#once nacht is bed
loosesodamarble · 8 months
Gimodelo: Master, how many more files do you need to report? Nacht: Oh just 44 more. Slotos: How many have you done already? Nacht: 50… 72! I've completed 72 documents. I'm more than halfway through! Plumede: Master… When was the last time you ate? Nacht: This morning. Plumede: That was just a mug of coffee… Nacht: … I ingested something. It counts. Waglner: When was the last time you bathed? Nacht: Just last night. Slotos: You only splashed your face with water. Gimodelo: What about sleep? When was the last time you slept? Nacht: Sleep… That was… Devils: (their jaws drop) Master?!?!?! Nacht: It's just 44 more documents. Once I complete them, I'll- Plumede: RED ALERT! RED ALERT! MASTER IS NEGLECTING HIMSELF! Gimodelo: Walgner, draw a bath! Add extra essential oils to the water! Slotos, get to the kitchen and make the best feast you can! Plumede, get the blankets and pillows warmed and fluffed for when Nacht is done with his bath and meal! I'll restrain him so he doesn't resist! Nacht: (anxiously looking between his devils)
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pricescigar · 1 year
Recurring Nightmares
John Price X Elvira Wolff
Summary: Price comforts Elvira after she has her recurring nightmares like most nights. And as always... He's there to comfort her when she needs it most.
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The TV was at a low volume but enough to hear what was going on, it was only 21:00pm, the day stressful and tiring as hell. And a Belly full of food from dinner, close to a food coma and wanting to fall asleep easily on the sofa. But Price wanted to stay awake a little longer, well at least try to… Slowly he was getting more tired by the minute it seemed. He looked down to see Elvira completely exhausted and not paying attention to the TV at all, she had the blanket over her that they leave over the sofa. Just in case either of them got cold.
"You look tired, love… Do you want to go to bed? Hm?" Price watched Elvira slowly fall asleep on the sofa as they watched TV, she cuddled up close to him slowly falling asleep. They were watching an old TV show, the ones you'd see when you flick through the channels during the night. So it wasn't interesting by all means.
Elvira didn't say anything but she slowly nodded, and with that Price carried her in his arms. Luckily both of them were already in their Pyjamas, so they could just get into bed easily. When they headed to their bedroom Elvira mumbled to him:
"So warm and toasty." 
In reference to Price's warm body temperature, which did make him chuckle softly a little. She was cute like this. Like any other time. He kissed the top of her head as he carried her to the bedroom.
Once they got into their bedroom Price laid Elvira down on her side of the bed, watching her lazily get under the covers made him chuckle. While he got into his side of the bed, easily wrapping an arm around her and pulling Elvira close to his chest.
"Good night love…" Price mumbled and laid his head near hers, making sure Elvira was comfortable enough. Her head under his, the two cuddling up together for warmth.
"Hm… Gute nacht dear…" Elvira mumbled to Price tiredly, and just like that she fell asleep in Price's arms with no problems at all. 
After a long hard day's work, both Elvira and Price went to bed relatively early around 21:15pm. They rarely did that, but today was one of those busy days…. That an early night was well needed, Price always knew Elvira struggled with her nightmares; He had his share of nightmares too, but sometimes Price always worried for Elvira and her recurring nightmares. Especially when it came to her sleep paralysis. Ever since he witnessed one, he'd never let her sleep on her back again. And after a visit to the doctors about it, she managed to get some medication as well to cope with her anxiety. And an option to go do a sleep study on her as well… Which she politely declined at that offer.
This night was one of those nights… Elvira's nightmares occurred again, Price became a light sleeper after Elvira's sleep paralysis. He just couldn't help but worry to bits.. Immediately he woke up when he heard Elvira muttering in her sleep. She was muttering something in German, but he couldn't make out what Elvira was trying to say.
"Love? Love, are you alright? Elvira…" Price gently tried to wake up Elvira as he watched her toss and turn a little. Clearly seeing she was trapped in a horrible nightmare, worry was written all over his face. Be tried not to panic himself and kept on trying to wake her up gently.
Elvira got startled awake as she looked around sitting up a little. Her eyes darted all around the room in a panic. When her eyes met Price's, her eyes softened. "Darling…" She said breathlessly, tears almost forming into her eyes and she hugged him tightly not wanting to let go.
"You're alright darling… It's okay… I'm here." Price whispered to her tenderly, hugging her close to his bare chest, rubbing her back in small circles. Hearing the small cries Elvira was letting out.
"Fuck…" Elvira mumbled softly  trying to catch her breath, she couldn't stop crying. Price just let her cry all her emotions out, rubbing her back and whispering small, soft comforting words to her.
"I'm here love, it's alright…" Price kissed her cheek softly, leaning his head near hers. He gently ran his fingers through her hair, trying to comfort her in every way possible. 
"I had the same dream again… The dream where my water almost killed me, I know it happened a long time ago… But why does it still feel so real to me?" Elvira asked Price softly as she wiped her tears.
"After being in that Cryostate, of course it'll still feel real to you love… To you it may feel like a couple of years ago." Price consoled her as he looked down at her. 
"It felt like I was choking on my own blood again, it just… I can't…" Elvira shook her head as she began to cry again, she hated that this was still affecting her life. Elvira knew her father was gone, she sought to do that. But what he did to her…
"Dear…" Price looked at her sadly, pulling her into his arms again. If there was one thing he wished for… He wished he could take all kind of pain away from her so that she wouldn't have to suffer again. "I'll never let anything happen to you again, and I promise on that…" He spoke tenderly. "He'll never hurt you again, ever." He placed a hand upon her cheek, looking down at her.
Elvira looked up at Price, she didn't even say anything and just melted into his arms. All of the crying mentally exhausted her even more, she wiped her tears away. A small smile came on her face, when Price kissed her head.
"I love you as you are my dear…" Price professed softly, seeing her slowly calm down eased his nerves too, he observed her closely to make sure she was okay.
"And I love you too, my love." Elvira replied looking up at him, and kissed him back. "Danke so much for reassuring me, it helped me a lot …"
"Anythin' for you love. Do you want a drink of water? I can go downstairs and get you one." Price offered to her, 
Elvira nodded to him. "Bitte… I would like that." She replied softly, feeling Price shift off the bed and he went downstairs. After a moment he returned with a cold glass of water for her, he handed it over to her.
"Here you go my love." Price said as he got back into bed with Elvira, while she drank her glass of water and left it aside on the nightstand. 
"Danke… I feel much better." Elvira laid back down with Price as she began to get comfortable in bed once more.
"That's good… I won't sleep till you sleep, alright?" Price pulled Elvira into his arms gently, holding her ever so closely. She laid her head on his chest nodding a little.
"But are you sure you want to wait up that long? You know you'll get tired yourself." Elvira asked him softly, still being slightly worried.
"Of course my love, anything for you." Price whispered, he watched Elvira get comfortable in his arms. He gently ran his fingers through her hair, as she tried to sleep.
Around 4am Elvira finally managed to fall back asleep again, Price smiled softly seeing Elvira finally sleep again. He too got comfortable and closed his eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep. Keeping Elvira in his arms like he promised. Even if both of them would be tired when they woke up later on, Elvira always came first over anything.
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
This was before Chelsea found out about her dads hobby.
It was around midnight, the night still and calm. Charles Lee Ray sat drinking a cup of hot chocolate, hoping it would relax him. Till he heard a small cream coming from the side of the house. He thought nothing of it, since he assumed it was his brother.
“Slap that you?”
He grew slightly concerned hearing no response.
“Slap? Billy? Jig?”
Now he was certain he was hearing this till he heard another thumping noise.
“Ok who the fucks there”
He squinted his eyes trying to focus, seeing a shadowed figure, trying to maneuver its way through his home.
“Ok, now I’m piss”
The redhead lunged and tackled the intruder, making for to cover their mouth to prevent any loud frantic screams.
He could feel the intruder to squirm and fight once hearing the young girls voice. However he tightened his grip around the intruders throat, preventing any noises from escaping their mouth. Concealing the intruders frantic struggle in the shadows.
“Y—yeah baby? You ok?”
“Mhm…I—I thought I heard something”
“Y-yeah sorry I dropped my mug…come on head upstairs…I—I’ll be there in a minute”
Once he heard Chelsea’s light footsteps head upstairs, he twisted his victims neck to the side and snapped it like a twig.
“Night asshole”
He tilted his head up, and quickly marched his way up to stairs into his daughters room, opening the door and seeing her sit upright on the bed, her small hands in her lap. Looking at him eagerly.
“Alright little munchkin, come on time to hit the sack”
“Can you say…till I fall asleep”
“…uh..yeah…yeah I’ll stay…”
“gute Nacht Papa”
(Goodnight daddy)
“gute Nacht Chelsea”
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the-heaminator · 2 years
It was a cold night tonight, a thick layer of frost accumulating on any available surface, it was late too, and Gilbert knew Ludwig hadn't slept yet, trying to catch up with an imaginary backlog, he assumed such a tactic was to distract himself, after all it was a thing he himself used to do not so long ago.
"Ludwig, schatz, please sleep, please."
He was standing in the doorway, wrapped in a blanket like an old mother would do, and ready to fuss over Ludwig like one too.
"I'm fine, Gilbert just leave me alone." He had hoped for it to come out just harsh enough to drive Gilbert away, he just wanted to stew in his own thoughts for a while, but instead it came out empty and desolate, something he never liked to sound.
His brother hurried over to him, maternal instincts going into overdrive as he quickly checked him for fever and turned off his laptop, making sure all files were saved.
"Nein, you are sleeping now, you have a fever and putting off rest will only make it worse." He lightly tugged Ludwigs arm, momentarily forgetting that he was no longer a small child anymore, able to be dragged up to bed and bribed with cookies, now a grown man far, far taller than Gilbert himself. But it had been such a short span of time in the grand scheme of things, that he forgot Ludwig was fully grown.
Regardless of that he was unwell, and he knew something was troubling him in his head, and he full well knew that he wouldn't want to discuss this right now, tomorrow morning would be a better time, but for now he had to get Ludwig to sleep.
It was always a difficult job to get him to sleep, when he was small, a babe in arms he would cry and weep through the night, early nationhood hurt, Gilbert knew that, though is early years were so long ago he barely remembered them, he knew that he was borne in a time of severe instability and Ludwig was too, though the circumstances were wildly different.
Back then him singing would often get him to sleep in scarcely a verse, sometimes on his worst nights Gilbert wept over his cradle, he loved him dearly and wished not for him to leave this world so early. The maid saw this once, though she never said anything about it, most likely shocked that Herr Belichmidt was capable of such softness and human sincerity.
Schlaf ein, schlaf ein, schlaf ein Du gähnst schon, komm, kuschel dich ein Ich sing dir noch ein Lied Ich freu mich so, dass es dich gibt
Even as he neared adolescence he would ask Gilbert to sing for him, during the horrors of the wars, the scorching pain of bombs in the both of them, he sang for Ludwig, he was used to such pain, his baby brother was not.
Tired voice echoing around the bunker, though more often than not a few of the younger soldiers could be seen hanging around when he explicitly told them to leave, they were forced to grow so fast, and he hadn't the courage to discipline them for being human; if they gained comfort from listening to his tired voice sing, so be it.
Ich wünsch dir eine gute Nacht Wir sehen uns, wenn wieder die Sonne lacht Schlaf ein, schlaf ein, schlaf ein Wir lieben dich, schlaf jetzt ein Wir lieben dich, schlaf jetzt ein
The wall was erected and torn down, though during the period he was required to comfort too, Latvia, Ravis, the poor boy had seen so much and often awoke in a frenzied terror, only calming once someone sang for him. It was the same with a lot of the others, though they refused to admit it.
The duty alternated between him and Katya usually, and it made the others sleep too, he had grown remarkably good at comfort, despite insisting that he was still like marble, unmoving and cold, though more and more began to see him for what he was.
Schlaf ein, schlaf ein, schlaf ein Du gähnst schon, komm, kuschel dich ein Ich sing dir noch ein Lied Ich freu mich so, dass es dich gibt
The separation had affected Ludwig badly, understandably so, the brother that had always been there for him suddenly taken away, thrust upon the international stage with no inkling of how he was to behave. But en the wall broke it seemed to get better, both were more reserved respective traumas playing a part in their manner, but they made it work.
But now Ludwig needed to sleep, tucked up in his bed nice and warm, with Gilbert leaning against the headboard with the bedside lamp on, softly singing and stroking his not so little brothers hair, the well worn lullaby sinking itself into the very being of the house, finally sending him into a deep slumber, and through no admission of his own, Gilbert's eyes started to grow a little misty, he really loved his brother with what was left of his soul, all of it.
Ich wünsch dir eine gute Nacht Wir sehen uns, wenn wieder die Sonne lacht Schlaf ein, schlaf ein, schlaf ein Wir lieben dich, schlaf jetzt ein Wir lieben dich, schlaf jetzt ein Wir lieben dich, schlaf jetzt ein
Schlaf jetzt ein Schlaf jetzt ein Schlaf jetzt ein Schlaf ein
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whackdreamer · 10 months
Fireflies spin-off: Darkness Falls (Storyline)
Yami Sukehiro/Claire Polaris alternate storyline.
A spin-off to my Fireflies story. Instead of Claire finding herself in the drama between the Faust twins, she falls in love with Yami Sukehiro. This story would imply mature themes revolving their relationship. 
This spin-off stemmed out from the scenario where Claire chose to avoid Morgen after she realized she had feelings for him but spent more time with Yami in turn. As a result, Morgen and Claire’s relationship didn’t develop and Morgen didn't end up confessing to Claire. 
Claire and Yami would have a lot of shared moments together. However, as Claire was too focused on her own feelings for Morgen, she failed to see what Yami began to think of her. 
While the two of them had their fair share of arguments and bickering they also had moments where they showed mutual concern for one another. 
Yami found himself growing fond of Claire when he realized that she didn’t think of him badly like the rest of the locals who saw him as a foreigner who would bring bad luck. He also grew to admire Claire’s strength and determination. And saw the softness that showed through the cracks of her impulsive outbursts. 
Yami did something reckless one day and he was taken to the Healing Tower to treat his injuries. Claire was by his side the whole time and scolded him for what he did. 
He then felt how she cared so much for his well-being, and it touched his heart. For so long Yami felt so lonely since he washed up in Clover. Julius, Morgen, and Nacht might have been there for him, but Claire wouldn’t settle herself down until she was sure he had fully recovered. Claire stayed by his side till he could leave the tower. 
Yami thought he fell in love with Claire after that. Or maybe he had loved her even before, but it was at that time he admitted that feeling to himself. 
Shortly after Morgen’s death, Yami would visit a mourning Claire in her quarters and begin to talk to her how she needs to care for herself. He knew how harsh he sounded when he told her she needed to stop being so miserable. (Note: In the Morgen storyline, it was Julius who came to Claire’s room) 
Yami missed the Claire that had so much life in her. But now it was gone along with Morgen. 
Claire had been drinking the time Yami paid her a visit. She couldn’t remember how the next events came to be. But she remembered kissing him. When she woke up, they were in bed together. 
Claire couldn’t accept that something had happened between them at first. However, it didn’t just become a one-time thing. She found herself wanting to be with him more and more. 
Yami thought he was doing the right thing. Claire was going through a lot, and whatever arrangement they had made was supposed to help her move on. 
When Claire decided to leave the knights because of her mother’s health, Yami respected her choice. He would find time to visit Claire in the Forsaken Realm instead. 
After he heard that Lucina passed away, Yami would visit Claire in her home and would comfort her once more. 
She needed someone. And he was there for her. He couldn’t bring his feelings into words but he showed it. He held her close. He kissed her. And he made love to her. 
However, Yami would wake up alone in bed. A letter was left behind for him from Claire. 
The letter reads, “Yami, by the time you are reading this letter I would have left Clover already. I know this is sudden but please don't even try to find me. You are a great person. To all of us who believe in you know that you are capable of many things. Make that squad you've dreamed about. Find lost people. And most of all find someone who can return the love for all you are worth and more. 
When mom passed away, I knew I wouldn't be able to handle losing another person important to me. My heart is far too broken and numb that I don't think it would be able to care for another anymore. You are far too kind, and you deserve someone better than me.  
I've had many regrets in life. But I'll never regret the time I spent with you. Thank you, Yami. For being there, and for taking care of me.” 
Yami was left heartbroken. He crumpled her letter in his hands. Then he would return to the Grey Deers and Julius would ask about Claire. In which he would answer that Claire isn’t coming back. 
[Claire’s Spade events continue as per Night of the Fireflies. After which Yami and Claire would eventually have their reunion after 10 long years] 
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wilsweb-asientour · 10 months
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Tag 38. 10.08.2023
Wasserpark im Typhoon. Heute standen wir 08:30 Uhr auf und kauften uns im Café ein paar Backwaren. Direkt im Anschluss holte uns Dohyuns Familie in einem hochmodernen Hyundai vom Hotel ab und wir fuhren im strömenden Typhoon-Regen (tropischer Sturm) Richtung Süden, um Mittag zu uns zu nehmen. Im Restaurant (한터시골농장) aßen wir in einem separaten koreanischen Häuschen aus gelbem Ton, es gab Hühnersuppe und Ente mit Lauch. Außerdem tranken wir einen Weinlikör aus schwarzer Johannisbeere und einen kalten Zimt-Tee. Dazu gabs dutzende Beilagen u.a. 2 Kimchi Varianten, Pilze und Kohlsalat. Wir fanden alles extrem lecker und aßen kräftig, quasi für alle Leipziger mit.
Danach ging es in eine lokale Kaffee-Rösterei, wo wir einen leckeren Kaffee und einen Karamell-Eiskaffee tranken. Wieder war das Café in traditionell koreanischer Art ausgelegt, Fotomöglichkeiten gabs also reichlich. Als Nächstes fuhren wir in einen Wasserpark (Carribean Bay Water Park), wo wir im strömenden Typhoon-Regen die Rutschen ausprobierten. Aufgrund des Typhoons war der Wasserpark relativ leer, wir warteten also maximal 30 Minuten für jeden Rutschgang. Obwohl wir uns die Ärsche abfroren hatten wir unendlich viel Spaß und verließen erst gegen 20:00 Uhr den Park. Danach fuhren wir in ein Chicken-Restaurant (행복치킨) in Bundang-gu, wo wir frittierte Hünchenschenkel probierten und reichlich Bier tranken. Das Chicken war spitze, sowas hatten wir noch nie gegessen, die Mahlzeit war der absolute Hammer. Respekt an die Köche.
Letztlich wurden wir wieder nach Hause gefahren, wo wir vollkommen fix und fertig auspackten und uns bettfertig machten. Morgen gehen wir es entspannter an, natürlich gibts dann entsprechend ein Update unsererseits. Bis dann, gute Nacht!
Day 38. August 10, 2023
Water park during a typhoon. Today we woke up at 8:30 AM and bought some pastries at the café. Right after that, Dohyun's family picked us up from the hotel in a state-of-the-art Hyundai, and we drove in the pouring typhoon rain (tropical storm) towards the south to have lunch. At the restaurant (한터시골농장), we dined in a separate traditional Korean house made of yellow clay. We had chicken soup and leek with duck. Additionally, we had a blackcurrant wine liqueur and cold cinnamon tea. There were numerous side dishes including 2 variations of kimchi, mushrooms, and cabbage salad. We found everything extremely delicious and ate heartily, as if we were eating for all of our Leipzig family members.
Afterwards, we visited a local coffee roastery where we enjoyed a tasty coffee and caramel iced coffee. Once again, the café was designed in a traditional Korean style, so there were plenty of photo opportunities. Next, we went to a water park (Caribbean Bay Water Park) where we tried out the slides in the pouring typhoon rain. Due to the typhoon, the water park was relatively empty, so we waited a maximum of 30 minutes for each slide. Despite freezing our arses off, we had endless fun and didn't leave the park until around 8:00 PM. After that, we went to a chicken restaurant (행복치킨) in Bundang-gu, where we tried fried chicken and enjoyed plenty of beer. The chicken was fantastic, something we had never tasted before - the meal was absolutely amazing. Kudos to the chefs.
Finally, we were driven back home where we unpacked and got ready for bed, completely exhausted. Tomorrow we'll take it easier, and of course, we'll provide an update from our side. Until then, good night!
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“Flower! Flower! Flower! Wake up!” A small child's voice cried in my ear. I tossed to the other side of the bed, covering my face with my pillow. “Astonnnnnn,” I grumbled, “Ma’s gonna be pissed when she hears you got outta bed.” Aston wrenched the pillow away, pulling at my blanket. “That’s the thing!” I began to hear a quiver in his voice, “Mama won’t wake up!” I sat up quickly, my brown curls flopping in my eyes, I brushed them off and faced my little brother Aston, his big green eyes were filled with tears.
“Aston, what do you mean she won’t wake up?” Paranoia crept up on me, like someone had poured a bucket of boiling water down my back, bringing tears to my eyes. “She’s in the kitchen! She’s got blood ‘round her head! She won’t wake up….” He trailed off, panic mixed with realization appeared in his eyes, a small sob left his mouth. “MAMA’S DEAD!” Aston shouted, pale and shaking. My lower lip trembled, ‘Mama! I can’t cry! Aston needs me, but, Mama! Mama’s dead!. ‘ My thoughts were loud, but Aston was louder. His screams and sobs felt like glass shattering all around me, making me cringe as my skin prickled with heat. I attempted to soothe him, rubbing his back, while whispering false promises and reassurances that it would be okay.
A bang snuffed the wailing from my little brother, leaving nothing but dead sickening silence in its wake. I held his head to my chest, cradling him close while running my fingers through his chestnut curls. “FIND THE WOMAN!” A male voice yelled, pounding footsteps seemed to come from all around us, causing Aston to shake furiously in my hold, I could feel warm tears wetting my shirt, and my face. With nothing left for comfort, I began singing Papa’s lullaby, ‘Guten Abend, gute Nacht. Mit Rosen bedacht, mit Näglein besteckt, schlupf ich unter das Deck. Morgen früh, wenn Gott will, wirst du wieder geweckt, morgen früh, wenn Gott will-.’ I stopped singing as I heard the thundering footsteps stop outside of the room my little brother and I shared.
“Please, please leave,” I murmured, wrapping my arms around Aston’s back, holding him tightly and muffling his now loud sobs in my nightshirt. The once soft and comforting fabric felt like a prison, scratchy and moist, sticking to my skin. The wait in the sickening silence felt like hours, time seemed to be moving at the speed of a snail. After sometime, Aston sat up, rubbing his eyes and looking around, it seemed whomever was in our house had left. I let out a shaky sigh of relief, standing up and walking towards the door.
“Flower…. Are we gonna be okay?” The little boy asked, grabbing my hand as I opened the door. Staring at my wide eyed little brother, I forced a smile and promised things that I couldn’t keep. His eyes were bloodshot, the green standing out wildly, his chestnut curls were messy, some sticking to his face from his tears. I stuttered out another superficial promise as we walked to the kitchen. “Aston, Flower. Did you like my gift?’ An older man’s voice said. Aston shrieked and clung to me, I glared and cowarded as I took in the man’s appearance.
“Papa! Papa! Wha-what-how?!” The cruel irony of the situation hit me like a tidal wave: I had just sung the song that the sick sadistic man I had for a Father had taught. The brute snickered. “Dad, please-” Aston moved from behind me, and before I could react. Bang. A bullet to the brain. I don’t think Aston even had the chance to realize he was shot. He just died. I didn’t realize I was screaming until I was slapped. “Flower, sweetie, stop screaming lovely,” He said, cradling my face where he had slapped. I yelled in fear and anger, yelling for someone, anyone! I was begging, just begging. I wanted help. I couldn’t hear anything. All I could hear was my heart pounding, throbbing and the heaviness of my breath. ‘Please! I wanna wake up now! Aston isn’t dead! Mama isn’t dead! They can’t be!’ My face was wet. I was running. I don’t remember why.
My feet pounded against the hard and cold pavement. The man roared my name, infuriated by my running and sobbing. I stopped abruptly. I had run into something, something living, something warm. A gentle hand placed itself on my neck, I couldn’t help but relax in the loving touch. A silk smooth woman's voice filled my ears, “Are you okay schatz?” I shook my head and murmured a sound of ‘no’, “Ah! There you are sweetheart! Thank you ma’am for keeping her safe! She had a bit of a tantrum.” His voice was like cyanide infested honey, sickening, sweet and deadly. “Oh really? I’m glad I could be of help, good sir! I will help you escort this panicked young girl home.” Her tone was off, so I took a good look at her.
The woman was tall with shoulder length rosewood red hair, and moss green eyes. Her eyes were dead, they didn’t have the spark of emotion she conveyed through her voice. My brown haired Father glared, and then smiled, stating with false kindness on how there was no need, and how my tantrum had already taken enough of her time. “I insist, Tyler, your wife would be relieved to see someone else with your lovely young girl. By the way, how is Aston doing?” He growled, “Just give me meine Ficken tochter, sie’s grube.”
She smiled and gently patted my back, setting me behind her, “Can you stay there schatz? I want to talk to him.” Her eyes were friendly but something was wrong. I nodded, unsure of what she was going to do. She called out for me, telling me to pay close attention. I stared confused. I saw a small silver object with a gray handle. A squelching sound of flesh with a small splash filled the quiet street. Father clutched his neck, falling to his knees, choking on his own blood. It felt as if I was standing for hours watching the light fade from his eyes. He finally stopped twitching, his head lolling to the side.
The lady beckoned me closer, my heart pounding in my chest. Her hands were splattered red with blood. “Yes mi-miss,” I didn't defy, coming close to her. Her warm sticky hand clasped mine, ‘I think I’m gonna throw up’, screaming internally before heaving the little food I had before that night onto the pavement. “Tyler Aartsen killed himself after the tragic murder of his wife and son, and left his only daughter in my care. Do you understand?” I murmured a phrase of “Yes…” tears and snot coating my face.
“My name is Katia Fuller, it’s a pleasure to meet you Flower. Will you put this envelope by your Father please?” I nodded, taking the envelope, then asking for permission to read, to which Katia agreed.
‘To my beloved daughter who I leave behind,
I’m sorry that it has come to this but I cannot let the insurmountable darkness in my life consume me any longer. The world has been a harsh place, full of pain and endless suffering, and I feel I can no longer survive in this world.
I know you will never understand how or why I made this decision and I wish there was another way. I ask for forgiveness for the pain I know this decision will cause you and the guilt and fear you might experience.
I love you Flower.
I feel horrible for leaving you.
But, my spirit has broken and no matter how much I try, I am too exhausted to pick up the shattered pieces and make something beautiful from them.
It’s not a possibility for me anymore.
This sickening world took away your lovely mother, whom I love, and your younger brother, my only son.
And now it has taken me away too.
Please don’t be angry with me, my lovely sweet Sonnenblume this world has been so cruel to you.
I have a good friend, her name is Katia, I know she will take care of you my Sonnenblume.
I love you Flower.
I hope you may draw comfort from knowing I am now in a place of peace. I thank you for all that was good in my life and I hope you can one day find it in your heart to forgive me.
I wish you all my love,
Tyler Aartsen.
I set it down, ‘How fake could that letter be? He never loved me, he left when I was little, then returned to kill me, my mother, and my brother.’ I roared inside my head, this letter was disgusting. I sniffed, trying to hold back tears while walking to Katia, she took my hand, and led me away.
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xarrixii · 25 days
Cinder_38 : "New Friends"
CW: previous chapter | beginning | masterlist
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I’ll think about it.
Urban had hesitated⸺hesitated hard. It made Alph a little bit sick, though in truth they’d only had loyalties to Storm for about a month now themselves. It was unfair to ask Urban to make that choice in a few minutes.
It’d still given them too bad a mood to try to confront their dad last night.
Alph threw a glow-in-the-dark ball up from where they were lying down, doing their best at learning to catch the thing they could barely spot. Any sort of hand-eye coordination would start doing wonders right about now. But it just wasn’t coming. Alph ended up chucking the ball to some other part of the room, where they lost it pretty quickly.
“Damn it,” Alph mumbled as they made sure the bed hadn’t gotten any higher from the floor before standing up. “Shouldn’t have done that.”
The door opened, low influx of light spreading out across the floor. Not like Alph could tell much of the difference, wouldn’t have even known it was open if not for the hinge squeaking. “Yeah?”
“Just thought I’d let you know all of the braille plates were finished, in case you ever started learning.” The humming, mildly sarcastic voice of Nacht, who also happened to be Alph’s uncle, filled the space. “Looking for the ball?”
“Please.” Alph cleared their throat. “You think we can set up voice activation on the smartwatches? Like is that a thing?”
“If not, I’m sure I could get someone on it as a specific request. Open your hand.”
Alph let Nacht place the ball in their outstretched palm before hearing the silent slap of what at least sounded like a brick being dropped. “What was that?”
“Braille textbook.”
“Hate to break it to you,”
“I wouldn’t have bought it if it wasn’t tactile.”
Alph sighed. “I’d rather have a book of blind jokes.”
“You’d need to learn braille to read one.”
“Shut up.”
Nacht chuckled. “Hand over your watch and I’ll get someone on it for you. Where’d you even get the idea from? Quite smart, actually.”
“Was just thinkin’. A lot.” Alph shrugged, choosing to lie about their encounter with Urban for now. Nacht didn’t need to know about their first failure of getting Urban to agree with Storm’s cause. Not yet, anyway. They unlatched the watch after some difficulty and allowed Nacht to take it.
Alph sauntered over to where they had last remembered the general location of their desk being, feeling for the edge before tracing their hand over the hard-cover textbook. Big one, maybe. Probably. Had made a large plop. Even the cover was raised in some places. Alph was able to slowly trace some of the generic English alphabet, below it an arrangement of dots.
They assumed it meant something along the lines of Braille for Idiots Who Lose Their Eyesight. Probably a lot kinder about it.
“I see. Would you like to take a walk with me?” Nacht asked.
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Nacht had left for a bit and promised to come back shortly, and Alph had a hard time figuring out how long they’d actually been leaning against the wall thinking about whatever before footsteps started walking up.
“I didn’t know you were here in the recruitment sector! It’s such a pleasure to meet you, Alph. Your name is Alph, right?”
Alph was so taken aback by the concept of being called their legal name they forgot to respond.
“You are Alph, right?”
“I prefer Raiden, but, yeah. Who are⸺?”
“Apologies. My epithet is Afyer. Wait, I’m not playing roleplay games. I’m Afyer Octave, once again, pleasure.” Afyer takes Alph’s hand and starts aggressively shaking it.
“Okay. Afyer. What’s your job here?”
“See, I—” Afyer began very proudly, “—am the one who decided we should hire the guy named Urban onto the team. Unfortunately, not everything went super well, and we ended up losing Raijin, but you’re here! You’re here, and I think this is the beginning of a wonderful new era of Storm recruitment.”
“So you organized the attack on the Cinder tower?”
“Me? No. I just told people who sounded promising based on mood and tone from snippets from our insiders. Also unfortunately, we’ve lost contact with a few of them in the past few months. Nobody agreed with me but Blake, and now look what happened. Rain-resistant fire! I told them! I knew it could happen. I hear you’re also pyrokinetic?”
Alph may have just found a new friend.
“Yeah. Hold on, rain-resistant? Nacht left that part out.”
“You talk to Nacht directly? You must be even better than I thought!”
“Not really, I think it’s just the fact we’re related.”
Afyer someone filled their tone with even more giddy excitement, “You’re blood related?! You must be some uber-powerful kinetic user too, then!”
“See, Nacht’s kinetic isn’t like any other normal telekinetic’s, and it’s kind of roundabout, but he literally controls like... areas. Like full blown entire sections of things, we sort of just shorten it to gravity. But it’s still technically telekinesis. Is yours special in any way?”
Alph blinked a few times, as if it would suddenly help them see what the hell was happening. “No?”
“I heard it’s unnaturally powerful, like Amaterasu. Just without the drawbacks. Like getting nauseous. Did you hear the rumors about her walking in flats yet?”
Alph practically snorted. “Mum? In flats? I’d never.”
In the period of Afyer’s momentary silence, Alph slotted away the idea to ask Urban about later.
“It probably would be quite similar to Amaterasu’s, then. You know who Raijin is?”
Alph still had sour memories of the electrokinetic, “Yes.”
“Nacht’s son and all. Really crazy part, even though they have different kinetics, Raijin still has this real weird sort of remnant of Nacht’s power. Like, dude has his own gravity. We did the kinetics tests a few dozen times, and there is no TK in Raijin’s blood. Wait, Raijin, Raiden? Dude, that’s crazy.”
“You might have to change it once we get Raijin back. So no one mixes it up.”
“Get Raijin back?”
“No one told you?” Giddy clapping ensued from where Alph was guessing Afyer was standing. “Yes! I’ve always wanted to explain it to someone. Saying a story out loud is always so much more fun than telling it to yourself. At least in theory. Okay, okay. I thought everyone knew after Nacht finalized the report roughly a month and a half ago, but oh well.
“Essentially,” Afyer continued, “After you fought Raijin, nice job by the way, with the glass? Blake told us all about it. You don’t know who Blake is. Nevermind, you’ll meet him when we get him back too. I wouldn’t have thought of that. I didn’t even think not to light the old wooden floorboards I was standing on during a fight one time on fire. Then I broke my leg and got transferred to recruitment.” Alph winced. “That’s not important. What is important is that you got knocked unconscious, and then Urban appeared with his silver-blonde hair and really pissed off expression, ready to get you back at pretty much any cost. Nicest Cinder operative ever, honestly.”
Alph cocked their head at Afyer, donning a sheepish smile. “I know what color Urb’s hair is.”
Afyer took a few steps to process that information. “OH right, you weren’t always blind. As I was saying, he was fighting, like, tooth and nail to get you back, whilst also trying to ward off this Liam guy. You know who Liam is?” Afyer paused to let Alph nod. “Okay. Good, ‘cause I’m not the most familiar. He left Storm before I joined. It was super cool—the fight, I mean. At least so I read on the report. Really good tone from whoever wrote it out. And then Amaterasu, from like, somewhere, just slices the building in two!
“And after she slices it in two, the rain outside just like, exposed everything, and⸺”
“I, I get it. I can kinda piece it together from there. Urb still managed to light everything on fire, and it burned my eyes a bit. Then the cams cut out, and Blake wasn’t an eye-witness, so when Storm came back to the scene they saw me still lying there and picked me up.”
Afyer clears his throat. “Anyway, yeah. Raijin was knocked out during the fight and Cinder took them. If he was still in the building when our teleporter came back, it’s hard to tell, but Blake confirmed later Cinder had Raijin.” Afyer paused again, the sound of a pen clicking starting to sound before a smile entered Afyer’s voice, “And now we have you. Welcome to the team.”
“I’ve been here a month.”
“Well now you get to hear it from me,” Afyer took and shook Alph’s hand before presumably walking off. Alph had questions they could reserve for a later time. Mainly including Nacht’s son.
Alph heard a door slide open beside them, standing up straight. “Hold out your arm,” Nacht asked calmly. Alph obliged, allowing Nacht to wrap something around their wrist.
“My smartwatch?”
“Voice activation should work fine now. Its name is Jerry.”
next chapter
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jerry is the bestest boy
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loosesodamarble · 7 months
Hi soda , I love your Nacht x reader headcanons. I have a request. How would nacht feel and react if his s/o wakes him up by peppering him with kisses.
Aaaaawwwww~! Thank you very much, Anon! I'm glad there are Nacht lovers out there who enjoy the Nacht love that I put out! And I'm more than happy to write a little more!
Thank you for your patience on this ask. I hope you, and anyone else who finds this post, enjoy these Nacht x reader thoughts.
Waking Nacht Faust with kisses
To be honest, I headcanon Nacht as sleeping like the dead. Once he's asleep, he's still as a stone and not easy to wake.
Nacht's s/o has asked if it's some kind of effect from his devil contracts and he'd say that it isn't. He's just always been that way.
The only things that can wake him are either just naturally stirring awake, being thrown out of bed, or an incredible loud sound directly to his ears.
So when it comes to morning kisses, Nacht's s/o would have to patiently wait for him to rouse before they started any kind of affection.
(Unless his s/o wants to kiss Nacht for a good fifteen minutes while he's still asleep. But where's the fun in that?/lh)
Once they get the first sign of Nacht waking, usually it's a small groan or his face scrunching up, then it begins.
There's always a "good morning" whispered first so Nacht knows that it's his partner greeting him.
After that greeting comes a little kiss to his temple, followed by a trail of little pecks along his jawline.
His s/o probably has a hand on his chest or caressing the other side of his face. Regardless, Nacht, even in his groggy, just-woken-up state would be able find their hand and hold it with his own.
Nacht would let out a little sound, something between a sigh and a chuckle.
He would just let his s/o continue to kiss him. He's learned that rejecting affection doesn't do anyone good. It hurts his lover's feelings and makes him feel lonely.
Although, maybe if Nacht woke up feeling like a tease, he'd intentionally turn away from his s/o and make them "chase" him a little to give more kisses. Playing hard to get once in a while keeps things from getting boring in the relationship.
A smooch on the cheek. Feather-light kisses on his forehead. Maybe a little peck on the tip of his nose if his s/o is feeling especially playful.
His s/o would be ready to kiss Nacht on the lips, only for him to put his hand between their faces.
Nacht, fully awake at that point (probably was fully awake earlier but only showing it now), would look at his s/o with a slight chiding expression.
"How very sweet of you. But the taste of morning breath certainly wouldn't be," he would remark.
"Mine or yours?" his partner would ask in reply. It's only a joke, both know that.
Once the couple have done their morning routine, only then would Nacht kiss his partner on the lips.
"With that, I'm truly ready for the day," Nacht would say with a smile, the kind of smile he reserves for his s/o alone.
Even when he's not woken with kisses, Nacht wants his partner to know that he loves being able to wake up with their presence next to him.
The occasional kissing wake up call just makes morning a little sweeter.
And, because Nacht wants the good to be rewarded, he'll find a way to turn the tables and be the one giving the wake up kisses sometime in the future.
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orielyn-stories · 1 year
Schöne Nacht
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Characters: Husk, Siren Ship: SmokinAces Summary: Husk returns home after an early night of feeding but his vampiric nature still won't be silenced. He had promised himself he would never drink from his lover but when she gives permission all bets are off.
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Crimson hair cascaded across the large king pillows as the female cheetah demon slumbered within the large four poster king size canopy bed. Her breasts created several large mounds of the ebony sheets as the material gathered in time with her gentle rhythmic breathing. Her hands laid within the folds of the sheets as one hand laid across her stomach. The other gripped the pillow she had pulled close to breath in the scent of her lover. The female cheetah slumbered in a darkened web of dreams as the scent from the pillow rocked her from one dream to the next.
The curtains that covered the large glass doors to the small balcony just outside their threshold fluttered in the gentle breeze of the night. Their thin ethereal bodies swirled as a dark figure swooped down to land on the railing of the balcony.
His golden orbs were harsh as they faded from a deadly crimson upon his landing. His legs landed as his hands gripped the railing between them, giving him the impression of squatting as his wings began to pull themselves against his back. Their normally feathered texture took on a leather texture in his form now. His eyes pierced through the thin curtains as his golden orbs landed on the sleeping female demon.
A soft smile started to curl over his lips as he leapt from the railing. His paws settled quietly on the balcony floor as he slid himself through the open crack of the double glass doors. His ears flickered as golden hues, bathed in ebony, glowed softly in the dark room. Soon those golden hues were gazing intently upon the cheetah demon as she stirred in her darkened sleep.
".....Husk," her quiet, slumber filled voice broke through the silence of the room.
Husk smiled showing his vampiric fangs as he faded away from the balcony doors. As he appeared once more, the bed shifted with his weight. His golden eyes watched her body as he slowly crawled over her. His toned arms holding himself just barely above hers. Husk lowered his head where his face was mere inches from the face of his lover. He breathed in softly as her scent crashed into him as if a surge of electricity. It was intoxicating.
"Siren," he showered her name with the charm of a thousand fallen angels.
He felt her stir as she shifted her body under his. A lazy grin appeared as he pressed his lower body gently against hers. He watched as her eyes snapped open revealing those crimson hues as they stared straight into his glowing golden hues. Husk couldn't help but feel that lazy grin turn into a smile as he stared into those crimson hues as they were only his.
He chuckled softly as he caught the surprise that flashed across her face as he spoke, "Are you surprised to find me here so early my love?"
Siren's gaze continued to hold his own gaze as she couldn't seem to find the words she needed. She could feel the sense of being held captive by those glowing golden hues. Her ear twitched slightly as she noticed the crimson hue slowly shifting at the edges of his eyes. She knew then he hadn't fed enough to keep the vampiric nature controlled before his return.
Husk's smile still held as his eyes scanned over her face and down the column of her neck. His ear flicked as with her having still not answered his question he could feel another idea starting to swarm within his mind. He lowered his face as he pressed his muzzle softly against her cheek before he paused. His star-lit gaze looked to find the female demon smiling warmly as she pressed her head against his.
"I trust you," she whispered as she arched her head to the side, giving more of a view of her neck.
The vampiric natured chimera gave a soft groan as he heard the pulse of her crimson life as it flowed through her veins. Husk pressed a gentle kiss against the soft flesh that created a barrier between him and that delicious liquid. He heard the call of his vampiric nature as he pulled away for a few split seconds. The male chimera fought to keep control as she so willingly gave him permission. His fangs flashed plainly from his lips as they curled slightly into a smile as he looked at her once more.
Siren nudged his head gently as once more her neck was out of his line of sight. His eyes seemed to glow a crimson fiery as she once more knew she was held in the grasp of his deadly nature. There was no fear in her crimson hues as she stared into those warring hues of her lover. Husk nuzzled her gently as he pushed her head to the side. Siren felt a low, soft purr escape her throat as he once more lowered his lips to press against her neck slowly.
When those lips met her flesh a soft gasp was heard. Husk was amused as he started to lick at her neck gently. As he was carrasing her flesh, Siren closed her eyes as she breathed out softly recovering from the gasp that had escaped her. She felt her body drifting as Husk's licks and kisses turned to nibbling. A moan of pleasure bubbled from deep within her chest at his actions. Husk continued his caressing as he felt himself get lost as fangs started to prick at the delicate flesh beneath his lips.
Siren opened her eyes as she felt Husk stop his movements all together. She cast her gaze towards him as she brought her hand up to rest on his shoulder. It was enough for the male chimera to look in her direction. A pleading, aching expression plastered across his face. Husk pressed his head against hers once more as he seemed to beg for permission once more. It was a silent plea that did not go unanswered.
"Husk, if you need this I won't stop you."
The male chimera, driven by blood-lust, lowered his head once more, cupping his lips gently around the side of her neck. A soft groan escaped him at how close he truly was to losing himself to his lusting nature. His eyes flashed crimson as he started to pierce his fangs into the vein just beneath her flesh. His ears pinned back against his head as he felt liquid push against his lips.
Husk started to push away when he felt Siren's hand wrap into the fur at the back of his head, right between his ears. She kept him pinned there with his fangs sinking slowly into her neck as her fingers flexed gently within his hair. She knew he needed to feed and she wasn't about to let him get away without doing so.
"Husk, you need this," she said softly as her hand moved up towards where his ears were pinned. Her fingers gently rubbed at the base of the right ear that she could reach.
Husk felt his body relaxing as he didn't think twice anymore as he pushed his fangs the rest of the way into the vein. Blood rushing to meet his lips as he suckled against it. The female demon felt blood bubble from around his lips as it seeped down her neck and towards her chest. Her once soft ashen grey coat stained a dull pink as the blood soaked into her fur.
A cry of pleasure escaped the female cheetah as she felt his lips press harder against the side of her neck. Her fingers started lacing around the base of his ear before they shifted for a better grip at the back of his head from the pleasure her body was riddled with. Husk pushed his arm up under her shoulders as he brought her up towards him, having him shift as he cradled her against him. He couldn't stop the slaughter upon her blood as he just held her close.
His eyes were nothing but crimson hues as he couldn't shake the feeling of craving her life-stream. The taste was rich and pure, nothing like that of the tainted taste of his other victims he had found that night. Husk couldn't help himself as he came under the power of the seven deadly sins of Gluttony. He continued to drip from her as her hand was slowly losing its grip. 
Soon enough as her hand fell away Husk forced himself to pull back from the blood-lusting nature. He gently pulled his fangs from her neck as he licked the wound he had caused. The pin pricks dripped for several seconds before starting to dry up.
His golden hues, bathed in ebony, found the closed eyes of his lover as she laid against his body. He shifted slightly as he laid a hand upon her chest. He could still feel a heartbeat causing his nerves to settle some then. His blood stained lips pressed several kisses across her cheeks as he waited.
"Yeah Kid, I'm here."
Her eyes opened slowly as they focused on those golden hues that had lost the blood-lusting nature. She knew it was still there but in his feeding it had sustained enough to hide away for another day. She pressed her head against his as a soft purr emanated from deep within her chest. Husk settled himself on the side of the bed with her sitting in his lap as his crimson feathered wings showed themselves once more. The feathery curtain encasing the couple as Husk showered more kisses upon the female demon's cheeks before pressing a kiss against her lips.
He chuckled softly as Siren pulled him back in, finding her lips once more pressed to his own. His arms tightened their grip as he felt her body tremble from the loss of blood. She pulled away as she gasped not just from loss of breath but her head was starting to spin.
The male chimera stood up as he held the female cheetah bridal style before turning to lay her back down on the bed. She gripped his arm as he turned to head towards the bathroom. His golden orbs looked to her with a gentleness, "Easy Kid. I'll be right back."
Her hand fell away from his arm as her body shifted on the bed. Her head was swimming as she laid it heavily on the pillow Husk always used. His scent once more calmed her as her mind settled from the storm she felt. Her crimson eyes started to slowly close as Husk came back from the bathroom with a warm washcloth. She felt him wash the blood away from her neck and chest as she seemed to drift.
She was sound asleep when Husk came back from washing out the cloth in the bathroom sink. He chuckled softly as he settled himself on her side of the bed. His body leaning up with hers as he curled around her. Husk placed his arm around her, pulling her close to his chest as a soft sigh escaped her in her sleep. He pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek as he laid his head beside hers. He inhaled deeply as her hair played against his face.
The sun creeping into the room by the closed balcony doors found the lovers wrapped in an embrace of pure love. The world was awaking with the aftermath of Husk's blood-lusting but inside the darkened room nothing but peaceful dreams existed.
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
Hi, i love the Nozel husband thing, i can request some from Yami and Nacht? Thanks you for the hardwork
Hello bby! you mean THIS request? Nozel coming home to his wife and baby :3 Okay the vibes of this request might be a little different, because for more than 1 character I'll do Hcs instead of one-shots. But I love me a hubby and daddy Bulls captains any day. uwu
Yami | Nacht x F! reader
Yami Sukehiro
Always walks through the door saying something like "where's my little monkey?"
Wifey always comes first unless the kids know how to run and they charge into his arms. If not, he will definitely give you a quick kiss before carrying his child.
He loves carrying them and tossing them in the air no matter how tired he was. Sometimes he'll even do it though he's injured.
He'll tell you that they'll grow up so fast and there will be a day he can't carry them anymore or they wouldn't want him to carry them.
You'll still nag at him nonetheless and he'll always tell you not to worry, he's as strong as a bull.
Ever since you were pregnant and had a child, you went on missions lesser, so it meant that you're usually at home when Yami comes back from a mission. And the black bull captain has gotten so used to that.
When a mission ends and he's cleared by Julius to leave, (actually he just blackmails the wizard king to finish his debriefing quickly) he starts thinking of pulling you into a hug, the feeling of you in his frame, your eyes gazing straight into his, letting him know that he's finally home.
The next best thing in the world is pulling his child into his arms and hearing their giggles, it sounded like the most precious thing in the world.
Even if they were crying, he wouldn't find it a pain. He knew that one day he wouldn't be able to hear all these anymore, those innocent giggles and cries.
Yes, Yami's a softie for his wifey and little monkey(s)
Nacht Faust
Does not talk to ANYONE after his mission ends. The first thing he goes to is you and your child. He comes in, pulls you into an embrace without a word and kisses your temples. The scent of you just calms him down after a stressful mission.
Every one of his mission is dangerous (otherwise he wouldn't be bothered to go), but he makes sure that he survives because that is the promises that he gave to you, to come back home to you and your child no matter what.
You knew that there was no guarantee in missions, but you also knew that your husband did not give out empty promises.
Nacht could hold his child and look at them for a long time without speaking a word. It's like he's communicating with his eyes. Somehow, he always has a way with his baby. When they cried, he was always able to soothe them quickly.
When they laughed and giggled, Nacht would look at them with a smile on his face. The smile that he hardly show to anyone but you, his genuine smile.
Sometimes he would even let out a chuckle or two, initially it caught you by surprise, but you were used to it now. Nacht was slowly letting his walls down and showing his vulnerable side more, which made you really happy. It meant that he "learnt to trust people around him with his weakness" Yami once told you.
His absolute favourite was the first night when he came back from his usually long mission, being able to hold you in his arms after a long while. He was already used to sleeping with you that sleeping without you was always hard for the first few days.
His next favourite was to take naps with your child, lying on the bed, his arm cradling them as they both dozed off together. It was your favourite sight to see.
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letarasstuff · 3 years
Misunderstanding or wrong language?
(A/N): This fic is based on this late night thought I had. I really had fun writing it and I hope you enjoy reading it :) Any necessary translations that aren’t explained over the course of the fic are put down at the end.
Summary: Out of all sudden Spencer’s daughter is able to speak a different language. Where does she know it from?
Wordcount: 1.1k
✨Masterlist✨ ______________________________
Spencer is set on a calm morning with his daughter. He wakes her up and prepares her breakfast, a bowl of cereals, like any other morning he is at home. As the father pours the milk, (Y/N) sits down at the kitchen table.
“Here you go Sweetheart. Bon appetit”, he says in a terrible faked French accent and puts the bowl and a spoon in front of her. “Danke, Daddy.” Without even sparring him a look (Y/N) dugs right into her breakfast.
Spencer freezes for a moment. Did he misheard it or did she mispronounce the word? “What did you say, Sweetie?” He takes a seat next to his daughter and watches her curiously. “I said ‘thanks’”, she answers with her mouth full. “Baby, we don’t talk while we eat. You can after you swallowed, alright?”
The little girl nods and continues to devour her meal.
Later that morning both of them stand in front of the little one’s classroom. Spencer crouches down in front of her. “Ok Sweetheart. Have fun and be nice to your teacher and the other students. I love you.” Then he hugs her. “Have fun at work. Ich habe dich auch lieb”, she whispers into his ear.
Before the father is able to ask her about it, (Y/N) lets go and runs into her classroom. She instantly sits down at the book corner and begins to read. Spencer smiles at that sigh and makes his way out of the building to the metro.
As soon as he gets into the office, he searches for a certain black haired woman. “Emily”, he says breathlessly while entering the kitchen, “How much do you know about European languages?” Confused Prentiss looks up from the coffee machine, at which she stared for several minutes already. Mornings are rough.
“My knowledge is big, but I don’t think it meets yours. Or is the great genius suddenly at a loss?” She teases the young doctor. But this doesn’t bother him. “I have quite an extensive knowledge on that subject, but I can’t speak any except for English. But I know for a fact that you do and I have a suspicion. That’s why I am asking you: When you hear any European language, can you tell which one it is?”
Emily arches an eyebrow. “I guess. I don’t know all languages and I’m not sure if I can point at one, because it’s hard for me to differentiate between the several Scandinavian ones and between the eastern languages. But give me an example and I see what I can do.”
Spencer takes a deep breath and recites what his daughter told him over the course of the morning. “Danke. Ich habe dich lieb.”
The other agent mulls over the words for a few moments before answering: “This is German. It means ‘Thanks. I love you’. Where did you hear that?” “(Y/N) said it to me today. I don’t know where she learned it, but I had to know what it was at first before asking her. Thank you for your help, Emily.”
The rest of his work day consists of filling out one report after another, drinking copious amounts of coffee and wondering about where his daughter learned German phrases. Luckily for him he gets done with today’s workload earlier and Hotch dismisses him sooner than expected. That means he is able to pick (Y/N) up from preschool herself, calling off the babysitter.
“PAPAAAA”, screams his child excitedly as soon as she spots him. Suddenly a small weight collides against his legs. Spencer pets her head, smiling at his daughter.
“Hello Doctor Reid. Are you able to spare a few minutes?” Her teacher asks hesitantly. Confused, he nods and sends (Y/N) off to play for a bit.
“Thank you for your time, I appreciate it. Uhm, I noticed that (Y/N) began speaking in a foreign language, I don’t know which, and I really support you teaching her. But a little heads up would’ve been nice, because I don’t understand what she is saying since she switches between it and English constantly and then (Y/N) gets frustrated by repeating herself to me and the other children. So I advise you to work on the conscious use of one language or another, it’s in your daughter’s and your interest.” Spencer looks dumbfounded at the teacher.
“Uh, I didn’t know (Y/N) is fluent in German since this morning. She suddenly began speaking it and I’m not sure she knows it from. But thank you for pointing the problem out, I’ll take care of it.” After biding their goodbyes, Spencer takes his daughter home.
They play together with legos, then the young doctor reads to her. (Y/N) sits on his lap with her head on his chest. “Ok Sweetie”, Spencer says as he moves her down beside him, ”I’m going to make dinner. Do you want to continue that book on your own or do you want to watch TV for a bit?”
“Can you put on Dora the Explorer? But the one from last night? I really like her new voice”, she asks her father. “Sweetheart what do you mean? Dora doesn’t have a new voice.” Spencer slowly thinks he gets to the reason for her sudden bilinguality.
“Of course she does, Daddy. She sounds like this: ‘Swiper nicht klauen! Swiper nicht klauen! Swiper nicht klauen’!” All at once he understands it. Spencer accidentally put on Dora with the German dubbing and since there are English elements and it’s a kids show, she was able to understand it. All the things shown there are pretty easy to understand.
“Sweetheart, Daddy did there something yesterday and I need you to listen to me closely. The Dora you watched yesterday was a different one from the one you always watch. She spoke another language, this is what you mean by a new voice.” The rest of the evening Reid tries to explain the concept of different languages to his daughter and its meaning.
“Daddy”, she asks him in the end as he puts her to bed, “Can I still learn German? I really like it.” It makes him happy to see her taking a liking in something, even though it’s different from what he likes. He is ready to support anything (Y/N) does or wants to do.
“Of course, if you want to. I’m gonna get you enrolled in a class tomorrow. But now it’s time to sleep for geniuses. Good night, my little genius. I love you.”
“Gute Nacht, Daddy. Ich habe dich auch lieb.” Even though he really doesn’t have much of a clue what she just said, Spencer loves to hear it.
Translation: Swiper nicht klauen → Swiper, don’t steal Gute Nacht → Good night
All works:
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid:
x child!reader:
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justfangirlthingies · 3 years
Late Night Cuddles (Dr. Laszlo Kreizler)
This is my first time writing for our beloved alienist
Summary: After a long and tiring day at the institute Laszlo joins you in bed
Warnings: none, just a lot of fluff, like 2 German words does that need a warning?
Word count: 1041 words
Translation: Gute Nacht = good night
Your fiancé was still in a session when you left to prepare for bed. It was not unusual for you to get ready for bed on your own. However, he would usually be by your side and get himself ready for the embrace of sleep as soon as you slid under the blankets and join you there mere minutes later.
This night seemed to be different though. You'd been lying in bed waiting for him for about an hour already. You were aware this was going to be a long night for him and so was he. That is also why Laszlo told you not to wait up for him, but you just couldn't help yourself. You were desperate to stare into those hazel eyes once more, to feel his soft hair against the skin of your hand and to run your fingertips through his beard before closing your eyes and feeling his lips on your temple as you drift off into the world of dreams.
Slowly you felt sleep begin overtaking your features as you struggled to keep your eyes open.
It was the moment that you finally gave in to your need for sleep, when the door to your shared bedroom creaked open. The sound ripping you from your light slumber. Slightly startled, you forced your eyes open to see the doctor's gaze already on you. His posture told you that he was trying to quietly sneak into the room in order not to wake you, the flinch combined with the frown on his face displayed his distaste for the creaking door, which seemed to have a different plan in mind. You flashed him a drowsy smile as you slowly sat up in bed, extending your arms for him to engulf you in a hug. Your sleepy movements made a chuckle escape his lips as he climbed into bed next to you and wrapped one arm around you while his weaker arm rested on your waist. You were quick to nuzzle your face into his neck, a content sigh simultaneously leaving your lips. Laszlo was quick to lay down on the bed, pulling you along with him. You giggled as you felt the force of gravity and your betrothed pull you downwards. Laszlo joined in on the laughter as he felt you land halfway on him and halfway on the bed.
Sleep still had it's grasp on you as you tried to pull the covers over the two of you. After struggling with the blankets for a minute or two, you finally succeeded in what you were trying to accomplish. A relaxed exhale left your throat as you felt the soft material of the blanket atop of you.
"What took you so long tonight?" You questioned as you shuffled underneath the blankets, attempting to balance your weight on your elbow while your eyes observed his features closely. He seemed tired and exhausted after the long day. "Well, the session went on a little longer than usual and just when I thought I could come to join you in bed, I found one of the children strolling around. A little girl who seemed to struggle with falling asleep." he answered. "Oh? Is she alright now?" you wondered, arching an eyebrow. Laszlo nodded as his eyes met yours "Yes I helped her to calm down and-" "Did you show her the monkey?" An excited grin made it's way onto your features as you stopped him in the middle of his sentence, causing the man next to you to chuckle "Yes" he nodded "Yes I did show her the monkey."
A sleepy smile found it's way onto your lips as you cuddled into Laszlo's chest. Your eyes shot open immediately upon making contact with him. Wide (e/c) eyes stared up at the alienist in wonder and shock. Laszlo grew worried as soon as he saw the look on your face "Are you alri-" "You're ridiculously comfortable!" You cut him off. The worried expression on your fiancé's face was immediately replaced with an amused grin and a raised eyebrow as he shook his head trying to hold back a chuckle. "And you have realized this just now, after 3 years?" Smiling you shook your head "No I knew that of course, I just wasn't aware of the extent of your comfortableness" you muttered, voice still drunk on sleep. This time Laszlo couldn't hold back his laugh, you heard it reverberating in his chest where your head was still placed. You smiled against him while you wrapped your arms around him in order to be in even closer proximity to him, as you muttered "Goodnight love" You felt him press a kiss to the top of your head as you closed your eyes and buried your face further in his chest. When you spoke up once more your voice came out muffled "You're my new pillow from now on Laszlo"
The man in question to just shook his head grinning as he ran his fingers through your hair. "Gute Nacht (Y/n)" he cooed softly.
Laszlo stayed awake like that for a while longer, enjoying the sensation of having you so close to him. He felt your hair underneath the skin of his fingertips, felt you hold onto him in your sleep as his thoughts drifted through his head. Thoughts about how he was happy to be able to spend the rest of his life by your side. To know that he always had someone who would be there for him. Someone he wouldn't be able to push away, for even if he tried to do so, you would stubbornly stay with him. He appreciated that and he knew you were aware of it, even if he didn't tell you about it too often.
With the thoughts and dreams of a future with you wandering through his head, Laszlo slowly drifted off to sleep as well, a soft and happy smile on his face after thinking about you as he joined you in the land of dreams.
Needless to say, you meant it when you told him about his new purpose as a pillow. From then on you fell asleep on the doctor every single night...
Taglist: @ateez-star @littlemissnoname13 @gwlvr
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loveofafangirl · 3 years
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72 Hours
[Baron Zemo Masterlist] [Marvel Masterlist]
Pairing: Baron Zemo x Reader/You (no gender, race or body type described)
Synopsis: You are tasked with watching Zemo for the weekend while he assists you in providing tech support and intel to your teammates in the field.  *Sort of: Enemies to Lovers* *One-Shot: Not same “reader” as my other stories.
Word Count: 2.2K (sorry this is longer than I intended)
A/N: This is a request for @purebloodwitch, where y/n is part of the Avengers and used to taking care of everyone, but at Zemo’s safe house he starts taking care of her and she is uncomfortable at first. I hope this fits what you are looking for. I hope you enjoy it. 
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3 days.
72 hours.
That's how long you had to suffer his company. You stare out the window, taking in the country view. The car was taking the two of you to one of his safe houses. You had wanted to go on the mission with the rest of your team, but you were the most organized and could most easily relay intel to different groups as you uncovered it. Plus, it had been decided you were the least likely to bring physical harm to him. Though, you weren't so sure at the moment.
You had been against Bucky's plan to release Zemo. You remembered the bombing at the U.N. and the fallout that began that day. You blame him for the Snap and the loss of so many of your colleagues. If he hadn't turned the Avengers against one another, maybe Thanos never would have collected all six Infinity Stones. Maybe no one would have vanished, tearing the world apart—twice: once when they disappeared and again when they returned. As far as you were concerned, Zemo was the catalyst that led to Thanos, the need for the GRC, and the rise of the Flagsmashers. Everything began that day at the U.N. 
You look at your watch:
71 hours and 26 minutes.
When you arrive at his safe house, he insists you let him hold the door for you. You had always stood on your own, caring for those around you. You weren't used to gestures such as these, nor did you want them, least of all from him. 
Your fists clench when he refuses to go in first. Reluctantly, you proceed, allowing him to hold each door for you.
"Would you like a tour?" He gestures grandly around the lavish apartment.
"No," you state coldly, ignoring his coy smile that seemed to dip slightly at your tone. "Just tell me where to set up."
"Perhaps by the windows," he suggested. "The panels are one way. You can see out, but no one can see in. It should give us a good vantage point to keep watch without being noticed." 
You begin moving the bags of equipment you brought.
"Allow me." Without waiting, he takes the bags from you and carries them to the area he had previously pointed out. 
You follow wordlessly.
"There you go."
You nod your gratitude, unable to bring yourself to say thank you to him.
"Is there anything else?"
"No. When I'm done setting up, you'll need to tell me everything you know about Project Typhon and get me the decrypted files you insisted that only you could access."
"Of course, I am at your service."
You keep an eye on him while working. You still couldn't believe you got stuck babysitting. Now your focus was split between the work and making sure he didn't get into any trouble. 
He moves about the kitchen, grabbing this and that. He returns with a tray in his hands containing a teapot, two cups and saucers, small sandwiches, and a tin of cookies. "I had the pantry stocked before our arrival."
You give him a curious expression.
"I did not want you believing they had been sitting for the years." 
"I'm good."
He pours two cups of tea, offering one to you. "You haven't eaten since early morning. Please, help yourself."
You breathe deeply, trying not to give in. You had packed some rations, but you hadn't eaten any yet. You hate how appealing everything looked. You begin reaching for it, but pull back, now convincing yourself it could be poisoned. You turn your attention back to your work after a quick glance at your watch. 
65 hours. 
The evening passes slowly. You juggle your Zemo-sitting duty with decoding his cryptic replies into useable intel to relay to the two teams you were monitoring while also keeping an eye out for any digital chatter that may hinder your mission.
"Why me?" You sigh to yourself, thinking back to how you had asked Sam that same question when he first told you this was your assignment.
"You're good with people, Y/N."
"So you're sticking me with him?" You pointed an accusatory finger over your shoulder to Zemo.
His head shifted to the side, "No offense taken. I understand the difficulties. If you allow me a moment to explain."
"You understand nothing," you chided. Your gaze narrowed to a glower. 
"Easy, Y/N," Bucky interjected. 
"You of all people—" Your head shook in disbelief. "I was there. I saw what he did."
"We need him. He's the lesser of two evils right now."
You crossed your arms, not sure that was true. 
Your thoughts drift back to the present. You check the time again:
63 hours.
Zemo lounges beside you, nursing a drink in his hand. "I surmised you would decline a drink like my own, so I brought you a coffee instead. I noticed you had a few over the past days." He gestures to the warm mug on the table beside you. 
The rich aroma captivated you as you breathe in its bold notes. You really needed it. Begrudgingly, you took your first sip. It is better than you expected. A hum of delight slips from your lips. 
Noting his growing smirk, you muster the strength, uttering, "Thank you." You surprise yourself at the sound of your tone. It was much more cordial than you had intended it to be. 
"It was my pleasure, Y/N."
The two of you remain in silence, except for the occasional exchange needed for the mission. You were so focused on the job you hadn't even noticed him refill your coffee cup until you picked it up, expecting to savor the last drops but found a full cup met you instead. 
He kept working, seemingly not looking for any credit. You didn't offer any, but you had to bite your lips back to stop a smile threatening to erupt. 
57 hours. 
You rub your eyes and stretch your arms. "I'm going to try to get some sleep. Don't even think about trying anything."
"Wouldn't dream of it." He stood as you made your departure. "Gute Nacht. Sleep well."
You walk away without looking back. You knew there were agents strategically placed along the perimeter so he wouldn't get far, but you still worried.
Warm sunlight streams in the window of the large bedroom, gently caressing your face. The mattress is so soft and amazing; it sucked you into its depths immediately, and you fell quickly. You nuzzle in the soft fabric of the bedding, not wanting to move. It was your best sleep in months, even though it was only for a few hours. You think to yourself that you could get used to this.
Your body tenses at the thought as you remember where you are. You jump out of bed and quickly get dressed. Your team is counting on you. You swipe your phone checking the time.
52 hours.
You head straight to your setup; your fingers float nimbly across the keyboard as you attempt to focus solely on your work. Your stomach growls, pulling your focus. The scent of bacon frying greets you. You turn toward the kitchen, and for the first time, notice Zemo.
He catches your eye. "Would you like to join me for breakfast? I've set the two places." Sensing your hesitation. "I can bring it for you as well."
You glance at your phone. No new communications from the team. No alerts from any of the traces you had set up. Nothing to keep you there. Before you know it, you're walking in his direction.
He moves around the counter, pulling out one of the high bar chairs for you. 
You sit, even allowing him to push it in for you, a warmth spreading over you. 
"Please." He gestures to the plate in front of you and takes the seat opposite you. "Enjoy." 
You nibble on a piece of bacon and let the taste linger on your tongue. It was just the way you liked it. He sips his black coffee, watching you enjoy the first bites. You cover your mouth, feeling self-conscious suddenly. You shake your head, trying to brush away the feeling as you question why you care what he thinks. 
Your phone lights up, but it's nothing important. You glance at the time 7:11. You try to remember why you cared. Your attention shifts once more to the man across from you; that was why. 
51 hours. 
The two of you go about the day. Zemo is more useful than you expected. He quickly decodes and unscrambles messages and relays them to the team. Like you, he thrives on analytics and strategic thinking. There were moments where you actually enjoyed the conversation that developed. 
A few times, your fingers brush against his while reaching for the same thing. He always offered his apologies with that smile that made you forget what he'd done that day.
Before you know it, he's bringing you dinner.
"Is it really that late already?" You question, glancing at the time. You accept the plate. "Thank you." 
You enjoy a pleasant evening together, sharing the meal he prepared for you. He was a great cook to your surprise. This was better than anything you had eaten at the Avengers compound lately. 
As the night lingers and you wait for your team to send you new intel, he tells you stories about Sokovia. Once, he mentions his son before pausing and quickly changing the topic. 
In your rush to label him as a terrorist because of that fateful day, you never listened to his reasonings. They didn't excuse his actions, but he wasn't the cold-hearted killer you had expected based on his military profile. He was just a man who lost his entire world. 
When you part for the evening, you gaze back, lifting your hand. "Good night, Zemo."
The next morning, you wake softly, breathing in the comfort of the bed. You reach for your phone; his file is still open from where you fell asleep reading it. You wanted to understand him. There was so much more than you gave him credit for. 
You realize you were wrong. He wasn't the cause of everything that happened. You were. Everything began not the day at the U.N., but that day in Sokovia, with Ultron, and with the Avengers. They had created Zemo; he was merely a product of their haste. They were the catalyst to their own undoing. He had just shone a light on it. 
You lie back thinking over the past two days—the conversations that you'd shared, the kindness he had insisted upon, even when you tried to care for yourself, and those small touches that elicited a feeling you couldn't understand. 
Your last day together followed much of the same patterns: sharing meals, breaking down and relaying intel, keeping watch.
You notice how at ease you are. Your body is calm with no tensions or worries. You hadn't checked the time since—well, you weren't really sure. A look of horror flashes on your face as you realize you were enjoying this—enjoying him. 
"What did I miss?" He questions, strolling in from his bath, still in his robe.
Your body flushes, and your eyes cascade over his form. Realizing what you had done, you turn away and clear your throat. "Can you please put some clothes on?" 
He shrugs and walks off. As soon as he turns away, you find yourself chewing your cheek as you watch him leave. "Snap out of it! The only thing that matters is the job," you scold yourself. 
For the rest of the day, you keep your distance, averting your gaze, and avoiding him as much as possible. When he wishes you good night, you don't reply, hurrying off as quickly as possible.
You hope to find reprieve in the quiet of your room in the comfort of the softest mattress you had ever known. However, you toss and turn all night, your mind restless with growing thoughts of him.
You skip breakfast, or so you had planned. When you didn't come out, he left it outside your door.
You pack up in silence, catching glimpses of his curious look. You know he is probably wondering what changed, but he doesn't pressure you.
As you leave, you take one glance back at the beautiful apartment.
He waits at the door, holding it open for you.
This time, you don't protest and even offer your thanks. A smile fills your face as he opens the car door too. 
Your eyes close, remembering all the good moments from the past 72 hours. Without thinking, you turn into him, brushing a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you." 
Your gaze lingers on his soft brown eyes longer than you intend. You feel trapped, unable to break away, but you don't want to either. You lick your lips, wanting more, but worrying what it would mean. You decide to go for it, but as you move to him, he's already there, meeting you halfway until he pulls you entirely into his embrace. His lips are warm and inviting. You feel the world around you melt away under his tenderness.
Your heart flutters when you finally pull away. "That's a one-time thing."
His head tilts to the side, considering your words, and then nods in agreement.
You get in the car, your gaze still focused on him, a devilish smirk forming on your lips. "Unless I decide it's not." 
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Marvel Perma(til the end of the line): @the-soot-sprite​​​; @fandomxreaders ;  @moonstuffsteve​
Zemo tags: @montypythonsholysnail​​​ ; @killsandthrills​​​ ; @noavengers​​​ ; ​@nalabarnes1031 ; @trelaney​ ; @willowtheewisp​ ; @marchingicenotes7 ; @valquiria3000​
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cringeyvanillamilk · 3 years
☕️If you had to place the black bulls in a squad that wasn't the black bulls, where would you put them and why?
Hello! I really appreciate the ask!
This concept has always been something I’d love to see more of since the possibilities are endless. I’m going to answer this prompt with the assumption that each member properly went through the magic knight exam and were chosen by a different squad captain. I’ll be explaining my thoughts in detail for each member.
More details under cut!
Crimson Lions
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Asta: Crimson Lions
I think Asta’s determined and headstrong personality would work well within the Crimson Lions. The Crimson Lions seem to be a very disciplined and hardworking squad thanks to Fuegoleon’s leadership, which Asta would thrive in. I like to believe that Asta’s ambition of being Wizard King and outstanding fighting prowess during the exam would impress Fuegoleon enough to have him join his squad. Asta might also serve as a role model where it doesn’t matter what status or magic amount you have, as long as you work hard you are destined for greatness. This would align with Fuegoleon’s value. Also, Leopold would have a more consistent rivalry with Asta which would make him improve more quickly and effectively.
Zora: Crimson Lions
I think that Zora would be a refreshing addition to the Crimson Lion based on his more tactical fighting style and stance on the corrupted upper class. Having Zora would be a humbling experience for everyone. I think that Fuegoleon would appreciate Zora’s blunt and critical personality because it’ll only lead to improvement and growth. Although his pride may get repeatedly stomped on by Zora, he still values his words and learns from them. And since the Crimson Lions are most likely full of nobles, Zora will be an important key to not only showcasing that peasants are just as strong as nobles, but also point out each member's weakness. He may cause mayhem in this squad, but I think they’ll improve a lot with his presence. Zora would also respect Fuegoleon’s unbiased personality despite being a royal so he has no problem being in his squad.
Blue Rose
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Noelle: Blue Rose
I specifically did not pick the Silver Eagles because I don’t believe that Noelle will consistently grow and improve in an environment where she will most likely be ridiculed or undermined. She needs to be in a squad where she can be empowered and supported by others. It’s because of these crucial factors that I think the Blue Rose is the perfect squad for her. Based on what we know about the Blue Rose, we have never seen any members discriminate against others based on class or skills (unless you’re a man RIP). I also believe that Charlotte would be a great role model and teacher for Noelle to look up to. Charlotte may also serve as a potential mother figure that Noelle probably wanted her whole life.
Finral: Blue Rose
This is basically a dream come true for Finral. A squad full of beautiful and strong women? He can finally die happy! Joking aside, I think Finral’s personality and spatial magic would meet Charlotte’s standards. Although Finral is a flirt, he is definitely not disrespectful towards women. Though his flirting may get him in trouble due to the “no dating men” rule, he can always be subtle about it like the other blue rose members. Who knows, maybe his attempts may appear charming to the other members. Finral’s spatial magic is also very reliable and makes him the squad’s favorite errand boy.
Green Mantis
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Magna: Green Mantis
Magna’s small amount of magic might prevent him from being accepted by any other squads, but I think Magna’s grit and delinquent attitude might work well under Jack. Magna is no pushover and his willingness to fight might entertain Jack. And if Magna is extremely loyal to Yami, he might be the same for Jack which will stroke his ego pretty nicely. Magna basically went from mean looking captain to another lmao. And if I’ll be honest, Magna might be the key to the squad improving drastically. The squad honestly needs that toughness based on the weak-willed members we know so far from the squad. Jack would definitely leave Magna in charge of toughening up the members. They need it.
Luck: Green Mantis
The sole reason why Luck would join the Green Mantis is because of Jack. Out of all the other captains, Jack seems the most eager to slice which will peak Luck’s interest. If Jack can apparently cut anything, Luck wants to test his abilities and fight Jack. Luck already has a bad reputation and so he might not be accepted into other noble squads. Thankfully, Jack doesn’t care for reputation so Luck will be at home in his squad. It also helps that Luck is in the same squad as Magna since they seem to motivate each other to grow stronger. They’d make a good pair in toughening up the squad and entertaining Jack.
Nacht: Green Mantis
Now Nacht was very difficult for me to choose. Nacht would probably prefer to be in a squad where he can do whatever he wants and spy on the Spade Kingdom. With this in mind, I would put Nacht in the Green Mantis. This squad is one of the least noteworthy in comparison to the other squads and aren’t as formal or rigid. This becomes an advantage for Nacht since this gives him the freedom to do whatever he needs to do. If he were to disappear, the squad doesn’t have to know due to Jack’s lax leadership. Jack wouldn’t think much about Nacht’s disappearance nor would he care so it’s a win-win situation.
Coral Peacock
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Charmy: Coral Peacock
I think Charmy would fit in with the Coral Peacock because of her versatile and powerful cotton magic. I like to think that Kirsch, specifically, would view Charmy’s magic as very beautiful. Her cotton magic is just like her personality, very adaptable and cute, so Charmy might end up charming Kirsch if she were to be a part of the squad. She may even be a possible little-sister figure that he’d end up doting over. Of course, Mimosa will always be his number one. Dorothy can also have a nice soft cotton bed to sleep on lmao.
Vanessa: Coral Peacock
I think Vanessa would be in the Coral Peacock due to being a fellow witch. Vanessa’s versatile and elegant thread magic would also fit with the Coral Peacock’s beautiful aesthetic. There’s no question that Vanessa would meet Kirsch’s standards because of her beauty. However, if Vanessa drinks a lot and casually wears her underwear around the base, Kirsch will suddenly become an overbearing mother. He would see such behavior as unbecoming of a beautiful person and would continuously lecture Vanessa to change her habits.This becomes an everyday thing. Being in the same squad as Dorothy can also lead them to have a closer bond due to their similar upbringing.
Purple Orcas
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Gordon: Purple Orcas
It’s a big oof. Gordon would only be accepted into the Purple Orcas because of his poison and curse magic. Gueldre initially wanted Gordon to join him on his corrupted scheme, but after realizing that Gordon’s personality betrays his appearance, he (thankfully) dropped the idea. Now that the original purpose for having Gordon is meaningless at this point, Gordon would be left to do whatever he wants. Sadly, he might be lonely because the other members are too scared to approach him or even ridicule him. Thankfully, he might have someone from the Black Bulls to give him company.
Grey: Purple Orcas
Similar to Gordon, Grey’s transformation magic would be viewed as useful for Gueldre’s schemes. And just like with Gordon, Gueldre would realize that he can’t manipulate Grey into participating in his scheme and would give up on the initial plan. Once Grey is transformed, she is very unpredictable and might not listen to directions as readily. If she’s left alone, she might just transform into her other members and have fun. This is where she’d befriend Gordon and hang out together. They’ll keep each other company. Once Kaiser replaced Gueldre, they would both try and better the reputation of the squad. I can see both of them being more fond of Kaiser than Gueldre. A possible father-figure maybe!
Golden Dawn
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Gauche: Golden Dawn
Despite Gauche’s past crimes, William would specifically choose Gauche because he is a reincarnation of Drowa. Gauche’s mirror magic could also be powerful in battle, but he’s definitely a controversial pick due to his criminal history and uncouth personality. Gauche would be the black sheep of the squad and he could honestly care less. As long as he receives his paycheck and spends it on Marie, he just wants to be left alone. No friends, no trouble. Alecedora and Langris will not vibe with Gauche. He isn’t afraid to shoot beams at them or anybody else. William promises that Gauche has the skill to live up to the Golden Dawn’s standards. He’s really stretching it for the sake of having him in the squad. Might try and get Gauche to improve his cooperation skills. And thus Gauche joins Klaus, Yuno, and Mimosa for mission and team building. It’s a wild dynamic.
Nero: Golden Dawn
If Nero were to join a squad as a bird, I feel like she would naturally join Asta’s squad since she likes to sit on his head. However, if she were to go through the exam as herself, she would probably be in the Golden Dawn. I’m sure Patri would at least recognize Nero and would want her by his side to keep an eye on her. Nero’s true identity will be unknown to the other members, but William will do everything he could to be close to Nero. Probably to investigate Nero’s goals. She might also be partnered up with Klaus, Yuno, Mimosa, and Gauche. Not gonna lie though, I was tempted to put her in the Silver Eagles because she’d fit the bird aesthetic.
Aqua Deer
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Henry: Aqua Deer
Henry is a quirky man. A quirky man that Rill might find inspiration from! Henry might become Rill’s biggest fan because not only would Rill probably let Henry absorb his mana, but he’d show him his various art work. In return, Rill might like Henry because of his cool recombination magic! Each day his house might look different? That sounds like a potential art project in the making! Henry also attracts animals and so Rill will have a blast painting various animals that come by his house! Especially the birds! Probably the most light-hearted friendship.
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totallyimagines · 3 years
Black Clover - Oral Headcannons
And I’m here, Hey- Howdy. This is literally me having nothing to think of and continually asking myself: “What are you doing with your life?” I’m kind of enjoying this though, also Black Clover + Demons, like I’m adding the demons now because I want everything to be included + I’m a demon lover.
Creepy/Christmas song Marthon? And; don’t think you can suck a demon off? Come again.
Warnings: NSFW, Oral, dub-con, tail fucking
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You giving him oral:
Very vocal, and tries to hold himself from thrusting up or making any movement at all. Doesn’t know what to say when you take his full length/deepthroat him either; all he knows is that it feels really good. You’ll just have to let him know that it’s ok to push your head down(if you’re comfortable with that) he doesn’t want to hurt you though. Being rough with you kind of scares him, afraid he might hurt you. He’s also very sensitive, making it really easy to tease him.
Him giving you oral:
Nervous and shaky at first, but with guidance he definitely aced it. Knowing where to leave hickeys on your legs and knowing how to push you to the limit with little effort. Wants to hear you though, even if you’re quiet in bed; Particularly when you’re starting out, you’ll have to be a bit more vocal than you’re comfortable with. Letting him know that you feel good.
You giving him oral:
Demonic moans and growls; wings fluttering and tail going crazy. He legitimately doesn’t even hold back, he uses your mouth. Pushes your head down as soon as you come up for air(doesn’t mean he doesn’t give you a chance to breathe); More than vocal, he knows how to dirty/sweet talk you. Tell you all you want to hear. Your gagging is music to his ears, mainly when he realeses inside your mouth and tell you to swallow all of it.
Him giving you oral:
He most likely uses his tail, seeing that it drives you crazy. He doesn’t stop until he gets the satisfaction he needs from you. Meaning, he wants you to scream his name. Tell him how good it feels, then maybe he’ll stop. Your screams are very pleasing and it just makes him want more. The whaling for him to stop, also makes him want to rock your world.
You giving him oral:
He’s more on the quiet side, even so he does get loud from time to time. Harder for him to keep quiet every passing minute. He does have good control of his body, significantly at keeping himself from bucking up and keeping his hands to himself. Doesn’t mind making a mess, though if it’s a quickie he’ll cum inside your mouth.
Him giving you oral:
Teases you, the faces you make are appealing. His eager to pleasure you from time to time, making his tounge feel way better than it should. Mocks your sounds and faces too; when you tried to deny you didn’t do such thing, he pulls this card.
You giving him oral:
He’s overly excited and loud. Praises you, while trying to keep himself silent. He too, resists trying to buck up or even push your head down. He’s against making you uncomfortable. He’s a bit nervous too, despite how overly cocky he usually is. He’s more toned down in the bedroom but if you want him to push your head down and dirty talk the whole time. Oh boy, he will.
Him giving you oral:
Excessively nervous at first, but over time he earns his cocky demeanor once again. Knowing what gets you going and how to make you lose all self-control has become a specialty when he’s giving you oral.
You giving him oral:
Shy and a bit self-conscious, when you first go down on him. He’s very concentrated on keeping his voice in. Not wanting you to feel any discomfort, he makes an effort to keep his body in check too. Which doesn’t last long, even though he did exceedingly well at first. He can’t keep up the act for long with you.
Him giving you oral:
Isn’t nervous just shaky, he’s going to have to do a bit of experimenting if you want him to get the hang of this. Quick learner too, after a few minutes of messing around that is. He certainly won’t make you feel and discomfort; if your insecure/uncertain about him going down on you. If you let him have the chance, he kisses your inner thighs making you feel more comfortable.
Luck Volita
You giving him oral:
Volume isn’t even a thing with him. The way you suck on the tip leaves him with his jaw hanging and loads of whimpers that he’s unable to contain. He’s not one to push your head down but he’ll back up when he’s close to his orgasm or you fondle with his balls. You can tell how good you make him feel just by his moaning. Most of the time he doesn’t hide his moans, sighs, and/or whimpers.
Him giving you oral:
No kidding he also expects you to be vocal, it’s part of the realtionship. He’s also nervous, considering he’s going down on you. He puts much concentration into making you feel good with just his mouth and fingers.
You giving him oral:
Knows how to keep silent, he’s a bit of a praiser too. He’s one to get a bit louder close to his orgasm, lot of offbeat breathing and some movement. He wouldn’t push or shove your head down, unless you ask for it. Seeing that it causes you to gag, he even might think it brings you discomfort so he works on body control for you. The lewd sounds of your sucking, makes him grow closer to the edge and his whimpers are worth it.
Him giving you oral:
He has some experience from previous realtionships; It won’t be hard for him either to find out what makes you feel good and what doesn’t. Likes to hear you whimper, squeal, or just plain down-right moan. His tounge has the skill to draw any types of noises from you. Likes when you pulls his hair and moan his name, tell him how good you feel and he won’t be able to stop.
You giving him oral:
Makes you work hard for him, and he too, doesn’t hesitate to make you gag by pushing your head down. He sets his own pace and gets off like that. He has a passion for you humming around him. The vibration just sends closer to his orgasm making his thrusting a bit frantic. You wouldn’t be giving him oral anymore, he’ll just be facefucking you.
Him giving you oral:
He only does this to return the favor and you have to admit his tounge feels amazing. He overstimulates you too, making this experience more than exciting. His fingers, tounge, and sucking is more than enough to send you over the edge. He does take pride in making you have more than one orgasm with just his mouth and fingers.
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