#or just post a whole lore dump ramble lol
skyward-floored · 3 months
Blog intro! That I'm finally getting around to after several years lol.
Hi there! I’m Peggy, Sky Floor, Floor, Skyward, or Peg if you like.
Basically any variation of my username is fine.
I'm a Christian girl, muddling my way through life 👍
This is my Legend of Zelda/Linkeduniverse blog, the home of all my Zelda stuff I reblog and create. I’m a writer and random theory person mostly, but I also draw and reblog a lot of stuff, talk about the loz games, and bust out various insane AUs every so often. I also never shut up. sorry.
Writing tag is #writing from the floor
Talk tag is #rambles from the floor
And my ao3, Skyward_Arpeggio
I also make an effort to tag everything for easy organization and proper warnings, but I can't catch everything. I do my best though. Also no political discussions or NSFW asks, please. I try to keep this a light-hearted space, so please respect that.
I'm always willing to talk Zelda/Lu, and have an unhealthy amount of lore memorized, so don't be afraid to shoot me an ask if you wanna chat :D
Some of my projects and AUs I'm working on:
Linked Universe Incredibles AU, an semi-modern superhero au, where I basically dumped the lu boys into the Incredibles movie(s). If you're looking for family stuff, superpowers, and way too much angst, this is the au for you. You can find it under the tag: #incredibles au, and all the writing I've done for it under: #incredibles au fic. (also on ao3!)
Brethren in a Cradle, my longest-running and most intense plot-wise project (with the very slow updates 😭). The chain gain an unusual addition to their ranks, and somehow Wild is a dad now. Wait, all of them are. Oops. Link to the fic.
Hyrule Dragon Warriors, which is a hyrule warriors au in which Link's dad is Volga, and his mom is Impa. Yeah. Family drama. You can find it under: #hdw au. (also on ao3!)
I have two original Zelda stories I'm working on, one that I just call Lost AU, and the other Hero of Sages, or Berry Link. Lost is about a Link who's corrupted very early in the story, and Zelda setting out to save him and the kingdom. While Hero of Sages is about a Link who has six older sisters... who happen to be six of the seven maidens needed to bring back Ganon. You can find them respectively under #Lost and #hero of sages.
You can also find my own all the links from the games go on an adventure together au at the tag: #Courage of Ages. There isn't a whole lot posted on here about them, but I always love talking about my boys :)
I have much more than this though, AUs/projects and other stuff I’ve written, but I'm going to put it under the cut (...still under editing so it's messy and unfinished!)
The past three years I've participated in the whumptober challenge! I did half of 2021's for lu, and in 2022 and 2023 I did all 31 days for lu! You can find the list for 2021 here, the ones for 2022 here, and the 2023 ones here (or find them all on my ao3 (see above), as well as some ao3-only bonus scenes!).
Kitty Wind, which is exactly what it sounds like. Wind touches Twilight's crystal, and finds himself as... a cat. A tiny, fluffy, adorable little cat. Needless to say, he isn't thrilled. You can find it under #kitty wind or read the fic on ao3!
A Royal Castletown Wedding
Accidental Domestication
Scales and Gills, a collection of Mermaid Legend fics
The Twilight Turns (true form au),
Pup is only a oneshot for now, but I have more fics planned for this idea! Dark Link goes back in time, and after the chain when they're too small to defend themselves. Unfortunately for Dink, he doesn't bet on them having protectors in the form of their predecessors.
Many Courses of Love
Up in Arms
Botw Dark Link AU
Downfall IAU
other aus(?) you're probably forgetting some so check later girl
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stubborn-hearted-blue · 4 months
Okay so if you didn't know (you probably don't lol) these characters are apart of a murder mystery object show type thing!! In total there's 12 characters and these are like the main characters!!
1. We got a tie on the poll so I just decided to draw both
2. I got a new art style that I HOPE I like for longer than 48 hours so I redraw Wine Glass
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Okay so if you don't know this is Wine Glass!! Hes a closeted bisexual and he acts very stereotypically straight so that people think he is straight. He grew up being forced to be fancy and get good grades and all the strict parent stuff. He's basically the main character of the whole thing lol.
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Candle is like Wine Glass's sidekick in a way. Candle is a very VERY introverted person but starts to grow a soft spot for Wine Glass as the story goes on :). He's also really sensitive to stuff and has major abandonment issues ;_;. He's also like a main character!
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Book is the least important out of the 3 but she's still important! She's kind of a goofball and really dumb but she keeps things lighthearted. A lot of the times she feels Third Wheeled around Candle and Wine Glass, but she does make friends with another character, Monocle, and they grow really close together! ^^
Height Chart:
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Thank you for reading my little ramblings!! I think I'll be keeping this art style for a while I really like it! 🩵🖤💙
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4th-make-quail · 1 day
Honest favourite character ask for Sart:
15. Are your thoughts surrounding this character usually sexual, non-sexual, or a mix of both?
50. Link your fav song, playlist, aesthetic board, fan-fiction, reference pile, personal artwork, analysis post, meme, headcanon, or quote for this character. Whichever one (s) you are most comfortable with!
Ooh these are good, thank you nonny!!
15. For this, honestly it's a mix of both I think? But with most of the pairs or characters I love, I don't tend to like... Idk self insert I guess? So mostly I think about his relationship with Basch, and also about all the horrible fire stuff he does. 😏 Most especially the transformation magicks, but I have to admit that's from a "shit that's really fucking sexy" pov lmao, but again mostly thinking about how much it increases his height difference with Basch and the general size difference of a really fucking big monster thing with a max height midlander guy!
It's weird, I wrote out a lot of fic situations of porn with Sart and Basch, and now it's a long time since and I don't have active fandom for xiv really to talk about them with, there's a lot less specific thinking and more just digging into lore and headcanons, field note translations and stuff like that.
But I mean also like. I like to think about him railing Basch. And Basch railing him! I'm gonna enjoy writing the sex scenes in my phoenix au wip (which now has a name!), because they're finally gonna be fucking as both old guys and NOT IN THE AFTERLIFE. GOD FUCKING BLESS
50. I don't have a playlist or aesthetic board or anything like that, but I do have two songs I highly associate with him and a whole lot of really fucking amazing art that was drawn for my fics or gifted to me! Also not gonna lie..... I still have a reference pile on hand from when I did trades for art and got a commission ahahah
so!! unfortunately because i need to talk about him at all times, here is a general large dump of Sart Related Items :DDD i could also list headcanons, lore bits and other random shit, but for that i'll direct you to my Sartauvoir quo Soranus shrine on my neocities! it's not as full of stuff as it will be yet, but there's a lot of info there about skirmishes, voicelines, spells and also translations of his field note! thank you for the opportunity to ramble, nonny 💚💚💚
giant reference folder full of screenshots of both him and Basch, along with a refsheet i made for commissioning purposes! as is my habit, there are ten thousand images within these folders lol
songs!!! #1: Starset - Tunnelvision! if anyone has me on discord, this song is the reason i've had my status as "❤️‍🔥marching to the beat of oblivion" for like, ten bajillion years!! idk the lyrics aren't super fitting but they give me Sart Vibes so!!!
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#2: Rave the Reqviem - God, Demon, Machine! this one gives me like, feelings about how destructive Sart's fire magick is, and the whole vibe of how the IVth is fighting to bring Landis back from Garlean control but within the system, you know? And ofc in the worst way possible. OUGH. Anyway maybe this would be a better song for Lyon but i like the image of burning jet planes for Sart, so!
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and onto the art!
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these two pieces were drawn by my friend @hanyosacrimony and illustrate parts of two of my fics! [second piece here at twitter]
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here's a commission i got of them from beequinox on twitter! KISSIES
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this piece is another fic illustration by hamstrhammy on twitter - we did an art for screenshots trade!
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this piece is by my awesome friend @eemamminy-art! i did another screenshots for art trade with him, and she illustrated this scene from the end of my Body Politics series!
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and finally, this piece from my husband @crowbi as a pride month surprise!! MY BABIES......
there are a few artists who drew or still draw Sart who I love, but I don't want to repost and also this is a very long post already by now lolol
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zumazozuma · 3 months
Because no one asked, I'm gonna dump my headcanons of Lan Fan on yall!!!!!!!!! 💥
To play her character on my RP server, I had to fill in the holes of her backstory and shoves themes to explore her in a story, and honestly I think it just makes sense 😌
♦ "Coming from a family of retainers to the Yao Family that's been in service for generations" is all we had to work with. Based on the fact we have an old man and a teenager, I assume they are the last of their bloodline due to Reasons™ (I can info dump lore I created for this whole family business in another post if anyone wants to know) This leaves her "alone" post-canon, and makes the stakes to protect Ling no matter what even higher!
♦ Falling. That's her big theme! It illustrates her character very well; both in the sacrifices she makes and the way she always stands back up! It's great to use for her psychological development in story as well, with learning to ask for help and rely on others!
♦ I invented a whole OC for the mechanic who installed her automail! I made his dynamic with Lan Fan kinda mirror Ed and Winry's, in the sense that Lan Fan is the one always attempting murder on him lol- ALSO!!!! Methinks Lan Fan deals with chronic pain too, yes yes. We all know how insane she is for getting that arm installed so soon after amputation AND rushing rehabilitation (6 months rather than three years… She's asking for it fr fr)
Yeah that's pretty much it. Share your thoughts if you have them!!!!
I created a whole secret home village to explore all of that lore, and it seems only one of my precious-members-I-love-to-bits is actually reading it, so if you wanna know what I came up with, do give me a reason to ramble about it and ask! ✨
The stuff I came up with may not all feel canon, but I like to think her themes and the fact she's only got Ling left make her character feel way more sympathetic. (We did about the same for Ling aaaaaaa they only got each other now!!!!) Hence why I thought I'd share teehee
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
Hi I'm back again
Sorry for any bad takes, while I've done lore dives for other media in the past I've never hyperfixated as much as I have with Rain World. The complete and total void of information about so many things in this game has driven me to the brink of insanity so every little detail I notice I'm like "ah what if this is actually important and lore related and mmm wild speculation"
Also I fricking feel like I'm apologizing way too much. I absolutely refuse to apologize for having my weird-ass speculations, but I will apologize for dumping all of my unedited speculative rambles in your inbox. As I said tell me to shut up at any time I don't want to to be annoying or anything also I'm probably overthinking this damn it talking to people is hard
(And absolutely PLEASE give your opinions!!!! The whole reason I'm dumping my stupid ramblings in your inbox is because you have the COOLEST lore and being able to rant about my stupid theories and hear some of your theories and ideas in exchange-- shbddhgbjksttd I'm having too much fun)
What you said about artistic choice and stuff makes total sense-- I haven't really drawn ancients except for some stupid little doodles (and yeah, their hair is hard. the little circles make way more sense as 'shape defining artistic feature' rather than 'possible lore detail') and I have no idea what I'm doing anyways BUT I am going to offer a very small and completely nonsensical defense for my tentacle-hair-bone-thing theory cause I honestly just think it would be funny if they had cactus skulls
the holy grail of ancient imagery returns
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that one specific tentacle. it looks like it pokes straight up before flopping over. I'm reaaaally grasping at straws now lol
Different topic-- I absolutely think that the ancients practiced some form of limb-binding. The difference in feet sizes between some of the images of them, the cloth wrappings, the fact that iterators don't (canonically) have 'feet' feet... I also think some ancients may have done the same to their hands? I mean, look at the karma 4 mural. That dude has weird hands. And feet. And way too many tits. Ancients are just fricking weird.
But yeah if any of my theories or thought trains or anything are weird or don't make sense just know I have no clue what I'm doing, I'm just throwing stuff at the walls and hoping some of it sticks haha
(Join me, next time, for 'Why Ancients Really Liked Birds~~')
yea, u r apologizing too fuckin much!!! -baps you with a newspaper- lord in heaven... /lh not sayin by this that u do annoy me- but i'd suggest makin these into posts n throwin em into the main tag rather than yeetin 'em all at my inbox! so more peeps can see 'em n such, you might find more people with neat opinions, who knows. but also thank you for finding my stuff that cool jgsdlkmcklsdmgklsd
GJKSDLKLMD I CAN,,, REFUTE THAT AS WELL BUT I WILL TELL YOU THIS: if you find it funny then that is all the reason you need for the thing being a canon tidbit for your stuff. a lot of my lore building comes from "wouldn't it be funny if..." and then committing to it
oh they absolutely Are doing some fucked up binding. it would make a lot of sense if Videocult implemented that- since they are already taking inspiration from Buddhism, it would make sense for them to jump into China n other surrounding cultures to look for inspiration for fucked up aspects a culture can enforce and then spin it out into interesting lore for a game. so from Chinese feet binding we get to multiple body parts binding (stars above, sin two mural the ancient's on top feet... it never hit how Tiny those are. also who da FUCK IS HAVING SEX IN SNEAKERS, GODDAMMIT. WHAT IS THIS BITCH.)
the hands i like to blame on religious mutilation and the fuckin... third n fourth "tits" are just fat storage- the upper pair are the proper tits in the sense that they are the muscles that move the arms. but oh how i adore it when people give four boobs to their Ancient designs it's so funny to me... praise the boobification
n tsk, aaaaaarhg, "weird"... that's the basis for the best stuff. this is an alien world, anything goes. the more fucked up it is the better it will be (-gestures to face tentacles n the back gills of my interpretations-)
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cathalbravecog · 1 year
Man... I can't stop thinking about the things that were talked about on the stream, especially the answer on my question - so... get ready for a ramble! its a long one. oops. i dont even know where im going with this, im just dumping my thoughts somewhere. half is about ttcc lore in general and the streams, the other half is about cathal and me projecting onto him deeper.
before i even hop deeper into this, it wasn't until early today that i learned that there was a whole drama about cranky's answers (regarding the graham and flint question and the whole "keep it sane" thing. i thought it was...off, but i understood it as 'do what you want people, just don't start any harassment because of ships and your favorite pairs'.
definitely could have been phrased better, though. at least we got a good response and an apology later from maven on twitter. but i legit did not know this was a drama until those twitter posts were made LOL. i dont interact with the fandom so i do not know how that answer was percieved by most. or if anyone except for me and my friends have had any thoughts about the question i asked that got answered.)
and what im tryna get to is that i get cranky isnt the one to be answering lore things, and probably didnt know what to answer... but it's still something to think about
because being told "cogs and toons just dont become how they are out of the blue" (paraphrasing here) as an answer to what cathal initially thought of seeing his dad be bet up and thrown off a tower is... confusing? he did say first and foremost that it has to be built upon before saying that. i understand that this is... a lot of characters! and cathal did have some focus on him thanks to the comic and they wanted to focus on other managers... but some have deeper, more intricate lore that's easy to grasp (especially the more, well, angstier managers like chip and misty.)
and we have gotten some extra lore for other managers like belle, mary, tawny.... thanks to thomas' rambles.
and it's definitely difficult for a team of volounteers working hard on a fan game together to make lore for all the characters, that are still very young in their *life span*, having been around for less than a year. despite ttcc being more character driven and focused on the cogs, it's still a game they have to run so they cannot focus on lore only and some game management has to be done first. there's a bunch of things they have to consider, like consistency and how fans may react, or possible themes or what they want the story to be...
and. yeah. its hard since. come on lets admit it. clash has an issue with how these are all given to us. hell, there's lore bits i still dont know about and im still learning because it's..so all over the place. a new player will not know about it. maven acknowledged this in the tweet and i really appreciate that, as it's honestly been my number one issue with clash, especially as someone who is there for the lore. (i mean, and the gameplay, i know some people who don't play the game itself much. well i sure do a little TOO MUCH because i have PROBLEMS. but im interested in the lore, too, yknow?)
some lore you cant learn from the wiki, and unless you interact with the community, you may never learn *where* all of this even is. if you werent live for certain lore there, it's hardly accessible to you. lore locked behind one time events, an arg website, wikis, discord chats... all that. it's hard to keep track of! i'm sure it's like that for both the fans and the writers. these characters are great, fun, and i love them, but the way we are given this information is... not the best. it's very easy to miss certain details.
it's especially bad if you're like me - only ever interacting with a close group of people you trust, (because people are scary especially a lot of... lore driven fans. yeahnoimeanshippers.sorry.and just big crowds of people in general) having only gotten back into the game recently AFTER most of the major lore events (first played once in 2019, then never again until january 2023) and also you dislike youtube and video content, so you dont watch it. something in your brain would rather if you step on a nail than watch a playthrough video (especially with commentary).
like in general it shouldnt be necessary to go through all these hoops just to know the lore! especially for things that may have little lore...
anyways, uh, back to cathal. i cannot stop thinking about this.
it definitely wasnt an answer to what i specifically asked - but possibly more so about... why cathal is the way he is? and despite what my brain and low self esteem during hard times may tell me - i do not believe that anybody is truly "lazy". i just dont think that exists. there's always some reason behind a person being unmotivated or lazy. even the little things!
but like... that's just kinda obvious. all toons and cogs have motivations. thats like... one of the basics of writing characters. have motivations for characters and reasons for why they are how they are. doesnt have to be anything tragic, just.... how they are as people.
it's totally unrelated to the question of what cathal thought about seeing his dad like that... but oh well! i asked that because i made up my own story around that already, and i just wanted to see what someone working on the game thinks about the same idea.
not to be Tumblr User CathalBravecog, but, of course I have projected heavily onto cathal. i have already stated how important cathal is to me as a character, especially with appreciating myself when im.. not exactly the most motivated. when im not doing much. taught me to appreciate breaks. hell! i keep preaching this myself. its okay to take breaks! and yet i often end up not doing it and i overwork myself on games and art and other things.
there's... a lot of things "wrong" with me that i don't have names for yet, especially due to not having a diagnosis for them, but they're very real feelings and they cause me to be unable to do things a lot of the time. various mental blocks and a new member of the gang... physical pai! hooray.
this... endless productivity we are forced and expected to do. it can take a toll on you. breaks are just as necessary and to say it's a thing that has to be re-learned is... sickening. hooray for living in a Corporate (clash) society, fellas.
one thing i can say is that i absolutely headcanon that cathal has adhd - though, maybe not the same type i do. i do not think he gets randomly hyper and wants to (and does) jump around everywhere and blurt things out randomly and impulsively. cathal here has the low energy, yknow.
i like that a lot of the content around him doesnt even describe him with the words "lazy" and "sleepy" instead.
every day is the same... even if his job is relatively simple, just watching over the camera feed - it's definitely boring... and having to do it every day is not rewarding. and being mostly alone and without consequence, he gives into wanting to do something else. he's got these huge screens and a room to himself, and he loves watching shows and cartoons... so he's gonna do that. it's more fun. it's stimulating. and especially with his dad being the one to give him his position, he knows that he's got nothing to really worry about there.
i also think it's a bit hard to be motivated knowing that... this war between the cogs and toons is just. endless. hell, again, he has to see his dad *everyday* be attacked by them. his body damaged after the fall - only to be fixed again. rinse and repeat. i would too, find it pointless. especially if you're like cathal, since i pointed out before that he is very kind and caring towards the other cogs. he's also thoughtful, noting that yknow... a lot of stairs to get to his room.
why do all that when you can chill... and feel good. do something that feels nice...
i don't have any names for this, but with how sleepy he usually is, that's definitely a thing to consider too. and just, from experience... being tired and/or sleepy it... dismotivates you even more. its so hard to start tasks even if you *want* to do them. and considering cathal mooost likely doesn't want to do his work on his own - then these tasks can be just. impossible to start.
like, i have struggled with this my entire life myself, just because of my adhd screwing with everything, but after getting covid and most definitely getting a form of chronic exhaustion from it.. things have been even harder. i pull myself through day and i barely have the energy to even start anything. sometimes i dont even do anything all day and... woops! still no mood or energy to do anything. i just work on random bursts of motivation and things that captivate me...
not sure how it relates to cathal, but, hey, if im personal here ill ramble about it too because WOW it has been biting me in the ass and i need to speak to Professionals About It
like... i dont think hes being "lazy" willingly, yknow? theres a reason behind it. it definitely is just... being sleepy, the comfort... the fun and stimulation doing something fun he's interested in (his shows) are just... stronger desires and way easier for him to get to. why struggle through something when it takes up all your energy, and then you feel no reward for it? yeah. exactly. even just "not feeling like it" is a reson. "not having energy" is a reason. hey, are these things to get better about if needed? certainly. i wish i could get help with this, it would help me in my life so so much. but should it be seen as ENTIRELY negative and as being a "hinder to society". hell nah. and i think thats swag. cathal is swag he can do this, good for him lmaooo. my brain is deteriorating i apologize.
there was... another thing i wanted to say, but i forgot. so i'll move on.
but just... yeah. i dont think cathal is just lazy. i dont believe in "laziness". he's got reasons for why he prefers naps and just... watching tv instead of doing his work. perhaps he does want to do these things, but gave up on trying. its not worth the effort, it does not feel good. its not stimulating enough to keep him going.
#long#ramble#cathalposting#i...may delete this later i dont know. i both wanna talk to ppl i know about this#but also Do Not Percieve me. I am Afraid Of What People Think#Stay Back Foul Beasts !#alsoy eah i had other stuff to talk about...more on the negative side i guess but??? its. a bit difficult to#give and .. angstier things? negative thoughts? to a character who you see a lot of comfort in. they make you happy#they help you feel better about yourself. you want to see them happy. if theyre happy#youre happy. if theyre sad...well. you are sad. sadness is natural. its a real thing. it happens sometimes. its a part of life#and i have attached some of these things to cathal already. but a few things are hard for me to consider because of The Brain Worms.#i dont want to see him hurt either yknow.#anyways i hope you enjoyer my mental illness ramble. im not normal and you shouldve known that when you followed me#thank you for existing cathal ray toby braveswag#hey fun fact remember how i said i get tired of stuff myself easily well this whole thing made me tired. i was gonna#answer an ask but now im like. man. (melts into a puddle)#(doesnt take a break bc i need instant stimulation and makes things worse for myself)#do yall see why i like cathal so much now gamers?#ya. sorry this got personal. if any of you can handle reading this u deserve a reward.#and maybe i need to start talking about personal things this much. but whatever#this is my blog i can talk about anything and thats the COOL THING!#MWAHAHAHHAHAHA!#dies#ivegot a lot going on in my brain rn cant u tell
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martritzvonmercie · 2 years
Saw your post about the “which dr game is the best” polls thing and I gotta say I feel like Trigger Happy Havoc might actually be the best of the series 🤔 I know that’s probably a hot take but I’ve been replaying it and I think it honestly does the best job of setting up the premise. The chapter 6 lore dump/investigation is never as good as it is in thh, and even the regular investigations are less linear in dr1 than 2 and v3
Anyway my point is that I think people conflate enjoyment with quality (even I enjoy dr2 the best) but dr1 is so underrated and you are right to say it
everything you said is so true!!!
to put why i think thh is best more seriously than my joking post earlier, i think there’s several things it does best out of any of the games in the series.
one thing that really stands out to me about thh is that out of all the games, it’s the one where i’d say it really feels the most like every character has their own important role that they contribute to the group (except maaaaaybe not hiro but he’s a very funny guy so like we forgive him). it’s bc of that that i’d say thh easily did the best job of making me like and care about the characters. sdr2 is a close second in this aspect; i think that some of the individual character arcs in sdr2 are more interesting than the thh ones, but the tradeoff is that there’s also a large amount of characters that left a lot to be desired in that respect. v3 is easily the worst out of the three games in terms of character arcs and development, and half of the characters were repetitive and trope-y in a way that made them hard to get attached to. it actually made 3-4 fall completely emotionally flat for me (although i’m aware this is an unpopular opinion!)
also, the claustrophobic atmosphere of being stuck in hope’s peak adds a level of desperation and horror to the games that the other games lack. i also think it easily has the best motives that focus on giving insight into who the characters are as people.
i’d start talking about how naegi as a protag improves the game but i’d end up rambling about him long enough to make a whole separate post lol. but to put it simply i do think that naegi is the best character out of all the protags (even tho komaru’s still my favorite) and the way he contributes to the dynamic of the group is a huge part of what makes the thh cast the best cast for me!
there’s things about the other games that are really good as well; unsurprisingly, komaeda is my favorite antag, and 3-5 is actually my favorite trial in all of dr (i’m such a sucker for ouma and his antics i want to aggressively shake him by the shoulders he’s so ABDJAJFJAKDK)
but there’s just something special about thh. it always has the biggest spot in my heart!
(i talked too much whoops sorry)
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lizbot · 2 years
Regarding seeing Hornet as a 'teen' I see the term as 'age between child and adult' rather than a literal teen number of years, so in that way, I'd view her as a 'teen' for her species (note that I also draw 'teen' PK with the intention of him being centuries old as a 'teenager'). I also personally like the idea of time shenanigans at play too that may have halted her physical growth, even if it did not slow her mental growth. There's a line on a lore tablet in the white palace about using Void to deny Time (with a capital T, so potential to over analyze that lol), and I kinda ran with that idea of void being able to cause a stasis in my headcanons. It can be used to explain why the hatchlings that survived the abyss never grew, especially if the king's light is what specifically allowed Hollow to mature by counteracting the void (this is assuming 'the power opposed' on the lore tablet is void opposing light and vice versa - if the king's light causes growth and the void causes stagnation). Myla also mentions she never has to sleep when she mines in Hallownest, like her needs are just on pause. Then Eternal Emilitia, who must be extremely old too despite being a normal bug since she talks about her role before everyone died, and I guess she doesn't need to eat anymore if she never leaves the house? The stag also must be ancient as he too remembers life before the fall. If PK really did make some kind of void powered stasis field, that could explain all that too. Even Quirrel, he 'begins to feel his age' once he loses Monomon's mask. Maybe the mask was pausing his time out in the wastes, as a piece of Hallownest, and once he lost it all the time he spent outside of the city caught up to him. Anyway, sorry for the rambling headcanon dumping XD I did not intend to write this much.
Ahhh, don't worry about rambling about whatever, haha it's alright. It's really cool to hear other people's opinions and ideas.
Hmm, when I started getting into the lore of the game, I kinda assumed that a lot of time had passed since the fall of hallownest but right now I don't think so. Maybe a couple of decades I suppose?
I do have a headcanon about how Hollow and the rest of the vessels are supposed to grow. Gonna try to do a post about that later I hope.
I think Myla says that the sleeping thing as an early clue of her eventually getting infected, and I totally can see Emilitia as a cranky old bug similar to Lucille Bluth from arrested development lol.
It always bugged me why Quirrel apparently got old quickly after losing Monomon's mask. If the theory is correct, Hallownest should have protected him from ageing while inside the kingdom, and he was being protected on the outside thanks to his mask.
I dunno, not even I am completely sure of my own theories, because almost any theory needs to get a healthy dose of speculation due to how ambiguous some parts of the lore are. Makes the whole thing more interesting, and probably a bit more frustrating too lol.
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diagoose · 2 years
HRNNNNGGG I love your advice oc, Eimear So Much HSHRHEHNZHDG.
Blease I need more
Obvi no forcing or anything I just love the vibes and everything, but like,, feel free to use this as an excuse to info dump or add more headcannons/funnies.
Cryptic farmer REAL
asdhfhgdfgan;rnlgk;h thank you sooooo much I love her too!!
inviting me to info dump on a character is always welcome! hope you know what you just signed up for(lol). also also sorry for how long it took my to reply this post was way longer and so i just trimmed it down!
she was made because of two things, one being that I wanted Stardew Valley to have more magic and magical beings, the other was just the funny of Shane begrudgingly acquiring another family member, and it spiraled out of control from there. General Lore:
Eimear is a elder nature spirit, her purpose is to be the bridge between humans and the magical side of the natural world(sorta like an ambassador for both human's and other fae creatures). she also functions as a sorta guardian protecting the valley from malevolent spirits(the wizard has been filling in for her in her absence).
Eimear is initially bound to Cindersnap forest and is very weak, you will work with Jas(who woke Eimear up, and as a thank you was named high priestess) helping plant Eimear's trees through out the valley(the bundle quests I talked about in my last post). with each tree you help plant Eimear's power grows, she's able to travel more places in the valley, and as a whole the valley becomes a much more hospitable place for other magical folk(funky new neighbors maybe?)
I picture cute little events from the villagers encountering and adjusting to the new magical developments as Eimear's story progresses(like Abigale playing her flute and little fairies showing up to listen, or Sam almost selling his soul to the toad king idk). there'd also be some fun mini dungeons the player could unlock!
for her introduction and general story event:
the player is told by a frantic Marnie that Jas is missing and asks if you'll join the search party. after a lot of looking you and Shane will find a new path in the secret wood area of the forest.
the two of you enter a clearing with a great white tree in the center, not far off you see Jas having a picnic with a strange figure(spoiler guys, it's Eimear). the stranger is curious at first and excitedly greets the two of you(in a language you can't understand but the intent is getting across). But, when you and Shane make a move to leave with Jas, the stranger bites Shane, scoops up Jas, and flees into the branches of the big tree.
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after much shouting from Shane and Eimear, Jas(who's been pretty unconcerned about this whole thing) manages to convince Eimear to return her back to Shane after she compares Shane to the "papa bear" in the book Jas has been reading to Eimear, this calms Eimear down and she returns Jas to Shane.
The wizard shows up the next day and sorta explains the whole deal, Jas is permitted to continue to help Eimear as long as Shane supervises.
but yeah that's it for now <3 thank you very much for the sweet ask! i might ramble some more about her another time, because i love herrrrrrr
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signofthestriking · 2 years
Lore dump of Three Musketeers cause I'm bored, part one of whatever lol
Aka I'm about to ramble incoherently about a dbz fanfic for a little while.
TLDR: Universe Seven got reset. Everything starts over on Earth, with a pair of friends trying to find the Dragon Balls. Their wish? To learn more about the Saiyans.
Just completely scrub your mind of canon storylines I'm kinda doing my own little thing lol
The setting: Universe Seven has been erased and remade, in the cycle of creation and destruction. Many of the places remain familiar, but the people and the events have changed. And in usual fashion, the story starts on a relatively peaceful Earth, where most Earthlings live oblivious of the supernatural.
The OCs: Konnie Sai, Maize, and Prism Lockwood. They don't call themselves the Three Musketeers but that's who they are lol
Konnie Sai: A Saiyan-Earthling hybrid living in Central City with her parents, Serenity and Okkoro. Cheerful, sweet, and notoriously bad-mouthed. Everyone's surprised when someone as sweet as her turns out to be so short-fused. Stubbornly defiant. Lover of cardigans and knit sweaters.
Maize: A teenage hermit Saiyan that lives alone on an island not far from Penguin Village. Has barely interacted with people aside from her mentor, who left her 3 years ago and hasn't come back yet. Training to avenge her dead dad. Would spend all her tournament money on fantasy books if she could.
Little bit of background about Earth in this AU:
Prism Lockwood: The sole student of a disgraced warrior. Due to a condition they inherited from their mother, they have split their body into six separate "facets" of themself. Not a man, not a woman, but a secret third option.
There's a Guardian known as Zither. He's been there for nearly 450 years, and although his active presence on Earth has diminished, he still patiently awaits any warrior that might find him.
There used to be different martial art schools on Earth, but they were all wiped out by someone. More on that another day.
The background between Maize and Konnie:
Konnie and Maize met over a chance encounter on the Internet, that Maize stumbled upon by sheer accident. Konnie wrote an angry vent post and forgot to remove a part where she talked about her Saiyan blood by name, and it was the only thing that popped up when Maize typed the word "saiyan" into a library computer in Penguin Village. They got to talking, and despite initial distrust from Konnie, they became friends.
This was quite literally the only working computer there. Maize later used winnings from a World Martial Arts Tournament championship to buy her own laptop, with Konnie's help.
Konnie's father Okkoro refuses to train her. He taught her a few basic ways to defend herself, but nothing more. This is a sore spot between them. He also refuses to tell her anything about the Saiyans, and Konnie stubbornly doubles down. After finding a Dragon Ball buried in the ground behind her school, she decides to hunt down the other six.
Oddly enough, her mother Serenity approves of her doing this behind Okkoro's back, even going so far as to design a prototype Dragon Radar for Konnie to use. There's a reason why Serenity does this, but Konnie doesn't learn about it for another few years.
Maize, who is also a Saiyan, doesn't know a whole lot about them either. Her mentor, a Namekian named Limax, never told her much about her people. In fact, she recalls that he "didn't really like Saiyans and never wanted to talk about them much". She speaks nothing but praise for her mentor, at first.
When Konnie first got the Dragon Ball, she initially didn't connect the dots between the five-starred ball and the old myth. Since I figure the normal Earthlings would at least have a few stories about things like Dragon Balls. After a bit of searching, they realize that the Dragon Balls are real, and Konnie has the idea of finding the rest.
They decide to use the wish in order to learn more about the Saiyans. After all, they also want a chance to meet each other in person. Konnie decides to consult her mother, who surprisingly agrees to help. There's something Serenity knows that Konnie doesn't, but we don't have time to unpack all that.
Konnie has to wait until the school year is up, and Maize wants to go after the tournament. It's June, Age 718, when they finally hit the road. But as it turns out, they aren't the only ones after them.
Tune in next time, maybe I'll try to explain Prism's side of things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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flavos-df · 2 years
RGB; Really Goofy Bois
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aaronymous9 · 3 years
Since the Seawings name their palace’s separately… Deep Palace, Island Palace, Summer Palace? What would the names of other Pyrrhian palaces be called? Pantala too, they just have less stuff written since there’s only three of them. This is also a major lore dump for my fan project ( working title help ) so I am rambling about it because I’m hyperfixated on Wings of Fire and My Ocs so
These are gonna be pretty generic and I will also be proposing other palaces for the tribes ( some of these ideas may or may not be used in my wof fan project… plot twist this whole blog was me rambling about the books while also shooting my wof fan project ideas into the void and seeing if they stick and are well received /hj )
Seawings: Well canonically they have the Summer Palace, Island Palace and Deep Palace so no brainstorming needed there… is WHAT YOU THINK! If the Seawings were to have a fourth palace, I imagine they would have a “Pantala Palace” or something along those lines, if the Seawings encountered Pantala I feel like they could place a underwater palace closer to Pantala for easier trade.
Mudwings: I feel generally Mudwings would only feel the need to have one but if they were to name their palace I think it would be called the “Swamp Palace” or even the “Earth Palace” ( the second one was inspired by that one post about how they called the Mudwing Queen the Queen of Earth that was really cool I am so bad with usernames I am so sorry I forgot who made it :,)) )
Skywings: The main Skywing Palace is definitely called the Mountain Palace but since Skywing territory is so large I like to think that they have a second palace farther north called the Winter Palace which has a cold climate where many Icewing runaways have made a home in the surrounding town.
Nightwings: Canonically Nightwings have no palace rn lmao but in my fan project they have multiple! On the old Nightwing Peninsula they have the Old Palace or sometimes called the Historic Palace, mainly Nightwing royal family members who are really damn old like to live and retire here, on the Nightwing Island to the south of Pyrrhia ( not the one with the volcano that one blew up and they gave the land to the Seawings to deal with ) they have the main palace or, as it is commonly referred to, the Moon Palace, named after it’s famous skylights it has, including the one in the royal hatchery which sits under the full moon! They also have a “Pantala Palace” but they like to call it the Palace of Knowledge because Nightwings are posh and act like stereotypical fancy British scholars and like they are better than everyone else.
Icewings: Icewings have the main Icewing palace, the Tundra Palace or sometimes referred to as the Animus Touched Palace by tourists, the second smaller palace in the south of the territory is called the Palace of Peace or the Peace Palace because it’s where the Icewing Queen has political meetings so her guests don’t freeze to death in the normal palace, ( to be fair though it’s more of a comfort thing, other tribes visit the Tundra of the Ice Kingdom they just have to bother with being checked in and given an animus touched earring. ( for context, one recent animus gift to the Icewings was the Gift of Peace which was an infinite supply of earrings that would make the wearer immune to the cold, basically tourists have to check in, right their names, time of stay, etc on a scroll and it’s annoying and outdated because they have to put the exact time of stay down to the second and if they pass the stay the Earring will disappear and if the dragon isn’t a Skywing who can slightly withstand the cold or a Icewing hybrid they’ll freeze to death lol )
Rainwings: Rainwings… they don’t have a palace? I mean they have a royal pavilion but nobody really goes there except the currently rotated in Queen who just tends to sleep there and yell at Dragonfruit whenever he’s being a damn annoying dragonfruit ( goddammit dragonfruit )
Silkwings: Silkwings really only have two palaces, main one is called the Painted Palace due to it’s famous murals depicting how the first Silkwing queen in centuries was crowned and how they and the Leafwings kicked the Hivewings asses and took half their territory and forced them to replant the forests ( and the Nightwings too they weren’t innocent in this ) the second palace is in the Silkwing territory in Pyrrhia, which they were granted so the continents wouldn’t go into all out war, the palace there is called the Moth palace, named after the variant of Silkwings who live there who more resemble moths than butterflies.
Leafwings: The Leafwings main Palace is the Sap Palace, although Sapwings and Poisonwings don’t hate eachother anymore and are one kingdom they still have different palaces, the Sap Palace has the Leafwing Queen, the Poison Palace has the Lady, since their territories are so far apart they borrowed the Lady title from Hivewings and made a Lady Poisonwing. And in their territory in Pyrrhia they have the Petal Palace, where the “Petalwings” live. During the tree wars Petalwings were the name of the smaller neutral faction of the Leafwings so most Petalwings when the Leafwings all became one again decided to move to the Pyrrhia territory since Petalwings are kinda masters of growing flowers ( pov your a Petalwing who could help the Poisonwings restrain the Poison Jungle but you think flower pretty so you just grow flowers native to Pantala and sell them to people on Pyrrhia. Profit. Capitalism /j )
Crystalwings: The Crystal Palace is the Palace located in the tunnels of Pantala where the Crystalwings are native to. The Gem Palace on the other hand is the Palace underneath Pyrrhia. ( Crystalwings when they discover most mines in Pyrrhia are abandoned or in the Sky Kingdom so they island hop and build tunnels underneath the continent to spy on Pyrrhia and steal their shit like little gremlins: )
That’s all folks I hope you enjoyed my little lore dumps disguised as a headcanon post ;))
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ghost-town-story · 2 years
heylo!! i saw your wbw post and i’m interested in the technology aspect of your world 👀 as well as the magic aspect!! feel free to ramble about it :D [@fiercely-raging-writer]
Hi! Thanks so much for the ask! <3
So before I get too far, I'mma quick define some shit. Since ASTHC is, in part, a portal fantasy, as well as a sci-fi adventure, there's a couple places I'm gonna give placeholder titles. So!
Place where Jazz, Jason, and Alex are from: Base Universe (or World)
Universe where they get dumped by portal: Adventure Universe
Planet where Jazz ends up: P1
Planet where Alex ends up: P2
Planet where Jason ends up: P3
Now onto the actual question :)
Technology in Base Universe is essentially whatever it was circa mid-2010s. That's the boring part of this answer lol
Now, for the Adventure Universe, here's what I have so far:
Spaceships and interplanetary travel/faster-than-light travel. How that looks is probably gonna depend by planet tbh. P2: super "outdated" (inefficient and such) bc they don't go anywhere. P1: Clunky but effective. P3: Essentially engineered to where they can use their powers as part of the propulsion system.
Holograms, especially tactile ones. I def have a vibe I wanna achieve with this lol
There's one city that I wanna make look like that bright shiny futuristic aesthetic, so hover vehicles, robots, the whole shebang
(Jason: *drooling over all the tech* Jazz, grabbing him by the collar: Keep walking ya nerd)
I think that's all the kids will interact with, but who knows, more stuff might pop up as I dive deeper into this project lol.
As for magic..... time for a read-more lol
In the Base Universe, magic is this sort of "in the shadows" type deal. It's pretty hereditary, but also pretty random. Jazz and Alex come from a family with a long history of magic, but it just completely skipped over their grandfather. Meanwhile Jason's family on his mom's side has 0 magic other than his mom and her brother. People with magic tend to have 1-3 distinct powers, and I'll list those out in a bit.
Also, because you're enabling me to ramble, I'mma mention something that's uh, not a thing that was created crucially for ASTHC, but is a thing in my own character lore and therefore does make an appearance in ASTHC.
So there's some people with magic that are (tentatively) called star-touched, and the difference between them and say, Jazz or Jason, is that their magic is dormant until awakened. Once awakened, they get 1 power, period. This type of power is way less random than typical powers and very consistently hereditary, leading to the star-touched being kinda a lil bit culty. This gets to be somewhat relevant because Alex's mom was star-touched who said "fuck your lowkey culty shit" and married his dad (not star-touched, but has powers), which therefore makes Alex a unique lil bean lol.
(I really like this bit of lore. And just the entire complicated Lunacen-Evenstar family drama lol)
Anyhoot, enough about Base Universe, that's just to set up Jazz, Jason, and Alex, let's get onto the Adventure Universe!
Functionally, it's mostly similar to how powers work in the Base Universe, with the same set of powers existing in each universe. The key differences are:
In Base, powers are random and are not necessarily related to what parents and/or family members have. In Adventure, kids always have the same powers as their parents.
1 power per person all the time.
Due to The War, all of the different powers have been split up and are now living on separate planets
Due to being allowed more openness/freedom about using/learning how to control powers, they are a lot stronger and better controlled in the Adventure Universe.
There are, as far as anybody knows, there are no people who don't have any powers anymore.
Now, I did promise a list of wtf types of powers people have, so *blows dust off the old Word doc* here's the incomplete list I have so far (incomplete bc I do want to add more I'm just... stuck on what else to add lol) (and, for funsies, I'm also including which of my OG characters has said powers so. That's who all the names are lol)
Shapeshifters: Can shift into 1 or 2 animal forms. (Melody (wolf and phoenix), Finn (wolf), Celia (dragon), Jason (fox), Alex (dragon))
Time control: As basic as it sounds lmao. Stop, slow down, or speed up time. (Was Jared's, may be his once again)
Elemental: Control over water, fire, air, and earth (yes, just like ATLA lol). (Melody, Jared, Jason)
Werewolf: .... Yeah lol. 1 key difference from typical werewolves though, it is the one power that is absolutely hereditary. Also there's typically only 1 per generation. (Will Hayden, Jazz, Will Daniel)
Telepathy: Another of those (hopefully) self-explanatory ones lol. (Will Hayden, James)
Telekinesis: Able to move stuff with just a thought. (Sasi, Hayden)
Seer: Able to see the future, often in dreams. (Jared, Alex)
Illusions: Able to create illusions. Stability of the illusion depends mostly on strength of the creator, but none are able to hold up to physical touch. (Jake, Hayden)
Storm Twisters: Able to control storms and electricity/lightning. May or may not have lore in Base Universe that Storm Twisters are always twins. (James, Will Daniel).
So, as a fun bit of knowledge about Adventure Universe: P1 is the planet where the werewolves live, P2 is the seers, and P3 is elementals.
So yeah! I believe I've rambled on enough about all this lol. Thanks again for the ask!!
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deathvalleyqueen · 4 years
Trivia Tuesday
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From this post.
Creators: give a “behind the scenes” look at one of your works. This could be things that got removed or changed, the origins of ideas/details, whatever you like!
Fans: share bits of trivia from canon and challenge others to create something based on that trivia - fic, art, or something else!
I was tagged by @kunstpause​ to do this and buckle up... cuz we are getting... like metaish... I think with this... or symbolic... IDK we are talking over arching themes! 
I am putting this under a cut because it’s long... I ramble... but FIRST... tags... 
cuz I think I know some people who would love a reason to lore dump, no obligations as always and I know I waited soooo late but what does things like days of the week matter?
Tags: @lobanhart​ @pd3​ @nightwingshero​ @risenlucifer​ @hopecountyink​ @shallow-gravy​ @tomexraider​ @faithchel​ @clutch-wept​ and anyone else who wants to play along.
The Importance (and hindrance) of Siblings 
So one big thing you will see through out the whole story that I am telling over MJ’s story before the Collapse and Grace’s story after during New Dawn, that the story really centers around the relationships of three sets of siblings and those who are in their lives because of that. I really love Charmed... not gonna lie... so this may be a little heavy on the echos of the Power of Three in places... don’t judge me -.-. 
The Seeds
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These three guys are really the glue that holds the plot together really, I mean... hell they are the only Canon characters after all. I was always really fascinated by their particular power dynamics, with Joseph the middle child (and really with the least of offer in way of skills or assets) being the one who really holds control of the other two and the effects that has on their lives. Adding in MJ and the past and history there does add interesting layers but the crooks of it remains the same. Joseph is the one that still hold all the cards for a lot of years. It takes a lot for the other two (and Faith) to break away in the end. Their troubles as a family sets the tone for the whole piece really and I wanted to really build a relationship between Jacob and John (as I feel Jacob would almost relate to John more than Joseph idk... the trauma perhaps?) because I wanted that but never got it *pouts*
The MacKennas 
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Now, while all the MacKennas play important roles in the story, the important ones in the long run (besides Colin...he is barely a MacKenna for his betrayals) are Mac, Sean and obviously Mary Jane. They are actually far closer than the Seeds, and this is because they did in fact spend their whole childhood and much of their adulthood with their lives intertwined. Unlike The Seeds, MJ hold all the cards when it comes to power in this sibling group. This comes from one big reason, MJ asserts her dominance over her brothers. While they could all physical take her out, Mary Jane is smarter, faster and holds more power with in the Project than any of them because of the sway she has over John. These three are particularly close because of MJ being tormented by Colin as a child and Mac and Sean were the closest in age to him, so they often protected her. That is role they both still hold. Their relationship is kinda meant to foil the Seeds a bit... 
The Seeds 2.0
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Let us take a moment to appreciate the fact that John... has three girls... (and Archer but he is still a wee child) there is some level of karmic justice for John with this... I really feel it lol. 
But Lilith “Lily”, Rosalie “Rose” and Grace Lynn... ah... the babies, the ones who redeem the Seed family... and take out old Hipster Jesus and want to try and help Ethan see the truth. These three girls... and they are really babies come ND. Lily is 24, Rose is 20 and Grace is only just 18, hold their own and take charge in serious ways. Grace grows up away from Lily and Rose so a lot of what is planned at this point is the girls trying to learn about each other and how their strengths really do play off each other and if they worked together they would actually be able to achieve their goals and then some. But they are stubborn girls, very stubborn and have tempers on them something fierce. 
also originally there was only going to be Lily and Grace...and one point in time I had twins planned as well that were going to be named Asher and Archer, but I ended just keeping Archer... cuz poor MJ don’t need more kids. 
These three... more than the others are where I take a lot inspiration from charmed... particularly like early seasons 1-3 charmed..
The New Dawn Story is End Game
In the the way I have things planned, is I want to boil the story down to a story about this family... that has a lot of really wild things happen to them (a lot of it their own doing) and actually see someone from that line try to fix it and bring things full circle. I was so disappointed with the end for the story of New Dawn. It felt hollow and like it gave me no real closure. So that’s really why I ended building on my original plans which was only to really write some kind of semi plotted, not really plotted write this by the seat of my pants thing... into well... this is whole world now with OCS abound and my friend @cornfedcryptid​ ‘s oc Ellie plays a huge part in the world...and we are honestly having a blast plotting this and working on it. 
I mean, for me, coming from someone who has been writing fantasy for some time coming back into more of a real world type story... it’s very freeing creatively (which you would think it would be the other way around) 
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
While I’m slowly wading my way through the OC Masterpost, have some headcanons on how I set up the Sith's views on marriage (and a tiny bit on love, but I can make a whole other post just to elaborate on that tbh so I’m trying not to do it here otherwise it’d be way too long)
Disclaimer: as always, these are my personal lore/headcanons.If you don’t like them, that’s fine, I’m not saying that you can’t make your own, you go do that if you want! If you do like and want to use them, though, you are more than welcome to (some sort of credit/link back is appreciated if you’re using it 100% directly and not y’know, changing it up some!)
Most of these originate from the actual Sith Pureblood species (and by that I mean pre-Valkoriate takeover, a.k.a. Ahaszaai-dynasty too!), but I imagine some of these still “carried over” post-Valkoriate as well. Perhaps not as-is, because hundreds of years of word of mouth + an almost total genocide is bound to mean some info is lost but ya get me right? Long-ish rambly headcanons under the cut. We ready? OK then here we goooo
So, how often do they get married and for what reasons? Is it always political, or is there some love involved? Does it end up being a bit of both? The answer, I’d like to imagine, is it depends on the Sith in question which probably doesn’t clear up much in and of itself so let me explain:
Political marriages are probably very common, y’know to strengthen bonds between particular family lines and/or Spheres of the Dark Council and yadda yadda. Those marriages are more likely to follow rule #2 below because well...that’d be the entire point of the marriage right? BUT genuine, romantic love....That’s something that the Jedi and maybe even a lot of Imperial citizens assume that Purebloods/Sith don’t feel because...that’s kinda how they come across to nearly everyone, especially in public.
And it’s not that they don’t. They do. But a) it takes them a lot longer to get to that point, because that level of deep connection to them isn’t just a fluttery feeling in their chest or even a sense of “home” (it can be both those things, but at it’s core it’s so much more than just that), it’s an all-or-nothing, deeply intense sort of bond that even the Pureblood/Sith themselves has trouble recognising and accepting, because it’s so all-consuming that it’s viscerally TERRIFYING to both parties involved. (in essence, at least)
But assuming that two Sith did marry, what happens then? Who takes who’s name, who gains control of the family’s fleet yadda yadda yadda? So:
1) They marry sort-of in secret, it’s official, but both keep their own/”maiden” (I use the term loosely bc afaik that’s the technical term for it?) names and as far as anyone is concerned, unless they explicitly TELL you they’re married.... They aren’t. Why? For safety; because your enemies (Jedi, other Sith, whatever) cannot use your spouse against you, take them hostage or hurt them to blackmail you, if they don’t know that you have one. Likely, they would tell a few select trusted family members and/or followers, but that’s about it. For example: despite Abaron and Vowrawn being married (likely for a number of decades to a century at least - I need to hammer out their ages in relation to everything still so forgive not having a solid figure), I would say outright that 98, maybe even 99% of the Empire doesn’t have a bloody clue. Abaron is an Ahaszaai in every sense, but never in public and never on the paperwork - as far as they’re all concerned he’s just Abaron, and he just so happens to be one of the Sith Lords that Vowrawn would entrust to be his bodyguard. I imagine next to none of the Dark Council (save for perhaps Darth Marr, I’m concidering it) know they’re even romantically involved much less married. Of the Sith who are left, probably Saarai and Ni’kasi know, and eventually Vano once she works her way into their circle and gains Vowrawn’s trust. Nobody else. Because being aloof and not showing PDA is the best way they can protect each other from being harmed, and they’re both agreed on that. And a lot of people, if they do happen to suspect that something is going on between them (or any other two Sith for that matter) mistake that for being “cold and uncaring” or “not feeling affection”. Aria and Vano eventually, when they marry, double-barrel their surnames. But they too, never drop them in public for the same reason. Vano is always “Wrath”, Aria is always “Canis”. Because even though they’re together all the time, all it looks like to the rest of the Empire (and their enemies) is two allies. Yes, they could still take a shot and potentially use it against them, but the chances of it happening are likely far less than if people were to know they were married for sure.
OR 2) If they do choose to do a name change, whoever has the lowest social status will take their partner’s last name. Whether the people getting married are same-gender, opposite-gender, genderfluid, whatever. Fuck gender norms, there are none. No-one gives a shit what gender you or your partner are, all that matters is who has the most power, the most influence (because even when kids are concerned, they have the technology available to make surrogacy a viable option for those who want to carry on the bloodline and so on). And that person does not, without great debacle (I imagine it’s a great source of drama if it does happen, but most tend to play it safe and just n o t), lower their social status and their influence within the Empire to take on a “commoner’s” name. Most of the time, if the marriage is this public it is either a) political, thus benefiting both of the family lines/Spheres/etc. involved by the entire Empire knowing that they’re officially a thing.  or b) the couple themselves is so confident in the strength of their own powerbase that they are not in the least bit concerned that any enemy or rival can use their marriage against them somehow. Moreso, whoever marries into the higher bloodline will within reason, inherit their spouse’s status and as such, legally, there’s no such thing as “pulling rank” on your spouse...except for matters which concern the entire family (or it’s powerbase and any sub-section of said powerbase) as a whole. In those cases, the Pureblood/Sith who is biologically born of that bloodline has the final say in it; even if it means the husband answering to the wife. Though Kissai took on the Ahaszaai family name and for all intents and purposes became High Lord of the House, D’leah was always the “real” Ahaszaai and she ultimately called all the shots. If she said “jump”, he said “how high”, you get the picture.
That’s not to say that some members would attempt to work their way into a particularly high ranking family so they could take advantage of their social status and that dynamic (Ty’s father, Tsâhis, did to a certain extent, though it wasn’t until after he’d strung Saarai along for a while that he was finally sure she was an Ahaszaai. Had Valkoriate not killed nearly all of the rest of their family and had they continued to be the ruling bloodline he likely would have still gone after Saarai and attempted to gain more power using the Ahaszaai reputation as a sort of...springboard if that makes sense?)
But y’know, as a Sith if you’re going to do this you’d better be prepared and know how to lie and cover it up, because if your spouse or your in-laws find out that you’re trying to undercut them with malicious intent? Well, Sith will be Sith, right? I don’t imagine they take well to “traitors” :’ D
That’s uhhh, the basics?? like I said I have a literal lore document, I have loads more but this is already an info dump and idk if any of y’all are even interested in it so y’know. Testing the waters a lil here to see how this goes?? y’all want more? lol
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kegareki · 5 years
pls talk more abt ur gremlin dany i love them??? is there anywhere i can find more
thank you so much for being interested in my gremlin daenerys #fire and blood verse; i write in fragments, so i haven’t actually cobbled together a coherent narrative that i can Post As A Fic lmao... One Day I Will Manage This
but i am ALWAYS willing to talk about my ocs! here is a rambly dump of info about daenerys under the cut!
- as a general rule, daenerys has little interest in ruling anything. unfortunately, as a targaryen, people are always going to expect them to be as ambitious and power-hungry as their predecessors. their main concerns in life are towards their dragons and the impending winter. once this winter has ended--and, hopefully, every unnatural season with it, if their vague, uncertain supposition of what happened in the show holds true--they’re planning on retiring to slaver’s bay permanently or essosi sheeplands where their dragons can hunt and roam freely.
... literally the best thing about being in asoiaf is the dragons, okay, they can be forgiven for mostly just being interested in their dragons
- the only title that they really care for is “dragonlord” because, to their mind, dragonlord is the only title that they can freely claim without having to Rule Anything. like. they have dragons. they’re a dragonlord. that’s all there is to it
- my Targaryen Lore is that those of dragonlord heritage have a predisposition for warging with dragons due to long and close association together. daenerys communicates with their dragons via a combination of words and thought-images and thinks that that’s a totally normal thing to do, but nope, that’s because they’ve got dragonlord blood.
you don’t need to be of dragonlord lineage to ride a dragon--the only requirement for riding a dragon is the dragon letting you--but communication is more limited unless you can warg. it is rare, historically, to ride a dragon without a dragonlord or even a warging lineage to speak of, for a variety of different reasons, but it has happened.
- their dragons are named champion, herald, and warden. in canon, these are--in order--drogon, rhaegal, and viserion
champion, as the largest of the bunch, is the most intimidating, and he is very aware of this. when daenerys needs a thread display, he’s generally the one who steps up to the plate
all of them are more well-behaved and more well-trained than in canon, so like. don’t worry about them being chained up or hunting things down indiscriminately, lol. they’re all good boys
(like, on one hand, i get dragons becoming hard to control as they grow older. but. also. dragons have been used as mounts for CENTURIES. THEY ARE AT LEAST SEMI-DOMESTICATED. PLEASE. JUST LET ME HAVE MY DRAGONS WHO ALL LIKE TO BE SCRATCHED)
- daenerys’ fashion, when they have access to such clothing, remains largely in the sphere of: mainly loose hair with a bit pulled back from the face (and here’s another perspective) or their hair pulled into a tucked braid updo; the blue dragonscale-textured dresses that we all love; the loose, flowy fabrics; and like. trousers. i was looking for canon examples for references and then i got tired. the hair is the important part--they pretty much never do any of the more complicated braids dany does
- i made oc friends for them! at slaver’s bay, their friend group is kazzek, jhezza, and imri. kazzek and jhezza (both native to the region) had been house slaves and imri (born to those who had been from the free cities) had been in the fighting pits.
kazzek is wary of outsiders--especially those with no one to vouch for them--but fiercely loyal once his trust and respect have been earned. any slight against his friends is taken personally. (in most AUs, he is the rider for their third dragon, warden.)
jhezza is softer-spoken and conciliatory, with a warm, friendly demeanor, but that does not mean that she is naive or spineless. she chooses which battles to fight and which to let go of.
imri had not liked fighting, had not liked the way his life hung in the balance every time he stepped foot into the ring. he is tired of brutality, of inflicting it and receiving it. he will use his bulk and his scarred body to intimidate, when need be, but he is more of a gentle giant than anything.
- daenerys and jon become friends in Every World And Every AU. mostly because jon is one of my favorite asoiaf characters (dark-haired, sullen-faced with a giant wolf and a cloak???? Fuck Yeah) but also because there are . a LOT of things about jon and daenerys that interest me
like, the similarities between their lives?? the way that they have both found homes in foreign places (jon with the watch and the free folk, daenerys in slaver’s bay), the way they both carry with them living emblems of their houses (jon with ghost the direwolf, daenerys with their three dragons), the way some part of their birthright has been denied to them (jon as a bastard raised among trueborn siblings, daenerys as a targaryen whose family had been deposed), the way they both have siblings that if things had been different would have ruled (jon with robb as the future lord stark, daenerys with viserys who had always dreamed of reclaiming the iron throne), the way they look exactly as you would expect a stark and targaryen to look and still they manage to subvert expectations
and the differences between them... even just aesthetically... the dark hair of a stark vs the silver-gold of a targaryen... the heavy clothing of the north vs the light, flimsier fabrics of the south... FIRE AND ICE...
daenerys is already well-disposed toward jon, as a si/oc, and jon becomes pretty fond of them in turn
in an au i have where “canon jon goes back in time but also to the left to end up in the past but in a world with si/oc daenerys instead of canon dany,” jon has been planning this whole time for Canon Dany And Whatever The Fuck Happened There, and what he gets is... si/oc daenerys, who comes to westerosi with the title “dragonlord” and who wants nothing to do with the iron throne. he is caught very off-guard and is very suspicious but eventually accepts that apparently dany’s behavior is not as set in stone as he thought it was
i also have... a transdimensional timeloop au where every time jon and daenerys die, they end up in another world and integrate into that version of themselves. this is because i wanted to keep making aus but didn’t want to keep making new pages so i just lumped them all into this one LMAO they’re the only ones who loop and they always loop together, so they generally 1) try to actually help the realm and their families or 2) decide “yeah, this isn’t worth it” and go off into the wilderness together. sometimes they go beyond the wall, sometimes they make their way over to slaver’s bay
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