#or a really mad sphynx cat
couchsterfield · 4 months
“Catboy Patrick” NO! Fox boy Patrick!
I can see this, him running around all skittish and squealing and shit and eating berries off of bushes.....
THIUGH i still see him a sopping wet cat that hisses and claws you and hides away in boxes
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slwshp · 3 months
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thought about drawing azi and crowley as cats, so here we go.
first that came to my mind when i thought about azi was birman, althought i had to change the spectacular eye color, that this breed usually has. since it didn't go well with what i had, i decided to go with basic dark eyes. (i was really hyped about the blue color as well - still mad it didn't work with the rest)
crowley is just... mix of different type of breeds. i must say i wanted to go with sphynx, but as you can see i changed my mind. to be honest, i think this mix of mine worked well.
hope you guys like it!
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melloianv2 · 6 months
Have a Good Night Sleep, Dogday AU
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Finally, after an month and an half of month, am finally finished.
Before I start i wanted to take back both things I said in my WIP.
When I said its cartoon world, i actually meant was its mostly take place in the cartoon world. it really an Imagination world, as you'll see what I meant during this post.
What i actually meant about its not a shipping au, its not a shipping au between Dogday and CatNap specifically. well there is no couple pairing of the critters existing, just crushes. but its never important at all (besides it only 2 critters.)
Now there is some things that are related to the bigger bodies however it has nothing to do with bigger bodies dogday nor catnap at all. it just about the cartoon world. So not even worshiping prototype exists here.
and I apologize for any grammar mistake I miss.
Anyway on to the post!
About Have a Good Night Sleep, Dogday or HGNSD AU
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In a nutshell, it basically two children created entire storyline about Dogday trying to find a way for CatNap to turn back to normal. At least what Dogday thinks because if there was a way to strengthen Catnap (dark essence bottle), then there has to be a way to get him back to normal.
The previous storyline before the brother came was just smiling critters just doing normal activities.
Originally the au was post to be slightly similar to 2016 stuff, but I think it not really "2016" like anymore. This series is post be animated on youtube only, but i have no idea if i should since i need motivation and still have to practice my animation skills.
Just note, some characters personalities are the same, but just altered a bit or a lot. Then the other altered completely
Anyway lets start with the characters that no one will cares about first!
Welcome to the Yearwoods Family.
Family Photo Link
It was- I mean is a happy family! The family are Christians. The family consists 2 children and a sphynx cat
All names of the family are: Mr. Yearwood, Mrs. Yearwood, Amber Yearwood and Kevin Yearwood. (the parents are nameless)
the cat name is pinky. (its a girl)
Out of the 4, Amber and Kevin are the important ones.
Amber and Kevin
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Whenever Amber goes to school, she's bullied. She hates it as it ruins her self esteem. But she claims that she's fine and she don't need any help.
Amber and Kevin gets along. Though, Kevin likes teasing and playfully making fun of his sister a lot. Amber usually ignores him or just pretty much says its not funny. Overall, they love each other as siblings.
Every day they play with the smiling critters toys before their mom tells them to go to bed. Amber sleeps with catnap toy or sometimes craftycorn.
Amber and Kevin playstyle is different. Though at the end, they're both obviously equally immature.
Amber's Playstyle:
Amber plays a CatNap, not shocking.... She sometimes play as the other critters (most likely CraftyCorn), but she mainly plays CatNap. And i mean main, she doesn't even let her brother play CatNap for once.
Amber is good with crafting an story, but very very bad at power scaling.
usually when she plays the other critters, they act bit more mature. However when she plays a CatNap, she either being serious or being a joke. there is no in-between.
One of the running gags of the Au is CatNap's powers. He keeps gaining new ability every time. Amber is doing that deliberately so she can win, and counter her brother every time. However when her brother starts winning, she gets annoyed and slightly mad when she starting to lose. But its the entire fact she wants CatNap to win entirely. by going as far as weakening the other critters.
She also pull the "nuh uh" or miss despite the attack was obviously undodgeable.
Kevin's Playstyle:
Whatever Kevin plays the critters, its more jokes and being unserious. sometimes he be serious but then its ruined with an joke. He mainly plays Dogday but he do play other critters. He gave Dogday powers because he thinks its more fair to have everyone with powers. Despite Kevin joking a lot, his powers are usually kind of balanced (expect for the fact Dogday is kind of op not as op as Catnap.) Dogday gains powers too but only if he learns something. The brother often wins.
Kevin likes overdramatizing fights, dark scenes and using powers, mostly because he watch too much action tv shows.
Now that's done, let get to the real AU.
Welcome to Sunnyville!
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(i literally had to compressed the file omfg, this stupid image lags so hard everytime i open it..)
Here's a better close up version
Sunnyville is the brightest and cheerful town around! This is the main location where the Smiling Critters resides in. The positivity and good vibes came from Smiling Critters themselves.
There's more than one groups as the known ones are Smiling critters, Nega Bratzz, The Quacking Sisters, and The Ordinarys
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The town is mostly nice however there are bullies (Nega Bratzz and The Quaking Sisters), but it doesn't quite override the sheer amount of positivity. Smiling Critters has a reputation in this town, often for their upbeat attitude. Outside of the critters group, Dogday is well liked by adults, awhile children thinks KickinChicken is cool. Not all though fine with their upbeat attitude, especially Nega Bratzz.
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The houses are altered but Every single Night, Catnap's house changes.
Well not the exterior, But just the interior does.
The interior becomes an nearly endless mansion with whole bunch of halllways and rooms. turning back around doesn't get no better. Once enter his house, the doors are shut tight enough for no one to escape.
The inside of Catnap's house is described as an dream world or illusion world. Once entered here and manage to end up falling asleep or become unconscious, it would be treated as if the critters was dreaming the entire time. That's because when the sunrises, the interior turns back to normal. Any injury is also gone.
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The "illusion house" is quite dangerous, due to it being unpredictable unknown danger. Some rooms are safe, awhile others are not. Some could be neutral awhile other could be a trap. The critters will never know.
Aside from catnap's house, DogDay's house been redesigned in this au too.
Smiling Critters Section
Enough explaining everything else but the critters!
The story mostly revolves around Dogday and CatNap. KickinChicken is an major character. The other critters are very important too, but not as much.
Once wholesome positive team, is now a distressed team. Smiling Critters has to work together to solve this mystery of Catnap and the happenings that are caused by him. Awhile they try to solve Catnap awhile balancing their routines.
At day, Smiling critters just do their normal routine, get ready, eat, play, eat... But as soon as its Night, that's the where the real kicker is. Majority of the events that happens in this AU, takes place at night. At the moment, no one but outside of Smiling Critters area knows what's going on with Catnap.
They try to gather clues and research CatNap to get understanding on what their facing.
The Critters acts like their description.......somewhat. its altered a bit.
About the Other form i mentioned on the about, what was the so called form am I talking about? Well its called Enhanced Form. Enhanced forms are magical forms that gives a smiling critter powers. In order for an Smiling Critter to be enhanced, Dogday must enhance them, as he the only one who is able to do it.
Enhanced forms are strong, at least strong enough to fight the CatNap.
In order for an Critter to transform into Enhanced form, Dogday must use his powers to enchant the pendant (on the necklace). Then, the critter can either grabs the pendant tightly or smack it, causing them to transform into enhanced form.
Dogday can change at will, but he does not have enhanced form, but rather just a stronger form. Though, Dogday don't even need to transform, he can still use half of his abilities without it.
When a critter transforms, their pendant changes too.
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An Critter can de-transform by either de-transforming willingly or when they become unconscious.
I will now talk about the Smiling critters separately.
Dogday the Guardian of the Sun:
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Makes sense to start with the titular character of this AU.
Dogday is the main character of HGNSD.
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Other things that I didn't add due to space:
Dogday is an early bird, he tends to wake up everyone to get the day started. Excluding CatNap, He's the last critter to go to sleep.
full content (but also not) of how Dogday gained his powers: Dogday was slammed multiple times by Catnap (due to the fact he rebelled, fight back and took the risk of letting himself be the one getting the punches instead of his friends), before tossing him to a deep pit. The pit had spikes at the very bottom. Despite Dogday was clearly about to die, he still had some hope and determination left...causing gain powers and fly upwards in result.
Dogday is more powerful than any other critters. He can even sometimes surpass Catnap's powers. Dogday's powers deals with the sun aka light. Dogday's powers are 2x stronger at day but at night, its normal strength of the power.
The AU name is post to be ironic (really just an bullying title since dogday cannot even go to sleep properly because of CatNap) but at the same time, its foreshadowing something.
Dogday is traumatized, but he doesn't show it.
He was horrified at the state of Catnap tall self. But after dealing with him for so long, he's desensitized to it. doesn't means that's a good thing though.
Dogday gets insulted a lot, he gets upset a little but it doesn't really effect him completely. The only thing that effects him is the fact his best friend is even like this at all.
Other Critters
Now the main character is out of the way, let's talk about the other critters (expect for Catnap). They will be ordered from most important to the least important.
KickinChicken the Guardian of the Stars:
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(i added the bottom beak on purpose)
Let's start with kickin'
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Other things that I didn't add due to space:
KickinChicken is most likely the one who defends his friends from bullying.
KickinChicken powers deal with stars and light. He is almost as strong as DogDay.
He often sacrifice himself in order for his friends to escape to find safety. If Dogday is almost there to being killed, he jumps in to prevent it. Because of his sacrifices....he almost had access to change into form at will permanently.
He was able to change into his enhanced form twice without Dogday's assistance. But it happened in two different circumstances. not to mention sudden change, but it was in a necessary moment.
KickinChicken and Dogday works together sometimes.
No matter how much an critter insults KickinChicken, it doesn't bother him. In fact, he will twist the insult into a positive one.
He considers Hoppy Hopscotch his best friend. They both have an friendly rivalry when comes to any game. They get a bit too competitive....almost destructive sometimes. They always doing the "am better than you" attitude. If one of them lost, they take the lost but still cocky.
KickinChicken usually compliments himself and looks at the mirror in his bathroom.
Kickinchicken secretly can sing. He didn't tell anyone because he wanted it to be personal for him only. Until catnap exists and ruins everything. There's concept designs of kickinchicken in his singer outfit design, but i hadn't finalized it.
CRAFTYCORN the Guardian of Colors:
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Other things that I didn't add due to space:
More info about her own magic: she has an specific book to learn her own abilities. She tries to learn her own magic, but it pretty much hard for her too. She struggles to use her magic, when it successful, its usually something small. In her enhanced form, she able to use her magic like she trained for years.
Sometimes Craftycorn's magic is successful either under concentration or distress. And sometimes it fails. She also the only critter who can create her own form without Dogday's help. Though it isn't an enhanced form, but rather a different form.
Craftycorn one day wants her art be display in a muesum
In her enhanced form, she has the powers of creation, unicorn magic and color. Making her quite strong. She only has on specific healing ability called Revival. she can only use this on one critter awhile focusing, and if she gets distracted, the progress will fail.
Craftycorn sometimes ends up finding out some stuff before anyone else.
Craftycorn one time was able to beat Catnap without help.
Craftycorn has a crush on Dogday, she didn't at first though. She was saved by Dogday, causing her to gain a crush on him since then (omg its almost like proto-). She been drawing a lot of pictures of him closed doors.
Sometimes she plays chess with Bubba Bubbaphant. She loses mostly.
Bubba Bubbaphant the Guardian of Intelligence:
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Other things that I didn't add due to space:
Bubba Bubbaphant has the power of vision, intelligence and detection. He is able to rewind to able to see an vision from the past. Since he most likely using his powers for investigating, making clues and ideas for any sign for an cure.
When bubba bubbaphant is targeted, he sometimes gets it the worst than Dogday, simply because "he's smart". For example, everyone else will get tied up in one way, but bubba bubbaphant will have 15 different ways of being tied and caged to make sure he doesn't try to strategize to escape at all.
Bubbe Bubbaphant pacifism caused injuries. He never try to switch sides, he's still standing his ways.
When Dogday first gain his powers, He went to Bubba Bubbphant to figure things out. Though Bubba Bubbaphant obviously could not answer how to deal with his powers. So instead he tries to study both Dogday's and Catnap's powers.
Bubba Bubbphant had try to to keep up with Catnap's powers, but he clearly wants to give up at this point because its way too much. Its stressing him out
Hoppy Hopscotch the Guardian of Energy:
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Other things that I didn't add due to space:
Hoppy Hopscotch powers are lighting, super speed, super jump and energy. She can charge herself by simply running.
Hoppy and KickinChicken are friendly rivals mostly competitive in games. Though Hoppy is usually the one ends up making it more destructive then it originally is. She usually try to win, by doing things faster. She also view kickinchicken as her best friend.
Extension of the trained fighter: When using her fighting skills, she usual attacks fast. Awhile Hoppy was teaching Dogday, she accidentally gives him bruises in the beginning...
She can be just as cocky as kickinchicken sometimes without using the better than you phrase.
When she is being insulted, she usually insult back.
Even when its fighting with Catnap, she still wants an challenge.
Here an example of one of her sports form
Bobby Bearhug the Guardian of Love:
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Other things that I didn't add due to space:
Bobby Bearhug have the powers of healing, enchantment and love. She is able to heal multiple critters at once or strengthen them. Her attacking ability is life drain. She discover this by accident.
Due to Bobby Bearhug's pacifism, she gets injured too but not as bad as Bubba Bubbaphant.
She's has been bullied a lot, despite it all she still wants to show love. She don't really judge anyone, despite people judge her.
She does care about Dogday's situation, at the same time she just feel sympathy for Catnap.
Bobby Bearhug can cook, she mostly bakes though. Her food is delicious.
PickyPiggy the Guardian of Food:
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Other things that I didn't add due to space:
PickPiggy have the power of food and mixing. That's it. She's considered the weakest critter out of all the powers. At least she can create certain foods that isn't possible.
She is not a cooker at all, despite having cooking related powers. Instead, she just be the first one at the table when the food ready. Getting large portions of foods....no wonder there's no leftovers in the fridge. (no she doesn't eat the ENTIRE cooked meal, she does let her friends get a plate too.)
Now....Catnap.. well now you saw how everyone views catnap or at least treat him. Its only right to finally show him now, yes?
He needs his own separate section.
Catnap is the main antagonist of the story.
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Other things that I didn't add due to space?:
Truly everyone is guessing what happened to Catnap, cause no one has no clue.
Catnap powers are either the most strongest or the most weakest... I cannot pick, blame the kids. Catnap has so many powers, even god give up. His powers are the negative versions of dark, psychic, moon, and dreams. He also can send more smokes in his nightmare form, which is from his spores that's on his back. The advantage he has over everyone, his powers at night are 10x stronger....so he can take down all the critters. However the massive downgrade, at daytime, all of his powers goes bye bye, he cannot even turn forms either. He stuck back to just Catnap. Only power he can use is transporting from dark areas. So when the sunrises, he slowly turns back to normal size.
Lunar/Third Quarter Form is usually what he changes into the most, its a mix between the regular form and Nightmare's powers but not having all of its powers. This form is somewhat comic relief. This is where most the jokes be, in this form.
Nightmare form is the most strongest, as he usually do not talk in form. He either wants to put fear or he was extremely angry to change into this form.
Out of all the critters, he believes bobby bearhug is the most insane, ironic.
Catnap at first hated the boot like socks in Lunar form, but ends up being fine with it because it was comfortable.
Unlike the canon og Catnap, catnap committing evil is a complete mystery...or the fact the kids never planned one. who knows.
He has the able to put critters inside a cocoon-like substance, to make them live inside their own nightmare. The victim actually has to find the way to break out of it..somehow
He got the name Boogeyman due to teleporting underneath hoppy's bed and kidnapping her.
Catnap likes pretending to be an magician.
Past Catnap usually likes being around areas that was calm and peaceful. any interruption would startle him.
Past Catnap used go to Bobby to talk about private stuff. Not things that between Dogday and Him though.
He's the only critter in the smiling critters group to not have an enhanced form
Catnap can change his eyes at will. but nightmare form he cannot.
He owns the Lair, which the lair only appears at night. its no where to be seen at day. He got an lair later in the story because he wanted to craft his plans far away from the smiling critters sometimes.
Now for last one its relationship between Dogday and Catnap (also my last picture i can even post i reach my limit :()
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Other things that I didn't add due to space:
Catnap equally insults Dogday, calling Dogday "DogStupid" because he believes that Dogday is actually stupid. Catnap actually insulted Dogday first.
Rarely, Catnap doesn't attack Dogday on certain days, as he sometimes target someone else.
Every since Dogday gained powers, Catnap been obsessed with trying to gain his powers. Mostly because he wants to torture him so that Dogday wouldn't be able to defend himself or enhance anyone no more.
End !! now for the extras and Concepts! sorry no images.
Originally there was going be humans in the cartoon world. Because how care bears and the old MLP had humans. There was 2 humans that was along with the Smiling Critters, Oliver and Maxwell. Oilver would have blond hair pigtails and pink overalls and Maxwell had brown hair. Oliver was the confident feminine girl awhile Maxwell was a curious boy. She and Maxwell would've helped the smiling critters. Oliver would've try to fight Catnap but Catnap wouldn't even attack her, but rather put her somewhere safe.
In continuation of the humans concept, there was going be a castle way up in the sky, as the only way to access it is through a magic beanstalk. The castle had a princess named princess balloobow. She is a human with powers. She would've attempted to cure Catnap's evil but it would failed. She also would've been the one who taught Dogday on how to use his powers properly.
lastly of the human concept, in some epsiodes, The smiling critters would've travel all over the world to find the cure. having an adventure and meeting new people or critters. Catnap still would've been a villain during those adventures. They would've have got clues about the cure, the origins of Dogday's abilities, an hint about what happen to Catnap and the mystery of the current Catnap. However during those travels, Catnap would've slowly become stronger...due to collecting stuff. Dogday would've also become stronger, from looking at the ancient stuff. Sometimes in their travel, they would help people or other critters.
Catnap would've an fourth form called Disenchant form, being the opposite of enhanced form.
The original name of this au was called Nighttime with Catnap. it was also called Smiling Critters and Shenanigans.
Dogday and Current Catnap was originally considered frenemies.
Origin of this AU
This start off as an one-off joke where Dogday staying up all night playing videogames with Kickinchicken. Dogday was trying to keep himself awake until he fall asleep. As soon he woke up he was chained up on his own bed, just to find Catnap smiling at him. Catnap says he's about to punish him because he surpass his healthy sleeping schedule and decides to punish him by forcing him to watch Megamind 2. Dogday beg for mercy but Catnap turns it on, causing Dogday try to struggle to escape and scream.
Pickypig is the only character to even question why don't they just attack Catnap at daytime because he's basically weak. (the reason is because the smiling critters do not want to cause commotion and attract large attention from the people in the town)
Possessed Dogday exists in this au, but ill talk about it on another post. Just so you know, He did not get his body controlled in the same way the bigger bodies Dogday was.
Amber first ever toy was the poppy playtime doll. every single smiling critters came out, she abandoned her, but she still in her room.
End of the actual post ! ! this took too long, and i might forget to add certain details as usual. anyway i hope you enjoy the post, see ya
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farfallasims · 1 year
dear ms farfalla we would like to know more about you :D so what's your favorite color, food, music, movie, tv show, designer brand, food type (asian, indian, Italian etc), book if you read any, hobbies, cat or dog person, fav place you've been to and also your dream vacation? hope this isn't too much lol <3<3<3
It always shocks me that people want to know more about me, but I'll happily answer your questions! Thank you for asking in the first place and being interested, I'm very flattered!
Favorite Color(s) | I love forest green, sage green, and white!
Favorite Food | Sushi. If I'm ever mad at someone, tell them to buy me sushi & I'll be a happy girl.
Favorite Music | I ADORE R&B. I love artists like Sabrina Claudio, Tanerelle, and a recent love of mine is ENNY. Such good vibes. But the polar opposite of this is that I love tropical house music, especially since it's the summer time!
Designer Brand | Louis Vuitton, but I'm biased. My diaper bag as a baby was a Louis, so I always like to think it's my mother's fault for using it! I also really love Bottega Veneta at the moment, as well as Prada.
Books | A Court of Thorns & Roses. Absolutely beautiful series if you're into fantasy romance! But ya girl also loves her men written by women books if you get what I mean...ANYWAYS
Hobbies | I love photography, reading, obviously the sims, going to the beach AT LEAST once a week, tennis, going out to eat at my favorite brunch spot, boutique shopping, etc.
Cats Or Dogs? | BOTH! I have 2 cats & a doberman!
Favorite Place | Right now my favorite place has to be the UK...I think I'm biased since it's where my boyfriend lives so seeing his home was so beautiful. My #1 place to visit though is Egypt. I'm a giant history nerd and I adore ancient mythology/history. So to be able to see the pyramids, the sphynx, etc. in person after being told stories about them would truly be me living in my own fantasy novel!
Once again, thank you for asking and I'm so flattered you wanted to know more about me!
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mikeydraws · 2 years
YIPPIE finally got back into drawing and decided to finish this warrior cats x rottmnt drawing! I’m a big fan of how warrior cats work and I have a lot of nostalgia from it since I’ve been a fan of it for 6 years so yeah I really like drawing my favourite characters into cats! All of these are pre-movie designs.
Aldo if they seem incorrect or not logical enough to you I do not care, these cats are in a universe with cats that have powers and some are literally blue.
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Now I haven’t really started on making them a cool wowzers backstory yet but what I’m thinking is that they were all kidnapped by Draxum from a cat breeding centre where they breed cats to be like the best of the best, fir example raph being a maine coon, Leo being a nebelung, Donnie being a sphynx and mikey being a bobtail! I chose pretty expensive cat breeds because they all come from a selective breeding facility so it would make most sense. Now huggin and muggin would have messed up the cats because again it makes sense like why have a furless cat and a small cat without tail? Draxum would of been mad, splinter finds out and saves the day. That’s all I have for now.
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I made Raph a maine coon bc they are the biggest cats! I also love Maine coons! His name in his clan is ThornBush bc he is fierce and pointy like thorns and big and fluffy like a bush. I think he’d belong to riverclan bc he is gentle and I also see most riverclan cats as Maine coons especially the first ever leader.
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I made him a nebelung last minute bc I didn’t know what breed to make him, most grey cats are short haired, his fur definitely matches the one of a nebelung, not too short, not too long. I put the bandana on his tail bc it symbolizes how he doesn’t really care abt being a hamato, he does care but he doesnt take it seriously and responsibly, I think it adds a nice touch! Chose his name bluelion bc “blue” fir his fur and “lion” bc of how wild and careless he is, LionThunder could of also been a name! He is definitely a thunderclan cat, he has this main character ego a lot of thunderclan cats have.
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Made him a shpynx bc it fits! Just like him being a softshell! His name AsterMoon means how calm and cold he is towards others, aster is a purple flower sometimes and he wanted a name similar to sunpatch since they are close. Definitely a shadowclan cat.
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He is a Japanese bobtail bc I just wanted him to have no tail, SunPatch comes from on how much of a sunshine he is and how he makes cats smile a lot! He would be a skyclan or windclan for sure!!
Anyways hope you all enjoyed this <33
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wellbelesbian · 1 year
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Figure It Out
for day two of @carry-on-sapphic-week, today's prompts were sweet and adopt!
read on ao3 or below the cut!
"Trixie…” Keris is using her grown-up voice, a term she hates, but there’s really no other way to describe it. Arms crossed, feet planted, and her tone reminds me of my mum when I figured out a spell to stick my little brothers to the ceiling.
“What’s up?” I respond, choosing to keep my tone casual as I toss my keys into the bowl beside the door and toe out of my shoes.
“That had better not be a cat carrier. I expressly told you we cannot get a cat.”
Well, she’s got me there.
“The landlord never has to know."
“He will know.”
“We could pay him off?"
“Trixie.” Grown-up voice again.
The carrier is getting really heavy, so I put it down on the table. A little soot-coloured paw peeks out between the bars, then retreats and is replaced by a whiskery nose. Keris puts her head in her hands.
“Are you really mad at me?” I ask nervously. “Cos I can return her if you-”
“I’m more mad about how cute she is.” Keris mumbles. She looks up and glares at the carrier. “You’re making this really difficult, you know.” A soft meow in response makes her groan.
I cringe at what I’m about to say next, allergic to sincerity but feeling like it’s needed right now. “I thought, you know… this would be the first step to us having a family.”
Keris softens, stepping forward and pulling me into a warm kiss.
“That’s very sweet of you,” she says, pulling back but keeping her hands cupping my face. I instinctively wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her closer as she continues, “and I do really want a cat, but it doesn’t fix the landlord situation.”
“We could always spell him into agreeing to make an exception?” I suggest.
“That’s highly immoral, Trix.” Keris chides.
“So is the landlord.” I shrug. “I mean, look at our rent! And the mould.”
Keris wrinkles her nose at that. The mould in the upstairs bathroom seems somehow magic-resistant, and the landlord is still refusing to fix it, instead just telling us to keep the windows open. In January.
“One bad act doesn’t cancel out the other.” She counterpoints. “Also, I think it’s illegal.” I groan, then relent.
“Okay. So no cats allowed, the landlord won’t get rid of the mould, and the rent is ridiculous anyway… I’m hearing we need to move.”
“Easier said than done.” Keris says, opening up the cat carrier and picking up the kitten, a small grey sphynx cat. She rubs between her ears and she starts to purr.
“Eh, we’ll figure it out.” I shrug. Keris looks at me, her expression tired but full of affection, our new kitten cradled in her arms. I think I’ve won this battle.
“Has she got a name?”
“Nope. Why, do you have an idea?”
Keris hums thoughtfully for a moment. “Morgana?"
“Cute!” I grin. “And it’s a swear.”
“Don’t ruin it!” She laughs. It’s like the clouds part, a sunbeam I could lay in all day. I suddenly feel like I can see our whole future before us, just standing in our kitchen with our new kitten, even with the uncertainty around us. We've got each other. “I suppose we’ll just have to figure it out.” Keris acquiesces. I smile back.
“I suppose we will.”
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rbr-seb · 1 year
4, 13, 16, 17, 23?
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4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
Hmm... I think too many terrible takes. They started off as a blog who's content i really enjoyed and their shitposts were hilarious but then their takes just started getting extra rancid idk what to say. 0/10.
13. worst blorboficiation
Lando. He is not a blorbo he is an evil scheming sphynx cat.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
*Sighs* I think my biggest pet peeve right now is when Seb is potrayed as the mom friend of the group or extra overbearing. Like no. He is a shit stirrer with a nice heart. He is thoughtful. He is nice. He is adorable. But when presented the opportunity to cause chaos? He is the first to rise. And probably A/B/O. Not a fan, but mad respect to writers who make it work for them.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
OOh, I love myself some crack fic. Man i miss the days when fic was just absurd. We need to bring absurdity back. Put the boys on Love Island. Put the boys in space. Make the boys do RuPaul's drag show. My favorite type of fics are those that start of as crack but then become something so meaningful, nothing else compares. I remember reading this beauty pageant fic with Charles and Daniel as his coach. 10/10 so so good omg.
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
Okay. So. I am in general not a fan of age gaps, and Sebchal was not doing it for me. BUT. the narrative. the evidence. the palpable tension. The eye gazes. The DREAM to win with Ferrari, but for different reasons. I have never seen anything more poetic than Sebchal. I got in, out of curiousity, and could not get out. It sucks you in, like a black hole. there is no escape. Sebchal is life now.
Send me SPICY asks
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carouseldreamdiary · 8 months
i dreamt i was in this shop and stole a bunch of sunglasses and jewellery . when i got home i spread it out on the floor in the corridor of my flat and i realised they were all worth like 500 euros each and i had stolen like thousands of euros of stuff
my brother came out his room and was like ur gna get arrested and i was like oh no i wont , then i turned around and a police officer was somehow in my house and he was smiling at me. he started asking me abt it all and i explained i had no idea why i did it and i wouldnt have if id known how expensive they were. he was very nice to me and didnt arrest me and over the coming days we spoke and he suggested i had kleptomania or something cuz i couldnt give a reason as to why i stole it all
then i was in the police station and the boss of my 2nd job was working there for some reason , she wasnt really doing her job tho and was just going on chatgpt and using it to plan lessons for our actual job . i remember getting bored of her questions and rolling around on the floor and it felt really good and i didnt care what anyone thought of me
then a few days later my sister and her husband came to visit for some reason . it was valentines day and they had decorated my entire flat with so many lights and hanging decorations from the ceiling u could barely walk. it was really annoying but i said i didnt mind it.
my sister had also got 2 sphynx cats, one was pink and naked and the other was white and had a little hair. she was really bad with them and kept scaring them off and she kept picking them up by their heads?? so i picked one up and stroked it gently and it kept purring and she got really mad at me cuz it liked me more than her
then i was in my bedroom i think and i could hear plutia and she was meowing but it sounded like she was saying "i really really really" or "i truly truly truly" and i thought maybe she was copying me cuz i always tell luca how much i really love him, then just then luca called me irl and my phone woke me up lol
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leeleewrites · 1 year
I haven’t written in a couple days, and thought I owed myself a few minutes. I STILL haven’t listened to Unreal Unearth (i know i am wicked), but I do need to. Right now, I am currently wishing I could listen to Treacherous Original Demo Recording, but i’m already feeling terrible about the Hozier situation. Don’t need to get into it with Taylor. Also, really wishing that Evermore had long pond sessions. Evermore is my favorite album and when it was released I hoped she’d release long pond sessions. My dream has yet to come true. For now, i’ll just play Mad Woman on repeat and wait for 1989 (Taylor’s version). I’m excitedly waiting for anything new from Mitski. I can’t wait for September 15th, but hoping for a new single to drop. The past few days i’ve spent cat-sitting a regular (no hate, nonetheless cute as a button). I absolutely adore cats. I think they’re perfect. Unfortunately, my entire family is very allergic and hates cats. So I spend my days fantasizing about Sphynx and Russian Blues. Someday I will live in a world where cats just run the world. Pretty boring recently though. I went driving a few days ago. It was scary, but I think I might be good at it some day. That’s kinda it. The first day of school is in a few days. I’m not sure how to feel. I’ll update soon.
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jorisjurgen · 2 years
Atcham for the character bingo 😊
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omg the bingus spingus. 😍 😍 😍 😍 hes a funky uncle, a special angel. hes wonderful and his skin is probably like peaches. he made me google way too much about sphynx cats.
a lot of things i love about him aren’t explicit canon but can be extrapolated. 
Example: He and Kerubim are brothers, they’re both Crepins, obviously - then in one of the comics Kerubim says his entire family, multiple siblings and both parents, are dead. Uh-oh! Both he and Atcham are both orphans, then. And it all just kinda snowballs from there. What sort of friendship did they have, before it all fell apart? Did Kerubim perhaps start kinda bullying him? He didn’t seem like the most tactful or thoughtful kid, though they were both going through stuff. How do they both deal with memories of their family? Does Kerubim relish in his connection with ecaflip as a replacement while Atcham wallows? Could he be also mad at him for seemingly not caring, for coping differently?
Also Atcham’s parallels with Joris. I am very confident when I say that Atcham is like... Darkest timeline of what could have happened to Joris if he wasn’t adopted by Kerubim. Both are orphans, both look different than most people, however, and it’s even more interesting considering Atch’s and Keke’s relationship, Kerubim’s parenting gave Joris a normal amount of self-esteem and confidence with his looks and any difficulties he can face. Literary makes me crazy.
i would go into some really serious and deep analysis of themes and things one can extrapolate but you hadn't seen some spoilery stuff that really prevents me from doing that. I am so mentally ill about this.
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popatochisssp · 4 years
if/when you get the energy/time to- im really curious; what kinda fuzzy friends do the newer skeles have? does pitch have a seeing eye-dog version of princess? or does ell and/or nemo have a fuzzy buddy to help with their anxiety or anything similar or in-between? spare fuzzy friend hcs for the poor, ma'am????
Well, you asked for it!
Ash (Undergloom Sans): A cat named Annie (Ragdoll), adopted as an emotional support buddy! She picked him, really, just ambling right on up to him, and it was love at first flop-over-his feet. Having a little sweetheart like her to take care of has really helped to pull Ash out of the doldrums and he loves her a lot. She’s a big-time cuddlebug, just like he is, and they definitely spend a ton of time napping together, everywhere and anywhere.
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Annie’s Quirks: Extra chunky (master of the ‘I haven’t been fed yet 🥺’ con), stockpiles socks and undies beneath the bed, shameless catnip junkie
Yrus (Undergloom Papyrus): He feels like he’s not as active as he should be, lots of time spent indoors doing academic things, when there’s a whole beautiful world out there that he should be getting out to see at least sometimes... He has the idea that maybe an animal companion would be the right motivation to get up and out at least a couple times a day, and Cannoli (Pembroke Welsh Corgi) is the solution to the problem! They click pretty much immediately and are just very well-suited to each other, especially as exercise partners.
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Cannoli’s Quirks: Loves (short) walks, rests his head on any feet that stay still long enough, must sleep in the same bed as the people and will hop/bark/cry if he can’t get up there himself
Brick (Horrorfell Sans):He doesn’t know too much of the story himself, he’s sure he was told in more detail but probably forgot. All he remembers is, a friend of a friend had a dog who had an accident...or maybe it got sick? Either way, it went deaf, and the dog was too big and unwieldy for them to try to retrain themselves. But they had a friend who was HoH, and that friend was active in the community with lots of other signing and HoH folks and could ask around about someone who might be up for the challenge of having and training a real big dog that couldn’t hear a word you said to it. That’s how Brick heard about it, anyway, and he’s not deaf but he’s big, and he figures he probably knows at least enough sign by now to train a dog. And that’s how Tiny (English Mastiff) comes to stay at his place. They clumsily work on understanding each other, it’s definitely a Process, but there’s plenty of fondness there to make any difficulty worth the trouble.
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Tiny’s Quirks: Bit of a digging problem, gets very excited about balloons, likes to sit near people and lean his entire weight into them
King (Horrorfell Papyrus): This one may look familiar, but it’s fate-- Doomfanger (Persian) belongs with him and could find her way to him in any universe. ...But King was a little later getting to the Surface, and wasn’t there to pick her up when she was freshly on the streets. She spent awhile longer being an alleycat, a few years of living the rough life, and one day when she’s not quite fast enough to scurry out of the way of an oncoming car, it probably would’ve been the end for her... if not for the kind Samaritan skeleton who was just passing by that scooped her up off the pavement and brought her to a vet. King tried very hard not to get attached to her, especially when it was still looking like she wouldn’t make it, but he kept moving the goalpost of when he’d let himself care about her. ‘IF IT LIVES UNTIL MORNING,’ ‘IF IT MAKES IT TO THE VET,’ ‘IF SHE SURVIVES HER SURGERY,’ ‘IF--’ and then she looks at him, with her goofy drugged up face, freshly missing the foot of her back paw so that they even match now, and... And just like that, Doomfanger has a home and a devoted cat-dad owner and anything else she could possibly need.
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Doomfanger’s Quirks: Likes to be raked, makes an incredible fuss when shut out of any room for any reason, very spooked by loud noises and immediately runs and hides under daddy’s bed
Merc (Horrorswap Sans): He wanted a pet, especially when things were still a little strained with his brother and the nature of his...condition...made it difficult to make friends. He was lonely and a little pal would be very welcome in his home, but he’d also really hate to curse a furry friend with the ever-present threat of being dripped on and getting nasty bone-goop stuck in their fur... Ella (Sphynx) is the workaround to this unusual problem and makes herself right at home with Merc, happy to love on him whether he’s solid or sticky.
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Ella’s Quirks: Has an extensive collection of sweaters that she adores (will sit by her dresser and meow until she is clothed), great sense for emotions and tends to appear whenever she’s needed, transfixed by mirrors
Ell (Horrorswap Papyrus): He didn’t choose Ripley (Maine Coon), Ripley... well, he’s not even sure Ripley chose him. He definitely chose Ella, because that pretty little sweater-wearing vixen in the window is what drove him to bust into Ell and Merc’s house and start sauntering around like he owned the place. Ripley (named before they realized he was a boy-cat) was definitely feral, with a notched ear and a missing eye, but he just keeps coming around, breaking and entering, cuddling with Ella and sharing her food, and when he one day hops into Ell’s lap and curls his big fluffy body up there... Ell makes the (possibly bad) decision to just shut the doors and windows on this mean, fat bastard and make him commit to the self-domestication he’d started. Ripley’s fickle, anti-social, and nine times out of ten mean as hell, but despite it all, Ell’s attached to the fucker. Doesn’t stop him from talking mad shit about his demon-cat to anyone who’ll listen, but y’know, there’s a weird sort of love there, between them both.
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Ripley’s Quirks: Hates other cats and people, with Ell and Ella as the only exceptions (Ell sometimes, Ella always), does truly heinous things to birds and rodents and even bugs if the opportunity presents itself, an escape artist who is not to be trusted around doors or windows
Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans): Ms. Sandy Peaches (Golden Retriever) is a service dog, trained to assist people with visual impairments in a variety of tasks. Pitch, who’d long been mulling over the idea of getting one such dog, eventually follows through, and as soon as he hears her name, he’s decided-- Sandy Peaches is the one for him! He’s been blind awhile by the time he gets her and generally knows his way around things, but she’s very helpful in his day-to-day and some of the things that were moderately inconvenient to get through before are only mildly inconvenient now, and her value as a helper and a companion is much appreciated.
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Sandy’s Quirks: Gets excited when it’s time to put her vest on and go work, thinks the appropriate amount of brushing time is probably about three hours, loves to go swimming
Nemo (Horrorswapfell Papyrus): He found Dizzy (American Shorthair) after an accidental click led him to a local shelter’s Instagram, where they had a video of her playing and a few hashtags that explained her condition. He learned a lot about cerebellar hypoplasia, aka ‘wobbly cat syndrome,’ and when he eventually made it back to her video and watched it again... it was too late, he was already half in love with her. He contacts the shelter and after a couple weeks making arrangements, purchasing necessities, and wobbly-cat-proofing the house, he braves the outdoors to go get her and bring her home. She’s probably 100% his baby within the first hour and he loves being able to take care of her and help a kitty that not everybody would have the time or dedication to take in. The love is very much mutual and Dizzy’s tail does the ‘omg it’s you, I love you!’ tail-quiver whenever she sees him and trots on over.
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Dizzy’s Quirks: Sixth sense for when there’s clean laundry to be laid on, likes to hold extended warbling and yowling conversations with people, chews on anything that crinkles (keep plastic wrappers out of reach!)
Sunny (Gastertale Sans): As soon as he knew he wanted a dog, he knew he wanted to pick up one of the less adoptable ones. Skipper (Beagle mutt) was certainly that, with only two legs--one in front and one in back. Sunny had a play session with the little guy and admired his energy and how enthusiastically he played, like his missing legs didn’t even phase him. Whatever happened in Skipper’s past, he’s not letting it be his problem now, and needless to say, he’s adopted and taken home in pretty short order. No holds barred fetch and spontaneous frolicking in open fields are a great bonding activity for these two, probably a match made in heaven.
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Skipper’s Quirks: Tennis ball fiend (literally can never have enough), chews on unattended shoes, loves to sing (read: howl) along to music
Aster (Gastertale Papyrus): He wanted a guard dog, some big intimidating-looking thing that would look really, really cool guard the house. He finds Ace (Doberman/Great Dane), unfortunately with his ears already cropped (Aster wouldn’t have chosen the procedure himself), but otherwise a very handsome fellow and still definitely in need of love and a home, both of which Aster was willing and able to provide. He’s attentive with all the care and training his new pup needs, and when Ace grows up just as huge as predicted, looking like a cross between a panther and a hellhound, he’s become an extremely well-mannered and obedient dog, full to the tips of his pointy ears with love for Aster.
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Ace’s Quirks: King of naps, the worst nightmare of any strangers at the door (but very affectionate and loving once they’re in!), will tell you if you’ve stopped petting him too soon, boofing and trying to put your hand back to make you resume
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joycrispy · 3 years
Hightower Save: Lizette Highcastle
I’m typing these up in order of ease, and Lizette lives alone, so theoretically she should be easy to cover. But then I realized that Lizette is...very weird to explain.
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Lizette “Highcastle”
9th Gen (kind of?)
Witch, Magical Construct
A few years ago, Genesis Hightower cast the spell ‘Duplicato,’ creating a perfect magical clone of herself.
Normally Duplicato-clones* exist for a few hours, follow orders from their creator (they have limited free will), and then vanish into a puff of smoke. However, fellow Sims 4 players know that it is possible for the creator to make them a full-fledged sim, and that’s exactly what Genesis did. Basically just because she could.
So, with her newly acquired free will, the clone took on the name Lizette Highcastle, and set out to make a life and identity of her own. 
Certain Hightowers have made it clear that they consider her one of the family...her ‘grandfather,’ Corvo (actually Genesis’ grandfather), likes to pop in every few days just to dote on her, for example.
As for everyone else, well...I headcanon that other witches can sense a strange magical aura around her, and if they are powerful enough, may even recognize that she is a construct and not a natural person. Non-magic sims just think she’s kind of a strange girl.
She and Genesis (and Ariel!) get along great, by the way.
*the ones that aren’t evil, anyway...it is possible for the spell to go wrong and create an evil clone.
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Lizette lives in a tiny cottage in Glimmerbrook Forest. There, she practices magic, but more importantly, she cares for the local colony of feral cats (who come and go as they please --they claimed this cottage long before she ever existed).
Among them, she found her familiar: a sphynx cat named Spatula, who is an asshole.
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Like I don’t know if glittering and having magic powers went to his head or something, but Spatula really does just spend all his free-time bullying the other cats and hissing at anyone who tries to make him behave.
Lizette loves him terribly.
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(Maybe he’s just mad because he has a job and these other cats are freeloaders. Of all the familiars in this save, though, he is by far the best at finding good reagents.)
But Spatula is not the only cat Lizette actually owns!
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She was taking a walk through a cemetery one night, and happened across Fae, the ghost of a little old lady cat who died a stray.
Naturally, she took her home that night. And loves her terribly.
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Finally there’s this weirdo.
Because Lizette Highcastle also happens to be under the effects of a fairly severe curse, Curse of the Night Wraith. The Night Wraith --seen above-- stalks around after her, shrieking and being generally terrifying, and makes it so that while Lizette never needs to sleep (meaning, she will never pass out on the floor) she can also never feel anything but exhausted. He’s got her trapped in a state of constant, miserable wakefulness.
She...does not love him terribly, safe to say, but he does basically live here, and she has some compassion for a being that only seems to exist under extremely weird magical circumstances. For obvious reasons.
She also has that habit of taking in strays. So.
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Sometimes a family is a clone who is also a witch, her two magic cats, and the screaming specter that haunts her every step. :)
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Survey #351
“the writing on the wall  /  a psalm of napalm  /  abandon all hope, but try to stay calm”
Do you have bad posture? Oh yeah. Are your eyes sensitive to sunlight? VERY. How many miles can you run without stopping? An astonishing zero miles. Who is the most attractive person you know personally? My high school friend Alon, probably. Have you ever dated someone who was very vastly different from your “type”? No. When was the first time you said "I love you" to a significant other? When I dated my first real boyfriend Jason at 16. I actually said it very early in because I thought I was "supposed" to, and I did REALLY like him. How old were you when you first lived alone? If you’ve never lived alone, how old do you think you’ll be? I haven't yet, and idk. What do you wish you had been better prepared for? Ha, adulthood. Is there anything about you (physically) that you think turns people off of you right off the bat? My weight. Do you know anyone with a semicolon tattoo? I have a semicolon butterfly tattoo on my wrist, and while it's very subtle, my Mark tat features a semicolon, too. It's outlined by a quote he's said ("you are important, never forget that"), and the "i" is a semicolon. Idk if I know anyone else with one. Have you ever overdosed on a drug? Once accidentally, once purposefully. Have you ever kissed a guy you didn’t want to kiss? Yes. Who was the last guy you cuddled with? Girt. What is something you’ve had a toxic reaction to? The breakup with Jason. In the last picture taken of you, how did you pose? I just tilted my head, smiled, and gave a peace sign, haha. Mom wanted to show my sister how I looked with a dozen wires and other shit attached to me for my sleep study. Have you ever made a fake Facebook account? If so, why? No. If you were an Eevee, what would you wanna evolve into? Probably Espeon? They're so, so majestic and beautiful. I'd love to feel like that, lol. What flavor was the last piece of gum you chewed? Raspberry lemonade. Did you ever used to watch the show Teen Titans? Nah. When you were in school/if you are in school, do you actually share your grades with your parents? If you got/get a bad grade, do you hide it from them? My mom always stayed up-to-date with my grades. I never really had anything to hide. Have you ever been the designated driver? Once or twice, yeah. Were you obsessed with Webkinz when they first came out? "Obsessed" is an understatement. I was that kid with dozens upon dozens. They were pretty much my favorite thing. Who do you subscribe to on YouTube, if anybody? Oh Jesus, looooots. Are you wearing nail polish right now? What color? No. Neon colors, or pastel? Pastel. Are you currently pregnant? Do you wish you were/weren’t? I'm not and have zero desire to be. Have you ever had a dog? A good number of them throughout my life. Is there any drama going on right now in your life? No. Does your hair fall out a lot? No. What’s your favourite type of bird? Barn owls. I also love ravens and crows. How many friends do you have on Facebook? 126. What was on the last sandwich you ate? Pb&j. What sort of music did you listen to when you were in high school? The same as I do now: metal and its various subgenres. Have you ever gotten back together with an ex? No. How far away is the closest store to your house and what is it? I'm actually unsure which is the closest. We live in a cul-de-sac with a bunch of houses, and the street opens into just outside the main city, so there's a lot of stores. What is your favourite Thai dish? I've actually never tried Thai food. How many contacts do you have in your phone? Very few, but I don't feel like counting. Are there any candles in your bedroom, and what scent are they? No. What pet names do you use with your significant other? I'm single. Do you have to wear a name badge where you work? I don’t have a job. Can you hear anything right now? Yeah, I'm watching Gab Smolders play Skyrim. It's a game I've always wanted to play myself. Is there anybody else in the room you’re currently in? No. What’s the name of the store you usually get your groceries? Walmart. Does your house have a porch/balcony? It has a very, very small porch. What is your mother’s first name? Donna. Did you have a tree house as a kid? No. Are you afraid of speaking to large audiences? I'm terrified of it. Have you ever cried from being so mad? Oh yeah, it's very common for me to cry when I'm mad. Have you ever taken a bath with someone? As a kid, yes. Do you have any brothers? One older one. Does your family use coasters? Is anyone in your family excessively tidy? No. Do you wear pajamas to places other than at your house? Ha, yeah, just depends on where. Do you take showers in the morning or at night more? Morning. I used to be ALL about night showers, but I just love how refreshing they are in the morning. It's a good start to the day. Do you snore? Steal the covers? Roll around in your sleep? I steal the covers SO bad and roll around a lot. God bless whoever marries me. You see the person you fell hardest for. What do you do? I can guarantee I'd be a total deer in headlights and probably tear up or just straight-up cry. Have you been/are you depressed? It's nowhere near as bad as it was once upon a time, but I honestly am depressed these days. Who is the one person you can completely be yourself around? I only feel entirely "safe" doing that around Sara. Are your popups blocked on your computer? Yeah. Are your parents night owls or morning birds? My mom's a total night owl. She absolutely hates sleeping because it's "such a waste of time" to her, but of course she does it anyway. I haven't lived with my father since I was like 16, so idk what he's really like with this stuff now, but I'd call him an early bird, particularly because his job has him up early anyway. Do you have high blood pressure? No; my blood pressure is actually extremely low, so much so it scares every doctor who hasn't treated me before. It's a medication side effect and seriously sucks, because I am absolutely always light-headed and dizzy. Have you ever pumped gas? No. Are you affectionate? Very. What would a perfect yard look like for you? Hmmm... I'm going to include things I know I won't realistically have for maintenance reasons, but what's ideal. I would loooove love love at least one really big tree with maybe a birdhouse and like a bat box (is that what they're called?), and I'd love tons and tons of flowers to feed bees and other wildlife. A koi pond would be amazing, but that's one of those things I know I won't actually have. A pool would be really nice, preferably inground, and having a spot in the shade would be perfect. Some berry bushes would be cool, and grape vines... Man, I'm really fantasizing now, haha. What is a topic that you have just recently become interested in? Nothing very recently, but I'd say the most recent would be uhhhh tarantulas, though that's been a thing for many months now. What is a feel-good song that you’ve been listening to lately? None lately, anyway. I can tell you "Jump" by Van Halen is the staple "feel-good" song for me, though. What are some things you enjoy seeing pictures of? Meerkats... Mark... more meerkats and Mark... oh also meerkats and Mark... Is there anything you are scared/awkward about talking about in life? Don't talk to me about sex. Has a pet ever stolen food from you as you were eating it? AS I was eating it, no. What is the weirdest compliment you have ever been given? I have no idea. What’s stronger - your upper or lower body? Jesus, I couldn't tell you. I'm just weak, period. Women tend to have more lower body strength, so I GUESS maybe that, but given the fact my legs are horribly weak, I don't know. My arms aren't strong, either. Are you very careful with your technology (phone, laptop, etc) or do you take risks that could damage them? I try to be mindful and careful, but you could say the way I pick up my laptop sometimes is risky. Have you ever been in the newspaper? What for? I think so, as part of my graduating class? But that would be a LOT of people... so I actually don't know. I have this faint memory of being in it with other people, but idr. Would you say that the area you live in is particularly picturesque? Ew, no. What is your favorite type of cat? One does not simply pick ONE favorite kind of cat. I love Persians, Ragdolls, Siamese, sphynxes, bengals, Abyssinians, and I could go on and on. If you had your way, what color(s) would you dye your hair? I have A LOT of colors I want to dye my hair, but the ones I'm currently most interested in are pastel pink, creamsicle orange, and lilac. Do you like seafood? If so, what is your favorite? If not, what is your favorite type of food? I only like shrimp. What religion/spiritual path intrigues you the most, if any? Paganism. It's the one I think is closest to what I believe in, and I just find it all very interesting. I love the nature focus. Would you ever consider getting dreadlocks? Nooooo. How many times is your cartilage pierced in your ears? None anymore. :( I miss all my piercings that closed while hospitalized. Have you ever had a pet bird? Nah. It'd be cool, but I don't want one enough to actually get one. Do you like dinosaurs? I looooove dinos. They were my obsession as a kid. My first dream career was even a paleontologist. Do you like going for long walks with friends? If my legs worked like a healthy fucking human's, I would love to do that again. I would literally collapse if I tried to go on a long walk now. Do you miss anyone from school? I miss a lot of people from school. I'm thankful for Facebook for that, but even that's not enough, really. What is your favorite flavor of Jolly Ranchers? Watermelon, I think? Was there a strawberry one? How are your parents right now? I'm assuming Dad's fine, and Mom's okay, just stressed as she always is. Can you take naps, or does it make you feel horrible? Man, I love naps. They're like, mandatory for my existence, lol. If you celebrate Christmas, do you get a real tree or an artificial tree? A fake one. Have you ever been told you were a good writer? Yeah. Do you watch music videos? No. Do you own an account on Club Penguin? Haha awww, remember the worldwide heartbreak when that site shut down? Anyway, I did as a kid. Do you like lemonade? Sure do. Was your first kiss perfect? To me it was. How do you feel about the first person you kissed? I feel a lot of things about him. As of right now, how do you feel about your future? Nervous. Who is the last person you ran into unexpectedly? *shrugs* Is sex something special, or just for fun? It has to be something special for me personally. Do you follow fashion? If so, why? Not at all. Have you ever played a real pinball machine? No. Do you like the smell of BBQs? I love the smell, but don't like the food. Do wasps scare you? Yes. Are you currently trying to get over someone? I mean, yes and no. I don't think I'll ever be fully over Jason, but I feel like I'm as "over him" as I'll ever be, maybe. I hope I can even further let him go, but we'll just have to see. Have you ever dated someone with longer hair than yours? Yes. Have you ever worn flip flops in the snow? HA, oh yeah. If it's only a dusting, I don't care at all. I pretty much always wear flip flops. How old were you when you met your first love? I was 15. If you could have one more pet, what? JUST one? Probably a Brazilian Black tarantula, ideally. I technically want a western hognose snake more, but given I already have a snake, in this hypothetical situation, I'd take the spider. Would you rather have an owl or a snake? Ha, speaking of snakes. A snake, even though I adore owls. What do you order at Chic-Fil-A? I don't give my business to Chick-fil-A. They're reigned by homophobic, transphobic pieces of shit that have given monetary contributions to anti-LGBT foundations, including most disgustingly those that support conversion therapy. I admittedly looooove their chicken sandwiches, but I just can't in good conscience go there. Have you ever been addicted to cigarettes? No, given I've never smoked and will never. Which do you use more? Facebook or Instagram? Facebook. Did you enjoy your past relationships? Yeah. Do you like '80s music? '80s metal is great. Something you would NEVER buy? Drugs. Have you ever questioned your sexuality? I first questioned if I was bisexual in middle school, 8th grade I think, but I went into denial about it given I was Christian at the time. Looking back, there were many clear signs of me liking girls too, I just didn't notice them until a few years ago when I came out as bi. Do you like Star Wars? No. What is the best thing about life? Experiencing love, both platonic and romantic. Are you superstitious? No. What show/concert have you gone to that you didn’t like much? I haven't experienced a bad concert before, but then again I've only been to one. Is sex a must in your life? Nah. Have you watched porn alone before? I've never watched porn period. I have absolutely no desire to watch two random people go at each other. What do you think about weed? It should be legal everywhere, but treated similarly to alcohol in that there are legal repercussions to doing certain things, like driving, under the influence. There are just too many benefits for many health conditions to ignore. Have you read the entire Bible before? No. I've started to before, but I didn't get far.
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themadauthorshatter · 4 years
I said I'd make a post on this, and I want to start 2021 off on a positive note.
These are some headcanons I have if Cal had the two pets I talked about in my cat and dog posts, specifically the golden saint and sphynx cat.
For context, this is somewhat of an AU where Cal lives on his own and something of a pandemic happens. I will also be incorporating stuff like videos and other stuff just because:
After having a really bad nightmare, it was Julian and Anabel that gave Cal the idea to adopt an animal, preferably a dog because of how emotional they are. He turned down the idea because he was ruling Norta. After abdicating, and more nagging from his uncle and grandmother, he gave in and adopted a 3 month old golden saint, a sweet girl he named either Sweetie or Shiloh(he read the book as a child and the name stuck with him.) If I come up with a more creative name, I'll edit this, but for now, I'm referring to the dog as Sweetie.
Cal was surprised when he didn't see Sweetie drool a lot. THAT CHANGED WHEN HE STARTED TEACHING HER COMMANDS.
On nights Cal has nightmares, Sweetie will jump on the bed and nuzzle and kiss him until he wakes up. Works every time.
When he wakes up, he holds Sweetie close and pets her to help pull himself out of the literally nightmare he just experienced.
Sweetie thinks she's a lap dog. Cal has tried letting her know she is not, but apparently it's times like that that Sweetie is deaf because she still tries to curl up in his lap when he's reading a book or just sitting and relaxing.
He thinks it's because she was always around small dogs in the shelter and thinks she IS a small dog.
Whenever Cal eats or writes in his diary/journal or reads or anything, Sweetie will stare at him until he looks at her, ehich will make her tail start wagging.
This has led to them playing peek-a-boo, and it's awesome. Cal will hide and show his face and Sweetie will kiss him because she missed him.
There was an instance Cal fell asleep either reading a book or writing in his diary/journal. Sweetie carefully pulled the book/journal and pencil onto the bedside table, pulled the blanket over Cal's arms, and turned out the lights before joining him.
There are days where Cal is building something, and he still laughs at how the first day went: naturally, the garage door was closed, but so was the door to where he lived(house/apartment, idk you pick). While he worked, Sweetie scratched and knocked on the door. Cal would tell her to lay down and that he'd be back soon, and she'd scratch and knock on the door again. After an hour of whimpering, scratching, and knocking, Cal gave in and let her into the garage after picking up anything that could hurt her. You can only imagine the prance as she carried a toy into the garage with her.
On days Cal has to leave, Sweetie will try to come with him. Cal will gently tell her to sit and wait for him, and she will, until the door's open enough to get her muzzle in. It's usually on slightly off days, and Sweetie is smart enough to know what makes Cal laugh when he's about to snap.
Cal learned the hard way to never play dead with a golden saint after Sweetie turned 1. He wasn't hurt, but she ingored him for almost two hours.
The only times Sweetie ignores Cal are when he gives her some flea and tick repellent, hide her toys, and if he was stupid enough to play dead.
On one such occasion that he played dead, he texted Mare that Sweetie was ignoring him because he both gave her flea repellent and played dead, and has been ignoring him for fifteen minutes at the time of him texting Mare.
This was a video he showed Mare as proof:
(For visualization purposes, Cal is using his phone as a camera and is on one end of the couch while Sweetie is on the other end staring out the window. He is borh kind of laughing, but also close to tears because it's not a woman's scorn that people should worry about; Hell hath no fury like a DOG'S scorn.)
"... It's been a hour, and she's still ignoring me. I gave her some flea medicine, AND A TREAT."
Sweetie's ears perk up, but just for a second before going back down.
More ignoring from Sweetie.
"Yeah, she's... she's not happy with me. At all."
"An hour and twenty minutes. She still won't even look at me. I-"
On the contrary, Sweetie turns her head to him.
"Wha... 😃AYYYYY!"
But then she looks away again.
"Damn it😂😂😅! Come on, I was happy!! Sweetie, I'm sorry!!"
(Cal now has his camera flipped with a subtitle thign reading, 'It's been two hours now, and she's still mad at me. To show you I am not kidding, I'm going to try petting her and she's going to give me 'WTF are you doing?' eyes.'
Never breaking eye contact with Sweetie, Cal gives her some back scratches.
Like he said in the subtitle, Sweetie looks up at him and stares at him, almost saying, "WTF are you doing?" She doesn't growl at him or wag her tail, but the two stare at each other.
"Are you still mad at me?"
Sweetie gets up and walks away to get some water, and because, yes, she's still mad.
The camera's facing Cal again with a subtitle that reads, 'THREE. HOURS. I can't tell if she's trying to get me back or if she wants to play.'
Sweetie is behind him and slowly creeping up on him as her tail starts wagging a little bit.
'She has NO IDEA that I can see her behind me right now.'
You know that look of when you feel bad, but you keep laughing because it's KIND OF funny? Cal has that look on his face as Sweetie keeps sneaking closer.
'She'll go back to ignoring me, if I look behind me, but I think she's past that. Just in case, I'll pretend I don't see her.'
Cue Sweetie pouncing and Cal laughing as he falls back, the phone/camera falling with him. We don't see much, but we do see Sweetie's tail wagging.
Not a time jump, but a cut to Cal smiling at the camera as Sweetie lays on his chest sleeping. He points the camera back at himself and gives a thumbs up.
'She forgives me😊'
I know you're wondering, 'Okay, Sweetie's cool and is an awesome girl, but where's the cat!?' To which I say, RIGHT HERE!!
Cal was planning on getting another dog, a friend for Sweetie in case he had to leave home, but at the shelter he noticed a cat that no one wanted: a hairless sphynx that was all wrinkly from being on the defense and only having one black paw. On the ride home after adopting this cat, it curled up into his lap and then climbed onto his shoulders.
It meowed at him when he asked, "What happened to your socks? Did you find a sock or lose the other three?"
Cal was sneaky as hell when he got back because he didn't want Sweetie figuring out and getting territorial.
She figured out anyway. This is the video he took when she did:
(Over the sound of Sweetie scratching on the bathroom door) "You can't come in, Sweeite. Go lay down."
(More scratching and even a sniff under the door.)
"Sweetie, we're okay. Don't worry."
(The cat, which Cal named Fink, meows and paws at him for pets; Cal's warm and Fink's cold. The sound makes Sweetie whimper and scratch at the door harder.)
Cut to outside the bathroom, where Sweetie is constantly between sniffing Cal's hands, shirt, and face from petting Fink and from Fink just being all over him because of how warm he is and smelling and scratching the door, her tail wagging the entire time.
"You smell your brother, Sweetie, huh? You smell him?"
He bursts into laughter when a black paw reaches out under the door and Sweeite freezes before flopping onto her back.
It took a little while for the two to get along, and there were no major fights, as in Sweetie didn't get territorial and snap.
On one occasion Sweetie growled and Fink would swat her on the muzzle as he hissed at her. Sweetie stayed by Cal's side that evening as he tried not to laugh.
Cal came home once to a few surprises: 1. Fink and Sweetie sharing her bed, but not looking at each other. 2. Fink PETTING Sweetie and grooming her before running away. 3. Fink and Sweetie playing tug of war(which made Cal's day because Dink would occasionally stand up on his back legs and it looked hilarious). 4. The two sleeping together, Fink on Sweetie's back.
Note here, this happens if there was a pandemic like the one we're dealing with right now, so it's a good thing Fink and Sweetie are best friends now.
During lockdown, Cal has more nightmares and more 'episodes' during the day. On days, Sweetie isn't helping as much, as in just petting her and her being there isn't enough, Fink will climb onto Cal's shoulders and try grooming his hair. On nights, Fink lies on Cal's chest and watches him sleep. When he starts getting restless, Fink curls under his chin to try to help him. If all else fails, Fink will sneak off the bed and knock over a soap bottle or box of tissues to wake up Sweetie, who barks and wakes up Cal.
Fink hates thunderstorms. They make him pant and have anxiety. It's night like that where he hides under the sheets next to Cal; Sweetie's better at waking Cal if has nightmares during storms anyway.
Mare, Kilorn, Farley, and a few others have Face Time workouts, and all if them have noticed Cal isn't as muscular as he used to be.
They get their answer when they all start working out:
While stretching, Sweetie watches Cal, staring at him. He can't help but smile when she wags her tail
"Can I help you?"
Sweetie creeps up to him and rolls onto her back for belly rubs, which Cal gives her before going back to stretching.
During ine of these stretches, Fink hops onto Cal's back and scares the daylights out of Kilorn.
"What the hell is that!?"
"What?" Cal looks over his shoulder to see Fink. "Oh, yeah, I have a cat AND a dog😁."
Mare and Farley laugh as Kilorn retorts, "That is not a cat! What is it?"
"A cat, and his name is Fink!" At this point, Cal's laughing, too.
"That is the ugliest cat I've ever seen."
"(More laughter) No he's not!😂"
After a few minutes, and finishing stretches, the workout begins with some pushups.
Sweetie keeps trying to sneak in some kisses and Fink's back on Cal's back, but is getting confused because usually he tried hoppong while Cal wasn't moving and only watched him while standing in his back legs.
Needless to say, Cal has to stop to get Fink off his back and Sweetie to lay down somewhere.
Throughout the entire workoit, the pets try to "help" and only end up making everyone laugh.
No wonder Cal hasn't been doing a lot of workouts, he has two animals that just keep wanting to give them love.
Sweetie does help with arm exercises, as in she's the weight Cal uses, and Fink keeps trying to stand and join in.
Workout session ends with everyone laughing, Kilorn reiterating that Fink is ugly and not a cat, and Cal crying from laughing so hard as he repeats that Fink is not ugly.
Fink and Cal have conversations from across the room and house. If Cal is on the couch, Fink will meow from the bedroom for Cal to carry him to the couch.
Cal has SOME sweets every now and then, some because of how he was raised and because Sweetie and Fink kept waiting for him to frop a piece.
Fink is not good with stairs. While teaching him, Cal has had to repeatedly tell Sweetie not to help Fink. She did anyway, and Cal eventually had to keep her in his room when teaching Fink to walk up stairs.
Because he has no hair, Fink has to wear sweaters and coats inside. First day in a sweater, Fink laid on the ground and gave up on life. Cal had to pick him up to help him stand before Fink got ised to the feeling.
Sweetie tried playing, but Fink was not interested.
He was pissed at Cal for the rest of the week, hissing and hiding whenever Cal got too close.
Cal was very upset.
Fink did eventually stop being mad, it just took a while.
AND THAT IS THE POST!!!! I had fun with this fluffy post, and just imagining Cal happy.
I hope you guys enjoyed this, stay safe, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
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tcdarkeststorms · 5 years
Elena Salazar Headcanons
- Elena is the youngest in her family. 
- She has one older brother (Artemio) (21) who was pretty protective of her when they were growing up.
- A lot of her childhood surrounded appointments, scans, tests. Not to say it was a bad childhood, her parents did their best… but she does mostly remember that.
- Her Abuelita made her a quilt for luck, when she was scheduled to have her pump implanted. She couldnt’ take it into the OR with her, but she slept with it every night until it happened. She still has it, across her bed as an adult.
- She had a lot of things she wanted to do when she was fully recovered. Most of them being, able to eat whatever she wanted and play rough with her brother. Even if they were teenagers, she never got to play around like that so they took their chances.
- She also was very dedicated to her studies even at that age. If it existed, she wanted to know how it worked. Learning about what the doctors were talking about, made her feel at least a little more powerful… Even if she was honestly terrified.
- They had a dog growing up, a Jack Russell terrier, named Mimi. Artemio snuck it into her hospital room after her operation, for a quick visit… Markus caught them. (And they were sure he was livid. No… He was trying really hard not to break down because he was trying to be “stern” about the “no pets” policy… Except he had to admire the lengths the kid went.) 
- She has another pet as of the current time, a sphynx kitten she adopted after the outbreak was over. Her name is Lila and Elena’s training her to be a therapy cat so she can take her to work sometimes to visit with the kids there. 
- Although it doesn’t mean she hasn’t accidentally brought the cat with her by accident because she fell asleep in her bag because it was warm. (Elena had quite the moral dilemma that day. Shirk responsibilty, run home, drop off cat and hurry back… Or stash the cat somewhere. She chose Valerie’s office and made her co-grave digger that day.)
- She got away. Markus was getting flashbacks to when Elena was first his patient, because once again he caught the “contraband” pet… Because Lila fell asleep on him while he was taking a nap. 
(They only found out because he couldn’t resist the urge to turn around in his desk chair, petting the cat like a supervillain.
“Ah, I’ve been waiting for you Agent Bond.”
“Y-you aren’t mad?”
“When am I ever gonna get the chance to do that again?”)
- As for her personal hobbies, she still draws. These days it’s more so quick sketches of people she works with and her pet, but she’ll sometimes do cartoons like the ones she grew up with.
- She made the mistake of reading Unwind by Neal Shusterman a few days before she was admitted to Concordia for her surgery. It did NOT do any good for her stress levels.
- Elena’s incredibly close with her family and they’re all very easy going people like her… Although sometimes it can get hectic, she wouldn’t have it any other way.
- Her brother offered to go with her to Alaska but she turned him down. 
“This is something I need to do by myself Hermano. But I promise, I’ll come home safe.”
“Fiiine, fine, fine, but I don’t have to like it!”
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x-avantgarde-x · 5 years
POTO cat au.
I really wanted to do a POTO cat au… I hope it hasn’t been done yet.
Sphynx: Erik is a Sphynx of bright gold eyes with many scars. He’s also missing a piece of his right ear from his previous years at the streets.
Rescued boy: he used to be a stray cat when you found him. He was really thin, ill and in need of a bath. You found him a night while meeting with your friends, none of them wanted to take with them «a ugly cat, left in an alley» so you did it, probably the best decision you’ve ever made.
PTSD from past abuse: shortly after rescuing him you realized that he had been abused in the past. Not just some of his scars, which couldn’ t have been done by other cats, showed it but that he was incredibly scared of you and of any contact you attempted to make. It took you some time and a lot of patience to get him to trust you but since then neither of you too could stand being parted away.
Good boy? Best boy!: Erik is not just a good boy, he is your best boy in the whole world! He may be really curious even a little mischevious some times but he is usually a very well behaved cat, who needs little maintenance (if you keep in mind the high maintenance that sphynx cats need Erik seems to require none.) He becomes possessive quite quickly around other males, keep this in mind.
Our boy is a little music lover: whenever you are listening to music at your radio Erik will start purring and swinging his tail at its rhythm, sometimes he while even meow following the lyrics. If you play an instrument such as the piano Erik will always snuggles at your lap while you play, sometimes he will even try to play it himself!
He is your night in shiny armor: Erik is just completely loyal and loves you with his whole heart. He will protect you from anything and will always be by your side quite literally. You saved his life and have been the only one to show him love and affection, let him return you the favor
White ragdoll: Christine is a little blue-eyed lady with the softest and whitest fur you have ever seen! She arrived three years after you rescued Erik as a present from your family for being accepted at college. That little and loud snowball quickly became the small queen of your house, both you and Erik love her deeply.
Purr, purr, and purr again: Why?!?!? does?!?!? she?!?!? purr?!?!? so?!?!? much?!?!? She is just a super happy and affectionate girl, like *you walk into your flat after classes* «Oh! Mamma, you’re already here!?!?!» she shoves against your legs and starts purring. *you start cooking dinner*  «Oh, you’re cooking? It must be delicious!» Christine sits next to your hand WHICH IS HOLDING THE KNIFE and starts purring like mad. *you are sitting at your desk studying* «My mamma is such a hard-working woman!» snuggles against one of your arms and starts purring.
This girl absolutely adores Erik: It’s not just that since the day Christine arrived Erik has been super affectionate and protective with her and has made sure to keep her safe, but that she also adores him and loves to spend time with him and to be next to him.
Do not ever doubt that this furry lady has a queen like bed: what???? She IS your queen, she deserves to be treated like one.
Orange tabby: a friend of yours’ cat had had a whole litter of purebred kittens and she gifted you this boy two months after he was born. He is a month younger than Christine. Even though sometimes it seems like Christine doesn’t know which one to choose, if Erik or him, that hasn’t stopped your little tiger from trying to win your queen’s heart. Raoul didn´t have to try so hard to win your love, he managed to steal your heart as soon as he looked at you with those big eyes.
A little adventurous: Raoul is a little gentleman… As long as you don’t let him go out to the urbanization’s gardens, in that case… *gets inside the shrubberies and starts digging like a dog* «Is there anything hidden here???» *starts scratching and attacking the plants* «Yeah! Surrender you, evil plant!!! You will never be able to defeat me!!» Once you even found him hunting some poor birds.
He doesn’t get along with Erik: Even though he and Christine seem to adore each other your boys can’t even stand being in the same room, let alone spending time together. They will start hissing and threatening with harming each other. Raoul better doesn’t even think of coming next to you when you and Erik are spending time together which tends to be most of the time. Erik has it pretty clear, if these assholes believes that he can come here, win your love and take you away from him first he will have to defeat him! And Erik is quite ready to die for your love (this got better as years passed by.)
The Daroga:
Persian cat: before being your cat Daroga was your aunty’s beloved boy. When she had to move to another country due to her job you decided to keep him. Daroga was already an old cat, if you add that to the fact that he knew you since you were a kid made it easy for him to move to your house.
The calmest boy: the Daroga is, without discussion, the most peaceful one from your cats. He just lies down in some comfortable place (his favorite spot is the sofa at the living room) and stays there without causing any trouble.
He keeps everyone in their place: *pulls Erik away from the plug* «No, Erik! That’s dangerous, don’t touch it!!!» *sees Christine fall into the toilet and runs goes to pick her up* «Christine, you could have harmed yourself!!! Be careful.» *catches Raoul about to jump from the window to get a bird* «Don’t you even think about it!!!» jumps to close the window just on time for Raoul not to kill himself.
Always warns you when Erik and Raoul are about to start fighting: some time ago he would have stopped them himself, but after that time he got a scratch on his face he decided that it was for the best if from now on he just called you.
The Daroga is actually the only male cat Erik allows to come next to you: not just that, Daroga seems to be the only male cat which’s presence doesn’t disturb Erik (he actually enjoys it a lot). You will always recall that time that your friend came to your house and brought Philippe, Raoul’s brother and her cat, with her. Erik and Daroga were peacefully cuddling together at your sofa when Philippe came close to them. The next you recall is turning around to spot a very angry Erik on top of the poor Philippe… possessive boy.
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