#or just do as the description says lol
percabeth4life · 2 years
I’m a gay pagan! Why isn’t Camp Half Blood Pagan!? Chiron sucks! PERCABETH! Anti will solace don’t come at me. Just cuz Percy didn’t end up with the 12 year old or the adult who tried to kill him doesn’t mean he’s straight!
It's queer pagan
Impersonate me in my inbox
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fagidarity · 9 months
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as many elena’s as i could fit on one page (and one itty bitty peter because ofc)
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Summary: After an ambush, Soap learns to trust the newest member of the 141
Pairing: Johnny Soap Mactavish x Fem!Werewolf!MC (call sign is Mutt)
warnings: vague description of violence and injuries. 
word count: 800
thank you to: @captainsamwlsn @thesadvampire @humanransome-note @joel-mlller and @luxuryberzatto @madhyanas @littleferal and @djarin-junk for helping me with this story and rattle off in your ears about Mutt! I love you all so very very much <3
     “What are you?” 
     It was a valid question given the circumstances. 
     Soap could hardly count himself as conscious at that moment. It was a wave, pulling him back and forth until he was able to force his head to the surface, gasping for air and able to just barely look at his surroundings before he was pulled under again. 
     “Does it matter?” 
     It was dark out. He remembered it being dusk when they set out on their mission, the sun slowly setting in the horizon as Price told them to radio in at any issue and meet at their rendezvous point as soon at possible. 
     He broke the surface once more to notice that he wasn’t moving, but swaying side to side. Each step that crunches the ground is not his, but the blood drip, drip, dripping down, leaving a foreboding trail of their journey, is.
     Your shoulder digs into the crevice of his chest with each movement. 
     “Yer carryin’ me, Mutt.” 
     “I am.” 
     You never spoke much. Johnny had equated you to Simon in that way, quiet and foreboding. Your actions spoke where your voice rasped in the shadows. Tucked in the corner booth of a pub when the others went to celebrate a job well done. The loyal guard dog, waiting on its haunches for an order. 
     He was the one who would move to you first. Setting a beer in front of you before sliding into the seat across from you with a tap of his knuckles on the polished table. His knee would bump yours every time. You’d never complain. 
     “Big scary bastards, the both of you.” 
     But then you’d give him a grin, a flash of your crooked canines so fast it was gone when he blinked. 
     “Well it’s a damn good thing you talk enough for all of us then.” 
     Jonathan Mactavish was only a stone’s throw from 215 pounds but you carried him without complaint. The swaying with each step made his head spin and looking up was too much work for him to trust himself not to vomit. He let his eyes drop and stare at the ground, watching you take one step after another in a steady rhythm like an infant listening to their mother’s heartbeat. Through the darkness, he’s able to make out the shadowed shape of your feet in the night.
     “You’ve got no shoes on, Mutt.” 
     “Feels better this way.” 
     He can’t see much. Even if it weren’t for the blood loss and what he’s going to safely assume is a grade two concussion, it’s far too dark out for his surroundings to be seen as anything more than vague shapes and textures he can almost make heads or tails of.
     Your eyes are focused on the trail ahead, already accustomed to the darkness in a way he’d never seen anybody else without night vision goggles or a Mag-light. 
     “Tried to reach Price but the comms are busted. You got your bell rung pretty bad back there but-” You shifted your grip on his body and he felt something sharp press against his ankle, a gentle warning that mouthed at the skin of his Achilles's tendon. “We're only a few miles away from the rendezvous point. Think you can keep it together until we get there?”
     Claws. You had claws. 
     Through the nausea rolling through his body and the lights dancing behind his eyes, Soap could feel the fog begin to clear from his head. A flash of orders rising from his memory like the vision returning after a flash grenade. 
     He remembered seeing you charge through the muzzle flash and smoke like a vision. Uniform stained with the viscera of your enemies so dark he didn’t recognize you at first. The moment you came toward him he was raising his gun until he heard you speak.
     “You know me, Johnny.” 
     But he didn’t. Not really. 
     When he looked at you there was no familiarity or trust. He knew the color of your eyes and the curl of your lips in a snarl but nothing else. Not your name or family nor the reason you joined. 
     In the darkness, moonlight glinted against your eyes and he found himself thinking of the coyotes in Las Almas that watched him and his team from the shadows, pacing with a choir of chattering yips and howls in the darkness, waiting for the proper time to pounce.  
     He’d never admit it but there was a pause, when his hand held the barrel of his gun steady at your head.  Just as long as the width of the shallow breath trapped in his lungs, a split second where his pointer finger twitches, where the voice in his head urges him on. 
     “You never answered my question.”
     He knows nothing of you except that the blood in your mouth was spilled for him. 
     “I’m your teammate. That ought to be enough for you.” 
     It would have to be. 
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willowser · 2 months
hi willow 👉🏾👈🏾, i have a writing question if you don’t mind me asking. how do you personally write with such detail??? i find it so challenging to make my writing consice and to the point but also interesting without dragging unnecessary descriptions out, and you can only use so many adverbs without them becoming annoying. i know writing is inherently telling, but how can you still show the readers without being too boring or over-descriptive?
hi kennie, friend !! i don't mind you asking at all, though i don't know if i'm the best person to ask alkfhagha also i didn't know how to get all my thoughts together enough to type out (read: eepy....) so have these two voice notes instead LOL
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augh rewatched the be more chill tiny desk concert for the first time in a minute, very Refreshing to have done so, forgot it's such a jaunty twenty minute affair and in energy lol everyone is so cheerful and just bringing it, like hey in the video description lol "From the moment they arrived for their Tiny Desk debut, the cast and crew of the Broadway musical Be More Chill radiated kind exuberance." and even recalling they had a show That Day but traveled to dc & back like maybe gma performance on a two show day still wins but whew, and the tonys ceremony nonsense having Just happened, the irl bmcness so meta'ly conferred onto bmc never stops....anyways the different arrangements, hearing again even all the more when acoustic & smaller that the Steady Beat of "my own mind" in vimh sure is emphasized & whatever demisemiquaver off of the vocals so it's like highlighting / backing / Resonating without being overly urgent or anything, augh, and we get to the c-c-c-c'mon / let's go section and it's like. inhale. just Responding every time like getting exactly what it's putting down thank you vimh, the [high energy / chaos / Chillness] that previously is all in bad ways like "i am acutely suffering" prior but here is like, the Everything, the amped up energy, the chillness is all so positive & jeremy not having to be overwhelmed even by well meaning input now....augh. and will out there surprise throwing in that octave higher [the only One is mine] like yes Yes!!! thank you be more chill tiny desk concert let's hear (it for) be more chill tiny desk concert
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hoodiedeer · 2 months
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im watching the gameclam video because i fully thought it was new and i saw this comment go by and it made me laugh and i was like. that was so fucking funny i cant believe only one person said that. i need to go back and find the timestamp and post it in the comments
there is no word to describe the emotion of going back and seeing my own name there staring right back at me having fully believed this was a stream i wasnt there for
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g0tmilkx3 · 2 years
Sure Looks Strange to Me I
You met Emerald Haywood purely by chance. You didn’t expect to go through a near death experience with her but stranger things have happened.
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WARNINGS: Mature, NOPE spoilers, swearing, crude jokes, drug use (weed), death mention, suggestive language, mentions of oral sex (female receiving), this story is lesbian so yes the relationship moves very fast for no reason, written like a romcom, not proofread
Dividers by: Firefly-Graphics
Part 1 Part 2
“Hey! I’m gonna need help setting these cameras up”
“Why can’t Nessie help?”
“Because she’s retail plus you’re the only other person who knows the system like I do”
“Come on Angel I’m off in 30 minutes” you reasoned. It’d been a long day of monotonous transactions and backroom stocking. There was nothing more you wanted to do than go home and get some much needed rest.
“Dude, stop being a crybaby and just help me out. You can write it off as overtime. Plus you’ve been talking about wanting the new AirPods” he wiggled his eyebrows at you, trying his hardest to sell you on this.
“Ew stop it” you laughed “let’s just get this over with” Angel shot you an appreciative smile as he exited the backroom. You followed behind your coworker turned best friend already counting down the minutes until you were back home and in bed.
After you helped Angel load the newly purchased camera system in the company owned van you two were off.
“…I mean she didn’t even call me after. Not even for the final closure fuck” Angel slammed his hand against the leather steering wheel. The two of you had been driving for almost an hour out to the Haywood ranch. Angel spent maybe 15 minutes of that talking about UFO’s and the rest of the time crying over his ex.
“Dude you complained about her every. day.” you loved your best friend but boy was he delusional. His tumultuous relationship with his now ex-girlfriend was anything but happy. You silently wondered why he was grieving its end so hard. You looked to him — maybe he wasn’t delusional. Maybe he was just in love. What’s the difference anyway?
“Yeah but she was the one” he exclaimed once again “what great couple doesn’t go through shit. Look at Beyoncé and Jay-Z!”
“They’re millionaires! They can afford to be unhappy.”
“Ah you don’t get it” he grumbled gripping the steering wheel. After a beat of silence he turned to you and opened his mouth once again “do you think these guys are in a UFO hotspot?”
“What?” you turned from your phone looking at him incredulously “is that what they told you?”
“They didn’t tell me”
“But they ‘told’ me alright”
He clamped his mouth shut settling back in his seat.
“I don’t know I’ve got a feeling” he added “plus I trust them”
“Yeah me too could you turn the radio on?” you asked before stifling your laughter. He shot you a look that said ‘stop being mean to me’. You patted his shoulder in reassurance “love ya dude.”
“Yeah yeah” he quirked a smile “when we get abducted you won’t be laughing.” Angel never held grudges or took things too seriously. That’s probably why your friendship had lasted so long.
After a short stretch of silence he eventually began drumming his hands on the wheel to the song playing on the radio.
“You’re a strange animal…” he hummed “hey you remember this song? Gordy’s home theme song”
“What?“ you didn’t bother looking from your phone this time.
“Aw come on. You’re a strange animal that’s what I know” he excitedly continued “with Jupe from Kid Sheriff”
“I was born this century you know?”
“You’re just uncultured”
“Nobody remembers that show man” you laughed going back to your word scrabble app.
The two of you soon turned down a long stretch of dirt road. Down the long and winding pathway a sizable house peaked into view. It sat smack dab in the middle of a substantial piece of land.
“Okay, now be on the lookout for UFO’s” Angel muttered eyes to the sky. You quietly laughed at your friend remembering just how much you loved him and his quirks.
You and Angel had known each other since middle school. You both decided early on that the two of you were going to be glued at the hip. You just worked together. It made sense.
He was the first person you told about your sexuality. You half expected him to change or to say something weirdly sexual like most boys that age, but he only smiled. His freshmen face stretched around his newly acquired braces and with a simple sentence he whisked away all of your anxieties.
“Who do you think can kiss the most girls by the end of the year, you or me?”
It was history from there. He won by the way.
That memory was just a fading melody that echoed in the back of your mind from time to time. Your friendship had been through much more since then. From pointless fights to late night bonding. At some points the two of you spent so much time with each other that you couldn’t stand each other. Nonetheless you were like siblings in every sense of the word. You couldn’t live with him and you couldn’t live without him. You liked to think he felt the same about you.
As Angel unloaded the truck you were caught up staring up at a cloud that wasn’t moving. And no you weren’t bugging, the shit literally wasn’t moving. It was standing still amongst the other clouds, like a fixture.
“Imma pop out” you faintly heard behind you.
After a few more minutes you weren’t alone anymore.
“Like the view?”
You turned to the person who spoke. She smiled at you once you made eye contact.
“I uh” you turned back to the cloud before shaking your head and looking to the client “I apologize. Um yes its beautiful Ms. Haywood”
You took her soft hand in yours noting how firm her handshake was. She didn’t let you go as you you took a step down from the rock you’d been standing on.
“No need to apologize pretty lady” she quirked a smile at you “and Em is fine”.
You felt warm all over as her eyes trailed your movements. You looked to your hands surprised to see that they were still connected. You shyly pulled your hand back and flexed your fingers. They tingled — you already missed the warmth Em’s hand gave you.
“I better go help Angel”
“Dudes weird” she said with no real heat behind her words.
“Yeah but he’s my weirdo” You continued your walk towards Angel who was using the dolly to move the camera equipment inside the clients house. Mr. Haywood led the way.
“What’d you mean by that?” She asked stopping in her tracks.
You glanced behind you before eventually coming to a stop and turning fully towards her.
You took note of how she looked. She wore a pair of cut off jean shorts that showed off her legs. A bit of sweat was gathering at the collar of her Coyote top. You couldn’t help the feeling of fondness blossoming within you as you surveyed the sight before you. You had to bite your lip to stop yourself from blurting out something stupid. Like calling the stranger who was also a client cute.
“Im sorry?”
She chuckled to herself taking a few steps towards you. You stayed put, using your hand to shield your eyes from the sun. You thought you caught a glimpse of an object darting behind a cloud but Em’s voice brought you back down to earth.
“Is he your friend, boyfriend… life partner?”
It took you longer than you’d like to admit to catch her subtlety. It was so obvious now. Everything about her was calling out to you. Pulling you closer. You soon realized why she wanted to know the information so timely.
“Oh” you laughed nervously “he’s uh my friend”
“Just friends” she raised her eyebrows eyeing you from head to toe. The hot drag of her gaze down your body took your breath away. “that’s great news!”
“Why is that?” You coyly questioned, looking up at her from under your lashes.
“Because” she simply stated. Her knowing smile and charming eyes filled you with desire. Before you knew it she was turning away to walk to her truck.
“Because?” you called behind her not bothering to follow.
“Because I wanna be your friend too” she called back without turning around.
“Cryptic” you replied through a surprised laugh. She threw a peace sign behind her before hopping in the Haywood truck and driving away.
“Hey are you gonna keep flirting or help me with this?” Angel teased. His words didn’t deter you from longingly staring at the flying dust Em left behind.
“I wasn’t flirting” you retorted feeling your face heat up.
After installing the system Angel and Oj, who asked you to not call him Mr. Haywood, took to the grounds to adjust the cameras. You watched curiously from the computer room as the bright blue sky came into view. You hummed curiously wondering why Oj had you and your friend carry out the peculiar request.
There was that cloud again. In full view not moving an inch. You peered closer to the screen trying to see some form of movement. Anything to show that the cloud was real and you weren’t going crazy.
“Havin’ fun” you jumped out of your skin at the unexpected visitor. Whipping your head around a flutter of butterflies erupted in your belly as you seen the younger Haywood smiling at you.
“I uh sorry I was just making sure the cameras were set up correctly”
“Why are you apologizing” she chuckled stepping closer to you “it’s your job, no?”
“Uh yes it is my job” you scratched the back of your ear nervously turning back to the monitors. You heard her steps near you until she stood next to you.
“What’s up there?” You eventually asked turning to her. You were surprised to find her eyes already on you.
“Who knows” she finally ripped her gaze from you and to the monitors “but we gone find out”
You raised an eyebrow wondering if Angel wasn’t so crazy after all. What are the odds that these strangers are also looking up searching for more.
“Angel thinks you guys are in a ufo hot spot” you laughed but soon faltered when you realized she want joining in “holy shit are you guys?”
The younger Haywood laughed a bit before shrugging and looking back to the monitors. She squinted her eyes searching for something. You assumed she searched for what you were searching for.
You watched her. It was kind of hard not to. There was something about her. Something that piqued your interest. You wanted to bury your nose in her fluffy hair and inhale her scent. You wanted to kiss her soft neck and hear what sounds she made. You wanted to taste her lips. God did you want her lips. You drunk her in, staring at the long expansion of her neck when someone interrupted your fascinated stare.
“Hey it’s time to head out”
You turned to Angel who looked at you like he’d just caught you red handed. His teasing smile made your face heat up in embarrassment.
“Leaving already?” Em questioned turning back to you a frown on her face “that was quick”
You decided not to mention how it took about an hour to get everything set up. But she was gone for most of the set up so there was no real way she’d be able to know.
“She’ll take your number” Angel interjected, already grabbing your phone from your back pocket. He ignored your hushed protests and handed your device (unlocked) to Em who chuckled at the two of you. You resisted the urge to sink to the floor as she winked at you.
“Thank you Angel” she smiled to you as she handed the phone back to him “I’ll be in touch”
“Sounds good” you squeaked before grabbing your phone and scurrying to the waiting van. Once inside you exhaled finally getting a good look at the newly acquired contact.
Em Haywood ❤️🐎
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“Those guys are kinda dicks” Angel said once he closed his car door “if they don’t give me a good review Al is gonna be on my ass”
“Hey I’ve been waiting in the car for like 30 minutes. What took so long? Also, since when do you care what our manager thinks?”
“They needed help setting up a decoy for horse training or some shit” he shrugged pulling out of the driveway “and I care about what Al thinks since he threatened to fire me if I got one more bad review”
“You just talk too much” you snickered teasing him.
“What am I supposed to do? Sit there in silence and work?”
“Uh yes?”
“At least I’m not like you. Trying to get laid on the job”
“I was not”
“Dude you were looking at her like you wanted to go down on her”
“Jesus Christ angel”
“What?” He laughed narrowly dodging your playful shoulder slap “if it makes you feel any better she looked at you the exact same way”
“Well that’s good to know” you sarcastically retorted “I don’t even think she’s gonna text-“
Em Haywood ❤️🐎: ‘So when can I see your pretty self again?’
“Don’t tell me that’s the carpet muncher”
“Shut up” you landed your shoulder slap this time “are you even allowed to say that?”
“Hey!” he swerved a bit before straightening the van back up “also, yes my best friend is a lesbian I get a pass or two”
“She asked when can she see me again” you smiled down at your phone.
“Tell her tonight”
“No” you scoffed “I don’t wanna seem too desperate”
“But you are…” he raised an eyebrow to you.
“Look at the road dude” you sighed when he complied “I am ugh I don’t know”
“Just say tonight. It’s okay, she’s the one who text you first. Plus we left her house like 15 minutes ago. If anything it’s her that’s desperate”
“Okay okay okay” you worried your bottom lip as you hesitantly typed a reply.
You: ‘How about tonight?’
“If she thinks I’m a creep you’re dead”
“You’re awesome nobody will think you’re a creep” Angel promised.
Em Haywood ❤️🐎: ‘Sounds good. Come over to mine?’
You: ‘See you after 7?’
Em Haywood ❤️🐎: ‘See you then 🤩’
You stayed mostly silent the rest of the car ride; occasionally cracking a joke with Angel or singing along to a song on the radio. Truthfully, you were in a daze.
It was strange actually. How could a girl you’d met an hour ago and who you exchanged barley 10 words with have you so hung up and nervous. There was something different about this one. Or maybe you were becoming delusional like Angel and his ex.
“Dude you are the worst when you have a crush” your best friend teased as you pulled back into Fry’s Electronics “you’ve been giving googly eyes to your phone since she text you”
“Do you think her strap is big?”
“Okay this conversation is over” he waved you off ignoring your delighted laughter.
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You cursed quietly to yourself as you pulled up to the Haywood ranch. So many things rushed through your head. Anxiety had you strung tight, how long would it be before you snapped? You had the right to be anxious after all. You were in the middle of nowhere meeting up with a stranger who was probably going to kill you. You barley even thought this through. Why do pretty girls render you useless?
What if she’s a bad person? She could have lured many unsuspecting girls here. With her undeniable charm and convincing smile, she could’ve convinced you to do anything.
What if she thinks you’re a bad person? Or worse, boring. You placed your hand on the gearshift contemplating putting the car in reverse and hightailing it out of there, never to return. The generic jingle of your ringtone snapped you from your thoughts.
“Don’t do it” Angel said without even greeting you.
“What are you talking about?” You took your hand from the gearshift and leaned back in your chair.
“I know you and I know you’re thinking about not going in right now”
“How did you know that?”
“Because I know you!”
“I can’t do this Angel” you confessed “I’m too nervous I don’t wanna embarrass myself”
“See now that’s literally impossible. You’d embarrass yourself by not walking in that house.” He was right. You hated when he was right. “Just talk to her about movies, you love movies”
“I don’t wanna talk her ear off.”
“It’s a first date who cares?”
“Date?” You shrieked “this is not a date!”
“You’re so bad at this.”
“I can’t do this, nah” you mulled over your choices: you can either go in and embarrass yourself or leave and embarrass yourself “Nope.”
“You didn’t even give yourself a chance” he offered “give yourself a chance”
“But what if it goes wrong”
“Let’s make a deal in 15 minutes I’ll call you and give you an excuse to leave if it’s going good just stay! Simple”
“Simple…” you nodded “okay yeah sounds good I’ll just do that” you took your keys out of the ignition “15 minutes Angel.”
“15 minutes and I’ll E.T phone home you”
You stopped your movements “you know you can just say phone home I know what the reference is”
“Of course you do…” your friends voice dipped out. The lights in your car dimmed until you were shrouded in darkness. You whipped your head around as the hair on the back of your neck stood up. Something within you stirred, somehow you knew you weren’t safe in that moment. It felt almost like a centuries long instinct within you was rising up. Telling you to get out of there. You breathed out slowly searching for the newcomer, you were quickly realizing that you weren’t alone anymore. The warm glow from the house became more and more muted until darkness overtook the structure. The incessant low buzz of electricity was absent. The emptiness of the countryside made the ringing silence all the more noticeable.
You took a shaky breath as you gripped your keys, ignoring the sharp metal digging into your palms. The dirt beneath your feet sunk under your weight as you stepped out of your car and surveilled your surroundings. Nothing. Nothing but darkness.
After a beat the house began emitting a warm glow lighting the area enough for you to see Em standing on the porch.
You faintly felt the vibrations of your phone turning back on.
“I thought I heard somebody out here”
“The power went out?” You sauntered over to her taking in how cute she looked under the stars.
“Yeah it does that sometimes” she supplied before turning back to the house. You shook your head ridding your mind of the odd occurrence and stepped into the antique house behind Em. The two of you soon stood before a liquor cabinet “would you like a drink? I got bourbon, tequila, vodka…”
You eyed the wooden cabinet before you as Em grabbed a couple of glasses and ice.
“I don’t really drink” you hummed turning to the girl as she sat the glasses on the table.
“I got weed” she tried.
Your matched smiles led the two of you to standing in a random room upstairs listening to records with the window open.
She took a long drag before handing the joint to you. She eyed whatever it was outside of her window as you stared at a poster on her wall.
“That horse is just hard headed” she shook her head as she sucked her teeth “I just wanna know how that nigga got out”
“How many horses y’all got?”
“Shit I don’t know at this point. Oj dumbass stay selling my daddy’s horses”
Your gaze was kept on the poster showing a clip of their great great great grandfather on a horse. Em gave you the rundown of her family as she rolled the joint the two of you were smoking.
You were so distracted that you hadn’t realized your companion moving from the window to the space just behind you. You felt a comforting heat radiating from her body as she lightly pressed against the back of you. Her hand stretched past you and pointed to one of the frames.
“Allegedly this frame got fucked up, but they decided to keep it in” her breath brushed against your sensitive ears. She smelled like vanilla and cherries mixed with fresh wood and weed. You deeply inhaled letting her scent intoxicate you. You slowly turned around, words dying on your lips finding her closer than you expected. Her nose brushed against yours as her hands softly gripped your hips.
Her lips were as soft as they looked you realized once they covered yours. She breathed you in, pulling you closer than you were before. Your begging hands tangled in her fro as you repeated her movements and pulled her closer. Electricity surged down your body as she walked you back to the waiting bed. The two of you refused to pull away from each other as your back pressed against the cold plush linen. Your mouths continued moving against each other — soft wet tongues massaging the other. Her kiss was so passionate it felt as if she was stealing the oxygen from your body. But you weren’t complaining. She briefly pulled away, her chest heaving as she took you in.
“I’m sorry I just-“ she cut herself off pressing her mouth back against yours. Her skilled tongue slipped into your mouth once again, this time with more vigor. Your bodies pressed heatedly against each other as your heartbeats began drumming in tandem. You could taste her desperation you could feel her desperation as her hands began pulling your shirt up. Her warm hands lingered on your belly, she ran her finger tips across your warm skin. Butterflies fluttered in their wake. Her sensual touch dragged across your belly before moving up to your breast.
A melodic sound filtered through the air. It pulled you from the pleasure you were receiving but only for a second. Soon the sound was gone and you were plunged back into the promise land of bliss. She didn’t waste time going back to feeling every exposed part of you. Her hand slipped under your bralette. Warm fingers brushed against your nipples making them hard. A long awaited moan climbed up your throat. She smiled against your lips.
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I smiled once again hearing your desperate moans fill the air. They sounded like music and I was prepared to listen to your song forever. You felt so right beneath me. Like you were meant to be there.
I couldn’t help myself from trailing my lips down to your waiting neck. Inhaling the sweet scent you gave me only made my panties grow wetter in anticipation. I resisted the urge to grind my hips down against yours. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t searching for some sort of relief. From the moment I saw you standing there staring off into the clouds I knew I had to be near you. I had to say something to you or I feared the moment would have passed me by.
My phone began ringing again. This time I groaned in frustration, pulling away from my honey suckle I put my phone to my ear.
“There is a bug on camera 1”
“What?” I rolled my eyes as I realized what the peculiar tech guy meant “man I told you to stop watching our shit”
I stood up shooting an apologetic look to you. You only shook your head a bashful smile on your face. I watched as you sat up and straightened your shirt then you moved to fixing your hair. We’d only been kissing for 5 minutes and you already looked fucked out. I wanted to see how you’d look after I had my way with you. Showing you just how much I like you. Showing you how pretty you are to me.
“Yeah but camera two is out” he exclaimed nervously “like ancient fucking aliens out”
“Shit!” My heart dropped to my stomach as I sprinted out of the room only Oj on my mind.
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You could only sit and watch as Em abruptly left the room phone in hand. You wanted to be angry but there was something in her voice that made an uneasy feeling stir in your body.
Staring out of the window you saw what looked like sand and dust falling from the sky… or being sucked up into it. No. That can’t be it.
You squinted your eyes trying to catch a better glimpse. Em’s vocie echoed from outside.
“OJ ITS IN THE CLOUDS” her urgency startled you “RUN OJ RUN!” She continued with renewed exclamation.
Fear circle your body as you watched Oj run away from something you couldn’t quite see. Whatever it was it was big. It was angry and it was trying to suck Oj up into the sky.
You stood frozen watching the scene before you play out. Surely you had to be hallucinating. Were you simply sleep deprived. Was the weed you smoked laced with a foreign substance?
You didn’t have the chance to puzzle together what you were seeing because you were soon blacking out.
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“Shit is she okay?”
“How the fuck am I supposed to know I ain’t a doctor” Em brushed some of your hair back “first fine girl I get back to the ranch and this bullshit”
“We need to wake her up somehow” Oj’s gruff voice vibrates your ears.
“I’m gonna go get some wet towels”
A sharp pain shot through your head. Bright light poured into your retinas making a pain you never felt before rush through your head.
“Em come back she’s waking up”
“I’m coming I’m coming”
You groaned watching as 3 Oj’s changed to 2 then eventually 1. Em soon came into view. She dabbed your forehead with a cold wet towel.
“You okay pretty girl?” She frowned continuing her actions.
“Angel” you muttered.
“That’s cute she thinks I’m an angel” Em cooed, her eyes growing soft as she felt her heart melt.
“Angel” you groaned again still struggling to regain consciousness. Your phone was vibrating off the hook. No doubt it was Angel calling to check on you.
“I think she talkin’ about Angel”
You dragged your phone from your back pocket and wearily dragged your finger across the screen to accept his call.
“Oh my god you’re alive!”
“Did you get that on film?” You croaked eager to see if your friend had also witnessed the spectacle.
“No. There was a fucking praying mantis!” He replied.
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alangdorf · 9 months
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And so, inevitably, I got around to making gijinkas of my original favorite Kirby characters! I was stuck on them for quite a while because I didn’t want to make them look too much like Magolor (my fault for giving him the head wings, I know) and I also didn’t want them to look too much like they do in canon because I think the fun of gijinka as a design exercise for me is adapting design elements into a new context, and also Elfilin doesn’t have any clothing or body details to work off of which made coming up with his outfit really hard, but I had the idea for the hair and liked it so much I just decided to run with completely human-looking designs for them. (The closest I have for an in-universe justification for this is like… maybe the Ancients were humans before they were catpeople - wait I still haven’t posted my Hyness gijinka - and Elfilis originally looked the same as in canon but changed to mimic them at some point for DNA acquisition and/or sympathy-garnering reasons. Idk it doesn’t really matter just really funny comparing them with Magolor lol)
Fun Fact! The double helix motifs in Elfilis’ spear and Forgo’s ear are left-handed (if you make a thumbs up with your left hand the stuff twists in the direction your fingers are curled as it moves the direction your thumb is pointing), which is the opposite chirality from the DNA in all known life (it’s right-handed). I’d be willing to bet that was on purpose to make them more alien. I went a little crazy with the left-handed double helixes in these designs; in fact, the positions of Elfilis/Forgo and Elfilin make a left-handed double helix through the whole post! Not even on purpose!
Anyway, had a lot of fun with these and wanna do more with them in the near future (now I can put Elfilin in cute clothes irl AND on my computer)
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dragonsdendoodles · 2 months
I need y’all to know I am going to be insufferable about this book when it comes out
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ivorydice · 4 months
I want to eat the comments people leave on my fics, they're always so kind 😭😭
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dorkicon · 11 months
bitching abt my job again
tags contain frank mentions of transphobia and homophobia
#this happened like. i dont know. a month ago or something but i still keep playing it in my mind#for those unawares: theres been a fucking community outrage over the pride display at the library i work at#and have been working/volunteering at for 5 years#only it never went up. it never went up. bc the mayor came in as a quote unquote private citizen and demanded it taken down#despite the fact that patrons are required to fill out complaint sheets and even then it isnt ensured a display will be taken down#so obviously its a misuse of power that hes spinning into him being a concerned citizen#and i made a whole post bitching abt it and im doing so again (hi) bc i didnt like how our director responded to it#and yeah. so there was a board meeting after that right. well i set up for them as i usually do and let me tell you. that was the first#--time more than like 6 people came to spectate. it was insane.#and i guarantee that this months meeting wont have half as many people that fucking crammed themselves in there to complain abt gay ppl#bc of course they dont give a shit about the library#they just care about how scary the queers are#and yeah it was a shit show. i learned we have a far right organization in our town#and i was sat right in front of her husband the whole time#(standing actually. i was standing between him and my moms chair and he was sighing and grumbling the whole time bc he couldnt muster the#--balls to ask the 5 foot 2 fag in front of him to please move lol. small victories right)#when i say her i mean the leader of the freaks. idk. chairman? anyway she had a whole speech about how like queers are bad and cutting#the penises off little babies or whatever and she pulled up this passage from a book that was part of the display#its some book by the youtuber rowan ellis-- here and queer i think was the title. it was cataloged in our ya section and contained passages#talking about like having safe sex and what dildoes are and all that kind of shit. just really clinical descriptions imo. im not familiar w#--the youtuber really but im assuming they wrote it as informational bc shocker: teens be having sex. unsafe sex. especially queer teens#sourse: i was one of tgose#and...think for a moment. remember when you were a teen. youd rather fucking DIE than listen to your parents give you the sex talk#and chances are if youre gay your parents arent even going to know WHAT gay sex is (hugging without shirts on) so youre going to look#--elsewhere#bc if youre a hormonal fucking teen youre going to figure it out one way or another! especially if youre from (cough) a podunk shitwater#--town like mine that ran on abstinence by way of sex education#i think teens deserve to have access to that sort of information through trusted means. and i do mean het teens too#but no these fucking morons put on airs like everyones waiting till marriage--no! not my becky sue! as if they werent fucking around in#--holy shit i reached taglimit. i didnt ecen know there was one. hold on
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randomwriteronline · 7 months
What did Kopaka remember?
Quiet in the mountains. Chaos. Endless seas. Clanging of metal. Chills of adrenaline in battle.
Warmth in his chest.
The last one was puzzling.
The first three he could see; the second two he could imagine from a glorious past as a proud Toa, a warrior, a hero - the clear shape of it forgotten, but its meaning still there.
The last one, though.
The last one was puzzling.
He was a Toa of Ice. A being forged in endless blizzards, as unrelenting as the avalanche, the snowstorm, the glaciers - as impenetrable as the permafrost that freezes the roots on their path.
He was not supposed to feel warm in his chest.
He was not supposed to be clumsy or get lost easily, either.
Who had ever heard of that? A hero who could not find his path? Did that mean he would not have recognized his own destiny if the elder had not assigned a Protector to guide him? That he would have wandered aimlessly, confused, if not rescued and merely left to his own devices? That he could have been swayed by the minions of Makuta and turned into a foe of his own siblings with ease? That it could have taken as little as a step in the wrong direction to turn him to evil?
He tried not to dwell on that.
He tried desperately not to dwell on that.
He turned his thoughts to Pohatu.
It always helped, to turn his thoughts to Pohatu.
Pohatu was... Well.
Pohatu was perfect.
He was powerful, stalwart, dutiful. He did not speak unless needed, sometimes not even then. He remained serious, stoic, focused in the face of danger. Nothing could have made him crumble, nothing could have made him doubt or flinch. He was smart, and steady, and strong: he was above them all.
He was a proper hero.
The only one out of all the Toa who Kopaka could truly look up to, aspire to be like.
Tahu was too loud, obnoxious, bossy, Gali too neurotic and self-certain; Onua was kind, but slow to wits and hardly capable of dosing his power; Lewa refused to listen to anyone but himself.
And Kopaka, though try as he might to seem so, was far from perfect.
Pohatu was perfect.
He envied him. He adored him.
So what if he was aloof, what if he seemed to hate them? What if a Scorpio or two got him once? What if he got nervous in the dark, and needed a shoulder to lean on to steady his breathing again? Happens to the best of us.
Of course Kopaka would protect him.
Of course he would jump to his defense.
It was an honor.
A way to show him.
See? I am like you. I am a true warrior like you. I am a proper ally to you. I am worth your time.
What self-centered things to think.
But he could not help it.
Pohatu was perfect.
He truly was.
Kopaka watched him as he slept, warmed by a fire Tahu had set up, instead of focusing on the surroundings of the camp. He watched him safe from judgement, as all the others too were asleep - he could hear their breaths and snores, could tell them apart from those alone. He watched him: he slept sitting up, curled in on himself, hands clamped around his arms, knees pulled to his chest, head dangerously leaning forward always about to fall. The glow barely escaping the sliver between his eyelids was dim. Something in the way they were shut gave the impression he was frowning fiercely beneath his mask.
He looked so strangely small.
He never looked happy.
Why did that hurt?
That was just how he was. Never happy. Never overtly, maybe never at all. Always more concerned with something else.
Why did that hurt?
It was a phantom pain, behind his nape.
He could not place it, could not figure it out.
It must have been something, one of the many things he could not remember, not fully, not completely. Something shapeless, but still there.
What did Kopaka remember?
Quiet in the mountains. Chaos. Endless seas. Clanging of metal. Chills of adrenaline in battle.
Warmth in his chest.
Pohatu was looking at him.
It scared him briefly.
His hand had somehow gone, all on its own, to find and hold the Toa of Stone's.
He hadn't even noticed he'd moved closer to him.
He hadn't even noticed he'd woken him up.
He hadn't even noticed he'd held his hand.
Pohatu was looking at him.
Kopaka looked back, silently, stupidly, because he could not have explained himself if he had wanted - and he wanted, stars above knew he wanted.
This was no heroic behaviour. This was no behaviour at all, period.
What would the other think of someone like that? Someone who moves closer to a sleeping person and holds their hand like that, for no reason, waking them up out of nowhere and not offering a single explanation for the trouble?
He was annoyed, certainly. He had to be. He had to hate him by now, for such an incomprehensible inane action.
What was he doing?
What was he doing?
He couldn't even answer himself.
He kept holding his hand.
He should have stopped.
He kept holding his hand.
Pohatu was looking at him.
He did not let go of Kopaka's hand.
The shape of his eyes seemed less furrowed. Slightly, only slightly. But it really did seem a little less furrowed.
Tenderly, comfortingly, uselessly, Kopaka caressed the other's knuckles with his thumb.
Pohatu let him.
They remained like that for a while.
A long while.
Kopaka watched intently as the other Toa's face, what little he could see of it, mellowed out until it was calm. He watched as his breathing turned deeper, more tranquil. As his body unclenched.
It reminded him of that moment as they walked underground, looking for a way back to the surface, before they'd emerged from the empty tomb into the city's cemetery - when Pohatu had suddenly leaned on him, silently, and had seemed to be soothed immensely by his mere presence.
Maybe Lewa had been right. Maybe he was afraid of the dark.
No wonder he had looked so terribly unhappy as he slept. There was nary a light in the sky. Even stars would have barely done anything to help.
He had nothing to worry about now, Kopaka's hand said with a gentle dead seriousness through the gentle chill that it emitted as he kept caressing Pohatu's knuckles with his thumb. He was there with him. He was not letting go of him.
The phantom pain behind his nape cried.
They did not say anything.
But Pohatu's dim eyes took a strange shape, a softer shape. A shape Kopaka recognized.
Beneath his mask, he was smiling.
Warmth in his chest.
So sweet and sudden that it burnt and singed and scarred him beneath his armor, potent enough to make his heart stutter and shake with a violence he wasn't sure anything else could replicate.
Kopaka tightened his hold a tad more.
Pohatu smiled.
Just a little, but he smiled.
Warmth in his chest.
The phantom pain behind his nape wailed.
Pohatu's head laid on his knees, maybe not too comfortable, but no longer at risk of slamming onto them. His hand was slack in Kopaka's, though it held on: it felt like a stone left under the sun, radiating pleasant heat upon a chilly palm.
He had fallen asleep again.
Kopaka continued caressing his knuckles for a moment more, just to make sure he wouldn't wake up immediately.
He looked into the fire, into the night. He should have let go, at some point: certainly the Toa of Stone wouldn't have enjoyed being made fun of by Lewa for needing his hand held throughout the night. Certainly he would have glared at him viciously, yanking himself away from his fingers with a hissed warning of never doing that ever again.
Or maybe he would have said nothing, and only hated him in silence.
Or maybe he would have said nothing, and held onto him still.
He thought back to the shape of his eyes when smiling.
Such a familiar shape.
A familiar look.
A warm look.
Warmth in his chest.
When Gali took over guard duty and allowed him to rest, Kopaka forgot to let go.
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kennabeth · 2 months
sometimes I'm like "okay so that was just a terrible auto-translation, I'm sure she didn't actually write that" and then I look at the page and it's a sentence I can read unassisted and she did actually write that
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moodr1ng · 9 months
eventually i have to assume im not a good writer or, perhaps, not a writer at all (like, just someone who happens to have written stuff, but not so much someone who does writing as a characteristic), cause i cant find any other way to explain how i cant find anything to write ABOUT. its been months and i cant write anything and its not bc i dont want to or cant bring myself to do it its because i have nothing to say i guess
edit: who tf are you people reblogging this and can you fuck off lol. like how many times are you gonna do this to my personal posts. once again i was venting about suicidal ideation in the tags of this and this is a post about putting myself down as an artist for having deep depressive episodes that keep me from creating. fuck off!!!!!!!
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suddenrundown · 1 year
i can't decide whether to multiclass my dnd character for The Bit or not
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gnaga37 · 5 months
need to get myself in character mode. diy evil arc half summary below
so basically there's this guy. normal guy except he has my curse bc it's my story and I do what I want <3 he also acquires another curse, yk the cursed eye ecc ecc. so there's this evil spirit hanging around some ruins or something that finds this guy that's traveling there/near there (or literally any other setting for this meeting) and the spirit thinks oh wow perfect guy to influence to be evil smile emoji so they get to work (using they for the spirit just to differentiate as no one has names yet, and never will I think kiss kiss) they're trying to be subtle ecc ecc in influencing and stuff but then they go yay full possession yippe appear in a vision, or a dream idk, full spirit let's go, talking in your mind and all that. ohoho you want to do what I tell your so baaaad
spirit has some evil plan to get to so,, they convince our guy to get into some fights for evil or something like that. background on the evil dude, they were like a warrior, army commander kind of guy slash king or something don't ask me. so they guide the guy to theirs army stuff like weapons and armor, need that stuff for the evil plan scheming plotting Clearly. more stuff happens idk. FINALLY when they see that the guy has not died yet, very impressive very amazed, we get the sword!!!!!!! the spirit gets the guy to find THE sword. it was the spirit's sword when they ware alive so it's big and heavy. and evil <3. and cursed <3.
now that the sword is in (best character for real) I think we're done o7 see you another time for badly told diy evil arc
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