something about Itachi’s almost-amused huff, the most he’d seemed like himself in much too long, told him that the younger man had picked up on at least some of the things that went unsaid. Shisui wouldn’t have been surprised if he had. For all his lack of social grace, at times, Itachi was still a genius, and they had had at least one or two conversations of a similar nature in the past.
“Lead the way”, he finally managed, giving up on meeting Itachi’s gaze in the silence. Whatever was going on, whatever had happened, he’d help Itachi. He wouldn’t allow the man he loved resign himself to… his hatred..? He was making a tactical retreat on the issue, though he would never give up. He’d just have to combine his years of reading Itachi, his experience with his ability to subtly needle Fugaku into spilling sensitive information. Shisui was determined. He would bring back Itachi from the precipice or no return he was wavering on, regardless of whether it was partially on purpose.
Shisui had been in this abandoned lab for… a week and a half, he supposed. For all that Itachi had claimed to need rest, he had disappeared that first morning, some time before he’d woken up. Needless to say, that really put a damper on his plans to figure out what the damn hell was going on, how Itachi was holding up with his illness… That period of time had been filled with high amounts of stress, anxiety and concern. Itachi had left him supplies, and a brief note to stay put as he ‘needed to take care of some urgent business’ and ‘there was no need to worry’ and ‘he’d be back as soon as he was able’. Even so, even having no clue where Itachi could have gone, that this was the most likely place for them to intersect again. Shisui was ready to tear his hair out, and just fucking bolt in search for his wayward cousin. In fact, he was making his way out of the hideout when he spotted the limping, battered Itachi.
He inhaled sharply, dropping everything before he Shunshined to Itachi’s side, carefully manoeuvring him onto the only bed in decent repair in the lab as he looked the younger man over. Itachi was… unwell would be the understatement of the century. Shisui felt numb as he tried to figure out the best course of action, his fingers already shining with the green of healing chakra. While hardly the most skilled, Shisui had very good chakra control, as was a necessity for his mastery of Shunshin, and he was able to substitute for a field medic in a pinch.
It had been concerningly touch-and-go for far too long as Shisui worked, Itachi fading in and out of consciousness. For his poor condition, Shisui found it very concerning that he could trace little back little of the damage to any external injuries, hoping that it was simply his lack of experience that prevented him from determining the cause of the internal damage, the blood building up in both lungs, despite no apparent evidence of a puncture.
Shisui had been wiping the bloody tear-like streaks caked on Itachi’s face when he finally awoke, after hours of too-hesitant chakra manipulated healing. “Oh, thank the Sage. Itachi, you’ve worried me sick. Haven’t I told you not to vanish on me..? I’ve had over a week to think all this over… nothing to do but think, really. And I still don’t understand what you think could be so horrible that you’ve been hiding it from me. I would never turn my back on you, I swear it. I lo— You mean the world to me, you’re family. I just want you to heal, you’ve been hurt, and I don’t know why or how, but I’ll make it better.”
Itachi seemed overwhelmed, and strangely pained at the barrage of words, as if they were poised to cut and maim, rather than reassure. Disoriented from just waking up, he hesitated for several beats too long, long enough that Shisui finally had hope for the first time in over a week that things would truly be okay. They weren’t, though. Itachi clammed up, the moment he realised they’d made eye contact, and he flinched away, like a kicked puppy,. He stiffly sat up, reaching into his tattered robes, as-if to retrieve something, “Before anything else, it is safe to return to Konoha, now. However, perhaps, more importantly, I… I am so, so sorry, Shisui. No questions, n—“
“Damn you, Itachi, damn you!” Shisui snarled, tears of irrational anger burning down his face as he made to box Itachi in the ear, only to stare in stunned, pained disbelief as the man he loved dispersed into a flock of crows, leaving behind only a scroll, and a whisper of I’m sorry. Not even a vague imprint of his chakra remained in the air. It felt like a goodbye, like an ‘I’ve done what I need to, and now I’m ready to die’. It felt like a ‘don’t look for me’, it felt like a betrayal of trust. It was a visceral, incomparable pain.
An inhuman noise tore its way from Shisui’s chest as he collapsed on the bedding that would forever be marked by Itachi’s sweat and blood, unable to do or feel anything beyond the hurt, pain, concern, worry, fear, anger, desperation.
It was probably hours later that Shisui finally hauled himself into a sitting position, though it had felt like an immeasurable eternity. He was stiff and sore, face sticky and sore from crying, eyes burning from a Mangekyō he wasn’t able to de-activate. He tugged at his own hair, hoping the sharp stabbing pain would distract from the ache in his soul, and forced his attention onto the scroll, laying deceptively innocent, now on the floor.
Shisui hesitated for a few moments, biting his lower lip raw, before lifting the scroll, and rolling it open. A familiar seal greeted him, and a pang, somehow deeper and more painful than the pervasive ache, struck him. He brought a thumb up to his raw, sluggishly bleeding lip, and smudged it onto the base of the seal, speaking in a broken, stuffed up tone, wavering, “No questions, no lies”. The familiar feeling of Itachi’s chakra caressed him for a moment before vanishing, leaving him with a sheaf of papers, neatly bound, and another, smaller, yet more intricate seal that he didn’t recognise. Setting it aside, after a cursory glance, he turned his gaze to familiar, if rushed handwriting, feeling himself go strangely numb, the further he read, starting to shed tears he thought he no longer had.
Shisui. Shi-nii… Shi-chan…
I hope you find this legible, as my sight has been fading as quickly as my health, as of late.
Oh, Sage. I do not know where to start. Much as I hope my letter finds you well, that you will not despair over one as undeserving as I, I know better than to hope. And for that, I am sincerely sorry. I am so very sorry, for so many things. Alas, I am too much of a coward, too selfish, too tired, too torn, to have the strength to face you as I share the deepest trenches where my soul used to reside.
Until then, please, allow me one last bit of completely unfair, harmful selfishness. Much as someone as you is undeserving of my taint, I love you. I still love you, even though I shouldn’t, after all I’ve done. I no longer deserve to, and yet. And yet. I loved you ever since we were small children, though I suppose it was different, back then. You were ‘just’ family. ‘Just’ my big brother. You did so much for me, you not only put the effort forward to understand, but you actually did. It meant the world to me, back then, when I could not express myself to save my life. I still do, now, no matter how needlessly difficult it had made the past few weeks, hiding my darkness from you. Time passes for all of us, however, and, well, over the years, you grew to mean so very much more to me. I think I realised that night, on the roof, under the stars… I am still deeply mournful I was unable to tell you before I was no longer worthy of earning your love.
Before I delve into the brunt of this retelling, please know, none of the blame is with you. It is my choices, and the choices of people beyond our control that have led to this. None the less, I have done things that are unforgivable, and that I wish not to taint anybody else with. I know that you’d try to forgive me, spin my actions in a way they are redeemable, but I know better. I don’t wish for you to taint yourself, your morals, your soul, with forgiving such a creature as I. You were my heart once, and I do not wish to force you down such a dark path. I must be cruel once more here, my heart. Please care for Sasuke, like you once did for me. With my actions over the past month, he will be having a very tough time.
The brief of it, well. I am from the future. One where I did many unforgivable things. One where I massacred our entire clan, save Sasuke, after you fell down a cliff, eyeless, and drowned. One where I forced my brother into madness to gain enough strength to kill me. I will not try to excuse or explain myself, lest I manage to make you see myself and my actions in a brighter light than I deserve. I have sealed my most important memories of the years that should never again come to pass in that scroll. You can activate it the same way you did my storage seal.
It contains memories of our clan, of my time as a missing-nin with a rebel group, of the upcoming war. I have dealt with Madara, and inhibited Zetsu’s plans to the best of my abilities, so you have time. Once again, I am sorry to push this on your shoulders, dear heart, for I am cruel. You are the only I can trust to take action. Please, don’t make the same mistakes as I. Don’t go it alone.
Ever since I had returned, into my younger body, around a month ago (I am still uncertain as to how it happened. One moment, I was dying to Sasuke’s hands, the next, waking up in the compound), I put forward my best efforts in an attempt to even slightly redeem myself, to prevent the darkest happenings of the future in any way I can. Danzō is dead, as are my father and many of the elders. The details I have also enclosed in the scroll.
As I’m sure you’ve been picking up on, I have not been completely well for some time. At this age, I already had the early signs of my illness, though I was not aware of it, at the time. The deterioration seems to be occurring faster in this timeline, than originally. My organs are under strain, my eyes failing, both from illness and Mangekyō use. Even if I were not tainted beyond saving, beyond redemption, I would not want others to see me like this, make them suffer for me. Much as I acknowledge what I am doing to you is unforgivably cruel, I hope you can begin to understand my reasons. Please be well.
I have left to die, Shisui, do not search for me. I do not deserve your forgiveness, I do not deserve healing. Please. Move on from this, be happy. That is the best thing you could ever do for me, dear heart.
With all my sincerest apologies and remaining soul,
It had been just a fortnight since Itachi had vanished, and plans were very well underway for the future, based on the memories Itachi had left. After all, a determined Shisui was a productive Shisui, almost scarily so. Many of the pitfalls of Itachi’s future were unlikely to come to pass with all their contingency plans, upon contingency plans. It doubtlessly helped that many of the key players were dead, or had changed allegiance.
Many, including Shisui, himself, were angry with Itachi, but not for the reason the man himself likely thought. Shisui was so very unexplainably hurt by Itachi’s choice to leave, much as he understood it, in a way. He hated the fact that the man had been so hurt, so consumed by the family madness by the time he returned, that he no longer put any stock in himself, causing to push everyone who cared about him away, feeling undeserving. Unthinking of the harm he was doing to those that found him dear. They would have much to talk through, much to heal, the both of them, but for all his hurt, he couldn’t blame Itachi. And he found it even more painful that the young man had thought his actions irredeemable and unforgivable, considering his forced hand, and less-than-sane mental state at the time of many of these choices. He just wanted to wrap up the man in a stifling hug, and never let him go. It ached. He refused to think about the possibility of Itachi already being gone, of it being too late. He hoped that Itachi felt the need to resolve more things before death caught up with him, that he hadn’t killed himself, or just laid down to die somewhere.
He’d managed to convince Tsunade to return, for all she claimed it was temporary. Hiruzen was hoping to convince her to take over the hat, but that was hardly Shisui’s main concern — she had agreed she’d tend to Itachi, if— when they found him. While she couldn’t promise anything, due to the unreliable nature of the details Shisui had told her, she was convinced she could reverse most, if not all of the damage, if it hadn’t tipped over to the point of no return.
Shisui had gathered the best tracking teams in Konoha, and they were finally ready to depart. Each person had a Hiraishin seal, and access to a messenger summon so that Shisui and Tsunade could appear on location as soon as Itachi was found, and get him stabilised, and to Konoha as soon as possible.
Hiruzen felt a great deal of guilt over the Uchiha, and Itachi’s fathe, specifically, both in the man’a original timeline, and this time around, which allowed Shisui to press a lot more than he would have been able to otherwise, considering the differences in their station. This allowed him access to the forbidden scroll of the village, allowing him to learn the technique for near-instantaneous travel created by the Nidaime Hokage.
And here they were, setting out, two weeks after he’d last seen Itachi, the moment the situation was stabilised, and he felt confident enough in his new Jutsu. Much as he had been antsy to leave in pursuit immediately, he knew it would have done little good without any ability to help Itachi, considering he had little clue of his condition. Shunshin was amazingly useful, but it could cover only so much distance, and was very rough on passengers. Not to mention that his healing would only go so far.
Shisui was determined, hopeful as he watched the teams quickly advancing through the forest. There was no way the greatest trackers in Konoha, supported by Jiraiya’s lauded spy network would be unable to find Itachi. If he was still out there, he’d be brought back, no doubt about it.
If. Oh Sage. No, no, no, he had to still be alive, right? Such a bright flame couldn’t go out without any noticeable change to the world, surely. He had to still be alive.
Shisui startled as a gentle hand rested on his shoulder, squeezing reassuringly. Tsunade didn’t offer any empty platitudes, but her steady presence helped settle his spirit. He wouldn’t allow himself to wallow in despair at what if. He had to have hope, especially when Itachi didn’t.
The next time Shisui saw Itachi, he was… in surprisingly good shape, considering his state the last time he’d seen the man, though much too pale, his face worn.
According to Kakashi, he seemed in the middle of tracking someone, who he’d later found out was Black Zetsu, before he found himself restrained by Konoha-nin. While initially panicked, and intent on escaping, Kakashi ended up talking him down, after he convinced his team to leave them to chat. While not as close as Shisui and Itachi, Kakashi had played an important role in Itachi’s life after he’d entered Anbu, as he’d been the young Uchiha’s commanding officer. Being similar in many ways, as well, had helped them bond. In the time that it took for Kakashi’s ninken to deliver the go-ahead to Shisui, Kakashi explained what had been happening ever since ‘his little vanishing act’, and started to explain why Itachi was wrong for believing he was unforgivable and irredeemable for his actions.
While Itachi was visibly reluctant to agree with Kakashi’s words, he was listening, and it was oddly plain to see that he was starting to take the words to heart. Kakashi had imagined it helped that he was notoriously allergic to feelings and speaking honestly, and that he’d shared some of his own deep wounds and failings. My actions aren’t unforgivable, according to you. Your situation isn’t much different than mine. What makes you so tainted? Learn to forgive yourself, kid.
Itachi leapt to his feet the moment he felt Shisui’s chakra signature, seemingly uncertain for a moment whether he wanted to bolt away from, or to Shisui. His innate impulse, built over many years took over, however, and he Shunshined straight into his cousin, following him in his fall to the ground. He clung tightly to the feeling of warmth, safety, home, for the first time in a long time not pausing to question if he deserved it. Silent tears trailed down Itachi’s face as his half-blind eyes met Shisui’s, willingly, for the first time, ever since he’d returned from the future, “I— I’m so very sorry, Shisui. I have caused you so much —“
“Oh, shut the fuck up, you utter dingbat”, Shisui near-sobbed into Itachi’s shoulder. “I can’t believe you thought, for a moment, you didn’t deserve me, that you deserved to die in a ditch somewhere. I fucking love you, too! Did my feelings not matter in this..? If you dared die, I’d have found a way to bring you back, just to kill you myself. You… you…. I’m so happy and relieved you’re okay… I just… you… we have a lot to talk about, but please. You deserve to live, and heal. Please, at least, try for me, even if you don’t think you deserve it for yourself yet”.
Itachi shifted over the sniffling Shisui so that the man was positioned in his lap, happy to note that Kakashi and Tsunade had chosen to give them some privacy. He paused, looking at Shisui’s face, and, once he was certain of his welcome, kissed the corner of the other man’s mouth, before pressing their foreheads together. “For you, anything. I have not been in my right mind for a long time now, as you probably know by now. But, after a long conversation with Kakashi, and some searching in myself, I know I should trust in you, if nothing else. If you believe I’m worth saving, I will try my hardest. I love you, and you are my heart, have been for a very long time. I will endeavour to never hurt you again in this way that I have. I pushed you away for one of the things I love most about you, and for that, I will do my best to earn your forgiveness.”
Tsunade, Kakashi, and the rest of the tracking group found the two half an hour later, exchanging soft words and gentle kisses, reluctant to be more than an inch apart at any given moment. They were already starting to heal, as they affirmed themselves, their relationship, in one another, though it would take time for the cracks in their souls to be filled with gold, making something different, yet just as beautiful as it once was. Together.
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mimi-love-4ever · 6 years
SasuSaku Month 2018 - Day 12: Dinner Rating: T+ (Some language) Context: Non-massacre AU A/N: Thank you for reading and I hope you like it!  
From the minute she woke up, rushed to the bathroom once she realized she had forgotten to set her alarm the previous night and tripped over a pair of shoes, Sakura knew it was going to be one of those days. She jumped into the shower and got a face full of freezing cold water, to which she proceeded to choke on for a couple of seconds. Snatching whatever she could find, she dressed quickly and flew out the window of her bedroom and headed straight to the hospital for her shift that actually started 15 minutes ago. She prided herself on her punctuality - for she had to have an unblemished record thanks to the irritating Council members that were looking for any excuse to discredit her status as Chief Doctor at the Children’s Clinic. One mistake, one slip up, could cost her everything she had worked so hard for.
Needless to say, she was given a stern lecture from one of the old fossils and handed a mountain of folders that had to be filled and dated by the end of her shift. She scoffed and made her way to her office with a large damper on her mood. Sakura had pulled a double shift the day before and had only achieved four precious hours of sleeps, so her patience was running dangerously low. One small mercy, however, was that she had no scheduled patients to see and if there were no village threatening crisis on the horizon, she’d be able to hide in her office.
An hour into staring at tiny letters on various pieces of paper, Sakura felt the beginnings of a migraine lurking at the back of her head. She set the papers down and was about to go in search of a fresh cup of coffee when a soft knock tapped against the door.
Please, don’t let it be anyone important, Sakura prayed. “Come in.”
Beautiful, silk black hair was the first thing she noticed poking through as the door opened slowly. The second was the warm smiling face of Mikoto Uchiha. Sakura stood up quickly, patting down her clothing slightly in hopes of looking more presentable, and walked around her desk.
“Saku-chan,” Mikoto greeted her. She hugged Sakura lovingly. “I’m so glad I was able to catch you. You’re always busy.”
“Hello Mikoto,” Sakura greeted her back, smiling in return.
“Honestly, they’re working you to the bone, my dear,” frowned Mikoto. “Sasuke’s been telling me about your endless amount of shifts and side missions. Those old coots don’t even leave you time to have dinner with your boyfriend’s parents. Quite rude, if I say so myself.”
Sakura stared at her puzzled. While it was true that she’d been pulling a couple of double shifts here and there, she hadn’t had a mission in months now at the request of the Hokage. Something about needing her skills more at home than in a simple mission abroad. Her puzzlement gave way to just a tiny bit of anger. Sakura never thought she’d see the day when Sasuke would willingly lie to his mother, but did he have to get her involved?
In a split second decision, she opted from calling out his lie and went along with whatever Mikoto was saying. She stored every piece of information and started plotting ways to make Sasuke cave and explain this whole mess to her before she really became angry. She couldn’t deny that she was curious, though.
“Please do say you’ll come for dinner tonight, Saku-chan?” Mikoto asked with a tiny pout. “Fugaku and Itachi actually have a day off today, so they would love to see you too!”
When it came right down to it, Sakura couldn’t refuse Mikoto any more than she could refuse petting a puppy. This woman treated her like a daughter, more so ever since she and Sasuke had made their relationship official a year ago.
“Of course, I’ll come,” smiled Sakura. “You know I can’t refuse your cooking.”
Mikoto laughed gleefully and patted her cheek. “You’re such a sweetheart, Sakura. My son better not let you go or I’ll never speak to him again.”
Sakura blushed and let out a rather embarrassed laugh. “The things you say, Mikoto.”
“I’m just telling the truth,” she grinned. “Dinner should be ready by six, so come by around 6:30, okay? Alright, I better get going and let you go back to work.”
“I’ll be there,” Sakura assured her.
“I can’t wait.” Mikoto pecked her cheek and gave her a hug before leaving the office.  
Work completely forgotten, Sakura plopped back into her chair trying to figure out why Sasuke would say those things to his mother. She’s been having dinner with them once every month for years now, even before getting together with Sasuke, since they were part of the same genin squad. It’s been two months since she’s been at the Uchiha Compound due to her lately hectic schedule. She’d asked Sasuke to send her sincerest apologies to his family and he’d always tell her that it was okay. Thinking about it now, she wondered what else Sasuke had been lying about. That thought alone unsettled her. She’d never had doubts about him before and he was as honest as they came.
“What the hell’s going on, Sasuke-kun?” Sakura asked herself, temper flaring.
Her thoughts were put on hold, however, as a nurse came flying into her office and announced in a panicked voice that a small team of ANBU had been brought it with severe injuries. She was the only one on staff that had the clearance to work with ANBU and was therefore ushered away.
Sakura spent seven grueling hours in surgery fixing and mending each one of them. She wasn’t sure if it was luck or skill that kept any of them from dying on her surgery table, but she was grateful nonetheless as she finally stripped her bloody gloves off. Shizune had stepped in to help with the post-op and sent her with strict orders to go lay down. Sakura stumbled out of the ICU and miraculously made it back to her office without passing out. She crashed on her couch and clenched her eyes tight as an overwhelming wave of nausea rolled over her due to chakra depletion. She allowed herself a couple of minutes to try and even out her labored breathing. When she finally opened her eyes, she shot up from the couch with a curse.
6:24 pm.
She shrugged out of her lab coat and rushed towards the mirror behind her desk to check her reflection. A groan of misery slipped past her lips as she caught sight of herself and ran her fingers through her hair in an attempt to make it presentable. In the end she simply swept it up in a ponytail, threw her coat on and ran out of there. She refused to miss this dinner. Sakura arrived at the Uchiha compound almost fifteen minutes later, cursing up a storm as her chakra failed her so she ended up walking there. It also didn’t help that various Uchiha had tried stopping her on the way to make conversation with her or to greet her, making her even more late since she couldn’t just blow them off either. She knocked politely at the front door and took a couple of seconds to pat down her clothing to rid it of any wrinkles.
The door opened revealing Itachi, who frowned as soon as he saw her. His observant eyes took in her appearance and exhausted body posture. Not to mention her dangerously low chakra levels.
“I’m so sorry I’m late,” she apologized.
“There’s no need to worry, Sakura,” he assured her and welcomed her in. “Mother ran a bit late and we were just about to sit down. Come in.”
Itachi took her coat and led her towards the dining room where Fugaku sat at the head of the table flipping through a couple of files unbothered. She was about to greet him when Sasuke walked in from the kitchen carrying a plate of food, but froze as soon as he saw her.
“Sakura?” He looked at her confused.
Mikoto walked in right behind her son carrying another plate of food and smiled when she saw her. “Ah, Sakura! I was about to think you couldn’t make it, dear.”
“You invited her, kaa-san?” Sasuke asked his mother, his tone almost sounded accusing to Sakura. A flash of hurt stabbed her heart as she realized that maybe he didn’t want her there. She raced through her memories trying to find if she did something wrong, anything to warrant this kind of behavior towards her.
“Well, why ever not?” Mikoto pouted as she set the food plate down and placed her hands on her hips in a challenging manner. “You said tonight was a special dinner and Sakura-chan is important to this family.”
Sasuke set his own food plate down on the table. “I never said she wasn’t important. I only wanted a dinner with just us.”
“Sasuke, explain yourself,” Fugaku frowned at his son’s unusual behavior. He didn’t fail to see the hurt in Sakura’s eyes and frowned further.
“I-I should probably go,” Sakura spoke up sadly. She didn’t know what was going on with her boyfriend, but if he didn’t want her there then she wasn’t going to overstay her welcome. “I didn’t mean to interrupt your plans, Sasuke. I’m sorry.” She started to head towards the front door.
Mikoto turned to her youngest son, angry. “Sasuke, what’s wrong with you?”
“That is no way to treat your girlfriend, little brother,” Itachi chastised him.
Sasuke watched Sakura walk away with slumped shoulders in a defeated manner and felt angry with himself. He tried running to her, but his family was in his way and scolding him. Fed up with the situation, he sighed in irritation.
“I’m going to marry Sakura!” He shouted, effectively shutting up his family. Sakura froze on the threshold of the dining room then whirled around, staring at him in shock. “The reason why I wanted this dinner with you three was to let you know of my intention to ask Sakura to marry me.”
There was a tense silence before Mikoto broke out in a high pitched squeal and hugged Fugaku in happiness. Itachi shook his head at his brother’s mess of a situation, but couldn’t be happier. Sakura, on the other hand, was still in shock. The words marry Sakura were swirling around in her head over and over until reality set in. Her breath caught in her throat and the world around her turned black.
Sasuke felt her practically non-existent chakra flare in response a second before she passed out and flash stepped just in time to catch her. He cradled her against his chest tenderly
“Honey, we need to work on your proposal,” Mikoto said, worriedly.
“Yeah, you might actually end up killing from shock next time,” Itachi retorted with a chuckle. “Wait until Izumi and Shisui get wind of this.”
Sasuke glared at his brother and hissed. “Shut it.”
“Izumi and Shisui? You mean, wait until Tsunade hears you rendered her precious student unconscious,” Fugaku added in with the slightest hint of a teasing tone.
“I’m never having dinner with you guys again.” Sasuke picked up his girlfriend gently and headed to his room. He could have sworn he heard laughter coming from downstairs as he closed his bedroom door.
He barely lay Sakura down on his bed when she groaned softly and her eyes fluttered open. She blinked a couple of times to chase away the lightheadedness and focused on Sasuke’s worried face. Sakura was struck with how handsome he looked that she almost forgot about what just happened. Almost. Her hand closed into a fist in anger and punched him on the shoulder, hard.
“What the fuck?” Sasuke swore as he grabbed her wrist to stop her from hitting him again. His shoulder throbbed painfully.
“That’s for lying to your mother and to me, you jerk,” Sakura glared at him.
Sasuke sighed in defeat, letting go of her wrist. He reached down and stroked her cheek. “I’m sorry. I went about this the wrong way.”
“Hmph.” Sakura pouted, turning her head away and stared at the wall instead of his intense obsidian eyes that nearly had her forgetting what she was mad about.
“Sakura,” he smirked at her. “Do you know how long I’ve been planning this? I’ve been having dinner with your parents for the past two months.”
“What?” Sakura snapped her attention back to him in shock.
“Your parents are incredibly protective of their only child and it took a lot of talking to get their blessing, especially your mother,” Sasuke replied. “I meant to voice my intentions to my family tonight, so they can let the clan heads know that I’m not marrying anyone else.”
“Oh, Sasuke-kun…” Her eyes filled with tears as her heart filled with joy at his words. While most of the Uchiha clan had readily accepted her, there were some that did not approve of Fugaku’s second heir - yet heir nonetheless - having a relationship with an ‘outsider’, even one as distinguished as her.
Sasuke let out a small smile and slipped down on the bed next to her. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against him tightly, and hid his face in her hair. Her familiar scent washed over him and erased all the troubles he was carrying on his shoulders.
“I love you, Sakura,” he whispered against her neck so lowly she almost missed it. “I want you to be my wife… if you’ll have me as your husband.”
Sakura shivered, her heart racing. She turned her head until she caught sight of the eyes she loved so much. The emotions brimming in his eyes left no room for doubt. They were honest and made her feel incredibly loved. Without another thought, she reached up to grab a fistful of his hair and pulled him down until their lips met in a flurry of passion.
“My family’s waiting downstairs,” Sasuke mumbled against her soft lips.
“Then you better be quiet,” Sakura mumbled back seductively and tugged on his hair roughly just the way she knew he liked it. The groan that reverberated in his chest was all the response she needed.
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Sasuke and Sarada VS Sasuke and Fugaku: RE: “Sasuke should know better/be a more attentive parent, he had a family!”
Or “Why it’s not the same,” an essay by me.
I’ve seen the arguments. They’ve been there since 2015, when Gaiden was fresh and new and we all learned Sasuke hadn’t seen his daughter since she was born. How could he? How could a man so torn by having his birth family ripped from not even deem to see his own flesh and blood for twelve long years?
Well, I could end it right here and say it’s because the family was forced upon him instead of him choosing to settle and have children when he was ready, but okay, let’s go a little deeper, because this also has to do with the translations of the new novel I’ve seen.  But now both sides are arguing that Sasuke somehow has no room to be an inattentive/absent father. And man, does this ignore a lot of things that have happened to Sasuke as well as the exact nature of the relationship with his own Father as opposed to his current relationship with Sarada.
First of all, there are some things to keep in mind that I have seen repeated elsewhere but I feel the need to repeat them again.
Sasuke had his family killed as a small child.
Sasuke wasn’t a parent. He was a child. He was seven. Children aren’t done forming social bonds yet and suddenly, he was all alone.
The dynamic of the OG Uchiha family wasn’t perfect and serene, and Sasuke was going through a self-esteem struggle when his family was killed.
There was the looming threat of Danzo and the village. The clan pressuring Fugaku to take action. Fugaku and Itachi not Seeing Eye to eye. Sasuke felt ignored and not strong enough to get his Father’s attention. And when he began getting his Father’s attention, he was suddenly told not to follow Itachi (like he had been before) and to take a different path. He’s confused.
Sasuke feels that his “conflict” with his Father was posthumously resolved.
It’s kind of hard to continue to feel neglected/ignored by your own Father when he dies. Sasuke was never allowed the ability to fully process this, and he never gets to speak to his Father personally again. Now, before anyone gets the wrong idea, this isn’t an anti Fugaku post, Fugaku had his own problems that resulted in the conflict and neglect of his two sons and there’s nothing we can really do about that. It wasn’t done on purpose or maliciously.
But what happens to Sasuke here is that he forces a resolution by himself. His Father’s a victim now. His Father died, Sasuke would feel like shit if he tried to put any sort of blame/wrongdoing on his late Father’s part.
Add in Itachi’s memory of Fugaku asking Itachi to take care of Sasuke? There just isn’t any room in Sasuke’s mind to even begin to accept the notion that his Father did him any sort of harm. You could say it to his face and he would get pissed at you. How dare you? He died for me. Etc. So on.
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Note how, in this snippet, it isn’t Sasuke who compares his situation with Sarada to that of Fugaku…..it’s Sakura. (How she knows is a different question, but…) If Sasuke should already know better because he’s the one with the family why is it Sakura who’s telling him “this is exactly like the problems you had with your Father”?  
And this brings us to point B: Sasuke already is using his actual feelings RE his Father in regards to Sarada. Sasuke would, and has, twice, (perhaps once in the novel since it’s not clear if this is post  boruto movie or pre, but it will be twice if pre), used his body as a shield and stood in harm’s way for her. This is how he shows he cares, even if it doesn’t translate in that exact way to Sarada. He would, if it meant she would survive, lay his life down for her. Like his Father did to him.
But yes, look, I understand. Sasuke does value family. You guys aren’t wrong here. But all of your complaints fail to understand that this family was forced upon him. Did we all forget that Naruto and Sakura have been trying to drill it in Sasuke for the longest time that all he needs is “love uwu” and a new family to replace the one he lost and things will be “fine”?  A relationship and a child do not function as therapy. I am happy that the writing reflects this even if it’s not word for word. He disassociates. He struggles. This was a “rebound”, something new to fix something he lost and had not had the proper time or help to process and move on from. It was a rebound other people said he needed.
No one should be surprised he’s struggling. He’s not out-of-character. He is a product of his loss at seven, at his loss at seventeen years old and everything people have been teaching him since then. He’s had his ability to trust in his own decisions when it comes to domestic/family matters seriously degraded, and no, it will never be the author’s fault.
Blame Naruto and Sakura. Don’t be cheap and blame an author who at least has enough respect to not pretend Sasuke is fine.
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pain-somnia · 6 years
A Gift From The Universe [8/?]
Day’s Note: here’s the next update. please let me know if the Keep Reading function doesn’t work so I can delete the post as soon as possible. I don’t want this to crash anyone’s app. Just be honest with me if it does or not and I’ll find another way to post it. Ramadan Mubarak everyone!
first chapter | previous chapter | next chapter
Chapter Eight: Bell Test
Mikoto was ready at the genkan when Fugaku came home. It didn’t matter how late he came, she was always there to greet him.
It was one of those things that carried over from when they were younger. Mikoto always knew where he was and he wouldn’t be aware of her presence until she wanted him to be.
His wife always left him flustered whether she was his genin admirer that somehow snuck around his defenses or his jōnin retired wife simply assisting him in shedding his attire of the day.
“Bad day?” Mikoto murmured, delicate fingers massaging the back of his neck.
“Are the boys sleeping?”
“Shisui picked up Itachi for an overnight mission earlier and Sasuke is asleep. He has an early start tomorrow. Training with Hatake Kakashi.”
Fugaku grunted. Uchiha did not became jōnin instructors which was unfortunate considering Izumi had asked permission to apply if she were to be promoted. Kakashi had the sharingan and was the teammate to an Uchiha and would be able to help Sasuke if he were to obtain it while away on a mission.
“Hatake never struck me as the type to become a teacher.”
Fugaku followed Mikoto towards their kitchen. She wouldn’t let him rest until he was well fed and then bathed.
“I believe Obito said that the Yondaime thought it would be good for him.”
“And yet it’s not something he offered to Obito now is it? Not something he thought would be good for him?”
Mikoto kneeled by her husband and kneaded his shoulders.
“I’m sure Minato understands that Obito has his hands full with Madara-sama.” Mikoto rose from her seat and with a soft sigh she prepared a fresh pot of tea. “He does speak to his old sensei quite often.”
“How is Madara-sama?” Fugaku took the tea his wife offered and held onto her hand, guiding her to take her seat by him again. “He didn’t give you any trouble today did he?”
“Not much has changed. He had another moment of clarity but it didn’t last long.” Mikoto rest her head against his shoulder. “He thought I was his mother.”
“And he believes Sasuke is his younger brother Izuna.”
Fugaku rubbed his eye with the heel of his hand. Things were really getting to be more stressful than he originally thought they would be.
He was fortunate to have his wife and Obito caring for Madara. The former clan head was more than he could handle with his already busy schedule.
There was a divide in the clan when it came to Uchiha Madara. There were those who believed he still threatened their peaceful life in the village and then there were those who believed it would be wrong to euthanize the man and that he should be allowed to reach the end of his life naturally. And then there were the small few that believed it would be akin to blasphemy of them to kill off the only remaining pure blood Uchiha.
Despite what everyone believed, the Uchiha━unlike the Hyūga━were not a clan of blood purists. The clan had survived and remained as large as it was by intermingling with the smaller clans that followed them. Long before the Uchiha co-founded Konoha, their loyal bannermen abandoned their old names and were allowed to take that of the Uchiha.
They married amongst each other, finding love within their clan, although the ones with the most claim to Uchiha blood believed themselves superior.
Though there were none above the Uchiha that awakened the clan kekkei genkai, the sharingan.
“I almost didn’t expect Itachi to have a mission,” Mikoto’s soft voice cut through Fugaku’s musings. Her brow wrinkled in confusion. “The shinobi life...isn’t for Itachi.”
That was something Fugaku couldn’t argue against. It was starting to become difficult to ignore the fact that his eldest son, despite all of his talent, did not have the qualities one needed in a clan head.
His son was a pacifist. He did not enjoy heated discussions or confrontations. Itachi was better suited for a different role.
What that was, Fugaku had no idea.
He had never considered a different path for his eldest son. He had figured that Itachi would become clan head and Sasuke would become chief of the police force someday, as he heard that it was an ambition of his to one day join the police force.
But that was a problem for another day. He would have to set aside time to discuss Itachi’s future when Itachi was available to speak.
Currently Fugaku’s main concern was the Yondaime. Or more specifically, how the Yondaime had been following in the footsteps of his predecessors and utterly failing to show any support for the Uchiha.
Shimura Danzo had been imprisoned for his planned assault on Shisui. It didn’t take a genius to understand what his intentions were.
Danzo had meant for his Root Anbu agents to take the fall for the attack should they have failed.
What Danzo had not expected was for the Uchiha to have an unlikely ally. Orochimaru was the one that gave him up. No one knew what he had hoped to gain by leaking information about the former councillor but the Uchiha clan could not deny that without his information, they could not have gotten proper justice for Shisui.
But was it really proper justice if the remaining councillors were attempting to grant a pardon and return him to his seat?
Right now Fugaku had the support of most of the clan heads, excluding Hyūga Hiashi. The Hyūga had always been loyal supporters of the council. Unlike the other clan leaders, Hiashi wasn’t trying to be included in decisions that affected the villagers.
Fugaku suspected it was because he already had some influence over the councillors.
Fugaku expected Namikaze Minato to put an end to their scheming but he still allowed his elders to sway his decisions.
He was able to hold them to overturn their decision once. He had chosen to disband Root and imprison Danzo, but Minato did not make the imprisonment indefinite. This had angered not only the Uchiha but the Aburame, Nara, and Yamanaka who discovered the attempt at Shisui’s eyes.
If they had attacked a member of one clan what was to stop them from going after members of different clans?
The clan heads had become wary, no longer fully trusting in the Hokage and his power to properly protect and lead the citizens of Konoha.
Just because one wasn’t a bad Hokage, it didn’t mean they were a good Hokage.
Sasuke had to drag himself to the training field.
Waking up early before first light wasn’t easy but it was something Sasuke knew he had to be prepared for when he went on missions.
When not if because there was no way he was going to be sent back to the Academy. No Uchiha had ever been demoted to Academy student after graduation and he wasn’t going to be the first.
He woke up an hour sooner than he had planned. Shiro needed to go out for a walk and the puppy was still not to be trusted wandering around alone. He was up even before his parents and the quiet of his home was unnerving but it was a silence he had to become familiar with.
Because once he passed Kakashi-sensei’s test he is sure he would have more silent moments in his home and elsewhere when he took on missions in the future.
Sakura’s soft footfalls across the lawn of the training field cause him to look up from his feet.
She was gripping the strap of her usual cross shoulder bag loosely. Her eyes were closed and Sasuke was unsure how she found her way if she was asleep on her feet.
“Where’s Naruto?” She asked setting her bag on the ground.
“I’m here, I’m here,” Naruto whined. Sasuke hadn’t noticed him, Naruto having been silent for once. He was probably too exhausted to make a sound.
They waited over two hours before Naruto nodded off. They had sat down after thirty minutes of waiting for their instructor.
“Is this supposed to be part of the test?” Sakura grumbled. “We’re starving and tired and we’ll be far too frustrated to think straight when he finally shows up.”
Sasuke berated himself for not asking his cousin for more information on his new mentor. He was about to smack Naruto awake and interrogate him when a weight fell on his shoulder.
Sakura sighed and snuggled against him. Sasuke gawked at her as she made herself more comfortable.
Sasuke wasn’t used to this type of skinship. There were subtle displays of affection between those of his clan and they were never done in public. Even holding hands outside of their district with someone that was not a child was too bold a move.
He looked down at her relaxed expression. Curls of pink framed her face, locks falling across her closed eyes.
Hesitantly, Sasuke took a strand between his fingers, examining the upward curl at the end.
“I didn’t have time to blow dry my hair,” Sakura mumbled, looking up at him with tired eyes. “My hair kind of spikes and curls if I don’t but I wanted to sleep more than spend time to look pretty.”
Sasuke didn’t know how to respond to that. In his opinion Sakura didn’t need to spend any time to look nicer. Her features easily singled her out from the common colorings of dark hair and dark eyes and the fair hair and blue eyes that made up the people of Konoha. Those looks were average or pleasant at best.
He knew his family was thought of as beautiful. He had the misfortune of being mistaken for a girl often enough to never grow his hair out the way Itachi did. It was probably due to the fact that he took after his mother who was the most beautiful woman he knew.
But being surrounded by the dark eyes and dark hair of his clansmen and other clans and seeing the blond and blue eyes of Naruto and of the Yamanaka clan so often, made Sakura’s jade eyes and petal pink hair refreshing.
She really didn’t need anything more to bolster her looks. Naruto wasn’t the only loser that went stupid and rambled on about her looks.
“How much longer do you think it’s going to take for him to show up?” Sakura shifted in place, moving away from Sasuke as she adjusted her body for comfort.
As if on cue, Kakashi appeared as if out of nowhere.
“Hello,” he greeted in a sing song voice. “Good morning.”
“You’re late!” Naruto had instantly woken up and shouted along with Sakura.
“Well, a black cat━”
“Save it.” Sasuke stood up and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Obito uses that excuse all of the time.”
“Alright then.”
Kakashi walked over to the center log pillar. An analog clock laid on it, previously unnoticed by the three of them.
“It’s set up for noon,” Kakashi informed them as he pushed the button on top of the clock. “Your assignment today, is to take these bells from me before that time. Those who can’t do it, won’t get lunch. You will be tied up and you’ll watch me eat my own lunch.”
Naruto immediately started complaining and rubbing his stomach.
“Well that explains why we couldn’t have breakfast,” Sasuke muttered under his breath. Sakura had been right. Kakashi had ordered them to skip out on breakfast to weaken them before their test even started.
“You only have two bells,” Sakura cut off Naruto’s grumbling. “There’s three of us though.”
“Yes.” Kakashi’s lone visible eye crinkled at the creases, a sign that he was smiling. “At least one of you will be tied to a log and disqualify and be sent straight back to the Academy. At least one of you will fail but all of you have a chance of failing today if you don’t obtain a bell before noon.”
He dangled the bells in front of them and then tied them to his pouch.
“You can use all of your weapons and any skill in your arsenal. If you don’t come at me with the intent to kill, you’ll never get a bell.”
“Isn’t that a little dangerous?” Sakura couldn’t keep the concern out of her voice.
“Yeah Kakashi-nii.” Naruto placed his hands behind his head, elbows sticking out. “We wouldn’t wanna hurt you?”
“I’ll take my chances. We’ll start on the count of three. One━”
Kakashi was cut off by Naruto’s battle cry, he aimed a kunai straight at their mentor. Faster than either Sakura or Sasuke could track him, Kakashi had Naruto pinned, his kunai aimed at his own neck instead.
“Jumping the gun already Naruto? Predictable.” Kakashi pushed him towards his teammates. “Actually wait for the signal this time.”
At the count of three the trio launched themselves into the trees, hiding. Sasuke kept an eye on both of his teammates, keeping track of their positions.
There were two bells but three of them. He could ally himself with one of his teammates and take the bells for themselves or they could all three call Kakashi’s claim as a bluff after they took the bells together.
“Hey,” Sakura whispered. She had moved in a direction closest to Sasuke when they first split up and made her way to his hiding spot. “We can’t get those bells on our own. We need to come up with a plan.”
Sasuke nodded. Sakura had taken the initiative to approach him with a plan of teamwork. She would be his ally if Naruto couldn’t be convinced.
“Please tell me the idiot isn’t doing what I think he’s doing,” Sakura groaned.
Gazing back to the clearing, Naruto was standing out in the open.
“Come on, Kakashi-nii. Just you and me, fair and square.”
“God, he can’t be that stupid.” Sasuke’s jaw dropped in disbelief as Naruto ran right at Kakashi, letting out his obnoxious battle cry once more.
“Looks like we’ll be going over taijutsu first.”
Naruto halted in his tracks as Kakashi reached into his weapon’s pouch. He eyed him warily and waited for Kakashi to pull out his own kunai. Naruto flinched when Kakashi withdrew his hand but at the sight of something orange Naruto stomped his foot and shrieked in frustration.
“Put that crap away you dirty old man!” Naruto pulled on his hair. “I can’t believe you read that geezer’s disgusting books.”
“You’re just too young to appreciate it. I just got to a good part and I don’t feel like waiting to read the rest. I can take care of you and read at the same time.”
With a grunt of frustration Naruto swung at Kakashi, missing when Kakashi took a step back. Naruto growled and spun for a roundhouse kick only for Kakashi to duck, his eyes never once straying from his book. He turned a page and stood straight, waiting for Naruto’s next move.
Naruto swung his fist out in a wild attempt to land a hit. Charging blind had him lose sight of his target. He missed Kakashi moving behind him.
“What’s that? A hand sign?” Sakura’s pale eyebrows pulled down into a frown. “A tiger seal?”
“No.” Sasuke’s right eye twitched. He had seen that pose before. It was something Obito did all of the time when he was goofing off during spars.
“He’s going to seriously hurt Naruto!” Sakura panicked. Before Sasuke could stop her she shouted, “Naruto, look out!”
Naruto screamed in pain and went flying into the lake.
“Did Kakashi-sensei just━?”
“How old is this man again?” Sakura groaned, running her hands down her face.
“Twenty-six but I doubt age has anything to do with maturity.”
“I can hear you.” Kakashi lifted his gaze from his book and tilted his head in the direction of Sasuke and Sakura’s hiding spot. “Those growling stomachs are a dead giveaway.”
“Shit,” Sasuke cursed. There was no time to strategize an ambush if their target already knew their location. He and Sakura were forced to split up and find new hiding spots.
“Don’t count me out yet!” Naruto dragged himself out of the lake as six shadow clones formed around him.
“Your father wasn’t kidding about you breaking into the Hokage tower, was he?” Kakashi asked, the tone of his voice bored as if he had expected Naruto’s latest stunt.
We should use this as a diversion, Sakura thought to herself as she watched seven Naruto’s scramble trying to find their teacher.
The idiot is falling for a trap. I’m not even surprised. Sasuke rolled his eyes at Naruto’s naivety. Did he really expect their teacher to have just accidentally drop a bell.
Sure enough, Naruto was soon flailing around, hanging off a tree with rope, his legs tied up. Kakashi was prodding him with a long finger, making him twirl.
Now’s the best time to strike! Sasuke flung his shuriken landing on his target.
“Holy shit, Sasuke!” Naruto shouted. “Don’t you think that’s overkill?”
Wait...shit! Sasuke’s eye widened in shock as Kakashi’s prone form burst into a puff of smoke, only a log left behind. I just gave away my location again.
Sasuke took off through the trees, darting quickly, trying to avoid rustling any leaves as he fled.
He split us up! Sakura looked frantically from where Naruto was hanging back to the direction that Sasuke had taken off in. Kakashi was nowhere in sight.
Gotta go help Sasuke-kun! Sakura flung shuriken and cut down the rope holding Naruto up. Naruto landed with a groan and as soon as she saw him hit the ground, Sakura ran in the direction that Sasuke had run off to.
Kakashi had a head start on looking for Sasuke. Sakura wasn’t naive enough to believe she would be able to track Sasuke’s location before a jōnin ranked ninja but she had to try. Naruto was safe as long as Kakashi believed he was incapacitated, unable to free himself.
Sakura wrapped her arms around the trunk of the tree she was preparing to launch off of to halt her movements. She didn’t find Sasuke but she found Kakashi waiting at the edge of the tree line.
Sakura’s face scrunched up in frustration. She could try to go for a bell but she couldn’t face him head on. Her style of taijutsu was more defensive. She would have to formulate a plan if she wanted a chance at the bells.
Maybe I should go back and check on Naruto…
Sakura had hoped that Naruto would have followed her after he freed his legs from the rope binds but he was nowhere in sight.
Sakura flinched at the lazy intonation and whipped her head to look behind her. Her forehead smacked against a green flak vest and she screamed in terror.
Kakashi-sensei had found her.
Sasuke looked toward the forest. He had assumed that Kakashi would have been drawn away from his teammate after Sasuke had given away his location with his attempted attack. He had used the time he had away from his sensei to set up a trap.
“Genjutsu.” Kakashi appeared behind him, standing at a tree and still reading his book. “I’m sure you know how those work considering your family.”
“An illusion...”
Sasuke grit his teeth. He couldn’t fault Sakura for falling for genjutsu but now it left her incapacitated until he could release her from the illusion if she couldn’t break herself out of it on time.
“Well, I’m not going down that easily. I can’t afford to━you know, considering my family.”
Sasuke flung a pair of shuriken directly at Kakashi, forcing him to dodge and land in the direct line of Sasuke’s trap.
Another kunai was thrown, slicing through the rope that released a volley of shuriken and kunai.
Sasuke knew it wouldn’t stop Kakashi but it slowed him down enough to allow him to flash step just behind his teacher and swing his leg out for a fierce kick. Kakashi blocked it but Sasuke was ready with another swift attack, aiming a punch at his face only to be blocked again. Spinning his body upward, Sasuke aimed and strong kick that Kakashi was forced to block with his forearm.
Forced to brace against the quick and strong attacks, Kakashi almost let his defense of the bells down. A tinkling sound alerted him to Sasuke’s fingers brushing against one of the bells. Kakashi pushed him away quickly, backing away from Sasuke’s grabby fingers.
“Looks like I can’t just sit back and read anymore.”
“No, you can’t!”
Sasuke’s hands flew through a series of hand signs. Chakra built up in his chest and flowed hot up his throat until he released a fireball large enough to consume his sensei.
After a few seconds of releasing a steady stream of fire, Sasuke cut it off. His eye widened at the empty crater left behind.
Where did he go?
The sound of the earth below him cracking drew his attention to the ground. A fist had burst from the ground and grabbed his leg.
Sasuke screamed as he was dragged down into the ground. He squirmed but he couldn’t move his body.
“You’re just about as much trouble as certain other Uchihas I know.” Kakashi sighed and rolled his neck to stretch it out. “Good luck getting out of that. The clock is ticking.”
And with that he left Sasuke up to his neck trapped in the ground.
She had been running for a long time and couldn’t find anyone.
Sakura had woken up back by the empty clearing alone. No Naruto. No Sasuke. No Kakashi.
No one.
She went searching for her teammates and their instructor but found no one. She was forced to head back to their meeting spot and check to see if anyone had come back.
The clock on the center log pole stated the time as hours past the deadline.
She had failed and no one had bothered to stick around and inform her of her fate.
They just left me here. Alone.
Sakura leaned against the pole and slid down until she was sitting with her arms wrapped around her knees. She failed. She never failed.
At least not on paper.
She knew that she wasn’t as battle oriented as Sasuke or Naruto. She knew she was going to have a harder time with the bell test than her teammates. But Sakura had hoped she could use her intelligence to find a way around it. There couldn’t be just one way to be a ninja.
But the thought of just being abandoned left darkened her mood, made her go somewhere she hadn’t been in a long time.
Sakura was always alone when she was younger.
In Laolin, the district she lived in, she was an anomaly when it came to looks. Her mother had golden hair that was unlike the fair coloring of Konoha natives and jade eyes and then her father had the most exotic coloring of all.
Sakura was always insecure about how she stood out from her people, how she stood out amongst everyone. She could enunciate better and try to mimic the clarity of a high born native’s accent but she stood out like a sore thumb.
And then her forehead. It just had to be so large.
Being the youngest in her class and the strangest looking didn’t help her when it came to making friends.
One of Sakura’s greatest worries when it came to this test was that if she failed she would lose all of her friends. Would they still be her friend if she couldn’t cut it as a ninja? Would they travel all of the way to Laolin for her? Or would they never set foot again into the crowded district?
They left me…
Sakura stood up with a sigh and dusted off her red dress. It was late and she would need to get home and explain to her parents what had happened. She could go back and finish the year with some civilian classes and then work in her parents’ tea shop.
Quitting already? A snarky voice whispered from a corner of her mind. You can’t be that pathetic.
Sakura brushed the voice off and looked for her bag. She had left it by the poles but it was nowhere in sight. She put her hands on her hips and stomped the ground with one foot.
Don’t tell me they took my bag! I put it right here by the clock! Right by the...the clock?
Sakura tilted her head to the side, confused as she stared at the clock. The larger hand hadn’t moved from it’s position since she had first left the clearing to find the others. The time hadn’t changed at all.
Which was odd considering it was making a ticking sound.
A flaw. Could it be...a flaw?
Sakura formed her hands into the ram seal and muttered the word “Kai.”
Sakura was sprinting through the forest. When she came to she wasn’t in the original clearing with the logs but at the base of the tree where Kakashi had found her.
She had fallen for a genjutsu and was embarrassed at how easily it had happened. She would have to be more alert from now on.
Just gotta find Sasuke and━
Sakura stopped in her tracks when she saw Sasuke’s head sticking out of the ground.
“Sakura?” Sasuke’s head blinked up at her.
“Don’t tell me this is a multi-layered illusion!” Sakura pulled at her hair.
“No, I’m actually trapped in the ground!”
“Oh.” Sakura squatted so that she could examine the ground. “How do we...how do we get you out?”
“I had an idea but it might not work.”
“Well, let’s try it.”
“Uh, back up.”Sasuke averted his gaze. He could feel heat gather at his ears. “Just in case.”
Sakura backed away into the tree line and used a tree as a shield. She felt a pressure like a release of chakra and had to duck as rubble whipped around.
“That’s a pain.”
Sakura came out of hiding and saw Sasuke rubbing at his shoulders.
“I’m glad I found you.” Sakura smiled shyly as she kneaded Sasuke's arms and shoulders. “I thought I was left behind, I mean, in the genjutsu I was left behind.”
“That wouldn’t happen.” The words rushed out before Sasuke could stop them. “I━we, Naruto and I, would never leave you behind.”
“Yeah?” Sakura giggled, finally releasing her hold on Sasuke. Her stomach growled and her face flushed pink.  She chuckled nervously and muttered,“I could really go for some jianbing right now…”
“Jianbing?” Sasuke tried out the word, the sound foreign on his tongue.
“Yeah. It’s a crepe. It’s so good with youtiao! I always pick some up on my way to the Academy. There’s a stall that starts selling them before it’s even light out but Kaka-sensei told us we couldn’t eat.”
“Yeah. Speaking of, we should go for those bells again.”
“I couldn’t even get near those bells,” Sakura mumbled in disappointment. “This is impossible.”
“It is if you have that attitude,” Sasuke scolded her. “I almost got one. I’m sure if we all work together we can definitely get those bells.”
He placed a hand on her back and gently pushed her forward, guiding her in the direction he wanted to head in.
“You think so?” Sakura gave him a weak smile. “How much time do we still have left?”
An alarm rang in the distance.
“None,” Sasuke muttered darkly.
Sakura was shocked when they found Naruto already tied to a pole. Sasuke just kicked at the log.
“You got caught so easily, stupid.”
“As you may have noticed,” Kakashi appeared behind them, “Naruto is already dealing with his punishment. He decided to try and steal the bento reward for those who passed.”
He crossed his arms in front of his chest and began to lecture them. Naruto whined and Sasuke averted his gaze and glared at the ground. Sakura wrung her hands around the hem of her dress, feeling ashamed.
Kakashi made a good point about how she focused too much on helping Sasuke and had left Naruto to his own devices.
“I’ll give you guys one more shot after lunch. But,” Kakashi turned to leave them, “no feeding the thief. You’ll fail if you do.”
“You’re such a jerk Kaka-nii!”
Sakura munched on her rice feeling guilty. Naruto’s stomach was growling right above her head.
“Moron,” Sasuke called out to Naruto. He held up his chopsticks holding up a piece of rolled egg. “Eat this.”
“He just said not to feed me.”
“Just eat the damn food. You’ll be useless if you’re starved. He did say we had to work together. Don’t hold us back.”
“He’s right,” Sakura sighed. She held up a bite of rice for Naruto.
As soon as Naruto munched on the rice, a strong gale blew across the training grounds.
“Oh come on!” Sakura cried out in frustration. “We’re being good teammates.”
“Yep. And for that,” Kakashi gave them a thumbs up, “you guys pass!”
I don’t know if I can be happy about that, Sakura groaned inwardly. What a messed up test.
Sakura was dragging her bag behind her by the time she reached her front door. She was covered in dirt and leaves and her hair was a tangled mess. She barely raised a hand to return her mother’s greeting, her muscles were sore after running around with her teammates.
But she was the happiest she had ever been.
Day’s Note: you might have noticed I made Sakura the youngest in Team 7. that’s not a mistake. I prefer her as the youngest because it works with the Japanese school year and I personally think it fits her character. so that’s staying, you can’t change my mind. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ^^ Again: please let me know if the fic is so long that it ruins the tags and crashes apps. if you can (and if you want) please consider buying me a coffee
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ @sasuhinamonth || SasuHina Month 2019 || Day Ten: Historical Romance ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Hyūga Hiashi, Hyūga Hanabi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Georgian Gentry ] [ AO3 Link ]
From very young, it has been impressed upon her that the most key of her purposes will be, in fact, to wed...and wed well.
With two daughters and no sons, having lost his wife so early, Hiashi Hyūga has been left with few options. With a dead twin brother and a sister-in-law left with the only male heir in their line, it’s almost certain that any and all inheritance from both estates will be deferred to his nephew, rather than his daughters.
Therefore, all his hopes lie with both Hinata and Hanabi marrying well.
At nineteen years old now, Hinata is in her prime. Well-educated for a lady, with abilities to draw, to dance, to sing, to sew, and even play the piano, she is the portrait of a future wife. Soft-spoken, well-mannered, and sweetly tempered, she needs only to meet the man who will have her.
Having been told again and again since her mother’s death that her role is preordained, Hinata has long since accepted such a lot...if not a bit somberly. Hiashi has not the heart to marry again. There will be no son of his own to inherit. Instead, he struggles to arrange interviews and meetings with other affluent men of the county. For it’s true, the Hyūga estate does well...but his daughters will be left with only dowries of mediocre size once Neji takes on the land and money.
But misfortune seems to follow in his wake. Again and again, circumstances have failed to align. Suitor after suitor has either refused, or been made unable to accept. And soon, he fears there may be no options left.
...but then, a miracle.
“What news from town, Tokuma?” Hiashi asks this morning, eyes scanning the paper briefly.
“The only thing of note would be the taking of an empty property by a new family, sir.”
With a flutter, Hiashi folds the paper down, looking over it to his distant, employed relative. “...oh?”
Upstairs, still dressing before breakfast, Hinata glances up as a knock sounds against her door. “...yes?”
Given leave, Hanabi steps in, lips pursed in a pout. “Natsu fumbled my hair again - can you fix it?”
“All right, all right...come and sit.” Removing the ribbons from her sister’s hair, Hinata sorts it with a brush before applying her usual style.
“Father seems delighted this morning.”
“Yes, he left before he finished breakfast to go somewhere. He didn’t say where. But Tokuma said there’s a new family moved nearby, and Father went to introduce himself.”
Immediately, Hinata’s eyes lift from her task, pausing. “...a new family…?”
“He didn’t know much more than that.” Turning in her seat to look at her sister, Hanabi asks, “...do you think Father means to check for a suitor?”
“...I’d imagine so. He’s grown quite d-desperate as of late.” Urging Hanabi back around, Hinata continues her work. “...there, all done. Now, down to the table with you.”
The sisters eat alone, Hiashi still nowhere to be found. He doesn’t return, in fact, until late in the day. By then, the news has spread to everyone on the estate, and his daughters rush to meet him.
“Are there sons?” Hanabi asks as he leaves his carriage. “Will Hinata marry one of them?”
“They are to attend a ball this Friday next,” Hiashi replies. “...and we shall make an appearance as well, when I will introduce you.”
Giddy, Hanabi begins rambling as she takes off back toward the house. Hinata, however, lingers back. “...are they agreeable?” is her idle question.
“I met only one son - the other was absent. The elder, Itachi, is very soft-spoken, very agreeable. The younger, I hear, is a bit more...standoffish. Your age. But you will have a chance to meet them both come Friday. Whichever you better catch the eye of is what matters. The rest you can sort out once you’re wed and have nothing else to fear.”
Slowing to a stop as Hiashi keeps on toward the house, Hinata lingers, expression falling.
The manor is all aflutter the week before the ball. Both girls have dresses freshly tailored and touched up, adorned with ribbons and perfectly fitted. As they make for the hall to host the dance, Hinata can’t help the butterflies she feels in her gut. It’s been some time since she last met a suitor...and she’s sure the other girls of the county will be just as eager to snap the brothers up. She can only hope all her grooming for this task will serve her well.
A bit crowded, they must wait a while before making it to the doors, disembarking and making their way in. Familiar faces abound - it seems the news of newcomers has everyone willing to gather and see. Keeping close to her party, Hinata tries to spot the newest guests.
Within, dancing has already started, and Hiashi gets confirmation that the brothers have yet to arrive. “Fashionably late,” he mutters, releasing his daughters to go and start dancing.
Hanabi is quick to acquiesce, Hinata lingering with a few local girls around her age. Partners seem a bit scarce, so she’ll wait her turn...and linger by the doorway. Just in case.
Five minutes pass. Then ten. Absorbed in conversation, Hinata looks up as the hall seems to quiet.
...they’re here.
A family of four: rather small for their era. On either side flank the pair’s parents: their father, a square-jawed, barrel-chested man...and their mother, a slender, almost haughty-looking beauty. Between them, the sons. The elder, a bit taller, wears raven hair in a long tail. He almost looks...perhaps a bit frail. And beside him, the young, with black hair untamed and a wary gaze.
The host greets them, and with that, the hall eases back into its festivities.
Seeing her father catch her eye, Hinata moves to join him. “My elder daughter, Hinata,” he offers as she curtsies before the newcomers. “Hanabi is already dancing. Hinata...this is Fugaku, Mikoto, Itachi, and Sasuke Uchiha.”
“A pleasure,” she offers softly, smiling warmly. “I hope you’ve enjoyed your time in our county this far…?”
“It’s far less crowded than London,” Fugaku quickly agrees, arms crossed. “We’ll see how we fare.”
“It is a quiet lifestyle here, but diverting in its own way,” Hiashi assures them. “But perhaps for now, one of the young gentlemen would like to dance…?”
After a tick, it’s not Itachi, but Sasuke that steps forward. “If I may…?”
Giving a nod, Hinata offers her hand, a bit curious at the pause and gesture. Her father had named the younger brother as standoffish...why would he take the initiative, then?
...it would seem she’s much to learn about these newcomers, yet.
     ...I've always wanted to write something like this xD Technically I started a fic like it on ff.net ages ago that I never finished with another Hinata ship, but...sadly I lost interest when I had a rather lengthy illness, BUT! Here's my second, shorter shot at it lol      No idea if I'll do more, but...here's a taste of it? It was my first thought at the word 'historical', haha~      Anyway, that's it for SHM today! Be back later for my daily - thanks for reading~
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365daysofsasuhina · 6 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Fifteen: Eyes That Can’t See ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi, Hyūga Hinata, Hyūga Neji ] [ SasuHina, surgery, eye trauma, car accident ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
Apparently, it’s genetic. Or at least, that’s how he understands it. Three of their grandparents had it. Already their father needs glasses that warp his face they’re so strong. But according to the doctors, it’s not meant to happen this young. This fast.
They try surgery...to no avail. By the time he’s twenty-one years old, Itachi is completely blind.
Aspirations he’d had when young seem to deflate. The weeks they spend in the hospital attempting various operations and therapies only seem to further bring Itachi into a state of somber resignation.
And Sasuke hates it.
He’s always looked up to his older brother. At times he’s even found himself jealous of his looks, his smarts, and his popularity growing up. To see such a once-vibrant man lose so much vitality in the face of this kind of obstacle just...throws all of that away.
His parents continue to push toward new research, new possibilities. And more for their sake than his own, Itachi acquiesces. Sasuke can see that it only drains his brother more, but neither side takes his word for it. Mikoto and Fugaku refuse to give up, and Itachi doesn’t want to disappoint their hopes.
So, during one of the recoveries of yet another procedure, Sasuke takes to wheeling his chair-bound brother into the gardens of his recovery center. They’re hardly alone: plenty of other patients with various levels of blindness and trauma are escorted by family or caregivers. Itachi’s eyes are wrapped in gauze, shielding the sensitive flesh as it recovers from yet another invasion. “Any pain?”
“No, I’m quite all right, Sasuke. I think the fresh air will do me some good. Have our parents returned yet…?”
“Not yet. Sounds like they were still going over initial results with the doctor.” And it hadn’t sounded good. Again. “...how much longer are you gonna let them do this to you?”
“As many times as it takes, I suppose. You never know - something might work.”
“Yeah, and something might drive you even further into this funk. Don’t you want to just...put your foot down? At all?!”
“This isn’t fair, Itachi! It’s your body!”
“I realize that. But I...greatly dislike the defeat they feel.”
“What about yours?”
A pause. “...I’ve accepted my circumstances. It greatly alters the plans I’d made. I need time to adjust and...figure out my new next move. That’s all.”
Sasuke heaves a curt breath, but doesn’t argue any further. Instead, he pulls Itachi up beside a bench in a section of the center yard. For a time they sit in the quiet, a gentle breeze carrying the scent of Spring flowers.
“...I will admit...it lets me appreciate things I missed before. I hear more. I smell more. It’s like closing your eyes and focusing on everything else.”
The younger brother doesn’t answer, just watching Itachi quietly. A soft smile curves his lips. For once, since this all started...he really does look at peace...if not still exhausted.
“Um...excuse me…?”
Thoughts interrupted, Sasuke looks up to see a girl his age accompanied by a boy slightly older. “Is...is there room for us to join you…?”
Staring for a moment at the gauze over her face, Sasuke eventually offers, “...yeah, sure.” He sidles a bit closer to his brother, watching from the corner of his eyes as she also takes a seat. Whoever’s with her carefully ensures she finds the bench, remaining standing as not to crowd her.
Beside him, Itachi offers a greeting. “We have company?”
“Oh, s-sorry...I’m Hinata,” she replies, a hand at her chest. It then searches for a moment and finds the boy’s arm. “This is my cousin, Neji.”
“Itachi. And this is my younger brother, Sasuke.”
Her lips curve in a smile. “It’s n-nice to meet you. Or...as nice as it can be here, right…?”
“Indeed.” Itachi gestures to his face. “I’ve a genetic condition that causes blindness. I’m here to recover after a surgery.”
“Oh! I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t trouble yourself - it is as it is.”
“I...I was in a car accident a few weeks ago. I had some h-head trauma that detached my retinas.”
Sasuke feels his stomach clench. “Oh, shit…”
“I, um - I just had a surgery of my own. To...to reattach them. The recovery time is rather long, so...I’m here until we can see if it worked.”
“My condolences, and also my hopes you recover quickly, Hinata.”
“Thank you...you too.”
There’s a pause as the conversation lulls. But before Itachi can open his mouth to go on, a nurse calls out his name, turning his head.
“I’m sorry, sir - Doctor would like to see you for a moment.”
“Ah, I see.” Hearing his brother move to stand, Itachi holds up a hand. “I’ll just be a moment. Please, wait here.”
“I’ll bring him right back,” the nurse promises with a smile. “He’s in good hands until then!”
Looking highly torn, Sasuke eventually settles back atop the bench, watching his brother be wheeled away.
“...so...are you in charge of your brother…?” Hinata asks.
“Sorta. He’s living with my parents and I. They both work, so...usually we have someone in the house while they’re gone, and I’m at school. But I try to do all I can for him.”
She smiles somberly. “Well...I’m sure he appreciates it. Neji’s been my eyes since the accident. I know I’d be l-lost without him. I have a younger sister, but she’s too young to really have that much responsibility. And Father is...is busy.”
The pause in her tone is a bit hinting. “...I see.”
“So, I’m not your brother, but...thank you for your diligence. It really makes all the difference. You’re making a big impact on him, believe me.”
“Hinata, how’s your pain?”
“It’s fine, Neji - thank you. I’d r-rather not go back in yet. The air’s so warm…”
“...are you sure? I could bring you some tablets.”
She hesitates. “...well...m-maybe that’s a good idea...do you mind if I stay here?”
The boys exchange a look, Sasuke shrugging at Neji’s calculating stare. “...very well. I suppose he has experience in this. Do please be mindful of her.”
“You got it.” A brow perks as Neji walks swiftly back toward the main building. “...y’know, he reminds me of my brother.”
“Yeah, all formal and polite.”
Hinata can’t help a giggle. “Yes, he’s...very careful with his manners.”
“So...he’s uptight?”
“I didn’t s-say that!”
“Kidding, kidding…” Sasuke snickers a bit to himself.
“Don’t let him hear you say that…!”
“I won’t, don’t worry.” Leaning forearms atop his knees, Sasuke looks over the grounds with a soft sigh.
“...I can smell the flowers.”
“Yeah, they’ve got quite a few. Itachi says it’s probably to help make up for a lost sense.”
“Ah, that’s probably true...I’m sad I probably will m-miss a lot of the blooming season. I love flowers.”
“I’m sure you’ll be better before they all stop blooming.”
“I hope so.”
“...so...you were, uh...in a wreck?”
“Yes...me and a few friends. Thankfully they’re all okay. I was in the front passenger seat, and...the airbag failed to deploy.” A hand carefully reaches to her brow. “I c-cracked my skull, and...the impact was so hard, it detached my retinas. Or so they tell me. I...don’t know much about medical stuff.”
“Shit, that just...ugh.”
“Yeah, it’s...pretty gruesome to think about, huh? The staples are still in, so...they k-keep my forehead covered a lot. But thankfully my brain’s okay. I had a concussion, but nothing long-term. Well...except the eyes.”
Sasuke just shakes his head. “Yeah...my brother’s isn’t trauma. We have some genetic crap in our family that causes blindness. Usually it’s not until you’re older, but...for some reason it advanced in him really fast.”
“I’m so sorry…”
“...me too. He was all lined up with a major university, already had big job offers because of how stupidly smart he is, but...a lot of that’s gone quiet after the diagnosis. Not that you can’t do at least some of all that blind, but...my parents keep dragging him through every surgery they can find trying to cure it. And he just...goes with it. Doesn’t want them to give up.”
“That’s so...sad…”
“Well...I hope he finds something new to look forward to. He sounds like a wonderful person.”
“The best of the best. Though I’m a little biased.”
Hinata smiles. “I can’t blame you in the slightest.”
Sasuke does the same, but jolts at the sound of the door. Itachi waits on the other side as the automatic mechanism slowly opens, head turned a bit to talk to the nurse behind him. Whatever he says strikes a chord to make her laugh, and his lips pull in a smile.
“Sounds like he’s on his way back…?”
“Yeah.” Standing, Sasuke listens as the nurse informs him his parents have arrived.
“Ready to head in?” Itachi asks.
The younger brother glances to Hinata. “...I’ll be there in a minute. Neji’s getting Hinata some meds. I’ll find you once he’s back so she’s not left alone.”
“Ah, I see - we’ll be back in my room. I’m sure it will be a bit before the talking starts. You shouldn’t miss anything.”
Sasuke nods, retaking his seat.
“Nah, don’t sweat it. I’m sure I know what they’ll say, anyway…”
That doesn’t stop Hinata from wilting a bit.
“Besides, it’s nice to have a new face around. I’m a bit used to all the nurses and doctors by now. Not, uh...that I’m glad you’re here cuz of why you’re here, but -”
She cuts him off with a soft laugh. “I know what you mean. And...well, I can’t see y-your face, but...I’m glad you’re here all the same.”
A comfortable silence falls before the sound of shoes in the grass comes up behind them. “I have your medication, Hinata. We’d best get you back after you take them. You know how drowsy you get.”
“Yeah, I know.” Carefully accepting the pills, Hinata takes them with a glass of water Neji brought along. “Well, I...guess that’s my cue to go. Don’t need me falling asleep on you!”
Sasuke chuckles. “Go get some rest. Maybe we’ll run into you again later.”
“...I hope so. Goodbye, Sasuke.”
“See ya.” Watching Neji carefully guide her toward another door, the Uchiha lingers for a few moments, sighing to himself.
...well...can’t avoid it forever. Rising to his feet, he heads toward the entrance and pulls open the door.
     Phew, this one got long! It's actually a prompt I've been looking forward to due to the significance eyes play with both Uchiha and Hyūga.      Of course, then I went and put it in modern, but...oh well xD It's supposed to play off the Mangekyō Sharingan in Itachi, and the filler of Hinata's temporary blindness (and Neji's attentiveness), just...transferred to a modern setting!      This COULD be an idea I continue sometime down the line, but for now it's just the one piece alone. If another prompt fits, I'll try to come back to it!      Also don't mind me easter egging with the nurse in the background ahaha      ANYWAY, that's all for tonight! Thanks so much, as always, for reading!
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