#or toxic yuri as you say nowadays
musicalmoritz · 26 days
A more positive take on fanon Aoinene
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I’ve talked extensively about the problems with how Aoi and Nene are characterized by fans of the ship, and I’m not here to take it all back. However, upon reflecting, I realized I may have contributed a bit towards fandoms’ negative perception of femslash. That was never my goal, my point in all my Aoinene-critical posts is that femslash ships deserve to be treated with just as much nuance as slash ships. This includes criticizing them without needlessly bashing them. I’d say I’ve been successful in my journey to make the TBHK fandom take Aoinene more seriously, so today I’d like to celebrate that progress by talking about the things I love about Aoinene shippers!!
First off, Aoinene is among the top 10 most written for ships on TBHK ao3. It’s above multiple canon pairings like Aoi/Akane, Sakura/Natsuhiko, and Sumire/Hakubo. Whether you think it deserves to be above those ships or not, it makes me happy to see a femslash ship be so popular in a fandom. It’s still the only popular femslash ship in this fandom (as much as people talk abt Aoi/Mei, there’s still very little creations for it), but baby steps. Aoinene has so many fan fictions, edits, fan arts, fan accounts, etc. It’s rare for femslash pairings to be so popular in fandoms dominated by male characters. I think it helps that the women in TBHK are generally well-written and important, but I’d say the male characters still outnumber them slightly. So just seeing a fandom so invested in two women getting together is enough to make me smile
I know I’ve critiqued their characterization a lot, but I’ve seen some major progress lately!! Both with how they’re written, and with how the fandom talks about them. It’s not as often nowadays that I see people bashing the canon ships to put them down, and most of their fans seem to be capable of acknowledging their flaws. There are some exceptions ofc but I see Aoinene mischaracterization way less than when I first got into the fandom. I’ve seen an increase in people depicting them as “toxic/doomed yuri,” aka the term that lowkey saved sapphic ships in fandoms lol. Keep in mind that when TBHK first came out, femslash was not nearly as popular as it is now (and we’re only just beginning, there’s still a long way to go). It was common, and still is, for femslash ships in shonen fandoms to be depicted as the fluffy, unproblematic side pairing. Fans saw femslash as a way to take a breather from all the angsty men. Aoinene was turned into another boring ship among dozens, but they haven’t stayed that way. With femslash gaining popularity, I’ve seen improvement in how femslash ships are characterized all across the board
Onto the fics themselves, I have never read an Aoinene fic I disliked!! (Besides the weird ones I skimmed for shock value). The vast majority of them are super cute and written so prettily. When I talk about their mischaracterization, I’m pointing out trends I’ve noticed rather than the fics themselves. The reason you don’t see me talk this way about Teru/Akane and Mitsuba/Kou is because I simply don’t read that much slash fan fiction, even for mlm ships I like (not anymore at least, I used to be way more into slash). I’ve read through the ao3 tags for p much every TBHK femslash ship, but if I’m reading a fic that’s mlm or mlw it has to be suited to my tastes. I could definitely talk abt how Mitsuba and Kou are mischaracterized by the fandom but I don’t really bother with fics that write them that way so it’s not gonna nag me to the extent that Aoinene mischaracterization does.
I'm saying this because I don’t want it to seem like I’m targeting them unfairly compared to other ships, I point out room for improvement because Aoinene is my favorite and I want to see more diversity in the way they’re written. Hear that? Diversity, the problem isn’t the fics themselves, I just want to see more where they’re written in a way that explores their conflict. Fics like this already exist but they’re not as common. My gripe isn’t wanting to see less of a “bad” thing, it’s wanting to see more of a really good thing
And also…not everyone has to agree with me. There are some sapphics that just want to see completely fluffy wlw content, or that want to limit the angst to “it was one-sided :(“. And ykw? I may want to see more than that, but if other fans want to keep writing or reading them a certain way then that’s great. There are also shippers who wish Aoi and Nene had been written differently, and I agree. I wish their friendship was given more depth than the crumbs we get in canon, though I still hold out hope that AidaIro will give them development. Some shippers specifically wish Aoi had been a lesbian, and that Nene had been the one to understand her rather than Akane. I disagree with this take- well okay I would love a canon lesbian character but I’m happy with Aoi and Akane being canon + I like that Aoinene have their own set of struggles. But if other people wish the manga had gone in a different direction then they’re perfectly entitled to that opinion. I don’t have to agree with them, and they don’t have to agree with me
Now I want to talk about some Aoinene fanon tropes I love because I don’t see people do that with them that often:
• When Aoi gets all flustered over how strong Nene is…the reverse is cute too but I have a soft spot for damsel in distress Aoi. Let Nene carry her girlfriend!!
• Fics that have Aoi open up to Nene and let them talk about their problems. THIS is the thing we need more of omg I love it. This is what Aoinene is all about guys
• The flowers!! There are so many flowers in Aoinene fics!! Ahhhhh I love it sm. That one Beecalm fic where Aoi owned a magical flower shop and Nene took one home…it lives rent free in my mind
• Them having constant sleepovers, it feels so biblically accurate
• When they’re always going out and doing things together like going to the beach or shopping; again it feels very true to their dynamic
• Aoi pining is great and all but when people turn Nene into the pining one it’s so galaxy brain. Obviously mutual pining is superior but Nene being down bad for her best friend is so real
• I’m a big fan of fics that acknowledge that Aoi only gaf abt two ppl lmao, when they show her obvious bias towards Nene is makes me giggle
• Any fic that includes Aoi’s mommy issues
• The theme of seasons in their fics!! Omg it’s so creative. “my summer, my winter” by novaselic is a personal fave of mine (in addition to Beecalm, novaselic is also on the Aoinene Mount Rushmore btw)
• I know it’s overused in sapphic fics but I love when they go on picnics
• Nene showing up late to class and Aoi being early
• I love when fics lean into the extroverted side of Nene’s personality or in general have her act like an awkward ball of energy. Yes she’s very insecure and angsty but she’s also so funny and it makes me happy when I see writers capturing both sides of her personality. This girl befriends ppl so easily in canon, we should talk abt it more
• Whenever they simp for Sakura. Idc which one of them it is, it could even be both of them, it feels so canon. Sakura being the Teru to Aoi’s Nene is something that can be so personal
• When their friends know they like each other and tease them/try to wingman. Wingman Akane you will always be famous
Okay I’m gonna end it there because I could yap abt Aoinene fics forever. I might need to reread some, or find some ones I haven’t read yet. Every now and then I go through the tag and find some I’ve missed. Orrrrrr I might write Aoinene fan fiction, I should see if I can finish the Snow White au this weekend. No promises tho
Anyways I wrote this as a love letter to the Aoinene community; I love you guys, keep up the good work. If it weren’t for ya’ll I’d be alone in my hyperfixation so I’m glad others enjoy them as much as I do <3
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spinnyspinnyspinnnn · 2 months
Since there's an off chance all us Americans getting nuked in November, there's one last thing(not really) I feel I have to share with you:
I do not understand why antis harass proshippers. Really, I don't. I don't see a real point in the matter. And here's some potential arguments I see, and why I think it might be wrong, aside than the morals of harassment.
"But they're all kid diddlers-"
Most of them are kids, from what I've seen, and the ones that are actual kid diddlers who intend to do the diddling are typically shunned from their community.
"But it's a harmful coping mechanism-"
What if they don't have anything else, huh? I'm not trying to really defend the shit but I'd rather see proshippers post incest and age-gap stuff than watch someone else fall to much more graphic coping mechanisms that might end up killing them. And even if it isn't a coping mechanism, why is that our business?
"But proshipping is bad-"
Bad? Maybe. But antis have also watered down their terms. From the research I've done, it's being anti-harassment. Not caring what people do in fiction. It's a stance a lot of us could and should take on, because being against harassment is a good thing. If you bring that shit into real life, then yeah you're a piece of garbage, but I don't see the point in bringing it into fandom spaces and being shunned for it. People have mentioned how proship used to be a default, that us antis are basically the fandom version of purity culture. I don't get it.
"But it's so graphic and-"
That's plain hypocritical and you know it. So many of us antis enjoy dark and graphic media. Hell, I'm writing something with multiple graphic, violent scenes and awful relationships that, since I'm nearing 18 the more I write this project, may end up mildly n$fw at some points if the shoe fits. If we can indulge in our yanderes, in our torture scenes, in our "toxic yuri/yaoi," and all those other things.. the stuff they do seems not that much different, other than maybe the sexual points. Then again, so many books and movies exist that are graphic and s3xual that antis enjoy that it really doesn't matter. If we can indulge in that fucked up stuff, why can't they indulge in their fucked up stuff? What's the real difference here?
But {insert obvious rage bait-}"
Clearly, you've fallen for stuff you shouldn't. You don't need to "fix their headcanons," that's their whole point. People who post shit like that just want attention. And attention you constantly give them. Same with the art posts. You don't need to fix the bait, dude. It's nothing to get angry over, there's bigger fish in the sea.
From what I've seen, most actual proshippers just want to be left the fuck alone, to stop being harassed by us. If we're the "good guys" in fictional, fandom spaces, why do we go out and tell those people to die, to get assaulted, to get abused and harmed, and how to do awful things to themselves, all because of their stance on fandom spaces and the things they may or may not even ship? Are we really being "good" there? Or are we just under the guise that we're good by protecting those characters while we completely disregard how disgusting and horrendous it actually is to say things to real people and real kids?
By the original stance that proshipping and profiction meant(anti-harassment, leave people be, etc.), what proshippers actually claim to be nowadays, most of us could, in a technical sense, be considered proship/profic. That includes myself. If we use the definition most antis who harass proshippers use, that being those who enjoy problematic ships and condone these things IRL, that wouldn't fit. And only one of those things, the problematic ships part, could be considered under the profiction stance as either comship(complicated ship, from what I can tell), or darkship(which is the really messed up shipping tropes that you'd see headcanons of in rage bait posts, but actually taken seriously and thought of instead of being used for attention).
If you read to the end, this is just food for thought. Feel free to block me if you don't agree with any of this. Or, if you have something I'm missing, feel free to engage in some casual discussion with me. I'm not asking to fight or stir up drama, this is just how I feel about things and if you have a different opinion you want to talk about, go ahead and mention it.
Be civil, people and creatures alike. I'll be using tags from both communities to allow a healthy debate on this post. You'll be blocked if you start fighting people or myself.
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amemenojaku · 1 year
Shinmyoumaru for the character ask prompt
I got several asks about her... thank you everyone for allowing me to go completely batshit insane
General opinion/How much I care about them: GAHHH I love her SO MUCH it's unbearable!!!! I think nowadays I wouldn't be able to say who's my number 1 favorite touhou character between her and Seija... There is a very special place in my heart for Shinmyoumaru Sukuna T_T I love the play on a classic otogizoshi (making the descendant of Issun Boushi a princess AND the ally of a horned demon at the same time is sooo good) and I love that she has this brave and regal aspect to her personality while still being a little bastard and I love her design and the atmosphere of her fight scene in DDC and her heart and everything else!!! She is cool and cute and funny god I wish Shinmyoumaru were real I have so much affection for this silly little character
A ship I love: (puts on my clown makeup) I made myself known here as a seishin artist many years ago and I'm happy to say they're still my absolute favorite pairing in the series! toxic yuri wins!! The way I see them has changed a lot over the years and thanks to the surprisingly big amount of material we got in the spinoffs and the books but at its core it's still the same... Lonely people who created unforgettable memories together and changed each other forever... And you can go so many different ways with them... But I guess my all-time favorite seishin flavor is best summed up in this unrelated quote (more people should read Fafoo):
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seishin fans also manifested grimoire of usami into existence which I think is incredible enough on its own to mention
A non-romantic relationship that I love: With Reimu!!! I think we all agree that their interactions in Forbidden Scrollery were perfect and that Shinmyoumaru is an excellent addition to the Reimu solar system. There's something so touhou-ish about them living together after DDC and Shinmyoumaru sewing that small kimono as a gift for Reimu and then later hijacking the danmaku festival so bad that Reimu has to step in. Literally textbook case of Reimu dealing with another little rascal yet befriending them in the process. Speaking of I think they genuinely are good friends, not just danmaku or drinking buddies... I love to imagine their daily life together when Shinmyoumaru stayed at the shrine......
The NOTP: For better or for worse she's almost exclusively shipped with Seija which is fine by me!! I've never liked seeing her with anyone else (save for a onesided Shinmyoumaru -> Reimu crush).
My biggest headcanon about them: THERE'S TOO MANY TO LIST..... I have pages upon pages of Shinmyoumaru & kobito-related headcanons because she is constantly rotating somewhere inside my brain but I can share a few ones: her family is not only a descendant of Issun Boushi but also a descendant of Sukunahikona; none of the kobito have last names except the ruling family who takes on the most sacred one - Sukuna; there's actually a little bit of Issun Boushi's spirit remaining in the miracle mallet, he doesn't exist there anymore or anything but it's like a warmth that Shinmyoumaru can feel when she wields it.
An idea for a fanwork I would like to make/see about them: I have a lot of wips that I probably won't ever finish sadly... But I -would- love to draw some kind of comic or writing/art mix where I could include all those headcanons someday, with her past and especially a study of her relationship with the mallet
Something that makes me think of them: Hedgehogs :) and forget-me-nots!
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zeynatura · 4 months
Yuri: please come forward Bruno and Omar, come because there's rumors that I am homophobic. These are the guys that do my makeup, am I homophobic?
Bruno & Omar: no buddy
Yuri: see?
El Magic: it's wrong to be homophobe but it's even worse to not admit it.
One who doesn't accept their errors is condemned to repeat them, for ever and ever we have been guided by signs and that of intolerance has been the most evil one.
Having gay friends doesn't take away your "least", "we're all humans" didn't stop us from killing each other.
There's slithering snakes with no venom and there's snakes with legs that say nothing good.
Who irons (your clothes)
Who does your make up
Who helps you all the time in the kitchen
Who cheers you on and puts the crown on you
You see them as anything but people
Having a mom doesn't take away you being machista (sexist), and having a household worker doesn't take away your classism
Being homophobe as a "point of view" (opinion) has been the biggest excuse racists use.
Context and notes under the cut:
The lady in the video is famous mexican artist and singer Yuri, that got criticized for using the lgbtq community for her own gain in her latest song and music video, also some people mentioned she may have been trying to be like Lady Gaga a queer icon while she's a homophobe and Yuri's response was: I'm a Christian, I respect them even if some of them don't.
Yuri la menos / Yuri the least is the hashtag that was used to criticise her on social media
I didn't know how to translate comadre or derivative comadrita because the original word comes from midwife but the term nowadays is being used for (or between) ladies (usually old) to express they're friendly with each other, that's why I translated it as "buddy", it's not new for gay men to use she/her pronouns and other feminine terms in Mexico so some of them call each other comadre
And actually part of the lgbtq community in Mexico was defending Yuri 🙄
You can enjoy her music. there is no need to like her as a person, her music is multi-generational and will always be part of our culture, that doesn't take away that she is a bigot shielding herself behind her religion
Machista is a term used to describe a traditional, stereotypical and often toxic view of masculinity that places high value on traits like dominance, aggression and stoicism. While it can be translated as "sexist" because it is part of being machista, it is not the only characteristic so translating it would take way the complexity of what it actually is.
In spanish we use "point of view" the same way people in english use "it's my opinion"
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alexpdcl · 11 months
Loved your chrisker art and I came to check what youre drawing nowadays and whats happening in the saw movies?? I thought it was just torture horror?? Are there gay people there?? And do i gotta watch them in order or can i just watch the movies with the gay peple for it to make sense?
HELPPPPP THIS IS SO FUNNY ... (but ok... I'll give my two cents on it and I'll try my best to answer your questions with clarity)
i wouldn't say that it's 'torture horror' (as many critics like to call it), it's more of a horror soap opera? there is actual lore that is much more important than the gory traps... the traps get more bloody from saw 3 onwards imo
but after (2023) saw x's release, i don't think it's fair to simply downplay the entire series as a 'soap opera' ; nor is it actually gay. it's just 'gay' because of the fanart and fanfics lol
the first saw movie has the least amount of gore and is by far the most 'queer-coded' movie to the saw fans because it features the fan favourite characters - lawrence gordon and adam stanheight. 90% of the fandom heavily ships the two.
other 'gay people' in question would be amanda young and lynn denlon from saw 3 (loads of folks love to call them toxic yuri) + saw 4-5 would feature another one of the popular saw slash ships - mark hoffman and peter strahm (aka saw toxic yaoi) ; the other ships are for you to discover..
do you have to watch it in order? I strongly recommend so. this is because saw 1-7 has a continuous storyline. spiral, and jigsaw is entirely optional for you. (unless you want more gay ships, then go watch spiral for zeke banks/william schenk content).
if you really, really just only want to look at the 'gay people', then watch saw 1, 3, 4 and 5. (maybe spiral if u want)
i personally encourage you to watch everything though, for the lore.
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darkxwolf17 · 6 months
i remember following you at some point when you were arguing with this one proshipper, and at the time i was well... on your side. but lately, i've started thinking.. what's the point of all this discourse?? like... even then, there's a difference between proshipping and comshipping (proshipping- ship and let ship; block and move on) (comship -"complex" shipping; what proshipping in the md and other fandoms are usually confused with) so.. i feel like i've been adopting the proshipping mentality, though i wouldn't call myself a comshipper :] i know you're probably not going to answer this, but what's your full, honest opinion on the pro/anti ship discourse?
EDIT: Proshippers DO NOT INTERACT with this post i dont want you here get out
Hello, thank you for this ask, my opinion on the whole debate is actually more complex than what might be seen. Despite me being very much anti-proship (which I'll get to what that means later), I actually do not consider myself anti-fiction (though some proshippers may disagree with me and call me a "puriteen" or whatever).
Personally, I am in the opinion that the original meaning of dead dove and all that is something i can get behind. Before anyone calls me a proshipper, (I'm not and never will be), let me specify I said the *original* definition. This definition being "okay, there are some things that can be romanticized in fiction that shouldn't be romanticized ever in the real world." By this, I'm mainly meaning toxic relationships (I joke about toxic yuri, and it's because there are some ships that Are toxic i do genuinely enjoy, ie Voll), as well as some other kinks (that I won't get into because this is a safe for work blog that minors follow) that cannot be performed in real life. Fiction is a place to explore these things, and I am fully in support of using it as an outlet for the bizarre and weird.
My issue with proshipping is that, despite what many may claim, nowadays it really is just a fancy word for enjoying drawn csem. I don't care if it's "just fiction." Remember that thing i said earlier about how there are some things that can be romanticized in fiction? Well, children are not and never will be one of them. It is never okay, in ANY universe, to sexualize a child. I will stand by that firmly.
Other things i do not condone being romanticized in fiction is incest, or literal animals. Incest because it's a real thing that is traumatizing just like child abuse, and animals because, well, I hate zoophiles. "But Marven!" you may say. "You're a furry, doesn't your community have a good chunk who draw furry nsfw?" Well, to that I say there is a huge, huge difference between sexualizing an anthropomorphic walking talking consenting creature that is essentially just a human with fur, and a literal dog on four legs. If you can't see the difference between those two, that's your problem.
"But what about trauma? Shouldn't victims be able to express themselves through art?" Why, yes! of course. However, there is a difference between drawing vent art privately in closed circles and posting erotic material featuring children with the intent to arouse publicly. I am in full support of trauma survivors using any method to cope, but forming communities dedicated to drawing and getting off to images of children is not a way to cope. It's illegal! And normalizing terrible behavior, repeating a cycle of abuse.
So yeah, tldr; There are some things in fiction that can be romanticized that shouldn't be romanticized irl. There is some merit to a "Dead dove" label. However, if you do end up calling yourself a proshipper, just know that you will be grouping yourself with some very, very nasty people.
I hope I could be of some help, best of luck to you anon and I urge you, as someone who nearly fell down the proshipping pipeline, to please understand what kinds of people that community holds.
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nocturnal-impala · 1 year
The "marriage proposal" thing is more of a metaphor and my fanshipper rambling lol I know that if Fakir really proposed to Ahiru, he would do it very clearly, honestly,and sweet<3<3<3<3
Regarding LGBT and old anime (or current), honestly due to censorship, politics, and marketing strategy, I can tell you that many times "queerbaiting" was the only way for LGBT things to be recognized and open to the the public eye, since it doesn't matter if the creator REALLY wanted to make an gay romance, society won't let them (which isn´t good, and fortunately things are improving, but there is still a long way to go to make lgbt things part of life and not just "policy or marketing strategy").
For example: In Ranma 1/2, Rumiko originally wanted to do a yuri but they wouldn't let her, so she did the "boy-turned-girl" idea, and most of the romantic scenes were between Akane and Ranma in female form.
I'm just saying that when creators put more effort into a couple, like there are more scenes with ambiguous tension between them, words and phrases that can be interpreted both romantically and platonically, it may be because it's just queerbaiting or because they can't do it canon even if they want to...
Of course, this is my opinion and you can think differently, since as myself, as an LGBT person, these things do matter to me and I tend to be more optimistic because for us it is very sad that many times in anime it shows as normal "a world where gay or trans or asexual doesn´t exist or if they do, it is forced for marketing reasons" (T_T)
Sorry if I have made this a bit personal, I want to make it clear that I respect your opinion and you may be right that nowadays a lot of shippers force lgbt sexualities everywhere even where there is none (A good example is Naruto, as much as its romance is very badly written, Naruto x Sasuke isn´t a thing, and their relationship was was already very toxic as "friends", imagine as a romance lmao).
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defountaine · 1 year
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independent + private roleplay blog for FURINA DE FONTAINE, of mhy's GENSHIN IMPACT as judged by SINCLAIR ( 21 ). crossover + oc friendly. low activity due to college ( junior yr ) + old laptop.
rules under cut.
not spoiler or leak free
i tag triggers as “ trigger // “ 
for the main verse ( gi ), i'm almost entirely caught up on the main story.
hc heavy.
i use she/he/they for furina. she looks like both a woman and a twink and it's giving me gender envy, okay. genderfluid furina is so real to me.
generally novella because i love writing a lot!!
scarce activity bc my laptop is fucked up ( most of the keys are stiff lol ) + full time college student. i am literally doing a research proposal this semester.
aforementioned keyboard thing may lead to typos
i tag a lot of my ooc posts ( since a majority of the time they’re useless ) as “ irrelevant // ” as to not clog up peoples dash 
sometimes tumblr doesn’t send my asks so if you’ve liked for an inbox call and you don’t receive it, thats why 
mutuals can ask for discord<3 i encourage it actually since im active there more often but im very anxious and tend not to initiate conversation unless i feel like we’re very close 
if i ever bother you lmk<3 i’ve been told i can get a little spammy at times and i’ll admit i do get easily excited so if i need to tone it down just let me know!
if i’m following you i’ve read your rules !! i’ll assume you’ve done the same if you decide to follow back!
i only have access to the beta editor, sadly. i can try and pull some bullshit but i don't know if it'll work. my apologies.
those who are of age and have characters of age can smut with me. that said, furina is probably not gonna be very easy to fuck. trauma and all that. unless we have pre-established stuff. that's always fun. that said, don't follow just to fuck him, please. gore is also welcomed.
i love shipping, so lets do it! platonic, romantic, rivals, familial etc.. love ‘em all! planned or entirely natural, either is fine! if you wanna ship with me just ask! i have no preferences, not really, and i can say the same about furina. both she and i are down to clown with just about anyone. it doesn't even have to be healthy! ( to the tune of tmnt ) codependent toxic yuri/yaoi !
full time college student with very limited time to do rp nowadays. i really enjoy writing and all but being rushed to reply makes me lose motivation. however, if i do miss a starter/don’t reply to a thread for a while you can tell me about that!
despite me saying this, all in all i probably follow almost everyone back as long as they have a rules + abt page i can find! i don’t follow personals but if you’re a hub or your rp blog is a sideblog, lmk so i can follow you there!  if you have a rules + abt page and i don’t follow back LET ME KNOW. sometimes tumblr doesn’t give me notifications and i don’t pay attention to follower count for the most part. i’m really not picky and im not trying to be mean or ignore you ! 
any sort of hate will not be tolerated. if i see you picking on anyone or you pick on me , i will block you. that’s not the way i roll.
this is pretty standard , but please don’t control my muse or anything of the sort. 
 i am not a meme archive blog , so if you do rt them please consider sending them!!
just please turn them into separate text posts, please!!
y'know. no racism, homophobia, transphobia or pedophilia, incest, and all that gross stuff. instant block. literally just be normal.
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littlestarlost · 4 years
what happened.
All this hunger is Always following us Out where we survive under poisonous skies They’re dreaming, but nobody’s sleeping Just coked hearts speeding See all the gold teeth gleaming See all the young, healthy free men Just move into nothing
(CW: discussion of mental health, trauma, PTSD)
A version of this post has been sitting in my drafts folder for ten months. I know this, because I originally began to write it around late January, just in time for the one-year mark to have passed since I’d last updated Setting Sun. When I posted that most recent update, I had just turned 30 years old, and I promised that it would not be another year before the next update. I wanted, so badly, for that to be true. In hindsight, it’s honestly better that I failed to keep that promise; I fear it might have exacerbated the damage that’s already been done, and made the healing process that much harder.
It’s been nearly two years. I want to talk about what happened.
I first began to write about Yuuri Katsuki and Victor Nikiforov because I recognized myself so keenly in them; Yuuri’s high-achieving anxiety and imposter syndrome, and Victor’s quietly functional depression. When I found YOI, I was in grad school; I was winning awards, the top of my class, and utterly terrified that it was all a sham. Being able to channel those emotions through these characters helped me realize my own greatness, to embody it and walk with confidence and bravado. It allowed me to go into my post-degree job search with my head held high, trusting that all the lessons I had learned would lead me to professional success. Yuuri and Victor walked through life with me, two shadows of my own psyche, two people who helped me understand myself.
The first few months of the job were fine. Then things became less than fine, and then continued to descend into the kind of mundane nightmare that only multinational corporate legal firms could manifest. Setting Sun, a story about love and self-acceptance and joy, began to twist around in on itself. I don’t want to go into detail, but suffice to say that I spent nearly two years being gaslit and abused, told I was worthless, constantly having panic attacks as I desperately tried to exert control over things that were way over my head. My body betrayed me; I was in so much pain I couldn’t walk, so stressed I couldn’t bring myself to eat unless I’d smoked weed to calm the nausea. I began to believe that I had peaked in grad school, that I was fooling myself, that I was going to be trapped in that cubicle for the rest of my life, doing grunt work without challenge or interest, in the kind of workplace where you get reported to HR for sighing too loudly. That is a thing that actually fucking happened to me; nobody asked why I might be sighing, and nobody stopped by to check in when I spent most days in tears. This was a place where less than half the people in the room put up their hands when asked if they had ever been creative as kids. This was a place where I almost never got to see the sun.
Because I was massively overqualified and even more massively underworked, I spent a lot of 2018 writing fanfic--my zine pieces, my zutara pieces, all sorts of creative things. I also began to write horror AUs; two stories, in particular, gained a fair amount of traction on this particular platform. When I look back now, I see them for the coping mechanisms that they were; in the case of the crossroads AU, where Yuuri is willing to sell his soul to the devil just to escape his commute, it wasn’t even particularly subtle. I poured all my energy into creative pursuits; it’s been my outlet my whole life, and for a while it helped. By the time I hit the SCP-9874 AU, I burned out so profoundly and utterly that it destroyed my relationship to YOI and cauterized the pieces. SCP-9874 was one of the most creative things I’ve ever done, but it also involved what is, in hindsight, a shocking level of violence and horror inflicted on these characters who were such a close part of me. I was doing this to them because I was hurting, all the time. I now recognize it as the cry for help that it was, and to this day I fantasize about taking down all the SCP-9874 posts and excising that portion of my legacy as much as possible.
I wrote Setting Sun’s 21st chapter in honour of my 30th birthday, in late January of 2019. Somehow, at the time, I didn’t realize how rough it was. How much it implied about me and how I was doing. How much it reflected the true extent of the damage I was suffering. I left Victor and Yuuri in an abandoned apartment with more questions than answers and more regrets than they or I had ever thought possible, and I thought, somehow, that this was a good turning point. Little did I know at the time that the worst was still to come.
I was able to finally escape that toxic office last October, when I found a new job that paid nearly double and was everything I wanted to do in life and more. But  Yuri on Ice hurt too much to think about, even as time marched forward and I began to heal. I had PTSD flashbacks to the old office; I dealt with echo upon echo of terror that everything would fall away to reveal I was trapped in the same old nightmare again. In January 2020, I actually took a few days off for my birthday and reread Setting Sun from the beginning, and I’d somehow forgotten how funny it is, how sweet it is, how hopeful. I had completely forgotten; it had been burned away by twenty months of agony. That realization hurt more than all the other ones put together, I think. I had a good long cry over that.
Fast forward to now, and people have started to find Setting Sun again. They’ve found it on and off in the months since I updated, and for a very long time I would read the truly lovely comments people wrote--thanking me for writing it, hoping I’d come back someday, wishing me well wherever I was--and I would dissolve into tears because I just...couldn’t. I couldn’t bear to go back to this story that I could no longer recognize myself in. And nowadays, when new commenters come, I will warn them about that last chapter I wrote, because I can recognize it as the outlier it is.
But something has very recently changed.
I couldn’t necessarily tell you exactly what. Maybe it’s that I passed the one-year mark at my new job, and the last of the poison has finally been excised. Maybe it’s because I’m looking at all my writing with new eyes as I prepare to try doing this for a living. Maybe it’s because it’s 2020, and the rules aren’t really relevant anymore. I don’t know. But I can say that, two weekends ago, I opened Setting Sun, and realized that it didn’t seem impossible anymore. I realized that the boys had been through more than enough. We’ve been through more than enough. We deserve the happy ending I always planned to give them, going back four whole years when I first planned out this massive weird tale.
It’s been a very long time. It’s been exactly long enough.
I can’t promise exactly when the final chapter of Setting Sun will arrive. I’m walking back onto previously thin ice, and my footsteps are more than a little hesitant, so as not to cause any undue cracks. But I can remember the joy and humour and fun again; I can conceive of jokes and silliness and sweetness again. My playlist is filling up again, with songs of hope and love instead of anguish and sorrow. The Yuuri and Victor who sit inside my heart are skating; the music is carrying them, the wind is rushing past their ears, their feet feel light again and they want to jump and take flight and make beautiful things.
I have bookended this post with lyrics from a song that’s been on the maybe list for Setting Sun for nearly as long as Setting Sun has existed. It’s a song I love quite profoundly, a song that means a lot to me personally, but I could never manage to make it fit. It’s a song about running away to the big bright city, about being broken on the world’s wheel, and about realizing you just want to go home. It’s a song that’s ostensibly about the tragedy of this process, but right now I’m sitting at my desk, listening to the line I, I, I wanna go back, back, back, back, with grateful tears running down my face, and I’m realizing that it’s not part of Yuuri’s story, nor Victor’s; it’s part of mine. Home may never be the same as when you left, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t waiting for you with open arms.
So that’s what happened.
Put my body on a wagon And carry me off to the ocean Let me float on into the eastern sun Out where tomorrow has just begun Where I used to be wild, back in my time Now I just fight to sleep at night So render me up into the elements Lay me in a light that I can trust Lay me in a light that I can trust Lay me in a light that I come from...
(Gold Teeth, by Hey Rosetta!)
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curewrongopinions · 4 years
I just finished HeartCatch and I can confirm, it’s amazing! Spoilers ahead.
It’s not perfect, obv. What does it do best? Develop individually each character, create original characters who feel incredibly fresh even nowadays, have charming side characters.
What does it do worst? Relationships between characters tend to be slightly underdeveloped. Tsubomi and Erika got it best cuz main characters. Yuri, however, has only been shown developing with Tsubomi. I wish we could see her spending more time with Momoka, Erika’s sister. She doesn’t have important interactions with Erika and Itsuki (besides telling her not to lose Potpourri and doing Fortissimo with her, which seems to be an important detail according to Marine, but). Itsuki in general feels slightly underdeveloped compared to the other three; she’s more of a background developer; you see her evolve, but not on the spotlight. Erika and Itsuki, to me, have great chemistry with Erika being so full of energy and Itsuki being so relaxed, but they don’t really have many many moments. Tsubomi, trust me, has a crush on Itsuki. Nobody can convince me otherwise. Even after she discovers Itsuki’s a girl, she still blushes around her. They have a cute relationship.
Also... before starting HeartCatch I was used to Healin Good’s interactions between Cure and fairy partner, so watching this I felt that was weak. Potpourri and Coffret got their chapters having problems with their partner, and Coffret had an amazing moment with Marine during her last fight with Kumojacky. Chypre and Tsubomi didn’t have any of this, besides being... sweet towards each other? I don’t really know what’s Chypre’s personality is. They were ok, but I wish they had more moments. Fairies’ designs are incredibly cute, tho. Potpourri is one of my favorite fairies. We saw Cologne just for a little, but I really liked him, too. He looked like a serious and snarky character, and seemed like a good partner to Yuri (even if he couldn’t convince her to get teammates). And Coupe. Coupe is amazing. His design, his human form, his relationship with Kaoruko, his dynamic with her. Everything. He scared me when he started fighting in his fairy form. I love him. And he only talks one time. Characters don’t need words to be amazing.
Villains were memorable. I loved purified Sasorina being happy as a teacher, because I really cared for her. Kumojacky was incredibly interesting with his weird strength speeches and Cobraja was funny using his Snackeys as fans. Dark Precure. That’s all I have to say. Her. I cried when she died. She just wanted to be loved by her father. She just wanted to be her true daughter. Just... her entire dynamic with Moonlight is sooo enjoyable and charming. Sometimes, I wish she’d be purified. She’d make a good tragic Cure. Sabaaku was ok, he wasn’t interesting that much until everything was revealed and it all made sense. Dune really was cruel, making a father work against his daughter while creating her a little sister and making them fight. Dune wasn’t really something. His desing was good, slightly weird. His backstory isn’t shown, but novel’s one is ok and explains many of his twisted mind things.
Fights were very good. I liked their variety of attacks, but I wish they had more to do with flowers or with their elements (Sunshine’s good, tho, she uses sunflowers). I know some people dislike Blossom’s weakness, but I actually love it. She’s the pink Cure, she should be the powerful incredible one but instead she’s weak. Even after she starts changing, she’s still weak compared to the others. But she’s not useless; her words give her teammates the strength to fight (see Yuri after she realised who Sabaaku was), she always knows what to say and it’s a natural ability. Her ideals are great. Oh, and I love how she’s so shy, I relate to her a lot. I also feel like I’m the weakest of my friends because I’m not physically strong nor fast, and I’m very introverted. I loved every single time Moonlight fighted, she’s so graceful. Desertrian’s designs were fine, they were fun but not too ridiculous. I loved the mechanic of Heart Flowers and their meanings. Things like this make every season unique. Oh, and Snackeys were incredibly fun, they had so much personality! I loved the one that got stronger and started training their teammates.
Side characters were very, very charming. I truly liked Kaoruko, Momoka, Kenji and Nanami. Kaoruko, particulary, is one of my favorite characters and I love her Cure form. She’s pretty, strong, wise and interesting. Trust me, she’s great. Overall, I liked HeartCatch’s sidestories and “filler” episodes.
Music was bestest.
Attacks were fine, not my cup of tea. I prefer something like GoPri, having each character have very different attacks. Fortissimo was really original and gimmicky, tho. And Shining Fortissimo is just... nice! They literally mix their attacks. Props to Sunshine for being the only sun cure that actually creates something similar to a sun. Orchestra was nice, too.
Movie was very interesting, too. I enjoyed it and I really liked Olivier. I wish we had more with Cure Ange, tho.
HeartCatch is a great season. All of the four main Cures are interesting. Blossom is shy and introverted, she wants to change but doesn’t fing the way to do so until she meets more people. Marine is so full of energy that she sometimes doesn’t think about others, she’s envious of her sister but overcomes it after finding out that Momoka’s jelaous of her too, and I really love how she slowly matures while not losing her charm. Itsuki is a very calm character, her main gimmick is her strange relationship with gender; she believed she had to be like a boy in order to be strong, and she didn’t want to show her love for cute things because toxic masculinity standarts...; but eventually, she realised she could be strong and like cute things. She’s so soothing and cool, but she’s not usually on the spotlight. And Yuri’s just... very well done. She’s strong, serious, centered and focused; but she has a deep trauma that she can’t overcome, until she talks with her deceased partner one last time and finally lets him go. Her tragedy doesn’t end there, tho; her father dies and her mortal enemy is revealed to be something like a blood sister, and dies too. Yet she has the strength to fight as a Precure, using love instead of hatred (she needed to heard Tsubomi’s words first, tho). And she overcame her loner problems, too; she finally accepted having teammates. I just wish she had more time to develop with Erika and Itsuki. I believe Sunshine and Moonlight could’ve been a duo.
I know some people don’t like the designs, but I personally enjoyed them. Btw, Erika with a ponytail is so pretty.
Next I’m gonna watch Maho, I think. I want to see if it’s as boring as people tend to say. I love magical things and elemental themes so... Yeah.
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aa So I just woke up to this?
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I’m just.. speechless? I can’t believe this actually happened, so thank you all for the last few months, for every like, reblog and comment. It’s been such a pleasure to interact with you and scream about Mirio and The Big Three<3 I hope 2019 won’t bring us too many tears (spoiler: it will.) and we can all laugh about their shenanigans again (spoiler: we won’t.). This blog came alive with crazy good fanart, hilarious memes and sweet headcanons, sprinkled with my neverending affection towards Mirio, so kudos go out to the amazing artists and writers that create the content we love<3 Thank you for over 1k followers and I hope to see the family of mirihoes grow in the progressing year! I’ve received a lot of questions for my milestone special and I only picked out a few, but if you want more of these, let me know! Now let’s dive right into the Q&A!
Heey~ I’m a huge Bnha fan and I love this blog, keep up the great work!! \(^-^)/ I’d love to know how old you are, if that’s not too personal of a question?
Not at all! I’m actually 20 y/o and my Birthday is in June, also my zodiac is Gemini👭
What do you do for a living?
I’m a university student in my second year! I’m majoring in Linguistics and my minor is English Literature and Culture. Though before, I did a year of Environmental Sciences, but it just wasn’t my cup of tea so I quit🤷‍♀️ I’m also part timing at a boutique.
Hello! I check your blog everyday and I can’t with all your reactions, they’re almost always the same as mine:D Which state (USA) are you from and what languages do you speak?
Lol, do I really sound American?:D I’m actually from Germany, so German is my mother tongue! Other than that, I consider myself pretty fluent in English (your assumption of me being a native speaker flatters me so much, you have no idea) and I guess my French is decent. I can order food and ask for directions in Spanish (ayyyy) and studied Hindi for two semesters at Uni. Also I’m currently learning Japanese for my degree in Linguistics.
Do you have a favorite anime show? Other than My hero academia of course!
My all time favorite anime is definitely Arslan Senki! Besides that, I also love Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Assassination Classroom, Durarara, Hunter x Hunter and pretty much every existing sports anime (Haikyuu, Kuroko no Basuke, Daiya no Ace, Free!, Yowapedal, Yuri on Ice, Prince of Tennis,.. although Haikyuu is my favorite) I enjoy most genres as long as the plot and characters appeal to me.
Do you read any manga? (also LOVE YOUR BLOG!!<3)
Yeah! I really love manga and I’ve read tons of shoujo when I was younger (I bingeread every night in middle school tbh) Nowadays though, not so much anymore.. It’s not that I came to hate it, I just don’t have as much time unfortunately-.-’ I do read the new Bnha and Haikyuu chapters on a weekly basis, but I can’t manage more than that. I also read yaoi/shounen-ai manga and doujinshi from time to time, but it’s not as much of an obsession as it was a few years ago. However, I own a couple of manga series (Bnha, Haikyuu, Arslan Senki), which I love to reread in my free time😊
hey, we share a love for mirio, so do you maybe have a few anime recommendations, or any good anime you’re watching now?
uhuhuhu birds of a feather flock together;))) Of course I can dish out some recommendations, but I’ll start with what I’m watching atm. I started rewatching Daiya no Ace not so long ago (due to the announcement of Season 4) so I sometimes watch a few episodes of that when I find the time. Also, and this is a recommendation as well, there’s this new track and field anime called Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru (Run with the Wind) coming out every Friday and it’s hilarious. If you like sports anime, you should definitely give it a go! The last anime I’m rewatching right now is Sukitte Ii na yo (Say I love you), cause I’ve been in a shoujo mood lately and after several years I still can’t deal with the cuteness of this show. Now for recs.. this is hard, since everyone has a different taste in series, but other than the shows I’ve named in the “Favorite anime” question, I’d recommend Wotakoi (Wotaku ga Koi no Muzukashii). It’s a very sweet anime about the love stories of otakus, so if you like a good laugh and lots of fluff, this show is for you (11eps). Same goes for Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun (12eps + 6 short specials). Shounen-wise I enjoyed for example Noragami, Bleach, Katekyo Hitman Reborn and Magi. Shoujo-wise I can always rewatch Toradora, Kimi ni Todoke and Itazura na Kiss. Sorry for rambling, there are just too many!😅
What pronouns do you use? And what’s you sexual orientation? If the latter question is too personal, just ignore it(/ω\)
No worries! I use she/her pronouns and I’m pan, slightly favoring men. Probably due to the fact that I’ve only had hetero relationships so far. Though, I really don’t care about my partner’s gender🤷‍♀️
hi, i’ve been going through a rough time lately and your reblogs and memes never fail to make my day. how so you stay positive when things are going downhill? (sorry for the weird ask..)
Your question isn’t weird at all! I’m sorry to hear that you don’t feel well lately and I’m glad my posts are able to cheer you up a bit<3 I, for my part, am a very optimistic person and always try to concentrate on the positive things in my life, but I cannot deny that due to my personal problems I’ve spent many nights sleepless as well. Unfortunately, there’s no recipe for happiness, but here are some things you should always keep in mind should you feel down: Don’t surround yourself with toxic people. Don’t let them in your life and if they already are, either ignore them or cut them off. The latter won’t always work, since the world of adulthood is a cruel place, but try to develop a thick skin and don’t let them abuse the power over you that they don’t actually have. Try to talk with people. I can tell from experience that talking about your problems will almost always make you feel better, or at least lighter afterwards. Think positive. There’s never only black and white, so even if everything seems hopeless or bland, you should never cease to search for the good aspects. An example from me: Uni fucks me up real bad atm. I have six exams and one term paper to write this semester and I’m seriously afraid of failing. I’ve always had insane expectations of myself, because when I was a toddler, my parents found out that I was highly talented and that has been a as much of a curse as it is a blessing throughout my entire life. Whenever something gets too much for me and I end up in a slump, I think about how grateful I am to have so many wonderful friends. I think of all the things I plan to do with the money I earn, such as travelling, buying manga, movies, clothes,.. and even if that might not seem like a trivial matter for some people, I think of all the amazing anime coming out this year: Ice Adolescence, One Punch Man Season 2, Attack on Titan Season 3, Fruits Basket remake, Bnha Season 4, Haikyuu Season 4, Daiya no Ace Season 3.. Why am I naming these? Because they keep me going. They give me something to look forward to. They make me realize that I’m extremely grateful to be alive, because I get to experience these works. I get to discuss my favorite shows with people, who share my interests! I get to scream about Mirio’s bara arms with you guys! If that isn’t something to be cheerful about, I don’t know what is<3
And since I don’t want to end this on a solemn note, here’s a personal favorite of mine:
On a scale from 1-10, how much do you love Mirio?^^
1.000.000 (A million, you get it? wink wonk) Thanks for sticking around! Hope this gave you a little insight on who I am and I’d love to spend 2019 with you as well<3
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girl-in-the-library · 6 years
Thoughts on Fandom
Lurking in the Deltarune tag, I see the Undertale fandom coming back to life. Some people are celebrating and some people are groaning, others are still fearful that the fandom might return to the mess and wank it was full of before.
And it just makes me think more about fandom in general. The idea of fandom is endlessly fascinating to me. For some it's a place of fun, or a safe space, or a space of casual interest. For others it's an obsession, or a place to assert themselves, or be important. But it's my philosophy that, as long as you're not hurting others or yourself, it's impossible to do fandom wrong.
This got much longer than I thought so I'm putting it under a cut.
I have run a panel at Anime Boston for the past two years, and I hope to run it again, called "Fandom as Coping" - in it, I discuss some of the positive aspects of fandom, using it as a coping mechanism for a myriad of reasons, but also discuss how it can become maladaptive and do more harm than good. Fandom is a double edged sword like that. But curating your experience in fandom is the best way to keep it as a healthy, positive influence in your life. When it comes to causing harm to yourself, be cautious of using fandom in an obsessive way. I know what it’s like for fandom to be literally the only thing getting you through the day. In January 2018, and again in August 2018, if I didn’t have Yuri on Ice to come home to, I might literally be dead. It was the only thing getting me through the day. And while that’s a more positive coping skill than say, self-harm, if I continued that way and hadn’t gotten the help I needed (partial and full hospitalizations, in January and August respectively), using fandom to ignore my problems and try to keep going when I obviously couldn’t would have been to my detriment. The people who you interact with in fandom can also be a big part of this.
Fandom communities can be wonderful and uplifting, but they can also be an echo chamber of toxicity. If you interact with friends you know irl, or make friends on a one to one level, it’s easier to find the positives. That’s not to say that larger groups or communities can’t be supportive. But if you find yourself in a place where people are constantly putting you down, or if everyone is stuck in a spiral of depression, it might not be the healthiest place for getting better. Of course, you may need a place to vent, a place to feel like you belong, or a place to escape. Fandom can do all of those things. But you need to be careful. If you get stuck in a community that is not healthy, it can be hard to escape, especially if you feel like it’s the only place where people understand you. If you are having trouble irl, and trouble online, it’s likely that you need to seek professional help. If you are having trouble in only one of these places it’s still likely you need to seek professional help. Therapy is not a weakness. 
Though fandom ISN’T just a negative place. You can find very supportive communities, and make long lasting friendships. And even if they’re only temporary friendships, they might be what you need at the time, and that is still positive! In fandom, you can find people who share your interests, people who will help you cope, help distract you, and a place to belong. You just need to be able to judge whether or not you’re in a healthy space, which can be hard to do.
For me, fandom has almost always been positive, and that's largely due to the way I interact with fandom. When I have bordered on using it maladaptively, that was more due to my mental illness causing obsessive and compulsive tendencies than because I was interacting with anything or anyone in fandom in a toxic way, so that's a little more personal. But fandom can be maladaptive as a coping mechanism OR just generally a bad influence in your life, if that’s how you’re using it. If you get stuck in a negativity spiral, it can be hard to get out of it. Sometimes you just need to take a step back, and sometimes you need to start over.
This is all on an individual level, and based largely in creating communities. But fandom is also a collective, and the works involved (fanfiction, fanart, cosplay, meta, et cetera) play a big role in how fandom works, and often create drama and wank.
My fandom experience has been largely defined by interaction on an individual level with specific people, getting lost in the crowd at conventions, and sometimes cosplaying or writing fanfiction. Because of this, I have avoided a lot of wank and drama that seems typical in many fandoms. Though I have gotten into an ill-advised argument on a forum once or twice, my fandom experience has been largely positive because of this way that I interact.
Now, I know that not everyone can choose to simply interact like I do. Big Name Fans, for example, get involved in drama whether they want to or not, simply because they wrote or drew or cosplayed or meta'd something popular. They become voices for the fandom, and people love them for it and hate them for it. But still, BNFs and other popular fans are still just fans. They're people who have opinions about the works they love, but get embroiled in controversy because they happen to be popular. Of course, there are fandom famous, or fandom infamous people who are toxic, who do hurt others, and who deliberately stir shit. These are not the people I'm talking about. You'll find people like that in any fandom, in any part of life if we're being realistic, and the best thing to do in those situations is to just not interact. It's hard to walk away sometimes, I know, but shit-stirrers need an audience, they need people to preach to and get riled up. Without that, they'll (hopefully) fade away. But for those famous fans who are here to have a good time and share what they love - share with them! It's okay to admire them, to strive to be a better writer or artist or what have you, but they're still people who just want to interact with their favorite media.
Now, I'm not anywhere near a BNF, I'm a mediocre writer and cosplayer, and I just do it for fun, so I've never been put in a position where I've been forced to interact with a negative side of fandom. I know it's not easy to ignore in those cases. I guess my point there, in general, is don't be an asshole to anyone, and be excellent to each other.
The other biggest complicating factor that I see is the age disparity in fandom. I'm not even going to talk about something like My Little Pony right now, because that's more than I can tackle, but I'm thinking, for example, of when I was in the Homestuck fandom.
I was 18 when I started in the Homestuck fandom, and it was about 2 or 3 years old at that point. If I had started reading at the beginning of when it came out, I would have been about 15. I don't know what the audience of Problem Sleuth was like, but my first year in the fandom seemed to me like it was primarily people in my age range who were the most involved. Of course, I can't know that for certain, and I'm not even sure what I'm defining as my age range here (15-25???) But the thing about Homestuck is that it got bigger very quickly. The older fans were getting older and new fans were coming in younger and younger.
The Homestuck fandom had one of the widest age ranges I had ever seen, and that made it difficult, it many ways, to interact. The best thing for adults in fandom to do is tag their content, and do whatever they can to keep kids from getting to what may be inappropriate. But it's not the stranger's responsibility if a kid seeks out vore inflation a/b/o or whatever the kids are seeking, as long as it's tagged appropriately. That's the parent's responsibility. And to an extent, the kid's as well. If a kid wants to see boobs on the internet, almost any kid these days knows how to find boobs on the internet. Depending on the kid's age, it's up to the parents to put up parental blocks or monitor a kid's usage. With safe search as the default on Google nowadays, it isn't like the "olden times" where a quick search for a whoopie pie recipe brings up nothing but porn. But if you type in "boobs" you still get boobs.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that kids aren't 100% responsible for their own fandom interaction because, depending on their age, they might not know any better yet. Now, there's a difference between a 16 year old and a 9 year old. A 16 year old knows what they're doing, and if they want a/b/o inflation porn, they're going to find it, and they might even get mad once they do because it's adult content and they're still kids, who want to be treated as adults. At that point, they're likely curating their own internet experience, and that's a gray area that's still being worked out. A 16 year old is still a minor, but when it comes to the internet, at least, they’re generally minors who are left to their own devices. Teenagers at that age are also notoriously contrary and rebellious, so if you put tags and say, “Minors do not interact!” they’re quite possible going to say, “Fuck you” and interact anyway. You can’t control them. You can only control yourself, so that’s what you need to do. Don’t interact with them, if you can avoid it. If they start confrontation, walk away. And it’s true, you can’t always tell a 16 year old from a 9 year old from a 40 year old on the internet, or any age from any other age, but my advice is still the same. Avoid interacting with negativity, hate, and confrontation in fandom. Just walk away. 
(There are some situations where this doesn’t apply, of course, but I think that in fandom, where the primary purposes are to have fun and interact with other fans of things that you like because you like the same things, walking away from confrontation is a good idea. When it comes to things like politics, for example, I think you need to avoid the trolls, but standing up for yourself and others, even if it means confrontation, is a different story. But this isn’t about politics, this is about fandom, and not all places on the internet are created equal. Politics is of course relevant in fandom, but if it’s JUST about fandom, you don’t need to start flame wars or ship wars, or even fight in them. You CAN just walk away, even if people yell at you or make fun of you for it. Just keep ignoring them. But I digress.)
9 year olds, on the other hand, need help on the internet. You can't control what they do either, but again, it's not the stranger's job to curate the kid's experience, but the parents. Just make sure you tag your stuff so if a parent is looking for something appropriate for their kid, they don't unknowingly give them something inappropriate. A 9 year old, especially in this day and age, knows how to use the internet. And if they’re looking for boobs, they’re probably going to find boobs. But just because they’re looking for boobs doesn’t mean they need to find a/b/o inflation vore porn. If they click on it anyway, it’s highly likely they won’t know what half that stuff means, but they still might be disturbed by it. Again, it’s not that stranger’s responsibility, as long as it was marked and tagged appropriately. 9 year olds still need to be supervised, both in general, and on the internet. Just because they’re tech-savvy doesn’t mean Stranger Danger rules don’t apply. Parents in this day and age should be teaching their kids safe internet skills, too.
My experience with fandom, and my ability to create the experience I want with it probably stems from the fact that my parents did curate my online presence when I was young. I was only allowed on sites like Nickelodeon.com and Disney.com until I was 10 or so. When I first got on fanfiction.net, I was 13, I think. And of course at that point I started sneaking around and reading "M" rated fics, but that was my choice. I was old enough to know better, and if something made me uncomfortable, I would click out of it. At that point, I read so voraciously as a kid and a young teen, that I was reading books with erotic content, and I could find the same thing online. My parents never censored what I read when I was old enough to choose for myself what I could read, but they made sure they knew what I was reading. Only once did they ever consider taking a book away from me, and that was when I was 12 reading Dan Simmons “Olympus” - I liked science fiction, and mythology, and wanted to read harder books so that seemed like a good choice. But like any story tangentially related to Greek Gods, there was A LOT of sex. Very, very descriptive, pornographic, literotic, sex. I told my parents about it and we talked about it. They asked if it made me uncomfortable, if I thought that they should read it first before I continued and judge whether or not I could handle it. I said I was okay, we talked about it a little more, and that was that. Even though I may not have been old enough for the content, I was old enough to know what was going on, and to make the choice. The same thing applies to the internet and fanfiction. Tag your fics, tag your art, make your blog 18+ if you are going to primarily post adult content, but parents need to talk with their kids.
A side note, but I once got a CD from my parents for my birthday. It was a Green Day CD, I was maybe turning 11 or 12? And I had expressed interest in Green Day because my friend in middle school played me one of their songs and I liked it. The CD my parents bought me was "Dookie," even though the newest album that had just come out was "American Idiot" - because “American Idiot” had a parental advisory sticker on it and “Dookie” did not. The reason for that was “Dookie: was released before it was necessary to put parental advisory stickers on albums. Thus, they had no idea what they were getting into when they handed their daughter a CD with a secret song titled F.O.D. Tags are important, but they don’t always function properly.
Green Day is still my favorite band.
Regardless, with all the rambling and digressions, my point is CURATE YOUR FANDOM EXPERIENCE. There are situations that make it hard, because you can't always choose who interacts with your content, but what you CAN always choose is the content you interact with. And when it comes to people interacting with YOUR content in a negative way, walk away when you can. (If you think a minor is negatively interacting with your 18+ content, I don’t necessarily know what to do, but my only thought is to block them so they can’t see your content anymore.) Interact with others in a positive way, and for the most part, I find, others will do the same with you.
Fandoms can be great places. They can also be toxic cesspools, because there are bad and toxic people in the world. But if you can, choose your own adventure.
I had a great experience with Homestuck, even amidst all the disaster and misbehavior at the height of Homestuck popularity because of the way I treat fandom.
One of my favorite people is big into Hetalia, and still is! It's one of, if not her number one, favorite fandom. And there's always been a lot going on there, but because of the way she interacts, it's been a great, healthy place for her.
And if Deltarune is giving you feels like it's giving me feels, then by all means, jump back into the Undertale/Deltarune fandom! And don't let hate scare you away.
There will always be bad places on the internet, and sometimes, you can't avoid them. But do your best, and try to create an online fandom experience that will bring you joy, not one that will cause pain to yourself or other people.
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yoikami · 6 years
Get to know me tag~
Thank you @mochi-moss for tagging me~ I appreciate a lot!!
✦nickname? I have a very short name irl so online I get nicknamed Yoi or Ya (from Yayoi, ikr, one or the other, pick your poison).
✦gender? Female, on top of that I love cute things and dresses, I'm quite the girly/flowery/pastely gay potato...
✦star sign? A libra, I may be a witch I have no big interest in star signs ;;;
✦height? Very smol. Most people will tell you they're so small but ahahaha ...cute, I'm more or less 146cm, to give you an idea. The world is so big from my point of view.
✦hogwarts house? I always get Ravenclaw which is just fitting I'd say.
✦favourite animal? Fox!! I love foxes to death and I think they are adorable. I am actually kind of an animal lover anyway, I even try to never kill insects (except for giant hornets killing my bees, f these).
✦favourite colour? Purple and every kind of blues~
✦current favourite song? Chouwa Oto by Kokia <3 I just love mystical songs the best...just like Ar Tonelico's soundtracks or Sound Horizon, Yuki Kajiura's...
✦favourite ways to get creative? Tumblr has honestly became a good source for me to find inspirations from others. Even pretty landscapes put me in the mood for sewing or decorating etc. I also feel motivated whenever I see pictures of people's sewing projects or wips. (I sew plushies and doll clothing).
✦what do you do when you’re alone? Video games all the way, I also like baking, gardening, sewing, listening to music in my garden with my pets, even singing!! I can get creative with my hobbies and might have too many.
✦average hours of sleep? I try my best. 7-8 but with chronic illness every night is going to be a mystery.
✦cats or dogs? Both... I could never chose between my children.
✦number of blankets you sleep with? If I can I have as many as possible, if it's not summer... Tons of stuffed animals, cushions and big blankets.
✦dream job? I don't know anymore ;_; I do dream of reaching a high level in sewing and becoming a pro. My life took a drastic change 3 years ago and I originally planned to even be living in another country by myself but I had to change my mind and give up on some dreams which doesn't mean I can't have new ones!!
✦dream trip? I have yet to make a list since I already went to Japan and Canada and still want to visit them again because these countries are magnificient and like a second home for me now. I want to visit Ireland, Australia, Korea- Actually I'd like to visit as many places as possible ONLY IF they're peaceful enough for me to go to (Tokyo wasn't as draining and toxic as big cities of France where everything gets overwhelming for people with anxiety and disabilities).
✦sexuality? I'm such a mess!! In short I don't really like men in terms of "boyfriend material", I'm proudly gay for sure because women...women are life you know, women fascinate me and more than attraction I also want to stand for them, to not compete because I think it is ridiculous and I just want to tell another girl she is pretty instead of making her think I'm death glaring at her or something? But anyway, I said it's a mess because like my officially straight mother always told me "you never know I might live the rest of my life with a woman, no one knows, we can't decide that" and I thought it was a beautiful way of seeing things. I have currently feelings for someone very very dear to me and this man (yes he is a man, he was confused reading this like a dork!!) could be non-binary, a woman or genderfluid and I couldn't care less, our souls love each others. Oh and I'm asexual!! This might sounds confusing since I do looove women but I'm just not sexual at all, no physical attraction whatsoever. Sexualities can be more complex than it sounds anyway so I just feel like not making a big deal out of it. Tenderness, attraction, sensuality, sexuality, everything has a whole different sense ^-^
✦when did you make this account? Uhh, 4 years ago I assume. It changed a lot and I think I like it the most nowadays, I post more about nature, animals, cute mangacaps of my personal favorites, Yuri on Ice inevitably lol.
✦number of followers? 3,571. I think I've been having the same amount of followers for a whole year or two to be honest. Is it weird? I think a ton of them are actually inactive but regardless I think pretty much all of my followers and mutuals are actually amazing. I also have some followers who've been following me for years!! This is insane, and yes I see you, I ALWAYS notice you :P (I just never really keep track of ppl unfollowing, I think it's best to unfollow someone rather than arguing with them or sending hate mails).
This ended up becoming kind of a novel, as I always do ;;; ✦But thank you again Kit!!✦ (I think your nickname and name is adorable but this is just me ok xD I always thought it was some sort of nickname already. It would be silly if you were a crazy cat lover...). I'm not tagging anyone sorry ;-;
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schaynotchan · 8 years
I've been through all of the anti-SS moments our fandom would poke fun of (and at times when I was a bit "meh", made fun of myself) to cheer ourselves up from our sadness. I've read respectful anti-SS rants. I don't know what happen since the Boruto movie came about (that's when I started notice and distance myself from fandom), but the Naruto fandom in general started to become very spiteful. I remember when some SS shippers drove one of their own out of the fandom because she wanted more [2/3]
SSmoments because of the lack of attention. And I also remember SNS getting intoa meaningless argument over who tops (one I didn't participate, luckily). Andsome NS shippers getting into a debate over RtN and whether it was anti-Sakuraor not. Short: I've seen people arguing and insulting their own shippers overmeaning crap that have never existed before the ending. It became that bad. Istarted distancing myself from SNS during the whole "who tops?"debate, but when 685 came out [3/4]
animated,I couldn't stay. The insults some SNS shippers had towards the SS shipperslegitimately triggered me. My personal story: I have a brother who has autism.My father, when he angry, would always talk down to my brother when he had donesomething very wrong. He would say how much he wish he could send him to amental hospital, "why is so r-slur", "look how dumb he'sbeing"...I know my dad doesn't truly mean it, sometimes life isn't great100% of the time. But man, it hurts, it [4/5]
reallyhurts to hear the names brother has been called, and my brother can't do shitbecause he doesn't understand the insults. It would cause a tear in my housewith my dad, mom and sis; my dad wants to send him away because he can't takeof him. I pray everyday that my brother would talk, and that my dad wouldn'tharbor such bad feelings. So I was WTF! when I see anti-SS, some in my own OTPfandom, call out SS shippers as "needing to go to some mentalhospital" or "how they need [5/6]
therapy",and how "they are so sick in the head". "What's in yourhead", "I only wish the worst for them, tbh". Like shit, thislow class insults over a fiction couple? It triggered me to where I couldn'tship SNS anymore (my bro is always first over fiction) becuase, like this NEVERhappened before (at least I've never seen this throughout my time in SNS,before the ending, and even a bit after the ending). Like I've seen shit withSS, NH, and NS, but it just hurts a lot more when it's [6/7]
comingfrom your own OTP's fandom. I just couldn't keep shipping, and I had to drop.Luckily, Yuri on Ice came out weeks later to cheer me up from the toxic fandom.I mean I still ship SNS (I lurk around to view art then leave), but's its myex-OTP. More so, I'm trying to move on, because the Naruto fandom has turn intoa pile of (tasteless insults, personal stalking and bashing, and at timedoxxing) shit. And to be more honest, I became more open minded to SS because Idid meet cool [7/8]
people.It's one thing I wish from the Naruto fandom; what need do have to resort topersonal bashing just to get a point across? We know how significant SNS wasfor Naruto in general. Since when do we wish for the worst for others who havea different opinion over a work of FICTION that makes them happy as well? It'snot like I've never seen the insults from the pro-enders, but that's why Istayed within SNS. So it hurts when even the place you seek for comfort is nolonger comfortable. [8/9]
I'msorry for the long winded rant. Tbh, you aren't the first shipper I told thisabout in anon, but when I saw your response, I was like "Okay! Anothershipper that isn't blinded to how bad the fandom became!" I mean, I'm herefor SNS Week because it's one of the rare times the fandom is enjoyable; beforethe ending. I wish people would have an engaging debate without the need toinsult; it's one of the major reasons why the Naruto fandom is so close mindedin opinions. If people just [9/10]
respected each other in fandom, had chapter 700 came out, we might havehad pro-enders more understanding on why the ending was flawed or why we seeSNS; we probably would have been more sympathetic towards SS's treatment withSP. But you have pro-enders simply staying so more out of spite against us, andI definitely don't feel that much sympathy for SS for the shit I've been withthem. I hope I didn't give you the idea that SNS is bad; I'm saying that thewhole Naruto fandom is bad. [End]
So I didn’t got the first ask because tumblr ate it. But because I think you send me each part right after writing it, and probably don’t have a copy of the first part I’ll try to answer all that without it!
Oh god, I actually don't really know what to answer. Idon't have any experience with answering such kind of asks. I hope that I canstill give you a more or less good answer. I knew that we and other Naruto fandoms where through a lot of toxic times. I personally didn't experience any of those (where I'm grateful for tbh) because I only joined the SNS Tumblr fandom about a Year ago.  So I can't really talk out of my own point of view, but I knew it was really bad. I know a lot of people left or distanced themselves like you back then. Although I must say... reading all this, with the examples you gave me... sounds a lot worse than I imagined... I'm always shocked when I read about these times.
I understand why you left the SNS fandom and tried to move on, especially with your personal story behind it. You know, I have always support happiness and mental health about everything else, so moving on was a good decision in your case. When I would've been in the fandom back then I probably would've also left.
I think nowadays the SNS fandom is acceptable and non toxic (although it could be better) but I also know that this is only MY experience and that some of my mutuals disagree. As I said in my game reply before, we often only see a small part of the actual fandoms content depending on what blogs we follow. I strictly unfollow people who insult too much or make fun of any kind of deeper topics like mental health, sexuality, ethnic etc. You couldsay that I somewhat turn a blind eye to the unhealthy part of the fandom. Soit's still a safe place for me. But regardingless of what I just said, I agreewith you anon. Especially with this part:
It'sone thing I wish from the Naruto fandom; what need do have to resort topersonal bashing just to get a pointacross? We know how significant SNS was for Naruto in general. Since when do we wish for the worst forothers who have a different opinion over a work of FICTION that makes them happy as well?
I wish the Naruto fandom could prove their pointswithout bashing, insulting and looking down on others. I also wish thatwe could discuss about the positive and negative things about a fictional workwithout dictating other peoples views and what they should enjoy and what not.
As you probably know, I personally am anti ending/anti SS/anti NH, but I respect other peoples opinion. As long as they are happy with their ship and their ending and respect me, they shall have it! I know that some pro Enders actually follow me so I know it is possible to get along with each other even when our opinions don't match. I don't know why this seems to be so difficult for others.  
And no, you didn’t give me the idea that SNS is bad, I was mostly already aware of all that. Even that “The whole Naruto fandom is bad”. I know that the Naruto fandom is one of the most toxic anime fandoms out there.
The thing is, Naruto was a fictional work that did go on forever. A lot of people grew up with it and it became a big part of them. Myself included. If you hold something - fictional or not - so dear to you, for so many years, you want to defend it, you are angry about some parts and you try to push everyone who tries to crush your view about the show away. Because at some point, it starts to get REALLY personal. Your feelings for the stories are real and valid. I believe that that’s one of the reasons why the Naruto fandom is like this. A lot of us take things that are about Naruto really personal and get biased about it.
I still hope that we could get along better with each other. We are all one fandom. And if we can’t get along side by side, we at least could try our best to talk with each other politely. Without insulting one another.
Thank you so much for taking your time to share your story with me!
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fuyuriya · 8 years
Okay, so, this whole ordeal about Yuri on Ice and that Western TV film Love on Ice has gotten so much out of hand and I fear I might be a bit too late to this party but here I go anyway.
I thought I wouldn’t say anything about it, but once Kubo tweeted about the whole thing I had to write this (and also finally started using this sideblog i created a while ago lol).
She said it’s a completely different series than YOI and she’s pretty much excited for it and wants to support it, since she knows how hard it is to make a film/show about figure skating.
Now, my stance on Love in Ice is pretty clear: it’s VERY clearly a rip-off, especially if they created the whole thing after YOI started airing, not to even mention the white straight garbage it has been turned into. 
But what really disgusted me with Tumblr was the response to that, like people saying that “straights are banned from watching yoi” and the like and I almost had to hit my head on the wall since:
You do realize this show was created by straight people??? Kubo has self-identified herself as straight, or that’s how I interpret her tweet where she responded to someone that “she really really likes men, so she can’t draw yuri (lesbian) stuff”. That comes off as basically “I’m so damn straight that it’s impossible for me to draw lesbians” (which btw, is fcking ridiculous) but that was and old tweet and the wording was pretty cringy and I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t write it like that nowadays, but I do not believe her sexuality has changed. I’m not gonna say anything about Sayo Yamamoto, since I don’t know enough about her, but she has been involved in many works that have queer girls and romances between female characters, so I applaud her for that. 
But here’s what I mean: YOI was created by straight women, for a straight female audience. Kubo has described YOI as 女性向け which means it is targeted at women and if you have seen the show, it’s pretty damn clear that straight women are the primary demographic. Also, if you know anything about the anime & manga industry, to Japanese people this is a show for women without a doubt. 
YOI is an anime by straight women for straight women, that is a fact. However, it doesn’t mean it can’t be good for LGBTQ+ people, but please do remember where it came from. It was not created with queer people specifically in mind, I don’t really think Kubo even tried to get queer (Japanese) men interested in it. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I have heard that queer men in Japan have not really been pleased with YOI and are a VERY small part of the fanbase, which, to no-ones surprise, is largely dominated by women. Also, please do remember than queer men in Japan and in the West have different experiences what comes to being queer in those countries, so fluffy same-sex couple shows like YOI that are praised in the West are not really that popular with Japanese queer men since they feel like it’s just another work by a straight woman who is erasing the struggles of real LGBTQ+ men in Japan, since we all know how popular BL/yaoi is in Japan and the whole thing of that genre is basically straight women fetishizing m/m relationships for their own pleasure and erasing any real struggles people like that might have in the real world, many of BL authors and fans are also outright homophobic, so I would ask people to keep that in mind while looking at this through a Western lens. I’m not saying that Kubo is erasing anything or that her wanting to show a world where there’s no discrimination isn’t sincere, but she is a straight woman in Japan and I really doubt there were any queer men or queer people in general even involved in that show, so I hope people would remember that.
So, that was basically my take on this, since the most ironic thing I have seen in a long time is people saying that straights can’t touch the show when it was created by straights for straights. Amazing. 
I’m pretty sure Kubo would be offended if she saw all these straight-hating posts and wouldn’t want the fandom to be like this at all.  YOI is about working hard for your dreams, finding love and people who support you and realizing you don’t have to do everything alone, so I hope the fandom will not turn to a toxic fucking hate pit, I’m pretty sure Kubo would agree, judging by her Love on Ice tweet.
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thebloodyheartgirl · 6 years
TF2 Vs Overwatch
Cause Fuck it, I want to actually discuss this so let’s do this thing: How I think overwatch compares to TF2. Warning, this is my own personal opinion on the matter and i’ve enjoyed both tf2 and overwatch in the past so don’t get your knickers in a twist if i say i don’t like something.
Firstly, my thoughts on overwatch. It’s not a great game nowadays, from what i’ve heard they’ve managed to fix this somewhat but that doesn’t change the fact that the gameplay feels shallow as hell after a while, there’s only really one way to play each character and the characters are built to counter each other rather than have the characters be well...unique characters in their own right with a variety of kits to make each character stand out. Not to mention the fact that blizzard themselves are so anal towards any possible bad behavior that some pro player got perma’d from the competitive league for trashtalking. I will however admit that I am...very biased on this, I used to be a huge fan of overwatch and played it every single day for like a year and I’ll admit outside of the game the characters have slowly been getting deeper and more interesting, hell they even managed to make d.va go from “Waifu Bait Gamergurl” to someone who was actually interesting with her short. Hell i’ll even admit the gameplay is fun as hell for a while until you eventually realize that there’s really no reason to play competitive outside of getting golden gun skins and wanking about how your alt account is at grandmaster.
That and not to mention i heavily dislike how they handle their cosmetics cause with TF2 you can at least go onto the steam market and buy a cosmetic or weapon you want directly from someone else or just buy it directly from the TF2 store instead of relying on crates to get them. that and TF2 doesn’t pull that bullshit where you can only buy cosmetics with currency that you get from the crates themselves.
TF2 on the other hand is a game that’s managed to have a thriving community for literal years now and has existed way longer than overwatch has, the game is kinda buggy and source engine desperately needs an update but it still manages to be more fun and expressive than Overwatch will ever be due to it’s complexity of gameplay because of the various builds you can make like fat-scout, trolldier, battle engineer, and various other builds. Due to weapons you’re not necessarily locked into only playing one character one way, the cosmetic system as well is much better than overwatch because if you get the right items you can make crazy stuff like a vampire hunter sniper riding an ostrich or a ballerina heavy with a thick beard you can do that. On top of that each class has their own skills, strengths, and weaknesses while also making it to where if you’re paying attention even a class that counters your own class can be beaten somewhat easily based on your skill level rather than having classes built around hard countering other classes. There are custom gamemodes coded and made by the community, countless amounts of community maps, and just shedloads of more content than overwatch could ever hope to have if you look for it. That and valve actively helps the community due to how they handle new cosmetics nowadays.
TF2 has managed to hold my attention for far longer than overwatch has due to the fact that it just plays better and has a less toxic community. Don’t get me wrong, there are subsections of TF2 that are toxic as hell, like the elitism of some of the people who play mann vs machine despite the fact you only use up the ticket when you win, you’re so hyper-focused on winning that if you lose even once you’ll kick the guy who has the least amount of hours on your team and claim that you’re fucking sorry when in reality you’re just pissed that you didn’t win the first time you ran you fucking asshole. If that seems specific that’s because it happened to me at one point. Overwatch on the other hand seems to just...bleed toxicity especially at higher ranks to the point where there’s been entire articles about it, not to mention how the fandom fetishizes the character’s traits to the point of ridiculousness like how people act like the most important part about tracer is that she’s a lesbian. don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of fetishization and gay porn in the tf2 community but...not to this extent. 
Like i guarantee you that 90% of people who think that it’s important that tracer is a lesbian are the same fucking people who fetishize lesbians to the point where none of her other character traits matter so they can draw endless amounts of yuri porn and try to poorly hide the fact that they just have a yuri fetish behind “I-it’s about representation!” The other 10% are the reasonable ones like actual lesbians or sane individuals who relate to tracer because she’s a lesbian while also recognizing that she has an actual character outside of that and being lesbian is just one facet of why they like this character rather than being the whole reason. Meanwhile in the TF2 fandom, no one gives a single rat’s ass about who’s fucking who or who’s gay or not gay because that’s such an unimportant thing to worry about that it might as well be irrelevant.
So in conclusion, TF2 is a better game in my opinion because it has deeper and more varied gameplay, it has better cosmetics, a better community, a better developer, and is just overall much more fun experience in my opinion while Overwatch, in my opinion, is just a game that’s slowly become worse and worse over time due to lack of content, lack of tech that you can actually accomplish in the game due to jeff and his team constantly patching them out, and just a....garbage community that i’m glad i left behind. If you enjoy overwatch, that’s fine, i just don’t personally like it and if you think TF2′s bad because overwatch is a god-tier game that can do no wrong and is the TF2-killer, then i have a very very special place for you.
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