#or the witching hour. whatever suits you and your dates best
gunthermunch · 2 years
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bitchyglitterfox · 2 years
Ouija - Multifandom x GN!Reader
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Warnings: Major character death, horror, gore, Multifandom, death and destruction, Ouija usage, demons, blood,
A/n: this was such a fun one to write! Happy Halloween babies! Be safe and remember check your candy!
Halloween night, the night once a year where it's ok to take candy from a stranger and when adults such as yourself and your group of friends get together and use a ouija board, although this time it was different and you had no idea what was in store.
“Who brought the board?” Rhaenyra asks while clearing off the decorations from the dining room table.
You pulled the infamous board out of your bag, “here it is, me and Criston grabbed it on the way here, kinda strange that it was in the children's section” you said smiling and laying it on the now clear table.
“So you have to be 21 to drink but 8 to summon a demon? Sounds about right” he says while walking right behind you.
“Steve and I brought the snacks,” Poe says, coming in with Wanda . They were kind of like the responsible ones in your group. 
Responsible enough to tell you when to grow up and stop fighting but not responsible enough to tell you to put the board down and get the hell out of there. 
“I bought the candles like Y/n told me," Remus says while coming out of the kitchen with a slice of pizza in one hand while also holding a shopping bag full of white candles. He places the bag on the table next to the unopened box containing the board, as he goes to the little table covered in snacks.
The next two people to arrive were Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington, best friends since kindergarten, but they act more like brothers.
“What's up bitches!” Eddie said as he walked in holding a case of beer. 
“Sup losers” Steve says while walking in holding his collection of Star Wars, every single movie up to date. 
“Alright so it's 6:00 right now, and we won't  start the game until around 3:00 am because we all know the best time to start the game is at the witching hour” Poe said while holding a beer. 
We all shook our heads in agreement and went into the living room to start our mini Star Wars marathon.
For some reason you'd been getting these weird feelings, the kind that tell you what you're about to do is dangerous. 
You tried telling your friends but they just brushed it off and Eddie told you to stop being a pussy. As you continued your marathon the feeling wouldn't go away.
This was now or never, it was finally 3am, you turned off all the lights and lit all the candles. You were sitting around the dining room table in a circle in this order: you, Poe, Eddie, Rhaenyra, Remus, Steve,Wanda, and Criston.
You were tasked with reading the rules, “Rule number one: Don't play alone. Rule number two: Don't play above a graveyard. Rule 3: whatever you do, always say goodbye” you say looking around the table.
“OOOOOOOOO, I'm so scared!” Eddie said laughing.
You glared at him “Don't mock the spirits idiot! Now everyone, put two fingers on the pointer,” you placed your fingers on and the others followed suit. “Alright now Nyra why don’t you start by asking the first question” you say looking at him.
“Alright then, is there someone here?” Rhaenyra asks the board and as expected nothing happens, but being the stupid kids you are she asks a second time, but unlike the first time the pointer starts to move slowly to ‘YES’. You all kinda freaked out considering this was the first time it's ever done something in all the times we've used a board.
“Alright which one of you assholes is moving it?” Eddie asked skeptically, but you knew he was just as scared as the rest of you.
“Uh none of us are moving it Eds” Steve says.
“Alright why don’t we all just take our fingers off and just let Nyra have her fingers on” Wanda said, taking his fingers off the pointer.
“Wait why me?” Rhaenyra says in disbelief that Wanda was willingly volunteering her. You took your fingers off.
“Alright well Nyra you keep your fingers on it and ask a question that no one else would know” Jin said.
“Yeah!” Poe put in his two cents while drinking more beer.
“Alright well, what am I thinking of right now” we all watched in shock as the planchette began spelling out P-O-E. You jumped out of your seat and stepped away from the table.
“Nope nope nope! Fuck that!” You said panicking, “No, we need to say good bye now!” just as you said that the planchette began moving in a figure 8 and then the candles all blew out.
“What the fuck?” Criston said just as he was thrown out of his chair. You were still in the corner freaking out about the entire ordeal. The others got up and looked around nervously as Steve went to relight the candles.
“Guys calm down, I'm sure it's nothing” Eddie said, getting cut off by Wanda plunging her hand through his back and holding his heart, Eddie’s lifeless body falling to the ground.
“Whoa what the actual fuck!?” Remus yells backing away from Eddie's body.
Wanda or whatever the hell that is took a bite out of the still beating heart. 
“Mmm that was quite yummy” It said with a smile on its face while blood dripped down its chin.
You all ran out of the room and all in different directions, you ran up the stairs and into a closet, Poe and Steve ran towards the back yard and woods, Rhaenyra ran to the downstairs bathroom. Criston and Remus ran for the front door.
You were sitting in the closet as you silently prayed that your other friends are safe. You could hear Wanda walking up the stairs and walk past you calling out your name, taunting you. 
You bit your tongue because of one small noise and you’d be a goner. After a minute or so you heard him pass me again and walk back down the stairs.
*different point of view*
Rhaenyra was quietly hiding in the bathtub, trying to stay as silent as she could while also hoping her other friends were safe as well. She heard footsteps and whistling come closer and closer to the bathroom door.
“Rhaenyra, oh Nyra come out darling and make this easier on yourself. I promise I'll make your death quick and painless.”
Rhaenyra had to cover her mouth so she could stop the sob from escaping her mouth. She sees the doorknob turn and the door bursts open.
“Ah there you are Nyra! I've been wondering where you were!” the demon possessing Wanda smiles evilly.
“You stay the fuck away from me asshole!” She said while pulling the towel holder off the wall and swinging it. She dodges with ease and Wanda jabs it into her.
“What the hell?” she says confused.
“Stupid girl” Wanda grabs Rhaenyra by the hair and plunges her head through the toilet seat and into the water watching as the bubbles slowly stop.
“Stupid girl if only she listened to me i could have made her death painless but no she wants to try and stab me.” Wanda pulls Rhaenyra’s bloodied and wet body out of the bathroom and tosses it into the living room.
*End of POV*
You were still in the closet when you heard fighting in the bathroom where Rhaenyra ran too. Moments later you heard silence and a dragging sound.
‘God i knew we shouldn't have played with that fucking board and now that we have all of our friends are dead!’ You internally yell at yourself, I peek out of the closet and make a run for the back door, just as you're about to open the backdoor something wet and warm hits my face. 
I looked up and to my horror and disbelief you saw Steve impaled and hanging from the chandelier in the living room. You're about to let out a scream but a hand covers your mouth and pulls me into the pantry. I start to fight and punch.
“Y/n stop it's Poe.” You turn and see Poe somehow still alive.
“Wait, how are you still alive if they got Steve? I thought you two ran out to the woods?” You asked.
“We did but he didn't want to leave Eddie and by the time I got back it was already too late.” he said, running his hands through his hair.
“So much for just being paranoid huh? I told you all not to play with that fucking board but you called me a pussy and said i was overreacting!” You whisper yelled at him.
“How the fuck was i supposed to know we'd all be fighting for our lives?!” He said.
“Alright well i'm not going down without a fight so you stay here i'm gonna run to the kitchen and get a knife” you said looking at him.
“Alright i'll try and grab the board” he said with his hand on the door knob.
“Ready? 1…2…3…now!” you ran to the kitchen while Poe ran to the dining room.
You almost made it to the kitchen when you’re flung into the wall.
“Oh no you thought you could beat me by simply getting a kitchen knife? How cute” Wanda says, standing over me. She flings me into the nearby cupboards and you’re left bleeding from a head wound.
“Now to find Poe'' she walked out and you got up bleeding from a wound in your abdomen. You make my way to the living room where you seePoe. He notices you and smiles but in a split second just like Yoongi, Poe is on the floor dead while Rhaenyra holds his heart. It's at that moment that you notice Remus and Criston’s bodies laid out next to Rhaenyra.
“Oh you thought you won? Haha that’s cute, humans are so stupid now a days” she turns and begins walking to the hallway, with the last bit of energy you have you take the glass shard out of your wound and stab her straight through the chest.
“Yeah well not this one asshole!” you watch as the lifeless body of your best friend hits the ground.
    You pick up the ouija board lying next to Poe and begin a fire in Rhaenyra’s fireplace and toss it in and watch it burn. The heat warms your skin, I begin limping out the door,before everything goes black.
You’re awoken from your nap by Wanda “Y/n come on it's time to play the game” she says smiling.
“It was all a dream?” you whisper to yourself, you walk into the dining room and see all my friends very much alive. “Hey guys, how about we not play the game today?” you say picking it off the table and tossing it in the fireplace and setting it ablaze.
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northliights · 2 years
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name : Aurora Phillips
eye colour : blue
hair style & colour : auburn, wavy/curly, usually falling well past her shoulders
height : 5′3″
clothing style : at home she’s fairly casual - jeans, sweaters or tank tops, sometimes a button-down she stole from Lucas that is ten times too big for her. she does enjoy dressing up to go out, and her one indulgence is the mile-high heels she favors whenever she can get away with them. at work she wears clothing that will help her blend in with whatever situation and location she finds herself, whether it’s an office building with its high-end professional attire (think three piece suits and pencil skirts) or more obscure locations with specific clothing requirements (nursing scrubs to slip into a hospital unnoticed, waitress uniform at a restaurant where an important meeting is taking place, that sort of thing) she tailors her wardrobe to suit the needs of her job. 
best physical feature : her eyes, though she believes her hair is a close second. 
fears : being caged, smothered by other people’s expectations and demands
guilty pleasure : hour-long bubble baths
biggest pet peeve : ignorance
ambitions for the future : to make a name for herself. when daddy is a member of parliament, it’s difficult to build a reputation for yourself without people tying your success to your famous father. she despises him and goes out of her way to disavow any and all connection to him.
first thoughts waking up : no.
what they think about most : once upon a time (no pun intended) her career had been the sole focus of her life. she worked 20 hour days and never stopped moving, always pushing for another story, another break, something to fill the empty spaces. but then she met Lucas. now she sleeps in (!!) on days off, and more often than not her thoughts seem to find their way to him even when she’s meant to be focusing on her work. 
what they think about before bed : Lucas. always Lucas.
what they think their best quality is :  intelligent
single or group dates : single.
to be loved or respected : both. she demands it.
beauty or brains : if forced to choose one, brains.
dogs or cats : cats. small, independent, and vicious if you piss them off. she can relate.
LAYER 005 : DO THEY …?
lie : she is honest almost to a fault, unless she’s going after info on a story. she doesn’t see that as lying, per se, but rather a form of acting. it helps her sleep at night.
believe in themselves : fiercely
believe in love : before? no. now? absolutely.
want someone : yes
been on stage : yes. several times. buy her a drink and she might tell you about it.
changed who they were to fit in : in her professional life, almost daily. in her personal life? never.
favourite colour : purple
favourite animal : fox
favourite book :  the witching hour - anne rice
favourite game :  trivial pursuit
day their next birthday will be : february 4th, 2023
how old will they be : 29
i love : Lucas.
i feel : content...for the first time in my life.
i hide : a great deal from nearly everyone. hazards of the job.
i miss : my mother.
i wish : I could stop time, make a moment last for a lifetime. 
tagged by : no one. i stole it fair and square.
tagging : @spynorth @piraticalwit @lokadottr @liarincommand @pyreshe @pizzatheif @scapedgrace @munstrum @fatecrafted @loetise @crimeloyalty​ @marblecarved @verreprincesse @ofhumanvoice​ @webreak (muse of your choice!) and anyone else who wants to do it!
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Having a girl with an aesthetic w/ Shinsou, Aizawa and Bakugou
Request: Shinsou with an e-girl gf, Aizawa with a dark academia wife and Bakugou with an angelcore or cottagecore girl, please and thank you. - anonymous.
Yall, dark academia is my best friends’ and mine aesthetic and its so pleazing. Like god damn. Angelcore is amazing so soft and uwu. Do I even have to say anything fir e-girls? No, I would just do them an injustice. Love ya and sorry for the inactivity. 
warnings: none I think. 
Shinsou Hitoshi 
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-Yall match. 
-Like he wears dark brooding colors, mainly shades of purple to match his hair and maybe some greens while you on the other hand always have a black and red combo or some sort of stripped item of clothing. 
-You share beanies. 
-It has become an unspoken rule that you two will always go for beanie shopping every october. 
-Your style kinda changes according to the month. 
-Like during september you wearing mainly greys to match your sour mood bc school, during october since its spooky season you wear oranges and purples matching your boyfriend perfectly while January and December are red months. 
-Those are his favorite. 
-Red brings out the color of your lips making you look even more fearsome and badass, turning him on in the process. 
-Yes I said it, Shinsou will beg for red lipstick. 
-He’s semi worried for your hair. 
-You keep changing it and he doesn’t mind when you cut it, oh no he finds your bangs or pixie cut adorable. 
-He is worried when you change colors like you chnage clothes. 
-He liked all your phases. 
-The skank stripe and half-half ones  being his favorites but he will ask you to tone it down a bit give your hair some time to rest and regain their strength. 
-Yall paint your nails. 
-You will spend endless hours in his room just painting each others nails and doing face masks. 
-It brings out his edgy lord side, the nail polish. 
-As if the dark circles and that constant ominous look on his face doesn’t do it. 
-But you love it. 
-He looks so content when you two are just sitting there listening to trash rap songs and taking care of each other. 
-He loves it when you wear skirts with thigh highs. 
-Actually you can’t wear those anymore bc once he sees you you can’t really walk anywhere afterwards....
-He is all about your chains and chokers. 
-Like give him some he is jealous. 
-Baby really be thriving while dawning those fake silver chains. 
-If you are interested in more intracate make up he loves being your test subject and just lets you transform his face into whatever deity you want. 
-Tends to scroll through your tik tok because its full of witch toks and very very interesting cosplays and makeup stuff. 
-Somehow he found himself into anti trump tik tok and he cant get out..... then his fyp shifted to draco tok and he just gave up. 
- “Are you cheating on me with Draco Malfoy?”
- “Baby-”
- “Because I don’t blame you.” 
-Deadass has a whole folder on his laptop with couples outfits he wants to recreate at some point. 
-He’s just so wholesome. 
Aizawa Shouta 
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-He really can’t understand how he managed to get such a fashion icon of a wife. 
-I mean have you seen the way this man dresses? 
-Head empty just Aizawa with pink sweatpants.
-Yeah so he really doesn’t get it how he managed that but he isn’t complaining. 
-I mean have you seen the dark academia aesthitic. 
-It gives Maraurders vibes and we stan. 
-He loves it when you wear long coats and those scarfs.
-They make you look like such a lady and so sophisticated and he lives for it. 
-He really likes the plaid skirts and pants, makes him think that he is living with an English lady or maybe a philosophy teacher. 
-Have I mentioned how much he adores your vintage book obsession?
-Going to old bookstores together and just browsing through the poetry books or the fantsy novels has become one of his favorite past times. 
-He tries to somewhat keep up with you but he struggles. 
-He really has no fashion sense but he wants to try for you. 
- “Honey you don’t have to dress up for me! I love you just the way you are.” 
-He loves you so much like omggggg!!!!
-Rainy days have become book dates where you just snuggle up together on the couch in a large fluffy brown blanket and you both have a book in your hands reading away. 
-He loves the little expressions you make when you are reading something interesting or staright up crazy. 
-He bought you your very own round -Harry-Potter-style glasses for your birthday. 
-You had been going on and on for some months now about how you wanted to go and buy a pair but you never got around to it. 
-Being a teacher at UA and a hero is kinda hard and a busy job so we get you. 
-You were so excited when he gave them to you. 
-Um for Halloween you two went as James Potter and Sirius Black. 
-He has the hair, okay maybe he is lacking that care free and cocky attitude but visually he does a good job.
-Seeing him in that suit oh boy. 
-Really your realationship is just full of Harry Potter references since you are kinda obsessed with that Era, especially the Marauders. 
-Hizashi is lowkey jealous because he could never get AIzawa to dress nicely. 
-You are special though!!
-You are the wife
-He does what you tell him to in reality. 
-He’s kinda wrapped around your finger. 
Bakugou Katsuki
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-He gets flustered so easily.
-Like your aesthetic is so soft and angelic and compared to him people think you have a corruption kink. 
-He kinda feels bad bc when you dress like something god sent it because painfully clear how opposites you are. 
-He sees his rough edges and rude behavior more than usual and he may become self concious. 
-You will have to reassure him and remind him that this is a facade and that he knows your true evil nature. 
-You are a true menace.
-ANyone trying to fuck with your friends or your boyfriend? 
-They are getting round house kicked and yeeted out a window. 
-Back to your aesthetic. 
-Whenever he seas something pastel or colorful he wants to immediately buy it. 
-Especially pastel stuff.
-Pastel is your whole thing. 
-Pastel pinks, blues, purples, and greens. 
-He will buy anything, from a headband to a purse to a very very cute plaid skirt. 
-Kirishima and Denki are always so confused when he comes back to the common room with a few bags from womens’ clothing stores. 
-He never answers their questions of course. 
-He likes watching you make mood boards and create matching outfits. 
-Trying clothes in fornt of him is a must, a small fashion show taking place in your room every Friday night. 
-He likes to believe that you truly are an angel. 
-Your aesthetic is a combination of angelcore and cottage core so your room is split into two sides.
-One side full of plants while the other had pastel mood boards. 
-So pleasing. 
-You tried to shift him into your aesthetic once. 
-He looked so good in white and soft yellow but his mood was so so foul.
 -He had made you agree to never a) bring this up and b) try this again. 
-You have taken some photos though so not eveyrthing was lost. 
-You will never tell him that you have evidence of his cottage core moment. 
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez-mangetsu​ @bemorefiction​
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what-i-call-men · 3 years
James Patrick March x GN reader
(I tried to go as gender neutral as possible with this)
Warnings: murder mention, not much otherwise just a bit of fighting then fluff with Mr. murder :)
Requested: by me for my fic thoughts “Another free fic thought for tonight! (Wow two in one night isn’t that much of a surprise) anyways the reader and James are dating, but have an agreement that on Halloween they get to go out and have a party/clubbing or just in general where James wouldn’t go. He summons them in the middle of devils night and they shows up wearing like a club outfit, in the middle of dancing too. They get in a fight over their agreement. Could be angst or smut or whatever”
(Pic is not mine)
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You had come into the hotel purely on a whim. You had been searching out a place to stay because your relative you’d come to visit had kicked you out over some stupid disagreement. You’d come to the hotel in hopes of a cheap room with whatever money you had. Luckily enough you were able to get a room for a good enough price. Sadly though, you had been chosen that night by one of the monsters that lived in that hotel to be their victim of the night. Luckily though you were barely awake long enough to retain who it was.
For a few days after, you had walked down to the bar to talk to Liz and another woman you met named Sally, obviously there had been some others in there you’d met but Liz and Sally were the main ones usually at the bar. Although on a few nights you’d see a man come down from the elevator and sit further down the bar. Sometimes he’d be writing or reading something, sometimes he had a blonde woman with him and they’d talk quietly. He never really chose to interact with you so you would shrug it off and talk to Sally about her Instagram instead.
It wasn’t until one night that Sally couldn’t make it that you had instead spent the night with James, quickly hitting it off and soon going back to his room to talk pretty much all night. It wasn’t much long after that you two spent a lot of time together, slowly becoming infatuated with one another. You were murdered during the late 2010s and he was from the 1920s so you obviously had a lot of different outlooks on things.
After a few months of spending most of your time around James, you two became official and months turned into years of being together. About a year into your relationship you’d begun to go to devils night, which was not your choice, you only went for James. But it was the worst night of your life. Now you were fine with James murdering and whatever but his friends were the part you didn’t like. Aileen was really the only okay one in your book.
So you and James settled a deal after you throwing up for about an hour after Jeffery “had his fun”. The deal was that you’d spend the day of his birthday with him, doing whatever he’d like because the two of you could leave the hotel, but at night when he had his dinner party you could go out and celebrate Halloween with Sally and a few others that were more involved in the modern works. It was perfect for the both of you. You were not to disturb him and vice versa.
After a long day of spending James’ birthday walking around town, showing a few different places, but mostly doing some shopping for the two of you, you had gotten ready for your night out. James already had given a few disapproving comments and stares to your skantly clad body. Really you just chalked it up to his jealousy and lack of knowledge of the club scene. “Why don’t you just stay home and drink in the lounge dear? I want to be able to keep an eye on you.” He said as you adjusted your top that left little to the imagination.
“James, dearest, you could always come with us but I think the club scene would kill you again if you weren’t already dead. This outfit is tame compared to other people on Halloween.” You muttered and glanced at yourself in the mirror again. You turned to him, seeing him in his extra formal suit. “I’m going to meet Sally, Tristan and Elizabeth in the lobby.” You said and walked over to his frowning face, giving a quick peck to his cheek as you passed.
“Wait Elizabeth is going? I’m really not sure I’d like you to go out with her.” James walked after you as you made your way out the door. He followed after you and grabbed one of his suit coats, slinging it over your shoulders, a bit to “keep you warm” but also to cover you a bit more than the outfit you wore.
“We settled things James, remember? She’s coming with Will and she is your eyes and ears.” You muttered and pushed the down button for the elevator, turning to give him a longer kiss on the lips as the doors opened. You turned back to the elevator as Aileen walked out of them, flipping her hair back. She made a quick comment and whistle about your look as you got in the machine and closed the doors. “Love you my dear. I’ll see you later. I’ll be home before 3.” You called as the door finally closed.
You hadn’t been gone long into the night, you and Sally really splitting off and hitting the drinks hard as the others stayed reserved. What you hadn’t noticed when you left the hotel was that a witch had checked in for the night to do her spells in a haunted hotel. This was unfortunate for you but very fortunate for James who couldn’t get his mind off you not being in the hotel. His friends had even asked about you and were surprised you were allowed out, considering how possessive and controlling James was.
After enough comments from his friends and the time getting closer to your curfew, James beckoned Miss Evers to get the witch to him. She surprised down the hallways with the witch in tow only to be met with James at the doorway to the gathering. “You need to summon a ghost for me.” He said and there wasn’t much fight from the woman after his commanding tone scared the crap out of her.
You were having the time of your “life”, currently dancing against Sally as the loud music pounded through your chest, she was riding the wave of whatever her drug of choice was for the night. Being a ghost from the 2010s meant at least you knew most of the music and blended in well with the others in the club. Tristian had also come to dance with you and Sally for a bit before finding some other people to dance with.
This was the only downside of dating a man from almost a century ago, you knew he was too molded in his ways to ever join you for something like this. You knew if he even knew what twerking was he’d disapprove of you even thinking about doing it. But you currently were, right against Sally who was also learning to do it, but instead rather enjoying the attention you two drew from those around you.
At the hotel, the witch currently sat in the hallway outside the murderous dinner party, her alter around her and one of your rings that James had gifted you sat right on top of the alter. As she began her spell, you were dancing along with Sally, getting a weird feeling in your chest. You chose to ignore it because you’d already felt a bit guilty leaving James today so you assumed it was just the alcohol and guilt weight heavy on your chest.
As Sally wrapped her scarf around you and danced with it around your shoulders, suddenly the scarf hung loose around the air, and when you opened your eyes, you didn’t see your hypodermic friend, instead a very angry James, and his murder friends behind him, sat at the table. You realized the coat he had given you on your way out was very obviously not on you, instead it sat at the club with Elizabeth where all of your things were left.
You opened your mouth to ask how the hell you got here, glancing to the clock to see that it wasn’t even past 2 am, and it wasn’t the time which had pulled you because because all of James’ friend were still sat at the table. James grabbed your arm to pull you out of the room, but you ripped it from his grasp, a sudden surge of anger coming out. “James, why the hell am I here?” You asked and glared at him.
“You told me you’d be home before 3. And you-“ James began to lecture you and you cut him off. “And you promised i would come home to just you and that i could enjoy myself tonight, but obviously both of those were broken.” You raised your voice back to him and crossed your arms. His face became somehow more angry as you brought him down in front of his dinner party. Aileen let out a small whistle to you fighting against him with a quiet “get em” which was met with a glare from James.
“Y/n lets take this outside.” He said lowly and you huffed. “Oh I’ll take it outside. All the way back to the club with my friends.” You said and walked towards the door, letting yourself out, and stumbling over the alter outside the door. “You fucking summoned me, you asshole. Can’t even trust that I’d be home on time. I’m leaving and I will be home as late as i want.” You yelled back at James and he grabbed your arm properly this time, stopping you in your tracks.
He began to pull you back towards your shared room and when he threw you inside, he slammed the door behind the two of you, guests and friends long forgotten as you two stared at each other. You definitely were a change from the silent obedient women he was used to, and him a change from the lenient and careless men from your life. “Why are you so controlling? You get 364 and a half days with me every year for eternity and i can get that one half of a day in peace doing what I want to do?” You shot at him, but he didn’t respond, just pulled his tie off and his suit coat.
“You don’t just get to dress like that and go dance on other people when you belong to me.” James spat back as he grabbed your upper arm again, pushing you back towards your shared bed. “News flash James, we’re in the 21st century and you don’t ‘own’ me. Because I am forced to spend eternity here I wanted to make the best of it and spend it with someone who I enjoy, but until you decide to make a legal commitment to me I am free to be whoever I want.” You shoved yourself away from him as he stood above you, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Letting out a long sigh, James watched you turn to grab a cigarette from his bedside table. “Who said I didn’t want to commit with you, y/n?” He asked in an exasperated sigh. You rummaged around the drawer to search for his matches and looked back to him. “Well for starters, how about your wife? Hmm? How about you on multiple occasions? How about the 2 years of dating and endless arguments how to treat our arrangement with your wife and her boy toys?” You muttered as you couldn’t find a matchbook, now looking back to the drawer.
You paused and gently picked up a small box you hadn’t seen in the drawer before. “James-“ he cut you off and walked to the drawer, catching your attention. “I wanted to ask you earlier while we were out but the ring itself wasn’t ready until after you left for the night.” He muttered and grabbed it from your hands. “I would’ve been more comfortable if people out in the world knew who’s you were. And the arrangement with Elizabeth is over, she can live her life separate from us.” He said and you could barely comprehend his words through your head spinning.
You dropped the unlit cigarette to the ground, instead opting to grab him in a big hug, pulling him down to you. Your makeup definitely was smudged as he pulled away to open the box. “May I at least ask the question? I’ve been planning this.” He unwrapped himself from your arms, using his hand to help you stand up, and lowered himself to kneel before you. His speech was full of plenty of reassuring words, also euphemisms about how death was the thing to bring you two together and bring new life to each other. Your own thought were drowning in love for the ring and the man before you. It was dainty yet plenty jeweled with his own initials being engraved on the sides. It now sat on your finger, you pulling his own lips to yours.
Your solid kiss was soon interrupted by a knock on the door and an exasperated Sally at the door, holding your things in her arms. She paused as you stayed in James’ arms. “Oh thank god we’re not in deep shit.” She muttered and James tapped your back gently. “Go back out but be home soon.” He said lowly. You smiled and looked to the ring on your finger. “I love you.” You whispered and he kissed you before you ran back out after Sally.
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iliveiloveiwrite · 3 years
A Reader Lives a Thousand Lives // D.M.
Summary: How could you describe your affinity for books? How could you explain what they mean to you? Draco tries to understand; he’s tried to understand for years.
A/N: I’m going to be honest: I’m struggling. I don't have writer’s block, but I am so busy atm that I feel awful about not being so active. I’m a key worker in the latest lockdown and my workload has tripled. On top of that, I have be tested twice a week and that’s enough to drain you completely. This isn't a long fic, and it probably isn't my usual standard, so please forgive me.
Warnings: book talk, lots of fluff, dates, friends to lovers, pining, mutual pining, dialogue heavy
Word count: 2.1k
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How could you describe your affinity for books?
They had been there for you in times where not even your closest friends could offer you the best advice. They were there for you with every shift of your mood; you knew that you could turn to your shelves and somewhere, nestled between paperbacks and hardbacks, there would be the perfect read for your mood.
Put simply, books were your life.
Friends and family would fondly chuckle whenever they saw you, nose deep in whatever book had caught your attention. They knew not to disturb you. Instead, they knew to be there when the inevitable end would fall upon you, dragging you through its cliff-hanger or perfectly wrapped up ending.
Draco Malfoy had known you years, and he had never known you not to have a book in your hands or in your bag. On occasion, he had known you to carry a book in both, wanting something there in case you finished your current read.
He’s tried to understand your love of books. He’s a reader himself, but he has never understood how you could lose yourself in a fantasy world so quickly. Magic runs through your veins, yet you find it easier to read of fae and vampires instead of the witches and wizards of old.
Draco gave up trying to understand you long ago; deciding simply to admire you from afar. He cherished the friendship with you; adored it even, and if that meant he had to spend his only free weekend from work in a book shop with you, then so be it.
In Wizarding London there weren’t many places that catered to the publications of both muggle and magical authors. Flourish and Blotts was an excellent bookshop, but only housed books by wizards and witches. If one wanted something written by a muggle but did not want to wander into muggle society, they were best off wandering down a cobbled side street in Diagon Alley to Page Turners.
Draco knew the moment that he opened his front door to you this morning, that he was going to wind up walking through the front door of Page Turners. He had just finished his first chart review when his doorbell rang, and your knocking began. He made sure to put the lid on his fountain pen before answering the door to you.
Dark brown shelves line every wall, bordering the shop before giving away to shelves centred in the middle of the room. At first glance, the books seemed chaotic – hardbacks tucked in between smaller paperbacks, but upon closer inspection, it was clear that the books were doubled. For every paperback, there was its hardback equivalent. It looked like it shouldn’t make sense, but the further you walked into the shop, the more sense it made.
Every reader is particular. There are those who will only exclusively read paperbacks, preferring how portable they are. But there are those who much prefer hardbacks, wanting nothing more than to admire the foiled covers and sprayed edges that one can only get on special editions. The set-up of the shelves perfectly catered to that.
“Draco,” You gasp, trying your best to keep your hands to yourself until you found the books you wanted to take home with you, “Have you ever seen a place so wonderful?”
Draco’s eyes don’t leave your form as he answers, “I don’t know, I’ve seen some spectacular sights in my time.”
You don’t respond to the light flirtation, but Draco doesn’t miss the smile that crosses your face. You refuse to admit just how he makes your heart race with comments such as that; they fall from his mouth so easily that you often find yourself tied up in your emotions, wondering when on earth your feelings had turned from platonic to romantic.
Inhaling that all too familiar smell of worn leather and paper, you feel Draco’s presence behind you as you potter through the store, taking in the sheer amount of choices before you. “What’s your favourite book?” You ask absentmindedly, eyes still pouring over the surnames of authors.
He shrugs, shamefully admitting, “I haven’t read anything other than a medical journal in years.”
“Still,” You argue, “You must have a favourite book.”
He’s silent, pondering your words as he thinks back to the last time he was able to relax and read something that wasn’t for work. He thinks back to his childhood, practically hearing his mother’s voice in his ears as she recites her favourite fairytales before sending him to bed.
“It’s been so long,” He whispers, casting his gaze across the shop, in awe at the sheer amount of books he has not read.
“Then we should find you a new book to read,” You decide, stating your words with conviction as you reach for the blonde’s hand, beginning to pull him through the stacks of shelves like a woman on a mission.
“When would I have the time?” Draco argues, refusing to let go of your hand as you stop in front of a shelf filled to the brim with books.
You arch an eyebrow, “I think if I were to ask the nurses at St. Mungo’s, they would much prefer it if you would read a book instead of taking work home with you every night.”
“How do you know I do that?”
You snort, laughter brightening your eyes, “Because I know you, Draco.” Your expression turns more serious, “You need to take some time for yourself, Dray. You can’t work this hard all the time and not expect some repercussions.”
“I’m taking time for myself right now,” Draco counters, gesturing between you both with his free hand. He wasn’t going to let go of your hand until he had to; he enjoyed feeling your skin against his too much.
You roll your eyes, “You would be sat at home finishing charts if I hadn’t have shown up on your doorstep demanding your attention.”
Draco refuses to answer; knowing full well that you’ve caught him out. Before you showed up at his front door this morning, he had in fact been planning on spending the day in his office, finishing charts and then reading the latest journal on healing potions.
It hits him like a freight train then – how much time he has dedicated to his work, how much of his life had already given it. Draco adores being a Healer; much preferring this job to what was expected of him from his father. He walks into St. Mungo’s with anticipation and excitement settling deep within his bones because no two days there are the same; he doesn’t know what cases are going to land in his lap.
Yet, he gives so much of himself over to it that there is little left for him to enjoy. It happened slowly; Draco supposes. Taking a few charts home here and there, for him to finish in the comfort of his office, but then it spiralled into staying hours after his shift had finished, working on budgets and chart reviews, making sure everything is up to the standard it should be for the only magical hospital in the British Isles.
Before long, he hadn’t had a free weekend to himself in close to a year. If he wasn’t working at the hospital, he was working from home. If he was at the hospital, he was taking case after case. It wasn’t until Mary, the Head Nurse, had cornered him that Draco agreed he would take the weekend to himself – no charts, no reviews, no nothing. Mary even checked his bag before he left the hospital.
“You’re right,” Draco admits, the words rushing out of him in one breath.
“I usually am,” You tease, a wide smile on your face, “But what am I right about this time?”
“I don’t take time for myself. I don’t do anything for myself.”
Your gaze softens as you squeeze his hand, “Let’s find you something to read. If we don’t find something here, we’ll think of another plan.”
Draco nods, squeezing your hand in return. “Lead the way,” He offers, curious as to what books you would choose for him.
It doesn’t take long for you to find what you think Draco would like. You stick close to his interests, knowing just how much they have changed from your shared time at Hogwarts.
Offering him three books, you explain, “One is written by a muggle doctor, he explains twelve cases that he worked on specially as he battled an illness he didn’t know he was going to survive. The second is a classic novel, also written by a muggle author that I think you should read when you have more time on your hands – it’s Victorian so longer sentences, longer headaches. The third book is a mystery book that I enjoyed, and I thought you would too.”
“Thank you,” Draco murmurs, taking the small pile of paperbacks from you, holding them close as he gazes over their covers, wondering what exactly what is about him that drew you to these three particular books.
“What do you think?” You ask, a note of vulnerability in your voice. Choosing books for others had never truly been your strong suit despite how much you read.
Draco remains silent for a moment as he flips the books over in his hands, reading the blurbs. You chew on the inside of your cheek, worry settling in your gut. There had been an ulterior motive to you showing up on his doorstep this morning; he needed to leave the house and go out. Having known him years, you knew that Draco would spend his only free weekend of the month working, and you were not standing for it any longer. He didn’t have to choose the books you had picked out; Merlin, he didn’t to read at all, but he needed to do something else other than work.
“Well?” You prompt before sighing, “You don’t have to read a book, Dray. We can find something else; I just don’t want you to spend all your free time working.”
Draco looks up from the books, a small smile on his face, “I’ll take them. I like the sound of the first one you described.”
The smile that graces your face at Draco’s words tells him that he had made the right choice. The anxiety leaves you in a rush, leaving nothing but relief behind.
“What about you?” Draco asks, turning the subject back to you, “What are you going to buy?”
You shrug, “I’ve already picked a few but I wouldn’t mind looking for more. That is, if you’re okay with that?”
Draco is more than okay with that. He follows you around the shop, taking the basket of books from you when it looks to be getting too heavy.
“Why do you read so many books?” Draco asks before he can stop himself.
“A reader lives a thousand lives,” You murmur, flipping through the pages of one particular paperback. Draco resists the urge to roll his eyes when he sees the cover: a half-naked man wrapped up in a passionate embrace with a scantily clad woman. Romance novels were your current obsession, reading through dozens of them and still not getting your fill.
“Let me take you on a date,” Draco asks suddenly, the first notes of shyness creeping into his voice.
It’s as he watches you flick through the pages of the book in your hand that draco realises he has done this for years. He has watched you for years fall into fictional worlds and come out the other side with a new part of you for him to discover. He has watched you fall in love characters only to feel foolish once he realises the keen sting of jealousy is over a person who does not and will not exist.
Draco has watched this for years, and as he watches you add the romance novel to your basket, he realises he could do this for a lot longer. He wants nothing more than to ignore his work for the weekend if it meant he could troll around bookshops with you, watching you find more fictional worlds for you to fall in love all the while loving you just as intensely.
“What would you have in mind?” You counter, raising an eyebrow in curiosity, giving in to the butterflies raging in your gut.
He smiles, nonchalantly leaning against one of the bookshelves, watching as you reach for spine after spine. Draco knows exactly what he would plan for your date, but he would be damned if he was to tell you. Instead, he crosses his arms and leans forward, “That’s for me to know, and for you to find out.”
Books mentioned:
Twelve Patients: Life and Death at Bellevue Hospital by Eric Manheimer
Dracula by Bram Stoker
The Glass House by Eve Chase
General (HP) taglist: @chaotic-fae-queen @harrypotter289 @kalimagik @heloisedaphnebrightmore @nebulablakemurphy @figlia--della--luna @probably-peeves @big-galaxy-chaos @annasofiaearlobe @imboredandneedalife @levylovegood @awritingtree @haphazardhufflepuff @stupxfy @chaoticgirl04 @accio-rogers @starlightweasley @dreaming-about-fanfictions @lestersglitterglue @msmimimerton @obx-beach @izzytheninja @slytherinprincess03 @bbeauttyybbx @breadqueen95 @acciotwinz @kashishwrites @slytherinsunrise @kylosleftbuttcheek @remmyswritings @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon @ria-rests-here @sarcasticallywitty15 @superbturtlemakerathlete @inglourious-imagines @ithilwen-lionheart @now-its-time-for-a-breakdown @ilovejjmaybank @theweasleysredhair @theonly1outof-a-billion​ @phuvioqhile​ @moatsnow​ @storyisnotover​ @himooonlight​ @missmulti​ @amourtentiaa​
Draco Malfoy taglist: @the--queen-of-hell​ @obxmxybxnk​ @obx-beach​ @dracomalfoyswifey​ @sycathorn-slush​ @kashishwrites​ @justmesadgirl​ @detroitobsessed​ @aspiringsloth20​ @just-a-belgian-girl​ @lahoete​ @minty-malfoy​ @fallinallinmendes​ @ravenclawbitch426​ @ochrythum​ @beiahadid​ @gryffindors-weasley​ @dracosathenaeum​
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toh-writings · 3 years
Fortunes of Love Pt 2 (Eda x OC)
Eda and Niliana strike up a business deal. In the meantime, Luz tries to figure out what she's going to do about this love of hers.
Warnings: None
Pt 1  Pt2
“And then she said that I’d fall in love with someone close to me!” Luz said, eyes shining. Willow and Gus were listening intently, looking just as amazed.
“Whoa…” Gus said, voice quiet. “Amazing.”
“That’s great, Luz!” Willow said. “Do you know who it is?”
Luz thought for a moment, eyes squinting as she debated with herself. She shook her head.
“Not really. She said it might be one of my friends.” Luz narrowed her eyes at her two friends. “Do either of you like me?��� She asked suspiciously. Her two friends looked at each other and shrugged.
“No, not really.”
“Not in that way.”
“Then who is it?”
The group went silent as they all thought it over. Suddenly, Gus began to giggle.
“Hey guys, what if-if it was Amity?”
Willow giggled a little at the suggestion, but Luz could only think about it. She thought about Amity, about how she read books to kids, how smart she was, the fun they had dancing together at grom, the grudgby match, her smile, that cute little giggle she had. The more she thought about it the redder her face got and the more the other two giggled.
“Ooooh, Luz has a cruuuush.” Gus said. Luz blushed harder, shoving his shoulder but all that accomplished was making them laugh harder. Luz laughed with them. She couldn’t help it, just was just a giggly person.
“Luz, you have to tell Amity!” Willow said. Gus nodded in agreement.
“I know, I know, but what do I even say?!”
Gus shrugged.
“Tell her about the fortune teller or something?”
Willow and Luz shook their heads.
“Whatever you do, can ya do it somewhere else? Your teenage gossip is scaring off the customers.” Eda gave them a hard look from her spot behind the stand’s counter.
The teen’s gave an apologetic look.
“Sorry, Eda! We’ll head off!” Luz said, ushering her friends away. “We can walk and talk, right guys?”
They, of course, agreed, but before they got too far Eda stopped them with a hand on Luz’s shoulder.
“You got this, kiddo.” She gave the girl a wink, earning her a smile.
“Thanks, Eda.”
Eda nodded, letting her go. She waved to them as they left, Luz waving back before continuing her talk with her friends. Eda shook her head and muttered “teenagers” under her breath. They’d figure it out eventually. She turned back to her shelves of human junk with a sigh.
“Alright, back to work.”
She decided it would help to rearrange the items a bit, put something different out front to catch the costumer's attention. It helped a little but overall it remained a slow day. Sure, it happened, but it was still aggravating. She was debating sending Owlbert out for more when she saw someone approaching from the corner of her eye. She instinctually put on her customer service face before dropping it for a smirk when she saw who it was.
“Nily! What a pleasant surprise.”
The other woman gave a little wave as she approached. She was wearing her hair down today, the dark curls reaching just below her shoulders. She wore casual clothes, probably off of work for the day or something of the sort, her staff in hand.
“What brings you out of the gloom and all the way to my stand?”
Niliana didn’t answer at first, her eyes gazing at the assorted human items. To anyone else, it would have just looked like she was perusing the available wears, but Eda liked to think she was better at reading people than most others. To her, she looked uncertain, like she was thinking something over that she probably should have figured out before coming over.
“I had a proposition for you.”
Eda raised an eyebrow at that.
“I’m listening.”
“Well, I had the idea that we could possibly work together. You know about my hobby making and fixing stuffed animals. What if I gave you some of them to sell at your stand?”
Eda laughed, shaking her head. Niliana crossed her arms, just waiting for her to stop, an irritated frown on her face.
“Oh, Nily, I sell human stuff at my stand! Your stuffed animals wouldn’t fit here.”’
“Which is why I would make them out of supplies from the human realm,” Niliana said, not missing a beat. Perhaps she thought this out more than Eda initially thought. “Just grab some discarded clothes or blankets, I make them into my animals, and you can market them as a piece of the human realm for children. You’ll be widening your market. If you want, I can buy the fabrics off of you so if they don’t sell you don’t lose anything.”
Yeah, she really did think through this.
“And what would you get out of it?” Eda asked.
Niliana didn’t have an immediate answer. She thought for a moment before responding.
“Other than a small portion of prophets,” Eda nodded. She expected as much. “I really don’t want anything.”
Eda looked doubtful. The other witch sighed.
“Honestly, Eda? I’m bored.” Niliana admitted, surprising Eda a bit. “I do the same thing day in and day out. I live in my tent, go to work, maybe work on a toy and that’s it. I just want something more. I want some excitement!” And for a moment, she brightened. Eda hadn’t even noticed how down she looked before, but now her eyes were alight with emotion, she stood up a little straighter and even her voice was a little louder. “What better way to step up things then working with Eda the Owl Lady, the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles?”
Eda didn’t even need to think it over.
“Alright, you got yourself a deal!” She declared, and they shook hands. Niliana had the biggest smile on her face. Eda had to admit, that sort of guine smile suited her. “I was gonna send Olwbert anyways, I can get him to pick up some things for you to get started.”
At her words the wooden owl sprang to life with a little hoot, flying over to Eda’s outstretched hand. She smiled at him softly, giving him scritches and petting his adorable little cheek.
“Thanks, Eda.”
She looked back to Niliana, that soft smile never really leaving her face.
“Of course. I mean, who am I to deny someone a little excitement. Besides, it’s not like I’m gonna lose anything out of this. Worst comes to worst, I still manage to sell some of my wares. It’s a win-win!”
She turned away, entering her tent with a “Just one minute!” shouted over her shoulder. Now hidden away, she took the key out from its hiding place, pressing the eyes to open the door. With a few hushed words, she sent Owlbert away, ready to collect all sorts of new human memorabilia.
It didn’t take much for Luz to realize that yeah, she really did like Amity. She had wanted to be friends for so long she hadn’t even realized those feelings had changed. Of course, then there was the issue of whether or not Amity would like her back.
“She does,” Willow said, not a hint of doubt in her voice. They were walking through the market, cones of ice cream in their hands.
“How do you know?” Luz sounded uncertain and Gus gave a doubtful look, but Willow wasn’t deterred.
“Trust me, I can tell. Didn’t you see how red her face got when you picked her up after the game?”
“I didn’t notice…”
“You’re right!” Gus agreed, face brightening and a hand landing on his cheek. “Her face got so red!”
“Plus she said she loved how stupid you were sometimes right before.”
“And she called you sweet!”
“Honestly, I can’t believe we didn’t see it before.”
Luz could feel the heat in her cheeks, a smile on her face. This was perfect! But then her smile fell.
“That’s all good, but… how am I supposed to ask her out? I’ve never even dated before…”
“Can’t you just ask her? You like her, she clearly likes you, what more do you need?” Gus asked, head tilted to the side in confusion. Willow just shook her head.
“I’m sure that works for some people, but you can also make it this big thing! Maybe with flowers... “ Willow trailed off, already contemplating what arrangement would be best.
The three of them devolved into a fit of giggles. Luz felt lightheaded at the very thought of asking Amity out.
She didn’t really know how long it had been before they were headed back to Eda’s stand. An hour? Maybe two? Whatever the case, when the three teens returned Luz was surprised to find a familiar face at the stand, talking happily with Eda.
“Nily!” She cheered happily, running over to the witch.
“Oh, hello. Luz, right?”
She nodded.
“Yep! And these are my friends, Willow and Gus.” She waved to them as they caught up, giving their own shy little waves. She smiled at them, one of those warm parental smiles that some people had, the one that made you know they were a good person. They smiled back, not nearly as shy anymore.
“It’s nice to meet you two.”
“It’s nice to meet you two, Miss Niliana,” Gus said, stepping forward and offering his hand for a handshake. She took it and gave it a little shake. “Luz told us about you!”
“Did she? Well, I hope she said good things.”
“Yeah! She said you told her the future!” Willow said, beaming.
“And it’s been so helpful!” Luz pushed her way through the two to stand in front again. “You said I would fall in love with someone close to me! And I … think I figured out who.” Luz tried to turn her face away to hide the blush creeping onto her face. Niliana chuckled.
“You work fast don’t you?”
“But now I don’t know how to ask her out.” Luz sighed, looking a bit crestfallen. She looked back up when she felt a hand on her shoulder, the woman smiling down at her.
“Don’t worry too much.” Niliana said. “Love can be complicated, especially when you're young. Just don’t make it more complicated than it needs to be.”
Luz smiled at her, a hopeful smile. Maybe things would work out, she thought. She just needed to keep it simple!
Eda watched the interaction from her spot behind the counter, a soft smile on her face. She felt an odd sensation in her chest, one she was not entirely familiar with. It was all warm and fuzzy and other cheesy stuff like that. She didn’t like it, not one bit. The last time she felt anything even remotely similar to this it was with an old boyfriend of hers, one that ended up cheating on her for some cyclops floozy. It was not a pleasant memory.
“Anyways, you can pick up the supplies tomorrow.” Eda spoke up, interrupting their moment. Niliana turned her eyes to her, a little smile still on her face.
“Thanks, Eda! I’ll be sure to stop by to pick them up. I should have a few done in a week.”
“Sounds promising!”
The two shook hands and Niliana gave her goodbyes. The three teens shouted their own goodbyes back, waving madly. Eda waved too, albeit not with nearly as much energy. Her mind was far too occupied.
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ellewritesathing · 3 years
Infernal    VIII
Summary: In your sleepy little town of Greendale, nothing ever slept for long. And ever since October, everything felt like it was waking up. Everything except for you, that is. One teensy trip to Hell (and an infuriatingly cute guy) later and suddenly you felt wide awake.
Word-count: 3.4k+
Masterlist Prev. | Part 8
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Ever since you were eleven years old, you’d been going to the Paramount once a week with Theo to share a large popcorn with m&ms poured over the top, two large sodas, and the biggest bag of Sour Patch Kids that money from dog walking, tutoring, and scrounging between the couch cushions could buy. The dark was a blanket of safety and anonymity for an hour or two, and you loved it more than anything. It was two hours of you, Theo, and whatever rerun was showing that weekend. One of only two movie theatres in Greendale, The Paramount stood as a testament to friendship and the enduring power of bad cinema. 
Sharing the Paramount and all its memories with Caliban was nerve-wracking. 
If he noticed your non-stop fidgeting, he didn’t say anything. He was perfectly composed as he watched stressed out parents corral their screaming children - shoulders relaxed, mouth upturned, and hand easily laced through yours. 
“You know, I never cared much for children,” he said. He suppressed a laugh when one of the kids threw pieces of popcorn at their dad. “But I’m starting to think they may not be such loathsome little creatures after all. Given a little direction, they could surpass any of Hell’s torturers.” 
You would have laughed at his joke if you’d been listening, but you were too busy watching the specials board light up his face red, orange, and yellow that caught on the edges of his hair. “Is this your first date?” you asked. 
Caliban raised an eyebrow as he turned to you and you stammered out an explanation. Impulse control had never been one of your strong suits, and it had been on the decline lately. Putting you out of your misery with a sly smile, he said, “Yes.” 
“Wait-” you tugged on his hand slightly as the two of you moved forward in the line “-does that mean I’m your first kiss?” 
Caliban laughed and ran a hand through his hair. “My first kiss was with a succubus.” 
You weren’t sure what kind of answer you were expecting, but that particular one caught you off guard. “Oh. That’s pretty cool. Do you guys keep in touch?” 
“Are you in touch with your first kiss?” Caliban asked, throwing another smile at you as the two of you walked over the counter. He let you order and pay in peace, but he asked again when you were flavoring the popcorn, clearly amused by your awkwardness. 
You were in the middle of explaining that your first kiss had been on a dare at one of the worst, least supervised birthday parties you’d ever been to when someone bumped into and spilled your popcorn all over the floor. They kept walking. 
They only cleared a few feet before the Darkness lashed out and you yelled at them. “Hey! Are you going to apologize?” 
You recognized them once they turned around. He was one of the kids from the lacrosse team who’d bullied Theo back in freshman year. With possibly the fakest smile you’d seen, Charlie said, “Chill. It was an accident.” 
“Are you kidding me?” 
“Say you’re sorry.”
His body relaxed and his eyes took on a familiar glassy, hollow quality as he mumbled an apology. You smiled.
“Good.” You took a step forward to close the distance between you. “Now give me your wallet.” He did so without a word, the charm overwhelming any reservations he may have had. He faltered slightly when you took out most of the cash, but you told him to be quiet. With a smile, you handed his wallet back to him. “Enjoy your movie.” 
Charlie blinked twice, slowly, but then he nodded. “You too,” he said uncertainly. He stumbled down the hall and looked at you again as he rounded a corner, completely dumbstruck. 
You waved at him, turning back to Caliban with a smile. “Ready to watch the movie?”
The easiness from earlier was gone; Caliban’s jaw was tense and his eyes were narrowed. He didn’t move from where he leaned against the wall. “What was that?” 
You shrugged. “I wanted him to apologize.”
“Are you sure that’s all you wanted?” he asked, pushing himself off the wall. His movements were easy, but his words were strained.
“Yes,” you lied, unclenching your fists. When you stole a glance at your palms, they were coated in a thin layer of darkness, smudged around the area where you’d dug your nails in to keep from knocking the false smile off Charlie’s face.
“Wait, so you’re like … Hannah Montana if she was a teenage witch and he’s like- what is he? Your Jesse?” 
Out of all the reactions you’d imagined after telling your friends that the mother you’d spent your whole life looking for turned out to be a literal demon, a Hannah Montana comparison hadn’t even made the top ten. 
“Harvey, don’t you think you’re being a little-” 
To be fair, they’d handled the news about Lilith better than expected. Harvey was confused, Theo was happy you found your mom even if she’d tried to kill them all before, Sabrina helped smooth things over, and Roz admitted to having her suspicions for a while. 
“What? I’m just trying to understand why the guy that tried to rule Hell and enslave us all is sitting on my couch.” 
It was only when things came to Caliban that their understanding faltered. Even Sabrina, trying her best, didn't quite understand.
“I’m sitting on your couch because I was invited, Huckleberry Finn.”
After defeating the Darkness and unbinding your powers, you’d gone to Sabrina’s with a tub of ice cream and explained everything. A weight that had been slowly crushing you was lifted off your chest that night, but it came back in full force with every angry word from Harvey. It wasn’t like you’d expected him to understand, but you’d hoped he would at least try. 
“Okay!” Standing up, you let out a weighty breath and held out your hands to stop them from speaking. “Will you two stop antagonizing one another for five minutes?” 
Reluctantly, Caliban nodded as Harvey collapsed back in his chair and grumbled, “Fine, but I still don’t like him.” 
“You don’t have to like him. You just have to respect that I like him,” you said. Harvey didn’t seem convinced, so you sighed and tried to come up with a new strategy. Finally, you stopped pacing and turned to Harvey. “Do you know what it’s like to feel like a piece of you is missing?” To Roz, “Like there’s something wrong with you because you just don’t fit in with everyone else?” To Theo, “And then you figure out what it is and you can’t tell anyone because you don’t think they’d care about you anymore if they found out?” You wiped your face haphazardly and stared at the Smashing Pumpkins poster peeling off the back wall. “It fucking sucks.” 
“And I’m sorry you had to go through all that,” Harvey said, standing up and blocking your view of the poster. “I am. But you can’t expect me to be okay after finding out that you spent the last three months lying to everyone and dating that asshole.” 
“I didn’t want to lie to you!” You felt the Darkness rising in your throat and did your best to push it down. Taking a deep, shaky breath, you looked back at Harvey and tried not to cry. “Is it so hard to believe that I was scared to tell you, or did you forget when you cut Sabrina out of your life when she told you?” 
Harvey frowned. His hand twitched at his side as he glanced at Sabrina. “That’s not the same thing.”
“Yeah, I know, because she was the most important person in your life and I’m just the kid that lives next door.” Your voice broke and Harvey stepped forward to give you a hug. The Darkness lurched at the movement and you stepped back to keep it from hurting him. Taking another step back, you started gathering your stuff. “I can’t do this right now.” 
“Hey, just hold on a second, okay?” Harvey tried to grab your wrist to stop you, and you couldn’t stop the Darkness from lashing out this time. 
“Don’t touch me.”
Harvey frowned, his hand outstretched and frozen, and a familiar, glassy film cloud covered his eyes. The air was sucked out of the room as Harvey blinked and tried to recover. His hand still hung in the air. Your heart broke.
“I need to go,” you rushed out, scrambling for the door. You didn’t care about the stuff you dropped or the fact that Caliban was sitting on the couch the last you saw - all you cared about was getting out before you did anything worse. Still, you froze in the doorway. Over your shoulder, you mustered up all your courage and said, “I’m sorry.”
You weren’t sure if any of your friends heard you over their concern for Harvey or if they just didn’t want to respond, but at least Caliban caught up to you in the silence. He didn’t reach out for you for the rest of the night, all he did was stare at you with stormy, unfathomable eyes.
Hilda Spellman was the closest thing you’d ever had to a mother; she was warm and inviting, and always made your favorite cupcakes if you were having a bad day. She made sure that your dad always had something on the table for dinner. She took you shopping every year before school started. She let you stay in their house for almost a month when you were convinced that your bedroom was haunted. Hilda Spellman deserved nothing but happiness. 
So why couldn’t you suck it up for one day and give her the perfect wedding that she deserved? 
Because, despite your best efforts, you were still upset at how things had unfolded with your friends. While Theo and Roz forgave you for lying and accepted you for being a witch, they weren’t sure they could give Caliban a chance after he lashed out at Harvey. Talking to Harvey might have solved that problem, but he was pretty much set on avoiding you. You didn't blame him after what you did to him, even if he didn't know what exactly it was you did to him.
All this drama might not have been an issue otherwise, but they were the only people you knew at this wedding. So far, the only other people to show up were witches that were preoccupied with either the Uninvited or the incubus on the loose. 
When you noticed Nick had disappeared from door duty, you finished your drink and set the glass down. Sliding in next to Sabrina, you bumped her arm with your elbow and held your hand out for some of the programs. “Need a hand?” 
“Not really, but I’ll take the company,” she said with a smile. She handed you a stack of creamy pink programs and laughed wistfully. “Nick was supposed to help me with this but he’d rather get busy with Prudence in the coat closet.” 
You tried not to laugh as you handed a program to a very solemn-looking witch. “Yeah, well, at least he’s talking to you,” you said, watching the witch disappear into the steadily growing crowd. 
Sabrina rolled her eyes. “Harvey will come around,” she said, pausing to smile as she handed out another program. “He’s just scared of losing you in all this.”
“You know, Caliban actually said something similar after we left the other night.” This time, you didn’t bother hiding your laughter. Sabrina didn’t bat an eye at taking on an eldritch terror, but the possibility of Caliban having a valid point seemed to shake her to her core. “He said that I shouldn’t be so hard on Harvey because all he wants is to keep me safe, but this is the one thing that he can’t protect me from. The magic and … getting my heart broken.” 
Sabrina tried to reign in her surprise, but she still seemed stunned as she handed out another program. “That … actually makes sense.” 
“Weird, right?” You stole a look at the line forming outside the church and your heart ached when you saw your friends lugging their band equipment through the parking lot. It was going to be a long night. 
Sabrina followed your gaze and sighed. “So ... where is Caliban? You RSVPed that you were bringing a plus-one but I don’t see him anywhere.” 
You tore your eyes away from the band to hand out another program. Shaking your head, you said, “I was going to bring him, but then I figured that this was Hilda’s special day and she didn't need a fistfight between her lead singer and a plus one.” 
“Well, I think you should bring him,” Sabrina said. “What? Just because I’m going to be sad and alone the whole night doesn’t mean you have to.” 
So, after a quick check with Hilda, you invited Caliban. He agreed to come, if you promised to talk to him about your lesser angels creeping in. 
You could feel Harvey staring at the back of your head throughout the whole ceremony, but Theo sat next to you and Robin said he’d save you guys a seat at the reception. Things were starting to look up, even if they were a little weird. 
As awkward as the ceremony had been, the reception was great. Caliban was as charming as ever, winning over Theo and Robin and making witches swoon left and right. Despite all your time together, you’d never seen him this comfortable around others. A room without demons or humans, it seemed, was where you found common ground. 
Until Sabrina’s toast. 
She lost credibility before she even opened her mouth by stumbling up the stage steps. Opening with a joke, she had a solid two and a half seconds before she started drawing attention to every couple in the nearby vicinity - starting with Harvey and Roz, glossing over Theo and Robin to mention you and Caliban, and eventually landing on Nick and Prudence. Sabrina tried to save the toast by circling back to Hilda, but it was too late. She crashed into the drums, said she’d be single for a century and a half, and was dragged off-stage by Zelda while the Fright Club scrambled to perform their set.
Amidst the chaos, Caliban ducked his head closer to yours and brought his drink to his lips. “You know,” he said, pausing to take a sip, “If you’d told me how much fun these gatherings were, I would have come with you a long time ago.”
Rolling your eyes, you took his drink and shifted in your seat so you could lean against him. “Does that mean I can sign you up for the book club?” 
“That depends. What are we reading?” Caliban asked. He looked away from the stage to meet your eyes. 
“The Feminine Mystique.” 
“Oh, okay.” 
Laughing, you tilted your head up to kiss his jaw. Settling back into your seat and intertwining your hands, you said, “Well, if it counts for anything, I’m glad you’re here now.”
If you thought the worst part of the night was Sabrina’s toast, you were totally and completely unprepared for the incubus attack. It jumped from Theo to Harvey to Melvin before landing in the Uninvited. Their eyes were wild for a moment, but then the Uninvited shuddered as their eyes returned to a deep, empty brown. They’d eaten the incubus, and moments later they bit into Dorian’s heart like an apple. 
There was something unbearably sad about the Uninvited, and the Darkness within you ached to fix them. It didn’t matter that they toasted to the end of all things, all that mattered was that they were alone. You started reaching out for them when Caliban took his hand in yours and pulled you closer to him. 
“I am the Herald of the Void. I feast on the hearts of those that reject me. And someone here turned me away, therefore, death to you all.” The Uninvited smiled and downed whatever had been in their glass. 
Tipping your glass towards the Uninvited, you drank to their toast as Hilda apologized for turning them away. She tried to invite them, but the Uninvited said it was too late. They’d already been turned away. 
Nick stepped forward as the one that had turned the Uninvited away to sacrifice himself, but Sabrina tugged him back by the edge of his sleeve. Prudence was one step behind, holding Nick close to her chest as Sabrina offered the Uninvited a heart of sorts. She explained that she’s been wandering a cosmos of her own lately, feeling hopelessly alone, and just wanting to belong somewhere with someone. If they got married, the Uninvited would have her heart and a place to belong, always. Forevermore, they’d be the Invited. 
The Darkness grew unruly as the Uninvited considered her proposal, and for a moment you thought they’d do as the Darkness wanted and rip Sabrina’s heart from her ribcage. Instead, all they did was nod.
Cold bit at your fingertips as you sat, knees pulled up to your chest, on the wall outside the desecrated church, but the stolen Mother’s Ruin kept your stomach warm. The sun had disappeared somewhere between the fake wedding and trapping the Uninvited in Sabrina’s old dollhouse, October chill coming in with the night sky, but you welcomed the change. Indifferent sunshine to apathetic stars. 
Pouring out a bit of gin on the dead flowers below, you said a silent prayer for the Uninvited. Not for forgiveness, but maybe understanding. Hoping it would make the Darkness subside.
The crunching of dried grass underfoot interrupted your thoughts. 
“This seat taken?”
You shrugged but moved over all the same to make space for Harvey. He threw a lanky leg over the side of the wall as he let out a deep breath. When he was settled, you offered him some of the Mother’s Ruin but he shook his head. 
“No, uh, I’m good. Thanks though.” Harvey drummed uncertainly on the sides of the wall, watching carefully as you drank his rejected share of the gin. “So I was thinking about something the Uninvited said back there - about wandering around all alone until the terrors welcomed them to their club?” 
Raising an eyebrow, you asked, “Are you about to call my boyfriend a terror?”
Harvey laughed, a deep, unsure sound, and looked down at the wall again. “Well, he is, but no.” He sighed and tried to get back to his point. “Look, I know I’m not the best at handling change. When Sabrina … I don’t know. It just- it kills me that you felt like you felt so alone and didn’t think you could talk to me.” 
“Wait, let me finish.” Harvey took another deep breath. His nose was red, either from the cold or because he was holding back tears. “I never ever wanted to be the reason why you got hurt. But I was, and I’m sorry that I made you feel like that.” 
You slid your hand over his. “Thank you,” you said quietly. 
“I’m still not done.” 
“Of course, you’re not.”
Harvey choked out another laugh and smiled. “Don’t tell Theo but you’re my best friend. And if Caliban makes you happy then … I kinda owe it to you to give him a shot.” 
“So you’ll stop antagonizing him?” you asked, sitting up a bit straighter and pointing the bottle of gin at Harvey’s chest. 
“Well, I never said that,” Harvey said dramatically. He laughed and pulled his other leg over the wall, taking the bottle from you and pulling a face after he tasted it. “Okay, what stars are we looking at tonight?” 
You threw your legs over the side and let out a deep breath as you leaned against Harvey’s arm. “Fuck if I know. Tommy was the one who remembered all that stuff.” 
“You just wanna make some up?” Harvey asked. He put his arm around your shoulder and handed the bottle back to you.
Hugging the bottle to your chest to keep the Darkness warm as it slept, you looked up to the sky and pointed to a cluster of stars. “That one’s you because it’s ugly.”
Tagged:  @caliban-is-my-girl  @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e​  @music-movies  @miss--moose  @marrypuffsstuff​  @harryscarolinaa​  @igorsbby  @foji2000​  @hxlalokidottir​    @artaxerxesthegreat​  @thxmagic  @luquincy  @strawberriesandknives​  @xealia​  @hotmessindisguise  @acciomaximoff​  @reheated-coffee​​  @olivia-west-allen  @shelby-x​  @perseny-blog​  @millie-753​  @luneerius​  @shizzybarnaclee​  @lettherebelovex​  @drrramaaaqweeen​  @throughparisallthroughrome​  @ietss​  @thebookwormlife​  @mechanicalanimalz​  @mariamermaid​  @nqbmf​ @roxytheimmortal​  @shephard17895​  @andie-kathleen​  @clockworks-world-to-fandoms​  @blondeeee-e  @piensa-bonito  @supportstudies​  @bookishaficionado​  @perfectlysane24​
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Via Text
The lovely @beccabarba requested a follow on from Via Email. Hope this hits the spot x
Thank you @detective-giggles for helping along the way.
Warnings: Bryan Kneef, I repeat Bryan Kneef. He is an ass-hole and slightly rough but reader feels safe. Thigh riding smut. Swearing. Use of Daddy, slut and whore.
WC:  1881
Enjoy x
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You had just walked out of your 6th interview in 2 weeks since you had quite your job as Bryan’s assistant and personal sex toy. You had applied for multiple jobs and been to interviews with no luck, and you weren’t really sure why. You were up to date with all training and had more than enough experience but you hadn’t gotten an offer. You were lucky you didn’t have to cut into your savings to live just yet and your parents had told you they would help out as much as they could so you didn’t have to do that.
You walked out of the 6th interview feeling kind of flat, 6 interviews in 2 weeks and it actually hit you that maybe you might have to go back to school and start all over again. You hated yourself for sleeping with your boss and you hated yourself even more for letting him get under your skin. You walked passed a bar and thought ‘fuck it’, it was lunch time and you needed a drink. You walked in sitting at the bar and ordering a pink gin and lemonade and a serving of wedges when your phone buzzed with a new text. You rolled your eyes when you saw the number, and against your better judgement you clicked on it just to see what it said,
6 interviews in 2 weeks, you’ve been busy. Shame none of them have worked out. Let me know when you want your job back.
“Prick” you muttered under your breath it all making sense why you hadn’t heard back from any jobs, you had put Bryan as your previous employee and clearly they had all contacted him.  
You sat there as your blood boiled, everything running through your head. You had two more drinks before you got down off your stool, throwing a tip on the bar walking out to get a cab. You got to the office building making your way inside, storming past work friends as they said hello actually not hearing them you were so filled with rage. The drinks that you had were enough to give you some courage and make your flitter slip slightly, but not enough that you were intoxicated to the point you didn’t know what you were doing.
You walked up the spiral stair case into your old office space, to Ruth sitting at your desk. Ruth was a floater, a lovely older lady that had been at the firm probably since before you were born,
“Y/N, how is your break dear? What brings you in, I thought you had another week off”
“Wait, what?” You frowned at Ruth.
“Mr Kneef said you were using some of your vacation days”
“Fucking asshole” you muttered “Where is Mr Kneef?”
“He has a meeting, should be done in 20 minutes. You can wait in his office if you like”
“Thanks Ruth”
You walked into Bryan’s office shrugging off your blazer to your navy, short sleeved, v necked aligned dress with a waist belt, black peep toed Mary Janes your hair pulled back in a low lose bun, throwing it over the arm chair followed by your bag and you walked straight over to his bar cart garbing a low ball glass and his best whiskey he hide behind everything else on the top shelf, pouring yourself a glass. You walked over to the large window, the window he pushed you up against too many times starring into the distance while you waited for him to come back. It wasn’t long after when you heard his voice barking orders at Ruth about the meeting,
“I’ll get that done for you straight away Mr Kneef. Y/N is waiting for you in your office.”
“Have you had lunch yet?” Bryan looked down at Ruth and she shook her head no “ Go now, take two hours today”
“But the paper work”
“Don’t worry about it. Two hours, go” he snapped.
Bryan didn’t come in straight away. You heard the main office door close and then you heard his office door close. You spun around on your heels, your cheeks burnt and your tummy filled with butterflies as you looked at him. His grey pinned stripped suit with white shirt and black tie, his hair in place and his salt and pepper beard making your knees weak, the smell of his cologne kicking in your core instantly. You looked at him over the rim of the glass as he made his way over to you with a straight face, shrugging off his jacket throwing it on his desk, rolling up his sleeves. You shot the rest of the amber liquid back slamming the glass down on his desk and his eyes narrowed at you and suddenly rage filled you again,
“You asshole” you snarled “You have been sabotaging my interviews”
“You don’t need a new job”
“The fuck I don’t”
“No Y/N you fucking don’t. I blocked your resignation letter and made it into a personal leave submission. You just needed to cool down”
You raised an eye brow at him, and the room fell silent as he walked to his bar cart poring himself a drink and then walking to his two seater couch sitting down resting one arm along the arm of the chair holding his glass, the other resting along the back and his legs spread open,
“Asshole” you snapped.
“How many did you have before that one?” Bryan said coolly tilting his head to look over at you.
“Excuse you?” you walked over to stand in front of him your face red from anger.
“You don’t talk like that unless you’ve been drinking” he raised his eye brow at you with a smirk “Clearly I sent the text at the right time, pushed the right button” he chuckled.
You scoffed, crossing your arms across your body leaning into your right hip tapping your left foot on the floor,
“What are you trying to achieve here Bryan?”
“I don’t say sorry and I never admit I was in the wrong” he raised both eye brows fast.
Your eyes locked with his, the way he looked deep into yours made you gasp and like a flash he put his glass down on the end table and he was in front of you, his body flush with yours, his body heat seeping through your cloths, one hand on your hip and the other on the side of your neck, you bit your bottom lip,
“You have one week of personal leave left, 3 weeks of full pay all together. You come back Monday and the whole week will be time and a half”
“No” you spat back. Bryan grinned as he ran his hand from your neck up into your hair threading it between your bun and your scalp, his hand balling into a fist tugging your hair and head to the side and he started to kiss the slope of your neck. You moaned as his beard ran along your skin, his lips wet from his drink and you grabbed onto his strong muscly arms, your finger nails digging into the material of his business shirt “I’ am not your whore Bryan”  
“No your Daddy’s little slut” Bryan said into your skin, the hand on your hip running down to your ass cheek giving it a slight spank. You whimpered and squeezed your thighs together for some relief.
Common sense kicked in and you pulled away from him, “I’ am not doing this, not while you’re seeing or fucking other people, I’ am no ones fool. And pigs will fly before I work for you again” You pushed your pointer finger into his chest “Don’t fuck up my next interview”
You went to walk away when you felt his long fingers warp around your wrist and he tugged you back roughly, pulling you to the couch, tugging you down to sitting and the down to lay on your back. You were taken aback by his actions, but you didn’t feel unsafe, quite the opposite, he had never turned you on this much before. You trusted Bryan and you knew in his weird asshole way he was trying to mend whatever this was.
Bryan grabbed both wrists pinning them above your head, his long fingers in a tight grip around them, his knee pushing between your legs and you spread them willingly. All common sense you just had was gone the moment he grabbed your wrist. Bryan lent over you, his free hand resting on the back of the couch, and he adjusted his leg so his thigh was resting on your centre and you gasped as he started to moved his leg over you in a fast pace, your back arching off couch from the feeling of your panties rubbing on your hardened pearl as Bryan run his thigh over you. His lips ghosting yours,
“You don’t need another interview because you have a job here” Bryan pushed his thigh deeper into you and you moaned “I’ am not fucking or dating anyone else anymore. Only you”
You could feel your coil winding tight and you started to roll your hips over Bryan’s thigh, he could feel your wet coming through his pants. His own need was straining against his zipper, but today wasn’t about him. Today was about getting you back in and out of work. Your body covered in sweat and you screamed his name breathless as you rode his thigh till you came down from your high. When you stopped moving your hips Bryan lent down his lips landing on yours kissing you deeply. His tongue darting into your mouth toying with your tongue. Bryan broke the kiss so you could catch your breath, sitting up on the couch for a moment and then standing up in front of Bryan, his hands going to your hips again,
“That’s your way of saying sorry?” you smiled.
“You’re complaining?” Bryan smirked with an eye brow raise.
“Of course not” you cupped Bryan’s cheeks running your thumb along his bottom lip, he pouting his lips to kiss the pad of it “Only me?”
“I don’t need to repeat myself Y/N” he looked firmly at you “No titles yet, we work up to that”    
“Ok” you smiled giving him a peak on the lips.
“I’ll come past when I’ am done and you can show me how sorry you are” Bryan grinned at you.  
“I have nothing to be sorry for” you sassed back, pulling away from him to walk away to get your jacket and bag, Bryan’s hand landing on your ass again with a spank before you were out of reach, you looked over your shoulder and winked “But by all means stop by later Daddy”  
 Tags: @thatesqcrush​​​​ @witches-unruly-heart​ @madamsnape921​​​​ @annabelleb49​​​​ @prurientpuddlejumper
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vinylhazza · 3 years
“i want to go home” and “let me go” with ethan 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 make it angsty i missed ur angst
you don’t want to fight with him. you weren’t the fighting type, but christ he can be insufferable sometimes. it hurt you to fight with him - no matter how much he deserved to have his ass handed to him on more than one occasion.
ethan is stubborn. often times brooding during your time together. you’ve known that since the first day you met him and watched with confused delite when he refused for you to pay for your own coffee only minutes after having small talk. he wasn’t the easiest to understand right off the bat that’s for sure. he’d talked of things far beyond your comprehension and spoke eloquently. he’d inserted his card into the chip reader with his brows turned down in a pout, dark hair a perfect mess atop his head, shoes shined, suit pressed. the corners of his mouth drooped to match his adorable pout, merely shaking his head briskly when you’d tried to pay him back. you’d known it to be a kind gesture, and he confirmed those thoughts by later slipping the small white receipt piece in your jacket pocket with seven messy digits drawn right next to a sloppy smiley face.
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you still have that receipt in the top drawer of your nightstand. that spark...you remembered that first spark. thinking of him from that day on was habit, and often times more than you could handle. he’d captured a part of you before you’d even realized it. he had that effect on people.
you waited weeks until you’d texted him, too much of a chicken-shit to think he actually meant it as anything more than a kind gesture for listening to him drone on about marketing for at least a half an hour. to your surprise, he had texted back in minutes. from them on he’d made every attempt at scoring a date with you, and when he finally did - you had the best night of your life. 
boy did the man have a personality. take that as you will. 
if he so much as felt you were having an attitude, he’d refuse your kisses until you agreed to talk to him like a “big girl.” you knew from the moment he whipped his head to the side and shut his eyes, your body going still where you leaned across the table watching him pay bills or work on deadline work. not only did it make you want to fall into the floor and hope the foundation swallowed you up, but it forced you to talk - something you could never get him to do. 
ethan only buys you the best of the best despite your objections. you figured that’s what love means to him in a way, giving your all even if it wasn't emotionally. you'd never had the guts to tell him you like to be held more than anything. he makes sure to never leave you unsatisfied in bed - especially if he noticed your legs weren’t shaking hard enough to his liking. tells you any story you want to hear if it means you’ll sleep peacefully. let’s you read your favorite books to him: his head in your lap, arms crossed over his chest in thought, pondering eyes on the ceiling. he’d stop you for explanations along the way. it was an adorable habit that you will love until the end of time. the fact that he wanted to hear your thoughts. you found yourself jotting down scribbles in the margins just to remember the moments exactly as they were: pure. 
he tries to act hard, like the world is his slave and bends at his will, you know - oh you know just how soft his heart truly was. even if he was an arrogant ass 87% of the time. but he’s learning. how to be a boyfriend, how to be a man that doesn’t have to hide from vulnerability and emotion. he’s learning despite his discomfort. 
ethan never wanted help when making the bed, no matter how many times you insisted and he always wanted to help you put your sunscreen on during summer and run your baths when you’ve had a long day. his work computer was shut off at seven sharp every night and shower always started at six in the morning. keys must be placed on their rightful hook and shoes on the mat. notepad must be placed on his side of the bed in case a thought wakes him in the night and he can’t go to sleep until he writes it down. all of which were non negotiable. he was stubborn, yes...but you loved him.
above all else there was love. so much love it consumed him deep in the pits of his body, mind and soul. even if he couldn’t, or much rather wouldn’t explain just how much you’d bewitched him...there was love.
he had a funny way of showing this love through obstacles and hoops you’d taken forever to jump through early on in your odd relationship. first it was friendship, a strange friendship at that. mostly consisting of calling each other randomly to ask what the person was thinking at that moment, which led to conversations of witches, wizards, and ghouls - children's tales and memories from the past that sprung free of the net. regardless if he meant for it to happen or not, that friendship blossomed into a whirlpool of admittances he would have damned himself for in the past: 
“I wanted to see you” 
“I hope you're okay”
 “let me know when you get home safe” 
“can you read that part again? I like the sound of your voice”
 “I know you got that job, they’d be insane not to hire you” 
“come over, I miss you”
“do you miss me too?”
“I thought of you today”
friendship turned into fire kindling in the pits of him 
he wasn’t easy to trust others and you’d earned that trust fair and square. first through kindness, honesty, and a lot of self control. he wasn’t like every guy you’d been with in the past and you didn’t treat him like such. you’d been the only one to take your time and learn the inner workings of his mind and understand, not just engage or maintain his happiness. you’d expanded your craft in making him happy. giggling in bed at 3am, lovestruck, insanely, truly, madly, deeply happy. but demons don’t go away forever, and good behavior must be learned - especially with a life that has treated you unfairly. 
you understood how troubled ethans mind could be at times and you tried to be patient. patient enough that when he looked over at you, he trusted that you’d listen to him even if he was being irritating and crude. the darkness swirling in his eyes didn't scare you off, not like the others. you chose to stay time and time again. not that you were a push over by any means but one must understand how hard it became sometimes, to be patient in times where he blocked out every voice, every noise, every reasonable answer and refused to listen. refused your help and your advice, gave you silence as a reward for thirty minutes of trying to make him smile. it was frustrating to be ignored.
there was a lesson you'd known to be true: no matter how many stars you wish on, how many pennies you drop into the well, nothing is ever as perfect as it seems. 
you had told him more times than you could count on one hand: you weren’t his enemy. when it felt like the world was out to get him, like the sky was black and blue and he couldn’t see any light in the foreseeable future, you were there with a kind hand to lead him back. back to himself, reality, sanity. with the good came the bad and the constant back and forth it was taking it’s toll. if something didn’t change soon, he’d find that his light has left him in the clouds.
that’s how you found yourself sitting with your fingers fiddling in your lap, in the passenger seat of a car that you’d have to sell your soul to be able to afford, the hot air blowing through the vents and over your now trembling fingers, dress now more tight and uncomfortable than it seemed to be half an hour ago. you tried focusing on anything than the eery silence, save for the quiet music rolling through the speakers. it was easier than you’d thought to drown out the voices - you weren’t in the mindset to listen to someone else's problems. the many rings you wore now the main focal point for the agonizing hour drive back to your shared apartment.
it was a collection of pointless noise. pointless for the simple reason that the only sound you really wanted at the time was ethans voice. the low vibration that shot sparks straight to your stomach, the vibrato that sounded like home. anything to let you know he was okay, that he was working through his emotions instead of shutting them off.
“you okay?”
the last thing that had been said in over 30 minutes. you knew he was frustrated with himself by the white knuckled grip on the steering wheel, the way he drove at least ten over the speed limit, and the torturous strain of his taught jaw muscles, eyes shooting daggers at the road. he hadn’t given you an answer. 
if you’d known Alec would be there, you never would have gone. you never thought in a million years you’d be seeing him again unless forced by the universe to punish you. punish you both. how often did you see your boyfriends ex bestfriend who happened to co-exist as the ex of your very own bestfriend? a person you’d both chosen to cut ties with for a multitude of reasons. for the better. a lying manipulating cheater that had no place in your life or anyone that you loved. the connection between the two had been a shock at first, but you were quick to warn ethan about the deceitful nature of his “friend.” you wondered how you’d never met ethan before considering that link but were thankful he decided to shoot his shot in the café not a block from your old apartment.
alec was...sneaky. not only had he betrayed you and your bestfriend, shown his true colors, but he’d also betrayed ethan - his closest companion for over a decade. it wasn’t long before he dropped the both of them like they were a virus he was glad to be rid of. it broke your heart to see them both grieve the man they thought they knew. from that day forward, you made it your mission to try and lessen that pain for the two of them in whatever way you could. you became the anchor to a ship gone rogue.
you’d been just as shocked as ethan to see him at the event. an event he wouldn’t have even been at, had it not been for ethan and his good word.
alec was part of the holding company, Rissito’s Publishing Co golden boy. a new top boss only thanks to ethans referral and promise that he’d “kill it.”  HR ate it up. if only ethan had known beforehand the betrayal that would unleash after his hiring - he’d have stuck his foot in his mouth long before he told HR to give him a chance.
Alec was someone who gained respect without earning it first. someone who took advantage of a good friends kindness and used it for his own benefit, while leaving that same friend in the dust. he was a dispicable tyrant that had nothing better to do than ruin people to get ahead. no matter what cost.
he was someone who rarely showed his face at events that gave him no ego boost or feeling of supremacy.
you didn’t think your stomach would twist up at the the mere sight of his icy blonde air, unbelievable posture, and wicked grin. but it did. the few times you’d met him for your friend and for ethan...you’d felt the wind of something bad. “something wicked this way comes” right?
you’d been so stunned that you’d stopped in your tracks and let go of ethan’s hand altogether. the air stuck somewhere deep down in your chest, threatening to burst if you didn’t get as far away as you could. of course he would be here, he was invited to speak on behalf of the company. you quickly scolded yourself, reminded that this night wasn’t about you or alec no matter what past or resentment you held - it was about being there in support of ethan and his accomplishments.
alec had strolled up on stage draped with navy velvet curtains, right to a glass podium clear enough that you had to squint to see it just to “give his thanks and welcome” to the crowd of overdressed office workers. you wondered for a brief moment how strange he sounded when he spoke formally. like a robot coached to please. he’d used the same voice when he gaslighted your friend into thinking she was insane and needed help. really he was the lost boy. he spoke down to the group of people he now had authority over. people you knew he didn’t give two fucks about. he looked the same as you remembered - but if possible more sinister. he was the devil in the flesh and someone you knew could set ethan off in seconds. to your horror, your suspicions were true.
this was ethan’s night. at least to you and everyone that cared about him. a night he worked hard towards and quite frankly busted his ass to achieve. he deserved the silver platters, champagne, laughs with his co-workers, a pat on the back from his boss standing somewhere near the exit that you’d missed somehow on your way in. you knew it would be ruined if he let his anger get the best of him. you couldn’t stop his fuse igniting, and just when you thought you’d made it to the clear, that he’d been paying too much attention in trying to find snacks to satisfy his growling stomach - ethan froze beside you. statue still and glaring at alec. you were shocked alec didn’t drop dead from the look.
“i want to go home,” ethan had seethed immediately upon seeing Alec rise to the podium, grabbing your wrist tight with his fingers. too tight would describe his hold. much too tight. he all but ignored your grimace and look of confusion. 
“we just got here ethan, you haven’t even received the award,” you had tried to reason with him. he was acting brash. impulsive and irrational. he’d be called to the stage any moment, an award he obviously no longer cared about. when ethan was set on a mission, he was rarely persuaded.
“i don’t give a fuck,” he growled lowly, turning to look at you with laser hot eyes, “i don’t want to be anywhere near that prick and honestly i don’t know why you would either, y/n.”
it stung to hear him spit your name through his clenched teeth, but you tried your best to ignore it.
you heard him. you did. but you also knew he’d regret walking out the door more than he thought at the time. for years all he’s wanted was the recognition that he’d get in just a few minutes - the praise you knew he yearned for. but he was hell bent on getting the hell away from he who must not be named.
“tonight isn’t about him. it’s about your amazing accomplishments. something you’ve earned and worked hard for. don’t let him take this away from you!” of course your words fell on deaf ears. he wasn’t in any position to negotiate.
“stop. talking,” he barked, nails digging into your delicate skin, marching through the crowd of concerned on-lookers.
“ethan stop...you’re hurting me. please stop and talk to me, we can go to the bathroom or something,” you begged, trying not to blush with all eyes set on the two of you. taking a quick glance around to the raised eyebrows and turned up lips you shook your head in embarrassment. you were mortified to be a part of such a scene.
you were embarassed to be causing such a scene at a prestigious event for one of the biggest publishing companies in the country. it caused your stomach to turn at the thought of ever having to face the crowd of people again. your office visits would be few and far between after this.
“baby please,” you whimpered pathetically, trying yet again to be a voice of reason. you figured a pet name would get through to him. hopefully to calm the storm crashing in his head, “stop and look at me.”
“all he’s ever done is fucking ruin things, y/n. don’t you agree? he caused you and i both havoc for MONTHS and you want to stand and listen to this fucking shit?” he barked, turning to look at you with daggers for eyes, “i’ll be damned if i stare at his cocky smirk all night long.” you worried his jaw might break from the strength of his clenching, but chose to keep your knit picking you yourself he’d grumbled one last “fucking dickhead.” before you’d flinched at the aching of your wrist.
being dragged through a crowd of people wasn’t exactly the easiest task when you could barely keep up with his strides on a daily basis, let alone when he was sprinting around tables set for a feast, elegantly dressed men and women, staff that bustled about, and security that eyed you both like a hawk - thankful for your hasty exit.
“let me go!” you cried with one final feeble attempt to reach him through his blind rage from just the sight of the man that had hurt you both deeply. you wretched your hand like a girl gone mad, ignoring the gasps of people much too prudish to ever sympathize with your situation - all they knew what judgment and riches.
guilt crashing through his wall of xxx only allowing him a horrified glance back at your pained expression, yanking his hand back and away from you without a word. he held his arm to his chest as if it pained him to touch you in any way but his usual soft caress.
you watched warily when he turned toward the open set of double doors, this time without grabbing you. you had half a mind not to follow him. but you weighed your options heavily: stay for no reason and get judged and ridiculed by a crowd of people that thought less of you than dirt and even worse, have to talk to alec? or run after ethan and hope for the best on the ride home? hanging your head, you gathered the bottom of your burgundy dress in your hands shyly as to not trip and humiliate yourself further, walking briskly towards the parking lot. you knew he’d be more than ashamed with himself for acting the way he had, disgusted with his failure to perceiver through a problem.
he’s lost control. ethan hated losing control.
isnt that exactly what alec would want? he would want to see ethan crumble before his eyes and the many eyes of people he’s meant to be composed and professional around. create a name for himself: not a good one.
he would want to see him act out and lose his sanity with resentment and hatred in front of the well respected business men and women he worked with daily. alec was far too narcissistic to admit to his wrongdoings, but had a way of making his victims seem crazy. it was the toxicity you’d dealt with for the entirety of your miserable relationship. you felt ill at the fact that ethan had to experience it. had to deal with it for the sake of his job.
he did hate him, more than he’d admit. but really what lied beneath the surface is something he’s only admitted to you once before when he’d had one too many shots. more than anything, alec caused him a great deal of pain. ethan was hurt by his late friend. he was hurt by the reckless behavior and betrayal. he was hurt that alec tried to take his job out from under him instead of being satisfied with what he had. he was hurt that he treated you no greater than a peasant. he was hurt that he’d thrown away years of friendship just to get ahead. more than anything, ethan was hurt. but of course he was too stubborn to say that to you, to anyone, maybe even too scared to admit it to himself.
pulling into the parking garage was in no way an experience you wanted to relive again. the silence pained you. the silence pained him too, and you know it whether or not he’d say so. your tears, silently falling right next to the man you’d normally run to, went unnoticed. the yellow-orange of the lights bounced off the hood of the car to illuminate your devestated expression. you couldn’t believe how the night had played out and how easy it had been for alec to get the best of you both. he had won. again. the thought made your stomach churn.
he was out of line tonight. he’s not only made an ass of himself in front of the head management of his company, but he’d had total disregard for his actions towards you - physical and verbal. tonight...he was someone you didn’t want to be around.
your wrist was red from where he’d grabbed you at the party, reminding you that ethan did need a serious wake up call. you’d done as much as you could to soothe him and you won’t be subject to his wrath.
when he finally turned into a parking spot and turned the car off, he finally did speak. but it was in no way what you wanted to hear.
“they’ll hold the award. i would have been on the stage speaking for a couple seconds before they moved on.”
despite your efforts, you scoffed at how abtuse he really was to the situation.
“i asked if you were okay. but you acted very not okay and i don’t know how to help you or even if i want to,” you told him earnestly, eyes glued to your lap.
“what does that even mean?” ethan snapped, running a hand through his hair.
you watched as a grey expedition passed in the side mirror before you chose to respond as calmly as you could.
“it was so easy for you to lose control.”
“i don’t stay in situations that hinder me or the people i care about.”
“oh so now you care about me?”
“that’s not fair, y/n,” he sighed, shaking his head and looking out his respective window.
“and this is?” you hold up your reddened wrist, just far enough that he couldn’t ignore the gesture and turned to look at you briefly.
“it wasn’t personal, i just get so...”
“angry. you were angry and i understand why you would be. al...he showed up out of nowhere and you don’t do well with surprises. but he is a part of that company now and maybe we both should have prepared ourselves before we stepped foot out of the apartment tonight. i didn’t deserve that and neither did anyone else at the event tonight.”
he opened his mouth to speak, another excuse your sure but you carried on while blinking back hot tears.
“you were impulsive and gave no mind to the way you treated me and how it must have looked to your boss who watched us leave not even 30 minutes after we arrived. how do you think you’ll feel in the morning when this is all you’ve wanted and you let him ruin it? you always said you were done letting people get the best of you.”
“he has a way of pissing me off and he’s just- he doesn’t care okay?! he sat up there and told lies, y/n. he doesn’t give a fuck about the job or the people or even all of the good we do and dreams we help make a reality. i...i should have been the one up there talking...” ah...so jealousy it was.
“ethan,” you laugh, not with humor but disbelief, “you know he’s as fake as they come. he doesn’t care like you do. you will have your time to shine and you would have tonight if you hadn’t ran away like a coward.”
“i don’t want to talk about this anymore,” he grumbled, opening the latch on the door in an attempt to get out and leave a conversation where he had to talk about how he felt.
“you can run all you want but one day these feelings will catch up with you and you’ll crash. you’ve opened up quite a bit with me over the past few months and i’ve noticed that change and i’ve been proud. more than anything i’m proud...but this has to stop,” you grab him by his bicep, forcing him to look at the tears that fell onto your cheek, ignoring the stiff silence without the aid of the radio and air conditioning, “you have to start believing in yourself like i do. who gives a fuck if he’s a man with five seconds of fame he didn’t even earn? you bust your ass every single day and you know it.”
his eyes shoot across your kind face, landing on your eyes that scream he’s sorry, he messed up, he wants to talk but doesn’t know what to say.
“no one can make you feel inferior without your permission remember?” you nod, trying your best to give him a smile. you suppose it looked more like a grimace.
“right,” he huffs, sucking in a breath like he’d been suffocating the entire ride home, and maybe he had. he’s pressing the palms of his hands flat against his eyes in an attempt to cover up whatever emotion threatened to expose him, “fuck him dude.”
“fuck him is right,” you chuckled dryly, flopping back against the leather back of the seat.
in the silence you waited. you must have been sitting together in the orange glow of the lights for thirty more minutes, the time passing slow. you watched him pull himself together, breathing even in an attempt to build up the nerve to talk once again.
finally he’d looked at you with those eyes you fell in love with. the hazel brightness that was a gate to who he truly was. a soft man with a traumatic story that wasn’t his fault. he fought hard for everything he had and he’d built a good life for himself. he was a different, better, man than he’d been the day he paid for your coffee without question. he was unsure of himself and self-conscious to the point he didn’t know what his purpose was. he’d bounced around from girl to girl, drank away his sadness...but you. you. you must have been his saint. his angel placed in his path for a reason. he couldn’t have felt shittier when he looked over at your wet cheeks and hair falling out of it’s elegant up-do.
you’d flinched at the feeling of his fingers trailing over the splotchy fingerprints on your wrist. this time, you welcomed the touch, staring at his hand tracing the damaged he’d caused. you tried not to bunch your dress up in your other hand.
“i hurt you.”
you nod slightly, not having the energy to respond with anything else.
“i embarassed you.”
another nod.
“i won’t do it again,” he whispered, fully ashamed of himself, “and i’ll...i’m gonna talk to Jeff on Monday. apologize for running off. i’ve never been that person and i acted before i could think straight. you were right. i earned this night and i shouldn’t have let him get to me so quickly. seeing him shouldn’t break me down. it was cowardice and i made an ass of us both and i’m sorry. i’ll try my best to make it right.”
smiling gently, you find yourself leaning over the console to kiss him on the apple of his cheek. his warmth shot sparks through your chest and stomach, something youre sure you’ll never get used to.
“we’ll figure this out together. that’s what we do. side by side. we figure shit out when it seems hopeless and when we look like idiots. it’s called being a team you dummy. thank you for apologizing. but...you know what i’d love?”
the light tone of your voice had him smiling in no time, his head rolling on his neck to look at you, head resting back against the seat.
“if i chilled the fuck out?” he teased with a grin.
“yes...but not what i was gonna say,” you continue smiling, raising his hand to kiss over his knuckles, “i was going to say...i’d love for us to go upstairs so i can get out of this ridiculously tight dress.”
inching towards you he nods, eyes latched on your lips. you feel his breath fan over your skin, goosebumps rising on your arms and legs. he’s moving slowly, enough that if your lips didn’t meet soon you’d get impatient.
“i’m sure we can make that happen,” he mumbles, so low you almost don’t hear him.
you know from this point on, you can trust him on his word. you can’t think to hesitate when he tilts your chin up to connect your lips in a gentle kiss. the fire kindling in your stomach burns brighter when he nips at your bottom lip, asking for permission. you part your lips eagerly, deepening the kiss.
the growth you’ve seen just from this conversation had you hoping for a future where he trusts you completely and didn’t shy away when his own mind punished him into make rash decisions. he’d owned up to his mistake and meant everything he’d said. it would be the last time alec got the best of him. it would be the last time he’d run away from a battle he knew he had the strength to conquer, especially with you at his side.
you’d deal with the consequences of his actions tomorrow, but for now the two of you lived in your own world - far away from alec, the banquet, and any other outside force that threatened to tear you apart. he’d placed his trust in you, and you’d do anything in your power to protect it.
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chibinekochan · 3 years
How to become a Demon Ruler 207
Part: 00 I 01 I 02 I 03 I 04 I 05 I 06  I  
Gender Neutral Reader insert
taglist:  @ayesha95  ;  @nomnomcupcakesworld ;  @fex-phoenix ; @depressed-bixch ;   @kitsune-oji  ;  @witch-o-memes ; @gallantys ,@tanspostsblog  ; @undertaker-02 ,
My classes are finally done for the day and I'm more than ready to go home.
  I spot Beel, he carries Belphie on his back.
  "Is he alright?" I worry that he got hurt somehow. 
"He is just sleeping, happens all the time." Beel smiles lightly. "Are you done for the day?" 
"Yeah, I was just about to head home. What about you?" I feel relieved that nothing bad happened at least. 
"Same, want to go together?" Beel offers with a big smile. 
"Of course." It's definitely better than going alone. 
We start walking at a casual speed. 
"You and Belphie must be super close." It seems unusual to carry a sibling home at least. 
"We are twins so it's natural," Beel explains. 
"Ah, that explains it. I just didn't think of that, since you two look so different." It's a bit strange at least. 
"We were just born at the same time. You see we are all brothers by choice." Beel says this with a big smile. He must really love his bro
I can only smile at this. "That is very awesome. I'm kinda jealous of that." I admit a bit shyly. 
"You, Diavolo and Barbatos seem to have a good bond too. It will only get stronger. By the way, if you run into any issues you can always come to me or any of my brothers. I know they can sometimes be trouble but they would always support people they care about." Beel is serious about this. 
It fills me with warmth."I hope they will care about me soon then and I kinda feel like I belong here already thanks to all of you. It might be a bit early but I'd like to see you all as my friends someday." It's a nice goal to have at least. 
"Sounds good to me." He smiles, but then his stomach rumbles. "Oh, do you mind stopping by a bakery quickly?" He looks guilty at me. 
"I don't mind. I'm getting hungry myself." I have to admit that school drained all of my energy. 
"I'll get you something too then." Beel offers this very nicely to me. 
"Better not. I'm getting fat anyway at this rate." I admit with a low voice. 
"Fat? Were?" He narrows his eyes at me. "Well, if it bothers you you can train with me. I do that too since I don't want to gain too much weight either plus I enjoy the exercise." Beel has a good idea, but there is one issue. 
"I don't think I'd be able to keep up with you at all." I sigh, remembering my training with Barbatos.
"Hmm true, humans are fragile apparently. In that case, I will go easy on you. Just stretches and a few rounds around the house of lamentation and some light exercises for the start." Beel seems to have made a plan already. 
"Let's start with one round and tone down whatever your definition of 'light exercises' way down." I can only shudder at the thought of repeating my experience. 
Beel shrugs. "Alright, it's a plan then. I'll buy you something."
  He heads into the store and comes out with a bag filled to the brim. He hands me a small bag with two items.
  "Can you keep one for Belphie? I usually just end up eating his food too." He admits sheepishly. 
"Of course. No problem." Both items seem to be the same. It looks a bit like a croissant with chocolate and berries.
I take a curious bite. It's sweet and very juicy while also somehow not dripping. "Wow, this is amazing." I can't hide my enjoyment.
  Beel nods while stuffing his mouth. 
When his mouth is empty again, he starts speaking again. "I'm glad you enjoy it."
At that moment, Belphie wakes up. "Hm? Oh, is class over? Thanks for carrying me, Beel." He smiles sleepily. 
"No problem. I got us all a snack. Do you want to walk the rest?" Beel let's Belphie down. 
"Hm? You haven't eaten everything yet?" Belphie yawns and stretches. 
"No, I gave yours to them." Beel smiles at me. 
"Here you go." I hold out the tasty treat for Belphie. 
He takes it. "Thank you both." Belphie smiles mostly at Beel, but that's okay for me. 
"It's very good. Is it one of your favorites, Belphie?" I can imagine that Beel would buy that for his brother. 
"Nope, never even seen this." He bites into the treat. 
"It is brand new and I wanted you two to have it." Beel smiles sheepishly. 
"It's good. Good choice, Beel." Belphie seems pleased enough. "What did you two talk about when I slept?" He looks at Beel. 
"We made plans to train together," Beel replies calmly. 
"Hahaha, good luck with that. I might come to watch that." Belphie finds this very amusing. 
"Just wait and see." I feel strangely motivated by his comment. 
Belphie just shrugs. "Suit yourself."
  We soon arrive at the house of lamentation. We say our goodbyes and I quickly make my way back home.
  I laugh at the thought that the big castle is now my home. It's a nice feeling. I wonder if anyone is home yet?
  Then I see Barbatos waving at me with a smile. My heart jumps with happiness. 
It's been only a few hours since I saw him but I realize that I missed him. 
"How was your first day?" He greets me in a friendly manner. 
"It was pretty good. I even managed to get access to Diavolos power but sadly I set a table on fire. Overall it was a lot better than expected." I figure it's best to be straightforward with my mistake.  There is a good chance that Barbatos knows already anyway. 
Barbatos raises his eyebrows, and this information surprises him after all. " Are you unharmed? " He sounds very worried. 
"I'm fine, it was just pretty surprising. I need to train to control that better. I still have no idea how to access my power yet either, but the other human exchange student is some wizard and he will help me." I shrug and share more news with Barbatos. 
He smiles at me. "I'm glad you are alright and you speak of Solomon, I assume?"
"Yeah, do you know him?" This is pretty interesting to me. 
"Indeed, as a matter of fact, I have a pact with him." Barbatos' face doesn't move. 
It's hard to tell what he feels sometimes. 
I know what I feel at least, jealousy. It's not a nice feeling for sure. I have no clue why I'd even be jealous of that? 
"Is there anything troubling you master?" He looks at me. 
"I'm just kinda tired." I turn away from his gaze, fearing that he somehow can peer straight into my heart. I'm truly stupid for feeling this way. Not only does Barbatos only see me as his master but it's just a pact. It's not like they are dating.
I sigh deeply. 
"Let's head inside then. I have coffee and strong tea that will wake you right back up." Barbatos politely smiles, seemingly unaware of my inner turmoil. 
I'm thankful for that though, I don't like my ugly feelings right now.
  He serves me some hot coffee. I drink it slowly, enjoying the quiet moment after my hectic school day.
  I tell Barbatos about the rest of my day. He listens calmly and seems very pleased.
  "For the rest of today, you can take off. It would be pointless if you would exhaust yourself." Barbatos is still concerned. 
"I'm fine. I want to train a little bit at least. Solomon said I should train with fire or another strong force. I think I will stick to something less dangerous though. Any ideas?" The fire incident is still fresh on my mind. 
Barbatos sighs lightly, then he thinks for a moment. "There is a waterfall in the far back of the estate. It's far enough away if any flooding should occur."
I sweat lightly at the implication. "Sounds great."
"I shall show you the way but promise me to only train for an hour and then take at least a break." Barbatos knows me too well at this point. 
"Thank you. Let me just quickly redress and it will only be for an hour. I have to text Beel anyway regarding our training." I don't plan to exhaust myself. 
"You certainly are getting along well with the brothers. I need to keep an eye on that." Barbatos looks troubled. 
"They are pretty nice and I'm glad to make friends." It's been a long time since I could call anyone my friend, it's a nice feeling to be so accepted. 
"I don't mind you making friends of course. Though it troubles me a bit knowing that you will spend less time at home." Barbatos' words surprise me. 
"Are you feeling lonely?" I say with a teasing smile. 
Barbatos' eyes widen for a split second. "I guess I do…" He looks like he just realized that. "I might have gotten too used to you being around all the time." He admits with a bashful smile. This is a very rare moment. I try to burn it into my memory. 
"Aww, I missed you too," I admit, feeling a bit bashful myself. 
Barbatos smiles unusually softly. "I'm glad we are on the same page about that." There seems to be so much more he wants to say but simply decides to keep quiet.
  I leave him be and quickly run to redress. My outfit is perfect for training and getting a bit wet.
  "I'm ready." I almost run into the waiting Barbatos, who is tending to the flowers in the garden. 
"You are certainly filled with energy. Must be nice." He looks at me with a slightly teasing smile. 
I pout at him. "Are you going to show me that waterfall now?" 
Barbatos gives me a slight smirk. "Of course, follow after me."
  Barbatos leads me through the vast garden, it's even bigger than I assumed. 
I keep an eye on the path, not wanting to repeat the time I fell into Diavolo’s arms. Well, it's not like that was bad, but I shudder thinking what would've happened if I'd fallen into the rose bush. 
It's a bit hard since all of the plants just look so interesting to me.
  Barbatos keeps a close eye on each of my movements, which motivates me to not get distracted from walking. 
Finally, we reach the waterfall. It looks man, or better said, demon-made. It's pretty impressive regardless.
  "I never thought someone would build a waterfall this big in their backyard." I stare at it in awe. 
"It's one of the many projects that the young master build for fun. At least it has some use now for you." Barbatos frowns lightly. 
"Does Diavolo often build random things?" He doesn't seem the type, but then again he kinda does. 
"He sometimes just acts a bit on a whim. It's not necessarily a bad thing but sometimes it can become a burden. Like when he wanted to create a beach. That was quite a hassle." Barbatos sighs. 
I giggle imagining that. "Doesn't the devildom have beaches?" 
"We do, but we have a lava ocean. He wanted to experience a human beach." Barbatos seems slightly troubled.
"A human beach? That sounds like fun. I wonder if I'll ever get to see one again." I remember a vacation that I spent at the ocean. I somehow feel nostalgic.
"Maybe we can arrange something." Barbatos smiles mysteriously at me.
  I don't doubt that Barbatos would create an ocean just for me if I'd order him to do so. Even when it seems like a ridiculous idea it makes me smile. 
Barbatos looks at me with curious eyes but doesn't ask. 
I settle on the side of the river flowing from the waterfall.
  Barbatos seems to be thinking for a moment and then nods. "This is far enough away, but be careful or you might slip." 
"Don't worry, I'll just stay here." It's pretty comfortable on the grass here anyway." I get into a more comfortable pose. 
Barbatos still seems a bit reluctant to leave. " Sadly I have duties to attend to but you just need to yell and I will be right there." He seems to mostly assure himself. 
"I will do that." I agree, even if it's mostly to assure him.
  Barbatos seems to accept this and leaves me alone. 
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thedemisedroyal · 3 years
Dangerous Betrayal | TVD/TO
The Vampire Diaries & The Originals
AU Story
I do not own the name of Scarlet Witch, nor anything involving her, I just really loved the name, it suits my characters. It belongs to Marvel and everyone on that side, I only own 'Esme' and her plot lines/storylines.
• E S M E •
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"The one of all kinds.."
"The one that rules all.."
"The one who is darkness and light combined.."
Voices..that's all the girl heard as she was forced awake, it was nearly three o' clock in the morning, pitch black outside with everyone asked in the Gilbert household. Except for a stumbling Esme who was trying to make her way out the bedroom to call for help, but it was as if her body was controlling it against her will, driving her away.
Instead, she fell atop her desk, dropping books, papers, pens and pencils on the floor, making a lot of noise. She supported herself on the dark wood desk, her hands clenching the sides of the desk. Jordan looked up, the mirror that was attached showed the girl her reflection.
Her eyes were glowing a neon scarlet red, along with the same colored flares dancing around her hands. She tilted her head a bit, confused as to what was happening. It was a moment as if the world around her stopped, a light bulb turning on in her head,"Oh no." The goddess knew exactly what she was, or what Esme was. "Shit, shit, shit..you've got to be kidding me." She ranted, but her anger was swept away and relaxed by immense pain, she yelled in agony.
Her hands clenching even tighter, if possible, on the sides of her wooden desk, the sounds of snapping filled the room. Jordan fell to the ground, holding her head, letting go of the two, rather large, chunks of the desk she broke off from her inhuman strength. Jordan curled into a fetal position, clutching her head, opening her shut eyes, seeing the walls of her room covered int the same red scarlet flares that shined from her eyes and covered her hands.
That was the last thing she saw before she completely knocked out, welcoming the dark abyss.
"Esme!" The female voice echoed throughout the dizzy-headed girl, who was still in fetal position on the floor, beside her bed. "Esme! Get your butt down here! You said you would help me get ready for the Founder's Day Party!" The brunettes eyes slowly opened, taking in her surroundings, noticing the bright, shiny sun pouring into her room.
Jordan groaned, holding her head as she slowly lifted herself up from the ground, just sitting on her butt, looking around her room with widened eyes. It was completely wrecked and ruined, her bookshelf was on the floor, the books covering the room all over. Her hanging paintings were on the floor, slightly ripped and scratched. Her mirror on her desk was cracked all over, shards of glass scattering on the floor and desk beside her. Clothes that were perfectly hung in the closet and folded in her drawer, which was on the ground, were thrown into different places all over her room.
She got up from the floor, in complete distraught and shock,"What the fuck happened." Jordan cursed under her breath, walking around her. As she walked towards her curtains, where the sun shined through, her arms had hit the rays of sun, making her skin sizzle from the contact. "Shit!" She yelled, pulling the arm away, grabbing on to it as pain spread through her wound. Jordan looked at it, seeing the bubbling skin, that was literally smoking, heal within three seconds. "Woah." She whispered, she touched the healed wound, confused as to what happened.
Jordan slowly moved her hand to the rays once again, slightly shaking with anticipation. She sucked in a breath was she was once again burned with sunlight. Quickly pulling back, taking a deep breath, already seeing her hand healing. Jordan ran a hand through her hair, clearly frustrated, "Scarlet witch, really! You have to be fucking kidding me!" Jordan exclaimed, kicking her bed that soon flew across the room,"Oh!" She yelled, putting her hands around her mouth.
"Esme!" Elena yelled louder from downstairs, the girls eyes widened. "Sorry, coming!" She yelled back, looking around the room in fear. Jordan shook her head, just grabbing her thin jacket, and walking out the room but remembering to lock it on her way out. She walked down the stairs to see Bonnie and Elena in the kitchen, talking about nail polish, she plastered a smile and put on her act. "Ooh, la la. It looks like someone's getting all dolled up!" Esme spoke, Elena turned around from the sink, rolling her eyes at her sister.
Bonnie chuckled, putting down the two nail polishes she was holding,"Hey squeakers!" Esme stopped walking and glared at the Bennet,"Are you ever going to stop calling me that, branches?" The Gilbert playfully asked, Bonnie smiled but sent a soft glare,"Whenever you stop calling me branches!" Bonnie exclaimed, the two laughed and sent each other a smile.
Elena softly smiled,"You guys are so annoying." The eldest twin rolled her eyes, sitting down on her chair. "Shut it gillies." Bonnie and Esme said in unison, Elena glared at the two,"I thought we decided to forget that situation.." Elena muttered under her breath, the two shook their heads,"Never my dear sister, never." Esme sent a sarcastic smirk her way, sitting down as well.
Jordan blew air out of her mouth, annoyed by her current situation. She was expected to got to the Founders Day Party, with Bonnie, as the two were left by their fellow best friends, all alone. The two agreed on being each other's dates to the party, but Jordan had to make an excuse to being late, as if she walked in the sun she would be bacon, literally. She told the others that Jenna didn't want her to leave unless she cleaned her dirty room like she promised for the past week, but haven't done.
Luckily, in her case, her room was already dirty. With her desk broken, glass everywhere, clothes thrown across the room, her drawer on the floor and her bed across the damn room. And not only that but, she, or Esme, was a damn Scarlet Witch, probably the last one in this entire world. What was worse is that Jordan doesn't know how to control her powers, she may be one of the strongest creatures to walk this universe, but it had seem as if her knowledge within controlling her powers had completely left her mind, and she knew why.
The voices were messing with her, mainly Adira and Eila, who absolutely hate the girl. They had so much power of the goddess, and she was completely and utterly powerless. As for the past sixteen years of her new life, she was temporarily stripped of the Firstbeing power she owned. Without any knowledge on how to control it, but, Jordan did know some information about the Scarlet Witches that supposedly all died nearly thousands of years ago.
Unfortunately, with all this thinking, and like usual, the princess was lost in thought and didn't hear anything around her, especially not her door opening. She turned to face the door, seeing a scared Jenna, she furrowed a brow until she felt it. Power...surging through her entire body, she  lifted her hands, seeing the scarlet red flares wrapping around them. Jenna suddenly turned around and ran out of the door, before she could scream, Jordan appeared already in front of her, tackling her to the floor.
"Stop!" Jordan forced her down to the ground, holding Jennas wrist, who was still fighting. The two locked eyes, "Stop resisting me and listen?" Jordan exclaimed, and just like that, Jenna stopped, the goddess quirked a brow, "What?" She muttered,"You guys okay over there?" Elena shouted, her eyes widened in fear. "Yeah, stubbed my toe of the table!" The brunette yelled back, wincing a bit.
"Oh, okay." Elena bought the lie, Jordan let out a breath she was holding. She looked back at the aunt, remembering one of the powers these types of witches held were, as vampire, compulsion. Jordan looked Jenna right in the eye, her pulls dilating, "You won't remember this encounter, nothing within this hour. You'll go back downstairs and do whatever it was you were doing beforehand. When someone asks you where I am, you say.."
"Your sister is not leaving this house until she is done with that disgusting room of hers." Jenna playfully told, looking at the girl with a small smile, Esme rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, I'll get it finished and I will meet you lovely ladies at the party." Esme reassured her sister, aunt and fellow best friend, sending a sweet smile toward them. They nodded and grabbed their stuff, heading out the door, saying goodbye and heading to the party.
Jordan closed the front door, quickly checking around her surrounding before using her vampire-speed to her room. Closing her bedroom door and locking it, looking around her room to face the horrible mess.
She cleared her throat, putting her hands in front of her face, trying to concentrate. Slowly, the neon red flares surrounding her hands, the same color started to glow from her eyes as well. Without thinking, she shot the balls of power she held within her palm, to the ground.
The red flares covered the floor and made their way to the walls, and finally the ceiling. The power redesigned the room just how it was before. Shards of glass were gone, the bookshelves and the books it held were out nicely back together. Her bed was back in the middle of her room, nicely made, pillows fluffed and all. Even her desk that is usually messy with papers and notebooks, was organized, cleaned of dust, and the fairy lights that were around the mirror even worked again, though they went out months ago and Jordan was lazy to get the replaced Everything was absolutely perfect, maybe a few irks but she would get the hang of it.
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Jordan's celebration was short-lived as a massive headache soared through her head, she clenched her eyes shut and supported herself on the wall nearby. "Woah." She rubbed her eyes and forehead to try and soothe the pain. "Really need to work on that." Jordan pushed off of the wall, steadying herself, opening her eyes to once more see the clean room.
She smiled,"Now all we gotta do is find a dress." Jordan whispered to herself, now realizing she didn't have anything to wear to the Founders Day Party. But, the girl had a hour to spare, as the sun was still up, and she couldn't leave, not yet anyways. Jordan ran a hand through her dark chocolate brown hair, "Lets get ready, shall we?" She asked herself out loud, clapping her hands together as her process to get ready had begun.
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bbeomcr · 3 years
blood, soul and body | lmh
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❝If you were gonna leave this word, how could it have been without me?❞
✧ in which death tears two souls apart.
    ✦pairing: lee minho x gn!reader
    ✦genre: angst, vampire!au, 
    ✦warnings: character death, mentions of blood, mention of self harm.
    ✦content: one-shot (3k words) | based on this
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“It’s time to take you home,” Minho said under a bright smile.
He felt dumb after the words left his mouth. Of all the things he could have said. But the date had been good, so good he didn’t want to part ways just yet.
“It feels so early,” the witch by his side muttered over hushed, tipsy laughs.
It was still early in the morning (or maybe late at night) and the sun was still so far away that it was a shame to waste the time alone. But he promised that they would walk home together and bide goodbyes properly, that was the way Minho did things and God could take his soul if he ever broke a promise.
That’s why now, in front of an apartment building, he had a warm hand wrapped around his freezing one and a foolish smile unwilling to go. He felt intoxicated by euphoria (or maybe it was the wine).
A raspy voice made him turn his head: “We’re here,” and he wished they weren’t “I’d invite you in, but the sun’s a few hours away.”
They laughed again, maybe at the slurred words, maybe at the idea of inviting him in, but then and there it was just perfect. Then he left a giggle when he remembered.
“Have the rest,” he said, offering the bottle that was on his other hand. He hoped the chill air and the coolness of his hand had at least kept the liquid from warming.
But the soft growl after the witch accepted the drink just proved him wrong.
“It’s warm, disgusting,” they both laughed at the tone, and without realising their lips collided.
They giggled at the abruptness, lips brushing and smiles ghosting against each other. It was soft, it was calm and yet they couldn’t get enough of it. It felt like summer on a winter night, they felt warm.
“You should go inside, you’re gonna catch a cold,” Minho said once they broke the kiss.
He left after the witch crossed the building door.
Minho always felt a strong dislike for alcohol, and yet he couldn’t help but drown another shot. It was warm, the liquid having sat on the desk for hours after he took it from its usual place, and he never bothered to look for some ice, it was only a waste of time.
He had a hard time trying to forget, he had a hard time trying to survive and this was now just too much.
“You need to stop this,” there it was, the cause of his constant headache, being sober was awful; he got to listen to Jisung’s voice.
In all honesty, he thought about it a couple of times — of letting go, of starting again and come through from the horrible place he found himself in. But then his lover’s face came back to his mind on those few lucid moments and all his efforts seemed stupid, how could he ever think of letting go?
“If Chris sent you, tell him I don’t care and that he should do whatever he wants.”
This scene had been played so many times already, he could easily recall the same memories playing over and over again. It was like a broken record, and it meant that the near past was as awful as the present. The distant past wasn’t that different, but at least it had someone he loved still alive.
God, he needed to get drunk.
“I hope you like this, it’s not exactly what you wanted but—”
Before he could even finish, his lips were attacked mercilessly.
“I love it.”
He knew that even if the content was still hidden by the small drawstring bag, the words were always true. And Minho could already tell that the burning warm resting on his palm was worth all the trouble he had gone to get it.
“It’s stardust, not quite a star but almost,” he said, holding the other’s body close to his in a tight embrace, excitement bubbling inside him. “Open it.”
He missed the warmth surrounding his body when the hug broke, but a wave of relief washed over him when the hot pouch was removed from his hand.
And oh God, if the expression on his lover’s face could be like that forever he’ll die like the happiest man on Earth.
In front of them a million twinkles lights illuminated their faces like fireflies. It felt magical, it felt special and Minho hoped that the moment would never end.
But even then, the warmth and brightness of the silver dust in the room would never compare to the smile plastered on the person he loves, because for him the mere sight of them was enough to brighten his life.
“Chris never sent me, I’m here because I’m worried,” Jisung said, loud and clear like always. Neither his clothes nor attitude suited him, always so formal and uptight about everything; war changes people. “We’re all worried.”
Minho downed another shot. Then gestured to the younger man to take a seat in front of him.
The small studio was a mess by the time Minho arrived at the apartment; the blinds were shut, a few bowls full of stuff were carelessly placed around and a few jars were tossed all over the kitchen.
At first, he thought about the possibilities, the chances of violent acts and whether someone came to the place before him. But it was all forgotten when a familiar shadow passed the door frame.
“You came!” his darling chirped excitedly, running fast and jumping high enough for him to catch the body and spin a few times. “I need you to help me with something.”
Minho wondered what ‘helping’ meant; there was only so much he could do in witchcraft when he was still a vampire, but whatever it was, he would be happy to.
But then his lover disappeared only to come back a few minutes after with a tiny vial and a syringe.
“What is that for?” he asked, a tiny drop of fear made its way to him.
“I’m making a star.”
“I know,” Minho said after refilling his glass and getting one for Jisung. “And I wish you weren’t.”
He slid the alcohol-filled glass across the desk and as the other reached for the drink, Minho couldn't help but notice the silver bands wrapped around the blue-haired man’s fingers.
“We’re brothers,” he said, and Minho had to let the grin taint his expression.
“It’s a blood pact, for life,” Minho spat. “We’re not brothers.”
A loud raindrop made its way to the window and the sound startled both men.
The storm made it difficult for him to see ahead. The wind had broken his umbrella and now the rain felt like shattered pieces of glass against his skin, however his concern was finding the witch and forcing the both of them to come back to the apartment. Maybe watch one of those sappy movies his lover liked so much and cuddle under the blankets.
Minho, however, had expected everything. Everything but the sight he had once he reached the main road.
There, under the unforgiving rain, almost passed out and bathed in carmine, lay down a body he could recognise anywhere. It took everything inside him not to cry out loud and panic, he just had to take them home and treat the wound on the other’s body — and he prayed to all deities he knew for it to be slight.
“Hey, baby, I’m here,” he said once his knees met the floor and the other body was secured on his arms. “Stay with me, love.”
The rain had only made everything harder; his own clothes stick uncomfortably like a second skin, and Minho could easily tell the same was happening with his lover — yet the expression on their face let him know that the wound was aching even more. 
“I love you.”
Minho saw the way the drops of blood melted into the pool by his feet, it looked like the watercolors work he had around his room. It reminded him of the afternoons at the witch’s apartment learning how to paint.
“I’ll take you home, don’t worry.”
He never thought much about his status, about the whole vampire thing and the amount of ‘powers’ that came with that, but then and there, he was thankful. The way home was short.
Minho felt relief filling his body once the door opened, rushing inside and laying the injured body on his bed. The white sheets were instantly tinted with a crimson red.
The bleeding never stopped, and by now he knew that the blood loss was fatal. So Minho began striping the witch of his own hoodie, mortified by the sigh in front of him once the piece of clothing came off; a deep gash cut from the heart to the farthest right side of their abdomen, he could see the way the skin fell apart and how heavy blobs of blood gushed out of it and yet a tiny bit of hope still sparked on him.
He called for Jisung.
And both together tried to fix the disaster, he held the witch down when the younger disinfected and stitched the wound, he swallowed the screams and kissed away the tears. He did his best to comfort his lover and yet it felt like a nightmare.
“You’ve both bonded before,” Jisung said as he passed the older a silver knife. “Try healing with your blood, it’s more than anything I could do.”
Jisung didn’t say anything, he looked outside, at the falling drops hitting the windows and the bright star inside the crystal box. He was mad, of course he was; if the glistening red eyes, tense body and clenched fists were anything to by, but Minho never cared about pushing boundaries and spitting hurtful comments.
“You’re not the only one hurting.”
The blue-haired man spoke in a low voice, and if Minho were just a bit more drunk, he’ll confuse it with a growl. Jisung’s eyes were no longer focused behind him, they were locked with his own tired ones and he could clearly see the rage burning inside the other’s orbs. Minho knew that Hell was coming.
“Shut up,” he said, voice barely above a whisper and yet the warning tone made Jisung flinch. But that was hardly enough to hold him back.
“No, I won’t shut up because you have to stop this!” he yelled, not caring much about the older’s status. “Do you think you're the only one who lost someone dear? News flash, you're not! You're not the only one who had to mourn, you're not the only one who cried a loss and you're not the only one who had to suffer.”
“You don’t know sh—”
 Jisung's hand slapped hard on the wooden desk, the fast and abrupt movement made the chair impact loudly on the floor. Minho followed the second.
“But I do! I lost people too, we all lost people we loved and yet we were all trying to make you feel better because that was ‘the right thing to do’!” Jisung’s tone got higher and higher with each word as he no longer held his anger back and instead paced around the room like a caged lion. “Yes, you lost your lover, but for God’s sake — Hyunjin lost his fucking wife! Chris watched his sister die on his goddamn arms, I had to kill my soulmate with my own two hands… do you think the rest had it any better? Don’t you dare say that we don’t know how it feels.”
Minho’s heart started racing, the argument had gotten the worst of him and the flood of emotions was only making him feel worse. Jisung was right in every word, the undying war had made them all taste the sadness of loss and death, yet he had been the only one choking on his misery alone. He felt the need to apologise and run to comfort the others.
The silver knife sliced his wrist in a single motion.
“Here, baby. Drink,” he said as the cut started to let out crimson beads. The witch refused, lips tightly closed as the drops fell over them. This wasn’t right. “Angel, please.”
Once again, the slight shake of the other head made his heart sink. He was getting desperate every passing day, as the condition of his lover deteriorated by the second and the wound refused to heal, it was only a matter of time for Death to come knocking at the door.
So he just bandaged himself, and then helped Jisung with the extensive care of the wound across his darling chest. He could see it, the skin that started to rot on the sides and the brownish red discharge that came out every time they let air hit it - it was only getting worse.
Jisung gave him one last look before closing the door behind him.
“When will this end?” came from pale lips in a tiny voice. “I want to go.”
Minho let a tear fall down his cheek to his hands.
“I never… I never meant to,” he said, this wasn’t right. No, he was so selfish, so selfish. God, no. “I’m so sorry.”
Jisung’s eyes softened, the red glow slowly dissipating as the latter made himself vulnerable for the first time in decades. “Hyung, it’s okay, come here.”
Minho hesitated. He had been a burden for so long, so long, and now he was just letting himself fall apart after his best friend had told him how much he hurted in silence. Was he being selfish again? He wanted to go back to the strong, indifferent persona he made.
“I’m so sorry Sung,” he repeated, going to the man’s open arms even with his mind telling him that no, he deserved nothing but rejection, nothing but a glare and abandonment. “I was so stupid, I’m sorry.”
They stood like that, embracing the other and exchanging a fake warmth.
“I missed you, hyung,” Jisung whispered against his neck, and that was all it took for Minho to let out the first sob.
Weeks passed before Minho had another response from his lover: he had been on the side of his bed all the time, never left, never moved more than a few steps from them and yet the slight shuffle made his heart skip a beat. Maybe his prayers were answered.
He smiled, showing his best façade to the pained person in front of him. Maybe if he pretended long enough, everything would be fine again, and they’ll watch stupid shows and the would play tag in empty parking lots and laugh until their cheeks hurted.
It was all crushed when pained words reached his ears; “I’ll miss you, love.”
He didn’t know how they ended on the couch, he didn’t know why Jisung was holding him so tight, he didn’t know why his own arms were wrapped around the man as if his life depended on it and didn’t know why the only thing heard were his pained screams.
He only knew that it had been so long since he let any emotion out, so long since he cried his lover. And this was just what he dreaded.
He couldn’t help it.
So he did what his heart had been asking him since he saw the cold body lying on his bed.
He trashed around, he let himself fall apart, let his throat hurt from the screams and tears fall as they pleased. There, in the confines of his office and the presence of Jisung, no one would judge him for breaking. 
He couldn’t help it. And Jisung waited there until the tight drip and screams became blubbering, then sobs, weepings, muffled cries, tears and finally just soft whimpers while holding him gently. This was necessary.
“Are you with me?”
Minho stared at the dark gravestone, reading over and over again the contents as if this was just another nightmare.
It was a cold day. It had rained three nights before, just after he had found the lifeless body and cried out for his best friend to help; he had yelled at everyone in the house, broken cups and punched walls, but nothing could ease the pain he felt from everything. This was his fault and God was punishing him.
The silver rings made him focus on the physical pain, but the burn sensation could do only so much to distract him from the emotional turmoil he felt. Not only had his lover passed away (in the painfullest agony, he later found out) but the blood bond had broken so abruptly he barely had time to even try to hold himself together. Yet still, everything was either too much or too numb.
He took a step towards the grave. Minho held back a sob and, instead, mindlessly traced the letters once, then twice and then he had lost count of how many times his fingers followed along the written words. He always thought darling was a prettier name.
“If you were gonna leave this word, how could it have been without me?” he whispered. After a few hours he had given up all hopes of seeing the body rise and run back to his arms, but the pain on his chest never left.
Jisung’s cold hands had never stopped caressing his back in soft, delicate motions. And he was grateful for that; if anything, the repetitive motions made it easier to come back from dark places and slowly get used to reality waiting for him.
They never made an attempt to let go, and Minho assumed that maybe the younger needed that hug too. After all, even if he himself had broken down after holding everything in for decades, the pain and frustration building inside the blue-haired man must have been even stronger.
“I’m here for you, Sungie,” he had whispered with a rough voice from the screaming, and yet it made Jisung’s heart fill with a warmth he had missed so much. “Always.”
And while the other only nodded, it was enough.
“You should go back,” Jisung said once they broke the hug, “and talk with everyone.”
It was late now, well past midnight and he was sure the rest were still awake; after all, the sunrise was hours away.
“It’s time to go home,” Minho said under a tired smile.
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elejahfanfic · 3 years
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Part 2
A Joel Goran x Elena Gilbert
_a crossover fanfic, but still tvd
_AU of course
a/n: Elena leaves Mystic Falls to live in Toronto. There she meets Joel, who if course us Elijah's doppelganger...
_song is I just Wait by Paloma Faith
link to part 1
tag_ @eternityunicorn @beautyandwords @elejahforever @bulldozed88
Toronto, Canada
Hope Zion
"I don't know if I could describe it as love at first sight. I think there’s an energy that some people have where they elicit all of the stuff from you and you suddenly become the best version of yourself around them. It’s as terrifying as it is magical." Joel said to Alex as they were discussing his recent great interest in one particular woman that seemed to have changed his behaviour, finding him ordering flowers for that special someone.
"Where have you read that?! There is something so strange about you lately. It's like you have become this calm and colkected and soulful person. No flirtations. The nurses are bewildered. It can't be that this woman out of nowhere just changed everything... and you are actually dating her the old-fashioned way?! That is so not your style?!" Alex said.
"Maybe I will start believing that some women do possess the gift of witchcraft. I have to prepare for the OR!" Joel  his fellow collegue behind the OR prep.
Whatever it was Joel Goran was mesmerized by Elena Gilbert. They had a lenghtly talk in the cafe and asked her out for lunch straight out. And they did have lunch, as well as dinner and they didn't even kiss let alone end up in bed, which for him was like eating breakfast. And he sent her flowers, big bunch of red tulips.
"Maybe she has just awaken the gentleman in him!" another nurse remarked to Meg. The gossip wouldn't stop and everyone was eager to meet her.
In Elena's apartment, Elena answered Bonnie's call.
"So, what have you found out? He can't be a doppelganger, can he?!" Elena said.
"We have resurrected old witches, and you saw your own doppelganger, why is it weird to believe that Elijah couldn't have a doppelganger?!" Bonnie said.
"He is - yeah- totally looks like Elijah, but he is different. I made a mistake and aaid Elij...oel to him."
"Elijoel, ha?!"Bonnie remarked.
"Oh, I will take a photo of him and send it tonight. He is taking me out to a jazz club! Figure that." Elena said,
"I wanted to say no... and just leave Toronto, all this is too much, and then, I just can't. I find myself in this weird moment when I look at him and he is so normal and I want to tell him about Elijah, but then I see him run a mile if I tell him that witches and vampires exist."
"You don't have to tell him anything. You are free of Klaus and you only now have a witch friend and a vampire friend." Bonnie exclaimed.
"Just one vampire friend." Elena said.
"I thought Stefan left?!" Bonnie asked.
"Yes, but we still kinda speak," Elena confirmed,"why does everything always have to be complicated?!"
"Nothing is complicated. Just go out with Elijoel and... have fun! I will call you if something weird happens!
"Ok. Talk to you later." Elena said and hung up.
She looked at the flowers. It screamed Elijah to her.
"Huh" Elena huffed a little. It felt like fate played a trick on her and the tables were turned. 
Hours later, Joel was in his office, the night had fallen and he just finished with his daily paperwork. He turned to look outside the window. It was a supermoon night. 
"Hey. mate!" Joel said jokingly to the moon," are you going to cause havoc tonight?!" 
As he turned away his eyes caught a reflection on the window of himself but something was unusual. It was as if he saw himself in a suit and yet he was wearing a T-shirt. He looked back and then shook his head.
"I am too tired!" he said picking up his phone, pressing the speedial with Elena's number.
"E-Joel?!" Elena said as she picked up the call.
"Elena- are we still on for tonight?"Joel said.
"We are." Elena replied.
"Good. Shall we grab something to eat, first?!" Joel suggested.
Elena agreed with all and they soon met in a bistro to Joel's liking. The place or the time was not important to Elena. She wanted to get to know him. And he was pleased to tell her some of his life story. Elijah with a New Zealand accent and so cool- Elena thought. And the mannerisms were all Elijah. Elena flashed back to a day ago when she followed him to the hospital. He was wearing a suit and she watched him talk to a hub nurse, explaining something official. 
It was so Elijah. When it came to her to tell how she came to travel the US and Canada for two years, Elena found herself masking the truth, telling white lies and omitting the supernatural part of her life.
At one point her looks swayed to the supermoon outside. He noticed some strange longing in her gaze.
"Don't tell me you believe in all the crazy superstitions about the moon?!"
"Ha?" Elena looked back at the surgeon, "sorry-uhm- it looks beautiful -superstitions?! Me?! But I believe in vampires, werewolves-I am only joking," she said chuckling a bit and then thought, "if only you knew."
"A friend of mine has a theory that moon does affect some people deeply. She said something about the blood moon after the harvest- anyway, I have nothing against folklore and myths. The stories are deep and carry  great morals." Joel said.
The waiter came to offer desserts but they declined. Soon they were on their way to the club.
They were ushered to their table as they got in. They  ordered their drinks. The show had already started. The singer was introducing the next song. 
"Oh, I've seen her in Chicago!" Elena remembered.
"She is really good, I heard- from the nurses!" Joel smirked cutely.
Elena laughed a little now, " so, this date thing was the idea of the nurses?!"
"No. I just heard them talk about Paloma Faith and..."
"It's fine. I will tell you something you probably wouldn't believe" Elena said but Joel cut her off midsentence.
"Oh, don't tell me- your ex was a werewolf and I should actually be beware of him because we have a supermoon outside"
"Yeah!" Elena chuckled a little,"no-it's- I can't remember when I was on a date the last time?!"
"Ok. Let's then do the whole date thing- do you want to dance?" Joel offered his hand.
Elena nodded. They walked to the dance floor.
.....The twinkling in your eyes makes me wonder if I’m dead or alive,
And I, I just wait.
How many clues you need me to leave you?
I feel like I leave ‘em all the time.
Spending days together, I just,
Can’t help wondering when you’ll be mine.
If I could hold your hand, yes I would,
Be with you every day, if I could ....
Joel looked at Elena as if she was this mysterious woman, as he thought. There was something magical about her and although he kept denying it, his soul knew it was love at first sight, the moment she turned and looked at him at the cafe. Again, she was looking at him with familiar eyes that twinkled with a strange invitation making him wonder if he was dead or alive and he now pulled Elena into a gentle kiss as his hand glid up her neck feeling her skin tremble with sweet sensation of the union.
When you gonna open up your eyes and see,
That you and I could always be.
Put your palm into mine,
And stop wasting time.
My heart is breaking, without you,
I don’t wana live another day.
And tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, I’m waiting.
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the-neverletmegoxo · 4 years
The Fae and the Prince
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Author: I am flipping! Thank you for all of the likes! This means so much! Part 5 is a GO! PS I just realized that the protagonist’s mom has the same name as Queen Freya.. there is no relation... at least I don’t think. :)
ALSO ALSO! I do not own any of these GIFs.. whoever does-- they’re great :)
Summary: Another attack.. and finally.. the beginning of the carnival!! EEKK!
Part 5:
You rushed out of the café and made your way to your house to get ready for the Carnival. You knew your mom would still be at The Prickly Thorn, the flower shop she owned, until 5:00pm, so you made sure you were ready before then, in an effort to avoid her. You couldn’t imagine talking to her about saving the world with your father. You didn’t even know how you would do that and you didn’t want to.
You trudged into your bedroom and threw your backpack on your bed, along with yourself. You were so exhausted from all the information you had absorbed in the past 24 hours. You closed your eyes and immediately your mind went to Caliban. How good looking he was in those “mortal” clothes. He stuck out like a sore thumb, but it suited him.
You got up and went to your vanity to add a bit of mascara to your lashes and burgundy lipstick to your lips. It was Saturday for crying aloud, you needed to let loose and enjoy your evening. While adding a teensy bit of blush, your mind wandered to your moment with him in the library and how intimate you had been with him… how his hands snaked through your hair and—.
A sudden clatter broke your daydream. You shot up from your chair and walked hesitantly towards the door. You slowly turned the knob and pulled the door towards you. You had a direct view to your kitchen and saw something you’d never thought you’d see rummaging through your cupboards. It was a Hellhound.
Your breath sped up and you quietly shut the door. You ran to your bed and called your mom. If she came home, literally, all Hell would break loose.
“Mom? Mom, it’s Y/N. Please do not come home. I can’t really explain why, but I guess you’d understand but just trust me!”
“Y/N what is going on? Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m good, I’m gonna leave the house now—.”
“You’re still there! What is happening?” she snapped.
“Hellhound, mom. A Hellhound is in our kitchen.”
“Fuck. Your father said this would happen. Ok do not make any noise and see if you can get out of the house through your window, go to the school parking lot and I will meet you there.” “What do you mean ‘dad said this would happen’?” you said in a frightened tone.
“I’ll explain when you get to the parking lot, just hurry, Y/N. It will be able to sense that it’s not alone.”
With that, you hung up the phone. You grabbed your bag and shoes and made your way towards the window over your bench. You carefully undid the latch, and threw your bag out the window. You put your right foot through and went to grab the ledge to hoist yourself down, when a hand grabbed yours. Instinctively, you looked up. ‘Thank god. Caliban.’
“Hello, fae” he said delectably. He grabbed your waist and lifted you through the window with such ease. He lowered you down to the ground, hands still around your hips. You pushed yourself away from him to grab your bag, but he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the forest. He understood you were in trouble, but you didn’t know how he knew.
The two of you raced to the edge of the forest, praying that that put enough space between you and the monster.
“How did you—you got here so—“, your voice trailed off. Unsure of what your first question should be.
“I sensed you were in—distress.”
“How? How did you know that?”
He glanced down at the ground. You weren’t sure if he just didn’t know the answer or just didn’t want to share it with you.
“Whatever,” you said in annoyance, “I have to go meet my mom at school.”
He looked down at you, a woeful look on his face. You tugged your hand out of his, shocked that you had left it there for so long. You left Caliban, once again, alone.
How is it that you had a dream about a Hellhound and Caliban and the next day... you shook away the thought as you walked away from him. You ran to the school, assuming that your mom had probably been there for quite some time. You saw your mom’s car, her leaning against the driver’s door.
“Mom!” you yelled running towards her.
“Oh god! Y/N! Are you ok!?” She grabbed you and pulled you in for a hug. After for what felt like an eternity, she pushed you back and examined you to make sure you were clear of harm. “I’m fine, I promise.”
“God, Y/N I am so, so sorry that that happened. I should have told you about all of this sooner. I didn’t think something like this would happen so soon.”
“It’s ok, mom, but can you please explain what dad said is happening, you know, with the world and all.”
She nodded her head and the two of you hopped in her car. She explained to you what was going on with the pagans and how their lust for power was throwing off the axis of the earth. She went on to explain that something was going on in Pandemonium, but your father didn’t go into detail.
‘Probably for the best’, you thought. You were worried if your mom found out about Sabrina’s rise to the throne and you helping her… would cause some family strife.
“There’s something else, Y/N… something worse than what I’ve just mentioned.”
“What could be worse than Green Man pagans and Pandemonium chaos?”
“Remember the stories I told you when you were a little girl? The stories of Greek mythology?”
“Yeah,” you said hesitantly.
“Well, it’s real… Not that that should be much of a surprise, but the Titans, who tried to overthrow the gods and goddesses… They’ve come back and they are not very happy.”
“Shit,” you said under your breath. “Why now? Why is everything happening now?”
“You father said, it is because of the spring equinox, but you’re right, why now, this can’t be the only reason.”
“Ok, ok, Mom, you’re going to go to the Spellman’s you’re going to tell them everything, everything you told me. They can help you. They’re witches—,” Your moms eyes went wide, “It’s shocking, I know, but I can’t explain everything now. I have to go to the carnival to help Sabrina with something else right now. You go there and stay put, because home is not safe. It’s for the best right now. I’ll be back tonight to stay with you.”
Your mom nodded her head, knowing you were right. The two of you hugged and you jumped out of the car and waved as she drove towards the mortuary.
‘This has to work. Surely the Spellman’s can help you and your mom out.’
Before you knew it, the sun was slowly setting. You were almost to the carnival, when you heard the sounds of go-carts striking into one another, the dumbbell chiming the bell at the top, and the smell of funnel cakes.
‘This will be fun. A good distraction. You just need to be aware of the pagans.’ You didn’t know exactly what they looked like. You just heard Sabrina’s description of them when they crashed the Hare Moon celebration.
Roz’s laughter pulled you from your thoughts. “Y/N!” Theo yelled toward you. You picked up the pace and ran towards the gang. “How are you? I feel like we haven’t seen you in forever.”
“I’ve been better, long story. I’ll explain later. Right now let’s enjoy some cotton candy and games!” You, Roz, Harvey, Theo, Robin, Sabrina and Nick headed through the entrance and soon separated to enjoy different parts of the carnival.
You realized that you were the only one without a date, but you didn’t mind. It was nice to be alone for once. The carnival games didn’t really sound all that appealing. You weren’t in the mood to ride the Love-Boat, nor the Ferris Wheel, mainly because you were scared of heights. Without realizing how far you had walked, you were at the end of the carnival. The only thing nearby was Fortune Telling.
‘What harm could it do? I mean, I pretty much know everything that’s going to happen,’ you thought.
Without a second thought, you walked through the draped tent.
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nicolasnelson · 4 years
Benlos fic - Can’t Run From the Fun Tonight
Title: Can’t Run From the Fun Tonight Relationship: Ben/Carlos, side of Mal/Uma Additional Tags: Halloween, Masquerades, Fluff, Carlos's POV Words: 4,015
Carlos is nervous about being Ben's date for the Halloween masquerade party. Thankfully Ben has a pleasant surprise for him.
Carlos didn’t know whose idea it was for Auradon’s annual Halloween gala to be a masquerade, but he owed them a huge thank you. He never would’ve had the courage to go to the party otherwise. Halloween wasn’t really a thing on the Isle of the Lost. In fact, the villains were offended that the Auradon heroes would dress up like them once a year, a whole night to make fun of the people King Beast had imprisoned.
But in truth, the event wasn’t as bad as they said it was. Sure some people dressed up as villains, but most had fun with their costumes.
“Everything okay?” Jay asked, adjusting his tie in front of the mirror in their dorm room.
“Yeah, I’m pumped.” Carlos gave him a thumbs up.
Jay laughed. “Dude, you’re shaking.”
“Sorry.” Carlos rubbed his sweaty palms on his pants. “Just nervous about going with Ben. I still can’t believe he asked me.”
Jay nudged his shoulder. “Why wouldn’t he? You guys are dating. Besides, you’re a total catch.”
“We’ve only been together a couple months. What if he changes his mind about me? What if he thinks my costume is too much and I’m a total weirdo? Oh, no. I should have gone with the prince costume instead.”
“Hey.” Jay grabbed his shoulders. “It’s gonna be okay, Carlos. Ben likes you for you. You don’t need to dress like a prince to keep his attention. He likes that you’re different.”
Carlos nodded. “You’re right. I just need to relax. It’s going to be a blast, and all our friends will be there. It’ll be nice to hang out with everyone.”
Jay grinned, showing off his sharp veneers. He had four of them, one over each canine tooth. His hair hung in loose waves down his back, mostly brown with a few strands dyed maroon. After he attached his wolf ears to his head, he asked Carlos to help pin his tail on the back of his suit.
A sophisticated werewolf. Carlos wished he had thought of that.
A knock sounded at the door. Carlos jumped, for a moment fearing it was Ben, but he reminded himself they had agreed to meet at the party. Still Carlos was relieved to see Mal and Uma at the doorway, arm in arm.
Jay greeted them with a bow, his wolf tail swishing. “Evening, ladies.”
Mal scoffed, flicking her sleek green hair over her shoulder. “What are you supposed to be?”
“Sir Wolfington the Third at your service.”
Mal pursed her black painted lips, unimpressed. Her green velvet dress draped over her slim frame, the pointy witch hat and black wedge boots making her appear taller than usual. She towered over Uma, who was dressed as a sea goddess in a shimmering blue jumpsuit and seashell sandals, a gold crown rising from her head like antlers.
“What is taking so long, Jay?” Uma asked, crossing her arms. “Harry and Gil have been asking about you for an hour.”
Jay laughed and ran a hand through his hair, nearly knocking his wolf ears out of place. “Hey, perfection isn’t easy. I’ll be down in two shakes of a tail.” He wagged his fake tail back and forth for emphasis.
Uma rolled her eyes, scowling. “Whatever. We’re heading to the party.” She grabbed Mal’s arm.
“You both look nice,” Carlos said, holding his cloak closed so they couldn’t see his outfit.
“Thanks,” Mal said. “I was tempted to just wear a shirt that said ‘costume,’ but Uma convinced me it would be more fun if I dressed up.”
Uma scoffed. “Convinced? You jumped at the chance as soon as I said you’d make a cute witch.”
Mal laughed, draping an arm around Uma’s shoulders. They headed down the hallway, arguing playfully.
Carlos closed the door and leaned against it, relieved to have peace and quiet again. He just needed a moment to compose himself before he finished getting his costume together.
Jay adjusted the ripped sleeves on his jacket. “Okay, I’m ready.”
“I just need a minute,” Carlos said, twisting his charm bracelet. “Still need to do my eye makeup. You can head over to the party if you want.”
“Nah, it’s cool. Take your time.” Jay leaned against the desk and pulled out his phone, presumably to text Harry and Gil that he was running late.
Carlos focused on breathing in and out slowly. Tonight was going to be great. He wasn’t going to let his anxiety get the best of him. And if he did get overwhelmed, Jay said he would walk him back to their dorm room. Everything would be fine.
He pulled out his makeup kit and worked on applying his eye makeup in front of the mirror. It took a few minutes longer than he thought it would, but he wanted to make sure it was perfect.
“Okay, ready,” he said at last.
Jay hopped to his feet, sliding on his gray silky mask. “Great, it’s gonna be a howler.” With that, he threw back his head and howled like a wolf.
Carlos took a deep breath, adjusted his mask, and stepped into the ballroom of Auradon Castle. The Auradon kids weren’t dressed in their usual bland pastels. Tonight everyone went all out with an explosion of vibrant and dark colors.
He recognized several people through their masks. Chad was dressed as a king, to no one’s surprise. Lonnie wore a split costume: half knight, half princess. Doug was dressed as Peter Pan, and his girlfriend Jane was Tinker Bell, her hair tied up in an adorable bun.
From what Carlos had seen last year, Auradon kids tended to dress like an exaggerated version of themselves. Only a few dared to wear the costumes of the dangerous villains Auradon still very much feared.
Jay patted Carlos on the back and headed off to greet his boyfriends. Harry was dressed as a vampire, fake blood dripping from his lips, and Gil was a witch, complete with a lacy black dress, pointy hat, and replica wand. Whoever had done his makeup did a phenomenal job: a vibrant, smoky eye look. His blond curls bounced across his shoulders as he ran to embrace Jay.
Carlos slipped through the crowd before the guys could see him. He was still hoping not to be recognized, at least not until after he found Ben. The plan was to meet him under the balloon archway, but dozens of people were gathered there to chat away from the dance floor.
He texted Ben and stared at his phone for several minutes, but no reply came. Carlos walked over to the drink table, hugging his cloak to his body so no one would step on it. He was relieved to see they had a stack of straws on the table. That would make it a lot easier to drink with his mask on.
The DJ killed the music to introduce a live performance. Mal and Uma walked onto the stage, waving to the crowd. The iconic intro music of “I Put a Spell on You” played across the speakers, and the girls started to sing. Carlos had been offered the chance to perform with them as the third witch, but he’d turned it down because he wanted this night to be about Ben.
Everyone cheered for Mal and Uma. Carlos could hardly believe that just six months ago most of the Auradon kids still sneered at them. So much had changed since they saved Auradon. Carlos and his friends were heroes now. The barrier was still up, but Ben had invited all the VKs from the Isle to attend Auradon Prep, with the option to visit their families on weekends.
Mal started singing “Keep Your Head on Halloween, ” which was ironic since Carlos felt like he was doing the opposite. He took a sip of his punch, soothed by the sugary taste. To distract himself from worried thoughts, he looked at the other costumes around the room. Lots of people were dressed as fairies, royalty, and animals.
A deep chill ran through Carlos as he saw a dalmatian fur coat and frizzy black and white hair. No, she couldn’t be here. His mother was still on the other side of the barrier. Ben had made sure of it.
On closer inspection he discovered it was Audrey’s grandmother wearing a costume. (Still the most frightening person there.) She was chatting with Ben’s parents, who wore their usual regal attire.
Carlos had half a mind to go over there and ask if they’d seen Ben, but he was way too nervous and they’d know who he was the moment he talked.
He checked his phone again. Still no reply. Ben wouldn’t have stood him up, would he? Man, Carlos just wanted to go back to his room and stay there forever. So many people were pressed together dancing and talking far too loud, excited by the live music. Carlos was sweating, and he felt like he could barely breathe.
Uma was singing “Poor Unfortunate Souls” and several of Carlos’s friends had joined her onstage to play her minions. Jay was one of them unfortunately so Carlos couldn’t ask him to walk back to his room with him. Maybe if he just went outside to get some air. Yeah, that sounded like a good idea.
Carlos weaved his way through the crowd and ran out into the cool night air. The music and sounds from the ballroom faded to a slight hum. Carlos leaned against the castle wall, feeling like he could finally breathe again.
He would go back into the party whenever Ben texted him. He just had to be patient. Ben wouldn’t stand him up. Absolutely not. He’d texted that he was there an hour ago and where to meet him. Carlos was the one who was running late.
He fiddled with the charm bracelet Ben had given him for his birthday. The charms included a dog, his signature crossbones, a beaker, a laptop (that even opened and closed!), and the crown crest of Ben’s family. Carlos treasured the gift since it was clear Ben had put a lot of thought into it.
His phone dinged and Carlos was relieved to see Ben’s name across the screen. His text said to meet him by the staircase. Carlos headed back inside and down the hallway.
A lone figure was leaning against the staircase. He had his back to Carlos, so he could only see a long black cloak and slicked back brown hair.
Doubt started to creep into his skin. What if this wasn't Ben at all and he made a total fool of himself by tapping on his shoulder? He wished once again that he had agreed to meet Ben at his dorm room earlier instead of at the party. It would’ve been so much easier.
Carlos walked up to him, nervously clearing his throat. “Hey.”
The stoic figure turned to him, immediately breaking character when he saw him. “Carlos, there you are!”
Carlos’s jaw dropped. Ben had a white mask over the upper portion of his face and a black cloak draped over his elegant suit.
“You watched it?”
Ben laughed. “Yeah, you’ve been telling me the Phantom of the Opera was your favorite musical for months. I actually watched it a couple weeks ago with Chad, but I wanted to surprise you.”
Carlos couldn’t stop smiling. He had surprised him all right. “You look, you look really good.”
“Not as good as you. Your costume is amazing.”
“If we hadn’t agreed to meet here, would you know it was me?” Carlos asked curiously.
Ben tilted his head, considering him. “I don’t think anyone else would recognize you, but I would know you anywhere.”
Carlos felt like he would melt on the spot. “Oh, that’s, uh, that’s great.” He was so glad he was wearing a mask to hide his blush.
“So are you some kind of nature spirit?” Ben asked.
Carlos beamed. He couldn’t believe Ben got it right away. “Yep, I’m the king of the forest. Bow before me.” He gripped the edges of his cloak and held his arms out to show off the inside of the cloak, which he had painted with trees, foliage, and forest critters.
His costume consisted of tight green pants under brown boots, a green formal vest painted with light green swirls over a black collared shirt, and a wooden mask painted to look like tree bark. He wore a long black wig that Evie’s girlfriend had helped him find and a necklace with a gold leaf at its center. The space around his eyes was visible so he had on thick black eyeliner with eyeshadow in gold, green, and silver. Like he was the magical embodiment of a tree.
“You look...breathtaking.”
Carlos felt like his heart would burst. How did Ben always manage to make him feel so amazing?
“You’re not so bad yourself,” Carlos said, twirling the soft curls of his wig.
Ben pulled Carlos close, his lips inches away from his. “Sing to me, my angel of music.”
Carlos shivered, his heart thundering in his chest. “Isn’t it ‘sing, my angel of music’?”
Ben laughed. “I was trying to be romantic.”
“Oh, sorry. Didn’t mean to mess you up.” Carlos wanted so badly to kiss Ben to make up for it, but his wooden mask covered too much of his face.
“Don’t worry about it,” Ben said with a reassuring smile. “I’m sure I’ll have plenty more opportunities tonight.”
“Yeah, definitely.” Carlos was eager for Ben to sweep him off his feet. It wouldn’t take much to make him swoon.
“Now may I have this dance?” Ben held out his hand to him, the perfect gentleman.
“Of course.”
Carlos took his hand, and they made their way to the dance floor. They picked a spot at the back of the ballroom, away from the crowd. The live music had ended and the DJ was playing a nice slow song.
Ben placed his hands on Carlos’s waist, and Carlos wrapped his arms around Ben’s neck. They started off simply swaying back and forth before Ben transitioned the dance into a waltz, leading him with ease. Carlos felt more and more confident with each step.
“You know,” Ben said, “I’m completely in awe of your costume and makeup skills. You really did all of that yourself?”
Carlos ducked his head, pleased. “Yes. Last year I didn’t really do much since it was my first Halloween, so I wanted to go all out this year.”
Ben laughed. “And here I was worrying I would be overdressed.”
“You were worried?” Carlos asked, surprised.
“Of course. I didn’t want you to think I was a fool for dressing up, so I thought if I picked a character from something you liked, you would at least appreciate that.”
“Wow.” Carlos knew Ben was human, of course, but sometimes with him being the king, he forgot that Ben had normal worries too.
“Is that a good ‘wow’ or an I’m a total idiot ‘wow’?” Ben asked, his gaze focused on Carlos. His steps had become less confident and he missed a beat of the dance.
Carlos squeezed his hand. “It’s a really good wow. I love that we both dressed up, but I would’ve been happy even if you didn’t. Just the fact that you showed up means the world to me.”
“I wish I could kiss you right now.” Ben smiled shyly, biting his lip.
He was so adorable that Carlos couldn’t wait a moment longer. He untied his wooden mask and hung it from his belt loop, then wrapped his arms around Ben’s neck and pulled him in for a long kiss, no longer caring that people would recognize him.
Ben’s lips were soft, tasting of his favorite chapstick. Carlos bumped his nose into Ben’s mask, so he angled his face a little better and deepened the kiss. He heard whistling and a wolf howl in the background.
When they finally parted, Carlos saw everyone was cheering for them. Warmth flooded his face, but he didn’t feel the need to put on his mask again. Being with Ben made him feel fantastic, and he was so glad Auradon accepted them. Cruella De Vil never would, but he had a new family here.
They continued dancing, and most people went back to what they were doing. It was a relief not to be the center of attention anymore, though Carlos still caught some people sneaking peeks at them.
Jay gave Carlos a toothy grin. He was wrapped between his boyfriends in a slow dance. Mal and Uma were laughing by the refreshments table, oblivious to everything going on around them.
Evie and Audrey were locking lips in the corner, both dressed as pop stars. Celia and Dizzy were chatting at a table with plates stacked high with candy, clearly excited to be at their first Halloween party.
Everyone just looked so happy tonight, and it made Carlos feel like he was home. He could have never had any of this on the Isle. Sure maybe Mal and Uma would’ve made up and found each other. Jay could’ve reconnected with Harry and Gil. But for Carlos, and Evie too, true love could only be found in Auradon.
After the song ended, Carlos and Ben made the rounds, catching up with all their friends. Ben spent a long time talking with his parents while Carlos watched Harry attempt to start a dance battle with Uma.
Jay saved him from an embarrassing defeat by literally sweeping him off his feet and carrying him out of the ballroom. Carlos laughed as Gil ran to catch up with them.
“Smart boy,” Uma said, observing her nails. “I would’ve crushed Harry like a bug under my boot.”
Carlos chuckled. “No doubt. I think Harry added a little something to his punch.” He’d definitely seen him with a silver flask earlier.
She sighed. “I’ll let it slide for tonight since it’s Halloween, but I am definitely giving him a stern talking to tomorrow. I’m not gonna let him become a pirate stereotype.”
“Oh, looks like your boyfriend’s looking for you,” Mal said, nodding towards the dance floor.
Carlos whirled around to see Ben trying to make his way through the crowd. Everyone wanted to get in a few words with their king, it seemed.
“Sorry to cut this short, but I’ve gotta go rescue him.” Carlos gave Mal and Uma quick hugs before rushing into the crowd.
He wrapped his arm around Ben and started spouting a nonsensical story about a chinchilla he saw outside the dorm rooms. He was able to pull Ben out of the crowd. The DJ abruptly changed the song to an Auradon favorite, and the crowd rushed towards the stage to watch Mal and Uma lead the Enchantress Slide dance. Carlos sent them a wave of thanks.
“Can we get out of here?” Ben asked.
“Of course,” Carlos said.
“Fancy coming up to my room for a bit?”
Carlos always felt guilty when they had to leave early because he was anxious, but this time they were leaving to take care of Ben. It felt good to have the roles reversed for once, and he was looking forward to cheering his boyfriend up.
Ben plopped down on the couch in his room, setting his mask on the side table. Elbow on the arm rest, he leaned his head in his hand. “I like people, but not when they swarm me like that.”
“Oh to be famous and loved by everyone.” Carlos gave him a playful smile and pulled a glass jar from the shelf. “Hot chocolate?”
“Yeah, sounds great.”
Carlos plugged in the electric kettle and clicked it on. He sat down next to Ben and took his wig off. It was getting hot under that thing.
Ben let Carlos’s head rest on his shoulder and laced his fingers through his. “I love being with you, Carlos. You just get me. I like that I don’t have to explain myself to you all the time.”
Carlos hadn’t thought about that much. It didn’t make sense that the son of a villain would understand a king and yet, he did feel like he understood Ben very well. There had always been an unspoken connection between them, from the moment Ben helped him get over his fear of dogs to the moment Carlos helped remove the thorn in Ben’s paw when Audrey cursed him. They had always been there for each other as friends, and it made a lot of sense for them to be together now, despite their obvious differences.
“I’m lucky that I have such good friends,” Carlos said, “so I can’t say you’re the only person who really gets me. But you’re the only person who makes me feel this way.” He clutched his chest, comforted by the fast thrum of his heartbeat.
The electric kettle clicked, and Carlos rushed over to pour boiled water over the chocolate powder. He mixed them with a spoon and dropped a few mini marshmallows into the mug.
Carlos set Ben's hot chocolate on the side table. "Here you go, Mr. Phantom."
Ben laughed, grabbing Carlos's hand and pulling him onto his lap. "You even remembered the marshmallows. Gosh, you really are the sweetest." He wrapped his arms around him and squeezed tight.
Carlos found himself wishing he would never let go. "Thank you for tonight. I had a lot of fun at the party."
"I'm glad." Ben kissed his shoulder. "I was worried it might be too soon to go to a public event together. You know how my people can be."
Carlos snorted, remembering the elaborate signs the Auradon girls made supporting Ben and Mal when they were together. They did seem way too invested in their king's love life. "Only a matter of time before our faces are plastered in a heart on someone's T-shirt."
Ben chuckled. "I wouldn't mind that so much. It's the paparazzi that worries me."
"Yeah, me too," Carlos said, frowning. He had agreed that their relationship should be public because he didn't want to live with the fear of waking up to a magazine article exposing their secret. It was better this way, but Carlos missed the days when he could go anywhere with Ben and no one paid it any special attention. Now eating lunch together in the cafeteria was considered a date by the press.
"Are you okay with it? With me?" Ben asked, his voice soft. "I know I come with a lot of unwanted attention. It was too much for Mal, which I completely understood, I don't blame her at all. But...is it too much for you?"
Carlos squeezed his hand. “Maybe sometimes, but it’s worth it since I get to be with you. My life will always have ups and downs. But being with you makes the bad days bearable and the good days even better.”
“Are you sure? I really like you, Carlos, and I want to be with you, but I don’t want to ruin your life.” He turned his head away, eyes downcast.
Carlos gently guided his chin so Ben was looking into his eyes. “You aren’t ruining my life, Ben. Far from it. You’ve made it so much better.”
Ben’s shoulders went slack. “Good. I’m sorry I’m so tense tonight. Chad and Doug said some things which made me worry.”
“Forget them. I’m here with you right now, and there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” Carlos leaned in to press his forehead against Ben’s, taking comfort in being so close to him.
Then Ben’s lips found his.
“Your hot chocolate will get cold,” Carlos said, breathless.
“I don’t care.” Ben kissed him again. “You made it to cheer me up, but this is working much better.”
His fingers wound through Carlos’s white curls, pulling him deeper into the kiss. Carlos leaned into his touch, happiness bubbling up inside him. This was where he belonged, right here with Ben by his side.
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