#or pathetic
pillowfriends · 7 months
it has been 0 days since I cried over the fishwives
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sapphirebluejewel · 6 months
So like how does one find a qpr? Because we out here ballin on a budget
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tragicalwisteria · 1 year
Remus rolled his eyes, "Look, you had to know this was bound to happen when you decided to walk into our meeting all cocky and shit, so get the fuck out." He shut up the whimpering, pitiful mass at the door with a swift flick to the temple- he'd face the consequences later, he wasn't supposed to terrorise every single curious individual interrupting their meetings (especially James, who often popped in to discuss a new prank- he'd have to understand that now was not the time), but he was never one to follow the rules, was he now?
Remus stalked back into the room, met by a giggling Sirius, who was failing miserably to cover up his laughter with the back of his hand. He mock-curtsied then sprawled himself over his chair, brushing the stacks of books on it to the floor, eliciting a disgruntled sigh from Sirius,
"I was sorting those for the library you insufferable git."
Sirius' delicate laughter slipped out like tinkling fairy bells rustled by the wind and echoed throughout the cosy room, their little alcove where they would spend an afternoon every week in blissful oblivion of the deteriorating society around them, their escape into a world of utter peace. No they weren't doing drugs- well sometimes they were- but often they simply basking in the other's presence and the warm sun which almost always cascaded through the sheer, tulle curtains, falling on Sirius' face, causing him to glow an ethereal orange, his eyes sparkling, pools of liquid silver, crinkled ever so slightly at the creases, each long, dark eyelashes individually illuminated. His glossy black hair spilled over his shoulders- Remus could spend all day simply studying Sirius' features, each attentively carved by the most meticulous and painstaking hands, modelled from the silhouette of the most exquisite angels. All while determinedly avoiding Sirius' piercing gaze, his lips curled up in a questioning, "What?", laughing, brushing it off (keep it casual Lupin, don't fucking mess this up).
When asked why they would uphold this strange and trifling ritual to such a strict standard Remus would remark, hurriedly, "I just like spending time with my best friend!" although this was mainly to bruise James' ego (one had to do that sometimes to avoid his head physically inflating- Remus was always happy to oblige). As much as he hated lying to Lily (not out of any moral concern, more to his being an abysmal liar), there was no other option. She couldn't know the real reason.
Sometimes, Remus would sit in an armchair, tucked up in the most wonderfully bizarre fashion, upside down, one leg over the arm, one arm settled over his chest and the other fully extended, holding some book as far away from his slowly reddening face as possible, his glasses slipping down, or rather up, his nose, his curls brushing the floor near where Sirius would sit, devoting himself to his art, cross legged, sketchbook in hand, charcoal pencils on the floor near him, stowed carefully in their case- the slightest movement would break them, or so Sirius thought as he sketched away diligently, tongue sticking out, eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly (Remus would watch him, watch his pencil move across the paper in swift, random, jerks, slowly forming a beautiful figure- he was utterly mesmerised by the process.)
Other times, Sirius would sit at the piano and play, as he was now- Remus would watch his hands glide gracefully over the creamy ivories, barely skimming it, his touch light, gentle- Remus wondered who else had played this piano before him, whose hands had graced these keys- who had listened to the mellow, warm, soft sounds flowing from the instrument, let it wash over them as Remus did now, watching it pooling at his feet, pleasant, golden, sparkling in the hazy, summer light- the room painted a comforting orange, warmth seeping from all corners of their hideaway, they were at peace, untouchable, anything could happen (but would Remus let it?).
For now he would fill his heart with simple melodies, lulling him to sleep, under the sleepy gaze of the sunset, with slivers of dark blue peppering the sky, the faint outline of stars dotted around like freckles, soft.
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unsmadthefool · 1 year
Note to self:
obsessively draw goodtimeswithscar.
I'm gonna learn to draw better, and it's going to be by drawing scar.
I neeeeeeeeeeeed for there to be a scar animatic for the she sells seashells video. It hasn't been made yet, but I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeed it
this also means learning anatomy, so that i can draw the scitties. 🙏
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candycatfalls · 1 month
Wait the book of bill appearing to Ford first is fucking HILARIOUS actually. Ford literally killed Bill less than a month ago, and Bill's still banking so hard on him getting him out of therapy that the book shows up in Ford's stuff MULTIPLE TIMES. Girl the situationship has been over for thirty years give it up 💀
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keithbutgay · 2 months
notes goal post
because i really need motivation
(i stole some of these but shhhhh)
if this post gets 50 notes i'll drink water right now
100 i'll go to bed at midnight for the rest of the week
200 i'll actually do my laundry
500 i'll take a shower every day for the rest of the week
1,000 i'll brush my teeth every night for a full week
2,000 i'll stop binding for an unhealthy amount of time for a full week
3,000 i'll start actually wearing my ankle braces consistently
4,000 i'll eat breakfast every day for the rest of the week
5,000 i'll stop binding while sleeping
6,000 i'll stop wearing earrings i'm allergic to for a full week
7,000 i'll start doing makeup again
8,000 i'll stop eating chocolate for the rest of the week
9,000 i'll make my autodale masks
10,000 i'll touch grass every day for the rest of the month
11,000 i'll water my plants twice a week for the rest of the month
12,000 i'll put on my lotion when i need to for a full week
13,000 i'll eat at least two meals every day for the rest of the week
14,000 i'll finish my water bottle every day for a full week
15,000 i'll write more for forest files
18,000 i'll clean out my backpack
19,000 i'll take my vitamins every day for the rest of the week
20,000 i'll finish my stained glass project
21,000 i'll go to bed before midnight for the rest of the week
22,000 i'll do my summer reading
23,000 i'll move the knife out of my room
24,000 i'll eat three meals every day for three days
25,000 i'll stop purposefully triggering myself for a full week
50,000 i'll try my best to stay clean for two full weeks
i'll probably add more goals if this somehow get past 5k, but there it is for now :)
spam allowed
tagging allowed
ummm the deadline is halloween
*thumbs up*
go for it
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fuhosh-i · 3 months
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“Where’s the pathetic element?” Exactly Tom Hardy. Exactly.
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problemnyatic · 2 months
the steven universe hate is insane bc people are (or at least were) more upset that fictional war criminals got fictional hugs than they recognize that it singlehandedly advanced queer rep in children's media by lightyears and then straight up ate heavy retaliation for the nerve.
It does have real flaws that are worth discussing, but it also put their male protagonist in dresses and skirts and played it straight and even empowering, they aired a lesbian wedding on television, it was a genuinely queer, genuinely diverse piece of media through and through. It did a lot of real good for the real world.
But also the fictional characters caused fictional harm to other fictional characters, and didn't get an onscreen firing squad sentence. So, you know, it's basically ontologically evil in real life.
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allagashed · 6 months
whenever i say “screaming crying throwing up” this is what i mean
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sparvverius · 5 months
thinking about the very common idea among antebellum american slaveowners that ex-slaves would initiate a race war as soon as they were free and that whites would never be safe among people they or their ancestors owned so they should be moved to a different country. and how that was completely stupid and the racial violence post-abolition was racist anti-black violence not slews of anti-white revenge killings across the nation and a dissolution of society. anyway thinking about that and also the insistence from the zionist crowd that if palestinians were given equal rights or even if the occupation slackened its grip a little every single israeli from the river to the sea would be murdered by vengeful palestinians.
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yagirlaki · 10 days
Making a stupid sandwich because the stupid fictional people in my head wouldn't want me to starve. >:(
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clownsuu · 1 month
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Small lil post of out of context other blog shenanigans with bonus drawing JDHHD
cw: body horror at the end
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What a handsome girly pop 💔💥🥄
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ahsteria · 10 months
big doe eyes and off-putting allure as god intended
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xbuster · 2 years
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Twitter LGBTs are so sanitized it’s embarrassing
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artkaninchenbau · 8 months
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Crocodile finds a strange stray cat an 11-year old Nico Robin (AU where they met 13 years earlier. Robin's been on the run from the World Government for 3 years. Crocodile's 27 and has not set up base in Alabasta yet)
It seems like I have become possessed. By some sort of demon.
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candycatfalls · 1 month
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the book of bill is great
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