#one conversation w my brother later: oh right i know way more than the average person bc i like sonic. who knew
jetlaggingbehind · 3 months
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dungeon meshi just read me to filth because this is literally how i feel about all my interests
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wykart · 5 years
Fifty-one years (and one day) later
Part 1 (ao3)
Summary: Dave doesn’t die in the war and Klaus has no reason to leave the past. Fifty-one years on and he finds himself back at the time he left the world he knew, now eighty years old. He decides to pay his siblings a visit. 
He stood outside the building, looking at those stupid umbrella patterns on the glass-panelled doors, starting to get cold feet. He clutched the briefcase tightly in one hand, an object that had haunted him for the past fifty years, a reminder of who he’d been, where he’d come from. He never told Dave the truth, there was never any need, though he had always suspected that there was something strange about Klaus – the things he knew, the way he spoke, the secrets he kept. 1968 had been a fresh start, no strings attached, all the hardships and shortcomings of the past left behind. Now here he was, staring the truth in the face. He had to say goodbye, one last time, even though he suspected that his siblings wouldn’t have noticed if he’d just disappeared without an explanation. He’d lived a good life – not that they’d care – but it was over now. Dave had passed some time at the beginning of the year, and Klaus’ reason to go on had passed with him. This was all that was left now. One last loose end to tie off. He shut his eyes and pushed through the nerves. Walking up the front steps on old, stiff legs, he entered the academy.
“So the apocalypse is in three days, the only chance we have to save our world is – well – us.”
“The umbrella academy,” Luther offered, helpful as always.
“Yeah, but with me, obviously. So if you all don’t get your side-show acts together and get over yourselves –” Five looked at them, one, two, three – of course, he thought. “Have any of you seen Klaus?” Five thought that getting himself back here was supposed to be the difficult part, but now Klaus had apparently gone wandering off. They needed every single one of them here, working together, just to stand a chance against whatever was coming. He didn’t have time for Klaus’ antics, not when they only had three days left. 
“No,” Allison sighed, “I haven’t seen him since the other day, the family meeting before those psychos showed up.”
“Damn it” Five cursed, setting down what had been Allison’s take away coffee cup. “we need everyone.”
“Relax, he’s probably just off getting high somewhere ,” Diego offered, unbearably calm given the urgency of the situation. “Those psychos had him hostage but he was already gone when I found... when I got to the motel.” None of them understood what was really at stake here, they all still saw him as the kid he’d been, raving about the end of the world as if it were a game.
“You know what Diego, no, I won’t just relax, or maybe you don’t care what happens to the world and everyone in it.”
“Well, I sure don’t.” A haggard voice sounded from outside, in the entrance hall. An old man came hobbling in, hunched over and white-haired. He had a more… colourful way of dressing than your average member of the elderly. He certainly had a dramatic way of butting in on a private conversation.
“Who the hell is this guy?” Allison asked, looking toward Luther for some sort of explanation.
“Hey old timer,” Diego drawled, looking on with bemused disbelief, “this is private property.” Five, however, noticed a familiar-looking briefcase that the man was clutching in his white-knuckled hand.
“You know, I’m surprised you even noticed I was gone, so I suppose you get points for that,” the man continued, walking towards the four of them and their confused expressions. “Good luck with the whole end of the world thing,” he smirked, “I just came to deliver something.”
“What the hell is going on - Five?” Luther asked, but Five was too busy trying to piece all of this together. Of course, the situation all made perfect logical sense – it was the emotional hurdle that he found it more difficult to surpass – because this couldn’t be happening.
He sighed. “It’s a 90 year old man wearing eyeliner, Luther. Who do you think it is.”
The man gave a bemused chuckle. “Well excuse me, young man, I am eighty-one, and quite frankly offended.” The sarcasm, the way he brought humour into the most inappropriate of situations…There was something about the way he moved that was painfully familiar to all of them - then he waved, both hands, tattoos sagging and deformed on worn, wrinkled palms. Hello. Goodbye. Klaus.
“What the fuck?” Diego gasped, staring as the old man, who none of them could bring themselves to think of as Klaus, smiled broadly.
Five smirked, impatient, and – as unwilling as he was to admit it – sad. “Klaus,” he said, a statement rather than a question. Klaus nodded. Looking closer, he could make out his brother’s features under those sagging jowls, that wrinkled skin. Heavy lids sunk over green eyes, a long face topped with whitened curls.
“What, no,” Allison said, still staring, “that’s not - Klaus?” Klaus winked and waved at her. She looked as if she was about to throw up.
“Wait, wait a second,” Luther announced, playing the leader as always, trying to maintain order as they all fell apart. “Five, what’s going on?”
Five ignored him. “What happened to the briefcase?” He asked.
“Oh, that,” Klaus waved him away, “it’s right here, I came to return it.” He jiggled the case in his hand, offering it to him.
Five shook his head. Klaus was unbelievably stupid – of course, so were the others, but this was a whole new level. “Why didn’t you just use it, it would have taken straight back here.”
Klaus rolled his eyes, lifting up one hand to inspect his nails absent-mindedly. As if his sibling’s horror didn’t mean a thing to him. “Yeah, well, I didn’t want to come back here as a matter of fact. You know,” he sighed, looking off into the distance, and into another time, “I had a great life – and apparently now the world is ending in three days so I’m extra glad I stayed away from all that. Good luck though.” He flashed a smile and turned to leave, dumping the briefcase down at his feet unceremoniously.
“W-wait a second,” Five stammered, glaring after him, “you’re just leaving?” He couldn’t believe it, everything was going wrong. They needed Klaus, as strange as it felt to admit, and the Klaus they’d known was as good as gone.
“Well why not little bro, I’ll just go sit by the grave of the love of my life and watch to world burn - that is, unless you all manage to stop it, which will be a spectacle in itself.”
“You get it off Hazel and Cha-cha?” Five asked, remembering what Diego had said about them taking him hostage. Those two were brutal, and it was a miracle that Klaus had managed to get away at all. He wondered what they’d done to him, something so horrible that he’d felt the need to run away from everything else? Or had Klaus been looking for an escape like this his whole life – from his siblings and his father’s legacy, and his shame at the gutter or addiction and squalor he’d burrowed himself into.
“Yeah,” he chuckled, “I thought it’d be full of cash but I got one better, a way out of this dump,” he sighed, “you know, it seems like it all happened just yesterday – oh wait – it did!” He laughed, high-pitched and sarcastic in the way he did at self-deprecating jokes that were more sad than funny. None of the others laughed.
“1968?” Five asked, based on the age that Klaus had given. Klaus nodded. “Nice,” he smirked.
“So, what,” Allison puzzled, “that thing’s a time machine?”
“You got it sis,” he gave her double finger guns, winking. Five still couldn’t get over uncanny feeling of looking at an eighty-year old man with black nail polish. “You know, I was all up in that original hippie business, let me tell you, they don’t make drugs like those anymore, and the clothes... incredible.” He smiled, whimsical. “Anyway, just came to say goodbye, good luck, see you again never - oh, and don’t bother coming to the funeral.” He flashed them all a devilish smile, and waved an appropriately-tattooed hand as he turned to leave.
Luther called after him. “You can’t just abandon this family Klaus!”
“Yeah, he’s actually right on that one, we need everyone here to stop this thing!” Five added. Klaus gave them all a middle-fingered salute over his shoulder as he walked out, fishing a cigarette out of his pocket.
The four remaining Hargreeves turned to each other, all of them lost for words. “Well,” Five shrugged, “that certainly makes things more difficult.”
Diego was staring at the spot where Klaus had been standing moments earlier. He looked close to tears. “This can’t be happening,” he muttered, straightening up and making for the exit.
“Diego, wait!” Allison called after him, but he paid no attention. Moments later, the doors slammed, and the three of them were left in yet another uncomfortable silence.
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missusk · 6 years
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“I don’t understand girls.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t want to or that it’s for lack of trying, I legitimately think they are impossible to understand.
And I’m not the problem here, either. No, I’ve checked, and my sources confirm I’m an intelligent man. Sure, I can be a little daft at times, but what guy isn’t? I may not be as good at charms as Ben or as good at potions as Penny, but I would say I get above average marks in everything else. Oh, and I know a lot about creatures. And I know everything about dragons.
But, when it comes to women, there’s nothing.
You know what, no, scratch that. It’s not just women. It’s one woman. One woman in particular that poses such a weird juxtaposition to herself that I almost don’t understand how she can exist while contradicting herself so often.
It’s ridiculous.
How can a girl have such soft little eyelashes and such, like, piercing eyes?
How can a girl have such a soft smile and cute little giggle but the next second words come out of that mouth and she’s calling you an arseface?
And how can a girl have such small and delicate hands but could break some guy’s nose in the courtyard? And then fix it up with episkey before she gets even more detention??
I’m telling you I just don’t get it. I don’t get her. She’s crazy.
And! And, oh-ho, one second she’s teasing me or calling me a dope or something and then the next second…she’s…well. I don’t know, she’ll sometimes say sorry and look at me all puppy-dog-like with those big eyes of hers. And the way she says my name, too. It’s just so…sweet. And sometimes she’ll grab my arm and just hold her hand there for a second. I think it comforts her, I mean I definitely don’t mind-
H-Hey! Don’t give me that look, I’m being a good friend, thankyouverymuch.
But then the sentence immediately following she’ll point at a Murtlap in class and say it looks like me or call me a moronic git or something.
It’s terrifying to be around her, quite frankly. Every time I’m near her I’m a little nervous. Like, my stomach kind of tightens, it’s weird. Not only that, but everyone else is too scared to talk about her effect! No one else has mentioned getting kinda sweaty or having this weird stomach tightness, and trust me, I’ve asked. Bill said I was mad, and Andre asked if I felt ‘fluttering.’ I didn’t tell him I did, because I’d sound daft! What bloke uses the word ‘fluttering’ in casual conversation, anyway? When I didn’t answer he just rolled his eyes and called me an oblivious twit. Some help he was.
See? See what she does to people? They’re all too terrified to talk about the weird stomach-tightness-feeling.
I can’t be the only one feeling it, right?
W-well whatever. Yeesh.
And geez don’t even get me started on this one time I tried to help her out.
We were walk through Hogsmeade, right? Just me and her. We were going to meet up with the rest of the gang at the Three Broomsticks but we both had to finish up some studying, so the rest of the group left and did whatever they do, and the two of us went later.
Anyway, so we’re walking and talking, right? Right. Completely normal. Then, I notice she’s shivering. And yeah, that’s normal too, it’s December and we’re outside and she’s teeny-tiny, so it makes sense. So, what do I do? Offer her my jacket because I am a chivalrous gentleman, of course.
Then, what does she do? She yells at me! Well, not yell, per say, but more of a harsh whisper. She tells me to bugger off with that gentlemanly stuff and that she’s fine and blah blah blah, and this entire time she’s stuttering and shivering and so I offer it to her again and then she takes the jacket anyway!
See what I mean? Confusing. Like, did she want the jacket? Did she actually want me to leave? I don’t know, but she took it and she said thanks after a second, but either way…
I’m kind of glad she did take it, though. She looked pretty cold. I don’t know if she has a real jacket, either. And I can respect that, my family doesn’t come from a lot of money, so sometimes it’s hard to get even the necessities. I don’t know much about her family, she hardly ever talks about her parents. And her brother Jacob, well, that’s a sore subject.
I don’t think she really knows how to let people take care of her, either. She’s always going out of her way to do things for other people, like running errands for them, helping them study, calming down first-years and stuff like that. She’s amazing like that, and she’s got a heart of gold. She’s probably one of the best people I’ve ever met. But I don’t know if she’s used to people taking care of her, either. Maybe it’s from the family she came from. I don’t know. But, the family that I came from takes care of each other, and we share what we have with those who need it. And at that moment, she needed my jacket. I’ve got a sweater on too, so don’t worry about me.
It looked pretty good on her, too. Green is a good color on her.
And she looked so…small and sweet in my jacket. It was big on her.
But it fit, too. Not like, fit physically because like I said it was too big on her, but more like…
I dunno…
My jacket looked better on her than it does on me. She said it smelled like me, too, like honeysuckle.
It was just…cute to see her wearing my clothes…
D-Don’t look at me like that!
You see what I mean? Do you see how confusing this is for me??
Augh, I don’t understand it.
I don’t understand her.”
Author’s Note:
This fic is titled “Girl.” Because I am creative!! 
Love me a good oblivious Charlie. Also beautiful romantic snow. Mm. Double whammie.
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feraldavestrider · 6 years
i never check my mentions apparently @alpacalmond and @uiyutrentasei tagged me in a GTKM thing so im gonna do it oh uhhhh 2 weeks later LOL because i cant sleep and i hate myself
i tag @hal-strider if they didnt do it? and @noctiilucent, @kiyumiarashi, @whimsicmimic and @ataliaf uwu and anyone else who wants to do it!!
how tall are you: this is a cryptid question. i get a different result every time i try to measure myself and ive never asked anyone else to do it for me. some people tell me im very short, others have told me im average height for someone who is afab. im gonna hazard a guess at 5′5 tho.
what colour are your eyes: very dark brown
do you wear contacts and/or glasses: glasses. i literally CANNOT see without them. i mean like 2 inches from my glasses-less face is so blurry its unbelievable. i get super triggered by eye stuff tho so contacts are a no go ALSO i look weird w/o glasses anyway.
do you wear braces: no my teeth r p good actually. one is a bit wonky but thats life
what is your fashion style: i mean 90% panties and a sweaty 4 day tshirt because i just spend all day in my room like a goblin. BUT when i actually go out im ur basic ass post-emo trans dude with skinny jeans, converse and a too-big graphic tee. sometimes i spice it up with a plaid shirt because im fuckin GAY.
when were you born: october 12th 1999, babey
how old are you: 18 motherfucker flashes my titties and gulps a bottle of vodka im an ADULT
do you have any siblings: yes. a younger brother and hes a cunt
what school/college do you go to: im at sixth form rn (last yr of highschool technically if ur american but im not and hs finishes at 16 yrs old here deal with it). im going uni next yr tho and this years almost over for me academically since we go on study leave soon for our final exams. uwu overshares
what kind of student are you: the asshole who never studies for tests and does homework at 5am the morning before and still manages to pull straight As to everyones anger. im also the adhd class clown who makes random noises and cant concentrate half the time. ik i hate myself too im so annoying irl even more so than online.
what are your favorite subjects: in terms of actual content of the subject, english lit fs. in terms of classmates/teachers/general atmosphere DEFFO drama we spend half of our time eating cake, singing random shit and just losing our minds while filming it on snapchat which shouldnt at all be allowed.
what are your favorite movies: god idek. um. fuck. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i cant think of a single movie. ok ok ok i got it: white chicks, premium rush, scott pilgrim vs the world, the cornetto triology too i just love edgar hes such a great director. i like a lot of the marvel movies esp the spiderman hc and thor ragnorok and both gotg were p good. i love a lot of movies my brains just a void that sucks memories up into its fat gob and steals them from me forever.
what are your pastimes: sleeping, crying, used to be rping but i gave up on that, playing overwatch way too much and getting tilted because im shit, reading fanfictions did i say sleeping
do you have many regrets: dude. my guy. come in close. let me whisper in ur ear. are you close? no, closer. ok. 
what is your dream job: whoo boy. im do indecisive and i think a LOT of jobs seem super cool that id never do i.e. be an actor or be in a band. my dream job since i was like 8 was to be a writer which is unlikely since i cant even finish a pwp oneshot. but thatd be cool. id also like to write plays and direct them but thats also wild and v dream > reality. 
would you like to get married: honestly. marriage as an institution? angers me. i dont like a lot of things about it. BUT. part of the reason i hate it is honestly if ur in a long long term relationship with someone ur better off married than not in terms of the benefits so. id happily get married if the other person wanted and/or we felt like it was the right thing to do, i just dont really care about being married or having a wedding tbh.
do you want kids? how many if so: no. hard pass. i might adopt if im long-term with someone who SUPER wants kids but that likely wont happen because i dont want to get into a long-term relationship with someone so desperate for kids since i dont have that same enthusiasm. sorry. ill be ur uncle gabe but im not having my own children im just not well equipped to literally have a full time job of making sure little idiots (meant affectionately) who dont know fuck from shit dont just straight up die. i can barely do that for myself.
how many countries have you visited: shit dude actually ive only visited like... uh... 4??? a lot of my holidays tend to be to the same countries (portugal/america) so i dont have that much experience like i feel like i do.
what was your scariest dream: hmmmm. when i was a kid i had these recurring dreams where i worked at this like. “zoo” where these MASSIVE, i mean ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE string rays that were also pancakes were like. hooked up to make electricity? anyway i hated the job because we all abused the rays super bad to make them generate the power and it sucked and it was all dystopian. there was stuff where like we had to kill the baby rays and stuff. anyway one day it went all planet of the apes and they broke out somehow and could fly and they killed loads of people and i had to go into hiding because they were super clever and could id who had worked at the zoo plant and wanted revenge. its super weird ik but this is pretty tame for my dreams they go HARD and BIZARRE and this one always made me wake up feeling super sick and scared idk. ur welcome.
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other: no im lonely but its ok because i need to work on me 
put your playlist on shuffle and without skipping the first 15 songs: ok so i dont really have a “playlist” per se so im just gonna use my top 100 2017 songs on spotify which ignores a lot of my non-spotify non-2017 bangers but whatever.
1) ‘My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark’ by FOB
2) ‘Tuxford Fall’ - Vasudeva
3) ‘Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn’t Get Sued’ - FOB
4) ‘Fried Noodles: Getter Remix’ - Pink Guy, Getter (listen ive never watched any filthy frank he weirds me out but this is a banger)
5) ‘Brick By Boring Brick’ - Paramore
6) ‘Thnks Fr Th Mmrs’ - FOB (i really dont listen to this much fob this is crazy)
7) ‘Death Note L’s Theme Goes Metal’ - Charlie Parra del Riego (theres no defence for this)
8) ‘Turnstile’ - Vasudeva
9) ‘Idle Worship’ - Paramore
10) ‘Monster’ - Paramore
11) ‘Miss Missing You’ - FOB
12) ‘The City’ - Madeon
13) ‘Far Too Young To Die’ - P!ATD
14) ‘Don’t Stop’ - Nothing More (really this is the band i listen to much smh these results are so skewed)
15) ‘Smile Like You Mean It’ - The Killers
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illuxions-x · 4 years
𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑶𝒏𝒆.
𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝:
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Melanie-Ann Lowe was sitting contently on her glossy white bed skimming quickly over a thick science book in preparation for the Hawkins annual science fair held in early December. The girls friends had all entered as a group and needed to come up with some unique ideas.
One boy, Dustin Henderson, who had been neighbors with the girl since before she was born, was like an older brother and they had a rare friendship deeper then most people would like to admit.
She made a frustrated sigh and closed her book, not finding any ideas.
Getting distracted and looking out of her fingerprint ridden window to see two lights glide down her street, one stopping across from her house, and the other continuing into darkness.
Dustin turns around, seeing Melanie on the top story with her glowing yellow light, he gives her a toothless smile and a wave before walking into his house.
The two had a plan.
Laughter erupted from the room next to hers, distracting her from her gaze. Her sister Audrey and her best friend Robin Buckley were hanging out at the Lowe house for a 'study' date, but the younger girl knew they were just eating food and talking about boys.
Smoothly she exited her room, tiptoeing past her sisters room, down the narrow staircase to the main floor, which was dark and quiet, with so little sign of any people.
The Lowe parents had left for a trip to New York for an important news article, so Mel was in the care of her sisters. Her dad, Bruce Lowe, had a cushy job at the Hawkins Post, and had worked there for 20 years, since he graduated high school.
Her mum, Loretta Lowe, was a ripe example of a trophy wife and went with her husband on expensive trips. Melanie loved them, like any average person would, but she missed them as they weren't around as much as other parents.
Valerie was the girls oldest sister, and knowing her room would be empty, as she was most likely at a school party, like most nights. The sisters were all very different personality wise, but similar with their mothers fair looks, fought but seemed to get along for a majority of the time. 
Snatching a packet of Doritos out of the cupboard, she walks back to her room and shuts the door behind her. Picking up the textbook again, but not being able to concentrate. After a few minutes of staring into nothing, she hears a knock on her window.
"shhhhhhhh! My sister w-will hear you!" the girl whispers, opening her window slowly but cautiously.
"Come on! We can go now, hurry up!" Dustin replies practically dragging her out the window, knowing that her parents had left earlier that morning, and her sisters didn't care enough to worry. Melanie takes her brown backpack, which was always filled with essentials and snuck out of her house.
"Step quieter w-will you, or we-we'll get caught." the blonde squeaks, while attempting to not step on the dead autumn leaves to get to her bike. Walking it down her steep driveway, turning on their front lights then riding off down a back road.
It being a Sunday night, most houses were sleeping and minimal cars were driving around. The pair perk up when they hear distant music, but continuing at the same pace, along the road parked cars start to slowly multiply and the music becomes more distinctive.
Not surprisingly was the party being held at (What Audrey and Robin called him,) Steve 'the hair' Harrington's house, as the two rode past, slowing down just slightly, did Melanie recognize a particular face from the front yard.
Seeing Valerie there only made her bolt off faster down the road, with the curly haired boy right behind her.
Darting down a back street and keeping to it for a few minuets did they find themselves at the junk yard. Leaning their bikes against the abandoned bus and going inside, the duo sat on a seat facing each other and unpacked the food they had brought in their bags.
"How w-was the campaign? Also p-pass the skittles." the girl asks making herself comfortable in the seat, her tiredness causing her stutter to worsen, "It was great! But we lost the dice right before we got to see if Will survived." Dustin hands Mel the packet in return for a whole Kit-Kat bar.
After many laughs and bubbling conversation, a shrieking noise in the woods motivates the two to head back home. Going a different way than before, to avoid getting caught by the girls now possibly drunk sister.
"See you tomorrow Lanie!" the boy shouts as he goes to his window to sneak back in, Melanie walks her bike back up her driveway, climbing up the wood used to keep the Vine wall growing upwards, walking across the roof and opening her window delicately.
An agitating beeping awakens Melanie from her slumber. Taking off her pink flowery covers, the cold early November air that hit her bare legs made her visibly shiver before she arched her back also stretching her arms in the air.
She had decided to have a shower later the previous night after her annual meet with her neighbor. Changing into some light blue jeans and a black and white striped long sleeve, with mismatched spotted socks to go with it.
"Do you want a ride this morning?" asks Val, grabbing her car keys with Audrey and Robin in tow. The older girl sporting bloodshot eyes framed with dark rings, and voice croaky.
"I'm riding with Dustin today, see ya!" The younger girl skips through the door with her slightly muddy pastel pink backpack in her hand.
Knocking on the Henderson door quietly, hearing faint footsteps and door open, with the young boy smiling brightly whilst slipping a cap over his naturally messy hair.
"How w-was your night?" the blonde asks, "Alright, you?" "yeah same." 
Riding off to the opposite direction they went the night before, and up the slight hill that always killed their leg muscles, they rode all the way to Hawkins Middle School in little time, where their friends Mike and Lucas were standing around. She frowns slightly noticing the absent person and parks her bike into the stand before catching up with the two.
"Isn't W...W-ill here?" She calls out, her hair blowing in from the wind. Making her push it out of her face.
"He could have just slept in?" Lucas thinks, "Probably." agrees the girl.
"Maybe he just went to class early again," says Mike, "he's always paranoid Gursky's gonna give him a pop quiz." laughs Dustin as they continue walking into the school, the others nod. The group were interrupted by a voice behind them.
"Step right up, ladies and gentlemen! Step right up and get your tickets for the freak show!" Melanie's head whips around to see James and Troy, two older boys who loved to torment her friends.
The group don't dare to move, it was a regular occurrence, they were quite used to it by now. Troy looks them up and down, giving a glare at Mel, the girl scrunching her nose and turns her focus on her shoes, not wanting to make eye contact with the older boys.
"Who do you think would make more money at a freak show, 'Frog-face,' 'Midnight,' 'Toothless'? or M-M-M-Melanie" he says snickering,
"Ooof. Tough call, tough call." James interrupts, eyeing Dustin, "I'd go with Toothless." He sneers.
"My teeth are coming in, I told you a million times, it's called cleidocranial dysplasia-" The curly haired boy gets irritated, "I told you a million times!" Troy mocks him laughing with his friend.
"Do the arm thing." he demands, if Mel was bold enough she would roll her eyes, but she stood statue still, scared of the consequences. Dustin hesitates before stretching his arms out, causing the bullies to make a disgusted face.
"Gets me every time! Every time!" Troy exclaims before shoving the group as he walks away into the school laughing.
"Numbskulls," Lucas whispers under his breath, making the blonde giggle.
"I think it's cool, it's like a superpower or something, like Mr. Fantastic!" Mike tries to be optimistic towards his friend. Mel reaches for is hand and gives it a squeeze in attempt comfort. Smiling slightly in response.
"Yeah, except I can't fight evil with it." replies Dustin before the group pick up their bags and walk to class, still confused as to where their friend could be at the time.
A swarm of Middle Schooler's scramble to grab their books and bags and hurry out of class after the bell chimes, talking loudly about latest gossip amongst themselves.
"Remember, finish chapter twelve, and answer twelve-point-three on the difference between an experiment and other forms of science investigation-" the teacher stops after realizing that there are no more children in the class to hear his reminder.
"So did it come?" Mike asks as the four huddle around the teachers desk in anticipation. Melanie's smile falters when Mr Clarke hesitates, "Sorry, boys," she gives the teacher a pointed look, "and girl, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but..." the four all sigh in frustration, not pleased they would gave to be patient another day.
"It came." He finishes.
The group look up with a wide smiles and Melanie jumps a little with excitement, pulling Lucas along with her by the upper arm, as the four run through the now deserted halls, their footstep echoing, straight to the A.V room. Mike gets the door open first then Dustin pushes past Lucas and Mel to get through second.
"Hey!" they both say simultaneously, yelling at Dustin for cutting in, he just gives the two a smirk and stands to the right of Mike, who was sitting in the chair, while Lucas stood to the left and Mel with her hand on Mikes shoulder, leaning in to get a closer look.
Mike places the headphones over his ears.
"The Heath-kit ham shack, ain't she a beaut?" Grins Mr Clarke, pointing to the new radio.
"I bet you can talk to New York on this thing-" exclaims Dustin, the teacher just gives a smile, "think bigger,"
"California?" adds Lucas, "bigger,"
"Australia?" the girl squeaks, Mr Clarke nods. "Holllly shit." Says Mike, getting a look from the teacher and a playful hit from a giggling Mel.
"Oh man, when Will sees this he's going to totally lose his shit-" Lucas bursts out, "Lucas," Mel scolds though she was giggling,
"'Ello, this is Mike Wheeler, President of Hawkins Middle A.V. Club-" begins Mike in a terrible Australian accent, only to be cut off by Dustin.
"'Ello, this is Dustin Henderson, Secretary and Treasurer of Hawkins Middle A.V. Club, do you eat kangaroos for breakfast?" everyone cringes at the accent and just as Mel's about to be passed the headset by Dustin, there's a knock on the door.
The blonde recognizes one of the men as the principle and the other as chief Hopper. She grows curious, her eyebrows furrowed, assuming something was wrong.
"Sorry to interrupt, but may I borrow Michael, Melanie, Lucas, and Dustin?" The familiar man asks. The group share a puzzled look, all silent as ever contemplating what could have happened.
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askdawnandvern · 7 years
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:20
This is quite possibly the longest chapter I've written not just in this story, but in general. But it was required for the full scope of the scene. There was nowhere I could clip and separate it that wouldn't ruin the flow of the scene. I was also nervous handling so many characters interacting at once. I wanted it to remain clear who was talking to whom and it was a delicate dance I hope worked correctly. That said, I feel this was a really strong, emotional chapter and I'm super proud of it.
Shout out to my patreon backers whose input helped shape and correct this chapter. They get access to the story chapters early as a perk and the fact that the take the time to note errors and so on is super helpful and greatly appreciate. Thanks to Warwolf416 and Unformed8 for their contributions, you guys are great. And if you guys are interested in sneak peeks and other stuff behind the scenes of my art and fiction, well I've got a Patreon. So please consider donating. Every little bit helps keep me fed and living, and that means it's easier to write and draw.
Alright, that's enough shilling for myself. Go ahead and read.
Chapter Twenty: Un-fair Judgements
For Dawn's sake, Vernon was trying not to let what happened at the 'tunnel of love' eat away at him. But the wolf couldn't shake the sickening feeling the whole argument had left in the pit of his stomach. Had it been silly to really not expect that kind of treatment back in the Meadowlands? At a family fair no less? Granted the sheep was an old-timer, and with age came a stubborn unwillingness to accept change and a lack of knowing when to keep ones mouth shut. But the nasty old billy managed to get under Vernon's pelt much worse than anyone back in Zootopia seemed to be capable of.
Dawn was right, everything she had said was on point. The old goat's judgment and attitude was something small and petty in the grand scheme of things. But denying them access to the ride was a severe over-reach, and it left Vernon completely livid. The wolf hated to let something like that slide regardless of how sound the reasoning was. He wanted desperately to bring his Father around when it came to his attitude toward Dawn, and he knew trying to keep a low profile would most likely help that. But standing there, being dressed down by that old culler, allowing him to speak to Dawn so rudely. It made the desire to belt the mammal right in his smug muzzle the more appealing option. And to be honest, if Dawn hadn't managed to pull him back from the brink, the wolf would have most likely done so.
That sobering moment had made Vernon realize exactly just how deeply his emotions were starting to get the better of him. Had that goat been any other mammal in Zootopia, on just an average day, he surely would have handled the situation differently. The wolf would have found a way to diffuse the situation without violence. Maybe he would have outsmarted him, beaten him down with words, something to the effect of how he had handled the wolf couple on the train ride out to the Meadowlands in the first place. But everything that had happened so far, his Father, Yuri, Ana, each encounter had been winding him up further and further. The stress, rage and anxiety building with each dispute while he tried desperately to bury it. To keep a stiff upper lip, to be optimistic, all to try to keep up the facade that he was alright in Dawn's eyes. Or at least, less miserable than he had really been. He had even managed to try to put aside the woes of family acceptance in an effort for just a pure day of fun with his Honey Lamb, but even without the other Hunters present he had been unable to escape confrontation.
The fact that Ana had even been at the fair was as if the gods themselves were mocking him, chiding him for even thinking he could have one nice day with his mate in the town he grew up in. That he could share something close and intimate with Dawn without the weight of his Father's judgment overshadowing it. But Ana and the old goat had pulled it right back to the forefront of the wolf's mind, and the beautiful day at the fair he had planned turned into nothing short of a catastrophe.
It had been so long since the wolf had felt such violent impulses, a trait of his he had believed to be not just dormant, but long dead. But with everything that was layering itself on his mind, he could feel the grasp on his emotions slipping. The old mindset of the troubled young pup he once had been was clawing it's way to the surface. It wanted to fight, his stubborn father, his stupid brother, and that bigoted old goat. And the more he tried to suppress how he really felt about the reunion so far, the more restless it became. Vernon would have to let off some steam one way or another eventually, something to ease the pressure building within. But short of suddenly gaining his Father's approval or simply turning to Dawn in a collapsed heap, weeping and admitting his various fears and doubts about the whole scenario, the wolf wasn't going to get enough of the emotion out.
Still Vernon tried to take solace in the idea that at least hiding in the dark back room of the family corn and pie stall might be enough to at least ease some of his suffering. Especially if Dawn kept up the rather soothing head petting she had been doing since they left the 'tunnel of love' behind. Just the prospect of some, mostly quiet and alone time with his Honey Lamb felt like heaven at the moment. A much needed reprieve from the prying eyes and barbed tongues of other judgmental fair-goers, or possibly even Ana again. Granted, the wolf reasoned the stand would probably be swarming with noisy patrons, but at least they'd be well out of sight.
Yet as the food stand finally came into view, it quickly became apparent that the couple wouldn't have to worry about any noise at all coming from the crowds. The Hunter Family's usually bustling food stall was practically a ghost town. There wasn't a crowd, a line, or even a single customer. All Vernon could see was his Mother and Malcolm, both of whom we're looking bored out of their skulls. His Mother in particular had taken to leaning on the counter, a paw against her face as she let out a tired sigh. It was only as she noticed Vernon's approach did she seem to wake up, snapping to attention and wiping the counter where she had been leaning previously. The wolf's Mother never liked to seem as though she wasn't doing some degree of work, and catching her like that had always been a rare sight. A sight Vernon would have laughed at if not for the alien strangeness that the empty stall created. Audrey offered a jovial wave as the pair walked over to the counter.
"Howdy you two!" Audrey chirped. "I hope ya'll been having a good time at the fair!"
Vernon let out a derisive sigh.
"Trying to." Vernon grumbled. "But we hit a few snags along the way."
"Aww Darlin', I'm sorry to hear that." The she wolf gestured to the pair to sit on the stools near the counter. "Wanna talk about it?"
Vernon sat in the stool in front of him before easing Dawn off his shoulders and into the seat next to him. He hated to put an end to the soothing head petting, but he figured the ewe would have a harder time joining the conversation if he hadn't placed her closer to eye level. Dawn seemed like she was almost in a dreamlike state as the wolf eased her into the chair, only snapping out of it as she was plopped onto the seat. Now alert, she eyed Vernon with concern, but the wolf turned away, eager to shut down the possible conversation at hand.
"I'd rather not Ma." Vernon muttered. "I just want to unwind and not think about anything." Vernon flashed the ewe a meek smile, trying to keep up the facade of being relatively okay. "I think we both do."
That managed to earn him a genuine smile from Dawn, and assured the wolf that the illusion was still in place.
"What about you Ma?" Vernon asked. "I ain't never seen the stand this dead. You just get back from break or something?"
"W-well I-" Audrey sighed. "I just don't know Puppy." She shook her head.
"Stands been doing this bad for hours Vern." Malcolm chimed in, sliding another boxed pie onto a nearby shelf. "Started tapering off after lunch. It's the strangest dog-gone thing." The red wolf muttered.
"Your serious?" Vernon asked.
"Deadly." Audrey replied, giving the wolf a solemn stare.
"We've had one or two stragglers, but otherwise it's been practically as dull as a desert here." Malcolm added.
"If things keep up like this we're going to end up with more pies than we know what to do with." Audrey leaned back on the counter, scratching her head. "I just can't figure out what is going on. It's like everyone's avoidin' us."
There was a brief, uneasy silence as the phrase 'avoidin' us' seemed to hang in the air. Vernon found himself thinking back to the 'tunnel of love' once again. The stares from the couples waiting to ride, the glances he was sure they had gotten on the walk back to 'Hunter's Bounty'. For a moment the wolf feared that perhaps, his relationship with Dawn may have been the source of the drop in customers at the family food stall. 'But it couldn't be.' The wolf was quick to reassure himself. It seemed unlikely that most of the fairgoers could connect the couple to the family by look alone.
"Anywho, don't worry about this mess Vern." Audrey's tone was suddenly less dismal as she stood back up. "How'd you two like some roasted corn?"
"We're holding out for a picnic later today." Vernon chuckled. "I'm going to be doing the roasting myself while we're out there."
"Aww..." Audrey cooed. "Ain't that sweet." The wolfess gave Vernon's head fur a playful tussle, causing him to pull back and swat playfully at her.
"Ma! C'mon now!" Vernon gestured his head to Dawn.
"Oh hush, you'll always be my Puppy, I don't care who's watchin'!" Audrey teased, earning a giggle from Dawn.
"Well if food ain't the reason you're back so soon, then what is it? You can't be callin' the fair quits already?" Malcolm interjected, licking a spoon covered in pie mix. "We ain't closin' for another hour."
"Maybe not if this keeps up." Audrey lamented.
Vernon let out another sigh. "W-we're just tuckered out." He said glumly. "We decided to call it early and relax until we all head back home." Vernon tried to make his voice firm. It wasn't entirely a lie, after all they we're looking to relax. But the why was still something Vernon wasn't keen on sharing with either of them.
The red wolf nodded, turning back to the oven nearest to him.
"Well your welcome to hide in the back until-" Audrey's ears suddenly perked up, and she pivoted her head to the side of Vernon. The she wolf squinted for a moment. "What in the Fenrir's fur is that commotion?"
Vernon glanced over his shoulder to see a crowd building a few stalls down from the stand, but unlike the previous ones that had gathered to gawk at him and Dawn in the midst of fighting, this one was on the move. As Vernon spun around on his stool to get a better look it quickly became apparent exactly where the crowd was heading.
"You've got to be kidding me." Vernon muttered, slapping a paw over his face. While most in the mob remained unfamiliar, at the front Vernon easily recognized a very exasperated looking Kendrick Loupon. Thankfully, there was no sign of Ana, but more worryingly a particularly well dressed sheep was walking next to him. The ram was dressed in a fine green suit and matching top hat, with finely maintained wool and expertly polished spiral horns tightly spun near his ears. Vernon could only describe the look on his face as something close to constipation. His eyes were focused on the stand sitting directly in the path of the mob, his Mother's stand.
"Mr. Ruddy?" Audrey piped up as the crowd arrived. They gave the short representative and his towering wolf assistant a wide berth around the stand as the sheep made his way near Vernon and his Mother. The stout little sheep seemed to be sweating up a storm.
"M-Mrs. Hunter." Damon stuttered. The ram pulled a handkerchief from his suit pocket, dabbing his forehead lightly as he evidently tried to compose himself.
"Somethin' wrong?" Audrey leaned over the counter, eyeing the ram in confusion.
"W-well...um..." Damon glanced over his shoulder briefly at the mob that had swelled behind him. Vernon watched Kendrick as he paced the perimeter, watching the crowd as he mopped his forehead with a napkin of his own. "I-er...well Ma'am. I..." The sheep looked down at his hooves, wringing them nervously as he seemed to fumble with his words. "I-It's just-
"We've received a number of complaints." Kendrick said, making his way closer to the stand. " A great number of the citizens attending the fair are rather troubled. You see they-"
Audrey waived her paws defensively. "Hey now if this is about the food, I assure ya'll everything is fresh and kept refrigerated." The she-wolf crossed her arms. "I've been telling the fair's board of directors for years them food poisoning cases been coming from that sushi stand. I told 'em a fair ground ain't no place to be servin' raw fish."
Ruddy coughed awkwardly, pulling at his collar. It was clear the sheep was uncomfortable with whatever he was leading up to. Vernon had his suspicions of course, but part of him was praying that for once during the whole trip he would be wrong.
"No, no." The sheep chuckled weakly. "W-we've already handled that."
"Yes, we've made sure their refrigeration units were up to code this year." Kendrick added, biting his lip.
"Well then what's the issue boys?" Audrey asked, placing a paw on her hip.
At this, both the finely dressed mammals glanced at each other nervously. Their eyes seemed to be searching for an out, for one of them to get whatever it was off their chests and take the brunt of whatever fallout was going to come from it. Ultimately, it was Ruddy who lost the stare down, snapping his attention back to Audrey as he let out an irritated sigh.
"M-Mrs. Hunter, first I want you to know t-that you and your family have b-been a valued member of our community for years."
"Mhh Hmm..." Audrey hummed.
"I-I mean your husband is the best Sheriff we've had in our community, a-and well, your stand here is a fair favorite!" The sheep added, tapping his hooves together idly.
"Mhh Hmm..." The she wolf repeated, , her tone becoming increasingly impatient.
"But w-well, But..."
"But what?" Vernon finally asked, drawing the sheep's attention on him. He could see fear in the rams eyes as Ruddy glanced at him, and as the little sheep's glance shifted to Dawn and back to again it all but confirmed what he was getting at.
"We-uh..." Ruddy stuttered. "because of the commotion I m-mean, we're u-uh-"
"We're going to have to ask you to leave the fair." Kendrick cut it, his eyes falling on Vernon and Dawn. Vernon could feel his stomach drop. Once again he had to have the misfortune of being right on the money. But what surprised him was Loupon's demeanor. Vernon had expected the wolf to be wearing a smug grin, after all he was clearly making good on his threat. Yet the wolf still seemed very uncomfortable, as if he really didn't want to be there in the first place. That managed to throw Vernon off, and prevented him from being the first to respond.
"W-what?!" Audrey barked, looking over at the couple seated on the stools in front of her. "What for!? What did they do?!"
Vernon sighed sharply. "We've done nothing Ma." Vernon grumbled, glowering at the officials. "Nothin' they got a law for anyway."
Ruddy pulled at his collar again. "W-well you see...I um-It's just." The ram tried to continue, dabbing his brow again.
"A lot of the fair goers are getting antsy." Loupon interjected. " Getting vocal and causing a stir, threatening to leave the fair and so forth. Many of them have threatened to not spend a cent on the fair, and never coming back you see."
"Because?" Audrey leaned on the counter. Vernon could see his Mother's was scowling at the gentlemam almost as badly as he was. A clear sign she was catching on.
"Well-Ah..." Ruddy continued.
"BECAUSE OF THE FREAKSHOW!" A familiar voice barked out from the crowd. Vernon could feel bile rising in his throat as he watched the angry wolfess make her way out of the mob, pushing several members of the crowd aside on her way to the front. Of course Ana couldn't have been far behind her mate, otherwise how would she show him off to anyone? Ana squeezed her way between the two officials before striking a rather confident stance. She flashed Vernon a mischievous grin as she glanced down at the couple.
"Ana!" Kendrick tried to place a paw on the wolfess, but she shoved him away slightly.
"WHY CAN'T WEIRDOS LIKE YOU LEAVE THAT SORT OF THING AT HOME!? HUH!?" The wolfess hissed. Unlike before, a few members of the mob could be heard yelling in agreement.
Vernon was off his stool in Ana's face in the blink of an eye. He was growling down at her, gnashing his teeth. But despite his attempts at intimidation Ana hadn't even flinched. Instead she continued to smugly smile back up at him.
"Is yer whole life devoted to making other mammals miserable?" Vernon hissed.
"Just you." Ana's smug grin seemed to widen as she whispered. "But I also can't let that little grazer talking back to me slide. You both need to learn your place."
"Now hold on one second!" Audrey barked, her attention remaining on Ruddy and Loupon. "You folks ain't never seemed to have a problem with the kind of relationships any of my other pups had! So why them!?" She motioned over to Vernon and Dawn.
Ruddy seemed to be coming apart at the seams. The ram was practically swabbing his receding wool line with his handkerchief as he tried to speak. At first it was nothing but barely audible squeaks.
"W-well, we've had complaints b-before." Ruddy said. "Z-zach and Vanna a-alone tend to d-draw attention b-but..." The sheep stammered.
"BUT WHAT!?" Audrey had lurched over her counter slightly, causing the ram to practically recoil into his suit.
"Because the c-complaints were so few, and with your families service to the Meadowlands w-we t-tended to ignore them." Loupon added.
"Well ain't that a fine how do you do!?" Audrey stood back up, placing her paws on her hips as she glowered at the crowd. "This is the first I've heard of this from any of ya'll!" She stabbed a finger at the mob. Some seemed to shrink slightly. "And I thought I knew you people!"
Audrey head swiveled as she pointed at various members of the crowd. "Mrs. Stag? Mr. Hornsby? Even you Mr. and Mrs. Molina? Fer crying out loud I've known you both since grade school!" With each name listed off, various members of the crowd seemed to shrink in shame.
"And Damon, yer one of Dori's best friends!" The she wolf returned her attention to Ruddy. The sheep sunk further into his pressed suit. He raised his hooves in self defense. "What makes this different then those other times!?"
"The number of complaints Mrs. Hunter." Loupon added, nervously straightening his tie. "I-I'm afraid there were far too many to sweep under the rug. I m-mean two preds or two prey mammals of different species are one issue, but a prey and a pred-"
"IT'S UNNATURAL!" Ana pushed away from Vernon, turning her attention to the crowd. "IT GOES AGAINST THE NATURAL ORDER!"
"ANA PLEASE!" Kendrick protested.
The she wolf let out a snort, crossing her arms as she turned her back to the wolf. Wiping his brow, Loupon continued.
"It just makes too many mammals uncomfortable. And we don't want any scenes breaking out today." Loupon said in a lowered tone.
"Well ya'll certainly done a good job on that!" Audrey snapped, gesturing a paw to the crowd. " You stirred up a damn lynch mob and brought 'em here. All that's missing is the torches and pitchforks!"
As his Mother spoke, Vernon noticed Ana's ears perk up at the mention of a 'lynch mob', letting out a low chuckle. Vernon stormed over to Ana, grasping the she-wolf by a shoulder and forcing her to face him.
"You did this didn't you?" Vernon hissed. "This crowd is on you!? Ain't it!?"
Ana flashed a smug smile. "What, me!?" She cooed. "I would never!" The she-wolf feigned innocence as she pulled Vernon's paw off her. "But if some of these good mammals overheard me talking to Ken and were just as disgusted as I was....well..." Ana's grin became practically Cheshire as she eyed Vernon evilly. "I can't help that."
"WHY YOU LOUSY LITTLE B-" Vernon stopped as he felt a hoof grasp his paw tightly, pulling him back. Looking down he found Dawn had stepped off her stool and was now by his side. She looked up at him sadly.
"Floof's, what-?"
"We'll go." Dawn replied.
"WHAT!?" Vernon barked.
Dawn released her grip on the wolf, making her way between Audrey, Ruddy, and Loupon. Turning her attention to Ruddy, she cleared her throat.
"As someone who used to work in politics I understand the awkward position Vernon and I have placed you in." Dawn said.
Ruddy's eyes went wide. "Wait, D-Dawn Bellwether?"
Dawn gave a simple nod.
Ruddy turned to Loupon, gesturing his hooves at the ewe in front of him. "You didn't tell me she was Dawn Bellwether!" He hissed quietly. Loupon scratched the back of his head awkwardly.
"Ms. Bellwether, I am terrible sorry, I truly am." Ruddy said, turning his attention back to Dawn. "I hate to put you in this position considering the circumstances. After what you did for Zootopia I-"
Dawn raised a hoof to stop the ram.
"Vernon and I didn't mean to cause any trouble. But we understand we aren't in a very..." The ewe fiddled her hooves nervously. "'conventional' relationship." The ewe sighed.
"So, for the sake of everyone else here..." Dawn looked up at Audrey sadly. "Vernon and I will leave."
"Honey Lamb!" Vernon barked in disbelief. But Dawn simply shook her head. Walking back over to Vernon's side, Dawn wrapped a hoof around his paw, squeezing it tightly. She looked up at him with sad, glistening eyes. But he could see a look of resignation in them as well. It was a battle they weren't equipped to fight, a stand they weren't in position to hold. For the sake of the rest of the Hunters, they had to back down.
"It's not worth it Vernon." Dawn glanced at the proud she-wolf still smugly smiling at them. Vernon could see Dawn's tearful eyes were burning with disgust. "She's not worth it."
"OH!" Ana laughed, placing a paw to her chest. "Looking down on Preds again are we? I guess you haven't changed as much as you think?" Ana let out a howling laugh.
Dawn turned away from Ana, pulling Vernon with her as they now faced the stand.
"Mrs. Hunter, could Malcolm drive us back to the ranch?" Dawn asked.
"Nothin' doin' Darlin', you two ain't leavin!" Audrey's tone was decisive as she slammed a paw on the table.
"Please Mrs. Hunter, we've caused enough trouble. I don't want to make things worse for you or the others." Dawn said somberly.
"Oh you poor thing!" Ana cooed. "You think you haven't already!?" The she-wolf barked.
Vernon snapped his attention back to Ana, letting out a rolling growl.
"Would you shut up already! You got what ya wanted!" Vernon snarled.
"Not yet." Ana sneered. The wolfess gave her mate a shove, causing Kendrick to stumble slightly.
"Tell him!" She gestured to Vernon. "Tell him Ken!" She grinned.
"What's she gettin' at Damon?" Audrey asked the diminutive ram. The sheep shifted uncomfortably as he returned to twiddling his hooves. The silence seemed to linger as the ram failed to make any sort of noise. He seemed unable to even look Audrey in the eyes.
"A-all of you have to leave." Loupon said.
"What?" Audrey asked coldly, staring daggers at the large wolf.
"W-well...um..." Loupon gulped, going as dry mouthed as Ruddy seemed to have gone.
"YOU'RE ALL LEAVIN'!" Ana cackled. "ALL YOU HUNTERS ARE GOING BYE BYE!" Pushing Loupon aside, Ana pranced up to the counter.
"Maybe now your son will learn his place Auddy my dear." Ana cooed.
"DON'T you call me Auddy!" Audrey hissed.
On the outside, Vernon was frozen. His facial expression was stuck in neutral as the emotions below the surface fought to process all that was happening and respond accordingly. This was it, the worst possible outcome the date at the fair could possibly yield. In the grand scheme of things, Ana and the old goat had gotten under Vernon's pelt and effectively soured the date. But that was something Vernon could stand. It would have taken time for the ire to fully settle, but he would have gotten through it, that he was sure of. But those confrontations were on him, and only affected the two of them. But now the events that had been set in motion were going to cause the one thing that he had been certain was impossible. The one thing that would eat at him worse than anything else. Ana was set to prove his Father's prediction right. He and Dawn would be responsible for ruining the families reputation, for getting the whole lot of them ejected from the fair. The thought alone caused his lips to curl in disgust. His ignorant Father would end up feeling justified, and worse yet, would think even less of Dawn.
Ana it seemed had wasted no time spreading as much awful gossip that she could to any mammal that would listen. It certainly explained why the customers started ignoring the family stand, after all the time frame certainly lined up. Whether she had started dragging the families name through the mud at first, or merely expanded to the other Hunters while ragging on Vernon as the day wore on, the damage had already been done. She had got it in her head to hurt all of them for Vernon's transgression, and she was set to make good on it.
"You are a MONSTER!" That had come from Dawn. Vernon looked down at his empty paw in surprise. The ewe must have pulled away from him while he was lost in thought, and was now standing toe to toe with Ana.
"Well ain't that the pot calling the kettle'!" Anna let out another howling laugh, causing a few wolves in the crowd to let out howls of their own.
"You are so PETTY! So VINDICTIVE!" Dawn snarled. "Are you really so much of a child that you have to punish innocent mammals because you don't like us?!"
Ana let out another laugh. "Look who's talking about PETTYNESS! About PUNISHING INNOCENT MAMMALS!" Ana gestured to the gaggle of onlookers.
"ANA!" Kedrick yelled, but by now the she-wolf seemed to be on a roll.
"TO WHAT!?" Ana cut Ruddy off, looming over the small sheep and scaring him into silence. "TO STOP TELLING EVERYONE THE TRUTH!?"
Dawn's firm stance seemed to falter slightly as Vernon watched. His paws beginning to tighten into fists.
Ana spun back to th diminutive ewe. "AND NOW SHE'S TRYING TO HIDE BEHIND DATING A PRED! TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE SHE'S REALLY CHANGED! THAT' A RIOT!" Ana let out a barking laugh.
Vernon could feel his claws digging into his pads as he clenched his fists tighter. His Mother had always told him never to hit a girl, and it was a rule he had always obeyed. But at that moment he was about three seconds away from slugging Ana and being done with it.
"EVERYONE KNOW'S YOU'RE STILL THE SAME-" Ana was cut off as she suddenly found herself slammed against the Hunter stand, bowling over a stool in the process. It took Vernon a second to realize that he hadn't moved, that the punch hadn't come from him despite his blinding fury. Instead, Ada was standing where he wished he was, the hyeness towering over the crumpled she-wolf.
"Ya got a big mouth doncha? I guess nobody eva took da time to teach ya how ta shut it." Ada muttered, crossing her paws as she glowered down at the wolf. Ana seemed to still be trying to make sense of what just happened. Clutching a paw to her face, she glanced around wildly at everyone. The she-wolf looked terrified, like she wanted to flee. It was the first time Vernon had ever seen Ana make a face like that, and he'd be lying if he said it didn't make him feel good.
"Y-you...wh!? Who?" Ana sputtered, evidently still reeling from the blow. Vernon could see a small trickle of blood coming from her nose.
"Ada!" Vernon watched as Vanna ran up to the hyena's side. The tigress placed her head in her paw. " Sweet Savannah, not again. I told you not to go in guns a blazing!"
"Tch, that's how you deal with a gal like that." Ada huffed. "I could tell by da way she was talkin' she ain't never had to fight for anyting in her life. She's all blusta!"
Ana staggered to her feet, the terror on her face now replaced with blind fury.
"W-WHY YOU! I'LL! I'LL-! Ana hissed, rubbing her muzzle fiercely.
Ada lunged, causing Ana to recoil as the hyeness loomed over her. "OR YOU'LL WHAT!?" Ada sneered.
"I-I'LL, I-I..." Ana stammered as Ada crept closer.
"I know your type, I grew up around goils like you! Youse all love ta talk and talk about hows great youse are, how strong and tuff youse are, how much better you are den everyone else!" Ada huffed. " But da second someone challenges ya on dat you find da biggest fella you can to hide behind, and have him do your doity woik!"
Ada continued to stalk forward, and soon Ana found herself with her back against the Hunter family stall.
"And if dat guy is can't do da job youse move on ta the next one, all so you don't eva have to fight for yaself!" Ada crossed her arms, defiantly grinning at the wolfess. "We had woids for goils like you back home, pletny of 'em, but I tink 'bitch' is the best fit for ya."
Vernon saw a flash of white scurry up Ada's back, scrambling onto the hyeness' head before coming to a stop. Qali was now leaning her palms on Ada's crown, stabbing a finger at the bewildered she-wolf.
"Yeah! What Ada said!" Qali chirped.
Ada grumbled, glancing up at the arctic fox now leaning on her head.
"Youse are kinda undaminin' my point sis." Ada lamented.
"What, you don't think I can take her one on one?" Qali asked, glancing down at the Hyena below. Qali raised her arm, flexing it to the best of her abilities as she flashed Ada a confident smile.
"Chuckles, I cut trees for a living. And I'm fast and wiry." Qali said, as she made her way back to the ground, taking a stance by Ada's side. The artic fox beamed a smile up at the larger canine. "I can topple her faster than a blue-spruce!"
"Y-YOU!" Ana seemed to find her footing, striking a somewhat shaky offensive stance. The she-wolf wiped the little bit of blood from her nose, a steady growl now thrumming from her throat. "YOU THINK I WOULDN'T...I..." Ana flinched, stumbling over her words as she seemed to second guess herself. " I WOULDN'T THINK TWICE ABOUT HITTING A...A..." Ana struggled.
"Not tinkin' twice huh?" Ada let out a hyena cackle.
"WHY I! I'LL!" Ana reeled back a fist, holding it behind her in as threatening a manner as she could between fits of trembling. It was a strange sight for Vernon, seeing Ana vulnerable for once. All of her confidence, her cocksure attitude, all of it vaporized in an instant. Leaving behind nothing but a scared little welp of a pup whose eyes were now darting around in desperate search for help as she tried to regain her composure. It didn't help that Ada was at least a foot and a half taller than she was, and twice as wide. The large canine took another step forward, bearing a cocky smile of her own.
"Oh I'd love ta see it, in fact..." Ada puffed out her chest, drawing an 'x' across it with her paw. "I'll give ya da foist shot for free!"
"Now, now, this has gone far enough." Vanna said, placing a paw on Ada's shoulder. "There was no need for violence before and there isn't-"
"Aw c'mon Kit Kat, you can't tell me she wasn't axing for it!" Ada turned, offering Vanna a shrug.
Vernon saw a glint of mischief return to the wilted she-wolf's eye. Ana, seeing her opening now that Ada was distracted, let out an enraged snarl as she released her fist. It was coming in fast and hard, right toward the back of Ada's head. Perhaps she was hoping to knock her out with all the force she had in that one punch, to use the cheap shot to her advantage and hopefully end the fight before it began. But Vernon knew better. Ada was a mammal who could take her licks and then some. And when it came to fighting, Ada was a mammal who showed no mercy, especially when her opponent chose to fight dirty.
But the blow never connected with it's intended target. Instead of a loud 'thump', there was a weak, almost inaudible 'thwap' as Ana's paw met with Vanna's upper chest. The tigress had simply stepped in the way of the blow at the last minute, standing stock still as Ana put all her might into her swing. Vanna hadn't even flinched, as if the blow was little more than a light breeze against her hulking frame. The same could not be said for Ana, who let out a painful yelp as she withdrew her paw, cradling it like a puppy.
"I said this has gone far enough!" Vanna said bluntly, crossing her arms as she glowered down at the wounded she-wolf.
"If you think I am going to stand by after what that-that MONGREL did to me I-I'LL-!"
"Ma'am please." Vanna sighed. " I agree that my sister overstepped her boundaries and I can assure you it will be taken care of." Vanna flashed Ada a disapproving glance.
"Oh, and who's taking care of it!? You!?" Ana snapped. "I don't care if she's somehow your sister or not, she's not walking away from this!" Ana growled.
"Ma'am, pl-"
I-I'LL-" Ana sputtered, dragging a shaking paw across her scalp. "IF I HAVE TO GO THROUGH Y-YOU TO GET TO HER I'LL DO IT!" Ana quickly grasped the nearest stool, holding it up defensively toward the towering tigress. Despite her threatening statement, the wolfess seemed to be wielding it more like a shield than a cudgel.
"Ma'am, you've already hit me once. Please don't make it any worse by willingly attempting to assault an officer of the law." As Vanna spoke, she reached into her jean pocket, pulling out her badge and displaying it for Ana to see.
"O-Officer!?" Ana whined, dropping the stool abruptly. Ana's stance quickly fell back into a cower. "O-oh Officer! I-I'm so sorry!" Ana whimpered. "I-I really didn't mean to hit you!"
Vanna crossed her arms, giving a simple nod.
"I-it's just that she hit me first!" Ana stabbed a claw toward the large hyena now peeking out from behind the larger tigress.
"As I said, she overstepped her boundaries." Vanna sighed. "Preferably I'd like to work this out without having to take anyone to the station. But just because she is my sister doesn't mean I won't follow procedure should you choose to press charges."
Ana seemed to be starting to calm down, her stance easing into something more relaxed as she began to compose herself. Ana ran another paw through her hair, brushing as much of it back up and away from her eyes as she could.
"Ahem, thank you officer." Ana replied, pulling the edges of her jacket in an effort to straighten it out. "Yes, yes I would like to press charges once the first problem is taken care of."
"And that is?" Vanna asked.
"The Hunter's are being difficult. They've been asked to leave by Representative Ruddy and Assistant Representative Kendrick Loupon. My mate." Ana's smug grin returned.
"I see..." Vanna raised an eyebrow. "And exactly on what grounds has my family been asked to leave the fair?"
Ana's smile instantly dropped, a look of wild disbelief taking hold of her.
"Y-your family!?" She sputtered.
Vanna gave another simple, affirmative nod.
"Officer Hunter." Ruddy said, drawing the tigress' attention. " I'm afraid we've received a number of compl-"
"Too many townsfolk seem to have a problem with 'crosser' couples it seems!" Audrey cut the sheep off, causing him to shrink in shame. " So they're fixin' to throw us all out."
Vanna eyed the representative coldly. "Is that a fact?" The feline muttered. "I've never heard anyone complain before."
Ruddy began to wave his hooves defensively at an almost blinding speed. "I-I mean no disrespect Officer Hunter." The ram sputtered, dabbing his brow with his napkin. "It's just that the fair-goers are-"
"Kitten? Vern? What's going on here?" Now Zach had arrived, complete with Wade, and Trenton. The wolf made his way over to Vanna's side.
"Ah! Oh!" Ruddy seemed to shrink even further as the opposition grew. "Officer Hunter, I mean the other officer Hunter, yes well."
"WAIT JUST A MINUTE!" Ana hissed, stabbing a finger at Zach. The she-wolf looked almost crazed as she evidently tried to grasp what was happening. "WHAT IS THIS!? DO ALL OF YOU WORK IN THE MEADOWLANDS POLICE OR SOMETHING!?"
Zach raised an eyebrow at the rapidly unraveling she-wolf. "Uh..."
"Not the Meadowlands specifically, no." Trenton added.
Ana let out a large, aggravated huff. "ALRIGHT LOOK!" She sneered, stabbing a paw at Vanna and Zach. "YOU SAID YOU'D DO YOUR JOB REGARDLESS! SO GET THE REST OF YOUR FAMILY OUT OF HERE!
"Woah, woah, what is going on now?" Wade asked, glancing around at the swarm of confused mammals at the perimeter of the developing scene.
"We'll we haven't establi-"
"KICK THEM OUT BY FORCE! DO YOUR JOB!" Ana snapped, her eyes darting around to the various Hunters.
"I-I don't think we need to go t-that far Miss Windpaw." Ruddy interjected.
"I should hope not." That reply had come from Xavier, who was now making his way though the mob. The distinguished wolf pulled at the edges of his jacket as he approached the Representatives.
"I-I'm sorry, and you are?" Loupon asked.
"Xavier Hunter." The wolf adjusted his spectacles before extending his paw to the stout ram. The vigorous handshake sent visible shockwaves through the already twitchy ram, nearly causing him to stumble back as Xavier released his grip. Then in one smooth motion the wolf reached into the inside of his jacket and produced a business card. As the dazed ram took the slip, Xavier continued. "I represent the law offices of Fienstag, Goldram, and Hunter in San Francisgoat. Perhaps you've heard of us?" He stated.
"F-Fienstag, Gold...?" Ruddy murmured in confusion as he eyed the card
"Law Offices, as in Lawyer?" Loupon asked.
"Correct." Xavier affirmed. "We handle all sorts of cases from criminal to civil, but we happen to specialize in cases of a discriminatory nature." The well dressed wolf gestured to himself. "In fact I handle most of our firms suits specifically pertaining to discrimination against 'unorthodox couplings'."
Xavier briefly glanced at Malcolm who was now leaning over the stalls counter, flashing the wolf a sad looking smile before continuing "Cases like those tend to strike a rather sympathetic chord in me."
Vernon could see the focus of the crowd was starting to wane, uncertain discussions and uncomfortable mumbling now starting to weave through the mob.
"Of course you realize any attempt to eject my family from this public festival, especially those who have a financial investment in providing services to this fair on the grounds of who members of their family choose to mate with is well..." Xavier chuckled. "...pretty much a textbook case of discrimination."
"W-Well now hold o-on..." Ruddy said weakly, dabbing his forehead once more with his soaked handkerchief. Xavier seemed unfazed by the nervous rams words, pressing onward with his own agenda.
"Legally speaking, I'd say that's pretty much an open and shut case." The wolf clapped his paws together, wiping them free of imaginary dirt. " And with someone as prominent as Miss Bellwether..." Xavier trailed off, gesturing to the small ewe by Vernon's side.
Vernon could feel the sheep lean into him as the attention suddenly drew their way, and placed a protective paw around her shoulder, pulling her in close to his side.
"Why, I'm sure there isn't a mammal here who hasn't seen her in the news over the last few months?" Xavier turned his address to the crowd around him. "Who isn't aware of her most recent deeds, and the publicity surrounding them?" The wolf turned back toward Dawn and Vernon, flashing the pair a smile. "Why, she's become one of Zootopia's greatest heroes!"
Vernon glanced down at the ewe squeezing tightly against him. He could tell the ewe was still worried with the way she was clutching at his side. But at the same time he could see the hint of a smile forming on her lips, and as she turned to look up at him, the glimmer of tears forming in her eyes. Vernon flashed the ewe a broad grin as he gently rubbed her shoulder before turning his attention to the brother now at center stage. It was true the whole situation was a mess, it had all gone careening off the rails so rapidly. Yet despite everything, seeing so much of his family stand up for him and his mate filled Vernon with pride. It was clear they genuinely cared, for him and Dawn. And now that they were standing with them, toe to toe against Ana and the mob she had brought down on them, Vernon felt as though perhaps they might come out of this one clean after all.
"A real media darling, despite her past transgressions." Xavier continued, adjusting his glasses. "Her name being attached to anything would draw a lot of attention." The wolf smiled, turning his focus back to Ruddy and Loupon.
"And a legal case?" Xavier chuckled. "Why, a case like that would get major coverage in the city, hell probably even all of North Mammalia! It certainly would make for a great career highlight for myself, although I don't think I could say the same for the two of you." The wolf gestured to Loupon and Ruddy.
"Why I imagine the both of you wouldn't so much as even be able to find employment as a bathroom attendant at a dive bar after the publicity from a case like that." Xavier chuckled.
"N-now just hold on a moment." Ken tried to interject, but Xavier shut the wolf down.
"For what?" Xavier replied, the wolf's grin widening to something akin to a sneer. "Not only could I sue the both of you for your discriminatory actions, but I could file a subpoena to find out the names of every mammal who lodged a complaint against my brother and his mate and add them to the docket as well."
That statement earned a cacophony of fearful utterances and cowing from the assembled mob. Vernon could see the once firm encompassing ring of mammals now beginning to back away from the scene. But it seemed Xavier wasn't done with them as the wolf turned his full attention back to the crowd.
"As a matter of fact, it might be easier if you all lined up right now and gave your information voluntarily. It would make the process so much smoother for everyone!"
At that moment, several members of the crowd began to break away, hastily jogging away from the scene that was unfolding. The rest of the crowd was fairing little better, as their fearful cries grew louder under the prospect of legal action. The ones closest to the front were starting to push against those behind them, all looking for a place to scatter like rats fleeing a sinking ship. Xavier meanwhile, seemed to be a mammal possessed as he stormed toward the throbbing mob.
"Come now? No one willing to stand by their ideas?" Xavier stated, his voice elevated. "Bigotry not a fine enough sword to die on when your money is on the line?"
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" A voice boomed from beyond the crowd. A loud, demanding and familiar voice that immediately caused Vernon's ears to droop. Vernon watched the crowd part as his Father marched onto the now hushed scene, taking a stand at the head of the crowd and effectively blocking Xavier. The imposing white wolf adjusted his hat, flashing a dull glare in the direction of the mounting madness before crossing his arms. The older wolf let out a sigh.
"Sh-Sheriff Hunter!" Damon sputtered, scurrying his way to the wolf. "I-I'm so sorry to h-"
"It's fine Damon." The wolf said gruffly, silencing the ram instantly. Ruddy gave a meek and uneasy nod.
The wolf twisted his head around, giving the shrinking mob an appraising sweep with his glare. The older wolf let out a snort before turning back to the family stand. Dorian placed his paws on his hips.
"We'll go."
Vernon wasn't surprised to hear that from his Father, he had expected as much. The rest of the family seemingly hadn't though, as the other assembled Hunters erupted into cries of shock and dismay.
"DORI!" Audrey cried, pain evident in her voice.
"Sir!?" Came a confused reply from Vanna.
Xavier took a step back, eyeing Dorian in disbelief.
"We're leavin'. Pack up." Dorian said, gesturing to Audrey.
"D-Dad, how can you agree to such a-"
"It ain't a matter of agreeing with nobody." Dorian cut Xavier off. "It's a matter of keeping the peace."
With that the white wolf turned to face the crowd. Dorian cleared his throat before raising his hands to gain their attention. A useless gesture thought Vernon, as it was clear he already had it the moment he entered the scene.
"I want everyone here to disperse." Dorian stated. "This matter is handled, and you can all go back to your buisness."
"BACK TO BUISNESS?!" Now Xavier was shouting. "Not without leaving their names and-"
"Son, you ain't suin' these folks." Dorian turned back to Xavier.
"I most certainly am! I am not going to stand by an-"
"Most of these mammals ain't got much to their name son. Suin' 'em ain't gonna do anything more than take food out of their kids mouths."
"B-But you, I-" Xavier sputtered, clearly infuriated.
"And it ain't exactly going to endear them to what yer defendin' is it?"
Vernon could see the red emanating from under Xavier's fur as he stood with his mouth agape. It was clear the wolf wanted to argue, to say something. But the rather erudite wolf was evidently at a loss. After making several faces the beleaguered wolf finally let out an irritated huff.
"A-alright fine, I won't involve the towns people in the case. But I will still be seeking action against Mr. Ruddy and Mr. Loupon for their part in today's little-"
"Xavier, stand down." Dorian said tersely. "That ain't how we do things in the North Meadowlands."
"AIN'T HOW WE-AIN'T HOW-" The exasperated wolf sputtered before his face suddenly fell. An almost vile and disgusted sneer flashed on to his face as he processed Dorian's actions.
"Y-You're protecting them?" Xavier said weakly, almost surprised by his own words. "You actually agree with-"
"I said I ain't agreeing with nobody." Dorian asserted as he made his way past the wolf. The white wolf coolly strode toward the district representatives, tipping his hat as he came to a stop in front of them.
"My wife and Son-in-law will be back to run the stand tomorrow." Dorian said firmly.
"Just the two of 'em, and no one else." Dorian continued. "That is if those nobodies are smart they won't." With that, Dorian threw a cold glance in Vernon's direction. Vernon met his glance with a sneer, a low growl emanating from his throat. But he stopped as he felt Dawn ball into his side again. Looking down he could see the ewe had buried her face completely into his torso, her ears as flat against her head as they could possibly be. At that moment, he felt pure hatred for his Father. His mind swam with a variety of curses and slurs that were screaming for Vernon to start slinging them at his Father, but the bile in his throat stung so sharply that all he could muster was to start another growl. He glared back at his Father, but by now Dorian had turned his attention back to his associates.
"My family paid for that stall, and for the license to run it. And we ain't lettin' it go to waste." Dorian continued.
"But Sheriff Hunter, I-"
"No buts." Dorian cut the little ram off. "You know you ain't got no legal right to chase my family out of here over gossip." Dorian replied, leaning a paw against his holster.
"But the fair-goers!" Ruddy protested.
"They don't have to shop at our stall if they don't want. They got the freedom to turn their nose up at us. But we have the freedom to sell our wares."
"I-I." Ruddy stammered, swabbing his forehead with his napkin. "I suppose you're right." The ram gave a nervous glance toward the glowering she-wolf behind the counter of the stall. "Perhaps I was a b-bit hasty with-"
"A BIT HASTY!?" Audrey cried. "A BI-"
"Audrey." Dorian said sternly.
The wolfess stopped speaking, but she turned to staring daggers at her husband.
"WELL SHE ASSAULTED ME! SHE HIT ME RIGHT IN THE FACE!" Ana bolted to the Sheriff's side, stabbing a finger wildly at Ada's direction.
Dorian removed his hat, letting out an annoyed sigh.
"Ada, did you really hit Miss Windpaw?" The Sheriff asked.
Ada grinned widely. "I ain't gonna deny it." Ada said, swelling her chest out proudly as she strutted toward Dorian. As she approached, Ana shifted to a position behind the white wolf, almost using him as a shield from the large canine. "I'm proud of it." Ada cackled.
Dorian let off an irritated groan.
"Alright, well I suppose you wanna press charges then Miss Windpaw?" Dorian glanced over his shoulder at the cowering red wolf.
"YES! YES!" The red wolf pleaded, clutching Dorian's coat as she eyed Ada warily. "I want that BRUTE to pay for touching me!"
Dorian placed a paw to his head, closing his eyes as he rubbed his forehead.
"Ada." Dorian sighed. "I suppose ya'll know the drill?"
Ada placed a paw on her shoulder, spinning her other arm in an effort to stretch out her muscles. "Eh, c'mon Papa Hunta, if youse gotta take me in at least let me get a few more licks in there! At least make it woith da charge!" Ada reeled back her fist, causing Ana to let out another yelp as she slipped further behind Dorian.
"Ada." Dorian said firmly.
"Tch, fine." The Hyeness let out a defeated grunt as she extended her paws toward the white wolf, holding them tightly together. "Slap da cuffs on me Papa Coppa."
Dorian let out another irritated grumble as he reached for his belt. As the wolf brought his cuffs out, another voice rose over the scene.
"ADA, WHAT DID YOU DO NOW!?" Came Yuri's cry as he made his way through the disseminating crowd. A good bulk of the fair goers had already moved on by the time the wolf made his appearance, and the numbers continued to dwindle as the black wolf stopped by the side of his mate. Ada flashed Yuri a wide grin.
"Justa little playful rough-housin'." She chuckled.
"Yer mate slugged this she-wolf here." Dorian bobbed his head toward the red wolf behind him.
"What!? Why!?" Yuri sputtered, glaring at his mate.
"Cause she's got a big mouth!" Ada shrugged. "Why else?"
"No, not-" Yuri paused as he glanced back toward Dorian. "Wait, is that Ana Windpaw?" Yuri asked. "Ain't that-"
Slowly Yuri turned his head in Vernon's direction, his already soured face developing an even deeper sneer as he glared at him.
"Oh, I should have realized that 'Vermin' had something to do with this." The wolf hissed.
Vernon glared back, but he didn't linger long as he felt Dawn still pressing her head deeper into his side. He could feel slight moisture from the ewe's tears beginning to soak through the thread of his shirt. Vernon placed his paw on her back and began to rub it reassuringly.
"YURI! Watch yer mouth!" Dorian snapped. "We got rodent families around, they don't need to be hearin' that kinda talk!"
Yuri crossed his arms. "Why is it you always have to drag the rest of us into your personal problems Runt?"
"Put a muzzle on it Yuri!" Audrey snapped, glaring back at the dark furred wolf.
Yuri opened his mouth again, but Ada cut him off.
"Aw stop whinin'!" Ada snorted as Dorian snapped the cuffs in place. "You ain't the one in cuffs iz ya?"
Yuri let out a derisive snort.
"Alright, well Miss Windpaw, you'll have to accompany us down to the station to file a report." Dorian sighed. The Sheriff gave the cuffs a shake to make sure they were firmly in place before signaling Ada to lower her paws. "And you're probably going to need some bail money Ada."
"Ah, I got enough, and old grumpus over here can help me with da extra." Ada said, elbowing Yuri. Yuri let out an annoyed grumble.
"We're going to be down there for hours!" Yuri hissed.
"Well that all depends on how far Miss Windpaw wants to press the issue." Dorian replied.
"Oh I want to see justice done!" Ana said firmly, strutting over to Loupon. "We'll pursue this to the fullest extent! I want maximum damages for what she did to me! To us!" Ana wrapped her paws around Loupon's arm. "Isn't that right Ken?"
Much to Vernon's surprise, the large wolf responded to Ana's action with a glare so sharp the she-wolf immediately withdrew her paws.
"You can do whatever you want Ana, but I'm considering this matter dealt with."
"What!?" Ana whimpered, the she-wolf stammered, gesturing over to Ada weakly. Ana's eyes were large and pleading, simply begging for Loupon to back her up.
"You've already put me in a terrible position as it is." The wolf's voice dropped as he continued to glower at her. "All you have done is drag me from one scandal to another the entire day. The wolf let out in a whispered hiss. " You're fighting this one alone my Dear."
The crowd had mostly dissipated now, leaving just a few stragglers who had been slow to heed Dorian's orders. Ken turned away from Ana, taking a few steps away only for the she-wolf to chase him.
"B-But Ken!" Ana protested.
"When you are done at the station my limo will pick you up." Kendrick added, his back remaining turned away from the wolfess. "And when you get home we are going to have a long discussion about the nature of our relationship."
With that Loupon joined the rest of the dying mob in their journey away from the scene of the standoff. The wolf didn't look back as Ana dropped to her knees, crumpled and dejected. For a few moments she simply stood motionless, watching the large wolf disappear into the throngs of fair-goers until he was out of sight. It was only when Dorian grabbed her attention again did the wolf move at all.
"Miss Windpaw, we should probably get moving." Dorian said.
Vernon watched the wolfess slowly rise to her feet. She took slow deliberate steps toward the white wolf, her head remaining downturned the entire time. Once at his side, the she-wolf remained silent, still looking at the dirt below her feet.
"W-Well....I.." Ruddy piped up. "I-It seems like y-you have everything under c-control here Sheriff Hunter."
The stout ram turned his attention back to the family food stall. He looked disappointed, as far as Vernon could tell. Vernon's Mother was already in the midst of packing up various implements in preparations for leaving the stall. The she-wolf gathered a clump of spoons and pie spreaders before slamming them into the nearest box without care. It was clear in her actions that the wolfess was broiling under the surface. Most mammals would have known better than to try to talk to Audrey when she was like that, but apparently Ruddy wasn't one of them. The little Ram cleared his throat in a deliberate attempt to draw her attention. After the first try failed, he tried again only to receive a glare from the wolfess. Still he pressed on.
"M-Mrs. Hunter..." He stuttered. "I a-am terribly s-so-"
The she wolf let out a snarl as she stared the little ram down, causing him to once again shrink into his suit.
"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT DAMON!" Audrey growled.
"B-Bu-Bu" Ruddy protested weakly.
Audrey stabbed a claw at the diminutive ram. "Damon, If I don't ever see ya'll again until next years fair it'll be to soon! GET ME!?"
The look on the ram's face was one of sullen resignation, mixed with deep shame. Vernon watched the ram deflate as he turned to walk away from the stand. He had only made it three or four steps away in his miserable trudge before glancing back and the fuming she-wolf. "I-I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive m-me one day Misses Hunter."
With that, the ram turned his back toward his exit. As he neared Dorian, the larger wolf stopped him with a paw, drawing his attetnion upward.
"Officer?" He asked in a bleak tone.
"Damon, next time a situation like this comes up, let me handle it alright?" Dorian asked. "Last thing we need is you makin' a situation worse by trying to handle it yerself. Ya nearly caused a damn riot!"
The ram gave a weak nod, shame still lacing his features.
"Yes Dorian, I'm so sorry for this...for everything." The ram sighed.
Dorian removed his paw, and the defeated ram continued his trudge away from the stand. It was a slow, methodical walk of shame that kept the ram lingering in sight. All the while Audrey continued to glare at the pathetic mammal, and when he was finally gone the livid she-wolf only turned the focus of her ire to the other source.
"AND YOU DORI!" Audrey sneered. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? HUH!?"
The Sheriff let out annoyed grumble.
"I'm doin' my job." He replied.
"If you was doin' yer job you would have NEVER let somethin' like what just went on STAND!" Audrey persisted. "Y-You woulda-!"
"WHAT would I have done AUDDY!?" Dorian snapped back. "Just LET ya'll carry on making a scene like ya'll were!? Let ya make it WORSE!?" Dorian hissed.
"Oh please!" Xavier interjected. "You could have just as easily calmed everyone down and done the right thing Dad!"
"YA'LL ARE ACTING LIKE THIS IS MY FAULT!" Dorian growled. All the other Hunter's eyes were on him now.
"I didn't stir that mob up!" Dorian protested. "I didn't bring 'em over here!" He continued. "And I certainly wasn't the REASON they showed up!" As the wolf huffed, he glared at Vernon again, making it clear to the wolf that his Father's last statement was directed at him. Vernon growled as he continued to comfort his Honey Lamb.
"I'm only tryin' to keep the peace here! To salvage what I can of this mess ya'll made!" Dorian huffed. "Is this the hill ya'll are willin' to die on!? To risk our livelihoods fer!?"
Vernon could see a mix of emotions on the faces of the other members of the Hunter brood. Anger, disgust, disappointment, everyone aside from Yuri wore faces of shame. One by one, Vernon watched his family turn away from Dorian. It started with Audrey, then Malcolm, Qali, and so on, until they had all refused to look at the wolf. Vernon however, kept his eyes fixed on his Father, watching the white wolf grow increasingly incised.
"Ya'll are actin' ridiculous!" Dorian hissed. "I warned ya'll! I TOLD ya'll what was gonna happen! But naw, It's MY fault!" The wolf stamped a paw hard against the earth, letting out a snarl. Vernon watched the wolf huff and puff, trying to calm himself from the frenzy he had whipped himself into. After a few moments of heavy breathing, the wolf let out a disgruntled sigh.
"Alright fine." Dorian muttered, turning his attention to Zach and Vanna who had yet to turn their backs to him. "I'll need ya'll to ride down to the station with me. It'd be faster if-"
"We're off duty Mr. Hunter." Vanna said, crossing her arms.
"You can handle it by yourself Pa." Added Zach with disdain.
Dorian grit his teeth sharply, glaring at the pair.
"Alright..." he muttered, taking off his hat and wiping his forehead before placing it back on. "ALRIGHT FINE!" He yelled.
"DIE on that hill fer all I care!" He hissed. Placing a paw on Ada's shoulder, he began to guide her in the direction of the parking lot, Yuri and Ana close behind.
"Making mountains o' molehills I swear." Vernon could hear him grumble as he passed.
Reaching the edge of the of the path encircling the stall, Dorian turned once more to the Hunter's standing by the stand.
"I'm stayin' out of this from here on out, ya'll got that!?" Dorian hissed. "It's clear I ain't exactly welcome at the reunion anyway. So I might as well stay out of it. Handle everything the way ya'll want, and don't come crying to me when things go wrong next time!" Dorian turned his back to the rest of the Hunters.
"I'll be spendin' the rest of the reunion in my office. So ya'll won't have to be saddled with my presence. I hope ya'll have a fine time." With that, the white wolf continued to guide Ada forward, with Ana and Yuri tailing until they were out of sight.
With the scene dispersed and the mob cleared, an uncomfortable silence hung over the Hunter stall. Vernon traded disappointed glances with the rest of his family members as they slowly broke away one by one, making their way to the back of the stall to help his Mother and Malcolm close up. Xavier, Zach, and Vanna however, approached the wolf and his whimpering lamb.
"You two alright?" Zach asked.
Vernon glanced down at the ewe still weeping quietly into his side, giving her a gentle jostle.
"Mutton Chop?" Vernon cooed.
Dawn pulled her face free from his torso, and Vernon could see the redness around her eyes. The ewe aggressively wiped at the stray tears as if she were trying to hide them.
"I-I'm okay." Dawn stuttered between harsh breaths.
"You ain't okay Darl-."
"I am." Dawn protested, taking a hard sniffle, clearly trying to draw back the tears.
"I-I'm sorry Honey L-"
"No I'm sorry." Dawn replied. The ewe turned her attention to the others now hovering over the pair.
"I'm sorry to everyone, for all of th-"
"Nonsense Darlin'." Audrey tutted from behind the stall. The she-wolf was still packing away supplies. " This one is on Dori and Ruddy, no-one else." The wolfess concluded.
"Dad was completely in the wrong." Xavier added. "I didn't even think Dad would defend such a thing! I mean look at our family!" Xavier gestured to the mammals around them. "Taking such a stance is a slap in the face to all of us, especially Vanna, Ada, and Qali. I can't believe him!"
Vernon shook his head. "I'm just sorry for dragging all of you into our-"
"Oh don't you dare let Yuri's stupid statements get to you Vernon." Xavier interjected.
"Yeah, you know we don't feel that way about you alright?" Zach added. "You're my brother, our brother." Zach placed a paw on Vernon's shoulder. "And we look out for each other."
"And that goes for our sisters too." Vanna added, flashing Dawn a wide grin. Vernon watched as a weak smile formed on Dawn's muzzle as she let out another sniffle.
"T-thank you all." Dawn said with a whimper." Thank you so much."
"No need to thank us." Audrey added. "We're family, and that's what we do."
Vernon could feel a smile of his own start to form. Watching his family stand up for the couple was enough to make his heart swell with pride and warmth. Even Zach, despite his flub earlier in the morning had stood against Dorian for their sake. They had truly meant what they said, and put themselves on the line for the pair. And for that Vernon felt eternally grateful.
Yet the looming specter of his Father's words hung over his mind. They still had to leave, the entire family, because of himself and his mate. Dorian had ultimately proved to be right, and therefore the wolf could now more firmly believe whatever other assertions he had about Dawn were in the right as well. The possibility of swaying him into favoring Dawn now seemed to be impossible. A goal far beyond Vernon's reach regardless of how much of the family was willing to help. Vernon's smile slowly slunk back into a grimace as the looming hopelessness of the entire situation became more and more apparent.
"Vernon?" Dawn asked. Looking down he could see the concern lacing the ewe's features. "Your ears are all droopy. Are you-?"
"We should probably start packing up." Vernon grumbled, rising to his feet. He wasn't ready to talk, not till they were alone again.
"B-but Puppy-"
Vernon let out a sigh as he crouched back to Dawn's level, wrapping his arms tightly around the ewe as he brought her in for a hug. The wolf squeezed firmly, placing as much reassurance into the gesture as possible. At this point, he needed to hold on just as much as she did.
"I'll talk about it at the picnic okay Darlin'. I promise, I'll tell ya everything." The wolf replied before reluctantly releasing his grip on the lamb.
Dawn gave a meek nod, although he could still sense her worry. He knew that it wasn't going anywhere until he finally spilled his guts about the whole situation. It was time for the wolf to tell her what was really going on in his head, and the plans he had made for the weekend. The time had come to let it all out, to admit defeat and throw in the towel. The weekend was mostly a failure, and the time had come to accept it. Now the wolf only wanted to get through it as quickly as possible, and hope that by some twist of luck or fate, that it really didn't have to come down to his most drastic option. After so many of his family members were willing to embrace Dawn as one of their own, it would be a shame to have to turn his back on all of it.
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bazzledazzled · 7 years
Royally Your Dork- Chapter Two
Well... I guess chapter two is a go.... Hope you enjoy!!!!
Chapter One
Read it on ao3
“Your Highness,” one of the servants says, rushing into the grand hall. It’s decorated with elegant tapestries that depict scenes throughout their countries history, how they battled the former rulers, the Titans, as they were called then, and then created something out of nothing. How three brave heroes lead the group, and the other nine came close behind. It showed them splitting up land, making sure that certain people where near certain resources, such as the kingdom of Poseidon is near the ocean and the kingdom of Artemis is near the Forest of the Nymphs.
Athena’s kingdom was a place of history. They treasured the knowledge of their past, and believed that they had to understand their ancestors mistakes to avoid any further chaos. They were part of the reason the twelve kingdoms have been in peace for so long.
But apparently those times where over.
“You have visitors,” the servant says, looking up at the queen and the princess at her side, who furrowed her brow. Surely any visitors would’ve sent word ahead of their arrival?
“Who?” Queen Athena asked.
“I believe it’s one of Apollo’s children….”
“A prince?”
“Yes. And a knight.” That puzzled Princess Annabeth. What business did their northern neighbours have with them?
“Send them in.” The servant left, and when she returned she was with two boys, one taller than the other with blond hair, and the other shorter with black hair. Both of their clothes were filthy, looking out of place in the elegant palace with its white marble floors and golden thrones. They both had blood smeared on their clothes, faces, and hands, and Annabeth wondered how much of it was theirs.
The blond boy bowed. “Good afternoon, Your Majesty.”  Athena then realized who the two boys were.
“Prince William?”
“Yes, my Lady.”
“What happened to you. Your clothes are filthy and... is that blood?”
“Your Majesty if I may….” Nico says with a bow. “We seek shelter in your kingdom. The rebel forces have reached King Apollo’s kingdom and he ordered me to take Prince William here and make sure he’s safe.”
“The rebels have gotten to Apollo’s kingdom?”
“Yes, your Majesty.”
“Oh that is awful indeed. Where their any casualties?” Will’s body tenses as the memory of his brother’s bloodied body comes to mind. Nico puts a hand on his shoulder.
“Yes your Majesty. Unfortunately. But we were able to make it out before the rebels could catch us, and we were hoping that we could stay here for a few days to gather our energy before we continue our journey to Hermes’ kingdom and then later Zeus’.”
“Why yes of course. Your people are always welcome in our kingdom.” Will let’s out a breath of relief.
“Thank you, your Majesty. My kingdom is in great debt to you.”
“There’s no need. Hopefully we can bring the rebels to Zeus’ attention and strategize the best way to rid ourselves of them.” Will smiles and nods his head.
“Annabeth. Would you be so kind as to show our new guests to their rooms.”
“Of course, mother.” Annabeth says, standing up.
“Right this way boys,” she says, leading them down a bunch of twisting corridors that never seemed to end. They went up dozens of spiral staircases and it practically made Nico’s head hurt with all of it. Why where palaces always so big ? Even though Nico’s lived in them for most of his life, he never fully understanded why they needed to be bigger than an average mansion. It only led to more confusion, and that was before you added all the secret passageways for cases when the kingdom was under attack, just like the ones him and Will used the day before.
Most of the time the secret passages weren’t used for that purpose though. The only reason Nico was able to navigate through them practically dragging his feet was because when him and Will were younger and he first arrived at Apollo’s kingdom, Will would drag him along on things he called “adventures.” He was constantly slipping away from his duties, dragging Nico along with him as he held an oil lamp above their heads as the light flickered across the shadows, chasing them away. They would pretend that they were going to fight secret battles, or sometimes just found comfort in just sitting in the dark together, Will’s musical voice drifting through the darkness.
Nico would be lying if he said he didn’t treasure those memories. They were the small times of happiness he had left. Before his father sent him away, his sister passed away from an extreme illness, her spirit sometimes seeming to linger in the halls. To be honest, Nico couldn’t blame his father for sending him away, because he was afraid to loose someone else. Everything that happened with Bianca was so sudden, and Hades couldn’t bare the thought of whatever took her catching up to Nico as well. So he sent him away, thinking that if everyone he loved was taken out of his sight, he might be able to bare his emotions.
Nico has heard little from his father, but deep in his heart, he still hopes that he is okay and his kingdom is thriving.
“Here we are. Get washed up and then we’ll discuss further plans over dinner.”
“Thank you, Princess Annabeth.”
“Of course.”
“This is worse than we thought.” Grimly, Nico and Will nodded their heads.
“We never really considered the rebels much of a threat, but my kingdom has some of the best defenses, but they still managed to slip past those with ease, failing on their attempt to assassinate me but still managing to hurt the royal family,” Will says his throat getting choked up.
“Do we have any idea of what they're after.”
“No, my lady. They seem to only want control of the twelve kingdoms and are working their way up to the most secure facilities.”
“Have we noticed any patterns in their attacks? Maybe we can guess where they will strike next and prepare the citizens?”
“I'm afraid that their attacks seem to be random. The last one was in Demeter’s kingdom, and we hardly share a border with them. The only way they could've made it to our kingdom this quickly is if they passed through the Forest of the Nymphs, and only the members of Artemis’ court dare enter.”
“Interesting. Do you think maybe they had other means of travel?”
“Possibly. But then again, they still would've had to pass through your kingdom to get to us, and with all the procedures you have gone through to keep this city safe…. I highly doubt they went through here.”
“We need to bring this to the attention to the rest of the twelve kingdoms. We must all be on high alert and monitor all citizens moving in and out of each kingdom.”
“That seems like our wisest decision. We’ll see to it in the morning.”
“Of course.” With that, Nico and Will excused themselves from the table, heading back to their rooms. Once they were out of Queen Athena’s presence, Will let his shoulder slump and let out a deep breath.
“I feel like death.”
“Of course you do.”
“Are you mocking me?”
“No, of course not.
“Okayyyyy.” They then erupt into a fit of giggles. Really, there was no reason for them to laugh, but it felt good to. Everything has been so serious and heartbreaking lately as everything fell apart. None of it was slow. None of it came with a warning. It all just came crashing down, all within a day.
“What’s on your mind, your Highness?” Nico asks, noticing the expression on Will’s face.
“I’d wish you’d stop doing that.”
“Nothing. I think I’m just worried for the twelve kingdoms. I wouldn’t wish anyone to be doomed to my fate.”
“Who said it was bad?” Nico whispers.
“Of course it’s bad, Nico. I don’t know anything about what will happen to my family. They could all be--”
“I know. But maybe if we figure out what the rebels want, we could make a better country. And don’t tell me that our land is perfect. It’s not.”
“Well look who became optimistic.”
“I’ve been thinking a little,” Nico admits, fingering the black sword strapped at his side. He’s gotten so used to it that he can’t imagine a life without it, and it was his only link back to his family.
“Don’t sound surprised. I was just thinking that… maybe there is flaws in our system. I mean, humans aren’t perfect, so why should our government be?”
“I guess you’re right. I still don’t know where this attitude is coming from. Last night you were telling me that there was no way to compromise with the rebels.”
“Well if I didn’t say that you would’ve went back… Plus maybe you’ve changed my mind.” Will looks appalled.
“You actually agree with me for once? What is this alternate universe?”
“Shut up.”
“Nope. I can’t. This is something that needs to go down in the history books.”
“ On this day, Prince Nico di Angelo, son of Hades has for once sided with his brilliant friend, Prince William Solace, son of Apollo. ”
“Oh now you’re just being a dork.”
“What’s this? Speaking informally? Who are you and what have you done with Nico?”
“Oh my god. I can’t--” Nico walks away towards his room.
“Wait where are you going? We haven’t made the official statement yet!”
“Has anyone ever told you you’re annoying?” Nico says as Will catches up with him, matching his stride.
“Yes many times. But that is another first from you.”
“Well I have no idea what has kept me from telling you for so long.”
“Aww you know exactly what it is. You’re a good little soldier,” Wil says, ruffling Nico’s hair. Nico pushes him away.
“What? This?” Will says, resting his elbow on Nico’s head. Nico grumbles.
“Wow you are like the perfect height for this.”
“Shut up. Just because you’re tall doesn’t mean you can pick on me,” Nico says, shoving his arm off.
“But why not? You’re a cute little ball of anger.” Nico just rolls his eyes.
“I don’t have any words for your idiocy.” Will snorts. Sometimes Will was able to have conversations with Nico like this. Most of the time it was when he was too tired to care whether or not it was “proper” or “traditional.” Honestly, Will wanted to just throw tradition in the trash and talk to Nico like normal friends would. But Nico probably didn’t even consider them friends like Will did. He was sort of just always… forced to be there. Honestly, Will had no idea what Nico thought of him, and sometimes that idea twisted at his gut in the dead of night and he wondered how many friends he really had. If Nico wasn’t a friend, then who was?
“You’re just jealous.”
“Of what? Being stupid?”
“That I'm taller than you.” Nico stares at him for a moment, squinting his eyes a little with a look on his face that said “what is wrong with you?”
It was adorable.
“Honestly I don’t understand how you’re a prince. You must’ve been switched at birth.”
“Impossible. I look too much like both of my parents.”
“That explains everything.”
“Same goes for you Mr. Dark and Brooding.”
“I am not--”
“Yes you are,” Will says, with no hesitation.
“I’m going to sleep.” Nico says, going into his room and closing the door.
“Night!” Will called cheerfully. He then proceeded to go to his room where he laid down on his bed and breath in the unfamiliarity of it all. The sheets were crisper than the ones at home and smelled like roses instead of lavender. Everything was put neatly in place, unlike the mess that Will called a room at home. Out his window wasn’t a forest view, but a city with houses crowded around libraries as if they were churches. Nothing was the same here, and it made Will’s heart ache with longing. It was easy to put on a bright smile around company. It’s what he was trained to do his whole life. But it was even harder to maintain it as he sat in the dark of his new room, trying to urge the homesickness away that swept over him like a tidal wave. Everything that he has ever known was gone, and Nico and his memories were the only things left of his past.
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