#one thing about me is i’ll post a long poem that no one other than me will care about. and that’s my lot in life and it’s fine
theglassesgirl · 8 days
Calypso vs Antinous: A Tale of Two Villains
I know this is such a weird topic for me to come back for after not blogging for months, especially I’ve never spoken on this fandom here, as opposed to TikTok. But precisely BECAUSE tiktok is so limiting, even if you make various videos on a topic, someone won’t have all the context and the comment system of that app is pure ass so here I am
Calypso and Antinous are two (out of three!) of the MAJOR villains in the Wisdom Saga, however, both these villains have produced polarizing discourse that has fascinated yet confounded me. On Calypo’s end, she is a villain who many are made upset by when she is interpreted as the villain she is (in varying degrees). On Antinous’s end, he is a villain who many are made upset by when he is interpreted as anything BUT the villain he is (in various extremes). What on earth happened here?
I’ll try to dissect what has transpired as i have come to understand both situations.
PLEASE try to read through the end, but if you like, you are also more than welcome to just focus on one section if you don’t care for both discourses or how i think one affects the other. I totally get it. KEEP IN MIND, that i might speak about something you haven’t PERSONALLY seen, but as i often say in fandom, just because YOU didn’t see it, doesn’t mean it didn’t HAPPEN. It adds context to why/how certain fans are reacting as they are. You could be in one camp, and never have seen what the other camp has, so at any point where youre reading and saying to yourself “is this a thing that happened?” Consider that it did indeed, happen, and you are welcome to expand your knowledge on the subject.
ANY comments that go “you have no idea what your talking about/this isn’t true/i’ve never seen this/when did this happen(sarcastically)” will not be answered and you will be blocked, because it is clear you are not actually open to discussion. You’ve made up your mind about these characters and topics, and my time, at least, is valuable.
GENUINE questions like “I didn’t know this/when did this happen (genuine)/can you explain this point more” are more than welcome. I will absolutely entertain character interpretation as well, so long as we’re not trying to “convince” one another, as that isn’t the point of this post. These are two villains who i find fascinating and am wondering why are being treated so differently in discourse spaces.
For Calypso:
I truly and HONESTLY believe that because Calypso is a unique (and lovable! Mind you!) villain, it had led to many of her newer fans to feel uncomfortable with her role in the story. I have seen numerous sides of her discourse and have come with a few iron-clad rules: it is ONLY acceptable to call someone out if they are harassing Wangui, calypo’s VA (which has NOT happened as i am writing this out) OR if an anti-calypso comes into SOMEONE ELSE’s post saying anything like “if you like calypso then you condone her actions” because as what we sane people know, that is just a silly fallacy, OR if they start shit in a cosplayers/fanfic writer/fanartists comment section. ASIDE from these instances, i will be speaking on what none sense has transpired about how Calypso is portrayed in the Musical within her first song, and her future song, because BOTH have been used for utter bias.
A few things to debunk:
FIRST Calypso is NOT cursed to fall in love with anyone who comes across her island. That is a Percy Jackson ONLY addition that has no bearings on her actions in the musical or the original poem.
ALSO though Calypso CANONICALLY RAPES Odysseus for seven years in the original poem, the CHILDREN from that abuse only really exist in secondary sources/works. They NOT in the original poem.
Having said that:
The Ambiguity of Calypso’s actions in both of her songs means that everyone is right when they speculate on what she has done. Odysseus was trapped on her island against HIS will for seven years. He is canonically seen refusing her advances, trying to kill himself, and begging her to let him go and leave him alone. These are UNDISPUTED facts. As such, regardless of how YOU personally choose to interpret Calypso actions, she will always have a CANONICAL victim in the musical. I feel people are forgetting Odysseus when they speak on Calypso and that’s the whole point of her existence in the poem and the musical.
This leads directly into WHY there has been arguments about Calypso’s character. In the POEM, she very much sexually assaults Odysseus for seven long years. He is seen crying nightly and begging to be free. In the MUSICAL, Jorge has decided to leave the situation ambiguous - which, i have seen, does not sit well with current fandom culture. NEW fans of Calypso seem to be very adamant about NOT interpreting Calypso as a rapist, in levels that range for they’re just not comfy with it so decided not to head canon her as such, to other very concerningly speaking about rape survivors in such a way to justify liking a villain when you dont HAVE to justify liking a villain at any point at all ever.
Let’s break it down.
Those who just don’t like the idea of Calypso being a rapist in the MUSICAL are valid. It’s very easy to block and avoid those who have chosen to explore this aspect of her in the musical because they can and are allowed to. I am very pro-finding a space in fandom where you can talk about Calypso without HAVING to mention she might have raped someone. She’s still a villain for having kept Odysseus captive for seven years, but it’s not important. You are more than allowed to love villains, and without the rape aspect, Calypso’s villainy boils down to her physiological and emotionally torturing Odysseus while physically kidnapping him. That’s still ALOT of bad stuff to unpack, if you so want to. You could also not want to! It doesn’t hurt anyone, and anyone who says it does is not being intellectually honest.
The PROBLEM that I’m seeing, is that many of her newer fans…DONT want Calypso to be seen as a villain. At all. Which…is not how fandom works, I’m sorry to say.
While some EPIC fans have interpreted Calypso of being manipulative / selfish even in their most sympathetic analysis of the story (and the current song), others are treating these interpretation as wholly incorrect and somehow a form of harassment. The main caveat to this reaction appears to be, as TikTok puts it, “That Calypso DOESN’T SA Odysseus on the musical”
As we have pointed out, Calypso canonically rapes Odysseus in the poem, while it’s ambiguous in the musical. As we have ALSO pointed out, the ambiguity of the musical allow ALL INTERPRETATIONS to be correct. Something about the RAPE aspect of Calypso’s characterization in this musical, however, is the primary reason this discourse has happened.
Now, as i have said earlier. You are in your RIGHT to not head canon Calypso has a rapist in the musical. In the same vein others also have a RIGHT to head canon Calypso AS a rapist in the musical. But from what I’ve seen, it’s when others interpret Calypso as a rapist that newer Calypso fans leave comments about they’re not “interpreting the story correctly” and not “Judging calypso based on Jorge’s vision” and at first i found it funny…now it’s a bit concerning.
There are two instances that come to mind. One tiktoker made a video where she was in tears saying that it made HER SAD that people were “judging Calypso wholly based on outside sources material” which is disingenuous. As i have said before, even without the RAPE aspect of Calypso, which i will go further into what her newer fans consider “rape”, she is still an antagonist within the musical - she is a villain who keeps Odysseus against his will. To claim that they are calling her a villain for that reason alone is a blatant and useless addition to the discourse. I did not care for it at all. It would have been MUCH MORE constructive for this tiktoker to say that even though Calypso is a villain, the sexual assault is up to individual interpretation, and as all interpretations are valid, it’s better to find people who agree with your head canons rather than start fights with people who don’t share yours. This tiktoker very poorly worded the discourse as a one-sided thing where one side is wrong, and that is simply not true.
ANOTHER tiktoker, who wisely turned off comments because such discussions are impossible on the app, worryingly claimed that a line in Not Sorry for Loving You was absolute PROOF that Calypso did not “rape” Odysseus so it was wrong to interpret her as such, because, and this is a loose quotation “i don’t think Jorge would make Odysseus say something like that HAD Calypso done that to him” which unfortunately leaves fandom discourse into REAL WORLD victim discourse. Holy shit. The line she is referring to is when Odysseus calms Calypso down when she is in the middle of explaining her actions by saying “Calypso i love you, but not the way you want me to” to this tiktoker, it seems illogical for a rape victim to every say these kinds of things to their rapist…which is….NOT it. At all. Fiction, as beautiful as it is, is meant for you to QUESTION “huh…how would this impossible fictional scenario work? What makes this compelling?” It is NOT meant for you to attribute your REAL WORLD assumptions onto a FICTIONAL SCENARIO in order to justify you liking a villain character when you dont HAVE to justify it. You can like Calypso! It’s only weird when you make real-world comparisons like this because a rape victim can and HAS said as much and even more to their rapists in known history. *bonks you* dont do what this person did! Fiction allows you to explore situation that would be traumatizing outside of it in as safe and consensual way! You CANNOT and should NOT ascribe your personal biases on sensitive topics for FICTIONAL characters. That’s not how this works. “real victim wouldn’t x, so fictional wouldn’t y” is a ludicrous statement! You can’t back it up with facts! “Fictional victim does x, so i wonder if there ever would be a situation where a real victim would do y, and would like educate myself on the topic” IS what fiction was made for! OPENing your mind, not closing it for stupid reasons.
But it got me thinking. BECAUSE these fans anchor their arguments on the rape of Odysseus, even when they themselves DONT consider it, what exactly do they consider rape, and why is that ONE act Calypso may or may not do the ONLY reason to call her a villain when she is one, regardless.
Well, I’ve seen a lot of back and forth. Some anti-calypso’s are okay with the idea that Calypso is more of a “kissy-face” monster, a silly villain who, having no concept of what actual love is and what your supposed to do with someone you love, thinks hugging and kissing is the only thing on the table. It still makes this version of Calypso something of a sex pest and is still in line with sexual assault as we see Odysseus is miserable. The gravity of the situation is based entirely on funny fanfics to Odysseus canonically trying to kill himself because of Calypso’s affection. This interpretation (shockingly enough) is also hated by some new Calypso fans.
Because from what i have gathered. “SA” as used in TikTok, had been boiled down to a literal forced insertion of Odysseus’s dick in Calypso’s vagina. Not the literal words “sexual assault” which is an umbrella term for multiple things. But in this discourse “SA” has JUST been used for the ACT of rape itself. That is what new Calypso fans think is criminal. That is what they entirely base her villainy on. Because we will NEVER get confirmation on whether this happened, it’s impossible to engage with some of the newer fans, who dislike attributing Calypso with the villain title because of this one thing and this one thing alone. Any other line, from Calypso saying “and I’m sorry if i pushed you, or if i came on too strong” in her next song, or even her saying “in bed we will climb” is, for some reason, not grounds for others to be allowed to interpret her as, at the very least, assaulting Odysseus physically and sexually in a way without having to have actually raped him. It boggles my mind. Truly. But every argument i have seen has boiled down to the newer fans saying “welllllll, we dont know the context, and Odysseus said —“ when i have already explained that none of that matters. All interpretations are valid. You CANNOT say with certainty that she did or didn’t rape Odysseus. That’s the POINT. You can’t PROVE either, stop TRYING to, it’s YOUR choice and your interpretation can be backed by lyrics/official animatics, but it is hardly an absolute.
It has become a GROWING problem that in videos where Calypso is portrayed negatively, there are at least a dozen newer calypso fans who have to bring up how she is sympathetic, and therefore, not a villain. Which is not true. She is the MOST compelling villain in the epic musical, thus far.
These “fans” say that she absolutely didn’t rape Odysseus which is theory, not fact. And not a theory that can become fact. In the same way that saying she absolutely did rape is can not become fact. They appear to believe everything outside of this hypothetical act, nothing else she does is deserving of her title as a villain, and start arguments in non discourse posts about all the ways she’s sympathetic when it goes hand in hand with what makes her a compelling villain antagonist.
There’s also a newer cope saying that it’s all Zeus’s fault anyway, which has NO bearings on the conversation as, again, despite Zeus being a dick and allowing Odysseus live while not necessarily enabling him returning to Ithaca, it’s still up to Calypso on how she acts towards HER captive. And she straight up chooses violence lmao. Athena asks for “Devine intervention” to an impossible situation, regardless of if it was Zeus’s actions that led to it, it’s also up to him to “untie apprehensions” because Calypso, being a goddess, has complete control over whether Odysseus can leave and SHE won’t. She has to be ORDERD to. By a HIGHER power. Zeus.
Such argumentations as “well if YOU were in Calypso’s situation, wouldn’t you also do the same” are useless fallacies to get into, because you are NOT a goddess who owns an island and is in possession of a man who does not love you. Even if you were, guess what, it still makes you the antagonist. A villain. A knowing one or not.
In fact, since I LIKE interpretations that Calypso isn’t psychologically torturing Odysseus ON PURPOSE, i go as far as to say that her being a genuine goddess who wants love is in fact…..so much more painful, narratively. Because that means she is INCAPABLE of ever being a good person. Her loneliness and fear of being unloved makes her utterly blind to Odysseus’s misery. She HEARS him saying constantly that he misses his family, that all he hears are screams, and that SHE doesn’t know him, but she in turn CANNOT get passed this because she is, at her core, unable to, and thus accidentally triggers him constantly, is delusional about her island being paradise, AND convinces herself that her love is real (when it is not) and that Oddy will love her back if she keeps trying.
THAT is what you call a compelling villain!
As in all Calypso stories. There is NEVER a moment of clarity where Calypso realizes “if i actually love this person, i should let him go” in the musical HERMES is tasked in telling her to let him go. And she, as in all her other stories, goes on a tirade to explain/justify her actions, however you wish to see her being manipulative or honest. Regardless of how you choose to SEE calypso, at the end of the day, she has NO RIGHT to be upset at Odysseus because he was her captive. And REGARDLESS of whether Odysseus’s words are interpreted as him forgiving her, or just placating her, at the end of the day, he is her victim and she ends her next song upset that he is willingly leaving her once he got the chance. With absolutely no hope of him returning her feelings. It’s not his job to make her feel better, she IS an antagonist, and you are allowed to love her no matter how that might upset others. It is ONLY a problem when you take it to such extremes that you are in other peoples comments acting as if Calypso is a real person who needs defending. You are more than in your right to block people who come into YOUR videos accusing you of somehow being a bad person because you like a bad person. That’s not how fiction works.
Once again. My analysis of the Calypso debacle is that for some, calling Calypso a villain upsets them. Because they like her, and they are uncomfortable with the idea of liking a villain. This is a personal grievance that shouldn’t boil into fandom. Know your truth, have fun. You CAN make silly calypso videos. Many have. Her song is a bop, the meaning of the song is hilariously dark compared to the composition. Jorge did his job VERY well. Too well, that the idea of liking Calypso feels either / or when it’s not. TRUST that i would not be on the side of anyone who says “if you like calypso, youre evil”, but I HAVE seen a pattern that because Calypso is likable, than several people have made it their confused mission to tell everyone who is “mean to her” that “if you DISLIKE calypso, YOU are evil”. That’s bizarre to me. Calypso does enough evil actions in the musical to warrant that title regardless of the reasons for her actions, whether she is being purposely malicious or unconsciously so due to her lack of socialization. Being weird about real life SA survivors for a fictional character is never acceptable. For or against Calypso, whether she is a rapist or not, it is up to YOU to find like minded people who share your interpretation, not to argue with people who disagree with you in their own space. She isn’t real. Get over it.
ANYONE WHO HARASSES WAGNUI, COSPLAYERS, OR GOES INTO POSITIVE CALYPSO INTERPRETATION SPACES TO BE PURPOSELY MEAN* ARE WRONG. Otherwise. Leave them alone, they are as valid as you are. “Defending” a character is a waste of time when you could be creating for them. Calypso is a compelling villian antagonist regardless of how uwu or vile you choose to make her. Thus is the beauty of fiction.
(*purposely mean, would, logically, be someone calling you an idiot or a rape apologist for headcanoning her in a positive way. The ideal interaction with a negative calypso interpreter would be “i dont see her this way, but i understand/like your headcanon”)
Hilariously enough. Antinous has the complete INVERSE problem as Calypso, which was also detailed in her section for fairness sake at multiple points, and this problem is much easier to understand. Antinous is a villian antagonist in the musical Epic, and in his debut in the wisdom saga, he is shown (like calypso) to be in direct opposition to Telemachus and Penelope’s goal.
He alludes to sexual assault much more clearly than calypso. He calls Penelope a tramp to her son’s face AND suggests he let them into her room “so [they] can have fun with her” which is in the same vein as calypso saying “soon in bed we will climb” to Odysseus later on that “you (Odysseus) are mine all mine” in her own song. Like calypso, it is told to us that Antinous has been having this kind of vibe for TEN YEARS as opposed to calypso’s seven years. Everyone is, usually, in agreement that Antinous is a villain in the wisdom saga and in the overall Epic musical.
Antinous’s VA is ON TikTok, and has spoken about how happy he is that fans consider him a talented person who did a spectacular rendition of such a villainous character. AND YET.
Inversely from what we saw in the Calypso section, where some of her fans are against the notion of her being portrayed as the antagonist she is, for Antinous we have MANY fans claiming that others are not ALLOWED to portray him as anything BUT an antagonist. Unlike with Calypso, where people circularly argue that her allusions to sexual assault are “too ambigous” and lead to much senseless debate on whether you’re “allowed” to like her or call her a villian, with ANTINOUS, there is this claim that he ABSOLUTELY is alluded to sexual assault and therefore, cannot be liked or treated as anything other than a villain.
As i have discussed AT LENGTH in Calypso’s section, this argumentation is pure fallacy.
There have been NUMEROUS thirst videos that have rightfully said that DESPITE the actions of the character, they still think Antinous is hot and likable (the Gaston affect, if you will). Even WITHOUT the disclaimer, it is OF COURSE understood that Antinous fans are NOT rape apologists. That is a ridiculous assumption that serves only to kill any interpretation that someone else can rightfully have.
It’s utterly devoid of nuance or actual knowledge of how to play within fandom and interact w characters.
There have been SEVERAL posts calling Antinous fans delusional for liking him and “reminding” the fandom that he is a bad guy. This serves no purpose and is utterly useless to the discourse. Antinous being a bad guy is not debated. This is factual. It doesn’t (or shouldn’t, because we cannot speak in absolutes) hurt anyone’s feelings to see an Antinous videos depicting him as the villain he is. Like with Calypso it is ONLY acceptable to call someone out if they are harassing Ayron Alexander, Antinous’s VA (which has NOT happened as i am writing this out) OR if an anti-Antinous comes into SOMEONE ELSE’s post saying anything like “if you like Antinous then you condone his actions” because as what we sane people know, that is just a silly fallacy, OR if they start shit in a cosplayers/fanfic writer/fanartists comment section.
Otherwise. Who cares that someone is saying Antinous is a villain? Block the no fun police and enjoy analysis from others who choose to see him purely as what he is, if you want. If you dont, block them to, it’s your space. You have a RIGHT to headcanon Antinous however you want, even make up AUs for him where he’s nice or lives and gets a happy ending, SO LONG AS you’re not in other people’s posts going actually Antie is my uwu child and he did nothing wrong. Cuz then youre just being dumb. And annoying. Fandom is already impatient with genuine disagreement, being a smart ass gets your head dunked in a toilet. I used to think this was common sense.
(And in case you didn’t read the Calypso section, or didn’t see enough of it there, this IS the appropriate response to people who address newer fans of her as rape apologists too, its in her section, i just also thought it was important to touch on the stranger phenomena of her other fans refusing to call her a villain because it makes them personally uncomfortable - it’s very interesting as Calypso is a female antagonist while Antinous being a male antagonist is being treated very differently for the same subject. In any case, it’s a disservice to either character and Jorge’s narrative to get upset about the very real fact that BOTH of these characters are villain antagonists.)
The very CURRENT discourse surrounding Antinous is that he was recently shipped with Telemachus.
The animator for Apollo’s section of God Games was harassed to such a point that she had to make a public apology regarding her ALTERNATE UNIVERSE scenario. And i, personally, think that’s bullshit.
There have been accusations that she was being insensitive to sexual assault survivors, and that she made a dark joke, all of which she addressed in her apology IN ADDITION to her explaining that she is ALSO a survivor of child sexual assault. She took down her work. DESPITE all of this, there are still others who continue to harass her, and claim that they dont want “a rape creator” in THEIR fandom. To those people: you don’t speak for any of us. In the same way you can claim not to believe that the animator is a survivor, i have no reason to consider your concerns in any way shape or form as being in service of victims. It is absolutely not your call, when blocking and scrolling on will ALWAYS be an option for YOU.
Even in the event someone writes Antonio’s fan fiction keeping his canon personality and characterization in a non-canon divergent way it is not grounds to harass people.
In addition to this animator, there have been SEVERAL Antinous shippers who have expressed disappointment that she was essentially harassed into a corner, as they also liked the ship and the AU she created. These people are NOT “weird” they are allowed to express themselves creatively, and if you disagree, dont even bother with leaving any sort of response — i wont read it, my time is important. Stay in your echo chamber. Even if it wasn’t an AU, and someone wants to write for Antinous as he is in the narrative, they are more than allowed to do so. Dark fiction isn’t going to traumatize you or give you cooties. Grow up.
I am MUCH more willing to ride with Antinous shippers than i ever will be with fans who attempt to control how a character is interpreted by others. Because to ship Antinous with anyone, AU or otherwise, you have to have an UNDERSTANDING of why this would be a compelling thing to write/make fanart for. He is an evil character, and it would be FASCINATING to see him in fictional scenarios that (like in the calypso section) lead us to as WHY this would be an appealing and interesting take on someone. It’s OKAY to do it in fiction. He isn’t REAL. It’s not hurting EVERYONE. And more so than with calypso, it IS understood that Antinous HAS victims in Penelope and Telemachus There’s no senseless debate on what he is, a villain, no one is arguing he is a uwu babygirl so please sympathize w him, it’s inherently understood even among his FANS.
This is why find Antonio’s and Calypso’s discourses so polarizing. Because no one is getting offended or arguing that Antinous only acts villainously because of some tragic backstory or sympathetic reason. It would be absurd to.
That’s the appeal of a lovable villain. Because like Calypso, Antinous IS lovable, but in such a different way that you have fans treating both characters as if they’re polar opposite when at the very LEAST, there’s on the same bracket, just different ends of them. Telemachus/Penelope and Odysseus’s plights are being MIRRORED in parallel.
THAT is what floors me about these two discourses. That they are functionally THE SAME yet are being treating as if they aren’t. I’m positive that there is an Antinous fan who detests Calypso in the same way there is a Calypso fan who detests Antinous. These are called biases. Once you KNOW your own bias, it is up to YOU to act right according to them.
You are responsible for your OWN fyp.
The Epic fandom had yet to experience such backwards discourse as this, and I wouldn’t expect Jorge or any of the VAs to dignify such trivial discourse with a response. If you’re the type to bring it up to them, you’re being awful. The popular fandom Epic tiktokers are already way too involved as it is. And even they are getting things wrong.
It almost feels remiss to say that in the NARRATIVE of the musical, both Calypso and Antinous are villian antagonists, while outside of the narrative they become dolls you can play with however you like, so long as we are not in each others comments being obtuse. I don’t expect any of my essay to even make it to a larger part of the fandom. But i HAD to get my ideas written down, because if you don’t see someone else connecting the dots you have, you have to present them yourself. Very “can’t we all just get along?” But hopefully, not as insufferable nor one-sides as others might have been. I tried to bring up ideas/points that i have not seen discussed about these two villains and why they seem to connect and go hand in hand.
Why is Calypso, as a female antagonist, given more grace than Antinous, a male antagonist, who is very firmly given none at all. It very well could be just how they were presented, and if so, ask yourself WHY these villains were presented so differently. What purpose do they serve? What are they trying to accomplish? These are questions more suited for actual fandom collaboration that is being drowned out by circular arguements. It feels like homework, instead of knee-jerk reacting to interpretations unlike your own.
To ME, these two characters are two sides of the same coin. (though I DO think it’s funny that the NEUTRAL phrase to refer to either character is “I hate them BUT” because in reasonable fandoms, this is understood inherently….but in this fandom such decorum seems to be lost? For some reason?? Wisdom saga has brought out a lack of wisdom, I fear.) This is the kind of purity culture that suggest you can’t LIKE a character of their a villain, so you go out of your way to argue they aren’t, or that no one else should like them: that’s bonkers. You might disagree and it might even upset you, but that’s a you problem to have.
Having said that, and if you are POSITIVE that you want to engage in conversation with me, you are welcome to do so.
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shrimshrim4fun · 3 months
PTN as Chinese Myths:
Adela: 梦貘 (mèng mò) 
A mythical creature that eats your nightmares in the middle of the night. Usually resides in the forest and sleep under trees but, at night will come out and eat nightmares. When having nightmares will come to your aid.
-She blends well with society and has a small cabin a few murmurs away from the city
-She looks like a human though her nails are slightly longer
-Her physical body is more frail than others in her human form and paler skin. And the whites of her hair covers more mass
-Very doting person and is curious about how you know what she is. Though her curiosity turns into something more…
-Will use the excuse of her “not wanting to let you have nightmares” to let her watch you sleep or let her sleep with you in bed
L.L: 鲛人 (jiāo rén)
Similar to a mermaid though live in different areas. Known for their beauty and have scales near their cheek bone. Also their half human body and half fish like bottom. Their tears turn into pearls and have soothing voices that sing
-Found her tangled up in fish nets and struggling as she got blown onto the shore by some pirates
-After rescuing her and taking back home she was cautious at you at first until you started to feed her some fish. After some time she finally realized you weren’t gonna hurt her and slowly got more familiar to you
-Her tail is a dark blue leading to a more teal blue at the fins. And some scales near her cheekbones. Her hearing is also more sensitive than others
-Didn’t like it when you sent her back to sea. Though every time you went to visit her she’ll give you all types of shells and pearls. Only saying it was a gift, she was courting you
Sumire: 花妖 (huā yāo)
Is made up from numerous types of flowers that turns into a human. They have enchanting and bewitched beauty. Used mostly to seduce and kill humans.
-Long black hair all the way down to her legs and deep purple eyes that look like they can pierce through your soul. Has purple and pink flowers adorning her hair with some golden accessories
-Looks like a very caring and loving person in the morning while hunts down humans at night. Her fragile looking appearance deceive lots of people from what she it
-Was gonna hunt and kill you after knowing you know what she was. But for unknown reasons, she didn’t. Sometimes can see her caught staring at you
-Once you received a flower crown at your door with a love poem at your door. Though you didn’t know from far away she was watching you, a little anxious about your reaction to her love
Ummm I hope y’all enjoyed it. If you guys have any other suggestions on PTN as Chinese myths please interact with my inbox or if you want me to elaborate on any characters (like my Garofano one) you can ask :) I know Adela’s doesn’t make too much sense but I was thinking of having them have similar abilities to the myth and some qualities. Size, different features, or any colors, etc I’ll add into it. I’m probably gonna include NSFW in some into this (I’ll find a way) Probably gonna make like head canons for them, so just ask for characters if you want them :D There’s some things I haven’t added into Adela’s but I’ll elaborate in another post ><
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Love Booth Challenge
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Love Booth for underrated characters.
Ikemen version
Hello and welcome to my first challenge. I am proud to present to you the Love Booth challenge, a month long exploration of love for the underrated characters of the Ikemen games.
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General Rules
Works and art of all forms are welcome! Fanarts, fanfics, headcanons, moodboards, playlists and everything you can manage to think of is included. 
Limited to Ikemen fandoms and to certain suitors, due to popularity of some characters more than others I have decided to host a challenge exclusively for the less appreciated.
I had this idea since forever what took me so long to post it was the creations of the prompts I created in association with my lovely friend MO @xxsycamore.
I did my best to include most of the less loved characters from the Ikemen games exclusively with an English version.
That said if you think about other less popular characters, belonging to one of these games or to other Ikemen games that are not out in English yet, You are allowed to use these prompts as inspiration.
The main focus is to show love to characters not so loved by the fandom/game all year around without limit for this reason I won't make a masterlist.
When posting your works, use the tag #love booth challenge - you can as well tag me @queengiuliettafirstlady in your posts! It will help find other creations for those interested to check them out.
Posting to other sites is allowed - as long as you mention the challenge and its creators.
Reblogs are appreciated!
Content Rules
This challenge features a list of prompts, and dialogue prompts which you can match to your liking, if you want to. You can create more than one work for the same prompt, too!
Under the cut, you will find the prompts linked to the characters included in the challenge, that can be mixed up with prompts from other challenges happening around the fandom in the same month.
Any additional rules are up to the artists. You are free to choose the rating (make sure to mark your NSFW works accordingly, and if you’re minor, make sure not to interact with such!), and also the genre (the challenge’s main focus is romantic love, but it is not obligatory for your work to be of such genre), all characters and ships included are up to you (OCs, character x MC, character x character, etc.)
You’re free to take requests from your audience using these prompt lists, again please make sure to mention the challenge and its creator.
You’re absolutely free to post your works for this challenge whenever you feel like.
The final and most important rule is to have fun and not pressure yourself about full completion of the challenge. Do only as many works as you wish! :)
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Here is a free-to-use banner/header for the challenge!
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If you have any additional questions, I’ll be happy to help. There is no such thing as a stupid question, so don’t hesitate to get in contact with us! I wish you happy creating!
Ikemen Vampire
Dazai - Storyteller - A walk under the cherry trees.
Jean - Monster - "I am not worthy of love."
Mozart - Music - "You are my muse."
Sebastian - Secrets - "My composure is an act."
Shakespeare - Bard - A poem for my lover
Faust - Alchemy - "Behave for me."
Charles - Obsession - "I wish we could stay like this forever."
Isaac - Scholar - "I don't understand people at all ... yet I found myself quite curious to know everything about you."
Ikemen Prince
Keith - Duality - "Trust me."
Luke - Bear - "I will protect you."
Jin - Sweets - "All I need is our love."
Rio - Pet - "I will love you always and forever."
Sariel - Discipline - "It will do good to remember I am quite a strict tutor."
Nokto - Facade - "Were the truth lies ?"
Licht - Scar - "No matter what I do this scars will not heal, but your presence made me forget about them."
Yves - Fashion - "Would you like to get ready together ?"
Ikemen Revolution
Zero - Identity - "I am human because of you."
Harr - Magic - "I only want to keep you safe."
Loki - Abandonment - Seeking comfort on a rainy night.
Blanc - Gentleman - "Do you remember what I warned you about when you came in Cradle?"
Mousse - Dreams - "You are the subject of my dreams. I want to know even more about you."
Dean - Strict - Stern gaze softening upon an endearing sight.
Dalim - Flirt - "You shouldn't have trusted me."
Oliver - Creativity - "The best part about my creations is seeing you smile."
Ikemen Sengoku
Kennyo - Revenge - "You make me feel complete with your love."
Ranmaru - Loyalty - "I will always be there for you."
Sasuke - Companion - Fanning over the fanboy.
Mitsunari - Knowledge - "Let me take care of you."
Yoshimoto - Beauty - Admiring art together.
Kanetsugu - Strategy - "I found quite difficult to keep my composure when you are around."
Hideyoshi - Devotion - "You're my number one priority."
Ieyasu - Teacher - Collecting herbs together.
Once again Have fun and Happy Creating! I can't wait to see all your creations. 🧡💟💌🤗
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michellemisfit · 10 months
Shameless Fandom Questionnaire
Thanks for the tag my love @darlingian 💚
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once?
What haven’t I read more than once? I have 350+ open tabs and yet, here I am, re-reading @loftec’s None The Wiser. AGAIN. Because it makes me happy, and what is fandom about, if not making you happy? Other things that make me happy: Two of Your Earth Minutes by @the-rat-wins, The Menagerie & Twenty Strangers & On Top by @crossmydna, Cooperative Gameplay & Like Real People Do by Gray, An Exception to the Rule by @gallawitchxx, Weaver of Fate by Ravenheart, Life or Something by @palepinkgoat, The Garden Song duology by @gardenerian, Ristretto by @howlinchickhowl, let the bodies do the talking by @captainjowl, basically anything that @sam-loves-seb has ever written!!! Also anything by @crestfallercanyon who has been completely blowing me away. And like, a million more!!!
I also still merrily re-read stuff from the Merlin fandom and the Shadowhunters fandom, so if that’s of interest to you, hit me up and I will link you to several excessively long rec lists on the @f-f-podcast website, complete with accompanying podcasts!
All I’m saying is: RE-READING IS LOVE!!!
(Also I formatted this on my phone so hopes and prayers that all of these links are correct!!)
What’s a gifset you always have to reblog?
‘Kiss me and I’ll cut your fucking tongue out’ into Club Kiss. It is genuinely one of the cleverest things I’ve ever seen!!
What’s a headcanon you can’t stop thinking about?
Mickey going along to Ian’s therapy session, on Ian’s request, and eventually deciding that he’s going to give this therapy thing a go himself.
What’s a fanart you love looking at?
I am utterly in love with @deedala’s style and Smokey Mickey and Gardening Joy always make me smile. I also absolutely adore @gallawitchxx’s style and wish I could be that bold and succinct in my own art.
What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration?
I’ve been thinking about Ian & Mickey shot gunning for like… a year now 🤦
What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of the show? Something else?
Currently discussing every episode of Shameless over on @f-f-podcast so basically discovering new things every week! Check it out if podcasts are your jam <3
What’s an underrated trope or concept you’d like to see more of?
There can never be too many coffee shop AUs, right? Not an underrated trope, but surprisingly underrepresented in this fandom 😭
What’s your favourite season?
Autumn! haha
Honestly, I’ll tell you when we’re done with South Side Rules, as we’re rating every episode, but we’re also rating each season overall so… watch this space in 2025!
What’s a plot hole you wish had been answered or resolved?
Urgh. Don’t. Yikes… Yevgeny. Mandy. Fiona. Everyone else on Shameless who disappeared and then was never spoken of again. Like… what the heck? You don’t need to get the actors back. Just get the other characters to mention them, so I don’t feel like the writers forgot they existed! Also don’t give me Dichen Lichman and then just take her away!!! 😭
What scene or moment do you feel isn’t discussed enough?
Every time Mickey has to say the end of his sentence directly into Ian’s mouth because Ian can’t wait the extra 3 seconds to let him finish, he needs his lips on that boy’s mouth NOW! They’re so precious and horny and I love that for them!
What line/dialogue/description from something else do you feel describes Ian and Mickey’s relationship?
90% of Richard Siken’s poems
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What do you think is next for Ian and Mickey post-finale?
They’ll be deliriously happy forever and ever and nothing bad is ever going to happen to them. It’s terribly simple. The good guys are always stalwart and true, the bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats, and we always defeat them and save the day.
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leftoverpages · 3 months
Styles of Poetry
this is just me rambling about my favorite styles of poetry, obviously i won’t explain each one ever created because i really want this to reflect my style so i can revisit this if one day it changes <3
1. Narrative Poetry
first of what is Narrative Poetry?
here are some characteristics of narrative poetry:
It has plot (if the story changes and has a beginning and end = narrative poetry)
it’s a longer form of poetry (i’ll explain the others below!)
it captivates the reader because of the syntax
it bring characters to life (more than the prose for example) because you can easily write their internal thoughts and feelings
My personal favourite narrative styles:
you love knights? heros? then this is for you!! it’s pretty straightforward, it’s a long poem that recounts epic stories and adventures
the complete opposite this time! it’s basically a poem that tells you a completely ordinary story in a dramatic way
you probably already know this one but a ballad is a poem that has musical qualities and elements! it can be sung with or without instruments (some exemple of modern ballads: Bohemian Rhapsody, Unchained Melody or even No one compares 2 U)
2. Dramatic Poetry
what is dramatic poetry?
it´s meant to be acted out in front of people
it is written from the perspective of one of the character in the story
My personal favourite dramatic styles:
it’s when a character talks to themselves in a dramatic manner, it’s their inner monologue but overacted
everybody knows that one but i wanted to point out the difference between a monologue and a soliloquy;
a monologue is when a character speak to another one or the audience whereas a soliloquy is really meant to be what happens in their mind (but still said out loud)
Other types of poetry i love:
it’s literally a joke (and sometime can be a roast)
talk about death but most times end on a good/hopeful note
this one is really popular, i remember doing it in school when i was a kid; it’s when you write your poem but each first letter of each lines form a word :ddd
one of my favorite!! it’s a poem based on a work of art (song/painting etc) it really makes a connection between different art categories and that’s why it’s so cool!! most of you probably wrote one without knowing
you know the posts that often go viral where someone blacks out letters or words from a text to form a sentence? yep!!
BONUS | Figures of speech i love:
SIMILE: when two things are explicitly compared using specific words (like/as/so etc)
TRANSFERRED EPITHETS: the qualifying objective is a thing instead of a person (a sleepless night etc)
CIRCUMLOCUTION: saying a lot of words when you can describe it in a way easier way
i hope this was fun to read :b ofc i encourage you to do more research as i made some things way easier! especially if you’re a writer go check out figures of speech!! they’re so fun and so interesting!
thank you for reading <3
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shadowkat678 · 1 year
Hopepunk: A Thing Of Teeth And Claws
Hope is a thing with feathers, says a famous poem by Emily Dickinson.
But what happens to that small thing of feathers once it's caught? When the horror around it crashes down, and the song is drowned out in pain and anger and apathy at a world that doesn’t seem to be capable of, and doesn’t want, to change?
I’m tired. I’m angry. I'm afraid. I don’t remember the last time those things weren’t true about me. I don’t have control over what is happening to the world, or to the people I care about. I don’t know if I have a future.
I’m tired.
I know it isn’t just me. I’ve seen it. I’ve been in activism spaces for years now, where that same anger is everywhere. The push to want to do something. To enact some sort of meaningful change in a world that seems hellbent on turning people into nothing but variables and numbers towards goals we are not calculated into otherwise. Where those with the best of intentions burn themselves out in their rage because they feel like there’s nothing else left to be driven by. I feel it in me. It’s not unjustified. But it is exhausting.
Once you’ve gone long enough shoveling coal on the fire you’ll run out, and you can’t burn ashes. Something is close to giving.
I’m tired.
Even more than being tired at the state of the world, I’m tired of what it does to me. I’m tired of my inability to have these feelings result in something good. I’m tired of not being able to have control over my life. I’m tired of seeing the people around me being crushed under circumstances far above our ability to affect. I’m not just tired. I’m exhausted.
But Hopepunk. This term came out a few years ago, coined by Alexandria Rowland. They're the author of the Taste of Gold and Iron series, as well as the duology A Conspiracy of Truths and A Choir of Lies, among others. In 2017, they coined the term Hopepunk, positing it as the opposite of Grimdark. In the post original post on the subject Alexandra says,
“Hopepunk says that kindness and softness doesn’t equal weakness, and that in this world of brutal cynicism and nihilism, being kind is a political act. An act of rebellion. Hopepunk says that genuinely and sincerely caring about something, anything, requires bravery and strength. Hopepunk isn’t ever about submission or acceptance: It’s about standing up and fighting for what you believe in. It’s about standing up for other people. It’s about DEMANDING a better, kinder world.”
The ideology of Hopepunk was based on the time of the article’s current political landscape. Protests, civil unrest, and feelings of anger that were (still are, I’d argue) spreading like wildfire. And in a small circle, this caught on. There wasn’t much to go off of, and the ideas that spread from this post didn’t have a uniformity to it as much as other Punk genres of political and literary analysis. There were, and are, a lot of critics believing the term to be yet another line of fluffy optimism and half empty words.
A year later, Alexandria would publish an article on the subject, expanded upon additional reflection, called One Atom of Justice, One Molecule of Mercy, and the Empire of Unsheathed Knives on the blog Optimistic Indie Roleplaying. This is when I first heard of Hopepunk.
Alexandria writes in their opening:
“In July of 2017, I coined the word “Hopepunk,” initially defined very simply in a Tumblr post. I believe the purpose of this article’s commission was to have me write something uplifting. I don’t know if I can. I think it would be (I’m afraid it would be) nice. (…) Nice is an illusion, and so is the suddenness of realizing the lie.”
Alexandria goes on:
“I’m afraid. I’m losing my story, my belief in an atom of justice. I watch it happen, a little more every day, unraveling from my hands—and I’m a professional storyteller. (…) I’m afraid of who I’ll be when the last threads slip out of my fingers. I’m afraid of settling into complacency, of something in me breaking, of retreating into niceness as the last-ditch sanctuary before complete despair.
“Hopepunk says [about human nature], ‘The glass is half full,’” wrote the me who lived in mid-2017. Seems naïve now, doesn’t it? Those are the words of a person cloaked in a story that hasn’t yet been worn threadbare and ragged; a person who thinks they have a sword in their hands, a person who thinks that they as an individual can make a difference, that there is some fundamental goodness in humanity.
What do we do when our hands are empty, when our warm cloaks are gone, when we look around and see how big the world is? When we see how helpless and insignificant we are, how the rest of the world isn’t even particularly cruel or evil, just . . . mediocre? Complacent?
What’s the point?”
And as I read this now, years later in 2023, I feel this sentiment burrowing deeper inside me than ever before. This is what I see in myself. In the people around me. In the world, spinning away into what seems to be never ending disasters and war and pain.
What's the point?
It seems that day by day the hole is dug deeper. The world feels as if it’s ending. But then again, to someone, somewhere, the world has always felt as if it was on the verge of ending, hasn’t it?
I also am a storyteller. I have always believed there is power in it. In how you can create something that becomes real around you. That reflects our own reality in new ways. Things that connect us. Empower us. That’s what art is for me. That’s what it always has been, when the night is long and I need something, anything, to grab onto.
Like Alexandria, I feel my grip on the story around me slipping. The threads are frayed. And I am so tired.
I feel like a child pretending. Hoping that this will make things feel less terrifying when the lights go out and I’m alone in the dark and the day is so impossibly far away. I’m afraid. I'm terrified.
I’m not a hero, and I don’t know if I have the tools to fight monsters like this. These are not problems that can be solved with spells or swords or pretty words. The world around me is burning.
I’m burning.
So, what do we do when we find ourselves here? When hope, the thing of wings and feathers, has been shot down in front of us? When softness is not enough? When nice is just platitudes? What can I do when the world and its problems are so big and I’m so small?
“What is the point?” Alexandra asks. “How do you do it? How do you manage when the task before you is enormous and impossible? (…) How do you go on?”
Hopepunk isn’t just about the Hope part of the word. What is Punk? Not just the music. The ideology. The movement. The message? We all have a thought about what Hope is. What defines Punk?
I listen to the music, and have for a while. I have a lot of friends who are punks. I’d like to think I’m a bit of a punk myself, though I haven’t had the energy or means of connecting with the scene in person. There’s a variety to it. Subgenres of music. Differences in ideas. But let me tell you one thing I’ve noticed about all punks:
They’re goddamn stubborn bastards. And at least for the vast majority, they’re passionate goddamn stubborn bastards.
I’ve been interested in the punk movement for years. Two of my favorite books on the subject of the punk movement are “Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk” by Legs McNeil and Gillian McCain, and “Punk Rock, An Oral History” by John Robb.
There’s a long running joke in punk circles about a young punk asking an older punk that very question of what punk is. The older punk smiles, strides up to a trash can, and kicks it over before turning around, pointing, and saying “That’s punk”.
The younger punk thinks on this, then sees another trash can before going over and copying the move, turning around after punting the second can and asking, “That’s punk?”
Before the older punk shakes his head and replies, “No! You poser!”
Point of the story? What is punk? Fuck if I or anyone else actually knows! It’s not about following directions, or going down a checklist. Certainly not just copying everyone else before you. But you know it when you feel it.
Recently, Punk has been idealized a lot. People forget that Punk isn’t just about insolent people lashing out against authority and sticking it to the man. It isn’t just about individualism and loud songs.
Despite not knowing exactly WHAT punk is, never having one clear cut uniform answer, we can see it when it's in front of us. There’s a sound to it. A spirit. A vibe. And there are commonalities that run as a throughline.
In the intro to Punk Rock, and Oral History, Henry Rowlins was invited to share some of his thoughts in the volume. He says,
“Everyone had their own version of punk. Everyone decided what punk was for them. There were endless arguments about what we were fighting for, what we should be wearing (…), what we should listen to and how we were going to change the world.
Punk terrified the establishment. Punk made me get onstage and make music. Punk made me change my world. Punk…punk saved my life.”
Punk has long been considered one of the more nihilistic musical genres, having a thriving subsect of Political Punk dedicated to pointing out and raging at the wrongs of the world the artists see around them. Punk is angry. Punk is passionate. Punk is loud, and messy, and sometimes even ugly, and moreover, there’s room for all of it.
But its stereotypical image perhaps isn't one most people would default to when thinking about the mainstream idea of Hope. Hope is supposed to be something soft, isn't it?
Back to the article, Alexandria gives their answer to what they think the point is, and it is one that feels much more connected to the punk part of Hopepunk.
“Sheer, simple, bloody-minded obstinacy. That’s how you count the stars, build the Library of Alexandria, and go to the North Pole. That’s how you hold the story even when it’s unraveling in your hands. You grit your teeth, and bear the pain, and keep going: One star at a time, one brick at a time, one step at a time.
You can do a lot when you decide to be a stubborn motherfucker who refuses to die.(…) Ask it of Hopepunk, then: “What’s the point?”
And the answer is, of course, that the fight itself is the point.
I am not just tired. I am afraid. I am angry. I am furious. The idea of rage is generally thought of as very punk.
But Hope. Let’s go back to hope. Where does hope come in, that fragile thing made of feathers and song? I am not soft. Not really. I feel myself shattering, jagged edges that will cut me if I let them. That will cut others. Even those I want to help. Even those who don’t deserve it. That the anger will bleed out and burn everything around me. How does that fit with hope?
I believe in stories. That we can learn from them. Moreover, in the end, I believe that everything is a story. History is a story. People are stories. The future is a story we simply haven’t seen the ending to yet, and so can still shape the path of. And like stories, all these elements tie together. Stings whose threads make up a tapestry.
I’ve been thinking a lot about stories lately. About certain ones that have heavily impacted my own. About ones I’ve made, either by myself or with others, both real and imaginary. In Alexandria’s first post, they mentioned a certain scene from the Two Towers.
As Frodo falls to his lowest point, burdened by the influence of the One Ring, not knowing if his other friends are even still alive, carrying a burden bigger than any one person should ever have to shoulder, Sam gives his speech.
Sam: “It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger, they were. And sometimes you didn’t want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened?
But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why.
But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t. They kept going. Because they were holding on to something.”
And as he says this, Frodo asks what I find myself asking. What many people ask, I think. What are we holding onto? And the answer: “That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo… and it’s worth fighting for.”
In my anger, in this darkness around us, it can be hard to see anything else. But that has not been all my story is. That said, anger is important. Anger, placed properly, and aimed towards a purpose, can be righteous. It can be a driving motivation towards change. It glows in you...but it can’t be all I have. A fire on its own will eventually burn itself out. What is anger without something the anger is driving you to do in a real, meaningful, way?
“It’s about being kind merely for the sake of kindness, and because you have the means to be, and giving a fuck because the world is (somehow, mysteriously, against all evidence) worth it and we don’t have anywhere else to go anyway.
It’s about digging in your heels and believing that one single atom of justice, one molecule of mercy does exist somewhere in the mindboggling vastness of the universe—believing in that, even if for no other reason than fuck you, buddy; fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. I do what I want and this, this is what I want; this is the world I want to live in:
One where the atom of justice exists, even if I’ve never seen it myself, even if I’ll never see it.
It’s about doing the one little thing you can do, even if it’s useless: planting seeds in the midst of the apocalypse, spitting on a wildfire, bailing out the ocean with a bucket. Individual action is almost always pointless.
Hope and strength comes from our bonds with each other, from the actions we take as a community, holding hands in the dark.
What if hope isn’t just a thing of feathers and wings and song? What if punk isn’t just about anger and insolence and lashing out against the world around you? What if the world, people, and stories aren’t so simple?
I can’t answer what Hope is, what Punk is, or what Hopepunk is as an idea binding these two words together to anyone but me. I do know what my story has been. And I know the stories I’ve been told. The stories I’ve witnessed. The stories I’ve touched.
I’m tired. I’m angry. I can’t not be anymore. I don’t think it’s possible. It’s part of me. Perhaps something even greater would be wrong if they weren’t.
But I also remember the people who’ve come into my life in ways that seem so small in comparison, yet somehow, inexplicably, still changed me to the point I continue to think about them years later. The woman who approached me, sitting outside and crying after being almost fired from my first job and, with no possibility of reconciliation, bought me a sandwich and sat with me while I waited to be picked up. Friends that stayed with me during some of the worst times of my life. Strangers that turned into those friends.
In spite of it all, I’ve also seen so much love.
I have always hated false dichotomies. These truths can coexist, and like the tapestry of stories, wind together into something bigger. The softness of hope does not feel like it can survive the type of anger and force and sometimes nihilism of punk. The good in the world feels like it should be shattered under the darkness.
Maybe it all morphs into something new.
Maybe hope becomes a thing of teeth and claws, bared in defense of life’s small everyday acts of love. Friendship. Community. Of myself, and proof that the world is brighter than my own frustration makes it feel. Of all the things that exist in contrast that make these very injustices sting so very much.
Maybe it doesn’t have to be fragile. Maybe hope can be bloody and messy and stubborn and defiant, even in the face of my fear and exhaustion and pain. Maybe it can make something more balanced. Something stronger, as all these contrasting elements come together and inform each other with new perspectives.
Maybe it can be what saves me.
Near the end of the article, Alexandria says this:
Hopepunk isn’t pristine and spotless. Hopepunk is grubby, because that’s what happens when you fight. It’s hard. It’s filthy, sweaty, backbreaking work that never ends. It isn’t pretty, and it isn’t noble, and it isn’t nice, though I expect the natural inclination (and even my own instinctive inclination) is to make it so—to forget the word “radical” in the phrase “radical kindness,” to forget the “punk” part of “hopepunk,” which is really the operative half of the word. To forget the anger of it and let it soften, because softness is what we’re aching for. We want the world to be better—kinder, more just, more merciful. We still yearn toward noblebright, toward an honest and desperate belief that love conquers all.
But we forget, sometimes, that we have knives too in this empire. That we can unsheathe them, that we can turn our blades to the defense of an atom of justice and a molecule of mercy that might not even exist—except . . . except for where we make them exist, in the hands we hold out to each other, and in the shelter we offer even when we ourselves are exhausted, footsore, and filthy, with the wolves at our doors.
Maybe this doesn’t even have to be big acts. It’s something I’ve grappled with often. The feeling that where I am now is not enough. That what I do cannot change the course of the tale I find myself part of. That I can only be a passive observer as things happen around and to me. That I am so helplessly unable to make any meaningful difference in my own story.
And I want to, so desperately. But maybe those first steps can lead to more. The shelter and small words said earnestly in a time of need is just as much a part of this as life altering choices I want to be able to wield.
I've always dreamed of enacting change. Of being someone who could somehow inspire another person the way the stories of others had inspired and saved me. The books I clutched in my hands when the world was too big, and I was far too small. But it's good to remember that even the imposing might of mountains eventually wears under the passing of water.
I still feel like that child more often than not, and that everything I do in spite of it is just a mask dangerously close to slipping. But just as much as those stories, everyday people did the same in touching me, and shaping me. The right word spoken after tragedy. Encouragement from those who bothered to pay attention to things I did not speak aloud.
Maybe I should also reconsider the worth of myself in being the hand that stretches out to other people. Maybe that kindness is just as much a part of this as my anger and fear.
I’m tired of being only angry. Of being only sharp edges and fire and fear and burning myself to ashes in a way that harms none of the people doing this to us. I’m tired of missing the joy while I can have it based on the actions of a few hollow, spiteful, greedy, and selfish bastards that only care about themselves, damn the rest.
So, I will be a thing of teeth and claws when needed. And I will grow fur to keep those close to me warm. Because despite my anger, and fear, and exhaustion, the world is still, somehow, worth it. People are worth it. I am worth it. My story can impact others, and the story of humanity is not yet fully penned.
I have to believe that. If it is not so, then I have to make it so, even out of pure, stubborn, spiteful obstinance. That people are not evil at base, because I am not, and I am not special in the grand scheme of things.
I am just a person. We are all just people, grasping for things to drive and carry us day to day. And people are both kind and horrible. Messy tapestries of different things tying us together into something unique and terrifying and amazing and horrible and full of wonder and joy and anger and fear and beauty.
All of us, each and every one, desperately trying to keep hold of our stories before someone else twists them out of our hands.
Another common example of Hopepunk is a scene in Terry Pratchett's "The Hogfather", spoken by Death. A scene Alexandria discusses and also references in the name of their own original article. Here, Death explains that humanity must first learn to believe the small lies, such as Hogfathers and tooth fairies, so eventually they can come to believe the big ones.
Justice. Mercy. Duty.
As is true of many concepts in Diskworld, when asked by the character Susan "Well we have to believe in that, or else what is the point?", Death answers back, "My point exactly. You need to believe in things that are not true. How else can they become?"
My kindness will be worth it, because it made me and those around me a little happier. Even if it hurts me in the end. I am not naive to the world around me. I am angry. I am tired. I am scared. I am just one person. And maybe in the end it's how Alexandria says:
There are no heroes and no villains. There are just people. That’s Hopepunk: Whether the glass is half full or half empty, what matters is that there’s water in that glass. And that’s something worth defending.
Stand with each other, and never let the person beside you forget that to move forward we need something to hold onto, whether knife or outstretched hand. There is still good in this world. Even if we have to fight to create it ourselves with every step we take.
No story is over until the final word has been penned…and even with all the horrors and uncertainty of the journey, we don’t have to travel through ours alone.
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lastlight-inn · 24 days
Writing Interview Tag Game!
Thanks for the tag @pouroverpaloma!
When did you start writing?
I’ve always been a highly creative person, visual art my usual and longest-standing vice, but writing I’ve always been interested in. At 15 years old I tried to write a book (didn’t finish it). I forget what the word count was but it was a high fantasy Percy Jackson-esque. I tried working on the worldbuilding for a book in college and afterwards but nothing concretely got…written. Not plot just worldbuilding lmao. That project has since turned into my D&D homebrew world that I have yet to subject to any players. 
I’ve done some short creative writing here and there, a spoken word-style poem a few years ago and I took part in Escapril 2020. Otherwise, I have not been writing creatively in quite some time. I majored in engineering in college so there weren’t a lot of opportunities for me to stretch those creative muscles. The writing I’ve done for my GalexTav fics are my first big dive into writing since high school. 
I would journal as a therapeutic device but I’m only ever to keep up with it when I’m in crisis as it’s very effective at emptying my brain but it’s not necessarily good writing, it’s often train of thought and very emotional.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I read mainly fantasy and I write fantasy so there isn’t a lot of difference there. Maybe when I start branching out with my writing I’ll have an actual answer but for now, no!
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I haven’t had anyone compare my work but there’s lots of little things I see in the fic authors I read that I certainly feel strongly about but have yet to attempt to emulate. I want to be funny like goldenhearts (@yourworsttotebag). I want to go to poetry land like i88 (ao3). I wish I could figure out how to write 10K plus chapters every chapter like @linnetagain. I see so many little things in everything that I read that makes me want to try and be better.
I’m also still trying to figure out my own style. It’s been so long since I’ve tried to write anything longform that I am still exploring what my voice even sounds like. Even the first few chapters for you’re at the top of my lungs I wrote just a few months ago I cringe at when I read now. I’m in a high growth stage at the moment and I feel like I haven’t really settled into anything yet. But I’m in the midst of it and maybe if any of you who’ve read my fics notice anything please tell me lol I would appreciate the insight.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I have a few lmao. So I’m currently at work (if you’re my bosses, this is a joke I’m not at work rn) where I have two screens and as of today a fancy new click clack keyboard. Job-provided desk chair that’s okay and surrounded by work-related things. 
My office at home is much cozier. I have a blanket on my lap and around my shoulders, at least two drinks within arm’s reach (usually a water and an Olipop) and a fresh bag of Nutella biscuits waiting to be devoured. I also have a click clack keyboard there and I’ll put on my big gaming headphones to blast music as I write. 
I don’t like writing on my phone. If I do, it’s to quickly get down a rough idea while it’s still in my head but I can't do it for a long period of time as typing longform on my phone like that stresses me out. (Those who write entire fics in their notes app, I salute you.)
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Reading other fics! Anything that gets me thinking of new ways to put the pookies into new situations. Great example is @yourworsttotebag (goldenhearts on AO3) just started posting a Parallel Universe fic where the Gales from two different universes get swapped. It got me thinking of how that would work with Gale and my Tav, and how that would go if my Tav was the one who got swapped. I’m not going to write this fic, but it’s fun to think about! It gets me thinking outside of my usual settings and it helps me think of situations and conversations that might end up applying to what I’m actually writing. 
I'm also constantly listening to music and while I'm horrible at being able to hear lyrics and therefore have a hard time linking song meaning to a scene or plot point, the flow and energy of a song can give me ideas just by themselves.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
I don’t think I’ve written enough variety to have developed anything. I actually went back and skimmed through my writing, posted or otherwise, with this lens to try and identify anything but other than the usual stuff you’d expect out of a Galefic I’ve got nothing.
What is your reason for writing?
Brain got too full of my Tav and Gale and I needed to drain it lmao. Now it’s just a constant flood. I’m also just enjoying it! I mention earlier that I’m usually a visual artist but the art block and imposter syndrome has been very bad. Writing fic has been freeing and has allowed me to create freely without judgment. (Or, well, the minimum amount of judgment required to even post something lmao).
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
Any, really. But especially if a commenter calls something out in a chapter they particularly enjoyed or related to that really gets me going. I’ll scream at any comment someone leaves even if it’s a “chapter kudos” or whatever. Seeing Hit # going up is gratifying in that I know that people are here and reading it but a comment really solidifies that a real person is here and enjoying it. Never be too scared to leave a comment. If I feel anything in any fic I read I try to comment because I know how much it makes my day as an author so I try to be that person for authors as well. 
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I hope they’re enjoying what I’m reading! I hope that the readers that are subscribed to me and my fics get just as excited when they see an AO3 email about one of my fics come through like it does when my faves update. That’s the dream.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I like my action and combat scenes, but I rarely write them. I have posted one I think and I have one in a WIP that won’t be posted until the whole thing’s done. But that unposted WIP chapter and then Chapter 4 of you’re at the top of my lungs are some of my favorite things I’ve written.
A lot of these questions have made me realize how little feedback I get as a writer and maybe I need to find a writing group or something. 
How do you feel about your own writing?
I honestly feel like it’s awkward and stilted. I find I have to try hard to make it all flow. I think that’s the years of having to write engineering reports coming through, being straight and to the point and all that. I usually feel like my writing is good and I am able to get across whatever point I’m trying to make but I would love to be more flowery and go to poetry land more often. I want to get across big feelings and big ideas and have it feel visceral and not like I’m just throwing words on a page.
Tagging @waterdeep-weavemoss, @dr-demi-bee, and @crimson-and-lavender
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dyns33 · 2 years
Unknown love
Another Lord Byron x Reader. I had two versions of this story, I don’t know yet if I’ll post the second one. 
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Lord Byron could have said no to his dear aunt.
He would often say no to his dear aunt when she asked him nonsense or boring things, mocking her only to be better forgiven with smiles and poems a few days later.
So when she told him about marriage, he laughed. He had scoffed.
But unfortunately, he also had to listen to her carefully when she explained to him that the family's finances were in a terrible state. They were spending way too much to keep up appearances and pay for the upkeep of the mansions, and soon they would be broke, up to their necks in debt, and unable to go on living as they wanted.
It was not suitable for a family like theirs.
Lord Byron did not care what other people thought, but he loved his daily life, he loved his comfort, his freedom, and even if his writings brought him a little money, the parties and other pleasures he offered himself made everything disappear even faster than it had happened.
A good arranged marriage was therefore the ideal solution.
He was very clear with his aunt. She might find a rich heiress, but in exchange he insisted that his loving future wife would not prevent him from continuing to follow his habits.
In short, he would offer his title and a mansion to the young girl, who could live on the estate, in another building, as a Lady, and he would stay in his house, as if he were absolutely unmarried.
His aunt thought that was a wonderful idea, since he could be extremely unpleasant when he wanted to.
After several months of searching, she found Y/N Y/L/N. 
According to her, the girl was perfect. Pretty, discreet, well brought up and educated. If he ever wanted to talk to her, he wouldn't be bored. He wasn't sure she shared his love of partying and debauchery, but after a quick chat with her father and the young girl, she had seemed smart enough to say that her husband would be free to do whatever he wanted, as long as he didn't force her to do things she didn't like.
Lord Byron signed the marriage contract, showed up at the church, read his vows and quickly kissed his new bride before returning to his business. The little time he spent with Y/N was not unpleasant, but he didn't really try to get to know her well.
It had no interest for her, really. A waste of time, and the risk of hearing a lot of criticism about the fact that he was neither a good husband nor a good man. Even if his new wife's opinion didn't matter, it was never pleasant to be insulted. His life therefore continued normally.
There were many times when he had to talk a bit with Y/N, at dinner parties they were invited to, or during important celebrations where she insisted on being by his side.
Again, Lord Byron had nothing against her. She really was as beautiful and intelligent as his aunt had said she was, and he sometimes found it sad that she ended up marrying him, but it was too late to have any regrets.
      "I have a favor to ask of you, but I'm afraid you will mock me."
      "If you want a new dress, jewelry, or another silly gift, that's fine with me."
      "No, none of that." she said shyly, lowering her eyes. "I... I had the pleasure of reading some of your writings and I... I was tempted to write myself. I would like you to read me."
This made him laugh. It was stronger than him, he couldn't help laughing, which seemed to upset his dear wife, who avoided him for the rest of the evening.
He didn't think about it afterwards, too busy preparing his new poems and having fun.
Until a new author appeared in the newspapers, then publishing some works. An anonymous author, whose identity no one knew, except perhaps the publisher who refused to give any information. An author whose writings were prodigious.
Lord Byron fell in love with these writings, and very logically, he considered that he could only love the mind that had produced them, even if he knew nothing about this person.
For months on end, he not only began to write for his unknown love, but he talked about their works to everyone and he harassed the publisher, who always refused to give him a name, even when he offered him many money, kneeling down on front of him.
One evening when he was talking about this with his friends, his wife came back.
      "I don't want to disturb you, but I was wondering if you would have some time to read this poem I wrote for you."
      "It's adorable my dear, but no. Not because I don't have time, but I'm afraid that nothing can touch me since I discovered the writings of this mysterious author. I'm afraid to be terribly critical of you in an unfair way."
      "But maybe you'll like it. Maybe... Maybe I write as well as this author."
This made him laugh again, and this time it made Y/N cry, who went back to her house.
Byron didn't think of it, like the last time.
Except that the day when the new writing of his love was to be published, there was nothing. 
Everyone thought there might have been a problem. The author could have had an accident, a family problem. They might have needed more time to finish writing. They might have had no idea, or been unhappy with what they had done.
But the days passed and there was no news. The publisher made no announcement, saying it was awaiting word on whether it could give a release date. Then he announced sadly that there would be no date, because there would be no more publication.
This was terrible news, which plunged Lord Byron into deep torment and endless depression.
Nothing had any flavor or importance anymore. He couldn't write and the few parties he organized didn't amuse him at all.
The truth came out during one of them though, as the drunken publisher that he had invited stared at him, slumped on the couch, too miserable to move.
      "You are pathetic."
      "Thank you, I know. You are no better yourself. Could you at least tell me why my love no longer writes ? If it is a personal reason, a death, an illness, I could understand. I think I I need to understand, to mourn. I really loved them."
      "You don't like her at all, otherwise she wouldn't have stopped writing !" growled the editor, emptying his glass. "She was wonderful, and you ruined everything. I'm sure her poem was perfect, but I didn't have the time to read it, she burned it ! She burned everything ! You can be proud of yourself. Men of your kind shouldn't marry such amazing women, they destroy them."
It may have been the alcohol that made the publisher say absurd things, but Lord Byron then had the terrible doubt that the author was Y/N, his dear wife, and he immediately visited her to find out for sure.
She didn't seem surprised to see him, when he never came. She was really very smart. She immediately guessed the reason for his presence.
      "I know that you know, so talk then leave. Or don't talk and leave, please."
      "I don't know what to tell you, to be honest. I didn't know... I'm an idiot. I apologize to you, I'm begging you to forgive me. Do you hate me ?"
      "If I hate anyone, it's myself. It was obvious that you weren't interested in me and I was stupid to think that would change. I never dreamed of being published, you know ? I don't care what other people think. I wanted... I just wanted your opinion. It made me so happy to hear that you liked my writings. They were for you, only for you. But when you laughed, when you refused to even imagine that I could be a good writer... It hurt me, and I couldn't do that anymore. I decided to keep myself to myself, I will not write anymore."
      "No !" he cried, falling in front of her. "I cannot live without your writings, knowing that it is my fault that the world is deprived of such wonders !"
      "All good things come to an end. But you're a writer yourself, so you can go on."
      "I don't have your talent, clearly not ! And why should good things come to an end ? It's absurd."
      "To savour them, and have beautiful memories."
      "No. No, I refuse."
      "And yet, Lord Byron, so it is. I loved you, I was happy to be your bride, I thought we would understand each other. I was wrong and now it's over. Goodbye."
Despite his tears, pleas and lamentations, Y/N went to her bedroom, leaving him alone on the living room carpet, from where he refused to move for three days. Then, tired and hungry, he finally agreed to go back to his own house, where he stayed in bed, not writing, not reading, and giving no party.
Everyone was very worried. This was not normal, for even when he was desperate or ill, Lord Byron threw at least one party a week.
To learn that his love, his divine love, was his wife, who had loved him, who had written for him, and who had lost the flame because of him, had been a real shock for the poor man.
He didn't think he could be himself again, after such a revelation. Once again, nothing was important anymore, absolutely nothing and he let himself waste away for days.
Then, as he brought her his meal, his butler placed a manuscript on his bed.
      "I don't feel like reading." muttered Lord Byron without moving.
      "Forgive me. Your wife insisted, but I can..."
      "Y/N ?! This is from Y/N ?!"
In an instant, Lord Byron was full of color, springing from his bed to pick up the manuscript and read it by the fireplace, careful not to burn the pages. In addition to the poem she had offered him to read, there were all of Y/N's writings, those she had published, and new ones, which she had never shown to anyone else.
Heart pounding, not caring about the night, the rain, his pyjamas, his bare feet, Lord Byron ran across the land that separated their two houses. Without thinking, he climbed the stairs, opened the door to his wife's bedroom, and sat down by the bed, taking her hands as she slept.
      "You have to publish all of this."
      "My god, George, what time is it ?" she asked turning her head in her pillow.
      "Too soon, or too late, I don't know. What I do know is that I love you, I love your writing and you need to publish it."
      "Right now, I have to sleep."
      "You don't understand."
      "I understand. I completely understand, I wrote all this." Y/N said looking him in the eyes. "Now, Lord Byron, go to sleep."
      "I can't ! Not after this. I need more ! The world needs more !"
      "Not now. Sleep. I know you can, for me."
Too exhausted to get up and go home, Lord Byron stared at his wife's bed for a long time, where he had never slept. Sighing, Y/N took his hand to help im up, laying him down next to her.
But he still couldn't sleep, watching her. This annoyed her a little, and when she asked him why he still wasn't sleeping, he replied that she really didn't understand.
      "Maybe not. What is wonderful for you is normal for me. And vice versa, I guess. Or almost. I cried while reading your writings, but they never prevented me from sleeping. Close your eyes."
This time he obeyed. That night was the start of something new, the couple finally settled under the same roof after a year of marriage, sharing the same bed, and starting to write together.
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linasofia · 2 years
(I hope you don't mind me sending this to you. Please use it however you'd like; a fic, head canon post, or even just a talk about how you think things would go)
It's Christmas Eve and Father Quart is running the Midnight Mass service. What happens when he finally gets home to you?
Thanks @fizzyxcustard for dropping this in my ask box. I hope you’ll like it. Merry Christmas! ❤️
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The snow crunches under his weight as he walks the short distance to your little cottage. Father Quart left church in a haste after Midnight Mass and forgot to change into his heavier winter boots. The well-polished shoes he wears for church are not the best choice for slippery winter roads, but he manages to get to your front door without any misadventures. When he knocks on the door, the sound is muffled by his thick gloves but he knows you will hear it anyway. He’s expected. Longed for, even.
You open the door with a warm smile. Seeing the man who earned the key to your heart always brings joy and gratefulness to your chest. He’s your guardian light, your evening star and your heart’s compass. You, in return, are his safe haven when he doubts, his small piece of heaven, and the woman who made him realize that he has room for more than the Lord in his heart. Your secret relationship is not easy for either of you, but you have both agreed that what you share is worth the effort.
You allow Lorenzo to take off his winter coat before you throw your arms around his neck. He hugs you tightly back, and you lose yourself in his smell. The cologne he put on this morning still lingers on his skin, and you rest your nose against his neck while you give him a gentle kiss on his stubbled jaw. He cups your cheek and returns the affection, his kiss deep and sensual.
”Are you tired? I made tea if you want some.” You ask when he releases you from his embrace.
”Not really tired and I’d love to have tea with you.” Your thoughtfulness is one of the first things he noticed about you, and he appreciates your attempts to make your life together as normal as it can be. ”How are you feeling now?”
For the last couple of days your sore throat has been bothering you, but this morning you finally felt better. You chose to not attend Midnight Mass, even if you have looked forward to it for a long time, since you don’t want to risk ruining the holidays for other people by giving them a cold. Lorenzo, however, refused to stay away from you.
”I feel much better, I think it’s finally over.”
He gives you a kiss on your forehead. ”That’s the best Christmas present.” Then he looks down at your tights and oversized knitted sweater and smiles warmly. With a swift move, he pulls off his jacket. ”I’ll go and put on something else.”
You head for the kettle in the kitchen, and Lorenzo goes to your bedroom. He has his own drawer where he keeps some clothes and underwear. As you fill the mugs, you hear him pull out the drawer and go through his choices. While you’re seated on your sofa, he finally joins you, wearing grey sweatpants and a navy t-shirt. If you didn’t know, he would never be taken for a priest in this outfit. The t-shirt hugs his broad shoulders in a very flattering way and his sweatpants, well, you could probably write a poem about how well they fit him.
The tea with Christmas spices smells lovely but the steam rising from the mugs is a silent warning to be careful. You hand Lorenzo a gingerbread, and he takes it with a smirk. ”Are you feeding me cookies so I will be good to you tonight?”
You let out a short laugh. He looks playful, but you know what he means, and just the thought of him teasing every part of your sensitive body until you almost lose your senses, is enough to make your skin heat up.
”Maybe,” you wink at him as he takes a bite. You have already had a few—the baker needs to approve, right? But you take one more. It’s Christmas after all.
The open fire spreads its warm light over your living room, and you look around, pleased with how your decorations turned out. The tree with its baubles and the beautiful star at the top, the white mittens you use instead of socks and fill with green twigs. Your eyes fall on your newest addition, the small but very cute Yule goat you bought a week ago at the local market. He stands guard next to the little pile of carefully wrapped Christmas gifts. Lorenzo gently puts his arm around your shoulder and holds you close. He snuggles your hair and hums when you place your hand on his chest. Your living room breathes calmness; the only sounds are the ones coming from the open fire.
When you reach for your tea, Lorenzo lovingly strokes your back. The tea has cooled enough to be drinkable, and after you taste the first sip, you make a mental note to buy more of the wonderful blend. It’s flavored with oranges and cinnamon, and together with the gingerbread, it can’t taste more like Christmas. You wish time would stop so the two of you could stay like this forever. But all the preparations finally claim your energy, and you yawn.
”It’s getting late.” Lorenzo murmurs against your hair. ”I better eat one more cookie before I take you to bed, so I can be really good to you.” His voice holds the most delicious promise, and you know you will not fall asleep unsatisfied tonight.
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❤️ If you like my writing, please consider spreading the love and reblogging.❤️
Taglist and others who might be interested: @lathalea @legolasbadass @laurfilijames @i-did-not-mean-to @enchantzz @fizzyxcustard @middleearthpixie @xxbyimm @bitter-sweet-farmgirl @kibleedibleedoo @mariannetora @haly-reads @sunnysidesidra @rachel1959 @knittastically @jaskierthelover @quiall321 @medusas-hairband @fulltimecrazy @s0ftd3m0n @emrfangirl @glimmering-darling-dolly @lilith15000 @clumsy-wonderland @theawkwardbutterfly
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed.
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usmsgutterson · 1 year
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okay! It’s that time of the year again! My account anniversary has technically already passed--it was technically two years last month I but didn’t actively start posting until the 27th of this month in 2021, so we’re celebrating in april--and both not passed yet, but I was like “two birds get to eat one scone” so we’re celebrating three weeks early. 
Anyway!! Characters to whom this event applies are the same as normal with a new addition or two: we’ve got Alina, Mal, Zoya, and Nikolai from Shadow and Bone, Kaz, Inej, Nina, Matthias, Jesper and Wylan from Six of Crows, Pin Hawthorne from Free Rein because I miss him, Joel Miller from the Last of Us, and because I haven’t written for them in a while and I cannot run two accounts at once for the life of me, Jayce and Viktor from Arcane!
The event, as per usual, is below the cut, and all I ask with this event is that, if you don’t want the reader to be gender neutral--as is my default because I typically write in second person--please let me know!
I’ll give everything I’ve got, please take what I can give- blurbs! Fluffy blurbs, to be specific! I’m putting a cap on these at 800 words and I’ll take just about anything, so long as its fluffy!
in another life, we were arsonists- word prompts! Send me any word--it can be the most basic word you’ve ever seen or something specific!--and I’ll write a fic using that word as the inspo
You could absolutely break my heart, that’s how I know that we’re in love- relationship angst! I’ll write nearly anything for this, even if it breaks my heart, makes me rethink life entirely, and ends up being a lot longer than I meant for it to be, any relationship angst is game, the goal here is to sob.
always an angel, never a god- angst prompts! The link for the prompt list is here, and you can send in as many prompts in combination with each other as you want!
so, it’s probably nothing, but it’s been on my mind sometime and I can’t let it go- hug prompts! The link for those is here, and again, you can send in as many combinations as you want!
a dose, a moment to live in- small moments! Give me moments of time that can seem insignificant but are actually very significant to you and I’ll write a fic!
I can’t seem to let myself leave you, but I can’t breathe anymore- longfics! These ones will probably be four or five thousand words in length, and the only thing I ask of you is that requests for this prompt keep to my theme of angst or hurt/comfort with this event!
anchor up to me love- okay! kiss prompts! The link is here, all that’s required for this prompt is that you send along a kiss prompt and whatever else you want to add
it’s not like the novels- titles! Come up with a fic title, provide to me any other specifics you have in mind, and I’ll use whatever you give me to write a fic!
I want a love like the movies- give me a trope/character dynamic from this list, a song (or a specific lyric from a song that you want me to base it off of, or even a poem, anything that is seen as art is acceptable here) and a time of day. I’ll use that to write a fic with a minimum of 1k words. 
maybe we lost all the love that we had, and I can’t pretend it’ll ever come back- give me a one-word emotion (yearning, joy, contentment, anguish, anger, remorse) and a prompt of your choosing (it can be from a list I’ve linked anywhere on my account/this post, or one you come up with!) and i’ll use that to write a fic or make a moodboard!
I wish that you would stay in my memories- give me something mundane and I’ll write a fic of the character you choose doing that thing!
felt like home- ships + moodboards!! Give me a bit about you, an activity you associate with spring, and I’ll ship you with someone from the Grishaverse or Arcane!
am I comfortable in silence? or is it eating me alive?- angst freebie! no prompts or specific angst necessary here, just hit me with your saddest ideas and I’ll probably write anything for this!
something is rotten inside of me. I have to find it and cut it out- go wild here! I’ll accept any combination of prompts, nearly any idea, concepts that you just want to discuss without them turning into a fully fledged fic, or just, if you want to say hi and shoot the shit about something, this prompt isn’t necessary but you’re welcome to use it if you need an excuse :)
mutual tags: @ell0ra-br3kk3r​ @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r​ @sophierequests-trashblog​
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uh oh, I goofed- there are actually 10 new teaser pages for Clementine Book Two
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Yeeeeeeah, so remember how I said there were only four new teasers from Tillie’s insta? I was deceived, and it’s all Skybound’s fault >:[ I place all blame on them. Couldn’t be my fault. :/
@arielsprospera informed me that Skybound posted the pages on twitter, and since I avoid twitter like my entire existence depends on it, I never would’ve known had someone not informed me, so thank you! 
So for real this time, let’s look over the new pages and discuss.
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Okie dokie, I think it’s safe to say they got away from the two dudes who grabbed Olivia. It was a close one, but they’re three young girls so it’s easy to underestimate them and that’s always a good advantage. 
I love that Olivia has a wound on her face and Ricca just sticks her fingers in it like, “Scars are cool.” Girl don’t do that, you’re hands are dirty, that’s how infections happen!
Speaking of-- for me the big thing with this page is Clementine saying, “My other leg hurts more, though. Something’s up with it...” 
....Clementine. What do you mean something’s up with it? Something as in you’re not caring for it properly and now it’s swelling with infection??
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You’ll change the world, Clementine? “It won’t be like this forever”?
Interesting, that’s the kind of attitude I’d expect to see from S1 and S2 Clementine. ANF Clementine is where she lost a lot of that hope that the world would get better and believed things would get better, which made sense given all the shit that happened to her to lead up to that. 
She was a little more hopeful in TFS, like when Tenn tells the group he doesn’t believe the walkers will be around forever, but at this point she’s mostly accepted that this is just how the world works now and you have to do what you can to survive. 
So, what’s changed? 
Oh, and hands... Clementine and Ricca’s hands are touching. Much romance. 
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Not much to say about this page other than it looks nice. I like it. Tillie does establishing shots well. 
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Again, Clementine... I have a hard time feeling too bad about your leg. I get that y’all want to keep moving to get... wherever it is you’re going, but you’re not going to get far if your leg kills you. 
The group’s a mess, really. It’s not great when Olivia is the most stable, given Ricca’s vision is deteriorating and Clementine’s leg is in terrible condition from lack of proper care.
Also, I see two strangers and horse in the corner. They could just be random people they want to avoid, or maybe those two dudes had a bigger group that’s in the area and it’s best to avoid them. 
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”Don’t, I’ll n-never get him back on.”  ..........what do you mean? Clementine, you took it off on page 19, you’ve taken your prosthetic off plenty of times? Unless her leg is so swollen now that it no long fits, which is not a great sign. 
And she has a fever. Because of course she does. 
Also, blegh... I still cannot get over the fact that she named her leg Kenny. This is a great example of “bad fan service,” I actually hate it so much. 
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I’m just going to paste what I wrote before about this section:
Clementine’s got a fever and they’re covered in mud, shit, and blood...not great things to have on an infected leg, y’all.
Also, “We’ll eat fish.” .....insert AJ’s “I like fish!” line here.
Oh wait, you can’t, because AJ’s not here. Because he’s back at Ericson. Because Clementine left. I bet her leg wouldn’t be covered in mud if she had just stayed... just sayin’.
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Not a great sign that she’s practically passed out and can’t form words. 
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I looked up the song Ricca’s singing here since you never know, might have some good ol’ symbolism and pertain thematically to the story, why else put a song in, y’know? And: “a Jewish hymn recited on Friday night before the Sabbath (Shabbat) meal. The poem is based on the legend of the sages in the Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Shabbat.”
And yeah, from what these translations tell me, there are angels.
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Oh boy, Clementine’s not doing so good. She won’t wake up, Ricca’s crying, and Olivia’s...still not doing much tbh. 
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Oh boy, a boat... I wonder if that boat will take them to an island community, hmm? 
I actually really like this page, but mostly for everything except the characters. The sky is lovely and I like the texture of the sand. The characters don’t look too bad, even here they look better than they might’ve in Book One, but still. 
Also I wonder if we’re going to get another dream sequence? I mean, is it really a Clementine story without a Lee dream shoved in? And if Clementine’s passed out, this is the perfect opportunity. 
Unless Tillie decides to give her a different dream involving AJ, or Kenny... actually I’ll be surprised if AJ gets another appearance or a mention in the rest of the trilogy. He’s not important, y’know... blegh. 
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There we have it. 
Clementine, Ricca, and Olivia got away from the two dudes who grabbed them, Clementine’s leg is probably infected and she’s sick with fever, and they’re going to get help from a boat in the distance who will likely bring them to the island community. 
Once again: Do y’all have thoughts? Are you excited for Clementine Book Two? I doubt you are since most aren’t, but you never know.
Personally, I’m excited to be disappointed, but hopeful to be proven wrong. Either way, I win.
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goodfish-bowl · 2 years
EctoberHaunt and Ectober Week 2022 Master Post
Happy Halloween! Here’s my complete collections of prompts for this month. Big thanks to those over at @ectoberhaunt and @ectoberweekofficial for the prompts! All fills should be correctly tagged, fics contain summaries and AO3 links, and please do mind the warnings if they’re there.
All my Ectoberhaunt22 fics can also be found here on AO3
Day 3 - Order: Order to Entropy (poem)
Day 3 - Chaos: Refraction Chapter 3: Break to Build (fic)
Day 4 - Box: All Boxed Up (art)
Day 4 - Staff: Spirit of Rock (art)
Day 5 - Wraith: Paved with Good Intentions (fic)
Day 5 - Banshee: The Last One (art)
Day 6 - Burn: Fevour (fic)
Day 6 - Freeze: A Mercy (fic)
Day 7 - Purify & Infect: Detox(ic) (art)
Day 10 - Hunger: Taste Test (fic)
Day 10 - Harvest: Harvest Moon (art)
Day 11 - Drown: A Nap with the Fishes (fic)
Day 11 - Thirst: A Craving to be Sated (fic)
Day 12 - A Way of Life & Cause of Death: A Way of Death (fic)
Day 13 - Restored: Humanity Restored (comic)
Day 13 - Abandoned: The Haunting of Amity Park: Part 1: The Neon District (fic)
Day 14 - Haunted House: The Haunting of Amity Park:Part 2:  FentonWorks (fic)
Day 14 - Costume Party: Double Trouble (art)
Day 18 - Eyes: A Trick of the Light (animation)
Day 18 - Teeth: Teeth Bared (art)
Day 19 - One & One Hundred: Hall of a Hundred Eyes (art)
Day 21 - Coronation: The Dragon Queen (art)
Day 24 - Future: The Price of Knowing (art)
Day 24 - Past: Too Dead for This: Chapter 1: Seven Years is a Long Time (fic)
Ectober Week 2022
Day 26 - Six Feet: I’ll Come Home if You Call (poem and art)
Day 28 - “Psst, you’re dead. Pass it on.“: Two Paths (animation)
Cosmic Perspective (art)
Dead and Gone (transparent art)
Squeaky Toy (animation)
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Ectoberhaunt21 Master Post
Commentary Under the Cut
It has been supremely challenging and fun to do all of these prompts! I know I’m not a super prolific author and artist, but I really enjoy events like this. While it’s been hard on me to produce this sheer amount of content, it was engaging and active, giving me something to do and has motivated me to put out more content in a month than I would normally do in a year on my own. I also love seeing the improvement in my content from this year to last year, when I first took part in this event, along as throughout the event itself, I noticed improvement. While I might not have been able to fill all of the prompts I had planned to do, I also did much more than I originally planned as well, shooting to fill all of the prompts, both for each day. But with 29 fills, 3 of which have no prompt at all, instead inspired by other things throughout the event, I’m satisfied.
I’ve had so much fun throughout this entire event, from planning my fills, to the story line made up by the Ectoberhaunt crew, to drawing and writing my fills themselves. But of all of them, I do have some favorites.
I found my trend of horrible angst holds true, with some of my most severe fill, at least in my opinion, being Paved with Good Intentions. Vlad’s perspective of Danny’s grief was definitely something I found fun to write.
I noticed I used a lot of Outside, or limited perspective, especially with The Haunting of Amity Park, where you only get the perspective from the camera, so it ended up being mostly descriptions and dialog. The morticians perspective in A Way of Death was also amusing to write.
I tried out a lot of different art techniques this year as well. I messed with my style, bouncing back and forth between a more semi-realistic style and then a more cartoon-esque style for the more humorous fills, and then the simplistic style for a few other ones. I definitely think I’ve improved over the past month, just due to the sheer amount of art alone. The animations were fun themselves.
My ask box is always open if you want to talk to me about a particular piece.
See ya around!
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catlady5001 · 1 year
24 + 40!
nova beloved!!
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
I only have 2 fics where I prepped at all before I started writing (my time travel fic, Hellspawn, and another one I haven’t started posting yet (because I haven’t written much for it)), and I have one that I started making an outline for halfway through because I got a solid idea of how I want to end it and didn’t want to forget (that was my fakeQuirkless!hitoshi AU). for all of these, the “prep” is really just a basic outline. for one of them it’s broken down into an idea of what the chapter by chapter will look like, but otherwise just a basic outline.
for all of my oneshots I don’t really prep anything. I’ll maybe consider an ending point beforehand but that’s about it. although I forgot about the various pieces I’ve written for Big Bangs/zines, and for those ones I do jot down a basic outline both so I can track how much I need to get done before each deadline and so that whatever artist I’m paired with has something to go off of!
40. Please share a poem with me, I need it.
okok this one is long but I love it sm
in another string of the multiverse by Franny Choi
There are only so many parallel universes that concern us.     In one, he isn’t dead. In another, you drink light with your hands all winter. There is a universe in which no one is lying emptied in the street as the gas station burns, a universe in which our mothers haven’t learned to wrap their bones in each small grief they’ve found. There is a universe in which there is no difference between the past and the ground. Another where the oceans pull the moon.      And so on. This is an incomplete list.  It has been abridged for your comfort.       I could tell you about the many universes in which bad things happen to people other than the people you love. Yes, in another life, it’s someone else’s sister who climbs to the roof that night. In another life, the boys rise darkly from the asphalt to choke the engines of cruisers, and no one gives birth chained to a hospital bed, and no one’s child washes blue, ashore. Sure. You can have these worlds. You can warm them in your hands at night. But know: by signing, you agree also to be responsible for the universe where the oceans glow red, the universe where what we call shadow is pulsing with the musk of hooves, and especially the one in which humans exist, but only in the nightmares of small children. Will you hold that one too? The version of the story that never learned to consider sound? and the one where sound is only the opposite of metal? and the one where the sound of metal is never enough to quiet the dead?
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v-anrouge · 2 years
Hi pookie 👋🏻
You know why I’m here don’t you ? 👀 (for the match me with someone-)
So, I think my love language are quality time and physical touch. If I have a partner I really want someone I can hug and kiss and all, as for quality time I don’t care what we do, we could be doing two different things as long as we’re in the same room I don’t care.
For the love language I search in someone I think physical touch and words of affirmation. I’m very insecure and I need someone that will assure me they love me and that they will never leave, as for physical touch it’s just because I do that too and don’t want to bother so having someone with that too is ++
Hobbies for them I really don’t care, maybe something not dangerous or else I’ll be freaking out every time they do their things but other than that I don’t care at all. For my hobbies I really like writing, reading and being on my phone doing anything (+ I can play the guitar lol).
For personality I don’t want someone cold, I will not be able to stay with them. Maybe not someone too overly excited too because my social battery runs out quickly even with people I love a lot lot lot. So yeah someone calm maybe and with some energy but not too much is mwah, perfect for me.
That’s all I think ? (I really sent you everything lol sorry for the long rant-)
i think u should date me haha just kidding or am i (/j)
long ass post under the cut also sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes lol
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ROOK i think it's very clear that rooks love language is physical touch and words of affirmation (those r just the main ones tbh he has all of them he just wants to express his love for u as much as possible) he will GLADLY reassure you of his undying love and affection towards you, he hates being away from you and when he is forced to do so you're always on his mind and he'll make sure you know that with the multiple calls and messages he leaves u and even letters 💀. since you love physical affection i hope you're ready because this man WILL hug you kiss you hold your hand at any time he's allowed to, he really doesn't care about what anyone says he's just a guy showing pure adoration towards the one he is an absolute fool over can you blame him???
rook's hobbies are quite dangerous and he knows how much you worry about him so he always make sure to let you know that he's safe, you trust his knowledge and skills but still you cant predict the future so you can't exactly just stop worrying, to make up for the anxiety he gave you he'll always return home with gifts, any treats you like and one day he even both you a giantic ass plushie and he'll sit with you and hold you telling you how much he absolutely adore you, not all of rook's hobbies are dangerous tho, he loves art, all types of art, rook also enjoys writing especially poems so he'll love to read all of your works if you let him (he'll find a way to read them either way unless it's something very very personal you don't feel comfortable sharing with anyone) he's literally your biggest fan, he could talk for hours about how much he loves your writing and if you let him he'll love to sit close to you and watch you writing he's unusually quiet because he's so focused and doesn't want to interrupt him, but in case you'd prefer to hear him talking then he'll gladly chat with you the entire time even give you tips if you ask him to do so. rook would love to read with you he loves to hold you and read to both of you he'll also appreciate it if you'd like to talk about the book after, also be ready for rook to sneak up on you and suddenly start reading a poem he wrote just for you he really enjoys doing that especially if u get spooked easily because he loves seeing you calm down when you realize it's him it warms his heart that you feel safe by his side. rook knows he can be too much sometimes so when you ask for a break to recharge your batteries he won't be sad at all!! he'll just kiss your hand or your cheek and ask you to tell him when you feel comfortable again, as extra as rook can be the only truly overwhelmed you like 4 or 5 times and it was in the start of your relationship (as friends or as lovers) because as you two got closer he understood your boundaries better so he can always notice when you're starting to get overwhelmed and immediately will stop the situation in a way that you will only notice after you're feeling better because he doesn't want you to feel guilty in any way
IN CONCLUSION: rook loves you so so so much and he WILL let you know, this man is every insecurity's nightmare because he will have no mercy as he absolutely destroys it he won't be satisfied until you start seeing what an amazing person you truly are he'll always do his best to make you happy and WILL be mad if anyone ever disrespects or make u sad
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another person i think would be good for you is
AZUL i know u might think THAT CAPITALIST?!?!?!?? but hear me out azul is also quite insecure and having someone that understands what he goes through will help him so so much, he loves affection he feels so safe around you he just wants to make you happy and that he WILL do!!! it may not look like it but azul loves physical affection, surely he's very shy and will ask you to not do anything too extreme in public but in private??? oh boy he will hug u so so tight and while he's doing so his face is BURNING hot this man looks like he's about to faint his hands are shaking a bit too but u can feel his little smile that he's trying to hide by burying his face on your shoulder, azul tries to hide his excitement to take you on dates and spend time with you by luring u into contracts which is literally just him giving u gifts and getting to stay by your side as a "payment" yes the tweels bully him for it
im pretty sure it was said azul's hobbie is collecting coins or something and like he's so silly cuz he'll one day take your hand and proudly show you his collection he has such a adorable proud smile too please praise him tell him how cool it is and how you're amazed at how many different coins he has, azul would be very very interested in reading the things you write he tries to hide but everyone knows that if u post your works he's the first one reading them in a fake account that's definitely not suspicious at all, he always leaves u such cute reviews and u can always tell it's him but if u ask him he'll die of embarrassment so please don't
he'd also love to hear you playing guitar and he'll ask if you'd like to make a duet w him he'll stop at some point because he's absolutely flabbergasted by your skill make sure to tease him because he's cute when he blushes he's such a pathetic wet dog
azul is a calm man and whenever you feel overwhelmed he'll always immediately take you to his office which is a very calming and quiet atmosphere, if you'd like to be alone he trusts you enough to leave you there but if you'd like his company then he'll stay there quietly by your side as he does his thing, he's very happy you trust him enough to allow him to see such vulnerable sides of yourself and he wants to make sure he'll protect you, azul can also get overwhelmed due to work and in these moments he'll just quietly ask if you can hug him or let him lay his head in your lap, if you can read to him that'd be great too, soon he'll fall asleep with a smile on his lips and all his stress gone
IN CONCLUSION: azul would be an amazing lover for you, you two are a very cute couple it doesn't even look like you're both so silly for eachother for ppl that don't know u both well
another possibilities could be: silver, riddle, trey, jade & idia
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milkstoner · 1 year
35 and 39 for the writer questions :)
thank you!!!
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
This is hard because I haven’t read enough english literature to even KNOW what the writing rules are. I go in my notes app totally blind and commit unforgivable crimes against the english language. But I had a native speaker friend beta read one of my very early fics a year ago and I found that… the cadence I established with punctuation was gone! 😭 unconventional commas, “and”s in ungodly places, lists, run-down sentences!!! It’s messy and I love it. (Although the beta reader was a great help because a lot of my choices didn’t make sense at all so Zdhkgdhhkgd)
39. What keeps you writing when you feel like giving up?
That’s a question I had to think long and hard about. I took on creative writing a year and a half ago and inspiration happens to hit me when I am at my lowest points. It was never about fitting a quota or feeding a ship’s nation or anything (if you knew how many malleus yume drabbles I haven’t posted lol), it’s always been about having an outlet for my feelings. I never considered giving up because, just a few weeks ago, I literally couldn’t stop myself from writing. Poems, fanfiction, long walls I can’t send to a special someone, analyses of anime boy card art… I just let it all out and it feels like a spiral. So, no, I don’t feel like giving up, really, because I know I have my notes app as an escape, and it’s been reliable thus far.
Anyway, it’s not like sometimes I feel like it’s not right for me. I come from a school of historiography that has shaped my writing for… the worst LOL. My first fics were very clumsy textbooks… I am still trying to let go of my habits to this day. As I become autonomous and find my voice, be it in art historiography or fanfiction (all literature is fiction, in a way, but that’s a discussion for another day), there’s a vile urge in me to compare my skills to that of other writers who obviously have much more experience than me! And I think, what’s the point! I’ll never be good! I’m stupid! A dying attention span and depression have prevented me from honing my skill by… reading, and now my approach is largely idiosyncratic (second language girlies rise!), and now miss Lureln who writes as a way to relieve her inner torment and love hates her words because she compares them to those of people who are older than her… come on.
I get very insecure, not to the point of giving up tho, because what keeps me going (that isn’t unmedicated mental illness) is the drive to perfect my skill. I do it by reading and listening to music… a crucial step also is to not force myself to write. It’s never a regular thing for me, it could be 50 words one day and 2k the next, it could be writing 4 fics in a month then not posting for 6 months. When i write, i quite literally get in a trance. I black out. So I naturally don’t pressure myself to find something to write about… if I have an idea that stirs my soul enough, I get to work immediately, and if what comes out is ass, well, let it be ass LOL. There’s always many opportunities for me to refine what I was trying to say. Everything is practice and unfinished to me, and if readers happen to like it, then that’s good!
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kinomiakai · 2 years
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I posted 1,192 times in 2022
165 posts created (14%)
1,027 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,192 of my posts in 2022
#artbyop - 768 posts
#ep3otp - 690 posts
#canonverse - 335 posts
#textpost - 247 posts
#kinomitalks - 195 posts
#notsns - 174 posts
#notnaruto - 159 posts
#sastag - 147 posts
#writingstuff - 145 posts
#snow124-art - 122 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i also spent my whole day researching how not to be unbelievably screwed over when self publishing so that was fun and not at all depressing
My Top Posts in 2022:
Self-Promo Saturday!!
Hey friends!! I’m trying something I’ve wanted to do for awhile today - it wasn’t that long ago that I didn’t have too many people visiting my ao3 account, and I honestly don’t know what would have happened if not for Rebuilding & the sns month event that brought a lot of you to me. So! For those of you starting out on ao3 or elsewhere, if you want a bit of a boost, reblog this post with your links and I’ll reblog them! And maybe we can all spend a bit of time checking out each others’ work :> Sound good?
This is just an informal thing, so don’t worry about your numbers or if you count as starting out or not. Just go for it, if you’d like to.
(I’ll tag all these posts with SPsat, so blacklist that if it gets too spammy for your liking 💕 )
25 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
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I had no idea how to reply to this ask without confirming or denying so I tried out blocking the bits that might be spoilers and made the funniest blackout poem in the world
33 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
Hi! You often write Sakura as a lesbian, but do you actually think she is one? I’m curious why you write her this way (to me she seems extremely straight). I hope I’m not offending you, I just really want to know your thought process?
Aw hey anon! No worries, I’m not offended at all. I’m totally open to different headcanons about characters, I know we all have our preferences. Honestly, a lot of mine boil down to the pieces of canon that speak to me, and what I find the most fun to play around with - and Sakura being a lesbian is one of those for me.
Honestly the whole break down of Ino and Sakura’s relationship I find fascinating interpreted in this way - because Sakura is totally starstruck by Ino, she’s talented and beautiful and confident and I think the line is something like “compared to her, I’m…” And then Ino seems super jealous/hurt that Sakura admits she has a crush on Sasuke, and in the same breath sort of ditches their friendship for it. So in canon I think there’s a lot of pining/angst to work with from Ino’s perspective, because she’s never even really confirmed to originally have a crush on Sasuke if I remember right? Sakura hears it as a rumour after she says she has a crush, and then is like “you know that means we’re rivals then” and it sort of seems like Ino just went “well, fuck it. okay. I’m gonna kick your ass in loving sasuke then”.
So if I’m looking at it logically, there’s probably more to saying Sakura is bi or pan than a lesbian, but Sasuke as an object of affection is so,,,,safe. He doesn’t show any romantic inclination, he pretty much rejects all relationships in general, doubly so after the massacre, so it sort of reads, to me, like she picked a safe target to seem straight. And then I love your language, because she is totally extreme with it. She is SO straight. She is The Straightest. And that has me a little like hmm. Okay missy. Sure thing.
But I do really see some attraction to females in there, largely because of the way she talks about Ino reaaaallllyyy reads the same way I used to think about girls I had a crush on before I knew anything about myself lol. I’m not gay, they’re just amazing! Look at how beautiful and smart and out of my league they are, I just want to be like them! I want to be as good as they are, that’s what this is! Narrator: it was not.
So a bit of bias, a bit of fun, & a bit of liking the relationship & how it parallels to SNS (although it is very different). Hope that makes sense anon!! Thanks for the ask :>
38 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
Next Bite Me Chapter Up!
Ch5 time!!
54 notes - Posted December 31, 2021
My #1 post of 2022
Happy SNS month, friends!!
I’ll be participating in my own little way, whenever I can! I’ll update this when I do :> Here are the prompts & announcement post if you need them!
Day One: Cuddling or Rivalry
101 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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