#one day I will actually learn how to draw backgrounds but today is not that day
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something that's been in my drafts for ages...
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sskklvr · 1 year
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Happy late Atsushi birthday 🎈🎉
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giantkillerjack · 1 year
It's important to play a "LEVEL UP!" sound effect in your head whenever you get better at a skill because the world is flawed and so this does not happen automatically.
Often, in this life, we must provide our own sound effects.
#original#life advice#you can read this as a metaphor but i literally do mean that today i learned a lot about drawing backgrounds and upon surveying my work#i took a moment to imagine - as vividly as i could - a garbled video game announcer voice going LEVEL UP#it's garbled because sound files on classic video games were compressed as fuck and i am imagining like... a ps1 era game.#the kind where it holds up really well to this day and in all of the continuing sequels they#still use a lot of the same sound effects because they're so recognizable and iconic. I can picture the graphics and everything.#what does yours sound like or look like?#it isn't actually important that you do this specific thing but it is good to recognize when you're getting better at something#my favorite thing about learning to draw is when I can focus on a really good tutorial and#improve a skill so quickly that it really feels like I filled out a skill tree with my XP#it isn't always an immediate improvement but i am so low level in background illustration that i still level up with just a little XP#whereas if I want to get better at drawing expressions I don't think there is a single tutorial that will cause me to level up on its own.#just because this is the thing I've always focused on for most of my life and so a lot of the tutorials don't have new information for me#so that skill is at a point where it's just gonna improve slowly as i practice and pick up tips over time.#but I know so little about drawing shops or castles that literally one page of information is increasing my knowledge by 20% at least#Pro tip: the Etherington Brothers tutorials are so good and I was able to find several hundred for free on their website#so good#etherington brothers#how to think when you draw
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art · 2 years
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Creator Spotlight: @velinxi​
Hello! I’m Xiao Tong Kong, better known as “Velinxi.” I’m the creator of the webcomic Countdown to Countdown and have been doing freelance artwork since I was a teenager. I love telling stories with my illustrations! Tumblr was where I first got my start as an artist, specifically a small fandom artist as a hobby… and now I’m somehow here! When I’m not trying my best to stay awake in front of my tablets, I’m usually cooking, gaming, or sleeping. Sometimes all three, in my dreams.
Check out our interview with Velinxi below!
Did you originally have a background in art? If not, how did you start?
Yeah! I’ve basically been on track to become an artist since I was a child. I went to a middle school with an emphasis on arts and a high school specializing in it. I went to SVA briefly for computer arts but dropped out to pursue freelance and webcomics after my first year.
Over the years as an artist, what or who were your biggest inspirations behind your creativity?
My biggest inspirations growing up were Yuumei and Shilin Huang, two titans on DeviantArt back in the day. They still inspire me today, but the list of inspirations has grown exponentially over the years, including artists, movies, entire art movements, etc.
What was your thought process behind the creation of your webcomic, Countdown to Countdown?
Well, Countdown to Countdown started as a passion project back when I was 15, in high school, and pretty depressed. I just wanted to draw whatever story I thought was cool, inspired by my favorite media at the time. There was a very loose beginning and outline, but I was truly just writing as I drew the story. That’s why I had to stop the comic in 2018 and restart from scratch the year after. Now, the story has a set story and a clear outline. It still has similar roots, characters, and themes of neglect, abuse, and escape—but I think the story is a lot easier to follow now. It’s got an artstyle I can actually keep up with in the long run. The origin of why CTC exists also remains the same: I simply wanted to make a story I wanted to read for myself. Which happens to be about two dumb boys with superpowers navigating a hostile world that wants them dead or caged—together.
Have you ever had an art block? If so, how did you overcome it?
Oh, all the time. It’s part of the process. Personally, though—I just have to draw through it. Every month on my Patreon, I have my patrons vote on a theme I have to draw by the end of the month, and I try my best to make it as interesting as possible. I draw quite a few—tens even, of doodles or compositions for each of these themes to try to make something that tells a story while still being aesthetically pleasing and clear. I think pushing myself like this helps with art block, really. I also do remember to take breaks and simply consume other media I like! It gets the inspiration juices flowing.
Advice you would give to an aspiring creator?
If you do one—your first webcomic should be a short, fun, messy thing. It’s not often you can get it right the first time, but you’ll certainly learn a lot through sheer experience. This goes for a lot of things in art, to be honest.
What is a medium that you have always been intrigued by but would never use yourself?
3D Animation. I briefly learned it at SVA, and I think that’s enough of that tech for me. I accept that there are some things that are truly beautiful if done right, and I am too simple and lazy for it.
What is your goal for the rest of this year?
Get Countdown to Countdown book 2 finished! And live HAHA
Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
@yuumei-art on Tumblr, still! They’ve been a huge inspiration for digital artists and storytellers online for years. I have no doubt that many digital artists of my generation have been influenced by them, and they’re still here, making beautiful art and stories. It’s a thing to behold.
Thanks for stopping by, Velinxi! If you haven’t seen her Meet the Artist piece, be sure to check it out here. You can also follow her for more amazing art over at her Tumblr, @velinxi!
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
*bangs on table* luffy, Sanji with a shy child or normal s/o! (Please I dont remember if I asked)
Lmk if I got ur request right , my love. Enjoy!<3
Luffy & Sanji with a Shy S/O (Separate) (SFW)
Black Fem Reader in Mind
CW: None! Fluffy/Kinda Crack
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You being shy is probably one of his favorite qualities you offer! He never feels awkward around you, your quiet presence is company enough.
Sanji was actually (and ironically) the first guy you began to get close with before anybody else when you first joined because he allowed you to sit and read while he cooked. The background noises of the kitchen soothed you in a way.
He was still a simp. You being more closed in DIDNT stop him from having his outuburst here and there, but he learned to calm down (JUST A TINSEY BIT) when he learned about your shy nature.
He always keeps his kitchen open for you alone when you’re feeling too overwhelmed from the chaos of the crew
You’re similar to Franky in terms of building things to help with the crew, so having that time with no distractions helped you plenty to improve even as a thank you to the fellow you you built him his own personal lighter
“Y/N, DEAR YOU—-you didnt have to!”
It wasn’t the moment he fell in love with you, but it was definitely the moment he needed to claim you as his so he asked you out.
Sanji is very considerate to your shy nature, he tries not to put you in situations where you’ll feel awkward or uncomfortable.
He also finds it absolutely adorable when you immediately gravitate to him when you get nervous. His hand with always be free for you to hold on to
Sanji kind of started to get a need of wanting to take care of you more and nearly baby you so beware of that if you don’t like it.
All in all 12/10 boyfriend. He wouldn’t change a thing about you.
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You are the yin to his yang💀
Yall couldn’t be more different. But it was okay.
Luffy is Luffy and Luffy gets along with almost everybody.
It was kind of odd to see how closely you and the rambunctious captain got but he paid no mind to it.
You don’t talk unless spoken to and you keep to yourself alot and somehow that pushed Luffy to be more in your business?
You didn’t mind it, but sometimes it would startle you to look up and see his body squatting on the take beside you trying to peek at your drawings.
“What are you doing?”
“Can i see?”
“You should have drawn our flag!”
“Usopp can draw too!”
“You should redraw Sanji’s bounty poster!”
Everybody BUT Luffy could see how uncomfortable he made you sometimes, and after a slap and kick from Sanji and Nami they told him to lay back a little.
Which he tried.
He didn’t care about your shy nature, for some odd reason it made him gravitate more to you so now he taps you.
He taps you when he wants to talk.
He taps you when he wants your attention.
He taps you when he wants to hear you speak.
One day Luffy did his daily tap of your cheek and plopped his hat on your head to watch you draw again, but today you wanted it to be a surprise.
“Heyyy! Lemme seee!”
You kept ignoring him until he started to whine like a baby and that’s when you handed him the picture.
It was a drawing of Luffy’s dream he told you all about a fee days go.
His eyes lit up like stars he loved it so much
He was even blushing a little
From that day to this you had Luffy under your finger. Wherever you went. He went. When you wanted to take a nap or draw he wanted to too. His personality even started to rub off on you and you felt more comfortable to smile and joke with him in private.
Luffy wasn’t the type to be into labels like calling you his girlfriend, but you were his new favorite person to talk to, listen to, and even confide to.
Just to be with, he loves you sm.
There has always been moments as youre drawing where Luffy has been so open to you about his past that even some of the strawhats don’t even know about.
He doesn’t mind being with you even if you’re shy/timid.
You were his form of comfort and he was yours.
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December Creator of the Month: Oh-So-Youre-a-Nerd
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Each month, CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers or artists, and this month’s creator of the month is @oh-so-youre-a-nerd . We're very excited because Ascindio is our very first artist to be highlighted! We hope you will enjoy learning more about them and their work below! The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
Quick Links:
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How do you want to be known on Tumblr? 
More below...
1- When did you start playing Choices? What was the first book you played? 
I started playing in 2016, I can't remember if I read Endless Summer or Rules of Engagement first, but I ended up deleting the app after like 2 weeks cause I couldn't stop buying diamonds 😅🤦
I re-downloaded it about, ohh idk 2 years ago?
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I joined the Fandom specifically on Tumblr and specifically for It Lives Within, which happened to come out right after I read the first two books 
3- How did you pick your blog name? 
I always try to seem cool and mysterious when I meet people irl, and then as soon as I open my mouth, I ruin it with some niche trivia or something, and they say,  “Oh, so you're a nerd.” 😂 Can't tell you how many times this exact phrase has been uttered to me. 
4- Pull up the first post in your archive, and tell us about it!  
This is the first Choices related post I made 😂 I was just thinking about the concept of what if characters make terrible decisions cause they're controlled by a player who is out of diamonds lol I was going to do a whole series of them (next was going to be lotr “fly on eagles to mordor?” *30 diamonds* or “simply walk”) but got lazy lol
5- Do you write fanfiction, create fan art, or are you one of those really gifted people who do both? 
Only art. God, I  WISH  I wrote too. I've thought about trying cause I have so many ideas floating around in my head, but at the end of the day, I'd rather spend my free time drawing. 
6- How long have you been creating for Choices and for any other fandoms?
For Choices, since early 2022
For other fandoms, since well, forever, but I only started posting around 2017/18
7- What is your favorite Choices book, and what is your favorite Choices book to create for?
Favorite Choices book is probably It Lives in the Woods. All of the characters were so interesting, I never got bored reading it, and it had an incredible twist that made sense but I still didn't see coming. 
Favorite to create for is probably Blades of Light and Shadow though because I am such a sucker for the fantasy aesthetic.
8- Share your first Choices fanfic or fan art that you posted with us. Do you still like it, or would you change it if you were creating it today?.
This isn't the first Choices art I made, but it IS the first I actually shared
And honestly, I DO still like it because I still remember the way I felt absolutely POSSESSED while drawing it (I hadn't drawn anything for *months*). I would definitely change the background, though. Those trees look like shit, and they're not even the correct type for the kind of forest they're in. 
9- What is your favorite piece of fiction or art that you created? 
My favorite Choices art I've done is probably this piece. 
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10- Do you have a fic/art that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to do well but found it could use a little more love?
I definitely didn't expect this one to do well at all as it was so hastily drawn
And I was sad this piece didn't get more love, it was such a dope scene and I was so excited about how the sword turned out
11- If you could only draw one style or type of art for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? 
I'm not sure if I'm interpreting the question right, but if I had to pick like a specific type of art, it would be digital, and I would want to do fan art. I have a hard time painting anything that I don't already have a deep connection with (so original art with no story behind it is usually a chore for me), and digital art is just so incredibly convenient and not messy and so so versatile. 
12 - Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
Because I use fiction as a way to safely process trauma/ grief/ other big emotions, each MC I make has a small part of me, whichever part I feel the need to explore at the time.
There's an amazing quote by Patrick Rothfuss that I feel explains it perfectly. 
It's from Wise Man's Fear
“These folk knew all about death. They killed their own livestock. They died from fevers, falls, or broken bones gone sour. Death was like an unpleasant neighbor. You didn’t talk about him for fear he might hear you and decide to pay a visit.
Except for stories, of course. Tales of poisoned kings and duels and old wars were fine. They dressed death in foreign clothes and sent him far from your door. A chimney fire or the croup cough were terrifying. But Gibea’s trial or the siege of Enfast, those were different. They were like prayers, like charms muttered late at night when you were walking alone in the dark. Stories were like ha’penny amulets you bought from a peddler, just in case.”
13 - What element of writing/art do you struggle with most?
I have a very difficult time making the poses seem natural and flowing. My all time favorite art is Baroque/Renaissance style and how fluid the poses are, how soft the skin looks, how delicately it's all done. Obviously, I will always have my own style, but those are things that I so want to incorporate but never seem to get quite right, and it drives me crazy 😂
14 - Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
Not really. I mean, I have a ton of unfinished work, but as soon as the window of inspiration passes, I just can't get myself to care enough about it to finish it (insert Jake the Dog, “now it's gone, and I don't care about it anymore!” )
15 - If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to see your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you show them first? 
I would, and have.  I typically show them whatever most rendered recent picture from my Instagram because I don't post any nsfw there and usually try to post only my prettier work for this specific reason haha. (As opposed to here, I post everything here, ain't NO ONE from real life invited to see my tumblr 😂)
16 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing or art? Are there any artists that influence you?
Writers: Brandon Sanderson, for sure. He's the reason I got back into art back in 2017 ish. His stories are just so emotional they push me to create. Same with @saibug1022, there is always at least one scene from every story he shares that I desperately want to draw to try to capture the emotions. 
Artists: God, sooo many, here are just like my top 3 favorites and their instagrams.
Audra Auclair
Obsessed with her unique style, and specifically the way she draws eyelids and noses
The way they draw those dripping, glowing wisps. I stare at their pieces for hours (no lie) trying to dissect them stroke by stroke to figure out how they do it.
Miho Hirano
Their art has a delicate whimsy-ness I would SELL MY SOUL to achieve 
17- Which one of your creations would you like to see a fiction written about? 
JC, this is the shit I DREAM of.
Definitely this one. 
So this is love.
This little comic means a lot to me. 
18- Do you write original fiction or create non-fandom art? 
Very rarely, but I do, every so often. This is my favorite original piece.
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20-  What other hobbies do you have?
Gaming, singing, walking through the Cemetary with my wee daughter, reading, that's about it 🤷
21 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
22: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
I really wanted to say that I don't believe in “good” art and “bad” art (just ethical vs non-ethical). That being said, I know what it's like to hate your art, like soooo intimately. If you ever are feeling shit about your art, you can ABSOLUTELY message me (I don't care if we're mutuals or not, I don't care if we've never interacted before) and just say, “I am feeling shit about my art” and I will go through your art and tell you every specific thing I love about it and why it's wonderful. I am not joking; I am so so serious rn. ��💗💗💗 
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gojo braiding sugurus hair 🥹🥹🥹🥹
this is the first time I’ve written fluff in a while so thank you for the practice 🤭
au where Geto didn’t turn bad and they are co-parenting
It was a sunny spring afternoon with a little chill in the air when Satoru had pick up duty of the kids from school. Although they were different ages, Tsumiki, Megumi, Nanako and Mimiko all went to the same school a few blocks from their luxurious Tokyo apartment. Tsumiki and Mimiko walk a little ahead of the rest, talking about their art projects they they both are carrying. Megumi, silent as ever tends to look at the trees and sky and bugs when walking, observant to everything but the people around him. Nanako is talking about drama of a girl in her class uninviting another girl to a birthday sleepover as Gojo dramatically responds with “NO WAY,” and “girllll”.
After Nanako pauses to catch her breath, dramatically breathing hard she stops walking which in turn causes Gojo to stop and Megumi who was holding his other hand.
“Dadtoru,” she asks, the nickname that the four kids worked together to give him given they had two dads, “Can you braid my hair tonight? Papaguru always does it…” She twirls her blonde hair around her finger giving Satoru the most puppy like eyes she could. Megumi can be heard in the background with a “tsk” and releases Gojos hand to catch up with the other two girls.
“Yes hunny, I’d love to braid your hair,” Satoru smiles and pats her head, grabbing her hand again to catch up with the other kids as they approach their building. The doorman smiles and greets all of them, but Satoru is too distracted by the fact that he now has to learn how to braid hair. He thought he’d always be able to get by because Suguru knew how to. He grabs a lollipop from the front desk and watches as the kids argue over who gets to press the elevator button today. “Megumi it’s your turn,” Satoru says quietly. He’s not really sure but he’s secretly his favorite so he pretty much gives him what he wants. They make their way upstairs, Mimiko singing some song they learned in music as Satoru takes a selfie in the reflective mirror surface of the elevator to send to his better half.
‘Suguru, look how good I’m doing at pick up duty!’ *1 attached image*
A few seconds later a ding goes off his phone ‘Nanako’s fly is down, Megumi’s shoe is untied, Tsumiki has her backpack hanging open, and Mimiko is just making a weird face’ He can tell Suguru is just kidding but he still is offended.
‘She was singing’ Satoru responds, ignoring the rest as the elevator dings open to their apartment.
“You know the drill, shoes off, wash your hands, homework at the table.” Gojo is in total dad mode on his day off, a rare day where he didn’t have a mission or meetings or teaching. Tsumiki being the oldest of the four helps them all wash their hands, and the four sit at the kitchen table, 6 seats, the two heads of the tables open for Satoru and Suguru. Gojo stands in the kitchen, chopping apples and celery, arranging a snack plate for the kids.
“Dadtoruuuu,” Mimiko whines, “you didn’t take us to your favorite mochi place like you usually do on your days off!”
Satoru chuckles and brings the snacks over to the kids, saying “papa would not forgive me if I ruined your appetite for supper again.”
The kids eat their snacks and go over their homework, Gojo helping when needed but mostly reading up for the mission coming up where he has to leave the country.
The kids finish their work one by one, the twins opting to play dolls with each other while Megumi plays on his iPad on the couch and Tsumiki draws in her room. Satoru gets started on dinner, taking over some responsibilities while he is actually here. He looks over at a photo on the fridge, a picture of him and Suguru with Rico Amanai, the star plasma vessel they saved and who is now one of the kids babysitters while she’s in college. That was their first big mission where it felt like they made a difference in jujutsu society. Next is a photo of Kento Nanami with all 4 children when they were much younger, hanging off his large muscular frame like little monkeys. He also helps out at times when Suguru has to work late and Satoru is not present. And last but not least, is a photo on Satoru and Suguru’s wedding day, Shoko Ieiri as their flower girl / officiant / ring bearer. She gets to watch the girls sometimes when they need a female in their lives (but not often, Suguru doesn’t think she’s a good influence).
As the pot on the stove simmers and Satoru comes back from zoning out about their past and hears keys jingling outside the front door.
Suguru Geto has become Jujustsu tech’s newest principal, and also has gotten into the high ranks of sorcerer society. He is wise, level headed, and ethical, in which everyone has respect for him. The story of how the two men saved these 4 kids earned them quite a lot of credibility, as everyone had previously seen them as immature teenagers being the two strongest sorcerers in the world. Principal Yaga decided his time was best spent elsewhere in the jujutsu world but still occasionally visits.
As Suguru comes through the door Nanako and Mimiko come flying down the hallway to greet him. He sets his briefcase down on the table, pushing his bangs behind his ear before picking both of them up for a big hug. Giving them both a kiss on their cheeks he asks, “How was school today my loves?”
“Good!” They say in unison giggling.
“How ‘bout you ‘Gumi?” Suguru glances over at the boy on the couch and the boy simply holds up a thumbs up. He walks into the kitchen, seeing Satoru cooking, and walks up behind him, wrapping him in a warm embrace and kissing the side of his head the best he could since he is a little shorter than the white haired man. Satoru turns around and gives Suguru a long kiss, to which the black haired man responds “hmm you missed me that much,” with their lips still partially attached.
“Yes I did. It’s so hard being a stay at home dad.”
“Toru, you do this like once every three weeks, give it a rest please,” he fake rolls his eyes and takes off his suit jacket, heading to their shared bedroom to change into comfy clothes. Satoru follows him, leaving his food unattended for a minute.
“So Nanako gave me some homework today,” he says watching Suguru raise his eyebrow at him in the mirror while he undoes his tie. “She wants me to braid her hair.” The concerned look on Satoru’s face makes Suguru chuckle while unbuttoning his dress shirt.
“I can teach you on Tsumiki. And then you can try on my head.”
Satoru smiles, “look at you, teaching me something for once.”
After dinner it is bath time, bed time stories, and off to bed for the youngest 3. Tsumiki reads on her own, in which Satoru interrupts her “Hey can we borrow you for a minute?” The quiet girl quickly obliged following him into the living room, where Suguru has a mirror, hair brush, and some elastic hair ties laid out.
“Can I braid your hair?” Suguru smiles at her and she takes a seat on the floor sitting in front of him on the couch. Tsumiki continues her reading while Suguru goes through all the instructions.
“So first you have to brush everything through and make sure they’re no knots, just like you do with mine. And then you grab a decent sized piece from the top and separate it into 3 parts. Then you start alternately weaving them one through the other, adding a little chunk of hair from the sides each time.”
Satoru watches intently as Suguru’s large muscular hands work gently through the girl’s black hair. Her hair is a little longer than the rest of theirs so it takes a little while, but Suguru has been doing this for a few years at this point. He’s pretty confident he can do it, it may not be pretty but a braid is a braid right?
As Tsumiki’s braid is finished she stands up and gives both of her dads a kiss on the cheek before heading to her room. Satoru calls after her “lights out by 9 okay ‘miki?”
“Mhm” she responds back.
Now Suguru is sitting on the floor, flipping through the tv station patiently awaiting Satoru to play with his hair.
They both are reminded of a time in their high school when Suguru’s hair was shorter. He wore it in a bun with just his bangs sticking out, and after long missions he would ask Gojo to come lay with him in his dorm bed. Satoru always cuddled up to him like a koala, releasing his hair from the bun and running his fingers through it.
Satoru grabs the brush off the coffee table, gently brushing through his lovers soft long black locks. He follows the steps he was instructed and Suguru watches him in the little handheld mirror.
“You can pull it a little harder.” Suguru says.
“That’s what she said,” Satoru quips back and winks at his husband in the mirror.
It takes significantly longer than it should but by the end, Suguru’s beautiful locks are braided into a neat, precise French braid. The two proceed to cuddle on the couch and finish watching the nightly news.
“You’re such a good dad,” Suguru mumbles as he holds Satoru close.
“You are too,” Satoru smiles back at him, kissing his forehead.
In the morning Gojo has to leave a little earlier than usual for his teaching at Jujutsu high. He goes into the twins bedroom to wake up Nanako so he can do her hair. She sleepily follows him to the bathroom before realizing what he is doing. She has the cutest little smile on her face watching him concentrate to get her hair perfect. Right as he finishes Mimiko stumbles into the bathroom sleepily. “You want a braid too?” He asks and she nods as she wipes her eyes and yawns. 10 minutes later both twins have their hair braided and are eating their breakfast when Tsumiki comes out with her also braided hair, a little messy from it being slept on. Suguru is in the kitchen making lunches with his braid left in, likely because he forgot about it.
“I’ll see you at work babes,” Gojo pecks Geto on the cheek before rushing out the door, it being Suguru’s turn to walk the kids to school.
Satoru zones out in the elevator, thinking about his sweet family, 4 of them walking to school with matching braids in, and little Megumi with his spikey hair.
bonus: a rough sketch of it but Gojo looks like he’s on crack
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benny-the-spaceman · 26 days
one of these days im going to release my tlm drafting headcanons from my notes app purgatory and that day is Today.
...under the cut
• Fairly good at drawing. Somehow able to draw straight lines without a ruler perfectly fine every single time but otherwise nothing super noteworthy (he does brag about this constantly however)
• Drafts in white and yellow posca pen??? will use white colored pencil for finer detail however, specifically one of those mechanical colored pencils
• Drafts on black paper because he thinks it makes his designs cooler (it doesn't)
• Dimensions in imperial and would be annoyed if you dare even *insinuate* he use metric. no justification here
• Doodles around his drafts, specifically likes to doodle bats and himself because he, once again, thanks it makes his drafts cooler (the bats kinda do)
• Refuses to leave notes on his designs. you either know what to do or you don't
• Does however write his drawing title obnoxiously large
• Used autocad for like a day, hated it, switched to solidworks and never went back
• Buys autodesk licenses for the rest of the masterbuilders. unwillingly, mind you, wyldstyle just knows his credit card information and abuses it
• Good at drawing exclusively spaceships. big shock i know
• The king of eyeballing a line or an angle and then labelling it however the fuck he wants. proper measurements take time he could spend drafting or making more spaceships, he'll save measuring and straightedges for drafts he deems important enough
• Uses blueprinting paper. there's no practical purpose for this, he just digs it
• Drafts with whatever writing utensil is on hand
• He gets inspired quite often so he usually keeps a drafting notepad on him just in case
• Leaves a *lot* of notes. Most of them are completely unnecessary and are a funny contrast to his haphazard dimensioning
• Pretty dang good at autocad! Usually reserves it for projects that require a lot more collaboration however
• Usually drafts in metric, can dimension in imperial but prefers not to
• 100% sets autocad to the light background like a monster
• Do not give him any 3d modelling software, he might blow up the computer
• Either really good or really bad at drawings (obvs leaning towards bad. we remember the break in plans)
• Dimensions in imperial. I cant justify this one he just does. god bless america or something idk
• Owns a couple drafting pencils but rarely uses them, most of the time he drafts in marker or pen much to the chagrin of anyone who needs to read his drafts (or delight if you're unikitty)
• Started learning how to use autocad after taco tuesday and he's actually pretty good at it! he does use an architectural dimstyle for everything though which is particularly annoying when he's quite often not drafting buildings now
• Has labelled and colored layers 👍 enough said
• Uses disgustingly thick lineweights. horrible.
• Rarely if ever 3d models so he's not good at it, he mostly works on things that 2d conveys better anyways
• Although he's not the best drafter of the master builders, his construction background makes him the best at reading drafts, give him a unikitty draft and he can decipher it like it's nothing
• Probably the best at drafting of the master builders, he's got the age advantage and lots of practice from making ships
• Drafts in pencil, quill, or charcoal depending
• Who needs straightedges or angle stencils when youre basically a pirate cyborg, expect robot like precision
• Doesn't use standard measuring conventions, instead opts to use the dumbest things possible. The Sea cow's units of measurement were seagulls. It isnt that he cant do normal units of measurement, he just prefers his made up ones
• Makes his drafting paper by himself
• Pretty good with 2d and 3d modelling surprisingly. He doesn't like either, however, he much prefers drafting on paper
• Leaves an average amount of notes on his drafts but has the most disgustingly fancy cursive and writes in his piratey english. Often a nightmare to read if you aren't used to his writing
• Will sometimes do blueprint swaps with Benny wherein they critique each other's work. not sure when they started doing it, but it's become a weekly activity for them
• Worst drafter of the main masterbuilder crew. Most people think it's because she's a cat but no she just doesnt take drafting seriously in the slightest
• Drafts like she's making an arts and crafts project. She has put several bottles of glitter on singular drafts and she will do it again
• Dimensions in rainbows, no knows what this means other than emmet
• Gives the longest, most complicated titles possible
• No such thing as straight lines
• Is entirely capable of drafting properly, just refuses to
• Leaves notes that are entirely unrelated to the draft. she wont tell you how youre supposed to connect two objects but she *will* tell you about the sandwich she ate while making the draft
• Doesnt use autocad, looks too boring
• Didnt use any 3d modelling softwares until she realized you can change the appearance of materials. that was a game changer. still much prefers drafting on paper though
• Likes drafting with emmet sometimes since he seems to be the only person who understands her drawings. to this day no one understands how he does it
• Going blind has, surprisingly, not made him much worse at drafting, just changed his process a bit
• Drafts in pencil
• Probably the person who least frequently drafts of the main masterbuilders. On account of just not needing to and also on account of being dead
• Dimensions in the old anglo-saxon units of measurement
• Doesn't title his drafts and doesnt see a point in doing so
• Leaves the most vague, utterly confusing notes on his drawings. theyre still related to the drawings unlike unikitty's notes, but theyre very odd
• Doesn't use autocad or 3d modelling softwares, partially because he wouldnt really be able to on account of being blind but also partially because he doesn't really know what they are
• There isnt really much to say about his drafting skills he's about as normal of a drafter as a masterbuilder can be
• An engineering teacher's dream student. She may not have the amount of experience metalbeard has but she's still very skilled
• Doesn't like drafting on paper and won't if she doesn't have to
• When she does draft on paper she uses a drafting mechanical pencils. she also 100% collects them
• dimensions in metric to exactly 3 decimal places
• leaves very few if any notes (always very concise ones if included)
• has a case of staedtler stencils that she bought 4 years ago and never uses
• picked up a habit of doodling on drafts from batman but will never admit she got the habit from him
• Autocad PRO. Also really damn good at solidworks and fusion. Give this girl a computer and she'll give you a motorcycle assembly within the hour
• Specializes in automotives
• Spends time with Emmet on the weekends teaching him how to use digital drafting softwares (this process was incredibly frusturating at first but gets easier with time)
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Astral Elves as War boys, holy fuck. I need more of that, dear gods, give us more of THAT.
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Villain: The Skyscour Clan
“However beloved or useful, a knife can only be sharpened so much before it is scraped down to nothing”
-old dwarven proverb
Having decided to take a lull in their adventures to enjoy their day off, the party’s well needed self care is interrupted when a jagged portal opens on the edge of town, spilling out raiders wielding strange weapons accompanied by alien warbeasts. Scattered around town and potentially recovering from previous wounds, The party must face their foe unprepared before they cause too much damage.
After confronting the strangers, the party’s best combatant comes face to face with a void-scarred elven warrior who seems to be one of the ones directing the whole fiasco. The ensuing duel is epic, but the elf is clearly the superior fighter, relying on centuries of hardwon lessons to send the hero into the dirt and give them a scar to remember her by.
The raiders weren't just after things, they were after people, and disappear back into the portal with innocents and loved ones in tow. With no direct way of following them, the party must either seek out some arcansit capable of backtracing the rip in spacetime, or use the clues scattered on the bodies of the fallen invaders to discover who their new foes are, and where they originate.
Background: Tasked in an age before remembering with garrisoning a series of cannon fortress capable of downing meteors and warships from across wildspace, the astral elves today known as the Skyscour clan are the last remnant of their now dissolute empire. Millenia of immortality and brutal war have seen these elves honed down into a cruel edge, having long deserted their post to raid about the territories they once defended taking what they believe they are owed.
While the majority of their clan is scattered about the multiverse in a state of distracted listlessness, always looking for the next fight, the leaders of the Skyscour have greater ambitions: drawing their errant comrades back to the snow world they once abandoned, repairing great canons, and using them to extract tribute from any plane they can get target lock on. The one barrier to their plan is the fact that despite the fall of their civilization and their decent into banditry, the Skyscour still consider themselves warrior caste, and would thus never lower themselves to actually ever learning how their technology works. To compensate they’ve begun building up a labour force, kidnapping skilled technicians and random bystanders of “lesser races” to do the backbreaking work of getting the canons back online while the elves hold them at knifepoint.
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docholligay · 6 months
I like people, I think it would be fair to say. Not even in the way you might describe a social butterfly, or someone who is necessarily good with people,* but in the way that someone loves art. I like listening people, I like watching them, I love hearing about what strangers do with their lives, I love eavesdropping on the little bits of people’s lives that they share into the open air and I learn things, constantly, from this**.  
It’s a bit of an odd trait, I guess, and maybe could even be considered nosy, to look at strangers like this, to chat up the gal on the train to Ely***and find out that she was a translator, she’d worked translating a sailing manual, and isn’t that such an interesting thing for people to do? She offered the opening door, and I walked right through it. I will all the time. Every person I meet gets added to a bank in my mind to draw from, for writing, for experiences, for simply lying awake at 3 am and mulling over in my mind****. 
In an actually fairly rare bit of lacking self-reflection, I had no idea that I constantly did this--it is not a calculated act--until Dani pointed it out to me on this trip, that I often make these little connections with strangers for no reason, and that it possibly makes me a good traveler. I had never thought of this. I suppose it’s true, though, that even when I’m somewhere my grasp of the language is, shall we say, tenuous, I have a very open sort of nature that allows me to find those little points of meeting. A conversation with an employee in Cologne, trying to buy tights, and we both ended up laughing, between my bad German and her slightly better English, and many hand motions, we got it handled! It was a very positive and lovely interaction, and though I knew my German wasn’t up to it, *I* was. That’s a mindset thing. 
I like being this way, I think. Not only do I have these small moments, but I also, to creep out anyone who’s ever hung out with me, sort of memorize my friends. When I’m with them, I catch myself looking so carefully at the way their hair moves, the way they phrase things, how they walk and the exact curve of their jaw. How will I call this person up in my mind, later? I have trouble paying attention to things sometimes because I can’t stop paying attention to things. I am a good mental mapper for this reason, and I mentally map people, as well. I keep them, in a way I’m not sure other people do.*****
I do catch myself wondering if they know they have lives, still, in my head? Does Sylvie from British Airways know I think about her smile from the jumpseat? Does Ian the cabdriver know I still turn over his voice in my head? Will the girl across from me on the train know how she lifted my spirits along with hers as she loved someone? Does anyone ever know the thosuand tiny gifts I receive every day of my life, simply by the decoration they bring to my world? In the novel of my life, the background has so much texture, because of all the wonder of each and every person, even the ones I don’t like, bring to it. I am so grateful for all of them. 
I like people. I hope they continue bringing their gifts to me and little weirdos like me. 
*I think we can all agree that sometimes I am very Not That, and that ‘smoothing things over’ is not necessarily a gift I am given (nor do I cultivate it, let’s assign blame where blame is due here) and I can be brusque and impolitic and annoyingly self-assured in any given situation where I have no fucking clue what I’m doing. 
**Just today I learned that sledding is called sledging in the UK, or at the very least in the North, if this gal’s accent is anything to go by and I’m not sucking at broad identification. I know this because she was talking about having enough snow to do it with someone she clearly loves and misses very much, from the way her face lit up as she was talking to them on the phone, and the way she leaned in toward the table as she made plans to meet up for dinner. I teared up a little bit. I love the moments we see people in connection and joy, some of my favorite little experiences in the world. I still think about the day one of my friends got married and she was walking around like a little piece of popcorn in hot oil, and there was nothing ODD or MAGICAL or WHATEVER about that, except that it was the exact kind of human magic I love, where something or someone gives you such joy that you can’t help but show it. ANYWAY. 
***See: Transit for a full explanation of how we all on the train ended up being, if not friends, foxhole comrades. 
****Upon reading this back, it sounds very negative or like I’m suffering, but I have slept in ‘shifts’ since I was a small child, and lying awake thinking for an hour or two around 3 am doesn’t bother me at all. It gives me a lot of time to imagine Haruka in situations and whatnot. 
*****Poetic as this sounds when I make it sound poetic using the power of making myself sound good writing, it might be fairly argued that my brain would be better served to spend a little less storage space on how often my friend wears a particular sweater and a little more on, oh, remembering a box I’ve been meaning to ship for MOTHERFUCKER I JUST REMEMBERED I HAVE A PRESENT I FORGOT TO GIVE DANI AND BEL IT’S IN MY FUCKING BACKPACK RIGHT NOW (see??? What I mean???) 
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aesethewitch · 28 days
Hey friend 👋 I just stumbled across your ghost analysis post and was intrigued, and saw that you do tarot readings?
I recently began looking into tarot, but the two decks I have aren't traditional ones, but I've read from a lot of people that traditional tarot decks are the (only?) way to go. I'm curious about your journey in learn to interpret the deck(s) you have, since I'm also struggling with that.
I also see that you have a free tarot reading Friday, and since it IS Friday, I'd like to ask- how can I overcome the political and religious obstacles that force me to hide?
(if this is a question that isn't so suited for tarot, that's my bad)
Hey there! (:
So, anyone who tells you there's only One Right Way to do something is full of shit. Folks just like to feel superior for doing things More Correctly Than You.
You can use whatever for divination and get solid results. You could make a functioning system out of coupons. Hell, you could doodle on printer paper, cut it into squares, and then use it as a tarot deck. That would probably work, as long as you understood what the pictures meant.
Some folks have an easier time with traditional decks, others don't. I tend to vibe with decks that are a little funky. Extra cards, different suits, interesting presentations, etc.
The deck I use most often, the Alleyman's Tarot, is technically not a tarot deck at all -- it's an oracle deck, since it doesn't follow the "traditional" composition of a tarot deck (major arcana + minor arcana). But I still call it a tarot deck because I can and I use it like one. It works great.
I do have the Deviant Moon Tarot, which is based on the Rider-Waite-Smith, and it would be considered a "traditional" kind of deck. It's a great deck, and it's the one I taught myself to read with many years ago.
When I got that deck, I believed that someone else had to buy tarot decks for you; it was "selfish" and would "taint" the deck's power if you bought it yourself. Also bullshit, by the way, but I had that belief in me. A kind lady overheard me lamenting and pining for the Deviant Moon in a bookstore, bought me a gift card, and gave it to me with a note telling me to buy the deck for myself. It was a life-defining moment for me, to be sure, and one that sticks with me today. I strive to live up to that kindness.
Learning was an interesting thing. I didn't look up any spreads, and I barely used the book. Mostly, I just wanted to look like I knew what I was doing right out the gate (I didn't; I was 18 and had self-image issues, lmao). So I taught myself to interpret based on vibes and imagery, then went back to reference the book when I really needed to. It helped that I had a spirit ally hanging around that was looking for a vessel; it's still attached to those cards to this day, and it helped me learn how to hone my abilities. For a long time, the act of pretending I knew what I was talking about prevented me from actually learning much at all.
It isn't... well, it isn't great advice. I wouldn't recommend "learning" tarot the way I did. I figured it out after a while, but there was no real system to it. If I could go back and relearn it the way I would do it now, I absolutely would. Here's what I've learned is a fairly good method for learning any new tarot deck:
Shuffle the cards and lay the pile face-down.
Draw the top card.
In a notebook, write down your immediate, knee-jerk impressions of the card. I recommend just key words or single sentences.
Then, take a closer look at it. Note the colors, positioning of figures, background imagery, and other details. Write down what you see, not how you would interpret it.
Now interpret. Take your time writing down how the card's specific imagery makes you feel. What does it remind you of?
Jot down an example question and how you would apply the card to the answer. For example, the question "What do I need to know right now?" answered by Temperance could be something like: "Patience is a virtue. Take your time." Or however you would interpret that.
Set the card aside. Repeat until the entire deck is done.
Congrats! Now, you have a general idea of the entire deck's meanings and a handy guide to help you remember what they mean to you.
Bonus step: Review periodically. Opinions and interpretations change as you do.
I follow this routine with every new deck I get. I've figured out that the same card in two different decks could have vastly different meanings, depending on how it's depicted. It's really cool!
Also, it's kind of important to note that I'm not really a full animist. I don't think that tarot decks (or other tools) have individual spirits. My Deviant Moon deck has one, but that's because of the ally I mentioned before. The Alleyman's deck doesn't have a spirit as far as I can tell. I've got spirits hanging around that enjoy assisting with divination and magic and such, though.
As for free tarot, it's closed for now! The update reblog was sent to my drafts instead of posting,,, sorry about that!! Your question would definitely be fine for tarot interpretations (though a little shallow with only one card; situations like that are typically better interpreted with more cards I've found). I do open it up every Friday, though, so feel free to stick around and send another next week! (: (Or visit my Ko-Fi linked in my pinned post if you want a more in-depth paid reading! /shilling)
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eijirousbestie · 1 year
I’m not sure if my request have been sent to you or not but here we ge. Bakugou drawing with reader this time just quite and pace a day later he would notice reader putting his drawing in a nice and viable place in her wall like she is proud of him , im craving for some fluff🥹
Yes I got your last request too!! I try to crank these new stories out at least twice a month cuz of daily life but I got around to it today🫵🏽 I’ll combine ur last request with this one since it’s kinda the same premise. As always thank y’all for reading and I hope you enjoy! If y’all have any special requests PLS SHARE THEM WITH ME!! I’d love to write them<33
“Stick to art.”
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painting together
peaceful silence
Bakugou is actually good at painting
may or may not have based the painting off of one I actually made…
* * *
“For the love of god will you stop hogging all the white paint?”
“Quit whinin’ will ya? I’ll hand it back just give me a sec here.” You in fact did not get the paint back in a few seconds. With the way he’s got it in a death grip you’re not entirely sure it’ll survive the trip back to you.
“Katsuki, your knuckles are literally turning white from how hard you’re squeezing the tube. You don’t even need that much.”
“You know the more you talk the less “enjoyable” this bright idea of yours is.” He places the tube of paint down on the ground next to your knee.
You both are in your dorm room, your usual tarp covering the flooring under you from any stray paint splatters. It was your grand idea to have the both of you paint together. Actually, it was to prove to Bakugou that painting wasn’t as easy as he chucked it up to be. It started with his comments about your art earlier in the week. You were working on another project for class and spent hours painting and refining the details. The boisterous blonde disrupted your thoughts in place of his own. Why the hell’s this taking so long? It’s just an apple, he’d question. To him, a painting should never take more than at least two hours tops. If anything, watching you paint for hours on end was the coolest thing to him because how could someone have that much patience? He’d never admit it though. And now here you both are, having a painting session in your room to prove to him it’s not as easy as he thinks.
Grabbing the now freed white paint you add a small glob of it to your palette, mixing the specific color you needed. You both have already been painting for almost an hour. It’s Saturday and you didn’t have anything better to do. Before you both started, you’d searched Pinterest for painting ideas. Scrolling through various cartoon characters, Bakugou settles on painting a simple white skull against a black background. The reference is such a him choice. You chose yours a little while after him but refused to tell him your idea. He rolled his eyes and started sketching on the small canvas you’d given him, occasionally asking you if his proportions were accurate.
You both had fallen into a quiet peace. The windows drawn to let the last bits of sun in. The soft sounds of your music thrumming through your small speaker. The slosh of water being dirtied up in solo cups as Bakugou cleans his brush. Just all around good vibes and harmless bickering here and there. You swear you’ve never seen him so relaxed, other than the time he fell asleep while you were drawing him. You look up from your canvas and catch a glimpse of Bakugou’s face. Trimmed eyebrows pinched together in a stare of pure concentration, his lips slightly tucked in as he works on the details of the skull.
His painting technique is quite impressive. Understandably not to your level, but if he took art seriously he could be one hell of an artist. The way he changes the pressure of his grip when outlining the teeth of the skull has you eyeing his piece in astonishment. Where the hell did he learn that from?
“You gonna keep starin’ at my shit or are you actually gonna give your input.” Your gaze lifts from his painting to him. You give a slightly confused look.
“Wait what.”
“Asked if I was doing this line stuff right but you looked lost as hell. Told you to leave that dope alone.” You roll your eyes.
“Ya mama. And yeah you’re doing it right. Just don’t make em too thick.” He side eyes you so hard you’re sure his eyes are about to roll out of his head.
“You’re lucky I’m goin’ to therapy.”
“Aren’t we all.” You give a brief chuckle and continue to work on your painting. The light pink background against the chosen figures ties the whole piece together. A particular song plays from the shuffle queue of your music library. It’s one that you and Bakugou both know. You quietly hum along, bobbing your head. Your ears pick up a rather deep tremor that joins your humming. He’s humming along too, eyes laser focused on his work. In the most non-corny way possible, you try to harmonize with him, doing decent until you miss a note halfway through. He makes sure you’re aware he noticed.
“Stick to art.” He snickers, shoulders softly shaking.
“Mind your business.”
“I’ll do what I wanna do.” He retorts. He’s so sassy and for what.
Another couple hours pass and you’ve both finished your paintings. Katsuki lifts his painted skull with pride, his ego through the roof. It’s actually a pretty solid painting. Albeit, simple, but not bad at all.
“Goddamn Kats, you didn’t do half bad.” You chide with a grin.
“Damn right. Told you this shit’s easy. Just gotta get over gettin stuck in the details.”
“That’s funny because you asked for my help with line work but go off I guess.”
“You’re just a resource. Gotta use what I can to get where I need to be.”
“Damnnn ouch. That’s all I am to you? Katsuki I’m hurt.” You feign heartbreak as you dramatically hold your hand over your heart.
“Idiot. You gonna show me what you ended up paintin’ or not?” You nod, grabbing your canvas and flipping it over to show him your piece.
His eyes are met with an image of two bears, one white, one brown. Their cheeks are smushed together in some sort of side hug. The brown bear does not look amused. He clicks his tongue and tilts his head.
“You really love cutesy shit don’t you?”
You shrug. “Not my fault the Pinterest bears were cute. Stay mad but I’m in my bag.”
“The fuck’s that even mean-”
“Shhh you’re being a hater right now.” He shakes his head as he chuckles deeply, shoving his hands in the pockets of his sweats.
“Yeah you’re really lucky I’m in therapy.” You laugh with him and reach for his painting that he left on the ground.
“You gonna leave this behind after you worked so hard on it?” You question. He shrugs.
“Don’t really got a place for it. I ain’t really into displaying things like you. You keep it or something.” You hold onto both paintings as he announces his departure to his room.
The next morning, he wakes up and starts his usual routine. Shower, brushing his teeth and skincare. The shuffle of his house shoes fills the quiet of the halls as he journeys to your room to make sure you’re up to go on your Sunday morning run together. He knocks once, twice and gets no reply. He jiggles the doorknob and he finds it unlocked, meaning you’re probably not inside. He opens your door and looks around to find no you. But what he does find makes his face go warm. There on the wall adjacent to the door, hangs his skull painting right next to yours. A ghost of a smile graces his lips as he shakes his head, closing the door to your room to go and grab you for your run.
bonus: the paintings y’all made
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Yours: *optional*
fun fact this is actually a painting I made a few months ago😭
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allfleetingdreams · 2 months
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Lorr is an old OC of mine from 2010, a result of me being one of the biggest weebs back in the day lmaooo
I have not seen my old writing of his story for a decade now and so I barely remember his background, but!! He's supposed to be an assassin sent on a mission to take down 12 enemies - the Zodiac signs personified called the Brothers & Sisters - because they spread evil all over the land, but in reality it's to stop him from learning the truth that he is the 13th brother, the unspeakable one, Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer. Traitor of the family, but for good reasons. He can never do what he was told because that meant he was harming people. He was sent on this mission alongside an archbishop, a priestess, and another assassin he eventually becomes involved with but in reality he has fallen for the priestess - but he is avoiding her because he's involved in a dark past that caused the priestess to lose her family, although she doesn't know that.
I don't think this is a story I will revisit in the future because of how incredibly convoluted and downright ridiculous it is, but I love it despite its cringy nature, and I wouldn't be where I am today as a writer if not for this story! This is actually the second one I've finished. I've yet to talk about the first story I have ever written and finished - if I have the guts to reveal that much more preposterous mess 😂
But even though I may never rewrite the story again, I'd love to draw Lorr more in the future. Yes, his name doesn't make sense. Please forgive 14 year old me. They were just trying to have a good time even when they were bullied for being such a weirdo. Proud to say I'm still a big fucking weirdo.
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My Sun doodles are finished! I like how this turned out! I think I did a good job with Sun holding the barrel; hands can be so tricky! Like I did with the Moon doodle, I used Clip Studio Paint for this. I’ve only been using doodle mode so far, but I’m really liking it so far! I’m excited to explore more of what this app can do. ^ ^
Anyways, moving from sounding like an ad sponsor (which it’s not), I’ll tell you a silly, and probably a relatable, story that happened today, because why not? I’m mean, you’re sitting here reading it anyways. So, today I got up from out of bed and immediately tried focusing on getting the doodles of our favorite sunny boi finished, since I had fell asleep in my bed laying on my drawing tablet listening to GTLive the night prior, lol. So, I got up, went to go get something quick to eat and started to try to get to work. I guess today just was not a good day for me to focus because I swear I got distracted about million times before I finished this! After I finally decided to move away from YouTube shorts and put on a GTLive video for background noise, I realized my apple pencil was gone. My first thought was along the lines of, “It’s either on my bed somewhere or oh shit, it’s under my bed.” Now I need to say, I haven’t actually cleaned under my bed since last summer, so who knows what’s under there! And I’m deathly afraid of spiders, and it’s getting to be spring again and I know there’s got to be some spiders under this bed. And I was right, there were. Now I can personally live with a spider under my bed, as long as I have no idea it’s actually there. But when I saw this mother trucker, I was like, nah, I’m getting the broom. And of course when I did that, I did find my apple pencil down there, thankfully with no spiders attached. But I know that I’m either gonna have a hard time sleeping tonight, or something is gonna distract me enough to where I forget before I fall asleep. I’m hoping latter personally. I’ve certainly learned to keep a better eye on my apple pencil now! I wouldn’t want to have to replace it since I’ve seen the prices on them.. Too much.
Well, moving on from the mini story! I hope you enjoyed the art and silly story that came with it. ^ ^ I’m not sure what I’ll post next really.. Probably some random art stuff and then most likely do some doodles of my AU’s Eclipse then Blood Moon. I don’t why, but sometimes when I do pieces like these I feel like have to do one of each character. So it’ll probably end up being something like that. =w=
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usagiverse · 6 months
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Bunnon claims to be Yuichi's #1 Fan, and that they'll keep him company so that he never has to sleep alone again. I keep trying to do different outfits and color combinations, but I forgot about outfits that actually show off the twins' markings. I did that intentionally so I didn't have to draw the marks in every panel (plus, Yuichi definitely has more than 6 freckles on his face, but it's easier to be consistent than realistic (and realistically, the pages will never get done if i have to properly freckle him)). I also have to keep in mind the size difference... Bunnon... why are you so tiny? I used the group picture as reference and didn't realize you were all the way down there!! I mean, I know you can just stretch to appear taller, but the Usagis really are massive at full size... im kidding, this is not a real question, for I am God and I deem you are shorter than even the shortest Usagi hehe (until i draw the extending limbs that is) Today I learned that Bunnon watches anime.. perhaps even JJK??? Maybe the Lynx is actually Gojo???
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They are definitely powerful, but not in that kind of way. They are one of the leading figures of the NNC, which you can tell by the amount of metal plating they wear. This is an internal design choice, it will come up later, but serves a purpose. Only a few of the Neko Ninjas wear multiple pieces of metal armor, this one has 5 pieces (shoulders, knees, and the faceplate) but the metal armor on their face is especially large, much bigger than the usually provided head-piece to upper rank ninjas. It seems to fit their face perfectly, as though molded right on top. I wonder what's under it ? I don't think uncovering their face would be a spoiler, since there is no such thing as a "lynx" character in any version as far as i know (except maybe background or horde fights, no major characters though) but i'm not settled on how I want to do their eyes.. born blind, damage blind, different ways of damage blind, markings if there's minimal damage, etc.. something.. idk yet so no face reveal for now.
Thanks for the ask Bunnon! I left it private, but I still wanted to do something for you. Thank you for your kind words and heartfelt messages, I hope this will be a good start to your day ~ !
ah but I am not actually sure where you are from so maybe it's a good start to your night instead ? I'm actually going to bed now, it's almost 4AM when i post this-
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3starjammies · 11 months
@nintende replied to your post “I would kinda like to watch an english dub of...”:
canadian anime? since when?
​Akage no Anne (Anne of Green Gables) is a 1979 World Masterpiece Theatre anime. World Masterpiece Theatre was a series of anime adaptations of classic western children's literature made by Nippon Animation.
World Masterpiece Theatre anime are notable for their exceptional animation quality for tv anime of the time, and their proto-Ghibli artstyle, a result of Heidi Girl of the Alps, the first World Masterpiece Theatre series, being worked on by several artists who would go on to work at/found Ghibli, including Isao Takahata and Hayao Miyazaki. Heidi went on to set the standard for the rest of the World Masterpiece Theatre series.
Akage no Anne (Anne of Greeen Gables) was the last of three World Masterpiece Theatre series directed by Isao Takahata. It tells the story of Anne Shirley, an orphan girl with a rough past being adopted by a middle aged pair of siblings in rural Prince Edward Island Canada. It's a touching slice of of life coming of age story mostly told through everyday vignettes. From what I've heard it's also actually the most accurate adaptation of the book, though I haven't read the book myself so I wouldn't know.
It's one of my favorite anime. The characters are so endearing and believable. It's really able to take you back to childhood, while also being just as interested in it's adult characters for the older audience to relate to. The relationship between the strict Marilla Cuthbert and Anne is a big part of the heart of the show, Anne being able to just be a kid for the first time in her life, a good kid at heart, but frequently causing trouble and quick to anger or upset, and Marilla learning to be a parent, starting off pretty cold, but learning to empathize and becoming warmer as the series progresses, though she's not the type to show that warmness often. They're also hilarious as a comedy duo.
Isao Takahata's directing does wonders to bring the story to life. Even though the titular Anne is known for her frequent rambling and endlessly waxing poetic, the series shows just as much interest in the quiet moments, drawing you into its world with its gorgeous background art, often dipping into the fantastical to show Anne's imagination and emotions. And the relaxed pacing of the story really lets you soak it in and feel like you're really getting to know it's characters.
It's also gay. Like really gay. I'm not sure how intentional that was but today it's hard to read the close friendship between Anne and Diana as anything other than adolescent lesbian pining in the face of a world of strictly enforced heterosexuality. I think that bittersweet queerness right under the surface is a big part of what makes Anne so relatable to this day.
Anyway this is way more info than you asked for. I just love Akage no Anne.
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