#only a single possibility in the infinite multiverse
cosmic-whorror · 2 years
How does it fit? Good question, it is a combination of magica, love, and just horny filled determination. Love or strong lust for each other gives rise to certain magics. Forming a silent link between the lusting individuals, followed by the wanton thought of making/forcing that big meaty, vein covered, musky, heavy, dense with muscle, column of throbbing cock into the smaller partner hole. Magic kicking in as neither refuses to back off before finally the magic adjust the small partner anatomy to be a tight but pleasurable fit.
That is my theory at least, needs more testing to prove it as a fact... Any volunteers? Larger the better.
☝️ perfect example of a potential answer to the question “how it fit?”
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 month
After request the kiss on the cheek and gotmany likes, its too joyful for me. Im craving angst
Stans brothers reaction when Bill told them that y/n will and always died in every universe and dimensions like stuck forever as zombie/wood statue/etc, which y/n will die in their own dimension too in matter of time or months, time is ticking, they can’t change destiny (can they?)
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Didn’t like those odds at all.
He and bill had history and who’s to say that this wasn’t just Bill trying another method to get inside his head once more by using you, his beloved, as a cheap tactic to do so.
‘I thought a being would have more tact than this Bill.’ Ford would say as the dream demon only chuckled.
‘Oh Stanford, do you really think I’d bluff about this? You should know me better by now that I do not bluff, I’ll show you instead seeing as how stubborn you are into believing me nowadays.’ Bill said as he then showed Ford of all the infinite ways you died throughout the multiverse:
Lost in the multiverse
Body snatched
Turned to stone
Went through a curse doorway unknowingly and never returned, etc, etc.
Bill took immense pleasure in the horrified look upon Ford’s face as he gingerly traced your face as though you turned into porcelain and not stone.
‘Sucks doesn’t it knowing they your loved one is bound to die in every single timeline, it’s enough to suck the joy out of everything.’ Bill said as Ford only glares at him. You don’t deserve these fates, none of your alternate selves did and he could only imagine what you could’ve possibly felt before dying alone.
‘Oh and your beloved y/n is on route to die in like five months.’ Bill casually mentions and Ford immediately looks to him again.
‘What do you mean by that? How do they die! How can I stop it!’ Ford exclaimed as he felt his heart race and his blood run cold at the sheer helplessness he felt in the moment, but it only proved to humour bill all the more. ‘Oh you can’t prevent this one Stanford Pines, they’ll die regardless of what you do to try and prevent it they’ll die regardless and you’ll have to live with it.’ Bill says before leaving Ford alone with his rampaging thoughts.
He could send you away to Dimension 52 to stay with Jheselbraum for the time being, just until he figured something out, but what if Bill foresees this move being made and goes after you himself? Ford didn’t know what he could do to protect you and it was driving him mad with Bill’s vague nonsense not helping him in the slightest. He’ll become paranoid of every little thing you did from that point onward to the point that even if you got a paper cut Ford was expecting something unfortunate to happen, but it never did.
Shit like this kept him awake at night as he holds you tightly against his chest, staring at the ceiling as though daring it to try and take you from him, which it didn’t but Ford grew skeptical of everyone you came across in case they were the catalyst for your death and kept himself near you at all times, hand on his gun in the instance he need to use it to keep you safe.
Ford would busy himself down in his lab to the point of exhaustion looking and theorising methods on how he could prevent your death, so much so that you’d have to come down and practically dragging him out because he was worrying you and the rest of the family. But Ford was stubborn as stubborn could be when it came to you and your safety that he tends to drown out your concerns for him, much to your dismay.
Ford believed that Bill was tempting him into making a deal to keep you safe but he knew that even as powerful as Bill was, even he couldn’t prevent something that he himself and told him happened across the entirety of the Multiverse. So Ford stuck to his guns and buried himself in work to keep you safe because he couldn’t and wouldn’t loose you if he could help it.
Doesn’t believe a thing Bill is saying in the slightest and thinks it’s all a pile of horseshit, up until the triangle demon shows him of all the infinite universes of which you did indeed die did Stan actually start to believe that Bill was actually telling the truth for once.
Zombies made you one of them.
Got turned to stone by a gorgon like creature and wasn’t saved in time.
Possessed by bill and had multiple stab wounds, bruises, scratches and lacerations from his misuse.
Submerged in amber/tree sap, face permanently stuck in horror.
Eaten by the Summerween Trickster.
Replaced by the shapeshifter after you were killed for being the imposter.
So many timelines where you’ve died cruelly or unfairly and it broke Stan’s heart knowing that in all of these universes his other selves might’ve been either too late, or made the wrong choices that he probably regrets as he downs each and every bottle of the hardest liquor in hopes he’d numb the pain.
He was destined to loose you no matter what and things weren’t made any better when Bill tells him that you were on route to die really soon, taunting him with the fact that there was nothing he, Ford or even the Pine Twins and their stupid pet pig could do to stop it; you’re death was an inevitability across the entire multiverse.
Stan hated being told that there was nothing he could do to prevent you from dying, he hated being told what he can’t do in general! So he’ll much rather take his odds with trying any and everything in his power to keep you safe and sound, even if it means dying himself he’ll do it gladly knowing you were okay.
He was already protective of you to begin with but with the added fact that you were bound to die sooner or later had Stan become even more protective of you. So much so that he doesn’t leave the shack without a crossbow or even his brass knuckles to fight off whoever or whatever was going to try and take you from him; hell he might even teach you how to fight should you get into trouble and he’s not there to protect you.
He keeps you by his side almost 24/7 at this point and would shower you in affection as though he was going to run out of time to do so, even going so far as to keep you away from walking under any ladders, tripping over anything and or crossing the street when you shouldn’t. However it got concerning to the point where you’d have to sit him down and ask what was wrong. Stan isn’t one to talk about his emotions nor how he felt about certain things but this was something he knew he had to share with you sooner or later, regardless of whether you believed him or not.
Stan still thought Bill was full of shit and even acted like he didn’t believe him about you dying and everything, but deep down Stan was scared that his best attempts to keep you safe wouldn’t be enough and that you’ll be taken away, regardless of how hard he fought back but Stan wasn’t one to easily give up not when his loved ones are involved.
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faeriekit · 29 days
sorry I need to lose my mind for a couple paragraphs:
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So, if you're wondering how the hell this dude is Whitepassing, please note that this is restricted to a single comics run rather than All Alfreds in the Known Multiverse™. Anyway, I was reading the Dark Knights of Steel vol 2 of my own accord (and against the better judgement of friends) because I apparently enjoy suffering when I got the to the "Alfred has secretly been J'onn J'onezz the whole time" schtick and my brain turned clean off.
Because. Implications.
To start, when they draw J'onn as himself as opposed to his "Alfred" disguise:
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J'onn is still drawn with what look like typically "Black" features, albeit with a few Martian overtones: high cheekbones, a broad face, a flat, wide nose. His "Alfred" form is distinctly differently structured with a narrow face, sharp nose, etc etc. Couple that with a backstory explicitly referencing escaping from a war and attempted enslavement, this is a pretty strong attempt at an allegorical Black alien, even if, uh, you know. It's also Alfred. (And yes this is all ignoring that J'onn is usually portrayed as Black; I just wanted to see if his allegorical Blackness still held up in this particular comic run.)
And there's a lot to be said here about the long and storied history of having black caregivers raise privileged white children and the racism embedded therein but that's not what's happening!! As far as I've gotten (and this is as far as reading vol 2 of the dark knights of steel compendium, and only vol 2), Alfred did stay beside Bruce ever since Bruce's parents kicked the bucket, but.
No one else knew "Alfred" was a nonhuman.
Not Bruce. Not his friends (if he has any). Not his fellows in the army, nor anyone else in the entire world— because due to the inherent prejudice of the setting, everyone he knew would quite possibly turn their back on him or turn him in if his true history was revealed. The world at large was prejudiced against him and non-humans like him, and the solution was to hide or otherwise obscure both history and origin so that he could move freely without repercussions. Even Bruce in this run, the only guy "Alfred" is with at all times, is shown to be prejudiced against non-humans and explicitly hostile. Hiding is shown to be not just necessary, but the only surefire way to survive the Plot™.
So, uh. Just to make sure everyone is on the same page, do y'all know what Whitepassing is...? Ever since White people started bringing slavery to the shores of the new world in the 1600s, people were pretty quick to discover that as long as you were born light enough, people would no longer harass you for doing dangerous and scary things like wanting to own property or to stop being held captive and forced to do hard labor or wanting to keep your own kids. It was easy to do! Provided, of course, that you could 1) escape your circumstances in some manner, 2) give up every person you ever knew, including all friends, family, and references to thereof, and 3) pretend you're someone else for the rest of your life without ever breaking your own cover.
You may be thinking, wow, this sounds horrible and traumatizing! Sure does, and that's because it is! But it's a pretty well-known part of the Black community even today, because if you could pass, you had an infinitely better chance at making enough money to live. You could feed your kids. You could save up to own your own home. You could get a career that didn't physically break you down or disable you.
Passing is giving yourself as good a chance to live as anyone else could ever get, and all it costs is everyone and everything you've ever known. Of course people chose to pass. Of course people choose to pass even here and now.
And you know what? As soon as J'onn reveals his nature, someone close to the throne takes advantage of the knowledge to immediately kill him. Fucked up. It's notable that, in some way or form, J'onn J'onzz, Martian man from outer space, is always human-passing, but the sheer implications of being explicitly depicted as Whitepassing, even if only accidentally, blew my brain clean open.
Imagine passing in a world completely foreign to you. You don't know their customs. You don't know their language at first. You have to learn to adapt. You can't say your true name or show your true face, or everyone will know who you are— what you are. Eventually, you learn to let people close to the mask you've made, but you can never relax with them; you can say your wife is dead, but they cannot hear her name, or they will Know. You can tell them your child died in your arm, but you can't tell them where, or when, or why.
You raise a child to adulthood. They do not know your true form, and you pray they never will.
You tell them the name appropriate for their society, and that is what they call you.
Anyway. This old man is Whitepassing. I feel so bad for him.
(It's important to note that while this part of the storyline doesn't seem to go anywhere that wasn't plot relevant, that somehow didn't stop it from manifesting in the middle of this medieval aliens comic. Which. Wow. What a move.)
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dandylovesturtles · 8 months
I come bearing a little Sidelined AU propaganda for the @tmntaucompetition ! Featuring a guest appearance by @intotheelliwoods Poptart and Sprout.
Leo can’t help but echo his brothers’ amazement as they enter the stadium. There are so many turtles here (and others, too!) - so many different versions of themselves, some familiar and others radically different.
It’s ridiculously cool.
“I knew it!” cheers Donnie behind him. “I knew I was right about multiverse theory! Oh, this has so many fascinating implications for physics! You guys know how…”
Leo tunes out Donnie’s ramble (he can’t understand any of it anyway) to focus on the turtles in front of him. It’s easy to pick out the other Leos in the crowd (their color coding seems to be one of the few constants between them), but he’s quickly noticing he’s an outlier in one very big way.
“Hey guys,” he says, interrupting Donnie, “am I the only Leo rockin’ wheelies?”
“Statistically unlikely,” says Donnie, coming to stand next to him. “Given infinite possibilities, there are definitely other worlds where you use a wheelchair, and myself and Raph and Mikey as well.” Donnie pulls down his goggles, scans the crowd, and then says, “But you’re right that you may be the only one in the building.”
“I wonder what the difference is between our timeline and everyone else’s?” asks Mikey.
“I dunno!” Leo’s eyes scan the crowd. “Let’s ask.”
He catches sight of another Leo nearby, this one missing an arm. He also seems to be in the company of a grandpa Leo, and Leo has no idea how to handle the implications of that one so he decides not to think about it too hard.
“Hey!” he calls out, wheeling himself up, careful not to catch anyone’s feet on his way. “Leo! …Oh, that’s so weird.”
The other Leo turns, doing the momentary skip with his eyes when Leo isn’t at the height he was expecting. Leo’s used to that by now. The one-armed Leo retrains his eyes, grinning and holding up a hand in greeting.
“Well there’s a handsome face,” he says.
“Takes one to know one,” replies Leo enthusiastically.
“Oh no, this is going to be the whole competition, isn’t it?” he hears Donnie say behind him. He rolls his chair back into his brother’s shin and takes satisfaction in the yelp he hears after.
“Quick question. Did Draxum and the Foot Clan put together the Dark Armor in your timeline?”
“Huh? Oh!” The other Leo laughs. “Yeah! That feels like forever ago.”
“And he didn’t put you in it?”
“Uh, no.” The other Leo shrugs. “He put himself in it. Is that what happened to, uh…” He gestures vaguely at Leo, who nods.
“Oh yeah. What about you?” Leo eyes his empty shoulder. “Was that from the Shredder?”
“Nope!” The other Leo waves that off. “This was from the Krang!”
“Oh,” says Leo. (Behind him, he hears Mikey whisper, “What’s a Krang?”) “Okay, thanks. We’re just trying to figure out where our timeline went different.” He grins. “Nice compression sleeve, by the way.”
“Thanks!” The other Leo grins back. “Nice wheelchair!”
The other Leo and the big Leo tailing him move on. Leo swivels his chair so he can look back at his brothers.
“Okay, so we know the difference,” he says. “In most other timelines, Draxum is an idiot.”
“He’s an idiot in our timeline,” says Raph, “but I see your point.”
“Cool!” says Mikey. “Mystery solved!”
“Now hold on!” Donnie dashes to stand in front of them, arms held out. “Gentlemen, you can’t really mean to take a single data point and form a conclusion based on that!” He pulls up the screen of his bracer, typing frantically. “We need to gather data from every group here, and then we need to run cross-references to find all the commonalities, and then-“
Leo looks at Raph and Mikey. “Nachos?” he suggests.
“Nachos!” they both cheer.
He starts making his way through the crowd, Mikey and Raph helping him navigate, leaving Donnie to catch up.
“Really!? That’s it!? Don’t you have any interest in the mysteries of the multiverse!? You’re abandoning it for nachos!? …Well okay, but no jalapeños on mine!”
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(Had this idea on the brain as soon as I woke up this morning. This prompt is basically going off of the idea that the ghost zone is the dimension that connects all dimensions.)
(#) = Notes at the end of post
Living in Technicolor
When Danny gets zapped by the portal and brought back half alive, his vision is forever changed. He doesn't know what caused it, just that ever since the accident, his sight has been split into three different perspectives.
1. His home dimension
2. The ghost zone/invisible spectrum
3. Another dimension entirely
He had originally been able to peer into more than three perspectives directly after his accident, but that resulted in his brain more or less short-circuiting from all the extra information and putting him in a week long coma. Still, even with the decreased load, the amount of information that's being filtered through his eyes and into his brain from three different plains of existence leaves him legally blind in his original reality and needing the help of either a cane or his service dog, Cujo.(1 & 2)
It isn't until his powers start appearing that he learns something interesting. If he concentrates enough, he can shift/manifest his own existence into whichever perspective he's focusing on the most when he transforms, singling his vision down to one perspective for the duration. He has to be careful though, otherwise he could get stuck in-between, which scrambles his vision to an even more nauseating degree. That or he could cause himself to blackout just from the amount of stress it puts on his mind.
He's basically his own dimension hopping portal though.
The only thing is, he never hopped over to the other dimension that seemed to exist alongside his own and the Ghost Zone, content to just travel between his dimension and the Infinite Realms. That doesn't mean he wasn't interested in it or didn't take a more concentrated peek into it from time to time though. Cause let's be honest. A world full of superheroes defending the Earth from a multitude of threats? He'd be lying if he said he didn't use the opportunity to observe and learn from a few of the professionals when it came to his own defending of the ghostly variety.
It isn't until long after he becomes the Ghost King that he is approached by Clockwork, the Ghost of Time. He reveals he knows of Danny's ability to peer into the multiverse like the time ghost can, although greatly limited in comparison. He offers to make Danny his apprentice and to teach him what it means to see through the veil into different universes and timelines, and perhaps increase the amount of perspectives he can handle at once now that his power has increased exponentially. He is King of the Infinite Realms after all. He needs to properly oversee his domain and everything connected to it if he wants to be a good monarch. However, the only way to increase the number of perspectives he can handle is by experiencing each one first hand.
The first step? Shifting into the dimension he has yet to visit, the one he's been peering into and learning so much from over the years.
(1) Here, Danny gets Cujo before he becomes a security dog/a ghost.
(2) He eventually creates some specially designed glasses with color changing lenses that help him filter out the extra perspectives when he's older, but they're far from perfect. Red for home reality, Green for the Ghost Zone, and Blue for DC Universe/other universes.
ALSO, while this is technically a dp x dc crossover prompt, I wanted to keep it pretty open for any other crossover ideas. There's infinite possibilities here and I'd love to see what people come up with!
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lokiondisneyplus · 1 year
Potential spoilers below the cut, but a super interesting article.
Some non-spoiler pull quotes:
Tom is my producing partner in a true sense. Before we had any writers or directors, it was Tom and I for months building this story out. We had a 30-page document that was like, This is what the show is: TVA, He Who Remains — even Victor Timely was in that first document years ago. And it’s just carried through. -- This is maybe — not maybe — this is the first Marvel series to never have any additional photography. The story that is on screen is the story we set out to make. -- We were casting, and “Everything Everywhere All at Once” was playing in L.A. and in New York, but it hadn’t gone nationwide yet. I think it was going the very next week. We had gotten a call from our casting director who said, “Hey, I’m about to put together a list for OB — just initial thoughts. But before I do that, I really think you guys should meet Ke, and I think it should be Ke. I think you guys should meet with him quick, because probably by Monday, he’s going to have a lot of offers for different things.”
Of the eight live-action TV shows that Marvel Studios has produced for Disney+ to date, only one has concluded with the explicit promise of a second season: That would be “Loki,” the outrageously entertaining series about Tom Hiddleston’s god of mischief and his metaphysical exploits in the Time Variance Authority.
It turns out, those plans were already in the works before a second of “Loki” had ever streamed. As executive producer Kevin Wright explains to Variety, he and Hiddleston began talking about Season 2 of the show while in production on the third episode of Season 1.
“As we were shooting the ‘Lamentis’ episode, Tom and I started having lots of conversations about how this world could build out, how we dive deeper into it,” he says. “A large part of what we wanted to do was not trying to repeat ourselves, and not try to play the hits.” At the same time, he adds, they also wanted to make sure didn’t start Season 2 by “fast-forwarding through the drama” of the Season 1 finale. 
And so much happened in that finale. To recap: Loki and his variant-turned-potential-soulmate Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) arrive at the end of time, where they meet the creator of the TVA, He Who Remains (Jonathan Majors) — the variant of the supervillain Kang who won a massive multiversal war. To prevent future Kangs from emerging, He Who Remains has used the TVA to maintain a single, sacred timeline — pruning away trillions of potential lives in the process. He gives Sylvie and Loki an impossible choice: Replace him as the head of the TVA, or kill him and bring forth an infinite number of Kangs.
Loki wants the first option; Sylvie wants the second. She wins, kills He Who Remains, and boots Loki back to an alternate version of the TVA, where previous compatriots Mobius (Owen Wilson) and Hunter B-15 (Wunmi Mosaku) don’t remember ever meeting him.
Variety has screened the first four (of six) episodes of “Loki,” and without spoiling anything, Season 2 picks up pretty much exactly where the first season left off — before then charting its own storytelling path. The full cast has returned, including Gugu Mbatha-Raw as former TVA judge Ravonna Renslayer and Eugene Cordero as TVA functionary Casey. And Majors returns as well as He Who Remains, in addition to another Kang variant, a 19th century inventor named Victor Timely. They’re joined by new actors including Kate Dickie (“Game of Thrones”), Rafael Casal (“Blindspotting”) and recent Oscar-winner Ke Huy Quan as TVA technician Ouroboros, aka “OB.”
Behind the scenes, there have been some changes from Season 1. The series’ original director Kate Herron and head writer Michael Waldron both stepped back to focus on other projects. In their places, “Moon Knight’s” Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead have stepped in as lead directors, and Season 1 writer Eric Martin stepped up as head writer for Season 2.
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To delve into the second season of “Loki,” Wright talked with Variety about casting Quan just before his performance in the multiverse spectacular “Everything Everywhere All at Once” changed the actor’s life forever; what the future of “Loki” the show and Loki the character might be following Season 2; and how Majors’ arrest in March for assault did (or did not) affect their plans for Season 2.
What were the discussions like about how to approach Season 2?
I think we had to just keep reminding ourselves that the TVA is a great world, let’s live in the drama of what we’re creating there. Which means not fast-forwarding through the drama that they just decided to stop pruning timelines, but also staying in the emotional turmoil that Loki and Sylvie are coming into this season with.
Also, there were certain things in Season 1 that felt like they were maybe a risk, and we didn’t know how the audience would respond. Once we realized that they embraced it, it felt like a lot of freedom to go further.
What did you feel was a risk?
In a very early draft of the script that Michael Waldron had written, that first Time Theater conversation between Mobius and Loki was maybe a couple of pages. And then a lot of other big Marvel-y action things happened afterwards, and we all went, “That’s not the interesting stuff. This Time Theater conversation is interesting. That’s what the show could be.” If we are really diving into the character-driven philosophy and introspection of self, that’s quite different than the last 10 years of Marvel movies. Would the audience follow us along on that? 
Tom Hiddleston famously held seminars on the character of Loki for Season 1. Did he do anything like that for Season 2?
No, because we tried to bring back as much crew as we could from Season 1. It was largely the same team. Obviously, we went from Atlanta to London [for production], but a lot of our department heads carried over, so there was an institutional knowledge that was built in. And Tom is my producing partner in a true sense. Before we had any writers or directors, it was Tom and I for months building this story out. We had a 30-page document that was like, This is what the show is: TVA, He Who Remains — even Victor Timely was in that first document years ago. And it’s just carried through.
So even as Kate Herron kind of handed the reins over at the end of Season 1, there is an institutional knowledge that comes with us being the glue between the seasons.
You mentioned He Who Remains and Victor Timely. You finished shooting Season 2 in 2022, but did Jonathan Majors’ arrest for assault in March resulted in any changes to the show? 
No. This is maybe — not maybe — this is the first Marvel series to never have any additional photography. The story that is on screen is the story we set out to make. We went out there with a very specific idea of what we wanted this to be, and we found a way to tell it in that production period. It’s very much what’s on screen on Disney+.
It’s clear that Majors plays an integral role this season, and you just alluded that Marvel usually does additional photography on all its titles. So was there any discussion about making changes to the show, given the uncertainty about what was happening with Majors?
No. And that mainly came from — I know as much as you do at the moment. It felt hasty to do anything without knowing how all of this plays out.
How early into the writing of Season 2 did you decide to cast Ke Huy Quan as OB?
We were in London, so I had at least some version of our scripts. The way the process works, they’re always being rewritten, but OB was in there, and his introduction scene was almost exactly as originally written. I would like to say it was in early spring, which was maybe just two months before we started shooting. We were casting, and “Everything Everywhere All at Once” was playing in L.A. and in New York, but it hadn’t gone nationwide yet. I think it was going the very next week. We had gotten a call from our casting director who said, “Hey, I’m about to put together a list for OB — just initial thoughts. But before I do that, I really think you guys should meet Ke, and I think it should be Ke. I think you guys should meet with him quick, because probably by Monday, he’s going to have a lot of offers for different things.”
So that that Friday, myself, Justin and Aaron, two of our directors, had gotten on a Zoom with Ke. We pitched him the show and this character. We shared that introduction scene with him and maybe the full script. And then we called in the big guns that Monday; Kevin Feige got on the phone with him and said, “Ke, I know you read the script. I know you talked to the guys. We really think you should do this. I really want you to join the Marvel family.” And he had already made up his mind over the weekend. It was like, “I’m there. I’ve been a huge fan of this for a long time.”
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In Season 1, the show explored several time periods and locations outside the TVA, but in the first four episodes of this season, you stick to just 1880s Chicago, 1970s London and 1980s in the Midwest. How did you come to that decision to focus more on the TVA and building out its history?
Because that felt like where so much of our core character conflict was going to come from. There was so much intersectionality of our characters and what they think of the TVA. Sylvie wants to burn it down because the apple is rotten, as she says. Loki sees it as potentially the only form of defense against whatever else is coming in a war with Kang. Mobius and B-15, they’ve dedicated their whole life to it. They’re not quite ready to give it up. Renslayer feels like she’s been keeping it together, and you get a real understanding of why she thinks she should be the one to get this thing back on track.
We want everybody to be in the gray area — they’re neither good nor bad. They might make bad choices or heroic choices, but they are trying to figure out who they are. The TVA felt like the place where we could maximize that storytelling and learn more about those characters through that. But also stay tuned, because we are going to more places [in Episodes 5 and 6].
Do you think the TVA could start to appear in other titles in the MCU?
I would love that. Look, I’ve been siloed in on “Loki” for almost five years now, by the time this show finishes, and with every filmmaker who has put their hands on the show, we’ve all had the same conversations: It feels like the TVA could really be this exciting connective tool for all of this storytelling. And we’ve only seen a fraction of it. We’re dealing very specifically with this one smaller department with Mobius and B-15 and Renslayer, but you look out at those vistas — this place is infinite. The exciting thing to us is there certainly are more stories to be told there. We’ve carved out our own little corner of the sandbox and built something cool. We’re hoping that other people want to come and play with it.
One of the things I’ve most enjoyed about “Loki” is how it’s telling its own story, but have you considered bringing more of the MCU into it?
Yes, in both seasons of writers’ rooms. It always felt wrong to go too far outside of the box of things that would directly contribute to Loki’s character arc in these two seasons. So that’s why we get [Jaimie Alexander as] Sif in there [in Season 1], we play with the variants in the void and various levels of Asgard-specific storytelling. But while we’ve had nearly 12 hours of storytelling, it never feels like we have enough time. Eventually, just handling the stories of our ensemble and not shortchanging them has always been priority number one.
Now, Season 1 and 2 were always built to be two chapters of the same book. The hope would be going forward, there are more books that we can tell these stories with. I certainly think that we could start doing that.
Would there be a Season 3 of “Loki”? Is the future of the show finite or more open-ended?
I think it’s open-ended. We certainly did not develop this season going, “We have to tee up Season 3” — in the way that we did with Season 1, where there was a very specific, “Hey, we’re coming back.” But I also think that where this show goes, there certainly can be many, many, many more stories told with Loki in the “Loki” world, and in other worlds connected to Loki, the character.
Do you think Loki would ever rejoin the larger world of the MCU? 
That’s the hope. I don’t want to — yeah. I think the the sun shining on Loki and Thor once again has always been the priority of the story we’re telling. But for that meeting to really be fulfilling, we have to get Loki to a certain place emotionally. I think that’s been the goal of these two seasons.
This interview has been edited and condensed.
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matchibee · 1 year
A Web of Their Own Design (pt. 5)
the plot is thickening, I promise everything has a purpose. semi-proof read, i’m lazy but with standards.
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"Hobie, I..." Words refused to string together, simple tasks burdensome, impossible. You didn’t know where your words would begin nor where they’d end, the possibility of bringing unseen experiences to the front of your mind troubling.
Hobie seemed acutely attentive, looking to you with remorse, dropping himself onto one knee, hands shoved into the pockets upon his multi-patched jacket. He look to you critically, scanning your features, not missing a single detail. Once he condemned them to memory, to past experiences — heart rate, pupil dilation, breathing habits — he only had one thing to tell you. The one thing he had to tell you to make everything feel a semblance of what it was. Even if it never would be, never could be.
"You don't need to say it, I know."
What did he know? You thought to the context, the way you must appear to the external. It would be obvious to anyone with a pair of eyes, let alone spider senses, you were going through some type of turmoil. Whether it be of your own design or from the outside was unclear, at least to the untrained eye. And then a thought seemed to plague you, encapsulating you in only blackness — a shadow — as you pondered upon what he’d said. Why he’d said it.
He knew as in he knew the situation, the network that connected the various Spiders keeping him informed? Or had Hobie been exposed to enough losses he'd become desensitized; developing a meter for grief? You know? "You do?" You were skeptical.
"It's a fucked up world — universe — multiverse that we live in, man. It ain't fair, not right that we have to live like this and simply accept it."
You replied through tears, "The canon event shit?"
"The entire thing! Why should we be expected to devote our lives, ourselves, to fighting crime? We lose our reason, loved ones; all what for what?What have they — those institutions that created us, forced us into this life — ever done for us besides condemn us, wanting us gone?”
He’d gone onto an entire tangent and you’d simply allowed him to, sitting wordlessly as he was as expressive as ever — without or without the mask — Hobie was as theatrical as they came. Even if his words were correct, even if they struck a chord.
“We’re a pawn to their game, to the people. Working with those blokes that want us dead, yeah? Damn those cops... Damn them all." Hobie slumped beside you, maintaining his distance, moral support in his own mouth fully wordless way — the only way he knew how.
You didn’t know what to say, could only discern his words from a surface level of understanding. How badly you knew he was correct, how diligently you worked to keep thoughts of grief below the surface.
"About this uh... Anomaly? When did you detect it?" You choked out your words, throat dry, lips cracked. A fish out of water. Tears so far gone your body had deprived you of the nectar of life.
"Don't trouble yourself with that," Hobie stood to his feet, back slouched, boots pattering against hardwood flooring, "I'll contact Bossman, let him know the deal. He can handle it. Big man, that one."
This was your job. Your place in the multiverse. If you weren’t there to be the Spider to your people, to those that relied on your protection; what were you?
You’d lost your sense of self, sense of reason. Everyday you seemed to stray further from yourself and closer to this persona you’d created. Were you a person with their own life? A Spider whose life revolved around others?
Besides, you didn't want Miguel to have to handle it, extending himself too far, just like you’d done these past — fuck, how long had you been a hero, again? He tended to an infinite number of multiverses, doing his best to control outbreaks as they presented themselves, the best interest of the people in mind.
He didn't want to see innocent people overrun with malice, neither did you.
Even if Hobie wouldn't admit it, he didn't want that, either.
"Grief can put itself on hold," Could it really? You'd hardly begun the grieving process when Hobie showed up rearing for a fight. The loss of a life, friendship, multiple. Anyone would be rendered bedridden for the next few weeks, months. To know that such transgressions could’ve been prevented if only they’d been there? An eternity.
Spiders didn't have that luxury, not in this life, nor the next. Even if you pushed the thoughts and responsibilities away, they'd forever persist. It was your responsibility divined by the multiverse, a vessel chosen to bare the responsibility, a web that required your attention.
You couldn't break away without running the risk of severing its fickle connections. All it took was a single moment, a stroke of bad luck, and your universe would cease to exist.
You couldn't allow such transgressions to occur. If not for yourself, for the people who would lose their lives to a premature death.
"If there's an anomaly I should be there to deliver it from evil."
"Nobility doesn't suit you, not now."
Hobie was slowly but surely breaking down your walls in an attempt to rebuild you, mold you into someone capable of living for themselves rather than the people — it was your fatal flaw, the reason you lost so much in such little time — incapable of keeping up with the personas of daily life.
Spider. Sibling. Lover. Child.
You couldn't have it all, couldn't remember special occasions, finding them pushed further into the back of your mind as crime picked up during the holidays. Presents gone unwrapped, piling up in the corner of your apartment, holiday cards unopened. They only wanted to see you, make sure their darling child was alright.
Spider. Sibling. Lover.
Love didn't work for a Spider, time too inconsistent, intimate moments disrupted by the cruel reality of crime. Scrapes and bruises impossible to hide as wandering hands traversed the most delicate parts of sensitive skin, lies only deepening the rift between love and like.
Spider. Sibling.
Eventually they grew tired of lies, tired of an identity you work diligently to hide. The person who once ate sand alongside you now spat words of malice, siding with a parent stricken with grief, fearing they might lose someone of their own fruition. Siblings are fickle, fights breaking out for the smallest of instances. Usually they're simple to remedy, an ice cream cone and a shove, but not this time.
The only thing that remained consistent.
The reason everything was unable to coexist.
The only thing you had left.
Hobie had tracked the anomaly to central Newer York, the two of you discovering nothing out of the ordinary upon your arrival, the typical hustle and bustle of the working class's evening, returning home to adoring families, perhaps none at all.
Multiverse knows you had nothing to return to.
From damn-near thin air Hobie produced the small spider surveillance mechanism Lyla had taught you to use, the AI a whisper away in the dead of the night — a cheeky conversationalist if you entertained her, but your experience was far from first-hand.
Things change.
"Miguel wants to know if you two were successful in apprehending the anomaly." She fluttered at your shoulder, craning her to look you in the eyes — spider-eyes, but eyes nonetheless.
"Not particularly...?"
"I'll let him now."
"No!" You and Hobie were quick to shout in a succinct unison, terrifying you, a shiver running down your spine. You continued before the Spider-Punk, "I'd rather do this of our own voilition, y'know? Learn the ropes without a teacher breathing down my neck?"
"I completely understand," Your breath stilled, Hobie extending his fist, your own colliding with boney knuckles. "Unfortunately, I've already contacted him."
"Lyla!" Hobie shouted, running his palms down his mask. "Why would you do that to us, man! Way to kill the vibe!"
"Matar la vibra?"
Your backs grew rigid, Hobie swatting at you, wordlessly telling you to turn around, greet the man. You did the same, if not with more force, Miguel the one to inevitably deliver you from your silent argument.
Claws gripped where your suit pooled around your neck, raising you to the air like a cat to its infant, looking between the both of you with a scrutinous gaze. "Some maturity, children. I'm not a babysitter."
You crossed your arms over your chest, mumbling something under your breath, Miguel humming in prompt to continue.
"I'd appreciate if you'd stop calling me that."
"I'll call you whatever I want until I believe you deserve a different title, niño."
"I'm not a child."
Hobie furrowed his brows, "You speak Spanish?"
You tossed your hand back and forth, so-so, "Highschool Spanish, you can fill in the blanks."
"Teach me."
"Enough!" Miguel dropped you on your asses, your hand flying to rub at your tailbone, wincing. "Did you two spot the anomaly, or not."
You snickered at Hobie’s response, elbowing him at his side, Hobie responding with the same. Miguel from his spot above you, shoulders tensed and stare running like a chill down your spine, was far from amused.
"Doesn't appear to be showing up on my scanner." Hobie replied in a mumble, displaying his watch for Miguel to view, looking anywhere except the man above him.
The man groaned, turning to you. "Nothing?"
You nodded your head, smacking the watch with your palm for good measure, hoping to get some sort of reaction out of it. "Hey!" Miguel snatched your wrist, holding it his chest. "Sensitive technology, cabrón. Don't handle it like your toys."
You huffed, attempting to pull yourself free, Miguel smirking from above you. "You don't know how I play with my toys," Raising your mask to stick out your tongue, Miguel was thoroughly stunned, releasing you from his grasp.
He clicked his tongue, "toñto."
The three of you decided it was in your best interest to part ways for the time being, scouring the streets for the supposed anomaly, not a trace of where they could've gone in sight. As far as files had gone, Lyla nagging you with information as you wandered the streets, you were dealing with someone who had the ability to camouflage in some form, rendering it impossible for them to be picked up on the scanners. Perhaps an ability of invisibility, but you couldn’t be sure.
It was as though they'd vanished entirely, flat off the face of your universe, but according to your cumulative watches, a disturbance still persisted.
What could it be?
"Spider!" A voice you hadn't heard in a few days called out to you, blonde ribbons filling your vision, "Been a minute, hasn't it? How are you holding up?"
You smiled beneath the mask, grateful for simple conversation that didn't entail work. "I find I'm doing well, Officer. I hope I'm not under arrest?"
Hunter waved his hand, smiling at you with a roll of his eyes, "No way! Captain Perez is mental if he thinks I'm arresting the city's protector."
"I wouldn't call myself a protector, per say."
"Oh I would," Hunter approached you, taking your hands in his own, finger circling your palm. "I've been a diligent observer of your work for quite some time, Spider. You started this business when I was only a freshman, and so were you!"
"How do you know how..."
"I keep a close eye on the things I like. And you? I like you the most!"
The interaction had gone from wholesome to horrifying in a mere matter of seconds, a nervous laugh preceding your attempt at escape, finding his grip around your wrist tightened. "What I wouldn't give to see the face beneath the mask..." A hand detached from your wrist, snaking up the back of your head, "I promise Captain Perez would be none the wiser... Just a peek?"
You tensed, hands against the man’s wrists, squeezing in an effort to get away. Why was it that when you believed someone to have your best interests at heart, they always seemed to prove you wrong?
You couldn’t meet anyone as a Spider without them yearning for who lied beyond the mask, admiration be damned. You couldn’t get close to anyone as yourself, breaking bonds to protect what remained of your connection, losing everything in the end.
And isolation persisted once more.
You mustered all your strength to push against him, the officer stumbling a good few paces backwards before looking to you in astonishment, rejection. "Spider, I didn't mean..."
"Do yourself a favor and keep your hands off 'em." Hobie stood beside you, arm latching around your neck as he rested his weight against you, free hand pointing to the officer. "They ain't interested, man. Take a hint."
"Oh, you misunderstand!” He shook his hands in front of his face, “I'm merely an admirer, a bystand—“
Miguel seemed to manifest from nothing, towering over Hunter, hands to his hips, deviously smirking beneath the mask "Admiration can be done from afar."
Hunter took the hint, hobbling away, leaving you without so much as a wave of his hand. You breath stilled, hand pressed to your chest as you registered what had just occurred. "Thanks for the assist, Hobie. Really saved my a—"
Miguel interrupted you, "Language."
Miguel clicked his tongue, departing from the both of you, continuing his surveillance of the nearby area. There had to be something you were missing, something Layla had failed to debrief, and he would sooner keel over in a heap of webs than admit defeat — admit the anomaly had breached the confines of your universe.
"I wasn't the one to suggest assistance. Quite frankly, I wanted to see how it'd play out." Hobie had his hands in his pockets, walking at your side as the both of you scanned for something, anything.
You were perplexed, looking up at him as though he were speaking a foreign language, grown a second head. "Then who—"
"Who’d ya think?
taglist: @coralineyouareinterribledanger (never done a taglist before so lmk if u wanna be added) :)
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I found myself confused about a little thing: if Stephen took a look at an enormous amount of possibilities for them to defeat Thanos and he only found one solution, but in MoM we get to see an alternate reality in which they managed to defeat Thanos with the power of the Darkhold— does that mean that there were more paths he could've taken that would lead to success but he didn't find them while searching intuitively for the variables?
Did he just never consider the Darkhold a viable way to win? The Dr. Stephen Strange? The same guy that later was proven to go at any length to resolve issues, INCLUDING USING THE DARKHOLD?!
I also simply cannot believe in the bullshit one of the Stephens said about never finding a single alternative timeline in which he's happy— that makes no fucking sense, because if the movie defines his happiness as Christine then a very important moment to his life would be either chosing her or pushing her away(the specific moment could be argued over; perhaps after the hand surgery and before Kamar Taj?) and the multiverse works so that there has to be at least one ramification out there in which he chose her at the right time. Which makes me think that the Darkhold simply didn't show him those timelines— feeding him the 'truth' that Stephen Strange isn't capable of having a happy ending, the same way I think the Darkhold only showed Wanda the timelines in which she got her children to evoke her wrath over the unfairness of her timeline being the 'only one' in which she has no one.
All i'm saying is that the MCU sucks at explaining the Mystic Arts and the Multiverse.
(Unless i'm missing added information from series like Loki or Agents of SHIELD, which i didn't watch so I wouldn't have any idea... but the basic idea of a multiverse to be infinite and cover every single deviation so?)
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drcuriouslxix · 3 months
consider the parallel universe theory
infinite alternate universes mean
an infinite amount of celestia ludenbergs
all infinitely growing outside the confines of their microscopic universes
smothering, enveloping, flattening everything smaller than them
only a matter of time before they all get to us
could be in a hundred years, or the exact moment I hit send on this ask
either way, can't wait for my existence to get retconned by an infinite amount of infinitely huge tits and asses, especially since they all belong to her
A lovely idea! Unfortunately, I'm afraid there's one detail you're neglecting.
There's only one Celestia Ludenberg. The separation of timelines and multiverses exist to help 'protect' us from her true unfathomable size - each timeline's Celeste is just an infinitely small (relatively small, of course - remember, the largest a character's been drawn in porn is their canon proportions, and I've commissioned some LARGE fucking Celestes) portion of the single vastly-more-massive being that is her true, original form. Naturally, it's effortless for someone with that much power to simultaneously control billions of alternate bodies with dignity, grace and talent.
I agree, though, they should all get bigger. Rupture the barriers between potential realities and timelines until all of them merge back from their ridiculously tiny separate omni-reality-destroying bodies into the true, inexpressibly massive Celestia Ludenberg that the infinite expanse of time, space, and all possible parallel dimensions can't even begin to hold an indescribably tiny fraction of a percent of.
After that, we can see her start REALLY growing - after she decompresses, of course! Granted, I think .0000001% of a single layer's removal would be enough to cause total retroactive conceptual annihilation of everything but the endless unbelievable expanse of goth girl tit - but that's no reason to stop before fully removing all 8.45 octillion of them!
And then, of course, start with the ACTUAL growth once she's fully decompressed. Even after all those stuffy layers of infinite power are removed, she's still so tiny and flat...! If '''time''' still existed (instead of being fractured into complete uselessness by someone's literally indescribable boobs), it would take less than one one-billionth of a femtosecond of channeling her sheer power into actually growing for her to make her previous fully decompressed size look as significant compared to her new one as a single stray electron in a long-since-destroyed meta-giga-omniverse. I'm sure after a couple undecillion subjective '''centuries''' of uninterrupted exponentially increasing growth, she'll be satisfied with her size...
At least, long enough to re-separate times and existences even further, split herself once again, grow all those bodies to the scale she was at the end of the previous paragraph, and start the cycle again~<3
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Thinking about Spider-Society and the reason there are so many variants of Peter Parker there. So I don't remember this too well, but the whole canon event is based off of a predictive algorithm Miguel and Lyla came up with, right? But all of the "Canon Events" are based off of the major events in the life of Peter Parker, who was the original Spider-Man in Miguel's universe, who was basically identical to the version we all know. The only reason Spider-Society has so many Peter Parkers is because of that algorithm, and people like Gwen, Hobie, Pavitr, and basically every other version that isn't a variant of Peter are outliers in the sense that they've been through the same events, but are totally different people. The multiverse is literally infinite, with infinite possibilities. Which means that there are infinite variations of Spider-Man that haven't gone through "Canon Events".
Another thing I have a theory about is the whole multiverse destabilizing thing. Sure it seems to be tied to canon events in some way, but in full honesty I don't think that's how it works. What we saw in Pavitr's universe could very likely be the result in the Spot operating the collider at dangerously high levels (this might have happened in 1610 if Miles hadn't shut off the collider in ITSV). The other thing is, and I think I've said this before, I don't think we got the full story/context of what really happened the universe Miguel caused to collapse. I have no doubts that his actions caused that, but I don't think it's canon events that caused that universe to collapse. I think that the constant travel between universes is what destabilized the multiverse. First there was the events in ITSV, and then there was the botched spell in No Way Home, and then there was Miguel, who has been dimension hopping the whole time, also all of the Spider-People being in spider-society and using their watches all the time isn't helping.
So my theory is that what happened to Miguel's other universe is the result of him hopping to and from that dimensions so many times that it ended up unraveling the fabric of that reality, the only reason he, and Peter B survived is because their watches protected them. Also, that incident was confined to that universe, as far as we know. So was the black hole thing in Pavitr's universe. So if anything, only Miles' universe is in danger if things with the Spot go south.
So yeah, can't wait to see Miguel's reaction to the gut punch that the thing he tried so hard to stop was literally the result of every single action he's taken while dimension hopping.
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frank-olivier · 22 days
Explanatory & Comprehensive Realism: A perspective on reality and human potential
Understanding David Deutsch's worldview requires delving into the intricate interplay between science and philosophy that characterizes his work.
At the heart of Deutsch's philosophy is a robust epistemology influenced by Karl Popper. Deutsch champions the idea that knowledge is not static or absolute but is instead a dynamic process of conjecture and refutation. He posits that all problems are soluble, given the right knowledge, and that the growth of knowledge is potentially infinite. This perspective is crucial in understanding how humans can address and solve problems, including those that seem insurmountable, like disease, poverty, and even mortality. Deutsch's emphasis on "hard-to-vary" explanations highlights the importance of theories that withstand rigorous testing and criticism. These explanations are not only central to scientific progress but also to practical and moral reasoning. By applying this epistemological framework, Deutsch argues that we can continually improve our understanding of the world, leading to better decision-making and ethical considerations. Deutsch's support for the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is a testament to his belief in the vastness of reality. According to this interpretation, every quantum event spawns multiple parallel universes, each representing a different outcome. This view challenges the traditional notion of a singular, deterministic universe and opens up a realm of infinite possibilities. The multiverse concept aligns with Deutsch's broader thesis of infinite progress. It suggests that the universe is not limited by a single trajectory but is instead a tapestry of countless potential realities. This perspective not only influences his understanding of physics but also informs his views on human creativity and the potential for innovation. Deutsch's integration of evolutionary theory into his worldview underscores the importance of adaptation and complexity in the development of knowledge. By drawing on Richard Dawkins' ideas about replicators and memes, Deutsch explains how cultural and intellectual evolution parallels biological evolution. Memes, like genes, are subject to variation and selection, leading to the evolution of ideas and technologies. Computation plays a crucial role in Deutsch's framework, as it represents the ability to simulate and understand complex systems. He views the universe itself as a computational entity, where transformations are governed by information and algorithms. This perspective suggests that by understanding the principles of computation, humans can harness the power of technology to create and transform reality. The concept of the universal constructor is a cornerstone of Deutsch's constructor theory. A universal constructor is a hypothetical machine capable of performing any physically possible transformation. While humans are not yet universal constructors, Deutsch envisions a future where technological advancements could bring us closer to this ideal. This idea reflects his optimism about human potential and the transformative power of knowledge. Deutsch believes that, through creativity and innovation, humans can overcome current limitations and achieve unprecedented progress. This vision aligns with his rejection of "deathism"—the acceptance of death as inevitable—and his advocacy for scientific research aimed at extending human life. Deutsch's ideas, while bold and imaginative, have sparked debate and criticism. Some critics argue that his application of scientific concepts to areas like aesthetics and moral philosophy is less convincing. They question whether the principles of physics and computation can fully account for the complexities of human experience and ethical decision-making.
David Deutsch's worldview offers a vision of the future, grounded in the potential for infinite progress through knowledge creation. By emphasizing the importance of explanations, creativity, and the integration of diverse scientific and philosophical domains, his ideas provide a framework for addressing contemporary challenges and unlocking human potential. As societies continue to navigate an increasingly complex world, Deutsch's perspective serves as a reminder of the transformative power of knowledge and the limitless possibilities that lie ahead.
Chiara Marletto: Paradigm Shift, Ghost Particles, Constructor Theory (Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal, January 2024)
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
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randomthefox · 3 months
Archie Sonic's depiction of the multiverse concept was sterile and pointless. What's the point if only a single universe matters and all the others are just for decoration? Why mention the idea of the characters meeting alternate versions of themselves if only specific versions of them are actually important in the grand scheme of things? It only makes the cosmology feel hollow and unnecessary.
I mean look, a fictional setting doesn't HAVE to abide by any kind of universal standard of multiverse story treatment. It isn't weird in Digimon for example for them to refer to the Digital World as the alternate reality, and refer to the world the humans are from as the "Real World." Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced is another example. You CAN have a "prime" universe and have alternate dimensions which are aware of their status as not being the more True version of reality.
But there usually has to be some kind of EXPLANATION for WHY the "prime" universe is the "real" one and all the other ones are just weirdo offshoots? It wouldn't make ANY FUCKING SENSE for, say for example, inhabitants of Marvel Earth-1610 to refer to Earth 616 as the "real" universe and for Earth-1610 Peter Parker to see Earth-616 Peter Parker as the "most truest realest version of Peter Parker." It wouldn't make ANY FUCKING SENSE for the inhabitants of the Mirror Universe of Star Trek to view the "main" universe AS the "main universe" or for them to look at the versions of themselves that do not have goatees as the "true" versions of themselves.
If one were to look at these characters as Actual People who have had an entire lifetime of experience informing their decisions and outlook, naturally they would view themselves as having valid personhood, and for their reality to be just as true and valid as any other and frankly if they were "evil" then surely they SHOULD view themselves and their universe as MORE VALID than any other universe. Why, legitimately, WHY would "Evil Sonic" find out about the multiverse and come to the conclusion that HIMSELF and HIS UNIVERSE is the alternate??? Like, WHAT? How does that make ANY SENSE? How and why would he live for a minimum of 15 years of life, with all the events and experiences he had during that life, only to then find out that a multiverse exists and come to the conclusion that HE is the "evil" Sonic and the main character is the "Real" Sonic?
I can't even begin to unpack how fucking retarded that is because it simply fails to hold up to BASIC COMMON SENSE. It should be the NATURAL LOGICAL ASSUMPTION that someone from an alternate reality WOULD NOT VIEW THEMSELVES AS AN "alternate version" OF SOMEONE ELSE. That literally DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE.
The only way that COULD make sense is if, in Archie, there was originally only one "zone" and at some point in history a fucking Idunno Shatter Prism or something broke and CREATED an infinite amount of alternate "zones" in the wake of that event. Or something like that. A scenario like that and only such a thing as that could ever possibly explain the concept of the "main universe" being objectively categorized as such by all parties.
Is that what happened? Because otherwise. No. It doesn't make sense for "Evil Sonic" to think of HIMSELF as "Evil Sonic" and view the main character Sonic as the "real Sonic." That's fucking retarded. That's characters being written as mouth pieces and plot utilities and not as people with rich inner lives.
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sagaverse · 2 years
Wait why does Core make the deal with Error, like I know error destroyed half the Au’s thus making it easier to find the omega timeline but that wouldn’t happen since the multiverse is infinite and new Au’s are being created every single day so it wouldn’t change anything at all
Actually why is Error a threat since the multiverse is infinite, and error is just one guy, error is the equivalent of an ant trying the clear a continent of its grass it would be impossible plus that grass regrows just like the Au’s So why is Destroying half the Au’s a big deal since in reality he really just destroyed like 5% (obviously not 5% but you get my point), in fact Nightmare is more of a threat to the multiverse than Error since all nightmare needs to do is corrupt and eat dream soul and he becomes god or all powerful, nightmare job is just to make everyone into despair, nightmare actually avoids killing people because of that, this makes nightmare goal more possible than Error’s
Unless there are rules in this multiverse that makes this wrong
Alright this needs explanation cuz someone's not reading some of these details lmao. Reminder that all of the information below is only canon to SagaVerse as to not contradict the origins themselves.
Hopefully this will also be the last one.
First off, SAGA!ERROR DID NOT DESTROY HALF THE MULTIVERSE. He himself said it in one of the panels lmao.
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Chapter 1: Aftermath, part 5 "New Mission"
The Halving (That's what we call erasure of half the multiverse) were done by the Creators themselves. They've lost all their inspiration and desire to create more AUs. Typical creators. Thus making creation of AUs impossible and some of them also erased their creations in the meantime. Making Ink desperate as a result and had to concede into making a truce.
This entire Halving sequence are all inspired by Jakei's "Truce" Comic.
2. Saga!Core lost their future parts in the time-space continuum due to the halving as well, making them Nigh-Omnipresent instead of full-on Omnipresent. They can no longer be in the "future" anymore. Resulting in them becoming fearful of what's to come now they can no longer see the result of everything. They made the choice to make a truce with Error at least until they can sort their own problem in the meantime.
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Chapter 1: Aftermath, part 8 "Chance Encounter#2"
3. Saga!Nightmare needs negativity to live on. And while the black apples do provide him with his own power source, he needs external negativity created by the despair around him to make him stronger. Before the Halving he is technically one of if not the strongest being in the multiverse due to how many negativity there are.
But due to the halving, HALF of that negativity source went POOF, gone, extinct, like it never even exist. His overall strength dropped down to just half of his prime power. Making him weaker than some of the Out!Codes.
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Chapter 1: Aftermath, part 1
4. Error's goal in this series has been way, way different than his origin old self. He's a different person than the one he was before, the glitchy-selfish-manchild. He's not the all-powerful multiverse destroyer like many of you think he is, tho he's still way more powerful and mature than his origin canon self. Can't really say more about him, but it will be revealed more as the comics go on...
In conclusion, maybe try to read 'em in entirety and not clip by clip lmao. I know it's asking too much but well, that's just how comics work.
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halfagone · 1 year
*serious sasuke pose* I. am at. my. limit. i can't stop daydreaming.
danny becoming a monster. not the one he swore to never become, but the kind he had always been running away from.
he becomes part of the giw. and. is close to destroying all of the infinite realms once and for all.
jack and maddie, who finally sees and accepts the truth, but too late, is saved by jazz and pushed into another dimension.
in order to survive, jack finds himself being hired to play an Uncle Eddie for a young boy. he agrees and finds out that the child is too smart for his own good.
the three figure out how to make their new fake identities as legitimate as possible. and since the child is so smart, they just decided to tell him what they were planning to do.
and because the child, tim, is just. so sweet, he helps them.
bruce is getting worried because tim seems to be becoming a bit... like a supervillain? a mad scientist? he updates the contingency files.
i dunno what to add in the middle, but the amount of blood to be spilled when Tim becomes a replacement (of course he isn't but he'll be called it) of not only Jason, but ALSO DANNY has me cackling with morbid glee.
jack and maddie just wants their son back. they manage to filter out the lazarus pit from jason, but when danny appears, there's not a single ectoplasm to battle against. danny was going against them fully human, never turning into a ghost, just to show them exactly how monstrous a human can be than their pre-conceived notions about ghosts.
he threatens to make their new son into a ghost, to rip him apart molecule by molecule for simply being a ghost, and tells them exactly how he's going to break his core.
just. it's all over the place, but basically i want redeemed jack and maddie and villain danny. tim is just there to be tortured bcuz i love him and this is the consequence of it >:3c
Oh how we love to torture the blorbos. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you're the author's favorite, you're gonna pay for it! I am curious why Danny would have joined the GIW and the Fenton parents wouldn't, because often times the only reason why the Fentons change their mind about ghosts is because of Danny's halfa status.
Danny's motivations in here are interesting. It doesn't make sense in a logical standpoint. However, there are plenty of villains whose entire philosophy don't really make sense to begin with. This does remind me of Owlman from DC, who was so intent on destroying the multiverse because he just hated everything and everyone??? (I can't remember how it was explained, because he made this whole speech that was total BS so I wasn't inclined to pay attention.) Maybe Danny is this kind of villain too, just- DP style I guess. XD
There are plenty of ways to write a villain Danny, I think most people just tend to use Dan for that, understandably so. A lot of us love Danny as a hero or a good person, so it's kinda like- why make Danny a bad guy when Dan is right there. Maybe this would be a human Danny's Dan-origin. Who knows!
It is interesting how Tim is still considered a replacement in this too, albeit in a different way. This boy really cannot escape the allegations. LOL
While this AU might not be for me, go nuts with it! Keep gnawing on it like that beloved chew toy. Rotate it in your mind like a rotisserie chicken. It will simmer and cook and maybe one day you can write it too. ;3
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dailycharacteroption · 7 months
Infinity Lash Witchwarper (Witchwarper Alternate Class Feature)
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(art by Sleepy-Hillhurst on DeviantArt)
And we’re following up yesterday with another witchwarper option!
Today we’re looking at an option that combines two fun flavors that you might not think go together: Energy whips and bringing in matter from other realities.
Indeed, though some may rage at the absurdity of things like light-whips found in the Legacy expanded universe of Star Wars, the idea of a whip weapon that is made of light or energy is a fun one, whether it be technological or magical in nature. It only makes sense that there would be fancy ways to do whips and whip-like weapons in Starfinder, such as the plasma ribbons used by some battleflowers of Ning on Triaxus.
Today’s subject, however, is not a technological weapon, but rather an extension of the magical power of the witchwarper class. Indeed, rather than project areas or bursts of matter or energy from alternate realities, some instead focus this multiversal potential into a narrow, ribbon-like strand, one that they can then use on foes.
The results can vary depending on how much energy they put into it, but the core result is that the lash phases through the target on a molecular level, shunting all matter it comes into contact with into another reality and replacing it with an equivalent. This might be matter from an alternate version of the target, but the trauma of the change is highly damaging and painful as you might imagine, making the infinity lash a quite effective weapon, especially when enhanced by the witchwarper pouring their power into it.
The result is a mage with a surprisingly effective melee weapon at their disposal. Some may, much like yesterday’s subject, do this as a way to specialize in military or combat endeavors, but others may choose this path as a may to demonstrate their refinement of their reality-warping abilities!
These witchwarpers can create their infinity lash at any time with minimal effort, and it functions effectively as a whip, albeit a weak one. However, it becomes especially powerful when empowered by a sacrificed bit of spell energy (or the energy granted from the enhanced witchwarper’s version of infinite worlds). At it’s baseline this just increases the damage output, but the greater the expended energy, the better they become.
For the weakest sacrifice, the lash can potentially wrack foes with pain and even be used as a conduit for touch spells the witchwarper knows, letting them cast from a little farther away. For a bit more, they can alter the exact nature of the matter that they replace in foes, causing the lash to deal various forms of energy damage. Going further makes the whip tangible enough to be used to disarm and trip foes, and even further lets them render foes sluggish when they strike critically. The pentultimate enhancement causes their critical blows to weaken a foe’s whole body, while the most powerful expenditure lets them weaken foes in multiple ways with a single critical blow.
It's a simple replacement, but with it, the mage can absolutely be a contender for a second or front-line melee combatant. As such, I recommend a debuffing and battlefield control build, as well as possibly some combat touch spells. Your feats should primarily be focused on ways to better defend yourself and strike more accurately at your foes as well. With that in mind, you can lash at foes all day with your mighty whip, especially if you’re using the enhanced version of the witchwarper class, which you should.
Having such a clearly magical and exotic weapon can be a lot of the charm of such a character. It’s definitely a distinctive look and unless it is pretty common in the game you’re playing in, your character might be banking on that uniqueness. Perhaps they’re a mercenary with a distinctive signature weapon, or a warrior from a rare dojo or school of thought among witchwarpers eagerly demonstrating their unique skill.
The use of the whale-like oma are living starships dates back centuries, but the process can range from consensual to horrific or even ghoulish as the magnificent beasts are enslaved or even preserved as corpse-ships. Most notorious of the latter is Skarworks, a company more akin to a poaching ring than any legitimate business, and named for their leader’s tendency to create wicked “signatures” on her work with a reality-altering lash. Many have tried to bring her operation down before, but none have succeeded yet.
As their world slowly dies, the vlaka Kerba has been tormented by dreams of a version of reality where the damage never happened, and the planet is full of vibrant life. They’ve become obsessed with the idea of making that version a reality, and so they’ve begun a campaign to “recruit” more witchwarpers, with the hope that enough reality-warping power, guided by their lash, could permanently revive their home.
When you hunt bounties for a living, you’ve got to have some gimmick to set yourself apart from others in your profession, so that clients remember you and choose you over the competition. That’s what Lexia believes, which is why she developed her reality lash technique. However, she’s still a novice by all accounts, which has hampered her ability to complete and receive jobs. She’s getting desperate, perhaps enough so that a devil with a bargain might seek her out.
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federthenotsogreat · 1 year
The 💫multiverse💫 in My Crown In Red 👑
Hello hello and welcome to my first lore dump on My Crown In Red! It's time to get some information out!
For this little infodump I'll focus on the most important, yet also the most complicated aspect of the story, that being MCIR's multiverse! I'll go over:
🌟- The concept of the multiverse
🌟- Multiverse anomalies
🌟- Multiverse bubbles
This is a really complicated topic, but I'll try my best to keep it short and simple!
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🌟The concept of the multiverse🌟
One of the most important elements to My crown in red (or MCIR for short), is the existence of a so called multiverse, which is basically a collection of infinite possible realities that co-exist peacefully with each other. In MCIR's multiverse, every possible reality must exist at least once and can never exist in the exact same way twice. This leads to billions of different realities, some differing in every shape and form while others only differ in the way a single leaf drops from a tree.
Universes can be connected to each other! For example, the universe a video game takes place in (let's call it universe A), can be connected to a universe, in which that game is actually playable (universe B). In this case, the decisions made by people playing the game in universe B will affect the people living in universe A.
🌟Universe anomalies🌟
Via excessive multiverse travel, the universe you are traveling to might become distorted in different ways. This happens because of the universe being aware that something alien is invading it, and it trying its best to kick you out again, or it simply becoming confused. You can read more about universe travel in detail here!
These anomalies might take the form of visual distortions, such as the area around you deforming, or people possessing information that they shouldn't have, or events playing out in a completely nonsensical way. The most famous example of this in MCIR, is Cackletta consenting to Demonsoul murdering her. The universe later realizes its obvious blunder and completely wipes that part of itself from existence, acting as if it never happened in the first place, leaving only Demonsoul with the memories.
🌟Universe bubbles🌟
Some universes exist together in what I like to call a "bubble". This one is extremely complicated to explain but I'll try by best to keep it simple.
The multiverse functions under many different rules, however, since the multiverse needs to have one of every possible reality taken care off, some of these rules need to be broken. Here's where the bubbles come into play!
Let's imagine a universe within a bubble, with an all powerful diety, able to do whatever it pleases whenever it wants. Today it wants to travel to another universe by simply teleporting to it! Now, universe travel is something that's usually not allowed by the multiverse, which is why we have this bubble. In this bubble there now exists another set of endless realities that the diety can travel to using its powers, as inside that bubble and inside that bubble alone, the rules of the multiverse function differently.
Just like there being infinite realities, there are also infinite bubbles, as one specific universe being inside a bubble is possible, and therefore has to be taken care of by the multiverse. So two realities can differ just by one being inside a bubble, and one being not.
Here's my try at illustrating how a bubble functions!
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I hope I managed to make it somewhat understandable shdhdjfjd
I know the way I worded it might sound confusing, but I did the best I could. This is all of the basic information you'll need on MCIR's multiverse! :3
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask! This shit is convoluted as hell :')
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