#once in a while. its not their fault and i dont blame them but i am suffering el oh el
doyouevenshipbr0 · 7 months
examples of atla live action’s attempts to be more feminist and how they actually had the opposite effect and/or hurt the integrity of the show
already talked about katara and pakku. does not make sense that she did not have a master. point blank. just because something sounds empowering (ie katara saying “yes. and ur looking at her.” after zuko asked if she found a master) doesn’t mean it automatically is. there still needs to be logic and katara “being her own master” defies logic imo im sorry!
katara in general. she has no ferocity here which to be very honest i dont think is fully the writers’ fault. some of the blame goes on them but the actress for katara just delivered alllllll of her lines w the same exact mild tone. katara is overly motherly. she is bossy. she is passionate. she is nurturing. she is emotional. THERE IS POWER IN THESE THINGS!!!!! why would we take away her spark?!?!?!
i loved live action suki. however, i LOVE the line in the original when her and sokka part ways and sokka says “i treated u like a girl when i should’ve treated u like a warrior.” and suki says “i am a warrior” *kisses sokka on the cheek* “but im a girl too.” THAT LINE WAS SO PERFECT like lemme say it again there is POWER IN FEMININITY! there is no shame in that!!!!! why does this show wanna take that away so badly. at one point live action suki says something like “im not just a warrior, im a kiyoshi warrior” and before she parts ways w sokka she thanks him for showing her some of the world or something like that. which was fine but i just love the simplicity of the original. a girl can be a warrior and have a crush. why do we have to change that?
this is a small one and it doesnt REALLY matter, but i cant help but think they changed this to be more “feminist” which is just dumb. yue isnt betrothed? well she was but she broke it off? and hahn (her ex) isnt a huge dick? i mean it wasn’t the worst thing and i didnt really mind it but i was just kinda like ?????. feel like yue being betrothed tied into her sense of responsibility and foreshadowed the sacrifices she will make for her people. so. feels rly weird that they changed it. i think it was to show more women agency which is always cool. but in the original, yue finally gets her agency by becoming the moon spirit. that should be the end of her character arc. idk. a weird change that seemed unnecessary.
sokka not being sexist. honestly i think the live action did a good job at omitting this while not REALLY making it feel like something was missing. with that being said, something was still missing lol. once again, its apart of sokka’s character. i feel like everyone has already expressed their hate for this so ill just leave it at that.
i am a TAD indifferent on the women of the northern tribe joining the forces during the fight. on one hand i cant lie i smiled bc obviously i love water bending and i love women so there was definitely apart of me that was happy to see that moment. however. it was kind of giving like in endgame when theres that random shot of all the women superheroes in one frame so the movie could have a “slay queen. we are girlbosses:)” moment. like it just felt a little empty and it wasnt the feminist battlecry they thought it was. these women have been healing their whole lives. why would they be any good on the frontlines of a fight? they never learned combat skills! HOWEVER, when we see them, its mainly just them reinforcing the walls so like. that makes enough sense. im cool w that.
i know im dwelling but as we know i hold atla in the highest regards. it does a lot of things perfectly imo. and one of the things i think it does PERFECTLY is its treatment of female characters. literally the only thing i can think of that i dont like is when team azula beats the kiyoshi warriors and ty lee says something like “u are NOT prettier than us” NDBSKSJDJ like ok that was weird. but anyways. it irritates me how the live action kind of seems to have this pov that says “the original was good, but there were some ideas and plots that were outdated so we changed them to keep with the times” like they’re fixing something that was broken if that makes sense. when in actuality, i think atla’s representation of women is perfect and timeless. it was relevant and powerful in 2005, and it is equally as relevant and powerful in 2024. there was nothing about its feminist themes that needed to be “fixed” or “updated”.
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jaemified · 9 months
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last christmas | part 2
“this year, to save me from tears ; ill give it to someone special.”
❆ pairing ; strangers to ?? park gunwook x fem reader
❆ genre ; fluff, slight drama +(ft taesan/jaehyun of bnd and yunjin of lsrfm ^^)
❆ warnings ; swearing, and kinda toxic relationships
❆ wordcount ; 2.4k
❆ synopsis ; beginning your second year of college and you feel youve hit rock bottom. on your own after your ex kicked you out, and taking on a seasonal job at a christmas shop to pay off student loans? everythings gone to shit. but then, you see him for the first time. and you realize there really was a little light in the darkness — your someone special.
♡ kona speaks ! - vaguely follows the plot of the film last christmas (2 part story)
read below the cut !
you cant say you were all to proud of yourself now.
sure, you were a pretty incredible student by high school graduation, with a 3.9 gpa and all (not to mention making it to seoul national university with your beloved boyfriend).
but, that was a year ago.
who wouldve thought it was possible for your life to go so far downhill, in just a span of roughly over 12 months?
your parents had found a better job opportunity in london, but your mom wanted you and your brother to be nearby.
meaning doing so without running it by you of course, which led to her enrolling you into imperial college as a foreign transfer student.
your boyfriend was pretty upset, but nevertheless, followed you despite your best efforts telling him not to (which meant him forfeiting his scholarship at snu).
once your family first heard he would follow suit to london, they gave you an ultimatum. and stupidly, you chose love over family.
they never approved of him anyway.
it was fine for the meanwhile.
at least until you broke up, and he decided to place the blame on you.
it was your flat you bought with your own money anyway. what did he ever do for you? how dare he kick you out of your own home!
you watched while gyuvin pulled your luggage out the closet, pushing it towards you.
“what the hell are you doing!” you exclaimed as he began to pull your clothes off hangers and throw them towards your direction.
“helping you leave.” he muttered.
“what did i even do? you just wake up one day and decide its my fault you followed me to another continent despite me saying you shouldnt? i told you not to leave your dreams behind, and you chose to ignore me!”
“well maybe you didnt try hard enough! i just know that i dont feel the same about you now as i did then.”
“so thats it?” you scoffed. “you realize this is my apartment? i pay the rent. you just practically live here for free. you cant just kick me out of my own home!”
he only ignored you and shoved piles upon piles of clothing into 2 separate suitcases, before gently escorting you to the door.
“gyuvin. gyuv! kim gyuvin! you cant just leave me here!” you begged.
“im sorry y/n. but its over. maybe if you hadnt taken all that mattered to me we couldve worked out.” gyuvin spoke before slowly closing the door, leaving you out in the cold wearing only pajamas.
“what the fuck am i supposed to do now..” you whispered to yourself, thinking of the only possible places to go.
sure your number of options was minimal, but you began with the only person you thought you could count on anyway.
“what the hell are you doing here?” taesan expressed in shock while he stared at you standing at his front door.
“need somewhere to crash.. surprise?” you shrugged jokingly, trying to lighten the mood as you and your brother werent on the brightest terms.
“goodbye y/n.” he sighed as he turned to lock you out.
“han taesan you let me in this instant! you cant just leave me to die in the middle winter!” you exclaimed, stepping through the door frame so it couldnt close.
“wheres gyuvin?” he scoffed. “i mean, youre the one who left me with mom and dad to buy a house for him anyway.”
“we broke up. blamed me and said i was the reason he lost everything in seoul or whatever. and he still kicked me out of MY home.”
taesan let out a heavy breath, looking around before pushing the door out more for you to walk through.
“..you mean it?” you pondered hesitantly.
“i suppose. i know we warned you about him and all, but youre still my baby sister.” he half heartedly grinned, pointing his head in the direction of his hallway as a gesture for you to come in.
you knew he was still mad at you despite not showing it, but knowing your brother, hes still someone who you could rely on in any situation.
“yeah. and uh- just a heads up, i still live with jaehyun and leehan, plus we dont have an extra room so.. we’ll just figure it out later.”
“thank you.”
a week later and you were doing better than before. though it wasnt easy to forget the incident, you still managed with the new living situation and all.
you woke up bright and early the following morning for work, ready to sell christmas ornaments for the rest of your life under your boss, huh yunjin, as you were now on break from school.
considering jaehyuns bed wasnt all too comfortable, you still slept pretty well. youre grateful he took the couch for you during that first week. ‘maybe ill get him something as a thank you.’
“what are you doing up so early?” taesan asked, holding off on the toast he was about to eat as he watched you rush downstairs.
“got work. not like dads willing to pay student loans anymore right?”
“the christmas shop, still?” jaehyun asked from his seat on the couch.”
“cant have a full time job as a full time student. it just worked out while im on christmas break.”
your brother nudged you in your stomach, motioning for you to thank his friend for his deed.
“-oh and thanks for taking the couch. i owe you. if you want food or anything ill cover the cost and pick it up in return.” you continued.
“its fine. i get it, the last few days were rough. dont worry about it.” he smiled.
after a quick 10ish (or so) minute walk to the street side store you worked at, you realized you were about 5 minutes past the time you were meant to clock in for your shift.
walking into the store, it was no surprise it was already crowded by 8:36am seeing as christmas was 2 weeks away now.
“y/n! y/n get over here! where is your uniform?” yunjin questioned as more of a whisper yell.
before you got the chance to reply, she quickly cut you off and said, “nevermind that. just please hurry to change and come help me with all these people!”
you wave off her dismissive behavior, and speed walk to the bathroom, making sure to pass the lockers to grab your uniform on the way.
“i forgot how itchy this was..” you grumble as you slip on the ugly elf costume yet again before leaving to the front desk.
“welcome in! please let us know if theres anything you need help with!” yunjin smiled as another person walks through the door, putting on her customer service voice.
“guess you dont need me anymore?” you asked jokingly, noticing there was no one within a 10 foot distance of the check out line.
“why must you take so long to change? i only had enough time to help half those people. the other half left after mr smith came in to return all the ornaments he broke again. he really knows how to hold up a line.” she sighed, moving in the direction of a huge box of broken material.
“you cant keep letting them return damaged product. we are losing enough money as is, santa.” you gestured to her new character change yet again as you realize where a good chunk of the budget went. “what was wrong with the reindeer costume?”
“it didnt make it clear that im the owner. the shop is called santas workshop dont you know? cant call it santas workshop if theres no santa.”
you laughed brightly at yunjin while she picked up the box to bring it to the back, just as another person walked in.
“welcome in!-” you call out, before cutting yourself off as you caught a glimpse of his face.
he was pretty gorgeous, you couldnt lie. from what you noticed, he had shortish black hair and big eyes to compliment his soft lips (not to mention his build was pretty insane too. he definitely works out).
the very same guy who caught your attention came to you shortly after, seeking some assistance on picking a gift, so you were happy to comply.
“im not sure what she’d like. its hard shopping for a 14 year old.” he said.
“what’s your relation to her? just like so i know how close you are so its easier to help.”
“my younger cousin. we arent that close, but its our first family gathering in a while and my mom wants me to get something for everyone. but shes always been.. far from an open book. so im lost”
you thought long and hard about what your cousins around that age like, before coming to a final decision.
you attempt to reach for the legos, but you almost fall over as it was just barely out of reach, sitting on one of the higher shelves.
carefully, he steadies you by holding your arm and reaches to grab the item you were aiming at.
“this?” the guy questions as he hands you the orchid lego set.
“yeah! im not sure if it suites her or anything but you cant go wrong with legos. the price isnt too bad and its suitable for anyone at any age for the most part.” you shrugged.
“that actually.. makes perfect sense. youre really good at your job, no? thank you.”
“no worries. if theres anything else i could help you with, weve got a new selection of stuffed animals your girlfriend might like.” you spoke like it was nothing, acting as if you werent just trying to get information.
“i actually.. dont..i don’t have a girlfriend.” he chuckled awkwardly as he brought up a hand to rub the back of his neck.
“oh really? im surprised someone like you doesnt have a pretty girl on your arm.” you said nonchalantly while you attempted to hide your smile (as if you were going to make a move).
“oh stop!” he waved off when you pointed out how red his ears were getting, assuming you only were trying to boast his ego (hes so unaware)((please get the hint)).
you walk back with him to the register so he could pay after realizing there wasnt much more he needed. “that’ll be 45 charged to your card.” you smiled.
“thank you, ms..?” trailing off as he notices he never actually got your name.
“han. y/n han. glad to be of assistance.”
“oh and- one more thing?”
“sure, what else?”
“what time does the store close?”
“10 at night. extended business hours every saturday.”
“surely youre joking? theres no one else here but you and the owner! thats in like 13 hours. youre working a 14 hour shift?”
“yeah but i get paid way extra so its fine, i really do need it. and yeah we are beyond understaffed but its alright.” you laugh, masking your exhaustion and dread with a bit of your lighthearted energy.
“really? i could never, must be so tiring.”
“it is, beyond imagination. but we do what we can.”
“get home safely then alright? its scary leaving that late especially considering the predators go after pretty ladies.”
“youre a tricky one arent you! how dare you mask that as an attempt to flirt.” you gasp playfully, “ill be fine, its not that far of a walk.”
“walk? youre not really walking home are you?” “well yeah, its not like i can drive when i dont have a car myself.”
“by any chance, might you need-”
“y/n! leave the poor man alone! i need you to stock the shelves in the ornaments section!” yunjin calls out from the storage room and interrupting the conversation.
“ill get to it.” you call back.
“well, i should get going then. it really was lovely meeting you.” he smiles.
“thank you, take care!” you reply, waving as he leaves.
it only hit you many hours later (quite literally an hour before you clock out) that you never got his name, and you regret it oh so much!
even yunjin felt pity for you, multitasking and listening to you ramble about the mysterious man despite all the work she had going on whilst you both sat in her office seeing as there were no customers beyond 9:30pm.
“why cant we close early if theres no one coming past a certain time? its not like anyone needs to be christmas shopping at.. 9:49 at night.”
“its just in case theres anyone who needs something, we cant miss a chance to make more money when we’re low on rent money.” she reminded.
“its only 11 minutes though.”
“and where do you have to be in 11 minutes? you live with your brother and his two roommates with no boyfriend and instead worry about a man you just met.”
“ouch, you need to go out more.”
“y/n you know i love you but i have no time for that nonsense. i need to have fun, yes, but money is essential. clubbing and drinking does not get you there, we both know that.”
finally, the dreaded 11 minutes were up and it was time to lock up after a crazy long shift. though, you cant say you were looking forward to walking home after standing in heels all day.
it was all most as if your prayers were answered (or just by a really strange coincidence(?)) that someone on a motorcycle stopped in front of you as you crossing the street.
“heard you needed a ride?” the guy from earlier said as he took off his helmet.
“what are you doing here? its late out.” you replied, acting calm as if your heart wasn’t beating out of your chest.
“cant leave you to walk alone in the dark, can i, pretty lady?”
“youre smart, ill give you that.” you smile when you feel your cheeks go hot.
“ill take you home. come on.”
maybe it wasnt the best idea to give a stranger your address, but he seemed nice enough, and pretty trustworthy to say the least.
you sat behind him as he drove through the streets, with your arms wrapped around his waist, your chest flush against his back as you wore the helmet he let you borrow.
he was so naturally warm you felt his body heat through the sweater he wore, thankfully keeping you from being to cold.
soon enough you were home, and he was walking you up to the front door.
“thank you for today even if it wasnt all that much, i had a lot of fun. you made my work day more.. bearable.” you smiled.
“of course, you can always call if you need a ride or anything. dont want you getting sick when its storm season.” he reminded before slipping you a postcard with his number on it.
“id love to get to know you more, but i just broke up with my boyfriend last week.. give me some time?”
sure you technically were the one who found him attractive first but, you never actually thought about initiating something more.
he smiled without a second thought, nodding his head slightly. “of course, i understand. just know ill be here, waiting.”
“wait! i never got your name?”
“ill see you later y/n!” he called out as he left, driving off in the opposite direction.
you sighed and unlocked the door with the spare key leehan gave you, and notice him sitting next to jaehyun when you walked in.
“you have a boyfriend and you didnt tell me? how could you! i thought we were friends.” leehan expressed dramatically from the couch as you took off your shoes at the door.
“not a boyfriend, just a friend. why were you even- whatever. wheres taesan?”
“in the bathroom.”
“thanks. uh- jaehyun is it okay if i change in your room since i left my clothes there?”
“go ahead.” he reassured. “oh! also, by the time you come back the pizza we ordered should be here too.”
you close the door behind you and pull out the index card from earlier to save the number as a contact. however, you couldnt help but smile as you read what it said below.
“your personal uber when you need it! +44 28xxx0xx29 -xoxo gunwook park :)”
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purrple-sectors · 2 months
I'm only going to say this once. Idc if you agree with me or not
I love Oscar, for goodness sake he's my favourite driver and IM SO HAPPY HE WON!!!!! But it wasnt Lando's fault what happened, those team orders were shit and what happened on the race will obviously put a bad taste on both of their drivers' mouth
While I do think Oscar deserved the win since he drove very well today, imo after that shitshow that was that second pitstop, Lando also had every right to keep p1. Its fucked to prioritize a driver and then forcing him to swap with his teammate
We cant forget that Lando is atm p2 on the drivers championship, and yes there's a big gap to Max but every point counts. I've been seeing people calling Lando selfish for what happened and yea if he had taken the win he would have been selfish, but then we do admit that past WDC were selfish and praise their doings. Why do we negatively accuse only Lando of being selfish?? Its hypocritical.
Lando could have been really selfish and taken the win and the points for his place in the championship, but he didnt and that shows how much he cares about his teammate. Many drivers, like Max let's be honest, wouldn't have done for their teammate what Lando did today. And maybe Lando took alot of time to do the swap but we need to recognize that he wasnt put in a easy position, he had a decent gap when Oscar left the pitlane and had a chance to get more points, how many drivers would have jumped to that chance?
Its McLaren's fault period. Oscar isnt blaming Lando and Lando isnt blaming Oscar, there's no need to make drama where it doesnt exist. McLaren screwed both drivers and in fact Lando is more disappointed with his race start than with what happened later on.
The radios that were shared between the pitwall and the drivers weren't pretty and shows how much the team was at fault. Lando wasnt made aware that he would undercut Oscar, then he was given a "deal" that he would swap positions when his teammate reached him, ofc he would make a gap like any other racing driver would do, and then he was frankly guilt tripped in live tv to let Oscar pass through. I wouldn't be happy if that happened to me and I dont think anyone else would be.
BOTH drivers were put on a tough position. McLaren did shitty strategy calls and then tried to fix the things on the worst way possible, playing with their drivers' feelings, ofc Lando will be pissed!! This was weird and this shouldn't be what racing is.
Once again I'll say that I'm very happy for Oscar's win, I'm very proud of him and I think he totally deserves it!!! Still I think we all should acknowledge that McLaren screwed both of them and that it's normal they aren't feeling well with how the race ended, we should let them sort everything out at their own pace and not be accusing or talking badly about any of them now.
Now we need to wait and see if this decisions will affect anything in the long term but we'll see.
Proud of Oscar tho 🧡
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crazylittlejester · 5 months
the fandom has felt kinda quiet to me for a few days now (which might totally be my fault i dont think im using this app correctly) and i kinda feel like im standing with a group of people where everyones done talking and no one know what to say next so im gonna do what i do then too: Yap ‼️ (its my one talent)
if you’d like to yap with me feel free to hop in my ask box and say whatever you like, headcanons, theories, whatever, but for now here are some random little headcanons I have:
(disclaimer: my apologies for weird spelling errors or oddly autocorrected words im dyslexic lmao)
- Wild loves to do fun things with his hair! He loves braiding it up in new styles or putting pretty things in it or buying fun clips to keep it out of his face. Sometimes one of the others with shorter hair who can’t do their own fun hairstyles will ask Wild if they can do his, and he almost always says yes
- Legend is the most likely to buy little gifts for the others. He’s not as likely as the others to verbally say he cares, and he can come off as a bit standoffish, but he really does love the others and gifting them little things is how he shows it. He bought Sky a beautiful new carving knife once, he loves giving Wild earrings (and Wild is not above just poking new holes in his ears so he can wear more of them at once), he gave Warriors a new journal one time, etc.
- Four is a HUGE fan of rain at night. He loves the sound it makes on roofs, it’s calming to him. It’s less fun when he’s sleeping outside, but he just loves the sounds and smells of rain. Warriors does too, and the two of them have sat out in the rain together silently, just enjoying each other’s company
- Twilight loves the occasional pet as Wolfie, as long as the others still hold the same respect for his physical space they do when he’s a hylian. He loves hugs, he loves the occasional pet, and he loves bonking the top of his head into the backs of Warriors’s legs to trip him before he innocently runs off to Time and acts like he’s done nothing wrong in his life ever
- Sky wakes up every day and chooses peace. He chooses kindness and love, and he seems so very calm and sweet on the outside, but if someone dares to lay a finger on someone he cares about he will explode and there will be serious consequences. He’s genuinely a very loving person, but he does have a side of him that’s just full of rage that he occasionally unleashes on monsters that deserve it. He one time let a sliver of that anger loose at a monster that knocked Wild unconscious and the others stood their with their jaws open, and then of course Sky turned back around after he calmed himself down and looked at them all like “:3”
- Hyrule cuts his own hair and because it has a good amount of curl to it, it ends up looking fluffy and it’s hard to see exactly how uneven it is. When Legend found him just trimming his hair in the dark with a knife he was like “what the fuck” and ever since he’s at least tried to help Hyrule make his hair a LITTLE more even (its still an absolute mess, but it looks fine on him)
- Wind gets under stimulated a LOT, it’s hard for him to just stay in one place or walk super slow or not be doing something with his hands, so Warriors taught him how to finger knit so he can do that while he walks as a sort of mindless activity. He doesn’t really make anything in particular, and he ends up unraveling it at the end of the day so he can keep reusing the same ball of yarn, but it helps him stay with the group and it gives him something to do as they walk
- Time is the biggest prankster of the group and he gets away with it every single time, and Wind, Wild, and Hyrule often end up taking the blame for it. The only ones who know it’s really him are Warriors (though he never actually catches him in the act, he just knows) and Twilight, who’s seen him do it several times and had to swear his silence. He’s too scared that Time will be disappointed in him if he reveals who the true prankster is, but he does feel genuinely bad every time someone else gets yelled at for one of Time’s dumbass pranks. On their last day together Time does reveal it was him all along, and then he literally leaves and disappears before the others have a chance to yell at him for it. When he arrives at the ranch alone with tears in his eyes, laughing his ass off, Malon somehow knows EXACTLY what just happened
- Warriors is usually the one who helps mend the other heroes’s clothes. They all have SOME ability to sew (some of them are better than others, like Wild and Legend, and some of them refuse to fix the holes in their clothes until it gets so bad there’s no fixing it and they literally just have to buy another tunic, *cough* Wind), but more often than not Warriors gets asked to do it, and he does it gladly. He does a wonderful job every time, and sometimes he gets to embroider little patterns, which is a lot of fun for him. When he gets bored he’ll just do that on his own spare tunics
again feel free to come talk to me in my asks or add ur own headcanons to this post :) i like to yap and i’ll gladly yap with you if you send me things
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niftukkun · 4 months
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fanart for a scene in @nerdydowntherabbithole 's Taking Life As Is on AO3 !! a scene early on in the fanfic that sounded so cool it gripped me with inspiration, where a vulture swoops down and gets fucking got by a leviathan while our dear protagonists look on in horror of the beautiful brutality of mother nature happening right in front of them! dont you love it when you leave your rotting corpse behind and immediately get hit with the existential horror of almost dying and the primal fear of seeing something that much bigger than you and realising your fragility when you were once a godlike being above such lowly thoughts and struggles? anyway.
some details and thoughts !! :
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-just before this scene, sugar (survivor's name in this fic) hunted and ate a salamander, so i included it in this here drawin too !! hell yeah esoteric fic-accurate details -(pro tip for any artists out there; if you want to push something into the background, gradient overlays are your friend. also, dont forget to check your values. outline your characters if they aren't popping out of the background enough) -in other, not fic-accurate detail,, moon's dress and marks. i think in the fic, moon's dress is more like,, an actual dress with sleeves and such. but also like, i do what i want and i want something thats barely a dress so i can show off my anatomy/mechanical bits art skills. i dont care if its not canon compliant im calling rule of cool -whoops i forgor the wires uhh shit nevermind it would cover the cool bits anyway whatever -also, while i am proud of the vulture and leviathan, they both used reference. like, i sketched them out yeah, but also the sketch was mostly done by staring at a reference the whole time and overlaying it on the canvas as needed when the drawing looked a little too off. so if you look at this and think 'aw man this guys too good at drawing i could never draw a vulture/leviathan/background/whateverthefuck like that' youre wrong. use references and get better at art by referencing references -shoutout to the miraheze wiki btw for supplying most of my references for this. fandom wiki could never
this fic holds a special place in my heart. like, i dont agree with it on a lot of things (how the cycle works, time between slugcat campaigns, how rot works, etc), but its very internally consistent and i like how all the characters are written. i really do like how, despite all the bickering, the iterators really do care for each other and love each other. i like that the blame isn't pushed just to pebbles, the acknowledgement of there being a lot of nuance and complications in the whole situation. i like the worldbuilding, nsh's wetland-esque biome, srs's gleaming glass beaches, the different interesting fauna/flora, slugcat society worldbuilding, the fucking trains hell yes trains.
most of all though, i love the authors dedication to getting a happy ending. no one left behind. all the iterators in the local group are getting freed (except for innocence but thats a different thing) all the slugcats are alive and doing well (even artificer's kids!!). and even though the fic throws the characters around, bad things happen, steps backward are taken,,, there is almost a palatable message that no matter what, things will be okay. artificer did bad and its acknowledged with visible consequences (scavenger temple route, which mightve made things so much easier on the route to nsh) but she still gets her kids back. hunter had her rot cured and even got some sick new upgrades but still struggles with overexertion and moments of weakness. both pebbles and moon have ptsd from the rot and the rain respectively and its handled reasonably well, not even mentioning the survivors guilt and learned helplessness on nsh and the whole,, guilt from causing this whole fiasco and the feeling of it being all their fault from srs,,,, , ,,,
i dont know. i just really like how dedicated the fic is to showing the realistic consequences of the unforgiving and brutal world of rain world and weaving it into a story of forgiveness and freedom. there are struggles but the heroes will still win and get to go home happy. its cathartic. i love it a lot.
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ekanatsume · 1 year
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Keeping these here bc istg finding doksoo people is like seeing kdj not sacrificing himself
I dont really ship ship them but like the potential they have as a couple i-
If youre a doksoo person, please lemme know bc like i can n o t for the love of god find people who ship them. I just wanna cry about them like 😭🙏
[ID: Tiktok screenshots of Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint fanart of Han Sooyoung and Kim Dokja overlaid with captions about their relationship. The art featured is by more than one artist, but predominantly by BlackBox. The captions read:
1. han sooyoung once said "me, waiting for someone for decades and decades... you think such a thing is even possible? you crazy fool,"
and then we are told about her endless waiting in kaizenix arc, and how she was fighting her best to stay awake for 13 years in the epilogue, for one person, for someone she thought she never waited for, and then it was revealed that she, again, waited for 4 years for certain someone to wake up from his sleep. she diligently visited him every day during his time in the hospital, making sure he's still alive and well even though his soul has scattered away.
2. orv ebook spoiler?
during kaizenix arc kim dokja wrote a love letter to han sooyoung where he told her "write a'story that's for me andme "alone." little did he know that han sooyoung Would do anything, LITERALLY anything to write a story for him alone. why aren't you by her side when she writes a story for you?
3. kaizenix arc shows how much kim dokja means to han sooyoung. she spent 50 years, literally a lifetime, waiting for him. she hold onto the promise kdj told her, where he said he would find her as soon as possible before they got thrown to kaizenix.
she fought her hardest not to forget him. fighting for 50 years, ALONE. for 50 years, she believed kdj would save her. and she believed kdj would one day read her book to save her. and she never blamed kdj for the 50 years she spent. God. it's a pity we don't talk enough about her struggle in kaizenix.
4. This has to be one of the saddest passages in the entire novel.
I will never shut up about doksoo and their captivating interactions. and how astoundingly excellent Sing Shong's writing is: the emotions, permeated the text, and picturing that particular moment visually came with it naturally.
I was moved to tears by her assumption that it was her fault that he started crying and her quick actions to comfort him because she didn't want to keep seeing him cry
Not to mention how Kim Dokja expressed his emotions, which is as uncommon as him not sacrificing his life for KimCom.
All he wanted was some reassurance; to be told, that he's done the best he could the whole time through
Hsy mghtve comforted him for the wrong reasons, but that completed the job nevertheless.
5. when you realize kim dokja's ■■ is "epilogue" and "eternity" while han sooyoung's ■■ is "neverending story". and towards the end we find out about hsy making a promise to kdj that she will write the epilogue, a story, for kdj until the end of time, for eternity, if that's the only way she could save him…
6. how did you read orv epilogue and think han sooyoung and kim dokja are platonic bc i genuinely thought they were canon after hsy's sacrifices for 13 years, and kdj openly saying he loves her story more than anyone else.
orv theme is basically your story = you
7. the fact that kim dokja had actually fulfilled his promise to read han Sooyoung's "boring" novel that has over 3000 chapters even before they both made promise with each other.. he kept his promise for over than 13 years, without both realizing that fact until hsy regained her memories as tls123, and kdj as od.
8. han sooyoung had seen kim dokja's life at its lowest when she first saw him almost lifeless at the hospital she held his hand, feeling the warmth of the hands that had given up of his life, and she cried. and the first thing. she thought of was how to save him. in mere minutes she decided to damn the whole world for him to live and survive she would never let kim dokja to be in that state ever again, not when she is there for him.
9. the whole twsa is a love letter from han sooyoung to kim dokja. she told him to never give up (ch533), encouraged him to find companions (ch75). described so many disgusting foods as delicious so that he could eat them with ease, and not to mention the whole reason why twsa existed was for him to have a reason to live and survive for another day. she wrote all of this for 13 years, so that he could live BEFORE and AFTER apocalypse. she saved him before anyone else could do it. her love is eternal. End ID]
Thenks to @princess-of-purple-prose I DIDNT KNOW HOW TO ALT TEXT AAAAAA. Thenks for doing this ^^
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sketchquill · 11 months
This being inspired by art that I just literally saw a minute ago by alice angel12x! With their idea of ghost of Christmas present yn!
The scene
Frank could only look at the ghost with fear as he watched them grow older by the minute. The once bright and cheerful spirit that stood tall among the crowd now appeared centuries older, their wooden skin was chipping and rotting away like an ancient oak that had been left to grow on dying soil their labored breaths showed how tired they had became but their hood hid their face from the puppet leaving his blind to their appearance but he was certain that it had changed as well. His heart ached for the spirits well being, it was thanks to them that he was able to see the warmth of the town surrounding him for so many years, a warmth that soaked deep into his bones that he never wished to forget.
He knelt down by the spirits slumped formed worry and fear filling his eyes " spirit? Please say something! Is there anything I can do?" He asked, he begged, for as much as he knew the truth, he wanted to remain naive for a little longer.
" I'm afraid cough! There isn't much you can do for a spirit dear frank, my being is far beyond your control. Its my own fault really, I saw hiw happy you were seeing everyone that I had forgotten my own limits and now I fear my time has come"
You spoke as if it was the most obvious thing in the world as tears slowly stared to fill franks eyes. "N-no please please this cant be! There must be something I can do!" For the first time in years frank is willing to put someone else's well being above his, the idea made you smiled weakly underneath your hood.
"Theres a heart underneath that all that doom and gloom after all huh? Thank you dear frank but im afraid im already gone" you glance up at the swirling snow that surround the both of you. While frank paid no mind to it, you watched as the wind grew more aggressive causing the most beautiful sight before you mixing with the cruel glow of a blue haunting light.
" My darling, you're already here? Im afraid im worst for wear" you spoke to the air it seemed as you forced yourself to stand up. Frank tried to get a hold on your arm to held you steady yourself only for your arm to shattered into dying splinters that blew away with the wind.
Frank finally noticed the blue glow when it suddenly became like a large bonefire at the destruction of your arm but you could inky laugh as you walked on shaking legs, knocking your hollow knees together with each step.
"No there's no need for that! You cant blame a boy for not knowing, there is so much for him to learn and it is best that you take me place dont you?"
You spoke with confidence as you pulled down your hood causeing frank to lose his breath. Your once beautiful hair made of leaves had disappeared and wilted into brown dying vines that left you into a balding state, cracking lines spread across your face their source was from the now empty socket that once held one of your bright warmth filled eyes.
You look up at the hooded figure without any source of fear or worry in your entire body, something that frank was envy about as he felt fear shake his entire soul at the towering figure.
Your remaining arm reached up to the figures face, reaching into the inky blackness of the hood with some effort revealed the soft gaze of a yellow felt face that looked down at the spirit of christmas present with warmth and sadness within his eyes.
" what-what is this?" Frank asked in a shaking voice but you only could chuckle.
"No one can help who they love frank, be they a puppet or a spirit such as us. There will always be something that will block then from one another" it was almost like you were speaking with the wind, your voice rising and falling with each sound.
You slowly turned your body more fragile than a porcelain doll would as your body slowly splintered and cracked more but a smile filled with warmth still remained on your face, as if he wasnt the cause for your breaking state.
"My last kindness and his warning frank frankly, this could be your last Christmas."
You shattered, bits of wood and cloth blew through the raging wind turning into small sparks of light that were swallowed by the darkness of the winter night. Frank could only stare in awe at the sight of your dissapearing form unaware of the tears that slowly left the hooded figures eyes.
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aachria · 2 months
once again writing as im reading yk how it is
You apologizing in the notes for a longer chapter will never fail toget me hyped and sorta nervous 🧍‍♀️
"So did you (get taller) , thank you for staying alive long enough for me to know that" aachria the writer that you are 😭 you always manage to make me emotional
"…Who the fuck picks a prosethetic that looks like Sans from Undertale???? " Sabo the man you are
AACHRIA. PLEASE. IM AT THE "ACE TO BE EXECUTED" PART. WTF. WHAT WHAT WHAT 😭 UHM. I knew my ass was being too hopeful about both of them being there 😕 i shouldn't have trusted you.
If Ace dies. I'll cry. /th. You'll cry too so please don't kill him 🙏‼️
"I can’t save him. I can’t save him, I can’t save him I CAN’T SAVE HIM I CAN’T SAVE HIM— " ricky when i catch you Ricky. I dont wanna call this foreshadowing cause that might give you ideas and i predicted quite a bit of stiff right. So i predict Portgas D. Ace will Live.
I want you to know i cried at the Luffy comforting and forgiving Ed part 😕
" “How can you say that?” I croak, trying to find any hint of dissension in his expression. “How can you not believe it?” he counters." 😕😕😕😕😭😭😭😭 you're a bully
" Bit of a shit way to meet and in law but hi" and then no elaboration is so funny 😭
Did. Did failure make ed forget about the kuma sending everyone away thing? Or are they gonna try to put it off til after marineford??? Or is it just not gonna happen at all???
Ed repeatedly saying "i love competent people" with kore and more intensity 3ach time is so real what a mood
Jonah mentioned 🤭 love to see sabo and ace bonding
"Unquestionably" 🤭🤭🤭
im still worried abt wtf is gonna happen a propos the strawhats separation
Amazing chapter as always excited to see the next chapter that you might post on Wednesday THANK YOU SO MUCH ‼️
but yeah getting you hyped and nervous is pretty much the intended effect.
I was trying real hard to keep faithful to the feelings from the canon Sabo and Luffy reunion while also not having Ace being DEAD as the driving force of the thanks (the ASL brothers thanking each other is something that can be so personal—) and I'm, if nothing else, content with where it ended up. Fuckin' love those two.
Nothing shows how much you love a character like giving them fucktons of piercings and just generally disregarding their canon design. He is my special little guy and I will make him strange and weird like he deserves and if that included stealing his fucking eye and making it more awesome and also poking a myriad of holes in his face, who's to stop me?
I am terribly trustworthy excuse you. I never said I wasn't going to do terrible things. I asked if you thought I'd do terrible things and I hoped I wouldn't do terrible things, but I never made any promises. Hheh.
I also make no promises not to kill Ace. For the record. But I will cry absolutely.
If there's one thing about Ed, it's that if they're given a chance they will martyr the SHIT out of ANYTHING. Like pookie please your saviour complex is showing.
I was so ready for someone to call out the recurring smoked fish joke like 'hmmmm smoked fish you say kinda of like SMOKE from something BURNING IS IT?!" and then that didn't happen and I felt vindicated. And please when have I ever used foreshadowing before. Doesn't sound like me at all.
Luffy is my hero you GO bestie COMFORT that idiot YEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH—
Look that cowboy hat is fantastic and my catalyst for cowboy Ed, who can only get more cowboy cunty from here. Nothing say pirate quite like a cowboy.
Oh yeah baby Ed is very aware of Kuma. There's a bunch of you shits who were real concerned about them forgetting and to that I say the first little sequence of next chapter was supposed to be on the end of last chapter, but it was already too damn long so I had to split 'er up. It'll make more sense when you read it.
I LOVE COMPOTENT PEOPLE ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ ED AND LUFFY PRISON BREAK ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Yeah.... the separation.........
Anyway yeah I didn't end up doing to Wed update because I had a bad week but there WILL be one this week ‼️‼️
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AITA for refusing to get back with an ex?
So i (21m) was in a poly relationship with S (21x) and J (24m) for about a year (so that would be when i was 20, S was 19 and J was 22)
Midway through the relationship i was going through some mental health shit so i kind of subconsciously distanced myself (my bad, i definitely shouldve been upfront about what was happening but i have vulnerability issues)
Dont get me wrong, i wasnt straight up neglectful or anything (to my knowledge?), but i really didnt go out with them as much as i used to (if one of us couldnt attend, the other two would go as a couple. It was more efficient like) and didn't really feel as much "honeymoon" intensity if that makes sense
I think its also important to note that once i was semi-able to pull myself out of my rut i decided to start these big art projects to show my appreciation for them and also kind of make up for my distance, like that shit took up my time and sleep and effort. i felt like i wanted to take the next step from casual dating to something actually serious with a future and everything because getting out of my spiral made me remember how much i loved them
So i called them up and found out that they kind of... kicked me off the polycule?? It was this weird situation where they thought I was leaving them behind so they also fully moved in together and started acting like a regular couple without me. obviously i was pissed, and S apologized and tried to communicate which i really appreciate, but J was just doubling down blaming me. At the time i was so angry i turned it into a full out yelling match
I realized it wasnt healthy nor working out and broke it off fully, telling S we could still be friends but cutting J off entirely. I gave all J's shit that was still at my place back to S, blocked J's number and scrapped my project altogether
Fast forward to present day, and im in a completely unrelated relationship with two people i love with all my heart, and by this time ive healed and mended my relationship with S enough that i thought we could start over and add them to the polycule (to be clear my current partners like them too and are on board). We did do that, it's going great and i'm remembering why i loved S so much in the first place
The issue is that S is still with J, and while J doesn't have any issues with both of us separately dating S, S wants all of us to reunite again for old times sake and its very obvious that theyre still holding onto the old versions of us and what we used to be. I say no, i dont even like J anymore and havent spoken to him in forever so why the hell would i care?? Ive grown and changed so much in the time after our relationship that i wouldnt even fit into the nostalgic mold that you want me to be a part of and i dont think J would either
The thing is J does also seem like hes interested in starting over. S said he's grown a lot since, but i think our personalities just dont mesh and ive also just fallen fully out of love with him. It seems to break S's heart, but they get it and don't bother me about it anymore. On the other hand J respects my decision but is still like passive aggressively annoyed about how seriously i took it, saying it was mostly my fault and i took drastic measures for nothing.
What are these acronyms?
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dracowars · 1 year
Hi!! I love love loveee your writing so much ❤️ if your requests are open, may i request a fluff soft draco comforting the y/n cause she has such abusive parents that abuses her physically and mentally cause they think that its her fault that she has all these trauma but actually that trauma itself was caused by her family 😞, and draco already knows about it but one day she just started crying because something happened and draco was just comforting and giving soothing and sweet words!! I'm sorry if my request are too much and might be triggering to you, you can write it if you want and its okay if you dont want to either :) i just need draco to comfort me thru these fics :"D I'm sorry
against the world | draco malfoy
pairing: draco x reader
word count: 0,6k
summary: where y/n is suffering from trauma due to her parents
a/n: hopefully i could do this justice <3
warnings: angst, cursing, mentions of trauma, physical absue, mental abuse, toxic parental relationship
universe: harry potter
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"And then he went on blaming me for not paying enough attention. Like, come on, it wasn't my fault the other team was clearly better", Draco scoffs as he is rummaging around his bag, fishing out some of his books for different classes before neatly placing them on his bookshelf, making sure they don't fall over. "My dad can be so annoying sometimes. Always fucking criticising me for nothing."
While Draco absentmindedly started talking about this topic, you are sure he did not realize what it inflicts in you. And you really want to listen, you really want to help him and give him advice, but there are no words coming from your mouth as you are pulling your knees closer to your chest, your back leaning against the wall while sitting on Draco's bed.
"I perform poorly in a test, I'm dishonoring the family and I'm a shame to the Malfoys. Oh, but when I actually get good grades, well, I wasn't good enough, I could have done better", he rambles on, still looking around his room, looking everywhere but you who is slowly sinking together, your forehead on top of your knees.
Terrible images appear in front of you, of your parents screaming at you once again, blaming you once again for being weak, for being traumatized by the things they did to you. They would never let you voice your opinion, they were never accepting any of your words, any of your feelings. All that mattered is that you behave according to their strict rules.
But you didn't.
A wave of emotions rolls over you all of a sudden when you think back to what they did to you, your own parents, physically and mentally, and you can't help yourself but to let out a loud, deep sob that finally catches Draco's attention. Without hesiation, he is at your side in a second, laying one hand on your knee while making sure to give you the space you need.
"Fuck, Y/N, I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking about what I was saying. I didn't mean to- I'm so stupid, I'm sorry. Please forgive me", Draco whispers in a fast manner, truly feeling bad for being the cause of your sudden emotional outburst. But it is not his fault, it definitely is not. You should have overcome your fears and trauma a long time ago, but these wounds are so deep that there will always be a scar.
Your own parents scarred you for a lifetime.
Wiping away your tears with the back of your hands, trembling, you allow Draco to put his arms around you and to just hold you, in his safe embrace where no one can ever hurt you. With one of his hands on your upper arm, he presses you into him, making you feel warm, while the other is slowly and carefully caressing your cheek.
Enjoying the feeling of his touch, you sink further into his side, your panic and anxiety slowly decreasing as Draco is holding you close, not ever letting go while constantly mumbling a mixture of apologies and reassurence.
"They can't hurt you here", he says, so quietly that you can barely hear it, but you just know what he means. You cuddle further into him, putting your arm across his stomach, your cheek on his shoulder, and listen to his slowly but steady breath which is calming you down. Draco puts his chin on top of your head, inhaling your scent while now caressing your arm. Where everything felt dark and restricting just moments ago, it now feels calm, quiet and safe.
"It's us against the world", Draco whispers, softly kissing the top of your head, making sure that you feel safe with him.
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violentviolette · 2 years
i think a big part of why people latch onto things like narc abuse and sociopath nonsense is that at the end of the day, they want something easy to blame
when ur abused, the hardest and most difficult thing to confront is why. why did they hurt u? why didnt they love u? why did they do those things and treat u that way? why couldnt they see how much pain u were in? why didnt they care? why why why why
during the abuse, we internalize that why. we think the reason is us. we're just wrong or broken or undeserving or bad. it's our fault they abused us. and so when u finally escape that, its a big and emopowering moment to finally be able to realize that no, we weren't at all the reason. we werent to blame. we didnt do anthing to deserve that.
but then that leaves us once agian with the why. and the uncomfortable truth is that there really isnt a satisfying answer to that question. the why is usually very mundane and doesnt offer a lot of closure. its often just, because they were selfish. because it was the easier thing to do. because they were hurting and took it out on u. because they just couldnt be bothered to care. because they couldnt see past their own defensiveness. because they chose to.
but those aren't satisfying. they dont give closure. people dont want to confront the mundane and human reality that people abuse others for no good reason sometimes. that they were just being human, because abuse is mundane and human. so people try to find some other big universe defining reason. they latch onto things that tell them "this abuse was an immutable force of the universe and no one can do anything about it. these people are inhuman monsters who need to be removed from society" because that kind of absolutism is a much more comforting and easy thought than the reality that sometimes people just choose to be terrible to one another. because that reality means confronting the randomness of tragedy and our powerlessness to stop ourselves from becoming victims. it also means u never have to confront the reality that while someone may have abused u, they can and do go on to love others in healthy and real ways, and they deserve to do that. and that still doesnt at all mean there was something wrong with u or that u deserved what happened.
but those are difficult and uncomfortable things to confront. so in a twist of deep deep irony, they do exactly what their abusers did. they choose the selfish, easy, defensive option. and they take their pain out on other people who dont deserve it and did nothing wrong. they fall into abusive patterns and habits without even realizing it and then become the thing they claim to be fighting so hard against. they refuse to understand and accept the reality of why people hurt others, and thus doom themselves to repeat those same patterns of misbehavior. because when u refuse to view other people as human, u end up becoming the monster ur looking for
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what would kenny say if he could see his family now? would he be happy at how far his daughter has come? would he feel pity for his wife, seeing how grief has changed her? would he still wish for his family to be together? (<- insane)
this ask is absolutely diabolical. i cannot thank you enough for giving me a chance to talk about kenny more in-depth. unfortunately most of this ended up being context for how he thinks + a bit of further exposition on mayumis relationship with her parents [since family is a big deal to kenny and well. yknow], so the actual answers are a bit further down but i hope this is still at least a little illuminating 👼
one thing thats important to know about kenny for this to make sense, is that he has some very strong values and beliefs surrounding the idea of family. while i wouldnt exactly describe these ideals as him being "family-oriented" in the traditional sense, its more like... okay. you know how older people, usually in their 50s and 60s, all seem to be capable of talking at length about That One Relative they despise, how they wish they could have nothing to do with them, because nothing good ever comes of it, but then they end their diatribe by going "well, they're still family, so i love them"? kenny's like that, hes committed to family to a fault. obviously there are still things that he would consider as going "too far" or irreconcilable when it comes tothis, but his tolerance for that is much higher than it probably should be.
to this point, i think even when he was still alive, he could tell that tears were beginning to form in the family dynamic that weren't solely caused by his inevitable passing. its not something ive discussed much here, but mayumi actually wasnt on very good terms with her parents before kenny got sick; she left home and started her career as a gravure model when she was 20 as a means of "sticking it" to her parents' more traditional wishes, and she was unhappy when she was living with them, but never actually did the work to figure out What was so wrong with the situation. as such, when kiru was born some years later, and she started to settle into life with kenny, she began to recontextualize her dissatisfaction with her parents' treatment of her as her just being a bratty teen. so, when kenny got sick, and she decided their best bet financially would be to move in with them, kenny agreed, though he viewed it as something of a necessary annoyance because hey, they're family.
even still, in the last year or so before he passed, the effects of living in the family home again paired with the inevitable realization that kenny was Definitely Gonna Die were becoming more and more apparent, primarily through how mayumi acted towards him and to kiru. he could tell she wasnt taking the process lightly at all, but part of him hoped that after his passing, she would be able to move on and mayumi, kiru, and her parents would be able to continue on as a family unit without him. he thought the bitterness between them and the cycle of mistreatment was just something theyd have to "work through" or "get over" because theyre Supposed to be close, though i dont think he ever said his out loud.
so, i think if kenny were to see the family structure now with full context, he would be pretty upset and confused that things didnt go quite as he'd hoped. i dont think he would blame them for going no-contact after the incident at christmas, but he would certainly be unhappy with the fact that things reached that point in the first place. there's a lot that he wished could have happened differently [esp. once kiru became an adult and left to live on her own, as well as some of the decisions made in the months following his death], though he was quite even-tempered + logical when need be, so i dont think he would really be able to find it in him to stay angry at either party for very long [though he'd certainly be mad about the concussion. physical harm is one of the aforementioned "okay even i think this is too much" bars for him wrt familial conflict, even though mayumi herself was also very freaked out by herself in this instance]
with mayumi as a person, more than anything i think he would just be very sad about her resignation to a life of isolation now that he's gone; he'd hoped that theyd be able to "get over" their differences and become closer now that circumstances were easier for them with him gone. but again, i dont think kenny really understood the full breadth of the emotional abuse mayumi endured, especially since mayumi herself never really came to grips with it. and having never endured that himself, he isnt able to wrap his head around the fact that its the sort of thing there isnt ever any "getting over". its a very naive take on family conflict, borne out of his own inability to really understand incompatibility in this sense + familial abuse due to his lack of experience with it. this same confusion and upset also applies to how things shook out with mayumi and kiru, though i think he was more understanding in this case since there was a physical aspect to it. but past that he just wishes mayumi could find it in herself to move on and meet new people, that she might be able to be happy again in spite of all of this. its a strange mix of pity, confusion and a tinge of anger.
as for kiru though... theres no question that kenny would be immensely proud of the person she is today. to put things into perspective here, he was born and raised on chichijima, and sickness aside, only ever left for long periods of time when he was attending college. he regards this as being the most difficult thing he ever had to do, and its a decision HE made! so for kiru, who went through so much more than that and made the move at a much younger age than him, to STILL come out on top with a doctorate and a nice job? that on its own is enough of a feat in his eyes. but past that i think he would also be very proud of the kind of person she is, since she really is just such a sweetheart and is incredibly level-headed. he'd be very very happy that she managed to do so well for herself even after all that went on, and that she managed to find such a wonderful group of friends who love her [joblessness aside. though i dont think he'd really gaf if we're being honest]... and furthermore i can see him really liking her and keiko as a couple HEHE
furthermore, i imagine kenny would be pretty happy that kiru at least stayed in contact with SOME family on her mom's side, since again, hes still quite family oriented in a strange roundabout way. he would definitely be confused as to why it was yanagida of all people, since they didnt visit one another very frequently before the move and always seemed to be bickering with each other After they moved, but hes happy nonetheless
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rexecutioner · 23 days
tell me about garrance right after they meet again after garroth is out of the mind control and after garroth passes out after the second time because i need gay angst
if you dont ill take another nap this is a warning
You know Amnesia M. Skulls you dont have to hide behind that anonymous shell youve molded for yourself i know its you
Ok so when everyone is on the Cannon after Zane and Lucinda help out Garroth and Katelyn (Laurance wanted to stay behind with Zane and Luci but Kim needed him for extra backup and extra medical help just incase), they all gather in the main room. Laurance and Garroth immediately beeline to each other and embrace in a very tight hug. Both of them are sobbing their eyes out and Garroth is apologizing profusely for all the trouble he caused for them while Laurance reassures him that he knows it wasn’t his fault, does Garroth blame him for what happened at the lodge? Of course not, Garroth exclaims. They wrap up their reunion once Toby walks in and points his rifle at Aaron.
After Aphmau and Travis beat the shit out of each other, Laurance helps to carry Nana and escort Zane with Vylad to the helicopter as Rowan gives him directions and they don’t have much time to talk before they run out of room and have to take off without Dante, Lucinda, Aaron, Aphmau, or Kim. Once they meet back up, Garroth and Laurance don’t leave each other’s side very much. They are both very worried about their hospitalized friends and find comfort in the other’s company. Eventually Garroth opens up to Laurance and long story short it’s angsty as hell and they both end up trauma dumping and crying, their bond is really fucking strong afterwards.
I may retcon some of this once i figure everyone’s roles out and fix some of the ultima stuff lol
Give me au name suggestions so I can tag when i talk about it!!
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quodekash · 1 year
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because of them, im now gonna start sobbing every time someone throws a peace sign at me
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my boy is having many thoughts. none of them good.
I can hear his crisis and him blaming himself because now he thinks it's his fault that sailom's gonna get beat up, and he's sad for himself that he doesn't have a reason to spend time with sailom anymore, and now his grandma's gonna be disappointed in him for failing something, and there's definitely some thoughts in the mix there about his dad and the bike he bought him and kang is so certain he doesn't deserve the bike, I could go on but I wont because I would like to finish this episode before the sun rises and currently that doesnt seem all too likely
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well DUH
YOU COULD SEE IT FROM MARS (and now im thinking about soundwin. frick.)
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tell him
tellllll himmmmmm
tell him he lent the umbrella to youuuuu
and you've treasured it forever perhaps?
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chances are either the bus or Kang's car is gonna show up before he'll get it out, bUT ONCE AGAIN, LET ME BASK IN THIS RARE MOMENT OF GLORY AND POWER
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I know it's super cliche and everyone probably saw that coming but I dont care, im gonna let myself feel almighty powerful
I just. I will never understand why they dont just like quickly tell the person before leaving. or like yell at him while getting on the bus. OR EVEN text him while on the bus, immediately after getting on. that's what id do, cos if I dont tell them right then and there, I guarantee you I will forget to ever tell them, and then it'll keep me up at night for ages but never at a moment where I actually think about telling them, and then three or four years later ill finally tell them and it'll be so insignificant by then but it doesnt matter because I FINALLY TOLD THEM THE THING
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I really hope he remembers to give at least one of those umbrellas back to kang
mans is not waterproof, he needs an umbrella
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respect for auto just went down down prices are down
crypto? seriously honey?
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I hate sports days so much
thankfully id always be allowed to just not go to school instead of being forced to participate in athletics and swimming carnivals and cross country and stuff, and I will be forever grateful to my parents for that
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they're in love btw
just in case anyone forgot
I didn't forget
I can't forget about them
my brain wont allow it
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two things to say here
one: view, please marry me
two: kang and sailom definitely have the same responsibilities
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just KISS
I can't deal with the longing stares anymore
im like 80% certain they wont kiss this episode but I so badly want them to
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....but (hehe butt)
I think kang might pull some strings to end up in the same department as sailom? maybe??
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IM DYING, THERE'S A MARC AND A PAVIN (which sounded like pawin)
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ooooo he is listening to their conversationnnnnn
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(we're getting so many cheesy cliches right after each other and I am so here for it, I love this so much)
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now kiss
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he needs money to pay off his debts, so... he's gonna take a job offer from the guy he pays his debts to? feels kinda pointless, right?
also in this series, pepper reminds me of tor, specifically in midnight museum, so part of my mind thinks hes gonna offer him a job at the museum
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as someone who sprained an ankle a little over a month ago, I have some points to make
namely: saifah is right. the first 72 hours are the most important, as long as you're resting it, keeping it elevated, icing it, compressing it, you'll be all good to walk on it in no time. after that, you need to make sure you're still taking care of it, like by wearing a compression sock all the time, and not walking on it too much if it starts hurting, stuff like that. that's the part I didnt do. I took care of it for three days, then kept walking on it like nothing happened, and it's still really painful sometimes, it never properly healed, but like it's fine im surviving
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there's nothing wrong with the work he's doing, it's just the fact that he's still a kid and thats a 50 year old man
on another note, I ran out of bloody images AGAIN
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intogenshin · 1 year
watatsumi is uncomfortable
ryukyu kingdom coexisted with japan as two separate nations until japan colonized it, which involved obviously stripping them off their culture and autonomy.
yet the fantasy reinterpretation of ryukyu kingdom voluntarily assimilated with narukami people at the request of their god. the soil of the island is infertile due to enkanomiya sucking the life off it, so they depend on narukami for survival.
worse, because of the famine they convinced orobashi to invade yashiori island, and the shogunate response that ended with the raiden shogun striking orobashi with the musou no hitotachi is entirely watatsumi's fault. yet generations later they still feel resentment over this, so much so they're willing to use delusions (mind u, made out of the remains of their god) to act on this resentment completely aware that delusions drain their life force.
why is the resentment of the fantasy version of a colonized people painted in a self harming light.
ryukyu had their own customs and culture, their religion was more closely tied to shinto, but it was still specifically ryukyu. they were forbidden from even speaking their own language when japan colonized them, so as with other colonized culture some of it was lost to time.
hoyo tried to emulate this with enkanomiya, detaching the loss of culture from its historical parallel of which japan is responsible and blaming it on-- we're not even sure yet what the hell happened to enkanomiya, as to why they fell to the depths of the ocean. i guess we're blaming it on the neglect of the primordial one.
ryukyu always had a matriarchal tradition, priestesses were a high authority in the kingdom, which is where the sangonomiya lineage takes inspiration from, but the royal seats were still filled. the king was worshipped as the child of the sun, and they had a ritual that renew this belief.
yet genshin turns this tradition into an arrogant pursuit of power by the enkanomiya political class, who turn the aritifical sun created by aberaku into a false god and sacrifice children once they become old enough to understand the facade. the sun is a false god the people are fooled into worshipping, and the reinterpretations of the sun ritual are turned into tyrannical corruption.
i dont know much else about ryukyu, i learned bits and pieces while researching something else. i think its pretty unfortunate what hoyo did at best, and pretty malicious at worst. theres no justification to have gone to this length, even if they wanted to avoid the aspect of colonization and turn it into family friendly braindead assimilation, painting enkanomiya as foolish and corrupt and then burden their watatsumi descendants with their sins its inexcusable.
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hiya kat! how are u doing? its been a while since ive been here with you, i just had a thought, about how. well.
i just wonder how one can cope well with their expectations being crushed? its just almost valentines and im certain my partner doesnt have anything planned at all. its always been like this, we're young but its our first year together this april so i just thought yknow. maybe they would. but theyve never really, put any effort into anything ever. i always plan dates and always ask them out to things, and always pay for them too. i just got my hopes up and i dont know. ive been seeing a lot of targeted ads on couples just. yknow wish for it as well. to feel special, i guess, or something like that. i have told them before as well that i would like to feel special once in a while, so that just added on to it. i was hoping. idk haha its just sad on my part. maybe im just being envious and selfish for asking fir material things? or more feelings? should i just appreciate whats in front of me and settle? idk man
appreciate your help i am just currently sobbing my eyes out because of said expectations however i dont really want to blame them for it because i dont think its their fault.
thanks as always, love ur blog forever
Now I'm not saying you should have to beg for this kind of attention, but you might benefit from considering how directly you've been communicating these desires/expectations. Because you're more likely to get somewhere with "I'd like to do something like x for valentines day" than "I like to feel special once in a while." Especially if planning these kinds of dates doesn't come as naturally to your partner.
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