#one day I'll throw a whole list together just watch
zoeykallus · 6 months
Hello!! Zoey!! How is your day :) ?
If it’s not to much,
can I request hc’s of when the bad batch and their s/o are at a party and some random person is dancing with their s/o, and getting touchy, And the batcher gets extremely jealous. But their s/o is just dancing along with the random person. The batcher pushes the random person away and dances with their s/o
( Gender-neutral reader or female reader is your choice)
Aloha! Tired and cold. How is yours? 😊 Hmmm... 🤔 Let me see...
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HCs - When I See You Dance With Another
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Warnings: Some Jealousy/Fluff/Some Tension
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
>Master List<
AC: As soon as I wrote that title down, I had this song in my head, although it has nothing to do with what I wrote, aside from the song's title lol
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He may be surprised at first. He just turned around to get drinks for you and him. But when he comes back, you are dancing with a stranger. Crosshair comes over to him and nudges Hunter softly in the side. "Hey," he calls over the blare of the music, "'Are you going to put up with this?" Hunter shrugs and says, "It's just a dance." " You've got to be kidding," Crosshair growls, "That's how it always starts, it's just a dance, just a smile, just a quick touch, and suddenly you're being cuckolded" Hunter frowns unwillingly and pushes the drinks into Crosshair's hands. Actually, he doesn't want to be goaded, but he doesn't really like the whole thing after all. "Hold this." Crosshair chuckles, "Good boy." Hunter walks onto the dance floor, taps the stranger on the shoulder and says, "Hey, I think I'll relieve you now" The stranger shakes his head dismissively and says arrogantly, "Absolutely not, get lost" You've already seen what's happening, yet you move on to the music, and look at the two of them scrutinizingly. You know Hunter doesn't need your help, and frankly you're curious how the situation will unfold. Hunter taps the stranger's shoulder again, and this time says, "You're dancing with my girl there." "Says who?"
"Says me," Hunter growls, shoving the man aside. "And if you don't want to settle this outside the bar, then you're going to get the hell out of here" For a moment the stranger seems to consider whether the matter is worth the trouble and weigh his chances in a fight against Hunter, but then he turns from you, gritting his teeth, and moves away. Hunter leans toward you and says, "You're having a good time without me?" "I'm just dancing," you say unapologetically with a small smile, dancing a circle around him. Hunter sighs softly, but then says, "Didn't you have anything to say about it?" "You had it all under control, besides I like it when you claim me like this" you return with amusement, putting your arms around his shoulders and snuggling up to him. "Are you mad at me?" Hunter's hands automatically move to your hips. "No, I'm not," he says, finally smiling as the DJ puts on a ballad, and you start moving to the music together.
He danced with you two to three times, slow, intimate dances. With faster songs, he tends to hold back and rather watch you. He sits at a table from where he can see well onto the dance floor and watch you. Again and again you smile at each other. Echo likes to watch you dance, he likes the way you move. When he watches you like this, he always has the feeling that you are dancing for him alone, although he is of course aware that he is not the only one watching you. But the smile with which you look at him again and again from a distance from the dance floor, that smile belongs to him alone. He sips his drink, keeps an eye on your drink, which is standing by him, so that no one gets the stupid idea to mix something into your drink, and continues to watch you. Wrecker sits down with him and the two of them talk for a while, he's a little distracted, but he still keeps throwing smiling glances at you and you at him. But then mid-sentence, Wrecker interrupts him during the conversation, "Echo look." Echo looks out onto the dance floor, to where Wrecker is pointing, and sees a stranger with you. "Do you know him?" asks Wrecker. Echo frowns critically and shakes his head, "No, I don't think so"
The stranger has joined you, suddenly whirling you around the dance floor, and judging by your surprised expression, it wasn't planned that way. He growls, "I'll be right back," and gets up from the table to head straight for the dance floor. Echo doesn't waste much time, pulling you away from the stranger in mid-turn and shoving him aside. "You don't just dance at someone without being asked," he says harshly. The stranger seems startled at first, then angry, but at the same moment that he's thinking about messing with Echo, he very suddenly decides otherwise and pulls away. When you and Echo turn around, you see why. Wrecker has joined you. As you both blink at him, he asks, shrugging his shoulders, "What? I thought I'd join in, could have been interesting." You laugh and say, "I think I'd rather sit down for a while now, my feet are starting to hurt."
Echo leads you back to the table, onto the bench, pulls you into his arm, extra close, and probes the room. "Are you keeping an eye out for the guy from just now?" you ask, amused. " Well not just that guy," Echo admits, "I've just noticed some looks following you around, I want these people to see that you're here with me." You snuggle up to him, eliciting a smile. "Don't worry, I'll always be only your girl, Echo".
He's relaxed about it, as long as it doesn't get too familiar or make you visibly uncomfortable, Wrecker doesn't interfere, but he keeps an eye on you to make sure no one is forcing themselves on you or anything. "How can you be so relaxed about this?" asks Crosshair, "It would drive me crazy." Wrecker shrugs and says, "I trust her, there's no need to be worried" Crosshair snorts and says, "Is that why you watch her all the time? Because you trust her so much?" Wrecker rolls his eyes and says, "Why are you so tense all the time anyway? I watch her because I don't necessarily trust the people around her, don't know any of them." Crosshair shrugs and disappears towards the bartender to get another drink. When Wrecker looks in your direction again, he suddenly pauses, someone has danced up to you, behind you, you haven't spotted him yet, but he's moving up pretty damn close and Wrecker feels an uncomfortable tingling under his skin. Slowly, he makes his way to the dance floor, keeping an eye on the guy. When he dances so close to you that he finally touches you, you turn around, startled, and Wrecker quickens his steps.
Before you can react, you just see a huge, strong arm coming from the side, shoving the stranger off his feet. At first, the guy wants to get up angrily, but when he sees Wrecker in full dimension, he stays right there and raises his arms placatingly. "Easy there, man, I didn't know she had a partner". Wrecker growls, "Stay away from her" and finally pulls you by the hand from the dance floor to the seating areas. He lifts you off your feet with ease and sits you on his lap, his gaze somberly fixed on the dance floor. You put your arms around his shoulders, gently kissing his cheek and whispering close to his ear, "My hero." His expression softens, his ears a little flushed. "Anytime, my beautiful"
You can't get him on the dance floor, he feels much too exposed there. But he doesn't mind watching you dance. He has his holopad with him, the drinks are at his table, and he throws a glance at the dance floor every now and then to see if everything is alright with you and to admire you for a while. He smiles shyly back when you smile at him. Tech likes to see how you move, you look so relaxed when you dance. Tech is about to turn back to his holopad, but pauses when he notices a stranger watching you and slowly dancing his way near you. Tech automatically tenses, his fingers stiffly clutching the holopad in his hand. Finally, the strange guy has reached you and dances at you. You put some distance between you, trying to remain polite, but the guy keeps coming close. He doesn't seem to understand your signals at all. Tech sighs in annoyance, puts the holopad back on his belt with a deft move, and gets up from where he's sitting to approach the situation on the dance floor. Hunter and Crosshair, who are sitting at the table, watch the whole thing carefully.
Crosshair mutters to Tech, "Let me know if you need some helping fists." Tech frowns and says, "I'll handle that." Crosshair still wants to follow him, but Hunter puts a hand on his shoulder and holds him back, saying, "Wait and see, maybe things will clear up, if not we'll both go" Reluctantly, Crosshair sits back down. When Tech reaches you on the dance floor, you just politely but firmly tell the stranger, "You're honestly too close to me, it makes me uncomfortable" "Oh come on," the guy coos, "Don't be like that." Tech is seething inside by now, he intervenes as the guy gets too close to you again and pushes him away from you. "The lady said you were too close to her," he says matter-of-factly, but not without a certain combative undertone you're not used to from Tech. "What's it to you?" Tech says, "That's my girlfriend you're hitting on."
The stranger laughs and says challengingly, "And what are you going to do about it?" Tech's gaze briefly wanders to you, seeing your concerned look. "Well, usually I like to choose the most practical solution. But in this case, I'm happy to make an exception. Whatever it takes," he finally tells the stranger calmly, "Shall you and I have a little dance, perhaps? Outside the bar?" The stranger blinks, surprised by Tech's aggressiveness and simultaneous calm, something he clearly didn't expect at first glance. He doesn't quite know where to place him. You can already see, out of the corner of your eye, Hunter and Crosshair slowly getting up from the table, their eyes fixed on the situation, ready to step in. The strange guy seems to think for a moment, but finally waves it off with a snort and backs away. Tech blinks, finally turns to you and says, "That was surprisingly easy." You kiss his cheek and say, "Thank you, darling." Tech smiles, proud to be your hero tonight. "Anytime."
He danced with you for a while, after you persuaded him to do so after what felt like an eternity. But after a while Crosshair has gone back to the bar, ordered a drink and watches you from there, sitting on a bar stool. A reg sits down next to him and says, "Man, did you see that one over there?" pointing at you. Crosshair barely blinks an eye and grumbles, "Mmm, I noticed." "Hot stuff" "Mhm," the Sniper growls again in agreement. Confidently, the Reg says, "I'll get that one for tonight". Crosshair sips his glass before leisurely saying, "No, you don't" The reg laughs, "What? Are you calling dibs?" Crosshair shakes his head and says, "Don't have to, that's already mine" The reg blinks, then laughs and says, "Sorry buddy, I didn't know that, didn't mean to be disrespectful"
Crosshair smirks, even though it annoys him that people want to hit on you, he's kinda proud at the same time. He calmly says, "It's okay, you wouldn't be the first one to try that". The Reg frowns and says, "Apparently I'm not the last either. Look." Crosshair sets his glass down and looks back out onto the dance floor, where another Reg is about to dance all over you. The Sniper sighs, swings off his chair, and grumbles, "Excuse me a second," before making his way through the dancing crowd to you and the Reg. Crosshair nudges the Reg, "Hey, you better keep some distance from that girl". The Reg looks up, surprised as well as annoyed. "Oh yeah, why?" You say before Crosshair can say anything, happily continuing to dance, "Because I belong to him, and he doesn't like it at all when others get too close to me" The Reg glances back and forth between you and Crosshair, then rolls his eyes, but pulls away without comment. You grin at Crosshair as he grabs your hips and pulls you closer to dance with you. Your hands move to his shoulders. "Nice to know you're still looking out for me". Crosshair grumbles, "I'll never stop, ever."
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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cummin-n-cryin · 1 year
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The Camping Trip
Minors/Blank blogs Do Not Interact!
Jade Leech x gn!reader
Tw: Nsfw, dubcon, manipulation, drugging, aphrodisiac, yandere??? (I didn't write this with yandere in mind but I'll just throw it in), I think that's it lemme know if I missed any!
Wordcount: 4,470
Side Note: *drags their body out of a dark cave* Hey fellas it's been awhile huh? Anyway life's been a bit crazy I got sick with a nasty cold, my cats getting her teeth removed because her body is attacking them, ect. Anyway It took me awhile to write this and I hope you all like it! I'm still a bit awkward at writing nsfw but hopefully this turned out okay!
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You had joined the Mountain Lovers club a while ago. At first you hated the idea of joining the club. Hearing your friends whisper of how the club leader Jade was cold, cruel, and manipulative, it kind of scared you.
However, after interacting with all the other clubs and their members, you found that none of them really held your interest like the Mountain Lovers Club did. In the end, you decided to say fuck it and just go for it, hoping that it would all go well.
And it did! It didn't take you two that long to become friends. Sharing his love of nature and exploration, you two found that you had much more in common than you originally thought!
While you couldn't say that you loved mushrooms as much as he did, you found his interest in them quite endearing. It was common for him to sit down with you and explain all the different mushrooms he had found after returning from one of his solo mountain treks. He'd answer every little question you had with a bright smile.
It was hard to see Jade in a negative light when he looked so happy with his little fungi. Watching him happily talk about how healthy his mushrooms are or how his mushroom spawn was finally successful after so much failure. To think that you used to think of him as such a horrible person...
If there was one thing that you didn't like about Jade it was how insistent he was on hiking alone. He would always tell you that, "You're not ready yet," or how he, "believes it would be safer if you didn't come along with him." It was very frustrating. Hiking in the mountains was one of the biggest reasons you even joined! Exploring the mountains is pretty much what the whole club was about!
So, why wouldn't he let you go hiking with him?
One day you had enough and cornered the slimy eel. You bombarded him with questions until he finally caved, though it wasn't the answer you expected. "I was trying to find the best route for you," he stated simply. "Since it's your first time I thought it would be nice to find the best route so that you could truly appreciate the beauty of the mountains without having to worry about the rough terrain."
He held his hands together, a small smile tugging at his lips as he continued, "Besides I thought I should make our first hiking trip something truly special. I had only recently been able to acquire a tent and thought that we should try camping as well. But, if you have better things to do then I suppose I'll just go all by myself," he finished with a small frown on his face. His eyes turning away from you, he looked like he was about to cry.
You felt like slapping him. "Of course, I want to go camping with you!" you yelled at him.
Jade smiled at you, "Well then, seeing how enthusiastic you are, take this," he hands you what looks to be a guide for hiking. "Oh, and this as well." He gives you a list of things to bring for the trip. "How about we go tomorrow? My schedule is empty for the next couple of days," you responded with a thumbs up, and soon you both went your separate ways.
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You may not have completely thought this through.
Sweat dripped down your forehead and your legs were shaking like a newborn deer. You were beyond tired of walking. Jade was quite far ahead of you and seemed far too distracted within his own mind to notice your miserable state.
With a heavy sigh you decided to sit on a nearby fallen tree. Thankful for the cold water you brought with you, you greedily gulped it down. You couldn't help but wonder how you thought this was a good idea.
Well, you don't completely regret your decision. Jade wasn't lying about how beautiful this place was. Looking around you, you can honestly say you've never seen so much greenery in your life.
Everywhere you looked there was some mysterious plant that was sprouting or growing. Even looking up, the trees formed a canopy above you, the sun's rays glittering through the tree's leaves gave the area an almost mystical feel.
Now that you think about it, how deep into the woods are you? You know that you and Jade had been walking for a long time but, just how long? How far was the school from here?
You suddenly felt an icy breeze across the back of your neck.
Your breath caught in your throat, goosebumps covered your skin as your hair rose. You swear something just breathed on you.
You didn't dare move.
The sound of a snapping stick caught your attention. You whipped your head in the direction of the noise.
"Oh, my apologies for running up ahead. I must have overestimated how much you could handle. My sincerest apologies for my oversight. I promise it won't happen again," he said. You sighed; it was only Jade.
While you would have been mad at his almost cheeky tone, you were still freaked out about what just happened. If that wasn't Jade then what the hell was that?
You're snapped out of your thoughts by Jade's voice, "Perhaps we should set up our camp here?" he asked, already setting his backpack on the ground. "Uh- um- yeah, let's do that," you stuttered, pulling off your backpack as well.
Jade approached you looking concerned, "Oh my, did something happen?" You laugh off his question saying that you were fine. Thankfully, he didn't pry further and instead focused on helping you set up the tents.
Maybe you were overthinking things and it was just a simple cold breeze. Heh, yeah. That's all that it was...
Setting up camp was not as easy as you thought it would be. The strings of the tent occasionally whipped you in the face or escaped your grasp as you tried to hammer them down into the ground. Thankfully Jade was there to help.
The rest of the day was fairly uneventful. Jade went hunting for mushrooms and you decided to wander around the area, never straying too far from the camp. Night soon came so you and Jade decided to have your dinner, eating some of the mushrooms he collected along with a few snacks you two decided to bring on your trip.
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You both woke early, the sun just barely peeking through the thick canopy of trees above you as you both walked deeper into the mountain's woods. You were a bit worried about straying too far from camp but Jade reassured you that you both wouldn't be going that far.
The adventure was far more calming than when you both had first started hiking up the mountain. Jade spent less time walking and more time observing his surroundings, sketching or taking pictures of all the interesting little plants he finds and of course documenting all the fungi he finds.
You would occasionally ask him about the things he was drawing but mostly left him to do his own thing. While he did that, you wandered around looking at all the rocks and small ponds that were scattered around the area. You even borrowed Jade's camera to take a few pictures of some beautiful flowers you found. Whether it be a little snail on a leaf or a running stream that reflected the sunlight causing it to cast a rainbow-like effect onto anything nearby, you were there taking a picture of it.
But, looking out into the beautiful forest, you realized that you couldn't really capture all of the scenery that you wanted. If you could somehow get just a bit higher up then you could capture a whole lot more.
Looking around, you caught sight of a nearby boulder. You quickly looked over to Jade, he wasn't paying any attention to you, instead he seemed to be busy with his sketches.
Smirking to yourself, you firmly held onto his camera as you climbed up the boulder. Looking over to Jade again you see that he was still very much engrossed in his drawing. Now on top of the boulder, you carefully stand up not wanting to slip off and hurt yourself.
Woah! You could see so much from up here!
The view from atop the boulder was beautiful. You could truly see the expanse of the forest. You hold up the camera, stilling your hands, you hit the button with a resounding click. You take a few more pictures. Once satisfied with the pictures you turn to get off the boulder.
You slip.
A loud cracking noise hits your ears as you land feet first on the hard ground. A searing pain shoots up your leg and you scream.
Your scream attracts Jade's attention and he quickly rushes over. He tries to calm you down, telling you to breathe as he carefully helps lift you off the ground. Jade lets you wrap an arm around him as he assists you back to camp. Jade had stayed true to his word, you both really didn't go that far from the camp as you make it back quite quickly.
Jade sets you down in your tent, leaving you there while he goes to get supplies to help you. All you can do is lay on your bed and try your best to not move your injured leg too much. He soon returns and carefully looks at your injury. You hiss in pain as he moves your foot around.
"Thankfully, it appears your ankle is only sprained," he says while still moving your leg around. You want to yell at him to stop moving your leg around so much, instead you bite your lip just wanting him to finish fixing your ankle. Jade sighs, "Perhaps you've been spending too much time with Floyd? Seeing how reckless you've become."
Great Seven, you've never wanted to hit him so badly. Maybe after you both return to NRC you should go to the Mostro Lounge and order smoked eel. Just imagining the look of disgust he'd give you almost makes this worth it.
He carefully wraps your ankle and it's... nice.
Jade treats your injury with a certain tenderness that you didn't really expect him to have. You can't tell if he's being so gentle because he doesn't want to make your injury worse than it already is or if there's something else. You watch him. Trying your best to see if you could figure out if he had some hidden motivation or if he really was just trying to wrap your stupid ankle.
Though, as you observe him you start to feel a bit odd. You quickly become a bit too aware of the way his hands feel on your skin.
His hands were a bit rough, more than likely from his gardening and his mountain treks, but they felt quite nice against your skin. His hands wrapped your ankle in precise and calculated movements as if he's done this thousands of times before. You found the way his hands moved almost mesmerizing; their fluid motion was messing with your head. You started to focus more and more on Jade, seemingly becoming entranced by him.
As quickly as the strange haze overcame you it had left as Jade stood up, dusting off his pants. You reluctantly thank Jade and suggest that it would probably be best if you two made your way back to NRC to get a proper doctor to help you.
"Do you not trust in my abilities, Y/n? Besides, I'd be quite lonely without you here. All alone collecting these mushrooms," Jade trailed off, a small frown on his face.
You rolled your eyes, "I'm sure you did a great job fixing my ankle Jade. It's just that-" you suddenly stopped. Hearing sniffling, you looked up at Jade's face only to see he was crying.
"I apologize Y/n. It's just that I spent so much time trying to make sure that this trip would go well and I know how desperate you were to come hiking with me. But if you wish for me to take you back to NRC than I shall," he said while trying to dry his tears.
You suddenly felt a bit guilty. After so long of bothering Jade to take you hiking with him, you're both finally out here together and while you just wanted a simple hiking trip, Jade went out of his way to make your first time out in the mountains memorable. Who knows what he had to do to let Crowley allow him to camp all the way out here.
Actually, that's a really good question. Does Crowley even know you're out here with him?
Whatever, it's not like you're both going to be out here forever and this might be the only time you can go camping with him. A couple days of not being bothered by Ace, Deuce, Grim, or Crowley is a blessing that rarely appears, so may as well enjoy the trip while it lasts.
With a sigh, you give in, "Fine, I'll stay."
Jade gives a small smile, his tears drying faster than you would have liked, "I assure you, I'll take good care of you while we're here."
He really tried to keep you happy. He'd help you out of your tent so you wouldn't be stuck in there all day. Unfortunately, because of your injury you couldn't exactly leave the camp site but he'd sometimes guide you to different spots that he wanted to show you. Small ponds with the occasional frog and numerous small plants, groups of fungi growing on a decomposing tree and other interesting things. And if he couldn't bring you with him then he'd just bring the item to you. He'd bring small plants, many mushrooms and sometimes small animals that he somehow managed to get his hands on.
Jade would sometimes leave for long periods of time but you didn't mind as whenever he came back he'd talk to you about everything he saw and of course teach you about all the mushrooms he's collected.
You were glad his mushroom hunting was going well but, it does kind of suck that most of what you eat is the mushrooms he's collected. At least you have a few different snacks in your bag but you're sure that by the end of the trip you probably won't be eating mushrooms for at least a month after this.
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Things were going quite well until the next day.
Hot chills shook your body as you tried to sleep in your tent. Your skin felt hypersensitive, every little thing that touched you made you very aroused. Even the slightest movement of fabric against your skin made you shiver in need. You didn't know why you suddenly felt so hot and bothered by everything that merely touched you but, something was definitely not right.
"My you look quite distressed," Jade said observing you from the door of your tent.
You didn't respond, instead you tried to hide under your blanket. You could hear him approach your huddled form. Listening as he hummed thoughtfully to himself before speaking, "Can you tell me what symptoms you're having?"
You tried to come up with something, you weren't going to tell him that you just woke up uncontrollably horny for some reason! That's a very awkward conversation that you really didn't want to have with him so, grumbling a bit, you finally settled on, "Everything's hot."
He seemed to think about your answer for a bit, "Do you have anything else? Runny nose, sore throat, headaches, or coughing?" he asked. "No," you replied albeit a bit quickly. You felt him move closer to you. You could feel his gaze boring into you even while hiding under the blanket and it made you very uncomfortable.
He was quiet for what was probably only a couple minutes but it felt like hours as you waited for him to say something. You could hear him mumble to himself but you couldn't make out any of the words.
Suddenly, he grabs your thigh. You gasp as his cold grip sends a shock through your body. You're quickly overcome with a strong feeling of arousal. Panicking, you throw off your blanket to try and get his hand off of you. Thankfully, he pulls away. Jade looks at you surprised before he gives a small smile, "I think I know what ails you and I can help but I need you to tell me that you trust me."
You hate the way he words things so ominously sometimes. It's not that surprising that he probably knows something you don't, besides you're not originally from this world so maybe the way you're feeling is something that just happens sometimes? But his request is a bit too specific. You can't help but feel like he's planning something.
As you think, you realize it's becoming more and more difficult to think at all. You feel like your mind is slowly turning into mush. You're thoughts keep turning to the way Jade's hand felt on your thigh, much to your dismay.
Seeing your apprehension, Jade pulls out a glass vial from his pocket. "Here's your cure," he states simply.
Your eyes widen and you try to grab it but he quickly pulls away, "No, no, you need to say you trust me first." You make a noise of frustration before lunging at him.
You both fall to the floor. You're on top of Jade as you desperately reach out for the vial. He wraps an arm around you and pulls you close to him. You stop breathing for a moment, completely forgetting about the vial as you become hyperaware of the way Jade's body feels against yours. You can feel his chest rub against yours everytime he breathes, his strong arm wrapped around your lower back to hold you in place and his hand holding onto your side.
You feel breathless as he leans up towards you. His breath caresses your ear as he whispers, "Say it and it's yours," his voice sends shivers through you.
You stare up at the vial being held above your head before daring to look down at Jade.
His eyes glow in the darkness of the tent and no matter how hard you try you can't look away. "Say it," he whispers, his voice lulling you deeper and deeper into the fog of lust slowly clouding your mind.
You can't stop yourself when you breathlessly whisper, "I trust you."
Your heart beats faster as a wicked smile filled with sharp teeth crosses his face as he gazes up at you, his eyes glowing with barely suppressed hunger.
You think that you may have just made a grave mistake.
Quickly, he flips you onto your back and you go boneless, only having the strength to look up at him now looming above you.
Jade sits up and straddles you, his legs on either side of you, as he places the glass vial off to the side, just out of your reach. He then moves one of his hands to the zipper of his jacket, slowly unzipping it before pulling it off of him. You admire the way his broad shoulders roll as he removes his jacket.
He moves his hands towards you, using one of his hands to hold him up, he uses the other to slowly trace a line from the bottom of your jaw all the way down to your chest and further towards your stomach before finally grabbing the hem of your shirt. He pulls it up and you try to help him get it off of you. You feel so hot, you want him to just rip your clothes off already.
You reach up and grab his face catching him by surprise as you pull him down and kiss him. He laughs into the kiss, "Quite needy, aren't you?" You only moan in response and he takes the opportunity to quickly slip his tongue into your mouth, deepening the kiss. His hands caress your body as his tongue dances with yours.
You can't think at all anymore, your mind nothing more than a pile of mush. All you can think of is Jade and the way he's touching you. How his rough cold hands soothe your burning skin and how his soft lips feel against yours. It's almost overwhelming. You're so focused on the kiss and the way he's touching you that when he finally pulls back, a string of saliva connecting your lips, you don't even realize you're completely naked.
Jade changes position, opting to sit in between your legs. You feel his hands glide down your naked body. A moan slips out and you quickly bite your hand to try and muffle it. Jade smiles, "No one but me is going to hear you my dearest, I've made sure it, so please," he looks down at you, his eyes dark with lust, "be as loud as you want."
He grasps your hips lifting you up slightly as he leans forward. You can feel the hard bulge in his pants pressing against your core. He grinds into you and you almost pass out right then and there. He's so close, so close to giving you what you want.
"Jade please-" you're interrupted by another roll of his hips against you.
"Hm? Do you need something?" he asks teasingly, a sly smile on his face. You groan in frustration. If he's not going to give you what you want then you'll just take it for yourself.
You quickly sit up and reach out, grabbing his pants. You try to get them off of him, not wanting to wait any longer. But your lust leaves you weak, your hands are shaky and with little effort Jade pushes your hands away from him. He sighs, "You're so impatient but if this is what you want, I'll strive to live up to your expectations."
He undoes his pants for you and pushes you back so you're laying down again. He leans down and kisses you, shoving his tongue into your throat as if he's trying to devour you. At the same time, you can feel something hard nudging against your entrance. Before you realize what it is, he quickly thrusts himself into you.
Your nails dig into his skin and you let out a choked moan as you feel all the wind get knocked out of you. Jade pulls away from the kiss, breathing heavily as you squeeze around him. "So impatient," he mumbles against your neck. You moan and writhe against Jade, tears stream down your face as he waits for you to get used to his size.
He places kisses on your neck, occasionally nibbling the skin with his shark-like teeth as he very slowly thrusts into you. You can't help but think that if he really wanted to, he could probably kill you. It's a morbid thought but thinking about it sends a shiver down your spine.
His speed increases as you get more adjusted to his girth. His thrusts becoming harsher and his grip on you grows tighter, almost painfully so. He pulls his face away from you, looking down at you.
"I'm sure somewhere in your mind you must be wondering why you've become like this, yes?" You don't respond to his question. The only thing you can think about right now is the way his cock feels pounding inside you and how when he angles himself a certain way it makes you see stars.
But soon he slows down, his thrusting stopping altogether. You try to make him move again, pulling him towards you and whining in desperation but he easily holds you down, seemingly unbothered.
"Well," he continues, "You might have figured it out by now but the mushrooms I've been feeding you have aphrodisiac like effects. I'll be honest, I didn't believe mushrooms could effect someone in such a way. Originally, I was going to try them out on myself. But you just wanted to go on a mountain trek with me so, so badly and it made me think that perhaps, you would be the perfect test subject and well," he grabs your tear-stained face forcing you to look at him, "looking at you now... You certainly are perfect."
"Though," he suddenly continues, letting go of your face, "I hadn't intended to give you such a large dosage. I must have overestimated how much your body would be able to handle. I apologize for not keeping my promise." He feigns a sad expression.
"Sh- Shut up," you barely mumble out.
Jade's eyes go wide in surprise for a moment before he laughs, "Oh, so you can speak? I see..."
He reaches over and grabs the vial, "Well, considering that I've gotten what I've wanted, it's only fair that I give you what you want."
He pops open the glass vial, grabbing your face, he opens your mouth but as he goes to pour it, the vial slips out of his hand and breaks, the liquid spilling out onto the floor next to you. A small, "Oops," escapes Jade's lips as he looks at the now spilled vial.
"Oh, well I suppose we'll just have to cure you the natural way, hm?" Jade says with a smile.
You let out a long, frustrated groan.
Jade lightly takes your ear between his teeth before moving down to plant light kisses along your shoulder and neck as he roughly slams himself into you. His hands harshly grab onto your thighs and hip. His nails digging into your flesh as he slowly loses himself to pleasure.
"Ah, don't be like that. Besides," he sharply thrusts into you making you gasp, "You seem to be enjoying this." His thrusts increase in speed, his hips snapping into you, driving his cock even deeper inside you.
He leans down towards you, breathe heavy as he whispers into your ear, "And, if I had to make an educated guess, I think that truthfully this is what you really want."
It soon becomes too much for you and you can feel yourself tighten around his cock before cumming. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as the intensity of your orgasm leaves you breathless.
He slightly slows down but he doesn't stop. With what little strength you have, you try pushing him away as the stimulation becomes too much for you but he grabs your hands and places a kiss on your palm.
You can hear the cruel smile on his lips as he whispers, "I'm far from done with you."
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cosmicstarlatte · 7 months
Mammon A-Z Smut HCs (Obey Me!)
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⬅Back to Smut HC A-Z Masterlist ◇
18+ only, minors do not interact.
My personal headcanons using this [prompt list]
The goal is to finish the whole list; you are welcome to request a letter so I get to it faster. I will work on it as quick as I can but keep in mind I do have a life & responsibilities lol. ^^
Last Updated: Oct.1.2023 (5 out of 26)
⚠️Notes: I'll tag any sections if needed. If you think a section needs a tag, kindly let me know.
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A: Affair (Describe an extra-marital affair)
B: Birthday (Describe birthday sex)
C: Compliments (Mid- and post-sex compliments)
D: Dry Humping (Describe a dry-humping scene)
E: Experimenting (Trying something new)
He'll be nervous & get shy with any new kinks. He's always willing to try though, just give him a little time & if he changes his mind, he'll tell you! After trying something, he will let you know if he didn't particularly care for it or not. "That? Ya I like that... but this? Nah, not my style!"
F: Firsts (First time having sex together)
The first time you two have sex with each other, it's steamy, passionate & fluffy. Maybe just slightly clumsy but that only happens because of the excitement you both have! Especially him! He loves you & feels much closer to you after it. Cuddling with you the first time after sex filled a hole he didn't know he had. From then on he always looks forward to cuddling after sex.♡
G: Gentle (Describe gentle/loving mid-sex gestures)
H: Handsy (When they can’t keep their hands to themselves)
I: Initiator (Who initiates most of the time? How?)
J: Jealous (“Claiming” a partner)
tags: possessive/territorial/violent, ass grabbing, objectification(?) All common sense goes out the window when it comes to this man & jealousy. He's bark & bite (peck?). He has no issue interrupting you & an unknown demon if they look at you like some piece of meat. You're his; no one's taking his treasure! He will wrap an arm around you or smack your ass & plant a quick kiss, glaring at whoever you're talking to & they can usually take the hint. ...Now if he actually finds someone outright flirting with you & making you uncomfortable, he'll lose his shit & get in their face quick. He has no issue grabbing them & throwing them. "Who do ya think you are! Talkin' like that to what's mine! Remember your place!"
K: Kitchen (Describe a sex scene in the kitchen)
L: Likes (What they like in the bedroom)
M: Morning (Describe morning sex)
N: Never (Things they would never try)
O: Orgasm (Describe coming--who comes first? What do they say? How does the other person know it’s approaching?)
P: Playlist (A playlist for getting down and dirty; will probably include a lap dance song, a song for making love, and a song that represents their sex life)
Q: Quiet (Reaction to a quiet partner)
R: Ruttish (Signs that they’re horny)
S: Safe Word (How often is the safe word used? Why?)
T: Teasing (Who’s the tease in the relationship? What do they do? How often?)
U: Undressing (Strip teasing a partner)
V: Videos (Sending NSFW videos to each other)
The first time you sent Mammon a video, he jerked it until his balls were completely drained. He of course sent his own vid showing you how much he loved it. "Mmph, fuuuck!...look at what ya do to me...haah! Look at all this fuckin' cum , just for you baby." He couldn't help but ask for more vids from you so he can jerk off when you're not around. He loves to send you his feedback every time.❤️
W: Wedding Night (Consummating the marriage)
X: XXX (What kind of porn does the person watch? How often?)
Before you, he would watch it every other day if he was in the mood. Succubus's & witches, pretty tame actually nothing too crazy & usually had some praise kink involved. Those vids did it for him up until he got you. Now he turns to his own private (favorite) collection if he has to jerk off. See V too lol.^
Y: Yawn (How they sleep post-sex)
Z: Zoo (Their animalistic qualities in the bedroom)
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apomaro-mellow · 8 months
Part 6
When Nancy and Robin returned to his house, he told them that Jonathan had found Eddie. The two of them, along with Argyle, spent the night in case the two returned.
Neither of them showed their face.
The next day, Steve was alone in his house, waiting for one of them to come by or to call and explain what happened with Eddie. When it got past noon, Steve called Eddie's home. No answer. He held it together long enough for an hour to pass before calling the Byers-Hopper place. Joyce answered but said she hadn't seen Jonathan at all today.
Honestly what was worse than the not knowing was being confused on who he was more worried about, Jonathan, who had just kissed him for the first time, or Eddie, who had seen them kiss.
Steve busied himself with cleaning and exercising mostly. He thought about talking to Robin, waaay too much to have not called her at this point. But he didn't know where to start.
The day after Jon and Eddie went MIA, Steve officially out of things to clean and he was contemplating getting some kind of gym membership when the doorbell rang.
He answered it and Jonathan was there, asked if he wanted to go on a drive and Steve accepted.
It was rare that he was a passenger. He got to watch the town go by. It was five minutes into the ride that he realized he didn't even ask where they were going.
"We're doing this whole thing, because you don't wanna date anyone, right?", Jonathan asked.
"It's not because of that. I just didn't want Dustin hounding me about not dating Robin. And then it was about getting him to stop setting me up with anyone."
"So why did you choose me? Was it just because I walked through the door? It could have been anyone, right?"
Steve thought of who else could have walked through the door that he would claim to date on the spot just to trick Dustin. The list was short. Not Robin or Nancy. None of the kids. Argyle he had just met.
......Maybe Eddie?
"Whoever you just thought of, you probably should have picked him", Jonathan said.
"I don't regret choosing you", Steve said. "Or kissing you", he added quickly.
Jonathan bit his lip. Eddie and driven them back to his place the other night and they had talked until dawn. It was just before the sun rose, when the sky was its darkest that Eddie confessed.
"I've got the hots for your boyfriend, man."
A guy in a normal situation might show offense, or possessiveness, or something. But Steve wasn't his boyfriend. He shouldn't feel that way. Like he actually wanted Steve. Because that would be crazy, wouldn't it?
"I think you and Eddie should talk."
"Did he tell you why he ran off?", Steve asked.
"Yeah. But that's not for me to say."
Steve slouched a little in his seat. "Where are you taking us anyway?"
"I have no idea. I just couldn't talk in your house, man."
Nancy knew something was up. But she was also quite sure it was none of her business. Her two ex-boyfriends coming out as gay and dating each other was a shock to her system. But only because it had appeared to her that Steve and Eddie were the ones getting closer.
It was none of her business though. But whatever was going on was making things tense. It had been a couple of weeks since Eddie ran off in the night and he was acting like he hadn't.
It was probably no harm, no foul. He was safe and this wasn't a symptom of the Upside Down. But Nancy was never one to let things go.
And the New Year's party she was throwing was the perfect opportunity. Nancy had the house to herself. Mike was at his friend's party, her parents had gone to an office party and Holly was at a sleepover. She bulked up the guest list with some of her old girl scout buddies and some of then teens from her church (that lot could drink you under the table).
She enlisted the help of Argyle and Robin. It wasn't a complicated plan at all. She just needed Robin in on it so that she didn't release Steve at the slightest protest.
"Are we ready for this?", Nancy asked at around 11:15.
"As I'll ever be, shit", Argyle sighed.
"Nancy, you're sure this is going to work? Because it sounds like torture instead", Robin said.
Nancy looked at their quarry. Eddie, practically guarding the punch bowl, then across the room to where Steve and Eddie were sitting a respectful distance on the couch.
"This right now is torture."
So in a process that was quite surgical and precise, the three of them managed to get Steve, Jonathan, and Eddie into a closet and kept them locked in. The sounds of the party in the living room were a distant muffle.
Hopefully they could all ring in the new year as a group of friends refreshed. Instead of the stagnant air that had been around them.
Part 8 FINAL
Tag Team
@freddykicksasses @itsfreakingbats @thatrandombatgurl @loguine-linguine @cecinestpasunblog @aliea82
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tunamayojazz · 5 months
16 & 17 for inuokko
hi anon here i am 27438 years later before ur ask with (finally) an answer...!! i feel like i always held this off bc i knew i would be writing a whole essay. also a lot of this are headcanons eheh
16. one thing one character likes about their partner
let's go with toge first. it's so hard to narrow it down to one and im not sure if im even answering it correctly but i think toge loves seeing yuta live life, and how he does it. he knows that most of yuta's life only ever consisted of feeling very alone and guilty for even being alive. but after coming to jujutsu tech and forming meaningful bonds with people, he's finally really living again. and toge has had the pleasure of getting to watch yuta experience many things that most would consider mundane for the first time. yuta more than anything, loves being with those he cares about, and that includes doing things together. yuta hadn't had any hobbies prior to their meeting (he was too busy thinking abt offing himself lbr) but being with him, maki and panda, yuta's learned a lot about living. through ear damaging karaoke sessions and game nights, crying watching a movie about dogs, baking a disastrous cake for someone's birthday, field trips and quiet nights just looking at the stars together, he's found meaning in life. and to watch his growth since the day they met, seeing how yuta embraces all things new and welcomes them with eagerness and most of all, a kind and curious heart, toge doesn't think he could love anything more.
17. Now one thing the other character likes about the first chara
if yuta could he would fight me so he can write this himself lmao. WHERE TO START. MAN HAS A LIST !!! i'll just throw a dart. and oh we've landed on something. something yuta Loves about toge: his thoughtfulness. toge is great at thinking ahead and anticipating the needs of the people around him before they do. his love language is acts of service (FIGHT ME!! or hug me bc im sure we all agree). when yuta has his bad days, he doesn't have the will to do anything especially take care of himself. his room is a mess, and he will burst into tears and the sight of unfolded laundry on his floor that he is unable to bring himself to organize. but he'll crawl back from a mission the next day to see his room all clean and neat. then he cries more bc he knows who did it. maki gets the worst period cramps in the world (ALL HOT GIRLS DO </3) and goes through painkillers quickly. she finds that she never runs out bc they always restock themselves (it's toge) and when she's busy dying and unable to get out of bed, toge comes in with a heat pack and a light meal. panda just observes and helps toge help their friends honestly HJDSHFJD but yes i think toge is really good with thoughtful actions, yuta feels immensely lucky and very much in love with someone with such a gentle soul and big heart. MWAH
(why did it get so unserious in the second half i am so sorry)
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lesbianfring · 1 year
Don't mind me, just sitting down here drifting into my own thoughts about how vince and the rest of the brba/bcs writers managed to write gustavo fring in a way so thematically queer and his entire plot line being centred around max's death and his revenge, but to me it's the themes that just hit too close to home.
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(I hide in plain sight) as someone who exists in a place where queerness is a crime, this is very much how I live. The double life of chicken man during the day kingpin by the just reads to me as queer allegory.
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(look at him, its you're fault) do I need to explain this one at all? If you ever came across religious homophobia you'd be told that your queerness is what doomed you from the start and the harm that comes to you and your loved ones is just a natural consequence of your queerness. I remember being Bearley 16, my first partner being dragged away and into a fate that I'll never know of, and my dad telling me that if anything happens to her, it's my fault, while being pinned to a wall and searched befor entry to conversion therapy, sobbing my eyes out. The hermanos scene was so fucking traumatising to say the least, the desperation in both gus's and max's eyes and the fear that consumes any other emotion or thought, I know it too well. Honestly, I feel like an absolute joke literally having a ptsd flashback because of this scene and then reading that giancarlo said that gus's sexuality is up to interpretation, like am I joke to you or what ? Love this man as much as any fan, but bro, I just rather you'd call me a slur ?
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( a bullet to the head would be too humane) There is also the anger, vengeance, and grudge he holds. Though because he is very practical, we rarely get to see this peak through, but it's definitely his greatest motivation. And I dont know how to put this into words, but if had the chance to hurt the people that hurt me and took away my ability to protect someone I promised to protect, I fucking would. He'll I'd set the systems that are built to destroy me a blaze. Though for now, me being alive, breathing, surviving, is its own kind of revenge.
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( Hector vs. Gus ) this one is pretty obvious, lone wolf queer swearing off any kind of emotional connection throwing away the last 20 years of his life to avenge the death of his lover, he also expresses masculinity just never in the traditional sence, going against hector who's very much the family guy, his entire existence and power is within his family, the traditional patriarchal image of a man. They literally are opposites in everything. when hector barges into los pollos heramnos, he completely disrespects the place and "immaculates" gus by cleaning his shoes on the desk and smoking inside the restaurant. On the other hand, we see gus smiling after the Salamancas left, knowing that this meant he successfully sabotaged their operation. He won, he's the in dominance, but he won't flaunt it or scream and shout or be an ass hole unless he absolutely needs to, other than that we never see him interested in showing off his muscles to anyone. Of course, unlike hector. He'll shit himself as a show of dominance and masculinity, literally lmao.
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I just hope that this shows that Queerness isn't just about sexuality and gender. It literally changes how you interact with the whole world. Whether or not this was intentionally done by the writers, a brilliant conicdance of all these things coming together and making gustavo fring is one of the best queer characters to ever be on the TV screens. I know people will mention the wine bar scene, or the 2 times he stood by the same exact same spot at eladio's pool, or fact that gus never expressed interest in women, etc. But this isn't all there is. TO ME, there is not a reading of Gustavo fring that wouldn't end up reading him as queer, specifically because of the themes listed above. And (up to interpretation) is not good enough and will never be. You don't get to profit off of me watching this getting retrumatised and then acting like it's a total stretch for me to see myself in that. It INFURATES ME honestly relating to this piece of media, that I'm probably not welcomed into the fandom or even seen as reaching far to get to the queer reading of this character, the queer fans deserve so much better than this.
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Also, I know when vince and giancarlo would probably be so uncomfortable at the suggestion that gus and max have been lovers i know my bois James Martinez and Peter Gould got my back
Fucking love yall
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I hope the next time I hyper fixate on a queer character that they'd be written or played by queer people. I don't think anyone could have played gus better than giancarlo himself, but how hard it is to just acknowledge that it's an integral part of who gus is? I guess it's too much for the P.R. lmao.
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countrymusiclover · 3 months
15 - Professor X and Mystique
Part 16
Battle of Heart and Mind
Found this deleted kitchen screen from Days of future past so I included it in this story. Enjoy 😉
Tag list - ask to be added (in my ask box please) @aintinacage @hiraethrhapsody @mostlymarvelgirl @importantgalaxyrunaway
Walking into the kitchen to get a drink after we had landed the plane back here earlier this morning. Turning the water on I put some in a glass turning around on my feet dropping the glass at who I saw standing in the doorway. “Holy shitt Raven.”
“Addi….” She muttered racing towards me throwing her arms around me and I chuckled into her shoulder hugging her back.
She squeezed me tightly and we just held each other for a few moments longer since it had been years since we had seen the other. I broke the embrace finally not imagining that she was back here. “What are you doing here?”
“You said if I needed help to come here and find you. I want your help to kill Trask.” She declares lowering her face to my pregnant belly. “I guess your answer will be no. Who’s the father?”
I replied simply. “Erik.”
“Addison! Hank, I can hear them.” I heard Charles' voice holler through the living room.
“I’ll be back. Wait here.” Touching her arm I rushed towards the sound of his voice knowing something was wrong. Skidding on the wooden floor I almost fell on my ass if I didn’t grab a hold of the wall. Charles was laying against the wall grabbing at his hair and clutching his eyes shut tightly. “Charles, what’s wrong? Talk to me, what’s wrong?”
“I love you, Addi.” I heard his voice say inside my mind and I had my answer.
Logan didn’t understand though. “I thought you could walk?”
“It’s past the time he took his treatment. The serum that gives him the ability to walk but it hides his powers.” I dropped myself down on my knees and my belly bounced against Charles' leg.
“Hey, hey, pull yourself together, it's not over yet.” Logan said.
Charles moved his fingers to his temple reading his mind mumbled what the man from the future was really thinking. “You don't believe that.”
“How do you know?” Logan knitted his brows.
“As these go, this comes back.” Charles sucked in a breath placing one hand on his thigh then moving his hand back up to his forehead. “They all come back.”
“Look. I'm still here. She's still out there. But we need your help Charles. Not like this, I'll need "you". We can't find Raven not without your powers.” Logan paused watching him trying to convince the professor.
Charles shook his head letting heavy tears falling down his face keeping his hands up on the side of his forehead. “I can’t do this. I’m not strong enough. I need the serum.”
“Charles, look at me. Logan is right, we need the real you.” I touched his shoulders, making him look me in the eye.
He sniffed sharply, pressing his back against the wall. He was becoming an addict to the serum and I knew it would take something big to keep from taking anymore. “The voices, Addi…they’re too much. I can’t sleep hearing them. I can’t…have them in my head….because it’s so much pain!”
Moving one hand through his hair he made noises in disagreement. I tilted my head to the side, wiping away tears that were on his face. “I know that it’s a lot but we need - I need you, Charles Xavier.”
“What could you need me for? Erik’s the one you want.” He questioned avoiding my gaze.
I quickly responded to him resting my forehead against his when I spoke towards him. He needed to know that my feelings for him were starting to change from what they used to be a few months ago. “Erik and I aren’t right for each other right now. You’ve been by my side through the whole pregnancy. I have been there for you. We can’t abandon the other, not now, not ever.”
Charles mumbled under his breath needing to hear me say the words, regardless if he knew your heart truly would end up elsewhere. “Just once say the words, Addi.”
“I love you, Charles Xavier.” I mumbled drawing my forehead away from him, placing his freehand over my stomach. “We all need you, Logan needs you, Raven needs you, I need you, but most of all my children need you.”
Hank finally entered the room carrying a syringe with the serum. “I added a little extra since you missed the original dose.”
“Charles…” I whispered under my breath when he held the needle tightly in his fingers staring at it.
Yet he dropped it on the ground beside his leg, covering his face with his hands taking a few breaths. “Hank, could you help me to my study please?”
“Are you sure about this?” Hank asked helping him sit down at his desk opening the closet revealing the former wheelchair.
Charles admitted grasping my hand in his. “Absolutely not…but we have to find Raven.”
“Actually she found us. She's downstairs in the kitchen…don’t be mad but you still need your powers to be who you really are.” I squeezed his hand in mine sensing a glare from the telepath but he made no verbal argument against me while we all headed downstairs to the kitchen.
Charles breathed out her name rolling over to her in his wheelchair with open arms and to my surprise she did hug him back. “Raven…I didn’t think you'd come home.”
“This isn’t my home anymore. I'm only here to hide out from Erik for a few hours. Then I'm going after Trask.” She said to her brother taking a seat across from him at the kitchen table. I pulled up a chair sitting in between the two, leaving Hank and Logan just to stand.
Hank spoke up to her first. “If you kill Trask they'll be ten more just like him.”
“Then I'll kill them too and anyone who stands in my way.”
Logan raised his hands snapping at my blonde friend. “Let’s cut to the chase. You wanna know how all this ends cause I've seen you in the future.”
“Yeah, what am I like?” She asked him.
Logan said. “You're a cold hearted bitch.”
“Well don't hold back.” She snapped in his direction.
“By the time they finish you and they finish you. You've killed so much that you are knee deep in human and mutant blood. You don’t even know who you are.” He kept explaining to her.
Raven declared with a single glare. “Well maybe there wouldn't be as much mutant blood if we made our move now.”
“Those are Erik's words not yours. Besides you'd be giving Trask exactly what he wanted. A reason for humanity to fear and to hate us.” Charles responded.
Raven quickly changes into her natural blue form seeing her brother look away and put a hand over his mouth. “You think they need a reason. Do you honestly they'll ever be able to see me like this and feel anything but fear. You can't even look at me.”
“Raven, cut him some slack.” I butted into the conversation resting my hands on my stomach feeling a little drained from fighting Erik yesterday.
She isn’t fazed by what I had to say. “I can hide like you and Addi, but what about the ones who can’t. I saw them in Vietnam. It’s hard to hide your power when you’re getting shot at and the ones couldn’t hide become lab rats.”
“I will never let that happen to you. I made you a promise a long time ago. That I would keep you safe and that I would protect you. If I’d done my job properly perhaps none of this would be happening to us, perhaps you wouldn’t have left home.” Charles leans forward in his chair shifting his gaze between me and Raven.
“Let’s change the subject for a second here. What exactly is going on between you and my best friend because last I checked she was with Erik.” Raven focuses her attention on me.
Tapping my fingers on the table I lowered my voice, not comfortable having this conversation with Charles sitting on the other side of me. “I was with him for a few years until JFK. He didn’t kill him like everyone thinks. I broke into the pentagon to see him…but let’s not talk about it.”
“You don’t want to talk about it because of my brother right. You got with her didn’t you after she found out she was pregnant.” Raven questions her brother.
Charles clicked his tongue resting his chin on his fists. “That conversation isn’t relevant right now. We just need to be relieved that you are back home now.”
She sighed, lowering her gaze to the floor. “I couldn’t stay here forever, Charles…I still can’t stay.”
“And why not?” He touched his temple entering her mind.
She smacked her hands on the table heading towards the stairs. “That’s why! And it’s not me that you should be worrying about. Erik is going to start that war whether you like it or not.”
“How do you know?” Hank asked her.
She replied leaving the room looking at me. “He told me. Addi, I hope you figure out what you want and choose either my brother or Erik.” She limped up the stairs and Hank followed after her seeing if she needed help with her bullet wound leaving the three of us alone.
“You’re going to drive her away if you keep pushing her to come back. I’ve seen it done to other women in my life.” Logan pointed out.
“I can see if I can convince her otherwise.” I entered their conversation.
Charles glanced at me. “Addi, don’t get offended but how would you be able to do that? You’re not a telepath.”
“I don’t have to be one to know Raven….ohh.” Covering my forehead with my hand I felt myself getting dizzy when I slowly attempted to get to my feet to get a drink or something since I hadn't eaten much. I stumbled into the chair I was sitting in and my knees began giving out from underneath me.
Charles called my name doing the best he could confined to his wheelchair now, reaching out to catch my body since I had fallen forward in his direction. “Addison! Urgh!…Logan.”
“I‘ve got her, professor.” He caught my legs helping Charles be able to hold my body against his chest now.
Charles looked up at him concern clear in his tone of voice. “Help me get her to the lab downstairs….you'll be just fine, Addi.” He sucked in a breath trying to not let his anger rise inside of him when he thought about Erik. If this was his fault like he likely believed it was he would be giving him a good talking to the next time he saw his old friend.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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accidentalslayer · 9 months
Word Count: 2,530
Warnings: Angst & Abuse. In particular, religious/cult abuse. Death, dying, and trauma after a near-death experience. Dissociative vibes. The end has a really reaffirming, comforting example of friendship. I wish everyone had a Josh in their lives.
Author's Notes: I really struggled on this chapter. Mostly because I've been sick for all of July and only recently started to recover. My spirit was willing to write but my flesh was weak. 🤣 Anyways, I'm still on my Angsty!Davina hype. This chapter delves deeper into that. Oh! By the way, I changed "Vincent Webb" in Chapter One to "William Webb" so as not to confuse everyone because there's already a "Vincent" in The Originals. It'll be William Webb moving forward.
This'll be the last Davina chapter for awhile.
Please feed me comments, hearts, and reblogs if you liked this 🌹You can find me on A03 as accidentalslayer.
Pairing: Yandere!Elijah & Klaus Mikaelson x Fem!Reader (eventually) Summary: Davina gets an unexpected visit from her best friend Josh who has some, erm...concerns about her mental health. Also, life gets weirder for the young Harvest Girl when a truth is revealed. One that could change her life forever.
Recommended Song: "You Were Cool" by: The Mountain Goats
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Chapter Three: Jonah's Whale (Part Two)
Cold hands shook Davina. Muffled sounds hit her ears. Someone was shouting, their voice fraught with urgency. It was enough to snatch her out of sleep and snap her eyes open. Peering through a blurred vision still addled by dreams, she looked up at the person who had a vice grip on her arm, then blinked.
It was a boy; dark-haired, dark-skinned, wearing an Abercrombie & Fitch polo shirt underneath a worn hoodie that looked like it'd seen way better days. Fastened around his wrist was a friendship bracelet that Davina immediately recognized as the one she'd made a year ago while living at St. Anne's. The initials 'J.R.' and 'D.C.' embellished its design in bright, rose-colored thread. The letters were joined together like clasped hands inside a heart that she'd gotten a migraine over weaving at the time. Davina was a much better artist with charcoal sticks than with cotton twine, anyways. Despite all the grueling hours of training she had gotten out of the Sanguinem Knot.
Groggily, Davina wondered if she could trust her sight?? Perhaps this was another nightmare or an illusion cast by Monique to trick her? Could it really be...
It looked like Josh. It sounded like Josh. It bit its lip nervously like Josh. But Davina needed more proof just to be sure. Illusion magic had its limits. And memories weren't easily replicated. So, she asked the boy something that only the real Josh would know:
"What was my favorite show in 9th grade? If you don't answer it correctly, I swear to the goddess, I'll scream so loud the whole compound will hear it."
"Josh" released hold of Davina's arm, a confused frown upon his lips, "Uhh, that's a trick question, right?? You told me your mom only let you watch TV for "educational" purposes. I was the one who got you into binge-watching stuff for fun. Uhhhh, but hey, Davina, your books are-"
"List the three most embarrassing things you did in grade school. Your Sonic and Winx Club phase doesn't count."
"It SO does."
"Screaming in...three...two...one-"
"Okay!!!" The boy who might be Josh exclaimed, throwing both hands up in the air and conceding to her demands, "I stole a pack of cigarettes out of my homeroom teacher's purse on a dare then puked when I tried smoking too many of them to impress my crush. My mom made me wear this baby bear costume on Halloween and I had to go trick or treating in it. I accidentally sent nudes to my uncle-"
"Josh! It IS you!"
"I mean. Yeah, duh. Why wouldn't it be?? I texted you yesterday about coming over, remember??"
Despite being a vampire with heightened senses, Josh didn't see how fast Davina moved from her seat to pull him into a hug. And he was surprised by how hard she squeezed him, like he was a life raft, or buoy on some stormy sea. Josh took it all in stride, though. He knew Davina well enough to understand that she was going through Hell now that she was back with the Coven. But there was something...off...about her. Different than before. His eyes strayed to the steel table he'd found her crouched over and fast asleep upon. To the book pile she'd been thumbing through...
Every tome on the table was scorched. Strange writing had been scrawled across their pages in Davina's penmanship. Josh didn't recognize the language. The words seemed foreign. Unearthly. Almost alien. But there was one symbol he could decipher amidst the chaos; it was the number 7. It repeated (over and over again) in varying fonts and sizes.
Josh waited for Davina to pull away from the hug before asking if she was okay. Although, judging by the dark circles underneath her eyes, it was a safe bet to assume that she wasn't.
"I'm fine," Davina replied with a smile on her face, "Just passed out while studying these grimoires. They're super old-fashioned. Like, created in the Dark Ages or something. The Coven says they're mandated reading material for us Harvest Girls. But between you and me? I'd rather be studying Grapes of Wrath."
Josh grimaced in response, "Yeesh, that bad?"
"The worst, actually."
"They look, uhhh-"
Josh trailed off, trying to think of the right word to use, but ended up saying the one that was on the tip of his tongue:
Davina pointedly ignored his comment. Instead, she offered Josh some tea with a tired sigh.
"I'm more into the red stuff these days...but sure. I'll have some if you do." He answered her, trying to keep his voice light and carefree, "Anything in those cabinets that'll help me walk in the sun??"
"Nope. Just peppermint."
"Damn! Foiled again!"
This merited a smirk from Davina. Josh took the win, following his friend across the conservatory, to a small alcove where an electric kettle and tea service was laid out for anyone's use. There was even a convection oven, accompanied by all the fixings for toast. Davina flipped the power button on the kettle. Silently, she watched as it began to heat up and boil their water. Josh tried filling the empty space with conversation.
"So, it looked like you were having a nightmare. A really bad one. Wanna talk about it?"
Davina made no comment besides a quick shrug and a grunt. She seemed more preoccupied with choosing the mugs they'd drink out of. Or the tea they'd make. Undeterred, Josh pressed the issue harder, hoping his friend would open up to him.
"You know," he continued speaking, "they say that telling a friend about your nightmares can help them seem less scary. Like, once you talk about it, you'll see how ridiculous the dream was. Sometimes, I still have nightmares about waking up in class buck naked, and Klaus is there..."
Davina rose an eyebrow, "Who's 'they'??"
An embarrassed laugh rolled out of Josh, cheeks reddening upon admittance that it came from a self-help book he was reading; 'The Dark Side of the Light Chasers' by Debbie Ford. He'd found it laying in a cardboard box on the side of the road somewhere. He'd been going through each of its chapters (sporadically) ever since he'd found it.
"I dunno, the author writes about meditation and meeting all your different selves inside your head like Doctor Strange. I did this one exercise at the end of a chapter about self-love and acceptance and uh, I met the "me" I was before. Before all the fangs and the blood and the suddenly burning in the sun. Fun times, haaa! Anyways, look. I'm here for you, Davina. If you need a shoulder to cry on? An ear to listen to you?? We're friends! And that's what a friend does! Well, uh. I guess that's what I think a friend should do-"
Josh frowned, then said quietly:
"-I haven't really heard a lot from you lately..."
The electric kettle shut off. The water was ready. Davina poured the boiling liquid into two, footed mugs that she had chosen. Then, dipped the tea sachets in with care. The aroma of mint filled the air and the space in-between where Josh waited patiently for Davina to say something. Anything! But she didn't. So, he continued to talk while she listened, hoping that his friend would participate eventually. He was starting to get a bit frustrated by how silent Davina was being.
"You know, there's this story in that book about a person who was also having trouble sleeping. His name was Jonah. That dude from the Bible. He'd heard the voice of God tell him to pass judgment on the city of Nineveh and he reeeally didn't want to. So, he ran. Then, a whale ate him, and literally only spat him up when he accepted what he was running from. I'm not a religious person but what I'm trying to say here is-"
"That I shouldn't go on boating trips?" Davina posited, finally adding to the conversation. She offered Josh his cup of tea afterward.
Josh made a sour face while accepting the tea. He obviously didn't appreciate her wry sense of humor here...
"No! That you shouldn't run away from the things you're afraid of because you'll just make it worse for yourself. And in the end, you'll have to face it anyway. But unlike Jonah, you don't have to face it alone, Davina. I know you're going through shit after dying and being resurrected. Who wouldn't be, right?? But lately, I've been feeling like you're shutting everyone out. You haven't texted me or Cami back in weeks. What's up with that, huh??"
Now, it was Davina's turn to make a sour face.
"I'm just really busy here, Josh. Being a Harvest Girl means I have responsibilities to the Coven."
"You hate the Coven!"
"I know, but...I'm still a Harvest Girl."
"And I'm your friend, Davina! Cami is too! Don't we deserve to at least know that you're okay?!"
"The Coven said I couldn't use my phone here in the compound. They said they want me to focus on studying and classes only. No distractions..."
"And you couldn't sneak on the phone to tell us? We've been worried about you! Cami and I have been worried sick! Fuck the Coven!"
Davina rubbed her temples in response, "Josh..."
"What's really going on?? You're acting weird as hell."
Josh sipped his peppermint tea nervously, then flinched. He'd misjudged how hot it still was and burnt the roof of his mouth in the process. "Mm, this sure is some great leaf juice you've brewed-"
"Josh!" Davina exclaimed, starting to run out of patience, "Enough stalling. Spill. Now. What's up with you?"
With grim reluctance, as if he were pulling teeth, Josh revealed the (true) reason for his visit. It all came down to one name. A name Davina should have guessed was involved from the very start:
"It's Marcel. I-I know you guys aren't on speaking terms right now, but uhh...he's been worried too. About you. About sending you back here. About pretty much everything, to be honest. He wants to know how you're doing? If you're doing okay? Aaaand...he needs your help with a spell."
Davina groaned, "UGH. Of course he does! When does he NOT need me to do his dirty work?!"
"This isn't for him. It's for Cami! The curse on her uncle is getting worse, Davina. He's going nuts in that church of his. Marcel was wondering if there was any way to reverse whatever the Coven put on him? I don't think he has much time left..."
At the mention of the Coven, Davina tensed. She placed her cup down on the alcove's table. There was an air of finality to the gesture.
"Josh, it's different now. I can't do magic for him anymore. I can't do magic for anyone anymore... The Ancestors won't allow me. And if I break the rules again?? They'll do worse things than what they did in that abyss to me. Marcel doesn't care because he's not going to die, Josh!! Neither will you! Father Kieran and Cami are going to Heaven but I only have one place to go after this!! I can't mess up my last chance with the Ancestors...or the Coven. I won't."
Davina expected Josh to argue. Clearly, he had a stake in whatever drama Marcel was cooking up. She could see it in his eyes. A quiet desperation, like a fly caught inside a clever spider's web. Why else would he be doing this? But to her surprise, Josh only nodded. He didn't fight to change her mind.
"I'll tell Marcel you're doing fine," Josh said, "No, scratch that. I'll tell him you're doing better than fine, you're doing awesome! And that...you can't help him anymore."
"Josh, I-"
"Davina, don't."
Soft arms wrapped around Davina unexpectedly and cut short whatever apology she planned on saying. Now, it was Josh's turn to give his friend a sudden hug.
"Don't ever apologize for setting a boundary. You don't owe me or Marcel or the world shit! Okay?? If anything, we owe you. I owe you. You saved me from Klaus. You gave me back my control."
He squeezed Davina tighter in his embrace.
"Promise me that you'll take care of yourself and if you need to talk, that you'll call me. Or text. Or Instagram works, too. I'm always there to listen. You're my best friend, Davina. And the strongest person I've ever met."
"You're pretty strong too, you know?"
Josh chuckled, "I'm starting to be. Couldn't have done it without your help, Super Witch."
The mood lightened. Josh and Davina spent the rest of their time together, reminiscing. Bonding over the good memories they had. Those sacred spaces in-between murderous witches, miracle babies, Machiavellism, and The Originals where they were allowed to just be kids. And do things that kids do. Although Josh's gaze strayed to the pile of scorched books once (or twice), he made no comment on them.
Josh left somewhere around midnight. The smile in her heart left along with him, returning Davina back to reality. She ruminated while she cleaned up the mess leftover from making tea. Images of the nightmare swirled inside her mind. Filled her with dread. She was no stranger to dark dreams or terrible visions, especially after her experience working for Marcel, but this one felt...different. It felt ominous. Like the first scream of a hurricane siren.
Or the rumblings of a storm.
Find her, Davina Claire...
As she was shelving the last item away, the floor began to shake, and the walls trembled. Her ears rang with the sound of the voice. Nearly bled. Its volume had increased tenfold since the last time she'd heard it. Davina braced herself against the onslaught, using all her strength to ignore it. But the voice proved too powerful.
She fell upon her knees and shouted, "I CAN'T! I can't help you!! I can't do ANYTHING for anyone anymore!! Don't you understand?!? I am the girl bound in chains! I am shackled to a people who HATE me and control my every move! So, to Hell with New Orleans! Let this city be swallowed up! It's NOT a French Quarter Witch's problem!!"
There came a pause in the quaking and thunder. The stillness that came afterward was thick with tension. It was as if the entity was considering its next words carefully.
You are not a French Quarter Witch, fire maiden. You are a Prophet. Called to a higher purpose. To serve the light that burns within you...
Find her, Davina Claire, and together the two of you shall be free.
"W-wait, what?! I'll be...free?"
No further elaboration was given to Davina. She called out to the entity several times. All she got was silence and stillness in return. Davina stayed in the conservatory, amongst the potted plants, until dawn broke and colored the sky with hues of gentle pink, yellow, orange, and sky blue. And in a semi-stupor, Davina began to repeat a single word underneath her breath...
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fountainpenguin · 8 months
Favorite underrated FOP episodes? (Definition of underrated is up to you, can just be a random small episode you like)
I think "The Odd Squad" will forever be top of the "underrated faves" list for me. The pacing and style are both so good, it has a lot of cute worldbuilding in it, the character interactions are fantastic (including a wholesome moment with Timmy and his regular parents), and it has Juandissimo saying "Nice wheels, Timmy! :D" I am a massive sucker for Jorgen freaking out over Timmy driving in Fairy World and wrecking the place but Juandissimo was more or less on the sidelines giving him an enthusiastic thumbs up because he is too silly and oblivious to foresee a problem skldfj. The dialogue is lots of fun and Timmy is happy the entire time. It's a sweet one.
I'd say that "Shelf Life" and "Which Witch Is Which?" are episodes I would classify as "episodes I enjoy that are less commonly remembered." The former has a lot of wit and clever dialogue and a silly ending, and the latter gave me a lot of worldbuilding to play with by canonizing witches in Crocker's family tree.
I love "Crocker of Gold" and "Chicken Poofs" for a lot of the same reasons- a pinch of worldbuilding and a lot of goofy character interactions. I'm sure that description applies to a lot of episodes, but there's a special place in my heart for the flower quest, Bring Your Chicken Hawk to Work day, and for the "Everything is so green here" scene, which is one of my favorite jokes in the world.
I'll always hold a soft spot for "Mr. Right" as well for being one of the first episodes I ever saw when I was out at a pizza place one time. I also really enjoy the concept of "The Big Scoop" and how it portrays Timmy in a creepy way from the perspective of his friends as they worry about what's going on in his life. Also I feel like "Please Don't Feed the Turners" says a ton about Timmy's parents... the LOOK they give each other when they're on the same page is the best.
All the Learnatorium and Pixie episodes, I'm a big fan of. "Hassle in the Castle" speaks to my soul and I think "Big Wanda" is hilarious. "Yoo Doo" will always be a favorite, and I love the silliness of "Presto Change-O," "The Gland Plan," "The Masked Magician," "The Good Old Days," "For Emergencies Only," "Talkin' Trash," "Parent Hoods," and "Formula For Disaster." Also "Fly Boy" because Timmy yelling "This is all your fault!" at Poof while Poof slightly cringes away just cracks me up.
I love the wackiness of "Dad Overboard" and "Take and Fake." They're hard to top; they're so very good. Poof playing in the sand and he finds a freaking missile, Crocker takes his class on a field trip to watch Timmy's supposed death, Dad accidentally kidnapped an elf from the North Pole who becomes a good friend, there's a line of dialogue that goes "I'll get Stanley and his headless wife! :D" and these are all the same episode. "Take and Fake" is just... goofy and nice, it's very difficult to watch without laughing so it's just lovely.
I'll also throw in "Wishing Well" because it's one of my all-time faves. The vibe it gives is kind of chilling while also being delightful the whole time because you know it's about learning life skills and it's such a positive viewing experience, plus it's one of very few episodes where Timmy meets other godkids and has a positive relationship with them.
"Fairy Friends and Neighbors" is a huge fave. Idk if that counts as underrated (imo Seasons 4 and 5 are the best in the series; they're almost all winners)
"Cosmo Rules" and "Jerk of All Trades" both feel nice because they're highly specific to the FOP world (i.e. they're about Jorgen's duty of overseeing Da Rules) and they're really fun to watch together. Facing the Fairy Council are two Fairies: one of them is Cosmo the estranged von Strangle who should care for Da Rules because it's his blood right, and the other is Juandissimo who straight-up broke Da Rules by fleeing Fairy World and returning stolen memories to his godkid, and the Fairy Council really said "Screw the bloodline, the rulebreaker gets to be in charge now." Obsessed with how after Jorgen announces he's been replaced, we pan over to Juandissimo who just sits there quietly in a chair with wide eyes like he doesn't know how he got there or what he's doing.
Let's see... "School of Crock," "Crockin' the House," "Viral Videots," "Dust Busters," "Fairly Old Parent," "Anchors Away," "Cosmonopoly," "Dog Gone," "Lame Ducks"... those are also episodes I really enjoy. Season 9 has a lot of underrated faves for me. I don't care for Sparky, but Season 9 is so good... Some of the best lines in the series are in there.
For underrated Season 10 faves, I'll throw in "Clark Laser" (idk if that counts as underrated since it's gotta be one of if not THE best of Season 10), and "Chip Off the Old Crock" with the same disclaimer. Then "Whittle Me This" and "Summer Bummer." Those are good.
"Kale Patch Caper"... It's got bits and pieces that don't click with me, but I LOVE morally gray Chloe committing B&E on her neighbors. I love how if Chloe didn't have godparents then canonically her fate is to lose an eye and join a gang. Like. What on earth. They really just dropped that on us and refused to elaborate. What. Love that.
Special shout-out to "Beach Blanket Bozos" for giving me one of my favorite FOP moments of all time, which is Jorgen grouchily sitting on Da Rules to scold Timmy for locking his parents in "I wish they were both the best surfer ever" wish limbo.
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We don't talk enough about what a hilarious character Jorgen is. Big boss fairy godparent who can crush your skull. He's not allowed to have a godkid because he'd physically and emotionally destroy them. He's married to the Tooth Fairy... We love a man who's obsessed with his muscles and threatens to destroy you on the regular but in reality he just files paperwork. Which will ruin your life. I love Jorgen.
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cosmichoneibeee · 1 year
Dating Raze hcs
Warnings: malicious flirting, mentions of stealing and alcohol | Reader is GN
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Raze would be interest in someone who fight for what they believe no matter what; who believe on what they do.
She really cares about the inside, the personality. You being that pretty cute pie just makes everything more interesting
She's friendly with mostly everyone, yes, but it's really hard to make her fall in love
So if she likes you, congrats
Confident Queen
So many cheesy pickup lines in her arsenal, she will throw them so randomly, some in Portuguese even if you don't understand. (Those are the naughty ones)
"[Y/n], did your license got suspended? Cuz you’re driving me crazy”
"If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put ‘U’ and ‘I’ together."
"[Y/N], dizem que fazer amor prolonga a vida, me dá uma chance que eu te faço imortal."*
Gekko and Reyna look shocked every time she dares to say stuff like that.
Words of affirmation and acts of services all the way, even if you’re not official yet
Anything you might need, she’s already doing for you. Her speed is really impressive
Astrology chick but with music. Once you tell her what genre you like, she already knows your personality, likes and dislikes, qualities, defects and other 32 artists that you might like.
Sharing lots of playlists together
Once your favourite artists releases new albums, she’s taking you to the disco store to buy a copy and she'll pay for it
She loves to take you to disco stores as a date, both looking for something knew to listen, have a few kisses here, hugs there
If you have courage, she'll take you with her to hardcore parties. She drinks like a sailor and dance like nobody is watching
It's a fun experience, but it's not for everybody, it's okay if it's not your type.
She's done some pretty criminal stuff, robberies, explosions, the whole list. So taking things for you from the places she goes with the Protocol is already a routine
She's brought a bit of everything: action figures, stuffed animals, food, shells, jewelry, rocks - anything that makes her think about you, she takes
Brimstone has fought with her a lot about it, but she can't stop
Her sketch book have so many draws related to you; your smile, your hands, your silhouette..
Loves when you pose just for her to draw
Breach makes fun of her for having a puppy love, shy smiles, holding hands...you two are disgusting
Lowkey pressuring her to confess
She likes you, you know that; you like her, she knows that, why does she need to verbally afirmate that?
She wanted to keep your relationship more discreet, just letting the friends knowing but it's Raze, in less than a week everyone knew about it.
Most agents think you're adorable, the rest just don't care enough
She'll claim titles with you one day, really, but for now, she's quite happy just calling you hers.
*"[Y/N], they say making love prolongs life, give me a chance and I'll make you immortal."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠
@ Do not copy any of my works, translate and/or post it on others websites.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 1 year
Love Motel/ 19
Pairing- Changkyun x Named Reader
Word count- 1.4k
Includes- angst
Tag List- @90s-belladonna @mingtina
@direitobulando @honey-zip @chansbabydoll
@anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @jaxxmine @yeosayang
@delightfulmoonbanana @itsshaydeekaydee @seokwoosmole
@rpkth @tannie13 @wisejudgedragonhairdo @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
Series Masterlist
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Changkyun POV
Standing at the altar, I'm restless
I don't want to do this
I'm not happy or excited
I'm annoyed, pissed off, angry
Sad and dreading this
The church is already filled with people from my jokop and Daseul's
I feel like I'm trapped here and I just want to run
I want to be with her
The music starts and Daseul's maid of honor comes down the aisle with Jooheon
That's another thing that annoys me
Daseul wanted this huge wedding
Church ceremony, huge bridal party, huge reception in the most expensive place her daddy could pay for
Like a real life fairytale when it's anything but
It's like she wants to force me into this prince notion she has
Like she's trying to force me to love her
Like we're going to rule a kingdom and not continue the criminal work our jokops do
I feel my phone buzz and I take it out to look at it
It's from Milena, in all caps
My heart drops to my feet in pure panic
She's....she's leaving?
She has her life here
Her school is here
Her trip to Mongolia is from this masters program in this school
She's just dropping everything and moving?
This is my fault
She's leaving because of me
Because of what I said to her the last time we were together
Because I told her I regret being with her
I told her she was a mistake
Milena sends me another text
"Look Changkyun I understand that you want to keep her safe and all and I agreed with that if she was staying in Korea. But she's not and if there's a time you should go after her it's now. She loves you and you love her. You may have to convince her but she will be with you"
What do I do?
I was relieved that Milena was on my side when I called her
Besides Jooheon she's the only one I told about how I feel for Joanne
I had to to get her to help me
I told her why I broke things off with Joanne, I explained this whole wedding thing, I told her what happened that night at the club and I asked her to watch Joanne
And if she needed anything, I told Milena to text me and I'll help indirectly
If she needed to be picked up because she was drunk, I'll send someone
If she needed money, I'd give it to Milena to give to her
Anything that had to do with her, we agreed I'd be in the background and she'd never know I had a hand in anything
But now if Milena telling me to go after her then something happened
Her moving is what's happening
"Put your phone away Changkyun! Daseul's coming now", Jooheon whisper yells
I look towards the end of the aisle to see Daseul coming towards me in a wedding dress
And I freak out
I don't want to do this
I feel like I'm going to throw up
I'm supposed to be happy on my wedding day
Feeling excited and the anticipation of starting a new life with my wife
Instead I feel sick to my stomach
I push the feeling away and think about what I'm going to do
How I can walk away from this, from the wedding and the jopok and stay alive
My chances are not good
Jokops don't let their members go easily if at all
Daseul gets to me and she's smiling
I can't smile at her
She takes my hand as we both face the priest and I'm trying so hard not to snatch my hand from hers
The priest starts talking and I ignore him, looking over at Jooheon
He looks at me from the corner of his eyes
"I can't do this", I whisper
"You have to", he answers
My phone buzzes, another text from Milena pops up on my screen
I quickly check it as the priest continues
"She's on the Korean Air flight 685 to New York. It leaves in two hours. Then she's transferring to a flight in New York to Virginia. If you're going after her she changed her hair color. It's purple"
A picture of her ticket is with the text
If she leaves, I'll never see her again
I'll never be able to drive by her apartment or school hoping to catch a glimpse of her
I'll never be able to walk into stores or restaurants or cafes she likes, hoping to run into her
I'll never see her
And just that thought seals my decision
I drop Daseul's hand, turn around in the middle of the priest's speech and walk away from the ceremony, from my family, from my jopok, from everything I've ever known
For her
Because I need her
I don't need anything else
I'm close to the exit when I hear my name
"Changkyun!", my grandmother yells
I stop walking and turn back to her, watching her angry face as she walks to me
"Where are you going? Come back here"
I shake my head, "I can't halmeoni. I can't marry Daseul"
"What are you talking about?", she demands, finally catching up to me
"I can't marry Daseul. I won't"
"Why not? She is a good match for you. And you agreed to this"
"I can't. I don't love her. I love someone else"
"Love? This isn't about love. This is about an alliance with the Park jopok. This is about your loyalty and duty"
Shaking my head, I tell her, "I can't. My loyalty is to the girl I love. My duty is to her. I tried halmeoni. I tried to give her up. I tried staying away. But I can't. It's tearing me apart not being with her"
She narrows her eyes, "Get ahold of yourself and stop acting like a love sick teenager. Life isn't about getting what you want. It is about what you have to do and do it with honor"
She doesn't understand
She's from another time where she wasn't given a choice in anything
She had to do as she was told and repress any emotions she felt about it
I can't do that
I tried and I failed
Honestly I don't want to be like that, be like her
And I have to leave
"I'm sorry halmeoni. I just can't", I apologize, then turn from her, walking quickly to the exit
"Changkyun, if you leave don't ever think of coming back!"
I'm not surprised she's saying this but it still hurts
She's my grandmother, she took care of me when my parents died, I'd think she would want me to be happy
But no, she only cares about loyalty to the jopok and I'm disgracing her by walking away from this marriage
I just keep going, exiting the church my only thought is getting on that plane
Pulling out my phone, I call Jooheon as I get in my car
"What the fuck are you doing?", he says, "Everyone in here is going crazy! Daseul is beside herself"
"Listen carefully. I need you to get me U.S. citizen papers"
"U.S. citizen papers. I need them in an hour"
"An hour? You're kidding"
"Make it happen Jooheon. Then I need you to wire as much money to my offshore account as you can"
That account is untraceable and no one but him knows I have it
He knows because he has one too and told me to get one
"Do it before my grandmother freezes my accounts. Then meet me at Incheon airport in an hour"
"Changkyun what the fuck is going on?"
I don't want to say much because I don't want him caught in the middle of this
So all I say is, "She's leaving Korea and I'm going with her"
And like the best friend I knew I could count on he says, "Alright. Done. See you in an hour"
We hang up and I call Korean air to get a ticket
It's not an issue
I used Korean air often and have a private account with them
I've booked last minute plane rides before
They have to do it or else
They know my job, who I'm associated with and no one wants to die from denying a plane ticket
I get the ticket in the seat next to hers in five minutes, then I throw my phone on the passenger seat
I need to run home, pack a few things then get to the airport ASAP
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Creativitwins not feeling good enough hurt/comfort for writing prompts?
Not Good Enough For You
Remus and Roman are struggling to cope with their own issues alone, but maybe, if they were only to bring it up, they could help each other.
| AO3 |
-Just Remus typical stuff
-Roman not taking proper care of himself.
-Food mentions
-Copious mentions of mould.
If there's anything else let me know!
Pairings: Platonic/famelial Creativitwins
Word Count: 2856
See! Superhuman speed, I told you! Did this in only a few hours!! Thanks for the prompt, random Tumblr anon!
If anyone reading has a prompt in mind, feel free to throw it at me on! I'll do most things :) No NSFW though! I'll put a more specific list of do's and dont's on an intro post when I eventually get round to it.
I love them being good brothers so much. You have no idea how much my heart longs for more Roman & Remus interaction in the actual series, I love them so much.
The creative flow was suffering, Thomas wasn't having nearly as many ideas as usual and none of the ones he did have ever seemed good enough. All of the sides could see that Roman had overworked himself. They had noticed him being gone in the imagination for longer and longer every time he went, they noticed the dark circles under his eyes.
Any of the sides with an ounce of observational skills could see that Roman wasn't ok.
Even though they all noticed, not one of them stopped to ask if he needed anything though, in fact, they were all too busy with their own things to help him.
Logan was too busy to brainstorm, Patton was too busy to watch a movie, Janus was too busy doing whatever it was he did all day- Roman never wanted to bother him. And at this point, he was certain Virgil was tired of Roman hanging out in his room when he was feeling a little down.
Everyone knew that Roman was suffering, but no one knew what to do about it.
What everyone seemed to forget was that Roman was only half of a whole, and the work suffering wasn’t all Roman.
Only one side noticed that Remus wasn’t ok either.
Roman was having an especially bad day today.
He was pretty sure the root of that bad day was the once again completely unproductive meeting with Thomas. Or maybe it was because he hadn’t eaten yet today and it was almost time for dinner, could it be that he hadn’t showered in a week?
Shaking his head, Roman refocused on the blank document in front of him, he had to get something down, come on, there must be something he could get down on the page. Surely he could produce something? Something to show that he wasn’t as worthless as he felt.
Because seriously? What was he without the stories he created? What was he without the witty nicknames and the poses and snide remarks, who was he without the costume and the sword, really?
He may be creativity, but he was nothing more than his creations, the Prince persona he had fashioned for himself. What was he without that?
Useless, he thought, he was useless without that. Useless to Thomas and to the other sides. Useless to himself.
He needed help, he realised, and he'd exhausted all of his options. He'd gone to sink out before realising that he couldn't be seen by the others in the sorry state he was in, hoodie and sweatpants, greasy hair and disgusting, ugly face.
He couldn't be seen by them and besides, Patton and Logan were doing something together right now, Janus was busy as always and Roman didn't want the snake's help anyway, and Virgil was definitely tired of his endless issues.
This left one option, one that sent a spike of anxiety through his heart, but at this point, Roman just sighed. It was the only option he had left and who knows, maybe his brother would actually be helpful for once.
He sank out to Remus' room.
Remus stared at his- completely clean and tidy- room in confusion.
Now don’t let this fool you, Remus’ room was never clean and tidy, just like him. Remus couldn’t stand the smell of cleaning products and he was even allergic to soap itself, he never cleaned his room, let alone himself. Usually, it was a hot garbage pile on which he fucking slept. He liked to keep the place stinking of mould with puddles of slime and weird little bugs that scuttled around his floor. He enjoyed the broken glass that usually littered the floor, poised just right to take out your foot if you stepped slightly wrong.
Remus never cleaned, never, unless… unless he was in a much worse place than usual.
And he’d even showered this time. Which was… absolutely shit, now his skin was itchy and red from the soap, but his hair wasn’t slick with oil for once and he didn’t smell like mould and dung,
He wasn’t in a good place, he never really was- being the embodiment of intrusive thoughts and all but this was an even worse place than he was usually in, and that was a feat in itself. Ever since Jan-Jan had let him fuck around with the light sides directly he’d been feeling… weird.
“Yes Remus, lovely lyrics, well done,” Logan had said, and why had that made his chest feel tight and his heart flutter at the- sarcastic, he knew it was sarcastic- compliment.
“You have importance,” Logan again, and how difficult it had been to keep ignoring the guy when he said something like that, Remus had felt the urge to glomp Logan when he had spoken, but he’d needed to get his point across, so for once, he’d restrained from doing something he wanted to do.
It was weird because Remus never got compliments, those two were the only two times he could think of- recently anyway- that he’d had something even relatively nice said to him. Usually, it was “Go away, Remus!” “Shut up Remus!” “That’s disgusting, Remus!” which… well that last one he usually took as a compliment, but the first two…
Even as the embodiment of intrusive thoughts- yes, those things everyone wanted to get rid of- Remus couldn’t help but feel like shit when the others said that they hated him or told him to go away, he loved talking and sharing all his fun ideas! He was blunt and truthful and interesting too! Or at least, Snakey had told him that. The others didn’t seem to agree though and that was his problem, the others. This yucky gross feeling had only started when he’d been allowed to talk to them. When they started hurling the insults directly at him instead of randomly into the void. It was like they forgot that he was creativity too. His ideas formed the base for Roman’s. Roman created all the details, the funny bits, and filtered out all the gore and grossness to make something presentable and useful to Thomas. Remus provided the raw material, the substance, the big bits and pieces that would put the idea there in the first place.
Without Roman, nothing he created was worth anything, and without him? Without him, Roman couldn’t create at all.
He thought it was a little unfair, to be honest, Roman seemed to hate him so much yet relied on him to do his job. Where he realised it or not? And… then we get back to the cleaning.
His messy room was often his source of inspiration, he saw a particularly interesting-shaped piece of mould growing out of his bedpost and thought ‘Woah wouldn’t that make an awesome monster?’ or… something. See? Remus was too out of it to even think of thinking of an idea! And now all his mould and grossness was gone, and he was sad and cold and lonely- yes that’s what it was- he craved something but he wasn’t even sure what, he wanted positive reinforcement, maybe a ‘that’s a good idea’ once in a while! Was it too much to ask to even consider his contributions?
Remus groaned and flopped back on his clean, laundry-detergent-smelling bedsheets and tried very, very hard not to cry.
Remus shot up, eyes wide only to see his brother, whose face seemed to reflect his own in its shockedness. Here Roman stood- pristine, perfect, pretty boy Roman, in all of his sweatpants and greasy depressing glory.
“You look like a mess,” Remus said, it was the truth, Roman looked nothing like he did usually, which… wasn’t right. It wasn’t right at all, in fact, it seemed just as wrong as his room being clean. And not only was Roman a mess, but he wasn’t wearing the prince outfit he literally lived in, so… what the hell else was Remus supposed to say.
“Oh hoho-” Roman said with none of his usual dramatics as he looked at Remus, “Oh how the turns have tabled.”
And Remus laughed, he laughed too loud and too high, sounding like scraping metal on ceramic, but why not laugh at something that was funny, especially with Roman’s deadbeat tone? The exhausted look on his brother’s face turned into something that was almost a smile.
“Seriously though Ro-bro,” Remus said, bouncing to stand up, “You ok? You never let yourself get this gross, that’s my thing,”
“No,” Roman said simply, not looking him in the eye, without so much as a hesitation, “I’m not ok,”
“Are you ok?” Roman asked before he could continue, “You’re room’s clean,”
“I’m not ok- but- but when am I ever ok? Intrusive thoughts!” Remus said with a laugh that felt too fake after he’d been able to let out that real one, Roman looked at him and… Remus felt himself deflate, “No… I’m… even less ok than usual,”
“Ok,” Roman nodded, Remus couldn’t help but stare.
“Yeah that’s- that’s ok,” Roman said, now he was looking at him properly, “Is there anything I can do to help you?”
“Is there anything I can do to help you ?” Remus asked back, leaning much further into Roman’s space than he should.
“Hey! I asked you first!” Roman cried, offended, but he didn’t push Remus away.
“Yeah but I asked with more emphasis !” Remus retaliated with a grin, "I even used italics!"
“Yeah- well- I-” Roman stopped, before drooping with a sigh, “Ok fine, you win,”
“Fuck yeah now go take a shower, asshole,” Remus yelled, shoving Roman in the direction of his bathroom- which had also been cleaned, so Roman was lucky for once. His brother went without a fuss and closed the door to the bathroom. Whilst he was gone, Remus attempted to bring some mess back into his room, he’d leave the bathroom for now, though.
“So… I’ve done something, now it’s your turn, what do you need?” Roman asked once he returned, he was adamantly ignoring the tiny amounts of mould that had managed to grow back into the corners.
“Oh- um…” Remus trailed off, it was rare that he had nothing to say, even rarer were moments when he was afraid to say something, Roman didn’t push him though, he just waited, shifting a little awkwardly, “Can… you give me a hug?”
“‘Course,” Roman said with a nod, he opened his arms, “As long as there’s no slime involved,”
“No slime, pinkie promise,” Remus said before launching himself into Roman’s arms. He hadn’t gotten a hug in so long he’d almost forgotten what it felt like, his brother was so warm- were people usually that warm? Or was that just because he hadn’t had a hug in so long he’d forgotten what it felt like?
“I’m so useless, Re,” Roman muttered into his shoulder after a long moment of silence which Roman must've been using to think himself into a dark shadowy pit, “I’m- I’m such a pathetic little-”
“Hey!” Remus interrupted him, smacking him on the shoulder as hard as he could, “I’ll have to beat you up with my morningstar if you keep talking shit about my brother like that,”
Roman laughed, but it was wet and kind of sad and Remus realised a little too late that he was crying, “Thanks, Re…”
“You’re welcome! Now- who made you think that? I just wanna talk,” Remus said in a way that was as threatening as possible even as he stood in the middle of the room hugging his tearful brother.
“No one, I suppose, myself, maybe,” Roman said quietly, “I just… can’t put anything down on paper that’s good enough, you know? I’m the one they expect to come up with all the great ideas and there’s just… nothing there,”
“That…” Remus said quietly, “Um, might actually be my fault, which by definition would make me the one who isn’t good enough,”
“No, absolutely not,” Roman said, smacking him in the same way as him, “If I don’t get to be self-deprecating neither do you, brother,”
“That just takes out all the fun!” Remus whined, “Maybe we’re both just useless fucks,”
“Yeah… maybe,”
“You were supposed to disagree with me, dickhead,” Remus smacked him again, the physical contact from the hug was nice and… well he could get used to this, It may be the one secret he’d take to his grave, but he actually really missed being close with his brother, Maybe he could let himself dare to hope that this would be the beginning of getting that back.
“Here’s an idea,” Roman said quietly, pulling back from the hug a little- but not quite enough for Remus to get annoyed with the loss of his human furnace brother, “What if we worked together? We could- I dunno- help each other brainstorm or something. Maybe? I mean- I don’t want to be annoying or anything so if you don’t wan-”
“Roman,” Remus said, “Shut the fuck up and remember who you’re talking to, you’re not the annoying one, that’s my job,”
“So… brainstorming?” Roman asked, the hopeful look on his face almost making Remus want to vomit with something that wasn’t negative, though he couldn’t quite identify the feeling either.
“You’re never getting rid of me now, RoRo,” Remus grinned. Before he heard Roman’s stomach make a noise that more befitted a great beast, their eyes met slowly, “Ro… how long has it been since you last ate?”
“I… um…” Roman said before he began to mumble and count on his fingers, “Yesterday… lunchtime? Maybe… I can’t remember,”
Remus shook his head, fishing something out from his pocket, “Unacceptable, here, have a deodorant stick,”
“Remus I can’t eat this,” Roman said, giving him a look, Remus rolled his eyes so far he was pretty sure he saw the inside of his brain.
“ Fine ,” He pouted, snatching the stick back, “But don’t think you’re getting out of eating that easily, c’mon we’re gonna raid the kitchen!”
And, in a feat of childish dramatics that only Roman could pull off, he dropped to the floor in a heap, the back of his hand pressed against his forehead as he mimicked a woeful expression.
“I can’t,” Roman said, voice breathlessly, “I mustn't I’m simply far too tired and hug-deprived,”
“Dork,” Remus shook his head before tutting, “We’re going whether you like it or not,”
Remus bent down and in one easy sweep grabbed Roman’s ankles, by which he dragged his brother out of the door. Thankfully Roman didn’t struggle, just let himself be dragged along the hallway with a pouty face and crossed arms. Remus deposited him on the floor in the kitchen before striding over to the fridge to begin attempting to work out what the hell normal people ate- he usually just ate deodorant with the occasional mouldy bread or gone off milk (it added to the flavour).
In the end, he’d emerged from the fridge with an amalgamation of foodstuffs. A tub of ice cream, a packet of apples and a block of cheese. Next, he searched the cupboards, finding some non-mouldy bread, a banana, an entire basket draw of crisp packets and a packet of chocolate-coated biscuits. It wasn’t his style, but he was sure Roman would be fine with it.
“You’re gonna have to get yourself to the couch,” Remus said, kicking Roman’s leg on his way as his arms were full, “I’m gonna find some shit on the TV to put on.”
“Mkay…” Roman mumbled, picking himself up from the floor and wandering over to the couch, snapping some blankets into existence. Remus managed to find a channel that was only playing Family Guy reruns for the next five hours and put those on, thinking they could both use a bit of a laugh at stupid slightly controversial jokes.
Together they sat on the sofa, picking at the horrible range of snacks Remus had found until Roman fell asleep and Remus took a moment to wonder when his brother had slept last. Remus might be used to having the worst sleep schedule in the mindscape, but that didn’t mean he wanted the same for his brother. Thinking about sleep he should probably do that too, but his room still smelled disgustingly clean so he couldn’t go back there and besides, it was comfy and warm here.
In the end, he decided he would just lie down on top of his brother and fall asleep there, it was better than nothing, right?
Both of their days had ended on a far better note than they had started, just from helping each other out just that little bit. Roman thought that he should really check up on his brother more often. Remus lay on top of him in the dark commons, snoring loudly and drooling a little onto the blanket, which was disgusting but… Roman could tolerate it. Going to Remus today might have been the best thing he could have done and maybe…
Maybe their broken relationship was mendable after all.
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Diamond In The Rough Ch16 The End
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(This is it folks. Just one more left after this which will be the epilogue. The place where reader meets Arceus is based off the Legends of Arceus post game fight. Link below.
Gordie was home. His home. Your Gordie. His Y/n. Your Home. Everything. Both. Yours and his. The whole day was a magical blur. You remembered feeling Gordie's happy tears fall onto your forehead and you cried as well still hanging onto each other like a pair of koalas in front of a large crowd but you didn't care. By the time you two finally pulled apart the entire crowd began cheering and pushing you all towards the inevitable welcome back party Circhestor decided to throw them. The entire time Gordie holding onto you in one way or another or vise versa. It was all such a blur of a night. You remembered eating a little bit, giving Melony a congratulations hug, and just...talking. Just talking and being held by Gordie who seemed to do nothing but smile and hold you the entire time...until it got dark. Like REALLY dark and really REALLY late into the night. By the time you realized it, you were already so tired but so happy. You couldn't remember any other time you cried so much or felt so happy it felt like the whole world was becoming whole again. All your focus on Gordie and his focus on you so it was quick a shock when you were finding yourself standing in front of your house having been escorted none other than the man himself and having him convince you to go to sleep.
"Get some sleep," he spoke softly, forehead pressed against yours, a few happy tears falling down his face, and two soft hands holding your cheeks. Perfect smile on his features. "I wanna spend more time with ya too but it's late..an' M' tired from travelin'. Tomorrow I'll be back to ya. I promise you." Followed by another kiss to your forehead.
You did whine at the loss but your urge to sleep overtook any other emotion. So you stumbled your way inside after a few more moments. Silver and the others were both happy and anxious to see you after so long but sleep still won out over everything. You were already so exhausted you hardly even noticed you going through the routine of taking a shower, brushing your teeth, and getting into your favorite pair of fuzzy pjs before just collasping into your bed. Eyelids heavy and darkness consuming you as you fell into a fast deep sleep. The darkness of your dream was interrupted however in the most strangest ways. Because you woke up. Or at least...you thought you did-
"At last...Thou haveth been found. Divine childe from thine differ plain of being.''
Cold..It was so cold. Like winter had come early and seeped into your blankets, except you weren't covered by anything except for the clothes on your back. And you weren't laying on any soft cozy mattress like when you first went to best. It felt..cold and glasslike the ground under you. Like you just decided to fall asleep on a giant pane of glass in the middle of winter. It was the cold that beckoned f/c eyes to open above you, shivering and teeth clattering together from the cold feeling. And what was above the young woman made her gasp at the holy sight above. It-...It was almost as if the universe itself was in front of you, swirling shades of purple and black swam before you in the shape of the galaxy with some invisible force holding it above you. Silence fading in and out as twinkling stars shown around you with the beautiful sight of the fully moon lighting it all. The moon looked so close and so far at the same time. What the-...Where were you? Were you dreaming? This felt too real to be just a dream. Were you seeing some kind of old game footage like the first time you arrived in this world??..Had you died? Is this the afterlife? No..No that wasn't it. Before you could get too far into your questioning, you slowly, body shaking and teeth now clattering together from how cold it was, stood on legs more wobbly than a newborn deer. Your hands came up to rub your arms in a failed attempt to warm you up looking around. Black...EVERYWHERE WAS BLACK!! Like eternal night other than the endless night stars and full moon above you. Nothing anywhere. Spinning in a complete circle, you still found yourself completely alone. Right. Alone. This MUST have been some crazy dream right?
"H-Hello?!," You called out tentatively finding your voice trembling and throat dry from the cold croaking. Like a creepy tunnel your voice echoed into the dark abyss. ...No answer came back to you. "I-I-Is an-nyone there!?"
Dead silence.
Ok. Obviously this wasn't a dream. This was a freaking NIGHTMARE!! You felt dread creeping in on you and you would've started panicking if it wasn't for a voice. One you thought you heard before, One so feeble and far you almost thought you had imagined it. Then you heard it again.
"This way.''
The words- That voice came from behind you and you snapped behind you seeing no one.
"H-HELLO!? HEY! THIS ISN'T FUNNY!? C-C-C-C'mon! Ju-Just s-s-show yourselves al-al-laread-dy!"
"This way," the voice repeated only now you were facing the direction it came from.
This person-..thing...It couldn't be serious right? Your mind was playing tricks on you surely!...But..you had no other choice but to follow it huh? Sigh. You sighed, looked around you one more time, again saw nothing, and then turned forward to behind walking. To be honest it felt like walking on a treadmill. Never leaving the place you stood except you didn't feel the ground move under your feet or the stars go past you, maybe your feet were just too cold. Then, after a short while of walking you saw it. A small dull light coming from in front of you. You grew more excited and your pace quickened. That was it! The exit! At this point you were all but running, excited to leave this place wherever it is was you were. You'd probably wake up once you reach the end. Boy Piers would think this one would be a doozy to hear. Probably get a laugh outta it too. The closer you got the more blinding the light became. Up until you had to close your eyes against the harsh glare. Still you continued on and while the light gave you hope it also took away your sight until with many blinks and your hands rubbing your eyelids, they slower adjusted to the light and it wasn't as bright as you initially thought it was. And your eyes blinked down once your leg bumped into something almost making you trip over and blink at it. Until your eyes fully adjusted. And widened as you realized you were staring at....Uh..Well you were staring at..The light was coming from...
A floating rectangle???
Yes. Before you floating just a foot above the ground was a stop sign sized rectangle that was glowing a white with a slight blue-green tint to it. Your f/c eyes followed it up to another one just like it. And then another. And another. And another. All one foot apart and starting to head upwards like some kind of stairs...Wait..WERE these stairs?? You kept staring at it totally bewildered-
"Up, Young One. Ascend."
You flinched. There it was. That voice again. It sounded male in gender and echoed both inside and outside your skull like a drumroll. Wait. Did that thing say up? You blinked at the apparent stairs again. It wanted you to go up? Seriously!? A long flight of stairs?! Your mind couldn't have dreamt up an elevator at least?...You sighed but followed the strange voice's instructions and began to climb the glowing staircase upwards. Step after step you took moving upwards in a seemingly never ending stairway of glowing floating rectangles. After a while you got to a point where you couldn't tell where you began or where it ended, as if you weren't even going anywhere again like when you were walking, but there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Er. Stairs I mean. Because when you looked up, you saw something at last that made you give pause once again. Upwards above you was a GIANT circular platform surrounded by faint purple lights resembling the aurora borealis. Was that where you were supposed to go? Looking around there was nothing and no where else to go. You couldn't even see the bottom of the stairs anymore as they faded into the darkness below. Guess there was only one way out of this mess. Looking back upwards you continued your climb all the way up until finally at last you were standing on the strange floating platform. The platform was about as big as half your standard large parking lot and strange circle patterns were glowing in it's floor. You stopped when you were about half way in the middle of it and looked around. And still nothing although you didn't feel so cold anymore now.
"HELLO!?," you hollered out again your voice echoing around as you looked around for any sign of life. "Hey! I'm here already! Where are you!? Show yourself!"
"Be Not Afraid!"
That voice again. Echoing. It sounded like it came from everywhere and no where at once leaving you looking any which way to find it. Up at the stairs. Down at your feet. Around and around at all sides seeing absolutely no one. Then it happened. Something blocked the light from you making you freeze as a long shadow fell over you. ...You felt yourself gulp feeling a VERY massive presence behind you eyes boring into the back of your skull. And then you slowly turned around. And you saw it. Irises shrinking and jaw dropping. White blinded your vision as red and green eyes bore down at you from four stories high and feet across. The thing a monster above you-
"AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Your body moved on it's own. Peddling backwards and making you crash onto your backside flashbacks of the giant corviknight when you first showed up flashing before your eyes. Making the giant pokemon blink and wince.
"I sayeth be not afraid."
"HOLY ARCEUS!!," You cried out staring at this...this..thing wide eyed scooting backwards and pointing at the thing towering over you. "What the heck are you!?"
"Oh..Thou hast already answered thine question," it answered you tilting it's head at you. "It hast taken me many a moon to find thee."
You paused. Staring at the giant thing in front of you like a goldfish before lowering it's head. "....What?"
It looked eye level at you now as if trying not to frighten you again. "Thoust tis gazing upon thy god of this realm."
God?...Wait. This thing was a god?? Not any god you could think of like Thor or Hercules. Wait. Did the pokemon franchise even have a god? Well there were legendary pokemon which were like demigods and the strongest among them was-....Was-...Your eyes widened more as a glass breaking sound went off in your head again and the thing chuckled at your expression.
"Thee one and only."
"I haveth summoned thee to correct the mistake of mine children."
"Wa-..Y-Y-Your children!?"
It nodded before lifting it's head back up and you stumble/wobbled back onto your foot. "I'm afraid the fault of thou's arrival to this plain of existance would be none other than my own children. Perhaps thou knowest thy children of time and space?"
You continued to stare at him before raising a brow. "Are-...A-Are you talking about Dialgia and Palkia?"
Arceus nodded. "Indeed."
"Wha-...H-How the heck?! What did they do to me!?"
"It seems that not too long ago now mine two children had gotten into a rather terrible spat. The worst one in nearly a millennia. Twas the fighting so passionate that they had opened up portals to your world. Resulting in many a person crossing over."
You still stared at him....before you scowled. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. WAIT A MINUTE!!" You pointed at him. "Are you telling me that the only reason I'm here is because I fell through a portal two legendary pokemon made!?"
Arceus looked a bit more embarrassed now. "When down to it..yes. Tis what happened. And thoust was not thee only one. I had toldest thine children to fix their mistake."
"....And did they?"
"Yes...Well. Mostly. I hast seen them mend the rifts and heal thine wounds towards one another but send the humans they did not. Instead they deemed it worthy to bend space and time to thine will and make thee a part of thine new world."
Make you a part of this world-...THE ID CARD!! Your eyes widened as you realized. THE OLD BAG SONIA DISCOVERED AT THE CRASH SIGHT!! That was them!? It must've been them! That was the only way to explain it! Things were starting to make so much sense now.
"So Dialgia and Palkia fought and during that fight managed to open portals between this plain of existence that they exist and somewhere where they only exist in video games and anime?....That....actually makes sense in a really, really weird way. But that still doesn't explain why you're here."
"With mine children not doing so I hast taken it up in mineself to right thine wrongs and return thine human children to their rightful home."
Your eyes widened. "You can do that?"
He nodded. "I apologize on behalf on my children for thou's troubles and thee's wait for mine arrival. For there was a many humans which fell and I hadst to prioritized the ones who would cause more trouble than though."
"You can...really send me back? Just how many were there!?"
"A plenty but do not be alarmed. Every human was sent back happily, some more forced than others. However thy childe is thy last to return home and thus thou shalt get to chose thy fate."
"You mean...I can chose whether I can leave or stay?"
"Correct. Thou hast shown bravery and compassion where others shant. I commend thee and thy good deeds. Therefore shalt get my reward here. Chose. Stay in this new world or return home from wince ye came."
You...could go back? You could go back home!? Back to your mother and old home and life. You could ...you could go and make a new life for yourself. You could leave and get your own life and job and chose your own college since you had the guts to never listen to her! And she still must be worried about you. And...that was your goal in the beginning r-right? To get back home. But...you did and have so much here. You had friends. A job. A home. Pets- Er. Pokemon. And you and Gordie-...You'd have to start all over again if you went back, and Dialgia and Palkia made you an identity here. You now existed in both worlds. But you could only chose one.
"What...happens if I go back? T-T-To my old world."
"Nothing. It would be like if thou never left at all."
"Thou would be sent back to the exact time they disappeared. You'dst be wearing the clothes thou wore when you disappeared. Thou's age would be the same before you left. It would be if thou never ever even left for a second...But. Be warned. If thou shalt pick this path, you shall never be able to return here again. And everyone here shall forget you." Your brows shot up! "Every evidence of you even being here would fade away. Photos. Memories...Everything. Your friends would forget about you."
They ...Would forget you? All of them. The journey you made with your friends? The way you raised Silver? Gordie and your feelings?
"W-What about my Mom?! In my own world I mean? W-What would happen to her?"
"Thine same scenario. In fact thoust hast been here for so long thy mother hast most likely forgotten as your existence hast most like already faded from there as well. But fear not Human Child. It shalt all be fixed once I send ye back."
You stared at him. She....had already forgotten about you? But all of it would be fixed once he sent you back..If you decided to take him up on his offer to send you back. But would that be the best thing? Yes you missed her but...There was so much more here. And your world didn't have Funny Leon or Smart Sonia or always hungry Silver or ambitious Postwick twins....Or..Gordie. ..It was decided. You inhaled a shaky breath stealing your nerves before looking back up at Arceus who still stayed ever patiently.
"Hast thou decided?"
You nodded. "I have. I-...I-I'd like to stay if that's possible."
"Art thou sure? I will only make this offer once and if thee choses to stay.." He shook his head. "Thine choice is final. I shalt not make this offer again nor will I send thee back to your old home. Think carefully before thou gives me their final answer."
"I'm already sure. And I'd like to stay."
"Tis that thine final answer?" You nodded and he hummed. "....So be it. As thou walkest onward upon thine own path, upon thee and upon this creation where thou now dwellest, I bestow my blessing. Take heed upon thine new life and tell not a soul of our meeting. Fair thee well, Human Childe Y/n of thy different world."
With that your vision began to fuzz and blur. The darkness shifted and spun around you like you were drunk and dizzy. Faster and faster everything spend up as the double vision of Arceus faded...And you woke up. Shot straight up from your cozy bed in your own little house in the dark. It....It must've still been night time! Gordie walked you home only a few hours ago. After a moment you slowly laid yourself back down and stared at the ceiling for what must've been ten minutes or so processing what had just happened....Before you again smiled.
"...I'm home."
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echantedtoon · 5 months
Love Doesn't Do Encores Ch45 The End
(This is it folks. Just one more left after this which will be the epilogue. The place where reader meets Arceus is based off the Legends of Arceus post game fight. Link below.
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Piers was home. His home. Your Piers. His Y/n. Your Home. Everything. Both. Yours and his. The whole day was a magical blur. You remembered feeling Piers's happy tears fall onto your forehead and you cried as well still hanging onto each other like a pair of koalas in front of a large crowd but you didn't care. By the time you two finally pulled apart the entire crowd began cheering and pushing you all towards the inevitable welcome back party Team Yell insisted on throwing for Piers and Marnie, which was just a giant social gathering at the gym with a lot of ordered pizza and discounted ice cream from the local store but you didn't care. The entire time Piers holding onto you in one way or another or vise versa. It was all such a blur of a night. You remembered eating a little bit, panicking for a moment your boss would get angry you just left work to party with Piers, giving Marnie a hug, and just...talking. Just talking and being held by Piers who seemed to do nothing but smile and hold you the entire time...until it got dark. Like REALLY dark and really REALLY late into the night. By the time you realized it, you were already so tired but so happy. You couldn't remember any other time you cried so much or felt so happy it felt like the whole world was becoming whole again. All your focus on Piers and his focus on you so it was quick a shock when you were finding yourself standing in front of your house having been escorted none other than the man himself and having him convince you to go to sleep. 
"Get some sleep," he spoke softly, forehead pressed against yours, a few happy tears falling down his face, and two soft hands holding your cheeks. Perfect smile on his pale features. "I wanna spend more time with ya too but it's late..an' M' tired from travelin'. Tomorrow I'll be back to ya. I promise you." Followed by another kiss to your forehead.
You did whine at the loss but your urge to sleep overtook any other emotion. So you stumbled your way inside after a few more moments. Silver and the others were both happy and anxious to see you after so long but sleep still won out over everything. You were already so exhausted you hardly even noticed you going through the routine of taking a shower, brushing your teeth, and getting into your favorite pair of fuzzy pjs before just collasping into your bed. Eyelids heavy and darkness consuming you as you fell into a fast deep sleep. The darkness of your dream was interrupted however in the most strangest ways. Because you woke up. Or at least...you thought you did-
"At last...Thou haveth been found. Divine childe from thine differ plain of being.''
Cold..It was so cold. Like winter had come early and seeped into your blankets, except you weren't covered by anything except for the clothes on your back. And you weren't laying on any soft cozy mattress like when you first went to best. It felt..cold and glasslike the ground under you. Like you just decided to fall asleep on a giant pane of glass in the middle of winter. It was the cold that beckoned f/c eyes to open above you, shivering and teeth clattering together from the cold feeling. And what was above the young woman made her gasp at the holy sight above. It-...It was almost as if the universe itself was in front of you, swirling shades of purple and black swam before you in the shape of the galaxy with some invisible force holding it above you. Silence fading in and out as twinkling stars shown around you with the beautiful sight of the fully moon lighting it all. The moon looked so close and so far at the same time. What the-...Where were you? Were you dreaming? This felt too real to be just a dream. Were you seeing some kind of old game footage like the first time you arrived in this world??..Had you died? Is this the afterlife? No..No that wasn't it. Before you could get too far into your questioning, you slowly, body shaking and teeth now clattering together from how cold it was, stood on legs more wobbly than a newborn deer. Your hands came up to rub your arms in a failed attempt to warm you up looking around. Black...EVERYWHERE WAS BLACK!! Like eternal night other than the endless night stars and full moon above you. Nothing anywhere. Spinning in a complete circle, you still found yourself completely alone. Right. Alone. This MUST have been some crazy dream right? 
"H-Hello?!," You called out tentatively finding your voice trembling and throat dry from the cold croaking. Like a creepy tunnel your voice echoed into the dark abyss. ...No answer came back to you. "I-I-Is an-nyone there!?" 
Dead silence.
Ok. Obviously this wasn't a dream. This was a freaking NIGHTMARE!! You felt dread creeping in on you and you would've started panicking if it wasn't for a voice. One you thought you heard before, One so feeble and far you almost thought you had imagined it. Then you heard it again.
"This way.''
The words- That voice came from behind you and you snapped behind you seeing no one.
"H-HELLO!? HEY! THIS ISN'T FUNNY!? C-C-C-C'mon! Ju-Just s-s-show yourselves al-al-laread-dy!"
"This way," the voice repeated only now you were facing the direction it came from. 
This person-..thing...It couldn't be serious right? Your mind was playing tricks on you surely!...But..you had no other choice but to follow it huh? Sigh. You sighed, looked around you one more time, again saw nothing, and then turned forward to behind walking. To be honest it felt like walking on a treadmill. Never leaving the place you stood except you didn't feel the ground move under your feet or the stars go past you, maybe your feet were just too cold. Then, after a short while of walking you saw it. A small dull light coming from in front of you. You grew more excited and your pace quickened. That was it! The exit! At this point you were all but running, excited to leave this place wherever it is was you were. You'd probably wake up once you reach the end. Boy Piers would think this one would be a doozy to hear. Probably get a laugh outta it too. The closer you got the more blinding the light became. Up until you had to close your eyes against the harsh glare. Still you continued on and while the light gave you hope it also took away your sight until with many blinks and your hands rubbing your eyelids, they slower adjusted to the light and it wasn't as bright as you initially thought it was. And your eyes blinked down once your leg bumped into something almost making you trip over and blink at it. Until your eyes fully adjusted. And widened as you realized you were staring at....Uh..Well you were staring at..The light was coming from...
A floating rectangle???
Yes. Before you floating just a foot above the ground was a stop sign sized rectangle that was glowing a white with a slight blue-green tint to it. Your f/c eyes followed it up to another one just like it. And then another. And another. And another. All one foot apart and starting to head upwards like some kind of stairs...Wait..WERE these stairs?? You kept staring at it totally bewildered-
"Up, Young One. Ascend."
You flinched. There it was. That voice again. It sounded male in gender and echoed both inside and outside your skull like a drumroll. Wait. Did that thing say up? You blinked at the apparent stairs again. It wanted you to go up? Seriously!? A long flight of stairs?! Your mind couldn't have dreamt up an elevator at least?...You sighed but followed the strange voice's instructions and began to climb the glowing staircase upwards. Step after step you took moving upwards in a seemingly never ending stairway of glowing floating rectangles. After a while you got to a point where you couldn't tell where you began or where it ended, as if you weren't even going anywhere again like when you were walking, but there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Er. Stairs I mean. Because when you looked up, you saw something at last that made you give pause once again. Upwards above you was a GIANT circular platform surrounded by faint purple lights resembling the aurora borealis. Was that where you were supposed to go? Looking around there was nothing and no where else to go. You couldn't even see the bottom of the stairs anymore as they faded into the darkness below. Guess there was only one way out of this mess. Looking back upwards you continued your climb all the way up until finally at last you were standing on the strange floating platform. The platform was about as big as half your standard large parking lot and strange circle patterns were glowing in it's floor. You stopped when you were about half way in the middle of it and looked around. And still nothing although you didn't feel so cold anymore now. 
"HELLO!?," you hollered out again your voice echoing around as you looked around for any sign of life. "Hey! I'm here already! Where are you!? Show yourself!"
"Be Not Afraid!"
That voice again. Echoing. It sounded like it came from everywhere and no where at once leaving you looking any which way to find it. Up at the stairs. Down at your feet. Around and around at all sides seeing absolutely no one. Then it happened. Something blocked the light from you making you freeze as a long shadow fell over you. ...You felt yourself gulp feeling a VERY massive presence behind you eyes boring into the back of your skull. And then you slowly turned around. And you saw it. Irises shrinking and jaw dropping. White blinded your vision as red and green eyes bore down at you from four stories high and feet across. The thing a monster above you-
"AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Your body moved on it's own. Peddling backwards and making you crash onto your backside flashbacks of the giant corviknight when you first showed up flashing before your eyes. Making the giant pokemon blink and wince. 
"I sayeth be not afraid."
"HOLY ARCEUS!!," You cried out staring at this...this..thing wide eyed scooting backwards and pointing at the thing towering over you. "What the heck are you!?"
"Oh..Thou hast already answered thine question," it answered you tilting it's head at you. "It hast taken me many a moon to find thee."
You paused. Staring at the giant thing in front of you like a goldfish before lowering it's head. "....What?"
It looked eye level at you now as if trying not to frighten you again. "Thoust tis gazing upon thy god of this realm."
God?...Wait. This thing was a god?? Not any god you could think of like Thor or Hercules. Wait. Did the pokemon franchise even have a god? Well there were legendary pokemon which were like demigods and the strongest among them was-....Was-...Your eyes widened more as a glass breaking sound went off in your head again and the thing chuckled at your expression.
"Thee one and only."
"I haveth summoned thee to correct the mistake of mine children."
"Wa-..Y-Y-Your children!?"
It nodded before lifting it's head back up and you stumble/wobbled back onto your foot. "I'm afraid the fault of thou's arrival to this plain of existance would be none other than my own children. Perhaps thou knowest thy children of time and space?"
You continued to stare at him before raising a brow. "Are-...A-Are you talking about Dialgia and Palkia?" 
Arceus nodded. "Indeed."
"Wha-...H-How the heck?! What did they do to me!?" 
"It seems that not too long ago now mine two children had gotten into a rather terrible spat. The worst one in nearly a millennia. Twas the fighting so passionate that they had opened up portals to your world. Resulting in many a person crossing over."
You still stared at him....before you scowled. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. WAIT A MINUTE!!" You pointed at him. "Are you telling me that the only reason I'm here is because I fell through a portal two legendary pokemon made!?"
Arceus looked a bit more embarrassed now. "When down to it..yes. Tis what happened. And thoust was not thee only one. I had toldest thine children to fix their mistake." 
"....And did they?"
"Yes...Well. Mostly. I hast seen them mend the rifts and heal thine wounds towards one another but send the humans they did not. Instead they deemed it worthy to bend space and time to thine will and make thee a part of thine new world."
Make you a part of this world-...THE ID CARD!! Your eyes widened as you realized. THE OLD BAG SONIA DISCOVERED AT THE CRASH SIGHT!! That was them!? It must've been them! That was the only way to explain it! Things were starting to make so much sense now. 
"So Dialgia and Palkia fought and during that fight managed to open portals between this plain of existence that they exist and somewhere where they only exist in video games and anime?....That....actually makes sense in a really, really weird way. But that still doesn't explain why you're here."
"With mine children not doing so I hast taken it up in mineself to right thine wrongs and return thine human children to their rightful home."
Your eyes widened. "You can do that?"
He nodded. "I apologize on behalf on my children for thou's troubles and thee's wait for mine arrival. For there was a many humans which fell and I hadst to prioritized the ones who would cause more trouble than though."
"You can...really send me back? Just how many were there!?"
"A plenty but do not be alarmed. Every human was sent back happily, some more forced than others. However thy childe is thy last to return home and thus thou shalt get to chose thy fate."
"You mean...I can chose whether I can leave or stay?"
"Correct. Thou hast shown bravery and compassion where others shant. I commend thee and thy good deeds. Therefore shalt get my reward here. Chose. Stay in this new world or return home from wince ye came."
You...could go back? You could go back home!? Back to your mother and old home and life. You could ...you could go and make a new life for yourself. You could leave and get your own life and job and chose your own college since you had the guts to never listen to her! And she still must be worried about you. And...that was your goal in the beginning r-right? To get back home. But...you did and have so much here. You had friends. A job. A home. Pets- Er. Pokemon. And you and Piers-...You'd have to start all over again if you went back, and Dialgia and Palkia made you an identity here. You now existed in both worlds. But you could only chose one.
"What...happens if I go back? T-T-To my old world."
"Nothing. It would be like if thou never left at all."
"Thou would be sent back to the exact time they disappeared. You'dst be wearing the clothes thou wore when you disappeared. Thou's age would be the same before you left. It would be if thou never ever even left for a second...But. Be warned. If thou shalt pick this path, you shall never be able to return here again. And everyone here shall forget you." Your brows shot up! "Every evidence of you even being here would fade away. Photos. Memories...Everything. Your friends would forget about you."
They ...Would forget you? All of them. The journey you made with your friends? The way you raised Silver? Piers and your feelings?
"W-What about my Mom?! In my own world I mean? W-What would happen to her?"
"Thine same scenario. In fact thoust hast been here for so long thy mother hast most likely forgotten as your existence hast most like already faded from there as well. But fear not Human Child. It shalt all be fixed once I send ye back."
You stared at him. She....had already forgotten about you? But all of it would be fixed once he sent you back..If you decided to take him up on his offer to send you back. But would that be the best thing? Yes you missed her but...There was so much more here. And your world didn't have Funny Leon or Smart Sonia or always hungry Silver or ambitious Postwick twins....Or..Piers. ..It was decided. You inhaled a shaky breath stealing your nerves before looking back up at Arceus who still stayed ever patiently. 
"Hast thou decided?"
You nodded. "I have. I-...I-I'd like to stay if that's possible."
"Art thou sure? I will only make this offer once and if thee choses to stay.." He shook his head. "Thine choice is final. I shalt not make this offer again nor will I send thee back to your old home. Think carefully before thou gives me their final answer."
"I'm already sure. And I'd like to stay."
"Tis that thine final answer?" You nodded and he hummed. "....So be it. As thou walkest onward upon thine own path, upon thee and upon this creation where thou now dwellest, I bestow my blessing. Take heed upon thine new life and tell not a soul of our meeting. Fair thee well, Human Childe Y/n of thy different world."
With that your vision began to fuzz and blur. The darkness shifted and spun around you like you were drunk and dizzy. Faster and faster everything spend up as the double vision of Arceus faded...And you woke up. Shot straight up from your cozy bed in your own little haunted house in the dark. It....It must've still been night time! Piers walked you home only a few hours ago. After a moment you slowly laid yourself back down and stared at the ceiling for what must've been ten minutes or so processing what had just happened....Before you again smiled. 
"...I'm home."
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harleyacoincidence · 8 months
Hello! And happy, Silly Sunday! (Which is something I just came up with because I'm bored,lol)
Today, your OCs/favorite characters will be doing something chaotic/silly!
Today, your OCs/favorite characters have decided to go and have a fun day at the fair.
Except there's a twist!
Not only have they decided to go to the fair, but they've also decided to go dressed up as their favorite characters from their favorite books/movies!
The rest is up to you!
Good luck!
And have fun!
Nice to see another ask from you! I like this idea, perhaps it should become a tradition among other writeblrs. It's good practice to write something fluffy with one's characters. For this one, I'll be using some of my OCs from an older WIP.
In terms of our cast list (featuring an author who got negative hours of sleep the previous night), we have:
Henriette Cellante
Idiot summoner of demons
Is in high school, therefore can do basic math
Has friends, surprisingly
Has assisted with a variety of murders without knowing
Enjoys the occasional chaos
Loves spending time with friends
Cisgender girl (she/her)
Ava Hollister
Henriette’s bestie (one of many)
Also is in high school
Quite popular at the school she goes to
Genuinely nice
Has not assisted with any murders (yet)
Oblivious to the existence of demons
Cisgender girl (she/her)
Olivia Hervey
Enjoys dyeing her hair
A high school student (everyone here goes to the same school)
Hangs out with Thomas and the gang frequently
Sells handmade soap (has given extras away for free to their friends)
Amazing fashion sense
Gives excellent advice
Demigirl (she/they)
Thomas Stolz
Theatre kid
Is in high school (who’s surprised at this point)
The most intentionally chaotic of the group
Prone to losing/damaging his glasses to be funny
Good with crowds
Somehow comes prepared with just the right thing for every situation despite not having the power of prophecy
Cisgender boy (he/him)
Alright, before we get into the chaos, we must decide which characters everyone dresses up as. Henriette would most likely go as the assistant of an artificer from her favourite book (I will explain this in another post). To match this, Thomas would dress as the artificer. Ava and Olivia would pick up on the theme and dress as the artificer’s sister and partner, respectively. Nobody at the fair would know who they were except for them, but this would just make the whole deal better (they love having inside jokes).
I could see everyone bringing their own money while being under the impression that nobody else had brought any. Upon finding out that the opposite was true, they’d pool their money together excitedly and proceed to go crazy with games and food.
They’d immediately go to one of those hunting games. Thomas would be the best at that, but would somehow manage to get his glasses knocked off by the gun. Olivia would have to catch them before they hit anything and shattered, since his parents are tired of replacing them.
Next would be some sort of whack-a-mole, which Henriette would absolutely crush everyone else in. She’d definitely pick up a plushie and take it with her upon winning.
Ava would have a blast with skee ball, hands down. It’s one of her favourite games.
Olivia would spend most of her tickets at a darts booth. While they wouldn’t be the champion at the fair, she would not give up until some sort of prize was hers. The poor person running the booth would be watching them for a long, long time.
After going through an assortment of other booths featuring things like ring toss, shell games, as well as guessing booths (I hate them so much), they’d just have to try some of the food offered there.
Henriette would love the lemonade and caramel apples.
Ava would enjoy the snow cones and friend cheese curds.
Olivia would definitely order cotton candy and churros.
Thomas would be the only one crazy enough to try deep fried butter and fried cookie dough. He might throw up after, depending on how much of the treats he’d eaten.
The group wouldn’t go around annoying other patrons or workers, but they would be sure to take plenty of selfies (especially around people who looked confused as to why they were dressed in costume). They might also go around in character, and if anyone gave them a weird look, they’d immediately up their acting game. Nobody who thought they were weird for a second would be safe.
Sorry that this is shorter than usual, I might update this later when I have more time. I loved this, as per usual!
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