#or rather it sweet.
me, drinking a sangria that's 60% grape juice and 40% wine: ok i get why people like wine!!!
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heybiji · 2 months
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goryhorroor · 1 month
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horror sub-genres: death games
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love-bitesx · 1 year
was booking myself a new tattoo and this is all i could think of ! this is just brainrot ramble
: ̗̀➛ hobie brown x gn!reader - giving him tattoos (and yourself)
thinking about giving hobie sweet little tattoos with a makeshift stick and poke set up. he'd come home drunk one night, slurring his words and holding you close to him, ranting about how he wants you to give him a tattoo (and something about not wanting to pay big corporations for a real tattoo gun). even if you’re not creative, he just wants to be able to look at his skin and see evidence of you, always. you refuse him at the time, telling him he's too drunk and he'll regret it. but when it's the next day, and he's stone cold sober, you walk in on him hunched over the kitchen table, making a little stick and poke creation.
so, it’s late at night, he’s sprawled out across your bed like it was his, his head and shoulders pressed into the headboard, eyes trained on you. straddling his lap, you held his arm up to the lamp, tongue stuck out in concentration. hobie winced everytime the needle met his skin, his free hand gripping at your thigh to outlet the pain. when you're done, and he's all cleaned up, he's lit up with pride, constantly checking his arm in different lights to see your design. "it's perfect, darlin'," he mutters, his lips pressed to your forehead.
he’d very rarely ever wear sleeves again after that, always having your design on show to remind him of you when he’s away. not that he needed it, you always had a comfortable seat in the front of his mind. he’d show it off to his friends, though, all the time.
"oi, pav!" he'd call out to his friend, drawing his attention over to his exposed skin.
"you got a tattoo!" pav would exclaim, hopping over and inspecting it closely.
“my partner did it,” he couldn’t mask the grin from fuzzing his cheeks, “fuckin' sick, right?”
his heart wasn't even prepared for what he'd come home to that night. when he'd climb in through your window, shedding his spider-apparel and kicking his boots off by your dresser, he'd notice your sleeping form. smiling to himself, picking up the sheets and climbing into the empty space, careful not to startle you – not that it would, you were more used to waking up beside him than alone.
his hands wouldn't be able to stop themselves from touching you, needing to feel your skin beneath his fingertips, and beaming at the sleepy sound of his name leaving your lips. when his hands find your hip, however, you jump and groan in pain. he'd pull you to him.
"'the fuck 'appened?" he'd whisper, careful not to touch the area again, but be confused at your reaction.
"tattoo," is all he could catch, through your tired, and possibly pained, groans.
"you what?" he'd mutter, and lift the covers back, hiking up your his t-shirt to expose a tiny black design, sitting on the skin above your hip bone.
etched into you was a tiny spider, hand drawn and adorned with little spikes, similar to his persona. he'd be so taken aback, he wouldn't even know what to say.
"'s'this for me, sweetheart?" his fingers would very lightly ghost the dark outlines, honing into your body's reaction to it, steering clear of the painful areas. he's close to you, very close, and you can feel his heart pounding against his chest.
"mhmm," you moan, your brain finally pulling itself from slumber, warm in the smell of him, tangling your arms around his neck, "all for you."
"fuckin' ell," he breathed before kissing you with such a passion you'd never felt from him before. he was drowning in you, head buzzed at the thought of something of him being on your skin forever, and you on his. heart pouring, he reached for you in every way he could.
he'd be obsessed with both of the tattoos, strongly encouraging you to never ever wear anything high-waisted again, so long as he steered away from sleeves. pride and happiness overtook him when he'd see you with other people, in public or with friends, and see the black ink peek through your clothes, knowing that it was for him, and nobody else.
he just loved you a lot, and he adores the permanent reminders.
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xhanisai · 2 years
What the fandom thought an envious Adrien would look like:
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What canon envious Adrien looks like:
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 30 days
You should be a childrens' book illustrator! Your style would be so perfect for that I think! Really unique :D
While I don’t know any children’s literature writers, I *was* commissioned to do illustrations for a medical journal article!
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royalarchivist · 1 month
Tubbo: Hola!
Spreen: [Completely unprompted] I can't be homophobic, my btch is gay.
Tubbo: PFTTT—?!
Spreen: [Laughs as he jumps off the ledge]
Tubbo: [Continues laughing in confused delight]
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qalrey · 5 months
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smile-files · 11 months
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she then started wiping his face with a handkerchief, confused
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 4 months
🐟 Fishuary 2024 Day Two: Salmonid 🐟
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The humble (and hungry) rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss! I wanted to draw one as I will be conducting research on rainbow trout during this year, no doubt I will get very familiar with them :]
I also have a version without the thick outline. I don't usually do it (because usually I draw linelessly), which way looks better?
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theluckiestlb · 1 year
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as a self-identified adrienette girlie....kinda miss them, ngl.
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afewproblems · 1 year
50. “I need you to forgive me.”
53. “I’m flirting with you.”
Whichever vibe you’re feeling ☺️ -steddierthings
Ahhh! Thank you for this @steddierthings this one got sad, even though I ended up going with 53. "I'm flirting with you."
"Eddie! Eddie, wait!" Steve calls after him, tearing down the hallway as Eddie makes a beeline for the front door, an angry flush staining his cheeks and neck.
Eddie ignores the urgency in Steve's voice as he grabs the door handle only to stumble as a pair of hands grasp his shoulders.
"Eddie please--"
"Just fuck off," Eddie snarls, whirling around to face him. Who the hell did he think he was, that Steve could say these things, do these things, without any consequences?
Steve flinches, raising his hands in surrender, but he holds his ground as he steps closer, expression determined.
"If you would just let me explain--"
Eddie laughs over Steve's words, a harsh mirthless sound, "explain what exactly?" 
It was one thing for Eddie to quietly pine from afar, to know in his heart of hearts that his feelings could never be returned. 
It was another to have them thrown in his face like this. 
"I know you told me a little about Ozzy that day, you know in the woods?" Steve says softly as he replaces the Tears for Fears cassette with another tape -this one with a handmade label on both sides. 
"And I know you like, uh, Metal and rock music," Steve continues, ignoring the pained snort Eddie makes from his position on the couch. 
It's another night, just the two of them. 
Robin left them about an hour ago to finish their movie, 'alone,' though why she said it that way, Eddie has no idea. 
"So I made this for you," Steve says, pressing play on the cassette player in the Harrington living room.
A mixture of synth and guitar pour out from the speakers as drums soon join them, snapping out a heavy rhythm as the singer starts, his voice a little higher than Eddie was expecting for the music.
'We are secrets to each other
Each one's life a novel
No-one else has read
"It's uh, Rush, do you know them?" Steve says in a near whisper as he walks back to where Eddie is sitting on the couch. He's playing with his fingers, picking at his thumbnail in the same way Robin does when she's nervous, but what the hell would Steve have to be nervous about right now, Eddie thinks to himself as Steve sits down with a shy smile. 
'Even joined in bonds of love
We're linked to one another
By such slender threads'
"I uh, thought you might like the guitar in it, it's not as like, present as some of their other songs though," Steve mumbles with a shrug as he continues looking at Eddie with soft eyes.
He's moving closer now, close enough that Eddie can feel the warmth of Steve's breath on his face, what the hell is he doing?
"Yeah, I've heard of them, they aren't really my thing," Eddie says nervously, inching backward, his eyes widen as Steve follows him, his eyes drop down to Eddie's mouth so quickly he nearly misses it.
'I think it's time for us to realize
The spaces in between
Leave room
For you and I to grow'
"Eddie," Steve whispers, his eyes flutter nearly closed, "can I, I really like you--"
No. He can't think about it again.
He can't think about the freckles he counted, dusting Steve's nose, the flecks of green and gold in his eyes just before they closed to reveal long brown lashes. 
The way his nose felt as it brushed Eddie's own just before he scrambled away across the couch, leaving Steve there with confusion and alarm painted across his face.
It would have been so easy to let himself have this, to go along with whatever prank Steve had obviously concocted. Even if it meant letting him shatter Eddie's heart, just so he could have the chance to feel those lips against his own just once.
"You got me King-Steve, let's all make fun of the freak right?" He scoffs and reaches behind himself for the door handle again.
"I'm flirting with you, Eds, I promise," Steve insists, moving closer into Eddie's space, he reaches for his shoulders again only for Eddie to turn the handle and evade Steve's hands as he steps over the threshold.
"Asshole," Eddie huffs as he makes his way back to his van, leaving Steve standing on his front step, watching mournfully as Eddie gets into the van and peels out of the driveway.
Part Two and Part Three
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kidokear · 21 days
Gabv1el nation! Please, hear me out.
Gabriel calling V1 'my light'.
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infamous-if · 10 months
okay but most important question……. did seven bin the letter after the break up 😭
no it's written in their journal (the same one sev was writing in during the night bus scene giggles)
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killthekilljoy · 9 months
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✨ He's so babygirl when he's feasting on human blood ✨
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eternalgirlscout · 1 year
i saw a review that called season 2 of sweet tooth "too confined" and maybe it's just me but i feel like that's misidentifying what's actually a strength of the show. in an era where streaming series that try to Go Bigger and do as much as possible in their second seasons out of fear of not getting renewed again frequently result in bloated, poorly-paced messes that speedrun plotlines without giving them room to breathe, having a season of tv that focuses very tightly on playing out and resolving the problems established by the prior season is fucking refreshing.
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