#organically grown mango
Healthy recipes you can prepare from Thooyamalli Rice | Five Element Food from Heaven | Best Online Organic Store
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The name of the traditional rice variety from Tamil Nadu known as "Thooyamalli" refers to a jasmine flower that has just bloomed. Rice with a pearly appearance. It is pleasant and nutritious, and it is pest-resistant, and doesn't require pesticides. It's time we should take a U-turn and return to our old native rice varieties.
Try out our recipes to lead a healthier lifestyle by restoring the use of our nutrient-rich local rice type
Thooyamalli Manga Sadham
Rice-1 cup
Water-4 cups
Raw Mango-1 (Medium sized)
Onion-1 cup(chopped)
Groundnut-2 tbsp.
Oil-To cook
Salt-To taste
Green Chilly-2
Mustard seeds-1/4 tsps.
Split Urad Dal-1/4 tsps.
Gram Dal-1/2 tsps.
Curry leaves
Wash and soak the rice for an hour. In an open pot add four cups of water and heat it. In the meantime, rinse the rice well and drain the water. When the water boils add the rice. Add a few drops of oil as we are making raw mango rice. Cook on low flame for 20 minutes. Use a holed plate and drain the excess water. The thooyamalli rice is cooked and ready. Wash and peel the raw mango. Grate it using a grater and set it aside. Dry roast groundnuts and peel the skin after cooling. Add oil to a pan and temper with mustard seeds, urad dhal, gram dhal, and curry leaves. When tempering is done add chopped green chilly and shallots and saute well. When shallots turn golden brown add the grated mango and saute till the raw smell vanishes (The mixture will turn non-sticky). Cool it and add the groundnuts, and salt and mix it with rice.
Thooyamalli Jeera rice
1 bay leaf
2-inch cinnamon piece
4 cloves
4 green cardamoms
2 teaspoon jeera
Heat 2 tablespoon ghee or oil in a pot or cooker, add 1 bay leaf, 2 inches of the cinnamon piece, 4 cloves, 4 green cardamoms, 2 teaspoons of jeera, thinly sliced onion, and one deseeded green chilli. Saute it on a medium to low flame until the jeera gets roasted well and begins to smell good. Add drained thooyamalli rice and fry it for 2 to 3 mins on high flame. Add water, if making in a pot pour 3 cups of water and if in a pressure cooker pour 2½ cups of water and add salt according to your taste. Cover it and pressure cook it on high flame for 1 whistle. If cooking in a pot, cover and cook it on low heat until the water gets absorbed and the jeera rice is fully cooked.
Serve it with your favorite curry or dal.
Rice is healthy. We know this. So is eating a healthy, well-balanced diet.
Now you could enjoy some popular dishes people eat, rice, and stay on track with the latest in nutrition with the help of Five Element “Food from Heaven”.
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scleroticstatue · 11 days
tell me more about papaya. Ive never heard anyone say bad things about it. Can I put it in a smoothie? Also are there any other antibacterial foods Im unaware of? (Mad about onions)
Papaya is a food rich in digestive enzymes, which means eating it can help your body digest things better, even if your stomach acid is weak, your body isn't making enough of its own enzymes (like in the case of gluten intolerance and celiacs). You can even purchase papaya enzyme as a pill, but it's not as effective. There are other foods with digestive enzymes — mango, pineapple, avocado, banana, melon. That weirdly spongy fruit texture is almost always a giveaway that it's got some stomach boosting foods. Honey and ginger are also enzymatic, but they're antibiotic (not even antibacterial, full on antibiotic they're that strong). Coconut is also enzymatic, but it's a balancing act because the fat converts to antibacterials as it's digested, so you might try getting a product with coconut aminos instead of eating the coconut meat itself.
You can put papaya in a smoothie! You can put it in juice. You unfortunately cannot buy it pre juiced unless you're also going to drink a lot of sugar and other fruit juices. It is very tasty if you do not breathe while you are drinking it and rinse your mouth afterwards because your lips and mouth will also smell like vomit.
Almost every herb or spice is antibacterial. Turmeric, rosemary, oregano, sage, clove, cinnamon, black pepper, salt, even basil has a couple strains (though it seems more antifungal than antibacterial). It's speculated the reason humans like the flavor to begin with is because we know subconsciously it's protecting the food at make with it.
As for actual foods, citrus, cranberries, anything that is purple or red (grapes, pomegranate, blueberries, black currents, tomatoes, radishes, etc.), peppers, anything in the allium family, coconut oil, and honey are all antibacterial. Green foods — even green versions of red vegetables like green cabbage or green grapes — are not antibiotic, and onion greens are significantly more friendly than the roots, too. Plus, anything grown with herbicides and pesticides is going to kill your microbiome, so avoiding that and going organic is very important.
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mango + 7, atsulucy + 9, lemon futon + 4 and 14, ada kunichuu + 6, bramcraft + 2, fukumori + 15
Bestie if I knew you were gonna send me so many I would have sent you more in return. Damn.
Mushiango: 7. Which one is the worse driver
It's Mushitaro. I'm not saying he can't drive, but I would like to point out that between him and Ango, one of them has the ability to erase their traffic violations, and the other we have canonically see driving with no problems, therefor I'll let you do the math on this one.
Atsulucy: 9. Which one swears more
See you think I'd say Lucy no questions asked, but honestly I think it's a tie. Lucy tries to avoid cussing in her work environment, meanwhile Atsushi's probably encouraged in his work environment, so in the end I think it balances out.
Lemon Futon: 4.What they do on date night
Hm... I think they either switch it up so each person gets a turn deciding for each date night (Kajii usually drags Katai out places like dinner or the opera, Katai usually decides on movies they can watch or food to order in) and/or date night becomes cuddle nights.
14. What nicknames they call each other
Bean Bag immediately came to mind as something Kajii calls Katai so I'm absorbing that into my personal canon. Kajii probably has sooo many nicknames for Katai, honestly, the most I get from Katai is a sweet petname or two. Darling, love, etc etc. Kajii swoons over-dramatically every time and Katai regrets it every time (but, well, not really).
Kunichuu: 6. How they decorated their bedroom
Kunikida was insistent their room be practical and efficient and neutral, they could always change things up later in life when they were more certain of what they wanted and not just two 19 year olds getting their first space. And while the organization and well-keptness of the room remains...
Well. Chuuya found a cheap pack of those glow-in-the-dark star stickers, and while they started as a joke to see how long it'd take Kunikida to find each one (not just on the ceiling, hidden in corners or just behind furniture) they've both grown fond of them, now.
Bramcraft: 2. What their love letters look like
Not sue about canon/post-canon (especially with. Y'know) but pre-canon? Bram writes The most dramatic, flower, purple prose cursive you've seen in your Life. His letters are essentially poetry, endless and going on and on and calling Lovecraft all sorts of wonderful and beautiful things, never less than two or three pages.
Lovecraft's are cryptic, short, and written in ink. They are always mildly damp, smell like either saltwater or fish, and to most sound more like indecipherable scrawlings than notes of love. But Bram understands them, and treasures each and every one.
Fukumori: 15. What they would change about each other
Oh boy. Okay, so
The thing about Fukumori is they both love this city, both believe in a greater good for this city, and both know this about the other. They just wish the other would agree with their way of going about it.
Fukuzawa thinks Mori's actions are too cruel, too bloody, and in the end that the Port Mafia is not what this city needs. Mori believes the Armed Detective Agency is too ineffective to save the city from true threats, in the end, believes them too soft and that, in the end, Fukuzawa will go with his heart and not his mind.
It's a shame, really, both of them think. Their mutual love for this city, their recognition of one another's dark pasts and bloody hands, are part of what draw them to each other. Yet their different way of handling these are what will inevitably drive them apart.
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rjzimmerman · 2 months
Food as You Know It Is About to Change. (New York Times Op-Ed)
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From the vantage of the American supermarket aisle, the modern food system looks like a kind of miracle. Everything has been carefully cultivated for taste and convenience — even those foods billed as organic or heirloom — and produce regarded as exotic luxuries just a few generations ago now seems more like staples, available on demand: avocados, mangoes, out-of-season blueberries imported from Uruguay.
But the supermarket is also increasingly a diorama of the fragility of a system — disrupted in recent years by the pandemic, conflict and, increasingly, climate change. What comes next? Almost certainly, more disruptions and more hazards, enough to remake the whole future of food.
The world as a whole is already facing what the Cornell agricultural economist Chris Barrett calls a “food polycrisis.” Over the past decade, he says, what had long been reliable global patterns of year-on-year improvements in hunger first stalled and then reversed. Rates of undernourishment have grown 21 percent since 2017. Agricultural yields are still growing, but not as quickly as they used to and not as quickly as demand is booming. Obesity has continued to rise, and the average micronutrient content of dozens of popular vegetables has continued to fall. The food system is contributing to the growing burden of diabetes and heart disease and to new spillovers of infectious diseases from animals to humans as well.
And then there are prices. Worldwide, wholesale food prices, adjusted for inflation, have grown about 50 percent since 1999, and those prices have also grown considerably more volatile, making not just markets but the whole agricultural Rube Goldberg network less reliable. Overall, American grocery prices have grown by almost 21 percent since President Biden took office, a phenomenon central to the widespread perception that the cost of living has exploded on his watch. Between 2020 and 2023, the wholesale price of olive oil tripled; the price of cocoa delivered to American ports jumped by even more in less than two years. The economist Isabella Weber has proposed maintaining the food equivalent of a strategic petroleum reserve, to buffer against shortages and ease inevitable bursts of market chaos.
Price spikes are like seismographs for the food system, registering much larger drama elsewhere — and sometimes suggesting more tectonic changes underway as well. More than three-quarters of the population of Africa, which has already surpassed one billion, cannot today afford a healthy diet; this is where most of our global population growth is expected to happen this century, and there has been little agricultural productivity growth there for 20 years. Over the same time period, there hasn’t been much growth in the United States either.
Though American agriculture as a whole produces massive profits, Mr. Barrett says, most of the country’s farms actually lose money, and around the world, food scarcity is driving record levels of human displacement and migration. According to the World Food Program, 282 million people in 59 countries went hungry last year, 24 million more than the previous year. And already, Mr. Barrett says, building from research by his Cornell colleague Ariel Ortiz-Bobea, the effects of climate change have reduced the growth of overall global agricultural productivity by between 30 and 35 percent. The climate threats to come loom even larger.
It can be tempting, in an age of apocalyptic imagination, to picture the most dire future climate scenarios: not just yield declines but mass crop failures, not just price spikes but food shortages, not just worsening hunger but mass famine. In a much hotter world, those will indeed become likelier, particularly if agricultural innovation fails to keep pace with climate change; over a 30-year time horizon, the insurer Lloyd’s recently estimated a 50 percent chance of what it called a “major” global food shock.
But disruption is only half the story and perhaps much less than that. Adaptation and innovation will transform the global food supply, too. At least to some degree, crops such as avocados or cocoa, which now regularly appear on lists of climate-endangered foodstuffs, will be replaced or redesigned. Diets will shift, and with them the farmland currently producing staple crops — corn, wheat, soy, rice. The pressure on the present food system is not a sign that it will necessarily fail, only that it must change. Even if that progress does come to pass, securing a stable and bountiful future for food on a much warmer planet, what will it all actually look like?
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morganalatina21 · 2 years
Manipulating Death: Chapter Seven
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Series Summary: When Harry discovers he has a twin sister that was hiding for years, he wants to know all about her, specially about her ability to bring people back to life.
Warnings: tiny bit angsty because since when we're a happy fandom?, but relax, there's happiness too, don't worry
a/n: Also I have a masterlist to this series now :)) (I made the art myself 🤧❤️)
Last Chapter | Masterlist
Y/n saw herself in a situation she certainly didn't enjoy. After being confrontated about her feelings by her godfather and her own mind, going back to just being with Regulus in the house was a bad idea.
However, it seemed like an even worse idea to be with him and Sirius.
Because now she couldn't be alone with her feelings.
The entire morning she spent talking with the man about her parents, Sirius telling how such trait of her personality reminded him of such parent on such date.
When Regulus came down from his bedroom to cook luch, the oldest was in utter shock.
"You make my little brother cook?! You really must be a saint. Back in the house, mother would never let him touch anything. Didn't even knew how to operate a damn strainer." He laughed.
"Like you're any better." Regulus answered from the kitchen. "He once asked me how to peel a mango!"
And after lunch, Sirius was upstairs looking for something on his coat when Regulus was about to leave the place.
"Hey! Where are you going?"
"To... my room?"
"Can you be with Sirius til dinner? I'm training the new possessor and he's really bad at understanding words." She asked, putting the dished in the sink.
"Why does anyone need to be with him?" He asked, looking bored. "He's a grown man, not a baby."
Y/n tilted her head to the side, lifting her eyebrows and staring at him.
"He just resurrected, he isn't stable. And I know for you time didn't passed but he spent years without his brother. You've been through exactly what he's feeling right now, can't you stop acting like brothers and act like friends?"
Regulus sighed, he was used to being alone and having time for himself.
Of course some company was good, but he liked to choose when to have them.
"If he comes down and asks to spend time with you, say yes." She suggested, turning around to organize the plates in the cupboards.
So, when the Black came, showing her the locker his uncle gave him, Regulus waited to see what would happen.
"Oh, Regulus, what are you going to do?"
"What I was doing before all this happened." He shortly answered.
"And that would be..."
"Study potions."
"Boooring!" Sirius whined.
Y/n frowned confused, Regulus never studied that late, he said it was tiring and he wouldn't force himself to understand things.
Also whenever he studied, he'd dip into the books and with such high focus you'd only see him hours after; so he never studied when she was out of the house, just in case something happened.
It was a blatant lie and she knew it.
"Can I come with you to the possessor stuff?"
"Oh, sorry Sirius, they could still smell death in you, it's a bad idea." She saw, looking above his shoulder, how Regulus rolled his eyes at that.
"No they can't, I showered." He assured, causing her to laugh.
After some begging from Sirius and long stares from Y/n, the younger Black accepted to leave his "studies" aside and do something with his brother.
Their initial plan was to organize Sirius' temporary room. However it didn't exactly went like that.
The entire afternoon they chatted about their lives. Made fun of their parents and the Malfoys, specially both together.
They talked shit about fellow wizards at Hogwarts, and found out they hated the exact same people was like finding gold.
Soon they ran out of subjects and gossip, so for quite some time they just stared at nothing in particular.
Neither wanted to talk about the obvious things: the time after Regulus took the dark mark to one year later when he confesses to his brother he wanted to run away, and Sirius years in Azkaban.
It was too painful, too much trauma.
And that moment was beyond perfect for both of them, so they just pretended like they never grew apart.
It ended up being one of the greatest times in their lives, and Regulus had to thank Y/n for it.
And speaking about her...
"What do you and the redhead have?" Sirius asked when they were down in the kitchen, preparing dinner. "Don't look at me like that, you know what I'm taking about."
"You two live together, you anticipate her every move, she calls you nicknames, she saved your life..." He wandered off, Regulus standing in place. "I wouldn't blame you, but I would suggest you wait just some months when she turns sixteen, y'know, age of consent and-"
"Sirius, we're not together." The man interrupted, shaking his head. "I owe her a lot by everything she's done for me, but we don't have that kind of closeness."
"Okay, I was just asking."
With that questioning in the back of his head, he shouted her name a little later so she'd come up for dinner.
And with his answer, that they weren't so close, he stared as she continued to act weird.
When she didn't looked him in the eyes, and he thought about questioning her about it, there was his own answer: "We're not together."
When she was looking directly at Sirius when he spoke but didn't do the same to him. We're not together.
When he handed her the salt and they touched lightly and it seemed like she rushed to move away. We're not together.
When she immediately went upstairs instead of spending some time with them in the kitchen like she always did. We're not together.
"Fuck, Merlin!" She cursed, coming out of the bathroom and meeting him standing close to the door, almost bumping into his body. "What's wrong, Reggie?"
"I suppose I should be the one asking that." He said, staring at her and for a moment she felt inferior.
He had this power, making someone think they're worse than him just by standing certain way, but is been months since he made her feel that.
"Are you avoiding me?"
She held her breath, suddenly missing Sirius loud personality, wanting him to stomp over to the room and save her from answering that.
But he was already asleep, going to bed straight after dinner by her own orders.
"Why would you think that?"
"Why wouldn't I think that." He grumbled. "Did something happened at the Ministry? Or here? You're acting weirder than ever and I have absolutely no idea why."
"You know what's interesting?"
"Regulus, I'm-"
"Is that you're not acting like that to my brother." He interrupted her, blood running fast in his ears. "So if just like others I'm your sec-"
She slapped a hand over his mouth, shutting him.
He was too stunned to even move away, feeling her arm shake.
Now that everything was quiet and he could feel more things than just pent up anger, Regulus realized something was wrong.
The thumps downstairs made his blood freeze on his veins and he could sense the heartbeats on her wrist speed up.
Someone else was in the house.
They both could feel the magic in said person invading the house and Y/n suffered the change in the possessors behavior.
The Potter's stomach could throw all her meals at any given chance, and Regulus knuckles became white with pressure.
"Go to Sirius' room and make him take you to the Order's house." She whispered, not moving her hand away. "I don't care about Dumbledore, just go!"
"I'm not leaving you behind." He guaranteed, uncovering his mouth and speaking as low as possible. "They're probably Death Eaters."
"Exactly, they don't know who I am. Do you know how bad things will be for us if they found out you're alive?"
"We knew this could happen, we have a getaway plan, let's stick to it." He insisted, standing closer to her.
With her connection to the possessors, she made one of them open the cage, causing a noise and attracting whoever was down there.
"Your brother is here, we can't do that plan." She reasoned, getting closer to the door. "Go to the Order's house and don't get out, I'll take the possessors and find you later."
"How are you even gonna know where is it?" He asked, feeling his hands itch and neck burn with desesperation. "It has a Fidelius Charm, just come with us we'll-"
"Regulus." She started, hearing the door to the basement open. Cupping his face to calm him down, she stared at him. "I can handle them, you two being here will only make things worse."
Having a feeling he'd say something once again, she kissed him.
All breath suddenly left his body for the entire four seconds their lips were together and he felt his knees tremble.
"I found you once, and I'll find you again. Now go!"
She stepped out, bare feet moving silently downstairs, not looking back.
This couldn't be the end, not after all that, not when they were all so close to being happy. God, please, no.
The last thing Regulus heard when him and Sirius were disappearing, was three man voices shouting the Death Curse.
Taglist: @intoanothermind @moonysupremacy01 @maraudersarelifee @elleraelockwood @darkenwolfie @hopesf @lukewearingbeanies @azuredgalaxies @klazina-couch-potato @goldensunshineshit @kaverichauhan @venomsvl @mrs-billyrussooo @mikadorbs @iavenderh6ze @wizardsgrace @reblog-princess @dittos-blog-dylanobrien @roroswitherose @s-we-e-t-t-ea
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peaxhxhair · 1 year
Midnight Snacks || Jung Taeju
Pairing: Jung Taeju x Male! Reader
Warnings: Angst, use of Y/N, mentions of death. (This fanfiction used M/n in my drafts- I think I changed them all but let me know if I missed any x)
Word Count: 1.4K
Author's note: This is kind of my first attempt at angst, though I have to admit it took a bit of a drastic turn towards the end.
Consider buying me a coffee! <3
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“Hmm..Pineapple or Mango…” He muttered to himself, as he tried to decide between two pouch drinks. He thought that it may be unnecessary to get the biggest sized drink, and yet he was only choosing between those pouches. He reluctantly grabbed an ice cup from the freezer, making sure the plastic at the top of the lid was white, before choosing his drink. “I’ll go with mango” he muttered again, although his quiet tone sounded like shouting in the silent convenience store.
It was unusual for him to be at a convenience store at 3am, and yet it was something he found himself doing more frequently. His career and rank made it difficult for him to take breaks, so he found himself in the store closest to his apartment, eating for what would be the first time that day.
With his father being the leader of the biggest drug organizations in Korea - Dongcheon - he found it difficult to gain any respect from his coworkers. Because of that, he found himself relating to the young worker who scanned his items. Alone, and disrespected by everyone she had to work for or with.
He sat himself down at one of the tables, attempting to be as far away from people as possible. He put his collection of items onto the table, Only to get up to fill his cup of noodles with water and to stick it into the microwave, along with the dumplings he had purchased. He found himself staring into space, thinking of how his life came to this - venturing to a convenience store in the middle of the night.
He almost jumped at the noise, having been distracted by his thoughts. He opened up the microwave and took out his items, making sure not to burn his hands as he carried them back to his seat after draining the water.
He took a few minutes to fully prepare his meal, putting in the flavor packets and filling his ice cup with the drink he had picked. When it was ready, he relaxed, glad that he could finally enjoy a meal. And yet, as he was about to take his first bite, he was interrupted.
“What are you doing here so late at night?” He heard someone ask, the voice sounding familiar and slightly annoying. He slammed his chopsticks back into his cup of noodles, turning to face the voice, and the man he worked with.
“Can’t you see I'm eating?” He grumbled, picking his utensils up again to grumpily move the noodles around in the cup. After a second, he gestured to the seat in front of him, telling his colleague to take a seat. “What do you want?” He asked, earning a late response from the other man.
“You’re not supposed to leave without an escort,” Taeju said, as he sat down in the chair that he was offered. His response seemed almost hesitant, as if he wasn’t sure whether he had the right to say that. A scoff was given in response, which had confused Taeju at first.
“I’m a grown man, I can go out on my own. And it’s not like I’m anything more than a lackey.” Y/n answered, finally starting to eat his meal. “I’m a lower rank than you” He said, and he shoved a dumpling into his mouth, a salty look on his face.
“Your father doesn’t want you going out” Taeju tried again, almost cautiously. He watched as the other male practically inhaled the food in front of him, and yet he said nothing.
“My father can go and fuck himself” Y/n answered, after he took a big sip of his drink. “He doesn’t show me any respect, and yet he acts like he deserves any from me” He rolled his eyes and sat back in his chair, his arms crossing over his chest.
Taeju didn’t respond to what he had said, and he knew that the other male was not looking for reassurance. The lack of response earned a chuckle, an eyebrow raising on the other’s face “What? Have something to say?” He huffed, not exactly sure what the other wanted to say.
In all honesty, Taeju wasn't sure what he wanted to say to him either, but he knew that there was something he was yet to remember. So, he shook his head in response. “It’s nothing” was what he answered, a slight tone of hesitance in his words. Jung Taeju had never been the type to show any form of weakness to anyone, and yet here he was, not sure what to say to the man in front of him. He chose to ignore the idea that he saw Y/n as anything more than a colleague, and pushed the thoughts in his mind aside.
“Why are you looking at me like that? Something on my face?” The other male asked, after trying to ignore the way Taeju was staring at him. In reality, he wasn’t looking AT him, but through him. Sure, his thoughts were about him, but Y/n was definitely not a mind reader.
“Sorry. Just Thinking” It was never like him to be so unprofessional. Though, he wasn’t exactly at work.
“Think somewhere else. Either talk or leave” Y/n huffed, getting slightly annoyed about Taeju’s presence. Whenever he came to a convenience store in the middle of the night, he did it to be alone. As much as people may think, Liber is anything but quiet at night. No one sleeps when working for Dongcheon. That was just the job.
Taeju didn’t actually know what he wanted to do, but he knew that he didn’t have anything to say. So, he got up. “Make sure you actually go home” He said, before bidding a silent goodbye, and leaving the convenience store.
“Ugh, I should really find another store…” Y/n grumbled to himself, when he noticed a familiar face sitting at his usual table. He attempted to avoid locking eyes with the other man in the store, hoping to buy what he wanted and leave before they had to talk again.
Y/n had visited this store a few times in the past week, and every time Taeju had managed to find him, or of course, be there before him. It was getting a little annoying, since he had tried to make it clear that he enjoyed his solitude. Nothing seemed to work though.
He wouldn’t admit to himself that he started to enjoy the company. Though, there were some days where being alone was better. As he considered his drinks, he began to consider staying in the store, the thought not really one that he enjoyed. He reluctantly grabbed another pouch drink from the shelf, deciding on coffee this time.
He paid for his drink, before heading over to the table, huffing as he took a seat. No words were spoken for the next ten minutes or so, and yet the two of them were comfortable with not saying anything. There were a few times where Y/n would get up again to buy something, but after about two hours, they parted ways.
This went on for weeks. Only a few words are spoken between the two every time. Every so often, one of them would have a question about work, but that was the most they spoke to each other. At first, Taeju had been uncomfortable actually taking the time to relax, but as the weeks went on, he began to get used to it. Y/n had been surprised the first time he had actually bought something, or when he chose to take his jacket off.
Subconsciously, Y/n began to buy more food, so that Taeju wouldn’t have to waste his money. Sometimes, even when he didn't feel like going out, he would go, only because he knew that Taeju would be there.
It wasn’t any of his business when he died. Though he found himself alone again, with too much food in front of him. He could barely remember Taeju’s funeral, since he hadn’t thought it was real until he saw him, lying in that casket - cold, almost blue.
He hadn’t thought it had affected his life much, but the almost minuscule amount of respect he received from Jung Taeju was enough for him to feel valued. To feel like a normal guy again.
And now, it was gone. He was gone. And no one could bring him back.
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madamlaydebug · 4 months
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Green Leafy Vegetables is what we need to include in our diet for an alkaline effect on our bodies. It is often said that disease cannot take root in a body that has a balanced pH.
Foods in their raw form are more alkaline than acidic in nature, as they have not been modified by heat. Their enzyme quality has not been compromised.
Prioritise organic foods when possible, which are grown in a more mineral-dense soil, for greater benefits.
Alkaline diet benefits may include helping to slow down degeneration of tissues and bone mass, which can be compromised when too much acidity robs us of key minerals.
Additionally, the benefit of an alkaline diet is that it decreases inflammation and causes an increase in growth hormone production. This implies an anti aging effect as well as a preventative one against diseases such as cancer.
Here are our top alkalising vegetables and fruits: ⠀⠀
-Kale -Celery -Alfalfa
-Parsley -Avocado
– Barley grass
– Wheat grass
– Beets
– Beet greens
– Sea vegetables – Capsicum
– Cabbage
– Collards
– Endive
– Garlic
– Ginger
– Green beans
– Lettuce
– Mustard greens
– Okra
– Radish
– Red onion
– Arugula/Rocket
– Artichokes
– Asparagus
– Brussels sprouts
– Cauliflower
– Carrot
– Chives
– Zucchini/Courgette
– Leeks
– New baby potatoes
– Peas
– Rhubarb
– Watercress
– Green peas
– Parsnips
– Pumpkin
– Sweet potatoes
Alkalizing Fruit
– Lime
– Grapefruit
– Orange
– Fresh coconut (flesh and water)
– Cantaloupe
– Fresh dates
– Nectarines
– Plums
– Sweet cherries
– Apple
– Apricot
– Avocado
– Banana
– Sour cherries
– Grapes
– Honeydew Melon
– Peach
– Pear
– Pineapple
– Rhubarb
– Tomato
– Strawberries
– Blueberries
– Blackberries
– Cranberries
– Mango
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quickscaleup · 10 months
Best Ecommerce Website Designing Company in Patna
The website design is a really important tool for creating an appealing website that attracts users and customers. These ecommerce website designs represent your product, and what you are selling.
Thus, you need to make sure your website is relevant to the services you’re providing and can make a lasting impression.
Now, being said that, are you looking for some inspiration for your website designs? If yes, you’ve stumbled into the perfect solution, the website designing company in Patna, Quick Scaleup is your one-way stop. 
Ecommerce website designs 
The best ecommerce website design examples are those that can benefit you in boosting your sales and communicating with the brand and products. Some of the ecommerce website examples are the following,
Theseus is an online shoe store that promises customers the best online shopping experience. It has options such as shopping and return policy and even gives the users the opportunity to pay in installments.
Welly is a band aid campaign and website supplying catchy, funky, and aesthetic band aids. Children die for such cute band-aids and it comes with cute packaging too.  
Hebe’s website is mind blowing in terms of beauty. Its photography stands out compared to other websites. The high-quality photos ensure grabbing the customer’s attention and increasing the sales. 
Now, the ecommerce website examples in India are 
Amazon tops the ecommerce website list considering it is one of the country’s best ecommerce players since it rolled out in 2013. It has grown its market by covering everything from groceries to toys to furniture. 
Flipkart comes second on the list, always competing with Amazon in terms of quality and prices. It was founded in 2007, and is now acquired by Walmart. 
Meesho is a social commerce platform wherein the small business or merchants can deal with the users directly showcasing their products. 
Myntra is the one-stop online fashion destination that supplies with all the brands like Mango, H&M, Chemistry, Allen Solly etc. Myntra was acquired by Walmart making it a live commerce site with a lot of Indians depending on the site. 
OLX has products from cars to electronic goods and even real estate. People can buy or sell on this website according to their preferences. 
Snapdeal was a sinking company ready to be acquired by Flipkart in 2017. But, they did the needful surviving the takeover, and now focuses on products for fashion and home and personal care. 
Jio Mart is an online player that launched in 2020. It became known quickly in over 200 cities in India. 
Shopsy is a social commerce platform launched by flipkart. It’s a marketplace selling jewelry, grocery and home goods. 
Realme store is an online shopping site of the chinese smartphone brand realme. It even sells other electronic accessories.  
Mi store is another chinese smartphone brand Xiaomi selling mobile phones and other products. 
FirstCry is India’s shopping platform for baby products such as diapers, tous, cribs etc. Everything that can be termed a baby is being sold by them. 
Top 10 ecommerce websites 
The best ecommerce website design 2023 comprises of the following ecommerce website list and companies like 
Amazon tops as the world's best retailer and website designs. 
Ebay is the best marketplace with all the best features and products available. 
Aliexpress is the site offering the funkiest and catchy products with cheap prices. 
Walmart consists of an unlimited supply of organic products.
Wildberries is a popular Russian site known for clothes and household products. 
Ozon is like Russia’s Amazon, offering all kinds of products. 
Flipkart is an Indian ecommerce site dealing with all products like clothes, furniture, electronic devices. 
Samsung is the world's leader when it comes to electronics.
Etsy is another one of the popular sites specializing in handmade, vintage and unique goods. 
Rakuten is another one of the ecommerce sites dealing with cashback programmes.
The ecommerce website design templates that work well with any kind of website design such as apparel, fashion, jewelry or other ecommerce products. These templates create responsive, flexible and retainable online stores. Following is the list of best ecommerce website templates 
Pillowmart can be used for business purposes.
Capitalshop for fashion and accessories.
Fashi’s templates are available for fashion 
The Coza store is for business and ecommerce. 
eCommerce websites are the people’s go to sites for business and online shopping. People don’t like going around comparing products from shop to shop.
For such individuals, these websites are a piece of heaven.
To make sure that your website designs and products are appealing enough to the customers, you can take help from the website designing company, Quick Scaleup.
They have one of the best services available tailored to your customer’s needs.
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chaletnz · 1 year
Coffee Tour at Doka Farm
In the morning I was treated to a very early, very cold shower in temperatures that were definitely not the 30 degrees of Jaco! I packed my day bag quietly for my tour and then sat in the main living room where there was a little cat curled up asleep that I must not have noticed last night. The driver was right on time for pick up and I was the first person so had my pick of the seats, although he asked me to sit right behind him. I sat there until we arrived at the next hotel for pick up but it was too cold and windy there to do it all day! It was cool to see the city of San Jose wake up and come alive at 6am as we drove through the streets to pick up all the tour participants. Everyone walking around was carrying an umbrella – it was a 100% chance of rain today, and they seem to trust the forecast! One queue at a bus stop ran all the way down the street, around the corner and down the next street, it was organized mayhem! Our driver introduced himself as our tour guide Max who had his first coffee at 6 months old. He told us that the traffic is crazy in San Jose because 2 million people visit everyday but luckily we were heading out the opposite direction. Once everyone was picked up, our last folks were picked up from an airport hotel, Max gave us the itinerary break down for the day. We’d be spending it in the Alajuela province which is famous for its mango which is unfortunately not in season! Our day began with a visit to Doka coffee farm owned by the Vargas family at 5000 feet. On the drive us Max gave us all the facts about Costa Rican coffee – it’s Arabica only, 95% of Costa Rican coffee is exported to other countries, coffee grown at 3000 feet tastes like citrus and coffee grown at 6000 feet tastes like sweet fruits. Max also told us about how he gets woken up at 4am everyday by his 2 cats Catalina and Nutella – one cat has another house though. As we drove further up into the coffee plantations Max explained how coffee productions is one of the biggest industries for migrant workers from Nicaragua. 200,000 Nicas work in coffee plantations in Costa Rica, another 200,000 work in banana plantations, and 200,000 more in pineapple plantations. These migrants get around $20 a day, which is much better than the $4 a day they would get in agricultural work in their home country just across the border. They are also given housing as part of their employment since they do the work that Costa Ricans are unwilling to do. At the Doka coffee farm, we started with our buffet breakfast where I finally tried gallo pinto on my last full day in Central America! I also piled up my plate with fried plantains, sausage slices, a tortilla and some fruit. They had 3 black coffees on offer, made from their own coffee beans. The standout was the Peaberry which I ended up buying a bag of to take home with me.
Max took us on a tour around the plantation, we first saw the peeling machine that has worked for 160 years without electricity and Max explained how the coffee harvest is synced with the school year so that the teenagers can also come to help pick the cherries when all hands on deck are needed. A sack of Costa Rican green coffee beans, washed, peeled and dried, goes for about $300 but up to $4000. In comparison the average price of a sack of Brazilian robusta beans fetches $100 meanwhile the most expensive sack is a geisha tree specialty from Panama which sold for $200,000. The peaberry is also more expensive as it’s a perfectly formed seed but smaller than average, they need to be handpicked out of the regular seeds. Max explained that the sweetest coffee is grown at the higher altitudes, but the honey process can also lead to sweeter coffee. The honey process involves leaving the greasy layer on the beans rather than letting them ferment to wash it off. When it dries, the honey process will take 12 days to dry the greasy layer too whereas the fermented beans would only take 5 days. The beans are all dumped outside in the sun to dry, with the workers walking through the beans with a rake to move them around for even-drying. After the tour we were led purposefully to the gift shop where I purchased the peabery blend for just $9 as well as some chocolate coated coffee beans for Alanna. We then piled back into the van to our next destination - the Poas volcano.
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Dwarf Palmer Mango in Sydney: A Sweet and Juicy Treat
Dwarf Palmer Mango is a popular variety of mango known for its sweet, juicy flavour and compact size. It's a delicious and versatile fruit that thrives in the warm climate of Sydney, Australia.
Characteristics of Dwarf Palmer Mango
Fruit: Dwarf Palmer Mango fruits are medium-sized and round, with a smooth, orange-red skin. The flesh is sweet, juicy, and slightly fibrous.
Size: Dwarf Palmer Mango trees are smaller than standard mango trees, making them ideal for smaller gardens or patios. They typically reach a height of 3-4 meters (10-13 feet).
Season: The trees typically produce fruit in late summer or early autumn.
Planting and Care in Sydney
Climate: Dwarf Palmer Mango in Sydney is a warm-climate fruit that thrives in the Sydney region. It prefers sunny locations and can tolerate some frost.
Soil: The plant prefers well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter.
Planting: Plant Dwarf Palmer Mango trees in a sunny location. Dig a hole that is twice the size of the root ball. Amend the soil with compost or well-rotted manure.
Watering: Water the tree regularly, especially during dry periods. Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot.
Fertilizing: Fertilize the tree once a year in spring with a balanced fertilizer.
Pruning: Prune the tree after it has finished fruiting to shape it and remove any dead or damaged branches.
Harvesting and Enjoying
Harvesting: Dwarf Palmer Mango fruits typically ripen in late summer or early autumn. The fruits will become firm and orange-red in color when they are ripe.
Eating: Mangos can be eaten fresh or used in various culinary applications. They are often used in salads, smoothies, and desserts.
Uses in Landscaping
Dwarf Palmer Mango trees can be used in a variety of landscaping applications. Here are some ideas:
Ornamental Trees: The trees are beautiful ornamental specimens with their attractive foliage and fruit.
Fruit Trees: They can be grown for their delicious fruit.
Patio or Balcony: Dwarf Palmer Mango trees are well-suited for smaller spaces like patios or balconies.
Pests and Diseases
Dwarf Palmer Mango trees can be susceptible to pests and diseases, including:
Aphids: These small, sap-sucking insects can cause damage to the leaves.
Scale Insects: These tiny insects can also cause problems for the tree.
Fruit Flies: Fruit flies can be attracted to ripe mangoes.
If you notice any signs of pests or diseases, treat the tree promptly.
Dwarf Palmer Mango is a delicious and versatile fruit that is perfect for Sydney gardens of any size. With proper care, you can enjoy its sweet and juicy fruits for years.
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epages · 25 days
MRQ Organics
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We feel pride in saying that we are among the very first Organic Farms in Pakistan with 500 Acres of land, where we have not used any pesticides, insecticides or chemical fertilizers since 2013. Our crops, fruits are free from all types of chemicals and 100% naturally grown. Furthermore, our livestock are grazed in organic graze lands and our poultry is fed with organic grains MRQ Organics is an Organic Farm in Pakistan, located at 15 Kms from Minchinabad, Dist. Bahawal Nagar in Moza Mianwala where we are on a mission to produce Organic crops, livestock, fruits, vegetables for our community. Our Organic farm produce includes: Organic Crops Organic Wheat and Organic Basmati Rice our major crops which are being sowed and harvested each year as per 100% organic standards. We do not use any harmful chemicals or commercial fertilizers. Orchards & Vegetables Organic Amrood Bagh ( Organic Guava Orchard), Mandarin, Oranges and Mango Orchard. We do grow organic seasonal vegetables such as Tomatoes, Onions, Garlic, Chilies and more using as per USDA regulations Livestock, Poultry & Aviary No farm is complete without Goats, Cattle and Buffalos which graze in lush green organic pasture here at MRQ Organics. Poultry for meat & eggs whereas, our Aviary includes birds like Peacocks, Turkeys, Parrots, Finches & more! A Commitment to Organic Farming Education Beyond farming, MRQ Organics is on a mission to empower other farmers by sharing their knowledge and practices in organic farming. They believe in fostering a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to sustainable agriculture, ensuring a healthier future for generations to come. Join Us on Our Organic Mission MRQ Organics is more than just a farm; it’s a commitment to health, sustainability, and the well-being of our community. We invite you to explore the purity and richness of our organic products and join us in our mission to promote a healthier, chemical-free lifestyle. Read the full article
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dankcannabisweedogden · 2 months
Good Buds' Mango Taffie
For cannabis enthusiasts in Calgary seeking a strain that combines tropical flavors with uplifting effects, look no further than Good Buds' Mango Taffie. Whether you prefer the convenience of Calgary weed delivery or enjoy visiting a Calgary dispensary, Mango Taffie offers a delightful experience for all users. This strain stands out for its vibrant aroma, unique flavor profile, and energizing effects, making it a popular choice among both new and seasoned consumers.
Strain Description
Good Buds' Mango Taffie is a sativa-dominant hybrid known for its robust and invigorating qualities. While the exact THC levels may vary depending on the specific lot, this strain is consistently potent, delivering a blissful and energizing experience. It's an ideal choice for a wake-and-bake session or an afternoon pick-me-up, providing a burst of energy and creativity that can enhance any activity.
Good Buds: Small-Batch & Organic Excellence
Good Buds, a family-run craft cannabis company founded by brothers Tyler and Alex Rumi, is renowned for its commitment to quality. The company specializes in producing small-batch flower, rosin, and hash, with a focus on organic and natural cultivation methods. All Good Buds products are grown using organic soils, recaptured rainwater, and ocean air, without the use of chemicals or synthetic ingredients. This dedication to natural cultivation results in hardier plants and better-tasting buds, setting Good Buds apart in the cannabis market.
Located on Salt Spring Island, BC, Good Buds grows all its cannabis indoors in small batches. Each plant is hand-trimmed, hang-dried, and slow-cured to perfection. The company's attention to detail and quality control has earned it certification from the Fraser Valley Organic Producers Association (FVOPA) for both indoor and outdoor cannabis cultivation. In addition to Mango Taffie, Good Buds offers a range of exclusive strains, including Dosi Melon, Gluerangutan, Sapphire OG, and Salty God.
Genetics and Lineage
Mango Taffie boasts an impressive genetic lineage, combining the best traits of its parent strains, LA Affie and Hawaiian Landrace. LA Affie is a pure indica strain known for its earthy and sweet aroma, as well as its energizing and psychedelic high. Hawaiian, on the other hand, is a landrace sativa strain celebrated for its tropical fruit aroma and uplifting, creative effects. The combination of these genetics results in a strain that offers the best of both worlds: the energizing and uplifting qualities of sativa and the relaxing and euphoric effects of indica.
Appearance, Aroma, and Flavor
Visually, Mango Taffie is a stunning strain with bright green buds, striking orange pistils, and a generous coating of shiny white trichomes. The dense nugs are caked with sticky resin and trichomes, giving them a brilliant luster that often sticks to your fingers when breaking them apart. The appearance of Mango Taffie alone hints at the quality and potency of the strain.
The aroma of Mango Taffie is one of its most enticing features. The strain is characterized by its juicy mango scent, which is sweet and sugary, reminiscent of candy. A hint of citrus adds a slight acidity and sharpness, while subtle notes of spice provide a woody and earthy complexity. When ground up, the buds release a potent and mouthwatering aroma that is hard to resist. The flavor profile mirrors the aroma, offering a delightful combination of tropical fruit and candy-like sweetness with a touch of earthiness.
Quality and Effects
Good Buds' commitment to quality is evident in every aspect of Mango Taffie. The company's organic and natural cultivation methods, combined with careful hand-trimming and slow curing, result in a product that is not only visually appealing but also rich in flavor and potency. The inclusion of a humidity pack in each container ensures that the buds remain fresh and vibrant for an extended period.
The effects of Mango Taffie are as impressive as its aroma and flavor. Upon consumption, users can expect an almost instant onset of uplifting and euphoric feelings. This strain is perfect for promoting a sense of calm and relaxation while simultaneously sparking creativity and motivation. Whether you're enjoying a movie, making music, or simply exploring the outdoors, Mango Taffie can enhance the experience and elevate your mood.
How to Enjoy Mango Taffie
There are many ways to enjoy Mango Taffie, making it a versatile choice for cannabis consumers. For those who appreciate the full spectrum of flavors, using a vaporizer is an excellent way to savor the strain's complex terpene profile. However, Mango Taffie can also be enjoyed in more traditional methods, such as smoking from a pipe, bong, or joint. The strain's energizing effects make it ideal for daytime use, whether you're embarking on a hike, relaxing by the beach, or engaging in creative activities like painting or writing.
Storage Recommendations
To maintain the quality and freshness of Mango Taffie, it's essential to store it properly. Cannabis should always be kept in a cool, dry, and dark place. Good Buds packages their products with a humidity pack, which helps to preserve the flower's moisture content and prevent it from drying out. This ensures that the buds remain flavorful and potent for longer periods.
Possible Side Effects
While Mango Taffie is generally well-tolerated, it's important to note that high doses of any cannabis strain can potentially lead to adverse effects, especially for first-time users or those with low tolerance. Some common side effects may include dry mouth, dry eyes, and, in rare cases, increased anxiety or paranoia. To minimize these effects, users are advised to start with a low dose and gradually increase as needed. Staying hydrated and using eye drops can also help alleviate dry mouth and dry eyes.
Mango Taffie Products
Good Buds offers Mango Taffie in various forms, catering to different preferences. The strain is available as dried flower in 3.5-gram and 7-gram quantities, as well as in pre-rolls and flower rosin. The pre-rolls, made with organic rolling papers and buds rather than trim, provide a convenient and enjoyable way to experience Mango Taffie. The strain's high potency and delicious mango aroma make it an excellent choice for extractions, ensuring that its unique flavor profile is preserved in every form.
Final Verdict
Good Buds' Mango Taffie is a standout strain that delivers on all fronts: aroma, flavor, effects, and quality. Its juicy mango scent, combined with its uplifting and euphoric effects, make it an ideal choice for those who enjoy sweet and fruity cannabis strains. Whether you're a seasoned cannabis connoisseur or a newcomer looking for a lively and energizing strain, Mango Taffie is sure to impress.
Score: 4/5
For those in Calgary, Mango Taffie is readily available at local Calgary dispensaries and through Calgary weed delivery services. If you're interested in trying this delightful strain, be sure to check out the Dank cannabis store in Canada. With options for in-store shopping and online orders, getting your hands on Mango Taffie has never been easier. Don't miss out on this exceptional strain—explore the Dank Cannabis menu today and experience the vibrant flavors and effects of Good Buds' Mango Taffie for yourself.
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onlineweedseeds1 · 2 months
The Allure of Green Crack Seeds: A Comprehensive Guide
Green Crack is a strain that has captivated cannabis enthusiasts with its potent effects and unique flavor profile. Known for its energizing and uplifting properties, Green Crack has become a go-to choice for those seeking a daytime boost. This article delves into the origins, cultivation, and benefits of Green Crack seeds, providing a comprehensive overview for both novice and experienced growers.
Origins and Genetics
Green Crack, originally known as Cush, was renamed by the legendary cannabis connoisseur Snoop Dogg. The strain is predominantly a sativa, though some indica-leaning phenotypes do exist. It is believed to be a cross between Skunk #1 and an Afghani landrace, resulting in a plant that boasts the best characteristics of both its parent strains. Skunk #1 contributes to Green Crack’s pungent aroma and robust growth, while the Afghani lineage imparts a touch of indica relaxation, balancing the energetic effects with a subtle body high.
Growing Green Crack Seeds
Green Crack is a relatively easy strain to cultivate, making it an excellent choice for beginners. It thrives both indoors and outdoors, though it prefers a warm, Mediterranean-like climate when grown outside. Here are some key considerations for growing Green Crack seeds:
Climate and Environment: Green Crack plants flourish in temperatures between 70-85°F (21-29°C). They require plenty of sunlight if grown outdoors, so choosing a spot with direct sunlight for most of the day is crucial. Indoors, using high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps can mimic the sun’s intensity and promote healthy growth.
Soil and Nutrients: Well-draining soil rich in organic matter is ideal for Green Crack. Regular feeding with a balanced nutrient solution will support vigorous growth and robust bud development. Pay attention to nitrogen levels during the vegetative stage and phosphorus and potassium during the flowering stage.
Watering and Humidity: Maintain moderate humidity levels to prevent mold and mildew, especially during the flowering stage. Water the plants thoroughly but allow the soil to dry out between watering to avoid root rot.
Training and Pruning: Techniques like topping, low-stress training (LST), and screen of green (ScrOG) can maximize yields by encouraging bushier growth and more bud sites. Regular pruning of lower branches and excess foliage improves airflow and light penetration, leading to healthier plants.
Harvesting and Yield
Green Crack has a relatively short flowering period of 7-9 weeks, making it a fast-finishing strain. When grown outdoors, harvest typically occurs in late September to early October. Indoor growers can expect yields of about 18 ounces per square meter, while outdoor yields can reach up to 20 ounces per plant under optimal conditions.
The buds of Green Crack are dense and coated in a thick layer of trichomes, giving them a frosty appearance. They emit a pungent, sweet, and fruity aroma with earthy undertones. The flavor profile mirrors the scent, offering a delightful mix of citrus, mango, and spice.
Effects and Benefits
Green Crack is renowned for its powerful, cerebral effects that invigorate and stimulate the mind. Users often report feeling more focused, creative, and motivated, making it an excellent choice for daytime use. The strain’s uplifting nature can help alleviate symptoms of depression, stress, and fatigue. Additionally, Green Crack’s mild body high can provide relief from minor aches and pains without causing sedation.
However, due to its potency, novice users should start with a lower dose to avoid potential anxiety or paranoia. Green Crack’s effects are long-lasting, so it’s advisable to consume it in moderation.
Seed Bank USA offer a rewarding cultivation experience and a product that is both enjoyable and beneficial. Whether you’re seeking a boost in energy and creativity or relief from stress and fatigue, Green Crack is a versatile strain that delivers. Its ease of growth and robust yields make it a favorite among growers, while its unique effects and flavors continue to captivate consumers worldwide. For those looking to explore the vibrant world of cannabis, Green Crack is a strain that should not be overlooked.
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regenexim · 2 months
Certified Organic Fruits & Vegetables Exporter in Nashik Maharashtra
Regen Exim is a leading certified organic fruits & vegetables exporter in Nashik Maharashtra. With a strong commitment to quality and sustainability, we have become a trusted organic fruits & vegetable wholesaler and trader in the region.
High-Quality Organic Produce
At Regen Exim, we ensure that all our fruits and vegetables are organically grown without the use of harmful chemicals and pesticides. Our produce is certified organic, guaranteeing that it meets stringent quality standards. We believe in providing our customers with the healthiest and freshest products available.
Wide Range of Organic Fruits and Vegetables
We offer a diverse selection of organic fruits and vegetables to cater to the varying needs of our clients. From juicy mangoes and crisp apples to fresh leafy greens and vibrant carrots, our product range is extensive. This variety allows us to meet the demands of both domestic and international markets, solidifying our position as a premier organic fruits & vegetable wholesaler.
Commitment to Sustainability
Regen Exim is dedicated to sustainable farming practices. We work closely with local farmers to promote organic farming methods that are environmentally friendly and economically viable. Our commitment to sustainability not only ensures the well-being of our planet but also supports the livelihoods of our farmers.
Competitive Pricing
We believe that high-quality organic produce should be accessible to everyone. At Regen Exim, we offer competitive pricing on all our products without compromising on quality. Our efficient supply chain management and direct sourcing from farmers allow us to provide value-for-money products, making us a preferred organic fruits & vegetable trader.
Reliable Supply Chain
Our robust supply chain ensures that our clients receive their orders on time, every time. With a well-established network of farmers, suppliers, and logistics partners, we can handle bulk orders and deliver them efficiently. This reliability has earned us a reputation as a dependable organic fruits & vegetable wholesaler in Nashik and beyond.
Focus on Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is our top priority at Regen Exim. We strive to provide excellent service and top-quality products to meet the needs of our clients. Our dedicated customer support team is always ready to assist with inquiries, orders, and any other requirements, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.
In conclusion, Regen Exim is your go-to source for certified organic fruits and vegetables in Nashik, Maharashtra. As a trusted organic fruits & vegetable wholesaler and trader, we are committed to providing the highest quality products, promoting sustainable farming practices, and ensuring customer satisfaction. Partner with us to enjoy the best organic produce that Maharashtra has to offer.
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organicsmokes · 4 months
What Makes Organic Smokes Organic?
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In recent years, there's been a growing trend towards healthier and more sustainable lifestyles, and this shift is evident in the increasing popularity of organic smokes. But what exactly makes organic smokes organic? Whether you’re curious about organic cigarettes, herbal cigarettes, natural cigarettes, or organic vapes, understanding their ingredients and production processes is key to appreciating their benefits.
Defining Organic Smokes
Organic smokes are typically made from tobacco or herbal blends that are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or chemical fertilizers. This commitment to natural farming practices is the cornerstone of what makes these products organic. For instance, organic cigarettes are crafted from tobacco leaves cultivated in soil free from synthetic chemicals, ensuring a purer smoking experience.
Ingredients in Organic Cigarettes
Organic cigarettes often feature a blend of natural tobacco and other organic materials. Unlike conventional cigarettes, which may contain numerous additives and chemicals, organic cigarettes strive to minimize these substances. The primary ingredients include:
Organic Tobacco: Grown without synthetic chemicals, ensuring the leaves are free from harmful residues.
Herbal Blends: Some organic smokes incorporate herbs like mint, clove, and licorice, offering unique flavors and aromas.
Natural Filters: Filters made from biodegradable materials, avoiding plastic and other synthetic compounds.
Herbal and Ayurvedic Cigarettes
Herbal cigarettes and ayurvedic cigarettes take the concept of organic smokes a step further by eliminating tobacco entirely. These products are crafted from a variety of natural herbs and plants known for their aromatic properties and potential health benefits. Common ingredients include:
Tulsi (Holy Basil): Known for its medicinal properties in Ayurvedic medicine.
Mint and Clove: Provide a refreshing and soothing smoke.
Licorice Root: Adds a sweet, mild flavor.
These herbal blends are designed to offer a smoking experience without the addictive qualities of nicotine, making them a popular choice for those looking to quit smoking or reduce their intake of traditional cigarettes.
Organic Vapes
The vape industry has also embraced the organic movement, with products like organic vape juices becoming increasingly available. Organic vapes utilize e-liquids made from natural ingredients without artificial additives. Popular flavors such as strawberry mango vape, lush ice flavor vape, and prime ice pop vape are crafted using organic fruit extracts and natural sweeteners.
For instance:
Strawberry Mango Vape: Combines organic strawberry and mango extracts for a refreshing and fruity experience.
Lush Ice Flavor Vape: Features a blend of natural watermelon and menthol, providing a cool, invigorating sensation.
Prime Ice Pop Vape: Delivers a nostalgic, ice pop flavor using only organic ingredients.
Health and Environmental Benefits
The benefits of choosing organic smokes extend beyond personal health. By opting for products grown without harmful chemicals, consumers are also supporting environmentally friendly farming practices. Organic farming methods help maintain soil health, reduce water pollution, and promote biodiversity.
Moreover, organic smokes are often produced with a focus on sustainability. Natural filters and biodegradable packaging materials further minimize the environmental impact.
Price Considerations
While organic products can sometimes be more expensive due to their production methods, the investment is often seen as worthwhile. The vape smoke price for organic options may be higher than conventional vapes, but many consumers find the benefits—both health-related and environmental—justify the cost.
Organic smokes, whether in the form of organic cigarettes, herbal cigarettes, or organic vapes, represent a conscious choice towards healthier living and environmental responsibility. By understanding what makes these products organic, consumers can make informed decisions that align with their values and lifestyle preferences. Whether you’re drawn to the natural flavors of a strawberry mango vape or the traditional appeal of a natural cigarette, there’s an organic option to suit your needs.
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makaibari · 4 months
How Drinking Tea Can Benefit You During Summer
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Summer is a time of vibrant energy, outdoor activities, and sun-soaked days. As temperatures rise, staying hydrated and cool becomes essential. While many people reach for sugary sodas or iced coffees, there’s a healthier and more refreshing option: tea. At Makaibari, we offer a range of premium teas, including our renowned green tea and organic black tea, packed with health benefits perfect for summer. In this blog, we’ll explore how drinking tea, particularly green tea and organic black tea, can enhance your summer experience. Refreshing Hydration with Makaibari Tea Hydration is crucial during the hot summer months, and tea can be a delightful way to keep yourself hydrated. Makaibari teas offer a variety of options, from cooling iced teas to invigorating hot brews. Unlike sugary beverages, tea provides a calorie-free way to stay refreshed. The natural flavours and slight caffeine boost can help you stay energized without the crash that often follows sugary drinks.
Green Tea Benefits: A Summer Must-Have Green tea’s benefits are well-documented, making it an excellent choice for your summer drink repertoire. Here are a few reasons why green tea is particularly beneficial during summer:
Antioxidant Powerhouse: Green tea is rich in antioxidants, particularly catechins, which help combat oxidative stress caused by sun exposure. These antioxidants protect your skin and body from the harmful effects of UV rays, keeping you healthy and glowing.
Boosts Metabolism: The natural compounds in green tea, such as EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), can enhance your metabolism. This means you can enjoy those summer treats guilt-free, knowing that green tea is working to keep your metabolism active.
Natural Detox: Summer activities often lead to the consumption of various foods and drinks that can bloat and discomfort. Green tea aids in detoxifying your body, helping to flush out toxins and maintain a healthy digestive system.
Organic Black Tea: Robust Flavour and Health Benefits
Our organic black tea is another fantastic option for summer. Grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, it ensures a pure and robust flavour. Here’s how organic black tea can benefit you during summer:
Rich in Antioxidants: Like green tea, black tea is loaded with antioxidants, which help fight free radicals and reduce inflammation. This is especially beneficial after a long day in the sun, helping to soothe and protect your skin.
Heart Health: The flavonoids in black tea can improve heart health by lowering cholesterol levels and improving blood vessel function. Maintaining heart health is crucial during summer, especially if you’re engaging in physical activities like hiking or swimming.
Energizing Without Overstimulation: Black tea provides a moderate caffeine boost, perfect for staying alert and active without the jitteriness that coffee can cause. This balanced energy release is ideal for sustaining your summer adventures.
Enjoying Tea Iced or Hot
One of the best aspects of tea is its versatility. Both our green tea and organic black tea can be enjoyed hot or iced, depending on your preference. Here are a few ways to enjoy tea during summer:
Iced Green Tea: Brew a pot of green tea, let it cool, and pour it over ice. Add a slice of lemon or a sprig of mint for a refreshing twist. The green tea benefits remain intact, offering a cool and healthy beverage.
Iced Black Tea: Prepare a strong brew of organic black tea and let it chill. Serve it over ice with a hint of honey or a splash of citrus for a revitalizing drink. This is a great alternative to sugary iced coffees or sodas.
Tea-Infused Smoothies: Blend your favourite tea with fruits and ice to create a delicious and nutritious smoothie. Green tea pairs well with berries and citrus, while black tea complements flavours like peach and mango.
Conclusion: Tea for a Healthier Summer
Incorporating Makaibari teas into your summer routine can offer a host of benefits, from staying hydrated to enjoying the antioxidant-rich properties of green tea and organic black tea. Whether you prefer your tea hot or iced, the versatility and health advantages make tea an excellent choice for the warmer months.
At Makaibari, we are dedicated to providing high-quality teas that not only taste exceptional but also support your well-being. Embrace the summer with our exquisite selection of Makaibari tea, and let the natural benefits enhance your health and enjoyment. Choose tea for a refreshing, healthy, and delightful summer experience.
Published On : https://makaibari.in/blogs/news/how-drinking-tea-can-benefit-you-during-summer
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