#or!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tell me who would see tk trying and warn him to stay away from 'those guys' bc they're a cult!!!!!
mandoalorian · 4 years
Brown Eyes [Din Djarin x Reader]
*Hi. The episode has been out for three hours. The devil works hard but I work harder. I hope you enjoy! xx*
Summary: Din has always wanted to confess his love to you— but with his devotion to the Creed and with the risk of losing you, he wonders if the revelation would really be worth it. Would you even consider being with him if he refused to remove his helmet? When Grogu is taken away from Din and in the fiendish hands of Moff Gideon, Din realises there isn't anything he won't do to get his son back.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: descriptions of anxiety, *SPOILERS FOR Season 2 Episode 15: The Believer of The Mandalorian*
Word count: 2.6k
Permanent taglist - let me know if you want to be added: @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos
gif credit: @siennablake
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"Din," you froze up, backing away from the Imperial who was sitting at a table drinking caf. "I- I can't do it."
Din's head snapped to face you, masked by the Imperial Shocktrooper helmet he was doting. "Why not?" His voice was firm, but the tone of his question dripped with concern. You bawled your fingers into a fist as you squeezed your eyes tight shut, beginning to anxiously pace around in circles.
"That's Valen Hess," you muttered, trying your hardest to regulate your nervous breathing. "He- I used to serve under him. I- can't… go in there. Din, he'll recognise me." the thoughts in your head were jumbled. Din placed two hands steady on your shoulders.
"I'll go, hand me the dataspike." Din told you calmly. You felt like putty under his touch. Usually, his firm grip would calm you down and ease any of your troubles away— but not this time. You felt completely nauseated.
Grogu was at stake. When you met the Mandalorian, it took him some time to find the confidence in introducing you to the child. You were Ex-Imperial after all. But he warmed up to you, seeing the way you cared so deeply for the children on Sorgan. When he introduced you to the little green bean, who did not yet have a name, you were enamoured. That's when Din knew he was in love with you. Ever since that day, he'd only fallen in love with you more and more. His feelings became stronger with every waking second he spent with you.
Of course, he never acted on his feelings. He wished he had, he wished he could say something. He knew that if something happened to you and you didn't know how he truly felt, he'd regret it for the rest of his life. There had been countless times where you and him brushed paths on the Razor Crest. Plenty of times to say something, plenty of times to mutter the three words that had consumed his mind, body and soul. ‘I love you’. The words were like a broken record in the back of his mind. He looked at you through his visor, seeing your distress and his heart aching and he wanted— no, he had to do something.
His son had been kidnapped and suddenly, Din was an unstoppable force. Nothing could hold him back— not his friends, not the Creed, nothing. The regret ate him up like flies on a corpse. If there was one thing he learned from Grogu's disappearance, is that you never know what is coming around the corner. Din began to treat everyday with you like it was your last because there was no way of telling what the future was holding. And that only stirred him on, the desire of telling you how much you meant to him.
"You can't go," you removed your finger from your lips where you had been anxiously biting your nails. "The security system is biometric facial recognition. There must be another way." you tried to rack your brain for a solution, but Din's mind was already made up.
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes in search for an answer. You steadied your breathing. "Din," you whispered. "What if we distract them? You go in there and speak to him so he's looking the other way and I'll use that moment to sneak past and access the terminal."
No answer. "Din?" you asked, cautiously opening your eyes. He was already gone. Your mouth began to open and close like a goldfish as you watched his approach the terminal. He paused, midway between two tables, shakily saluting Valen Hess. Din turned back to the terminal, held his head up high and carried on over to it.
Upon examining it, Din found it was no different to any other information point— whether it had been New Republic or Independent, Din was lucky enough to already know how to navigate the system. He clicked a few buttons on the keypad, bringing up the facial recognition scanner. He stood still, letting it roam down his face. He didn't have much faith, but it was worth a shot.
Din cursed under his breath as the scanner light lit up red, beeping ecstatically.
"Error. Error. Facial scanning incomplete. Ten seconds until system shutdown." An automated voice informed. Din felt a few gazes burn into his back, no doubt Valen Hess noticing the commotion. "Ten, nine, eight-"
You watched as the timer went down, your hand fingers curling around the blaster in your holster. You didn't know what Din was going to, but you knew if anything— he was a man with a plan.
And that was when he removed his helmet.
It hit you like a ton of bricks, it took the air from your lungs leaving you gasping in silence. You felt like a criminal, looking at him with your own eyes. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't tear the gaze from the back of his head.
Brown hair. Dark brown hair, slightly messy from the helmet. Although you were some distance away, you noticed the little waves and the way it curled at the nape of his neck. The cut of the Imperial armour revealed just a sliver of his skin. It was golden tan— surprising to you.
"Facial scanning complete." The dataspike ejected from the terminal, a small light lit up in green, validating that the information had been processed and Din was now the owner of Moff Gideon’s co-ordinates. Just as he was about to put his helmet back on, a voice interrupted him.
Your heart sank when you saw that Valen Hess had approached Din.
"Trooper, where are you stationed?"
"My designation is transport— co-pilot."
"No son, what's your TK number?"
Din felt his throat dry up as he looked the man in the eyes. Valen Hess stared at Din right back, looking into the eyes that nobody had gazed into since Din had been sworn to the Creed. Din swallowed the lump in his throat, only for it to return immediately.
"He's with me." you announced, walking over to Din and Hess. A wash of relief shuttled through Din's body upon hearing your voice, but that was completely blown away when he realised you had seen him. It was true, you had seen his face— but there was no time to act up. Din had sacrificed everything for Grogu and you weren't going to let this go wrong. "This is my trooper, sir."
"Who is he and what's his TK number?" Valen Hess repeated, clicking his tongue between his teeth.
"This is my commanding officer TK-0402, and I'm TK-0322. I'm afraid he doesn't speak much. Ever since his vessel lost pressure on Tanaab." You explained with confidence, sighing apologetically and placing a hand on your hip.
Din found the courage to look at you, making brief yet bewildered glances between you and Valen Hess. He had a thousand questions but he knew he could trust you, and so, he smiled wearily, nodding his head in agreement to your little story.
"What's his name?" Hess inquired.
You took a deep breath, and turned to face Din. He looked at you too, his face softening as your eyes met for the very first time. You felt your heart rate slow down as you took in his appearance. You were nervous, and tensions were high, but as you looked into the Mandalorian's sparkling eyes, you felt a familiar sense of belonging. You felt complete.
"Brown eyes." you whispered, feeling the tears pool up as you tried to choke back a sob. Din smiled at you, just a small smile, but enough to make the corners of his eyes crinkle. It gave you the reassurance to know that this was all worth it.
"Well, brown eyes," Valen Hess adjusted his belt. "You troopers were both on the transport that brought in the valium, correct? The only surviving shocktroopers, might I add." he grinned, raising an eyebrow.
"Y-yeah, that was us." You answered hesitantly.
"Please, come join me for drinks. We must celebrate." Hess said, approaching the table he was originally sat at and ushering you over with an exaggerated gesture.
You and Din exchanged a look before walking over to the table and sinking down into the chair. Hess poured out two cups of caf and slid them over. Din stayed silent for most of the conversation, briefly making utterances of affirmation and nodding his head to suggest that he was indeed listening.
Although, he wasn't listening really. His mind was racing and he couldn't concentrate on anything. Although it wasn't necessarily true, he felt like every head in the room was looking at him. Staring at him. Judging him breaking his oath. Was he a failure? Was he a disgrace to the Creed? Dishonourable? A monster?
"I could blather on 'to health' or 'to success', but… tell me TK-0322, where do you come from?"
"Alderaan." you said without hesitation. Din looked at you with furrowed eyebrows, wondering why exactly you had given Hess the details of your real planet.
"Ah, I see…" Hess frowned. "Well, to Alderaan!" he grinned, raising his glass in the air.
"No." you deadpanned and Hess shot you a confused look.
"No." you repeated. "Alderaan was a peaceful planet destroyed by the Empire."
"And those on the Death Star, those who aided in the destruction of Alderaan became heroes of the Empire. I was there." he said with pride.
Din watched your face harden as your cheeks burned up with rage. "Heroes?" you croaked out. "For attacking and murdering innocents? Hundreds of thousands of people died on Alderaan. I lost my family."
"Losing the ones we love is simply part of life," Hess revealed with a sigh— and Din felt his heart shatter at his words. He stiffened up, his gaze fixating on the concrete wall as his surroundings began to faze out.
"At what cost?" you whispered. "You know, every day I think about it. I wished there was something I could do to stop it. But no, I was here, fighting for the Empire. While the Empire was out killing my people." You gritted out as tears pricked your eyes. You felt Dins hand manouver under the table and take place on your thigh, as his gloved fingers rubbed comforting circles into the thin material that covered your skin. His hand was large, fitting around your leg perfectly. He held you down, stopping your anxious shaking and you immediately calmed down. Din wasn't going to stop you, but he did want you to not let your feelings intrude on what was really happening right now. Valen Hess, however, looked mortified. You picked up the glass and forced a smile. Din copied your movement and you clinked your glass with his. "To family." you toast, and Din smiles. He smiles so wide a dimple appears in his cheek.
"To family." he confirms, thinking about his son and how close he was to getting him back.
You put the glass of caf back down on the table and quickdrew your blaster, shooting Valen Hess in the chest.
Din knew better than to question you. He took out his own pistol and helped you take down the remaining troopers and Imps in the room before you both raced out of the base.
Of course, you knew that there'd be commotion. You heard the TIE fighter engines as soon as you stepped foot outside. Din grabbed your hand, pulling you along as you both sprinted into the depths of the forest. Once deep enough, you looked up. It was dark, strings of light beaming through the gaps in the trees. But it was enough to illuminate Din. You had envisioned what Din looked like beneath his beskar helmet every single day, and now, you had your answer.
Din took one look at you. He pulled off his leather gloves, dropping them to the ground and placed his hand on your cheek. Subconsciously, you leaned into the warmth of his palm as his fingers tucked the strands of hair behind your ear. You closed your eyes, humming in delight as his bodily warmth transferred to you.
"Din, when we return to the ship you can put your helmet back on. I never saw you." you promised, your voice barely above a whisper and your eyes remaining closed.
"Cyare," Din mumbled, his heart yearning. The pad of his thumb traced your face, following the height of your cheek bones and the arch of your eyebrows and down your nose. "Open your eyes." he requested. Cautiously, you obeyed, your eyes fluttering open as you drunk in his appearance once more.
Brown stubble with a patch of grey graced the lower portion of his face. You reached out, this time your own hand cupping his cheek. Din didn't let go of you, and he let you touch him. Your finger nervously brushed over the coarse hairs and you let out a small giggle as you remembered him telling you from the Fresher room on the Razor Crest that he was going to shave. He had, and now you could see for yourself that it had started growing back.
"Do… do you like what you see?" Din asked nervously, his gaze only temporarily lifting from yours.
You nodded your head. "I do," you admitted. "You're… so handsome."
Din felt his cheeks heat up as you watched the small blush creep upon his face. You were enthralled, seeing him like this. Seeing his humanity— his emotions and expressions. You knew you loved Din, with or without the helmet— but this confirmed everything.
"May I?" Din asked, leaning into you slowly and closing his eyes. The curve of his nose bumped against yours as and the softness of his lips touched you so delicately.
You mumbled a small 'yes' and as your lips parted, Din kissed you. Soft, sweet, but passionate and with heart. You tangled your hands in his hair, tugging at it and encouraging Din to kiss you deeper and further. He done so, willingly, a groan of pleasure escaping his mouth and vibrating through your body.
He pulled away eventually, breathless and his eyes dark and glazed. "I-I…" he was speechless, looking at you with the utmost adoration. "I love you." He sighed in defeat, knowing now was a better time than any to admit his true feelings. He had to do it one day, and it just so happened to be in the depths of a forest as you hid from Imperials.
"I love you too." you exhaled shakily, thrusting forward into his arms and letting him hold you tight to his chest. He pressed a kiss into your hair.
"I love you so much." Din sobbed, his grip around you tightening like he was afraid that if he let go, you'd vanish just like Grogu did. "Please, never leave me. Please."
"I'm not going anywhere Din," you promised. "Now c’mon, let's go get Grogu."
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tarlos-spain · 2 years
I always find you
Title: A always find you
Pairing: Carlos Reyes/TK Strand
Characters: Carlos Reyes, TK Strand, Gabriel Reyes, Andrea Reyes, Owen Strand, 126 family
Summary: TK believed that his life would be perfect forever. His marriage to Carlos is almost perfect, they have three wonderful children, Carlos has made detective... everything is perfect, until the darkest part of TK's past comes back to torture him. Someone has taken Carlos, someone is sending him videos that TK will take a long time to forget.
Acknowledgments: Thanks so much to the people that have helped me to create this story. @lire-casander, for being there and helping me with the story, @morganaspendragonss the best beta reader and @chaotictarlos for these incredible edits.
Warnings: Hurt Carlos, Hurt TK, Kidnapped Carlos, Sick TK, Tortured Carlos, Drugged Carlos, Protective TK, Hospital
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Chapter 01
"I'll be there in five minutes." TK said to Carlos over the phone, as he saw the uber finally arrive.
He looked at his watch, it was late. The cab was never late; just the day they were going to have dinner with their parents to start preparing the school holidays and the damn cab was late.
Add to that the fact that Carlos never left the police station on time because he was a damn perfectionist and had to close any open cases before he went home.
They were going to be late and the consequences of leaving their parents talking alone could be terrible for the next three months.
"I'm just finishing up some paperwork, but I'll be ready when you arrive."
"I know that's not going to happen, so remember we're booked at 8. My dad will be there at 7:45 and your parents will probably arrive earlier. We'd better avoid them having too much time to talk about the kid's holidays, or when we get there they'll have it all set up and we won't be able to say two words about it."
"Don't worry, tiger. I'm sure they'll behave themselves."
"I'm not so sure but I trust you. I'll get in the cab and see you soon. Be on time please," TK repeated again as he watched the cab park in front of him.
As the vehicle stopped, TK saw that the cab driver was someone different from the usual driver and that made him hesitate for a moment.
"I'm sorry Terry is at home with Julie. Did he tell you about Julie, his five year old?"
TK nodded. The usual cabbie, Terry, usually talked about his family a lot and sometimes it seemed like TK had known them forever, even though he had never met them before.
"Oh wow, I hope it's nothing serious."
"Nah, a little gastroenteritis; you know how kids are. But he's asked me to take you home. He'll give you 10% off for your trouble."
"No, really, it's been no bother at all. But I'm used to Terry and well...my partner's a cop, I guess it makes me overthink things.
He looked at the clock, it was getting late and if he counted the time it would take Carlos to finish and leave the police station, they could still make it to the restaurant in time.
Unlike Terry who kept talking, their driver for the day, John, was a quiet guy, who only cared about the drive and getting him to his destination.
He parked in the police station parking lot. TK looked at the time, he was going to give Carlos five more minutes before literally telling him to get his ass off his desk. But he was so nervous that he decided to relax for a moment, close his eyes, and rest his head on the cab seat.
A noise made him open his eyes and it almost seemed normal to find the barrel of a gun pointed at his face. But that didn't take away the fear that John behind the gun might shoot.
"What's this all about?" TK asked, trying to sound calm.
"You'll find out in a few minutes; don't worry. All you have to do now is stay here quietly with me and don't make a fuss."
"You expect me to sit here quietly while you point your gun at me and not ask for help?"
"I know what you're going to do, if you don't want us to hurt your boyfriend."
There were few things that really made TK nervous, but someone endangering Carlos was his weakest point.
"Who are you?"
"Too bad you don't remember me and my boys."
Two men opened the back doors of the car. One grabbed TK and no matter how hard he tried to scramble he couldn't get him off him, even less so when he wrapped an arm around his neck and squeezed him to stop him from moving. The other pinned his legs against the seat and grabbed his cell phone from his pocket.
"Let's go tell your husband we're waiting. We're late for the wonderful family dinner."
"Leave Carlos alone! Leave him alone!" TK protested as they dragged him out of the car, pulling him out and leaving him lying on the ground, in between the occasional, totally unnecessary blow or two.
"He's coming."
"Great." John said. "Get into position."
"Carlos!" TK shouted, hoping his husband would hear him before he got there, that he could do something, that he'd be ready.
Keep reading AO3
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twdeadfanfic · 3 years
Vows Pt. 7
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Daryl Dixon x Reader
Series Summary:
The last battle with Negan doesn’t go as it should, with Negan coming on top, and so reader, Daryl’s girlfriend, offers herself as a wife to Negan if he doesn’t kill Daryl or anyone else. Negan accepts, he won’t kill anyone but will take reader as a wife, and he’ll take Daryl and some of the others to the Sanctuary as prisoners, promising not to hurt anyone if reader is one of his wives and the communities work for him.
This has both flashbacks to reader and Daryl’s story since meeting to now, and the present with reader living at the Sanctuary as a wife, trying to keep Daryl and their people safe, and she and the other wives dealing with Negan, plotting… (This is not a Negan x reader fic!)
Warning, there are reader and Negan scenes in this chapter, but also there’s Daryl...and not only on flashback.
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After another few days of playing nice, and you decided to go ahead and talk to Negan about the living conditions of your people. This time, you didn’t go to wait for him in his bedroom, instead, you waited for a day in which he called for you, hoping that he’d be in a good mood after it.
So, there you were now, trying to not be embarrassed about being naked, resisting the urge to cover yourself with the sheet. Negan was lying against the headboard and you shifted to straddle him, trying to summon your best seductress black widow performance, feeling less and less stupid every time that you tried.
“Look at you, wanting a second round already?” Negan teased with a  smug smirk. “Where’s that girl who’d squirm away every time I looked at her?” He chuckled and you shrugged, not knowing how to answer.
“I…I wanted to ask you something…” You began, and Negan’s smirk grew.
“So…this is not just you wanting me…tks tks…I’m disappointed,” he chuckled. “What is it, doll, more chocolate?”
“No…not, not that…it’s…” You chewed on your lip, not sure of how to word it, and Negan’s smile was gone.
���Spit it, doll.”
“I wanted to talk to you about my people…the ones you have here…” You forced yourself to speak. “You have them in those cages…”
“Yes,” Negan interrupted you. “Alive and non tortured, as you asked.”
“I know, I know, and  I’m very grateful, you gave me everything I asked for.” You almost gagged at your own words. “But those cages…being all day inside those, the darkness, no fresh air, for weeks…it feels almost like torture.
“No. Torture would be blasting music so they don’t sleep and beating them from time to time,” Negan stated as nothing, and you were running out of ideas.
“I know…but still…can’t you…can’t you let them out, even if just for an hour? So they can see light and breath?”
Negan blinked at you. “Absolutely fucking not…you are not really asking me that, are yo,u doll?” He sounded dangerous, but it didn’t intimidate you, and you tried your best pout.
“I am…I’m not saying to let them go, or have them all day outside the cage, just an hour ?” You tried pouting again. “You say that people are resources…Rick and the others, they’re resources, but you are wasting them unused. Let them out for an hour while you have them working for you. You had a good eye, got some of the most resourceful, Rosita is incredible with bombs and stuff like that, she can build you an arsenal...”
“Last time I got someone of yours working on my weapons, they made bullets explode in my men’s hands, doll…”
“That won’t happen again, they learned their lesson,” you tried to assure him, and Negan just looked at you in silence for once. “Please, Negan, please.” You pouted again.
Negan kept looking at you, studying you, and you were getting anxious, but then he smirked,  looking you up and down, and you tried once again not to be embarrassed by your nakedness.
“Okay, doll, you ask, I give,” he chuckled, her smug smirk growing. “They can leave the cell from time to time, just one at a time, get some work done, with my guys watching over them, ready to shoot them if they try something.”
You forced yourself to grin, wrapping your arms around him to hug him briefly, somehow you hated the hugs more than the kisses and even the sex, but you try to use everything to your advantage.
“Thank you, thank you!” You peck his lips, trying to sound so sweet that you feel your teeth rotting.
Negan chuckled and reached to cup your face. “Not so fast, darling…” He said with that dark smile and you froze, wondering if he’d tricked you and what was he going to do. “I want something in exchange.”
“What?” You asked with dread, trying not to sound scared, and Negan’s smile grew.
“Tell me that you love me.”
“What?” You blinked at him
“Tell me that you love me,” he repeated with that smug, yet menacing grin. “I don’t know…I can see you’ve been thinking about your friends a lot, yeah? That includes Daryl, uh? Sure you have…” He chuckled. “It kind of feels like you still love him too much…” Seriously? Did he expect you not to? “But…what about me?” You just blinked at Negan, unable to find words. Did he really expect you to love him or just to pretend it? “Don’t you love me?”
“I…” You knew he wanted you to say it, but it felt so wrong. “I love you like Amber loves you.” It’s a way of saying it that it’s not a lie.
Negan chuckled, seeming amused. “Good try, doll. Do you want your friends to leave those shit holes?” He asked and you nodded. “Then fucking say it, say I love you, Negan.”
It tasted like ashes in your mouth, but you spat it out. “I love you, Negan.”
His smirk grew as he looked at you. “Again, with a little bit more of feeling? Come on…because you mean it, right?”
You grit your teeth, resisting the urge to spit at him. “I love you.”
Negan’s dark smile went wider. “Better. Again.”
“I love you.”
“Good girl...Now come here…” Negan grabbed your hips, moving you off him and dropping you onto your back, and you tried to think that at least you had won your friends some sunlight and fresh air…
Later that day, you were in your room, sat down on the bed against the headboard, hugging Daryl’s shirt to you, inhaling the scent that almost wasn’t there anymore.
You couldn’t believe that you had said to Negan that you loved him, even if it was a lie, even if you didn’t mean it…you couldn’t believe that he wanted you to say it even if he had to know it was a lie, no matter his ego, and he wanted you to sound genuine…But when finally you were allowed to leave his room, he’d told you that starting tomorrow, Daryl and the others could go out the cages from time to time, so it was worthy…
It was so different from that first time you told Daryl that you loved him, when you meant every word, with a love stronger and fiercer than you’d ever felt before…
The Greene’s farm, your heaven-sent safe place, had fallen the night before under a sea of walkers in which had been the most terrifying moment of your life, riding behind Daryl on his bike, holding tight to him, burying your face in his back while monsters snapped and reached for you both every where, until you managed to reach the intersection and find the others…the ones who hadn’t died, at least.
Now, it was night again, and you all were camped in the middle of nowhere. You were sat down on the ground between Daryl’s legs, lying against his chest, and he’d an arm around you while the other held his crossbow, looking around while he kept watch.
You glanced at Rick, doing the same at the other side of the camp, and then looked at Daryl. “Hey…you really think that we can trust him?” You nodded towards Rick. “All that stuff he said before…I don’t know, Daryl, he sounded kind of dangerous…”
“Nah, Rick’s a good guy,” Daryl assured you. “Just…he got like that ‘cause all the shit that’s goin’ on…but we can trust him, we’ll be good if we stick with him.”
It was almost funny, to hear Daryl speak like that about Rick, holding him with such regard, considering how much he’d hated him not that long ago. “Okay.” You nodded. “I don’t know if I trust Rick…but I trust you.”
Daryl didn’t say anything, but his arm tightened around you and he nuzzled your hair before kissing your temple. You smiled, he could be so sweet and caring sometimes, and he slowly was letting himself show that side more and more…you loved it…and you loved him, with so much force…
“Daryl…” You looked at him again. “I love you.”
Daryl didn’t say anything, just looked at you, but you didn’t miss the emotion in his eyes, and then he dropped his head to nuzzle your neck, placing a soft kiss on your skin and burying his face on the crook of your shoulder. He stayed like that, not pulling back, and you chuckled, it melted your heart a bit. You kissed the top of his head and began to stroke the hair at the back of his neck. You didn’t think much of Daryl not saying I love you back, he showed you in his way, and you knew it’d take him time to say it with words, you weren’t going to push him.
Several months later, you were laying down on your back over the grass of the prison fence that you had managed to clear of walkers, and you smiled, looking at the stars. You were safe behind fences, and tomorrow, you’d make sure you had walls too.
Everyone was already asleep, or trying, besides Daryl and Rick, who were taking watch around the perimeter. Eventually, you fell asleep, and you woke up some hours later, when you felt Daryl lying down next to you, his shift having ended, now time for T-Dog’s.
“’night…” You whispered and Daryl just hummed, throwing an arm over you and pillowing his head on your chest. You smiled, kissing the top of his head and wrapping an arm around him, stroking his hair with your other hand. You had almost fallen asleep again when you felt Daryl muttering something against your neck, but it was so quiet and muffled that you couldn’t quite catch it. “What?”
For a moment, Daryl didn’t say anything, and you thought he might have been talking in his sleep, but then he pulled back slightly to whisper again, “I love you.”
A warm, fuzzy feeling spread through you at Daryl’s words, and you almost giggled, giddy. “I love you too,” you whispered back, holding Daryl tighter to you. “So much that I can’t even explain it…”
You lied on your bed at the Sanctuary, holding Daryl’s shirt to you too, trying not to cry on it, afraid that it’d make the scent disappear even more, and you tried to sleep…
The next day, Negan came looking for you, and you were going to head for his bedroom, but instead he took you outside the wive’s room, leading you through the Sanctuary and outside, pointing to you stuff here and there as he gloated about the place.
“I told you I’d let your dear friends outside, doll…and today is Rick’s day.” Negan gave you that dark grin as he walked you outside, and then he waved towards the fences.
You saw Rick there, forced to work with some other people, a couple of saviors not far from them, watching over them, making sure they worked and stayed in line. They were reinforcing the fences and also moving walkers here and there, using them as protection for the fences too. It seemed dangerous, with the walkers snapping to them, and you felt uneasy with Rick working there.
“Isn’t that dangerous? They could get bitten…” You said, looking from Rick to Negan, who kept smirking darkly at you.
“I’m sure Ricky boy can handle himself,” Negan said, patting your cheek. “You wanted him outside the cage, right?”
“Yeah…” But not at risk of getting bitten…but if he kept staying in a dark cell day after day, that couldn’t be good either…you didn’t know what to think.
“You got it.” Negan grinned. “And not even a thank you?”
You stopped yourself from rolling your eyes. “Thank you, Negan,” you forced yourself to say.
You looked at Rick, he had spotted you now from the distance, and you arched your eyebrows at him, trying to silently ask him if he was okay. He nodded and did the same to you, and you nodded too. It was something, you guessed…
The next day, you didn’t get to see her, but you knew that it was Rosita’s turn to go out of the cage and get some air and sunlight, though you didn’t know how much sunlight , since Negan told you that he had her working checking and putting together explosives and bombs, since you had told him she was good at that. You kind of wondered if Rosita might not go ahead and try to blow up the Sanctuary with all of you included…
You wondered, too, when it’d be Daryl’s turn to get out of the cell. You didn’t ask, though, the less you talked to Negan about Daryl, the better, you were sure of that, and even if you wanted to see Daryl, check how he was, you thought that it’d be better if Daryl didn’t see you. You knew it’d hurt him, and you didn’t want him to have to worry about you, he had enough, you were faring better than him, and you didn’t want him to have to see you with Negan, afraid that he’d try to taunt Daryl or anything like that.
In a couple of days, though, your wishes were crushed, when Negan toured you around the Sanctuary again, and as you got closer and closer to an open door, you realized that there were the bathrooms, and Daryl was inside mopping, a savior near him with a gun pointed to him.
You stopped and began to backtrack, even though you saw that Daryl’s eyes had found you already, but Negan grabbed your arm hard and didn’t let you move away.
“I want to go back, please,” you told him, trying to turn around. “Thanks for the walk but I want to go back now.”
“But I don’t want to.” Negan smiled darkly at you, and then he pushed you in front of him, placing his hand on your neck to push you forward and make you walk to the bathrooms.
“Negan, please, I don’t want to,” you tried again, trying to resist and squirm from his grasp, but Negan kept walking you forward…this couldn’t be good, he wouldn’t have brought you there if he didn’t want to rail up Daryl in any way…what if he began telling him what you and he did night in, night out…
You were about to struggle again, but you noticed the shift in Daryl’s eyes and stopped, realizing that he thought Negan was hurting you. You were about to shake your head, try to reassure him, Negan didn’t hurt you physically and you knew neither was now his intention, he just wanted to take the piss at Daryl and you, but it was too late.
Daryl threw the mope to the ground with a growl, and he tried to go to you, but the savior holding him at gunpoint kicked the butt of his rifle against his head, and then pointed it to his head. You were so scared that he was about to shoot Daryl, your heart seemed to stop beating.
“No! Stop!” You didn’t know if you were yelling to the savior or to Daryl, but the savior didn’t shoot, just kept pressing the riffle to Daryl’s head, and so you called for him. “Daryl! Stop! I’m okay, stop!” You could see Daryl shaking in rage, but he stopped trying to do anything, so you turned to look at Negan. “Do something!”
“What? Do I tell my savior to shoot?” Negan grinned at you and you glared at him. “I’m kidding, sweetheart…Alan! Get Daryl back to his cage.” The savior nodded, pushing Daryl with the riffle to make him turn around and face Negan, who was blocking the corridor, you next to him.  
Negan looked at you and grinned again. “I must say, I’m fucking impressed, doll…the way you yelled at them? And they listened and stopped…fucking impressive, darling….wasn’t it, Alan?” Negan asked, and the savior nodded curtly. “Maybe I should change your job, have you out here, giving orders, keeping everyone in line.” Negan joked, and you shrugged, uncomfortable. “But no…I enjoy you way more in the bedroom.” Negan chuckled and kissed you, grasping your chin and holding your face in place so you couldn’t pull back, even if you hated that he was kissing you in front of Daryl.
When Negan pulled back, he chuckled as he looked at your face, before turning to the savior and Daryl again. “Now…this shit can’t happen again, are we clear? Or the next time, my guys will blow up your head, okay?” Negan said, but Daryl didn’t say anything, and the savior nodded curtly again.
You knew the threat was real, and you looked at Daryl with begging eyes, asking him to play along, so he wouldn’t get hurt or killed.
“It won’t happen again, he thought, he…” You didn’t know if it was a good idea to say that Daryl’d thought that Negan was hurting you, he took such pride in boasting about how good he treated his spoiled wives...
“What?” Negan looked at Daryl again. “What did you think, doggy Daryl, uh?” He smirked darkly, but Daryl just shook in rage, silent. “That I’m shagging your ex-girl every night? That you wanted to rip my throat open with your bare teeth like the dog you are? Yeah…I know.” Negan chuckled.
You didn’t like where this was going, and you were scared that Daryl might snap at any moment and he’d be shot, so you reached to held Negan’s arm, trying to get his attention. “He got it, okay? Can we go back to the room?”
“Oh, you’re eager today, aren’t you?” Negan chuckled, grabbing your chin and kissing your lips again. “Sure, doll…maybe if we get at it all night long I’ll change my mind about not letting Daryl leave his cage to clean our bathrooms and eat something that’s not dog food anymore after his little outburst here.”
Negan chuckled again, kissing you once more, and you let him do it even if you hated it as much as his words.
“Okay…Alan,” Negan called for the savior, though he was still looking at you. “Get the dog back to his kennel and bring Ezekiel to finish what Daryl didn’t…I’m gonna go fuck my wife.”
You didn’t say anything, didn’t dare to look at Daryl. Negan reached to grab your neck again, turning you around and pushing at you to walk in front of him, and you let him. Negan was demanding and possessive, but he’d never touched you or any of the others in that way, as far as you were aware, so you guessed that he was putting on even more of a show for Daryl, trying to rail him up.
You hated it…the last thing that Daryl needed was to think that Negan was hurting you in any way. You knew him, he’d worry, beat himself about it, drive himself crazy, when in reality, you weren’t doing that bad, you could endure sleeping with Negan, you had learned to, it kept your people safe, and your living conditions were way better than much others at the Sanctuary…but you had no way to let Daryl know that, not with Negan deciding to be even more of a prick just to get a reaction out of Daryl…
Negan did get a reaction out of Daryl, in an even worse way that you could have imagined, but you were oblivious to it all, sheltered in the wive’s room, with no idea of what was going on outside, until a couple of days later, when Negan stormed into the wives room.
Negan’s voice boomed as he called for you, and you paled as you heard it, knowing instantly that something was wrong, he never yelled like that to his wives when you all were pleasant to him. When you rushed to him, your anxiety and fear got even worse when you saw he was holding his bat.
“You know what your feral, dumb, dog did!?” He yelled at you…Daryl, something must have happened with Daryl… oh no…you were terrified but you managed to shake your head.
“He pretended to be dead when one of my saviors opened his cage, an idiot it seems, because he decided to check if your rabid dog was dead! And he wasn’t’! He grabbed the guy, bashed his head against the wall like the feral bitch he is! They found him trying to sneak in here, that stupid dog, as if he would have been able.”
Oh no…oh no…this was bad…it was getting harder to breathe as you panicked more and more… Daryl had tried to come for you, he must have really thought that you were being mistreated and abused…there was no way he wouldn’t try to go to you if he thought that…and for that he’d hurt a savior, maybe killed him, and escaped his cage…this was bad…you should have tried better to assure Daryl that you were okay, a note, something… now it was too late.
“Did you…” You tried to force words out of your mouth. “Did you kill him?”
Negan scoffed. “That’s all you care about, of course…” He grabbed your chin, making you look at him, and for a moment you thought he might bash Lucille in your head no matter you were a wife. “What if I did? He’s nothing to you now. You’re mine.”
“We have a deal…not killing him, not torturing him,” you found the courage to say.
Negan chuckled, letting go of your face. “You’re bringing up that shit now? You’re something else, doll…that deal goes to hell the moment someone pulls the shit that the stupid dog did…but it stands for your other friends…unless you wanna leave?”
You shook your head at that, you knew that right at that moment, Negan was a step away from just going ahead and killing everyone else of your friends in their cages…but no, they were resources, they kept the people back at home in their toes…you wouldn’t let Negan blackmail you with that…Daryl’d be the only one he’d kill…
“So did you kill him or not?” You asked even if you were scared of the answer.
“No,” Negan said, but the look in his eyes stopped you from being relieved. “Not yet. Not fast. But I’m going to…and you’re going to watch in the first row!” Negan grabbed your arm. “Also, all of you.” He waved the bat around, talking to the other wives. “You’re coming too, I spoiled you all too much, you need to remember what happens if someone crosses me like this. I want everyone in the Sanctuary to watch this.”
With that, he tugged at you, dragging you with him, and you knew better than to try to resist.
Well...shit happened.
If you enjoyed this, comments and reblogs are always more than welcome, thanks.
Also, as always, excuse my English, it’s not my first language.
New taglist for Daryl,I trimmed it, if you want to be tagged let me know and also, please, if you are not interested in being tagged anymore let me know too
@coffeebooksandfandom​  @gruffle1  @yenne-yen-illustrations  @sourwolf-sterek32  @lonewolf471​  @daryldixonandfrogs​    @collecting-stories​ @princessxpunk​    @smiithys​    @captainbuckyboobear​   @dazzledamazon​   @spidergirla5​ @lilythemadqueen​ @lightning-butterfly​ @purplebtsmagic​  @courtnytrash04​       @seizethesam​    @fuseburner​ @phoenixblack89​  @boywivlove​  @amaroho​ @woundmetender​  @classyunknownlover​ @tenderlyunlikelyexpert​ @kaitieskidmore1​ @sttrawberries​ @huffledor-able541​ @browneyes528​ @soraitmnt​  @thereshallbenoother​ @leej2468​  @heartlessmarvello​  @redneckstrash​ @bitchynicole​   @supernatural79impala​     @thiccblondeliv​ @maggie-l-m​ @baseballbitch116​ @sweatywildpanda​ @theteaset​  @amaroho​ @my-current-fandom-is​   @whitexwingedxdoves​ @nickangel13​ @oceans-daughter-3​  @tuttifuckinfruttifriday​
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kirausamaria · 3 years
I got you all for myself (Stolitz fanfic).
Another silly and fluffy Stolitz’ tk fanfic I wrote. Hope some other better fanfic writers will write their owns because my brain is getting dry  XD. Cheers!
Usually Blitzo would have sex with Stolas until dawn. It was kind of amazing that both of them could last that long, but after waiting for a whole month for their next encounter it was kind of expected that they were so sexually charged.
Blitzo had been thinking about talking with Stolas about meeting more often at night, but he was kind of hesitant to do so. He didn’t want to look too needy, or look vulnerable in front of him. His heart wasn’t completely opened to Stolas yet, but he recognized he enjoyed their time together.
‘Are you going to untie me now darling?’, Stolas asked with a flirty tone. His wrists were still tied to the higher part of the bed, allowing him to stay seated but unable to put his arms down.
‘Not yet. I plan to finish up my cigarette’, Blitzo replied while smoking on the other side of the bed. ‘I won’t give you any this time’, showing Stolas his tongue jokingly.
‘Or perhaps’, Stolas said, ‘you enjoy looking at me like this, am I wrong Blitzy?’. He smiled at Blitzo, making him cough because of the sudden statement.
‘God damnit Stolas! Do you want me to cause a fuc*ing fire over here? I almost let the cigarette fall on the bed!’
‘Well, is that a yes, then?’ Stolas continued with his teasing.
‘Could you stop with all that crap already?’, Blitzo answered while poking Stolas’ side several times, making him giggle. ‘You won’t want to keep bothering me while still being tied like that’.
‘And what if I keep going Blitzy? Am I making you blush?’ Stolas winked at him in a sexy way, predicting what it would happen if he did.
‘Ok, I warned you, time for you to be punished for being such an annoying bird!’ Blitzo put the cigarette down, sat behind Stolas and started scratching his ribs.
‘Ahahahaha!, Blitzy, please, hahaha!’
‘Don’t give me that sh*t now! You started this, now suck it up!’
‘Both my hands are tied up! This isn’t fair, hehehe!’
‘Maybe, but I enjoy torturing you so who cares?’
Blitzo then started tickling Stolas’ underarms, making him squirm frantically and trying to get away, but he could only lift on his legs a little on the bed.
‘Ahahahaha! Not there! I’m begging you!’
‘You can’t tell me what to do, even as a Prince! I can do anything I want to you’, Blitzo said while smiling mischievously at him. ‘What about this, I will tickle you on your favorite spot so you’ll stop complaining, what do you think?’.
‘Oh no, nohohohoho!’, Stolas answered between giggles as Blitzo’s wiggling claws were getting closer and closer to his neck. Blitzo knew this kind of teasing was making him laugh more. Stolas just prepared for the attack, closing his eyes and trying to cover his neck with his arms while snickering.
When Blitzo’s claws touched his neck, Stolas let out a very loud squeal followed by cute giggles. Blitzo wasn’t wrong, Stolas neck was really sensitive and even when being kissed and nibbled there was unbearably ticklish for him, he would enjoy every second of it, as he never tried to put Blitzo away and still exposed his neck to him while getting on.
‘Ahahaha! No! Stahahahahap! Dohohohon’t use your claws! Just use your lips as you always dohohoho!’.
‘My lips, huh?’, Blitzo said while smiling at the cute owl prince. ‘Can’t see why not. Well, you asked for it!’. Blitzo then proceeded to get close to Stolas neck for what seemed to be a kiss, but ended up being a strong and loud raspberry  on the crook of his neck.
‘NOHOHOHO! AHAHAHAHA! Not like that! It 's too much!’
‘Sorry, still not done!’. Blitzo then blew up a raspberry on the other side of his neck, while nuzzling on his feathers in order to make the tickling stronger.
‘AHAHAHAHA! *hic*, AHAHAHA! Pleaseee, I can’t take it!’
‘Oh, don’t come up to me with that sh*t!  You can get away from this whenever you want to! Who’d believe such a powerful royalty demon could be converted into a puddle of giggles so easily!’
Blitzo wasn’t wrong. Stolas was a very strong demon who could easily beat almost anyone without any effort, but being dominated by his beloved top imp Blitzo was too tempting for him to run away from, and being tickled silly from time to time wasn’t that bad. Stolas not trying to untie himself and letting Blitzo to do as he pleased was really a big sign of trust.
‘AHAHAHA *hoot*, HAHAHAHA! *hoot* *hic*’
‘Ha, you have started with the hooting, haven’t you? God, what would your enemies do to you if they knew you are this ticklish? You would be so done!’,Blitzo then hugged Stolas’ waist with his legs from behind in order to restrain him even more and drilled his fingers into his ribs.
Stolas started squirming harder, melting into laughter to the point of tearing up. Blitzo then scratched an underarm with one claw and the neck with the other. It was then when Stolas started begging for real.
‘Alright alright, I’ll stop. Hope you learned your lesson!’ Blitzo got down from Stolas and untied him. Stolas just let himself fall completely into the bed still giggling and cleaning up his tears with the bedsheets.
‘Hehehehe *hic*, oh my, that was a little too much Blitzy! I’m crying now!’
‘As you deserve it! I would make you suffer for much longer but I got tired of listening to your cute owl voice so I’d rather forgive you this time’.
Stolas suddenly stopped giggling.
         ‘What what?’
‘What did you just say?’
         ‘About what?’
        ‘Do you think my voice is cute?’
Blitzo just then realized what he had said, and of course he tried to deny it.
‘What? I didn’t! Why would I say that?!’
‘That’s exactly what you just said!’
‘That’s not true, F off!’
Stolas then hugged him from behind then and softly whispered on Blitzo’s ear:
‘Please Blitzy, let me hear it...tell me you love my voice’.
Blitzo shuddered from the tingling sensations entering his ear, he squirmed trying to escape Stolas’ teasing.
‘You jerk! Let me go!’
‘Why? Is this making you blush? Does my voice fluster you that much?’, Stolas said while giggling.
‘Shut up! That’s not it!’, Blitzo replied. He didn’t want Stolas to realize how flustered he was. Also, Stolas’ soft voice was too close to him, to the point of tickling him. He tried to avoid any giggling but it was hard to achieve with his cute boyfriend teasing him.
‘Don’t you love when I’m this close to you like this?’,Stolas continued, now kissing the nape of Blitzo’s neck. That was the final straw: Blitzo left some giggles come out and that just made Stolas more enthusiastic about teasing him.
‘Please, Stolas! Stop! It feels weihihihird!’
‘Oh, is my cute little imp’s neck ticklish too? You’re so adorable!’ Stolas knew that teasing Blitzo messed up with him more than he would ever admit, so he just kept going until he was able to make him confess.
‘Are both my voice and kisses making you melt Blitzy? Oh, you’re so giggly and blushy right now’.
‘Shuhuhuhut up! Just stop already!’ Blitzo wasn’t yelling in anger or anything, he was just laughing at this point, so he wasn’t intimidating at all. Then Stolas tried something else to break him: he started caressing Blitzo’s ribs with his claws just enough to be ticklish. Blitzo doubled the efforts to escape.
‘Nohohoho! Not the ribs!’
‘Why is that? I know here is your favorite tickle spot Blitzy, you laugh your heart out every time’, Stolas said, still whispering in his ear.
‘That’s not truhuhuhue! Stahahahahap, it tickles!’
‘What if I tell you I can make you more ticklish than this?’, Stolas replied in a flirty way. Then he moved Blitzo on a way half of his body was out the bed and hanging, while pinning his legs so he couldn’t stand up and reach him with his arms because of gravity. Blitzo started begging while giggling nervously.
‘Dohohon’t you dare Stolas!’
‘You know what you need to say to make it stop, darling’.
Then the torture began: Stolas started tickling Blitzo’s torso from the waist down to his ribs. Sometimes he would scratch, other times he would dig his claws on him. Blitzo couldn’t lift his arms high enough to stop it.
‘Of course not, I would never do anything to hurt you my cute Blitzy. I just love you so much!’,Stolas cooed while scratching his underarms.
‘YOU F***ING A**HOLE! JUST WAIHIHIHIT UNTIL I’M FREE!’, Blitzo let out a scream followed by a loud laugh. Tears started to form in his eyes.
‘Oh, but you’re not free now, I got you all for myself sweetie’, Stolas replied while his fingers scattered on Blitzo’s full torso.
‘Just repeat what you said and I’ll stop’, Stolas answered  and started nibbling and munching on Blitzo's side while still using his hands on his neck and one of his underarms. ‘Will you please say it for me?’
Stolas finally stopped. Blitzo was so exhausted he was unable to get up by himself so Stolas lifted him up, put him on his lap and hugged him while was still catching up his breath and giggling.
‘That’s one of the sweetest things you have ever said to me!’, Stolas said while squeezing the living hell out of Blitzo.
‘Please let me breathe, I’m about to pass out!’
‘Oh, sorry, did I go a little too far?’, Stolas said in an innocent tone  while trying to hold up his laughter for watching Blitzo so flustered and tired to the point of not fighting his hug.
‘You know what you were doing you jerk! God damnit, I’m crying too’.
Stolas covered him in a softer embrace and whispered to him: ‘I love you so much Blitzy’. Blitzo’s face got red, but he didn’t give any smart a*s comeback, he just slowly put his arms around Stolas’ waist. They stayed like this in silence for a whole minute.
‘Hey, do you want to go out somewhere and get some coffee? It’s a nice day to go outside and the leaves are already changing color’, Stolas said while caressing Blitzo’s cheeks with his hands.
‘Alright, but if you try to tickle me in public you’ll go literally thought hell when we go back home, I warn you’.
‘Understood’, Stolas replied while rubbing his cheek on Blitzo’s face, making him blush more.
Thanks for reading my dumb fanfic. Feel free to give me tip if you want on streamlabs. www.streamlabs.com/tip/kirausamaria
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morganaspendragonss · 3 years
this is not a temporary love
Dinner is growing cold on the sideboard and TK seems to be halfway through what must be his hundredth apology when his phone pings, drawing everyone’s attention.
“He’s not coming,” TK says flatly, not looking up at them. “He says he’s sorry, and he’ll make it up to us.”
title from temporary love by ben platt
ao3 | 1.4k | 2.11 spoilers
The dinner is growing cold on the sideboard, where his mom had insisted it be left until Owen shows up, and TK’s glances towards the door are growing less and less subtle. Carlos is trying to stay calm and keep things from turning sour, but there’s a slow anger pulsing through his veins, getting stronger the more time ticks on.
Tonight is so important for them - for Carlos, especially, because being able to host a dinner with his boyfriend and their parents had seemed like a faraway dream for so much of his life. He’s been so afraid of everything going wrong, and Owen’s tardiness is doing nothing to assuage his fear, particularly as he knows Owen hates being late.
He sighs and tries to tune back into the conversation, placing a hand on TK’s knee, which has started to bounce underneath the table. TK seems to be halfway through what must be his hundredth apology when his phone pings, drawing everyone’s attention.
Carlos watches with bated breath as his boyfriend practically sprints to grab his phone, his heart sinking at the way his face twists as he reads the message.
“He’s not coming,” TK says flatly, not looking up at them. “He says he’s sorry, and he’ll make it up to us.”
“Did he say why?” Carlos asks. TK wordlessly shakes his head, before he’s distracted by another message, and his expression changes to one of panic. Carlos rises, taking two steps towards his boyfriend. “Babe?”
TK chews on his lip, gripping his phone tight in his hands. “He- He said his lungs are causing him some trouble. I don’t… Carlos, I…”
He shakes his head again and Carlos walks over, taking his hands in his own. He tilts his head to catch TK’s eye, dropping his voice so it stays between the two of them, very aware that his parents are watching everything unfold. 
“He’s okay, TK. If something were really wrong, he would have called, not texted.”
“You’ve met my dad, right?”
Carlos grimaces; TK has a point. “So you call him, then,” he suggests instead. “I’ll get dinner on the table and you can check up on him, then we’ll go from there if you’re still worried. I’m sure it’ll be okay, though.”
TK hesitates a moment, then nods, flashing Carlos a small smile. “Thanks.”
Carlos smiles back, squeezing TK’s hands once before heading back to his parents. 
“¿Está todo bien, mijo?” his mom asks, sending a worried glance in TK’s direction. Her concern for him sets off something warm in Carlos’s chest - this is another thing he never thought he’d get to have, and it still feels surreal, even now.
“Sí, sí,” he responds. “Owen had surgery this week and he’s not feeling well so it’ll be just us tonight. I’m just going to get dinner sorted and then we can start.”
“Te ayudaré,” his mom declares, and Carlos is powerless to stop her as she accompanies him into his kitchen. Not that he wants to really; he’s missed cooking alongside her more than he realised and her presence and support is a comfort right now. It all feels so natural, and it’s almost enough to draw his mind away from Owen’s glaring absence and TK’s worried murmurs in the background. 
Almost, but he can’t help but sneak glances behind him to try and gauge the situation. TK has started pacing and his lip is probably bleeding from how hard he seems to be biting down on it, but it doesn’t look like he’s actively freaking out, so Carlos takes it as a sign that nothing’s badly wrong. He sighs in relief, startled when a hand lands on his arm. He looks over to his mom, who smiles gently at him before, without warning, shoving plates into his hands.
It’s so normal that Carlos could laugh. Or cry. Possibly both.
She swats at him in a good-natured gesture to get moving. “Go on,” she says. “I fear your father will start eating the tableware if we don’t feed him soon.”
Carlos laughs and heads over to the table, seeing TK doing the same. He raises his eyebrows at him but TK just shakes his head, an unreadable expression on his face as he drops into his seat. A second later, the charming smile from before is back on his face, bright enough that it’ll probably fool his parents for the rest of the evening.
But not Carlos. He can see the tightness in TK’s expression and he files it away for later, to bring up when his parents are gone and they no longer have an audience. For now, though, he’ll just have to content himself with being by TK’s side, a silent show of support.
Any nerves Carlos might have had about the evening are gone by the time his parents leave. Dinner went smoother than he could have ever imagined, his mom even managing to extract TK’s full name from him despite Carlos’s exasperated requests for her to leave it be.
“What?” she’d asked, rolling her eyes at him. “I’m curious.”
TK had laughed, stopping Carlos before he could protest again. “It’s okay,” he’d said, before turning to his mother. “It’s Tyler Kennedy, but I’d really prefer it if you just called me TK, Mrs Reyes.”
“In that case, I’d really prefer it if you called me Andrea, TK.”
Carlos still half feels like he’s dreaming, especially when his mom whispers in his ear when she hugs him, “I really like him, mijo.”
His dad is more taciturn, but he still gives Carlos an approving smile and nod - which, when it comes to his dad, is everything. Carlos can’t get his grin off his face as he lets them out, turning to TK as soon as the door shuts behind them.
“That went well, right?”
Except, now that they’re alone, TK’s façade has dropped, his shoulders slumping heavily. He still manages a smile, but it doesn’t reach his eyes, his voice sounding incredibly tired as he says, “Yeah. I really enjoyed it, babe. I’m beat, though; do you mind if I just go to bed once we’ve cleared up?”
“Of course not,” Carlos replies, his worry spiking. “Everything okay?”
He nods, and Carlos knows it would do no good to call out the lie right now. They clean up the room in silence, TK stacking the dishwasher and rinsing the glasses while Carlos wipes down the table and surfaces.
TK kisses his cheek briefly before trudging upstairs. Carlos waits a few moments, straightening things that weren’t really out of place to begin with so that TK can have some time alone, then follows his boyfriend to their bedroom, leaning in the doorway. TK is sitting on the edge of the bed, head braced in his hands, but he slowly raises his gaze to Carlos’s, his heart breaking at the despair in them.
Carlos immediately goes to him, allowing him to slump into him. He rubs his hand up and down his arm in a soothing motion and waits.
“My dad’s hiding something from me,” TK eventually mumbles, a surprising bitterness in his tone. “Again.”
“Why do you say that? Do you think he was lying about not feeling well tonight.”
TK shakes his head. “He sounded a bit hoarse on the phone,” he allows, “but it was more than that. I can’t really explain it, but I’m sure there was something he wasn’t telling me and I don’t know how to get him to talk about it.”
“It could be nothing,” Carlos suggests, not really believing himself even as he says it.
“Yeah, right,” TK scoffs. He sighs heavily, extracting himself from Carlos’s arms to flop back on the bed. “I thought we were past this. I thought we’d finally gotten through to him.”
“These things take time, babe,” he says, smiling ruefully. “We can’t expect things to change overnight.”
TK sighs again. “I know,” he says quietly. A few beats of silence pass, then he sits up suddenly, grabbing Carlos’s arm to steady himself. “I’m sorry, I’m making this all about me again.”
“No -”
“Carlos.” TK grins, though there’s still something wan behind it. “I really did enjoy tonight. Your parents are great.”
Carlos can’t help but smile back, leaning in to kiss his boyfriend. “They like you too, you know. I expect you’ll be getting an invite to Tía Lucy’s soon.”
A brief look of terror crosses TK’s face, but Carlos kisses it away, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. They fall back onto the bed together, foreheads pressed together, and Carlos allows himself this moment to breathe.
For the first time in over a decade, a weight lifts from his chest, and he knows everything will be okay.
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patagucci34 · 4 years
All Three ~ Nolan Patrick
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A/N: this is based on the song All Three by Noah Cyrus. Also i have no idea what it’s like to have migraines and I obviously don’t know how it was for Nolan either, my depiction in this is just what I thought would fit with the story.
Warnings: mentions of sex, swearing, verbal fights, playful arguing
Word count: 6.9k
Nolan Patrick…your best friend, your lover, your kryptonite.
It's the classic friends with benefits scenario…you met when he came to Philly and the rest is history. Your cousin, Meg had been dating Travis Sanheim and she always dragged you along to outings so you had become pretty familiar with the Flyers.
The night you met Nolan you knew you were in for it. You had walked into Scott's apartment trailing behind Meg and Travis and you immediately locked eyes with an unfamiliar face across the room. He immediately blushed and his mouth twitched up a bit in an attempt at a smile. You gave him a small smile back and then were interrupted by a few of the guys giving you hugs.
You were intrigued by the guy across the room, you figured he was a rookie, a super cute rookie, and you really wanted to meet him. It was a little while before you finally did, you wandered into the kitchen with your cousin to grab a drink and then of course you caught up in conversation. But finally, halfway through the night you were being introduced.
"Nolan, Travis, this is y/n, y/n, this Nolan and Travis." Ghosty introduced you to the two rookies. You shook their hands and greeted them sweetly. "It's nice to meet you!"
"It's nice to meet you too." The shorter of the two, Travis, greeted. "So how do you fit in with the mix here?"
"My cousin is dating Travis Sanheim and they drag me along to things like these."
"Oh, sweet. Do you go to school here?"
"Yeah, I'm a sophomore at UPenn."
"Wow, don't you have to be like really smart to go there?"
You blushed at Travis' question. Although you had worked super hard to get into UPenn, you hated when people would make a big deal about it. And you never knew how to answer this question without sounding like an asshole. "Um, I mean I guess so…you have to get good grades and be involved in a lot."
"So, probably no chance for me?" Travis joked.
You giggled and shook your head looking over at Nolan who had been pretty quiet the whole conversation. His cheeks flushed a bit more when you looked at him and he realized that he should probably say something. "What are you studying?"
Your breath hitched upon hearing Nolan's voice. It was deep and a bit raspy and you were even more intrigued. "Environmental Studies." You answered with a small smile.
"Cool, so you like the outdoors?" Travis asked.
"Yeah, I've always lived in the city, but I like to get out whenever I can and go camping and hike and stuff."
Nolan immediately knew that he wanted to get to know her more. He was happy that she said she came to stuff like this a lot and he'd have the opportunity to hang out with her.
 Meg came barreling into the three of you, grabbing your arm to pull you towards the pong table.
"Sorry boys, she's needed for beer pong!!" She called over her shoulder and you shot them an apologetic smile as she dragged you across the room.
 You and Meg dominated, as always, so you were occupied with beer pong for quite some time. But once you finally got knocked out, you looked around for Nolan because you really wanted to talk to him again. You spotted him in walking towards the kitchen so you decided to follow.
 He sensed a presence behind him and smiled when he turned and saw that it was you.
"Beer?" He asked holding a bottle out for you.
You nodded and took it from his hand, "thank you."
He grabbed one for himself and leaned against the counter. "You're quite the player."
You smirked at his compliment, "yeah, we're not all total nerds at UPenn, I've had my practice."
"So, are you from Philly?" He asked after a few moments of silence.
"Yup, born and raised…"
"You say that like it's a bad thing…"
"I love it here, I do, but sometimes I wish I had gone somewhere else for school. Just to experience something else, you know?"
Nolan nodded, "Yeah, I left home when I was a teenager for hockey, it's nice to see what else is out there but there's definitely no place like home."
You smiled at his comment, he was very soothing. You had only known him for a few hours but you already felt super comfortable around him.
 You stayed in the kitchen with him and talked for the rest of the night. You hadn't even noticed how late it had gotten until Travis came looking for you telling you that you needed to go because Meg was super wasted.
"Okay, I'll be right out." You assured him so that you could try and invite Nolan back to your place.
"It was really nice talking with you, y/n…" Nolan said.
"Would you maybe wanna come back to my place?" You asked with a smirk.
He smiled and nodded, "let me just go to tell TK."
 You walked up to Travis and Meg, "Nolan is gonna come back with me, so you can guys just go home." Travis raised his eyebrows, "are you sure?"
You nodded, "yeah, I'm good. I promise."
"Okay…" Travis said hesitantly. "Text me when you get home please…and if you need anything." Although Nolan seemed like a good guy, Travis still didn't really know him and he was protective of you.
"Will do. Thanks, Travis. Good luck with Meg."
"Yeah, bets she passes out in the Uber…"
You laugh at his prediction and say goodbye to Meg.
 You turn around and Nolan is approaching you. "You ready?" You nod in response and go downstairs to wait for your Uber. Conversation seemed to just flow and you talked the whole way to your apartment.
 Your roommates thankfully were both in their rooms for the night so you didn't have to deal with any introductions.
"Do you want anything to drink?" You whispered as you entered your apartment.
"I'll have some water if that's okay." You nodded and handed him a water bottle before leading him down the hallway to your room. Unsurprisingly, you talked for a little bit longer before he finally made a move and started kissing you.
 You melted into his grasp as soon as you felt his lips on yours. The faint taste of beer on his lips had you desperate for more.
 Ever since that first night he had you locked in. You hooked up a few nights a week when he was in Philly. You kept in touch when he was on road trips and when he went back to Winnipeg for the off season, you even visited him there a few times. He had grown to become your best friend. As the two of you got closer it wasn't always about sex, he'd come over after a tough loss, you'd confide in him when you were stressed about school or your friends. But despite how close the two of you were, you never felt your relationship progressed to anything more than friends.
 Everyone always thought you two were a couple, he invited you to team events as his plus one, you went on dates, you were exclusive, you argued like you were married…but for some reason you never put the label on it. You didn't totally mind…you were both still very young and not to mention putting a title on it really wouldn't change your relationship at all so you supposed it didn't matter. It would happen when it happens and that was fine… or so you thought. 
  I really hate when you say you love me, those spoken words are wet concrete
And in your arms I feel so lucky, weightless when you lie on me
 It started to really fuck you up when he said those three forbidden words. I love you. Well, in your case it was two, and not as meaningful or intimate as it usually is said for the first time.
 You guys had been together, or doing whatever you were doing, for two years. He was leaving for a week long road trip and you were at his place helping him pack before you brought him to the airport.
"Hey, y/n/n?" Nolan called from the bedroom. "Have you seen my black tie?"
"I'm ironing it right now!" You yelled back from the living room.
 Once you finished ironing his dress clothes you brought them into his bedroom for him to pack.
"Thank you." He said before giving you a quick kiss and zipping them carefully into his bag.
"Do you want to eat anything before you go?" You asked.
"Can you make me a ham sandwich, please?" He asked with a childish grin.
You chuckled and shook your head, "of course."
 You looked at the time and figured he'd need to eat in the car so you packaged it up so he could take it with him. Just as you finished, he emerged from the hallway with his bags in hand. You grabbed him a bottle of water and put it in a bag with his sandwich. You double checked with him that he had everything and you headed down to the car. You drove so Nolan could eat and the rest of the car ride was spent humming along to the music.
 "Do you want any help?" You asked as you put the car in the park out front.
"No, I'm all set." He said as he slid out of the car. You got out after him and stood by as he gathered his bags. "Thank you for your help this morning."
"Anytime, Nols. Text me when you land, please."
"Will do," he assured as he leaned down to kiss you, "love you, babe."
 You stood there shocked at his words as he walked away seemingly unbothered. True to his word, he had texted you when they landed and texted you throughout the week as normal. You were kind of expecting some sort of explanation, at least an acknowledgement of what he had said but it seemed like it just slipped out and he didn't think anything of it. You however, spent the whole week overthinking and freaking out.
 Of course you had thought about if you loved Nolan or not, but you just never thought saying it was on the table because of the status of your relationship. You hoped that when he returned he'd have something to say about it but he didn't. And you were the biggest chicken in the world so you never brought it up. He didn't say it too often, mostly when he'd leave for a road trip or if you weren't going to see each other for a while. You had been trying to build up the courage to say it back but you could never bring yourself to do it.
 It didn't seem to bother him that you didn't say it back. Which made you really think it wasn't that big of a deal for him, which is what confused and frustrated you so much. You didn't understand how he could be so nonchalant about it all the time. Was he that dense? Or were you really just overthinking it? It got to the point where you hated to hear him say it. But it didn't matter how much you hated to hear it, because you knew you loved him too.
 Nolan was not known for showing much emotion. But you weren't either so it worked out for the two of you. You had other ways of expressing your feelings for each other. For you, it was helping him prepare for road trips, cooking him dinner, rubbing his shoulders, and when they started, helping him through his migraines. For him, it was bringing you coffee and dinner when you were cramming for an exam, always making sure you had Reese's and a bottle Sauvignon Blanc on hand, going for walks with you, taking you to concerts… but your favorite moments with Nolan were when the two of you were lying in bed or on the couch. Not doing anything, maybe you have a show on in the background, but you weren't paying attention to it. Instead you were listening to Nolan's heartbeat, focusing on his soft breathing. You were often under him, him acting as the perfect weighted blanket to help you feel at ease.
 But darling if I could, I would fall for someone good, someone good for me
No matter how good the highs are, there of course some lows. Nothing too awful, but with the uncertainties of your relationship comes some strain. Sometimes the time spent together is too much, you feel overwhelmed, Nolan feels too much pressure… and you're never sure if you can work through it. You obviously always have, but each time you have a falling out it feels like the end.
 You had been sitting at home all night trying to reach Nolan. He had been having his migraines for a little while now and you were worried because you hadn't heard from him all day and he wasn't the playing in the game. You knew that if it was anything super serious, someone would have contacted you but you couldn't help but worry about him. You finally decided to go over to his place and see if he was okay.
 You knocked quietly upon arrival wanting to give him a chance to answer the door. After a few minutes of silence you decided to just go in. His apartment was dark, which wasn't unusual during a bad migraine, so you made your way back to his bedroom. His door was cracked so you pushed it open and saw Nolan lying down on the bed.
"Nolan." You whispered with no response. "Nolan." You whispered a little louder this time. He moved a bit so you knew he heard you but he still didn't say anything. You walked over to the bed and gently sat down next to him. "Are you okay?" He grunted in response, still not what you wanted, but something nonetheless. "I'm sorry for just coming, but I was worried…I haven't heard from you all day."
"You can see that I'm alive so you can leave now."
You sighed at his cold tone, you had heard it before and you knew better than to push so you got up to leave. You stopped before the door and turned towards him, "let me know if you need anything." You didn't wait for a response knowing that you probably wouldn't get one so you left his apartment.
 You tried to your best not to be upset by the interaction. You didn't know how Nolan felt in those moments and you wanted to give him what he needed, even if it meant him not wanting you around. It certainly wasn't the first time he shut you out and you knew it wouldn't be the last, but that didn't make it hurt any less.
 What made this time different was your interaction the next day. Usually after a night like that, he would apologize for how he treated you and would explain he just really needed to be alone. You of course always forgave him and things went back to normal. But this time, there was no apology, just more hostility.
 He had texted you asking if you could bring over something to eat. You asked him what he wanted and he said he didn't care, "get whatever you want."
You decided to just go to the store and get a few different things so he had options. When you showed up to his place he was on the couch with his eyes closed, so you quietly shut the door and put your bags down in the kitchen. You were putting a few things away when you heard him speak. "What did you bring?"
You walked over to him so you didn't have to yell, "I got a few things from the store…I got stuff for sandwiches, frozen pizza, soup…"
"Alright thanks." Was all he said. You stood there for a minute not knowing what to do. "What are you doing?" He asked looking over at you.
"I, um, well…" you fumbled out, taken aback by his tone, "do you want me to make something for you?"
"Just make me a sandwich I guess."
You nodded and walked away without another word.
 A few minutes later, you brought his sandwich to him on a plate and set it down a little harder than you probably should have. But you were starting to get upset so you didn't really care. He glared at you in response but thanked you as he sat up and grabbed it. You walked back into the kitchen and put everything away.
 "I'm gonna go, I guess. Let me know when you're feeling better." You said as he walked by him to put your coat on.
"Why are you leaving?"
"Well it's clear you're still not doing well, so I'm just gonna leave you alone." "I never told you that you needed to leave." "You didn't have to, Nolan." "What's your problem?" "I don't want to fight, especially if you’re still not feeling good, so I'm just gonna go."
"Why do we need to fight? I just asked you a question."
"Really? 'What’s your problem?' isn't exactly an innocent question."
"Well I don't really understand why you've got such an attitude." "I'm trying not to lose my patience Nolan, but you're making it really difficult." "Why?!" he asked starting to raise his voice, "What did I do?" "You're kind of treating me like shit, Nolan. I'm sorry that you had a bad migraine yesterday, and I'm sorry if I made it worse by coming here last night, but I was worried. I understand it's hard for you, but I hadn't heard from you all day. You usually let me in and help you through them and it’s fine if that's not what you want or need but you don't get to be a dick to me about it. You asked me to bring you food, I did, and you're still being rude to me. I don't mind being here Nols, I want to be here, but if you're going to act like this I'm not interested."
"You have no idea how hard it is for me, y/n," he yelled at you, "I didn't ask you to come over last night, I'm sorry you were worried but I can't put my migraine on hold just to make you feel better."
"I know that, Nolan! That's why I left once I saw that you were okay! But you were obviously okay enough this morning to text me asking for food, and you're obviously okay enough right now to be yelling at me! I know that I don't know how hard it is for you, but I'm doing my best to be here for you and support you however I can. I know that you can't always text me or call me, and that's fine. But the way you're treating me right now is not okay." "You don't have to be here for me all the time. You didn't have to bring me food today if you really didn't want to. You can say no, y/n, you don't owe me anything."
You were hurt by his words but you tried your best not to show it. "I wanted to bring you food because I care about you! I want to be here for you! It just doesn't seem like you want me here. You've been nothing but cold to me since you texted me this morning! I don't mind doing these things for you, Nol, but you could at least act grateful."
"Whatever, y/n/n. Just go I guess. I'm not arguing with you anymore."
You opened your mouth but you didn't know what you would even say, so you put your coat on and left.
 It had been a few days since your fight and you hadn't spoken to him at all. It was awful timing because you had midterms coming up and you were too distracted to study.
 You were currently trying to force your way through a study guide when you got a call from Meg. You sighed and answered the phone. "Hey, Meg."
"Hey, y/n/n, what's up?" "Trying to study…what about you?" "You're not going to the game tonight?"
"No, I really need to study." "But I thought you were going…?" "Yeah, well plans change. I can't go anymore." You heard some mumbling in the background, which you assumed was Travis. A few moments later Meg spoke up again.
"Are you and Nolan fighting?"
You rolled your eyes and sighed, "We had a pretty big fight the other day and I haven't talked to him since. But regardless, I need to study. I have midterms next week."
"Travis said Nolan has been grumpier than usual. What did you fight about?"
"His migraines I guess??? I don't even know, I tried standing up for myself but he wasn't having it so I left."
"You haven't talked at all since?" "Nope, not a word." "Are you okay?" "I don't know, not really honestly. But I really can't dwell on it right now because I need to focus on studying." "And how is that going for you?" "Not very well." "Okay, so why don't you come over and we can talk about it. If you're not studying anyway it might help to get things off your chest."
You sighed as you thought about it, knowing that she was right you agreed and got your things together to go over there.
 She had a glass of wine waiting for you and you sat down and told her everything.
"Okay, well you were right to stand up yourself. You've done a lot for him recently and you don't deserve to be treated that way."
"Yeah, but he's right, I didn't have to do any of it for him. He didn't ask, I just did it." "Okay so you didn't have to, but despite your weird ass relationship, it's not that crazy that you did. Everything you've done for Nolan I would do for Travis in a heartbeat. Yeah, we're engaged and it's a little different, but you and Nolan have something really special. It's beyond me and everyone in the world for that matter, why you two don't just get over yourselves and date officially. You've worked through fights in the past, you'll work through this too." "But they've never been this big before. And I don't like that it was about his migraines. Even if he apologizes who's to say that he won't act like this again. I feel like I can't fault him for it because it's his way of dealing with them. But I also know that I don't deserve to be treated that way so I just feel like we're not meant to be." "Y/n, that's bullshit and you know it. You and Nolan are like, the perfect match. It's been a few days, I'm sure he's feeling better, you've both calmed down, so sit down and talk about it. You know you're not going to be able to study until you do."
You sighed knowing that she was right, "okay…yeah you're right. I'll text him." 
You: Hey, Nol.
You relaxed into the couch, feeling a sense of relief now that you've had some sort of contact. You took a few sips of wine as you waited, but thankfully it wasn't too long.
Nolan: Hey, y/n/n…
You: Can we talk?
Nolan: Yeah, wanna come over after the game?
You: Yeah, just text me when you get home.
Nolan: You're not coming to the game?
You: I wasn't going to…I really need to study.
Nolan: Oh, okay. I guess I'll see you later.
You decided not to respond, you still weren't super happy with him, so you didn't think you needed to defend your decision.
 "Alright, I'm going over there to talk after the game." You updated Meg.
"Good. So you'll get ready with me???" She asked hopefully.
"Sorry, Meg. I do really need to try and study. I'm gonna head out."
"Fine," she pouted, "but you better let me know how it goes tonight!!!"
"I will, bye Meg."
 Between having the game on in the background and thinking about what you were going to say, you weren't able to get much studying done. But you still tried your hardest until you received a text from Nolan telling you that he was leaving the arena.
 You were hoping he would be in an okay mood…they won the game but Nolan didn't play. You didn't think he was having a migraine, it was probably more of a precaution, but nonetheless he'd be upset that he wasn't playing.
 When you got to Nolan's he was sitting on the couch with two glasses of water in front of him. You smiled at the gesture, although it quickly faded when you remembered why you were even here. He stood up to greet you and you went and sat next to him on the couch.
"That was a good game…"
"You watched?" "Of course."
Nolan nodded, "I just wish I could have played…"
You smiled sadly, "I know, I'm sorry, Nols. Not feeling good?" He sighed and leaned back, "I don't know, I mean, I feel like I could have played, but it's just not worth the risk of bringing one on…"
 You sat in silence for a little bit, neither of you knowing where to start. Just as you were about to speak up, Nolan beat you to it. "I'm really sorry for the way I treated you the other day. I know that you were just trying to help and I know that you don't have to do those things for me but I really do appreciate it. I shouldn't have yelled at you and I shouldn't have dismissed you the way that I did. I know it's not a great excuse, but it was just really bad the other night, I knew that I wasn't going to be fun to be around that's why I didn't want you here. But I don't have an excuse for how I treated you that morning. I had no right to say those things to you, I don't even really know what came over me. You've always been amazing to me and you do mean so much to me, y/n/n, you have no idea. I just hope that you'll forgive me…" "I appreciate your apology, Nols. My intention is never to overcrowd you or make you feel like you need my help. I'm here to help you with whatever you need and it's okay if you need some space too. It'd just be nice to be let down a little easier…"
Nolan smirked at your last comment, "I know, I'm sorry. I promise I will be better at communicating my needs with you." He put his arm around you and pulled you into his side. You rested your head on his chest and he kissed the top of your head.
 You're my nemesis, you're my best friend
We nearly walk on common ground
 You really didn't have big fights like that often, but you did however argue about stupid, little things all of the time.
 One of the things that drove you absolutely nuts about your relationship with Nolan was how different the two of you were when it came to planning things and being on time. Nolan was very "go with the flow" and "we'll get there when we get there" which you loved for him…but you were much different. You liked to have things planned and you absolutely hated being late.
 You were hanging out at your apartment one Friday afternoon watching Netflix when you got a text from Nolan.
 Nolan: Hey, I need a date to an event tonight. I'll pick you up at 6:45.
You looked at the time and it was almost 2 o'clock.
Me: Whoa, whoa, whoa…what kind of event?
Nolan: Pretty fancy, black tie.
Me: Nolan!!!!! I don't have anything to wear!!!
Nolan: You have tons of dresses.
Me: Not any that fit black tie!
Nolan: Oh, well if you go now you'll have time to get one.
 You scoffed and shook your head. Of course, he'd tell you about an event a few hours before and be so nonchalant about it.
 Me: Fine, but I'm not happy.
Nolan: Why? You love these things.
Me: Yeah, when I have time to prepare for them!
Nolan: What do you need to prepare for? Just get a dress and do your makeup or whatever.
 You chose not to respond to that because you didn't actually want to start a fight. It was also hard to actually be mad at him when he really had no idea what was wrong with the current situation.
 You sent an SOS text to Meg and asked her to meet you at Nordstrom to help you pick something out.
 Two hours later, there was a mound of dresses and jumpsuits in your dressing room but you finally found the perfect one. It was a beautiful, sleek, black, satin jersey gown.
"You look so hot, y/n/n." Meg complimented as you spun around in front of the mirror.
"Thanks…I just still can't believe I'm just finding out about this stupid gala." "Yeah, it's a little annoying. But look at you, you found the perfect dress and you still have time to get ready."
"I know, I just hate when he does this. You know how I am about stuff like this." "Yes, I know, Miss Organized…but it's not the end of the world."
You rolled your eyes at your cousin and went into the dressing room to change.
 You hopped in the shower once you got home and did your hair and makeup as quickly as you could while still making it look good.
 You heard Nolan come into your apartment and you glanced at the time because you weren't ready yet. You breathed a sigh of relief to see that it was only 6:30. You finished up your makeup, put on your heels, and grabbed your coat before walking down the hall to greet Nolan. He stood up from the couch when he heard you coming but was engrossed in his phone so he didn't look up at you. You rolled your eyes and cleared your throat to get his attention.
"You ready?" He asked without looking up.
You ignored his question and said his name firmly, "Nolan." He finally looked up at you but still didn't say anything about how you looked. "Do I look okay?"
"Yeah, I don't know what you were so worried about, babe. You look amazing."
"Don't make a habit of, Nols. I was super stressed about it."
He gave you an incredulous look but sighed and nodded his head, "sorry, princess. I'll make sure to tell you a year in advance next time."
You rolled your eyes at his sarcasm and walked towards the door.  
 One other thing about you and Nolan was that you bickered…constantly. He honestly drove you nuts more often than not but for some reason that was why you loved him so much.
 You would argue about what to have for dinner.
 "Pizza?" He suggested.
"We always have pizza, what about Chinese?" You protested.
He rolled his eyes at your suggestion, "we always have Chinese, too."
Nolan shook his head, "I don't feel like sushi." "Sandwiches?"
"Nah…" "Well, I don't know, Nolan! Why don't we just go to the store and make something." "That'll take too long." You rolled your eyes and shook your head. "Whatever, just pick something, I don't care."
"You say that now but you're going to complain about it as soon as it gets here."
"Well we can't agree on anything so whatever, just get what you want." You didn't give him a chance to argue as you stomped down the hall to do some homework.
 You always argued about directions.
 "Why are you going this way?" Nolan asked as you made a turn.
"Because it's faster. There's always a ton of traffic the other way." "No it's not, this way is like 30 minutes longer. Even with traffic we'll get there faster the other way." "No we won't, Nolan. I drive this way all the time, it's fine, trust me." "Whatever you say, we're gonna be late though." "No we're not." "Yes we are." "No we're not!" "Yes we are." "Fine, if you're so worried about it, you drive." You huffed out as you pulled over and threw the car in park and got out of the car. Nolan shook his head at how ridiculous you were being but switched places with you anyway.
You ended up getting there 10 minutes late.
 "I told you the other way was faster." You said as you climbed out of the car.
Nolan scoffed, "if you hadn't thrown a fit and just kept driving we would have been on time." "Are you kidding me? It took two minutes to switch places. That's not why we're late." "Whatever.…" He grumbled as he shot you a glare. You stuck your tongue out at him and he shook his head walking a few steps in front of you.
 He hated that you always hogged the blankets.
 To no surprise, Nolan woke up in the middle of night shivering with no blankets on. He sighed angrily and tried to pull the blankets over to him. He wasn't successful because you were all wrapped up in them and they were impossible to move.
"Y/n." He said nudging your shoulder. "Y/n/n." You stirred a bit but didn't wake up. "Y/n." He said louder. Nothing. He sighed again grabbed his water bottle from the nightstand. He poured a little bit on your face and you shot up in shock.
"What the fuck, Nolan?!"
"You were hogging the blankets!" "So you dumped water on me?!"
"You wouldn't wake up!" "You're such an ass." You seethed as you pulled the blanket back to you and rolled over to face away from him. Nolan scoffed at your action and tugged on the blanket. "Get your own blanket if you're so concerned about it." You said as you held onto it so he couldn't have any.
"And I'm the ass…" He muttered in defeat as he got up to grab a blanket from the other room.
 You hated the way he put the toilet paper on the holder.
 "Nolan!!!" You screamed from the bathroom. You were pretty sure at this point he was doing it just to piss you off. You hated when people put the toilet paper on upside down. The right way to put it was so the tail was on top. It flowed so much better and you didn't understand how people could think that it’s okay the other way.
As you angrily switched it around, Nolan was out in the living room smirking because he knew exactly what you were yelling about. He feigned innocence as you came stomping down the hallway yelling at him for putting it on like that. "Oh, I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean to."
You rolled your eyes at him and scoffed. "Seriously, Nolan. You know it pisses me off." "I know, I’m sorry, I just don't think about it when I'm changing it, because it's really not a big deal. It's just toilet paper."
"Yeah, but it's so much easier when it's right side up."
"Some would argue that you have it wrong." "Yeah they might, but they're stupid. If you don’t care, why can't you just put it the way I like it." "I try to, babe, I just forget sometimes." "Well please, try and remember."
"Aye, aye, Captain."
 A few days later, Nolan went into the bathroom and chuckled when he saw a sign posted by the extra toilet paper.
Please put toilet the right side up. Thank you :)
 Deciding he wanted to dance with the devil, he switched the toilet paper so it was the "wrong way." It took a while, but a few hours later he was in the kitchen grabbing a snack when he heard his name being yelled from the bathroom. He laughed and shook his head, preparing for the storm that was coming his way.
 But we're suckers for the thrill, playing fuck, marry, and kill
Honey you're all three.
 No matter how much argued, bickered, or fought, you loved him. He was your person. You were with each other for your best moments and you stuck by each other through your worst.
 Your best friend, your lover, your soulmate. And you wouldn't have it any other way.
 You and Nolan were enjoying a rare day off you had together lounging around the apartment. Nolan had noticed that one of his favorite bands, Mt. Joy were on Instagram live. He shot them a quick text asking if it was okay if he joined. They of course said yes so he hopped on.
 You were in the kitchen baking cookies, only half listening to what Nolan was saying. However, you immediately stopped what you were doing when you heard something that Nolan said. "I'm just hanging out at home with my girlfriend. Enjoying the day off." Once you got over the initial shock you listened more intently to see if he would say anything more about it. "Yeah, we've been together for a while. Pretty much since I came to Philly." Your jaw dropped. Of course. Of course he would play it off as if you've been dating for years. Apparently you were lost in thought for longer than you thought because the next thing you know Nolan came up and waved his hand in front of your face. "You there?"
"Oh yeah, sorry." "What are you thinking about?"
"I'm your girlfriend, huh?"
He smirked at your tone, "of course you're my girlfriend. Am I not your boyfriend?" "Oh my god, Nolan!"
"What?!" "How long have I been your girlfriend?" He shrugged, "I don't know, I thought we were always kind of dating."
You scoffed, "unbelievable." He gave you a questioning look but you shrugged him off. "Nothing…never mind."
"No, tell me." He insisted.
"It's just, we never really talked about it or had the conversation so I didn't think we were actually boyfriend and girlfriend." "So we've just been…what, a thing? For three and a half years?"
"Well, I don't know, I guess. We've never celebrated an anniversary or anything. And this is the first time I've ever heard you call me you your girlfriend." "Oh, well, I'm sorry y/n/n. I guess after it had been so long I just kind of assumed." You gave him an amused huff. "What? Should we have talked about it?"
"No, no, I guess not…" you reassured, "it's just so…us."
"Us?" "Our whole relationship has been me overthinking and you under thinking, apparently…no offense."
He chuckled at your explanation. "You've been overthinking our relationship?"
"Well, yeah! I never knew what we were but you never seemed worried about it so I didn't want to bring it up."
"Okay…so if you need it spelled out for you…" he started earning himself an eye roll from you, "will you be my girlfriend?"
"I thought I already was?" You replied with a playful smirk.
He rolled his eyes at your teasing but teased you right back. "So are we good? We didn't just break up, did we?"
"No, I love you too much to give you up that easy." He raised his eyebrows at your admission. "Oh, you love me, huh?" You stuttered a bit, realizing that because you had been so insecure you had never actually said it back. "See I notice things, not such an under thinker, am I?"
"I'm sorry, it's my overthinking... I always just thought it kind of slipped out when you said it and because I didn't know what we were I was scared if I said it back things would end." "What?!" He asked, looking at you like you had two heads. "How does that even make sense?!" "I don't know!!" You defended, "I just thought…I don't know... I guess I really don't have an explanation. Just that I'm a little bit crazy."
"It's okay, I already knew that. Your insistence that there is a correct way to put toilet paper on the holder was a dead giveaway."
"Ha ha ha…" you fake laughed, "you do put it the right way now, though…"
"I can't have you going off the rails on me…"
You gently shoved him and shook your head. He smiled and cupped your face in his hands. "I love you, y/n/n. I always have and I always will."
"I love you too, Nolly." You said with a smirk.
Nolan grimaced at the nickname, "okay, maybe not when you call me that."
"Oh, come on, Nolly. You know you love it." "I don't...but I love you so I'll let it slide."
You stood on your tip toes prompting Nolan to bend down so you could kiss him. He picked you up and set you on the counter and you made out for a few minutes.
"As much as I want to make sweet, sweet love to you baby, this dough smells really good…" He said, suggesting you finish the cookies.
"Aye, aye, captain." You saluted as you pushed him out of the way and hopped off the counter.
For the rest of your life with Nolan, there wasn't a day that went by where you didn't want to fuck, marry, and kill him. But it never stopped you from loving him.
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alrighty-anubis · 3 years
I miss him (tech&hunter&crosshair)
No warnings apply
Tech's emotions over flow after going unsaid for too long. Hunter realises his brother needs some support and that forgetting about Crosshair isn't good for any of them. Omega is the perfect younger sister.
Find it on my AO3
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As the Havoc-Marauder settled into hyperspace, the tension in the ship dispersed and was replaced by the friendly familiarity between the members. Hunter had a hand on Omega’s shoulder as she excitedly rattled off her and Wrecker’s accomplishments on their side, Wrecker interrupting with his own equally excited comments whilst echo (who had spun round in the co-pilot’s seat) nodded along trying and failing to cover up the fact he was scanning them all for injuries. Tech didn’t face them, eyes set on the blur of stars before them, fiddling absentmindedly with a clump of wires he had picked up and had no plan for.
“And then I shot the droid with my bow” “Right in the head, kid’s got perfect aim” “And that’s when Crosshair arri-”
Omega was interrupted by a sharp clang from the pilot’ seat. They all turned to face Tech whose cheeks flushed as he picked up the wires before turning away from them without so much as a glance in their direction.
“Hey, Tech, you alright?” Hunter’s concerned voice broke the silence.
“Affirmative, I have sustained no injuries. Neither has the ship. I apologize for the interruption”
Hunter kept his eyes trained on Tech’s back but didn’t probe him any further, a squeeze to Omega’s shoulder signalling her to carry on.
“Crosshair arrived and started shooting at us and his aim was so good but luckily Wrecker threw a crate at him so we had time to run around the corner.” “You know how delicate Cross can be - took him minutes to get up again” “And then we made it to you and had that whole stand off”
That’s when Echo interrupted, providing his ARC interpretation and analysis on their efforts. Hunter tended to forget how much experience the man had, working so closely with Rex and found himself nodding along with him. The conversation soon got thrown off into a tangent about the new TK soldiers and other developments the Empire were making from the GAR.
Hunter found himself pausing and waiting for Tech’s interjections; he was so animated when they first discovered the changes with the Commandos. But Tech sat silently at the Cockpit’s control desk. As he drowned out the surrounding conversation to take note of the Pilot’s tense shoulders and un-Tech-like lack of precision while handling the wires he felt his concern grow.
He pulled himself back to Echo and Wrecker’s conversation, intending to send them away so he could talk with Tech and figure out what was wrong.
“Yeah, we could’a used a sniper,” Wrecker vigorously announced. “I will admit, Crosshair being a traitor’s kind'a inconvenient. Don’t see him coming and suddenly you're being shot at.” “What’s not inconvenient is not having an attitude!” Wrecker laughed.
“Shut up!” Tech suddenly stood up, his wires thrown to the ground and the chair spinning from the force he left it with. “Shut up shut up!”
He flung his helmet across the cockpit and smashed into the wall with a loud crash. Omega startled and hurried out of the room.
Hunter took a step back and resisted the urge to cover his ears. He felt his stomach lurch at the sight of tears streaking from behind Tech’s goggles. Wrecker and Echo were frozen, mouths still open.
“He’s not a traitor!
“Tech, he’s literally hunting us down for the Empire,” Echo stated whilst Wrecker shouted: “If he wasn’t a traitor he would be with us now.”
“Hunting us down? What like you did to Omega, Wrecker?”
Wrecker physically flinched back, tears welling in his eyes whilst they started to freely stream down Tech’s face.
“It’s not him. It’s not. It wasn’t you trying to shoot Omega in the face. Cross wouldn’t betray us. And you’ve abandoned him. None of you care - none of you did. He got left behind. We left him behind and none of you care or feel bad,” tremors began to wrack through his body violently, “We left him behind. We are the traitors. He’s all alone - the Empire doing maker knows what to him - and we aren’t saving him because none of you care!”
“Tech-” Hunter slowly stepped forward, hands raised in a placating manner.
“What? You're the one who made us leave him. You’re our sergeant, you’re meant to keep us together and you didn’t”.
“Tech-” He signalled for the others to leave, “We did what we could, but we couldn’t get out of their alive and save him.”
“Bullshit - that’s just what you tell yourself.”
“Maybe you’re right-” Hunter considered his options.
It was rare for Tech to feel emotions strongly, let alone let them out. When Tech had breakdowns like this it would be after something had been building for weeks. Hunter cursed himself for not having noticed the signs: taking the night shift so he didn't have to sleep in front of them because of nightmares; not eating’ overworking so he didn't have to think about it. Crosshair was usually the one who helped Tech in these situations, he was the only one Tech felt comfortable speaking to about these matters actually, the both of them not feeling as strongly as Hunter, Wrecker or Echo. He should have seen this coming with Tech’s closest brother being unavailable.
“Tech, tell me, was there a way for us to get out alive with Crosshair? Think.” He commanded, hoping that giving Tech the puzzle would help his analytical mind ease the onslaught of emotions so Hunter could begin to help him with them.
“No.” Tech's voice was strained and croaky from shouting. He slumped forward with resignation at the admission.
Hunter stepped forward and laid a hand on his back. Tech flinched away for a second before falling into his brother’s chest. Hunter wrapped his arms around the slender man and realised this was the first time he had hugged Tech. A pang of guilt made its way through his body as he wondered whether it was more than their similarity that had Tech heading to Crosshair for comfort. Hunter found Tech’s constant babble exhausting and incomprehensible, sometimes leading him to be a bit short with the others.
“What brought this on?” He asked.
“They talk about him as if he’s no different than Rampart or Bane or Tarkin. But he is. He’s our brother. And then they don’t talk about him at all. No one’s mentioned that he’s gone.”
They had all been so concerned with Omega’s safety they hadn’t had time to mourn Crosshair’s separation and Tech, finding emotions as confusing and illogical as he does, had never felt confident to bring him up - not with Wrecker often ignoring what he said assuming he won't understand and other more urgent situations ongoing.
“Do you want to talk about it - him now?”
“I miss him.”
“So do we.”
“Really.” Tech deadpanned, “”It surely gives that impression when you all spend hours insulting him”.
“Perhaps convincing ourselves we weren't as close to him saves us the pain from his absence.”
Tech stayed silent.
“I will talk to the others. And Tech,” he waited until his eyes met his younger brother’s. “We will get him back. I promise.”
Tech sobbed into Hunter’s chest in response. They stood like that for a while, until they heard the door open behind them. Omega poked her head in the cockpit, concern worrying about her face.
“Tech, are you okay?”
“I will be.” He pulled away from Hunter, his cold exterior returning quicker than Hunter would have liked, “I apologise for scarring you.”
Omega reached down and picked up his wires, handing them back to him, “It’s okay,” she smiled, “We’ll get him back.”
The rest of the group filtered back in, they cast Tech concerned glances which he pretended to not notice. The atmosphere was awkward, the conversation choppy as they tried to stick to light subjects. But Omega’s game with her Bad Batcher doll drew them all in.
Tech tapped Omega on the shoulder and passed her a small toy bow he had made with the wires.
“This is so cool, she matches me now!” Omega lurched forward and hugged her older brother.
1351 words
Also I’d love to be sent some requests :)
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howlingsaturn · 4 years
cotton candy skies (and the sweetness of your love)
carlos finally sought out his parents and told them about his relationship with tk. it doesn’t go quite like he expected and so he finds tk immediately after. 
here we go lads, 2.8k of fluff coming right at you. i’ve wanted it to be mostly carlos centric but there is some tk pov in the beginning too. no trigger warning for this one but stay safe everyone. <3
ao3 link if you wanna say hi. 
a forever with you
wouldn't nearly be enough
to quench the flames
you continue to rekindle in me
It's been a couple of weeks since their fight and TK can tell that it still lies heavily on Carlos' mind. While TK feels like it has brought them closer together, he finds Carlos staring off into space more recently. Sometimes he would look at TK with a hint of guilt and shame in his eyes and TK would need to assure him that it's okay, they've moved past it. Carlos would nod and kiss him but the weight on his shoulders would not lift one bit. It's frustrating, TK wants nothing more than to ease the tension in his body and help him carry the weight, but TK promised Carlos he would be patient and he's fully intent on keeping his promise. 
It comes as a bit of a surprise to him when Carlos shows up at the firehouse towards the end of his shift, unannounced. TK is currently sitting at the table, nursing a mineral water and talking to Marjan about the call they've just responded to when Paul's excited exclamation echoes through the otherwise quiet firehouse. 
"Reyes!" He calls, "Long time no see."
TK turns at just the right moment and as Carlos comes into view, a kind smile on his lips, TK can't stop his own from splitting into a grin. Paul's right though, Carlos hasn't been around as much as he used to because of the many hours he's currently working. TK has tried to talk him into taking a few days off but so far Carlos has refused, seemingly needing the distraction his job provides. It makes TK worry but he really tries not to push him too far, he trusts that Carlos will come to him if he's ready. 
"Good to see you too, Strickland," TK hears Carlos laugh, watching as he leans in for a hug, "Work's been crazy lately, you know how it is."
"Don't have to tell me," Paul replies as they break apart, "Just make sure you're taking care of yourself, alright?" 
Carlos' face softens and TK feels his heart clench in his chest. It's not surprising that Paul immediately knows something's been bothering Carlos but it leaves TK a bit unsettled anyway. 
"Your boy's in there, by the way," Paul adds and TK shakes himself out of his thoughts. He watches as Carlos' eyes follow Paul's gesture and when their eyes meet, Carlos' smile settles. He tilts his head in a quick movement, asking TK to meet him outside, and TK is out of his seat before he can start overthinking Carlos' intentions. He jogs up to him, throwing a glance in Paul's direction but Paul has already turned back to his task. 
"Hey," TK exclaims, a little breathless. 
"Hi," Carlos echoes, "You got a minute? There's something I need to talk to you about." 
"Sure," he responds with a grin although he can't help but feel a little anxious, "You have until the bell rings." 
Carlos nods in understanding and turns half a step, walking back out of the firehouse. TK can feel the gazes of his team boring into his back but he takes a deep breath and follows Carlos outside. 
"You okay?" TK asks when he comes to a stop next to Carlos, reaching out a hand to gently touch his wrist, watching him carefully. Carlos' hands are stuffed into his pockets, eyes locked into the distance to the left side of TK and he follows his gaze, quickly realising what has Carlos so transfixed: The sun is setting over the hills, only a few rays of sunshine are left to peek through the buildings, and the clouds are tinted in a soft pink colour that reminds TK of cotton candy. It makes his gut tingle with warmth.  
"Beautiful, isn't it?" He breathes out with a smile. 
TK turns to look at Carlos and finds him already looking at him, sporting a smile so soft, TK recognises it as the smile Carlos has reserved for him only. It makes his own smile widen and the anxiety that has previously made him breathless dissipates. 
"You're a sap," TK says and Carlos just shrugs, reaching for TK's hand to pull him close against his side, needing the comfort. He takes a moment to look at TK and the way he tilts his head as he regards Carlos a little sceptically. He raises his brow, biting the inside of his cheek while he does so and Carlos finds it absolutely endearing. The pink sky behind him illuminates his face in a soft, warm glow and something about the light makes the green in his eyes pop out more than usual. He's beautiful and Carlos wishes he could freeze time so he could look at him forever. TK lets him have his fill, Carlos is surprised by how long he lets him stare, but after a while he starts fidgeting. 
"Not that I don't love being the centre of your attention," he confesses, tilting his head down in slight embarrassment, "but you are kind of freaking me out right now."
"Sorry," Carlos laughs, enamored by the colour on TK's cheeks. His gaze drifts back towards the skyline and the weight of what happened today catches up on him again. The smile falls from his face as his muscles tense and the hand that still holds onto TK squeezes involuntarily. 
"Carlos, baby, what's wrong?" TK reaches out with the hand that isn't clutched in Carlos' and squeezes where his neck meets his shoulder, just now noticing how rigid Carlos is. 
"I love you a whole lot," Carlos says slowly, calculated, as his focus turns back to TK, "you know that right?" 
It takes TK a bit off guard if he's honest. They haven't said the words in a while but TK knows, he's always known. Carlos wears his heart on his sleeve and there's not a day that goes by where Carlos doesn't show him how loved he is. 
"Of course," TK tells him and now he's worried. He presses himself to Carlos' side, if to comfort Carlos or himself, he isn't sure, and plants a soft kiss to his shoulder. He looks up at him, searching his face, but as his hand slides down to curl around his elbow, Carlos looks away again. TK notices the tension in his jaw but the way his chest deeply expands with each breath tells TK that Carlos isn't as upset as he initially thought he was. It feels more like he's trying to order his thoughts, desperately searching for something he can't find, something he can no longer make sense of. 
"I visited my parents today," Carlos finally explains and TK's heart skips a beat, squeezing his arm in silent support.
"I told them I lied. I told them that the handsome guy they met at the market a while back wasn't my friend from work but the love of my life." 
Carlos can feel the way TK's breath hitches from how close he stands and it makes him hide a smile. He turns to look at him and watches TK as he opens and closes his mouth, visibly fumbling to assemble his thoughts. Carlos knows exactly what he's thinking. Love of his life? 
"And how do-- how did they react?" TK finally gets out, swallowing heavily. 
"They were calm," Carlos replies, "Surprised. I think they didn't know what to say at first, but after a few minutes of awkward silence my mom started asking about you and the how's and when's of our relationship." He shrugs, a futile attempt to appear nonchalant, but TK can see right through him. The anxiety of that talk probably still lingers. 
"And then she asked me if I was happy."
"Oh," TK mutters and it sounds a little self-conscious, "What did you say?" 
"The truth," he replies, eager to erase TK's doubts, "that you make me the happiest man on earth. That when you walked out on me a month ago, it felt like my heart was torn into a million pieces and that that day, I swore to myself to never make you doubt your place in my life ever again."
Carlos can clearly see the impact his words have on TK and he realises he should've been more open with him. He knows he has turned into himself lately, knows he has tried really hard to hide himself and his feelings away. But the terror he had felt upon the prospect of his parents finding out about TK and their relationship and disapproving of it, has been weighing heavily on him. He doesn't know why he's been so scared, he knows he would survive his parents' rejection, but to Carlos, there's nothing more important than family. And despite the fact that he's a grown man with a secure job and stable relationships, he can't imagine not having his parents' house to return to and seek shelter in if his world starts collapsing. When it comes to his mother, he will always be the soft little guy with too many fears, desperate for a comforting touch or reassuring words. He just can't help it. 
"Carlos," TK pulls him out of his own head and he hurries to order his thoughts. There's something else he needs to get out, a confession that has changed his life completely.
"But you know what my mom did?" 
TK shakes his head. 
"She took my hand and said she was glad I had somebody who loves me. She said she was sorry for how they reacted all those years ago, that they figured by simply acting like it wasn't a big deal, like it didn't change anything, they would do me a favour." 
Carlos chokes on his words, willing away the tears that threaten to spill, and holds onto TK a little stronger. TK presses another kiss to his shoulder, resting his cheek against Carlos and rubbing circles into his arm. He doesn't know why he's getting so emotional now, this is even about him.
"You know what else she said?" Carlos asks.
"She said couldn't wait to properly meet you."  
TK's eyes widen in surprise and something about the huge smile that's now gracing Carlos' lips, makes him choke on his own tears as well. Carlos reaches for him then, tilting TK's head up for a kiss, and TK all but melts into him. 
"So wait," he mumbles between kisses, "You do want me to meet your parents now right?" 
Carlos laughs again, shaking his head in fond exasperation. "Of course I want you to meet my parents." 
"Ok, ok," TK says and winds his arms around Carlos' neck, "just making sure."
He kisses him again, feverishly so, and when TK pulls back to look at him, Carlos isn't yet ready to let go. He coaxes TK into another kiss and then another and another until he's breathless with it all.
"I'm so proud of you," TK whispers when they finally break apart, gently cupping Carlos' face in his hands, and the noise Carlos makes in response sounds a little pained. Carlos curses silently as he can't help the tears that we'll up in his eyes again. Today has been one hell of a roller coaster ride. 
"You are so fucking brave," TK adds, not allowing Carlos to look away even for a second, and as he raises on his tiptoes to press a series of soft pecks onto Carlos' cheeks, Carlos finally loses the tension in his shoulders. He lets himself be tugged into a hug, his arms winding across TK's back to pull him closer and he allows himself to calm. He pulls back after a while, the urge to see TK too strong to ignore, and when TK smiles at him gleefully, Carlos knows he’s going to be okay. Right here with TK in his arms, he feels safe. 
"I love you," TK tells him, his hands resting against the back of Carlos' neck and Carlos has to kiss him for it. It's probably wildly inappropriate, standing outside the firehouse wrapped around each other like that, but Carlos doesn't care, he only has one priority and that's kissing TK. Judging by the way TK holds onto him and reciprocates the kiss, Carlos doesn't think he minds either. He does eventually break the kiss, much to TK's dismay, but only because there's more he needs to say.
He takes another moment to look at TK, it seems that he can't stop staring at him today, and the flush shining high on his cheekbones makes Carlos' stomach flutter. His eyes are wide with joy, his lips red and puffy and he looks so god damn perfect, Carlos cannot wait to take him home and show him how utterly loved he is. He reaches up a hand and cups his jaw, pressing another longing kiss to his lips that leaves TK chasing after him with eyes still closed. Carlos presses his thumb to TK's bottom lip, applying gentle pressure, and he watches mesmerized as TK swallows, his eyes fluttering open with a gasp. 
"Move in with me," Carlos says and the way TK's brows raise almost comically makes him stifle a laugh. 
"What?" TK responds confusedly. 
"You heard me. Move in with me, Ty." 
TK studies him for a few seconds, probably debating whether he's understood Carlos correctly and what comes out of his mouth is exactly what Carlos had expected. 
"Are you sure about this?" He asks, a hint of excitement glinting behind the insecurity in his eyes but Carlos knows he needs more reassurance than that. 
"Sure about wanting you to come home to me every day? Absolutely."
"And you're not just saying that because I've complained about my parents so much lately?" 
Carlos huffs out a laugh, gently squeezing TK's hip. 
"Look, of course I want you to have a safe space to retreat to when things get difficult with your parents but it's not just that."
TK's lips twitch into a smile and Carlos has to force himself not to kiss him again because if he did, he's not sure he could make himself stop. There's just something about the way TK looks at him that lights a fire in his chest. 
"I miss you when you're not around," Carlos explains, his voice dropping low with emotion, "the house is far too quiet and the bed far too cold without you there. You already occupy so much space in my heart, it's only reasonable you occupy space in my home, hopefully our home, too." 
TK lets out a watery laugh, biting his bottom lip in an attempt to hold the tears at bay. 
"That was so damn cheesy," he says and Carlos fears if he smiles any harder, he's going to tear his face apart. There's not a hint of nervousness in Carlos, he already knows what TK's answer is going to be.
"Well did it work?" He asks anyway, his own smile hurting his cheeks. 
TK squints at him, pretending to think it over, but he's far too happy to be a little shit about it for long.
"Yeah," he replies softly, genuinely, "I love you, Carlos, more than I ever thought possible and I hope you know that you make me really happy too. So yes, I'd love to move in with you." 
Carlos leans down and kisses him but their smiles are too wide for it to be a proper kiss. 
"You know I would offer you a key in a grand romantic gesture but you already have one."
TK makes a snorting sound, shaking his head in amusement. 
"So no grand romantic gestures for me?"
Carlos' smile turns soft then, images of a shared future appearing in his head and they look as beautiful as cotton candy skies. 
"Not this time, no."
TK wriggles his eyebrows knowingly and it makes Carlos blush, but his smile changes as well. It's sweeter now, his eyes mirroring what Carlos feels, and sometimes Carlos wonders what he did to deserve a love this special. 
"This time, huh?" TK asks, and the roughness of his voice masks the humour in his response, "Are you already planning a proper one then?" 
Carlos just shrugs and secures his hold on TK, but it's not like he ever plans on letting go anyway. 
TK launches himself at him, pulling Carlos into another earth-shattering, toe-curling, breath-stealing kiss, and as the sun fully sets behind them, the sky now a warm orange, something in Carlos settles. Marriage is not something that is going to happen in the near future, they both know, but if Carlos is already making a mental checklist of everything he needs for the perfect proposal, TK doesn't have to know. 
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trashforhockeyguys · 4 years
Don’t Hold Me -13- Carter Hart
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A/N: After a little break I’m back!! All previous parts are linked in my master list, as always! This is also super super fluffy. So enjoy that!!
You held tightly to Carter as you walked into the restaurant. You tried not to think too much about it, even if this wasn’t something you really wanted to do, you knew it had to be done. Ethan was only in town for a few days, and he needed to meet Carter. Carter was your….boyfriend. Which seemed strange to even think about. It all kind of snuck up on you, but here you were. 
“Just don’t feel bad if he harasses you about your stats,” You tried to tell him, “He kind of does that to everyone. Comes from years of playing, and growing up with guys that are in the league now.”
“Y/N, it’s fine. I can handle TK when he goes into protective bother mode, I think I can handle your actual brother.”
Your hands started sweating a little bit. You’d never been this nervous for your brother to meet anyone before, but that’s because you hadn’t felt this way about anyone else in a very very long time. It felt strange, the warmth spreading through your chest and the butterflies in your stomach. But these butterflies weren’t a warning, they were a way of telling you that this was a really good decision. Carter was a good thing, not someone to be afraid of. 
“You didn’t have to offer to take us to a place this nice either,” you said, trying to smooth down your dress again, “He would’ve been fine with fast food or something.”
Carter nudged you with his shoulder and smiled, “Hey, I wanna show your brother that I can treat you right. Besides, it’s about time I treated you to a nice dinner.”
“But the dress, and the reservations, and all of the-”
“Y/N, I get you aren’t used to this,” he said softly, “But this is what it means to be with someone who cares. You’ve eyed that dress every time we’ve passed that boutique. Just let me take care of you? Please, just this once?”
He wasn’t wrong. You’d been dreaming of getting the dress. It wasn’t anything over the top, simple and classic. The silk wasn’t like anything you currently owned, it felt so unlike you, yet like it was made for you at the same time. So to say that you’d been more than surprised when you found it on your bed after you got back from classes today with a note from Carter had been an understatement.
“Do you trust me?” He smiled, it’d become like a thing between you two, even if it had a much deeper meaning. 
“You know I do,” You replied softly.
He smiled and held onto you as the waiter led you to your table. Ethan wasn’t here yet, which you expected. You took a deep breath and sat down. You automatically started playing all the possible outcomes in your head. Maybe Ethan would hate Carter, maybe all of this was a big mistake. 
“Do you want some wine?”
Your shoulders sagged, finally letting go of some of the weight that was bearing down on you, “Yeah, wine would be good.”
He laughed and signaled the waiter over before telling him what he wanted. After the waiter was gone, Carter reached over and grabbed your hand, trying to calm you down as much as he could. Your heart seemed to jump as soon as he touched you. You weren’t used to the good feeling that came with being with someone. You only knew the tear, not the pure joy.
Not two minutes later, Ethan came strolling in. You held your breath as he shook Carter’s hand. This felt big...This was going outside of the little bubble you made in Philly. Carter meeting your brother made this all real. There really was no going back now, Carter was officially part of your life. 
“Hey you,” Ethan said, giving you a big hug.
You held your breath as Carter held his hand out to Ethan. This felt too big. Ethan just smiled and did something that you didn’t expect, he hugged Carter. You went rigid for a moment, expecting something to backfire. You could tell that he said something to Carter, but you couldn’t tell what. But they were both smiling when the three of you sat down. 
“So, stats are looking pretty good so far Carter.”
“Seriously Ethan? We haven’t even gotten any food yet.”
Ethan cracked a big smile and both boys laughed, “I’m just joking. Don’t worry, sis.”
“You’re going to kill me, Ethan.”
“Would you rather me have brought Kora?”
You eyed him, hoping he’d drop that subject for a moment. Under the table, you felt Carter’s hand brush your’s. You smiled softly. Your body seemed to relax as soon as your hand was in his, like he knew you needed something to calm you. This all felt so big.
“I need to thank you,” Ethan said, looking at Carter, “For taking care of her. She doesn’t like to admit it, but she needs people.” 
Carter squeezed your hand. You felt your chest tighten just a little bit, but in a good way. Somehow a lot of your stress melted away in the last few days. You knew he was still out there, waiting, but you didn’t feel like you were being watched anymore. You felt a little safer, somehow. You were still scared to go anywhere alone, you knew he didn’t go anywhere near you as long as someone was with you. 
“How are classes?”
“You always ask that, and I always tell you that it’s fine.” You groaned, taking a sip of your wine, “I’m crushing everything.”
He smiled and tipped his glass to you before taking a long swig of his drink. The three of you settled into a sort of rhythm. The conversation flipped between you and Ethan back home, and hockey, and Carter’s life when he wasn’t tied to the Flyers. You felt comfortable and safe with them together. And they seemed to actually enjoy being there. You liked the idea of your brother and your boyfriend getting along. You weren’t sure what you would’ve done if they didn’t. 
Carter never let go of your hand. You knew he was doing that so you knew you had someone there. He’d squeeze it every now and again, a soft smile would tug on his lips. You were sure Ethan saw the gentle glaces between you and the young goalie, especially since you looked over at your older brother and saw him smiling just as softly. There was an understanding. 
Ethan could see how happy you were, and how safe you felt. He liked the way Carter seemed to be willing to do whatever he had to make sure you were okay. Ethan knew you weren’t one to depend on people, but he often felt horrible that he wasn’t closer Philly. He wanted to be there for you all the time, but stayed thankful for Travis and Nolan who were a phone call away from you. But Carter brought something different to the mix. 
“You seem happy,” Ethan said when Carter excused himself to use the bathroom. 
“I think I am E.”
“He brings out something different in you,” He almost laughed, “Haven’t seen it in a while.”
“You know, Travis said the same thing last week. I told him he was full of shit.”
He had to choke back a laugh. You almost felt normal again. Eating dinner with your boyfriend and your brother, joking about random things. By the end of the night you felt super relaxed and light. You’d forgotten about all the things you were afraid of, and for a moment you didn’t even care. 
You hugged Ethan goodbye and held onto Carter as the two of you walked throught the streets of Philly. You were comfortable with him, you felt like nothing wrong could happen as long as he was by your side. 
You didn’t have a reason to doubt that. He’d never given you a reason to doubt him. In fact, he worked hard to prove that he wouldn’t let you down. You could never thank him enough for everything he’d done already. He opened his apartment to you, and now you spent more time there than you did in your dorm. Mostly because you didn’t like being in your dorm room alone when Kora wasn’t there. But even still, he told you that you could bring Kora over anytime you wanted, even when he was on a road trip. Which turned into a sleepover or two while he was gone. 
“You’re very smiley,” He nudged you as the two of you turned the corner.
“I’m just happy,” You replied, tucking yourself into his side.
“Oh yeah?”
“Mmhm, my brother likes you,” You pointed out, “And you don’t hate him. So yeah, I’m happy.”
He let out a little laugh and kissed the top of your head. You hoped this feeling never went away. You didn’t understand what people were talking about when they said being in lobe felt like you were flying, but you understood now. 
You didn’t want this feeling to ever go away. You liked being in love with Carter. Because...well you were in love with him. You weren’t sure if you’d ever know what this felt like, but now that you knew you never wanted it to go away.
“You know, I-”
You stopped dead in your tracks. You could feel the blood drain from your face. He was there, not more than a couple of hundred yards in front of you. You tugged Carter’s arm back, so he’d turn back around. It only took him one little glance at your face to tell that something was wrong. 
“You need to get me out of here,” your throat felt like it was going to close up, “Please.” 
“Hey, what’s wrong? Y/N?”
“He’s here.”
Next thing you knew Carter was opening the car door for you. You weren’t even sure how you got back to the car. Your whole body was shaking. The free feeling you were enjoying all night was gone. You could lie to yourself all you wanted, but as long as he was in the city, you wouldn’t be safe. He knew where to find you, and he’d keep coming back time and time again.
Your mind was racing, trying to come up with some type of plan. You couldn’t keep living in fear like this, it wasn’t healthy. You were meant to be living large, that’s what the college years were for. But instead you felt trapped. You couldn’t go home, and there wasn’t a place in this city that felt safe to you, not when he knew were everything was.
Carter’s hand was on your leg, reminding you that you were safe. You knew he wouldn’t let anyone hurt you. But that didn’t mean that you weren’t afraid for him. Being involved with you wasn’t easy anymore. Anything could happen to Carter and it could all be your fault.
“C’mon, let’s get you inside,” His voice was soft and gentle. 
Everything with Carter just seemed warm and cozy, like a fire on a cold winter day. You were selfish in the way that you didn’t want to let that go. You never wanted to stop being able to experience it.
“How about a nice bath? I got those bath salt things you mentioned the other week. And those essential oils too. Would that help?”
You looked at him in a dazy kind of shocked way. You mentioned those things in passing just once. You told him they might help him wind down after a tough game or something, and that they always helped you. You were in awe of the man next to you. He had enough to think about with his own career, yet he was surprising you at every turn. Every chance he got, he was doing something to take care of you. Something that was completely unnecessary, yet he seemed to take pride in that.
When the two of you got into his apartment, he led you to the large master bath, which happened to have the very deep bathtub that you had the tendency to spend hours soaking in while he was on a road trip. 
Carter had you sit on the closed toilet while he started to run the water for the bath. You watched as he set up a diffuser for the oils you liked, which you didn’t even know that he knew you to do. You realized as you sat there, that you’d never not feel completely at ease with Carter. 
There was just something about him that made life easy for you. Despite everything that was happening, he made it easy. 
Once the tub was filled, and everything ready for you, Carter turned and gave you a small smile. You wanted to ask what you’d done to deserve him. You couldn’t understand how life decided to bring you two together in such a way as this. But you were more than grateful. 
“I’ll just be on the other side of the door if you need me, okay?”
You nodded, wishing there was some way you could ask him to stay. Only because you didn’t want to be alone. You wanted to spend as much time with him as you possibly could. Even though you were more than comfortable with him, you always seemed to have a ticking clock going in the back of your head, just waiting until school was over and the season ended. Who knows what would happen to the two of you once summer hit. You weren’t even sure where you were going, and how you’d manage to keep up with Carter.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Can you stay?” You said it before you could stop yourself, “Sorry….I didn’t mean to say that….I just didn’t want to be alone.”
He stood in the doorway for a second before glancing around the bathroom. His eyes seemed to land on a spot because a small smile tugged on the corner of his lips before he kicked off his shoes and tugged off his dress jacket and tie. He grabbed a spare fluffy towel and put it on the ground next to the end of the tub, where your head would be, and then sat down. From that spot, you knew his back would be to you. 
“I’ll stay right here. Unless you don’t want me to.”
“No...staying is good.”
He settled onto his spot on the floor and pulled out his phone, “Do you want music?”
You nodded and waited until he looked away to start taking your dress off. You slid into the warm water around the same time that soft gentle music started playing from Carter’s phone. You settled into the warm water, willing it to somehow melt everything away.
Despite the fact that you were naked, with Carter just inches away from you, there wasn’t a bit of sexual tension. It was almost like this was normal. You couldn’t understand how he managed to make you feel so at ease all of the time. No matter the situation, he was the calm in the storm. 
“Thank you.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw his hand reach back towards you. You reached over to grab it. The simple touch brought a strange sense of comfort to you. You weren’t sure how you’d allowed yourself to become so attached to him. You swore you wouldn't do this again, yet here you were. You always longed to be with him. No amount of time seemed to be long enough.
The warm water relaxed your muscles, you felt safe. Like nothing could get you inside these walls. You were safe and happy with him. Those two feelings seemed to be a constant. Which was something you were far from used to. You didn’t know what it was like...until now. You wished you could just bottle this moment and keep it forever. Keep the peace, and the happiness. 
It wasn’t about falling anymore. Not when you already fell. You couldn’t stop something that already happened. The truth was, you were in love with him. You loved Carter more than you could understand. It snuck up on you, and didn’t give you a chance to defend yourself. But this...this was welcomed. Because somehow, you knew he was worthy of your love.
Because, the truth was... you loved Carter.
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buckybarnesalways · 3 years
come to bed
warnings: slight smut
characters: tk and Carlos
@trkstrnd @mycurlyboobear @sneetchestoo @ladyate @snufflesandfluff @buckleymanes @bellakitse @reyeslonestar @littleelisabeth @idostufflikeexist @blakestrand126 @morganaspendragonss @fics-to-read-on-here @lundya366 @marjansmarwani @lire-casander
It had been weeks since Tk had been able to see his boyfriend. Ever since the suspension was lifted, Carlos had been working himself into the ground. Tk knew he was trying to prove to everyone that he was good enough to do his job, no matter how many times he had told carlos that he didn't need to prove anything to anyone, that he was an amazing police officer.
Tk sighed and flopped over onto his bed, shoving his folded pillow under his head and scrunching his eyes closed. He was desperately willing himself to fall asleep but the growing problem between his legs seemed to make it impossible. He groaned and flipped onto his back stretching himself completely across his bed. Yes he missed Carlos for more than just sex but right now, especially this late at night. all he could think of was Carlos and his hands on his body. An involuntary shudder rippled through him at just the thought.
Looking over towards his nightstand, the glowing red numbers on his alarm clock revealed that it was three in the morning. He knew his love would be asleep and he didn't wanna wake him but he couldn't take it anymore. He let out a dramatic sigh and reluctantly reached for his phone. He pressed the call icon next to Carlos’ name and waited. He was surprised when he heard the beautiful voice on the other end answer after only two rings.
"What are you doing?'' he asked, trying to mask the arousal in his voice.
He should have known that he couldn't hide his feelings from the other man. Carlos answered back in a deep voice,
"I was actually thinking about you and how much I miss you."
"Hmmmm is that all you're thinking?" about tk all but purred back.
He could hear the grin in carlos’ voice when he answered back, "Oh definitely not, baby, I was thinking about the way I can make you crazy with just the touch of a hand."
Tk closed his eyes and moaned as his hand traveled down to the waistband of his boxers.
"Ty, babe, you can't make sounds like that when I can't touch you." Carlos said in a clenched voice.
Tk smiled to himself as he pictured carlos’ frustrated face.
"Hmmmm baby i wish it was you touching me." Tk said.
Carlos groaned, setting his laptop on the nightstand and sinking down lower into his bed, " Baby, do you know what you're doing to me?" he asked.
"I wish I was there with you." Tk said in a whisper.
Carlos felt a pang of guilt settle in the pit of his stomach. He hated making Tk think that his job was more important than spending time with him. Fun times forgotten, Tk covered himself with the thick weighted blanket Carlos had bought for him after they realized Tk couldn't sleep if Carlos wasn't draped across him (the blanket helped somewhat). He heard the tired sniffle and his heart broke.
"You know that I'm not trying to stay away from you right?" Carlos asked.
" I just feel like you don't want to look at me since everything that happened and I hate that you feel like it's your fault…" Tk replied.
"Wait. Who told you I blame myself? " Carlos questioned, sitting up straighter in bed.
"No one had to tell me, I can tell by the way you won't even look at me let alone touch me…" tk sighed, "i just miss you, Carlos."
"Ty, it's not you, every time i see you all i can think about is how i failed you, i didn't keep you safe and i’m sor……" Carlos started to say.
" No please don't apologise. You're not to blame, I need you to know that no matter what anyone says, what happened isn't on you, if it weren't for you we may never have been found." Tk said in earnest. " You did that, you saved us, saved me, I knew you would, there was never any doubt."
Carlos grinned, " Well I'm glad one of us believed in me then…" he quietly answered.
" I always believe in you." Tk replied back just as quietly.
Carlos sighed, " what are we doing, Ty. You're so far away."
" Come over, I miss you being here with me." Tk said in a rush.
" Baby I don't think your dad is gonna want to be in the same house as us with the things I wanna do to you." Carlos answered.
"Ok then I'm coming over." Tk responded.
" Wait now, Ty, it's 4:00 in the morning."
Carlos waited for the other man to answer him but was met with silence.
" Tyler Kennedy, you better not be on your way over here." He grumbled as he set his phone on the bed next to him.
About thirty minutes later he had started to doze off, when he was jolted awake by the slight dip of the mattress next to him.
" Hi there, sleeping beauty!" Tk joked, running a soothing hand across his cheek.
"Babe? what….?" Carlos stuttered out.
"What? Did you not think I was serious about coming over?" Tk asked laughing.
With a groan, Carlos reached out wrapping his arms around Tks waist, pulling him down against him.
" Honestly I thought you were joking but now that you're here…" Carlos answered leaning over, capturing Tks mouth with his own.
Tk kissed back fervently, one of his hands landing on Carlos' hip and the other traveling to the back of his neck trying to pull him in closer. Clothes were thrown around the room as they melted into each other. Both of them desperate to show the other just how much love they possessed for the other one.
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daiseukiis · 3 years
─꒱ love showed it’s way in many ways, but never in his life did kuroo tetsuro think this was how his love for would repay him
─꒱ feat. kuroo tetsuro
─꒱ warnings ; angst in the end !
─꒱ notes ; this was in my drafts, n i should update the mlist lmao
⠀⠀⠀⠀EVERYONE THAT KNEW YOU TWO HAD THE SAME THOUGHT WHEN THEIR EYES LAID ON THE PAIR. ‘perfect.’ you two were just utterly perfect for each other. kuroo especially loved everything about you, in his eyes you were the only perfect one. the way your smile would light up the room, your eyes glittered like a thousand stars in the night, he was addicted to you like a drug always looking for that high.
but why?
"sorry! are you hurt?" a hand was stretched out to you while you laid on your ass. the throbbed pain on your head while your eyes blurred even for a second. you let out groan as your hand touched the part of your head you knew was going to have a bump on it.
"who the fuck was that?" you hissed to the raspy voice that came running your way, only for eyes to widen at a bed haired boy. his arm out for you, gosh you blushed at how handsome he was while apologizing. lost in a daze you blankly took his hand as he pulled you up with much force.
"kuroo, sorry, you got hit by a volleyball."
"i'm y/n…"
i thought i was the one.
"congrats! you two are finally a couple!" your friend had cheered out, bumping you as it caused your body to get flung to the side, but luckily you were able to catch yourself before falling. even the tiniest blush tinted your cheeks, making your friends gush even more about the event.
"you must be glad kuroo smacked you with a volleyball, hey?" yes, it was your first year during a sports festival, and him and his team were playing volleyball near your friends which caused that accident. but you two talked about it and well… got a bit close during second year.
"if you put it that way…" shyly brushing a few strands of hair behind your ears, your friends had continued to scream and gush more about how you two were the perfect couple for each other.
"you're pretty cute, aren't you?" a voice chuckled behind you, arms that wrapped around your waist as it caused you to flinch at the certain contact. you glanced behind, knowing full well who it was. the smile on his lips showed his happiness, and the kiss he planted on your cheeks showed his love.
"i… i could get used to this." you utter out, only softly enough for him to hear. kuroo grinned before nuzzling his face at the crock of your neck making you laugh. you two ignored the squeals your friends made, having you both lose yourselves in your own world.
"i could say the same."
why did it end this way?
"c'mon y/n! you look pretty cute in my jersey!" kuroo boasted, all in front of his teammates as a proud captain showing off his girlfriend. you only rolled your eyes at him, pointing a finger accusingly at your boyfriend.
"see, captain, you better win!" the shit eating grin found it's way to his face, causing you to flinch at the sudden change of atmosphere. in one swift mood he made his way towards you, gripping his hands on your hips and lifting you up. a small scream left your lips as you instantly put your hands on his shoulders to stop the unevenness of his lift.
he twirled you around in the air, but with how close he was to you, your legs had wrapped around his torso and arms around his neck. your one hand brought his face close to your, giving him a nice sweet kiss on the lips.
"yuck! mom and dad are kissing again!"
"kuroo you shit!"
why did you have to choose him.
"y/n! are you okay?! can you hear me?" kuroo screamed out to you, hands which held the sides of the medical bed as he came rushing to the hospital after he was contacted.
there you were, on life support talking to your family. a few bandages here and there but nonetheless, he still found the sight of you breathtaking. you turned from giggling at a man who kuroo has assumed was there in the accident, looking at him with a confused look. yet the words that left your mouth only caused his heart to shatter.
"who are… you?"
i thought you loved me.
"i'm sorry to tell you this… but she has amnesia. due tk the car accident head on, it caused damage to the brain causing her to lose her memories." kuroo's fists tightened, standing in front of the doctor that was treating you.
the doctor let out a sigh, fixing his glasses while holding onto the clipboard of your current status. the lights in the hallway flickered only once, a hitch in the electric system. kuroo couldn't bear to look at the doctor, who now put a hand on his shoulder.
"boy, it must be tough for the one you love to lose memories of you." his tears almost fell to the floor as fast as the clack of the doctor's shoes sounded, his strained eyes staring at the small glass window of your figure talking happily with someone. making gestures as that someone continued to peel apples for you, making you blush and smile. someone that was making memories of your love.
someone that wasn't him.
but i guess it was one sided.
"i'm sorry but… i don't feel the same way about you. it wasn't you who stayed by my side…" you looked at kuroo, your heart strings tugging. the guilt of not knowing your former lover and your memories hurt you. but you could never remember the happy moments you shared with him, no matter how hard any of you could try.
"just… just be happy okay?" his voice cracked, his eyes beginning to wet while you only stood there as you watched him break down right in front of your eyes.
the happiness, sadness, despair and love you both shared was now nothing. it was in the past and you both know nothing could be done once it was done. especially when that love was never given back after a fateful accident.
you nodded your head, wiping the tears that started to run down his face. was this how his love was to repay him? high school had now ended, and the perfect couple people once knew were now nothing but strangers, struck by tragic misfortune.
"forget about me, and be happy." he nodded, the last time we was to feel your delicate hands touch his skin. the last he would feel your soft lips kiss his cheeks. a voice called out to you, the new lover you started developing feelings for after the past year.
"i'll take care of her," daishou had proclaimed as he stood in front of the other captain with a small, 'yeah.' kuroo had only nodded, watching as you stepped back and wrapped your arm around his. a smile that would be flashed towards him wholeheartedly before you walked away out of his life.
"goodbye, kuroo."
this would be the last that he would feel any love from you.
"i loved you first..."
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taglist ; @inumakiful @to-move-on-means-to-grow @hq128 @hoeevern @captaincyberqueen @nvritoshi @your-consulting-fangirl @strawberry-feline @strawbebbies-ky @thevoidwriting @messofavs @syrenblubs @ulaaaaaaann @gomchan @vintagexparker @duhsies @lumpiang-toge @falling-through-pages @foreverisho @hannas16 @chewymoustachio
© MGUQIIS 、 2021
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cactuskate · 3 years
Chapter 2: The Offer
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the perfect gif doesn't exi- (gif by @yodaprod)
AN: here is chapter 2! sorry for the delay :)
Summary: Poor Y/N is just looking for an easy day after a night full of fighting stormtroopers. Unfortunately for her, the fight is not quite over. Besides, an annoyingly handsome Han Solo just seems to keep showing up wherever she's at... and this time with an offer she might not be able to refuse!
Warnings: another stormtrooper fight, blasters, bruises, Chewie swearing
word count: 2,484
The next morning you wake up sore. Your side is starting to turn an ugly shade of green, but you welcome it. Green is your favorite color, and you don’t get to see much of it in the desert. After spending the morning at the daycare, you are instantly in a better mood than the previous night. Something about being around foundlings has always made you feel at ease. Your day is wide open until later in the evening -- when the Union meets.
Walking down one of the main streets, you figured you would stop at your favorite bakery for more bread. Baba is an older woman who has owned the store since she was your age. Everyone loves Baba, but to you, she is like a grandmother. Every day, you walk past her booth and she yells at you for not eating enough, offers you bread, and refuses your payment. It is quite an honor for her to treat you like this. She isn’t kind to everyone, despite being one of the highest esteemed community members on Tatooine. As you turn down the path that leads to her storefront, you stop cold in your tracks. The trooper from last night. Harassing Baba.
“Where is she?! Huh?! Tell me, you old bat, I know you know who I’m talking about!” he shouts at Baba, who is huddled behind the kiosk countertop. Suddenly, a rush of adrenaline overcomes you and you start sprinting towards the trooper.
“Hey, Chew, look it’s your friend,” Han says, as the pair turns the corner in search of a junkyard for some parts. There you were, sprinting down the street.
“Hey, loser! Leave her alone,” you shout, crouching down to help Baba up and into the store where you instruct her to lock the door. The rest of the street comes to a silent hush as other storekeepers and customers follow suit and hide in the buildings.
“Can’t seem to get enough of me, huh?” you taunt the trooper. “Seems like I did a real number on that handsome face of yours last night, you sure you want a second round?” The trooper grunts as he lunges at you.
“Leave her be!” Han shouts. Chewie growls, pulling Han back before he can insert himself in the situation.
“Solo, go away, this isn’t your fight,” you shout back, annoyed that you now have an audience. You swerve the trooper’s advancements, sweeping his legs out from underneath him causing him to land on his back.
“It’s embarrassing how bad you are at this,” you huff at the trooper. “I have no tolerance for men that harass innocent people. You’ve picked on the wrong person, soldier.”
The trooper reaches for his blaster, aiming to shoot at you. Before he can even turn off the safety, you’ve kicked it out of his hands. The trooper lunges for it, regaining whatever was left of his balance. You reach for it too, sending it flying down the street without even touching it.
“What can I say, I’m a sucker for a fair fight,” you say as you bat your eyes.
“Jedi scum,” huffs the trooper, standing now, ready to charge you.
He hits your side - in the same exact place he struck you last night - and you topple to the ground. Okay, that time I definitely heard a crack. Without a second thought, you spring back up to catch his fist, flipping him to the ground and pinning him down with all the strength left in your body in one motion.
“I’m no Jedi. A Jedi would show mercy. You won’t be getting any of that from me. I know who you are, TK-079. I know everything about you. You’re a bully. I hate bullies,” you sneer at him, fear growing on his face.
You reach for the blaster again, and it comes flying into your hand like a moth to light. You slam the butt of it up onto his chin, in the same place as last night. An eye for an eye, you think, as you start to feel the pain bubble up in your side, this time at a higher intensity. The trooper is knocked out cold. For a moment, you feel peace.
Han and Chewbacca come running up to you. Shit. How much of that did they hear?
“Seems like he came back for round two really thinking he would win,” Chewie chuckled. You look up at him, noticing the noise beginning to resume on the street as people come out from their hiding.
“Can you pick him up for me?” you ask Chewie, not wanting to draw any more attention to the fight that just played out. Chewbacca hoists the trooper over his shoulder. “Through there,” you point at the tunnel leading to an alley. Han stays put, still processing what he just witnessed. “Solo, come on,” you urge, picking up the trooper’s blaster and tugging on Han’s sleeve.
“Well, I’m starting to think I need to practice my combat a little more, what do you think Chewie?” Han dramatically announces as the three of you and the unconscious trooper enter the alley.
“You can put him down right here, thank you,” you tell Chewbacca, ignoring Han’s comment. “Solo, destroy the blaster, down there,” you instruct, handing Han the gun and pointing further down the alley. He looks at you with a face of bewilderment.
“You want me to destroy this perfectly fine blaster? No. No, I can’t do that, that would be sacrilegious. Clearly, you won that fight, you should keep it,” Han rebuttals, extending the blaster to you.
“No, I don’t want it. I don’t like guns. Destroy it, or keep it - whatever, I want it out of my sight,” you grunt, as you try to figure out which door in the alley belongs to the Resistance.
You know the mission already went sideways, it would be too risky to let the trooper get away again. Just deliver him to Resistance officers to arrest, and then deal with whatever consequence the Union is sure to dream up.
“Wha- You don’t like guns? I don’t get you. You go and pick fights with stormtroopers and then won’t even use a gun? That’s all they know how to do -- point and shoot!” Han says, bewilderedly. He shudders. “I don’t want to keep the blaster of a dead stormtrooper.”
“He’s not dead!” you whisper-shout at him. “Look, I don’t know what you think you heard, but I do not go picking fights with stormtroopers,” you huff. “Chewie, can you destroy the blaster?”
Chewbacca and Han move further down the alley to deal with the gun as you knock on the door of the Resistance office. You explain what happened to the Resistance officer and they gratefully take the unconscious man into custody. Venturing down the alley, you find Chewbacca and Han hovered over the smoking blaster.
“See, that wasn’t so hard,” you huff, as you squeeze past them to reemerge on the main street.
“A perfectly good blaster,” Han mumbles, following you to the street with Chewie right behind.
“What were you two even doing over here, the cantina isn’t remotely close,” you ask annoyedly, wondering what stars-forsaken reason you had company on a botched mission. Not botched. Just... improvised.
“We’re looking for a new junkyard to find parts at. Han got us banned from our usual dealer,” Chewbacca growls, clearly annoyed with Han.
“It was not my fault! That guy was a lunatic. Trying to upsell pieces of junk,” Han argued back.
“My roommate’s friend owns a junkyard near my house. I’ll show you. I can probably get you a good deal… a sort of thank you for helping me back there,” you offer, genuinely thankful there was at least someone with the muscle power to help bring the trooper out of the street. Even without an injured side, you would have struggled to do it yourself.
Argh, my side. The pain swells up. You look down to see the exposed skin peeking out of your top become even more discolored, and hope that it will subside in a couple days.
The three of you walk up the street leading to the junkyard in silence. Estrella, although part of the Union, seems to take the attachment rule with a grain of salt. She has been secretly dating Brendol, who owns the junkyard you are taking Han and Chewie to. Brendol is a piece of work. You can’t fathom why Estrella would break this rule for him.
“Hi Brendol, I brought you some business,” you announce as you enter the shop, the bell above the door chiming. Brendol looks up from his book, underwhelmed. “This is Chewbacca and Han Solo. They’re looking for some parts.” Turning to Han and Chewie, you gesture to the yard. “I’ll leave you boys to it.”
“Do you speak Wookiee?” Chewbacca asks Brendol, who looks somewhat more enthusiastic.
“Yes,” Brendol responds, somewhat relieved when he realizes he’ll only have to deal with Chewbacca as Han stays back in the shop. Word seemed to have gotten around about Han’s scuffle with the other junkyard owner.
Making your way to the opposite side of the shop from Han, you begin tinkering with parts of a droid that needs repair. Han’s gaze is steady on you as you work with your back to him. You feel him just standing there. Watching you.
“Enjoying the view?” you ask annoyed, as you turn to meet his gaze from across the shop. He continues to stare as you work with the parts in your hand. You walk to the counter where he is leaning, purposefully placing yourself with as much distance the tiny shop will allow between you.
“What do you want?” you finally huff, placing the parts down on the counter with a clang. You don’t dare meet his eyes. He’s already gotten to know you enough in the past 24 hours than anyone else has.
“Just… thinking,” Han responds coyly. “You know, Chewie and I were talking. You’re a great fighter. You clearly know what you're doing around parts,” he says, gesturing to the droid you’ve nearly fixed. “Chewie told me a few other things about you, too.”
“Like what?” you ask, trying to sound bored rather than panicked. You finally turn to meet his gaze. He hasn’t stopped looking at you since the three of you arrived at the junkyard.
“Like how you’re loyal, how you have so much more to offer than what this crummy planet deserves...,” he trails. “How you should join us on the Falcon’s crew.” You freeze. He can’t be serious.
“You’re crazy, Solo. You don’t even know me and you're asking me to fly away with you?”
“With us. It was Chewie’s idea,” he clarifies. “You’re right, I don’t know you. But Chewie knows you enough to trust you and that says a lot to me.” He pauses for a moment, contemplating what to say next. “I know you don’t know me, but Chewie trusts me. So that must mean something to you, too,” Han argues. You search his gaze for some sort of sign as to why he’s asking you. You come up with nothing.
“What do you do?” Han asks, interrupting your thoughts.
“What do you do for a living? Here on Tatooine. What do you do?” Han asks.
“I’m a daycare teacher,” you respond. He laughs.
“Right. I’m supposed to believe you're a teacher? None of my teachers ever knew how to throw a punch like you do,” Han says, shaking his head in disbelief.
“I learned how to fight when I was a waitress a few years back,” you say, not completely lying. Maz thought it would be good for you to know how to fight when you got your first job working in the cantina. “You don’t have to believe anything I say,” you continue, “But of all the jobs I could lie about having, why would I choose being an underpaid teacher?”
“Fine,” Han says, putting his hands up in the air as a surrender. “I believe you. I just don’t think you’re telling me the whole truth,” Han falters, as if he’s considering whether or not to say what he says next. “I just think someone like you is wasting your potential staying here. Come with us or don’t, that’s up to you. But this planet… this planet doesn’t deserve you.”
Han holds your gaze, a little longer than you would like. The shouting match between Chewie and Brendol ends the moment as quickly as it came.
“Y/N, would you tell your friend the Wookiee that I will not go lower than 400 credits for these parts,” Brendol whines as he returns to his spot behind the counter.
“Y/N, you tell this puny man that he knows that price is bullshit,” Chewbacca cries, carrying a load of parts in his arms to the counter. Han leans himself against the doorframe, entertained that you are put in the middle of Chewie’s bargaining negotiations instead of him.
“Brendol, come on. 400 credits? Cut it down to 200, I’m cashing in on my favor,” you say firmly, planting your hands on the counter so you face him square on.
“What favor do I owe you for exactly?” Brendol sneers, certain you have nothing of value for him to fold on.
“Two months ago, you told Rella you were going to visit your mother on Corellia, but I know for a fact and have evidence that you went to Canto Bight and spent all of your savings on gambling. I haven’t told Rella because I care too much about her, but I’m starting to think it might be better for her to know…,” you counter, knowing this is enough for him to fold.
Brendol pauses, seeming to process the information you just told him. Han and Chewie exchange an entertained look.
“Fine, 200 credits,” Brendol grunts.
“150, I just fixed this droid,” you shoot back, hitting a wire that makes the D-O unit reel to life. Brendol looks defeated but agrees. Chewie cries a coo of delight, happily paying 150 credits for the parts he needs.
“See ya later, Brendol!” you sing, as you leave the shop, passing by an impressed Han Solo on your way through the door.
As the pair meets you outside of the shop, you know this is goodbye. As tempting of an offer Han made, it is not enough to get you to leave Tatooine. Not wanting you to decide so quickly, Han places a hand on your shoulder.
“Just think about what I said. We leave tomorrow at sunset.”
You nod, with your mind already made up and turn to give Chewie a hug. You watch for a moment as they walk away, back through town and to their ship. You sigh, as you know your day is far from over. Rough day.
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ao3theskyisblue · 3 years
Take it easy
“Are you looking to get infected?” Nancy raises an eyebrow, smiling when TK snorts. “Because I’m pretty sure I can make that happen.”
“I see you’re just going to be a pain in my neck both on shift and off shift, huh?” TK teases, the words said without an ounce of heat, and Nancy shrugs, grinning smugly.
“My lungs are dying, TK. I think I have complaining privileges.”
Written for Day 4 of  @911lonestarangstweek : Sickfic + “You need to rest.” 
Read on AO3
“Tell me I did not just hear from that lovely nurse Melody say what I think she just said.”
Nancy forces back a loud groan, knowing that she would just be coughing up her lungs again. Looking up from her Instagram feed, she spies TK leaning against the entry of her hospital room, looking less than impressed. She parts her lips to reply, but TK holds up a hand.
“That was a rhetorical question. I forbid you to say even a single word.” The words sound like a warning, but Nancy has worked and gotten to know her partner long enough to see how worried he was underneath the whole tough façade. His arms were crossed, trying to mask how he was itching to wring his hands together, and she could see the residual trembling as he fought back the urge to tap his feet against the linoleum flooring.
“I could have my lungs taken out and still have enough air to fight you, Strand.” Nancy croaks, wincing when she hears how bad she sounds through all the mucus and dry throat, but TK doesn’t bat an eye. She follows him with her eyes as he tentatively closes the distance between them to sit by the chair at her bedside, obviously ignoring the warnings the hospital personnel gave about personal space.
“Are you looking to get infected?” Nancy raises an eyebrow, smiling when TK snorts. “Because I’m pretty sure I can make that happen.”
“I see you’re just going to be a pain in my neck both on shift and off shift, huh?” TK teases, the words said without an ounce of heat, and Nancy shrugs, grinning smugly.
“My lungs are dying, TK. I think I have complaining privileges.” She coughs to the side that TK is not currently occupying, the brutal hacking sound making her entire chest feel on fire as she gratefully accepts the spit tray offered to her along with the glass of water.
“Which is exactly why you are not coming back to work. Did you seriously think the doctors would discharge you like this?” TK lifts an eyebrow skeptically, running a gentle hand down her back as she tries to breathe in without coughing all the air back out again. When she feels no more incoming coughs, she straightens to look at him.
“I can flash my badge and get a discharge back home. Then I’ll just slap on a mask and go back to work. I didn’t break my legs, TK, I have pneumonia. I’m perfectly fine.” Nancy gripes, narrowing her eyes at TK’s scoff.
“You need to rest. Need I remind you why you’re in the hospital in the first place?” TK sighs, lifting his hands up before dropping them down on his lap. “You already had a cold before that call, and then you decided to leap off the side of a bridge like Prince Charming in that third Cinderella movie. Into the lake. Which was freezing, by the way.” TK shuddered, as if taken back to that scene, and Nancy held back a laugh because that would not help her coughing get any better.
“Oh, silly me. I should have dipped my toes in the water one-hundred feet up in the air to test the temperature before trying to save that little girl’s life. I’ll make sure to keep that in mind and grow longer legs in my next lifetime to do just that.” Nancy says drily, and she just smiles innocently as TK glares daggers at her.
“And you say I’m the impulsive one.”
“You literally jumped in right after me, so that argument’s invalid.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t catch pneumonia after, did I?”
They stare at each other blankly, before their lips twitch upwards at the same time as laughter fills up the room. Nancy tries to hold her own giggles back, but it was difficult when she had a partner that gave as good as he got, which made her want to strangle him half the time, and the rest of the time hug him and never let go.  
“I still remember the double death glares from the captains,” Nancy manages to get out between their laughter with coughs mixed in between, and TK lifts a hand to cover his face, a wide grin peeking out from between his fingers.
“Little Amelia must have been so confused. I mean, there we were, soaked to the bone holding her in between us while our entire station just glares at us and planning the best way to murder us both.” TK snorts, and Nancy feels a new bout of laughter threatening to come out when she remembers the six pairs of eyes that just stared at them incredulously.
“You’re lucky Carlos wasn’t there. I’m surprised he hasn’t already been lugging around a portable doghouse for you to climb into next time this kind of thing happens.” Nancy snickers, laughing at the face TK makes at that.
“Oh, he chewed me out thoroughly when I got home. In between tucking in blankets and not letting me leave the couch in my homemade burrito, I couldn’t so much as go to the washroom without him glaring at me for even trying to get up.” TK rolls his eyes fondly, and Nancy feels her smile soften at the affection shining through every single one of his words.
“Love looks good on you, Strand.” Nancy nudges him lightly with an elbow, and receives a gentle squeeze on her arm. She knows she’s not going to like the next words that come out of TK’s mouth when his eyes suddenly sparkle mischievously.
“Speaking of love,” Nancy shoots him a glare at that, because she knows exactly where this conversation was going and that was not to describe what it was. “How’s that thing that we were discussing a few days ago going?” TK wiggles his eyebrows teasingly, and Nancy sighs in exasperation.
“It’s not going. Anywhere. We’re friends,” Nancy shrugs, looking down at the hospital linens, slowly picking at them with her hands. It was the truth, they were friends. So what if her insides feels a little weird when they were in a room together, it didn’t mean anything. “And she hasn’t spoken a single word to me since this happened.”
She let out a few quiet coughs, remembering how Marjan had hovered over them – over her at the scene, but then after she got admitted into the hospital, nothing. Not a peep. Not even a text or the occasional meme they send to each other over Instagram.
Maybe she had just been deluding herself the whole time.
Maybe her heart was slowly splitting into tiny pieces.
Asking for the moon was sometimes easier than wishing someone would stay.
TK falls silent next to her, and just when she tries to put on her best smile and change the subject, she feels a hand squeeze hers.
“Whatever you’re thinking, stop. You and I both know Marjan wouldn’t give someone the radio silence treatment without a reason. And, she has the night off today.” TK trails off, the suggestion lingering in the air and Nancy sighs.
She just wants to forget.
“You’re right, I’m just a little-” Nancy cuts herself off, pursing her lips at the frenzied thoughts circling her mind.
“-Sick and just want to see the person who makes your heart feel all funny for a while?” TK proposes, and Nancy turns to shoot him a playful glare, ignoring the heat slowly seeping into her cheeks.
“Okay smartass, turn down the notch on cocky bastard a little, will you?” Nancy grins as TK laughs, and she feels a brief moment of satisfaction when he doesn’t move away from her swat to his shoulder. “Now, I know for a fact that you brought food with you. Give me my offering.”
With a small tsk and a quiet mutter of “of course, since you asked so nicely,” TK hands her a cloth bag. She slowly takes out a metal container along with a spoon wrapped neatly in paper towels, lifting the lid curiously. Her eyes widen in surprise at what’s inside, smiling at how pretty it looks.
“Tofu pudding,” TK adds, smiling. “Carlos has been into Chinese cuisine lately and found this off the internet. You usually eat it cold, but we thought warming it up a little might be better for you. You get your daily dose of protein while actually enjoying the food, it’s a win-win.”
Nancy picks up the spoon and dips it into the soft pudding, admiring how smoothly the spoon slides through. She lifts it up to her mouth, and although a little bland (though she couldn’t really eat any heavily seasoned food for a while anyway), it was delicious.
“If you don’t marry your boyfriend, I’ll do it for you.” Nancy takes another bite of the soothing goodness, smiling around her mouthful when TK blushes.
“High praise, I’ll keep that in mind.” TK chuckles, and Nancy grins before taking another bite, loving how easy it was to swallow.
Then, another thought crosses her mind.
“Wait, how did you get in here, anyway? I thought they were barring visitors.” Nancy narrows her eyes at TK suspiciously, wondering how the nurses hadn’t come in to kick him out yet. TK just smirks, leaning back against the chair and crossing a leg over the other.
“You clearly don’t know me very well if you think that’s going to stop me.”
Nancy hums, though she really couldn’t complain. He brought her food, after all.
“Fair point.”
Nights were the worst.
She has been a paramedic for close to seven years, and still, she could never stop being offended by her own body betraying her at the most crucial time of the day when she needed to rest without wanting to tear her lungs out and dunk them in an ice bath.  
Sighing to give into her fate of a sleepless night yet again, she opens her eyes slowly, blinking against the dim lighting of her secluded room. Picking up her phone, she lets her eyes adjust to the change in brightness before a small smile slowly makes its way on her lips at the cute Buttercup video Mateo sent her a little earlier.
“Can’t sleep?”
Nancy jumps, a muffled shout coming out followed with a series of long coughs, making her wince.
Ugh, even the coughs at night were worse.
“Whoa, hey, easy. Sorry.” A warm hand rubbed her back in soothing circles, much like what TK had done earlier, but these hands left a lingering heat that didn’t disappear when they retracted hesitatingly.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Marjan repeats quietly, her brown eyes stretched wide as she looks at her worriedly, and Nancy tries to smile, waving her off.
“It’s fine. I just wasn’t expecting anyone.” Nancy lets out another cough before clearing her throat, gratefully accepting the water Marjan offers her. She takes a few sips, cringing at how her throat burns with each swallow.
The burn provides a welcome distraction from how Marjan was currently standing beside her hospital bed, wearing a simple green long-sleeved turtleneck and matching hijab, with a soft smile that brightened every single room she walked into.  
She suddenly felt self-conscious about her own appearance, no doubt sporting dark eye-bags from the lack of sleep and looking paler than a ghost from not eating much other than the food TK or Captain Vega brought in for her. Paul had also swung by a few times, along with the other members of the 126 but she didn’t have the heart to tell them and their openly kind expressions that she couldn’t really stomach a lot right now. That, and how ingesting anything, including water, felt like swallowing porcupine quills.
Still, the urge to hide behind her hair was strong.
“How did you even get in here?” Nancy asks instead, frowning when she remembered that visiting hours were long over, and yet, here Marjan was.
She noticed Marjan shifting nervously, and it was definitely something new. She wasn’t sure she’s ever seen Marjan being awkward or nervous, and certainly not around her.
“TK pulled some strings. And I may have had a little…conversation with the nurses.” Marjan winced a little, and Nancy couldn’t help quirking her lips up in a small smile.
“Conversation, huh?” She hums absently, biting back a laugh at Marjan’s nervous glances back at the nurse’s station. “Is that what you called the ripping-into you gave the tattoo artists?” She couldn’t help tease, her smile widening at the spots of colour spreading across Marjan’s cheeks.
“Well it definitely seems like you’re feeling a little better.” Marjan sighs in fond exasperation, the awkwardness dissipating between them, and Nancy follows her figure as she sits down tentatively on the chair beside her.
“Do firefighters just have no concept of ‘I’m infectious?’ Aren’t you also a qualified medic?” Nancy asks playfully, her heart doing a little jump at Marjan’s wide grin.
“In sickness and in health,” Marjan shrugs, as if she hadn’t just quoted wedding vows at her, and Nancy just stares at her blankly. Marjan lifts her gaze, and she fidgets slightly when she feels those eyes staring straight through her.
“I’ve never seen you with your hair down,” Marjan comments quietly, and Nancy starts, lifting a hand self-consciously to run her fingers through it. “It’s usually always in a bun or a ponytail. You look…different.”
Okay, that fills her with mild panic.
“I can always tie it back up? My mother always hated how long I would let my hair grow, so I always have a hair tie ready-”
A hand grasps her wrist gently before she can tug the hair tie off her wrist, and she looks up to see Marjan looking at her warmly.
“It’s a good different.” Nancy lets out a small puff of air at that, slowly lowering her hands back onto the thin covering. She couldn’t help but notice Marjan still not letting go of her wrist. Something conflicting passed by her expression, and Nancy noticed that she kept on parting her lips to say something before holding back.
Leaning back slowly against the ridiculous number of pillows, turning her head to clear her vision of a few loose strands of hair, Nancy waited.
“I’m sorry.”
Okay, that was something she hadn’t been expecting.
She snaps her head up, turning to look at Marjan in surprise.
Why was she apologizing?
“…for what?” Nancy asks cautiously, frowning when Marjan shifts her hand to squeeze her arm. Her other hand is pinching on the edges of her clothes, and Nancy wonders if it’s a nervous tick.
There’s a sharp laugh, though it was lacking all humour that cuts through the quietness of the room, and Nancy wants to smooth out the creases between her eyebrows as she scowls sadly.
“I gave you the silent treatment. I ignored you when– I just, I’m sorry.” Nancy feels her shoulders relaxing, and suddenly, she wants nothing more than to hug the woman looking like the human version of a kicked puppy beside her.
“But you came,” Nancy says softly, waiting until Marjan looks up before continuing. “You still came, and that’s all that matters.” In a sudden burst of courage, she covers the hand that’s on her arm with her own, smiling at the look of surprise that greets her.
Marjan blinks at her, then down at their hands. With a small smile, she squeezes hers.
And Nancy lets her.
“You know,” Marjan starts, her eyes looking a little distant as if she was re-living a memory. “When you just leaped off the side of the bridge without a second thought, the first thing I felt wasn’t fear.”
Nancy feels her heart drop to her stomach at the look of sheer terror resonating in her eyes, but Marjan still doesn’t look up fully.
“Instead, it was a strong pull, screaming at me to jump in after you, a never-ending urge to make sure you were safe,” Marjan says lowly, squeezing their hands tighter. “So, when I couldn’t do that, when Paul had to physically shove me back, that was when the fear hit.”
Nancy suddenly couldn’t feel the burning pain in her throat. She couldn’t feel the constant ache in her chest, or the little prickles of pain every time she breathed.
No, she couldn’t feel anything other than the warmth of Marjan’s hand in hers, and how hard she was squeezing it.
“There was- there was a moment where I wondered if I would ever see either of you again,” Marjan’s breath hitches at the end, and Nancy feels her own heart break at the way her eyes shine brightly.
“I have so much I want to know about you,” Her heart stuttered at the three words, said without an ounce of hesitation. When Marjan looks up at her with shining eyes, she forces back the urge to wipe away the tears that hadn’t fallen.
“I’m here. And I’m safe. A little battered and bruised, but I’ll be just fine.” Nancy whispers, smiling reassuringly, and feels lighter when Marjan smiles back, albeit a little weakly.
Still, it was a genuine smile nonetheless, and there was nothing Nancy enjoyed more in the world than to witness Marjan’s brilliant smile every day.
“Besides, I’ve already been pushing the doctors to release me already.” Nancy shrugs, ignoring the glare immediately sent her way.
“You need to rest,” Marjan shoots back without a beat, and Nancy rolls her eyes.
“First Strand, now you? I’m fine.” Nancy scowls, though the little sniffle she lets out after doesn’t really help her case. Still, she glares up at the female firefighter in front of her, daring her to comment on it.
They’re locked into one of their usual staring contests, where their eyes speak more than any words they could say. Nancy was determined to not be the one who broke this time, but the piercing look of seriousness was starting to make her squirm.
Marjan finally blinked, making her feel a brief sense of victory before it quickly disappeared when she says, “You don’t need to push yourself so hard all the time.”
Nancy scowls.
Pushing herself, huh?
She thinks back to her years in college, to all the people who didn’t believe. To her parents, who had tried to be encouraging, but she could still see the tiny flickers of doubt. After all, a paramedic? Long hours, average pay, and no account for the danger?
She knows there were many other reasons that she tried her best to shove into the deepest recesses of her mind, but she had gotten where she was today by working hard, without once looking back.
Sitting back from a job she’s known and wanted her entire life didn’t feel right, even when she could barely take in a breath without coughing up her lungs or ingest anything other than water.
There’s another squeeze of her hand, and Nancy is shaken out of her thoughts as a pair of eyes watch her carefully.
“We all see you,” Marjan says softly, and Nancy swallows past the pain. “We all love you, Nancy, and we just want you to feel better before you hurt yourself even worse.”
In the dim lighting of the room they were in, surrounded by the smell of sickness and the low humming of the heater, Nancy suddenly feels lighter.
She squeezes the hand she hadn’t let go of, a quiet chuckle breaking free.
“You all love me, huh?” She couldn’t help tease, but instead of flushed cheeks and the anticipated stuttering, Marjan just looks at her with resolution in her eyes.
“Without a doubt.”
 Without a doubt.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Catharsis (A Satan x GN MC Fanfic)
As it would turn out, moving is hell, and tensions are high in my house for the moment... I can't work up enough of a playful mood to look at my other WIPs right now, so here's another episode of "I'm Moody and Need to Work Through Some Stuff... w/ Jazzy." Funny enough, I wrote this while listening to Kartharsis (yes with a K) by TK from Ling tosite sigure (yes the Unravel guy).
Warning: Angst, Verbal Abuse
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Catharsis: the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions
Satan could never claim to have the healthiest anger management strategies… To some extent, it's not exactly his fault. He's a being born from rage itself and for most of his life, it's tinted his every thought… Even after cooling down some, his temper remained exceedingly short. And worst of all, his wrath could burn looong… If given a chance, he could stay mad for days unless given some kind of release…
His brothers usually knew to steer clear if getting Satan that pissed. The only surefire way they had of calming him down was to let him destroy something and that wasn't doing all that great for the House's walls… But brothers do what brothers do. There will probably always be a day where they're bickering or fighting with each other… which means that Satan could never be off the hook entirely...
The person who actually got his nerves this time was Belphie. The co-members of the Formerly Anti-Lucifer League don't butt heads very often, but it's bound to happen occasionally… Particularly when Lucifer was concerned. Belphie had promised to get Satan a book he needed for a curse the two of them had been scheming for months. It was supposed to be so intricate and difficult to undo that it'd have the eldest struggling for weeks… Unfortunately, Belphegor had decided to sleep in on the day he was supposed to bring it... This made Satan miss a crucial time window to put the finishing touch on their curse. They'd have to wait another century for the planets to align again…
To say that Satan was irritated would only be the start… truthfully, he was furious. Days of effort and planning went to waste because his lazy brother couldn't be bothered to get out of bed! Perhaps even more unfortunate, though, was that Belphie wasn't one to take someone else's anger lying down… He may be lazy, but he had wit far beyond his rank and venom to match it in equal measure... All fights between these two were like verbal pit matches, a vicious dance of jabs and insults until one of them finally throws a punch or someone else steps in to break it up... 
Today's unlucky contestant was Beel, who hollered at them loud enough to shake the walls... Satan knew that Belphie was more than happy to leave the situation as it was… The lazy bastard could always hide in the attic and sleep away his problems… but it wasn't that easy for Satan. His anger doesn't just "go away" like everyone else’s... Sure, he may appear to simmer down.. but it lingers. It festers. And he hates it…
He hates being mad… There's nothing pleasant about anger. Breaking people under your feet in righteous fury? Well, there's some fun in that. But just being angry with nothing to do about it...? Whoever asks for that…?
Which is why he was trying to indulge a suggestion the MC gave him some time back to take his mind off it… Stress cleaning. Apparently, it wasn't unheard of for humans to use cleaning to vent emotional frustration through physical activity... The concept didn't sound unreasonable to him at the time. So when he passed by the kitchen and saw the dishes from Beel's last meal stacked up high, he decided to roll up his sleeves and give it a try.
… He should have known that a little bit of cleaning wouldn't have been enough for him, though. With each dish that he scrubbed clean, his sponge's pressure against the porcelain increased ever so slightly… Building and building until he was very nearly cracking the plates beneath his fingers… 
No… the rage wasn't leaving him. He kept replaying the fight again and again in his mind… always producing new comebacks to words that were never said and spiraling farther down into his own resentment… Hadn't the human said this would work? Why wasn't it helping…?? If anything, he just felt more worked up than before! Why was he listening to them anyway? What would they know about helping him, Wrath made flash, control his anger?? What kind of idiot was he for even considering-!
"Satan…? Are you okay…?" The tentative, yet familiar, sound of said human's voice called to him from the kitchen entrance. He didn't bother turning back to face them and just kept his eyes trained on the filth in front of him...
"No." There wasn't any point in lying, was there? They could see him practically slamming the plates down on the drying rack by this point…
"Ah…" He heard them shift their weight as an awkward beat passed. They no doubt knew it wasn't a good idea to approach Satan when he was angry… but that meddlesome streak of theirs must have been begging for them to intervene in some way. Typical human… sticking their nose in places it didn't belong…
"Well… Beel told me about what happened… You and Belphegor, right…?" He heard their footsteps finally enter the room and stop somewhere close to the kitchen island. Trying to keep some space between him and them, perhaps? Oddly reasonable coming from such a reckless creature… But it didn't stop his shoulders from tensing up at the meer sound of Belphie's name.
"Don't bring him up." His words snapped out like the crack of a whip, menacing and sharp. Though he couldn't see them, he was sure the MC flinched, and he felt a perverse sort of satisfaction in that thought… There was a pause before the MC continued, clearly considering their next words carefully...
"Satan… I just wanted to tell you that it's my fault Belphie slept in… I kept him up last night, and you know how he gets when he can't sleep." Their words were slow and careful like they were trying not to startle a wild animal. He still didn't turn back as he waited for them to continue.
"... Okay. I just thought I'd let you know, I guess… It wasn't really his fault…" There it was. His simmering temper had been wanting, no begging, for him to find something, anything, to let it go on... And this was just what he had been looking for… an opening.
"Oh. So you're taking his side then?" Pausing, he stopped abusing the glass in his hand and let an eerie calm build from his lack of motion... He knew just what he needed to do to scare them. He's done it to other people hundreds of times...
"W-what? No-I never said that…!" It didn't matter that they were right. He wasn't in the mood to be reasonable right now.
"You may as well have. You're already down here coming to his defense, aren't you? Did he put you up to it? Holding that precious 'cuddle time' you two like so much hostage, I bet..." He threw them a sidelong glare from over his shoulder and felt yet another wave of satisfaction from seeing their confused face. It was like he just swept a rug out from under them, and they were failing to catch their balance.
"That's not what I…!" They stopped themselves mid-sentence as it seemed to dawn on them just what they had gotten themselves into… Satan wasn't looking for a reasonable conversation right now. He was looking for a punching bag... But they weren't looking to be one.
"You know what… No. I don't appreciate your tone." He could see their eyes narrow as they found their resolve once more, stronger this time. He hissed softly at the loss of his easy mark...
"What does it matter? You're the one who started this in the first place. You just said as much a bit ago. Don't you know to leave me alone when I'm pissed off anyway, or are you really just this stupid?" That one must have hurt because he saw them flinch this time…
"I'm only here because I knew you were upset-"
He cut them off sharply. "And you didn't think I needed the space?" Again, they flinched at the growing volume of his voice, but they didn't appear to back down either. They only responded in a tone much softer than his own, patient but strained from invisible wounds...
"It passed my mind… But I just wanted to help…"
Help? Oh… Right. He must have forgotten who he was speaking to… Help was all the MC ever did. Even when they had no idea how or when their ideas were so crazy, they'd put Mammon to shame… He always knew they meant well… Did his anger really just blind him to why he was even washing dishes in the first place…?
The two stared at each other for a few moments while Satan battled over what to say next... Their earnest answer had re-awoken a bit of sense in him, yet he could tell his temper still wasn't satisfied… An overwhelming part of him, one he loathed to acknowledge, was calling for more vitriol… It just wanted to fight and be petty for satisfaction's sake… to have an enemy to stomp over, no matter who it was…
But just looking into the MC's eyes was keeping those hateful words down his throat… He could see that they were hurt and worse, he was well aware that he caused it… Sure, he may not have raised his fist, but he had still done plenty of damage with his voice alone… They didn't deserve his rage, and even now, he hated to have released it on them in the first place…
His internal struggle must have reached a peak without his knowledge because he hadn't noticed his grip was tightening around the glass in his hand. At least, not until it suddenly shattered all over him. The MC jumped back with a yelp at the unexpected explosion, and even he shouted a swear or two as he felt the shards lodge into his palm.
"Shit!" It didn't take a doctor to know that having glass embedded in your skin isn't ideal, and he could claim to at least have a little first aid know-how. As he used that knowledge to inspect his hand, he almost completely forgot that the MC was in the room until they made a noise.
"Um… Satan?" They were hesitant to speak, which he didn't blame them for. He did have a habit of breaking things for intimation value, but he guessed that they noticed he was as shocked as they were for once. "Need this?" In their hands was the first aid box the family kept in the kitchen. Though it was really only intended to bandage up the occasional knifed finger... it would do for the moment.
"Yes, that would help… thank you…" Though his appreciation was genuine, his words were stilted and hollow… He couldn't even meet their eyes considering how this whole exchange started… He felt terrible before, but now it was more than enough to finally overpower the wrath within him… He hates knowing when he's been a total asshole too…
He gestured the MC to put the box on the counter then began treating his wounds. They helped him as he worked nimbly, but he could feel an awkward tension between them… Not undue, but still uncomfortable. He knew he had to remedy it quickly...
"MC… I'm sorry… That was wrong of me…" They glanced away from his hand for only a moment before responding with a strained smile.
"It's alright…"
"No. It wasn't…" He paused only to grunt as he removed the largest glass shard from his palm. "...I was looking to let off some steam and targeted you unfairly… I didn't mean what I said; I was only searching for a reason to be mad… None of this was your fault… I hope you can forgive me…"
The MC shook their head as they searched the box for bandages. "No, I have some fault here too… I really should've given you space to cool off before talking to you… I just saw that you were doing the dishes and thought you were simmered down already…" He stopped what he was doing a moment and glanced back at the sink's drying rack, now half full of still soapy and partially cracked dishes.
"... Well, I don't know how vigorously you wash those, but I don't think I'm ever going to find that to be a relaxing activity." Their soft chuckle relieved a bit of the weight in the air, much to his solace.
"Fair enough… Though I'm not sure what I was thinking telling you to try cleaning in the first place. I should have just asked you to break every vacuum in the House instead." They both snickered over the image of him ripping the handles off of their hoovers by accident, and, slowly, Satan could finally feel the anger in his chest fading away... Of course, it'd be the MC to do it… It always was. Why hadn't he found them to start with…?
"And just so you know, I'm not taking sides with Belphie or anything. I'm sure he turned off his alarm or something." He snorted slightly as he finished the bandaging. Were they really still on that?
"I know, don't worry about it. It doesn't matter what side you're on to me anyway." He took his newly bandaged hand back just in time to see their puzzled expression.
"What? Why not…?" He chuckled some as he let his undamaged hand come to rest on top of their head, stroking back any bangs in an affectionate pet of sorts. He then caught the back of their head to tilt it up towards his, meeting their wide eyes with a devilish grin.
"Because you'll always be mine, kitten…"
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morganaspendragonss · 3 years
if every breath is sacred
When Carlos wakes up, flames and smoke are filling the room, but TK is nowhere to be seen. He knows the protocols for being in a fire: sit tight, stay low to the ground, wait for help to arrive. But, it’s TK. Protocols have always gone straight out of the window when it comes to TK. So, Carlos—
Well, Carlos does probably the stupidest thing he’s ever done in his  life.
He grabs two t-shirts from a drawer, holds one over his mouth and nose, and plunges into the inferno.
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The air in their bedroom is sour with a rage Carlos knows isn’t directed at him, yet he can’t help but feel guilty for it anyway. TK is curled up on his side of the bed, back to Carlos, his arms wrapped tightly around himself and his breaths far too carefully even for him to be asleep.
Carlos wants to call him out on it, but he doesn’t want to make things worse than they already are.
He knows he’s not the one TK’s mad at - they’ve had that conversation already - and Carlos is angry too. Mainly at Owen for being so stupid, but also a little bit at his dad even though he knows he was just doing his job. It’s more that they put him in the impossible situation of having to explain to his boyfriend that his father was arrested than anything else; seeing TK’s face fall at the news felt like one of the worst moments of Carlos’s life.
They’ll have to talk about this eventually - tomorrow, hopefully - but, right now, it’s better to just let TK’s anger run its course. 
Which is why Carlos bites his tongue when TK suddenly throws the sheets back and climbs out of bed, leaving the room with only a muttered comment about getting a drink. He sighs, listening to TK’s heavier-than-usual footsteps, relieved when he hears the quiet click of the kettle as opposed to the coffee machine. At least now there’s a chance of TK coming back to bed and getting some sleep, albeit a small one.
Carlos throws his arm over his eyes as the sounds quiet. He’s exhausted and, much as he wants to stay up for TK, he can’t resist the pull of sleep. So he lets himself drift off, praying that things will be easier in the morning.
He wakes to the scent of smoke invading his nostrils, harsh coughs already ripping from his throat even as he blinks the remains of sleep away. Carlos frowns, his brain taking a second to register the dim orange glow under the bedroom door for what it is.
His eyes widen and he turns to warn TK -
But, TK’s not there. 
The bathroom light isn’t on, either, which means… Which means, he never made it back to bed.
Which means he’s still downstairs.
Carlos jumps out of bed and races to the door, yanking it open, only to come to a sudden halt as flames jump up at him from the stairs. The smoke is thick, but he can see enough to tell that the ground floor has already been overwhelmed by the fire, and that it probably won’t be long until it makes its way up here. His heart is threatening to pound out of his chest with fear and worry, but he forces himself to concentrate, to slip into first responder mode; panicking won’t help TK, nor will it get them out of this mess.
Returning into the bedroom, he snatches his phone from the bedside table and dials, sliding to the floor as more and more smoke invades the room.
“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?”
“My house, it’s on fire. My boyfriend and I are trapped inside, but I don’t know where he is. He went downstairs to get a drink and I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, there was fire everywhere and he still wasn’t back.”
“Could you give me your address, sir?”
Carlos rattles off his details, suppressing the tickle in his throat for as long as he can before he’s overwhelmed by coughing again. He can hear the dispatcher on the other end saying something, but he can’t make out what.
When the coughs die out, he takes heaving breaths of air, already in short supply. The dispatcher is still talking, so Carlos focuses.
“-ir? Sir, are you there?”
“I’m here,” he gasps eventually, closing his eyes.
“Good, help is on the way. For the time being, is there anywhere you can go to escape from the smoke?”
Carlos shakes his head, before remembering that the action is redundant. “No. There’s nowhere.”
“Alright, just hang tight. Fire and medical should be with you in around six minutes.”
Six minutes.
Too long.
Carlos glances back to the door, his mind going to TK and how long he must have been in the flames and smoke for. A chill goes through him as he realises he doesn’t even know, and he just... He needs to make sure he’s okay.
He may be a cop, and not a firefighter, but Carlos knows the protocols for being in a fire. Sit tight, stay low to the ground, wait for help to arrive. But, it’s TK. Protocols have always gone straight out of the window when it comes to TK. So, Carlos—
Well, Carlos does probably the stupidest thing he’s ever done in his entire life.
He grabs two t-shirts from a drawer, holds one over his mouth and nose, and plunges into the inferno.
Flames lick at his exposed skin and thick, black smoke clogs his lungs, the thin cloth of the t-shirt doing next to nothing to halt its path. His eyes are burning, vision obscured with how much they’re watering, but Carlos pushes on, squinting through the haze to search for any sign of his boyfriend.
Navigating his house is difficult, everything seeming alien in this strange half-light, but he manages, and eventually he stumbles - almost literally - over a crumpled figure against the far wall.
“TK!” he cries, or tries to. It comes out hoarse, and quieter than he intended, so Carlos clears his throat and tries again and again and again until he drops down on his knees next to TK. 
“TK,” he says again, shaking his shoulder. TK’s eyes are closed, but they flutter when Carlos shakes him harder. “Come on, baby, open your eyes.”
TK must listen to him, because, slowly, his eyes blink open, widening as he takes in the scene around them. Carlos presses the second t-shirt into his hands and he nods in understanding, raising it to his mouth.
“Help is coming,” Carlos says, mouth close to TK’s ear. “Just a couple more minutes.”
TK nods again and lowers the shirt. He opens his mouth to say something, but he doesn’t get a sound out before a round of coughing comes over him, causing him to fold in on himself. It’s loud enough that TK misses the cracking sound coming from right above his head, the thin trickle of dust raining down on them.
TK misses it, but Carlos doesn’t.
His boyfriend’s name tears out of him, and he just has time to shove TK as hard as he can before the ceiling comes crashing down.
Carlos chokes, suddenly finding it even harder to breathe, as if it wasn’t near impossible before. He’s pinned, the only movement he has left in his right hand. If he strains, he can just about see TK, who’s staring at him with a horrified expression. Carlos attempts a smile, but he’s pretty sure it doesn’t work.
His lungs spasm as he tries and fails to take a breath, his entire body burning with the weight crushing him. His vision is dimming, and he knows it’s likely only seconds before he loses consciousness—and, judging by TK’s slow blinks, the same is true for him.
Carlos prays that whichever station was dispatched gets to them soon, but if this is the end - and he really, really wants it not to be - then he can only think to be grateful that they’re in it together. Carefully, he inches his hand forward, stretching his fingers out until they meet TK’s, and he grips on with all the strength he has left in his body.
“I love you,” he chokes out. He doesn’t know if TK hears him, but he knows that he understands by the way his fingers close around Carlos’s.
TK’s lips move, the roaring flames and the pounding of his own heart making it impossible for Carlos to hear him; still, he knows. It’s a comfort, and he gives TK’s hand one last squeeze before all the energy leaves him and his eyes drift shut.
A flash of blue lights up the room behind Carlos’s closed eyelids, but he doesn’t get a chance to figure out what it means before the darkness swallows him whole.
TK doesn’t know how he got here. 
He comes back to awareness slowly, a sudden panic constricting his already tight chest as he stares up at the night sky, his mind trying desperately to work out what’s going on. The last thing he remembers, he was in their front room, surrounded by fire, and Carlos—
TK gasps, his lungs on fire, his back arching and his fingers clawing at what he now realises is a gurney - whether he’s fighting for air or to get to Carlos, he doesn’t know.
Either way, he’s quickly pushed back down and an oxygen mask is pressed against his face.
“TK, I need you to calm down,” a familiar voice - Tommy’s - says. 
“Carlos -”
“He’s in good hands, I promise you,” she cuts in, an evasion tactic if TK’s ever heard one. “You’re my priority right now; just focus on breathing for me, alright?”
TK wants to fight, but he still doesn’t have any strength in him, and he’s powerless to do anything as he’s lifted into the ambulance and taken away.
He hates hospitals. After the kidnapping, after Grace and Judd, TK had hopes not to have to enter one again for a while. 
He should have known that was just wishful thinking.
This is the worst one, he thinks. He’s not allowed to leave his bed for another day at least, the burns he’d suffered are superficial, but he’d inhaled a lot of smoke and the doctors want to make sure his O2 levels are stable before letting him go.
That would be unbearable enough, but it’s made worse by the fact that he can’t see Carlos. All he’s been told is that Carlos’s injuries were far worse than his own and that he’s been put on a ventilator because his body is too damaged. A horrible guilt wells in TK’s gut at that knowledge - it’s his fault Carlos isn’t awake right now. He knows Carlos saved him when the ceiling came down, and he wishes he hadn’t; he really didn’t need to know what being on the other side of a coma is like.
A quiet knock on the doorframe reaches his ears and he looks up, expecting it to be his dad or one of the team. Instead, he’s surprised to see Carlos’s mom standing there, her eyes red, and a terrifying coldness floods his body.
“Mrs Reyes,” he says, voice trembling. “Is everything okay? Carlos, is he -”
“He’s okay,” she replies, giving him a wobbly smile as she walks towards him. “Or, there’s been no change, which the doctors tell us is a good thing. Gabriel is with him, but I wanted to come and check up on you.”
TK swallows guiltily, wincing slightly at the lingering soreness in his throat. “You didn’t have to do that. I’m fine.”
She arches an eyebrow. “Ah. I see Carlitos didn’t tell you.”
“Tell me what?”
“I raised four children, TK,” she says, a hint of a real smile on her lips. “I know when someone is lying to me.”
TK flushes and looks down at the bedsheets, picking at them idly. “You’re right. I’m not okay, but I don’t think I will be until he wakes up.”
“You care for him a lot.”
“With all my heart.”
She nods and pats his hand, the simple, yet comforting, touch breaking something in TK. His eyes fill with tears and he lets his head fall back on the pillow as his chest heaves with sobbing. It irritates his throat, but he doesn’t care, not when there’s a greater pain that reaches right down to his very soul. 
Mrs Reyes holds him against her without hesitation, not complaining even though his cries must be making a mess of her shirt.
“It’s okay,” she murmurs, stroking his hair in a way that makes TK yearn for a mother he never really had. “Everything will be okay. My Carlitos is a fighter, and I know that he is doing everything he can right now to get back to us. To you.”
TK sniffles, and hangs onto her words with everything he has.
Four days later, Carlos’s eyes open and, for the first time since the fire, TK think he can finally breathe again.
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Bubble Wrapped - Part 7
Word Count: 4,131
POV: Reader
Warnings: Same as always, Language, Smut, NSFW, Please see the note in the Masterlist
Teams: Bruins, Caps, Flyers, Lightning and Pens (others)
Notes: So today was like crazy busy, but I was able to finish this tonight then do a quick edit. I’m not sure how I feel about it, but here it is anyhow...haha! Hope you guys have a great weekend! Happy Reading!
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As you followed Logan to the lobby, you thought for sure this was going to be another false alarm, just as the rest had been. Why after all this time in the bubble had these men decided to fight, you had no idea? You knew tensions were high with games starting but they all had seemed fairly cordial with each other. There were about a dozen players gathered round when you saw the first fist fly and suddenly your heart rate sped up. You wormed your way to the front, to see who the hell was fighting. You weren't surprised to see Brad Marchand mixing it up with one of the Flyers but you couldn't quite tell who it was as their back was to you.
 The two teams had just come off a round-robin game, that you had no clue as to who won as you'd been busy working the entire time and not caught any of the game, but it obviously left a bad taste in their mouths. As Marchand swung with his right hand, the two twisted and it was then that you saw Travis Konecny was the one he was fighting with. While you knew that TK was a bit of a chirper, you'd seen a completely different side to him that first night in the bubble. You'd honestly thought he'd be the least of your worries here, other than maybe calling you up again to say his bed squeaked, yet here you were watching him take a jab at Marchand. Not that Marchand probably didn't deserve it, hell you wanted to take a swing at him the other day when he'd shoved you into the pool.
 You looked around at the other players that had gathered hoping one of them would put an end to this whole mess, but they seemed more entertained than anything. Part of you wondered if this went on would more of them end up fighting? TK had a nice right hook into Marchand's jaw and you saw them stumble back knocking a vase of flowers off the entry table and shattering it. That's when you knew you had to do something. "That's enough boys," you yelled trying to use your most authoritative voice, but it was ignored as Marchand threw a punch to Konecny's abdomen. At some point, you were sure this was going to turn into a wrestling match with the two of them lying on the ground amidst shards of glass. You gave a sharp whistle hoping that you sounded like one of the refs during play and that they would at least calm a bit, which they did. It was at that moment you chose to try and break the actual fight up, apparently feeling more like a referee now that you'd got them to just circle each other, neither one letting go just yet.  Taking your arms, you moved between the two hotheads saying, "I said stop fucking fighting in my…" You weren't exactly sure what happened next but you felt a partial fist fly to your jaw. It knocked you off your feet and sent you stumbling back hitting your head against the table the vase had been on moments ago.
 "Holy fuck!" Someone yelled. You closed your eyes to stave off the pain that was now not only in your jaw but also on the back of your head. "Jesus, are you ok?"
 "I don't think she is."
 "She's bleeding."
 You had no clue who was saying what but you could feel a million pairs of eyes on you. "Someone call one of the trainers."
 "I'm fine," you managed to mumble out while opening your eyes, only to have your vision blurred by blood trickling down. "Ok, maybe not." About five players were kneeling down around you, or maybe it was four, it was hard to tell as the blood obscured your view. Finally, someone gently pressed something against your forehead to stave off the flow.
 "Fuck (Y/N), I'm so sorry, you got messed up in this." It was Travis's voice you were sure of it and not because you knew Marchand would never apologize but because you recognized it from your night with him. Only he wasn't surrounding you at the moment.
 "Next time keep it on the ice and not in my hotel." You went to sit up but felt a little woozy. A strong arm clamped around your waist. It was the same person who was holding, what you now believed to be said person's shirt, against your head.
 "I think we need to get you somewhere else then this lobby." The voice was smooth and rich, and pleasing to listen to, yet every time you tried to see who it belonged the damn t-shirt was in your way.
 "You can take her to her suite." This voice you knew, for you'd been plotting to strangle him so many times over the last several days, it was hard to forget.
 "Thanks, Logan, I was just going to say that."
 "Here hold this and I'll carry you." In one easy swoop, strong arms scooped you up, and then he was standing with you in his arms. He was shirtless and you could feel his muscles bunch as he held you. Vaguely you realized where his shirt was at, as you held it to your head.
 "Logan, can you clean this up, please? And have Carly get new flowers in here." You saw him scurry away out of the corner of your left eye.
 "I'm sure there's someone in charge here that can take care of that." The man who was now carrying you off to the elevator said.
 "Yeah, that's me," you told him catching a glimpse of soft brown curls as you again tried to get a good look at his face.
 "Oh, I didn't realize." Which seemed funny considering how everyone at the hotel seemed to know who you were.  "What floor?"
 "Well, I guess you are in charge then." He laughed and you found yourself joining in, even though your head hurt a bit. The ride on the elevator was short and soon you were in your room and he was setting you down on the sofa. "I'll grab you some ice if you steer me in the right direction."
 "Kitchen is down the hall on the left." He turned and you got a view of his well-defined ass as he walked away. God, even the muscles on his back were sexy. You heard him rummage around a bit and you wondered how bad you actually looked. You were too far away from the hallway mirror to find out, but you imagined you had blood in your hair from the cut; you just hoped your jaw wasn't sporting a nice bruise. It was then, that he walked out of the kitchen and you were finally face to...well somewhat face to face, with your rescuer, Josh Anderson. It was no wonder that he didn't know you, as he wasn't currently staying at your hotel. "Now, let's see that pretty face of yours," he said while cupping the good side of your jaw. "I don't think it'll bruise too bad. Didn't look like Marchy got you full force with that hit." Josh gingerly put the ice to the spot that had been hit.
 "I should've figured it was Marchand that hit me. He's had it out for me since he got here."
 "Marchy has it out for everyone, but I can't see why he would pick on someone as beautiful as you." The compliment caused you to blush, but thankfully between Josh's shirt and the ice, you didn't think he'd notice.
 "Not sure what I ever did to him, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me."
 "Well, his loss is my gain." It was Josh who was blushing a bit at his own words this time and you found it very attractive. "Now, let's have a look at that cut and see if it needs stitches." He brought his shirt down and examined your head. His lips just a hair's breadth away from yours making you ache to kiss him. "I think you'll be good with just some butterfly ones. It doesn't look that deep, though I can call our trainer and have him come over and double-check."
 "No that's ok. I'm sure your right. I have some upstairs." You went to get up and he placed a supporting arm around your waist.
 "Here why don't you just let me…" Before you could even take a step, he scooped you back up into his arms and started up the stairs, taking them two at a time. He made it seem like carrying you around was nothing, and honestly, it was sexy as hell. He set you down at the vanity stool in the bathroom. "Ok, so where are bandages?"
 "Top shelf there is a medical kit with some in." He grabbed it, shuffling through it to find what he needed. "This might sting a bit," he told you as he opened up an alcohol swab to clean the cut first. You winced as he gently stroked it over the wound. When he stepped back, you finally looked in the mirror at yourself.
 "Oh my god," the words were out of your mouth before you realized how they startled Josh.
 "Are you ok? Did I hurt you more?"
 "No, it's not that. I was just looking at my face…or maybe my hair." Dried blood covered half of your face and your hair was matted and tangled like a stray dog's. "I look like I walked out of the set of a horror movie."
 He laughed, brushing your hair back before placing the steri strip on your forehead. "It's not that bad."
 "I seriously need a shower."
 "Oh…uh…" Josh fumbled around with his words, looking very uncomfortable and you sort of chuckled to yourself. "I can leave you alone then…probably should be going anyway."
 "You don't have to," you mentioned casually, though you weren't sure that he would take you up on your silent offer with the way you looked at the moment. "I mean, I'm still a little unsteady on my feet." There wasn't a whole lot you knew about Josh Anderson but what you did know of him, was that he was the protector type; so you tried to play to that sensibility of his.
 "Well, I wouldn't want you to fall in the shower and get hurt worse." There was a cute little smirk on his face and if you weren't doused in blood you would've kissed him. Instead, you stripped off your top, yet another piece of clothing ruined, you thought vaguely. Your skirt and shoes followed till you were left in nothing but your bra and panties. Josh made quick work of getting rid of his shorts and stood there in front of you in his boxer briefs. Reaching around you unclasp your bra, letting it fall off your shoulders and to the ground, before gliding your panties down your legs. Josh bit his lip as he drank in the sight of your body; his eyes lingered a bit long at your breasts before moving down to look at your pussy. Even though he still had his boxers on, you saw his cock twitch as he took you in. You let him drink his fill and when he didn't make a move, you stepped into the shower hoping that he would follow. He did within seconds.
 The water sprayed over your head diluting the blood that had been matted to your hair and skin. When you went to grab the shampoo, Josh's hand stopped you. "Let me." He put some in his hands, then started to massage it into your scalp. His fingers were gentle and he avoided your cut as best he could, sliding through your hair all the way down to the ends. When he was done, he had you rinse then followed up with conditioner. It was only as that rinsed out of your long strands that you finally turned to face him. Droplets of water coated his body, and there was a heated stare in his gaze. Josh was tall, so you went up on your toes so that you could kiss him. His arms immediately went to your waist to press you to him. Maybe it was his caring nature or the way that he'd just simply swooped in to take care of you, but your body just completely melted into him and you moaned into him as his tongue caressed yours. Josh was a sensual kisser; his mouth and tongue just working its magic on you as he ignited a flame deep within.
 His hands roamed around your back only to slide up your sides and move to your breast. Breaking the kiss, his lips traveled southward along your neck and collarbone until he was cupping a breast and bringing it to his lips. His tongue swirled around your nipple before he took it in his mouth and sucked on it. You felt yourself grow damp though it wasn't from the water cascading down on the two of you. Josh lavished each of your breasts, and with every tweak and caress you moaned out his name. When his fingers skated down past your stomach to slip between your folds, you thought you would die from the pleasure he was giving you. It was nothing like the other night with Tom. Josh knew exactly what he was doing. Listening as you moaned out what you liked, so he could repeat the action again. "I want to taste you so bad," he whispered, before dropping to his knees. You backed up against the shower wall, and he lifted one of your legs over his shoulder. His tongue slipped out to lick a strip between your folds, and you found your hands threading into his hair to urge him on. They were small little licks at first before he actually sunk his tongue deep in your pussy. You tossed your head back forgetting about your injury, but not caring when he repeated the action. His nose nudged your clit as he licked at you furiously. Your hips started to buck and one strong arm, held you upright and secure against the wall, as his mouth suctioned on to your clit.
 "Yes Josh, fuck that feels so good." You panted out, as your hand locked around the back of his head. He slid two fingers into your pussy easily, pumping them in and out, while he continued his torturous treatment on your clit. Your orgasm hit as he made that simple come-hither movement with his fingers. Your legs shaking, body writhing as the pleasure overtook you. He dropped your leg back down when you finally came down from your high. Moving gracefully off the bathroom tile, Josh stood up and kissed you. Your essence still lingering there on his lips, as his cock pressed hard against your stomach.
 Reaching down you clasp your hand around the length of him; twisting your hand as you stroked him, in a way that had him hissing out his pleasure. "Fuck (Y/N), I just need to be in you." He moaned out. "It's been way too long." He drew your leg up again to wrap around his waist this time, allowing him easier access to the place he longed to be. His cock nudged between your folds, the head just inside you. Josh was thick and as he slowly slipped inside you; you could feel your pussy stretch to accommodate him. "Damn you're tight." You weren't sure if that was the case or if he was just so big, but you knew he felt delicious as he bottomed out. He took a minute, just looking you in the eyes as he stayed buried deep inside you.
 In the next second, his lips were on yours and he started to move. His tongue mimicking what his cock was doing, as he thrust in and out of you. You were simply two bodies sliding together as the water pelted down on you. Josh pinned you to the shower wall again, his strong arms biting into your waist and you thought you'd have bruises there but you knew he was also keeping you from falling down to the tiles. You looped your arms around his shoulders, so your hips could meet each of his thrusts. The water caused your leg to slip off his hip. "Josh…" you panted out.
 "I know," he hissed and he was pulling out of you so that you both could be more comfortable. He twisted your body so that your back rested against his chest for a moment before, bending you down. You spread your legs wide giving him greater access to your cunt so he could glide back in. Using the bench seat, you placed your hands there to hold on as Josh grabbed ahold of your hips before thrusting back in. Moans echoed off the bathroom walls as your bodies slammed together. "Fuck, yeah baby," Josh groaned as you pushed your ass back against him.
 His hand on your hip, snaked down so his finger could rub circles around your clit. "Yes…Josh…yes." He had you teetering on the edge in no time. It was when his other hand drew you halfway up and his lips bit down on your neck that you completely lost it, cuming with a loud moan. Your legs shook and felt like they would give out but Josh held you close still pumping in and out of you as you came down from your high. He pounded in and out of you a few more times, before thrusting even deeper into you and spilling himself inside your pussy. A guttural moan left his mouth and his fingers dug deep into your hips holding you still as he came.
 He stayed inside you for a minute as he said, "Damn, I needed that." Dropping kisses on your shoulder, he slowly pulled out. "Thank you," he said softly, turning you around so he could once again capture your lips in a sweet kiss. "We should probably finish up." You knew he was right, though you were out of energy after two orgasms. Josh must have sensed this for he grabbed your loofah and the shower gel, and started to wash your body. His touch was gentle and he added more soap to his hands, abandoning the sponge as he washed your breasts and pussy. You couldn't help the moan that left your mouth as he touched you; your body still sensitive. "God, you are so sexy. I could…" He didn't finish the sentence.
 "You could what?"
 "You've already given me enough. Especially with this," his hand brushed the water off your forehead where your cut was. You'd completely forgotten about it. Your eyes dropped down to his cock, where you could see it coming back to life.
 "I'm fine Josh," you told him, looking him in the eye. "Though maybe we should get out of this shower."
 He chuckled lightly. "Agreed."
 He went to turn off the water and you stopped him. "Let me at least wash you a bit first." Josh eyed you funny considering he really wasn't the one that needed to shower. "Humor me." He shrugged and you grabbed the soap. The feel of his hard muscles under your soapy hands, made you tingle all over again. By the time you reached his cock, it was back to being erect. The suds made it easy to work your hand up and down the length. This time it was Josh that was moaning as you pumped him up and down.
 "Babe," his voice warned, as he gripped your wrist and you knew it was time to rinse off and continue this out from under the water. He grabbed a towel, wrapping it around his waist before taking another so that he could dry you off. His fingers were swift yet gentle as he made quick work of drying you, then did the same for himself. The two of you shared more soft kisses as you headed to the bedroom for round two, which was just as magical as it was in the shower. "I should probably head back to my hotel before I'm missed," Josh finally said as the two of you laid in bed.
 You hummed your agreement. "I forgot for a little bit that you're not staying here."
 "Well hopefully we'll get to move over here soon and maybe we could continue this." The idea of spending more time with Josh was definitely appealing and something that could be happening soon.
 "I'd like that," you told him as he kissed your lips one more time before crawling out of bed. "I'll walk you down."
 "You don't have to, but you should get some ice on that jaw." He tipped your head to the side and winced. "It's starting to bruise a bit."
 "Ugh, at least it doesn't hurt."
 "You're one tough cookie." He pulled on his boxers and shorts, while you grabbed a robe. "You know I'm not opposed to beating the shit out of Marchand for you."
 "Don't bother, he's not worth you getting into trouble."
 "Well, I'm sure he'll get his somehow," he gave you a little wink and you wondered what he was planning with that statement. "So this was fun…well except that part." He gently touched your bandaged head before kissing you. "See you soon?"
 "I sure hope so." With one last kiss, he left you alone, and you went to grab the ice he talked about earlier. Now that you were done having your fun with Josh, you realized your jaw did hurt a bit, but a couple of aspirin would help. You headed back upstairs to grab the meds, then laid back down on the bed, texting Carly to make sure everything was fine, which it was and she told you to take it easy.
 You were half asleep when your phone rang; a FaceTime call from Tyler popping up on the screen. "Hey Ty," you answered sleepily.
 "Hey…omg what happened to you?"
 In your half-asleep state, you'd forgotten about the bruise and cut on your face. "I stupidly tried to break up a fight. It didn't go well."
 "Jesus babe, are those stitches?" There was concerned laced in Tyler's voice, as well as a worried look on his face.
 "No just butterflies. I'm fine." The look he gave you said he thought you were lying. "I swear it's not that bad."
 "Who the hell was fighting? Better yet, who do I have to kill?" You winced, not really wanting to tell him. "(Y/N), I swear to god if you don't tell me…"
 You weren't sure what he was going to do if you didn't tell him, but there was also no point in hiding the truth. "It was TK and Marchand, though apparently, it was Marchy's fist that caught me."
 "That fucking son of bitch." His face was getting red with anger. "I'm gonna kill him."
 "Easy tiger," you tried to tease but you could tell he wasn't having any of it. He started to pace around the room. "What are you doing?"
 "Packing. I told you I'm going to beat the shit out of him."
 "Tyler, you're not a fighter." He finally stopped at your words.
 "I'll still beat him to within an inch of his life."
 "Oh, stop. I'm fine. And you're not coming here. You're in the damn bubble and not going anywhere on my behalf." Tyler had a tendency to overreact at times and this was one of them, though you'd never seen him this angry before. "With a little makeup, you won't even see it."
 "You can't stop me from calling him and bitching him out."
 "Well, if it gets him to settle down in my hotel, I'll gladly take the help." It would be nice not having to worry about being thrown in the pool again or him starting up fights with another player. "But enough about that, tell me about your day?" The two of you chatted for over an hour, Tyler never once hinting about anything sexual happening, which surprised you a bit. It was nice though just talking about everything and anything with him. You always had this easy banter with him, but this just felt different. "Hey, I have another call coming in. Can I call you later?"
 "You can call me anytime babe. Feel better." He kissed you over the phone and you did the same for him before hanging up.
 You didn't recognize the number, but said hello anyhow only to be met with, "Hey (Y/N), I need your help?"
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