#or maybe its just bc they're soulmates <3
the-moon-files · 10 months
Linked Universe - Masc!Reader Soulmate Quick Headcanons <3
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(^^ this is so cute i gotta find the anime its from)
Sun: Male/Masc Reader (he/him), Guide Reader :)
Stars: Wild (Breath of the Wild Link)
Planet: Headcanons/scenarios, kinda long sorry
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: Link possibly feeling comphet (compulsory heteronormative), the general angst of being the best friend love interest (ends well dw), Links missing you/being sad about it
& Trigger Warnings: Link crying. (Please comment if otherwise.)
Wild (BOTW Link)
Ok so we know he was stuck before the calamity following Zelda around
And while in game it seems like he's perfectly accepting of his role as her knight
And maybe could love her or grow to love her
I feel like after the Calamity, and after he meets you, its not possible anymore
It kinda feels like that same way ppl come to realize theyre lesbians??
Like he could've been straight and happy or content (not really, not fully, but in that way that gay women settle for staying with a man, he'd stay with Zelda maybe)
She used to be all he had left really, so maybe out of obligation he'd have stayed, but then he lost his memories.
And what was once a daily duty now became a woman he barely knew halfway across the kingdom, (who creepily randomly telepathically invaded his mind,,)
Link doesn't really realize how he feels until after traveling with you around the entirety of Hyrule, camping, fighting, cooking, eating etc. together, after becoming best friends with you,
Its like how a lesbian realizes they're lesbian bc they could never imagine themselves actually dating/married to a man, at least relying on him for the long term,
Then that sentiment comes in like "i just wish i could stay with my best (non-man) friend forever" kinda way
Like he definitely had the thought "this is so much easier, i wish we could be together forever" <3
So while "dating" you didn't necessarily occur to Link at first bc of heteronormative mindset/general mission of the Calamity Ganons
He quickly breaks out of that a couple months into the journey
Zelda at first may have been the quintessential "princess needing saving" but you were the "best friend love interest all along" type of energy you know?
So when at the end of you guys' journey, you feel the tug to leave, because the adventure's over.. you fully expect to see Zelda running into his arms or something, and turn away
You may be able to accept he loves women (tho how he looked at you and how comfortable he was touching you had you thinking possibly, maybe, hopefully otherwise)
But that doesn't mean you're going to sit here and watch it happen
(You know the games, the Legend of Zelda, this is how it always ends)
Instead, you feel lean but strong arms clamp around your torso
You're lifted up (even if you complain about how heavy you are, and he must be tired)
But Link is just smiling, and spins you around, Zelda is slack jawed in the background and then giggles??
Well, that's sweet, at least he remembered you were here instead of getting absorbed in her
Link practically whips you around, turning you in his arms
You stumble but he's too strong to let you falter in this position
He crushes you to his chest, a whispered "thank you" in your right ear, his breath is warm and ticklish
You awkwardly pat his back, "yeah, of course buddy, glad she's okay, and you're alright, you should get some rest. Oh, and you can have whatever I've got left in my iventory, since I won't be needing it anymore... you know I've gotta go soon."
You feel more see Link jump in shock, he grasps your shoulders (you didn't realize how hot his hands were until they were gone from your back)
You're worried he forgot about the whole "only here for adventures" Guide thing until painful understanding shows in his blue eyes
He immediately looks like the wind got knocked out of him
"Sorry Link, I wish I could stay to rebuild or explore Hyrule with you... but it's not my choice anymore."
You look apologetic but at least you know he won't be alone, that was your entire reason for being a Guide in the first place
But as you begin to fade (which, wow, Hylia really can't spare having you stick around for longer than a few minutes or seconds after Ganon's defeat??)
Link looks, panicked?
Like he's watching the Calamity happen all over again, but unlike in the game, he actually looks overwhelmed and freaked
His calloused hands attempt to grab you in various places, your arms, your waist, your shoulders, hands, just anything he can hold onto
But nothing works and you give him a sad smile, wishing him good luck with Zelda and the kingdom
And a reminder not to push himself too hard, bc you wont be there to stop him anymore
It's only just as the last of your vision fades (like a movie fading to black at the edges and closing in)
That you see him start to cry.
The first few months without you were hard, you had practically been the one constant in his life, afterall he couldn't remember much else so consistent before you
Sure, he had flickers of old memories, old friends, even of Zelda,
But they were special ones, specific moments, not having a routine every evening for who cooks dinner and who does dishes
No memory of someone helping him figure out how to dress himself, or how to shield surf down the best slopes
You were home, the very wilds he's grown to love and adore during his adventure, his house in Hateno was more like a inn he didn't pay for, rather than the warm fire you were sitting beside, lifting a blanket corner so he could curl up beside you
Zelda had understood, thankfully
She'd expected he would be different, memory loss can affect someone like that
But she'd said he seemed, better, lighter
Lighter than he ever was as a knight, even at the happiest she'd seen him
He'd helped some with the castle at first, but seeing how depressed he was, esp after she got other workers or Hylians to help, Zelda had sent him off
Under the flimsy excuse to go officially inform the rest of the kingdoms that she'd been freed and Ganon defeated
Link had unconciously returned to your favorite spots around Hyrule, and it had hurt in a different way to be around stables and have people ask where you were (you were more talkative than he was)
He'd started to avoid civilization unless absolutely necessary for supply runs, and he preferred to do so in disguise late at night..
So when Link's summoned on an adventure yet again to fight a threat so devastating it needs the previous incarnations of him...
He's actually looking forward to it.
Don't get him wrong, he wishes this weren't necessary to defeat the shadow, and he doesn't want anyone to get hurt, but if this is an adventure...
It means he might be able to see you again.
And he's willing to take on Ganon all over again, spend months at a time fighting and mowing down monsters, if it means you're allowed to be by his side once more
(He had tried praying to Hylia, which he didn't do much pre or post calamity usually, but for you he made an exception, and the blonde found that this was the one prayer that he could feel no divine eye turned on him for...? Her presence was practically gone when he prayed for you back)
But at least now, he realizes, he was right.
Thank goodness (not Hylia?) , he was right
Because Link could feel you,
As he'd learned towards the end of his journey, there was an innate 6th sense he had for feeling your presence, the closer you were, the more precise it was, even down to which way you were turned (all without him looking at you)
(He had ignored the strangely giddy feeling that bubbled up in his chest when Impa learned of this trick, and began to tell him, for the first time since his memories about it were gone, about soulmates)
Like familiar paths in Hyrule, he knew where a safe place to sleep was waiting,
You were waiting.
All he had to do was step through the portal, find his fellow heroes, and he knew, you would be there.
This accidentally posted 💀🥲
Welp, i was about ready to post it anyway, hope someone got a kick outta this,
Im slowly gonna add all the Links btw lol
Thanks for reading, hope u enjoyed! :)
Peace Out,
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sugar-omi · 6 months
been thinking about mc and cove who broke up after step 3 (prolly bc mc moved out of state) and they're finally meeting back up in person during step4 and its like "holy shit i still like you"
you're making my heart ACHE. but i do have a response for you now even if it's a bit lame LOL
yknow how in step 4, where if you play through step 1-3 on indifferent or fond, and switch to crush at step 4 and cove breaks down n confesses to you on your way back to your moms house from the beach
or even if you confess/kiss him in the car!
but he says something like, you used to just be a neighbor or his best friend and suddenly those feelings changed and he didn't know what to do...
I think he'd feel the same now.
he's loved you so deeply most his life, it kills him when you decide to break up because you're moving out of state and can't see the relationship holding up.
kills him even more if you're dating or mention someone asking you out during those 5 years between step 3 n 4.
he couldn't just stop loving you, and even so. there's not really anyone else for him. you're his soulmate. or well.. was.
and even if you and cove have minimal contact during those 5 years, I think he's still just as obsessed with you as the day you left. his feelings are the same as before you broke up with him, under the wound of his broken heart that is
when he sees you again, he feels that same feeling from when he saw you on poppy hill for the first time. feels like his world is changing again, like some storm is going to swoop him up and take him away.
you've always had that power over him. you keep, kept.. his mind and heart racing, itching for every new day ahead of him if it meant you would be at the end of it.
doesn't matter if you're shy or not adventurous, you just gave him such a zest for life, and you made the days seem brighter. happier. you made him happy
can't help but be a bit of a fumbling fool when he sees you again. awkwardly says hi, stumbling over words and trying to make eye contact but somehow you've gotten more attractive. which.. makes sense, you're not teens anymore, puberty and growth spurts are over. but fuck did his chest always feel like this?
if you've gotten more confident, no matter how much or how little, he's in awe of you. and when you talk about what you've been up to, he's so proud of you and happy for you. tries to ignore the aches in his chest, wishing he was there with you during all this.
of course, before I forget, cove isn't just a lovesick fool. really. he's bitter about the breakup, because it's just a state.. and he'd be so happy to follow you, just not right now. maybe in a year, or less, no more than 2! so why couldn't you have tried it out, and if you crashed and burned then fine, but at least you did it.
and the negative part of him, that you saw at the end of step 3, tells him he knew it wouldn't last. that the second one or both of you stepped away from this town, your relationship would unravel.
always tries to ignore it. and when he's more reasonable, and he's brave enough to think so, he thinks that it was good you two broke up because you might not be where you are. again, the negative part tells him you could've done all that with him by your side, and vice versa.
he'd be really awkward for awhile. I think it'd take another year or two for him to open up to the idea of dating you again.
you changed. he changed. you're not stumbling teens, finding you way through the new world of adulthood and figuring out who you are. you're 25 and older, you've done a lot of growing in that time in many ways.
there's new things about you he likes, and old things he still likes. but of course there's still old things he doesn't like, maybe even new things he doesn't like about you.
not that your new/old habits are enough to repulse him, everyone has their quirks and such. he's sure you've found the same in him.
and then your lifestyle... if you're to date again, you two have to find your way to fit into each other's lifestyles.
you've developed new hobbies, started jobs that take more or less attention and effort, you have animals, etc.
your lives have been built around yourselves. will he still fit into yours?
when you finally do confess, or he to you, he still says stuff similar to the base game, like I mentioned.
he was so upset when you broke up with him, and he admits he was bitter at times, that he couldn't help but think that why couldn't you just do all that stuff as his partner still, and waited for him to follow you. that, what was so important you had to be single?
but then he thinks about himself, your reasoning, and he understands that maybe it was the best for him. or what you thought was the best anyway. and that, maybe he wouldn't be on certain spots if it wasn't for how things went.
but he still wishes he had spent all these years as your boyfriend still, that he never had to wake up and see the other side of his bed empty.
never had to see your last text was days. months.. maybe even years ago.
but goes on about how when he saw you again, he couldn't help but love you just like before. maybe even more than back then. that he admires who you are now, and finds so much love and admiration in adult you's new traits and hobbies and such.
if you wait for him to confess, he'd go on to say that he understands if you're not attracted to him anymore, he just has to tell you.
I think if you broke up with him, especially in step 3, cove would end up cold. becomes a bit like his step 1 self, just.. well with the angst but with the ability to deal with it.
he thinks he's become even lamer than when he was younger, even if he was reserved (cold) back then too. but the breakup really just refines him earlier, than if you waited another 15-20 years.
I suppose you could say, that if you went the breakup route, he's be smart and 'cold'
is very happy that you wanna try again. treats it like you've never dated before, which technically, you haven't. he may of learned your new quirks and habits as an adult, but he hasn't learned if you've changed as a partner, and the same is for him
tries to communicate with you if any problems arise, because even if he's more mature, he's still desperately, hopelessly in love with you and would hate to fail twice.
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cosmic-d1ce · 1 year
Minecraft-Sinfonia & SBI family qsmp headcanons bc mmm they <3
* Chayanne is one of tue shortest eggs, second only to Tallulah
* Phil is also really small, he's like 5'4" and is very thin, which is why its very surprisingly to see him fight
* Missa is big and defenseless, most people assume hes the one they should be wary of
* Missa was very happy about marrying Phil, Phil was not so happy about it ⇩
* Kristin isn't canon, when Phil talks about her, he's talking about his hardcore world, which is one of his past lives he remembers. They're soulmates but Kristin doesn't exist here so he just has vague memories of the love of his life and can't get to her
* Missa is away most of the time because he's the son of La Catrina and technically isnt a human. He isn't just away from home, he leaves that reality
* Phil doesn't sleep like ever, when he does its when Chayanne tricks him into taking his bed so Chayanne can have the big one. Or when Missa physically forces him into bed and he immediately falls asleep ⇩
* Anytime Phil does sleep, he has nightmares about Chayanne and Missa being in danger, which is why he sleeps very close to Chayanne
* They're all very very paranoid all the time
* Missa is the most reasonable one but is often very impulsive so it doesn't show often but when he has a moment to think he is the most logical of the three (Phil and Chayanne jump to violence and war crimes, Missa goes "mmm maybe rethink that sweethearts")
* Phil is autistic and avocado toast is his safe food, his family has to deal with the consequences /j
* Chayanne is very protective of his family and friends because he thinks of himself of the pack leader and the strongest of the eggs
* He also adores Tallulah and after Tilín died, he is way more protective of his neice than anyone else, he won't fail again
* Phil and Chayanne's paragliders are actually mechanical wings. They can't fly but gliding is close enough
* Chayanne and Tallulah are the same age, just like all the eggs, but Chayanne appears much older (like Tallulah looks 2-3 and Chayanne looks 10-11)
* Chayanne has dreams about Techno a lot and pretends he doesn't notice Phil tearing up when he tells him
* Phil really isnt that old, he seems it because of his past lives and Wilbur isnt biologically his kid, Wilbur was adopted. Theres only ~15 years between them so Wilbur was like 12 and Phil was 27
* Currently Wil is 24 and Phil is going on 40
* Comparatively, Missa is going on 90 as he's immortal and doesnt age physically
* Chayanne is a water dragon and he loves ducks
* The dream Chayanne had about the crows saving his was actually chat
* Everyone's chats are like conscious omnipresent entities and not everyone can hear them but Phil and Wilbur have a very strong connection to theirs, as did Techno
* Sbi family dynamic real (+Chayanne and no Tommy(the way it should be/hj))
* Techno was actually Phil's brother not his son, i physically cannot see them as father and son its not right
* Techno used to terror Wilbur and Wilbur now does the same to Chayanne, they love eachother
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beangusu · 1 year
Please please please share your reinako fic recommendations! I absolutely adore all your art of them 💗
THANK U SO MUCH <3 AND OMG I HAVE SO MANY... u have unlocked my reinako fic floodgates but i will try to be normal and keep it to like 5-10 recs
just a warning, two of these have nsfw in them (In The Corner of Her Mind and Heartfelt Obligation) but are skippable!
In The Corner of Her Mind - this ones an oldie but i read it time and time again bc it breaks my heart in the BEST way possible especially since its set in the PGSM universe :'D if u want an amnesia reinako au fic, this one ticks all the boxes Point Not Taken - also a really old fic, but oh my god Victoria G's fics make me kick my feet and giggle and knowing they were a co-writer for the Carmilla web-series just makes so much sense bc i was obsessed with hollstein..... pls read their reinako fics they make me wanna throw up (affectionate) Through the Fire (Through Whatever, Come What May) - this one's not finished yet but the way the author writes the reinako dynamic is SO THEMMMM 🥰🥰 i adore when people write the reinako dynamic just right and this fic hits that spot for me red on my tongue (the red of your tongue) - i am so obsessed with fics that are abt present reinako finding out abt love affairs between silver millennium mars & venus which either cue their realization moment or push them to confess :3 this one has to be my fav out of all of YNK’s reinako fics, it made me tear up so bad at some parts like they are so Soulmates it makes me insane. pls read all of YNK's reinako fics after this i promise u wont regret it Heartfelt Obligation - ofc i had to link the mandatory princess/bodyguard au set in the silver millennium where they dislike each other at first but then slowly start catching feelings :33 it's incomplete but i love the silly banter and how they warm up to each other in this fic, its so cute 🥺 i like the burning sun (because i'm running with you) - small oneshot thats also so cute where they're just normal teens with crushes on each other,,, minako is so whipped for rei and rei is so stupid god bless
She's the tear in my heart, I'm on fire - the gay yearning in this one is so UNBELIEVEABLY off the charts it's so sweet and fills that slice of life highschool trope hole if u like that!! minako does get stoned in this one, not during the whole fic, but i figured i would warn anyways in case that makes anyone uncomfy Past Loves And Current Problems - ending this with this cute fic of minako finding out about greek mythology regarding mars and venus being lovers teehee ^_^ this fic also talks about ace's "curse" on venus from the codename sailor v manga AND I LOVE THAT i wish more fics talked abt that.... i have so so so many more i want to talk about and show everyone but i feel bad for this wall of text so i will leave that for a pt2/pt3 in the future mayb... i am filled with reinako brainrot and its never going away im so sorry u guys 💔
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strawbubbysugar · 1 year
1. What would Monty's reaction be to Stink? Y'know, once the big guy is fixed and not acting like a sewer rat. Will he help take care of him?
2. Are we going to get a oneshot of Morgan and Monty interacting in any way? Maybe Morgan seeing Monty be slowly repaired with every visit and even helping when they can, or after he's fixed and they go home together where they talk things out and have a heart-to-heart conversation? I like to imagine ""The Big Talk"" happens on the way back home in Morgan's dinked up truck after a few minutes or even hours of painfully awkward silence and a bit of strained small talk, but seeing Monty's reaction to Morgan's home and us even getting to know what it looks like would be nice, too! I think seeing the home or living evironment of a character helps me understand them better, plus it's just interesting.
3. A bit of a continuation of my previous question- what does Monty think about Y/ngineer not being his soulmate? Will he ever find out what Morgan did to Y/ngineer? If so, how will he react to it? I can't remember if he even knows they're soulmates with Sun/Moon/Eclipse, so how will he feel if he saw them being affectionate, whether he knows or not? Is he over Y/ngineer and ready to move on with Morgan? On the other hand, what does Morgan think of Monty being their soulmate, Monty in general, and about having an animatronic for a soulmate? I can't remember if this was ever discussed, I apologize if so.
4. Will we get an update on how both Roxy and Chica are doing on the farm that's set a couple of months or so in the future, after everyone is repaired and the dust has settled? Will we get a little fluffy look into their daily life, relationship and how they both react to farm work? Or rather some hurt/comfort when the sky is depressingly dark, the house is dead quiet and the memories and phantom pains won't stop? I miss my girls. 😢
5. Could you share some thoughts you have for a potential oneshot with Cassie and Roxy? Maybe a bit of hurt/comfort with Cassie visiting and comforting Roxy after, y'know, everything, or seeing her when she'll all fixed up? Will Cassie get to meet Chica? (I'm assuming Cassie has a mother that's still around so would that make Chica her 3rd mother? 🤔)
6. How is Maddie? I think we had brief mentions of her near the end but I hope she's doing well and spending enough time with her dads! Juggling repairing 5 animatronics, taking care of a baby, and planning for the future must be overwhelming for Matt, even with Y/ngineer, Eclipse and his parents there to help him. :( Will we see Y/ngineer or/and Eclipse play with little Maddie? That would be so so cute! I suspect the boys didn't see a lot of infants in the daycare. 🥺 Speaking of... how did Maddie react to the long trip to Twin Falls? She's is an angel but I assume she didn't take the move too well.
I honestly think he'd be scared of him at first. like not over the top screeching but he'd refuse to hold him, and he'd freeze when hes put on him. eventually hed have a begrudging respect for stink bc stink likes to bite
Oooh that really puts me in the mood to write about them! Maybe Ill do a oneshot tonight for morgan & monty :)
He isnt stoked about the fact that they arent soulmates, he was starting to feel pretty sure that they were. but he isnt distraught over it - its more of a workplace crush than a real true "i need you" crush. He'd be pissed that morgan did what they did to them, but at the same time, hes done some pretty bad shit to people he cares about too - its another thing they can relate about. he sees morgan trying to be a better person and respects that. If monty were a human man he would 100% be morgan's type down to a t. however, they arent the monster fucker robot lover the y/ngineer is, so it takes more time for them to get used to the idea of a giant crocodile machine being their soulmate. it gets easier they longer theyre together, and the more they get to know each other!
I might write a oneshot for it possibly, along with cassie coming for a visit!! :) it'd be touched upon in the sequel if I ever write it!
tbh I have less ideas for these guys than I do other characters (mostly bc roxy is a mother NO DRAMA and no drama means less story hddsf) but I could see myself writing a oneshot where cassie comes and sleeps over with her dad's permission!
Maddie is doing wonderfully! She's a little angel and her grandparents are watching her while Matt and the gang make the move to the new home! Matt will drive back and pick her up once theyre settled in, so it isnt too much for her. Once shes there and all settled in, Eclipse ends up watching her most of the time while matt and y/ngineer run the shop. After someone sees him doing so well with their kids at the playground while babysitting maddie, they ask him if he runs a daycare, and he decides that YES, he does! Which is how Clear Skies Daycare starts! :)
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i sent this to stick and she said i should post it so have stargate characters based on how strongly i headcanon them as on the asexual spectrum (atlantis edition)
john : 100% certain hes aro, about 80% certain hes ace. hes some flavour of queer and one simply does not make Those Faces when they're being flirted with if theyre allo
rodney : demi!rodney has a hold on my brain especially demigay like boi needs step-by-step instructions for rom relationships (cough unless its with john cough cough) that's not allo behavior
teyla : im not sure if shes aspec or not. she might just be a little too chill. idk.
ronan : melena was his moon and stars hes definitely not aro (not that aros cant have those relationships but it was definitely romantic)
aiden : not aspec but too emotionally immature for a relationship. girls still have cooties to him.
carson : i dont think hes aspec i think hes just picky. like theres demi and then theres Just Picky and he definitely falls into the latter category. the man fell for perna in 3 days and then mourned her like a soulmate (imo they were but ✨️shock value deaths✨️)
elizabeth : not aspec just loyal (to a douche like i get that she told simon to move on bc she wasnt sure if she was coming back, thats not what i fault him for. he shouldve TOLD HER THE SECOND SHE SHOWED UP instead of letting her act and think that they were still together until the last possible moment)
radek : definitely aro. boi raised pigeons.
chuck : not aspec maybe bisexual??? (more like bi himself 🥲)
lorne : definitely not aspec. whoever he dates he will treat them RIGHT
caldwell : too in love with elizabeth to be aro
ellis : not aspec but who would want him
cadman : too slutty to be aspec (affectionate)
keller : not aspec but her I Can Fix Him gene is too strong. babe hes a man not a renovation project either accept his neurodivergence or dump his ass
grodin : idk could go either way. i don't think hes upset about being single but i dont think hed say no to a date
woolsey : romantically a wet cat of a man. the most upsetting part of his divorce was that his ex took the yorkie and that speaks volumes. not sure what its saying but its Loud
just a disclaimer these are just my opinions but if you disagree with me keep it to yourself lol you wont change my mind 😜
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soulmatebracket · 1 year
Soulmate Bracket: Preliminary Round! [Side B]
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Provided reasoning under cut:
Sailor Moon & Tuxedo Mask:
They dated in the silver millennium, then were reincarnated on earth in the 20th century and found each other and dated once again. 
Aight so like ten thousand years ago there was a kingdom on the moon and the Princess of the Moon Princess Serenity fell in love with the Prince of the Earth, Prince Endymion. But when the forces of darkness lead by a former palace maid turned vessel of evil (bc she also wanted Endymion but thats neither here nor there) turned the people of the Earth against the Moon Endymion braved enemy territory to warn the people of the moon and while the Moon fell and Serenity and Endymion were killed they were sent to reincarnate on Earth and become Usagi and Mamoru respectively. They have a superhero romance as Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask, and get together relatively early and then just.. stay together. it's great they're great. they're both total nerds and its adorable. They even have an arc in one version of the anime where they question if they're just together because of their past lives and do they actually love each other FOR each other and all that and it's really interesting and makes their relationship feel even more believable when they come back together in the end bc they're not just following a predetermined path. and it's great. and in the manga there's a line that directly says 'even if we're reborn and we don't look or act the same we'll find each other. and then we'll fall in love again' if anyone deserves to take the crown in this bracket it's the nerds
in love for two lifetimes so far! also they'll canonically be reincarnated over and over so their future looks pretty good
Iconic couple. (SPOILERS) Were previously Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion in their past lives, people from completely separate lives (The Moon and Earth), but both die tragically. They reincarnate into modern day Earth, and slowly fall for each other again, unaware of their pasts. Battle couple <3. I was so emotionally invested in their story as a kid, maybe its just the nostalgia but they also do become immortal and have a kid together and rule over their new kingdom in an age of peace so do with that what you will
Inner Senshi:
I think this works really well as both platonic and/or romantic. They were all very close friends (some could be interpreted as romantic) in their past lives and then after they were reincarnated (thousands or years later) they all find each other again, and will find each other over and over again.
listen. usamamo is the big reincarnation romance ship in Sailor Moon and it's SO valid. but also just as valid is Usagi and all of her friends, some of whom she is gay for bc she is the Bi Icon of This and Every Time. They reincarnate to find their princess.
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ichorai · 8 months
Im watching succession rn and reading hell yeah simultaneously and YOOOOO the way its my lifeline rn, like fr fr. Its so so good!! Im currently in the third season and after i finish an episode i come back to tumblr to read the part of hell yeah from the ep 😭💕 i do have to confess that i mayyy or may not have read beyond the ep im currently in BUT idc bc it was so worth it !! Kept wondering as well, while i was reading, what wouldve happened if roman chose to fire the reader instead of “breaking up”?? How do you think the reader would have reacted?? I couldnt stop thinking if that possibility bc i love angst lmfao
ANYWAY !! Thank you so much for sharing the story with us!! Its absolutely amazing and your writing is so so good <3
omg thanks so much for reading dude :( makes me so happy that you guys are enjoying the series !!
as for an au where roman fires reader, she'd definitely not take him seriously at first. maybe laugh and tell roman to stop joking around but then does a double take when she realizes he's being forreal </3 roman also tries to alleviate the guilt he feels by repeatedly saying it was logan's decision, not his (don't blame the messenger and whatnot) but reader would be v hurt nonetheless. he'd start spouting out bs like, "i'm doing you a fucking favor, it's for the best, i'm putting the company's interests first, etc." from then, reader would grow furious and tells roman that if he fires her then whatever it was that they had between them would be over. roman, being roman, tells her they never stood a chance in the first place (he doesn't actually believe this, he's just swept up in the argument).
everyone's surprised / shocked when they hear she's been sacked, as she's so close to the family without acc being on the board and also has such a vital role keeping the company afloat. waystar itself would have a terrible adjusting period bcs they really underestimated just how much reader did for them (esp the small things that accumulated in her absence).
she leaves the company upset and bitter at first, but eventually realizes that she can finally live her own life and do what she wants to do without the constraints of the company / the roy family / her own absent parents. reporters are still constantly swarming her, asking her what happened, why she got fired, if she has any plans on going back, etc.
as for her relationship with roman, i can see them reconciliating eventually after a month or two because roman misses her like air and he fucking hates being in his dog cage the company without her there. would spam text her a million times one random day until she finally responds and would demand that she come to a fancy restaurant (he'll pay ofc, he's assumed she's gone totally broke now that she's not working w him), and they meet again and things just fall into place with the two of them :( reader is still pretty angry and hasn't forgiven roman yet, but she's missed him a lot too and couldn't ever permanently estrange herself from roman. as for the other siblings, reader wouldn't really keep in contact with shiv and kendall without roman in the equation, but she still gets check-up texts from connor, which she would briefly but fondly respond to </3
in this au, reader & roman wouldn't romantically get together probably until after the events of season four. they're terribly tragic soulmates in every universe i'm afraid !!
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hii, could i rq a matchup with anyone from obey me, twst or kamisama kiss? ☆⌒ヽ(*'、^*)
im a bi girl, 5'3, intp-t 4w5 + aquarius, id say im some kind of ambiverted like 60% awkward-reserved-anti-social introvert and 40% chaotic, rambly, all over the place, once i start i dont stop extrovert?? depends on my mood i think (˘∀˘) for some random traits i'm erratic, eccentric, conscientious, creative, empathetic, unserious, sarcastic, not a team player and definitely come across as strange to literally anyone not used to me
hmmmm some hobbies i have are baking, writing, editing and arts + crafts (drawing, painting, making my own random stuff like candles, soap, stickers) - very practical very fun 🧝‍♀️ i also like gaming when i have time which is basically always bc im lazy and hate work, i leave everything last minute and procrastinate so much bc i and i'd rather be doing what i want instead of boring stuff 😒👎 it all ends up rushed and low effort unless im passionate abt it. probably why i'm also never on time but that's also bc i love sleeping
if i had to pick a label for whatever my style's supposed to be {bc i just dress in whatever looks good tbh} i'd say a hybrid of grunge and indie maybe💪😘 i take pride in my dress sense actually i think its gojus (μ_μ)
i have collections/mini collections of a couple things - plushies, crystals, stickers, bracelets and i keep anything and everything people might give me, i've done it as long as i can remember, like not even gifts just if someone gives me a rock or a piece of stationery or origami etc it'll be in my possession forever i'm too sentimental to get rid of anything, i have so much scattered everywhere it's unfunny 🧍‍♀️ i think my love languages are physical affection bc i love closeness altho im crap with emotional stuff but words of affirmation and mushy fluffy stuff can be pretty neat {even if it's embarrassing and awkward xox} + gifts bc i love buying myself stuff and receiving presents, i also like giving them but i feel like i'm spending too little or too much or compare it to what they give back to me and feel like it's not good enough or what they'd want bc i'm usually either too stingy or spend too much and think too much + feel bad when it feels like i don't give back to people as much as they give to me in any sense?? | (• -•)|
i love purple, literature, rock/pop/dance/techno music, space, halloween, history, things that smell nice/scented stuff, philosophy, nature, horror, psychology, fantasy, sweet/sour/salty foods, and animals {especially my bunnies ofc, my pride and joy <3} so im working towards becoming a vet bc im good w science and i'd definitely rather look after them than humans bc i am not a people person i'd fail miserably xox
i don't like ppl who are ignorant or inconsiderate bc they're annoying and punchable, my family, the ocean bc it's scary and doing embarrassing stuff which tbh is basically everything smh
anyways i tried to condense whatever i could think of LMAO but i cba to do anymore 💀💌 thank u!!
The Kamisama requests always make me happy:')
I match you with..
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The most gentle and sweet lover in the whole world.
He matches you like CRAZY, soulmates real;
Loves being chaotic with you, getting caught up in shenanigans and being lovey dovey with you;
He just randomly snuggles up to you whether it's in his snake form or human form, if snake form let's out occasional cute bloops that you die for, he also does the cute snake yawn, he knows it's cute and he's doing it on PURPOSE;
I hc that mizuki is great at portraits and has painting sessions with you in which you 2 paint in peace and show eachother the piece;
You teach him how to properly bake so that he doesn't drop lizards in almost everything you bake-
"but-but it's for good luck:("
"Mizuki, no"
He encourages you not wanting to work and lazes off with you, if for no reason Tomoe comes over he annoyingly comments on how as your familiar mizuki shouldn't encourage this but who listens to him;
Spends mornings sleeping in with you, if you have to go to school he'll just transform into his snake form and accompany you there!
Loves your collection of crystals and other things, so he finds the most beautiful crystals just for you♡
Loves your bunnies and cradles them in his hands, your basically a family, your bunnies have a dad now;
So in all he's the perfect match for you, the most peaceful and loveable relationship ♡⁠˖
Thank you for the request dear annon! May you have a wonderful week<3
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aerisleis-fics · 5 months
For the WIP asks: you know I love a good soulmate AU :D I'm curious about Sefikura because that one's not usual for you!
<3 so! the sefikura soul mates au has been talked about (briefly) but I'm happy to chatter about it again bc its weirdly. Stuck in my brain even tho it ISNT my usual. idk how long it's going to take to materialize bc I dont know Exactly how I want to bring it to life.
The basis is very generically "love doesn't solve everything, actually" in the general vein of, it doesn't take back the fact that the two may hurt each other, and it doesn't heal the wounds. Love is work, etc.
(the original notes passage was
Love doesn’t conquer all, actually. like. as a concept. but my brain will not hand me wtf it wants to Do with that but like just. I love you more than I love myself etcetc but this doesn’t fix us, it doesn’t get us out of the mess we’re in and like to clarify not even entirely in the. in the. “must be a bad ending” kind of way but in the, it takes more than loving someone to make it work. and I could go on about like. loving someone being a Choice not a feeling. a choice made every day to keep trying to keep working, etc.)
On less broad-philosophical view it's a combo of pain-sharing and first words soulmates, where the first words said Directly to a person by their soul mate is written on them and also they share pain. I imagine it's not uncommon for people - especially SOLDIER and/or Turks - to hide their soulmark, and in fact their uniforms are perfect for it if you go for a standard on the arm or really in most places on the body!
Yes, this does mean Cloud's young life was a nightmare thank you for asking (joking). Cloud wanted to become a soldier to become a hero, but also to travel and meet people... he didn't put a lot of stock in his soulmate, though he gets relatively unique words on him ("have you ever tried ginger for it?") so he's sure he'll Know when the time comes.
Sephiroth, on the other hand, barely noticed his soulmates pains, so assumes His must be a civvie tucked away somewhere, and due to the incredibly generic statement figures he'll never find out who they are ("no sir"). This changes, sort of, when Cloud and Zack are in the helicopter crash, but he kind of assumes it's zack. (he can't remember the first thing Zack said to him, but it wouldn't have shocked him if it was a no sir of some kind, honestly.) He doesn't say anything. They're good friends, their lives are on the line every day, there's no reason for him to ask for more.
Cloud finds out on the transport to nibelheim that it's sephiroth. Cloud, entrenched in his inferiority complex and the fact that they're literally on a mission keeps it to himself.
The moment Sephiroth realizes he was wrong about who his soulmate is the moment he impales Cloud on masamune during the massacre.
Canon ensues anyway, it's too late for the trajectory to change, after all.
But post canon, after AC, after DoC, Sephiroth returns, again. The future is unwritten for them - but what can they possibly cultivate in fields that have been flooded with blood over and over?
Oh. And this snippet you can have it too
Tifa, very upset and frustrated along the lines of “you can’t possibly forgive him- you can’t possibly expect us to forgive him! He killed so many people! He killed my soul mate right in front of you!” And Cloud is just. so tired. Before that there was a line - I wish I’d made notes but I was literally in bed asldx;kfj anyway a line about “I’m not asking you to forgive him. I’m just saying. I’m tired. And he isn’t doing anything wrong.” But anyway he just kind of sighs and “And I did nothing to stop it. I know, I was there.” “This isn’t about that-” “Of course it is!” “....I mean maybe I’m a little worried he’s influencing you again-”
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joifee · 1 year
OK OK so imagine DL alternative soulmates AU where Grian is paired with Jimmy and now cannot let Jim keep being cursed/ die (aka tries to keep him alive) bc it now affect him as well, only to learn in mean time that Jimmy is a lot more helpful of an ally then anyone gives him credit.
Like it could be REALLY angsty at the start, because let's be real. Even in the actual DL people were happy taht they're not paired with Jimmy (that is also why Tango was his best choice, bc my dude would never made Jim feel bad for it, and was litteraly the seeetest). But after a while there would creep in some guilt when Grian actually would start seeing as his partner (ain't necessarily thinking of it as romantic, tbf I don't even know what they would have).
I just want their relationship to mend a Lil and find apriciation with eachother. WELL ofc that wouldn't mean teasing would stop. It wouldn't. Let's be real Grian and Jimmy are like that.
I actually find that endearing, since me and on of my friends have EXACTLY that type relationship. It's fun :3
HEYO ROMEO aww i hope you feeling better than :D Oh that idea has a lot of potential! Because imagine Grians and Jimmys friendship getting strained over the first two games and Jimmys reputation with the curse. Grian being at first unhappy to be bound to Jimmy, maybe even already giving up just to see that Jimmy, like you said, is more capable than he seems. Maybe Grian realizing that the ways jimmys curse affected him in the previous games all where kinda unfortunate and not particular his fault. (especially if you consider that Jimmy in last life technically only died two times total while others like joel or bdubs died aloooot more) And them together repairing their friendship back to the state it had been before 3rd life :D totally can imagine it starting off very angsty but turning pretty wholesome in the end. Maybe Jimmy even becomes Grians strongest weapon in that scenario and other soulbound-pairs struggling even more. (I personally think relationship wise a pretty strong friendship is cool - so stzrong they basically could be brothers) I love the idea :D and of course i mean what wouldnt those two be without teasing and annoying the other one ;D awwww thats cute! Bet you and your friends have lots of fun :D
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dez-wade · 1 year
Omg okay so you know how Forever asked for mod ideas to add on twitter? Well I can't stop thinking about the one I recommended bc it'd be such a fun server event.
The one I recommended was a double life mod. Which is basically like, two random PLAYERS (not eggs >:( !!!) are matched up and they are "soulmates". Soulmates share all dmg between the two of them which means if one of them dies, the other does as well.
I was thinking its an optional event obviously but theres some sort of prize for the last soulmate pair left standing. Maybe something like being able to ask the federation for ANYTHING (except obvious things like creative mode or leave the island) and its implied u can ask for egg lives too but idk if that'd ACTUALLY be a prize or just bait.
Essentially the participants are trying to make it to the end and be the last pair standing so they can get the prize which could include alliances, desperately trying to protect each other nd making it to the end bc they have the same wish OR betrayals bc they dont :D
I think it'd be a nice incentive for players to interact and be active since I think how active you are will have to be a factor or else a pair can just join the event and never login until everyone else dies lol.
I'm thinking, just like the actual double life series, each pair has like 2 or 3 lives until they're out of the event? I also think it'd create interesting dynamics.
Like how funny would it be if tazercraft participated but they werent paired up since its random, so their soulmates just have to accept that they have to work as a 4 person alliance? Would any soulmates rather go solo then stick around their soulmate? Would there be drama about soulmates going and doing dangerous things alone, risking if not actually accidentally costing them one of their lives?
Idek I just think it'd be fun. Idk who I'd hope Forever is paired w bc it'd be fun no matter what, but I do think he'd absolutely gear up his soulmate and give them everything he can so they can survive since if theyre BOTH downed, they will be completely reliant on the kindness of other players/participants to see if they'll be revived or lose a life which. Isn't ideal. I actually think he'd set up a statis room and want a code for if one of them is in danger and needs a tp yk
Tysm if u read this all, you are my fave Forever blog bc u Understand my cubito which is why u unfortunately got the brunt of this ramble 🙏🙏🙏
Ooh I actually like this idea! Actually I have been excited for Tazercraft's Murder Mystery because one of the roles is "Lovers", and if your partner die you die. So I really want to see the random matchups we could get.
In a way, it'd be like your government assigned partner all over again like it was with the eggs, but this time the French and the Brazilians can participate since they've always been just a big polycule. So it'd be nice for a short event where you can get some good but not game-breaking rewards.
I agree that Forever would become very protective of his partner and instantly set up an enderpearls stasis chamber like he does with his family, but I'd love to see how insufferable he'd get too if he got someone like Philza lol.
Anyways I really like this idea mainly because I'd love to see the unexpected duos that would come from it even if temporarily. I really hope the admins think of some type of event like this, but if not we can get something close to it with Tazercraft's Murder Mystery at least!
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bitchlessdino · 1 year
i have a "your mutuals as..." question for you! you don't have to answer but i think this is a cool question (:
your mutuals as tropes?
I put a lot of thought into this. it was very fun but stressful for me lol. If I don't mention you it doesnt mean i dont love you but my brain slips or i think theres more i need to know about you <3
@onlyseokmins :childhood friends to lovers bc elv gives off this sweet wholesome vibe that makes you feel like you've known her forever. i can just imagine you being yearned for and bringing this warm sensation in someone's chest. You know everything about each other. You're just this pure light. Someone's safe space. You give nostalgia and also love.
@honeykyeom :Soulmate au; you ever meet someone that is alike you in so many ways? Someone that you somehow miss repeatedly despite breathing the same air, standing in the same town, in the same place. You're somehow always caught in several of the same frame and never met eyes, until you do. It feel like magic. It feels serendipitous but really it's fate. You were always meant to find each other.
@userwoosan :Enemies to lovers SHDGJKGSDJ you're honest, blunt, and true to yourself. I imagine you meeting someone similar like that and it gets hot and heavy, your hate melts into something more vulnerable and real. its sweet and because you've already shown these angry sides of yourselves you otherwise wouldn't show other people, its forever. you're completely just yourselves.
@seokgyuu :You're a holiday fling. Someone that you meet in a foreign place and instantly fall for them the moment your eyes meet. this instant connection that is so rare and unconventional you grip it for dear life. It's also kind of forbidden because it suppose to be temporary but they just fall deeper and deeper for you. the question is do they leave at the end of the trip or do they stay with you, the person they're now irrevocably in love with.
@himbocoups :fake relationship; not only do i remember you saying this is one of you fave tropes (if I'm wrong call me out) but bc of your natural flirty personality, i imagine many falling for you so to stop it once and for all is a fake partner. But not falling for, lets say cheol, a lot harder than you realize bc he's really good at being a fake BF. now you're wishing the fakeness of this all was real.
@multi-kpop-fanfics : FWB to lovers. Zeta is hot so i imagine you getting with someone just as hot and cool with you and not realize it until over spicy times together. Independence is 1st and foremost one of the biggest thing between you and the thought of a relationship happening didn't make that likely. You knew the sexual chemistry was there but realizing there's emotional chemistry, genuine connection, it's scary. But maybe that's exactly what you were unintentionally looking for.
@heartkyeom : Opposites attract; i think about your bias and how he is so much more timid than you in some ways, and you both think there are things you can't do that the other can do, and vice versa. Some people may think you're complete opposites from another but that's ok because you know there's no one else that understands you better than your partner. Your differences are your strengths and what make you both perfect together.
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caixxa · 1 year
A1,A 2, B6, B9, BASICALLY ALL OF THE C QUESTIONS! PLS I WANT TO KNOW! (if you feel like responding lmao) thank you, love you and hope you are having a really nice day! <3
Sorry that it took so long to answer! I had a hellish day and we live on almost opposite time zones, so.
A1: When did you start reading fanfiction?
Summer 2016, after Euro 2016. As an adult, well past 30, I rediscovered the fun of being A Fan.
A2: How did you find your first fic?
I googled, learned new search phrases to google until I found the stuff I really liked. I think the first searches were like "Gareth Bale fan fiction" and the really effective one that I think finally led me to Ao3 (I have no idea what the first sites were) was more in the way of "Cristiano ronaldo gareth bale m/m slash" lol. I read only as a guest user for months, I didn't make my own account until I wanted to write and post my own work.
B6. What is your favourite story trope? Why?
Friends to lovers with sexual exploration on the way. Seductive younger man developing in a twisted power balance/imbalance relationship with an older man. Stuff with sexual tension and a vibe of something forbidden.
B9. Who is your OTP?
I'm such a multi-shipper! I always say it's Aho/TT because they are soulmates and the Finnish connection and two cherubs who share a brain on the ice and fly together and are stupid codependent bros. But I've come to think that the true OTP is Sepe/mentors and authority figures. I came to that conclusion when I heard on the Canes Corner podcast that in his first interviews, he always mentioned Ron Francis, and I couldn't but nod along. Of course he did. A franchise legend who drafted him, of course. He still mentioned him on the Siim Liivik podcast like last summer, you know. He loves Rod, he loves Pekka, he loves Justin Williams, he was so into Burns being traded to the Canes. He's a fireball on the ice but off the ice, his daddy kink can be seen from SPACE.
THe C section:
What trope are you tired of reading? Why? Self-harm or suicide as a romantic plot point. It should be self-explanatory, I detest all variations of the trope where romantic counterpart saves the protagonist from shit they should figure out with themselves first, especially if there is a "love as a miracle cure" element to it. I feel similarly about th "you deserve better, let me save you from your abusive relationship by making you mine". No. If this happens from a base of friendship and they develop love later, that works, but falling in love as a cure because The One Sees Your Beauty When Others Don't is yucky. Elaborate proposals in front of an audience gathered specifically to celebrate the occasion as peak romance is so weird too, maybe I just don't get American wedding culture. (These tropes are more present in m/f imagines than m/m rpf, tho)
What word or expression always makes you cringe when you read it? "Too" when it's supposed to be "to" is the only one of those that I often see in fic writing, but in general, "Their" when you mean "They're" or "it's" for "its" when native speakers do it... IT'S YOUR OWN LANGUAGE! HOW CAN YOU NOT GET THE EASY ONES RIGHT?
Is there anything that makes you nope out of a story? What is it? Double spacing between each paragraph. I know that it's mostly because the Ao3 rich text editor doesn't copy/paste google docs right. I will have to be REALLY drawn into the story and want to read it really bad to struggle through that.
What thing that fandom loves do you actually kind of hate? Why? Hockey fights. They're so unnecessary, they're just an example of the American fixation on violence and vigilante justice. It's okay to me that hockey is a rough game, cross checking and body checking is absolutely fine by me, but dropping the gloves.. it's such a stupid, primitive thing to do. Hockey does fine without it. I know this is unpopular bc y'all love violence. I see all the wrestling posts y'know, and all the "hot" tags in hockey fight posts. *points at all directions, staring judgementally*
What character that fandom loves are you just kinda “meh” about? Why? Hockey players: Anthony Beauvillier. This is just about his looks, I don't see what most people see, he looks so plain to me.
Is there anything in canon that made you want to quit the show? What was it? Why did you hate it? Are we still talking hockey/sports because all i read is sports rpf? Well, I used to like F1 but Ihave very little interest in it now. I just don't think that a motorsport that is done on vehicles for no other use than driving on these extensive tracks made of concrete and asphalt just for it is just gross. In rally, there is at least something organic (lol) and relatable. Also, the last Cristiano Ronaldo fic I read was after his transfer to Juventus, after that I think he's made a fool of himself.
Who is your NOTP? Sepe/Seth Jarvis, Sepe/Jordan Martinook. I think it's bc I have zero attraction to the other guy haha, plus Jarvy only gives me goofy little brother vibes, not ship vibes. Also, Cressi was the big ship when I entered football rpf and I could see the two superstars, rivals, el clasico etc etc intellectually but I just sensed no chemistry between cr7 and messi whatsoever so it's always been kinda NOTP for me.
What is one plot twist you wish people would stop using?  Do all the plot twists your heart desires, man, writing is supposed to be fun! But what I said in C1 counts here too.
What show did you really try to watch, but you just couldn’t? This happens with all the shows. I watch a few episodes but can't find the time to finish them. I also skipped a lot (most) of NHL games last season because I need to sleep.
What book could you just never get into, no matter how hard you tried? I don't try hard with my reading, if I don't like the book I quit. The hardest I've tried was probably War and Peace which I read so slowly that I eventually forgot what had happened before and kinda drifted off it after maybe 20%.
Thank you for the ask and have a super duper fine summer!!
(the ask game post is this)
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luffythinker · 1 year
oh are we doing song recs? the aces - girls make me wanna die is super lesbian Kacchako the aces just has a lot of really good songs in general but also zolita - ashley VERY lesbian too if you watch the music video it's super super jvirtbjibgjvrth this girl is about to get married to another girl when she talks to her best friend and remembers their times together and they run away together cause they are actually in love trjehjer afhjwer hg wreahfr ehe argsh jules paymer - mommy issues and girls will be boys is very Kendo/Momo
i have the down on lesbian music chloe moriondo's got a lot of soft and chaotic lesbian music too i just listen to them all day long >:3o please listen to alot of all of these women they are so crazy its just so wlw
we absolutely are!! I loved your recs, and I knew zolita bc one of her songs but didn't know this one!!
from the first one, I think the verse that stood out to me the most was "she's wearing my breat-up jean jacket so damn well", Katsuki would EXPLODE seeing Ochako wearing her clothes!!
I LOVED THE MUSIC VIDEO SO MUCH, I loved the trope too so because I love pain, I would love to read a bkdk fic like this, maybe Deku is about to marry Ochako (they're all fems and lesbians here, for plot points) and when she connects with Bakugo again she realizes her feelings again. But this is our sweet Izuku so no cheating or running away without actually talking to Ochako cause she would rather die than hurt Uraraka, in a perfect world Ochako is hurt but let's Izuku go be happy with her true soulmate
now i did not know jules paymer, thank you for the rec, i will be checking more of her music <3
"my baggage never felt this light, my damage never felt so good" - i don't remember if we have any background for kendo, but this felt very her to me, I can see them both being weirded out by having a healthy relationship, they're like oh wow? what is this new world?
"girls will be kissing each other and how could you blame her" THEIR ANTHEM IT'S SO KENDO-MOMO CMONNNNN, just imagined them kissing at pride while holding little lesbian flags
really thank you so much for these, I love discovering new music, ESPECIALLY queer/lesbian artists it makes my world, i will be obsessing over them and checking more of their work
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sweetheartsaku · 1 month
SAKUUU CONGRATS ON 200 MY LOVE!! I say this to everybody, but I mean it more than any other time I've said it, you deserve every single one of those 200 and many, many more!! AAAAAH I'M SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!
you're such a genuine writer, and I could tell that the things you write are just so you, yk? 🙇🏻‍♀️ that's what makes you special over anyone and everything else!! from your short smau's to the tooth rotting sweetness of the headcanons you write, I've expressed my love for all of them because they're just so good?!?!?? AND because I could tell you're the one that wrote them and I mean that in the best way possible!! I feel like seeing the author through the pieces they write is such a genuine part of being a writer bc there's just something so real about it and idk how to explain it 😞😞 BUT WITH YOU AAAAAAH YOU'RE JUST THAT GREAT????
ANYWAY every time I see you interact with a follower or a moot by responding to their asks, just backs up my claim of you deserving the 200 and so much more ☝🏻 you're always so kind and sweet how could people NOT like you???? that's like impossible you guys c'mon now
you really are one of the best souls I've ever met on this planet and I could only hope that in my next life, or in another universe, if there is one, we know each other irl and we could spend every waking moment together</3 speaking of other lives, i really don't know what I could've done in my past life to deserve being friends with someone like you ☹️☹️ honestly I'd do anything and everything in the world just to return the kindness you've always treated me with ☹️
didn't mean to get too sappy there, woah LMAOZHAHAH BUT ANYWAY, I'M SO EXCITED TO SEE YOU AND YOUR BLOG GROW EVEN MORE!!!! I'll be with you through every milestone, darling!! know that i love you soooo much, MWAH!!<33
FRANNNSSS FRANS FRANS FRANNSNSSNSN :((((((( UWEHHHHHHHHHHHH thankyu soososososoos much soulmate </3 you too 😭 deserve anything good thing ever imaginable😭YOI ARE SO SWEET I CNAT DO THSI
ackkk thank you frans!!!!!!!!! i do try to make my fics as genuine ands authentic as possible so seeing someone recognize that makes me feel all lovely inside D: !!!! AAAA mayb i should start writing more lil smaus habent done one of those in a while 🤔nd one of my first fics u found was my shu one... maybeHAHAHA!! AHHH why is the extremely popular crazy talented writer FRANS TALKING ERMMMMM how else do u rthink i found u 😓(UR AMAZING WRITING AND MOODBOARD DUHH) i will continue to do my best!!! and write!!!!!!! in the most REAL way ever done!!!!
ACKKKK YOURE TOO NICE MY SKIBIDI FRANS </3 im js being that version of me ykyk where i can be cringe and free and all of the above and im super hapi so many ppl like that side of me bc i feel so 😓 accepted!!😣.i lOVE U ALL SO MUCH GANG GANG
WHY TEH FREAK ARE. U TALKING RN FRANS. ur actually beyond the word best bc words cant describe how epic and cool and sweet u are😤i too, hope in every life, universe and everything in between that were out somewhere having the time of our lives!!!!!! YOU DONT NEED TO DO ANYTHING TO DESERVE PPL☹️ ESP ME.☹️ we are just girls in a world yk 😔✊we were js meant to be friends for real!!!NOW. I WOULD DO NYTHING TO BE ABLE TO SEND ALL UR LOVE BACK BC U DESERVE IT SO MUCH U SWEETHEART!!!!
its okkkk pookie to get sappy in here yk safe space 🥰💗I TOO AM EXCITED TO SEE WHERE LIFE AND THE TUMBLR ALGORITHM TAKE UOMG!!! WE'LL BE NEXT TO EACHOTHER THE ENTIRE TIME WOOOO!!!!!! thanku love, expect the same !!!!<33 I LOVE U SOOO MUCH
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