#ooc / dead dove do not eat
bansurii · 15 days
Pen Pals
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pair: sukuna x afab!reader
content: smut, stalking, threats, slight violence, dubious consent i think ?, profanity, choking, an impossible angle, sukuna is a serial killer but we never touch fully on that, reader is scared a lot, and idk what more is needed but just be careful proceeding MDNI thank you!
line dividers @cafekitsune
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“So, what if your charming pen pal turns out to look like Quasimodo?”
“I have his picture! Besides, it’s not like we’ll ever actually meet. He’s serving life.”
Your friend gaped at you, her eyes widening in disbelief. 
The conversation had begun with your usual letter-writing ritual. What had once been a simple hobby had evolved into an infatuation with a man labeled as one of the world's most dangerous criminals. Despite his reputation, his letters had been nothing but kind, making your heart flutter with each new page. His picture revealed a ruggedly handsome man, his body adorned with tattoos that hinted at a dangerous past.
You had told your friend about him almost a year ago. Predictably, she responded with trepidation, urging you to choose a less notorious correspondent. 
“He’s still a person,” you’d argue. “Even the most hated need love too. And what harm could he do if he never knows where I live, let alone what I look like?”
However, his latest request had unsettled you both. He wanted a picture of you, something to remember you by during lonely times. Your friend was livid when you mentioned it.
“You cannot send him a picture! What if he has friends on the outside? I refuse to become a target because of your bad decisions!”
You laughed it off, continuing to write a diplomatic yet affectionate refusal. Your friend, exasperated, finally sighed in defeat.
“Well, enjoy writing to the serial killer. I’m staying at my boyfriend’s place for a while. If he gets out and comes after you, call the police first, then me.”
You reassured her with a laugh, promising to be cautious. She hugged you tightly before leaving. Neither of you noticed the grey car parked across the street, its presence having become so familiar it was easily ignored.
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The following evening, a knock at your door startled you. Expecting your friend, you were puzzled to find no one there. Just a box. 
With a mix of excitement and dread, you approached the door. The box bore a note in handwriting you recognized instantly:
*Such a beautiful home. I thought you would enjoy a little gift from the other side…*
Your anxiety surged. You scanned the empty, unnaturally quiet street before retreating inside. The flickering streetlight across from your home seemed dimmer than usual, casting eerie shadows. A rustle in the bushes sent you scurrying back inside, locking the doors and setting the alarm with trembling hands.
The box sat ominously on your coffee table. Despite your curiosity, fear kept you from opening it. Instead, you holed up in your room, hoping sleep would come despite the dread gnawing at you.
In the dead of night, you jolted awake to the sound of metal scraping against metal. Someone was inside your home. 
Determined not to fall into the typical horror trope of investigating, you stayed put. But then you heard it—footsteps, slow and deliberate, ascending the carpeted stairs.
Panic gripped you. Clutching the bat you kept in your closet, you listened as the intruder approached. The door across the hall creaked open, and you steeled yourself for the worst. But then you recognized the sounds—muffled giggles and a familiar voice.
Relief washed over you. Your friend had returned, and apparently brought her boyfriend. You set the bat down, heart still racing, and fell back into bed, the adrenaline finally giving way to exhaustion.
In the morning, you would face the box and the mysteries it held. For now, you allowed yourself to sink into the comfort of your bed, hoping that sleep would bring a respite from the turmoil of the past few days.
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The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow on your bedroom. Despite the terror of the previous night, you felt a strange sense of calm as you padded downstairs. The box still sat on the coffee table, its presence a reminder of the eerie note and the mystery it held.
Taking a deep breath, you sat on the couch and gingerly lifted the lid. Inside, nestled in a bed of luxurious velvet, was an object that took your breath away. It was a stunningly crafted necklace, the centerpiece a large, gleaming sapphire surrounded by intricate filigree work in white gold. The piece was elegant, expensive, and utterly out of place for something sent from a prison.
You lifted it gently, the gem catching the light and casting tiny rainbows across the room. For a moment, the sheer beauty of the necklace overshadowed your fear. How could something so exquisite come from a man behind bars?
Elated but wary, you turned the necklace over in your hands, inspecting every detail. It was flawless, and the craftsmanship was impeccable. This was no ordinary gift. 
Your mind raced. How did he manage to send something so extravagant? More importantly, how did he know your address? You felt a shiver run down your spine as you recalled your friend's words: *“What if he has friends on the outside?”*
The realization hit you hard. He must have outside help. Someone capable of acquiring such a piece and delivering it to your doorstep. Your elation was quickly replaced by a deep sense of unease. 
How long had he known where you lived? You thought back to the grey car that had been parked across the street. Was it connected? Had you been watched?
You set the necklace back in the box, hands trembling. The beauty of the gift now seemed tainted by the sinister implications. Your friend's warnings echoed in your mind: *“I am not going to die because of your bad decisions!”* You couldn’t ignore the danger any longer.
Reaching for your phone, you dialed your friend’s number. She answered on the third ring, her voice groggy with sleep.
“Hey, it’s me. You were right. We need to talk.”
Later that day, your friend arrived, her face a mix of concern and frustration. You showed her the necklace, and she gasped.
“This is... gorgeous. But it’s also terrifying. How did he send this?”
“I don’t know,” you admitted, your voice shaking. “And I don’t know how he found my address.”
She paced the room, glancing nervously out the window. “We need to call the police. This is beyond creepy.”
You nodded, knowing she was right. The thrill of your pen pal had turned into something dangerous, something that required more than just caution. As you picked up the phone to dial the authorities, you couldn’t shake the feeling of eyes on you, the sense of being watched. The beautiful necklace now felt like a heavy weight, a symbol of the peril you had unwittingly invited into your life.
As you waited for the police to arrive, you couldn’t help but wonder about the man who had written such kind letters. Was he truly as dangerous as they said, or was there more to the story? Either way, you knew you couldn’t continue the correspondence. The price of your curiosity had become too high, and your safety was worth far more than any thrill or beautiful gift.
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A few weeks had passed, and your friend continued to stay with her boyfriend, feeling guilty for leaving you alone but too scared to return. She called you every day, ensuring you were unharmed and feeling as well as could be expected. The police had stationed an officer outside your house during those weeks, but with no further incidents, they eventually recalled the officer. They advised you to call if anything came up, assuring you they would do their best to keep you safe. You had downplayed the threat, omitting any mention of your pen pal. Had they known the full extent, they might have placed you under witness protection.
Unfortunately, the eerie calm was shattered today.
The grey car had returned, and this time, you could make out the driver. He bore a stark resemblance to the picture you had seen of your pen pal, the world’s most dangerous criminal, now sitting outside your home, watching and waiting. But for what? What did he plan to do once you were alone?
You couldn't call out from work again, needing to maintain some semblance of normalcy. Steeling yourself, you put on your best intimidating face and walked to your car, though you felt more like a deer caught in headlights. Ignoring the piercing, watchful eyes of the man was harder than you imagined, but you managed to get into your car and drive away.
You knew it was foolish to drive to work, thinking he might follow you, but if he knew your address, he likely knew where you worked. At least at work, you'd be surrounded by people and security personnel. If he tried anything—which you doubted he would in such a public setting—there would be help nearby.
The day dragged on, dread gnawing at you. Your focus was shattered, and your supervisor almost reprimanded you until they realized how shaken you were. They backed off, giving you space to regain your composure. HR knew something was seriously wrong but couldn’t disclose details to anyone else, offering you a temporary reprieve.
But this day was particularly harrowing, and you barely made it through. As the workday ended, you practically sprinted to your car, seeking the relative safety it offered while there were still people around.
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Home was a different story.
You entered, not realizing the door had been unlocked until you were already in the living room. Shock, dread, and fear flooded you as you saw him there, seated on your sofa.
He was casually examining a picture of you with your friend, family, and your old pet. He looked content, as if he belonged there, as if he were truly at home.
Panic surged. You wondered what he could do to you in such close quarters. Thick walls muted sounds from neighboring homes; no one would hear you in time. You felt paralyzed, unsure of what to do if he made a move.
He shifted his position, dropping one leg and crossing the other, all the while holding your gaze. He took in your presence, the real you, not just the image he had studied. You were no longer a picture, but flesh and blood, standing before him.
“Nice to meet you, [Your Name].”
You had never told him your real name, only an alias. Somehow, he had discovered your true identity, just as he had found your address.
“I hope you don’t mind my intrusion. I couldn’t resist, especially after a month of silence from you. I noticed you called the police. I'm quite impressed that you managed to keep my presence in your life a secret.”
You trembled, tears starting to well in your eyes and trickle down your face.
“Ah, don’t cry. I’m not here to harm you. What I have in mind will be much more pleasurable. For both of us.”
His words chilled you to the core. The beauty of the necklace, the allure of his letters, all seemed like a distant dream compared to the present reality. You stood frozen, unable to move or speak, as he smiled at you, his intentions shrouded in menace and mystery.
The tears began to slow, your breath evening out as a semblance of calm started to return. He watched you closely, giving you a moment to dry your face and find the words that had eluded you. 
But silence persisted. Your thoughts were in disarray, still grappling with the reality of his sudden presence. He seemed to sense your inner turmoil, knowing you needed time to process the situation. As he approached, his imposing figure loomed over you, each step bringing him closer.
Realizing his intent, you instinctively retreated, but his long strides easily closed the distance. Your back met the cold, unyielding wall, trapping you. You wished you could tear it down, burrow into an indestructible sanctuary, and escape the nightmare your life had become. 
His proximity was overwhelming, a blend of menace and fascination, as you stood frozen, unable to tear your gaze from his. The intensity of the moment hung heavy in the air, a storm of emotions threatening to consume you both.
He continued to close the distance, his presence suffocating yet electrifying. You could feel the heat radiating from his body as he drew nearer, until he was mere inches away. He raised his arms, placing his hands on the wall on either side of your head, effectively caging you in. The scent of him, a mix of cologne and something distinctly male, enveloped you.
"Is this what you like?" he asked, his voice a low, tantalizing murmur. His eyes bored into yours, searching for a reaction.
Your breath hitched, the proximity overwhelming your senses. The thrill of fear and an unexpected surge of excitement coursed through you, leaving you dizzy and unable to respond.
"Tell me," he continued, leaning in even closer, his lips brushing against your ear. "Is this what you've been waiting for?"
The intensity of his gaze, the warmth of his breath, and the sheer force of his presence made it hard to think, let alone speak. You were caught in a whirlwind of emotions, your mind a chaotic mix of fear, confusion, and a strange, unwelcome attraction. His dominance was intoxicating, leaving you both terrified and inexplicably drawn to him.
His hands remained on the wall, trapping you, as his eyes continued to hold yours captive. The room seemed to shrink around you, the air thick with unspoken tension. In that moment, you realized you were at his mercy, and the realization sent a shiver down your spine.
The intensity in his gaze didn't waver as he spoke again, his voice a silken whisper. "Why don't you show me around? I'd like to see more of your home."
Your heart pounded as you nodded, feeling compelled to comply. Slowly, he dropped his hands from the wall, giving you a semblance of freedom, though his presence still dominated the space. He gestured for you to lead the way.
With trembling steps, you walked towards the staircase, feeling his eyes on you, a constant reminder of the danger and allure he embodied. The transition from the living room to the upper floor was surreal, the normalcy of your home tainted by his dark presence. Each step up the stairs felt like a journey deeper into an inescapable labyrinth.
You reached the top of the stairs and paused, glancing back at him. His expression was unreadable, but a faint, almost predatory smile played at his lips. You hesitated for a moment before pushing open the door to your bedroom.
"This is my room," you said softly, stepping inside.
He followed, his tall frame filling the doorway before he moved to the center of the room. He looked around, taking in every detail. The room, once a sanctuary, now felt exposed and vulnerable.
"Show me more," he instructed, his voice firm yet oddly gentle.
You led him to the adjoining bathroom, your hands trembling as you opened the door. The bathroom was small but neat, the shower glistening under the overhead light. He inspected it briefly, then turned back to you, his eyes locking onto yours.
"This will do nicely," he said, his tone casual but with an undercurrent of something more.
Your mind raced, the reality of the situation pressing down on you. "What do you want from me?" you managed to ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
He stepped closer, reaching out to gently brush a stray lock of hair from your face. "For now, just your cooperation. Tonight is just the beginning. After the night's activities, I might need a place to clean up."
His words sent a shiver down your spine. The ambiguity of "activities" left your mind reeling with possibilities, each more terrifying than the last. You found yourself nodding, unable to do anything else.
"Good girl," he murmured, his hand lingering on your cheek. "Now, let's make the most of our evening together."
His touch was both reassuring and sinister, a stark reminder of the control he wielded over you. “Take this off…”
You were shocked, appalled even, at such a request from a man you barely knew, despite the intimacy of his letters, the truths he shared, his truth. 
You hesitated, glancing up at him with a mix of trepidation and a spark of rebellion. 
He smirked slightly, as if he had anticipated your resistance. His hand reached out, but you scurried backward, clutching onto what felt like the last vestiges of your dignity. 
He wasn’t taking no for an answer, not from someone who had shown him such genuine kindness, such unguarded affection for the first time in decades.
It dawned on you just how monumental a mistake that kindness had been.
As you stood there, frozen in your shock, he moved swiftly. In an instant, he had closed the distance between you, his strong hands seizing your blouse. The fabric bunched under his grip, the force of his hold sending a jolt through you.
“Don’t fight it,” he murmured, his voice a velvet threat. “You and I both know this was inevitable.”
His words hung heavy in the air, mingling with the palpable tension that seemed to throb between you. His touch, firm and unyielding, ignited a tumult of emotions within you—fear, defiance, and a disturbing undercurrent of something you couldn’t quite name.
“You think you can just come into my life and—” your voice faltered, the defiance wavering under the weight of his gaze.
“I don’t think, I know,” he interrupted, his tone commanding and confident. His eyes, dark and intense, bore into yours. “You invited me in with every letter, every secret you shared. This connection we have—it’s real. And now, it’s time to face it.”
Your breath hitched as he pulled you closer, the proximity making your heart race. The air between you crackled with an undeniable energy, a mix of danger and an inexplicable pull that left you both terrified and entranced.
“You’ve got me all wrong,” you whispered, desperation creeping into your voice.
“No,” he replied, his grip tightening ever so slightly. “I’ve got you exactly where I want you.”
His words sent a shiver down your spine, the reality of your situation crashing over you. The walls of your sanctuary seemed to close in, the room shrinking as his presence dominated. You were caught in his web, and the more you struggled, the more entangled you became.
With a final, firm tug, he brought you even closer, his breath warm against your skin. “Let’s see how this night unfolds,” he murmured, a promise and a threat woven into his words.
In that moment, you realized there was no escape. You were his, for better or worse, and the night was just beginning.
His deft hands worked quickly, yet with a surprising gentleness, as he pulled at your blouse. He was careful, mindful of not tearing buttons or threads, his touch respectful in its slow haste to undress you. Each movement seemed deliberate, as if he were savoring the unveiling of your skin, as if he knew the value of each delicate inch.
Once your clothing lay discarded, you stood before him in just your bralette and panties, exposed yet somehow still veiled in mystery. His eyes roamed over you, taking in the sight of a woman—a vision of beauty that left him breathless. He drank in every curve, every line, every delicate feature, his gaze lingering on each detail as if committing them to memory.
He had seen countless women in his lifetime, but none had captivated him quite like you. There was something about you, something ineffable and intoxicating, that drew him in, leaving him hungry for more.
In that moment, as you stood there before him, vulnerable yet unyielding, he realized just how much he craved you. And he knew, with a certainty that bordered on obsession, that he would stop at nothing to possess you completely.
You knew that begging would likely be futile, so you chose silence instead, allowing your gaze to wander anywhere but at him and what he was doing. But he seemed to revel in being watched, his ego swelling as he unveiled each layer of your clothing.
His touch was insistent as his index finger and thumb grasped your chin, forcing your gaze to remain solely on him. You felt a surge of defiance rise within you, but it was quickly quelled by the intensity of his gaze.
With practiced ease, he removed your bra, followed by your panties. The air between you crackled with tension as he exposed you completely, and you couldn't help but feel exposed and vulnerable under his scrutiny.
A low groan escaped him, barely audible but unmistakable. It was a sound of longing, of desire unleashed after years of confinement. You realized then just how long it had been since he had seen a living, breathing woman, and the thought sent a shiver down your spine.
You stood there, naked and exposed, feeling his eyes on you like a physical touch. There was something primal in the way he looked at you, as though he were seeing you for the first time, drinking in every curve and contour of your body.
You tried to maintain some semblance of composure, but it was difficult under his relentless gaze. You felt stripped bare, not just of your clothing but of your defenses, your vulnerabilities laid bare before him.
As he stepped closer, the heat of his body enveloping you, you knew that there was no turning back. The night stretched out before you, a vast unknown filled with equal parts fear and fascination. And as he reached out to pull you closer, you couldn't help but wonder what other surprises lay in store.
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Your cheek pressed into the cold, quartz floor of your bathroom, every nerve ending alive with sensation. You could feel the weight of him behind you, his eyes drinking in the sight of your rear pressing against his hips. His blazer, shirt, and pants had been discarded, leaving him in just his boxers. Despite the fabric that still separated your bodies, you felt everything from him—his warmth, his strength, his desire.
He had positioned you in a neat arch, your body stretched taut, every muscle straining against the confines of your own submission. His command was clear: remain still, hold that position until he was ready to take you further.
You obeyed, every fiber of your being thrumming with anticipation and fear. The cold floor beneath you was a stark contrast to the heat that radiated from him, and the sensation only heightened your awareness of every touch, every breath that brushed against your skin.
Time seemed to stand still as you waited, your body poised on the precipice of something unknown. You could hear the steady rhythm of your own heartbeat, a counterpoint to the electric tension that hung heavy in the air.
And then, without warning, his hands were on you, tracing the contours of your body with a touch that sent shivers down your spine. His fingers were skilled, mapping every curve and dip with a precision that left you breathless.
You felt him shift behind you, his body moving with a fluid grace that belied the strength coiled beneath his skin. You were afraid of the movement, wanting to look behind you to see what exactly he was doing. And when you felt the tip of him nearing your heat, you redacted the beautiful arch he helped you to create for him and tried to squirm away.
Before you knew it, he had your hair twisted in his hand, pressing your head painfully further against the floor, his breath fanning over your ear. “Move again… and I will crack your skull over this floor and with this treasure I’ll summon something worse than death for you.”
And then, with a suddenness that stole your breath away, he entered you, filling you completely with a single, powerful thrust.
The sensation was overwhelming, a flood of pleasure and pain that threatened to consume you. You bit back a gasp, your body trembling with the effort to remain still as he took you further, deeper into the abyss of his desire. He was much too large to enjoy, your stretched muscles struggling to comprehend the intrusion.
And as he moved within you, each thrust driving you closer to the edge of oblivion, you realized that there was no turning back. You were his, body and soul, caught in the grip of a passion that threatened to consume you both. And in that moment, as he claimed you as his own, you surrendered to the darkness that beckoned, knowing that there was no escape from the depths of his desire.
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By the time he was finished, you had orgasmed nearly six times. The final was barely an orgasm, he had edged you and slapped your ass. Breathy laughs finding your ears and somehow you felt yourself able to share his laughter. Your cunt clenched against his twitching length, a feeling he relished in.
Just when you thought he was finished, he pushed your legs apart as far as they would go, nearly into a split, pressing himself further into you, impossibly deeper. Your eyes bulged, hips tightened and your cunt contracted against his deep-seated length once more, your cervix contracting and relaxing in slow bouts against his tip. He lifted your hips, allowing him a new arch, fresh angle, and an even deeper reach. 
You wanted to sob, to beg him to stop, but you also wanted to see what he would do in this position. 
He reached one hand in front, taking your neck into his possession and he pulled back just enough to keep you stationary and choke you slightly at the same time, the angle would do the rest. 
And slowly, he pulled back, allowing just the tip to remain before he thrusts intensely inside of you, pressing against the spot he knew would drive you insane. 
And you cursed him, screaming out all sorts of obscenities and lewd things as he continued to abuse the same spot. His girth squeezed in and out of you with much effort, the tightened feel of your cunt in this position was the one thing that kept him grounded, eyes drawn into a focus on your connected bodies. 
He had cum so many times and this position had him dangerously close to blowing his load again, but he held back just enough. He wanted to cum with you again.
Increasing his speed, he pushed and pulled inside your pussy, watching as it sucked him and pushed him out simultaneously. 
“S’kunaaaa… Fuuuccckkk! Pl-please!”
He knew what you were begging for, screaming out his name for. And he was so close to giving it to you. He had to give you what you wanted since you had been so obedient for him all night. He was nearing his end, bringing his free hand down to your clit and rubbing dangerous circles and odd shapes into it, nearly ritualistic in his methods and just he groaned his approval, you squirted. Full-body quakes erupting, your eyes rolling back into your head. Anyone watching the scene would have thought you were having a seizure. 
But Sukuna knew. And you knew.
It was simply nirvana.
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gauloiseblue · 3 months
I'm Only Flesh and Blood
(König × Reader)
[Dead dove: do not eat | MDNI]
TW: rape, non-con, imprisonment, death, violence, overall dark theme
(I don't know why, but this song just resonates with the story, not because of the lyrics, but the way he sings it.)
You were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
You didn't realize there was a war on the horizon, before it all fell down upon the city.
Between the rumbles and the upstanding pillar, you coughed as the dust surrounded you.
You screamed for help, as the shattered walls trapped you in, leaving no space for you to move. You did it over and over again, until your throat scratched. Yet no one came to rescue, no one heard you scream.
When the night fell, you curled up your body, trying to find warmth in the harsh structures. There's no light that could reach your place, you only knew if it's daylight when the temperature rose up slightly, although it soon blurred as you lost track of time.
You were starving, your lips were cracked and split open. You thought you'd die like this, until you heard a heavy stomp of a boot.
There was a sound of a man shouting above you, and a heavy thud soon followed. You didn't have the energy to speak, as you watched a little light come through the rubbles. One by one, the wreckages were lifted, and you winced at the glaring light upon you.
There's a shout, and more shouts followed after in a language you didn't understand. You covered your eyes to see a soldier stretched his hand to you. Just like a fool, you reached up to him.
The event that unfolded between the rescue and the medical help was fuzzy in your memory. What you knew was, you woke up in a cold room, with men in uniform by your bed.
They asked you your name, and basic questions that you weakly answered. After they wrote it all down, you heard them mumble the word 'foreigner'.
"Where am I?" You asked them with a hoarse voice.
"Hospital." One of them said, before they both left the room.
Your brows furrowed, as you sensed something's off, but can't pinpoint what it was.
When the doctor declared you've made a full recovery, you were immediately brought to a different building. The man took you to an office, where a hunched figure in a mask sat at the desk.
He shooed your escort with a wave, and he left the room without a sound. Leaving you with the big man.
"What's your name?" He asked with a strange accent.
"(Name)." You responded.
"They said you're not from here." He stood up, and you witnessed the full glory of his height, "Visiting?"
You slowly nodded, nothing to add.
He shot you a sneer, as he walked closer to you, "You didn't know there was a conflict?"
"No," You lowered your head, "I thought it was safe."
You saw his polished boots as he stood in front of you, before he lifted up your chin so you'd face him.
"You're lucky you're inside the ruin, you know." He began to speak with malice slowly dripped out of his mouth, "Your kin were mostly dead or imprisoned. The women were raped, and the men were skinned alive. But you're still alive. You must be lucky."
The grip on your jaw became harder, and you whimpered, both from fear and the pain.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of you."
He let go of your face, and you immediately took a step back with your legs trembling. Your gaze was down, and you couldn't see the smile on his face. He walked past you, and you heard the door open, before a soldier took your hand and led you through the hallway.
In the other room, you met several girls with the same expression as yours—scared, confused, unsettled. You stood beside one of them, and watched as the soldier left.
The girl turned to you, asking your name.
"It's (Name)."
"Oh." She responded, "Where were you from?"
You told her the name of your hometown. "You?"
"I lived in the neighboring country." She smiled, "I'm Nina by the way, nice to meet you."
You returned the gesture.
"Do you know why we're here?" You asked.
"I'm not sure." She said as she rubbed her neck, "But I overheard the soldiers referring to us as flowers, I'm not sure what that means."
"Pretty flowers, in fact." She clarified, "One of them even said exotic ones. I just hoped it's not what I think it is."
You opened your mouth to reply, but the conversation was interrupted by the opening door.
There's a man striding from the door, and stopping on his track to see the people in the room. He scanned them one by one, before he turned to the soldier on his side.
"Which one is the Colonel's girl?"
The soldier looked at you, before leaning in to whisper.
"Hmm," He let out a displeased grunt, "Well, take her away then. There's no point in choosing her when she's off the list."
The soldier said something to him, but he dismissed him.
"I don't care, take her away."
He pressed his lips together before he nodded.
"Come." He said to you, and Nina immediately grabbed your hand.
"Don't go." Her eyes were wide as she told you, and you were alerted by the fear in her face. But you didn't have the time to process it, as the man ripped you away from her, dragging you out of the room.
"No—" You tried to protest, "Let me go."
He stayed silent, while his hand was planted on your arm.
"Where are you taking me?"
"None of your business."
"It's my business to know."
"Shut up."
The two of you arrived outside, where he quickly called a car to the lobby. As the car parked, he opened the rear door and shoved you inside.
The door was already closed by the time you shouted at him.
The whole ride was silent, as you bit your nail, trying to make sense of the situation. You tried to look out the window, figuring out where the driver's taking you. Though you found nothing, not a single clue.
It took perhaps 15 minutes before the car parked in front of a house—a big house, in fact. At the front door, you met another man in military uniform. He didn't say much as he let you in, before locking the door behind.
It took a minute for you to process what happened, before you knocked on the door, asking why you're here. Again, you received no answer.
Deciding it's not worth the time, you began to roam around to find a way out.
It's a two-story house, with a big dining hall and equally big kitchen. It has a study room, and a meeting room right beside it, the two rooms were connected by a door. They looked like they've been used recently.
Upstairs, you found the bedrooms, as well as the bathrooms. There's a door leading to a balcony, but it was locked.
When you came back to the first floor, you tried your luck in the study room. It was full of papers, and you skimmed over it. But it's all written in a language you didn't understand, so you decided to move to the drawers. But as you bent down to reach the handle, you heard an unmistakable voice coming from the door.
"Don't touch that."
You lifted your head to see the same man you met in the office. He was leaning on the frame with his arms folded, watching you intently behind the mask.
"Curious, aren't you?"
You looked down to avoid his stare, "I'm sorry."
He took the time to examine your face, before he spoke, "I was planning to take you home with me, but it seems like my lieutenant sent you away without my permission."
"What do you want?" You asked him through gritted teeth, "You're not planning to send me back home, aren't you?"
He smirked, "Clever thing." He said, "Do you really wish to know that?"
You kept your glare at him as he explained.
"You see, you're still officially missing, and it's not our job to report every single person we found." He walked toward the bookshelves with his hands on his back and his chin up, "So if we found someone, it's our right to keep them."
He pulled a file from the shelves, and threw it onto the table.
"It's yours." He told you, "Go on and read it."
You looked at him with disdain, before you flipped the file open. There, you found all of your private information—the copy of your and your parents' IDs, your bank accounts, and detailed information about your background. Although it's written in German, you knew it from the written dates and a few familiar names.
"Do you understand now?" He spoke in a low tone, "You have no choice."
He left the room as you froze on the spot, unable to bring yourself together. The soldier by the front door took you to a bedroom and locked the door behind as ordered. Leaving you alone, at a loss.
You stared blankly at the window, and took notice how it's screwed shut. Even if you were to break the glass, it's already lined with railing. The same applied to the small window above the toilet, and you saw no possible way out in the bathroom too.
Maybe you could open it with something, something that resembles a screwdriver.
When the sun had set, you heard the lock turned, before the soldier entered with a tray and a jug of water. He set them down on the nightstand, before leaving without a word once again.
You looked at the food, and you had no appetite despite your stomach growl. You didn't touch the plate, but filled up the glass with water. That was it, that's your dinner for that day
At night, you couldn't sleep. You could hear the clock ticking, reminding you that you're still here. Pretty much alive.
20 minutes past midnight—you knew it from the toll of the grandfather clock outside—you caught the sound of the door opening, then closing. It came from the room beside you, the master bedroom.
That night, he spared you from the dreadful ordeal of sleeping together. But your luck was running thin after the third day of your stay.
You were laying on your bed with your thoughts, before the door of your bedroom opened. Your blood ran cold, as you heard a heavy step entering the room, and went towards your place.
The blanket rustled, as the man slipped inside. He settled into the bed, before pulling you into his chest.
Your heart beat hard against your chest, and you began to feel yourself sweating. You knew Fortuna frowned at you when he slid his hand under your neck, pressing his fingers on your pulse.
"You're still awake, aren't you?"
You bit your lower lip, and slowed down your breathing. All was an useless attempt to calm you down.
"Don't worry, I won't touch you tonight."
You took a sharp breath as you caught the meaning of it. It made him chuckle, as he buried his face into your nape.
"But if you try something funny, I can't guarantee that to you."
Your body turned cold when the words left his mouth, to the point that you stayed still, petrified by the threat.
He did keep his promise, as he fell asleep right by your side. Perhaps if you're a bit braver, you could lift his hand and escape that night, but his words hung on your head, as if it's a guillotine that'd fall on you if you moved an inch.
You didn't sleep that night. Drowsiness only came to you after hearing the birds singing, signaling the first arrival of the sunray. And you were too tired to notice the way he stirred, as it went closer to his waking hour.
In the afternoon, you found yourself alone in bed, with the door locked, and the breakfast on the table.
You survived that night, but it didn't mean you'd make it on the other days.
Unfortunately, it came sooner than you prayed.
It was your fault, you were careless. You thought he wouldn't pay any mind to a missing cutlery, but he did.
At the dinner, he asked you to accompany him at the dining table, and you sat there, blissfully unaware of the impending torture.
As you chewed the tender steak, he announced his concern about the lack of butter knife in the dishwasher.
You stopped at your track, as your body tensed up. The meat stayed in your mouth, as your throat tightened up, closing your chance to swallow.
"Did you think I wouldn't notice?" He asked with a cold glare, "Did you think I'm stupid?"
You kept your gaze to the plate, as the alarm blared in your head.
"Answer me!" He slammed his fist on the table, and you flinched away in fear. The reaction caused you to choke, forcing you to cough out the meat into the napkin.
"I'm sorry." You whimpered, while gripping your hand so it would stop shaking. "I'm sorry."
For a moment, you thought the time had stopped for you. Until you heard the chair moved, and he stood by the table.
"Hands on the table." He retorted, and your body obeyed him without delay.
You jumped when he threw away your plate, sending it and the cutleries to the floor as it shattered upon the contact. You began to feel unsteady, as the panic was rising from your chest.
He stood behind you, and you trembled as you heard the sound of a zipper.
That was the day you found that he'd use sex as a punishment.
He made sure that it hurts, and left you bleeding, he'd render your legs useless by bruising your hip and insides, as he rammed his cock against your core. You screamed at him, begging him to stop, but he kept going until he ripped the orgasm out of you. By the time he finished, you're entirely spent, as you curled up on the floor.
In daze, you felt yourself being picked up, before laid down on the mattress. Leaving you wondering about it in the morning.
He was cruel, but he took you to the bedroom instead of leaving you. He was merciless, but he bothered to put a few medicines on your tray.
You didn't understand him, and you didn't like it one bit. You had a hunch that it couldn't be that simple—that he felt guilty, or he felt the need to take care of you.
To your disdain, he continued to do it for weeks. He helped you up, and gave you the medicines every morning. He kept it as a routine, until you could stand on your feet again.
While your body's recovered, the phantom pain still throbbed between your legs. Reminding you of the consequences for your misbehavior.
The memory of it kept you in line, as you unconsciously complied with his demands.
That was, until his demand became more outrageous.
It seemed that he was testing you—putting you through unnecessary trials of whether you would obey him or not. He'd put a choker on you. He'd ask you to get on your knees, and put your head on his lap. He'd tell you to sing, while his finger slipped inside your panties. He'd place you on his desk, and told you to spread your legs while he watched you pleasure yourself. He'd force you to watch an erotica without your pants on, so you'd leave a stain on your chair. He didn't ask for sex, but what he requested was way more improper, to the point that you felt dirtier after doing it.
And he seemed to be pleased by it, he delighted in your humiliation.
He also got off on your fear.
He'd play a cat and mouse game with you, and he'd scream threats that'd set you running. He knew you're scared of him, and he used it to his advantage. And when he caught you, you'd be forced on your knees as he shoved his cock into your mouth.
You're aware that there'd be an escalation from the moment he declared he'd take care of you, but you weren't prepared for the level of depravity he possessed.
The way he'd threaten you with sex, and soothe you with aftercare, it was too much.
One day, you sobbed as you begged him to end it all, with your tears running down your face. But he just sneered as he rubbed his member against your clit, forcing you to watch as your body trembled when you came for the fifth time.
There were times when it's all quiet, when he was wrapped up in his work. Those were the times where you could gather your thoughts, and planned for a possible escape.
You knew about his gun collections in the study room, you just needed the bullet. You couldn't really escape through the front door, except when it's night. So you began to devise a plan.
In the back of your mind, your rationality told you it's impossible; that even if you killed him, his affiliates would catch you so easily. You have nowhere to go. But you shoved it back into the water, as your feeling thrashed inside your chest. You need to go. You need to get away from him.
Fortunately—and unfortunately—you found out the answer to your plan.
He hosted a house party with all of the soldiers. Some of them were recruits, and some of them looked like they're on the same level as him, judging by the presence of a pretty partner on their side.
You were given the role of a quiet escort, and you were allowed to leave his side only when he told you so. You wrapped your hand around his arm, as he greeted his guests.
The last friend of his came a little later, and your eyes were widened as you saw a familiar face. It was Nina.
She looked thinner compared to the last time you saw her. Her eyes were hollow, and her face was pale, with the exclusion of the red mark on her cheek.
You had the chance to talk to her when they all sat at the dining table. While the men were talking over brunch, you made your way to her and stood beside her.
She was quiet, and you doubted that she heard you, but it only lasted for a moment before she muttered out I'm fine.
"He slapped me this morning because I forgot to brew his coffee." Her lips trembled as she spoke, "But he told me to prepare everything for the party last night, of course I'd forget it."
Your brows furrowed with sympathy, as she continued her snivel, "I should've felt grateful that he only slapped me. The other girls—the other girls got it worse. But I—everything I did was wrong in his eyes. I don't—I'm so sick of it."
She quietly sobbed, and you took the initiative to pull her aside, guiding her to the restroom.
In there, you got the full length of her story.
The man who took him treated her as a housemaid, but never addressed her as such. He'd shout at her constantly, and he'd shove her face against the counter, forcing her to look at the little dust spot she missed. At night, he'd force himself upon her, with little to no preparation. And when she tried to escape one time, he brought home the head of her mother. The only family she had left.
You didn't know what to feel, but you could see that she got it worse than anyone.
You tried to soothe her, but you knew the wound was larger than you could stitch. It could never be healed.
As you both returned to the dining room, you found the table empty, as the men had already moved to his study room.
And your heart triumphed when you saw the key in his hand, as he opened the locked drawer to fetch something vital for your escape.
The bullets.
You watched him as he slipped them one by one into the old revolver. You burned the image of it in your head—the silver, big barreled revolver.
He then invited everyone in the room to walk with him, with the intent of showing a demonstration.
"This thing is a beauty, a wild horse," He remarked as he exhibited the firearm, "You need to learn to tame it before you ride it, or she'll kick you off the mount."
The men laughed, as some of them added an equally filthy joke. He chuckled before turning his body and stretching his arm to aim at the target.
There was an apple on the fence, on the far side of the garden. And the red fruit stood still, before it exploded as his gun went off with a bang.
The men cheered, applauding the magnificent show that you couldn't understand. Why did they praise it? Wasn't a gun supposed to do that?
You didn't have the time to ruminate, as you heard your friend whisper under her breath.
"He loves you."
The chatter from the men almost drowned her voice entirely, that you had to double-check your hearing.
"What?" You asked her.
She turned her face towards you, and a tear rolled down on her cheek. The sight of her stunned you, as she reached to touch your cheek.
"He never took his eyes off you." She muttered as she leaned closer to you. "I'm sorry."
For a moment, you thought you felt her lips brush against yours, as she pulled you into a kiss. And you almost taste the wine in her tongue, until a sharp shrill flew past you with an incredible speed. Before you knew it, you were on the ground, with her body slumped against you.
You sat there, watching the open side of her head as it dripped dark fluid into your dress. It was warm, and slowly seeped through the fabric, spilling over your thighs.
You didn't know who was screaming.
You couldn't remember how long exactly before they removed her body from you. The party must be over since the men took you to your room, leaving you alone as you sank into your chair. Your hands couldn't stop shaking, as you saw them stained with red.
What happened to your dress? It was supposed to be white, wasn't it?
You stared at your knees, as the image of her head was still fresh in your mind. You felt your vision narrowed, as if you watched yourself through the third eye. You weren't there, you were still on the ground, with your friend's head on your lap.
The door was opened, but you didn't notice it. You didn't notice any presence, before a hand softly landed on your shoulder.
You jumped out from your chair, almost shouted for the second time, if not for his embrace.
It caught you off guard, and you began to sob against his chest. You couldn't help it, it was the only comfort you had, even though you knew that he had removed every other hand just so you'd choose him.
"Don't be sorry." He gently lulled you, "She brought it upon herself."
He removed the bloodied dress from you, before turning away to fetch a wet towel. You didn't have the energy to fight him, moreover to lift your finger. So you let him clean the blood off your face, and off your body.
You didn't resist when he put the fresh clothes on you, and he guided you to the bed, letting your head fall onto the pillow. He didn't do much and left the room without a word.
On the bed, you let your mind wander to your friend—her hollow stare, the gaping wound in her heart, you should've known it. There's a quiet anger in you, as well as a deep sense of loss. She used you as a means to end her pain, but she had no other choice. She had nothing left.
For days, you asked yourself if it's the only way for her, or if you could help her, reach out to her just a little further. But what came back was an echo, since she was already an empty shell long before you could help her.
You were angry at yourself, angry at him, angry at the man who took her. Yet you couldn't do anything about it, you were powerless.
He was smart enough not to bother you, since you'd erupt at any given moment. But he'd snap at you if you crossed the line, and you'd end up with tears, as you bit your lips shut.
You don't know what to do with this anger, you still don't know the answer to this day.
While you have the plan ready, you haven't chosen the execution date. You need to be close enough to him to take the key, but you're still repulsed by him.
A week has passed by, and you find the courage to close the distance between you and him. You begin to join him for dinner, and keep him company in his study room.
That's when you start to see the crack.
There's a time gap where you can carry out the plan, at least the first plan. When he comes home, he usually leaves his things unattended at dinner time. You would have the freedom to roam, and you could sneak into his room for a short time. You once made sure which pocket that had the key in, and did a double-take a few days later. When you're certain of it, you move to the gun collections. You had memorized the revolver, so it didn't take long before you found it.
With that in mind, you're ready at any time.
You maintain a good facade in front of him, as you wait for the moment to strike.
The chance comes to you one night, when he decides to postpone the dinner. He has to talk with someone outside, and leaves his things on the dining table.
The window of time will be short, since the time it takes for him to finish will be uncertain. But you take it nevertheless.
You don't waste any time as you pull the key from his vest's pocket, and march toward the study room.
Adrenaline rushes through your body, and you're shaking as you take the revolver off the padded wall. You then turn your heel as you approach the desk, sliding the key with difficulties, before unlocking the drawer.
Alas, you run out of time.
You hear the front door close, and a heavy step echoes through the house. You hold your breath as you slide the cylinder release, and take a few bullets in your hand.
"Mäuse?" Your panic rises as you hear his call, with trembling hands, you try to push the bullets into the cylinder. Alas, one of them falls to the floor.
The noise must've alerted him, as the sound of his step turns into a heavy bolt.
You only manage to put two bullets in, before slapping the cylinder shut and aim at the door, right at the same time as his arrival.
He stops in his tracks when he sees you inside, with the gun in your hands.
"Don't come any closer!" You shouted a warning at him, though you couldn't hide the quiver in your voice.
He stands by the door, with his face unreadable, as it hides behind the mask. You pull the hammer, while your finger rests on the trigger. You're ready to shoot, he knows it from your stance.
He sighs, shaking his head in disapproval, "I gave you time, and this is how you repay me?"
"Don't—don't move." You tried to warn him once again, "I'll shoot if you move."
"Can you even shoot me with those hands?" He leered at you, taunting you with his words, "You won't hit any target if you keep shaking."
He catches you off guard as he storms the room, forcing you to pull the trigger.
The bullet hit his shoulder, and he shouts in pain. The shot you released enrages him, as he pulls a sledgehammer from his side.
You don't have the time to aim as you shoot the second bullet, and it flies past him, leaving him unharmed.
A high-pitched scream escapes your mouth as the hammer slams onto the desk, causing the wood to crack upon impact.
The revolver quickly dropped as you fled to the connecting door, escaping the place through the next room.
You run towards the front door, trying to push the handle, but it won't budge. You hear him coming, and jump to the side, narrowly escaping his hammer of rage as it punches through the door, sending the broken pieces everywhere.
"YOU COME BACK HERE!" His voice boomed through the house, and you could almost feel the floor shaking.
You dash to upstairs, and push your bedroom door open, before locking it just in time.
Still, it can't protect you from him.
You watch in horror as the door shakes and fills the room with the cracking sounds, before it flies open by force.
And there he is, standing at your door like a nightmare.
You can't do anything except running away from him, running to the corner where you'll certainly meet your demise.
And you lift your arms and brace for the impact. You can see the hammer coming to you from the corner of your eye, and you cry out when it strikes.
It's all silence, before a quiet sob falls from your mouth.
His hammer crashed on the wall, just an inch away from your head, showering you with dust and smashed fragments.
Your body slides down to the floor, as your legs give up. You continue to weep, while he lifts up the hammer, and tosses it to the ground.
"Are you done?" He retorted harshly, and you shrunk away from him.
He yanks your hand away, and throws you to the floor. You yelp when he sits on top of you, pushing your face down to the ground.
"Should I treat you badly so you'd learn to appreciate what I did for you?"
"You took my freedom away." You hissed through your tears, "You kept me in here so you could play me like a toy."
"But I took care of you, didn't I?" He growled, "I never asked you to clean the house, you didn't even have to cook for yourself. What more could you ask for?"
You flinch at his tone. You've seen him angry a few times, but never this angry.
"Do you want a toy of your own?" He asked, voice dripping with bitterness. Your eyes snap open, as the phantom pain throbs in your hip. "I can certainly give you one."
"No…" Your lips quivered as he slipped his fingers under your clothes, "No, no! Stop!"
You tried to kick him away, do anything to get away from this monstrous man.
"Get away from me!" You screamed at him, but he ignored you as he ripped your clothes off. "Please! I'm sorry—"
"It's too late for that, don't you think?" He laughed when you tried to crawl away, while he undid his belt.
You cry out when you feel the head of his cock poking against your core, before he slowly pushes it inside.
It was excruciating, as he stretched you open with a force. He groans as your walls clamp around his member, as if repelling him from entering.
He snakes his arm around your shoulders, as he pulls you close until his chest is flush against your back. A bitter tang of iron hits your nose, reminding you of your own mistake. He hisses when you grab him on the place near the wound.
"Don't think you can escape me, (Name)." He snaps his hip against you, and you throw your head back, eyes tightly shut. "Not even in your death."
You scream when he buries himself completely, stuffing himself to the hilt, until you feel yourself full.
The pain comes back to you, as you feel your core burning. He makes it worse by feeding it frictions, as he begins to pump himself in and out. He tosses his mask aside, before he marks you with his bites. He sinks his teeth onto your neck and shoulder, before he lifts you by your chin, and crashes his lips against yours.
It was bitter, full of teeth. His kiss tasted like rage, and the jealousy he held since your friend stole it from him.
You cough from the lack of air, and fall down on the floor. The mixed saliva in your mouth drips down to your chin, and he runs his thumb to wipe it off.
He bends down to kiss you once again, and you whimper when you find yourself growing wetter against your will. The resistance from your walls becomes lesser, and he can easily slide his member in.
"You know, Mäuse," He mused as his hips moved like a piston, "I'm only flesh and blood, but I can be a good father."
He keeps his arm around your body, as you struggle against him.
"I can buy you a big house, taking care of our little ones." He covers your mouth when you begin to voice your protests, "As long as you're with me."
Your hand starts to flail around, trying to hit his wound, but it's out of your reach.
"I'll make you my wife, and we'll live together as a couple." He said with a smile, but through your eyes, it was a madman's grin. "You just have to be good, and I'll treat you as such."
His cock brushes against the spot that made your moan, and he keeps hitting it until your back arches, as you turn limp in his arms.
He soon follows after you, as his cum spills into your womb, filling you up to the brim. You gasp when his arms tighten around you, as his cock twitches inside your core. A sense of dread hits you as you feel his cock doesn't get any softer.
"I think you'll make a great mother." You heard him murmur, before he pressed his lips against your temple.
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ventisapple25 · 4 months
Hmm..lets do a yandere!Scara shall we?
(Pic not mine)
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Also this can also be seen as wanderer or
Lets do this in Smut style
Dead dove do not eat.
Bad grammar
Non consensual(??)
Please notify me if theres anymore
Yandere!Scara who would climb your window as a habit and just finds you one day masterbating
Yandere!Scara who would get hard when you struggle to pleasure yourself and wished that your fingers were him instead
Yandere!Scara who NEEDS to go to your room to fuck you and WANTS you to feel pleasure with him
Yandere!Scara who one day decides he cant take it anymore and came through your window to sneak into your room while you sleep
Yandere!Scara He jerks off watching you peacefully sleep with your mouth open
Yandere!Scara When he set his hand's pace he shoots out his strings of cum into your body
Yandere!Scara Who would open his eyes to see you covered in his liquid and he admires you
Yandere!Scara who gets out of his trance and gets wipes from the side of your desk and cleans you up leaving the cum thats on your mouth only
Yandere!Scara who then kisses you on the cheek and goes to the window then takes one a camera out of his pocket and takes a pic
Yandere!Scara who then leaves the pic and everything that halpend buried into his mind.
Made by @ventisapple25 Please dont repost,plagiarize,nor translate
Thats all i can think for this au.but whatever please dont mind my bad explaining sometimes im bored and do this , please no hate
Vote me if you want please?
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b3g-bl3ed-cry · 2 months
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//Should you be here?
//This is an in character account meant for roleplaying! The character portrayed here is Strade from BTD and YKMET; thus, you have to be 18+ to interact with this account. Any minors will be immediately blocked.
//Everything portrayed in these posts is fiction unless stated otherwise (posts in which I speak out of character will always be properly tagged). I do not condone any of the violent & sexual action portrayed here, and for your own safety, please be mindful of possible triggers listed below;
(Rape/sex, gore, sexual innuendoes, sexual assault, kidnapping, murder, graphic depictions of violence, self harm, death, and typical in-game violence.)
//That might not cover all that may be depicted in the posts as the account goes on, but I will always make sure to properly tag posts.
//That said, despite the heavy nature of the character and the games, I do have boundaries I will NOT CROSS under ANY circumstances. Themes involving pedophilia, incest, bestiality and scat are out of the question, and anyone that tries to bring them up will be immediately blocked.
Got it?
You do belong here? GOOD‼️
//Then you should know that, for as long as you follow the rules above and take care of yourself, this account is completely based on interactions! Both my asks and my private messages are open; you may interact with me or Strade as you wish ♥️ (Just please make it clear whether you’d like to interact with the German man or with the tiny twink (me))!
//Thank you so much for getting this far! Hopefully I get to see you around soon…
Take care, and stay hydrated~
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This is a warning for the upcoming days, the next days WILL be VERY Dead dove do not eat. Mainly due to excessive/extreme gore, major character death. (And revival), mental breakdowns, sovereign might pop up and he’s just…a walking TW in this au. Disturbing imagery(eyes), Emetophobia, mentions of torture, religious imagery, struggling with ones sexuality(poor bramble) and a few more things that I will make in the actual days itself.
This will all be taken to the extreme. Please be careful, don’t read if you can’t handle, I take no offense/gen
I’d much rather you guys be safe then suffer due to wanting to support me. Remember you are loved. Even if it doesn’t feel like it you are!
Remember dead dove, do not eat! 💙
- with much love, Bee
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iwozlegit · 9 months
A “10 year anniversary server event” submission for Predacons Rising.
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Major Character Death
Category: M/M
Fandoms: Transformers: Prime, Transformers - All Media Types
Relationships: Megatron/Orion Pax, Megatron/Optimus Prime, Megatron & Optimus Prime, Megatron & Orion Pax
Characters: Megatron, Optimus Prime, Orion Pax, Autobots (Transformers), Decepticons (Transformers)
Additional Tags: Post-Predacons Rising (Prime Movie), Post-War, Post-Canon, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Implied Relationships, Self-Harm, Starvation, Descent into Madness, Heavy Angst, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, No Beta - We Die Like Cliffjumper
It had all begun with a look. 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩 look. Megatron will be doomed to continue remembering it. If only Primus decided to favour him for a change. So, Megatron just keeps doing what he does best. Enduring. Mining. And then, surviving - even if that means teetering on the verge of sanity. Though, he likely hasn't had that for a while.
On Wednesday (4th October 2023), we reach the 10-year anniversary of the release date for Predacons: Rising, and the conclusion of Transformers: Prime. Yes, it's really been 10 years. I'm fortunate to be a member of a fantastic Transformers server (Wheeljack And Co Doing A Sequel) who have decided to host an in-server event on discord as a tribute to the end of a show that we all love, and naturally talk about an unhealthy amount. Thank you guys for enabling me here :D
T̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶t̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶m̶e̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶M̶E̶G̶O̶P̶ ̶w̶e̶e̶k̶ ̶2̶0̶2̶3̶ ̶s̶u̶b̶m̶i̶s̶s̶i̶o̶n̶,̶ ̶b̶t̶w̶
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Why do all the Killers fear Leon?
WARNING! The story below depicts content such as; Gore / Profanity / mentions of mutilation / mentions of sexual assault / threats of death / mentions of trauma /mentions of manipulation &or brainwashing / Dead Dove - Do Not Eat
It's safe to say that Leon is no stranger to trauma; the destruction of Raccoon City, the neverending encounters with B.O.Ws and the bioterrorists behind them, followed by the backstabbing betrayal of D.O.S and B.S.A.A have all left a deep wound in his psyche and a bitter taste in his mouth. There were days where Leon had wished Umbrella had just left him to die, or at least put him out of his misery. But no, they did not; as it was Umbrella's nature to take something and warp it to their liking.
And warp they did, as the event had broken Leon, physically and mentally. He had to restart from scratch; learning to walk, to speak, to write, even eat. But even as he recovered, Leon's mind was permanently fractured. He was susceptible to anything; easy to convince, easy to control. Wesker and Nikolai knew this, and took a huge advantage of Leon's fragile mindset.
Manipulation, brainwashing, and white lies were all that was needed to control Leon, moulding him into their perfect little puppet. Yet despite all this, Leon knew exactly what Nikolai and Wesker were doing. But he didn't care, as it only fed his hatred; his hatred for a government that used him for a war he didn't ask for, his hatred for the people he thought he could trust, only to be stabbed in the back and left to rot, his hatred for a man he once called an ally, only to be given a bullet to the head.
The trauma, brainwashing and brewing hatred all culminated in a drastic personality change. The once kind, brave, selfless former cop was now cold, calculating, cruel, even insane. Leon was not only Umbrella's best agent, but their most brutal interrogator. His broken mind was his strength, his armor, his sword; and his Plaga-born ability to read his victim's memories only made him much more terrifying.
When the Entity kidnapped Leon and dragged him into the Fog, he was livid. He was already a weapon abused by a higher power, so to be dragged into what he saw was another mindless war made his blood boil. But when he saw how helpless, defenseless and weak his competitors were, Leon couldn't help but grin like a madman. The screams, cries of pain and fearful whimpers were music to his ears. Yet despite his insanity and cruel nature; Leon still possessed a soft side.
Oftentimes he found Survivors that had been excluded or pushed out of the Safe Zone by the others. This, coupled with the parental nature of the Plaga resulted in Leon developing emotional attachments to these abandoned Survivors, taking them under his wing and caring for them as if they were his children, offering shelter and protection from both Survivors and even his fellow Killers.
When one came to him, broken and crying, Leon's heart sank; who dared hurt his child? He tried coaxing the injured Survivor into telling him who was the culprit, but it was clear that whatever happened to his child had been severe. He gritted his teeth, already planning a painful punishment to whoever hurt his little lamb.
Once the Survivor was treated and sent to rest in the safety of the police station, Leon left for the Killers' Campground. It was abuzzed with activity, with every Killer lingering in senseless conversations, rambling and complaining about their Trials. But that was none of Leon's concern, as he had only one thing in mind; to punish the one that harmed his child.
Soon, his nose caught a familiar scent; his child’s blood. He followed the scent, pushing past the others, ignoring their retaliating comments, till the scent stopped in a empty spot in the treeline. He knew who it was; a Killer unseen in the waking world, a demon, an angry spirit, a scum of the earth.
“Nightmare” the old soldier finally uttered, anger lacing his voice. “Show yourself, I know you’re there.”
A haunting snicker lingers in the cold air as the Dream Demon materializes, not as solid but not transparent.
“Bold of you to call out to me, Rookie.” Freddy mused, a chuckle lingering in his voice. He circles Leon, running his gloved hand across the old soldier’s throat, the blades leaving thin trails of blood. “Tell me, Little Lamb, why have you come to the loin’s den and call out to a God?.”
A growl left Leon, paired with a sneer and a burning hatred in his eyes. How dare this man call himself a God? The Nightmare was nothing a but a cancer in human form; what remained of one at least.
“One of my children came to me” he finally spoke, his tone laced with rage yet he kept his calm. “The poor thing was wrecked; beaten, bruised, slashed; slashed by rusted blades.”
He turned, glaring at Freddy with bright yellow eyes. “The scent of their blood clings to you like cheap cologne. Were you the one to taint their skin with your filthy hands?.”
A low hum left the Dream Demon, followed by a smirk. Without warning, Leon fell into the Dream World. Before he could react, the old soldier was pinned against a tree, the bark digging into his back as a burn-scarred hand clutches his throat, squeezing what little air remained as nails sliced his flesh.
“Watch what you say, Rookie” the Nightmare muttered, pressing his body against Leon’s while dragging the blades of his glove along the other’s face. “You may be a Killer, but I can still hurt you here. And I will make you feel exactly what your pathetic little pet felt.”
Leon could feel his face go numb as white spots clouded his vision. His feet barely touching the ground, his own hands wrapped around the Nightmare’s wrist, struggling to break free. He flinched when he felt the disgusting rusted blades slip underneath his shirt, painfully gliding over old scars that stung like salt in a open wound.
“How disgusting” Freddy whispered, his putrid rotting breath making Leon gagged. “A Survivor turned Killer, yet you get attached to your prey and treat them like your little bundles of joy.” He runs his slimy tongue along the nail marks in the other’s neck, grinning. “Good thing I’m here to set you stra-“
The Nightmare was cut off as a broken tree branch was plunged into his stomach, causing him to reel back and fall to the ground. Leon also fell, gasping for air. He coughed violently before retching his stomach out, for he saw Freddy’s memories; what he did to those children, both living and dead. How he express joy in destroying innocent lives, breaking their minds and scarring their souls.
Having finally caught his breath, Leon turned his gaze to Freddy; his yellow eyes now red with pure rage and hatred, possessing a glare so cold it burns. Slowly, he stood up and walked towards the other, his breath still ragged from being strangled. He grabbed Freddy by the collar of his shirt and stared for a good second before striking a powerful blow, strong enough to pull both men into the waking world.
The abrupt return to the waking world had caught the attention of the other Killers, who upon seeing the two, immediately halted any conversation they had to shout at Leon, demanding he cease his attack. Yet their words fell on deaf ears, as Leon saw nothing but red. He didn’t stop, not even when his hands were drenched in blood. He didn't stop, not even when Freddy pleaded for mercy through broken teeth and shattered bone.
Finally, Leon stopped his assault on the Nightmare. Standing over the other's near-dead body, panting heavily, his hands dripping with blood and his eyes still red with anger, but paired with a wicked grin that could out-match Wesker's.
"Go near my children again" He started, picking up Freddy by his neck and holding him up. "If you even look at them wrong, if you even think about touching them; I will break you. I'll break your limbs, your bones, your mind, your soul; I'll make you fear me. I’ll break you so bad, you’ll be looking over your shoulder, dreading every corner, every shadow, every door, every window. You’ll be walking on eggshells and running in fear like the ugly little rat you are.”
The Nightmare flailed in Leon's grip, choking for air. Soon, a chilling crunch is heard and Freddy falls limp, seemingly dead. The old soldier drops the dead killer like a doll before turning to leave, only to be cornered by Evan, The Trapper.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Evan exclaimed, grabbing Leon by the collar of his shirt. “Do you have any idea just how ANGRY the Entity will be when she finds out? Are you mad?!.”
The old soldier was still, unfazed. Then, an unsettling chuckle escaped his throat as he gazed up at the other Killer, eyes fluctuating between red and yellow, the maddening grin now brighter than before, almost in a happy kind of way yet chilling as well.
“Oh Evan, I completely understand the consequences of my actions; I just don’t care.” Leon hummed, prying Evan’s hand from his shirt and pushing him away.
“I tolerated the Nightmare, ignored his antics. But he crossed a line when he RAPED my child! I saw what he did, heard what he heard, felt what he felt; and it was DISGUSTING. He does not deserve to be a Killer, he deserves to be DEAD!.”
An uncomfortable silence fell on the campgrounds, the others unable to utter anything, even a whisper. Leon’s voice, how calm he was, even when shouting, was almost inhuman. How he smiled as he pulverized Freddy’s face, how he chuckled as he spoke, how his eyes bore holes into their souls; it was, as if, the Killers begin to feel vulnerable. Vulnerable…… like prey, like Survivors.
They had begun to feel fear; fearful of Leon, who they saw just brutally murder one of their own. Yet, they were powerless.
Leon took a step closer, getting right up in Evan’s face, smiling. “The same applies to you lot as well; if you ever lay a hand, a blade, a claw; on any of my children, if you even look at them wrong; I will rain HELL down on all of you. Not even the Entity can protect you from me.”
The old soldier shoved past Evan, exiting the campgrounds. His words echoing in the other killers’ minds like a holy song, leaving them almost shaking in their boots.
The sound of running water faintly echoed in the showers, blood staining the porcelain white sink as Leon washed his hands, the hot water burning as it hit fresh open sores. He glanced up at the mirror, his eyes tracing the thin faint lines in his face. He gritted his teeth when he saw the nail marks in his neck, remembering the putrid stench as the rat bastard ran his filthy tongue over the marks…
More blood dripped down onto the sink as Leon clawed at his own throat, replacing Freddy’s marks with his own, almost like a painful eraser. He could’ve easily passed out from the pain, but then again, he hadn’t been human in a long time. Returning his gaze back to the mirror, he grinned when he no longer saw the Nightmare’s marks. That grin became bigger when he recalled the fear in the other’s eyes, the cries for help, the tears and whimpers of pain.
The old soldier found the injured survivor in the bunks, it was clear the incident had taken a lot of mental and physical energy, as they were fast asleep on top of the covers. Gently, Leon moved them under the heavy blanket and tucked them in, planting a little kiss on their forehead.
"Sleep well, child. The Nightmare can't hurt you anymore." He whispered, his voice like a soft melody. He gently stroked their hair before sitting on the floor next to the bed. He brushed his fingers against his throat, now bandaged as were any other wounds present. The showers looked like a murder scene, but he didn't care, he'll clean it in the morning. Right now, what mattered most was healing his dear little survivor.
---- END
Dear fucking god that took forever! But I did it!
I apologize if there's any grammatical errors or the warning tags are wrong as I don't write fics very often. 😅
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ritzy-cervidae · 3 months
picture coming soon!
Name: Alastor "Tory" Serrano
Alias: The Radio Demon, Kingpin, Boss
Universe: Mafia-Verse
Family: Was given up for adoption at birth - doesn’t know his parents
Age: 29 
Birthday: 1900 June 13 (Gemini)
Deathday: 1929 March 3 (Was Assassinated by someone in the Family he was working for)
Languages: English, Italian, Portuguese 
Height: 7'0
Gender: cis man
Body temp: normal temp is 100 Fahrenheit
Physical description: Coming soon!
Body Ref: Coming Soon…
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Aromatic Demisexual
Valentino “Lenny” Serrano (Husband: Assassinated by Tory) 
Velvette (Friend: Assassinated by Tory)
Vox: (Friend/Contracted soul: Enslaved by Tory)
Rosie (Friend: Assassinated by Tory)
Husker (Contracted soul: Assassinated by Tory )
Nifty (Contracted soul: Assassinated by Tory)
Angel Dust (Contracted soul through marriage: Assassinated by Tory)
Species: Deer demon/Sinner
Sinner’s Punishment: Cannot connect emotionally to others, Permanently starving
Hair Color: Black with red tips
Eye Color: Black sclera, bright red irises
Likes: Torture, Bathing in blood, Cutting Vox’s wires, seeing how long he can keep someone alive while playing with their guts
Dislikes: His Victims getting away, Vox, everyone 
Hobbies: randomly choses someone to torture, Keeping Vox alive, gaining as much power as he can
Vee Tower renamed The Tower
Random safe houses
He lives in The Tower with Vox
Occupation: Lord of Pentagram, The Kingpin Mafia boss of Pentagram City
Verse Tag: And everybody knows that the Plague is coming Everybody knows that it's moving fast
Personal Tag: As long as God in Heaven dwell.. Your soul.. your soul shall scream in Hell (💀Tory💀)
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gethellbcnt · 5 months
HEADCANON : KITTY & HONEY. ( ft. @kttybot )
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[ note : this character explores topics that may be considered DD:DNE ; please do not read in the case that you're not comfortable reading about the fictional exploration of such topics. ]
Honey and Kitty have a... complicated relationship, to say the least. the two were sold as a pair -- an uber-duber femme deluxe package that were advertised by Mammon, with all the gizmos and gadgets you could ever desire ; they are each other's best friend, worst enemy, and emotional bedfellow when not entertaining or serving their masters : the Vees.
they are not true " sisters " in the organic sense, as they are both robots. though they do see each other in a somewhat similar light, but they mainly play it up as a part of their gimmick as " twinsies " for fanservice, similar to how Ouran High did so with their twin characters.. but with the added bonus of both of them being robots with partial souls and they aren't actually related.
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blindsighted · 3 months
It's too optimistic to assume Obito would not be into skull-fucking.
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rebelpuff · 19 days
i started reading taming seraphine at 9pm last night. i devoured nearly 300 pages in two hours because i am still so confused
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defiedfate · 4 months
Would you ship Vesper with Cazador? ASKIGN FOR A FRIEND 👀
that would be a manipulative hateship worth exploring because I am a toxic pos and Vesper has sexual trauma from that greasy vamp ok
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shaisuki · 2 months
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content warnings: yandere themes, past mentions of abuse, noncon, baby trapping, dubcon, manipulation, stalking, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, ooc characters, crying, redemption arc?, murder, abuse, rushed writing. dead dove do not eat.
notes. my first post in april. been struggling for awhile and having writer's block plus having the new addition of two chunky puppies that looks like potatoes with legs. requests are slowly being worked on and i deeply apologize for the delay. thank you!
synopsis: long they searched for you and only to find out you have a child. their child. would they be still the same person who had hurt you or a changed man for the sake of your child?
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“where's your mom, little guy?”
there is no doubt about it. the child in front of him is his. it is like looking at the younger version of himself except for the hair, dyed black to conceal the snow-white hair identical to him. how fast can he come up with the conclusion that the child is his?
gojo was careful of the past hookups he got tangled with. there's no way he will knock some random stranger and be forced to take responsibility for a child he didn't want. there is only one person he did get pregnant, you.
his wife who escaped left him a few years ago with his unborn child growing inside your belly. funny how all those escape attempts you'd done in the past, you only succeeded once and that is when you're pregnant and then after that you disappeared like you didn't exist in his life but gojo isn't that willing to let you go. he will find you. there's no force or power in this life that can stop in him and only fate to intervene and guide him to you which leaves him in this current situation.
the sun begins to set and the clouds turned into a mix of oranges and red. the swing makes a creaking sound as it sways back and forth along with chains clanging with every move. resonating into the emptiness of the park and his son only ignores him. barely glancing at him while staring at the distance. waiting. waiting for his mother. waiting for his wife to pick him up.
gojo chuckles at the cold treatment his son have been giving him. hadn't been the most affectionate person just like when he's at that age. unforgiving and arrogant. he looked at the ground beneath him. a brief memory flashes by before looking at his son again. leaving the swing at a flash and sprinting towards someone. he follows the little boy and gojo smirks. fate do favor him.
“mama!” your little boy called to you. almost jumping in your arms and you fumbled a bit. balancing the plastic bags in your hold to pick up your son. threading his hair with your fingers and kissing his forehead like you always do.
“satoshi! sorry for making you wait. mama had errands to do. how are you?” in which your son looks at you with a huge grin in his face. making you smile in return and he whips his head to look at the swings and you followed his sight. there he is, your nightmare. the reason you have your son.
the temperature drops with every second as the wind blows stronger. you hugged your son tighter to you. your body freezing with your mind telling you to run and with a deep breath. you squeezed your son before taking a step backwards and turning around. never looking back.
he watched as his son went to you and you picking him up and you realizing that he's near you. just within arm's reach and that fear coming from you. good to know he still have a hold on you.
calm down! you tell to yourself while you carried satoshi away from that man. you know you can't hide from him forever. you will just run again. no matter how many times. you did it once — what's the difference of doing it again.
you write a mental note to yourself to pack your bags after this. you're not going back again to him, not with your child. you don't want him to go through the same things he put you through. he was already dead to your son and to you and he's merely a ghost who terrorizes you. when you got home, you made sure to lock all your doors before making dinner and tucking your son to bed and then you grab the bags.
after packing up the last necessities, you slowly trudged your way up to your son's room and your heart drops when you see him looming besides your son's sleeping figure.
“quite bold of you.” he began to speak and your lips tremble. he didn't face you and kept looking at his son. your face bereave with anger. “s—” the words die out before he interrupted you.
“going as far to dye my boy's hair. almost thought he's not mine and thinking you found yourself another man to take care of you. breaks my heart to kill him and take you.” caressing his son's hair. satoshi remained asleep despite the scene unfolding.
“satoshi doesn't need someone like you. we don't need you. stay away from him. from us.” you murmured. careful not to wake satoshi up and find his father. you don't need someone like gojo to be around satoshi.
“can't i?” said satoru. slowly standing up and making his way to you. “cause the last thing i remember, you were still mrs. gojo. pregnant with my baby.” you let out a silent yelp when he suddenly hugged you.
“let go.” you firmly warned him. squirming from his grasp but he only held you tighter. “i won't. now you're here with me. you don't know how much i have missed you.” he breathes out. his hand in the back of your head until it slowly descends on your back. squeezing the dips of your hips and you silently gasp. trying to keep the tears at bay. his nose in the pulse of your neck. breathing in your scent. “you won't deny me.” he whispers and before he could fully go down in you. he hears the bed creak, followed by someone shifting and a sniffle coming from his son. his hold got loose on you and with that, you pushed him off. joining his son in his bed to comfort him.
satoshi sniffles, his eyes fluttering and showing the blues that he inherited from his father. “mama?” he calls you and you immediately shush him. “mama's here, satoshi.” you coo. pulling the covers and tucking it beside you and satoshi latched into you. his eyes beading with tears. “it's just a nightmare, satoshi. nothing's going to hurt you.” you lied. there's only one who could hurt you both. the man who put you in hell for his own. he can do that to satoshi too and you won't let him.
although gojo had longed and wanted to take you there at the moment, he let you tend to his son. set aside the urges of longing for you who left him. a discovery he just had found hours ago. he's a father now. his back presses at the cold wall behind him and he melts at the tender moment before him. this is what you had been doing for the last five years and is it that long. five years. five years had gone by and he missed it. he wasn't there to take care for you and watch his child grow up. you stole the years and the moments where he could be with you and his son.
there's the gnawing feeling that eats him inside. the betrayal simmering in his chest the day you left him, days after he received the news that you were carrying his heir. it feels like an eternity after that.
when satoshi finally settled and you can hear the tiny snores coming from him. you slowly removed yourself from his side. it took awhile to pry his hands clutching your top before replacing it with a pillow. you kiss him in the forehead and it's finally to face him.
you're beneath him. his head hung low while he stares deeply at your eyes. both of your hands are pinned beside you. he glances at your bedside table. littered with pictures of you and satoshi. it makes his heart bleed to see him absent from all of it. he wasn't even there to see satoshi as a baby, taking his first step and see him grow to what he is now. it's all because you choose to leave him.
“you raised satoshi well.”
“i did. i'm not raising satoshi with you around.”
gojo hums, “oh, really? he didn't ask who might be his father is?” quite curious about it and he knows what you're about to answer and you didn't disappoint.
“i did. told his father was dead because you don't exist to us. to satoshi. why bother with us who don't want you?” you bravely stared back at his eyes and you thought this is going to be satoshi when he grows up to be satoru's age.
“i am bothered with it. my wife leaving me out of the blue with my child inside you. i told you, didn't i? i will always find you.”
you take a deep breath to keep the tears from spilling out of you. “five years. five years, satoru. you should have moved on. find another woman who can give what you want.”
“they can't if they are not you. why would I want myself another one when i know my wife and child are alive. how could you be so cruel to me, (y/n). you're my one and only.” gojo holds your cheek in his one hand while his eyes roam to your face and then landing in your lips.
he's been dying to kiss you for a long time and he can do it again. it feels like the first time he had kissed you. soft. gentle and sweet. it hurt him a bit to see you bite your lips with your eyes closed but he didn't care. he knows this was also the same way you reacted when you both created satoshi.
a familiar warmth creep up on him. his once cold heart melting at the contact of your lips against his. heart thrumming in slow beats. shallow breaths fans your skin and he gazes at you, with the same adoration present in the blues of his eyes.
“leave, satoru.” you protested but gojo ignores it. “no, i won't. you're stuck with me.” you cry softly when he kisses you again. hands wandering all over your body and whispering filth of how he missed your body.
“satoshi's sleeping next room.” he shushes you. “i know, that's why we have to keep quiet. you sure can manage that, mochi?” he didn't change with his nicknames and you were left weak and hopeless against his touches.
that night he ravaged you. marking the expanse of your skin. praising how you were still his wife and you never changed. the plushness of your body and just everything about you. motherhood is kind to you. he says. your body is made for him, nurturing his child and you freeze when he talks about putting one on you again. saying that he will give the next his all love with you present and you will both take care of satoshi and his sibling. you were terrified. tasting freedom once and he's back on you again to take it. escaping will be harder and you don't think it'll allow you with again.
in a blink of an eye, you were in your own prison again. you find yourself staring at the familiar garden and you think five years will change it. he kept it the same as the last when you left with promises that you will both be watching as your children played.
satoshi's hair had gone to its natural color. he's the spitting image of his father much to his delight but his child remained wary of him. even he's staring at the older image of him. he remained by your side.
“will i have a baby brother, mama?” he asks you while you were resting. “i don't know, satoshi. do you want a baby brother?” caressing your swollen belly and you fought the tears. satoshi noticing the tears pooling in your eyes, instantly expresses his concern. “no...no. mama is just a bit tired, satoshi. don't you worry about it, okay?” you assure him. “is it the baby?” you nodded at his question. he pouts at your answer. “then i don't want a baby brother.... or a sister!” he exclaims before jumping to hug you.
“satoshi, don't be mean to your baby brother or sister.” your husband pulls satoshi from you. “i hate who makes mama cry.” gojo chuckles at him. “me too, satoshi. let's protect your mama, shall we?” he embraces your son. satoshi nods, and you die a little inside.
you will spend the next years playing house with him with a new addition to this family. you still can't accept this. his words haunts you and you just can't.
gojo caresses your belly. looking at you with a smile on his face. “can't wait for this little one to arrive.” he says to you and you crack a smile at him. the thought of escape no longer lingers in your mind. not that you can think when you have a child with him and one coming.
nanami didn't take you leaving him to be so distressing. his life revolving around you and a baby on the way. it's going to be complete. a life with you and it took one night for you to leave him without a trace and so he goes back to working overtime.
the first days were grueling. searching for everywhere. going as far in finding information with your relatives who had given up on finding you. there's no sign of you. he spent the days and night thinking about you. worried about how you're doing without him. what about the baby? if the baby was to survive and reach the age of consciousness will his child think of him? the thoughts are endless and he don't think he can live another day without you.
the fluorescent lights are too bright for his eyes that has been drowned by the darkness of his room. his headaches becoming unbearable as the minute passes by and the stench of the hospital adding to his already dulled senses. cheeks hollowed with his sunken eyes. dragging his step to move forward. he shouldn't be here but if he wants to continue his job, a prescription would be nice from a professional.
after a scolding from the older doctor, balding with a pot belly. yapping about his health while he wrote his prescription. consisting of vitamins and stuff he didn't bother to read cause he will only give it to the pharmacist and continue his own source of living.
he was nearing the exit when a particular sign caught his sight. pediatric & maternity ward. he stops for a moment. wondering if you were here and he's accompanying you to get the first check up of your pregnancy and then an appointment for your ultrasound. hear the first heartbeat of his child and know the due date of you giving birth.
it's almost a year since you left him and he was to blame. nanami knows it was wrong to keep you for himself. telling that the outside world is dangerous for someone like you and he's facing the consequences of hurting you.
you must have given birth at this day and the baby must be four-months old. his heart grows heavy the more he thinks of you and his child. he began to walk away, the ward giving him pain and the regrets showing up. before he could step outside the doors from the ward opens and he hears a voice that he misses dearly.
when he turned around, he had to rubbed his eyes to ensure his vision wasn't playing him. there you stood, a nurse assisting you and talking on what he can assume as good wishes to you.
his breath hitches and when the nurse bid you farewell before going back to her duties. you smile back at the nurse and your attention is back in your baby. adjusting the blanket to provide warmth for the infant and when you were contented from it, you raised you head to look at your way. beginning to walk and you notice him.
you stopped when you recognize him. out of all the places to meet him, a hospital it is. worst is — you have your baby with you. hesitating to move forward or turn around and look for a another exit but it's him. it's nanami. you couldn't forget him and his ways of making you feel trapped.
what feels like an eternity and standing like a statue you continued to walk. abandoning the fear of being under him again. you could just ignore him and go home and so you did.
it hurts so much to let you go and he didn't have the strength to confront you. knowing that you'll run again and he don't want to scare you and make things worst. it pains him and yet, he was at peace. a heavy weight being lifted from his chest and he thinks he can breath properly again.
it took him awhile to get back in his daily routine when you were still around. he'd gotten better. there's no longer the dark lines under his eyes and he seems productive nowadays. he knows you won't take him back and he can't do that again to you. he won't give you a reason to loathe him again — not when his child is present in both of your lives.
he got your address effortlessly and now, he's standing in front of your door. holding a bouquet of flowers and he's adjusting his tie before knocking in your front door. he hears the shuffle of feet and the lock clicking. revealing yourself in front of him.
in a span of a year, you slowly managed to get back on your feet. body aching while you wash yourself clean and heal the wounds you inflicted in yourself while you were in his captivity. you needed to change — if you were going to bring this baby in the world. a brand new start for yourself.
when you met him that day at the hospital with his child cradled in your arms. it won't be too long for him to get you back and you feared for the safety of your child. you know nanami isn't that heartless but considering how could he be selfish at times — you knew what fate would await for your daughter.
not until he came knocking at your door. you weren't prepared for it and you did what only you can do — shut the door. it didn't happen, his arm blocking the door. “please, darling. let me explain.” he pleaded and it kinds of break your heart to hear him pleading but you're too hurt to give in. “leave us alone, kento.” you say to him but he's persistent.
he won't be leaving anytime soon, you think and maybe he'll force his way and escalate into something that can harm you or your child and you give in. you pull the door open and nanami sighs in relief when you opened the door for him.
“what do you want?” you bite your tongue when you said it. he didn't need to answer, you know what he wants.
“can we talk?” although he's a little worried about how you will react about it considering his past mistakes and he knows you're not going to open up at him anytime soon.
he didn't missed the change in your attitude. what hostility forming into you change into something of a hesitation. chewing into your lips as you decide whether you were ready to talk to him until you nodded. granting him to explain what he was about to say to you.
“come inside.” you softly mutter as you turned your back around him.
the full force of his regrets came crashing down at him from how the way you treat him. a reflection of how he badly treated you from shielding you against the world when it was him who was truly hurting you.
“so...” you started to speak at him. “what brings you here?” why are you this!? you thought to yourself. screaming internally at the the questions you were asking to him. how come you are this weak when it comes to this. you needed to be strong. prepare for the worst.
“you. i came here for you and for the baby. forgive me, darling but is the baby mine?”
you flinch when he questioned your baby's parentage and the bottled up feelings you were suppressing instantly bursting into the scene.
“is the baby yours?...” your words drawl out. “is the baby yours!? i didn't know that you could be this stupid, kento?! you kept me chained for years and knocked me up with your baby and you question me about her! how could you....?” so much for suppressing the feelings you couldn't say to him for a long time.
a wave of regret washes over him and you were right. he is stupid. you were crying because of him again. you were shaking like a leaf while tears continuously flowing out from your eyes. your sobs are muffled and tears are soaking his shirt. his chin resting in the top of your head while he held you close. he wishes he could take your pain. redeem himself from his old ways of treating you bad.
“you come here telling me you want me back and you want to be a part of her life.....” days. nights. you were thinking of him despite what he had done to you. “i told you, i didn't want her. didn't want a child for me to raise... cried myself to sleep every night after escaping you.” it was true. how you feel your baby growing inside you every seconds of your life, it terrified you. thinking how can you raise the baby.
kento's eyes softened. he didn't know it would hurt so much like he felt when you left him. you were getting the brunt of it more than he did. he thinks back from the days of how he treated you and the whole duration of your pregnancy and you giving birth alone. you must been so scared and alone.
all of that, the words of what you said sinking deeper in his skin. remorse and regret is evident in his face while he held you.
“i didn't know.” he whisper, his voice above a breath. “i didn't know you felt that way, darling.” the endearment of what he used to call you and calling you again with it again cause more tears to spring in your eyes. oh, how you love and hate him at the same time.
“i didn't know i could hurt you this bad, i—i was only thinking that if i have you back, everything will be fine. i didn't realize i was hurting you this much.”
he slowly moves away from you. reaching tentatively to hold your hands and his heart breaks to see the face he loves so much to be this hurt. “i want to make things right, darling.” there's a slight tremor in his voice. “i know i can't undo what i had done to you, but please, let me be here for you, for our child.” he holds your hands gently. “i'll do whatever to earn your forgiveness.” you were taken aback from all of it but deep down you could never trust him or forgive him. you didn't respond and you can only shake your head not until you hear crying in the nursery room where your baby sleeps.
“if you want to be better, leave us.” you began to walk away and as much nanami wants to snatch you again, you stop in your tracks. “and maybe, i'll let you back to us.”
“for now.” you added.
he kept true to his words. it's hard but it can never compare of what you had been through and he respects the boundary you were setting. he sent you flowers during the time he wasn't around and it was not enough, he needed to see you and when he did, he was granted to see his daughter, hold her in his arms.
the baby looks like you except for the blonde hair and it was just like he dreamt. a family with you. she's perfect. perfect as her mother who graced him with her presence and this baby, he will protect this child with you.
he finds you crying. masking it as dust getting in your eyes but nanami knows you like the back of his hand. after tucking his daughter back to her crib, he joins you. sitting beside you and it broke his heart a million pieces knowing you were still in the process of forgiving him.
he's a father now but he is still your husband. “i'm so sorry, darling.” he whispers, holding your hand in his. pulling you closer to rest your head in his shoulder but nanami had longed to kiss you again.
he cups your face in his hands. caressing your round cheeks and despite wanting to recoil from his touch and avoid his gaze, some part of you wants to be held like this and you can't lie to yourself that you missed him despite everything. tough love it was or is it there still love in that?
“let me make it up you.” you shaked your head. closing your eyes and a tear escaped from the corner of your eye. nanami frowns. sighing before pressing his forehead into yours for a moment before pulling away to kiss your forehead.
this is nothing, he will endure it for a very long time until he can be yours again.
he call it a happy accident. toji happens to beat that self-proclaimed sorcerer piece of shit and now, that shit is meeting his creator. he pays the body no mind when that leather wallet of this weakling drops beside his body. well, it's not the body is only cold. he expects to find some cold, hard cash there and he gets more than that. a picture of his wife and toji clicks his tongue. kicking the son of a bitch's body. annoyed that his wife is playing house with a another man that didn't even manage to put a scratch on him.
an idea appeared in his mind and toji smirks. he could pay this wife of his a visit. you would be so happy to meet him.
he came knocking at your door and the look you expressed is the best you can ever muster in a true horror of him finding you, it didn't disappoint.
“hey there wife. remember me?” he said in the most cocky voice he can muster and look at you, you're almost shaking in your boots but toji is surprised as you are when you were holding a toddler in your arms. a dead ringer of him. round, emerald eyes with the same eyelashes and face as his. clutching your blouse with a pacifier in his mouth.
his sight narrows to his son and to you. his once surprised face being replaced with a bored look and you couldn't even bring yourself to close the door. you don't know what he's thinking and so he got you when you're weak.
“you birthed a brat and it's mine?” it's not a question really when he comes doing this. his hard body pressed against your soft one. trapped in the cold table where you prepare him tea. insisting that he's a guest in your house and you must be a good host to serve him.
toji sighs, a low grunt coming from him. “you could be so mean if you want to. hiding my child and you come playing house with a man you replaced me with.” your blood runs cold with every words he said and the hands wandering all over your body until it came creeping below your blouse and his rough hands are squeezing the flesh of your stomach. you closed your eyes shut.
“he's a good man. which you will never be and you killed him.” your lungs contracts before releasing a breath that will took you days, months or for years to tell him that and you said it in one breath.
his eyebrows twitch. a look of disdain dawning in his face. just because you tasted freedom and you're acting like a goddamn independent bitch. you deserved to be punished.
the tea's now forgotten cold. you're pinned in the counter top with toji's cupping your jaw in a deathly grip. the skin of your wrist turning into a another shade. the circulation cut off and it begins to numb.
“who said about me being good man? he's a weakling who can't even protect himself and that weakling lead me to you and you're his what? his bitch? a body to warm his bed? when you should be doing it to mine!? you're one ungrateful bitch.” toji chuckles and he smirks triumphantly.
“my kindness needs to be paid, princess.” and here he goes calling you with the spiteful nickname to you.
he didn't give you the time to reply and forcefully kissed you. you almost choked at his whole body weight crushing your own. you couldn't even move your face to the side and reject that kiss of him. you didn't need him and your mind froze thinking of megumi.
you don't want him to see you in this position with his father. you kissed back, giving him what he wants so you can tell him. resistance is futile with megumi present in your life now.
toji grunts. you can feel him smile against your lips and when he breaks the kiss. you stare at him with your eyes pleading. “megumi.” and toji got the message of what you're talking. he glances at the door of the kitchen and he can the tiny shadow of his son walking, although a little wobbly and using the walls to balance himself. he scoffs at his son, ruining his reunion with his mother and toji is quite annoyed by it but it didn't stop him from feeling proud of birthing his son.
toji lets you free and your knees wobbled, giving out on you and you were left kneeling at the cold floor. megumi spotted you and in his own steps made his way to you in which you hugged him tightly.
“you ain't going to introduce him to his old man, wife?” you pursed your lips at his question and ignored him. rubbing megumi's back and shutting his father out and it ticked toji to just take his son away from you but resisted the urge to do so. knowing he can use this to keep you to him again. you would be so obedient with a little threat.
“careful now. you don't want me taking our little megumi away from you.” he warns. “now, put megumi to sleep and we can continue this little reunion of ours.” you nodded and you immediately scamper away from him and you see the front door. you can run but he'll catch you. you accepted your fate now and you would take the brunt of his punishments cause you're a disobedient wide who didn't care about your husband's desire.
it would be a waste to chain you again. toji thought. you're a mother now and he got a son with you. he don't want any interfering from how you will raise his son. he couldn't think about anything and maybe after you put megumi to sleep. he could think the ways he could keep you by his side again. for now, he'll just be a little patient and he can have you again for himself again.
it was a mix of being ashamed and scared.
you knew this day will come when suguru and his child will reunite once again. the last he seen you was a baby bump visible in your dress in which he was happy. it did take root. a new lineage for the age of sorcerers.
dusk beginning to settle in the skies and you were supposed to fetch your son in the front yard telling that supper is ready and to your surprise. you found suguru standing tall, head low to face your son. a smile plastered in his face the whole time talking to your son and then he notices your stiff figure standing in the pavement before slowly walking towards them.
“i am your father. did your mommy told you that?” he asks and your son is processing what the words could mean. taking a glance between you and to his father. waiting for an answer in which you remained silent and only to tell him to go inside and wait for you.
suguru smiles. the smile that you hadn't seen for years and you can't deny that it still have an effect on you. “missed me, (y/n)?” the curse user spoke to you. his black and long hair swaying in the rhythm of the gentle breeze blowing.
“not really.” you honestly said to him and suguru's eyes changes into something dark from how you responded. “guess you got tired of all that luxury or everything's not enough for you.” he tuts. following the changes that is present in your face but he only received a curt shake of your head.
how shallow is that. you were like a pet to him. something he owned. a possession. he didn't like you being you and so you were lavished with expensive stuff that would keep you chained from the compound and to his little family. family. one you never had and never truly belonged in his place however you laid with him every night and the result, your son. living and breathing.
once you found out you were with child. it was a realization that you were never free and it hit you that this child will suffer the same fate as you and so you walked out. never looking back with the sole intention that you will raise this child with a perspective of the world and not to be influenced. his own and so you lived for years in peace until he showed up.
a shiver went down your spine from the contact of his fingers tracing to your soft jawline. electric and shocking. with a touch you will obey him but it's different. you're a mother now and something so good will only bring you to your own demise and it will extend to your child.
it is but you missed him touching you. a slave for his affections and you weren't really different from your past self. mustering the courage is the same as surrending yourself from the man who you treated as your world.
closing your eyes and you raised your head to meet suguru's eyes. purple it is. “you would understand why i left you, suguru. i can't raise ryū in that place.”
“and you think excluding me from ryū's life will change it?” not breaking eye contact while he caress your round cheek.
“yes. you're mad suguru and i can't change that.”
suguru chuckles. how motherhood impacted your ways of thinking. finding it so endearing to see you standing up and you wouldn't believe it that he's much more in love with your or whatever he was feeling. he knows it's bad for him and to you. “look at that, motherhood did you good. mad? i'll show what's mad, my dear wife.” he leans to whisper something to your ear. “i will let this go once and then prepare yourself. you will be back to me and with ryū, there's no chance of turning your back away from me.” he softly threatens to you and it weighs heavier. a contrast of the mellow tone of voice he was using.
“see you soon, (y/n).” kissing your cheeks before waving a hand to say goodbye to your son who was staring behind the windows.
suguru left after that and you knew what's about to come and you wished none of that will happen but suguru was always true to his words and you abandoned hope.
he will come back.
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senef · 1 year
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This is an indie private, and selective muiltmuse blog based upon mythology, original works, and canon characters and my name is Arya ( 28, she/her, EST ) and this is a pinned post with a few quick little notes;
This is a private (mutual’s only) blog and dash only , please respect that.
Triggering content will most likely be present so please proceed with caution, ask me to tag something if I missed it, and please be 18+ (21+ would be preferred though) if you intend on staying and interacting.
OC’s and crossovers are welcomed.
Drug use, child abuse, and sexual abuse are topics that are present with my muses, and a lot more triggering themes as listed in my rules in my carrd.
Wanna get a thread going? Send a meme prompt, make me a random starter, come scream at me. Whatever works for you.
Read my rules, about, and verses and we won’t have an issue.
Please read the rules & about before interacting.  CARRD  ┊ Other Blog
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z-zombi · 2 years
.。.:*☆ im Faris/zombi / he/him / 18+ years old ☆*:.。. >proship/faia or whatever you wanna call it. the fucked up things i like in fiction i dont condone in real life one bit >18+ blog even if i dont post nsfw or suggestive things all the time so no minors. please. >furry + dead dove enjoyer. i enjoy almost everything but scat is a major squick for me so youre safe from that (and absolutely no child rpf). >i have no sympathy for map/nomap and zoophiles as well as terfs. i dont want them interacting with me either. >ill do my best to tag everything but please remind me if i forget! >acclimating to tumblr again. havent been here consistently since 2019
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grnherbs · 9 months
the sweetest goodbye.
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mdni, eighteen plus only.
there's content in this fic which may be upsetting to some so content warnings are as followed; darkfic, stalking, obsession, non-con, voyeurism, dead dove; do not eat, drugging, cumplay, unconcious reader, non-con photos, creepiness, ooc leon kennedy
slick cum drips over the edge of his plush, yet somehow course knuckles, years of heavy work evident upon them. he watches you through the high apexed window and fucks into his aforementioned hand. the carnal grunt that leaves his lips as he watches your own pointer slip between the soft lips of your soaked and probably sweet pussy is near feral and he scoffs, the tear in his eyes one of pure disgust and shame for himself; but he’s fucked if he even imagines for one second he could stop. 
and for a second time, a whimper escapes his lips and he presses his ear against the wooden front door, if he turns his head to the left, ear flushed against it, he can vaguely hear your own whimpers reverberating through the oak, but barely, it’s not enough and he edges himself post orgasm. the mutual masturbation between the thick walls and double glazed windows is too much and simultaneously not enough for him. 
his cock throbs in his hand, almost like if he doesn’t fuck you, he’ll burn up indefinitely. it was sorely pathetic to come back night after night, hopping on various transports to spend a few hours of pleasure with you. but, you were so predictable, he had your schedule drilled into his head by now.
the eight am work calls, midday shopping, friends and then home to fuck your own cunt day after day. it was kind of cute and the predictability had led to him roaming your rooms when you weren’t around, the thrill of perhaps being caught as he cum’s into a pair of your used panties or when he ground his dick down into the very pillow he’d watched you orgasm on many, many nights.
the hair on the back of leons neck stands on edge as he looks down at his weeping cock once again this evening… “talk about predictable,” he mumbles to himself before fear of missing the show overcomes him and he whips his head back up in time to watch your eyes roll back into your head, a choked chuckle coming from his lips, mentally berating himself for forgetting to film you once again.
he’s been watching you for months now, a shameful amount of time had passed since you locked eyes at the grocery store you worked at, some organic non chain, where a brown apron cinched itself around your waist, ass perked up below it in some god willed sweatpants that seemed to hug you in all the desirable places. 
leon hadn’t meant to follow you home of course but the smell of your fresh flowery perfume had him wafting through the air like a cartoon character to a pie. he’d climbed the fire escape for the first time that night and was delightfully greeted with a similar sight to the private show he was receiving this evening.
he hadn’t meant to watch.. to perv, for want of a better word. but fuck, the cherry pie between your legs was truly hypnotising, like a snake being charmed by music or a mere man being bought in by some supernatural factor. the delicate parts of you were all he had wanted and more. he remembered the way you laughed and brushed his hand whilst helping him to pack the brown paper bags and it was another reminder of how rough his hands really were, whilst yours skimmed past like butter.
how he’d embarrassed himself when he read your name tag aloud and watched you stare at him puzzled for it before realisation passed through your silky eyes. and then, he’d come back the second night after painting your window with his cum, and you’d failed to notice that even now, the stain is still there. blushing, heating up his cheeks slightly, getting flashes of how insane this really was. how crazy it had been to follow you home and continue night after night to drip cum on your fire escape patio.
he pulls the used panties out of his back pocket again and held them up to his nose, eyes closed as he inhales, hips jutting out pre-emptively in excitement, but he pulls his pants back up as he watches you settle into bed, sleep shorts discarded for a lace thong and some oversized t shirt he hasn’t seen yet.
and now. he waits. one thing he knows for sure is how much of a heavy sleeper you were and the brush of the tips of your favourite cups with some medicine was enough to kick start yawns and desperation for rest. leon’s thoughts are calculated, this has all been planned and tonight, he plans to fuck you for the first time. he smiles, our first time. and he thinks it a shame you won’t be able to remember it but he’ll make it up to you.
climbing through the latched window; (he really has to teach you to be more careful) excitement laces his bones. his hands shake as he peels the cover away from your bare shoulders, dropping to his knees and burying his nose in your neck, he’s waited so long to touch you, actually feel you properly. his hand finds the hem of your shirt, pressing a hand on your belly beneath it, heart beating feverishly and he flicks his eyes up to your face once more before fully planting it, feeling his cock weep at being this near to you.
his free hand moves down to palm himself gently and he continues to nuzzle into your nape and take in all your undernotes. the hand resting on your belly slithers down towards the top of your lace panties, a shy finger making its way under the band, resting atop the groomed hair which lays there, his eyes roll back at the softness there, how were you so soft everywhere?
he pulls your panties down more, finger finding your still wet clit, after remnants of your playtime. he fully removes your underwear now, balling them up by your ankles and leaving them there, trying desperately not to cum right in his pants there and then. 
leon knows his time is running out but he’s trying his hardest to savour every moment possible. and against his own shallow will he’s pulling his pants and boxers down, turning you over and shoving his cock into your tight cunt, biting his lip so hard it bleeds, legs faltering slightly at how tight and delectable you truly felt, choking on a moan once more. fuck this, he thinks to himself and ruts his hips back and forth, the way your cunt holds him has him seeing stars. 
“ah fuck, shit, take that, take it baby, you’re so fucking sexy” he moans into your neck, losing any restraint or semblance of restraint he ever had, completely lost in the ecstasy of fucking his girl. even if you had no idea you were his girl. he had to admit he was reaching his edge much quicker than he would have liked to but, he had years of you to come and he pulls out before he reaches his high, splattering his thick cum over your back and shoulders, pornographic moan leaving his chapped lips.
he pulls away, pulling his pants up quickly and admiring his damage properly this time, before shifting his phone out his pocket, leaning down to kiss your covered cheek. “smile honey,” he teases your unconscious body, smirking and snapping a photo before he slinks back out of your room, softly closing the door and starting his commute back home. “see you tomorrow.” he says to the wind.
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