#one of the things i think i suck the most at making orz
jinmalos · 5 months
i always wanted to make a torna cooking zine...maybe someday ill get around to it yet...
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bmpmp3 · 24 days
I KNOW every person says this about every medium, art form, hobby, etc. ever, and always specifically about whatever time they get really really really into said hobby BUT i do genuinely think, at least from a software perspective, that we're probably on the cusp of some kind of vocal synth renaissance. the scene never died or even wavered, but with the sheer amount of new software coming out both paid and free, voicevox getting a singing update,stuff like OpenUtau making compatibility easier... i don't care for subscriptions so im only interested in their perpetual licenses but i will admit voisona's subscription model for voicebanks has a lot of benefits for those who just wanna use a voice maybe once or twice.... there are so many robots to make sing you guys. there are so many.
#im learning about diffsinger in openutau rn. the kohaku merry bank sounds SO so good like i already loved her utau#but her ds has like. this extra huskiness thats so nice. excited to see how i can play with these things!!#i feel like another new group of voices to mess around with was just plopped in my lap hkfsjhekrfas#but yeah. all we need is like a new utau-making boom and i think we'll be fully in it#make a cv utau. do it now. do it NOW#i love cv banks. people dont like em but i like their efficiency. plus there so easy to record that you can like#do all kinds of weird unique voices. i think its fun!! ive been getting really into the windows 100 utau recently#those i believe come in both cv and vcv most of the time but in general i just love how unique some of them were#kachanloid rules. and the grandma. and the wrestler. and the middle aged man#so so so awesome. make a weird utau NOW#i do wish openutau had more layout options tho. i get why its a bunch of separate windows and all#but i do hate juggling them all around like this orz i wish it was like photoshop or gimp or something#where you can pop out everything as separate windows if you want but can also have them in one window with tabs if you prefer#but even then i'd accept just having play controls on the part-editing windows. it does suck flipping between them to listen#to the thing you just pitchbended orz but i still love you openutau. especially the vocal color functionalities#its so versatile and editable i love it. now you can finally use all the appends at once easily!!!!!#so so cool i think its a bit of a game changer for open source vocal synths like this
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merakiui · 9 months
Elloo :3 i have a quick question which characters do you think that are the best at sommo?
(I feel like Floyd would lose control in the middle of it due to his lack of patience, also do you remember the whole "sharing their room" with the tweels? And the "Whoever gets away with doing the most stuff to you wins" so good!!)
Kind regards!!! (also I am leaving extra stuff because I know that I will be unavailable very soon) <3
-Cuchito anon
Hi hi, Cuchito!!! :D Floyd definitely loses control halfway through. He starts so strong, but it's impossible to keep up the same pace when he wants nothing more than to bite you and suck marks into your skin and rut into you like the world's ending. T_T you wake up and he's fucking you like he's in heat; he's so desperate and so sex-drunk. Also, the twins competing to see who can get away with doing the most things to you while you're unaware... >:) I remember it hehe!! They turn everything into a competition; it's more fun that way.
As for your question, I imagine Jade, Jamil, Rook, Malleus, Lilia, Rollo, Che'nya, and Neige are the best at somno. >:) I added Neige to this list because in my heart he is delusional and likes to pretend you're waiting for true love's kiss to wake you from your slumber. <3 the other characters are patient and careful enough to not wake you (although if you're Jade and Rook that's sometimes the goal because they're freaks who want to see your expression twist from horror to pleasure when they're buried so deep inside of you). By default Malleus is extremely good at somno for obvious reasons. <3 he's just so gentle and sweet, so loving and tender; you'll never know he was there, but you'll feel it when you wake up and you're stuffed full of cum.
I feel like Vil could also be good at somno, but then I think he prefers to fuck you when you're awake and able to look at him and consciously know that he's the one making you fall apart like this. Leona could be on the list as well, but then most of the time you'll fall asleep with him still inside you after sex and you'll wake up to him lazily fucking into you. So it's not really his intention to fuck you while you're asleep; he's probably not even fully awake either. T_T it's all just perfunctory instinct to him.
Characters like Kalim, Deuce, Epel, and Floyd get way too into the sex, so you'll end up waking up as a result. orz they really do make an effort to be stealthy in the beginning, but it's impossible when you're squeezing them so tightly and you look so cute with all of that cum dripping out of your hole... it's an impossible challenge.
Riddle is too nervous at the prospect of getting caught (also he's constantly at war with himself over the fact that he has to be good even though he wants to break rules and have you to himself), so even if he tried somno he'd be extremely anxious and awkward. Silver falls under this category as well, but it's his moral compass that holds him back. Likewise, the same goes for Jack.
I could group Azul with Kalim and the others because he's also one who loses himself in all of the sensations, but I think he could succeed if he were in mer form. He's so quiet and stealthy in that form. But he whines so much. >_< he has to bite the pillow or something to muffle his sounds, and even though he tries to go slow and gentle so you won't wake up he can't help wanting to be just a little rough to prove that you're all his. ;;;; if he tries his hardest and forces himself to be as quiet as possible, he could very well succeed in human form through sheer determination.
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mintytealfox · 5 months
I'd love to hear what you think are the biggest insecurities for each of the Da Capo members!
awweee hheellllzzz yeeeaaaaa 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌 Here are some of my initial thoughts 👀👏👏👏👏👏
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-I feel like Norton wants to be perceived but NOT at the same time lol, he wants his MASK (what he is working so hard to portray) to be perceived not the REAL him or what he is really thinking. So there could be this underlying gnawing that people are seeing through cracks in his mask that he doesn't know about. Worried he isn't masking well enough. -I think he is insecure about his body and how lean it is. Knowing that he should be bulkier but not having enough food for his muscles to be as they should with how hard he works. But he can also use that to his advantage cause it makes it easier for people to underestimate him and his abilities. But it would still suck and not feel good to not be where he thinks he should. -Insecure about eating. He doesn't care about people watching and such, (poor looks his way just fuels his rage and he welcomes that) just insecure about not completely knowing which certain foods will make him sick, cause he might just have to find out the hard way what his body can handle and what it can't. To eat something he always wanted to try only to end up bent over a bucket later cause its such a shock to his system orz
-To be perceived as insane. Those at the orphanage treated her poorly (understatement of the century) because of it, she can't risk that again. I wonder and worry that if she is described as 'insane' in earshot that she might go mute again for a short time involuntarily. I can see that as something she might have forgotten about or stopped worrying about for the most part, until she is reminded of it.
-And she probably doesn't want anyone to notice that she does have OCD and such. Since she tends to keep those tendencies limited to her things and her space. But her eyes might settle on something that is bothering her when she isn't on a mission that distracts her from all that. And maybe internally wincing when she realizes she let herself mentally slip.
-I don't think Orpheus gives two cares about what people think and is pretty darn secure in what he is doing, EXCEPT for when it comes to Alice, I think. He might be worried that he won't ever find Alice again, and if he does, she won't recognize him or worse, won't remember him. That those precious moments were only precious to him. Him spending his entire life trying to get those precious memories back to reality only for him to be the only one that wants them. That would shatter him orz He claims everything he does is for Alice, so what happens when she doesn't care about everything he did for her. oooooh boi (he even tried to adopt her but was denied ah he was doing all he could this entire time ah)
-Not having friends or many people in her life. She seems to have that desire and want, but is so jaded after everything that has happened in her life. She protects herself by not letting people see her or get to know her, but this self protection is also keeping her from that human connection that she would like.
-I can see her having some insecurity about her birthmark on her face, but I think she mostly doesn't want people to be able to read her.
-Then of course the given of doing all she can to dodge talking about her past. So that worry of any of that being talked about. Extremely insecure about who she was.
-Worried that he is unwanted, undesirable, by those he wants to care about him (so to protect himself he doesn't want people to care about him or let himself care about others). He has no trouble with ladies fawning over him but that isn't what he wants. He was abandoned and ignored. So if he ever runs into people that he would want to care about him, he might have that gnawing within him that they will abandon him one day, its inevitable.
-Concern that people can tell that he is troubled by thoughts and voices in his head (and worried that his secrets being perceivable in moments of weakness). He definitely wears a mask to seem untroubled and indifferent and simply passionate about music. But that passion is really being desperate to attain peace. And looking desperate isn't a good look. I think he did all he could to seem normal and not embarrass his family, so he has had plenty of practice creating an impressive mask for himself, only to be abandoned anyway (also adds to why I think he looks so exhausted all the time cause it is so draining to never be allowed to be yourself or rest from the voices. Constantly fighting to keep the mask from cracking uhg)
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fumblingmusings · 1 year
francis and matthews relationship is so interesting cause in the show at least francis is more supportive than arthur for the most part but he still frames himself as the cool older brother you can get advice from and absolutely NOT a father.
It's really hard to say because we have so little 1 on 1 panel time of Francis and Matthew versus him and Arthur.
I tried to find the original strips but I think most of the Birz ones have been wiped from online so orz if I have missed any important Arthur/Matthew/Francis ones apologies...
But I remember that the earlier strips which was all mini Canada tales were so hilariously mean spirited - everyone forgets him, people sit on him, Alfred is just glib and pushy and awful, and Kuma is also just like... ragging on the poor guy. But at least Arthur apologises to him (rare show of an Englishman admitting he was wrong) whilst Francis implies that everything that sucks about Matthew is the bits that ties him to Arthur. And also in another strip Arthur is the only one who notices he's not there????
Like okay fine in the early ones he can't remember who's missing but at least he feels Mattie's not there. However, yeah, Francis another time does remember him and quite sharply chides Arthur for it, even though in the G8 one Francis didn't have a clue.
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I do love the arguments between the brother's though, fucking brutal.
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The modern strips are a bit different, with Francis paying lip service to being Canada’s protector only to give up after 15 minutes. Compared to Arthur who immediately proclaims himself to he Matthew's family, gets in a right messy state fighting for him, asks after his emotional welfare during the War of 1812, makes Matthew homemade marmalade, and is apparently very content to have the baby sleep on his lap to pass the afternoon. And its sort of like, no wonder Matthew stays with Arthur. The guy who is the first person to see him as a baby and not a set of resources. Not historically accurate perhaps but the nations aren't mean to represent their governments or politics really. The way Arthur treats Alfred and Matthew does not match up with English Imperial Policy in the slightest.
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This is versus Francis, who says, if I win, I will let you be my little brother. I don't know. I think there's a distinction there. Arthur goes from now on you're mine. Francis is just a smidge more conditional. Though to be fair to Francis, Arthur had won when he made that pronouncement half dead on the floor so... pedantry.
I like the comparison between Arthur proclaiming to be Alfred's family - which he almost immediately rejects even as a baby and then again upon independence and again in WWII - versus Matthew where Matthew is like yep. I'm your family. Ride or die. Becoming the man who looms over Arthur's back like a spectre. And he sticks with Arthur enough where Arthur thinks of him as his only comfort following Alfred leaving (wooft more apologies from the Englishman... when it rains it pours, eh), and enough to try and bring Alfred home for Arthur's sake (I cannot find this one... but it's the box of food he sends to tempt Alfred... it must have been in the published volumes) and enough to kick Alfred out again for Arthur's sake.
He's not like Oz and NZ who still refers to Arthur as a big brother, but he's always been more formal. But it's pretty much confirmed that Arthur loves Matthew just as (almost?) as much as Alfred, it's just Alfred will not be ignored so it comes across as if Arthur doesn't.
This may just be a bias - Arthur and Matthew have more strips together by a country mile so you know what his relationship is like with Arthur, and... it's pretty good. And with things like in modern day NZ still calling Canada big brother even though that imperial connection isn't really there anymore... I think he got a lot more validation and a social net with Arthur then he did with Francis.
But I suppose it's like... how much do you say the old strips are still in play, since no-one has forgotten about Matthew in like... ten years at this point. Also, to be fair to Francis, Arthur also is explicitly not a father in canon either. It's just fun to drag out these threads right?
I need more Francis and Matthew interactions, is what I'm saying.
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0509-brainrot · 1 year
no but like i need to absorb the brainpower of every 0509 enjoyer here. every thought every dynamic every headcanon and idea i need to collect them all like pokemon cards no this isnt bcuz i'm genuinely terrible at expressing my ideas and talking about things i like what are you talking about hsdfhbjldsf i need your guys' brains
like they are insane. they are the most normal couple ever. they gift each other flower bouquets (and shidou does it with an unhealthy amount of thought and meaning behind them and mikoto tries his best to keep up) they are normal and affectionate. they are a little unhinged. they fix each other. they quit smoking together (either shidou does it to prompt mikoto to quit his poor self-destructive habits or mikoto does it to make shidou quit his poor self-destructive habits). or the opposite. maybe it just gets worse. medical malpractice. or not. they cook together and shidou's great at it but mikoto either makes only ramen or he burns the kitchen. they're baking together but mikoto manages to crack an egg and only have half of the contents land in the bowl and shidou's apalled but in an affectionate way (that was so oddly specific I apologize). they do taxes and lead normal lives and they're both Overworked to hell (and mikoto's underpaid but shidou's funny doctor salary makes up for it) but they have each other when they get home. they Suck. but they're normal about it. probably. they are everything to each other. they are authentic to each other. whatever that happens to mean. for better or for worse. i am pushing their heads together. you know that one gif of a doctor reaching for a syringe while the patient tries to make heart hands with them? that's them right there. that's the dynamic. they're so silly. none of this makes any sense this is probably so incoherent orz
Sorry just everytime I see someone get excited over or talk about 0509 in the tags of reblogs I go insane. When people comment or send asks I go insane (also this is a sideblog so I can't reply directly to comments and I Apologize about that). You all are making me insane you're making me Worse /pos I adore hearing people's thoughts So Much Pleaaaaase give me more
also this is the gif i was thinking of (cw syringe)
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remimibanana · 8 months
AnimeGO 2023 Report!
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I had the opportunity to go to AnimeGO this year! It was a Japanese Pop Culture Festival that had so many things there! There was an arcade there, kimono dressing, yummy food and so much more!
I went with my good friend Pie (@piedivide), which you’ll see him appear throughout this report! Thank you for the fun time, Pie!!! ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ
The report is below the cut!
So, context time.
Pie told me about this festival one day about a month or two ago. I didn't even know it was a thing in all honesty, but it sounded so cool! The tickets were pretty cheap as well, and was filled with things that we both liked (aka anime and Japan lol).
And so, we decided to go!
We bought tickets as soon as they came out, and awaited the day to come.
A few days before the Festival, we met up and looked through all of the activities that it was offering on the day. One of the activities that interested us the most is the Kimono Dressing. It only cost $10 for a ticket and you could dress up in a Yukata and take photos!
We literally bought the tickets right away (I pulled out my laptop just so I could buy it lmao), and we managed to get the same timeslot too!
With all of that, we were ready for Sunday!
Day of the Festival!
Before we went to AnimeGO, we took a detour to the UNIQLO store because they were having a Cardcaptor Sakura collaboration and I wanted to get a top if they had any left. Spoiler alert, they did not have any left ;;
We then went to a new bookstore that opened up in the same building, I had no idea it was even up there. I don't go into the city too often so it's always a surprise for me. The inside was very lovely, and of course we gravitated straight to the manga section.
A lot of older manga were there, especially the first three volumes of Animal Academy, one of my favourite manga! I used to borrow the first six volumes from the library, but they only have the second one now which sucks ;;
And so, I couldn't pass up this opportunity. I bought all the volumes lol
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And now all we had to do was find the entrance to the venue.
We knew the general direction, but not where it was exactly. We went up and down, thinking we were going the wrong way until we spotted a Nezuko cosplayer who saved us lol
Pie and I went all the way around to get to the venue and even got on an elevator, when we could have just walked through the train station ( ˙-˙ )
It's about the journey, not the destination! (tells myself that to make myself feel better lol)
We got these little wristbands to prove we bought tickets as soon as we got there and I managed to break the one I got for Pie orz
He had to get a new one. I’m sorryyyyyyyy (シ. .)シ
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We paid our respects to our Fumo overlords (or I forced Pie to)
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Arcade!! I love arcades.
The Arcade was the best part to me. All because they had Hatsune Miku Project Diva MegaMix + with the the arcade controls!
I freaked out a bit as soon as I saw it. I've never played this game with the arcade controller so I was pumped to try it!
I played Senbonzakura first, although I probably should have chosen the F version so I could have gotten the pretty MV but that's okay! I got to play and that's all what matters to me lol
I then played my favourite Vocaloid song ever, Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder. I actually failed it the first time because I forgot all of the controls for some reason lmao
I redeemed myself at the end and passed it, don't worry. I was so happy to play it. Len and Rin make me happy!
I also did Hand in Hand and that was fun too! Next time I want to play it more!
Pie did Ghost Rule with this lovely Module that looked so pretty. This is Snow Miku 2019!
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We tried out Sound Voltex, which was something I never heard of before. It looked sort of confusing at first, but was a lot of fun once you got the controls down! Aqua from Konosuba was the navigator and she made funny faces at you on the results screen if you did not so great.
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Would love to play it again some day.
We also played Taikou no Tatsujin and Muse Dash! We played the heavenly melody, the Calamari Inkantation by the one and only Squid Sisters, blessing the whole Festival with squid music.
Muse Dash was very enjoyable, it was my first time playing it. I heard of it beforehand but never had the chance to try it out. I tried playing it without knowing what the controls were but Pie was smart and pulled up the tutorial lmao
After 3pm, they had a prize gacha system in place where you had to play either a full session Taikou no Tatsujin or Muse Dash and you would get a gacha card upon doing so. You would then line up and roll for two coloured marbles from this white dispenser. The colour determines what type of prize you can choose from.
Yellow was the best one.
Although by the time we got there, most of the cool prizes were gone. They had a Lumine and Aether plushie, I would have so loved to have gotten one of them. But alas.
I only got to choose one prize, while Pie got to choose two.
I got this Haru Okumura from Persona 5 clear card hehe that I stuck up on my wall. Pie got a Marth amiibo and a Yusuke Kitagawa from Persona 5 clear file.
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We also walked through all the different stalls that were present! We saw a stand that had retro games, and Pie managed to snag the Ocarina of Time 3D for the 3DS for only $40, which is such a steal! I'm glad he was able to be reunited once again with the game.
Pie and I have this tradition where we each buy each other a print (only one, mind you) while at a convention/festival/wherever there is a print, and that’s what we did!
We went to the main artist alley and spilt up.
Pie got me a Kafka print (thank youuuu, I love it) and I got Pie a Kazuha print!
As soon as I saw it, I knew it was perfect. And it was even more fitting since it was Kazuha’s birthday too! ٩( ᐛ )و
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Here is us in our pretty Yukata!
I chose this lovely blue pattern with flowers that caught my eye from the moment I saw it. And I chose well, it looks so good!
I felt so cool in it.
The original hair clip I wanted to use kept falling off my head, I felt bad for the person helping me get dressed aha
And then my hair was literally in the way the whole time, next time I'll tie it up. I did actually bring a hair tie but I forgot about it, welp aha
I'm glad I had this opportunity to do so!
Who knows when I’ll have another opportunity like this (unless I go to Japan….one day I’ll go!)
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There was a lot of Japanese food there as expected from a festival such as this one! We tried this Japanese cheesecake which was really nice. Reminded me of something my grandma would make.
The daifuku was a bit too sweet for us both, although it wasn't bad! We got three different flavours: Mango, Strawberry and Matcha.
Much more squishy than I assumed it would be. I liked the mango one the most, I made a "mmh!" sound because I was so surprised at how mango it was and Pie laughed at me.
I can't understand what Pie meant when he says matcha tastes like a tree, I couldn't taste anything I swear lol
I was sitting there, chewing my heart out but the matcha flavour never came...I think my sense of taste was gone that time...
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(i forgot to take a photo of what I ate i'm sorry)
We went to a maid café! It was our first time at any sort of maid café. The maids were very pretty and so kind! I ordered a Matcha Custard Puff and Pie ordered a Pumpkin Mini Loaf, which you can see above!
When I received my order by a lovely maid, I was asked if I wanted my food blessed by them. And of course I said yes!
Gotta go all in after all.
We did this little blessing sequence together and it was actually pretty fun! I managed to say everything properly, I thought I messed it up at the end but I did it!!
The food was pretty good. Blessing worked! The matcha custard was really nice. Even Pie, who doesn't like matcha liked it.
Blessings are powerful.
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AnimeGO ended at 6pm, and we were about to head home. It felt sort of unfinished to me, like it didn't truly feel like the end. I didn't want to leave so quickly and so suddenly.
I still wanted to do more.
While I was waiting for my train to arrive, Pie suggested we should go out to the bridge that's outside of the station to kill some time. We walked across a bit of it, and we saw that there was a different festival going on below.
For context, AnimeGO was part of a bigger festival called OzAsia that's been running for the past two weeks I believe. That's the one we saw going on below.
Pie and I saw this other festival from the time we got to AnimeGO earlier in the day, but we assumed that we had to pay to go to that one so we took no heed of it aside from commenting it looked cool.
But that's when I spotted a large sign that said "Free Entry" from the bridge and I was like...we should go there. It was free and we were literally right there. It was still light out!
I never did tell my mum when I was heading home anyway. So it was all finee.
And we did go! It's sort of our thing, doing things rather spontaneously haha
It was the Lucky Dumpling Festival, filled with stalls of food you could buy and a stage with performances! It was really cool.
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We saw a stall that sold Takoyaki, which was actually the same stall we bought Karaage Chicken from AVCon!
We missed out last time, so we couldn't miss this chance this time. Pie and I bought one to share, since it was a bit expensive and we weren't sure how much we would like it either.
We had to wait like 20-30 minutes. In the meantime, on the stage arrived three idols.
They started to sing.
And the first song they sang was Saijoukyuu Paradox (最上級ぱらどっくす), Idol Time Pripara's second opening.
When I heard it, I was like "WHATTTTT".
I freaked the heck out, I literally never thought I would ever hear this song in a random festival. I love Pripara, and so to hear this song made me so so SO happy.
Pie can attest to that.
I did not catch nor their names or unit name after the song ended aha
We were sorta far from the stage to hear it properly. But they looked so cool! I loved their outfits. I loved the fact they sang that song like aaaaaaa
And so I stanned these idols who I had no idea what their names were lmao
Our Takoyaki was ready after a while, and we looked for a seat...which was rather hard. There were no seats at all, and we were going to use a random table I saw that we would have to stand at or sit on the grass.
That was until we walked through the front area where the stage was, which had loads of benches.
And lo and behold, there was an empty bench I spotted. Right near the stage. I literally pointed to it aggressively and sprinted to it, so no one could take it. It was ours!
Takoyaki was really good. Like wow! I wished I had more of it then. I am so buying it next time it is available somewhere. So warm…
Of course I am a failure when eating so my Takoyaki balls were falling apart aha ( ´_ゝ`)
We ate it while watching the idols perform various songs and it was so much fun!
There was death metal screaming and it was incredible. The talent.
Such awesome idols. (*≧∀≦*)
Pie and I learnt that we could actually meet them and buy merch from them after the performance.
And of course we did! We were again there already and it’s not everyday you meet idols!
At this point I learnt they were called A-Muse Project, and there was usually 6 members but there were only three here today. It was their first time in Adelaide in fact! They're from Brisbane!
They were so nice and so kind! It was hard to hear them because we were right next to the stage and the next performance was on. And the wind was freezing by the time we managed to talk to them, I was so cold.
Was worth it. Anything for idols lol
We got these little group Cheki with them for $15 and they signed it too! I've never done anything like this before, but it was a lot of fun!
There were also penlights on sale for about $40, which was a bit too much for us so we passed on them.
We didn’t want the signatures to smudge so we just held them carefully for a really long time to make sure (even if we checked they were dry) lol
It now felt like the day was complete. I'm glad we did go to this festival as well!
It’s my first Polaroid I’ve ever gotten and I stuck it up on my wall hehe
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We saw many cool cosplayers too, and we vow to cosplay next time we go because it felt sort of like a missed opportunity.
We didn’t get any photos with any of them because it’s honestly rather awkward asking people randomly “hey, can I take a photo?” while not in cosplay aha(´-`).。oO
But I did stare in awe.
There was this maid Xiao that we kept seeing everywhere, quite literally. We saw them at AnimeGO and at the Little Dumpling Festival.
We joked that if we called Xiao’s name, they'll come lol
There was a really cute March and such a cool Stelle! And a really cool Dottore that kept eluding me and disappearing randomly, it was rather incredible and creepy at the same time lol
There was also this Flandre Scarlet cosplayer which I absolutely loved. I watched them play Taikou no Tatsujin while waiting in line for the game.
I want to do that one day too, do that cosplay and then play Bad Apple lol
Point is, a lot of cool cosplay.
This place is literally like paradise for someone like me. I love anime, manga and gaming! People are so nice at conventions, I love the atmosphere and simply, I'll never get enough of it all.
We did so many things. It was such a fun day, and I won’t forget about it for a long time.
Thank you for reading!
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Balloon 🎈, Phone 📞 and Romance 🌹for Neuvillette!! (phone with the context of a modern au perhaps? I wonder what she would be like with a phone....)
~ @qilinkisser
Balloon 🎈 - Does your f/o celebrate their birthday? Additionally, does your s/i or yourself celebrate yours? If so, what's the special day looking like?
no clue if she would bother celebrating her birthday but i AM making a cake for her!!!!! the m.elusines would absolutely be in on it too >:3
as for me uhhh gosh. i have so many issues thinking abt what f/os would do for ME so🧍‍♀️ i dunno!
Phone 📞 - If you and your f/o have cellphones of any kind, what's their contact name in your phone, and what's theirs for you?
her name on my phone is some shit like 🤍💙neuvie!!💙🤍 and my name on her phone is probably just Freya ❤ haha
Romance 🌹 - What's the most romantic thing your f/o? Furthermore, what's the most romantic thing you have done for your f/o?
im ginna assume the first one is "your f/o has done for you" uhhhhhhhhh refer to the 1st question óvò as for me uhhhhhhh im such a hopeless romantic but god i suck at BEING romantic!!!!!!
sorry these answers suck!!!!!!!!!!! orz
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connan-l · 2 years
Long Rant incoming, but I finished playing Yoigoshi from the Higurashi console arc and god, it really reminded me of how much I hate how it handles Yae Towada's character.
I like Yoigoshi in general, I even think it's one of the best Higu side-arcs, but man the entire abuse narrative has such an insensitive and gross undertone and framing.
There’s always been criticisms about how Ryukishi handles abuse, especially in Umineko, and generally I'm more lenient than most on the topic because I think that Ryu still manages to portray it in a very nuanced complex way, but damn Yoigoshi is the only instance where I’m really like "hey fuck this." The story is just so insistent to tell you it was Bad that Yae killed her abuser that it ends up feeling like insidious victim-blaming.
I have no problem with humanizing abusers or portraying abusive relationships as complicated. I think it's even important, because that’s often how it is in real life. But there's a difference between giving depth to an abuser, and putting the abuser's feelings over those of the victim and then downplaying and shifting the blame of the abuse, and Yoigoshi 100% fall in the latter. I think what pisses me off the most is especially... the implication that Somehow her boyfriend was about to get better; that if she'd just waited long enough instead of taking matters into her hands then he would have stopped abusing her and their relationship would have turned out for the best. Even though there is zero evidence that he would have stopped hitting her, and that we know how these stories turn out in real life, with the girlfriend dead. But here we're supposed to believe that she's in the wrong for killing him, and so the story put the blame on her for not… loving and trusting the guy who put her in the hospital enough somehow??
And like, okay, obviously it's awful she ended up having to kill him, and usually I always respect and appreciate Ryu's insistence that violence only breeds further violence and is never a good answer to problems, but here the general vibe feel so much like a "well okay it sucks he was abusing her, but murder is still worse" and highlighting the fact she "made a 'mistake' instead of properly trusting him," which comes across as just so unsympathetic towards her situation and how she was still the primary victim in all this. Honestly fuck the boyfriend, he had it coming
The other thing that bothers is the other characters' reactions too. Like okay Journalist Dude is an asshole so him victim-blaming makes sense, but none of the others actually defend her? Everyone agrees she’s 100% in the wrong?? The most sympathetic is probably Otobe, but even then he’s pretty mild. I genuinely feel it's insulting that Mion, who has a personal experience with abuse victims via Satoko, doesn't try to defend Yae at all, even saying Journalist Dude has a point, like what.
The console arc actually makes it worse tbh because we're stuck in Journalist Dude’s head who is just The Worst + Miyuki having this horrible speech at Towada and victim-blaming her even more, wtf?? (which, okay,  she's a cop to be fair so that does feel in line with what cops do orz, but that still feel so wrong because Miyuki within the story is portrayed as a pragmatic, intelligent person, like she’s a voice of reason, and no one call her out on her bullshit speech either, so that just frames it as if she’s Objectively Right about this when. She’s just not!!)
And then Yae’s sidelined after the reveal, play no role in the final confrontation when even Journalist Dude get to play hero and just show back up at the end so that we know she'll "pay for her crimes" and go to prison.... urgh, I hate everything about it. The only way I’m staying sane with this ending is by headcanoning Shion afterwards being all "nah that’s bullshit" and busting Yae out of prison thanks to her Sonozaki connections so that she can live free without having to throw away years of her life because of her abuser.
To continue on this, suddenly it hit me how Yoigoshi actually feels pretty similar to Tatarigoroshi regarding their narratives about abuse; however the difference is that to me Tatari manages to works in what it’s trying to say, or at least that it manages to say it in a more sensitive and compassionate manner, whereas Yoigoshi fails badly at it.
The two arcs have that same premise of having a victim stuck in an apparently inescapable abusive relationship, and the solution the characters comes up with is to remedy to it via violence in killing the abusers. Doing so result in the situation becoming worse and making them lose what they wanted the most. The message put forth that in the end violence only ever creates more violence and problems, and that no matter how horrible the situation is there are always (peaceful) alternatives to be found.
Ryukishi always had a general emphasis in all of his stories that violence only breed more violence and for a push to find other alternatives solutions instead (with a few exceptions and muddy framing here and there), and this is something I usually like. Tatarigoshi/Minagaroshi are specific narratives that function really well when it comes to this, and manages to do so while being (mostly) respectful to the abusive circumstances and the victim it portrays. The reason why I believe that Tatari/Mina is able to work compared to Yoigoshi comes down to two central differences:
First, there’s the fact that in Tatari the one killing the abuser is not the victim of the abuse (Satoko), but an outsider (Keiichi). Tatari’s second part really highlight the fact Keiichi becomes increasingly self-righteous in thinking he’s the only one who truly cares about Satoko and that he can solves the problem by himself; he doesn’t consult his friends or any adults properly (not about the murder), and more importantly he certainly doesn’t consult the primary concerned, Satoko --- something the narrative reproach him, and in the end 'punish' him for in how he completely wreck his relationship with Satoko and ultimately even fail to protect her at all, when that was the goal in the first place.
In Yoigoshi, the killer, Yae, IS the abuse victim. Unlike Tatarigoroshi, she’s the one with the agency deciding to carry out the murder because she feels she has no other ways of escaping. Neither of these are ‘better’ than the other per se, but that’s an important distinction, because Tatari puts into perspective the thing Keiichi’s murder really does in the end is denying Satoko’s input and agency as the victim and dismissing her own feelings on the circumstances; something a lot of people tends to do in these situations, thinking they already have the whole thing figured out without actually listening properly to what the primary concerned feels and what they want to do.
The second point is the entirety of Minagoroshi. Tatari has the benefit of proposing an actual alternative on the murder, and by doing so emphasis it has to be done with 1. the help of a community; even with the system failing Satoko badly, the story says there’s still hope in relying and working with people he trusts. 2. It finally let Satoko have agency and highlight her feelings as the victim; SATOKO is the one who has to makes the final decision to leave her abuser, to tell the social services that she’s abused. No one can makes that for her, and this is what saves her. In the end, the others can offers her help, but SHE’S the one who has to save herself.
But Yae, on the other hand? Yoigoshi doesn’t have a ‘Minagoroshi’; the only alternative Yae is offered is that she should’ve... just trust that her abuser was going to be ‘better’ now, because he said so and found a job he hasn’t even started yet. That she should just believe he was going to stop hitting her; despite the fact even in the brief scenes we're shown with them together before his death he's still seen as having to actively force himself to not be violent with her. No community or support is offered to her; she vaguely mentions having friends from college but she never seems to be in contact with them, we're told nothing about her family, or about having any kind of support network who could help her, really; we’re told she thought about leaving, but the story never really explore that more that it. Yae’s only alternative to murder is just... to blindly hope that her boyfriend was truly going to 'change.' (I suppose you *can* make an argument the story say it was just the murder that was bad and that she could’ve left him afterwards, but it’s never hinted at anywhere, be it in them manga or the VN). And there's nothing offered of the sort a the end of the story once she committed the murder either, except for her going to prison.
Tatarigoroshi/Minagaroshi and Satoko’s original arc are very important to me and ones of my favorite aspects of Higurashi.
I’ve seen criticisms of it because of how passive Satoko seems to be in them, only being there to be ‘saved’ --- hell, even Ryukishi himself said last year GouSotsu had kind of been written because he wanted to give her more spotlight because she felt too much like a ‘damsel in distress.’ There are some ideas and premises about GouSotsu I do enjoy and respect, and Satoko never having a proper spotlight in the original Higurashi is a fair criticism, but calling her a ‘damsel in distress’ actually annoys me, because as I’ve said here, she was anything but; she’s an abuse victim whose story is entirely about how her agency should be prioritized and how in the end she’s the one who saved herself, and I’ll always cherish how much Higurashi consistently make a point  in saying and showing that she is genuinely a very strong and brave person.
And Tatarigoroshi/Minagoroshi is able to do all this all while acknowledging that yes, generally, murder and violence are wrong, but even in Tatarigoroshi the narrative never entirely blame Keiichi for coming to this solution --- and that's pretty clear in how it treats Satoshi too, whose situation was pretty much the same as Yae’s, and who is offered a lot more compassion and understanding on the matter, here too emphasizing that even if he did murder his aunt it was only because he was a child everyone around him failed and that he felt he had no other options.
Yae Towada’s story /should/ have been more like this, because in the end what she did was very similar to what Satoko did. She saved herself, the only difference being that there was no community to help her out like Satoko had, and so she had no other choice but to resort to violence.
The story does makes a point in saying she’s determined and, in some way, a strong person, but it seems to be mostly there as a weak attempt to parallel Rena, and the attention focus more on the fact that she made a ‘mistake’ that she has to pay for at the end. What Yae was led to do is definitely a sad thing, but one that was done out of desperation; and as it is, the framing only makes it seems like the narrative’s punishing her for this, when just like Satoshi it certainly should not be something she should be blamed for.
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carcharsaur · 1 year
finally finished something else to put in my got damn tag, let’s go gamers
norn9: var commons an interesting game, charming and understandably a classic from the vita era, but over-ambitious and kind of unfocused and bloated, with a few rough spots
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without spoilers, I legit think my perception of this game got really skewed at the beginning based on the play order I did... I would not recommend kakeru first HAHA
I think best off for overall plot elements would be something like: Senri -> Heishi -> Sakuya or Itsuki -> Masamune -> Kakeru -> Akito -> Ron -> Natsuhiko -> epilogue but the only one that is super super required is natsuhiko last, I think. I definitely think them putting kakeru on “recommended” was a MISTAKEEE it left me so dazed about stuff playing it first
part of the game’s problems is just that right there... too many damn routes! a lot of them had endings that felt really unfinished, and there’s a fandisc being localized later this year for the first time but! ideally a game should stand on it’s own merits rather than needing a sequel to feel properly resolved v_v that said, I am rather excited for the FD regardless because I’m invested now lol
on a positive note, I loved all 3 heroines! they’re all characterized distinctly and thoroughly, helped by them all being voiced which I love love love to see in this genre. it helps their characterization a ton, and makes me so much more attached to them. they interact frequently, and have each other’s backs in the stressful situations they find themselves in, rather than squabble over things which was really good. I struggle to pick a favorite from the 3, they all have different charms points and mild frustrations for me. mikoto got the most tears from me overall, I adored koharu and her well-executed (imo) neurodivergent vibes, and I could relate too well to nanami’s emotional wall she builds around herself and her, well, PTSD? T_T haah
my fav pairings for each were: Koharu and Senri, Nanami and Heishi, then Mikoto and Natsuhiko!
-getting into spoilers now-
I also really loved this game’s setting/world lore! it was really interesting, but at the same time it almost feels like the premise of all this would’ve been better served with something that’s not a romance game. it feels like the background and over-arching issues should have had more time and development rather than being brushed over in the course of 10mins in most routes... I know it’s heretical to say for otome games but that’s how it had me feeling. by the time you get to the epilogue it makes thematic sense that the love is an important part but it really, really, does not set that up and build on it well before then so I was left kind of wishy-washy on the game in the middle. I dislike comparing games like this; but the scenario director’s later work, Even If Tempest, handled the romance being integral to the overarching plot much better. though that also was a linear single-perspective story rather than 3 POVS with 3 routes each. orz
getting into more critical things now, the age stuff was a little weird and I just. ignored it most of the time but if that’s something that’s uncomfortable for you (16-17 yr old MCs getting with 20+ yr old guys =_=;) then yeah I strongly do not recommend. they don’t mention it too much but when they do it’s just. man was this necessary. man why did you make nanami 16 when she acts more maturely than the other 2 girls... though that might be the PTSD more than anything AGH. speaking of, I disliked that all of nanami’s routes either have the potential to, or just do straight-up mistreat her... not much to be said about it other than it sucks! it’s not unrealistic but well, forgive me for wanting my romance games to be a bit more idealistic unless they’re going for full tragedy/thriller/etc.
also I think 2 of the routes could’ve been straight-up dropped and had almost no impact on the overall game. ron’s just had... virtually no insight into him other than how awful he is which is like. a matter of taste I guess but god it was more boring than it was shocking or appalling. mundane in his slimy-ness? just magically fix your horrible mans by erasing all the memories that make him who he is. and when he wakes up, he’s somehow the same dude but without all the sadism? wateverrr -_-
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and then masamune, I really really like him as a side/support character, and in a bubble I like his character too, and I LOOOOVE his voice actor but man. his dynamic with koharu was uncomfortable. not outright bad but just not a good vibe even if she was never uncomfortable with him it doesn’t sit right. and despite being one of the more ‘important’ characters to the overarching story his route had very little about that stuff in it.. ended up feeling pretty lacking. extremely ironic considering his whole power is being able to see the past of people (and objects?) he touches with his right hand (WHICH ONLY GETS USED ONCE?????). I ended up liking his bad end MORE than his normal end because it focused more on koharu’s relationship with mikoto in a way I liked, even though it was still a tragic circumstance.
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they’re just good friends : )
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my other least favorite route, which I admit at least has important plot and character and background information, is sakuya’s. I was enjoying it somewhat until he straight up ASSAULTS mikoto in a way that was too visceral and realistic for me, immediately made me want to dumpster him and the lack of real consequence or even anger from the MC in response made him irredeemable to me and I was sick of him by the end. even as a side character he chafed me rather than his overprotective comments being funny or... anything else. common yandere L
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on the other hand, I think my fav character overall is heishi. his bad end is a little... huhhh... but I try not to judge too hard on those because most feel like insane non-sequitur anyway.. it felt ooc for him even with his emotional instability. I did enjoy that it was longer than basically every other bad end, though. most are throwaways but his felt like there was some real effort behind it, at least in regards to the decisions nanami brings herself to
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but anyway, I could understand people not loving his route or being frustrated with the route it takes with his genki-seeming character. but I find his struggle to control and suppress his negative emotions out of legitimate concern for those around him relatable and compelling! regardless though, when he’s a supporting character he’s MVP for me, no doubt. I didn’t expect him to grow on me so much!
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alright after all that I think I’ve run out of steam and thoughts for now...
other than, the epilogue being about robot love was cute! love giving even robots the power to make their way through life: really cute! but the shit about rebirth and exact dna.... man nah. good and bad I guess. I had a mostly good time though
masamune go bald in 5 years
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noctualagenaria · 11 months
Choose violence 1-25
all in one? ok you asked for it buddy
1) the character everyone gets wrong
- most if not all of the men, even itto he is Not a himbo im sorry hes literally a twunk,, or as much of a twunk as hoyo can make them hes also jus awful in general 2) a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom - my top fave is baizhu and he's 100% a switch hes both at the same time so this is difficult for me to argue-- alhaitham and ayato however !!! paragraph incoming sorry--
alhaitham is 100% a bottom not because he wants to be but because he doesnt wanna put any work into the act, he just wants others to do things to him, others doing the work for him basically dfsfsd so ofc that reflects here ( also flushed alhatiham expression >>>)
ayatoooo isss s s s i think also a switch but i dont think too much abt it sjhdf he could be a service top and a power bottom at the Same Time 3) screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
-- every diluc x fem!reader im sorry they are all so bad and also the unironic use of "yandere!(guy)" is,,, never done right or like,,, isnt good sdfsdf at all 4) what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
-- there was this artist i found bc i wanted to look for more diluc artists, right, as one does ! and then after like a couple weeks of tolerating the chiluc bc it started to get on my nerves, they posted a komi cant communicate diluc au thing, and in the caption they had literally said "i thought it fitting considering diluc deserves to be worshipped <3" liKE DID YOU WATCH THE SHOW???? diD YOU PLAY THE GAME?? ?? ? diluc doesnt deserve that nor Want that and the show character komi has a mental illness that makes it awful its not something to be romantisiced at All and they were romantisicing it AND diluc like aughhhh
5) worst discord server and why
-- main genshin server or the keqing main one bc i think the main one jus is Hoyolab part two (derogatory) and the keqingmains is just meta fighting over numbers n shit orz orz orz
6) which ship fans are the most annoying?
-- any and all popular ships but mostly the popular mlm shippers bc they are,,, practically if not Exactly ,,fujos basically (the popular wlw shippers are either Cis Het Men or also sapphic ppl 7) what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them? -- itto for sure, tho the more i saw abt canon the more i hated him, i jus saw a buncha fanon that i hated so sdfsdf 8) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about -- most if not all of them, most specifically kazuha/beidou family and zhongli/xiao family i fucking Hate that SO much because WHERE did it come from????? the infantalising short guys bitches??? fucking stop it
9) worst part of canon - ugh too much to fit here it could be a2 hour long video essay atp but mostly the colorism fucking Sucks 10) worst part of fanon -- also a lot, but the part that irks me the most is that No One thinks outside of the box, and im not pretending like im special or anything bc of certain things but like,,, at the mere mention of a rarepair they just go "oh no but i like (popular ship) better!" like ughhhhh stop it think differently 11) number of fandom-related words you've filtered - too many to count on twitter but here ive been spacing it out ;> 12) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them - baizhu for SUREEEE and like look at the everything about him literally WHY after his release whyyyYyyYyyyYY is he STILLLLL unpopular why is he STILL lacking in fancontent im ehrgehrgeehrgere upsET 13) worst blorboficiation - childe,,,,, who made him a fuckboy 14) that one thing you see in fics all the time - they/them pronouns for baizhu ( not a bad thing but not rlly a good thing im getting sick of it a little bit ) 15) that one thing you see in fanart all the time - diluc with a Bow WHY 16) you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc) - a LOT a fucking LOT mostly ships and the Collective Dynamic of the ships bc aughhh they are so boriinnnnnnggggggggggggggggg g g g g g and again the "found family" that comes out of NO WHERE
17) there should be more of this type of fic/art
-baizhluc 18) it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
-baizhu,,,,,, 19) you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
-,,,,,, tighnari-- and i used to absolutely HATE him bc the voice was so just IRked me so Badly it rubbed me the complete wrong way and ruined the character for me, yes i play in eng and ever since the recasting my view of him is much nicer now he doesnt irk me anymore 20) part of canon you found tedious or boring
-ayatos story quest he deserved better still 21) part of canon you think is overhyped
-,,,,,raiden and yae content 22) your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
-- the fact that diluc is 1) BANNED from snehnyaha 2) got WASTED in snezhnya 3) was part of a secret underground organization WE STILL know NOTHING about??? it was never brought up again and 4) Killed his Own Father out of his misery 23) ship you've unwillingly come around to
-uhhhh is i bad i dont know, 24) topic that brings up the most rancid discourse -- "are kaeya and diluc brothers " and to that i say they are exes fuck both sides of the argument 25) common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
--"genshin fans need to touch grass" "genshin fans are the worst fandom ever" literally look at every other fandom, any big hit anime fandom ,, (ahem mha) are like 100x worse then genshin fans, like yeag we're ruthless sometimes sure and will chew each other out thanks to most of the fanbase being on twitter of all places but we wont put glass in cupcakes
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merakiui · 1 year
Your thirst post about Professor Azul the other day is driving me insane in the best way. As his favourite student, you always get punished when you don't do well. Be it a small quiz, a discussion post, and the more the assignment is worth the worse the punishment. You've been bent over his knee and spanked or made to suck his cock and be facefucked until you couldn't even speak anymore because your throat was so sore. Recently you got a 2/5 on an online quiz. You know you'll be punished but it was only worth 1%, so it won't be that bad, right? That's what you think but Professor Azul found out you flunked the quiz because you were out partying, thanks to someone tagging you on social media. He's enraged. When you first enter his office, you tepidly drink on the glass of water he offers. He asks if you know what you did wrong and when you play dumb, not admitting to the parties, Professor Azul knows right then and there that you're not leaving until the next day. He fucks you bare, no condom, spilling his cum into you again and again. By the end, you're delirious, filled with his cum, and incoherent. You wouldn't be surprised to find out he fucked you while unconscious and you're not sure you remember what it feels like to not be filled with his seed. You think that's the end of it, being fucked full and forced to wear a plug that keeps all his cum in. The punishment must be smelling like him and enduring the stares, right? Wrong. The water Azul gave you before is a fertility potion. If you're going to be reckless and not take your studies seriously, it's best that he takes care of you permanently. Well, at least he thinks you'll agree when you're all knocked up with his child, won't you?
AAAAAAAA OTL this has me buzzing like a mosquito omg,,,, orz he's so fine. I cannot be coherent. </3
It's like half hate sex and then half need-to-fuck-you-so-hard-and-deep-that-you're-100%-knocked-up-by-the-end-of-this sex!!!! >_< he's more frustrated that you choose to go out and party, showing your pretty body off to others, while neglecting your grades (but most importantly: neglecting him). Professor Ashengrotto could feign blissful ignorance the first few times. You deserve to have fun, but then he realizes you're better off having fun with him instead of irresponsible college students. What if one of them gets you pregnant? >:( how are you going to afford a pregnancy if you're up to your neck in student debt? The obvious solution is to let him knock you up instead so that he can take care of you and pay all of your fees. He has the money for it and his house is very spacious and nice—much better than the dormitory you're living in.
In Professor Ashengrotto's mind, if you have time to be foolish you can spend that time being foolish with him. Since you seem so disinterested in your degree, preferring to party and drink and do all sorts of reckless things (it's nothing like that; you do these things in moderation, but he's delusional and obsessive and thinks that's all you are: a slutty party animal), he'll show you the reality that lies behind every shot glass. Obviously you've proven to him that you could care less about academics, so why should he care about your protests when you remind him to wear a condom or make sure he pulls out before he cums?
Professor Ashengrotto can be so immature when he's jealous and angry. Maybe he'll feel a little bad if you're struggling to stand hours later or you're bruised from a few rough rounds, but then he has to teach you a proper lesson. How else are you going to learn that university isn't a place for play? If you want that sort of life so badly, then you can just stay at his home like a good housewife and take care of all the children you'll have. :) who needs academic aspirations when you can be his cock-drunk breeding toy instead?
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gachaparadise · 1 month
okaaay day 2 in the wu/wa trenches 🫡
got very verbose with this one... woops.
unfortunately i was under a time constraint once again today so i STILL haven't gotten to play as much as I'd like. everything here is initial impressions off 4ish hours of gameplay.
the movement is growing on me. there's no way to say this without sounding insane but. i just need to look at it more from a "this is a video game" perspective. like to compare, genshin is going for that immersive feel. sure it takes 5 minutes to get up this mountain but it feels RIGHT you know? whereas in wuwa it takes 3 seconds. why should it take longer this is a video game. we both know you have places to be get up there Rover :)
that sounds demented written out but I know what I mean so i'll leave it in i guess. i appreciate the expediency with which you can get around is the point i'm trying to make. it makes the animation a little clunkier and the world a little less immersive but from a moment to moment gameplay perspective it works.
the combat goes hard. its so flashy and feels good but... i need to test it against anything other then random mobs i found in the trash to see how deep it actually goes. i want to try parrying and stuff but everything keeps dying orz.
some of the button mapping on controller continues to be... eugh. the combo to get to the grapple especially i have trouble with. it's literally the same combo as the one for genshin but it just doesn't activate with the same certainty. sometimes it just keeps whipping out the sensor instead of the hook and i'm like. do you want me dead?
Scar gets his own paragraph. he came. he saw. he served cunt. he left. gamechangingly cute and charming. literally takes the game up a full point from a (preliminary)6 to a 7 he's so fucking good. his design ATE. his va SERVED. his message CRYPTIC. his little wink as he leaves CUTE AS FUCK. the way he called his little tête-à-tête with the Rover a date GAY. he's great. no notes that's a perfect man.
the va (with the exception of Scar) is just... okay. I really do not care for yangyang's voice (not her vas fault i just don't like it) and she's the person we've spent the most time with so far so that kinda sucks. i'm literally thinking about switching to jp instead orz. but some of the text boxes are still broken and there's no log function so i'm worried i'm gonna miss stuff, especially with how fast i'm whipping through some of this story.
on that note the story is just OK. it's not good, i can't say its really hooked me yet. its a little... generic. post magical disaster world wherein humans cling to life and have special powers. nothing wrong with that but so far it's just been a lot of throwing words at me. the characters themselves are also pretty bland (minus Scar). i really hope i will get to know them better in the future because chars are MAKE or BREAK for gacha games. the designs are also a little hit or miss. they're fine i guess but they don't really compel me.
also. they did just ape genshin whole cloth for like. basically everything. like the world puzzles where you follow little wispy things (seelies) and the glowing floaty things you collect (anemoculus) and the over world puzzles that are "get to the chest in time" or "shoot the targets" are just... from genshin. hoyo doesn't own those ideas! for sure! but. they're in THIS game because of genshin don't kid yourself. and thats not to mention the battelpass and banner and event and guide structures that are just. the same.
ARGH! all this makes it sound like i dislike the game. I don't!! i'm having fun!! it's just easier to catalogue things i disliked in detail. i don't have as much to say about the parts i liked. combat good. echoes cool. Rover cute. I'm having a pretty good time. thats about it orz.
i don't think I'll have anything new to report tomorrow? i can't see myself changing my mind on anything i've written so far. i might update in a week or two and see if the game grew on me or lost me completely. i could see it going either way. it's fun but i'm not sure i can see myself committing to it long term you know? but who knows. maybe it's just launch day growing pains and thing will look up soon.
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navxry · 3 months
This is your ticket to go on a ramble of anything that’s on your mind or anything you want to go ahead and share! Lore, creations, thoughts, anything that’s interesting you lately.
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Anon, I'm afraid you're giving me full rights to rant about the worst things in my head (/exag, it's not that bad I promise)
Anyways uh read more time!
Lowkey had thoughts of running a certain story in a different blog, or making a game for it. It's still in the works because I need to polish up a few things, make it make sense, etc., but it's still up there.
The reason why is actually pretty simple: I feel like people don't like to interact when it's not about the reader, so I decided that maybe I should make a game. It's going to have its own variation + my own indulgent version (that will NEVER see the light of day in my other blogs, fuck you), but I'm not sure if people would enjoy it. I know my friends would, but would someone that I don't know like that?
Speaking of which, I already have the blog made. 2, actually! One is for another purpose, which would be a love letter blog for a fandom. I missed writing IDV because I've left the game (it was becoming too much for my phone </3 sad time gamers), so I decided to try a love letter format for Yan IDV residents. I doubt I'll get traction, but it's a cute idea and self indulgent in a way, because I get to write my faves being in a variety of levels of unhinged.
I think I'm more or less hesitant on the first idea because it feels like the initial reception just... Didn't pan out so well haha. It feels like I'm trying to show my own personal stories to the wind, but the wind refuses to even acknowledge it's existence. With this method though, I can at least say that at least the people that like it will know where to look for it.
Again, it still needs polishing, it's not done and I sure as hell KNOW that it'll take months if I took the game route. However, I think it'll be worth it if I just push myself to try. It's the only thing I can feasibly do, after all.
To my friends who supported it and even to the people that followed the story in silence: thanks. You guys make it bearable for me to try this method. It sucks that it'll be something I (most likely) won't do on that blog and transferring it would be tough, but so is life atp. I'm probably gonna most likely cut it with plan B's ending (I knew my initial plan won't work orz), so uh. We'll see how it goes, yeah?
(also I am kinda glad I didn't get to 200 followers there ironically because MOST ARE FUCKING BOTS AND SOME ARE MINORS LIKE HELLO??? So unfortunately I have to block them en masse and tbh? I'm gonna update my rules for that. I don't want minors interacting there no sir.)
(yes I'm talking to a few of you that interacted there while knowing y'all are minors/ageless in your blogs. Don't think I don't see you.)
Anyways ty anon for giving me the ticket to rant, I needed that. Hopefully this didn't sound so depressing oops.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 months
the thing is all you do about p3re is salt about it. I'm disappointed by a lot about p3re too but I don't go as far as you do and be a downer all the time. you've been accusing it as a p5 game with the p3 skin which i think is disingenuous, because they were giving p5-esque updates to a 2002 game, a game over 2 decades old
im just happy that you're not one of those people who are hoping that p3's ending would be changed.
there are people saying that the answer is a retcon to the p3 game because mc did not die in p3vanilla and the answer retconned that.
but anyways... im just sad that everytime you post about p3re its all just salt.
Kinda feeling bad for P5 atm, since I've been dragging that dead horse for much longer. TT0TT But I think you're right, even tho I don't talk about it as much, but I've been mostly dragging P3R......
I'm going to be honest........as they come out with stuff, I haven't found a whole lot to be happy about:
(addressing the P5 point here since it goes hand in hand The P5 comparison, and the one I have the most issues with are portions of the UI (I still never published that damn asks did I? shit damn it, well it's buried I'll have to get it at a different time). There's def gameplay features they've added (but more or less I expected them, and actual gameplay changes I'm.....a bit more lenient towards tbh, battle systems will evolve and I accept that). Plus there's the new SEES outfits which are.....very P5 coded....and a strange "we gotta add this!" type of change (aren't we "honoring P3"? why do they NEED a new outfit? Why can't we just have a costume called "PT costume" like the PT got a "Shadow OPs" costume?). THAT BEING SAID....I don't think I've brought up the P5 comparison since the SEES outfits tbh. At least...I thought I was more focused on P3R itself lately...... I should go back and compare it and see just how much influence of P5 I think is on there now that the initial shock has wore off. (that being said....I tried glancing through my blog and....I don't talk about P3R often on here ;w; It's like maybe 70%neg, 30% pos/neutral? I think the last big blow up was the lack of the concept art being on the train? I feel like I've been very passive and silent about the game for the most part....not even talking about a lot of the ad art/trailers/interviews I dunno I just don't find I'm interacting with it much so TT0TT I get I'm being salty but I think P5 deserves to say "maybe ease off a bit yeah?" than P3R atm? sorry if it's been overly salty for you tho anon 😔)
They removed my fav MC. I love P3MC don't get me wrong, but I prefer FeMC. That being said, I love seeing them as a packaged deal. The work off each other so well. I hate how Atlus treats her fans it SUCKS. And IF we are lucky, she might be DLC???? I'm pissed at Atlus' DLC practices already, but this is a kick in the teeth. ;w;
They removed the Answser and Metis. Do I think the Answer is perfect? No. Do I have some issues with it? Yeah. But I love Metis, and good and bad, it's a big part of P3's story. And us not getting that is......really bad imo. Plus the possibility of MORE DLC???
They removed key gameplay features. Tired mechanic and split up mechanic being the biggest two (possibly reversals? I'm not sure on that, I don't mind reversals or even a play on the jealousy mechanic, I just think it needs to be reworked TT0TT). Two mechanics I loved and wished were in P4/5 tbh..... so yeah a bit salty, I've always felt it was a key feature of P3.
Still fucking DLC (not just P3R's fault, but still not a plus...or should I say negative?). And then the costumes aren't as good? TT0TT Thank god for the in game ones. orz At least they aren't making me pay for THOSE. DX
I....am not a fan of the new models and lighting. Soejima got me into Persona (I prefer the 25th anni art styles over this P3Rs), it's not that it's shit I just have a preference..... The lighting however.... and I've always kinda like Vanilla/FES's lighting scheme. There's parts of P3 that I just really love (the ones where they have special lightening and the rainbow). And P3R's.....just hurts my eyes ngl. TT0TT It's flat or bloomed, and then the models will look plasticy, it's just an assault on my eyes orz
Music.....I think I'm the kindest to the music, esp when covering the legacy songs. I don't mind covers. As long as I get an option to play the OG (I like options) then I'm fine. Edit: LOL NEVER MIND APPARENTLY THAT'S NOT THE CASE???? TT0TT WTF ATLUS??? I have some mixing issues (or Azumi's cursive singing) but even tho I labeled it as "salt." It's more of a "minor complaint" compared to other stuff on the list if I'm honest (maybe it'll sound better on my TV who knows)
Still no definitive version. It's related to FeMC/Answer, but really.....the damn questionnaires always listed Vanilla/FES/P3P. I know the biggest argument for a P3 remake was a definitive version. We still don't have that! I've been wanting one since before P3P was released! I knew this would be an issue! TT0TT
Maybe my salt is a bit more apparent because.....I love the originals......I mean I do have issues with them (Yukari/Junpei my be-loatheds), nothing's perfect, everyone has gripes about something even if they love it (*motions to the P4 fandom*). But with the new voice cast/possible translation (and new events) I'm willing to give them a chance (again.....like I always do orz).
I def don't want P3's ending to change. That being said, I'm not gonna be surprised if it does. "This might as well fucking happen" is my mentality atm (at best it's confirmed P3R is a new timeline, which I can dig but......is it really so hard to have one definitive ver???? orz). TT0TT If atlus really wants to keep using P3MC in future games (or heaven forbid FemC to an extent!) they really should play into the multi timeline. Might not be the P3MC we know as the SEES leader, but it's still a variation of him. (this way we keep the OG message in tact, explore/expand the lore, and still get to see an old face without "time warping/travel dream sequence" for the 1000th time, love those but moving forward is also good too TT0TT).
The answer.....didn't..... retcon..... TT0TT Ahhhh this is why the made the Answer, because people were confused. orz C'mon Atlus bring back the Answer! You've been screwing it over both in anime/movie and the manga like c'monnnnnn!!!! ;w;
*inhales* All that being said. I'm just weary. I'm hoping the end product is going to be a lot better than than it looks atm (and that's why I'm going to give it a chance, the complaints I have are from the previews). P3R has been in the perpetual state of "we're so back/it's so over" for me TT0TT It's tiring. And I'm just trying to keep my expectations on the ground (I've already been kicked and then kicked while I'm down with FeMC/Metis, I'd rather stay down until I know it's safe to get back up ;w;)
But there's been a few things that have been......highlights.
Hermit seems to be the same with all the emojis and such (I don't think they are voiced which is both sad and fun, cause I like trying to act out the L33T speak myself)
I think Female SLs have had a strong/confirmed leak that they have a friend route (please! TT0TT god I've wanted this so much!)
While I didn't get the option of SLing my male teammates ;w; I am getting episodes (which is in the vein of that and other stuff I've wanted!) AND there might be some big stuff with Strega which is also something I wanted! (as afraid as I am for flanderization, at least we're getting this!)
More Aigis/MC good stuff (at least in full 3D)
Midori's tweets are unfortunately giving me SOME hope for FeMC/Answer DLC. (unfortunate because it's DLC and cause I dunno if me hoping is good for my health atm)
There's some new songs that I like (even with my minor complaints)
we're getting a BMG randomizer???? Yay????? (I'm excited just confused TT0TT)
Tartarus looks decent, I'm hoping I like the gameplay loop even tho they've cut stuff I love! I'm hoping it's fun to explore!
I like the new upgrades to the presentation for the minor stuff (going to the arcade and such).
I like SOME of the design/UI choices (the white figures remind me a lot of the opening)
OP song is.......ok, pretty visuals. I like the visuals the most. (FES's song is still my fav tho)
As much as I'm resistant to idea (lots of pros and cons, so I'm very conflicted), a part of me is kinda hoping it's a new timeline ngl. I'm just afraid of what.......that entails tho. Like if it's a new timeline, it would explain some....differences and that would be cool. But at the same time I'm....afraid of them changing the ending. I guess I'm preemptively trying to soften the blow in case it happens?
I guess the confliction is "exploring something new" vs "actually honoring the original work????" (which I'm not really feeling they are doing atm).
I dunno, if they wanted to just do a new timeline experimental thing I'd rather they ruin/mess with P4. As someone who prefers P4 Vanilla and can easily just play that as my definitive version, I would've been more down with them messing with P4, and keeping P1/2/3 more faithful and creating a definitive version. Wait...."new timeline"....uhoh *opens up new post* Theory time ;w;
But...yeah I'm sorry anon. I didn't think I was posting about it THAT often tbf (I think the most I've said is on twitter and it's mostly been about the models/lighting fksjkldja but even then I don't think it was THAT often either).
Who knows, maybe I'll like P3R when it releases! Or maybe I'll ignore it and jus stick with FES/P. We'll find out later I guess. TT0TT
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slime-stew · 7 months
i should be working on pink gold peach but the model fucking sucks and i have no idea why it works differently with the metal box vs regular reflections and its ALMOST FINE except the stupid fucking DRESS BREAKS
someone asked about asuka/rei for zelda/sheik and i said i should make that and then i got like a few textures in and stopped, and then someone else beat me to it with a proper model import that i can't really match LOL (p sure it was spamitburns which tracks) altho that was i think peach so ehhhh??? i guess i could do a full thing but it feels a bit weird 2 step on peoples toes especially when melee modding is as small as it is
i still want 2 do like... more interesting mods. i think the "easiest" mod that hasn't been done is making all the pokemon from pokeballs shiny. i messed around with custom items when i was first getting used to modding bc items are wayyy simpler than players, and with hsdraw i can actually fuck around with models in a more handson way (that does not require blender orz). its also why i wanted to make mods for less popular stages and chars bc they're very unexplored and you get far more reward from having added to that :) even if nobody ever used the trans gnw skin i can still say i was Da First to make a multicolored skin for him
i don't think most ppl care about anything outside of custom chars for the top 7 (and mario, weirdly) and the competitive stages, but i think that's a shame. brawl had non-competitive content, maybe helped by the game being less competitive overall, but you would still see goofy custom stages and overtuned meme characters and things. melee doesn't really have that, with some smaller exceptions for stage packs. things like sd remix, beyond melee, akaneia are all still trying to be balanced, and that's probably a good thing! but the last guy i remember making goofy mods ended up also just stealing balance changes from SD remix and then just got exploded into the stratosphere. at least alpharad did silly melee with the help of nobody else, that one is pretty fun :) i played peach i think in that
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