#only one of them has a personality beyond that
kurakisses · 2 days
⟡ ⠀between us⠀⠀⊹⠀⠀ guns n' roses & you
gn reader. poly relationship later on, reader is just messing around with them here, might be not fully canon-compliant. argenthill is established.
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‌“remind me why i accompanied you all the way here”.
“to make idrila's grace known and help anyone in need.”
you watched from a distance as the cyborg gave a faint grimace of displeasure as he detailed his surroundings.
you knew perfectly well that the knights of beauty were destined to wander the cosmos in solitude
and that argenti had probably never asked boothill to go with him.
so the cowboy was here on his own free will and at his own whim.
you laughed as your gazes met.
soon you would be behind the galaxy ranger and the knight of beauty
you put your arms over their shoulders and hugged them, as if they were old friends
perhaps you considered them as such, given how long you had been following them.
you had played the highest notes in the intricate score written by aha, but your greed enveloped your laughter like poison ivy and it begged for more.
now you would take the role of the cat during this hunt, and play with your prey ruthlessly. you would be fine; the icicles rising from your fingertips would not let you get hurt.
“oh, knight. this world has just survived a tragedy and they are vulnerable to any word they hear; don't you think that's taking advantage of people's innocence?”
boothill's eyes bore into you like daggers.
on your lower back you felt some pressure, and assumed it would be the tip of the cowboy's gun.
that action alone caused a smile to spread across your face, amused.
apparently, the cyborg didn't like his boyfriend being messed with.
how cute
“my duty is to defend the honor of beauty, i don't intend to force others if they are unable to recognize it.”
you smiled as you held back your laughter
defend the honor of beauty?
hadn't Idrila already fallen?
you thought that the knights of beauty were like headless ants, walking around aimlessly.
“and you, beautiful masked fool? why do our paths intertwine today?
he took your hand, placing his lips on it, and it seemed to you that he almost kissed it.
it was an action that left you speechless for seconds.
“i came here to have fun”
and to hang out with them
but you wouldn't say that
“our definitions of fun seem to be different”
boothill didn't look like he was entirely comfortable with your company.
and he probably would have pulled the trigger if it hadn't been for the fact that they were in a bustling plaza
and because argenti had asked him not to resort to violence as much as possible.
you had heard that the anonymous had embraced this cold planet with a mellifluous warmth, and you were curious to witness the quiet waltz that the inhabitants of belobog now danced.
because to you, the monotonous melodies, the dramaless chants and soft intonations were meaningless. you wanted a world immersed in laughter, bursting with loud ups and downs and moving symphonies.
and what better world to build your own orchestra in than one that has already been kissed by chaos?
you laughed at the thought, earning a distrustful glance from the cyborg.
your interactions, with him at least, were bittersweet
you always looked so ethereal, enigmatic and singular— tracing icy paths before disappearing in a frozen blizzard
you laid a trap for them covered in unintelligible decorations, in fabricated snowflakes
though for you it was more like showing them your personality.
to make friends you have to grow closer, right?
you know them well enough, so the only fair thing is for them to get to know you better
beyond your facade as an icy wanderer.
for argenti: you still had an indescribable beauty— despite being a fool, you looked like an iridescent crystal butterfly, radiating a unique light.
worthy of being bounded by terms such as “beautiful, precious, one of a kind”.
and perhaps that's why boothill seemed to want you far away
because throughout the entire way, the knight of beauty kept on complimenting you
and you knew it was his nature
but you couldn't resist laughing with your hand covering your mouth every time the cowboy's gears screeched with rage.
it reminded you of when you checked into the hotel during the morning
you didn't have any money with you, and argenti offered to pay for your room
“why the fudge are ya offerin' to pay for this child of a nice lady's room?”
you laughed out loud at the censorship, and he was about to point his gun at you one more time.
in the end boothill paid for the rooms for both of you— he would share his with argenti
he showed you his middle finger before he went to sleep with his boyfriend
in response you froze it
he looked at you terrified, with his mouth wide open and teeth showing
that night you laughed so hard that tears formed in your eyes and you had to clutch your stomach between both hands.
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part one
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ivysangel · 2 days
…vampire!jason thoughts… you must provide them im desperate…. -🐞
(ik you probably expected #real smut, honestly i did too but this ended up turning into a whole bunch of lore/headcanons/whatever tf. i'm so sorry bae cw: talks of consuming blood)
you ask, you shall receive. i've been thinking about jason and dick as vampires in relation to each other, so this'll be a post about both of them just for the sake of comparisons. also, in my mind, this au takes place during the 19th century because i've conflated vampirism with the victorian era, and it's also no capes in regards to vigilantism bc vampires do love a good cape.
in this victorian era, vampire au dick would be either a nobleman or straight up royalty. he's got status, money, and a pretty face, and he uses them all to his advantage when it comes to feeding. you know in the originals or itwtv when they host an event that's actually a cover for them finding their next meal? yeah, he does that. he flirts with all of the ladies, plays into his charms, and sweeps women off their feet. and at the end of the night (sometimes even mid-ball), he coaxes them upstairs and ravishes them, sometimes in more ways than one.
i think for dick feeding is something he can have fun with, knowing that he holds such a high ranking in society that when bodies of people he's been seen with show up around town, people turn a blind eye. and even when someone does try to investigate, the wayne family checking account talks enough to shut down anything beyond a questioning.
in many pieces of media surrounding vampires, there are people who know about vampires and choose to feed them their blood. there's a bunch of lore that explores the idea that a vampire bite is almost orgasmic and kind of addictive, which is why some people are more than willing to put themselves in harm's way by either being employed by vampires or by straight up just throwing themselves into a vampires line of sight with open wounds.
with that being said, i think dick grayson likes the chase. i think that even if his father (bruce, who is also a vampire in this au because vampire families are just superior) has people on his payroll to provide blood for them, he's going to go out on his own to flirt a bit, get laid, and then have his fill.
which brings me to my next point; while feeding, like sex, is an intimate act, it's far from necessary for dick to need an emotional connection with a person he feeds off of or even a physical one. sex and feeding are related but not totally synonymous, and if he needs to just feed or just get his rocks off, he can. is it preferred? maybe not. i believe he does like the mess that comes with doing both at the same time.
ok so for jason, ugh so obsessed with him as a vampire because i think it's so in line with his canon story. in a lot of vampire lore, to become a vampire, you have to consume the blood of a vampire and either die or be on the brink of death, which is just so. it's so jason dying and being revived by the lazarus pit coded. and even the way he inevitable that he will spill blood post-revival in both this vampire au and his canon storyline…it's almost prophetic.
anyway, jason's approach to vampirism is quite different. i think he struggles with it no matter how long he's been one. he can't fully grasp that he's immortal; he looks in the mirror and sees that he hasn't aged a day and he feels sick. being a vampire for him feels like a curse and he only continues living because he's scared to die (again).
he doesn't stay anywhere too long, typically hopping from town to town in the middle of the night when less people are around. he believes himself to be out of place amongst normal people and he's paranoid that people can smell the iron on his breath when he talks to them so he makes it a point to have minimal interaction with people.
it's crippling, he drives himself mad with the solitude, but i feel like another reason why he continues to stay alive is to spite his creator, whoever that may be. he's most definitely got an agenda, in true jason fashion. i just don't know what it is yet.
he feeds only when he needs to but tries not to let the hunger get too intense because i do feel like when he loses control, he's the stefan salvitore type. a ripper. but he's pretty good about it and is almost polite when he's feeding? like he finds a victim and says i'm sorry before just absolutely tearing into their jugular.
i just really think he grapples with his own mortality, or lack thereof, and how it exists at the expense of others. so he is genuinely ashamed of who he is and what he's become. so, while blood drinking is something he needs to survive, it holds a lot of weight for him, which is why i think drinking blood and sex are pretty equal for him when it comes to intimacy level.
that brings me to my MAIN point (which isn't really a main point because it's being reduced to a small paragraph at the end of this post), all of that was background for this, eek. the act of drinking blood during sex is so. big. for him, it's eye-opening, life-changing. the amount of trust required on both ends for this to happen…at that point, it's basically end game for you two. and it's so funny because that's just a normal tuesday for dick.
anyway, i do have more thoughts and more lore, but this got really long, so i'll cut it off here
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eww-y-tho · 7 hours
The hypothetical debates surrounding the whole "Lady and Lord Whistledown" vs "Colin and Penelope Bridgerton" make me wither because
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Lady and Lord Whistledown.
I'm telling you, this shit would be so fucking funny. I can picture it in my mind's eye: Bridgerton season 4, we get a quick shot of Colin and Penelope talking shit and giggling like crazy in the background, maybe with some PDA to match because Colin can't keep his hands off her, only to hear a male voice actor of a similar calibre to our angel Julie Andrews join in sometimes while Charlotte picks up the paper and cackles. Obviously, the reveal would happen, but I want to believe that our Queen would be down for Whistledown to continue as long as it doesn't get too personal. It would be kind of unfair and a bit indicative of the period, monarchy and all, but Charlotte being in on it would amp up the comedy points. Plus some ~historical cultural commentary~ would just be that final flavouring of spice.
It would kind of feel like Colin's turning to the dark side because we've already seen quite a few scenes where he seems possessed by Lady Whistdown's attitude and I love the idea of him coming from hating Lady Whistledown's guts to protecting her and joining in because it's fun and it activated his little shit reflex. Plus the subtextual implications of just how much Colin and Penelope actually are best friends and are connected beyond normalcy would just be *chef's kiss*
I would also love it because it feels very partner-in-crime vibes, giving another aspect to their relationship that would be fun to see. Combined with the power Lady Whistledown has on the story, we'd be guaranteed to see our beans quite a lot. Also a "Hello, my Lady," followed by a "Hello, my Lord" after a particularly steamy scene would literally have me shaking crying giggling dancing kicking my feet.
As for Penelope, it honestly depends on how you view her character and her relationship with Lady Whistledown. If the person in question thinks that Lady Whistledown is a vital part of her personality, an aspect of who she is, limiting her by making her quit would just feel really, really sad, man. Lady Whistledown has caused Pen a lot of grief, however, and we see it a lot throughout the story, so I think Colin being there, sharing the secret and partaking would make her feel much more comfortable in her own skin.
Anyway. Love the idea, and would perish if it happened, but probably won't.
Colin and Penelope Bridgerton.
This one's more cute than anything else. Two writers as a couple release solo and joint works sometimes while establishing their reputation as respectable authors and leaving Lady Whistledown behind them. I can see another scene in my mind's eye, Colin and Pen are sitting across from each other on their respective writing desks, writing and then handing each other their work to review and give opinions, paired with a kiss after they start teasing each other about their writing. Considering that the designated Sexy Desk Scene has already been taken, this would have to be in a secluded area or in their bedroom. And then shots of people buying their books and enjoying them would ensue.
With the amount of journals and letters and things Colin's done, he's practically primed for an author's role. Maybe they can be more exposed to Colin's love for travel in this version. Having Penelope with him on his trips while writing their little hearts out would be adorable. Sadly, though, this would mean that they would probably have less screen time.
If you see Lady Whistledown as an outlet for the suffering Penelope was going through throughout the story, she wouldn't need Lady Whistledown anymore and abandon the alias because she's served her purpose as Penelope's coping mechanism, and Colin and Penelope would find their fix through other means. Maybe continuing to gossip but only between the two of them, going back to the beginning of the series and the final link to their relationship.
It's been established over and over again that they both love reading, writing, gossiping, and discussing all things philosophical. And each other for enjoying those qualities. So, I think this dynamic would be particularly interesting because it would be yet another way to connect. They could probably also make each other all hot and bothered by leaving random sexy letters sporadically, which would just be so fitting, tbh. However, that would also work for the Lady and Lord Whistledown dynamic so it's kind of a null point. It would be hot, though.
And, yeah, that's how I see those hypothetical dynamics playing out and how that would affect the characters. But now for the negatives. While I love the Lord Whistledown idea, I do think that Colin is a bit too nice and cute for that, and it would probably be a bit OOC, especially because of his personal experiences with Whistledown, it would be a bit weird if his tune suddenly changed to "yeah, I know gossip can ruin someone's life, but I like it now, so I don't care." But I also just can't fathom Bridgerton without Lady Whistledown, and this idea hinges on literally removing the narrator and source of all the tea, as well as making us lose our angel Julie Andrews. At least the Lady and Lord Whistledown idea fulfills almost all fronts of their relationship dynamic.
Again, as the GIF demonstrates, both are good, and I love both of them for the different ways they would take the characters, but let's be real, a combo would be really fun as well. Like Pen keeps up with Lady Whistledown while Colin writes his own books or smth.
Anyway, enough of my rambling. Bye.
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evelynpr · 3 days
The Fontaine main cast are all so thematically, emotionally, and narratively connected to each other that you can ship them in nearly every way and it somehow works.
I'm talking Furina, Neuvillette, Arlecchino, Clorinde, Navia, and Wriothesley here.
Wriolette? The upholders of the order of Fontaine. One on the surface, and one in the depths.
Clorivia? Childhood friendship, betrayal, and now healing with the truth and past resolved.
Neuvifuri? 500 years of closeness and understanding, mixed with distance and regret. Only after her sacrifice are they finally both free.
Arlefuri? Changing their fates through sheer force of will. Protecting the people who need on them, while accepting nothing in return.
Wriolinde? They were going to protect Fontaine together if its the last thing they do. Their trust is unbreakable.
Arlevia? Protecting their loved ones beyond the law. With a system and world that did not care for them, they care for their family their own way.
Knavilette? The seemingly cold and distant with bleeding hearts. They always keep their distance for fear of what would happen in a moment of weakness, especially with their overwhelming power.
Navilette? Personal regret with injustice and loss, now healing with compassion and understanding.
Furinde? The selfless princess and her loyal champion. She has always been by her side, protecting her with her blade, but only now does she get to know the real "Furina"
There are even more I haven't touched on (lemme know if you'd appreciate it ig?). These characters are just so...so interconnected through Fontaine with its themes on justice, order, love, loyalty, and more. They really knocked it out of the park with creating such a beautiful and complex cast of characters.
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how old is mike???
(i randomly went through your old posts and found out mike was “born” on the same year as ames so yeahhhbuh)
Good question; I have no idea in terms of physical age, but he was like, an idiot baby upon being built, then trained in years of simulations to match the skill of the real Sonic, which also involved constructed memories and life events. At least, that's my headcanon, so it applies to Mike. (Also I assume you mean "date" not "year"; otherwise that'd mean Eggman somehow got the idea to make a robot Sonic only a few years after Sonic was born. Which... no actually that'd be really funny if Sonic as a baby was that much trouble for Eggman, lol)
But nah, by the time Metal Sonic faces off against Sonic, he's sorta mentally a year older than the blue blur himself, due to having also done Eggman's bidding on Little Planet and having extra time to practice his skills thanks to time travel shenanigans. It's possible the Metal Sonic the real Sonic faces in Stardust Speedway is actually one who has been in operation from Stardust Speedway Present into Future, so he may have had even more time to train and get tinkered with-- which would make it all the more humiliating to lose against Sonic, who still won in the end. To train for who knows how long, and still lose. It could've just been three years of displaced time (Eggman builds things disturbingly quickly), but that's still rough.
By that logic, Mike's physical age is unknown, but mentally he's around whatever Sonic has going on, between times under Eggman's authority where he's not operating at all in stasis, in active operation, and living out constructed memories. My interpretation is to let it all balance out to equal "had Sonic's life, but with only failures instead of victories and an unkind, competitive personality, making him a little older, colder, and more bitter".
I really like the theory that the reason why Eggman's tech in all other classic games is kinda Behind what he achieved with Metal Sonic is due to the whole Little Planet situation. Little Planet is probably way more useful of an asset for using time manipulation to rapidly mess around with developing new tech without worrying about needing more time. Modern Eggman could then just apply what he learned after the fact, hence the stark difference in classic badniks and modern ones.
If he himself didn't age much, and only used time travel to let his factories do their thing, some of his machines getting more advanced beyond his expectations could make sense. Maybe that's why Gamma, Metal in Heroes, and other robots were weird; Eggman not realizing how out of control his own developed machines could become, due to not actually testing them himself the way he used to with his old badniks.
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hey fam, welcome to the May 2024 roundup of the best hannigram fics i've read this past month! i read several million words worth of fics, and these were the cream of the crop. i also managed to rewatch the show for the fifth time!! (unemployment has its perks lmao)
as a reminder: the ingredients for a five star rating typically (but not always!!) include some combination of a.) believable characterizations of both Hannibal and Will, b.) compelling plot and/or character arcs, and c.) high quality smut.
that being said, my judgment of the aforementioned ingredients is powered almost exclusively by vibes. as such, it is incredibly subjective.
you can find past rec lists below:
February March April
and if you have any recs of your own for me, PLEASE SHARE.
anyway, in no particular order, let's go!
Overcoming by purefoysgirl
Word Count: 547.5k Summary: A Victorian A/B/O romance in which Hannibal Lecter is the future Duke of Westvale who has been away at war for the past ten years. His Grandfather has made good on a contract made shortly after Hannibal's birth to procure him a wife. It was supposed to be easy. Naturally, with the Omega, Will, given in the place of his twin sister, it is anything but, because if there is one thing Hannibal Lecter despises, it's Omegas.
This fic had me holding back tears when it ended (after sobbing a couple different times). This was... incredible. What a fucking UNDERTAKING this author committed to, and despite this being a doorstopper of a fic, the plot did not miss a single beat. Just... wow. For the love of god, please read this.
Falls the Shadow by littlesystems
Word Count: 72.4k Summary: "You're a psychiatrist," Will says. "Between your personal and professional lives you must have met thousands of people, you must know dozens of different flavors of pathology. Do you know anyone who would take me as I am? Who would be able to love me," he gestures in a sweeping motion, from his messy hair to his stained knee, "just as I am?" "I do." Bedelia's words shock Will into stillness. “Really?” AKA an AU where Bedelia is Will’s psychiatrist instead of Hannibal, Will makes a series of increasingly questionable life choices, and no one should ever take Bedelia’s advice. Ever.
GIMME MORE STARSSSSSSSS. Bedelia as Will's psychiatrist was brilliant, holy shit. And Will understanding Hannibal and completely accepting him? This is something I see so rarely done in fics. Will always makes him be a lot less manipulative, or at least goes through heavy angst over it. But in this? Will was immediately endeared because that's just who Hannibal is.
Bram Stoker's HANNIBAL by DBMars
Word Count: 586.7k Summary: Love Never Dies. "I have crossed oceans of time to find you." Hannibal + Bram Stoker's Dracula + the classic novel = a new version of the seductive vampire legend. Count Hannibal Lecter loses the thing most precious to him -- the love of his life. God is beyond measure in wanton malice, and matchless in his irony. And so Hannibal renounces God, and becomes an immortal monster that feeds on the blood of the living. 400 years after losing his beloved, Count Lecter meets a man who looks exactly like the husband he lost -- reborn and returned. But who could learn to love a monster?
@dbmars you are a fucking genius. I am honestly still processing and figuring out how to communicate just how amazing this fic was. Do yourself a favor and go read it NOW.
the book of jonah by zipegs
Word Count: 18.1k Summary: A sudden breath of hot wind presses through the trees. For a moment, it feels fresh, alive, and then the dust—the pollen—comes along with it, a parasite hitched on the back of the breeze. Will is ravenous. --- After the fall, Will and Hannibal sojourn in a remote, decrepit cabin in South America while they await Chiyoh’s return. But something here is afflicting them, and it’s only getting worse.
Okay, bear with me. THIS WAS FUCKING AMAZING. I haven't felt this way after consuming a piece of media since I watched Guillermo del Toro's The Autopsy episode. Psychological horror mixed with body horror mixed with smut??? I guess that does it for me. I literally can't stop thinking about this fic. It's been two weeks and I am STILL thinking about it.
Wrong by HotMolasses (@snazzymolasses here on tumblr)
Word Count: 4.2k Summary: Will roughly rubbed his arm across his mouth again, trying to rub it off. Rub off the scent of Alana, after they’d kissed. After she’d kissed him. Or he’d kissed her? It was mutual. Until it wasn’t. Until Will breathed in her scent, so familiar, so Alpha, so…wrong. He’d pulled back forcibly, unable to hide the expression of revulsion on his face. “I…I need to go.” he said, sweeping his coat off the back of a chair on his way towards the door. “Lock up when you leave.” The weather was crap, and it probably wasn’t smart to drive in the snow while he was in pre-heat, but Will didn’t know what else to do. He needed to figure this out, he needed to talk to the only person who understood him. He needed to talk to Hannibal.
So ummmmmmm what do I need to do to turn this into like a whole AU?? As always, this was a total home run. Every single bit of it was perfect.
as soft, as wide as air by BlackKnightSatellite
Word Count: 193.9k Summary: After surviving the fall, Will finds he has far fewer hesitations about joining Hannibal than he would have guessed. Character death, but not Will or Hannibal.
Well shit. I read this immediately after a full rewatch of the show (in four days no less) and THIS is my new season 4 canon. It's brilliant and actually reads like a proper season would. And I love how it gives all the characters a concluded story line. Aside from Will and Hannibal. I also loved how much this explored Will's instability and how his mental state would be affected after he finally slung off all the guilt and allowed himself to fully enjoy killing. All around very good.
The Dispersal Method by @victorineb
Word Count: 16.9k Summary: It’s a normal fall day in the forest for Will Graham. Dead body in front of him, cannibal psychiatrist behind him, the usual. Then Will brushes against the wrong flower, and suddenly neither he nor Hannibal can keep their hands off each other. Now, Will must navigate his way out of the crime scene and Jack’s scrutiny while also trying not to jump Hannibal’s bones at every opportunity. Well, one out of three ain’t bad. Set nebulously in s2, post-Will's release from the BSHCI. Will’s a conflicted honeypot, Hannibal’s a (not-so) secretly-besotted asshole, and nobody has brought enough lube.
THIS IS THE BEST SEX POLLEN I'VE EVER READ. Seriously. The BEST out of pretty much any fandom (at least so far).
Between the Shadow and the Soul by raiast
Word Count: 48.7k Summary: When Will decides to stop taking his suppressants neither he nor Hannibal can deny the attraction between them. After nearly a decade of running from his biology, Will is faced with his primitive Omega urges full force. As if navigating his hormones wasn't enough, there is a killer at large with a very specific motive that seems to only be targeting preteen boys.
This might be my new favorite ABO fic? And one of the better case fics out there.
Sleepover by EarthsickWithoutYou
Word Count: 70k Summary: Set in Season 1, after "Fromage." Will is still confused about his kiss with Alana and seeks romantic advice on how to date and be more "smooth" from Hannibal. Little does he know that Hannibal is madly, passionately obsessed with him, and desperately jealous. Needless to say, Dr. Lecter is all too happy to teach Will everything he knows about love and dating.
This was pretty fluffy, tender, and fun, and it was exactly what I needed after finishing a heavier fic
Alana Finds Out by @victorineb
Word Count: 32.1k Summary: A series of one-shots in which Alana Bloom discovers, in the midst of various tropes, that her boyfriend Hannibal Lecter's feelings for Will Graham run far deeper than friendship. Basically a chance for Alana to shout at the pair of emotionally-repressed idiots whilst still indulging in much Hannigram loveliness.
Oh I loved all of this. This scratched that itch in my brain that loves when Alana realizes that Hannibal has wanted Will all along. And some of these one-shots are genuinely hysterical. Love.
Doctor's Orders by JSinister32
Word Count: 29.2k Summary: “He’s dead on his feet, Jack. I do not understand how you allowed him to come when he’s so obviously ill. There have been too many hours in service of your needs, so many that it seems to have affected any sleep that he may have gotten over the past few weeks. From what you and I have discussed, he has a difficult time shutting his mind down under the best of circumstances and this case today has clearly gotten to him.” The doctor stepped closer to the profiler, peering into his eyes as Will tried to focus. “Will? Can you hear me?” Will Graham has never been particularly good at taking care of himself. When he comes down with a severe cold while working on a string of murders, the new psychiatrist on retainer, Doctor Hannibal Lecter, offers to care for him. Will he be able to keep his feelings in check while Hannibal is in his home? Hannibal Lecter can't get the profiler working for the Violent Crimes unit out of his mind. When given the opportunity to care for him when he's ill, will his feelings for the other man come to light?
TENDER. I want like 70k more words of this. Especially Hannibal putting Jack in his place. Especially Hannibal washing Will's hair. Mmm. There's just something so good about Will letting Hannibal take care of him.
The First Condition of Immortality is Death by OneHandedBooks
Word Count: 92.5k Summary: Hannibal’s heart stopped for the first time after he’d dragged himself and Will out of the frigid ocean onto the rocky shore at the bottom of the bluff.
Oh this was GOOD. Very tender, good characterizations, and loved how Will's hallucinations were portrayed. This was just all a really good exploration of how their relationship could have progressed. This author also is incredibly good at showing the scenes in a way that I could watch them unfold in my head. This felt like a crystal clear movie.
What Do The Dead Know? by OneHandedBooks
Word Count: 7.6k Summary: He looks up at her, haloed by the sun. She could be anyone. No one. St. Abigail, patron of lilies and last chances. AU: What if Will joined Hannibal willingly after the Uffizi Gallery and they shared a few tense weeks in the world before Mason's men finally ran them down? In which Will writes, hallucinates, and succumbs to the dark side and Hannibal is a manipulative, brainwashing, bastard.
cw: Abigail/Will. But does it really count if it's a dream sequence? Regardless, this was something else, off the charts, big fan. The author NAILED the hallucinatory vibe that made this entire fic work so so well. Also, just Will working through his grief for Abigail this way made it that much more intense.
chimera of the chapel by bleakmidwinter
Word Count: 211.5k Summary: When Will Graham wakes up from a coma three months after the fall, Jack reveals that Hannibal Lecter didn't survive. Outside the realm of Hannibal's influence, Will decides to discover the full truth behind the world's sudden and seeming falsehood. Everybody seems to hold their own opinion on Hannibal's fate, but Will knows better than anyone that trust and honesty are as elusive as death.
The "presumed dead" trope might just be my new obsession. I adored this fic so much, the plot was incredible, the development of their relationship was spot on, and there were just some very tender moments.
wear my silence like a mask by bleakmidwinter
Word Count: 32.k Summary: After running into Hannibal at a Bass Pro Shop, Will is invited to a Masquerade Ball at his estate. Jack encourages him to attend for an opportunity to catch the Ripper. Extenuating circumstances tempt Will down an even graver path; Romance with the Ripper.
Three words: masked anonymous sex. That's all.
The Voices and the Shadows by darlinghogwarts, MaddyHughes
Word Count: 114.6k Summary: “The Chesapeake Ripper? The serial killer? That's a grisly thing to find at the bottom of a drink. Most people say oblivion ...or possibly sex.” Hannibal sips his wine again. “Why are you thinking about a murderer on your birthday, Will? Is it part of your degree?” “He is a part of my degree by my own choice. My supervisor didn’t approve, but…” He sighs. “I insisted.” AU where Will—a Masters student studying the Chesapeake Ripper—gets drunk on his birthday and meets an intriguing man at the bar.
Man, I wish I had had Hannibal as my thesis supervisor in grad school, hot damn. (Mine was pretty much too busy to help with anything, ended up doing it all myself – would not recommend.) This was was damn near perfect. I needed some good old fashioned angst. With a good and fluffy ending. This was a good AU!
Chasing Thoroughbreds by HigherMagic
Word Count: 42.8k Summary: After the fall, Chiyoh rescues Will and Hannibal and takes them to the Lecter home in Lithuania. When Hannibal wakes up, his memories of everything - Will, being the Ripper, everything since Mischa's death - are gone. Will's only problem with that is that killing Hannibal won't be nearly as satisfying if he doesn't understand why. Wrestling with his own feelings, or what's left in the tattered mess of them after the fight with Dolarhyde, Will stays, hoping that Hannibal will recover and give him the opportunity he's waiting for. But there are others who remember what Hannibal did, all those years ago, and they have their own bone to pick.
Ugh pretty sure I love almost everything HigherMagic writes and this did not disappoint. This was fantastic. I was absolutely captivated by Will's development through this and Hannibal was just as good.
Volto Larva by TreacleA
Word Count: 39k Summary: Will is having trouble unwinding after work. Hannibal helpfully suggests somewhere that may assist with that, with absolutely no ulterior motive whatsoever.
So ummmm I'm still blushing (in the best way) over parts of this fic because FUCK this is scorching. Anyway. That's all I've got to say LOL.
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aurelim · 1 day
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Genres: Slice-of-life, coming of age, comedy, drama, romance, parody
Status: No public demo, outline written, release date November 2024
Rating: 15+
Content Warnings: Violence, language, bullying, depression + depiction of other mental illnesses, manipulation, tba
Inspired by those Disney Channel movies (you know which ones) and The Parent Trap.
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As a 17 (soon to be 18) year old senior, you are anxiously awaiting for the day you graduate, pack your bags, and ditch Sunnyview, the sleepy, incredibly boring, town that you have grown up in all your life. It has been your dream for as long as you can remember—sometimes you can almost taste freedom on your tongue, so close yet so far away.
But one day, all of that changes when the filming for a movie is announced near your hometown. Not only is it a Stephen Zuckerberg, but it stars the recent award-winning actor Taylor Victory. Their presence stirs great interest and excitement in your small town. You did not care much about the actor beyond your keen interest in Stephen Zuckerberg movies, or at least, you thought you did not.
Until you have a chance encounter with the one and only Taylor Victory, and you notice the eerie facial similarities you share with them. Thus, a deal is struck between you.
You will swap places with each other—Taylor will experience a normal week of high school as you, and you will live the life of an actor in their place. Plus, their offer of money doesn't quite hurt, and with it you would have enough to leave Sunnyview.
Oh, how little did you realize how much trouble you were about to get yourself into.
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↬ customize your name, nickname, gender, looks, personality, etc.! however you will think of yourself as a "regular, ordinary" person living a boring life.
↬ taylor's gender, pronouns, and looks will be identical to yours (with a few modifications)!
↬ take the place of a famous teen actor and perhaps get to film a few scenes. lie, cheat, gaslight, manipulate; whatever it takes to convince others that you are who you say you are. otherwise...
↬ fall in love with your best friend, the popular kid (aka your crush), your "co-star," or no one. break or make your relationships with them.
↬ celebrate your 18th birthday as taylor and all by yourself.
↬ attend prom as yourself. or taylor? you aren't quite sure what it is yet.
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Taylor Victory (gender based on MC) → The Identical Twin
The actor who became well-known for their lead role in the romcom movie "High Love" and won awards for it. Ever since Victory entered the entertainment industry at the age of 5, they have never been able to live a "normal" life. Until, that is, they meet you. They are charming, suave, and everything that you imagine an actor to be. Especially their cockiness.
Maxie Yang (gender selectable) → The Best Friend
You have known them ever since you were in diapers; your sweet, quirky, and incredibly reliable best friend since forever. They have always cherished you and you to them, acting as your shield when you used to be heavily bullied in middle school. They have a remarkable passion for art and is a total geek for mythology. Years later, Maxie remains the same as ever, though sometimes you catch their adoring gaze at you. Do they...no, probably not.
Tropes: friends to lovers, unrequited pining (on their part)
Kelsey Lovelock (gender selectable) → The Crush
Kelsey Lovelock is one of the popular kid at school...and has also been your longtime crush since 8th grade. You don't remember when it first began, but they have always treated you nice enough even if their friends are assholes and made your life hell the years before and during. Charismatic and currently in the running nominations for Prom King/Queen. They likely do not feel anything for you considering how little you have talked to them in your final year of high school…and they are dating someone else.
Tropes: acquaintance to friends to lovers, unattainable
Peyton Ryans (gender selectable) → The Co-star
Taylor's co-star in their upcoming movie together. And for whatever reason, they seem to hate Taylor with a passion. Unfortunately, they play as the protagonist (that's Taylor)'s love interest, so you often have to make contact with them. Perhaps you could try to persuade them to see a "different" side of Taylor and change their view. It all depends on how you play the game—just hope they don’t find you out.
Tropes: enemies to lovers, coworkers
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flower-boi16 · 2 days
What's your opinion on the overlords over all?
As characters or what they do for the world building?
As characters they are actually pretty good. They aren’t amazing but they aren’t terrible
The Vees are actually some of the better villains in Hazbin tbh. I’ve gushed about Velvvete before but Vox is legitimately interesting with how he initially keeps this cool, chill attitude to him which completely shatters once Val brings up the mere mention of Alastor, revealing just how much of a petty, childish asshole he really is. He may keep this facade on the outside, but deep down, Vox is just a petty childish asshole stuck in a rivalry with Alastor who he’s obsessed with one uping.
Now, that I think about it, Vox and Alastor’s rivalry is legitimately entertaining because it is essentially a petty childish tv headed asshole vs a calm, confident charismatic radio host who frequently pokes fun at the childish asshole. Stayed Gone shows this rivalry perfectly; with both characters’ verses being about one trash talking the other, though Vox’s verse is about how much better he is than Alastor and how Alastor and his medium are getting outdated, and Vox’s medium is the next best thing that everyone should care about.
He calls Alastor a “loser” “fossil” and a “coward”, which is pretty much just him baselessly insulting Alastor, and the “who gives a shit?” line pretty much communicates Vox saying “who even cares about him?”. Alastor’s verse meanwhile is, like I said, him poking fun at Vox for his childish insecurities and throwing in actual roasts into it as well.
Stayed Gone does a good job of showing the rivalry between the two, and like how Respectless does a good job of showing Velvvete’s personality, Stayed Gone does a good job of showing Vox’s personality and his rivalry with Alastor. Hazbin is honestly an improvement over Helluva in terms of antagonists.
It’s still not amazing (this is still the show that has Adam and Lute in it) but with characters like Velvvette, Vox, Alastor and Sera its a major step in the right direction since these characters have REAL DEPTH behind them beyond them being one-dimensional assholes.
Vox is an asshole but there’s actual DEPTH behind his assholery that characters like Adam or most of HB’s antagonists simply don’t have. The only real exception here aside from Adam is Valentino who is the least layered of the Vees. But even then he’s still leagues above characters like Crimson or Stella in HB.
Now, where was I…oh right the overlords as characters. Like I already said, I enjoy Alastor as a character. I like his charismatic personality and he has this mysterious air to him that makes him very intriguing as a character. I would like to see what they do with him in later seasons (assuming they dont find a way to fuck it up). Oh and Rosie. Rosie is cool. She’s neat.
And Carmila too I guess…? Carmila’s fine tbh. She’s a character that the show instantly expects you to care about the second she’s introduced in and she gets an emotional ballad that was completely unearned which hurts her as a character but she isn’t bad in episode 7.
So overall as characters so far the overlords are actually pretty good. But then there’s the world building part and…its bad.
The major issue with overlords world building wise is that it’s never really explained how a sinner becomes an overlord. I’m assuming it’s by gaining a high economic status and having a lot of souls, but like…how many souls do you need to own to become an overlord? How can someone gain more control over the area? Are you just an overlord when you have high economic status?? Do overlords rule over other sinners in the area?? What kind of power over their areas do they have??? What specific way can an sinner rise to power to becoming an overlord???
Ya none or this is really explained…its amazing how every time I think about viv’s world building I notice more holes in it.
So overall overlords are fine. Character wise their good, world building wise they suck.
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syn4k · 3 days
hello!!! as you are the resident miante person in mcyt (there might be another one but in my opinion it's you) I have a question: if I wanted to watch mianite how would I go about that/where do I find it? I know it's a youtube thing but I don't know which channel it's actually on and I am. Extremely Curious about it & want to watch it but I have no idea where to do that /genuine question
(also, I know it's got multiple POVs, is there anyone you'd recommend I start with?)
hello! thanks for the ask!
mianite has four main POVs that remain in VOD and episode form on the creators' channels, they all have a playlist for it and you can find them pretty easily by looking up "[creator name] mianite s1" on youtube.
i recommend starting off with jordan captainsparklez' POV like we did, as he is involved in mostly everything in both s1 and s2 and his episodes are edited down to only really have the important bits. if you decide to watch back through the series later from another perspective, tom syndicate's POV is another good one to watch as he's kind of on the opposite side of everything happening in s1 and it puts a lot of his actions in context that jordan left out of his episodes.
if you don't want to watch through the series in its entirety (which is completely understandable), fern @voidandradiance has made a playlist of the important lore moments in both mianite s1 and s2 that she'd be happy to share :]
also it's really funny to me that we are the resident Mianite Guy to you when we've only been here for like, six months. this series turns ten years old today and there are people in this fandom who have been here since the beginning of it or at least who have been here for way, way longer than we have.
if you do end up sticking around here, i cannot recommend these people enough:
@kiwibirdlafayette - AMAZING artist who has been here in the trenches here since 2014. syndisparklez enthusiast. his art-only blog is @grailknightmonty and he also posts Hermitcraft stuff occasionally :3
@transandor chase my good friend chase!! resident Jordan Captainsparklez Guy. brilliant writer, also happens to be fistfighting The Horrors, you know how it his
@voidandradiance i already tagged him before and i'll fuckin do it again because this bitch's writing is stunning beyond words and xyr brain is HUGE. if you like the style of the stuff we write, you'll LOVE fern's work. its so beautiful that i physically cannot overhype it. its so good, y'all. its so fucking good.
@syndianites is, as far as we're concerned, the mouth of god himself when it comes to Tom Syndicate SynHD. there is nobody on this site who understands this character better than she does. they consistently leave the most galaxy brain objectively correct tags about him on our posts and she never fucking misses. this bitch Gets It and i am very lucky to be her friend
@coolcattime's blog is more of a general purpose one, like ours is, but she carries the f/f ships in the Mianite fandom and is also a great writer! she's written a lot of neat AU ideas and although we haven't talked with her much she definitely lives up to her url- she's one cool cat :]
@cactusprisms is also someone that we see around a lot in the notes of our mianite posts, although we unfortunately havent talked much. also more of a general purpose blog but worth following anyways. shes vibing.
hope this helps! <3
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rainofaugustsith · 1 day
These lines right here sum up why I feel FFXIV has much more superior, nuanced writing than the Star Wars franchise.
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Star Wars has you believe that one side is right regardless of what they do, and the other side is so evil, rotten to the core in every way that their entire people, planets. culture, language, religion - everything - should be permanently erased if they can't be converted to an entirely different culture, language, and creed (And don't get me started on how they conveniently made the Sith alphabet - again considered terrabad - virtually identical to the Hebrew alphabet). It's a very black and white, dogmatic view that IMHO hearkens back to the evangelical belief that only one point of view gets to go to heaven, and if you don't believe that, resist converting and want to hang onto your identity, you're going to hell. And you're certainly going to hell if you point out anything questionable the other side has done.
What you discover in FFXIV is nuance.
Every single job can be used for good; every single job can be used for evil. The heroes of one story are the villains of another. Every heroic gesture comes with a very real price. Nobody is beyond reproach, and that includes the player character. Actions one person takes for the greater good can lead to devastating damage for others.
The "get back to nature" white mages rule a city-state where xenophobia rules the day and the elementals run a reign of terror. White magic executed without proper training can be fatal.
The black mages who congregate in a hall for the gods of the dead have an alliance among the marginalized tribes that spans all three city-states and saves Eorzea from calamity. Black magic executed without proper training can be fatal.
The Dark Knights dedicate themselves to protecting those who need their help, and teach that one's dark side isn't something to vanquish, but something to hear, acknowledge and make peace with.
The Dragoon story shows that one's archenemy can become one's ally - or consume them.
The fearsome reapers who treat with the dead are actually helping the downtrodden.
The community working hard to keep the peace and move forward in a productive way are ex-pirates.
And so on. Nobody is expected to forgive those who have wronged them. Atonement is seen as something that involves work on the part of the perpetrator, not the participation of the survivors. But atonement is there and in several cases characters do better.
Any thoughts that any group in Eorzea needs to be eliminated are eventually dispelled completely. Marginalization of various groups is something that eventually does need to be answered for, and is presented as a problem, not a necessity. When Eorzea finally marches on their nemesis, the Garlean Empire, it is on an aid mission, not conquest. There are no attempts to convert. Just to help.
Both Garlemald in Endwalker and Ziost in SWTOR deal with the issue of murderous possessed people. In SWTOR, the Republic - remember, our "good guys" - response with Saresh is to send an invading army to increase the hurt. In FFXIV, the Alliance's response is to send an army to help, with Scions striking out into the snow and into the smoldering ruins to rescue anyone they can.
If you asked me if I would live anywhere in a Star Wars universe, it would be an emphatic HELL NO. But FFXIV? I feel like they are at least striving for better, with common ground and peaceful co-existence, and everything is nuanced.
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ravenofazarath2 · 6 hours
I’ve been seeing a fair amount of discourse over whether or not Ricky September was a good person, and I feel like a lot of it takes a very black and white view of Ricky as a character.
One of the recurrent themes in this season (and, well, a large portion of the show), is the importance of hope. And I think that’s what Ricky is supposed to represent.
Hope that there’s kindness in the world.
I think we can all agree that that was basically his thing, right? He didn’t have to help Lindy through the slug monsters, but he did. He didn’t have to try to save her life, but he did.
Everyone else we meet in FineTime is self-centered, vain. Their friendships feel artificial. And that’s probably because they are artificial since they never talk face-to-face. They literally live inside a spherical object that also acts as an echo chamber they can personally curate. That’s one of the most literal metaphoric interpretations of “in a world of their own” I can think of.
And right when it seems that life this way will be the death of them all, here comes this ray of sunshine named Ricky September. He immediately shows Lindy kindness even though she’s a complete stranger. And then they hug, what is likely the first empathetic touch ever in her life. Tells her that he spends most of his time unplugged and reading and learning. He does the Doctor grabs a hand and yells run thing. And when he sees that Homeworld was destroyed, he lies to Lindy so that he doesn’t kill the hope that’s keeping her running for her life—to see her mom again.
I know can’t be the only one who thought, “Oh, maybe his kindness will rub off on Lindy, and she’ll be a better person in the end!” That’s the hope.
That’s what Ricky represents; he’s the hope that, as long as empathy exists in this world, things will get better.
Hope that people can change.
The only shadow in this perfect ray of hope is the fact that, just like everyone else in FineTime, Ricky September is racist.
His micro-agressions aren’t as, well, aggressive as Lindy’s, but they are there. His hands are fidgety and he's distracted. He's giving awkward smiles and chuckles. He does seem uncomfortable working with the Doctor.
But we know that Ricky has empathy. He shows it when he saves Lindy, but I think the most jarring example is when he says he read about manual labor and said, "That life was tough." Lindy's response. "My sit at a desk for two hours and gossip with my friends job's not easy. I get chapping." And he learned this empathy through reading instead of spending all his time online. Which is where he learned about pulse codes, too. So he's empathetic and willing to learn.
(On a side note: Lindy's lack of empathy by this point should have clued us in that she was beyond redemption)
And that's I have no doubt that, had he survived, he would have pushed his biases aside and taken the Doctor up on the offer to travel. He would have worked to unlearn the institutionalized hate he was raised in. He's the hope that people—that we can change, become better people.
Unfortunately, Ricky is just different enough for Lindy to other him in order to justify sacrificing him to save herself.
The real lesson Ricky September teaches us.
Unfortunately, Ricky being a symbol for hope is exactly why he had to die by, essentially, Lindy's hand.
Hope simply existing isn't enough to bring change. If we just sit back and hope for a better world, nothing will get done. We have to act on that hope, be that hope, because if we don't, those trying to maintain the hate will snuff us out. And not just for ourselves, but for our fellow man.
If we just sit back and hope for a better world, nothing will get done. We have to act on that hope, be that hope. And not just for ourselves, but for our neighbors, too. If we show each other empathy, we can reach more, spread more kindness, be the change.
But if there's no empathy, then there's no hope for our survival.
And that, I believe, is the lesson RTD wanted us to see.
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usermarquez · 21 hours
Saw a video of Marc post Sepang 2015 press conference and he literally looks like he’s about to break into tears and have a panic attack, like Valentino Rossi I’m in your walls for what you put him through bullying a 22 year old at your big old age if 36 just cause you weren’t getting your way and Marc never got that reputation that he lost back like Marc probably couldn’t have filed for defamation and won with the way he was dragged because of valentinos delusions. And know he’s passed it on to his academy kids. Marc still talks about the effects of that to this day, like we will never now just how bad it got like people still regularly say they hope he dies even straight to his face, like I know people joke about it in a fantasy rosquez senario but irl what he did to Marc and what his fans did to Marc is disgusting and somehow he’s praised for it. He also told the media what they were saying to ianonii was wrong and in the same breath turned around and did it to Marc like I heard that he even accused Dani of riding him hard and that he expected people to get out of his way because he was in the lead of a championship like if you can’t do hard racing maybe you don’t deserve the title you say got stolen from you. I’m kinda glad Rossis last years of MotoGP was kinda his worst nightmare Marc Marquez dominating and doing it on a bike that wasn’t the best in the field something Rossi never did cause even if the 2004 Yamaha wasn’t the best bike he rode it was one of the best of that year and let’s face it his crop of actual rivals that’s could challenge him was basically non-existent whereas Marc won 2019 which was the most competitive season ever based on statistics and won it with 18 podium including 12 wins.
ALL OF THIS !!! ALL OF THIS !!!! As I said, I treat Rosquez and Post 2015 Vale as concepts in my head because otherwise if I think of Vale as a real person I might be tempted to deck him if I ever have the chance.
I think what Vale and Uccio had done at the time was completely disgusting, and no amount of RPF-fication of either of them can’t undo or change those facts.
“Oh, he’s just in his silly little mood.” Oh, fuck off, maybe focus on beating your teammate instead. And for people who came at Marc and like “You should’ve been a bigger person.” Well, fuck you. How mature could a twenty-two years old person be after hearing himself booed for something he didn’t even know. I know I would be plotting for the one responsible for it.
Also, what do you mean Vale could pull Dani aside, accused him from riding him too hard AWAY from the cameras, but Marc couldn’t get the same courtesy and instead dropping it in the middle of a press conference watched by millions of viewers. Disgusting. Completely unnecessary.
And the whole telling people off reeks of hypocrisy because when asked if he would tell fans to stop after his fans booed Marc and Jorge in Qatar 2016, all he could say was that was beyond his control. Which I know that in the end fans do as fans like, but the fact he could do that for Iannone but not Marc and Jorge was just disgusting to me I can’t find any other words than everything Vale did then as disgusting and vile.
Also, people romanticize that he passed the Marc hate to the Academy riders is so weird to me. The implication that Marc is sharing a track with people who personally hate him makes me feel so uncomfortable, I don’t want to go down that road. But, whatever.
Anyway, I don’t care if people stan Vale and Marc but I do have problems when people treat everything that happened to Marc like it was a fiction. This is something Marc has GONE THROUGH in real life. This is a real person who suffered the backlash because someone couldn’t keep his ego in check, because he couldn’t handle the realization that he couldn’t overtake IANNONE while Jorge and Marc were having the duel of their lives.
Rosquez reconciliation only works for me if Vale goes on his knees in front of international broadcast, grovels and begs Marc to forgive him, and posts the clip on all his social medias. Otherwise, Marc shouldn’t even look at that man for longer than one second.
Anyway, wow this suddenly looks like it’s turning into an anti Rosquez rambles which sounds I hate them but I actually don’t (?) I just think that sometimes Rosquez posts romanticising Sepang and 2015 and the fallout a lot and as someone who lived through it AND DID NOT enjoy it, it’s just so disconcerting. Hearing someone saying “Wow, the narrative is compelling.” knowing that that was the most unpleasant time, and did nothing except ruining a lot of people’s enjoyment of the sport…….. I didn’t even dare say I like Marc because someone would wish him dead and called me stupid.
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Op hotties get a sudden call from this estranged S/O…😅
S/O: “I’m pregnant and you’re the father…”
Kizaru ✨: he is surprised by the whole situation but he is civil about it and doesn’t question his S/O. He asks them how they feel and when he could come over to see them so they could talk more about it in person. He definitely would be involved now that he knows he has a child on the way.
Akainu🌋: he immediately takes time off to go and see his S/O, he tried to tell them to come to him…but they’re stubborn. He wants to know how his S/O and their baby is doing.
Ryokugyu 🌱:
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Fujitora 🐅: he is relived to hear from them and even happier to hear that they would now have a child. He immediately wants to be with them.
Sir Crocodile 🐊: he’s like ‘look what the cat dragged in…and are you sure it’s mine…’. He’s gonna be an ass about it and get a paternity test because he doesn’t trust anyone really. Once he knows the baby is his, he makes sure his S/O gets whatever they need but he’s not gonna be the supportive partner…however, he’d be the best dad ever.
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩: he doesn’t question his S/O at all and asks them to come back to him. I mean no one is gonna openly lie to Doffy about something serious like this. He cannot wait to be a dad.
Benn Beckman 🔫: it’s a lot for him to take in at first but he immediately sets off to see his S/O so they can talk in person and he can be there for them. It takes him some time to accept that he’s gonna be a dad.
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡: he’s beyond excited but he contains himself and asks them to come home soon so that they could reunite.
Killer🔪: he choked up the moment he heard their voice and the mention of a baby made him even more excited. He always wanted to be a dad.
Kaido🐉: he’s the happiest he’s been in days and demands that they come home immediately. He wants to pamper them and love on them.
King 👑 : he is shocked by the news and only says, “…I’m on my way, angel”. He just wants to be with them and rekindle the love they’ve had. He’s excited to be dad.
Queen👑: he cannot stop crying because all his freedom is gone, he knows he needs to be there for them though.
Izou🔫🔫: he’s concerned about where they are and wants to be with them, he needs to know they’re okay. He’s beyond excited to have a baby with them.
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒:
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Oven Charlotte 🍞: he’s so happy and demands that they come home so that they can be a family.
Buggy🤡: he’s literally is crying happy and concerned tears, he doesn’t know how to keep it together and begs his S/O to come back to him.
Marco the Phoenix 🦅: he’s beyond excited and immediately sets out to find them. He cannot believe he’s going to be a dad.
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸: the responsibility of it all slaps him in the face and he goes silent for the first time ever. It takes him a few days before he can contact his S/O to say he wants to be involved in his kid’s life.
Rosinantè Donquixote aka Cora-San💕: he literally is crying the moment he hears their voice and wants to know where they are so he can come and see them. He is so happy that he’s gonna be a dad.
Who’s-Who ❤️‍🔥👹: he’s arrogant at first but he knows his S/O isn’t lying to him and makes his way to see them and talk about what they plan next for them and the baby.
Gecko Moria🦇: he’s taken back by it all but after it settles in, he asks them to join him so that they could be a family.
Iceburg💜: he’s surprised as he didn’t think he’d be a dad but he’s happy anyway and invites his S/O back home with open arms.
Gild Tesoro⚜️🏅: he’s arrogant and wants to know if they only contacted him because they wanted his money. After getting cursed at and the line going dead, he starts to panic that he might not be able to see his child if he loses contact with his S/O so he tries to find them and apologizes for being a dick.
Rob Lucci🐆: he’s pissed off that his S/O contacted him after a while of not seeing each other but then sets off to see them. He wants to know if the child is his but deep down he knows it is.
Karasu🐦‍⬛: he immediately sets out to see his S/I as he wants to be there with them and take care of them.
Koby🦸💘: he’s already crying since he heard his S/O and when he heard he was gonna be a dad, he lost it and was sobbing on the floor. He’s just so happy.
Douglas Bullet🚅: he’s annoyed at first but then he hears that he’s gonna be a dad and beyond excited. He tracks his S/O down and automatically assumes they’re back together since they’re having a baby now.
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bbbuckaroo · 2 days
Did we all really see that?! Hear that?! Tommy and Buck talking about daddy issues? I haven´t seen the episode yet and I swear I thought for almost half an hour that all the gifs about it on here were manips. but no- Tim really let them say that. I freakin love it! And it fits! Buck was a big ol manwhore. He has a ring cutter in his kitchen. Dude likes to get his freak on and there is no reason why this should be any different now just because he is with a guy. I imagine there is a lot of pearl clutching in some corners but we all know what that is really about so I hope Tim keeps that energy into season 8 and beyond.
Yes we did! I’ve definitely watching that clip an embarrassing amount of times to further convince myself. Hope you’ve gotten to watch the episode in its beautiful entirety, it was a great one overall!
I personally loved their scene. At first I thought, “well that’s interesting,” and it quickly morphed into, “that’s amazing!” It was a perfect combination representing their relationship so far and what lies ahead:
1. Tommy checking in with Buck (specifically focusing on him and no one else involved) with those goddamn doe eyes
2. Buck opening up relatively easily about Bobby and his dad and then Tommy slowwwly opening up about his dad which I know will definitely take time but it was great to see!
3. Wrapping up with some playful teasing that lead into some wonderful sexual tension that has ALWAYS been present from day one with them
So they definitely covered all those bases in such a short interaction and I loved it! Definitely not going to let any “critics” drag that down! They can clutch their pearls all they want, we’ll be partying it up with Mardi Gras beads having the time of our lives.
I absolutely think people forget how experienced and well-versed Buck is with sex. Alas it’s only been with women but something tells me he catches on real quick. I get the initial apprehension but Buck certainly is not the shrinking daisy people make him out to be! He’s one kinky MFer.
I do have high hopes for S8, Tim kicked this season out of the park. Such a contrast to last year’s shit show S6 where Fox had basically given up and look at us now! With Tommy opening up a bit I’m praying for a Tommy Begins and of course much note growth (and dare I say love) between them. I am so looking forward to it but also will be basking in this BuckTommy sunshine with a drink in hand. Cheers y’all 🍹🍹🍹
Thank you for the ask 🥰
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cccc-aus · 2 days
au where hms are separately dumped into the fanon characterizations of the album. mind ends up with fanon heart and soul, soul ends up with fanon mind and heart, and heart ends up with fanon mind and soul
mind would probably figure out that something is up the quickest. for one, that creature very suspiciously never argues with him as of late- it won’t even fight back when he provokes it, only begging for the mind to “stop being mean” to it instead of reacting violently like usual. while the mind had initially thought it must be some sort of ploy, it would seem that “the heart” was just… stuck in this oddly helpless and passive state. the soul is also off- the mind hadn’t noticed before the heart began acting strangely, but the soul had started becoming… strangely nonchalant about their situation, despite being the one most compelled to become whole. although the mind enjoys the peace at first, it feels wrong soon enough. he is not meant to rule like this; tridential sovereignty requires all to rule equally, and these one-dimensional illusions of the heart and soul are not his equals. something is very, very wrong, and it once again falls to the mind to fix it.
soul doesn’t notice immediately. the ids are still fighting, and he stopped paying attention to their fights long, long ago because the heart and the mind always say the same damned things, over and over. however, as of late, the mind has been the only one driving the fights, while the heart has become much less violent. it is becoming concerning- while the mind usually starts the fights, the heart always escalates them. as the heart and mind are equals, they are both equally violent, as much as the heart and mind would disagree with that statement. this isn’t right. are really these even his heart and mind? (in the distance far away from the house in headspace, the soul can see a dot of blue and black heading his way.)
heart would probably notice the least because generally his point of view lines up with the fanon characterization. sure, maybe that automaton freak had given up on even the pretense of wanting to work together to become whole, but the heart had known it was only a pretense the entire time. the mind had also become even crueler lately, beyond what the heart had thought possible of a part of him- but why was the heart surprised? the mind electric was cruel but crude, only concerned with his damn efficiency and (seemingly) torturing the heart for the crime of wanting to experience life fully. the soul was slightly more worrisome, becoming oddly uncaring of their horrid situation. the heart figured that he had finally cracked and lost it- the soul had always been one step off the edge, and the mind had probably pushed it.
mind is the first to start attempting to find the real heart and soul. by the time soul also realizes that something is horribly wrong, mind is like 15 minutes away from reaching it. both of them have to go look for heart themselves (because he hasn’t noticed anything wrong lmao)
(how do they find each other? i dunno, i haven’t thought that far. for now i think that if they walk far enough from the house in headspace (like hours away) they find the others’ houses but i’m not set on it lol)
(sorry soul fans i’m not great at characterizing him. if any of you want to expand on this then please do)
Yeah this is basically just their fanon personalities. Half of Heart’s violence is directed into Mind, and Soul is just a bastard who’s along for the ride.
I do love me some criticisms of problematic fanon characterisation! Perhaps you could bring Whole into the mix at some point, seeing as how he’s never technically been canon?
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wolfish-nightmares · 2 days
Imprint On My Heart
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Pairings: Paul Lahote x fem!reader
Warnings: bad language
Category: Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 4.5k
Summary: Your heart has always wanted Paul but as your life begins to shift you learn how much you truly love him.
Twilight Masterlist
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Paul Lahote was fireball. The type of person who never backed down from anything. He was always going to be heard and he never allowed anyone to disrespect him. That explosive personality is what caught your attention.
You were Paul's other half, quite literally attached at the hip. If Paul was there, so were you. Since day one of kindergarten the two of you were beyond inseparable. There was no bond that came close to the one you had with Paul. It was more than friendship or love. Neither of you could handle separation.
Unless of course the separation was forced.
“I'm sorry Paul but she has strep,” you mom did her best to block the door. “You really can't see her.”
“Not even for a second? She can't be that contagious,” Paul whined at the door.
You couldn't help but laugh at the way he sounded. The laughed turned into coughing and you did you best to quiet them.
“Please, she sounds like she's in pain.”
“I'm sorry Paul, I really am but you cannot see her. Your dad would have my head if you came back with strep,” your could hear that your mom was doing her best not to break.
“Fine. When can I see her again?”
“In a week.”
“A week!?”
“Yes, a week. Now you have to go Paul,” the door shut and you could imagine how he looked behind the door. It was hard for Paul to accept he couldn't always be attached to you. “If Paul comes to the window do not let him in!”
“I won't Mom!”
That was a lie but it wasn't like your mom didn't know that either. Paul was at your window in a second and you sprang out of bed to let him in.
“Hey,” he climbed through the window and pulled you into a hug. “How do you feel?”
“Like my throat is raw,” you wrapped your arms around his waist and laid your head on his shoulder. “But it's better now that you're here.”
“Come ‘ere,” you gasped as he suddenly picked you up. “Let's get you in bed.”
Ever since Paul began hanging out with that group of older boys he's changed. He cut his hair short, stopped wearing shirts, became stronger and suddenly became hotter. Not just looks wise, but his skin felt warmer than it had ever felt before. He rivaled the temperature of your feverish skin.
“I missed you.”
While he did all that changing he disappeared from you. Only three days but still you spent every lonely day looking like a lost puppy. Then suddenly you catch strep and he's back at your door begging to see you.
He sighed as he climbed into your bed and laid you down, “I know. I missed you too, I just had some stuff to take care of.”
“Obviously,” you ran you hand over the new tattoo on his shoulder. “Are you in a gang now?”
He snorted, “No, not a gang.”
“Why'd you disappear?”
“I can't tell you.”
“I know, no secrets but I really can't tell you. I promise. I wish I could.”
It hurt that Paul was suddenly keeping secrets, something you two never did but something about his tone told you he was really telling the truth. You wondered what secret was so important he couldn't even tell you.
He let out a loud yawn, “You know I could really use a nap.”
“Oh so you just came here to sleep in my bed?”
“Fine, I'll leave then,” he moved to get up but you grabbed his shoulder.
He grinned, “Oh so I can nap here?”
You rolled your eyes and rolled over so your back was against his chest. He pulled you back against him and wrapped his arms around you, almost like he was holding a teddy bear. Back in the warm comfort of Paul's arms you fell asleep quicker than you have in the few days without him.
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Loud knocking on the door pulled you from your nap. You cracked your eyes open as your mom opened the door. She showed no surprise to Paul being in your bed.
“I made some soup,” she sat a tray down on your nightstand. “There's some for Paul too.”
Before you could respond she shut the door. Paul groaned and rolled over, taking you with him as if you weighed nothing. You tried to break his grip on you but he didn't budge. Paul was always strong before but it seemed in these past three days he lived in the gym.
“Mom made food.”
He let out a short grunt, one thing that could always wake Paul was food. His grip loosened enough for you to wiggle out.
“It's chicken noodle.”
Paul sat up so quick he nearly pushed you out the bed. You squealed as he pulled you back to him. He didn't seem as aware of his newfound strength as he accidentally pulled you right back on top of him. Your nose bumped his and you both froze.
Something in Paul's expression changed. He leaned back and reached for the tray. Your chest ached as you tried not to pay attention to the way he scooted back from you a bit, you knew it wasn't because you were sick. You two were best friends, that's how it always been but you couldn't deny the feelings you felt for him for years, you just wished he felt the same.
“I uh,” he paused to clear his throat. “I gotta get home tonight.”
“Do you wanna eat before or…”
“Of course I can eat.”
You did your best not to think about it as you two ate. Nothing was ever going to change about your friendship so you decided it was best to squash those feelings. Paul sucked down the soup like it was absolutely nothing. You were only halfway through your bowl by the time he finished.
“I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow,” he slipped out your window and took off.
The soup was no longer appetizing. Something was changing with Paul, something you weren't a part of. The thought of losing him made your belly ache with anxiety. You stacked the bowls up and took them to the kitchen.
“I'm assuming he left.”
She snorted, “Because you're out here.”
You shook your head as you sat the bowls in the sink, “Yeah he said he had to get home.”
She hummed in acknowledgment, “He's changed.”
“I know,” you tried your best to keep your tone steady.
“He's gotten cuter.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“His dad thinks he has a girlfriend now.”
It felt like the world was suddenly flipped. For a moment you swore your vision went black as your mom's words rang in your ears.
“Honey are you okay?”
You chest began to burn with anger. Was this the secret he had to keep? Was this why he disappeared for three days? Your mom got up but you simply marched back to your room and slammed the door.
No matter what you did you couldn't get rid of the burning feeling in your chest. The anger just seemed to settle there. You tried to convince yourself that the anger was from Paul's disappearance but you knew it was truly just jealousy.
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“Y/n…..Y/n,” Paul gently rubbed your back as he woke you. “Good morning sleepy head.”
“Pau-,” your throat was raw and your voice cut out midway through his name.
“Oh, hey, no more talking,” he covered your mouth with his hand. “I just came because I wanted to let you know I can't hang today. I'm really sorry but you are sick and do need to rest.”
He has never cared about you being sick. No matter what you had he would still stay with you and sleep in your bed unless his dad came and got him, which rarely happened. Even if Paul did catch whatever you had, the most his dad would do was yell and complain about it.
“I'll be here to tomorrow,” he slipped back out your window.
If Paul really did have a girlfriend why did he think he couldn't tell you? Maybe you did have feelings for him but you wouldn't hesitate to push those down. You'd cut out your own heart if it meant you wouldn't have to lose Paul.
As sad as you felt the anger felt stronger. It burned through your body like a wildfire. You felt drained as you curled up and did your best to go back to sleep. Being sick wasn't helping any of your fraying emotions. Paul was kind of right, you did need to rest.
The only problem was you could barely sleep. Your room felt like it was a thousand degrees and the anger felt like it was literally pumping through your veins. The room seemed to swirl as you slipped out of bed. The heat was becoming too much. You were absolutely delirious as you ripped the door open and stumbled down the hall.
“Oh baby, you're dripping sweat,” you mom's voice rattled around your skull as she suddenly pressed a towel against your skin. “The doctor said you'd probably have a high fever.”
You didn't even realize that you had fallen on the floor of the kitchen. The usually cold tiles of the kitchen floor felt like scorching asphalt. This obviously wasn't a strep fever, this was something worse, something else was happening but you were so weak you couldn't even bring yourself to open your mouth. You didn't even have a voice to speak with.
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The phone rang loudly, ripping you from your sleep. It had taken hours for the heat to die down and when it finally did the exhaustion took over. But now the annoying trill of the phone had woken you. The ringing stopped as you mom grabbed the phone. She answered with a few yes and nos before hanging the phone back up.
“That was Paul,” she stood in the doorway of the kitchen. “He’s coming over to check on you. Sounded like there was a woman there too. I think he might be bringing his girlfriend over.”
You exploded, literally. Shreds of clothes covered the kitchen like confetti. A deep low growl rumbled from your chest. You snarled, snapped your teeth around the phone line and ripped it from the wall. Your mom screamed as she ran to the living room. The rage felt like it was consuming your mind. You couldn’t control yourself as you tore through the walls of the kitchen.
“It happened, please hurry!”
The fear in your mom’s voice made you stop. It made you realize that you had turned into a monster. You felt so ashamed and disgusted. The monster disappeared as you shifted back into your old body. You sobbed into your hands as you curled up on the floor.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
“Hey, hey baby,” your mom kneeled next to you. “It’s not your fault. I promise, someone will be here to explain what happened.”
“I’m a monster,” you whined.
“Not a monster,” she gently rubbed your back. “I need to call Paul-”
You started wailing at the sound of his name, feeling guilty that you had done all this because of him. How could he ever want to look at you after what you just did?
“I'm only calling him to tell him not to come,” your mom quickly said as she picked up the phone.
Your cries died down the sniffles as your mom explained to Paul that he'd have to come another time. His voice sounded sad, which only made you feel worse. She hung up the phone and grabbed the blanket off the couch.
“Here, just in case this happens again,” she gestured to the state of the kitchen as the threw the blanket over you.
“I'm really sorry mom, I don't know what hap-”
She put her hand up to cut you off, “It's okay really. I never expected this to happen with you but they always said there was a possibility. Especially with how close you are to Paul.”
“Billy will explain it all when he gets here.”
You sniffled, “Mr. Black?”
“He usually is the one who tells all the Quileute legends.”
The conversation didn't help any of your confusion. In fact it only made it worse. You nearly jumped off the floor as someone knocked at the door. As your mom went to open the door you wrapped the blanket around yourself to make sure you were completely covered.
You mom helped roll Billy in as you sat up. He look at the kitchen and gave you a reassuring smile. While it was obviously meant to make you feel better his smile only made you feel guiltier for what you had done.
He chuckled, “Never thought I'd live to see the day we get a female wolf. Always thought they were just a myth.”
“A what?”
Billy smiled, “What do you know about Quileute legends?”
You shook your head, “Nothing.”
“Come take a seat, you have a lot to learn.”
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A growl rumbled in your chest as you pumped your legs, rounding the backyard for the 357th lap.
“I know you hate it but Billy said exhausting yourself will help you shift back,” you mom called from the back porch.
That morning Paul tried to come over but the thought of him sent you flying into a fit. The anger you felt towards him eventually evolved into anger towards yourself. Which made it impossible to shift back.
Your mom called Billy to try and help. The rest of the day was spent trying every idea he could think of. When none of it worked he finally suggested you trying to exhaust yourself into shifting back. But for some reason the anger only seemed to fuel you. With each lap it only made you run faster and harder.
“I’m going inside to start dinner!”
You made a few more laps around the backyard before skidding to a halt. It was the faintest whiff but you were certain it was Paul. It had been a day since you first shifted but because you were having such a hard time controlling your shifts Billy suggested you stay at the house until you gained some control. Which also meant no visitors, even Paul, especially Paul. No matter how bad it hurt.
Despite being told multiple times by you mother that you couldn’t take visitors, Paul still tried to drop by. Your mom had to board your window up to keep him from accidently seeing something. You felt horrible having to disappear on him, although he had done the same to you, but there was no way you could ever let him learn about what you had become.
The fear of Paul catching you let you shift back. You sighed as your now human body fell to the ground. Now no longer a wolf all those laps began to weigh on your body. The faint sound of Paul’s voice echoed down the street. Somehow you found the strength to push yourself to your feet and sprint into the house.
“Hey Streaker,” your mom greeted calmly as you shot to your room.
Instantly your mom dropped the spoon and raced towards the front door as you dove towards your closet. Before you could close the door there was a knock at the window.
“Y/n please,” Paul voice was faint through the board. “I just want to know you’re okay.”
Instantly all the guilt came flooding back through your body. But you remembered the way he disappeared on you too. You couldn’t control yourself as the guilt turned the anger and you shifted.
Your closet couldn't handle the size of your wolf. You could hear your mom scream at the sound of walls being broken. Everything was so overwhelming, you broke through the closet and shot through the wall. You didn't even spare Paul a glance as you raced across the street, jumped a fence and took off towards the woods. There was no doubt Paul saw the giant wolf that came crashing out of your house. You weren't exactly sure how you were going to fix that but right now, you just needed to get away.
Suddenly it sounded like something was running after you. You pushed yourself to run faster, sliding around trees and doing your best to lose the follower. Something black flashed in the corner of your eye. You turned to look and something crashed into your body, sending you rolling through the leaves.
“Y/n,” Paul’s voice rang through your head.
What the hell?
You whipped around to find out what was happening. In front of you stood a large grey wolf. It felt like the world stopped moving, for a moment you couldn’t breathe. It was all too much and you tried to back away. A deep growl behind you stopped you from moving. It was beginning to look like you were surrounded.
“You're gorgeous,” Paul’s voice spoke again.
You were so confused about what was happening. The wolf in front of you made a noise like it was trying to laugh. Before you could truly think about it you growled and snapped at the wolf.
“Ooh baby wolf is fiesty,” Paul chuckled.
“You figured it out.”
The grey wolf in front of your grinned as the pieces clicked into place. You jumped in excitement, Paul was a wolf too. The other wolf behind you let out its own chuckle, which sounded more like deep rumbling in its chest.
“Why’d you run away?”
The past week ran through your head as you thought about why. You only ran from Paul because you didn’t want him to know that you were the monster. It was also embarrassing that he was the reason you even shifted. Although he wasn’t even really the reason, it was simply the mere thought of him having a girlfriend that made you shift.
“Oh baby,” Paul sighed as he sat down. You ducked your head, feeling ashamed. “I should have told you. You’re my imprint.”
Your what?
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“So basically we’re wolf soulmates?”
Paul laughed as he bit into his muffin. Sam grinned and shook his head, he had spent the last half hour explaining to you what imprinting was and you wrapped it all up in one sentence.
“You know it’s pretty ironic that your shift happened because you thought I had a girlfriend,” Paul paused to swallow the bite of muffin, you could feel your face heating in embarrassment. “Because I shifted when I thought you had a boyfriend.”
“When did I ever make you think that?!”
“I saw you and that Tyler kid buying ice cream,” he huffed.
You couldn’t help but giggle, “Just so we could have something to eat while he tutored me for math because we had a huge exam coming up, which you missed by the way.”
“I thought it was a date,” Paul growled. "I wanted to kill him."
You shook your head, Paul was the only boy you ever liked so even if “that Tyler kid” did like you, it’d never happen. He was your imprint but you seemed to know that before you became a werewolf.
“I’m sorry.”
“What, why are you sorry?”
He paused before looking down, “If I would have told you when I imprinted then you probably wouldn’t have shifted the way you did…you wouldn’t have thought you were a monster.”
“How did you-”
“We can hear each other’s thoughts in wolf form.”
“Why didn’t you tell me when you imprinted?”
He chuckled and shook his head, “Because I thought you would think I’m a monster.”
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You giggled as Paul pulled you back in for another kiss. The two of you were meant to be getting hot dogs for the campfire, not making out in front of the meat section. Paul groaned as he pulled away from your lips, his phone was buzzing loudly in his back pocket.
“Stop macking on each other and get out here,” Embry snapped over the phone. He didn’t even give Paul a chance to reply as he hung up.
“Alright baby wolf, we gotta go,” Paul grabbed your hand as you two began to walk to the registers.
“We didn’t even get the marshmallows,” you sighed as you looked in the basket. “How’d you grab the graham crackers and the chocolate but not the marshmallows.”
Paul grinned, “I was distracted by your gorgeous ass.”
You rolled your eyes as you slipped down the aisle and grabbed multiple bags of the jumbo sized marshmallows. Feeding a group of werewolves always meant you had to buy like you were feeding the entire marine corps. He groaned as his phone began buzzing again.
“What,” he growled into the phone as he answered it.
“Hurry up! Bella will be there soon,” Jacob whined over the phone.
Paul made a retching sound as he hung up, “That kid is gross. I wish Leah came instead of him.”
“You act the same way,” you pointed out.
“Because it’s you! Besides, you’re my imprint, Bella isn’t Jacob’s.”
“Fair point.”
He loaded everything onto the belt, refusing to let you touch anything after you asked to help. His phone buzzed again as he paid. Instead of answering he grumbled more stuff about Jacob being annoying. You laughed as you followed behind him. He shot you a playful glare so you tried to quiet down as you reached Sam’s SUV but Jacob’s annoyed face sent you into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. Paul and Jacob argued, leaving you and Embry breathless as you both laughed hysterically. When Jacob began to shake with anger Sam stopped the argument and made everyone sit in absolute silence on the way back.
Three years ago Paul would have gotten just as angry, which probably would have led to Jacob and him both shifting and fighting in the parking lot but through the years Paul almost never got angry enough to cause a shift. Except of course the time Bella slapped him, that caused both you and him to shift. He always claimed his anger control was because of you, adamantly saying that having your love made him less angry, which was always met with intense vomiting sounds from the boys.
“Paul you’re helping me set up, Jacob go entertain Bella, and Y/n please, please, please, keep everyone from eating the food before all the others gets here,” Sam said as he parked. He turned to face everyone, pointing at them all except for you. “I don’t want to hear anything about “I’m hungry” because Emily cooked 3! 3 cartons of eggs this morning plus who knows how many packs of bacon and sausage. Everyone should be able to hold out.”
He held up three fingers to make sure he got his point across. Normally Sam wouldn't care how much the boys ate or when but because it wasn’t just the pack and Bella but also some elders, he cared. They all nodded before racing out the car and off to do what they were told or to find something to do. You grinned as Paul snatched the grocery bags from your hands and took off towards where they were setting up the fire.
You sprinted to Billy as he waved you over and he pulled you into a tight hug. Ever since he explained everything to you after your first shift Billy had become something like a father to you and he even confessed he did view you like one of his own kids.
“I still can’t believe you’re 19 now,” he sighed and shook his head. "I could have sworn you were 16 last week."
Both you and Paul were the rip age of 16 when you shifted and activating your werewolf made you grow until you looked like you were already 20. Your mom nearly lost her mind watching her still teen daughter look like a college freshman in less than a week. Billy loved to pretend like he could never remember how old you were.
“Do I need to start carrying my birth certificate around,” you questioned jokingly.
He laughed and shook his head, “No, I guess I’ll believe you this time.”
You were about to respond but was interrupted by someone calling Billy’s name. He smiled and excused himself. You decided to help Paul and Sam bring out the pans of food. They graciously accepted your help and you spent the rest of the time setting up until everyone was ready to eat.
Paul pulled you into his lap, nearly spilling your drink all over the table. You gently smacked his hand as he grinned and bit into his hotdog. Embry gagged next to you. Of course the pack was by now more than used to Paul’s love of PDA but that didn’t stop them from making fun of it. Although neither of you ever minded it and sometimes you’d even join in.
As everyone finished eating Billy began telling the Quileute stories. You loved listening to him tell them but something about being around a campfire with your pack and elders, it was always like hearing them again for the first time.
“Come run with me,” Paul whispered into your ear.
You loved hearing those stories more than anyone but you loved running with Paul even more. Both of you “snuck” off, there’s really no sneaking around a wolf pack, and raced towards the woods, throwing off clothes as you went. Just as you broke through the tree line you shifted and took off, loving the freedom your wolf body gave you. Paul chased after you, nipping at you tail anytime he got close enough. You slipped around a tree, something he obviously wasn’t expecting and he crashed into the tree that he should have seen.
Quickly you shifted and tried to see if he was okay. He shifted too and you glared at him as he began to laugh. You were about to scold him for not paying attention but he cut you off with a kiss. It was incredibly hard to ever be upset with him when he kissed you like you were his only source of oxygen.
“I know this might be cheesy but,” a shy smile broke across his face as he grabbed your hand and pressed it against his chest, over his heart. “I swear I can feel your heart with mine. Feel the way they beat together, I felt you get scared.”
"We were both wolves, I'm sure I though-"
He shook his head, "No it's more than that. You're my imprint but I think my heart always knew."
You smiled and used your free hand to grab his and bring to your chest, copying him, “Paul Lahote, your heart is imprinted on mine.”
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