#orc anon
gaudebo · 4 months
i see youre a fan of orcs and as a fellow fan of orcs that just realized theyre usually depicted problematically, im here to ask you how you like to see orcs? i have a dnd-ish story with a friend and my character is an orc and i realized i was feeding a little bit into the harmful stereotypes and issues with orcs and i want to change that but wasn't sure of ideas and i just wanted to hear what you have to say on the topic of orcs in general or with this topic in mind, but only if you want to!
First of all I am genuinely delighted to receive this ask!! I love talking about orcs so much and the fact that I have a reputation as an orc enthusiast is delightful!
I’ve already written a whole post abt orc Lore and how I think it can be improved upon here but if you’re looking for more general character advice I can do that too!
The biggest thing is that an orc should be a character like any other. Your orc should have more depth than Big, Dumb, and Angry. You have so many options at your disposal especially in a DND-esque setting! Don’t get so caught up in the stereotypical idea of what an orc is that you forget to have fun! You could have a bookworm wizard orc or a quiet, mysterious ranger orc, or any other kind of character you could make as a human or an elf! The world is your oyster. orcster. (We’ll workshop that one.)
That’s not even to say that you can’t make a Big Dumb Angry orc but in that case: how do they feel about interacting with others? What problems does their anger cause them? Do they ever feel hampered by their tendency to solve problems with violence? And also: what makes them so angry? If the answer is “something innate to them makes them violent” then you have a problem. But if it’s something like “a terrible tragedy struck and since that time they push everyone away so they don’t get hurt again” that’s a story! You can use that for depth and flavor!
Plus: you can use the character’s experience as an orc for even more characterization. If you have a bookworm-y orc, how do they feel about everyone expecting them to be stupid? Do they have to work harder than their colleagues to make up for the stigma? For a stereotypically angry and dumb orc, does it hurt to know that that’s all anyone ever thinks they could be? Do they feel pressured into that role by society? Do they have another choice?
Basically: orcs are characters to love and cherish like any other. The biggest problem with the negative portrayals of orcs is that so often they’re designed as enemies that a PC can slaughter without guilt. They’re hostile and stupid and unlovable so you don’t have to feel bad about killing them. Unfortunately, that ties back into orcs as an amalgamation of the most negative stereotypes about people of color. The same justification has been used to commit atrocities against real people in real life! But I digress.
Your orc should be a person! They should have family and friends, and if they don't, there should be an established in-character reason. They should have wants and desires and dreams and flaws! They should be more than a 2-dimensional caricature. If you keep that in mind, it will be a lot easier to avoid playing into the harmful stereotypes because they are designed to diminish the Personhood of orcs in universe!
Thank you so much for asking me for my opinion because I love to share it! I hope you have fun reworking your character! Feel free to come back anytime :]
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dr3c0mix · 1 year
Hi, I just started reading your works and they are fantastic! I saw on your request page that you do teratophilia, but I don't fully know if you do orc, so I wanted to know before I sent in a proper request. If you don't do orc I'll probably request something with a minotaur instead.
Little Duckling
Yandere!Orc x Gn Reader
cw: nsfw, kidnapping, stalking
⚔️ Valeth was a warrior, a dangerous, bloodthirsty orc. One who had the blood of hundreds in his hands. A scar-ridden man whose company consisted of the vile and ruthless, thieves and murderers.
⚔️ So why the hell were you in here??
⚔️ You looked so small, so weak. A tiny creature possibly from a far land from the look of your wide-eyed, innocent face.
⚔️ He stared at you from across the tavern as you happily scribbled on a notebook with a small glass of some sweet drink you ordered.
⚔️ He could hear the laughs and jeers of the other patrons, some giving you less than decent stares at your body, it made him sick.
⚔️ But why? Why is he suddenly so protective of a tiny, weak, small, soft, cute, adorable, fragile doll of a person like you?
⚔️ ...
⚔️ Shit...
⚔️ He pinches the bridge of his nose and gets up from his seat and walks over to where you're sitting.
⚔️ "You better get out of here before you get hurt Duckling."
⚔️ You look at him startled with the cutest eyes, fuuuuckk
⚔️ You ask why with the voice of an angel; the orc bit the inside of his cheek to stop him from smiling.
⚔️ "You new in Phenonia?" He crossed his arms, glancing at the others in the tavern, all of them looking away from you after meeting his gaze.
⚔️ You tell him you're a traveler in search of adventure. He lets out a laugh, giving you a tusk-filled smile.
⚔️ He offers you a walk back to your inn and you happily agree, skipping and rambling about your travels the whole way. Normally he would tune out someone as talkative as you, words he didn't understand going one ear and out the other, but you, you managed to hook him with your explanations of distant lands and the discoveries you made there. He even asked questions and gave you tips and advice for your future adventures in Phenonia.
⚔️ You reach your inn and you bid the large orc goodnight, shaking his calloused hand and heading inside.
⚔️ He stood there for a minute, looking at the hand that touched yours. He felt his face heat up a bit before he shakes his head, trying to get the image of your bubbly smile out of his head. He heads to his home to get some rest but all he can think about is you in the bed next to him. Its not weird is it? god what's wrong with me????
⚔️ You two ran into each other a few more times, Valeth always using the nickname he gave you; Duckling. He says it's because you remind of a little duckling always waddling and smiling at everyone all the time.
⚔️ He helped you out sometimes whenever someone gave you a hard time. It's like he would magically show up to protect you like a big green guard dog. You would always give him that damn smile and treat him to a meal.
⚔️ When you two weren't together, he would be watching you go about your day in a busy street or from behind a merchant cart or crate. He knew your set schedule like the back of his hand, where you'd go for breakfast, your favorite place to rest after a long day, the spot you would always draw at. He would pay friends of his to keep tabs on you to make sure you're safe.
⚔️ You left a scarf once and he found it with an adorable pin that was for favorite bug made from jewels of your favorite colors. He wanted to give it back to you, but he couldn't bring himself to part with it. he found himself taking in the scent of you from it. He imagined you actually there with him as he stroked his cock while moaning into your scarf.
⚔️ Eventually he had enough of merely watching you and quick hand touches, he wanted to know your touch, he wanted to know your taste, he wanted to know the sound of your moans under him.
⚔️One night after an exhausting day of trying to sketch a bird that kept flying away, you see Valeth waiting by your inn. You smile weakly at him and wave, but he just sighs and walks over to you.
⚔️ You start to get a bit uneasy and ask what's wrong but he reaches in his coat and pulls out a cloth.
⚔️ "Sorry for this Duckling.." He mutters to you before pulling you to him, covering your mouth with the cloth. You black out before you could even scream for help.
⚔️ You wake up in a bed full of warm pelts with someone lying next to you. You gasp, remembering what happened and kicked yourself off the bed.
⚔️ Valeth jolts awake and sees you scrambling to your feet on the floor next to the bed. He gets up and quickly pulls you close as you try to wriggle out of his hold.
⚔️ He tries to calm you down, whispering comforting things to you. You fight the tears threatening to run down your face as you feel his breath on your neck.
⚔️ His hands feel you up and down, rubbing you in order to comfort you, but it only serves as a way to scare you even more.
⚔️ He kisses your neck, licking your sweet spots, his tusks ghosting across your skin like a dull blade.
⚔️ "It's alright Duckling, you're safe, it's going to be okay. But you're gonna stay here with me now alright? I'll keep you safe, I promise."
⚔️ He reaches in the drawer next to you two and pulls out your scarf, he puts it on you, crying your teary face with the soft fabric. You hold the scarf close to you, but you still turn away from him.
⚔️ He sighs and puts his hand at the back of your head, bringing your forehead to his.
⚔️ "You'll understand soon enough Duckie...you'll understand how much I love you.."
⚔️ Valeth kept you locked in his home after that, always leaving to keep up appearances that nothing happened. Whenever someone asked where you've gone, he said you just left in search of more adventure as you do.
⚔️ He was as tough and stoic as ever when he went out but as soon as he comes back home to his modest house in the edges of the kingdom and sees you, he becomes a giant cuddle bug.
⚔️ This big battle-scared orc turns to putty when he hugs your small form.
⚔️ He still locks the doors and windows from the outside in fear of you leaving him, but it's ok! You can still write about your travels and such! He brings home things he thinks you'd like. Weird stones, leaves, trinkets, anything.
⚔️ He would do anything for you, and you're reminded every day when he cuddles you close, taking in your sweet smell. Everything. Except being let go of course.
⚔️ Sometimes you refuse to eat in hopes of ticking him off but he just laughs and holds you in his arms like a stubborn baby and spoon-feeds you.
⚔️ No matter how much you kick and scream, he's always stronger than you, always shutting down your tantrums as easy as placing his hand over your mouth.
⚔️ Eventually you learn to live with him and his affections, the pile of junk he brought home is rummaged through and actually paid attention to by you, meals are eaten, albeit with you staring daggers into him, but he couldn't be happier.
⚔️ He never forced you to do anything lewd you didn't want to do, but he would sneak off out of bed to watch you, sometimes touch himself to the thought of the day he finally gets permission to bed you.
⚔️ But now, he's satisfied with you just sleeping with him in his arms, his face buried in your hair.
⚔️ "You're mine little Duckling...only mine..."
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Thnkank uouyu anon <3 <3 <3
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wayfayrr · 10 days
WE BOTH BE SIMPS FOR SKY ✨ THE PRECIOUS BEAN <33333 He has my entire heart, I love him smmm
But also now, got me sad for Sky cause poor baby deserves to get the experience of self expression through tattoos </3 which I think would work especially well in, say, self aware au, cause I would get to take him to get his first tattoo <33333 paid about $900-1K for all three sessions for my entire sleeve, I will gladly pay whatever for anything he wants done <333 especially if he wants a colored tattoo <3333
But also I’d love to know more of your thoughts on the whole Human vs Hylian thing, what are some key differences between hylians and humans that you haven’t had the opportunity to bring up yet? Doesn’t even have to be key differences, I’d just love to learn more on what your thoughts are <3
~🍀 anon
I think sky would actually really want to get a tattoo after learning how they're pretty common for humans (he'd also want to either get one to match one of yours or a new matching set with you <3) but I think he'd want it to have an important meaning - his first one (only ones with self aware sky) has something to do with you, say your favourite flower or something that reminds him of you I also think he'd get something symbolic of crimson (also that price range for a sleeve sounds like a steal from the prices near me ong)
as for other headcanons about humans/hylians? One thing that I've been thinking about but haven't brought up is spice tolerances, and how Hylian spice tolerance is utterly abysmal compared to humans
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remember this scene with the goron spice being used as a threat? I think that goron spice is about on par with a mild curry/chili powder.. Wild - They're using something that for most won't really register as spicy to punish the chain for the whole thing with the vai outfit.
Sky probably has a pretty low spice tolerance too but his is more because he's never had anything remotely spicy in his life, he could grow to have more of a tolerance whereas wild has had his body changed a lot by the sheika juice so I think certain tolerances of his got bumped up by a lot too - cal would want to eat it and struggle through but wild just eats it like no ones business In general I think that hylians just have a worse track record with anything you'd eat caffeine, poisons, alcohol, spice and even mint can make them struggle sometimes (Do NOT give wind an energy drink so help you)
I also think that hylians have a pretty weak immune system compared to humans, however it's also rarer for a hylian to get sick than it is for a human to cause of ✨magic✨ if any of the chain were to catch just the common cold from you or sky it will take them OUT, for humans the symptoms are just a runny nose, sore throat, cough and a fever for the hylians all of those things are dialled to one hundred - you get a sniffle? Time can't breathe. sky has a mild cough that he's trying to milk to get you to give him hugs? Warriors sounds like he's hacking up a lung and is that blood he just coughed up!!??
I also think hylians are unable to knowingly lie, like white lies are possible and if they fully believe what they're saying is true then they can. But an outright malicious lie or something like the turncoats? It isn't possible without dark and/or potent magic affecting them in some way. (or by having a human spirit instead of a hylian one >:3c) this also means that most hylians cannot use sarcasm, or at least not very well do with that what you will <3
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toxooz · 1 year
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roight happy weed day 🌿💖🌿
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jeeaark · 6 months
I love your comics of Greygold, especially because I also played a friend-to-the-emperor half-orc.
It's nice to see that niche half-orc content, lol
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Th-They're still a work-in-progress friend-to-the-emperor
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monstersandmaw · 4 months
imagine if orcs' tusks were held with social and cultural importance and so their dentists are hailed with as much esteem as their bravest warriors xD
This is definitely a thing. No one wants an infected jaw from a cracked tusk, so everyone respects dentists and healers highly in orcish society.
(i've had an ask like this before, where anon was talking about two orcish offspring - one was a warrior and one was a dentist and the dentist was met with even louder cheering than the warrior, I think!) I also answered with more detail, but I can't find it, thanks tumblr!!)
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ex-textura · 1 year
FUCK your half orc is hot I’m gay fuck fuck fuck thank you for your art
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Aw shucks, Anon! We're flattered 🥹 Wanna gay kiss about it?
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tamagoneko · 11 months
Girl, You're down to fuck ORC'S??
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im down to have a good time ;)
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 months
Hiiii 😭New in blog!
Do you have any tips/source in writing orcs?
Bc planning to do some bc got the spark your fics an inspiration 😩😩🙌
Halllooo! Welcome! 🥰 I started answering this question and it got so long 😭 I could honestly write an essay on this, there's so much to think about. So my candid thoughts are below 👇🏽
As far as pop culture goes: I generally like Durotan in the warcraft movie as my favorite Orc "look". I'm not too inspired by Tolkien's Orcs personally, but technically the DnD Orcs are based on that description. I started out basing my Orcs and half Orcs on the DnD races and elder scrolls online (orsimer are an orc like race) and then it grew into developing my own lore.
The DnD community is great because there are a lot of OCs to consider for reference and spin off games and lore, though (not saying you would, just for those who need to be reminded) you shouldn't steal other people's OCs. You can browse OCs on toyhouse and Pinterest, as well. Warhammer, Magic, and Warframe also have orc type characters to look at for character design ideas. Tolkien originally developed his Orcs from old English monsters, so that would be an interesting rabbit hole to jump down for inspiration.
Aside from the aesthetics there is a big pitfall to look out for when writing Orcs specifically:
Orcs started out as a villain race, but I find that extremely reductive. Orcs deserve culture, art, motives, and a spectrum of personalities. Tolkien's Orcs have been criticized as well as DnD rules about Orcs. I'm not going to do a deep dive into that because there is a lot to parse through. You can look it up if it interests you. There is far, far more discussion on it than I'm going to get into right now.
But my ultra, ultra simplified take away from what I've read is it's important to acknowledge the personhood of any character you write. And that's true for any writing really. Not to say you can't write an orc as a villain, but, for example, there is difference between writing a mindless killing machine and a villain with a personality, motive, strengths and weaknesses, and backstory if that makes sense.
If they are a mindless killing machine, there should be a reason other than Orc=bad. What happened to them to make them that way? Is there a societal expectation that they are trying to live up to? Do they have an internal struggle about it or do they feel justified for their violence? Are they under a spell or brainwashed? Why is that?
Villains are tricky because you want a satisfying ending, the villain may be complex, but they have to reach a point of no return where the hero has to act. So what was it that sent them off the edge? Vanity? Greed? Revenge? Etc.
Separate from Orcs it is a good way to look at all monster writing. As the counterpart to "born sexy yesterday" I think "born evil yesterday" is also kinda blah.
I'm not at all going to say I am great at this, it's often hard to create full, complex characters in short fiction but it's something to strive for. I'm sure I have characters on this blog I could have developed better, but I try to keep it in the back of my mind the more I learn about writing.
It's the same for an Orc hero. Orcs aren't dumb, malleable studs. I personally like expanding on Orcs canon skills (strength, loyalty, stamina, leadership) and flesh them out. Saber is strong, but he's also nimble and charming. Reven is big and can be scary, but is skilled in style and fashion, as well as being steadfast and loyal. Cedar is a warrior but studious and kind. Golmad loves weapons and is a leader but also gentle and good humored.
For visual ideas, I look at a lot of different styles and cultures, but it usually has a lot to do with the environment. I like to look at ye olde hairstyle and clothing ideas relevant to the place the Orcs are from, if that makes sense? Like if they lived in the artic you'd look for cultures that live in cold weather and draw inspiration from the materials they would have at hand for processing, sewing, and decorating.
In general, I tend to lean on more traditional depictions of mountain Orcs, but jazzed up? I don't like ripped, careless dirty rags, but clean, utilitarian and neatly cut leather and furs, as they are big hunters there rather than farmers. If they live in a village or town they'd wear whatever is in fashion, cotton or linen. Where are they from, their social class, and what types of clothes would be best for that environment are good questions to ask when developing costumes, next their personality. Whether they are vain, utilitarian, or cocky and like to roll around with their shirt off. 😸 I think keeping the environment and personality at the forefront of your mind, you won't fall into cliche traps. There's nothing wrong with having dirty ripped clothes but if it doesn't make any sense in the context of the world you're building it flattens the character. The assumption that Orcs are filthy or unskilled at tailoring by nature doesn't work for me.
Idk without going on too long, I hope some of that helps?
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gaudebo · 4 months
Ahhh thank you for the long response!!
Mostly his story with free will was because I had watched a campaign once where a guys character (non-orc. It was a different type of character, a made up one by the dm) had a similar storyline but very much more slavery-ish. So I had tweaked it a bit and made it into my story because slavery definitely made me uncomfortable in general since it's not my story to tell. I do 100% get the ickyness with the way it was beforehand, I think In general I had less of a slavery Outlook because he chooses to be a part of the group and can change his mind whenever and leave and stuff like that, but there are a few things that could be tweaked especially with the way I describe them!!
Ever since I realized the racism with orcs I started thinking of ways to re-work the "work for hire" thing and I was thinking maybe a guild like you were talking about !! (kinda like the companions in Skyrim) and I do enjoy that idea a lot better because instead of his whole story being "wow I do what people tell me even though I could choose not to" (which didn't really make sense 100%) it can be more "I am MORE than what I can do for people, and too many people underestimate me and I deserve to be happy even outside of my family, who I've lost, and can find people who appreciate me" kind of thing.
I'm really glad I read what people had to say on orcs and racism because before I did, it never really clicked for me. So I didn't put together how these things are because of that and how orcs stories have been so problematic because of that and I never would have thought about the possible issues with it (your post from like 2022 included lol).
The story is staying between my friends and I for the most part but I still wanted to change things once I realized everything.
I really like the idea of my friends character genuinely wanting my character and his help and because of that my character is a bit surprised because hes not used to people needing him for more than what the job he's accepted said of him.
I think a main reason I thought of the "does whatever they say thing" is 1.) Because of the other campaign I watched. I loved the other character because he was so well played and his interactions with characters and stuff were fun (I also like big guys who are secretly very caring which this character was) and 2.) Because in my head the services were usually very "you're being hired to follow me into this quest" thing, whether the quest was long or short. But I like the idea of it not being him being told what to do all the time and more "this is the job. you need to get the job done to get paid. If you don't get it done you don't get paid." and maybe sometimes people act as the "leader" of the group and kind of boss him around and he doesn't always listen to show he doesn't have to.
Also about the Skyrim npc thing I totally get that! I don't like how there's not many really good orc npcs and 99% of them are just violent. I just love being able to play one and giving him the life he deserves, a happy little house with a chest filled with cool stuff and a garden. And a bookshelf with all the books he collects.
I'm sorry this is so long I'm just glad to have someone to talk about this ! Ive been in love with fantasy lately (ever since I finished the book legends & lattes and loved it) and especially orcs and im excited to start making a story with my friend and maybe solo stories. - ✨
Hi again! Sorry once more for my late responses, I am in the blender in life.
I always think it's good when people reexamine their biases especially with things they enjoy! It's easy to overlook the negatives with things you're passionate about so I am glad you're taking the time to think about how to make things Better. Especially with fantasy and even More especially with DND and similar settings, there's a lot of being inspired by what's already been written but there's a tricky balance there too as much of the pre-existant lore is... unfortunate!! (I am looking at you, orcs. and drow also.) I'm happy to hear about your orcs that are living happy lives and making interpersonal connections and doing well for themselves! We need more of that!
No need to apologize ^^ my ask box is open! If you ever want to DM me I am usually lurking around for that too. It may take me a bit to respond (oof) but not because I'm not open to it! Have a nice day :]
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wayfayrr · 14 days
I finished my tattoo sleeve 🎉 took 3 sessions, and I almost fell asleep while my tattoo artist was doing my bicep, but I’m done ✨ But got me thinking, what’s your thoughts on Hylian vs Human customs when it comes to tattoos? And piercings too, cause thinking on that too, got a couple ear piercings, snake bites, septum, and a nose ring on both sides, love to know your thoughts on this <3
Also, while we’re on the subject, when it comes to pain, what do you think is the difference between Hylians and Humans? Like do you think humans can take more pain? Not sure if you’ve said much on this topic, but I love to hear any thoughts on these things <33
~🍀 anon
CONGRATS ON THE SLEEVE CLOVER!!!! I bet it looks fantastic and that the sessions were all worth it <3 (also your piercings sound super neat too <333)
but about the differing customs when it comes to tattoos? (are there any characters with tattoos now that I think about it?) I think hylians put a lot more meaning behind any tattoo. As in you are not allowed to be tattooed unless there is a good enough reason. Partly due to how hylia sees hyilans as pure and perfect so they shouldn't need to stain their skin like that (I should say I don't have anything against tattoos whatsoever and I'm trying to work up the courage to get one so none of that reflects my irl opinion) Whereas piercings seem to be a right of passage, with the links getting their ears peirced with their hoops when they come of age, it's not about self-expression as much as upholding traditions to hylians
humans on the otherhand? Self-expression all the way babyyyy, you already wear more colourful and patterned clothes than they do. humans make more of a celebration of the self rather than being more 'holy', it helps when you don't have a being like hylia keeping a constant watch for everyone to be held up to impossibly high standards. piercings are another part of self expression, there's no pressure to get them and there's also nothing stopping people who do want them I also think that human tattoos would be far more colourful than any hylian ones, with their's tending to be solely using black ink if there is any present. So I think any fun tattoos would surprise the chain a lot, even sky seeing as he grew up with a lot of hylian societal expectations on him, he's human yes - but he's ripped so far from his culture that I think he'd have a mourning period over what he could - should have had. Not that he doesn't like skyloft, it's just - what could have been.
as for pain tolerance! Thats another reason I came into the sky is a human headcanon, I think that hylians have a lot lower pain tolerance than humans, And if sky is human then this is actually supported by the game! almost every single link starts with three hearts - sky starts with six. it's not like any other hylians are going to be stumbling upon heart containers either I kinda like the idea that later heroes had to be given more potential heart containers to find just to be on par with sky for how much damage they CAN take let alone their pain tolerance. It's hard to make direct comparisons honestly but I think sky would be able to shake off a lot more than the others - say a broken arm perhaps. sure he'd be in pain but he can have it cast and then go around as normal till it's healed. or well, normal as you can with a broken arm yk? if say - time broke his arm it would probably mean bed rest for him until he's healed (although unlike sky he could set the bone and chug down a couple of potions to be done with it in a matter of hours)
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sorcerous-caress · 8 months
I am completely obsessed with drows and humans. So I am currently reading more about drows as much as I could and I came across wiki page for Vhaeraun, the male advocate god—then I found this on his page :
“…He saw a general need for advancement for elves and encouraged cooperation, including intermarriage among the elven races. The goal included the subjugation of other races. Intermarrying also had an ulterior motive in the form of increasing drow numbers on the surface by taking advantage of the drow's genetic dominance and the psychological quirk of children to favor their drow parent.”
Very interesting but the most interesting part :
“ He found halflings and humans tolerable. It was believed that the Shadow wanted, or at least was not against, the drow interbreeding with humans to acquire their genetic traits.”
Which is…um so hot? I..I would volunteer to help pushing drow agenda as a human
Source : https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Vhaeraun#Mortals
— RED anon
What i absolutely love about this is the fact as detailed as Vhaeraun's plans can get, he never states how to convince these humans to be let themselves get bred and overtaken by drows nor does he urge his followers to learn some deep seduction or manipulation arts.
Because he knows it's not needed, not for the humans, at least. We will happily let them into our houses and into our beds with little to no care in the world.
Hell, his plans could literally be exposed the next day to all of Faerun, and it would change nothing for the humans.
Oh so the reason that hot drow women was hitting on me yesterday was because of that? Huh well I'm still getting that drussy and she seemed pretty nice so lol.
Like what are the other races gonna do to stop the drows from taking over humanity through inbreeding? They're gonna tell the humans not to fuck them? HA, good fucking luck, if anything it will motivate the humans to fuck even more drows.
We have very little regard for our survivability as a species, we wouldn't even acknowledge the drow take over thingy because we are so used to crossbreeding with other races. The only reason pure humans still exist is through out sheer dumb luck and unimaginable numbers.
I mean his plans fucking suck ngl, i doubt there are enough drows in the whole underdark to rival one human country but sure let the man dream.
What's funnier is at least for halfings they have their own god who'd try to protect them, for humans we don't have shit. We are on our own and we are so so weak to that drussy.
Like his plan wasn't just to impregnate the humans, no he wants the drows to start full functional families with them and be such great parents so much that the kids will favour them. He wants the drows to sweet humanity off its feet and baby i am so down for the ride.
I think even human-drow couples who wouldn't have kids would still be greatly encouraged for his take over. Great fucking plan bud, now the humans wifed up half the drow population and convinced the drows to abandon their gods and just join their society instead.
It's the whole wolf to dog domestication situation again except It's humanity accidentally freeing most of the drow culture from their evil gods by theer power of love and compassion.
What's funny is that most humans just confuse Vhaeraun for another god, the mask, because they both put emphasis on thievery and Vhaeraun just fucking rolls with it. He just plays along and tells his followers to just let it slide so they can convert the humans to his religion and not scare them off.
But man, the mask is pissed is him for stealing the human worshipers.
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jeeaark · 4 months
Greygold's so godsdamned precious! I love them, you're honor.
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Humans are space orcs
Humans Are Space Orcs, but Aliens get confused about dreams (sorta).
Aliens would develop some sort of dreaming function in brains, but most aliens don't have this. Humans have loads of this in their teeny pink noggins: imagination.
Now before I get yelled at, yes, the extraterrestrial are also creative, but none close to how impulsive and effective the humans are.
Most crews with a human crewmate sees a tendency to avoid some specific crewmates after an irregular dream they have of that crewmate, probably dreaming about said crewmate doing something unthinkable to them. Most dreams are harmless, but sometimes humans sleepwalk, which might surprise their alien colleagues, and often you, the human crewmate, would wake up in places where you shouldn't be waking up. This in turn begs the question, (from the aliens,) "Why do you scream things and move around the ship while you are asleep, Human Y/N?"
And wouldn't you know it, you would answer: "Because I was dreaming."
Now of course, the alien crew would be flabbergasted at this new information. "Dreaming? Is that one of your evolutions to help in survival? How does it work?" External scans would just show that the human has "irregular brain activity while they are asleep," like they're "awake".
And being human, you would be clueless as well. Dreams just do happen. Maybe a neurologist would explain better, but you just can't explain dreams to your crew, especially after you just woke up from them chasing you down for breeding purposes. Or sport. Or whatever you were dreaming about.
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monstersandmaw · 9 months
Orcs who get upset whenever people say they "like war". They revel in the glory of a battle, a challenge of an equal or greater foe, a duel as a test of strength... but even they recoil at the idea of "war": a senseless destruction of defenseless innocents. There is glory in a battle of victory earned, but to crush those who cannot fight back, for the sake of ideals or conquest or hatred...there is no glory in that.
Oof yeah, I imagine orcs to have a similar ‘honour code’ to yautja, in that an opponent must be worthy, and there’s active disgrace and taboo in attacking or harming someone less physically powerful. Orcs take pride in being protectors as much as warriors, and war itself is a huge waste of life. Plus there’s always the fact that civilians and non-combatants get caught up in it, and that’s awful too.
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No one said playing World of Warcraft makes you a bad person, just a warning about a very popular fansite for it with alt right connections. Also League doesn’t have any racial stereotypes anywhere near as bad as Warcraft.
PS: The panda expansion is actually popular with the Alt Right!
How... Pandas are such innocent creatures
They don't deserve to be lumped into that
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