#or certainly snotlout and tuffnut
howtodrawyourdragon · 2 years
So Tom is the Hiccup of the group and D'Angelo is the Fishlegs. Jun and Alex don't fit either Astrid or Ruffnut, but Eugene is definitely a combo between Snotlout and the twins.
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violet-moonstone · 7 months
highlights from "searching for oswald...and chicken"
wow I loved this episode...I feel like I say that every time but I REALLY REALLY enjoyed this one
first of all its a Dagur episode, which automatically makes it great...most of the screenshots I took are of him. Honestly all of his dialogue is very quotable, especially since so many of the jokes they give him are thinly veiled adult humour
also the B plot with chicken was certainly something (and makes me think the writers were thinking about the end of the hidden world while writing it?)
ok so the beginning of the episode was already tugging at my heartstrings. I love seeing Dagur and Heather's sibling relationship, whether hey're arguing or getting along.
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Well that's deeply upsetting! and the fact that he said "most of his life" makes me wonder how much of the confidence Dagur displayed as a teenager was a cover for whatever he was dealing with internally.
The part where Dagur hugs Heather and she looks happy but almost surprised was very bittersweet. It seems like she's still getting used to having a family, and affection catches her off guard.
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Excuse me while I go cry
Call me deranged but I think Dagur slamming Snotlout against a cage was hot
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As always, Hiccup is adorable. Literally looks like a cat
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This is funny but also very upsetting! Snotlout and Dagur really make a habit of using humourous line delivery to cope with being deeply unwell:
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*clears throat* uh yeah Dagur, I'm sure you do love a good "fruit bath," from time to time if you know what I mean...
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Come on, the writers, animators and voice actor HAVE to have known that line came across as suggestive. Like the way he sounds? His facial expression? They may not have intended it to specifically imply he was talking about getting in a sauna with some twinks, but it certainly sounded like something sensual was going on.
Also I didn't get a shot of this but when Dagur starts listing adjectives to describe Heather's reckless behaviour, Hiccup says "Sentinel" while looking at Oswald's journal. Dagur says something like "that's not quite the word I'd use," which makes me think Dagur was going to call her a not so PG word...
Snotlout staring directly at the camera while narrating Tuffnut's emotional breakdown in the style of a pun-loving mystery novelist:
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What an asshole (I love him). there's something really funny about Tuff leaning against the tree with a hand on his hip. Poor guy. Astrid and Stormfly were clearly less amused than I was.
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Ok let's talk about Hiccup motivating Dagur to open the door to Oswald's shelter. My little Dagcup heart was really soaring here. And look at the lighting!
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Oooohh man, Dagur expressing guilt about his past and Hiccup trying to help him through it also really got to me.
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Dagur: I was a villain!
Hiccup: No, you were a kid
Me: *crying*
Because yeah, Dagur in Riders of Berk/Defenders of Berk did horrible things, but he was also enabled by all the adults in his life who could have stepped up after Oswald left. I've already written (both in posts and in one of my Dagcup fics) about how being thrown into a dungeon as a kid only made Dagur a worse person (no one in the show talks about the scars on his face that weren't there before...). And There is clearly an opportunity for restorative justice when it comes to characters like Alvin and Eret that wasn't extended to Dagur despite the fact that they had already overpowered him and could have at least given him a choice between punishment and trying to make up for his actions. Anyway...let me not rant about that anymore.
Ok what's next...oh yeah! Astrid doing this:
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Um...ok so...I needed to screenshot this for uh...reasons. It's the um...the composition and the...the lighting and...yeah. All that stuff.
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oooooohhh my heart!
Look. At. My. Boy. He looks so happy and at peace after reading his father's letter.
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Ok so again...the writers making very interesting decisions for Dagur's lines.
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Dagur being funny and a little concerning again
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I liked the colour scheme for this Gronckle
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More Dagur appreciation.
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Before the episode where Fishlegs helps Dagur fly Shattermaster, I would have assumed Dagur would make fun of Fishlegs for being a nerd -- but instead he appreciates it. I think their friendship is super adorable, and I wish we got to see more of it.
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Fishie! He calls him Fishie! (I ship them a little sometimes tbh) I can see Dagur having a thing for nerds.
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and uh, let's close off with hiccup being hot and windswept
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1000dactyls · 2 months
Obsessed with your hc that they all have their own unique braid pattern and Stoick does it for trans girl hiccup like it legitimately making me tear up 😭 but do you have any more tgirl hiccup trans hc? Hiccup is always kinda seen as trans masc, which yeah look at him but hardly transfemme
i do! actually, i’m working on a fic right now where i explore more tgirl hiccup and how that changes her sense of self and relationship to others. though, it’s a bit more exploratory and not as chronological as my other httyd wip, which is a canon-divergence exploring a “what-if” where hiccup doesn’t grow up on berk and is trying to find his mom, but somehow ends up in berk anyway to end the war… but i digress!!!
So here are some assorted thoughts for you :D
i do think tgirl hiccup still has stubble (she doesn’t shave every day, though it does depend on whether she can handle the sensory experience that day). In part it’s because there’s less stigma about it; i dont think berkian society cares much about girls having facial hair so long as whatever hair does exist is well-kept, and whoever that hair belongs to is alive. And if anyone says otherwise, then snotlout and the twins are there to kick their teeth in. And also because facial hair and body hair in general are just parts of our bodies and i like being able to include that…! she also has arm hair, at least the bits that survive the forge.
Initially hiccup grows her hair out, enough to put it in a ponytail, but at least by the time httyd2 rolls around it’s back to being shoulder length/short again. Long hair does not make for fun flights, as it turns out, because her hair gets REALLY tangled. Even though Astrid is very handy with a comb. And her fingers.
gothi gets this girl on estrogen. with the help of strategically placed padding/armor and the lean muscle she’s built up flying toothless, hiccup slowly begins to fill out, though she’s still scrawny and gangly and a toothpick
I think by virtue of living with a single dad (and a gobber)(lord. stoick and gobber’s bromantic/homoerotic relationship is a post for another day), Hiccup already knows how to do what are considered “womanly” chores. That being said, she isn’t particularly extraordinary at any of them — she doesn’t have Snotlout’s proficiency with needlework nor Tuffnut’s cooking skills, lacks Astrid’s finesse with laundry and Ruffnut’s clever compositions with kennings, and certainly can’t match up to the way Fishlegs manages little ones. Which is fine — her skills lie elsewhere, in the forge and with dragons. At least she can cook a decent enough meal for her and her father and Gobber, and that’s enough for their little family.
Toothless was told first and he also knew first. They’re two halves of a whole, not-so-much a girl and a dragon as they are a single entity, a We, and i think toothless would also trans his gender in solidarity/kinship but hiccup shakes her finger and is like You and I both know damn well you feel like a boy. and he’s like (chuffs)(human gender is stupid… how limiting !). One day he will be able to communicate the nuances of dragon gender to his stupid human. But for now, Hiccup will call Toothless a “boy,” and that is the limits of human language.
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howtowhumpyourhiccup · 3 months
Thinking of all the similarities between Hiccup and Heather. Both have traumatic childhoods and complicated families. Both are blacksmiths. (Or that is certainly what Heather making her own axe and armor in RttE and helping Hiccup with Toothless' speed in RoB) Both were victimized by Dagur at some point in their lives. Both were children of chieftains and both lost their mothers and fathers at a young age.
Thinking of how Heather appeared to be more genuine towards Hiccup in her first appearance. When she "showed her true colors" to Astrid, she still sounded exactly like she did while flirting with Fishlegs, Tuffnut and Snotlout. She didn't do that with Hiccup.
Thinking of how Hiccup was the only Rider to realize that something was terribly wrong with Heather. He was worried enough that he and Toothless stayed up at night until Heather and Windshear snuck away to follow them for hours and threaten Johann because he wanted so badly to know what was up with her.
Thinking of how Hiccup is the first person Heather admits to that she was adopted by the parents they helped her rescue three years before RttE and showed him the one possession she had left from her birth family.
Thinking of how Heather told Astrid about her infiltration into the Hunters as a spy as soon as the opportunity arose, but she did not want Hiccup specifically to know. She worried he would worried.
Thinking of how they became brother and sister through their mutual understanding of pain and the person who hurt them.
And now I'm thinking of Hiccup and Heather helping each other through their trauma anniversaries and troubles.
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tirednshet · 2 months
Httyd, Next Gen.
After days of writing, trying to find proper names, and (trying to) make it as accurate as possible, I present to you my version of the next generation of dragon riders in httyd (in this AU)!
*(Btw, the descriptions are from a series of stories im making, so it will contain a shit-ton of lore. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!)
Zephyr Haddock - The eldest of the Haddock children, and the future heir to Berk. She reflects her fathers sarcasticness and creativity. She rides a Stromcutter she named Skysplitter. She is also the unofficial leader of the next generation of Dragon Riders, and is willing to protect all of them, especially Nuffink, when they are in danger. She often feels pressured by this new role, due to the fact she was placed in it overnight, but is guided by Avery. She feels guilty and feels as if it is her fault that her parents, and Berk, are in the state they are in in the first place. She doesn't like to talk about it all that much.
Nuffink Haddock - The youngest of the Haddock children, and while not the heir, still the Chief’s son. Unlike Zephyr, he reflects his mother’s traits of being adventurous and brash. He rides a green Nadder named Buckwing. He tries to help Zephyr the best he can on Dragon’s Edge, but sometimes goofs off with the cousins and Eira. He doesn’t like hearing about Berk, because it reminds him of his parents and the condition they are in.
Scullnut Thorston-Jorgenson - The son of Snotlout and Tuffnut (fraternal mother was Ruffnut). He inherits both of his fathers’ chaotic personalities, while also reflecting their loyalty to their old team. He rides a Typhoomerang named Glowtorch. When he escaped from Berk, Thornut wasn’t on the best terms with his parents (there will be TONS of context on that later). He feels guilty about it, and often feels like they ended up in their condition because of him. He takes his guilt out on the other riders in various forms, like questioning Zephyr’s leading, disobeying Avery and running amok on Dragon’s Edge with the cousins, and often zoning out during combat lectures. (He just doesn’t know any other way to deal with it, and certainly is not the type to talk about his problems).
Runa Ingerman - The daughter of Ruffnut and Fishlegs. She inherited Ruffnut’s chaotic personality and Fishlegs’s love for dragons, so the result was a chaotic love for dragons (I seriously don’t know how that would work out). Runa rides Fogs and Gust, a Zippleback from the Hidden World. She and Scullnut are thicker than the hairiest yak on Berk, because I mean, they are cousins, after all. They often secretly go on little adventures around Dragon’s Edge, just to loosen up a little. They also try not to think of the state Berk, and their parents, are in, afraid of what might’ve happened to them.
Arne - The eldest child of Dagur and Mala, and the future heir of the Defenders of the Wing, and the Berserkers. He reflects his mother’s traits, being calm and collected in times of danger, and knowing when the right time is to strike. He rides a Thunderdrum he named Waves, and often helps Zephyr as second-in-command of the riders, and keeps everyone, especially Eira, in check. He also comforts the riders when they feel at their lowest, and assures them that they are going to defeat Zelda and get their islands and people back.
Eira - The youngest child of Dagur and Mala. She inherited her father’s red hair and wild personality, and his fighting skills as well. She rides a Triple Strike named Wildeye. She has a hobby of chasing some of the Night Terrors around Dragon’s Edge, along with the cousins (Runa and Scullnut). Sometimes even Nuffink joins them as well. But Eira does have a more serious side to her. She looks up to both of her parents (mostly her father), and refuses to believe that he fell to a crazy lady and her dragon. So, whenever someone mentions him or anything related to him, she goes quiet and isolates herself for the rest of the day.
*I'm sorry if this isn't accurate/is cringey. As I said before, I tried to make it as accurate as possible (for this AU).
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Incorrect Quotes with the gang
Snotlout: We need to distract these guys
Tuffnut: Leave it to me
Tuffnut: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
Hiccup, Fishlegs, and Astrid: *Immediately begin arguing*
Ruffnut, watching in horror: Oh this. I like this. I like this a lot.
If Dragons could text:
Toothless: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat*
Hookfang: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents.
Toothless: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you.
Stormfly: Actually I did the math, Hookfang would have $225, not $0.15.
Hookfang: Fam I’m right here....
Meatlug: If I had a dollar I would buy a box of rocks :)
Toothless: while you’re there could you buy me an Salmon bag please?
Meatlug: Sorry I only have a dollar.
Toothless: :(
Stormfly: Hey I just realized my friend is right, Hookfang would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent.
Meatlug: If I had $22,500 I would buy a box of rocks and an Salmon bag.
Stormfly: You can buy anything you want with $22,500.
Belch: Yeah and they want rocks and Salmon.
Stormfly: Salmon to what?
Barf: Directly to the forehead.
Hookfang: Great chat everyone.
Hiccup: I CAN'T DO IT!
Astrid, laughing: I CAN'T EITHER!
Hiccup: I appreciate it,
Fishlegs: Hiccup-
Ruffnut: Hiccup we gotta-
Hiccup: YOU GOTTA LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF AND SAY 'What am I willing to put up with today?'
Hiccup, motioning to Tuffnut: NOT FUCKING THIS
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toothbrushfingers · 2 years
i hate on The Hidden World more than anyone i know, but i have to be honest. I don’t hate it as much as I let on.
Now that certainly doesn’t mean I like it, because I don’t. But I’ll still rewatch it whenever I rewatch the rest of httyd.
There are bits of the movie that I like, and even bits that I love. The most obvious of those things is the score. Once again, John Powell really popped off with this one. Had it not been for the score I probably would like this movie even less.
I also really like the armor, I think it’s super cool, along with their outfits. Granted, they’re not as strong as the first two movies, but they’re not awful.
Another thing I like about this movie is the humor. Hiccup’s retained most of his dry humor from before, and about 85% of the movie’s jokes make me at least chuckle. I know some people thought Tuffnut’s whole “beard” thing was stupid, but I thought it was funny and very in character.
Had this been a stand alone movie as apposed to the end of a trilogy I’m sure I’d have absolutely no issues with it.
However, unfortunately, the issues outweigh the things I liked and that’s just ruined the movie for me.
Like I said before, about 85% of the jokes did in fact land with me, but there were some that I just couldn’t even smile at. Like first off, the “Who died and made you cheif?”… That. That line single handedly destroyed my view of this movie. It is one of the most out of character things I’ve ever seen. Snotlout, the man who cried when his cheif and best friend’s father died, who retrieved the arrows for his funeral, who has had some of the most character growth through this entire franchise, would not have said that. In fact Snotlout himself is really out of character this entire movie. They took his “bully”ness from the first movie and said “mmm we need more”, saying stuff like “when Hiccup blows it as cheif-“ yada yada, as well as his weird obsession with Valka, Hiccup’s mother. In the books, Snotlout and Hiccup are cousins, and while I personally don’t headcanon that for the movie verse, there are still plenty of people that do. Another joke that just didn’t land with me was the entire scene of Toothless and the Light Fury flirting in the cove. Toothless turned into a literally puppy in this movie, and i don’t mean that in a good way. And the Light Fury? She’s just mean to him. She is! For no reason! She has a reason to dislike humans, but other dragons. Especially one she’s trying to lead on.
And the sheer amount of continuity errors is unforgivable. You cannot ride a two headed dragon with only one rider so they shouldve known Ruff was gone. etc etc. There are more but that’s a tangent for another day.
Aside from bad jokes, ooc characters, and the light fury in general, the other thing that really bugs me is the hidden world in general. Like it makes no sense. It’s just Great Value Pandora and it was an easy way for the writers to get rid of the dragons. I’ll probably get into my absolute hatred for the hidden world (the place, not the movie) another time, but just know that it has 0 redeeming qualities in my eyes.
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quiet-art-kid · 1 year
My opinion on httyd (book) ships
Camicazi x Hiccup: 5/10 I personally have nothing against it but I don’t ship it.
Fishlegs x Hiccup: 4/10 They are related which makes it a little bit icky to me, but in an au where they are not related I think that it has the potential to work.
Stormfly x Toothless: 2/10 She is using him.
Hiccup x Thuggery: 7/10 Not a bad ship, although I personally see it more as a one sided crush on Hiccup’s part. 
Hiccup x Toothless: 0/10 I will find you, and I will drop kick you. 
Fishlegs x Barbara: 7.5/10 I like this ship, don’t judge me. I know the two haven’t interacted yet, but that just means that I get to make more headcanons. 
Thuggery x Snotlout: 8.7/10 Not the enemies to lovers we need, but the enemies to lovers we deserve. (Kinda wanna write an slash fic now) 
Gober x Stoick: 6/10 The two are almost certainly at least a little bit gay for each other. 
Vallhalarama x Stoick: 8/10 Their relationship seems to be healthy and well working.
Fishlegs x Camicazi: 2/10 The two are just friends. 
Humungous x Tantrum 6/10 Pretty good but not great, Idk. 
Speedyfist x Tuffnut jr: 8/10 Ok, I know I have almost no evidence for this ship but that doesn’t matter, because I think they are cute together and that’s that. 
Hiccup x Alvin: - 100/10 *Sharpening a knife* come here, I just wanna talk…
Humongously Hotshot x Alvin: 2/10 What the fuck? less in an I’m going to kill you kind of way like the previous ship but more in the genuinely confused kind of way. 
Hiccup x Snotlout 1/10: They are cousins! I think I understand why some people may enjoy this ship, just because I understand, does not mean I like it. I still hate it very much. 
Hiccup the second x Furious: 0/10 *Hides under a blanket* Hiccup the second x Furious is not real, it can’t hurt you. 
Camicazi x Astrid 6.5/10 *Raises up my right hand* I’ll allow it. 
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evilwriter37 · 1 year
Could we maybe get Tufflout for the recovery sex pls?
Sorry this took me so long to get to! Thank you for requesting! I adore Tufflout!
Rated: mature
Warnings: implied/referenced child abuse
Pairings: Tuffnut/Snotlout
Word Count: 624
Summary: Snotlout isn't at all used to praise, and reacts badly when Tuffnut gives it to him.
Ao3 Link
"Baby, you did so well."
Snotlout couldn't help it, but he cringed at Tuffnut's praise.
Tuffnut, curled naked against his back, noticed.
"Did I say something wrong?"
"It's, uh..." Snotlout didn't know how to explain. It was so messed up that he was cringing at being praised. He deserved it, didn't he? It had been his first time taking Tuffnut's cock, and he had done well. It had barely hurt! "It's the praise."
Tuffnut leaned on his elbow, rested his head on his fist. Snotlout was feeling brave enough to roll around to face him.
"You don't like praise?"
"I'm... not used to it." That was what Snotlout thought it was. "And any praise I get from my dad is usually when I do something that I didn't want to do."
Tuffnut furrowed his brow. "But I'm not your dad."
Snotlout laughed. "No, thank the gods!" He met Tuffnut's gaze, but then pulled his eyes away, feeling uncomfortable. He began tracing imaginary designs into his boyfriend's chest.
"He's really in your psyche," Tuffnut said. "That's messed up."
Snotlout shrugged. The more he was away from his father, the more he was learning that his treatment of him wasn't right. However, he didn't want to address it right now, not after having wonderful sex with his boyfriend.
Though, that was something that his father would certainly disapprove of: being with a man, and being argr, nonetheless.
"Do you want me to degrade you?" Tuffnut asked.
Snotlout laughed again, the sound much more forced and awkward this time. "Not really. Not when we're not fucking, at least."
"So you want me to degrade you when we're fucking?"
"I guess?" Snotlout felt weird saying it. He figured that it would be something he would like. "But that's not the issue right now."
Tuffnut sighed, taking Snotlout's hand off his chest. Snotlout just looked at their intertwined fingers instead of his eyes.
"Look, Snotlout, I mean what I said," Tuffnut said. "Bottoming isn't easy all the time. You took it like a champ."
Snotlout snorted.
"No, you did." Tuffnut put his other hand beneath Snotlout's chin, and Snotlout let him tip his head upwards. He met his eyes, and Tuffnut was looking uncharacteristically sincere. Then again, he could be serious and sincere and endearing. Snotlout had learned that while dating him. He wasn't all just jokes and feigned idiocy. "I'm sorry that you're having trouble with praise."
Snotlout's tongue felt thick in his mouth. No one had ever addressed it like that before.
"Th-thank you."
"We can work on it, you know," Tuffnut told him. He released his chin, ran his hand down over his arm. Snotlout tingled pleasantly at the touch. "You don't have to feel bad about praise."
Snotlout simply nodded. He wasn't quite sure what to say. Was that something he wanted to work on? Or was he just going to leave his father's damage where it was? It would certainly be easier to just leave it.
"But we don't have to do that now," Tuffnut said, noticing Snotlout's despondence at the idea. "For now... we can just cuddle."
Snotlout smiled as Tuffnut's arm wrapped around him and he was pulled close. He put his arms around Tuffnut's waist, buried his head against his shoulder. Tuffnut may joke about not bathing all that often, but really, he kept as clean as the rest of them. He smelled nice.
"Thanks, Tuff."
"Anything for you, my man."
Snotlout smiled, and snuggled closer to Tuffnut. For now, his father's damage could rest where it was, heavy in his chest. For now, he could pretend that he was okay, that there was nothing wrong and never had been. For now, he was with his boyfriend, and he loved him.
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detdeldragons · 7 months
One of my favorite scenes of Ruffnut and Tuffnut
"No one ever expects us to rescue them," said Ruffnut.
"And why would they?" asked Tuffnut. "We certainly don't live up to the heroic image our fearless and magical leader, H, has painted of us."
"And we can't seem to build that stupid watchtower..."
"And we may have set The Edge on fire a few times..."
"And we may have set Snotlout on fire a few times..."
"Wait, I thought we were listing bad things?"
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This is my own version of the RTTE Fanfic “Sit still, for the love of all that is holy!”
Tuffnut has one of Stormfly's spines stuck in his thigh. Hiccup tries to remove it, but that's kinda hard with Tuffnut's resistance.
⬆️ original fanfic in case if you guys want to read it
“Sit still, for the love of all that is holy,” Hiccup yelled with suppressed anger when he tried for the umpteenth time to get closer to Tuffnut.
“You know exactly that nothing’s holy to me. Except for - aaaahhh!” Tuff cried when Hiccup grabbed his boot and pulled it up so that he could examine Stormfly’s spine poking out of his thigh.
With his uninjured leg, Tuff tried to kick Hiccup away, but the chief’s son was quite persistent.
“Tuff, you’re hurt,” Hiccup hissed through clenched teeth.
“Yeah, very much so!” Tuffnut replied.
“I’d try to get the spine’s barbs loose, but you keep wiggling away from me all the time. How am I supposed to help you that way?” Hiccup asked while trying to not lose his temper at the same time trying his best to comfort a already very scared Tuffnut.
Ruefully Tuff glared at the floor where drops of his blood gathered to form an abstract pattern. “I’m scared. It will certainly hurt!”
“Tuffnut, it does already hurt. Let me remove the spine and its barbs and it will be better. Or do you want to spend the rest of your life with this spine stuck in your thigh?” Hiccup forced himself to stay calm, to inhale, count to three, exhale.
“Couldn’t you use another tool? What about tweezers? Tweezers would be fine!” The male twin suggests.
“What do you think I could do with tweezers? Shall I give you a manicure? We need to remove the spine from your leg!” Hiccup says.
But every time Hiccup drew the dagger, Tuff flinched and yelped along with whimpering slightly.
“Okay gang, hold him down,” Hiccup commanded when Tuff repeatedly yanked his leg away.
“No need to,” Astrid grinned wickedly when she placed her axe at Tuffnut’s neck, then she asked: “Will you be a good boy now?”
Tuff already being very scared whimpers a little before shivering and well he just started to sob because of Astrid’s axe being near his neck.
“Astrid stop your scaring him even more!” Hiccup says pushing her away then he puts down his dagger and holds Tuffnut comfortingly in his arms. “It’s alright Tuff! I get it you’re scared, it hurts, and I can’t imagine how much it hurts.” He says in a soothing tone too Tuffnut.
“How else was I supposed to make him stop moving?!” Astrid asked and growled at Hiccup. “Hmmm oh let me think…. BY NOT PUTTING A BLADE NEAR HIS NECK!!” Hiccup replied while glaring at Astrid and holds Tuffnut’s hands to comfort him even more.
After 30 minutes later Tuffnut stopped crying and looked up at Hiccup and takes a deep breath
“I’d like to say you have been brave, but unfortunately that would be a lie,” Snotlout snickered and slapped Fishlegs’ back, who looked a little greenish around the nose.
“Tuffnut don’t listen too Snotlout I think you have tried your best to be brave so far and again I get it you feel scared but I think I know something that might help.” Hiccup reached into Toothless’s saddle bag and hands Tuff a plushie. Tuffnut takes the plushie and hugs it before Hiccup kisses Tuffnut’s forehead.
“Snotlout, go for a walk with Fishlegs. Astrid and Ruffnut, go and get hot water, clean gauze, and inferno. We’ll have to need to cauterize the wound,” Hiccup sighed.
“What? No, please don’t do that to me,” Tuff whined and he also whimpered again but leans against Hiccup a little and hugs the plushie tightly but blushes when he saw Hiccup kissing his forehead.
When all were gone to fulfil their tasks, Hiccup leaned forward and softly pressed his lips onto Tuffnut’s.
“Just kidding, I wanted to get rid of them to have a moment with you on our own. I think you have been very brave!” Hiccup chuckles softly
Tuff smirked and kissed Hiccup’s nose. “Aaawww, you’re so sweet when to try to lie. Could you please get the tweezers now? I guess I have a splinter in my finger.”
Hiccup moaned annoyedly. “May I cauterize that wound at least?”
“Also when you were distracted I took out stormfly’s spine that was in your thigh Tuff” hiccup says again while holding it up. Stormfly then walked over too Tuff and Hiccup.
“Aww look Tuff stormfly wants to say sorry for accidentally shooting the spine in your leg” Hiccup gently pets the deadly nadder on the nose.
“It’s alright girl I know you didn’t mean too it was just an accident” the male twin says too the dragon
The Burnett holds Tuffnut close again and gently cuddles him “Ah there is that smile I love too see! Now where has it been?” He chuckles before looking at Tuffnut.
Tuffnut giggles as he was being held close by Hiccup
(I might add more.. i might not who knows lol)
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howtodrawyourdragon · 2 months
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Butterfly Kisses
Summary: Written for AU-kissed 2024. Set in a Modern AU, Httyd 1. During a school festival, Astrid decides to surprise Hiccup.
Warnings: /
Rating: General
Words: 423
Prompt: Butterfly Kiss
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Characters: Hiccup, Astrid
Pairing: Hiccstrid
Author's Notes: The butterfly kiss prompt. Except I don't really like the concept of actual butterfly kisses, so I came up with an alternative instead. :') Eye stuff freaks me out. :')
At the end of the school year, there’s always a festival of sorts. It’s organized by the school staff for the students and their parents alike and the day they’ve chosen happens to be warm and sunny. There are all sorts of activities to do and prizes to win, it’s almost like a fair. The students get to show off a dance or a talent on stage if they so wish.
Hiccup is currently doing neither of those things. He doesn’t feel the need to show anyone anything on a stage, though Snotlout certainly tried to rope him into a theater piece like he roped in Fishlegs, Ruffnut and Tuffnut. He could take a look at any one of the stands spread about the inner courtyard or visit any of the classrooms where workshops are taking place. Some are just for future students.
But he doesn’t feel like going to any of them. Instead, he sits on a bench and waits for someone instead. His father isn’t meant to come for another hour anyway.
He watches the crowd, the families and cliques that pass him by, sometimes he even spots a teacher. Because Berk is rather small, he pretty much recognizes every single one.
His guard is completely down, there’s no reason for it to be up. So when his shoulders are grabbed from behind, he startles. But then a smile breaks out on his face when a pair of lips press a kiss to his cheek.
“Astrid!” He laughs as she pulls away from him. His eyes search for hers, but she seems to inspect him instead. Whatever she was looking for, she finds it because she smiles, too.
“Just coming to see how my boyfriend is doing,” she says innocently. That’s when he notices that there’s smeared paint on her lips.
“Did you just…?” Hiccup asks and with a giggle does Astrid pull up her phone and finds the camera app. She switches it to selfie-mode and shows him that there’s now a little red butterfly with sparkles on his freckled cheek.
“Astrid!” He protests with a laugh and she follows with one of her own, she makes use of the opportunity to capture the moment. It’ll be her new phone screen later.
While the paint is still wet, Astrid proceeds to peck several more kisses all over his face, sending them both into a fit of giggles. At the end, they’re both covered in red blotches of paint that no longer resemble the original butterfly she painted on his cheek.
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ashleybenlove · 1 year
What kind of 'wholesome boys will be boys' type things do you think the Riders would get in to?
Went to Buzzfeed to get examples lol and found one immediately
"there are two drunk men outside my window and all they're saying is "NO, you're MY best friend in the whole world" back and forth" @betsycoitus on twitter. That's probably something that would happen between them. I mean, it kind of did. Hiccup says "one of my best friends" to Tuffnut's friend and he loses his mind.
Also, the Riders probably just having to put up with Hiccup's shenanigans of being reckless lol. Astrid literally just exclaims "boys!" in The Next Big Sting, but I guess being reckless isn't wholesome.
Also from the Buzzfeed list, this LOTR one that mentions soft forehead kisses. Yeah, that. Maybe Hiccup does that from time to time while on the Edge. And everybody just accepts it. Tuffnut probably wants that a lot.
I guess Astrid and Ruffnut would be included, too? Because while yes, the gender balance of the Riders is two-thirds dudes (and I can certainly get grouchy about that in fiction), barring Snotlout's Spitelout-caused misogyny, there's little evidence that their gender matters at all. Astrid is literally the most competent member of the group. (Heck, having Astrid, Ruffnut, and also Heather is a plus/helpful when they first meet the Wingmaidens.)
Plus, thinking about that “Good hustle, boys!” line from Hiccup in HTTYD3, when Ruff and Astrid are there too.
Basically, I guess my thoughts, in terms of wholesome boys will boys things, go to like, affection with each other.
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primroseprime2019 · 1 year
A Dragon’s Enemy- Chapter One
Hiccup and Toothless flew through the air.
"Let's try those new flying maneuvers, bud!" Hiccup said with a grin. Toothless growled excitedly before the Night Fury flew up higher into the clouds.
There was a familiar roar as Snowflake flew over with Jack on her back.
Hiccup laughed and smiled. "Hey!" He said.
"Hey," Jack chuckled. Toothless chirped happily and nuzzled Snowflake who purred and nuzzled him back.
"Let's land before we end up free-falling into the water," Hiccup chuckled. Jack nodded in agreement before the two dragons flew down to a cliff.
Once they landed, Hiccup climbed off of Toothless' saddle. Jack smiled at him and looked towards the sea.
As much as he didn't like water, it was certainly beautiful to look at.
Hiccup looked at him and smiled. "What are you thinking about?" He asked.
Jack smiled at him, "you can probably guess." The other boy laughed and playfully pushed his shoulder. "You're silly," he sighed.
Jack laughed and raised an eyebrow, "who? Me?"
Hiccup gave him a look and the Overland boy smiled innocently. The two looked over at Toothless and Snowdrop who were playing around.
Jack chuckled softly and his hand brushed against Hiccup's. The two looked at each other and smiled softly.
There was a familiar screech and the two looked to see the other Riders flying over.
"You two done with your love fest yet?" Snotlout asked, a blank expression on his face. The two blushed and Jack glared at him.
Astrid and Heather chuckled.
"Let's see if there are any new dragons around!" Fishlegs piped up excitedly. "Alright, alright," Hiccup chuckled. He and Jack climbed into their dragons' saddles and the Dragon Riders took to the skies.
It had been a while since they saw any dragons. Much less, new ones. But hopefully they would be able to find some more.
Hiccup looked over as the Seashockers swam through the water. He chuckled softly.
"There's a new island I've been meaning to look at! Can we go there?" Fishlegs asked.
"And why would we do that?" Snotlout asked, giving the Ingerman boy a glare. "There are a whole bunch of creepies and crawlies and crazy dangerous dragons lurking about!" Tuffnut exclaimed dramatically.
Hiccup rolled his eyes, "I highly doubt that. Fishlegs, do you have a map for the island?"
"Just two miles away and it's north. We'll get there quicker with the dragons flying," Fishlegs replied with a grin.
Hiccup nodded and he looked at Toothless, "let's go, bud."
Toothless grumbled softly before he flew ahead. Snowflake, Stormfly, Windshear and the other dragons flew after him.
After a few minutes, the Dragon Riders saw a pretty large island that was in the middle of the ocean.
"Whoa," Ruffnut and Tuffnut gasped in amazement. "That is one big island," Jack said.
"Guess you weren't kidding, Fish Face," Snotlout chuckled, impressed.
Hiccup chuckled before he and the others dived down to land.
Hiccup climbed from Toothless' saddle and looked around.
He frowned before he looked at Fishlegs.
"That's odd... I could have sworn that there would be some dragons around," he replied with a confused frown.
Snotlout threw his hands up in frustration, "I knew there was nothing here!"
Just after he finished that sentence, there was a distant roar and the Riders tensed up in surprise.
Ruffnut gave Snotlout a look, "you were saying?"
Astrid looked around cautiously, "what was that?" "Well it certainly wasn't me," Tuffnut huffed, putting his hands up in surrender.
Hiccup frowned deeply before he took out Inferno and slowly walked forward. Toothless followed his best friend, sniffing the air.
Hiccup parted some bushes and he widened his eyes. There were some dragon bones strewn about. Toothless whimpered and Hiccup placed a hand on his head.
"I'm sorry, bud," he whispered before he slowly walked forward again. He frowned deeply and looked at the others.
There was a low growl and he whirled around to see a deep crimson dragon charging at him with a roar.
Toothless roared and he leapt forward and slammed into the dragon. The two tumbled across the ground before the enemy dragon kicked Toothless off.
Snowflake roared and she fired a plasma blast at the enemy. Hiccup ran over to Toothless who pushed himself to his paws and growled at the dragon, his tail curling around Hiccup protectively.
The dragon snarled and bared it's razor sharp teeth.
Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut and Tuffnut screamed in fear. Jack took out his staff and fired a blast of ice at the dragon.
The surprise attack hit it in the face, sending it stumbling back. It growled and shook it's head wildly. There was a sharp whistle as a seventeen year old girl jumped down from the trees and landed on the dragon's snout.
The girl had deep brown skin, long raven black hair that was tied in a braid and she had light brown eyes. She wore white and golden viking attire and an emblem of a dragon was painted on the center of the chest area.
She kicked it in the eye and it screeched in anger and pain. It shook it's head again and the girl quickly jumped off. She landed behind the dragon's tail and whistled again.
A purple dragoness leapt out and roared at the other dragon. Fishlegs and Hiccup widened their eyes at the dragoness.
The deep crimson red dragon glared at the girl and her dragon before it spread its wings and took to the skies.
The girl gently petted the purple dragoness' head and she looked at the Riders.
"Did you guys ever stop and consider that this place was the hunting spot for a Razorjaw?" She asked blankly.
"A Razorjaw!?" Fishlegs exclaimed, his eyes widening with shock and amazement. The girl nodded, "that's what I call them, at least."
The purple dragoness gently nudged her and she chuckled. "I'm Runa Havaror. And this is my best friend, Eclipse. She's a Moonwing."
"I've never seen one of those before!" Fishlegs said with an excited smile. Runa smiled softly, "that's because she's the last of her kind. My mom found her when she was just a hatchling."
Hiccup smiled softly. Snowflake and Toothless walked over to Eclipse. The Moonwing tilted her head curiously and she sniffed at them. Toothless chirped.
"Runa!" A voice called out and all heads turned to see a nineteen year old boy riding on the back of a fire-colored dragon that looked almost like Hookfang- excluding the teeth, of course. The boy had rose beige skin, black hair and the left eye was dark brown and the right eye was light blue. There was a scar over the right eye. He wore dark sea green and black viking attire. The same emblem was on the shoulder area.
Hiccup blinked. Was that...?
"Viggo?" He said. Astrid and Jack looked at him. The boy gave Hiccup a confused look, "I beg your pardon?"
Hiccup felt his face turn red. "S-sorry. You just look like someone I knew," he said quickly, rubbing the back of his neck.
"This is my childhood friend, Volker Vilulf and his dragon, Scorchwing. He's a Flamejumper."
Scorchwing looked at Hookfang and huffed as he landed beside Eclipse. Volker jumped down from his dragon's saddle and rubbed the Flamejumper's neck before he placed his hands on his hips, eyebrow raised.
"You were in the-" "Hunting spot of the Razorjaw," Astrid said, "Runa told us."
Volker raised an eyebrow and he looked at Runa, "we should go. Your mom is gonna be worried."
"I know," she sighed before she looked at the Riders, "wanna come and join us?" Hiccup looked at Astrid and Jack.
Jack gave a small shrug and Astrid did the same.
Hiccup looked back at Runa, "sure." She smiled and climbed onto Eclipse's saddle. Volker frowned but didn't say anything as he climbed onto Scorchwing's back and the dragons took to the skies.
The Riders, Runa and Volker flew through the air.
"So... Runa," Heather said, "what's your village like?" "I guess you could say it's as big as Berk," she shrugged.
Snotlout looked at her, surprised, "you've been to Berk?"
"Well, not me specifically but my mom has," she replied, "she does trading with Stoick." She looked at Hiccup, "she never mentioned anything about him having a son. No offense."
"None taken," he replied with a reassuring smile.
"The Boy who flew with the Dragons," Volker chuckled wryly, "quite the surprise to anyone who has heard of you."
Runa gave him a look. Scorchwing huffed at his rider.
Astrid raised an eyebrow and Jack frowned. Scorchwing flew ahead of Runa and the Riders.
"Ignore him. He's a grouch," Runa sighed, "his dad is an advisor to my mother who is a chieftess."
"Sounds boring," Snotlout said. Runa shrugged, "that's what Volker thinks."
Eclipse flew forward and the other dragons followed her. They landed by the docks and Jackson looked around in amazement.
"Welcome to Kalda," Runa smiled as she climbed off of Eclipse's saddle and started walking. Hiccup looked at her then at the others.
"Well... I guess it wouldn't hurt to look," he chuckled. Runa smiled at them, "we have stables for dragons and a dragon training arena."
Fishlegs let out a happy sound before he and Meatlug ran past them. Astrid and Heather laughed as they followed him.
Jack chuckled, watching as Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Barf and Belch followed the girls.
Hiccup laughed as he, Jack and Snotlout followed Runa.
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howtowhumpyourhiccup · 6 months
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To Bleed
Summary: Written for Any Fandom Goes Angst Bingo. Set during RttE. Who knew there were situations when the lack of bleeding is the problem? Hiccup certainly didn't.
Warnings: Discussions of the menstrual cycle, discussions of fertility issues, infertility
Rating: Teen and Up
Words: 1 854
Prompt: Bleeding
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Characters: Hiccup, Toothless, Astrid, Heather, Ruffnut, Snotlout, Tuffnut
Pairing: Hiccstrid
Author's Notes: Might've been written as a vent, who knows. I've certainly been in a specific type of mood as of late...
Also... You think if Hiccup were trans in canon, either Stoick or Gobber knew to educate him on this?
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one-strugling-bean · 2 years
Random Thoughts on HTTYD RttE S5 (Ep8-13)
Ep8&9 - And we start with Hiccup suffering. Always a good way to start, I say
Jk, I'm not serious, poor leader boy
Aw, everyone's moods are down :'(
Awwww, Mala, Throk you're awesome!! This is super sweet of you!
Also, is it just me, or has Mala's armour-thing been getting more and more damaged as the episodes go on, and she just hasn't fixed it? It's all battered and scratched now
Viggo and his little creepy crush on Hiccup is starting to worry me
Omg, Mala's island! They just wrecked Ninja island
Ew Spitelout
Why was Gustav walking on all four?
Drago????! Whaaaaa- I did not expect for there to be mentions of Drago here
And Hoody is an ex-pal of his? Well, it explains his methods at least
"-And Spitelout's not what we need right now" or ever, really. But well said Astrid!
Like, I understand where Hiccup's dillema is coming from, but it feels dumb and forced when they have hurt dragons before. Never have they killed dragons, sure, but they certainly have attacked some, usually in self-defense or to save a fellow rider, but sometimes it's simply for the benefit of another dragon who the Riders are closer to - right now the only moment I can name where that happens is that ep with the Fire Worm Queen; they attacked another dragon and chased him away from her nest, despite the fact that this other dragon was just doing what they needed to survive as well. Hiccup and the gang still attacked him and drove him away. So, where's the difference here?
There are a lot of them, I know, but I don't think any of them can completely justify Hiccup's inner conflict right now
Hiccup!! Don't separate, that's not going to end well
Not this "man" again!
I guess Snotlout isn't the only one in the family who likes to name things
I really hate how much of an amazing voice actor David Tennant is - and by hate I mean love, I just hate Spitelout gets to have his voice, he doesn't deserve the beautiful accent :')
Dunno what plan Hiccup could've possibly come up with, but I'll happily wait to see it
Also, props for Toothless for holding his own against the Singetails so well
Throk is a super human apparently, that's fine
Good for the Singetails, they're free again
Sooo, now it's Dragon Eye vs Dragon Eye, let's see how it goes
I gotta agree with Snotlout, that Throk situation is really weird
Ep10 - So the Edge is under renovations, Tuff still knows Spanish,and Garff is trying to kill everyone - yeah, sounds about right
"See ya! Wouldn't wanna be ya! [...] -st least that's how my dad says goodbye to me." Spitelout is such an asshole
Those are some pretty snakes! Or Slytherwings, apparently
Before I continue watching I'm just gonna predict one of the riders is getting poisoned. And my guess is Astrid because it's always poor Astrid who gets this stuff
Okay, Stormfly was the one hit - Astrid still takes emotional damage by proxy, so I wasn't that far
Nice seeing Fishlegs calm Astrid down - those two have a really sweet friendship
I honestly think Fishlegs was the one drawing the short straw this time - he's stuck with the twins and has to extract the venom
"We get icecream?!" Pff, he looked so pure and cute there, poor kid
The serious-ish conversations Hiccup and Snotlout have sometimes are so nice - they always leave me with a happy feeling. Also, Hookfang and Snotlout love, yes please
Fishlegs dealing with the twins is really funny
Ruff, Tuff, now is not the moment
Wow, true, Astrid is a pretty good artist - also, that was really sweet of her
Wait, all dragons can evolute and develop new moves?? That's so cool, and pokemon-ish of them
Ep11 - Am I seeing things again, or do the twins have a skeletal human hand in their trash?
Astrid, knock him out
Awww, Ruff that was super sweet. Neither is ever going anywhere without the other and that's final - not even a marriage proposal exactly Ruffnut's style would move her
To be fair though, she didn't look all that heartbroken
Tuff is faking his own death?? Omg, what is going on
Also, Tuffnut is the baby brother. Random information but good to know
"And should I die, at least then my brother and I will be reunited." That was one heck of a deep and bittersweet statement, and you know what? Best part is that I'm sure she means every single word of it
"I call this Barren Soul Wrapped In Nothingness. It was between that and My Lousy Childhood." Goddamnit Snotlout, stop being funny
Ruffnut deserves a good rest after this episode: first she's proposed, then her twin brother dies, then her supposed groom is threatened by a hord of invisible angry dragons, then her brother's ghost comes to haunt her, then she finds out he's no ghost but was actually her brother, who faked his death for her happiness. It's a full day
The Changewings are kinda pretty
This was a sweet ending - I know I keep saying this, but it's always so much fun to see the twins being just a tad more serious than usual, especially since they're moments that don't last long
Ep12- Hey Heather, Dagur! It sure has been a while
Dagur pulled a sneaky-sneaky on Heather - she's not gonna be happy about it
Is Chicken pregnant? Or she found a lover? Also, Snotlout: the narrator we didn't know we needed
Ouch, Dagur. I thought you guys were buddies too
Astrid's on babysitting duty again
And we're back to Vanaheim, nice
I gotta say it or I won't be satisfied: I'll never forgive Dagur, nor the show as a whole, for forgetting about Shattermaster's existence. He deserved the world and more
I could argue this endlessly but I'll stop here or I won't be able to continue watching the ep
Fishlegs is so enthusiastic, I love him
Omg, Snotlout is indeed playing the narrator, that's great
Is the gigantic dragon skeleton supposed to belong to an Alpha dragon? You know, the big white ones that appear in httyd2? They were gigantic and I think had similar horns - the movie lore that keeps getting fed to this show :'>
Those small, purple dragons remind of the Obsidian and Nether Rock blocks from Minecraft
You know those "out of context" compilations in youtube? That whole scene with Chicken on the cliff would be perfect for one
I have a bad feeling Oswald might already be dead... Either way, I feel for Dagur, man hasn't seen his father for decades I'm guessing, no wonder he's nervous
Yeah he's dead, sad sad
Gotta say Hiccup, that wasn't one of your best comforting moments, but Dagur seemed to appreciate it, so I guess it's okay
Yeah, Chicken found a lover and kids
This whole situation weirdly reminds of portuguese and brazilian soap operas, except it's with a chicken and a guy
I appreciate the lengths to which Snotlout is taking this narrator thing
"I know!" Ahhh, Fishlegs was so cute, he was so proud of himself! As he should be, btw
Something tells me Heather is not gonna happy that Dagur found their dad's body without her
Or not, because she'll be too busy in a wild goose chase caused by Johann and his freaking rumors
Ep13- We're continuing the chicken plotline, that's nice
Hookfang's rider is an idiot
The sunburn marks caused by Snotlout's wrists and arm bracelets are a pretty realiatic detail and I appreciate it
Does Johann know this is trap? He seems even more skittish than usual
Now, are Snotlout and Hookfang gonna be able to help? Or nah? That's the real question here
Is it just me, or is Snotlout even more pissy and sarcastic today? He's been making quips ever since the episode started
Dragon riders that aren't Hiccup or Astrid being competent and making good calls will never not be satisfying
I gotta say though, I call bullshit on the whole "Hookfang can't carry more than 3 people for long" thing. Toothless, who's like, a third of Hookfang, is able to carry 2 people super easily - one of them being Stoick, who is one of the biggest humans in the HTTYD franchise. Barf&Belch, a bit thinner and smaller than Hookfang, are able to carry the twins all the time for whatever period they need. And yet you wanna tell me that Hookfang, who's bigger than both, can't carry Snotlout, Heather and a man who probably weights as much as a couple of Terrors? Hmmmm
And it's not like he's been flying for long either, and he got to rest his wings while Snotlout shopped
Poor Dagur, the guy got his sister back like, 1 year ago? And he's already risking losing her again, and the last time he saw her he stole from her, no wonder he's like this
Oh, fuck that man, seriously. Of course he just freaking tipped the cage to the ocean when leaving. Besides downright cruel, it's just a douchy move
"And how did they know about it?" Astrid, making the right questions
Speaking of Astrid, when did she get here??
Snotlout being competent, my beloved
Wow, Hiccup really just sent the lens right over his head. That's such a dangerous and provocative move. Hiccup really loves to rile up, and mess, and sass with his enemies and it's the best
Geez, thanks Johann >¦T
So, Snotlout and the twins invented popcorn in this world? How weirdly fitting
Astrid's voice is so soothing sometimes, it's really nice to hear
Uhm, JOHANN!???
Omg, what the hell, I was not expecting this
This could've not have been planned from the start, could it? Isn't Johann already from RoB? Since when was this set up? Have there been previous allusions to his true self and I've just been too blind notice? Man I am so lost right now
In the beggining of this ep I did think he had/was going to betray Heather and the gang, but more in a Peter Petigrew-y sort of way, you know? Too afraid of the consequences dared he not aid that darling duo of Hiccup obssessed lunatics to stay loyal to the riders
Not like this!!!
Not revealing himself, his true self, from the darkness like a freaking comic book villain, voice changed to a much deeper tone, talking to Biatch and Hoody as if they were his protegees, about hating Stoick and that he's been a fraude all these years! What the hell.....
I am very much confused and looking forward to the last season now, thanks Johann.
Uhm, yeah, I guess we're closing things here for now
I don't wanna finish the show though.... After that it'll be RoB, the specials, and then.... I dunno, no more Dragon Riders for me, I guess Q^Q
Welp, that can't be helped, byebye for now lovely person who reading this
Have a good day :>
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