#one of his lines is just him going 'TIMBER! :D!'
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i mean... i take payment in kisses too. just saying
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barcodeboyz · 21 days
My top 10 favorite South Park episodes, no one asked but here we go
10. With Apologies to Jesse Jackson
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This is a controversial episode to put here because of how offensive it is, and truthfully, I didn't care too much for the A plot. But the B-plot makes up for it. Watching Cartman and a Midget fight to Get Down with the Sickness is so hilariously absurd.
9. You're Getting Old/Ass Burgers
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This is the second/third episode I remember watching before I got into the show. I included them both in one spot because Ass Burgers is a continuation of You're Getting Old, but each have their own separate charm. I definitely shed a tear when Stan moved out to Fleetwood Mac's Landslide and split my sides laughing as Kyle yelled at Cartman for sticking the burgers up his ass. I also heavily relate to Stan's meltdown in class in Ass Burgers, because that's real emotion. An amazing storyline overall.
8. Make Love, Not Warcraft
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I mentioned that the previous two episodes were some of my first episodes, but not THE first episode. That title goes to this episode. When I was born, my brother was 15, and as I grew up, I often watched him play World of Warcraft. So this episode is very nostalgic to me, not just because him and I watched it but because as someone who plays WOW nowadays (very inconsistently), it's so nostalgic to see how much has changed.
7. The Losing Edge
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This is just a classic episode. The boys don't want to participate in baseball and try to get out of it by losing, but the other teams have the same idea. I think we all know who the real star of the episode is: Randy. I thought this was America!
6. Trapped in the Closet
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Subtlety is completely ignored in this episode. As Stan is praised as the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard, his comments about Tom Cruise send him literally into the closet. I think my favorite bit in the episode is R. Kelly's Trapped in the Closet verses, specifically when he pulls out a gun in Stan's room and everyone in the hallway runs away.
5. Major Boobage
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This episode is... beautiful. The animation is impressive, and the story is hilarious as well. Kenny and Gerald cheesing and then getting into a fight, Cartman reliving the Holocaust with the cats, and the funny ass press conference given just solidify this episode as legendary.
4. Le Petit Tourette
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This episode introduced my favorite one-off character, Thomas. But even more than that, it gave us a great story and a chance for us to see Cartman's plan blow up in his face. While it ultimately never came to fruition due to Kyle's actions, it's satisfying to know that he definitely revealed a deep secret or two in exchange for almost slandering minority groups on national TV.
3. Follow That Egg
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I have vague memories of watching this episode as a kid, but I don't consider it as one of my firsts because I could only really recall them running through the crowd trying to save their grade. But it's a fantastic episode. Ms. Garrison's attempts to stop gay marriage from being legalized, to Stan's comical bitterness towards Kyle and Wendy, it all comes together and compliments each other well.
2. D-Yikes!
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I didn't expect to get so personal on a South Park top 10 list, but it's the honest truth. South Park became a major comfort for me after my assault. And this was the first episode I watched that made me burst out laughing since the attack; Ms. Garrison screaming "scissor me timbers!" has got to be one of the funniest lines in the show's history. And overall, it's just a fun episode to watch.
1. Guitar Queero
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This is an underrated masterpiece of an episode that more people should watch. The plot of the episode feels so fluid, and everything about it makes sense to me. The rise to stardom, falling to drugs (well, video games about drugs), losing it all and returning to give it one final shot just encompasses what South Park can really do when given the right tools. Maybe I'm biased because Season 11 is my favorite season, but something about this episode just really scratches my brain.
Anyways, that's my list! Thanks all for reading.
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thewatercolours · 2 months
PART ONE - Replaying King's Quest, Chapter Two (2015)
Opening logo screen as a symbol of what happens to Daventry over Graham’s reign? A new flowering and regrowth, even as he grows and blossoms personally?
For just a moment we can see Graham’s real reflection in the mirror, as the dragon vision fades and the purple ripples spread.
When he’s so breathless and panicked by what he just saw, but he hears the guards coming and just has to run and flail and get to the throne before they come in, so he can look like he’s got it together. I understand why you feel you have  to mask it, Graham – most of them have little confidence in you at this point and vulnerability is a real risk – but I’m pretty sureif you do this on a consistent basis it’s a contributing factor to why this first stint as king has been so distressing for you. His eyes are so huge as he turns aside from the mirror.
Graham does the big, grand, “Proceed” line in a deep voice twice in this game. Once in his twenties, where he’s doing it unironically to try to come off kingly – and it sounds so stupid. But Grandpa also does it in the framing device, to joking invite Gart to come in, and it’s just meant in good fun because he clearly realizes how ridiculous it is. That kid came along, over time.
Number One actually sounds quite excited about the new uniforms.
“Hilarious. Your key decisions are already shaping the kingdom for the better. Yay.” You know what would be hilarious? If this line was utterly accurate because your choice of footrub had consequences. I mean, there are three options. 😉
“And don’t forget your swords this time.” Man, I’d like to know what happened that time. Called out suddenly in the middle of the night, perhaps?
I love the thing where Graham’s getting inundated with decision quests and the time available to make a choice gets steadily shorter while the options get steadily wordier. Awesome way to give just a little touch of the overwhelm while keeping it lighthearted.
My favourite cloak is back! Love the wine red and lighter trim. I forgot it has quite so much sheen to it. It’s the chapter beginning. Of course I am going to spend some time just spinning him and making him move in fun ways (not so smooth with arrow keys, though!)
He’s all upright as he runs and really pumping his arms – I just remembered that shortly he’s not going to do that. Oh… (But also >:D)
Graham has a freckle on his left ear.
Making puns in that small, daunted little voice. Reflexes still kicking in.
The very quiet rendition of Achaka’s musical motif if you keep looking at his memorial.
We don’t get to walk through the palace courtyard, but it looks like an interesting place. Half-timbered buildings, a wagon with big wheels, a great big bench to sit on under a lantern. Doubtless where all the chattering people we could hear in Chapter One were busy. I think I used it as a location once in fic, but I didn’t explore it as much as might have been interesting.
“I guess I was born at the right time. I’m… just lucky.” And it cuts too ways, doesn’t it? He really believes that in this moment. That he didn’t get the crown because he proved himself and did good for the kingdom, but just by lucky chance. But at the same time, he doesn’t feel lucky at all. Not one bit.
No thank you for Olfie?
The town square is gorgeous in the rain. I am going to run around it forever admiring it. (And that is… the only reason I’m just going to keep running round it and not knocking on anyone’s door. Yup.)
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A Clash of Kings - 46 BRAN VI (pages 599-608)
Summer has a bad time climbing trees, and Theon makes some bad life choices, but he does succeed in taking over Winterfell. Mikken leaves the party.
... I love these wolf dream POVs, they're just so... atmospheric? I guess is the word? Just the vibes and way the description style changes? so good.
Locked, something whispered. Chained. ... There is, the whisper came, and it seemed as if he could see the shadow of a great tree covered in needles, slanting up out of the black earth to ten times the height of a man. Yet when he looked about, it was not there. The other side of the godswood, the sentinel, hurry, hurry...
Oooohhh, Summer is 'hearing' Bran! Sharing his memories, or the impressions of them at least.That's so cool.
Yes Summer! Go! Go! Go-ohhh, nooo. Bugger, Summer was doing so well at tree climbing despite the lack of opposable thumbs.
...there's probably a good pun in there somewhere about timber wolves.
"I sent four men over the walls with grappling claws and ropes, and they opened a postern gate for the rest of us. -" ... "They swam the moat. Climbed the walls with hook and rope. Came over wet and dripping, steel in hand."
This is a horrifying betrayal by Theon (though expected and understandable in terms of things) but I just need to take a moment to appreciate how badass this was. The walls of Winterfell are like, ridiculously tall. (80 feet/24 meters at the outer wall, 100 feet/30 meters at the inner wall, which doesn't sound like much... when it's horizontal, but that's taller than an 8 story building.) I also have questions about whether or not the moat is heated like the hot-springs that litter Winterfell, and whether or not it contains fish and/or eels. (And if the moat is just an artificially enlarged hot-spring, just a trench connecting several dozen, does the mineral content of the pools flavour the fish? marinade?)
One of the ironmen went before them carrying a torch, but the rain had started again and soon drowned it out.
Aww, shame. you know what might have prevented that?
✨🏮Enclosed Lanterns 🏮✨
... poor emoji selection is poor
Poxy Tim wept inconsolably, and Beth Cassel cried with fear.
Beth! hi sweetie. I feel like we haven't seen her since early GoT, but maybe I'm just forgetting mentions of her?
...I see Theon's attempting to max his stats in asshole for his new role.
Mikken's being a boss though. Oh No! RIP Mikken.
... Urgh, knowing how loyal Reek was to Ramsay it probably would have been better if they'd just killed him here and- hang on. wait a minute.
So, I know from the show and from fics and from the wiki that Ramsay survived passed the "arrow in the back for a wedding gift" thing (unfortunately) but I've been trying to figure out where the deception is, was the wound just not as fatal as believed and all that.
I think I just... this "Reek" is way too glib. be honest with me.
Is this Reek/Heke fella actually Ramsay in disguise?
"M'lord Greyjoy!" Osha stepped past Mikken's body. "I was brought here captive too. You were there the day I was taken" ... "I've had a bellyfull of it. Put a spear in my hand again."
Now, I also know that show!Osha and book!Osha are supposedly a bit different, but what I do know of her book story line... I'm not going to call this a complete betrayal just yet, I'm going to assume it's a case of 'she's saying what she has to, to get herself into a better position for a true loyalty/preference reveal later' type thing.
... D': Hodor!!! How dare you hurt him you monsters!!!
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Its the new year, high schoolers are going back to school and life is going on normally. Except Ciel Phantomhive realizes something weird about his Dance and Music teacher. Maybe it was the black hair or red eyes. Or maybe it was the fact that he made his heart race out of his little chest. Who knows?
So curious and frustrated about the reason, Ciel in his own little way investigates his teacher, Mr. Michaelis...
BUT will his friends get in the way? Will the fact that he's only 15 ruin everything that he slowly wants?
Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter Text
“Ooooooh Cieeeeel~!” The bubbly blonde girl bounced through the halls, paying no attention to the peers who either gave her a dirty look or a grin as she launched herself into Ciel Phantomhive's arms. The pair went down with a thud, Elizabeth giggling on top of her first loves body. The boy however didn’t find it as funny as he frowned, holding his head.
“Really Elizabeth, was that necessary? You act like you haven’t seen me over break.” He complained, giving her a dull stare. She laughed none the less, getting up with a grin then dusting off her school skirt. Ciel followed her lead, dusting off his slacks then picking up his things for school. Most of their classmates walked on by, some in glee as they greeted their friends while others rushed to class.
“So mean Ciel~! My names Lizzy! Li-zzy. L-I-Z-Z-Y.” As many times as the girl had told him to call her by her nickname, he still didn’t follow. It wasn’t to annoy her or anything, he just liked Elizabeth better. Before he could give some lame excuse, he was once again tackled by a blur of blond.
“Hello there, Ciel! Miss me? I bet you diiiid!” The owner of the voice was none other than Alois Trancy, Mr. Popular in Fifth form. Ciel groaned mentally as cerculum eyes gazed down in his own happily. The thing about this individual was that he was very.. weird. His personality could go from Lizzy to Mr. Sutcliff the Wood Chop teacher when having a bad hair day in a matter of seconds. Plus Alois had been after Ciel since the minute he saw Navy Blue/Violet eyes in second form. “C’mon Ciel, lets go get some breakfast,” Alois was already on his feet, tugging Ciel up by the hand and dragging him down the hall. Lizzy would’ve followed the two but Timber, Canterbury, and Thompson blocked her way. She was annoyed at the flunked triplets but they didn’t budge.
“I already ate my breakfast Jim.” Ciel sighed, watching as the blond continued to drag him to the line where the lunch man was serving hotcakes, eggs, and bacon. Abruptly, Alois turned around and was in Ciel’s face with a scowl.
“Don’t call me Tim.” Was all he said before the irritated expression vanished and was replaced with a smile. “And so what? I want to talk to you so just get a juice or something.” Once again he was being dragged by the older boy until they were both sat at a table. Ciel actually listened to the boy and got a juice while Alois happily ate his bacon. They were quiet for a while before Alois cleared his throat. “I found my brother over break.” Ciel nearly spat out his drink as he gazed at the sixteen year old with shock. Sure Alois may be annoying and obnoxious but Ciel still listened to his story. He had lost his brother a couple years back, unsure where to find the poor boy. Alois would’ve died if it weren’t for Miss Anna-fellows who saved him and became his legal guardian.
“Why are you here at school then?” Ciel quickly composed himself but carefully watched Alois. He didn’t want the boy to explode again because he accidentally said the wrong thing.
“Hannah.” He pouted, stabbing one of the sliced pancakes. “She made me go and even got the bloody triplets on me. But Luka will be attending this school soon.” His tone went soft at the name of his beloved brother. Ciel examined the almost blissful expression that settled on the blonds face. He had to admit, Alois was pretty for a boy.
“CIEL!” The two boys stiffened at the slightly angry bubbly voice. Lizzy stomped over and grabbed her childhoods friend by the collar. At times like this, Ciel hated his height. “We are going to be late for Mr. Michaelis class. Now come on.” And like that Ciel was being dragged off by another blonde.
The classroom was wasn’t even close to full yet. It was only them, Timber, a girl from third form and one of the best dancers in school. This class was the only dance class the school provided. Ciel also had this teacher two others times in the day because Mr. Michaelis was his homeroom and Music teacher. He was an unusual teacher. Well, compared to Mr. Sutcliff he was normal but he also wore this grin. The grin had sent shivers down Ciel’s spine when he first met the teacher. Not only was his grin weird but his hair cut was odd for a man his age. Not that he was old, he looked no older that twenty one but he was a teacher. He couldn’t be crazy young especially to get a job at an academy such as St. Harris. There was also another weird thing about this teacher. Ciel didn’t want to be rude but he felt that Mr. Michaelis wasn’t necessarily.. straight. Maybe it was because of the attention he would give to Ciel and Ciel only (Not trying to be vain but) or how he put up with Mr. Sutcliff’s flirtation. There was also no sign of the man having a lover.
“Good morning, Mr. Michaelis!” Lizzy beamed when the teacher dressed in his usual clothes walked in. He seemed to have a thing for tail coats even if he wore just a button up or a polo under it. Today his hair was pulled back neatly by some clips, his favorite baton casually placed between his ear. The teacher froze for a second, then flashed Lizzy his trademark grin, eyes closing in the process and his head tilting. Ciel rolled his eyes and looked out the window as Elizabeth chatted merrily with the teacher. It wasn’t until the bell rang that Ciel faced Mr. Michaelis again. He was standing in the middle of the almost oval classroom, that carefree grin painting his face. The class was silent as they waited for him to speak.
“Welcome back students! I hope you guys enjoyed break.” There was an out of tune chorus of ‘yeahs!’ and the classroom was alive like that. The teacher waited a bit before clapping his hands twice, a signal to get everyones attention while getting them to shut up. “Lovely. Since we just got back from such a cold break we’re not going to do much dancing. Actually today we’re going to watch,” He paused, with a smirk. Some kids started a drumroll as he gracefully moved across the room. Ciel glared when he passed him, a wink being sent to the blue raven haired boy much to his abashment. He pulled out the classic movie ‘West Side Story’ with a wide smile. The girls cheered while most of the guys groaned (except Timber who was quiet as usual). Ciel glared to the ground, annoyed at how fast his heart continued to drum on. Why does that bloody teacher give him the weirdest reactions? He's just a teacher anyways. Ciel’s aunt would kill him anyways if he didn’t stick to Elizabeth.
See, Ciel’s family had died when he was little. It was before being on your phone while driving was big and hated upon. One night while Anne was watching over Lizzy and Ciel, Mrs. and Mr. Phantomhive had left for a date in want of some peace from there hectic life. Everything thing had seemed fine, Tanaka was sorting out some files for the master, Finnian was working clumsily in the garden, MeyRin was cleaning at her best and even Baldroy was practicing on his cooking. Ciel and Lizzy were playing with his favorite toy, Noah’s ark while Anne watched them happily, chatting with Nina Hopkins, Elizabeth’s butler. Nothing seemed wrong and no one had a bad feeling. But the call still came.
“Hello?” Anne answered with a smile, watching her nephew play with his future fiancée.
“Is this the home of the Phantomhive’s?” A gruff voice asked on the other side of the line, making Anne furrow her thin red eyebrows, trying to figure out who was calling. She had just picked up the home phone without bothering to check who was calling.
“Yes, I’m the sister of Rachel Phantomhive. May I ask who this is?” There was a long silence, one that made the lady nervous.
“This is 999. I’m sorry but… there was an accident.” Her grip on the phone tightened as her heart raced. “They’re being sent to the Royal London Hospital now. I-“ She hung up and rushed for Ciel. Everyone was now on alert as she hurried to get him and herself ready, shouting out snappy orders. Tanaka was by her side as soon as he got the news, the other three seeing Elizabeth and Nina out.
“The Royal Hospital Tanaka.” Anne ordered, settling the frightened Ciel in. His eyes were wide as ever, the purple one shedding the first tear. “Shh. It’s going to be alright Ciel.” She soothed, pulling the small boy against her while running her hands through his soft hair. The drive was silent until they got there where the real chaos started.
They didn’t make it. The person driving had used such force with such a large car that the damage was horrendous. The two were both on beds, barely breathing. There was a shard of window glass stuck right between Rachel’s lungs and Vincent was suffering severe head damage from the wheel and air bag. Sure they had all the money to fix it but the two weren’t strong enough. It almost seemed planned to Anne. Even though the driver had died with a phone in hand being cased under texting and driving, she was highly suspicious.
The funeral was a week later. And in that week Ciel never smiled. Not to his aunt or the confused Lizzy. He would get lost in thought, something that scared his aunt because he was just so young. At the funeral he didn’t shed a tear. He had just stared down at his parents in there coffins, frowning down at them like he was disappointed on how weak they were. People apologized, said their wishes or hugged him but he was like a robot.
“Ciel?” The boy jumped at the whisper of his teacher. His eyes widened as he looked at the man right in his face. Instead of that usual grin he looked concerned. Looking around, he saw the classroom was empty. “The bell rang for Second period. I’ll write you a pass.” He was gone like that, already to his desk on the other side of the room. The movie was paused showing that they hadn’t finished it today. Ciel sighed, rubbing at his eyes. How did he get so caught up in the past? He hasn’t thought of that day in ages. Not even in his dreams. “Here.” The pass was in his face and all he did was stare at it. Blinking again, he took it carefully then stood up, wobbling a bit because his legs had fallen asleep. He would’ve fell over if two strong hands came to steady him. They were gripping his tiny waist, blood eyes zeroing in on Ciel to make sure he was okay. Feeling his face flame up, Ciel batted away his teachers hands and took a step to the side.
“Uhm..” He mumbled, trying not to say something absurd. Dozens of thoughts ran through his mind. Like how big his hands felt or how cold but nice they were. Or even how his body tingled at the feeling of Mr. Michaelis’s eyes taking in his form. “Thank you.” Fortunately, his voice came out normal and bored, unlike his brain. Finally the teachers smile formed but for some reason as he closed his eyes and tilted his head, Ciel's heart began to race.
“I’ll see you fifth period alright?” Ciel nodded and quickly made his way out of the spacey room. Why were they so close in such a big room? Why was his heart drumming so hard?
“Ciel!” His thoughts crashed as Alois appeared in front of him, holding the same late pass in his own hands. “Lets get to Sutcliff’s before he goes crazy.” Nodding, he followed the blond to Wood Shop, trying to get those red eyes out of his mind.
Chapter 2
Chapter Text
“Passes.” Sutcliff didn’t miss a beat as soon as the two boys -or brats as he referred to them- walked in. When they gave their slips to him, the fiery red head began to giggle loudly. “Sebby!” The whole class groaned at the horrible nickname for the dance teacher. It wasn’t uncommon for the teacher to out of no where start talking about his dearest ‘Sebby’ during class. Especially when someone came from the ravens class. Ciel and Alois quickly took their seats in the back, waiting for the next order or project from Mr. Sutcliff. “Ahem.” He finally came out of his daze and looked around the class. “I would say welcome back but you guys are all brats that I could care less about. So how about we just watch some boring documentary on wood okay? Okay.” He laughed to himself before pressing play. The class groaned again at the thought of watching something as boring as a documentary. One about wood to make it worse. So it wasn’t a shock when friends began to whisper when it started. Sutcliff was in his chair with headphones on and a wicked grin so Alois leaned against Ciel.
“You came from Michaelis?” Alois whispered, messing around with the ring on his finger. Ciel blushed, the thought of the teachers smile getting the same reaction as before. In fear that the blond would hear it, he pushed him off his shoulder and buried his face in his arms.
“Yeah. I zoned out. You?” Ciel snuck a peek at Alois to see his expression. He was surprised when his porcelain tinted pink. Was Alois.. blushing?
` “S-Stupid Mr. Faustus. He gave me a bloody detention because I threw a button at Lizzy. Its not my fault though. She kept yapping on about cute things and how cute you and her were together. Which is dumb because everyone knows I look way better by your side.” He had stammered at the beginning but ended with wiggling eyebrows which made Ciel warningly tilt his chair back.
“I don’t get why you and Elizabeth have that need to bicker all the time. Its foolish.” Alois sighed, shaking his head.
“Its not foolish. You’re just dense.” And that was the start of the petty name calling. The two went on until the bell rang, “What lunch do you have?” Alois had grabbed Ciel by the blazer to stop him, narrowing his eyes.
“First. You?” Ciel knew the answer as soon as Alois squealed like a girl, hugged the shocked year 10 boy and skipped off. “So weird.”
The next two classes passed by normally. Unlike Ciels first two they handed out a syllabus and played dumb games to let the class get to know each other. There was one girl that stood out to Ciel in his fourth period. She must’ve been new because instead of the girls uniform she wore skinny jeans and a baggy hoodie, pure white headphones resting around her neck. She was quiet and seemed to have only one friend which was an older boy with white hair. He also didn’t have the school uniform and instead wore dark jeans and a dirty long sleeved. They also had weird names. Doll and Snake the teacher had called them.
Other from that nothing unusual happened in those two classes so he was off to lunch.
Flinching at the two voices calling his name, he took off knowing the blondes would follow him anyway.
“CIEL?!” They both gasped loudly before they followed him. He ran to his locker, grabbed his lunch then ran outside. He was out of breath as soon as he got out the door so Elizabeth being on the track team caught up with him in ease. She stopped him with a pout..
“Why’d you run away?”
“He realized that your face isn’t as cute as mine and freaked out because he doesn’t know how to tell you.” Alois butted in with a smirk, panting lowly. Lizzy gasped, hitting the blond.
“He was running from you too, meanie!”
“Thats because our love must stay hidden so he has to play it cool.”
“Thats so not true! Right Ciel? Tell him its not true!”
“Oh believe it blondie locks. You should see how Ciel acts at my house. He even wore my sh-“
“Enough!” Ciel finally cut in with a red face. Sure he knew everything Alois was spewing out were lies but sometimes the older boy could get way into detail that it worried him. “I’m hungry so I ran. Now go get your lunches already before the bell rings again.” The two were wide eyed but nodded anyways, the triplets already waiting for Alois while some girls from Elizabeth’s homeroom were giggling as she hugged Ciel then ran off to them. Ciel sighed, finally having peace as he settled against his favorite tree and began to eat the sandwich Baldroy prepared. He was getting better at least.
“I’m shocked you’re all by yourself.” Ciel jumped as he came face to face with Mr. Michaelis. The teacher laughed, taking a step back while the teen tried to regather oxygen. He willed his heart to slow down at the feeling of the teachers eyes on him but it wouldn’t do. So he went with the best next thing and gave the raven a blank look.
“How so?”
“Well.. you’re usually surrounded by those blondes.” Mr. Michaelis hummed, taking out an apple from seemingly nowhere and taking a happy bite. Ciel watched like a weirdo then cleared his throat.
“I could say the same thing. Usually Mr. Faustus is on your case or Mr. Sutcliff’s trying to get into your pants.” His gaze was now on the teachers black nails. Does he paint them? How did he not notice them before? He was pulled out from his mini questionnaire by the teachers joyous laughter. Surprised, he watched pure amusement and a genuine smile show on his teachers happy face. Now Ciel was curious. He didn’t seem to mind the fact that he talked about a man wanting to get into his pants. Does that confirm his suspicion? “Are you gay?” He blurted, making Mr. Michaelis’s laughter pause. His eyes opened and his grin fell. Blinking a couple times, he stared down at Ciel cautiously. “I apologize. You don’t have to answ-“
“Yes.” Ciel nearly choked on his own words as his head snapped up at the taller man. “Don’t worry though. I’m not targeting any of the boys here. I don’t date kids.” For some reason, Ciel felt a horrible pang in his heart at those words. But he didn’t let anything show and took another bite with a nod.
“Its against the law anyways.” He finally mumbled, his heart still racing even after hearing that horrible fact. It was quiet for a while, the only sound being the noise from the other kids and some animals but it was interrupted by Ciel’s two favorite blondes. Cough Cough, sarcasm cough cough.
“CIEEEEE- Mr. Michaelis?” Lizzy stopped herself as the teacher turned around at the noise. He flashed the two blondes a smile, adding a small wave.
“Hello Miss Midford. Don’t worry, I was just leaving.” And without a goodbye to Ciel, the teacher was strolling back to the school. He didn’t say anything as his friends sat on opposite sides of him, Elizabeth on the left and Alois on the right.
“Hmm.. I don’t know if I like that guy.” Alois’s comment brought Ciel out of his blur of thoughts. He faced him now, tilting his head curiously. “If he likes you he can easily get you. Me and blondie locks have to actually try.” He ended it with a pout, crossing his arms and glaring at the sky. “Thats no fun nor fair.”
“Heyyy~! Ciel’s mine, Trancy. I don’t have to try at all!” Elizabeth huffed, linking her arm with Ciel.
“I already told you. Ciel likes me honey. We both may be flat as a board but-“ Lizzy had tackled the blue eyed blond by now, screeching from embarrassment as her face flamed red. Alois laughed loudly the whole time as she hit him randomly. It didn’t hurt and seeing her frustrated amused him.
“You guys…” Ciel tried awkwardly. He couldn’t really comfort Elizabeth because when she hits that point, theres no going back. Cute things, hugs, or compliments are practically nothing.
“You’re so stupid! I don’t like you! Meanie, Meanie, Meanieeee!” As Lizzy was going to hit Alois once more, she was lifted off before her tiny hands could touch the blond again. Timber and Canterbury were holding her gently while Thompson was calmly fixing Alois up.
“The bell rang.”
“We should go.”
“What he said.” As usual the three talked orderly before walking off. The two blondes and raven jumped up and ran to the large school building.
“You guys be good.” Ciel warned at the hall way that would separate him from them. The two had the next class together and he didn’t need them getting into more trouble on the first day. Lizzy stuck her tongue out before running off while Alois sighed, shaking his head.
“I’m serious though. Be careful around that teacher.” He said before walking off calmly, hands buried in his short pockets. Puzzled, Ciel began to walk to his class, gliding past his peers smoothly then taking his seat by the window. One of the rules was not to get your instrument until class started so he began to think of what Alois said. What was with the warning? Its illegal in the first place and Mr. Michaelis is a guy. There are just too many bad things that would come from that. Not only would his aunt have his head but so would Elizabeth and the media.
Two claps pulled him out of his thoughts. The teacher stood in the center like usual, standing at perfect posture as he gazed around the classroom. As if on cue, the bell rang.
“Please get your instruments.” At once, the class got up and either went to the shelfs to the right of the room or to the door where they left their instrument after coming in the class. Ciel groaned, realizing he forgot his at home. So he walked up to the teacher sheepishly, although he didn’t show it.
“I left mine at home. Can I cal-“
“Nope. You can flip the pages for me today. No, even better. Can you play piano?” I was confused but nodded anyways. “We’re going to need that for the song we’re practicing so go on.” With a sigh, he shuffled over the the huge instrument and sat down. Some of the kids gave him a weird look but he glared at them, making their rude eyes look away hurriedly. “Okay! As you can see we have Mr. Phantomhive playing the piano today! Wonderful, right?” Some noises of agreements filled the pause. “Please go to page 138. This is one of the songs we’re learning for the upcoming pep rally.” Once everyone was ready, the classroom was filled with the noise of stringed instruments and the every now and then comment from Mr. Michaelis.
“Good work everyone. Please pack up now, the bells about to ring.” Ciel stayed at the piano, running a finger over the keys. He liked the piano much more than the violin but he had got his violin from his mother before.. the accident so he learned it for her. It was one of the ways he made himself happy if he were sad from thinking of his parents. Not that he would admit it to anyone though. “You did marvelous at the piano Ciel.” He flinched at the mans voice, hating how once again his heart sped up. Facing the teacher, he shrugged without showing any sign of joy from the compliment.
“I’ll bring my violin tomorrow.” and with that the bell rang so Ciel got up. He was ready to go to his next class with Mr. Spears but the hand on his arm stopped him. Freezing, he turned his head to see Mr. Michaelis holding his arm with a small smile.
“I need to have a word with you, Ciel. How about you stay after today?” For some reason, Ciel could feel his face heat up as if there was some stupid message behind his teachers words. Nodding quickly, he took his arm back with a small glare before hurrying off to his next class.
Chapter 3
So this took an unexpected turn in my brain but I like it :D ENJOYYYY~
just in case you guys dont know who anne is (i doubt it tho) its Madame Red xD and SHANKS FOR LE LOVELY KUDOS AND COMMENTS AND BOOKMARKS I'M SOOOO PROUUUUD
Chapter Text
“Can I come over today Ciel?” Elizabeth asked Ciel as they walked to their lockers. The final bell of the day rang so everyone was getting ready to leave. Ciel was going to shrug, not really having an opinion about the blonde coming over but then he remembered. He had to stay after school with Mr. Michaelis.
“Uh, no. I have to stay after with Michaelis.” Lizzy pouted, making a small noise of complaint.
“Thats no fun. That means you might go home with Trancy..” Ciel arched a brow, watching the slight pink color the girls face at this action.
“Is that.. jealousy I hear?” If he were like any normal high school boy, he probably would’ve smiled or smirked but those were actions unknown to him. The closest he’s got to a smile was his first year at this school. It was also when he first met Alois who immediately started something with Elizabeth. Somehow they’re bickering was amusing and he had let a small corner tick up. A set of green and blue eyes had stared at him at awe which made him regret it instantly. Since then he’s been more aware about his reactions to the blonde duo.
“Che! Me, jealous of Alois?! Ha! Funny. I-I’m going to go now… Bye Ciel!!!” She pecked his cheek quickly with a red face then ran off like usual, her friends going after her. Shaking his head, he shut his locker and almost yelped when he saw Alois leaning against the one next to his.
“So you’re staying after too eh? Remember my warning about that guy.” And then he spun around happily and began to walk down the hallway whistling an unfamiliar tune. Confused, Ciel walked on to the music/dance room. He was about to pull open the door but someone beat him to the punch. He was shocked when he saw Mr. Faustus at the door, hair a mess and eyes darker than usual. The man simply smirked, fixing his small tie then walked past Ciel. A bit suspicious, Ciel’s eyes looked for Mr. Michaelis and almost died at the sight.
His teachers first couple buttons were undone and his coat for the first time was discarded on the floor. His usually naturally weird hair was a horrid mess and– was that a love bite?!
He wanted to leave at the sight. His heart was pumping loudly in his ears and he knew his eyes were as wide as saucers. He kept looked at the hair, his neck, the delicate coat on the floor, then to his crimson eyes. The teacher looked almost as surprised as him, as if he wasn’t expecting Ciel to actually come or something. But what really hurt Ciel about the situation was when his teacher said this,
“Afternoon Ciel.” With a delighted smile. Something crazy must’ve come over Ciel because his legs were making him walk to the teacher. He didn’t say anything as his hand swiftly moved in the air and connect with Mr. Michaelis’s cheek. The man was now facing the left side with widened eyes, a slight stinging on his right cheek. He couldn’t utter a sound and Ciel knew this. He should’ve apologized right away but he continued to glare at the raven.
“What were you and Mr. Faustus doing?” Slowly, Mr. Michaelis faced the younger boy. His eyes were still widened but instead of a small ‘o’ on his lips, there was a smirk.
“Are you… jealous Mr. Phantomhive?” He said instead, grinning now. Ciel glared more, not allowing the blush that wanted to creep on his face show. Instead he walked over to the teachers desk and picked up his baton. In a way of declaration, he pointed it at the older man.
“Jealous or not, you are not allowed to see him. Or I’ll use this.” Ciel had no idea what the hell was spewing out of his mouth. But it wouldn’t stop. His teacher didn’t seemed annoyed or relatively mad at what he was saying. More than anything, Mr. Michaelis looked interested.
“And what gives you the right to order me around?” Ciel gulped. Now, the raven was mere inches away from him with that stupid smirk gracing his face. His bangs were swaying lightly from the open window and the tickle of it against Ciel’s head made his heart flutter.
“B-Because..” He paused, random words and thoughts jumbling in his mind. “Starting today, I am your Master.”
The room was dead silent. Navy blue gazing up at crimson red. Ciel could feel the warmth of the blush across his face. What if the man took it the wrong way? Like… that weird kinky shit in Fifty Shades of Grey. At the thought of that porn book Ciel frantically waved his hands with eyes as wide as saucers.
“NOT IN THAT WEIRD WAY!!!” He crossed his arms when Mr. Michaelis began to chuckle. “I meant.. starting today you’re my butler.” He quickly shut up and arched a brow at the student. Now it was his turn to cross his arms.
“Will I be getting paid?” Ciel nodded. “I don’t need money though.” The man said boredly, looking the other way much to Ciel’s annoyance.
“How else would I pay you?!” Ciel almost screamed (sadly) when he was bent down awkwardly against a random desk, the teacher hovering above him with a smirk. A cool finger caressed the blue/purple eyed boys cheek.
“What an unique eye..” Mr. Michaelis murmured, making Ciel stiffened. He hated when people pointed out that eye. He despised it with a passion. Why did one of his eyes have to be purple? Why couldn’t they both be blue like his mums? “You can repay me with,” Ciel was holding his breath at the pause. Why did the teacher have to be so melodramatic? This wasn’t some movie, this was Ciel’s life and shit. “You’ll see.. I have to wait a few weeks to see.” What a waste. But what shocked Ciel the most was when he leaned in slowly and pressed his soft lips against the boys forehead. It was such a gentle gesture that he hasn’t felt in so long that tears began to form in his eyes. Without a sound, the man pulled away and flashed the second genuine smile Ciel’s seen on him.
“F-Fool.” Was all the student could utter with the flaming blush igniting on his cheeks. In return he got another carefree grin before seeing the beautiful back of Mr. Michaelis.
“I’m home.” Was all Ciel said as he walked through the doors of his manor. Tanaka was first to greet him with a small bow before walking off to whatever direction he was probably headed early. Mey-Rin greeted him with a loud : “G’day Young Master!” then scurried off with a load of plates. He didn’t see the other two so he headed to his aunts study. Delivering the oak door two knocks, he walked through to see his Aunt on the phone, typing on the computer, and signing some paper. Tanaka was standing against the wall with a tray of food in hand.
“Shh wait one minute Ciel.” He was cut off before he could finish and all he could do was sigh. She continued to talk a bit longer then finally hung up with a victorious grin. Obviously she got some deal for the company. “Yes, Ciel?”
“I got my own butler. You’ll meet him tomorrow so please don’t be obnoxious.” And with that he left without another word to his aunt. He had homework anyway.
Chapter 4
So uh, I'm not sure if I'm really good at one of the 'dramatic' scenes in here but i hope you like :DDDDDD
Chapter Text
“Now repeat it all one more.” Ciel was staring down at his butler, Mr. Michaelis all ready. He had a suit on, his favorite tail coat hugging his upper body and nice shoes. Ciel was standing across from him in a deserted park, dressed in his own favorite jacket and some skinny jeans. It was after school so he had changed into his normal wear.
“Hello Madame Red. Its nice to meet you. What tea would you prefer? Ceylon or Assam? And then I’ll wait for her reply then introduce myself as Sebastian Michaelis, your new personal butler. You will then pull out the contract that I signed and I will stay by your side quietly as she examines it. The rest is unpredictable.”
“And what will you address me as?”
“Young Master.” The boy would’ve been smiling if he were like others. Something about hearing his new butler say those words made him feel all fluffy and shit. The way Elizabeth felt about cute things really.
“Now lets go.” Sebastian bowed before trailing behind the boy to the already waiting limo. The pair got in, Sebastian across from Ciel who couldn’t help but stare at the man. What was it about him anyways. Its not like the butler was any different from a guy. They all had disgusting penis’s that in no way shape or form would Ciel take in interest in and they didn’t have boobs. Even with those thoughts in mind, blue eyes traveled down to the mans crotch area, a flaming blush coloring his cheeks at the thought of what his looked like.
“Are you hot, Young Master?” The voice instantly (and quite embarrassedly) pulled Ciel from his thoughts. Sebastian sat there with a smirk and a cocked eyebrow, as if he knew already what the fifteen year old was thinking. At the horrid thought, he practically choked on air all bug eyed and red faced. All the butler did was grin because the bastard knew exactly what he was doing. So when he settled the younger boy on his lap, the fuss that came after was expected.
“What’re you doing?!” Ciel shrieked, holding in the inner shiver because he could feel so clearly through Sebastian's pants. And he found out then that the man definitely wasn’t small. In any way, shape or form was he small. He was so startled when gloved hands began to run through his hair.
“Comforting you. You’re too young to be so stressed Young Master.” He whispered in Ciel’s ear, knowing that the boy was probably erupting with different reactions everywhere. The man had been curious about the prideful boy for a while. Sure he and Claude could satisfy each others devilish hunger for a bit but honestly it was like feeding a starving bear a grape. He also knew that Claude liked that blond who was always around Ciel. So it was weird doing that to each other and having Ciel walk in on that was horrible. But the reaction was unexpected for Sebastian. A prideful but easily jealous young master huh? Oh how his appetite was growing for the marvelous Ciel Phantomhive.
“I don’t need comfort.” Ciel grumbled, glaring out the window without bothering to move. With a hum of delight, the butler got comfy himself as they slowly neared to the large Phantomhive manor in which Madame Red would be impatiently waiting for her nephew.
The pair strolled in the manor without any worries. Tanaka bowed but still had that confused gleam even as he kept a pleased face on. Mey-Rin blushed harder than Ciel has in the couple days at the sight of a new butler in all black. Finnian gave a joyous hello but had stopped mid way with shock in his eyes. It was as if he recognized Sebastian which put Ciel off but he continued up the stairs to his Aunts Study.
“I’m serious Sebastian. You cannot mess this up.” The butler didn’t say a word but nodded, watching curiously as his master took a deep breath then opened the door. Was this Madame Red really that scary that she shook the pride from his next interest? “Au-“
“CIEL!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS WHEN LIZZY CALLED ME, FREAKING OUT ABOUT WHERE YOU WERE?!?!” Ciel was pounced by a flurry of red, vibrant eyes filling with tears. Ciel sighed, wincing a bit but never the less stole a tear that went rogue.
“I apologize Aunt. But I told you that you were going to meet my butler today.” At the word butler, the women sprung up and straightened up, eyes landing immediately on the man dressed in black. She was taken back at his appearance mostly. His bangs were longer then her hair and for some odd reason, his eyes seemed to be more red if possible than hers.
Sebastian was just as shocked as she was. He didn’t expect a direct look a like of Ciel being that she was his aunt but they had zero similarities. The boy gave off more of a blue color with his hair and eyes, a trademark glare always set on his face even if he wasn’t mad. His aunt was just a glob of red. Red hair, eyes, clothing, and even her presence gave off something.. red. It was all so weird but Sebastian didn’t miss a beat as he bowed once then made excellent eye contact.
“Good afternoon Madame Red. I am Sebastian Michaelis, Ciel’s new butler. Which would you prefer, Ceylon or Assam?” The introduction came easy. Ciel just waited by the sides for his aunts answer. Her gaze seemed highly suspicious but in a way, relieved. But that small silence was indeed small.
Ciel had only blinked. One little blink and then heard a loud smack of skin on skin. One that sounded too harsh to begin with. He was in pure shock and terror when he saw a faint red print on Sebastian's pale cheek, his aunts hand still in the air. She was glaring at the butler now, as if he had done something relatively offensive. Did Ciel miss something?
“Get out. I don’t want to see you ever again near my Nephew.” Suddenly Ciel was pressed up against his aunt, almost in some protective way the was so foreign to him, he didn’t know how to react. Sebastian only narrowed his eyes, a totally different smile forming. It wasn’t that charming one or the devious smirk. It was more of a small opened mouth one that made his eyes go darker. “Ciel, don’t associate yourself with that, trash.” What the hell was going on?!
“Wait whats go-“
“BALDROY!!” His aunt yelled over him for the cook, only seconds later the goggles wearing blond bursting though on guard. His eyes widened when he saw Sebastian standing across from the Mistress.
“Get him out of here!” Ciel was so confused by now. Why was there recognition in Baldroys eyes at the sight of the man? How did they know each other? And why the hell was his aunt making such a fuss!?
“Don’t!” Finally Ciel spoke up as he thrusted his arm out of his aunts grip and stood in front of the butler who honestly was shocked. The boy didn’t even know why his aunt was acting like she was and still sided with him? In some weird way, he was touched.
“Ciel!” Madame Red exclaimed red faced. Right now she reminded Ciel of the Red Queen. He was honestly expecting her to scream : “OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!”.
“Why are you trying to send my butler away?! He is not yours is he? And the contract has already been done.” And like that Madame Red was on her knees searching for some sign of a permanent contract that she knew her little nephew will never be able to erase. She searched hurriedly, pushing up sleeves or lifting up his shirt much to his shock and embarrassment. “A-Aunt Anne!!” He pushed her away wide-eyed, even more confused about what she was doing. Sure he just lied about the contract -Sebastian hasn’t actually signed it yet- but she didn’t have to go all crazy and shit. “What on earth do you think you’re doing?!” He hissed, blue/violet eyes glaring furiously.
“Th-The contract.. where is it?” She whispered, tears building in her eyes. Ciel was astonished. In just a matter of seconds his usual sassy and straight forward Aunt had lost her cool. Now she was on her knees with tears gently streaming down her face as her bright red lips trembled.
“Auntie…” He mumbled, taking two steps towards her. She now had her head buried in her hands as sobs loudly wracked through her. Cautiously, Ciel began to rub her shoulder to calm her down but she continued on.
“Ple-please don’t do it Ciel. Not you..”
He couldn’t say anything. No words of comfort or something to stop whatever she was thinking. He didn’t know what to say. Sending a sideways glance at where he once was, Ciel was relieved to see Sebastian still there. He wasn’t smiling or frowning though. His face was impassive. Those crimson eyes seemed to glow now, as if it was reflecting some emotion he was secretly feeling.
“Please calm down.. I have to go-“
“CIEL!” He softly pushed away her hand and took a step back. He could feel Sebastian hovering behind him, his intense gaze burning into his back.
“Baldroy, please have Mey-Rin help her. I will be back in a bit.” He snatched his soon-to-be butlers gloved hand and lead him outside until they reached Ciel's future car. He was going to start driving soon so it was a birthday present last month. “You drive. We’re going to your place.”
“Of course, Young Master.” With a pleased grin, he bowed then opened the door for his little master to go through. Without any facial changes, he boarded on silently and waited to reach the butlers house.
Chapter 5
Sorry for taking a while enjoyyyy c;
Chapter Text
“Is this it?” Ciel questioned when the car came to a stop. They were outside a familiar manor but he couldn’t figure out why it looked familiar.
“Yes, this is where I’m currently staying.” Sebastian answered with a small grin. Ciel didn’t look to much in to it and walked out as soon as his door was opened by the butler. They reached the front entrance, Ciel standing by quietly as Sebastian pulled out his key. It didn’t take long for him to unlock the many locks on the dark violet then to open the creaking door right after. Ciel eyes when he looked at the interior of the manor. How could a teacher who makes so little have so much?!
“This is your place?!” Ciel exclaimed, not caring how rude he sounded. Everything looks so nice. The stair case railing was gold, a purple carpet going up the steps themselves. Most of it reminded him of Alois. The plum colors and the bright cerulean furniture made him curious.
“Not all mine. I live here with.. Mr. Faustus.” Sebastian answered honestly. Why lie when theres a chance of the two running into each other later on. Ciel on the other hand felt a huge pang of jealousy strike through his heart, the organ beginning to beat a bit faster. He didn’t say anything as he hung his cane on the coat rack, also disposing of his coat with it. Just as he was about to take a step forward,
“Ciel?!!” And like that he was tackled again, meeting bright blue eyes. Grunting from the impact, he winced so he didn’t get to see the confused expression on the blonds face. “Why are you here? You could’ve texted me ya know.” He stated, crossing his arms as he leant back on the younger boy.
“Get off of me!” Ciel whined, trying to shove the older boy off who just giggled loudly, shaking his head.
“My house, my ru- Wait. You came here with him?” Alois cut his self off as he glared at the man dressed in butler attire. He began to piece the parts together and looked down at Ciel in horror. “No way! You’re not going to make a contract are you?!” Ciel didn’t get why his older friend seemed so worried by this. Almost everyone in school had a butler who drove them to school, brought their lunch, picked them up from school, etc. It was about time Ciel got his own. Even Elizabeth had hers.
“Wait so you knew Sebastian outside of school?” Ciel asked instead, realizing how odd it seemed. He was surprised when Alois turned a bright shade of red, making him feel a bit uneasy.
“Mr. Faustus… is kind of my butler so he brought him with him..” This shocked Ciel even more then necessary. When did Alois get a butler?! You’d figure he didn’t need one with those triplets watching his back like hounds. Plus Miss Anna-Fellows was pretty protective.
“And Hannah knows?” Alois nodded, finally getting off the smaller boy then offering a hand. Just when Ciel was going to take it, however, Sebastian’s gloved one swiftly grabbed his instead and pulled him up, the action causing Ciel to ram right into his chest. He stiffened when the soon to be butler leaned down just to whisper in his ear.
“I think thats enough contact between you two..” And then situated him casually to Sebastian's side. Alois was scowling at the whole exchange. He knew exactly what Sebastian wanted from Ciel. Being with Claude had made him realize why the teacher was always so nice and joyful around the boy. Call him a hypocrite for thinking so bad about what Ciel was wanting from Sebastian but he cared for the year 10 boy more than himself. Hell, he knew that compared to Ciel he was just trash with all he’s been through.
“Sebastian.” Ciel tensed at the FACS teachers voice. He appeared also all in black at the staircase, Hannah behind him holding… Luka’s hand. Ciel would’ve greeted Luka happily but the butler in front of the little boy stopped him from doing so. He was glued to his spot, only able to glare at older man.
“Hello Claude.” Sebastian nodded, knowing that there was a limit of how much he should say to the other butler. He could feel the jealousy rolling of of Ciel like waves. It amused him to know how much talking to the other man affected Ciel. Something so little can get under his skin that easy. Oh how Ciel Phantomhive intrigued him. “Hannah.” He bowed subtly at the women before taking a step back to be behind Ciel.
“Ciel!!!” The little boy squealed, leaving the woman whom he thought of as a mother’s side and raced down the stairs to lunge for Ciel. Ciel caught him happily, listening to his delightful giggles as he spun him around. “I’m back Ciel! I’m really back!” Nodding, he put the boy down as Alois stepped up. “Brotha!!” And like that he was attached to the blond, clinging onto him as if his life depended on it.
“Its great to see you again Ciel.” Hannah gave a small smile, pulling the Phantomhive heir into a hug that he returned while keeping a sharp eye on Sebastian.
“Hey Miss A.” He replied, finally making eye contact. Thats when he noticed something. “What happened to your eye?” He frowned, examining the carefully bandaged part. The right part of her face, mostly her eye was covered by wraps. Hannah just waved her hands as if it were no big deal.
“Nothing too bad, just an accident from the other day.” her gaze unconsiously looked at Alois who was now staring down at the floor. Ciel didn’t catch it as he just nodded with the frown still in place.
“How about we get to that contract now, Young Master.” Sebastian’s hand met Ciel’s shoulder making him tilt his head back a bit to see the butler. With a sigh and a nod, he took a step back.
“Sorry that I’m not here to see you guys. I just have some business right now but I will drop by again soon.” And with that, Sebastian was leading the younger boy to his room. All Alois could do was watch pitifully. He knew he couldn’t interfere on a deal with them. Plus Claude would probably stop him.
Sebastian’s door shut loudly, making Ciel jump at the noise. He apologized while locking it for privacy, moving towards Ciel with a small smirk. He had been waiting for this for a long time. He was just shocked he was able to play his cards like this and get so much.
“So you know what we’re doing, right?” Sebastian asked, trying to make sure everything was clear. Ciel scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“Do I look stupid?”
“Well your last test wasn’t-“ He was cut off by a pillow hitting his face and then seeing a scowling Ciel, pulling a chuckle from the butler in black.
“Just find a pen you imbecile.” Ciel muttered, pulling out the contract. This excited Sebastian even more. Oh how was he eager to get this contract started. Plus Ciel didn’t seem scared or hesitant, making the whole thing even better. Once he got a pen, he sat down across from the fifteen year old. The boy simply passed the paper to him and pointed to the bottom where he would sign. “You could re-read it if you’re unsure. Even if you’re not my butler, I will talk to you as if you were in school,” He said, leaning forward to watch the teacher. Sure his voice leaked with confidence but on the inside he was freaking out. Would he actually sign it or back out and embarrass him? What if he comes off too bratty?
“Done.” Sebastian’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts, the paper now in front of his face. At the very bottom was the mans signature, ensuring the relationship which brought a surprising smirk to Ciel’s lips. Sebastian was shocked when he saw the facial expression. Sure it wasn’t a smile but its as pretty close to it and he was sure no ones ever seen him smile in years. He wanted to just stare at the slightly blissful face but he had to start his part of the deal. So carefully he took off his right glove with a smirk of his own. He could feel his eyes glow as his appetite for the boy grew even more now that he knew that Ciel would be his.
The movement of Sebastian caught Ciel’s eye so he watched as the butler discarded his glove. He was a tad confused as to why his eyes seemed to be a darker, more vibrant shade of red and- What was that?!?
Taking up most of the mans pale hand was some type of star. It glowed a purple that reminded him of his right eye, making him feel uneasy. The room seemed to grow darker, shadows creeping up the walls and all signs of light disappearing as if it were scared away. Sebastian just smiled through it all, too happy with what was going on to notice Ciel’s confused expression.
“Sebastian?!” Ciel called, standing up to back away. He had that face, the one where his eyebrows were a bit furrowed, his eyes enlarged in shock or confusion, and his mouth in an almost growling gesture. Sebastian finally understood Ciel’s expression, realizing that he must’ve gotten to eager to actually notice the confusion. But it was too late now. He couldn’t just slip on his glove and pretend this never happened because the boy had seen to much. It had to be done.
And done it shall be.
Chapter 6
or a lot
idk im kinda bad at writing it but i tried.
Chapter Text
Ciel glared at the man, all the confusion building up his anger. What the hell was that?! Why was Sebastian looking him at him like that?! He didn’t say a word as he passed by the still shocked and processing butler and made his way out of the dark room.
“Are you leaving?” Claude was waiting by the door, falling in step with the boy with a sadistic smirk. Ciel rolled his eyes but nodded, picking up pace to get away from the disgrace. He knew he didn’t like that one since the moment he walked in on him and Sebastian. But that didn’t matter anymore. Claude could have Sebastian if he wanted but like hell was Ciel going to let him corrupt Alois. With that in mind, he grabbed the blond who was talking to Hannah and dragged him outside, ignoring the boys protests.
“Ciel!? Whoa whats happening? Are you okay?! Ciel!!” With a small groan, he pinned the older boy against the limo he and that thing came arrived in. “Ciel…?” Alois whispered, staring down at the glaring boy despite the position he was in. Ciel’s breath’s came out in small pants of anger, making Alois worry a bit. “Did Seb-“
“Sh!” Ciel hissed, his blue dark eyes meeting Alois’. The older boy watched, puzzled as Ciel searched his face, as if looking for something. “Does Claude’s eyes turn red?” He sighed, relaxing a bit. The other boy was now the exact opposite. He tensed up in Ciel’s grip, a bit frightened that he would assume that so fast. Sebastian wasn’t with him which meant the deal hadn’t been done so he doesn’t fully know, right? Or maybe he does and rejected Sebastian? Alois’ mind swirling with various scenarios.
Ciel on the other hand only had one thought in mind. Claude was like Sebastian somehow. Alois’ silence already proved that. With a whispered curse, He let go of the sixteen year old and rubbed a hand on his face.
“I’m about to go. I left my coat and cane inside so stay here, we have a lot to speak about Alois.” Ciel said, leaving no room to argue as he left the blond still against the vehicle.
Like he said, Ciel hurried inside the Trancy manor. He thanked who ever was giving him luck that Luka nor Hannah was around so he wouldn’t be questioned about his sudden departure. Just as he was ready to leave, strong arms trapped him, a familiar head leaning on his left shoulder. He was about to elbow who he was pretty sure was Sebastian but soft lips met his neck, making him stiffen. They trailed slowly up to his ear, tugging a bit on the navy blue earring before nuzzling against his cheek. Ciel was too embarrassed to move, his face bright red as his feet dangled in whomever’s grasp.
“I wouldn’t think someone as prideful as you would ever run away from a mere butler… But you did make me all the more interested, Ciel.” Sebastian purred, one hand still keeping a secure grip around the boys little waist while the other made shapeless figures on his sides, making the student tremble a bit. He could feel himself get overheated, his face already red but now his body was reacting weirdly. He wasn’t sure what was happening but that didn’t stop the smirking butler. “I’m shocked you didn’t kiss the blondie out there. I assumed you were with how close you were to him..” Ciel scoffed at this, trying to ignore the gloved fingers and the addicting lips. Sebastian was changing what he was doing so fast, he was getting light-headed. One minute he was nibbling or kissing his neck and the next he was whispering ridiculous words as his hands practically turned Ciel’s mind to mush. The butler knew exactly what he was doing so it was easy for him to swiftly take them to his room without Ciel noticing from everything he was feeling. Ciel only noticed when his back hit a soft surface.
Startled, he looked around and recognized the room from before. He was hoping the shadows or whatever they were would’ve been gone but they worsened. Instead of being 2D figures on the wall, they were slithered towards the boy like Sebastian did.
“I swear, touch me an-“ He was interrupted by a pair of lips. He froze, gawking at the man pretty much on him who stared right back at him as his mouth worked against his own. Crimson eyes seemed to sparkle when some shadow touched Ciel, making him squeak which gave Sebastian the entrance. Before Ciel could push the man off, the shadows pinned him down for Sebastian, making it easier for the butler to continue ravishing the boys mouth.
Fuck. Ciel thought. Why does it have to feel so good?! I haven’t even properly kissed Elizabeth and now a MAN is kissing the hell out of me!
His thoughts were cut short when cold fingers gently pinched his nipple, making his hips unfamiliarly buck against the teacher, a high-pitched moan leaving him. Wide-eyed and embarrassed, he squirmed to get away from Sebastian but he couldn’t move away. Sadly, it wasn’t just because of the shadows holding him down, it was the fact that his body ached for more.
“So you like it when I pinch here, Young Master?” He murmured, rolling the bud again just to hear that delightful noise from Ciel again. Ciel on the other hand gritted his teeth to hold back a horrid moan. It was a weak try though because it still slipped out since Sebastian had gotten creative and decided to grind against the boy. “You can be as loud as you want, Ciel. The shadows block out everything from the others.” That didn’t help Ciel at all. He shut his eyes tightly so he wouldn’t look at Sebastian. As pissed as he was with the butler, he couldn’t help but peek at the expression he held.
Sebastian was so concentrated as he shifted easily between what he was doing. Now, Ciel’s shirt was to his chin, one shadow gently rubbing against one nipple while Sebastian’s mouth enclosed around the other. His hands were making their way down south to where Ciel couldn’t help but buck and rotate at. His thoughts were blurred as Crimson met blue, a smirk forming even while assaulting the now sensitive bud.
“Se-ebastian… sssstop!” He whimpered, feeling something build in his stomach. “Ahhh! Wh-What is that!?” He hissed, staring down at his stomach. Also confused, Sebastian stopped to stare down at Ciel’s stomach.
“What is what?”
“I-I feel weird… theres a pressure down.. there..” He mumbled, his face flushing red. Sebastian cocked a brow, delicately placing a finger on the boys small tummy. He poked it but the boy didn’t seem to be in pain. Even more curious, he thought about the second option of it being if not a stomach ache. Without warning, he flicked the nipple, eliciting a moan then Ciel holding his stomach with wide eyes. “Wh-what’re you doing!!” Sebastian began to laugh loudly, shaking his head.
“Have you ever climaxed young master?” Ciel felt his heart skip a beat at the word, his face heating up quickly.
“O-Of course not! What do you take me for, a bloody pe-pervert?!” He hissed, trying to cool down. Then he realized how perverted the position they were in. “An-And what’re you doing here?! Stop calling me master, You’re not my butler!” He tried to get up, forgetting about the shadows but they kept him in place much to his annoyance. “Get these off of me. They’re fucking weird.”
“Nope.” Sebastian beamed, leaning down to peck the boys lips. His face brightened up again, not at all helping his goal on keeping a blank face. “I want you to remember this day Ciel. Because with just this,” He paused to lick a thick stripe across Ciel’s pouting lips, the boy gasping at the action. “I’m going to make you cum.” Before Ciel could move or stop him somehow, Sebastian had Ciel’s shorts down to his ankles. All that separated him from Ciel’s ultimate pleasure was a thin fabric. Instead of going in for it, he opened his mouth wide and put his soft lips against the small tent. His tongue made circles against it, Ciel’s body taking full control as he subconsciously thrusted into Sebastian’s mouth. Small whimpers and breathless moans escaped the small boy, an unknown urge filled his mind as he freed his hand and yanked Sebastian’s head up. Surprised crimson eyes gazed into lust filled ones, a smirk forming at the sight. Oh how delicious the young master looked right now.
His pale fragile body was arched from the bed, a thin layer of sweat coating his porcelain skin while a dark shadow wrapped wonderfully around his body. His eyes glared down at the butler, a grimace that betrayed his body painting his face.
“Stop fucking around if you want to be my butler you imbecile.” Sebastian grinned wickedly before swiftly removing the boys boxers. His mouth latched onto Ciel’s member, the boy eliciting a loud moan when he felt warmth encase that body part. He’s barely touched it (Every time he got the weird feeling in his stomach, he would freak and stop) and her Sebastian was, sucking it like a lolly. “N-nggh wa-wait.. slow do-wn!” His body would’ve twitched uncontrollably if it weren’t for the rather large hands holding his stomach down. He could feel the pressure build up more as murmured curses and embarrassing moans left him. His voice cracked, went from super loud to a mere whisper, and even broke as Sebastian sucked harder. His tip was hitting against the back of the ravens throat, the man taking it all with that stupid smirk still in place. “Aahh, Se-Sebastian! Sebastian! Sebastian!”
“Call for me, little one..” He whispered before giving the twitching member one more good hard suck. He hollowed his cheeks, his tongue swirling on the underside and swallowed it all in one gulp when the boys first excitement spurted into his waiting mouth. Ciel was speechless as he craned his neck to watch. Sebastian came up with a grin, only a dribble of Ciel’s seed on his mouth. Blushing, he leaned forward and kissed Sebastian first. Just when the raven was going to get into the kiss, Ciel pulled away with a disgusted face.
“How could you swallow that?! Its gross…” He mumbled, still disturbed. Sebastian just stared at the boy, shaking his head. Oh just one taste was enough to keep him hooked on little Ciel Phantomhive for a long time.
“You’re just so delicious, Young Master.” Ciel scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“I’m shocked at how fast you went from being my teacher to my butler to my…” He trailed off unsure. Sebastian just tilted his head when the younger boy looked at him as if to finish it off. “Nevermind. Now get these stupid shadows off. They’re freaking me out.”
“Thats not what you were saying earlier!~” Sebastian sung while getting rid of the shadows. Ciel watched in a bit of awe as they all crept towards his revealed hand, the one with the weird mark. Once again, the room lit up like it should and Ciel could actually move more freely. He was about to get up and leave but he felt a breeze in a place he shouldn’t have. Realizing what he was, he screamed (manly of course) and threw a pillow at Sebastian.
“Turn around!”
“… what..?”
“Turn around damn it!” Another pillow thrown.
“Why? I mean, I’ve already seen you and I just suck-“
“Sebastian! This is an order, turn around!” Ciel hissed, red faced. Sebastian stiffened, examining the boy one last time before smirking and turning around.
“As you wish, Young Master.” Ciel glared at the mans back before hurriedly putting on his clothes. Once he was finished, he coughed awkwardly.
“I’m done..”
“Good! Now we’re off to yours okay? I need to prepare for you’re dinner anyways.” Sebastian was talking while pretty much dragging the boy out. Claude glared when he saw the two but turned around to go fix something.
“Ciel! What took you so lo- wait.. what?” Alois was still at the car, confused by the pair. Did this mean that Sebastian really did get through Ciel?
“I’m apologize Alo-“
“You can go back to Claude. Sorry for the intrusion Alois. Thanks for letting me stay but now, we’re strangers. I must warn you though, Ciel is mine.” And like that Ciel was shoved into the car while Sebastian took the front and hit the gas with a small chuckle. All Ciel could do on the ride home was think about Sebastian’s words.
Chapter 7
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
A week has passed since the whole incident at the Trancy and Phantomhive household. Things went back to normal but were still tense. Whenever Ciel and Alois would pass Mr. Michaelis or Mr. Faustus in the hall, whatever they had been previously talking about would drop as they tried to avoid eye contact with the butlers.
At the Phantomhive Household, Madame Red was in a state of stress. Something about the shipment of new toys being put on hold because of some huge case. There was also the fact that when Ciel had came back last week, his lips were swollen and he had this distant gleam in his eyes. He didn’t tell her if he had made the deal with that horrid man or not and that continued to put her on edge.
At the Trancy Manor, everything was falling in place. Luka was getting used to Claude and had registered for school. He started three days ago and seems to be doing fine but whenever he sees his brother or Ciel in the halls, hes like a Koala. Only Elizabeth was able to get him off the pair because the younger boy had quite the crush on the girl. When she was in the room, it was like she was the sun and he was the moon. It was cute really but Alois didn’t like it one bit.
As for Ciel Phantomhive though, he was struggling with his own problems.
Since last week, Sebastian hasn’t addressed him at all out of school. He wouldn’t even talk to him as much like he used to. Instead he spoke to some snobby brat who always played off key and would step on everyones feet when dancing. It annoyed Ciel to the point that he actually threw his violin bow at the back of the brats head. He was sent to the HeadTeachers office afterwards by a ‘tsking’ Michaelis.
He didn’t know what to do. He wouldn’t ask Alois for advice because his friend would probably get upset by the whole thing and asking Elizabeth wasn’t even a choice. The bubbly blonde would have his head after braiding it.
“…el! Ciel~!!!” Green eyes caught spaced out blue ones making the boy jump back with a sigh. Massaging his temples, he arched a brow at Elizabeth. “The bell rang. Lunch is over, we got to go.” She said with a small pout. Ciel’s been like this all week. He would space out with this dead gaze, staring straight-forward without movement or a word. And it was like he had headphones constantly playing loud music or something because he wouldn’t hear a thing that came out of her or Alois’ mouth. When the bell would ring, they had to actually catch his eye for him to acknowledge the two blondes.
“Sorry..” He mumbled, standing up from his spot against the tree. “Where’s Alois?” He noticed that the blond wasn’t with them at lunch.
“Remember, he told us he had a dentist appointment today.” Lizzy filled in with a small frown. It had only been thirty minutes since Alois had left with Luka. Ciel looked slightly puzzled at first but nodded anyways, throwing his book bag over his shoulder.
“Go on to art, you can’t be late.” Ciel patted her head before taking his own path. Elizabeth sighed, watching his figure disappear down the hall before going her way to Ms. Howell’s.
“You’re late Mr. Phantomhive.” Sebastian stated as soon as Ciel walked in, the bell ringing once the door shut. The class stared at the two with their instruments in hand, all the previous chatter at a halt. Ciel met crimson eyes with a glare, feeling more annoyed as he looked at the blank face. He hadn’t done anything. If anything, Sebastian should be following him around like a puppy after what Ciel did with him.
“I opened the door right when the bell rang. I would hardly call that late.” Ciel scoffed, strolling over to his spot so he could place his things down and get his violin.
“Rules are rules and they don’t stop for you Mr. Phantomhive. It is what it is.” Sebastian marked the boy as late in the attendance log before shutting his laptop, now facing the class with a small smile as Ciel gathered his things. “Anyways, as I was saying before that rude interruption,” Ciel glared at the raven again as he sat down, dropping contact as he gazed out the window the black out the blabbering man. “This year, the drama club is performing Hamlet for the Winter Play and Mr. Knox asked us to be the background music for… you know the intense and emotional scenes. And some of you will be casted as background characters. Unless you audition for some big roles of course but thats up to you.” He pulled down the board and turned on the Smart Projector, the roles in Hamlet popping up. Ciel muted the man out as he watched year 8 went outside for lunch/time.
That was how Sebastian's class went lately for Ciel. He wasn’t as interested anymore and would just stare out the window, blocking out the man smooth voice. Sometimes it was hard though. Like if he heard something relatively dirty, he’d tune in with a light blush or if he heard him “talking” to that brat, he would watch from the corner of his eye. He wouldn’t let Sebastian see of course. If that were to happen, the raven would be winning.
“Elizabeth, I can’t come over for dinner tonight.” Ciel stated out of blue as he and Lizzy walked out of school, excited students rushing past them to get with their friends being that it was Friday. Lizzy didn’t reply as she stared down at her flats. Ciel peeked at her and was a bit taken back by the gloomy expression settling on her face. Instead of a beaming smile or at least a pout, a frown quivered on her lips. “Elizabeth?” He asked surprised, stopping to stand in front of her. Grassy eyes began to fill with tears as she bit her bottom lip, staring up at Ciel. Before he could comfort her or something to make her stop, she ran off. She had pushed him to the side and sprinted to her car, her skirt flying in the wind as she ran. Ciel was going to run after her, he really wanted to but he saw Claude and Sebastian together, walking to more and likely Claude’s car. His feet moved on their own as he hid behind a bush, watching the to interact with slight jealousy.
From Ciel’s view, Sebastian’s back was to him. Claude was talking but he was horrible at reading lips so he stayed quiet. The two talked for a while, a lively Sebastian laugh reaching his ears, making him scowl. He was about to get up with a groan when he saw that whatever they were doing was lame and held no importance but Sebastian slammed his hand on the vehicle, caging the other man between him and his body. Ciel’s eyes widened as he watched his butler lean in, making his stomach do a flip. Before he knew what he was doing, he had chucked his book bag at the raven.
Sebastian froze when he felt books and other unknown things hit his back. Claude was snickering in front of him as he turned around and saw a glaring Ciel Phantomhive. He was about to say something but the boy threw a nearby ball before taking off, leaving his bag behind.
“What a nuisance..” Sebastian sighed as he picked up the book bag. “I guess I won’t be coming over then. Tell Hannah I say hello.” and with that, Sebastian was already on Ciels trail.
They ran through streets, took sharp corners and bumped into a few people but never stopped the pace. Ciel was panting hard, not daring to look back as he surged on. He wasn’t much of a runner so he was shocked by how long he was able to hold up. It wasn’t until he felt a lower pain on his right side that he accidentally tripped.
It seemed to happen in slow motion for Ciel. One minute he was running hopelessly and the next he was in the air, hands out and eyes shut as if to protect him. But the impact never came. He was expecting some pain in his palms and knees but all he felt was heavy pants in his left ear and strong arms coiled around his waist. When he realized who was holding him, he began to squirm, glaring with a blush.
“Let me go! This is an order Sebastian!” He yelled, highly embarrassed. Instead of complying, Sebastian just walked them to the nearby alley and sat down, placing Ciel in his lap.
“Why did you throw your book bag at me then run off so recklessly Young Master?” Sebastian asked with a sigh, shaking his head as he leant it against the young boys shoulder. Ciel blushed again, thinking of how he felt when he saw Claude and Sebastian together.
“Why were you being such an arse this week? Ignoring your Master like that.” He grumbled, crossing his arms on top of Sebastian’s. They both avoided answering the questions, letting peace settle on them as they listened to the joyful chatter of those around them. They could’ve stayed like that for a couple more hours but the alarming blare of Ciel’s phone made him jump. With a groan, he pulled his phone out and answered, “Hello?”
“Young Master, Madame Red wants you home right now.” Tanaka’s voice answered, making Ciel nod. With a few ‘yeah, sure, okay… uh-huh’s, Ciel hung up and put his cell back.
“I got to go. Come on.” Ciel stated, getting up. Sebastian followed his lead, dusting Ciel off much to the boys shock.
“I’ll take you home.” And with that, the two were walking away from the alley and to the Phantomhive manor.
“Have a good dinner Young Master,” Sebastian bowed as Ciel adjusted his book bag strap. The pair had just gotten to the mansion after catching a taxi.
“Idiot. You’re not leaving this time, what type a butler would you be?” Ciel scoffed, marching right up to the teacher and grabbing his tie. Sebastian was shocked as he was practically dragged into the Phantomhive home, Tanaka, MeyRin, and Finny waiting. They too were surprised at the crimson eyed mans appearance but didn’t say anything. “Auntie! I’’m home!” Sebastian was still being led on by Ciel, the familiar pictures in the halls still in place even after all these years. They finally made it to the dining room where Madame Red was sitting, probably waiting for her food that Tanaka would bring. She was about to greet Ciel happily until she noticed the man besides her nephew.
“What is he doing here?” She hissed, her discarding gaze forming into a glare.
“He is my butler after all. Anyways, I’m hungry. Whats for dinner?” Ciel was quick to change the subject, sitting down with Sebastian quietly standing by his side. Anne’s eye twitched at the scene before her, an uneasy recognition coming back to her mind. She would’ve kicked the butler out but something stopped her with shock.
Ciel was smiling.
BLEH idk how i feel for this chapter. I just saw @Jessyo, @ deificwriting_kimeyoa AND OF COURSE @FallenAngel1129 comments and haaad to update. SORREH FOR LE WAIT GUISE ;-;
but enjoy :3
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roxsannel · 9 months
Taz: (Devil's Handmaidens MC: Timber-Ghost Montana Chapter) by D. M. Earl.
Taz is a young woman who is great with numbers and organisation, she will go above and beyond to make sure that everything financially, runs smoothly and that is a lot of responsibility, but this is all hidden under a tough exterior of leather, spikes and rainbow hair, not to mention, she is part of an all female MC. However, she has a softer side when it comes to her son, he is young, but he has had some bad experiences in his short life, so when Taz’s ex comes back into the picture and hurts him, he has just poked the bear and this mama bear will do anything to protect her young, as will all of the MC sisters behind her. Taz has worked too hard escaping her past to be beaten by it again and she is nowhere near as beaten and broken as when she was with him, but he has no idea how she has changed, so when he starts messing with her and the others she lives with, she is determined to stop letting her past haunt her and embrace the wildness which is inside her
The troops are called in and the Intruders MC heed the call, as well as some handy ex military personnel who will also do whatever they can to help, especially Travis, their Enforcer, he has a soft spot for Taz and her son, but she is reluctant to get into another relationship and end up heartbroken again, but her son is happy around him and when her past comes calling, he answers with a fierce determination to protect them and this is where Taz realises that Enforcer might just be in this for the long haul, unlike in her devastating past. Meanwhile things escalate with her ex and the people supporting him and as the danger increases and all their protective instincts kick in, her ex has no idea what he has let himself in for.
This is yet another rip roaring and action packed MC romance where the suspense will keep you on edge throughout as one problem after another needs solving and sanity, relationships and bonds are tested to breaking point, but will they break, or will a silver lining shine out from within the storm and can this unlikely group of mismatched souls work together to solve yet another dangerous problem?
0 notes
whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Thursday 15 June 1837
6 50
12 5
F63° and very fine morning and out at 7 55 – at the meer with Robert and Sam and Jack and John Holmes – the latter sent home with Zebedee who took the planks to the Lodge to form the run again for the Lodge stuff moving – Robert and the other 3 men took up and planted hollies about the new clow house came in to breakfast at 9 ½ in and out and breakfast in about ½ hour till about 10 ½ - just saw A- about 8 to tell her John Booth was taking the fixtures (fire grates) to Hilltop – Mr. Horner not come – a little after 10 before I had breakfasted Miss Briggs called on A- and was admitted – did not ask for me A- wrong as ever and I think more and more seriously of being off came to my room about ten and a half had a motion bowels open and then sat musing and looking at road map of France  to spend next winter cheaply and improvingly at Montpellier?   look into my accounts settle all and be off as soon as I can be perfectly  civil and properly attentive to A- and she will do the rest to help on our quiet parting it is a mesalliance to me  the sooner I am quietly rid of her the better I wish it was over at this moment I am pothered and feverish mais tout se passera – il faut prendre les souvenirs pour les esperances – see the end of this volume the reference – wrote the above of today till 11 ¾ and then ate ½ doz. oranges – Booth began this morning doing the footway flagging up to and along the house in the court this morning – from 11 ¾ to 3 ¼ read over the whole (except merely skimmed the obituary and political part) of the Gentleman’s magazine for this month  and wrote to go tonight note in answer to that received this day-week, to ‘John Waterhouse Esquire Well-head’ compliments and enclosing a ten pounds Y. D. Bank note being my subscription towards the expense incurred by the Registration committee – and directed also to go tonight the order received from the Bank yesterday afternoon for £31.3.11 payable at Leeds to ‘Messrs. Robert Harrison and co. Timber merchants Leeds’ and brought down my business letter book to this time having copied into the 2 last entries before those 2 of today – read to turn my mind from this miserable business about I wish it was over  I see it will pother me more than it ought  but I will take it as well as I can I feel as my hand was trembling thought it is not in reality she is gone I suppose to Cliff hill she has not attempted coming near me nor have I troubled her since eight when she seemed queer Mrs. Hannah Heap must see that all is not right  and so must everyone in the house  nobody here will be sorry?  with more effort I might have gone on till little Mary was gone?  it fidgets me would that it were over I must exert myself settle my affairs and be quietly off – washed and out again having just written the last 20 lines now at 3 50 and went out – at the Lodge with Robert + 5 moving stuff from near the ash-place to the embankment below the Lodge against the road – went in to see Matty for �� hour or 20 minutes – Mawson at the road for some time – his cart bringing stone and one breaking them – Robert said they were moving at the rate of 40 yards cube per day – he saw Mr. Harper pass in the mails towards York – Had Joseph Mann on coming home at 6 ¾ for 2 trespass papers for John Bottomleys’ field along Whiskum road and had him again after dinner for 10 minutes about Hilltop well – no water – very hard stuff – obliged to be got with gun-powder – went into the cellar – dinner at 7 ¼ - told A- Robert had seen Mr. Harper pass, but she making no answer any further attempt at conversation was let alone – coffee at 8 ½ - I took up the last (2nd) no. of the church quarterly review – A- took up a book also and then fell fast asleep on the sofa – a good fire made the room – I went out into the hall then stood musing about the ceiling in my uncles’ room till saw A- pass to bed about 9 ½ - soon afterwards opened the letter (it came late tonight) and sat reading the paper downstairs till 10 50 at which hour F57° - Note from Mr. Waterhouse this evening respectful compliments and thanks for the £10 – very fine day – how foolish A- is Susan waited and must have noticed her not answering me at dinner   little Mary did not come in at all!
I saw A- crying after dinner before leaving the dining room but I did not seem to notice it   what a temper!
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matth1w · 3 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Michael Langdon x Reader
Summary: Catching the eye of the interviewer, you face trials of temptation and faith.
Associated Verse: Blessed is the one who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heeds the things which are written in it; for the time is near. Revelation 1:3
Warnings: Death, Violence, Blood, Nightmares, Mental Manipulation, Blasphemy (Michael Langdon and all his fuckery)
Rating: All, but it’s a darkish fic
Word Count: 3,070 Words
Note: I very intentionally did not use his first name
Note 2: I’m not back... just finally finished & edited something for once 😅
Forever Tags: @captainrogerss // @banditthewriter // @fics-not-tragedies // @commander-writergirl // @zodiyack
Tag Lists Are Open / Requests are Closed
D O  N O T  R E P O S T  M Y  W O R K
The crackling embers calmed you and guided your heartbeat to slow to a steady tempo. The warmth that radiated from the fireplace threatened to bring a slew of memories from what felt like a past life.
You knew you should turn to face your interviewer, that you probably seemed rude ignoring him to instead stare longingly into the warming fire but something kept you there.
You felt... safe.
For the first time since the sirens sounded, you felt safe.
That thought brought you peace and you finally sighed in content and smiled as you turned to face the man who claimed to be your savior.
Mr. Langdon simply raised his eyebrows at you, not commenting on your actions of the past few minutes. The only other movement was his fingers slowly stroking the underside of his chin. They seemed to sparkle from the light catching the shining stones and golden metal.
He seemed more at ease as well, like he was able to experience the thoughts of peace and happiness that had been running in your mind. Or maybe the fire brought its own kind of warmth to him as well.
The sound of a log crumbling into ash turned your attention back to the fireplace. Your eyes only rested there for a moment but when you turned back the man in front of you had changed.
No longer a beautiful man leisurely sitting by the fire, Mr. Langdon instead had a furrowed brow with a matching grimace and leaned forward the moment your eyes met his once more.
You found yourself wondering what could have brought this sudden change. Before your thoughts could spiral any deeper into questions, you saw him open his mouth to speak. The low timber and plush lips brought an unwilling blush to your cheeks.
“How are you... enjoying things at the outpost?” Mr. Langdon’s pause and scrutinizing eyes made you nervous. Like he was a seasoned hunter laying a perfectly placed trap and he had no true care for your enjoyment, and instead was hoping you fell for the trick.
Despite the countless warning signs blaring in your mind, for some reason you wanted to tell him the truth. How much you hated Madam Venable for ruining an already depressing situation, how you wanted to scream every time a petty argument broke out over dinner, how many nights you laid awake wondering why you were facing this tribulation. Were you chosen or simply damned?
Oh, many times you wished you could escape this sadistic stone tomb.
Recalling his assurance, rather threat, that he would know if you dared to lie to him, you settled on the truth... just more simple.
“This isn’t how I imagined the apocalypse would go.”
A weighted statement full of multiple meanings but the truth nonetheless.
At that, you saw his lips flick up into a quick smile and his eyes glimmer in the low light dancing around the room.
“Is that so?” Mr. Langdon leaned back in his chair, crossing his legs and clasping his hands over his knee, the simple movement somehow seductive.
A flutter in your heart brought warmth to your body. Maybe it was the fact that you seemed to amuse Mr. Langdon, got him to smile in a way that didn’t seem malicious. Made him turn into the man you had seen just moments before.
You let yourself smile in return. For some reason, your tense body relaxed as if you were two friends casually conversing over a shared humorous experience.
Instead of laying out your reasons, something reckless inside your soul emboldened you to taunt him with a vague truth. Something about his pretentious demeanor intrigued you, especially after Gallant mimicked his line about being able to sense the darkest things about a person. You were desperate to see what he was hiding in the shadows of his own being.
You looked him in the eyes, watching as he stared back blankly, his mask of aloof superiority now back. You knew it then to be a mask — you could feel his genuine self itching to be shown.
He was genuinely pleased to have someone make him feel something. For a moment, you wanted to continue your thoughts, share every thought and feeling and secret, but you wanted to see how far the game would go.
Your rational side knew it would likely end with you being left to rot in the outpost. It didn’t matter much. You accepted your death long ago and this entertainment finally brought some life back into your veins.
After nearly a minute of a scrutinizing glare, Michael removed his hands from his knee and laid them flat on the arms of the black leather chair.
Your attention was brought to the ringed fingers drumming lightly, as if he was pondering his next words. Something inside you didn’t quite believe him. As if it was an act for show. That he knew exactly was he was going to do next. He was simply... waiting.
Toying with you.
Seeing if you’d crack under the silence. Fill the lack of noise and if so, how you’d do it.
With an apology?
An insecure question?
A babbling attempt to say what you think he wants to hear?
Or something... else?
You thought forcing Michael to speak next would surely annoy him but instead when he opened his mouth, he seemed as if he was amused by your resolute rebellion. His teeth shined from the flickering fire, making him seem like a hungry beast.
The warmth seemed to increase from your side, like the flames were growing, intensifying, as you pressed on. You wondered if your words or his were the fuel.
“Venable told me you caused quite a ruckus when you got here.”
You grimaced, recalling your punishment of starved time in the cell below.
“Is that a question?”
His eyebrows raised at your snarky retort, his mouth a thin line. He must be getting impatient. You didn’t like this look of him.
“I’m sorry.” You murmured out with a well placed sigh.
“I just... didn’t, and don’t, agree with that rule.”
He hummed noncommittally.
“This outpost has a quite extensive library. So why bother yourself with stealing something as silly as fairytales?”
There was an challenge in his eyes as he continued speaking as he stood.
“Now, at least it wasn’t some cute version, I’ll give you that.”
His steps resounded as he moved to circle behind you. Daring you to follow him with your eyes or a turn of your head but you stayed still.
“How many days did Venable keep you in that cell?”
He placed his hands on the arms of your chair, leaning over to encircle you even further. His presence smothering you as the heat suffocated you even further. You couldn’t tell if it came from him or the fire.
“Hmm? Tell me, was it worth it?”
As his last words left his mouth in a whisper, he leaned in so his mouth was brushing against your hair.
Your breath hitched from his proximity, your skin raised in what felt like a strange mix of fear and anticipation. Your mouth felt dry as you forced yourself to swallow.
The simple response and all its weight hung heavy in the air as only the sound continued to be the still lively fire to your right. You knew it to be no ordinary thing. Mr. Langdon made no movement, staying torturously close.
After what felt like an eternity, he took in a deep breath through his nose, seeming to breathe you in as much as he was refilling his lungs. You wondered if he even needed to breathe.
You could sense the satisfied smirk and feel the hot air as he leaned in to the shell of your ear.
You were unsure how to respond. Even more unsure if you should.
Mr. Langdon stood upright again, the soft brush of cool air hitting the back of your neck, relieving you as it sent shivers down your spine.
His left hand came into your view and you finally looked up at him, hesitant to instantly take it as much as you wanted to. There was still a part of you that was weary and unsure. Unwilling to not question.
Seeing a polite, disarming smile on his lips, you placed your hand in his, surprisingly warm and soft, and rose from your seat.
He turned your body towards him, the proximity once again sending mixed signals throughout your body. More so excitement now, but still laced with the ever present tendrils of trepidation.
He took his hand from yours but then moved to place it under your chin. Not cupping it in a romantic manner, but like how an adult would do to a pitifully naive child.
Your skin flushed where it met his, like he had the same power as the fireplace before. Something in the back of your mind noted how it had simmered once more. The flames calming as you accepted his extended hand.
Mr. Langdon cocked his head and let his eyes be overrun with clear pity. He even sealed what felt like the overly faux emotion with an empathetic sigh.
“Although life isn’t the fairytale you wished for, try to make the best of it, princess.”
You had to control every muscle in your face to not scrunch your nose at the words that stung like a patronizing slap despite the show of emotions that accompanied them.
Not trusting your tongue, you silently nodded. His fingers dug in for a moment like he was dissatisfied you maintained your composure and was about to lose his. He ripped his hand from your chin with a snarl and turned around to step behind his desk, his eyes roaming the wooden surface as he flexed his fingers, perhaps your touch had pained him.
He pulled out the thin black chair before he paused and looked back up at you, once more a different man than moments before. A Cheshire grin was clear on his face and that same glimmer of mischief back again.
“Oh, one last thing.”
“Yes, Mr. Langdon?” you forced out evenly, trying your best to control the whirlwind of emotions pounding on the door inside your chest to be let out.
“Remember, heed the warning of Snow White. Never trust witches or beautiful apples.”
His sing song voice sounded light like another taunt with his dismissive wave but the look in his eyes turned dark and intense as he lowered himself into his chair. Like he was spurring, no demanding you to remember his words, this moment.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The somber warning that felt like a thinly veiled threat haunted your bones. He made no other comments to you that day or any other, didn’t even bother to look at you when you two were in the same room or hall.
You thought he had forgotten about you. His amusement snuffed out and attention passed to the others... until the night before Halloween. Or simply, what you were told was Halloween.
You opened your bedroom door to find an unfamiliar book lying open on your pillow. Its golden edges shined in the candlelight as you cautiously stepped forward. A Bible - open to the first page of the Book of Revelation.
Blood red words stood out, written in the margins. You leaned over to get a better look, not daring to touch the holy object that felt tainted with darkness.
‘Was this how you imagined it?’
There was no name nor did you recognize the handwriting but you knew for certain this had come from Mr. Langdon. The smallest amount of heat tickled at the back of your neck.
You laid down, unsure how to react, still unwilling to touch or even close the book. Your skin prickling as though it could sense the heavy feeling of dread in the air.
Once you finally succumbed to an uneasy slumber, you dreamt of the bombs.
Sirens wailed from above as you trekked across an endless forest. Calling for help, voice hoarse as none came. The land turned barren with every step, an ashen land of death. Each moment, the sirens twisted more and more into tormented wails. A torrent of winds coming from each direction, bitter and sharp as knives against your skin.
With a pain in your chest that you could only describe as your heart being torn out piece by piece, you finally crumbled - broken and unable to continue. Weak and unwilling to fight any longer. You looked to the sky to beg for mercy when you saw an open door, its glowing insides the halls of the sanctuary promised to you. As you ran with energy anew, the sultry voice you heard was like a holy instrument carrying through the air.
Mr. Langdon came into vision, still blurred around the edges, you were unable to see him wholly. His forehead and golden locks bloodied from the thorns that encircled his head. One hand extended to you, another behind his back, his words coming to you clearly now as the thorns twisted into sharp horns.
Let me save you.
Let me save you.
Let me save you.
As you reached out your hand to his, the light faded from behind him, instead bringing forward his hidden hand that held a beating, bloody heart. Its steady tempo drowning out his plea as you felt a seeping emptiness consume your chest.
You woke with a start, body drenched in sweat as if you had been hugged by the sun itself. Your mind spun, consumed with a single thought - if the dream had progressed, would you hesitate to take his hand, despite what he had turned into before your eyes?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Your heart was beating so fast you barely heard a word Venable was sprouting, only snippets of sounds came through between the coursing blood that filled your ears.
Your mouth was practically watering at the sweet smell, the feel of the smooth skin in your hands, the taste you knew would be yours if you only took a bite of the shiny red treasure held within the palm of your hand.
But that voice in the back of your mind was screaming at you, back away into the shadows slowly and whatever you do, do NOT eat the forbidden fruit. It will bring no knowledge, only suffering and agony beyond compare.
Something even further hidden away is telling you to run. Run as fast and as far as you can from this evil place and never, ever look back.
You hear Mr. Langdon’s words over and over in your mind. So powerful, you can almost feel his breath tickling your ear once more, his enticing warmth overtaking your body.
‘Remember, heed the warning of Snow White...
Never trust witches or beautiful apples.’
In what felt like the final step of a test, you decided to pause before sinking your teeth into the apple alongside all the other residents and instead slowly backed into the shadows of the hallway toward the kitchen.
The silence hung in the air, and you were a moment away from turning around when you heard a cough, then another and another, the sounds of shared agonized death building in a crescendo confirmed your fears.
It confirmed that Mr. Langdon somehow knew. And if he knew... why didn’t he stop it?
A thought ran through your head, a darker one biting at its heels, so fast you were unsure it was your own.
Why didn’t I?
...Because they deserved it
You desperately shook your head to rid yourself of the thought and suddenly realized the truth with resolute finality. There was no where to go. No where to run. No one to run to. No matter where you fled, it would be a dead end. Even if you escaped this cave, you would only be thrust into another wasteland, wandering the purgatory above.
You found yourself in the kitchen, unaware your feet had even brought you there. In what seemed to be a final act of mercy, or perhaps penance, you spotted a large butcher knife hanging on the wall.
The metal held tightly in your hand felt like an extension of your body from your place in the corner of the darkened pantry. You had locked yourself in, backed yourself into a corner. But where was there to run - truly, to escape to?
A desperate prayer silently fell from your lips. Not for peace nor forgiveness. But for Mr. Langdon’s capsule of pain free salvation.
Nonetheless, you figure even a knife to the heart would be better than suffering the death forced upon the other residents. At the first sound or sign the killers have noticed your absence, you’ll take yourself out. Death was no longer fearful. It was the undeniable ending you had accepted many months ago.
The sounds of steady steps broke through your contemplation. Your hand stilled as you raised the blade above your chest. Your body was unable to move for some unknown reason even though everything inside you begged you to move already.
This was the end.
Accept it.
Instead, all you could focus on are the sounds of the footfalls. Light but purposeful. Steady and strong, unlike Venable’s wavering trio of steps.
Calm, almost casual. As if they were taking a stroll in a park or admiring paintings in a museum. Unlike the rushed, quick steps of an always determined Ms. Mead.
As your mind caught up with what your heart and instincts knew, a smooth voice broke the silence, its undeniable comfort charging your body with its light.
“You can come out now, Princess.”
You looked up, a mixture of wet and dried tears on your cheeks, and saw a magnificent sight.
There was your savior, a circle of candlelight cradled his golden locks and danced around like a halo on fire. Tears sprung from your eyes once more. Not out of fear, but out of pure awe and admiration.
The knife fell with a loud echoing clang in the now empty stone halls. You could only stare on as Mr. Langdon shifted to lower himself to you.
He brought his right hand from behind his back, and extended it to you.
Without hesitation, this time, you accepted it.
You accepted Him.
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kinktae · 4 years
beyond the story: bitchin’
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Hi friends! I hope you are all staying safe and healthy during these tough times! I really wanted to put something out there as a thank you to just how much support Bitchin’ got. You guys really are incredible. So, although this story has come to an end, I wanted to properly close the Bitchin’ chapter by giving you all a behind the scenes look at Bitchin’ and everything that went into writing it. This includes hidden easter eggs, backstories, alternative plot-lines, and a short drabble of the Bitchin’ cast 10 years after the story’s end.
Without further ado, please enjoy and thank you again for all your love. You have all of mine.
Ah, yes, the start of this whole wild ride. I’ve always loved the whole nerd/popular person trope in fanfics, so it was only a matter of time before I tried my hand at it too. One thing I was adamant about was not making this a “popular person turns nerd hot/confident/better” fic as its kind of one of my least favorite cliches. With that in mind, and knowing that I was going to allude to TATBILB’s contract, I decided that I wanted Y/N to gain as much from the deal as Jungkook did. No blackmail, no just agreeing for the hell of it – Y/N was going to further herself and her dreams given the opportunity.
The beginning of the chapter is where the two are most separated and dissimilar throughout the whole story. It wasn��t that they were fundamentally different, it was that they approached life differently. Y/N was frustrated at how superficial Jungkook seemed, because she believes there is much more to life than just kicking your feet up and cracking jokes.
On the other hand, Jungkook didn’t understand why Y/N was so tense and on guard. To him, life was meant to enjoy and not take so seriously. Which makes sense, given that he grew up with minimal rules and minimal worries (bare minimum partners wassup !) 
“So, do we have a deal? Partners?” There was mischievous timber to his words, the kind that made you feel as if this would all later come back to bite you in the ass.
Pushing that pestering thought away, you took his hand into yours, holding his eyes as you gave it a firm shake.
God, this bit. I knew from the minute I wrote it that I was writing the ending of bitchin’ along with it. I knew this was exactly how I was going to end this story, bc the word partners has multiple means right? In chapter 1, this meant business partners, but in the final chapter… it means life partners. Idk, I’m just still really happy with this writing decision :D
Dearest Yara. We meet her in chapter two don’t we? Yara is completely based off of my irl best friend Yara who is a writer and who helped me A LOT with this story. She was my biggest supporter throughout figuring out this crazy plot. It was initially only about seven parts, but with her help I managed to bump it up to 10! Everybody say thank you Yaraaaa.
You were angry, that much was evident to her. Yara was sat in your shared dorm’s living room, a thick blanket engulfing her small frame. You briefly glanced towards the TV, it was tuned into MTV, the familiar music video of Every Breath You Take by The Police playing, before directing your glare back onto the copper-haired girl.
The song reference is a direct allusion to writer Yara’s fic, which is one of my favorite fics by her. She was actively writing it around the start of our friendship so it only felt right to pay respects to her. The introduction of her character felt necessary imo bc I wanted to make sure Y/N had a life outside Jungkook. Plus, I got to use the scenes between the two girls as a way to reference the music and culture scene. Yara is especially a fan of the powerful women in the music industry at the time, i.e., Madonna, Annie Lennox, Cyndi Laupner, etc.) Yara is a raging feminist and believer in sexual freedom and libery for women, we do in fact have to stan.
“How old do you think your sister is?”
“Hey, don’t sass me. For your information, Lyanna still has all her Care Bear tapes. She threw a hissy fit when my mom tried to give them away last Christmas.” Yara recalled.
Lyanna is one of writer Yara’s past pseudonyms. She always used to joke about how whenever she read it, it was confusing because there was Y/N, Yara and Lyanna, which were technically all her lolol.
FUNNY STORY ABOUT THE CONTRACT I INSERTED INTO THIS PICTURE… Twitter found it and made it into somewhat of a meme because no one knew it came from a fic rip. I was actually rly embarrassed and even wrote some posts about how much twitter scared me on my blog LMAO. but THEN weirdly enough, I actually stumbled upon a small community on twitter who actually found my fic and would TWEET ABOUT IT!!! LIKE REACTIONS TO EACH UPDATE!!! I wish I could go back in time and remember how giddy I was the first time I found a tweet about my fic. The fanfic community on twitter gave me a new love for the site (which I had previously had removed myself from because of its toxicity) and I have met so many wonderful people because of it. People even made themselves a little twitter group chat to talk about my fics, and now we are all friends! I miss posting a chapter of bitchin’ and refreshing my twitter feed as all my mutuals would post memes and live tweet their reactions. God that made me so fucking happy.
I love the bickering in this chapter, because unlike the bickering in the first chapter, it’s actually less hostile and more playful. Y/N is slowly letting her guard down to the very persistently charming Jungkook.
“Woah. Family of six, huh? So you have siblings then.” He noted.
“Yep. Three.”
“Tell me about them.”
Looking up from where you were slipping on your second skate, you met Jungkook’s eyes, surprised to see genuine interest in them.
I actually originally had Y/N brush him off here. I was going to wait until the drunk party scene for Y/N to open up about her family and relationship with her sisters. But then I kind of thought to myself… Why? Y/N made peace with it and doesn’t hold onto those insecurities anymore. And objectively, Jungkook hasn’t proven himself to be a bad person so… I let Y/N open herself up to him.
“Then there’s the twins, Rosa and Lia.”
“Hold on. Twins? Wait… did they go to our high school?” Jungkook asked, his interest in this conversation doubled.
“Yep. They were two grades above us.” You confirmed.
“Oh shit, yeah, I remember your sisters, they were mad hot.” Jungkook let out a low whistle, before stiffening, flashing you an apologetic look. “Uh, in a totally non-meathead way.”
You offered the scared-looking boy a small smile, shaking your head.
Some of y’all notice but, Rosa and Lia are a blatant homage to my name: Roselia. ACTUALLY some form of my name can be found in every one of the rewind series fics, including upcoming ones. I’ll give a cookie to whoever can find every single mention hehe.
“I told you it was dumb.” You laughed nervously.
It wasn’t that you cared much about what Jungkook thought but you had a feeling a guy like him, who was popular and carefree, wouldn’t be able to sympathize in the way you would like him to.
“No, I’m just… surprised, that’s all.”
Jungkook certainly was surprised. You had built up quite the impression on him from the very moment you two met. It was hard to imagine that the girl who was so unapologetically herself was ever unsure or insecure.
Somehow, the idea tugged at his heart, as if he understood you more if only just a little.
From the get go, Jungkook was extremely drawn to just how confident and secure Y/N was in herself. I knew I wanted Y/N to be unapologetically sure of herself and in her abilities. Something I didn’t want, however, was for frat boy!jungkook’s only personality traits to be liking sex and being a cocky bastard (although I am a big consumer of that trope heh). Jungkook is actually canonly incredibly insecure. He lacks a real sense of self, which is why he is so desperate for Kiri back. His relationship with Kiri at that time was a big part of what he thought was himself. He has somewhat of low self esteem tbh which is why he’ll go back to a woman who treated him unfairly. That’s why he comes off the way he does in the first chapter and why Y/N thinks he has a big ego... he’s overcompensating. He finds it so endlessly fascinating that Y/N, in all her confident glory, was actually once super insecure. He admires her all the more once she opens up about her past.
“Oh, Rosa is an intern for our hometown’s newspaper but between you and me those assholes don’t even let her write. She does coffee and burger runs for men in charge. And Lia sells ice cream at the mall.”
“What about your brother?” Jungkook asked.
“He’s training to be a cop just like my dad.”
“And your mom?”
“She works at a convenience store.”
All their careers resemble people in the latest Stranger Things season (Nancy, Steve, Hopper, and Joyce). Fun Cameo there.
“What’s wrong?” You wondered, following his eyes.
“October 16th, 1985. 6:48PM.”
“Yes. That’s today’s date and time. What about it?” You pressed, growing confused.
“Remember it.” He warned.
“It’s when I fell in love with you.”
This iconic line I actually got from the real Jeon Jungkook himself. While Jungkook wasn’t actually in love with Y/N here, it certainly was a cute way for him to express his admiration for her.
OH HERE’S A FUN FACT: the hickey scene at the end of this chapter where JK and Y/N kiss for the first time was actually supposed to be Yara giving Y/N the hickey like the best friend she is. Ultimately I went with JK giving it for... smut purposes... ≖‿≖ 
The decision for Y/N to be Freddie Krueger came from me planning to be him for Halloween. And I was! JK as Glen Lantz just followed naturally. I’ve seen some great edits of him as the character. Truly chef’s kiss.
I really liked that Jungkook came over to the girl’s dorm to get ready. I didn’t want a scene where Y/N was thrown into a situation she was uncomfortable with which is how much Nerd At A Party Scene go so made sure Jungkook stayed by her side throughout the part, going out of his way to introducing her to the people he cared about.
Tae’s character came in when I realized I needed a way to actually put Y/N’s event in motion. He was the missing link and BOY did you guys eat his character right up huh. Love that for me.
Another thing, the confrontation with Kiri was so hard to write guys, I reeaaaally struggle with girl conflict. GIRLS SHOULD SUPPORT GIRLS. However, not everyone gets along in real life so I went with Kiri being more along the lines of petty rather than outwardly a cunt to Y/N. Realistically, Kiri is popular and well liked among the greek life so being unkind to someone she hardly knows wouldn’t make sense. There’s definitely tension between these two but I tried my best to steer away from the typical cat fight/revenge porn/public humiliation trope most movies seem to follow.
Introduction to Erik!!!! It was really important to me that Y/N had a life before Jungkook. That's why I wrote in Y/N having a fiancé. She’s not opposed to love, she just has reshifted her focus. She knows what she wants and is choosing to focus on that, which why when she realizes she’s falling for Kookie she’s so hesitant to admit it because she’s fallen down that road before. Even though Jungkook treats her with respect and acknowledges the parts of her she’s most proud of, she just isn’t willing to possibly give up her passions for love. Which is why she doesn’t immediately confess to him, even once she’s sure she loves him.
“I’m serious, nerd. You’re like… um… the sun!” Jungkook marveled, eyes growing full as the realization dawned on him.
“The sun?” You laughed.
“Yeah, like… you’re this bright, beautiful thing that seems like it’s here in front of me but is really light-years away.”
Jungkook was drunk, and although you were sure he was making more sense in his head, you couldn’t help but feel your face grow hot, unsure of how to react to his drunk analogy.
“You’re the sun, Y/N. You make the world turn for you. Never orbit for anyone else.”
And suddenly, you were kissing him, for no other reason other than you wanted to and that it felt like the right thing to do.
No real commentary here. Just love this bit. It’s probably my favorite interaction between them two ‧⁺◟( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ·̫ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ ) 
“Also… She’s, uh, currently dating Eunwoo.” You told Yara.
Your best friend blinked, silence falling over her.
“Good for her.” She perked up almost forcibly. “Let her put up with his annoying ass.”
Yara could see the way your expression had turned dubious as if you didn’t believe her nonchalant act.
Yara turned up her nose defensively, “What?”
Ugh yes, some character development from Yara.... the flavor ! Yara (much like Y/N and JK) also struggles with love. She has a real fear of commitment and if far more comfortable with casual sex than relationships. She did develop actual feelings for Eunwoo, she just wasn’t ready for that kind of commitment so she cut him off. Fleed the scene if you will. Typical gemini smh my head.
"I don’t think the contract mentioned orgasms.” Jungkook smirked as you released his thumb.
“I say we let it slide.” You shrugged, leaning into him casually.
“You think?”
“Totally. Think of it as… a bonding activity.” You joked, resting your chin on his shoulder, peering up through your lashes.
“Damn, we’re really committed to this fake dating thing, huh.”
You laughed in the way that you hated, but Jungkook loved; it was loud and abrupt, but it genuine, and it was you.
“What can I say, I’m a method actor.” You sighed dramatically, causing Jungkook to grin before pressing a kiss to your nose, simply because he liked the way it always seemed to make you smile.
GOD THEY’RE SO WHIPPED FOR EACH OTHER ITS DISGUSTING!!!!!! I’m really happy I decided not to make sleeping together a big deal and I got a lot of feedback from you guys agreeing! I had a lot of fun with these two’s sex scenes knowing they could do it whenever they wanted.
I started the scene with smut BUT I wanted to point out that much of their time spent together is at Y/N dorm, Jungkook either napping, hanging out or doing work as Y/N would study like she always did. I liked the idea that Jungkook would get bored and would want attention from Y/N because she was so focused. Idk, I just wanted to write a love story about two people spending time together and figuring out how they fit in each other’s lives as opposed to some dramatic I mEeT HiM aNd mY LiFe bEcAmE cRaZy. There’s nothing wrong with that plot line, I just didn’t want that for these two dorks. I wanted Y/N to interact with JK’s scene and crowd but not give up her own which is why most days JK and her just lounged around in her dorm studying.
Also, I don’t know how the teacher/student roleplay made it into the smut, it just did, no further questions (ʃ⌣́_⌣́ƪ).
Then the event scene.
“You’re whipped, dude! Seriously.”
Jungkook felt his face go red, “Shut up, no, I’m not.”
“Hey, I’m not judging. I get it. That’s your girl.” Taehyung shrugged. Jungkook placed a hand on the fold up table in front of him, staring down at the information pamphlet you had worked so hard on.
“She’s just… so fucking driven and passionate about everything she does. Sometimes I look at her, and I’m just like… holy shit, what am I doing with a girl like her? I feel like she’s totally out of my league and being with me is holding her back but— I dunno, man. I just… really like her.” Jungkook revealed, voice growing small.
An unexpected wave of tenderness fell over the two boys, Taehyung throwing an arm over his little brother’s shoulder.
“I’m happy for you, bro.”
Jungkook didn’t know it just yet but dude was talking from the heart and, is in fact, totally whipped :’c
I loved the confrontation scene between the boys and Eunwoo because the boys standing up for Yara really did make everyone feel like a friend group, not just some character who happen to exist at the same time. It wasn’t just Y/N and Yara and one side and the boys on the other. They would all become friends, which is ideal to me. A boyfriend who likes your best friend and considers her a friend so you can all hang out??? Yes please.
Initially, irl Yara and I had noooo clue if Yara would end up with Eunwoo or not. That was actually the original goal actually. But after this chapter four, you guys made it ABUNDANTLY clear that you guys wanted to see Taeyara, despite the two never even meeting! Honestly, it wasn’t until this chapter was written that we decided for sure that Eunwoo was out of the picture for Yara. Part of me really wanted to keep Yara single, but irl Yara insisted on dick and frankly, she’s right. Bitchin’ Yara deserved a shot at love. She definitely has her own story outside of Bitchin’ and will experience a lot of growth in the future.
“God, I know. I do not miss that temper of his.” She chuckled, her words piquing your interest.
“Oh, yeah. Have you seriously not experienced it yet? He’s got some gnarly anger issues. Not to mention all the lying…” Kiri paused suddenly, straightening up as she flashed you an apologetic look. “Yikes, I’m sorry. I totally should not be telling you this. I’m not trying to be that gross girl that shit talks her ex to his current girlfriend.”
Miss Kiri, Miss Kiri. She really acted up this chapter didn’t she. There was a lot of discussion about whether or not those things she said about Jungkook were true. Which was exactly what I wanted hehe. We come to find out that Kiri had definitely stretched the truth. She really is good at manipulation and understanding how people think and it’s why she is in the role that she is in. Messy queen.
This entire chapter was inspired by High School Musical with Troy and Gabriella’s rooftop garden scenes. This was my shortest chapter and honestly, probably not my strongest. I definitely went into writing this with zero concept of what I actually wanted to happen. Usually when I write my chapters I have a 4k long outline of it beforehand that I go off of. Not this one though. I really just winged it and I tried my best to write a chapter that really showed off (dialogue wise) just how this couple bounces off each other. I do really like some of the banter they have in this chapter.
You had taken note a little wooden popsicle stick poking up from the soil of the yellow flowers. Acacias, they were marked. Pulling your knees up to your chest, you considered his words.
Yellow acacias stands the value of true friendship and can indicate a secret love! I thought that was very appropriate given these dummies' relationship.
“So, you probably know why I brought you here.”
You nodded.
“You’re proposing, right?”
“Yeah, I– oh, shut up.” He laughed, the serious mood shattering as you joined him.
Even though I knew they were going to have a semi serious talk, what with Y/N asking about what Kiri had told her, these two dufuses realistically are just too comfortable with each other to stay serious for too long.
“Hey, I said that out of frustration, I didn’t really mean it. I’m sure she’ll come crawling back soon.” You attempted to comfort him, hoping to sound sincere.
“Even if that’s true, I’m not entirely sure I want that anymore.”
“What?” You blinked. Jungkook shrugged.
“What about us?” He met your eyes, causing your breath to hitch.
“What about us?”
Jungkook stared at you for a moment, noting the way the timber in your voice had become higher pitched as if panicked.
MORE FUN FACTS LMFAO: I typically do this thing with unplanned chapters where I just go for it and write and usually it works out. But when I wrote this down I remember stopping and being like ??? WHY DID I JUST WRITE THAT ??? I don’t like deleting my writing so I had a serious think to myself about whether this was going to be the moment Jungkook confessed or not.
Canonly, I decided that Jungkook did in fact mean ‘us’ in a romantic sense, but because of the way you perceivably panicked at that possible meaning, he decided against taking the conversation in that direction, instead speaking about ‘us’ in a platonic sense. Poor kookie :(
“Stop. Listen to me, Jungkook, you’re a fucking great guy, okay? You’re charismatic and funny and care about your friends… sure, you almost ruined my event, but it was mostly to defend my best friend when Eunwoo got too pushy, right? You’re a good guy, meathead. I know I joke about your ego, but I really believe you’re capable of more than you think you are. Seriously, Kiri is so lucky to be the object of your affection.”
Jungkook watched the way the sun’s orange light kissed your face, a bittersweet feeling growing in his chest as he contemplated the object of his affection. Just a couple of months ago, he would have had no doubt about who held his heart, but as you held his stare, he found himself unsure and yet, entirely sure all the same.
“Jungkook? You okay?” You frowned, catching in the sadness in his eyes.
“Hm? Yeah, yeah. I just… realized something.”
“Oh? What’s that?”
“…It doesn’t matter.” He smiled, the gesture hardly reaching his eyes.
It’s in this moment that Jungkook decides that there is no way you hold the same affection towards him that he does to you. He mistakes your words of comfort as you pushing him away. You are so kind and encouraging and Jungkook loves you so much that hearing you insist about him ending back up with Kiri hurts him so bad.
But you are still unsure about your feelings and genuinely believe that's still what Jungkook wants. You’re just being a supportive friend!! :( It isn’t until the end of this chapter when Y/N has her talk with Yara that she realizes, oh man, she’s in deep.
BLAH. This chapter is so BLAH, you know? Having to write this chapter was SO HARD. I texted irl Yara complaining about how much I hated having to put my characters through this and that I wanted to just end the story on chapter 7 and keep them happy forever. BUT ALAS! I had planned for this to happen from the start.
You tasted like the mint of your favorite brand of toothpaste. He imagined if he had caught you any later then the mint would have been accompanied by the taste of coffee, knowing the way you rarely started a day without a cup.
God, he had missed the taste of you.
What you guys didn’t see is Jungkook spending the night with Kiri, and immediately kicking her out, freaking out as the weight of guilt washed over him. He knew he had done nothing wrong, that you weren’t his real girlfriend, and that getting back together with Kiri was exactly what he had signed up for. It was what he should’ve wanted. But it wasn't… because you were what he wanted. And that was exactly what he was going to tell you as he marched over to your apartment.
But he panicked. His mind already decided that your answer to him would be no– that you didn’t feel the same. So he kissed you. He had you in the only way he was allowed to. He was selfish and impulsive and so incredibly scared that he ended up hurting the person he loved the most.
Initially though, I had Jungkook get back together with Kiri, not that he slept with her right before sleeping with Y/N. But I decided TEEHEE let me just make everything erupt into flames. However, I didn’t realize just how angry with Jungkook you guys would get. I remember thinking DAMMIT WAS THAT TOO SCANDALOUS?? I knew I was going to have to work hard for Jungkook to redeem himself to my readers.
“She wants to get back together.” Jungkook swallowed dryly, eyes wavering between yours as if to gauge your reaction.
You shook your head.
“I mean, wow! That’s… That’s great!” You smiled, something tearing apart inside you as the words left your lips.
“Seriously! This means it worked, right? This is exactly what you wanted to happen.” You enthused, turning your head so that he couldn’t see the way your eyes had welled up.
Jungkook’s heart was pounding in his ears, fighting the urge to wrap his arms around you.
“Yeah… yeah, no, you’re right. We did it.” He replied monotonously.
GOD THIS PART IS SO UNBELIEVABLY FRUSTRATING! JUST ADMIT YOU LOVE EACH OTHER YOU MORONS! This entire situation is so convoluted because there's so much information missing and not being expressed, I seriously want to ring my own neck rereading this bit.
“Are you mad?” He called out cautiously, a heavy feeling falling onto his chest.
“Why would I be mad?” You quipped back sharply, causing Jungkook to flinch. He shifted in his seat uncomfortably.
“I just thought… I mean we’ve been fooling around a lot lately, so I didn’t know if—”
“If what? I had feelings for you?” You scoffed. “Please, as if I’d ever fall for you.”
And there it was— everything Jungkook already knew but had been so afraid to hear. Of course, you didn’t feel for him what he felt for you. How could he have expected anything different?
IDIOTS!!! THEY'RE BOTH IDIOTS!!! I don't know how y'all put up with this for so long. Forgive me.
Okay I actually love this chapter. And for many reasons. Let me break down the three scenes for you guys.
Scene one: Kiri confrontation
Kiri is definitely an opposing antagonist. She is constantly working against Y/N because of their interests directly conflicting. BUT. I would argue that the biggest antagonist to this story is the inner ones – Y/N and Jungkook's lack of ability to admit their feelings constantly holding them both back from their happy ending. That being said, a confrontation scene between Y/N and Kiri was MUCH needed. While I suppose I can understand why Kiri doesn't like Y/N, that doesn't change the fact that she has been disrespectful and catty. So miss Y/N had to put Miss Kiri in her place (•̀ᴗ•́)
Scene two: Yara and Tae at the library
Fanservice. That is all. LMFAOOO y'all reallllyyy wanted it to happen and who am I to deny my people what they want. It was really fun getting to explore my side characters and develop them through interactions outside the two main characters. IRL Yara also mentioned giving bitchin’ Yara and Tae their own chapter as a joke and I was like LOL BET. I fully was going to but then I got the idea for the next scene and was like ahh ok maybe not the whole chapter.
Scene three: Meeting with Erik
So. This was a SUPER last minute decision. Like, it wasn’t until I was writing this chapter that I planned on Erik making an appearance. I saw a tweet with someone saying their bitchin theories and they mentioned Erik appearing out of nowhere and I was like,,, HOLD ON!!!! That could be kind of spicy ≖‿≖ 
I knew for a fact JK was NOT going to be forgiven in this chapter; I needed a way to lay the situation out between the two dorks without trying to seem like I was trying to sway my audience in a way that didn't make sense to the story. Y/N was rightfully angry. But she wasn't only angry about the timing of the sex. She was angry that Jungkook went back to Kiri at all and there was no way she was going to admit that. So who better to lay it all out than calculated, unbiased third party Erik. He deserved some character development after all.
I also liked the idea that Y/N had, in theory, “romantic options.” Losing Jungkook didn’t mean the end of her life. Having my female lead stand on her own was very important to me.
RIGHT OF THE BAT I needed Jungkook to suffer. So that whole scene where he tries to interact with his old group only for his presence to make everything awkward MMMM yes, sweet revenge on my part.
You were surprised. His hair was no longer shaggy and long like you remembered it. Instead, it had been freshly cut, looking healthy and neatly styled for the first time since you met Jungkook.
THE WAY SO MANY PEOPLE COMMENTED ON THIS LINE “but Y/N liked it long?!?”  IS SO FUNNNYyyyy. So let me clarify a thing. Jungkook had always wanted to cut his hair right. The only reason he didn’t was because Y/N told him not to. With Y/N no longer in the picture to convince him out of it, he cut his hair. That’s really all there is to it skfjsjf.
You know, I had written this part around the time I had just finished up the third ch believe it or not. And it was COMPLETELY different. I had it planned that Yara and Y/N ignored him throughout class and Yara had gone back after the bell rang to go verbally assault JK. And as the two hashed it out, only then was that when Jungkook would realize that he liked Y/N after Yara literally spelled it out for him.
“You like her, dumbass!” Was what I had written Yara saying. I really had written him in denial for ten chapters, I was a whole sociopath (╥﹏╥). But ultimately, I decided that Jungkook came to that conclusion on his own and the decision to apologize to Y/N would have been made over winter break.
“You said Kiri came over asking for you back, yet you still came over and slept with me the next day. Even though the two of you had sex the night before. Do you understand how that makes me feel?”
“Like garbage!" You emphasized, the white paint of the door somehow irritating you further. "I felt like I was something you threw away and picked back up whenever you felt like getting your dick wet.”
Your chest was rising and falling rapidly, and you tried your hardest to not let your emotions get the best of you.
“Not to mention to everyone else, it looks like you cheated on me. Which makes me look like a fucking idiot." You scoffed.
Jungkook said nothing in reply, which somehow made it easier to say all you should have said that day in your room.
“It just sucks to realize that someone you once cared about sees you as nothing more than a toy. It fucking sucks.”
Man :( writing this hurt my heart. I really, really, love bitchin!y/n and writing her hurting freaking stinks. But she had to speak her mind. She deserves the chance to get everything off her chest with the way Jungkook hurt her.
Your heart and mind were in constant paradox, torn between wanting him back and wanting him to know just how much he had hurt you. Your mind ultimately won the battle, of course, but as Jungkook stood just a few inches of drywood apart pouring his heart out, it was hard to say which major organ was responsible for your next words.
The creak of the door being pushed open sent Jungkook's eyes wide, revealing your hesitant form. You had your arms crossed over your chest as if to guard the contents inside of it.
You looked like an angel underneath the bathroom's blue fluorescent lights, beautiful and lovely, a stark contrast from your next crushing sentence.
“I slept with Erik.”
Hehe. Ofc my girl Y/N had to have a rebound!!! She knows that life goes on. However, as I wrote in, she definitely regretted it. It was kind of the same situation that Jungkook was in where he pursued something just because it was familiar and a distraction and not because he really wanted it. Both Y/N and Jungkook are flawed characters but that’s okay! If anything, Y/N’s mistake of sleeping with Erik is what allows her to forgive Jungkook. Knowing first hand how complicated their entire relationship really was.
“I don’t need you… but I don’t think I want a life without you.” You finished shyly.
Your eyes were locked with his when suddenly a small noise escaped him, eyes pulling away from yours as his head moved to attempt to hide the way his eyes had grown wet.
I got this line from one of my best friends after her ex broke up with her. It made me physically sad and really sympathize with her so I quickly wrote it down into my notes app to save for later LMAOOOO. Knowing that you are your own person and life will inevitably go on after losing someone, but that your heart still wants and is pleading for the one person you can’t have. SO SAD. I’m happy I got to use this line in one of my fics.
The note Jungkook wrote Y/N,,, imagine him not being able to sleep one night over winter break so he just writes down everything he should have told Y/N while he still had the chance…. I’ll for real cry dude, he’s so cute. Also, the line about him buying you fluffy Halloween socks for Christmas went over people’s heads I think but HECK I THOUGHT THAT WAS SO FUNNY AND SWEET (because Y/N bought Christmas socks when it was Halloween teehee).
"Are you two dorks done crying?" Yara’s voice rang out suddenly, causing both of you to jump apart.
"Yara, you creep! Privacy, dude! Ever try knocking?" You sniffed, wiping at your face hurriedly.
"What? Like you were peeing with Jungkook in the bathroom? Please." She waved you off, walking back into the living room to give you two some privacy. She did say Jungkook had 15 minutes before she’d have to come back in after all. "Anyway, Tae will be over in 10 minutes for the Saved By The Bell marathon that’s on so you guys are more than welcomed to join." She called out from her newly seated position on the couch.
I included this scene with Yara because things were getting too serious for my liking ngl. Plus the idea that the four of them would all come together at the end for a much needed reunion made my happy bitchin heart soar.
Jungkook let out a laugh, his palm finding your cheek, eyes locked on your lips. You were preening for his kiss, mouth parting slightly as you anticipated it.
The question took you by surprise, eyes widening at your not so pretend lover.
“Partners.” You smiled softly, eyes shiny and brimming with tears as he kissed you for what must have been the millionth time, but still somehow felt like the first.
UGH I LOVE THEM I REALLY DO. I was so happy with how this final scene came out :( They’re partners, they really are I miss these boneheads.
Let’s be honest, Jungkook popped the question the day of graduation, he can’t imagine a life in which you wouldn’t be beside him
You said yes (shocker)
Cue Jungkook being the most wonderful partner and respecting your wish to finish your residency program before having the wedding
You absolutely kick ass at being a neonatal surgeon
Also, Jungkook started a film company! It’s small but he loves what he does and works with colleges and helps out the film majors with resources and equipment <3
Yara and your sisters are helping you get ready, with your best friend as the ever so reassuring maid of honor
And by that I mean you’re as calm as a cucumber and Yara is one wrong move away from having a stroke
“Y/N… Don’t freak out....The catering company put in two orders of shrimp instead of chicken and steak.”
“Yara, it’s okay.”
Y/N making Yara take a seat and practice some breathing exercises so she doesn’t upset the baby
Oh yeah, Yara is 10 weeks pregnant
Taehyung is the dad lol
Yara and Taehyung have been together ever since that day at the library hehe <3
They moved in together and adopted a cat and everything (sweet boy Tae wanted a dog but Yara’s afraid of dogs and Tae would do anything for that woman so Yeontan the cat it is)
Yara refuses to put a label on their relationship even after all this time, and Tae doesn’t ask for one. They’re happy and dedicated to each other and don’t feel the need to put pressure on something that’s already so perfect
Yara is actually violently in love with Tae but still scoffs when Y/N tries to bring it up
“Oh my god, you’re so in love with him”
“Huh??? you must be sick or something. Get well soon, damn :/”
Yara likes to come up with different labels for Taehyung every time she has to introduce him. Among her favorites are roommate, rent sharer, baby daddy and penis lender
Speaking of Taehyung, he’d have a hand on Jungkook’s shoulder as he tries to calm down the panicking groom to be
“JK, breathe.”
“What if she doesn’t show up? What if she doesn’t want to marry me? What if I pressured her into this and— and I’ve freaked her out and now she hates me?”
“Dude, you guys have been engaged for eight years. She’s had her opportunity to run. She’ll show up.”
Taehyung scruffing up the younger man’s hair reassuringly, which only flusters him more because DAMMIT he wants to look perfect for you and now his hair is messed up >:(
(You like him no matter what his hair looks like though)
Jungkook literally swallowing down a sob as you walk down the aisle and he lays his eyes on you for the first time
You having a dumb smile on your face the entire walk over because your husband to be is crying and you haven’t even exchanged vows yet
The entire audience going all sobby when you finally do exchange vows because they’re so beautiful and real
The ten years together has not been easy— from financial struggles as you tried to support yourself through med school, to personal conflicts when Jungkook wanted to start a family already
But you guys figured it out
You always do
He’s your person. And you are his.
Y/N’s sisters Rosa and Lia are a WRECK— even your dad is tearing up
Your family loves Jungkook and have been counting down the days until you guys married, let’s be honest
“You may now kiss the bride.”
Jungkook punching the air with a “FINALLY!” before kissing the hell out of you
The cutting of the cake inevitably turning into a food fight
The shrimp entrees turning out to be pretty damn good
Yara catching the bouquet and wagging her brows at Taehyung suggestively
Jungkook pulling you aside to take photos of you outside the venue because you look so so pretty and he loves the way you smile when he’s the one behind the camera
The party is in full session, your siblings tearing up the dance floor like the extroverts they are
You and Jungkook are sat at the head of the room, hands intertwined underneath the table as you watch a tired and painfully sober Yara swing her bare feet onto Taehyung’s lap, requesting a foot rub
Watching your pregnant best friend and her lover together, you turned towards your own, smile impossibly wide
“Let’s have a baby.” You’d grin, so stupid happy
Jungkook’s eyes going round and immediately jumping up from his seat because god that’s all he’s ever wanted
Being tugged out the room by a giddy Jungkook, one of your heels flinging off somewhere behind you.
“What’s happening? Where are we going?!”
The two of you find yourself in a storage room somewhere on the hotel floor
“Jeon Jungkook, what the hell—“
His mouth find yourself, kissing you in a way that couldn’t at the altar
You kissed him back without questions, arms wrapping around the man you now called your husband
“I love you.” He’d sigh into your neck, his hot breath causing you to shiver
“I love you too.”
“Let’s make a baby.”
“Yeah let’s— wait, right here? Right now?!”
Jungkook merely nodding as his mouth found the exposed skin of your chest
“Meathead, we can’t just ditch our wedding to have sex!”
“Why not? We did our marital duties. Now it’s our guests' job to get embarrassingly drunk and make a fool of themselves on the dance floor. No one will even miss us.”
“Isn’t baby making what our honeymoon is for?”
“Screw that. I’ve done my waiting. Let’s start our family, nerd.”
Jungkook kissing your protests silent before you inevitably give in and let him take you right there and then, your wedding dress hung around your hips
Husband and wife coming together with shaky breaths and hushed moans as they promise the rest of their lives to each other, making every argument, struggle or moment of uncertainty leading up to now totally worth it
Walk of shame back into the party with nervous hair fixing from you and a proud grin from Jungkook
Yara figuring out exactly why you two had sneaked off to, flashing the newly weds a knowing smirk
The night of your wedding, Jungkook surprises you with a present
You unwrap it in confusion, only to see that it’s a glass frame and inside of it is the wrinkled and worn out lined paper the two of you had scribbled on many many years ago
Jungkook hangs up the contract right above your bed as per your request, smiling as he does and jumping on him the moment he puts down the hammer bc dammit it you’re too heckin excited to make love with your sentimental loser of a husband
And yes, by the next month, you are pregnant and incredibly happy
And of course, your daughter and Yara’s son grow up to be best friends, not a family holiday passing by where they aren’t told the story of the totally bitchin’ way both set of their parents got together
1K notes · View notes
myonechicagoworld · 3 years
Kelly Severide: A promotion, huh?
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Tara Little: You need to stay away.
Kelly Severide: You get a promotion, and meanwhile, I could go to
Tara Little: Get away.
Kelly Severide: They’re talking about filing criminal charges. Why
                           the hell are you doing this? I didn’t do a damn
                           thing to you.
Tara Little: I said to stay away.
Man 1 (Shopper): Are you okay, ma’am?
Kelly Severide: She’s fine.
Man 1 (Shopper): Ma’am?
Kelly Severide: We both know nothing happened that night.
Man 1 (Shopper): Hey.
Kelly Severide: Tara!
                                        [car door shuts]
Matt Casey: I have a request.
Hallie Thomas: Yeah? What’s that?
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Matt Casey: [groans]
Hallie Thomas: Jeez.
Matt Casey: We don’t move from this spot for the entire day.
                                        [kissing sound]
Hallie Thomas: And you skip your shift?
Matt Casey: Hmm? I’ll just have truck pick me up here if we get any
Hallie Thomas: Tsk. I don’t think these boxers are going to stand up
                           against a fire.
Matt Casey: I’ll just call out orders from this spot. “Cruz, grab a 2 ½.
                     Mouch put down the sandwich.”
                                         [kissing sound]
Hallie Thomas: At 24 hours and 1 minute, I wanna be right back
Matt Casey: Deal.
                                        [car door shuts]
                                         [kissing sound]
Matt Casey: See you later.
Peter Mills: I’m happy for ‘em.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, me too.
Peter Mills: Are you?
Gabby Dawson: Without a doubt, yes.
                                [Mills & Dawson chuckles]
Peter Mills: Good.
                    So, um, this might be a weird time but um… I was just
                    thinking this whole two rent thing, it’s… it’s crazy.
Gabby Dawson: The two rent thing?
Peter Mills: I mean, you know, you’re basically living with me
                    already, and we don’t call each other to say, “Hey, I
                    mean are you home yet?” So… how about I give you
                    a key, we make it official, you move in? I realise…
                    that was the complete opposite of being romantic.
Gabby Dawson: No, no.
Peter Mills: No, look, I know I’m really, really bad at this. I-I keep
                    beating around the bush all the time. Look, I love you.
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Gabby Dawson: Uh…
Peter Mills: I think we should live together.
Gabby Dawson: I’m…
Peter Mills: Oh, God. God, that was awful. That was really awful.
Gabby Dawson: [chuckles] Yeah, it was.
Peter Mills: Look, take the time you need to think about it. Let me
                    know. No pressure.
Joe Cruz: [groans]
Christopher Herrmann: All right, hey! Peter Mills, hurry up! ‘Cause I
                                         gotta take your money after I finish with
                                         Cruz here.
Peter Mills: [sighs] Okay, duty calls.
Leslie Shay: What up, sunshine?
                                     [station alert and buzzes]
                                         [ambo door closes]
(Over PA): Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61. Building collapse, 800
                  South Carpenter Street.
                                             [sirens wail]
                                           [horn honking]
Leslie Shay: He loves you. That’s great news, right?
Gabby Dawson: I don’t know.
Leslie Shay: Out with it. What?
Gabby Dawson: I… [groans]
                            I still haven’t come clean with him about Boden
                            and his mom. And it just… it feels like this dark
                            cloud hanging over us.
Leslie Shay: Over you, you mean?
Gabby Dawson: Well, to be fair, yes.
Leslie Shay: Okay. So repeat after me. “It’s not my business.”
Gabby Dawson: Shay.
Leslie Shay: I’m serious. That is between Boden and what’s her
Gabby Dawson: I just feel guilty is all I’m saying. A lie of omission is
                            still a lie. And if we’re gonna be getting this
                                     [sirens continue to wail]
                                     [indistinct radio chatter]
                                    [background commotion]
Police Officer (Jim Barnes): Chief. All the schools are on spring
                                                break, big party. We were here on
                                                D&D when we saw the whole thing
                                                collapse, one porch on top of
Police Officer (Nicole Sermons): There’s at least a dozen trapped.
                                                       Just tell us where you need us,
Chief Boden: Get the surface victims first. Set up cribbing columns.
                        K-12, sawzalls to cut away the timber.
                        (into radio) Battalion 25 to Dispatch, we have a three-
                        story deck collapse, multiple victims. Give me an
                        EMS Plan 2 and two extra truck companies for
Dispatch: (over radio) Copy that.
Woman 1: No! No, God! Oh, God.
Chief Boden: Ma’am?
Woman 1: Oh!
Chief Boden: Ma’am, stay back. Come back, come on.
Woman 1: No, let me go. Let me go!
Chief Boden: Okay. Look at me.
Woman 1: No.
Chief Boden: Look at me, look at me. We are gonna do everything
                       in our power to help your friend.
Woman 1: Paul. His name is Paul. He’s my fiancé. Tell me he’s not
                  dead. We were just talking [cries]
Chief Boden: Okay, Katie.
Woman 1 (Katie): [sobbing] No.
Chief Boden: I need you to listen to me.
Woman 1 (Katie): [sobbing] No. Please don’t say it.
Chief Boden: Katie, he’s gone. He’s gone, he’s gone.
Woman 1 (Katie): [sobs] No!
Chief Boden: Katie, you gotta stop. You gotta stop.
Woman 1 (Katie): [sobs] No!
Chief Boden: Okay?
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Woman 1 (Katie): [grunts]
                                       [slapping sound]
Woman 1 (Katie): You did nothing! [cries]
                              You did nothing! [cries]
                                        - title screen -
                             [victims yelling in background]
Victim 1: [sobs]
Joe Cruz: I got one!
Victim 1: [sobs] I’m gonna die.
Gabby Dawson: You are not gonna die, ma’am.
                            You are not gonna die.
Firefighters: Watch that.
                      Yeah, I’ll get it.
                      You got it?
Gabby Dawson: She’s got an impalement in her chest and lots of
                            blood. We gotta get her free enough to transport
                            her and this piece of wood.
Victim 1: I can’t breathe.
Peter Mills: Take slow breaths, okay? Slow breaths. Slow breaths,
                     all right?
Police Officer (Jim Barnes): Hey. We got one.
Leslie Shay: We need some more hands!
Victim 1: I’m not gonna… I’m not gonna… I’m not gonna…
Gabby Dawson: Hey, what’s your name?
Victim 1: Valerie.
Gabby Dawson: Valerie, you’re gonna make it. You have to believe
                            that, okay?
Victim 1 (Valerie): Don’t lie to me. You’re not telling me how bad it
Peter Mills: Okay.
Kelly Severide: Okay, Valerie. Keep still.
Victim: [whimpers]
                                       [saw whirring]
Victim 1 (Valerie): Aah!
Kelly Severide: All right, clear.
Gabby Dawson: All right, let’s get her on the backboard! Now!
                                         [siren wails]
                              [monitor beeping slowly]
Gabby Dawson: Heart rate’s dropping.
                                  [monitor flat-lines]
Gabby Dawson: She’s crashing, Shay!
Leslie Shay: (into radio) 61 to Lakeshore, we’re coming in hot with a
                     trauma victim. 20 years old, impalement injury,
                     respirations are dropping.
Dispatcher: (over radio) Copy that.
Gabby Dawson: [heavy breathing] Come on.
Hallie Thomas: I need a crash cart. Call for respiratory and blood.
                          Let’s hang units of o-negative. Let’s get x-ray and
                          CT standing by.
                          Push an epi now.
                                      [pumping ambu bag]
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Hallie Thomas: Stop compressions.
                          We got a pulse! Let’s get her into trauma! Let’s go!
                          Nice work, Dawson.
Leslie Shay: Wow.
                                            [truck beeps]
Mouch: Could’ve been a hell of a lot worse. Two DOAs and I bet we
              saved a dozen or more.
Joe Cruz: That right there is what it’s all about.
                                        [Japanese on TV]
Christopher Herrmann: All right.
Otis Zvonecek: What are you doing?
Christopher Herrmann: I’m supposed to speak to Luke’s class
                                        about fire safety. So I’m gonna rig one side
                                        of the house with flammable materials and
                                        then the other side with flame-resistant
                                        type stuff. Then, I’m going to demonstrate
                                        the difference. Kids are gonna love it.
Otis Zvonecek: Oh. What could possibly go wrong?
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Joe Cruz: Guys, guys, I have an announcement to make. Please, I
                  need everybody’s attention. Today, I came across
                  something so upsetting that it literally shook me to the
                  core. I was in the laundry room. I was pulling my stuff
                  from the washer to the dryer, and I discovered these left
Everyone: Oh!
Christopher Herrmann: Don’t look at me. I’ve been a fruit of the
                                         loom man since 1975.
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Mouch: 20 bucks to whoever finds the owner.
Joe Cruz: Lieutenant!
                                   [roaring with laughter]
Joe Cruz: No!
Matt Casey: First, they ain’t mine. Second, these don’t come down
                      until the owner steps forward. I can’t unsee this.
                      Someone has to pay.
Otis Zvonecek: He who smelt it hath dealt it.
Joe Cruz: You’re nuts. Those look like something that a Russian
                  would wear on his wedding night.
Otis Zvonecek: They’re not mine, but I will put my money on Capp.
Mouch: Keep deflecting, Otis. That’s a good strategy.
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Otis Zvonecek: Oh! Whoa! Whoa!
                               [dog whimpering and barking]
                                    [extinguisher spraying]
Christopher Herrmann: Maybe I’ll just let the kids wear the oxygen
                                    [extinguisher blows]
Woman 2: Excuse me?
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah.
Woman 2: Hi. Uh, I was wondering, um, do you guys allow kids in
                  here to take a picture on a truck or something?
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah, of course we do. Where are the kids?
Woman 2: Oh. Um, I’m just checking. Some other time.
Christopher Herrmann: Okay.
Chief Boden: You confronted her in a parking lot.
                                          [water running]
Kelly Severide: I’m facing criminal charges. Damn right I confronted
Chief Boden: You are not helping yourself.
Kelly Severide: Chief, I did nothing wrong.
Chief Boden: You did today. You strengthened her case.
Kelly Severide: Whose side are you on?
Chief Boden: I am trying to help you here.
Kelly Severide: Well, it doesn’t feel like it. I’ll handle this myself,
Chief Boden: No, no. You contact her again, you go within 100 feet
                       of her, you will force me to take away your Squad.
Kelly Severide: That’s your way of helping?
Chief Boden: Yes.
Otis Zvonecek: Hey, Chief. Taking bets on the red skivvies from the
                           laundry. You interested?
Gabby Dawson: My dad used to tell me, “You have a choice. You
                            can either choose to be in a bad mood…”
Leslie Shay: Right.
Gabby Dawson: “Or you can decide to be happy.”
Leslie Shay: Where is this going?
Gabby Dawson: Uh, at first, I… I wasn’t sure about Mills, right? Was
                            he too young? Was I just rebounding? Did we
                            move too fast? But then I realised, damn it, he’s
                            good to me. Be happy.
Leslie Shay: So you love him ‘cause you choose to?
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Gabby Dawson: [laughs] No. Because I do.
Leslie Shay: Aw. My little Dawson’s all grown up.
Gabby Dawson: Oh, shut up.
Leslie Shay: What about the mom thing?
Gabby Dawson: I don’t know.
                                    [ambo door shuts]
                                [station alert & buzzes]
(Over PA): Ambulance 61. Man down from unknown causes.
Gabby Dawson: Looks like it’s one of those days.
                                        [siren wails]
                         [thunder rumbling, siren blares]
Gabby Dawson: Hey there, bud. How you doing?
                            His pulse is fast. Let’s sit him down and check his
                            heart rate. Come on.
                            All right.
Leslie Shay: Oh.
Gabby Dawson: Here we go, bud. All right.
Leslie Shay: Okay… Virgilio Ventura. Welcome back, pal.
Victim 2 (Virgilio): [groans]
Gabby Dawson: You had a couple cocktails today?
Leslie Shay: No, I think something a little heavier. What’s your
                      flavour, Virg? A little H?
                      Huh. He’s clean. What’s up with you, buddy?
Gabby Dawson: Okay.
                                    [monitor beeping rapidly]
Gabby Dawson: His heart rate’s racing at 150. He’s in SVT. We’re
                            gonna lose him if we don’t stabilise his rhythm.
                                             [shirt ripping]
Gabby Dawson: Cardioverting at 100. Stand back.
Leslie Shay: Dawson, wait! His ears. Look at his ears. Look.
Gabby Dawson: Shay, he’s got an electrical burn.
                                           [clothes ripping]
Leslie Shay: His shoe’s missing. It’s a third degree burn. He’s got
                     an exit wound.
Gabby Dawson: He was hit by lightning. We can’t shock him. His
                            heart’s had too much trauma. 6 mils of adenosine.
Leslie Shay: Yeah, yeah!
                                   [monitor continues beeping]
Gabby Dawson: Hang in there. Hang in there.
Leslie Shay: Okay.
                      Ready when you are. On three. One, two, push.
                                          [monitor flatlines]
Victim 2 (Virgilio): [gasps]
Leslie Shay: Okay, it bought us some time. Let’s get him out of
                                        [thunder in distance]
Christopher Herrmann: What is it?
Chief Boden: Ah, nothing. Rough shift.
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah.
                                            [car door shuts]
Christopher Herrmann: Hey, what are you doing for dinner tonight?
                                         I’m doing all the cooking now that Cindy’s
                                         in the home stretch. So it’s either gonna
                                         be pizza or steak. It’s your call.
Chief Boden: Well, I can never turn down a Herrmann steak.
Christopher Herrmann: All right. Great.
                                         Bring the beer, all right?
Chief Boden: I will.
Christopher Herrmann: All right.
Chief Boden: Thanks.
Peter Mills: Hey! Excuse me, Chief! Um, I was wondering, can I pick
                     up a couple shifts next week? Maybe pull 48?
                     These-These Squad classes are breaking the
                      bank, so… I just need the extra money.
Chief Boden: What did your Lieutenant say?
Peter Mills: Check with you.
Chief Boden: Well, we can make that happen.
Peter Mills: Yeah?
Chief Boden: I’ll talk to second watch.
Peter Mills: Thank you.
Chief Boden: Okay.
Kelly Severide: I’m not exactly one to sit on my hands, you know.
Leslie Shay: Yeah, well, you shouldn’t.
Kelly Severide: Yeah, well, that’s not what the CFD is advising.
                           I’m running out of options here, Shay.
Leslie Shay: I’m telling you, the more I think about it, the more I
                     think that she targeted you specifically. She knew
                     your background, and she took what, all of two
                     seconds to start flirting up a storm? Anyone do a
                     background check on her?
Kelly Severide: I’ve-I’ve been on my heels this whole time, no.
Leslie Shay: Yeah, exactly. It’s time to turn it around, go on the
                                       [car door shuts]
                                        [engine starts]
Gabby Dawson: You thinking about jumping?
Peter Mills: Hey.
Gabby Dawson: Hey.
Peter Mills: You made it.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, bearing carbs.
Peter Mills: I see.
Gabby Dawson: Hey.
                                         [kissing sound]
Gabby Dawson: What is it?
Peter Mills: You never answered my question. I know that I’m… I’m
                     moving too fast. I…
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Gabby Dawson: Peter. I love you too.
Peter Mills: Really?
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, really.
Peter Mills: [chuckles]
Gabby Dawson: I just got one question for you. Am I gonna have to
                            borrow Antonio’s pickup, or are you gonna help me
Peter Mills: I will help you move.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, that’s what I thought.
                                        [kissing sounds]
Antonio Dawson: Hey.
Kelly Severide: Hey, man. Thanks for meeting me.
Antonio Dawson: You sure you know what you’re doing?
Kelly Severide: Tsk. Like I told you on the phone, I’m-I’m feeling out
                           of options.
Antonio Dawson: Well, it might be worse than you think. I called the
                               Assistant State’s Attorney. That Rutkowski’s
                               testimony landed, and they won’t be accused of
                               playing favourites for a firefighter. They’re gonna
                               approve criminal charges. I ran a background
                               check on Tara Little. She worked at an ad
                               agency. There were criminal charges filed and
                               then withdrawn.
Kelly Severide: Against her?
Antonio Dawson: No. A fellow employee there named Clay White.
                              There’s an address in there.
Kelly Severide: I appreciate it.
Antonio Dawson: If I was smart, I’d tell you to let a lawyer handle it
                              from here.
                                          [bell chimes]
Man 2: May I help you?
Kelly Severide: Are you Clay White?
Man 2 (Clay White): I am.
Kelly Severide: I was told to talk to you about Tara Little.
Man 2 (Clay White): A-Anything you wanna say about her, you can
                                 tell my lawyer. Now get the hell out.
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Kelly Severide: It’s… it’s not like that. I-I need your help.
Man 2 (Clay White): I was a mid-level executive at Ramsey-Cole, a
                                  high-end ad agency on Michigan Avenue. Tara
                                  was one of 20 graphic designers we had on
                                  staff. Tara and I had hit it off. Was it
                                  inappropriate? She was game, and I wasn’t
                                  married. It was all consensual. We had some
                                  fun but went in different directions, ended
                                  totally civil. Then we lost an account. The
                                  rumour mill started flying about downsizing.
                                  Next thing I know, Tara makes a claim, says I
                                  took advantage of her, it was a hostile working
                                  environment. I was fired and ostracised by the
                                  whole industry.
                                  I’ve got an MBA [chuckles]
                                  And this is what I do to pay my mortgage. She
                                  got a nice settlement from what I heard.
Kelly Severide: Sounds familiar. Would you consider coming
Man 2 (Clay White): I signed a non-disclosure agreement, so she’d
                                  drop the criminal charges.
Kelly Severide: You didn’t answer my question.
Hallie Thomas: Let me take a look at him
Patient (Miranda): [winces]
Hallie Thomas: Wow. What happened?
Patient (Miranda): [sighs] I was texting on my phone, and I walked
                                into a damn tree.
Hallie Thomas: Oh, that’s a new one. All right, I’m gonna walk you
                          back to a bed, where we can get that thumb set.
                          You can walk with me?
Patient (Miranda): Yeah.
Hallie Thomas: No texting while you do it.
Hallie Thomas: One sec.
                                       [door buzzes]
Hallie Thomas: Hey.
Matt Casey: You used to always drop by the firehouse with lunch,
                      so… I’m returning the favour, if you have time.
Doctor (Margaret): Got you covered.
Hallie Thomas: Come on.
                                       [door buzzes]
Hallie Thomas: I’ll show you around.
Matt Casey: Okay.
Hallie Thomas: We have five beds. But we can stuff eight in here if
                           we need to.
Matt Casey: All right.
Hallie Thomas: Um, a couple of visitation rooms, a couple of
                          offices. There’s where we keep the meds. This is
                          our bathroom. One bathroom, mind you, for all of
                          us, including the patients.
Man 3: Hallie.
Hallie Thomas: Oh, Steven Goody. He started the clinic. This is
                           my… this is Matt.
Man 3 (Steven Goody): Hey. Nice to meet you.
                                        Listen, Hallie, do you think you could help
                                        us out on Sunday, maybe, uh, noon to
                                        5:00-ish? Dr. Arend can’t make it.
Hallie Thomas: Yeah, I think so. I just have to check my schedule
                           over at Lakeshore.
Man 3 (Steven Goody): Great. Just let me know, okay?
                                        Nice to meet you, Matt.
Matt Casey: You too.
Hallie Thomas: One sec.
                                          [door buzzes]
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Hallie Thomas: Huh. That’s weird.
Woman 3 (Bridgette): What?
Hallie Thomas: Uh, well…
Woman 3 (Bridgette): Oh, yeah, I know about this. I’ll take care of it.
Hallie Thomas: Okay.
Matt Casey: Everything good?
Hallie Thomas: Yeah. I’m starving. Let’s go.
Matt Casey: You really like it here?
Hallie Thomas: Yes. When I was away, I remembered why I got into
                           medicine in the first place. I remembered a lot of
                           things I wanted to reclaim for myself when I
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                                    [overlapping chatter]
                              [video game in background]
Christopher Herrmann: All right.
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Herrmann Kids: Look it, look, look, right there.
Christopher Herrmann: I won! Yes! Turn that thing up. Screw the
                                         neighbours [chuckles]
Chief Boden: Uh, uh, no, no. Doing the dishes is my specialty.
Cindy Herrmann: You’re sweet, Wallace.
Chief Boden: Anyway, ain’t you supposed to be in bed?
Cindy Herrmann: You think I’m going to trust Chris alone with those
Herrmann & Boden: [laughs]
Chief Boden: Get outta here.
Boden & Cindy: [chuckles]
                                     [glass bottles clinking]
Christopher Herrmann: So?
Chief Boden: So?
                       Okay. I, uh… I think I’m losing the respect of an
                        important man in the house.
Christopher Herrmann: Severide?
Chief Boden: Between this Benny and this Tara thing… I think he
                       thinks I’m the bad guy here.
Christopher Herrmann: Eh. What’s that you always say? “Leaders
                                         lead from the front.”
Chief Boden: Yeah. Sounds like me.
Christopher Herrmann: Up front can be lonely, that’s for sure.
                                        But… it goes with the territory, don’t it?
Chief Boden: Yeah. Thanks.
                                       [bottles clink]
Chief Boden: Again.
Matt Casey: Otis. Ready to lay claim to your undies?
Otis Zvonecek: Yeah, you wish.
Mouch: Just come clean, Otis. No one will judge you. This is a safe
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Otis Zvonecek: [sighs] You know what? No. I-I can’t stand to look
                           at these another shift.
All: Oh!
Mouch: That’s it. Now I know they’re yours.
                             [station alert blares & buzzes]
(Over PA): Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61. Vehicle accident.
                                        [sirens wailing]
                                         [horn honking]
Woman 4 (Bystander): The Taurus there was just pulling out of the
                                       hotel parking lot, when, bam! The trailblazer
                                       hit it straight on.
Matt Casey: Thank you.
Kelly Severide: We’re on the trailblazer.
                           He’s DOA.
                                           [indistinct chatter]
Matt Casey: Ma’am, try not to move until we get you collared and
Victim 3 (Lady): I need the report to say we’re just co-workers, and
                           we were coming from a lunch when that jackass hit
Matt Casey: We don’t report that kind of stuff, ma’am.
Victim 3 (Lady): I gotta get out of here.
Matt Casey: Ma’am, you need to remain still.
                      I need that collar!
Peter Mills: Here you go, Lieutenant.
Matt Casey: Thanks.
Chief Boden: (into radio) Struts, wedges, and cribbing. Stabilise that
                       car so you can get that woman out.
Kelly Severide: You heard him. Get that cribbing in place. Capp,
                           centre part!
                                        [glass shattering]
Kelly Severide: Get it piped down. How are we on the other side?
                                         [metal clanging]
Joe Cruz: Almost there.
Chief Boden: Good. Let’s cut that roof away.
                                        [machine whirring]
Kelly Severide: Watch for sparks.
                           Roof’s clear.
Christopher Herrmann: C-collar.
Leslie Shay: Copy that. Flying in.
Kelly Severide: All right, you ready?
Leslie Shay: Take her out as straight as possible.
Victim 3 (Lady): Where are you taking me?
Gabby Dawson: Lakeshore.
Victim 3 (Lady): Will you call my husband and tell him you found me
                           by myself?
Gabby Dawson: Ma’am, you’re gonna have to take that up with the
                            doctors at the hospital.
Victim 4 (Man): [groans]
Kelly Severide: Hey, I’m gonna need you to cover for me for an hour
                           when we get back to the station.
Harold Capp: You got it.
Tara Little: You’re supposed to stay away from me.
Kelly Severide: Am I?
Tara Little: [scoffs] You’re finished. You hear me? I am about to
                   scream so loud.
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Man 2 (Clay White): Hi, Tara.
Tara Little: [scoffs] He can’t. He signed…
Kelly Severide: A non-disclosure and confidentiality agreement?
                          What else can you take away from him? I checked
                          with the union attorney, and it turns out in cases of
                          fraud, the courts don’t care much about those
Tara Little: Fraud?
Kelly Severide: Maybe we take you to criminal court, get testimony
                          on the record or you retract your lie, quit this job.
                          We never see each other again.
Woman 2: Excuse me.
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah.
Woman 2: Hi. Um, I was the one that asked about the pictures.
Christopher Herrmann: Aw, yeah, of course. How are you?
Woman 2: Hi.
Christopher Herrmann: Hey.
Woman 2: Uh, this is my husband, Roger…
Christopher Herrmann: Hey Roger.
Man 4 (Roger): Hey.
Woman 2: And our daughter, Charlotte.
Christopher Herrmann: Aw.
Woman 2: Would you mind?
Christopher Herrmann: Naw, no. No problem at all. Come on
                                        Charlotte. I’ll show you around here.
                                        Come on.
                                        How old is she now?
Joe Cruz: One, two, three.
Woman 2: Uh, 12.
Christopher Herrmann: That’s incredible.
Joe Cruz: Tighter, tighter.
Woman 2: Yeah, plus today is her birthday. So here we are. She’s
                   really something.
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah.
Joe Cruz: Hey, one more. Let’s do one more. Everybody smile…
                  hold it.
Christopher Herrmann: Hey, do you have a few minutes. Because I
                                        think we can do something a little better
                                        than a couple of photos.
Joe Cruz: Great.
Woman 2: Sure.
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah? All right.
Woman 2: [laughs]
Joe Cruz: Get in there.
Woman 2: Okay.
Christopher Herrmann: Hey, Chief. We got a kid’s birthday party in
                                        the common room, and they’d like to see
Chief Boden: You tell little Danny or Billy or Leo happy birthday for
                        me, but I have a mountain of paperwork that I need
                        to get through.
Christopher Herrmann: This one’s important, Chief.
Chief Boden: Okay, where are the other kids?
Christopher Herrmann: Well, it’s not that kind of party, Chief.
Joe Cruz: Later I’ll grab all the guys from the truck, take a picture
Chief Boden: Hey.
Girl (Charlotte): Are you Chief Boden?
Chief Boden: Yes I am. And are you the birthday girl?
Girl (Charlotte): Yeah.
Chief Boden: And um, what’s your name?
Girl (Charlotte): Charlotte.
Chief Boden: Charlotte. And how old are you, Charlotte?
Girl (Charlotte): 12.
Chief Boden: Well, Charlotte, happy birthday [chuckles]
Girl (Charlotte): Do you recognise me?
Chief Boden: Um, I’m… I’m sorry. No, I don’t.
Girl (Charlotte): 12 years ago today, I was left on the doorstep of
                            this firehouse. He said you were the fireman
                            who found me.
Chief Boden: I always wondered what happened to you.
Girl (Charlotte): I was adopted. I live in Indiana now.
Chief Boden: Look at you. Don’t you look great?
Woman 2: She’s always wanted the truth.
Girl (Charlotte): When my mom and dad told me where I came
                           from, I had to come here.
Chief Boden: And I am very glad that you did.
Girl (Charlotte): Thank you.
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Chief Boden: No, thank you, Charlotte. ‘Cause you have made this
                       Chief… a very happy man today.
Christopher Herrmann: Okay. Here we go.
All: Happy birthday to you; Happy birthday to you; Happy birthday
       dear Charlotte; Happy birthday to you.
                                [applause and cheering]
Otis Zvonecek: You’ll still pay a $20 bounty on these briefs?
Mouch: If you’re ready to admit they’re yours.
Otis Zvonecek: You wanna know something curious? I looked at
                           the tag here. Interesting that they’re a Japanese
                           brand of underwear not sold in the United States.
                           Japanese. The same language you’ve been
Mouch: That… that doesn’t…
Otis Zvonecek: Japanese. The same proverbs you’ve been
                           spouting for weeks, one of which you used to
                           fleece me out of 20 bones.
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Mouch: Fine.
Otis Zvonecek: [chuckles] Thank you… very much.
Mouch: [sighs] Go ahead. Go, tell everyone. Get a good laugh.
Otis Zvonecek: Oh, I will. I will.
Mouch: I’ve been dating a Japanese woman. I’m doing everything I
              can to impress her, because quite frankly, I’m not getting
              any younger. Now, she mailed me the underwear as a gift.
              So that’s a good sign, right?
Otis Zvonecek: Wait, wait. Mailed? From where?
Mouch: Well, we’ve been uh… our relationship is, uh… we haven’t
              actually met yet.
Otis Zvonecek: An Internet girlfriend.
Mouch: I’ve talked to her on the phone…
Otis Zvonecek: Hmm.
Mouch: A lot.
Otis Zvonecek: Right, right. How much have you spent on her?
Mouch: Eh, not much.
             Yeah a little.
Otis Zvonecek: [chuckles]
Mouch: Please don’t bust my balls on this, Otis.
Chief Boden: Hey, just the man I was coming to find. I don’t know if
                       you’ve heard, but miraculously, Tara Little has quit the
                       fire service and recanted her testimony against you.
Kelly Severide: Did she?
Chief Boden: What’d you do?
Kelly Severide: Well, I-I…
Chief Boden: You know what? I’d rather not know.
Kelly Severide: It was on the up-and-up, Chief. I promise you that.
Chief Boden: Kelly. Throughout all this, never doubted you. I want
                        you to know that. Just had to be a Chief.
Kelly Severide: I know. I appreciate it.
Gabby Dawson: Can we talk?
Peter Mills: Yeah.
Gabby Dawson: Uh, not here.
Peter Mills: Yeah.
Gabby Dawson: Apparently, it happened during a time when your
                            mom and dad were already separated. Boden 
                            and Ingrid got together, but Boden backed away
                            as soon as he found out that your dad and mom
                            might reconcile. And I didn’t know what to do
                            with the information. And I didn’t think that it
                            was my place to tell you, so I just sat on it. But
                             the more I thought about how close you were 
                             getting, the more I thought that maybe I should-I
                             should just tell you, so…
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Peter Mills: Boden and my mom? [sighs]
                    And you knew about this how long?
Gabby Dawson: Since the big banquet.
Peter Mills: [sighs]
Gabby Dawson: Look, I know I should’ve told you sooner. I know it.
                            But you have to see it from my point of view.
Peter Mills: Oh, do I? Is that what I need to do, Dawson?
Gabby Dawson: Peter, I’m sorry. If I’d have known you’d have this
                            kind of reaction, I would’ve just come right home
                            and told you then.
Peter Mills: But you didn’t, okay?
Gabby Dawson: I didn’t know.
Peter Mills: Yeah. I need to be alone.
                                [station alarm buzzes & blares]
(Over PA): Truck 81, Squad 3, Engine 51, Ambulance 61. Building
                   fire, 3331 West Halsted Road.
Matt Casey: That’s Hallie’s clinic.
                                        [horn honking]
                                        [sirens wailing]
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Matt Casey: Oh God.
                                   [indistinct radio chatter]
Kelly Severide: Let’s go! Why aren’t those hydrants open yet?
Christopher Herrmann: We’re gonna need this vented. Get that
                                         aerial to the roof.
Police Officer (Nicole Sermons): My partner, Barnes, he went in
                                                       further. He found a woman, but he
                                                       couldn’t get to her.
Matt Casey: Hey. Back door is there.
Kelly Severide: Fan out! Look for victims. I’ll stick with Casey.
Police Officer (Jim Barnes): [coughs] I couldn’t reach her!
Matt Casey: Where?
Police Officer (Jim Barnes): [coughs]
Matt Casey: Get him out of here!
Police Officer (Jim Barnes): [coughing]
                                     [siren wailing]
Police Officer (Jim Barnes): [groans]
                               [ambulance beeping]
                                    [car door shuts]
Kelly Severide: Fire department! Call out!
Matt Casey: Hallie!
                               [metal cage shaking]
Matt Casey: Hallie!
Chief Boden: (into radio) This is an oven. Everyone out!
                                  [metal clanging]
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Mouch: Hallie’s in there.
Police Officer (Jim Barnes): Who?
Leslie Shay: His girl.
Matt Casey: Hallie!
Chief Boden: (into radio) Casey, where are you?
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Matt Casey: No! No! No!
                     [whimpers & groans]
                                  [wood creaking & splitting]
Chief Boden: (into radio) Casey, where the hell are you?
                       (into radio) Casey. Casey!
                                       [explosion continues]
Chief Boden: (into radio) Talk to me. Where the hell are you?
Kelly Severide: We got her! We’re coming out!
Chief Boden: [sighs]
Gabby Dawson: Get oxygen on her and into the ambulance now.
Police Officer (Jim Barnes): We’ll lead the way.
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Matt Casey: I’m coming.
                                        [ambo door shuts]
                                             [sirens wail]
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Matt Casey: [heavy breathing] Breathe, Hallie. Breathe.
                      Damn it, baby. Breathe.
                      Come on! Breathe.
                      Breathe. Damn it, girl.
                                      [ambo door shuts]
                                        [sombre music]
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Matt Casey: [sniffles]
                     No! [sobs & wails]
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                                              - end -
D&D = Drunk and Disorderly
K-12 = Fire/Rescue saw. It can be used for forcible entry, ventilation, USAR (Urban Search and Rescue – technical rescue operation that involves the location, extrication, and initial medical stabilisation of victims trapped in an urban area, namely structural collapse due to natural disasters, mines and collapsed trenches), RIC (Rapid Intervention Crew - team of two or more firefighters dedicated solely to the search and rescue of other firefighters in distress), and vehicle extrication
Sawzall = Term often used to describe any brand of reciprocating saw. These saws cut in a back and forth motion, similar to a handsaw that’s just downed four espressos
EMS Plan 2 = 5 Ambulances, 1 Paramedic Field Chief, 1 Deputy District Chief, 1 Command Van, 1 Triage Van, Media Affairs Unit
SVT = Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) is a condition where your heart suddenly beats much faster than normal
Cardioverting = An electrical cardioversion is a treatment which aims to get your abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia) back to a normal pattern. It’s done by sending controlled electric signals to your heart through electrodes placed on the chest
Adenosine = Used to bring your heart back into a normal rhythm
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lovetorn · 4 years
the one where roman is your stubborn ex-boyfriend
Roman Godfrey x Witch!Reader
Summary: You try to warn Roman about Miranda, but will he listen? Warnings: Swearing, mentions of blood Word Count: 2.6k A/N: i love roman godfrey. also can i just say i have no idea what this is like it was gonna be 8k words but turned out a lot shorter because i lost motivation tbh and didn’t know where to go with it; this also ends very abruptly so i’m really sorry about that. may write a part 2 but idk yet hehehe. also, i changed the show plot slightly to fit my fic :)
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“Have you heard?” 
The sound of Destiny’s voice over the phone scares you slightly. After her dramatic bitch session over the girl Peter had been fucking, she stopped for a long pause, returning to the phone with a solemn tone. 
“No? Heard about what?” You answer. 
“She’s fucking him too.” Of course she is, or should you say, he is. Rolling your eyes, you sigh deeply down the line, “what like an orgy?” 
“No, like one of those relationships with three people? Uh, polyamorous?” You groan, “Spare me the details, D.” Destiny’s glamorous laugh echoes into your ear, and you can’t help but smile. 
“Please come over!” Destiny begs, her voice still full of laughter as you tell her ‘fine’ before you hang up. You bask in the morning sun that peers through the curtains of your apartment for a moment before you get moving. 
Opening the front door of Destiny’s apartment, you're met with her running up to, her eyes wide with alarm as she quickly slams the door behind you. 
“What’s going on?” You ask, thoughts running a mile a minute as she frantically ushers you to sit. 
“I saw her in my visions, Y/n. I-I don't know what it means, but I don’t trust her, and neither should my cousin,” She stutters. Your eyes flicker between hers as you sit her down on the couch. 
“When did this happen?” Destiny points over to the jacket laying on the wooden dining room table. “When I was on the phone to you. That’s hers. I went to pick it up and boom! Instant headrush.” 
You lean back on the couch and shake your head. You're at a loss for words. The fact that Peter could be in danger scares you; but more importantly, it's his ex-best friend’s safety that makes you panic more. 
“Have you talked to Roman?” You ask. Destiny’s head snaps towards you, shocked you even brought him up. She shakes her head and grasps your hands. “Have you?”
You inhale deeply, “No.” Destiny sighs, “We don’t have to talk about him, you know. I know your break up was pretty messy.” You let out a small laugh at her concern. 
“I’m okay, I promise. It was like 9 months ago, D.”
She nods and turns to look at the folded jacket, wanting to change the subject. “Did you want to look?” She throws her thumb behind her as you suck in a sharp breath. 
The jacket lays on the table in front of you, and you stare at the leather.
“It will keep him safe…” You trail off, meeting Destiny’s eyes as she smiles softly. The doubt in the pit of your stomach is unsettling, but you need to see the vision. You huff before tilting your head side to side and shaking out your arms. Sweeping your hair back, you square your shoulders. Destiny gives you a reassuring look, although there's tinges of regret and panic in her eyes. You purse your lips while your heart beats rapidly in your chest and your ears. 
As soon as you reach down and let your fingers graze over the material, you're transported into a series of flashes—snakes and blood on the walls, the floor, everywhere. The screams you hear are far away, but they’re close enough for you to catch the utter agony that powers them. Your eyes move wildly under your eyelids as you search for something that will tell you anything. Tears line the edge of your waterline, and the guttural screams grow nearer, the cries rattling your bones until you squeeze your eyes shut and rip your hand away from the jacket. 
You step back in utter terror. You feel sick as pure fear and anxiety churns in your stomach. The blood-curdling screams still reside inside your brain as you walk towards the door. 
“Where are you going?” Destiny yells. 
Stopping in front of Roman’s new house, you scoff. Last time you were here was when he first bought it, and you left screaming and crying—a perfect storm for a perfect couple. 
It was also the last time you saw him. The two of you were freshly 18 and were addicted to the speed of your relationship; a year in and he was already asking you to move in with him. It was built to fail: his mother and your ancestors, your kind, weren’t a good mix. Olivia had threatened you more times than you can count, but Roman always defended you, even if you didn’t need him too. Maybe that’s why you fell so hard so quickly, because he was there when you needed him. To protect and to love. But then you fell apart and were never to fall together again.
Stepping up the front door, your hand goes slack against the door. Do you just barge in? Or be the polite ex-girlfriend and knock. You go for the latter and bang your fist against the pale timber. Not a second later, the door swings open and you’re met with a blonde girl. 
“Hi—” “You must be Miranda. I was just wondering if Roman’s in?” You cut in, stepping through the doorway despite her distress. “Um, you can’t just walk in,” She says as you look at the top floor, hoping to see the lean man hovering above. 
“Lovely house he’s got. Ugh, I remember seeing this and telling him it was the one.” You laugh. This sentence causes Miranda to pause in her spot, her face scrunching up in confusion. 
Looking towards the kitchen, two pairs of eyes are staring at you and, you have to hold in a laugh. 
“Peter! Oh my gosh, it’s so good to see you,” You almost squeal as you rush towards him. He looks back at Roman in shock as you engulf him in a hug. “How have you been?”
Peter swallows with an unsure expression on his face, “Yeah, good.” You smile at him and then peer over his shoulder at your ex-boyfriend. 
“What are you doing here, Y/n? And cut the shit.” He mutters. He’s blunt with his words, but you understand why. It was messy. 
“Shit? I speak of no such thing, Mr Godfrey,” You give him a tight-lipped smile, sarcasm thick in your voice. You step back from Peter and watch as Roman saunters over to you. 
“What are you doing here?” He asks again, this time his tone is icy, and his stare is hard. 
“Does she know?” You ask before you say your true intentions, waving your hand in the air. Roman shares a look with Peter before shaking his head. You run your tongue along your front teeth then nod. 
“Ok. Well, firstly, I had a vision.” The sentence has Miranda instantly asking questions but is quietened by Peter who puts his hand up. Roman furrows his brows and steps closer to you, “What do you mean? About what? Does Destiny know?” The number of questions leaving his lips prompts you to lift your finger to stop him. 
“Destiny had the same one.” 
Roman glances over at Peter who shrugs. “When did this happen?” 
“Half an hour ago,” You move to sit on the couch as the boys stand and Miranda cowers in the corner. “And it’s very important.” You strain your voice so only Roman can hear. 
“Okay, well, tell me.” He says. You deadpan him as the corners of his mouth turn upwards slightly. 
“The woman you have both been fucking, she’s dangerous.”
From her spot, Miranda is overcome with anger as she pushes off the wall and stomps towards you. You keep a calm facade as she throws her arms in every direction whilst she’s talking. 
“Who do you think you are? Coming here at 8 am to run your mouth about God knows what and insult me and especially these boys.” 
You raise your eyebrows for a split second before standing from the couch to move in front of her. 
“Alright,” Roman buts in, his voice booming through the glass house. “That’s enough, Y/n. You can’t just come in here and insult her. She’s done nothing wrong.”
“You hardly know her! You don’t even know what she’s capable of,” You bite, spinning towards him. 
“I’m gonna go see Nadia.” 
You don’t recognise the name as you cock your head at Roman. 
“Who’s Nadia?” Roman freezes at the question. His shoulders tense and his body rigid as you tilt your head, waiting for his response. You grow impatient as the question lingers. At this point, Miranda has gone upstairs, and you watch as she punches in a code for a door. 
“She’s um—Letha’s.”
Your heart drops at the sound of your late best friend’s name. “You’re telling me…” You can’t find it in yourself to find the words as rage erupts in your stomach. 
“You’re letting a stranger look after Letha’s child?” You yell, “Peter?” 
“I only found out about her last week, Y/n. I’m as in the dark as you are.” He mumbles, head dropping towards the floor as you peer back at Roman. 
“The vision I saw was fucked up. If you saw them like I did, I’m sure you would feel the same, and you would want to be miles away from her right now.” You could cry at the sheer naivety of him. 
“You’re letting a complete stranger in on our lives! If anything, I’d be better off caring for my best friend’s child than some whore you picked up from the bar.”
The sound of footsteps catches your attention as you narrow your eyes at Miranda walking back down the stairs. She makes her way towards Peter and stands next to him as you are face-to-face with Roman.
“She’s feeding you vicious lies, Ro. Please listen to me.” You don’t beg, and you don’t want to give him the satisfaction, but it’s in moments like these, you need him to listen to you; to trust you again. 
“Jealousy isn’t a good look on you, doll.” You roll your eyes and try your best to bite back a snide remark. 
“I’m telling you this because I love you, Roman, not because I’m jealous; don’t flatter yourself. Maybe start to think with your brain instead of your dick,” You place your palm on his cheek before you bring his other cheek to your lips, placing a kiss against his silky skin. “You know where to find me, baby.” Patting the side of his face, you step back, and without acknowledging Peter and Miranda, you walk out of the front door. 
Watching your retreating body, Roman feels a pang of remorse in his chest; the feeling leaving him breathless for only a moment before Miranda speaks.
“What a bitch,” She spits before Roman shoots her a stern look, “Don’t call her that.” He stares longingly at the door and then his legs take him upstairs and into his room, leaving the pair downstairs. 
Getting a call from Roman was odd. You assumed he deleted it when you broke up, but looks like he didn’t. The words that slipped out of his mouth hadn’t shocked you, but you felt like breaking down at the thought of Nadia missing. You hung up without a word, and every action you did after the phone call was aggressive, your anger evident everything you did. 
Storming up the driveway of his house, you spot Roman in the doorway, remorse painting his features. The look of anger on your face almost scares him and as he backs into the house with you coming at him. 
“I fucking told you I had a bad feeling and now look what she’s done! I can't believe you let this happen, Roman! I know you’re touch-starved and dying for female attention but come on, I saw this happening a mile away.” You snap, running your hand through your hair as Roman cowers with guilt. You hadn’t seen that expression before. 
You slam the front door behind you and glare at him. His look of regret slips and then irritation sets on his face. There he is. 
“And where were you? Hm? Probably off fucking some scum from the bar in town whilst I was worried shitless about my daughter.” Your eyebrows almost fly to your hairline as you listen to his newfound confidence. Rolling your eyes, you wave him off and turn to leave. You can’t bear to listen to his bullshit assumptions. 
“That’s right! Walk away like you always do.” He seethes, a frown contorting his features. You know he’s only saying that to get a rise out of you, it’s his specialty. So you don’t react to piss him off even more. You spin around to meet his hard stare again and stomp towards him, your finger up to press against his firm chest. 
“You really wanna go there, Godfrey? Really?” You see a flash of regret pass over his cold eyes before he leans down to your eye level. His face is vacant of any expression when he growls a response. “Yeah, I wanna fucking go there, dollface.” 
Your face screws up before you huff and step away from him. You bring your hands to rest on your cheeks as you feel tears sting your eyes. 
“I can’t believe you’ve let this happen,” You murmur. Roman growls, but when you look at him, he’s staring at the wall trying to stop the tears blurring his vision. 
“Where’s Peter?” You ask. 
“Fuck knows!” He yells, and you cringe slightly. Roman’s eyes go wide as he watches you shrink away. His face falls before he puts his hands up in front of him. 
“I didn’t mean to scare you, Y/n,” He says softly. You give him a small smile as you reply, “No, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”
His gaze falls to the floor before he sees your shoes. “Come here.”
Roman looks up to see you with your arms outstretched. You tilt your head when he doesn’t move and shift to wrap your arms around his torso. Being alone with Roman was different from when you were in a group. You couldn’t quite explain it, but he was far more emotional around you. 
“Hug me back, Ro,” You feel his shaky hands on your back as he bends down slightly, resting his head on your shoulder. Despite his arms around you, his body remains stiff.
“Loosen up; it’s just me.”
“Sorry, my family was never really the touchy-feely type.” he spits softly, “But you already knew that.” You only laugh and squeeze him tighter. 
Feeling his heartbeat comforts you. You haven't been this close since your break up, and even that was closer than this. You wish you never heard it; his cries against your skin. The sound and the vibrations make your breath hitch and your body freeze. 
“Let’s move to the couch, yeah?” You whisper, backing up until the backs of your knees hit the couch. Roman pulls away for a second as you lay down before he clambers on top. He lays his head on your chest and wraps his long arms around you. You wonder if he can actually fit on the couch or if his legs are bent awkwardly, but choose not to bring up the topic. 
“Could you play with my hair? Please?” Your eyes widen at the sound of the verb and the smallness of his voice, “I’m not gonna ask again, Y/n.” And there he is, the usual Roman. You roll your eyes and work your nimble fingers into his hair, the soft strands like silk against your skin. 
His sniffles eventually seize, and his body stops shaking as he calms down. 
“We’ll find Nadia. I promise you, Ro.”
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teaplease1717 · 3 years
Title: Be Mine Forever
Relationship: Todoroki Shouto / Yaoyorozu Momo
Rating: T
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34513087
Hello! Hello! And welcome to my first ever zine piece!!!
AHHHH! So excited to post this!!! Thank you mods for hosting such a wonderful TodoMomo Seasons Zine! I had so much fun. :D
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Across the temple grounds, awash in vibrant shades of trees scarlet and gold, a man stands up from kneeling to embrace a woman tenderly.
The proposal is beautiful. Under the full moon shining down from a cloudless night sky, it’s like a scene from a fairytale.
Momo releases a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. The crowd around her breaks out into applause and murmured awes.
During the fall, when there is a faint nip in the air, not yet the bitter bite of winter, but just a pinch to announce the change of seasons, the Kyoto temples open their gates to the public after dark. For the month of November, visitors from across Japan flock to the city to witness the beautifully manicured gardens lit by starlight and the soft glow of the temple lamps.
It's for this same reason Momo and her boyfriend of four years, Todoroki Shouto, came to the city a day before the annual Hero Rankings ceremony for a long awaited vacation.
Momo peeks up at Shouto from underneath her lashes.
He’s taller than when they were in high school. Whereas Momo was only a few centimeters shorter than him before, now the top of her head barely skims his chin. And that isn’t all that has changed; Shouto has always been popular with his handsome features, but now some of the boyish youth is gone, leaving a man behind. He looks sturdy and dependable.
A buoyant feeling rises in Momo’s chest as she reflects on how long they’ve been together. She looks away, trying to conceal a smile. She never considered herself to be the romantic type before but, when it comes to Shouto, she can't seem to suppress her feelings. It's like her body is a vase too small to harbor all of her affection for him.
“Let’s keep going?"
The familiar low timber draws Momo’s attention. She raises her head and, as her gaze meets Shouto’s, his usual masked expression softens. Warmth spreads throughout Momo’s body.
She smiles brightly. "Yes!"
The corners of Shouto’s lips curve up. A silent laugh shines in his gray and turquoise heterochromatic eyes as he turns to continue along the temple path.
Momo giggles. She is about to follow after him, when her gaze unconsciously strays back towards the strangers across the bridge. They are now taking photos of their entwined hands, evidently showcasing the new ring gracing the woman’s finger.
Momo pauses at the sight of the happy couple. A foreign feeling swirls in her chest as she wonders if Shouto will ever propose to her like that. Will he ever get on one knee and ask for her hand? Proclaim that she is his destined partner and that he will love her forever?
‘I don’t plan to ever get married.’
Momo’s breath stills. The warmth swelling inside her chest chills at the memory she has forcibly tried to ignore since high school. It slips back through her mind like a shadow, wrapping around her heart and squeezing.
That's right.
Momo raises a hand to curl over her chest. Shouto has already decided to never wed.
She swallows over a lump in her throat. The night suddenly feels colder, and Momo hugs herself as her gaze drops to stare vacantly down at the crystal clear lake underneath the bridge. Koi fish swim languidly through the water, unaware of the sudden shadow hanging over Momo’s thoughts.
Her bottom lip quivers, and Momo presses her mouth into a thin line. She loves Shouto so much it hurts and could never imagine a future in which he isn’t by her side, but does Shouto feel the same? If he doesn’t want to wed, does that mean he doesn’t envision them being together forever?
Momo can’t ignore the dull ache that thumps through her chest at the thought.
“What’s wrong?” Shouto's voice whispers close to her ear.
Momo jumps, and her gaze darts up to meet Shouto’s. He is leaning down to eye-level and studying her expression intently, as though attempting to read her thoughts.
“Did something happen?” he asks softly. There is an intensity in his gaze that makes his eyes shine like metal and sapphire in the soft glow of the temple lights.
Heat spreads over Momo’s cheeks. She takes a step back, her pulse stuttering, and forces herself to smile.
“It’s nothing. I was just spacing out,” Momo lies quickly, raising her hands up in a placating gesture.
What is she thinking?
She looks away, chastising herself for letting her mood darken. Momo knows how sensitive Shouto is to others’ emotional state. She doesn’t want to make him worry, especially for something he can’t help.
"Is that so…" Shouto hums, studying her for a moment longer.
“Come this way.”
Momo’s eyes widen as his fingers suddenly close around hers, and Shouto pulls her after him.
“Shouto-san?” She gasps in surprise.
Shouto doesn’t pause. His hand tightens around hers, and he guides Momo through the crowd and over to a stone bench hidden underneath an oak tree.
“Stay here. I’ll be right back.”
Not waiting for a response, Shouto releases her hand and turns. Momo watches his back disappear into the crowd, perplexed. Although they have known each other for far longer than the four years they have been dating, it’s sometimes still difficult for her to read him.
Momo sighs. Smoothing out her burgundy pea-coat, she takes a seat and glances around. Couples and families stroll peacefully through the temple garden, laughing and stopping to take pictures.
Against her wishes, Momo’s mind drifts back towards matrimony.
She wishes it didn’t bother her so much, but, in truth, Momo never imagined a future in which she didn’t eventually marry. Since childhood, Momo dreamed of finding her soulmate — her prince — and for that magical proposal fairytales and the media always illustrated.
However, Shouto grew up differently. Seeing his parents' failed marriage; it is reasonable Shouto doesn’t want to tie himself up with matrimony.
It stung to learn about his intentions at first, but Momo vowed to not let Shouto’s decision squash her determination to stand by his side. She would never force her wish to wed onto Shouto. Momo would be happy with what he gave her and was resolved not to ask for more.
But now, as the years pass, she finds herself longing for marriage more and more. To make matters worse, recently it seems everything reminds her of a future she will never have with him. Whether it's her mother, who started pestering her as soon as she graduated from U.A. to get married and have children, or the media questioning when to expect an announcement on a future wedding date, it feels like everyday something reminds her of that unobtainable future.
Momo leans her head back and stares up through the red and orange oak leaves at the full moon. She feels guilty for letting these annoying thoughts and unreasonable expectations cloud her mind, when their relationship is perfect as it is.
It’s not like she doesn’t recognize that people can be happy without marriage. But no matter how she tries to disengage herself, a part of her can’t seem to let this go.
She wants more.
Momo sighs and closes her eyes. Is it really so selfish to want to make their union official?
Her eyes open, and she looks back down as Shouto returns, carrying a small tray of round dumpling shaped confections.
“I got you dango.”
Momo blinks as Shouto hands her the tray. The sweet scent of sugar wafts from the round gluttonous balls. “Is this for me? You really didn’t have to.”
Shouto shrugs. “I’m executing the three steps to make you happy.”
“Three steps…?” Momo repeats, her brow furrowing as she picks up one of the sticks.
Shouto nods, lowering himself down next to her on the bench. His shoulder brushes against hers. “Food, rest, and affection.”
Momo can’t stop a small laugh from escaping her lips at the absurdity of his words. How does Shouto always make her smile no matter the situation or mood she is in? It’s like he knows her better than she knows herself.
Her cheeks flush as a realization washes over her. Whether she and Shouto marry or not, he is the best person for her. Her prince. He’s like a piece of her puzzle, completing her.
That’s right, it’s not like marriage equates to happiness. There are plenty of people who are happy without matrimony. Even if they don’t wed, Momo knows that Shouto loves her; she doesn’t need a ring or a ceremony or legal documentation to remind her of that. Besides, she is Creati, ‘The Everything Hero’. Whether she and Shouto marry or not, she will create her own happiness.
Momo smiles brightly and takes a bite.
“Feeling better now?” Shouto asks when she finishes the last of the confections.
Momo hums contentedly, dusting off her hands. “Yes, thank you. But it was nothing to worry about.”
“Are you sure?” Shouto asks, standing and holding out a hand to help Momo to her feet. “You looked like you were trapped in your thoughts again.”
Momo feels her cheeks redden, and she looks away, avoiding his eyes as she throws the tray away. “Yes. I’m fine. Thank you, Shouto-san.”
“Really?” Shouto asks, following her.
The heat in her cheeks deepens, and Momo raises her chin. “Really,” she says, meeting Shouto’s gaze as naturally as she can.
He studies her expressionlessly. Then, he reaches out and his fingers skim against her cheek. Momo startles, but Shouto ignores her surprise as he brushes her loose bangs behind her ear. “If you don't want to talk about it, it's okay. But when you're ready I'm here,” he says, drawing his hand back.
Momo's breath hitches. How does he always do this? Steal her breath away with his sincerity. She glances up at Shouto from underneath her lashes; he is watching her intently but doesn’t say anything as he waits.
Momo knows she should have talked to Shouto about her feelings a long time ago. Burying her wish and letting her thoughts simmer will not make her desire disappear.
She bites her lip.
“Don’t force yourself,” Shouto says simply, misreading Momo’s silence.
Momo shakes her head. “No, it’s okay. It’s just a little hard to start.”
Shouto hums in understanding. “Do you want to continue walking while we talk? I found something I want to show you.”
Momo nods, and Shouto reaches out to interlace their fingers. Momo’s heartbeat quickens. Their hands fit perfectly together.
Momo never liked the way her fingers looked. They are calloused and her nails are short for hero work, but in Shouto’s hand she finds that she likes how delicate and pretty they appear.
She smiles to herself and then takes a deep breath, summoning her courage. “I was thinking of the American couple and their proposal …” Momo looks away, pretending to admire the perfectly pruned bushes and trees as they walk hand in hand. Guilt and shame at her earlier thoughts curl in her stomach, but she forces herself to continue.
“Since I was young, I’ve always wanted to get married. I don’t know why. Maybe it was societal pressure on young girls or it’s because of the idea that someone could love me for who I am enough that they’d desire to be by my side forever. Either way, when I saw their proposal I started thinking back on that wish. And I got into my head wondering if, by not getting married, I was failing to achieve happiness.”
Shouto’s hand tightens around hers. Momo takes a deep breath and keeps going, “I know there are plenty of couples who never wed and are happy, but it felt like I was missing out on something or not meeting my own expectations if I never got to experience it. But then I came to the realization that marriage isn’t what makes people happy. It’s the relationship and how content they are with the other person that matters. So, what I’m saying is that I’m fine not getting married and I shouldn't let myself be swayed.” She looks up to meet Shouto’s gaze, hoping he can see the honesty in her eyes.
“I’ll be happy as long as I'm with the right person...with you.”
Her heart pounds at her confession. Their relationship has never been one based on words, so baring her heart like this makes Momo feel naked. And as the moments drag on Momo starts to become nervous. Then Shouto opens his mouth.
“Do…” Shouto starts, then stops. He purses his lips together before continuing. “So you don’t want to get married?”
Momo’s cheeks warm. “That’s not it!” she says quickly. “It’s just...I know you don't want to. And I don’t want you to feel pressured. I'm really happy with you! I mean it. And I don’t want you to do something you wouldn’t be comfortable with — whether that’s marriage or anything else. So even if we don't get married, I think I'd be okay. I just want to be by your side.”
Shouto is quiet for a moment before saying. “We'll see. You could still get a proposal once your assessment is done.” His face is serious but his voice takes on a teasing cadence.
Momo blinks, not expecting such a light-hearted response. “Assessing? What exactly is Todoroki Shouto assessing?”
He shrugs, then looks at her and smirks. “A number of different areas.”
Momo raises an eyebrow. “Such as…?”
He hums as if considering. “Like how well you do in the bedroom.”
Momo blanches at his words and swats his arm. “You’re despicable,” she gasps in indignation.
Shouto snorts, and his smirk grows wider. “Using big words on me now?”
“Despicable is not a big word.”
“I don’t know…That might be a negative point against you.”
Momo huffs and raises her chin in defiance. “I’m a perfect scorer. There is no way I’ll lose.”
Shouto makes a noise in the back of his throat like he doubts that. Then he pulls her closer and whispers, “Perhaps after a few more bedtime ‘suck sucks’ we can reassess your score.”
Momo gasps at his lewd words and pulls back, her face hot. “You’re horrible!” she whines. “What would people say if they knew how the real Shouto acts?”
“They'd say I'm a good fiance.”
“What?” Momo’s head jerks up and she gapes as she studies Shouto’s blank expression. Her heartbeat quickens.
Did he...
But before she can question him, the corner of Shouto’s eyes crease in laughter and he turns to look at the hill in front of them. “This is it.”
Momo follows his gaze, and her mouth opens in amazement, her thoughts coming to a halt at the sight.
Gentian blue lights glimmer like fairy dust over a stone river. The autumn foliage, illuminated by the soft temple lights, circle the clearing and create a private enclave, as if it were made just for Shouto and her.
Momo doesn’t know when, but at some point the crowd dispersed and now it's only her and Shouto.
“I think this is the perfect spot.”
Momo nods absently at Shouto’s words, unable to tear her gaze away from the twinkling lights dancing over the pebbled brook.
“I have something I want to ask you.” He releases her hand and takes a step back.
Momo looks up and her breath freezes in her lungs as Shouto kneels before her. He pulls a small velvet box out of his pocket and opens it to reveal a sparkling diamond ring.
It feels like she has stopped breathing as her eyes meet Shouto’s. He is gazing at her as if she is the only thing that matters in the world.
“Yaoyorozu Momo, will you marry me?”
Momo doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She covers her mouth. Her vision blurs as she unconsciously steps back in shock. “Shouto-san….” Momo opens and closes her mouth. The world simultaneously feels like it’s going faster and slower at the same time. “I thought - I thought you weren't interested in marriage. You said before that you never wanted to get married.”
Shouto nods. “There was a time when I did feel that way,” he says as he stands up and reaches for her. His fingers slide down her arm to catch her left hand. “But then we started dating, and I realized I was wrong. There is someone I want to be with for the rest of my life. Someone who I don't want to let go.”
He looks at her. “I want you to be mine forever. So is that a yes?”
She’s so happy she can barely speak. “Yes,” Momo chokes out as he takes her hand and slides the ring onto her finger.
She laughs as he picks her up and spins her. She feels so light, even when her feet touch the ground it’s like she is floating. Is this how Uraraka feels using her quirk?
Shouto leans down and presses his forehead to hers. Momo closes her eyes. She isn’t sure when she started crying but can feel tiny droplets run down her face. However, she can’t seem to force herself to care as she smiles brilliantly.
She lifts up on her toes and kisses him softly. “Yes, I want to marry you. More than anything.”
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mochegato · 4 years
The Illusion of Innocence
Written for Jasonette July’s “Innocence” prompt.
 “That was… cute?  No rough.  That’s the word, rough.  That was incredibly rough to watch.” Tim said moving to lay his arm on Jason’s shoulder.  “When did you become such a wimp?”
“What the Fuck, Replacement?” Jason tore his eyes away from Mari’s retreating figure to duck away from Tim’s sudden appearance next to him.  His eyes quickly, discretely returned to Mari.
“Wow.  Just wow.” Tim shook his head.  His hair was going to look like Jason’s if he had to continue to watch these two.
“Fuck you”
“Just ask her out already.  It’s torture watching you two dance around each other like this.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”  Jason said finally turning away and seeing Tim’s deadpan expression.  “I don’t want to ask her out.  If anything, I’m trying to figure out how to get her away from us so you aren’t putting her in danger.  There is no reason she had to know about us just to make us some suits. We could have come up with some bullshit excuse why we needed them to be Kevlar lined.”
“Maybe not.  But she will if she’s going to help us in the future.”
“What!?  Fuck that shit.  You should’ve discussed it with us before you decided to bring in an innocent. She shouldn’t be involved with that or with any of us at all.  You’re endangering a civilian just by letting her know, let alone whatever the fuck else you have planned.  She is going to get killed helping us,” he growled out at Tim.  “AND, she is sweet and innocent.  We should be helping to protect that in people, God knows Gotham destroys it enough, and I’m not going to let you destroy it in her.”
“Okay, first Mari doesn’t need you to protect her.  I know her a lot better than you do and she can do just fine on her own.  Second, that’s just stupid.  Third, she knows what the risks are and agreed to help.  Fourth, since when do you think before you decide to go after someone you like?  Or was it just a gut reflex, ‘what is that feeling? I think it might be real happiness. I could actually build a future with this one.  Well, let’s nip that shit in the bud.’” He said in a deep voiced imitation of Jason. “Fifth, even if you were right, you’re not, but even if you were, I’ll make sure you’ll be there to protect her the first few missions.  You’re welcome for that opening, by the way.  Sixth, you’re an idiot, a continuation of two really, but needed to be reiterated.  Seventh, talk to her before you decide to harass her out of our lives.  Ask her about her… miraculous record.  It’s going to come out pretty quickly, but you might want to be up on it sooner.  Eighth, eighth?  Yeah, eighth. Man this list is getting long. Eighth, Bruce knows and agreed already. Ninth, refer back to numbers two and six, they are really important.  And finally, you think Mari is innocent? That's hilarious." Tim doubled over in exaggerated laughter, pretending to wipe away a tear and clapping Jason on his back, “Oh, my sweet summer child.”
“Okay, A I don’t talk like that. B ‘miraculous record’? What the fuck does that mean?  Who talks like that?  You’ve been watching too many of those magical girl shows.  C you might think you know more than the rest of us but we still should have been involved in this decision.  D what do you mean you ‘know her a lot better’?” He narrowed his eyes at Tim and moved into his space, towering over him.
“You did it that way just to be an ass, another reflex for you.  But, God I wish I could have recorded that to play back to you later.  And right, since when had Bruce ever consulted with us before making a decision?” he scoffed.  “And I mean I know her like I know Steph… Barbara!!  Like I know Barbara. I absolutely trust her, absolutely platonically.” He said attempting to placate Jason.  “I am not in your way.  You are wide open to ask her out.  Or to chicken out, like a little bitch.”
“Screw you, Timbers.”
“I’m not the one you want to screw,” he sing-songed jumping away to avoid Jason swiping at him.
  Marinette had had enough.  She and Red Hood had been standing on the roof of Wayne Enterprises for the last half an hour, which should have been extremely enjoyable.  But instead of their usual easy, flirty banter and lingering looks, Jason seemed to be avoiding looking at her.  When he did happen to look her way his whole body seemed pained and uncomfortable.  When he actually gave a response to her attempts at conversation, it was in short, curt responses.  
Letting out an aggravated groan Marinette finally spoke up. “Okay Jase.  What is going on?” she demanded.
“Red Hood,” he muttered back at her.  He continued to look out over the city pretending to focus on patrol.
“When we are in the field you are supposed to use our codenames, not our real names.  How are you going to manage in an actual mission if you can’t even remember the basics?” He bit out a bit more aggressively than was necessary. He finally turned to face her with… a glare? Maybe?  It was hard to tell with his helmet on.
She stared at him in shock for a few moments before responding. “Oooo, you’re being extra assholey tonight. It must be something really bad,” she bit back.  “Also, if you’re going to yell at me, at least have the decency to take off the helmet. It’s degrading to have it on when you’re starting a fight.”
He yanked the helmet off violently leaving just the domino mask to protect his identity.  She could now see the anger radiating off of his features. “I’m not being an asshole.  I’m taking my job seriously.  I’m concerned we’re bringing an innocent into all this. A civilian that is not remotely prepared for it in any way.  I’m frustrated that I’m going to have to spend my time protecting and worrying about you whenever you are helping instead of doing the mission, which is a really good way to get killed, for both me and for you,” he growled out stalking closer to her with each sentence, forcing her back to avoid him physically colliding with her. “And, you and Tim are making plans to get you in the middle of all this shit and you can’t even remember basic protocol for keeping yourself and us safe.  You’re going to put us all in danger, including yourself.”
Marinette reeled back like she had been slapped.  “Says the guy that called Red Robin by his name before he left,” she returned angrily. “Who asked you to worry about me? I don’t need or want you to worry about me instead of focusing on a mission.  That’s on you.  That’s your fucked up priorities, not mine.  And what makes you automatically assume I’m not prepared for any of this?”
“You can’t possibly be prepared. You can’t possibly understand what it is like.  I know you think it will be just a bit of an adventure, but it’s dangerous.  You could die or end up in a wheelchair like Barbara.”
“You think I don’t know the risks? I’m well aware of what is on the line, but I can’t stand by and watch bad things happen and not do something about it, not when I’ve been given the chance to act.  Not when I’ve been asked for my help.”
“Yes you can!” He voice getting louder again.  “You can when the alternative is you die.”
“I know what I’m doing Ja… Hood,” she corrected herself.  “I know what I’m getting into and I’m willing to take on the risks.  Paris had our own supervillain for years, you know.  I know how to protect myself.”
“No, you don’t.  I’ve seen you trip over air.  This isn’t a Disney movie, Pixie!  People die.  I’ve died! Most of the Robins have.  I don’t want you to, too.  I know you believe that good always wins and the bad guys always get punished, but that isn’t the way the world works.  Bad guys win sometimes, frequently.  Good guys die, frequently.  This is a terrible world that destroys people.  You don’t have to be a part of it.”
“Okay, I’ve seen you accidentally swing into a billboard, so you might want to be careful casting those clumsy stones.  And, I’m a part of it already whether you want me to be or not.  You think I don’t know the consequences?  Do you think I’m an idiot?  I see the consequences every day.  I have for a long time.  Years before I even came to Gotham.  I know this isn’t a Disney movie.  If it was, those rats over there would be singing right now.  Do you hear singing?  I don’t, so it must be real life.”  She stopped for a beat to think about what she just said.  “Actually, I’ve seen rats singing in real life so that’s not such a good gauge,” she added shuddering.  “Remind me to tell you about Mr. Rat sometime.”
“This isn’t a joke, Pixie. I know you’re not an idiot but you are naïve,” he gave her a gentle look and reached out to touch her cheek.  “You are still determined to see the best in people. You still have a chance to keep your innocence and that childlike view of the world.  You can stay naïve.  You deserve to.”
She looked at him in shock, her jaw falling open.  What the hell just happened?  She took a breath to think about what to say next and how to respond to whatever that was that just happened.  The condescending jackass.  Naïve? She wasn’t the one that was naïve. And he wasn’t the one that knew more than her.  Is that really what he thought of her this whole time?  Now she was livid.  That arrogant, patronizing asshole.  She was not stupid or naïve.  She slapped his hand away to growl out, “Believing that people can change does not make me naïve. Believing there is good in this world does not make me some wide-eyed, ignorant airhead.  I’ve seen good in this world.  I’ve even seen it here in Gotham.  I’ve seen it in you, despite being the egotistical, disrespectful bastard that you are.” She looked back up at him and gave him a wicked smirk.  “Also, it’s cute that you think I’ve never died.”
“Excuse me?  What does that mean?”
“There’s something you should probably know.  We were going to tell you soon anyway, but I think you might need to hear it now.”
“Hmmm… I don’t think I want to tell you here though.  I think I want to tell you over there,” she said pointing to a building across the street. “There’s something poetic about revealing your secrets surrounded by gargoyles, don’t you think?  And somehow, Gotham seems to have more of them than Paris. That’s just weird,” she frowned at the thought.
“Pixie…” he noted the determination in her eyes and decided this particular argument was less important than the larger battle.  “Fine! Just let me get my grappling hook out and we can swing over.” He said reaching for it on his belt.
She looked over at him and grinned, a dangerous glint in her eye, “No thanks.  I have my own ride.  Race you!” She took off like a shot running to the edge of the building then jumped off the edge.
Jason’s heart stopped.  What was she doing?  What the hell!?  Jason took off after her.  Was she expecting him to rescue her?  What if he couldn’t get to her in time?  This was a stupid and beyond dangerous game she was playing.  After he saved her he was going to kill her.  
He pulled out his grappling hook as he ran and leaped after her streamlining his body so he could fall faster. She had the audacity to be smiling at him as she fell.  He was almost close enough to grab her.  His eyes left hers looking up to find the best target for his grappling hook.  He noted a flash of pink in his vision’s periphery but ignored it, focusing on the task at hand.  Nothing else mattered but saving Marinette.  Finally finding the best option, he turned back towards Marinette and stretched the last final inches to grab her but found Marinette was no longer there.  Instead there was a woman dressed in a deep red and a mask.  The woman grabbed his waist and launched a… was that a yo-yo?... toward the same spot he had identified earlier.  
Suddenly he was tugged up as they arced to the roof of the building.  They landed on the roof with a thud, rolling to a stop in a tangle of limbs.
He pulled back slightly to stare down at her in confusion, not able to form coherent thoughts yet. After what seemed like a few minutes Marinette finally broke the silence.  “Hood?  You going to survive this, handsome?” she asked with a smug grin.
Jason’s brain finally caught up with what was going on and his jaw dropped, “Mari?” He asked incredulously.
“No names in the field, remember? How are you going to survive any missions if you can’t follow basic safety procedures?”
“What the fucking fuck, Mari!!” He looked at her again running his hands along her face, trying to confirm what he already knew.  It was her.  Marinette was safe… and a superhero.  He let out a breath he had been holding since she jumped and shook his head.  “You’re terrible."
“I thought I was innocent and naïve?”
“No, you are a terrible, evil person.  That jump proved it.  You almost killed me all over again.”
“You deserved it.  You were being a condescending ass.”
He let out a huff, “Please never do anything like that again” he begged softly, lowering his forehead to hers.
“Don’t be an ass and I won’t have to.”
"You were supposed to be innocent” he said giving her a lopsided smile.
“I don't know what gave you that impression," she smiled innocently and batted her eyes.
“That. That damn smile. It's a lie.”  He looked back over at the Wayne Enterprises building and shook his head.  “And I thought you were going to have trouble with grappling and swinging through the air.” He chuckled lightly and lowered himself back down so his face was a few centimeters from hers, glancing down to her lips.
“Have I ever told you what it’s like riding a dragon?” She whispered licking her lips.  
“I'd love to hear about that som… wait a dragon?  Like a dragon dragon?" She nodded giving him a small, coy smile.  Jason ran his fingers across her cheek and along her mask.  He grinned happily.  His Pixie was a badass and he couldn’t wait to hear more.  “but later" he said closing the distance and crashing his lips into hers.
@fsketchart @jasonette-july-2k20
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Just Hold Me Tonight - Tim Drake x Reader
Words: 1.1k
Requested? Yes! From a lovely anon!
“Hello! I saw your post about PTSD and it’s really heart warming. I suffer from anxiety and I get really panicky. Could you do 9 and 21 for the reader with Tim where it’s a rough night, I don’t know if you have experience with anxiety but I love your writing so I thought I’d request it. Thanks! ” (9. can you just hold me tonight? 21. please stop crying baby)
Hello angel, this request absolutely made my day. I try to be really open but it is hard, I have PTSD, anxiety and ADHD but I believe they make me stronger not weaker. I’ve had my fair share of panic attacks so I decided to do one of those because I think Tim would be really comforting. I really hope you enjoy and that this gives you a piece of my perspective and experience with mental health <3.
It was nights like this you hated living in Gotham. You’d taken an apartment in the best area in Gotham as to avoid the noise. Not anything in specific, the noise. Gunshots, screaming, and anything else that goes bump in the night. The night you told Tim broke his heart. After a wonderful evening together he invited you to swing with him through the streets, he promised to perch you on a building so you could watch him live out his passion. But you knew you couldn’t do it, not yet, maybe not ever. So you sat him down, and explained, not too much, because the details are painful, but enough. You were enough. And Tim wouldn’t let you forget it. “Y/N, love, it means a lot that you told me, I’m sorry.” you noticed how angry Tim looked, after hearing your story his hands were shaking and it was your turn to comfort him. You reminded him he was so young, he couldn’t have saved you and that you were a strong, independent woman. 
And to your delight, nothing changed. Tim didn’t treat you like a piece of broken glass that would fracture in his hands because you were strong, and he loved you for it. But some nights you really did just need his presence, because he reminded you of what was good in the world. When fear crept in, and everything seemed out to find and hurt you Tim was there, sometimes he came in the Red Robin suit, you loved the way the reds and shadows danced around his body, he was the embodiment of a hero, your hero. You knew his exact routine for taking off the suit. Utility belt, cape, shoes, exterior suit, body armor, new shirt on, pants, put on new shorts, and finally the mask. Back when he wore the condom hat you’d giggle at his mask-hair but the domino mask was your personal favorite. You could tell the relief he got in peeling it off, and the first thing his eyes met was you. 
You were usually curled up in the corner of your bed, you always kept it in the corner of your room because the walls reminded you that you were alive. You’d make yourself as small as possible, and reach for your phone. Shooting Tim the alert message asking that if he was free you wouldn’t mind his company. And that was all he needed. He’d come through your window, unlocking it with a key you’d placed on it so only he could get in. He’d start pulling off the suit if he was wearing it, and begin scanning the room for you. Tim always started with soft words and tonight was no different.
“Hey love, how’s it going tonight? Real fancy seeing you here!” you could feel a smile grace your lips but the buzzing didn’t stop. Giving him a small nod to come forward you shifted, letting him plop down in the bed next to you. “Oh babe are you crying? No, please, I’m here.” you let him scoop you up and pull you in close, feeling his hands swipe tears away from your cheeks. You didn’t talk yet, not ready to open up your heart. “Please stop crying baby I’m here, I’m right here Y/N, it’s okay.” Tim’s voice was filled with nothing but love and adoration, and you felt the tendrils of fear sneak back. 
“Hey Timmy” you whispered, your hands were still shaking but Tim held them, his warmth spreading to you. “Mhm so how’s your night going?” you loved his humor, poking his chest. “I think you know goof” he feigned innocence, the hand you’d let go was swirling patterns on your back while he held you. “Soooo want me to tell you about patrol?” you nodded, stories of his heroism always made you feel better.
“So tonight I’m with Damian, Bruce just started letting us fly solo but the punk likes to give me a hard time because Bruce always says I’m in charge. So I decided tonight to give him a lil fright. We’re out about halfway through a slow patrol. So as he’s swinging through the buildings I turned around. Kid flipped out it was hilarious. Saying something about my ‘incompetent ass falling mid grapple’ but then I didn’t come back and he genuinely got scared! Like the kid has feelings it was almost heartening except that he’s a demon. Ah! There we go, my favorite girl giving that award winning smile” you blushed, Tim still made you feel butterflies with his horrible pickup lines and dorky smiles, and you loved it.
“I know Damian has feelings, he loves his pets! And I think he really likes me.” your voice was growing stronger, fingers now playing with his hair. “Little D loves you Y/N. Imagine being so unlucky that your family loves your wife more than you. It’s sooo hard on me” you groaned, trying to hold back another smile. Tim always called you his wife or Y/N Drake-Wayne, he said why wait for the officials he knew you were his person. “Yes that’s gotta be really hard Timbers I’m so sorry” you tried to fake pout and he scrunched his nose at you. 
And just like that, the storm had dissipated. Now it was just you and Tim, no large nasty grim reaper standing in the other corner of your room. Just your dork boyfriend who was trying to teach you phrases in elvish so he could tell you that you were sexy in front of Bruce. “So you wanna get up? Movie night? Take out?” your hand fell to his cheek, pulling him in for the first kiss of the night. “How about you just hold me tonight?” and he kissed you back, “absolutely love” and he winked at you.
“Y/N, love, if it were up to me I’d be holding you for the rest of my life”
“That’s nice Timmy but say it in elvish”
“Mel, im anír- na gar- cin an anand” 
“Oh my god it was a joke you nerd” Tim grinned like an idiot and leaned in to kiss your nose. “I’m your nerd angel!”
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cetaceans-pls · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Batman - All Media Types Relationships: Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Alfred Pennyworth Additional Tags: Momentary Vampirism, Discussion of Blood bags, Family Bonding
The one where Bruce gets turned into a vampire, and Alfred has to call in the cavalry to deal with him.
Or, Dick comes through on a Friday night to help wrangle a reluctant bloodsucker.
Bro I just kind of went off on the concept of short-term vampirism and silverware, so here’s some Alfred-Dick-Bruce bonding over Bloody Marys and the different sorts of magic. Please enjoy this pick-me-up I wrote in one weird, frizzy sitting!
On tumblr below the cut:
“I came as soon as I could!” Dick says, rounding a corner so quickly he skids on the marble floor. The text had come through almost an hour ago, but he had been on the tail end of a Zoom interview (quitting policing this pandemic has been both terrifically easy and terribly hard) so between putting on pants and getting through Friday-night traffic, this is how things lie. “How is he?”
“‘He’ is fine, Dick, thank you for concern,” Bruce says tetchily from where he’s sat in the centre of the Yellow Room, surrounded six foot deep by Wayne Manor silverware haloing out around him. The UV lights they use at crime scenes are blaring harsh violet lines around the perimeter, and further out by the edges of the room, 6 of their portable sun lamps are turned off but trained right on him.
“This is all pointless,” Bruce carries on, sweeping his arm ‘round wide in a grand gesture, hissing when a brush against a silver-plated serving trolley has his hand sizzling. “Alfred really shouldn’t have called you.”
Dick ignores him completely to turn to Alfred, who has 3 sets of rosary beads hanging around his neck and irritation hanging from his eyes. “Uhm. I didn’t read further down the text than ‘B was attacked, please come over when you can’. I’m guessing I missed something?”
“You would be guessing right, Master Richard.” Alfred whips off a rosary and hangs it around Dick’s neck, and plops three teaspoons into a blazer pocket. “We aren’t sure quite who is to blame for this latest conundrum, but Batman was struck down by something while making rounds by the Cathedral. Master Bruce appears to have become a, a…” Alfred makes a disgusted noise, “a vampire of some sort, and had insisted I lock him up in a cell till a magic-user from the League could come by and take a look.”
Dick’s ashamed to admit that on hearing the word ‘vampire’ his fist had curled tightly around a teaspoon. After all, the bluntest edge can still manifest as a shiv, if you shove it in hard enough. He’s further shamed that Bruce clearly catches his micro-movement, and he just downright  hates the pleased look B has at knowing that Dick is open to bodily violence against him.
Part of the commute time to get back to the Manor almost always involves him psyching himself up to deal with Bruce, and today it looks like it’s going to pay off.
“Okay, got it.” Dick deeply doesn’t, but bluffing can be as important as actually understanding, so. “Why’s he being kept here instead?”
“No master of the Manor,” Alfred says the way a lesser man would say ‘No son of mine’,”will be tossed into some cell while in full possession of himself, thank you very much.”
“I was going to start an automated protocol to have myself manacled and emergency-signal Superman to come by and potentially put me down,” Bruce interrupts from the near distance, “but I was lured here and now I’m trapped.”
Dick catches himself halfway through a laugh; he can’t help it. If Bruce really, really wanted to, escaping this room with its myriad hazards and shining lights would be possible, especially if the situation was so urgent that he was willing to risk serious injury for it.
If Bruce really,  really  thought he was a danger, thought deep in his messy little heart that he really, really could hurt or injure Alfred while it was just the two of them here waiting for reinforcements, Dick knows he would have grabbed the silver steak knife closest by and, ah, taken matters into his own hands.
It’s as ingrained a response as Dick instinctively putting himself between Bruce and Alfred even while his brain was still catching up to sudden vampirism, shiv-spoon (shvoon?) at the ready.
He lets out a breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding, untenses muscles that had been ready for something awful since the text had come through. “You’re finally more bat than man, B, so don’t bother pretending to be upset.” Dick spies a tray laden with soup and bread on a little coffee table and heads over, giving up guarding Alfred because their much scarier guard dog has just sprouted fangs. “Oh, man, tomato soup and garlic bread? Alfred, you think of everything.”
“I do try,” Alfred primly says, clearly satisfied that Dick is on his side. “And if you could see your way clear to getting Master Bruce to also partake?”
“I said no, Alfred!” Bruce’s voice cracks like sudden thunder across the room, and it would have been mighty terrifying with its slight unearthly timber if the UV lights bouncing off forks didn’t make the room look a lot like a rave. Even with his eyes starting to turn red, even with the harsh edges of his shape blurring into mist, Bruce can’t quite manage to intimidate.
Everyone in the room knows that it’s just for show, now, so even paranormal powers manifesting doesn’t slow down Dick’s enjoyment of soup. “C’mon, Bruce. It’s just like a blood transfusion, except you take it through the mouth. We all routinely take worse things through the mouth.” Just last week Dick had crunched on something while eating a bowl of soggy cereal he’d accidentally left out overnight, and the certainty that it was some sort of super-armoured cockroach haunts him till this day. “Is it a supply and demand thing? You can have some of my blood bags, Alfred can take some out of me while I’m here.”
“What an excellent suggestion, Master Richard. My blood has unfortunately been turned down because Master Bruce has some spectacularly backwards thoughts regarding older folk, but surely there’ll be no complaint for yours.”
“There are plenty of complaints!” Bruce roars, now up on his feet and pacing in the little circle at the centre of all the silver. “I  will not eat anyone’s blood, I will stay in this space and meditate until Zatanna shows up and cures me. There is a magic user zapping vampirism into people in Gotham, and  none of this  will be solved by you sticking an arm under my teeth!”
His fangs are all the way out now, down almost to his chin, drawing scratches on stubbly skin. Under the native environment of the Bat, out in the night perched somewhere high, he’d be a terror.
Under the warm loving light of the Yellow Room, under the warm loving gaze of people who know him best, he’s more ‘angry hissing kitten’ than anything else.
Dick slurps the rest of the soup, and mops up the rest with the crusty bit of his garlic toast. “So, if it was me that got turned into a vampire, you’re telling me you…  wouldn’t  IV pump me full of blood fresh out your veins? If you lie to me I  will  throw a teaspoon at your head.”
There’s nothing but a mutinous quiet from Bruce, who’s huffing and misting and snarling and floating a good three inches off the ground. Good, at least he’s not feeling so pressed to the edge that he needed to lie.
“… I’ll take my own blood.”
Alfred sniffs, and it’s a dignified sound that somehow echoes in this fairly large room. “After your little altercation with Dr. Ivy last week, sir, your own supply is running unfortunately low. Two bags left, and I intend to keep them in case coming out of vampirism treats you poorly. No, sir, you’ll have a mug of Master Richard’s blood or so help me God I will tranquilise you and feed it to you myself.”
Alfred catches himself mid-rampage, and huffs a little while neatening the cuff of his shirt. “Those are your choices, sir. Pick one.”
Reading the room, it’s easy to tell that the hour it took Dick to get here from Bludhaven has likely been filled with that sort of tersely-worded bitching that Alfred and Bruce have down to the finest art. “A couple of pints of blood, Type D, coming right up. Bruce, I’d recommend just giving up right now. If Alfred works down the line, Jason’s coming in next, and that’s gonna end with a fist to the mouth.” Dick brushes crumbs off his hands, and jumps out of the crouch he’d been in on the arm of the sofa to head towards Alfred. “No one’s getting out of that without a broken finger or fang or both, so just take mine, okay? For us.”
Bruce doesn’t deign to actually say  yes  or  fine , just seems to fade into shadows he’s manifesting himself, but it reads like a grumpy acceptance of defeat.
 Good enough , thinks Dick. “Give us a sec, we’ll be right back. If you’re extra good, I’ll even make a Bloody Mary out of mine!”
Batarangs aren’t made of silver, but they sure do make a flashy  thunk  when they bite into a doorjamb a clean 10 feet away from the nearest person.
Alfred huffs a quiet laugh but Dick is much louder and substantially more insulting as they make their way down to the Cave.
The blood fridge is a thing of stainless steel tucked in a corner of the medbay, and it’s covered in magnets. The Wayne brood travel a lot, but Bats and Birds travel even more. It’s become a weird habit that got adopted like kids get adopted ‘round here; Dick looks at a cracked dinosaur magnet he’d bought at the Bludhaven Natural History Museum his first night out as Nightwing, and nostalgia hits harder than teeth in the neck. “We’re gonna need a bigger one of these soon, Alfred. We’re almost out of free real estate.”
“We shall persevere nonetheless, sir.” Alfred opens the fridge, and goes along the top row till he gets to the little placard with Dick’s face on it. The filing system remains sweetly, sweetly old-school, even if everyone knows where theirs is stored by feel alone, and each bag is barcoded with enough details to alarm even the most dedicated phlebotomist.
Looking over the racks, Dick whistles. “Bruce isn’t the only one who’s had a rough time recently, huh? Tim didn’t mention that the last Titans’ fight got him two bags down.”
For that, he gets his ear flicked. “Don’t snoop, Master Richard, it’s unbecoming.” Alfred takes a bag off Dick’s shelf and pops it into a cooler bag. He closes the door, and heads to the kitchenette in the Cave where he scrounges up a little metal straw. “Thank you for coming by so quickly. I was at my wits’ end trying to convince him to have just the littlest nibble. He tried to keep himself locked in the Batmobile when he came back via autopilot.” Alfred rinses the straw with more aggression than necessary. “I tugged on the handle, and the door was locked. A door, locked to me! In my own home!” He sounds as incensed as Alfred ever does, but he also goes to grab some tomato juice and a couple of sticks of celery, just in case.
“You wore him down for me, Alfred, I had it easy.” Dick quietly grabs another couple of bags of his blood, because deep deep down Bruce isn’t the only one hesitant about feeding on family, looks like. “Surprised you’d turn to me for this, though. Seems like more of a Tim thing, have him over with a 50-slide presentation on why vampirism’s really not that different to CPR, or something.” He swoops by Alfred’s side and picks up the cooler bag and the bucket of ice, because there are a lot of stairs from the Cave back up to Yellow, and kind men deserve kind things done on behalf of their creaking knees, thanks very much.
“You certainly have a point, Master Tim can be alarmingly persuasive with his statistics and, ah, unblinking stare.” Alfred doesn’t acknowledge Dick helping him with his things, just looks a little glad to have a hand free to hold on to the handrail, which is acknowledgement enough. “However, I have to admit that when I am at my wits’ end with Master Bruce, I always want to turn to you, Master Dick.” He pauses at the top of the stairs, turns and smiles his neat little smile at Dick who is finding balance harder to maintain than usual. “You have kept me company in my never-ending fight to care for Master Bruce longer than anyone else, after all.”
(Longer, longer, longer even than Bruce’s parents, God love them both.)
Alfred reaches out, pats Dick’s hand and nimbly reacquires his wares. “Do not under any circumstance tell the others, of course, but an old man is allowed his favourite ally.”
Dick is a whole-ass adult who’s lived through more things than people 15 times his age, he’s dressed in a smart suit and tie after an interview for a position as a flight paramedic, and he’s helped ward off the apocalypse at least on three separate occasions.
He knows enough about enough to know that their vampire-magician is deeply, deeply outclassed by Alfred’s mastery over spacetime, because right now Dick knows that if he looks down at himself, he’ll be 9 years old again, wearing oversized pyjamas as he tries not to cry because it’s his birthday and Alfred had made him a stack of pancakes the size of his head, while Bruce skulks by the door holding five separate tubs of ice cream, looking uncomfortable and uncertain and bound and determined to be a responsible parent
(like he’s bound and determined to be a responsible vampire).
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Dick murmurs under his breath, rubbing his cheek to break the spell.
“Language,” Alfred’s voice floats back towards him, as they make their way back to the Yellow Room.
There’s a bit of a scuffle, trying to get Bruce to actually drink the blood. When Dick had casually tossed a bag at Bruce, it had been batted right back at him like the world’s weirdest opening to a game of ping-pong. Another fight almost broke out then, because at least a third of all of Gotham’s collective stubbornness was sat in the room at that point, but Dick managed to force through a resolution by making a Bloody bloody Mary for Bruce, and regular Bloody Marys for himself and Alfred.
They sit where they want, Bruce in his circle, Dick perched on a windowsill, and Alfred on the sofa, and they sip at their meticulously non-identical drinks. They’re on their third round of Bloody Marys and sweet idle conversation when the message comes through that Zatanna’s on her way, and the tension in the room drains as smoothly as they do their drinks.
“Ah, what perfect timing,” Alfred says like he hasn’t worked his way through an alarming amount of vodka. “Just in time for a really early breakfast.”
It’s 3 AM, and hopefully after unraveling vampirism Z will be interested in some god-tier chicken and waffles. Dick’s stomach is already rumbling, and he’s in an unspeakably good mood. It’s a trinity of trinities, three generations of Wayne and Wayne-adjacents, three Bloody Marys each, it’s three o'clock in the morning.
There’s a father, a son, and Alfred counts as their Holiest Ghost, probably. Funny that Bruce has to become unholy to make Dick feel gently religious, though that might be the vodka and dreams of fried chicken futures. “How’re you feeling, Bruce?”
Flushed with blood, Bruce looks healthier and heartier than he does on average, which is a fight to tackle a different night. “… Better,” he admits, digging a fang into a celery stick with an expression of deep concentration. “I could fly if I tried, I think.”
Dick whoops, and nearly drops his glass. “It’s that vitamin D, bay-bee.”
It even earns a chuckle from Alfred, and Dick can feel god in this Yellow Room tonight. “I think,” Dick says with utmost seriousness, “that being a vampire is a good look for you, B. Feels good to get you something, even if it’s just a drink.”
Feels good to be able to provide for you instead of the other way ‘round, is something a more sober Dick would think.
From his corner, Alfred raises his glass in a steady-handed toast. “Just a drink is plenty when just a drink is all you need. So here’s a toast to you, Master Dick. Thank you for coming to our rescue.”
In the middle of a sea of silverware, Bruce raises his glass too, and oh, now Dick’s the one gone red in the face.
“Any time,” he says, and he’s glad to know he means it. “Honestly, this makes me feel like B should get turned into a vampire more often.” There’s a lot of magic in the Manor tonight, and only the tiniest fraction of it has to do with their rogue magician. Dick can’t remember when he last spent this much time with just Alfred and Bruce, and it feels like a loose anchor digging in juuust right.
The world’s in turmoil and his personal life has seen better days, but there’s a tether that comes off from the Manor and these two men. Sometimes, it’s a noose.
More often than not, it’s a lifeline, and what a fine feeling it is to know that that goes both ways.
Dick doesn’t know what’s showing on his face, though by how Bruce is now sat up and intensely staring at him, he’s probably revealing way, way too sopping much.
Bruce clears his throat, and his flush deepens into a rosy, rosy red. “Well. As being a part-time vampire does have its advantages, it’s. Hmm. I will discuss it with Zatanna, and see what I can do.”
And geeze, time-travel magic must be inherited too because Dick’s been forced back to his 9th birthday again, to Bruce Wayne-the-literal-Batman hovering uncertainly while holding way too much ice cream as he tries to accommodate Dick in that stupid, awkward, and hideously embarrassing way only he knows how.
“I’ll toast to that,” Dick says, ignoring the terrible scratch and crack in his voice, and he and Bruce both only nearly lose it when Alfred raises his glass again, and
quietly, quietly
murmurs, “Here’s a toast to my family”.
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ccatskies · 3 years
flashspruce | ❝chirkut❞
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MF @smallcrystals
— CHIRKUT is bengali for passing notes during class aka the mischievous shit we all do :)
Timber swallowed his lip, staring down at the paper on his desk. It was torn — from the back of his Science notebook — and half of it stuck out from the corner while the rest of the half was neatly tucked under the hard cover. It was small, blank and so ready to be smothered with a bunch of jumbled words that he'd have to cut out and go over again.
That's exactly what he's been doing for the past twelve minutes. Trying to process words. He was usually good with it — speaking was his specialty, so he was really smooth, but not now. Of course, not now. Not when he really needed to get his shit together and tie a few random words together.
He suppressed a groan, tapping the head of his pen over the desk, the noise almost inaudible yet as pestering as a ticking time bomb. He looked down, hand stilled over the surface, letting the pen slip through his fingers down to his lap. Silence. He blinked at the blue pen lying on his thigh.
The boy tilted his head, eyes trailing up to the person right in front of the guy next to him. His powerful brain sending him mixed singles.
Pause. Should I? He poked his tongue against the inside of his cheek. Well, at least he'd look at me.
Timber grinned, leaning in a bit and aiming his pen at an angle — definitely ignoring the skeptical look the guy next to him was shooting him every now and then — and oops.
It landed right where he needed it to be. 
Timber mentally prepared himself for the moment. He had it perfectly planned out (even though he usually didn't need to) — how he was gonna smile at him, tell him that he dropped the pen on purpose and swiftly sneak in a pick up line that no matter how cheesy it was, it'd definitely make his crush giggle. He was so ready to see his adorable pink cheeks and shoot him his signature charming smile and then—
He malfunctioned.
Flash turned around, that cozy glow around him never seeming to fade, eyes blue and pretty, cheeks soft and squishy, hair slightly messy from their PE session earlier this morning — nothing new. Just him stealing the Resident Tease's breath away.
For the third time today and they hadn't even reached lunch break.
Flash had initially turned to the student behind him — next to Timber — with the most delicate smile, "hey, did you drop something?" He reached out to the pen prior to gripping it between the gap of his fingers and waving it mid-air.
Fuck, he sounded pretty. Maybe, it's just the way his voice was as soft as jazz tunes. The top of his nose aglow as if someone had put a slight pinch of glitter on it. His hair was a radiant blue, just like his mesmerizing eyes. Blue, smooth, silky — Timber was dying to learn the hair routine — and irresistible to touch.
The guy cleared his throat, awkward in a way, "n—not really."
"Hm," the shorter boy's smile lightened, before he turned to Timber, "you?"
Timber's breath hitched as he bit on his lower lip, fiddling with his fingers. Wait, what was I gonna say— ?
"N—no." He blurted out.
Flash tilted his head to the side, eyes blinking twice, mouth pulling into an unintentional cute little pout, "huh? It's not yours? Then—" he was about to turn away.
"WAIT no, it is!" He instantly corrected himself, voice a little high pitched.
"Then, take it—"
"No, wait, I—" he cut himself off mid sentence, cheeks burning red, "uh, um."
Flash blinked twice, wetting his lips, "I'm really confused." 
God, God, GOD, what is wrong with you all of a sudden? He mentally slapped himself three times in the face, and physically pinched the fabric of his pants, holding in the will to cringe at what he just put himself through.
Timber lowered his head, pulling himself up and reaching out his hand to retrieve the item.
Flash chuckled, his eyes forming crescents underneath as he stretched out his body a bit to put down the pen on Timber's desk, brushing his hands against his.
The green haired boy blushed as the simple touch lingered on his pinkie finger, the feeling of butterfly kisses hugging his skin tight. Timber also noticed how small Flash's hands were for his jacket sleeves as the hem of the cloth extended to only a few centimetres under his knuckles. Ugh, cute.
Flash retracted his arm, tugging onto his sleeve and pulling it back to reveal his hand. He got back to writing whatever he was writing on his notepad, pausing for a moment to think before getting right back on it.
Timber muttered something under his breath. Today's failed attempt #7.
The last six weren't even this unnerving.
He wondered why he was at a loss for words every single time. He's seen Flash around. A lot, actually. Internally cried over how beautiful Sentry was and freaked out as well although he wouldn't openly admit it yet. But still, why is it that every time Timber tried to make the lead move on Flash, did his mind, body and flirting hacks give up on him? — he'd never know. He wasn't even this nervous around his last crush.
He was so sure his confidence wouldn't fail him.
And. . . well shit, he stupidly believed he'd wing it with this one.
He stole a glance at the corner of the classroom, choked, and instantly regretted it as he found twilight's eyes on him, a smirk on her face. She must've seen it.
Timber squeezed his eyes shut, puffed his cheeks out and wondered how he turned into such an A Class Dork around him—a fumbling mess even. He remembered being just as much infatuated with Twilight before they broke up, but Flash had a strange way of luring him in, considering they had barely shared a proper conversation before.
After all, it was his job doing the charming, not being charmed by a pretty boy doing the bare minimum.
Timber played with the edge of the paper he had torn previously, a little scruffy around the sides, and took a deep breath. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head. His eyes lit up at the thought. Maybe, this could work.
He sucked in his lip, concentrating on the blank piece of paper, before writing down the first thing that came to his mind. He let out an easy grin, feeling the little rush of courage surge through him.
He folded the paper into a tiny note, letting it rest on the table as he drew a itsy bitsy tiny — very miniscule — heart over the top.
Timber turned to the boy next to him, an innocent smile on display, as he whispered, "hey."
"I seriously have no idea what you've been up to for the past twenty minutes." Micro Chips let on, "or should I say, three hours because I've literally had every single class with you."
"Well then, you should know what I'm doing."
"Trust me, I've been trying." 
"Okay," Timber heaved a sigh, a little shy, as he passed the note to him, "here. To Flash Sentry please."
Micro blinked.
"Please?" Timber bit his lower lip, puppy dog eyes on show, to which Chips' eyebrows shot up.
Micro exhaled, doing as told. He tapped on his friend's shoulder and let out a cough to grab his attention. Flash had turned around for the second time, oblivious, while Micro slipped the paper into his palm, mouthing "for you" and then getting back to his work — work that didn't involve Timber's continuous attempts at trying to make a move on the guitarist.
Flash had already caught onto the hint but made sure not to assume anything just in case. He smiled amusingly, eyes twinkling at the cute heart that was impossible to go unnoticed, and opened the note.
He stared at the paper, baffled.
তুমি এত সুন্দর কেন? আমি তোমার জন্য পাগল হয়ে যাবো  T^T
— timber :)
Timber hooked his chin over his clasped hands, a content smile on his face while he watched his crush squint at the paper in confusion. Flash turned to him, blinking twice. Timber giggled.
He got back the note.
What does that mean? :0
Ahh, he was so cute.
Timber folded it back, licking his lips before flying it back to his crush.
It is directly demanding you to sit in lunch with me. You in? :D (A lie, that's not what it meant).
Flash chuckled, sparing him one last glance before writing down his answer. Sure, I guess.
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