#one day i'll be normal about clone wars
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I have like zero free time these days, so I didn't get to draw (or paint) much, but sometimes I did manage to stole a minute or two and well, this is the result of that stolen time.
It's just quick sketches of two of my favourite copy-paste men (because apparently I have a thing for men in armour, oh well...)
Anyway, hopefully I'll find more time to work on my art projects soon. I have so much planned but as we all know, life's a bitch sometimes and there's only so much we can do about it.
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obislittleone · 1 year
Come What May
Episode 4/?
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!Reader (little one)
Warnings: slight angst, mentions of pregnancy and miscarriage, allusions to smut but no actual smut. canon typical violence, robbery?? idek y'all
A/n: I can't believe I edited this in one sitting but here u go now be fed and I'll probably post another one in two months lol
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The sand was relentless, as it always was. Such was the life on Tatooine.
The days, though boring and long, brought a sense of peace and security to you. It was comfortable, and you didn’t have to worry about being chased.
Life with Obi was still blissful, though he’d become a different sort of person than he used to be. He was still yours, and one thing that would never change in his life was his unending love and devotion to you. Over all the bad things, you were still there, and if that was so, his life could never be all bad.
He became grumpy easily, but you often teased him, joking about how old he was truly getting. He’d hate when you pointed it out, because he already felt so much older than he had when the war was going on. Many would argue that it aged him, but truth be told, he was perhaps living the youngest days of his life back then.
You, of course, had continued to mature into the beautiful woman he’d always seen before. You looked different, sure… but all the ways you’d changed, he would think were for the better. He loved how normal you seemed. It was always so much more peaceful, living here. It was mundane and often quiet, but it was peaceful, and far less demanding of your former lifestyle. He had always hoped you could live a simple and sweet life, maybe not on this maker-forsaken planet, but having days that were just the same.
The daily routine was easy, and by now implanted in both of your minds. It was second nature, and hard to mess up even if you tried. The mornings were always slow, as the work hours were different from what you’d once known. After dragging each other from the warm confines of bed, there was a shared silence that would fall over you both as you continued to ready yourselves for each job you had. You had the fat end of the stick, getting to work in the city. You were legally dead across the galaxy, and the empire had no warrant for you in any scanner known to the systems. Especially not in the outer rim.
Obi-Wan had taken up the name Ben, the name he remembers from childhood. He doesn’t know if it was his original name, or if it was the name of his father, but it belonged to him somehow, and he felt it was easy to go by.
An hour was spent riding to anchor-head everyday, in order to clock in for your shift, and for him to catch a speeder to whatever work station they needed him at for the day. Lately he’d been harvesting flying Tibidon sand whales for their meat. He never failed to bring back a sliver of what he cut for your Eopie. It was something he did out of habit by now, but it somehow reminded you of a small thing he used to do for you many years ago.
Back in the age of the Jedi, before the clone wars ever began, Obi-Wan Kenobi had two padawans. One was the chosen one, and though he was often found to be a trouble maker, he was still the favorite among the two. The other was a small girl, not yet grown to her full capabilities. She always had a strong appetite, though, and the meals given to her were never enough to satisfy her growing form. Obi-Wan was quick to notice little things like this, and always saved his portion of Ksharra bread for her to eat after everyone was finished. The smile it brought to her was not soon forgotten…
What a sweet memory, and you almost always thought about it when you were watching him interact with the Eopie. He was gentle to all creatures, even after he became a bit hardened and settled into his new role of life.
After the ride home, there were meals that were shared in a comfortable quiet, and then a discussion of the day. It was definitely a more quaint way to live, but you preferred it to the horrid idea of running for years on end. You always told him how thankful you were to be with him, to have him amidst everything. It was he who you remembered the earliest in your life, being there for you, watching out for everything you faced, and helping you through it. He was still doing that, in a way. Though it were not by the force, he gave advice of work topics, different moody customers that would come in during the day, and even just ideas to help the work day seem faster.
It was only after he left for bed, with you watching the stars rise, that you were able to meditate. To revel in the force and to trust in its ways without anyone stopping you. Not to say that Obi-Wan would stop you, but he perhaps would try and convince you it still was not safe. It was you, however, that kept up your daily strength by meditation, and use of the force without his knowledge.
Though he would never know, your strong uses of the force were the thing that helped him sleep through the night, as he often woke up with nightmares, stirring your slumber as well and making you alert to the bad things his mind conjured. It was mostly Anakin, because how could it not be? He was his Master and his best friend, a true brother and ally. He had to have felt some sort of responsibility for what happened to him, all leading up to his death.
You too felt semblances of guilt, but you dealt with it in other ways. For him, these nightmares were often occurrences, and it was due to you that he got any sleep at all.
He would sometimes sit straight up at a moment’s notice, scaring you awake and realizing what had happened. He would breath fast and loud and not be able to slow it down, not even when you wrapped your arms around him from behind, whispering soothing words like he once did for you in your time of nightly terrors. At first, he was lucky to get back to sleep at all… but the more it happened, he found you being near him helped to calm him back to sleep. He’d cut himself off from the force, he had no use of it anymore. He didn’t know it was because of your old developed ability to take away the bad dreams. You always slept soundly beside him, even before you were together. Whenever he was laid next to you, there was not a dream that could plague your mind for the worse.
There was one night when he woke up, calling his old Master’s name. He sometimes dreamt of the way he died. He felt as though it was also his fault, that he could have prevented the Sith Lord Maul from destroying his only father figure.
It was all you could do, to sit with him, and try and calm his mind… but that night was harder. He had begun counting his failures as if they were stars, making them the only thing in the forefront of his mind, and rejecting anything that wasn’t his detrimental thoughts.
You sat with him until sunrise that day, but once the twin suns were over the dunes of everlasting sand, the day went on as normal. The small moments of grief and self loathing were forgotten.
It happened this way, only sometimes.
Something that brought you both peace on the bad days was going out to the hills and crests outside of the moisture farms specifically that being owned by Owen and Beru Lars. It would never be uttered aloud, for these thoughts brought on more episodes of sadness, but watching a small boy grow up in the sandy plains was always bittersweet. Though Luke wasn't a starpilot, or a jedi knight, or a cunning strategist... he reminded you so much of Anakin. You knew Anakin at this age, and all the years after. Even little gestures Luke sometimes made to his aunt and uncle, would send a pang of guilt through your chest. Anakin should be the one watching his son grow up. You all should be retired somewhere nice, like Naboo, with Padme watching over the twins as Anakin and Obi-Wan once again conversed like the brothers they used to be. Bittersweet, watching Luke learn to tend the farm like his uncle, instead of watching him play with his sister whom he knows nothing about.
Obi-Wan would never admit it either, but it was both healing and detrimental to observe Luke from a distance. He was closer to the boy's father than Owen ever was, and much more deserved the title of uncle... but it was not to be. Obi-Wan was a hunted man, and allowing Luke to be close to him could be dangerous.
Obi-Wan would bow his head sometimes after watching the boy, trying to make sense of how everything in his life could have lead to to this, and what could have possibly gone wrong that the galaxy was this bad. He could not even have a relationship with the son of his dearest friend.
Recently, he had delved into something of an addiction for him, something that was a grounding tool to help him realize he wasn’t going insane in these days of mundane work and internal chaos on this maker-forsaken planet. Others might see it as normal, but he had never been so insatiable before now. He craved one thing, constantly… you.
Whether it be through physical intimacy, or even small touches of your skin, he couldn’t get enough, and it was causing him to form strong habits that would not soon falter. You were of course all too happy to indulge him, as for a long time after you first came to these mountains, there was a block between you. The emotional force bond being broken disrupted many things, and that was one of them. You hoped sincerely that this was not just a rut he found himself in, and that it would only last so long. You’d missed the late nights, shared kisses and times of devotion to one another. He was such a gentle and skilled lover, anyone would have killed to know this side of him, but it was you he chose, again and again.
Though one half of the dyad was not felt in the force, he was still the love of your life, and you’d come to know him in a different way these past years. He was not necessarily a new person, but knowing him without the force, and without your constant ability of silent communication, he did become unfamiliar at times.
Still, he was Obi.
Always, he was Obi… even when everyone else used the name Ben, you would never give up the way you’d called upon him since you were but three years old. In public, he was just Ben Kenobi, who worked out in the dunes of Tatooine for a days wage… but in your eyes he was still the great protector of the republic, the General of the 212th legion, and a Master of the Jedi council. Obi-Wan Kenobi.
You were late again.
Not to work.
You didn’t tell Obi of your suspicions, feeling as though there could be a mixed reaction from whatever came of your condition, if you were indeed under the diagnosis you felt you were.
It had been ten years, and you were sure you’d retained internal damage that might prevent this outcome, but of course, the galaxy has seen far more impossible things come to fruition. Anakin’s mother conceived him without a man at all, so with the rate that your husband and yourself were going, it was almost bound to happen.
You left work earlier than usual, and gave an easy excuse to your employer as to why, and he of course was more than happy to oblige. You were a loyal and decent worker, so he never had any reason not to. There was a small clinic in Anchorhead, not as far advanced or technical as the one you were able to go to in Mos Eisley, but good enough that you would find out what you need to know, or what you were certain you already knew.
Being still deeply connected with the force, you were able to tell something was there, just like the first time, although now there was a slight difference that made you question it at first. Obi still had no idea, and how could he? You hadn’t let on to it at all and there wasn’t an ounce of strangeness to your behavior. Throw in the fact that he can no longer sense those kind of things, and you have a completely oblivious husband.
The medical droid who tended to you was outdated, but even with old mechanisms and past due needed upgrades, it deducted your symptoms to a diagnosis rather quickly.
You were eleven weeks pregnant, no doubt about it after some quick testing.
Though you were nervous of what this could mean for you, it was far more of a joy. You never thought this would be possible again, given the circumstances of the last time leaving you with injuries that should have made you completely unable to reproduce.
You were so excited as you went back into work, reeling from the information, and trying to think of ways to tell the father of this child that he was in-fact getting another chance at his dream. It wasn’t how you both had planned. You’d wanted to settle down amongst your friends, on a beautiful planet like Naboo. You had hoped for the freedom of the galaxy to give you the opportunities of a peaceful existence. Instead, you were stuck here, on Tatooine. The ugliest planet in the outer rim and much worse than you remember it from your first visit all those years ago. It was all for a reason, of course. Obi-Wan was a wanted man, in nearly every system there was a bounty on his head, with more than enough hunters out searching for him to bring his body dead or alive to the empire. You, of course, being legally dead and all, could go anywhere you wanted… but without him you saw little point in traveling away.
This child would mend the broken dreams you both had for the future, you were sure of it.
You went back about your work with a gleeful smile adorning your face, being extra friendly to patrons and even giving them a little extra for their buck. You couldn’t help the joy, it was too strong to keep bottled up for later. You were sure, though, it would still remain long into the day, and all the others after.
You’d been cleaning out a glass behind the counter when it happened. A group of robbers from out in Mos Eisley came rushing in, holding everyone at blaster point and shouting for them to get down. You grabbed a knife from the nearby drawer, trying to strategize through the force how to deescalate the situation without hurting anyone. Your skills were just the slightest bit rusty, even though you practiced whenever you got the chance. A knife wasn’t exactly your weapon of choice.
The leader of the group stepped forward to the owner of the bar, and told him to empty the credit holds into his sack, but the owner hesitated, turning your way as if asking what he should do. You started taking quick steps towards him, pushing him out of the line of the blaster before it could go off. You waited for them to start shooting, but instead heard the ignition of a lightsaber. Or at least, it sounded a hell of a lot like one.
You jumped to your feet, watching over the counter as the scene played out. There was a man, around your age, wielding a lightsaber to defeat the robbers. They all went down pretty quickly, except one whom the man didn’t see behind him. You called for him to watch out, but he didn’t have enough time to react, so you raised your hand, focusing all your force energy on throwing the last enemy to the wall before he hit the ground.
He turned to you, eyes wide and saber still ignited.
“Did you just-?” He narrowed his eyes in your direction, and something seemed to click in his head.
Nobody else had seen you do that, but him seeing it was enough.
The bar rang with cheers and clapping in applause for the Jedi, who had saved the people in the establishment from being harmed by the robbery. They all commended him, and you had half a mind to forget it ever happened, just go back to work, but the man was keen on speaking with you. Even after the owner, and your boss, had spent a rather long time thanking him and offering him solace in the place, he wouldn’t be done until he’d had a word.
You were mixing up celebratory drinks for a few patrons when he finally was able to corner you, standing over the bar and keeping his voice down.
“I know who you are,” he said softly, as if trying not to spook you away. Most Jedi were like rare animals nowadays. Almost extinct, and completely vulnerable to sudden attack.
You set the glasses onto a tray and made eye contact with him for a single second, sending a glare his way before you went out to the tables and served the drinks around. He stayed and waited at the bar, and when you came back he sighed out.
“I know this must be hard, but I haven’t seen another Jedi in so long,” he rambled, all under the guise of a whisper, of course. You wouldn’t lie, as much as you feared the empire for everything it has taken from you, it was almost a breath of fresh air to see there were others, who hadn’t been stomped out by their evil yet.
“I was never a Jedi,” you said, but ultimately, you knew, no matter what you said, he knew who you were. As strange as it sounds, being the padawan of a famous Jedi came with some sort of notoriety. “You’ve got the wrong person.”
“I know that it’s you, because you’re supposed to be dead,” he had seen your name on the list of the deceased Jedi, along with his own name on the list of hunted ones.
“I am dead.”
He isn’t sure what he was expecting you to say, maybe that you’d been like him, hiding for the last ten years and hoping that there would come a time when Jedi could arise again. But that wasn’t realistic. As long as the empire held rule over the galaxy, there could never be peace and freedom. Not for your kind, anyway.
“And I’m not coming back,” you added ominously, cleaning out the glasses that had just been set on the counter for you to deal with.
He stayed silent a few moments, but didn’t leave. Even if you didn’t speak to him, you understood why he lingered. The only Jedi you have in your life anymore is Obi-Wan, but he’s cut himself off from the force. There is no familiarity of what was. This man is probably on his own, and has been all this time. He craves the sense of normalcy your presence is probably bringing right now. Perhaps you crave it too, and maybe it’s the reason you don’t shoo him away.
“He’s here too, isn’t he?” He asked after a while.
“I don’t know who you’re talking about,” you weren’t doing yourself any favors in gaslighting this poor man, but you’d built yourself a wall of protection, and it wasn’t going to come down so easily.
“You were inseparable,” he recalls, and he knows you understand him, and that you’re just being standoff-ish. “I always wished to have that relationship with my Master.”
“Believe me, the relationship was far different from what everyone assumed it to be,” You let out sarcastically, finally being able to let your guard down a bit, but only enough that you could interact with him in a way that wasn’t stingy. You’d keep all current details hidden. He wanted to rehash the past? Fine, you could give him that.
“What it ended up as isn’t any of my business, but from what I could tell, the laws of attachment didn’t exactly apply.”
You huffed out a breath, followed by a drawn out ‘Nope.’
You thoughts shifted a bit, to just how poorly you followed the rules. You’re carrying the man’s child for force’s sake. You were never much one for the laws of attachment.
The man before you had a dumbfounded face on, and you mentally slapped yourself. You hadn’t been guarding your thoughts. You haven’t had to in so long and before you realized you needed you, it all just slipped into the open air.
“I’m sorry,” he uttered, bowing his head as if he’d been the one to provoke you. In actuality, you’d pretty much offered it all up freely for him to take, and you didn’t even know what to do about it.
“Don’t be, it’s my fault… it’s just-“
“Been a long time?” He guessed, and you nodded in agreement. “I understand.”
And now a complete stranger knew some very personal things. Perhaps he wasn’t stranger, though. He knew you, and Obi-Wan, and remembered the order from its glory days. You both had a sense of shared trauma that somehow bonded you without ever speaking a word to each other before.
“How did you recognize me?” You asked him after another bout of silence. You were drying off the dishes, and figured that as long as he was here, you would make the most of it. This clearly wasn’t an everyday occurrence. “I’m almost certain I’ve never met you up close before.”
He smiled, nodding to your hair, swept back into a style you’d become fond of lately. “Never met you, but I’d seen you around. You were rather well known among the order.”
“Guess those are the perks of being his padawan, huh?” You’d echoed your thoughts from earlier, and he chuckled.
“He was the person that everyone wanted to be. Not just a great Jedi, but a good man.”
Of course. You knew that better than anyone. He cared so deeply about everything he set his hand to. He was kind and gentle, though sometimes sarcastic and witty, but that too made him more likable in your eyes.
“He’s not changed in that aspect,” you let him know, and he took it as motive to tease you.
“I knew he’d be here,” he returned, and you looked up and laughed a bit. He’d caught you there. “He’d never left your side.”
You didn’t respond, just let that statement sink in. You guessed that many more Jedi in the order had perceived your relationship for what it really was, but never said anything. Maybe they were rooting for you, or maybe you gave them hope. It was all up for interpretation, but the one thing you could never deny was the realness in it. He’s never left your side, and he never will. Of that, you can be absolutely sure and certain.
When it was time to close up the bar that night, you’d left before the owner, making sure he was alright after the fiasco of the day. You passed your new and unlikely friend the Jedi on the way out as well, giving a simple nod that spoke more than just words. You knew he needed to talk with you, and as much as you will neglect to admit it, you needed to talk to him, too.
You found yourself at the stables before sundown, meeting with Obi by your shared Eopie, ready to go home.
You figured that the bundle of joy news could wait until things were a bit more settled. You didn’t know how the scene of today would go in the long run, or if imperials had been alerted, but you wanted to know about all of that before trying to make future plans for the child you were carrying.
He saw you enter the sectional, and smiled to you with that adoring look in his eye, the one that never faded.
“You won’t believe what happened today.”
Tags: @cool-h-posts @honestlywtfisgoingon @fandomstanner24 @elvenrin @b0xerdancer @theatrelove3000 @graciexmarvel @heyitsaloy @1deadpool26 @justanothersadperson93 @zanzann @the-nerd-dimension @spencerrxids @sawendel @fandomstanner24 @i-shall-abide @officialjellydoughnut @whatshxrname @darkened-writer @superavengerpotter @cutiepoo16 @hypnoash @softlymellow @howlerwolfmax @mephistominion @honestlywtfisgoingon @anakinskywalkerog @mandiiellen @je--a-n @guyinachair27 @avenger5-a55emble @amelia-song-pond @kaminanii @the-abyss-of-fandoms @queenofnightdreamland @world-dominating-kitty @mandowhatnow @ella-error505 @annahalo @infinity-witch @beetlejuice-stuff @liueski @solarbxby @sirianisrock @lxdyred @endless-warrior-always-fighter @iloveinej @msjb2002 @shoochi @itsilvermorny @gingerrosecosplay @sebschicken @loversjoy @argentinemango @1-800-vader @house-of-kolchek @marierg @graciexmarvel @ttzamara @truly-madly-nerdy @molieux @majahu @dyzlks @pancakefancake
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squad-724 · 2 months
Hi hello on my Star Wars blog. You can call me Moss or Kosh, and I'm here to deliver all the weird aus I make for this fandom
'*' means I am not proud of the drawing and it's old :>
(+snippet) means there's an additional piece of fanfic to match the artwork
Hybrid Bad Batch: Clone Force 99 are hybrids of Jango DNA and another sentient species. Trandoshan Hunter, Chiss Tech, Zygerrian Crosshair, Lasat Wrecker, and Diathim Omega -all that's chibi <3 | a peaceful nap | and a Bookmark -original (old) designs* -baby batch sleeping pile* -Baby batch squad photo -Baby Wrecker in Lula onesie -Wrecker's a show off (cadets)* -The Batch all grown up -nap in the sunlight -Crosshair got put in the air jail for scratching pilot seats -S1ep1 screenshot redraw -mission going wrong page 1 -Zygerrian mission going awful -Wrecker's bo-rifle -A nap after Wrecker got blown up -Hunter's chest scars -Crosshair vs the red dot -Tech and his pillow Wrecker -Tech helps Hunter with his molt -Snowy day with Omega and Hunter -Hunter protective over Omega -Crosshair's murder mittens and Wrecker's murder mittens
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Mermaid AU: Four mers raised by a fisherman called 99, Lionfish Hunter, octopus Tech, Whale shark Wrecker, eel Crosshair. There are also the betta twins Fives and Echo, and manta ray Omega, but these three the batch meets after being captured by Admiral Rampart Ref Sheets: Tech | Omega | Hunter | Crosshair | Wrecker | Domino Twins and CHIBI BOOKMARK -How does Tech's underside look? -Baby Wrecker and 99 and part 2 (+snippet) -Doctor Nala Se and Omega -Kiddos Tech, Hunter and Crosshair -Wrecker meets Tech -Teens resting and 99 fishing on a warm afternoon -Hunter teaching Omega to swim in open waters -Crosshair in trouble + Mayday finding him -Hemlock and subject 9902 -An unrelated food pic and Hemlock eating it
Centaur Wild West AU: (i'll add explanation later) -Ref sheet for the Batchers -Wrecker vs Zygerrian hunters -Wrecker nad Lula napping
The Bad Batch x Detroit: Become Human: Android Force 99 is a team of four specialized androids that hunt down deviants -Ref photo -Wrecker saves Echo from humans -WR-993 protects TH-992 from bullets -Crosshair CS-994 kills his brother Tech the deviant TH-992 -Crosshair and Tech getting out of the Cyberlife building
Tantiss Batch: Hemlock once visited Kamino before the war, finding himself curious about four defective clones slated for decommissioning, all young and easy to mold. He took them as his side project, transporting the batch to his lab on Tantiss, where he raised them -Kiddos Wrecker and Tech -Wrecker and Tech, their brothers the night after rescue (+ snippet)
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Fairy Batch: Fairies are born from normal insect eggs infused with a special elixir, their wings match whatever egg they hatched from Fairies that are born on the same day treat each other like brothers Each fairy picks a job in their community, hunters gathering food, defenders fighting birds and other dangers, and engineers creating new tools and other stuff -Ref sheet for the Batchers -Eepy batchers -Phee finds a surprise in a lab
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Coraline AU: Omega and her family arrive at their new house, where she meets her other Brothers with buttons for eyes -Omega and other Tech (+ snippet)
LULA in all the AUs
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Dragon Jedi AU (Fantasy medieval setting) The United Kingdoms of the Republic own all the dragons on their territory. When the Confederacy of independent Kingdoms began a war against the Republic, the Kingdom of Mandalore provided their soldiers; the princes of the house of Mereel being the leaders. Every battalion was given a dragon to fight alongside them, and during the time spent together the soldiers realised that the creatures were as smart as humans and kept against their will Which one can you pet? ANAKIN Ref sheet | and Fox | in harness | OBI-WAN Ref sheet+ Ahsoka | and Cody | PLO Ref sheet | and Wolfee | AAYLA Ref sheet | and Bly | KIT Ref sheet | and Monnk | MACE Ref sheet | and Ponds | QUINLAN Ref sheet | and Fox | QUI GON Ref sheet | MAUL, ASAJJ, and MOTHER TALZIN Ref sheet other dragons
Mecha AU: Kaminoas created an army of droids for the Republic. 10-15 meters tall, perfect in combat, and have suspiciously advanced AI. It is located in tubes filled with thick, red liquid, which, if not cracked or destroyed, can be transported into a new metal body. Some of the mechas are modified so that the Jedi can pilot them from the inside, with the commander and the general working together. -Rex and Cody* -Anakin and Rex -Blank trooper design
Non-connected Rexwalker drawings
Medically mandated comforting pressure Rexwalker week 2023 Vampire AU Vaderkin exchange: Massive Mer Ani and Rex
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bigupsdog · 6 months
Intro dialog for every Guilty Gear character day 3: Johnny
Sol: Your bounty is high enough to pay for my trip to the moon three times over.
Johnny: You ain't the first person to try to claim that bounty, you ain't gonna be the last.
Ky: You were also orphaned by the Crusades?
Johnny: That bloody war took many a good man's life.
May: When are you going to let me pilot the May Ship again?
Johnny: The last time I let ya drive her ya nearly crashed into Illyria Castle.
Axl: Out of curiosity what's the craziest thing you've ever stolen?
Johnny: Alright, now I wont say which, but one of the Kings of Illyria’s crown is a fake, if you know what i'm saying.
Chipp: Come on, you're wearing all black and you wield a katana, just take the full plunge and become a ninja.
Johnny: Sorry buddy, but if I became a ninja, I would just be too cool for the world to handle.
Potemkin: I'm here to retrieve stolen property from Zepp.
Johnny: What are you talking about? I haven't taken anythin from you guys… recently.
Faust: How’s… May’s… Condition???
Johnny: She’s doing a lot better thanks to you, Doc.
Milia: I work for the government now, so I have to take you in.
Johnny: I’m sure ya asked for this job personally, to see good old Johnny.
Zato: This is nothing personal, I'm just doing my job.
Johnny: And when I cut ya down, it also won't be anythin personal.
Ram: I'm confused, I thought pirates were supposed to be in the ocean, not the sky.
Johnny: Ya don't have to have such strict definitions for everythin sometimes a spade is just a spade.
Leo: A lawbreaker stands before me, and I will be the mighty judge, jury and executioner.
Johnny: I’m startin to think this ain’t no jury of my peers.
Nago: Your swordsmanship, it reminds me of samurai from ages past.
Johnny: You lookin to relive some of your glory days? Because I'm more than willin to help.
Gio: Look I have my orders to take you in, but I still owe you one, so even if I win I'll just say you gave me the slip.
Johnny: Ah that's sweet, looks like it ain't a dog eat dog world after all.
Anji: Steal from the rich, give to the poor, you’re a real Ishikawa Goemon.
Johnny: First time I heard that one, normally I get Robin Hood.
I-No: Don't even try it lover boy, I'm way out of your league.
Johnny: Damn, and I had a great witch related pick up line and everything.
Goldlewis: Outlaws like you give us cowboys a bad name.
Johnny: Nah, lawmen like you ruin the real spirit of the cowboy.
Jack-O: Is that a cowboy costume? Shouldn't you have a gun not a sword?
Johnny: It ain't no costume, I'm the bona-fide real thing.
HC: Ah the showdown, the best part of any western movie.
Johnny: In a quick draw it all comes down to who's faster, unfortunately for you.
Baiken: Put that sword down, you ain't no damn samurai.
Johnny: Cowboy, pirate, samurai, what can I say I have a lot of feathers in my cap.
Testament: I hear you've adopted many an orphaned child from the Crusades.
Johnny: I'd like to think your old man Kliff woulda been proud of me.
Bridget: Your bounty is HOW MUCH!!!
Johnny: Run along now lass, bounty hutin ain't nothin you want to involve yourself with.
Sin: Hey man, your ship looked so cool while I was riding next to it on a dragon!
Johnny: You did what now?
Delilah: Your ship was nice… um, thanks for letting me ride in it.
Johnny: Ah much alleged, good old Johnny's always willin to lend a helpin hand.
Asuka R#: I am not the real “That Man” I am simply a clone.
Johnny: So the coward made a fake to hide from his past, I see how it is.
Asuka R Kreutz: I am deeply sorry for all the pain my past actions have caused.
Johnny: Ah ain't that sweet, ya apologized, to one person who you helped make an orphan, what about all the rest?
Elphelt: Is that a noble outlaw, coming to steal this fair maiden's heart?
Johnny: Normally I'm the one who uses the cheesy pick up line, feels weird, the shoe being on the other foot.
ABA: Your ship is a whale, yet you didn't paint it blue, what is wrong with you?
Johnny: I didn't paint the May Ship, she was just born that way.
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cookinary · 4 months
Hey guys, if you want some music
I've been putting together a playlist of what my AUs' themes would be
I'll be making a list under the cut of which song matches which AU (so don't check it out if you wanna figure it out for yourself!)
Da OG boi: Banana Man - Tally Hall
Android: Robot Rock - Daft Punk
Backrooms: H A L L S - CG5
Basically Villain: Gangsta's Paradise - Coolio
Beyblade: Beyblade Metal Fusion French opening
Brothers in Arms: Turn the Lights Off - Tally Hall
Cartoon: Duck Sauce - Barbra Streisand
Clone: I think I'm a clone now - Weird Al
Cyberpunk: Organic Self - Noisecream
Demon Banana: Demons - Imagine Dragons / Phoenix - ft.Cailin Russo and Chrissy Costanza
Dragon Pilot: Dragon Pilot Hisone to Masotan outro
Escaped Experiment: Monster - dodie
Explosive Personality: MINECRAFT CREEPER RAP - Dan Bull
Ghost: Ghost - Confetti
Godhunter: Godhunter - Aviators
Honey I shrunk the kid: So What - Three Days Grace
It's just a game: Losing My Mind - Mystery Skulls
Mad Guy Dead: MAD RAT HEART from the Mad Rat Dead OST
Mad Switch: Fuck You - Lily Allen
Magic: Dementia - Owl City ft. Mark Hoppus / ROACHES - Luluyam (I picked these songs because Mage is psychotic because of everything he went through)
Mountains: Les bronzés font du ski
Murder Drones: Disassembly Required - Liam Vickers
Mutant: Captive Normal from the Hi-Fi Rush OST (PLEASE CHECK THIS GAME OUT) / I'm My Own Master Now (Platinum Mix) from the Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance OST
Nyankees: meow - lvusm
Pacific Rim: Pacific Rim main theme
Phoenix: Phoenix - Netrum & Halvorsen
Pokemon: The Journey Starts Today - Walk off the Earth
Portal: Who I am - CG5
Post-Apocalypse: Survive - SOARA / Wasteland Outlaw - MAJESTY
Radioactive: Radioactive - Imagine Dragons
Reaper: The Man Comes Around - Johnny Cash
Sailing Seas: The Seven Seas - F-777
Sea Monster: Ocean Man - Ween
Simulation Collapsing: ECHO [Cover] - Alfakyun
Space: Starman - David Bowie
Spare: I Can't Decide - Scissors Sisters
Supers: Speed of Light - Joe Satriani
Swap: Sweet About Me - Gabrielle Cilmi
Tanuki: Heisei era Tanuki War (Spirited Season) from the Pompoko OST
Therianthropy: Wild Slide - Jules Gaia / T-Rex - K.Flay
Time Agent: This Time - PXL
Time God: Temporal Tower from the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky OST
Time Loop: Stuck in a Timeloop - Animadrop
Totally Spies: Here We Go - Totally Spies season 1 opening
Turning Red: Pandas Unite/Nobody Like U from the Turning Red OST
Unaware Eldritch God: God - Jake Daniels
Untitled Friend Game: Goose Goose Revolution - TheLivingTombstone
Werewolf: Animal In Me - Solence
Witch Vampire: Happy Halloween Rap ver. - nqrse
Zombie: Macabre Rotting Girl - Kathy-Chan / Stay Alive - FFM ft. Felix Bushe / INFECTED - STARSET
Junkyard King: Junkyard King - Navie D
Rookie Mistake (AU where my sona is present): Idontgivea***k - Rabbit Junk
And EMPIRES by Electric Swing Circus isn't for an AU but I thought it was a good fit for vanilla Ophelia
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heyitschartic · 2 years
hi! I saw u recommended artist formerly known as bonesaw, do u have any other worm fic recs? bonesaw is my fav character but god I am so desperate to read good worm fics in general
I have been sitting on this ask for a very long time thinking about it. I've been in this fandom so fucking long that fics have just started to pile on top of each other in my head, so I think the best thing to do is just to recc every single thing I can think of at this moment and give my reason why. There's a lot of good fics out there buried under all the trash! This is going to be a long one, so I'll cut it off here so you don't have to scroll down past all my bullshit. In no specific order...
I have a post here going over some of my favorite authors and the works they produced, so I won't redo what I said there. I think for every one of them, you should definitely check out everything they've done because it is just fucking amazing writing. Most of their stories live in my head rent free at all times, even the stuff I didn't post in that thread.
Glowspider is one of the people I should have included on that list. Her writing is just wonderful, though I'd recc her Pact stuff just as eagerly as her Worm stuff. Lady Tremaine at the Kitchen Table just hits in all the worst ways. For Worm though, Valleyxandria, a story about Valley-girl Alexandria obviously, and Golf Morning, Gold Morning retold as a golf match, are some fucking killer stories. Some of the funniest written. It's Cold Out There Every Day was easily my favorite fic for last year, a story about Missy stuck in a time loop, and still holds my heart in a death grip. BROCKTON is a Riverdale/Worm fusion and oh my god does Glows just nail everything with this.
K800 is another amazing author and no I'm not biased shut up. She's a great writer who has put out a ton of stuff, both Otherverse and Worm. Luz Mala is a great story about an ex-villain on the run in Argentia. Wonderful story and criminally underliked. Forward is the canon-compliant story about Taylor post-gm trying to get better. It's lovely, rips at your heartstrings, and is one of the only good portrayals of how Taylor would be after Gold Morning. Bitter But Sweet is the fandoms only coffeeshop AU and it is wonderful. The name suits it perfectly and Taylor is very gay. Soliloquy is a story based off one of mine (not biased), Taylor who was in the S9 reconnecting with the clone that was made of her during Gold Morning. Very cute, very sad, all that good shit.
Hopeful Penguin fucking PUMPS out words, I don't know how the man does it, and it's all good too, some type of devil contract. He has so many I would recc, but to not fill up the page, I'll give some short ones. Def check out: Flare, a post-gm Taylor dropped in the New York Behemoth fight. It definitely nails a really good from-the-ground look at it. High Soaring Above a perfect look at the life of Hannah Washington before Brockton Bay. Balestra, a love story in the style of This is How You Lose The Time War between Alexandria and Rebecca.
Harbin wisely left this dustbowl fandom, but they are one of the greats. Their snippet thread is wonderful and full of so many great ideas (I love the one about Bakuda switching out with her normal-earth counterpart), but to focus on their stories. Cutting Ties is Taylor with Jack Slash's power. Really well written, interesting concept, but it does do the Rune redemption thing (something the author wishes they hadn't gone with). I still recc it because it's just really good. Overhaul is about Taylor with Sphere's powers, struggling with her tinkering and her disability. Scour is about Taylor with Shatterbird's powers wandering through the desert after she triggered. Very thoughtful, I love it.
Omega_93 needs to post more because all of their works bring joy to my heart. Timeslip is a story about a Taylor clone waking up during the Teacher raid in ward. The reunion between Taylor and the Undersiders is just <3 and all the hints at what's going on behind the scenes intrigues me horribly. See is a short story about Bonesaw in Twig and I think it nails Riley. Just this fucked up girl trying to figure out how to even slightly act like a normal human. Finally, Larva is about a clone of Taylor joining Breakthrough. Just a really fun idea with great execution.
Redcoat Officer has written so many amazing stories, most focusing on original characters too. Ghost in the Flesh is a runaway hit about Sonnie from Love, Death and Robots joining Faultline's Crew. Finished and fantastic! Nightcrawler is an OC story about a Case 53 in Seattle. Finally, for those begging for more Undersiders he made Good People, a Shadowrun cross where the entire worm world is made into the Shadow run world (the shadow verse?) Very fun crime, great writing, and I love how the worlds are integrated!
Discreet is an author that it just shocks me how many fucking amazing stories they've written, banger after banger. It Starts With One is their most famous fic for a reason. A very political story about Alexandria and Skitter fighting it out over Capitalism. A Word is another beautiful story about Taylor with a version of Jack Slash's power. It's a beautiful story about writing and language and being understood. Lost Cat, Please Help is a great story about a case 53 being found far after Gold Morning ended. Really love the main character. The Girl in the Room is an interactive story and I won't say a word, it speaks for itself. Finally One-Sided Rival, a story about Sophia after Gold Morning and how she deals. All amazing.
God this is getting long, only individual stories from now on.
Rank is the Worm story. If you're going to read anything, read this. it's a story about Carrie Kobayashi, a refugee from Japan after Leviathan, joining the PRT and making her way in San Fransisco. It's a fucking behemoth of a story, going all the way from 2004 to Gold Morning and fuck it uses its words well. It covers so much shit, the main character is fantastic, and it is one of the best works someone could create from Worm. PLEASE read this.
Something else to definitely check out is the Parahumans Zine. It's long, it's wonderful, and it covers so many different stories and ideas. A fuckton of love was put into this thing by so many different people and it shows. The little weld article, about a kid saying how Weld inspired him is something I still think about from time to time. Oh my god I love this piece of work.
Bubbles Always Pop is a bittersweet story about Bakuda, who she was and how she got there. It kills me reading it. Some people say it's better without the epilogue, but for me, it would be hard to handle it without.
Throttle is a story about Taylor who turns into a car. It is a fucking insane ride (appropriate I suppose) about burnout Taylor and her best friend Bitch. It scratches that itch for bad bitch stories, I wish there was more.
We Appreciate Power is an insane story. A peggy sue where Emma gets sent back to before Taylor triggers and does her best to stop Taylor from doing it and become as bad a bitch as possible to prove how much better she is.
This is cheating cause it's a snip thread, but Quantum Prompts has some of my favorite snips in this whole fandom. One More and For That Girl make me cry every time I read them.
Just One More Thing, Mr Anders is the story about Columbo taking out Max Anders. The author has a snip thread that is hit or miss(still might wanna check it out, some good stuff there), but this story is a definite hit. Nails Columbo's whole vibe and watching Anders bring himself down is incredibly enjoyable.
In Golden Armour is a love story between Lisa Wilbourn and an OC. I love this romance so much and Corey is wonderful. Definitely one of the better, if not the best, love stories out there.
Voracity is a Case 53 quest about a fun and frightening girl figuring out her place in the world. Cirrata is a delight and her personality just makes you want to see what she does next.
By the same author, Rein is a story about Taylor able to summon Taylor (based off Fate stuff, I don't know that though). It nails the voices of Taylor from four different times in her life and really plays into a lot of fun stuff that would come up in this scenario.
Mixed Feelings is a fabulous story about Astrid, a gay girl born into the Empire dealing with her feelings, her past from a horrible father, and her look towards a future. It can be a very heavy read. This story is a main stay in the fandom, been updating forever, and it's always a joy to see it.
East of Eden, god what a fucking trip of a story. Eden dies and rebirths herself as Taylor Hebert. Shit just gets wilder from there. It seems like a cracky premise, but it plays it so well, managing to make it through the end of the world and end on an upbeat note. I love this story and I hope you do too <3
From the same author, The Countess is perhaps the story I should have recommended first. A Count of Monte Cristo fusion that...well listen, you hear that premise and it manages to mesh the worlds together into a beautiful tapestry. God it's just so wonderful and the kind of thing I'm begging for more of.
City of Salt is a wild story told from a bunch of different viewpoints about Brockton after Behemoth hits instead of Leviathan. It has beautiful artwork, covers so many interesting threadlines, and has an insane companion fic about three Echidna Taylor clones in the Wards.
Agent of Cauldron is the sort of fic we need a lot more of. It fleshes out the worm world in a ton of ways, builds on what Cauldron is and adds so many new and interesting characters. This story is wild and I'd recommend it just to see what they added.
Tabloid was one of the original greats by one of the best artists in the fandom, long gone for better pastures. It follows a cape paparazzi and they are a joy of a main character and the art work is amazing too. A definite read.
Dragon Unbound is another oldie but a goldie. The Dragon that Defiant created in the Epilogue gets free and goes to live her own life. Really fun and entertaining. The sort of thing that should be recommended more.
Diary of a Professional Knockoff about a dorky girl who writes cape fanfiction and finds herself joining the PRT as an intern. Fun antics with social anxiety and tinkertech.
Alright, there are tons more I could post about but this thread is wayyyyyyy too long as it is. Besides, that should leave you thousands of things to read through in the meantime.
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presidentbungus · 4 months
option 1: post-canon, spy visits a team reunion in boston over smissmas, reconnects with scout, maybe ends up forced to confront the feelings he's had for engineer since they parted ways. continu-sequel to more than you probably think which i wrote like a year and a half ago (holy shit)
option 2: halloween, demo gets his body stolen by merasmus for nefarious purposes (and his soul promptly shoved into the persian persuader, which fake demo vanishes with); scout and eyelander team up and move with the rest of the team to save him and go on a big fun halloween adventure or something cool and fun like that
option 3: sniper hates engineer for being so weird and passive-aggressive and hard to read, engineer hates sniper because sniper hates him, and then look at that there's some rich prick in a microcamera-studded minisentry-packed forest somewhere whos head needs a-shootin' and specifically the only two people who can get the job done are the 2 guys who hate each other. im sure your lifetime of fanfiction experience is informing you as to where this is going to go. funtime road trip, theres only one bed in the camper, putting pressure on bleeding wounds (sexily), all sorts of fun things like that
also BIG two, like long long, will probably try to finish other ones first so my ao3 page doesnt remain inactive for a full 2 years but including these for posterity:
option 4: space AU, sort of demo focused, sort of not. main 9 are having great, vaguely interconnected times doing crimes in various corners of the universe, oh no gray mann's giant wild west space casino has all the space australium in the big space vault, so what is there to do except a giant wild west space heist. yes, demoengieheavy (also potentially medic as a secret fourth thing) because i said so, and they hate each other and it's really dramatic i promise. demo is an octopus-man, engie is a wild west robot-man, sniper is a mermaid-man, you know the drill and the drill is awesome
option 5: the one where engie is a clone of radigan. it is extremely elaborate and i am just going to trust youve seen my posts on this one (or my deeply deranged ramblings about it on one of several discord servers (including my own which is pretty cool i am just saying)). complexes galore, demo/engie is there and it is VERY complicated, split between very unfortunate stories from engie's childhood, and a present-day plot following engie through his time in the gravel wars, where he slowly works through all the damage and maybe gets involved in some mann co patented Dark, Torrid Secrets© on his way. normal girlboss things
bonus points if you ask me questions or something about any of these i'll give you an itty bitty little bitty kiss on the forehead
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voidartisan · 2 years
More Ideas for TCW Modern AU
No war no drama just a wholesome family sitcom
There is DEFINITELY a roadtrip at some point. Ideally all the clones are shoved into one van and have invited Anakin and Ahsoka and maybe Obi-Wan and Plo to join them
There's a plot point about Korkie getting his driver's license, or Anakin losing his, or both
Ahsoka runs for student council against Lux Bonteri
Yoda teaches the neighborhood kids martial arts and the clones get an "I'll Make a Man Out of You" style training montage
They try to throw a surprise birthday party for Satine but inevitably bungle it somehow
Satine, Padme and Ahsoka have a spa day and Anakin gets arrested
Korkie plays matchmaker
Anakin definitely has a car in the garage that he's working on but has to go to ridiculous lengths to get parts for
Lux, Ahsoka, Korkie, and Barriss all get assigned to the same group for a school project
Fives brings home an espresso machine and all the clones are vibrating at the speed of sound within two days. Cody and Rex have to lock it in the attic and eventually defend it like the last two survivors in a zombie apocalypse movie. Fives sees that it has gone too far and sells it on ebay
Bo-Katan is Korkie's Cool Aunt who lets him do things Satine would not approve of. She occasionally shows up for a couple days with no notice and weirdly prescient gifts for her nephew, crashes on the couch for a night, and then disappears the next morning.
Obi-Wan stress bakes
Obi-Wan and Satine decide to take a week-long vacation to celebrate their anniversary, leaving Anakin in charge. This proves to be a Bad Idea and Plo has to save the day
Lux, Ahsoka, Korkie, Anakin and Barriss go ghost hunting in the abandoned house down the street (all the spooky stuff is just Yoda messing with them)
Rex is constantly looking for excuses to stay over for dinner because both Satine and Obi-Wan are excellent cooks. most of his brothers are... less so.
There's a running gag about Yoda's garden being attacked by demon rabbits that can chew through chicken wire. It's heavily implied that the clones are behind this so that Plo can be the Best Gardener In The Neighborhood, but the bunnies are actually just Like That
Obi-Wan has one of those four-person chessboards that he pulls out on family game nights when Anakin isn't home. Satine is the reigning champion.
Barriss sleeps over and Ahsoka begs everyone to be normal but the fire deparment ends up having to get involved
The clones never discuss it but there's a jar in the background stuffed with coins and bills labeled 'dirt bike fund'
There's a community talent show for some reason. Korkie spends the entire episode doing unrelated and increasingly bizarre things. When anyone asks him about it he says he's preparing for his act. Quinlan keeps trying to get Obi-Wan to do a sword-fighting demonstration with him. The only performance we see in full is Fives's theatrical rendition of "oh where is my hairbrush". All we know about Korkie's act is that he leaves the stage to thunderous applause and Satine and Obi-Wan are in the audience holding hands and shedding tears of pride and joy.
So much potential for holiday episodes
Grandpa Dooku turns up unannounced for thanksgiving dinner (extra tension provided by the fact the Obi-Wan is clearly the favorite grandchild)
Ahsoka, Korkie and Lux try to catch a halloween vandal that turns out to be Barriss
4th of July shenanigans (with fireworks)
Valentine's Day episode where Anakin is consistently foiled in attempts to slip away to see Padme by Ahsoka looking for boy advice because Bariss thinks Lux has a crush on her. Subplot with Obi-Wan and Satine trying to have their first romantic dinner date in like three years but things KEEP COMING UP.
Sentimental Father's Day episode where Anakin and Obi-Wan remember Qui-Gon, and Ahsoka and Korkie attempt to find the PERFECT gifts for Plo and Obi-Wan, respectively (Ahsoka has already found her gift for Obi-Wan, it's that one card that says "what is a dad? you. you is a dad." she knows he'll secretly treasure it), and think they've failed miserably but everything turns out okay and it's very wholesome and a little cheesy.
Wholesome christmas episode where Anakin and Padme have their gift of the magi moment and Ahsoka has to hide that she accidentally found out what Plo is getting her and Satine and Korkie and Obi-Wan make a ridiculoulsy elaborate gingerbread house to bond and relax and the clones and Quinlan have a disastrous holiday light competition (Cody gets to be a little bit feral in this one. as a christmas gift. to himself)
Next season someone is sabotaging the light competition. It turns out to be Obi-Wan, who just wanted to bake cookies and put up his lights in peace like a normal person, which he finds extremely difficult when his neighbors are SCREAMING AT EACH OTHER in their front yards
Cliffhanger at the end of a season where Padme finds out that she's pregnant with twins.
We find out that Leia and Luke call Obi-Wan "Uncle Ben" because his name is really hard to pronounce for two-year-olds and everything they said came out sounding like Ben anyway
When the twins get older there's a very popular clothing brand called Rebel Scum and they get a shirt for Obi-Wan so that he can "be hip with the youngsters." (quoting Luke)
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quinobiweek · 1 year
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Two Months Until QuinObi Week!
It's August 16th, which means it is just two months until we'll have a week celebrating these two nerds! I'm very excited and am cooking up my own contributions for the week.
I do have themes for the week, but they are totally optional, and you can participate by making one thing or many! Those things include fic, art, gifs, meta, graphics, or whatever you like!
What is QuinObi Week? 
Glad you asked! QuinObi week is a time to celebrate the relationship between Quinlan Vos and Obi-Wan Kenobi. The week is for any kind of relationship between these two: romantic and/or sexual, platonic best friends, friends with benefits, Queer Platonic, or anything in-between! There’s not enough content for these two, and I’d like to change that (because however you see them, they are not normal about each other).
Day 1: Padawan years 
Day 2: Knighthood/Raising Padawans
Day 3: Clone Wars
Day 4: Post Order 66
Day 5: AU 
More to come! You can follow this blog or my main @kcrabb88 for updates. I'll be tracking the tag QuinObiWeek when the time comes. Rules and FAQ can be found here.
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gremlin-bot · 9 months
That ain't happening Thursday!
we are back baby!!
I was working on a lot of stuff for fandom events so I really couldn't share a lot. Now that most of that is done I can start on other things! Starting with the sfw part of a Nsfw Brain Dead ship Fic!! it is affectionally named "smut fic, yes the one with star wars" in my wips folder.
Danny had been friends with Tim for over half a year and he has been pining after him for just as long. He is so gone for this boy it's not even funny. Sam and Tucker had been dealing with his lovesick ass the whole time and he can tell they are at their limit.
"Danny, I swear to the Ancients if you don't ask him out or something soon, I'll start growing plants in your dishwasher." Sam lightly threatened after his half an hour long rant about the other boy.
"Sam, no!" Danny pleaded with her from his spot on the floor.
"I'm with Sam on this one, dude. If she doesn't go through with it then I'll keep giving you viruses. You'll be forced to talk to him to get rid of them because I'm sure as hell not doing that for you." Danny cringed at hearing Tucker. Yeah, maybe this was going on too long if Tucker was making threats.
"Fine, if I don't ask him out before the end of spring break you guys can go through with ya threats" The cheers this got from them was in his opinion a bit much.
So here Danny is, with two days left before classes start up again and still too much of a coward to say anything to Tim. He even is tired of his own bullshit at this point, but he is going to fix it today! 
Tim had asked him to come over to watch Star Wars later that night. He planed to ask the other out afterwards, let's just hope he doesn't chicken out. He really doesn't want to hand wash dishes and find a way to fix his computer without Tucker or Tim. 
Tim couldn't wait for later tonight. Danny and him were supposed to continue their rewatch and light roasting of Star Wars, with Attack of the Clones being next, it should be a great night. Danny's roasting and general presents always made the nightmare of getting someone to cover his patrols worth it.
His missed patrols did have the side effect of making him a bit restless. He ends up having to workout beforehand to settle himself. Normally, it wouldn't be a big deal, but this damn proposal meeting is taking forever. At this rate, he wouldn't be able to change out of his workout clothes. Well, guess he can use this as an opportunity to flirt with the other man. He’ll wear some booty shorts and a crop top then. If it doesn't drive Danny up the wall nothing else will. 
Tim really should just ask the other boy out at this point. His crush was getting ridiculous, and it was really a matter of time before he said fuck it and kissed that hot nerd. He almost did before he was interrupted by Danny getting a call. He was going to find the coworker that called Danny in to cover for them that day and steal their left shoes.
Tim internally sighed as another person talked about something that could have just been an email and was barely relevant. God, when will this suffering end.
When Tim opened his door, Danny knew he was going to die. 
He was going to die of blood loss because all of his blood is quickly heading to his dick, and it’s all Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne’s fault. Tim was in bright fucking red booty shorts with white trimming. His shirt did not help either! The black hand-cropped top with the cartoon ghost on it was bisected by its uneven cropping. Tim’s slim torso displayed the efforts of his clear workout. A bead of sweat dripped down his torso to his waist line. 
Ancients, he wants to follow it with his tongue. 
Danny snaps his gaze up to Tim’s face, hoping he didn’t get caught with wandering eyes. The other man smirks and steps out of the doorway to let him in. Danny was a fucking goner. A dead man (more than usual) all because of the man in front of him. 
Danny quickly slips his sneakers off and stumbles after Tim. So many questions running through his mind, none he can ask without giving his exact feelings away, if his dick didn’t give half of them away already. 
Fuck, he was pathetic.
He takes a deep breath. He can do this, survive the movie and ask that gorgeous genius out. He just hopes that Tim feels the same.
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docilepillow · 7 months
2024 February Media Post Thingy : Featuring Movies Also
I've never really liked doing editing " do-overs". i think if this was like a normal year with no leaping ( As of starting this post a couple of minutes ago ( 4:51 PM ) , i only just learned that this year was a leap year? Just goes to show how little i pay attention..! But yea, on topic, on topic, i don't look back to edit these kind of thought pieces after i write them, it'd feel odd to do so, ,and january's post was a mile and a half to write , so, after finishing the Big Thing for this year, i'm starting the writing on this on the 28th so i dont have to finish it all in one sitting this time. I'm not sure when i'll drop or pick up on it, and its not like, done Live with the month, so the actual timeline of things won't be completely perfectly accurate, but anyways : the things covered here are in rough sequencial order, mostly focused around New Media i've tried this month, with an added blurb about anything ive revisited this year at the very end. I'll try to add a blurb about everything, but no guarentees. Also, i said i'd have more screenshots to share, but i forgot again. A significant number of games here were also on 3ds which i have no good way to get screenshots for. planning is hard This month was heavily characterized by the absolutely wonderful time i had for my birthday and the days surrounding it, because wow, am i in love with my boyfriend! after many, many months spent long distance, i'm extremely glad to say that the first few days of this month were absolutely heavenly, and i do absolutely "get" all the lovey dovey emotional stuff that surrounds it. While he was over, we got to watch a whole bunch of different movies and such, and most of the video game focus was directed towards one big game, being God Of War Ragnarok, which is an absolute behemoth of a triple a game and also one aattached to the very sentimental god of war that i've also shared with him in the past ( they're some of his favorite games of all time, and he's especially knowledge on Norse stuff, so it's cute to listen to him ramble about it whenever actual mythology stuff comes up. Its absolutely adorable the way his voice lights up..! ) So, you'd expect the first piece of media i got through this month would be God of War Ragnarok, after all the time i've spent hyping it up already, while it's still fresh in my mind as of typing, And i'm on a massive, sentimental tangent on it, But...! TRUMP VS ILLUMINATI < Least Romantic Movie I've Personally Made Out With Someone Over >
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theres not all that much to say on this movie as the title'd show, actually, and, obviously, the movie's a complete joke, through and through ( the titular protagonist isn't even the real deal, he's just a clone of the guy who lives on mars for whatever reason as the last human alive (?) ); and it's so ameturishly put together that i'm almost certain the entire scripting process of it was put together by looking at the title of the movie and quipping in a discord call brainstorming for a couple of hours, but it's absolutely great for virgining couples beccause you'll want to watch the movie for a bit, a bit that's been going on for i want to say little over three quarters of a year, but then, when you actually get to watching, it, you'lll both decide unilaterally to make out sloppy style instead of watching the movie, wow!
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by the way, most of the movie is just weird little stock models talking at each other for what i rememeber being 50 or so minutes. i dont tihnk this is a good movie buut i thought itd be funny to bring up because in a shirtless daze after watching it i had the mortifying realization that this shitty movie was gonna be on the top of my media diary if i chose to go through with it . so here it is ! ! ! CATS & DOGS < tulpa movie >
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idk what to blurb about this movie i think its entertainment value comes from the varied" WHAT DOES THIS IMPLYYY " moments in the movie and how like
excessively silly it is im not sure if it was this movie in particular but i have a very specific anecdote of this movie as a child before my parents divorce where i was actually Forced to watch it for some reason with my dad and with an anecdote like that the only thing i can think to say about it is that i think i actually enjoyed it more then Wonka theres some puppetry with the cat villain in this movie thats actually pretty endearing actually. its a decently entertaining spy movie. DOCTOR STRANGE
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not having a title for this one isnt like reverence or anything i still watched this with my boyfriend in our little place and it was very enjoyable, and, in particualr, this was actually the first movie i watched of this list that i actually wanted to seek out to watch, actually! i've never been an mcu guy ( And, if you expect my movie reviews to professionalize, with like, research on the actors anything, you're dead wrong, i think , also. i think when it comes to assosiating characters with their actors or whatever celebrity or director or whatever, i just. .dont do that. i can see why normal people do but i dont have that built into me. so if i refer to a character it'll be for their character. ) i think this is a good movie i think this is a neat movie i think this a very pretty movie and i like mister stranges arch alot and i think it was really well characterized and enjoyable and id watch this movie again sometime maybe. im not a live action head but i think this movie just looks cool and is well presented in general. i think as an asshole mister strange is very watchable which is unusal for me cus i wince whenever characters do a thing thats like regrettable like noooo dont do that like an autistic weirdo but that wasnt really a problem with me for this movie i think its cool how this prick gets grounded by the fantastical shit in the movie and i think his little mini arch over the movie really stands out as a good character piece. thats all i have to say about it as someone who doesnt super hero movie this movie movies really good and stands on its own. i think its cool. i think this is a very enjoyable movie. i think people should watch it if theyre on the fence on it beingg mcu bc i dont think its like thoose other movies at all. im repeating myself. w/e Alot of early febuaary is characterized by movies bc i want to make it clear that the main game i played in that arch of time was God of War, and there were very much Not Media things that were more pressing for my time. lol VIDEO GAMES!!!! VIDEOVERSE < Most Heartwarming Eboy Game >
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the docism i picked for this game sounds demeaning but thhis game is absolutely worth i think everyones time and if theres a game from febuary i'd make as a general reccomendation to my friends, it'd be this one, i think! it's an absolutely heartwarming narrative about an early 2000s era internet community that's being shut down, and its very resonant to at least Me, as a wii u / 3ds era fan
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though it kinda melds that kinda stuff with a more early internet aestetic , which i think the combo works Really Well in terms of like vibe alone. the game is very naked with how it presents an early internet community and id describe it as being like hypnospace outlaw but without you the player being in the seat of like an internet moderator. Like you can moderate in the game a little bit but it's much less of a focus compared to the being in a game community with your friend aspect
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this games a very well executed narrative about this emmet guy ( in the image above this one, he's on the far left of the screen ) and playing it as the first non GOW game of the week was definitely a choice i made that made me kinda sappy and clingy ( since its very much about the internet anxiety of losing a bunch of friends you care about due to dumb internet social media crap, which feels pretty well timed with this whole tumblr drama going on. also, as someone in a long distance relationship, the romance thing in this game also is pretty relatable in parts )
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idk! its a very short game. i played it on deck and it was a very short but sweet pair of game sessions. i think if u like what you see here i reccomend giving it a shot if you're looking for a visual novel . ithink it is cute. if you like cute things this game is for Cute PRINCESS REMEDY IN A WORLD OF HURT < cute em' up where nobody has to die ! >
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i actually falsely appraised this as gameboy color style when its supposed to be dos evokative. i knew i was missing something.
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this is a free top down shmup game from steam about a cute healer girl! the game has really cute writing and is about an hour long. i think the writing makes it worth giving a try if you have an afternoon! the final boss is litearlly a guy with Every Disease that also has a refrence to ff6, so me being charmed by this game was kind of a given. Oops! I think more people should look at this game! it's worth it !
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also, since everyone in the world of hurt has some kind of injury for you to remedy, some of the ones that get picked out are pretty amusing, also. its usually structured around " heres the problem with me " dialogue and " thank goodness im better " dialogue. this game is also for the gays because u can marry whoever you want after the credits. Yay! SUPER MONKEY BALL 3D < worst game icon ive ever seen for a video game award >
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the games just kind of mediocre and the only reason i downloaded it is bc it was on 3ds and i just want to point out the games icon is Just a low resolution picture of ai ais face on a white bg. i think thats funny but the games so easy that thats pretty much the only novelty you'll extract of it if youre a monkey ball fan. oops .
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something like this ive spent longer trying to find this games home menu icon then thinking about the game after playing it sorry i dodnt think this game is worth that just kind of sad
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no reverence for this either pretty much all the games thatre gonna be talked about thatre on 3ds were just me looking through hshop slightly interested in something to do while waiting for my bf to wake up for more gow
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all i can really say is that this game is a gameboy demake of the x games thats just slightly worse and going in with that expectation is correct but also its just Really annoying sometimes is very much a game where the levels are short and easy and the boss fights are kind of choppily designed and difficult and i think finishing this game was kind of more of an act of stubbornness then anything. theres this one boss second to last from sigma thats just killing this boss that spams 4 nearly undodgable spammy fast projectiles while you're on two tiny platforms over death spikes and i think that kind of speaks for how much id reccomend this ( not at all ) i think this is the angriest ive been at a game in a bit actually remembering it . i think i said a funny misnomer about it but i dont remember. something about this contributing to why mega man fucking died or something. im realizing i didnt actually consume alot of good media this month took a break writing this on leap day and umm FIRE EMBLEM WARRIORS ( The 3ds version ) < POPCORN VIDEO GAME >
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as someone whose never played a dynasty warriors type game this was actually a little less boring then i was expecting it ? you'd assume picking the switch or wii u version would be more ideal, but, as someone whose favorite console is the 3ds , and considering it'd take less time to download to my system, i ended up picking this version. it actually runs pretty well and my only real complaint is that the character i wanted to play as is thuroughly stuck into the post game ( Celica from FE echoes ).
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functionally this is kind of just a game that exists to be a stim device while you're in like a voice call or something but at that its pretty good from what ive played. used minerva for most of it and it wasnt too hard but not especially annoying either. its okay. i never got to unlock celica though ( bummed out ) and its not bad at all for somemthing i pretty much only played to pass the time between when my BF was awake to watch me play god of war, which it succeeded at. ive played every FE naturally available on the 3ds. TOM AND JERRY WILL WONKA & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY
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huh what happened howd this happen
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game i actually owned legitimately that i forgot i did. technically since the games are going down in a month from now this is my way on reminicing on Maker in general , but i mostly just reflected back on itt as a cute wii u memory and that cute packet that comes boxed with the game. the 100 or so challenge levels in this are neat but not Especially special. kind of existed to pad out the games i've tried and finished this year so far to an even 15. its not bad or anything, it did remind me of a few interactions i didnt know about before. maybe sometime before maker 2 goes down ill finish making that super world i started on when the game was new... putting all my thoughts togetherrrrr GOD OF WAR RAGNAROK
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Igod of war ragnarok is pretty cool. for context, im pretty sure the first game of the i wanna say ps4 " duo " of norse GOW games are the two video games that both started me on my ps4 journey recently and got me and my boyfriend together? which i think is very sweet its also very unexpected cus other then being a soft mythology nut i dont see how id get into these kinds of games naturally, considering i'm less genre savvy when it comes to i guess " modern-style " story focused 3d adventures. Considering i'm a nintendo head, these could count as some of the only super duper gamerhead games i've ever played? though i don't know if it means anything when i say that . i think this game definitely needs the groundwork of the first gow to stand up, but, thats not a bad thing, its a very well thought out start to end NARRATIVE, and its a really good one at that. lots of well thought out character interactions and setpieces,a friend of mine described it as a universal ride-style game , and , in terms of linearity, it kind of IS that, but in like the most postive way i can think of in terms of the kinds of games i play , this is probably the drop-dead most prettiest game i've ever looked at from start to finish ( When it comes to detail and realism, i mean. .i think its very pretty to just look at the environments n stuff ) god of war ragnarok is pretty cool. for context, im pretty sure the first game of the i wanna say ps4 " duo " of norse GOW games are the two video games that both started me on my ps4 journey recently and got me and my boyfriend together? which i think is very sweet its also very unexpected cus other then being a soft mythology nut i dont see how id get into these kinds of games naturally, considering i'm less genre savvy when it comes to i guess " modern-style " story focused 3d adventures. Considering i'm a nintendo head, these could count as some of the only super duper gamerhead games i've ever played? though i don't know if it means anything when i say that . i think this game definitely needs the groundwork of the first gow to stand up, but, thats not a bad thing, its a very well thought out start to end NARRATIVE, and its a really good one at that. lots of well thought out character interactions and setpieces,a friend of mine described it as a universal ride-style game , and , in terms of linearity, it kind of IS that, but in like the most postive way i can think of in terms of the kinds of games i play , this is probably the drop-dead most prettiest game i've ever looked at from start to finish ( When it comes to detail and realism, i mean. .i think its very pretty to just look at the environments n stuff ) ( I have screenshots of the game on my ps4, but as i'm a day late to uploading this in the first place, i'm too lazy to both fetch them with my capture card and upload them to an image sharing site, so here's a picture of Jalla, a cute cow critter you get to ride in the game thaat made me very happy . )
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I've heard of games that take up entire segments of people's lives for months , and while i've played lots of " longer " games, gow despite being shorter then something like SMT 4 is definitely one of the first games i've played thats been defined like that to me. i dont wanna say too much on the plot because i think these games are worth playing back to back on their own merits, though for me the experience definitely was raised above by , you know, sharing it with the love of my life, haha. its very cute to listen to someone visibly light up when talking about a game and its definitely my boyfriends infectiousness for the game that motivated me to keep coming back to it and dig for all the little details, even if i play 3d games like this like a game's journalist.... but yea god of war is really good i dont want to spoil anything on it but even if you haavent played the past games but have a ps4 and an appreciation for storytelling, i'd definitely reccomend it. Surprisingly cozy, heartfelt story on parenting and war and lingering regret n junk. also i like mimir alot hes silly and brok theres alot of characters in this i like alot
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if you know you know TERMINATOR 2
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oh yea i watched terminator 2 also very gripping very cool top moms in media for sure i can see why this is a classic movie it abosluely rocks and i was technically present for the voice call where they watched the first movie but i wasnt paying attention to it at all whoops thats technically the last of the new media i did but i also tried out a pokemon X nuzlocke and i replayed king of cards which was really fun and i remembered how much i liked madam meeber
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the nuzlocke was a disaster but i actually did do it so winner
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im sure there was other stuff too but im tired of typing and i forgot CLICKING SEND!!!!!
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xxxairheadedangelxxx · 3 months
6, 11 and 12 for the ask game with OCELOT
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Gemini queens 🤞
In all actuality there's quite a few things I feel like I have in common with this insane war criminal. One of the big ones is the chameleon style of socialization. He goes through several iterations of himself over the course of the games, all of them identifiable but each one distinct to what is needed of him in that moment.
Also the undying devotion that borders on insanity(or completely falls over into insanity for ocelot). There is very little I wouldnt do in order to secure the happiness and safety of those that I hold that close to my heart. I lose all sense of morals if they need any form of protection. I can and will and have manipulated my way into groups and situations to better understand what was going on and how best to support/protect whomever I was focused on. Of course this is a significantly smaller scale than literally being a double agent against essential every major government power in the world in order to protect one single man. Going so far as to help him fake his death and force oneself to fall in love with his silent "clone" to sell the lie.
But I would actually do fucking all of that in a heartbeat if it meant keeping someone safe.
11. Would you date this character?
I DON'T KNOW ENOUGH LANGUAGES TO DESCRIBE HOW MUCH I AM MARRIED TO THIS MAN. its an extremely weird blend of do I love you or kin you but I am fucking obsessed with him and want him to be as obsessed with me. Fun fact my massive fixation on him has been one of the ways I denied being a lesbian for fucking years bc would a lesbian love a slimy little pathetic blonde man in a video game??? the answer is yes.alot of us do actually
I want us to torture Huey emmerich together ❤❤❤
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Oh god I have so many thoughts about this man but I'll go with a cute domestic one which is if he was just a guy, living his life, not born into a war zone I think he would be an extremely well accomplished dog trainer/groomer specifically for service animals. He was able to take DD, a pferal puppy thrown at him out of fucking nowhere by his husband, and train that good boy into an extremely beneficial partner on the field in frankly like a handful of months AT BEST.
I feel like he would handle raising multiple times of service animals but with a focus on helping more stigmatized bigger breeds become service animals and his waiting list for his new litters would reach into the several years long.
I could spin this into a whole normal life AU for MGSV honestly, with Kaz being the entire reason he even starting doing this in the first place though he would never admit to that outloud. But he knew Kaz needed more help in day to day life than he would ever admit so Ocelot started training a puppy to help him out without saying a qword so that he could never say no. And it just spiraled from there
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gumclones · 1 year
I know I've already made an ask about Chicle before, but I'd really like to know your thoughts on his relationship with Pb. Mainly because I saw one of your previous posts about how Gumbald wouldn't let a dum-dumified Chicle anywhere near the battlefield during the gumwar, which made me think about how Bonnie had made Chicle fight for the candy kingdom as Crunchy in the episode "Something Big".
first: thank you for the ask! I made this sideblog because I wanted to discuss Adventure Time, so asks like this are feeding the AT-loving gremlin in my brain.
my full response will go under a cut because, as always, I love to talk at length.
so I'd say there are two parts to this: one about Crunchy in Something Big and one about his relationship with Bonnie as a whole! I'll talk about Something Big first.
I think there are a few key differences between the battle vs Darren and the Gum War that explain what happened in the former better than Bonnie's relationship with Chicle on its own. for starters, the Gum War was a planned offense, but Darren and Maja launched a surprise attack on the candy kingdom. it's possible that Crunchy wasn't conscripted so much as already present in the castle, which we know from You Made Me he lives in. it's not like there'd be any place to send him that would be both accessible and safe! on top of that, he's an archer rather than a ground soldier.
another difference is that at the time of Something Big, Crunchy's been around for around eight hundred years already, while Come Along With Me seems to have happened essentially the day after Gumbaldia. it's not clear how many memories Crunchy retains, but as of the end of Gumbaldia he seems extremely disoriented. before the events of Skyhooks II, Crunchy is comparatively much more put together – he probably wasn't actively volunteering to fight or anything, given his not-so-secret goal to never die, but it'd still seem like much less of a disaster to give "normal candy citizen" Crunchy a bow than "hey what's a plan" Crunchy.
the last thing that stands out to me is that Bonnie has more resources than Gumbald! he may have a base of operations, a city-state under construction, and a secret lab, but I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't have the means or the know-how to put people back together. (he might be able to do it for his cake people, but Crunchy is literally built different, much closer to Gumbald personally, and already the victim of a mistake Gumbald likely blames himself for.)
on to the meat of the question: Bonnie's relationship with Chicle!
I think that Bonnie's relationships with Lolly and Chicle are somewhat colored by Gumbald being… kind of obviously the favorite. I don't think that she necessarily intended this, and I don't think she ever particularly mistreated the other two! (at least, on top of the way that she mishandled things with everyone out of inexperience.) but he's special to her – the "world's greatest uncle" mug was what inspired her to create the three of them in the first place, she didn't have handy presents ready for Lolly or Chicle, and Gumbald is the one she frequently talks about in the present. I think that the three clones were all aware of this on some level, if not necessarily consciously - it's why Gumbald styles himself the leader, I think, and why Lolly and Chicle don't seem to attempt to relate to Bonnie individually outside of the rough "unit" of Gumbald/Lolly/Chicle.
another thing about Bonnie's relationship to her family is that she seems to have started out with at least a loose idea of what role each member would play and baked that into them from the start. I don't think she had very fine control over their personalities, but none of them seems like a fully blank slate when they're awakened, which leads me to believe that they were shaped by her attitudes and feelings about them.
we can see all three of them step into these roles when first awakened by Bonnie! Lolly adopts a maternal persona, Gumbald quite readily accepts his role as "great uncle" (the mug proclaims it so!), and the first thing Chicle does is crack a joke. I think that Bonnie wanted him to be the fun one – not quite a peer, he's still a protector, but closer to her level than Gumbald and Lolly. and this is reflected in how everyone seems to default to seeing him as "the funny one," to the extent that he even lampshades this role in Gumbaldia.
because Chicle and Lolly play more minor roles in Bonnibel Bubblegum, it's a little harder to suss out how they view Bonnie – between the mime comment and the way he buckles her into the car, Chicle implies that he doesn't take her very seriously, but more than that it's not super clear (does he resent her in a fashion similar to Gumbald? does he prefer to ignore her? there's lots of possibilities)!
however Bonnie viewed Chicle at first, her perception of him took a definite turn when he was dosed with the dum-dum solution. I have a lot of headcanons for what Bonnie's life was like between the flashbacks in Bonnibel Bubblegum and The Vault – mostly that Crunchy, Punch Bowl, and Manfried were all very prone to wandering off, ignoring danger, and getting easily bored in a way that forced Bonnie to adopt the kindergarten teacher persona we see in the present day.
she seems to want to keep a close eye on Crunchy in the present day, seen by how he lives in the castle and is the first test subject for her aura visualizer and by the missing poster on Tree Trunks' house in Always BMO Closing. she's also quite fond of him, though – she uses him as her example of how candy people need to be babied and snuggled and both times he seizes power (onscreen, at least) she seems very… chill. she doesn't punish him or even seem particularly mad – at the end of The Dark Cloud she's very casual when she talks about usurping him (contrasted with the scathing glare she gives the King of Ooo in May I Come In?) and at the end of The Pajama War she doesn't even acknowledge that he's seized power or was about to execute Starchy.
on his end of things he seems to enjoy being babied a little, given that he plays along and laughs when she's showing Lemongrab how to interact with candy people and happily cuddles her. (contrast his irritation when Starchy calls him "the new Cinnamon Bun"!) he also seems to be subconsciously aware of his connection to her – when he overthrows the King of Ooo he describes himself as "a true princess, wrought of iron." I think he's definitely aware that he, Manfried, Punch Bowl, and Mr Creampuff are much older than all the other candy people, but I'm not sure how much of a difference he perceives between himself and them on a conscious level.
(I do headcanon that, similar to Jake and Jermaine, he's got a low-level psychic link to Bubblegum, Punch Bowl, Manfried, and possibly Neddy. my main evidence for this is that in The Pajama War when asked to relay what he hears in the closet he describes the VR environment Finn and Bonnie were walking in pretty much exactly. I think that he probably shares dreams with her without either of them realizing what's going on.)
unfortunately, there's not a lot of material to go off of for how they see each other after Skyhooks II! Chicle seems to have mainly thrown himself into reconnaissance and sabotage work, and Bonnie, while she does take him seriously as a threat at the end of Marcy and Hunson, doesn't seem to spare him much thought otherwise or notice his absence on the battlefield. I think this can be straightforwardly attributed to the writers not having been given enough time to fully wrap up the show, though.
I have a lot of self-indulgent headcanons about what direction their relationship might have gone in if the Gum War (including the events of Gumbaldia) had been averted! maybe one of these days I'll write up a summary post about it.
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tuesday again 1/10/2023
the more injuries and minor surgeries i pick up throughout my life i get more convinced i do actually play first person shooters as a power fantasy but not in the normal way. recovering ok, this was prescheduled and premeditated, just extremely tired
are you havin any fun? this tony bennet version is good enough. the SINGULAR line "and nervous indigestion" has been stuck in my head since thursday.
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another pitch for Molly White's Web3 Is Going Just Great, bc HOO boy did a lot of shit happen last weekend. every crypto gaming project that folds feels like a personal gift to me. i did feel slightly insane last year bc the hype was so intense, everyone at my old job was fully bought in, and i got cited on two "performance reviews" for not being "excited enough" about crypto. anyway i hope my boss' two teslas explode.
watched a ton of shit this week, including the entire run of the vampiric interview tv show, which i WILL have more coherent thoughts about later. what a horrible, messy, incredibly satisfying bit of television.
guillermo del toro's pinocchio made me fucking bawl my eyes out and i'm a little resentful of that. stupidly, stupidly beautiful film.
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i'm here to talk about s/tar wars the bad b/atch, or at least the second season's first two episodes.
the whitewashing and general racism around the clones has been a problem since attack of the clones but has really only gotten worse with time and is especially bad in this outing of the franchise. i'm not super qualified to talk about this, but i think @unwhitewashthebadbatch is a good starting point.
my biggest storytelling beef is that it feels very much like a DnD campaign that is trying to be a blades in the dark campaign. the format and tone aren't quite right. this show neither focuses on the immediacies of survival right after the republic's collapse, nor where the Bad Batch are trying to fit themselves into a new world, and it really suffers for it. there's almost nothing about parenthood (bc Omega is still tagging along on missions, and she is still twelve). i still don't really know the story this show is trying to tell, but am forced to conclude that a weekly show for children about guys who can do some sick flips is not the correct medium since i still don't fucking know what story this show is trying to tell.
there are eight products on shopDisney for this show and two of them are on clearance. i do not anticipate this series will be renewed past s3. apparently according to some advance reviewers this picks the fuck up after the midpoint of the season but i'm not holding my breath.
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production wise, the backgrounds and lighting have gotten way better, they've really leaned into a luminous sort of matte painting that doesn't always pretend to have depth. i like how the rocky set in the second episode feels very much like a live-action limited-budget set. looks very much like a soundstage but animated, and i think that's oddly charming. i do like the location we visited in e2, wish we got to see more of it or talk really at all about the significance of the location. like. we have a literal castle chase and we don't talk about the castle At All. come ON.
one of the few canon trans characters in star wars deserves a better show with more coherent storytelling. love star wars! wish it was good.
largely fallow week. shouts out to the app Flick Solitaire bc i played through a hundred and fifty levels in the past few days
some knitting problems i have to mull over before i post, bc i created an entire kerchief thing in a percocet haze but am unhappy with the finish. we shall see! might frog it but i'll post about it before i do
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katierosefun · 1 year
thank you for the ask, anon! // from these asks
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
god, so many! i will admit that like. i do not read as much fanfic as i write it, especially these days, so my list of recommendations by no means captures every single amazing fanfic writer / fanfic there is out there in whatever fandom i'm about to list, but some fics that have been living rent-free in my brains these days have been:
gift horse dentistry by RC_McLacklan (beyond evil: hilarious writing, i literally hadn't laughed so hard at a fic in a really, really long time)
if every house is haunted by pale_and_tragic (beyond evil: the way i literally started crying like. twice. it also awakened something in me i think, because i think i started crying while writing out my comment for the author lmao)
all is well (in this blighted world) by fadeinwinter (beyond evil: ie. perhaps one of the most zombie apocalypse fics ever in that god god god god god god god finding love again at the end of the world jesus christ)
to the stars by merryofsoul (beyond evil: the star trek and beyond evil crossover that i think might have honestly been the fic that re-triggered my love for star trek because. jesus christ the way i am obsessed with science officer han joo won grouching about dong sik even on a spaceship. and also, typical star trek shenanigans but with the beyond evil crew is just. so fun. put those men in situations! put those men in situations that originated from perhaps one of the gayest franchises of all time!)
such a wonderful life by @b1uetrees (beyond evil: god can you see a pattern. i swear i read other fics. but like. beyond evil but now add in a dash of it's a wonderful life magic. this one moved me a lot just because maybe i love dong sik and i love dong sik being told his life is significant or whatever!!!)
i remember who i am when i'm with you by @electricalkittens (beyond evil: nur i am so sorry i haven't commented yet i read it and then said that i was gonna comment and then haven't done it but i swear i'm gonna leave a comment so u know the full scope of my appreciation for this fic but like anyways, yet another one of my faves right now because ohhh i'm always a sucker for joo won finding his way back to dong sik and dong sik wanting joo won to stay but none of them know how to quite communicate that yet and anyways!!! so normal)
pas de deux by @fireinmywoods, although you would need to read palimpest first, which is perhaps one of the most. genius fics that i have ever read. i mean it. (star trek, aos: just like. i dunno! i'm sort of obsessed with this fic especially, just because i think it! unlocks! something insane in me!)
rhapsody in blue by @kckenobi (star wars: the clone wars: i am. only a few chapters in this fic but i would be remiss if i didn't mention this one because a) i will always adore kasey's writing and find a way to mention her writing, even if i don't actively read as much star wars stories these days, and b) it's literally been so long since i've read an au where it's very clear that someone is so passionate about the exact setting they're writing about, and it's just something i thoroughly enjoying seeing in any story, and c) i mean? suspense + family trauma? sign me up.
i could. honestly go on forever about fic writers and fics that i would recommend, but. for the sake of length + also time, i'll leave this list here! and my bookmarks page is actually. substantial these days, so anything that i've bookmarked is almost always an indication that i recommend it.
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jedi-lothwolf · 1 year
Whumpril Day 21: Scars/Fracture
Fandom: Star Wars The Clone Wars
Summary: Obi-wan and Maul see each other again. It wouldn't end well.
  Obi-wan knew he couldn't outrun Maul forever. Anger was hard to hide from. Now the Jedi ran through the woods; his robes catching on briers. He tripped over a tree root and fell.
    Kenobi's ankle had gotten stuck under the roof. Panicked he pulled at it but it wouldn't budge. "No, no, no" he whispered. With the frantic pulling he broke his ankle, but it was free. He yelled from the pain.
    Maul closed in. Obi-wan tried to stand but fell back to the ground. Tears flowed down his face. He was tired.
    When Maul arrived, Obi-wan readied himself to try to fight. As much as he wanted to just give up, to just stop fighting, he wouldn't; he couldn't.
    "This should be fun" Maul hissed. Obi-wan didn't get a chance to fight back. Maul held him down with the force. He laid there in the dark woods as the Zabrak tore at his skin. He didn't use his lightsaber or a knife; but instead his talents.
    Kenobi was helpless. Never before had he felt so much physical pain. He wished for it to be over. Death would be kinder to him and when Maul left his body in the woods the animals would treat him better.
    Anakin had sensed his brother's panic and had already been looking for him when the sudden rush of pain flooded his mind. Now he ran faster then he thought he could. He couldn't let Obi-wan down.
    As time passes Anakin could feel the hopelessness spread in his masters mind. Horse screaming came into earshot and the man used that to locate the other. He skidded to a stop and drew his lightsaber, "hey Maul!"
    Darth Maul removed his talents from Obi-wan's skin and stood. "Hello Skywalker."
    Anakin rushed Maul. The two's lightsabers clashed. Obi-wan tried to move but pain kept him in place. The younger of the Jedi position himself between the enemies. In the end Maul would be forced to retreat.
    "Obi-wan" Anakin swiftly moved over from the injured jedi. Obi-wan tried to give an answer but couldn't. Then the world went black.
    It had been a few months since this had happened. The scars that littered his body terrified him. Obi-wan couldn't look in the mirror much anymore. Basic things like changing and showering was difficult when he avoided looking at himself. He grew slightly distant from his loved ones. In his eyes the scars made him unattractive and revolting.
    Cody had the combination too Obi-wan's door. It may have been early morning but his general was always up already so he just wanted to make sure he was okay. At this point neither of them saw a point in the commander knocking so he didn't.
    The door slid open. Inside Obi-wan sat at the end of his bed, still in a pair of Cody's blacks in which he wore to sleep. "Hey, are you okay? You're normal up already."
    "Yeah" Obi-wan answered coldly.
    Cody walked over to the bed and sat beside him. "What's going on?"
    After a little bit of dancing around the problem, Obi-wan finally opened up. "I just don't like looking at them."
    Cody looked puzzled.
    "The scars, Cody" Obi-wan sighed."I feel disgusting. I hate them."
    Cody moved his hands to grasp the others, "But you survived and those scars prove it. They tell a story of a strong man who lived. Scars or not, you have always been beautiful." Cody cuffed his lover's face, "okay?"
    Obi-wan paused. "I'll try to see it that way. You always know just what to say."
    "Thanks. Now, you get dressed and we'll go get some breakfast?"
    "Okay." After a moment to mentally prepare himself, the Jedi would undress and then dress for the day. The two would head down for breakfast and then go about their day. For the first time that night Obi-wan showered with the lights on. If Cody could still love him, even with every scar, then maybe he could find a way to love himself again the way he once had. For the first time in a while Obi-wan knew everything was going to be okay.
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