#origami angel is such a good band
crowpawsdoesart · 3 months
life would be so sad if origami angel never existed
i remember on valentine’s day i was super sad cuz i have no friends at school and i saw a lot of ppl walking around with gifts and stuff and i was super bummed out
but i was listening to find your throne and when i zoned back in to listen to the music i was at the part where ryland says
“-but if you feel like nobody does, i love you. i love you”
and i almost started crying ;v;
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flashlight-smallknife · 2 months
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Hey pals in case u missed it I joined a DIY band and we announced our first ever tour today and I made the flyer and will be working merch at all dates except 5/2-5/6!!!
If you follow me on here chances are you have a good taste in music and I don’t play in the band so I can honestly say we are the best band in the world n totally worth checking out. FFO oso oso, Alex g, the wonder years, pictures of Vernon, origami angel, prince daddy & the hyena, etc etc. Matty writes the tunes and is the most talented musician I’ve ever met and also a close friend and wonderful human and I’m convinced they’re gonna be absolutely everywhere pretty soon!!!
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twinkskeletons · 5 months
Favorite bands aside from fob ?
oh this is fun :] rn my number one not fob band is origami angel they’re a lot like if waterparks was still good ^_^ aside from that idkhow, modern baseball, taking back sunday, spoon, 100 gecs, paramore, the wonder years kinda.. there r a lot of bands i like but i don’t actually know their discographies bc ive only heard a couple songs or 1-2 albums and saved my faves but whatever. um some modest mouse, underscores, two door cinema club, the strokes.. idk here’s my top songs on my on repeat rn :)
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bizlybebo · 10 days
vixen soap bizlybebo lesbianchipbastard do you have any song recs i can listen to you seem reliable for thats tuff
i’m so annoying about my music taste i’m so glad you asked this ^__^
obligatory car seat headrest rec since it’s like my favorite band of all time, but here’s just a jumble of some random songs/albums that have been stuck in my head lately!!
plastic death (album) by glass besch
canada day by emperor x
somewhere city (album) by origami angel. THIS ONE IS SOO GOOD.
night out by radiator hospital
orchids by glass beach
impossible animals (album) by roar <33
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msmargaretmurry · 8 months
Hey hey
hey hey friend!!
my favorite thing when they do articles like this ("One emo or punk song for every NHL team," for those of y'all too lazy to click, which i respect) is to scroll straight to the comments and see how mad people are, because they're always either mad about a) "non-serious" journalism or b) the acknowledgement of emo music as a concept. which are the wrong things to be mad about, because the millennial portion of their audience is like 72% emo by volume and also this is clearly important journalism. the thing to fight over in the comments is the song choices!!
my favorite picks this year: hope is a dangerous little thing for the sabres; the brightest days for the habs (shoutout to dc band origami angel!!!); nah that ain't it for cbj (brutal lmao); it's never sunny for the flyers (bonus points for the authors realizing they messed up not choosing a twy track for philly last year); LIKED U BETTER for the blues because that's also how i feel about the blues; i used to be fun for the flames because irl lol. honestly lots of great picks this year, i've definitely been bopping to the playlist.
least favorites this year: dear maria for the devils feels like SUCH a weird pick; do you know who you are? for the panthers — i respect their reasoning but it does NOT have panthers energy; i'm not okay for the caps feels like a really lazy pick and also i disagree with their assessment that the caps won't be fun to watch this year (are they going to be good? maybe not, but they gravely underestimate my ability to have fun anyway).
i love this listicle concept though. would read a dozen different versions. a twsift song for every nhl team. a 2010s indie song for every nhl team. a country song for every nhl team. a 90s hit single for every nhl team. a sea shanty for every nhl team. chop chop the athletic get on it.
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swordatsunset · 6 months
Saw origami angel coupla days ago and like a) fuckin incredible b) they were the fourth opener for four year strong 😭 so we couldn’t even see four year strong cuz I had a like 2 hour drive and they weren’t gonna be on til 10-10:30
Anyway all this to say grayscale was so ass and they should’ve just let there be 3 openers bc all the openers were otherwise rly good and every1 should go listen to my kid brother cuz they slayed. And also koyo. And especially origami angel
Also in total 40 bucks for 5 bands total is like rly not bad tbh
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real-life-cloud · 6 months
27, 42 and you know what. just for good measure. 1
hiii pay !!! you got three different artists which I think is nice :D
27 - 24 Hr Drive-Thru by Origami Angel
↑ this band was also my top artist! this whole album is fantastic I even got it on vinyl.. but I love this song so much it's abt being there for ur bros 🥹
42 - 7PM (From "Animal Crossing: New Leaf") by Moisés Nieto
↑ this made me think abt the times we've played acnl together.. memories..
1 - catch me by JVKE
↑ I know nothing else by this artist but I watched a genshin fan animation set to this song and it changed my brain chemistry. I think I watched that video like at least once a day for a month and then replayed the song a million times...
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Over the last couple of years, I've listened to a lot of new music. I think I'm gonna try to write a short rant about a different band each day to get the ranting out of my system. This will be the first one I guess?
Also sorry to any poor souls who follow me for the shitty content.
Band Rant #1 - Origami Angel
Oragami Angel was by no means the first band I started listening to. I picked them up in early 2022, through the recommendation of someone who I don't really know anymore. They are interesting, at least in my opinion, for their ability to write good lyrics and some absolutely infectious guitar riffs. Even in their worst tracks, the guitar and drums just kill it. The first songs I listened to were off of GAMI GANG, which is a decent album, but by no means their best work.
What really kept me around was their first album, Somewhere City. If you haven't heard it before, I'd recommend you take a listen. If you've noticed, I haven't really talked genre yet. Part of that is because while they are certainly indie rock, and definitely emo, they stand out. Somewhere City may be Midwest emo, but it doesn't feel like it. The vocals are crisp, the compositions are just beautiful, and the hooks from start to finish keep you invested. I listen to a lot of music, and a lot of Midwest Emo. The vocals on Somewhere City are just incredible compared to anyone else in the genre. If you have a while, I'd give Somewhere City a listen in it's entirety. If you are low on time, at least listen to The Title Track
It has one of the best guitar hooks I've ever heard. Period.
Of course, with all this praise for the first album, and not much to say about the second, I was tentatively excited when I heard they were dropping a new album this year. When the first singles came out, feelings were still mixed. Don't get me wrong, Thank You, New Jersey goes hard as fuck,
But the other single is just... OK?
PG County Summer is probably good for some people, but I just wasn't the biggest fan.
They also had some single releases in 2022 in different styles. Honestly, some went pretty hard, sounding like Oso Oso tracks in all the good ways.
When The Brightest Days dropped, it turned out that PG County Summer was by far the worst song on the album. Which I want to be clear, is fucking incredible. It's not even a bad song.
I'd give it a listen in full. It's not really a concept album, but it ties itself together thematically in a satisfying bow. It has a good combination of fast paced rock, and some slower guitar to make the songs not feel overwhelming.
So, that's Origami Angel. They have a 2017 release from before Somewhere City that I haven't heard enough of to judge in any way, good or bad, as well as some wacky singles I didn't really discuss.
For the albums discussed, I think I'd say that
Somewhere City (2019) - 10/10
GAMI GANG (2021) - 6.3/10
The Brightest Days - 8.7/10
I'll be back tommorow with more bad takes
If you are still reading, what's your favorite band? I could always use someone new to listen to!
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fatsmyname · 2 years
what are some of your midwest emo post punk math rock esque recommendations? 👀 love your music recs btw, where do you usually find them?
Asking me for music reccs is the quickest way to my heart 😏
Aside from origami angel, I also really love Swimming, Title Fight, Gleemer (they’re more shoegaze but still a great listen), invalids (math rock), TTNG (also math rock), oso oso, teenage wrist, slothrust, hail the sun (SOOO GOOD), circa survive, heart attack man, worst party ever, and basement
I start finding new music by taking a band I already like and going on music-map to find other bands with similar sounds. This helps to find the bigger bands within different subgenres but I really recommend using Bandcamp to find newer bands. I like spending time before bed looking for new albums and bands to listen to which is why I’m always discovering new bands to obsess over lol
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1, 5, 13, 22, 24 😎
Sorry it took me forever to respond 😭
1: A song you like with a color in the title
Black Mold by Prince Daddy & The Hyena
5: A song that needs to be played LOUD
Doctor Whomst by Origami Angel
13: One of your favorite 80’s songs
(I Just) Died In Your Arms by Cutting Crew
22: A song that moves you forward
Looking Good by Elephant Jake
24: A song by a band you wish were still together
The Thrash Particle by Modern Baseball
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flashlight-smallknife · 6 months
Realizing I just finished a quest I started in March 2022 in November 2023 holy shit I am sobbing in bed at 8 AM on a Saturday
When The Wonder Years announced they were touring Suburbia and The Upsides last spring, I bought tickets to see the show three times: twice over grad school spring break and a third time two weeks later on a weekend in Philly. I have regularly cited both albums for saving my life when I was a teenager, I saw them play songs off both albums at my first ever GA concert when I was 14, and they remain two of my favorite albums of all time. I had never seen a tour more than once like that before, but I revisited both albums heavily throughout the pandemic and was desperate to see the show as many times as possible.
I was determined going in that by seeing these albums live again, I would fully self-actualize and magically heal my inner child. I ran into a few problems. First, I attended these shows under a lot of stress because I was about to flunk out of grad school the semester I was supposed to graduate. Second, things didn’t always go smoothly (an incorrect hotel booking, a speeding ticket, annoying guys around me, friends getting hurt, etc). Third, I was barely in physical shape to withstand the crowds at these shows. Finally, I realized by the second show that I had evolved a little since I was fourteen and actually preferred the songs openers Spanish Love Songs and Origami Angel were playing. All of this triggered a series of existential crises that sort of clouded the whole “healing my inner child” thing.
Anyway, I went to another thirty or so shows in the twenty or so months after that, with about 25% of said shows being TWY headliners. Somewhere along the way I became the best version of myself: the kind of person who brings the energy I wish to see in the mosh pit, the kind of person who gives the opener and headliner the same respect, the kind of person who throws crowd surfers over the heads of teenagers, the kind of person who has no problem having someone thrown out for making the people around them feel unsafe, and the kind of person who will spend my last spare $30 for the week making sure touring bands have gas money. I got into the best physical shape of my life and made friends with strangers in every major city in a 7 hour radius.
All of this was finally self-actualized during the Spanish Love Songs set in Charlotte when I formed an entire hype squad of strangers after being the most impassioned SLS fan in the pit and deciding to bring my own joy, thus literally living out the message of their most recent album No Joy.
I realize now that the person I am and the person I’ve always wanted to be are the same person, and also that the person I wanted to be was inside of me all along. I am in the trenches, holding space for myself and others, screaming, nervous, and deliberately choosing to have a good time amidst the chaos. The only difference now is that I know I don’t have to change who I am to be liked or accepted by others, and that I am perhaps most likable when I am being true to my authentic self.
I’ll probably always be healing from a childhood of rejection and neglect from my mother, but in a lot of ways, I feel like I finally accomplished what I set out to do during the Suburbia/Upsides tour. I’m not sad anymore, for real this time.
(PS - my love of all things emo was pretty aggressively used against me as a kid, and I think it’s fucking hilarious that becoming actively more emo is what ultimately cured my depression)
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cyberneticdryad · 15 days
in honor of this post (which i've been getting lots of good music recs from!) i wanted to put together a list of the smaller artists/bands (based on YT subscribers/Spotify monthly listeners) that i listen to and enjoy.
I have sorted them least to most listened to, and tried to stick to bands with less than 10k subscribers? I thought that was a reasonable cut off for "small".
The Dark Red Seed (12/61): Acoustic, dark folk. I found Becomes Awake in a record store ONCE, which prompted me to check them out, and I have regretted not picking up the album ever since.
Empty Disco (25/406): Queer, bedroom, indie/folk, ukulele. I'm sad to see that most of their videos have been made private as the video for Creamer and Glue was how I found Emtpy Disco here on tumblr many, many moons ago, and I've long credited the video with gently nudging me toward actually exploring my own gender. fifty-five dog-eared wolves is my fav album.
Whim (248/15,244): Indie pop, acoustic, upbeat. Whim is warm, summer sunny days listening music. I like to put on her albums when I'm vibing around the house, having a little solo dance party, or doing housework.
Lotte Kestner (881/202,791): Indie, dreamy. I think Lotte Kestner was one of the first non-mainstream artists I found on YouTube when I was in high school that I really liked, and China Mountain remains my favourite of her albums.
Black Belt Eagle Scout (2.09k/71,066): Alt rock, ambient, dreamy. Another fav for summer listening, Mother of My Children remains my favourite, but her newest album The Land, The Water, The Sky feels just a little darker.
The Unicorns (2.6k/72,486): Indie pop/rock. I don't even know how my partner found this band, but they have one full album from 2003, and it's got some fun vibes that also remind me of a lot of a some of the synthy-er video game soundtracks I've enjoyed in the last decade.
Florist (3.73k/952,436): Indie/folk, dreamy. I'm profoundly confused by the discrepancy of YT to Spotify popularity, but I'm glad to know people are listening! The Birds Outside Sang gives me a lot of the wind is calling you home vibes.
Origami Angel (8.75k/298,457): Emo, pop rock, pop punk. Currently touring tho I cannot see them. ALAS, you should listen to Somewhere City, their first full album which is still my fav and most of their music is full of fun lyrics and pop culture references relevant to my interests.
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musigh-fan · 2 months
Today I listened to “The Brightest Days” (2023) by Origami Angel. I’m a fan of the bands sound, but this release feels like more of the same as usual. Gami’s strength is in their songwriting, being able to succinctly describe the emotions of every kid in their 20s milling around their boring town and feeling heartbreak. I stopped halfway through this review and am just now coming back to it, so I think the album was that good. I do like Gami, but it feels less inspired than before and I don’t know why.
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inky-skyes · 1 year
I sent you a pm 👀 but I'll send you a list here so you can decide if we vibe!
Bands: The Wonder Years
We Were Sharks
Spanish Love Songs
Origami Angel
Dusty Cubby
Bumpin Uglies
good will, get better
Dope ass songs:
Serotonin by Nic D
Who's laughing now by Durry
O by Stoned Mary
If you want me tonight by Landon Smith
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killorbekillian · 1 year
there’s a venue that kind of operates in that niche of alt bands that arent mainstream enough for a bigger venue but are major enough within the genre that they can do big tours (eg. origami angel, heart attack man, microwave, etc) and everyone HATES the venue but it just keeps getting these shows.
like the problem is that it’s a trendy bar first and a venue second. the layout just isn’t good, and there’s not enough space for the kind of shows they’re booking. but the owners have been in the biz for a while (they used to run a different venue that i miss dearly) so they probably have connections. they also have like karaoke and themed dj nights or whatever and it’s a fine venue for those kind of things but every time there’s a good show there the whole scene is just complaining on twitter
i just made a tweet saying i have to decide if i even want to see heart attack man tomorrow bc i’m still recovering from surgery and there’s not really room for me to just stand off to the side out of the way of the pit and already someone replied like “ugh, i just bought a ticket thinking it was at [a different venue]” like everyone hates this place lmao
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dominicesquire · 1 year
Game Blog 2: Oh-Es-Tee
A big part of making a game, for me, is the soundtrack. Since I’m not that great at making the visual art for games, I need to pick up some of the slack with the soundtrack. A good soundtrack can carry so much weight, everyone knows that. 
Some of my main influences for the [Unannounced Game Project] soundtrack aren’t what you might think. I think that most video game soundtracks are super obviously influenced by other video game soundtracks. There are a couple video game OSTs in my influence list, but a lot of other sources of inspiration as well. 
For those interested, here’s a short list of influences on the [Unannounced Game] soundtrack:
1. “Duvet” by Boa (Song)
During the production of this game, I watched Serial Experiments: Lain for the first time, and it blew my mind. Obviously this song had to go right onto the soundtrack inspiration playlist. I really like the forlorn / sad vocals, and I like to imagine that specific characters from the game are singing it when I listen to it (Specifically Oilchan, but you don’t know who that is yet...)
2. ‘Ziltoid the Omniscient’ by Devin Townsend (Album)
Me and one of my best friends have been jamming this album for a long, long time. It’s so easy to listen to all the way through me, and I often find myself putting it on when I know I need to sit down and work on the game for an hour. Check out the song “The Greys,” that’s the one that made it to my OST inspiration playlist.
3. “Conflict Minded” by Drug Church (Song)
I am a big indie punk fan, and Drug Church was actually my most-listened-to band of 2022, according to Spotify. This song has this really cool bridge portion with a female singer who isn’t usually in the band doing a monologue. I’m not sure who she is, but, it’s a great addition to the song. I like to imagine that the singer is Monica, the main villain of [Unannounced Game Project]. If you listen to the lyrics in the song, then play the game when it comes out, you’ll know what I’m talking about. 
4. Pretty much any song by Nine Inch Nails
I’ve always been a pretty big Nine Inch Nails fan; they’re not like my favorite band or anything but I really like them. For this game, I actually got the name from a Nine Inch Nails song... Can you guess what the name is just based on that? Probably not. 
5. ‘Somewhere City’ by Origami Angel (Album)
Musically speaking, this album is nothing like Ziltoid the Omniscient, but, they’re both super easy to listen to all the way through. This album has these great, sentimental lyrics that capture a certain nostalgic / sad / happy vibe that I like to go for in some of my games. 
As far as video game soundtracks, I’ve gotten a lot of influence from Toby Fox’s game soundtracks, all three of them. Yeah, I know, big surprise, I’m a Toby Fox fan, just like everyone else. I also really like the Lisa: The First soundtrack, but it is a little TOO trolly sometimes. 
Anyway, that’s all I’ve got. Check out some of those songs / albums if you want a sneak peak of the vibe I’m going for with the new game.
I will be announcing the new game on January 2nd, 2023. 
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