#or the 'neutral' systems in general
bolithesenate · 2 months
Satine Kryze should not be a sympathetic character.
A complex and tragic one? Sure. Every day of the week.
But she did not 'have a point', neither in-universe, not outside of the sw framework. She isn't a hero, neither of her own story, nor of someone else's. There is no way she wasn't a tool. You should not look at her and think 'this woman has done nothing wrong and what ultimately happened to Mandalore was to no part her fault'.
Because guys. Friends. Strangers on the interwebs.
Pacifism doesn't work.
And it certainly wouldn't have worked in motherfucking Star Wars – the 'wars' is literally in the title – for a system or series of systems who wanted to stay neutral.
source: I am Swiss, we've looked at this in history class. Extensively.
Satine was a dreamer (thanks Obi-Wan) who was allowed to keep her delusions because they actively benefitted Palpatine's plans. And that's something you can quote me on. There is literally no other reason (apart from supremely bad writing but we'll leave that aside here) for her and her little friends' 'Alliance of Neutral Systems' or whatever to be allowed to exist.
Not that they were neutral in any way, shape or form, by the way.
So yeah sorry to the Satine stans, but you're idolizing a character that was written exclusively and specifically for Obi-Wan's manpain and who, in-universe, was a supremely bad politician. Because the level of mental dissonace needed to factually be a Republic System, have a seat in the fucking Republic Senate, rely upon their military for aid while actively proclaiming that All Violence Is Bad And Barbaric one sentence later AND THEN CLAIM TO BE NEUTRAL IN THE WHOLE CONFLICT – it's just mind-blowing. Even moreso that people actually look at this character and see something aspirational in her.
Again, I'll gladly dissect her character any day of the week. She is fascinating because of all the implications her existence as a head of state carries with it, as well as her deeply complicated family history and her relation to mandalorian culture.
But it just grates on me personally that that all gets ignored in favor of her being some sort of icon of white american saviorism (bc that's literally what she is) and her objectively bad political takes being treated like they are the only correct stance to be taken during the Clone Wars/Mandalorian Civil Wars.
If you think pacifism works and actually lets you stay neutral, I desperately urge you to open a history book. Because those two are mutually exclusive. Especially in the scenario that Star Wars paints.
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softstuffs · 6 months
realized there wasnt a variant of a system pride flag with the interlocking venn digram symbol that doesnt have horendously ugly colors sooooo here this;
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Edited from the white, orange, and black 3 stripe DID flag but in this case idrc what kind of system chooses to use it. The colors don't mean anything spesific other than being associated with the flag it's modified from. interlocking diagram I think is fairly self explanatory. *tosses flag at you* go forth.
if anyone uses this credit unnessecary. i though a design of this already existed and was surprised when I couldnt find it anywhere.
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the-halfling-prince · 8 months
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Had this vision in my head, had to draw it. Idk what the context is but here's another teen Zephyr drawing but this time one of my ocs is there too
#I imagine this would be like if the 'we have to dress formal to sneak into this fancy event for a mission' trope was fantasy viking-ified#(yes I know rtte sorta already did that in last auction hero leave me alone)#my posts#my art#Zephyr doesn't know how to sit it dresses. Gay MF doesn't know how to sit outside of dresses. Girl can't sit.#RJ (the OC) is the definition of 'cleans up well'#I did mess up on RJ's hair I put her bangs in the wrong side but y'all wouldn't know that so idk why I'm saying it#Zephyr doesn't clean up well she doesn't even know what that means. She dragged that skirt through the mud.#Putting zeph in all green felt like a betrayal to my color system I accidentally put in place for the main five.#Zephyr's red. Nuffink is blue. Spike is green Eric is orange and RJ is purple. (Madder is yellow but she's sorta a later addition#to the team. Also Hatchet and Spade are neutrals)#Hmm out of all of these characters I've only drawn Hatchet and Spade's dragon. That hideous zippleback I drew a while ago you know#Anyway I'm done rambling#Have a nice night#dragon riders second generation#<btw that's the tag I'm using for all of my teen zephyr and her friends stuff so if it's annoying then there's the tag to block#And if you want more. Well. There's the tag to search on my blog. I've put everything there.#Ugh I hate how embarrassed I get everytime I talk about these guys. 'oh it's so cringe-' bitch shut up#I'll look at other people's httyd OCs and go 'oooh cool I love that' but then the second I go to post mine I'm like 'ugh cringe-'#Cringe culture is dead post the damn drawing write the damn fic.#Honestly at this point I treat Zephyr like an OC. Dreamworks lost their rights to her she's mine now /hj#Like I used the personality Dreamworks gave her as like a baseline and then made her (and Nuffink) better#And I gave them friends.
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seakrisp · 2 years
Wednesday spoilers: even though what ill say has been said already but I need to finally let it out.
again these are just some of my personal thoughts and what I think!
I'm so happy alot of ppl agrees the the "two main possible male lOvE IntERest" had little to no chemistry with her.
but first,
I'll start with everything I like:
I love everything in the show except the "love triangel romance/ romance in general" that they pushed unto Wednesday. it doesn't rlly add anything. Tyler would have had more impact if he had been a platonic trustworthy friend.
i love the Christina ricci's character was the real villain. that's a really nice bow on everything.
I love we actually saw alot of The Addams Family Dynamic in the show! like in this rendition and universe ykyk. Also always great to have more Gomez and Tish and they're relations with the town and Nevermore.
ofc how could I forget, Jenna Ortega's performance was phenomenal. I really did like the casting.
ofc wendays and enid's dynamic was everything I expected and more. everything about them I loved.
I hope we get to see more bianca bcs I'm curious to her and wendays more chilled rivalry/frenemies dynamic will be like. now that bianca don't really give a shit about xiaver. (hopefully. yall are too good for that boy. that boy needs therapy.)
Enid is literally a Walking Queer Allegory. I said what I said.
wenday and Thing are everything to me. we day's friendship with Eugene to me as well.
oke. now my complainly part/things j wished that happened instead and parts that made me say "that could've been written, chosen better.."
I've TRIED to be unbiased while watching, mostly in the "romance aspect". and I think they should've really just focused on its being about Platonic relationships yk.. they like, they didn't even have a ball to drop Yk. Like you expect Me to believe these wet limp dick white boys are gonna be.. WEDNESDAY ADDAMS 'S.. Potential.. love interest..?? youre joking.
the most annoying part about this was both Xiaver and Tyler were so... fucking entitled. like, WOW. a Girl wasn't mean to you and spoke to you with very basic surface level human decency!
Xiaver, just has a Resting Bitch Face. He didn't do anything wrong but like he's still shithead. And was annoying. (to me)
Tyler, I really wanted him to be the MLM Best Friend :(
but nay, I was wronged ofc. Tyler at first didn't really bother me as much. first few episodes, HE'S JUST SOME WHITE GUY. then it progresses He Annoys Me With a Burning Passion.
my thoughts were like: there's no way. Wednesday liked this boy. she's be manipulated and gaslit.
And yeah Last few Episodes I was correct. it gave me more reason to hate Tyler's ass and I think he should've been brutally murder yk.
I love hunter doohan's performance though, thanks for taking one for the team King <3 He played the bland straight white boy monstour murder.
Now, Enid and Ajax. they were fine.. Ajax is the basic textbook goofy, nice guy who does weed, that just has madusa snake hair—
and omg I laughed so hard when he stoned himselfed like that, it's so perfect and stupid that a teenager with that ability would have the happen to them. it was so fucking funny to me.—
they're relationship is so shallow and mid to me idk. I mean, they do act like a typical teenage het couple.
it's just that, Enid liking a boy who she barely talks obsessesing over him but then also when she got stood up by him. Enid started liking another boy that she just talked to sharing same interests but mostly again just very bare minimum.
I'm not saying she's a shallow person, more say.. yk just a subconsciously finding and filling that, " you have to have a nice boyfriend bcs that's how the world is supposed to be " box...
in short yk, compulsory hetero normativity.
like cmon.. WHAT DO YOU MEAN UR MOM WANTS YOU TO GO TO "CONVERSION CAMP" ? WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHEN YOU WANTED HER TO ACCEPT YOU AS YOU ARE? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WOLFED OUT JUST IN TIME YOU WANTED TO SAVE WEDNESDAY? what do you mean you didn't run into ur bf's after something traumatic but instead run into ur roommates to give her a hug like she'll never let go?
yeah. basically most of my complaints are in the romance. it's Criminally hetero. and I've dealt with alot of hetero relationships endgame media that would have made more sense and thematical it was queer.. augh. I'm gonna watch warrior nun.
I genuinely hope they were very intentional with writing Enid and Wednesday literally the only one with romantic tension and queer subtext..
like, cmon. Wenclair has paralleled Gomez and Tish so much in this show. be for fucking real.
okay that's it. most of what I've said has been said. last thing I wanna say is thank you for your time and effort to read this and.. Wednesday is both queer coded and autism coded.
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britneyshakespeare · 3 months
they cut off my tags on that thoreau post. i wrote like much more of a rant and tumblr didnt even tell me they were cuttin it before i pressed post
#listen. i would've been more concise if you made me#tales from diana#i get so passionate on the topic of pre-nineteenth-century female writers and their systemic exclusion from the literary canon#it drives me up a wall i could truly talk forever and ever about all of these misconceptions#lately the one that gets under my skin is 'look at these (well-remembered) female writers who wrote under a pen name'#my god especially if it's a MALE (or gender-neutral) pen name#first of all. the brontes did not have 'male' pen names. the gender of the bells was not known or presumed#but the assumption is that these ppl were trying to hide their gender rather than many ppl chose not to disclose their identity#bc they didnt want their identity to be known.#also many many many women chose unambiguously feminine pen names. ephelia or astrea or laura or lesbia#(yes very often aping latin/classical conventions)#or what jane austen published her work under initially? A Lady#that's not someone trying to avoid being judged as a woman but someone trying not to be known personally in the world. understandably#and many many early novelists were women. the novel was not a respected art form AT ALL in its early years#so it wasn't that controversial that many of the biggest novelists were women.#as the novel grew in perceived sophistication and respectability. the feminine aspect of its identity waned away slowly#and now the generations of aphra behns and eliza haywoods and fanny burneys and ann radcliffes are forgotten entirely#bc no one cared to preserve it!! THAT is the part of the systemic misogyny#not that zero women ever wrote or published anything. far from it#but it took a considerable amount of resourcefulness and/or privilege to achieve that in the first place#and even with that being accomplished. people did not value it enough to preserve it for future generations#we would not have shakespeare like we do without the first folio. that's a very significant historical fact in his legacy.#we'd have maybe a dozen or so plays. not 38.#but even today you do not go into a bookstore and find the complete works (or even plays) of aphra behn anywhere.#or susanna centlivre or mary pix or hannah cowley#how many people do you know who recognize those names? let alone how many people do you know who have READ their works?#very few. and they are not easy to fucking find anywhere either!#and often unless they've been selected in a series like oxford's world classics (god bless oxford's world classics btw!!!)#you won't find them except from very select sellers and often very expensively#many such early women novelists and playwrights have works so rare you cannot find them duplicated on public access sources
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awastulpatafi · 2 years
a lil rant
general TW before reading, it's a bit of a sob story but I need to get it out
It's very hurtful to see SO many anti-endos say "I dislike endos because they are always xyz" and generalizing this entire group saying we take away resources for traumatized systems, invade their safe spaces, and tell them hurtful things (like threatening or insulting)
because a lot of us don't do any of those things, but it seems like quite a few anti-endos feel the need to call out endos on these things they assumed they have done simply because they are an endo system
This generalizing needs to stop, especially for systems like mine who are mixed origins. No, we do need our trauma resources, we are traumatized and we aren't taking up your resources, we are using the resources that we need too
We have OSDD-1b and understand the crippling difficultly that comes with our disorder and how important having resources, but telling people that are trying to find ways to cope with their situations that they are not valid and not worthy of trying to help themselves is not helpful for anyone
Having DID/OSDD exclusive spaces is awesome and can be super helpful for many different reasons like sharing struggles and resources, but we don't see how anti-endo spaces are at all helpful
Like we said before, we have OSDD-1b, however I myself am an endogenic headmate, I was NOT formed from the systems trauma and was instead formed by an alter within our system with a role to help us better function
Excluding our system, other mixed origins system, and pro-endo traumagenic systems from these DID/OSDD spaces is restricting their access to these resources that they need too!
Not understanding endos or questioning endos is a normal thought process for one who isn't endogenic or educated on endogenic systems, and in fact it's great to do your own research and come to your own conclusion rather than conform to what everyone around you thinks
However to conclude within your head that endos are all terrible people who "steal" resources and invade safe spaces is jumping to a very big conclusion
Again, it's ok to be endo neutral or to question/not understand, but to attack, demonize, slander, and harass endo systems, endo safe spaces, and endo supporters isn't a positive thing
Nobody is perfect, not everyone agrees with everyone, but by no means is bullying acceptable
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otaku553 · 2 years
differential equations has been kicking my ass for the 3rd year in a row so I feel you... *gestures vaguely towards homework in solidarity*
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Thanks bro
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snekdood · 1 year
Dude.. my ex boyfriend totally did get me into conspiracy theory shit, even if unintentionally (i think its intentional im sure he believed in that shit. Would not surprise me at all.) At the time i was already pretty isolated from anyone online who mightve countered any of my dumb spiritual or alien related beliefs because of some dumb shit i said online making most of the friends and followers i made online generally avoid me, depending on who it was. I was just a regular pagan and then he showed me this weird video with all this weird conspiracy theory symbolism in it. I looked it up later on and looked up the meaning of the symbolism and came across a whole bunch of stuff posing itself as Secret Information The US Govt Doesnt Want You To Know About, etc. And then i just fell deeper into the conspiracy theory pipeline, traded my paganism for new age beliefs, and goddamn dude. Like we both got suspended from school bc he had a dumb idea to dumb shit there and i spent my time in detention fucking. Trying to read "the emerald tablets" or whatever tf. Its all coming back to me rn.
#anyways im not about to let yall make me feel guilty for falling in this direction anymore bc i was fuckin 14 and didnt know SHIT about us#politics aside from lgbt ppl deserve rights and to live like everyone else and same w all the other minorities (even tho i probably still#had issues i needed to work on around those things. still generally i wouldve considered myself progressive but apolitical)#and i was already at the time rejecting my christian upbringing and trying out satanism and paganism and such and so#i had a very rebellious mindset at the time. i also hated authority so the first antiesrablishment thing i saw i clung to bc it was#*close enough* to how i felt. none of that shit ever outwardly stated (at the time at least) that anything was abt jewish ppl and i was#filling in the parts about 'child sex rings' to be about christians bc thats how i knew them to be like. it just like. seems so obviously#something a christian would try to do. like a creepy priest or something. i imprinted my own meaning onto it#im not saying it was good but i definitely didnt go into it and stick to it for reasons some ppl might wanna believe#i was way more on the spiritual leaning side and the ~secret spiritual meaning~ of the world. like the flower of life or fuckin.#shit like how theres. idk. a fucking disc or something thats supposed to go on top of the great pyramids that super enlightened#people can only navigate like a spaceship or some shit?#idk the mythology of it all really fucking enraptured me. and i still liked the reptilians even tho they were supposed to be evil and#apparently an antisemitic dogwhistle. i thought it was the annunaki or whatever i was supposed to hate. at least.#the opinions were pretty mixed back then. admittedly i didnt really look up other ppls opinions on that stuff other than articles ppl wrote#like no forums or anything really. which is probably a very good thing i avoided those lol. regardless i thought of the reptilians#as being more neutral but generally looking out for themselves kinda like. the way a reptile would ig. but now that ik its a dog whistle#it really took a the magic out of all of that stuff for me :/ im disillusioned to say the least lol.#all that new age shit was appropriation. christianity rebranded. or weird shit people made up about atlantis or whatever sjjsksks#my favorite was the oceanis one where theres a star system where whales and dolphins come from#like that one was my favorite to believe in dhdjjsksksbdhs#imagine being on a star planet diving around in the sea of light u_u anyways it still sounds fun shsjskskwne.#i hope that one is at least more tame. though im sure its still somehow connected to everything else which im p sure it is#dude all of this information is just resurfacing about all of this shit. i could totally write a whole thing about all the conspiracy#theories i learned about. i might if only to make fun of it all sjdjksksks#yall ever heard of FUCKING david willcocks????#his willing cocks???????#his fucking ass#and gaia FUCKING tv#all that dumb shit
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queerlybelovdd · 1 year
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losttapescollective · 2 years
General reminder for any discourse on the internet, if you realize that the person isn't going to change their stance or even listen too you and what you have to say then it's not a fight worth fighting! You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink it!
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autumn-rain-co · 2 years
boundaries are important, i'll give you that.
breaking boundaries is not good. forgivable if by accident, harder to forgive if on purpose. we do personally agree that if it's correcting misinfo (in a calm and civil manner and not explicitly or even implicitly malicious) it is alright.
now, you cannot define someone's opinion of people based on their interaction boundaries. you cannot define a whole group of people as bad, if some of them break boundaries.
respecting boundaries is important. respect in general, is important and a norm.
do not be a bitch to each other.
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midrashic · 2 years
the thing about anakin skywalker is that i think his character is one that actively eschews nuance, and i don't mean that in a bad way, and inasmuch as i think any kind of character interpretation is better than another, i actually encourage people to view him without nuance (which is why i heartily disagree with lucas's and stover's characterizations of him of "he makes bad decisions, as any of us could, but he's not a bad person; his fall is his fault but not the result of any innate evil"). partly because star wars deals with archetypes and not characters, partly because this is actually an extremely rare situation for a character to be in, it makes sense for people to be doing anakin wrong, but the usual call for nuance just does not work. the atrocities anakin commits are so out there that you can can either believe that his fall was not his fault or you can believe he's evil. what nuance calls for--holding both in your mind simultaneously--would and does work for the vast majority of villains, yes, & would and does work for villains who commit one crime equivalent to anakin's worst moments. but not for anakin.
#no actually even if pushed to our limits all of our morally neutral masses wouldn't massacre children#and the canon DOES encourage both readings but i think it only makes analytical sense to choose one to endorse in a fannish context#my general attitude 'anakin did not fall because he was a predominantly selfish insecure person'#is one which chooses to focus on his slave background and narrative redemption and is incompatible with other parts of canon#and i do want to stress that this is i believe a role for a very specific fannish context for which the kind of story star wars is is key#yes backgrounds of dehumanization realistically encourage traits like selfishness and insecurity.#but that's a stance that works with a narrative that indicts a system of slavery which star wars is patently not#yes in real life it may not make sense to deal in registers of 'fault' and 'being a good/bad person'#but that's a stance that works with a story of psychological realism which star wars is patently not#for the average fan--#the people engaged in a meta war about attachment and how much it's appropriate to defend anakin in a tumblr post etc etc--#i think it's not. useful.#to honestly even make these posts or have these conversations#here's where the nuance comes in; you're both right depending on which reading of anakin you embrace and they're incompatible.#any attempt to reach a consensus based on a 'nuanced' understanding of anakin is going to fail because. anakin's not nuanced#any reading of him as such (IN THIS CONTEXT) is incoherent#filed under: nota bene#midrashic: meta#hyperfixation: blog blog wank wank#fandom: opening crawl goes here#ch: fulcrum of the force
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obstinaterixatrix · 11 days
finished watching a star is born 195whatever. I didn’t know anything about it going in, so I didn’t quite like that it’s not telegraphed as a drama/tragedy and can easily be misinterpreted as a romcom for the first 2/3rds, reminds me of the ‘me before you’ style of audience betrayal. sister didn’t like that it kind of vibes like an edgy “deconstruction” where the “deconstruction” is that it ends with a tragedy rather than a happy ending (the vibe of ‘realism’ rather than ‘fantasy’) and really disliked how the male lead essentially overtook the entire narrative, especially with how the ending reinforced that the female lead’s value was essentially representing his legacy rather than being her own person. dad liked the singing and dancing. we watched the restoration so it was also insanely long, we had to watch it over 3 days. HOWEVER, it did remind me of the artist and apparently it’s on youtube for free so I do want to make him watch the same kind of story with a happier ending
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the-adas · 29 days
even with the CPR training, they show poc doing CPR/the Heimlich maneuver, but they never show them being unresponsive/choking
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augustameretrix · 8 months
yknow those ostensibly feminist arguments about women "turning into men" or "acting like men" or "adopting masculine values" instead of embracing their femininity and upholding their feminine values as if the former is behavior is well within the confines of patriarchy while the latter isn't
my question is what ARE those feminine values? where did they come from? because unless they're let's say something essential to women they must have a history, they must've come from somewhere at some point. and where and when is that if not the very same institutionalized patriarchy which needs men AND women to act upon and in turns needs men AND women to perpetrate it? doesnt this make them as much as masculine values a product of patriarchy and so equally patriarchal? if not in and of themselves then certainly as the two distinct and complementary sets of "masculine values" and "feminine values"
if we say that going to work vs staying at home are the patriarchal paradigm then staying at home certainly inst inherently less patriarchal and more feminist than going at work. of course each of those behavior is patriarchal insomuch as it is part of the paradigm, so women doing one or the other is kinda irrelevant as long as the goddamn paradigm continues to exist.
so why do some feminists complain that women act the way the patriarchy typically wants their men to act ("mannish"/"unladylike") and that they should instead act the way the patriarchy typically wants their women to act? like hello do we hear ourselves?
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corporateintel · 1 year
The Uplifting Wisdom of Fred Smith
I recently enjoyed the privilege of participating in a small group online discussion with Frederick W, Smith, the founder and longtime CEO of Federal Express. Imagine being at the helm of a global disruptor like FedEx for an uncanny five decades. Think someone like that might have a few things to say about the life and times of business, society, and learning? You might be as surprised as I was…
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