#or like apple cobbler
wurmwizzard · 1 month
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two toads and a warm old man
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I have a longstanding hc that as a kryptonian clark has the equivalent of the cilantro gene but worse when it comes to random regular earth foods (conversely, things that really shouldn’t be edible are great to him). can you imagine 8 year old clark kent using the neighbor’s salt lick as a popsicle one summer afternoon
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pup-pee · 4 months
friend of friends here. genuinely asking how you've never tasted apple pie because it's like. idk one of the common ones ? (I'm not even an apple pie lover- catch me with some cherry or blueberry over apple anyday if we're talking pies)
hello friend of a friend :D
ive never actually had any pie OTHER than pumpkin pie & the reason 4 that is bc my older brother doesnt like any other pie
he has texture issues & just, ??? bc he didnt like it my parents never interacted w/apple pie or any pie outside of pumpkin since? asklfhdsjk
this happens w/all kinds of food & also just other thingssss
this is y ik nothing of starwars; bc my brother h8ed it so i just never got 2 watch any((dont ask how weird that was i just assummed it was a rule & havent made time 2 watych it idk kfjhdsfkj))
im from goddamn the west of west & just WHERE IS THE APPLE PIE ALL I SEE IS PUMPKIN PIE & CHEESECAKE 4 MILES 2 COME
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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National Vanilla Ice Cream Day
Classic, creamy, and ever so delicious… who doesn’t love vanilla ice cream? You can have it with chocolate cake, apple crumble, sprinkles, strawberry sauce… the list goes on! Of course, it’s just as delightful on its own. A dessert as scrumptious and versatile as this deserves to be celebrated, and Vanilla Ice Cream Day gives you the perfect excuse to do so! Vanilla Ice Cream Day gives you the perfect excuse to indulge in this sweet treat and to experiment with different ways of enjoying it.Like most ice cream flavors, vanilla ice cream was created originally by cooling a mixture of vanilla, sugar, and cream above a container of salt and ice. The sort of vanilla that is used to flavor ice cream varies based on located. In Ireland, more of anise-like flavor is chosen. In North America, a smoky flavor is more desirable. History Of Vanilla Ice CreamSo, who do we have to praise for this tasty and incredible creation? Well, you need to start by understanding the origins of both vanilla and ice cream first! Ice cream can be traced back to the 14th century. There is evidence that ice cream was served during the Yuan period in the Mogul Court.
The idea of using a mix of salt and ice for the refrigerating effect, though, began in Asia. The method then spread when the Moors and Arabs traveled to Spain, between 711 and 1492. The Italians became involved in making ice cream once this method had spread to Europe. By the early 18th century, there were recipes for ice cream in France as well. The French added egg yolks or egg to the recipe to create a richer and smoother food.
Vanilla was first used amongst people from Mexico. By the 1500s, Spanish conquistadors, who were exploring present-day Mexico, had come across Meso-American individuals who were consuming vanilla in their foods and drinks. Because of this, the conquistadors brought vanilla back to Spain.
In Spain, they started using vanilla to flavor a chocolate drink that consisted of honey, water, corn, vanilla, and cacao beans. The drink eventually spread to England and France, and then the rest of Europe by the early 1600s. In 1602, the apothecary of Queen Elizabeth I, Hugh Morgan, suggested that vanilla should be used separately from cocoa.
When this happened, the French really started to use vanilla in drinks and foods without cacao, and they started to flavor ice cream with it. When Thomas Jefferson discovered vanilla ice cream in France, he brought the recipe back to the United States with him, where the natural color of the ice cream was brown.
How To Celebrate Ice Cream Day
Of course, the best way to observe Vanilla Ice Cream Day is to have a go at creating your own vanilla ice cream.
Other Ways To Observe Vanilla Ice Cream Day
Make your own ice cream sundae creation! There are so many different ways you can use vanilla ice cream. Why not grab a mason jar and create your own ice cream sundae creation? The toppings that go with vanilla ice cream are never-ending. You can add in broken up cookie pieces. Or, what about drizzling in toppings, like toffee, dark chocolate, or melted caramel? You can also mix in pieces of your favorite candy bars. Or, if you really want to switch things up, why not try unexpected flavors, like maple syrup and chilli chocolate?
Get your friends and loved ones around to try the vanilla ice cream that you have created. They will definitely be impressed to learn that you have created your own vanilla ice cream from scratch! You can serve it with a homemade dessert or you can get everyone else in on the fun of creating their own sundaes.
Create your own vanilla ice cream cocktail – There are so many amazing cocktail recipes that involve vanilla ice cream. Why not make your own boozy ice cream cocktail in order to mark the occasion? One of our favorites is the Blackberry gin Fizz Float. Combine blackberry puree, vanilla ice cream, gin, ginger ale, fresh mint, and lime juice! This is a refreshing and luxurious cocktail, and you will be wondering why you have never had it before!
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hildergard · 2 months
Could you do something where Aemond is already married/betrothed to a highborn lady that’s been approved by Alicent and Otto but he has a relationship with a low born woman (a brothel worker or any lowborn really) and once he becomes Prince Regent he starts bringing her around the castle, giving her a room to herself, treating her better than how a lowborn should be treated in Alicent and Ottos eyes and they don’t like it but Aemond doesn’t care.
PAIRING | Aemond Targaryen x Lowborn!Reader
TAGS | Suggestive content, swearing, possessive behaviour, classism
NOTE | I have seen a lot of fanfictions where the Reader is a brothel worker so I made her a baker instead. I hope that's alright with you! Thank you so much for this great request! I had so much fun writing it <333
likes, comments, reblogs are much appreciated!
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In the seedy streets of Flea Bottom, rumours travelled in a precise order, memorised by all.
A Lord, drunk with lust, would disclose the Crown’s secrets to a simpering whore, who would be quick⏤once the gold dragons were in her purse⏤to repeat what she had just heard, noble semen still running down her thighs. The other, much less wealthy, customers would then talk about it loudly in bars, attracting the attention of patrons who, once sober, had only to spread the news.
Today, the rumour burst into your little shop when Old Gerald came through the door, looking for his daily loaf of bread. 
 “Prince Aemond’s been made Regent," he said. 
For a second, you did not move. The dough fell on wood. Your floured hands remained stuck in the sticky, flabby mixture. It would have to be kneaded again. The sight of your dirty fingers woke you from your torpor. You gripped the towel from your apron and wiped your palms roughly before turning your back on your customer⏤less to get the fresh loaves of bread out of the oven than to regain your composure.
He had done it. 
Your shovel rasped against the burning slab of clay and peeled off the loaves. 
A few days earlier, when night had enveloped the citizens of King's Landing in its thick cloak, he had told you of his plans and dreams⏤the two were always intertwined, for Aemond Targaryen provoked fate rather than waited for it. His touch had done nothing to soften the brutality of his words. Sordid tales of fire and blood, the kind that filled the tomes of the Citadel. 
Even the Targaryens could not play with fire indefinitely. Aemond rose in the flames. For how much longer? You had protested, your voice hoarse from the moans he had managed to draw from your throat, but he would have none of it and simply told you to trust him, as if all this were far too complicated for you. 
And perhaps that was the case, for what did you know of war and power?
“What about his Majesty?" you asked.
Old Gerald tossed you three coppers, which you pocketed, before handing you a thick piece of cloth. 
“They say he perished in dragonfire. Seems Targaryens are closer to men, after all. With all this quarrel for t'throne, it were inevitable. And, let me tell you, it'll happen again. Today, a brother sits on t'throne. Tomorrow, it'll be an uncle or a sister. Things like that never end.”
You carefully wrapped the golden loaf in the cloth. 
“Wi' Rhaenyra in Dragonstone and his brother's heir dead, he’ll no doubt be crowned King. And the Lady Baratheon, Queen.”
You winced at the name but immediately hid your reaction with a tight smile. Gerald, bless him, took no notice of your torment. You handed the loaf of bread to the old cobbler, who nodded at you and returned to his shoes. 
The rumour ran on and kept you thinking all day. You burnt a dozen loaves of bread, spilt two sacks of flour and forgot to deliver her apple pies to Dorthy Porter, making you lose a silver stag and a customer.
When the key finally turned in the lock of the shop and cut you off from the rest of the world, your shoulders slumped. The sun and all its problems gave way to the moon. Under its silvery eyes, other rumours would no doubt spread but you did not wish to hear them. You longed for your straw mattress and the comfort of your dreams⏤perhaps your love would visit you there, also freed from the pressure the Gods were piling on his shoulders. 
Tiredness weakened your knees⏤you dragged your body more than you climbed the stairs to your modest bedroom. In the middle of the room, the bed and its pillow stretched out its arms to you. You let yourself fall into the feathery embrace and closed your eyes for a moment, praying to the Gods that you would find sleep easily. 
They ignored you. 
The doorbell rang. 
Your eyelids struggled to open. Sleep paralysed them⏤it clutched at your eyelashes and tried to keep them closed but you fought the temptation and, at last, gazed into the dim light of the room. Another series of blows, more hurried, struck against the wood. The whole  shop seemed to shake. 
“I’m coming, I'm coming…” you mumbled. 
You gasped as two members of the Kingsguard appeared on your doorstep, their cloaks far too white to be dragged through the muddy streets of Flea Bottom. 
“The Prince Regent, His Highness Aemond Targaryen, summons you.”
They did not care for your reply and seized you. You protested, demanded to be told the reason for this summon, but nothing would do. The guards dragged you like a rag doll through the streets of King's Landing, indifferent to your screams and struggle. Above and around you, the candlelight in the windows intensified. Some people poked their heads out to watch the racket. You lowered your chin and remained silent, but the damage had been done. 
Already, rumours were spreading. The baker had been arrested. What had she done? Who would make their bread from now on?  
The dizzy shadow of the Red Keep loomed larger and larger. Just the outline of it made your skin crawl. For the first time, you would be treading on the floor of Kings and Queens. You were being plunged headfirst into this unknown, powerful and dangerous place, populated by men and women who despised people like you. One of the guards tightened his grip around your arm. You yelped. Why were they taking you there? Aemond always came to you, not the other way round. 
Did someone know? You blanched. Impossible, you thought immediately. You had been cautious. 
But what if... What if someone had seen you, despite all your precautions? 
 Were they taking you to the Keep to put you to the sword?  
 A flash of fear stabbed you in the guts.  
You finally passed through the large gates of the castle. They were still open, yet, no one was in the courtyard. The swords were resting on the workbenches and the horses were asleep. Only a few guards patrolled the ramparts, their heads turned skywards in search of a dragon. 
“Hurry up, girl. The Prince is waiting.”
A solitary, proud figure emerged at the top of the stairs, in front of the entrance. His long white hair fluttered in the wind and the bluish moonlight accentuated his strict features and pale complexion. The mere sight of his face reassured you. You defied the guards and walked towards him. 
His rough hand⏤hardened by duty and war⏤gripped yours before thin lips kissed it. The Prince pulled you towards him. Your heart slowed as his familiar scent enveloped you and your shoulders relaxed. For a second, you surrendered to the comfort of his warmth and love. The smell of musk and leather soothed your body, but your head kept its wits about it.
“What's happening, Aemond?”
He closed his eye as his name fell from your lips and smiled. His hand came down and grasped your waist in a possessive embrace. You leaned into the touch. 
“There are rumours that Aegon–”
You squeaked. His fingers had dug painfully into your flesh at his brother's name. 
The mere mention of him brought back painful and humiliating memories, which your lover had confided to you, his head on your pillow. Even today, the wounds had not healed. They continued to transpire in every aspect of his life. You are the only thing he has not stolen from me, he had told you one night. Saying that name was like throwing his past back in his face and breaking your promise. He'll never succeed, you had replied, but today, Aegon was on your mind. What did his wound mean for the Crown, for you?
“Is it true?" you managed to articulate. 
“The Council has made me Regent," he nodded. “We will not need to hide any longer, my love.”
“What do you mean?”
But Aemond did not answer you. He smiled, tucked a lock of hair behind your ear and let his fingers brush your neck. With a nod, the kingsguards left. The clink of their armour echoed for long seconds, but the din faded with the tenderness of his gestures. His finger traced the veins in your chest. They led him to your breasts, hidden by your dress. Aemond grunted⏤terribly offended by this affront⏤and pulled at the fabric but it held on. 
Claere Linstar's work was reknown throughout Flea Bottom. You could not find a better weaver⏤today, you were thankful for the two silver stags you had spent. The garment would become the guarantor of your dignity, the bulwark against your desire. 
When you realised that your Prince was not going to answer your question, you took a step back. His hand fell limply between the two of you as a brief look of pain clouded his face. 
He straightened up and held out his hand to you. 
“Follow me.”
The labyrinthine corridors made your head spin. You lost count of the turns you took, the staircases you climbed and the alcoves you passed. The beauty of the mouldings and frescoes drew admiring sighs from you several times, but Aemond did not care. He walked past them without giving them a second glance. He's used to all this, you reminded yourself. People of his rank bathed in this luxury and grandeur since birth.  
On the way, maids dressed in red and white stopped at your sight. Their gaze fell on your face, on your body, on your hand locked in the Prince's... Your cheeks heated and you tried to pull away, but Aemond tightened his grip. Out of habit, his thumb caressed your skin. This time, his touch only made you tense. You bowed your head, ashamed. 
They knew. 
The thought stayed with you. 
You only lifted your head when Aemond stopped in front of an ornate door. The mouldings curved into flowers and birds⏤an ode to spring and renewal. Your eyes swept the decor, stopped on a bush of camellias and, finally, met the Prince's satisfied gaze. 
“We've arrived," he announced. 
Aemond opened the door with a confident gesture. Inside, an immense room stretched out and seemed to never end. Wealth oozed out of every corner, from the four-poster bed to the dressing table adorned with sapphires. On the wall, frescoes of flowers had been painted to match the powder pink drapes⏤an explosion of colour that turned drab the corridors you had been raving about just a few minutes before. 
“Is it to your taste?”
You turned back to Aemond. Although his chin was up and his back was straight⏤proud as ever⏤red bloomed on his cheeks. Your lover seemed embarrassed, a far cry from his usual composure. Almost timidly, his hand sought yours. He couldn't help it, you realised. His fingers always found yours⏤skin against skin to find what he had been deprived of all his childhood. 
“I don't know anyone who wouldn't like it," you replied.
“Hmm. Good.”
He pulled you to him. His hands went down to your buttocks and pressed you against his chest. Your pelvises collided. Suddenly, the room made sense. You let yourself drown in these familiar gestures. Your hand caressed his muscular shoulders, moved up to his jaw and brushed against his lips. Aemond kissed the pad of your thumb before replacing it with your lips. Soon, the wet sound of saliva echoed through the room. The sweet melody ignited a fire in your lower abdomen and moved down between your thighs. 
Your hand resumed tracing arabesques on your lover's smooth skin. It stopped at the buttons on his doublet and hastily undid them before wandering lower and lower…
Aemond stopped you before you could take him in your hand. His hand grabbed yours. He kissed your palm and pressed it against his cheek. 
“These will be your quarters.”
The fire went out, leaving you frozen with shock. Your heart skipped a beat. 
“What do you mean?" you asked breathlessly.
“Now that I am Regent, we will not have to hide any more.” 
A new glare lit up his eye. Purple turned black and made you shiver. Flames seemed to dance in his pupil, crushing all remains of the second son he had once been. That Aemond was dead. In his place was a Regent who thought himself above laws and men.  
“It's not proper, Aemond," you tried to protest. “If it gets out that I'm here... If the Dowager Queen or the Hand–”
“They have no say in the matter. My word is law now.”
 “If you want me here… Perhaps I could serve the Crown, join the kitchens. Anything but that, Aemond," you said, gesturing to those quarters, far too luxurious for someone of your breeding. 
“You do not belong in the fucking kitchens," he scoffed. “No. You will be by my side, as my equal.”
“You're engaged," you retorted. “The Lady Baratheon won't take kindly to my presence here. You nobles can make Small Folk disappear in a blink of an eye and no one would notice or care.”
Alira Merchin's story was remembered as a cautionary tale for young girls naive enough to think love could conquer blood. The fable was classic⏤hundreds of similar romances filled libraries, and perhaps it was these very ones that had encouraged the girl to seduce the heir of House Harte. The man fell in love and made the pretty merchant his lover. 
This did not please his wife, the daughter of Lord Chelsted. 
She got rid of the merchant with disconcerting ease. The poor girl was found trampled by horses in white and green bards. That day, Lord Harte lost his true love and spent the rest of his life suffering the consequences of his betrayal. 
Your heart dropped. What would happen to you if you tickled the stag? Ours if the Fury. Their motto was an ode to their rage, to their thirst for violence. If Floris Baratheon found out that Prince Aemond was bedding you... and in the Keep nonetheless…
The storm would come for you and you would perish in its eye. 
“It's not a good idea, Aemond," you finally said. 
“Do not fret, my love. Nothing will happen to you as long as I am here to protect you.”
The Prince pulled you into bed. 
Your protests died on your lips, muffled by moans and the exquisite feel of his skin against yours. 
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Your fingers tightened around your thighs. The soap made your skin slippery but did nothing to wash away the shame that had been clinging to it for days. It colonised your flesh and left it tainted, eating away at your muscles and weighing down your heart. 
On the first day, after a passionate night, maids had arrived to prepare you, but you refused their care. You were no Lady. You had bathed alone all your life and would continue to do so. More than anything, you wanted to escape their watchful eyes, which would no doubt have noticed the hickeys on your chest and thighs. 
You did not know how rumours got around in the Keep, but you were sure that they first burgeoned on the maids’ lips. They blossomed as quickly as in Flea Bottom⏤the inquisitive nature of man was innate⏤, but it would not be Old Gerald getting wind of it. No. The stakes were much higher in these parts, and the consequences even more dire. 
The door to your quarters stood in the way of the horror surely awaiting you, but for how much longer? 
Your hands massaged your calf, hoping to rediscover a cherished routine. You longed for the feel of dough beneath your fingers. What would become of your shop? Would you have to sell it? Maybe someone had already moved in⏤abandoned houses never stayed so for long in Flea Bottom, the cradle of the poor and the homeless. 
You could not cherish the roof above your head, yet, you supposed you had to learn to appreciate it. Aemond did not seem eager to let you go.  
Every day, the sun tore him away from you. His hours were devoted to the Small Council and military strategies, only half of which you understood when he explained them to you. Your Prince needed to talk, to get rid of the weight that was arching his back. You became the shoulder on which he rested, the ear into which he poured his doubts, the flesh in which he forgot himself. 
“I wish to be with you every hour of the day, to attach myself to your side, but the Gods will only grant me this pleasure when I win this war. I am fighting for you⏤for us,” he had told you. 
The moon brought him back into your arms. Every night, without exception, he would cross the threshold of the door and wrap you in a reassuring embrace. His arms would block out your gloomy thoughts and chase away shame and regret⏤all seemed worth it if it kept him close to you. The stars looked down on your love. When the bells rang the hour of the owl, you indulged in the pleasures of the flesh, whispered sweet nothings or simply enjoyed the peaceful silence that the other's presence guaranteed. Sometimes, Aemond, lying on the bed with your head on his stomach, would read you stories with his hand buried in your hair. 
And then, the hour of the Nightingale would sound, its tranquillity burning away in the first rays of sunlight. The enchanted interlude would close and you would spend the day dreaming of a life where sun and duty did not separate you. 
Shame would reappear, its weight with it, and fear⏤tangible and vibrant⏤would turn your stomach. 
The spectre of Floris Baratheon never left you. It haunted you. In the frescoes of camellias on the wall. In the bouquets of flowers dotting your quarters. In the venison served for dinner. The tales of her beauty reached you and left you bitter, but what they said about her quiet authority made your blood run cold. 
She would come for you. 
The Lady Baratheon occupied all your thoughts, so much so that you forgot about another much more dangerous threat. 
One day, Alicent Hightower stalked into your room. 
You dropped your embroidery in your lap and hastily sat up. The needle fell to the floor with a disturbing chime. The bell was tolling⏤this farce had gone on far too long and it would now end. 
The Dowager Queen dropped a small leather bag on the table. Its contents clinked and masked your gasping breath for a second. Your heart was pounding against your temples. Soon, the air would run out. Already your throat was closing up and you were struggling to swallow. 
“What is it?" you asked weakly. 
“Five thousand gold dragons. Enough to buy you a new life, far from the Keep, far from Westeros.”
Away from my son, she meant. 
“I won't leave Aemond.”
He needs me, you thought. 
“The Prince Regent does not need you," the Queen scoffed as if she could heard your mind. “He is engaged. Or have you forgotten that? Whoring yourself in the way you do… It would appear so. Have you thought about the repercussions of your actions when people find out about you? The risks it means for Aemond? Your very presence here jeopardises this entire war.”
“I have tried to–”
“He does not love you, you fool. He just wants a cunt to fuck without having to spend a single penny.”
You recoiled, surprised to hear the famously pious queen speak so vulgarly. 
War transformed souls. It made them ugly. Alicent Hightower’s wide eyes and pursed lips twisted her face into a terrifying expression. 
She sighed and, for a moment, her features became those of a compassionate woman. 
“I don't know what… hold my son has over you," she continued in a calmer voice, “but you seem smart enough to understand this will end badly. You must leave. Take the gold and let us be done with this farce.”
The door slammed against the wall before you could even consider the proposal. 
Aemond reached your side with a confident stride. 
“What's going on here? Mother?”
When the latter did not answer, he looked to you for answers. You lowered your head, unable to bear the look of concern in his purple eye any longer. 
It fell lower, onto the table and the leather purse.  
“What is the meaning of this?” he raised his voice. 
Silence stretched before Alicent Hightower relented. 
“You cannot… support a lowborn in such manners, Aemond. The girl must go.”
The Prince ignored his mother and took you in his arms. His nose nestled under your ear as his hands buried themselves in your hair. He guided your head into his neck and whispered comforting words, which you could not hear. You did not care. His familiar scent embraced you and brought tears to the corners of your eyes. They wet your cheeks and his collar. 
You should never have come here. 
His mother protested. 
“Imagine the shame for your future wife, the Lady Baratheon! For her house! If we lose Storm's End because of... because of this w–” 
“Hold your tongue and leave.”
“Aemond, if you do this, we are lost!”
“Get out!”
Footsteps retreated. A door slammed. Aemond sighed. His hand drew abstract symbols on the back of your head for a moment before encouraging you to look at him. 
“Oh, my love," he said, seeing your misty eyes. “All is well now. She will not hurt you any more.”
The danger you had put yourself in was greater than you had thought. Fear dried your mouth and exhausted your words. You stammered a few excuses before taking a deep breath. Your Prince's fingers did not weaken. They continued to comfort you and, at last, gave you the courage you needed to finally speak. 
“Maybe I should return to Flea Bottom. I–” 
“No," Aemond’s voice cracked. 
His hands framed your face and pulled you closer until your noses were touching. 
“You are not leaving me.”
His lips were harsh, covering every inch of your skin. He kissed the bridge of your nose, your warm cheekbones, your wet eyelids. Tears ran aground in the cracks of his lips and dried up under his exquisite tenderness. No beauty spot, no eyelash, was spared. His lips erased his mother's words and the doubts in your heart. 
“You belong here, with me. I do not care for blood or war. I only wish for your love.”
Aemond filled the space between your mouths. His hands reached down and grasped your breast. He feasted on your lips and the taste of them like a hungry man. Tingles caressed your spine and tickled your lower abdomen. You rolled your hips, searching for his, but your lover pulled away.
You didn't want him to stop. 
The Prince shushed your complaints and pushed you to the bed. Your back bounced on the goose feather mattress. Eager to feel his skin against yours, you sat up and tried to pull him to you, but Aemond took a step back. A petty smile stretched his lips as he heard you whimper. He ignored you and stood silent, admiring you. His eyes, now black, gazed down at your body, contemplating its shape and softness.
“Aemond, please…”
Your lover grabbed an ankle and kissed it. You moaned. He moved up your calf, caressing your knee and digging his fingers into your thighs before spreading them apart. His teeth nipped at the flesh, which his tongue immediately soothed. Your breathing quickened and breathy moans fell from your swollen lips, intoxicated by his touch. He skipped over your dripping cunt, his hands grazing your hips and sides.  
Suddenly, Aemond stopped touching you, placed a farewell kiss on your belly and sat up on his elbows. 
“I will take care of everything, my love. You will never have to fear for your life. It is mine to cherish, mine to love, mine to protect," he said before reaching up to capture your lips with his. “Mine.”
“I love you," you sighed. 
Aemond smiled, as he did every time the words fell from your lips. One could not get used to the sweetness of love. It forever stirred the heart and soothed the soul. Your Prince placed a chaste kiss on your lips before moving down and disappearing between your thighs. 
His words vanished in desire and pleasure. You forgot them the next day, when the hour of the Nightingale struck.  
You should have known that Aemond Targaryen would keep his promise.
Three days later, the Lady Baratheon was found dead in the Kingswood, impaled on a stag's antlers. 
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stevieschrodinger · 1 month
Part One Eighteen
Eddie looks up, towards the front of the house, “car.”
It’s a good count of five before Steve hears a car pulling up onto the drive, “do you want to get it? Surprise Robin?”
Eddie just shakes his head, suddenly shy. Steve remembers how loudly she had shrieked over the phone, “yeah, that’s fair.”
Steve waits until the bell is rung, and Eddie does come and stand in the hallway, half hidden in the lounge doorway, watching as Steve gets the door. Just as he’s opening it he realizes just how uncharacteristically polite she’s being; normally Robin just barges in.
He gets his answer a second later; it’s not just Robin.
She does cross the threshold first, hugging Steve and then clearly spotting Eddie, Steve grabs her, “do not be loud.”
“Okay, okay,” and she goes in.
Joyce is next, carrying a big pot with a lid, she leans over to kiss Steve’s cheek, Jon and Nancy follow, both equally laden down, Nancy holding what looks like a cobbler in a large dish, with a grocery bag hanging precariously from each wrist, “we didn’t have many left overs, so mom put together a quick dessert, it’s only canned filling, hope that’s okay.”
“That’s...so great of you Nancy, she didn’t need to-”
“Hush, Steve,” and she goes in, Hopper, Will and El bringing up the rear. Everyone has their hands full.
“Okay, lets move along, we need to get all this warmed up,” Joyce says to clear the blockage of Eddie gawkers in the hall. Steve watches as Eddie nods at people, looking on curiously, as they all move past.
“Jon, bring through the kitchen chairs honey!”
Joyce has completely commandeered Steve house, and he’s totally okay with it. Jon and Hopper move the chairs so there’s enough seating around the dining table. They might be elbow to elbow, but Steve wouldn’t really have it any other way.
“We brought what we had honey,” Joyce tells Steve, passing him a bowl with a cucumber, a lettuce and some apples in it, “I didn’t want him to feel left out.”
Steve’s heart melts, “he actually might try a meal.”
Joyce absolutely lights up, and she takes the bowl back, setting it on the kitchen counter, “then lets get him a Christmas dinner. Can you deal with the roast please Hop, I’m bringing the rest out now,” and like a sergeant major directing her troops, Joyce calls on people to fetch and carry as she plates things up, “El honey, take all the cutlery please. Will, jugs of juice, thank you.”
Steve just smiles and watches it happen, “better be a beer in it for me,” Hopper grumbles from behind Steve.
Eddie’s been half watching from doorways, occasionally retreating to the couch and then coming back again, but he seems to be drawn by the smell of all the food. “Come on, come and sit at the table.”
“Table,” Eddie repeats, following as Steve leads him by the hand into the dining room.
Eddie sits, and Steve sits next to him.
“Well, Merry First Ever Christmas,” Joyce says to Eddie, before she’s distracted again, “Will, vegetables please.” Will huffs over his plate of meat and potatoes.
“What do you want baby?” Steve whispers to Eddie while everyone helps themselves.
Eddie shrugs a little helplessly in the face of the spread Joyce has put on. Steve smiles reassuringly, giving his thigh a squeeze before he makes him a plate with a little of everything. While he’s occupied, Steve is vaguely aware of El saying, “I love your hat.”
“Eddidie hat?” Eddie replies, “thank you, El.”
Eddie likes meat. He also still really likes his vegetables; he just likes them hot.
Once everyone’s eating the conversation dies down, Eddie uses a combination of claws and his fork to eat, and Steve doesn’t think he’s doing too badly for his first proper sit down meal, when Joyce asks, “Eddie, do you like the food?”
Eddie nods, “good good. Many good.”
Joyce smiles, “and how are you finding having legs?”
“Good, not different Stee.” Joyce seems to get the drift of what Eddie kind of means. This clearly gives Eddie an idea though, turning to Steve he asks, “Eddidie work? One dollar bill gro-ser-ees.”
“Uhm,” Steve chuckles, “maybe. Need to work on a few things first. Maybe.”
“Eddidie car?” And Eddie mimes turning the steering wheel back and forth.
“Need a license first,” Hopper interjects from the other end of the table.
“License first?”
“A drivers license,” Steve clarifies, or tries too, “so you can drive the car.”
“He’s going to need a birth certificate and all that,” Nancy adds.
Joyce elbows Hopper, “I’m sure Hop could help there.”
“Yeah, like I don’t have enough-” Joyce elbows him again, “yeah, okay. Watch it woman, your elbows are like knives.”
“Eddie,” El starts in, “your birth certificate is important, you can choose where you were born.”
“That’s not actually how it works for the rest of us,” Will whispers to her, smiling.
“I got to choose,” she tells him, “I chose Hawkins.”
“Eddidie born?”
El nods, “where you’re from.”
“The Upside Down,” Eddie announces with some confidence, raising a round of, maybe slightly weirded out, chuckles from around the table.
El shakes her head, “no, where are you from now?”
Eddie nods, grasping that part, “Hawkins Indiana. Pool,” and Eddie points, back through the house at the yard, just to clarify. Steve hides his laughter behind his hand.
“Might want to loose the ‘pool’ part,” Hopper adds, helpfully.
“No no,” Jon suggests, “if you make him like, from another country, it’ll explain the language barrier.”
“That’s not a bad idea,” Joyce muses, “where would you suggest?”
“Well, there’s only one obvious place, right? Fin-land.”
Everyone groans, and John gets balled up napkins thrown at him.
“In all seriousness kid, going to need a full name and date of birth,” Hopper tells them.
“Oh! Christmas Eve! That would be a lovely birthday for Eddie,” Joyce tells him, excited.
Hopper hums, “uh hu, what year? And a surname, write it all down for me kid.”
“Obviously Harrington,” Steve says before he can really think about it.
Hoppers eyebrows are in his hairline, “so...brothers?”
Robin nearly chokes on her drink.
“Okay, time for gifts, and then dessert after,” Joyce says as she shoos everyone into the lounge, “the boys can do the dishes later.”
Jon and Hop share a look, and Steve knows instantly it’s a look they’ve shared quite a few times.
Everyone spreads around in the lounge, El putting on the Christmas tree lights with a little frown of concentration.
“Okay, me first,” Joyce says, getting up, and she gives Steve and Eddie a wrapped gift each.
“Joyce, you don’t have to, I didn’t get chance to-”
“Don’t worry about any of that honey,” she waves him away, sipping her drink, “just open them.”
Eddie looks perplexed by the thing he’s been handed, just turning it over and over in his hands, “here, watch,” Steve says, and carefully tears into the paper on his own gift.
Eddie seems to be delighted by this turn of events, and uses his claws to easily tear into the paper.
Matching knitted material unfurls onto both of their laps, Steve unfolding his to find a red and green knitted sweater; clearly home made by Joyce.
Eddie holds his up, “sweater? Gift?”
“Yeah, look,” Steve holds up his own.
They are a little different; while the sleeves of Eddie’s are the same as Steve’s, the middle is a hell of a lot shorter, and it takes a second for Steve to realize why; it would stop it from dragging on the ground.
“Stee Eddidie not different!” Eddie says, all excited, just as Steve looses his battle and starts to cry.
A little less than twenty four hours ago, the deepest parts of Steve were convinced that Eddie was dead in his pool. Before that, days of...of torture, knowing that Eddie could very well be dying in the black water. The sleepless nights. The slow erosion of Steve’s hope, and the guilt that came with it, all seem to hit Steve all at once.
Eddie could have died, and now they’re here, sitting on the couch together, holding matching Christmas sweaters. They got insanely lucky.
Steve’s tears come harder, and a sob escapes him, “sorry,” he chokes out, excusing himself and heading into the kitchen.
“Stee?” Eddie creeps in quietly after him.
“Hey, I’m okay.”
Eddie frowns, following Steve across to where he’s leaning against the counter, wiping at his eyes with his sleeve, “no.”
It does make Steve laugh a little through his tears, and he lets Eddie carefully wipe his face before he licks the moisture off his fingers, “called?”
“Tears. I’m crying. I got upset.”
“Stee ow? Tell Eddidie.”
Steve swallows thickly, but his tears abate in the face of Eddie’s clear concern, “when you were in the pool...I had to wait. Days. And I was...so frightened. Scared. That you were dead.”
“Eddidie not dead.”
“No,” Steve huffs, “I know that now,” and he wraps his arms more firmly around Eddie’s middle, “I missed you.”
“Called missed?”
“I was sad, Steve ow, Eddie wasn’t here. You were gone. In the pool.”
“Eddidie no missed Steve. Sorry. Eddidie…” he taps the side of his head, the bobble wobbling as he cocks his head in thought, “no TV. TV inied. Together now. Many tomorrow.”
“All tomorrow?” Steve asks hopefully.
Eddie nods, his bobble rocking back and forth furiously.
And then he leans forward the scant inches between them, and kisses Steve. It’s slow, gentle. A soft brush of lips before Eddie shifts on a sigh. The gentlest, barely there sucking of Steve’s bottom lip; the softest of scratching claws against the back of his head, Eddie’s hand sliding into his hair.
“Oh!” Eddie pulls apart, but not away. If anything he instinctively holds Steve tighter, “I’m...I’m sorry,” Nancy says, wide eyed from the doorway, before she backs back into the lounge.
Steve sighs, “cats out of the bag now.”
“Cat? Lion. Tiger? Called bag?”
“I’ll explain that one another time, okay?”
When they sit back down on the couch, Steve has a fuck it moment and holds Eddie’s hand. He has to keep letting go so Eddie can open his gifts, but still. It doesn’t take long for Hopper to notice, and then he says, “oh, Harrington,” in the most unhelpful way ever.
Steve looks down at their linked fingers, and it suddenly occurs to him exactly which finger it is that next to the pinky finger. Oh. Oh, well. Eddie doesn’t understand what it means...and it’s not like Steve isn’t all in anyway at this point. Not that they can even get married but...he looks up, happening to make eye contact with Robin, who has the most ‘what the fuck?’ look on her face Steve’s ever seen.
Steve eyes her back, ‘not now.’
He gets some world class shit eye in return.
All of Steve’s gifts are...standard. Fairly thoughtful, but mostly just...standard. The toiletries he likes. Some cleaning stuff for his car. Another, not home made, new sweater.
Eddie on the other hand, makes absolute bank. Notebooks, coloring books, pencils and pens. A nice case to keep all of his stationary in. A four pack of fancy beer from Hopper of all people. Plus books, granted, they’re all kids books, but they’re perfect. Steve figures Eddie isn’t that far off learning to read, he has been nailing the alphabet for a little while now.
One of Eddie’s gifts from Robin is a calendar; it’s full of pictures of month appropriate trees. Steve sees cherry blossoms and ripe apples and snow covered firs as Eddie flicks through, reading the months out loud. “That’s a whole year,” Steve tells him, once Eddie has haltingly read out, ‘December,’ “we can write important things in there.”
Eddie perks up, “Eddidie Birthday?”
“Yeah, you want Christmas Eve?”
Eddie nods, and once Steve finds the right box on the right page, Eddie uses one of his new pens to, very carefully, write his name in the box. “Birthday?”
“How to spell birthday?”
Eddie nods, “letters.”
Steve tells him, one slow letter at a time, as Eddie writes it out, showing everyone proudly once he’s done.
Eddie insists on inspecting every single gift thoroughly, and saying thank you, before tucking it all around himself on the couch, like a little dragon with his tiny hoard.
Steve sighs when Eddie unwraps a VHS of ‘Splash,’ from Jon. “You’re not as funny as you think you are.”
“I’m hilarious,” Jon replies, deadpan.
Part twenty
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smalltowngnoll · 3 months
Neopets species having allergies is hilariously inconsistent.
My skeith is allergic to cheese, yet there is a canon item called the Skeith Quesadilla. The Skeith Burger clearly shows a slice of cheese. I can feed him things that are cheesy, but not if the word is cheese. Cheeseless Lasagna makes him sick. But an Ultra Cheesy Hot Dog is fine!
Kyrii are allergic to apples. By extension, they are also allergic to pineapples, and that’s never acknowledged! Like skeiths, Apple-Free Apple Cobbler clearly must contain some quantity of apples because it makes kyrii sick!
Quiggles are allergic to cream, and there are 2 species-specific items they can’t eat: Pink Quiggle Ice Cream Float and Christmas Quiggle Avocado Ice Cream. Happy Quiggle Day! Get fucked, frogs!
Tonus are allergic to chocolate-filled plastic easter neggs because if it’s negg shaped your tonu is screwed. They must contract neezles just watching the negg festival!
I hate this feature; may it never change!
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pilkypills · 2 months
Dwarves + facebook:
Balin: makes it his business to understand how to properly use social media. Technologically savvy grandpa.
Dwalin: does not understand how liking a post works. Instead comments “👍” on everything.
Dori: “I am no longer bringing my apple cobbler to the Neighborhood Association Meeting. Korik son of Morik is a NOSY busybody and MOST UNPLEASANT TO BE AROUND. If you want a piece of apple cobbler you may come by my house tomorrow. Will be cooking. DO NOT TELL KORIK!!!!!!!!!!!”
Bofur, Bombur, Nori, Gloin: young enough to understand social media, old enough to want to use facebook. Normal behavior. Gloin probably only ever uploads family vacation photos.
Bifur, Oin: both refuse to use facebook. Oin does not trust the internet. Bifur doesn’t either, but is still willing to use youtube to watch cat videos and woodworking tutorials.
Thorin: every single status update he has ever posted EVER is accompanied by a near-identical badly-lit selfie taken at an upward angle far too close to the camera. captions are things like “having dinner tonight with my beautiful husband. Mahal is good.”
Fili, Ori: think facebook is Cringe but feel obligated to have an account so they can keep in touch with old fart relatives
Kili: facebook is for lamers. exclusively uses tiktok
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bellyasks · 28 days
menu for a restaurant that specializes in overstuffing its customers (aka a silly prompt list)
Ask your server about dietary accommodations. Each meal is made to order, substitutions and alternative ingredients are available! All meats may be replaced with plant-based alternatives upon request. (And pick a meal to feed your favorite character--if they can finish it, they get one dessert on the house!)
Breakfast (all orders come with a side of home fries, fresh fruit, or your choice of meat)
Full Stack of Pancakes - Emphasis on "full." Lucky seven big fluffy pancakes, each with a different additive of your choice.
Big Ol' Bagel - A hefty bagel the size of your plate, toasted to order and topped with whatever you'd like.
Ostrich Egg Omelette - Okay, not really, but this omelette is made with two dozen eggs--the equivalent of one ostrich egg--and filled with your choice of meat and veggies.
Loaf of French Toast - A dozen thick slices of French toast topped with whipped cream and fresh berries.
Plus Size Pork Roll - A classic pork roll egg & cheese on our signature giant bagel.
Lunch (all orders come with a side of chips or fries)
Peanut Butter & Jelly Belly - The biggest PB&J you've ever seen, slathered generously on a buttery toasted baguette.
Quadruple Decker Club Sandwich - Your choice of meat with mayo, lettuce, tomato, and bacon, heaped on between four slices of bread.
Piece-A Pizza - This slice is equivalent in size to an entire large pizza and covered with your choice of toppings. Perfect for people who are lying to themselves when they say they'll just have one piece.
Double Footlong - Two feet of classic Italian hoagie on a fresh-baked roll.
Stomach Stretcher - They say eating a head of lettuce is a great way to stretch your stomach out, and that's exactly what this giant salad will do. We bring you the lettuce, you take it to the salad bar and add the rest.
Dinner (all orders come with a side of rice, fries, baked or mashed potato, or a fresh vegetable medley unless marked *)
Sushi Bloat Boat - A sushi boat big enough for a full table, pricey to share but free for any one person who manages to finish it alone.
Box of Pasta - A full 16oz box of pasta (your choice of spaghetti, penne, or linguine) tossed in Alfredo, marinara, or a white wine sauce. Add your choice of meat for an extra $2.
Full Size Fish & Chips* - An entire 10-20lb cod (ask your server about choosing a fish) cleaned, battered, fried, and served with steak fries.
The Whole Farm* - A barbecue variety platter. Pulled pork, brisket, ribs, and chicken breast slathered in our signature sauce, with an ear of corn, baked beans, and coleslaw on the side.
Raised Steak - A 48oz grilled ribeye. Also available as an equivalent weight of seasoned and grilled portobello mushrooms.
Paint Can - A creamy and colorful milkshake served in a one gallon paint can. See the ice cream counter for today's available flavors.
Loaf of Bread Pudding - Warm bread pudding made with an entire loaf of bread, topped with an optional scoop of vanilla ice cream.
Root Beer Bloat - A classic float with your choice of ice cream. The twist is that this dessert holds two liters of root beer and a portion of ice cream to match.
Burp-day Cake - A seven-layer slice of chocolate cake guaranteed to be the size of your head or it's free, topped with a thick crust of fizzy Pop Rocks.
Gobbler Cobbler - A pie-sized dish of peach, blueberry, or apple cobbler, topped with three optional scoops of vanilla ice cream.
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deer-head-xiris · 2 days
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Adopt Info:
- Claim an adopt by comment or over DM!
-ONE ADOPT PER PERSON for the first 24 hours. If you have bought an adopt and there are still more available after the first day, you are welcome to purchase more of them if you wish (This rule is in place to offer a fair chance where possible). I only hold adopts for repeat customers and friends who I know are good on their word!
-I will send you a paypal invoice for payment.  Please don’t pay until I approve. If payment isn’t sent within 24 hours, the adopt will be relisted
-Once you adopt a character, I'll send you the full-size unwatermarked transparent png, you may do with it as you please. However, if you wish to post it on your page or somewhere else, please put a link to my dA page or my other social media somewhere in the description so that people will know who made it!
-You may edit the character however you like
-NO REFUNDS, If you no longer wish to keep a character that you adopt from me, you can give it away, or resell it for the equal amount or less than what you paid for it!
1. Tiramisu ($120) claimed by claimed in advance by: JDT3 on Patreon!
2. Fruit Tart ($120) claimed by twitter user GepardoG
3. Dragon’s Beard ($120) claimed in advance by: NeonLich on Patreon!
4. Key Lime Pie ($120) claimed by twitter user Lady_Alcazar
5. Honeycomb ($120) claimed in advance by: Tris Tyranion on Patreon! 
6. Candy Apple ($120) claimed by dA user sundaesuspense
7. Unicorn Milkshake ($120) claimed in advance by: beeee on Patreon!
8. Cherry Cobbler ($120) claimed in advance by: Fireflux on Patreon!
9. Taro Milk Tea ($120) claimed in advance by: Sombraling on Patreon!
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mytheoristavenue · 2 months
MHA Commoner!Eijiro Kirishima x Princess!Reader - So This is Love? - I
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Summary: You, the princess, surprise a poor village boy with an invitation to the royal ball.
Warnings: Reverse harem, fluff, angst, quirkless!au, royal!au, love at first sight, social class difference, princess x commoner trope
The carriage came to a sudden halt, making your body rock forward in your seat. Patiently, you awaited the footman to open the door and help you out. When you were standing, you couldn't hide the eager grin on your powdered face.
"Is this the correct place, m'lady?" the footman asked, glancing around with a haughty expression. "Looks a tad...dingy."
"Nonsense," you laugh him off, stepping forward, expensive heels digging into the mud. "I'm sure this is the correct address."
Noticing the way your heels sink, he promptly offers his arm, helping you to the door of the humble cobbler's shop. Stepping into the threshold, you smile fondly, finding a short, plump woman sitting at a desk in the corner. "Afternoon!" She calls, focused on her task. "What can we do ye for?" When she finally turns to face you, her smile drops and her already fair skintone becomes all the more pale.
"Y-Your Majesty!" She bows nervously. "T-To what do we owe the pleasure?"
You smile warmly, stepping closer, bowing to her as well. "I was hoping to have a word with a man I'm told works here," you answer, presenting a letter with a red wax seal. "I've come to deliver him an invitation. Eijiro Kirishima, is he here, ma'am?"
"My son?" The woman asks, tilting her head before nodding and turning to enter another room of the shop, dipping under half curtain that served as a divider. Moment's later, a young man with bright red hair and matching eyes peers out, scanning the room curiously.
His back straightens instantly when his eyes fall on you, standing in the front room of his family's shop, clad in an elegant day gown, eyes peeking over an equally ornate handfan. "Y-Your Highness!" He gasp, eyes blown wide as he stands up straight, akwardly hitting his head on the doorframe.
With a hiss a rub to the crown of his head, he steps out, kneeling in front of you. "W-What are you doing down in the village?" He asks, clearly flustered.
You simply giggle behind your fan, extending a hand down to him to kiss. His Adam's Apple bobs when his eyes fall on your perfectly manicured nails and blushed knuckles. Hestitantly, his calloused hands cradle yours, which has never known labor. With a sharp exhale, he brings your hand up to his lips, eyes flickering to yours as he plants a ghostly kiss on your knuckles. His gentle nature puts a glow in your cheeks as you giggle at his bashfulness.
"I can to visit you, good sir," you finally reveal, a sweet mystique in your tone.
"M-Me?" he repeats in disbeleif. "F-For what reason?"
You offer him the envelope, fingers brushing against his as he takes it from you. "I would like to cordially invite you to the royal ball this evening," you explain, collapsing your fan and resting it against your chest, batting your lashes at him. "As my personal guest."
"I-I'm speechless, You Highness..." He pauses, deicately opening the letter and reading over the cursive words within. "W-Why me?"
"Say you'll attend," you insists with a warm smile.
"Forgive me, Your Majesty," he mutters timidly, folding the letter very carefully back into the envelope. "I have nothing but the clothes on my back, I haven't the proper dress to attend a royal gathering."
"I worried as much." You admitted sadly before smiling again. "Which is why I took the liberty of having the royal seamstress tailor a custom suit for the occassion."
"J-Just for me...?" Kirishima gasp, eyes glossy at your gesture. You nod, confirming his assumptions.
"Please accompany me, it would mean the world to me..." you beg one last time, leaning in slightly.
"I-I'd be honored, Your Majesty..." He finally relents, still in disbelief before a childish grin cracks across his face. "Yes, of course I'll go!"
"Oh, that's fantastic news!" you exclaim with delight, reaching out and capturing his hands, holding them to his hands. "I'm overjoyed." You beam, letting him go, preparing to take your leave. "A carriage will send for you an hour before sunset, no need to make ready ahead of time. You'll have a warm bath and a private room awaiting you at the castle."
Kirishima once again finds himself silenced by your generousity, only uttering a small: "T-Thanky you, Princess..." as he watches you leave the shop, waving with fan in hand.
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ovaryacted · 10 months
This is a random thought but just imagine inviting Leon over for Thanksgiving for the first time.
It would be so endearing, so sweet because he doesn’t really have any family left or someone remotely close to him. Maybe the Redfields would invite him so they could spend time with him but I think it would be so cute to see this white man coming into another household especially if it’s a household of color or of another ethnicity.
That poor boy would come into unfamiliar territory, not knowing how to interact outside of saying hi and hello and he would be awkward and nervous and you have to hold his hand to make sure his anxiety doesn’t spike. But when he makes a relative laugh, he thinks it’s okay and starts chatting it up some more. Shares a drink or two, and it’s really all smiles from there as the family members give off the vibe of “YOU AIGHT WHITE BOY!” and Leon thinks he’s won the jackpot.
Then it’s time for actual dinner, and after saying grace and the thanksgiving prayer, Leon goes to TOWN. He fills his plate up with everything he sees, not knowing what some things are but he just gets it anyway. You’re in front of him guiding him around the food selections, and he’s asking you along the way “What’s that? What’s this?”, while putting some on his plate anyway. Collard greens, candied yams, mac n cheese, ham, turkey, pork, cornbread, macaroni salad, mashed potatoes, dressing, lasagna, peach cobbler, banana pudding, apple pie, literally EVERYTHING. He’ll have the sweets on one plate so it doesn’t mix with the rest of his food.
And when he finally sits to eat, he eats it all in silence. Literally just munching away and basically inhaling his damn food. He’s hunching over his plate and not lifting his eyes up for a second, and if you look at him closely he’s just shaking his head in awe from how good the food is, feels like he could cry. He’s a foodie at heart and finds comfort in it, and knowing he’s getting home cooked food made with so much love would probably make him emotional because that to him is a privilege he never got to experience until he met you. You’re just watching him eat for a good minute, how he basically licks his plate clean, and when he really is finally done he asks if he could get a second plate. That grants him a kiss from granny and appreciation from some of the other relatives who cooked the meal, as if they were giving him a blessing.
Best believe, Leon would make sure to get multiple to-go plates, probably even a tray of stuff he’ll make sure to eat tomorrow. He’s satisfied, happy, and he’d be sitting on the couch next to you fighting the itis BAD because he’s ready to just fall asleep after eating so much. And he looks at you with so much adoration and love in his eyes, he doesn’t need to vocalize how thankful he is to have you in his life, you can see it all in his face. You just give him a soft kiss on his cheek and tell him those three words he loves to hear from you so much.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Hopping Ship
Yan Rival Restaurant Mascot + G.N Reader + Yan Restaurant Entities
Slow day....
Right in the middle of lunch hour too-
Scarce to see the restaurant so empty like this nowadays. After starting the new shift, you genuinely began to ponder if you'd finally lost your hearing due to the one-sided shouting matches from customers before realizing there had been a single since you clocked in and the silence surrounding you was very much real.
With so much free time, you finally got around to completing some tasks you'd be putting on the back burner for a while and a few you picked up while the janitor was out on personal business. They were gone every other week of the month, but you stopped wondering where they went after seeing them crawl into a black van one night after closing shit. It's impolite to watch coworkers who appear to be wearing your missing coat drag trash bags into unmarked vehicles after midnight.
You swept the floors, decorated the back office with some of the flowers the mascot left you and read a couple of their letters, created a sign out for the bathroom succubus to please at least put a towel beneath the door when she went on of her many "mandatory smoke breaks", and other duties which staked your claim as the establishment's most valued, living employee - all accommodating in the treat you rewarded yourself with once your break rolled around.
Sitted at the back of the fridge, behind the cooler you kept your gifted deer kidneys from the crying figure in the woods - a single fruit cup shined in all its syrupy glory. You tended to avoid eating coworkers food until their names appeared in the papers, but this little delight was stapled with a friendly letter for whoever came across it.
"For you~ (yes, the one reading this)"
That in itself should've been warning enough, but you were too hungry to care and not really in the mood for greasy fast food or ice cream from a bastard ghost. It was the perfect snack. Tiered with fruits representing all colors of the rainbow separated by rich, fluffy cream you assumed to be whipped frosting or some type of yogurt.
Snagging the cup and a spoon from the dispensery, you head back to the front to eat just in case anyone shows up. First bite in and you immediately notice something off about what you've just willingly ingested. What should've a sweet, succulent strawberry tasted exactly like strawberry cheesecake. The creaminess of its taste compared to its snappy texture threw you off entirely. You nibbled on an apple slice which tasted just like pie. Not exactly what you were going for, but you needed something on your stomach. Mindlessly chewing away, a faint hiss comes from beneath the counter.
Must be another gas leak.
"Y/n - down here!"
You almost wish it had.
Peering underneath, you make contact with the frantic eyes of a former coworker. His face was caked in mud and his lips cracked from the clear signs of dehydration. You grab a cup of water from the soda machine which he near inhales, plastic and all. You take your seat back at the counter, poking around at your cup. "Hey, Noah. What happened to you last we I thought you the storyteller told you to go get lost in the forest and get eaten by bears."
"I was a boyscout growing up and all the predator animals in this area are dead. Get down - it'll see you!"
"What will?"
He tugs on your sleeve. "The rabbit thing that's been throwing everyone into that van! It's right outside!"
Sucking a cube of peach cobbler off your spoon - you you peer outsife where another mascot stood - gloved hand extended a with flyer to the customer approaching the the door. The anthropomorphic rabbit was dressed in a red and white hybrid of a nurse gown and a 50s waitress outfit down to the pastel skates it wore on its large feet.. When the customer ignores the paper and went out of their way to walk around the strange figure, the creature dropped the flyer as it clasped its hand around their neck and hurls them into the open van beside it. Slamming the door on their ankle - the rabbit suddenly bends backwards with an audible crack facing the register as its ears dangle at its feet, waving at you with its Cheshire grin. You chase a grape around the container with your spoon.
"They seem friendly."
Noah pulls harder on your clothes. "Quiet! We need to call the police."
"Mmm... nah, they never respond to any of our calls anyway."
He groans into his hands. "Ughh- Ojay, we'll figure something out - just, don't make look that thing in the eye.
Bit too late for that.
The rabbit mascot had scaled the restaurant floor in about the same time it too you to swallow the bland frosting that served as a palate cleaner for the tooth rotting sweetness. It contorts to match your height, button nose inches from yours.
"Hello, hello, he-llo - where have you been hiding?~ I was looking for you. "
".... Hey, Noah? Can you actually try the police to see if they'll show up this time?"
The rabbit chuckles. "Funny too. I knew you were a catch from the second I laid eyes on you. That's why I had to make sure our first meeting was special and there were no..." Its eyes fall to the counter." prying eyes... Anywho! Did you enjoy the fruits I left for you?"
You shrug, mouth full of sugary melon. "I guess."
"Fantastic! Those at my establishment prioritize a healthy, and tasty lifestyle. I certainly hope you don't mind us treading on your territory, but it was the only spot in town fit for our dream. If all things go according to plan, you won't have to worry about the competition at all! Onto my big question - would you care to join our team? An experienced crewmate like yourself is just what we need and if you start this afternoon - I'll even make you manager! Even deal, wouldn't you say?"
"....not really."
"Great!-...." Its ears fall flat against its skill. I'm sorry, what did you say?"
"I kinda like it here. Bring manager sounds like I'd have to do more work than I do now, and the the ball pit is a big factor to why I stay.
Soft clapping sounds from the play area. Confused, he mascot looks between your face and your half eaten cup. "Are you sure?"
You shrug again. "Pretty sure I am."
"Maybe take another bite and think about it harder?"
LYou shove the remaining bits of fruit in your mouth, using the time to chew as your grace period. "Positive."
"I see...." The rabbit's whiskers twitch as it snaps back to full height, spinning on their wheels towards the door. "No matter. I will be back for you another day with an offer you won't be able to refuse. Until then."
You look at the floor as they skate away. "I think it's leaving, Noah.... Noah?"
"Help me!"
You glance back up in time to see Noah being dragged outside and flung into the van as his captor grumbles something about just using sleeping pills next time. You official cross him off the schedule as you throw the cup away.
"If they'd just offer me their skates - I probably would've said yes."
You lick the spoon clsan as the ice cream machine whirls to life.
"Oh shut up."
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rosefinnigen · 5 months
(Aaaa hey guys I did a writing thing and it’s not finished and I’m so nervous to show you but if I don’t I’m gonna forget about it in my notes app!! Tell me if you like it :))
He catches your eye across the bar. Well dressed, with eyes like bourbon, honeyed and sharp in a way that makes your cheeks flush. You buy him a drink; his hand doesn’t stray from your hip the rest of the night.
He asks you to dinner the next day. You spend the meal constantly distracted by his hands, the slow, almost hypnotic way he speaks. You make it into his car after dinner before you’re pressed together, all biting kisses and tangled legs where he presses you into the seats. It’s only when he begins to trail kisses down your stomach and lift your skirt over your thighs that you remember yourself and push him back, your legs trembling.
“N-not yet,” you barely stutter out. He gives a little smile and buckles you in with another soft kiss to your forehead.
“Next time,” he promises.
Next time is a coffee date, which ends up turning into a lunch date and a walk in the park followed by ice cream that melts down your arms in the summer heat. He licks your fingers clean, and you could almost swear he moans around them.
Later, in your apartment. “So sweet,” he grins from between your legs. You wonder if the ice cream had anything to do with it.
Another dinner date, then several more. “You must try the tiramisu,” he says. “Oh, the apple cobbler here is to die for,” at another. It becomes a nightly routine, treating you to the city’s richest flavors. Afterward he is ravenous in turn, washing you in kisses and pressing fingers wherever you’re softest.
“Look at you,” he growls against your neck. “Mmh, good fucking girl.”
You begin to have an inkling of what you’re being praised for in relatively short order. But, never one to jump to conclusions, you set to testing your suspicion.
“Hm… You order for me, I don’t know what to pick.” Is that — no, it couldn’t be the slightest hint of pink on the tips of his ears, could it? “I’ve been really hungry today, I’m not sure why. Honestly, everything looks good.” You could swear his voice is a little more hoarse as he tells your orders to the waitress. But you can’t be sure, because by the time the food arrives you really *are* hungry, and he’s monologuing in that endearing way again, and before you know it half the pasta is gone and you’re glad you wore a dress with some stretch to it.
You lean back, taking a deep breath and trying not to show how full you already are. But he catches on, and with a curious glint in his eye, he asks, “Is the food not agreeing with you?”
“Oh, no, it’s delicious!” you say, slightly breathless. “Just, um, a little more filling than I expected.”
He hums noncommittally, but seems to be watching you closely now, as if waiting to see what you’ll do.
It feels electric, doesn’t it? Picking your fork back up and twirling it in your fettuccine. Slowly, deliberately raising it to your mouth, chewing and swallowing.
The corners of his mouth twitch upward. “Good girl,” he murmurs, so quiet you almost miss it.
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helpmeimblorboing · 4 days
I really like imagining Nie Huaisang’s response to Jiang Cheng’s whole shtick post-WWX-death, because, you CANNOT tell me that he wouldn’t immediately draw parallels, true or not, to his own shit with Nie Mingjue.
Like I can just imagine him thinking while talking to Jiang Cheng like “You were so unwilling to accept the notion of a world where your brother was dead that you were willing to spend your entire life chasing a ghost. That’s admirable. I admire that. Maybe if I had done that, Da-ge wouldn’t have…”
And meanwhile Jiang Cheng is just seething, fully convinced that he was chasing after Wei Wuxian’s ghost because he just hated him so gosh-darn much. Like, not to stir up any debate or piss off any of the more opinionated people on this site, but I genuinely don’t think JC hated WWX as much as he, or the jianghu, thought he did.
Hate can drive a person to do many things, but I genuinely don’t think it’s possible for hate to drive a person to chase a dead man for thirteen years. Five ? Maybe. Seven is pushing it. But thirteen ? The only kind of hate powerful enough to do that is hate adulterated with at least a sprinkling of love
And I think that creates a really interesting contrast, one Nie Huaisang, who disguises his hate and grief behind walls of obliviousness, all the while drowning in regret and despair, and one Jiang Cheng, who disguises his grief and regret behind walls of hate so solid that he’s managed to fool even himself
Both of them wearing masks. Both of them pretending to be whole after the death of their sibling(s). Neither of them actually okay
On the other hand, maybe Jiang Cheng does just fully despise Wei Wuxian, which just makes the whole thing hilarious instead of melancholic. Like here Huaisang is, drawing up elaborate manuscripts of the tragic story of the Yunmeng Shuangjie, and meanwhile Jiang Cheng is just the living representation of that one neighbour who’s been pissed off at you for a full decade because you accidentally insulted her apple cobbler at a meet one time
And once again, that’s a really interesting contrast, because, Huaisang holds grudges too, but unlike Jiang Cheng, who goes around announcing his hate, Huaisang hides it behind faked incompetence and obliviousness
Either way, it’s an enjoyable experience
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Napoleonville [Chapter 8: The New House]
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Series Summary: The year is 1988. The town is Napoleonville, Louisiana. You are a small business owner in need of some stress relief. Aemond is a stranger with a taste for domination. But as his secrets are revealed, this casual arrangement becomes something more volatile than either of you could have ever imagined.
Chapter Warnings: Language, references to sexual content (18+ readers only), dom/sub dynamics, smoking, infidelity, kids, parenthood, historical topics like violence and discrimination, Cakes with Christabel, angst?? Who am I kidding. Angst!!!!!!
Word Count: 5.9k.
Link to chapter list (and all my writing): HERE.
Taglist: @marvelescvpe @toodlesxcuddles @era127 @at-a-rax-ia @0eessirk8 @arcielee @dd122004dd @humanpurposes @taredhunter @tinykryptonitewerewolf @partnerincrime0 @dr-aegon @persephonerinyes @namelesslosers @burningcoffeetimetravel-fics @gemini-mama @daenysx @chattylurker @moonlightfoxx @huramuna @britt-mf @myspotofcraziness @padfooteyes @targaryenbarbie @trifoliumviridi @joliettes @darkenchantress @florent1s @babyblue711 @minttea07 @libroparaiso @bluerskiees @herfantasyworldd @elizarbelll @urmomsgirlfriend1 @fudge13 @strangersunghoon @wickedfrsgrl
Only 2 chapters left!!! 🥰🧁
“I have no idea what he’s thinking,” Christabel tells Alicent, a low furtive murmur around nibbles of a cinnamon French toast cupcake. They are both sitting at the kitchen counter as you scuttle around wiping down burners and handles and knobs, trying not to listen in, unable to help yourself. At the table, Amir is frosting a Lady Baltimore cake and chatting with Criston, who has eaten no less than three miniature cherry pies in the past fifteen minutes. Amir keeps casting you wide-eyed, flummoxed glances. He means: Can you believe these people? No, you can’t.
Alicent sips the glass of sweet tea you poured for her and gazes vaguely around the room. “Oh, you know how Aemond is, dear. He works so hard. He’s so consumed by the Lake Verret project.”
“But shouldn’t he talk to me?” Christabel’s large blue eyes are luminous, persistent.
“Don’t be ridiculous, darling. Of course he talks to you.”
“Sure,” Christabel says, frowning. “He talks to me about the weather and the garden and the koi in the fish pond. He asks if I listen to Dire Straights or AC/DC. Nothing of consequence, nothing revealing. And he never touches me. Alright, fine, there’s a hand on my shoulder or my waist once in a while, for a moment. There are quick, courteous kisses. But that’s all. And he’s so…so…” She struggles to decide on a word. “Formal!”
“Have you tried the cannoli cupcake yet?” Alicent asks, sliding the plate towards Christabel. “It’s just divine. I absolutely adore it.”
“When we’re apart he says he misses me, but he hardly ever calls. He tells me that he loves me, but only if I say it first.”
“He’s marrying you!” Alicent declares as she restlessly twists her assortment of glittering rings, gold and diamonds and emeralds. “What more is there to say, dear?”
“Surely there must be something,” Christabel mumbles. She obediently samples the cannoli cupcake, carving away a tiny sliver with her fork. “Oh, that is wonderful, isn’t it?”
“I think it’s my favorite one yet.”
They have twelve flavors to choose from, some familiar and some new: vanilla bean and triple chocolate of course, the classics, and then also cannoli, cinnamon French toast, carrot, red velvet, Boston cream pie, apple cobbler, peanut butter and grape jelly, Neapolitan, Louisiana crunch, and hummingbird. Christabel surveys the selection and then looks to where you are vigorously scrubbing an already clean stovetop. “Aemond mentioned something about banana bread cupcakes. Do you have one of those we could try?”
And again, you are amazed by how much he remembers: the very first cupcake from the very first night. “Um…I’m not sure, actually. Amir, didn’t we make a batch earlier this week? Are there any still on the table?”
Amir checks the cake plates, lifting glass covers, until he locates a single remaining banana bread cupcake for your customers. He ferries it to the kitchen counter with great ceremony. “Everyone raves about this flavor! And it’s so quintessentially southern. Perfect for a Louisiana wedding.” You give him a miserable, deadened stare and he offers a millisecond smirk of commiseration. What else can we do? Amir means. And you think: Nothing.
Christabel samples the cupcake, an infinitesimal morsel speared on the very tip of her fork. You recall how Aemond tasted like sugar and honey and cinnamon when he kissed you on the night you met, rough, dominating, irresistible, without the aching weight of disappointments or betrayals. If time was a cobweb you could rip and walk through, you’d be back in that May dusk in an instant, you’d live there forever and never leave.
“That’s it.” Christabel grins as she licks cream cheese frosting from her full, pink lips. “This one. I want a banana bread cake.”
“Mmm,” Alicent agrees, taking a bite. “It has so many dimensions! Sweet with just a touch of salt, light and fluffy but with a certain substantial, rustic quality, don’t you think? It’s the cinnamon, perhaps.”
You make a note on your yellow legal pad—a reminder you don’t need—so you can avoid Christabel’s benign, guileless gaze. “Is there a design you’d like for the frosting?”
Amir emits a startled gasp before he can swallow it back down. You look up at Christabel. “I’m sorry, what was that?”
“Just like the vanilla bean cake you made for the engagement party.” She draws blossoms in the air with her fingers, whimsical like a fairytale. “There was white icing and then all these gorgeous flowers in a dozen different colors. You could do that for a wedding cake, couldn’t you?”
“Of course.” And then you amend: “Well, Amir can. He’s our Picasso.”
“You’ll need something for the rehearsal dinner too, dear,” Alicent tells Christabel. Then she turns to you, tugging anxiously at one of her auburn ringlets. “You’re the expert, love. What would you recommend to impress upon our guests all the history and mystique of the Deep South?”
Your mind is blank, your thoughts gnarled up with visions of Christabel meeting Aemond at the end of an aisle. Amir sees this and he saves you.
“A Napoleon cake,” he announces with his best salesman enthusiasm, powerful enough to sweep everyone else along with him.
Alicent claps her hands, elated. “Oh, just like the town!”
“It has layers of puff pastry and rich custard cream, very French, very elegant and sophisticated, but also a nod to Napoleonville. And we can add a cherry jam to make it more romantic, if you like.”
“Doesn’t that just sound heavenly, darling?”
“Does Aemond like cherries?” Christabel asks Alicent. You know he does, but you don’t say anything.
“I think so. We’ll ask him tonight to be sure.” Alicent is opening her clutch purse to get the cash to pay you; she is eager to have this errand finished, you believe. “And can you put wildflowers on top of the Napoleon cake as well?”
“You can have the Declaration of Independence written on it if that is your heart’s desire,” Amir says, then steals a glimpse of you. You’re jotting the order down and then tracing over your own letters again and again.
“That’s the color scheme,” Christabel says a bit dreamily, forever woolgathering. “Wildflowers. And I think you suggested it at the engagement party,” she tells you, appreciative. In your recollection, it was less of a suggestion than a confession of what you once dared to hope for. “Everything has to have wildflowers. Even the dress.”
Alicent groans. “Oh, Christabel, not this again.”
“I don’t know why you’re being so resistant, those dresses were spectacular.”
“Whoever heard of a multicolored wedding dress?” Alicent asks you, Amir, Criston. “It’s absurd. The bride always wears pure white, everyone knows that. It’s tradition! It’s dignified!”
“Well now I get to solicit opinions too.” Christabel reaches into her own purse—a quilted shoulder bag, light blue with red roses and a label reading Souleiado stitched inside—and produces several polaroid photographs. She gives them to you; they are all of her posing in different wedding dresses, stylish white gowns freckled with wildflowers like splashes of paint. “All anyone can talk about is what I should wear, what the guests will expect, what they will chatter about when they gossip afterwards,” Christabel tells you. And in her vast, shimmering eyes you can detect no resentment or slyness, only quiet desperation. “But you’re a real person. So be honest with me, because there’s only one thing I really care about. Will my husband think I look ravishing in any of them?”
“These theatrics,” Alicent sighs to herself, lighting a Marlboro cigarette. Again, she is peering aimlessly around the kitchen. Amir fidgets with the dogwood flower in his hair as he watches you wearily. Criston compulsively eats another miniature cherry pie.
You study the polaroid photos. Each one feels like a split lip, a fractured rib, the shredding elephantine pressure of a contraction. You wait to speak until you’re sure your voice won’t break. “They’re all stunning. But this one…” You place one picture on top of the pile. “This dress was made for you. Just look at your face. Glowing like a lightning bug.”
“Thank you,” Christabel says, beaming, immensely grateful, and she takes the photos back. She seems pacified. “You’re married, aren’t you?”
“I was, yes. Briefly. Not very happily, I must admit. But it was worth it to get my daughter.”
She smiles. There’s no uneasiness; she doesn’t shy away from displays of human frailty. “I’d like a few daughters one day. We could all dress up together and style each other’s hair.”
“I wouldn’t count on it. If I tried that, I’d get my hands chewed off.”
Christabel laughs. She wears a casual blue t-shirt, blue gingham capri trousers, and white flat pumps. Her eyeshadow is a sparkling gold, her mascara flaking onto the apples of her cheeks. She is still marveling at you with those aquamarine eyes when Alicent pulls a list out of her clutch and grudgingly crosses off items with a black ballpoint pen.
“So we’ve got a wedding cake, a rehearsal dinner cake, a dress, a venue, flowers, photographers…I still need to call about hair and makeup…and we need to pick out candles…”
“Where are you getting married?” you ask Christabel.
“The most unique, picturesque, atmospheric place in the entire state of Louisiana, I’m sure of it.”
“We took a drive to visit that church you mentioned,” Alicent says to you. “And it was absolutely perfect. None of our guest will have ever seen anything like it. And it’s so historic! Over 150 years old! The Chapel of Saint Honoratus of Amiens.”
Amir squeals, a distressed mewing that he stifles with a feigned cough into his elbow. You stand shellshocked for a few seconds before managing a generic encouragement: “Really! Wow! Amazing! Great!”
Now Christabel is rather melancholy again. She scrutinizes her engagement ring, a large teardrop emerald with a gold band. Her voice is low, like she’s talking to herself. “I just wish…I don’t know. That we had more time together before the wedding, I suppose. Then I think I’d feel like I had more of a handle on things. It’s all been such a whirlwind, such a shock. A good shock, but still. We hardly know each other.”
Alicent prompts her: “You care for Aemond, don’t you, dear?”
“I’m in awe of him,” Christabel replies, a little dazed, a little defenseless. “He’s so clever and gallant. He’s the most inspiring man I’ve ever known. And the scar…it gives him quite a roguish look, doesn’t it? Like a Bond villain. It’s not a detriment in the least.”
“Yes, yes,” Alicent says impatiently, like she’s waiting for the conversation to be over. “Then there’s nothing more to worry about. You care for him, he cares for you, and you’ll have the honeymoon to get better acquainted. Criston, would you go outside and start the Lexus, please?” He dutifully departs.
Honeymoon. Your stomach lurches, the sea in a storm. You can see Aemond’s hands on Christabel’s face, in her hair, skating up her bare thighs. You can hear him moaning her name.
“We’re going to Greece,” Christabel informs you, thinking she’s being polite. “Athens, Mykonos, Santorini, and Corfu. Have you ever been?”
I’ve never been anywhere. But instead you say, forcing a smile: “Not yet.”
When Christabel, Alicent, and Criston have gone, you look to Amir. Your blood has turned to cement: cold, heavy, immobile, trapped. “You realize she’s getting my wedding, right? The one I always wanted. The wildflowers. The candles. The chapel.”
“And she’ll even be taking your favorite dick home at the end of the night.”
You cover your face with both hands and shake your head, trying to clear it, to drive out mirages of someone else’s oasis. This can’t be real. I can’t handle it, I can’t survive it.
Amir pushes his tortoiseshell glasses up the bridge of his nose and says, gently now: “If we’re catering dessert, we’ll have to go to the wedding. The rehearsal dinner too.”
“Why would they want that? How can they not see how insanely awkward and wrong this is?”
He shrugs. “They probably think it’s normal. Wasn’t Camilla at Charles and Diana’s wedding?”
“If one more person tries to talk to me about Camilla Parker Bowles, I’m going to feed myself to the gator.”
“You’ll have to come to terms with it or you’ll have to end it. Those are the only options.”
“Yeah.” And it’s not just about me. It’s Cadi’s life too.
Amir sits down at the kitchen table, crosses one leg over the other, kicks his foot nervously. He rests an elbow on the tabletop and his chin on the knuckles of his left hand. “I hate to give you more bad news.”
You already know what he’s going to say. You’ve been dreading it for months. “You have enough money saved for San Franscisco.”
“I do.”
You exhale, your shoulders collapsing, tapping your fingertips against the counter. The air conditioner whirrs; the cicadas shriek in the trees outside. The house is hushed and still. Cadi is away at horse camp. Each day you receive a postcard in the mail that you assume the employees forced her to write at gunpoint. “When are you leaving?”
“The end of July. I’ll wait until after the wedding, once all the dust has settled. But I can’t wait any longer than that.”
“I want you to be happy,” you say. “I really do. But I’m going to miss you so much. You’ve been my best friend for a decade. You’re the closest thing I’ve ever had to a partner in life.”
Amir smiles faintly. “Come over here.”
When you sit beside him, he takes your hands in his; and you remember how he visited you in the hospital after Cadi was born, carrying a bouquet of wildflowers he picked himself and a Tupperware container full of crawfish pistolettes. He had been just a casual friend before you found out you were pregnant, one of a group, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t keep him at an arm’s length. Amir was different, and not in a way that you fully understood or accepted yet. But he was the only friend who had no judgment for you when you told him you were pregnant, who cared about how you felt, who wanted to be a part of whatever would happen next. He was the only one who stayed.
“I’ve never had a boyfriend,” Amir tells you. “I’ve never even been on a date, not once. I’ve never been in love. I’ve never had sex that wasn’t a one night stand in a New Orleans club or the back seat of my Ford Escort because those were the only places we had to go. And I’m starting to believe that people like me can’t have more than that. So I have to go someplace where I can have more, where I will have more. I don’t want love to be something that only other people get to experience. I don’t want to be afraid of leaving my house after dark or wake up every day wondering if someone has broken a window out of my car again. I have to go. There’s no future for me here. If I stay in Napoleonville, this place will kill me, one way or the other.”
Okay, you think. I can let him go. After everything he’s done for me, this is how I can be the friend that he deserves in return. “You should leave, Amir,” you say, tears stinging in your eyes. “I hear you, I understand you. I just wish I could go with you.”
“No, don’t cry, don’t cry! This isn’t the end. I’ll fly back to visit, you know that. Grandma’s still here, you and Cadi are here. And you can visit me too. Maybe you’ll even settle down on the West Coast someday. Eight more years and you’re free.”
You try to imagine your life then: Cadi headed off to college—and she will go to college, you’ve already decided that—and your tether to Willis weakened, closer to 40 years old than 30, Aemond and Christabel nearing their anniversary. How many children will they have by then? Three? Four? And the Lake Verret project will be well-established and no longer in need of so much of Aemond’s attention, and the house they call The Last Desire will sit empty on the lakeshore, warm draughts breathing through it like blood in veins. “I wouldn’t know how to exist anywhere else.”
“You’d learn,” Amir says confidently. “Now, have you ever made a Napoleon cake before?”
“I don’t think so. Not that I can remember.” You consider this. “My mom might have a recipe lying around somewhere. I’ll call and ask her.”
“Yes, do that,” Amir agrees. “If she doesn’t, I’ll try to dig one up at the library. We’ll want to have a few practice runs before the rehearsal dinner. Gotta impress the Rockefellers and their soulless millionaire ilk. Unless you were planning to have a homicidal meltdown and make the custard out of antifreeze or something.”
You chuckle. “No. Probably not.”
“It would be difficult to blame you.” And he turns on the little pink Panasonic radio: Alone by Heart.
In a spacious corner booth of the Olive Garden in Gonzales, Aemond is talking about Lake Verret as you pick at your Tour of Italy and Frank Sinatra pipes through the speakers. You could swear they have the same three songs playing on a loop: Fly Me To The Moon, My Way, Luck Be A Lady, back to outer space again.
“But by total coincidence, Daeron has been researching desalination techniques for his latest article. Apparently there are ways to try to mitigate the damage and reduce the brackishness of the water, so we’re going to be—”
Abruptly, you ask: “Where does Christabel think you are right now?”
Aemond’s forehead crinkles, his fork hovers above his plate of herb-grilled salmon. He’s wearing a black t-shirt and his Marlboro jacket, jeans, Adidas sneakers. “Why do you care?”
“She’s getting the wedding I always wanted, did you even notice? She’s getting married at the Chapel of Saint Honoratus of Amiens in Belle River. She’s getting wildflowers and flickering candles.” And she’s getting you too.
“Okay,” Aemond says slowly. “I’m not involved in any of that.”
“I think you are, actually, because you’re kind of the groom.”
“But I don’t do the wedding planning,” he insists. “I have no idea what Christabel has arranged. My job is to be there on the day in a suit and that’s just about the extent of the real estate it takes up in my brain.”
“She’s never mentioned any of that to you? Not once? You’d swear on your life?”
He sets down his fork with a clang and stares fixedly at you. Your waitress glances over from several tables away where she is refilling a couple’s sweet tea glasses. “What do you want me to say? I’m sorry you had good ideas and other people liked them. It fucking sucks that you didn’t get the wedding you wanted when you were seventeen. But that wasn’t my fault. I didn’t know you yet, and you didn’t know me. You can’t blame me for what Willis or anyone else did.”
“But it’s not fair,” you choke out, sounding weak and juvenile, and you hate it but you can’t stop. “I understand that you’re marrying her, I get that, but she can’t have everything.”
“Look…” Aemond laces his hands together on top of the table, and his voice softens. “Even if Christabel didn’t exist, even if you were from my world, even if you were a duchess or a socialite or the daughter of the president of the United States of America, I still couldn’t marry you.”
You scoff; it’s despicable. “Because of Cadi?”
“No,” Aemond says, like that’s preposterous, like he’d never consider her to be a liability. “Because I have to have heirs.”
“Fuck you,” you hiss with vitriol that stuns him. Now the waitress is gawking. “You’re going to manipulate Christabel into walking down that aisle and then immediately get her pregnant?”
“Why are you mad at me?! I’m listening to you, I’m respecting you! You don’t want to have any more children of your own, fine, completely reasonable, I would never ask you to have a baby and go through all of that again for the sake of the Targaryen dynasty, but somebody has to!”
“You really don’t understand why I would empathize with a teenage girl trying to raise a child when she’s lonely and exhausted and confused about why the man she married isn’t turning out to be who she expected?”
Aemond shakes his head like it’s not a valid comparison. “She wants this.”
“She doesn’t know what it is. She doesn’t understand what she’s signing up for.”
“Everyone from a family like mine goes through this,” Aemond says. “My grandparents did, my mum and dad did, Aegon did, even bloody Charles and Diana did, and now it’s my turn. There are growing pains, but people adjust and it all works out eventually. Christabel will learn to manage her expectations, and once the children are born she can find happiness wherever and with whoever she wants to.”
“But you’ll be with her,” you forced out, voice fracturing, and at first Aemond doesn’t grasp what you mean. “You’ll…you’ll sleep with her. You’ll touch her, you’ll kiss her, you’ll do everything with her.”
“Surely you, as someone who called up a stranger from a personal ad in the Bayou Journal, comprehends that sex can be a solely physical act under the right circumstances.”
“So what, you’ll fuck me and then go home to her? Or you’ll fuck her and come home to me? And I’m supposed to live like that?”
“Yes,” he says, like it’s simple, like it’s easy.
You gaze morosely out of the restaurant window. In the distance is a Dollar General, a Burger King, the Kmart where you had to buy your own engagement ring.
“Do you want me to tell Christabel to change the wedding?”
“Because if I tell her to pick a new venue, new flowers, new cakes, whatever, she’ll do it.”
“No. She likes her wedding. I can’t take that away from her. She thinks I’m her friend.”
“Cupcake,” Aemond says, tenderly now. You turn back to him. “I don’t want to fight with you. I’m going to be gone for a while, four or five days. I have to fly to Norway and inspect some of the offshore rigs we have up there.”
“In the North Sea?” you ask, alarmed. “Isn’t that dangerous?”
“I mean, it’s oil drilling. It’s one of the most deadly professions in the world. But that’s how we built our fortune, our legacy. I’ve survived before, I’m sure I will again. If you need anything while I’m gone, you can call the house. Criston knows that you’re to be taken care of.”
“No one else can go to Norway instead of you?”
“I have to go.”
“Because it’s my responsibility.”
“Because Viserys told you to?”
“They amount to the same thing.”
“I don’t think you should listen to him.”
“I have to go,” Aemond says again. He takes out his wallet and lays $30 on the table. “But there’s something I need to show you first.”
As Aemond’s red Audi Quattro barrels down Route 70 southbound towards Napoleonville, you say very little to each other. Once you were strangers, and the words flowed easily and your bodies intertwined with effortless need, and now you have known each other for nearly two months and shared days and nights and confessions and yet every ghost filled up the space between you until it was a splinter, a gap, a gulf, a chasm. You miss the person he was when he showed up on your sloping, creaking porch steps back in May. You miss the person you were before you found out about Christabel.
A Men At Work song comes on the car radio, and it takes you a moment to figure out which one. It’s Down Under, a bewildering hit from 1981. “I never understood this song,” you say, staring through the open window as a jungle of southern live oaks, dogwoods, and cypresses rolls by. Rivulets of opaque, slow-moving bayou water snake through the wild green. Pelicans flap their wings in the pink-golden dusk sky. “What’s a head full of zombie? What’s a Vegemite sandwich?”
Aemond laughs, a smoldering Marlboro Red nestled in his left hand. You wonder if once he’s married he’ll wear a gold band on his ring finger, if he’ll take it off when he cheats with you. “Cupcake, it’s obviously about Australia.”
“Down Under? As in, literally below the rest of us in the Southern Hemisphere? Head full of zombie means they’ve been smoking weed. Vegemite is a kind of yeast spread they put on sandwiches. I’ve had it, it’s disgusting. The whole song is in Australian slang. Everyone knows it’s about Australia.”
I didn’t. You look out your window again. Aemond takes note and swiftly backpedals.
“But I mean, I can see how an American wouldn’t know that. No big deal, okay? To anyone in the Commonwealth, Australia is like our fuckup sibling. It’s our Aegon. But you guys probably don’t really learn about Australia in school. So…yeah. It’s probably not as obvious as I assumed.”
“Maybe I missed that lesson,” you say. Maybe I missed that year.
In a brand new neighborhood just outside the town center of Napoleonville, Aemond parks in the paved driveway of a ranch house on a three or four acre lot. The yard is bordered by a white masonry fence with chicken wire around the base to keep snakes and gators out. There are a few dogwood and bay laurel trees, and one monstrous southern live oak that’s probably two hundred years old. Aemond cuts the Audi Quattro’s engine and steps out into the twilight.
“Aemond? What are we doing here?”
“Follow me.”
He walks around to your side of the car, opens the door, and leans down to grab your face with his right hand, his fingers hooked around the curve of your jaw. Instantly, there is a bolt down your spine: hunger, warmth, weakness, momentum that is thoughtless like falling from a great height. “Follow me,” he repeats, grinning mischievously. “Right now.”
Aemond has a key that unlocks the front door. Inside is rose pink carpeting and mauve walls, a sunken conversation pit, popcorn ceilings, mini blinds on the windows, closet doors covered with mirrors. You can see your face reflected in them, puzzled.
“This is the living room, clearly,” Aemond says as he continues briskly through the house. As an afterthought, he kicks off his Adidas sneakers so he doesn’t track any dirt inside. You do the same, sliding off your cheap flats from Kmart. He points down a hallway. “There are two guest bedrooms down there, and then a big one at the other end of the house with its own private bath. Here’s the kitchen…” He leads you through it, mint green with pristine black and white tiles on the floor. “And over there is the dining room.” It’s a kind, golden yellow like dawn or sunset.
“Aemond, what—?”
“Bedroom next,” he interrupts, hurrying you along.
At the end of the hall, he opens a door to reveal a sprawling chamber. It is blue like his bedroom in the Targaryen mansion, but not a deep, vivid sapphire color; it is a pale blue like prairie flax or a clear midday sky. The carpet is lush and soft. There are mirrors on the ceiling.
“Those are optional,” Aemond clarifies, pointing upwards. “But personally, I like them.”
“Aemond, whose house is this?”
“It’s yours,” he says.
“It’s what?!”
“Well, technically, it isn’t yours quite yet,” he admits. “I bought it in cash, it will close in a week or two. At that point I’ll sell it to you for $1—the same price as one of your cupcakes, incidentally—and then it will officially be your house. And it doesn’t even have a sinking foundation or any alligators. Imagine the possibilities.”
“Cadi’s bedroom is green, like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I’ve been told the yard is big enough for one horse, or two very small horses. Ponies, I guess.”
“You cannot buy me a house,” you say, aghast.
“I think I already did.” He holds out the key to you, resting in his palm among lines of prophesy.
You are paralyzed; it takes you forever to find your words. “Aemond, I’ll never be able to repay you.”
“You don’t owe me anything. It’s a gift, not a trade,” he says, the key still lying in his outstretched hand. “Every cent I spend on you, every second I spend with you, is solely because I want to do it and for no other reason. There’s no obligation. There’s no quid pro quo. And that’s what I feel like you don’t understand. I have no logical reason to keep you in my life, absolutely none, aside from the fact that I want you to be here. And I want that with everything I’m made of. I never stop wanting it. So let me help you. Take the key. Take the house.”
His right eye is on you, imploring, commanding. At last, you lift the key from his palm. Studying it like the cryptic letter of a foreign language, you murmur: “You shouldn’t have done this.”
Aemond rakes his fingers through your hair, tilts your face up towards his, skims his lips feather-lightly from your cheekbone down to your lips—though he doesn’t kiss you, only ghosts his flesh over yours, a taste, a taunt—and then up to the curl of your ear. His whispered voice is colored with wicked scarlet desire. “You don’t tell me what to do. I tell you what to do.”
If he yanked off your t-shirt you would let him. If he unzipped your denim shorts and slipped his artful fingers inside them he would find panties soaked through for him. You would let him do anything he wanted to you, here in this glass-fragile liminality before he becomes Christabel’s in law, in body, in inked and inerasable history. But it would not be because you want to, not because you feel ready in your bones, not because you trust him again. It would only be because you could not bring yourself to resist.
Aemond reads this on your face; he stops before you have to tell him to.
On July 1st, Cascade Stables is swarming with parents as they descend upon the property to collect their children and meet the horses they’ve spent the past week with. There is a stereo somewhere blaring Your Love by The Outfield; apparently, this does not disturb the horses. You find Cadi beside the stall of a very tall, willowy beast, ears upright and alert, one bulging eye onyx and the other a striking icy blue. Its coat is white with a splattering of rust-colored stains. Even its mane and tail are comprised of alternating strands, dark, light, earth, clouds, cocoa powder, granulated sugar.
“His name is Patches,” Cadi tells you proudly as she pets the leviathan’s velvety muzzle. “He has a wall eye. And he’s a real handful and usually they only allow the experienced campers to ride him, but they let me try and he listened so well I got to keep him all week!”
“Wow, that’s incredible! Good job! Did you learn a lot about how to take care of him?”
“Yeah. They taught me how to feed Patches and clean his hooves and put a saddle on him. And how to hit him with a hairbrush when he tries to bite me.”
Your eyebrows shoot up. “Right. Okay.”
“Can we buy him? He’s for sale. Probably because of all the biting.”
“Who, Patches?” You definitely cannot afford to board a horse; and then you remember the new house. “I’ll think about it.”
Cadi peeks around you. “Daddy isn’t here too?”
“No, honey, I’m sorry. He had to work. But he really wanted to see the horses and he is looking forward to hearing all about your adventures.” This is a lie—Willis seems only dimly aware of the concept of a horse camp, and he is staunchly incurious by nature—but a compassionate one.
Cadi accepts the explanation readily enough. “Alright. Is Aemond your boyfriend yet?”
“Um.” You thread the horse’s forelock through your fingers to buy yourself time. It seems unwise to try to deceive her again; Cadi will learn about Christabel sooner or later. “No, we’re still just friends.” You pause. She watches you, knowing there’s more. “Actually, he’s getting married this month.”
“What?!” Cadi is shocked, but she’s outraged too. “To who?!”
“To a nice lady named Christabel. And I’m sure they’ll be very happy together.” Another lie. And you think for the first time: If I settle for being Aemond’s mistress, if I let it tear me to pieces…what am I teaching Cadi?
Your daughter doesn’t say anything for a long time. She pets Patches’ speckled face, her own expression tense and thoughtful, lines and worries that should be far beyond her age. At last she says quietly: “Is it because of me?”
You are mystified. “What, honey?”
“Is the reason why you and Aemond can’t get married because of me?”
There is a flash of crimson wrath in your skull—protective, animalistic, wronged on her behalf—but no one to direct it at. “No. No, absolutely not. Why would you say that?”
Cadi shrugs, and you recognize it as her self-preservation, faux-flippant shrug. “I don’t know. One time I heard Michelle’s mom talking about how no decent man wants to deal with some other guy’s kids. And that’s me when I’m at your house. Another guy’s kid.”
Oh, fuck you, Janet. “No,” you say again. “Aemond likes you a lot, Cadi. He cares about you.” He picked out a house that could accommodate a horse for you. “You’re the opposite of a problem. He actually likes me more because of you, I think.”
“Okay.” And she’s relieved, although she’s trying not to show it. “Then why is he marrying someone else?”
“Well…it’s complicated.”
“Complicated how?”
Where the hell do I start? “Aemond and I are very different people,” you tell Cadi. “And we want different things out of life. We like to spend time together, but that doesn’t mean that we’d be able to share our whole lives…homes, careers, values, everything. His family has a lot of expectations of him that I don’t feel right supporting, but Aemond wants to respect their rules. And, you know. He’s a robber baron.”
“But he doesn’t talk about Jade Dragon Energy or oil around me. He talks about history.”
You sigh, watching dust motes swirl through the hot, sunlit stable air, listening to horses nicker and huff. “I know, honey.”
“I don’t even think he wants to be a robber baron. I think he wants to be something else.”
“Like what?” you ask, picking stray bits of yellow straw out of her short, disheveled hair. And remarkably, Cadi tolerates this.
“I don’t know, just…just…” She battles with the words, then finds one she likes. “Free, I guess. Just free.”
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