#open to respectful replies / discourse :)
mr-ribbit · 4 months
gonna rant again bc im seeing a lot of trans women on my dash having to carry the heavy lifting to argue for their basic respect and a lot of other queer people who want to ??? get mad about that apparently. for the record as usual: im tme, im not speaking for anyone besides myself and my perspectives, but I am trying to reach out to fellow tme people to level with y'all from inside the house.
i thought we all got past the 'calling people gendered terms when theyve asked you to stop' thing in like. 2012. i swear we were allllll on board with not calling women dude anymore, nerfing sir and ma'am, neutralizing collective terms for groups, and all of that was like, during the onceler era. that's how we got off-putting shit like folx into the mix - remember???? why are we here again.
to those who I've seen claiming that they REALLY genuinely don't want to offend anyone, and that theyre trying to understand the dude thing, and they don't want to be seen as transmisogynistic when they aren't: ok. let's talk about it. step one, stop sending that really loaded anon to a trans woman you don't know, and close that in-group hatepost with 100 replies from people name-dropping trans bloggers they don't like. try to open your mind and assume for the duration of this post that I am not cynically trying manipulate thousands of tumblr users into making Bro the next big swear word, but a fellow queer human being who thinks you're all being pretty intentionally obtuse about an upsetting trend in our community
to be clear: this post is about the issue of trans women being called bro, dude, man, etc., particularly in recent tumblr discourse about transmisogyny, and the backlash they face if they get upset about it. this is also maybe moreso about the shitty ass excuses I see tme people make for why they supposedly can't stop doing this.
so let's go through some of the things I've been seeing people say they don't understand, supposedly in earnest, about this issue
I'm not actually going to exhaust my list of reasons why dude/bro/man are not strictly neutral, but you should be pretty aware that all words have context. Dude might be seen as neutral in many contexts, sure, but 'woman who is frequently called a man by others' is a situation where the context adds extra meaning to your words, just like calling someone "sweetie" might be neutral in some cases, but if you've got the context of knowing that's your coworker who's half your age, it's a bit less neutral. If you're not capable of reading that context and being tasteful about when you say dude, then you need to at least be ready to respond gracefully when someone asks you to stop. This is the part I'd rather focus on.
I think you should consider broadening your perspective *beyond* your intention behind the word. people may already understand that you meant the word neutrally and therefore didn't have transmisogynistic intent, but that's not really the entire scope of what people are saying. if that's your only concern, you're just trying to clear your record, not actually listen to what they're saying.
there are lots of words people don't enjoy being called, and in most cases, when they say 'pls don't call me that', people respect that and move on. even if the word isn't a slur, if it hurts someone's feelings, we all as a society have agreed that it's pretty shitty to keep calling them that. if your friend asked you not to call them 'buddy' anymore because their dead grandparent called them that, or something equivalently personal, you'd probably respect that instead of telling them 'but I call everyone buddy!!' right? even if you didn't really understand why it bothered them so much?
there is a prominent tendency for trans women to be denied this privilege, and when they ask not to be called dude or bro, people don't seem to respect this request as much as they would in other situations. when I accidentally use a gendered word and someone tells me they don't like it, I try to respond with something like "my bad, I didn't mean it as misgendering but I can see you were still bothered by it, so I'll try not to keep saying it. sorry!" and most people are willing to accept that. when trans women ask people this favor, a lot of people get VERY defensive, and treat the request as inane or unfair, instead of just apologizing and moving on. this is why people are upset when this happens, and it's why people are calling your actions transmisogynistic
also like you might not be doing this, but a lot of people DO use dude and bro in an intentionally gendered way to make trans women uncomfortable. it's a power play bigots use to talk down to them or otherwise maliciously harass them. do you know what arguments they use to defend that behavior when called out on it? 'oh I call everyone that' 'dude is gender neutral calm down' 'dont overreact its just a word'. by acting like this, youre all just giving credence to those same arguments.
they can get as mad as they want!! also, are you sure they're 'mad'? or are they just expressing their feelings about a negative topic to you, and it makes you feel bad, so you have to make them out to be unreasonably emotional? how do you think they should have phrased 'dont call me that' to better spare *your* feelings?
also like, in most cases, these women do not knowww you. if your main response to someone saying you disrespected them is to say "I didnt mean it that way, I meant it in a friendly neutral way", well that's NOT YOUR FRIEND! she has no idea what your opinions are or what you think of her!!! she has no reason to assume you only upset her in a friendly way and not a bad unfriendly way! but she did get upset, and she did the one thing she can do which is *tell you what upset her* and your response is to say "well actually you shouldn't be upset at all"??????
and another thing:
it's not just the issue of using the word 'dude', it's because you're coming off extremely dismissive of women who have asked you to stop doing something that harms them, and because your argument is basically that they just shouldn't be so bothered by it. or that they're stupid, irrational, or otherwise crazy for telling you that it bothered them at all, just because you Technically used a gender neutral word according to Your Rules. be honest, does that seem fair? If people were calling you something that bothered you enough to ask them to stop, and they responded like this, how would it make you feel?
focusing solely on your intent and what the words mean when you use them is the same thing as saying "just get over it". no woman should need to Prove to you that 'dude' is gendered for you to care about what she's saying. the fact that you're asking people to do that sucks and makes you look bad, which is why people are arguing with you and calling you a misogynist.
especially those of you who are only doing this with trans women who are actively arguing with. you're wielding misgendering as a cudgel and we can all see it, grow up please.
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sopebubbles · 1 year
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Lone Wolf: Master list
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Synopsis: in a world where alphas, betas, and omegas live along side modern humans as second class citizens, you've fallen through the cracks of a society that wants to take everything wonderful from you. Luckily a timely encounter with the boys just might save your life.
Genre: a/b/o, omegaverse, angst, hurt/comfort
Pairings: poly ot7 x reader; Sope focused
No schedule for my sanity. I'm just trying to enjoy writing again.
Series warnings: bigotry, including internalized bigotry, negative self-talk, neglect, childhood trauma, mentions of SA
A/n: This story will deal with a lot of internalized negativity about and struggles with society. The plot will contain many events and concepts that have numerous analogies to our own society and multiple interpretations are possible. I certainly have my own ideas, but the only agenda I intend to push is one of self-acceptance and love. I'm open to respectful discourse in the comments. Please keep in mind that I and others are very sensitive and if you want to be mean then be mean somewhere else.
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Homo sapiens lykos (lore explanations)
Final summary (final update)
Taglist: @ellesalazar @rinkud @osakis-gf @scuzmunkie @queen-in-the-shadows
Permanent taglist: @halesandy @burningupp-replies @lilacdreams-00 @minclangyyy @yonkimint @wholockian1 @cbgdoll @babycoffeefire @theatren3rd @bri-mal @armytwist @hwayne2294 @crish-mac @kazufuyusluv @dis-tru6tion @hey-itsmina @jikooksgirl19 @jaiuneamesolitaiire @lxvelyjiminie @marvelfamily3000 @borahae-reads @shadowyjellyfishfest @yoongiigolden @staerryminimini
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gojonanami · 2 months
‧ ˚. 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 !!
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minors do not follow — this is an 18+ blog with explicit content. I don’t have time to check every blog that follows me nor police anyone.
this is a not spoiler free blog — I tag under jjk spoilers and jjk leaks — so block at your discretion
this blog is dark content friendly and aged up characters friendly -- if you don't like that, don't follow / block me -- both are put in warnings so if you don't like it - don't read or block me (send hate in any form and you will be blocked).
i post a lot of things, including asks (under sab [asks]) — not just about jjk, but sometimes about outside interests and my life — mostly under sab speaks — but I sometimes discuss fic stuff under there as well.
any hate towards me, any person, group, religion, race, sexuality, etc will not be tolerated and you will be blocked.
if you’re a mutual and you wanna break our mutual, no offense taken, but please block me so I don’t keep following you unknowingly.
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please be nice - to me, but also every respectful person on this blog. this is a positive space - i try to give people the benefit of the doubt (except obv blatant hate / harassment)
don't come into my askbox starting discourse / hating (like a ship) - it's okay to express an opinion (ex. "i don't like [insert ship / thing] for x, y, z] , but with respect, not disgust / hate.
don't ask me to be mutuals - i rather develop an organic relationship, so feel free to chat through asks / reblogs / comments / messages and we can become friends that way!
please come chat in my askbox! - open to talking about ideas, fics, your day, really anything honestly (but also i'm not a therapist so pls don't treat me as such - i'm willing to listen but only to a point!)
i reply infrequently sometimes T_T - i'm busy and going through a lot personally (i honestly reply infrequently to my irl friends so don't take it personally!! i want to reply, just the goblins in my head make it hard :(
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i write f!reader (unless stated otherwise) for: jujutsu kaisen (other fandoms possible in the future) - no ship fics planned.
i write for: gojo, geto, nanami, sukuna, yuuji, yuta (and possibly more!)
genres i write: smut, fluff, angst, and rarely, crack
content i write: dark content (mostly just dub con and very rarely non-con), aged up characters in adult situations, poly relationships,(sometimes), degradation,
I don't write: stepcest, incest, rape, anything. to do with: piss, vomit, scat, etc
don't rush me on updates - its totally ok to ask when i think something will be posted but be respectful :).
i don't specify any traits for reader when it comes to appearance - no exceptions (unless its for a specific fic i want to write)
don't use my concepts, don't plagiarize, don't repost / translate my fics here or on any other platform or use my headers i made
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‧ ˚. thank you for reading - i appreciate you taking the time :). feel free to chat with me! i welcome all to my askbox and i want to thank you all for being here and regardless of if you follow or not, i hope you have the best day!
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💙 Welcome Everyone 💙
Welcome to my buddie/911 blog where I basically shitpost about these two gay firefighters, as well as share my fics on ao3. Since I’ve been getting a lot of new friends joining me here, I’m making this post as a sort of Get-To-Know-Me hub that will be pinned on my blog for any newcomers.
If you would like to read any of my fics, you can find me on ao3 under my pseudonym LoversAlwaysLose- I write exclusively buddie content as of right now, but might branch out into other pairings from other shows in the future as I get back into writing regularly after a few years of inactivity.
-=- Get To Know Me -=-
- My name is Louis
- I am currently 21 years old, and am a Libra
- I identify as nonbinary, and gay
- My preferred pronouns are he/they, but I am also open to any you use for me as long as it is in a respectful manner!
- I am a buddie truther at heart, and am not a multishipper (though i don’t fault those who are) but if you are looking for anything other than buddie content, you probably will not find that here (aside from the occasional bathena, henren, and madney post/reblog)
- If i miss an ask here and there, I apologize! I am a full time college student irl finishing my last semester before I graduate in August so sometimes asks will slip through the cracks. I will do my best to reply to every ask, but sometimes it just isn’t possible, and I don’t mean it as a slight against you <3
- This blog stands with the people of Palestine 🇵🇸
-=- Some Ground Rules -=-
- Please keep my blog a kind and respectful place- I do not typically enjoy engaging in discourse unless I or someone I know on here is on the receiving end of negative feedback, so I try to keep my blog as upbeat and fun as possible
- Please feel free to send me asks on different topics! I am always down to talke about buddie, headcanons, fanfics, answer questions about my own works, things about me that you are curious about, etc. I simply ask that you refrain from asking me questions focused on fandom discourse, as well as plot speculation as i have anxiety and topics like these don’t help the situation.
- I will not stand for any negative comments on eddie diaz, and will not interact with any asks or comments about him on this page. if my user wasn’t blatant enough, eddie has been and always will be my favorite character through his faults and i will not welcome any eddie antis here
- Please do not repost any of my fics anywhere else. If you wish to share them, please tag me as the original creator, and if you wish to create fanart based on my fics, please share the work as well as tag me in the artwork because I would love to see it!
- Comments and Kudos are always welcome on my ao3. I love hearing feedback from everyone who reads my fics, and I try my best to respond to comments when I can!
- If you dislike/disagree with something I post/reblog, please feel free to unfollow or block me! It’s that easy.
- I won’t stand for any intolerance of minorities on this blog, so if you find a specific minority invalid for whatever reason, please leave this blog now <3
-=- Links -=-
AO3: This is where i post all of my fics. Pls do not repost on any other platforms, and if you share, please tag me 💕💕
Kofi: Pls do not feel obligated to tip me, but tips are always appreciated 💕💕
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pr1nc3y07 · 2 months
disclaimer: this is just me rambling about ship discourse and it isn’t targeted at all!! i’m also happy to have open discussion about the topic in replies as long as it’s respectful!!
i think it speaks to fandom culture in general that people get incredibly upset over people not shipping lego ninja that they like together. i’m of the firm belief that majority of media can be interpreted many ways, this goes for characters and character dynamics as well. this also means multiple ships can be viable within the confines of the original media. also shipping is meant to be fun, this means that sometimes ships might not make sense to you personally, and that’s ok!
another point though, i haven’t seen it nearly as much on tumblr (thank fsm) as i have other platforms, but it still urks me when people try to take this as an excuse to ship their toxic or inappropriate ships (lloyrumi, greenflame, etc.) while i respect other interpretations of media, i wholeheartedly disagree with changing character’s dynamics from the original media when they are portrayed as unhealthy just so you can make them “be in love”, this goes for aging up younger characters so you can ship them with older characters. BASICALLY: if you have to change something about the canon characters to make your ships work then maybe you shouldn’t be shipping it??
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thefivekins · 21 days
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This is an 18+ (SFW) server. There is the possibility to be put on a waitlist if you are 17, but no one under 18 will be allowed to join.
Putting out feelers for members of an upcoming WCRP on Discord! This will be a partial reboot of a server that only lasted a couple months, now with a mod team and members to help with writing plot/arcs/events/etc and general new ideas to (hopefully) keep the ball rolling. It will be semi-literate with options to use script style under certain circumstances. You are welcome no matter your experience with source material or RP— as long as you are dedicated and can write characters in a shared environment, you can apply! Spectators will also be allowed.
What we offer:
an accepting environment that is happy to include those with demonized, “cringe”, or otherwise unconventional disorders/identities. The creator is a plural system and objectum! PluralKit is available and there are rules against fakeclaiming/discourse.
a thorough application process that discourages problematic behavior or ideals.
monthly activity checks that are straightforward and designed to be as stress-free/non-intrusive as possible; you don’t need to be roleplaying every day to be counted!
no strict response length expectations.
a system using Discord bots that lets you submit server suggestions and anonymous concerns to staff.
activities outside of RP that encourage thinking about your characters + OOC activities in development.
events relating to the RP both IC and OOC; you will have the option to contribute beyond RP threads.
a story team that is ready to work with the ideas of others and help your character contribute to the plot + fulfill their respective arcs.
original AND rewritten lore based off source material and the original clans/setting! includes religion, magic, mythos, ranks, additional animals, and more.
interactive NPCs!
(possible) TTRPG-inspired elements and GM-guided sessions in the future!
With all that being said…
This is the official tumblr blog for the RP. As of right now lore is being uploaded daily under the tag #tfk ; lore and not everything is there yet, but do look over what’s ready to read!
We are planning to open by July 1st.
Please reply, message us, or reblog and tag if interested! Thank you so much for reading and feel free to ask questions <3
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mistresskayla-blog1 · 28 days
A Sweet Stroll
Characters: John & Margaret Thornton
Lyn's Writing Event - Week4 - Day 23 (late submission)
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May 23rd: Week 4: Rain
Characters:  John Thorton x Margaret Thornton (fem reader perspective)
Fandom: Richard Armitage – John Thornton – North & South
The character of John Thornton and Margaret Hale were created by Elizabeth Haskell. Adapted for television by Sally Welch.  
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: fluff, kissing, rain, public affection, romance,
            The day opened warm and sunny, and John gathered the arrangements to take Margaret out on a wonderful spring picnic. Margaret was busy with his mother that morning holding discourse at the local women’s labor group. And John smiled to himself that he had such a head strong woman to hold his heart. Her bravery and courage inspired him to no end, even if it was a bit muddled during their courting. Relieving himself of some of his ego allowed his heart to open up further and love her all the more.
He thanked God every day for her, even though he was a thoughtful man and didn’t prescribe to theology in the devout sense. John Thornton was a respectable man, but a progressive one, in work and in life, he liked to see things grow into better outcomes for everyone. Margaret gave him that peace and reassurance, so he loved to plan these little outings to make her feel special and loved.
Dixon was busy preparing the basket for John, as he awaited Margaret’s return. It was a wonderful late Saturday morning; the hour was approaching luncheon and Margaret still had not returned. John sighed at his pocket watch, clicking it closed and returning it to his vest pocket. He looked out through the front window scanning the street for a carriage, or her strolling. He wanted to make sure she was safe, afterall, as his wife, Margaret is very important to him.
Dixon came into the front parlor with the basket, “There you are, Mr Thornton, its all ready, where is Margaret, beg your pardon, Mrs. Thornton.”
John smiled at Dixon warmly, and subtly, “I have told you to call me John, please Dixon, you are as much my family now as you ever were hers.”
Dixon rung her hands slightly less and tried to smile, “Yes, yes of course, Mr.. John. Beg your pardon.” Dixon went back to the kitchen at the other end of the house. John’s smile broadened a bit more, as she left him. His eyes scanned the streets again, and a carriage drew up, stopping at his door. He went to the door and opened it, as his mother and Margaret stepped out of the carriage. Margaret beamed up at John from the doorway. His mother looking as she always had, contemplative.
“Mother, Margaret, how was the meeting?” he said, towards the open street. His mother bolstered past him in the doorway, “We shouldn’t speak openly about it John, not in the common street”, she shook her head.
John faked a response, not at all perturbed, “Yes, of course mother, sorry about that.”
His mother rested in the parlor and Dixon brought her some tea.
Margaret got up to John at the door, and her eyes smiled well beyond her lips, “Hello, my dear,” She brushed a kiss on his cheek, as she brushed past him, he turned instantly and grabbed at her arm, keeping her in the entryway away from his mother’s gaze. His lips brushed hers in a needy way, the door closing behind them and Margaret felt lightly flushed, John held her to him, dropping his hat from his hand.
They parted, moments later, and John grinned happily. Margaret looked at him sweetly, “I should go out more often it seems,” 
John chuckled, “Please do, it gives me reason to pine for your return.” Margaret giggled under her breath.
“Do what do I owe such affection, then?” Margaret queried.
“I am taking you out for a spring picnic, its all been arranged”, John said beaming.
Margaret looked to the windows, “I think it is a lovely day for it, when can we leave”
“Now, if that suits you.” John replied. Margaret’s hand reassuringly squeezed his arm.
John picked up the rather hefty basket and held it to him, as he escorted Margaret out the door.
“We will be back soon mother,” he called to her, through the open door.  Then promptly closed the door behind them.
John and Maragret strolled down the sidewalk and towards the hilly woods above the factories of Milton. John had toured this section many times before on his thoughtful walks and he found a lovely tree to post under. You could see most of Milton from up on that roost, and the clouds were gathering playfully about the sunshine now when they crested the hill. A spring breeze played Margaret’s skirts, and she spun a bit enjoying herself. John set the basket down, unraveled the blanket and sat down, watching her. He opened up the basket and tore off a bit of bread chewing it quietly as she danced.
“Its such a beautiful day, John. Thank you for doing this,” she came to sit next to him. Smiling with her bright eyes and noble heart. He felt the draw to kiss her again, but instead looked down and cleared his throat.
“Are you hungry?” John asked her. Margaret looked to the basket, “I will be, but not right now. I am too full of this wonderful air,” She breathed it in and tipped her head back letting the break in the clouds coat her face in sunlight. Her eyelids closed, John moved to kiss her again, his lips just skirting along her, as they moved over her cheek and down her neck. Margaret momentarily startled, looked at him, “What are you, doing?” she asked giggling.
“Trying to kiss my wife, is that a problem?” John asked, his eyes shyly smiling, as he looked at her. Margaret threw her arms around his neck and pulled him down to the ground. He chuckled and kissed her again, deepening it, his need growing and shrinking in intervals he no longer could deny himself. Margaret felt her passions rising as well, but she knew this was an open place and not discreet.
Despite that they both kept kissing and then both flopped down on their backs looking up at the tree foliage blowing in the breeze. A greyish cloud passed over the hill, and John looked over at Margaret his hand on his chest, sighing happily, “Margaret, I love you so much more than I thought possible,”
Margaret watched the grey cloud move swiftly past them, looking over to him, and getting lost in those dyer blue eyes of his, “I completely understand, it is the same for me. More joy, more love, more everything.” She propped up on her elbow, hand on her cheek looking at him sweetly. John rolled to his side too, his arm reaching over her hip. The warmth of it seeping through her skirts. He moved to kiss her again, and another cloud loomed over them silencing the sunlight. A low rumble did not come from John’s chest, but from the clouds above.
Suddenly sheets of rain poured down on the happy couple’s picnic. And Margaret squeaked in alarm, Sitting up abruptly, and gathering the blankets while John scurried to close up the picnic basket, they both cowered against the trunk of the tree now, water dripping through the leaves onto both of them. They both laughed as they got soaked, and John set the basket down between them and kissed Margaret again, his hands framing her face. Margaret’s hands moved to his chest in a loving manner and the two kissed under the tree’s canopy, the drip drip drip, hitting they’re faces and getting them wet.
The cloud passed just as swiftly as it had come, within minutes and John and Margaret strolled back down the hill, a bit disheveled and considerably wetter than their adventure had started. Still in love and still just as sweetly smiling as they headed for home.
@scariusaquarius @middleearthpixie @sweetestgbye @riepu10
@legolasbadass @evenstaredits @lathalea @enchantzz
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whorety-k · 1 month
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Requests are OPEN! Please feel free to drop them in my ask box.
Things I won't write: Watersports / Scat, Pregnancy (but I will write breeding kink! just nothing past it), Non-con, gore fetish, Mommy / Daddy / Ageplay, cheating / adultery
Hello loves! My name is Chaos, or the Raven Lady. I'm going to school for business accounting, so please bear in mind that writing (and occasionally drawing, making minis, and painting) is my hobby only.
That being said, I respectfully ask everyone who visits to follow a few rules while you're about:
1. My blog is 18+. Minors, I kindly ask that you do not interact. 2. Please keep discourse respectful. Everyone has difference interests and niches. I have been on tumblr since 2012 and I was there then the Dark Magic was written (aka nearly every tumblr discourse you can think of). I will simply block and delete any intentional hate send my or other's way. 3. I ask that everyone remembers that there is a person behind the screen who is writing everything. I do not have a regular posting schedule, and I may pump out loads of content for a week then disappear for a month. I have a relatively busy life. That being said, please feel free to drop an ask or a DM my way! I love to hear everyone's feedback.
𝕸𝖞 𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖘:
My Writing (#raven lady writings)
Writing Replies (#replies)
Ask Replies (#raven lady answers)
My Art (#raven lady's art)
My Ramblings (#raven lady rambles)
𝕸𝖞 𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙:
WH40K / 30K Drabbles
Totally Normal Lorgar Womb Tattoo Drabble (NSFW-ish) - (264 words) Bedroom Hymns - Lorgar x wife!Reader (NSFW) - (462 words) Stalingrad - Rogal Dorn and gn!Guardsman!Reader - (1.5k words) The Haunting - Konrad Curze x Imperial Agent!Reader - (1k words) Love You To Death - Konrad Curze x AFAB!Reader (NSFW) - (666 words, rightfully) Gát - Roboute Guilliman x gn!Reader (Angst) - (2.5k words) Totally Normal Lorgar Womb Tattoo Drabble (NSFW-ish) - (264 words) Bedroom Hymns - Lorgar x wife!Reader (NSFW) - (462 words) Teardrops - Vulkan x male!Reader (Fluff) - (420 words)
Ebony Coasts (Merfolk!Corvus Corax x fem!Marine Conservationist!Reader) [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7 (NSFW)] - (20k words)
Mermay! Leman Russ Art Trade (check out Beetle's Piece!!!)
@kit-williams's Custodian Apollo Dodgeball
Magnus the Big Red Dog / Clifford the Red (+Bonus Ahriman)
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venuslester · 8 months
this is a genuine question bc as someone who has been in the phandom since 2010, i myself was on a dnp hiatus for a while when Dan stopped uploading. from that point on, i haven’t been an active part of the phandom and im wanting to get back in again. so here is my question:
what seems to be the consensus on Dan and Phil being in a relationship? i know it seems the overboard shipping has died down a bit over the years, probably in respect to their privacy. I know Phil has spoken about liking to keep relationships private, and that they would probably never speak about their relationships openly. but i also know that they are trying to be more open and not lie to their viewers anymore. I can respect the keeping their relationship private aspect and not having to talk about it, but I always wondered why Dan seems to make SO MANY comments about men, other YouTubers, celebrities, crushes etc. like way more than phil does. at first i took it as overcompensating so it would draw attention away from him and Phil, or to just reclaim his sexuality that he suppressed for years. but i guess i just don’t fully understand it, especially in this newer era of being more open and truthful with the audience. i have always assumed they were dating, as did most people before they came out. im curious to know if there are still a lot of people who don’t believe they are dating, or if it feels MORE confirmed that they are. i know they have been living together for over a decade, purchased a house together. logically, all signs point to yes, they are together, as 2 gay men living together with proof in the past that they had a relationship of sorts. but things can change over time, their relationship to each other could be different.
idk i wanted a little discourse abt it so if someone wants to reply/message me abt it, that would be cool! like i said, I just haven’t been very immersed in the phandom so ive lost touch with what the community thinks
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I already analysed how Reunion brilliantly tackles the post-truth society and social media here. If you thought that that was overanalysing, you may want to skip this one...
Now there, I mentioned that there is a toxic social media culture in the ml universe which antagonises the heroes despite all the good they did.
In this context, Joan of Arc proves to be a perfect guest hero.
Joan is different from Marinette in many ways, but the parallels are very strong too.
First, the differences. Joan is head-strong, more of a brute force type of person. Conversely, Marinette frequently uses the soft power of thought.
Joan: why aren't you doing anything? Attack! Ladybug: I am not inactive, I am thinking.
The Lucky Charm, a pen, that Ladybug receives is perhaps an even better illustration.
Joan: what are you going to make with that useless sword?
Does this quirky line ring a bell? "The pen is mightier than the sword", perhaps?
And Ladybug's immediate reply to it:
Ladybug: We will write a letter!
In this case, Ladybug perceives that issue is not one that can be solved by brute force. The akumatisation is caused by the social media discourse antagonistic to Ladybug, so the solution must be in the written too. You musn't reply hate speech with physical violence. Excellent symbolism.
I also feel like this touches upon the French tradition of fighting tyranny with knowledge and writing. After all, the Enlightment philosophers like Rousseau and Voltaire would publish their thoughts on the oppressive monarchy in the Encyclopédie, creating tremendous impact on the French society by providing the ideological basis for the French Revolution.
All in all, unlike Joan, Ladybug seems to be better armed to fight those who disprove of her.
Now let's come to the similarities.
I may be overanalysing here, but I sense that there is some sort of "divine guidance" theme going on. Joan of Arc was guided by God in her destiny to liberate France from the British. She claimed to talk to God and was taken for insane at the beginning.
Similarly, only Marinette can see and talk to Joan, which puts her in a funny situation with both Alya and Chat Noir questioning her sanity, to which Joan replies:
Joan: they would take me crazy for my clairvoyance too.
And still, Ladybug is able to answer the first question of the akuma thanks to Joan's guidance.
In a way, we could think that being a Miraculous holder in times of need was both Marinette and Joan of Arc's destiny.
Another similarity is no doubt the fact that they are both heroes (doh). Their antagonist is different: Ladybug is fighting the Monarch alongside with her partner Chat Noir, whereas Joan of Arc is fighting the Cat Miraculous holder himself. But, what really matters is that, they both end up antagonised by their respective society.
Joan of Arc may have saved the French from the British invasion: it doesn't stop her people from declaring her a witch and burning her on stake.
Ladybug may have saved the citizens of Paris hundreds of times (only Mr. Pigeon 72 times!): it doesn't stop some Parisians from criticising her and even siding with the Monarch.
At this point, we must also see things at a larger scale:
Who ordered/supported the burning of Joan of Arc? The King.
Who is Ladybug fighting? The Monarch.
This also ties back to the argument earlier that draws upon the anti-monarchist revolutionary history of France.
All in all, Reunion seems like a cautionary tale to me. Ladybug and Chat Noir may have the support of the public today, but we see that the wind may quickly turn. This season opened with a giant crowd cheering on Ladybug and Chat Noir, but so far nearly every episode jabbed at Ladybug for losing the Miracle Box:
Chloé in Multiplication: It's because Ladybug and Chat Noir are incompetent that we are in danger.
Chloé in Determination: All this is because you are lame, Ladybug, and you lost the Miraculouses because of your lameness!
Social media user in Reunion: We trusted Ladybug and she made everything worse by letting the Monarch steal the Miraculouses.
But the most alarming line comes from Mayor Bourgeois:
Mayor Bourgeois in Determination: And what if Ladybug continued to fail over and over again? That we never see her heroes again? Believe me, in politics, we adapt to the times.
Admittedly, Mayor Bourgeois is heavily influenced by Chloé and her personal hate of Ladybug. But one must not forget that Mr. Bourgeois has shown over and over again that he is an opportunist and very much the stereotypical teflon politician. If a time comes where he senses that supporting Ladybug and Chat Noir's activities is costing him votes, he could very easily "adapt to the times."
Am I overanalysing this? Probably. But as unlikely as it seems to be that the Parisians turn against the heroes, I feel like this antagonism of heroes will continue to be a constant background reminder for the rest of the season.
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lcftyambiticns · 3 months
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♔ ❛ ℐ serve no 𝐆𝐎𝐃 but that which stares back at me ——— in the 𝒎irror. ❜
𝑰nd. &. sel. 25+ 𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐃𝐔𝐑'𝐒 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐄 roleplay blog for ℒORROAKAN ; self-appointed MASTER OF RAMAZITH'S TOWER &. GREAT ARCHMAGE of Baldur's Gate. TRIGGER WARNING for dark / adult content.
𝓱is ❛ amakiir ❜ : @shadovan
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I. GNEREAL I also write on Discord! Feel free to ask for it if we're mutuals c:
25+ ONLY. I'm turning 29 this year, and I'd like to write with people in my age range.
This is no space for OOC drama, IRL political discourse, people who can't differentiate fiction from reality and think it's okay to police adults on what to write on their blogs (go touch some grass). Hard-block. I will also opt for blocking instead of soft-blocking if our rules clash, if you have numerous triggers / DNIs, or to avoid misunderstandings. In most cases, it's nothing against you personally.
Yeah, so. This is a 25+ blog, run by a 25+ mun, and there will be adult content, including but not limited to: violence, abuse, gore, monsters, gaslighting, manipulation, canon-typical fantasy racism and overall offensive / problematic themes. Triggers won't always be tagged. If you're triggered by any of these, this blog isn't for you.
Communication is key!! You'd like to share an idea? Go right ahead. Don't like where the plot is going? Let me know. You want to scream about our muses? YES. Writing is so much more fun if the muns get along. I promise, I don't bite.
II. INTERACTION I'm selective and mutuals only simply because I can't spread myself too thin.
If I don't follow back, it's likely because you're not a BG3 / D&D related blog, I already have a lot of threads, too much formatting, or I feel our muses / writing styles don't mesh. Additionally, if your rules mention steering clear of the topics / triggers mentioned above, I won't follow either. We don't have to write anything that makes you uncomfortable (!!!exclamation mark!!111!), but they might come up.
I also won't follow blogs who use double spacing / heavily format. It's such a struggle for me to read. Sorry!!
If I follow you, I want to interact! Don't be shy <3 I will also assume that if you follow me back, you're fine with me sending you memes / tagging you in starters / sliding into your IMs to plot.
MEMES. I'm a feral meme goblin. Please don't ever feel obligated to answer the 517 memes I've sent you (or any at all), and in return, feel free to bombard my inbox. Even if we already have 3,670 threads. Idc fam, send me more. We haven't interacted yet? Meme. I haven't answered your meme yet? My muse probably didn't vibe with it, send another. Send memes. I may not respond to all of them and not every meme will spark a new thread, but... send memes. If you want to turn a meme into a thread, DO IT. No need to ask.
If we aren't mutuals: You are welcome to send asks and memes! Same goes for plot ideas, send an ask! If I have time / muse to pick up another thread, I'll get back to you :3
I'm a big fan of making my muses suffer :D I love angst and exploring dark, gritty plots. If you have any triggers, let me know before jumping into a RP with me, aka the angst queen, so we're all on the same page.
My ADHD often influences my activity. Sometimes I'll reply super fast, sometimes it takes me ages, and sometimes I can only focus on specific threads / muses.
III. DUH Mun =/= Muse, I obviously don't condone any of Lorroakan's bs IRL. He isn't a nice person. He is a toxic, abusive piece of work. While I will absolutely respect your boundaries OOC (if you talk to me beforehand about them, pretty please with a cherry on top), I won't tone him down on main. If that's not your cup of tea, block buttons exist. Use them.
Please don't soft-block me, I have the memory of a soggy pickle. Hard-block.
Protecting your online space is a mature thing to do, and I promise I'll 100% support that. No questions asked, no hard feelings. We're all here to have a good time.
IV. SHIPPING / RELATIONSHIPS Speaking of having a good time: We're sex-positive and kink-friendly in this house. I enjoy raunchy smut as much as the next depraved soul, but I won't write smut on the dash. The steamy stuff will be moved to discord or IMs.
This blog is multiship, male lean. Matter of fact, I love to ship, so if that's something you'd like to do, slide into my inbox. Fair warning; Lorroakan isn't particularly interested in romance or sex, and he's a prick. Ships will most likely be toxic / one-sided (with the potential to develop into something wholesome over time!).
Pre-established relationships: Yes. I usually don't do romantic pre-established relationships (some exceptions may be made for "what if" scenarios, or if I know the mun), but what if your muse was Lorroakan's childhood bestie? Another (former?) apprentice? A fellow scholar of the arcane he used to work with?
V. MUN They/Them, hatched 1995, dog parent, hyperfixating on problematic villains, D&D player.
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GENERAL Lorroakan is in his mid 30s, fairly young considering his achievements (mostly obtained through deceitful methods).
He presents himself as the great archmage of Baldur's Gate, but while he is a compentent wizard and keen enchanter, he is nowhere near as powerful as he claims to be.
Lorroakan laid claim to Ramazith Tower after its previous owner mysteriously disappearend, and he refuses to share the knowledge it holds (at least for free).
He is originally from Athkatla, one of the wealthiest cities in Faerun, but he grew up in the shadows of its splendor. His family (mother, father, two sisters, four brothers) could barely make ends meet, but Lorroakan has always been ambitious and harbored dreams of one day being just as wealthy and powerful as the elite of the Gem District. The practice or use of arcane magic is explicitly illegal within the city of Athkatla, but that didn't stop him; he practiced in secret whenever he could get his hands on a spellbook.
PERSONALITY IN A NUTSHELL . . . as interpreted by the mun ; Ambitious, diligent, intelligent, clever, creative ; selfish, arrogant, manipulative, power-hungry, petty, vain.
He has a superiority complex ; he is vain, has an overly high opinion of himself, makes boastful claims that aren't backed up by reality, has a habit of putting down those who outshine him. In truth, behind his inflated ego, he is insecure and has low self-esteem. Not that he'd ever admit that. In fact, he wouldn't even admit it to himself.
(The way I see it) Lorroakan isn't a straight up villain. However, his ambitions and narcissistic nature drive him to commit morally questionable, and at times, outright despicable acts.
CHARACTER STUDIES / RELEVANT HEADCANONS: bad money habits more about his past & why he is how he is
Shippy HCs CONs of being his lover PROs of being his lover NSFW headcanons
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mostlikelythedevil · 1 year
Haunted. | [Chapter Three, Mid-Chapter]
Pairing(s): Kevin Owens x Fem!Zayn!Reader, Solo Sikoa x Fem!Zayn!Reader
Warning(s): Explicit Language, Angst
Word Count: 1,920
Chapter Summary: Roman Reigns opens up discourse about Sami Zayn’s sister in the safety of The Bloodline’s locker room while her match takes place.
Link(s): AO3, Masterlist
Note(s): My deepest apologies for the late post! Our dog, Sophie, had an emergency visit to the vet to address her eclampsia, so I’ve been putting most of my focus into her. For the next few weeks, chapters might be a bit inconsistent, but I hope you can all understand. That being said, this was a bit of an unconventional chapter, but I hope you like it nonetheless!
Tag(s): @crowleysqueenofhell @raeluvshammett
As Solo enters the locker room of The Bloodline, with his mind lingering on the absolute mess of a young woman just outside, his eyes land on Paul Heyman. Paul, who sits on the other side of the room on a stool behind Roman, quickly gestures for Solo to take a seat on one of the fine leather couches opposite of them; it is now that Solo notices his twin brothers sitting with their heads down, unnaturally quiet. Sami sits on the couch directly beside Roman — alone and visibly upset.
 Slow and cautious, Solo crosses the room, sitting down beside Sami. It means nothing to Solo, but Sami does seem to perk up a bit at the idea that someone might have his back — or, at least, the idea that someone doesn’t absolutely hate him after that entire situation with his sister.
 “I’d like to have an open discussion about Sami’s sister,” Roman’s voice fills the room after Solo sits down, not allowing anyone a moment longer to think. “As long as everyone stays respectful, you’re welcome to say anything that’s on your mind — nothing will upset me.”
 The twins share a look, though neither of them move to speak.
 Sami has his head in his hands, trying to make sense of his own emotions.
 Solo folds his arms, mouth closed.
 “I, for one, my Tribal Chief, think it was an excellent decision to isolate Sami’s sister from Kevin Owens,” Paul beams after a moment too long of silence. “I do, however, wonder why it is that no-one was consulted or given knowledge prior. Of course, I know you have your reasons, and that’s why you’re the Tribal Chief!”
 It takes everything for Roman to not roll his eyes — even he could grow tired of Paul’s constant ass-kissing. “As the Tribal Chief, it’s up to me to make the tough decisions. I’m sure we all saw that the gentle approach to Sami’s sister wasn’t working,” all of the heads in the room nod in agreement, “so, I figured we needed something more drastic — something none of you would have agreed with, which is why it was kept from you.”
 “Why talk to Owens, though? He’s enough of a problem as is.” Jey asks, sitting back against the leather couch.
 “No-one knows drastic better than Kevin Owens,” Roman smiles, teeth all showing. “With just a little push, he’s already started ruining his relationship with Sami’s sister. Isn’t it amazing just how mindless he can be when he’s not getting his way?”
 “That’s cold, Uce, but… I still don’t understand,” Jey replies, hands tangled together in his lap. “I mean, why do we even care about her? No offense, Sami, but your sister ain’t nothing special.”
 Sami does not look up, only murmuring something under his breath for a response. He cannot be bothered with meaningless conversation about his sister’s ability; he needs to figure out how to fix things — with her, with Roman for her blatant disrespect of him. The nausea bubbling in his stomach, though, makes it all the more difficult to focus.
 On the other hand, Solo’s eyes shoot over to his brother. “She got fire in her.” He seems almost offended by the idea that his brother could be so blind as to not see the burning passion buried in her.
 “Her being pissed about K.O ain’t fire,” Jey responds, eyebrow raised at his brother. He’s not quite sure what to make of Solo’s defensiveness, but it’s certainly out of character for him.
 “No, Solo’s right. Wise-man, turn on the T.V,” Roman interjects before Solo can continue. “I want all of you to watch Little Zayn in her match. See how different she is after that spat with Kevin.”
 In the corner of the room, audio buzzes from the on-going match between Sami’s younger sister and Liv Morgan. For the first time, his eyes leave the floor; he watches blankly as his sister nails Liv in the head with a vicious kick. Liv hits the mat with an awful thud, blood trickling lightly from her nose. Above her, Sami’s sister heaves, struggling to breathe. Her eyes, despite being red and puffy, hold nothing less than contempt in them; at the same time, though, she almost seems regretful of her brutality when she shrugs away.
 “It’s not enough,” Sami finally allows himself to speak, eyes falling back to the floor.
 Roman looks over at Sami, expression hard. “What?”
 “The argument with Kevin — it’s not enough to dissuade her from him. She blames us for that, and she’ll keep trying to fix things with him,” Sami explains with a sigh. “That’s just how she is. Her anger right now is only temporary; that fire you see in the ring, it won’t last beyond this match when she can cool herself down a bit.”
 “I didn’t expect you to be so… understanding of the situation,” Roman replies, largely ignoring the concerns Sami had expressed.
 Sami looks up at Roman, though his head stays down. “You know what’s best for this family.”
 “I appreciate your candor, Sami,” Roman’s expression is unreadable, not unlike Solo’s. “As for your sister, I have it on good authority that her anger will be focused solely on Kevin by the end of the night.”
 “I gotta say, Uce, she really is hitting hard tonight. Harder than I’ve ever seen her hit anyone,” Jey comments, eyes glued to the T.V.
 Solo rolls his eyes. “I know fire when I see fire.”
 “What do you— what do you mean?” Sami feels a panic rising in his stomach. “Is Kevin going to hurt my sister? He wouldn’t. He wouldn’t do that,” he begins to ramble, mostly to himself as he stands in a panic.
 “Sami—!” Roman tries, but the ginger does not hear him.
Sami starts pacing in the middle of the room, blocking off bits of the screen in the corner.
 “Sami— Uce, calm down,” Jey offers once he notices just how distressed Sami is.
 All eyes fall to Sami’s suddenly sickening pacing in the middle of the room. Roman stands, placing a hand on Sami’s shoulder — firm and demanding attention. Sami, with this sort of sour twist to his face, looks up at Roman; he’s pale and shaking, and he feels as if he’s going to faint if Roman tells him anything more, but he looks to him regardless.
 “We wouldn’t let Kevin lay a hand on your sister.” Roman states firmly, looking down at Sami with such a sternness in his eyes that Sami can only feel a bit more calm.
 Tears threaten to rise to Sami’s eyes, but he knows he cannot cry here. “Why would her anger focus in on him, then? I can’t— she can’t be hurt by him anymore.”
 Roman rolls his tongue over his teeth, patting Sami’s shoulder heavily. “Nothing you should worry yourself with; your sister is a strong woman, and she can handle it. Right now,” Roman throws a glance over at Paul, “you should go and wait for her. She should see you after her match.”
 Paul, as Roman speaks to Sami, gestures aggressively for Solo to stand and butt into the conversation. Solo, though confused, stands. “I’ll go with him,” he states, not before sending Paul a weird glance.
 “Good. If something happens with Kevin, you’ll both be there for it,” Roman replies, eyes focusing in on his cousin. Solo nods, though he still does not seem to completely understand the need for him to accompany Sami.
 Sami, though concerned about Kevin’s supposed plan for his little sister, nods. “You’re right. She should see me first,” he mutters the last bit, turning to leave the room without another word.
 After a moment, Solo begins after Sami — face expressionless, though it’s obvious by his gait that he’s a bit annoyed to be going with Sami. After all, he would be the one to face Kevin in a match later in the night; it made little sense for him to be a bodyguard rather than preparing for said match.
 As Solo passes by, Roman grabs him lightly by the shoulder. “Keep an eye on him,” his voice is quiet and demanding, “don’t let him interrupt anything, you got me?”
 It’s a strange request, but Solo does not question it. “I got you.”
 Obedient, Solo finds himself out of The Bloodline’s locker room; he can see Sami meandering down the corridor, shoulders slumped and his head down. He rolls his eyes before trailing behind him, watching his movement carefully. Something about his incompetence about the situation irritates Solo very deeply, though he knows well that he cannot show such anger; Roman would never approve a hit on their ‘honorary’ brother — not anytime soon.
 Admittedly, Sami is only still around because of his use against Kevin — and, for reasons largely unknown to Solo, his sister, too. Sure, she has a fire buried inside of her that could make her a monster in the ring; and sure, she’s quite pretty, especially with that fire in her eyes, but that isn’t enough for Roman to be interested to the point of delaying plans with Sami’s exit. No, Roman must be hiding something from everyone — which really isn’t that difficult to believe, all things considered. But, then, Solo also does not know Roman as well as his brothers. He’d need to talk to them about it later.
 In the distance, Sami comes to a stop at one of the monitors near guerrilla.
 “Either of them win yet?” Solo calls out, still working on catching up with the ginger.
 Sami shakes his head. “No, but it looks like she’s got the upper hand still.”
 “Good,” Solo replies as he comes closer, “she needs that tonight.”
 “She does,” and Sami smiles — a big, bright, toothy smile. It’s almost touching to see how excited he is for his sister despite all of the things she said before.
 The smile, though, falls to wide-eyes and an open jaw.
 Solo, also taken aback and slack jawed, throws himself into a sprint toward Sami.
 Everything turns to a blur as Sami takes off toward the ring, forcing himself forward with every ounce of muscle in his legs. He has to stop this; he has to stop this; he has to stop this! Something plows into his side, sending him painfully to the concrete of the guerrilla; his legs flail into some technology, and he finds himself tangled in wires.
 “She has to do this on her own, Uce,” Solo pants out, doubled over to help catch his breath.
 Sami tries frantically to untangle the wires around his legs, ignoring the burning sensation in his side and the pain in his knees. “She can’t,” he rasps, pulling desperately at wires.
 The backstage crew located at the guerrilla stare at the two in bewilderment.
 “Man, she’s gotta do it alone,” Solo insists, yanking wires off of Sami without care for what they might be connected with. “She’s gonna hate you if you go out there and fuck things up.”
 As Sami scrambles to his feet, and he actually hears Solo for what he’s saying, an unsettling calm settles over him. He laughs — a breathless, tired sound. Solo looks at him, chest still heaving, waiting for him to try to run out to the ring once again. He doesn’t, though. Instead, Sami finds himself back to the monitor he had been at.
 This —  is apart of the plan.
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scary-monsters · 4 months
i'm opening up my JJBA server again! 🕺🏻
i just did some cleanup of inactives and i'd really like to encourage more conversations about ocs/ships/art/fics/etc etc etc! we're a really chill group of creative people and would love to have you as long as you agree to some ground rules before you consider joining:
must be 18+ and willing to prove age via an ID
must be a fan of JJBA (duh) who is accepting of the selfshipping/oc x canon community. a large number of the current members are selfshippers and while this section of the server is locked behind a role, it is a frequent topic of conversation and i expect anyone in there to be respectful of it.
be a kind fucking person in general!!!! don't cause drama!!! i also don't allow discourse and dark subject matter/dead dove topics. this is not a commentary on fandom, it's for my own personal comfort and to keep the vibe as lighthearted as possible.
must love diego brando (that's a joke. mostly. but a lot of us are very big diego/sbr fans so he is a frequent topic)
if all of this sounds good to you: here's the invite link
(please do not reblog this post unless you are me!!! i don't want the link to spread around too much for now)
to any current members reading this: feel free to leave testimonials in the replies, maybe that'll encourage people to join LOL, no pressure though 🧡
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odinsblog · 1 year
how do you avoid right wingers (& centrists that use slurs) when making political posts? i want to be able to help inform other people but the nastiness i’ve received makes me want to give up. i understand why some people avoid politics entirely
Hello there, @land-shark-is-here
Honestly, I don’t avoid them. What I mean is, you can’t avoid them.
They drop into my asks just to sling the n-word at me and then they just keep strolling by like nothing happened
They’re literally out there by the tens of thousands, and they’re loud
After a while I’ve learned that instead of internalizing their vitriol or letting them get me down, the best I can really do is delete their comments and then block them (in that order - it matters). Most of these trolls are looking to ride the coattails of your posts to gain the visibility that they cannot get on their own — unless you can crush their foolishness with a particularly witty or devastatingly insightful comeback, deny them that visibility. Don’t, as they say, feed the trolls
(please see also: x, y, and z)
And even when comments and reblogs by other trolls might make it *appear* that dozens and dozens of other bloggers are expressing agreement with a troll, that is almost always an illusion. Online trolls travel in packs. Seriously. If you visit a comment troll’s blog, you will probably see the following things: their blog is almost exclusively nothing but them shitting on someone else’s posts, or they are in constant communication with other comment trolls who do the same thing, or they’re just bored conservative porn bloggers. Anyway, when a comment troll sees one of their ilk latch onto a post, they dog pile it. I have witnessed this repeatedly with pro-gun bloggers and anti-choice bloggers. I’ve seen them force some bloggers to delete some really great posts over the years, because the person felt overwhelmed and outnumbered due to being ganged up on
And learn to spot sea lions - they’re the disingenuous trolls who always seem to be interested in genuine discourse, but no matter how many times you answer their questions, somehow it’s never quite enough—that’s because their true goal is to keep peppering you with “simple” questions that require a ton of thought on your part. They could care less about your answers. Their mission is to wear you out. Death by a thousand cuts, so to speak. Their job is to remain unconvinced, no matter how much sense your replies might make. Please understand: they want you to get discouraged and give up. Because as you and others like you quit, their version of reality becomes more accepted, and they gain control of the narrative, and they eventually become the “common sense” gatekeepers, and ultimately their way of thinking will shift the Overton window ever rightwards. If we let that happen
Look, on the other hand it’s always a good idea to open ourselves to the possibility that we might be wrong. There is nothing wrong with honest and respectful debate, if that’s how you want to spend your time. No one is right all of the time. No one is wrong all of the time. We’re human. So sometimes we do need to hear what those who disagree with us are thinking. (Within reason, ofc. I’m not talking about Nazis or people who think Black people and/or LGBTQ, etc people are second class and less than human - fuck those so called “viewpoints”) If nothing else, we learn how to retort their disingenuous arguments—but that has its limits. You are not a doormat for trolls to amuse themselves
But if you dO decide to engage the trolls, it’s never a bad idea to invest in learning logical fallacies and how to debate, so that you have the skills to thoroughly deconstruct a troll’s specious arguments (and honestly I need to take my own advice here)
So unless you genuinely want to enlighten an audience with your response to a troll, my advice is to go heavy on blocking. It may take a while, but just like tending a garden, eventually you will see your online space become more de-trolled. It’s self care. It’s not living in a bubble or being a snowflake. If you spend a significant portion of your time online, please remember that you deserve some peace of mind, even in online spaces
I hope you found this helpful
Good luck
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☆ cutesy idol ~ requests open: 3/10
about: hi i'm nat (he/it)! i used to be virtuallidol, but now im here! i like playing piano, editing, and sleeping. this is my editing blog. i hope we can have fun together! erm okay thanks ^_^
sources: bandori, project sekai, d4dj, magica madoka, honkai star rail, love live, roblox, slime rancher, ++ object shows! i don't do requests for unlisted sources. italics is selective.
edits: icons (including reply icons), layouts (i only do youtube, discord, ++ tumblr layouts), stimboards, wallpapers, gifs (pjsekai + rblx only), stamps, ++ moodboards. i don't do anything else
other: i don't need credit if you use the edits, please credit the people that made the games instead of me. this is because the art doesn't actually belong to me, it belongs to those people. i just edit for fun
rules: 001. please respect the requester's wishes (no kid/id/me tags), 002. please credit the artists, 003. be nice when requesting. 004. please don't bring discourse here anonymous. i will clown on you sorry ;-;
do not interact: if you are here to bring any kind of discourse, antishippers + proshippers, pro-endo/syscourse, bi/pan lesbian/mspec lesbian discourse, you fit basic dni (homophobic, transphobic, blah blah blah.)
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mcyt-cfwf · 1 year
General storm patterns observed in the three storm fronts after any MCC event
The performance of players and teams will be evaluated in different threads and to varying degrees of respect as discussions may become heated and the assignment of determined values (S,A,B,C,D Tiers) may be done very graciously or rudely
As Reddit has no easy filter system and a scroll through a moderate thread may land you in comments harsher than you are willing to deal with at the moment, tread carefully for the following week after MCC as is the time most of these discussions happen (Note. the Subreddit may discuss up until the next MCC but the toxicity levels usually drop)
Discussion of the subreddit sleeping on someone’s performance or ignoring players' victories are two of the quickest ways a thread may stir heated arguments. Be aware of this as you look at the titles of threads
The discourse occurring on either Reddit or Twitter will be replied to on Tumblr, and usually, those reactions will be commented on. So is often a meta discussion that opens up on the hellsite after an event and it can be done with varying degrees of chill and respect
Tumblr has a fairly functional system to block and filter discourse but posts need to be tagged and even then posts can make it to your dashboards if any of the blogs you follow decides to engage. Tread carefully for the next 3-7 days after MCC
Dogpilling on Tumblr is a common occurrence despite it being believed otherwise. As sectors will bounce a negative take amongst itself and react to it constantly until that cycle has run its course. Posts may not be as overtly aggressive and nasty as in other storms fronts but is worth being aware that toxicity levels still rise here
As home to many of the MCC participants' accounts, Twitter will host the most reactions directed at players for their performance. Twitter hosts the harshest lines drawn between different sections of fans. This leads to the loudest and nastiest (at first glance) raise in toxicity of the three storm fronts
Even as you utilize the block button on Twitter generously, discourse still has the easiest way to slip into your dashboard. And is important to note a lot of the discourse on Twitter is very emotionally charged and may be highly upsetting as different subsections take sides and highlight a particular set of problems that may be non-existent for other sections. Tread carefully for the next 1-5 days after MCC
Dogpilling, utilizing slurs, sending death threats, weaponizing debunked information, and directly attacking the character of a player is the most common occurrence on Twitter during highly volatile discourse cycles. As opinions of both sides reach each other more easily and considering how much more emotional discussions are on the platform, this results in a side replying to another which makes the original side escalate which in turn makes the other side escalate as well, This makes discourse very widespread and the most visible. Tread very carefully if you haven’t carved a very secure bubble in the platform that you are certain will protect you from discourse
Important note.
Different audiences reside in each platform and the culture and motivations of each are informed by the different designs of each platform. No platform is exempt from discourse. Each is simply more prone to showcase more or less depending on the development of each MCC
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