#one directon imagine
mimmosa · 2 years
song prompts for possible portwell fics (if anyone wants to volunteer themselves 👀 they would probably do a better work than i would even though i have some drafts for ideas so please feel free to take these - i much prefer reading than writing the fics anyway😅🫣)
• the story of us - taylor swift: i actually listened to this song omw to work the other day and had like a vision of how fitting i felt it was for their story, though obviously me being a sucker for happy endings i would end the fic with a portwell rekindling but, that’s just the hopeless romantic in me🫣
• enchanted - taylor swift: no but imagine an ej pov in his pining era, maybe at carlos quinceañera or after
• nuevo verano - amaia: she a spanish singer/songwriter and this song is everything for a fluffy falling in love fic so i’ll just leave it here but the song is so simple it’s actually heartwarming the portrait of falling in love in such a simple way.
• steal my girl - one directon: ej in his simp era for his girl like do i need to say more???
•paper rings - taylor swift: what can i say taylor has a song for literally any fic prompt so
OH OH OH almost forgot stat stay stay by miss americana aswell COME ONNNNN like what if ej had actually had the space to fight back?!
i’m putting this (begging) out here in case any of the marvellous fic writers we have want to take a chance!
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mi4012shizashaiyan · 3 months
Chosen location: Mall cafeteria
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Narrative 1:
Older Saroo sits at the mall cafeteria, he feels hungry and gets up inorder to order jalebis. He places the order and sits back at his place. The server then brings the jalebis to him and the the server turns out to be an imagined Guddu. They have a staring contest and Saroo couldn’t believe his eyes, so he rubs it immediately and opens it back again. He offers one of the jalebi to Guddu and Guddu takes it with a wide smile and bites into it and disappears. It then cuts from the future scene to the second scene of the film.
Narrative 2:
Older Saroo sits at the cafeteria table, burnt out and tired. He skims through maps using his devices and everything else he can do to find for his real home in the village back in India. Then, a little boy runs past time and Saroo’s eyes immediately shift onto the boy. He sees the boy hug his mother affectionately, which immediately reminds him of his birth mother and himself. After the sweet gesture, Saroo is determined to find his family and childhood home back in India and gets back into searching his house using the map of India on his laptop. It then zooms into the screen and the scene then cuts right into the second scene.
Narrative 3:
Older Saroo is in the mall caterera and orders food, in the table beside him he sees the deceitful old lady and the shady old man, from his childhood, eating together in the table right infront of him. Although he doesn’t recognize them, he feels uneasy as their stares were frightening and creepy. He then drops the cutlery and they turn back to stare at him. He starts sweating and closes his eyes, the shot then shifts to the second scene.
Narrative 4:
Older Saroo sits at the cafe table and sees a kid come in search of his jalebis, at first he sees his younger self in the kid and gives his last piece of the sweet to him. The little kid runs back to what seems to be his elder brother, where for a second Saroo sees Guddu in the him. He sees the kid split the jalebi in half and gives it to the brother. The sweet gesture reminds Saroo of him and his brother, and a lone tear slips from his face onto the plate of the jalebi crumbs, it zooms into the plate and cuts to the second scene of the film.
Narrative 5:
Saroo and Guddu, feel the need to go out to the cityside mall after a long day of work. Saroo spots a family of 4, sitting at the cafetera table, where the siblings were playing trains together, one sibling moved the train in various directons while the other made train engine sounds. Saroo smiles widely at the scene, as the close bond of the two siblings seemed familiar to his and Guddu’s own. The train mimick sounds turn into actual train sounds from the opening scene, then transitions to the second scene.
Narrative 6:
Young Saroo enters the cafeteria along with his new family and they sit at a table. While his parents leave the table to order food for them, a little girl approaches him Saroo. The little girl is the girl Saroo meets at the boarding school. They share smiles and then the little girl signals Saroo to play trains with her. While the girl moved the trains around, Saroo made train sounds to engage in the little play in their own world, the train sounds remain as the scene fades and then cuts into the second scene of the film.
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bowlerhatwearer · 1 year
its been awhile since u got this kind of ask. what were original plans for Seren E ness?
Greetings Anon :-.)
If it is alright with you, then I will explain what I had in my mind for Seren E. Ness under the "read more".
(TW: Death mention, Death)
For Seren E. Ness I had planned that he would have been the head of the "personnel department" of the Wrath, and very likely he would have had been the only staff of said department with his own office.
He usually would have defended the staff of the Wrath against Grizzly's / Carlos anger, supported them and spoke on their behalf.
The capybara was also fond of Sam, and he knew, that the white rabbit was the "glue" that held the Wrath together, and what without him it would crumble.
When Sam left, Seren was shocked, and went after him to talk to him, maybe convince him to stay, but the general made it clear to Seren that he would not return to the Wrath.
I imagined a scene where Sam was already heading into the directon of the Roadkillerz, when a jeep approaches his position, with him at first believing it is Grizzly, but soon it would have been revealed to be Seren E. Ness and there, in the middle of the dessert they would have had their talk.
To the surprise of Sam, Seren accepts his decision, with the capybara handing the general a folder, with personal information of Sam, with Seren saying he believes it is the best, if Sam has it, instead of Griz- Carlos getting it into his hands.
Both of them would then hug, with Seren, saying to Sam that he is sure he is going to find a good place / new purpose, with the capybars seeing from afar, the rock where the underground base for the Roadkillerz is. (With Seren knowing that the base it there.)
Later, when the Wrath falls apart, with more and more staff leaving, Seren is mostly locked in his office, and being in conflict with himself, with him, not knowing what to do, only that he plans to be the last to leave the Wrath.
However, when a group of Wrath staff / personnel would ask him for his help, so they can escape/leave, he does.
Unfortunately, Carlos notices this, and is after them, as the group flees and tries to reach the hangar to get a car or another vehicle to escape, the door to the hangar is locked, but fortunately, Seren due to his position, has one of the skeleton keys in his possession.
He orders the people to take the key, and lock the door behind them, however they protest, but the capybara orders them to do this, and then, Carlos appears, and they do as Seren has told them.
Carlos, orders Seren to get away from the door, but the capybara refuses, saying he is the head of the personnel department and he is always on the employees side, enraging the bear and with Seren ready to fight against Carlos.
There would be a cut, and the next scene would have shown Carlos/Grizzly opening the door to the hangar, we only see him partly because of the shadow/darkness, and no one is there, the employees have escaped successfully, out of anger Carlos screams.
Blitz Krieg (@northerngrail) is still in the base, hears the screams as he goes trough the hallway, and wonders what this is about when he notices smudgy blood on the walls, especially hand prints, that he follows, leading to Seren's office.
In there he finds a seriously injured Seren, laying next to his office desk, items strewn on the floor, the calendar that says "XX Days since last deserting" also covered in blood (especially the days are covered in blood and can't be read.)
When Blitz asks what has happened, Seren says nothing, instead he opens his hand, to reveal the medal from Carlos (that with the five stars) which the Capybara manged to rip from the Wrath leaders uniform.
The panther wants to help Seren...but...there is nothing he can do, for the capybara is very weak, and seriously injured.
Seren tells Blitz that the Wrath was like family to him, because he had no one else...and now...he had failed....and all is gone...especially, he has failed as the head of the personnel department, with Blitz assuring him that this is not the case and that he did good.
A few words would still be exchanged, with Seren asking Blitz, to be buried in a simple grave in the dessert, and then, if he could read him from a list of the people, who have left the Wrath, so he knows that they are save.
Blitz does so, and while the tiger reads the names....Seren silently passes away.
Later, Blitz would take Seren's body to the Roadkillerz, approaching their base, with Sam also being there, when he sees the dead body of Seren E. Ness, that is covered in a sheet of linen.
It is then the Roadkillerz, who give Seren a proper burial, with the characters who are gathered, looking down sadly at the grave, for they knew that Seren, was kind to everyone, allies and enemies alike.
Yours sincerely
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sunflowervolvimp3 · 4 years
the day after equinox
it doesn’t make sense that I keep talking about this au and making things for it and I haven’t written anything, so here is a little drabble! If you like it, please check out @harryofhades and @pomegranateseedsandspring it would mean a lot to me! and please let me know what you think!
The palace already seems quieter.  Dinner is lonely again, with just him sitting at the head of a long table, no one across from him or beside him.  His bed chambers are the worst, though.  Cold. Silent.  The only remainder of his wife is the faint scent of pomegranates on her side of the bed.
It’s only one day after the Spring Equinox, and Hades already longs for Persephone.
You would think, he murmurs in his mind as he climbs into bed, that after a few millennia of this routine, he would be used to her leaving by now.  But, as time marches on around him, Hades finds that every year is worse than the one before.  The pain never ends.
He rolls over onto his side, staring at the section of the bed she’d occupied the morning before. How she’d smiled at him.  How her smile was like the sun peaking through the clouds.
“Harry.” She had used his more common name, as always.  She only called him Hades in formal settings.  Or when she was angry at him.
“Y/N.” He mimicked her use of his common name. “Good morning.”
Harry reached for her hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing it.  He allowed his nose to brush along her wrist, inhaling the scent of her deeply.  Pomegranates. Roses.  A hint of vanilla.  She was so sweet in so many ways.
He sponged his lips along the same area, moving slowly up her arm until he reaches her shoulder. He kissed along her collarbones, her neck, up her jaw, until he finally reached her lips.
Persephone had sighed then, pulling away after only one kiss. “Don’t do that.”
Harry pouted.  He was used to getting his way. “Why not?”
“Because if you do…” She raised her hand to his face, letting one soft finger run along the curve on his jaw. “I’ll never leave this bed.”
“Maybe that’s my plan.” Harry muttered, twisting himself closer to her in bed. “Keep you here. Demeter can take her spring and shove it—”
“The mortals need spring, Harry.” She had laughed then, a light tinkling sound that brightened the room. “And I miss my mother.”
“But if you go, I’ll miss you.” Harry replied, his voice sounding less like a god and more like a petulant child.
Persephone had sighed then, cupping his whole cheek with her hand. “I’ll miss you, too.  I always miss you.”
She began to kiss his jaw, just lightly at first, but allowing it to grow more and more passionate. Harry rolled over so he was on his back, pulling his wife on top of him.  She continued her movements, kissing down his neck and to his chest.
“Y/N.” Harry’s voice was low and throaty, from both sleep and his desire. “Thought you didn’t want to—”
“We still have a bit of time.” She looked up at him from his chest.  Her hair was falling into her eyes, her cheeks were warm, and there was adoration clear on her face.  Hades had tried to memorize every aspect of her in that moment.
It’s that moment that he thinks of now, as he lays in the bed that they had shared the day before. He grabs his wife’s pillow, pulling it into his chest.  He inhales deeply.  Pomegranates. Roses.  A hint of vanilla.  If he closes his eyes, he can almost pretend that she’s there with him.
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theasstour · 7 years
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Sweet Creature. 01.
31 December 2015: You two meet.
Pairing: Y/N and Harry
Word count: 3.3k
NB: explicit language, alcohol
You had only started working at BBC Radio 1 in October, but Nick and you had already hit it off. Of course, you had made other friends at work as well, but there was something special about Nick. As lunch breaks came around, he’d haul you outside and the two of you would eat and talk, having a laugh while doing so. Since you had come to London to work toward your dream of working at a radio company and to be where everything happened, your main priority hadn’t been to make friends. But Nick made life in London easy for you. You had met loads of people through him, but so far he was the only one that you felt like you could fully be yourself around. It was because of the two of you getting so close that he invited you to his New Year’s Party. He told you that you needed to come because it wouldn’t be a party without you. You frowned on this, because you, Nick and the rest of the population on Earth knew that you were not the life of the party. Even drunk, you were as lowkey as they got. Even so, you couldn’t say no, so you decided to actually go to Nick’s small party.
You arrived 15 minutes too late, knowing that Nick wouldn’t mind and that he’d be very keen to introduce you to everyone that had arrived so far.
“I was just about to serve dinner without you.” Nick said as he let you inside, taking your coat to hang on the coat-hangers on the white wall.
“Sorry, perfection takes time.” You joke, making Nick chortle a little before he walks you into the dining area.
“Everyone, this is [Y/N]!” Before you can do anything but wave awkwardly, Nick pushes you to sit down by a free chair by the end of the table. Sitting down opposite you, Nick smiles and then continues on to introduce everyone around the table. Feeling slight anxiety bubble up, you struggle to remember all the names, but there are a few familiar faces like Alexa Chung and Rita Ora that Nick has introduced you to earlier.
“I’m serving Domino’s pizza and champagne.” He tells you as the chatter around the table continues on. “Doubtfully the best New Year’s Eve party you’ve ever been to.”
“The classiest.” You announce, making Nick smile and drag a hang through his hair. You noticed in the way Nick kept glancing toward the door that there was something he wasn’t telling you.
But before you could finish the question, the doorbell went off and Nick shot up from his chair, practically running toward the hallway. The others around the table watched their friend as well, and you even shared a confused look with Alexa before Nick came grinning back into the dining area.
“Last guest is here, we can finally eat that bloody pizza. [Y/N] help me out.”
You got up from your seat and walked over to the kitchen where Nick had been keeping the pizzas warm. Placing the two pizzas on some fancy plates, you walked over to the dining table to see the last guest sitting in the chair next to yours. His long, dark locks trailed all the way down to below his shoulders, the red, floral shirt he wore loose over his upper-body while his black jeans were the opposite to his lower half. Needless to say, Nick knew that you had been a bit of a fan of One Direction back in the day and so there was no doubt in your mind that he had seated Harry next to you intentionally. And you suddenly realised why he had been so keen on having you here tonight.
“Haz,” Nick said as he walked in first, placing the pizza plates he held down on the table as you followed suit. “This is [Y/N]. [Y/N], this is Harry.”
Harry looked up at you and you swear you saw him stop a little in his tracks as he was about to raise to shake your hand properly. With his mouth ever so slightly open and the hint of a smile on his lips, Harry reached his hand out for you.
“Pleasure.” He said, licking his lips in such a way that you knew you’d think about it when you went to sleep that night.
You gave him a smile back and sat down, looking at Nick as he gave you a not-so-subtle look. There was something in that look that you didn’t really know how to depict. Nick’s eyes trailed over to Harry and as you looked at your seating-partner, he only gave you a small smile before looking down at his plate. You too watched your plate for a little bit before you let the weird events from earlier pass, choosing to talk a little and engage in the conversation that was going on around the table.
The night went on and soon all the pizza was gone and the champagne went with it. Not that you had had a lot to drink, but due to the volume in the room, you knew that everyone else had. You didn’t mind, though, watching Nick tell elaborate sex stories and gossip about people at work had you intrigued for hours. It was only when it was soon to strike midnight that Nick stopped talking and found the last bottle of champagne he had for the evening. You could feel Harry’s arm brush yours before he cleared his throat and watched Nick run off to the kitchen cabinet with all the alcohol. It was a slight touch of flesh to flesh, but it still made you draw in a little breath. Instead of telling yourself this was an actual, genuine reaction your body had to him, you told yourself this was most likely because you had been a fan and that you still kind of were. It was Harry Styles after all, he would never in a million lightyears be attracted to you. And he as most likely the most stunning specimen to breath oxygen. That was why your body was tingling where his skin had touched yours, no other reason.
What you didn’t know, however, was that Harry had felt that brush too, he had initiated it in fact. When you shook his hand earlier he had felt some sort of reaction, something that made his skin prickle in a wonderful, almost hypnotizing way. He wanted to see if he could feel it again, and as his skin brushed yours, he couldn’t help but clear his throat and look in the opposite direction of you, knowing that a small blush was creeping up his cheekbones. Another thing you didn’t know was that Harry literally had to stop for a second when he saw you. However ridiculous it sounded, it was true, and he couldn’t quite believe how hopeless he was himself. There was just something about this radiant and magnificent beauty of yours that had him stopping in his tracks at the first sight of you. Harry didn’t believe in love at first sight; hell, he wasn’t even sure if ‘the one’ was a legitimate concept. But he knew that if he didn’t get to know you tonight, he would most likely regret it for a long, long time.
“Let’s go to the balcony and get ready for the countdown!” Nick shouted, receiving a howl from all the drunks around the table.
Smiling, you got up and started walking to the hallway to retrieve your coat, something none of the other guests seemed to think was a good idea.
“Glad to know I’m not the only one knowing it will be freezing out there.” A deep voice sounded, and as you look to your left to find Harry standing there with both his hands in his jean pockets as he takes slow steps toward you and the coat-hangers.
“Think they’re too drunk to feel by this point.”
Harry let a small chuckle pass his lips as he took his coat down from the hanger, putting it on while watching you tie a scarf around your neck. Though you had told yourself your fascination in him was only there because of your previous obsession with One Direction, it didn’t stop you from taking him in. Those pink lips of his were wet after he had just had the lower one pressed between his teeth, his eyes such a green colour in the dim light of the hallway that it made you wonder what they looked like in the sun.
“Why aren’t you drinking?” You asked Harry without really registering that you had.
Harry seemed a little shocked at your utterance as well, but he brushed it off with a slight huff of air and a sideways smirk. “Would you believe a guy if he told you he didn’t feel like it?”
You cocked your head a little to the side, feeling a slight rush of confidence taking over you. An unusual feeling. “Depends on the guy.” You say before you start walking toward the balcony.
Harry is left staring after you, a little smile on his lips as he notes the way you walk toward the balcony. It wasn’t a walk that told everyone that you owned the room, rather a walk that said you didn’t want to. You liked not having all eyes on you, to be someone under the radar. To Harry, he hadn’t seen anything as attractive on a woman in all his 21 years. A smile crept over his face as a feeling of intrigue took over him. Walking after you, he knew this evening was crucial for how you two would work out. He already knew that he wanted things done the right way, he didn’t want to rush anything as you were the first “regular” girl Nick had tried to set him up with. Everyone else had been quite high-profile people, but… you weren’t. You were different.
You stood leaning against the railing as Nick asked over and over again who fancied opening the champagne bottle at midnight. It was 15 minutes away, but you knew Nick was impatient and he would have a hard time choosing over all his guests, who all seemed more than eager to open it. You suddenly felt something brush your right arm again and as you looked to your right, Harry stood there leaning against the railing as well, looking at you with the smallest grin on his lips.
“So,” he said, dragging out the word a little as your lips stretched out into a smile to match his. “Am I that kind of guy who you’d believe if told you he didn’t feel like drinking?”
So not to overwhelm yourself, you glanced out over London, loads of sounds and lights erupting from a city that never slept. This was your first New Years here after all, but it never ceased to amaze you how alive London was. The city had its own heartbeat, you had thought to yourself more than once.
“Hm,” you thought, teasing Harry as you waited to answer. “What’s your favourite alcoholic drink?”
“Any drink?”
Harry let out a breath. “Probably Martini.” Harry answered, but then went on, “Or Sex on the Beach.”
“You are indecisive.” You note, still not taking your eyes off the city before you. Harry is still watching you, though. “Meaning that you’ve tasted a lot of different types of alcohol. So, I’d say you’re not.” You joke, hoping Harry will sense it.
Harry let’s a grin spread out across his lips, a soft chuckle leaving his lips as he glances down at his hands holding one another. You suddenly feel anxiety press on as you thought he didn’t knew you were teasing him. Just as you were about to tell him how you were kidding, Harry started talking.
“I did party a whole lot back when I was 18, 19.” Harry admitted, looking out at London as well, trying not to stare back into your eyes as you let yourself study him where he stood by you. “I mean, at 18 I was legally allowed to drink here in the UK, so I took advantage of that. Big time.”
You let out a giggle, something that makes Harry smile and give you a short glance.
“Believe me, I know a good night out, I really do, but I just went on a break from the band, so I just thought I’d take it slow for a while.”
The sound of something shattering stopped your conversation, and as you looked down, Nick had lost the champagne bottle down on the pavement below. There was a slight silence before everyone erupted into laughter. You and Harry shared a little look before both of you watched your drunk friends as they clapped and hit each other on the back like they had just won gold in the Olympics.
“We’ll just have to go into 2016 with Absolut Vodka then. I’ll get the shot glasses!” Nick ran into the flat again, some of his friends following to help him out.
“I’m not even going to try and stop that.” Harry mumbles, making you laugh. Glancing up at you, a small spark lights up in the pit of his stomach and he bites his lip as he watches you look out over London again. Sticking his nails into the skin of his hands, he told himself to relax and not look too much into all of this.
“Anyway,” you sigh, looking at Harry as he looks down at the shattered bottle on the pavement below. “You were saying?”
Harry nodded, his green eyes meeting yours. You might not see the stars here in the thick of London, you thought to yourself, but Harry’s eyes were so damn close to replacing the concept of stars so it didn’t really matter.
“I just got on the hiatus, so I want to take it slow for a little while. Catch up on some sleep that I’ve lost over the last 5 years.”
You smile. “So you’re only going to sleep on your break? You don’t have anything else planned?”
Such a dazzling smirk spread out over his face then that you were happy you were leaning on something or else your legs would have given in. “What are you suggesting?”
“Oh, nothing.” You look away from him again, holding on to your scarf as a chilly wind blows past the two of you.
Harry only raises his eyebrows at you, but you don’t utter a single word. Where all this confidence came from was a mystery to you. Somehow, you had saved up confidence all your life for this moment and you were alright with that. If confident meant keeping your cool right now, then you were going to give it all you got.
“I mean,” Harry shrugged, getting his hair out of his face as the wind had blow it out of place. “I could fit something in between naps, but it’s a tight schedule.”
You giggle at him just as Nick and his two friends come back to the balcony with loads of shot glasses. Harry and you watch as Nick tries not to lose all of them and it is miracle that he doesn’t. A part of you tells you to start up your conversation with Harry, you two are really flirting with one another and you haven’t made yourself cringe yet. This is a miracle and you need to take advantage of this surge of confidence you have. But just as you are about to look back at him, Alexa shouts, “10, 9, 8-“
Losing yourself somewhere in between the shouts of numbers and the little time left 2015 had on this globe, you look over your shoulder at Harry. He is already staring at you, the playful grin that occupied his lips only a minute ago all gone. There is something intense, something absolutely captivating about the way he looks at you. It seemed like the firework could go off in the distance, but he’d still look at you because somehow you were more breath taking.
“-3, 2, 1; Happy New Year!”
The fireworks of London go off in the distance and everyone starts to cheer, hug and kiss one another. Anxiety and anticipation bubbles up in you as Harry take a step closer to you. You tried not to let yourself see too much into this, the two of you had just met after all, but you wanted this to be more than just that. Harry didn’t get to take another step toward you, though, because Nick jumped over to him and kissed his friend right on the lip.
“Happy New Year, Harry!”
And then he turned around, kissing you as well.
“Happy New Year, [Y/N]!”
You watched as Nick went around kissing all of his guests on the mouth, the cheering of London and the sound of fireworks as background noise for the cinematic masterpiece that was Nicholas Grimshaw as drunk. Letting yourself laugh, you look down at the ground, noticing a reminder on your phone that you have work tomorrow morning at 6. Not wanting to remind Nick of this since he’s got such an amazing time, you only look up at Harry.
“I’ve got to go.” You say, not really knowing why you are feeding him this information.
Harry’s eyebrows make one as a look of confusion washes over his face. “What?”
“I have work in the morning, and I respect myself enough not to stay up until 4am.”
Harry inhales sharply, retaking that step toward you that Nick made him walk back. Resting his hands in the pockets of his coat, he looks down at you with the same mesmerizing gaze he has held all evening. “When will I see you again?”
You give him a little smile. “Well, that’s up to fate to decide.” You say, using that last drop of confidence you have left. “And your nap schedule, of course.”
Harry’s mouth tips up to the left, revealing an adorable dimple. “Of course.”
“Harry!” Alex shouts, waving him over to her.
“Wait just a sec, Alexa.” He holds up a finger to her before looking back at you. “When are you free?”
“Harry, Alexa has a shot waiting for you.” Nick says, draping a lazy arm around Harry’s shoulders. “You need to take it.”
“-And I know you’re leaving, [Y/N], but just remember to call me tomorrow when you wake up so I can try and make it on time as well, yea?” Nick points a finger at you, booping your nose so a smile comes over your features.
“I will.” You look at Harry. “I’ll see you around.”
“-Bloody hell, Harry, get over here!” Alexa dragged him over, not giving Harry a chance to ask for your number before you left. You showed yourself out as you put a reminder on your phone to wake Nick the next morning. Looking over your shoulder, you saw Harry staring after you, the shot in his hand. You gave him a little smile before you disappeared from view, your heart racing immediately at the thought of the night’s events. You had been only seconds away from kissing Harry Styles. Harry fucking Styles.
And Harry himself, couldn’t believe that bloody Nick had ruined the possible kiss. Wasn’t he supposed to set you two up? Why ruin the moment? He made a mental note to ask Nick for your number when Nick was sober. Taking the shot, Harry closed his eyes and knew that he wouldn’t be able to get you out of his head until next time you two met. Hopefully fate would let it be sooner rather than later, Harry found himself thinking, because he wasn’t patient when it came to the possibility of maybe spending more time with you.
AN: AHH i really hope you guys liked this! this is the first in the series i’m calling ‘sweet creature’ and it’s basically your and harry’s love story!!
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our1dpreferencesbr · 4 years
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Pedido: Oiii. Eu queria muito um imagine com o louis ou o niall em que eles brigam por algum motivo e os dois sao muito orgulhosos pra pedirem desculpas, e passam alguns dias brigados, dormindo juntos e tals. E, enquanto isso tem uns amigos da S/N hospedados na casa deles, ental eles tem q fingir q ta tudo bem. Ai no final, vc escolhe como eles se reconciliam. Amo seu perfil, bjss
 Bloquei meu celular e joguei sobre a cama, ao lado do meu namorado que dormia como um bebê. A boca de Louis estava entre aberta e eu podia ouvir a respiração dele de longe, eu o amo mais do que tudo, acho mais do que eu sou capaz expressar, mas ele sabe exatamente como eu sou com essas coisas de ‘’demostrar sentimentos’’ na maioria das vezes sou péssima, mas ele também é.
Entrei no banheiro e liguei o chuveiro e deixei a água quente cair sobre o meu corpo. Hoje á noite o amigo do Louis, Anthony e a sua namorada Emily chegam a Londres, eles são americanos, conhecemos eles em um show que Louis estava fazendo ainda quando ele era da One Direction e acabamos ficamos muito amigos e como ele não tem dinheiro para pagar as hospedagens de um Hotel em Londres oferecemos nossa casa para eles, já que aqui é muito grande e só mora Louis e eu.
Assim que terminei meu banho coloquei uma toalha entorno dos meus cabelos cacheados e caminhei para o quarto nas pontas dos pés não queria acordar Louis é bom que ele esteja de bom humor e sem sono algum quando Anthony chegar. Abri a porta e vi Louis com o meu celular nas mãos, respirei fundo, não ligo de forma alguma que ele mexa do meu celular, mas eu sei que ele está tentando achar algo, eu sei como ele é inseguro, mas já estamos a quase oito anos juntos e nunca dei motivos para desconfiança.
‘’Achou alguma coisa?’’ – Disse jogando a tolha da minha cabeça sobre a cama ao lado dele. – Louis não tinha notado minha presença até eu falar algo. Ele ficou apenas me olhando com aquela cara de assustado, olhos arregalados. ‘’Você sabe muito bem que eu não gosto disso, fiar mexendo escondido no meu celular.’’
Louis soltou meu celular e sentou na cama. ‘’Se não tem nada demais eu posso mexer.’’ Ele cuspiu as palavras feito uma criança mimada.
Respirei fundo para não surtar com ele. ‘’Louis, estamos juntos a tanto tempo e nunca dei um motivo para você desconfiar nesse nível de mim.’’ Continuei na frente do espelho arrumando meu cabelo enquanto falava. ‘’Eu realmente não sei qual é o seu problema, eu que deveria desconfiar de você desse jeito, já que eu me lembro muito bem que você ficou com outra garota quando estamos juntos e vai saber quantas mais você já ficou e eu não sei. ’’ – Quando eu percebi já estava gritando de raiva.
Essa história do Louis ter ficado com outra garota faz muito tempo é a gente nem estava namorando, mas sinto muita raiva só de lembrar, infelizmente eu sou uma pessoa ciumenta e faço de tudo para melhorar isso, mas as vezes é meio impossível. Louis revirou os olhos. ‘’Se fosse por esse motivo eu também teria mil outros motivos para desconfiança, você também não era nenhuma santa SeuNome.’’ – Louis se levantou da cama e colocou sua bermuda que estava no chão. ‘’Ás vezes você consegue ser bem idiota. ’’
‘’Eu? E você consegue ser muito tóxico.’’ – Respirei fundo e voltei para o espelho com os olhos cheios de lágrimas, eu odeio brigar com ele e isso me mata por dentro. ‘’Sai do meu quarto agora.’’
Louis não disse nada, apenas saiu do quarto sem olhar para minha cara.
 Horas depois
Louis foi buscar Anthony e Emily no aeroporto e eu fiquei em casa terminando o jantar que no caso foi Louis que começou a fazer, ele cozinha muito bem e eu não sou tão boa na cozinha. Coloquei a mesa e fiquei na sala assistindo alguma coisa até a porta se abrir. Eles chegaram animados conversando e eu abracei eles.
‘’Nossa que saudades, quanto tempo.’’ – Emily estava com uma blusa apertada que dava para ver sua barriga que parecia estar de uns quatro meses. ‘’Você está gravida?’’ – Olhei para a barriga dela.
‘’Sim, acho que é um menino.’’ – Ela passou a mão sobre a barriga e sorriu graciosamente.
 O resto do jantar foi tranquilo eu e Louis conversamos como se nada estivesse acontecido e Emily e Anthony amaram o jantar, falei que iria levar os dois para conhecer os pontos turísticos de Londres e Emily disse que ia amar queria comprar roupas para o bebê. Louis conversou comigo como se nada tivesse acontecido e eu me sentia um pouco mal por isso, odiava fingir que estava tudo bem quando na verdade minha vontade de chorar só aumentava.
Eu e Louis fomos para o quarto depois do banho nos deitamos sobre a cama. Mexi um pouco nas minhas redes sociais. Senti Louis me abraçando por trás e beijando meu ombro, eu sorri um pouco.
‘’Eu te amo, me desculpa por ter pegado seu celular sem sua autorização, não quero ficar brigado com você.’’
‘’Eu também te amo muito, me desculpa por gritar com você daquele jeito eu não queria de verdade.’’ – Virei para Louis e o beijei.
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harrystyltistical · 6 years
Milkshakes and more Pt.2
NSFW smutty asf woops 
3k+ words
triggers: daddy kink, spanking 
The following days consisted of you driving yourself mad, Harry was touch starving you, the only time he’d even kissed you was when you’d say goodnight to him. Along with the fact that watching Harry act like such a gentleman around all your family when you knew how dirty he could be was admittedly a turn on.
It’d crossed your mind more than once to sneak into the bathroom with him when he went to shower, specifically when he’d texted you to bring him clothes when he forgot to take them to the bathroom, opening the door wearing nothing but a towel, his curly hair wet and flopped carelessly to the side and dripping down onto his chest. For the first few days you’d controlled yourself, heeding Harry’s earlier warning, but eventually it all got too much and you sent Harry a photo of your boobs just after you’d gotten out of the shower just to get a reaction out of him. Another time you came downstairs to wake him up and crawled in bed with him, leaving kisses along his neck and nipping every once in awhile in the hopes he’d take you to the bathroom and bend you over the sink.
There were a few dirty jokes tossed around between the two of you, mostly when you played a game where you had to wink at your teammate to let them know they were on your team and they would have to glance at a location so you could deliver the package and win. One time when you got caught winking at each other you’d exclaimed “It wasn’t like that, I was just trying to wink at him! Deliver the package, y’know.” resulting in a wave of shocked laughter and Harry smiling and blushing into his hands.
Harry winking at you shouldn’t have set you off like it did, but everytime he did he would have this cocky smirk on his face like he knew what he was doing to you, and the truth was he did. All week he would do little things to tease you subtly and all you could think about was the sweet, sweet revenge you’d get next time you spent Christmas with his family.
When it was time to go home, the ride to the airport, the plane ride and the car ride home were all silent, except for a few comments to each other about what to eat and such. You weren’t sure what to do, you weren’t even sure he remembered what happened in the parking lot of the Ross or if he did and he was just holding off to tease you, but regardless all the waiting was driving you crazy.
When you arrived back to your shared apartment it was still quiet, you looked at Harry expectantly as he toed his shoes off next to the door, but he just raised his eyebrows at you as he walked to the bedroom with a handful of the gifts the two of you had gotten. You followed and watched as he set them down in their respective places, gift cards in the dresser, clothes in the closet, your hands sat in your lap waiting patiently for an order that never came. That night he walked into the room after a shower and crawled in bed with you, turning off the lamp and turning on his side. You cuddled up to him, rubbing his chest lightly and drawing small shapes until you both fell asleep in eachothers arms.
The next day Harry had some recording to do at the studio and you tagged along, which turned out not to be a great idea as hearing him sing and the faces he made while doing so just made the itch in your stomach worse. He looked like he was enjoying himself and all you could think about was wrapping your lips around his cock as you stare up at him and watch as his face contorted in pleasure.
The day after that was the same, you went out to lunch with his team and couldn’t keep your eyes off him. Eventually you decided to make a move, placing a hand on his thigh, he let it sit there until you slid your hand up, resulting in him grabbing your wrist and lightly digging his nails into your skin before placing your hand back in your lap. You spent the next few minutes building up the courage to do what you were about to, glancing at him and around the table to make sure no one was paying much attention. If Harry was mad when you grabbed his thigh he was pissed when you grabbed his bulge and rubbed lightly and it showed as he grabbed your wrist again and dug his nails in harder this time, actually taking the time to look at you before placing your hand in your lap and leaving a squeezing hand on your thigh as a reminder to behave. You were sure that you’d earned yourself something, but that night there was still nothing.
It wasn’t until the third day that you decided to take matters into your own hands, putting on a lacey red lingerie set he bought for you last valentines day that you knew drove him crazy under your usually sweatpants and crop top. Today was perfect for what you wanted, a lazy day at home usually spent cuddled up and watching movies, but this time you had something else in mind.
You walked out of the room, seeing Harry standing in the kitchen making tea. You walk up to him, hugging and staring up at him.
“Hi baby.” You mumble
“Hi angel.” Harry replies, placing his hand on your lower back to pull you closer and leaving a kiss on your forehead. You bite your lip, leaning up for a kiss and smiling when he leaned down to give you what you wanted. You put your hand on the back of his neck to hold him to your lips, standing on your tippy toes to reach his mouth, the two of you swaying lightly as you kissed. As nice as the moment was, you decided to end it by moving his hand under your shirt so he could feel your bra and biting down lightly on his lip.
Harry freezes for a second when he feels the lace of your bra, pulling away but staying close to your lips. When you opened your eyes Harry looked a little shocked, but mostly pissed, a subtle smirk playing on your lips as you pull off and begin to walk away. You didn’t get far before Harry was grabbing your arm and dragging you to the bedroom, sitting you on the bed and standing in front of you. You once again avoided his gaze, staring at his shirt instead, too scared to even try and look him in the eyes.
“Wha’s your problem, hm?” He snapped, grabbing your chin and tilting your head up to look at him “Acting like a little fucking tease.”
“I’m the tease? You were teasing me the entire time we were at my aunt’s,” You respond boldly, gaining some confidence as you stared up into his eyes “I was just trying to get what you basically promised me.”
“I didn’t promise you anythin’, pet, and you better watch that tone, s’not my fault you’re entitled. Is that it? You think I owe you a fucking just because you can’t keep your mind off my dick, eh? Think you can just put on some lingerie and everything will be as you wish? Don’t think I’ve forgotten what a horny little slut you were being, sending me a picture of your tits knowing damn well someone could’ve seen, or what about when you told me in front of everybody you wanted to get off on my leg.” He paused, your legs were now clamped together in a desperate attempt to suppress some of the pressure “Just like I said before, don’t know how to follow orders, told you to behave and instead you were teasing me at every chance you got, even grabbed my dick in the middle of a restaurant. Need to be taught a lesson, think I’ll have to remind you who’s in charge.” Harry says, taking a step closer to you and licking his lips.
Whatever confidence you had gained was gone now and you felt totally submissive staring into his lust filled eyes. He pushes you so your back is against the bed, kissing you hastily as your hands shoot up to his neck, he grabs your wrists and lightly pins them above your head, knowing you like it better when he’s rough.
“Since you think it’s okay to grope daddy in public, no touching.” He whispers in your ear as he attacks your neck with harsh kisses, pausing every once in awhile to leave a mark. He lifts your shirt up, running his hands along your sides until the tips of his fingers meet the lace of your bra, moving one of his hands forward to grope you lightly and tangling the other in to your hair. You push your hips up into his, feeling his bulge brush against your clothed core as he let out a quiet moan, giving a harsh smack to your ass.
“On your knees.” He demanded, as he stood there he must’ve decided you were taking too long as he grabbed you by your hair and pulled you off the bed, forcing you down to your knees, clearly done with your bullshit. You stand on your knees, glancing up at him as you go to undo his pants to check if it’s okay, unbuttoning them and pulling them to the floor when he nodded his head. His hand still in your hair, he buries your face in his bulge, you smirk and stick your tongue out to lick him over his underwear causing him to groan and pull you away.
Harry slides his underwear down the rest of the way, hissing lightly as he freed his member from the confinements of the cloth prison and stroking himself a few times lightly before putting the tip at your mouth. You open your mouth, licking at the tip and only taking it in your mouth when Harry glared down at you, swirling your tongue around it as you suck lightly. The view just as good as you imagined as you stare up at him innocently.
You begin to take more of him into your mouth, gagging lightly when he’d hit the back of your throat.Harry let out soft moans, bucking his hips lightly and pushing himself further down your throat. You get an idea, deciding to do something you’d never managed to do with Harry before and trying to take all of him in your mouth. Everytime you tried before Harry would tell you it’s okay and you don’t have to, that he didn’t want you to choke, but this time you were determined.
Pulling away to take a breath you swallow the spit that built up in your mouth before putting his tip back in your mouth and slowly working your way down his cock. Tears pricked at your eyes as you tried to control your gag reflex as you force him down your throat. You close your eyes, focusing on his moans and moving your hand up to hold his hips.
You were confused when Harry pulled you off just as you were about to take all of him, pulling you up and throwing you against the bed.
“Don’t know how to fucking listen do you, pet?” He says pulling you to the edge of the bed by your legs.
“Wh-what do you mean?” You say, furrowing your eyebrows, Harry sighs and shakes his head.
“No touching, I fucking told you, and you were doing so well. On top of that, you were teasing me and I let it slide, but you still misbehaved, knowing better than to force me down your throat and to top it all off you forgot to address me as daddy.” He explains, shaking his head and sitting next to you, picking you up and bending you over his lap. You let out a shaky breath, knowing what’s coming.
“Now, let’s see if you atleast remember why we do those things so I can decide how severe of a punishment i should give you.” He says, massaging your ass.
“No touching because I grabbed your dick at lunch the other day, no teasing because i’m not in charge, I can’t take too much of you because I might get hurt and I call you daddy because you’re in charge,” your voice muffled by his thigh as you explain quickly, going to defend yourself “but daddy, I wanted to make you feel good and--” your sentence is cut off by a harsh smack to your ass followed by his large hand massaging the spot.
“Didn’ ask for explanation, now did I? Count, or am I gonna have to punish you for that too.” He says, smacking your ass again, sending a spark between your legs.
“One.” you breathe out, trying not to squirm around too much. He kept going, all the way until twenty, when he delivered a particularly hard smack. He motions for you to sit up, to which you do, standing on your knees as your ass was surely as red as a tomato and would hurt to sit on.
“Thank you.” You say, wiping away some of the tears that made their way down your face. Harry gives you a small pout, putting his hand in your hair and giving you a slow kiss which you whine softly into.
“What’s wrong, love?”
“Ass hurts.”
“Awh, does it?” He asks, looking concerned as you nod. He gives another harsh smack to your ass “Maybe if you listened your ass wouldn’t hurt.” He says in a condescending tone, sitting you down and pulling off your top and pants. You whimper at the feeling of the cool bed sheets against your burning red ass, lifting your hips to help Harry get your pants off.
Once he’s got them both off, he climbs on top, rubbing his thumb across your cheek as he kisses you. As the kiss goes on and gets more heated he lightly grinds his hips into yours, a harsh hand grabbing at your thigh as he kisses from the side of your mouth to your jawline, down your neck and over your lace covered breasts, along your stomach and stopping only when his soft pink lips met the hem of your underwear.
Harry runs his hand from your knee to the inner part of your thigh, pulling the band and letting it flick against your skin. He moves his hands so that they’re wrapped around your thighs and he’s holding your legs open as he leaves wet kisses along your thigh. Once he’s made his way down to the dip between your legs and your core, he begins a routine of little sucks, bites and licks in that order.
When Harry stops kissing at your thigh you assume he’s going to pull your underwear down, his face hovering over your clothed core and purposely breathing through his mouth so you can feel his warm breath on your wet pussy, but instead he moves to the other thigh and continues his routine of kissing down it and then sucking, biting and licking, holding your hips down each time you would try to buck up and get more than what he was giving you. When he’s done with that thigh he licks over the lace, tasting where you juices had leaked through your underwear and moaning at your taste, kissing lightly against you.
“Harry, please just-- give me something.” You beg, whining and bucking up your hips again. He sighs, but stands up, grabbing the hem of your underwear and pulling it down roughly.
“Such a whiny little slut, so fucking impatient I can’t even take my time, can’t wait for me to fuck you, hm? Have to beg for me hurry up and touch you? Fucking lucky I’m even giving in, could’ve waited so long, driven you insane.” Harry rants, mostly to himself, before leaning back down and licking a slow stripe starting from your entrance and ending just before your clit, sucking harshly at the bundle of nerves. You moan out in pleasure, so glad to finally have some sort of relief.
It isn’t long before Harry’s fucking you with his tongue and moaning into you, sucking on your clit and licking you up and down before sticking his tongue back in. When his jaw began to hurt he used his middle finger instead, sticking it inside you and relishing in the noise you made, finger fucking you as he sucked at your clit.
“Fuck, another finger, daddy, want another finger inside me.” You say as you began to get closer to the edge, Harry shook his head as he pulled away from you, popping his finger in his mouth and denying you your orgasm.
“Who the fuck do you think you are, pet? Making demands like you run the place, begging me to fuck you instead of asking like a nice little girl.” Harry says, grabbing his dick and running the tip through your soaking folds, groaning at the velvety feeling “Guess I’ll jus’ have to fuck the attitude out of ya.” He concludes, pushing into you slowly.
You moan as you feel Harry fill you up, trying to remember not to touch him as you buck your hips up into his.
“Since you think your opinion is so important that you need to voice it at every little moment, wanna fuckin hear you. Want you to tell me what you think about me fuckin the brains out of ya, hm?” Harry says, bringing up the pace gradually until his hips are slamming into yours and you’re screaming his name. His hand moves from your boob to your throat has he lightly chokes you, both of your hands wrapping around his wrist and staring up at him as he fucks you like he has something prove, his other hand reaching down to play with your clit.
The mixture of Harry’s hand around your throat, his dick pounding you, his hand playing with your clit, the sound of the headboard banging against the wall, the look on his face as he fucks you and the dirty thoughts in your mind all send you toppling over the edge, screaming out to let him know you’re cumming.
“Cum on my cock, princess. Go ahead, fuckin earned it, sucking my cock so good. Gonna fucking behave now, aren’t ya?” He says, talking you through your orgasm, slowing down a little to let you catch your breath.
Harry’s grip on your throat tightened as he neared his own release, letting out choked moans and half sentences before pulling out and releasing his load onto your stomach. You swipe some up on your finger and pop it into your mouth to taste him as you looked him in the eyes.
“Don’t even get me started.” Harry says, out of breath and laughing lightly. You both sat in silence once again as you recovered from your orgasms, trying to catch your breath.
“Fuck, I’ve been waiting for that for like a week.” You say when he lays next to you, running your fingers through your hair and breaking the silence.
“Me too, I almost broke when we were in the car.” Harry mumbles, shaking his head and wiping the sweat from his forehead. You cuddle up to him and smile, running your hand across his stomach soothingly. 
“Love you, handsome.” 
“Love you, angel.” 
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blurbs-of-harry · 6 years
Gender Party // H.S
Part 5/7
part one
part two
part three
part four
You fixed your makeup in the vanity in the corner of your room. Harry had moved downstairs after he finished getting ready to make sure everything was going smoothly.
Gemma and Anne showed up early this morning bags of decorations and food in hand. You let them in, and went back to bed as they did their thing.
Two hours later, and here you were. Minutes before the party officially begins. Even though, most of the guests have already arrived and were downstairs. Your parents couldn’t make it, but Anne assured you they’d be on video chat so they wouldn’t miss a thing.
You got up, and stepped into some comfortable sandals as before walking down the stairs. You saw Harry helping Gemma out in the kitchen and walked over to them.
“Well, look who it is. The star of the show.” Gemma said, smiling as she walked over to you.
Harry clears his throat as he makes his way over to you. “One of the stars of the show.”
He lays a hand on your belly and leans in to kiss your forehead. “You look lovely, by the way.”
“You look pretty good yourself.” You wink at him.
Anne walks in and smiles as she looks over at you. “Look at you! Everyone has started arriving, your parents are currently talking to one of your aunts. Everything is ready to go!”
“Almost ready!” Gemma says from her spot infront of the island. As she chops up the last of the fruit.
“Are you ready for your first party?” Anne says as she rubs your belly.
“I know I am.” Harry says from beside you. “Let’s go confirm what we’re having a girl.”
At first, Harry kept saying he didn’t know if you were having a boy or girl. But for about a week now, he swears that you’re having a girl. Says it a gut feeling, and he had a dream about it. And according to him, his “dreams are never wrong.”
You, Harry and Anne walk out. You and Harry mingle and greet as many of the guests as you can. Even stop for a small conversation with your parents. Your mom wears purple, because that’s the color you picked for a girl and your dad wears orange because he felt it was a boy.
Harry and you both decided that you didn’t want to the traditional ‘pink’ and ‘blue’ for the genders and instead came up with purple and orange.
As the food rolled out, and the conversations continued, the time had come.
Anne had Harry and you stand behind a table. In front of you both, was two cupcakes. One for you, and one for Harry.
“On the count of three, you’ll take a bite.” Anne said as she placed the cupcakes in both your hands. “The color is in the middle. You guys ready?”
She turned to look at Gemma who was recording everything right beind her.
Anne took 3 steps back, “Ready? One! Two! Three!”
You took a bit of the cupcake, and pulled it back to see
Harry practically yelled, and went over to hug you.
“It’s a girl!” He yelled to everyone, as you felt tears start up.
You hold up the side of the cupcake you bit, to show the cheering guests.
Harry turns back towards you with a grin, that you know matches yours. “I told you, darling. My dreams work wonders.”
He pulled you in for a kiss. The end to a perfect party.
Bonjour! I am back. Sorry for the break I was in the hospital a few weeks back and wanted to just focus on my health for a bit. (I have gallstones :/) that's fun right?!
It's short but I hope you all enjoyed. My wattpad book is still being written. I want to finish it before I release it.
So yeah! Thanks for reading
- M ♡
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ohholyfanfics · 6 years
A Cup of Coffee|Niall Horan
Tumblr media
Series: A Cup of Coffee
Title: Articles and Blue Eyes
Warning(s): None
Summary: Jade‘s torn between following her heart or skipping out on the cute guy from the coffee shop.
Maybe it was the cool fall air, or maybe it was her sudden need for a good cup of coffee. She didn’t know what it was but she soon found herself dressed in leggings, a long sleeve shirt and black flats walking down the streets of New York as she made her way towards a place she would soon call a second home. Pushing the door to the small coffee shop open she sighed in content as she made her way to the front ordering a cup of coffee.
She can’t seem to get the words out on the document before her, here she was all her life waiting for the day she finally landed her dream job. Now she has it and her anxiety is eating her alive as she chews on the inside of her cheek, she had her research, she had the facts but the words wouldn’t come to mind. No amount of papers she’d written prepared her for this, but yet she knew she could do it with just a little push, and a little push was just what she got as her phone buzzed besides her coffee mug.
Incoming call from Danielle
Smiling she quickly answered the call as Danielle’s rushed voice sounded making her chuckle softly at her friend’s words. “Hey, Dani slow down. I gotta understand what’re saying before I give you an answer.” She stated as Danielle laughed from the other line and slowed down.
“Sorry babe, wanted to know what you’re up too tonight??”
“Can’t go out tonight, wanna finish this rough draft and send it to Alex before I focus on a social life..” She sighed as she stared at the open tabs on her iPad and Mac trying to find the words to say just want she needed to say.
“Hey, don’t stress yourself babe, this is only a online article..” She reminded her as a soft groan escaped her lips.
“All the more reason why it has to be perfect..” She muttered not even noticing the brunette man who was studying her from his place in the front as he awaited for his order.
“Do you want help? Libby and I can come over with wine and help you brainstorm?” She suggested as she stood up from her couch.
“No-no it’s fine..” She mumbled as the words seemed to finally be coming to her. “I’m not even home..” She added as her fingers worked the keyboard quickly placing her thoughts into words.
“Not home? Girl where are you?”
“That coffee shop near the office, hey I’ll call you guys when I’m done?” She asked as she started pulling the facts together.
“Of sure, if it’s not to late wanna stop by? We can order take out???” Danielle offered as Jade agreed and promised to either text or call once her article was finished and sent to Alex.
She chewed softly on the inside of her cheek as her eyes quickly scanned the written passage checking for any mistake or changes that could be made. She had promised Cathy a perfectly written article for the online segment of relationships in the making this week. It was hard working with a magazine when work seemed to follow you home. It was never ending, but she loved it. She loved her job and wouldn’t want change it for anything else in the world.
“Is this seat taken??”
Looking up she was meet with the most bluest of blue eyes as the guy stood before her. His left hand was holding a white mug similar to her own. He wore dark blue jeans, a light cream color long sleeve. His hair was left in somewhat of a messy hairstyle but fitting his attire perfectly. Blushing she nodded her head and cleaned up around her making room for him to sit.
“I’m Niall and you are?” He asked taken note of her flushed cheeks and somewhat messy hair that he assumed was from all the times she had ran her figures through them.
“Jade.” She stated softly as he smiled and leaned closer to her with a soft smile on his lips.
“Well Jade I have to say, you managed to capture my attention from the moment I walked into this place..” He winked as she quickly looking down at a part of her article and changed it.
Sometimes you find the right person in the least most likely of places, but its your choice to pursue that relationship or wonder about all that could’ve been.
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1d-dream-imagines · 6 years
Louie’s Proposal
1D Imagine 😍: On you first date, Louis offers to cook dinner for you, and you graciously accept. You arrive at his apartment and he’s cooking you hotdogs. You take a bite out of it and mm!! It’s tasty.
“This is the best hot dog I’ve ever had!” You say
“Thnx y/n, I make them with a special ingredient ;)” how did he say that. How did he wink with his words
Years pass, and you two fall deeper in love with each other. Finally, one night, he invites you to dinner at his house, where you two had your first date. He serves you a glass of wine, and it’s murky and red.
You sip it and it’s bitter to the taste. Like alcohol. “Mm. This is a good wine!” You start to chug it down.
“Thnx I made it myself ;))” he did the thing with his words again. How do you sound out a wonky face with two mouths.
“Woah!! Louie, you own a vineyard?” You ask
“No...” he strolls to his fridge and opens it. It’s completely full of reused Welsh™ Grape Juice bottles full of a murky brown and red liquid. He pulls out a bottle with a yellow sticky note that has writing on it in crayon: ‘y/n first date’. “I make hot dog wine. I boil hot dogs in grape juice and then ferment the juice in my fridge for a few years.”
You look down in your wine glass. Sure enough, there are stray chunks of hot dog in it. You can’t help but guzzle the rest of it down. “Wow!” You say. “This is incredible! I need MORE!” You pound the table. Your thirst for his hot dog wine is insatiable.
“Surely, my love.” He pours you another glass of the brown, viscous fluid. You slurp it down eagerly.
He starts to pour into your glass but you take the bottle from his hands and empty it into your thirsty gullet. You demand more. He starts to funnel the fermented meat juice into your mouth straight from the bottle. You go through multiple bottles of Welch’s™ Signature Hot Dog Wine. The liquid drips down your chin and on to your clothes. You sweat with anticipation and your eyes water as you’re barely getting enough air. You want to drown in your superstar boyfriend’s Hot Dog Wine. Louis happily complies.
Your stomach bulges, filling with fermented juice as you near the end of Louie’s supply. What will happen when he runs out. As you think this, something prods at your throat. It’s a sharp pain that blocks your windpipe. Louie simply stands back knowingly. You fee your vision begin to fade as you lose air quickly, gasping and choking. You beg your boyfriend for help. He doesn’t assist you. You take matters into your own hands and you stand up and preform the hiemlich on yourself against your chair. You begin to feel incredibly faint as you pound your juice filled stomach against the chair.
Suddenly, it all comes up, the foreign object in your throat acting as a plug against all the Hot Dog Wine in your system. You regurgitate the savory sweet alcohol onto the table in front of you. You can’t see through your tears, but Louie comes and wipes them away. Suddenly, amongst the swirls of purple and brown juices, something glimmering. A ring. You pick it up and look at Louie, blushing.
“Y/N, will you marry me? ;)”
You giggle and respond, “How the fuck do you make that noise with your mouth?”☺️☺️
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enthusiasticharry · 7 years
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speak to me/ request work here
( includes sexual content *) 
i. Checkmate* 
The one where you are an up-coming chess player and start to give world-renowned chess player, Harry Styles, a run for his money. 
ii. Regret Me* (WIP) 
The one where Harry is a rockstar, and YN not only falls for him but also the life that he lives. 
i. Daisies     ii. Edelweiss*            Governess!YN Extras
The one where YN is the governess for Harry’s children, and they cannot hide their growing affection for each other. 
i. Baby Steps *
The one where you’re his son’s therapist, and you help him along the way.
ii. The Secrets You Keep *
The one where you're a stripper, and you don't know how Harry will react.
iii. Swan Lake *
The one where you're a ballet dancer, and Harry’s your new choreographer. 
iv. Lonely this Christmas *
The one where you’re broken up, but one Christmas party changes that.
v. Second Best *
The one where you think he prefers your sister, but he actually prefers you. 
vi. Summer of ‘63 *
The one where you’re the new volunteer at a hotel resort, and Harry’s the resident dancer.
vii. Drive On *
The one where you and Harry are keeping a secret from your brother, who happens to hate harry’s guts.
vii. Twisted in Bedsheets  *
The one where Harry visits France for the summer, and you end up falling in deep.
ix. Desire *
The one where YN gets a job as Harry’s maid and his occupation comes as a shock to her - he writes erotica.
x. Glitz and Glamour *
The one where YN is a rising star in 1940s Hollywood, and Harry sets his eyes on her even though she’s married.
xi. Good Omens*
The one where YN has a one-night stand, who turns out to be her boss at the hospital where she now works.
i. Try Again Later * 
The one where you're a virgin, and Harry takes it too far.
ii. Playing Doctor
The one where you’re sick, and your roommate Harry helps. 
iii. Surprise Trips
The one where Harry surprises you with a trip to Italy.
all of this work is original and please don’t steal it :)
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gabbysdawsons · 3 years
Can we just continue talking about Cody? I just want to hear EVERYTHING!! I also wouldn’t mind talking about Cody and Will too! Heck, throw James in too!
yes we aBSOLUTELY can i could talk about her for hours.
she has this weird relatonship with Owen because she's too young to be a coworker but too old to be a daughter-like-figure and honestly neither of them know what to do with it.
Meeko is the runt of the litter, and it's part of the reason Cody absolutely adores her--she reminds her of James.
she wanted to have a pet platypus and name it Sal when she was younger
her favourite colour is blue, and she manages to incorporate it into every outfit she wears.
she's originally from... wait for it... Canada, but her family moved to Maine when she was fifteen.
she read The Witches by Roald Dahl at least once a year when she was younger
one of her worst fears is being trapped, just anywhere, under any context.
she's pansexual.
Gray is her favourite human being on the planet. He reminds her of what James was like when she was younger.
she's probably way too casual when addressing authority figures such as Mr. Masrani but they tend to find her charming rather than abrasive.
she cannot aim and i'm amazed she's made it this far in her career without this skill tbh.
she had her first serious relationship when she was 21 with one of the interns in the control room; it didn't end well and now it's super awkward when they run into each other.
and now Will and Cody.
the ultimate nightmare team
i'm amazed the haven't annoyed Owen into an early grave.
okay but Cody would absolutely stop by wherever Will happened to be staying when she was on the island because Owen gives her no updates and she likes to know how her favourite girl is doing.
Will teaching Cody how to aim???
Cody isn't teaching Meeko to respond to Will's directons too, what do you mean? That's against the rules.
they absolutely stumbled across the old park while trying to get from one enclosure to the other though
for some reason i have a very vivid image of Will helping Cody run because she can't run well on her injured ankle and it's honestly kinda cute.
for the sake of this lets say the Plot™ doesn't happen because can you IMAGINE Cody and Will just chilling in the park together on her days off, and bringing James along when she's there??
okay but Cody is very particular over the guys Will dates. like mother hen particular.
Zach? why? why him?
Leo? it takes her a while probably, but she decides that he can stay.
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justa1dandjbfan · 7 years
Little Surprise // Niall Horan
Your POV You have been dating Niall Horan for about two years now. He was currently in Los Angeles touring with the boys while you stayed in the house you and Niall shared in London. The past few days you have been feeling sick and then you remembered that you still hadn’t got your period. This morning you decided to take a pregnancy test and it turns out you were 4 weeks pregnant, you start crying and you were having mixed feelings about the situation, first you were happy because that baby it was made out of yours and Niall’s love, and even though you two were young you were going to drop everything if was necessary to take care of your unborn child, but also you worried because you don’t know how Niall is going to take it, you two had talked about marriage and having a baby but not yet, and on top of that he was on a middle of a worldwide tour. You decided to get over with this soon, so you text him. N: Niall Y:You
Y: Good Morning Ni, how are you? text me as soon as you wake up. Love you xx
You sat nervously in your bed, thinking about every possible scenario of how Niall would react. You really loved him and you didn’t want him to leave you, not even 30 minutes later you hear the special tone you had just for when Niall texted, you immediately took your phone and read his message
N: Morning Princess, today we had to wake up at 5 AM to promote our new single, I’m good and you? Although I miss you like crazy! Are you still feeling sick? Can’t wait to get back to London next month, I love you more xx
You looked at your phone smiling, suddenly you started to cry, thinking about how would your life be if he left you and your baby, you started overthinking and almost forgot to reply
Y: I’m okay, I need to tell you something later, so uhm call me when you have time. I love you xx good luck with the promo and say hi to the boys for me.
Not even 10 seconds later he replied
N: Y/N are you okay? I can’t FaceTime right now, but text me! I’m getting worried.
Y: Yeah I guess, and I rather tell you this over FaceTime since I can’t go there, So yeah call me later.
N: y/n tell me please I’m worried, I love you! I can’t let anything bad happen to you, you are my everything, you know what fuck the interview I’m calling you now
Y: Don’t worry I can wait
You texted him and suddenly felt the urge to throw up, You was so nervous and morning sickness wasn’t making you feel better, You run to the bathroom and felt my phone ringing. It was Niall. You quickly did what you had to do and cleaned you face, so hopefully he wouldn’t notice you had just thrown up.
Y: Hi
N: Y/N are you okay? Are you still feeling sick? Maybe you should go see a doctor He said out of breath
Y: I feel better Nialler, thank you You lied
N: what’s wrong princess? I can see all over your face that you are worried, and by your puffy eyes I can tell you have been crying. Please tell me what’s wrong? I’m really worried. Niall said softly
Y: It’s just that I’m afraid that you will leave me, I love you so much, and I can’t imagine my life without you! You’re my everything! I know you can have someone that is much better than me, that won’t screw your life up. You stopped for a bit, because you started crying and couldn’t talk
N: Y/N don’t you ever think like that again! There’s no one better than you and my life is perfect with you in it. What are you suddenly thinking that I’m going to leave you? Niall asked you worried
Y: Be-because I found out something this morning You said nervous
N: What happened? And remember whatever it is I’m never going to leave you no matter what Niall said
Y: I’m so nervous You said
N: I promise you everything is going to be alright Niall said confidently
“Here goes nothing” you thought
Y: Okay, here it goes. So, as you know 4 weeks ago you came to visit me You said while your hands were shaking
N: Yeah, I remember that day perfectly Niall said smiling
Y: Okay, and then later that night we started kissing and then we had sex. You said smiling at the amazing memory of that night
N: how could I forget, it was one of the best nights of my life, I don’t understand how this has to do with what we were talking about. Niall said
Y: That night, we forgot to use a condom, and you know how lately I have been feeling sick You said as a tear left your eye, saying you were nervous it was an understatement
N: I thought you were feeling better? Niall said completely clueless
Y: N-Niall I’m pregnant, I took a test this morning You said as you started crying, Niall was shocked by the news,
Y: I’m sorry, I understand if you are mad and you don’t want anything to do with me again. You are on the middle of a tour and a baby would only be another distraction for your career, thank you for everything you did for me on the past two years. I promise you I didn’t do this on Purpose. I just found out. I know this is something I should tell you in person but I just found out this morning and I needed to tell you I’m sorry. You said crying historically
N: are you sure you are pregnant? Niall asked
Y: I took 3 tests, and all of them were positive, but like I was saying you don’t have to be th- You couldn’t finish talking because Niall stopped you
N: Y/N, please don’t ever think or say that again! I love you so much, this are the best news I have ever received! We are going to have a baby and be a family, I’m going to be a dad! I would never leave you! I’m not mad at you, if it’s possible this made me fall harder for you! I can’t believe that in about 9 months we are having a mini you or me. I’m so happy, I promise to be there with you on everything! You are not alone in this. I know this wasn’t planned but I promise you we are going to make it work. I love you so much. I’m so sorry I can’t be there with you right now, but I’m going to try to get home tomorrow night since we have the next three days free. Niall said crying, you smiled knowing that everything was going to be alright, even though you were still worried about certain things like the tour and his career
Y: I love you so much, Niall we are going to be parents I can’t believe this. I’m glad I have you! Thank you. Me and our baby are going to be waiting for you, I’m booking a doctor appointment for when you get here then. I’m sorry this had to happen in the middle of the tour, What is everyone going to say? You asked worried once again
N: Stop saying sorry like this was your fault, it takes two persons to make a baby not one, so stop apologising. And we are going to take things one day at a time, lastly fuck what everyone else thinks is our baby. You are going to be such a great mother. Do anyone else knows? He asked you while he blowed a kiss
Y: nope, just you and me. And I think we should keep it that way for a while
N: Our little secret
Niall said making you smile
N: I’m so sorry but Louis is actually going to kill me if I don’t go now. I love you and our baby so much, I’m going to call you as soon as I’m done with this. Thank you for everything my love, Take care Niall said, you could tell by the look on his face that he didn’t want to hung up
Y: Hope you have a sick day baby, We love you so much and I can’t wait to see you. You said
N: I’m such a bad boyfriend, I forgot to ask you how were you feeling? Niall asked you feeling guilty
Y: Good, morning sickness is a bitch but it’s going to be worth it. I can’t believe that an actual baby is growing right now inside me
N: Our baby
Y: Yes, Our baby.
*************************** Let me know if you guys want a second part and I would really appreciate some feedback ♡ If you want to use this ask me first and give me credit of course♡ If you want me to write you an imagine I take requests! Just tell me of who do you want me to write it of and if you have an idea (the last part it’s option and it can be of any celebrity it doesn’t have to be Justin Bieber or One Direction related, even though I will probably write more of them because they are my life) thank you ♡
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lokvadnod · 4 years
Imagine a Yautja finally learning how to cook ooman food but then he meets the ultimate enemy: onion. He proceeds to cut it and all hell breaks loose - burning sensation on the eyes, runny nose and tears (if Yautja are even capable of producing them). And his ooman mate just stands there unsure whether to laugh or offer to take the veggie-demon off his hands and chop them herself.
Seeing Dauknava hissing in anger at a half-cut onion wasn’t the first thing she expected to see when she got home from work. But as she rounded the corner, car keys tinkling in hand, that’s exactly the sight she was met with.
Fetted discomfort rested in every line of his body. Standing at the counter, tall enough that if he raised his eyes he could see the layers of dust caked across the top of the cabinets, he chopped away with a knife that looked comically small in his grip. Thick mandibles worked around the clicking and grunting intonations of his language as he grumbled to himself. Among the throng of it, she thought she caught a word that sounded very similar to “shit”.
Laughter bubbled at the eaves of her chest. For the sake of his — quite sensitive— pride, she coughed it down but only far enough to nail it to her gut where it could settle as silent amusement.
“How’s it going in here?”
When his head swiveled, she got a good look at his eyes. The leaf green there was rimmed with red and screaming discomfort. His anatomy allowed for no moisture to quell the burn the bleeding onion had ignited, and that made the barely contained (half-self directed, no doubt) frustration that bubbled beneath the surface all the more visible.
Doc’s mandibles tightened. “It is fine.”
Doubt quirked in her eyebrow. “You know, I could cut that for you...”
She saw the feathers of his pride flex a bit at that. “A Yautja will not be undone by a Terran vegetable.”
One small fit of chuckles escaped and with it, she earned herself a stern glare. Beneath it, she relented and bit her tongue, raising her hands and wondering if he would ever understand just how funny the formality innate to his species could be and simultaneously doubting that he would ever even admit it if he did. “Alright, alright, I’ll just be over here if you need me.”
Her grin was impossible to wipe from her face as she went and took a seat at the kitchen table, trailed by a very exasperated chuff. The sound of chopping started back up, slow and precise and maybe a bit distracted, and she found her greatest amusement of the week in watching Dauknava’s profile. How his mandibles pulled tight against his face, the furrowed line of his brow ridge above his deep-set eyes, even the almost imperceptible bristle of his tresses that was so subtle she was almost unsure it happened at all. She watched him like that for a while, half surreptitiously, pretending to poke around on her phone while casting sidelong glances now and then.
She was deep in the throes of debating whether or not to sneak a picture of him for future amusement when he completely stopped, mid-chop. Without preamble his motions halted, almost as if someone somewhere had pushed a button and his motor functions had shut off. The smile that had found a permanent home on her face slipped a bit.
“Doc?” He didn’t immediately answer and for the slimmest of moments she began to worry that maybe Onions were somehow poisonous to Yautja.
“Dauknava?” She rarely used his full name and, mercifully, the sound seemed to jostle him from whatever trance he was in. When he looked at her, he looked more terrible than she’d expected.
“Holy shit...”
“This is uncomfortable.”
Saliva was dripping from between his tusks, down his neck, and his eyes were so hazy, with such irritated sclera, that it made him look like he was riding the tail end of a serious four day bender. She found herself struck with some strange amalgam of one part amusement and two parts pity, and hurried to his side.
He made none of his usual pride-anchored protest when she took the knife.
“Go to the bathroom and run your head under the shower, I’ll finish up here.” She said and waved him in the general directon of the hall when he didn’t immediately move.
Doc made a sound somewhere between a groan and a growl but acquiesced, nonetheless. Over the two or so minutes it took him to go get washed up and come back, she had the onion chopped and put in the pot on the stove, and was nearly done gathering up the mess to put in the trashcan when a single, very purposeful-sounding creak of the floor alerted her that he’d returned.
For his size, he sure was silent.
“I have decided that I hate onions.” He announced, looking ten times better, not so agitated or pitiful.
Wiping at his crest with a towel (the extra large one she’d gotten especially for him a while back), he came to survey the progress she had made while he was gone. He peeked into the simmering pot with a skeptical eye and a cautious mandible, and straightened when he came too close to the steam.
“Seems to me like onions hate you too.” She shot a impish smile up at him, one arm linking around the small of his back, and after a moment, his good humor melted the scowl on his face.
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1dsongpreferencess · 4 years
“I'm going away for a while But I'll be back, don't try and follow me Cause I'll return as soon as possible”
You were exhausted, work has been so heavy for the past months that you didn’t even have time for yourself or your boyfriend, Louis. You’ve been together for more than a year and you were really happy with him but right now you couldn’t even pay him attention. You couldn’t take it anymore and you decided to take some free time for work, and your boss understood. Two weeks free would really help you, and you were excited about it. Louis was really supportive about your work because it was your dream to be really successful and you wanted to spend your free time with him but he was only starting his England tour and his schedule was really tight so if you went with him he couldn’t even spend time with you. That’s when you decided those 2 weeks were only for you and you bought tickets to your hometown. “Babe, why won’t you come on tour with me? I’ll do everything for you to have a good time” Louis said making a cute puppy face. “I love you, Louis. You know I do, but I really need to take some time off and I miss my family and my city. I won’t be away for long. I promise just 2 weeks” You replied holding his hand. He smiled weakly but kissed you. “I love you too and if it helps I’ll be waiting for you” He said. You had an amazing weekend and then both went to the airport to do your own things knowing to miss each other would only make you stronger.
“See I'm trying to find my place But it might not be here where I feel safe We all learn to make mistakes”
You were sad. You didn’t understand how your relationship with Harry might have been this broken, months ago you were the happiest couple and everyone thought you were going to get married. But then he started to act distant and you notice the change in the way he treated you, and you tried to ask him so many times about it but he never was able, to be honest with you. But then one morning he was making breakfast to you and you thought maybe he was coming back to be the amazing boyfriend he was. He served you and you both sat and started eating. “Y/n, I need to talk you about something” He said looking serious. “Ok, let’s talk” You replied knowing this was about to change everything. “I was really happy with you, you were the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me and I swear I don’t want to hurt you but this isn’t me. I’m not ready to have this serious relationship, I don’t see myself married anytime soon and I think is not fair to you making you lose time with me” You were shocked but mostly sad and your eyes were full of tears, but you decided to breathe and stay calm. He continued talking “I’m still trying to figuring out who I am and I know in a few years I'll think about you and realized leaving was a huge mistake, but I have to learn” Tears fell on his cheeks and that’s when you knew this was hard for him too. “I get it Harry, but it really breaks my heart knowing you don’t want to be with me and I don’t make part of any of your close plans. But I hope the moment you realize that the thing we have doesn’t happen twice in a lifetime is not too late. I’m leaving this house tomorrow” You replied and then you stand up and went to the room and started picking up your clothes knowing you may not love someone as much as you loved Harry.
“Cause I'm just one of those ghosts Traveling endlessly Don't need no roads In fact, they follow me And we just go in circles”
You would always be a lonely person, but not because you didn’t have friends or family that loved you but because you really liked being alone and people would always understand. You thought that maybe because of the way you were you might never find a partner. You decided that you had to make some changes in your life but before you will make the trip you’ve always dreamed of and there you were leaving your country to know England, you went to London of course but also to little cities and you were feeling happy. You were in a place called Bradford and you were walking on the streets when you saw this beautiful café and you decided to get in. You had an iced coffee and were looking at your phone when a man sat on the table next to yours, you felt like you knew who he was and you looked at him and it was Zayn Malik. You were a huge directoner when you were a teenager and of course, you got nervous, but you knew you had to ask him for a photo or something. This wasn’t something that happened every day. You turned to him and when he saw you he smiled. “Hello Zayn, really sorry to bother you but I can’t help it.” You said. He smiled and looked so handsome “It's alright love” he replied. “Could I get a selfie with you?” You said blushing. He nodded and you sat next to him. After the photo was taken he keeps talking to you and you have a great conversation of 3 hours. It felt like he was someone normal, and he even talked to you about how happy he was in his hometown knowing he would get back on road pretty soon. He offered to give you a tour of the city the next day and well, you just felt happy about meeting and talking like that to him.
“So we can get what we want out of it Would someone care to classify, Our broken hearts and twisted minds So I can find someone to rely on”
Niall and you were close friends. But when you both started dating other people you kept some distance from each other because your couples would not understand how you were that close and not in love. Until one day and like a sad twist coincidence the two of you were single again. He was broken-hearted and you felt a bit sad too. You decided it was time for one of your crazy nights where you drank lots and danced and felt better. He came over to your place and you made some cocktails. You were having a really good time together being silly as always, it was like that was your happy place. “We always end up together, y/n. Isn’t that funny?” Niall said drunk. “Yes, that’s why we can’t keep leaving us for someone else” You replied. “They always get jealous about what we have and that’s not fair” Niall said. “Maybe we shouldn’t keep dating the wrong people” You replied. He smiled and you started dancing again. Time passed really quickly and it was 2 am. He stayed with you and you slept on the same bed, he cuddles you and you felt safe and really complete. The next morning you woke up with a huge hangover and he was feeling bad as well. You made breakfast for the two of you and spent the whole day knowing what you had was special. He was the only person you felt you could be your real you and you knew he felt the same.
“The ones we trusted the most Pushed us far away And there's no one road And we should not be the same”
You knew being in a relationship with someone after being with your ex-boyfriend for 2 years was going to be hard and you decided to stay away from any opportunity to fall in love. You never imagined life would laugh about your plans and presented you, Liam, that to make things worst was going through the same. You clicked instantly when you met at a friend’s engagement party and as you keep talking you realized how similar you were feeling about life and love. You felt happy of having someone nice to spent the night and you talked, danced and stayed together during the whole party hoping the night would never end but it was time to leave and he offered to take you home and you agreed. “ I had a great night Y/n, meeting you make worth it going to that party. And I know we are not ready to date anyone but I would love to know you better and maybe give us a chance..?” He said really nervous. “I would love to know you better and then see what happens Li” You replied. Funny thing you didn’t know months later you would be living together and believing again in love.
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our1dpreferencesbr · 4 years
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Pedido: Faz um com o Niall que ele e a sn sao namorados,ai ela é muito amiga dos minos vive saindo com eles,quando o Niall não pode,principalmente com o Louis,ai o Niall tem uma crise de ciúmes so pq a sn ta saindo muito com o Louis,ai ele diz que a sn ta traindo ele,ai rola uma briga,mas no final fica td bem,Niall pede desculpas.Bem dramático pfv
Niall estava sentado do outro lado da sala mexendo no celular com o olhar ainda distante e eu podia sentir de longe sua raiva. Niall e eu estávamos brigados a mais ou menos uns dois dias, ele mal olhava para a minha cara e quando falava alguma coisa era porque é exatamente necessário. Eu tinha vontade de conversar com ele explicar tudo e falar que esse excesso de ciúmes era totalmente desnecessário, mas eu também sou orgulhosa não queria ceder. Niall se levantou do sofá e caminhou para o quarto, senti uma vontade incontrolável de chorar, eu só queria que tudo voltasse ao normal.
Eu estava na casa do Louis o meu melhor amigo, desde que conheci Niall e todos os meninos da banda Louis se tornou meu melhor amigo foi uma conexão instantânea, mas não vejo nada além de amizade nisso assim como ele. Hoje combinamos de uma balada Niall não quis ir então é só nos dois.
— FESTA! — Louis subiu no sofá e gritou o mais alto possível, tampei os ouvidos e sorri. — O que você acha do meu look? — Ele deu uma viradinha e sorriu. — To muito gato né?
Revirei os olhos e taquei uma almofada nele. — Você tá ridículo, para de se achar.
Levantei do sofá e puxei uma vestido para baixo. — Você tá parecendo uma vadia com nesse vestido. — Louis disse em tom de brincadeira. Antes que pudesse falar alguma coisa Harry entrou na sala com uma jaqueta rosa neon. — Para onde vamos hoje?
Harry é seu estilo chamativo, eu amava isso o jeito expontâneo dele. Louis foi correndo abraçar deu amigo — Vamos para uma balada aqui perto, você tá convidado. — Harry ajeitou sua jaqueta chamativa.
— Acho que eu não preciso de um convite.
Todos rimos e seguimos para o carro do Harry que era maior, então era melhor para todos. No caminho até o local todos fomos cantado de nos divertindo, Louis só queria saber de escutar música e Harry cantava loucamente, eu amava está com esse meninos. Quando me mudei para Londres a primeira psssoa que fez amizade comigo foi Louis que foi tão carinho e simpático e me ajudou em tantas coisas que eu sinto que tenho um dever com ele, sempre vou esta aqui para ajudá-lo.
Harry é um palhaço que sempre trás alegria até para os piores momentos, sempre alternativo. Harry sofreu tanto por conta da sexualidade dele e do jeito de ser que ele foi a pessoa que mais sofreu, ele não entendia o que estava acontecendo com o seu corpo e com todas as mudanças, mas ter a gente perto dele foi exatamente necessário, agora ele está tão mudado e isso me deixa muito feliz.
Harry estacionou o carro e entramos por uma outra porta. Fomos para o VIP tinha alguns famosos, mas nenhum legal o bastante, Louis pegou nossas bebidas e começamos a beber, eu sabia que ss continuasse assim ia ficar louca bem rápido, mas hoje era dia de se divertir não estava ligando muito para isso. Harry estava dançando muito e Louis também.
Eu já não sabia que horas que era, meu corpo estava mole e tudo rodava, minha língua e minha boca estava dormente. Coloquei minha mão na cabeça e senti meu corpo desmoronando, tentei me levantar algumas vezes, mas não conseguia. Olhei ao meu redor e senti uma vontade imensa de vomitar, depois apaguei algumas vezes, quando abri meus olhos senti Louis me pegando no colo, não sei dizer ao certo quanto tempo fiquei desmaiada.
Harry abriu a porta do carro, mas eu não conseguia enxergar muito bem só escutar algumas frases soltas, meu corpo gelou quando escutei a voz do meu namorado. “O que caralho aconteceu com ela?” “calma ela tá bem” “foda-se” eu tentava dizer algumas coisas só que as palavras se embaralhavam e eu não conseguia dizer nada. Niall me pegou no colo e minha visão voltou a ficar escura.
Por todo o trajeto eu acordava e desmaiava. Niall dirigia caladamente e novamente apaguei.
Levantei da calma e senti meu estômago embrulhado, corri até o banheiro e coloquei tudo para fora, eu não tinha ideia de que horas que era e nem quanto tempo fiquei apagada, mas todo meu corpo doía. Niall abriu a porta do banheiro e segurou meu cabelo, ele estava com raiva isso era nítido, mas mesmo assim ele me ajudava. Assim que coloquei tudo para fora, escovei os dentes. Niall estava sentado no banheiro me obsedado.
- Você não acha que isso foi longe demais? — Ele cruzou os braços e me olhou fixamente.
- Eu estava me divertindo com os meus amigos. — Sequei minha boca com a tolha de rosto e me virei para ele.
- Você o Louis e os meninos, era para ser eu. Eu deveria sair com você a gente deveria se divertir juntos, não estou reclamando de você ter uma amizade com eles, só que parece que você é mais feliz com os meninos do que comigo. — Niall continuava calmo, mas ele estava muito estressado.
- Não é para tanto eu só sai com eles um pouco...
- Um pouco? Todo final de semana você faz a mesma coisa e sou eu que vai correndo salvar você, até que um dia não vai ter eu e nem Harry ou Louis para ajudar você, parece que você não entende o risco. — Niall se levantou e começou a andar pelo o banheiro.
- Risco? Eu só to me divertindo só isso, você que tá com ciúmes. — Disse tirando minha roupa para entrar no chuveiro.
- Posso tá com ciúmes sim, porque você é minha namorada e da mais atenção para os meus amigos eu só sirvo para resgatar você quando acontece alguma coisa de ruim. Eu sou seu namorado era para a gente ter uma relação legal, não isso eu não sou seu pai.
Liguei o chuveiro e me virei. — Não to pedido paga você me salvar, não precisa fazer nada. Se você não fosse tão insuportável talvez estaria com a gente, não agindo como um velho.
No momento que disse isso eu me arrependi, mas já era tarde Niall tinha saído do banheiro sem dizer nada. Comecei a chorar eu não queria ter dito isso para ele.
Segui Niall até o quarto onde ele estava deitado na cama ainda com o celular, provavelmente jogando alguma coisa. Ele me olhou quando entrei, não disse nada. Subi na cama e coloquei e coloquei minhas pernas envolta a do corpo dele, Niall soltou o celular e me olhou assustado, mas ao mesmo tempo feliz.
- Me perdoa. — Meus olhos encheram de lágrimas. — Eu te amo não quis dizer nada daquilo, vamos aproveitar mais juntos, não quero perder você.
Niall colocou suas mãos na minha cintura e apertou um pouco. — Todo casal briga. Tá tudo bem, eu também te amo. — Ele me beijou. — Eu te amo muito.
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