#op has interests and he's gonna share them
unexpected theory that i stumbled upon
I am in a JOJOLands discord server and a member of the server had this theory that I think should be shared. They plan on posting the full scope of it on Reddit (so I'll add the link to it here when it gets posted). In the meantime, I'm gonna summarize what I've found based on their discussions so far and add my own theories to it.
(This will be a long one :P)
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The theory in particular involves the star emblem Jodio poses in that has numbers at each arrow.
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On one hand, those numbers could simply be counting each point or is in reference to how there has been 9 parts for JoJo so far. But... what if the numbers are in refrence to this instead:
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This is the Enneagram of Personality, a personality assessment that consists of nine personality traits. It's a system that focuses on a person's emotions regarding motivations and fears. Each of the nine personality types is defined by a particular core belief about how the individual thinks the world works. It's believed no one really changes from their numbers but one can relate to more than one number and each number has levels ranging from "healthy" to "unhealthy" that a person can resonate with over time. What's interesting is that the Ennegram is made to resemble a star, with the number 3, 6, and 9 working as a triad that symbolizes wholeness.
There are other details regarding the arrows such as sub-types, wings, and arrows, but we're going to focus more on the surface stuff in this post (the Reddit post can dive deeper). But, how does this relate to The JOJOLands?
Well, what if you place the numbers with the arrows? Not just literally but let's also have it match more with the Ennegram as well. Let's also try to put the numbers aligned in two different ways (images created by the person on the server).
With the numbers aligned vs with the empty arrow pointing upwards:
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We can call the first one the original placement and the second one the "inverted" placement to differentiate the two.
But, there's more. Do you remember what the cover art for "Chapter 8: Let's Look at Luxury Watches" is? Remember how it shows the same emblem but with the 5 known characters at the moment?
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It looks like each character is associated with a particular point of that emblem. Let's put the Ennegram numbers on them and see what they look like with the original placement and the "inverted" placement. The original OP also made these images.
Original Numbers vs Inverted Numbers:
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Why does this all matter?
It obviously looks like the characters aren't just decorated around the star emblem but each one is associated with a number on the Ennegram. With the inverted, it also appears as if most of them change numbers.
Now, if you look at the numbers they're associated with in the "before" photo, you realize their personalities align with the numbers in the Ennegram.
Jodio has the ambitious goal of becoming obscenely rich. He prides himself for being reliable, getting the job done with no questions asked and mentioned how being this way gained him praise and money among other things. His recent diagnosis makes him speculate he could be a psychopath. 3s are are goal-oriented, viewing success as being praised for their achievements, and they act with efficiency. Their ambition can cause them to be relentless, even psychopathic.
Rohan is looked up to by Jodio among others and is considered a creative, inspiring individual due to his success as a mangaka and the perfection he strives to have in his works. Despite his actions towards the team, he continously warned them of danger during their interaction and even advises Jodio before they part ways. 1s are known to be perfectionists due to their creativity and their self-awareness, which inspires many. This belief makes them think they're different from others, which can translate to being critical of others and an air of self-righteousness due to their moral compass believing they are better than others.
Usagi is considered an oddball since the beginning yet proves his potential with how intelligent and inqusitive he is. Even if it got the team out of trouble in some cases, his approach is unconventional and he is still considered a troubled individual to his peers, even rejected from further connections. 5s are known to be inquisitive and would spend hours observing and experimenting every detail and concept to gain more knowledge if given the opportunity. However, going too far with their discoveries makes them very eccentric and their desire to seek knowledge can eventually drive them to insanity.
Paco is a kleptomaniac addicted to stealing due to the rush it gives him and, despite being academically weak, is a very capable fighter and planner of the group. He's rather rash with his decisions but can take control of any situation, especially in a fight. 7s are known for being quick on their feet, able to plan and act on instincts when the situation calls for it, and make up their lack of studiousness with their street smarts. But, this impulsiveness and desire to act on energy means their addictions can lead to self-destruction much faster due to how much energy they go through and they could be associated with BPD.
Dragona goes out of the way to avoid further fallout or conflict deemed unnecessary or cause further trouble. They engage in peaceful things like yoga and is the voice of calmness and trust that contrast Jodio's more violent nature. 9s are known as peacemakers, valuing harmony and simplicity above all, which makes others trust them due to how stable they seem. This stubborness to keep peace can put them in a state of disorientation and reclusiveness that can manifest into multiple personalities.
While some believe Ennegram numbers don't change over time, seeing the inverted numvers show different numbers seem to indicate that the characters we see will evolve into their new numbers as the story progresses. This may foreshadow what will happen to each character or what they will become in the end.
2s are known to be empathetic, putting others first as givers, and desire to be loved above everything, yet it can be seen as manipulative and lead to self-victimization.
4s are known to be authentic, finding creativity and deep connections with others, but can fall into despair when dreams and hope are lost.
See 5, 7, and 9 above.
Jodio as a 2 means he could become more loving to others and take on the typical Joestar personality of pursuing justice and determination due to empathy. It doesn't necessarily mean he's "cured" of his inability to feel guilt or have no affection to others beyond his family, but it may indicate him learning to find connections and going on some sort of self-discovery as a result. At the same time, the happiness he desired could be interpeted as love he yearns to feel for, and he could be changing his purpose of pursuing riches to fit more of a 2.
Rohan as a 4 is harder to speculate what will become of him besides a possible return. We know little of Rohan's full personality in The JOJOLands but we know Rohan as an arrogant, discourteous perfectionist from previous iterations. This does seem to imply Rohan will be a more present mentor who embraces more of his imperfections and increasing an appreciation towards those around him. He's sort of started doing that already with Jodio at the end of chapter 5.
Dragona as a 5 means they may start becoming less avoidant and more assertive and proactive in taking control of the situation. I speculate they have some sort of block that discourages them from doing this currently, maybe due to lack of confidence or having a not-so strong Stand compared to Jodio or Paco. Or, maybe being in Jodio's shadow has made them comfortable with doing minimal work. Regardless, they are finally able to show themselves as their own Joestar and fighter in their own right. As a possible 5, this also means Dragona may discover something ground-breaking and it could lead to some major sacrifice; possibly, Dragona's life may end as a result.
Paco remains a 7, which I find interesting but understandable if there needs to be a balance between characters that dramatically change and characters that remain constant; Paco in this case is the latter. Still, Paco could become either a better or a worser version of a 7 to show how much he's changed as the plot continues. I could be possible that Paco becomes more valued for his quick mind despite his lack of intelligence or his addiction to stealing and being impuslive causes issues with the team and ultimately his downfall instead.
Usagi becoming a 9 points two scenarios. On one hand, his transformation points him to be an ultimate traitor. Maybe the reactions to his eccentricities results in him feeling like he needs to hide more of himself and pushes him to villainy because of rejection. On the other hand, Usagi may come to realize he doesn't need to be complex and go beyond to try making friends, so he starts feeling more at ease. Either way, it seems like Usagi still has a wall of sorts hiding who he really is and becoming a 9 might reveal it soon.
We don't know too much about Knife Guy so far, but I'm guessing he's either going to be a 7 like Paco or a 2 who eventually becomes a 3. In the case of the latter, it could be due to Knife Guy pursuing the gang out of orders and following them to gain validation while lacking his own agency. Becoming a 3, especially under Paco's mentorship, may lead him to think about his own goals and ambitions instead of aiding the goals and ambitions of others.
The Enneagram also explains how the Stands work too. The Reddit post can go more into how these personalities relate to not just the characters but their Stand abilities and what the Stands might evolve into.
With that out of the way, I now want to talk about my two cents: the main villain.
What number would the main villain be? After all, there are 9 numbers total and only 5 (6 including Knife guy as I'm writing this) characters identified.
If we look at the chart and the inverted chart, there are only two numbers that remain untouched: 6 and 8. Coincidentally, they are the "inverses" of each other.
Between the 2 numbers, the main villain most likely will start as a 6 before turning into an 8. If you look at the Ennegram, the most obvious triad shown is the 369. I mentioned earlier how these three numbers hold significance in the Ennegram.
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If Jodio and Dragona already took the positions of 3 and 9 respectively and no other character is a 6 so far, the main villain would most likely be the one to hold the 6 position. As a 6, this also implies they start out very close to Dragona and Jodio prior to becoming the main villain going against them. In terms of how close, a mutual friend or a relative is most likely since the two Joestars are siblings and the closest to each other in their gang. The main villain can also be someone completely unrelated but due to their role in society they are a major, unknown influence in Jodio and Dragona's life. Regardless, whoever it is will still fit being a 6 who becomes an 8.
If we look at the 6 and 8 traits on the Ennegram, something interesting comes up:
6s are seen as reliable. They are dedicated and ride-or-die with what they believe in, find security in having these loyalties. However, they can be driven to hysteria and dependency on what they believe in, being in deep denial when the beliefs starts failing, and then being lost when it crosses a point of no return.
8s are seen as assertive. They are the epitome of the ideal hero, confident in what they do and they end up becoming the voice to those who are saved or supported by them. Their actions, if left unchecked, can be seen as delusional and domineering, and some 8s are known to have ASPD and be sociopaths.
It seems like the main villain starts off as someone very loyal to some sort of system they support and are a part of. Something then happens (such as corruption, betrayal, and/or realization) changes them from a 6 into an 8. As an 8, they start doing things as a means of addressing the issue they found with this system that caused their change. They could be trying to save, improve, reform, or destroy it, and their actions cause more harm than good despite believing they are doing otherwise. Whatever the case, it clashes with what Jodio wants and thus making them a main antagonist preventing Jodio from his goals and harming his loved ones in the process.
What is the system, then? We don't exactly know but we have some possibilities.
The system could be something tangible and visible. The American legal system could be an example; we end up with a main villain who is a police officer, judge, lawyer, or social worker. Another example is American capitalism; someone as low as a migrant worker or as high as a CEO could become a main villain. Both could be individuals who feel mistreated by the system or has an epiphany on how to optimize it and both ways lead to them wanting to heavily alter said system at the cost of many lives.
Alternatievly, the system could be a more philosophical and invisible. A great example of this is the mechanisms. We end up with a main villain who either failed to achieve their goals because of it or succeeded yet remained unsatisfied. We can even have someone who started out with a similar life and goals as Jodio. In that case, the main villain could be some sort of warning of what would have happened to Jodio if he didn't change his ways.
In both cases, the main villain becomes someone who is a "hero" or "a voice to the people" because their change leads them to find followers that feel like they are being heard as a result of the main villain taking action for it. There are many careers that can allow someone to become such a voice, such as cult or religious leaders, social media influencers, celebrities, politicians, and more. Especially with how social media has made parasocial relationships prevalent, this could bring a new concept of betrayal that is seen today; think of modern influencer stardom or Asian idol culture. Similar to how DIO would have loyal minions sent to deter and defeat the gang in part 3, the followers of the main villain may become minor villains trying to stop the gang in part 9.
It seems to make sense that a villain would be an 8 because the last three villains we had could be described as 8s. Pucci wanted everyone to understand their destined fate, Funny Valentine wanted America to be a great nation, and Tooru wanted to change society for the sake of Rock Humans. All three were people of influence like mentioned above relative to where they worked (GDSP's Chaplain, president of the United States, Head Doctor of T.G. University Hospital respectively) and all 3 thought they were doing something good for a group of people. So, I speculate the main villain is in a similar boat and his attempts of doing something good may end up clashing Jodio's plans.
Something you might notice is that all the numbers have an associated personalty or mental disorder/symptom associated with them. This happens if the individual falls into the "unhealthy" levels of the number they are associated with. Note: they don't mean you will end up with such symptoms but rather they can explain why you have developed them. Most of the things listed repeat itself in some way and are rather generic (acts of self-destruction, having some sort of dependency or addiction, and becoming reclusive) but there are some that have specific diagnosis like BPD and multiple personalities listed.
What's interesting is ASPD and sociopathy is associated with the 8 personality. As someone who was diagnosed with ASPD by his school psychotherapist, you would think Jodio should have been an 8 for this reason and maybe start out as an 8 before becoming a 6. Instead, he starts as a 3, which does mention psychopathy, but that's about it, and he's expected to become a 2. Could this hint that Jodio's diagnosis is wrong (since the test itself is sketchy and diagnosing somone with that tends to be difficult to quantify in practice)? Or, is this going to end up being a battle between two individuals with ASPD and this could be some weird story about nature vs nurture (Jodio as nature and the main villain as nurture)?
I do wonder what this would all mean for Jodio and the rest of his gang. Even though Rohan mentions someone from the 3 of the gang members being potential traitors, the main villain is set up to be the ultimate betrayer of sorts. This is especially because of the potential that the main villain is very close to Jodio and Dragona, and it makes me speculate the main villain being someone like their estranged father, Meryl Mei, or maybe even Barbara Ann. When someone once mentioned the possibility of Josuke/Gappy becoming a villain, this theory puts him on the table too.
What do you guys think?
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thatshadowcomic · 3 months
Hello, op. I absolutely love reading comics and your recent one, The Toll, is something I look forward to read! :D
If it's alright to ask, what are headcanons you like to share about Shadow and/or Sonic?
Thank you!!! The new page will be coming soon, gonna shoot for this weekend! I'll be lockin' in to get more stuff done this month >:)
I have HC from 2002 until now hahaha--Here's a few sonic/shadow specific things that might be interesting?
I combine details from the Archie comics and Sonic X and mix them with the main lore from the games btw.
-Sonic ghost writes/secretly produces a lot music in response to the things in his life. "Live and Learn" was his direct response to shadow's presumed death.
-Shadow and maria are like siblings in my AU, but his relationship with her and Gerald would shape what he expects from relationships in his life, in the same way your parental relationships would shape your expectations for men and women.
-On the ARK, the scientists grew very fond of shadow, often petting him or scratching his ears. Maria would often fluff up his fur, like you would a dog's cheeks. He now understands this kind of affection is more of a human-pet thing and it's kinda inappropriate as an adult... but he misses it.
-Sonic jokes that shadow is like a dog a lot, because he likes being pet and laying on sonic's stomach...and one other reason.
-Sonic isn't as aloof as he seems and he knows how to read the room, and shadow. He once heard that shadow liked Doritos, so he got him a value box of all the flavors and left it at his house without telling him and never mentioned it, so shadow isn't sure if it's even from him.
-Shadow and Omega are like brothers, with Omega often trying to out do or impress him. Sometimes Shadow gets too competitive and they fight, with topaz having to break them up...Rouge just laughs and watches the carnage.
Some deeper stuff:
-It's hard for sonic to truly hate someone or refuse to help them, which has become a big struggle with people around him...and himself. He is certainly a redemption-oriented person and gives people a choice to be his enemy each time they interact, rather than label them as such.
During the Doom situation, sonic wasn't afraid of being killed by shadow, rather, he was afraid of shadow doing something he didn't want to do.
-Sonic doesn't believe that life has purpose or reason, instead he thinks people should find their own meaning and value. "It doesnt matter". He lives in the moment and enjoys as much out of it as he can, because he knows he could die any day.
-Shadow is horrified by the idea of life being meaningless and struggles to see how sonic can have a fruitful life feeling this way. The concept fills shadow with dread and gives him an existential crisis...He struggles with the idea of possible immortality because it means anything he gains will one day vanish, just as before.
Sonic thinks shadow should live the same as him because he'll outlive it. He wonders if shadow should document everything as a way to appropriate it...
A big part of sonadow for me is how they learn that different people need different things. Shadow doesnt want freedom in the same way that sonic does..
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invisiblefoxfire · 1 year
Listen up, fellow queers and token straights, we're not gonna whine about the lack of new media during the strike and we're not gonna waiver in our support of the strikers.
In the meantime, we are going to recommend to each other more already-existing media than any of us could ever watch given several lifetimes to do it in.
I'll go first. Here are just a few of the creators I care about and want you to support.
Filmjoy: This YouTube channel (Movies with Mikey, Deep Dive, etc.) makes incredibly well-produced video essays on film and occasionally TV and games. The channel's focus is on positivity and finding things to love about everything. And YouTube doesn't promote that sort of thing anymore, so the channel's creators (one of whom has multiple sclerosis) are running out of money and close to losing their house. Binge these genuinely incredible video essays with adblock turned off or, better yet, sign up to their Patreon and binge them with adblock on. Seriously, I love this channel so much, and if they don't get a boost in income soon, they're going to have to stop making videos. And I want more videos. Seriously, even watch the videos about things you haven't seen. They've persuaded me to watch loads of stuff I never would have watched otherwise and they're very good about not spoiling things (and giving spoiler warnings when needed).
AyeForScotland on Twitch: This is Tumblr's very own very handsome pro-Scottish-independence @ayeforscotland who has an incredible accent and plays loads of interesting games. He's going for Partner on Twitch now, which he has already earned but been denied due to an absurd technicality regarding whether viewers being linked to the channel directly from Tumblr integration. Go follow him now if he's not live, and when he goes live, go to Twitch and manually click on his name to watch the stream, since that's apparently the best way to get him the boost he needs. He sometimes has @thebibliosphere on as a guest (DOUBLE SCOTTISH ACCENTS HELL YES) and you can watch archives of many of his streams on his YouTube Channel.
Africa Everyday: This YouTube channel is run by Babatunde, a Nigerian man who shares his life and culture, makes cooking videos, and generally is a pleasure to watch and listen to. Seriously he's one of the kindest human beings I've ever spoken with. The money he earns from the channel goes towards helping his family and his community.
Dropout.tv: You simply will not find better comedy entertainment for the money. A monthly or yearly subscription is just a few dollars a month and gives you access to countless hours of top-quality entertainment from a company that started their own streaming service rather than cater to YouTube's algorithm. This is the place that started as College Humor, but if you haven't seen them in a while, you really need to check it back out. They're incredibly inclusive in their casting and theming and the production values are insane. I recommend starting with Game Changer, a show which has made me laugh so hard I choked and almost threw up. They also have Dimension 20 (or D20), the highest-quality DnD series out there, with custom-made sets and minis, usually with a focus on sheer comedy rather than drama (most of the cast members are comedy writers or comedians) - but it WILL and I mean WILL make you cry now and then. The currently in-progress season of D20 is called Dungeons and Drag Queens and the players are four literal actual fucking drag queens including Bob the Drag Queen and friends? You need to be watching this. If you have any doubts about whether Dropout is worth it or don't have any money, you can watch many full episodes for free on the CollegeHumor YouTube channel, although they have to censor the swears on there.
Nebula: Remember Lindsay Ellis? She left YouTube because of [too many reasons to list] but it turns out she's still active, she's just on Nebula now. Nebula is the co-op of streaming sites. Users sign up for a low monthly fee and the income is distributed among the creators, weighted according to how many views they get. The videos are uncensored and ad-free and contain lots of stuff that later needs to be edited out of YouTube videos to avoid copyright strikes. They've got FilmJoy on there (remember them from the start of this list?), Philosophy Tube (@theabigailthorn), Jacob Geller, Extra Credits, and loads and loads of other stuff on all different sorts of topics. Many of these channels also have YouTube channels that contain most of their content if you can't afford a Nebula subscription, but Nebula supports them more and gives them more creative freedom.
I'm gonna stop here for now but I'll add more in reblogs as the strike continues.
I hereby invite all of you to ruin my notifications until the strike is over. Reblog this, add your recommendations (especially ones that most people might not know about), and pass it on. There will not be a single complaint about lack of things to watch while the strike is ongoing.
(Why yes I am looking for more things to watch too. I've already seen all of the above. Bring it on.)
(And if you have a few dollars to spare, support the strikers directly at the Entertainment Community Fund.)
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t4tfitpac · 2 months
I was interested in knowing what you think the preferred binding method of the two are? Or was the preferred if you think they had too surgery. As a nonbinary individual I’ve reached the point in my art where I’m experimenting with drawing characters adapting their chests so I’m curious. Hope that’s not to weird thank you!
OMG FIRST OF ALL ! I AM SO SORRY I DID NOT SEE THIS AT ALL ! wow, this was asked when the QSMP was still in business (i am so normal i prommy)
Ok so second of all thank you so much for your ask ! I have so many thoughts on this :D (so many thoughts in fact that they're below the cut now whoops)
I do like reading and writing all different kinds of trans Fit & Pac - whether they're pre-op, post-op, don't want surgery, anything goes. But I do have a special affinity for a few details.
Regarding Fit: I definitely think he did not have the ability to get anything done surgery wise in 2b2t, and his hormones were DIY at best. By using what he has available, I think layers of clothing have been key to him hiding his chest for all those years, as well as bandages when he's had access to them. His reputation would also help him along in not being outed, as people will flee from him from far away, and the ones he does see up close are either too distracted by the explosions of combat, too afraid to accuse him of anything, or people that he's close enough with to the point of them respecting the secret (because they have secrets too and it's a mutually assured destruction type thing).
When Fit first gets to Quesadilla Island, I think he sticks with his tried and true method of binding, even though it's not the healthiest, because it's what he knows. But, eventually he reveals that part of his identity to a few people. Phil definitely knows, and he would possibly sew Fit a binder, or share with him a sewing pattern for one. When Pac finds out, of course Fit gets a Tazercraft branded binder. But honestly, I think that the more comfortable Fit gets on Quesadilla Island, the less he has to compensate for his gender identity being recognized. It's just a given to everyone there that he's a guy, so he lets them hang loose, or even wears a bikini on occasion when going to the beach. I don't know if Fit would get any kind of top surgery for quite a while.
Regarding Pac: Oh he got those chopped off as early as possible. In prison (Fuga), he would be binding using bandages he sweet-talked Felps into getting for him, and he would have back issues from binding them way too tightly. I even think it would be kinda beautiful if Cell were to adjust his bandages for him at some point during the refuge because while he's a crazed maniac cannibal, he at least knows how to not crack a rib while binding !
When Pac gets to Quesadilla Island, he's either had top surgery already or is gonna be getting it soon. I think at first he wears some regular tank tops w/o sideboob, maybe some more loose fitting ones later, but Mike would help him out with surgery asap and that would be that. I could definitely see Pac keeping the compression vest post surgery though, for the grounding pressure it provides. and he'd wanna have a little fat left, I think, just enough to be kinda big pecs but not enough to be full on boobs.
Thank you so much again for your ask and I'm so so sorry it took months to respond ! I hope the many words help :D
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transingthoseformers · 6 months
OverpanKid!OP anon
Let's try this again. Sorry. I realize that was a "complete" ask, but I wasn't finished.
After their little Bonnie and Clyde stint, they settle down and mellow out. They still have their more... murdery tendencies and they can live up to their reputation if necessary, but they basically just want to live a simple domestic life with some children to raise.
Of course that plan goes sideways when they lose nearly their entire clutch except for one determined little bean.
Speaking of, I like to think Optimus has some interesting traits from his creators.
He has a set of retractable "claws'' that actually double as mnemosurgery tools (courtesy of Trepan, though he doesn't use them for that purpose, just normal claws), and he didn't just get those beautiful full lips from Overlord, he also got his fangs too (also retractable, he can rearrange his teeth to hide them). He has more of Trepan's helm shape (with his audials and finials, though Optimus's are more broad than needle like) and more of Overlord's body shape and face.
He learned medical sciences from Trepan (though he's not a fan of mnemosurgery) and learned how to fight from Overlord (he refuses to kill someone unless he has to). Unlike how other old acquaintances of his parents who believe their son is soft for "being a runt", or "not utilizing his built-in tools", or "not wanting to kill", they recognize his strengths and support him in whatever ways they can (and they do not tolerate slander of their child, how DARE anyone insult their precious baby!!) For a couple of war criminals with horrendous reputations they make for amazing and supportive parents.
When Orion eventually comes to them saying he wants to join the Autobots, they are understandably concerned and worried - the Autobots may be the lesser of two evils, but even they have committed their fair share of atrocities, some arguably worse than the Decepticons (Trepan would know) - but support his decision all the same. They help him reformat himself so his more outwardly warframe traits are hidden and ship him on his way with promises to keep in touch.
Of course we know how that ends, Orion - renamed to Optimus - is expelled and out of shame he only keeps in sparse contact with his parents until he just suddenly drops off the face of the universe for 50 years and Cybertron believes him to be dead. Overlord and Trepan get word of his whereabouts and decide to drop by for a visit. 
Now if dealing with collecting the pieces of Allspark, the hounding of the Autobot Elite Guard, and fighting the Decepticon High Command wasn't enough stress on his shoulders, the secret he's kept so close to his spark is going to be busted wide open for the universe to see.
I can totally see that, given these two, but sweet that they're willing to settle down. Kinda.
Yeah he'd never do mnemosurgery he's too much of a painfully good guy
Interesting that Optimus has some medical knowledge, that's gotta cause some fun moments where he surprises Ratchet or when a first aid needing moment happens
They are evil evil amazing husbands who love their son dearly
Considering the tfa autobots... yeah that tracks
Oh optimus, shit is gonna be wild but you'll come out of it well, i promise. Especially with fucking Overlord and Trepan thoroughly on his side
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punks-never-die205 · 5 months
Hey 😊, thanks alot. I really enjoy reading your answers. They're so much fun. 🥰😁 A very different question: would you tell us sth about yourself? I mean your age, your profession (are you a professional writer would interest me) for example and how you get to like the Kid Pirates so much. 😊
Awww how sweet, sure anon - I’m pretty open about my age on my main blog, which is linked in the pinned post for this, so I don’t mind sharing some stuff.
I am an Ancient Internet Being - I was a netizen in 1993, when my dad got a home computer for me for Christmas. AOL was the new big deal, and yeah. It was a time.
Anyway, I was 12 then and I’m 42 now - gonna have a big birthday request bash again this year on the main blog to celebrate hitting 43 this July. (I celebrate my age without shame because “old” is a privilege and I look forward to actually getting there in 20 years)
By day I’m a mild-mannered pun slinging tech liaison of sorts for my team. I do a lot of translating between IT and Business, and I do some tech work too. I have down time at work cause when things compile or meetings stall out there’s not much else to do.
I’m a rock star though, by my boss’ own admission, so I have the great luck of not being stressed and being able to write a bit during work.
I was once a professional writer, but that was… not my best time, honestly. I’m not cut out for it xD I’d rather write fanfic honestly, or do a re-write of my OG story and have it be what I wanted.
Fun fact, I guess, I don’t have a degree of any kind. I was working toward a criminal psychology degree out of high school, dropped out, worked, went back to college to get an IT degree - ended up with cancer, withdrew and spent all my college savings money on surgery instead of school and ended up finding a solid job.
Went back to college a THIRD time, had a 4.0, was rocking being on the dean’s list and then work changed our hours, and I had to withdraw again. (I had 12 credit hours and was working 56 hours a week - don’t do that. It’s fucking nuts.)
Just wasn’t in the cards.
I almost got denied a job because the hiring manager thought no degree meant I wouldn’t be able to compose emails, despite two published books….
But things are good now \o/
Oh! And the Eustass Kid - ah I got into OP April 2022 (my return to fan fic was October 2022 \o/ ) and fell in love with the entire show. My focus moved from Luffy to Zoro to Law at Shabody.
Sir Crocodile coming back in at Marineford got my full and undivided attention, but then I read a reader insert story with Kid in it. Went back and rewatched scenes for him and really paid attention and was hooked.
I loved everything alluded to about him, the personality, the view point he had. Post time skip he bulked out and that voice just grabbed me by the throat.
I couldn’t ignore him xD
Marco, Kid, Crocodile we’re pretty much it, but I love writing so many characters 😄 hell I have like 8 sideblogs to keep all the stories organized.
Kid is a beast of a character though, and I love him, and then I met people because of that and that love grew. Seriously Check out @swampstew - she’s passionate about the crew even more than me and I love what she writes.
@wyvernslovecake has an amazingly cute OC for the crew and lots of stuff about them.
I could list a dozen more, but you asked about me so I’ll reign it in for now. 🥰
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cursedvibes · 3 months
what do you think of this.....theory thread...?
i somehow can't make sense of it despite how well-researched it seems
Agree with you. They make some interesting points and there are some things that could form a good basis for some other stuff, but the basic premise of "Yuki is 500 years old and merged with Tengen in the 1500s" I just don't see supported by canon. After reading the thread, I saw that they're the person who made that infamous thread about Womb Profusion being Geto's domain and that explains some stuff. Would say though that their Yuki thread at least makes more sense than that and most of the time they don't just pull conclusions out of thin air.
Gonna go through some of what they say:
So the basic premise is that Yuki merged with Tengen in the past, overpowered her and broke free.
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We don't know if Riko would've been able to hear the voices of the other vessels because she never got close to Tengen. Yuki only ever brings up hearing the voices when she's right in front of Tengen. For example, she also doesn't know for sure about other Star Plasma Vessels that are still around (like when Riko died) unless she specifically seeks them out, so this also suggest she can't hear them long-distance. I don't think this works across several hundred meters, much less kilometres. Also even if that was the case, Yuki is a sorcerer and has extensive knowledge of the soul, Riko is not. An incident might've triggered Yuki's event, who knows, but I don't think she's always aware of those voice and Riko wouldn't of course be either because she never had any contact with Tengen and she was also not trained in any control of cursed energy or perception of her own soul.
Also I wouldn't say the connection between Yuuji and Sukuna is all that relevant here. Sukuna can sense his other fingers because it's part of his soul. Just how Tengen is aware of when a new Star Plasma Vessel is born. So that kind of connection exists between Yuki and Tengen because Yuki is literally designed to be a genetic match to Tengen. However factually, we have no evidence, that the resonance Todo mentions even exists, it's just speculation on his part. They took precautions, but actually Sukuna has no idea about their plans or even the training they went through, which he would know if this resonance was as strong as Todo suggests. Neither Yuuji nor Sukuna know what the other was up to during the timeskip though.
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Yes, it's very likely that her experiences of being a Star Plasma Vessel and being able to hear the other Star Plasma Vessels caused her to invest in research of the soul and cursed energy, hoping to some day free the trapped vessels or get rid of Tengen in some other way. There were more cases of more than one soul inhabiting one body, the many cursed objects Kenjaku made and sealed inside people. Yuki didn't know about that though.
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Like...you literally just said Yuki can hear the other vessels voices, so obviously she based her research on that because it told her that what Tengen says is bullshit. It seems once the vessel is suppressed, the host is never aware of them as Choso can't feel his vessel either for example. Yuki has evidence to the contrary, so of course she investigated that. She is a special case because she shares a connection with the other Star Plasma Vessel (SPV) that doesn't exist between any other (potential) vessels. Only way it could be imitated is by becoming aware of your soul and able to perceive it on others like Yuuji and Mahito. Yuuji doesn't have an intrinsic connection to Magumi like Yuki has to the SPVs despite both being vessels, he has to actively pry Sukuna and Megumi's souls apart to reach them, so clearly SPVs are a special case.
OP assumes all this is due to a merger, but I don't see how this couldn't just be a natural connection between SPVs that always exists and Yuki was able to amplify.
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So then we get to the "Yuki broke free after merging and is actually 500 years old" part. On that whole tangent about the name Tsukumo: yes, it seems to be a reference to her connection with Tengen and also the colour of her hair. Neat little thing, but I don't think this means Yuki is actually that old. Takaba's name Fumihiko has the words "history" and a historic version of "boy" in it. He isn't actually that old though. Yorozu is also not 10.000 years old. Names can connect to themes of the character, but they aren't always that literal.
I do think that the reason Tengen didn't merge with Yuki is because Yuki is simply to powerful and has quite a strong will too. Getting her to give up her life is much more difficult than with Riko for example because she doesn't seem indoctrinated into Tengen's philosophy and she also has a means to defend herself, very different from Riko, who doesn't have a cursed technique or any other way of standing up against Tengen unless someone helps her. With all of OPs explanations I still don't see why she has to be 500 years old. It makes more sense to me that Star Plasma Vessels appear around the time span when Tengen's body gradually gets close to evolving. Exact years don't seem to matter, which makes sense since we're talking about quite big timespans. Plus, we know there are always multiple SPVs around. Nothing speaks against Yuki just being a SPV that was ready for merging 20-25 years ago and Tengen decided she was too much of a hassle and instead waited for a better vessel to appear, which would be Riko, who was the ideal choice. Even 10 years after Riko's death Tengen is still holding on relatively fine, so I don't know why she can't just wait another decade or two after Yuki didn't work out for a better vessel to come along.
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Then they say that this is somehow evidence of Yuki having merged in the past?? She is criticizing Tengen's philosophy of "come what may" and positioning herself as some enlightened being that is much wiser than Yuki, Kenjaku or any SPV. Yes, Yuki compares herself to a great sage or bodhisattva and that might also refer to the monkey king (there are more people with the title 大聖 than just him), but what does that have to do with the merger exactly? They aren't talking about that. Even if she compares herself to the monkey king who wrecked the heavens, it's clearly to mock Tengen. Idk, connecting this to some nebulous merger that happened 500 years ago seems like quite a stretch to me.
They acknowledge that it is strange that Yuki looks so young if she's 500 years old. Their answer is that she got Immortality from Tengen and it just happens to work very differently for her than Tengen...yeah not the best argument. There are differences between how people use the same cursed technique or how it manifests, but in this case it would get rid of the very fundamental aspect of Immortality that is that Tengen ages and it will not lead to death but a change in her body at some point. Yuki would then just be immortal period and it doesn't seem like she experiences changes in her body either. That's a much bigger difference than Yuuji having some "cut here" marks when using Cleave.
Even if Yuki was 500 years old and broke free from Tengen after a merger, how would Kenjaku not catch wind about any of this? They would for sure notice if Tengen merged again, they killed the infant SPV and six eyes around that time after all, so they were especially alert. Also I assuming Yuki regaining control and splitting from Tengen would mess Tengen up pretty badly and put her in quite a vulnerable position. Yet nobody ever mentions such a severe event, neither Tengen, Kenjaku or Yuki. Yuki would then also already be familiar with Kenjaku, since she would've known about their attacks on SPVs in the past. But she didn't.
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Minor thing, but while I wouldn't doubt that Yuki could break through to Tengen's body if she really wanted to and was ready to destroy the entire tomb as well as her body in the process, OP makes it sound way too simple. If you read the pages they so helpfully provided, you see that TCBs translator theorizes that Kenjaku was thrown outside the barrier, but didn't actually break through to the next stage. Plus, the barrier was reassembled afterwards as we see. Even if Yuki breaks a wall/edge of the sunyata barrier, that wouldn't necessarily bring her closer to Tengen or in that instance she would've punched Kenjaku straight through to Tengen's body, which would be a bit counterproductive to the plan they had right? It would've benefited Kenjaku more than her. The sunyata barrier as well as the concealing barrier operate on illusions and multiple layers. Just punching through it won't work.
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I talked about this before and I agree that the clothes of the second SPV don't match the time (1500s) she should've merged in. Gege is also usually quite good with historically accurate clothes like in Kashimo's flashback for example. If it's not historically accurate, it's usually an intentional decision like Sukuna's clothes (or lack thereof) and Uraume's haircut in the Heian era.
Tengen says her body is now 500 years old, but the merger with the second vessel could have only happened around the 1600s, likely around their end because we know the fight between the Gojo Clan had with six eyes and the Zenin Clan head was 400 years ago. It would make sense that Kenjaku killing the infant Star Plasma Vessel and the consequent reincarnation would mess some things up with the timeline, but it shouldn't be by this much. It's true that the kimono and also hairstyle would point more towards Meiji or even Taisho era than late Muromachi or early Edo period. Also even with the six eyes reincarnating in the 1600s that makes it seem like Kenjaku waited decades between the infanticide and actually showing up at the Tomb of Stars, which is strange. I think this speaks more towards Tengen merging late (because she did clearly merge with someone who's not Yuki) than merging with Yuki 500 years ago. Because again, Kenjaku would've noticed that and also the death of the infant SPV + Kenjaku trying to run in Tengen's doors for centuries wouldn't be news to Yuki.
I would say this might be a case of Gege maybe stretching things a bit with the historical accuracy because that vessel being from the 1800s just makes no sense and also Tengen wasn't entirely truthful when she said her body is 500 years old (because of when the Gojo clan head lived). Squeezing Yuki in there somewhere makes even less sense.
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This is just wrong though. The first SPV is dressed like a Heian era commoner. I can understand not knowing that because it's hard to find references for commoner clothes of that era, but honestly the headdress looks nothing like the cap they show here. It's a bit weird that they go into this so much when it would make little sense for this vessel to also be from the Meiji period. It doesn't underline their point of Yuki being 500 years old and having merged, then broken free either. It would only mess up the timeline further.
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If Tengen was so unstable from having lost her vessel and also having been forcefully overpowered, why did Kenjaku not take advantage of that? Why was Yuki not already on their radar if she has power like that? Why did Tengen and the higher-ups keep Yuki around when she was clearly a serious threat to Tengen and also hostile towards her?
As for the last couple of tweets...cool fun facts I guess, but they don't really come off as more than some symbolism that I don't think is that deep (like for example the chequered pattern...). Finally, they say Yuki merged with Tengen in the Meiji era. Which is also the time they say the two other SPVs before Riko are from. So Tengen just changed rapidly between three people somewhere in the 1800s-1900s before Riko? And she still looks that old and is close to evolving? The "Tengen merges every 500 years and that's when SPVs and six eyes show up" means nothing now I guess? And also they weren't accompanied by any six eyes users to protect them.
I am very interested in Yuki's history with Tengen and think Gege left a lot of potential on the floor by killing her so early before digging deeper into the whole SPV business (although I think we will likely learn more when we get to the Heian flashbacks of Tengen, Kenjaku and Sukuna). Props for doing research, even if I think a lot of it is unnecessary and only obfuscates their point, and some tangents in isolation are interesting, but I don't think their theory makes much sense.
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fairys-dream · 8 months
"They're given a 4 day special pass. And Creed has a plan on how to most efficiently spend it."
EVERYBODY WAKE UP CHAPTER 3 IS FINALLY OUT smut happens. emotions happen. things? happening.
i also slightly rewrote chapter 1 cuz i realized i got the interior of the truck wrong lol...its still mostly the same tho.
read it under the cut too if u want⤵️⤵️⤵️
A 4 day special pass.
And it was just gonna be Creed ‘n Logan.
North was off on a special mission, Fox was off doing God knows what, nobody gave a enough of a shit about Wraith to hangout with him, and Logan had this new thing goin’ on where he actually bothered to think about Creed's intentions instead of just jumpin’ straight to evil conclusions. 
He had 4 days... to make this guy fall head over heels in love with him.
Should probably start with gettin’ him back as a friend first.
At least it was better than the regular 3 day pass. 4 days might actually give him a genuine bonafide chance at pulling this off. 
It’s now or fuckin’ never.
Logan could feel Creed was planning something. 
Sure, he was a bit clingy sometimes, but he didn’t usually hang around to this extent. 
As the 1st day of the break began, Logan went through his regular daily routine. He could sense Creed hovering in the background, just out of view, for everything he did. 
The 2nd day, Creed actually showed his face, occasionally helping with little things in Logan’s routine, like it was normal for him. 
3rd day was much of the same thing, Creed hanging around, except he was now blabbin’ on about anything and everything. A mix of bragging about old op missions and a seemingly endless amount of film trivia. Every so often, Logan would reply if he brought up something that interested him, but he mainly just listened. 
He didn't mind listening, though. 
He thought it'd be annoying, but this seemed sort of…familiar to him. 
That evening, Creed was out for a bit, so Logan had some time to himself. 
He spent it trying to peace together his emotions from the past couple ‘o days. The emotions he’d been reading from Creed, they felt new. But also felt oddly normal. Like a part of him recognized the way he was acting, and had just been blocked off till now.
Soon, Creed returned with a bottle of fairly expensive alcohol, and shared it with him in the kitchen. Not many words were exchanged between them, but that didn’t bother Logan in the slightest. It felt good not drinking alone for once. 
Come the 4th day, it felt like they'd always done this.
As it came to an end, Logan donned his leather jacket, one of the only things he owned to his name, and went out for his nightly smoke. Creed followed soon after. 
He invited to take him out to a nearby bar. And as tempting the idea was, since Stryker basically kept him locked up like a house cat, Logan declined. 
So, they trekked out deep into the woods that surrounded the base.
The 2 of them sat on the damp ground, passing a cigar back and forth. 
Logan wondered who’d been the last person he shared a cigar with, if he ever did. He got the notion something like this was a fairly rare situation for him.  
Even long after the cigar had been finished, they both stayed seated, and got to talking about each of their hypothetical fantasies regarding what they'd do after all this.
Logan didn’t remember much of where he came from, so he described where he would like to live. 
“A cabin, rustic and wooden, somewhere deep in the mountains of northern Canada.”
“Why Canada? ”
Logan shot him a look.
“Cuz I’m Canadian? ”
“Right, right, keep forgettin’ that. ‘Ya just don’t seem like the canuck type…why a borin’ ol’ cabin, then?”
“Dunno, just feels familiar. Saw a picture in a calendar once, and I guess somethin’ in my brain felt like it clicked.”
“Heh, they really fucked ya up, huh pal?”
Logan gave a hard punch to the other’s shoulder.
“Unf- hey, I’m just joshin’. Sounds nice. Like a sweet little fairytale.”
A fairytale…right. That’s all it was. 
Then, as Creed then started a long dramatic explanation about his own fantasies, some based on some crazy shit he claimed to have already done before, Logan felt his mood perk up again. 
He hadn't remembered the last time he felt like this. Feeling so calm and...comfortable. 
He'd never thought it were possible, but he’d found himself actually enjoying Creed's excessive company these last few days. 
There’d been a change in the other feral, one he hadn’t expected, he might even- 
Holy shit Creed was kissing him. 
And holy shit, Logan found himself kissing back.
He felt he didn't even need to think about it, letting himself be lifted into Creed's lap, straddling his legs, getting comfortable against him. 
Creed moved his head down to kiss and lick at his neck, sandpapery tongue lapping up the taste of his skin. 
Logan shrugged off his jacket, feeling Creed’s hands immediately descend onto his back, claws pricking through his shirt as he caressed him. The attention was exhilarating. Logan didn’t know what to do with his hands in return, so he opted to grip at the others shoulders as he got lost in Creed’s never slowing touches. 
Creed's plan had worked. 
Shockingly well. 
His plans were always pretty good, but it was still a bit of an adrenaline rush that Logan was actually going along with it.  
All it took was some researching and convincing the boss to put North out on a mission, and doing some slight threatening to Logan's fake girlfriend. She didn't even need that much talkin’ to, which honestly made him feel a little bad, knowing how Logan felt for her. 
Only a little. 
But then.... 
Wolverine's body was shaking. 
He didn't deserve this. He didn't understand. 
His mind went to Silver Fox. Her touches feeling forced, but Logan taking them anyway, just to have something . 
He tried to think of past lovers, but couldn't remember. He remembered touches, but no faces to go along with the feelings. Were they even real?  
Bottom line was, no one felt for him like this. So why should he trust that Creed was really feeling anything towards him?
He's making fun of him. He's toying with him. No, it's pity. 
"Logan, hey..." 
lying lying lying lying lying- 
"I can tell yer thinkin’ too hard about this." 
The touches stopped. Creed's voice felt far away. 
His instincts were screaming that there was something else he was doing. Something else he was planning. That he was manipulating him for some reason he hadn't come to realize yet. 
Guys like Creed were supposed to go for pretty girls; legs, body, and attitude. Hell, even his taste in men should have higher standards for someone with a pretty face like Creed’s. 
He wasn't supposed to like Logan. Not supposed to like a man like him. 
But it was hard for Logan to doubt what his senses were picking up. 
"Why? " 
His voice sounded so small he was almost convinced it was someone else's. 
Creed sighed, wrapping his large hands around Logan's shaking wrists, rubbing soft circles onto his palms with the pads of his thumbs. 
Creed's hands felt warm. 
And surprisingly soft. 
Why the hell is he doin’ this fer me…
Creed wasn't the best at words when it came to explaining his emotions, but he had to give it a shot. 
He couldn't keep assuming Logan knew what he was trying to say all the time. 
"Cuz I like you." 
Logan stared blankly at him. 
"A lot." 
The runts expression didn’t change. 
"C’mon, say somethin'?... please? " 
Logan stayed quiet. 
But then, he sniffed. 
Closer and closer, right up against Creed's neck, causing his breath to hitch at the feeling. 
Logan pulled back, with a soft look on his face as he looked into Creed's eyes. 
"You...actually like me." 
Creed chuckled.
"Dang runt, who hurt ‘ya?" 
"Dunno. Can't remember." 
"Yeah, well, it ain’t gonna be me, alright? I mean it. I'm full truthin’." 
Logan gave him a cocky look of disbelief. 
Creed gave him his usual toothy grin in return.
"Yeah, well, emotionally I won't hurt ya. An' I don't gotta hurt ya physically all the time, I got more skills t’ offer than that…”
The blonde leaned in close, speaking in a low seductive tone.
“Could even make ‘ya feel pretty good. Physically. If yer up for it." 
Logan found himself leaning back against a tree, pants pooled around his ankles
With Creed down on his knees in front of him. 
Creed was gently pressing his teeth down onto Logan's dick, giving little nips down its length, grinning ear to ear. 
"My dick ain't a chew toy, bub." 
Runt’s attitudes back. Good. Means he’s startin’ to calm down…
Creed removed his mouth, caressing his claws up and down the others length 
"Yeah, you like it though. Can feel yer dick throb whenever I..." 
He slowly grazed his teeth up from its base alllll the way to the tip, causing a full body shudder and drawn out groan from Logan, his hands gripping into the bark of the tree behind him. 
Creed finally seized his playing and eased Logan's cock into his mouth, the tip pushing down his throat as he effortlessly swallowed the whole thing. 
Logan breathed out a relieved moan. 
Damn, either he’s had tons of experience or this guy simply lacks a gag reflex…
Though, Logan didn’t have much of one himself either, so there’s a chance it had something to do with their mutation. 
Creed held it there...savoring it. The scent, the taste, the fact that it was Logan’s.
He then looked up at Logan, a wild look in his eyes. He took the other’s hand and placed it on the back of his head. 
Logan, immediately getting the idea, pulled Creed's head back a bit in order to make space as he began rocking his dick back ‘n forth into Creed's awaiting mouth. 
Creed relaxed as he let Logan take control. 
He loved it when Logan took control. Only from him. 
Only ever from him. 
Clawed fingers groped and kneaded Logan's ass, the slight pain from their sharpness sending pleasurable tingles up his spine. 
Creed's tongue swirled along with the thrusts. 
God, that tongue is somethin’ else…how the hell is he doin’ that? 
The blonde stared up at Logan, gaze never faltering, unable to look away from the reactions he was managing to pull from him.  
He wanted to memorize every one of these pleasure filled expressions, every small twitch of his face. If they ever tried that memory erasing shit on him, he'd kill them. 
No way in hell am I gonna lose this. Not again.  
Logan's panting and thrusts sped up, now desperately jack hammering into Creed's throat. 
A mix of drool and precum dripped down Creed’s chin as he continued to take it.
"nn... nggh.... fuck .... Creed .....grhh...ungh..." 
The noises and growls Logan was making, overshadowing the sloppy obscene sounds of Creed's mouth getting railed, was like a sweet melody to Creed’s ears. He'd record a tape copy if he could. Maybe he would someday, if he got the chance. Logan's normal voice already made him feel all kinds of mushy things, but hearing him like this , hearing him let into the side of himself he tries so damn hard to keep locked up, it made Creed’s heart melt like butter.
"nghFUCK fuck fuck fuck.... please ...grrh CREED- more more- "
And made his dick hard as a rock. 
Damn, it was so hard it startin’ to hurt . 
Part of him wanted to see if he could climax just from the feeling of Logan's dick down his throat. 
Yeah, a weaker man would be jacking off… and boy howdy was he the weakest man on the damn planet. 
He'd prove that sappy stuff later, but right now he couldn't stop himself from pulling his neglected cock free. 
The sight of Creed stroking himself with such ferocity, being so genuinely aroused by him, for him, pushed Logan to the edge. 
Logan slammed himself down deep with a growling shout , gripping Creed’s hair and smothering his face against groin, which brought out a low groan from the other feral. He rode out the rest of his orgasm in close quick thrusts, gradually slowing down, as Creed’s hand sped up. 
Creed's mouth slid to the tip of Logan's dick, panting heavily and lapping up the remaining drops of cum. 
“F-UCK! ”
He let out a loud roar of a moan as he came. 
“hah… Logan ….”
Their heavy breathing sounded harmonically together, both in a dreamy post orgasm haze. 
Suddenly, Creed pulled Logan down, Logan dropping down fairly easily due to his legs feeling like pure jelly, and into his lap. Creed wrapped his large arms around him and nuzzled his face into Logan’s.
Then flopped them both down onto the ground with a thwump , pulling Logan close against him. 
With his ear against Creed's chest, Logan could hear, and feel, a low rumbling... 
Creed was purring. 
Logan felt like purring himself, if he could. 
Could he? 
He tried replicating the sound- 
Hm. That weirdly disappointed him. 
Meanwhile, Creed was thinkin’ about what to do next. 
He'd just confessed his feelings and sucked him off, now what? Ask for his hand in marriage? 
Nah, that'd be a dumb move to make so soon. Gotta keep goin’ with the small stuff. 
"Feelin’ better?" 
"This whole time you coulda been givin’ me mind blowing head instead of kickin' my ass?" 
"Shit, am I gonna have to give one of those up? Not gonna let me keep both, are ‘ya?" 
"Depends, how often wouldya be willin’ t’ suck me off?" 
"Oh, anytime, just gotta ask. I'm at yer beck ‘n call, babe." 
Logan laughed into his chest, Creed chuckling along with him.
‘S nice bein’ able to talk like this again…
Propping himself up on his arms, Logan looked down at Creed's content expression. 
"Lemme think about it, alright?" 
Those words made Creed's face immediately fade from joy to fear. 
Shit. I’m losin’ him. 
"Good thinkin’ or bad thinkin’?" 
"...regular thinkin’." 
Creeds hands shot up to grip Logan's shoulders 
"Logan. " 
Logan struggled against his hold, and Creed instinctually tightened his grip. 
"Why's it so hard fer you t’ like me?" 
"You used t’ fuckin’ like me, I KNOW ‘ya did." 
Logan gave up on struggling, his shoulders sagging. 
"What the fuck do I have to do, Logan? What the FUCK do you want me t’ DO ?" 
Logan let out an exhausted sigh. 
"I do like ‘ya." 
Creed stared at him, breathing hard. In his panicked state, he didn't really seem the most convinced.
"Look, there's somethin’ there, I’m just…I just ain’t...I ain’t sure-" 
"God, ‘ya ain’t sure- " 
"I ain't sure how to handle this yet! I don't know what I'm supposed t’ be doin’ either, alright?! This constant mind wiping is takin’ a bit of a big toll on my emotions, bub. Fer Christs sake , I don't know what I’m feelin’ half the time, and other times I know I should be feelin’ somethin but I ain’t. I don't even know if I wanna stay here or not." 
He looked out at the woods surrounding them 
"But it ain't like I got much of a choice, do I…" 
Creed didn't know how to convince him to stay. 
Didn't have the slightest clue on knowin’ where to even start.  
But those words made him realize that if he wanted Logan to stay with him, then… Logan couldn't stay here. 
Which meant they both couldn't stay here. 
And just the thought of leaving his safety net terrified Creed. 
Here, he could kill without consequence, show the animal without havin’ to worry, be free to let out all that constant never ending pent up anger and rage. 
This is what he was good at. 
What he was best at. 
He'd been deemed a failure at everything else…he was safe to exist here. 
He'd spent his whole life convinced that if he wasn't hurtin’ others, others would be free to hurt him. He wasn't safe out in the normal world. They were out for him even if he was doin’ nothin’.  
Though maybe...if he had Logan around...Logan could be a safety net too. 
He'd still be a freak, 
But at least I'd be a freak with a friend. 
He knew what he had to do. 
But he was just gonna hold him for a bit longer. 
Creed wrapped his arms around Logan, burying his face into the other's neck. 
Just a little longer.... 
God, he was so freakin’ scared. 
Creed’s breathing picked up. 
He knew Logan could easily sense his fear...and for once, part of him felt good about him knowing. 
Creed let out a shaky sigh, leaning in close to Logan’s ear to whisper–-
"...’m gonna get ya outta here." 
Even outside the base, he couldn't be too careful about someone eavesdropping. Logan picked up on this, whispering back—
" Just me?" 
"Both ‘o us. Hell, I can leave anytime I want, they don't suspect a damn thing from me. But I’m already riskin’ a whole lot gettin’ close to ‘ya again, an’ they're probably gonna be tight on yer ass as soon as this breaks over an’ done with." 
"So…yer sayin’ it's now or never." 
Creed loosened his embrace to comb a hand through Logan's hair. 
"Yup, pretty much." 
Logan breathed out a mix between a sigh and a laugh, letting himself relax again, slightly, in Creed's hold, trying to process the urgency of just what they were about to do.
Just a little longer…they could have some peace for just a little longer. 
But, if they got lucky, they could get that peace for a lot longer. 
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nadekofannumber1 · 3 months
Trying to analyze what is available of “caramel ribbon cursetard” leitmotif wise so far is interesting bc we only have part of it but it’s labeled as a duet (the nadeko half is all I hear) and so far it’s mostly just been playing the leitmotifs of renai circulation incredibly straight, it’s kind of like the fukatome of renai circulation (like they share drums and horns and stuff) the most out of place seeming part is that it’s labeled a duet and the song ends on a guitar jingle that is uncharacteristic of nadeko OPs so far which end on a lyric, while some could say it’s lifting from maybe yotsugi’s full op, but it lacks the synthy dreamy sound yotsugi’s OP has and on the anime cut of the song it doesn’t even end that way.
The end jingle is a different tune but the way it’s done reminds me of a staple stable in that sense. Staple stable also having some of the strongest leitmotifs between songs that even more casual listeners of the ost can find pretty easily, that jingle persists into OPs like kogarashi sentiment too, which is a duet. Senjougahara’s OPs also progressively get slower so there’s still an extra shared concept that ties it. Interestingly I feel like fukatome and fastlove/kogarashi sentiment have a similar speed but impliment their leitmotifs of each song differently, fukatome being more overt and kogarashi being subtler. Since they’re both in arcs with kaiki, one could perhaps draw a connection via that, however I don’t see that second kaiki arc arriving anytime soon so I doubt my ability to properly draw leitmotif from it lol. It’s true parts of the OPs aesthetic and style are influenced by nadeko but it doesn’t extend to leitmotifs so that line isn’t useful in this discussion outside of visuals based speculation
Nadeko had only 2 OPs so the pattern I could best track in it is was its concept reversal, most of the song doesn’t particularly sound like renai circulation except for subtle implementations of electronic sounds at the end. They share speed and bpm so they can be remixed or paced together but if you overlay them they don’t sound good. They share concepts visuals even on concepts like shorthand. It’s a song visually and musically supposed to be a reversal, and because of that it becomes hard to imagine what another side is. Yet it would have to change, because araragi doesn’t live in Nadeko’s head rent free anymore. Nadeko doesn’t really think about araragi that often overtly in otori, like he’s there and especially in subtext is there but in overt senses Nadeko thinks about her own problems mostly and questions everything about her life and the world and everything it’s a really interesting contrast. Actually another aspect of some oraka and waza arcs being skipped for now is that it actually characters that have araragi live in their head rent free think about the guy different than those who don’t as much, her life is so far away from him that she doesn’t even mention him by name in nademono and in future arcs it’s only light mentions. So that’s gonna be exciting for me!
Anyway tldr idk what they’re doin but im curious how the theme would emcorperate motifs and nadeko doesn’t think about araragi a lot especially post koi so i think his ass is NOT showing up in the new nadeko op.
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emptyapartments · 2 months
you have ocs? if so talk about them pls!!!!
aaa i have so many!!
my main oc and probably my most fleshed out oc is raleigh forys, along with his wife caroline, his “brother” aristide caruso, his brother janusz and his son issac. i co wrote him with my brother ( @masonzs ) and he has about 40-ish years of lore in him, plus three-or-so au’s. i love him endlessly hes so complex. he’s an oc for the reboot mw games in general
and then there’s cameron ‘caz’ o’connor. another oc for the reboot mw games, but he’s specifically mw2019. i made him because i wanted a silly oc so he doesnt have that much lore!!
roscoe jameson is my oc for the fallout tv series, got a decent amount of lore for him but im gonna be so honest i just made him because i wanted cooper to be gay. i love roscoe sm even if i did forget i accidentally named him after one of my fave f1 driver’s dogs
sawyer ‘saint’ morgan is my oc for the og mw games! i posted some writing about him a while back, but he’s seriously interesting to me because i have like. not much lore for him? hes second to pricesoap always and he knows this, poor guy.
tyler/nikandr i have like. crumbs relating to him. made him for my brothers bocw oc michael who i love so much. idk not much to say about tyler other than hes bffs with woods and belikov and is a soviet spy ^_^
killian setiger LORDDDD this guy is knew, real knew. cod zombies mw3 oc. not black ops. this guys different and SOOO interesting. zombie fucker /affectionate. i love him sm, his boyfriend oc that my brother made is called kaleb and theyre soooo interesting
i have a couple others but they’re more my brother’s oc than mine, so go ask him for his stuff! very interesting. also i make like 95% of my ocs with my brother because he is awesome and we share a brain
listen i got insanely brainrotted about raleigh and his whole. everything. that i have basically every minute detail about his life planned and then not much else for the rest of my ocs. i wish i could explain but its so ridiculously complicated that im currently doing a wip explaination thing for him.
so yeah, feel free to ask anything abt them idk:)
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louisisalarrie · 7 months
Also I haven’t seen any solo Louies say what you just mentioned [hating Harry & saying he is sabotaging Louis]
Haven't you come across this notorious blog? She has run a hate blog for Harry since 2019 and thinks Sony is still sabotaging Louis' career so that all the fans go to Harry. All the louies who liked this post think the same.
Woweee no I have never come across this blog before. I had to read this post like 3 times to gather some thoughts on it, Christ. It’s a bit of a mess, this post, a jumble of a lot of emotion and ideas, but I’ll do my best to make some commentary. Anon, and by extension OP, welcome to the show.
First off, I’d like to say that while Harry’s team, the Azoffs, did groom him from a young age and grabbed him the second they could to push a solo career and use him as a money maker, Louis, Zayn, and Liam being inactive to a degree does NOT mean that Harry’s team silenced them. And Harry’s success wasn’t entirely dependant on their silence (it helped, sure, but my point stands). While Azoff already has a massive monopoly in the industry, they knew the right ways to push, market, and deliver Harry Styles™️ to the public. That’s why the Azoffs are so big, because they’re good at what they do, and have held a legacy for a long time. Harry was picked up by them for a reason, and we all knew early on that Harry was always going to be the golden child. He was always marketed as it, from the very beginning of 1d, and they took advantage of that. Harry was the most famous member during 1d, and he had the potential to get bigger, more flamboyant, and appeal to a wider audience. It’s very simple marketing. It’s how a career grows. It’s how managers choose their clients. It’s why A&R positions exist.
Secondly, I know it has been a topic of discussion for a long time, but Harry not denying Larry is just a thing that’s happened. Whether you believe it’s because Louis was protective and took it on the chin as the older one in the relationship, or whether you think 1d’s team didn’t think Harry would be able to handle it/make it convincing, or whether it was simply to keep Larry as a topic still up for discussion because we held on to the fact Harry never denied it, is up to you. However, if the OP wants to talk about queerbaiting, let’s do it.
So, queerbaiting, or larry baiting, or whatever people in this fandom are calling it these days, can exist to an extent (before it truly becomes unethical). Sexually ambiguous pop stars in this day and age gains traction, gains attention, double the news stories and double the scandals. Yes, I agree that Harry’s team play up his image to keep people interested, and yes, I believe Harry truly enjoys dressing/acting more freely in his life. I believe that yes, he is allowed to act more himself and open, but still under the umbrella of stunts and needing to keep his sexuality open for interpretation to leave a space open for said stunts. I mean… people are speculating his sexuality alllllll the time, while still getting the added bonus of news articles with TR… it’s working, right?
I think, personally, OP is demonising Harry as a person, and slips in and out of the public narrative at times. Like, they believe it’s his team, but also Harry encouraging it. And I don’t think it’s the case. I think Harry is doing what he can right now, in the circumstances that he’s in. He’s at the high point of his career, the peak, you really think he’s gonna argue with his team to a point of losing everything he has??? Like I’m sorry, but simply put, if Harry gets dropped from a major music team like the Azoffs, they’ll ruin his career and any plans he has for the future. Tragically, he’s so reliant on them as well, because he knows that if he ducks out now, he’ll probably have like 2 years left of a dying solo career, and a lot of harries will leave. Not the die hard fans, sure, but the GP and more casual fans won’t be attending his shows, because he won’t have that platform anymore. It’ll be absolute crash and burn. And if he wants to do that, I think he’ll risk it all and do it with Louis, or do it when he’s contractually allowed to, without burning all his bridges. He’s under some seriously strict clauses right now (pls just trust me on that), but people seem to not recognise that due to the fact he’s more “free” now. It’s a problem, and continues to divide the fandom due to a lack of understanding of contractual obligations and toxic solos.
The whole thing of him recently where he showed up to the footy not as flamboyant as he usually is, is sooooooo dumb. Like, the fact people are saying he’s straight because of that? Truly shows you what an image and narrative can do. Anyway, let’s carry on.
So, I actually had never seen Euphoria and forgot entirely about that whole thing until my housemate made me start watching it and I got so shocked HAHA. But… I do find it extremely interesting that there seemed to be a lack of approval and it went to air. Using their names and likeness and throwing us and fic writers into the mix was not necessary for that scene to go ahead. Also, it’s a well known topic that causes some serious shit when it’s brought up. Perhaps there’s some sneaky little loopholes the writer used, I can think of a couple actually, but I’d have to dig deeper to make sure I’m getting my terminology right, but yeah. If that can go to air without problem, and Louis tweeting after the fact “I can categorically say that I was not contacted nor did I approve it”, speaks volumes. He didn’t get super aggressive, deny Larry, whatever. He made it clear that he didn’t approve it because like… why the hell would he? Why would Harry? They’d much rather have that part of their lives private and not aired like that, and god even if they weren’t together, that would’ve been horrible to see too. Euphoria fucked up for that, and breached fandom/band/GP crossover big time.
However, OP seems to think that Harry and/or his team approved it. That it was another one of his marketing ploys, using Larry as “fresh meat for Harry’s fetishizing, fantasizing, mostly heterosexual female fans” which, yeah. I get what they mean, but Harries don’t tend to like Larry. It’s not a tried and true method, like the stunting has been. In fact, I imagine it made a lot of Harries very angry and turned off of Euphoria and just caused a bunch of fighting instead. And trust me, Harry, nor his team, would’ve signed off on that shit. Absolutely no way. That doesn’t fit what they’re pushing, it just… doesn’t. And being mad about Harry not saying anything, well… it is what it is. I don’t think he needs to. I think Louis often says enough for the both of him, and is in a very different situation to Harry anyway.
Anyway, the further down this post from OP we go, the more bitter it seems to get, and the more emotional. They say how Louis’ overcome the odds, how he’s thriving, and yeah, that’s true. It’s just not necessary to compare them because that doesn’t make sense, in industry standards and trends.
Then, we head onto Harry “siding with the abusers and colonizers, because that’s where the money and fame are” which is a… uh… yikes statement? Sure, he’s been around some questionable folks. Sure, he’s stayed silent on topics that if he could comment on, he would. But his position in the industry requires him to rub shoulders with these people. It’s work. And it sucks. But simply put, would they be saying the same if Louis was hanging out with those people? Because if they would, then good on them for holding their values so highly. But unfortunately, it is almost impossible to consume any kind of media these days without someone horrible having been involved in the creation, promotion, or acting adjacent to the creator of the art or the art itself. So, yeah. It’s not something we should be silent about, I’m not saying it’s okay, but that won’t change for years and years and years to come. Plus, see above when I talk about him losing his career. Because yep, that’ll happen if he speaks up, too.
Next, OP says a bunch more nasty things about Harry, and then contradicts themself, and then the final sentence basically says that he’s made his bed, he’s sided with oppression and greed, and… idk, I feel like OP’s post jumps around so much, and fails to hit home with the point they’re trying to make, because it is so emotional.
Listen, we all love Louis, and it can feel frustrating to see Harry shoot out into the stars ahead of the other boys, and that of course can cause resentment and anger. I’m not blaming the OP for having those feelings whatsoever, I just think they maybe need to analyse a deeper split of Harry, Harry Styles™️, and how much control artists at that level actually have over their career. And it is a real shame that this is what it’s come to. And so many Larries turned into solos, and with Harry and Louis acting quite outspoken in very opposite ways, it’s easy to see the split of fans leaning one way or the other. But, I don’t like to see this kind of anger towards the boys themselves. Get angry at the industry. Fight the belly of the beast.
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aloneinthehellfire · 4 months
Maam you are feeding us with these GOH teasers, and I eat it up every. single. time.
The video teaser was incredible and I am ready to share some theories and thoughts (this can stay in secret if you didn't want us sharing stuff so soon idm)
Okay so we have to talk about that guy who almost made me spit out my coffee when he jumpscared me at the end
(possible spoilers incoming!!!)
I think Brenner is going to be a huge plot point for Part three and will have some sort of connection to reader. Obviously we know he wants El back but since the lab was empty and literally blown up in the first part finale, I have a sneaky suspicion he's been held up somewhere in secret watching them (stay with me here) because in the video op has a tv screen overlay for the last few seconds which I think hints at the possibility of him observing everything they're doing (maybe a call back to the camera feed from the lab and how he could have been watching them through that?). Whatever he's there for, it's something major and I expect it will also reveal a little more about reader
Okay so I kept pausing the images to have a closer look at them and noticed some stuff that's gonna keep me up at night until its released. I realise this ask is way too long so I'll definitely come back to rant at op another time but I want to talk about the Billy pic. (Before anyone comes for me, I hate Billy in canon and will never change my thoughts on that but I am very interested in op giving him more human qualities in her adaptation) Since this is all set post ST2, I'm thinking we'll see more elements from ST3 in this and if so... I think we're getting flayed Billy yall. But also I feel like op is gonna make it even more terrifying
AH BDAKHDAK okay I'm done bye ily
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Sg Jetfire will fall in love with Baseline Starscream, they just work, i can't explain it (my friend was listening to my sg Jetstar vs Baseline jetstar rant and told me that Baseline Starscream and SG Jetfire are perfectly toxic for eachother)
SG Megs: I can fix him *Slightly effective*
SG Optimus attacks get more frequent right after Baseline Rodimus and Megs escape. This is part of the reason at first Rodimus had to be right next to Megatron the entire time
Lost light is going to be so interesting
And I had this thought
*about Baseline Megatron*
Baseline OP: I can fix him *makes him worse*
SG Megs: I can fix him *Slightly works*
SG OP: I can make him worse *Megatron gets better*
- FR Anon
Okay that would be so funny because sg Jetfire initially dinged baseline Starscream as the mean Starscream so it'd be insanely funny that he'd fall for him. Like Jetty do you have something you would like to tell the class
SG megs is trying ☆so hard☆
Yeahhhhh that tracks for what we've got on SG Optimus prime here. He wants what's "his" back, and our unfortunate duo here is buttfuck terrified of that. Baseline Rodimus doesn't feel safe, baseline Megatron is now his safe person, so logically he's gonna cling like hell to him (whether it's in the general "gotta be near him" sense or physically clingy)
Yes. That's exactly how they are about baseline Megs. All of them are confuddled by this course of events, SG Megatron has so many feely feels about his counterpart (which hey is a shared sentiment regarding mecha meeting theird sg/bl counterparts). The Starscreams, Soundwaves, and Shockwaves are all just watching this go down because in general? Baseline Megatron has a very interesting role in all of this
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Thank u so much for the lore answer, I love the cotton candy sweetness of fluff but ima lil drunk right now, so i wanted to share a f-ed up question if that's okay, (you'r free to not answer if not,) but since Bo is so determined to like not fuck upnot be sent back n stuff what kind of stuff would he avoid doing around MC 4hat he used to do around his previous masters?
and like, if its related or not, i had this headcanon that im glad u gave some bo backstory for bc where it was like, wat would happen if he accidentally caused a accident with all his adorbs puppy energy, like he's playing tag with Jack or somethin and with Bos megahuge beach boy buff arms just knocks MC down the flight of their fancy imported italian marble stairs edged with silver (they say this as they're fallin down btw 'ah! Im falling down my fancy imported italian marblestairshks Im stupid)
but anyway yea they break something or get like super injured or something and ofc the ambulance has to be called and they're taken ro the hospital to stay for awhile, which sucks bc like ofc society looks down on hybrids so everyone is side eyeing this adorable zoo mansion bc they're lame and 1 brain celled and like "thats wat happens when u have a house full of wild animals they should be put down if u ask me" and MCs attitude is like a grim but professional "if i had both my arms Id beat ur ass bitch, wats ur @? Soon as this morphine drip is done its over for u hoes" but like they probably have a cast or somethin . Anyway MC's worried about the boys, and me the OP is worried about Bo bc like Trauma city would hit his brain harrd, and i dont even know if the other guys would be so forgiving and stuff bc i mean they Should they're a family, but that was two(2) flights of imported italian marble dude, fuck, why play football tag,, in the house?? And idk i just felt bad bc jack n Bo esp probably would feel double bad even tho MC loves him so much he's just a hyper guy, he cant help his zoomzooms, i dont/cant fathom wat he and the boys would do in this situation probably pack his one thing (an old mc shoe) ina rucksack n try to run away miserably or maybe 24/7 at the hospitsl despite all the nasty looks and comments bc they're hybrids or magbe even hiding away bc he absolutely believes that mc will send him away once they lock eyes again, but regardless of either of those things, if MC has to roll up to the house in that (yknow that spongebob character guy who was born with glass bones and paper skin ass Giant ass full body cast on rollers??) To go find that boy and over the grand table firmly tell them not to harbor any horrible thoughts about themselves or each other, bc it was an accident and about lovin them unconditionally and being a family, i might cry or somethinf, the table is also imported italian maple btw MC-s parents had a thing i think they fucked an italian architect guy, or somethin anyway i luv u, im gonna eat a burrito so let me know if u want any thing from the kitchen luv u
Lemme know if tuis text is broken up enough bc i skimmed over it and i was like this is like the stat wars openin or some shit i put gaps in
First of all, sweety, for me, take a sip or two of water, ok? And make sure you sleep on your side if you're still drunk by then, forehead kisses all around
Anyways, Bo would just mask everything that brings him joy by the time you adopt him. No bouncing, no stimming in general, no talking unless asked, no indulging in his hyperfixations or special interests, he even tries to limit his tail wagging. He's come to correlate his own joy with bad behavior so he's just straight up not him when you first meet him
Holy shit, this is good, but fuck man. Bo wouldn't know what to do with himself. Once the ambulance takes you away he thinks you died. He's in full shutdown, no talking, no eating, no moving off your bed and your scent
Jack would also be distraught, both because he was playing with Bo and because he cleans those stairs so often they're just a little more slippery from how clean they are. He stays with Bo most days, Rory coming in with meals to make sure they don't starve in there. Jack eats a little. Bo doesn't
Rory feels bad for Jack and Bo, he knows they didn't mean it and trusts Jack's recount of events. Nick keeps himself busy by visiting you in the hospital, Shaun wants to go too but since cat's are a popular allergen he's not allowed in unless he needs care. Ian goes as often as he can so he doesn't have enough time to plot Bo's death. Jean and Berry are pissed and openly talk about kicking Bo out. They know better than to talk about Jack like that with Rory around. Joseph is stuck as peace maker until you get back, making sure that no fights break out and they Jean doesn't poisons Bo's food with onions, not that he'd eat it anyhow
When you finally get home and tell everyone that you forgive Bo seeing as it was an accident Bo finally lets everything hit him and cries. He's on his best behavior the months following, you'll have to reteach him to drop his "good boy" mask and be himself
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grokebaby · 1 year
Oh hey, I'm a transformers fan and Terrorspark is a transformers oc! Here's a question for it, if you want: Is it aware of any previous TF lore? If so, does it know of the characters/have any opinions on them? Does it align more with the decepticons or with the autobots? I'm willing to read up anything I can find on them!
Oh oh and, if Terror were to assign itself a morality alignment, what would it choose? (<- d&d thing, the "good/neutral/evil" one :))
How nice to get to talk about my tfocs for once! I'm gonna answer this more like a conventional ask since it doesn't seem to be intended as a character interactive one.
For a basic rundown, you can read this! I'll be referencing it throughout this reply.
All my tf ocs are set in the aligned continuities since that was my first exposure to transformers and one I'm most familiar with (Prime, most specifically). I do take bits from other tf media and modify according to my own discretion bc some stuff from aligned is either stupid (like the gender thing) or just wasn't handled well in that. And yeah I do take some lore from RID15 but selectively bc wtf were they doing back there.
With this in mind I'd have to say that Terrorspark is only familiar with Unicron when it comes to Canon characters, since it's been in the same place all these millions of years, and fluctuatingly slumbering. The times where Terrorspark was most involved and active (including being in bot form) was back when the original 13 Primes were more or less still around, though it didn't get to interact with them that much. Terrorspark was more like a jailguard type of bot, not in on the action, fighting and plotting, but moreso someone who bots were thrown to after they were already detained in some way. After everything cooled down Terrorspark has just been dutifully subjecting bots on it's surface to various nightmare scenarios, alone, and isolated, so it's not even aware of the Decepticon/Autobot conflict that formed later on.
Terrorspark would prefer to remain sideless entirely, despite being a creation of Unicron (who is ofc associated with the decepticons more). This is unsurprisingly bc as mentioned earlier it's tired of continuous suffering and I suspect if it came in contact with any modern day cybertronians, TR would likely make strong attempts towards peace between the two factions.
As for some opinions:
Unicron - currently it's opinion of him is conflicting, since the circumstances of TRs existence are very cruel, but Terrorspark can't really bring itself to be mad at Unicron (although that could very well happen later). It doesn't admire or worship him either, not anymore, there's just this sort of quiet, sad bitterness about it all. Respect only in theory, and very impersonally.
Megatron - first reactions would probably include "Megatronus, is that you?" lol, since Megs has named himself after one of the og 13. Initial reactions aside, Terrorspark would see him similarly to Unicron; sad, bitter, but not anything particularly fiery. Terrorspark is, emotionally speaking, too numb towards atrocities to have a strong guttural reaction about it, even when meeting or witnessing bad bots. I'm sure Megs would be very interested in Terrorspark as an ally considering everything, but TR would politely decline and make an effort to not engage with any decepticons after that. There might be attempts at encouraging Megatron to seek an end to the conflict but that would turn up fruitless, so ultimately yeah, avoidance.
Optimus - Vaguely positive opinion bc these two share very similar mindsets, I could kinda see Terrorspark working with the Autobots on the sidelines but I feel that it would tire of the constant conflict and prefer to, as I said, keep more sideless. It would respect Op and totally see where he's coming from but still be uncomfortable with participating in either side of the war. So, maybe an occasional help, and an emergency ally if needed.
As for the dnd thing, I honestly am not sure? Terrorspark itself would definitely be very reflective and thoughtful if it was asked to identify itself to some moral alignment and would probably think long and hard, until simply saying "My morals lie with minimizing overall suffering to all. Make of that what you will. I shall no longer blindly follow any one beacon as superior to others, and I'd prefer to tread my own path. But, you are warmly welcome to walk beside me on that path."
I'm not super familiar with how the dnd moral alignments work or are defined but I guuuuuesss I'd call Terrorspark a... Neutral good? Does that sound right?
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storiesofsvu · 8 months
happy law and order thursday!!
Okay, city tv has registered that I’m not actually in Toronto and now we’re back to the backwards viewing order…
OC first:
My goldfish brain has half forgotten if we’ve seen this blonde dude before or if I just know him from somewhere else.
There’s so much goddamn tension between bell and the other captain, like there is no way they haven’t fucked…
Ugghh mama bear belllll…. Heck yes to these parents watching out for their kids, nothing gets past them lol.
Still don’t like/understand jet using air pods instead of official ear pieces…
Okay, yes Reyes was on his way to blowing the op, but jet didn’t need to jump right in, she kinda fucked the whole thing up.
Bruh… is that bitch dead? Do we need to start reminding the younger generations they need therapy too?
Okay, good, shrink time it is! Bonus that it’s Ayanna’s personal shrink, not department, a: more personal. B: proves that she’s in therapy and we know she likely needs it.
They might be exes, they might be frenemies, but they certainly do work an interrogation room great together
I feel like gunfire in the midst of a gas station parking lot where all the fuel is, is a deadly idea… that could have gone so much worse. Esp considering this is in relation to bombing cases…
I know a lot of it is likely just the era that the show was created/originally airing but the differences in the squad room designs between departments baffles me.
Elliot really out here lecturing his own brothers like he didn’t up and leave out of nowhere. God I hate this shit lol.
L&O now. How much attention will I pay?
Jfc… that dead body was a jump fucking scare
What is WITH all the shaky cam tonight, ugh.
I have said it before and I will say it again: Samantha Maroun goes shopping with Rita Calhoun.
Fuck, cases like this fucking suck. But like, legality wise, they’re right. It’s easier to get the perp behind bars by just using the more solid case they have with the rich white victim. If they try to get justice for all the victims, it’s way more likely that they case can and will be thrown out or land on a not guilty verdict. Ugh. Politics
If they need to prove that the vic and the perp didn’t have sex at the sex club on the night of the murder…why not just run a rape kit? Or would some kind of exam like that just be part of the autopsy?
More shaky cam… loving this.
Also why the fuck did my subtitles disappear halfway through this episode? I’m deaf… I need this shit..
Seriously that crime scene photo needs to come with a fucking warning. Jesus
Okay. SVU time
Wonderful. I’ve gotten my subtitles back. Thank god.
This is a weird start… hmm…
Getting even more interesting… ngl…
Okay, circling back around, I thought we might be about to get a plot twist of ray being the perp.
UUGHH. I saw a tweet about a new female officer/detective and as much as we all hope that she’ll stick around for more than a season… if Officer Gomez is the new squad member, she’s a woman poc so the chances of her sticking around are slim to none, lets be fucking real.
 Okay, don’t get me wrong. I know that this girl is tiny and she’s an escort, but if a man came in and confessed to rape you’d still take him immediately into an interrogation room. This is a double standard. Especially cause she’s young, thin and pretty, I’m not going to ignore that or let that slide either. *side eye* (like yes, we later do get to the point that she was forced at gun point, but they don’t know that til after. Everything is complicated and there’s lots of lines crossing over and blurring but my statement still stands)
When are they gonna make Bruno an actual part of the team? Why is he still just a guest star?
Man, it’s gotta be hella hard nowadays when it comes to taxis and shit. You have legit taxi’s, multiple companies, gypsy cabs and multiple ride share apps and companies.
Odafin Tutuola only knows about robin egg blue because of Phoebe… there is no way he would know otherwise.
This doctor clearly fucking rich as hell, fuck
HOW does the SEX CRIMES unit currently not have any women working for it??!! (I’m not counting liv cause she’s the captain and irl she would not be in the field, she’d be constantly swamped by paperwork). Even in this episode, it would be helpful to have either terry or fin and a female cop going to talk to a vic/potential vic, if I had been assaulted in any form, remembering it or not I wouldn’t be very open to talking about it if they were talking to me like that, both playing the alpha role. At least with Velasco he can slip into a more soft, quiet, supportive type of conversation/questioning…
“where do you keep your receipts” is something that ALWAYS blows my fucking mind on these shows as a bartender. I DO NOT GET IT. Maybe it’s cause we have tap/card machines that don’t require signatures in Canada, but like…we don’t keep receipts, and even when there are the ones we do keep, they don’t have names, they don’t even have the full credit card number on them, so there would be no way to track someone. We had 250 people in the room each night and as a bartender, unless they had a tab with me, or a personal connection/were a good tipper/conversationalist, I’m not gonna remember them. Our reservations are usually for large groups, so sure we have a single name/card on file, but there’s no way to pin point someone out of their 4-40 people friend groups.  Random bar/service industry things that drive me wild on tv shows. That’s all.
Okay, we’re taking the bracelet off, I think that’s some progress finally.
You know, I wouldn’t mind commercial breaks if they weren’t the same fucking commercials every damn time. That’s the issue with live streaming shit. I miss cable…
“well…they’re idiots, but at least they’re consistent” LOL
Ice T really said “hold on…I need to earn my paycheque for the season” with the amount of screen time he has this ep…
Wait…what’s the plan here? The cops have talked to the perps, there’s no way they wouldn’t be sus about ray coming back in on this. Why not send Velasco or other cops in to bribe the things out and play the ray role? This seems like a bad idea lol.
“wife is here” WHY DID NO ONE TELL VELASCO??
Why don’t we get to go to court anymore?!
Who is this defence attorney? She looks familiar.
I need to raid Velasco’s closet. This coat and sweater look so fucking cozy. They’re mine now.
Glad to see liv branching out to a new type of therapy.
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