#one of the few zelda games I haven’t played yet
linderosse · 1 year
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Finally playing this Zelda classic ✨
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skelly-bean · 1 year
I love the character I’ve made for baldurs gate 3 SO. MUCH!
I feel like there is so much going on with them visually but I don’t even care they’re amazing
I also love the guardian I made a lot too - definitely put way less time into making her but I was so tired of overthinking in character creation haha
#share the beans#I started making my characters and playing the game in late august- I just haven’t said anything about it here yet haha#I renamed my Tav in bg3 to be Ambi after Queen Ambi from oracle of ages because I liked how Ambi sounds and looks and wanted a loz name#I alsmost named them Orielle instead (the name of a character in skyward sword) but ultimately decided on Ambi#and there is a lot going on visually with them in partially because of all the colors lol#two different colored eyes where each color reminds me of the breath of the wild shrines#one is a vibrant blue and the other is a vibrant orange like when you complete vs find the shrines in botw#then I have a small face tattoo that the randomizer put on but it grew on me so I kept it#the tattoo is a darker green#and then eye makeup and a few stripes of hair that are also a darker green#so I’ve got some darker green - some vibrant blue - some vibrant orange - and the name Ambi all as fun legend of zelda tidbits#oh yeah my character is a teifling!#with a blue or navy blue or whatever shade that is skin tone and vitiligo pigmentation - the tips of their horns have some blue as well#so yeah like I said there’s a lot going on visually with my character but I love them so much!#I probably should have put all of this in the main post not the tags haha#anyways haha#I get so happy whenever I look at Ambi and see all the little legend of zelda references in them I made!#baldurs gate 3#bg3#bg3 character#AMBI I LOVE YOU SO MUCH <3#unfortunately I was silly and didn’t take screenshots of Ambi in character creation - I took a few pictures using my phone of them at least
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ganondoodle · 4 months
Oh man I saw your totk issues post and I agree 100%!! Those are all things that have really bothered me about playing totk, and things that made playing it not nearly as fun (the dungeons, the shrines, the building, etc).
Especially the map!! When I tell you I was so disappointed by the maps on totk, I was hoping for something new! It really just feels like a modded botw, not an official sequel.
I was wondering what your thoughts are on the concept of “what if they had sent link to the past instead”? So the surface map would feature huge differences in the land forms and buildings that exist, and we’d get to see more ganon whenever he visits Hyrule, or go out to the desert to see Gerudo town, etc.
If they really wanted no sheika tech, they could also just have it being newly built? And you could introduce the new characters and such, etc etc.
(I also think the past champions are such a missed opportunity? If botw is about grief and loneliness, and finding hope in the hopeless, and Totk is about coming together despite that, it could have been really interesting if Link had gone to the past! They could have used the past setting as an eerie reminder to what Link and Zelda had lost when the Calamity struck!)
THAT BEING SAID: I’m not as familiar with the legend of Zelda lore, and haven’t played totk very much! I wanted to know your thoughts on this because you seem to have a lot of story and game mechanic knowledge that could explain why this could be a bad/good idea!
(Plus, your discussions are always super interesting to read, as is your custom totk lore, so I’d love to know what you think🩷)
I’m sorry if you’ve already answered an ask like this! If that’s the case, feel free to point that out and I’ll go through your ask tag if you have one:) I hope you have a great day!⭐️
im glad you enjoy my rants, i often feel like im being overly mean but tbh were else could i just rant as much as my heart desires without getting spammed by annoying people (certainly not on twitter lol)
i have talked alot, and i mean ALOT, about totk and my issues with it, both lore and gameplay wise, i dont claim to be an expert on any, though i am an old zelda fan and aspiring gamedev, i really only talk about what i feel about it, what i think about it, and by all means im biased as hell xD
if you dont know yet, the "ganondoodles rants" tag is where all my rants go, so if you are interested in reading more on my totk thoughts thats the way to search (given tumblrs search in blog works ..)
and to answers your question, i have touched on it briefly, sending link back in time before the shiekah tech existed would have been an easy way to excuse how they jsut got .. rid of it, bc they didnt, it literally didnt exist yet- and for reusing the map- though that argument falls a little flat bc ... they coud have already done that in present totk, like i brought up in one of said rants, things like flooding gerudo desert, collapsing death mountain, drying out zoras domain etc, and changing the location of the main populations would have already done alot without having to redo the map in its entirety;
the little changes to map itself really wouldnt that big of a deal if they didnt also send you to the EXACT same locations AND repeat the SAME LOCATIONS AGAIN but in the underground, like thats a fact i have talked about multiple times bc its so illogical in every way, anywhere theres a settlement on the surface theres a bigger mine below, its so stupid, the shrines conenct to a lightroot, the same, again, you dont need to explore bc theres nothing TO explore (its also extra weird bc theres one below taburasa (tarrey town) which .... link literally build with dumsda (hudson) a few years ago .. unless that got retconned too idk wth do i know anymore honestly- AND it makes the sonau extra weird bc why the hell do they have a bigass mine under every settlement ESPECIALLY UNDER GERUDO TOWN like, that just adds to my suspicions towards them)
anyway, link to the past was the point and yes, it could have solved a few issues (mainly shiekah tech and the whole "story" taking place AGAIN in the past completely disconnected from you the player) i personally am not so much a fan of it, but that mostly comes down to me just not liking time travel, i dont like going back in time, i want to play and do things in the here and now, i want to repair the damages of the calamity, find out its origins, maybe fix that too, i love to learn about past stuff too, but that more in text, no literal flashback (unless done well), i want to connect to the past but it also holds alot of mystery that maybe shouldnt be touched upon, some mysteries and unkowns are much more interesting when left as such, i want to THINK about things and come to conclusions that are logical and makes sense in hindsight even if it wasnt clear at the start, i dont want information and what to think about it told to my face over and over like im stupid
after botw i really didnt care much about the past, maybe about the acient hero who alot of people specualted to be of gerudo origin due to its red hair- which also got a monkeys paw curled bc in totk they do sth with but its so stupid and insulting that i do not accept it as canon, say what they want, there are no dog people anywhere in the past nor present botw/totk wtf is that i hate it- and its not even .. why is that the reward for that, it has literally NOTHING TO DO WITH TOTK ITSELF I COULD YELLLL AAAARGH
main point is that really, i wanted to explore the past .. in the present, i hoped to find broken old shiekah structures, old labs and maybe some left over damage and records from when the old king persecuted the shiekah for their tech, i wanted to know where the ancient energy the shiekah used was coming from, what the boss arena in the middle of hyrule castle really was- so many things just discarded and acted like they never happened or mattered; i dont want to travel into the past, i want to discover whats left of it, piece it together, discover dark secrets you can ask no one about bc all that knew about it are long gone- thats what intrigued me about botw, it felt like there was so much left to discover only for totk to throw it all away and just do its own thing .. but not commit to that hard enough either so its neither its own thing nor a sequel-
.. that wasnt really what you wanted to know was it? xD sorry i tend to ramble on if someone seems to give me permission to
to sum it up, i think it COULD work, sending link to the past instead, if done well, but so could canon totk have been, it could have been done well but wasnt for reasons i dont know and tbh even fear bc i worry its sets a dark future ahead of zelda; i personalyl am just not a fan of time travel so i dont have that much to say to it :O
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smilesrobotlover · 7 months
skord skord?
Ah yes, another overhated Zelda game that is in my top three. I’ve played this game on the switch and I will say, it’s so much better than the Wii, so if you haven’t played it yet, try to play it on the switch.
Anyways this is one of the few video games that have made me cry. The story is so good and it makes me SUPER emotional. The Link is probably one of the few Links with so much personality poured into him, his relationship with Zelda is super sweet and fun, and the characters and world of skyloft is incredible. The side quests for gratitude crystals is not only wholesome but gets you closer with the residents, so it feels like an island where you grew up with these people. There’s so much to do in this game and I just… AGH I adore it to DEATH.
Groose is easily one of the best characters in Zelda with his incredible development. He’s so complex and insecure about himself and seeing him work through his issues in the game and become good friends with Link is so incredibly wholesome to me. Impa is a strict but sexy awesome character who’s entire story and character is insane to me.
And Fi… she is such an overhated character. Link in this story is super animated and full of personality meanwhile Fi is cold and distant, and these two complement each other so well. And even though she seems to lack personality, she has some moments here and there where she’s being a character, and those moments are amazing. Her saying goodbye to Link affected me more than Midna because you could just feel the bittersweetness. This character is with you through every game with the master sword. And despite not feeling emotions, Fi was happy with Link, and she truly cared about him, just like he cares about her. And I sob everytime. I love Fi she’s one of my favorite companions ever and I wish she wasn’t hated on so much because she doesn’t deserve it.
And let’s not forget Ghirahim, one of my fav characters of all time. He’s such a fascinating and well written villain who rivals Link perfectly! And most bosses in this game are relatively easy to me. But Ghirahim is one of the few bosses that is very hard. He’s not one of those villains that talk a lot of crap and then die in five seconds. He’s a challenge! You’re definitely inexperienced and he’s clearly just toying with you in the beginning! He actually works hard against you in this game instead of sitting around, and the final battle with him, he is truly giving his all, regretting not killing you in the beginning. When he said “what are you?” To Link after being defeated is INCREDIBLE. There was actually a character analysis about him and Groose so I really can’t talk about their characters without talking for five years lol. But yeah, Ghirahim is a GOOD character. And he actually succeeds in what he’s doing! He revives his master! That’s how you know that he’s a genuine threat! Gosh he’s so good
Now for the flaws, alas. The sky isn’t the best? The loftwings are underutilized (Link’s loftwing isn’t even named :/), the world is very small and limited (except for Lanayru, they put all their good ideas into there fr), and there’s a lot of fluff. Like hunting down the song of the hero is just unnecessary to me. Faron is an idiot for not trusting you despite saving her life, then Eldin is just, completely forgettable, and Lanayru is fine. I just don’t like the song of the hero part that much. But of course when you unlock it, that cut scene is incredible.
Another thing is Demise. He sucks. He’s such a boring character to me and he’s way too easy as a final boss fight. Like you see Ghirahim giving his all and then demise just dies immediately 💀💀 but the final boss is the most cinematic boss fight ever so that def is a plus. And I also don’t like the introduction of Hylia. She makes the lore so much more boring and confusing and I wish she didn’t exist. Same thing with demise. Having them there was… a choice that was made and doesn’t answer any questions about Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf. Heck, Ganondorf really shouldn’t be included with them. Sure he’s a reoccurring villain, but he’s the same guy everytime, he’s never reincarnated like Link and Zelda. Unless you want to count that as Ganon but I don’t like that whole idea. Idk, it complicates the lore a bit and I can understand why people didn’t like that.
But otherwise a fantastic game that impacted me SO much.
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hero-of-fortune · 4 months
Should the next Zelda game be open world like BOTW & TotK, or linear like the prior games? Why?
oh hard question… i haven’t played all of the zelda games (yet) but i’ve played a few, and i feel like they all sort of have different levels of open and linear. sort of like a spectrum?
of the ones i’ve played, i’d sort them from linear to non linear like this:
alttp -> minish cap -> oot -> majora’s mask -> botw -> totk
i liked all of the levels really, i’d say my favorite level of open/linear would be somewhere around majora’s mask. so not super linear/no super locked in path, but at the same time more linear than open. idk if i’m explaining this well lmao. if i had to give a hard answer, i’d say linear (but i know that’s not very likely…)
i also really hope they bring back better linear dungeons, i liked the divine beasts in concept but didn’t like the actual dungeons themselves… and the totk temples didn’t stick out for me
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iiryebreadii · 1 year
more totk thoughts! rip if this is getting annoying I’m sorry homies there’s just SO MUCH
There’s literally so much to do?? I’m constantly wanting to go in like. eight directions at once. Underground exploring, the sky islands, getting the towers, finding a specific geoglyph cause I want to find them in order, cave diving, checking out old favorite spots from botw, actual main story missions, side quests, THERES SO MUCH
I went to the great plateau to see what all was different, and there’s a quest there I haven’t started yet, but the MAIN POINT I have is that seeing the shrine of resurrection cave was oddly sad? That place gave me LIFE and now it’s just overgrown moss :( although the hot spring was a nice touch. It still heals, even when it’s gone :) also the yiga hiding there was hilarious. He was like “prepare for the fight of your life!!!” and then I beat him in like. four hits. iconic
OH also. I’ve been to a couple stables and I’m realizing that the Zelda Apparition I’ve been seeing might not be zelda. Everyone I talk to is like “weeellll I mean it looked like the princess but she didn’t feel like the princess” you know. So WHO is out there impersonating my girl. identity theft is not a joke
^^^this goes double for the blood moon cutscene. she doesn’t even wish me well or say to be careful :’(
I went to kakariko and!! Koko is so grown up!! Cottla is still small but look at my lil cooking baby!!! Making garlands for people!! I’m sad they don’t remember you in this game :( Dorian remembers me. koko I gave you so many ingredients. cottla we played tag so much. my heart is broken
Wait ok new headcanon. Link has the most forgettable face in Hyrule. OR because he’s always wearing different outfits no one can recognize him. remember botw Robbie looking him dead in the eye and being like “how will I know you’re him without seeing the scars. look at you, you could be anyone.”
In my first liveblog post I mentioned meeting the rito Penn and thinking “wow people are probably gonna be weirdly thirsty about this guy” but NOW I’ve met Tauro and I know people are gonna be thirsty over him. like I’m very ace but I think the allos are really winning with this game, good for you guys
Also, trying to use Ultrahand when you have joycon drift? 0/10 would NOT recommend. I need to get new ones, or to get mine repaired, cause my slapdash fixes don’t last more than a few days :/ I spent what felt like an HOUR last night fighting with a shrine puzzle while my joycons played merry hell
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sheikitoff · 10 months
breath of the wild as evermore
if you’re up on your taylor swift lore, you know folklore and evermore are considered “sister albums” - both written and recorded during the pandemic, released five months apart, with a shared “cinematic universe” of sorts, and both characterized by taylor as getting lost in the woods (artistically) and staying there for a while. all of that is true, but if folklore is a lush forest in summer or high fall, evermore is a forest in late winter - the trees are bare, the world is quieter, and all around are signs of death and decay; yet even still, peeking out from the snow are hints of life returning, of nature in all its persistence gearing up to bloom again.
like MM, BOTW is a game about dealing with the apocalypse, but while in MM that apocalypse is imminent, in BOTW it’s a few generations past, still in living memory for some (like the zora) but for the most part the formative shadow under which the people of the world were raised and which society is just starting to emerge from. (this is a real sidebar, but i’ve always thought MM and BOTW were the zelda games most visibly influenced by ff7; in MM, with the moon hanging over the world, akin to meteor in disc 3; in BOTW, i see the final shot of midgar’s ruins overtaken by nature in every corner of hyrule.) but botw isn’t evermore just because it’s a sister to mm/folklore. evermore is an album of aching grief, not just for things lost but for potentials never realized, for “could-have-beens” that never were, for longing after that which was once in your reach but no longer is; “we could just ride around / and the road not taken looks real good now.” i think the champions’ fates are among the most haunting of any zelda characters; they were all brilliant and talented, in their primes, leaders in their communities, brave and true with full lives ahead of them, and they all died horribly, trapped and alone. whether or not mipha’s feelings for link were requited or not, she’ll never know, and link will never have the chance to respond one way or another; “i guess i’ll never know / and you’ll go on with the show”.
evermore is also an album about figuring out who you are (or are going to be) after a loss: “and in the disbelief / i can’t face reinvention/ i haven’t met the new me yet.” in botw, this theme is prevalent on both an individual and a societal level; link spends the game both learning who he was before and who he is now, through finding old memories and through making new ones, and likewise hyrule is rebuilding itself, trying to figure out what it’s going to become, but that future kingdom hasn’t quite taken shape yet (nor have it’s tears- sorry for the pun, i’ll stop now). “there is happiness / past the blood and bruise / past the curses and cries / beyond the terror in the nightfall.” yet people are relentless in their persistence, their determination to keep going, to create life out of a wasteland of death; and through the tarreytown quests the game makes you a party to this, makes you and link engage with the way humanity refuses to be stamped out. “oh, i can’t / stop you putting roots in my dreamland / my house of stone, your ivy grows / and now i’m covered in you.”
here’s the part where i say, full disclosure: i played BOTW in the weeks before and months after my grandmother’s death, and for me that game is inextricably tied to my grief. on evermore, taylor has a song grieving her grandmother (see “marjorie”, pack tissues). i don’t believe that’s why i think evermore is BOTW, and i think i’ve proven that here, but it’s be naive of me to think there’s no connection going on in my subconscious because of that.
another difference between MM/folklore and BOTW/evermore is in the pacing; even though both albums are roughly the same length, folklore feels very tightly paced, extremely sonically coherent, with one clear central vision. evermore is a bit more meandering, more experimental, more willing to sit in silence and sadness and watch the frozen landscape for a while. it still plays with different characters and fictional storylines (and like in MM, link/the player spends a lot of BOTW in the role of observer), but they’re not as interwoven as those on folklore; likewise, in BOTW the characters are spread far and wide across hyrule instead of largely gathered in clocktown, their lives are far less intertwined, and while the NPCs do all have scheduled trajectories of sorts they’re far less strict or significant than those of MM. (also of note; while in folklore, the “teenage love triangle” of songs - cardigan, august, and betty, each from the point of view of a different character from the same love triangle - has resolution, a degree of closure, and some real catharsis on “betty”, the evermore equivalent, ‘tis the damn season and dorothea, have no resolution or closure or catharsis of any kind. unfulfilled, just like the champions’ lives and potential.)
all of these themes and ideas are also summed up within one BOTW character: zelda. unfulfilled potential is the name of the game with her, as she’s constantly told she’s a failure for her inability to unlock her powers, while also being shut off from all her research, her potential as a scholar and any potential discoveries her passion could have led her to, and any lives that knowledge might have saved. (in age of calamity, we learn that zelda’s research into technology could and would have been able to save at least some lives, but the canon of that game is questionable, and regardless BOTW zelda doesn’t know any of that because it never happened; she’s just left with the possibility that maybe she could have uncovered something, but no certainty.) zelda’s grief goes without saying, as we see her breaking down in flashbacks, and her longing - for her powers, to be a scholar, to not be a princess, to be free of the burden of prophecy - is everywhere. (not to mention, the game opens with link hearing zelda’s voice but unable to reach her; whether you interpret their relationship as romantic or not, the whole game is framed with a longing for something you can’t reach). and the persistence of hyrule in surviving and rebuilding despite the calamity is reflected in zelda’s persistence in holding ganon at bay for a whole century; and, in the “true ending” scene you get for unlocking all the memories, we see her already making plans for hyrule, for where to go next and how to move forward.
there’s a lot more i could say, but i’ll end with the final track of evermore, fittingly named “evermore”, which i think sums up the themes of this game so well: “and i couldn’t be sure / but i had a feeling so peculiar / this pain wouldn’t be for / evermore.”
addendum: ah, crap, i meant to write something about the champion’s abilities as representation for still feeling the presence of loved ones after they’ve passed, and “if i didn’t know better / i’d think you were still around / i know better / but i still feel you all around”… ah well, it’s long enough as it is
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hero-of-the-wolf · 3 months
What are all of the games that you’ve played? Double the points of you add your thoughts on it (it can be as short or as long as you want, if you’re up to it)
Bonus points if you want to add some of your thoughts on Echoes of Wisdom.
I’m assuming you mean LoZ games? okay so far we’ve got:
Twilight Princess
the first Zelda game I ever completed :) it will always hold a very special place in my heart!! I’ve been wanting to replay it again so badly lately even tho it’s only been like a few months since I finished it (I can just use my bad memory privileges—)
listen, Twi’s my guy. I love him sm. I love running around Hyrule with him and holding all the cats and petting all the goats 😭😭😭😭😭 this game just hits on all the nostalgia for me I can’t listen to the score without tearing up 🥺 also I’m ngl at the beginning I genuinely didn’t like Midna at all and by the end I actually physically CRIED when she left so…. good job Nintendo. this game is literally the BEST 20/10 I could play it forever and never get sick of it
Breath of the Wild
so BOTW is actually the game I heard of first? like it introduced me to the concept of LoZ, and I even played it a bit a couple years ago, but I actually started playing it after I finished Twilight Princess. with some experience under my belt I enjoyed this game so much better haha
my favorite part is the way the game lets you solve problems in multiple different ways!!! I really enjoyed the shrines, I don’t think I ever really got super frustrated and had to look smth up with this game and it made me feel really smart hehe :) also the combat is SO satisfying but I rarely ever actually engage bc I uhhh I don’t want my weapons to break 💔
Wind Waker
this one I borrowed from a friend :) my only complaint is it’s far too short 😭 I also went into this one determined to figure everything out by myself (riding my BOTW high) and I got SO confused like halfway through I literally had to look up a walkthrough 😭 ik that’s on me tho, I unfortunately get confused very easily 😔 this is another game that I’m so tempted to replay but I do not own it so 😭😭😭😭😭😭 NINTENDO PLS RELEASE THIS GAME AND TP BOTH ON SWITCH I AM BEGGING
the worldbuilding in this game is INSANE actually like they went so hard??? I love the implications of like… this is the same world from OOT but flooded and the people alive now don’t even realize, the world as it is now is all they know. it’s just so interesting to me. and I love Aryll and grandma sm like I would literally sail to the ends of the earth for them
Skyward Sword
so I’m not even halfway through this game yet but I LOVE THIS GAME SM I don’t understand all the hate it gets like it’s SO GOOD???? every scene with Link and Zelda in it makes me so goshdarn emotional 😭😭😭😭😭 I would kill a man for Zelda!!
this game is quickly becoming one of my favs…..
Link’s Awakening
it’s still in the mail so I haven’t played it yet :) I’m very excited to cry at the ending :))
Echoes of Wisdom
I just know it’s gonna be so much fun to play :) I can’t wait to puzzle things out (esp since there will be multiple right ways to solve a problem again!!!) and learn the story and find out what happened to Link!!! and I cannot wait esp for the lore implications and how this might potentially affect LU >:3 I’m so excited!!!!
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driedupeyeballs · 6 months
🚗& 💯 for your fankids!
Due to the fact you didn’t specify which ones I will be rambling about all of them so. Have a seat ALSO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LOJG TO ANSWER
🚗 - “does your OC have a drivers license? Can they drive/operate any automobiles/machinery besides cars?”
Ok I was not expecting anyone to pick this I have like. Never thought of this??? Like I’ve never looked at my fankids and thought “hmmm. Which one of you is forklift certified?”- (Rico definitely owns a shirt that says “I’m forklift certified” but he’s not) After giving this a bit of thought I’ve come to a somewhat conclusion- I think most of my fankids can drive, Ik Zelda can’t bcuz she’s too scared to be outside in a light rain in case she somehow gets struck by lighting so there is no way in HELL she’s getting behind the wheel of a vehicle. And obviously my malleus kid can’t bcuz he’s uh. Blind- but he isn’t relevant bcuz I haven’t even drawn him yet- I’m sorry aihan 😔 Ember tho. Ember would get his license revoked for modifying a car so much that it’s no longer street legal. And I do not trust Shenzi driving bcuz she gets distracted so easily- we’d have to put her on medication 😭 but everyone else I think is good to go
💯 - “share three random facts about your OC that others may not know”
This one was interesting when it’s like. Any of them- I already answered this for Skye in my other post so I’ll limit this to my other kids tho
On the topic of ashengrotto kids tho, we all know Skye couldn’t be trusted around baby mers as a kid cuz they’d eat them. Akram sort of had the opposite issue?? He was terrified of anything that swam, especially eels. Which was pretty awkward for the first few years of his life, he was very anxious around the eel kids in their merforms and refused to go anywhere near the adult eel mers
Okay my basketball trio is something remarkable I swear- three completely different energies there. But Ember was actually briefly banned from playing real games cuz he kept using Moxie to cheat, he actually added a specific program in Moxie’s code to predict the other teams movements. He was thus banned from bringing any robots to basketball 😔 (I realize I haven’t talked abt moxie publicly- or Ember much for that matter. Moxie is a robot beetle that’s like a mini ortho, Ember built him and he just kinda hovers around him like Idia’s skull thingie)
Okay I have plenty of facts I could put here but I’m gonna opt for a mysterious little thing here; not one, but two of my fankids have indeed killed someone in their lifetime! Whether by accident or not! I will say one of them is my Malleus kid, (I rlly need to draw him he’s just the forgotten child), just cuz he has insanely powerful magic and as a kid he didn’t have great control of it. Unfortunately a random civilian found this out firsthand! The other one tho. That reveal I’ll probably save for when I drop all of her lore. Which will be soon! Cuz I plan on doing a lot more loredrops for these dudes soon!!
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My brain is cooking up an absolute MOBSTER if a totk sequel idea
Pile of rant below the cut but the basically concept I think y’all will enjoy is that
post-totk Hyrule is going through a political rough patch about 15-20 years in the future, no one really knows what’s going to happen and the kingdom of Hyrule itself is shrunk down to really just central Hyrule down into the southeast to Lurelin. The individual races each have their own defined nations now and depending on political relations if can be easy or difficult to travel between them
(For example the Zora Kingdom and Hyrule are so close they’re practically merging due to how close the royals are, but no one’s been able to get into or out of Gerudo desert for YEARS)
And you play the game three times as three separate characters, each only having access to part of the map and only one side of the story, only to unlock a secret fourth storyline at the end that fully explains the plot.
Now onto the huge daydream universe I’ve been thinking up for a week
The crux of this story is a couple points:
1. Link entrusted each of his zonai abilities to young npc’s in the game. I haven’t exactly worked out what’s going to who yet but I know a few.
2. The Gerudo population began to see radical reactionary politics after the Demon King fiasco, with many desiring even stricter anti-man measures. Riju vehemently opposed these politics which created lots of tension, and decided to attempt to smooth things over by having an important Hylian political figure act as a sworn donee for her and her wife’s baby. It was Link. Like fathers Riju’s baby. Trust the process it’s gonna be cool.
The character who gets the Ultrahand ability straight away is Mattison, though she isn’t a playable character.
She keeps the ability a secret and learns to use it in hidden places with help from Riju. They become inseparable and Mattison wants nothing more than to protect her Chief and save their people from further isolating themselves.
Things gone to a head when Purah telraveks to the desert to give Riju an exam using new tech she just invented—essentially an ultrasound, and finds something… peculiar.
The baby might be a… male.
They do their best to keep quiet about it but Riju and up fighting with her wife over what to do about it. The wife insists that the child will only bring destruction and evil, as the Gerudo kinds of the ancient past. Riju insists that it is her duty as a mother to try regardless and if the child is truly doomed, she will save them from that fate herself.
But word soon gets out and an assasinqtion plot is put in place to rid them of Riju and the baby.
Meanwhile Mattison has been encountering a strange person out in the desert while she tests her vehicles in secret at night. A person covered head-to-tie in dark clothing riding a different zonai vehicle. They race each other night after night and eventually gain enough trust to speak with each other.
Mattison learns this person’s name is Coda and they are an engineer working with Zonai tech to make vehicles and musical instruments.
Their friendship grows and eventually when Mattison learns of the assasinqtion plot, she confides to Coda and asks for help getting Riju and the baby to safety.
They end up making a big flying machine and airlift Riju from a battle in the town square up to the Great Sky Island.
And that’s all you get to know about that at first.
Meanwhile Zelda and Link have kids of their own, a set of twins that legally carry their parents names as you’d expect, but go by nicknames to avoid any… negative attention for their lineage.
Free—the new Link—ends up spending most of his childhood in Rito Village after showing a liking for archery, areal combat, and climbing.
Free’s story begins when a diplomatic meeting is called between the Rito and the Gerudo at the border of their territory. Free accompanies an aging Teba and his apprentice Tulin along with some warriors to the meeting, where the illegitimate chief Malkena demands the Rito shrink their borders further despite already having the smallest territory in Hyrule. Teba obviously disagrees and a fight breaks out, Malkena killing Teba in the process. They are pushed back and the new elder Tulin asks Free to go to Lookout Landing and seek help from Purah. It is there he learns that his father Link hasn’t been seen in almost five years, but no one could get word to the Rito for various reasons.
Meanwhile his sister “Faith” is our second lead—YES, a playable Zelda!— stays in Tarrey Town helping run Link’s new business “Cafe on the hill” a small bakery and eatery run out of their sprawling mansion overlooking the town (which is more of a giant fortress city now)
She shows a propensity for magic, like her mother but more controlled and concentrated. She loves exploring and foraging in the hills of Hyrule and is very good at navigating on her own. When her father goes missing she is quick to want to look for him but the older population in the town assures her that he’s always been a wanderer. She waits and waits but he doesn’t come home. Faith then decides to seek consul from an eccentric old man who runs a monster museum who claims to have been a good friend of Link’s. The man (who we all know is Kilton) tells Faith to travel to Satori Mountain and pray at the tree, and she will find a guide there. And that’s where her story begins.
The third playable character is known as “Rise” or “Sunrise”, Riju’s son and the other’s half brother. Also a reincarnation of Ganon, though his storyline revolves around finding a way to stop himself from being overtaken by evil.
His mother insists that he needs to either find his father or his siblings, but he’ll likely have a hard time doing either as the royal family became secretive recluses after the Upheaval, and attempting to find thrm would likely warrant violence. She then recommends seeking out Zelda if anyone, as her whereabouts were likely the save as when Riju had last seen her: Hateno. So then in disguise Rise sets out to find Zelda who promises to assist him in fighting off the evil inside him, but he wound likely need to journey to find specific people and objects imbued with powerful magic.
And I have no idea where this all goes but after you defeat all three storylines a secret fourth story starts with a cutscene in the Depths (which only played a minor role in the first three, lots more time is spent in the sky and in lands just beyond Hyrule’s original borders)
A cloaked figure is seen kneeling at the foot of a small monument, it looks like a grave, with flowers in front of them.
A second figure, which is recognized pretty quickly as a younger Coda (who was seen frequently assisting the others in their own stories) in what looks like a modified Yoga outfit.
They call out “who are you and what are you doing at my father’s grave?”
The figure turns and stands, revealing an older, depressed looking Link. He holds out his hand and a purple ball appears in it. Coda takes it and is granted to Autobuild ability.
As it turns out Coda is also a twin, the twin children of Kohga. Their brother Kash is a staunch traditionalist and wants to run the clan just like hybrid father did. Coda on the other hand sees that this is a fruitless endeavor and wants to help the world, not harm it.
In their exploration of the depths Coda finds an ancient monument claiming to tell the story of his the endless cycle started, and how it can only end the exact way it began.
It also indicated that what remained of the gloom was coming from a specific source, though what it was is anyone’s guess. So Vida begins to build and research, eventually meeting the cast and helping them along.
However in the final battle of the fourth route the master sword shatters.
It is revealed at the end that the source of the power for evil was a tomb hidden in the depths, which all 4 character have heard calling out countless times.
The evil beast thing raises its head once more and they tear open the coffin to find a large sword.
Coda takes the sword and plunges it into the demon, which destroys it and in its wake the sword shimmers and shifts into the form of an unconscious man.
Everything fades to black, credits roll.
And there’s so much I didn’t even have a good spot to put in—like a certain Zora sneaking into Pyrah’s laboratory to de-age her best friend so he won’t die a million years before her
Or the fact that certain monsters gained (or re-gained) sentience after the Gloom retreated to the depths and now there’s entire Lynel and ‘Blin societies and the conflict between the ones who want to work with the Hylians and the ones who still want war is a huge plot point
Or that at one point I turn Koltin’s entire existence into a Chekhov’s gun and allow Faith to commune with nature spirits and call upon his protection to OBLITERATE a massive pile of enemies
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blazregaliadream · 1 year
Entry No. BRD04162023 - The Arcane Valkyrie (Rough Concept)
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This warrior was spoken to arisen during times when an ancient kingdom was faced with the perils of a certain evil. Wielding a divine sword, a magical shield, and various arms, no matter how dire things looked, she would always save the day through her combat prowess and fierce determination. Eventually, however, she disappeared and was never to be seen again, and yet... it's believed her warrior's spirit has continued on elsewhere... ============================= Postin’ here instead of the art blog because... Today marks what would've been my grandma's 74th birthday. Back in early 2009, a few days short of my old man's b-day, she was taken by an unexpected asthma attack. I was only 10 at that time and it was the first time I'd be face to face with the realization of man's mortality. In late middleschool or highschool, I would make an OC that became my own vision of her. I haven't drawn her since highschool, but the thoughts remain the same. To this day, despite the little times we've ever interacted one-to-one and later my spiritual connections with the rest of the family havin' faded thin, I continue to carry grandma in my heart and... I think I'm still not over the fact that she was taken from me so soon. I still wish I had more time to spend with her. To show her the things I made, to connect with her over our shared interest in Zelda (every time I ever saw her play a video game, it was always the first Legend of Zelda through the GameCube collection and she's beaten it so many times), lord knows what else we might've or would've came to have in common. Even if it's just one playthrough per game, I continue to play the Zelda games I get (well, most of 'em anyway) not just because I personally still love the franchise, but as my own way of carryin' on the journey she might've enjoyed. I hope to encapsulate some of that with the other concept I had in mind into this OC someday, but for now, this simple rebirth will suffice. Happy 74th, Grandma. I may not have been all that much of a talker, I'm sure you've come to know things that transpired within our family that probably hurt your soul more than I can imagine, and I certainly haven't been amountin' to much as an adult, but for what it's worth, please keep watchin' over me if you are... And, even if for a few laughs or so every once in a while, I hope I can talk with you again when I get to the other side.
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newartistgirl · 1 year
Tears fo the Kingdom speculations
  The last trailer hadn’t managed to make me as excited as this one. Not remotely close. The freedom this game promises seems incredible, and, what’s better, seems that will be kind of managed alongside a more relevant story. 
1. Sidon being King? = things happening in hyrule?
In the past game it seemed that the story mostly revolved around descovering what had happened in the past which, given the fact that Link had lost his memories, kind of makes sense. But I’m all excited for the fact that it seems this game will have a story you progress with. What do I mean? Eventhough we can not be certain, I read someone that pointed out Sidon was wearing his father’s crown. As I rewatched the trailer, I tried to take notice of that, only to find out something even more interesting. In the firtst clip we see of him, while fighting alongside Link, he does not seem to be wearing it. However, in that last scene where Riju, Sidon and, presumably, Teba’s son are together (I don’t know his name in english), he does. That lead me to think that, maybe, it has something to do with an event that will occur during game. This may imply that maybe in this time we’ll see more stuff going on around us and the characters as the game progresses, something that was kind of lost in Breath of the Wild.
2. Hylia or Zelda 
I can not decide who is meant to be the girl with the green eyes and the not-at-all-hylian traits. I’ve heard it may be a transformed Zelda. Is not crazy to think so as we can see on her neckalce a glowing gem that could very well be the one they pay special focus on, a few scenes back, on her hands. However there’s a part of me that thinks it just means that both Zelda and said character (could be Hylia as it has also been speculated) will play an important role and be connected somehow. Remember that Skyward Sword Zelda is meant to be the reincarnation of Hylia. Does someone know actually how much similar to you needs to be a reincarnation? Is it... mandatory? If it were, it could be a very good explanation on why they look alike. 
This leads to another (and bigger) question:
3. Who is the one on the wall carvings?
Three figures pop into my mind. The green-eyed girl, the misterious one that speaks with Zelda, and that first creature. The size makes me think that figure speaking with zelda could be a choice (plus, they don’t show its face. Could it be for a reason?). Anyhow, the first creature we see shares undoubtedly some traits with the one of the carvings (Specially the eye on the forhead, the really long ears with a very similar decoration, and, maybe, the fact that seems the least human-like). But what about the blonde one? Is it Zelda? Is it Hylia? If it were her, is it ever Hylia the one in the carvings? Is it another deity? Is it even a deity?
4. More lively hyrule 
In my opinion, one of the most exciting things about the trailer was that the people of Hyrule seem to be more involved. Not only we see Link carrying some of them in a carriage (he seems to have crafted, or at least fixed), but also we are presented two other important scenes: one were we see some hylians, along with a goron, a gerudo and Link, looking at somewere... But are they ready for something?. And, a second one, that features a buch of hylians on the field fighting against some bokoblins. Plus, Hyrule seems to be actually getting rebuilt.
5. What’s with Teba? 
We see Riju, se see Sidon... but Teba is nowhere to be found (Nor Yunobo, but it’s something else what shocks me). Somehow, we see a little not-so-little orni that (I’ve searched for a picture to make sure) seems to be an older version of Teba’s son. (We can asume he has grown I guess). Does the absence of Yunobo and Teba, and the appearance of Teba’s son imply that not all “descendants” of the champions will have an important role? Or is it just that we haven’t seen all yet? 
6. Companions?
It is said by a voice I have not recognised that Link won’t be alone. All this while showing a scene of Sidon and Link fighting in what seems to be the lands above. Are we facing the return of some kind of companion figure, but this time, it’s more than one? The fact that we also see Link in various scenes with Teba’s son makes me think of this “companions” as punctual companions, which is most likely, as we also see Link wondering most of his time alone.
We could also mention what seems to be the return of the dungeons (or some kind of similar type of mazes), the new items, abilities, attires... 
NOTE: I have not seen any of the leaked content (nor I want to) so, if something here is wrong because of my lack of information, my apologies.
( apologize also for any kind of typo. Enlgish is not my mother tongue)
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ariathenovice3 · 1 year
I’m making a links meet au, here’s just some info I have in general, might change later
Skyward sword, he and his Zelda are married and have been for nearly 6 years (they are 26 and 25), they don’t have children and it’s a bit of a sore subject for them
Ocarina of Time, he is captain of the royal guard, a widowed father of a 7 year old daughter who lives in castle town, he is 29 at the time of the start
ALTTP,ALBW,LA- he’s 17 and just a few months past links awakening, he’s still caught up with Marin and mourning her even though he’s not even sure if she was ever real,
Loz 1 and Loz 2, he’s 35, he is currently on the run from assassins and always assuming a new identity to avoid them, he’s gotten weirdly good about faking his death
Tp, he is a 28 year old farmer in ordon, he has a on off relationship with a girl there but they arnt serious, he was offered a noble title for his service by the queen but refused because he prefers the simple life
WW/PH- he’s 21, a pirate, and admiral of the newly founded new hyrule
Spirit tracks- he is 15 and really just wants to go home, he is hating every second of this adventure because his first one ended just a few weeks prior
First calamity- she (the rest don’t know she’s a woman) is a half gerudo- half hylain noble woman who pulled the master sword when she was 14, disguised herself as a man, and became the hero, killing calamity Gannon when she was 17, she’s currently 19
BotW/TotK- he is 21 and Janet gone on his journey in TotK yet (because I haven’t beaten the game and don’t know how it plays out yet), so he is just the hero of the wild now, he currently lives with his Zelda
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toyota-supra · 1 year
ghhh there’s so much shit to DO man I need to play everything
just of games I’ve started this year I’ve yet to finish:
Kirby and the Forgotten Land Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Umineko (though I’ve put it off so much that I’ve essentially given up) Dodgeball Academia Midnight Club 3 Mega Man Zero (I got to the final boss and got stuck because I had ZERO UPGRADES ON ANYTHING so I had to go back my save and get upgrades but now I have to like. farm for shit or something man this is not fun. otherwise this game rules. I could just pretend that I beat the boss since I got so close to it but I’d feel bad) Dead Cells (to be fair I played that like twice. I don’t like roguelikes I just think the combat is neat and the Castlevania DLC rules) NFS Heat (I did give up because of performance issues, but I invested so much time into it that it counts) Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origins (the reason I made this post) The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog (yes thats like 3 hours of reading I just lose focus easily) The Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening DX Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered (I’m like. a few missions from ending the main story) Spider-Man Racing Lagoon (I’m only in the fifth night still! there’s like 20!) Ex-Zodiac Fate/Extella (this one can wait tbf) Into the Breach Daemon X Machina Fate/Stay Night Heaven’s Feel Pseudoregalia
and that’s just stuff I haven’t given up on. AND I have other games I plan on starting later on. godddddddd fuckkkkkkkkkkk
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chellyfishing · 2 years
okay let’s do the videos game i played this year
uhh obviously as per i played a stupid amount of ffxiv. like i don’t think i have a record of hours played this year nor am i interested in knowing. i did my first current tier savages this year though??? (right? that was this year? or late last? i think it was this year.) also farming exes while they’re still new and not crying the whole time?? who is SHE??? i was going to say this is the year i became a whm main but i think that personal tragedy happened last year actually.
i finished until dawn in april. i actually did... pretty well without a walkthrough, i did restart after i got the dog killed bc i felt so so bad about it (this is the kind of thing i think is understandable and acceptable) and then i had some ehhhh struggles with those final hold still QTEs to get everybody out before things exploded but otherwise i mostly made... okay choices?? FOR THE MOST PART??? i discovered later that there aren’t as many places you can get people killed as i thought tho so tbh i don’t think my performance was that impressive. anyway i enjoyed this game, the further along i got in it the more i had to play it in short bursts cause it’s uhh kinda stressful? and listen i don’t mind explaining to you that for me the fear is not in the monsters or the jump scares the fear is in messing up, the stress of getting someone killed because of my mistakes and my wrong choices and my inability to play the game right. horror means different things to different people and for me the real horror was in the imperfections we revealed in ourselves along the way.
okay i nearly forgot that i did play my switch for more than piddling around in zelda and mario and i did actually play another new release besides stray (see below) this year which was the stanley parable ultra deluxe back in april (or may?). i never played the original so i was happy to grab this and just spend a few days exploring it. i watched the ox kids play it and was amazed that with how thorough i thought i was i STILL missed a bunch of stuff! but they also missed stuff that i did. incredible. so fun and funny and when i had the bucket for less than ten seconds i already knew i would both kill and die for it. i think this is the only switch game i finished this year which, come on, self.
(i did play a lot of botw and mario odyssey this year i!!!! just haven’t finished them!!! DON’T LOOK AT ME!!!!!)
replays of resi 2 and 3 remakes as well as 7 and 8 in june because they all got ps5 upgrades and i got a ps5! i am like one or two trophies away from plat on all of them and i hate it!!! for 3 and 7 they’re the hardest mode (inferno and madhouse respectively i think) trophies bc there’s this stretch before you can get your good items from the item box that are just So Hard and you have to actually be good to get through them and i am not!!! for 2 it’s the stupid 4th survivor mode, again you have to actually be good. and for village it’s a couple of mercenaries mode trophies that i could probably get if i would just sit down and play mercenaries mode for a bit, i said i would do it when the dlc dropped and it has and yet here we are.
in july i played titanfall 2! wow this game was a lot of fun and a lot more emotional than i expected!!! if you followed me on twitter at the time you got to witness my emotional breakdown. i might revisit this someday to get more trophies but for me the fun i had in this was just kind of jumping into a short campaign and blitzing through it in a weekend without trying to be good or complete. i didn’t even really mess around with the collectables and i kind of don’t know who i’ve become as a person.
control also got a ps5 upgrade so i replayed that also in july to get the plat again. while i was at it i 100%’d both dlcs as well. i love this game!!! i love the setting, i love the story, i love jesse, i love the sense of humor, i love the other characters, i love how weird things are sometimes, one day i think i’m actually going to sit down and read all the documents because i HAVE THEM ALL (except like... one that you could only get with a ps4 preorder or something?? idk i forget, it’s not important) and i love the writing! this year we also got confirmation on the sequel and man. MAN. GIVE IT TO ME I’M SO READY.
i played journey to the savage planet... also in july! i had a lot of opinions about this game and i remember going over them a lot on twitter. i loved so much about it but there were just some things i kinda haaaaated. like there are some things about the way the game is mechanically that are so SO frustrating (there’s no MAP in the EXPLORATION GAME??) and i really just wanted to explore this weird planet and eat goo and look at new critters with one brain cell. i dunno! also no plat bc there are like 3 or 4 co-op only trophies. i think i got almost all the others, i’m missing like one in the main game, one in the dlc, and i think you’ll catch me dead before i try old game minus if i was already frustrated enough with the normal version of the game.
i played town of light in (checks notes) july and uhhhhh. this game is a lot! there’s not a lot to it mechanically, it is more or less a walking sim, and there are some aspects of the gameplay that don’t feel great, i remember being unclear on where to go at times and the game is not always great at letting you know. but the story. i was an absolute sobbing wreck at the end. like, so many trigger warnings, you guys, and i don’t think this is right for everyone, but if you think you can play it you should, or maybe watch someone else play it. it is... gripping, heartbreaking, very hard to get through in places, especially for people with certain lived experiences.
i played wytchwood in uhh mumblemumblejuly which is easily a new favorite game. it’s like a fairy tale where you play as a witch going through different areas and the main gameplay loop is finding items and recipes, crafting them to get more items to craft more to get more to solve story and environmental puzzles to progress the plot. the story is so fun and well-written, the graphic design and animation are beautiful, it is really the kind of game i picked up and INSTANTLY went “i love this already so much.” just so good and cozy and wholesome, i would recommend to everyone honestly. whitethorn is a new favorite developer. oh also if you like trophies this is an easy plat as you get all of them just playing the story.
i played tacoma and it was still the month of july. this is from the same people who made gone home, so if you liked that you may also like this. it is another walking sim, all though you’re in space so sometimes it is a floating sim. i loved the characters and the story, plus there is a cat that you can find for a trophy. it’s really good! however, fuuuuuck steve gaynor, and to my knowledge he still works at fullbright, so up to you if you want to give them your money.
obviously, i played stray when it came out in (checks) are you kidding me?! july?! this is the other new release besides stanley parable (and resi8 dlc if you count that) that i played this year since i usually wait for stuff to drop in price but this wasn’t that expensive since it’s an indie game and uhhh i wanted to play it!!! also it is goty! you play as a cat! you have a robot buddy!! i loved the world and the characters, and i cried so much at the end!! if you haven’t played it yet why!! what are you waiting for!!!
in some month that’s not even important at this point i played teacup which is another whitethorn game. it is a very very short cute little narrative game about a frog who wants to have a tea party with her friends. like this is just a game you sit down with when you want something so cute and cozy and you’ve already played wytchwood so many times. the kind of thing you could play with a little kid if you have one of them lying around. very pleasant and cleansing. also another slam dunk plat.
in OCTOBER the resi 8 dlc dropped and i played that, like stayed up all night when it released kind of played through it. i’m surpised that i haven’t already replayed it twenty times because i did like it a lot! i like rose and you know what some of the stuff in this is... genuinely kind of scary!! i can’t even look at the face-sucking animation it is so unpleasant. a lot of things in this game were doing a number on my trypophobia tbh. maybe that’s why i haven’t gone straight back to it. also the mannequins are scarier than the fetus monster, i said it and i meant it.
and last but not least this month (tbh started nov 30) i played tales of arise. my longer post on this game is still in the drafts haha. i guess i can talk about it a bit here tho. i... loved this game. i think my expectations were... neutral at best, ofc i didn’t love zestiria and while i liked berseria at the time i’ve never felt any particular desire to revisit it (this actually may be due to other factors that i’ll not get into atm), and i normally log literally hundreds of hours into tales games, so i guess i just wasn’t feeling optimistic about being impressed by it. and i was wrong!!! i really think this has some of the most mature character writing of any game in the series. normally the characters are like one half assorted disparate lol xd random quirks and one half trauma without the two sides melding very well but i felt that much much less in this game. there were things in the story writing i thought were pretty typical for the series and things that i really liked and appreciated! i ended up loving the characters, loving the way they grew as individuals, in relation to each other, and as a group, and i actually remember what happens in the plot which is uhhhhh a bit more than i can say for the last two games. also? voice cast was flawless, no notes, yeah even papenbrook, yeah i’m as surprised as you.
aside from that, i actually played my first real matches of both among us and overwatch this year and had a lot of fun. LOST BIG HARD in overwatch every single time sorry team i was drunk and wouldn’t have known what i was doing sober. oh but i did get most damage blocked as reinhardt (had to look his name up) in one match!!! also winning a mungus match with @foxxxy--mulder as my co-imposter against a team of hardened vets who ate each other alive for us is one of my most cherished gaming memories of the year. i hold it close to my heart and think of it often.
stuff i’m looking forward to next year: 
resi4 remake obviously!!! i pre-ordered it immediately i’m SORRY i know pre-ordering is BAD i never do it but resi is an exception!!! and it comes out on my BIRTHDAY!!!!
oxenfree: lost signals! i know it was supposed to be released this year and has been delayed a couple times which is... not a great sign. like i am PRO-DELAY don’t get me wrong!! i’m glad to hear it for a lot of reasons!! it’s just usually when you hear stuff get pushed back... more than once it’s a little worrisome. however i’m still excited for it and hope for the best!
horizon forbidden west--yes obviously this doesn’t come out next year, but i will almost definitely be playing it in 2023. in fact it’s on sale right now for a price i don’t hate and i’m contemplating picking it up after i get paid, since ofc i’ve been aching to play this for months and months now.
hmm it seems there is a grimgrimoire remaster coming out next year. i will consider that seeing as i am a simp for vanillaware. (13 sentinels is another game i actually might get my hands on next year finally.)
OBVIOUSLY LOZ? when am i not looking forward to loz?? i am never not looking forward to loz.
MAYBE ffxvi. i’ve still not played a non-xiv ff game (YES I WILL PLAY IX AND WHATEVER THE OTHER ONE I HAVE IS EVENTUALLY SCOUT’S HONOR) but. they kinda got me with the primals in the teasers. i don’t know though. and actually even if i do decide to play it i won’t be surprised if this is a thing like forbidden west that takes me a year to get to because new AAA games are just so goddamn much money and i need to really really want something to pay that much for it.
while it has no release date and may not be coming out until at least 2024 rest assured i will be spending 2023 looking forward to hadesgame 2.
oh and pretty unlikely to be released in 2023 but that new IP from the bioshock devs?? i’m already in line for it.
with a special shoutout toooo all the games i have that i haven’t played yet. when i’m feeling less anhedonic (dare to dream) i will once again try to get back to my goal of doing short games on weekends, at least.
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skyward-floored · 1 year
Are important NPCs from every Zelda game jut citizens of IAU? If so it'd be fun to see Kafei and Anju actually getting a happy ending both as adults in a universe. Also most people consider Kafei to be Link's counterpart in Termina, at least partly because he's the first non-Link character you ever play as in an LoZ game, but if you went with that thought and your trend of Links being supers, you could make Kafei a super married to someone normal. Now I'm gonna go dark because these two aren't allowed to be happy in any universe, what if Kafei was one of the first supers that Dark used to test his creations. I know you don't normally do stories focused around anyone outside the Chain, but if you ever did just write ensemble pieces worldbuilding IAU this would be a neat idea to explore.
Also I know in the movie the Incredibles takes place in an AU approximately in the equivalent of the 1950's-60's, is that when it takes place in your IAU? Also if so how long had supers been a staple of society before being made illegal. Like had Hylians lived alongside active supers for 100 years, 200? 1000? Or had it only been a few decades before they decided they were too scared to let supers operate.
Sorry it's the middle of the night and my brain is whirring at 100mph and I just gotta get these thoughts out so my mind can shut up
Yeah I have a lot of npcs just stuck in random places in this au: most of them are regular citizens and things, but a few are supers (like Mikau for example). I actually haven’t gotten to the Kafei part in MM yet, and aside from the manga (which is dubiously canon you know) I don’t know much of what happens at that part, so I’m going to put discussion of him and Anju on hold for now. Those do sound like neat ideas though 👀
Yeah, this au takes place vaguely in the 1950’s-60’s, but since it’s also loz, I’m playing a little loose with specifics and things. It’s mostly just where they are technology-wise— like they don’t have cellphones, or home computers or anything (but they do have tv, wow!) The movies show some higher technology, but most of that is owned by supers or the insanely rich, so obviously not everyone has access to such technology.
I’ll admit I haven’t thought about it! I honestly don’t know how long supers have been around in society. If I had to guess I’d have to say it’s definitely been more than a few decades, probably closer to 100-200 years, maybe longer. It’s one of those things the movie doesn’t go into at all, so I have to sort of guess XD
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