#or even ot3 with void
bluegooo · 9 months
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The voice in my head (besty) says to post this. Who am I to disobey
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independent-fics · 4 months
Leverage OT3 Casual Touches
This is mainly for @werewolfsmile and anyone else who wants to shout into the void with me about this ot3!
So far season 4 started off strong with lots of little ot3 moments I’ve been clocking on my latest rewatch. Today I watched “The Office Job” through “The Gold Job” and wanted to recap. Ngl it isn’t much…
Still good things but it was a lot of what we already see which is still beautiful. But mainly it was a lot of leaning, being in each others spaces, and a lot of the handshake. (For the purposes of this post I’m skipping “The Girls Night Out Job” and “The Boys Night Out Job” simply because those two are a whole other beast of ot3 moments that I would like to gif separately and also not a lot of touching (besides the handshake in the boys night) which is what we’re focusing on here.)
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“The Office Job” is my favorite comfort episode of Leverage. Everything about is pure gold. Despite Hardison and Eliot arguing the whole time about a sandwich they still manage to pull together in the end and have one of the funniest moments in the episode which is of course topped off by the handshake. Once again mainly in each other’s spaces or leaning this episode.
“The Lonely Hearts Job” also such a great episode of basically the ot3 parent trapping Nate and Sophie and Eliot out here doing the absolute most showing he knows his team in the end of the episode.
As for casual touches a lot with Eliot and Parker (I feel like there’s always more with Eliot and Parker in trying to find more with Eliot and Hardison but mainly they just always lean in each others spaces and orbit each other, compared to Eliot and Parker which sometimes have a similar but different dynamic due to comparing how Parker in the beginning of the series was very adverse to touch. Not from Hardison and Eliot now though:)).
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This scene starts out with them with a gap but they gradually get closer (I know this can happen when scenes are reshot. As I always say though let me read the subtext how I want. They were further apart then they got closer soooo)
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My favorite thing is the shoulder bumping as they’re walking out. All I have to say.
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Here they’re betting whoever gets the highest bid gets a steak which is super cute later because Eliot loses and puts up a fight about making it but then totally has heart eyes and smiles when he “loses” that argument too. Why wouldn’t he make his boyfriend a steak. There’s also a later scene I totally forgot to gif when they’re getting the guy flirting with Sophie out of the way and he calls Hardison (who’s in character) an idiot and I know Eliot did not need to take him down as hard as he did all I have to say.
And once again we have the leaning in each others spaces, shoulder touching, and once again the handshake. None of the other bachelors were standing this close on stage just saying.
Then we have “The Gold Job” where Parker literally gets up to sit next to Eliot? Wonderful. But then there’s some shoving but for context the whole scene was kinda tense because Hardison was running his first con. But then right before the camera changes Eliot moves closer!!!
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But then they end up further apart again which I’m assuming may be due to reshoots.
Just generally the comfort between all of them gets me in these scenes. They’ve come a lot way and even though the beginning of season four I feel like shows this a lot more I’m still glad I’m finding scenes with their casual touches as I’m finishing out season 4.
That’s all I have for tonight :D I’m finishing up season 4 tomorrow so I’m sure I’ll be adding to this later.
Hope you like my gifs :) haven’t gifed in so long but I’m happy I’m learning again. Quality still needs work though.
Here’s a bonus gif of Eliot looking like he’s blowing a kiss in the button cam footage in “The Office Job” because I thought it was funny. This is once again getting added to my “why didn’t I notice this before” list. I just wanna know for whom Eliot. :)
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domesticated-feral · 2 months
Top 10 Teen Wolf rarepair ships? 🤔
Ok ok ok so I had to think about this real hard and i worked on this list on and off throughout the day
I'll follow the rarepair criteria that @teenwolfrarepairevents uses which is less than 500 works on ao3.
1. Jackson/Scott - I loooooooove this ship. The teen wolf movie reawakened my love for this ship for no reason other than the fact that they were in one scene together. I love the dynamics between them and the whole one-sided rivalry Jackson has and LIKE S2!!! I can't think straight when the prison transport van scene exists where Jackson overhears the conversation between Scott, Stiles and Allison.
2. Boyd/Scott - I had one of the wildest and most enjoyable times writing Trespasser and this pairing is gourmet for me. GOURMET. I need to get weirder about this ship.
3. Lydia/Scott - this can go even rarepair-er by adding Jackson and making it an ot3. I love love love Scydia!!!
4. Jackson/Scott/Stiles - when my all-time fav ships are scackson, stackson and sciles, of course it has to evolve like a pokemon into the ultimate ot3 form!
5. Derek/Scott/Stiles - no long-winded explanation required. I just love this ot3. I think I have like 5 slice of life oneshots written with this ship but I've only uploaded 1 so far.
6. A mythical rarepair that I've never even spoken to anyone about but I keep getting reminded of how I would like to make a fic for this is Sean/Mason. Who on Earth is Sean? Sean is from the Walcott family who are the Wendigos that get killed by the Mute in S4. Sean's got a cat named Willow and that's pretty much all we know about him other than the whole Wendigo thing. One of the fic ideas I had is where Sean and Mason live on the same street and Willow keeps jumping over fences and going into Mason's backyard so he attaches a note to Willow's collar just saying hi and Willow comes back the next day with a different note from Sean and it's all cute and fluffy and no hurt all the comfort.
7. Allison/Derek - it's growing on me with every post I see about it on Tumblr reblogged by fellow mutuals. I need some fic recs for this ship.
8. Derek/Jackson - listen I know this has 5 over the 500 fic limit but this deserves a spot here. I need content on them so bad but I don't like reading pwp and smut all too much sooo yeah. (That's the case between me and a lot of the more "popular rarepairs" that I ship but that's life and I enjoy it sometimes)
9. Isaac/Jackson - I think about how they're neighbours A LOT like I just KNOW there's history between them. There's playdates and babysitting by Camden and going to school together and I die on the hill childhood bffs Isaac and Jackson.
10. Nogitsune | Void Stiles/Jackson - a very self indulgent dark ship. Thinking of the kanima dynamics and how the nogitsune would love to take control over a kanima if he could.
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lizadale · 1 year
I'd love to know your opinions on some other Dimentio ships besides Dimigi. Who else could even put up with him?
Mimi could handle him. she's crafty enough to call him out on his bullshit without letting herself take it personally, since they're both manipulative little shits. Dimimi has a fun dynamic, but i see Mimi as aro, and ultimately she fits more snugly into the sister-shaped hole in Dimentio's heart that he isn't even aware he has. i still like seeing the ship though, it's cute
Nastasia doesn't have the emotional fortitude for anything serious with Dimentio, but i like the idea of them occasionally flirting using mind games lol. she's more likely than Mimi to let herself get hurt by him, however, so..........no, leave my girl alone
I ACTUALLY REALLY LOVE BLUDIM. which i kind of did to myself while building the background of both characters, but hnnnnn cute and angsty af. the implication that Dimentio cursed Timpani somewhat out of jealousy? delicious. Blumiere Voiding most of his own people but leaving Dimentio behind free to finally escape wherever he wants? yum. the fact that trying to save Blumiere instead of outright killing him at the end of SPM ultimately fucks Dimentio's plan over? gimme. OT3 with Timpani? 👈👀👈
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taraljc · 1 year
More on why my OT3 is my OT3.
First of all it's very important to remember that the Loki we are watching on TV is from 2012. I know we know that with our heads but it's important to also know that with our hearts.
This is the Loki who desperately wanted to prove that he was worthy, and was in fact right that Thor was not ready because he was too immature and he was too hasty and he was too much driven by childish love of combat and violence for the sake of combat and violence to be a good king.
He also finds out in the worst way possible that not only is he adopted, he is a completely different species, was being kept most likely as a hostage, and it recontextualized his entire relationship with his parents in a single moment.
He is the butt of jokes from Thor and his friends, his skill set is not valued because it's not based in martial prowess, and the only person in his life who has ever loved him unconditionally was Frigga.
This is in no way excusing Loki's actions, mind you. He didn't care how many Asgardians died when he let Frost Giants into Asgard to disrupt Thor's coronation. He didn't care who he killed in Jötunheimr because they were Frost Giants and he had been raised to believe that it was completely justified to slaughter his enemies. And when pushed to his limits, when it became clear that gaslighting Thor to keep him on Midgard and from returning to Asgard was futile, Loki knowingly sent the Destroyer to stop his brother and their friends, Knowing that 'stop' might mean 'kill'.
But once you remove Loki and isolate him from Thor, Asgard, an audience to play to, or perceived underlings to manipulate, he is adrift. After viewing the brief, brief remainder of what would have been his life (and bear in mind, he was born in 965 CE) including the tragedy of his mother's death and the unexpected warmth of his father's love and his brother's regard, he experiences complete ego death.
And this is like seriously 1 hour into the show.
Mobius treats Loki as a person. He respects his skills, he's wise to his bullshit and calls him on it, and for all intents and purposes is the first real friend who likes Loki just as he is rather than for who he could be or should be.
The gentlemen's wager over research is possibly the first time Loki has been valued for his research abilities and his intellect. Mobius is the first person since Frigga to tell him that he can be anything he wants to be, including a good person. and that it's never too late to change.
There are a thousand moments Mobius could have chosen to trap Loki in in his time cell. But he chose the confrontation with Sif after Loki had cut her hair. It's a brief moment in a thousand year lifespan, but it clearly made a deep, deep impression on Loki because Sif said the quiet part out loud.
"I hope you know you deserve to be alone and you always will be."
Loki hears this over and over and over again, cycling through pretty much every emotion until there's nothing left but honesty. and so we see a rare moment of Loki expressing regret for his previous actions to someone whom he hurt. Even though it's not really Sif, that does not make his admission any less genuine.
"I'm a horrible person. I get it. I really am. I cut off your hair because I thought it'd be funny. And it's not. I crave attention because I'm a narcissist. And I suppose it's [...] because I'm scared of being alone."
And then of course after completely baring his soul, confessing his weakness, admitting to shame and fear, Sif looks down at him and repeats his greatest fear.
"You are alone and you always will be."
Sylvie has lived with the reality of being completely and totally alone since she was 8 years old. While we have no idea how long she was actually on the run from the TVA, she is clearly older than Loki, and every other variant in the void. She was the first, and he was the last. and what connection they made on Lamentis was just the simple realisation that they're not alone. Even if it's only for a few moments before they are completely obliterated, they are happy and at peace because despite their fears and what others have said in anger and pity, so long as they have each other, they are not alone.
So long as they choose one another, they prove that neither deserve to be alone.
The reason Sylvie is different from all of the other Loki variants was because she was not shaped by the toxic sibling rivalry that poisoned Loki and prompted him to take extreme actions to try and prove to Odin that he was worthy.
She didn't grow up teased and bullied for being different from her peers. Instead, she grew up fighting every single day to survive. For over a thousand years, she experienced life in brief snatches in the hours or days before the destruction of everything and everyone around her.
She and Loki could not be more different, despite being variants of the same people. and yet Loki looks at her and sees someone he wants to selflessly protect, regardless of the cost to himself. It is completely foreign territory, and outside anything he has ever experienced and he is probably completely and totally terrified.
But I genuinely believe that it is because of his friendship with Mobius that he is willing and able to put aside his own agenda completely to care for someone else.
Mobius and Sylvie are likely the only people in the universe capable of provoking that kind of loyalty and steadfastness from a trickster who was never meant to change, only to act as a catalyst for change in others. Because they look at him and see him. And there is so much power in being seen and being known.
Sylvie doesn't know who she is yet. and I think she finds Loki's faith in her is a little intimidating, even as she smuggly accepts it because she is clearly the superior Loki. She has always been alone, but this might be the first time she's truly lonely. So I am curious to see what her reaction to Loki arriving in Broxton in 1982 will be.
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aethersea · 9 months
I definitely played myself here, bc this post spat out when I was in fact too busy to answer asks :P but! I have some time today, so here we go!
So Leverage ot3, right, and it starts with Eliot. Eliot Spencer is a soldier, he’s one of the best soldiers out there, and one day he does what soldiers so often do: he dies. And death, he finds, is a strange country. He wanders the eerie disjointed landscapes of the afterlife, searching for…something. The truth of this place, maybe. 
What he finds is a man in a cage. The cage is of a metal as black as a starless void, and so cold that even Eliot's dead hands ache to touch it. The man, by contrast, is warm, his dark brown skin so flushed with life that it draws Eliot nearer like a moth to flame.
The man is asleep, or seems to be, though he stirs as Eliot nears. He’s wearing a strange draping garment of deep green, so vibrant a green that it seems wrong, alien, in this shadowed place, but the warmth of that green is nothing compared to the warmth of his face, even as it pinches and frowns with waking. He blinks open dark eyes, and they’re warmer still, like the sunshine Eliot knows he will never see again.
He sees Eliot, standing there at the bars of the cage, half reaching for him without having consciously chosen to. He smiles. Eliot’s dead heart squeezes in his chest.
The man coaxes Eliot into conversation with such casual good humor that it takes Eliot several minutes to realize he has no idea what’s going on. But although the man answers his questions willingly enough, it doesn’t really clear anything up. “Who are you?” gets him a name, though not one he recognizes; “Why are you here?” gets a sigh and a rueful, “Communication issues.” The man refuses to elaborate, claiming it’s not entirely his business to say.
Eliot is charmed in spite of himself. Charmed enough that, against his better judgment, he helps the man escape.
So yeah this is a Hades & Persephone au, where the goddess of Death can’t explain to anyone, much less herself, why she keeps kidnapping the god of Spring, who’s surprisingly good-humored about the whole thing. Eliot is just a random shade who gets dragged into their bizarre courtship, and somehow all three of them fall in love. At the end, when Hardison has eaten six pomegranate seeds and bound himself to half the year in sunlight and half in the dark, Eliot goes back and forth between them in the six months of summer, carrying messages and helping them weather the time apart.
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sulky-valkyrie · 1 year
Happy DADWC, can I get flufftober day 6 Candles, Lanterns, Fairy lights for any male ship with Anders (or an OT3?)
Happy Friday, though I suppose it's probably Saturday by now for you! Have some Kanders slightly bittersweet fluff for @dadrunkwriting
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Karl being cagey.  It was unlike him, and everything he did to try to make himself less suspicious was just doing very much the opposite.  When he literally started whistling as a Templar passed, Anders had enough.  He caught him by the arm and dragged him to the back of the chapel.
“You’re going to get yourself killed,” he muttered.  “Whatever you’re cooking up, it’s not -”
Karl smiled and pressed a finger to his lips.  “Not worth it?  Funny, hearing that from you.”
“Not going to work if they throw you in the dungeons,” Anders hissed, then swallowed.  “Also I want in on it.”  That was the thing that bothered him most: that Karl, of all people, was planning something, something he didn’t want the Templars finding out about, and not including him.  Him!  Anders, the notorious runaway.
He shook his head as he patted Anders’ elbow.  “Not yet.”
“Not yet?”  He demanded.  “Damn it, I can -”
Karl covered his mouth.  “Too loud.”
Anders froze, straining his ears for the sound of Templar boots.  Karl slid his hand up to cup his jaw, then kissed him quickly before dashing off.  Well, not really dashing, because truly running was practically a capital offense here.  Or at least a few days locked in the dungeon while they tore apart your bed looking for proof of sowing discontent. Karl was simply moving quickly with purpose.  That, at least, looked normal: apprentices and the more junior mages were always rushing around on the orders of their instructors.  He twisted his fingers in the edges of his sleeves, willing himself to steadiness.  It stung that Karl wasn’t involving him, but even if he hated him (which he certainly didn't’), he’d never rat out a mage for anything less than actual murder.  And even then, it would depend on who’d they’d killed.
He went through the rest of his day as calmly as he could, trying to focus on lessons and duties instead of worrying about Karl.  He spent every spare moment listening for any sounds of a scuffle, heart jumping into his throat at every noise he couldn’t immediately identify.  The afternoon stretched on with no sign of Karl, but also no rumors of anyone being ‘detained.’  And it was perfectly normal for Karl to be absent so long.  Irving was always asking him for thises and thats, even had him help tutor that Amell kid he was so fond of.
Perfectly normal not to see him at mealtime.  Perfectly normal for him to be still missing from the dormitories in the evening.  Probably still seeing to the apprentices.  Perfectly normal for them to have to forego a kiss goodnight.
Perfectly normal.
Anders stared at the ceiling as his blood pounded in his ears.  What if it wasn’t though.  Void take this.
He got up quickly and quietly, skipping the shoes.  The stone floor was almost painfully cold, but it was better than making noise.  The right-side door always squeaked, so he climbed across two rows of chests and a few sleepy offended apprentices to get to the left one, then eased it open before creeping down the hall.  He was almost to the stairs when an arm snaked out of a fucking closet and grabbed his elbow as another hand covered his mouth to muffle his startled yelp.
“Sorry, sorry,” Karl whispered.  “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
Anders leaned into him in relief as the tension of hours of worry vanished instantly.  He turned around awkwardly in the close confines, and pressed his face to Karl’s neck.  “Is this part of your plan?”
He chuckled as he tightened his arms around him.  “Hiding in a closet?  Not exactly.”  He pressed an ear to the door, then pushed it open.  “I wanted to find you sooner, but Torrin - doesn’t matter.  Come on.”
They snuck down the hallway together, hand in hand.  No reason to pretend right now.  Not when they were running around after hours.  “How are we getting out?”
“We’re not.”
“Druffalo balls, you’re planning something,” Anders muttered scornfully.
“Never said I wasn’t.”  Karl led him down to the main floor, and the storage caverns.  “Leorah gave me a key,” he said, answering the unspoken question.  “Apparently she’s afraid of spiders?  So I take care of them for her twice a week.”  As he pressed it into the lock, he paused and gave Anders a nervous look.  “Remember the story you told me?  About the firebugs?”
“Fireflies,” he corrected with a smile.  “I watched them in the fields from on top of the barn with my mother.”   
Karl nodded and turned the key.  “I know it’s not the same, but . . .” he trailed off and he pushed the door open.
Tiny paper lanterns.  Dozens of them, at least.  All filled with tiny flickering wisps.  Anders walked in, mesmerized, and touched one reverently.  “This?  This was what you were doing all day?  While I was -” he stopped.  Saying he was worried sick all day would be too close to the truth. He licked his lips.  “Why?”  Why do this?  Why care?  Why love me?  All questions he wouldn't dare ask any more than Karl would dare answer.
“To give you a little bit of home.”  Karl hadn’t moved from the doorway, and rubbed at the back of his head sheepishly.  “I - it made more sense when I -”
Anders threw himself into his arms.  “I love it,” he whispered.  It wasn’t I love you, but it was the next best thing.
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sam-glade · 10 months
Happy STS! :D What are the dynamics like between your main cast of characters?
Happy ST...M, Cilly💜
Ok. I was meaning to delve into it for a while, so thank you for the excuse. There are a couple more characters popping up in later books, but the main recurring cast looks something like this:
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Description with additional details below the cut:
In the middle we have the main trio: Ianim, Gullin, Lissan. I labelled it as 'OT3 QPR', although their relationship evolves the most throughout the trilogy. Ianim and Gullin start of as close friends and exes through circumstances (difference in rank making a romantic/sexual relationship forbidden, and Ianim being too anxious to want the risk). Lissan meets them at the beginning of Gifts of Fate, and the three of them become very close friends, though I haven't yet decided where they end up, other than still inseparable. Currently thinking that Lissan and Gullin romantically court Ianim, while their own relationship is more like friends with benefits?
Marta is Lissan's younger sister, and they are on very good terms. Lineas is their father. Their mother isn't in the picture (divorced, left them some 14 years ago).
Anthea is Ianim's older sister, and their relationship is very strained. She's the source of most of his anxieties and unintentionally makes him feel not good enough, while in truth is trying to give him space and as much freedom as their roles allow. She's the First Prince, he's the Prince Successor. The White Dragon is their grandfather, and Ianim's primary parental figure. He's also the legendary prince and the oldest person alive in the setting (about... oh, 3 millennia old?).
Anthea and Erya are coworkers (the Chief Strategist and the Army's spymaster respectively), and meet weekly for a game of chess. Their relationship is explored in The Prince's Shadow.
Varré... Their role is a bit more complicated. Their vocation is to find street urchins Gifted by Fate and give them means of improving their lives. They found Erya over a century earlier and pretty much... housetrained the feisty little ferret. Now she's such an integral member of their family that she calls their mother 'Ma'. Gullin was found less than half a century ago, and thanks to their mentorship became known as the resident prodigy, the youngest Brigadier in history. That makes Gullin and Erya sort of... distant relatives in this (quite literally) found family?
Erya is the Captain General of Intelligence and Internal Security Corps, Varré her second, Gullin and Catnip Brigadiers serving under their command.
Gullin, Catnip, Artio, and Nikols are a bunch of drinking buddies who meet almost daily for a drink in a pub in the evening.
One thing that didn't fit on the graph was how far back Nikols, Ianim, and Gullin go. Ianim and Gullin shared a room at the military academy as cadets, while Nikols was an officer cadet. There's a tradition that an officer cadet takes care of a fresher, to show them around and offer them advice when they may not want to go to their instructors or administrative staff. The officer cadet in this role is referred to as 'stork'. Nikols was Ianim's stork, so of course he dragged the Princeling to a pub repeatedly, until Ianim loosened up. Gullin's stork wasn't very outgoing, so he tagged along with them.
Characters not listed on the picture include Mikkel and Claren, two brothers who are tutors and honour guards of Anthea and Ianim, respectively, and Renna of the Sixth Tree, who's a thorn in the First Prince's side.
I'm going to add Days of Dusk taglist, in hopes that this will clarify some of the vignettes I posted (please message me to +/-): @acertainmoshke @another-white-void @cee-grice @cljordan-imperium @elshells @goldxdarknesss @poetinprose @sparrow-orion-writes @tisiphonewolfe
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olderthannetfic · 9 months
Just wanted to pop in and say, I'm so excited to read your fic! I'm not done with Lotus yet, am around halfway through, but it's so nice I've got myself a treat already once I'm done, an OT3 one at that! Hopefully I'll also be able to find some more to scratch my post-done itch, my last cdrama fandom (Oh No! Here Comes Trouble) has so few that I've no choice but to drag my sorry ass out of my years long slump and try to fill that void myself
Yeah, definitely wait. My fic is Spoiler Central in that it deals with the ending.
There's definitely some good fic. There are even modern AUs I like, which is a rarity for me. It's still a pretty small fandom though, so the number of what I really want (post-canon fic with a plot + my ship getting together) isn't so high.
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number1villainstan · 1 year
Overhaul for the character ask!
How I feel about this character:
Blorbo of all time. He is sooooo me. On a more serious note, there was so much possible characterization that BnHA dropped into him--so much juicy potential--and it was all wasted. Pair that up with him being an antagonist who did horrible things and it was like a perfect storm to get me way too invested in him lmao. Also, I recently had a pretty unwelcome revelation about myself about how I usually find the major antagonists/villains of a show that unwittingly self-sabotage through social incompetence/bluntness/lack of empathy relatable which does not bode well for my social life hahaha but that's oversharing so I'm just gonna--
All the people I ship "romantically" with this character:
Disclaimer: I actually usually headcanon him as aro, so often the "romantic" shipping I have for him isn't actually romantic but sexual and/or queerplatonic, because I'm taking this as a question for 'who do I ship him with in a way that isn't just conventional friendship or in a familial/family-esque relationship'.
Kurono Hari: My main partner for the guy, and any OT3s I form for Kai are pretty much always going to have Hari as the second member, with the third varying. I have seen and do enjoy outright romantic Chronohaul, but when I write it I'll usually make an effort to make it either explicitly queerplatonic or Definitely A Relationship but not really a romantic relationship, ykno? Usually I like to think that they've been together for a while even before the show starts, in a solid years-long committed relationship that probably started (if not in its current form) when they were teenagers. I really like the idea of two similar people having found each other and finding strength and understanding in each other even as they're so different from everyone else around them, even if they end up reinforcing each other's destructive tendencies. Also, it's T4T. That part's very important.
Dabi: Funny story, I ended up watching BnHA because some of my online friends were huge DabiHaul shippers, so that was the ship I was primed for. And then I got attached to Chisaki and every other named character in the Hassaikai and ended up primarily shipping Chronohaul, and Dabi ended up usually being their third and shipped with both. I imagine that this ship (Chronodabihaul) is purely a sexual one, a fuckbuddy type thing for stress relief. It may or may not develop some stronger commitments/feelings later on, if and when the League and the Hassaikai stop virulently hating each other (and if/when Dabi stops being so obsessed with revenge), but that's not really a given.
Aizawa Shouta: This is definitely not a ship that's on the forefront of my mind, but it still has a soft spot in my void of a heart. Just like Dabi, I can very much see him in an OT3 with Chronohaul, although I feel like Aizawa would be in a much more long-term relationship with them. I can also see he and just Kai having an emotional short-term fling, but that would either cool down into just-friends or Hari would end up with them after a while, making it the OT3. Also, I have an angsty soulmate AU oneshot WIP that focuses on Overzawa, so.
Nemoto Shin: I don't actually really ship this character with Chisaki (I hc Chisaki as romance repulsed aroallo and Nemoto as sex-repulsed alloace), but I have an priest/demon AU in my WIPs that's got some heavy Nemotohaul implications, so I think I'd be remiss not to mention him here.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
I have several, actually:
Lady Nagant, aka Tsutsumi Kaina, of course. I know a lot of people on Tumblr like to ship Sniperhaul, but it just doesn't interest me. Seems kind of shallow, honestly (apologies to any Sniperhaul shippers reading this). I see them better as bickering sibling types after Chisaki heals at least a little bit from solitary confinement. And also as mlm/wlw solidarity.
I really like the idea of Chisaki taking Yaoyorozu Momo under his wing, teaching her chemical formulas for poisons and tips and tricks for combating performance anxiety. (I also really like the idea that they're genetically related...and don't find out until well after they've established their mentor/mentee relationship lmao.)
Nemoto Shin again, since I usually like him and Chisaki as close friends. Chisaki goes to him for questions like "what the fuck am I feeling and how do I make it stop" or "how the hell do emotions work".
Also, weirdly enough, when I'm imagining the sort of AU where he gets thrown in some labyrinth and has to figure out how to survive/get out with a bunch of other characters it's unlikely he'd interact with otherwise, I think Midnight might actually like him. She'd think he's cute. He wouldn't like Midnight back though.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Do you mean unpopular for the wider fandom, or just among people that like this specific character? Because if it's the first, then all of my opinions for this character are unpopular, but if it's the second, then I'm not sure I have unpopular opinions/headcanons on him so much as opinions/headcanons that aren't widely held and/or thought about. I'm gonna list some that might be considered 'unpopular' among Chisaki/Hassaikai fans, although I'm not actually sure they are:
Pops wasn't a good parent. I imagine him something like the (fanon) Fenton parents from Danny Phantom; affectionate and kind, but only when he a) remembers to pay attention and b) Kai isn't in trouble. Unfortunately, these times are few and far between. Kai ends up as the 'weird kid' a lot during his childhood/teenage years and becomes the automatic scapegoat, and Pops doesn't even question any accusations brought against his kid, which doesn't help the fact that Kai has been conditioned not to speak up for his own innocence by teachers and other authority figures punishing him for 'talking back.' So it ends up with most of Kai's memories being of Pops punishing him for things he never did, being part of The System that hurt him so bad, and with Pops having this concept of Kai as a Bad Kid(TM) that's mostly unearned, and it escalates to the point where Chisaki feels safer with Pops in a coma than with Pops talking and walking around even as he craves Pops' affection.
Objectively speaking, at least from a utilitarian/obligation perspective, Chisaki is morally better than Enji. I'm so sorry for this proxissima, but Kai only hurt one kid that wasn't his actual kid--it was a child that someone else gave to him with vague instructions to 'figure out her Quirk' and he didn't feel like he could refuse, whereas Enji had four children for the purpose of surpassing All Might and traumatized them all with his lack of care for their wellbeing, albeit in different ways. Obviously, Kai had an obligation to not be shitty to a kid, but Enji had extra obligations because those were his actual kids that he had on purpose. Also, Kai grew up in the probably highly toxic and violent yakuza, whereas Enji went into law enforcement and therefore should have more regard for the fact that, at least, child abuse is fucking illegal.
Chisaki legitimately cares about the Expendables/Bullets/Precepts of Death, and considers himself an Expendable. I'm not sure entirely how to explain this one, but I greatly prefer the idea that Chisaki took in many of the Expendables (minus Rappa, who followed him home) because he understood the kind of shit they were going through over what was implied in canon (that he manipulated them into being super loyal to him so that he could throw them away).
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
MORE CHARACTERIZATION! ANY CHARACTERIZATION! Especially characterization that showed actual positive traits! Yes, the remorse he showed for putting Pops in a coma after the prison break was arguably a step in the right direction, but it was also tied up in some really weird ableist/sanist connotations about how "this was his punishment" or something, and Deku (obligatory fucking Deku) still demanded that he feel more remorse about what he did to Eri even though he wasn't mentally all there, and also demanding that people feel certain emotions in general is entitled and shitty. Even though the narration of BnHA clearly makes out Deku to be the ultimate moral authority in the story.
Like--it's just so fucking obvious that Chisaki was made just to be a generic evil villain for Deku to beat up without the audience questioning why he's so blatantly betraying his professed ideal of "save everyone" and for Shigaraki to play off against to make him look better. And it wasn't even done well. This man is clearly mentally ill from like the first time we see him, and solitary confinement only exacerbated it. One thing I would have loved to see in canon, instead of All Of That, was if Deku guessed that Eri was being abused and ended up blatantly wrong, taking away a child from a loving home after she's already had trauma from accidentally Rewinding her father out of existence and her mother treating her as a monster and abandoning her. Hell, you could still have the Quirk-erasing bullets in play--just have Chisaki take and start cloning a red bone marrow sample from Eri so that he has enough blood without harming her more than a single surgery.
Yea, that was definitely way longer than you probably wanted, and it took longer than I wanted, but I have a Lot of thoughts on this guy. I'll answer the other two requests at a later date, because I need to study for and take at least one final today.
Send me a character and I'll break them down
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
1x02, rewatch. Part1.
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their love for each other. <3 they're such a nice match.
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You're a douche, but I love you anyway.
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Can you believe they're in love now?
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Tbh, I'm surprised about how easygoing and calm Roy is in 1x01 and here. He's more emotional somehow in s3? With more emotions bottled up?
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I'm sorry, he has a yellow iphone in s1? Ok then.
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Jamie just can't sit straight from DAY ONE. Also, Sam is playing Nintendo. Niiice.
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Just yesterday I wrote a post about Jamie being brave for finding his true inner voice and trying to communicate with people. What I find precious is that, aside being mean to Sam and occasionally to his fellow players in s1, Jamie is trying to communicate with Ted anyway, since ep1. Ted asks a question if the snacks are tasty enough, and Roy goes, "Jesus Christ." Jamie, however, walks up to Ted and easily answers. Ted nods to him in gratitude, like, "Thank you. It's noted and will be fixed."
In 1x01, Jamie is ready to go as Keeley walks in, "Sorry, Coach, she ordered me waxing. [...] Unless you want me to stay?" and he ACTUALLY waits for Ted to answer him. It's a show's base for Ted to be awkward and tell Jamie, like, "No, you can go", but if he said that, "Actually, I need you to stay for a moment", I'm sure Jamie would stay. When Jamie is on his way out, he nods to Ted and bumps fists with him in a high five manner.
Like, it's nice gestures. Jamie is actually a nice kid underneath all that abuse and trying to act up to cover for the consequences of that abuse. I'm not saying being mean is justified if you were abused, but I do understand where it's coming from with Jamie. I love this kid.
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Jamie's caaar. Keeley will occasionally be Jamie's driver, but she still gets to use that car whenever and however she likes. I'm glad that Jamie's salary allows him to treat people he loves like THAT. Himself, too, obviously.
I forgot how mean Rebecca is in s1, wow. It's like she's a completely different woman compared to s3.
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Rebecca & Keeley. <3 Keeley is such a sweetheart.
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Can someone explain why the hell did I suddenly fall into some het/bi ship so hard. Like, I always liked Jamie during first two seasons, I just screamed about it on twt instead of tumblr. But jfc, the moment s3 started airing, it's like I turned into a different person (or maybe I finally allowed myself to enjoy this ships in this universe). Maybe it's also bc I binged the first 2 seasons on my own and didn't participate in the fandom. Then there was such a big gap between s2 and s3, and now I'm watching s3 every week and marinade in it, so it's kind of dragging me into this void.
Like, I ship them. Absolutely unironically. S3 Jamie and Keeley kissing when? When you have your ships/ot3 and you'll go down with them.
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Again, he participates. He communicates. Roy wouldn't even get involved (many from the team wouldn't tbh), but Jamie? Sorry, but he's a sweetheart as well & I love him with all my heart.
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Jamie winking at Keeley, then gently slaps her ass. It's ridiculous that I like this ship this much, really. S3 is gonna murder me and drag my corpse around by the end of it.
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Pub dates. <3 They're so wholesome.
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Your husband best friend holding your coffee while you play with a teen in a park. <3 They're really cute.
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mister13eyond · 2 years
thoughts/feelings on slightly-better-dads au where the diadops adopt trish into a life of supernatural crime instead of a life of attempted murder? failing that: who r the best and most fun/disastrous ot3 candidates?
okay, so the first scenario is... legit a scenario my partner and i are playing with in roleplay right now... so this is a pretty well-built series of thoughts that i'll try to boil down into something comprehensible
but first and foremost, I think that it's interesting if the early part of Diavolo/Doppio and Trish's history is identical up to a certain point- ie, Donatella gets knocked up during a fling, raises Trish alone, and passes when Trish is 15. I think there's something really compelling about Trish still having to build a relationship with this utter stranger that is her father? Especially with Diavolo taking her under his wing as a pupil for crime, because I think like.... If he raised her from birth, I think Diavolo would be a very different person than he is now, and I don't think he'd have nearly the same philosophy on running Passione, since I feel like a lot of his insistence on power and utmost secrecy was at the heart of his position, and if he had people who knew him and spent time with him he'd be a drastically different person than a person who essentially spent every moment of his life alone. But if he's still Diavolo- if he's still been alone until now, and he still has Passione wound tight under his control, and he hadn't tried to kill Trish to wipe clean his identity, I could see him interested in the idea of legacy. Like... Diavolo has only ever trusted one person with the full breadth of viewing all of Passione as a whole- he only has one underling that is allowed in the position of underboss- and he knows for a fact that when he dies, that person will die with him. There would be a massive power void if Passione were to dissolve, but there would also be a whole bloodthirsty mess of infighting for the position and a possible schism if it were to be proven that Passione was without a leader. So I find it really interesting thinking about Diavolo seeing in Trish an opportunity, because I think that kind of pragmatic view would be the only way he would ever give Trish a chance? Because the thing I love most about the idea of him raising her as his heir is the idea of Trish as his heir, as she is now- ruthless, motivated, confident, guarded Trish. The same Trish that was raised by a single mother, the same Trish that demands givenchy blush and sparkling water from a crew of criminals who holds her life in their hands, the same Trish that held Bruno's hand in the elevator because she was terrified. I think she would have already somewhat built a determination about this and a tolerance for violence during her time being with the Bucci gang as they escorted her, and if she had any connection to or positive relationship to them I think she'd be willing to go- okay, so i become a criminal. so what? some of the only people i've ever been able to stand are criminals. SO I REALLY LIKE THE IDEA that she gets to San Giorgio Maggiore, and instead of what goes down in the elevator, it reaches its destination and she sees Doppio. Who is apologetic that the Boss wasn't able to come pick her up in person, but he'll be looking after her in the meantime! And for a while Trish is just like, floating around with Doppio waiting for the other shoe to drop, wondering if she's just in a further limbo and when her father is going to hurry up and kill her (because she's decided, at this point, that he is undoubtedly going to kill her, and he's just prolonging it.) And Doppio says he's never seen the Boss's face before, even though he's the underboss, and so she's CONVINCED she's going to be erased, if even his underboss can't know his face. Until one night, when Doppio is asleep in his room, and Diavolo makes his introduction to her. In person. Shows her his face, and Trish is convinced this is it.
Except he makes her a deal. Because he's been observing her while she was traveling with Doppio, assessing her from afar. And he has determined that she would be a worthy successor to all that he has built. She is not capable of taking it from him- not yet- because if he viewed her a threat, she would not survive. He makes this clear. But he sees in her the potential to step into his shoes, given time, training and guidance. And he has been thinking of legacy, and the fate of Passione. Trish doesn't understand why he isn't leaving it to Doppio, but he won't give her a reason aside from a solid and resolute "he will not be able to run it without me, no matter what." And Trish and Diavolo both like... Diavolo tells her, flat out, that he does not know how to be a father to her. He does not know how to be family, he does not know how to try and step into a role as her parent. And Trish is like, that's fine, i don't really have room for another parent in my life. my mom raised me pretty damn well on her own, and I don't think anyone can ever step into the shoes she filled. so like....if they're not going to come into this trying to force some familial bond neither of them wants, he gets a chance to bond with her as a mentor. Which I think is something Diavolo is far, far more equipped to be. Because he's spent so much time in that role for Doppio, and he is very comfortable conceptually with guiding someone into their own strength and slowly immersing someone in the world of crime. AND THEN YOU GET THIS KIND OF FUN DOUBLE LIFE, LIKE.... Trish is still living with Doppio, and as far as she knows, Doppio is just the Underboss, just some guy who has never met her father in his life. She's also partially convinced he's actually a blood relative of hers, because the resemblance is uncanny (which makes her feel very Odd about Doppio's fervent, romantic devotion to the Boss, because he can't find a way to be normal about Diavolo, not when he's actually Never had anyone else around who knows that the Boss even exists or who Doppio is. He's literally never been able to talk about his work with anyone else, with the level of secrecy he needs to operate properly as the Underboss, so when he can tell Trish even a little of anything the floodgates come open and he can't hold back the clear strong, absolute devotion with which he approaches his work, and Trish figures out pretty quick that his feelings about the Boss are not purely professional. But she also can't seem to convince him that he has anything to do with the Boss bloodwise- trust me, he has absolutely no link to a nobody like me, my father died before I was born- so she figures well, it's none of HER business.)
So she's kind of nurturing this weird almost-sibling bond with Doppio, because she's convinced they're two castoffs in the same boat together, and she's kind of in this wibbly spot where the two of them could almost bond if they weren't both so hardheaded. Because Doppio is really hardheaded and kind of sees her as a threat to his relationship with the Boss, because he doesn't understand why he's being tasked with looking after her when there is so much more important work he could be doing. And she wants to connect to him, and he keeps almost letting down his walls to her, but they're both so stubborn and get into very bullheaded arguments.
And like, at the same time, by night, she's training to be the Boss's heir. And Trish is harboring this secret- that she knows who the Boss is, that she's being trained as an heir, that he revealed his face to her- because she agrees when Diavolo asks her to keep this secret, is willing to pretend to Doppio like she's never met him- while Diavolo and Doppio's secret looms just outside of either Trish or Doppio's purview- so it's a really fun double life. Doppio wakes up every morning exhausted without knowing why, finds Trish just as exhausted in the morning, and neither of them knows the other was, essentially, out all night getting no sleep and training in combat and stand power. IT'S JUST A VERY VERY FUN KIND OF TENSION AND PLAY ON THE SECRET DOUBLE LIFE TROPE? WHICH MAKES IT VERY FUN TO PUT BOTH TRISH AND DOPPIO THROUGH IT..... Trish is trying to earn favor with Diavolo as her mentor by proving herself a worthy successor, eager to learn the ropes of what it will take to run Passione, and Diavolo is telling Doppio that Doppio's most important mission right now is to act as Trish's guardian and keep her safe and cared for, and Doppio thinks Trish is just a normal civilian he has to babysit, so they're never fully honest with each other.
But at the same time, Trish and Doppio are really actually connecting as a found family in a way Diavolo and Trish are not, as Trish actually like- finds a lot of solidarity with him and wants to bond with him in a familial sense, she just- views him as a brother, to some degree. She fully thinks they may be in the same position. And Doppio really is genuinely like for the first time in his life open to actually bond to someone else, and share any aspect of his life, because he has been so, so isolated for so long. And it makes him very weak to her to some degree, like- oh no, he's making a friend? oh no? he enjoys her company? there is someone he can experience equality and solidarity with? there is someone who actually gets to know him longer than a day? so the two of them really do wind up a weird little family even as Trish has a really professional, purely business and mentee relationship with Diavolo, focused as she is on becoming an heir and growing to be a capable enough leader to run passione.
oh my god this got so long, i was going to answer the second question about most fun/chaotic ot3 partners but I don't know if I have enough words left in me after accidentally that whole spiel. I JUST THINK A SLIGHTLY-LESS-BAD-DADS-CRIME-LIFE IS SO COOL AND INTERESTING CONCEPTUALLY AND HAVE GENUINELY BEEN EXPLORING IT FOR A WHILE IN AN AU WITH MY PARTNER.... AAAAAA thank you for the good question, this sparked me to talk about this headcanon so much. it's so good THIS WAS A GOOD INFODUMP OPENING
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thetarttfuldickhead · 10 months
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A Jamie-centric pre-OT3 Christmas story told in 25 short chapters.
Masterpost / AO3
11 (& 12).
“Babe, that smells amazing!”
Keeley’s arms wrapped around him from behind, and Roy smiled, unseen. “Careful,” he told her gruffly as he took the pan of shashuka off the stove. “It’s hot.”
“Mmm, isn’t only thing that is.” She waited until he’d put the food down on the table before she slipped into his arms, claiming a kiss. “What are we having today?”
In spite of Keeley being the one with an actual time to keep in the morning, Roy was usually the first one up. Old habits, and he liked having breakfast ready for her when she came down. It made him feel useful, being able to do that for her, and the way she smiled at him over her avocado toast with scrambled eggs or peanut butter blueberry smoothie warmed him in a way not much else did lately. Or ever had, really. Roy Kent had never been what most people would call an exceedingly happy person.
Even by his low standards, though, the past six months had been fucking bleak. Losing football, even if he had always known it was coming, even if it had always been just a matter of time, was like having not only his heart but his lungs and brain and every-fucking-thing ripped out, leaving him an empty, useless shell, stumbling around the void where playing once had been. If it hadn’t been for Keeley, and maybe Phoebe, he wasn’t sure he’d still—
“It’s shakshuka,” he told Keeley. “Eggs in tomato sauce with feta cheese and spices and herbs and shit.”
“Sounds good.”
It was good. Between them they polished off the entire pan, and then Keeley kissed him goodbye and was off and Roy was left with the cleaning up and nothing much to do for the rest of the morning. In the afternoon there were a couple of games he’d watch in preparation for this week’s Soccer Saturday, but until then, he was free as a bird.
Free as a bird with a broken wing limping around on the ground and doing fuck all for either himself or anyone else.
Roy filled up the dishwasher, and took out the trash. Scrolled through his phone looking for new breakfast recipes to try. Read two chapters of The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye. Read a recap of yesterday’s La Liga games.
At least Keeley had been right about the pundit gig. It was fucking stupid, but being around football again, even in this diminished capacity, was hell of a lot better than trying to distance himself from it entirely (coaching Phoebe’s team aside). Might even have been borderline fun, if it weren’t for Cartrick’s ignorant, pointless drivel, and the fact that it regularly saw Roy subjected to both the sight and discussion of Jamie Tartt.
Ever since their bizarre run-in at Hus’, Roy had, annoyingly and in spite of his best intentions, been unable to excise Jamie from his thoughts. He didn’t give a shit about the little prick, and yet he couldn’t stop wondering what the fuck had been going on with him at the kebab shop. (Why the fuck had he left City? How the fuck had he convinced anyone at Richmond he wasn’t a total wanker anymore? When was Lasso going to realize that you couldn’t play Jamie like he was playing Jamie?)
Good fucking thing Richmond were in the Championship, which at least meant that the pundits spent way less time on their games (and certain prick players) than they would have if they still played in the League.
The doorbell rang.
“Delivery for Mr. Kent,” a chirpy young woman with a non-descript parcel in her arms called when Roy opened the door with a scowl on his face.
Roy’s eyes narrowed. Had Keeley taken to buying things online for him now? Roy sure as hell hadn’t ordered anything lately, and who else would think to have shit delivered here instead of Roy’s actual house?
“Who is it from?” he asked, but the woman just shrugged. It didn’t say.
Roy signed for the parcel, and carried it inside. He placed it on the kitchen table and stared at it for a moment. Was this some weird fan or stalker bullshit? There’s been some of that, people sending him all sorts of stuff throughout the years, but usually to the club rather than his house, and usually back when he was still with Chelsea and on top of the fucking world.
He called Keeley. “Did you buy me something online and have it sent to your place?”
“No? Why, did you get a delivery?”
“Yeah. Don’t worry about it. Talk to you later. Love you.”
He hung up. Stared at the parcel some more, and then he shrugged. Fuck it. Wouldn’t be much of a loss anyway, if it turned out to be a bomb and he was blown to bits.
Inside the parcel was a flat square box, carefully wrapped in royal blue with a white bowtie. Chelsea colours, Roy’s brain immediately supplied. Maybe it really was an old fan, who somehow hadn’t gotten the memo that Roy was fucking finished. A has-been. Just some guy named Roy.
For a moment, he was tempted to just throw the whole thing out and forget about it. But curiosity got the better of him, and he tore away the wrapping paper, to reveal…
… a jigsaw puzzle? That’s what the box proclaimed anyway, only it made no sound at all when he shook it, and the picture on it, while familiar, sure as hell wasn’t any Roy had ever seen on a jigsaw before.
And he would have seen it, had it ever been produced. It was him, long-haired and dressed in Chelsea blue, caught in the motion of scoring the prettiest goal of his career, against United back in 2014.
Roy stared at it for a long time, letting his finger trace the curve of the ball as it flew towards the goal. Then he opened the box, and found it filled with bubble wrap. Presumably someone had taken the time to use it to fill up the box, to make sure the smattering of puzzle pieces he discovered in a neat bag underneath didn’t give the surprise away. Stuck to the bag was a small, printed note, which simply read:
3000 pieces is a challenge. You as good at jigsaw puzzles as you were at playing football?
Roy snorted. Football was an art, sweat and tears and bloody hard work. How difficult could a jigsaw puzzle be?
Still, it was one hell of a gift. It must have been Keeley, right? In spite of her denying it, who else would have a, bothered to get Roy anything at all, and b, come up with something so thoughtful?
She really hadn’t sounded like she knew what he was talking about on the phone, though.
He’d save that mystery for later. Right now, he had 3000 puzzle pieces to show who was boss.
It took Roy the better part of four days to finish the puzzle. To his surprise, he enjoyed it, and initially rather wished he knew whom he had to thank for the thoughtful gesture. Then things took a turn for the crazy, and he rather wished he knew whom to grab by their shirt and demand what they hell they were up to.
On Wednesday, he took Keeley out for dinner to celebrate her successful closing of the Bantr deal, and before they even had time to order, a bottle of Tattinger arrived at the table, courtesy of someone who wished “the best midfielder of all time a very nice evening (and congratulations Keeley, you’re a superstar too)!”. Roy’s increasingly loud inquiries about whom had sent it over nearly got them thrown out of the restaurant.
On Thursday unexpected sleet fell over London, covering everything in a heavy wetness that froze as temperatures fell. Roy had spent the afternoon Christmas shopping, and as he slipped and slided over the slick pavement back to his car, he was already cursing how bloody fucking difficult scraping the ice off the windshield was going to be. But when he arrived at the parking lot, it had already been taken care of, by an unseen someone who had then seen fit to scamper off and leave Roy equally disgruntled and grateful.
When Roy came back from the TV studio on Sunday someone had decked his entire front porch with Christmas lights and decorations in black and silver, with red accents. It actually looked pretty nice – which didn’t change the fact that it was an utterly bonkers thing to do.
There were other gifts as well. On Tuesday he received a bottle of Macallan from 1982, the year of his birth, and on Friday it was a gift card for a massage in a luxury spa in Mayfair. Roy considered regifting the latter to his sister, but ended up spending a fucking glorious afternoon there himself. Though he did regular physio for his knee, he hadn’t had a massage since he quit football and lost access to the Richmond therapists; it had just never occurred to him to book a private appointment. It would now.
He asked Keeley repeatedly if she wasn’t the one doing it all, but she consistenly denied it, to the point where she forbade him from asking again, urging him to talk to the police if he was concerned about a stalker.
Roy wasn’t concerned, exactly. He was confused more than anything, both about what was actually going on, and about his own feelings on the matter. There was no denying that whoever was behind this spent stupid amounts of time and money on it, and that they seemed to know a great deal about Roy; both what he might enjoy, and where he was at any given time. That was objectively creepy and weird, and Roy had found himself looking over his shoulder more than once in the past week.
At the same time, there was a part of Roy that relished the attention, and had secretly started to look forward to each day’s new surprise. It brougth a sense of excitement to his otherwise painfully dull days when Keeley was away at work.
But yeah, Roy admitted to himself as he sipped coffee and watched Phoebe skate around the ice rink in Canada Square Park on Monday, it was fucking strange too. He probably should be more concerned. Maybe he ought to—
“Uncler Roy, look!”
Phoebe had come up next to him, and was pointing up into the the grey London sky. Roy followed her outstretched finger and gave a sharp curse. Above them a small airplane flew across the park, trailing a banner reading ROY KENT YOU ARE A LEGEND behind it.
Yeah, Roy thought while handing Phoebe a quid for swearing, he absolutely ought to find out who was behind this.
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acircusfullofdemons · 2 years
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Theemmmm (Circus Demon, Void, & Chaotic Evil Ship Meme)
tbh I ship all of False Moon (aside from Cyber bc they're aro) BUT unfortunately I am not a multishipper at heart, once I get a ship I defend it until the end of time & refuse to consider other options. best I can do is ot3s 😔
my weird shipping habits aside, these are especially the 3 "main ships" i have for FM (even tho...it should be 2 bc Jane/Rowan doesn't actually count! but we'll get to that later).
CIRCUS DEMON: Calypso/Rowan. THE ship of all time. I will bully everyone into shipping them I stg. Idiots to lovers, best friends to lovers, sunshine/rain cloud dynamic, pastel/goth. They can do it all! Rowan dragged Cali out of hell & they had only known each other FOR A DAY. A DAY!! One of the most iconic Circus Demon moments ever I take no criticism.
VOID: Elliott/Toby. They are SO normal compared to whatever the fuck Cali/Rowan/Jane have got going in. Time Traveler/Immortal, Space/Time, the Mom/Dad ship. idk what to say about them tbh they're pretty chill, all things considered lol.
CHAOTIC EVIL: Jane/Rowan. Look. The only reason I ship them at this point is bc in the early versions of INtO they were married for some godforsaken reason and apparently I can't let that go. Obviously they're not married anymore meaning I've created an inside joke with myself they they're "divorced"....so like I ship them in a divorced way if that makes sense.
Rowan/Jane/Cali is literally just this meme (that I have edited & wish to draw someday):
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the-witching-ash · 2 months
The Extended Berry-Adams family
Just realized I’ve never actually properly introduced the Berry-Addams family so here’s that post
Shoutout to @randomestfandoms-ocs for listening to so many rambles and helping world build!
Alma Berry
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Ashley Tisdale
Hiram Berry’s much younger little sister
Ezra’s twin (she’s the older one and will correct if anyone assumes he is.)
Former Cheerio Captain during her time at Mickenly, actual legend amongst the cheerleaders
Went to Lima University, currently a therapist
Was briefly Terri Shuester’s therapist
In the Status Quo universe, Alma is Elliot Berry’s biological mother, she got pregnant her freshman year of college, father wasn’t involved, she asked Hiram and Leroy to adopt him to give them both a better chance at life.
While in College, had her Lesbian Awakening™️
Also in Status Quo, her endgame is Tiffany Fabrey, whom she meets through their local community theater.
Ezra Berry
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Lucas Gabreel
Alma’s younger twin
Also former Cheerio
Went to Ohio University, is currently a divorce lawyer.
Sue actually calls in a favor and gets him to be Bieste’s lawyer when they leave Cooter
Met Simone while in college, poly shinanigans happened, very committed boyfriend.
Moves back to Lima with Corbin & Simone after season one
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Corbin Addams
Corbin Bleu (literally just was lazy when I named him)
Unique Adam’s biological uncle
Owns a dance studio in Akron, most of Vocal Adrenaline took lessons from him before they started high school and then went on to join the choir.
Originally from Akron but his parents didn’t want to deal with him, shipped him off to Dalton for high school
Met Simone because she’s a former Crawford girl
In the What I’ve Been Looking For/Being Alive verse, he’s Mona Addam’s father.
Ezra’s boyfriend/Simone’s Husband
Idk what he does when his family moves to Lima he’s just vibing but he’s also not commuting ~ two and a half hours ~ to work every day.
Simone Adams
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Monique Colman
Former Crawford County student
Crazy smart
In season one she’s recently gotten hired as Principal of Carmel
Actually hates how Carmel has been letting VA work and wants to change so much of it so it’s less intense and the kids can actually focus on school outside of show choir
Simone is struggling she’s under so much pressure from the booster club and the parents to not be the reason VA potentially looses their shot at their fourth consecutive nationals
Simone is watching the rehearsal Rachel sneaks into to see Shelby and absolutely flips her shit once she finds out she’s her *niece’s* biological mother. (Seriously Shelby’s lucky she can’t actually leave until at least after Nationals because of her contract or she’d be dead.)
Quits Carmel after season one at Covina and Ezra’s encouragement because she really was going through it, moves the family to Lima.
Starts teaching at Mickenly in season two, got at job teaching English lit because she had the degree and credentials, becomes principal after Sue resigns.
Doesn’t tolerate the slushies and gets them banned.
Mona’s biological mother.
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Mona Addams
Dara Reneé
The Girl The Myth The Legend
In What I’ve Been Looking For/Being Alive, she’s Simone and Corbin’s biological daughter
Wants to Be on Broadway, will do anything to get there. (Rachel hates this)
Andrew Berry’s actual favorite (honorary) cousin, she’s his true little sister, #1 hype man and he’s always advocating for Shue to give her chances to preform.
Season 2 freshman, baby of the original glee club.
Simone and Corbin immediately found the local NYADA mixer, she’s besties with Harmony when they’re not competing for local theater roles.
Sue recruited her for the cheerios before she even started her first day of high school.
Eventually has her own OT3 with Marley and Jake. (Season five is very au Bree is off in the void.)
Unique’s cousin & personal cheerleader, can and will fight anyone who’s transphobic towards Unique, but also very disappointed in the cat fishing she does.
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auxiliarydetective · 8 months
Evie's Ship Tags
Along with my new OC tags, I also figured I could use new tags for my ships (or just... y'know... actually tag posts about my ships instead of just screaming into the void). And since they're not always clear as to who they're about if just viewed at face value, I decided to make a list of them! This includes romantic, platonic and other sorts of ships.
Yes, I sacrificed recognizability for the funnies. Let me be silly, okay? I am also bad at coming up with ship names, which is another reason for why I settled for this.
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-> TV Shows!
Face/Kit aka FaceKit: #otp: if you were church i'd get on my knees
Don/Anita: #otp: make me a ring out of clover flowers
Bill/Anita: #otp: shut your mouth give me your head
Bill & Anita: #brotp: meet me on the battlefield
George & Anita: #brotp: two idiots in dance shoes
Joe Liebgott & Anita: #brotp: we've all got battle scars
Vicky/Newkirk: #otp: thief of my heart
Hawkeye & Iris: #brotp: drunken monologues
Charles & Iris: #fam: the family jewels
Raevyn (this also goes for New Horizons!Raevyn!)
Gordon/Raevyn: #otp: crazy little thing called love
Raevyn & Topa: #brotp: i can see a rainbow
Eva/Sven: #otp: northern lights and southern skies
Eva/Michi: #otp: just a little chliché
Sven/Eva/Michi: #ot3: lipstick stamps on my passport
K'Rala/Tasha aka K'Tasha: #otp: everything stays
Data/K'Rala aka K'Data: #otp: we are so human
Will/K'Rala: #otp: just a touch of your love
Deanna/K'Rala: #otp: she knows what i think about
Worf/K'Rala: #otp: fight for me
The Polycule: #otp: will you share your soul with me? (it's a one true polycule, get it?)
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-> Streaming Series!
Philomel/Crowley: #otp: falling for you
Philomel/Aziraphale: #otp: the way to an angel's heart
Crowley/Aziraphale/Philomel: #ot3: amor vincit omnia
-> see the TV Shows section!
Reina (subject to a lot of change, probably)
Reina & Edward: #brotp: mi capitán
Reina & Stede: #brotp: oh captain my captain
Reina & Izzy: ??? (I'm still figuring them out, but they're something)
Byeong-ho/Sang-woo: #otp: till death do us part
Diego & Kassandra: #fam: stand by me
Allison & Kassandra: #fam: took the words right out of my mouth
Klaus & Kassandra: #fam: the silence is so loud
Five & Kassandra: #fam: the loneliest
Viktor & Kassandra: #fam: your tears are mine
Kassandra & her siblings: #fam: we go deeper than the ink beneath the skin of our tattoos
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-> Movies!
Face/Kit aka FaceKit: #otp: i hate you so much it must be true love
Hannibal & Kit: #fam: daedalus and icarus
Mal & Diana: brotp: what else can i do?
Carlos/Diana: otp: puppy love
Claire/Eldora: #otp: this fire in my skin
Evie & Claire: #brotp: lace and leather
Egon/Charlie: #qpr: research buddies
to be added
to be added
Henry+Edward/Varsha: #otp: when is a monster not a monster?
Bára/Ahkmenrah: #otp: not even death could keep me from you
Lani & Luke: #fam: the failure and the prodigy
Lani & Leia: #fam: our father's temper
Lani & Han: #brotp: halfblood and solo
Lani & Anakin/Darth Vader: #fam: are you proud of me dad?
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-> One Piece
Mihawk/Aurelia: #otp: bloodstained gold
Aurelia & Sanji: #fam: mama's boy
Aurelia & Luffy: #brotp: there will come a ruler
Aurelia's "family": #fam: mihawk's accidental family acquisition (it's an insider that's very dear to me, and pretty much what Aurelia's OP verse boils down to lol)
Sanji/Cora: #otp: mr prince and his princess
Zoro/Cora: #otp: you wouldn't fight a katana with a rapier
Sanji/Cora/Zoro: #ot3: the prince. the princess. the knight.
Inari & Pudding: #fam: three-eyed duo
Inari & Big Mom: #fam: how much of my mother has my mother left in me?
Inari & Sanji: #brotp: though we don't share the same blood
Sanji & Lily: #fam: go ahead and cry little girl
Kaya & Lily: #fam: almost sisters
Usopp & Lily: #brotp: can you picture that?
Zoro & Lily: #brotp: big tiger small fox
Sanji/Luna: #otp: the angel and her devil
Lux/Zoro: #otp: theseus and the minotaur
Law & Lux: #brotp: achilles come down
Lux & Kaya: #brotp: i will be your sword and shield
Lux & Nami: #brotp: the cat is out of the bag
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-> Animation & Others
to be added
to be added
to be added
to be added
Peach & Sherry: #fam: sweet!
Bowser & Sherry: #brotp: honorary koopaling
to be added
Patton & Eve: #fam: raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Roman & Eve: #fam: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Remus & Eve: #fam: all you gotta do is say my name
to be added
to be added
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