#or at least the ingredients are
thought of what my ideal life would be today while having a shit time at work and it made me realize why i always align with the lonely
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puppyeared · 1 year
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ratguy-nico · 2 months
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Adivinen quien al fin dibujo algo? Wich means I'm back baby!
Its not perfect (like everything I made), but I just love drawing comic-like-stuff, I get to relax more. I dont try to do the lines perfectly or the super accurate anatomy (mostly cause I dont know shit about anatomy at all) and also get to be more simple in the colors, wich helps cause I struggle making colors a lot.
I missed drawing my babies...but why did I drawing them like that? XD I swear...I think I should have seen some reference cause I totally change the way I draw the Burger Babys which is crazy for me XD
Now...is this an AU, is this them as teenagers, why is Louise working on Aplebees? Well I didnt put an exact age for the guys here, they could be 16 or 19 I dunno.
This is solely based on this post from @zer0ogravity I lmao with this and totally need it to draw it.
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btw I from Latam, I didn't knew what Applebees was until making this comic so if Applebees dont look like this sorry.
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sskk-manifesto · 7 months
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Been fighting with nails and teeth all my life to say Atsushi is the best one at cooking in sskk against everyone saying he can't cook for his life and what I find out. That Atsushi being able to cook is literally stated in the first 31 seconds of the anime
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canisalbus · 7 months
What do your boys smell like?
I talked about this a bit on this earlier post and I don't think I have anything significant to add to it at this time. But I could tell you which perfumes they might wear in modern times? (Scents are hard to describe but I included some of their main notes to give you a vaguest idea of what they're like).
État libre d'Orange - Tom of Finland (iris, leather, tonka bean) Dior - Homme Parfum (leather, iris, rose) Tom Ford - Tuscan leather (leather, woody, amber)
Heeley - Cardinal (linen, myrrh, frankincense) État libre d'Orange - Rien Intense Incense (frankincense, amber) Lalique - Encre Noire (cypress, vetiver)
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zetadraconis11 · 4 months
HL Incorrect Quote #89
MC: Garreth, acromantula venom is a rare potion ingredient, right?
Garreth: Yes?
MC: Alright. Happy birthday and Happy Christmas! *hands over vials of venom*
Garreth, overjoyed: What?! I- well- How-?
MC: You don't want to know.
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hisui-dreamer · 4 months
reminder to master chef twst jp players that:
the 20 minute ingredient gathering is the most efficient one, but find the one that matches your schedule
focus on getting sugar, eggs and fruits because they're pretty popular ingredients
use low/medium ingredients to raise skill level, only use high quality ingredients when the recipe is above 50%
try focusing on one recipe at a time
when you're done with the event, use up the rest of your ingredients for 100%, then do the recipes with the fewest ingredients
when nothing else can be made, just keep making black dishes to earn what medals you can
i hope these tips help!!
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laney-rockin · 8 months
HC that Kirk is a great cook/baker but never really gets to showcase that skill cause his quarters [unlike Pike's] doesn't have a massive fucking kitchen he can play around in.
But the thing that draws him the most is old rationing recipes from the great depression. This man was on Tarsus where he nearly died from starvation, ofc he'd be super good at cooking with barely anything.
He also [imo] would also be super good at picking up clues as to if a plant is edible or not and likes to play that game in his head as he looks around planets as Spock goes around doing whatever he does with his tricorder.
And Spock and Bones don't know shit about these skills of his until they're all stranded somewhere and Kirk just cooks nonchalantly and the other two just look either [in Bones' case] bewildered and [in Spock's case] mildly baffled that their captain can just make 3 reasonably sized portions out of NOTHING.
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sergle · 1 year
btw while I’m still being annoying, my favorite example to bring up in the “hygiene products that you can just pick up off the shelf at the store can have KNOWN carcinogens in them” conversation is coal tar. This one’s still crazy to me. It’s used in anti-dandruff products for its “anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties" but it’s also LIKE. a hazardous substance... but it can still go in your shampoo bc “aww but it’s only SOME poison, it’s not like, a LOT of poison, so we can still sell it and it’s ok”
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spicyet · 4 months
laishuro shippers discussing the history of western and eastern culture clashes and political tensions to gather an idea of how to make two dumbasses kiss in between war zones
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
Teachers in the original DHMIS shorts: hey friends, today we're going to learn about how to avoid misinformation! [10 minutes straight of misinformation]
Trio in the original DHMIS shorts: yes but consider: in the mathematically rigorous formulation of quantum mechanics, the state of a quantum mechanical system is a vector {\displaystyle \psi }\psi belonging to a (separable) complex Hilbert space {\displaystyle {\mathcal {H}}}{\mathcal {H}}. This vector is postulated to be normalized under the Hilbert space inner product, that is, it obeys {\displaystyle \langle \psi ,\psi \rangle =1}{\displaystyle \langle \psi ,\psi \rangle =1}, and it is w
Teachers in the DHMIS TV show: please try to understand that things Die when they are Dead
Trio in the DHMIS TV show: beetroot? you want beet root?
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whatudottu · 10 months
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When you meet a walking talking jackhammer who will crash castles for the low low price of free burritos :D
AKA, Argit finds another stray and Andreas doesn't have to worry about what to eat on this strange unfamiliar planet-
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sweatandwoe · 6 months
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smute · 2 days
it only took two trips to like... four (?) different stores and then two more online orders but now i finally have everything i need for pad thai. ill (try to) make it either tonight or tomorrow
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angrybatart · 19 days
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:3 No. Not at all.
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worstloki · 2 months
'recipe includes preparation time' false. did not account for minutes searching for easiest possible recipes for dishes and then go mixing all together
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