#or nogitsune!stiles i don't know the difference
gynnnicsworld · 9 months
I was thinking.... Do you remember the scene from 3A where Stiles, Allison and Scott do the ritual of changing places with their parents?
I can't help but think, why was Stiles the recipient of the nogitsune?
I mean, why wasn't it Scott or Allison?
((Please correct me if I'm wrong, it's been a few months since I watched 3A/3B)) okay, I can't stop thinking about the nogitsune giving those riddles and messages to Stiles about;
"When a door is not a door? "When it's ajar".
I'm going to try to explain this, when Stiles/Allsn/scott did the ritual, they "opened doors" and made their hearts darken.... That's why throughout the beginning of 3B we see all those scenes of Allison, Scott and Stiles having nightmares, and strange visions. So far it's understandable, But if you notice, you will see that Stiles is the only one who establishes connections with the doors from the beginning.
But there are no such references with Scott or Allison. So, this is where my theory comes in and I'm going to start by saying that everything is related to the ritual they did.
Let's remember that the person who would bring back Stiles/Allison/Scott were people important to them and with whom they had a strong/solid connection.
Allison— Isaac
(If you ask me they were basically trying to give a message about anchors there.)
We all know that Scott and Deaton are basically a father-son relationship, and it's very likely that the closeness Scott has with Deaton is more genuine and stronger than the one he has with Rafael. So that anchor is very good. Because the connection between them is *MUTUALLY* strong.
Allison and Isaac? I don't have to explain that the two of them like each other, like IN LOVE. The attraction between them is 100% genuine. And strong. There is no doubt about their connection.
But Stiles and Lydia? They're friends, and they're not even friends as in best friends yet. This is where I think something went wrong, because Lydia didn't even think about being Stiles' anchor, she was going straight to being Allison's anchor.
And we had the wonderful (sarcasm) intervention of Deaton, instructing Lydia to go help Stiles.
There was clearly no other option (I know) because it's not like Derek would have been there, which I have no doubt would have made a difference.
The issue here is that Lydia did indeed bring Stiles back, but I think of the three of them (stls/Allsn/sctt), the connection between them (Lydia & Stiles) was the weakest.Which caused the door that Stiles opened to not close properly. That left the door ajar.
You can take this however you want, but personally this shows me that the connection between Stiles and Lydia was simply never that strong whether one-sided or bilateral.
On the other hand, Stiles is LITERALLY Derek's anchor, and is 100% Derek's strongest connection. And whatever Stiles felt about Derek during 3A, I think it was something like friendship (And he has an obvious crush on Derek, he's a teenager, who wouldn't have a crush on Derek?) ( There is also that in fact Stiles does feel a connection with Derek, and the Hale pack for some strange reason knows it) and if Lydia could bring Stiles back, being that Stiles is NOT her anchor, I think Derek managed to get Stiles to come back without leaving the door ajar.
Whatever, I have no doubt that if Derek had been in that scene, the obvious choice to bring Stiles back would have been him.
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colethewolf · 1 year
This is something that I've been sitting here thinking about for the past couple weeks and I just saw a piece of fanart last night that made me think about it even more, because honestly, the idea that Eli was created by the Nemeton is such a cool idea and it fits with the canon.
So, I don't even care that Jeff Davis is an idiot and was probably too stupid to think of this idea. I feel like I'm in the mood to write some meta after years and years of not writing meta.
Let's talk about it anyways.
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We know that the Nemeton was functional during the 1940's before the Nogitsune came into power. And then, sometime after the Nogitsune's first run wild through Beacon Hills, somebody cut it down and essentially rendered it completely powerless.
Now, it stayed powerless for decades UNTIL that one night in the root cellar with Derek and Paige. When Derek killed Paige, he unknowingly committed a virgin sacrifice and sparked the Nemeton back to life. Albeit, the nemeton remained in a weakened state, as it was not back to full power and not working as a beacon to draw in supernatural creatures.
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Cut to a few years later, what happens next?
The parents of the teen wolf trio get kidnapped by Jennifer so that she can complete her "three-fold death" sacrifice by killing three guardians. However, she never gets to complete the ritual because Stiles, Allison, and Scott sacrifice themselves in their parents place as surrogates.
Now, the sacrifice that Stiles, Allison, and Scott make was the surrogate sacrifice ritual that Deaton knew how to perform. It put darkness around their hearts and gave them the ability to locate the Nemeton. But that was it, right?
It didn't also act as another virgin sacrifice, right?
Scott? Not a virgin.
Allison? Not a virgin.
Stiles? Not a vir—OH WAIT.
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Unintentionally committing a virgin sacrifice by sacrificing himself and giving another spark of power to the Nemeton. And this time, it bumps the nemeton back up to full power after Derek had previously sparked it back to life.
Now, you might be saying:
"But what about Jennifer? She committed virgin sacrifices, too!"
She did. But not to the Nemeton. She was a druid emissary long before the Nemeton was brought back to life. And druids have the ability to perform rituals to basically earn themselves more powers. Those virgin sacrifices that she did in the first few episodes of 3A went straight to herself, not to the Nemeton.
Which means the next virgin sacrifice in the queue was the one that Stiles made by drowning himself, not knowing that he was technically committing two different sacrifices that night.
Derek commits a virgin sacrifice. Then Stiles commits a virgin sacrifice (albeit by sacrificing himself instead of another person). Two consecutive virgin sacrifices by Derek and Stiles, separated by years, and both totally unintentional. And yet both sacrifices powered back up the dead Nemeton.
We know the Nemeton is at least somewhat sentient as it can pick and choose who to let get close to it in the woods. So, who's to say that the Nemeton doesn't hold Derek and Stiles in high regard for bringing it back to life? Who's to say that the Nemeton isn't thankful?
Perhaps, even thankful enough to give Derek and Stiles the ultimate gift in its gratitude? The gift of a son? The gift of a son, born from the Nemeton?
Even Eli seems to have some random, totally strange connection to the Nemeton without really having an explanation for it. He just randomly sleepwalks in the middle of the night and ends up at the Nemeton.
Now, you could argue that Eli has been sleepwalking out to the Nemeton because of the whole Allison situation in the movie. But what sense does that make? Eli doesn't know Allison Argent. He never did. She was dead before he was even born.
But if we're getting meta in here, Eli just so happens to be 15 years old (the same age Derek was when he sacrificed Paige in the root cellar and woke the Nemeton up). Maybe the Nemeton thinks 15 is the perfect age to start dropping hints to Eli.
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In my mind, Deaton was called out to the Nemeton in the middle of the night and found little Eli as a newborn in a little wicker basket made from Nemeton branches and soft leaves, just sitting there asleep in the middle of the Nemeton stump.
And Deaton, being a druid and the old Hale family emissary, knew exactly what the Nemeton was offering and why it was offering it. So, he dropped Eli in his basket onto Derek's doorstep, knocked real loud, and watched as Derek adopted the boy—totally unaware that Eli is 50/50 both his and Stiles'.
But that conversation comes much later.
So, there you have it.
Eli Stilinski-Hale. The son of the Nemeton. The son of Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski.
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jenniferswhor3 · 2 years
you're not cool enough - stiles stilinski
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spiderman!stiles stilinski x reader
summary; secrets get revealed and yet, you don't believe it
warnings; cursing, kissing
authors note; this spiderman!au is mostly inspired by that one picture of dylan
"no way, you're not cool enough."
if there's one thing you know about beacon hills, it was extremely unpredictable.
after finding out scott was a werewolf, your life became pretty hectic. you and your friend group were fighting all sort of supernatural villains. from kanima’s to nogitsune’s, safe to say you and your friends had your fair share of villains.
the one thing you could've never, ever, predicted was a superhero. you heard that right, the whole city of beacon hills and some surrounding towns had its very own superhero.
it wasn't unusual, there were other superhero around the world. it was just strange beacon hills had one. you had fought all different kinds of supernatural beings and evil people, so why a superhero. it was nice to have someone fight the non-supernatural criminals that were big enough the cause havoc that's too much for the police. but it was all so weird.
the villains kept getting weirder and weirder. it started out with bank robber and thief's, but it escalated, and fast. they started getting comic-like. villains that you would've thought you and your friends fought, but the masked man did.
there was a man who created a pair of metal wings the flew around destroying things, a former scientist turned crazy with robotic tenticles coming out of his back, and even a man who was electric.
sooner or later, it felt normal to have him around. he was like a blessing in disguise. often times you'd see him helping an old lady cross the street or returning a bike to a young boy who had tears in his eyes, he even bought him ice cream afterwards. the whole city fell in love with this masked vigilante, and so did you.
the blue and red clad spandex, mask-wearing, superhero quickly became some sort of celebrity crush. he stole your attention every time anyone mentioned him. you could only imagine what he looked like underneath that mask. the boy who called himself spiderman even sounded attractive.
you pictured this lean yet muscular body, dark colored hair either brown or black, and amazing cheekbones. you had doodled different samples of what he could look like. you had a major crush on someone you didn't even know what looked like.
but what you didn't know is you based your little masked crush on your best friend, stiles. stiles has had the biggest crush on you since forever, and so have you, except you didn't know of it. you always played off because you didn't think you could be attracted to your best friend.
you had spent multiple months wondering who in this crazy town was spiderman, you never, ever, thought it could be your best friend.
you and stiles were currently sitting on your living room floor with all your homework spread across the coffee table. you both were studying for a big test in your upcoming sociology class. you had the tv playing in the background with the news playing.
"okay, true or false: the–" stiles begins to say before the news interrupts him.
it was a news story about spidey's latest take down. "shh!" you silenced stiles to listen closely.
stiles only rolled his eyes at your infatuation to the superhero. he loved that you had a crush on spiderman because he was spiderman, but what he hated was that what if he told you he was spiderman and you were disappointed? what if you didn't like him?
he shook out all those bad thoughts and tuned into to what the news reporter was saying about his latest take down. the female reporter explained how he took down a group of bank robbers with high tech weapons. you partially had hearts for eyes as you watch phone footage of him defending himself. “i hope he’s okay.” stiles heard you mumble to himself.
once the story ended and the commercials rolled through, you put your attention back to stiles and your schoolwork. "i wonder who spiderman is."
"i could be spiderman." stiles said with a shrug.
"ha. funny." you say not taking your eyes off your paper.
you can sense stiles having a look of disbelief. looking up, you proved your senses, his jaw was slack and his brows furrowed. he was spastically trying to find words to say. "its because you aren't cool enough." you shrugged jokingly.
"pfft. whaat?! i am so cool enough to be spiderman." he stammered out.
you were only half-assing your words. of course your best friend was cool enough to be spiderman and you wouldn't doubt it either, considering all the weird stuff in this city. its just, you couldn't picture him as spiderman. you couldn't picture stiles as your masked crush.
weeks went by and the masked man still held your attention. stiles had been debating on whether on not to tell you. his major fear of you being disgusted by him being your masked crush shook him to the core.
it made him wonder how it would be like after he told you. would you be tame about it, would you somehow miraculously like him back, or would you stop being friends and never speak again. he also wondered if you would go and tell the whole city his secret identity.
you had also been doing some thinking of your own. about stiles, specifically. his boyish charm had been sneaking its way to your heart. his witty and sarcastic comebacks, his ability to make you laugh no matter what, and his charming good looks have been wrapped around your brain for weeks.
you didn't want to confirm it, in fear of potentially getting rejected and losing one of the best friendships you had ever experienced, but you had been falling for your best friends. not suddenly, but you realized you had begun falling for him a while ago. you don't know when or how but its been quite a while.
on one uneventful night, on your part, you had been sitting on your bed doing homework. your headphones were blasting your homework playlist loud enough so you couldn't hear any potential distractions. everyone else in the house was asleep so the was for sure gonna be no distractions.
except for the abrupt knock on your second story window. you hadn't heard it the first few knocks, the continuous knocks didn't line up to the beat of the song in your ears so you suspected in was something outside of your headphones.
your bedroom was on the second story and there were no surrounding trees anyone could climbing up or have knock on the window on a windy day. so naturally you were curious, and frankly a bit scared, as to who or what could be at the window.
now stiles had a long, long night. there was a new and unwanted villain in town and stiles, well spiderman, was the first to respond.
the new villain in town called himself grizzly. his motives were unknown but stiles knew he was some sort of ex-fighter with a bear themed design. he wore a suit of fur with real authentic, and sharp, claws. stiles had learned that the hard way.
grizzly had been wrecking havoc on innocent people of beacon hills. he was destroying property and stole valuables all to get the attention of spiderman. for some reason, grizzly had it out for him. the suit grizzly wore made him have some sort of super strength ability, making his jabs more painful.
their fight lasted longer than stiles thought it would. after countless punches, claw marks, and web slinging, the fight was over. the cops finally arrived and removed the costume from grizzly and took him into custody.
it was a nasty fight. stiles had more hits on him than he suspected. despite his mask, he knew he still had multiple cuts and bruises along his face, multiple on his arms and legs, and four deep slashes from grizzly's claws right on his torso, cutting right through his suit. he couldn't go home, not like this, nor to any of his friends houses to keep his identity a secret.
he was limping down the cold asphalt with nothing but the moonlight lighting his path. the roads were empty and stiles was thankful for this, no drivers would wander up to him and ask him for a ride– he just wanted to be alone.
not completely alone, his subconscious thoughts led him right to your driveway. he sighed, the truth was going to come out sooner or later. he didn't want it to be like this, he didn't want to have to tell you while battered and bruised. he just hoped you would take it lightly.
stiles webbed his way up to your second story window and knocked on your window, slightly wincing from the bruises on his knuckles. he hoped and prayed you weren't asleep as knocked again and again. sooner or later, due to his heightened senses, he heard shuffling around the room.
you had gotten up and cautiously made your way to the window. slowly opening the curtains, you were shocked to see the masked boy you had a crush on at your window. "spiderman?!" you almost shouted but stopped yourself when you remembered the house was sleeping.
he frantically nodded and pointed to the window, telling you to open it.
when he stepped in to your room, you finally see the damage he had taken. the four large slashes really catching your eyes. "holy shit! are you okay? what am i saying, or course you aren't." you rambled on.
spiderman didn't say any words to you, scared you would recognize the voice. "wait a minute," you started. "how did you know where i live? how do you know who i am?"
it was now or never. stiles needed to remove the mask so it wouldn't get weird. he needed to know you were safe.
slowly, he reached his hand the wasn't occupied by holding his side up to his mask and pulled it off his head.
the dark fluffy hair and honey brown eyes were truly recognizable. behind the painful looking bruises and cuts you could see the boy who you loved. for a moment all you saw was stiles, not spiderman, but finally came to your senses. "stiles?!"
"i know, i know. listen, i just–"
"what the hell? how long has this been a thing?"
"um– well, about a couple years." he finally looked you in the eyes with a pity, half-assed smile, "surprise."
"no way," stiles' eyebrow raised. you decided to poke at him a bit. you weren't mad, a bit surprised in all honesty. but you can discuss all this later after you help clean him up. "you're not cool enough." a smirk almost present.
"wha–" stiles stared before you interrupted him.
"im kidding." you say with a small bit of chuckle. "now," you say looking at his cuts concerned. "what the hell happened to you."
while stiles explained the fight and this man so called named "grizzly", you were cleaning and stitching up his cuts. you needed him to take off his suit so you could have more access to all of his cuts. this left him in only his boxers, which stiles rocked a permanent shade of pink spread across his cheeks.
by the time you finished cleaning up stiles, he looked like the poster child for child safety. "thanks." stiles sheepishly said. between the amount on flinching and blood, you're surprised neither you or stiles didn't pass out.
"its no problem. now, explain everything."
so that's what stiles did. he told you how he was bit by a radioactive spider, he explained all of his new powers, and even explained some of the villains he fought. "still think im not cool enough." stiles said teasing you as he picked up on your amazed expression throughout the storytelling.
"yeah, yeah." you let out a small laugh. "i just did a load of laundry, some of your clothes were in there. i can go get them if you want."
"yeah, sure. that's fine."
as you ran downstairs, stiles rehearsed lines in his head like he was performing in a play. he was trying to figure out everything to say to you.
you also have been doing some thinking of your own. none of your feelings have changed, in fact, your feelings have amplified. having your masked "celebrity" crush be your real life crush.
you returned with a pair of sweat shorts and a t-shirt. "i'll just– i'll leave you to change."
before you could even turn the doorknob, you felt something attach onto your back and spin you around. you found yourself chest to chest with stiles. he had webslinged you towards him. his arms wrapped around your waist while yours fall to his chest.
both heavy breathing, stiles speaks up first, "i didn't really think this far through." he gave a small chuckle which you returned.
your smiles faltered and silence fell over you two.
oh, fuck it, you both thought while pulling each other closer till your lips met. the molded together like they were meant to be together.
you both pulled away after needed some air, resting your foreheads against each others. “i’m so glad you turned out to be spider-man.” you said just above a whisper, still not taking your foreheads off each other.
“yeah,” you nodded leaning in for another kiss. you two had made you way onto your bed.
“be mine?” stiles said as he pulled away for air.
you smiled sweetly and nodded, leaning in for another kiss.
after many minutes of kissing, you two were now cuddling in sweet silence. “so am i cool enough now?” stiles brought up. all you did was laugh and nod in response before curling up impossibly closer to him. you had your very own super hero as your boyfriend and you couldn’t be happier.
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hedwig394 · 2 months
The Big Sister
Derek Hale x Sarah McCall
Timeline: In S4, when Scott bites Liam Dunbar. Scott doesn't know how to calm Liam down and explain to him what just happened, so he takes him to the calmest and most sane person he knows. His sister.
Sarah's POV -
The hospital's rarely so quiet and calm at this hour. I don't remember a day where there was no crowd at 5 pm, which falls between the visiting hours. Yes, I joined as a nurse at the hospital because Stiles, while being possessed by the nogitsune, burned down my pharmacy.
He insists on paying for it, but they're already in a lot of debt. So I refused. But I do want to get it back up someday. When I have enough money. And enough time.
Surprisingly, I like it at the hospital. There's something soothing and enriching about helping someone heal and get better, though the medicines usually ruin a different part of your body than what they are supposed to fix.
Sipping coffee, I turn to the next page of the book I'm reading. Who knew I'd like to read about elves and wizards? But this book is good. Maybe I'll ask Derek to read it too.
I'm so engrossed in my book that I don't realise when someone stands in front of me at the reception. I don't look up, Mom will handle it.
"What are you doing here?" Mom asks from beside me and that makes me look up.
My brother, Stiles, Derek and a boy I don't recognise stand in front of me. They're not looking at Mom, they're looking at me. The boy looks agitated and angry. He looks like he can break something.
"Hey CeeCee," Scott gives me a smile, "Got a moment?"
"Allow me to brace myself," I say and close the book. "What do you want?" I ask after standing in front of him.
"Not here, Angel." Derek whispers in my ear after wrapping his arm around my waist, "Somewhere private."
I look at him curiously. "Der, what is it?"
Derek doesn't reply, just looks around suspiciously and gives me a wry look.
Right. Privacy.
I lead them to an empty supply room and lock the door behind me. The boys stand behind me, looking at the stranger.
"Right. What's going on?" I ask my brother.
"CeeCee, this is Liam Dunbar," Scott says, pointing to the stranger. I give him a nod and reach out my hand for him to shake. "Sarah McCall, nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too." He replies politely, shaking my hand.
"You might wanna maintain distance." Stiles whispers in my ear, "He's explosive." I give him a confused look and step back.
Derek wraps a protective arm around my waist and pulls me towards him. He's not being subtle. Derek is always protective over me, but he's just a teenage boy. I can feel his claws on my shirt. I look at Liam curiously, and then it dawns on me. He must be a werewolf.
"So, Sarah." Scott begins, and Liam glares at him ferociously. That's when I know something is wrong. Scott avoids calling me by my real name, he always calls me CeeCee.
"There was a Wendigo attack-"
"Scott bit Liam."
My mouth hangs open as Stiles interrupts my brother. "What?" I look at my brother, shocked, "Why?"
"I'll explain," Scott says, scowling at Stiles, who closes his mouth. "There was a Wendigo attack here, right? Liam was at the hospital at that time."
"Oh, yes," I murmur. I've never seen Liam before, but Mom had mentioned a boy who had broken his arm or something. "What about that?"
"So the Wendigo grabbed Liam and took him on the roof. Luckily, I reached there and tried to fight him. But the Wendigo threw Liam over the edge. Liam held on just by his fingertips and I couldn't go help him because the Wendigo was holding me back. So I er..I had to use the only option I had. I had to bite him." Scott explains and sighs.
I blink, trying to digest the information. I gulp and turn to Liam. "Oh. Hi." "Yeah, hi." He says wearily.
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"So, why is he here?" I ask Scott, who replies, "We..er...we haven't...he doesn't..."
"He's an explosive grenade, and doesn't know what has happened to him, and what is going to happen to him because of what had happened to him and he also..kind of hates us." Stiles jumps in, "It'd be better if you talk to him, CeeCee."
"Er..sure." I say and whisper in his ear, "Why me?"
"You're nice, and calm and kind. He can do with kind." Scott says. "Especially after you kidnapped me." Liam shoots at him.
I look at Scott, alarmed. "You kidnapped him?" "To keep him safe." He says hastily. I'm about to retort but Derek says, "Point is, Angel, we need you to talk to him. Explain things to him before he wrecks the town on the next full moon."
"Let me guess, did you give him the 'we're brothers now' talk?" I turn to Scott, suppressing a giggle. Scott blushes and I look at Derek, "I remember the time you tried to tell that to Scotty, and it did not go well."
"I didn't have you at the time, now I do." He says lovingly.
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I kiss him softly and then turn to Liam. "Alright kid. Let's talk."
I ask Mom for permission to use an empty room, and she grants it immediately, knowing the severity of the situation. Mom is great at picking up hints.
I lock the door behind me and turn to look at Liam, who sits awkwardly on the bed. I pull up a chair to sit in front of him. "Make yourself comfortable. Trust me, I'm not gonna do anything to you."
"It's difficult to trust you since it was your brother who bit me." Liam snaps, and I look at him with mild shock. "Hmm, now I see why Stiles called you a grenade. Tell me, Dunbar. What else is it? How do you get so angry easily?"
"What are you? A doctor?" He questions, ignoring what I said.
"No." I say, "Do I look like one?"
"Then what are you?" He bends forward, glaring at me threateningly.
"Kid," I say with a raised eyebrow, "Don't try to threaten me. My brother and my boyfriend are standing right outside and they can hear every word of our conversation. If Derek catches even a whiff of you trying to hurt me, you won't be alive to see the next full moon. And I don't want you to die. So I suggest we do this calmly."
Liam sits back and huffs. "Fine. Now will you tell me what's going on?"
"I will." I say, "After you tell me what's going on with you. You're aggressive, get angry easily. Why? What do you have?"
"IED." He says dejectedly.
Oh. Oh. Out of everyone my brother had to choose as a beta, he chose one with who had frequent anger outbursts.
I start to feel bad for Liam Dunbar. The whole werewolf ordeal is going to be tougher for him since he's much more prone to anger and aggression.
"I see," I say. My voice is even, I don't want him to know that I feel bad for him. I'm not sure if he'll appreciate pity. Best to not assume. Besides, he'll feel safe enough to open up if I talk to him with a neutral tone and perspective.
I brace myself. "You need to be calm for what I'm about to tell you."
Liam looks at me wordlessly. I can't put a word on how he's feeling or what he's thinking, so I continue. "Liam, you're a werewolf."
His eyes go wide for a second, shock covering his face. Then, he bursts out laughing. "Are you serious?" He chokes out, "Out of everything, I hadn't expected this. A werewolf? Seriously, Miss McCall? What do you think I am? A nutjob?"
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"Liam, I'm not kidding." I say seriously. "Did you not see Scott's face when he bit you?"
He stops laughing. His face turns grim suddenly, all humour fading. He doesn't say anything, but by the look in his eyes, I know he remembers.
"Liam, I know this sounds ridiculous, believe me it was to me as well but - this is all real." I say softly, "My brother's a werewolf, and so are you now."
He panics, and though I'm not a werewolf, I can see that his heart rate has picked up. Looking at me frantically, "Wait...what?" He sputters, "What? You can't be serious!"
"I'm sorry," I say, not letting my voice waver. I look at him kindly, "But I am."
"Well then, what do I do?" He exclaims, "How can I turn back into a normal person? How can I undo it?"
"You can't," I say, bracing myself. I feel too bad for him. For a second, I don't see Liam. I see Scott. Scott, when he had been bitten and was learning how to control. Scott, when he was so frustrated at everything. Scott, couldn't be with the girl he loved and was failing in class because of something he didn't do.
"What do you - what do you mean by that?" He asks. His voice is shaking, he's trying his best to not get angry. But his efforts are unsuccessful.
"Liam, you can't go back to being a human again. You are a werewolf, and there's nothing you can do about that. I'm sorry." I say, and wish it didn't sound heartless. God, I sound like a manipulative bitch here.
"THE HELL I CAN'T!" He snarls, standing up. My heartbeat quickens, but I try to stay calm. "Don't get in here." I whisper, hoping that Derek and Scott outside can hear. "I'll handle it."
"Liam, if Scott hadn't bit you, you would've been dead," I say, looking into his glowing yellow eyes. "Would you rather prefer death over being a werewolf?"
"That's the thing!" He snaps and starts prowling around the room. "I don't even know what being a 'werewolf' means. How am I supposed to live this?"
"That's why I'm here." I say with a small smile, "To help you."
He sits in front of me again, "Are you a werewolf too?"
"What are you?"
"Then why are you talking to me?" He asks, "Why are you risking it?"
I sigh. "Because you remind me of someone, and I wasn't able to help him a lot. He suffered, and I don't want you to follow in his footsteps. That's why I'm 'risking it'."
"Alright. I'm not gonna ask you to elaborate." He states and I smirk, "Good, because I'm not going to elaborate either."
"So tell me." He leans back and looks at my grugdingly. "What does it mean to be a werewolf? Even when you don't have first-hand experience."
"As you might know from fairytales and fantasy stories," I begin, "You're half wolf, half human. This ensures that you have heightened senses, like you can hear my heartbeat and you can also smell all of the sanitisers in this hospital. You also have the strength and speed of a wolf, you're much stronger than a normal human being. Faster, too."
He looks at me curiously. "Go on."
"You'll heal fast. Like, very fast. If I were to stab you right now, you'd magically heal and your wound will disappear within seconds, depending on how deep it is." I add, and he looks at me in wonder. Yeah, he's liking this.
"You'll never fall sick, your immunity is just too strong for that." I say, "And you'll also look better."
He grins and I smile. "It is true."
"You're not immortal. You're gonna age, but very slowly." I say, "And now let me dissolve a myth, which I also believed before my brother was turned into a werewolf."
"The thing is, you're not gonna turn into an actual wolf on full moon nights." I say carefully, "But your claws - which you have by the way - will come out, there'll be hair on your face - don't ask me why - your face will change...sorta. And you will be rabid. You will get angry, you will become a wild animal, basically. And you can kill someone."
Liam stares at me, open-mouthed. I gulp, this was not the best way to explain things to him. I let out a string of curses in my mind. This shouldn't have played out the way it did.
"Unless you learn how to control." I say quickly, before guilt overwhelms him.
"How do I learn how to control?" He asks, his eyes glassy. My heart clenches.
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"You've to find an anchor." I say and keep a hand on his wrist. He's looking down, and a tear falls onto my hand. "Liam," I say, "Look at me."
He looks up slowly, "Am I going to kill someone?"
"Not if you learn how to control." I say. "To control yourself, to not shift into that primal, animal part of you, you need to have an anchor. Someone who will bind you to your human side. Or something, it'll do too."
He looks confused. "What do you mean?"
"I mean that-" I click my tongue, "See, an anchor is something - or someone - for whom or for which you will want to be human. An anchor pulls you towards your human side."
"Who's Scott's anchor?" He asks and I say shortly. "Himself." I don't want to spill the details of his and Allison's rollercoaster of a romance.
"Who's Derek's anchor?" He asks and I try not to blush. "Me."
Liam looks away, embarassed. "Sorry. Shouldn't have asked." "It's okay." I say, clearing my throat.
"So...I need to get a girlfriend?" He asks, clearly confused.
I lean backwards and look at the ceiling. "No. It doesn't have to be a girlfriend." I say thoughtfully. An idea pops into my head and I look at him, "Imagine it this way. When you shift - that is, when you have claws and facial hair and all - you're gonna feel very powerful, very strong and very angry. You're gonna be fearless, and disoriented. You won't have a care in the world. So, would you like to come back to your human side after that?"
"I don't wanna kill anyone." He says uneasily and my heart softens. He's more like Scott than what I had imagined.
"That's great." I say, "So, an anchor needs to be someone who you think of - someone for whom you will abandon being that creature because you know you will hurt them, someone whose thoughts can help you shift back to your human side. It doesn't have to be a girlfriend, can be a parent, or a friend or whatever."
"So that's it? Find an anchor and you'll be fine?" He asks hopefully. I nod, "You should be. But it's not gonna be easy. Sometimes, you chase your anchor. Go towards them, because they're the only one who make you feel better. But you can harm them. Instead, you should go away from them."
"Okay, okay, wait-" He says, "So...how do I not kill someone on the next full moon?"
"You're gonna have to be tied up," I say matter-of-factly.
"TIED UP?" He yells, astonished. "So that when you turn, you won't roam around rampant trying to kill someone." I say, "Look, Liam, it happens to everybody. You'll learn to control yourself, but it will take time."
"How much time?"
"Depends on how well you control yourself."
"What do you mean by controlling myself?" He asks thoughtfully, "Like..not going rabid?"
"Yep." I reply, liking the fact that he's finally getting it. "Controlling yourself means controlling how much you let the primal instinct inside you affect you. It means controlling how much your own anger, rage and animalistic character affects you. Basically, it means that you have to try your best to remain as calm as possible. And that can be done with the help of an anchor."
Liam falls silent. He's trying to register everything, to understand it all. I give him that time. He deserves it.
After a while, he says. "Thank you."
I smile, "For what?" Though I already know the answer.
"For explaining everything to me. And for...you know...dealing with my anger." He says uncomfortably. I lean forward and keep my hand on his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "It's fine. You're new to all of this. I get it."
He nods and I ask, "So are you ready to go outside?" He nods again and we get up. But before we can leave, Liam keeps a hand on my elbow and says, "And thank you, once again, for being like my big sister."
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buckybarnesss · 7 months
How do you think what Stiles went though in the season 2 finale and what Scott did affect them throughout the series afterwards? Obviously, it played some into their later season 5 break up, but before that?
Do you think they had an off screen discussion or was it just pushed to the side and not talked about?
You know, I think I've talked about this a bit before somewhere but not fully. I'll probably have more to say once I get around to 5A in my rewatch lol. Theo really chaps my ass in Season 5, okay.
The Season 5 Scott and Stiles divorce isn't my favorite Teen Wolf moment. Not because it didn't have any basis -- it did. It very much did! -- but because I didn't care for how it was written.
See, the thing about Scott and Stiles is they don't discuss things. Not really. Much of their relationship is built by mutual understanding. The Scott -n- Stiles relationship is informed by their mutual childhood pain.
So instead they paper over issues and traumas and assume they're on the same page. It's done out of good intentions but the road to hell and all.
I am of the opinion that they actually didn't discuss anything. At least not much more than we saw at the end where they're practicing lacrosse.
See, here's a thing about how I analyze the show. I tend to think of season 1 and 2 as one arc of the show.
That arc closes out with them not talking about the events very much. It's all too much and too little at the same time. They do not talk about the plan with Gerard and how Stiles was cut out of the loop, not what happened with Jackson and Lydia, not Derek, not Erica and Boyd, not Allison and definitely not Gerard harming Stiles.
I even go as far as to say Scott wasn't made aware of what actually happened with Boyd and Erica AND that it was a conscious decision on Stiles, Derek and Allison's parts to not tell Scott at all for different reasons.
Season 3 is the consequences of them not communicating properly in the past seasons. It makes them ill prepared for the threat of the Alpha Pack.
I feel like it's easily missed in Tattoo just how they're all not talking to each other and have divided themselves. 3A picks up four months after the end of season 2 and the audience is filled in that Allison has just returned from France, Lydia's been trying to get over Jackson, Scott's been working on himself and doing PSAT studying but meanwhile Derek and Isaac have been looking for Erica and Boyd. It's heavily implied that Stiles has been helping Derek without Scott's knowledge.
But like Scott and Stiles not talking about things? It continues. They don't talk about Allison's death, they don't talk about the Nogitsune possession, they don't talk about how Stiles warned Scott about Peter and Theo, they don't talk about Derek leaving, or Rafael or Claudia or the Sheriff or Melissa --- and it just all piles up into this rift that Theo easily takes advantage of. He preys on each of their fears and the whole thing crumbles under them.
The only way forward was for Stiles and Scott to learn how to fucking talk to each other as adults rather than the non-communication of two hurt children.
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princeescaluswords · 1 month
Words Aren't Necessary
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Written for Meta May Monday 2024's prompt: Pack.
I enjoyed Teen Wolf The Movie, all-in-all. Like any piece of media, there were things I wanted that I didn't get and things that I felt should have happened that didn't. Now, while there are things I didn't want and things that I feel shouldn't have happened, for me it is always beneficial to examine the media closely and answer the question, why did they do that?
One of the things that displeased me initially was the appearance of distance between Liam and Scott. (And the absence of Hayden, but if I talk about that, I'll never get to my point). Liam and Scott didn't have a real conversation in the movie beyond a few shouted instructions at each other. Yes, part of the reason for this was trying to fit a whole story into a little over two hours, but they could have at least had a moment together.
However, looking back over time, I had an epiphany. Perhaps that wasn't an oversight but a conscious decision. I decided to look at their relationship in the movie within the context of the show, and I concluded that this was not just a production necessity but -- especially in the light of the "Scott roars and the pack's eyes light up" scene -- a conscious decision. Perhaps words aren't necessary to reaffirm the bond between alpha and beta.
I will explore this by looking at their relationship in the movie and comparing it with two different scenes: the opening when the possessed wolf comes onto the lacrosse field in Said the Spider to the Fly (6x01) and the scene between Derek and three of his betas in Restraint (3x07).
When the movie starts, Scott is in Los Angeles, and he tells Chris that he hasn't been back in Beacon Hills for a long time. Liam lives and works with Hikari in a place that could very well be on the other side of the world but was never specified. Scott and Liam are both drawn to Beacon Hills for different reasons, yet at first, they don't seem to have had much to do with each other. When they do meet up, there are clues that they haven't become strangers. Scott may be surprised to see Liam, but then again Liam was living far away. On the other hand, Liam doesn't have to introduce Hikari. Liam doesn't have to explain the reasons why he and Hikari would come here. Scott can give Liam instructions immediately, and there's no push back. They work together without any of the necessary establishing scenes that people who have lost track of each other would need. I point out that this is also true for Derek, Lydia, and Malia. Malia and Scott have issues, but even so, it doesn't stop them from working together; it doesn't even make it more difficult. Malia tries to tell Lydia that she missed her, which Lydia gently rebuffs, but that's set to the side.
In fact, the person that Scott must talk to the most is Allison, bewitched by the nogitsune. He establishes motive, explains decisions, and seeks to build trust. Melissa tells Scott that it's important to help her remember who she was. Allison was pack. Just like Liam, just like Derek, just like Lydia and Malia.
Now, a possible counter argument is that this was just made to cut down on exposition in the movie due to time requirements, but I feel there are many scenes (especially between Stiles and Scott, but I'm not going to address those because Stiles wasn't in the movie) where trust was demonstrated in the series by there being no need to explain it to each other.
An important scene which I feel demonstrates this is at the beginning of 6B. Liam, having trouble because Hayden has moved away, almost gets caught transforming in the middle of practice. Scott has to talk him down. Yet, when the diseased wolf (possessed by the Anuk-Ite, though no one knows that yet) shows up and menaces Nolan and the lacrosse team, Scott and Liam immediately begin working together without talking. Scott doesn't have to ask Liam to come with him; Liam doesn't have to inquire about their plan. They walk in unison even though Liam was having trouble not five minutes before.
A counterpoint is the scene in Restraint, where Derek is trying to formulate a plan against the kanima and Gerard, and he gets frustrated because his betas keep questioning his decisions. They're looking at the restraints they're going to use for the full moon, and Isaac is asking him question after question. Derek explodes with "We can't!" to these questions which seem to be quite reasonable. Why the anger? Because pack should mean that his betas shouldn't have to badger him about what they were going to do. Isaac never stops questioning Derek, never stops demanding explanations. Eventually, Isaac joins up with another pack.
Of course, the writing decisions are influenced by the limitations of the medium, especially time requirements. Davis very clearly didn't want to spend a lot of time on exposition and explanation. That wasn't what he was interested in. Yet, I feel that the lack of conversation in the movie couldn't be Davis's disinterest in Liam and Scott's relationship, because otherwise there would be little reason for Liam to be there at all. Liam didn't know Allison; he wasn't invested, and if the film could do without Stiles, it could certainly do without Liam. But the narrative reason he was included was to underline the truth behind Scott's taunt to the nogitsune.
Scott: And I'm still standing. And I'm still the alpha.
The nogitsune wants their fun, and it pleases it to kill a pack's alpha right in front of them, and he is there alpha, and they're his betas. It even pretends to be a werewolf to twist the knife. He fails, of course, but Jeff didn't need to have the characters say the words to show that it is true.
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gege-wondering-around · 2 months
Chris and Derek are a goated duo
I feel like we - if you think the same of course - were robbed of a very powerful and amazing duo - just so you know I'm gonna analysis both characters simultaneously and how they evolved be the two faces of the same coin.
Character analysis:
Both Derek and Chris have a strong sense of justice and duty despite the way they showed it in the early seasons and have great strength in their own fields, that be in combact with weapons or claws.
They are both very family-guided or have a lot of interest in their own families, that being staying in the family business or fighting for their own family and pride.
They both ends up being the only one left - in a generalize measure - of their own families/clans and brings changes to their own after being faced with another prospective that 'lets everyone lives'. And they are both willing to take the risk - whatever it might be - to save others' while being already severely injured.
Both have being 'teachers' to their respective 'young ones' and did fairly well somehow. Chris had Allison and she turned out to be very strong and leader-like, while derek had Isacc, Boyd and Erica and despite the fact two of them died, Derek managed to still teach them something rather valuable about being werewolves.
How they evolved to 'the coin':
throughout the seasons they ends up being the only one they can rely onto when something new comes up or when they need to get information or help to deal with something.
And don't get me wrong, they have other people too, but you remeber it too that Chris specificly went to find Derek in the middle of Brazil and was the only one who remotely knew something about Derek?
Also, example of this is when they were talking about the nogitsune while being imprisoned at the police station, they share their opinions about what to do with Stiles while possessed and despite having different povs they ends up working on it together, especially because they both wanted to save a life and not take one more.
And as they both were the 'bad guys' at the start of the show they surely did a turn around and became some of the 'best guys' who protects people whenever is needed, no questions asked.
Chris Arget passed from hunting down supernatural creatures to helping them killing the actually bad ones, and not killing regardless of being guilty or innocent of any crime.
Derek Hale went from ripping people's throats out almost without a second though on the matter, caring only about power and building a pack for himself, to actually caring for the people he ends up with and not caring about being the Alpha of the situation.
And so, they are opposite yet the same, their willpower leads them the same way but along different paths, they want the same things but try to achive them in two distant ways, they have the same start - as the 'bad one' to someone - but ends up regaining people's respect and love.
Most of the time, this 'two face of the same coin' has a bad interpretation, but I don't think it does right now. If the coin has to faces, no matter how different the faces are, how opposite they might be, they are still part of the same coin. They have the same roots just different branches, maybe different leaves but same fruits.
You might be doing something one way and I might be doing it the other, but if our goal is the same they we are part of the same thing deep down, casue what we are looking for and trying to achive is the same. We are just two different people, and the same goes for opinions, idea, ways of being/working/expressing yourself.
And sometimes you might need someone who does things differelty than you, despite having the same goal, cause maybe what you are failing to understand is what they are the best at and viceversa, so you need the other half of the information to find the solution.
If Chris is willing to kill to protect even if it means killing someone you also care for, then Derek is willing to take the risk, even only upon himself alone, to get back the people he loves.
The difference is: Chris is willing to make a sacrifice, Derek is willing to be it.
(almost all the time)
The goated duo:
So, I believe they are a goated duo that could easily take down almost anything or anyone if needed, when they worked together. That they evolved to be better almost together since I think they both learned something from one another.
They went from total enemies to best allies and they are both the best at what they do cause they basically saw it all. They hold such strength on their own that if they worked together - which they don't do on the field (from what I can tell from the show and the movie - they could probably hunt down the bad guys and be done with them in a few business days.
They would've been a powerful duo if only they had the time to be it.
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sugareey-makes-stuff · 9 months
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I have no idea where this came from, but I decided to write a thing when I saw that Crimson_Fanfic_Writer_7 needed some cheering up and asked for Sterek, angst and hurt/comfort for TML's Drabble for Dopamine. This was honestly supposed to be 500 words, but somehow transformed into a mini monster of its own. Inspired by @whumptember's alternative prompts, "You don't deserve this." and "It should have been me." Mind the tags below. Title: The Walls Came Crashing Down (<- on AO3) Rating: Teen Ship: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski WC: 4.2k Tags: AU- Canon Divergence, Post-Kanima Arc, Post-Nogitsune Arc, SPN S1 Ep5 Bloody Mary, Urban Legends, Whump, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Stiles Stilinski, Hurt Jackson Whittemore, Lydia Martin Saves the Day, Derek Hale to the Rescue, Unconsciousness, Implied/Referenced Torture, Survivor Guilt, Regret, Blood and Injury, Panic Attacks, Crying, Canon-Typical Violence, Pack, Stiles Needs a Hug, Derek Hale Comforts Stiles, POV Stiles, Hopeful Ending Summary:
"Stop thinking so hard, or you’re going to bleed." Surely it couldn’t be—wasn’t his Pack supposed to be duking things out with vampires right now? But a very solid and reassuring hand squeezed his own. Grounding him. Holding on, as if to drain away his pain. There was only one person who always did this whenever he got hurt. "Derek?" Stiles whispered, his voice raw and scratchy. * [Or: A mission goes horribly wrong, and Stiles finally figures out where he stands with Derek.]
Okay, so this fic is different from what I usually lean toward. Yeah, I'm an angst and hurt/comfort person, but it's rare for me to write about the whumpier and bloodier things. Reading it is one thing, but writing it really makes you wonder about a lot (ie. how everything physical is tied in with all things mental and emotional), and making sure to double-check things like facts and tagging. Also, I've been wanting to write a Bloody Mary thing for...a decade? I don't even know...there's something about common myths and urban legends that's so interesting and eerie. Love the lore and the potential for all the suspense, mystery and action that can come out of each and every story. Throw in some hurt characters, and hey, I guess things gotta get bad before they get better? Feels that pull, that's what it's about. This really was a treat to write, lbh. And I will look for an excuse for Stiles and Derek to make each other feel better. They've seen some Stuff, and they 1000% deserve all the comfort and hugs. Anyway, something new for the fall and pre-spooky season. I hope you give this a read when you have a chance. Enjoy!
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usermischief · 11 months
People saying Stiles is stupid and gets bad grades is actually hilarious, especially because he’s supposed to have ADHD. He’s over here keeping up perfect grades, stated by Gerard—the principal—in season 2, and take it from someone with ADHD, that’s not easy. People took that one scene about Stiles answering a question on the wrong topic and took it to mean that he’s bad at school; a) Coach literally says that was on the last question and “last” implies that there were other questions as well so it’s doubtful Stiles did that on the entire test since Coach probably would’ve mentioned him messing up on the whole test and b) this is the same scene where Finstock, the very teacher we learn about the Econ midterm from, claims Stiles is “super smart” but doesn’t take advantage of his talents and can’t focus (you know, one of the main symptoms of ADHD)
So many people called Stiles super smart. Did he fuck up by completely going off topic by talking about an entirely different subject on a test? Yes. Does his brain not cooperate sometimes? Absolutely (and I feel that, so much). Are those reasons to call him stupid? No. Sometimes the ADHD brain does what it wants. So 🤷🏼‍♀️
Stiles isn't the genius of the group, but that doesn't mean he's not extremely smart. Not at all. Because he's the one who always figures it out. I mean:
Lydia: You don't need the instructions. When was the last time you've ever used instructions? Am I right? You don't need them because you are too smart to waste your time with them, okay? You can figure it out. Stiles, you're the one who always figures it out. So you can do it. Figure it out.
Stiles: I don't know that. How would I know that? Peter: Because you're the clever one, aren't you? - Gerard: Mr. Stilinski. Oh, perfect grades but little to no extracurriculars.
Getting perfect grades is super hard even without ADHD.
Theo: He was smart! Smart enough not to trust me.
Scott: With Stiles back, he'll be able to help us figure out a plan. Malia: He's good at that. Peter: So the plan is to get Stiles to come up with a plan.
And I feel like there are more instances where people talk about how smart Stiles is, but those are the instances I remember. It's also a thing that happens throughout the series. s1, s2, s3, s6, and not just a random comment somewhere. But we don't just hear people talking about how smart he is, we see it too. He watches Lydia make a molotov cocktail once, then turns around and does it himself. The bear trap. He copies key cards. He figured out himself that he/the nogitsune was the one who gave the order to kidnap Kira.... and more.
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redfurrycat · 10 months
May i respectfully ask how you can enjoy a ship if u didn't see the show for canon's sake?? 😄👀
Hey Anon! :)
Talking about Sterek are we, right?? :D
Upon reading your ask, I reflected on how I got into the Sterek fandom in the first place, and wow what a nice journey down the memory lane!!
Short answer to how I can enjoy a ship if I didn't see the show?
Confused, are you? =D
The longer version of my babbling is under the cut, and so very sorry about that, coudn't help myself! :D
In case you don't know about the Coldflash ship, Anon, just a quick word. Tis the hero/villain ship from the Flash tv-show, aka Barry Allen/Leonard Snart.
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I started following this ig account ss.sterek [@holycafe if I'm not mistaken], liking all the coldflash posts, then getting curious about their other posts as well.
This is how Sterek came to be.
At first, it was a polite indifference, but the more I saw the sterek posts the more it got interesting to me, until one day I started searching for any Sterek content.
Until I started searching for any content on Tumblr, specifically.
Until I liked so many incorrect quotes and crack posts about this so-called Sourwolf and Spaz.
At some point their dynamic became SO addicting, I decided to start reading fics.
Did I understand any of the mentionned canon? Heck no.
(The Teen Wolf Wiki Page was a huge help in that regard, explaining to me what a kanima or a nogitsune was for example.)
Still, I remember the first fics I read were about Stiles being Pack Mom to the Wonder betas!! =D
Also fics closely (ish) related to canon...So yeah they always referred to stuff happening in the show that I usually didn't get...
With patience, some research, and LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS OF FICS, I began grasping things and characters surrounding the Sterek pair.
So I may not know about the Derek and the Stiles from the show, but I know of the fandom version of them.
Beleive me, it puzzled me how big it got to me. (BUT I'M LOVING IT!)
Like I probably have 2,000 bookmarked Sterek fics on AO3 plus the ones I've yet to read on my marked-for-later and the other ones I read without bookmarking them (rookie mistake xD).
I think the writers and the Sterek content creators have taken the grumpy-sunshiny & dry-sarcastic dynamics and wrote....how to say it? almost different characters than from the show? To the point I didn't need the show to understand them.
Nor did I wish to.
Actually, I tried watching after S06 got out, but didn't last more than 15 min maybe? My brain was too wired up on the Sterek vibe to fully appreciate the show. (Maybe my teenage ass would have liked it... But as I was watching soooo maaaaany tv-shows already, it was impossible to start watching Teen Wolf, and when I first heard of Sterek I was at Uni and really didn't have the time - But OH LORD THE NUMBER OF FICS I READ... My life saver to countless sleepless nights unable to close my eyes xD)
I've only watch THE famous Sterek Supercut!!!! :D <3
I don't know if you are aware of my Tumblr really, but if you are, you may notice I'm VERY MUCH INTO PLANES AND PILOTS these days... (okay it's been a year)....
*I'm super chill, whatddyamean???? :D*)
Make NO mistake though, Sterek is still a favourite pair of mine, and I AM OH SO GLAD to see old and new content popping up in my dash. Still reblogging and reading!!!!!!!!!
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Thank you to the original account that got me into Sterek. Thank you to THE STEREK FANDOM FOR CREATING THE MOST AMAZING CONTENT AND FICS.
Dear you go, Anon, rambles over. :D
(((I started writing the reply in the morning, and it is now the evening. I got distracted by real life stuff in the middle, and I AM EXHAUSTED. I hope you can make sense of all the babbling (or word-vomit, more like it.) I won't be reading again cause otherwise I'll keep adding stuff :D))
Have a good day Anon! ;)
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houseofpendragons · 1 year
Thoughts on Teen Wolf the Movie while watching it pt.5
PeTeR wAiT" why she say it like that😭
Peter's line would've made way more sense if the Nogitsune was actually giving him illusions (maybe one's about the fire, or being trapped in a coma again, or hell maybe stuff about the desert wolf bc I mega curious about their relationship)
He's playing lacrosse 🥍
Sir should've just dove out the way, he basically told u it had wolfbane on it
"Wolfsbane" reminds me of gerards "Mountain ashhhh!" Lmao I make myself laugh
How'd she knock him out so quick with just an elbow to the face, he's a werewolf
New plot idea, nogi could've made him hallucinate the fire and make him see Kate everywhere so when he sees Allison (as Kate) he's fed up with the illusions bc it's fucking him up. I'm a genius, Jeff Davis hire me 😎
um just cause it looks like her doesn't meanit us her...doppelganger's anyone? (Yes I know different show bit still) or she could be possessed
ur a zombie chica 🧟‍♀️ 😁👍
Not Peter being big baby and having Melissa take care of him in the back😭
Chris what's ur gun gonna do against black smoke, u know it ain't the oni bc the sun's still out
"I've killed oni before" yeah and then they killed you ma'am
Malia "I don't do speeches" Tate, proceeds to give a speech 😂
🎶If we go down then we go down together🎶
Lydia:🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊 Allison:👏📸💏☺😍🥰😂🧍‍♀️👭👫😭💋🏃‍♀️🤣😊🏹😘
Don't think I didn't notice you left out Stiles and Isaac in them flashbacks😑
Oop it's night night time now 🌃
um they belong to themselves, you know free will and all, c'mon it's 2026 in ur universe so get eith the program honestly so canceled 🥱
Also if you were gonna have him say they belong to me know you could've had them possessed by the flies again like in 3b and made him fight his own friends. It'd be good emotionally and for the plot bc we wouldn't know if he'd be forced to kill them or not
oooo and if Stiles was here Nogi takes over his body again and let's Allison go bc he's sacrificing himself for them, there rising another issue but Stiles has full faith that Scott will bring him back
"I'm still standing, I'm still the Alpha!" Sounded a whole lot better in the trailer
also would've been cool if Derek was forced to be on Nogi's side bc he has Eli hostage
"Please don't make me watch my friends and my family die - I can't do that again" is what should've been the line💔
Um that was 3 arrows not 1, thought you were supposed to be a perfect shot, you letting out some pent up rage on my boy Scott? 😶
When did Eli get tied back up? Would've been cool to see it happen telekinetically
I love hikari but it just would've made more sense for Kira to save him. She would've been more powerful by now, she'd have complete control bc of the skinwalkers, and there's the emotional connection that's established between them
Or at the very least if it had to be Hikari they could've done my earlier suggestion and made that little girl and her dog a flashback of Scott saving Hikari bc then it would've been like you saved me once and now I've saved you 👍
Looked cool af thou 🔥
Damn, headshot 🎯
Hold up, now wait a minute, you're suddenly a perfect shot again?😂
Hold up Parrish where your clothes at and what underwear you buying bc all ur other clothes burn up but ur undies are fireproof?!😭
Heyyy, I love whoever idea it was to give mama McCall a crossbow 😎👌
Not Peter now using the wolfsbane ring dagger that just poisoned him🤦‍♀️is he good by the way lol did Melissa have a lighter on her or something
Yeah, you motherfucker *copies Peter's dramatic hair flip*💅
Stab stab flip flip
Yeah Jackson and Lydia takedown we deserve
Stiles taught her how to use a gun and he'd be so proud of his wife right now😁
Would've been cool if it was, like I said earlier, Stiles being the one at gunpoint and Jackson comes to save them (Stiles would be so annoyed😂)
oh he wasn't tied up, he was just hiding again
Eli you little liar you already done the glowing eyes and the fangs
Awwww yes! Eli and Derek are my favorite part of this movie, I could watch a whole series about them🥺
Love how they roared together, like Derek was giving him strength and encouragement in that roar
Love the wolfie faces, though I do think the shows looked a little bit scarier, the eyes are really good in this one thou🐺
Baby Eli and Daddy Derek to the rescue
Now we all got our guns back that ig Parrish was hiding in his underpants 🙈😭
pow pow mf
I thought it was impossible to be both a fox and a wolf🤔
This supports my theory that this is just another illusion and none of it's real. It looks real and feels real but it's not
Ugh you was ugly ass mf wolf-fox🤢
Why his eyes glowing green? shouldn't it be a more yellowish green for a firefly 🤨
He looks like a mole deadass💀
🎶we're all in this together🎶
Why aren't Peter, Malia, Liam, Hikari, and Parrish going with them...
Eli honey, I love you but...why you running like that, you look like ur about to fall🤭
I like how the lighting in each room reflects their eyes
Well obviously its not real
You know my dumbass would just be in their yelling "echo" bc it'd be funny to me😭
Well that was very rude of you Nogi
What was Harris's goal, I'm still confused 😕
Should called him a pup instead of a child, it just would've been more pleasing to me bc it's a funny tease to say to a werewolf idk why
"Start with me" Nogi said okay say less 👍
Now you see me, now you don't
Scott this is kind of embarrassing for you bc Duke taught you how to fight using all your other senses when your sight won't help you...
you can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man 🤪
So what did everyone else see? Did they just see them all on the nemeton looking ridiculous or did they do a disappearing act snd magically appear out of nowhere
Also why didn't nogi mess with them at the same time, seems a waste if you ask me to just leave them to come up with a plan, then ur just asking you get defeated but oh well🤷‍♀️
Oop well Eli's out the game again but Parrish is putting himslef back in, there's a good man (there's a nice demon😂)
Nogi's laugh made me laugh 🤣
Hell no, don't you dare. I know that look Derek Hale, don't you fucking do it. Bad werewolf, very bad werewolf! not infront of ur son! NO, HE IS NOT APART OF SCOTT'S PACK NOW IDGAF THAT HE'S THE ALPHA
So much for only a true alpha only every few hundred years, BUT IT WAS FUCKING EARNED DAMN IT😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
The way Eli said dad😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Okay let me be serious, I don't think Derek's dead. This was was all on layer of the illusion, it looks real, it feels real, but it's not real!
Idk where Derek or the Nogitsune are but neither are dead, bc you can't even kill a Nogitsune so where is the fly like at the end of S3 hmmm🤨
He's not dead no, nope, i refuse
Poor Peter, Derek and him were really close, even though they had their differences they were still all they had left 😢
Ew Scott shouldn't be giving the speech it should be Peter or Eli
Where's Isaac (his first beta), Cora (his sister), and Stiles? You can't tell me they wouldn't be there for his funeral
Actually the first the first thing he said to you was "What are you doing here? This is private property"
AWWW Papa Stilinski coming in clutch🥺
This is where Lydia answers Stiles would renew their vows
Um isn't she still technically 17🤨
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mischiefashale · 10 months
I'm 1:04:45 in and I can think of at least 20 different lines of dialogue that would have maybe at the very least attempted to salvage this narrative.
Also where is Alec? The kid from the end of the last episode.
OMG is the sheriff would have been taken down by the Nogitsune. Stiles would burn BH to the ground.
Yassss Peter!!!! I luff him. (Still don't believe/agree that he would side with an Argent especially Kate alá s4, no matter what Scott took from him, it's almost as unbearable as this storyline)
If fire makes the healing go faster does that mean it took even longer for Derek's family to die? Because the flames would heal or something. I dunno my brain isn't working but the implications make my heart hurt.
"Do I need to remind you people he slashed my throat once and it killed me?"
Lol mama McCall "can we lower the testosterone in the room?"
Oh ffs Scoot just running off on your own. At least use your nose.
Of course it's raining.
I didn't actually think beacon hills was big enough for anyone to need to stop to get gas to get anywhere.
Oh okay so he was already at his intended destination. Why is he pumping gas then?
You can't tell me the part of the contingency plan wasn't Derek having a car gassed up and ready to go.
The man didn't know he was a kitsune? My God they need to make a supernatural test.
Like oh you suddenly got the urge to move to BH? LET'S MAKE SURE YOU AREN'T A SUPERNATURAL BEING!
Peter and Chris just kiss.
Again yelling about how powerful the Nogitsune was and they just let Liam take it. Why not use Kira and the sword to drop it into Hell like she did with Theo?
Also another Argent going after a 15y/o boy
I STG frickin Scott. Wtf why does he get to help Eli transform.
Also wouldn't it be a better idea to send Allison's father after her? He's not an alpha but he is her daddy.
Um EXCUSE ME Stiles Stilinski almost had to cut your father's arm off sir.
Find your dad he says. Like he didn't even tell him where to look. Not go to Mama McCalls house.
Look at Peter, he knows how to use his sniffer.
Did everyone forget how to use mountain ash? Why aren't they all carrying some?
They need "In case of BH FUCKERY" bags
Of course alt! Kira dies
Or okay goes up in smoke.
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Can we please get ace/aro!stiles
Hi anon. @midnightwinterhawk found some.
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maybe hold my hand by Cancer
(1/1 I 2,487 I General I Sterek)
"By the time he turned twenty-three, he had a seriously extended knowledge of all things sexual. He just didn't want the sex part of it. Sex, he decided, was for reading. He wasn't disgusted by it, or tired of it, or strongly against it; it just didn't seem worth the effort. It wasn't that he didn't want to have sex ever again, it was just that it may not bother him that much if he never had to do it again; that maybe it would be okay to not."
the one where Stiles' sexual orientation is pretty much "meh" then realizes he may be in love, proceeds to maybe panic, and Derek is just too invested to care about anything else
Waiting for Pack by DiscontentedWinter, hisaribi
(8/8 I 14,927 I Teen I Steter)
This isn't the first time Stiles has woken up in a different world. This isn't the first time that Peter has been caught in a place where time doesn't exist. Except this time they have each other.
Hook, Yarn, Sinker by pprfaith
(23/23 I 65,676 I Not Rated I Steter)
Stiles is happy with his store, his hobbies, his friends. Peter's just trying to figure out how to raise his nieces and nephew without fucking them up too badly.
Paths cross.
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@kevaaronday found more!
They Don’t Do That At Walmart by luulapants (1,969 | 1/1 | Teen | Stackson) “When’s the last time you went clothes shopping?”
“I don’t know!” Stiles whined. He gestured vaguely in the air. “I don’t clothes shop so much as clothes appear to me from the ether and then I keep them until the gods of decay reclaim them.”
Jackson paced. He stopped. “We’re going shopping,” he decided.
This Or That, But Always Mine by clotpolesonly (2,312 | 1/1 | Gen | Sterek) He and Derek were not a thing.
Or, okay, maybe they were kind of a thing, in a way.
But they were definitely not that kind of thing.
Stiles just wished everyone else could understand that.
We Pick Ourselves Undone by scilessweetheart (3,090 | 1/1 | Teen | Stydia) For Asexual Awareness Week!!
Between the ADHD, the anxiety, and the dead mom, Stiles was used to being an outsider. Then, there were werewolves and nogitsunes. Discovering his asexuality was just another thing to add to his list of "weird things about Stiles". Luckily, his friends are there to remind him that he isn't broken like he thinks he is.
On a Spectrum by alikatastic
(3,694 | 1/1 | Teen | Steter) Stiles goes through life thinking something is wrong with him. Every relationship he has had ended because he thought he was broken. He had gone years without having loved or had sex with another person. So, when Peter started hitting on him, he only flirted back because it was fun. He was having fun interacting with another human being in a risque way. He didn't think it would ever lead to a relationship or sex; he just wanted to have fun. Too bad he fell in love, or could it be a good thing in the end? Because being Ace does not equal being broken.
V-cards for V-day? By Drapetomania
(4,485 | 1/1 | Gen | Sterek) Stiles thinks about how they could be showering together right now if being naked together was a thing they do. Hell, they don't even have those crazy desperate make out moments where they're seconds away from tearing off each other's clothes. Stiles expected things to change when he got into a relationship. Then he expected things to progress as the relationship did. But here he is, finding himself completely indifferent to having sex with Derek Hale - or, even more so, he kind of doesn't want to have sex with Derek Hale.
aka ace!Stiles
Life Is What You Bake It by neglectedtuesday
(1/1 I 12,503 I General I Sterek)
“You’re not broken Mr. Stilinski, nor are you a freak,” Deaton says, reaching into a drawer and searching for something, “You are simply asexual.”
“Asexual?” The word tastes heavy in Stiles mouth but it doesn’t feel wrong.
“Asexuality is not uncommon in society,” Deaton continues, finding what he was looking for. Unsurprisingly it’s a pamphlet. “There are lots of omegas, betas and alphas that are asexual or a form of asexuality. There are many chat forums and websites that cater specifically to asexuality. Obviously you will not be required to go to play-mating classes anymore and if you so wish you can remain off the suppressants.”
Stiles clutches the pamphlet in his hands. Asexual. Not broken, just asexual. It’s a word that Stiles can definitely get used to.
It's gonna take a tender touch by justonemoremiracle
(16/16 I 39,607 I Mature I Sterek)
“So, what can I do for you? What are you looking for, exactly? I’m assuming you checked the website to get an idea of what services we provide.” “Yeah, I— it said you did a bit of everything. Like, you don’t just focus on sexual encounters.” “That is what most people request, but yes, we offer a variety of things. Some people come looking for sex, some just want a piece of arm candy to show off, and some want a mixture of both. I’m assuming you’re on the second group?” “Not… exactly.” Stiles bit his lip, unsure whether to continue, but when Derek raised a questioning eyebrow, he soldiered on. “I’m looking for a… companion. Kinda.” “… A companion.” “Yeah, like,” he blushed. “Someone to talk to. Share some meals with. Um, with some touching thrown in, but nothing, like, sexual or anything. Stuff like that.”
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kingofangst · 1 year
wow, u have so many! it's hard to choose! but, um, okay. here's some (if u don't mind)
4. Good for wolves, bad for trauma (Isaac/Theo au)
10. Holes of sorrow (Lydia Martin time travel au)
21. Redeeming the villains of teen wolf
22. An electrifying kind of love (Josh/Brett)
30. That is a firm handshake you got there (Stiles/Brett slow burn)
i still want to know about the good theo one, but since u told me a lot already (same for THG thiam au one too) i'm cutting these off of this :)
Oh Wow! I wasn't expecting this but I don't mind at all😁💯 I will be debriefing them
4) This was started off by an idea of a rarepair. Which was then crafted with moodboards of these two. (Credits to you @thiamsxbitch) Basically this is an AU where Isaac doesn't leave to France with Chris. Instead he stays with Scott and Melissa as he battles against the Deadpool while being a mentor and beta to Liam. When he is a senior and someone from Scott's and Stiles's childhood crosses path, Isaac is skeptical but intrigued. He finds it mysterious that Theo wants to join Scott's pack out of nowhere which makes him hold the chimera at arms length. But Theo is interested in the tall beta werewolf who is not just one of Scott's best friends but is also the former lover of Allison. As these two cross, they find out more about themselves and are drawn to each other, not realizing the severity of the situation or Theo's deception before it's too late.
10) Holes of Sorrow became a huge creation of mines since I have seen a few time travel fanfics of Scott, Derek, Chris, and one from Allison. But Lydia (who happens to be one of my favorite characters too) goes from being a Queen Bee to becoming of the most trusted friends and allies in the series by season 6 and her banshee and intelligence is what makes her into a sophisticated badass.
But I decided to have this idea where the war is over but at the cost of her life and a majority of the pack. Rather than her soul passing on to the afterlife she is sent back in time to season 1 on the first day of school back from winter break. Which will not only confuse Lydia and give her a second chance, but also change the outcomes now that she has developed and become mature within herself and her banshee powers.
21) This fanfic or sets of one shots/mini series will be dedicated to the villains of Teen Wolf had their traumas played differently, had they made a different decision, or had they been saved by someone. (excluding Gerard and Kate because those two are psychotic murderers, Corinne because she is a cold blooded assassin, the Dread Doctors because technically they are corpses and the Nogitsune who is an entity of pure evil).
It would comprise the tragic villains of Peter Hale, Matt Dahler, Victoria Argent, Jennifer Blake, Kali, Ennis, Decaulion (even if he became a pacifist in season 6), Garrett, Violet, Sean Walcott (he wasn't a villain really but he went rogue as a Wendigo), Halwyn, Gabe Valet and Tamora Monroe. Each of them in a one shot or mini series to what if scenarios or how would it impact them and the story differently. I may add in Theo as an AU too. Mr. Douglass I will not add because he is a Nazi and he wanted to take the power of the Wild Hunt. Dr. Valek I am uncertain about due to his agenda for the supernatural and what he did to Lydia.
22) This one I am actually still brainstorming but I am actually planning out their dialogue and how they meet. These two are seen paired in fanfics I have read with this pairing and I decided to pair them up in this fanfic. From Strangers to Lovers, and while I do intend to add fluff (and adult content so rated E🔞🔞) I also intend to not make it easy and allow angst and darkness into his fanfic considering what Josh goes through and what he becomes.
They both will meet at Sinema and drawn to each other by their looks and their appeals. Of course while Josh can act carefree and edgy, he would be having a hard time to keep up with the smug, charming, and daring Brett who will be the cause of Josh's racing heart. While at the same time Brett's feelings for Josh will be claiming his own heart as he acquires the fuzzy feelings around the cute Latino teenager.
30) So how did this come into play? Well I got into Stiles/Brett ship (known as Briles) due to a fanfic called Summer Daze by emsittens which intrigued this spark. Then I went into a Briles brain rot which I still ship completely and began reading some Briles fanfics. There are many Briles fanfics on AO3 but my favorites aside from Summer Daze are the ones written by my dear friend @amatchinwater who has many fanfics of Briles. (I applaud you💙💙💙😎😎😎)
But in this WIP, Stiles meets the 8-pack Devenford Prep Lacrosse captain after getting Liam away from him but after trying to play "polite" and use his wits, Brett tells him something that is a mixture of an insult and a flirtatious compliment. "You really are a talkative mouthy one. A hot, talkative mouthy one at that😏"
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buckybarnesss · 9 months
Don't mind me casually stalking your Scott Mccall posts, trying to see if there's a meta discussing how Scott and Stiles went from ScottandStiles to the temporary friendship break up in season 5
i'm not sure i've written about the stiles and scott divorce specifically. i know i've talked about it in other metas here and there.
it's something i'd have to sit down at watch 5a again for
for me the basis of the whole thing was sound but the execution wasn't great. there were many fissures in their friendship which theo preyed upon. stiles and scott always had a hard time with communication and often paper over their issues rather than talking about them. this was the most boneheaded either of them had ever been about it. they're also deeply concerned with how the other perceives them and a lot of s5 and s6 deals with how both stiles and scott are scared to lose each other. stiles and scott often depend on the other playing their assigned role with each other.
i think the more interesting angle about their fight is about the fall out of the nogitsune possession despite it being a season late. season 5 stiles is volatile. he's paranoid and irritable. he has a history of suggesting violence against people.
stiles is scared of scott and his father seeing him differently and the questions of if stiles's word can be trusted? how much has he changed? is stiles capable of murder in cold blood? those are interesting things to interrogate from scott's point of view.
it's also interesting to turn that on scott. s5 deals a lot with whether scott is being a good alpha or not.
in some respect they had to shed their childish relationship to be able to grow into an adult one. it's one of those things about growing up. scott and stiles will always love and care about each other but they're not going to live in each other's pockets as they start to build their own lives.
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
Teen Wolf so blatantly intended Gerard and Peter to be seen as the unreliable narrators they are yet stans keep insisting Peter is unfairly blamed even though Stiles sees through his bs. They rightfully despise Gerard and don't trust him yet nod and swoon at Peter's words ignoring what is actually shown to us.
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If there is any undeniable fact that fans of the actual show can draw from Teen Wolf, one has to be that "No one hates Peter Hale more than Stiles Stilinski because no one understands Peter Hale more than Stiles Stilinski."
Derek is manipulated by Peter before and after the fire because Peter is his uncle. He's family, and family is important to the characters. The production gave us scene after scene showing this. When Derek is at a loss, he goes to talk to Peter in Season 1 even though he knows that Peter has been in a coma for six years. We can see it when Laura approaches Peter, open and vulnerable, even though her uncle shouldn't be standing outside during the full moon. We see it in the way Derek and Peter talk about Talia, about how Derek risks his life for just for one more chance to talk to his dead mother.
One of the undeniable and essential characteristics of Peter Hale is that he uses the bonds of family to further his own ends. He uses it against Laura in Wolf Moon, against Derek in Wolf's Bane and Battlefield, against Malia during Season 4. Stiles understands the usefulness of this technique, which is why he uses it as well on occasion, but he also understands that to use it is to degrade the relationship.
The difference between Stiles and Peter is that Stiles, with the sole exception of Lies of Omission (5x09), always uses that vulnerability to protect others. When he attacks his father using the memory of his dead mother in The Girl Who Knew Too Much (3x09), he -- as much as I find it aesthetically displeasing -- is doing so to stop the Darach. When he ambushes Rafael in the police station in Illuminated (3x16), he's doing it to protect Scott and Kira. When he lies to Malia in Season 4, no matter how wrong it was, he was spot on that Peter would try to use Malia for his own ends.
It's not a coincidence that the nogitsune takes it to the next level -- to Peter's level -- such as when he savages Melissa in De-Void (3x22). Void Stiles is the dark side of Stiles, the person who uses his cunning and his ruthlessness to serve his own purposes.
It's why Stiles possesses, and retains throughout the entire series, a seething contempt for Peter Hale. "Through a glass, darkly" is a common literary trope because it's very effective at revealing that which a character would want to hide, especially from themselves. Stiles could become Peter if he simply stopped caring, and this reflection of his own failings as a person repulses him. From "I don't want to be like you" in Code Breaker (1x12) to "Who would ever come for you?" in Radio Silence (6x05), he rejects Peter's willingness to manipulate and abuse those he's supposed to love, because he's rejecting that part of himself.
The idea that Peter was meant to be anything but a foil for Stiles and a villain for Scott to defeat and reclaim in Teen Wolf simply denies the fundamental basics of storytelling and every single scene the audience can view. The only difference between him and Gerard (other than the fandom's fascination with Peter) is that Peter had the extenuating circumstance of the fire and the coma, which the production presented as an argument for mercy and definitely not a justification for Peter's actions.
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