#opened my window bc im not supposed to smoke in the house so I was blowing it outside & airing my room out
ringneckedpheasant · 2 years
being subjected to the agonies rn
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thegeminisage · 5 years
the tornado story
ok so what happened was there was a tornado in georgia & i got a warning for it on my phone & i was like “lol thats weird who cares about a tornado in georgia we’re not in georgia” except a bit later like RIGHT after we left my brother’s house (he’s in greenwood & we were visiting for mom’s bday) my phone went FUCKING BANANAS lit up with warnings like “torando warning we’ve laid eyes on it take shelter NOW” thats just how fast the goddamn thing was
& my mom was like, it’s totally calm out here, it’s 70 frickin degrees, im still smoking, we already left (we were like...stopped at a gas station just a few blocks away), she wanted to go home, and i (having an anxiety disorder and having also seen twister) was like HAHA NO? & she was like “look if u dont want to drive let me drive” & i was like “u can drive but i am not going on a bigass long road with a tornado on the ground in the DARK i am staying here at this gas station & i will somehow find my own way home after there is no longer a tornado u can take my van but i am a grown adult i will not move my body” and she thought i was being STUPID and i had to like really start letting my panic slip thru to get her to believe i was serious AND THEN
my brother, a real g, called & he was like, my & SIL’s phones just went apeshit there’s a tornado come back to our house & wait it out and so that’s what we decided to do
except we’d spent all those precious minutes ARGUING about it.
i should note that like as soon as mom mentioned how still and calm the weather was it turned pleasantly breezy, and then windy, and then started to drizzle, then rain - it had been overcast all day ofc raining on & off but it like then it really started to RAIN rain
so we drive back to my brothers house, again only a few blocks away, and im like apologizing to my mom bc its her bday celebration & i know how bad she wants to go home etc etc etc and believe it or not lads 
we fucking drove almost right through it
the rain was so thick and so fast that i could not see how to drive my van. i had my headlights on, my hazards on, my wipers going, etc - i’m no stranger to extremely heavy storms, i live in the southeast, i’ve been to florida, strong storms don’t scare me, but jesus FUCK...i cannot do justice to just how pants-shittingly terrifying it was to look out from the windshield and see nothing but this...horribly violent and turbulent grayish wall of water
and like the rain hitting the windows was DEAFENING but even through that you could hear the wind doing this weird...low...it sounds like a train and i only ever hear wind do that in hurricanes. sometimes you can almost feel it in the ground, that frequency - and you could hear not only the thunder rumbling but like things cracking and breaking - tree limbs, my best guess, we were lucky nothing hit the van
and i could feel the wind pulling at the car like i had to fight to keep it going straight and i want to emphasize again that i COULD NOT SEE i don’t mean low visibility or even extremely low visibility i mean i COULD NOT even a LITTLE bit see!! my van might as well have been in the bottom of a lake my windows might as well have been covered in blackout paint i mean there was NOTHING...i was inching along and every once in awhile caught sight of a landmark through a gap in the water or the silhouette of one when lightning flashed (which it did frequently)
and my mom thought i was overreacting the ENTIRE time. like my atheist ass was out here mentally reciting the lord’s prayer just to keep my mind on something so i didn’t go into a blind panic and she’s like “meh, weather” - we got back to my brother’s house and parked in front and she was like “eeeehhhhh idw get wet let’s wait it out in the car” & i was like (nicely) “are you fucking kidding me” so we went in but the little groove next to the sidewalk ur supposed to park in was just like FLOODED so when i stepped in it (not being able to see) i dead ass got soaked up to my ankle. i had to drive home in my socks. my shoe is still sodden
we stayed at my brother’s house a good 45 minutes but as it turned out i fucking DROVE through the worst of it lol also i kicked his butt at tetris while i was there he was really nice though like my mom wasn’t taking me seriously and i was trying to impress upon him that he nearly just lost both of his living family members 1996 style & he like turned on the ps4 while i was talking and put a controller in my hand and then before i knew it i was fine
anyway the tornado was supposed to head from greenwood straight over to clinton (where i live) which meant that it was supposed to run along most of the road i would have driven home on so we stayed there until it had passed even clinton, & called my aunt to make sure she was ok (she was fine)
and on the way home we passed like...so many places that were just. dark. like certain intersections (there’s no freeway out to greenwood unfortunately so u pass a few major intersections) they were just...off. the stores, the stoplights, everything. multiple times we saw two cars almost run into each other bc the stoplights werent working and nobody could agree on who had the right of way (if you didnt know, intersections w/ no power are supposed to work like 4-way stop signs). tree limbs & shit on the road, cars in ditches & police & ambulances out w/ flashing lights being the only light you COULD see at all aside from headlights, it was already COUNTRY dark out there so it was so spooky, and even on the way home it was still POURING and the wind fought with the car, we had a little lightning and thunder, it was fucking post-apocalyptic
but the creepiest part is to get home u have to cross a bridge over lake greenwood and its a bigass bridge and on one side of the bridge the power was on but on the other the whole lake (which is normally lit up and pretty) was just totally dark. and i dont mean. hard to see. i mean it was DARK. it was vantablack. u couldnt see the horzion unless lightning flashed. it was like the void
we have power off on the intersection closest to our house too but thankfully it’s on here...but it’s out in places all over town & there are tree limbs EVERYWHERE
we got home safe and sound (i had left my WINDOW open) & all the cats & the dog are OK, altho i know they had to be scared to death bc the dog hates storms and some of the cats do too. i dont normally mind them but that one really got me
and to think we talked all day about how nice it was that the high was 74 even in january. mother earth is trying to KILL us
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glasyasbutch · 4 years
Stella: 13 Roona: 22 Gent: 30
prose boys part one! prose boys part one! under a readmore bc its almost 2k words! thanks for sending them in rebekah i did full scenes for each prompt bc im a whore. bolded are the actual “things they said”.
Stella: Things you said that were important to you (set about six months after her clan’s home in the wood is razed to the ground, and she’s just found herself fully indoctrinated to the nearby city’s criminal ring as an assassin)
Her hands are small, even relative to the rest of her, which as a gnome, is much tinier than most people walking these streets. It's usually an advantage. Makes it all the more simple to just slide her hand into someone's pocket while they were preoccupied at the food cart. Snag a coin while they ordered, snag a hunk of bread while they paid.
She isn't proud of it. She doesn't like having to penny pinch other people's pennies to get by between jobs. But she likes starving to death less, so she swallows her damn pride and got down to it.
The problem is that the figure she’s trying to rob is also a gnome, which means her hands are not nearly as relatively small as she’s used to them being, and she manages to get her thumb caught on the edge of his pocket as she pulls away. His hand is around her wrist before she has a chance to react, grip terrifyingly tight.
"Pardon me, but I don't believe anything in my pockets belongs to - Ester?"
The fake tears she's been trying to push out begin to well up for real, turning her into a breathless, glassy-eyed mess, and she looks into a face she thought she'd never be seeing again. "Gray?"
Gray drops his grip on her wrist, only to clasp her hand between his protectively. "Ester, what are you doing out here doing this?"
She finds her knees start to buckle, and she pushes her weight into Gray's hands a bit to stay standing. "The fire, Gray, I barely made it out, I just ran in the first direction I saw. I ended up here, and when I looked back it was nothing but smoke. I only had my bow with me and I - I thought I was the only one who made it out. I didn't know what to do. I'm just trying to survive in a world I wasn't raised to live in."
Gray's eyebrows furrow, his expression sinks. He reaches his other hand out to grip the side of her face. "There's at least three of us who made it out. I left with Reddy, but he took off from this town a few weeks ago. I was starting to get lonely, but ... then I find you." He smiles, in the crooked sort of way that happens when loss starts to slip through the cracks of joy. "You can do better than this, Es. We're still clan. My house is still your house. Come back with me, at the very least 'til you get on your feet."
"Gray, no, really, I couldn't," she starts, but gets cut off as he begins to tut and takes his hand from her cheek to grip her other hand.
He pushes back her sleeve with his fingers, unintentionally, ever so slightly. He isn't even looking, but it's still enough to make her gasp and stiffen. That, he does notice, and gods damn it, he glances down.
Their clan is from the woods. They don't know a lot of city culture, but the symbol tattooed on her wrist, still slightly red from its freshness, is one of the things they have to recognize. Its something they know damn well to avoid, because these men who take shelter in the woods some nights, with these symbols emblazoned on their wrists and sword scabbards and coin pouches, setting off their hunting traps for fun and leaving their empty booze bottles behind when they go and not putting their fires out properly, are the kind of men who know no rule or law or code, and show no mercy when they feel they've been crossed.
"Ester," he says, voice darkening. "You can do better than this."
She tears her wrist away, tugging her sleeve back down. "My business is my own, Gray."
"As is my home, if you've chosen to turn your back on everything we lived for so quickly."
"I was hungry. I was going to die out here. I don't have many marketable skills, but they saw something worth a paycheck in me."
Gray says nothing, but drops her hands from his with a sharpness that can only indicate disgust.
"You can do better than this," he repeats. Then, for a brief moment, his gaze softens. "I hope you do."
She makes no move to stop him as he turns to go, walking with as big a stride as his gnomish legs can let him, vanishing into the crowded streets. She rubs at her wrist, letting the sting of pressing on the fresh tattoo distract her from the sinking feeling in her gut as one of the last survivors of her clan willingly turns his back on her. She had always figured she had no one left, but now she’s looking right at him and she knows it.
"I'm gonna," she whispers at the space where he has been standing, making up her mind to get back what scraps of her family she still has left. "I'm gonna get out of there, eventually. Swear on the trees."
Roona: Things you said after making a bad decision.
"Vinny Vinny Vinny Vinny Vinny!" Roona pants, running so fast she nearly trips over her feet, "Pouch pouch pouch pouch please please please!"
They tug at the loose piece of leather fixed around their traveling companion's waist, barely waiting for acknowledgement of their presence before scrambling up the leg into the pouch and pulling the flaps closed, trying to look as much like a lute as possible.
Now, most lutes arent quite so lumpy, because they don't have knees to tuck in, and they don't swell and sink because they don't have lungs that are heaving from the mad dash they've just undertaken. But, however much like a lute she doesn't look, Roona supposes the ruse has worked, because no one sticks a sword straight into the flaps and the shrill complaining voice eventually huffs its way out of earshot.
"Is the purple dress lady gone?" she whispers, pulling one very small peep hole open in the mouth of the pouch.
"Yeah," Vinny sighs, still debating whether or not she wants to know what happened this time.
"Okay, good." Roona's head fully emerges from the pouch now, braids more mussed than usual and face still flushed reddish from exertion. They flash a forced smile up at Vinny. "So, don't get mad but. Um."
It seems, whether or not Vinny wants to know, Roona's gonna be telling her anyway.
"You know that really fancy dress shop down the road? I was over there window shopping, you know, like you do. And, well, I went inside, cause they had this really nice yellow thing and this other dress with lilac trim, and I wanted to know how they'd look together? Um?"
Vinny's lips press together, knowing exactly where this story's going.
"So I, uh, I grabbed a pair of shears, and I took a little bit of the trim off the back of the skirt? I mean, it's the back right, no one's gonna see, and it's not like they ever sell the mannequin models anyways, but. For SOME reason, the dress lady didn't like that."
"Roona. C'mon."
She sighs, brushing a few loose hairs out of her face. "No, no. I know. I ... I know. Like, actually. Sometimes people are just stuck up dickheads about their stuff, but like, this one I get. I'll go apologize in the morning, probably. Once she's had the chance to forget where she's left the fabric shears again."
They begin to pull themself out of the pouch, but stop with one leg dangling out over the lip. "On a totally unrelated note. Can I pitch you on a mix and match dress shop?"
Gent: Things you said when you should've been quiet
"Gods," he huffs, flipping over what he's pretty sure is the third page of sigils for what he's significantly less sure is the fifth time. "You really think an archmage with a lifespan like his and absolutely no friends to hang out with would be able to find the time to write a damn key for his notes. Wenceforth! C'mere. Do you know what the fuck these double lines are supposed to be mean?"
The goblin starts at the mention of his name, trotting over on creaky joints from the post he'd be standing by the door. He slips on a pair of glasses, and peers over the piece of paper being held out for him. He spends a good minute tracing a finger across the ink, grumbling and mumbling to himself before turning to face Gent and announcing, very definitely, "No!"
Gent groans and slumps even further in the chair than he has been.
"You've known him forever, Wenceforth, has he always been this illiterate? I mean, god, for all the griping he does at me about penmanship making the difference between a Dancing Light and a Flaming Sphere, you'd think he'd care literally at all about how his own fucking notes look."
"Well, Master Errenis is quite a learned mage, you know, he's really quite skilled, but uh. Between you and me. He's always been a bit more meticulous with his notes since. Well."
Gent immediately shoots up, leaning over the arm of his chair to stare down Wenceforth. "Since what, Wence? You can't just leave me hanging here, man."
"Oh, you know, I don't really want to embarrass him or anything," he mumbles, anxious grin twitching onto his face.
"Oh come on! Please? I'll pay you the rest of my weeks stipend, Wence, I need to know what could've possibly embarrassed Yussah bad enough to change his wizardly ways."
"Oh, all right," he chuckles, leaning in, "but you didn't hear it from me. One time, good few years back, Master Yussah was studyin' this little ball thing, and got himself stuck inside. Had to call in a bunch of his wizard friends to get him back out. And they, ah, barely made it too, I heard, 'cause his map notes were just ... unintelligible."
"You're kidding, Wence? He got stuck. In a ball."
"Sure did, sure did! Had to call that pretty Taldorei lady myself to fix it all up."
"You had to get Arcanist Vysoren to get Yussah out of a ball?" Gent reaches for the goblins shoulders and gives them a good hard squeeze. "Thank you so much for telling me, Wence. You are truly the only man I have ever cared about in my life."
"Come now, surely he's not the only one." someone drawls from the doorway behind Gent.
Gent spins around in the chair, placating grin half way through stretching across his face. "Master Errenis, hello, how are you doing, did you need a hand with something, hope I haven't kept you waiting?"
Yussah gives a wry laugh. "I've been waiting in this doorway long enough, Ms. Avoris. Gossiping about my handwriting won't get those wards copied any faster."
Gent presses his lips together, turning (relatively) apologetically back to his work. Yussah motions for Wenceforth to follow him out of the room, starting to describe some spell components he needed dug out of storage. He stops in the doorway, just to be sure Gent is still in earshot.
"I have got to get that kid to see some other wizards. Let him study with someone really old and crazy, like Waccoh. Then see how he feels about my damn notes."
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stevethehairington · 5 years
im going to fucking lose my goddamn mind
when i first moved in my roommates and i had a talk about what we were cool with and not cool with and 3 of them were like we smoke weed and i was like well i’d prefer you didn’t do it in the house and they gave the bullshit excuse that they can’t do it anywhere else and so, i’m a nice person, i’m a reasonable person, and when they said we’ll plug up our doors and open the windows and light candles so you can’t smell it, i went okay. fine. we’ll see how that works.
well it isn’t fucking working. they might plug shit up and open a window but i can still smell it all through the fucking house.
and a few weeks ago the one that has the room right next to me was smoking and it was. so fuckin bad. it made me feel sick smelling it and it gave me a headache and i just couldn’t take it. so i sent a message to our group saying it needs to stop, that i tried to deal with it but it’s not working anymore and if you want to smoke do it outside. she replied and said sorry and okay. 
fast forward to like last week. someone else, a different roommate, started smoking and, again, it was so god damn bad. so i sent another fucking message about it and the roommate that was doing it that time messaged me and said sorry and said it was for her anxiety bc her mom doesnt believe in therapy (which is a whole other can of worms that we dont have time to unpack!) and she said she’d do it outside and i was like cool. great. good. 
fast forward again to fucking yesterday and i smelled it inside again. and it was v short it didn’t  stick around long so i didn’t say anything about it. i was annoyed as all get out and i wasnt having a good day yesterday so it made things worse. 
but im sitting in my room right now. and god fucking dammit someone is smoking fucking weed in the house right now i can smell it clear as fucking day and i am so fucking tired of this. i just sent another god damn message about it and i’m fucking annoyed as shit that i have to keep sending these messages. but i said that if it happens again after this i’m going to talk to someone in the office about it bc clearly my asking them to stop isn’t working. 
but i’m so fed up!!!!!!! and idk what i’m supposed to do about this!!!! i just want it to stop!!!! these are supposed to be smoke free apartments!!! it says it when you sign the lease!!! that’s one of the reasons why i decided to live here bc i dont want to deal with that shit!!!! but!!!! 
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dacresprincess-blog · 7 years
Consimilar / Part 2
First of all a big shoutout and thank you to everyone who read it and everyone who left me any kind of feedback, no matter if it was in form of a reblog,like or comment. I appreciate every single one of you and my heart is literally going to burst from how much love I received. 
Also a happy new year! I knew we still have a day to go but this year im hosting my familys new years party so I´ll be pretty busy tomorrow and the day after. To everyone, stay safe! Be aware of your surroundings and have fun!
Summary: Y/N is a bad girl and when she finally sees Billy the new bad boy in town she has to have him. What happens when two hard shells see eachothers soft insides?
Warnings: swearing? slight dirty thoughts, maybe grammar bc i didnt proofread
Words: 2,3k ish
A/n: I hope you guys enjoy! Im still trying everyday to improve my writing and find other words to describe surroundings and make it more vivid so again any kind of feedback is appreciated! Have fun reading!
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After her last class ended, Y/N made her way outside to meet up with Steve and Nancy, yet they were nowhere to be seen but Billy was leaning on his car with a cigarette in his mouth.  She watches him as he blew the smoke out of his mouth, fighting her thoughts about everything else his mouth could do.
Y/N intentionally walked closer past him than she needed, to catch his attention. Right when she past him, acting as if she didn’t see him and pretending to look for Steve’s car, she hears his voice. 
„Wanna take a ride with me, princess? “, he asks and lets out another smoke cloud out of his mouth. Y/N stops and smiles to herself but then neutralizes her facial expression and turns around. 
She looks past Billy, who was smirking that she actually reacted, at his car and eyed it up and down, it was a nice car, but she knew better than to compliment him on it. 
“Waiting on someone?”, Y/N asks stepping closer to him and now looking up at him. He was definitely a head, if not more, taller than her. 
“Waiting on you princess “, he replies, taking his last puff from his cigarette before tossing it across his car and then leans back on his car. Y/N rolls her eyes and without answering starts to turn around to walk away from him. “Come on princess. You’ll take a ride you will never forget”, he says putting his hands into the pockets of his denim jacket which made his broad shoulders look even stronger and more muscular than they probably already were. 
She sighs and turns around now standing 3 feet away from him. “Billy Billy Billy”, she shakes her head. “I thought I made it clear enough that I’m not the type of girl that you’re used to. “ 
Billy’s facial expression changed at her words. He clenched his teeth together making his jaw look more prominent and Y/N sweared she could even see a vein in his neck pulsating. He didn’t think that Y/N would turn the tables so fast and simple. 
Billy groaned. He tried to find his words to smooth out the situation. He didn’t want to make Y/N feel cheap or compare her to any of the other girls, he knew that she was different and apparently, she made sure everyone knew about it. „I didn’t meant... “, Billy started to speak but was interrupted.
„Y/N! “, both hear a loud voice ring through the parking lot. Billy looks up over Y/N`s head and Y/N turns around to see Steve standing at his car with the keys in his hand. Y/N turns around and looks up at Billy. 
“Well I would love to conversate a little longer with you Billy Hargrove but duty calls”, she says and motions with her head over in Steve’s direction. Y/N turns around and quickly walks over to Steve who already sat down in his car and started the engine before she opened the door and plopped down in her seat.
Y/N looks over to Steve and sees him shaking his head. “What Harrington? “, she smirks knowing that he was mad at her for not listening. “I told you to stay away from him Y/N”, he sighs and backs out of the parking lot. 
“And yet here you are talking to him, not once but twice in one day”, he says stressing every word carefully, thinking Y/N would eventually understand it better. He drives out of the parking lot and Y/N looks out of the window and watches the ginger girl skate towards the blue Camaro.
Steve kept talking about how bad of an influence Billy was, but all Y/N could think of was how his blue eyes looked like the ocean she would love to just drown in. “...he just not the ...the love bird kinda guy”, Steve says pulling up to Y/N’s house. “Wait...speaking of love birds...where’s Nancy?”, Y/N asks completely ignoring everything Steve had just said to her. Steve stops the engine and Y/N watches him fidget with the keys. “Uh, she had...she had a club or something she had to go to “, he answers not looking Y/N in the eyes. Y/N sighs and then smiles putting her hand on Steve’s shoulder. 
She could always tell if he was lying, not because she knew him for literally 10 years but because he was so damn bad at it. 
But then again, she also was aware of the fact that Steve hated it when Y/N knew something she wasn’t supposed to, so she just let it slide this time and didn’t wanted to kick him when he was already down.
“Thanks for driving me home Stevie “, she simply said and plants a kiss on his cheek. She grabbed the door handle and was about to step out of the car when Steve grabbed her arm. 
She looked back into his eyes and saw his soft face. “Y/N promise me you don’t get involved in a situation where you’ll end up hurting.” 
Y/N smirks back at him. “Steve, I promise. I’m just having fun. I just need a bit of change in my boring life.” 
She steps out of the car and closes the door behind her. Then makes her way to her front door and opens it. She hears Steve start his engine and turns around to see him drive away. 
It was later in the evening and Y/N was sitting in her room and doing a bit of school work that she missed while she was absent. 
Suddenly she hears a door slam shut and rolls her eyes because she already knew what was coming. 
She prepares herself mentally to hear another round of screaming and hitting walls from her parents who were always busy working and away on “work trips” but once both of them were home at the same time it was a total mess. 
She gets up and locks her door and then goes to push the play button on her stereo system but only puts the volume on medium, if it was too loud her dad would also come and slam on her door. She rolls her eyes when she hears the topic of today’s fight between her parents. Both accused the other of cheating, which was actually the truth but only Y/N knew for sure. 
Still both of them were to proud and selfish to just file for a divorce because „that’s not how you handle tough situations in this family. “ They were going on for a good hour and Y/N keeps on trying to refocus on her homework, but it just doesn’t work. „And that girl up there is probably not even MY daughter, right? “, her dad screams. It was quiet for a bit and Y/N listens to what her mom would answer because this isn’t the first time her dad had accused her of foisting a child on him. The silence was interrupted by her mom shouting back at her dad about how he was changing the subject. 
Y/N rolls her eyes and sighs and then goes to open her window, she couldn’t stand to listen to their repetitive argument anymore. She steps on the roof of the house and walks to the end, from there it was an easy jump down since it wasn’t too high up anymore and also it wasn’t her first time doing it. She steadies herself on her feet and then walks quietly to the street. She was furious and mad and everything you could imagine.
Her parent’s argument was replaying over and over in her head. It was just too much for her, there was not a place in this world she could call home, where she could go to and be appreciated and loved for what she is. She was furious, and tears started to well up in her eyes, not because she was sad but because everything was so damn stupid. “How could...How...uuuggh.” 
She was talking silently to herself and was too frustrated to realize a car stopped a few feet in front of her. She passes the car when she suddenly hears a familiar voice call. 
“Hey Princess.” Y/N takes a deep breath trying to decide what to do, she slows down in her walking but then continues at her normal pace again. 
The engine of the car starts and slowly moves beside her. The window of the passenger side was rolled down and Billy was calling after her. 
“Princess slow down.” Y/N was so furious when she got out of her house that she forgot her jacket and now that she cooled down a little bit and was distracted by Billy, she realized how cold it actually was. 
“Come on, you’ll freeze your cute little ass off.”, Billy said making Y/N stop in her tracks. Y/N sighs and argues with herself quickly before deciding that she would rather spend time with him than risk getting a cold. She opens the door of his car and throws herself in. “Why are you out here all alone princess? “, Billy asks and starts to drive. “I just like to cool down the temperature of my body to match my heart you know? “, she answered back sarcastically making Billy chuckle. Billy wasn’t asking anymore questions after he saw that her eyes were teary and her nose was all red and sniffly, he realized that she wasn’t in the most talkative mood and didn`t mind because he wasn’t either. 
Both of them were silent but it wasn’t an awkward silence, it was actually soothing. The radio was on and music was playing while Y/N looked out the window, yet she noticed how Billy kept glancing at her. 
“Take a pic Hargrove it’ll last longer “, she groans making him chuckle. “Just wondering why you won’t tell me your name “, he shrugs and focuses back on the road. 
It caught Y/N off guard because she didn’t think that he would still think about that, she actually thought that he would ask her again why she was out alone. Y/N smirks and then turns her head to look at him.
 His left hand was steering while his right hand was lightly grabbing the stick. The sleeves of his denim jacket were rolled halfway up, and Y/N could see a few veins pop out because they were so muscular. 
But she also noticed a few darker patches on his arms and a few fresh scratches, she brushed it off not thinking much about it and then her eyes wander to his face. His eyes were focused on the road and his eyelashes were so long and thick that one would think he was wearing eyeliner. His shirt was half-buttoned up exposing his chest and the locket laying on it. 
Still there was something off about this look. He looked different from what he usually looked like. Also, his hair was messier than it normally was, and Y/N could tell that it wasn’t intended to look like that. 
„Why do you need to know? “, Y/N asks quickly before he would notice that she was staring at him now. Billy chuckles. 
„I just like to know the people I’m picking up off the streets in the middle of the night and drive them around, you know? “, he chuckles. Y/N scoffs. 
“You don’t have to drive me around I was fine walking by myself Billy.” She goes to grab the handle of the door pretending as if she would get out before Billy leans over and grabs her arm stopping her. 
He laughs softly, and Y/N turns her head to look at him. Both of their eyes meet, and Billys face was closer to her face than she had expected.Both swallow and Billy presses down on the break making the car stop abruptly. 
Suddenly Y/N notices a dark patch under Billy’s right eye. Billy was too focused to look into her (y/e/c) eyes when Y/N puts her hand on his face.
“What happened? “, she asks quietly. Billy takes a deep breath and clenches his jaw then pulls back and sits back down in his seat turning his left side of his face away from Y/N. 
“Nothing “, he mutters quietly. Y/N narrows her brows and looks at his hands again. His knuckles were clean, and Y/N knew that he wasn’t just in a fight besides today in school he hadn’t had the bruise yet. 
“Billy”, Y/N says quietly and straightens herself up in the car and turns her whole body towards him, now sitting sideways in the seat. 
“I got into a fight what else do you think?!”, Billy said with his voice getting louder by every word. Before Y/N could ask anything else he starts driving again. “Where to?”, he asks aggressively pressing down on the gas pedal making Y/N fall back in her seat a little bit. 
Y/N takes a deep breath and gives him the directions he had to drive. He pulls a cigarette out of the box and holds it up to Y/Ns face. “You mind?”, he asks before putting it between his lips. Y/N shakes her head and Billy gets out his lighter and lights the end of his cigarette while driving. Y/N watches him as he rolls down the window and lets out a smoke cloud out of the window. 
The car ride was silent, and the air was filled with lots of questions for Y/N, but she didn’t want to ask him anymore since he also didn’t ask her anything and she appreciated that earlier from him. 
Once he had pulled up to the house Y/N gets out and turns around and leans down to look back into the car. 
“Hey Tiger. Keep this”, she motions with her hand between the two of them. “To yourself. I have a reputation to lose in this town.” 
She gains a soft chuckle from Billy and realizes how she lightened up the mood then closes the door. She starts to walk to the house and when she hears the engine start and sees him drive away, she walks to the back of the house and then over the street. 
She walks up the street and passes three houses until she makes it to her actual house then makes her way to her room the same way she made it out. Y/N wasn’t the brightest at school, but she wasn’t stupid enough to trust Billy Hargrove fully and tell him where she lives.
She already told Steve, she knows what she is doing.
Part 3 ??? yes no??
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@heartbreakcity @captain-blossom @marslovesme
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tyresso · 7 years
Questions tag
I was tagged by @gwencharlottepixels​ a literal MONTH ago lol im so slow
Is your window in your room open? girl no it’s february
Do you like bleu cheese? No & i’m not rying to cheese shame here but imagine liking foot smelling moldy fungi cheese 
Have you ever smoked? No cause my shitty dad always used to blow smoke in my face and now the smell like..triggers me lol
Do you own a gun? I have a nerf gun and it’s lethal Do you like the American or British way of spelling words? i like britain but i rly don’t have the energi to be writing ou when i could just go with o Do you get nervous before going to a doctor’s appointment? Yeah but leaving my house period makes me nervous
What do you think of hot dogs? literally haven’t had one since kindergarten but hotdog water is an iconic beverage
Favorite Christmas movie? that drake & josh christmas special not even joking What color of hair do you like on the opposite sex? Dirty blonde bois for the win What do you prefer to drink in the morning? it used to be coffee until someone called out my coffee breath which shook me to my core so now it’s water:)
Can you do a push-up?
Literally my arms can’t pick up my phone sometimes so like Do you hate celebrities with big boobs that have had plastic surgery? No big tiddies is the seed of world peace
Do you have a favorite piece of jewelry? don’t have jewelry:) too broke fa dat
Favorite hobby? sims hehe What’s the one thing you hate about yourself? can’t take anything seriously it’s so cringy
What’s your middle name? don’t have one Name three drinks you drink everyday? water, coffee and caprisun Current worry? Breaking in my new doc martens cause it’s been like two weeeks and they’re still uncomfortable Do you own slippers? yeah ive actually had the same pink fur slippers isnce i was 8 Would you ever want to be a pirate? Lol! that’s for dweebs!!(pirates don’t come for me) Where would you like to go? to ikea bc my pillows have fucking holes in them. HOLES What type of songs do you sing in the shower? the hannah montana soundtrack just like everyone else If you could make everything on earth one color, what would you choose? Gray bc it matches my mood & it’s my fav color
Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? I tried once and glided off the bed maybe six times How do you bring in the new year? I don’t i’m actually stuck in 2008 LOL!!*XD* Favorite place to be? not be an edge queen tumblr lonewolf slut..but my room. or maybe bill skarsgards dick Would you rather live in 1980 or 2080? the 80s cus i could just do everything that i do now.. but with like a book instead of tumblr or smth Favorite color? gray  What color of shirt are you wearing? gray sweatshirt Favorite girl name? Jean (shoutout to the animated xmen show i was obsessed with age 3-11 jean was hot i wanted to be her so bod) Current hate right now? the fly flying around my room like it’s not literally winter & it’s supposed to b dead
What’s the last thing that made you laugh? yesterday this dude in school that literally went to the principal’s office (where i was sitting) just  to ask why penises stand up in the morning man i fucking died
  What artist do you find yourself singing a lot of? ladyhawke’s Paris is burning and maroon 5′s Can’t stop have been stuck in my head for ten years Can you whistle? nope! can’t ride a bike or swim either!
Where do you wish you were right now? i am right where i belong - on tumblr When you were younger, did you ever have cartoon sheets? I had them winx club sheets for so long.. What’s in your pocket right now? not even wearing pants or anything like i literally patted my thighs just now smh
Do you love where you live? I see fights break out everytime i leave the apt it’s wonderful this place is a utopia Do you care about the William and Kate wedding? is this like a pretty little liars or vampire diaries reference or smth? like who
Does someone have a crush on you?
No one sees me I hide in corners Favorite boy name? Dean cus it rhymes with jean What song do you want played at your funeral? amigas cheetas by cheetah girls. i feel like it’s the proper way to mourn my death and it’s how i should be remembered . Worst injury you ever had? i got 3 pieces of glass in my foot all at once one summer. That’s actually worse than like amputating half ur body
Have you had any candy today? I never eat candy bc my teeth are the only thing ppl compliment me on
How many TVs are in your house? Like one hehe we’re broke.
I tag @girl-just-simming-around @ethnicgoddess @itsoceansecret @littlesims2chick (pls ignore this if you’ve already been tagged or just don’t wanna do it)
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sacahoewea · 8 years
I'm pretty sure people are supposed to ask me a number and i answer it but it's 3:30 am and I'm not tired and I've watched everything I want to watch on netflix so imma answer them all now. And no one would ask me any so like ok here we go. 1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Spotify 2. is your room messy or clean? Messy but I want to keep my next apartment clean and if I get a greyhound I'm gonna have to. 3. do you like your name? why? Eh yeah no complaints. 4. what is your relationship status? Single 5. describe your personality in 3 words or less. Better when drunk 6. what color hair do you have? Brown 7. what kind of car do you drive? color? A 2008 black mercury grand marquis aka Tom I love you my child ❤️ 8. where do you shop? I realized I haven't gone to a store for anything other than food since like Christmas. Maybe I'm wrong idk it's 3:30 9. how would you describe your style? Trying while trying not to seem like I'm trying 10. favorite social media account? snapchat 11. what size bed do you have? Queen 12. any siblings? 27 yo sister 13. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? I've been thinking about this a lot lately and idk. Maybe Orlando I'm not sure. Hopefully Greenville nc 14. favorite snapchat filter? I guess the current city one. It's cool when you're in an interesting place. 15. favorite makeup brand(s). Is this supposed to be for girls whoops? 16. how many times a week do you shower? It varies a lot week to week but I'd say an average of 5 lol 17. favorite tv show? The office duh 18. shoe size? I've been a 12 since high school but lately I've been wondering if I've been buying shoes too big for years so im going through an existential foot crisis. So maybe 11 19. how tall are you? 5' 9? Plus or minus an inch 20. sandals or sneakers? Sneakers 21. do you go to the gym? Mostly run but sometimes I do but nothing crazy. I always feel like I'm doing the machine or exercise wrong and people are laughing at me. 22. describe your dream date. Sex and then a big meal. Not the other way around for obvious reasons. Is that even a date? Idk it's my dream I can do what I want. 23. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? Probably like $80 idk I'm too lazy to look. 24. what color socks are you wearing? None 25. how many pillows do you sleep with? 0 FUCK pillows 26. do you have a job? what do you do? I DO 😬 I'm an environmental engineer. I haven't started yet though 27. how many friends do you have? Like 8 I think 28. whats the worst thing you have ever done? I can only think of stuff I don't want the world to know. 29. whats your favorite candle scent? Cozy nights lol 30. 3 favorite boy names. Luke Tom Wilson 31. 3 favorite girl names. Crystal idk that's all I can think of 32. favorite actor? Jim Carey? 33. favorite actress? Amy pohler 34. who is your celebrity crush? Connor mcgregor lol 35. favorite movie? Yes man 36. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? Nope but the glass menagerie by Tennessee Williams or the pearl by john Steinbeck 37. money or brains? Both 38. do you have a nickname? what is it? Not really. 39. how many times have you been to the hospital? Like for myself idk not many maybe like once to get stitches when I was 8 40: top 10 favorite songs. Top 3 are sams town, loner phase, and shake me down. After that it's hard to rank them. 41. do you take any medications daily? No I can barely take a multivitamin daily 42. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc). A little of both at times. I like my skin though it's served me well for how little effort I put into it. 43. what is your biggest fear? Being stuck in a life I hate without hope of it getting better. 44. how many kids do you want? -1 I'd like to return myself. 45. whats your go to hair style? Like normal and then a lil swoop to the side in the front lol 46. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)? A 5+ acre property with a stream running through it and a large two story house in the middle with no neighbors in sight and a long drive way leading up to it and on the second floor i want the master bedroom to be on the corner of the house and have floor to ceiling glass windows and my bed be in that corner so I can look out and be relaxed as I fail at falling asleep. 47. who is your role model? Small parts of several people. 48. what was the last compliment you received? Having a good idea? Idk 49. what was the last text you sent? Happy pi time. Wait no I said yaaaas after that. 50. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? Idk like 12 I have no idea tbh 51. what is your dream car? I'd like to keep Tom and then get a Silverado and a grand Cherokee. 52. opinion on smoking? Cigarettes gross. Weed ok but not for me 53. do you go to college? Just graduated UF woo 54. what is your dream job? An R&D engineer researching alternative energy. 55. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? I want the population density of rural but the proximity to urban of suburban. Which probs doesn't exist. 56. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? No but my dad does 57. do you have freckles? Yeah mostly on my back. 58. do you smile for pictures? Yeah but not with teeth 59. how many pictures do you have on your phone? 5202 lol. 60. have you ever peed in the woods? Yeah aw reminds me of tailgating :( 61. do you still watch cartoons? Yeah but like bobs burgers 62. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? Chick fil a idc if that's not a choice 63. Favorite dipping sauce? Chick fil a sause 64. what do you wear to bed? XXL boxers. I hate wearing anything at all tight to bed 65. have you ever won a spelling bee? HA bitch please 66. what are your hobbies? Soccer running taking self adventures netflix YouTube 67. can you draw? If I try really hard but I don't have the patience so no 68. do you play an instrument? No 69. what was the last concert you saw? Sia! 70. tea or coffee? Neither. Water 71. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Neither but DD if I had to choose 72. do you want to get married? No 73. what is your crush’s first and last initial? AH 😏 74. are you going to change your last name when you get married? NA 75. what color looks best on you? Like a dark blue grey. I think it has a name but idk what it is 76. do you miss anyone right now? POOP :( 77. do you sleep with your door open or closed? Closed for sure 78. do you believe in ghosts? Not in the traditional sense but like maybe in a scientific way of like multiple dimensions overlapping or something like that. 79. what is your biggest pet peeve? Absent minded slow people. 80. last person you called? Dad 81. favorite ice cream flavor? Mint chocolate chip 82. regular oreos or golden oreos? Regular 83. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Rainbow. I would lol 84. what shirt are you wearing? None 😏 85. what is your phone background? A person jumping off a cliff on the outside and a greyhound overlooking a meadow on the inside. 86. are you outgoing or shy? Shy 87. do you like it when people play with your hair? Usually no but lately in some settings lol 88. do you like your neighbors? Yeah we've never said more than hi but they're quiet so I like them 89. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? Neither lol 90. have you ever been high? No 91. have you ever been drunk? Yes I wish I was drunk rn 92. last thing you ate? Chuys ❤️ 93. favorite lyrics right now? The entire song goats in trees by foster the people. Applicable af rn for me 94. summer or winter? Summer 95. day or night? Night 96. dark, milk, or white chocolate? Dark 97. favorite month? June but maybe not anymore. I liked it bc it was the beginning of summer with the comfort of knowing you still had another whole 2 months of vacation left. But now that I'm gonna be working so idk 98. what is your zodiac sign. Sagittarius 99. who was the last person you cried in front of? Honestly no one. I cried on the phone to my parents freshman year of college but no one will ever see me that vulnerable. 100. what color are your eyes? Blue/green
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