#ooc: me writing a post: this one's going to be shorter!
ghostsandmirrors · 7 months
( starter for @star-spangled-rogers with Bucky )
He shouldn't have been turning up this much.
The museum had become somewhat of a haunt, and wasn't that an appropriate description? He felt like a ghost, standing in front of that old image of James Buchanan Barnes, staring up at it like everyone else did.
That face was so familiar, and so unrecognisable, so impossible to connect to. It was him, supposedly, but it didn't feel like him. It felt like a stranger--and the story making him seem heroic wasn't helping--so he stared at it in silence, gaze unfocused, and hands buried in his jacket pockets. He had gloves on, but he still didn't need to make it obvious that he was hiding something. Hands in pockets was far more neutral.
He didn't know how long he was stood there for, though he knew it was far too long when he blinked himself back into reality and realised that none of the faces in his view were ones he'd seen when he came in. This couldn't be helpful, spending so much time looking at flashes of the past. Snapshots of moments that'd probably felt like they'd last forever.
Turning with a tired sigh, he caught site of… someone. Someone he wasn't sure if he was trying to avoid or not. A blond that he'd pulled out of the river. A small part of him said 'no', that he wasn't trying to hide from this man. An equally small part of him said 'yes', told him to run, to disappear. That part won; he turned away with the intent of blending in with the nearest crowd, hoping that figure hadn't seen him.
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stsgluver · 8 months
𝐒𝐍𝐀𝐏𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓 𝐏𝐓.𝟓 — gojo satoru
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synopsis. there's nothing more romantic than travelling halfway across the world for the girl you love... even if it is two years late.
wc. 3.4k
tags. none really, yn is described as shorter than megumi, possible ooc for EVERYONE, lowkey forgot how to write halfway through, possible spelling mistakes and plotholes (pls still like my writing i beg)
a/n. im sorry i never really got round to answering the comments on the last post but i have added everyone to the taglist who asked. so i did write two endings but one was bad SO i stuck to this one only <3 i hope this is the right end to the series and thank you sm for the support over the last few months!! i will have a 'spin-off-ish' series focused on the students making the videos in the first place which i will add the link to on this chapter once it's up. this is for @ilovejugs69 ly pookie
previous part / series masterlist
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“this is such a bad plan.” 
megumi let out a small sigh, resting his head back on the leather of the plane’s seat. an economy seat – much to gojo’s dismay – but there hadn’t been much time to consider other options, bar gojo buying himself a personal private jet and hiring a pilot all in the space of less than an hour. 
the dark-haired student clutched the arm rests as he felt his stomach churn in knots as the reality of their decision sunk in. it was a very last minute and muddled plan but gojo was desperate to see you again and megumi wanted nothing more than to have his family back – so when gojo offered to take them both to the other side of the world to find you, he agreed a little too quickly. spontaneity was not his thing and with each passing second he was remembering why.
gojo shuffled himself back in his seat, nose scrunching up in annoyance as he struggled with the small gap for his longer-than-average legs. if his height wasn’t drawing the pair any attention (which it certainly was), the uniforms and the sorcerer’s blindfold definitely were. he didn’t need his six eyes to feel the stares of strangers. 
“i’ve never had a bad plan in my life.” 
megumi scoffed at the declaration, rolling his eyes at the white haired sorcerer’s misplaced confidence. like it wasn’t gojo’s idea to send megumi on that mission alone that ultimately resulted in yuuji swallowing sukuna’s finger or his idea to prank nanami on his birthday that got both himself and the first years all detention. 
“don’t roll your eyes at me, young man,” gojo lightly swatted megumi’s arm, wiggling one of his fingers in front of the younger boy’s face. “your mother will think i’m a shit dad and won’t come back.” megumi ignored the tightening in his chest at the casualness of gojo’s words.
“you are a shit dad,” he retorted, closing his eyes and willing the next seven hours to go by faster than they were. he didn’t hate flying, but he wasn’t the biggest fan, and the nerves that were building up alongside the nonstop chatter from the man beside him were definitely not helping.
gojo gasped and megumi felt him jostling in the seat next to him, he could only imagine the dramatics his teacher was pulling in public. it was best he kept his eyes closed. 
“that wasn’t very nice. god, teenagers and their angst these days.” 
megumi heard gojo mumbling loudly under his breath and there was no doubt in his mind that there was a cheshire grin on gojo’s face, daring him to take the bait and bicker like the mature adult he was. 
however annoying he may have found him, megumi knew that gojo was just as nervous as he was. the two, however, were just polar opposites in all aspects. so while megumi just wanted to spend the next few hours trying to sleep and hope he’d have the courage to face you when he woke up, gojo wanted to play avoidance by teasing him as if they weren’t travelling halfway across the world for you.
when megumi didn’t respond, to gojo’s disappointment, a silence settled between the two. with his hands now stuffed in the pockets of his uniform and head almost on gojo’s shoulder, the dark haired sorcerer attempted to finally fall asleep.
“do you think she’s mad at me?” megumi asked quietly after about five minutes. 
gojo hummed thoughtfully, looking down at the teenager almost asleep on his shoulder. “she has no reason to be mad at you,” he said in the most reassuring tone he could muster.
“she’s never messaged me back,” megumi countered.
“at least yours still go through.” gojo huffed lightly, an attempt at brightening megumi’s mood at the expense of himself but it only left both more unsettled at their predicament. he knocked his knee into the younger boy’s gently. “get some sleep, this is going to be a long flight.”
“if you just take a seat here, i will go see if ma’am is available. it’s so lovely to meet her family finally.” a woman dressed in formal attire gestured towards a small lobby waiting room with a bright smile. 
there was no one else in there apart from one middle-aged guy with a briefcase, newspaper in hand. gojo thanked the woman, hand on megumi’s shoulder as he led him into the back corner of the white minimalist room.
the sun had set by the time they’d landed and found your office building – something that gojo had forced shoko to send him. he hadn’t even had a chance to tell her what they were doing before he’d gotten on the plane so after she had a go at him for leaving her out of the loop and not bringing her too, she sent across the necessary details with demands for regular updates. 
“i bet she’s going to call security,” megumi sighed as he dropped himself down into the black leather seat, resting his head back against the wall behind him. between school and the plane journey, he’d been awake for nearly twenty hours and the stiff seat he was on felt like a pile of feathers. he was going to fall asleep before he’d even had the chance to see you.
gojo crossed one leg over the other, hands crossed behind his head. the teenager wanted to elbow him for his calm posture – he could have as well, he’d dropped his infinity the second the two had entered the building. the second the older sorcerer had stepped into the building he knew you were here, recognising the cursed energy that brought him a familiar comfort he’d missed. “why would she?”
megumi snapped his head in his direction, eyes opening to give him an incredulous look, “why would you say you’re her husband?” 
gojo waved a hand dismissively, “i basically am–”
“was. several years ago.” megumi countered and gojo’s mouth dropped open at the audacity of his pupil to point out the obvious facts.
rolling up the sleeves of his jacket, gojo began to stand up and megumi was close to cracking a smile at his behaviour. the delirium of not sleeping was beginning to sink in. “okay, kid–”
“you’re here.”
gojo’s sleeves dropped just as fast as megumi stood up from his seat, both more alert than they had been all day. suddenly, the uneasy feeling megumi had had on the plane didn’t seem so bad, this was so much worse.
you’d barely changed since you’d left, bar your hair being a few inches longer. if the two looked closely enough at you, they’d realise you were just as wrecked with nerves as they were as you struggled to stop your hands from shaking.
when the receptionist had first come up to tell you that your husband and son were here to see you, your initial reaction had been to say she’d made a mistake… until the cryptic message shoko had sent you thirty minutes earlier started to make a lot more sense. 
she was the only one you’d maintained regular contact with after you’d left. initially you had gone on a complete no contact with everyone, refusing to even acknowledge that you had a life and a family in japan. you were scared and you’d chosen the coward's way out by running. it felt wrong to still have strings binding you to a life that was no longer yours.
but you missed her and you worried constantly about gojo and megumi, so you’d slowly built up messaging her once a month to every few days just to know everyone was still alive.
you had desperately wanted to take megumi with you but you didn’t have it in you take him away from his sister and, despite how you’d laid into him about how even he had limitations, you knew megumi was safer with gojo than you. in america, you were vulnerable to curse users and curses alike without the protection of any other sorcerers or specialist schools to help you.
the three of you probably looked like idiots to the other man in the room, all staring at each other too afraid to make the first room. it felt surreal to all be together again. you were afraid your longing to see them again had reached a point of insanity, and they were afraid of spooking you if they got too close too quickly.
megumi was the first one to make a move, stepping around the rows of seats and the centre coffee table till he stood a metre from you. “hi.”
your hand covered your mouth as you had to tilt your head up slightly to keep eye contact with the boy you’d raised since he was only a fraction of your height. you may not have changed but megumi had – both his height and voice – and the guilt of leaving him behind was overwhelming.
“oh my god, you’re so much taller than me.” you moved closer to him to gently grab ahold of his arms as you took in how much he had grown. there wasn’t a day that had gone by that you didn’t regret and feel guilt for leaving megumi and you only hoped he understood why you left him so suddenly. taking a step back, you gestured to his uniform, “what’s jujutsu high like?”
the words were bittersweet. what had leaving achieved apart from heartache? megumi was still a jujutsu student and gojo was still japan’s lifeline. maybe you would live a longer life in america, but was the life you had now worth the one you’d left behind?
“it’s…” megumi hesitated before clearing his throat, “it’s okay. there’s two other first years, yuuji and nobara. they’re alright.” you smiled at his words, flashbacks of your own childhood crossing your mind as you remembered the innocence of your first year. it was fun being in a class with two prodigies, you were mini celebrities in a world of rich and powerful sorcerers.
“i’m glad you’ve made some friends, megs,” the nickname rolled off your tongue too naturally and if megumi closed his eyes, maybe he could pretend that you were all still in japan and you were just catching up after being away on a prolonged mission. you glanced to the other sorcerer in the room who had remained silent up until this point – although he had silently made his way over. “i’m going to go speak with satoru in my office and then can i take you out for dinner? to talk properly?”
megumi nodded a little too eagerly, “yeah, please. i’ll just wait here.”
“perfect. satoru?” the acknowledgement was all the strongest sorcerer needed to be following behind you, keeping a distance of several paces as you led him inside your office.
gojo rested his forearm against one of the large ceiling height windows in your office that overlooked the city. you had to be at least twenty stories up and the blaring of car horns was simply a hum, vehicles appearing as mini red and yellow dots on the busy roads below.
“nice view.” 
it was the first words he’d uttered in your presence and despite him being the one to initiate the venture to you, he had no idea what to say. this was likely his only chance to convince you to come back and he may have already screwed up by waiting as long as he had.
“what are you doing here?” you asked as you pushed your door shut, leaving the two of you in the privacy of your small office. it was nothing special; a chair, a desk with paperwork piling up and no photos whatsoever. there was no trace that you even existed beyond these four walls.
“don’t i at least get an ‘i miss you’? i just travelled over ten hours for you,” he said lightly, trying to ease the tension in the room but your voice was no longer as soft as it was when you spoke with megumi. the teenager had done nothing wrong – he was part of the reason you left.
“it’s been two years.” he didn’t have to turn around to know that your arms were probably crossed in front of your chest, your head tilted to the side as you waited for him to explain himself. except he thinks his past offences of stealing all of the sweets before halloween were a little more forgivable than letting you leave.
his hand turned to a fist as he dropped it from the window, turning around to look at you properly. “i know.”
both of you stared at one another, neither of you speaking as you took the other in.
“you chose them over me,” you accused. them being both the higher-ups and the whole of jujutsu itself. you’d given him a chance to have a normal life – a natural life in which you’d grow old together and die of old age – and he’d chosen the short life where he’d likely die before he turned thirty.
“you knew what you were signing up for,” he said and there was no malice behind the words though they still frustrated you. he was right to an extent, he’d sat you down after you’d finished school, just before he’d taken in megumi and given you an out. you chose to stay, fully believing that the two of you had already gone through your worst.
“i didn’t realise i’d always be on the losing side.”
“we weren’t always losing–”
you stepped closer to gojo as you held out your hand, counting each disaster after the other with your fingers, “haibara died, we almost died, geto defected, we took in megumi and the tensions between your clan and the zen’ins got ten times worse. you said you wanted to change jujutsu society and what had we done? i never knew if you’d come home to me after missions, it made me feel sick.”
“how do you think i felt coming home to a note?” you could count on your hands the amount of times you had seen gojo angry – and while he wasn’t all the way there he was teetering on the edge as he frustratedly lifted off his blindfold, throwing it onto your desk. in the same way you’d been desperate for him to hear what you were saying before you’d left, he was equally as desperate for you to hear him now. to see that he was here. “megumi? at least geto left for a purpose, you just left.”
it was an unfair dig – geto had committed mass murder, after all – but similar to the one that you’d pulled on him two years ago.
you clicked your tongue as you tried not to make it obvious how badly that made you want to cry, holding your hands up in surrender. “was it so wrong to want a life where i didn’t go to work thinking i would die? to want a future?”
“you were my future.” he sounded sad as he uttered them, and it looked foreign to see the gojo satoru look so dejected. there were only inches between the two of you now and despite the fact he towered over you, he appeared so small as he continued, “was i ever yours?”
memories of your late teenage years and early adulthood play out as a montage: from your first meeting when you’d both gotten lost on the train to school, to the tears you spilled as you finished writing your note and closed the door to his apartment for the last time. 
“of course you were.” your voice was shaky, no longer holding any bite. until the day you’d left, since you were sixteen, you’d never envisioned a life without him.
gojo’s hand reached out to push your hair back from your neck, the little white scars still tarnishing your flawless skin. it was taking all of your resolve to not collapse into his arms and have him hold you like you knew he would. you were sure you’d believe him this time if he told you he could protect everyone, that he was in fact able to be in six places at once and still come out on top. “come back with us please.”
“satoru…” you dragged off, looking away as you fought between listening to your rationale that reminded you that nothing had really changed and your heart that missed being in love.
“just come back,” he repeated, “are you going to tell me you’ve found someone else? that you enjoy your life here?” it was wrong and selfish, he knew it, to be convincing you the way he was – to even be here full stop – but he missed you and he wasn’t ready to let you walk away again.
“i can’t lose you.” hesitantly you pressed your hands to his chest. for a second he was scared you were going to push him away, but you didn’t, fingers tightening around the material of his uniform.
“don’t be silly and travel halfway across the country then.” his voice was just above a whisper now as he brushed his nose against yours. “hey, look at me properly.”
you complied without any hesitation – you always did when it came to him. two years of no contact but your body still reacted on muscle memory to the sound of his voice. never in your life had you ever seen eyes like his, of course you hadn’t, and you were still taken aback by the full blue colour as he gazed down at you.
“tell me you don’t want me to kiss you.” you did want him to. “tell me you want me to walk out of this room and not turn back and i’ll do it.” he wouldn’t have left without you.
“i missed you,” you whispered, and that was all he needed to duck his head down to let your lips meet. gojo’s hand slipped round to the back of your neck, tugging you impossibly closer as his tongue swiped across your bottom lip. you missed this, you missed him, and you were going to find it impossible to let go of him again.
only when your lungs ached to breathe did you force yourself to pull back from your ex boyfriend. gojo’s eyes were still focused on your lips and you didn’t doubt that if it were up to him, he’d be leaning to kiss you again. it was only the light push against his chest that held him back.
“what are we doing?” you asked, voice wavering from both the kiss and nerves. whilst there was no doubt in your mind that gojo was who you wanted, you had many reservations about reentering jujutsu society.
“about to ditch this place and go back to japan on a plane. all three of us.”
you brows furrowed together, “but–”
gojo held a finger up your lips, his other hand slipping into his back pocket, pulling out three plane tickets. “i already got your ticket, you don’t want it to go to waste do you?”
you lightly hit his arm and smiled up at him. he was grinning now and it didn’t need to be said aloud – he was yours again (though he’d never really stopped being such) and you were coming home. “that confident?”
“surprised you were able to resist me this long.” he pecked your cheek this time, a hint of tease in his tone like he hadn’t needed megumi to convince him to even enter your office building in the first place.
you let his joke slide with no rebuttal. “are you coming to dinner?” you hoped you hadn’t been keeping megumi too long.
“do you want me at dinner?” gojo asked.
you reached across to your desk to grab ahold of his blindfold and passed it to him. as much as you loved being able to see his eyes, you’d rather not be spending your first twenty four hours with him in bed complaining about a splitting headache. “i’m sure megs won’t mind. plus you can pay,” you added with a wink.
gojo raised an eyebrow, lips tugging up at the corners into a slight smirk, “oh so that’s the real reason why you missed me?”
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taglist. @thefictionalcharacterssimp @hana-patata @mor-pheus @leathairs @sh0ek0 @maliakealoha @levisteeacup @g-kleran @stevenknightmarc @n1kimura @darliingyu @saturn-alone @splxtscreen @leah-rose03 @rinshoe @laurenzitaa @patricia142lilian @sabo-has-my-heart @wooasecret @dahliawarner @kysrion @dreamerdeity @mwah-chia @geromiegerald @arminsarlerts @maliakealoha @cherrypieyourface @k4romis @monsieurgucchi @bofadeezs @777userz @polarbvnny @chonkercatto @tenshis-cake @haitanibros0007 @ba-ks @liaurokodaki @urfavvirg0 @lofasofabread @r0ckst4rjk @vee-ai @aiikuraa @melileli0001 @rinshoe @vinivave @yell0wdreams @sukunasleftkneecap @malikazz243 @sad-darksoul @giannitaa @maliciousmace @name-insert @splxtscreen @kimvmarvel @ieathairs @janbannan @ja-zz @vangoes @starringz @ciscob1tes @theoriginaluzisimp @thirtykiwis @vivienne2000 @whydohumansss @purpleguk @simeon-lovergirl @missesgojosatoru @loveroftheoldestdream @mkaiiserr kazbrkker ancientimes thefirst-ofus animechick555 saccharinelixir seunnimg kookonsale
super sorry if ive missed anyone!
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fisshbones · 7 days
Hcs of some Hoyoverse characters!!
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ft!! Heizou, Sunday, Scaramouche/Wanderer, Furina, Sampo, Xiao, & Pela
Genre: fluff/crack!! No warnings that I can think of besides of being mildly ooc and some being shorter than others. Could be read as platonic. Modern Au Gn! Reader.
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Heizou ->
Has thousands and thousands of screenshots, pictures, and videos saved on his phone. Refuses to delete them because “you never know, they might come in use later.” Once in a VERY LONG while does his habit actually pay off. He’s paying for the cloud subscription service 1000% If he doesn’t his phone is borderline useless. If you go through it you’ll wonder how he finds jack sh*t in that phone, there’s no organization on/in that thing. That being said he doesn’t need to put things in separate albums because he had absolutely no issues with finding what he needs. (he’s literally me)
Sunday ->
Sunday likes to tend to his multiple gardens back where he lives. There’s two green houses back at his home. One is his and one belongs to his dear sister. If you want one too, he’ll gladly make some plans for yours next. When him or Robin can’t tend to the flowers, he has a gardener come tend to them in the meantime. While all of them brings joy to him he has a special soft spot for (white) calla lilies and spider mums.
Scaramouche/Wanderer ->
The definition of an annoying menace. He’ll put sticky notes with (sometimes with writing) on your back without you knowing. He used to do this to Childe too, only when it was Childe it would be way meaner. One fool read the ‘kick me’ note on his back and actually did it. Poor idiot guy learned a lesson that day. The worst he’s put on your back was a note with a stupid face on it. And if someone makes fun of you for it, he’ll give them a black eye! He’s the only one allowed to be an ass to you. :)
Furina ->
Does catwalk struts in her mirror when no one is home. She gets wayyyyy too into it. She’ll start on one side of the house and when she gets to her mirror she’ll strike a pose. One time you walked into her standing in front of the mirror doing pose 28. She couldn’t look into your eyes for a week afterwards. If you ask her to give her a lil show, she’ll do it but don’t laugh cause she might cry. lol. (she’s so me coded)
Sampo ->
He plays those driving games with the steering wheel and all. Sampo started streaming it too to make some hot cash$$ This man is DEDICATED to the act he preforms while streaming this game. If he gets into an accident in the game he makes it look like it happened irl too. He’s given himself whiplash from how fast and hard he slammed himself in his chair. think this.
BIG CONCERT FAN!!! Hates the crowds so much though (T ^ T) He’s so not a people person. Always manages to get great seats for you guys. He’s willing to see any performer if it’s for you, even if it’s not someone he likes. I personally see him as liking every genre of music, so there’s a fat chance he’ll still like the music being played. Xiao would put you on his shoulders if you ask him too. But I can’t guarantee you’ll be able to see any better this way because of how short he is.
Pela ->
Pela makes a crap ton of edits and fanfics. Any where between thirst edits and angst edits of anime characters. She’s got over 50k followers just waiting for her to drop the newest robin or satosugu edit. She’s also got of followers on the platform she posts her fanfics on. She’s big on x readers AND ship fics. That girl puts in work making sure both her edits and fics are absolutely perfect.
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If you enjoyed likes/reblogs/replies are appreciated!!
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fisshbones © 2024 do not repost or translate
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sanjisboyfie · 10 months
rockstar ! trafalgar law headcanons
trafalgar law x male reader ; he might seem ooc but he isn't, trust me. this is how law is supposed to be perceived, i talked to oda himself and sorted this all out with him before publishing.
-> listened to brooklyn baby by lana while writing this...hehehehheheehhehehehehe ps. i think that is my favorite photo of manga law ever oh my fuking godhes so hot.
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rockstar ! law . . . did not get famous overnight, but also did not get famous on purpose...if that makes sense. like his ass was up posting his guitar covers on youtube for years before someone reached out to him on joining a proper band. but also he wasn't posting those guitar covers with the intent of getting noticed. he just wanted people to see how SICK he was on guitar (he's a not-so-secret narcisst). but also another reason he posted them was because of you, his boyfriend who he had been in a relationship for a year at that point, was encouraging him to do so. your support for him and his talent was really assuring and fuelled him to be confident enough to post them online. (he was kind of against the idea at first, probably saying romantic shit like, "i want only you to hear the songs i play," but eventually was swayed when you spent many minutes convincing him to)
rockstar ! law . . . when he finally goes on tour with his band, he is pretty insistent and headstrong in allowing you to come with. he doesn't care if he needs to pay out of pocket money to fund your stay with him and his bandmates, he will if he has to. because he's not leaving you for months on end, pursuing the dream that was only possible because of how you supported him through it. there's absolutely no way he's going on tour without his boyfriend.
law's tattooed arms were crossed over his wide chest as he listened to their manager and a team of people tell him and his band about their upcoming plan for their first ever tour.
after the end, when it was about time for everything to wrap up, law calmly asked, "what about bringing significant others?" this makes the executives share looks with one another before apologetically smiling at him.
"sorry, another person added onto the travel, boarding, and all that will not be able to fit into out budg-"
"then i'm not going," law says simply, already getting ready to storm out of the room. but the manager stops him by his wrist.
"n-now, let's not get hasty! this was not something we accounted for-"
"well you should've, i'm not going anywhere without him. i'm not gonna leave him." law states stubbornly, glaring down at the man that was much shorter than him, "he's either coming with us or i'm not going at all."
a silence passed over the room and his bandmates were internally praising law for having the balls to stand up to these powerful guys so carefree like that.
maybe that's what had made him such a good rockstar.
his passions that he was not willing to back down for, he'd settle for his desires being fulfilled or nothing at all.
what they didn't know was that all of those passions were singlehandedly fuelled by his immense love for you.
"a portion of it will have to come out of your pocket, then. we really don't have the funds to bring on another person. so if you can't-"
"i can manage. if that's all, and we're all good. me and [name] will be ready by the designated time and meet you all at the location with all of our things," law easily says, walking out of the room with his broad shoulders being the last thing the executives saw.
"wow, law is so cool!" a memeber, stage-named penguin, said with stars in his eyes.
"don't get any ideas." the manager immediately cuts them off before they can gush further.
rockstar ! law . . . is very openly gay for you <3 doesn't really care that people are expecting him to act a certain way because he is a rockstar, he could care less. he's said time and time again that the only reason these fans of his have the oppurtunity to appreciate him to such an extent is because of you. had it not been you encouraging him to post his covers, he would not be standing on that stage for them to admire. so he can be as shameless as he wants in displaying his affection for you. naturally, law isn't the most into pda, but when he hears annoying people batter him for being so into you, his boyfriend, he feels the need to piss them off even further.
law's calloused fingers were playing with the flesh of your waist as he held you close. it was dark in the after party room so he made sure to keep you secure to his side so that he wouldn't lose you in the crowd.
there were a bunch of celebrities that attended their recent show scattered around the room, but he didn't care for them. not when he had you on his arm. plus, he didn't really like these after parties that much - he'd much prefer to be on the tour bus cuddling with you.
feeling unimpressed with the party, he turned to you to feel some comfort. when he saw how you were just taking in the view of everyone, he leaned down to kiss you, surprising you at the sudden affection. but soon, the both of you were just pressed against the wall of the room and blatantly making out with each other. his raven hair was messy by the time you two pulled away from each other and that knowing smirk of his was proudly plastered on his face.
the next morning, the internet were ripping law into pieces for still being in a relationship with you despite having access to as many beautiful women, handsome men, and alluring people that he could have wanted. he was a talented, well-known name in the scene with a handsome face and charming demeanor. he could have had anyone. and some were frustrated, for some reason, that he was still with you.
five years going strong in your relationship wasn't enough for the press to believe he was satisfied and completely settled down with you, for some reason...
he groans the moment he sees the headlines, throwing his phone to the mattress and turning into your side to be comforted by you once again. the only person capable of calming him down still remains to be only you.
"love you," he says against your skin, making you laugh at the sleepy confession.
"love you, too, law. you know i don't care about the stupid shit they say," you comment, making note of how tight his arms were around your waist.
he doesn't acknowledge what you say, only peppering more kisses to your bare skin.
rockstar ! law . . . kinda perfectly fits the rockstar bf aesthetic to a T. he's wearing the leather jackets and the other staple fashion pieces that scream "rockstar boyfriend." it doesn't help the way the clothes so perfectly fall into place on his body. he enjoys matching with you too, even if your aesthetics may not match. if he's wearing a heavy jewlery piece, like a necklace, ring, or bracelet, he buys a matching one that you would like and would be able to style. he doesn't mind discarding his iconic leather jacket for you if you are feeling cold. and of course, he's attentive, protective, and caring for you (and only you) - perfectly fuelling the fantasies many people have of that "rockstar boyfriend persona"
law was not known for being hot-headed. there were never any stories of him giving customer service people a hardtime, or of him trashing hotel rooms like many others in the same genre as him were guilty of doing. his overall attitude was off standish, but polite.
with a slight difference whenever he was seen with you. still off standish and polite, but specially doting and careful when he is with you.
his arm is always slithered around your waist or shoulders and he is always seen attentively listening to whatever it is you're rambling about. his eyes focused in on you, and only you, show that he is blocking out the rest of the world and listening to you intently.
the way he almost, kind of, definitely glares at people that interrupt your time together before he softens his gaze the moment you catch him making faces and scold him. he's completely wrapped around your finger, despite his seemingly intimidating and threatening persona, he's complete mush with you.
his leather jacket was thrown over your shoulders as he protectively stood behind you. tonight, the two of you were at the bar and watching the live performance of the local band of the town you were in. due to your begging, he agreed to get off of the counter stool and dance and sway to the music with you.
his arms are resting in front of you as he holds your hands in his, completely engulfing them with the size difference. the jacket around you is practically drowning you as well.
he's rocking you back and forth, occasionally leaning down and pressing a kiss to your cheek and whispering sweet nothings to you. your cute moment unfortunately comes to an end though. some drunkard knocks into the two of you and spills their entire pint of beer on you and your clothing.
your first reaction is to take off law's jacket to spare it from reeking of the beverage, but law's first reaction is to push you behind him and size up the guy that knocked into you.
"the hell is your problem, man?! it was an accident!" the man defends himself when he feels threatened by your boyfriend.
law's one hand is holding your own, wanting to make sure you stay close to him some way, while the other is clenched at his side to form a fist. noticing how he was very close to landing a hit on the idiot's face, you pull him back by his shirt, "c'mon, people are staring,"
"don't care, this guy has got his head so far up his ass," law simply says, genuinely not caring at all that people were looking at him as if he were crazy.
"law, let's just go," he turns his head to you, his gaze softening as he turns.
he waits a couple seconds before speaking in whispers, "do you really want to go? i can just take care of him-"
"i do, really. let's just go, babe, it's alright, it was an accident," you continued trying to convince him.
"he could've done it on purpose, he could be a complete, total asshole,"
you laughed at his reasoning of giving the guy a lesson, shaking your head, "let's just go and get out of here."
law doesn't seem satisfied with having to let the guy go without any reprecussions, but if law is anything: he's a boyfriend that listens to his boyfriend.
so he walks away with you close by, tight grip on your hand, and silently cursing the asshole the entire ride home.
rockstar ! law . . . very casually dedicates the most romantic, sensual, loving, etc. songs to you when he is on stage.
"this one is for the man standing at side stage, waiting for me,"
"i've been with the same idiot for 5 years now and this song is for him,"
"this is [name]'s favorite, by the way. so if you don't like it, you can fuck off,"
rockstar ! law . . . who doesn't understand the way some fans really idolize your relationship. he loves you a lot and he's glad that they're accepting of that fact, but why are people on the internet asking him and you to adopt them...? or why are they calling the both of you their "daddies"? he's confused. he at least pieces together that they're being supportive, but he doesn't truly understand what they mean when they say stuff like "i wanna go to paris" underneath his posts of you and him on his instagram.
rockstar ! law . . . whose favorite audience is still you. he loves playing his guitar for you, just in the quiet of your room (when you're finally home for tour) and with you on the bed with his strumming as background noise to your reading, or whatever hobby you commit to.
his fingers move with such familiarity he can easily take his eyes off of the neck of the guitar. he looks at you with such love and care that it would make any onlookers vomit at how sweet he was being.
the song that he was playing was faintly resembling "can't help falling in love" by elvis, with his own personal twist. the moment you recognize the chords and notes, though, you look at him with a deadpan expression on your face.
he smirks, tilting his head, "what?" he'll ask with that annoying knowing look on his face.
"you're so cheesy," you comment with an eye roll.
"oh, don't be an asshole now,"
"not being an asshole, just being honest!"
law puts down the acoustic guitar, walking over to where you were and planting a kiss to the top of your head. clearing his throat, he begins to mimic the singer with exaggeration. it spurs you into laughter at his impression, which he only grins wider at. your laugh still remains his favorite sound in the whole world.
this soft side was only shown behind closed doors with you. and you liked it that way. no one else got to see your usually intimidating boyfriend with his walls completely down. how sweet and doting he actually was. polar opposite to that persona he put on whenever he walked onto those grand stages.
he was just yours right now.
and as he leans down to press a passionate kiss to your lips, you can smile against his with comfortability. and warmness spreads throughout both of your chests as he smiles back.
and finally, rockstar ! law who definitely gets your name tattooed somewhere on his body. probably on his hands or arms tbh because that is the most visible body part of his that gets photographed and noticed due to how he plays the guitar. that way if anyone wants to take photos of him in his element, they'll see a small part of you that he carries with him everywhere.
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 1 year
Cod Characters General Dating Headcanons (part three)
+ Random and Some bits of Chubby Fem S/O Headcanons with mentions of different nationality S/O
+ What type of BF/GF they would be
Including König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Keegan P. Russ, Philip Graves (+ some headcanons including the Shadows), Makarov
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Fem terms and pronouns like she/her are used for the reader
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My rules for requests and characters I can write for
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A/n: I tried so hard to get this one out in time with the other but my other wips are getting to me 😭. I posted twice today just to feed y'all ahaha.
Disclaimers/warnings: Typical Cod things, OOC characters???, Unrealistic, Some suggestive themes and language, I'm so sorry but English is not my first language so please don't come after me. Most of the content I've seen are on TikTok and Tumblr I don't actually play the game but I love the characters so much, same with any other content I have for other video games.
Tiny sidenote: the reader in this has been describe to be shorter than the characters and has been mentioned to have a soft body rather than the muscular type.
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ꕥ Speaking of König, I don't think this man is the shy boy that some people is making him out to be (not that he doesn't have that side at all, I just feel like they make it his whole personality). Based on voice lines alone this man is cocky asf.
ꕥ There's a reason for his mask, yes he was bullied as a child because of his looks and that's one of the causes to his social anxiety but that doesn't mean this mf is shy. He just like to avoid people and social interactions yk. (Y'all have no idea how much I can relate to this)
ꕥ Has and will continue to use his height to his advantage, someone bothering you while you're both sat having a wonderful time together? This mf stands the fuck up, shoulders back, chest out and everything. Looming over that person while glaring down, arms crossed while they're engulfed by the shadow of this 6'10 behemoth of a man.
ꕥ Chubby!Reader? He'll throw you over his shoulders, only using one arm below your ass while he carries you off. Seriously it is no problem to this man, he'd beg you to sit on his face and suffocate him. If anything I'd say he has a preference for it yk, very soft and plush reader for real.
ꕥ Our DIY king here wearing a shirt for a hood, his hair sticking out of the hole for the head whenever he's dressing casual. Play with his hair like right now, you'll make him melt right then and there.
ꕥ Enjoys cuddling, hasn't had many partners and by that I mean kinda none. Nobody was insane enough to approach him till you came around so he's very touch starved. He didn't even know he enjoyed touching that much till he was able to feel the amount of warmth your body gives him. He'd swear on his life that he was intoxicated in that moment.
ꕥ Whenever you sit or straddle on his lap, he's still so fucking tall. I swear you will gain neck pains if you wanna keep eye contact while talking to him. (I understand the struggle, I am a 5'1 girly. Every character I know within the CoD universe is taller than me 😭)
ꕥ Doesn't actually wear his mask around you, he's comfortable and trust you enough to know you wouldn't go around telling everyone what he looks like.
ꕥ Nicknames he'd call you in German are Mein Schatz, Fräulein, Liebling, Engel and Kleine Maus
ꕥ He's still definitely bitter about not being a sniper. (AHAHAHA)
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Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin
ꕥ He has doodles on his tactical gear that he did himself (there are also one that are a tribute to squid game because man's had a gambling addiction), has asked you to draw on it too and he proudly wears it when on duty. Will feel stupid while unconsciously smiling if you draw a heart.
ꕥ Writing something down on his vest from your own mother tongue and he's asking the meaning, if it's genuinely something good like a compliment or something like "I love you" then you will catch this man with a shit eating grin.
ꕥ He used to be a gambler before entering the military and it eventually got him to stop, though he still has a thing for risk, he got himself a more deadlier alternative.
ꕥ Expect surprise back hugs, this man isn't called Horangi for nothing. He's stealthy, I like to think that whatever he says to you is well thought out as well. Man knows how to think before he speaks.
ꕥ Horangi likes to pounce on things, just for the fun of it. It leads him to tackle you on your shared bed a lot, lots of play fighting too.
ꕥ HAS THE PRETTIEST EYES EVER. Like seriously, the only people who knows what he looks like is you and König. Had gentle eyes, you know that quote "His eyes softened", yeah that's the definition of his eyes.
ꕥ Loves it when you trace the veins on his arms with your finger nails, will just straight up offer his arm to you.
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Keegan P. Russ
ꕥ This man and his panty dropping voice like holy hell I have never heard a voice as deep as his without a vocal fry (from those try hard guys on TikTok who try to hard thinking their thirst traps are good).
ꕥ Calls you "kid" in an affectionate way? It's honestly just what he calls anyone younger than him, you're shorter? He'll emphasize on that shit. Elaborating on the nickname I said earlier, he uses it less when y'all are dating but still does on some occasions.
ꕥ Would say the most dirty and uncalled for things, whispering it in your ears. He's and asshole in the best way possible, loves it when you gasp and playfully slap his chest.
ꕥ He's sweet though, would see you as his wife even if you're not married. You're his now, the moment you entered his life, he basically had a death grip on you.
ꕥ Something tells me that he likes talking about you or to you through radios yk. His voice sounding even deeper through the device, calling you doll even though he's supposed to refer to you with your call sign.
ꕥ Praise kink? I mean you've more likely heard his voice lines, is the type of man to praise you and ruffle your hair, either that or he'll kiss you depending on what stage of your relationship you are both in.
ꕥ Constantly thinks his eyes are weird even though they aren't, he just has sleepy eyes. Speaking of sleeping, I feel like he has such a fucked up sleeping schedule and is used to pulling all nighters more than the normal person.
ꕥ Will drag you in bed though and lay his whole weight on top of you because you ain't going nowhere, you are staying there with him and only him.
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Philip Graves
ꕥ (If it isn't "Fix It Felix", please tell me I'm not the only one who sees it AHAHAHA)
ꕥ Philip is touchy, somebody for the love of everything that is holy cuddle this man please. He is just screaming at any type of physical contact at this point. (My sources? Right fucking here)
ꕥ Is the type of boyfriend to come home to you and just hug you, y'all would be there for a solid 10 minutes before he lets you go. Burying his head into your neck and just inhaling your scent while having his arms wrapped tightly around you.
ꕥ His Shadows? More like his fucking children, again going back to the TikTok. He knows how to get their attention, the little pats on the shoulder and small praises are his way of saying they did a good job and they're eating it up.
ꕥ That being said, you are either gonna be their mother figure or someone they enjoy protecting because their dad is so fond of you. Why not be both right?
ꕥ You cannot tell me this man won't be next to the grill, spatula, tongs or whatever kitchen utensil in one hand and a cold bottle of beer in the other.
ꕥ Spends his weekends with you on his lap while he watches football in your guys' couch, you're definitely scrolling on your phone during this.
ꕥ You cannot tell me this man doesn't wear cowboy hats and boots because he certainly does, is it a turn on or a turn off? I genuinely do not know..
ꕥ Is fruity on some aspects but would never fucking admit it..
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ꕥ Y'ALL ACTUALLY THOUGHT I'D WRITE FOR THIS MAN? NAH THIS ACC IS WHOLESOME (OR ANGSTY) AND ION THINK THIS MAN IS SALVAGEABLE. (This came from a girl who once was obsessed with Tom Riddle for years when she was 13, I recovered from it dw)
ꕥ This man would literally use anyone and anything as leverage for whatever he wants to achieve. (Yes I am one of those "I can fix him" people but damn idk if this man is fixable)
ꕥ Please don't tell me you actually genuinely think this man would be good to you.. I knew what I was writing was unrealistic but damn y'all are delulu on another level (so am I, stay delulu). Jokes aside I love y'all and he's one of the few I won't write for. (AHEM Severus Snape (that greasy mop haired mf)
ꕥ And yes I understand most of my shit are kind of OOC but damn if I wrote him, it would be extremely fucking far from canon and I don't like romanticizing toxic relationships (if I ever do write it, it will be angst and I can't ever promise a happy ending).
ꕥ Happy April fool's! (I know I'm posting this end of September (it's actually October now 😭)
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shabre-legacy · 10 months
For the kiss prompts: 46 for Tyrenic/Jemsyn and/or 23 for Leikael/Corso
So I borrowed Jemsyn to write this for the prompt. I'll do a post for the Leikael and Corso one after I finish it. For now, enjoy Tyrenic/Jemsyn. If I wrote him ooc please let me know and I'll fix
Tyrenic leans on the arm of his target, a tall Weequay currently ordering another round in the dark club. It wasn’t a high end place, but the kind of fancy that still allowed the sleazy and criminal customers among their clientele. Various dancers were scattered around the room, in lifted cages, on platforms and scattered across the floor.
Tyrenic himself is a lightly dressed as any of them. A pink fishnet crop top that’s almost too small and a tiny pair of leather minishorts that clung to the curve of his ass and finished off with a pair of pink and black stilleto heels, tall under the toe as well as the heel. It made him just a couple inches shorter than the seven foot tall at least Weequay.
He had his eyes made up with glitter shadow, mascara, and heavy eyeliner giving him a perpetually hooded eye expression and a gloss that made his lips look plumper and more kissable then usual. He looked cheap, blowjobs for a pat on the head and a puff of a deathstick cheap; which was exactly what he’d wanted when he walked into the club. It hadn’t taken long for him to convince everyone that he was a new dancer, and even less time when he located his target to convince the man to ‘buy’ him for the night. He feels exposed like this, like everyone is staring at him and not for the usual reasons. It’s exciting, but also makes him nervous. He’s glad he brought Shelerik in as backup. Knowing the other Jedi is in the crowd, playing at being just another patron, but keeping an eye on him is reliving. Nothing that bad can happen, at least not anything he doesn’t have to go along with to maintain his cover. This was important enough to withstand some uncomfortable moments, or a lot of them, with this guy.
He carefully keeps any trace of discomfort off his face as his ‘date’ downs another shot and yanks him in, one hand dropping down to grope Tyrenic’s ass, the other holding his neck possessively as he kisses him, it’s sloppy, with too much tongue and a bit gross, but he goes along with it. Placing a hand on the Weequay’s chest and arching into him, he’s being paid for this after all. It takes a few minutes before the man decides he’s had enough for now and hands their drinks to Tyrenic and starts to guide him towards the dark back corners by the hips. As they make their way through the crowd, some of the other customers jostle them, the target shoved away a moment as a tall Mirialan is shoved into Tyrenic’s shoulder, almost knocking him off his heels. The man catches him around the waist and pulls him upright again, using the moment to drop his head and whisper “Your soldier’s here. Alcove down the hall past the bathrooms.”
Tyrenic just drops his head back letting a simpering smile fall over his face as the target moves back to him. “I appreciate the catch handsome, but unfortunately, I’m all booked for tonight. I’ll be around tomorrow if you’re still interested. I promise it’s a good time.” He half turns to look at the Weequay with hooded eyes. “So which one’s our table again?” He waits until they get there and he sets the drinks down and his target sits before bending over to whisper in his ear. “I’ll be right back and we can start this private party.” The man glares, but Tyrenic dispels it with a nudge from the Force and a wink. “Fresher.”
He makes sure to swing his hips more than necessary as he struts through the crowd, slipping into the hall and making his way to the alcove. He hadn’t had time to let Jemsyn know he was on planet, or going undercover, let alone what type of undercover work he was doing.
The Mirialan Mandalorian is pacing across the small alcove as Tyrenic quietly steps inside. He turns quickly and steps close, grabbing onto Tyrenic’s forearms and looking in his eyes. “Are you alright? Did he hurt you?”
Tyrenic looks down at him, the heels emphasizing the height difference, a flirty grin on his lips. “No baby, I’m fine. It’s all fine.”
Jemsyn relaxes a bit, only for the concern to be replaced with a restrained anger. “Ok good. Tell me what the kriff that was? I come in for a night out and I find my boyfriend, making out with some random guy who’s got his hands all over you!” He steps back, folding his arms and staring Tyrenic down.
Tyrenic takes advantage of the height difference to lean over Jemsyn, resting his arm on the wall. “Don’t worry love.” He drops his head till he can whisper into Jemsyn’s ear. “I’m undercover, that man is part of a network grabbing alien refugees from Coruscant and other core worlds and selling them to the empire. We got the info on our way back and didn’t have time to contact you or anyone else before we had to jump into action. He’s got specific tastes and I fit the bill best.”
Jemsyn didn’t look convinced. “And that involves making out with him how? Couldn’t you go in as a buyer or potential business contact?”
Tyrenic sighs. “Wish we could love. But he never meets with contacts he doesn’t know without an introduction and we don’t have time to get one. But he pays a dancer almost every time he comes to a club and the drinks make him chatty. I let him kiss and grope a little, keep him talking, as soon as I get what I need, I signal Shelerik, he steps in and makes the arrest and we use the information to shut down the network.”
Jemsyn nods slowly as he absorbs what was said. “I still don’t like it, but I understand. Try to give me some warning next time you have to do something like this.”
Tyrenic nods before dropping his head to kiss and nip at Jemsyn’s neck. “I promise I’ll make it up to you later. How does a private dance in one of those lounges sound?”
Jem looks up at him with a familiar heat in his eyes. “That sounds wonderful cyare.” He deliberately looks Tyrenic up and down slowly. “I have to say, I like this look.”
Renic preens at the praise. “Glad you approve. I haven’t worn some of this since I was like 16.”
“You are very pretty and I love the way these shorts just cling. Stars you are pretty, all dolled up slutty like this.”
Tyrenic drops his head and his voice, husky and sensual, dripping in promises. “Give me another hour or so to finish up and I’ll be your personal slut for the rest of the night.”
Jemsyn seems conflicted, excited by the idea but not happy about Tyrenic going back to that Weequay. “I’ll hold you to that, but first…” He grabs Tyrenic and twists quickly, slamming the taller Jedi against the wall and stepping between his legs. He leans up at the same time he pulls Tyrenic down and kisses him. It’s desperate and devouring and perfect, Jemsyn pours all of his jealously into the kiss, making sure Tyrenic remembers exactly who he belongs to.
Tyrenic moans wantonly into the kiss, dropping his arms around Jemsyn’s neck and kissing back just as fiercely. His tongue tangles with his lovers as time stops around them. Eventually they are forced to break the kiss to breathe, only for Jemsyn to immediately attach himself to Tyrenic’s neck seemingly intent on leaving hickey’s for Tyrenic to walk out with. Tyrenic uses the last bit of his mental fortitude and will to drag himself up and out of reach. “Later love, after I’m done, you can leave all the marks you like.” He leans down and captures Jemsyn’s lips in another deep kiss before he pushes against the wall and slips out of Jemsyn’s arms. He turns and winks as he waltzes away, his hip swaying in his heels. He couldn’t wait to get this done and finally be able to put on a real show for the person who actually mattered.
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rosebudfics · 9 months
please can you write a severusx wife reader ;they are sick and take care of them selves
also one of severus being a girl dad when she is a baby and he spends a day with her
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Sick Days
Severus Snape x wife reader
Warnings: reader is slightly shorter than snape, suggestive, Snape is a lil ooc
A/N: AHH my first request!! Thanks for sending it in!! I'm going to be splitting this request into two parts, so this one will be about them being sick and the next one I post will be about Snape being a dad! Enjoy~
It had started out with a small cough, but quickly turned into a horrible cold. You were trying to keep your distance from Severus so he wouldn't catch it. Severus brushed off your attempts with an eye roll and he walked up to you with a small vial.
"Here, this should help." He said, before handing it to you.
You sighed before drinking it, then handing it back to him. "Thanks, Sev."
He bent down to kiss you on the lips but you stopped him. "You're gonna get sick, no kissing!"
Severus scoffed. "Oh please, I think I'll survive." He then bent back down to kiss you a soft kiss. He gripped at your waist, before moving to kiss down your jaw, his hand gripping yours as he played with the ring he had put on your finger years ago that bound you together.
You giggled slightly and tried to weakly push him off. "Sev.."
But eventually you caved when you started to feel better and let him have his way for the rest of the night.
The next morning, you were sprawled out on the bed with the blankets thrown off of you. You groaned and went to wipe your face, but cringed when you felt how clammy you felt. But at least you didn't have as much of a stuffy nose!
You looked over beside you only to find Severus wasn't in bed with you. You glanced over at the bathroom to hear him blowing his nose profusely. You laughed softly as you got up and padded over to the bathroom.
You peeked your head in, and his face was red as he looked over at you. You were smirking but he only rolled his eyes.
"Shut up." He grumbled.
You giggled and walked over behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist. "I told you that you would get sick"
"Yes.. however, it was worth it," Severus had a small smile despite his voice sounding congested, as he drank down the potion he gave you yesterday. He then turned around and wrapped his arms around you, having to lean down slightly.
You let out a content sigh as you closed your eyes. "What do you want for breakfast?"
"I can make it-"
"No, shush. You're more sick than I am right now," You pulled away slightly to look up at him. "How about some sausages and scrambled eggs?"
Severus sighed but nodded. "Yes, thats alright love"
"Good, because I wasn't going to give you an option," You smiled, and then made your way to the kitchen downstairs. When you reached the kitchen you started cooking.
Severus was dressed when he came downstairs and he sat at the kitchen table. His eyes followed you as you made your way around the kitchen, a soft smile on his face.
"You're too good to me." He said almost to himself as he leaned forward to place his elbows on the table.
"You deserve only the best, Severus." You smiled over at him as you poured the eggs in the pan.
His eyes softened at that, not believing you but he didn't object. He then stood up and wrapped his arms around you but kept his face away from yours. "I love you, you know that right?"
"Yes. And I love you more," You leaned up and placed a soft kiss to his lips.
He flinched. "Did you not learn either? Now you're going to be sick again"
You shrug, smiling and going back to making the eggs. "What was it you said earlier?...'it was worth it' "
Severus let out a soft smile, but then moved his head away as he let out a loud sneeze.
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alrightieaphroditie · 6 months
sweet creature | masterlist! (afab!reader x joel miller)
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*:·゚✧ back to masterlist
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series summary: an anthology of those little moments within your relationship with joel miller.
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₊ ⊹ 01. i want a, "just checking in," kind of love. ₊ ⊹ 02. a goofy smile when i walk in the room kind of love. ₊ ⊹ 03. a wipe my tears away kind of love. ₊ ⊹ 04. a, "baby, did you eat today?" kind of love. ₊ ⊹ 05. a nonstop joke fest until i smile again kind of love. ₊ ⊹ 06. a, "you're the first person i've told," kind of love. ₊ ⊹ 07. a, "not going to bed ‘til we've made up," kind of love. ₊ ⊹ 08. a hold me until my panic attack passes kind of love. ₊ ⊹ 09. a, "you needed this so i got it for you," kind of love. ₊ ⊹ 10. a rub my back after work kind of love.
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series tags: post-outbreak!jackson era, pre-established relationship, afab!reader x joel miller, age gap (implied, but no specifics. make it your own!), explicit smut (more in depth tags for this on the specific parts!), soft!joel but hopefully not too ooc, reader is mentioned to be shorter than joel and having hair long enough to pull back, mentioning of period (only one part, will state in chapter tags as well!), overall just some fluffy cuteness xoxo
a/n: ahh i'm so excited to finally put in the work for this series! i've been wanting to write more with joel recently, and i think these little prompts are the cuttest things, so i wondered how they would translate into a relationship with him, and thus came this idea! this series isn't really connected, besides the fact that it centers around the same established relationship throughout. but there is no real plot to it, per say, or a real ending/beginning. any of these can be read at any point, no need to follow order!
all chapters will be featuring dividers by @saradika-graphics!
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honeyedboneset · 6 months
NOTICE: This post is under construction as of aug 17, 2024. it is not up to date. hello! i'm boneset (or bone). thanks for stopping by my super-specific search thread! if interested, please leave a reply or dm me!
a bit about myself: she/her. I'm currently in my late 20's and have been writing/roleplaying in some shape or form for 12+ years. i'm in grad school (and will be for awhile) and work full time in mental healthcare. occasionally, days are wild. 
when it comes to writing, i generally write somewhere between 500-1k words a post. the shorter the post, the faster i can write. i definitely value someone who's writing fits with mine over length or anything like that. i'm also super flexible when it comes to post rate. if it takes a little bit, that's totally fine! especially if we do build a rapport. i want this to stay as something that's fun for both of us. it's a hobby, so it comes after everything else.
doubling. i play a canon for you, you play one for me, and i love every character as my own. OR we both play two ocs who fall in love against their will. Idc.
m!canon x f!oc preferred (or m!oc x f!oc). I know who I am. I have no shame. I’m so super cautious about m// and f// after years of running into folks treating it as a fetish.
ooc chatting. for the rps that have survived my hiatuses, it's been because we made friends, or at least friendly. i like talking, sharing head canons, all that stupid crap. tldr: i need someone to send memes to.
ooc over discord, please, after we’ve graduated to that. DMs first if you don’t mind.
email, discord, gdocs, and tumblr in order of preference for the roleplay but I'm open to any.
i am a sap for romance. less so for super slow burns. sue me. I can barely read slow burn much less write it.
500-1000 words is my sweet spot for responses, but i'm not that fast of a writer, depending on what's going on. see: why i like ooc.
hard limits: be 18+ (21+ preferred) | will not write with people who identify as male (he/him) | incest | fetish stuff | abo | pwp | pedophilia | furries/beastiality | explicitly written sexual assault | abusive relationship dynamics between main characters | heavy substance abuse | main settings being medical | most highschool settings/underage characters | genuine love triangles or infidelity between main characters
pairings and all below the break!
for fandoms, I’m going to list what I’m looking to play the oc in. I am super duper happy to play nearly any canon character for you.
the walking dead:  *i haven't seen the spin-off series. super comfortable going as AU as we want. *looking for: glenn (pls pls pls), daryl *will play: rick, daryl, shane, negan, others probably *some vibes: people who knew each other prior to the zombies meeting each other again after, dead rising vibes, traveling through the wilderness, overgrown and rundown towns and cities, towns that have gone mad, human enemies, natural threats, fluff, megamalls, amusement parks, adventure, horror, fluff, uneasiness in the calm, found family, hesitant allies
resident evil: *i like it all, okay? welcome to racoon city, all the games, the animated films...even the live action netflix put out! it's just FUN. *looking for: leon, piers, carlos *will play: chris, albert, luis, piers, etc. *some vibes: hurt/comfort extreme, international adventures, partners in life and in work, idk absolute insanity. vacation? what's a vacation, there's always zombies, basically the evil of capitalism, embrace the weird of the game universes (i mean really. there's werewolves)
the last of us: *i've played both games and watched the show *looking for: tommy miller, m!oc *will play: joel, ellie, others, m!oc *some vibes: FIX IT JESUS, protecting family, human enemies, natural threats, antagonistic towns, lost in the wild, weird periods of domestic easiness followed by hurt/comfort hell red dead redemption: *i've played rdr and rdr2. kind of familiar with revolver. *looking for: charles smith *will play: arthur, john, dutch, others (but not micah) *some vibes: railroad turmoil, dutch has lots of plans (very little outcomes), high society meets the old west, running from the law, causing problems, adventures in the big city, trying to leave old lives behind, forbidden love, enemies to lovers
fallout: *i've played 1, 2, 3, 4, 76 & NV. mainly looking for nv. *looking for: m!oc *will play: ask for canons, m!oc *some vibes: causing chaos in the wastes, embracing the local cryptid status of the player character, toxic people everywhere, attempting to survive, mercenaries, prostitutes, salt of the earth managing to do some good against their will, traveling to other locations avatar the last airbender *i've seen the show several times, live action, and korra, but haven't read comics. *looking for: adult!sokka *will play: adult!zuko, ask for other canons! *some vibes: post series feeling out their new roles in society, rebuilding following war, uprisings from unhappy sections, earth kingdom is just as big of a mess as firenation please help, 'forbidden' relationships, political drama, festival romance
original(ish) story vibes:
zombies! please zombies. love it. media inspo: l4d, deadrising, resident evil, twd, george romero
fantasy. royalty, pirates, mermaids, adventures, curses, and extra doses of romance. some assassins? hiding from responsibility? childhood friends to lovers and enemies finding common ground. media inspo: ACOTAR, lord of the rings, ever king, damsel, fire emblem, (for modern of these vibes) new protectorate by abigail kelly
urban fantasy vibes. witches and monsters, and romance and weirdness. maybe some monsters. eldritch beings. small town, rural america? media inspo: x-files, teen wolf, supernatural, stay a spell by juliette cross, scooby doo, being human, folk haven by lauren connolly, old gods of appalachia
cowboys! Modern? Traditional? I do not care i love cowboys and the south, just minus all of those….you know, issues. media inspo: red dead redemption, man from snowy river, yellow stone, lyla sage books
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rockinrpmemes · 3 months
I'm starting completely fresh in the Tumblr RPC. I'm from Discord and Amino to try looking for people willing to be CCs/Canon Character muses against my OCs. How exactly do I go about looking for that? How does searching for RP work here? I genuinely just have so many questions bc everything is really confusing to me. 🙇‍♀️
Hmmmm...I feel your frustration, as a someone that has been on this site since 2011, and in the Tumblr RPC since 2012, I can attest it's way harder now to get into rp than it did even 4 years ago. I'm going to answer this for anyone, not just your case, because I feel OC and Canon players of all kinds are trapped in this same problem!!!
The 2 major causes to difficulty connecting in the RPC:
People here have gotten way more prickly and cold and have 100 red flags and objections in their rules that make seeking out a partnership flimsy at best. (Dangerous to your mental health at worst.) If you see someone like this, don't bother trying to win them over. Chances are they are going to whine about everything you ask of them, think anything you do is offensive, or it's a huge "honor" to be even considered a mutual. RUN away from these types, and don't waste your time. They don't want partners, they want an audience to their personal drama, and will probably be an asshole to you OOC, and make you look like the bad guy to their sycophants. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
People here have also gotten way more FLAKEY and don't reach out and engage the way they used to. They post memes all day and beg for starters, but don't answer them once you have managed to snag them. They make 100 muses but never rp any of them except the one you don't want. Attention spans on here have gotten shorter than a fly's.
It seems daunting, but fortunately, the old ways to find partners still work....
Use the search function, for "RP STARTERS" and the like, BUT!! Don't reply to the starter until you've looked at the OP's blog. Read their rules. They may only post starters for mutuals, or selective fandom affliates. If you find you like that blogger, and decide to follow, it's a way in.
Post a "call out" for your blog. Make a Promo of some kind, but tag it: "RP BLOG" ; "OC RP" ; "RPC PROMO" ; "(genre name) RP," If your OC is affiliated to any fandoms, or could fit into desired fandoms, tag as such IE: "LOTR RP". Even if your OC is not fandom affiliated, you should tag it into popular fandoms you know would work with your muse. It at least gets views. And if someone happens to like or reblog your promo post, it gives you a window into more blogs.
Another "sneaky" but very effective way is to go into the notes of memes and starters and look at the likes/reblogs. Hit up those icons/urls, do some research on partners that may be a future choice. Again, read their rules, scroll through their posts, see if you think it's a good match for your character AND your writing style. For me, this is the best way to look for new blogs to interact with. It's living proof that there are STILL A LOT OF WRITERS LOOKING FOR INTERACTION!
Don't be afraid to tag yourself into things!!!! Remember, the first 5 tags get the most hits. Just don't spam tags that have nothing to do with your blog, as a courtesy.
Hope that helps! If anyone has any more tips, feel free to add in comments, etc.
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minban · 8 days
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NAME: red
PRONOUNS: he/she/they
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: i don't mind whether it's discord or tumblr ims because either way i'm going to be terrible at responding askjfhalkfjsha so sorry to everyone who i've ever talked to ooc, you will continue to receive slow responses from me.
NAME OF MUSE(s): i'm not going to list them all but the most active ones are jing yuan, kaveh, and boothill. of course, you're always free to ask for any muse on my roster regardless if you have seen me rping them on the dash or not.
BEST EXPERIENCE: coming back to the rpc. i didn't think that i would miss it as much as i did. the moment i was able to write again and form dynamics with other writers was wonderful, and i do not think that i will be leaving the rpc anytime soon. my activity may be slow but y'all can be sure that i love being here and interacting with other muns again.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS: asking me for a starter, not interacting with that starter, and then asking for another starter. this goes for asks too with repeated instances of not interacting with what i have written you. the interaction could either be on the post or in the dms. i understand that everyone has a life outside of the rpc so if this occurs occasionally then i get it. but repeated instances is grounds for hardblocking. i spend a lot of time writing even a simple paragraph, and for that to be ignored is hurtful.
i love out of character posts. i love reading what my mutuals are up to and any silly little thoughts that they have. however, if you're treating your blog as a personal blog without any signs of in character posts, then i might end up unfollowing you. i wouldn't say this is a pet peeve because i'm glad with however people are enjoying their experiences here, but this can be a dealbreaker when i'm mainly here to write.
MUSE PREFERENCES: i think i have a pretty broad spectrum of muses that i write. there are some patterns however, those being tragic blond haired men, depressing backstories, and silly little goobers. i enjoy characters who put on a silly facade while their past and lives haunt them, i love characters who smile while their lives crumble beneath their feet. jing yuan, boothill, and kaveh are all perfect examples of these themes and i find them absolutely fascinating to explore through interactions with other muns. when you dig deeper than just the surface, you find that they are not just smiles and jokes, and i eat that up.
PLOTS OR MEMES: i enjoy plotting immensely, and i enjoy sending in memes and being sent memes in return. honestly, i love the interactions and writings that come with rping as a whole. i do not think i have a preference so long as i get to enjoy what my muses are up to. i love throwing ideas back and forth with my fellow muns, and i love the occasional moments where i will take a meme and go crazy with replying to it.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: short replies are wonderful, fantastic, amazing, and you will see me continuously writing more than i thought i would asjfkasklfjsha. i don't have a preference for either, and i will always do my best to match my partner's length. i will say that threads with a shorter length will be replied to much faster.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: at night, or on my phone during the busiest hours of work. i don't know what it is where my brain likes to kickstart my writing mode during the most convenient times. i don't have a say in when my brain switches on creative mode either, which is why my activity is always abysmal, both ic and ooc.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): yes and no. it depends on what muses we're talking about including what aspects in particular. i can relate to kaveh in how he feels like the standards placed onto him are a shackle, and i can relate to his depression, his kindness, and his self deprecating tendencies. but i am not a people person, i will not go out of my way for everyone who crosses my path, i will not go above my means for the sake of others. kaveh has very little self preservation, whereas i have a lot. we can also talk about jing yuan in how he wishes for a simple life, sleeping the hours of the days away in bed, but i am no politician. a can relate to my muses only on some of their aspects. (noe archiviste this does not apply to you. the only difference between me and noe is that i am not a vampire.)
tagged by @aguilareye thank you 💞 tagging @furiaei, @yeonban, @venstm, @halovien, and you !
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rphunter · 13 days
Hello everyone! 30F looking for new partners to RP fandom things with!
What I'm looking for:
- Hazbin Hotel* / Helluva Boss OR one specific MCU pairing (inquirers read beyond the bulleted lists for pairings)
- 18+ (though 21+ is ideal as I'm no spring chicken)
- mxm pairings only
- limited smut with a preference for fading to black
- canons or oc's welcome
- discord preferred
What I can offer:
- 15+ years of RP experience
- multi paragraph responses (or shorter to move the plot along, if discussed and agreed upon)
- regular responses (often daily, though I do work full time)
- ooc chatter if you'd like, or I'll leave you alone if you'd like
- a stunning lack of ability to market myself, apparently
Hopefully that about sums it up! As for pairings, I'm mainly looking to write AS Angel Dust. I'm not picky about who you want to write. Huskerdust? I'm your girl. Radiodust? Let's go. Want to write Val? Let's explore that dark dynamic. Vox, Lucifer, Adam, Sir Pentious, an OC who checked into the hotel, an OC who works with Angel, whatever your heart desires! Want to have a Helluva Boss crossover? Let's do it. If there's another male canon you'd prefer I write, let me know and I'll give it a go! I do have a soft spot for Stolitz, so that won't take much convincing.
As for the MCU, I'm looking specifically to write AS Bucky Barnes against Sam Wilson. That's my otp. I can't explain myself, and given how much I ramble, I'm sure everyone would prefer I don't try.
If you read all that, I salute you! If you still want to discuss RP with me after getting through all that, interact with this post and I'll reach out to you!
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 1 year
Cod Characters General Dating Headcanons (part two)
+ Random and Some bits of Chubby Fem S/O Headcanons with mentions of different nationality S/O
+ What type of BF/GF they would be
Including Valeria Garza, Farah Karim, Kate Laswell, Alex Keller, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Nikolai Belinski
+ Some Poly! Farah x Reader x Alex Headcanons
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Fem terms and pronouns like she/her are used for the reader
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My rules for requests and characters I can write for
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Please comment if you want to be added to the taglist, the next part or cod content alone. I also have content for TLOU and Resident Evil, so please specify.
Taglist: @marshmallowinamess
A/n: Hi lovelies! It's me again Lia, currently working on this one while I haven't even posted the other yet because I wanna post early and I love Valeria. Y'all don't got shit on me, I'm writing this shit while I'm in class AHAHAHA. Btw more Resident Evil content soon...
Disclaimers/warnings: Typical Cod things, OOC characters???, Unrealistic, Some suggestive themes and language, I'm so sorry but English is not my first language so please don't come after me. Most of the content I've seen are on TikTok and Tumblr I don't actually play the game but I love the characters so much, same with any other content I have for other video games.
Tiny sidenote: the reader in this has been describe to be shorter than the characters and has been mentioned to have a soft body rather than the muscular type.
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Valeria Garza
ꕥ (Just saying, I'd let her step all over me)
ꕥ The El Sinombre falling in love? No shit she's... semi-normal??
ꕥ Black cat/Doberman girlfriend for sure. She's extremely protective and extremely terrifying when she wants to be. Scary dog privilege if you get it. (Occasionally it's funny to imagine her as a Chihuahua)
ꕥ Dates all kinds of women, body type and other things don't matter to her because she doesn't have a type. If you catch her attention then that's that.
ꕥ Loves spoiling you in everyway possible, just sit pretty for her and she'll take care of everything. Doesn't give a shit on the amount of money she spends on you, you want it? You got it.
ꕥ Loves it when you need her, it's one of the ways she feels loved and appreciated. Would never say it out loud but loves it whenever you show her your appreciation by doing manual labor.
ꕥ The idea of you being her pretty little housewife is sending her to heaven.
ꕥ Spanish pet names galore, culture is something of importance to her so will definitely teach you Spanish if she had the time.
ꕥ Would be interested learning about your culture as well because if you're gonna know about hers then she ought to know what to call you in your language. (Definitely not self-indulgent because I'm Filipina and I know she'd pronounce it somewhat correctly)
ꕥ Doesn't ever let you know about her cartel business. You can never know and she will never allow you to get ever get involved. You're too precious to her and god forbid anything will happen to you, she will destroy the world if she had to.
ꕥ She's more of a masc lesbian, she's the type who likes to be in charge in a "I'm the one who wears the pants in the relationship" way. She's very dominant.
ꕥ Doesn't ever even consider to be submissive, with the amount of shit she's been through. She can be vulnerable with you but in no way, shape or form could you ever top.
ꕥ You're an escape from the life she knew, it was peaceful with you. At first she wasn't used to it, definitely has reoccurring thoughts of something going wrong. You dying, getting kidnapped, falling into the hands of her enemies so constant reassurance.
ꕥ Would absolutely kill for you, no hesitation. The literally definitely of "I would burn this world for you", would absolutely deny it but you know otherwise.
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Farah Karim
ꕥ Tabby cat coded girlfriend, she's down to earth and chill. She's that one neutral person everyone adores, she puts her best efforts into a relationship for sure.
ꕥ Has and will help you do your make-up all the time, doesn't matter whether you asked. She'll observe the specific way you do it and do it perfectly.
ꕥ Sweetest girlfriend ever, she has dominance tendencies but it's mainly because she's quite assertive and often makes the decisions. Can't help it, after all her field of work requires her to one up egotistic men.
ꕥ That being said, I think she's had some mild PTSD about how they treated her. Sure it made her tough and she didn't like to be bossed around (unlike angry Mexican man) but I like to think she keeps you out of it as much as possible.
ꕥ Chubby!Reader headcanon is that she literally would adore you, compliment anything and everything. Insecure? Not on her watch, she just makes you feel so loved.
ꕥ Most definitely has introduced you to Price (I feel like he's everyone's father figure except los vaqueros and characters he hasn't interacted with) and don't worry he's already looking after you as well.
ꕥ Poly! Farah x reader x Alex headcanons:
ꕥ You guys following whatever Farah says, towards relationship decisions anyway because you and Alex tend to be indecisive.
ꕥ Lot's of communication between the three of you even if it's just a small thing, consent is always key.
ꕥ Alex following his two wives around a lot, he's mostly behind you guys all the time.
ꕥ Farah is patient when it comes to a lot of things but especially you and Alex.
ꕥ You get head pats from both of them, Farah is in a more praising manner while Alex tends to be in a comforting manner.
ꕥ You cannot tell me these two won't be down to cuddle in any position because I know damn well they would be. More often it's just Alex wanting to be a little spoon.
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Alex Keller
ꕥ Golden Retriever boyfriend FOR REAL. This man is the type of man to kneel down and clasp the strap of your shoe or heel when he notices it.
ꕥ You know when you pick up something near a corner of a table or underneath it? He's the type of boyfriend to subconsciously cover the edge or corner of that table so that if your head bumps into it then it wouldn't be as painful or even at all.
ꕥ Having said the first one, he also guides your head whenever getting into a vehicle because god forbid you actually hurt yourself. Not on his watch.
ꕥ Understands why you're insecure and definitely offers a lot of verbal reassurance.
ꕥ Is the type of boyfriend to say "Yes Ma'am" when you ask him to do something, doesn't matter whether it's a small thing or labor intensive. It's kinda become your guys' thing now since people take notice on it.
ꕥ Pouty kind of jealous? Not necessarily whiny but makes this sad upset face at you when jealous instead of something like Ghost or Valeria would do where they'd be glaring the person down jealous.
ꕥ Very thoughtful, he pays attention to what you want and what you need and knows the right timing.
ꕥ Forehead kiss giver, you cannot convince me this man doesn't love doing it. Especially when you're shorter than him, loves resting his chin on top of your head or burying his head in your neck.
ꕥ HATES seeing you uncomfortable, absolutely despises it. That's the last thing he wants you to feel when you're around him. Would understand if there's imminent danger around but it would literally being him back to life if you felt safe enough around him even if there was danger because you're confident in his capabilities to keep you safe.
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Kate Laswell
ꕥ She only ever let the TF141 and Nikolai meet you because of course she trusts them enough.
ꕥ They were like "So you're the infamous wife of Laswell huh?"
ꕥ Even before you were married, Kate called you her wife because she was ✨manifesting✨.
ꕥ She loves using it though, sometimes she'd be with coworkers and they'd invited her to go out to pub and drink but she'll refuse saying "Can't, my wife is waiting for me". She'd really rather just spend time with you anyway.
ꕥ Congrats, you made her quit smoking or at least she's trying to. She still does every once and a while when shit gets really bad but never around you because she knows that secondhand smoke is just as bad for you.
ꕥ She doesn't have a type when it comes to people so body is out of the question, if she feels a connection then she feels it.
ꕥ Anything and everything to keep you safe, if something were to happen to you, trust that she'll either get it down herself or if she can't then she'll turn to Price and Belinski for help.
ꕥ As much as possible, she keeps you away from everything. The job she has is just too dangerous and she can't risk you, not when you're one of the only good things in her life that keeps her happy.
ꕥ Definitely a workaholic, something as simple as asking her to eat or rest, maybe take a break. She'll do it, for you and because she knows you care for her.
ꕥ Doesn't half-ass anything, full effort when it comes to you especially when there's a special occasion between you two like holidays, birthdays and anniversaries.
ꕥ Also she loves making you laugh, more often with stories of her experiences with Price and also about how they met.
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Gary "Roach" Sanderson
ꕥ (I CANNOT FIND A DECENT GIF OF THIS MAN FOR THE LIFE OF ME... Here's the credits to where I found the photo)
ꕥ Get this man a makeshift antenna, he would adore it. You made it for him because of his call sign.
ꕥ He sometimes wears it on missions but mostly keeps it so that it doesn't get damage because this man is definitely a horder, not in a bad way just anything you give to him is something worth keeping in his eyes.
ꕥ Gary definitely gives you handmade gifts back, when he knows you'll like something or even if it's at a random, he loves making them for you and he cried when he found out you kept those all in it's own box labeling it your treasures.
ꕥ Very shy and reluctant at first but once he's comfortable, he is tackling you for a hug when he gets the chance.
ꕥ Doesn't talk a lot, (it took me to Google when I saw that many people hc him communicating through BSL) but I like to think he does talk. It's just really selective, like a few words.
ꕥ The first time you heard his voice, you looked at him like "???". He looked at you confused at your reaction and he only realized it when you told him.
ꕥ Think that he'll try to learn sign language within your mother tongue you know, it's too cute not to think about.
ꕥ He gives off soft lover vibes, definitely far more on the gentle side compared to his comrades.
ꕥ Something in me tells me this man rambles but only and I mean only when he's already extremely comfortable around you, not used to using his voice much so expect a bit of stutter. Which by the way, he does this without knowing he's rambling and will profusely apologize with his tone of voice slowly getting more quiet. (This is your sign, comfort this man)
ꕥ Likes to crawl around and climb things for fun, another one of the reasons his call sign was formed. The first time Ghost genuinely screamed was when Roach was stuck on the side of the wall and Ghost saw him there. Kinda like when you see a roach climbing up a wall and it flies straight for you in your direction. (Happened to me by experience when I was taking a shower)
ꕥ He also likes crawling around, like this I mean. Hacker!Reader seeing this on the enemy's security camera while she tries to shut them off is just funny to me idk why.
ꕥ Chubby!Reader? Sign him the fuck up. You once sat down near him and he saw how you thought spread a bit and it was so close to his that he was just resisting the urge to touch. The voice in his head shamelessly thinking of what it would be like if you suffocated him with them.
ꕥ He loves peppering kisses, doesn't matter whether it's receiving or giving this man would straight up take your hands and use them to cup his face, his hands still being over yours and would with wait for you to kiss him or kiss you himself.
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Nikolai Belinski
ꕥ (I have no clue how to write for nik but I'll try my best)
ꕥ We all know him and his jokes about his "wives" which by the way is not true and you know it.
ꕥ He's husband material however he is quite busy, not that he'd barely spend time with you but he is away a lot. There's an upside to this, he constantly calls you (Let's be real, he prefers calls over texts) just to check on how you're doing and he tells you when he's going to come home.
ꕥ Despite all his jokes, he'd never actually make fun of you. Sure he's sarcastic and talks to himself a lot but he'd never go as low as actually making an offensive joke to his lover.
ꕥ Speaking of joking, your laugh is music to this man's ears. Don't matter if you sound like a dying cat, he's still gonna make you laugh.
ꕥ Surprisingly really sweet, people are often surprised to see that man with a lover. He's very thoughtful in a sense that he's observant, sure he's quite absentminded when around you because that's the only space he's comfortable enough to do so but also because he likes listening to you.
ꕥ Does every safety measure in a helicopter possible if he knew you or Gaz would be in that helicopter, he also makes improvements to it and calls it Gaz-proofing because we all know how Garrick fell off a damn helicopter TWICE. (Idk how he does it, Gaz has some serious plot armor)
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jaxt0y · 4 months
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-- 𝙃𝙀𝙔, 𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍𝙔𝘽𝙊𝘿𝙔, let's all take a peek at the 𝕋𝔸𝕃𝕃, ℙ𝕌ℝℙ𝕃𝔼 𝔽ℝ𝔼𝔸𝕂 - he's the jerk with the JOKE of the week . . . 𝑾𝑯𝑶 𝑵𝑬𝑬𝑫𝑺 𝑯𝑰𝑴 ?
[ 1 ] :   INTRO.  hi! my name is mae, i'm 25, i use she/her pronouns & i go by est. this is my semi - selective, low activity rp blog for jax of "the amazing digital circus." icon border & psd are both by jessources. all graphics here are made by me unless stated otherwise.
[ 2 ] :   ETIQUETTE.  you know the rules.  no godmodding, bigotry, racism, forcing ships, or hate of any kind . jax is an ass who loves to mess with others for the fun of it, it's literally nothing personal against your muse, but i will never godmod. just be a decent person i don't do well with drama & i dislike callout culture & i won't be participating in it in any way. of course i want to know who to avoid, but i would prefer these things to be handled & discussed privately & maturely. do not follow if you are a minor or if you use/support: amber heard, gina carano, evan peters, chris pratt or scarlett johanson. if any drama occurs or has occurred with someone i know, i am open to discussing it calmly & in private.
[ 3 ] :   FOLLOWING.  if i follow you,  it means i want to write with you! . if not, it's likely because i can't see our muses clicking well or that i am unfamiliar with the fandom. i will soft block if you don't make an effort to interact with me ooc or ic for some time. i will block you if you break any of my rules.
[ 4 ] :   TRIGGERS & NSFW. triggers you might find on this blog include: themes of existentialism, dissociation, & some violent behavior. i will be tagging triggers as: "trigger cw" & will happily tag anything if asked. my own triggers include: dissociation/depersonalization/derealization, body horror, trypophobia, & eye gore. i'm happy to write nsfw themes so long as we've spoken beforehand!
[ 5 ] :   ACTIVITY & FORMATTING.  my activity is typically sporadic no matter the blog. i do have a life outside of rp & my own mental health to look after. sometimes i'm able to write many replies a day, others only one or none at all. patience in regards to replies is much appreciated & expected. my lengths are usually multi para but they can be shorter or longer depending. never be afraid to send random asks, multiple memes, or turn answers into threads! i love collecting a variety of prompts, but i’m privy to deleting them if they’ve been sitting for awhile or if i can’t think of anything good enough, same goes for threads. sometimes i’ll post one-liner starter calls, but you never have to match my length exactly but i do expect something to go off of. i use small, bold, & italic text. you also do not have to match my formatting & i implore you to tell me if you need it changed for accessibility purposes. my eyesight is not the best, so i ask you to please avoid screenshot-ed replies or using too much fancy text.
[ 6 ] :   SHIPPING. i love shipping with all my heart, exploring dynamics no matter what they may entail is my favorite thing, especially with a complicated guy like jax. he's very closed off & not the most in tune with his emotions, so good luck if you do want to explore a relationship with him (just be sure to talk to me first!). lastly, i ship funnybunny & bunnydoll, but if you write pomni or ragatha i will never expect you to ship with me unless, yet again, we've talked about it. i see jax as panromantic & pansexual.
[ 7 ] :   PORTRAYAL. since tadc is ongoing, my portrayal is subject to change as episodes are released. i know that jax is a jerkwad, but i love to see what makes characters tick, & as of now i don't see him as this irredeemable asshole, just someone who relies on self preservation to survive.
AFFILIATES: @pomniegranate
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kaeyas-beloved · 2 years
And I could look at you all night if you’d let me
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Character: Wanderer
Summary: It was your dream to see the northern lights in Snezhnaya. On a whim, he makes it happen.
Genre: Fluff + Fic
CW: no name mention for Wanderer (referred to by petnames only - he’s post 3.3 though), gn!reader (no pronouns), reader is implied to be the same height or shorter but you can imagine he uses his vision to reach you if you're taller (I just don't mention it), Maybe a little ooc at times I’m not sure it’s my first time writing him, reader isn’t meant to be seen as traveler though I do reference the 3.3 interlude quest, I suddenly couldn’t remember how to write anything or end a story at all
a/n: this is my piece for the 2022 Genshin Secret Santa Event! @xiaoao I got you! I really hope you like it as much as this idea loved consuming me! Happy Holidays <3
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You thought you knew what being cold meant, being born and raised in Mondstadt. Though after your travels took you to the land of the Cryo Archon your thoughts changed drastically on the subject. Now, your nights are filled with a lot more reluctant snuggles from your boyfriend in desperate attempts to keep warm. Of course, the wood fire that blazed a searing orange also kept you two warm in the small cabin, a private hideaway nestled deep within the woods.
Despite you being far from home and your lover a wanderer, your usual routine never changed. Nights where you would rest your head on his chest or his on yours never stopped no matter how hectic your lives got. If you were really lucky, you’d get to run your fingers through his pretty indigo hair, soothing his weary soul. You’d go as far as to say that you love this act just as much as he did solely because seeing him so calm for once always warmed your heart.
Tonight was no different than the night before - and you’re sure it’d be no different from the next - with you falling asleep safely in the puppet’s arms, head resting against his silent chest. Nothing was out of the ordinary, so you’re rightfully confused when harsh shaking rouses you awake sometime later.
Trying your best to blink the sleep away, the pitch black room no help at all, you’re just barely able to recognize the figure looming above you. At once your mind registers that if he is in front of you then no one is providing you that extra bit of warmth. You’re quick to draw the blanket tighter around you, unable to suppress a shiver, “love? What are you doing? Come back to bed, ‘s cold.”
His eye roll couldn't have been louder, “did you not hear me? I told you to get up and get dressed, we’re going out.” his reply alone had you groaning - first he wakes you up and leaves you to freeze, now he wants you to move? Right now? In the middle of the night? Just what is he thinking? “Beloved, please, can’t it wait till the morning? And what the hell do you mean out? Out where?” You pester (maybe he'll drop it if you do it enough).
On any other occasion, your myriad of questions would, in fact, slightly (not really) annoy him. However, what’s taking up most of his mind at that moment is no longer his original plan. Rather, it’s the second use of one of your various petnames. Never had he been referred to with such love before meeting you, so it’s a miracle he was able to remain calm the first time. He’s gotten good at concealing his shyness, but a second instance right after? He can already feel the heat rising along his skin.
“Would you stop calling me all those stupid names!?” He remembers snapping at you once, no real bite in his words as he boiled in his flustering after you teased him. You were only able to smile over at him, eyes rolling playfully.
“I would, but someone hasn’t decided what he’d like to be called yet. I sure as hell would rather call you baby or darling than Wanderer or a name you despise.”
"Cat got your tongue?" you laugh, watching as his hazy eyes refocus. Still at a loss for words, the man you’ve decided to stick with straightens up, fists clenching at his sides. In one fell swoop, the fabric hanging off his hat hits you in the face, the male having turned away from you before stomping to the door. “Just get moving. It won’t kill ya or whatever, promise.” The door click shut after that leaving you to weigh out your options in bed.
Moments later you’re (begrudgingly) stepping out the door too, spotting the male leaning against the bannister. The first thing you take note of is how red his cheeks are, something you're sure isn't due to the cold alone (there's no way they'd get that red so quickly after all). The second thing is how surprisingly awake he looks, definitely not as grouchy as you thought he’d be.
You expect some sort of quick-witted comment about how long it took you. It is late and his patience is probably on the thinner side. However, what actually awaits you is the feeling of his hand latching onto yours, his skin impossibly smooth. Neither of you move for a second, you taking in his forwardness and he calming his rushing heart. You're almost sure his breathing stopped. Squeezing his hand, you let him take the lead, stepping off the porch while tilting his head so his hat acts as a shield against the relentless storm.
It’s like he doesn’t even think when he tugs you just that little bit closer, making sure you stay right by his side. “Don’t need you getting lost.”
The snow is deep at your feet, making each step forward tougher than it should be. You briefly wonder how long it’ll take you to get to where he’s taking you and why he is, but stop yourself. He seems in a good mood and the atmosphere is peaceful in its own way. Wouldn’t want to ruin that with an unnecessary question. You can practically hear his voice in your head, you'll get your answers soon enough.
Finally, after walking for what felt like an eternity, you both start to slow down, pace so slow you’re barely moving forward. As far as you could tell, there was nothing of note in the area. Just mounds of snow, bare trees, and a white-dusted mountain. Humorously, you think he’s finally planning on killing you and just needed a remote location.
No, you remind, batting down giggles. He’s not like that anymore... sort of.
With each step closer to the base of the mountain you could actually feel the shift of the wind, the snow’s never ending downfall easing up little by littler. Nature grew quiet around you both, nothing but the quiet whistle of winds and snaps of twigs from small critters. For a brief moment you felt like you were in your own personal snow globe, peaceful and serene, and stop to take everything in.
Deciding now is the best time, your lover takes in a breath before speaking. “When I told you who I was and what I'd done, I thought you would betray me like the others. I thought that I would forever be cursed to wander alone in this world." Lifting his head he turns to look into your eyes. There's a rare calmness to them that you swear to protect however you can, a glimmer of happiness and love you'd extend for as long as possible. "I remember once you told me that someone’s past does not define them entirely. You also said that a heart is not the sole thing that makes you human.”
Oh, so you do listen to me! you think, though your expression must have revealed your thoughts because he's suddenly looking away from you, teeth clenched and cheeks burning red. You’re sure however that it's not out of anger or annoyance, just embarrassment. It’s not something he always does after all - open up or act soft with you - his personality a little rough around the edges at times. There are times it takes a lot to pull out his true feelings and thoughts, so, the fact that he’s doing it willingly leads you to believe there’s something he really wants to tell you or lead into. Something important.
Collecting himself again, indigo eyes meet your gaze once more, a neutral, serious expression on his face, “you helped guide me on my travels, and I wanted to thank you.” In one go his face is impossibly close to yours, warm breath tickling the shell of your ear. You almost didn’t catch his command.
Close your eyes.
Without even thinking, you do as he says, letting your eyes slip shut. The second he's sure you won't peak he's tugging you further forward. Placing your trust in him you put up no resistance (even as you go in a multitude of worrying directions). After one particular bend, you're stopped, a hand landing on your shoulder. You feel the shift in the little body heat your lover gives off, going from in front to behind you and the familiar brush of his nose against your ear returns, "you can open them now.”
You're stumbling back into his chest, hand covering your mouth at the sight you're greeted with. Arms loop themselves around you as he rests his head against you. You can’t see it but in all honesty the male isn’t all too captivated by the dance of lights taking place in the sky. It was something he saw all too often during his time as a Harbinger. Instead, his attention was on you and the expression you had. The way your irises reflected the light, astonishment and tearful joy mixed in. How your mouth remained slightly parted, revealed after your hand lowered to hang at your side. How your breath became visible and how the snow stuck to you however it could.
“This is…”
“You also once told me that you’ve always wanted to see the Northern Lights.” While you stay fixated on what’s occurring in front of you, you make sure you’re listening, hand grabbing for his once more. “You mortals celebrate holidays during this time, don’t you? I never did because I believed they were pointless,” he sighs and you can’t help the sorrowful thump your heart makes at his tone, “but, now that you’re here I’ll have to expand my horizons. I figured since I knew they’d be around I’d use it as both my thank you and holiday present. I’ll take you again whenever you’d like, just say the word and I’ll make it happen.”
He has to back up a step just from the sheer force of your turn, “really!?”
His soft expression gets taken over by a devious smirk. “Of course. Didn’t I tell you I’d balance the books one day? I believe fulfilling your wish is more than enough, no?” You have to hold back a snort, pulling him back so he’s right in front of you. While he complains about the “harsh grabbing” you gave him, you plant a kiss to his nose then his lips. It’s sweet and simple but conveys all that you want to tell him that you’d never fully be able to place into words
You pull away after a little longer, unable to not think about how a kiss always works in getting him to calm down. “Silly, I told you there’s no such thing.”
“But,” you continue, maintaining eye contact. Maybe it’s a trick of the light, but you could swear there was an innocence in his eyes, like what you say next might make or break his efforts, “thank you.”
It looks like you were right because his shoulders relax in the next second, eyes slipping shut and the most serene smile painted his face,, “I knew it, you really are the silly one.” You’re welcome.
When you look back up at the sky, you don’t catch the way he doesn’t look up with you but instead at you. All those little things he spotted before were too mesmerizing to not witness more of. So, while you remained entertained, your lover kept a firm hold on your hand, shoulder bumping against you as he continued appreciating you from the corner of his eye. If he gets to feel this happy, if he could stare at you all night like he can now, then Archons he never wants this moment to end.
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All I could think about was Scara looking at you while you admired something else because to him you look amazing and breathtaking when you’re happy.
Tag list: @spoopy-fish-writes // @that-enby-alien // @xenuuu // @kaeyaloml // @mariposa666haruka // @quackquackmfs // @kaerui-kaisen // @ajaxstar // @genshin-impact-writings // @ventisweetheart // @lordbugs // @leena-shi // @lemontum // @akiria12167 // @ari-the-wr1ter // @dontmindmebeing // @xiaos-wife // @stage-lucida
Wanna be tagged in future works? Consider filling out this form! And if you want to be removed just DM or send an ask into my inbox!
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tamh-camhanaichh · 2 months
Hi there! You can call me Ro - I'm 21+ and go by he/they! I decided to make a blog separate for all my rp endeavours, so feel free to look through whatever I post or shoot me a message if you think we might get along! I'm a pretty selective writer but I'm always open to chat! I write typically advanced literate, multi-para to novella style (500-1500 words an average reply, but can go up to 3000+ with other novella writers!) though the length depends on what's going on in the scene. I prefer longer replies and starters, action-packed, significant moments tend to be longer, but it entirely depends, and if I like an ad preferring shorter replies then I can match that too! I roleplay exclusively on discord! This blog is just for sharing things about my muses and finding new partners. I write both fandomless and fandom rps, ocs and canons! For ocs, I write a variety of muses; male, female, trans and nonbinary, of all ages, backgrounds, and ethnicities. Transphobia and racism will not be tolerated here. If you aren't open to trans or non-white muses, do not interact. I also write all pairings, but I tend to primarily write mxm (with trans/nb variations.) I am, however, absolutely open to mxf and fxf (with all trans/nb variations.) I use realistic faceclaims most of the time, or anime or picrew ones, with descriptions. I do not do wanted faceclaims or change my faceclaims. I am pro-ship and engage with dead dove type topics and am more than happy to include them in roleplays. Expect to see some gritty topics or aesthetics here for some of my muses. I, of course, do not endorse dubious or harmful topics/behaviour in real life; it is purely fiction! Things like abuse, dubcon/noncon, stalking, murder, torture, self-harm, drug use, mental health issues, etc, may be included in this blog. I do not rp underage content. I love dark, gritty roleplays. I love fleshing out characters and stories and getting completely into our muses' heads and building the world around them. I love detail, headcanons, complex characters, dynamics and relationships. Give me nuance and complexity and depth, please! NSFW wise, I am absolutely open to it and love it as a way to develop our characters, but I do not typically rp smut as a priority. Almost all of my characters are switches and very few are strict subs/doms (and those that are are typically the opposite of what you might expect them to be). I do not enjoy writing as or against very soft characters or strict submissives. I love rambling about muses, spamming pinterest aesthetics, assigning songs and lyrics to muses, etc! I love ooc chatter if we roleplay, but I'll never pester you if it's not your vibe. I am ghost friendly and will always be open to restarting a rp or plotting again, I don't hold grudges and I don't care much to block people unless there's a legitimate reason. If I block you, it's because boundaries were overstepped or ghosting was a response to trans or non-white muses. Below are some fandoms, canon muses, fandom oc settings, and fandomless tropes/vibes that I love! Feel free to message me about any of them! Fandoms/tropes with a * are the ones I'm currently most interested in!
Death Note (L, ocs)
Attack on Titan (Erwin, Levi, Jean, Bertholdt, ocs*)
Blue Eye Samurai (Mizu)*
Given (Haruki)
Demon Slayer (ocs)
Castlevania (Alucard)
Dune (Paul, Feyd-Rautha, ocs)*
Hannibal NBC
Sherlock BBC (Moriarty)
Strangers from Hell (Moon-Jo)
Taxi Driver
SK8 (Ainosuke)
Skyrim (ocs)*
Baldur's Gate 3 (ocs*, Gale, Wyll)
The Boys (Homelander, Hughie)
Midnight Mass
Interview with the Vampire (TV series) (Lestat, Armand)*
Bones and All (Lee)
The Hunger Games (ocs)
Saltburn (Felix)
The Bear (Carmen)
The Umbrella Academy (Klaus, Luther, Five, Dave)
Gotham (Oswald, Edward, Victor, Jervis)
Feel free to ask me about my muses and canon ships! I also have several ocs for these universes!
Historical - 1800s, Jane Eyre, Bridgerton vibes*
Medieval fantasy - LOTR, Skyrim type vibes*
1950s - mental health asylums, murder couple, freak show vibes
Grunge vibes - rough backgrounds, settings, environments for rough muses
Obsession to the ends of the earth; cannibalism as a metaphor for love (and just general cannibalism), murder in the name of love; abuse/torture/toxicity in the name of love*
Dystopia/apocalypse - TLOU, Hunger Games vibes, corrupt governments and dangerous worlds
Vampires; werewolves; mercreatures - I am ALWAYS a sucker for vampire/human, vampire/werewolf, mercreature/human
Cults, psychological horror, southern gothic, religious trauma - think Bones and All, Ethel Cain, Midnight Mass, The Devil all the Time. Bonus points for trans muses involved - the black sheep gone unhinged and murdery*
Found family
Doomed by the narrative + haunting the narrative*
WWI; fictional war settings; young soldiers lied to and thrown into the worst action, coming back home and struggling
1920s dark academia; university settings; murder mystery; philosophy
Mxm age gaps - rugged older men getting the spark back into their lives with a wild, cocky little thing. Bonus points for Wild West settings
Literature inspires a lot of my Vibes: Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Frankenstein, Paradise Lost, Dostoevsky, Rebbeca, Kafka, and more
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