#or atleast making a birthday party for him
hyenaa-euphoria · 4 months
happy birthday catnap!!!
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he enjoyed the cake that picky did for him jajajajjaaj!!
okay so they try to include him in stuff but catnap’s in his own world so he doesn’t pay much attention to his surroundings 😭
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jiminrings · 3 months
fail-safe (2)
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pairing: yoongi x reader
wordcount: 8k
glimpse: yoongi got everything he ever wanted and you've heard nothing about it, so you're thankful.
alternatively, yoongi reminds you of home in more ways than one.
[ part one, intermission, part two, intermission 02, finale ]
[ a Lot of angst, brother's best friend AND single dad au, eventual fluff, a lot of yearning but For What, they reunite but at what cost rlly, jealousy, self-loathing, unrequited love (initial), deja vu but in the worst possible form, eventual redemption in the next parts ]
notes: i am So sorry for this .
as always, lmk what you think <3 send in feedback n love to my askbox anytime!! even reading ur thoughts in the tags give me life :) | series masterlist
The trip back home wasn’t as rough as Yoongi expected it to be.
Somehow, there’s a huge difference between sitting in economy seats versus first-class seats, even if they’re situated on the same aircraft. When he left, Yoongi was irritable (amongst other things) to keep bumping elbows with everyone else; now that he’s back, he almost misses the ruckus in the cabin that’s far too cramped for everyone who could afford it.
Yoongi used to hate people like himself — atleast the version that he is now. He hated bastards sitting upfront in seats that reclined all the way back and ate off plates instead of noisy, flimsy plastic containers. Back then, deep down to his very core, he wanted that lifestyle for himself. To become bigger and better than he could ever imagine for the life ahead of him was always the goal.
Now that he’s at the peak, maybe even being the peak himself, he feels weirdly homesick.
“You need to bundle up all the way, Haneul. They’re gonna scold me if you’re not covered from head to toe,” Yoongi playfully chides his son, the insecurity and nervousness underneath his tone flying right over his head. It’s not even that cold, but still, a huge part of Yoongi worries.
He worries everyday if he’s a good dad to his four-year old. He worries if he’s good enough to be a solo parent because after all, he’s the one who has main custody of Haneul anyway. He worries and worries, but there’s nothing quite like the trepidation he feels being back home with everyone who has ever known him prior to all this success, suddenly seeing him come home.
It should be the opposite way around, that’s what everyone says to him. Yoongi had been queasy the whole flight back home despite the flight being one of the smoothest trips he’s ever been on in his life. He’s nervous to be back where he had been born and raised and he doesn’t know what’s that supposed to mean, except for the fact that he has an inkling of what the weight in his chest pertains to.
He’s back because it’s your mother’s 60th birthday. He’s back because her and Namjoon had asked him to, and he obliged without even thinking about it. Yoongi had offered numerous times to throw a party for the woman who had practically raised him alongside his closest friend, and even if Namjoon had backed him up on the grand idea for such a large milestone, she said no. All she wanted was for everyone to be back home, and Yoongi couldn’t say no.
Neither could you.
Yoongi is not the most modest person alive, but he is at his humblest when he drives the long way home just to delay the inevitable. He’s happy to the point he could be sick. He can’t tell if it’s the joy or the anxiety in his chest that makes it tighten, almost unbearably so, that he makes Haneul reach up to his forehead to check if he has a fever.
Yoongi’s home.
Not Los Angeles home, and not New York home. Not his home with a closet that’s the size of his childhood house’s living room, and not his space with the big windows and concierge downstairs.
Yoongi’s home — where the streets are narrow and the stairs are creaky; where this time, it’s all of him and none of you.
Enduring is different than working.
You’ve realized that the two concepts are drastically different as soon as Yoongi left, leaving you to survive the remaining years of your degree before you had to face the reality that you had to work to the bone for the rest of your life if you wanted a shot at living an average, food-stocked-in-the-fridge kind of life.
You didn’t know anyone who was connected to someone of importance one way or another, your family had zero ties, and you graduated from a university that raised more eyebrows in confusion than it tilted heads in awe. Your degree does havehigh promises as far as everyone in your town was concerned — it does and it should be, if only you were born and raised in different circumstances.
There’s not one acclaimed and high-profit company that would ever accept the likes of you. You worked hard and even if there were no exchange student agreements and Latin honors to show for it, you really did. You gave your best to graduate with a degree you never really liked and was only forced upon you, all for the promise of a future. It didn’t matter if it was extremely good or bad — everyone else just said you had to have one.
Your misfortune is what it is. It’s empty and haunting and the two weeks you had spent in the city right after graduating is truly something you never want to relive.
In hindsight, gambling the rest of your pocket money on a bus fare in your last day of job-hunting in the city at the time was a stupid decision. It was impulsive and irresponsible and everything your family scolded you for, what Yoongi hated you for, but it ended up being the single best gamble you’ve ever made, even above entry-level lottery tickets.
The same circumstances that held you back from where you’re supposed to head ended up propelling you to somewhere far, far different. Your degree became completely irrelevant, and the fact that you had nobody of significance in the city– no person to pass malice and gossip onto— made you a manager.
It had been a gamble to go work for an unknown entertainment company, much more a sinking one. It was an insult to have busted your ass back in your hometown, studying and working at the same time, only to work professionally in the city for a field that you didn’t even study about.
Your fate is what it is. You’ve endured and worked hard enough to the point that you had finally lucked out. Being the manager of someone who had later turned out to become the biggest actor in the industry, even in Hollywood, became your biggest break up to date.
Your way back home feels like an embrace you’ve denied yourself for far too long. You’ve mainly stayed in Seoul apart from the several hundred times you had to come with Jungkook for filming outside of the country, yet you could only count on one hand the amount of times you came home without anyone telling you to.
Coming home had become foreign to you as much as leaving it had become familiar.
“I’m near, Joon,” you hum to your phone, taking a quick glance at the cake you’ve strapped to your front seat. “It’s only us, right?”
“Yeah. Just us.”
Maybe it’s your fault for changing what us meant throughout the past five years, but Namjoon’s definition never changed. Maybe it’s your fault for not clarifying what he meant when you’re still kilometers away, when you can still leave, but nonetheless, you were cornered.
Us meant what it used to be when you were a kid in your childhood home — when Yoongi was still in the picture and you didn’t hate him for it.
In the grand scheme of things, you realize that Yoongi was right — nothing valuable was left for him in your hometown anymore. He was as right as you were wrong every time he went on a monologue of how he thinks there’s no problem in him admitting that he’s full of envy. He had been right for being bitter that there’s people who have and get much more than him, more than what they deserve, by not even putting a fourth of the effort that he does.
In the same way that he was right, you were wrong for thinking each time that Yoongi would soon outgrow his ambitions and instead, see things for what they are. You were wrong for thinking Yoongi would stoop down to your page, much less ever think of it.
Yoongi was right for saying that his stomach’s made of steel, and you were wrong for trying to convince him otherwise. He’s always had the appetite for more, the digestion of whatever life throws at him coming easy. Yoongi can choke down the reality of leaving Namjoon, your brother, who’s been buddies with him even before they could talk. He could forgo the only brother figure he’s ever had in his life if it means making something of himself.
He doesn’t get constipated from the reality of no longer having the homemade meals your mother would make that the younger, more innocent, and less ambitious version of him would literally jumps fences for. In fact, Yoongi’s palate craved something more foreign and sophisticated; not familiar, hearty meals served in dinnerware dulled from years of routine.
His stomach doesn’t turn thinking about how the skyline he said he’d never get tired of, wouldn’t appear in his new side of the world. The little, unassuming, and far too comfortable version of him who used to chase sunrises with his bike as a child and chase sunsets with his car as a teenager, doesn’t feel like he’d be poisoned if he were to see the sunlight in a high-rise instead of a run-down pavement.
Yoongi’s right when he said he had a tolerance because he doesn’t even get heartburn when you cry for him to no longer leave. You’re not in the position to beg him to stay (and you probably never will be) because as you’ve come to realize, he would only stay for the big things.
The only thing that would anchor Min Yoongi into place and dissuade him from chasing more is by being the most. One would have to be extremely significant, even bigger than Namjoon’s brotherhood, your mother’s impact, and what your hometown has to offer. You can’t even hold a candle to the aforementioned.
In Yoongi’s grand plan that’s as big as the galaxy, you’re merely a speck of dust that had the luck of hovering around him. You realized it back then when you blew over and fought with him right before his flight; right when Yoongi was clutching his one-way ticket, right when one foot was already out of the door.
“But the future that you want is not easy, Yoongi!” you gritted through your teeth, the grip you had on his suitcase too visceral that it bends under the pressure. Yoongi snatches his luggage from you in a blink, nostrils flaring in annoyance.
“Of course you’d be the first to say that,” he seethed, eyes wild and unforgiving. He drills his finger into his temple, inching towards you with an anger he had never shown before. “You don’t work as hard as I do, Y/N! You always settle. You always go for mediocre. You never put your head into anything because you’re too immature for any of this shit!”
“I’m not immature, you asshole!”
“Yes you are, you dipshit!” Yoongi scoffed, throwing his head back. “You cave and you bend and you let the whole world fuck you over, then you come running to me whining. You don’t have a passion in life, Y/N! You’re begging me to stay in the same predicament that you’re in now, what’s not immature about that?”
“When you leave now and decide to come back one day, Yoongi,” you spat with resentment, the tears that pour down your cheeks no longer out of sadness but instead, out of promise. “Nothing will ever be the same.”
“Good,” Yoongi clipped, turning his back on you for the last time. “Good for me.”
In the grand scheme of things, you realize that when Yoongi left five years ago, he also took the large chunk of your soul that had been shaped over and over again the entire time that he stood by you. He’d gotten his hands on the security and contentment you used to take pride in, weaponizing them against you.
You’re unsure if you have to thank him for that, the uncertainty being on par with the insecurity you had felt when he left you with his truth.
When you visit your mother for her birthday and see Yoongi emerge from your childhood bedroom, hand-in-hand with a toddler that looks like an exact carbon copy of him, you’re unsure of what to do either.
You’re not hysterical in the same way you stood before him when you even considered ripping up his plane ticket, but on the other hand, Yoongi’s inconsolable in the way he flounders before you.
“Y/N,” he says breathless, the lump in his throat even bigger than the tiny fist that grips his hand. “I… I-I didn’t-…” Yoongi tries again, his mouth dry at your appearance. “You came home.”
“I’m only visiting,” you answer, the curt smile on your face that Yoongi recognizes to be the one you’d give to strangers making his blood run cold. “I don’t plan on staying.”
You’re numb if that’s the word for it.
Your chest buzzes emptily the same way your fingers clench around nothing. You look at everywhere and everyone but Yoongi and his son. It’s nauseating to even think that everyone’s eating dinner as if everything’s okay; what’s even more sickening is that somehow, you’re willing to settle for it.
Yoongi is your mom’s cross-stitch project of a teddy bear that she hung up in your room one day when you were in school that you never took off by the time you came home. He’s a dent at the corner of your gate that could’ve only been made by Namjoon when he was practicing his soccer skills. He’s a Snellen chart that nobody really uses, stuck to the side of the refrigerator that you walk past.
Yoongi’s here, there, and everywhere, but you don’t question it. He’s simply there in your orbit and even if he exists, you don’t follow up on him.
You stay quiet at the talks of the sleeping situation because it turns out that Yoongi’s family had long sold their house. You never knew that throughout the several times you came down to visit.
Frankly, you’re relieved to barely know anything about Yoongi these days.
“You and Haneul can take my room,” you half-heartedly offer, not because it’s Yoongi who tugs at your heartstrings and demands your pity, but his child instead. The two, three (?) year-old baby (read: you’re too hesitant to ask what his age is because if it’s anything higher, then that meant Yoongi had moved on earlier than you did) you didn’t even know existed because you’ve completely cut off Yoongi from your life and refused to listen to Namjoon every time he talked about him, will be sleeping in your room; it just happens that he’s with his dad.
Yoongi’s awed at your preposition but he’s even more worried. He can’t tell a single thought that’s going on behind your eyes nor a single hint behind your tone. You’re formal; neutral. You’re detached even when you utter Haneul’s name and gesture them to your bedroom as if he hasn’t spent years and years of his life in your home.
“Where will you sleep?” he furrows his brows, his hand that had been rubbing circles on Haneul’s back faltering.
He’s asking because he doesn’t know anything about you at this point. He can’t tell if it’s the indigestion he has from resisting to talk your ear off at the dining table (like he’s always did when you were young) because you barely even spoke to him, or if it’s the overwhelming feeling of being back home with everything feeling familiar but you — either way, Yoongi thinks he’s gonna be sick.
“I’ll sleep at my mom’s,” you purse your lips, leaving him at that.
Between the yearning, demanding looks you get from Yoongi, the nosy and concerned glances from Namjoon, and even the guilt that you get from keeping all of your emotions from your mom when you used to confide in her religiously when you were younger — you’re drained. The urge to wash off all your anxiety can’t be done in your childhood home’s small bathroom. You can’t with the faulty water heater (you have to keep one finger pressed on the button at all times to keep it running) because you can’t even cry in peace under the either scorching or freezing water.
You can’t evade everything by grabbing a drink from the fridge that runs loudly as if it’s excavating oil from underneath your floors. You can’t curl up on the couch that’s become worn with age because there’s dents of you and Yoongi, the only two people who had sat on it the most every late night for years on end. You can’t romanticize any of the things in your home that have brought you joy all your life at this point in time.
To sleep under the same roof with your mother and brother again after so long feels foreign. It’s a language you can perceive but can’t translate and the frustration that comes with it seeps into your bones. There must be some common ground between the three of you; it should be anything and everything. With Namjoon being a world-renowned football player and you being somewhat accomplished and decorated in your field, you’ve managed to retire your mom early.
The three of you are doing fine. Not one interaction in the past five years has ever felt this tense and unfamiliar, but if you could pick just the odd one out, the very reason why you feel like falling to the floor and crawling your way out of your own home because you feel like you don’t belong to it — it’s Yoongi.
You feel awkward in your own four walls, whereas Yoongi finds your nightlight that you keep tucked in your closet without breaking a sweat.
Namjoon tugs you right when you’re about to call it a day in your mom’s room, his hushed whispers taking you back to when he pleaded for you not to rat them out whenever he and Yoongi crashed at the couch drunk.
“Give them this,” he shoves the can of bug spray into your hands, your immediate reaction making him wrestle with you just to push you closer to your own bedroom.
“No, Joon. You give it.”
“Y/N, no. You give it,” he whines, purposely having given Yoongi extra sheets and blankets earlier without the bug spray so you’d have something to take to him.
“I don’t wanna see Yoongi,” you whisper, trying to pathetically regain your footing even if you know your attempts go futile against an athlete for a brother.
“You think I don’t know that?” he snarks, giving you one last shove with a stern finger. “We’re gonna talk about whatever the hell happened between you and him, but right now, you’re gonna offer him bug spray like the gracious hosts that we are!”
You crash too far to your door that it could be mistaken as a knock, making you hiss because you know you can’t retract it. You actually knock this time, being met with nothing but a quiet Yoongi behind your own door.
Even when he opens it fully, even when it’s your own room — you enter hesitantly.
Yoongi’s already made a home out of your room. He knew where your nightlight was, knew which good extension cord (that didn’t spark every time it shifted) to plug into the wall, and even knew where you kept the magazine that you had to wedge between your windows whenever they didn’t fully close.
“Namjoon told me to give you this,” you put your hand out, looking at everything but Yoongi. You could look at Haneul who’s sprawled in the middle of the bed, but it isn’t any different than looking at his dad himself.
Yoongi, on the other hand, can’t see anything but you. He feels like an intruder who just happened to know the confines of your life almost better than his own, holding bug spray and the remainder of whatever recognition you have left for him.
“Will we ever be alright?” he whispers, not for the sake of keeping Haneul asleep, but for the sake of his sanity. If he makes his voice any louder, he’ll spill all his grievances and question if he had ever meant anything to you.
“We’ve always been alright,” you smile tightly, wrapping your hands around your back.
“You know what I’m talking about,” he pleads, swallowing the lump in his throat. “When did you ever give me bug spray? When did you have to knock on my door, o-or when did you ever have to treat me like I’m some guest and not a huge part of your life?” Yoongi stumbles over his words, correcting himself with a huff. “Most of your life.”
The sarcasm that coats the last of his words makes you twitch, the clench in your jaw being unmistakeable. Yoongi almost forgot what you looked like whenever you argued with him — talked to him, even. “Why are you only bitching about this to me and not to Namjoon? He’s the one who told me to give you the bug spray.”
“This is not about the bug spray!”
“What is it about then? Is this, is this some sort of long-winded euphemism that involves bug spray? What is it Yoongi, are you gonna hound me for an essay about it?” you spit, exhaling heavily. Haneul twitches in his sleep from the corner of your eye. “You grew up and so did I.”
Yoongi flinches like you’ve shot him.
“Don’t do this to me, kid. Don’t do this to us.”
You flinch because anything is better than to have him dig up his old nickname for you as if he’s close; as if he’s still the Yoongi that you chased, as if you’re still the Y/N he looked out for.
“Don’t call me that.”
( ♡ )
Yoongi’s in the kitchen with your mom.
He looks domestic this way, hair tousled and pajamas loose. Even if you have unbridled internet access (courtesy of the high-speed package you split with Namjoon for your mom even if the most she does online is repost motivational quotes, reels of Namjoon and his team, and clips of Jungkook where you’re seen), you can’t muster the courage to search Yoongi’s name and what he’s made of himself.
You’re too scared to search up articles about his success as a producer because if you do, you’re terrified by the thought of accidentally clicking a link that leads you to a page of him and his ex-wife.
You’re too weak to search up the songs he’s had a hand in (that is if you hadn’t heard them before) because you fear that if you even listen for a single second, you might hear how perfect his life has been ever since he left behind everything that he’s ever known.
Even now, you’re too uneasy at the sight of him. He’s in your home and he looks like the version of himself that had never left. The Yoongi in front of you, sitting on your seat at the dining table and peeling tangerines with your mom, resembles the Yoongi that would top off your glass with water whenever you ate with him.
It’s as if you’ve always been in touch for the past five years; it’s as if Yoongi has never aged and you never drifted apart.
“You’re awake,” he remarks, greeting you first before your mom could even register your presence.
“You’re still here,” you reply, the exhale that leaves you making you deflate in reflection. Breakfast isn’t ready yet, but Yoongi’s already slid over a plate to you.
“There. Just how you like them.”
There’s tangerines with barely any pith on them, and iced tea that had more ice cubes in them than there are in the freezer.
Yoongi smiles at you like you’re the old you again; the one who is more forgiving, and the one who is more hopeful.
( ♡ )
If it wasn’t for your brother guilt-tripping you into joining the impromptu road trip, you never would have come.
You didn’t want to come with them in the first place because the very thought of hanging out with Namjoon and Yoongi like old times, this time with the addition of the latter’s son, was too close; too familial. The three already knew each other and had kept in touch and you’re the odd one out. You’re the only planet out of the system and once you’ve come to think of it, that bit of their galaxy never failed. Whether you were in it or not didn’t matter — atleast that’s what you thought.
Yoongi got everything he ever wanted and you’ve heard nothing about it.
You blocked his number and on every social media account he had to his name. Even with Namjoon as a prominent variable, you’re amazed to how you’ve heard little to nothing about Yoongi ever since he left your hometown. You still talked to your brother, of course, but there was an obvious difference to how your conversations went because none of them ever went to Yoongi.
You didn’t tell him to not talk about Yoongi at all. You didn’t instruct him to never utter a single word about his closest friend whom you also grew up with. You never told Namjoon anything concerning Yoongi and what unfolded between the two of you before you left, and yet, it’s almost as if he had already been in your mind and knew exactly what to do.
You’ve come to realize that the prospect of growing up never used to be in your cards. The whole concept of it sat at the very back of your mind, the only times you used to pay attention to it being whenever Yoongi picked at your brain.
You thought your world would have ended when you were 19. You didn’t think you would grow up and see past high school. You didn’t think you would finish college, much less pick a degree to pursue in the first place. You didn’t think of having a future — you didn’t think you’d be living it now in this way.
“Joon,” you mutter, voice barely being heard at the expanse of the balcony you’re in. It’s his balcony in his vacation house he barely stays in, overlooking the waves by the beach he isn’t even that fond of to begin with.
Yoongi and Haneul are already asleep, the father-son duo knocking out way ahead than everyone else. They stayed with the two of you in the balcony hours ago, the bug spray in both the adult and kid edition being proof of it.
Tonight, alone, felt different. It’s as if the younger version of you was gazing out to what was supposed to be your future, except neither the past nor present variant of you could have ever had it for yourself.
“Hm?” he hums, sipping the last of his drink while he’s sat at the far end. You know about each other’s presence, and while years ago, the two of you would’ve been giddy staying in a house as grand as this whilst drinking behind your mom’s back, you and Namjoon grew up. You didn’t fight or anything — you simply grew up and grew apart.
“I never said it before, but thank you,” you exhale, clenching Haneul’s towel as you try to warm your hands. You may have spent the better part of the day not even acknowledging his dad, but you did fawn over him like you would with any other child. “Thank you for not telling me a thing about Yoongi.”
“You’re welcome,” Namjoon finally speaks as soon as he grasps what you were talking about, the smile on his face only lasting for a second. “If it were up to me though, I would have told you everything.”
“Good thing it’s not up to you, hm?” you laugh uneasily, running your hand through your hair. You didn’t know how much you had to be grateful for until Yoongi came back and reminded you of how little you knew about him.
Namjoon breathlessly laughs, looking up at the sky to try and condense everything that has happened through his words before you leave again. “I would have told you that he confessed what happened that time you ran away from home a couple years back, and I beat his ass. We didn’t talk for like, I don’t know, three months? Even when I was still training in the US that time.”
Your lack of a reply is what makes him take notice, the stunned look you have on your face making him snort.
“What?” he questions, eyebrows furrowed as he throws a stray bottle cap at you. “Why are you so shocked? I love him like a brother, but you’re my actual sister,” he confides his loyalty to you, yet you don’t even have a second to express your awe before he opens his mouth again. “I would have told you that I became the best man at his wedding. Even mom was there.”
“You can stop telling me these things now.”
Namjoon exhales, already feeling deep in his chest that you’re gearing up to leave. He wants to get the last word in, not to prove himself, but to try and vindicate you and the quiet suffering you endured without telling anyone.
“I would have told you that Yoongi kept trying to come back to you.”
( ♡ )
Haneul wakes up before Yoongi does.
You’re confused for a second because the moment you hear the lightest footsteps that you ever could pad along the kitchen, you become completely disoriented. There’s a child that looks like Yoongi, wandering off to where you are.
For the briefest second, your heart drops because the whole situation resembles a vignette. In another lifetime, it could’ve been your child, your Haneul, waking up before his dad, trudging to the kitchen where you are is if you’re his mom.
He’s an observant kid, far too trusting unlike his dad who used to scold you to hell and back for even entertaining strangers that asked you for directions. He’s friendly to you; to someone Yoongi had introduced as appa’s close friend. There isn’t even a single hint in how he introduced you to Haneul that the two of you stopped being close. Yoongi didn’t leave the faintest indicator to him that you most probably hated his guts and would probably choose a lifetime where he hadn’t even been in your life at all.
Haneul is innocent to yours and Yoongi’s history and it’s going to stay that way. You don’t meant to change whatever he introduced you as because by the time your mom’s birthday week is over, or by the time Yoongi takes the hint and leaves your hometown again, you would be a fleeting persona in Haneul’s life.
You’re not his mom. You’re not anyone of significance to either him and his dad.
“Good morning,” he greets shyly, his diction telling of how just attentive Yoongi is as a dad. You mostly listened to whatever Namjoon told you last night anyway, tuning out the parts where he rounded to how Yoongi had been miserable not having any contact with you (you don’t believe that at all), and instead zeroing in on the large details that you’ve missed. “Auntie.”
You smile tightly, patting the empty seat beside to you to which he climbs effortlessly.
Haneul doesn’t know you, but you do know him. You know that his dad is a doting, slightly paranoid one whose current dilemma is whether or not enrolling him in kindergarten early or waiting for one more year. You know that Yoongi doesn’t want him to know about the existence of iPads for probably ever, so he spends almost every waking moment talking to him to the point that Haneul’s eloquent at speaking for his age. You also know that Namjoon’s his godfather, and that he had looked after him for a whole day by himself when Yoongi went to settle his divorce.
Haneul doesn’t know you, but you know his parents. You know Yoongi is his dad, and more importantly, that Hyewon is his mom — the same Hyewon who had been with him in your room before, and the same woman Yoongi shared his success with when he made it big.
“Hi,” you greet him softly, handing him his bottle for him to drink from. It’s a warm, domestic vignette for a split second. You’ve watched Yoongi far too many times at the corner of your eye to know where he gets the distilled water. “Why are you up already?”
“Uncle Joonie promised yesterday we can watch the sunrise together,” he says in between sips, letting you comb his hair into order unconsciously. You didn’t even think of it before your hand sweeps the strands scattered on his forehead, the hum you have at the back of your throat pausing when you realized what you’ve done.
“He’s still sleeping right now. He had uh, a long night,” you mutter, at a loss for a child-friendly alternative word for hangover. You keep your hands to yourself because you fear falling into the domesticity that isn’t yours to relax into; if you think about it for a second longer, you’d think that Haneul is yours and Yoongi is the final piece to your puzzle.
“Oh. But I, I wanna watch,” Haneul frowns, brows softly furrowed at your revelation. He’s not close to throwing a tantrum, but the upset expression on his face keeps tugging at your heart to cave.
“You can take your dad with you,” you offer, willing to knock on Yoongi’s door if it meant his son smiling again.
Haneul shakes his head at that, looking up at the ceiling as he recalls the events of last night before being tucked in. “Nuh-uh. Appa had a long night too. He just kept crying.”
A part of you wishes that Haneul didn’t speak so clearly.
“What?” you clarify, heart skipping a beat the more you replay his words in your head.
“Crying?” Haneul repeats, tilting his head as he tries to figure you out. He says it again for a third time as if you needed any clarification of the word and not because of your disbelief that his dad was capable of it. “Like this,” he adds, pretending to bawl with his hands wiping at his eyes.
The scene before you is your brief moment of reprieve, making you chuckle breathlessly as you try to regain your senses. Whether or not Haneul was sure of what he was saying, if Yoongi had cried, it’s most probably not because of anything that has to do with you.
“Oh. So that’s what it means. Thank you, Haneul,” you laugh lowly, patting him on the head until you retract your hand again in realization.
Haneul thinks nothing of your trepidation; he thinks nothing of the yearning behind your eyes, and thinks nothing of the tremble in your voice.
“Can we watch the sunrise together?” he asks, eyes looking up at you as if doing so would be the equivalent of hanging the stars up for him in the sky.
(Read: it probably is, and in another lifetime, or in the far-shot that it happens in this one, you’d do it if he asks you to do so.)
You want to ask Haneul why it’s you who he wants to accompany him, but you don’t. You can wake up either Yoongi and Namjoon to go with him instead, but you won’t.
In another lifetime, this would have been your son, your Haneul asking to watch the sunrise with you. There’s a Yoongi-shaped hole and a Haneul-shaped vacancy in your chest, but you don’t prod about it further.
You don’t question what’s happening, and maybe, just maybe, there’s a tiny part of you that wants to fully accept it instead of hesitating to do so.
Haneul puts his hand in yours, but you don’t pull away. You just hold him tighter.
( ♡ )
A large part of you forgot that for as long as Yoongi’s here, he’ll treat every interaction you have with Namjoon as an open invitation for him. He had always been this way; for as long as you could remember, he’ll include himself even if he isn’t needed nor wanted.
You can’t count the amount of times your mom had berated Namjoon for something and oddly enough, Yoongi also happened to be there. Whether it was to rat out on his own best friend or being at the receiving end of said scolding, Yoongi jumped at every opportunity to come along as a package deal.
When you asked Namjoon to drink with you at the balcony two days ago, Yoongi butted in and asked what brand of alcohol he should buy you at the convenience store. When you were on the way home and asked your brother what he wanted from the rest stop, Yoongi said he wanted the biggest can of coffee you could find.
And when you asked Namjoon what time you should come to the stadium to watch him practice, Yoongi said he’ll pack you an extra cap while Haneul bonded with your mom.
Sometime long ago, you and Yoongi saw each other eye to eye. You can’t determine when and how exactly, but there was a point in your life where everything you had to say to each other was what the other was thinking all along. Nowadays, you can’t even look at Yoongi in the eye while all he wanted was for you to return his gaze.
If there’s just one thing though, one single variable that remained unchanged between the two of you, it would be Namjoon.
The way Yoongi engages you in conversation this time around is not to trap you and to ramp himself up to apologize again, but purely, it’s to talk about your brother. Namjoon’s a lot of things, and one thing you pray would remain unchanged is the love you have for each other.
“Who would have thought, right?” Yoongi nudges, asking you sincerely. “Who would have thought that the Namjoon who had knockoff cleats years ago would become this world-famous athlete?” he chuckles, shaking his head as he once again tries to digest the fact that this very stadium in your hometown had been built and refashioned in his honor.
You laugh genuinely, the sound being the first he’s ever heard in such a long time.
Yoongi has his lips parted, shocked that you were even answering him.
“Abibas. That was the brand of his knockoff cleats,” you chuckle, bowing your head as you try to contain your laughter. “He could’ve bought the original with his allowance and everything, but he split it so he could also buy me knockoffs.”
Yoongi laughs at the memory you jog up in his mind, remembering distinctly how Namjoon kept asking for his opinion repeatedly on which colorway of the knockoff pair he should gift you.
Even if things are still tense between you, even if Namjoon is the only salvation that Yoongi could bring up in a conversation to which you don’t run from, nothing from the past five years could ever take this moment away from you.
The three of you have grown up. Some faster than they’d like, and some because they had no choice but to — nonetheless, in this moment, it’s the three of you back at home like it used to be.
“Namjoon was always meant for greatness. Even from the start,” you murmur, your attention waiting on Yoongi’s response even if your eyes were on Namjoon in the field.
“You are too,” he interjects quickly, voice defensive at the lack of your name to your own sentence.
“No I’m not,” you snort, crossing your arms. You’re not angry when you say it; in fact, you’re calm as if you’ve always seen it coming. “You told me I’d amount to nothing.”
You’re calm, seemingly at peace with what you just said and what Yoongi had ingrained in your head before, but he’s the furthest thing from it. His mouth hangs open, chest tightening impossibly as he shakes his head eagerly.
“I never said that!”
You’re about to counter him when you hear a familiar holler reach you at the lower section of the bleachers, eyes perking to see a familiar figure who isn’t blood-related to you.
“Y/N!” Jimin runs up to you faster than to whenever he passes the ball to Namjoon, engulfing you in a massive hug that forces you up to your feet before you know it.
“Oh my god, Jimin! I didn’t know you were gonna be here!” you awe at the sight of him, unwilling to break away from the embrace until he does so. It’s been ages since you’ve seen him, the second-best player in the team (you’re biased because of course Namjoon had been the best player to you since you were kids) being the closest member to you out of everyone.
Jimin doesn’t care for Yoongi. He knows of the guy and he doesn’t want to know any more than he already does. He doesn’t even acknowledge the guy’s presence; all he does is squeeze you tighter and twirl you briefly in his arms.
“Fuck, me neither. Heaven must’ve healed my ankle quicker so I could come here and see you,” he flirts playfully, earning a well-deserved eye roll from you.
“And you know, play for Korea.”
“Eh. That too, I guess,” he shrugs, sitting at the seat beside you. He looks straight at you and only you — Jimin only pauses to snort to himself when he notices that Yoongi’s squirming in his seat, beyond annoyed and frustrated.
( ♡ )
On the fifth day of Yoongi staying over at your house, there’s a power outage.
The sound of everything shutting off together in sync makes you jolt, the collective groan you hear outside from the neighborhood comforting you in solidarity.
You can only make out a grunt from Namjoon and a gasp from your mom until you hear the trembling voice of Haneul, the sound of a cry that crawls up his throat putting everyone on their feet.
“Oh baby, it’s okay, it’s okay! It’s just a little dark, that’s all,” Yoongi pipes up instantly, scooping him up in his arms without having to fumble for where he is because he could practically locate his son in his sleep.
You didn’t want for it to be a power outage, but oddly enough, you feel sorry that it happened while you’re here. “It’s okay, Haneul,” you whisper as consolation, the dark of the night shielding you from how Yoongi’s eyes widen at your cooing for his son. “Mom, where did you put that generator I got you?”
“About that,” she sheepishly shrugs, turning on her phone to illuminate her shyness. “I donated it last year to the public school nearby.”
“It’s gonna get so hot,” Namjoon groans, the sound of him clumsily feeling around for the lights alerting Haneul briefly. He comforts him instantly, finally turning on the torch in his phone instead of relying on his instincts. “Don’t cry, Haneul, alright? Uncle Joonie’s gonna get the candles and the flashlights.”
“I’ll go try to find a guy,” you get up as soon as Namjoon hands you a flashlight, your contribution to help instantly being shut down.
“You can’t just try to find a guy, Y/N. That’s dangerous,” Yoongi scoffs, putting a hand on your forearm to pull you.
“I meant on my phone, Yoongi,” you grit. “I was gonna go outside to try and look for a signal.”
“That’s still dangerous,” he narrows his eyes at you as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“Give me a break,” you mutter, removing his hold from you. You’d save your pride and actually go outside if not for your mom interjecting that she knows an electrician from her contacts.
Namjoon comes back after his quest for battery-powered fans and flashlights, unaware of how Yoongi’s protective streak for you practically never disappeared; in fact, it came back twofold. “Whole neighborhood’s out. Must be a broken transformer or something.”
Your mom consoles Haneul in her arms.
Namjoon waits by the gate for the electrician.
You and Yoongi clean the fridge up before anything spoils.
In between getting food out and embracing Haneul every now and then who insisted on obediently sitting atop the counter so he’s closer to his dad, Yoongi holds your hand.
“That’s my hand that you’re holding,” you murmur, assuming that he had mistaken yours for Haneul’s as he’s always chuckled how yours always seemed to be small against his.
Yoongi only hums.
“I know.”
( ♡ )
You’re falling back into your old routine.
Maybe it’s how your mom has to shake you awake because otherwise, you’d sleep through the afternoon and would therefore be unable to sleep through the night. On the other hand, it could be Namjoon who either hounds you to hang out with him or tell you off for clinging to him too much.
Maybe, it’s just Yoongi. It’s him who’s tricking your brain into thinking that has nothing changed with the way he keeps peeling fruits for you and telling you to be safe even if you’re only buying ice cream from the convenience store.
It’s only been a week and a half of almost normalcy, save for the fact that there are certain things and connections you can neither reverse nor rekindle.
You’re convinced, almost fully convinced that history is repeating itself except for the bitter, ugly parts of it that you never want to pop in your head again.
Like the past, Namjoon blocks you for whatever reason in his head but this time he does it to you while you’re on the way to your room, on the quest to retrieve your charger for your phone that you barely even used for work purposes.
“It’s my room. Why can’t I go in my room?” you furrow your brows at him, your amusement turning into annoyance the more that Namjoon pushed you with actual strength instead of playfulness.
“Are you hungry? Let’s go out for dinner,” he changes the subject quickly, turning you towards the stairs.
You shouldn’t have questioned him further — you should’ve left it at that.
“I guess? I’ll just get my purse,” you concede, dodging his attempts to haul you downstairs.
“I’ll pay,” Namjoon insists and although it’s not out of the blue for him, his franticness is what keeps you on edge.
“I still need my-…” you counter, being interrupted when he holds you firmly as you attempt to walk towards your door. Namjoon grips you with a silent plead, one that you can’t even decipher. “What the fuck is going on with you?”
You finally break off his grip at once, walking into your room with a renowned determination.
It’s not only your routine that falls back into place, but it’s your whole worldview that does.
Love is terribly human. It’s a loose thread on your shirt that gets snagged on your doorknob. It’s a coat in your closet waiting to be worn for the supposed perfect time, and when you do, you realize that it no longer fits you.
Love is terribly human, and it is terribly Yoongi, Hyewon, and Haneul.
Love is terribly human and fragile, and it’s Yoongi, Hyewon, and their son sleeping on your bed.
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shidouryusm · 7 months
✿༝༚༝༚ Wrapped in red ✿༝༚༝༚
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・❥・Kuroo x reader
・❥・synopsis-> hey siri, what are the consequences of surprising your fiancé with a lingerie under a coat for his birthday?
・❥・ word count-> 5.6k words (nobody look at me)
・❥・content warning-> mdni, explicit smut, fem!reader, cun!lli!ngu$
・❥・a.n -> this is the last time I'll be reposting this if tumblr still doesn't like me I got nothing to do. Tagging a bunch of my mutuals so that atleast they can enjoy. may your cheese rot tumblr. Also happy kuroo day ignore I'm this late everyday is kuroo day stfu. dividers by @cafekitsune , @benkeibear and @quirrrky
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Kuroo can feel the chills of the winter already settling in mid-November. The expanse of his living room is veiled with a thin layer of frigidness. The tiles were cold and a siren of silence rings through till the ends, until the little clock resting on the small table breaks through the curse with the beginning of a new day. 17th November. He stares at the clock. The slick hands points to 12, busy announcing his 29th birthday. It is a small, black, cat shaped clock that you found from god knows where and gifted him out of blue. Your justification being “it looks like you”. Kuroo snickers at the sudden wave of memory.
A whole lot of other things around his house are also extensions of you – the little section of potted plants on the shelves, the matching coffee cups, the red mittens hanging over the oven handle, kitchen magnets comprising pictures from both of your trip to Paris. They all are like pockets of your shadow scattered around, giving little hints of the day when you’ll ultimately mark your reign as the Mrs. of this house.
But as of tonight, each of them wildly indicates your lack of presence. Kuroo discerns that the silence was not any call of winter, rather it’s the sheer absence of your chortles and excited squeals around the house, especially tonight.
Kuroo was never that big on celebrating his birthdays, being on a competitive position in corporate asked for lot of compromises and Kuroo had wired himself to do that in his early years on job, not caring about forgetting his birthdays and stuff. Still, he manages to dig up time when it comes to yours or others. The man that he always is - relentless in his acts of services. 
However, you being around never quite made it possible for Kuroo to actually forget about his day. Always the more excited one, the best planner and as always, a little better than the previous years. Whether it be by throwing a grand party in a club for him or just by yourselves, with home cooked mackerel and rice, catching the golden sunset above and just savouring the day with a casket of good memories to look back on. Or it may be simply you by his side that makes each of his birthdays something to look forward to, even while being clutched by stress and non-stop work.  
He was indeed getting spoiled by such pampering because, as of this moment, there was nothing he wanted more than to be around you. To bask in the incessant warmth of your hugs and engulf himself in the pool of your kisses. Fuck. he really wishes you weren’t drowned in your work right now just so your singsong voice of Happy Birthday could reach his ears the first. He peers at his phone, several texts from his co-workers and friends wishing him were flooded in his notification bar, along with your last text, sent over an hour ago. 
Love♡♡ : work is so crazy right now, they should pay me for even gracing them my time this late >:(( anyways, good night. love you tets &lt;;33
Nothing after that. He stares at the text. You weren’t online which meant you are either too busy in work or have already fallen asleep…without wishing him? 
A small twinge of hurt pinched his heart at the thought of it. Although he tries to reason it with your pressure at work. But it’s been like this for a few days, you completely submerged in work, barely getting the chance to even facetime, not being overly zealous atleast 3 business days before his birthday.
The little red demon above his head tries to play tricks yet his heart works with rationale – leading two projects at the same time meant things will slip up. Distance may be bound to form. Who knows? even paths of life may deviate from one another and eventually-
His train of thought cuts short by the sharp ring of the doorbell. It’s 12:30 already. Kuroo internally pleads that it’s not some surprise by his former teammates because without you, he doesn’t think he will indulge even a slightest bit. 
The door swings open and so does kuroo’s jaw. You, in your full glory, a ginormous beige jacket wrapped all over you, hair dishevelled from the wind, yet framing the most beautiful face in the world, stand at the threshold, panting and holding a large box of what seems like a cake. 
“Oh my gosh tetsu, I was almost about to punch the baker. Dumbass messed up my whole timing”
Kuroo was still busy steadying himself but he shifts from his place, allowing you to scoot past him and settle yourself in the dining seat, placing the cake there. 
Weren’t you asleep? Weren’t you way too busy to come? What is going on? 
He looks at you, making yourself comfortable at his space, like you are just meant to fit inside these 4 walls. The frosty silence suddenly vanishing by the cauldron of warmth you bring with you everywhere. He can’t wait for the day when it will be regular sight. 
“Baby, are you gonna stand there the whole night?” you giggle, striding towards his still figure beside the doorway. You hook your arms around his waist, your head tipping back as you stand on your toes, planting a soft kiss over his lips.
Kuroo’s eyes flutters shut as he draws himself into every fleeting moment of this kiss. His hands find your cheeks and large palms cradles them as gently as a rose petal, head dipping down to take in more of the feeling of your lips against him. The taste of your cherry balm engulfing him. 
You part from him, merely inches away as your lower lips bruses against each other. You whisper into the small gap, “Happy Birthday, my love. I’m not too late, am I?” 
“Doesn’t matter when your wish is what makes it worth. I almost thought you forgot” he hums, hands curling up against your neck, urging you to look at him. You crane your head up, meeting those honeyed eyes pooling with a multitude of emotions. 
“Awe you miss me that much? I have been real quiet this year on purpose. Trying something a little different”, you cheekily say, poking your tongue out. Kuroo quirks an eyebrow, “always a step ahead, aren’t you?”  he pecks your forehead while a small whisper of “I love you. Thank you for making this day something to look forward to” grazes over your skin. Your feel the kaleidoscope of butterflies zooming inside your ribcage, for the way his words echoed through the drums of your heart. As if the resonance between his and your heart just created more love to harbour.
"Tetsu", you grab his face, dipping his tall frame downwards to place another kiss. This time between his eyes. Hoping this kiss was equivalent to the million words he said with those gaze a few seconds ago. 
You take his hand, pulling him towards the cake, “now now,  it’s not the time to be all mopey. I fought for this cake and now you get to commemorate this day of high significance”. Kuroo chuckles, you were full of beans indeed. 
To think just a few moments back his thoughts were spiralling, he registers that that how much you being by his side grounds his inner monologue of hidden insecurity. Kuroo is always the epitome of  confident man but the inner cloud of anxiety yet rumbles time to time. Until, your presence acts like the yellowy sunshine after rain, banishing any grey thoughts that dare to delude him. 
“Why such high significance, may I ask?” you roll your eyes, amusement twinkling in your eyes and you answer like this is the most simple question ever, “Because you got to be born and be my boyfriend and then my groom-to-be, duh”, wiggling the left ring finger, you laugh. Shaking his head, he tunes into the peals of laughter with you. He cuts the cake, feeding you a piece before noticing you were still in your coat. 
“Baby, are you that cold? You know you could wait a bit more for your winter cloth haul” he gestures at the neck high coat. You squirm a little. He finally noticed.
“y-yeah, I know. there’s a…reason”, you send a sheepish smile on his way, effectively avoiding his gaze. 
Kuroo reaches towards you, curious at your shift in demeanor. He leans down, meeting your gaze with his ever sharp ones and you found yourself faltering a bit, heartbeat pacing higher than normal. 
“Princess, are you okay? you got a fever?” he runs his hand over your forehead to which you shake your head. Taking his fingers in yours, your fingertips glides over his knuckles. Unable to stall in any longer, you slung your arms around his neck. 
“Actually, I have your gift”, bringing your mouth closer to his ear as you whisper, “right under”, you murmur. His hand is now brought on your lower back, the feel of your skin right underneath the coat, clearly evident. 
Kuroo sucks in a breath, catching on to your innuendo immediately. Palms migrates towards your shoulder blades where he can feel the thin strap and bare skin over the coat. Curiosity killed the cat and now he just got fucking murdered.
“Hmmm? Should’ve said it earlier, princess.” kuroo hums, a mellowy timbre coating his voice. You gulp audibly, anticipating his moves. 
His hands trail over your shoulders, reaching up and stop around the collar of your coat, playing with the top button as he flashes his Cheshire like smile. Demeanor changing from concerned to smug in a flash of light. You keep your eyes on him, heavy breaths escapes your nose and mouth. Kuroo leans forward, his voice now merely a whisper tickling your ears.
“Should I guess what my present is?” he asks coyly. You can feel the teasing glint the words carry.  
“You can open it already, y’know?” your voice had an air of neediness, wanting nothing more than to indulge in his touches and losing yourself in him for the night. 
Kuroo tuts, shaking his head in faux disappointment, “tsk tsk tsk. it’s my present, princess. Let me enjoy it. in my way”. With that, he flicks the button open, his eyes catching a hint of red around your neck. A dark chuckle escapes his throat.
“Red, huh? You surely did some homework before”, another button pops open, this time, the base of your throat open up and a little red ribbon wrapped around the middle like a bow greets him. 
Kuroo felt his heart thrumming loudly, imagining what he could find after fully unbuttoning your coat. The suspense of the act spiking his blood and rushing downwards towards his crotch, he can already feel himself getting hard. God, you really knew how to outdo yourself every single year. 
Kuroo presses a kiss right beside that bow, feeling your erratic pulse against his lips. It curls into a smirk, right against your skin. You tip your head back, eyes closing and hands finding their way to the hem of his shirt. 
“Uh-uh, princess. Not so early.” Kuroo envelopes his hands over yours, before bringing them together behind your back, caging you between his hold. His right hand, once again,  flits back in its previous mission while his left hooks both of yours ; effectively locking them behind your back. “Not until I’m done unwrapping my present”. A kiss plants underneath your ear; the skin tingling with its effect. 
“You sure are taking a hell lot of time” you scorn. Kuroo chortles, popping another button open. This time a part of your sternum peeps out, he can make out the hint of cleavage from the skin exposed. More blood runs downwards and kuroo fights the urge to tear the coat off and bend you against the table to ravage you then and there. 
“Good things take time, princess. Moreover, you seem to enjoy it.” Kuroo muses, his hips roll against yours and you could feel the hardness of his crotch brushing up against your lower belly. “Take this as a punishment for being late to my birthday” he opens another button and the lace cupped cleavage makes their way.
“But it wasn’t my fault.” you pout. You’re so adorable, kuroo thinks. He laughs under his breath before pressing a soft kiss against your cheek. His hands trail over your sternum, dipping down towards the fat of tits spilling out before he ghosts over them ever so slightly, drawing a whine out of you from the untouched touch. 
“Oh but you were…” he drawls, “to think you went outside like this. Being a naughty little girl, are we now, princess?”. You open your mouth to say something  but his lips silences yours. His tongue almost immediately finding its way in your mouth and playing with yours. 
The kiss was sloppy with the way kuroo laps at your top lip, engulfing it in his mouth, saliva smears over your upperlips and drips down your lowers. The steamy makeout session in addition to the his hips grinding against your coat covered crotch leaves you staggering. 
One by one, he unbuttons the whole coat till the end, each time kissing a part of you he passes in the process, to all the way down, where he is kneeling. He looks above to see your figure hugged by this beautiful dark red fabric, only covering the bare necessities. 
He is eye level with your bare thigh, the plush skin adorned by a thin lacy garter, linked to the equally thin panties with a small band of cloth. You feel his hand runs across the back of your thigh, the cool band of your engagement ring gliding smoothly over your skin. The pads of his fingers dip down a little deep when he reaches your almost bare ass. 
“Fuck. what I’d do to you” you hear him murmur against your lace clad thigh. He scrapes his teeth against the fabric, peeling it off and exposing the beautiful skin out. The sharpness of his teeth mingles with the softness of his lips as he sucks and nips at the skin, leaving a purple well of mark around that area. Your breath hitches as you feel the dull throb of the hickey while he continues his ministration all over your inner thighs. 
“We better take this to the room before I end up taking you right here” his teeth still ghosts over your skin, now attaching around the band of your garter, tugging it gently before releasing it back, the elastic smacking your skin, causing a whine to tumble out your throat. His actions causing your pussy clench around the fabric.
He continues his journey up with his mouth before reaching your pussy. The material doing nothing to hide the outline of your cunt and looking closely enough he sees the dampness that is caused by your arousal. His fingers join in, smoothing upwards over the fabric gently. A moan leaves your lips, with the way he is being tantalisingly slow. If you could, you would have shoved his fingers inside. 
“Already wet and I barely did anything, baby. Wait for the real action atleast” his voice sardonic and praising simultaneously. He plants a kiss right over your crotch before trailing upwards. 
“Tetsu, you little-” you whine to which kuroo snickers. He loves you to death but he loves it more than anything when he is edging you and you are writhing and pleading.This is when he gets the chance fill you to brim with pleasure. The power surge he gets from this is immeasurable, when nothing leaves your mouth except his name. 
“What, my darling?” kuroo kisses below your navel, his lips smoothing over the surface with no friction. He peppers your stomach with nips and kisses before reaching under your breasts. A small kiss between the valley of your tits and then he finally rises up. He caresses the sides of your breats before holding you by your waist, squeezing you gently,pulling your figure flush against him. His hardened member now rocking against you with less obstruction. 
Kuroo tugs the coat off of your shoulder and it pools around your ankle, revealing your whole set to your fiance. Kuroo gawks at your figure, as if time stopped its track for him to drink your body with his eyes. 
“God you’re fucking beautiful” his voice low and husk filled. Kuroo peppers kisses on the curve of your shoulders, hiking his lips up into the crevice of your neck, leaving open mouthed kisses trailing towards your jaw.
You have always been the prettiest for him but this colour on you has popped out every feature of yours in the most alluring, elegant way. Kuroo huffs out short breaths as his eyes find it difficult to tear away from you, he eyes you from down to up before his eyes land on that ribbon. 
Oh fuck that ribbon. The way you made yourself like a present, kuroo is positive there isn’t any better gift in the whole planet than the one before his eyes. His lips find you again, passion and lust permeating through the kiss. His hands reach up to your breasts and he gives them a good squeeze. The nipples pert and poking through the cloth against his palm.
He guides your body along with his towards the bedroom without breaking the kiss, stumbling along the way but nonetheless reaching towards the edge of the bed. He pushes you, still connected with your lips, cradling your head before you fall into the heap of soft mattress. His body hovers over yours and one of his knees positions dangerously close to your cunt. 
“We gotta take this off before I tear it and that is the last thing I wanna do” kuroo husks, his hand deftly working their way to take off the top. 
Not that it did anything to cover what’s underneath, yet as he removes the bra and sees your tits spill out, he couldn’t help but take one in his mouth. Fondling the other one with his hand.
The feel of his mouth finally somewhere on you has you teetering on the edge, you let out out a moan. Your hands rake through his ink black locks while he tugs you nipple with his teeth. His knee presses against your almost bare pussy the sensation spikes your insides. 
Your hands reach for his shirt once again, urging him to take it off , to which he obliges but not before remarking something about it. 
“Can’t wait to see me naked, guess I can indulge in your desire a little bit”, you roll your eyes. Smug bastard. You feel him shift downwards, his knees touching the floor while leaving you sprawling on the bed, he adjusts your legs around his shoulders before scooting downwards.
His hands plays around your nipples, twisting and turning while his mouth travels south. He lets his teeth do the work, pulling at the underwear and tugging it off of you, finally letting the sight of your clenched cunt soothe his eyes. The way he keeps a unbreaking eye contact while doing the dirtiest of act makes your arousal seep down your cunt even more. He tugs the panties halfway through before teething at the garter again, slowly dragging it across you skin and pulling it off. 
“Practising for the big day, princess” he grunts, taking them off of you fully. You let out a light croon, even amidst the unholy acts of provocation, the gentle reminder of your promised near future sends you into a blissful train of thought. 
Kuroo’s sharp nip at your inner thigh brings you back. He stares at you with drooping eyes, silently challenging you to not break the contact as he lowers himself over your slit. He licks a stripe of your pussy, the feel of his tongue like millions of fireworks inside your nerves. You silently breath out a gasp while kuroo begins his onslaught of kitten licks over your cunt. Gradually reaching to your clit. He presses a kiss over the nub before capturing it with his mouth, gently sucking on it.
His tongue flicks your now swollen clit as you rock your body, bringing him closer, as if it’s anyways possible. Your mingled sounds of squeals and moans and whines mixes with the soft squelch of his fingers entering you. He prods them gently over your walls, knowing where to stretch and poke to evoke the most raw reaction from you.
“Tetsu…fuck...aah..” your voice are nothing more than little tufts of breaths as he shifts his pace every so often, while never leaving your puffed clit unattended. The alternate of his tongue and fingers works wonders to roll you over the edge. 
“Cum for me, baby” you hear his raspy voice vibrating across your skin, he sloppily makes out with your slit before driving his tongue inside, his face tilts as he tries to reach as deep inside you as he can. The grip of his hands on your thighs tightening. His cock feels heavy and the burning desire to replace it with his tongue flames his inside – but not before he makes you cum like this atleast twice. 
Two of his fingers drum over your clit while his tongue prods inside you. His jaw hurts but nothing matters when he gets to see the expression he draws out of you. Mouth falls open, while your head tips back. Not giving a damn about keeping eye contact because fuck if you could have exploded out of your body, you would. 
Kuroo groans at the irresistible feel of your essence around his tongue, “tastes so good for me”, he hums around your pussy. You could feel the wave of arousal waiting to burst and as you hear the words escape his mouth, your body reacts on accord. Back arches beautifully as you release yourself against kuroo’s lips.
Your mind levitates in the cloud of bliss while you feel Kuroo laps at your essence, the drag of his lips against you too euphoric. to joyful to get down from. But even while being on the daze, you feel Kuroo going at your pussy once again. 
“T-Tetsu…hnnggh”, you can feel the added force that his tongue applies as it drives inside you once again. 
“You thought I’d leave you to come around my tongue only once.” he rasps, his nose brushes against the overstimulated clit. He nuzzled himself against your cunt, his hands reaching over your ass and kneading the soft flesh. You let a wanton moan, too loud for the neighbours to not hear. Kuroo smiles, tongue thrusting inside your cushiony walls even more. 
You could feel your body quivering, preparing itself for another wave of orgasm not long after the previous one. You tug at his hair, your nails scraping against his scalp. Your other hand grabs at your breast to hold onto something. A sight Kuroo savours from behind his bangs that cover his face.
“I’m gonna…” you whine, thighs jolting around his arms while he keeps them locked. “Make a mess around my face, darling. Let go.” Kuroo was getting delirious at your taste. His cock nearly bursting his load in his pants. He rubs against the board of the bed, releasing some friction. He can sense your orgasm looming and naturally, he increases the pace, tumbling you over the edge for the second time. His teeth grazes the clit, giving it some attention before a harsh suckle has you going for the 2nd time that night. 
Your back arches, juices spraying out of your pussy. Kuroo is enthralled seeing you this dirty, this sexy, this sinful. You didn’t hold back  your sounds either, sweet melodies of his name with pleasured moans ringing throughout the room and satisfying Kuroo’s ears as he succeeds in making you spent. 
Not that he intends to stop yet.
Your body is still quivering, the afterwave of the pleasure still gushing inside your body. Kuroo caresses your thighs and hips, coaxing your body to relax. 
“You did so well, my sweet baby. looking gorgeous cumming around my face like that”, kuroo engulfs your mouth, his tongue shoves yours around and you decide to suck the tip of his tongue, relishing in the tangy essence of yours. A moan erupts from the man above as your wrap your hands around his sculpted back, losing yourself in the kiss. 
Kuroo helps you get down from the high before flipping you over. You notice the way he positioned you both, you are right in front of the dressing mirror. 
When did he even do that? 
Kuroo kneads your ass from behind, while another hand grabs your chin to make you look at the mirror. 
“Eyes up there, baby. Watch how I fuck this little pussy into oblivion”, you can feel his clothed cock grinding against your ass. Whimpering, you wiggle back, feeling more of him, causing Kuroo to suck in a breath.
“Behave, darling.” Kuroo lightly smacks your ass, watching the flesh ripple and groaning at the sight. 
You look over your shoulders at him. He looks so broad, the toned sculpture of his long hours at gym and sports really gifted you with a goldy sight. His face flushed with crimson and copper eyes blown out with lust. The contour of his abs to sexy to not gawk 24/7. His sweatpants are already hung low, cock whipped out, hard and swollen. The tip angry with precum dripping down the globes of your ass. You try to shift back, intending to return the favour he generously gave you a while back. 
But Kuroo , not-so-gently puts you back on your position, grabbing your shoulders and pushing you against the sheets. Your ass hiked up more to flash the clenching pussy in the air. The cold draft blowing around your sticky folds making you shiver. 
“Tetsu!” you exclaim, as he starts dragging his length over your folds, adding more of his arousal with yours, the spot lubed and moist for Kuroo to slide right in. 
“What did I say about behaving, princess? Are you looking for to get punished?” his voice dark and menacing, only reserved for you, in the bed. You shake your head, eyes locked with his through the mirror. Your nipples brush against your sheets with the way you are bent, adding more to the sensation.
You try to tug off the red ribbon, not wanting any ounce of fabric on your skin when kuroo grabs your hand, harshly. Hooking it over your back, he hikes your body up a little higher, his cock straight against your fold, the tip hitting snug the clit. His eyes are narrowed, eyes a little menacing, 
“Don’t you dare take that off. This stays on.” his voice low. You mewled an okay, too entranced with the way he looks behind your back to notice his manhandling. 
“That’s my girl”, kuroo hums before sliding inside you with ease. The remnants of previous shenanigans making it easy. Your mouth falls in a O as you feel the ridge of his cock gliding past your walls. With each of his inch bottoming inside you, you let out a moan, voice deliriously filthy. The sounds like a dulcet for him. 
He rams the last of his inch at once, making your body lurch forward. Your face scrunched in a beautiful frown, teeth digging at your lips. Hair falls over your face as you dip your head down to adjust to his size.  Kuroo becomes too busy admiring your features through the mirror. You look like a goddess, a goddess he brought down on her knees before him. 
He was probably too enticed because it wasn’t until the roll of your hips around his pelvis that dragged him down to where he was. “T-tetsu. movee” , he hears your plead. 
“As you say, baby girl.” kuroo starts drilling his cockinside, sliding in and out of you, the head colliding with the gummy walls near your cervix. You were pushed forward with the intensity of his thrust yet the feeling of his prominent vein grinding inside your wall was too heavenly to complain.
It was him and you, intertwined with each other, knocking the door of lust but beneath it was promises of love.  
The grip of his fingers around your hip was deathly. It sure is gonna leave a dent. Kuroo grunts and groans as he watches the base of cock froth with both of your juices. The squelching sound everytime he enters you fills the room along with the slaps of the skin. 
You could feel his balls hitting you right above the clit, light strokes against them making you dizzy . His hands snakes around your stomach, reaching your clit. He takes the nub between his two fingers, rolling them around and pinches it. You squeal at his actions, back bending away from him, but the grip of his arm around keeps you flush. 
“Your pussy is made right for me. Almost made me bust a nut the moment I slid my cock inside, sh-shit. so fucking tight and clenching” , his words are so vile, yet so sweet to hear. He bends down, back flush with his chest as he presses a hoard of kisses around your nape and shoulders. Suckling the skin and leaving out purple marks in its wake. 
“Tetsu..more…you feel so good against me” you cry, eyes rolling with the way he is snapping his hips against yours. The constant assault over your g-spot inside and the clit outside once again announces the impending avalanche. 
“More you say? Greedy girl.” he rasps before hoisting you up, one hand still playing with your clit while the other finding your left breast. 
Cupping the whole fat of it, he squeezes the mound hard. His hips unrelenting with their strokes. The bed creaks from the sudden movement. The headboard banged against the wall once. Now the neighbours are definitely gonna know.
“So fucking beautiful. Truly the best gift ever, princess. I love you so much”,  you turn sideways to face him, his molten amber eyes mirroring the heart eyes you are sending him across. 
You capture his lips in a soft kiss, your hands reaching his face to cradle the sides and pulling the front tufts a little. Vibrations of hums and moans share between you two in the kiss, while both your bodies work on their own accord. The golden light of the  lamp falls over your skin, the golden iridescence  reflecting of your skin makes you nothing less than a fallen angel. The halo like glow of your body makes Kuroo's heart gallop loudly. Makes him wonder how he managed to find someone as perfect as you are.
“Look at the mirror. See how ethereal you look while taking me like that. God really took time while making you” , you chuckle at his cheesy words. No matter how dominant he acts in bed, at the end it was still your dorky, corny Tetsu. 
You zero in the way he fucks you, the outline of his cock visible as he drills into you. A dragged moan fills the air. kuroo kisses around your temple, his thrusts erratically hits you, losing rhythm. You realise he’s close, so you arch your back, feeling more of him inside. Fucking himself inside you. 
Kuroo hisses at the act, his fingers pinching your clit in return. Your walls clamp around his shaft, making him lose all the threads he had been holding onto ever since he buried his face in your cunt.  
“Shit, baby...take me…take all of it. Let's cum together”, his babbles choking in his throat as he thrusts in you one last time before warm ropes of his cum fills your pussy. You came around the same time, pooling his thighs with hot, sticky mess. 
He kisses you throughout the high, a level of euphoria never felt before. He realises he didn’t use any condom today neither did you retorted against it. Kuroo slides out of you, your cunt clenches from the lack of his heavy cock. He gently lays you down, bringing a wet towel and cleaning off the spilled cum from your thighs and his. Your face beams with the post-coital bliss as you spread your arms over your head, breathing heavily. 
“You good?”, kuroo asks, his voice regaining the gentle hold back. You nod, closing your eyes and relaxing yourself. 
“If I knew you’d go this crazy over a lingerie set, I’d have thought it through before buying.” you breathily say, seeing Kuroo’s face turn a little red. The debauchery dawning on him a little.
“You could wear an overalls over a trash bag and I’d still fuck you the same. It’s you who’s this hot”, Kuroo plants a sloppy kiss on your cheek, his hands smoothing your hair. He scoots you over, finding himself a space beside, pulling you against his side. His fingers work through your scalp while you find warmth in his body.
The comfortable setting almost lulling you to sleep before you lurch up, face palming yourself. Kuroo sits back, concerned at your sudden leap, while you look at him with guilty eyes.
“I forgot your actual gift at home, while being too excited for this one.”, you hide your face between your palm, whining and falling back on his chest. A hearty laughter rolls out of Kuroo at your state while he rubs your shoulders. His mind already bent on to tease you.  
“Wanna suck me off to balance that out?” kuroo sends a sly grin your way, his voice holding a glint of tease but really not expecting you to wallow in.
To his surprise, you part away from his chest, face filled with a challenging gleam. Without any words, you straddle him, holding his cock by the base. A dopey smile spreading all over your face. 
“Say less. I’ve been meaning to do that since forever.”
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a.n-> aint nobody leaving the house without giving him a sloppy. if tags dont work and it flops then im giving him an even intense sloppy
comments, likes, reblogs are appreciated
tagging : @stsgluver , @kuroosexuall @shotorus + @satoruhour @hannzai @tetzoro @mrs-kurooo @quirrrky @pastelle-rabbit @planetnini @selarina @sookisaurus @itadorey @utahimeow @this-is-still-mia @kamorikiri @shoyostar @screampied-main
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btsfests · 3 months
Daddy's Home Fest
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There's no better time than when daddy is home.
DILF BTS is coming to a Tumblr near you Spring 2024!
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♡ Title: Before, Now and After
♡ Pairing: Alpha Gang Boss!Yoongi x Omega Maid!Seokjin
♡ Rating: 18+
♡ Genre: gang au, dead dove, parent au, a/b/o | angst, fluff, smut
♡ Summary: As the leader of the infamous Bangtan, Yoongi is untouchable and lives life as he pleases. He thinks he has it all until the tall and broad shoulder omegan maid, Kim Seokjin walks into his office and makes Yoongi second guess what he wants in life.
by @sweetestofchaos
Daddy Yoongi and Daddy Seokjin came home June 2. Read Here
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♡ Title: Daddy, Daughter, and Dewey Decimals
♡ Pairing: Single Dad!Namjoon x (f)reader
♡ Rating: 18+
♡ Genre: Parent AU, Fluff, Smut, Mutual Pining
♡ Summary: I adored the daddy and daughter duo that came to visit me every week at the library. Sunhee was cute and vivacious and her dad was every single woman's dream. A simple request, one late night, and a slip of the tongue revealing it wasn't just one-sided attraction.
by @remedyx
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♡ Title: Dirty Laundry
♡ Pairing: Seokjin x f. reader
♡ Rating: 18+
♡ Genre: Slice of life, established married couple, PWP
♡ Summary: When you come across your daughter and Seokjin having a princess-themed tea party, you can't help but fall in love with your husband a little more. It helps that you find him absolutely ravishing in the little pink dress he wears too.
by @sailoryooons
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♡ Title: Love Blooms
♡ Pairing: Jin x Hoseok
♡ Rating: MA
♡ Genre: Divorced, single father AU | angst, fluff, smut
♡ Summary: Summary: Divorced and lost, Jin grapples with self-discovery and single fatherhood. Then, sunshine arrives in the form of Hoseok, helping him explore his desires and build a found family. Their love faces challenges - ex-wife drama, societal disapproval - but together they prove love and acceptance can bloom even in unexpected gardens
by @downbad4yoongi
Daddy Hoseok and Daddy Seokjin came home April 26. Read here!
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♡ Title: Lose You to Love Me
♡ Pairing: Yoongi x f! Reader
♡ Rating: 🔞
♡ Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
♡ Summary: Yoongi thought he had everything. The woman of his dreams whom he gave everything for. The sweetest Princess who became his whole world the minute she was born and a career he can say he's happy in but what happens when it all comes crumbling down when one small secret blows his marriage open?
by @jmvore
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♡ Title: Off Limits
♡ Pairing: Female Reader x Seokjin
♡ Rating: 18+
♡ Genre: smut, porn with very little plot
♡ Summary: You are visiting your family over spring break and discover that the family you used to babysit for are separated. Does this mean Mister Kim is no longer off limits?
by @theharrowing
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♡ Title: podcast
♡ Pairing: single father!Namjoon x f! reader
♡ Rating: 18+
♡ Genre: single father AU | fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
♡ Summary: You and Namjoon keep bumping into each other at multiple instances, as if destined to. In a world where past loves and current responsibilities intertwine, Namjoon navigates the complexities of single fatherhood, cherishing the moments with his daughter, Nari, while reflecting on lost love through his popular podcast, "A Loveless Lover." A chance encounter at a daycare center brings him face to face with you, sparking a connection rooted in compassion and shared moments of vulnerability. As their worlds collide, the possibility of new beginnings looms, challenging Namjoon and you to confront the past and consider the future with newfound hope.
by @hobipaint
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♡ Title: sakura 🌸
♡ Pairing: king!yoongi x (f) reader
♡ Rating: 18+
♡ Genre: mature, fluff, angst, pining
♡ Summary: yoongi could never figure out how could a sakura tree bloom right on his son’s seventh birthday. logically, atleast, for his kingdom’s soil wasn't blessed enough for beautiful flora; however, when his inspection rounds reveal a trip totally unexpected, and in a crescendo of buried memories, his love for the tree gets as bright as the petals of the blossom.
by @liveyun
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♡ Title: Shatter With Me
♡ Pairing: Model!Jungkook x Surrogate!f.Reader
♡ Rating: MA 18+
♡ Genre: Best Friend's Husband, Surrogacy AU | heavy angst, smut, mild fluff
♡ Summary: Your best friend, Jiyoon, and her husband, Jungkook, have faced years of hardship trying to start a family. In a last-ditch effort to have their dream life, they seek solace in surrogacy. Wanting to see your best friend smile, you offer to become the bright beacon at the end of the tunnel, giving them what they have always wanted. But what happens when you begin to shine your light on their darkness? Things aren’t always as they seem—happiness can be a façade, shattering under the lightest pressure.
by @colormepurplex2
Daddy Jungkook came home April 24. Read here!
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♡ Title: Since Day One
♡ Pairing: teacher!jimin x teacher! f. reader
♡ rating: 18+
♡ Genre: enemies to lovers, coworker au, single father au
♡ Summary: Being a Pre-K teacher is no easy feat, but Jimin is always up for the challenge. However, on his first day on the job, he makes an enemy in the parking lot before he even sets foot inside the building. Looks like this school year won’t be all sunshine and rainbows after all.
by @jjungkookislife
Daddy Jimin came home April 6. Read here!
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♡ Title: baby fangs
♡ Pairing: Jimin x Jungkook
♡ Rating: Explicit/18+
♡ Genre: Urban fantasy, vampires, strangers to lovers, angst, smut
♡ Summary: As a human, Jungkook thought life was meaningless. It isn’t until he dies that he finds something worth living for: the family he never had.
by @gimmethatagustd
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lovinggstar · 5 months
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— where one of their friends get too close to you, and their reactions !
cw :: not proofread, MAY BE OOC NOT SURE, written with modern au in mind (but it can be read in the genshin universe ^_^) the tiniest bit suggestive in childes part, use of childe's real name in his part, swearing in scaramouche's part, fluff, gn reader !
characters :: albedo, childe, scaramouche
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阿贝多 ALBEDO :: everytime his friend would sit next to you really close, everytime his friend would put his arm around your shoulder, everytime his friend would talk to you a little too much, he kept his composure. or atleast, he was subtle about his jealousy.. he would put the mug on his table a bit too hard, causing a sound enough to alert people, he would be passive aggressive towards his friend, he would interrupt conversations towards you and his friend (which he almost never does with anyone else because he knows his manners), etc. after the hangout with albedo's friend, he goes up to you and hugs you from behind. "oh? what's this for?" you question him, although you enjoy this, you're curious why the sudden backhug is given to you. albedo hides his face into your neck, "mh.. let's stay like this for a while."
公子 CHILDE :: ever since childe introduced you to his friend, you started talking about them alot to him because you think that the more you and childe have in common, the better ! but childe is more jealous than ever..
"oh and then THEY said that i—" "stop talking about themm.." he murmured to hinself, pouting, however, you heard it. "huh?" you look at him, confused, childe starts stammering, noticing his mess-up. "ajax.. are you jealous?" you smirk at him, it's not everyday you see him stammering like this. "alright, alright.. you caught me." he put his hands up in defense, "awhh c'monnn, you know i'd never be with another guy!" you playfully hit him in the arm, but to your surprise, he caught your hand as you were doing it, and raises it up to his cheek, "i was just jealous, i know that i can make you feel good more than he can." he smirked playfully at you trying to get a reaction from you, "i'm not going to teucer's mr. cyclops themed birthday party." "WAIT NO—"
国崩 SCARAMOUCHE :: he would outright be the pettiest, in denial little fucker ever. he would go "tch, i don't care." and proceed to be ripping out paper napkins to shreds to control his anger. "scaraaa..." you lazily put his arms around his neck, "yeah?" as he said that, there was a bigggg rip on the napkin. "why are you soooo.. mad? sad?" you questioned his emotions, confused at whatever he's feeling. "i'm" riiippp "not." "oh? are you maybeee, jealous?" you smirked, laying your hand next to his by putting your head on his shoulder. "what!? hah—wh— NO.. me? being jealous? in your dreams.." he stammered and contiued grumbling under his breath. "scara, y'know i love you and only you, right?" you told him, nevertheless, he was still persistently pouting. but red.
you heard him mumble something under his breath, "hm? what is it?" he mumbled again but louder. "what?" you were there confused and wondering what he needed to say. he mumbled AGAIN. "huh????" you knew what he said now, still, you wanted to tease him, "I SAID I LOVE YOU TOO, GOD DAMMIT." he finally huffed, realizing that he screamed that, he covered his mouth, and was red. "i know !!" you slyly smiled and kissed him on the cheek, "i just wanted to hear you say it !"
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note :: i tried doing more chars but im currently not in that much of a mood to write + THIS HAS BEEN IN MY DRAFTS FOR AGEESSS
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devoutekuna · 13 days
First birthdays
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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He's not a fan of birthdays, he never got any whilst he was growing up so he didn't know how they worked other than cake a food. His daughter sat in your lap as she tried to reach for the cake, you two had already sang happy birthday, so now it was just her trying to eat her cake, cake stuffin her mouth as he hands smeared it all along. Noticing her father's presence, she had instantly forgotten about food, grubby hands reaching towards the man, sat proudly Infront of her. "I think she wants you 'Ryo" offering the baby up to him, he normally hated kids, but not his little princess, decked out in your favourite pink dress, matching her hair colour as she sat on his neck. Hands still full of cake as she reached for his mouth.
He's very much a baker, so when his daughter's birthday rolls around, he's already got a birthday cake prepared. Two cakes in fact, one bigger one for guests and another smaller cupcake size for his daughter, wanting to make sure that she could at least eat one. "Here" pushing the plate over to her as she sat in her highchair, fork guiding towards her mouth only to reject it, "No" that was one of the only words she knew, it angered you how she didn't say mama or atleast dada first. Reaching over for the small plate, hand already messy as she grabbed a bite,
He went all out for birthdays, that's what he did yesterday, throwing a massive celebration for his newly one year old. Blue balloons and confetti scattered all over the living room floor, knowing he'd have to clean it up since you were against them in the first place. Son in his arms as he placed him in the highchair, giving him some of the leftover cake, taking a few slices for himself too. Rambling on about something stupid, that's how you caught them. Your son's face mushed with cake and frosting as he was left to do his own bidding and another man child sat eating nearly half of the leftover cake, leaving half a tier. "You better clean this up Satoru, by the time I'm back down." Needing to clean the cake off his body since he was such a messy eater, but you couldn't even blame him since he was just one. Throwing the stupid blue party hat off his head, holding him by the arms as he carried on eating, picking at any cake he had left on his hands.
He understood that his child couldn't eat that all, that's why he invited some of his friends round, making alot of food, mainly his daughter's favourite. The sound of clapping distributing her peace as she got scared and started to tear up, begging for her father to come rescue her. Taking her out of the room as the giggles started, feeling bad as he took a slice of cake with him, sat in the living room with her father as the rest of the party continued. He would be soon kicking them out after he finished with her. "It's okay" fixing her party hat as it slid off, "it's just me" cradling her small body as the tears dried up. Nodding her head as she got distracted once again, hands jerking forward for the cake, decorated in a purple fondant layer along with some cake pop ontop for decoration. Taking one of the cake pops as he removed the spike handing it to her.
His child wasn't the brightest, trying to recreate what his father had just did. Sticking his fingers on the flame to take it out before removing the candle, of course his child wanted to do that too. Reaching for the open flame before the cake was snatched away. "Me" that was the only word they knew, trying to point to themselves as they reached for the cake before a present was placed Infront of them. Opening it to just discard the toy and try to eat the paper, what a weird child. "Not that" throwing the wrapping paper in the bin, resulting in a few tears. Crouching down beside them as he handed them some cake in a spoon, doing the airplane noises as it came towards them, only to receive a fistful of hair, head being dragged towards his baby as they gripped it harder. A scowl implementing on his face.
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bristocks · 7 months
bd!connie x black!reader.
bd!connie who still support you and your baby boy by giving you money and putting food in yall house and clothes on his baby body cause yo new man can’t do it apparently.
bd!connie who babysit y’all son because he don’t “trust them folks” (your new man’s family) and “folks weird out here youon know what they can do to him and you!”
bd!connie who show up to all your sons birthday party and special events because he still cool w yo cousin. He still show up regardless of all the looks he get and the dirty look yo new man give him. That’s his son and “ain’t nobody finna stop me from seeing him eitha.”
bd!connie who make sure you unblock his number so you can get updated on when he available for you and y’all baby boy. New man? he don’t care..he can chill in yo house on the couch he payed for, the couch y’all conceited the baby on.
bd!connie who fight behind you and his son. Word get out that yo new man put his hands on you; connie nd his li crew 10 toes behind each other fighting bout you. Word get out he cheated on you? guess who there to comfort you and give you a lap nd shoulder to cry on. Connie. even tho y’all fell off before you gave birth he was still there, he tried his best to atleast support yalls baby with the little money he had while he was getting back on his feet. Now that he’s on his feet, he’s still supporting you AND your baby. he’s willing to try again if you let him show you he’s got better.
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prideofcelestia · 10 months
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❝ when you say that nobody got you a cake for your birthday ❞
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« characters - lucifer, mammon, satan, leviathan »
« gender neutral reader »
« headcanons »
sol ver
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“What?” His eyes widen in disbelief.
“Yeah... so we would all put money together to buy a cake for my other friends but since my birthday fell during the summer vacation, I never really cut any cake with my friends.”
He declares an emergency family meeting where he orders Mammon and Asmodeus to choose a venue for a party, Leviathan to decide the food menu, and Satan, Beelzebub and Belphegor to look after the decorations. He personally hires one of the best pâtissiers in the Devildom to make a cake especially for your party. It will be a private affair with only the brothers attending.
Lucifer will get you another cake to cut in private later but first you must get a taste of celebrating with close friends who are also akin to your family.
When you see the cake, you are rendered speechless. It has a tier for every year of your age. Even if your time is fleeting, every second that has passed and is yet to grace you matters. You matter and they will do their best to remind you of it.
“What would ya say?!”
He is royally pissed at your friends. It's good that you have him in your life now. The Great Mammon will make everything right.
“O-Oi human! Come to my room after classes today.”
“Mammon? I thought you had to stay back for detention.”
“Well don't think about those stupid details, would ya?”
You sigh and accept the invitation. There's no saving one who doesn't want to be saved.
When you enter his room, you know something is off. It has nothing to do with the room itself. It's his nervousness that makes you suspicious.
“Mammon, are you okay?”
“I just- Close your eyes!”
“What? What's this all of a sudden?”
“Trust me and close your eyes!”
“Okay okay!”
You follow his instructions, only to be met with a shy plea immediately as he scurries across the room.
“Open your eyes now... Surprise!”
The cake he gets you is the colour of molten gold and looks like a Grimm from the top.
“Oh my Diavolo, Mammon! It's such a sweet gesture.”
“I couldn't just let my servant go without cutting a cake! What kinda master wo-would I be otherwise, huh?” He manages to say with blushing cheeks.
He can hardly look at you so you wrap your arms around him and kiss his cheeks in gratitude. He is ready to explode. Atleast he will explode as a happy demon.
“Ehhh? EHHHH?! You?! Bu-But But you are so amazing and sweet! How can those normies ever forget about you?! It’s not as if you are a pathetic gross otaku li-like me?!”
He takes some time to process the information and feels sad about it. Even he cannot relate to you because his brothers had never let him celebrate a birthday without throwing a surprise party.
It has always been easy to plan for him because he hardly left his room and so the brothers held their secret meetings without a worry. Similarly, it was child’s play for him to plan a small party for you from the comfort of his room.  
Your DDD vibrates because of a message from Leviathan.
“Can you come to my room rn? I have something to show you.”
The moment the door opens, the sound of party crackers catches you off guard and before you know it, you are covered in party streamer.
You blink to find a cake shaped like a gaming controller with "Player 2" written on it in a cute style.
Levi has arranged some of his figurines and Henry’s fish tank to surround the cake. They have a small party hat on top of their heads. Henry swims around happily as if to show off in front of you.
He shuts his book in rage.
“The audacity! How could they?” He mumbles to himself when he is alone.
He is only too well acquainted with the feeling of being excluded. It hurts. It hurts when he doesn’t supress his feelings well and the wrath that comes with it is not sweet either.
He feels sad and extremely offended on your behalf but he also acknowledges that his feelings won’t amount to a lot if he doesn’t act on it.
He decides on a small, intimate celebration with the two of you and some of your feline companions.
He gets you a cake in your favourite flavour, carefully listing your allergies, likes and dislikes. He ditches his first idea of getting one that looks like the head of a cake. It would be sacrilege to eat it!
The cats seem to understand the mood because they mewl and Satan sings when you cut the cake. He is awkward while singing so don’t let it get out of his room! The smile on your face compensates his embarrassment.
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winterrrnight · 11 months
make up
PAIRING: drew starkey x best friend!gn!reader
SUMMARY: you are skilled at make up, and when you're doing Drew's make up while sitting in his lap, you both feel emotions you aren't sure you have felt before.
WARNINGS: fluff, nothing else :)
EDITH SPEAKS: UGH I WISH I COULD DO MAKE UP! but I really cannot ahahahahaha, but in the fanfiction world all is possible ;)
I think the ending kind of sucks, but I really just wanted to write about that make up scene so that's done! Ignore any little grammatical/spelling errors.
Please like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading! Feedback is always appreciated 🌦️
UPDATE: part two is out now! read here
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You and your best friend Drew have been invited to one of your friend's birthday party. The theme of the birthday party is 'Euphoria', so everyone's outfits and make up looks have to be inspired by the show. You are super excited about it, because the aesthetics of the show are mesmerising and the idea of using glitter, and purple-blue eyeshadows makes you enthusiastic.
You are quite good at make up, having picked up at it at quite a younger age. Make up to you seems like painting, but this time a person is your canvas. On the other hand, Drew doesn't know anything about make up. At all. So naturally, you both decided that he will come over at your place atleast 2 hours before the party, so you both can get ready and leave together.
The party starts at 8 pm, and right at 6 pm, you hear your door bell ring. You open the door and let Drew in, who has come with a garment bag in his hand.
"We should get started on the make up, because we don't have enough time." You say, after you both have greeted each other and shared a hug. You take his hand and lead him to your room, ushering him to sit down on your bed as you gather your make up bags.
You pull out all the make up you will need and keep it on the bed for easy reach. "You okay with all of this?" You ask Drew, and he gives you a nod.
"I dont even know where all these go on my face," he says, laughing, "so yes, I think I'm okay. I trust you with this." You smile at his words. He tells you he's done his basic skincare routine: cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen, so now you know you can start with the make up.
You take the primer and as you start layering it on his face, you realise how much you are having to bend, because you're standing in front of him and he's sitting on your bed, meaning you're completely towering over him.
When you are done applying the primer, you straighten your back up and let out a groan. Drew opens his eyes and looks at you with concern.
"You okay?" He asks, your hand now on your back.
"Yes, I'm fine," you say, looking around your room to look for a chair for you to sit down, but internally groaning again when you can't spot one.
"You know, you can, sit on my lap if you want to," Drew says, and you look at him with wide eyes.
"Oh no, its okay, I must have a chair somewhere in my living room, I'll get it, or I can just sit next to you on the bed-" You know there isn't much space on the bed; with your outfit, make up, Drew's outfit, your jewellery, and other little accessories spread around on it.
"No it's okay, I promise," he looks at you with reassuring eyes. You give him a slow nod, and sit down on his lap, your legs on either side. You don't put much weight on him, worrying he might find it a little heavy.
"You can sit down comfortably, i promise you aren't heavy." It's like he can hear your thoughts. You let your complete weight on him, and you see he's still smiling at you. You feel your heart rate quicken when his hands land on your waist and help you sit comfortably. You let out a deep inhale, and try to divert your complete focus to the make up which you need to be done within less than an hour.
You put on some foundation and concealer on his face, and start to blend it out with a beauty blender. At moments, you find yourself holding onto his shoulders for balance, and you take your hand off in just a second.
"Why are you so stiff? Relax," Drew laughs at you, his eyes closed with the unblended concealer still on his face.
He's right. Why are you so stiff? Why are you not able to relax and do what you're so experienced in? This kind of make up look never takes you this long, but your position on top of him, is making you feel emotions you didn't know you had for him.
You've been best friends with Drew as long as you can remember. He's been there for you through primary school, middle school, high school, and even when you both separated paths because you went to separate universities. He never failed to call you up almost everyday to check up on you and update you with everything that's been happening with him. Especially after he made acting his job and started getting attention, he has always taken you to film shoots in different places you never thought you'd get to explore before.
After spending so much time together, you never thought of him something more than a best friend. Why? You don't know. But you've also never ignored the fluttering in your heart each time your hand brushed his when you both reach out for the same thing at the same moment, or when he's doing a photo shoot and he looks at you and shoots you the most adorable smile. But you can never think of being something more. If you did try, you both will most probably fail, and all these years of curating a beautiful friendship so carefully will go down the gutter in a matter of seconds.
So you've always dug all these little feelings in you. No one needs to know about them. You both are perfectly fine as best friends. That's it.
Once you're done with the concealer, you start on the actual make up look. You choose a blush which will match Drew's skin tone really well, and start to layer it on a brush. Drew watches you carefully as you brush the make up brush on the palette.
You move a little closer to his face, the distance between you two being reduced to small magnitudes of inches, and start to brush the blush on his cheeks. His eyes instantly fall shut on the feeling of the soft bristles against his cheeks, an instant calm rushing in his veins. You, with your eyebrows furrowed, keep on brushing his cheeks as carefully as you can.
His cheeks are now subtly suffused with a champagne pink, and you decide to start with the eye shadow.
"Close your eyes for me," you mumble, but he doesn't need that notice. His eyes, already closed from feeling you so close to him, your heart so close to his, your skin occasionally touching his. He just hums to your words, and you start to apply the eyeshadow on his eyelids. You've never been this close to him. You notice every freckle, every scar, every beauty mark on him you've never seen before. He just became a whole lot more beautiful to you.
You want to stay this close forever. His body heat has warmed you up, and you're extremely comfortable in his lap. You slow down your movement with the eyeshadow, never wanting this moment to end.
When the eye make is done, you grab onto the silver glitter and apply it on his cheekbones, which accentuates them even more, and some on his eyelids which matches really well with the purple tints of the eyeshadow.
You get some last needed items: mascara and a lipgloss. You gently apply the mascara to his eyelashes, making sure not to poke him in the eye. You open the lipgloss and move impossibly close to him to apply it on his lips.
You gently drag the end of the applicator of the lip gloss across his lips, the gloss leaving a shine as you move it across. His lips, separated apart slightly, heave of little exhales as you are so close to him.
You just want to press your lips against his.
What? No you don't! Hes your best friend, nothing more. You cannot risk it all simply because you want to know if they taste just as sweet as they look.
You clear your throat as you're done with the lip gloss and move your face away from his. "It's done," you say with a contented smile as you look at your finished result.
Drew looks at you with a grin on his face. "How do I look?" He asks you. He knows he looks absolutely stunning. You did his make up, so yes, theres no way he doesn't look beautiful right now.
"I think you look great," you say with a cheeky smile, as you start to get off his lap, but his arms fixate around your waist and stop you from getting up.
"Don't get up, I loved having you sit on my lap," Drew says with a pout. You feel your cheeks heat up, but just giggle at his reply.
"But then we will get late for the party, and I still have to do my make up look," you say. No doubt you don't want to get off either, but you have to, you have no choice.
"Forget the party, lets just stay here and do something else," he pleads. His blue eyes pierce yours, which want nothing more than to just look at you forever.
"But then my make up look will go to waste! I did it for the party, you know," you humph. Forcing yourself against your will, you get off Drew's lap. You take your time to wear your outfit and finish with your makeup, and just five minutes before your decided leaving time, you both are completely ready.
You now stand in front each other, your faces gleaming each time light reflects on them. You did your own look quite matching to Drew's, the same purple hues and glitter splattered across your face.
"Wow," Drew whispers looking at you, as his arms find your waist again. You're beginning to get used to them being wrapped so firmly around you and softly pulling you closer to him.
You give Drew a smile and intertwine your hand with his, and you both go out of your house to go to the party.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @ragingsammie @maybankslover @totalswag
(if you want to be added, check out the 'join my taglist' post on top! + send some requests if you have any, but read the 'requests' post first!)
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ctrlchar · 10 months
Stu macher nsfw alphabet
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a/n: i know this isn’t stu but come on matthew looked a little too good in slc punk and also not proofread!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
It honestly depends. If he was on top he would give you endless praise and of course clean you up and rant about how much he loves you.
Now if you were on top he would expect you to do the same to him,he’s literally a baby in a man’s body
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
his dick 100% i don’t even think i need to explain it. i guess you could say he’s pretty cocky about it
on you it’s your stomach or tits,no matter how big or small he loves using you as his personal pillow
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
he thinks you look absolutely gorgeous with his cum all over your face but is terrified it would get in your eyes so he settles for on your back or tummy depending on the position.
if you let him he’ll cum inside and push it back inside you with his fingers 🤭
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
not a doubt in my mind he would ask billy to have a threesome with you guys like that might actually be his life goal
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
i think he’s had his fair share of sexual encounters like he literally hugged/kissed some random girl as she was leaving the party so to say the least he definitely knows what he’s doing
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
i’m torn between two
missionary-i know it’s basic butttt whenever he’s close he likes to tease you and moan in your ear
cowgirl-absolutely loves to grab your hips and move you against him nkt to mention he loves seeing your tits bounce bonus points if you make out with him while in this position
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
if it’s for a special occasion he’ll crack a few jokes but he will mainly focus on your pleasure but if it’s nothing special he will for sure crack jokes
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
i think he keeps himself trimmed but never shaved completely and if you insist he’ll shave but not without a lot of bitching
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
i can see him lighting a few candles and maybe some rose petals but nothing more then that and he’ll only do this if it’s your birthday or some other occasion
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he jerks off atleast once a day,sometimes more. and you have caught him before but this man has absolutely no shame and didn’t stop if anything it’ll turn him on more knowing you’re watching
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
knives-if he’s submissive he will beg you to carve your name into his thigh or anywhere else they only you can see. sometimes he’ll even ask you to hold it to his neck
choking- if you’re riding him he will go feral if you choke him same with letting him choke you while in missionary
praise-will praise the shit out of you no matter what you are doing but he does it more whenever you’re giving him head
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
will not hesitate to pull you into a empty classroom and fuck you in there but prefers a bed or even a car if either of you guys have one
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
anything you wear will turn him on instantly whether is tight or loose,he loves seeing all of your curves in tight clothes but the thought of having sex with you in a oversized shirt turns him on just as much
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
definitely a very clean guy so i don’t think he’d like anything that could get him dirty so bodily fluids are out of the question (except for blood obviously)
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
amazing at giving head but at the same time he enjoys receiving so i would say it’s a 50/50
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he’s the happy medium between fast and slow but if he’s in a bad mood he’ll go fast unless he’s trying to tease you and if that’s the case he will go painstakingly slow
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
is the king at quickies,he will fuck you anywhere and anytime
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
most definitely, this goes back to location like he would literally fuck you anywhere if he’s horny enough
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
id say a good 3 rounds if he’s ontop probably the same amour if he was bottoming but wouldn’t lash as long
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
i physically cannot see this man using any toys but he would be fine with you maybe using a vibrator on him
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he will tease you anytime he has the chance but his favorite is in public he will always finger you under the desk or table and if you’re needy enough he’ll take you to the bathroom
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he gets louder the closer he gets like at first it’s low moans but the closer he gets it’s more like whines and high pitched moans
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he’s thought about breaking into your house and fucking you in his ghostface costume but he figured 1. you’d be scared if a serial killer breaks in 2. you’d tell the cops its him and 3. he doesn’t wanna know if you’d willingly have sex with someone who isn’t him
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
i think he has a really skinny cock idk why but he’s about average size maybe a little bit above
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
very high sex drive like would fuck you all day if he could
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he makes sure you’re at the bare minimum okay but after that he goes straight to sleep and worries about aftercare a little too late (when he wakes up) but it’s okay because it’s stu
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sunnycanvas · 8 months
and what about Baldwin and his wife having married (because of their parents and politics) as children, but not sharing a (first) kiss until he returned from his Great Victory at 16?
We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes and the flashback starts
Queen (Y/N) fondly looks at painting .She is old and gray now. She strokes the painting with tears running down her eyes. She smiles and closes her eyes when she remembers that fateful day
I'm standin' there
On a balcony in summer air
The little girl was bored out her mind. She was on the balcony of palace as she put her hand on her cheek. Just then the little girl heard giggles and looked down and saw bunch of boys mocking her. A boy bright blue eyes and blonde hair stood out the most,"Oo! Look at her face". The boys squished their face opposing her mocking her posture. The little girl hurt cried out "Wait, when I get down there" "I will show you how strong I am!" The boys loving her reaction say "Oo! The little girly wants to fight The little girl with tears in her eyes ran away crying
"What a shame, she left"
"Yeah, it was fun mocking her but unfortunately she left"
"Man, I am bored now" "What should be playing next"
"Oh, I know" said the boy with bright blue eyes and blonde hair. "How about we play a game where we pinch each other to find out who is the strongest". The boys scoffed and rolled their eyes annoyed "How boring"
"Yeah! Suggest something else". The boy with bright blue eyes and blonde hair smirks and says don't forget who is the prince. His friends grumbled and finally agreed. While they were playing the little girl came to them and said "See I came down just like I said I challenge you to play with me as well" . The boys let out mischievous smile and agreed to her request "Atleast we all can overpower her" "Yeah, she looks weak" while the boy with bright blue eyes and blonde hair smiled and muttured "Silly girl" Just as they expected the girl wasn't able to bear the pain. The prince feeling sorry for the girl decided to step in. "I shall protect her, anyone who wants to hurt her has to go through me first" his friends taking their opportunity pinched the prince but nothing happened. Unknown to them a man working under William of tyre observed everything and decided to inform him. The prince finally turned to look behind to see the girl but unfortunately she had already left.
"Baldwin, your teacher is calling you"
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns
See you make your way through the crowd
And say, "Hello"
Little did I know
It was the prince's birthday. Her father and king greet each other. King Almaric I addressed his son and said "Baldwin, meet your betrothed"
"Me and her father decided that you will marry her".
The little girl shyly poked out her head behind her father. Her father chuckled and said "Please forgive my daughter for she is shy" "Introduce yourself dear" The girl shyly looked at the prince and said "My name is (Y/N)". The prince said "My name is Baldwin". Baldwin shyly came forward and said "Here are some flowers as an apology for yesterday" "Please forgive me, my teacher scolded me and said a true knight protects and honours the lady and doesn't hurt her". (Y/N) astonished by beautiful flowers said "That's alright, besides you protected me afterwards".
"Really, what happened" inquired (Y/N)'s father. (Y/N) smiled and said "We were pinching game with the prince protecting me afterwards, while fighting the other boys he felt no pain" . Baldwin IV beamed in reply not noticing how pale (Y/N)'s father became.
That you were Romeo, you were throwin' pebbles
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet"
"I can see why the king was desperate to get you betrothed". "I can't back away now since I already accepted it and it could be dangerous but stay away from him" "He is a leper and he will die soon and might get you infected as well". (Y/N) and her father heard sound of pebbles hitting the window. They both went out and saw the Prince Baldwin with few knights. Noticing her father one of the knight commanded "The prince has requested that his betrothed come down and play with him." (Y/N)'s father reluctantly let her go not before warning her about the prince's disease.
And I was cryin' on the staircase
Beggin' you, "Please don't go,
Baldwin IV approached his betrothed with no expression on his face. "I have been just informed about my diesease" "My father says this disease is god's vengeance against the saracens, if it's true I call it unfair" Baldwin IV chuckled as he said the last statement. He soon went into deep thought and you suddenly noticed how beautiful his bright blue eyes are, you unconsciously leaned forward but Baldwin IV closed your mouth with his hand. "I am aware now your father is upset about the engagement, I understand his sentiment and think it's best we annul it"
and I said
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story, baby,l just say, "Yes"
(Y/N) cried when she heard those words and Baldwin IV immediately regretted saying those words. (Y/N) cried and said"Please don't say that, I really want to marry you and don't worry about annulment" "Father says he can't do anything about it since it's already agreed upon" "We will soon marry each other" "You are the prince and I'll be the princess" "Please don't leave me" "Let's meet again secretly so that I can convince you" (Y/N) hiccuped since she cried so much. Baldwin IV wanted to wipe of her tears but retorted in last moment. He asked rather confused "You would purposely marry a leper and be known as leper's wife". (Y/N) in tears nodded her head signalling her acknowledgement. Baldwin IV smiled and said "Silly girl"
So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet, 'cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while, oh oh
Late at night (Y/N) wears a hood as dark as night and sneakily goes out of her manor with the help of king's gaurd. "Baldwin" smiled the girl and went in for a hug but the prince signalled her to stop so with heartbroken expression she stopped. "My father is worried that your family with their influence of their power will break our engagement and get you to marry someone else" "Hence, they have asked me to assist you to come out of your manor and called a priest here to get you to marry me now". (Y/N) looked at her left and suddenly saw a priest looking at the prince with disapproved reaction. "My lord" said the priest. "You must know how important this marriage is for the betterment of the kingdom". However Baldwin IV paid no heed to priest's word and said "It's your choice, according to the law of church nobody can force you to marry against your will" "Not even the priest". (Y/N) with determined expression said "I will marry, for us and the kingdom" . The priest smiled and said "That's a smart girl". "I can see she will befitting queen our Kingdom needs". (Y/N) looked at prince Baldwin IV and asked "When will I get to touch you". Baldwin IV smiled at responce saying "When miracles will happen, then only I can trust god's plan for me and let me touch"
Romeo, save me, they're tryna tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it's real
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes"
Oh, oh
Years growing up it had been difficult for (Y/N) and Baldwin IV. She came to be known as leper's wife. Baldwin IV although was kind and respectful to (Y/N) didn't allow her to get too close. Worried that she will get infected like him. As for her family and relatives, (Y/N) had been labelled as disgrace. Although they appeared kind to her in public especially when she became queen. She knew about their deep rooted hatred for her and how she had become subject to pity as well as mockery among people. (Y/N) didn't care as long as she had Baldwin IV as her husband. He had been kind and devoted to her that is until oneday......
I got tired of waiting
Wonderin' if you were ever comin' around
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said
"Must you leave" (Y/N) said tears in her eyes. Baldwin IV looked at his wife sorrowfully and said "Honey, I don't want to leave you". "I don't want to leave you behind but this day was bound to come sooner or later". "You knew the day you married a leper". (Y/N) in tears aggressively held Baldwin IV shoulder and said "I never knew you would go to battlefield". Baldwin IV sighed and said "I have duty to my crown, God has entrusted me to protect my people as king" "I can't do that". (Y/N) hurriedly said "Let me come with you".
"No" retorated Baldwin IV. "You are currently a queen regent and you will protect the kingdom in my absence".
"Besides it's too dangerous for you"
(Y/N) sighed tiredly and said "Atleast promise me to come back alive".
"I promise" said Baldwin IV
Romeo, save me, I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you, but you never come
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think
Queen (Y/N) waited day and night for her lord husband and took care of the kingdom as if they were her children. No news of her husband came and (Y/N) gradually got worried. Especially knowing that Baldwin IV army was much smaller compared to Salahuddin. (Y/N) prayed that her husband would come back alive and safe to stay by her side again. As days passed by, so did (Y/N) mental health. While she excelled in her work. No court gossip could hide the fact that the queen was in constant state of melancholy for the arrival of her husband.
And I said
You'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
"Baldwin" exclaimed (Y/N) happily. There stood her husband bloodied but alive with no serious injury in front of her. (Y/N) rushed forward for a hug but stopped last moment "S-sorry you wouldn't like that" instead she was shocked with what happened next. Baldwin IV kissed her properly on her lips. Baldwin IV tongue completely dominated (Y/N) tongue. Baldwin IV still unsatisfied angled his head to kiss his beloved deeper. (Y/N) soon had difficultly in breathing and gasped her shoulder tightly."Silly girl, going for a hug". "God has finally shown me favour" "We won battle of Montingsard" . "Now" Baldwin IV voice lowered dangerously and her checked out his wife and said looking at her for top to bottom. "I can do everything I want". "Come my love let me worship you on bed".
'Cause we were both young when I first saw you
(Y/N) smiled as she remembered that day and touched the painting which depicted romanticised picture of king and queen meeting after Battle of Montingsard. (Y/N) yawned and went to sleep clutching the painting.
"My love". The king old and tired said, He foundly looked at his wife and said "You are so beautiful". Suddenly he realised that his wife had been clutching the painting". "Silly girl, missing me again". The king kissed (Y/N) forehead and went to sleep beside her.
Romeo and Juliet by Taylor Swift
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yaeran · 1 year
BIRTHDAY ★ tokyo revengers
it’s my birthday! let’s feed into my delusions (*'▽'*)
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takemitchi / takeomi / chifuyu the type to throw you a big birthday party like even if you don’t have friends or you do he’ll invite everyone you know and it would be at a kinda low grade venue but it’s the thought and memories that count!!
baji / mikey / izana would have a day planned for you if you’re up to it. he’d drive his motorcycle as being you to your favourite places. he’d park his bike in the side of the road and eat takeout. you’d go see everything there is to see whether it’s new or old. izana especially would have a camera that’s just full of pictures of you. would end the day at the beach on the cold sand watching the sunset as you’re sitting on his lap.
rindou / draken would follow your lead, you wanna go out let’s go out, you wanna spend time with your friend? sure he’ll wait for forever even if it’s a long trip, it’s your day but honestly everyday feels like a birthday when having him as your boyfriend. would ask when you’re coming back so that he can get ready fresh baked goods for you to enjoy! if you chose to spend your day with him you’d definitely wake up with breakfast in bed. perhaps do some arts and crafts or do whatever comes to your head!! movies, sports, bowling, for you they accommodate.
ran’s the chill type bit aso he still makes your birthday a big deal. he would be out of bed and would hug you as soon the clock strikes 12. he doesn’t really use sentimental words much but he does buy you gifts and on every gift is a short sweet note. when you wake up the next day, even if he’s asleep he still has a tight grip on your waist as if he’s awake, “don’t leave just relax it’s your birthday.”
sanzu would bring you to the finest restaurants, get you the nicest outfit just your taste. unfortunate for him the outfit price was just the same size as his wallet and he had only remembered this after he took the last bite of his lobster meat. “yn do you have your phone?” “why?” “don’t worry just gonna get a loan from koko”
kazutora follows your flow but he has one requirement. go to karaoke for atleast an hour. would sing happy birthday every 4 minutes then would switch to really bad cheesy romance songs but you get a good laugh out of it. he also makes it a must to take photo booth photos every birthday but he just always points out that you look as beautiful as you did the last year. and also that you don’t age.
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actuallyacerrr · 2 months
16 Days of Birthday Fun; Day 1 - Lloyd Garmadon
It’s April 3rd, 15 days left and so to kickstart this project of mine i’m starting with one of my favorite and longest loving characters, Lloyd! Ngl they’re gonna be kinda short? Depending ig on the character.
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Type ->
Pairing ->
Lloyd Garmadon x Reader
Warning ->
Lowkey catered towards me soooo hehe :) other then that OOC Lloyd.
Summary ->
Lloyd celebrates your birthday!
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• Ok ok, this man definitely gets excited for birthdays
• And a little sad but that’s only because he practically grew up at darkly’s before losing like most of his childhood 😭
• So he works his ASS off to create the best birthday party ever. Does his best to like sneakily ask for ideas and things you like;
“Hey, so what kind of like colors do you like? like what’s if a candle could be any color what would they be?”
“You are not planning my birthday.”
“How did you know?! I never mentioned birthdays.”
“Candles give it away.”
• On a similar note, he’d get all his needed information from Nya. Or Zane, he’d probably know too.
• It ended up being a small gathering consisting of you, the ninja, Sensei Wu and Misako. You invited a few friends or family members too.
• Lloyd planned it to be a suprise, but that failed. Though he did manage to keep the place it was at a secret.
• He rented out Laughy’s for it. Dareth probably would’ve left him have it but 🤷.
• Now onto the cake!
• He and Cole bake it together, no store bought for you!
• It’s a confetti cake! With buttercream frosting with little red heart.
• Nya saw a few on a pinterest board and showed it to them.
• And after cake issss presents!
• I’d say he’s pretty decent at it. Knowing what a person would want.
• He got you a few gifts: a Squishmellow, and The Tortured Poet’s Department.
• Y’all will be listening to it together (he is a swiftie in my eyes.)
• Overall the party was a success! Everyone had fun. You got lots of gifts and have atleast two slices left of the cake. Had to save it before Cole got to them.
• I can imagine Lloyd stealing you away near the end of the day, to watch the sunset on a roof. It’s all cute and stuff. Yall eat the last two pieces together. :)
The sun was setting overhead, of pretty oranges and pinks. A picnic blanket underneath yall, half eaten slices of cake forgotten along with their glasses of sparkling water. Taylor swift playing in the background as you lean against him.
Today had been perfect.
“Happy Birthday.”
“Thank you Lloyd, for making today special.”
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pure-oddity · 8 months
Gifts and Well Wishes
Content: very fluffy!! brief hint at nsfw, so MDNI(this is an 18+ blog anyway yall shouldn't be here regardless), Simon's Pov
He feels a weight settle on his chest and awareness hits him quickly. He keeps his breathing level while he listens to the weight mutter under her breath , something about him being built like a slab of concrete. He slits his eyes open to see her sat on his chest, a brownie in hand - little waxy candle in the middle.
Almost laughs as he watches her struggle to light the damn thing. Snorts when she swears at it. Her eyes flick up and she grins at him, "don't fuckin laugh at me! This thing won't light!"
Watches like a lazy cat as she flicks the lighter on over and over, moves a hand to take over when she finally gets it. She's humming a tune at him as he caresses the soft skin of her leg. He realizes it's happy birthday.
"Okay big guy, blow this thing out and make a wish - preferably before I drop it and burn down our home." And the candle lit brownie is lowered towards his face.
He pinches his tongue between his thumb and pointer finger, and snuffs the light out between spit slick fingers.
"You-! Ah whatever, I'm sure whoevers in charge of granting birthday wishes won't mind that you didn't blow it out." She waves a hand passively and removes the still smoking candle.
"Thought we celebrated already?" He watches as she places it in her cup of water on her side of the bed. Makes a mental note to replace it for her.
"Nope! Yoooouu said you didn't want a party or a surprise, so we didn't have one." She reminded.
"Hung out with the boys at the pub." He countered.
"That was just something fun to do, not a party. If it were a party we would have had cake and they woulda brought you gifts - maybe asked the staff to sing!" She insisted, tone musing as if she could picture it.
"Thank fuck that wasn't a party then." He snorts. He can imagine it too. The idea ends with himself getting up and walking out mid song.
"And because it's just me and I got you a brownie instead of cake - it's still not a party" she's clearly anticipated his responses. If it were anyone else he'd be more agitated at feeling predictable.
Her leg shits, subtlety for her, not so much for him. He sees a shape now partially hidden behind the same leg.
"Love." Making his dissaproval known with a single word is a skill he's honed.
"Shhhhhhh! Just eat your brownie, I made it myself!" She's undeterred by his dissaproval.
"Told you I didn't need anything" he grumbles, in hindsight he should have seen this coming.
"Less talking more eating!" She shoves the treat closer and with a deep exhale he sits up, one hand on the brownie the other to help stabilize her as she's sent off his chest into his lap.
It's a good mix of bitter and sweet, slightly more bitter. Still warm and gooey in the way he likes. Made with his preferences in mind he chews with an appreciative hum, places a peck on her forhead - "get chocolate on my face and ill bite your boob!"
His chest shakes in mirth as he spares a glance to make sure he hadn't gotten chocolate on her - knows she'll follow through on her threat, he's got the marks to prove it.
He eyes the shape - present- warily, as though it might bite them.
"Oh stop! You're gonna love it, just two things and they're small." She sounds hopeful, and excited. He supposes even if it were dog shit in a box he'd atleast TRY to sound happy, or at the very least sound not as angry as he could be to recieve dog shit.
He swallows the last bite of brownie, she plucks a crumb from his face and licks it off her finger. He contemplates asking for another kind of present for his birthday.
She seems to know where his mind has wandered and gives him an impish grin and a swat to his chest
"Down boy! We'll get to that later- open this first!"
She leans in his lap towards the gift and plucks it up with egar hands, practically shoving it into his own. Her fingers slide against his own rough and calloused palms and he shudders out a sigh. Her hands so much smaller but no less sure of what they're doing.
He takes a pause to settle his nerves, and pulls on the string holding the wrapping together. He's careful as he plucks open the paper, going slower at her insistence that 'you don't need to save the paper, just rip it!'.
Paper and ribbon no longer keeping the box closed he pops the lid open. Inside he finds what he recognizes as a sheathed knife, and a - bracelet?
He moves to pick it up but he's guided towards the knife."That one needs an explanation, focus on the knife first" she speaks softly, a hint of nerves.
Ever the dutiful soldier he follows her command. Grabbing the blade and carefully removing it from its case. It's got a good weight, balanced. It glistens in the lamplight. He recognizes the brand immediately
"how'd you get your hands on this? They only deal with custom shit - and only if you can prove you're armed services. Which you, love - unless you have something to tell me - are not" he says it like it's a joke. He hopes his eyes convey how deathly serious he is.
The idea of it - her in the field hurt or worse, lost and -
"I'm not in the military no. Buuutt your captain is!"
Ah, that. That makes more sense. But-
"He gave me his number the night you introduced us, in case I ever needed him or you"
Ah, so the old mans sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. He gives her an unimpressed look before sighing "alright fine. 'S a good gift. Thank you love, I'll keep it close."
"You're welcome! Now the other one."
She reaches for it before he's even set the blade on the bedside table. It is indeed a bracelet, it's something woven. Three strands, black, gold and blue.
She prods at his hands and taps each wrist, he gives her his preferred hand as she ties it on.
"So it's. It's uh. Hm. So okay, I was thinking about jewelry recently and I ended up remembering a conversation with my nana - you haven't met- but it was something like uh. " He watches her flounder, and if he wasn't already giving her his undivided attention his is now.
"Jewelry can be kind of a shield between the wearer and bad things. That if a piece of your jewelry breaks it means that it stopped something bad from happening to you. Like it sucked up all the bad and broke itself so you wouldn't break."
She's finished tying it, and now runs her hand along the lines in his palm. There's a sadness in her eyes now. He despises it, especially because this is likely something he can't just kill.
"And we'll. I cant...I can't protect you when you leave. I'm, I'd be no good at what you do. And sometimes that really bothers me. But I can do this. I can make this so that - so that even if I can't protect you, this can."
She rolls her eyes, and he sees that they're shiny now.
"And yes, I KNOW this little thing can't stop a bullet or whatever and it's not exactly jewelry like my nana was saying but. You know, I feel like it counts. And I made it. I...I kinda wished on it? Sorta. I just - thought every good thought I could and poured all my hopes that you come home safe and that you know I lo- well you know. " she flaps her hands dismissively and his free hand cups her warm cheek. She leans into it instinctively but her eyes brighten a smidge.
"And I know its silly but...can't hurt? And, and! It has your two favorite colors , black and blue"
"And the gold?" He encourages. Has a feeling his assumption is correct.
She meets his eyes, she knows he knows the answer - he just wants to hear it from her.
"....it's me. You say I light up your life and well , golds like sunlight so...... it was either that or piss yellow."
He barks out a laugh "gold. Gold's fine..." a comment rests on his tongue. The one where he tells her that he isn't superstitious and that he doesn't believe in things like luck. But he remembers that neither does she and instead trails off.
She can't control what happens out there or what he does. She understands it, she struggles with it. It's the fear, loving a man made for war is hard. She won't leave him, won't let herself be chased off. Willingly haunted by a man mostly dead. But he knows she's scared.
So if wearing her little trinket will sooth her soul, even a little, even if it doesn't make logical sense. He'll wear it.
"Thank you love. I'll keep it with me yeah? I'll be bullet proof."
"Okay - now you're making fun of me!...you don't HAVE to-"
"Might have to ask you to make some for the boys..specially Johnny. Fucker keeps adding holes faster than the medics can patch em up."
She pauses and a teeny grin lights up her face. That's better he thinks.
"Yeah! I have some yarn left over fro-"
"Fuck no. These are my colors, give him piss yellow."
She laughs loud, he'd worry about bothering his neighbors if he gave a fuck. But the woman in his lap makes it hard to be worried about much else besides keeping her laughing.
"New gear Lt.?"
He flicks his gaze towards Johnny at the question, and he almost tells him no - he doesn't have any new gear. Until he remembers.
He took it out subconsciously, her knife. Just to keep his hands idle on the flight over to the middle of danger again. He also spies the tricolor cord peeking out from under his sleeve, knows the Scotsman has seen both.
"Something like that yea."
"Hmmmm wager a guess its from the missus?"
He stares at Johnny and the man snorts.
"Sorry yea, shouldn't have asked when I know the answer - ain't that right cap?"
Ghost eyes the captain next to him, catching his whiskerd grin tells him all he needs to know. Meddling old man.
"Never took you for a jewelery kinda guy Lt. ,not gonna lie" it's Gaz this time, he looks at the braclet with warmth in his eyes - a pinch of longing. A good lad Gaz, if he doesn't already have someone to come home to - he'll find them easy enough.
"Man of mutitudes Sgt. What can i say?"
The knife is returned to its proper place and his sleeve is adjusted to hide the woven band from any more eyes as the helicopter makes its descent.
And when there's a moment of peace after the fighting, he checks to make sure both are still there - keeping him safe.
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unnoticed-poison · 6 months
𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘬! 𝘠𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦! 𝘝𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘥𝘪𝘰𝘴 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳【 𝕿𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖑𝖊𝖗 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕 】
Finished writing this yesterday but forgot to post it 🥲
Anyhow hope you enjoy this chapter! My dear friend @floatyflowers encouraged me to write this fic, thank you so much hun!
"Can I ATLEAST know where we're going?" you asked, annoyed at the blindfold around your eyes, It was unnecessary, you pulled at the fabric lightly. " And can I take this damn thing off? I'm not a kid."
Your dad chuckled, and even though you couldn't currently see anything, you could tell from the tone of his voice that he was getting annoyed with you. "Like I said for the HUNDRED times, it's a surprise, so no, you can't, we are almost there anyways, just be patient, okay?  here why don't I put some music on?"
You groaned. " Fine." 
You two have been driving for almost an hour now, you tried to pass the time by daydreaming about one of your countless fake scenarios, it would have been much better with the music you had on your playlist, not whatever your dad has playing, but you guessed it was better than nothing.
Your mom didn't accompany you today, saying she had some errands to run and it would take the whole day, that it would be better if you two went without her, but you knew she was lying, it was obvious really.
It's your birthday after all, your dad is obviously trying to keep you distracted with this 'surprise'  the whole day so your mom has enough time to prepare for your birthday party and invite your relatives and friends over. 
You didn't care much for your birthday, but you appreciated their efforts to make you happy, so you didn't say anything and just played along.
Besides, who doesn't like getting spoiled and receiving free stuff on their special day?
After another 10 minutes had passed, you lifted your head when you felt the car slow down before coming to a stop.
"We've arrived!" your dad exclaimed, excitement evident in his voice.
He turned off the radio before getting out of the car, walking over to your side and opening the door for you before helping you get out of the car.
"Great, can I take off the blindfold now?"
"Oh yeah, one second," he said, before removing the blindfold off you.
You squint your eyes against the bright light, when you managed to adjust you gasped at what you saw.
"Tada!!" your dad said, waiting for your reaction with a big smile.
"Is that...?" you whispered, taking a step forward, looking with a stunned expression at him as you pointed towards the huge building in front of you.
He nodded. " Yup, welcome to THE DreamWorks company."
You were speechless for a few moments, before finally letting out a loud squeal and launching yourself at him, hugging him tightly.
"Thank you thank you thank you!!"
You suddenly stopped as you pulled away, raising a brow at him. "Wait."
You looked back at the building in front of you. "Why now off all times? you never took me to your workplace when I begged you before?"
That's right, your dad works for DreamWorks company, you were a huge fan of DreamWorks so you always asked him to let you visit there, but he never gave in until now.
He chuckled. "Well, I wanted to go all out and beyond for this year's gift to you," he gestured towards the building, "and what better way to do so than bring you here?" he puffed out his chest proudly, waiting for your response.
You couldn't hold back the wide grin growing on your lips, " That's amazing!!! Thank you so much, I love it, I LOVE IT!!" You pulled him in for a quick hug, before taking hold of his hand and dragging him to the entrance. "Let's go then!"
The moment you stepped inside, you were greeted by a young man standing in front of one of the elevators, he had a friendly smile on his face as he walked towards you.
"Good morning Mr (L/N), you came in early today," he said, his tone polite but firm, he then glanced towards you." and you must be his daughter, I've heard so much about you." he extended his hand towards you, which you shook firmly with your own.
You couldn't help but stare at him and take in his appearance, his soft sky-blue eyes were the first thing that caught your attention, this man appeared to be in his early twenties, he stood tall, with striking black hair, he was dressed in an elegant and well-tailored suit, his fair skin shone against the black-trimmed suit.
You had to admit that he was truly handsome, everything about his appearance was perfect, even the way his lips curved into a charming smile, it was practically impossible to ignore.
"You're even more beautiful than your father described, it truly is a pleasure to meet you."
Damn was his voice so soothing.
Say what now?
You snapped your head towards your dad, who avoided eye contact. 'Dad!!'
Why do you always do this?
"Is something wrong miss?"
Your face flushed as you turned back to him and cleared your throat awkwardly. "Um..no, it's nice to meet you as well sir.."
He seemed to sense your discomfort, because he quickly let go of your hand and stepped back.
Your dad put a hand on your shoulder and gestured to the young man. "Let me introduce you to my old friend's son, Noah. the new CEO of DreamWorks," he explained.
.......I beg your biggest pardon?
Old friend?
New CEO?
"The who now?" you blurted out incredulously.
Noah smiled again. "You haven't told her that you and father know each other?" he inquired amusedly.
"...oh right..." the older man muttered sheepishly as he let out a nervous laugh. "I guess it never came up?"
The fuck you mean-
"Your father asked me for a small favor and how could I refuse when he told me about how much of a fan you are of our movies? now if you would follow me please," he said while starting to walk towards the elevator, you two quickly followed behind him, with you still dumbfounded and confused.
Why did he never tell you about that?!
You'll have to ask him later.
"Please take a seat and make yourselves comfortable," Noah directed, gesturing to the chairs beside his office desk, once you all sat down he took out his phone and called his assistant.
"Hello.. yes you can bring it in now, thank you."
There was a brief pause after he hung up his phone before the door opened once more, revealing a woman pushing in a trolley with a pyramid of gifts.
You look up at the gifts in aww, they were all wrapped neatly and nicely on top of each other, and each present was wrapped in a different coloured paper.
Even your dad seemed to be taken aback by this. "Sir, what is all this?" he asked, eyeing the pile of gifts.
Noah gave him a small smile. " I hope you can accept those humble gifts, personally picked by me. " he said smoothly, his blue eyes meeting yours. "I just want to make sure her day at my company will be a good lasting memory, it's her special day after all, and she deserves to be showered with love."
Your cheeks started burning again, damn was he charming.
You blinked as he walked over to you and handed you a small piece of paper, " Here's another gift my father wanted me to hand to you, spend it however you wish."
You looked at the piece of paper and gasped, it was a check.
Oh my god...
This is heaven!
"Thank you so much! I appreciate it!" you thanked him sincerely, placing the check into your wallet as your dad thanked him as well.
"Thank you so much for all this, but don't you think it's too much?"
You rolled your eyes.
'Too much of what? he's a damn rich CEO, those gifts cost nothing to him '
Noah waved his hand dismissively. " nonsense, it's all good, besides, I'm literally a CEO, this cost nothing to me." He then looked down at his watch and hummed.
"I'm sorry, but I need to go check on something, Mr (L/N) if you would please follow me, you're needed there as well, as for you miss." he continued, turning to you. " You can just wait here and open up your gifts while we're gone."
Your dad looked confused for a second, his brow furrowed in thought. " But there's no urgent matt- oh you mean THAT, oh yeah I remember now, yup let's go right away!"
You raised a brow at how strange he was acting but nodded anyway as you watched them leave quietly.
Your dad was so bad at acting honestly.
With the way he was acting, you assumed that he and Noah arranged a party for you in the company.
You smiled.
You could tell that today was going to be fun.
You couldn't wait!
Now time to open those gifts!
Just how long was this going to take?
You thought, you've opened up all of the gifts already, an expensive watch, a brand new computer, a loooot of various clothes that were your style, and so on.
You loved all of them and wanted to thank the man again, but it's been a few hours now and they haven't returned, you played on your phone until your percentage was low, you were now bored out of your mind as you waited for them to return.
Just when you were about to get up to call for the assistant, your eyes drifted over to the book that was on the desk.
Huh, might as well kill some time.
You leaned over and picked up the book, it looked quite old from its condition, its cover slightly rusted and worn out, with the title 'The Book of Dreams' written in big bold letters.
As you opened the book and read the first page.
𝕴𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖚𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘 :
𝕴𝖙'𝖘 𝖖𝖚𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝖘𝖎𝖒𝖕𝖑𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖞, 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊'𝖘 𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖞 𝖙𝖜𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖓𝖊𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖔 𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜
𝕴𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖜𝖎𝖘𝖍 𝖙𝖔 𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖆 𝖈𝖊𝖗𝖙𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞, 𝖏𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝖎𝖙'𝖘 𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊 '𝕴 𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝖌𝖔 𝖙𝖔 ____' 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖇𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖐 𝖘𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖊 𝖆𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖓𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖕𝖆𝖌𝖊.
𝕴𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖜𝖎𝖘𝖍 𝖙𝖔 𝖌𝖔 𝖙𝖔 𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚'𝖗𝖊 𝖆𝖑𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖞 𝖎𝖓 𝖔𝖓𝖊, 𝖏𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞'𝖘 𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞 𝖙𝖎𝖙𝖑𝖊
𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖈𝖆𝖓 𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖞 𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝖉𝖔𝖜𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖛𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖐𝖘 𝖘𝖙𝖚𝖉𝖎𝖔𝖘 𝖒𝖆𝖉𝖊.
Was this a joke?
What the hell was this?
Your eyes moved to the end of the page, and sure enough, there was an incomplete sentence.
𝕴 𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝖌𝖔 𝖙𝖔
You shrugged and flipped the page, only to blink in confusion as the page was blank.
'𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘸𝘦𝘪𝘳𝘥..'
You flipped the pages, one after the other in hopes of finding anything written down but nope, all of them were blank, you gave up after reaching the middle of the book and returned to the first page.
Oh well.
'𝘈𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘐 𝘨𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘴.' You thought, grabbing the violet-coloured pencil and writing down a random DreamWork movie name.
The second you finished writing the sentence you gasped as a blinding light shone through the book.
You screamed when you felt yourself get pulled towards the light.
A few seconds later the light faded, everything was back to normal.
Except there was 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 one thing missing.
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0prettygirl-jay0 · 10 months
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•~Context: you and sero get stuck in a closet with some ✨special zaza ✨~•
•warnings: penetration, mdom, fsub, praise, weed.•
hispanic sero 😍
U.A dorms was the best place for parties and having fun. there was achohol, music, food, and best of all weed. so here i was, in a burgundy dress, that momo bought me for my birthday…rich people i swear. mina invited me to this months party to look for some dick, after these past few weeks with testing and all, fuck do i need some relief.
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i closed the door to my room and see denki run past me screaming for help with bakugo running behind him, and kirishima trying to stop bakugo from killing denki in return, as per usual. making my way to the stairs into the common room i see a sea of people, just dancing on eachother, drinking and singing, with rack city by tyga in the background. good song choice jiro.
“hey Y/n! you finally made it, took you long enough…damn you look good, girl.” mina said to me happily as she grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen.
“thanks girly, you always look good as well.” i said softly. when we got to the kitchen, there was sero, my fucking crush. god did he look so fuckable right now. wait no stop, but the basketball shorts and black tank top with the chain, lord please help me. sero looked up from his phone and then gave me a up and down look with a smile.
“hey nugget..! you look delicious- i mean beautiful..” denki laughed as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, from behind me and mina. i turned my head to look at the blonde with a laugh to his response, then kirishima slapped the back of denki’s head.
“not manly dude, atleast take her to dinner first. you do look beautiful tho Y/n.” kirishima said with his shark tooth smile and his usual pose as he dapped me and mina up.
“yeah what he said, pretty girl…” sero said calmly as he gave me a wink and then he took a sip of his water, with that godly side profile, and the adjustment to how he sat on the counter. fuck.
“hurry up extras..! fucking denki decided to lose our weed some place.” bakugo said angrily as he went to dap me and mina up, then he left to go look for this bag of weed.
“you guys are gonna smoke again! i thought we said no smoking this time, c’mon guys…” mina slumped down sadly and crossed her arms over her chest as she looked at the three boys and me with those cute little doe eyes of hers.
“aww c’mon mina, whats a little partying without being high, we’ll be back quick, promise cutie.” denki said as he dapped me and mina up, then left the kitchen to go look with bakugo.
“dont worry pinkie, ill party with you..! c’mon.” kirishima smiled at mina as he dapped me up and left with the now happy girl to go party. i mean who decides to hide weed, and not remember where they put it. stupid ass mother fuckers. like why not just hid it in your room? common sense denki. i walked out the kitchen and back into the sea of people, to this hallway before the stairs, to go upstairs, there was a closet. why not look in here. looking around in the closet, it looked like a pantry.
“hey princesa..” sero said from behind me, while i heard the door closing behind him.
“fuck sero, you scared the shit out of me..! i found where that idiot put the weed, lets go.” i said with a annoyed tone. god, do i love hispanic men, he looks so fine. to be honest though, sero’s been weird around me lately, ever since the first time we smoked together. i cant say i haven’t been feeling tension around him lately too, but were we feeling the same thing or what.
“fuck..i think the knobs jammed.” sero exclaimed softly to me, knocking me out of my thoughts as i saw him trying to pull the door harder. great now im stuck in a closet with the my crush and the sexiest man known to man. great night if you ask me. i pulled my phone from the black little purse i had witht me and called mina a bunch of times, as well as texting her. shit.
“we’ll just have to wait and see if mina answers any of my texts or calls…fuck.” i said to sero as i tried not to look at his fine ass. the closet was hot as shit, or was it just me? i sat myself on the floor since these heels have been killing me.
His heart skipped a beat when she did so. He felt himself getting lost in those beautiful eyes again., whenever she looked at him. The warmth coming off of her body made him feel comfortable, safe even. so he sat next to her.
“shit…might as well smoke a joint then, huh pretty girl?” sero laughed, as he grabbed the bag from my hands, brushing against mine lightly. putting a pre rolled joint in my mouth as he lit the shit for me. i swear i might be in heaven not gonna lie. “my bad i didnt dap you up earlier, no disrespect to you of course.” i coughed a bit as i inhaled and exhaled the joint, then i shook my head at the man. i knew he meant no harm, we all were busy talking and all that shit. damn its been a while since ive smoked. one big pull already hitting.
“your all good, spidey..” i said with a light laugh at the end. sero chuckled at the nickname as i gave him the joint. my thighs clenched up as i heard his chuckle. now that he was sitting so close to me on the ground, i swear she’s meowing. wtf is in this weed bruh. unbeknowing to me, the thigh clench didn’t go unnoticed by sero. 25 minutes later, drag after drag and eating and drinking things in the pantry.
“Sé, que lo sientes princesa, deja de jugar conmigo. i know you feel this tension whenever were together, how it feels when we touch.” sero said in a husky voice, then he drank his water and adjusted. while turning his head to look at me in the eyes, his eyes glanced between my lips to my eyes and then my cleavage.
“thats the weed talking sero, you dont mean it…” i said back to him slowly, even though deep inside of me i was hoping it wasnt the weed talking. this weeds making me horny asf. i held my head in my hands. then sero moved to kneel infront of me as he took my chin in his big hands to make me look uo at him, kissing me deeply and letting his tongue explore my mouth. separating from the kiss, breathless and both wanting more he began sucking on my neck. His hands explored my body, one hand on my hip kneeding the flesh in his hands to pull me closer to him, the other in between my thighs touching my clit through my panties.
“c’mere Y/n, look at what you do to me..you see that its not just the weed, my love, its you, my feelings for you…” sero put both hands on my hips to pick me up and hold me against the pantry. bunching the dress above my hips so i could wrap my legs around him, i felt his hard dick grind against me.
“yeah…you like that hard dick grinding against you, hm pretty girl?” his voice was low and husky, he leaned down until his lips were against mines. oh fucking shit. everything was happening way to fucking fast. being high and horny, some people would say not a good mix, but being high and horny with your crush. its a yes for me.
“sero…you sure about this, hm?” i said with a groan as all sero could do was leave hickies on my neck and grind into me. his hardened cock throbbed in his shorts as he listened to me. Without sayiing anything, sero kneeled on the ground, putting my legs on his shoulders. moving my lacy red panties to the side and giving me one long lick in between my wet folds. eliciting a small gasp from me as he continued to eat me out. sero groaned loudly as he felt my walls tighten around his middle finger. i have no idea when he did that but fuck does it feel good, pushing another finger deep inside me. when i looked down at sero who was eating me out i could see the juices dripping onto his face as he licked my clit faster, and fingered me. wanting nothing more than to make me cum all over his face.
"you like that, huh?" sero was kneeled on the floor with my thighs on his shoulders, eating me out and fingering me, while holding me up at the same time. fuck what else could this man do. never in my thoughts could i have pictured him this way. funny, high all the time, goofy sero? no. making me cum all over his face, hot and sexy sero? yes.
“ohhh- fuck….sero fuck..” my hands gripped at his black hair while my thighs clenched around his face.
“fuck princessa, think that pretty little pussy could handle what you did to me, hm?” sero carefully allowed my feet to touch the floor as he harshly removed the dress from my sweaty body, as he stood up and made me look at his aching cock, that he was grabbing out of his shorts.
“please, sero…i know you want this as bad as i do…i want your cock filling me up…” that was the sluttest thing i could possibly say, but fuck it. i thought while looking up at his smirking face. was it a little embarrassing? yes, am i getting what i want? double yes. He smirked even more as he thought to himself and then he picked me up again, but this time allowing his thick purple ish tip to enter me. feeling me heat enveloping his member, he was groaning in awe. "Te quiero mucho, mi amor." he whispered before he slammed into me again and again, each time getting rougher than before. my nails digging into his shoulders as i screamed in ecstasy, begging him to never stop.
"eres tan jodidamente caliente cuando ruegas así…” thrusting into me with all his might, letting out a loud groan. He growled, biting my shoulder lightly as he began pounding into me, using one hand to grab my waist tightly while keeping the other on my tit. "Oh, mi amor...si te gusta esto..." he grunted, giving her another rough kiss as he fucked her harder. fuck this man makes me so horny. the only thing i could do was nod at the man, i could barely fucking speak, let alone think. while all this was happening i gave sero a necklace of hickies while also adding nail marks to his back. the only thought on my mind was only about the pleasure he was giving me. sero smirked widely as he saw me nod, It made him even hornier knowing how much i enjoyed being taken roughly by him, let alone that the pleasure he was giving her couldn’t make her speak. He grabbed my legs and lifted them higher around his stomach, allowing him full access to my sweet spot.
“there…there- fuck..yes..!” As soon as i said those words, Sero could no longer hold back. His grip tightened on my thighs, leaving marks in their wake as he pounded away at my pussy relentlessly. i moaned sero’s name loudly as i came hard, flooding his cock with my wetness and cum. He didn't slow down though, continuing to pound away. my moans sent shivers through sero’s spine as he continued pounding away at my pussy, while i was still sensitive. Hearing me call him by his first name only turned him on further, making him lose control completely. sero was moaning loudly, whimpering almost, He couldn't help but let go as well, filling my womb with his seed finally. His eyes closed as he gasped for breath, his chest heaving with each breath he took. He looked at me, his chest covered in sweat, and scratches.
“me haces sentir tan caliente, te necesito tanto. no solo sexualmente, sino mentalmente. Joder, no sabes lo mucho que siento por ti...” sero said to me calmly as he brushed the hair out my sweaty face. i wasn’t done with him yet, still needed to let him know he’s mine. all i did was plant a heavy sloppy kiss on the mans lips as sero took his dick out of my pussy with such wet noises, and held me up.
“can….i suck you off?” fuck that was harder to say then i thought, i said to myself as i kept looking up at the man. sero’s eyes widened slightly but then he smirked mischievously.
"you wanna do that?" he asked teasingly, looking deep into your eyes. "do you really think im gonna say no?" sero smirked as he gave me another kiss before i went down to kneel on the floor. As soon as she took him in her mouth, his entire body tensed up once more. He had never experienced anything quite like this, feeling her warm lips wrapped around his cock while he stared down at her. Her tongue flickered out, teasing him as she took him deeper. He gripped her hair tightly, not able to control himself. His breathing became heavier as he nodded slowly, enjoying every second of it. His hips began moving involuntarily, thrusting his cock deeper into her throat each time. He loved how much power he had over her now. He loved how submissive she seemed when she sucked his cock. It made him feel powerful yet helpless at the same time. tears formed up in my eyes from his thrusts into my throat.
“Mhm... yeah... mmhmmm~"
“Oh god... oh my god..."
seros head tilted back and his eyes rolled back as he moaned and groaned. His breath hitched, feeling like every nerve ending in his body had been turned on at once. As you continued to tease him, he could feel himself getting closer and closer to orgasm.
"ohh... fuckkkk.... yesssss..." sero moaned, while gripping tightly onto my hair as he approached his peak.
"fuck! fuuuuck!!!" he cried out, wave after wave of intense pleasure coursed through his veins. "mmmhmmhhmmmm!!" while biting on his hand to keep quiet.
“Y/n..?! you in here? i couldve sworn she asked me to come here.” mina said as she continued knocking on the door. sero smiled down at me as he tried to gain his breath and with a pop off of the tip of sero’s cock and his cum running down my chin. i gave him a smile back.
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