#ooc is serious business
More Than a Stray
She called for her But got no reply
She got worried Her cat usually came when she's called But, this time, she didn't come
The bowl of cat food seemed to be untouched
Strays often came and went This she knew since she's been feeding them But one was different
More than just a "stray"
No, she was special A little source of unconditional love Something she had a genuine sort of connection with
She prayed that she'd see her That her cat would answer her call And come to the patio again
The next day, she didn't come She called for her, looked around Still, the cat didn't come
She got a sinking feeling
Strays disappearing is something she's known However, the disappearance of one is just another In a line of misfortunes that year
Her heart is breaking
Where could her cat have gone? Perhaps something unfortunate did happen The gray one showed
But her cat didn't
Usually, the gray one gets run off Or her cat would show shortly after they've left But not this time
She went to look for her First in the usual spots and then somewhere different Her heart would be shattered
She found her But she was gone
The sky was graying She had a feeling of dread And she was right
Something terrible did happen
Fate was cruel She now knew why her cat didn't come And her heart had broken
Her little sunshine had gone Snuffed out and claimed by Death Some would go "That's sad" and keep it moving
But not her
Her cat was more than just a stay She was hers
She got to know her This cat was a kindred spirit A connection she had through and through
But, now, the connection is severed Snuffed out like a candle's flame In circumstances so cruel
Some parts of her were already gone But this part of her had died
Memories and regrets swirled in her mind
If she had broken the rules, maybe she'd still be with her If she got her rehomed, this wouldn't have happened, perhaps So many "What-Ifs"
She loved her The cat knew this She lamented how
She finally got to hold her After her spirit had ascended
For most, strays are little more than nothing A dime a dozen, easy to miss, replaceable But NOT this one, not to her
"Dusk" was special And existence is worse without her
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the-nerdier-nerd · 8 months
[Max and Jason arrive at the hospital in a rush. Jason gets the number for the room while Max hides from nurses. They go to the place they have to wait to see him.
It feels like forever but finally they’re able to visit.]
[ @star-jagerman ]
[Jordan is laying in a hospital bed, a little high on pain medication, but smiling. He seems better]
Oh, hey guys- how are you?
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mecchantheotaku · 6 months
Ooh, can you do that sickfic where Skeptic gets a coughing fit and Hunted helps him
Sorry for taking so long to get to this! Anyway, time for some more STP Voices Sickfics!
Note, this is non canon to my AU due to Drowned Grey being mentioned and that path not being part of my AU.
"Thanks for bringing me back here..."
As soon as he finished that, Skeptic burst into another coughing fit.
He'd been waiting outside for Quiet to return, but it started raining. Next thing he knew, hours had passed and he'd suffered from too much cold water hitting his body.
Luckily, Hunted was there and brought him back inside.
"That light coat of yours can protect you from mild cold, but it's useless against the rain. And the rain was far more than just mildly cold. You need shelter."
Hunted wrapped Skeptic up in a blanket after removing his coat and cardigan.
Skeptic took off his glasses. They were all smudged from the rain. He'd have to clean them later.
"It's okay. I learn from mistakes." Skeptic said, before coughing some more.
Hunted put a hand to Skeptic's forehead.
"You're burning up. You've been out there too long. I don't know how to treat this, so I'll go to the others for advice. You stay here."
Skeptic felt a little sheepish at being fussed over. He was not used to that. But if it meant he'd get better soon, he understood.
Little did he know, that was the last rational thought he'd have for a while.
Hunted came back with some medicine and soup packets.
"They suggested I stick to these for now and..."
Hunted stared at Skeptic in concern, seeing him sobbing and coughing more violently than before. The sobbing was particularly unusual, as he's not the sort of person that cries easily.
"Are you... alright?"
Hunted carefully approached Skeptic.
"Can't... get much breaths in... help..."
Skeptic could barely speak with how much he was coughing.
Hunted brought Skeptic back onto the sofa and gently checked his temperature again. It was hotter than before.
"You're not thinking clearly. Not with all that mess in you. You need to rest and recover. I have medicine and soup. That should help."
Skeptic grabbed Hunted's shirt with his shaking hands, his eyes begging for him to not leave him alone.
Hunted sat down next to Skeptic. It was painful seeing one of the most rational and level-headed of them reduced to this.
Skeptic began coughing again. It sounded painful, so Hunted bolted for the kitchen and got a glass of water for Skeptic to have with his medicine.
"This will do you good. I trust it will." Hunted assured Skeptic as he took the medicine.
After a while, the coughing became less intense and the fever went down a little. Skeptic could finally think again.
"Sorry about that..."
"It's alright. You weren't thinking clearly in that state."
Skeptic sighed, now that he could. He didn't want to have to open up to someone like this, but... he had to, didn't he?
"It's... not just that. Being in that state reminded me of... the time I drowned."
Hunted stared at Skeptic, and then grabbed his hand sympathetically.
"I'm... sorry that happened to you. Was it with a version of her? One I didn't see?"
Skeptic then felt more at ease. More like he could open up.
"Yes. It was. We failed to save that version, so she drowned us. Something about... sharing her pain. I understand why, but..."
Hunted pulled Skeptic into a gentle hug.
"But she still hurt you. You don't have to put up a wall right now. You don't have to just get over it. You can be vulnerable. We're safe now."
Skeptic let himself cry a bit more. He needed to at the moment.
"I'm not used to being safe."
"Neither am I. But I know that we are."
The heavy breathing from Skeptic's crying sent him back into another coughing fit.
"Easy. Don't overdo it. I'll make you some soup. That should help."
Hunted headed into the kitchen to make the soup.
Skeptic dried his tears. He didn't know when he'd be used to being safe, but it was reassuring to know he wasn't alone.
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rosecoloredmuses · 4 months
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((Since I had a burst of muse for Miyuki last night, I did some thinking about Glitter Force. For those who don't know, Glitter Force was an adaptation/dub of Smile Precure that released on Netflix in 2015. To describe what kind of adaptation, just imagine 4kids coming back from the dead and doing its usual thing to SmiPre. Americanized names, changing transformation and attack names, pretending that the show isn't set in Japan, yadda yadda. Oh and there's the "bonus" of the screen always going dark during attacks, the girls talking during their transformations as if kids have the attention span of a goldfish, making the tone so light it butchers the theme of the show, and new CGI endings to haunt your nightmares! Yeah... it was rough.
I think the thing that bothers me the most, even today, is the change of tone. Like... one of Smile's key Things is to keep on going no matter what tough or sad things life throws at you. Glitter Force, however, doesn't let things be sad or anything less than smiles and rainbows. I still remember that in Nao's power-up episode, they butcher the moment where she briefly thinks her siblings flippin' died by having the kids be like "we're okay" before the dust even settles.
I get that Glitter Force was made for kids but at the same time, so was Smile Precure.
I'm glad that Glitter Force introduced people to Precure but I am more than happy Crunchyroll has been simulcasting Precure seasons from the middle of 2020 onwards.))
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lustbcrne · 1 month
Thinking muses being super giggly and silly during sex. Clumsy little kisses peppered all over each other's faces, poking and prodding at each other in ways that make them squirm with laughter as one's getting practically folded in half, just that undeniable level of utmost comfort and ooey gooey playfulness
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moonspower · 11 months
this is another hautè takè cuz i went back to my old blogs from like 10 years ago.... ull see these psas now like ' WE DONT RP THE WAY WE USED TO CUZ WE'RE OLDER NOW WITH MORE RESPONSIBILTIES!!1 ' except when i look at my archive from back then its more fun, very brief threads that's just good one-liner after good one-liner and icons without borders, with gif icons, big text, etc, very low maintenance but also fulfilling. just how much time do we lend into making sure we look into being presentable or whatever the fuck who gives a shit when we could just be having fun.
just a thought.
people will announce that their dad died in plain unformatted text and will end the post with ' sorry for the ugly post. '
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handfulofmuses · 7 months
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shoutout to Bartholomew who was the only one who dared to stand up to Jinx when she took over and refused to bow and got punished for it it's little but that one scene says a lot about him.
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spring-lxcked · 1 year
forever in agreement that giving sp.ringtrap like. an iphone or ipad would be so funny.
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leondxs · 10 months
me listening to my silly power metal music
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“Please, call me.....”
Usually, they'd text But, this time, she called
She was worried And she needed to hear His voice
She was praying Praying for things to be alright That she'd hear his voice
She knew he was hurting And he needed support
She was scared Afraid that she'd lose someone this dear to her That her heart would be shattered
She'd pray Pray that he'd call her
She was worried Worried, afraid, and confused But, still,
She'd pray And she needed to Hear his voice
Usually, they'd text But, this time, she asked That he'd call her
Praying to hear his voice And for all to be alright
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samaradiso · 1 year
logging on tonight because all of the meals i cooked at dinner involved cheese and i really think the cheese lady would appreciate that so much
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brinefrolick · 1 year
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{ everyone who follows me gets 7 days before i send sadako into your inbox to drink all of your pepsi and call you a bitch, good night and good luck }
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tellnxlies · 1 year
Patient: Did you receive my referral yet??
Me: I’m not showing one in your chart. When was it sent?
Patient: She told me 10 minutes ago she was going to send it! Can you call her?
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ofgentleresolve · 2 years
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not me thinking about how i probably...have to do, like a revamp write up of alfred's personality bc?? he's actually a lot more chiller in my head than i initially thought he'd be :'D
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xhatake · 2 years
things i'm thinking about really hard: kakashi the closeted romantic, leaving flowers & incense on his love interest's porch
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You're a wonderful person, always so cheery and uplifting and make my everyday a bit better. Quite a bit. Your characters are fun, so different from one another, I feel there's always something for us to do and joke about.
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/Bby come ere lemme give ya a smooch ;D
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