#open to any ships I have with dia!!!!
rebelli0us-mask · 6 months
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"Yeesh.... Talk about Bridezilla but take it up to a hundred. I really hope my future partner doesn't end up like Marie. I can't help but feel bad for Toshiro-san."
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moonydustx · 4 months
Hey, Brazilian here!!! Can you write about Law x Sick!Reader?
Oi oi! Mais um dia, mais um atraso om os pedidos. Primeiro, muito obrigada pelo seu pedido <3 Aqui e aqui temos algumas histórias sobre Law x Sick!Reader. Mas como é quase irresistível escrever sobre nosso pirata favorito, hoje eu trouxe mais uma. Espero de verdade que goste!
And here’s the translation: Hi Hi! Another day, another delay with orders. First, thank you so much for your request <3 Here and here we have some stories about Law x Sick!Reader. But since it's almost irresistible to write about our favorite pirate, today I brought one more. I really hope you like it!
Requests are back soon, don't give up on me!
one piece masterlist
The isolated
Law x Sick!Reader (F!Reader)
warnings: idiots who don't know how to show their feelings, maybe there is a wrong use of DF, certainly medical errors because I'm not very good at writing this topic.
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The sun shone brightly outside the Polar Tang, matching the summer island you had stumbled upon. Beaches, parks, and even a small forest trail awaited you, and despite Bepo's grumbles, it promised to be a good time to relax.
"Are you two staying here?" you adjusted your backpack on your back and stopped beside your captain. "There's so much to do."
"I only leave here to buy ice, or ice cream." Bepo, sprawled on the deck, grumbled. Your eyes soon turned to the captain's.
"And you?"
"Maybe I'll go to the city later, need to buy some things." he said, assessing you from head to toe. "Aren't you going to the beach with them?"
"Not really. From what I saw, there's a pretty cool trail to hike, I can take the opportunity to get some new herbs."
"Hm, alright." he replied, returning to contemplating Bepo suffering in the heat.
"Any problem, Captain?"
"No, nothing serious." Lie. The invitation for you to accompany him on the small visit to the city lingered on his lips, but apparently, it would stay there. "Enjoy your trail."
"Thanks, Captain! I'll be back before the end of the day."
You disembarked from the ship without further difficulties, following the small map you had bought earlier. On the Polar Tang, Law watched from afar as you walked away. He held a certain fondness for you - one you would never suspect - making it difficult for him to approach. Despite the shared breakfasts and the plant and herb lessons you gave him, which he insisted on attending despite knowing most of the content already, he enjoyed being with you. It was a pity he didn't know there was a reciprocal feeling on your part.
On the other hand, you even expected an invitation to accompany him, but just as he didn't seem very interested in being on your trail, he also didn't seem interested in your company. The hours passed without end, and with each passing moment, you grew more and more exhausted. Even before the sun set, you were already making your way back up to the Polar Tang.
"What the hell happened to you?" Shachi was the first to ask, catching your attention as you headed towards the submarine's interior.
"What the hell what?" you looked over, seeing nothing abnormal except for the fatigue and heat in your body, likely from all the walking.
"We better call the captain." Jean Bart advised and didn't wait for a response, running further into the submarine.
You tried to see something in some reflection as you watched your colleagues avoid you as if you carried the plague within you. Your irritation with your friends was replaced by concern as soon as Law saw you. You expected a scolding, you expected some acidic comment from him, but you didn't expect the lack of words, except for the ones that made you teleport with him straight to the medical ward.
"Captain, what's happening?" you stumbled backward as he guided you not so gently to a stretcher.
"Open your mouth." he completely ignored your question, and you could tell he was more worried than usual, so you just obeyed. With a small flashlight, he checked what you believed was just your throat. "Can you breathe normally, have you felt anything?"
"I'm just a bit tired, that's all. I don't understand all this fuss." you grumbled.
Only then did Law realize that indeed, you knew nothing of what was happening or why everyone had practically become concerned. Looking for a mirror and finding it impossible to find one in the medical ward of the Polar Tang, he grabbed a small sterilized steel tray and passed it to you, indicating that you should look at yourself.
"What?" your cry echoed through the enclosed room. Your face, neck, and every piece of skin you could see were adorned with red and swollen lumps. "Law, what's happening to me?"
"At first, I thought it might be an allergic reaction. But with unobstructed airways, I rule out that possibility, given the size of these lumps, if it were an allergy you shouldn't be breathing." he touched your face, gently turning it from side to side.
"And you're speaking so calmly?"
"If I spoke more agitatedly, you'd get nervous, your body would pump your blood faster, and if it were poison it would only take a few minutes for you to drop dead here." again, that calmness in dealing with serious matters infuriated you. "It might be that," he muttered to himself.
"Poison? Am I poisoned?" you stood up and immediately stumbled, leaning against his arms. "Am I going to die?"
"Probably, maybe, and no." he helped you sit back down. "Just give me a minute, I suspect what it might be."
He disappeared from your sight, and immediately, it was as if exhaustion dominated your body. You allowed yourself to lie down and wait for a few minutes. When your eyes were already heavy - even though less than five minutes had passed - you saw him appear with a book in hand.
"Can you stand up and take off your clothes?" he asked, seeing you nod, even though it took minutes just for you to stand up.
Remaining only in underwear, Law took care not to touch your body disrespectfully. The lumps already occupied almost your entire skin, giving him some trouble finding what he needed. After turning you around a few times and bending down to see better, he unfortunately found what he suspected.
"Here!" he pointed to the side of your body and again picked up the small steel plate that served as a mirror. As soon as he showed you, you could locate two red dots. Law then stood up and took the book he had brought. "It's a type of bug common on this kind of island."
"And what does that mean?" you leaned on the cot, not bothering to put your clothes back on.
"Well, it's going to be a few difficult days, and I'll need to isolate you from the rest of the crew, but you'll be fine."
"What do you mean by difficult days?" you tried to grab his book, but he didn't allow it. The way the symptoms were written was much scarier than it should have been in reality, at least that's what he hoped.
"Some symptoms are quite annoying, but with the right treatment, in about six to seven days, you'll be cured." he explained, watching you nod slowly. "It's normal to feel a bit tired at first; you might feel a bit itchy tomorrow too."
"You said you're isolating me here, is there a risk I've contaminated someone?" contaminated you, you wanted to add, but preferred to keep the thought to yourself. "I haven't touched anyone, but you never know."
"Contamination is through fluids, so no, for now, we'll all be fine. Here, I can still use my fruit to ensure a bit more protection for myself." he closed the book and stooped down, picking up the clothes you were wearing. "I'll get rid of this, alright?"
"Can you ask Ikakku to bring something for me to wear?"
"You're isolated, for a few days, only I will be able to come here, okay?" His hand almost touched you, but retracted in the last moments. "While you're not feeling better, we'll stay here on the island, but visits to the trail will be prohibited to everyone. I'll bring your clothes in a few minutes."
Law left and left you alone for a few moments, only returning to bring your pajamas. Even though you said it didn't need to be that type of clothing, Law warned that you would still be thankful for it.
On the first day, you were completely alone as the captain made sure that no one was infected and that everyone was aware of the necessary precautions. The lumps on your face seemed even redder, and when you noticed, you were already scratching and clawing, seeking some relief from the agony crawling on your skin.
"Don't scratch, you'll regret it." Law's voice appeared, and only then did you realize that he had entered the room. "It'll hurt more afterward."
"But Captain!" you grumbled and brought your nails back to your legs, barely reaching them before he grabbed your wrist. "It's itching too much!"
"I brought this." Only then did you realize that he had come armed with things. In one hand, a small pot that from the smoke and aroma, should be food. In the other, a small bag. "Here are ointments that can help, Ikakku also set aside some more clothes and other things that you might need."
You barely waited for him to finish speaking and began rummaging through the bag, searching for the ointment. As soon as you smeared it wherever you could reach, under his attentive gaze, you didn't need to ask. It only took a single exchange of glances for him to reach out and take the ointment from you. As soon as the cold cream reached your back - and perhaps because of the gentle way his fingers slid - you swore you could melt.
"I think it's good." He returned the tube and lowered your blouse carefully. "I brought soup for you."
"I'm not hungry."
"But I need you to eat, please." His eyes seemed to plead on their own, making it almost impossible for you to refuse.
Law stayed longer than the day before, watching you eat and updating you on what had happened outside. From Shachi and Penguin almost getting beaten up by two women on the beach, to Bepo swimming with buoys and several other amenities. Although he stayed longer than the day before, it didn't take long for Law to leave you alone again.
The next morning, you understood what Law meant about regretting scratching. The vivid memory of your nails scratching your body was replaced by an unbearable burning sensation, which left you almost immobile. Except that it also itched, making you seek friction, however minimal. That morning, you were taken out of bed by Law's appearance. A tray was in his hand, and as soon as he placed it on the table, he transported two more bags in.
"How are you feeling today?" he stopped by your side, looking at your still-laying face. "Burning, isn't it?"
"Like hell!" you grumbled, and saw him laugh, as if to say he had warned you. "Can you fix this?"
"At best, alleviate it." he warned, and saw you nodding against the sheets. "But first, breakfast." His tattooed hand stretched out, and you used it as support to sit up.
Grabbing the bread and juice glass, you pushed the fruits in his direction.
"Eat too." he just waved his hand, and you insisted. "Please, Captain. It'll make me feel less strange."
"Okay, just a little." He grabbed one of the grapes and ate.
As soon as you finished, Law used the power of the Ope Ope no Mi to get you to a shower, and apparently, he had already left that isolation for you. He leaned against the outside and left you alone, washing your body. Even against his will, Law could hear your grumbles and sniffs, he knew that the contact of the water against the skin would be torture at that moment, but it was the best solution he could think of. How he wished he could take that pain away from you.
In the afternoon of that same day, you didn't expect to see him again, until once again he appeared in the room, armed with things that barely crossed your mind of what they could be.
"I-I…" he started, feeling a little insecure. He felt that perhaps, just maybe, he might be crossing the line between doctor and patient. "I believe you might be feeling lonely."
"You have no idea." you weakly laughed, accepting the package he offered. Some books, crosswords, and candies were piled in the package. "That's very kind of you captain, thank you."
"I brought more of these too." He piled some books next to you, with a glance you realized they were comics. "They help me pass the time, I think they might help you too."
"This is that story... Sora, right?" you flipped through some, excitedly. "I've always heard about it and even tried to read it, but I confess I didn't understand much."
"What didn't you understand?" he sounded almost offended, sneaking a peek at what you were talking about.
The idea was for him to just leave things there and leave you alone, but it seemed almost impossible that afternoon. Law got lost in the hours, what was supposed to be a simple explanation ended with him reading some issues aloud to you. He only realized this when he heard your stomach growl, knowing it was already dinner time.
In the following two days, you alternated between scratching, trying to avoid scratching, getting scolded by Law, and him losing hours again, talking to you. It had reached the point where Law and you were counting the hours to know when you would see each other's faces. You because you loved the company of your captain and how soothing his voice sounded when he read, or how he got excited gossiping about the "outside world," and Law felt he needed to see you up close, to ensure that you were and would be fine.
The last bout of symptoms was what worried Law, and it was when he entered the room and found you lying on the floor in a fetal position that he knew it had finally arrived. Although it meant that the illness was leaving your body, he knew it would be the most painful part.
"Law." your tearful voice called him as soon as he picked you up to put you back in bed. "My body hurts so much."
"I know, I know." he tried to calm you down and saw you curl up even more. "I promise, just one more day, and you'll be okay."
"I don't know if I can handle a whole day with so much pain." you sobbed and hugged yourself. "It hurts to breathe, it hurts to move, and-I-I don't know what to do."
He sighed, trying to think of how he could take that away from you. It was just one more day of symptoms, but it hurt him to hear from your mouth that you couldn't handle it. Just one more day, one more day, and you would be well again.
"Do you remember when the pain started?" he stepped away to start preparing a serum with medications for you.
"About two hours ago." you whispered, pulling the blankets against you and trying to press against your own body, the contact of your skin seemed like a relief.
"Okay, we have a few more hours ahead." he gently pulled your arm, and with the dexterity that only he could have, hit your vein on the first try, plugging the medication. "Maybe this will help a little with the symptoms."
Law stepped back again to get the book he had found the information about the insect that had bitten you. Most of it was that the symptoms were difficult, but they overcame themselves, and although it seemed like you were going to die, the probability was minimal. Pain and complications, pain and complications. Law finally found the topic he needed. When the disease was leaving the body, the heat provided by fire, blankets, humans could help, as well as pressure on the painful area.
"I have an idea." he murmured and began to take off his shoes.
While you were lying down, barely having strength to open your eyes, you saw him take off the shoes he was wearing and take off the hat he had on. The first thing he did was cover your head with the hat, making sure to keep as much of the top of your face covered and warm. Soon, he climbed onto the bed with you, his legs intertwined with yours, and his hands began to press against your body, promoting such relief that it drew a sigh from your lips and allowed you to stretch.
"Sorry." he apologized, his hands now pressing against your back intensely. "It's the best I could think of quickly."
"It's perfect." with some difficulty, you turned to him. "Thank you for taking care of me, Captain."
"This is my duty, isn't it?"
"Well, not when I'm a mess here, in pain, and crying." you tried to laugh, but a memory of a conversation you had some time ago struck you. "Enough, Law, you need to step back."
"And why would I do that?"
"Why do you think? Contact equals contamination, don't you remember?" you grumbled. Even though the massage he provided was the relief you needed, the last thing you wanted was to infect him.
"You're no longer so contagious. You're on the last day of the illness, full of symptom medications, and I'm protected, there's no possibility of you infecting me." he explained and felt your hand against his chest, trying to push him away. "Don't you believe me?"
"I'm a mess here, of course I'll infect you."
Instead of answering you, Law just stole a quick kiss from your lips, in an impulse of courage to show a little of what he felt and in the desperation to stop you from continuing to push him and, consequently, pushing himself out of the bed.
"I wouldn't do this if you were contagious, you know that." he simply said and pulled you closer, allowing your face and body to almost merge against his skin. "Now let me take care of you."
The last day of the illness passed faster than you expected, mainly because much of it you spent sleeping in the arms of your captain, who didn't stop for a second trying to ward off the pain from you.
The next day, you were finally free to walk around the submarine, take a shower freely, choose your own clothes, free from the small medical ward you spent those days in. As soon as you finished putting on your uniform, two knocks on the door caught your attention.
"Can we talk?" Law inquired, not waiting for the answer to enter the room. "About yesterday…"
"There's nothing I would change about that." you interrupted him, and you swore you could see a certain blush on his face. "Except the pain, I thought I was going to die."
"I would never let that happen."
"Captain?" you approached, stopping a short distance from him.
"Law, please." he corrected you. He liked to hear his title leave your lips, but hearing his name was a much more savory experience.
"Law, aside from all the pain and stress, it was good to spend these days alone with you." you confessed, seeing him nod. "Although I'm also ridiculous with those lumps that have now turned into scars, I really should have listened to you."
"Don't say that, even if you wanted to, you wouldn't be that." he refused to name you in such a rude way. "And I also enjoyed our time together."
"What does that mean?"
"It means I want to do it right." he cleared his throat, adjusting his posture and asking the question that could avoid all the stress of you having gone to do the damn trail. "Will you accept to visit the city with me?"
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devilishchaos · 1 year
Wildin', on a boat on an island | Rúben Dias Imagine
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Rating / genre: M (18+); smut, fluff
Pairings: Reader x Rúben Dias
Summary: Y/N and Rúben go on vacation..again.
Warnings: Explicit smut, explicit talk, oral (f receiving), unprotected vaginal penetration (don't do it!!! stay safe!), hair grabbing, use of pet names "baby", "babe", "princesa"
AN: manifesting this photos energy <3 enjoy x
Word Count: 5 871 words
This is a work of fiction. The story, names, characters and incidents either are product or the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Your eyes narrowed slightly as you analyzed the shirtless brunette standing in front of you, your arms were crossed firmly across your chest. His eyebrows were raised as he awaited your answer, his back pressed against the kitchen island. 
“You are suggesting we don’t sleep together for the vacation..why?” you questioned, waiting for a decent explanation. 
“Because..my parents room is literally 30 centimeters from ours.” he explained quickly as he shrugged his shoulders with ease “AND I didn’t say that we can’t sleep in the same room! Just no funny business while in it..”
For more context, Rúben had asked you to accompany him on a little trip, on this beautiful boat on his family vacation. And has decided that now - an hour till you guys go on the boat  - is the perfect time to let you know he didn’t want to have sex with you. 
“It’s not like that has stopped you before?!?” you questioned him, with some suspicion still. 
“Babe..in the house is different. It’s a big house. Practically no one can hear us.” he answered with obviousness, it was a simple but logical answer “Listen, I’m going to go upstairs to bring your luggage down and put it in the car, while you cool off a bit, yeah?” 
You already knew it was probably one of the worst ideas he'd ever had and considering it's impulsive, spontaneous Rúben we're talking about..it was indeed terrible. 
"No." you replied simply, with no further explanation or motives as to why. 
Rúben looked actually taken aback by your answer, not being used to getting a ‘no’, not even from you. Though, he knew the only reason you'd said ‘no’ was to contradict him, and you, having no apparent reason to refuse, was an open invitation for Rúben to keep insisting. 
“Come on, it'll only be three days out.” Rúben insisted, using the nicest voice he could “Out there in the nice sea, with perfect weather, with food, drinks and a nice AC system... yeah? Plus - the boat has a double jacuzzi! Yeah?” he questioned you with a raised eyebrow, and at that, you shut your mouth. 
“Uh huh, exactly.” 
“I can live without it!” 
“Oh, come on Y/N..” Rúben sighed heavily, closing his eyes for a few seconds, as if recharging his patience before adding “I'll give you whatever you want, whatever it is, I'll get it for you..after those three days. The only condition is - no sex on the boat."
That really got you thinking. 
“I can’t believe you. You sound really confident in yourself right now! Why do you think it is going to be me that is going to initiate something with you first? But you’re lucky that I love João, Bernardete and Ivan and would love to spend time with them. Have a great day Mr. Dias.” and with that you went inside the house to get your luggage because you are an independent young lady, who is not going to let things play out like her boyfriend wants to. 
In no time at all, the five of you were out. Rúben told you it would take a couple of hours to reach the perfect spot and if everything went well the fun on the boat could start in the early hours of the next day. 
It didn't seem like a bad plan, so you saw no reason to complain, it seemed fair. And if it wasn't so many days together you could easily ignore him. 
Rúben had kept his word about the ship's commodities, there were all kinds of snacks, drinks, and he had brought other kinds of substances. It was actually very comfortable and a part of you was glad you'd accepted to join them. But you still weren’t able to relax knowing your man didn’t wanna sleep with you. 
To say you were pissed at him was an understatement, but you were at that point of anger where you didn't even bother to show it, you immediately resorted to ignoring Rúben, which was very hard to do considering the fact that he was walking basically naked around you, only wearing his stupid short shorts that you wanted to rip off of him so bad. 
You had had your doubts about it at first, but now you were more than grateful that you had packed your swimsuits. Since you were giving Rúben the cold shoulder, you would have to find another way to entertain yourself; and being that you were in the sea and the weather is so nice, the most logical and comfortable thing to do would be to lie down on your towel, put on your sunglasses on and at least get a good tan out of it. 
Rúben, on the other hand, was annoyed with himself. He knew it was among the possibilities that you would get mad at him and do just what you are doing now, which is ignoring him completely. 
He hadn't seen you since last night, when you two had an argument during dinner about sleeping in separate rooms, which you insisted on. Since he didn’t wanna have sex with you - you didn’t want to tempt him..yet. 
Rúben felt his heart almost leap out of his chest as soon as he saw you come out of the booth, in your red swimsuit, the one that accentuated every curve of your body. You'd worn it around him before, and the last time you did, he fucked you in the pool. 
You seemed not to have seen him, or if you had, then you did a very good job of pretending he wasn't there. Once you knew you were within his range of view and he could see you perfectly well, you bent over to lay your towel on the floor of the boat, feeling the fabric of your bathing suit slide slightly over your butt. It wasn't much, but just enough. 
Rúben’s jaw tightened so bad he feared his teeth would crack, to keep from letting out a groan at the sight, he closed his eyes shut and gripped the edge of the table until his knuckles turned white; focusing on what Ivan was telling him, trying to get the image of you, bent over a few feet in front of him in nothing but your bathing suit, out of his mind. 
Rúben knew you were doing it on purpose, you knew how much he liked that bathing suit on you. But today? Right now? You were playing very dirty games with his head. 
No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't take his eyes off you. The way your skin glowed under the sun, how well your swimsuit fit and the fact that you were doing this to provoke him, caused his shorts to feel too tight all of a sudden. 
Rúben didn't even know what to do with himself, so he decided to go take a cold bath; he wouldn't give you the satisfaction of messing with his head like that. 
He excused himself and exited the small cabin, leaving Ivan, and you lifted your head to see him walk away. Rúben looked a little uncomfortable and you noticed how he slightly tugged the front of his shorts as he walked. 
"What, do I make you nervous, Rúbes?" you teased in a loud voice, causing him to turn around and flip you off. Without saying anything else, Rúben entered another door and slammed it shut. 
And with that, a little victory smile appeared on your lips. 
Eventually, tanning got boring. You looked down at your own body and lifted the edge of your swimsuit slightly, the tan lines were just the way you liked them, on point. Full of satisfaction, you gathered your things and decided to go back inside, maybe to take a bath and eat something. 
You entered quietly, not wanting to attract anybody's attention. You walked down the hallway to the bathroom. Just as you grabbed the bathroom doorknob to open it - the door opened. Out of the bathroom came Rúben, with nothing but a towel tied around his hips. You stopped dead in your tracks in the hallway at the sight, which you couldn't deny was very good. The towel was wrapped around Rúben’s hips so low that his prominent V-line was visible to a rather dangerous point, one you didn't want to let your eyes get to. 
He was shirtless obviously, so you had a perfect view of his defined torso and muscular arms, some water droplets still rolled down his body, making a path from his chest, down his abdomen and getting lost under his towel. 
His hair was still wet, framing his face perfectly. His dark eyes were fixed on you, and you realized, too late already, there was a little smile on his lips, prompted by the way you were eyefucking him. 
“What, do I make you nervous, princesa?” Rúben questioned you, using the same condescending tone and smirk you had earlier, as he took a step closer to you. 
You genuinely felt your knees weaken at his voice and the way he looked, but you were too proud to let him know that, so you simply shrugged. 
“Come closer and maybe I'll tell you.” you teased with a low tone, letting your eyes travel down his body. 
Rúben’s smirk only grew and you thought that finally you two were on the same page, thinking about the same thing, and more importantly, that it would happen. He took a confident step towards you, so this way he was towering over you, his chest barely inches away from yours, his lips basically hovering over yours. 
You placed both hands on his body, letting them travel from his abs all the way to his chest, causing him to bite his lip at the feeling. Rúben leant down even more, his lips grazing with yours, breaths mixing and skin touching. 
And then.. 
You pushed him out of the way and locked yourself in the bathroom. By doing that, provoking Rúben in that way and then putting a door between the two of you - you had started a silent game, in which you were provoking each other in an obvious way, waiting to see who is going to give in first. And you were determined it is not going to be you. 
After hours of playing tease, any slight contact or brush from Rúben’s skin against yours had you biting your lip to silence a sound and any look you gave Rúben with your bedroom eyes had him on the verge of jumping your bones. 
The staring game got a little too heavy for Rúben, so he stood up from the booth and walked to the kitchen, pulling out a cold bottle of water to refresh himself. You knew you couldn't let him get away with it, at least not without trying, so you stood up and walked to the kitchen as well, if he asked, then being dinner time would be a perfect excuse. 
Rúben heard you walk into the kitchen, but paid no mind, deciding to focus solely on his water, placing a hand on the kitchen island and letting his head hang low. Funny enough, the drawer where pans are kept is right where Rúben is, by his left hand, and sure as hell you wouldn't ask anything from him. Which left you with only one choice. 
You walked to where he stood, which he noticed as he turned his head sideways to look at you, and right when he took a step back, you found the perfect opportunity to slip right between him and the kitchen island, your body grinding on him, in all the right places. 
The sound of Rúben’s breathing picking up gave you a sense of victory, as you remained in front of him and bent slightly to take out the pan you needed, only to walk away right when you felt him harden behind you and the ghost of his hand over your hip. 
He really thought he had you. Again. 
Your smile of victory didn't disappear, not even when the stove wouldn't turn on and you had to resort to chopping fruit and hoping that was enough to rid your hunger. Now is when Rúben found the perfect opportunity to tease you back, seeing as you were completely distracted while cutting fruit. He slowly walked back into the kitchen, making sure you couldn't hear him. You were completely clueless to his presence, even when he stood right behind you. 
However, as soon as Rúben took another step closer, you did become aware of his presence. Very. 
“Oh, don't mind me.” he mumbled in your ear. 
“Rúben, what are you doing?” you asked, pretending to be completely unbothered, while the reality is that you're screaming on the inside. His chest was pressed to your back, one of his hands had found its way to your hips, and his breath tingled in your ear. 
And right there was when he reached out to grab a glass, which was on the cabinet above your head. The reality is that he didn't have to stretch to reach the glass, it was just a matter of raising his arm. But where was the fun in that? 
As he stretched, his body pressed even closer against yours, you could feel him hard against you, his breath now in your ear. And in an attempt to avoid his lips, you bent over, a move that only served in Rúben’s favor, causing you to bite your lip in an attempt to silence the moan that would come from your lips. 
You both were thinking the same thing. Of just how easy it would be for him to take you right there and then. 
But you wouldn't give up just yet, no sir, you still had one ace up your sleeve. Which is why you picked up your fruit tray and slid out from the right space between the bar and Rúben’s body. 
Normally, you wouldn't care if Rúben decided to just watch you eat instead of eating something himself, but right now it had you on edge. 
You and his mother were sitting on the couch in the booth, while Rúben and Ivan were sitting opposite of you, their dad fishing on the other end of the boat. Rúben was sitting on the seat in front of you, his legs spread slightly, his hands on his thighs and his eyes fixed on you. He was basically manspreading, occasionally lifting his hips from the chair to ‘get comfortable’, but you weren't stupid. 
“Are you done flexing your muscles?” you asked him boredly, raising an eyebrow at him. 
He opened his mouth to say something, but closed again as you stood up, his eyes followed your hand closely, especially when you drove your fingers to your lips and sucked the remaining fruit juice off them. The sight almost made him roll his eyes, but not in annoyance. 
“I'm going to the jacuzzi.” you announced, letting your eyes travel over him. “You continue doing that.” 
Even though it had not been an open or direct invitation, you knew Rúben had understood the innuendo. 
You hurried to the jacuzzi, taking off your clothes as the water heated up, you poured the bubble soap while letting your hair down, knowing that Rúben wouldn't be long in coming, although he wasn't hot on your heels to disguise how desperate he was, you knew he was coming for you. 
As you stared at the steaming, bubbly water, a wicked idea found its way to your mind. 
Meanwhile, Rúben paced back and forth in the hallway, running his hands through his hair repeatedly, especially when he stopped and had that urge to open the bathroom door where he knew you were. 
You're just a door away and what's holding him back is his pride. Knowing that if he opens that door, he's admitting his need for you. Proving that chasing after you is more important than his pride. 
He cursed himself for what felt the longest time before giving in and opening the bathroom door. The first thing he saw was steam. Lots of it. It made him squint his eyes while they trailed over the place in search of you. 
His eyes fell on the jacuzzi, it was filled with small bubbles, the room smelt like you, white musk scent surrounding you. And there you were, your back pressed against the side of the jacuzzi, arms spread over the edge, the bubbly water covering your body, stopping right below your collarbones, just atop of your chest. 
His mind automatically went places, but Rúben kept his thoughts at bay as he took off his shirt without a word. You did nothing but stare at him, your eyes following his every move, from the way he gripped the edge of his shirt, to the way he slid it off his body and his torso came into view. 
Rafe took a step closer, but he felt something soft under his foot, so he looked down. And what did he find?
Your swimsuit. 
At first he didn't process entirely what it meant, but then his eyes widened. 
You were naked. 
In the jacuzzi that's just a couple of steps away from him. 
And he was just..standing there like an idiot? Rúben was embarrassed of himself. 
A soft giggle escaped your lips when you noticed how flustered Rúben suddenly got, he actually struggled while taking off his shorts and if you hadn't been so amused by the view, you would have offered to help. 
Eventually he stopped fumbling with its ties and right when he pulled it down his hips, you looked away. Your tongue glided over your teeth as you felt the temptation to look, but you were stronger than that. 
“Enjoying the jacuzzi you said you could live without?” Rúben asked in a calm tone as he got in it, sitting by your right side. 
“Very much.” you assured, running your hand through the water, moving the bubbles slightly, you really had no intention other than to distract yourself from how nervous you were, still, Rúben tried to see through the bubbles. 
He couldn't handle himself anymore, he had denied himself of you for so long that he wanted you now. Told himself he was crazy. But now that he has you in front of him - he will do anything to have you. 
And an idea popped up in his mind. He knew this would be pathetic, lame even, but it would work. 
As you both did nothing but enjoy the hot tub and tried to ignore each other's bodies, Rúben discreetly slid his hand to the side control panel of the hot tub. Although he would never admit it, he spends so much time in the hot tub that he learned the controls by heart. So he knew exactly which buttons to push to disable two of the hot tub jets, the ones on your side, for that matter. 
Your state of relaxation was interrupted as soon as you stopped feeling the hot water flowing on your side of the jacuzzi, the vibrations had stopped and you no longer felt the soft massages on your skin. 
You raised your head and opened your eyes, noticing that indeed, the water stopped on your side. “What the..”
“What's wrong?” Rúben asked, his eyes closed as he did his best to hide a little smirk. 
“The water just..stopped?” you replied in confusion, not understanding why he was so calm. 
“Oh, that's bad. My side is just fine.” he replied simply, opening his eyes. 
You rolled your eyes at his disinterested tone. You couldn't believe that you had actually gone out of your way to plan all this and he couldn't even stop getting on your nerves for a second. 
Utterly done with his bullshit, you slowly moved to the little steps that led out of the hot tub, the last thing you wanted was to slip and embarrass yourself. 
However, before you could even reach them, you felt long fingers wrapping around your wrist, his skin was soft and warm due to the hot bubbly water. You turned to look at him, doing your best to keep your eyes focused on his. 
“Come closer.” his voice was calm, his fingers softly tugged your wrist; as if wanting to pull you closer but not quite to make you uncomfortable. 
You complied to his request and walked slowly to where he sat, the bubbles doing all the work and covering your body from his. You kept getting closer, Rúben slowly opened his legs, so you could stand between them. 
The feeling of the skin of his thighs against yours was your cue to stop, knowing that if you took one step closer, you'd feel him against you. 
His eyes bore on yours. The hazel color of his eyes was darkened by the lust running through his body, his pupils were dilated, his lips plump and red. He was one hell of a handsome man. 
Your faces were inches away from each other, but neither of you would yield to the temptation. 
You bit your lip slightly as soon as you felt Rúben’s large hands resting on your hips, the grip was firm, showing he wasn't hesitating. 
Testing the waters, you took a step closer and he let you, the grip on your hips becoming firmer and more secure, you could even say you felt him pulling you into his body slightly. 
Keeping eye contact, Rúben’s hand began to slide lightly, brushing your hip with his fingertips. His hand moved down to your thigh, where he caressed your thigh with his fingertips, drawing imaginary circles, which moved closer and closer to the center of your legs. 
Knowing exactly what he was doing, you felt fire in the pit of your stomach. You wanted him. And you wanted him now. But you also didn't want to give him the satisfaction. Maybe after all you were as stubborn as he claimed you were. 
You motioned to move your leg, and immediately, Rúben took a hold of your thigh, stopping you. A smirk appeared on your lips. Without saying anything, you yielded to his touch and moved even closer, putting your leg over his thigh and quickly bringing the other leg up as well, straddling him. 
The direct contact of your skin with Rúben’s, your core brushing against his dick..made him let out an agitated sigh right in your ear. 
And you would have teased him about it, but the truth is that the contact of his hard dick against your body almost made you moan. He was right under you, all it took was for you to raise slightly and for him to align himself. 
Ignoring how much you wanted to grind on him, you put your arms around his shoulders, wrapping your arms around his neck in the process, moving even closer, your chest pressed against his and your chin resting on his shoulder, wanting to enjoy the warm water a while longer before the inevitable happened. 
Rúben’s arms wrapped around your body, your breasts pressed against his chest, your pussy brushing just the right places on his dick. If this is the game you wanted to play, then Rúben would be just as good at it. 
He lifted his hips slightly and at that you couldn't help but let out a gasp, which you prayed he hadn't heard, but he did and it only fed his ego. 
As his fingertips caressed your spine, Rúben moved your hair from your shoulders to get better access and brought his lips to your neck. He started with innocent kisses, little brushes of his lips against your skin, while his fingertips caressed your skin. 
However, he was determined to break you. He brought his lips to the small spot below your ear, where he sucked, receiving an audible moan from you. One of his hands had slid down your back until it ended at your left asscheek, which he squeezed and used to push your body against his, causing you to grind on him. 
“Fuck..” you mumbled, throwing your head back out of mere instinct. 
He had so many dirty comments to make, but he decided to concentrate on you. Since you had thrown your head back, he had more access to your neck. He brought his lips to your skin again, starting to leave little bites and kisses all over, while one of his hands traveled to your breasts, his fingers taking one of your nipples and giving it a twist. 
At this you squirmed slightly on top of him, your hips moving against his, rubbing his dick in such a perfect way that it made him growl against your skin. 
“You like that, meu amor?” he murmured against your skin, voice husky “Want me to do it again?” 
“Yes.” you mumbled breathlessly. 
His fingers moved deftly between your legs, as you grasped his jaw and moved his head to the side, so that you could have access to his neck and an efficient way to quiet the sounds he would elicit from you. 
His index finger slipped between your folds, while his thumb searched for your clit until he found it, and began to give circular notions. You accidentally left a little bite on his neck, which was welcomed by Rúben , as he started to speed up his thumb and slid his middle finger inside you. 
“Rúbenn..” you murmured, your walls automatically tightening around his finger. 
“Does this feel good, princesa?” he murmured in your ear as his thumb accelerated his movements, he slid his ring finger in as well, your walls clenching at his voice "Oh it does, you're already clenching around my fingers." 
Now he had two fingers inside you, which he began to move in a come hither motion, hitting your sweet spot instantly, the one he had found in a matter of seconds. 
“Oh, fuuuck, Rúb-” 
He could feel you, how your walls clenched around his fingers so tightly it was hard for him to move them, your kisses on his neck had become sloppy and wet and your eyes were closed. Just when you felt you would reach the tip of ecstasy, Rúben pulled his fingers out of you. 
You were about to yell at him, but he spoke first, taking your jaw with one of his hands, fixing his eyes on yours. 
“I want to make you cum on my dick, yeah?” 
And you swore you could've come right there. Just by his words. 
“Yeah?” he questioned again, making you realize it had been more of a way to get your permission. 
“Yeah.” you nodded your head eagerly and that was all he needed. 
Rúben wrapped his arms around you and stood up, you instinctively wrapped your legs around his torso, biting your lip in anticipation for what was about to come. 
Rúben knew the boat like the back of his hand, so in a matter of no time, both of you were in his room. Rúben placed you down on his bed, not caring in the least that you were wetting it. 
He was soon close to you again, his lips on your skin. Your breathing started to become erratic, unable to control yourself in the face of the new sensations. His kisses traveled all over your neck, part of your shoulders and even on your jaw. 
Without a word, Rúben grabbed you with moderate force by the jaw and caught your lips with his immediately. You lost yourself in the kiss completely, the sensation of his lips against yours stoking the fire within you even more. 
Unable to stay still and wanting to discover your whole body, Rúben began to leave kisses and little bites on your neck. You tried to grab his face to bring him back to your lips, but as soon as you tried, he pulled away from you, took your wrists and put them against the bed, his face was above yours, the room was barely being illuminated by the light that was filtering through the blinds, so you couldn't see much, only the shadow of his features. 
“You want me?” he asked over your lips, his voice hoarser than usual and his breathing was rapid. 
“I want you. So bad.” 
You saw the shadow of a victorious smile on his lips and felt them against yours again, he put both hands holding your wrists above your head, and held both of your wrists with one hand, freeing his other one. 
His kisses began to descend again, with a slowness that clearly had the sole purpose of driving you crazy. You lifted your hips off the bed so you could feel some more of him, while Rúben took advantage of this and positioned himself between your legs with ease. 
He stopped kissing you momentarily, you could feel his breath on your skin and without warning, he returned his hand in between your thighs and now pushed three fingers inside you, while his thumb returned to your clit, you inevitably ended up letting out a moan, as his fingers had hit the right spot again. Having located the spot already, he began to move his fingers faster and deeper, curving them from time to time, accelerating the speed of his thumb as well. 
His lips went lower and lower, until his head was between your thighs and your hand was lost in his hair. His lips concentrated on your clit, sucking and circling it with his tongue, making you let out an erotic moan that you were ashamed of, because of how loud it had been. 
His hand kept up that incredible rhythm, but what made you almost climax was the feeling after he sucked on your clit and bit down lightly. 
“Rú- Rúben..I'm gonna-” 
That was all he needed to know to remove his hand, he would keep up with his word. As soon as he moved his hand away from your pussy, you immediately felt the emptiness, but you were too busy getting back to normal to complain. 
Rúben brought his fingers covered with your wetness to his lips and licked them clean, the sight of that, combined with the ‘mmm’ that he let out, was mouth watering. 
Rúben pulled you closer to him, so that your legs were over his thighs, he placed his hands on the sides of your head. His dick rubbed against your entrance, which brought gasps to both of your lips. 
He leaned over you and you could hear his breathing fast and heavy in your ear, it was almost like he was waiting for something.
“What's wrong?” you asked. “Are you doubt- ” 
You didn't get to finish saying the sentence, because he entered you with a quick movement of his hips, making you moan immediately, it took a few seconds to get used to the sensation of having him inside you. It always did. No matter how many times you've slept together, he is just so big. 
He stayed still for a few seconds, letting out hoarse mumbles of how good you felt, directly into your ear. Once you felt comfortable, you tightened your walls around him, which made him let out a grunt and start moving his hips against yours. 
You brought your hands to his neck and pulled his face to yours, bringing your lips together in a desperate kiss, as his hips moved incessantly, one of your hands tangled in his hair and as if on reflex, he put a hand around your neck, squeezing the sides lightly, something that made you moan into his lips. 
“How could you do this to me? All that teasing..I’m not made from steel..” he whispered in your ear. 
“Rúben, oh my God..” 
“I love you so much.” 
His words and the movement of his hips made your eyes roll “Don't stop, babe..please.” 
He pulled his face away from yours and placed his weight on the arm he had placed at the side of your head, speeding up his movements. You wrapped your legs around his waist to deepen things. 
You noticed that he started to slow down, but his movements still had depth. You knew he was doing it so he wouldn't tire quickly, but maybe you could help.  You used a considerable amount of strength to be able to turn you both around, ending up on top of him, while he looked at you with his lower lip between his teeth. 
Just to tease him further, you slipped his dick out of you and moved away, your body hovering over his thighs. He sat down on the bed, waiting for you to do something, but you only smirked at him. 
Rúben sat there while stroking himself and being done with your attitude, grabbed you by the waist and pulled you back to him, starting to fill your breasts with wet kisses and hickeys, biting your nipples from time to time, while you put your legs around him, slowly positioning yourself on top of him, again. 
You knew you wouldn’t last too long, anyway. 
“Stop teasing me, princesa.” 
“Where’s the fun in that?” 
He used the grip he had on your hips and pulled you down, entering you again, a hoarse moan came from his lips. You pushed him down by the chest so he’d lay down and began to move on top of him, in circles and up and down while his hands were on your hips and yours on his chest. 
You knew those moves were only satisfying you, as you moved as you needed to, and Rúben was quick to notice that. The grip he had on your hips began to tighten, a sign that he was getting desperate. Until he finally sat down in a rush, and began to move you at the pace he wanted, as the hand he kept on your hip guaranteed him control. 
“You're so stubborn, you know that?” he emphasized every word with a hip thrust. 
“Fuck, fu- fuck, Rú- Rúb-..” you weren't even able to say his name, or speak at all. 
You placed one hand on his shoulder and another on his neck, starting to move faster. He left sloppy kisses on your chest and you scratched his back, sometimes even left bites on his shoulder to stifle moans, especially when he murmured things in your ear, along the lines of ‘you're mine’, ‘this pussy feels so good’, ect. 
It didn't take long before you two began to lose rhythm, his movements were erratic and your speed had slowed. Until he finally came inside you, seeing the way his eyes closed tightly, as heavy breaths came from between his pink lips along with the “Fuck, Y/N, you feel like heaven..” he mumbled, was what made you climax too. 
While you both came down from your highs, there was nothing but silence, Rúben was still inside you and remained like that, after he turned you over, collapsed on top of you and you wrapped your arms around his body, both of you falling asleep without another word. 
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deafmangoes · 7 months
I'm not a shipper by nature, just putting that out there. But, uh, Dungeon Meshi does things to me.
Anyway, I've shared my Farcille thoughts, so now to blabber about a different popular ship: Labru. The Hot Mess. The Disaster Couple.
Firstly let's talk about the -bru part of the ship. Kabru is a neurotic little twink with PTSD and anxiety. I don't think that's in any sort of doubt. He exudes an entirely false confidence to hide his crippling self-hatred and survivor's guilt. For some reason, this makes him incredibly attractive to nearly everyone he encounters. Rin has the traditional tsundere crush, his whole party firmly believes in him (more than reflects his actual abilities), the ninjas blush when he smiles at them, even dead-hearted Mithrun warms up to him over time. The omakes take this even further: his landlord cleans his room for him, Dia's fiancé breaks down in tears when talking to him, and Holm's sister clearly wants to get it.
Kabru's not blind to any of this. He weaponises it, really. He's manipulative to an artform! Then he meets Laios. The Monsterfucker.
Laios' sexuality is not immediately clear from the manga. He definitely has a little flame for Marcille - between his awkwardness over touching her, his succubus taking her form, his illusion memory of her focusing on her power and strength - it's not love, I don't think it's even a crush, it's just that "boy sits across the table and stares intently at you" sort of feeling.
He doesn't show any direct interest in men but dearly desires their companionship. He practically kidnaps Shuro and - even though he struggles with Kabru's name at first - takes a liking to him instantly.
So do they make a good ship? Hell no, they're fucking awful together, but it works. Kabru just natually slithers in as advisor, and Laios is more than happy to have someone take all that off his plate. If there's anything there, I think it's one-sided from Kabru, and whatever feelings he has for Laios are based in his total confusion over how Laios just... survives. He finds him fascinating. Intriguing. Possibly sexually. If everyone else is an open book, Laios is the eldritch tome he cannot decipher and will burn him if he touches it. You can see why this ship seems to naturally arise from the canon.
But from Laios' point of view, I think he's... sort of homoerotic asexual? His feelings towards Marcille are more like a fascination with the exotic and monstrous (because she's Not A Tall-Man, and he doesn't want to be one), but his interactions with male companions are much more open and affectionate, even if he's a bit oblivious about it. I think he'd openly appreciate Kabru but wouldn't realise they were in a relationship until literally at the altar.
As another user put it: Laios is a human fascinated with monsters and wants to be one. Kabru sees himself as a monster and is fascinated with humans. They definitely compelement eachother.
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jpitha · 6 months
Between the Black and Gray 29
First / Previous / Next
Fen and Zhe went back up to the command deck to watch the approach. Northern placed the view out of some forward cameras on the screen and what struck Fen the first time she saw it was just how ramshackle the station was. It appeared to be made out of more than a dozen old starship hulls.
"Is that.. made out of junk starships?"
"It appears that way Fen, but I'm not sure if they're junk or not. I can see a lot of reactors when I scan for emissions. It could be that they're just all connected together and can break apart when threatened." Northern sounded fascinated. "It's a good idea, really. If you're worried about some administrative forces kicking you out, you just break up your station and link away to somewhere else. Fen, Zhe? This is going to be a while. I was just told we have to wait for a place for us to park. Why don't you two go get some rest. I'll wake you if anything comes up."
Back in her room, Fen lays on the bed. It's large and cold and smells unfamiliar. The sheets are wrong, the light in the room is wrong, the mattress is wrong, the whole place feels wrong. She had been doing well enough until she talked to Zhe about Ma-ren and she feels alone in the bed all over again. Tossing and turning, Fen struggles to sleep. Finally sleep comes.
Fen dreams.
She's sitting on a large, seat, a throne really at the top of what could only be described as an... arena. Every single seat is filled with people who are there to see her. She can feel their excitement radiate off. They aren't coerced, they aren't forced, they are all there willingly.
To see her.
Or are they?
She holds out her hand for silence, only it's not her hand. The skin tone is wrong, lighter. She spreads her arms wide to welcome the crowd, but the length feels wrong. Glancing down quickly, she sees that she's shorter than she expected, even with the high heels. High heels? Fen hates wearing heels; they're so wobbly. Her body isn't quite right either, she feels top heavy. The crowd is so far away, that they haven't noticed anything yet, but the people next to her have. One of them, a women, about her size with a kind face looks over, her brow furrowed in concern. Fen feels an overwhelming desire to comfort her, let her know everything is all right, even though it clearly isn't. "I'm fine." she whispers out of the corner of her mouth. "Just jitters or something."
The other women nods very slightly and turns back to the crowd, not convinced, but unwilling to disturb the ceremony.
"People of the Reach! I come before you to tell you of news. Our battles go well, and we have captured the inner planets! Venus, Luna and the LEO principalities have all agreed to a peace plan." Cheers and shouts of praise. She basks in their love, buoyed by their positivity. "I myself will be departing for the attack on Earth. I will personally lead the charge. Soon, I shall return to you with the exciting news of our victory!" More cheering. "Until then, I ask for your patience and understanding, and I ask for more volunteers. We have three more Super Dreadnoughts that have been completed, and they need crews. Please, come to the recruitment office and sign up. Everyone who crews my ships will be eligible for relocation to any planet, station, starbase, and orbital of their choosing after our victory."
She stands during the cheering and applause at this last announcement, and concentrates. Her wings, made of gossamer, focused, golden light spread meters wide. Her crown, made of the same light flares in the arena, visible to everyone. Through the cheering and chanting of her name, she turns, leaves the dias and her wings and crown fade into an afterimage on everyone's eyes.
Behind the dias, a hidden door opens, and she ducks through, with the two people - including the woman from before - on either side.
"Now that we're out of the crowd, what was that? You looked like you were going to throw up." She sounds worried.
"Yeah, I saw you wobble. You looked down at your shoes and blanched." The other one, a middle aged man chimes in. He is tall and handsome, with dark brown skin and a coal black beard, flecked with gray.
"I'm fine, I'm... fine." She sounds unsure even as she says it. "I just had a strange feeling of being not myself. It's passed now. She turned towards the woman. Do you have the report of the developments on Luna?"
"Yes, Empress. Luna is pacified. Your military has cleared you for a visit to the people as soon as you enter the system. They recommend that you show up, give a speech, do a quick meet-and-greet with the citizens, and then continue on to Earth. Myself, Omar and a small guard will accompany you."
"Thank you Ava. I need a coffee, and then we can depart."
Fen awoke with a start, dripping with sweat. She was laying in bed, all of her sheets and blankets a tangle. There was a soft chime that was repeating in the room. "Yes?"
"We're going to dock in a couple hours Fen. I figured you would want to shower and change."
"Thanks Northern. How long has it been?"
"About nine hours. I let you sleep a full cycle; you seemed like you needed it."
Fen sits up. "Okay Northern. I'll be up in a few."
Fen gets up and pads to the bathroom. Being the captain, she does have a larger suite than average, and it has its own bathroom. As the door behind her shuts, she does not notice the sheets and blankets are covered in a very slight layer of dust, arranged like wings, centering on where she slept.
The docking goes without a hitch. They are brought inside the cargo module of a massive starship on the outer edge of the 'station' and are directed to a pad near the door. They land, and as the ship powers down, Northern walks into the command deck, shaking her hair with her hands and making a face. "My mouth tastes like pennies. I hate this." She puts her hands on her hips and faces Fen. "You're going to find us enough crew - or another AI - to do this, right?"
"Yes Northern. We'll find a crew. I can't thank you enough for this, I realize that its... distasteful for you."
Northern smirks. "I see what you did there. I'll have you know that puns always work on me." She nods at Zhe. "Come on. Shall we go meet your family?"
Zhe nods and stands, but her ears are flat, and she's trying to shrink down into her clothes. "O-okay Northern, Fen. Let's go."
"Hold up a moment." Fen turns to Zhe. "Are you going to be all right with this?"
Zhe stands just a little straighter. "Yes, I'll be all right Fen. You're my captain now. It's just that my family was... disappointed when I got the job with the Discoverers and went to Minaren."
"They're disappointed you went straight?" Northern's incredulity is plain on her face.
Zhe's tail swishes and she nods. "You'll see when you meet them."
The dock's air is cold and thin, but breathable. The three of them exit the ship and head towards the airlock at the other end. They walk past scores of K'laxi and other peoples tending the ships that are docked. There are easily more than a dozen in this dock alone. Fen recognizes K'laxi, Gren, and even some Sefigan designs. They step into the airlock and it closes behind them. "So, you three are the ones ballsy enough to come here in a Imperial Frigate and sing the bawdiest K'laxi drinking song known in order to get in?" The voice is low and gruff. "We've scanned your ship, it's empty, so we know you're not hiding anyone, and you don't walk like spies, though you have the air of a Discoverer about you, K'laxi." The voice pauses a moment. "Still, we'll let you in. Stay nice and don't cause trouble."
The other airlock door opens, and the air is hot and wet. The K'laxi homeworld is smaller and colder than Earth, so Fen expected the atmosphere settings to be similar here but if there was such a thing as an opposite to K'laxi weather, this was it. The lights were dark and yellow and the gravity was light. Fen kept feeling like she was about to trip. A short K'laxi, grey around the muzzle, with a human sized battle rifle on his back waves and bounds - literally bounds - over. "Welcome! Welcome to The Heap."
Northern grins. "The Heap because it's a heap of starships?"
He nods quickly, the earrings on his large ears jangling slowly in the low gravity. "Exactly so. What are you here for? Trade? Business? Or just to lie low from the Imps since you clearly stole their frigate?"
Fen crosses her arms and harrumphs. "I'll have you know I own that frigate free and clear. You can scan it anywhere and it'll show up under my name."
He winks - a decidedly human gesture. "Sure it does, Friend. I know hackers too. So? What's up?"
Zhe sighs. "Hi there Uncle Rev. Is Hemmi here?"
Rev leans around Northern and gasps. "Little Zhe! You came back! You finally realized that the government yolk was strangling your ability to pull for yourself!" He grabbed her and hugged her mightily and spun her around. "Hemmi isn't here now, but he's in-system. I'll get a beacon out to him right away. He'll want to know the news. Why didn't you tell us you were aboard? He would have stayed for the welcome."
"I didn't want to be a burden..." Zhe begins.
"Nonsense! I will not hear of it." Rev looks over at Northern and Fen. "Shacking up with two humans? My my! You're doing all right for yourself. I knew you couldn't keep your true self down."
"Uncle Rev!" Zhe's fur ripples as she blushes. "Northern and Fen are friends only. Fen is my captain."
"Well then I need to extend our thanks," Rev bends low and Fen sees that his tail is half gone. "Have you had a chance to witness Zhe in combat yet? She is unparalleled with a Gren soar-kinfe." He puts his arm around Northern and Fen and gives them a small squeeze and Northern glares. "Did you know she once took out three Sefigan warriors who thought they could bounce out of here without paying? Three! She was barely sixteen at the time. Her parents were so proud. They let her keep the entire bounty. I think that's how she paid her passage to Minaren."
Northern turns her head slowly to Zhe as her fur won't stop rippling. "A soar-knife? They're hard to use even in light gravity. in Human standard they take years of practice to wield safely."
"Well when you're a kid on a pirate station you get bored and pick stuff up." Zhe mumbles.
"So modest!" Rev squeezes their hips again and Northern smacks his arm off. "Come on! Let's go eat while we wait for Hemmi to come back.
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ancientgreekyuri · 10 months
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Today marks three years of Dianthus existing! I made my first concept sketches for her on 11/20/23 💖 this also means it's been three years of Diathesterius! I sometimes use the date I uploaded Dia to toyhouse, the 21st, as the anniversary date just in case I'm late... but I managed to finish colouring this <3 I had actually wanted to do something for this earlier in the month, I even made some very elaborate plans for it... but it ended up not happening! Which is okay 💞 but I still wanted to draw a little wedding piece... so I did! I'll make something fancier when I have more time later on... 💝 I used my own handwriting here for authenticity, but at some point... I'd like to be able to rewrite in Greek for More authenticity <3 Uncropped version (and long rambling post) under the cut 💕 I get a little Vulnerable so don't read it if you're gonna be mean or else I'll like Get You or something
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I've made posts in the past talking about why Theseus and Asterius mean so much to me, but I don't think I've made one on why Dianthus herself means so much to me.. so for her own third year anniversary, I'll do that here! before I begin...! the fruit in dia's hair here are from the strawberry tree, arbutus unedo. I associate the tree and its fruit with Theseus but... it's honestly been so long, I don't remember exactly why! Just that, for some reason, I imagine thathis childhood home had a tree of these fruit blossoming just outside his mother's room, and thus he has fond memories of it. Lady Dianthus... she who loves all things pink, actively hates celery, and still has a job at the library despite being so fogetful and clumsy... she who met Theseus and immediately became obsessed because it was the first interesting thing to happen to her- not a parent or someone she's close to, but herself! her first time feeling as if she had a true purpose. She who didn't understand Theseus' obsession with Asterius until meeting he Minotaur, and promptly decided "he's not scary? he's not scary at all! he's just a cow!" I've made sona and the likes before Dia of course, but she was the first in a long time who was truly meant to resemble me in all ways (except for the setting, of course...). I made her design simple so I would easily be able to redraw her, and gave her one of my favourite palettes pink and green and cream and gold. At first I really didn't expect to get that attached to her... I went months without drawing her after her initial creation. but the more I drew her the more I realized how much fun I was having with her...! It's funny looking back on it... originally I had a much more comedic idea for her story, and di not intend to ship her with Theseus in any serious way. It was going to be a completely one-sided love (with Dianthus taking the role of "crazed fangirl" - which she still is, in a way). I'm sure it isn't a surprise but it didn't take me long at all to start drawing ship art of them, creating artworks and writing of Theseus and Asterius was a self indulgent joy for me, so why not selfship art too? I ended up invested, of course. Using Dia I put a lot of my own feelings into a story; a sense of otherness, her loneliness, feeling lost and out of place. I had removed it later on because I felt uneasy with how vulnerable it was, but at one put I had placed one of the most traumatic events of my life into Dia's story- sometimes I think about adding it back, because I know giving her an oppurtunity to open up about it with her beloveds would be something beneficial to Me irl(!). But that's besides the point here... she's a stubborn girl, sweet but arrogant is my usual go-to descriptor for her; that's how I think of myself too, just based on what I've been told (I have a hard time thinking of myself as nice, though others always say so to me...). That may be part of why I tend to look for those features in (fictional!) lovers... something feels good to me about being able to butt heads due to this shared traits, but still coming together and making amends despite it. I do think it's a little funny that the sonas I've gotten the most attached to so far- Dianthus, and now Nerine- have some sort of theme of death with them. Dianthus is literally a ghost, and Nerine is metaphorically one (and maybe liteally, if I ever make up my mind...). Maybe that's just fitting for me, though... hmm... I'm not sure what else I want to say here... I think of Dianthus as "Me but in Hades Game / Ancient Greek context." Of course some events that happen in her life didn't happen to me, or, sometimes, I dramatize it (Dia's mother leaving her and her father to become the wife of a god was inspired by the fact that for the first few yers of my life, my parents were separated... but they always had a positive relationship with one another! Unlike Dia's parents), but she's become a big par
t of me all the same. Just as I am happy and hoping to spend many more years with Theseus and Asterius, I hope to spend many more years with her as well. i think that's all I'll write for now <3 if you read this thank you for being curious enough about me to be interested in all this 😭
btw, here's the first ever post of her... (yes thats my priv </3 i briefly unlocked it to search for this... don't try and follow me over there though it's crazy over there)
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hepatitushepatits · 11 months
Badboyhalo didn't particularly know who was in his bed at the moment, but he also didn't really care.
Judging by the soft fingers combing through long hair, and a cold hand on the bare sliver of skin at his waist; Forever. But by the nose at his nape; Etoiles?
Bad would just have to roll over, he guessed. He was cold anyway.
Letting out a deep, deep breath he'd been holding since the hand starting stroking through Bad's long midnight hair, he heaved himself over, ancient bones creaking with the effort.
The demon opened his eyes to soft morning light. Sun shone through barely closed blinds, not too brightly to hurt his eyes, but enough to make him groan.
Yup. Forever. Etoiles hated the morning light just as much as he did, while Forever took any excuse he could to crack open the windows and stare INTO the SUN.
Blinking sleep out of his eyes, Bad tried to register his surroundings.
Headache, first of all. Very familiar. Eventual hangover most likely.
Foul taste in his mouth.
Gentle digits raking through his hair, massaging his scalp.
Stomach gurgling uncomfortably.
The smell of old booze and weed - wait, stomach gurgling?
Badboyhalo jerked up, stumbling from the bed and gripping his cane by the bedside table tightly. Hand over his mouth, blankets dragging until they're caught by Forever's weight, the nether demon bumbled into the bathroom.
Cold tile against his soles, he bent over the toilet, and-
I think you can guess what happened then.
Bad wiped his mouth, whimpering at tightness of his throat and gross taste left over. He quickly filled the glass on his counter with cold tap water.
Feet padded into the bathroom next to him. Hand on his nape and another on the cup, Forever helped him drink the rest of the water.
A clumsy, delicate kiss aimed at his cheekbone missed. Landing on his jaw instead. "Bom dia," Forever murmured, husky voice grating pleasantly on Bad's ears.
Badboyhalo responded tiredly, "bom dia."
"Slept well?"
"As well as you can, considering I was blackout drunk and you kept kicking me in your sleep."
Forever snorted.
"I don't sleep securely when I had drunk alcohol."
'I can tell' thought Bad. But that wasn't something he thought he should share.
Forever's face is all too pretty relaxed like this anyway, he didn't particularly want it to go away.
My first writing.. and it's a ship I don't like that much..
Excuse any mischaracterization and grammar issues please 😭
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mixedupacts-au · 7 months
Premise: The TADC AUs? They work with their creators to create the stories for Tumblr. They’re basically actors. Each AU creator runs their own show.
Gooseworx owns the company (C&A) all of the AUs work at and makes sure everything is running smoothly with the original show and the AUs. She’s pretty chill lol
About 10 AUs work there, but only 7 will be shown
Humans and the characters live amongst each other.
The originals are working nonstop to create episode 2.
There’s a lot of CGI used, so like, the corruption AU? They’re not really that tall. Corruption Jax isn’t 11’2, he’s 6’7 or something lol
Any and all OCs are canon, so like, Erebus? She exists. Sethe? He exists. Any and all Abels? They all exist. They’re basically a species at this point lmao
Also people can submit their OCs and they’ll be given a job!
Only ships the AU creators say are canon will be canon, so for example, sm-baby made Showtime canon in her AU, so Showtime will only be canon in the Carnival AU part of the company.
AUs that are mixed with other games/shows don’t exist, so the Pokémon AU sadly doesn’t exist.
Im still debating wether I will make this a collaborative AU amongst creators or if I just do it myself, so until I make the decision I’ll have to do a lot of research lol
(Only AUs that are on Tumblr will be in this AU)
Carnival AU - ✅ SHE WANTED INN
Freakshow AU - ✅ just gotta tag them ^^
Corruption AU - ✅ number three!
Pirate AU - ✅ reminded me to tag all the original creators lol
Eldritch AU - ✅ we got ‘em
Horror AU - ✅ :]
Spread the Influence AU - ✅ They finally opened the ask box lol
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gayfraggle · 1 year
an Introduction page
Hi! My main names are is Sammy/Vincent but i have a whole list linked lower in the post, I am a minor so please no inappropriate asks or messages towards me
I'm transmasc and agender, I go by all pronouns (including most neo-pronouns) but my main are they/it/he, I'm also Aromantic and Aegosexual
Names ⬇️
My Avenue Q askblog is @theqstandsforqueer
My Little Shop Of Horrors askblog is @ask-the-little-shop
The askblog for the comic me and friend are working on is @starrynightstudios
My Hazbin Hotel oc blog is @carrionsstudio
My ao3:
Rules for requests:
Nothing NSFW or suggestive
You can only request characters from fandoms I'm in, preferably characters I like or have shown interest in and are from my current hyperfix
I'm ok with most ships but if it's a ship feel uncomfortable with then I will not draw it
These are just silly doodles, not full on art pieces so don't expect them to be
List of horror characters I will draw
My current hyper-fixations (in order of how fixated on them I am) are X-Men (including Deadpool), Dropout/Collegehumor, and Vocaloid
Any ask games that I'm doing at the current moment will be linked here⬇️
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I removed my sona because I need to update it
I'm a multi-fandom artist, and the fandoms I'm in (at the moment) are Muppets, Batman, Dialtown, Kiznaiver, Creepypasta, The World Of Mr Plant, Avenue Q, Tadc, Welcome Home, My Friendly Neighborhood, Salad Fingers, Madness Combat, KinitoPET, fnaf, slashers, DSAF, jjba, Deltarune/Undertale, Rocky Horror Picture Show, tf2, Batim/batdr, Monster High, Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel (kind of), musical theater, Cuphead, and dhmis
These aren't all of them, but they are the ones that I consume the most
Also the slasher/horror movies that I like are Scream, Black Christmas 1974, Malignant 2021, Puppet Master, Behind the Mask: the Rise of Leslie Vernon, Texas Chainsaw Massacre pt2, the Alien series, Predator series
I also have ADHD and Anxiety
you CAN send me headcanons and asks about my headcanons, doodle requests when open, fanart, stuff like that
you CAN'T sent me anything NSFW, art requests, and hate
Also this blog will contain some mature things like curse words, and possibly gore
And if you use any of my characters, credit/@ me please, and sending it as an ask would be nice <3
Also, I don't post super often, I mostly reblog things
Also my grammar isn't super good, so sorry if some posts have errors
There are a few tag shortcuts in the tags
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joooonbug · 10 months
About me
Welcome to my blog!! I realized I don't have an about me post so here it is :D
Hellooooo I'm Joooonbug but you can call me June :) I'm female and use she/her pronouns! I'm just your average Korean who obsesses over footballers😎👌
Mainly a City fan, barça/bayern enjoyer :)
honestly i will be insane about most clubs and players so some players i am insane for include: Ruben Dias, Most/basically all city players, Martin Ødegaard, Thomas Müller, Dominik Szoboszlai etc etc
the tag i use for yapping and anything other than football art is #junes rants
Oh also I run a side ask blog with my friends! (sorry we haven't posted in a while we've all been busy😅) @premleaguehigh
I can speak:
Korean, English, French (Currently learning), Mandarin Chinese (only a little tiny bit🤏)
Mostly football!! But I'm always open to conversations about musicals, marvel, ocs😙, recently got invested in hazbin hotel !!! i love radioapple feel free to talk to me about any of these fandoms heheh <3
Other social media:
Twitter (I don't use it much anymore)
My OTP footy ships😋:
John Stones/Ruben Dias
Erling Haaland/Jude Bellingham
Thomas Müller/Robert Lewandowski
Martin Ødegaard/Erling Haaland
Pep Guardiola/Jürgen Klopp
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mayisgoingnuts · 2 months
Uhhh I got a lot of stories I’m working on lol
However the recent talk of the JJD AU is making me want to write out Lila, Violet, and Dexter’s plan to re-kidnap skid (the dialogue exchanges you and @/dismissivedestroyer have been making are fun to read)
Also maybe a sweethearts (DennyxRachel if I’m remembering right) shipping story, because the art you’ve made of those two is absolutely adorable
— Story Anon 📖
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Plus OMGG SWEETHEARTS STORY, I don't even read fanfics anymore but I CAN OPEN AN EXCEPTION FOR THIS ONE!!!/pos /gen
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potassium-pilot · 1 year
FFXIVWrite 2023, Prompt 1: Envoy
"Oh, are we close?" Surito Carito asked, the tiny tonberry trying to lift himself against the edges of the ship to see the surroundings. Behind him, Dia gave a boost so he could see.
"Wow", he breathed. "I'm only sorry that my memory is failing me in the geography of my time. This place is breathtaking." Lily appeared at his side to join him in looking.
"So this is Old Sharlayan", Alka Zolka commented. "I admit, I'm a bit overdue for coming here. Ever since they opened their borders to adventurers, I had been meaning to visit."
"Me too", Setoto spoke up. "I simply can't believe they would allow a tonberry to speak in a place like this."
"Well, I admit I pulled a few favors, but Scholarch Montichaigne seemed positively tickled by the idea of having someone who lived in the era of Nym come and speak on its behalf", Dia explained. "I can also tell you with certainty that no small amount of students want to hear about it. There's a lot of historians here and they are all very curious about what happened to the nation."
"And none of them are going to try and kill me, correct?" Surito asked. "I saw the looks that the Limsan citizenry gave us. Had it not been you protecting me, I'm certain I would have been set upon ere I set foot on the ship."
"So long as you stick by me, you'll be safe." Dia pulled a box nearby so Surito could stand on it. "Now just keep looking at the ocean."
The ship made its way to Scholar's Harbor slowly but surely. Around 10AM, it docked and allowed its passengers to depart. Dia, Surito, Setoto, and Alka Zolka made their way towards customs and arrived to the lalafell woman who presided over it. She took the names and professions of Alka Zolka and Setoto, who simply stated that they were scholars of Nymian history.
"And your name?" She asked of the tonberry.
"Surito Carito"
"And your profession?"
"I am a scholar."
"Of what field?"
Surito seemed confused. "Er, simply a scholar, madam. A member of the Nymian Royal Marines."
The official raised her eyebrow slowly. "Er...why would we need a soldier here?"
Dia shook her head. "Forgive him. He's an envoy of the former nation of Nym, here to give a lecture on its history and culture. There should have been a form explaining his special circumstances sent to you by the Studium."
"There is, yes. I simply need to confirm his name and profession as is listed here. At any rate, all appears to be in order, and you are all granted permission to enter Sharlayan at your leisure. Welcome."
With that, Dia guided the three of them away from the gazebo and into Sharlayan proper. As they walked, all of them noticed as eyes gawked at the creature walking about the city. Some even ran at the sight of Surito's waddle.
"Oh dear...", Surito whispered.
"Don't worry. They are merely ignorant. This is why you're here, is it not? To inform", Alka Zolka tried to reassure.
"Surely, it won't be too long until people begin to understand", Setoto concluded.
Even with their encouragement, Surito kept as close to Dia as he could. As he said, when people saw the ex-Warrior of Light leading the tonberry, they knew better than to try and interfere. Finally, they arrived at the new headquarters of Baldesion Annex, where Dia arranged rooms for them all to stay. Upon the doors opening, Ojika formed a big smile. "Ah, Dia! I'm glad to see you and your friends have safely-- EEK!"
Surito jumped at the shriek of the lalafellan innkeeper. Dia scowled. "Yes, he's a tonberry. No, he does not have a stabby death awaiting you. His name is Surito Carito, and he's a guest lecturer, so I'd appreciate you not screaming at him."
"How do you do?" Surito greeted nervously.
"S-sorry. I've never seen one up close before. I've never even heard of one that could talk before."
"They don't, usually", Surito explained. "Dia here helped break me out of the trance that traps all of my brethren in a state of perpetual violence."
"If you want to learn more, I'd recommend sitting in on his lecture", Setoto encouraged. "It's tomorrow at 11AM."
Ojika looked up to Dia, who nodded in affirmation. "I think I can make the time for that. Why don't I show you all to your rooms?" With that, the three were led to their quarters for the evening. Upon reaching Surito's quarters, Dia and Surito couldn't help but hear footsteps running towards them. Upon the turn of their heads, they spotted a red-haired miqo'te rushing them.
"Dia!" G'raha exclaimed happily. "Always glad to see you." He looked down and noticed the tonberry, making a curious look form on his face. "Er...Dia?" G'raha darted his eyes down in Surito's direction.
Dia looked down to her scholar companion. "Go on. Introduce yourself. I know him; you'll be safe."
Surito cleared his throat. "Hello there. My name is Surito Carito, one of the last scholars of Nym and one of the last members of the Nymian Royal Marines."
G'raha's jaw remained wide open and he gawked at the marine in shock. "I...I'm pleased to meet you. G'raha Tia, at your service."
"Forgive me, but you are a miqo'te, are you not?"
"I am."
"I've never met one before today. Ah, this day has been full of new experiences."
"Much the same for me", G'raha agreed, "I've never met a tonberry before today."
Surito's face squinted in happiness. "I hope you'll be one of the attendees for my lecture tomorrow morning."
"A lecture?" G'raha looked up to Dia, who nodded. "Well, I can certainly try to make time for something like that. What is your lecture on, exactly?"
"Nymian culture and history."
"Considering your interest in Allagan history, I think you'd be interested in a society that took full advantage of Allagan summoning arts to mold into the tactics of the Nymian scholar", Dia pointed out.
"That would be interesting, yes. Even without it, I must admit I know little and less of the nation."
Surito nodded. "Then may I see you there." With that, Surito hopped up to reach the doorknob, opened it, and let himself into his room. G'raha, still reeling from the idea that he just met a tonberry that didn't want to stab him mercilessly, merely blinked.
"You all right?" Dia asked.
"I...have a lot of misconceptions I need to clear up", he admitted.
"Everyone does. That's why he's here", Dia smiled. "Oh, did you have plans for lunch?"
"Not a single one", he lied, having initially intended on using it to do some research on the Twelve.
"Then you should join us. I intend to take everyone to the Last Stand. I was going to ask Krile too."
"I'd love that! I'll see you then."
A few hours pass, Dia using the time to help Krile with her research, telling her about her own, and listening to Krile vent about the difficulties of restarting the Students of Baldesion. As the stroke of 1 in the afternoon, Krile declared, "Now might be a good time for a break, do you not agree?"
"I couldn't agree more. Let me fetch everyone and we can go to lunch." Dia left Krile's study and gathered Alka and Setoto. Upon arriving to Surito's room, Dia knocked.
"Who is it?" Surito asked.
"A ghost. Thought I might haunt you a bit, just for kicks."
"Come in, Dia."
She opened the door and smiled at Surito. "We're heading for the Last Stand for lunch. You're in for a treat. It's the only restaurant with remotely edible food in Sharlayan."
"Oh...I'm fine here, thank you."
"Surito?" Alka asked. "What's the matter?"
"Nothing at all. I just believe it might be better if I just kept to my room during my stay."
"Oh none of that, Surito! We want you there", Setoto protested.
"I don't wish to scare anyone again."
Dia breathed a sigh from her nose. "Come on, you two."
The three left the room, Surito using his solitude to try and practice his lecture. About twenty minutes in, his door burst open and a crowd of people flocked in. "Hope you're decent!" Dia laughed.
"Oh! What is this?" Surito exclaimed.
"This is lunch. You're eating it one way or another", DIa insisted. "I've brought G'raha along and our host."
"Hello. You must be Surito Carito. My name is Krile Baldesion. I've been looking forward to meeting you."
"Hello to you, Krile. Thank you for your hosting my compatriots and I. You're quite possibly the most welcoming presence I've encountered here."
Krile frowned. "Dia told me of Ojika screaming at the sight of you. I apologize for him. I'm afraid that while I informed him of a guest speaker coming to stay with us, I failed to inform him of what to expect of you. I apologize for his conduct."
"It's of no consequence. At least he didn't run at the sight of me like some of the people I've encountered today."
Dia placed lunch on his table. "Well, let's forget about them and get some food in our bellies. Come on up."
The five sat around the table, G'raha in the middle surrounded by Dia and Krile on one side, and Setoto surrounded by Alka and Surito on the other. Dia handed Surito an Archon burger. "You'll love it!"
"So, Surito, what inspired you to come and give a lecture in Sharlayan?" Krile asked.
"In truth, I have been looking for how to revive the art of the Nymian Scholar for some time now that we have a cure for the plague in our grasp."
"Plague?" G'raha repeated.
"Yes. You can see its effect on people by looking at me, and you can see that the cure works with one look at Setoto here." G'raha and Krile snapped their attentions to Setoto, who smiled at them proudly. "You're Nymian?" G'raha exclaimed.
"I am. You wouldn't be able to tell with one look at me, but I am one of the few students of the art left. Were it not for Dia, Alka, Surito, and the work of my father, we may not be speaking today."
Dia smiled as she chewed. Upon swallowing, she added, "We had discussed it for a while and agreed that the best way to try and keep things going was to utilize modern day historians. Montichaigne seemed to rather like the idea."
"I don't blame him in the least", Krile commented amusedly. "This is the first lecture of its kind- a discussion from a citizen of a society long thought to be dead."
After the remainder of their time was spent listening to Krile picking Surito's brain on history, the five stood up and went their separate ways for the evening.
The morning dawned on Sharlayan. Surito awoke and rose from his bed before he scrambled to find his notes. Upon finding them and reading them through, he heard a knock at his door.
"Who is it?"
"Remember that ghost from yesterday? She said you owed her 20 gil, so I'm here to collect."
"Come in, Dia."
She opened the door and entered alongside yet another new face.
"Oh...hello...", Surito greeted hesitantly.
"Hello", she greeted back warmly. "My name is Ameliance Leveilleur, a good friend of Dia's. I understand you're to give a lecture in the Studium today, is this correct?"
"I am. My name is Surito Carito. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
"As am I. If you're going to give a lecture here in Sharlayan, however, we thought it best if you might look the part." Ameliance reached into her inventory and pulled out a small, white Sharlayan robe, sized for a lalafell. "What do you think?"
"That...would be lovely. I wish I knew what to say...thank you, I..."
"But of course. Go ahead and change into it for me."
Upon the two looking away, Surito changed into the white robe and looked in the mirror.
"It looks nice."
They looked back and judged for themselves. "It does", Dia affirmed, "Although it is a little big..."
"That much, we can change. If you wouldn't mind helping me with adjustments, Dia, we can get started."
After an hour preparing the robe to fit him, they looked upon their handiwork proudly. "Now that's a Sharlayan."
"Don't worry; we can hang the Scholar armor on a mannequin and show it off that way", Dia suggested.
"I would like that. It's important for Scholars to have the appropriate gear", Surito reminded her to Dia's amusement.
"Now that we have you dressed up, why don't we show it off, hm?" Ameliance suggested.
"I...I don't know."
"The only way people will get used to seeing you is to see you. The more people that see you walking peacefully with Ameliance and I, the better", Dia reminded him.
He took a deep breath and braced himself. "All right. Let's go."
With that, the three escorted Surito out of his chambers and led him around town. To his shock, fewer people seemed outright horrified at the sight of him as they walked around town. Some even cooed at the sight of him in their robes, like they would a child. He wasn't sure if that was any better.
After enjoying a leisurely walk about the city-state, they arrived at the Studium where they were directed to the lecture hall. Upon opening the doors, he was surprised at the amount of attendants that had already gathered, and the event wasn't due to start for another fifteen minutes. He sat in a chair on the side alongside Dia, Lily on his shoulder, Alka and Setoto (the latter having arrived about ten minutes before Dia and Ameliance did) and stared at the crowd of students.
Surito had a flash of memory. Nymian universities that trained young people all had their own robes to don in uniformity. They would gather and discuss, await the professors before they would start their work. They would ask all sorts of questions, pose theories, discuss history, magic, current affairs of the time, spend countless hours writing papers and preparing arguments. They would laugh together, they would cry together, bemoan assignments together, and cheer in triumph in their accomplishments together.
To see these young minds carrying on such similar traditions warmed his heart. It hit him in this moment that no Calamity, no apocalypse, and no tragedy in the world would ever dim a curious mind.
The hour drew nigh for the lecture to begin. Surito walked up to the podium that was adjusted for his stature and looked out to the crowd, who all looked to Surito to pay him heed. As he looked upon the faces of these students, he could see them- his classmates, his former teachers; he was back in his element.
He took a deep breath and spoke aloud.
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becauseplot · 1 year
Hi hi hi :D
My header was gettin crowded so I figured I might as well just make an intro post lmao.
My name is Curly! You can call me Curly, or becauseplot, or bp, or bitchass---anything along those lines will do <3
I use he/she/they pronouns (in no particular order, go nuts) and I am not a minor!
Below the cut: interests, style of posting, tags list/system, ao3, and more! (Important bits are bolded!)
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The things I'm Normal:tm: about
QSMP remains a background interest of mine but it's still beloved. Faves are qphilza (rly just ANY philza rp characters) and qcellbit. I also love DSMP, TotK, and BotW. Sometimes I'll jumpscare you with a Sherlock Holmes post just because. (Holmes and Watson have my whole heart. They <3)
I'm also in the middle of watching Ordem Paranormal! I've watched AOP, OSNF, and am making my way through OPD. Liz my beloved.
I am nothing if not long-winded (if you couldn't already tell from the length of this lmaooooo)
I like+reblog+tag pretty much EVERYTHING. So sorry if I clutter your notifs, I just have the inexplicable urge to add Every Post to my Hoard.
I talk a lot in tags. Like, a LOT. Also, my posts have a tendency to ramble. I have thoughts and internet access and that is a very ill-advised combination <3
I do swear a lot!!! Always know that if I'm swearing I am never genuinely mad/upset I do it for the funnies and the funnies only.
#organized (not really)
I do have a tagging system but it's kinda!! Wonky!!! I'll organize it one of these days I swear. For the most part, if you want stuff (qsmp-related) I've saved on...
a specific character: "q![character]" (yes even the npcs like the eggs)
duos: "[______] duo" (or their ~special~ duo name, ex "codebreakers", "crimeboys", etc)
shipping content: the ship name lmao
clips: "qsmp clips for the soul"
funny/neat in-game/webcam screenshots: "qsmp reaction images"
I also save stuff about major arcs and special events under specific tags, so keep an eye out for these too:
"qsmp festa junina"
"qsmp spiderbit wedding"
"qsmp election event" (stuff to do with the whole election arc)
"qsmp dinner event" (the election dinner with the imposter eggs)
"egg-napping part 3" (posts to do with the egg disappearances, mainly the first few days and the black concrete)
"happy all the time" (happy pills arc)
"a dose of reality" (the end/aftermath of the happy pills arc)
"q viva mexico" (mexican independence day event)
"qsmp dia de muertos"
"qsmp purgatory"
"qsmp purg finale" (or 11/18, what we thought was a finale)
"purg 2 electric boogaloo" / "qpurgatory 2" (AWWW SHIT HERE WE GO AGAIN)
"@v@" (qforever possession stuff)
qsmp prison event
q2024 opening (YOOO HAPPY NEW YEAR)
A couple other tags!
"qmongus" (qsmp amongus lobby)
"qoutlast" (qsmp plays outlast trials)
"qtwitter” (twitter posts, usually does NOT include event updates tho)
“qsmp event updates” (HERE are the event updates!)
"twitchcon paris" (mostly stuff about qsmp cc's meeting up)
"qsmp brazil meetup"
"qsmp vegas meetup"/"twitchcon vegas"
"qsmp french alps meetup"
“streamer awards 2024”
"fruit mountain tournament" (cellbit's fruit mountain tournament!)
"qpositivity" (positive posts praising qsmp, for when the discourse and neg gets to be too much <3 )
Another random tag I have: "the dynamic of all time" - Posts that give me vibes of a character/relationship dynamic but nothing specific enough to tag it as a given character. I just think they're neat :]
I've watched O Segredo na Floresta! Most of my posts about it are tagged under “curlyosnf”
Bear in mind you might get a wall of text in response. You have been warned.
I remember my ao3 login sometimes
My ao3 is BecausePlot! I haven't been super active recently, but if you're interested in some of my stuff, here's a list of my 10 favorite works atm, from most to least recent <3
Relative (QSMP x Ordem au) (au is tagged: "TWLITFAU")
The Calm (Spiderbit fluff)
Miss Me? (f!Cell shows up at f!Felps' apartment)
Waking Up On The Wrong Side of the Bed (c!Phil in QSMP)
Insanity (q!Cellbit character study)
An.G.E.L.S. (OSMP x Antarctic Empire, Military au)
Danse Macabre (Parentsduo <3)
But You're Not Yourself (c!Phil and c!Techno raising c!Wilbur)
A Helping Hand (Phil gets adopted by a flock of crows)
Take My Hand (Retelling of the handcuff scene from BBC Sherlock: Reichenbach Fall)
Leaving a comment on the fic itself or in my askbox is the best way for me to talk to you and say thank you for reading! Let me appreciate you ya nerd!!
Other Schtuff
My pfp is from GranadaTV's Sherlock Holmes adaptation (with Jeremy Brett), specifically the episode The Greek Interpreter.
My banner is by wolfythewitch (from the Creature animatic I think?? I honestly don't remember lmao.)
My favorite color is green (if you couldn't tell), my favorite animal is horse, my favorite flower is dandelion, my favorite imagery to play with in writing is space/universe/atoms/stars/etc, I'm studying mechanical engineering and physics, I do shitty drawings on super rare occasions, and, last but not least,
If you are a dick about anything you will simply be blocked.
Peace and love on planet earth <3
If you have any questions, send an ask! I hope you enjoy your stay :Drl
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sunofmoon · 2 years
tagged by the precious treasure @krocodilf, thanks love!
Three Ships: neymessi (simply because they are my serotonin, my reason for smiling and for making my day considerably better), batcat (i could spend hours of my time explaining the chemistry they have, but simply open any comic book page and you will understand what i am talking about), ineffable husbands (if neil gaiman himself considers them as a couple, who am i to say otherwise?), there are other shipps that i like, but from the soccer universe i can also mention that i like kykimi and haalingham.
Last Song: happier than ever by billie eilish.
Last Movie: don't worry darling (i will not comment on the confusions behind the scenes of this film, nor on H.S. performance, much less on the fact that i have not yet decided whether i liked the film or not. but i can really say for sure that i loved florence pugh's performance and i want to follow her other works).
Currently Reading: a morte é um dia que vale a pena viver (death is a day worth living), it is a book that deals with a subject that there are still many taboos around and that is also complicated to deal with, death. it is a book that brings a lot of reflections about life, suffering and how to make it all worthwhile.
Currently watching: sherlock (bbc one).
Currently Consuming: pão de queijo mineiro (it is a sensational cheese bread, you have to eat it to know how good it is).
Currently Craving: that my flu goes away, i can't stand sneezing and coughing anymore ):
tagging @ispeakmorelanguagesthanyou @le010n11 @loud-suit i'm sorry, i don't know if you've already been tagged before, and even if you haven't there's no pressure to do it! <3
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
for the self ship asks!
dia - #6
luci - #16
levi - #2, 5
beel - #22
you don't have to do all these if you don't want to, feel free to pick and choose bb! <3
oooo thank you for asking!!!
6. What was the most embarrassing thing to happen between you and your f/o before, during, and/or after sex?
Diavolo - More like it happened to me. We managed to get away for a quickie during a ball & I thought I cleaned up well but I felt some more dripping a few minutes later & had to excuse myself. eeeeek. He felt a little smug about it.
16. Does your f/o prefer slow and sweet lovemaking or fast and hard fucking?
Lucifer - He prefers slow & sweet. & teasing. He deals with a lot on a daily basis so when we finally get time, he wants to take his time. Especially when so many others try to fight for my attention w each other. (nw n')
2. How often do you and your f/o have sex?
Levi - Almost everyday, but some of those days it's just oral/hand stuff; it's so fun making him cum, I'm definitely a giver when it comes to him. ♡
5. Do you and your f/o prefer having sex in the dark or with the lights open?
Levi - Dark room! I prefer a more dim room because lights tend to distract me & he prefers a darker room too since he's just use to it.. Overall he doesn't care though because sex is sex & he's grateful for it. uwu lmao
22. Is there any dirty talk? If so, how dirty? What about pet names and/or derogatory names?
Beel - Hehehehehe. YES. I'd say it's pretty dirty but not that filthy. "I'm gonna fill that tiny human cunt. *groans*...so good & tight..." He doesn't really use pet names or derogatory names; other than "baby" or "human" (in a negative way sometimes).
⬦-Spicy Selfship Asks!
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random-meme-bot · 2 years
Special Halloween Post (AKA "I talk about one of my favorite games that just so happened to be slightly Halloween related")
Sorry for the wait, I'm ready to take you now.
Where? On the Four year journey of the soul, of course.
Im Random-Meme-Bot and tonight I will be your travel agent, so, prepare yourself and please, relax because tonight we won't be dancing a "Cheerfull Tango", but more of a:
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[I will try to keep this as Spoiler free as posible, but since it's imposible to talk about a piece of media without spoiling some of it, the only part's I will be covering are the ones that the Manual tells you about (These come in the form of locations and plot points that I will try to make as subtle as posible to keep the surprise)]
Wellcome to "The land of the Dead".
Im sure you have many questions right now, like "Where am I?" "Wasn't I supused to go to heven/hell?" and of course the always classic "Journey‽" & "Travel agent‽".
You see, death isn't as simple as TV shows try to make it look, there is no "Heaven" nor "Hell", once someone dies (AKA: You) their soul it's brought to the "Land of the Death" by a Reaper of the Departmen Of Death [D.O.D] (AKA: Me), here you will have to embark on a 4 year journey to the 9th underworld, the land of eternal rest, I can't lie to you, it will be hard and dangerous.
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There is a way to make your journey easier, you only have to buy a travel packet from us with the money you were buried with, or if you were really a good person on life, you coud even get a ticket to the number 9, our deluxe express train, "To the land of the eternal rest in 4 minutes instead of 4 years".
Let me check your archive...
Hmm... it seems that your only avaliable option is our cheepest one, "The Excelsior Line"
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What's this you say? That you were a saint in life and you deserve something better than a cane with a compass?
Don't be silly, if that were the case it woud apear in our records, or are you perhaps implying that the D.O.D steals their clients packages for profit?
I will let that slide for now, and continue as It seems I'll have to show you the locations that you will be traveling through.
A Dead aesthetic for a Dead World.
On your journey you'll experience the many wonders that this land has to offer, all of them presented on a beautyfull "Art Deco" arquitecture mixed with the Aztec roots of this world.
Your first stop is the Capital of the Land of The Dead, "El Marrow" were the D.O.D offices are located, full of souls that have abandoned their journey or just work in hopes of some day being able to afford a better travel package, today is "Dia de Muertos" so, why don't stop and enjoy the festivities?
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The Main Entrance of the D.O.D [It was so expensive that the year it was build we didn't get any bonuses, so you better enjoy it]
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The Carnival of the "Dia de Muertos" on the main street [Go on and get some "Bread of the Death" I think you deserve it]
When I said the compass on the Excelsior cane™ was gonna come in handy I wasn't liying, you will be needing it if you plan on entering our next destination, "The Petrified Forest", the most Dangerous part of your Jorney* a labyrinth of caves and branching paths full of creatures so deadly it woud scare even the toughest Australian fauna.
*Due to the worring rise of "sprouted" souls this may not stand true, the D.O.D is not held responsible for any close to 2º Death encounters you may have.
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Say Goodbye to "El Marrow" [Because you might never see it again]
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Don't worry if you lose the compast, there are signs to guide you [Please stop stealing the Sign Posts, It's the third one this week]
Our Final location on the tour is Rubacava, "The City that never Dies". You better get accustomed to it, because here is were you will have to board a ship to the other Edge of the World, and there's only one a year so chances are you will have to prolong your stay here.
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"The Blue Casket", a night club were a lot of ""diferent"" poets hang out and pass the time [If the "Dead Poets Society" isn't your thing, I've heard a new Café is opening soon...]
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"The Feline Meadows", the biggest gambling establishment in all land of the death [Just don't gamble your death away, ok?]
Let's customize your package to your liking.
Are you by any chance a native speaker of any of these languajes?
English, Français, Italiano, Español, Português, Deutsch.
Then you my friend are in luck because, you will be able to experience your journey entirely in your native tonge, and at no extra cost too!
Our original version of the "Grim Fandango" travel package was starting to show it's age so we "Remastered" it. Giving it better textures and lightning as well as better controls, and the ability to not randomly corrupt your safe file [We only want the best for our clients] and if you're the nostalgic type you can change to the OG graphics with only the press of a button, want to know more about the creation of "Grim Fandango" then you might be interested on the Concept art gallery and Directors commentary.
Enjoy the trip, & who knows maybe you'll be back next year...
So now you are ready to experince "Grim Fandango". "An Epic tale of Crime and Corruption in The Land of The Dead", as our marketing team calls it.
Why didn't I brought up the narative earlier?
Well, because "Dead men tell no tales".
Grim Fandango remastered is avaliable on:
PC/PS4/PSVita/XBoxOne/IOS Android (Is not longer avaliable on the Play Store so only as APK)
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