#or like...
greypetrel · 2 months
Hiiii, this is for the dragon age questions and for your darling Aisling
04. What is their moral alignment?
06. Which aspects of the culture they were born into holds the most significance for them?
12. How efficient are they with things like crafting potions or repairing their own armor?
06. How did they behave at the Winter Palace? Who did they support in the political scheming?
12. Did they respect the rituals in Mythal’s Temple? Who drank from the Well of Sorrows, Morrigan or your Inquisitor?
13. What do they think of Flemeth? If they drank from the Well, how do they feel about being now beholden to her as Mythal?
Hello! Thank you so much for asking Kat! :D
There's a cut because you made me speak about my two favourite missions (with all its flaws, but I write fanfictions to fill gaps in a story, and the Arbor Wilds is the perfect match of a map I love, lore, fun banter -Solas and Morrigan should co-host a talk show where the guest inevitably tries to stop them from turn the other into a toad... and my brain is on fire.)
Tis the Prompt List
04. What is their moral alignment?
Neutral Good.
06. Which aspects of the culture they were born into holds the most significance for them?
The sense of community. Acting like you're part of a group, your actions aren't really just yours, but can influence everyone else. The sense that you can survive only together, and everyone has a part to play, no matter how small.
12. How efficient are they with things like crafting potions or repairing their own armor?
Potions: she's pretty good. Her Keeper was a very skilled herbalist and she learnt well from her. She's not exceptional or a talent, and it doesn't come naturally to her, but she studied enough to be highly proficient. Repairing armour: She can keep her armour in good conditions from fighting. As a Storm Witch, she doesn't wear much metal in her gear (too conductive, and she uses armours in enemies enough to know exactly what happens if she makes a mistake). She knows how to to maintenance, but for bigger repairs she definitely needs help.
06. How did they behave at the Winter Palace? Who did they support in the political scheming?
Contrary to most people's belief, seeing her wearing her heart on her sleeve, she behaved very well. After long, LONG weeks of Josephine training her for the task. With the super-power of the people-pleaser, she won Belle of the Ball. On the support... With the Well of Sorrow, it's the one choice that keeps haunting her in the future. She couldn't bring herself to trust Gaspard to stay put and let Briala tell him what to do without any retortion. In her opinion, if the man launched his country in a civil war out of ambition, he isn't one to be trusted with a throne, and he isn't one to be trusted not to try and gain some more power for himself. She hated it to guts, but she supported Celene, believing that out of love, she'd be a little less prone to assassinate Briala than De Chalons. Kept every single scrap of paper she found in her studio as a safeguard and is ready to take everything out and blackmail the Empress should the need occur. Yes even after she disbanded the Inquisition, Leliana is instructed to call her immediately if Celene looks at another Alienage for more than 10 seconds.
She is still not sure it was the right decision, even if she really despises Gaspard too.
12. Did they respect the rituals in Mythal’s Temple? Who drank from the Well of Sorrows, Morrigan or your Inquisitor?
Respected every single ritual, defined the floor puzzles as "quirky but fun", quarreled with Cassandra and almost broke her friendship with her over it.
Another decision that haunts her even after: she let Morrigan drink, thinking she was readier than her to face the consequences (after being assured thrice that Kieran would have been taken care of by a trusted person should something bad happen). For her, it would have been a jump in the dark with risks she hadn't considered before, and respected Morrigan enough to trust her with it. Add the fact that Solas was a little too much involved in that choice... Which never happened before. She took it as an alarm bell and trusted him thinking that at least Morrigan was prepared to face risks, knew some of them... She didn't. If hurt and it felt bitter that she didn't, but she stepped back. Kept her sister back too. Continues with motivations in the next question.
13. What do they think of Flemeth? If they drank from the Well, how do they feel about being now beholden to her as Mythal?
Terrible mother, struggles to connect Flemeth to the Mythal she's been taught about. It was the first crack in her faith. It kept up for 2 years thinking that she did it for the greater good and was thinking on the long run... And then well, Trespasser happened, and it's part of the reason why she took it so bad. If she had actually drank from the Well, she'd hate being beholden by her. But like, hate to the point of asking Solas to fix that and leave the Anchor, leave her to die instead. She feels horribly guilty about having left the Well to Morrigan. If she could turn back time again, this is the one choice she'd change in a heartbeat. If she knew from the start, she would have pushed Morrigan away from the Well and jumped in herself, Pocahontas-style to spare her being beholden by her.
But I played that mission without knowing so go Aisling you can have one horror more.
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grandmarielaylanen · 5 months
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whats happening, whys it trending
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neet-elite · 3 months
Ever since Tempted I keep thinking about Sebastian sweetly and gently teaching virgin!reader how to ride, how to make him 🥜, how to dirty talk(having them describe how nice it feels and praising them for being so open) and then rewarding them by having them speaking in tongues by the end of the night.
i am honestly terrified of my tempted fic LMAO like... it's by far my most beloved, and i've tried to learn just what it is about it that people go insane over, and i simply cannot replicate it no matter how hard i try. you know the feeling? where something is so beloved that it scares you a little?
i would love to explore the setting and characters some more, but im too afraid i'd fuck it up and so i end up doing nothing at all lmao. like, i'll never be able to replicate how tempted has made readers feel, so there's no point in embarrassing myself.
your thoughts are so nice though, and the version of sebastian in tempted would be such a dirty little bastard about teaching the reader. such a mean mean man who knows exactly what he's doing, but neglects to clue the reader in. flawed men are so sexy, especially when they know how bad they're being and yet cannot stop their umpilses.
i just don't think i can live up to that version of sebastian ever again LOL.
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captainadwen · 2 years
have deliberated about it w honkai friend, and we concluded that everyone is wrong about which mhy game tower of fantasy is ripping off. it’s not genshin, it’s honkai impact
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imaginarybird · 9 months
I love writing fic, but I also love reading fic, and I also enjoy spending time on tumblr and for some reason (we live in a capitalist hellscape) I have to work and for some other reason (I'm a human and my body is comprised of bullshit weaknesses????) I have to sleep and what it basically boils down to is there are not enough hours in the day and somebody should do something about this.
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phantomskeep · 1 year
I'm currently stuck between like four (technically six????) of the weirdest fandoms ever. On one hand, you have Danny Phantom and the DC/Batman which has also melted into the beautiful DPxDC mishmash fandom. On the other, there's Warrior Cats and The Legend of Zelda - which ALSO has the Linked Universe attached to it.
My dash has never been so confusing to scroll through.
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the-rat-plays-games · 2 years
the way i’ve got the leadership calculator going right now is essentially
[ wolf’s total stats] / [total amount of stats involved] = [percentage chance one] [ wolf’s strength] / [total strength] = percentage chance two [ wolf’s wisdom] / [ total wisdom] = percentage chance three [ wolf’s agility] / [total agility] = percentage four with adjustments made to the final numbers depending on the plus/minus of the individual wolf, then i do some quick random number rolls for each contestant. after that, then the wolf who won the most individual rounds becomes the overall winner. i’ve decided to utilize my addition/subtractions differently. points will still be added to the scores as i discussed in my previous post -- with Hazeet’ohija getting a +10 and Johgwohi getting +10 with an additional +2 to the strength/overall scores. however, instead of a minus ten from Seh:ax’s scores, each of her opponents will get an additional +5 to the category most tied to their job. So, Hazeet’ohija’s total adjustments will be
+10 overall, +15 for the wisdom contest and Johgwohi’s will be +10 overall, +17 for the strength contest i feel like it works better thematically, too. instead of the removal of trust and interest, it reflects her lack of experience in these relative fields.
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chicagoeggwhisperer · 4 months
If King Charles dies on or before March 25th, 2024, he will technically be the shortest-reigning king in English history.
Anyway, like to charge, reblog to cast.
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koobiie · 30 days
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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officialspec · 8 months
walkable cities also means sittable cities send tweet
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stuckinapril · 7 months
“you should be at the club” Brother I should literally be sent to the seaside for my health
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camping-with-monsters · 2 months
For those of you who weren’t able to get 100% of the total solar eclipse today… I gotchu <3
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neet-elite · 3 months
covid got me making 6 cigarettes in 10 minute intervals because the brain fog made me forget about the last one i rolled and the body aches convince me to wait just 5 more minutes before getting up to smoke.
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tothechaos · 5 months
this is what every tiktok screenshot looks like to me
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x0401x · 2 months
So I just saw a post by a random personal blog that said “don’t follow me if we never even had a conversation before” and?????? Not to be rude but literally what the fuck??????????
I’ve had people (non-pornbots) try to strike conversation out of nowhere in my DMs recently, and now I’m wondering if they were doing that because they wanted to follow me and thought they needed to interact first. I feel compelled to say, just in case, that it’s totally okay to follow this blog (or my side blog, for that matter) even if we’ve never talked before.
Also, I’m legit confused. Is this how follow culture works right now? It was worded like it’s common sense but is that really a thing?
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malwarechips · 2 months
yknow i never noticed the sheer rareness of images having ids or alt text on this website until i started adding alt text to my art (and trying to remember to add it to any images i post in general, especially text screenshots) and that makes me kinda sad
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