#or help her with... like when was the last time buddie talked about shannon? *in 701 we have chris mention her
bisexualbuckl-y · 5 months
i can't stop thinking about buck's future reaction to this new eddie storyline in like a best friend way, because i don't know how aware buck is of how much eddie is struggling with his mental health lol, like how long ago was the last time they spoke about shannon in relation to eddie? does buck think eddie is over her death? or maybe not over but at least he's come to terms with it? i feel like we'll see eddie trying to hide this thing with kim and buck will surely know something's going on but i don't think he'll ever imagine something close to what's happening, and then aside from the lying and bad feelings surrounding the situation he'll also feel awful because he just didn't know how this was still an issue eddie was having... yk?
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matan4il · 1 year
Buddie 615 meta
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Before we really get into it, I’m just gonna snicker for a second over the fact that the death doula is named Natalia. Why? The name is related to the Latin term for Christmas Day, which is the holiday when Jesus was born. So the word that the name comes from is related to birth, natal. There’s a touch of irony there, that they gave this name to the girl who is not just a death doula, but who looks like she’s actually into death (who thinks dying for a few minutes is cool or amazing. I have to say, it’s not. It’s a good thing to accept death as a part of life, one that heightens life’s meaning, and help others do the same, it’s another to think that the physically and emotionally scarring experience of being dead for a few minutes is “cool”) and I think that’s an interesting tone to choose when introducing Buck’s new Love Interest. (if you’re into it, you can find more name meanings for 911 characters here) ~~
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The scene of Eddie and Chris at the cemetery was very touching. It also spoke volumes on how Buck has taken the same role in Christopher’s life as Shannon. We saw in eps 611 as well as this one that Chris is hoping to be heard by the parent that life has taken away from him (Shannon for good, Buck temporarily). What I find interesting is that with the hospital visit, Eddie must understand this on some level. Even with the guardianship reveal, no one has ever explicitly referred to Buck as Chrstopher’s other dad. But he is, and moments like this cement it. We talk about these parallels, but Eddie gets to live them. He witnesses with his own eyes his son talking about Buck in the same way he does about Shannon. Eddie KNOWS what Buck is to their family unit and it’s not just an emergency guardian. ~~
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Which connects me to something I touched upon in my 614 meta, Eddie’s journey. He’s supposedly been okay with dating again since 406, but in the last ep we discovered that he’s still held back by past trauma from his failed relationship with Shannon. She’s featured heavily in this ep, too. Her being Christopher’s mom means she’s a presence in Eddie’s life who will always be there. A reminder of how things can go wrong, meaning romantically, but also just in terms of how unexpected death can be.
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It pained me to go from Eddie admitting in 614 that he didn’t want to be alone, to him echoing the words of their deceased vic, “We’re all gonna die alone.” That’s something I’ve heard people saying not so much regarding the question of whether there would be someone by your side when you pass away. More like, when death claims us, we all embark on that last journey into the dark unknown on our own. Whether there’s something after death or not, we’ll all discover that completely by ourselves. That’s such a deeply lonely thought, and we see Eddie trying to deal with it in this ep by not postponing seeing his parents. He realizes he was wrong to assume they got time, because death might come for us at any given moment, just like it happened with Shannon. It’s a continuation of his journey, which is obviously not over yet, but to me it’s quite surprising how this week’s ep actually joined Buck and Eddie’s with the common theme of death, but specifically death intertwined with their romantic life. I think each of them is such a fascinating character in its own right, so why the need to connect their journeys like this? I am staring at you, 911. ~~
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I was happy that Eddie brought up what a bad idea it is for Buck to be dating someone they helped on a call. This has been a theme with Buck since he meets the snake lady on a call in 101, through Ali in 202, Taylor in 206 and now Natalia. In other words, this has a big, red sign al over it that says it’s doomed to fail, but our Buck is once more failing to notice that. Hopefully the rest of the events in 6b will help him learn and stop making this particular mistake, where he connects his idea of having self-worth only as a firefighter with thinking he can only be romantically desirable to those he helps on calls. ~~
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I wrote in this ask reply about the insanity of how Buck and Eddie seem to always start dating again in consecutive eps. As if 911 is not unhinged enough about that, we also have Buck and Eddie being obstructive with the other guy’s dating attempts, first Buck suggesting ghosting to Eddie as a way of blowing off his date with Vanessa in 614, and now Eddie right away pointing out that it’s not a great idea for Buck to be dating Natalia.
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We have seen Buddie dating multiple people over the course of almost 5 seasons now, and not a single time have we seen either man on screen approve of their best friend’s romantic partner. Almost like there’s just no one who’s good enough for the man they love so much, right? No one, because on some level, they know what we do, too. That no one else can compete with what the two of them have together. Which is why none of these LIs feel right and acceptable as partners for their best friend. ~~
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I love that right off the bat, we got a reminder that Eddie knows Buck better than everyone, on very intimate levels. Just like Eddie knew when Buck was having an emergency session with Dr. Copeland back in 404, while even Bobby as their captain didn’t, we now saw Eddie knows how well Buck handles his taxes. It’s such spouse behavior. Most of us do not have best friends who keep tabs on how we handle governmental bureaucracy, right? But then the end of this ep circles back to this idea and gives us that scene at the cemetery where Eddie proves that this is true not just when it comes to the small things of daily life. He sees Buck, knows him, understands him and Eddie accepts him in every possible way. Which is why he can say that Buck has indeed been different since the lightning strike, an awareness we don’t hear from anyone else, not even from Maddie, Buck’s very close and loving sister.
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It reminded me of how Buck said in 309 that Eddie can be honest with him. Then in 511 Buck repeated a variation of that, saying Eddie doesn’t have to pretend with him. In 513 and 514, Eddie got to be indeed fully open with Buck, just as this was paralleled in 612, where Buck was honest with Eddie. This ep continued to expand on this theme, with Eddie reassuring Buck that he doesn’t need to be anything for anyone. And I loved that in an ep where Buck has just started dating someone new, where he thinks she sees him better than anyone, the person who still gets him the most is Eddie, and that’s the person Buck shares himself with the most, too. There is not a single thing Natalia said to him or that he said to her during their date that can rival the intimacy of the cemetery talk. And if Buck still needs a wake up call to see that, well. I do think there’s a good chance he’ll get one, maybe even very soon.
~~ (my weekly meta posts) (my Buddie gifs) (all of my content)
~~ ~~ My tag list will follow in the reblog, please let me know if you wanna be added/removed here.
~~ I'm so thankful to the beautiful @eddiediaaz​ for the meta gifs this week! Not only did she step in when my regular giffer couldn’t do it this week, she also made so much effort to make sure the gifs are made as soon as possible, so the meta can be posted as early as possible as well. She’s just amazing and I hope everyone gives her a big round of applause! Merci, cherie!
~~ Thank you to anyone supporting these meta posts. I could never express enough how grateful I am and that they continue to exist thanks to you!
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buddie911abc · 4 months
A Little Buddie Hope in all that Trama?
Last week, I had a mopey post about my worries that the show would erase Buddie from previous seasons in order to make the new storylines work with what the actors and producers are saying about the characters. i.e. Eddie is heterosexual. I'm still not sure we will get canon, but I'm hopeful because one, I found a flaw in my reasoning for that post. And two, I remembered Athena's relationship with her first husband, Michael.
In season one, Michael came out as a gay man. Not bi. He was married to Athena with two kids. He loved her. He never stopped saying that he loved her. But he wasn't "IN" love with her. At one time, he said he hoped Athena would fix him. When he learned that she had been attacked in season three, he ran to be with her when he got the call. He was in mid-conversation with the man he eventually married, and he didn't even stop to tell him why he was leaving.
If we look at Eddie, he may or may not be as self-aware as Michael. I'm hoping he is because the show has given us clues in previous seasons that would fit with this interpretation of Eddie. Within the first few episodes that Eddie is in, he talks about how he isn't dating, how the girls they met on a call weren't his type, etc. Later, Buck finds help for Christopher through Carla. He tricks Eddie into coming to his place by saying he needs help to move Maddie. When Eddie learns it was a lie, his expression is a little annoyed at first and then filters to dread. He asks Buck if he is trying to set him up. Buck doesn't quite answer, he goes to answer the door and it's Carla. The expressions that go across Eddie's face, to me, were telling. Relief, surprise, and a new look just for Buck. [I feel this is the moment he fell in love or began to fall in love with Buck.-- There is also a whole other side to those first episodes after Buck starts to accept Eddie. In those episodes, he tries to please Eddie, and he stutters when he talks. He is shy and flirty, but that's a whole different thing.]
Anyway, back to Eddie. When he was with Ana, he almost mirrored Michael by admitting that he thought things would work with them, the "idea" of them. Chris loved her so much, that Eddie thought he would too. In another episode, he talks about feeling as though he were performing. Hen gives him a look that matches the one she gave Tommy & Buck in season 7 when Buck had soot on his face. The scene moves quickly so you can easily miss it, but it's there. There are more moments than I've named here that speak to Eddie's feelings, and these are the moments I felt would have to be erased if we believed Ryan Guzman about Eddie's heterosexuality. In my previous post, I was mopey about that until I realized a flaw in my thinking.
Tim has known his plans for Buck for a while. He actually wasn't sure if it was going to be Eddie instead. (most of us know that already) Either way, he knew as the episodes were being written for season 7 what would happen for Buck and that people would be paying close attention to Eddie. Within those first episodes, Eddie talks to Bobby and admits that he married Shannon because she got pregnant and they both felt pressured into it, but he never regretted it. Even when things got bad, he loved being married to her. (again the "idea" of it, just like what he said to Ana. Also, he said, that he loved being married- he didn't say he loved Shannon.) [I need help here. Someone to meta it for me-I have a big disconnect from the way Ryan nailed that scene with Kim in the most recent episode. To bring that much emotion and tears to this scene doesn't match with what he said to Bobby earlier in the season.]
Also in this season, we have Eddie referring to his Catholic past. The church, as most of us know has a long-established history of homophobia. Eddie talks about how deeply his family was into Latin-based Catholicism. While there is no direct mention of homophobia, there doesn't have to be. He talks about reaching a certain age and saying it wasn't for him. I think an awareness of his sexuality could have prevented him from fully buying into religion. However, rejecting religion doesn't mean those toxic messages weren't still there. Those messages were alongside the pressures he received from his father as young as 10 to be a man.
** Edit ** There is a space here for Eddie's reaction to Buck coming out. Based on this interpretation, it still makes sense for him to accept Buck. This is who Eddie is. He can accept Buck for everything he is without question. Despite the hold that the church and toxic masculinity have on him, Eddie doesn't hold anyone to that same standard. He rejected it when he rejected religion, but he is holding himself to that standard, and I believe this is the main part of the story that the show has not revealed to us yet. Eddie is not homophobic. Why can't he accept himself if he can accept others? (assuming this interpretation is the correct one.) Is Eddie so desperate to have his father's love? Is it that deep well of Catholic guilt he talked about? [Will Eddie, at some point, end up in a confessional, giving us all the canon we long for? I'd personally, love to see him alone by Bobby's bedside, holding that prayer book, and confessing to him the truth. That would slap. lol]
I had forgotten that these scenes were in season 7 when Tim knew full well what was coming with Buck. This doesn't mean that he will definitely write Eddie into a coming-out story, but it does mean that he is not likely to erase the stories that made me ship Buddie in the first place. If he were planning to erase those stories, he would not still be adding little pieces to that story.
TL;DR - My logic was flawed in my last post. Buddie isn't canon, and I do vacillate back and forth about this subject but hope is not completely gone for a Buddie endgame.
** edited to add ^ ^ ^
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laylawatermelon · 5 months
Now that I'm thinking about it I wanna theorize/call for action outside of buddie (don't worry i WILL return with a vengeance) but now I'm on a bit of an Eddie Diaz kind of run.
I'm reading a fanfic now of Eddie's sisters which kind of spawned me to think about his relationship with them and kind of think about his family dynamics and expectations and what's coming up for his storyline.
Now they mentioned bringing his family in, specifically his sisters, and i think this storyline ties into Marisol (noname i swear this drives me crazy when i think about it?!??! PLEASE if you want me to care/be invested gimme a last name!) and his Catholic guilt/sense of responsibility/man of the house complex.
They've introduced how his upbringing brought him a lot of guilt and a sense of duty (to serve and protect amirite? Dang religion can be a perfect line to how modern society works but lemme save that for a thesis or something this is about 911 on abc🤣)
Back on topic though, there's a really nice post talking about how he's military family and how that affected his and Shannon's relationship. (x)
Reading that helped me to appreciate the writing and details.
I also want to talk about the beautiful work being done on Twitter and Tumblr about the Miami Vice costume theory and coincidences.
(heh throwback Tuesday and takeover thursday came in clutch with finding these x )
Yes i do ship buddie, but if I look at it not just as a romantic things but as they are written as kind of parallel soulmates who run along the same line of development.
One always spurs the next to grow and change and are heavily involved in some way even if that way it's just being themselves.
Buck being open with his sexuality will trigger something in Eddie. What it is can vary.
I think if we look at it with non shipper glasses, Buck's freedom will lead to Eddie's freedom. What I mean by that is since Eddie had came to the 118 Ryan mentioned how each year he was there the more he learned about himself and other people.
I think what Eddie would be at free from the image/expectations of what a family should look like/be.
He knows what a family could look like in a queer/unconventional way. Bathena's unit, Chimney and Maddie's family (let's say cause they're not currently married with a toddler church would pass out), and HenRen's family.
The could be and should be is the important part.
Eddie grew up being told what he should be and what his life should look like. Evidently his life went none of the ways it was intended to go.
He's a widower single father from a teen/young pregnancy and veteran. Sure he's a firefighter now but he has no "complete" family.
The way they're emphasizing the mother aspect throughout his story is still fascinating.
(i also thought of something hilarious as like he probably imagined/process mothers as like the Virgin Mary or something when they brought up how he can see woman as mothers but not really women at the same time)
(also Madonna whore complex was mentioned and it's also a fascinating way to look at it as he can either desire or love.)
Shannon seems to be the only exception and even that is iffy. I would also say that when she became a mother the desire kind of left? I think the mother aspect solidified for him when she left them I would say.
Yes they did have sex but that was a (very bad, horrid) form of communication between them. They both avoided stuff at some point in some (eh it's like 20/80 her and Eddie) cases.
Every other woman he has dated has kind of been a substitute, for a lack of a better word, replacement for the role of mom.
Now he knows what moms should look like in all shapes and forms. He knows what dads should look like. He's knows what his family should look like.
Granted he did get rid of some of the flaws of his father and the way he was raised which also ties into the way he is.
Eddie was parentified at an early age. (I will say as a black/poc person that there tends to be adult responsibilities placed on our communities kids from young partially because of culture but mostly because of the inherent unevenness that we have to struggle to make balance worldwide in different facets and environments.)
Once again, this is about 911 on abc, not my thesis😭.
I just imagine him standing on a stool to cook food for his sisters or some other things like laundry. Or even worse the cannon car accident with his pregnant mom. (I love to make myself cry)
Eddie had technically been a parent since he was a kid. He literally became the man of the house or the father. So i guess that entailed taking on the emotional and sometimes physical burden of the father role.
I guess when he was actually a father and not just the role he felt the weight of responsibility again and panicked. It makes sense he has a habit of running since he never had the opportunity to do so as a kid (since he never got the chance to be one).
So after Chris it was once again role of the father but now with added responsibility of bringing money to provide the household which he didn't have to do in that role.
It was hard then so it became even more difficult.
So he gave his body to the military and returned wounded in mind and body, and with a disabled son who needed insurance and stability and a wife who just needed him.
And he needed to be a man. Again and again and again.
He broke out of the loop when he got to the 118 (bless the haven that is that building) met Buck, then Carla and Bobby who offered a safe place for his kid.
He was no longer alone and had distanced himself physical from the church but mentally still shackled in his beliefs.
After this Buck and Tommy things and he's not present we're going to focus on how a family could look for him.
Last season and recently they mentioned the fact that his aunt had been divorced and he didn't know.
There was also mention of family secrets.
There was also Marisol and Chris together which I'm guessing he wasn't to happy with her but it's either or since we haven't seen them together so it's a 50/50 chance. More like 90/10 he's annoyed or feels weird about his mom being replaced). Since we touched on him repairing his relationship with his mom and subsequently girls and women/relationships he wants to be in now that may shift his image of Marisol suddenly being more present.
Slight Buddie tangent (i gotta let the beat out for a sec raaa-) but the fact that he's still hanging out with Buck pretty consistently (well we can say he's his other parent who's sadly been in his life almost longer than his mom 🥺 lemme stop I'm crying) but it might decrease due to his and Tommy's relationship. (They're two firefighters with very busy schedules ofc he's not present they got work to do chop chop!/j)
In turn this leaves Chris with one less stable parent figure and it's forced to turn to Marisol who may be overeager to please him.
This can lead Chris to probably feeling uncomfortable with the changes because he's happy his dad's happy but he's not happy because it feels like his family's changing again too fast, and what if she leaves then his dad's not happy and a whole other sleet of teenage issues and angst.
So what I predict their storyline to be going it's that Eddie tries to find his own freedom from the church and maybe even the expectations of his home community would have on him.
Buck will be radiant in himself at the wedding, so will Hen and Karen, and Marie and Chimney, and Bobby and Athena.
He'll look around and look inward.
He'll stop focusing on what his life should look like and focus on what it could.
And that life could be just as radiant as the family he's apart of now.
(and that's all i could ask for 🥹)
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“people would kill me for it but: Eddie, in one episode with Shannon, showed more misogyny than Tommy to Hen ever”
….are you blind now that you’ve turned your back on a ship that you liked? Loved?
Okay fine, you don’t have to like Buddie anymore but it feels like you’re stretching for reasons to shit on Eddie now just because you no longer support Buddie.
How the FUCK was he more misogynistic than Tommy? Tommy was a piece of shit in that original episode. I even remember you being against him before you got twisted…
Eddie’s issue with Shannon is her abandoning him. He was NOT misogynistic to her. I’m not even sure where you get that from??
I think you need to think a bit more about the definition of that word before you go around throwing accusations around.
And this is coming from someone who doesn’t hate on either ship. Just hates people making stupid claims they can’t back up.
Before last part I wasn't gonna answer, but last part happen. Why Eddie's relationship always gone? Because he needs "mother for my child". The mother who he never let to work when she begged him to come home and help with Chris. He chose to stay in Afghanistan. Then she begged him to go to LA to her DYING mother, but no, Eddie needs his family and time. Then he puts her through his bed first before letting her go back to their life, but not see their son first and further most. His dick was in Shannon for two months before he decideds maybe "I should ask Chris about Shannon". Why Shannon juts let him back when he left her TWICE? oh yeah sorry, he was a hero who was on war. HE CHOSE IT. He chose to run from his wife "to provide for family". Shannon wanted to provide too, but Eddie literally said "Chris needs you home"
And then he decided they need to live together bc he thought she's pregnant, but before it she again told him "I want to work to provide for Chris too." He said you don't have to, I can do it. Why she can't work? Carla can take care of Chris when she works too
And we saw it with Ana and Marisol. What women in Eddie's life do with him? have sex, babysit Chris when Eddie is on the job or even hangs out with friends, cook. Now, question: don't you think it's pretty low role for women in life?
Eddie literally sees women as housekeepers as his father (Ramon always left Helen alone with kids for work. He literally left Helen pregnant and with two little kids).
So question, does Eddie misogynistic?
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Also i said I don't like buddie, but I never said I don't like Eddie. And I WAS talking about his flaws, just less bc I was scared bc Eddie is the most lovable here and all his flaws is normal for his fans or took as proof for gay! Eddie. Especially his misogyny. It's Eddie's gans loves to find teh reason to hate Tommy, but the moment you say he's better than Eddie in smt, boom 💥 you're wrong and anons like you are here (also so brave of you to come anon)
Now, Hen begins. Tommy was silent with Hen. Just silent. (With Chim he made one racist comment at the start, but then was silent.) And then in the end of the Hen begins, Tommy congratulate her with good job, and it implied he and Sal was people who was against Gerrard too and made complains against him
So, Eddie has deep misogyny roots and always shows it with partners, Tommy was just bad ally for Hen. Who's bigger misogynist now?
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cinematics123 · 1 year
So… there is a lot. And I will probably save some of it for a more focused/personal Buddie post.
First, if you were on the Buddie train (and I am) you were not wrong. Secondly, despite no Buddie, this was an excellent finale. Even the pacing was mostly on point. It was… good tv. If they were going to get cancelled (and they thought they were) this was the canon ending. We’ll call this CanonA. Let’s look at the CanonA ending.
For many of our mains, the firefam, it’s a good ending. Bobby and Athena are both healthy and get their cruise. Maddie and Chimney are planning their legal escape from the IRS wedding.
Hen and Karen story picked back up a thread about a baby, which is very interesting, but… we didn’t really get anything else on Denny and his Dad? Is that story line… done? Are they ok? It seemed like there was more conflict because of how the hospital scene let Nathaniel in but with some real distrust. It feels like they dropped one (meaningful) thread to grasp at another. It’s good, but not great.
Buck’s ending is more mixed; Eddie’s is downright tragic. Buck’s CanonA ending is that he got close to the answer and got the wrong one. Any wonder that his math power crapped out on a date with Natalia? People have said that growth in the show is non-linear. People don’t always learn, people don’t always grow. Buck makes the same couch mistake he did with Taylor. In CanonA, Buck may never know how close he got to that special ending. Instead in CanonA, instead of finding happiness, he goes down the Lev path from 6A. Happy-ish. Girlfriend, maybe kids, life gets busy, maybe finding the meaning at the end. Not bad, but not what “The Age of Absolutely” was about either.
Eddie’s is… tragic. We’ve gotten trickles of Eddie’s real story, but 6B confirmed so much fandom speculation. Though he had met Shannon before, they got together senior year, right into kids and marriage - and Eddie runs away for at least 2 deployments. He bails. He later dates Ana, sees the ready made family - and breaks up with her. He is putting wanting a wife and mother over his heart - that’s canon.
Eddie fawning over Buck in the poker scene and all of 6B is equally canon. Please correct me if I’m wrong but I believe their last deep talk together is… about how Natalia sees Buck. Eddie says the experience had to have changed Buck. Not only does he see Buck… but implies something has changed between him and Buck. With Nat and Buck dating, Eddie rushes to find anyone to date - and basically ends up with Ana2 (instead of Chris’ teacher, she helps him find glue for his project).
It seems like… Eddie’s realized that while he sees Buck, Buck… doesn’t see him. And Buck is not seeing Eddie in that scene. In a kind of parallel to “Buck is in the room”, Eddie needs Buck there too… but this time Buck goes the other way and Eddie doesn’t say a word. Instead, Buck goes… and Eddie goes back to his heteronormative fantasy. Despite saying he wants to get better “for me” he’s after a wife and mother for Chris, Chris is even there with him on the date phone call. It’s not just lack of progress, Eddie got to the very threshold of opening himself to Buck - if only admitting it to himself. Instead back into the closet. That’s Eddie’s CanonA ending. It’s grim. It doesn’t “get better” for Eddie. He gets to the edge and chickens out.
If you think you were misled that Buddie was a romantic plot, you’re right. When looking at our firefam, Buck and Eddie were constantly paired alongside the other couples. We didn’t just see them through a romantic lens, that was how they were presented. In the CanonA ending, there is not even a last scene with Buck and Eddie tighter as friends, it’s Buck&Nat and Eddie/Chris talking to Marisol. The pairing of the two as a couple/family is broken. In itself, that’s sad. Them laughing over beers or Buck being there encouraging Eddie on while he talked would not have broken the “coupling” lens. They deliberately chose to do so.
So much like how Eddie reaches the point of understanding only to hesitate and withdraw back into heteronormativity, so does 911 on Fox. It clearly got to the point of understanding Buddie as a couple, presenting Buddifer as a family, and then… pulls back and gives them last minute female love interests. Like Eddie, it chickens out and loses out on giving Buddie CanonA happy ending. Instead what it gave then was… realistic and everyday bad relationships. They got close, but in a case of life imitating art, like Eddie it settles for being convention and traditional at the expense of its own growth and happiness. I hope 911 on ABC does them better.
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david3096 · 9 months
Hey! If you are looking for a Buddie Christmas fic, with a established relationship and a marriage proposal, I may have the fic for you!
You can read The Christmas Gift at AO3
And here's a little preview, too.
It was supposed to be easy, simple, Eddie thought it was all figured out. He had a foolproof plan to find out what his son wanted as a gift to ask Santa for.
Eddie really thought that in the next few years as long as Chris continued to believe in Santa Claus, he would have the plan and the answer to the problem of the last 10 years. But he didn't know this would happen.
Buck had told him last night that Chris didn't take more than five minutes locked in his room which he thought was a little odd, considering his son sometimes can't stop talking. He thought it would be simpler, that Chris already knew the toy he wants and there would be no further complication.
After dinner, Buck handed him the letter and Eddie tucked it away in his bureau. His boyfriend slept over as usual and tried to convince him to open the letter together but Eddie assured him that he needed to do this alone.
Buck was a little sad but managed to distract him with some kisses and caresses.
The next morning, after the two of them went to drop Chris off at school and taking advantage of the fact that Buck was taking a shower, he went for the letter to his room and headed for the kitchen.
He opened it carefully, constantly looking at the door and trying to make as little noise as possible in case Buck came in and found out. His heart was beating a mile a minute, much faster than when they have an emergency and almost the same as that day two years and three months ago when he was able to confess his feelings to Buck.
His hands went cold. There was only one little six-word sentence. His heart almost stopped. He couldn't stop reading it.
Dear Santa:
I wish Buck was my dad.
“Are you sure you're okay?” Buck asks, the two are sitting in the kitchen, Chris is getting everything ready for school.
“Since when did you become such a worrywart?” Eddie says with a smile, taking a last sip of his chamomile tea.
“Since my boyfriend seems to be somewhat distant with me and his son.” Okay, maybe the last couple of days he hasn't quite known how to handle the news that, for Chris, it would be better to have Buck as a father.
The truth is, he understands very well why his son has asked for that as a gift from Santa. Buck is wonderful, as a person and as a father. He is loving, interesting, intelligent, cares about Chris and helps him with his homework, he is the person his son goes to when the two of them argue.
Plus Buck is his boyfriend. His sexy, handsome, kind-hearted, perfect boyfriend who would do anything for the both of them.
And he doesn't feel as bad as he expected about the fact that Chris would rather have him as a dad than Eddie. Plus Eddie loves Buck madly and the truth is, he likes to think that Buck loves him with that same intensity too.
It's just that he thought he was doing much better now. But that letter has only confirmed one of his biggest fears, he's still a bad father in his son's eyes. He keeps making mistakes and he doesn't even know what those are.
He knows he has failed his son too many times in the past, but he thought it was all better. After being away so long in the military, after the problems in Texas, after moving to Los Angeles, after everything that should have happened and shouldn't have happened with Shannon, her death, after the Tsunami, after.... Well, after all those traumatic situations, he thought he was doing at least a little bit better.
“It's okay, I promise.” He assures his boyfriend, then stands up, for a moment he wanted to turn his back on him and focus to washing the dishes and confirm to Buck that he is being distant, but he decides to turn around and give hi boyfriend who is still sitting in the chair a hug from behind. He gives him a kiss on the cheek and tucks his face into his neck. “I'm sorry if I've been acting weird.”
“It's not that, it's just....” Buck's voice is a whisper, he can almost detect the embarrassment. “I can't get out of my head that I did something wrong.”
“Amor, believe me you haven't done anything wrong.” Eddie gives him another kiss on the cheek and then stops hugging him to turn the chair so that the two of them are facing each other.
“Wow, sometimes I forget how strong you are.” It seems like it's more of an ego boosting phrase than anything else, but it works in a way that embarrasses him just a little bit.
“Didn't I show you last night how strong I am?” Buck blushes and Eddie loves that about his boyfriend, he seems to continue to be amazed at how seductive he can be at times. Or at least try to be...the point is, it works on Buck and that's all he's interested in.
“Yeah, you really did.” Buck smiles, there's something on his face he can't quite put his finger on, but usually that happens when he's debating whether to start undressing Eddie or not. “But don't change the subject.”
“I wasn't changing it, I just wanted things to be clear.” He assures him with a half smile on his face, maybe he was trying a little to change the subject. “But seriously, everything is fine. I've just been thinking about some things.”
“Okay.” Buck looks conflicted, wiggles his eyebrows down, he's about to say something that worries him a lot. “You're not going to break up with me, are you?”
“Evan.” He says, in a soft tone and kisses him on the lips, a long, sweet kiss, much calmer than the kisses they share before going bed. “I would never think of breaking up with you, you're the best thing that ever happened to me. To me and to Chris.”
“You guys are also the best thing that ever happened to me.” Buck seems a little calmer, just a little. “But there's a voice in my head that tells me something is wrong and...”
“Amor, nothing is wrong. Everything is going better than ever, but I'm having a little trouble getting Chris' gift.” It's not really a lie, but he doesn't plan to confess any more details that would compromise whatever is going on with Chris.
“You know I can help you look for it.” Buck now seems calm and convinced with his answer. “I don't understand why you got the crazy idea that you must be the one to buy him that gift.”
“That crazy idea is because my boyfriend, who had promised me to just buy the Nintendo Switch with me just spent like a million dollars to buy seven games for Chris.” Buck opens his mouth to try to defend himself but not a single word comes out, then his lips form a mischievous little smile.
“All right, Mr. Díaz.”
“Don't say that like you didn't called me that last night with your clothes off.” Buck smiles, he knows he's just a kiss away.
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beyourownanchor6 · 1 year
fic stats meme!
Rules: Give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the least words.
tagged by my beloveds: @loserdiaz @disasterbuckdiaz @hippolotamus @monsterrae1 @spotsandsocks @thewolvesof1998 @wildlife4life @buddierights
most hits:
if i lay here, would you lie with me (forget the world)
“Does this story have a point?” Eddie questioned, Lena narrowing her eyes at him. “This guy, my sort of friend—what if he could watch Chris for you?” Eddie furrowed his brows together.
“You want me to leave my kid who’s halfway across the country with some—stranger?”
It beats having him sent home to your parents, right?”Well, she had a point there.
Eddie shook his head, overwhelmed with his thoughts.
“Look, I appreciate it Bosko, but I just—I don’t know. This is my kid we’re talking about.”
“I know that, and I know how much you love him. Hell, you’ve sent me ten plus emails when I was watching him for you.”
Eddie looked to where there was a line coming out of their commanders office. He turned to Lena, giving his full attention.
“Alright, tell me about this friend of yours.”
The one where Eddie’s in the army, Shannon gives up her rights to Chris, and Eddie needs a babysitter. Good thing Lena knows Buck, the guy having nothing better to do than help babysit until Eddie gets back. Eddie would come home, and he would leave; it wasn’t like they were going to build some lifetime friendship or anything.
second third most kudos:
five + one (i did 3rd most kudos, bc army!eddie won this as well) also wtf allowed me to name a fic this 💀
Five times Eddie calls Buck by his real name and one time Buck calls Eddie by his or Five times Eddie drives Buck crazy with his real name, and one time Buck gets revenge
third most comments:
-He’d surfed many seas, rode an infinite amount of waves, though none of them quite felt like home, like he’d surfaced. It wasn’t until he met the guy with eyes as deep as the ocean that he let himself drift to shore, sinking right into them. Everything about him was like being right on the edge, like you could travel for miles and still never quite reach his depths, like a wave that couldn’t be touched, couldn’t be brought down. Sometimes, you couldn’t stop the wave, but you could learn to surf it. Eddie had spent his entire life riding the waves, but nothing could prepare him for the depths of Evan Buckley. – —or— the buddie surfing au
fourth third most bookmarks:
I want to love you (but I don't know how) (i did 3rd most since 5+1 won this as well)
“Say we want to, I don’t know…maybe you…or I, will want to let the other know that I’m safe at work, like if there’s a bad call or something.” Eddie nodded for him to go on, Buck already reaching to tap the correct buttons. “How about two taps means: ‘I’m safe’.” Buck tapped his bracelet twice, the two of them watching in awe as Eddie’s lit up, vibrating where it lay over his wrist. He watched as Eddie visibly shivered; he couldn’t be sure if it was due to the magic of the bracelets, or Eddie’s fear of technology—maybe a little of both. Buck cleared his throat, ducking his head a little as he continued. “And maybe, we could use—4 taps to say: ‘I’m hurt, but ok’.” Eddie looked up to him then, raising a brow. “How many taps do we need for, ‘my best friend is a dumbass and did something stupid again, and I’m not there to have his back’?” Buck deadpanned. “Well, that would be nineteen, to be exact.” -or- Buck buys him and Eddie touch bracelets, not wanting either of them to feel disconnected after Eddie leaves. They help, but the real thing is still better.
fifth most words:
when i lose my grip, you pull me back (you're my universe)
Buck only nuzzled closer, his breath ghosting over Eddie’s lips, begging Eddie to take that last step. “Ev, please don’t make this harder than it already is.” Buck’s lips were all but touching his, their noses pressed together. Buck was all around him, voice pleading. “Just one Eds, please.” That was the problem. It was never just one; once they dove into the world of each other, it was almost impossible to stop—they could never get enough. Not enough kisses, touches, or sweet sounds made between them would ever be enough; if there was one thing they never tired of, it was each other. —or— A collection of firsts in Buck and Eddie’s relationship, from when they met as teenagers, to now. Aka the teen buddie au.
fic with least words:
mornings with you
A soft morning between our soft boys
tagging: @redlightsandicedtea @justsmilestuffhappens @onward--upward @honestlydarkprincess @swiftiebuckleyhan @barbiediaz @djdangerlove @cowboydiazes @alyxmastershipper @ronordmann @wh0re-behavi0r @spaceprincessem @giddyupbuck @transbuck
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calliope-nash · 5 months
The Little Nash: Buddie's Girl
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Callie: So, guess who is back in my life.
Dazja: I thought he lived in Texas. When did he move and why is he a firefighter. Not that I am complaining about that. Wait, are you going to connect both books?
Callie: I think so. Plus, it would make life easier for me. Though Eddie found out I wrote some spicy scenes, and he wasn’t happy. But that other guy who I was thinking about making the other love interest, seemed to calm Eddie down. He is totally cool with a love interest. 
Dazja: Just be careful. Don’t get feelings like you did last time.
After that I didn’t respond to her. Eddie had been someone I was close to, but feelings were something I never accounted for. I was normally good at keeping myself at arm’s length from those I was working with. Eddie just broke through so many walls I held up, but I couldn't start anything. Luckily at the time he was married, and I didn’t worry about that. Now I have no idea if those feelings will return or if Buck will be the new person they will go too. I pray for neither or hell even both. 
I got up for the day and started to look for my old files on Eddie. I made it a mission to learn everything I can about the people I write about to make it seem more real and less like interviews. It helped to humanize some of the soldiers who didn’t have much of a personality except that they needed to protect others. 
I found the file I was looking for, the one about his wife Shannon. I figured that I needed to update the file seeing as if Eddie was in LA, she was too. I looked up her name and LA in a search bar. What I learned saddened me. She died. Eddie must have been devastated. I decided to look up the case file from her death. I needed to get access to that. 
As if someone knew I was doing research, there was a knock on my door. Okay no one knew where I lived yet. But when I opened the door, there was my brother and a woman I wasn’t sure who she was. I let them in and asked if they wanted anything.
“Callie, this is my wife, Athena.”
“You got married again?”
Bobby only nodded. I didn’t waste anytime and hugged her and welcomed her to our weird ass family. She seemed surprised by how okay I was with them not inviting me to the wedding. I had no issue with it mostly because I was too busy writing my novel at the time I wasn’t really talking to anyone except my editor.
Bobby promised that the three of us would get together and have dinner. I agreed as long as he didn’t mind, I used it as an interview for my new book. Athena looked at me with confusion. I told her about my new idea and how the two male love interests were going to be based on Buck and Eddie. Which was the first Bobby heard about.
“My book, my rules. Besides, Buck already agreed, and Eddie has given me permission to use his likeness and or his personality in any novel I write.”
Athena just gave Bobby a look, which I read as ‘your sister is sassy, and I like her.’.  I high fived her for her support. We all sat down to have some breakfast before Bobby’s shift started. As we ate, I was glad to have a sister-in-law who didn’t take any of Bobby’s shit. At one point Bobby went to the restroom and I got a chance to talk to Athena alone.
“How the hell did my brother get to be with an amazing woman? Like seriously, he has no game at all, and the man has some fucking issues.”
“It just happened. We decided to give it a shot after an interesting call about a man on a motorcycle. Besides that, everything about us has been good. Your brother is a good man who has been through hell and back.”
“I know he is. He just worries about me sometimes. We didn’t talk for a long time after I left to work as a journalist who wrote about overseas missions. That’s how I know Eddie. I was embedded with his team on his last tour.”
“Bobby told me about that. I read some of your articles from your time there. You never used anyone’s name. Why?”
“Its their story to tell, if they want to put their name on it that’s not my decision to make.”
Before I could say anything else, Bobby came back. I told her we would talk later. Athena just laughed. Bobby told me that if I planned on going in today, that I should get ready before he left and he would drive me to the firehouse. I told him to just go on without me. I had to do something first. Athena asked what I needed to do. Grabbing my laptop, I showed them my google search about Shannon. Bobby was the first to speak up. He told me not to talk about her around Eddie. Like I was planning on bringing more trauma to his life than he has already been through. 
After talking to them about what I needed to know about Shannon’s death, I was glad I never mentioned that Diego, the character based on Eddie, had a wife. I had written about a son, but never a wife. Which I can easily explain in this new book. My heart broke for Eddie, he was a good man who had more love to give than he was given. The few times I talked to Shannon without Eddie’s knowledge; I hated her. Though I understood what she was the way she was about Christopher. She had no clue what it was like to have a child with a disability.
I walked the two of them out. Before I could get dressed, I started crying. Eddie needed someone in his life who could be not only his rock but also good with Christopher. Though I knew that crying for a man who didn’t want to talk to me right now was pathetic, I cared about him. I got myself composed and got ready to be in interview mode.
Getting to the fire house wasn’t that hard, but getting out of my car was. Just as I was going to open my door, I saw Eddie’s truck. Taking a few deep breaths, I opened my door and walked toward him. 
“Okay I deserve that. Listen, I promise I never meant to keep those scenes from you. It just never felt like the right time to bring them up. After everything that happened to us in Afghanistan, I figured that you didn’t want to talk about anything relating to your time there. I promise to try and make this up to you. The first step for that is informing you that the next book will be a sequel which makes the series into a why choose romance. Diego will still be there, but Stella, the female lead, will have another male who takes interest in her. He will be based on Buck.”
“WHAT?! First you write scenes with basically you and me. Now its going to be you and Buck?”
Before I could explain anything, Eddie walked away, leaving me standing there like an idiot. Slowly, I walked to the lobby to check in with Bobby. Almost immediately he knew something was wrong. I just shook my head and told him to drop it. As I started setting up in one of the spare offices, Buck entered. He looked like he wanted to apologize for something.
“Eddie’s response to what the plans are for my novels are valid for him. Though he didn’t let me explain that it wasn’t just scenes that he thinks I am going to write. The character that is going to be based on you will be having some sex scenes that are with my female lead. Eddie thinks it means something more than it is.”
Buck tried to help me understand where Eddie was coming from. Though I suspect it has more to do with not wanting his teammate in a foul mood at a scene. I thanked him for listening and asked when we could do our first interview session. The word session messed with Buck a little. He seemed annoyed by it. I just laughed at his face.
“Guessing you don’t like the thought of therapy? That is kind of what interviews are though. At least in my experience.”
“Just don’t want people to see me in the wrong light.”
“Buck, the interview is just for me. Its to help me pick details for your character. I might even show you the first one I did with Eddie some day. With his permission of course. Consent is sexy.”
My final sentence made Buck laugh. We talked for a bit and got to work on scheduling his first interview. Learning about Buck was nice. He had a good heart and I was hoping to reflect it in the novel. The bell rang and they all went out. Eddie was the man behind for the first half of the shift. Which was just fantastic. 
I distanced myself from him and started working on an outline for the story. We weren’t going to be talking anytime soon with his attitude the way it was, but I still held hope that he would let me explain. 
Around lunch, once the team had returned, Bobby made burgers. He asked me and Buck to help make some sides. I worked on making fries, regular and sweet potato ones, while Buck made macaroni and potato salads. 
“Why do people eat those? Mayonnaise is disgusting except in a few circumstances.”
“You don’t like mayonnaise? How are you Bobby’s sister?”
“You have no idea how many times I was asked that growing up. Minnesota is brutal when it comes to their salads. Though I think it has something to do with my mom being from Oregon. She was a character.”
Buck grabbed the salads as we walked to the table. He apologized if talking about my mother was difficult. Shrugging was my response. It wasn't hard to talk about her, it was more living with the memories of her and the ones i won't be able to share with her.
We got the table all set up just as Bobby finished the last of the burgers. I waited until everyone else had gotten their food before getting mine. Figuring I wasn't welcome to sit with the 118 family, I started to walk back to the office I was set up in. 
Bobby asked me where I was heading. Gesturing to the office, he told me to sit down. Buck waved me over and I sat next to him. Eddie was on his other side. I thanked whichever god was watching over that Buck didn’t make me sit between the two of them. Lunch was a nice change of pace. Howard, who told me to call him Chim or Chimney, asked what the plans were for my time here.
“Well, once I have enough information from all of you guys, I'll probably leave until the book is done. No distractions. Though that is just the plan as of right now.”
“You'll leave like always” Eddie’s voice held a venom i wasn't surprised by.
“Edmundo, do we need to have a private conversation now, or wait until we schedule a time for an interview?”
“You are going to interview me again?”
“Yes, you have changed. Why wouldn't I want to know what has changed and what is the same.”
My comment shuts Eddie up for the time being. Buck lightly squeezes my hand under the table. The gesture was welcomed, but surprising. I tried to ignore the looks Bobby and Buck were giving me. But Bobby was the one I was more worried about. He never wanted me to date a firefighter. 
I stopped talking after my staring contest with my brother. There was nothing worse than when Bobby got over protective. Especially after what happened in Minnesota. 
After lunch, I went back to the office I was set up in, to work on setting up a schedule for who is doing interviews when as well as when I wouldl be shadowing the team to better understand what they do on calls. Bobby used to try and tell me, but I was bored most of the time. Never felt the need to know. 
After roughly twenty minutes, Athena came to the door. She informed me that Bobby had asked her to check on me. Rolling my eyes, I shook my head.
“He wants to know what Eddie meant at lunch. I don’t want to talk about it. Besides, Eddie can’t say anything about my leaving when he was the one to… Nevermind, it’s in the past.”
“Eddie lead you on?”
“No, I got romantically invested, and I needed space. I think he thought I wanted to leave before their mission was finished. Which was not the case at all. The longer I was with them, the harder it was going to be for me to leave. Honestly I would have gone to Texas with him.”
Athena understood what I was impling with my confession. “Have you ever told him?”
I shook my head. He was married and I wasn’t going to be a homewrecker. Looking back now, Eddie always asking me about my personal life just as much as I was asking about his. Before I could tell her anything else, Buck walked in. I realize everyone was back. I thank Athena for listening. She gave Buck a pat on the shoulder as she left. 
“I don’t want to talk about it. Eddie and I are a complicated friendship.”
“Good, because I asked Bobby a question. Now I am going to ask you one.”
“Have dinner with me tonight?”
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mayy-bby · 1 year
Idk if it’s just me, but I find that 911 has a hard time following through with their character arcs and this leads to redundant storytelling (in some cases). We’ve seen buck go through this journey of never feeling enough/wanted/loved time and time again and somehow we always end up right at the start of it? After buck begins is seemed like they’d keep us in the loop of buck’s therapy and do check ins to see where he’s at in terms of his belonging but they sidelined that and brought it back up now in season 6. Which some people see as them not forgetting the important details, but is that what it is? Instead showing his progress from last time, we get a whole episode on buck coming to the same realization he always comes to (that he is loved and wanted and enough/family is not always blood you you build it). And this isn’t to say I didn’t like the episode but we’ve seen this exact thing before, just with a different set up. And the thing is we always see this part but we hardly see what comes after that. The part he follows through with his realizations. The part where the progress is shown. I know some people are gonna “growth is not linear”. Well yeah, but first, it’s not completely stagnant either and two, this is a tv show and you have to move the story forward at a quicker pace and show progress for storytelling. This doesn’t mean the person can’t have the same issues arise again, but let’s not take the person right back to square one to where the lessons from last time become non existent. Now we have Eddie going on another date which most people are saying is going to be some sort of failed attempt at getting back into things and what will lead eddie to the final buddie realization. Ummmmm, what was Ana’s purpose then? That breakup was so pivotal but there was zero follow through/follow up. And I can already feel some people wanting to say, “well maybe the follow up will happen now after his date with marisol.” But no. We shouldn’t have to wait like this insane amount of time to see the the after math of something major. I can’t even recall if Eddie had a proper conversation about the breakup with anyone? Or even a decent passing mention? It’s like it never happened. Maybe if he continued to talk about it after it happened here and there, then him going on this date would make more sense. Like just knowing a little more about Eddie’s mindset when breaking up with Ana/coming to the realization (beyond the whole instant family thing which was sort of vague ngl) that she isn’t the one and why - it would be soo telling. I mean, they could have at least had Eddie mention something along the lines of “I don’t know exactly why, but I knew for sure Ana wasn’t the one for me. I think maybe because Shannon and I got together and then pregnant so young, I didn’t have that much experience with love and dating. I feel like I’m still figuring that part of myself out and dating Ana helped me find my footing even though she isn’t the one.” Blah blah, etc etc. By getting some insight into his mindset after the breakup, him going on a casual date like this one would make so much more sense. It still would be annoying but at least we’d have some insight into why he’s even trying this when things with Ana ended the way they did. But they just left us with a very ambiguous and coded breakup that said a lot but also very little. But anyway. I actually don’t know if this date will be a one time thing, but either they’re going to be redundant with his love life once again or they’re going to settle with her as the final love interest. Kinda annoying either way
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roy-kents · 1 year
what if.. chris dying is the thing to bring buddie together.. the grief??
oh. oh anon.
i'm going to give you the absolute benefit of the doubt and say this message wasn't sent out of malice, it was just out of ignorance and that's fine. you're human. but i have more than a few things to say about this so it's going below a read more for anyone who's interested.
tw for talks of death/dying and the grieving process in quite a lot of detail, as well as mentions of cancer/treatments. you've been warned folks!
okay, so. my dad died when i was 11, and my mum died when i was 20, and just this last month my maternal grandmother died. i'm not saying that for any kind of sympathy or anything, it's just so you know i have some sort of idea as to what i'm talking about. i've seen up close and personal how losing a loved one wrecks someone. take my mum as an example: after my dad died, things got dark. i'm not going to go into detail bc tbh it's not any of the internet's business but my mum really spiralled after losing my dad. she was utterly lost and for a long while, i wasn't sure my mum would ever go back to the way she was.
taking it from a different perspective, when my mum died, i saw what it did to my grandparents. for a bit of background, my mum was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer in 2018 pretty much out of nowhere. she went through 7 cycles of chemo, 2 surgeries and 4 weeks of radiation and she was declared cancer free, and then she was killed by a pulmonary embolism. we were all kind of lulled into a false sense of security and then the rug was completely and utterly pulled from underneath us, and it hurt like hell. but i watched what it did to my grandparents in particular. my grandad was pretty much the same as always, maybe a little quieter (a product of the stoicism of his generation maybe).
my grandmother, on the other hand, wanted to go into excruciating detail all the time. in the months immediately after my mum died, she wanted me to recount the night she died in as much detail as i could. for context, my grandparents weren't at the hospital when my mum died, but i was. i was my mum's next of kin, and so a lot of the burden fell on me in terms of making decisions about continuing/withdrawing care. so my grandmother needed to know everything, and i was kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place because it hit a point where i wanted so desperately to help, but i had no idea what to do because the one thing my grandmother wanted me to do was ultimately hurting me.
now, how does this all link back to your original message? a child dying is not a reason to begin a new relationship, basically. a relationship started in the wake of grief, especially grief that profound is never going to be healthy, and it's never going to last. look at what happened to eddie after losing shannon - he spiralled, and he spiralled hard, and that's completely understandable. much of eddie's arc in s3/4a was coming to terms with life after losing shannon, and trying not to get stuck in his grief. even when he's dating ana, we see that he's not really ready for that - a relationship centered around his grief is never going to work in the long run, and that plays a role in his whole breakup with ana in the first place.
if christopher died? eddie wouldn't recover from that. sure, maybe he'd survive the acute grief. he'd go back to work and maybe he'd even have some fleeting moments of happiness here and there. but he'd never be the same eddie that we know currently. it took him so long to move out of the grief surrounding shannon and the circumstances around her death. but, as we've seen on the show for seasons now, christopher is his life. everything eddie does, everything eddie is is for chris. if christopher died, eddie would become a shell of his former self. he wouldn't be able to move past that, and he wouldn't be in any place to be in any sort of meaningful, romantic relationship.
buck would obviously also be grieving, but his grief would look different to eddie's. neither of them would be in any sort of place to get together romantically in the wake of christopher's death, and i think implying that they could do that isn't fair to them or to their characters. they'd be too aware of a major missing element in their relationship, and i don't think it's fair to insinuate that they could feasibly get together in the wake of christopher's death. i just can't ever see that conceivably happening, i'm sorry.
(also insinuating a child dying would...encourage his parent to begin dating someone...almost in a hopeful tone...it isn't the one for me)
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wikiangela · 6 months
Hi dear!!! 🥰 Could you tell me more about 5. Eddie's definitely not dying? Please and thank you!!
Hi! <3 Of course! It's one of my fave wips, tho I only get back to it when I'm especially sad bc it's a sad one lol (it is gonna be mcd)
idk if you're familiar with the death-cast series ("they both die at the end" and "the first to die at the end" books - if not, highly recommend, so fucking good) but it's basically buddie in that universe, where there's this thing called death-cast that know when people are gonna die and call them on that day (from midnight to 2am) to give them one last day to live the way they want to spend their last day, and to make all the necessary arrangements etc
so, basically, Eddie gets a call - but Eddie being Eddie, he doesn't believe in any of this (he does have a subscription bc his family kept pressuring him and Shannon did get a call before she died)
so he has around 24 hours to live, arranging who's gonna take care of chris, and confessing his love to Buck - and when he tells Buck he got a call, Buck panics ofc
all the snippets I posted for this are here
and here's another one where I took part of the dialogue from the books bc it is a script lol
It doesn't even hit him that they might be calling about his son, too, since he's registered under Eddie's phone number, until the moment he swipes the green button to answer the call. That's when a wave of panic floods him, for just a second. Then he remembers that it all isn't real. That, and they say his name.  "Hello, I'm calling from Death-Cast. My name is Jane. Is this Edmundo Diaz?" a pleasant, warm voice speaks on the other end of the line.  "Cutting it close there, it’s almost 2am.” he tries for a lighthearted tone, but doesn’t get a response. “Yeah, that's me." he sighs, dragging a hand over his face. Let's get this over with. "Call me Eddie." he adds. "Hi, Eddie. I regret to inform you that sometime in the next twenty four hours you’ll be meeting an untimely death. While there isn’t anything we can do to suspend that, you still have a chance to live." Her tone is professional, sounding like she’s reciting from a script, which she probably is, but there is an undertone of pity and sympathy, too. She's clearly well-trained for the job - which is probably not even a fleeting thought when most people get the call, but Eddie's not most people. She starts listing all the events and festivals happening for Deckers – that’s what people who are dying are called, that’s who Eddie is today, apparently – to help them experience as much life as possible in whatever time they have left. That and all the places that are supposed to make it easier to make all the necessary arrangements, quickly and with little to no wait. Eddie’s not paying much attention. He knows all that, it’s advertised enough, and he’s talked to Deckers, met quite a few on calls, actually. They were supposed to die, but his team saved quite a few of their lives – not so easy to predict death, is it?
my badly summarized wips
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halestrom · 2 years
awake. a 6x11 spec fic.\
Is this in any way gonna be canon? No. But I can dream, right?
buddie, 3k, PG, spoilers for 9-1-1 episode 6x10, ambiguous ending.
“Just go over and talk to him.”
Evan turned, glaring at Daniel, who shrugged and moved to leave, needing to go to work. He clapped Evan on the shoulder as he walked past. He turned back to the paper he had been reading for the lesson he was in the middle of planning and did his best not to look up and stare at the hot guy who was ordering a drink at the same time every day. At the same time, Evan was there every day, talking on his phone to someone with a worried look.
“Just hold on, okay? Hold on.”
Evan wanted to know who was holding on.
“Is this seat taken?”
Evan looked up to see Hot Guy standing there, his phone nowhere in sight and a half smirk on his face that looked good. Evan stared for a second. “Uh…what?”
Hot Guy’s smile turned even more amused. “Can I sit?” he asked. “It’s busy.”
Evan glanced around, seeing the crowded room filled with people he sort of recognized. He could see a lesbian couple and their kid in the corner, laughing over something with a man their age bouncing their other girl on his knee, making her laugh. An older gentleman and woman were talking, and heads bowed together as their kids talked to each other. And Evan was sitting at a table for two but alone.
“Uh, sure,” Evan said finally, looking up at Hot Guy, who smiled and sat.
“I’m Eddie Diaz,” Hot Guy said, holding out his hand.
Evan shook it. “Evan.”
Evan grinned as he spotted Eddie walking over and sliding into the seat across from him. “Hey, man, how’s work?”
“Busy,” Eddie said, shaking his head. “You’d think at some point people would stop doing dumb things that made them want to call 911.”
“You’d be out of a job if they did that,” Evan said, closing the lesson plan he hadn’t been planning.
“That I would,” Eddie agreed, nodding his head. “Besides. Chris thinks I save kittens from trees, and if I didn’t have a job, who would save the cats?”
Evan laughed. “Well, maybe you can be a kitten firefighter only?”
Eddie’s smile was soft as he looked at Buck. “Well, that sounds fun for a while, but I like helping people. I think they do good when they hold on, Buck. Please.”
Evan tilted his head to the side, shaking his head as a conversation from a different table interrupted Eddies last words. “What was that? Sorry.”
“Sorry, am I boring you?” Eddie asked with a teasing smile.
“You’d never bore me,” Evan said immediately, knowing it deep in his chest.
“You got it, bad baby brother,” Daniel said, grinning at Evan.
Evan stared at his brother, at a face so similar to his own that people thought they were twins. Daniel knew him better than most, and he couldn’t lie to him. The same way, he couldn’t lie to Maddie. “I know,” he said, dropping his head back and sighing.
“Ask him out,” Maddie said, dropping into the seat next to Daniel, a bowl of popcorn in his lap. “The worst thing that happens is he says no, not again. Please wake up, Buck.”
“The worst thing that happens is what?” Evan asked, rubbing a hand over his face, wondering if he had dozed off.
“No, the worst thing he says is no.”
Evan stared at Eddie’s bright smile and felt something tight form in his chest. “What?”
“Sure, I’d love to get dinner,” Eddie said, setting his cup on the table and leaning closer.
“As a date,” Evan had to check.
“As a date,” Eddie agreed.
Evan’s heart felt like it was going to burst.
“Evan, I want you to meet Christopher, my son.”
Evan knew all about Chris and how much Eddie loved him and missed him the weeks he spent with Shannon, equally split between the two houses and loved by two parents. He waved a hand, feeling awkward. “Hey there.”
“Hi, Buck,” Chris said, smiling up at him and leaning against his Dad.
“Buck?” Evan asked, glancing up at Eddie, who rolled his eyes.
“Dad said that was your name.”
“I said his name was Evan,” Eddie corrected.
Chris smiled at him. “Buck!”
Evan stared at Chris, seeing the smile and hearing the agonized cry of a nickname that sounded right but also wasn’t at the same time. He was Evan, and he had always been Evan. “Well, I love a nickname,” Evan said, glancing back up at Eddie, who started looking concerned. “Buck, it is.”
Evan was sure Eddie’s smile could light an entire room.
The first kiss was soft, fingers tracing along his jaw and Eddie's mouth finding his, sure as the sun would rise. It felt like coming home, like years spent circling instead of a few short months. Evan could feel electricity under his skin; he never wanted this moment to end.
“I love you,” Evan said softly, carding fingers through the fine hair at the nape of Eddie’s neck.
“I love you. I need you to wake up, please,” Eddie replied, turning and smiling up at Evan. “Chris does as well.”
“Yeah?” Evan asked, his chest warm at the thought of Eddie’s son liking him.
“We need you, please,” Eddie said, the soft look still on his face.
“I’m here,” Evan said, reaching out to draw Eddie into a kiss. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“I realize that we’re all gathered here to celebrate Evan and Eddie getting married, but I think we need to take a moment to talk about the most important person in the room,” Daniel said, pressing a hand against his heart before looking over at Chris. “Chris. The man of the hour! Getting straight A’s for another semester in a row. A much more important milestone than marriage, right?”
Laughter spread out across the room. Evan’s face hurt from the smile stretching across his face as he looked around at their friends and family and then turned, meeting Eddie’s eyes over the top of Chris’s head as Daniel kept talking about all of Chris’s accomplishments.
“I love you,” Evan said to Eddie.
Eddie’s smile was wide, his eyes filled with happiness. “I love you, but it’s been long enough. Come on, you need to wake up now. Open up those eyes for us, please.”
Evan had never been so happy.
Evan picked Chris up and kissed him on the cheek before putting him back down as they headed toward the car. “How was school?”
“It was good, Buck,” Chris said. “Today we learned about genetics and how we’re both parts of our parents and how that’s important. And I miss my Mom, but you’re important too, so I need you to wake up because I need you here.”
There was a dread that filled Evan’s chest, and he glanced up, seeing the storm clouds overhead, and thought about lighting and Chris’s crutches. “That’s really awesome, and I’ll always be here, okay? But we gotta get to the car, okay?”
Chris smiled at him. “Wake up, Buck.”
Evan smiled back before he hid a yawn behind his hand. “Love you too.”
Evan grinned as he opened the door and saw Bobby carrying a covered bowl. “Bobby! Hey, you made it.”
“Course I did. I know you’ve been tired lately, and we want to help,” Bobby said, stepping inside. “Athena will be here soon. We’re all here for you. I need you to wake up, kid. I can’t lose another son.”
Buck looked at the covered dish. “You ever gonna tell me the secret ingredient.”
“Wouldn’t be a secret then, would it?”
“Is that Bobby?” Eddie called from the kitchen.
“Yeah!” Evan called back.
Eddie stuck his head out. “Hey, Cap!”
“Hey, Eddie. Where did you want this?” Bobby asked, walking past Evan and into the house.
Evan looked outside and saw the storm clouds brewing and the distant crack of thunder, and he shivered, shutting the door.
“Don’t leave me.”
Evan looked up and met Eddie’s gaze. “What did you say?”
Eddie smiled at him. “I said, did you want pizza for dinner?”
“When have I ever not wanted pizza for dinner?”
“The few times you’ve wanted sushi,” Eddie said, dropping onto the couch next to Evan and pulling up the app to order pizza.
“But pizza is my one and only love.”
“I thought that was me,” Eddie said, not looking up from his phone. “You promised Chris you would be there. And I need you around because I need to know you have my back if anything happens to me. That’s what partners do; we have each other’s backs.”
“I love you more than I love pizza,” Evan said, slouching to the side and resting his head on Eddie’s shoulder, trying to ignore the exhaustion settling into his bones. It had just been a long week at work, nothing else. Nothing to worry about.
“True love.”
The storm was raging outside, and Evan could feel his heart pounding, his ribs sore from holding himself tightly as he stared out at the rain-lashed windows, exhaustion from the long week making him want to sink to the floor. “I’m so glad you’re not working,” Evan whispered, smiling at Eddie, who was sitting on the couch, an arm wrapped around Chris’s shoulders, reading a newspaper with his other hand. “It’s dangerous out there.”
His chest ached from the force of the worry as he walked over and sat down next to Chris, dropping his arm along the back of the couch, curling his hand around the back of Eddie’s neck, and squeezing gently.
“I’ll have to go out tomorrow. You know we’re down a person since Buck got injured,” Eddie said, tilting the newspaper toward Evan.
Evan read the title about the Firefighter who had gotten struck by lightning. “That has to suck,” he said, rubbing a hand over his chest at the sympathetic pain. “Any news?”
“We’re hopeful. He’s stabilized, and he’s breathing on his own we’re just waiting for him to wake up.”
Evan frowned, turning to Eddie and the odd voice. “You coming down with something?”
“I don’t think so?” Eddie said, glancing up. “Why?”
“Your voice sounded weird.”
“You’re weird,” Eddie replied, looking back down at the newspaper as a crack of thunder made Evan jump.
“You’re okay, Buck,” Chris said, smiling at him.
Evan smiled back. “I know I am, and I will be as long as I have my favorite people.”
Eddie smiled at him. “Please wake up.”
Evan frowned. “What did you say?”
Eddie frowned back. “I said I love you too.”
“You have to wake up, Buck,” Chris said, snuggling into Evan. “Dad misses you.”
“Eddie’s right there,” Evan said, frowning and feeling panic begin to rise in his chest.
“I know he is,” Chris said, giggling like Evan had just told a joke.
The sound of someone sobbing filled the room, Buck, Buck, Buck, filling the air. Evan sat up straight, staring around, wondering where the noise came from.
“Did you hear that?”
“Hear what?” Eddie asked, still reading the newspaper.
The sobbing got louder, and Evab felt pressure on his chest. He pressed a hand over his heart and turned, meeting Eddie’s soft smile as a crack of thunder filled the room, the lights flashing and one of the machines beginning to beep in a rapid pattern whispers beginning to fill the air around him.
He turned, trying to find the noise. “Do you hear that?” he asked, looking back at the TV to see if it was on. It was, and Evan could see a man lying on the bed, surrounded by people being pushed away by Doctors as they rushed in.
“This is too old for you,” Evan said, picking up the remote and turning off the TV, the whispering growing louder and the exhaustion settling even deeper into his bones as he settled back against the couch.
“You’re silly,” Chris said, smiling brightly at Evan.
“You’re the silliest,” Evan replied, smiling back at Chris before leaning down to kiss his forehead and looking up at Eddie. “You okay?”
Eddie’s eyes were sunken, and his cheeks were hollow. There was a paleness to his skin that didn’t make sense. Evan blinked, and Eddie smiled at him, flushed with happiness. “I’m fine. How are you feeling?”
“Wake up. Please wake up!”
The beeping grew louder, and Buck felt fingers brush over his forehead, and something grabbed his hand. He flinched back, looking down and flexing his hand, wondering what had touched him.
“I’m fine,” Evan said, looking back at Eddie. “I’m right where I need to be.”
Eddie smiled brightly. “With me and Chris.”
“With both of you,” Evan agreed. “I love you both.”
“We love you too, Buck,” Chris said, leaning against him as Eddie leaned in to kiss him.
Evan was sure this was the happiest he would ever be, that nothing couple top this moment as the storm raged outside and the beeping got louder, the pain in his chest growing moment by moment and his heart beginning to ache. His eyes felt heavy, but he didn’t remember closing them. He could feel Chris’s hand in his own, and he tried to squeeze, but it was hard when he was so tired, and he just wanted to be back on the couch with Chris and Eddie, happy and safe from the storm.
“Wake up, please. I need my Dad!”
Evan forced his eyes open, pain flooding his senses as the bright light assaulted him. He could hear people yelling, people talking, and people crying. He was under assault, and he was so tired he couldn’t move. He could barely turn his head.
“Buck, there you go, keep them open, come on, Buck, you got this.”
Evan knew that voice, and he blinked again, the light in his eyes moving away, and he could see blurry outlines. He could feel a hand in his own, and he squeezed, not wanting to worry Chris anymore than he already had.
“Good, kid, you’re doing good.”
Evan watched as Bobby’s face appeared in his vision, stress wearing his face down and aging him several years. There were tears running down his face, and his smile was wide. Evan opened his mouth to try and talk, but even that motion was too hard for him.
“No, no, don’t speak. You’re safe. You’re okay, kid. You’re gonna be okay,” Bobby said.
Evan looked to the side, trying to find Eddie and Chris, but he couldn’t see them. He looked back at Bobby, who was smoothing a hand over Evan’s forehead, brushing the hair back.
“Kid, I am damned glad to see you awake,” Bobby said his voice breaking.
Evan wanted to know where Eddie and Chris were. He knew Bobby didn’t want him to speak, but he had to know. “Eddie,” he forced out, his throat aching with the word.
Bobby’s face softened. “Eddie was taking Chris to get some food, but they should be back soon. He’ll be damned glad to see his Buck.”
Bobby frowned. “Yes, Buck. You.”
“I’m not Buck,” Evan whispered, wondering what was happening.
“Yes…you are,” Bobby said, frowning as he glanced around, searching for something.
“I’m Evan,” Evan said, wondering if something had happened or if someone had mixed something up.
Bobby’s frown, if possible, deepened. “Yes, yes, you are. Evan Buckley, Buck.”
Evan stared at him before he turned at the familiar sound of crutches and watched as Chris walked in, his word, sad face changing into a bright smile when he spotted Evan.
“Buck!” Chris said before he burst into tears.
Evan struggled to get to Chris, but he was so tired, and his body ached. Eddie appeared in the doorway, his face going slack with shock and a series of other emotions before he picked up Chris, who didn’t fight for once and was across the room, settling Chris onto the bed. Chris grabbed his hand and held it tight. Evan tried to squeeze back as he tried to make sense of what was happening.
“Careful, Chris,” Eddie said, stopping Chris from leaning down.
Chris nodded. “I’ll be careful, Dad. I don’t want to hurt Buck.”
Buck. Evan frowned, looking between Eddie and Bobby, confused and wondering why everyone was calling him Buck.
“You got hit by lightning when you were up on the ladder,” Bobby explained, resting a hand on his forehead. “You’ve been in a coma for two weeks.”
“What?” Evan asked, his mind rebelling at the words. Eddie was the firefighter, not him.
“Buck, it’s okay,” Eddie said, resting a hand on Chris’s shoulder.
Evan stared at Eddie for a long time, trying to make sense of the words, of the distance between him and Eddie, and wondering why it hurt so much when they weren’t…they were partners. Eddie was his best friend and had been for a few years now. He knew this. He didn’t know why he was so confused.
“I’m tired,” he whispered.
Eddie nodded, reaching out to squeeze Evan’s forearm, a close friend, the best friend Evan had ever had. “Go to sleep. It’s been a long few weeks, and you’re still healing. We’ll be here when you wake up again. Promise.”
He could see Bobby’s watery smile, Chris’s bright one, and the soft one Eddie had for the moments like this when something had gone right. But Evan wasn’t sure if everything had gone right. Maybe some sleep would help.
Buck closed his eyes and let himself fall back asleep, and hoped everything made sense when he woke back up.
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finduilasclln · 2 years
one line, any fic
Rules: Pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the midpoint, pick a line, and share it! Then tag 10 people
I was tagged by @jacksadventuresinwriting and @littlespoonevan. Thank you!
But if he did, I'd feel the same | Buddie
“But your heart is big, Chris, it’s so big and I know that you can love Buck as much as you possibly can and there’s still always going to be enough room for me and Mom, right?” Eddie says, hoping that he’s explaining this right. The last thing that he would ever want is for his kid to feel guilty about loving someone.
pieces of me (are pieces of you) | Buddie
“Just go already!” Eddie says, giving Buck’s arm another push, “Just fucking go!” 
“No,” Buck growls stubbornly, and he actually has the audacity to shove back against Eddie. Eddie would be proud if he wasn’t so desperate to get Buck out of there. 
I found love where it wasn’t supposed to be (Right in front of me) | Buddie
“We are definitely doing that again, because seeing and especially hearing you come apart like this is ridiculously hot,” Eddie says, his knuckles brushing over Buck’s skin lightly. 
Five times Buck is Eddie’s co-parent + One time he is Eddie’s everything | Buddie
“Buck,” Eddie says, his hand reaching out to cover Buck’s. He waits until Buck’s eyes meet his own before continuing, “Not only are you enough, you are the one I choose. I am talking about raising my kid, the most precious person in the world to me, my everything. With Shannon gone - ” He swallows hard. Of course there was Shannon. Despite everything that happened, Shannon was his mother and she loved Christopher more than anything in the world, was good for Christopher, and of course Eddie wishes that she could have been there for Christopher for so many more years. “For me, for Christopher…” Eddie goes on, “There’s only you and me.” 
You Hold In You What I Had Lost | Stony
Steve wakes up before Tony’s lips find his. He doesn’t know whether to be relieved or disappointed. He groans in frustration as he gets up out of bed and goes through his morning routine. He hopes maybe a cup of coffee will help him shake things off, but of course he stumbles onto Tony, Clint, and Natasha in the communal kitchen.
I'll be home at last | SamBucky
Another shrug. “I know that…” Bucky tries to steady his voice as he stares down at his arm. It’s not even the arm that bothers him the most but it’s the only thing that’s visible, like a giant advertisement to show to the world all the things that have happened to him. All the ways he’s not entirely like everyone else. “With everything they did, I know I’m not exactly… normal. But - ” 
How To Save A Life | Stony
“Steve?” Tony asks, “I need you to stay awake for me, okay? Can you do that?” 
(Hold me) Until I no longer am who I once was | Hardison/Eliot
“Love works in mysterious ways,” Sophie remarks. 
“That ain’t love,” Hardison says almost automatically, signaling to the bartender to bring him another one of whatever it was that Sophie felt he needed. 
“ That isn’t, no,” Sophie says, an almost amused edge to her voice and it takes Hardison by surprise enough to tear his eyes away from where Eliot is sucking on a pale, smooth neck to look at her. 
Embrace The Fall | WinterIron
“Come on,” Tony says, standing up in front of Bucky. He’s wearing sweats that appear too big and a t-shirt that has holes in it, his hair is rumpled and his feet are bare on Bucky’s bedroom floor and this is a glimpse of what Tony looks like when he’s sleeping and it hurts Bucky almost as much as his arm. He isn’t meant to see this, no matter how much he wants to. “I need my tools,” Tony says, and because Bucky clearly hasn’t moved in an acceptable amount of time, Tony adds, “Can you walk?” 
Perfect Paradise (Staring back at me) | Stony
“Well, I didn’t suspect you’d go as far as an assasination plan or anything,” Tony says, finding his trademark quip again, as he takes a few steps towards his closet to grab something to cover up. Being shirtless around Captain America makes one feel a little bit self-conscious… Though if Tony is understanding this correctly, he might have to get over that? “But I definitely got the feeling that my charming personality was… How shall I put it delicately? Annoying the fuck out of you.” 
Since I'm late in doing this, I'm guessing everyone and their cat have already been tagged for this? If you haven't yet and would like to do it, consider yourself tagged by me!
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9-1-1 6x07: Cursed
I've been doing this with Big Sky to try to figure that show out but I wanted to post the notes I have for 6x07 (because this was such a great episode) (I also might do this format from now on):
Writer: Taylor Wong
Director: James Wong
Things taken note of:
Parallels: Eddie & Athena: "freak accident" - neither believe in curses, Athena especially doesn't believe in "coincidences"; Bobby & Buck “No more talking curses, Buck” "Stupid bracelet curse" - both believed in the jinx, Bobby is hesitant here but eventually thinks the curse might be a thing & Buck starts to think Eddie is right until he's proven wrong
Character Mirroring: Felisa -> Eddie - Felisa believes she's cursed and so did Eddie at one point, though not in the same supernatural way; Felisa -> Buck - the universe is trying to tell Felisa something but she's not listening, same with Buck
Props: Movie poster (present); Movie title (mention): What the HEART Wants (Buddie) - two doctors, "Saving Lives. Saving Each Other"; When Time Stops (Madney & Eddie) - when character is cut in half, her character couldn’t feel anything because of that, Chim saw it -- not only does this mirror last season's Madney journey for Chim, Chim was also present for when this happened to Eddie after Shannon died
Emergencies: all Felisa's this episode; 1) chandelier - being stuck or pinned down - Eddie has felt stuck before in season 3 as well as season 5 (which mirrored his season 3 arc to an extent) - when the pressure is taken off she can feel again (like how things progressed after the Ana breakup, the breakdown); 2) wax - feeling of not being able to breathe and panic - Eddie had panic attacks last season for the first two episodes (& no coincidence that he's the first person to tell her not to panic & to relax) - this started to decrease once Eddie and Ana broke up; 3) Alexis stabbed - someone else getting hurt - Eddie ended up hurting Ana which is what he was trying to avoid while he also kept himself in denial for Christopher's sake & passing out due to hydrogen sulfide - Eddie felt like he didn't have control thus the panic attacks while in a relationship with Ana in season 5; 4) chase - trying to get away from someone/something - Eddie made a quick escape in 5x02 when Ana visited the firehouse & Eddie kept trying to get away from the truth regarding his relationship and about himself and how he was feeling & asphalt - being stuck, unable to get out even while calling for help & not able to breathe - more of the same for Eddie (& no coincidence that Eddie is the one to figure out how to get her out)
The Number 4: featured all throughout this episode (4 emergencies, 4 weeks for Buck, 4 different failed attempts Buck made to donate, Felisa is in room #4 in the spa, 4 people passed out in the new age store , Nico made 4 attempts to get the bracelet back, the wax was at 104 degrees, Buck would have had a 4 minute drive to the clinic from the firehouse - this not only is calling back to 4x06 (4) for Eddie but also because they're letting us know that this same situation is now happening for Buck
Buck's universe messages: 1) No forms - denied entry; 2) Pat passing out - not taking it; 3) Closed for lunch - closed, no entry; 4) power outage - not happening; 5) car dying - don't go -- and not to mention: the nurse is talking to him and one another person (mixed messages), "closed for lunch, will return at 2:00" & "a week from Tuesday" "only 2 miles away" (the number 2 is being played on here so I think Connor & Kameron getting antsy in this episode is no coincidence)
him asking Abuela about his future while having Christopher in front of him (him looking towards his future)
Relevant lines: Hen: "I don't think it has ears." (Eddie pops up, wondering what they're talking about, picks up the bracelet); not too long after, Buck touches the bracelet, Connor/Kameron show up, & Eddie overhears them along with the 118 - and in a direct parallel, Eddie picks up bracelet/unbelieving/bad thing happens right after & Buck picks up bracelet/unbelieving/bad thing happens right after; they even had Hen offering the glove to Eddie who thinks it's ridiculous & doesn't take it and Buck removing the towel from the bracelet (that Chim put over it) & picking it up, thinking Eddie is right & Hen is the one to come tell Buck he has visitors (aka THIS EPISODE IS ABOUT THEM)
Relevant scene: Eddie at Athena and Bobby's - all are drinking coffee -> Eddie has learned & is a lot closer to where Bobby and Athena are, Buck is missing from this table because he's not ready yet (and that's not shipping goggles talking, that's what the writing set up); they purposely paralleled Eddie to Athena this episode (& we saw them work together) & Bobby to Buck
Relevant lines: "You were here the whole time?" "Felisa said Alexis convinced her to buy that bracelet." Eddie's dislike for Alexis doesn't just have to do with her taking advantage of Felisa or Eddie's initial suspicion of Alexis harming Felisa - Alexis is a stand-in for someone/something that Eddie felt pressured by & that is why he's so insistent on Felisa opening her eyes to the truth & why he distrusts Alexis so much in regards to Felisa
Prop: snake bracelet with red eyes (present) - not only is this meant to embody the "curse" (which is really the universe screaming into the void) but they purposely chose for it to be a snake that coils around the wrist, effectively trapping it/the wearer
Relevant Scene: Buck and Eddie closing doors of the ambulances at the crystal emergency; Buck: "So you still don't think she's cursed?" Eddie: "No, but I'm starting to think I am." (shot ends with him looking at the ambulance Felisa is leaving in and then up at Buck); also, I got a bit of a 4x13 vibe here with that shot, even right down to Felisa/Eddie & Charlie/Eddie
Relevant lines: Hallie: "What kind of luck? Lucky in love? Finances? Job opportunities?" Felisa: "All of it." - Eddie has had a run of bad luck in love and job opportunities (with the post he had last year), finances was something we saw mentioned in season 2 for him as a concern
Props: jade green (mention) - this can be used for many purposes, one of them being to remove blockages so the energy can freely flow through the heart chakra (x); citrine (mention) - this can be used for confidence & clarity (x); amethyst (present) - serenity & calm, also can be used to open the "third eye" (x); marcasite (present) - can be used to give courage, knowledge, & to cure emotional scars (x)
Relevant lines: Alexis - "Hey, maybe we shouldn't purchase any more decor items that could double as weapons." - next scene is Alexis stumbling in, stabbed in the stomach by a crystal
Relevant scene: Felisa calling 911 during pursuit is the only time we Maddie in the episode - I could be wrong here but this to me means that if these types of emergencies Felisa had during her "curse" happens to Buck in his journey, then Maddie is definitely going to play a part which if the Buckleys come in on the back half of the season, it doesn't surprise me
(Tumblr hates me so I had to break up the format)
Relevant lines: "Or the bathroom backs up again for the third time this week. Thanks again, Diaz." -> Eddie needs to listen (first 2 times were 3x08 fight, 5x13 breakdown), the universe is tired (and he does listen as we see, Felisa was his last test so to speak)
Relevant lines: Buck: "There was a power outage." Connor (aka Universe): "And we tried to call you but you didn't pick up." Buck: "Maybe I left it in my car, it was charging..." - Buck's not getting it (cue the Universe facepalming, looking back and forth between Buck and Eddie, going "You idiots")
Relevant lines: Nico: "She checked the box." "On the site, there's a little box: 'terms and conditions.' She checked 'I accept'. She should have known this would happen." -> if this isn't the Universe speaking for itself...especially since they made sure to mention Buck's donor forms in this episode as one of his strokes of bad luck
Sequencing: Buck makes the run to the clinic and barely makes it -> Eddie's beach scene with Felisa
Relevant lines: Eddie: “I think you broke your curse” - Eddie has broken the "jinx" and is ready to move on to the next chapter
Important scene: Felisa talks about her past to Eddie on the beach, saying losing so many people can only feel like a loss; this prompts Eddie to talk about Shannon and the tsunami (their chairs are the same type because Felisa represents Eddie); “Must have been terrifying.” “Yeah, it was. He was scared for a long time. We both were.” “Well, you wouldn’t know it now.” (all about Eddie); “The longer we stayed away from the water, the more the fear would grow. I never wanted the ocean to have that kind of power over him.” (about Eddie as well; he was scared to move forward with his life); “You know sometimes it’s easier to believe you’re cursed than to believe you’re wrong.” (again about Eddie) - all of this amounts to one thing: Eddie’s ready
Props: Beach chairs (present) - this is used to show pairings of two around Eddie, though only one couple is shown in the scene in the foreground when Eddie calls Abuela; Water bottles (present) - the third chair is for Buck because there are two water bottles, one by Eddie's chair, the other by the empty chair that is a different type, this is why Felisa sits in the chair on Eddie's other side (and why Christopher is sitting on the sand with his friends); Water/Ocean (present) - water symbolizes life/rebirth
Framing: not only do we get the chairs/water bottles shot but also they show us Eddie looking back after Felisa leaves & then looking forward (to show us that he's moved on from the past & is now looking to the future, he even gets up to move forward while calling Abuela & accepting her beliefs but also asking about his future) & we get that great shot of him and Christopher, showing us they're both ready to move forward, in the way the Universe wants them to (and so do we)
And this is right after the Henren episode. The Universe aka the writers are screaming loudly with this one.
As I've said before, it's no longer a matter of if; it's a matter of when.
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Crazy In Love
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Eddie Diaz x Reader 
Warnings: mentions of injuries, Eddie can’t do math or cook for shit, friends to lovers :))) 
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 2.1k
Author’s Note: takes place after Stuck (2x04) when abuela breaks her hip. Also, this was supposed to be for 911 readers week but I didn’t finish it in time sooooo just take it now instead :) 
The phone rang, your arm stretched over the pile of dishes on the counter. “Hello ?” you answered, putting it on speaker and setting it back down.
Eddie’s voice rang through the speaker, echoing through the empty apartment. “Hey, can you do me a huge favour ?”
“If you're gonna ask me to bake a cake, I have literally no time, honey. I’m really sorry but I need to finish this order-” Eddie sounds like he cut himself off before saying something as you explain that you’re busy.
“Eds? Are you there ?”
“Yeah- yeah, I'm here.”
“What’s up?”
“You’re busy, I don’t want to bother you.”
You can’t help but roll your eyes because no matter how busy you are, you always made time for Eddie. He sighs heavily, so much so that you can hear him thinking.
“Eddie, what is it ?”
“Can you pick Chris up from school ? I know you’re busy but if you can’t, that’s ok-” “of course I can pick him up!”
The sound of a breath being released before a feminine voice called out for him. “I gotta go, Abuela needs me but he’s off at 3. Thank you, y/n - really.”
“You don’t have to thank me, Eddie.”
He mumbles something before hanging up. You glance at the phone screen - 2:24. You had enough time to change and shove the dishes in the dishwasher before having to head out so you did just that.
You had picked up Christopher from school a million times. His teachers knew you well enough that Eddie no longer had to call and let them know he wouldn't be picking up Chris but that you would be.
Standing outside of the school, the PTA parents were gossiping within their little bubbles, talking about the other members behind their backs but smiling in their faces. You bit back a smile before walking towards the gate. The students were lined up by the door, waiting for the bell to ring.
The moment it does, the students come running out with their teacher a few feet behind them in an attempt to keep up with them. One by one, their teacher lets them out, Christopher finally spotting you and this teacher waves hello as they open the gate for him.
“Y/n! What are you doing here!?” his little face lights up with a smile.
“Your dad asked me to come get you, he's with abuela.”
The two of you start making your way back to the car when Christopher asks you what his plans for the afternoon were. Soon you realized that Eddie didn’t give you any explanation as to where to go or what to do after you picked up Chris.
“How does ice cream and then abuela’s sound ?”
“Can we take some for her and dad too?” Chris asks as you help him into the car.
“Of course we can.”
Christopher was lugging his backpack over his shoulder when you knocked on the door, two containers of ice cream in hand. Eddie opens the door, grinning at his son whose face matches his father’s.
“Hey kiddo” Eddie kneels, wrapping the boy in his arms. Christopher’s arms extend around his father, “hi dad, we bought ice cream” he points out the obvious.
Eddie glances up at you, the ice cream tucked under your arm - he flashes you a smile.
“Oh yeah?” he lets go of Chris. “Did you have any?”
“No,” he shakes his head, his hair flopping around as he snickers. Eddie pushes the hair from Christopher’s forehead. “So what’s this on your face?” swiping his finger on Chris’s chin, a little smudge of brown on his finger from the leftover ice cream.
“Paint.” Chris smiles at his father sweetly.
“Uh huh, paint.” he chuckles, stepping aside for Chris to come further into the house.
“Thanks for picking him up,” he leans on the door frame, stretching and his arms lift above his head as he does. You can’t help but glance down at the area of exposed skin - eyes glued to the man in front of you.
“Y/n?” Eddie’s waving his hands in front of you, eyes raising from their previous spot to his face - the blush was creeping up on your face whilst that stupid smug smile of his was on his.
“Would you like to come in?”
“Oh, I don’t want to intrude.”
“You won’t be.”
“Are you sure?”
Stepping in, you take in the house. You had been by Isabel’s once or twice before but you had never come inside the house. The walls were painted a warm yellow colour, the furniture was spotless as was the rest of the house. Isabel sat on the couch with Chris beside her as he told her about his day at school.
“Chris, did you wash your hands?” Eddie calls, the door shutting. Chris doesn't answer which is an answer in itself. “Go now, please.” Eddie’s voice sounds closer, glancing behind you to see him beside you.
Chris grumbles but gets up, Isabel turns her attention to you and Eddie. “How are you feeling ?”
“As well as someone can with a broken hip” she gives you a smile.
“I’m glad you’re okay, you gave Eddie a scare” giving him a playful shove. “We got ice cream, vanilla and toffee. Chris said toffee was your favourite” handing her the small container. “It is, thank you. That’s so sweet of you.” she smiles, pulling the top off.
“No need to thank me, it was Christopher’s idea.”
“Ah, well I'll thank him when he comes back out.” she says smiling, “Eddie, a spoon please ?” she glances at the man beside you. He hums, stepping away for a moment to get her a spoon.
Chris comes running back in after washing his hands. “Dad! Can we stay over? Abuela said it was okay” he’s beside his father now, looking up at him with his big brown eyes that were practically begging him to let him.
You, Eddie and Isabel all knew that Christopher had his father wrapped around his finger and would ultimately get his way but Eddie had to give him a fatherly response and say no, they should go home. Isabel doesn't usually butt in but this time she did.
“Mijo, stay. I could use the company.” She says, patting the spot beside her and Chris makes his way over to sit beside her.
Eddie sighs, if he had a soft spot, it was for the two people on the couch. “Fine, just tonight then.”
Isabel smiles, satisfied with his answer. “y/n, stay for dinner darling. Eddie’s cooking” “Yea- who said I was cooking?” Eddie butts in, shocked at the assumption. “I did, mijo. Don’t worry, I'll tell you what to do.”
“Buddy, why don’t you finish up your homework so you can relax for the rest of the night ?” Eddie calls out to Chris, who again groans. He loved school but despised homework - as did most kids.
“I have math, I need help so I can’t do it because you’re busy.” Chris says plainly, thinking his statement will get him out of his math work because Eddie can’t do math for shit.
“I can help.”
“Y/n, you don't have to-” “no, it’s fine. C’mon kiddo” Chris grumbles, making his way to the dining room table, the two of you taking a seat when Eddie helps Isabel up and to the kitchen.
You can hear them talking and her telling Eddie to cut things a certain way or not to put too much of something into the pot. It only took 20 minutes for Christopher to finish his math homework, he brought it into the kitchen to show his dad.
“Look! I’m done! Math’s easy when you understand it.” that last bit was a little dig at Eddie and his math skills. You ruffled Chris’s hair as he walked back into the living room.
“Did he just-” Eddie watches his son make his way to the couch.
You hold back a laugh,“Mhm hm” Eddie shakes his head, chuckling. “Here, taste this.” he picks up some sauce from the pot, holding the spoon over his hand before handing it to Isabel.
Her face twists when she tastes it, “Eddie, I love you honey, but that’s terrible.” you press your lips together, holding back a chuckle.
“What?” he pouts, sighing. “I swear it tasted fine ten minutes ago.” sitting beside Isabel in defeat.
You pick up another spoon and taste some for yourself, your expression matching Isabel’s from moments ago. Eddie had remembered to put everything in, except the paprika and the salt, you add a bit of both and stir the pot. Taking the spoon from Eddie, you pick up a bit of the sauce and hand it back to Isabel.
“Ah, that’s better.” she hums, making you smile as she hands you back the spoon. Eddie sighs, letting you know that he was still there.
"Why don’t you go see if Christopher wants to watch something or if he wants a snack ?” his grandmother nudged him, a signal for him to leave the kitchen. “y/n can take over for you”
“Abuela, you can’t invite them in and have them work for their dinner.” he says, making her laugh.
“It’s okay Eds,” waving him off. “I don’t mind, really.”
Eddie left the kitchen and made his way over to the couch, listening as Chris told him about his day. He glanced back to see if everything was alright but he noticed that the two of you were laughing as you told Isabel something. Eddie would be lying if his heart didn’t skip a beat.
He stopped seeking his parents’ approval of who he dated- for a matter of fact, it went out the window when he brought Shannon home the first time but seeing you with an abuela made him so warm and happy, he couldn't help but smile.
Eddie’s hand slipped onto your hip, his chest against your back. “Can I help you, Eddie?” you mumble, your eyes on the dishes in front of you.
He hums, hands coming around and arms now wrapped around your waist. Eddie felt your wet hands pull his hands off of you, “Isabel and Chris are in the other room, stop it”
His head tilted, that innocent look on his face, “stop what?”
“Eddie,” turning to face him, “shh I don’t want to hear it” he cuts you off, hands back on your waist.
“I don’t think I've ever loved someone the way I love you.” His words come off so sweet and loving but hit you like a ton of bricks.
You loved Eddie, more than anything but you had never actually told him nor did you ever feel the need too. It was always implied that as friends, you loved and cared about each other.
Eddie always knew he loved you, there was never any question about that but something about you, seeing you with an abuela and how great you were with Christopher (as you always were) just pushed him over the edge.
He had to tell you.
“Y/n, you know I love you- and before you say anything, I know I’ve never actually said it to you but I didn’t feel like I had too, you knew I did.”
“I know.”
You were still gathering your thoughts, trying to come up with the words to tell him you loved him too but Eddie’s expression changed. His brows furrowed, eyes studying your face - the worry had set in.
What if you didn’t feel the same way ? God, he’d feel so stupid if he embarrassed himself like that.
The years of friendship were enough for you to realize how he was feeling. You were lacking words and you know what they say, actions speak louder than words.
Your hands reach for his face, now cupping his cheeks. Your lips meet his, he pulls you closer to him- if that's even possible. It was a few moments before you pulled away.
Eddie smiles lovingly at you and you’re sure you have the same expression plastered on your face. “Um- I think that says it.” you hum, smiling at him.
“Doesn't mean you can't say it,” he pokes fun at you, making you roll your eyes playfully.
“I love you.”
taglist: @advicefromnixxxx @spencersendgame @keenmarvellover @beth-winchester21​ @fernandaweasley2​ @yikesyikesyikes95​ @hotchsdarling​ @duhbar1975​ @wowitsel​ @mrspeacem1nusone​ @jillys-feral-fandoms​ @alexandrianicolegrey-oc​ @hailsstormthings @averyhotchner​ @captainxholmes​ @mrs-dr-reid​ @aficwhore​
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