#orc cassidy
hunahuna-un · 1 year
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All Explicit!  (All have old name for cowboy.)
Now readable without logging in! ♥ 
Oh. Oh
Twisted Roads Chapter 26: Head for the hills
Banner art by @dogblessyoutascha   ♥ 
And he was pretty sure it was unusual to have so many. 
Secret of the Forest Chapter 4: Pumpkin
Secret Forest AU - Elfzo and Orcass Banner art by @mattastr0phic ♥  
"Why would you ask me that?"
Three’s a Crowd Chapter 3: Good looks
Banner by @mochagabu ! ❤
"And look at your lover when you say it."
Love and Thrust
(Yeehanweaver!!! Threesome)
So when the hell did he replace every line with Hanzo's name?
Hanzo no 5
(need log in)
That's all! ❤
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natjennie · 2 years
cassidy refugeeleventhhouradventurezone is THE character of all time. her accent her mannerisms her vocabulary her instinctual belief that people she doesn't know are gerblins. her. do you get it.
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
How all my dragonborns sound/their accents:
Poppy: yeehaw cowboy Cole Cassidy. I’m not even joking Poppy isn’t just my character but he’s a shared Oc amongst my dnd group who all enjoy both the elder scrolls and Overwatch. Our dm made him purely because he wanted a cowboy cyborg dwemer npc so he could practice his Cole Cassidy impression and he loves how we’ve all adopted him as our own in so many different ways.
Bass: Extremely deep baritone voice with a slight African accent. Though with his voice regulator on he sounds closer to South African or English with a very robotic undertone.
Henwen: A deep but very soft spoken voice with a Welsh English accent that can quickly switch to old Norse Viking when he’s tapped into his atmoran roots and screaming a battle cry that could send enemies running as they shit themselves.
Riiju-Lei: A Nordic accent but with hints of argonian roughness and occasional dunmer inflections. He’s a polyglot and often jumbles words from different languages but he’s often very gentle in his tone if not a bit direct.
Shamat: Soft spoken dunmeri accent teetering on Australian. His voice is quite deep but as a healer and someone wanting to befriend all he tends to lower his tone to a softer more approachable level.
Flynt: Irish, English/American accent. Raised in Cyrodiil he grew up knowing bosmeri thanks to his father and other bosmer in the community but due to how heavily ostracised they were at the time he adapted a more imperial accent. Though get him flustered and angry enough and he will quickly switch back to his bosmeri/Irish accent. He’s very confident in himself and in what he wants, though once he’s blinded and loses his ability to speak hes left only able to communicate through slurred and sad attempts at speech. Made even harder if he’s upset.
Dune: A very deep but surprisingly eloquent orcish voice, not as rough as most orcs but still capable of growling low enough to emphasise a point. Less of a barbarian and more of a mage/healer he speaks quite softly but can be confident among friends.
Aurorwren: his accent is a mix between Greek/Roman & old English. He’s very confident in himself and presents it clearly with how he speaks but around those he cares deeply for, particularly humans, he’s very softly spoken not wanting to be perceived as a threat to them in any way. Especially given his peoples reputation for cruelty.
Sylas: Welsh/English. He is rough and irritable at the best of times towards everyone except for Taliesin. His voice is deep and husky and he will use it in any way he can to seduce, persuade or intimidate others to get what he wants. But when alone with Taliesin and holding him tight the meanest he’ll get is a low growl in his ear during the throws of passion.
Vivienne: dunmeri/imperial accent, he spent most of his life in the city of blacklight but picked up English through the dwindling imperial influence throughout the city. Quite softly spoken and sweet when at peace. Under extreme distress voice will dip into Vivec’s voice, echoing with both his own and his past incarnation.
Marigold: English accent, formerly bosmeri/Irish. His fathers cruelty and etiquette lessons literally beat his accent into him. He’s clearly spoken and can be authoritative in his tone if needs be and he’s not afraid to be cutting with his words either. When physically weakened or vulnerable however, he can be very soft spoken displaying he needs gentle care.
Shen Lung: Mandarin/Nepali accent. Living his whole life on the isolated island of Akavir he’s unfamiliar with the imperial language adopted all across mainland tambriel however he is a polyglot and knows all the languages on his homeland from Akaviri, to the snake folk tongue, to his own Tang Mo. He’s a fast learner and picks up how to speak from interactions with team dragonborn. His voice is quite deep but softly spoken with a playful lilt. When startled he will scream like a monkey and if left with his thoughts will sometimes chirp like a marmoset or smaller primate.
Evalien: Modern Working class Australian accent. She’s from our world and has and will call Nazeem a cunt to his face.
Naria: Māori accent. He’s generally very friendly and approachable with his tone and accent, easily pulling anybody in with it and making them a friend. Under water however he clicks, trills and groans out like a dolphin or whale.
Wyrm: English accent. Growing up in the collage of winterhold with access to endless knowledge and tutoring he’s a polyglot and very eloquent in several languages including his native dunmeri. He has a soft, kind voice and it matches his introverted nature, however he can speak clearly and authoritatively if needs be. With his adopted father Urag however, he’s like any teenager and will whine and complain if he doesn’t get his way~
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gumbo · 7 months
Pet names the Overwatch cast would call you 💘💕
Cassidy: Hey darlin’, whatchu up to?
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Ashe: I’m busy—oh it’s just you pumpkin, I always have time.
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Mercy: You really should be more careful, mein liebling! I don’t want to see you get hurt.
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Junker Queen: There’s mah bird! You couldn’t stay away from me too long, can ya?
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orc: zug zug
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autumnworld19 · 2 years
Blue Collar
Warehouse worker ‘’ prologue
Truck driver ‘’
Construction worker ‘Connor’
Fisherman ‘’ prologue
Mechanic Gabriel
Construction worker prologue part 1 part 2
criminal series
Orc Prisoner ‘Buck’
Hitman ‘Joseph’
Underground fighter
Cowboy Gang Leader ‘Clyde’
Sheriff ‘Johnathan’
Leutnant ‘Stanley’
Deputy ‘Cody’
Prison guard ‘Michael’
Study of Paranormal
Scientist ‘Cassidy Mathews’
Werewolf sperm donor ‘Jonas’
Study specimen ‘Bubba’
Bull ‘West’
Dilf mountain werewolf
Bear test subject escapee
MH ‘Roy’
Lawyer ‘Curtis’ i
High ranking preiest
Orc leader
Dilf college professor
Farm boy
Warrior leader
Lowly knight
Viking leader
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theonelazywolf · 4 years
Can we please just talk about the fact that leva talked about the difference between “ a magic Missle” and “magic wand”
Colt: “isn’t a magic missle like a vibrator?”
Leva: “that’s a magic wand hahaha”
Brandon-DM: “ hahah....”
Peter: “...”
Chuck: “...”
Trent: “....”
Colt: “ohhh” * puts hands up*
Leva: “I’m going to look at my spells”
Orange: “the kids are in bed”

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huitunkuutti · 5 years
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Don't steal her root beer barrels!
[id: Headshot drawing of Cassidy. She is an older half-orc woman with messy, red hair. Her skin is light green and has many coal stains. She has goggles on her forehead and freckles on her cheeks. She is smiling and wearing blue overalls, dirty jacket and a white shirt. There are light orange sparkles around her.]
My friend suggested that I should draw Cassidy, so I did and it made me really happy. 
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selkie-elf · 6 years
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Got a sudden inspiration to draw Cassidy! She’s such a fun character and a pleasure to draw 
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hunahuna-un · 2 years
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Winter in Secret Forest 
collab with  @mochagabu!  ♥
"And let's meet there, where the time stops and the world is immaculate... There... in each other's arms." -Mongi
One thing led to another and we ended up diving deep into winter vibes on my Secret Forest AU. 
I did the line art and the beautiful coloring and background were done by Mongi! Go give some love to their ameizing art! :3  ♥ Thank you for the wonderful time!  ♥
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robynski-draws · 7 years
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My favorite TAZ lady.  
(Inspired by this great animation... X)
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joyfulfxckery · 2 years
Character List
This is a list of the people/characters I plan on writing about right now, the list will grow in the future. Now, the people/characters are in alphabetical order other than that not so much, lol.
Starting with the band that currently rules my existence we have;
Ghost :
Papa I
Papa II
Papa III
Papa IV
Papa Nihil
The Lost Boys :
Lucy - Platonic
Sons of Anarchy :
Jax Teller
Chibs Telford
Opie Winston
Happy Lowman
Tig Trager
Juice Ortiz
Phil Russell
Rane Quinn
Herman Kozik
Half-Sack Epps
Ratboy Skogstrom 
Bobby Munson - Platonic
Fantasy & Cryptids :
Tell me if you'd like them to be male or female please
Aqrabuamelu (Scorpion-man)
Bat Man
Hell Hound
Slashers :
Billy Loomis
Bo Sinclair
Brahms Heelshire
Bubba Sawyer
Freddy Krueger
Harry Warden
Jason Voorhees - Which Jason would you like?
Lester Sinclair
Micheal Myers - Which Micheal would you like?
Pyramid Head - DBD or Movies?
Stu Matcher
The Man (Hush)
Thomas Hewitt
Vincent Sinclair
Overwatch :
Everyone else is platonic
Dead by Daylight:
I don't have a problem with doing all of them, just let me know who you want.
Resident Evil Series:
Ada Wong
Alber Wesker
Alcina Dimitrescu
Bela Dimitrescu
Carlos Oliveira
Cassandra Dimitrescu
Chris Redfield
Claire Redfield
Daniela Dimitrescu
Donna Beneviento
Ethan Winters
Helena Harper
Jake Muller
Jill Valentine
Karl Heisenberg
Leon Kennedy
Mia Winters
Mother Miranda
Piers Nivans
Salvatore Moreau - Platonic, I can't see him any other way
Sherry Birkin
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somelazyassartist · 3 years
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(they debated for like a solid 45 minutes over which sidekick to pick and it was a VERY close tie between Daubble and the Orc Werebat Monk with a voice a la Cassidy Adventurezone and I was honestly so scared they were gonna have me do that voice for the whole ass campaign,,,,,, luckily I'll only have to do it sometimes when they show up as an NPC lmao)
(also I'm using the sidekick rules because I only have three players, and just a regular encounter with some wolves nearly TPK'd them sooooooo yeah I'm giving them an NPC sidekick to try to help balance out encounters a bit lmao)
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demi-shoggoth · 2 years
2022 Reading Log pt. 15
Posted right before I get on a plane for the first time in 10+ years
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70a. The Secret Life of Puppets by Victoria Nelson. Put down within 20 pages. The concept is decidedly interesting. The book’s thesis is that in modern Western society, the supernatural is more likely to be demonized than valorized, and that much supernatural feeling has been sublimated into the arts. This can be seen in attitudes towards anthropomorphic figures, including puppets, statues and robots. Unfortunately, the book’s writing style is incredibly pretentious and off-putting. The author is also a big believer in both Freud (beyond the references to the uncanny that the topic would naturally include) and Plato, both of whom are philosophers I hate. When I got to the end of the introduction, which warns that nobody who reads the book will be the same when they finish it, I rolled my eyes as hard as I could and stopped reading.
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71. …and then you’re dead by Cody Cassidy and Paul Doherty, PhD. This book is much less pretentious, and a lot of fun. I liked it now, but I would have absolutely loved it when I was in high school, which is pretty much the target audience. The subject of the book is what exactly would happen to the body in a variety of hypothetical scenarios, and the biology, chemistry and physics behind, say, skydiving from the ISS, falling into a volcano or never falling asleep. Doherty is the senior staff scientist at the Exploratorium in San Francisco, which seems like the perfect training for writing a morbid educational book about various improbable ways to die. If you like popular science books like What If? and/or books about death like Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs?, this is basically the perfect Venn diagram overlap of those.
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72. Fighting Fantasy Monsters: Out of the Pit by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone, edited by Marc Gascoigne. Fighting Fantasy is a bit of retro gaming I had never had first hand experience with before. It started out as a series of Choose-Your-Own-Adventure style solo gamebooks, and then developed into a fairly simple RPG ruleset. The edition I read was the 2011 reprint for Advanced Fighting Fantasy, specifically, so there’s a little tiny bit more rules material than in the original. The monsters within are a mix of Tolkien and D&D knockoffs with more original content. A lot of them show their origins as CYOA critters—there’s a lot of unfair deathtrap, you must do exactly one type of action or you’ll die sort of mechanics on display here. There’s also some vintage racism—“headhunters” and “pygmies” are monsters here, and a lot of the writing for evil humanoid races like orcs and trolls have racialized tones. The reason I picked this up in the first place, and likely its greatest point of recommendation, is the art. Every monster gets a picture, all in black and white lineart and filled with grotesque detail. If you like 1st edition AD&D art, you’ll like the art in this book. The PDF conversion is a little sloppy; I think a text scanning program was used and not triple-checked, as “orcs” are referred to as “ores” about half of the time.
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73. Extreme North: A Cultural History by Bernd Brunner, translated by Jefferson Chase. This was originally written in German. It talks about how the concept of the “North” has been an influence on mainstream Western thought—primarily Western Europe and the United States. The North in this case is primarily Scandinavia, Iceland and Greenland, but also discussions of Canada, Siberia and Alaska come into play. The core of the book is the development of a romanticized idea of the North as a bastion of civilization, an untamed wilderness, or a social paradise, and how that shaped everything from the Age of Exploration to Nazi Germany. There are a lot of fingers in the pie of how “Aryan” and “Nordic” became figures of racial supremacy—some of the historical figures I knew, like Wagner and Haeckel, and others I was surprised by their roles, like Kant and the Brothers Grimm. I also didn’t know that looking at Swedish social democracy with a wistful sigh is nothing new for American leftists—the earliest the book talks about is in the mid 1930s!
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74. Beasties and Beasties 2 by Thomas Denmark. Yeah, I’m on something of a monster book kick. I’m lumping these two together because they have the same author, same publisher, and are very short. Each is around 90 pages, and only half of those have text. These are small zine-sized books of monsters and NPCs, with an illustration and a stat block for OD&D (or its legally distinct equivalent) on facing pages. Each has a few pages of backmatter with maps and world building—Beasties has an entry about the floating ziggurats of the Locust Gods, and Beasties 2 has an ecology article about goblin society and history. The monsters are all illustrated, but are illustrated with stock art, which limits their scope somewhat. Lots of humanoids, lots of undead. And lots of sexy ladies; the stock art chosen is often very thirsty for black and white line illustrations. Thinking back on it, none of the monsters really leap to mind, except for a somewhat awkward Trump parody (a babbling elephant-monster called a Drumpf) in Beasties 2, and the fact that a lot of the monsters in Beasties 1 have stench based abilities. These aren’t the worst OSR monster books I’ve read (if we count Lusus Naturae, that’s going to be a hard milestone to beat). But they’re not the best either.
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75. Chasing Ghosts by Marc Hartzman. This is a weird one. It claims to be a book about ghosts for both skeptics and believers, but what that actually means in practice is that it’s a book by someone who clearly believes in ghosts that’s full of stories about hoaxes and frauds, followed by special pleading that some of the phenomena are real, or that the hoaxer was only hoaxing when they got caught for attention but the original haunting was absolutely real, you can trust me. The book is also intentionally incomplete about a number of the cases within it, like the Mumler Spirit Photographs, in order to make it seem like there’s more mystery than there actually is. The author basically confesses on the last page that he believes in ghosts because he’s afraid of death (the quote is “We become something new in the afterlife. Whatever form it takes, it sounds a lot like heaven. Dead in a box is hell.”). Basically the only thing I can wholeheartedly recommend about the book is the imagery. There are archival photos and newspaper clippings, supplemented with moody greyscale illustrations by Lauren O’Neill.  
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riverbirchindex · 2 years
This is the current compiled list of all my oc’s that I’ve managed to get to on 4/7/2022. This list includes ALL OF MY ADOPTED OC’s, ALL OF THE OC’S I HAD ON MY OLD LIST, and some of the new ones added ontop. 
– The Men:
·        Aedei Osum – Tulip Desert Rose Plantoid
·        Aksle Graham – Fahrenheit Incubus
·        Aurian Jay: Orca Dragon
·        Barjecht Baffomeht – Baffmo Demon
·        Blyoo Ummi – Blue Raspberry Gummy Slime Boy
·        Boojum Baffomeht – Baffmo Demon
·        Caleb Otto – Scylla
·        Calivera Rojo – Old Cardinal Ghost
·        Cesar Isandro Chavez – Cactus Soccer Player
·        Clyde Carnicke – Bull Shark Cop
·        Cinnamin Ruul – Burner Salamander
·        Chase Briar – Crocodile
·        Devin Pascal – Oscar’s Rival / Best Friend
·        Edward Celsur – Yellowjacket Nobleman
·        Emilie Onblooms – Rose Plantoid Flauna
·        Fiful Nifelheim – Skunk Plague Doctor
·        Frederico “Freddy” Santasar - Human
·        Harue Ochi – Snake Demon Prince
·        Jacopo Tato – Red White Tarantula
·        Jicama – Insomniac Shadow Person
·        Julius Flor – Dandelion Plantoid
·        Karlos Astor – Human [Likes Redmond]
·        Mihail Sholes – Botanic Dancer
·        Monatana Ackermann – Shotgun Mercenary Robot
·        “Nasta” – Lich Necromancer
·        Oreo - Rollie Pollie
·        Oscar “Soutman” Browhn – Swing Singer
·        Owen Renfield - Human
·        Parys Beau – “Beauty” Model Demon
·        Popella Hominim – Brazier Hellion
·        Poppycock – Poppy Bastard of Druidic and Incubus dealings
·        Pyrite I– Manmade Idol Angel
·        Rook Bowlin – Mafioso Jerk
·        Rorsch - Ink Blotchy
·        Sebastian Yo – Devils Cigar Mushroom
·        Sicily Rosa - Blue Rose Plantoid
·        Strave Kilos - Alien Sand Skater
·        Sundae Mums – Ice Cream Fairy
·        Toy Bunny – Toy Bunny
·        Walter Briggs – Persistent Coffin System [Human Deceased]
·        Waryn Sallet – Blacksmith Daedra
·        Willow Bunyin – Barn Owl Harpy
·        Zorblo Zathurn – Green Alien
– The Ladies:
·        Aalaya Leare – Black Jaguar Demon
·        Adranuch “Phuri” Shephar – Sheep Ranchhand
·        Afra Azad – Persian Justicar
·        Alouette Cross – Wolf Spider Arachpire
·        Anj’I Vyrss – Kobillianoid Mechanic
·        Arbor Buckle – Goblin Blacksmith
·        Ark’xa Mor – Blue Skinned Orc
·        Aro Anois - Scorpion Lady
·        Anne Gale – Garden Spider
·        Ayiqua Unalii – Thunderbird
·        Ayo – Shade Child
·        Azalea Brightsap – Azalea Bush Plantoid
·        Baisu – Stitch Witch
·        Bayleigh Kells – Maron Unicorn
·        Bii Plum – Bee
·        Boo Bee – Ghost Bee
·        Cassidy Miles – Desert Long-eared Bat
·        Catalina Chavez – Lil Barrel Cactus
·        Celosia Strega – Human turned Flame Elemental
·        Cindii – Fire Bee
·        Colette Myr – Oni Lass
·        Coralynn Tato – Cobalt Blue Tarantula
·        CRT – TV headed Robot
·        Cybia "Mia" Pscillo - Mushroom Witch
·        Cushion – Bed Golem
·        Delilah Carnicke – Nurse Shark
·        Elise Vermillion – Astronomer Student
·        Fawn Hylls – Bear Demon
·        Fifai Foe - Firefly
·        Fuba Chichi – Firefly Squid
·        Gazelle – Revenant Skeleton
·        Gretchen Saoire – Werewolf Queen/Mom
·        Hiji Phrydum – Hunter Class Robot
·        Ivie Myill – Indigo Milk Mushroom
·        Illiyad III – Pugilist Robot
·        Ineruiko Ari – Black Inari Fox
·        Ira Jiya – Venus Flytrap
·        Joey – Eldritch Femme Fatale
·        June Indigo Holiday – Mythical Werewolf [Queen] PI
·        Katherine Ryme – Yuki-Onna
·        Kram Bustonthrooh – Oni Girl
·        Kiki Ketsup – Goliath Tomato Plant
·        Lyio Quill – Dandelion Plantoid
·        Lola Friday – Turkey
·        Matilda Rake - The Country Bumpkin Scarecrow
·        Marie Green – Cow Centaur
·        Mascara Rake – The Cast Scarecrow
·        Melody Rake – The Clubbing Scarecrow
·        Meridia Ile – Drow Alchemist
·        Mikola Tescin – Roadie Skeleton
·        Minx Wehr – Harlequin Mime
·        Mirabelle Pumpernickel [Sourdough] – Scottish Fold Cat
·        Mother Magnet – Maid Robot [Malfunctioning]
·        Ms Badger – Plush Badger
·        Mu – Tall Fungal Finder
·        Myca Dime – Bunny Monster Gal
·        Myra Foil – Mantis Robot
·        Nimune - Swamp Monster Lass
·        Nu – Shortstack Fungal Finder
·        Paka Pita – Snail
·        Pamela Grisgill – Infected Human [Vegan Chupacabra]
·        Pebble Cove – Shoebill lady
·        Porridge – Fluffy Pidgeon
·        Portia Bella – Portobello Mushroom
·        Raynae Papria – Dragonfruit Druid Human
·        Rahmiel Valhm – Fallen Angel of Mercy and Love
·        Rhys Lykcit – Ferret Cursed Witch
·        Sara Indippdi – Christmas Crab
·        Sew Bahr – Undead Ghoul Boar
·        Sii Cookie – Mythical Bee
·        Somnia Munel – Shade
·        Valerie Duccat – Honest Gambling Skeleton
·        Vina Erma – Cornucopia Tree
·        Vulcan Oll – Zippo Bounty Hunter
·        Wimona “Wyrm” Zobe - Zombie Girl
·        Ysabell Asor - Blue Rose Noble Plantoid
·        ZugZug Blubba – Trash Golem
·        Zyl Phynx – Plum Vine Plantoid
– Neither / Gender Fluid:
·        Amadrya Cimmerro – Mandeadrake Nymph
·        Charolette Springs – Spider Animatronic
·        Cygnus – Blackhole Effigy
·        Eridanus – Voidling
·        Fui Bya – Wingless Silverspun Moth
·        Gmooh – [Ether] Voidling
·        Halceyon Tide – Ship AI Navigator
·        Kokolo Flor – Long Flower Plantoid
·        Kris[tine] Shio – Pistachio Plantoid.
·        Ookli Ohkapi – Super Space Alien Scout
·        Othello – Caretaker Paper Spirit
·        Perseus – Star Voidling
·        Rubeka – Watermelon Doggo Slime person
·        Septerra – Anu Guardian
·        Stinky – Pile of Grass Plantoid
·        Vivia Paars – Sock Unicorn Puppet
– The Transistioned:
·        Andi Oli – Toxic Salamander
·        Fain Mail – Piloted Assassin
·        Jake Carnickie - Tomboy Shark
– The Imps:
·        Azucar – Sugar Skull Imp
·        Cinder – Ash [Chimney Sweeper] Imp
·        Dandara – Heart Imp
·        Gymnyst – Geode Imp
·        Jiji – Diamond Card Imp
·        Khal – Club Card Imp
·        Kryll – Sea Angel Imp
·        Michio – Mint Chocolate Chip Imp
·        Qux Huulak – Spade Card Imp
– The Fandoms:
·        Blue Heaven – Morning Glory Floran
·        Chip – Furret Pokemon
·        Clenoa “Clover” Donahue – Celtic Earth Pony
·        Hydrani Gea – Deku Scrub Librarian
·        Lilian Seafoam – Gardevoir Pokemon
·        Ludica Trebble – Gijinka Parasect
·        Mio Cir Loto – Seedrian
·        Pip Mozette – French Earth Pony
·        Raspberry Nebula – Mismagius Pokemon
·        Sapphire Tear – Unicorn Pony
·        Stubborn - Ram
·        Rawr – Tiger Pony
·        Tundra Mist [May Rebirth] – Bat Lantern Pony
– Groups / Creature Species:
·        Dragoil Thatchers – Dragon Rustler Desert Protectors
·        Hydroqua – Aquadile
·        Teil – Rainbow Parrot
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ketchuplaser · 4 years
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I know I’m realllyyyy late to the game, but I’ve been listening to The Adventure Zone, a podcast that started as a goofy DnD game and turned into... more.
Anyhow, this is Cassidy, the half-orc miner from The Eleventh Hour arc.
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Favorite D&D class? Race? And/or specific character you have played or seen?
ooo this is a great ask!
my personal favorite and main character I used to play was a half orc barbarian named Bakara Rukar (the female krogan from mass effect lol) and she was a delight. She had a pretty developed back story and character arc that I never really got to explore since the group I played with had a falling out.
I usually play tank characters which should be surprising to no one, but for a one shot campaign with a couple friends I whipped up a bard I based off of Orange Cassidy the AEW wrestler and he’s been a lot of fun.
I love dnd and wish I could play more of it, but it’s hard to find a group you really vibe with and covid has made it impossible to meet in person which is always the preferred method.
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